PHOTOGKAPH AND ALBUMS, EEV. JOSEPH A. SEISB, D.D.—We 1 have just published a *«ry fine Card Photograph of Bev. JOSEPH A. SKIS 3, X). D. McALT.ISTER & BROTHER, 72$ OatsSTNUT Street. Large as life and quite as Natural, are REIMKR'S life-size Photographs in oil, now, Id consideration of the times* made at reduced prices. SEOOND Street, above Green. h* Hors re oomb&t. —ah competi tors are placed ia that position by the superiority of BEIMER’S Colored l>*r»phs, inimitable in color -and finish. SBCON L Street, anore tireen. It* "MABTIEN’S P iiOroGKRPH AL- Jj»A BUMS AND CARD PORTRAITS. We have now rtfmly, of onr own manufacture, a com jplcte and extensive assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, Made of the very best U'HUtUIh, nod equalj if U)t sw p»rior r In aisle and finish, to tmy now in The UUirhOt, •whilst they are offered at Lower Prints than sny others. 'The assortment comprises eevoral new Varieties, as well « NKW DESIGNS AND U LAS US. Every Album is furnished with a TITLE-PAGE AND INDEX* Printed as Gold. CARD PORTRAITS. Vie are now publishing u sericß of nniiiue and Life like Pot traits of tho Distinguished Meu of the Time— embracing Military and Naval Office* e, Members of Con gress, Civilians, &c. They are fine line engravings, BIPOTItPd. IZI shiv, au«i prepared from tl*e latest Photographs, many of which have been ob tained expressly for this collection. Beiug printed on cards of the same size as the *‘ Lartes de Visite,” they are adapted to the Photograph Albums, or can be sent to dietftnl frifnd* by omil. These Portraits »re euperiorTonny now In the market, and are remarkable for the faithfulness with which the likeness is portrayed. When purchasing, be cartful to inquire for ’ MARTIES’*; CARD PORTRAITS, Prick 10 Cents icacit, . OR TU’BNTk copied roa unk pollab, Complete Catalogues of our Albums and Portraits may ••be obtained gratiß. Published by WILLIAM S. A ALKRRD MABTIEN, apli>-tf 6(16 CHESTNUT Street CHINA AND QUEENSWARE. & toTKOtJO, NO. 2-2 NORTH FOTJBTH STREET, (Four doors below the merchants 1 Hotel,) Now offer to country merchants a large stock of CHINA, GLASS, & QUEENS WARE apP-lm JIUJT.UO' «UUI)S. gKY-BLUK KLEftSEYS, (ST and 34-INCH.) DARK-BLUE KERSEYS, DARK-BLUE INFANTRY CLOTHS, INDIGO-BLUE CAP CLOTHS, SKY-BLUE CASSIMEKES, (New Regulation, for Officers’Fame.) ■WHITE DOUBT FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, 10oz., 120 z., Al5Ol. TENT DUCK. -All-warranted United States Army standard. FOR SALE BY ALFRED SLADE & 00., 40 Sooth FRONT Street, and 39 LETITIA Street, Philadelphia- feifl-tmrl finAAClAii. QUARTEKMASTEK3’ VOUCHERS, CHECKS RECEIVED THEREFROM, WANTED, AMERICAN GOLD WANTED. DBEXEL & Co. ap3-10t 1 q enn —THIS AMOUNT TO IN tJ/XOet/v v« VE;T in one or two Securities, as a jennanent investment. Apply to E. FETX'IT, mh36 Mo 309 WALNUT Street. PROPOSALS. A BMY CLOTHING AND EQUIP JA. AGS OFFICE. Philadelphia, April 12. 1862. PROP6BALB Will be recttlreti at this oMcd iiutil 12 ■o’clock M. on MOMDAV, the 2lst lost., for furnishing at the Schuylkill Arsenal, viz: 1,500 Sides Wax Upper Leather, to be fiTßt-class oak tanned, from slaughter hides, well finished, and to mea sure 14 or more square feet to the qid?,' l.£6d£i<£oi* Xtcrtithcr, beat quality Qftk-tauued, from ’Buenos Ayres or La Platte Dry Hides, to weigh 14 or more pounds to the side. All to be stamped with the name of the supplier. Bids must be endorsed “Proposals for Leather,’* and La directed to G. 3 GROSMAN, BpU Peputy Qu&itermaster General. SEALED PROPOSALS,ENDORSED “ PROPOSALS FOR THE ERECTION OF A HO3- TITAL,” bib inTitK, and will ua racalvod at the tilliaa of tae Quartermastpr, u. a. Army. Nortboasl corner or ■’GIRARD ana TWELFTH streets, until 12 o'clock M., of MONDAY, April 21st, inst, lor tne erection and com pletion of atf mporary hospital for the nee of the Uolttal States. f 9 letßitd upva ttiil o[ siouud uituate in 'West rmiadciphta m yonrt ?rm Crees, between tlie oM Baltimore turnpike and Spruce street continued. adjoin ing and west of Forty, flexind street, being a part of a dairy farm owned by Messrs. Eire and Fennel, and at present occupied b> Win. Stockbiue Detailed plans ac3t *Ke PBUjADELPHI a. inquirer , the LATEST NEWS up to &.rU s bt Y of the WorWj is sent BVBBY MORNING f l, f ° r pOLI.AI! FOB TWO MONTHS, DOLLAR FOR TWO MONTHS, DOLLAR fob two months, Adaregj ' lT;,lu:e WILLIAM W. HARDING, INQUIRER BUILDING, 131 South THIRD Street. jL coijtainiiig the LATEST jnkws np to daylight Trom all wuta of Ihe World; 11 lint EVERY MORNIXO BT MAIL iß FOB TWO MONTHS, ONE DOLLAR FOR TWO MONTHS, ONE DOLLAR FOB TWO MONTHS, payable iu advance, Addrcaa WILLIAM w. HARDING, INQUIRER BUILDING, 131 South THIRD Street. TITHE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. X DODBIiB anHEI, 45 COLUMNS. PINGLE copies TWO CENTS. Sold by ALL NEWS AGENTS EVERYWHERE, and gemd b> careful and reliable carriers AT EVERY HOUSE IN THE CITY anp Piexuicig fur TWELVE CENTS A WEEK, PAYABLE TO THE CABBIEK AT THE END OP TOE WEEK or end of Month. Send pour address to THE INQUIBEB OFFICE. No 131 SOUTH THIRD BTBET, BELOW CHESTNUT, And set the beet daily paper published. Sent by Mail for ONE DOLLAR FOB TWO MONTHS, MILSt rpHE PHIL ADELPHIA INQUIRER. I DOUBLE SHEET, 48 COLUMNS. SINGLE COPIES TWO CENTS Sold by ALL NEWS AGENT? KYERVWHBBKi Ml) eerred by caitfnl and reliable carriers AT EVERY HOUSC IN THE CITY AND DISTRICTS FOR TWELVE CENTS A WEEK, PAYABLE TO THE CARRIER AT THE END OP THE WEEK «- «o 4 cf Mvatb. Send your address to THE INQOIREB OFFICE, No. 131 SOUTH THIRD ST BEE, BELOW CHESTNUT, And let the heat daily paper pubUshoL Sent by mail Top ONI DOLLAR FOB TWO MONTHS. apl4*2t The phila delphia inquirer. DOUBLE SHEET, 48 COLUMNS. SINGLE COPIES TWO CENTS. Sold by ALL NEWS AGENTS EVERYWHERE, and .erred by cm, ,-t ui and reliable carriers AT EVERY HOUSE IN THE CITY AMD DISTRICT? FOB TWttvt; CENTS A WEEK, PAYABLE TO THE CABBIE ft AT THE END OF THE WEEK or end of Month. Send yonr nddrani to THK INQUIRER OFFICE. NO, 131 SOEi'H THIRD STBEET, BELOW CHKifNUT, And set the beet daily paper pnbliehed. Sent by Hul for ONE DOLLAR FOB TWn MONTHS- apl4-2r T ABOR-SAVING MACHINE. AJ clothes-saving machine. TIME-SAVING MACHINE. Haley, Morse A Boyden’a Clothes Wringer saves labor, time and clothes, and jg an Improvement which will moil certainly be generally adopted. li Is self- adjusting, Biro* pie, and durable, and is far superior to every other de vice for the purpose intended. Over live hundred have been sold within the last thirty days In this city, do family should he without one. They are warranted to giva pttfeeluUfa!*cGo3t /ILOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! VJ THE SBSATBBT BAKU AIKS IK THE CIXT IVENS & CO.’S, No. 23 SOUTH NINTH STBEXT. THE LARGEST STOCK, TUB BEST ASSORTMENT, THE CHOICEST COLORS, THE FINEST QUALITIES, THE MOST SUI'ERB TRIMMINGS, THE NEWEST STYLES, TBS BMST WOS£, DECIDEDLY THE LOWEST PRICES, IN THE CITY, I V E NS CO.’S, Ho. 33 SOUTH NINTH STREET. mb26<3m . 1024 CHESTNUT STREET E. M. NEEDLES Has just received a small invoice of Pointe Ap plique Laces, which have bet n bought a very great bargaiu, and will be sold at corresponding iow prices. Milliners and Hvasr Makers Woold do well to call and inspect the above. Also, Choice NOVELTIES of the latest Im portations in POINT LACE and YALENCIENNE COLLARS and SETS, THREAD VEILS and BAKBI&aud BLACK THREAD LACES. i 42 4 CHESTNUT STBKET. pLOTHS, C-ASSIMERES* Goods for Boys’ Jackets. • •* Pants. •' for wear. • * for Ladies’ Cloaks. LIKEN GOODS. Barnsley Table Linens- Damask Napkins and Towels. Small Figured Damask Goods. - Coed Stout Irish Linens. Diapers Birdeye, Pillow Linens. DRESS GOODS. Shepherd's Plaids. Plain and Figured Mohairs. Plain and Figured Poplinetts. Deiftiaes and Ciiailies. 9,000 yards new Prints, c. SPRING CLOAKS. Opening daily new Cloaks. Medium length and short Sacqties. COOPER & CONARPi apS Southeast corner NINTH and MABKHT# IAQ NORTH EIGHTH STREET, IvO SECOND DOOR ABOVE ARCH. UP ST AIKS. LADIES' DRESS TKIMMIf-GS, Ac. The Copartnership heretofore existing between KAUFMAN & LONNEBSTADTEB Having been dissolved by mutual consent, the under signed respectfully informs the patrons and friends of the old firm, and the trade in general, that he has laßen ait the up-stairs rooms of NO. 103 NORTH EIGHTH STREET, ABOVE A RCH. To continue the manufacturing of all hinds of DRESS, CLOAK, AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS) FRINGES, BUTTONS, TASSELS, CORD, Of all descriptions, Ac., Ac., And will offer inducements ia price and Quality, M well as prompt attendance to orders, In every article apper taining to his line. W3I LONNEBSTAPTEB, ap4-2m] No. 103 North EIGHTH Street, ab. Arch. "VTEW GOODS OPENING DAILY. J_U —Piaid Poniards, black, brown, blue, and lilac. Plain brown Foulards, one yard wide. Piques, white ground and bouquets of Chintz colon. Wool De Laines, choice shades. Plaid and small figured Wool De Laines, for children. A large assortment of Glniliamii at 12#; 20, and 26 cents. A fresh assortment of Cloaking Cloths. Small figure dark brown Mohairs, choice. Shephetd’s Plaids, from 18& to 50 cents. Silk and Wool Poplins in great variety, at JOHN U Stokes*, No. 702 ARCH Street. N. B.—Good black Silks, 87#, SI, and *1.12#. Call and examine our $1.12# block Silks. mh2B T7INE MEDIUM AND LOW-PRICED J? . DRESS GOODS . From the late Auction sales. Lots of desirable and seasonable DBEix/era '"NviYP find cheap ttooasin our stock. CUjRWBN BTODDART & B BOTHER, 480,48 Q, 4U SECOND Street, aplS-smtuSt above Willow Fine lace curtains—heal BARGAINS. An ex+cnelvf assortment of RICH ~L ACB CURTAINS, of new and beautiful designs, at 29 per cent, below im porters* prices, ranging from $0 up to $22 per pair. ALSO. Nottingham Lace Curtains, Nottingham Lace Dra pflirtes, and Tamboured Jfaslin brapericsj at greatly re duced prices. EHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, A ABBI9ON, Curtain Warehouse, ap9 ' 1008 CHESTNUT Street. _ ■XTEW SPRING PRINTS, SA CHOICE STYLES. HERRIMACS, SPRAGUE, PACIFIC, ALL TWELVE AND A HALF CENTS. • A large lot best styles and fast colors at 10c. COWPERTIIWAIT A CO., tnhU-tf N. W. cor. EIGHTH and MARKET Sts. CLOAKS, PALATOTES AND MAN TILLAS.—Ladies in want of the above articles will find it to their advantage to visit the old established house of Mrs. HENRY, No. 08 Noilh NINTH Streot, below ARCH* The latest P&TiB Stiles always ail hAbd *<=tion with our extonsrro Ready-Made Eales-Rooms, a complete CUSTOMER DEPART MENT, in which the prominent features are, Ist. Pine and Medium Materials, mado up in first-class styles j 2d. Unexceptionable Fitting Garments; 3d. Prices PAR LOWER THAN HAS BEEN CUSTOMARY; 4th. A corps Of the most Celebrated cutters In this country. . An extensive assortment of the choicest im ported and domestic fabrics from the New York and Philadelphia markets, suitable for Coats, Pants, and Vests, always on hand. Is our Ready-made Salesrooms can always be found every variety and style of well-made fashion able clothing. Spring stock now ready. PRICES MODERATE. |gp A visit is solicited. WANAMAKER & BROWN, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, “ OAK HALL,” S. E oor. SIXTH and MARKET Streets. 1862. LOUIS DANNENBAUM, No. 67 North SECOND Street. Is now prepared to offer a large stock of SILKS, AND MILLINERY GOODS. Merchants and Milliners win find an admirable assort ment of the above Goods, of the newest styles* at lose fjjurtSy and are invited to call and examine. «7-«iWELL BOUGHT IB HALF SOLD." mUBI-lm* 1862. SPKINQ - 1862 WOOL) & CARY. (Successors to Lincoln, Wood, & Hicbols,) K0.¥23 CHESTNUT STBEttT, Have now in Store a complete stock 0» STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, BILK BONNETS, STRAW AND PALM-LEAP HATS, *O. To which they respectfully Invite the attention or the Ibirmer natron. of Iho Loom End Rib IriAs eaaorbUy. merl2-2m £ sraiNC. 1862. M. BERNHEIM, No. 726 CHESTNUT STREET, Hot now in store, and is daily receiving, the latest styles in RIBBONS, FRENCH FLOWERS, WREATHS, SILKS, CRAPES, LACES, AND OTHER MILLINERY GOODS. To which he respectfully invitee the attention of the TRADE. FRIGES LOW. mh24-2xn _ d@ BFRIN9. 1862. ribbons, millinery. AMP STRAW GOODS. BROOKS. & Go., NO. 431 MARKET STREET, Have now open—and to which daily additions are made— USUAL HANDSOME VARIETY or RIBBONS. RONNET MATERIALS, FLOWERS, RUCHES. STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S HATS, PLATS, SHAKER HOODS, and ALL OTHER ARTICLES IN THE MILLINERY LINE, Which will be offered at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. The attention of the trade is respectfully invited. IST Particular attention given to filling omera. mhl3-2m mHOMAS KENNEDY & BRO., 729 CHESTNUT Street, below Eighth. A Choice Stock of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, mblS-Sm] AT LOW FMOEB. -rffc REMOVAL. 9Sf MISSES O’BRYAN, 924 CHESTNUT Street, have to 1107 WALNUT Btr 6 et thr«o«r B .bc,ve gle ventb, north side, and will open PARIS MILLIhBBY, for the Spring* on THURSDAY, April IT. aplfrflm* HEAD NETS, IQPII SPRING STOCK lQfiO 100/6. COMPLETE. IUUAI. C. H. GARDEN & Co, Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, AND PURS; STRAW GOODS, FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, Artificial Flower* Buchea, Feather* Ae., Ho. 600 »nd 003 MARKET Street, S.W. Comoro SIXTH Street. A luge and complete Block. The heat term, find the lowest prices. Cash and prompt 44 time Emycrr” fire particularly invited to examine our stock* mhl-2ni WARBURTON’S NEW STYLES OF DRESS HATS FOR SPRING. Unusual comfert will now he experienced iu wearing all stiffened Hats, by the application of his palented BT&rtUf -s“*i” ne l2 , St c »ta cushion; does not imprint uny of the uiu»l iTMimmna marks; serves the purpose of ventilation’ prevents per epiration from reaching the front of the hat \ makes no unsightly appearance, being concealed under the perfo rated sweat-leather, and is attended with no additional cost to the purchaser, ?he fay and ALFRED C. BAKER, Copartners, as LEONARD & J3AKE& v». MAT THIAS DITNEB. TeoUtimi Venditioni ExpAh&M to Cumberland county. Slarcli Term, 1862. No. 33. KTbe Auditor appointed to distribute the proceeds of the ■ale by the Sheriff of Cumberland county, under tlie above writ, of all that certain plantation or tract of land situ ate in Hu* township of Silver Spring, ftwj C lUllty Uf GtlUl* bvriand, oentauung iw acres and liW percuesj b 8 thB same more or lees* being tbe same tract of land which John H. A. Dunlap and Sarah* Ins wife, in riirht of the said Sarah, by deed dated the 11th of March, 1815, sold and convened the same to William C. Hauser, who with his wife Elizabeth, by jMd dftfed lal April, l§ld, con veyed llie f»»me to flßorga Bituer, who with hta wife, by deed dated February 9,1853, conveyed the same to Mat thias Bitnar in fee, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment, at bis office* in thecityof I’blfedelpbiA, soutb mi ocr.itr KIOHTH aud LOCUST Standi. on FRIDAY afternoon, APBIL 25, A. D. 1862 at 4 o’clock, whan and uhcro nil parties are requested to present their claims or be debarred from coming In upon said fund. apJ4-10t DANIEL DOUGHERTY, Auditor. TVORY TYPES, —The artistic merits X of ltFl ML JUS Ivory types are the theme of all who have examined them. They are fresh, and warm, and rnpreasive. Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. It* BAY RUM..—A small inypige of Bay Rum, just received, for sale by CHAS. 8. C SUSTAINS, a,P - 123 WALNUT find 21 ORANITK Street* THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, APRIL W. 1862. CLOTHING. A CARD. MILLINERY GOODS. SPRING. (Between Market and Arch,) RIBBONS, HATS AND CAPS. dry-goods jobbers. 1862. srbin q. 1862. RLEGKEL. BAIRD. & GO.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS a# D R Y Gt O O D S . NO, «7 NORTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Merchant* visiting this city to purchase Dbt Will find bur Bkook large nnd admirably aaaorted, and at Lott Figures. In oertain olaasee of Gooda we offer indufemento to purchasers unequalled by any other house in Philadelphia. mhlB-2m JAMES. KENT. SANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or DRY GOODS. Noe. 839 and S4l N. THIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE, PHILADELPHIA, Have now open their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Among which will he found a more than usually attrac tive variety of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS; AUo, 4 full assortment of MERRIMACK AND COCHECO PRINTS, and PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. To which they invito the spcctoZ attention of bQ/OTft mh2l-2m 1862. GOODS AND SILKS. ABRAHAM RITTER. 323 MARKET STREET. DRESS FABRICS, SILKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, CRAVATS, ENGLISH GRIPES, MITTS, GLOVES, Ac. PLAIN POULT DE SOIE, BLUE, BBOWN, GREEK, AND MODE. Auction Goons Cheat for Cash, mh2l-rmw-lm SPUING IMPORTATIONS o? MEN AND BOYS’ WEAR. Including Goods suited for MILITARY PURPOSES. Now In Storey HO. 631 CHESTNUT STREET, And for Sale by DE COURSEY, LAFOXJRCADE, & CO* mhSO-lm 1862. sbbinq. 1862. W. Si STEWART & CO.. IMPDBTEIiS AND JOBBERS OP SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, HO. 304 MARKET BTRKIT. We invite the attention of the trade to a fall line of BLACK AND OTHER. STAPLE BILES, As also a great variety of NEW STYLES OP DRESS GOODS, Bought for cash, and which will be offered on the most favorable terms. teSB-Sm SPRING GOODS. M. L.HALLOWELL &Co., 333 MARKET and 2T NORTH FOURTH STS., Wholesale Dealers In SILKS AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Have opea a large variety nf/r/jAly-iwpwisd SPRING DRESS GOODS. To which, with a handsome assortment of BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, SHAWLS. MANTILLAS. WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES. And other goods In their line, they Invite the attention of elty and country dealers. toM-g YARD.GILL.MORE, & 00, 808 HIT CHESTNUT and 614 JAYNE Btrtet*. Have now open their spring importation OF BILK AND FANCY drebs goods, shawls, white GOODS, LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, &o. Bought In Europe, by one of the firm. To which the attention of tbe trade la particularly in vited. IMPORTATIONS. HOSIERY. GLOVES. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, LINENS, SHIRT FRONTS, WHITE GOODS, AND embroideries. THOS. MELLOR & Co., pihia.flm 40 and 48 North THIRD Streot. gELLING OFF; WHOLESALE STOCK AT RETAIL. BILK VESTINGS, formerly ¥3.00, now 82.00. MARSEILLES, 44 *1.50, now *l.OO. OASBIMEBEB for men’* wear, find ladies’ CloaVi, 26 per cent, under former prices, Ac., Ac. A. H. GIBBS, tnbfid-lm 631 MARKET STREET, Up otairs. gIBLEY MOLTEN, & WOODRUFF, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY GOODS, No. 931 MARKS! STREBI, Are now opening and daily receiving a new aud OHOIOE STOCK 0» SILKS, DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS and EMBROIDERIES, SHAWLS, RIBBONS, GLOYE3, MITTS, Ao They tenettfuUytftU tbe attention of buyer* gene, raj],. mli2s-im 1862. SPBINO ' 1862, ABBOTT. JOHNES. & CO., 527 MARKET STREET, Have now open an entirely new and attractive atock in ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, AND AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, Alao, a full aaaortment in WHITE GOODS, RIBBONS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, Ac., Ao., To which they Invite the attention of the trade. gPRING STOCK SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS. A. W. LITTLE & Co, nMt-tf No. ?9# MARKET BT. WHY-WOODS JOBBERS. 1862. SPBINQ - 1862. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. J. It. OAmpdell & CO. No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE NOW IN STORE, LINES OF CHOICE GOODS, TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF CASH BUYSBS. WHlfffi GOods—in aU their Tailed**. LINENS —AU qualities and best makes. TABLE BAMASKs—Napkini and DoyUai. Xj. C. HDKFB—Towels and Toweling. GINGHAMSU--Super, Fancy cud Solid Checks. LAWNS—New and Choice Styles. ORGANDIES, and Paris Printed Jaconets. PRESS GOODS—In very desLrabJ? BLACK SlLKS—Choice Brandi. FLANNELS—Of the beßt makes. BLEACHED GOODS—A fall.ihu. PRlNTS—American and English. CHINTZES, RKILLIANTES PERCALES. TOGETHER WITH MANY OTHER GOODS, ADAPTED TO FIBST-OLABS TRADE, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE OFFERED AT LOW PRICES. mhU-tf YARMS, BATTS, A CARPET CHAIMS. H. FRANOISCUS, WHOLESALE DEALER IN YARNS, 433 MARKET and S North FIFTH Street. rnu.aMi.rmA. Buyers will find a full Stock of COTTON, LINEN, AND WOOLLEN CARPET CHAIN, COTTON YARN. TWIST, FILLING, WADDING, BATTING, COTTON LAPS, TIE TABES, TWINES, CAEDLE WICK, COVERLET TARN, BROOM TWINES, SHOE THREAPS, eiraincF and skins twines. BED CORDS, WASH AND PLOUGH LINES, COTTON, HEMP, AND MANILLA CORDAGE. Alio, a fall assortment of FLY NETS. Wki&h he AffAtfa &t Manuf»clurera LOWEST NET CASH PRICES. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. H. FRANOISCUS. 439 MARKET and S North FIFTH Street, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DEALER Uf WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE- Always on band, a full Stock of TUBS* BUCKETS* CHURNS, MEASURES, BROOMS, WHISKS, FANCY BASKETS. WALL, SCRUB, and SWEEPING BRUSHES, LOOKING-GLASSES and WINDOW PAPER, ltfilfl, JteeUri), Ilour Budgets, Nesfc Boxefl) WASH BOARDS, ROLLING and OLOTHEB PINB. FLOOR and TARLE OIL CLOTHS. SCHOOL,MARKET, and DINNER BASKETS. Sleda, Barrows, Carriages, Hobby Horses, Ac., Ao. Afl Goods sold at LOWEST NET CASH PRICES. tnhll-2m * BLINDS AND SHADES. JJLINDS AND SHADES. K. J. WILLIAMS. No. lb woswrtr SIXTH STREET, MAN UJACTUPEH 09 VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment in tho City at the LOWEST PRICES. Bepanug promptly attended to. ap3.3m CENTS* FURNISHING GOODS, QEOKOE GRANT, MANUPACTUBEB OP AND DEALEBIN GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, No. 610 CHESTNUT STBEET. mh2&3m ■gtLANNEL OVER-SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. FINE SHIRTS. COLLARS, STOCKS, AND WRAPPERS. Hanubctured at w. W. KNIGHT’S. NO. 606 ARCH STREET. A full line o! TIES, BOASFS, GLOVES, BUBPENDEM, HOSIERY, AND UNDERCLOTHING, Always on hand, mhs 3mH Fnb bhibt manufactory. The enhacrlber would invito attention to hla IMPROVED OUT OF BHIRTB, Which he makes a epeclalty in hie bmrinew. Aleo, eon* FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GINTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE, . ire. n« CHESTNUT street, ja9-tf Tour doors below the Continental. WHOLESALE HOUSES. cyy'Avp 5 4-1 NCh" BDPBRFINF INF^O-BLUE SATINETS, BLACK CADET AND OXFORD Do. PRINTED Do, it variety. BLACK AND FANCY MIXED DOESKINS. FANCY CABBIMIREB AND MELTONS. n STORE, AED FOR SAM IT JOSEPH LEA. teao-tr 190 AND 130 CHESTNUT STREET SEWING MACH INKS WILLIAMS k ORVIS ? f 25 SEW ING MAOHINEB are the only good, reliable, eimple, and durable machine ever eold In thi* city. They sew from tiro spools, and aro in all respects as good for ramily use ae those now sold at exorbitant prices- Bales, nsm 782 CHESTNUT Btveet, cernes «f Eiahth a»l2-2t* THOMA 9 J. DYLI’,3, Agent. WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, mhll-3nt fJTH-E "EXCELSIOR” HAMS ABE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. J. H. MICHENEB & Co., GENERAL TROYISION DEALERS, And curera of the celebrated "EXCELSIOR” SUGAB CUBED HAMS, Noe. 149 aud 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Race streets, Philadelphia. The justly-celebrated 44 EXCELSIOR ” HAMS are cured by J. H. M. A Co., (in a style peculiar to thorn* aelves,) expressly for FAMILY USE; are of delicious flavor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicurea superior to any now offered sale. fiOA L.—Lehigh, Lo"oust Mountain, VV Eagle Vein, and Hickory, bf best quality, aud well prepared. **. H..CURTIS, . apl2.ini* 1517 OALLOWHILL Stveet. - mHK MOST FASHIONABLE AND X ARTISTIC HAIR DYER iu this city is CUTE KUSST, FOURTH and BRANCH. apl2 Iftf Q L R K’B ONE COLLAR STORE. 603 CHESTNUT STREET. NEW GOODS, NSW" STYLES, and new prices. Tor ONE DOLLAR yon can buy any one of tbs fol lowing article,: Beta ot Silrer r l»tcd Spools. II II II « “ ii « Table “ ii m u « jvrka. ** ** ii Desert ■/ 4 Pair' ** ** Knife and Fork. « « *« Napkin Rifii..^ *« “ « Butter Knives 'Silver Plated Sugar Bowl, “ “ Butter Dish. »* I* lloLuuss PitcUfTi «* •• Crtutiii ** “ “ Castor. ii i< Waiter. « « Goblet, n ii Drinking Cap. Sugar Sifter. Gold Plated Yetst Chain, ail styles. « « Guard 44 44 o.wfno6t P LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT BE MOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, neu je Franklin Institute. _ , . , The undersigned i thankful tor past faterßi and being determined to merit future patronage, lias secured an eleKant and convenient store, and has now on hand a largo Meorlment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fir© and Burglar Proof Safe*, (the only sfrfcUr Sr? SB* burglar proof safes mad?,) AKfOi IlilUfl’l Uneau ailed Bank Vault, Safe, end Bantc LOCKS, Bank Vault Boors aud Locks will be furnished to order on short notice. This Is the strongest, best pro* tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is celled to Lillie’s New Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Sofa Is con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet «<- fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. . , . , Special Notic*. —I have now on band say twenty d parrel, Herring, k Co.’s SaTes, most of them nearly new> some forty of other moker*, wmyrlslng * compUt* assortment ae to size*, and all lately exchanged for ths now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at Tesy low prices. Please call and examine. ■ m ja2s-lyif M. C. BADLIB, Agent. PHILADELPHIA. EVANS & WATSON’S ■Wh salamandeb una ■ 1 STOKE, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STBEET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIRE-PBOOF SAFEB always ol band f ARP ANP QBBASB.— BO tieraai 1 A wrima Heal lull 1 to tteroea Whit* Grease, Oteeot from tha Weal, and in store. Foe aale by MUBPHT A BOONS, :«ljt Wo. I** NORTH WHARVW* >?/VHEEBE.—ISO boxes fine Herkimer \J County Cbeeae, for tale by O. O. SADLER A 00.. mhSO-tf 103 A BOR Street, Bd door above Front. JEWELRY, Arc. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. GERMANTOWN. PA. McOALLUM & Co, 808 CHESTNUT STREET. (Opposite Independence Hall,) CARPETINOS. OIL CLOTHS, &c. IMTOKTEBS Alto JOBBERS. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SAFES. Philadelphia, April 7,1802. JOHN K. WALLACE, Proprietor of the Keystone Coal Oil Morks, No. 43 Haydock street, Philadelphia, 629 CHESTNUT STREET, 639 CHESTNUT STBEEJ, HEW PUBLICATIONS. O'?- Will be published and/or sale on Saturday next, April 10th. SopfesfUiTt WH4 9ft*?* had better order at once, as we are now supplying orders in advance of publica tion day. rjIHE CHANNINGS, AN ENTIRE NEW NOVEL. BY AUTHOR OF “ F.ARL'S HEIRS.” THE CHANNINGS! THE CHANNINGS!. THE CHANNINGS! BY ACIHOR or « KARL’S HEIRS !" THE CH ANN JUG'S, A Domestic Norel of Boa) Life, tl, iiits. iiasKRT WOOO, autlwr of •• EARL’S B Kilts," will be published and for sale on SATUR DAY next, Apyd']9th, but all orders are now being filled in advencref jmblicaticu d»y. ft ie printed from the «>Yfi|ised sheets purcluwdifi’oißflU* author, and is in a largo ocShvo volume ef 304 pegee, large type, double column,and printed rn- the ttaest and belt of white paper. Price Firty cents in paper cover, or Seventy-five ta in cloth. Published by T. B. PETERSON k BROTHERS, 306 CHESTNUT STBEKT r FHILApgS)>aiA, Advance copies of 44 TIIE CHANIYINOS" w'tlbe sent free of postage, on remitting fifty cente to the publisher*!, in a letter ; or r two copies will |>e ggßf for ppp doHftr. Book&elleri, News Agents, and all ethers, will please send on tbeir orders at once for what they want of this bottk, which will prove to be even moir popular* than ‘‘Earl’M Heira," or ‘‘East Lynne.” Address all orders te the publlehers, T. B PETJSBSON & BROTHERS’, No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. BY AUTHOR Off “E A RL’f HEIRS i” ME CHANNINGS H TIIE CHANNINGS! A NEW DOMESTIC NOVEL OF REAL LIFE, Will be published on APRIL 19th, complete in one largo octavo volume of three hundred and four pages, price filty cents in paper cover, or seventy-five cents in cloth; It is nubiialiwl aud for Bale at tiu _ IT. B. PETERSON A-BROTHERS’,. No 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, T>Y AUTHOR Off “EARL’S JE> HEIRBr 1 THE CHANNINGS! TIIE CHANNINGS*: A NEW DOMESTIC NOVEL OF BEAL LIFE, Will be published on APRIL 19th, complete in one large octavo volume of three hundred and four pages, price fifty cent* in paptr cover, or seventy-five ctnts in clotbi It is published and for Pftlfi At T. B. PETERSON ft BROTHERS’, It No. 3G6 CHESTJS UT Street, Philadelphia. T3EAUREGARD ON HIS WAY TO J 3 PITTSBURG LANDING—Just published by S. C. UPIIAM, 403 CHESTNUT Street. Everybody should have a copy. Sent post-paid to any address, on receipt of two red stamps. ap!2-3t* COMMISSION HOUSES. fJRiiICK3iOKEB7&CO-7 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IS SOUTH I'BOSI STREET, Offer for sals their usual assortment of desirable COTTON ANP WOOLLEN GOODS, COMPRISING BROWS AND BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, SHKETIKGS, AND DRILLS, CORSET JEANS, DENIMS, OSNABUBGB, TICKINGS, HEAVY TWILLS, CHECKS, UAifiMf f cAifwaas, suibtikg btbipes, FANCY AND PLAIN CASSIMERES, CASHMARETTES, TWEEDS, COTTON WARP CLOTHS, SATINETS IN EVERT VARIETY, UMISETS fbMffffSbS) ARMY B-LUE CLOTHS AND KBBSEYS, KENTUCKY JEA NS. RIPKA’S COTTONADES oS ALL THE YAIHOVS sttlss. mb26>7frn3t COFFIN, & CO., aSO CHESTNUT STREET, teubi Sh tk* fallowing makes of mogA* « pJVIITXO. DSNNKIL MPO. CO OBWN* MFu. LAWNS. iHTNNELL MFO, CO, BLEACHED COTTONS. Foreetdale, Auburn, Slateraville, Centred ale, JAfilMtMtfft, BA&4, EM Blikk, DorctesUr, Kewburyport, Naumeag, Zouave, Burton, Greene Mfg. Co.’* A. A*, B. A.» 0. A., and other style#. BROWN COTTONS. Burnside, Trent, Groton, Ashland, Chestnut, GlenvlUe, Mechanics' and Fanners’. CORSET JEANS.—Glasgow, Manchester. DENIMS AND BTBlPEB.— Grafton, Jewett City, Madison, Kstenryille, Agawam, Keystone, Choctaw. CANTON FLANNELS SlatersTille, Agawam. 81LESIAS.—Smith's, Social Co., Lonsdale Co. WOOLENS. ABHY BLUE OLOTHB, KEBSEYS, and FLAN NELS. BBOAD CLOTHS.—Plunketts', Glsnham Co., Ao. OASSIMEBBB—Gay $ Syn, glutton', Rm, *», SATINETS.—Baw Hirer, ConrersTllle, Lower Tal ley, Hope, Btaffordvllle, Converse and Hyde, Converse Bros. A Co., Shaw Mfg. Co. KENTUCKY JEANS.—Rodman, MysUe, Gold Modal. DOMBT FLANNELS.—WILLIAMS’S Angola; Sav. ony, Merino, and other styles: LONSDALE Nankeens and Colored Oambrlca. PLAID LINSEYB, OOTTONADKB, Ac. (fe26-3m ■RiDGWAY, HEUSSNERi & CO., IMPORTERS OF CLOTHS, DOESKINS, CASSIMERES, Ac., Ac., OFFER THEIB VERY LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHS, DOESKINS, &0., Of these celebrated Manufacturers: B®OKMS, (LstWcXi?l»t;) JOHANNY, SEVERS, & SCHMIDT, (S. & M,) Ana many others, at CONSIDERABLY REDUCED PRICES. No. 208 CHESTNUT STREET. apt-lm ~ , '"oil cloths, and mattings. WOLFE & 00, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 132 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. A fall assortment of PUlfwielplna-matJe Carpets always is Store. apl-lm QHIPLEY, HAZARD, & ° HUTCHINSON, No. 113 CHESTNUT STBEET, COMMISSION M BBC HA NTS rOK TBS SALS or PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. nldo- Om ; ■ UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. RICHARDSON HAS BEMOYXD TO SOO MABKET STBEET, Southwest corner of Firth. And offers a beautiful assortment ef UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, TENTS, AND CANES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. mh2B-lm THE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY H»tc reopened aid refined b BRANCH OFFICE IN WILLARD’S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. O. This company is prepared to accommodate the gueats of thftthouM; and the public; with fttery Telegraphic facility. Communication direct with BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, And all Telegraphic Stations in the loyal States. GBEBRAL S^SiCK, No. 432 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUK. W. P. WESTERVELT, mhlS-lm Superintendent. ■\rOTICE.— The Adams Espress Cum -1.1 nany are prepared to attend to the Collection, at the Treasury Department. Washington, of United states CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, for merchants and others holding QuArUPMUtAt'a Receipts. Terms ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, * pl o. 6t No. 320 CHESTNUT Street. -VfOTICE. —THE SUBSCRIBER glvta iuUm th&t Ml cbtihsctSoß, on his pAr t, with the hueltteP* at the Minerva Mill, in Bridgeport, Montgomery county, Pa., has ceased. Any exit ting uuthority to purchase goods or make con tracts for the mamifactnring bnaiowi there or elsewhere h«n Wen withdrawn. • I# . All porabnn haviDK unßottlfld ncconnti connected with the eaid busineea, prior to tide dale, will ptoaae preeeni them immediately to HENRY SHARPLKSB, 47 North FBJNT Street. Philadelphia, April Pthjlßd-. apS-fitw AMUSEMENTS. Grand concert, ifi aid Of rns GUFFEREUS BY THE RECENT EXPLOSION JACKSON’S CARTRIDGE FACTORY, WILL UK QIVXN AT THK MUSICAL FUND HALL, Locmt Street, above Eighth, MONDAY EVENING, AFRiI 14, 1852. MRS. JESOIK MCDONALD, And her daughter, _ WKS MAGEE, Who w«rs e® vnihueiastipahy received at the great Scot tish Conctrl, on the Slrt ultimo, have kindly deferred their return to New York, that they may give their ser* vir*fl gralnltouiiiy for tills noble purpose, and all the other feAPfW AND GENTLEMEN Haw Mito Kindly voluDieered on the occßßioa. F 5 OGRAMME Tart i. 1. Instrumental Band. 2. TllU PHIUm F&thers.**.... Mr, 3. Sbfig — (( A Man'll a Mail for a* Ylihl, by reriueit,..« Mr. Mclntyre. 4. Scotch Ballad—“ The Hcßther HiUn.*\.Mrs. Jbh- ete McDoiirM 5. Pfrdlur. f ’ frfr Mfi»rB» Wbitfij Davie?, and Dnlciier. 6. Humorous Dialogne— 44 ltame Cnar* oor GudemAD At e’en.”.... Wee Maggie McDonald. [At the time of the Revolution in Scotland, death ■was the penalty for hiding n? sheltering a rebel, Tbe BfeflTP diftlfffiiropJwwi (Hat nafura overcame tear with the pndtwite, who gave shelter to her cousin, who was on® of the soldiers’ ef Prince Charles. The gndemau, on coming home, and finding the enuinnieuts of the soldier, and, In fact, the soldier himself, had tho spirit of jea hnsy woust!), f. I \...fir. Ater. Robb. 0. Duet—“HiPrjvanto’gSlng^ffLesson.Dff vies Aiut Mr. White. 10. Scotch ...Mr, Ihincahi I. Instrumental -• Song-" Tbs IlUttJhd I'iiers,”; ~,Mr, John k! Mb. OoVfan. J. THict—'- Thu ” IS.r. .Isssio McDoni aid and Mr. Mclntyre. [A description of wltMilhood’s home; and, also, a 1 favorite tree iu caila-i' in this country the Mountefa Aslbj ' Scrag— 44 The Eulogy of TWS , Tlfisi A.' Wells. 5. Song—‘ 4 Tlie Holy Fri;,r r ” by rerjiiesV/,,. .Mr. RJ White. 6. jpurt—‘‘The Two Cousin^.”..,,Mfseea A. aud S. Wells. 7. Bong—“ Bonnie Prißse ~317. Molntyse. S.. Soajj—**Mary of Argyle,”,. -,MrB. J. J&CDonilldt 9. Comic Song— 44 The Gcnnan-Anthem . Nr. Wot. Jenkins, 10. Song—« The March of tho Oitfcernn Men.” Finale—National Anthem, GOD- SAVE OCTET,AND. py by AlbXi NOGlsmsot; 80. 321 eheßtnnt gljeut, Mr. B. 7. White, Conductor. Mr. W’illiam A. Newland, Pianist. The George Steck Piano, used on Iftta'occaston, in fur nished by Mr. J. E. Gonld, of Seventh and Chestnnt streoti. TICKETS TWENTY-FIVE OEtITS.’ To be had from Daniel Mclntyre, No. 217 Joces alley; Gaorge Young, No. 36 South Third street; iJobert C. Gihnon, Borthoant corner of Berond and Bace str jets'; JnV>. Booth, No. 1203 Market street; Price I, Patton, No* 338 Mar* fattstrert; A, ft, fflftcPherftom Alerriclt'afoufidry. Sstilh warx, and at thel principal music stores, or at the door on the evening of the Concert Doore open at 7 o’clock. Concert to commence at 8 pnciiely. P. I. PATTO v , Treasurer; No. 328 MARKET Street. QIGNOR PERELtI’B GRAND (JOM (D PLIMENTABY COJfCKItT.—TUKSDAY EVEN ING, APRIL 29—M UBIOAL FU N D HAL L.— Bignor PEBELLI informs his friends and the public that a complimentary concert having beeir ?fndm<4 him by bln pupitai ho has Beioctad TOBS DAT, April 29, Tor that purpose, when he will have the honor of presenting a programme worthy of the patronage of lovers of good Music. Mr. PERKLLI will lie assisted by his best pupils. It JJUILDINGSi THE EXHIBIT lON OF THK DAY. INDIA, A.M» THK CHEAT SEPOY RED BLI.ION, ta It? FIFTH SUCCESSFUL WEEK. The «Monitor” will bo shown at every performance.' ITEBB KNGELKE’S OBCHE3TBA WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, And Briseno's Quartette every evening, Admission 08 Wilts. Six tickets, si. cinidroni 19 cthts. Commence, evenings at 8 o'clock; afternoons 3. apl4-8t CONTINENTAL THE ATREr ANOTHEIt NEW DRAMA M A DECIDED HIT. MONDAY EVENING, April 14, 1932, And until further notice, will be presented the entirety new three-act IRISH DRAMA! “THE MACABTHY 08, THE PEEP O* DAY. The Macarthy Mr. J. B. Studley,- The Babby. Mr. C. Hale. Nelly Brady.... Miss Jennie Porker,: WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Bole Lessee MBS. M. A. OABRKTTBON. BE.ENGAGEMENT OF MISS 0. THOMPSON. Miss Charlotte Thompson as Edith aud Zeldia—tw> PtaVAcUra- THIS (MONDAY! EVENING, April 14, Wilt be performed, the play in five act.?, entitled EDITH AND ZELDIA; Or, The Old Tower of Chartswood. Edith »nd Zeldia, „, ~ Jlijß Charlotte ThniiMuu . Lord CiiarlßWOQd, . .**,,«» ,< ,t* *, 4 1 * Mr* TOUOg. Paioas—6o, and 26 cents; Private Boxea,t S 6 and S 3, according to their locale. Doors open at 7 o'clock. To commence at 7#., TLfES. JOHN DREW’S XU. ARCH-BTBEET THEATRE. Acting Stage Manager. W. 8. EBBOKRIOEB. BtuineM Agent nnd Trentmrer JOS. D. MVBPHY. rnn«» F i!^J2. MoSTl!—sf; ' S!ilV-SliiTß SIGHT. Of, J°HN CBEW. JOHN BBBWi TO-NIGHT, MONDAY, APRIL 14, 18&2, : Eleventh time ©f the new drama auu, _ CBOHOOBE-NA-BILHOGJS, To conclude •wtfft Kmiher,... Mr. Jnhn Drag. IRISH RBAGOOU, Paddy Morphy. > * John Drew# Fitzgjg. Frank Draw. Beats can be secured for Mr. John Drew’s re presenta tions three days in advance. Doors open at 7 o’clock j performance commences at 7 X precisely. T?VENING EXHIBITION—inBTI- Hi TUTION FOR THK BLIND, RACK AND TWENTIETH STREETS. TUESDAY EVENING, April 15. Conductor*«.e»o. Mr, A. N. Taylor. * Admission 10 cent#. Camißaiifis at 8 a’clocU. Stereoscop ncoAS of-the re- BELLION, for public exhibitions; viewaVif all tho prominent Battles, Incidents, and Men. Fall pi iced and* illustrated CBtfrfognej Bent free, by JAMBS W* QI/2BN & CO.» Optician", apll-lm No. 924 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia Concert hall. A DRILL of the Battalion of. S AVNB&R& &k~ DETS, complimentary to their Military Instructor* Major G. ECKENDORFF, will, take place on TBl/ttS DAY EVENING, April 17th. Tickete 60 cents. Nt extra charge for reserved Boats. apl-lfit* PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ABTS-ia.aow closed, but wilbreopea on MONDAY, the 2Bth lust. ap3-tf WANTS. complete seit of “ The f f Press.” from Ite. commencement. Address Box 1663, Philadelphia poskoftice, stating price,. Ac. ap3-3t» « UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wantod, for tbs United State, Marine Corps, for sea service aboard of im‘n-of-v,aj, SSVKRAL HUN DBED ABLE-BODIED MEN, between the age* of eighteen and foray years. Ycauifr men from the ooon try not leu than. 6 feot4X iocfaaa high, who sliall mm the medical examination, ana enlist,' will receive three cent, per mile for the dlstanoe travelled in coming to the Rendezvous, at 311 Smith FRONT Street below Spruoe, Philadelphia, or at 108 MARKET Street, Wilmington, Delaware. All other information that may be ra» qiiltel will bo given- JAMES LEWIS,,ii.ij apB-12t and Becrniting officer. \I7ANTED-=-A Situation as Salesman, W by a mauj who lias been engage \1 ft* Ba*4waretmauieos&r fifteen years—part of the tine in this city } has a large And valuable aaiualntancA la Mis- Rouri, Illinois, and Kentucky. Address box 304& 8t Louis Post Office. ap6»l2t# otfu deputy QUARTERMAS- Si TEB GENEBAL’S OFFICE, .v. a-w»nnVUltn?j*Vll.* — BOYD, Caplain and A. Q. M. jg* DEPUTY QUARTERMAS anB tab gehbhal’s office. Philadblpiiia, April 3,1563. WANTED IMMEDIAIILY—VotwoIs to load with Coal for Alexandria, Ya. A. BOYD, ft Captain and A. (J. M. FOR GALE AMD TO LET. COTTAGES AT ATLANTIC ■ill city,—For sale or to Let, four cottages, anitatrte for family summer residences, situated near the beach. Fer particulars and terms, apply to JOHN STEWART, tie, «7 WALNUT Btreat. Or at tlie Office of the Gaff den and Atlantic Land 00., apl2. Gt j2l WALNUT Street. TO BENT—THE NEAT DWELS ■a LING. IMB (JUNItItY Street near n Frleiids" Meeting*House!” gas, hath, range, &0., in elegant order. Bent 5260. S. KINGSTON MoCAY, apl2-3t# 487 WALNUT Street. TO LET, AT A LOW BENT, ■ill r or a BOARDING-HOUSE—The large DWEL LING, No. 620 LOCUST Street, opposite Washington ■Suiiare. 27 rooms. Heaters, gas, bath, range, water-clo sets&i .In good repair. 8. KINGSTON MoO AY, apM-iit* 427 WALNUT Street, j&l TO LET.—Large HOUSE and EDI premises. No. 135 BAUE Street. lFoiiW answer for a Manufactory. R. HAYS, apl2-l2t* 210 North THIRTEENTH 8;r??tr BOARDING. T3OARD WANTED, by a gentleman, -13 {n * pimni B«ti fwnllfi frpnrwa Third and Eighth and Chestnut and Pine. Any gentl»- man or widow lady having spare room can aadrtM « Route Agent,” unUl 12 o’clock, Tuesday, April Ist, Philadelphia F. O. , . - sd BLACKSMITHS’ BELLOWS. KEMBLE & VAN HORN. mhSO-Sm No. 331 MARKET Street, Phllada MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of IYX A Wilt or order of sale, by the Ht>u. JOHN OA.D WALADEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to undirected, will be soil, at Public ewe, to tha highest and best bidder, fhrcuh. at CALLOWa BILL-STREET WHARF, on WEDNESDAY. APRIL 23d, 1862, at 12 o’clock M , 593 barrels Rosin and 329 barrels Tar, being a Port'™ o ' *£•*"*“ bri S tIKRdLB WILLIAaI MILLWAKP) U. 8 Marsha! E. D ; 9f PyßDßylrtnißi rmTeAPRLrUf A, April 11 T lBO3, LADIES’ TRUSSES, SUPPORT XBS, BRACES, and other Mechanic*) AppUanOM, at correct conetrnctiOD nnd mar to the vearor. For aala SiO.idinstment M O. B, NEEDLES’ LADIES’ BTOBE* TW EI.FTH Street, first doer below Race: Gentlemen reo airing Bupture Trasses will call at tha Southwest corner TWELFTH and BADE, where O. H. N. givea attention to thia special feature. mhl2- Ami' mo COIN COLLECTORS.—Tha J- priced Catalogue of Edward Cogan's sale of ootna on the 26th and 26th ultimo, will be ready for deli veryoa MPNPAYt llifllih lut, Price wwnrtr