The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 08, 1862, Image 3
CITY ITEMS. Cireat Meeting in Behalf of the Soldiers. Oft* Af the IAPgASt And WMt l&teHttlag of the Berios of weekly meetings' now in progress in this city, under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association, in behalf of the soldiers, was held in Old Pine-street Church, (Rev. Dr. Brainerd’s,) Fourth and Pine streets, on Sunday evening. The luge edifies wm completely filled at an early hour, even to the and vestibules, and the deep interest manifested by the congregation in behalf of this religio-patriotic object showed that there is an increasing zeal in our churches to sustain she brave hiAA -who Are In the field in defence of our Government And our liberties. £The services were conducted by the Rev, Dr. Brainerd, and were commenced by singing a hymn, reading the fidth chapter of Isaiah, and prayer by the'Rev. Dr. Wallace. After another hymn, there was a brief opening address and STATEMENT BY PETER B. SIMONS, ESQ. Dr. Brainerd, in introducing Mr. Simons, said the lat ter had bosH admitted to the membership of Old I'ino atreet Church twenty-four years ago, and he was glad 4ofind that Mr. S. was still young enough to be a lnem •ber of the Young Men's Christian Association, and that he was taking so active a part in its benevolent labors. Mr. Simons stated that this Association, bad, at a tnt'ptiiiß held in July last, appointed a io de vise a plan for contributing iu some way to the benefit and welt-being of our soldiers, and to obtain the requi site means for pulling it in execution. The remit had been the distribution among the soldiers of a large amount of printed matter of ft moral and religious cha racter, and in a number of cases they hail furnished re giments with Camp Libraries, of a hundred volumes each. In doing this work, they had been encouraged by letters from chaplains and others in the army, and as a •consequence, they had exceeded their means iq comply ing with the demands from the camp, and it was to the Christian community that they appealed for the means to liquidate the deficiency, A letter was read from the chaplain of the Fifty-se- Trath Regiment. P- V., Mr. McAdams, in WDiCh It WAS ■tuted that on the reception of one of these “ camp li brurieh” every volume was taken by the men in less than r half hour. The committee had also much reason to believe that there was a geuuine work of grace in pro gress among the men, and in some of the regiments - cump meetings for prayer were regularly held. Amors other incidents related by Mr. Simons was the following which deserves to be recorded: Early In De cember last a soldier had written to bis wife in this city requesting lier to forward to him aundty articles in anti -cipationof the approaching holidays, specifying, among other things ft bottle of whisky. The wife hesitated about complying with this latter item hi the request, but after consulting her mother, decided to enclose the whis lcy|tn a package she was preparing for the express. On the very morning that she was to send the package, the postmen brought another letter in which the wife read, with inexpressible joy, the following opening sen tence : Ci Dear wife: Since writing to you last, I have given zny heart to Christ; you need not send the whisky.” That there was a large amount of the printed matter which they distributed lost in the damns without accom plishing anything, was true, but this should not dls -courage, any more than our Government ought to feel discouraged by the fact that thousands ot the costly mis ■lies hurled at the enemy are fired without taking effect. Besides, it was a noble, Christian work, and one which should receive a geherous support, While the Govern ment was engaged in the sacred cause of suppressing a moat iniquitous rebellion, the CbrUtiausoi this, and every -other community should feel themselves no less called upon to overcome the still greater rebellion waged by Satan and his hosts against the government of heaven. ADDRESS BY REV. Bfi. Wallace. The first speaker of the evening was the Rev. B. J. "Wallace, D. I>., who was introduced by the chairman, with the remark that Dr. W. was a West Point student, and that since the commenceme it 0/ the war no&e had shown a truer heart, ami but few bad made greater sacri fices in the cause of the Union, the Doctor having, quite recently, suffered the loss of a son, a commissioned offi- cer in the regular army. Dr. \Y. commenced by gajjng that he deflired to BDSafe to some practical point instead ot indulging in mere generalities. He wished to show that the work in which these young men were eugaged wag a wise and intelligent •ne. In the first place, there wa* no other weft for tho sol* diers neglected in congeqnonce of this. Our men were well clad, well sheltered, and better paid than any sol diers had ever been since the beginning of the world. Nothing was neglected by tho Government touching physical waste, and their spiritual wants were even pro- Tided for by tho appointment And p&cmentef chaplains. Still,there was another want which had been overlooked namely, supplying the n.en with good reading to em ploy their leisure hours. The power of the press, said the Doctor, could not be overestimated. Mtn of intelli gence could not take their breaks with comfort with* out the morning paper y and at the close of the day they must be supplied with an evening edition, and then the speaker playfully added, that the more learned among his hearers were no les3 anxious to peruse the Presby terian Quarterly Review, of which he is the editor, Iu -fact, without the press, in this age, nothing conli be done. Printed matter was therefore as indispensable to 11 e soldier as to the citizen. The Bible was the founda tion of our faith, and without tbia, iu a readable form, Christianity wuld Buffer, whether in the camp or out of it. There had. he continued, never been such an army in the world as ours, in which so greHt a proportion of the men could rend and write. Tho average of letters writ ten homo from tame cf the Tegiewnte of a thousand men was as high a 3 three hundred a day, and the Massachu setts ’Twenty'second was Instanced for tho extraordinary fact that there was not a single man in it who was not able to write a letter home to hid feundy or friends. *• With l'bgflrd to Ilia practical result of these labors, it was not well to calculate too closely- Much of the printed watter sent was, as bad been suggested by Mr. Simons, undoubtedly lest, yet this was but emulating the mnnifi <ser ce of God as manifested in Nature. And if even these tfforta could be imagined to do no gwl at all. the mere cultivation of sympathy for the soldiers, among our own people, which they induced, was of infinitely more value to our nation than the money expanded in this behalf. In conclusion, he paid a high and well-de- EfiTfd compliment to our city for her hospitals &al re freshment saloons instituted for the Roldiai’e benefit. ADDRESS BY MR. JACOBS, OF CHICAGO. Mr. Jacobs is a young gentleman of intelligence, and bos evidently been engaged in a noble work He is a in-mber 0/ a committee appointed by the Young Men’s Christian Association of Chicago, working under the C niitian Commission, which was bome time ago estate lished by the different associations throughout the loyal States. Describing their prayer meetings, held with and fOF tllO Cf th 6 SfiUlefs nLiln encAmpec! at Chicago, be said that he had seen as many asfiftv strong men rise up and solicit prayer iu their behalf. Subsequently, a sol diers’ chapel had been erected there, the only one, he said, that there was in the United States. Soon after ita com b&U'eVAi 1 , the men were ordered away, and now a most extraordinary work of grace was in progress in this same chapel among the six thoasaad rebels now -quartered at Chicago. Whtn the news of the battle of Fort Donelsou reached Chicago, the army committee at once sen* •down a deputation, of which Mr, Jacobs wa3 a member* His description of the loads of wounded, encountered on their way* w&b frightful to contemplate. Some of the wounded men had, he Bald, actually lain from iA& U in the clothes in which they fell, without a change, and that on a bare board, for the want of beds. Nothing, he Mid, was so much wanted in this de partment as changes of linen for the wounded. Many Incident- related showed the speaker to be peculiarly wdlqualified for the humane mission upon which ho was sent. One not remarkable, but characteristic fact stated was, that the most neglected among the wounded in that tenfote tpgpggmciit we the Secessionist who hail been entrusted to the care of their own surgeons. Many of the cases enumerated were deeply touching,and ' -xAuved men and women to tears, all over the house. At Mound City, it appears there is now an immense hos pital \a charge of the Stater? Of Mercy, containing seventeen hundred sick and wouiided, Mid almost as .man? are at Paducah. 1 BE MARKS BY GEORGE H. STUART, ESQ. XLt was quite late when Mr. Stuart was called upou to ■upsait. Os said that if they would bear with him tttffeo or fire Ifllmtteq lid would give the congregation—not withstanding the marked eloquence of the preceded speakers—the opportunity of making the moat eloquent speech of the evening, In the shape of a liberal contri ■hvtion. He had been stirred by the remarks to which he •linJ b<eu listening, and bad been led to ask himself* '\>‘hai cost this war had been to him ?” It was l’i!t a feic dollars—% paltry thing, indeed, he continued, in comparison with the flacri flees that were } beiih£ -fiifldo by the dying and wounded, of whom they ibad heard* And by the widowod and the fatherless* He spofte with much warmth, and urged a worthy re sponse to the appeals that had been made in behalf of Ibis truly laudable object in which the Army Committee oB engagtd. At the conclusion of Mr. Stuart’s remarks, the col' Section was taken, which, with one or two e*£optUo4, proved to be the largest of the series. After eiaging a hymn, the congregation was dismissed 'with a benediction by the Bev. Ur Bminerd. TVar Wit.—Floyd must have studied medi •cme, a 3 w e notice the pillage begins wherever he goea. We will soon have the rebel capital, unless there be an other Richmond in the field. Beauregard has fortified Island No. 10. He had better 5)6 taking care of “number oue.” Granville Btokes, the Fashioner and Clothier, at No. •600 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, ha? on hand a cheap and fashionable assortment of Spring garments, also an extensive stock of army and navy clothing, which it is rsaid be is very anxious to send to Secesria—on the backs of our biavfe volunteers. TVe have a Gut at Last.— How the hoys of tbi9 country must have envied tho boys of Old Eng land, in their parades of Guy Fnwkrs and his final blow tog up with fire* crackers and squibs on The Fifth of November That all Bhould remember The end of the Gunpowder plot,” Bui no more cause for envy, for though our Guy failed to try to blow up our Houses of Cangrtjss* ho has sue. cteded in blowing himself up to Fort Warren, and through him Mr. Hunter biowed up ex- President Fierce, and the ex-P. in Teturn has blown np Mr. Seward Guy Hopbine, don’t attempt any more guys, but adopt the jfuys of gentiMfi&n by wearing clothes pareh&ied at Stokes’ “One Price Clothing Store, under the Conti nental.” Albert I’ike ash his Savages at Pea —lt t««mi that at the battle of Pea Ridge the re jicgftde Albert Pike sported a semi-Indian <soatume of leggings and moccasins, and a head-dress with feathers ■about two feet long. With these, and hair and beard of ■econnoi a length, he looked about as outre and dirty as any “big Injun” of his command. Pike hurried oiT to little B('<* after tlie battle, looking heartily Wlliamed of himself, and ro doubt wishing that he could rush onto I’hiladeiphia, dropiieoesh soldiering, amljprocnrerorliim self . det ent suit at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhiit A Wilson, Nos. 303 and 603 Chestnut street, al'OTe Bisth. Siwiuoj Drjfj> abb Smoked Fish.—Mr. H. Mattson, dealer fa fine faulty groceries, Areli and Tenth streets, has on hand a superior line of Smoked and Spiced Salmon: sdso. Mess Mackerel, Sardines, extra fine, and All kinds of dried fish In season, to which we invite the attention of our readers. Jaccti aiu> Lace fey the yard, at prices rang ing from 23 cents to fid -per yard. Keltv dr 00., 630 ribestzmt street. Picture Tables, Picture Cord?, Gltt Randtj, Gilt Hooke, Centre Tassels, and Loops for Dra pery. Gimps, Fringes, Ac. Vestibule Laces and Rods. Kr :.)r &. C' l ., 020 Chestnutstreet. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS vr to U o’clock un man. CONTINIHTAL HOTEL—Ninth *ml Obutnnt iti. 1) Wsll.ce, Pittsburg A FrowenfsM, Pittsburg 1' Hsrtuug, New Pork Mrs Steveiwou & d*u, Ky Geo Brinton A is, Pennft F II Brinton & Is. Penn. A Jois, Jr, Dotroit, Mich J Crotlierß, New York .1 K Rankin, Henderson, My j Guwsn A Is, New' York Mrs J o Dailey, New York Hiss Duller. Now York T B Budgets, New York F Fail-banks, Vermont Rev B W Dwight, N York Miss Dwight, New York Count 8 Cram. Wash, D C Bobt J Fisher, York, Fa J W Patterson, Baltimore T L Potter, Washington ’ Clms Moore dt wifi* Misa Brown Mra \ J Wash G 8 Hutchinson, N York A Piudie, New York J C Whitehead, N Jersey W N Wood A la, N Jersey Rev D Irving, New Jersey Pr K O Richardson* Mass Jas A Suydam, Now York Park Godwin, New York Mrs Godwin Allan, N York John New Jersey R A Smith, New York Lewis I< Weld, CuTo Ter Alex Boss, Baltimore John S Cunningham, U 8 IT Mast G Cuuuingbam, Wash Geu R Sharer, Maryland T M Wolfe, Maryland A Kisherst D Brown, Fall River H lfnrnra, Washington Mrs Merritt A 2d, P Arnb’y B M Blntchford A la. N T B B Graham. St Louis G \Y Casa .t son* Pittsburg Jnim-a M Itavnmn, Penns B S M*sr<w, Lancaster M C Eby, Harrisburg J W Farren. St Louis K Moiris, Pennsylvania S Kentucky E Foote, New York WTB Duncan, N York Cbas Sheldon A la, Vt Geo W Addwiite* N York V Torrey, New York H I Bowditcb, Boston J T Thornton, Loui»v,Ky M L Livingston, Jr, S Y Bobt E Kelly, New York A T Thompson, New Yqyk II N Shannon, New York € E Dewey, Bennington Jos Eby, Lancaster A King, New York Mr Seed & la, New York N Gladilins, N*w York C F Stagg, New York J J Wbiting, Boston J B Graves, New York J T Burden, Troy j G Allen* Lexington, Ky FACuly A la Mrs (1 T Train, London T C Durant* Nnw York C II lshatn A wl, New York W F Van Wagner, N York G R Minot, Boston J Stout- »V la, Now York \V Carrcll, New York A Welch «fc dan* N Jersey T Little *fc dnu, New Jersey S D Cory, Now Jersey J F Vorhees & son, N Jersey Coni J R M ftlullany, l’5N F A MxlUuiy, New York J> D Badger, New York J E HftHfdiri, Ne*Ydrk N E Lyon, Btew York T B Clatworthy, New York II SI Gou-ing, New York J O Morse, New York G W Oouglas, New York II Schliringer, New York A A v ance, Norristown Jos Hodges, New York "W J Underwood, Boston n C Spalding* New York John Berry W P Frost, New York A F Stoddard, C H Di-lamstrd* New York J Mulford, Now York C Howe, New York J C Spear, U 8 N \Y S Watson & la, Baltimore J R Kelso & la, Baltimore J H Kirkpatrick, N Jersey Jab Christy, St L uis J C Cabot, St Louis Jno Q Bache. New York Thos McKie, Jr, Now York K Baldwin, New York F S Kiriland, New York J F Uaisted, New York Jdhb KelUirh, N«w York J B Coins, New York E E Kendrick, Jr,Wash, D C Lt C N Patterson, N York Jeremiah Haley, New York H Buckingham, N Haven 0 E Jones, New York II Hitchcock & la, N Y A II Silvester, Boston 0 Nagle, Wash, D C L:#ut E M Conner,N Mexico G A Roll, New York G H Storms, New York J A Weiser, York, Pa P H OelP&iidor, New York G P Dcnnr, Boitou W H Goodwin, Boston II C Sonthwick, New York H J Hull, New York MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth st., below Aroh. Mrs Rhodes, Hollidaysburg D McWilliams, Indiana S C Ihpyver, Bmkl) a A Dissiuger, Elizabethtown R T Kennedy, Pittsburg J C- Getz, Peima L Binkley, Peuna J Bnthrauff. Findlay, Ohio J B Fisher, Philada Thos Hardy, Lebanon, O 8B Ljday, Ohio Silas Lyday, Ohio C Rowe, Strashnrg Sami P Bower, Strasburg M T Huebner, Litiz, Pa J R RusseH, Lancaster A M Kline* Mercor Chus KHno, Laneastee F J Byrod, Halifax, Pa A Fortenbaugh & wf, Pa Jas L Martin Dr Wallace Beading ThOB T Miller, Easton J Shisler, Harrisburg Mtb iff H Huntsberger, Pa J A Kellogg. New York J R Blester, Lancaster R Mcßumey, Huntingdon Jno Libert & son, Johnßt’n J N Brewer, Merccr^burg Mrs Sticker, Milton, Pn H C Welch, Reoiisvills J"W Sterrett, Reedsvillo J C Baxtresser, Bcllofunte A Brower, Lisburn, Pa S A Foulfc & wf. CaHfornia Jas McHenry, Cambria R B IleilHher, Danville Lewis S Smith, Muncy, Pa E B Long, Mnncv, Pa C Lantech & la, Danville Miss E A Watson. Jerseytn Miss 0 A WcCollam, Penna Miss Ih W Lowrie, Penna E B llarah, New Jersey M Ten Eyck, New York H Ssundors£svf,Wilmington W P P.^aHeld L H Stark, Liltlestoun Jos B Brant, Littlestowu n W Emrnert, Hanover Geol> Gitt Jr, Hanover Geo Stonesiferi Llttlestown E Myers, Enoch Lefevor, Littlestown Goo W Row, W P Crouse, Littlestown Jas DColehans, LittlestOffll A, Hhdovop W Yount, LUileatown Sirs S Ktuib, Mittl-ntown S J Berger. Pehn»vlvaniA C Sherwood, Newton, Pa J S Rex, Canton. Ohio II J Smith, Allentown K Knot/, New York WJJ&llinson, Burlington,NJ Alf JRakin. Sbippsueburg L A Jenkine, Bridgeport, 0 Mil Pool. Massachusetts ThOilCPOnely. PittShMg T Mc'Jarroll, Newark, If J J H Wilson, Clarksville, Pa H Bowman, Milieraville J 8 Dougherty, Lancaster J L Dechert, B L Maurer, Chambprsburg 9 Landis, Dauphin co, Pa J C McClure, Lewisbnrg M W Schindel. Lancaster J E Colvin, ichellslmrg, Pa M Smith, slerc»r-burg Ctark) Whyneeburg M G Linittiini Harrisburg AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut si., above Fifth MissM Fielding, New York Miss Bigelow, New York W Hawkins, Connecticut J Cook &, la, Wash, D C A W Butler, Haucii Chunk H H Adani9. York, Pa L Gcdffiftn, nolhdayebtirg I* A Hw.fvrd, iSimira, N Y Jas Flynn, Elmira, N Y John G Black, Delaware D J Lincoln, Birdskoro W D Hazel, Smyrna, Del D C Landis Miss Davis, Wilm, Del C E Wirt, Hanover, Pa Jas E Plack, Delaware L Beckers, New York G Young, New York W O Fountain, Delaware R T Fountain, Delaware J B Delaware B F Fooki Delaware S L Brown, Wisconsin J L Waggenor, Kentucky J G Philips, Lebanon, Ky A J Delashmutt, Md T Bally, Wilm, Del L T Moore, Delaware ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third,*' R Storyi New York J H Criiehner A Tripp, Mass G P Smith, U S N Mrs Dale, N Jersey B Armiger, Baltimore David Cobb, Penna A F Brandt, Slechanicslmrg E Muller, New York. \V B N Jersey E Simons, Washington W A Green, Penna H P Baldy, DanviUd M York Thus Lamb, New Y’ork H S Thom A la, New York W P Wilstach. Beading B Marshall, Cincinnati Job H W&taon, Philada J 8 Harper, Penna J D Byerly, Fhiladelpaia" THB BSldk—Arch orreet, above Third. Alex Lowber, Jr, Delaware G W Lindsay, Delaware Mark Trubella & 2 ch, Col T John D Beabm, Lancaster James Potts, Lancaster P II l’eiffer, Chambersburg J D Keru, Pennsylvania D Black, Easton I.cvi Bwinct, Easton Salomon Charmister ± I, Pa A P Cropper, Maryland James Focbt, Pottsvillo W C Miller, Ariiland G J Doll, Frederick, Md Chns .J Lewis, Frederick,Md Mrs GVY Scriver, Wash ’ N S Wolle, Litiz, Pa John H Gnswotler, Pa D W Blessing, Maryland W Schick, New Berlin, 0 A.C Bert, Greencastlc, Pa Geo Ditinian, Chamberbg Jno H Dittman, ChnmbQrebg BeFi, Jobnßiegel, Mrs E Morse, Peuna Miss Calliilower,Waynesboro D Richwine. Lane co, Pa Z JBartle, Danville, Pa A Grolius, Lock Haven 8 Scott, Lock Haven Geo Cook, Upton, Pa Mrs Grove, Chambersbnrg Cha*- F ■‘owter. Espy, Pa Mrs A V FvwltT) EsoJi Pa D S Smith, Waynesboro w H Brotherton & la, Pa Jacob C Secrist, Q.uiucy,Pa Chas Ward, Ciinlon, N J Alex Aitemus. Clinton, N J T J Cook* New York J H Horner, Ohio Mrs P*T Butler, New York B H Clifford, New York Israel Gregg, Ohio E G Shtrzp, Ohio L w aids, lowa Gcq W Maryland Josiah Baker, Maryland J H Thornburg, Ohio NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. Levi Ricksicker, Mount Joy Aaron Kemole, Penna G Belling* Tunkbannock John Day, Tunkhannock j Furgtiepn, Hslifax r S Bballen, asm Reading J b Smitb, Plymouth A Zimmerman, Jonestown A J Anderson, Penna Elios Buck, Penna SP A Weidman, Lincoln John Livoetsan, Penna Edwin Elder, Lincoln E Reitz Lexington A V Schober, Lancaster J S Hacker, Lancaster L B Hacker, Lancaster H B Buck, Lancaster S V Eby, Moiiiit Joy John Arnat, Mount joy L K Landenxnihcb, Lebanon S A Bowman, Lebanon J Bowman, Lebanon Miss M Bnwman, Lebanon Jacob K Funck, Lebanon P H Smith, Allentown S N Friid, Allentown E P Milter. Columbia co a Edwards, Allentown li Haines A la, Lebanon Miss Haines, Lebanon Henry RhA&ta. Rei.l!as John Louser, Lebanon Eli J Saeger* Allentown D G Lanflh Allentown M Webb, Chambersburg H Matee, l’tnna Waßh Kirk, York co, Pa JameßS Berger JV Smith, Wyoming co Leopold Lyc-n, Danville, Pa Mia Leob, BeSlefont* K P«naa D M Rankf Hanover, Pa >; u sweetwood, Catftwissa J C Amermtn* Danville Jolm Hummel Seliosgrovc M Hummel, Selinsgrove B F Swartz, Lebanon E R Manbeck, Penna M p Boyer, Beading J F Wampolo. Skamokiia Miss L Shisaler, Sunbnry D Kramer a Son, Milton <? Q Mr*} ori Freebnrg P li Moyer* Freebui'g K Davie & la, Pennft lIE Davis, SeKnsgrove D F Kohrback, Sriinsgrove H A Bohrback, Seliosgrove John Helbisb, Freeburg F L Shanon, Beaver, Pa M T Seibert. Penna J B Bauch, Lebanon COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. W Kfrk, Tamaqua G W Ohurehman, Dela Lient D P McDowell It U Foust, Penna P Foust, Dalton, Ohio L J Kirk, Penna A J Bu«ell, Penna B F Brown, Oxford Jolm Way, Cbeßter co W B Spear, Delaware S H Hooper, Penna Geo W Honsel, Ponna M Woodward, Chester c» Mis? Annie G iol, Penna B S Walton, Chester co B L Lyle, Chester co John D Pawling, Ponna Jos P Biugaman, Penna J S Kirk. Chester co John Hyle, Penna j W Buckey, Maryland Miss Ducky, Maryland Jolm Creamor* Peuna Reuben Woidlor. Pen&a Jacob Simmons, Penna A Shrivor, Ponna N Warren* Newark, Del N B llammond, Ponna Wilson Dobbins, Lane co F McSparran. Lane co L Bnrgaroan, Chester £ Potts, Bridgeport D Humes, Cheator, co J Osmond, Eckley S Mafon> Delaware STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. J B Grom all, Johnstown II Walters, Johnstown A3j Dnbbocfer, Woodbury Alex Spear, ttiftlin co, Pa Jns Harper, Mifllin co. Pa b Albright, N York 5 M H«rlly E Pugb, jr, Lancaster co F M Branon, Lancaster W B Mendenhall, Pa Cbag Grove, Columbia A Rranou, Columbia W Sites, Baltimore J Howard, Baltimore Jos Klcok, York co, Pa Jos S Jlieber, Pa C W Sturgis, Litiz, Pa 11 Simons. Mifflintown, Pa W Wise, Sliermaulown, Pa. JacoL Shram, Carlisle, fa \Vm Friedly, Carlisle, Pa S ttife & la, Duncanon, Pa J A Keller, Carlisle, Pa JB Smith, Carlisle, Pa Miss McLaughlin, Newville J C Sanders, Martioßburg J B Sanders, Waynesboro D E Robison, Juniata co P B Sulof, Patterson co. Pa G A Miller, Huntington, Pa J) Br£h&n&h, Elizabethtown MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. Jos Pell, Buckiugl am Jas Williams, Erwinna Robt Eastbum, Solobury S W Kirk, New Hope Cbas B Hili, Penna Daniel Little, New Jersey Robt Beans, Bucks county H Matthews, Now Jersey A S Cadwallader, Yardieyve J C Burgoyne, Wihn, Del B T Janney, Trenton, N J £ Walton, Easton, Pa Jno Kennedy, Wilm, Del J Cox, Montgomery co, Pa Jno Patchen, Wilm, Pol Thoa D Holmes, Pittsburg A Snyder, Georgetown, Del Sami H Potts, YardleyviUe BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhllh Mr Grabill, Lancaster cc, Pa Mr Hornberger, Lane co H Kuntz, Slatington, Pa RB Wolf, Lancaster co, Pa T O Genkinger, Allentown C A Ruhe, Allentown E Camp. Lehigh co, pn EH Snyder, Lehighton, Pa V Henman. AUentown J S Weaver, Goodville, Pa T W SAneeiiich, Gofidvilla. Pa G V 9* >-Jer. Lehigh co, J R Leidy, Pa J lliUegass, Pennsburg N V Hallman, Slatington £ loung, Northampton co Mrs S Berlin, Northamp’n co J Emery. Bntzkown, Pa D T Bordner, Lebanon co. Pa DAG Wink, Kutztown Calvin lCutztown BARLEY SHEAF—Seoond street, below Tine. C P Brook#, Scranton, Pa J Worthington, Penna W Penrose, Byberry J Harding, Fenna W Cotuly, Byberry S Holcomb, New Jersey J Thornton* Penna W Blakey* Attleboro* Pa Mrs W Blakey, Attleboro, Pa Mi« M A Hlakey, Attleboro Miss S Blakey, Attleboro, Pa S Hsrper, Montgomery co A Corson, New Jersey C W Dyer, Deylestown G T Gathers, Peuna S G Cornell, Trenton, N J C G Varney, Atlantic City JI) Scott, Doylestowu B C Case, New Hope, Pa BLACK BEAR—Third street, above CaUowhlll. J Flsler, Lancaster M Preichler, Claytonville Wm Bechtel, Claytonville J M M'allheiser, Somerton U Stauffer, Campbellstown J It Mnssehnan, Penna £ '/. Harding, Bowmausville Adam Weidenhaminer, Pa Jno llowfTiQtl, llelirotftbqrs Solomon Bow, Lotah co H Drumheller, Bcbii>l co Benj Drumiieller, Penna W H Gilbert, Coatesvitle Mrs Zimmerman, Kntztown Aug Roller, Womeisdorf Adam P Eirich, Peuna C C liicstand, Washington REYERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. C Gaunheim* Peuna J Johnson, New York A Lane, Philadelphia Jos K Page, Philadelphia B Barker, Jr, Philadelphia MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second at, ab. Areh. A Marvin. St Louis, Mo C Leodom, Pa ttfs MRB. M. A. KING, 1026 CHEST NUT ftreet, will open SPRING ANli SG«MEIi nIILLIAEBY, THDBSDAY. April 10. 1882. npB-lit* T VORYTi'I'ES —Wlicn jog want a J- first.rate piclurc. go to BEIMER’S Ivory types, as made at his Gallery, are unequalled in fiuish, color, or taste, l»y any in the city. SECOND Street, above Green. H Fairbanks, Vertnout MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MT BEE FOURTH PAGE ARBITER, Brig Jacob Dock. Thompson, 1 day from Wilmington, in ballast to D 8 Stetson A Co. Bchr Blccrn, Hnckens, 10 days from Calais, with laths to Gatkili & Galvin. Sclvr K J Munsell, Kelly, 3 days from New York, with mdse to captain. £ciir Culmesetl, Tobey, 0 days from New York, with mdse to captain- ficbr J W Fish, Shaw, 6 days from Boston, with ice, to order. Sc hr Island Belle, Butler, 4 days from New York, with salt to W Bumm. - Schr Wm Coiiyer, Bayner, 3 days Trom New York, with md*, to D Cooper. fichr James BHb@, Hatch, 2 days from New York, in ballast to J E £tr/ley & Co. Sc-hr Bohemia. Clark, 2 days from Chesapeake City, with to ChrtaUftfi * Co. fitenmer Yulcan, Morrison* 24 hours from Now York, with mdse to Wm M Baii-tl & Co- Steamer Bristol, Charles, 24 hours from hew York, With mdse to W P Clyde. Barge Young America, Houghton, 34 hours from New York, with mdse to \V P Clyde. CIiEARBI>. Bark Charles Keen, Swan, Ship Island. Workman A Co. Bark M Williamson, Thompson, Ship Island, via Wil mington. Del. D S'Stetson & Co. gchr Alexander Blue, Keen, Port Royal, Tyler, Stone A Co. Schr Aitierlean Eagle, Aaron. Washington, do Sclir George Henry, Smith, Alexandria, do fichr C Guskill. Dutton, Washington, R W Rathbun. Schr 1 eesbnrg, Swift, Marblehead, S It Biakiston. Schr 8 N Hall, Paddock, Middletown, L Audenriod ? &f?hriv?r» Denn;a ( Baltimorci A Grovcfli Jr. BY TKI.KGKAPB. {Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, l)ol., April 7. Tbe barks Hamilton Gray, (of P. E. Island,) seeking freight, and Floreeta, from Rio Janeiro, came t-> «he Breakwater this mopniri!!- The schr R L Tuvlor. pre viously reported ashore, baa been Rotoft’and is leaking. 1 1 JOHN P. MARSHALL. FOREIGN. Arrived from Philadelphia. Marcli 24th, S 0 Jone 3. at Liverpool. She bad thrown 500 bags of ppm pYWbOfiWi March 2oth, Frank Boult, at Liv«n>ool. SPECIAL. NOTICES. Jayne’s Expectorant. AH who have used this Standard Medicine for ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION, PLEURISY, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, CROUP, COUGHS AND COLDS, HOARSENESS, Or any PULMONARY' COMPLAINT, attest its useful ness. In proof of this fact, we would state that for thir ty yowia past the EXPECTORANT lias been before the public, nnd that each succeeding yoar has added to Us popularity an<3 extended the demand, uatil now it is known &bd iii all quarters of the world, and admitted to be the Great Remedy of the Age for the class of diseases for which it is especially designed. It is claimed, therefore, that having stood the test of time—the sales still increasing—and the direct testimony of cures effected by ita übc accumulating on our hands* the proprietors of the EXPECTORANT aro jnstiflodin recommending it to the afflicted with renewed confidence, not, be it borne in mind, as a ( 1 Cure-ull,” nor as being ab solutely infallible in all cases, and under all circumstances, but as the best combination oT medicines within the reach of tbepublic, calculated.iu most cases, to eradicate the various diseases for which it is commended, and in all cases to afford relief. Attention is also invited to the fact that the testimony to the curative, powers of the EXPECTORANT is not confined to the illiterate and credulous, but innumerable poisons of intrlliopnce And character. Clergymen, Phyai cians, and others, occupying the most prominent stations in society, too honest to impose upon others and too saga cious to be imposed upon themselves, not only use, but recommend it in tho highest tonus for tho uniformity its StIeCSSB In all diseases of tho Pulmonary Organs,. Tho EXPECTORANT is especially commended to MINISTERS, TEACHEfiS, and others, accustomed to speaking in public, for the relief of Hoarseness, ami all Bronchial Affections, and for strengthening the organs of speech. Prepared oDly at No. 242 CHESTNUT Street, and for sale by Druggists generally. np3-2t One-Price Clothing, of the Latest BTYX.H6, made in the Best Mauner, expressly Tor RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Onx-Priox System Is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. MH'ly JONES h 00.* 804 MARKET Street. Office of the Adams COMPANY, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, January 27, 1862. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilitiefl at Washington, D 0., by building a Railroad depot, and having acquired additional capacity for transportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights. Packages, and Parcels, to Wash ington, Qwrgetgwn, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adumstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandize in large lots. gwde Army aupslitt at flatufactcrr prices, on application at our office. Soldiers 1 parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and receipted fer at our depot, S. E. corner of BBOAD and LOOUST fltrettA JOHN MNOIIAM, Superintendent. MARRIED CHAMBERLAIN—BLOOKSOM.—On th? M ultimo, by the ller. £. W. Thomas, Mr. William J. Chamber lain, of Frankfoid, to Mias Emily J. Biockaom, of Phila delphia. # DIED. RECICEUUS.—SuJJetiI,', on the ?tl» instant, Charles Reckefue, eldest son of Thomas B. nnd Annie B. Pugh, in the stfc year of hh age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of bis parents* No. 215 Korth Thirteenth street, on Wednesdiy afternoon, at 3 o'clock; Tn prooeerlto WflAdlaad KIRK. —On the slh instant, Mary 0-, wife of Jesse G. Kirk. Funeral from the residence of her father, John Griffith* 329 Mickle street, Camden, N. J., this (Tuesday) the Bth instant, at 1 o’clock. =# the 6th instant, Henry Leitmam* aged 62 years. Bis relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence. No. 633 Coates, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2o’clock. • BRUNER.—On the sth instant, Daniel Bruner, Jr., in the 35th year of his age. Fllil6P&l from his late residence, Eugfevitie, Montgom ery county, on Wednesday morning, the 9th instant, at 10 o’clock. ## tCHOFIELD.—On the 6th instant, at his father’s re sidence, Lower MeriorvMontgomery county, Joseph B. Schofield, of Company C, Second Begimeat, Pennsylvania CttTfilry. * TAYLOR,—On the fth inst, Mrs. Mary Ann Taylor, aged 44 years. Funeral from the residence of her husband, 1341 South Four'll street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. * WILLITS.—On the sth inst, Nathaniel, infant child of Geo. 8. and Mary j, Willitg, # •Wi.LiiiAftZS.—On tbe &th instant, Mrs. Sarah Wil liams, wife of Mr. Charles Williams, aged 35 years. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 1325 South Eighth street, on Wednesday morning, 9th inst., at 10 o’clock. ** YOUNG.—On the 4th JSarah Jane Y9\lfigi daughter of Samuel and Margaret Voqps< Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 141 New street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, Bth instant, at 3 o’clock. * H4DURNING GOODS, AT CASH AJ-JL PRICES.—BIack Bombazines, 75, and cts ; All*woo! Tamiseg, 75 eta; All* wool Mousseliues, 31 cts; Camels’ Hair Bareges, 37# cts; Crape Maretz, 18# eta; Milanai*e BAregca, cts; Silt Cha'lies, eta; Salin Plaid Bareges, cts; Plailj fitness, 13ji, 10, and cts; Silk Grenadines, To cts; Gros (te Rhine?, 70 eta: Second Mourning Bareges, 12)tf cts; Black and ‘White neat Check Silks, 62)4 c t® j Black and Purple All- Wool Mousselines, 31 X cents. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. <»r==» HORTKILTTBAL HALL, S, W, cor. 113 BROAD and WALNUT Streets. Monthly dis play of Flowers and Vegetables, THIS EVENING. It DR * PAINE S THIRD LECTURE TO 113 GENTLEMEN, THIS EVE KING at 7jf e’eloek, at the ECLECTIC MEDICAL COLLEGE, Race street, below Fifth. It# rysa OFFICE OF THE AMERICAN FIRE U 3 INSURANCE COMPANY. Pnii'AgßbniUf April 7* 1602, The Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE DOLLARS per Share for the last eix months, which will be paid to tho Stockholders, or their legal re presentatives, on and after the 17th Instant. afS-Ot* A. O. L. CBAWFOBP, Secretary. ws-JOHH S. ROCK, COLORED LAWYER, from Boston, will Lecture for the Philadelphia Library Company, THIS EVENING, in the Lecture iooro of St. Thomas’ Church, FIFTH Street, below Wal nut. Subject—“A Plea for My Race.” Admission 20 cents. It# TWELFTH WARD PEOPLE'S ASSO- U 3 CIATION.—A Regular Meeting will be held on TUESDAY EVENING, Bth inst, at o’clock, at the N. E. corner of FOURTH and GREEN Streets. Elec tiop of Gfficera. THOMAS A. GRACE, It# Secretary. A-MEETING OF THE REPUBLICAN 113 ASSOCIATION of the FOURTEENTH WARD will be held THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, tho Bth Inst., at 8 o’clock, in the Hall, in COATES Street, north sidr, second door above Eleventh. It# SAMUEL SELLERS, President. pys» NOTICE.—A STATED MEETING OF U 3 the People’s Association of the Twentieth ward, will he held at the HaU, S. W. corner of ELEVEN TH and GIRARD Avenue, THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, April 9) At 9 o’clock, JOSEPH F. MARCHQ, President pro tem. B. H. Clinton, Secretary. It* REV. DR. BELLOWS WILL GIVE U 3 a conversational lecture at CONCERT HALL, onTUESDAY EVENING, April 15th. entitled “A PERSOUAL VISIT TO MANASSAS tub thlbd DAY AFTER ITS EVACUATION,” describing th.e si tuation, fortifications, etc., giving many inttrestingracts, illustrated by trophies from the ground of Manassas and Bull Run. Tickets for Bale by T B. Pugh, southwest corner ftxth and Cheetmrt streets* Price tvrenty*five cents. ap7-Bt* iyr» UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA— U 3 DEPARTMENT OF ARTS.—'TheThlrd Term of the College-year will OPEN ON TUESDAY, th* Bth inst Candidate for admiftios will appeftr at the Uuiveraity, foTexamination, on that day, at half past 10 o’clock A. M. Tuition for each Term, Thirty Dollars. GEORGE ALLEN, eps-3t Secretary of the’Faculty of Arte. HELP FOR SOLDIERS—A FAIR IN [l3 Aid of the COOPBR-BHOP REFRESHMENT SALOON AND HOSPITALS FOB THE SOLDIERS* will be held at Nos. 809 and 811 CHESTNUT street* (late L. J. Levy & Co.’s store). Commencing April 9th* ending April 12th. Tbe building will bo brilliantly illu minated in the evening. A band of music will be in at tendance, and the galleries will be reserved fur promena- Cboice refreshments. Admittance 10 cts. aps At* nA SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA IDT RAILROAD COMPANY—Office 227 South FOURTH Street.— Philadelphia, April Ud, 1802.—'The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this company, and an election for President and fcix Managers will take place at the office of tho Company, ou MONDAY. May 6th, at 12 o’clock M. W. H. MoILHENNEY, ap4-tM6 Secretary. ■ATOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBE!! 11 hereby gives notice that all connection, on his part, with the business at the Minerva Mill, in Bridgeport, Montgomery county, Pa., baa ceased. Any existing authority to purchase goods or make con tracts for the manufacturing business there or elsewhere has been withflrairn r 4 .... * All persons having unsettled accounts connected with the raid business, prior to this date, will please present them immediately to HENRY SBABPLESS, 47 North FBJNT Street. Philadelphia, April 6lh r 1562. apB-st* THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1863, jCJPRING HOSIERY. THOS. W. EVANS & CO. HAVE NOW OPEN THEIR SPRING IMPORTATION OF HOSIERY. RMIIRACINR TnE CELEBRATED “BALBBIGGAN” AMD OTHER APPOYED MAKES ist LADIES', MEN’S, AND CHILDREN’S SIZES. Nos. 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET. apBi3t - 10 2 4 CH ESTNUT STREET Has just received a small invoice of Polnte . Ap plique Laces, which liavo bwn bought a very great bargain, and will be sold at corresponding low prices. Milliners anil Droß* Makers would do woll to call and inspect the above. Also, Choice NOVELTIES of the latest Im» portal ions in POINT LACE and YALENCIKNNB COLLARS nnd SETS, THREAD VEILS and BABBES, and BLACK THREAD LACES. ap7*tf 10 2 4 0 IIE STNU T STB H STEEL Sc SON WILL OPEN • this morning from New York a choice lot of RICH STYLES OF SILK GRENADINES. RICH BTYLES OF CHENE SILKS. BLACK AND WHITE CHECK SILKS. CHEAP PLAIN AND FIGURED BLACK SILKS. Pmons wifcking to pup&h&so a GOOD SILK at a LO W PRICE, would find it to their advantage to examine our stock. BLACK AND WHITE PLAIDS, IS# TO 44c FRENCH CHALLIES, MOKAMISIQUKB, POIL DB CntVBES, and other NEW DRESS GOODS, of every variety. BLACK STELLA SHAWLS* with Broche Beiders, $2.75 to $lB. Ladies’ Linen Cambric Hdkfs, slightly damaged, 100 doz., 62 and 65c., worth 75. 100 doz , 70 at d 75c., worth 87. . 100 doz., 87 and $l, worth $1.25. 100 doz., $1 12 and $1.20, worth $1.50. 100 doz.. $1.31 and $1.37, worth $1.75. 100 dor.., $l.OO and £>!.s&, worth Ss2. Just opened, a small lot of White Plaid Fronch Organ dies, a very scarce and desirable article, suitabto for eve ning dresses. ap7 No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates PLOAKS! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! KJ TIIE GBEA.TEST BARGAIN 9 IN THE CITY IVENS & CO.’S, No. 23 SOUTH NINTH STREET. TUB LARGEST STOGR, THE BEST ASSORTMENT, THE CHOICEST COLORS\ THE FINEST QUALITIES, THE MOST SUPERB TRIMMINGS, THE NE WEST STYLES, THE BEST WORKi AKD DECIDEDLY THE LOWEST PRICES, IN THE CITY, IVE N S & CO.’S, No. S 3 SOUTH NINTH STREET. mh26»3m EYKE & LANDELL, FOURTH and AROH Streets, have now in store a fine stock of GOODS FOB FAMILY CUSTOM. Neat Plaid Good Silks. Solid Colored Plain Silks. Solid Colored Figured Silks. Best Quality Black Silks. Double-faced Figured Silks. Grenadines, Worked Figures. Spring Stock of Dress Goods. French Chintzes, New Stylaa. British Chintzes, cents. Neat and Gay Ginghams. Cassimeres for Youths’ Clothes. Damask Table Linen and Napkins* Pillow CnsiDgs and Sheetings. Full assortment of Wlilto Good*. Valenciennes Laea Collars and Sots. Spring Gloves, Embroidered Backs. Shawls of this Spring’s styles. Zon-Zouß Walking Jackets. Full L-’ne of Spring Cloaks. Cloths for tho Zou-Zous. Aqua Scutum Waterproofs. Waterproof Cloaks, mode up. All-woe 1 Shepherds’ Plaids. Shepherds’ Plaids, all grades. mli27 PLOAKS! KJ A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT OP ALL THE NEWEST STYLES IMPORTED THIS SEASON, With every new material, made up and trimmed in the very beat manner, at prices that defy &U e&mpttitten, AT THE PARIS CLOAK STORE, N. E. CORNER EIGHTH AND WALNUT STS. t»b26-3m New spring goods. Assortments received of Plain Brown Fo de Soies. Modes and Bright Colors. Neat Checked Silks. M Figured Si Ike. Glossy Cloaking Silks. New and neat printed Lawns. Plain Styles of Organdies. Rich printed Organdies. Children’s neat fine Chintzes. Piques for Giris, and Wrappers. New* neftt, Afid ?teh De Lalaoe. Bright plaid Worsteds. New printed Bareges, very cheap. Foulard Robes, at very low rates. New Spring Shawls and Mantles. BIIA.BPC.KS3 BROS. a>W CHESTNUT nnd EIGHTH Strafe IAQ NORTH EIGHTH STREET, IAJO SECOND DOOR ABOVE ARCH, UP STAIRS LADLES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS, &c. The Covftrtnerßbip heretofore existing between KAUFMAN * LONNEBBTADTEB Baring been dissolved by mutual consent, tha under signed respectfully informs the patrons and friends of tbe old firm, and the trade in general, that he has taken all the up-stairs rooms of NO. 103 NORTH EIGHTH STREETi ABOVE A BOH. To continue the manufacturing of all kinds @f DRESS, CLOAK, MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, BUTTONS, TASSELS, QORD, HEAD NETS, Of alt descriptions, &c., &c., And will offer inducements in price and quality, as well as prompt attendance to order*, in every article apper taining te hig line, WM LONNERSTADTEIt, ap4-2m] No. 10*3 North EIGHTH Stroet, abl Aroh. T\TEW GOODS OPENING DAILY. A. v —Plaid Foulards, black, brown, blue, and lilnc. Plain brown Foulards, one yard wide. Pianos, white ground and bouanets of Chintz colors. Wool De l-aines, choice shades. Plaid and small figured Wool De Laines, for children* A large assortment of Ginghams, at 12jf, 20, and 26 centß. A fresh assortment of Cloaking Cloths. Small figure dark brown Mohairs, choice. Pl&IJd, from to S 6 cents. Silk and Wool Poplins in great variety, at JOHN H STOKES’, No. 702 ARCH Street. N. B.—Good black Silks, 87#, SI, and SI >l2#. Call and examine our $1.12# black Silks. mh2B Granville b. haines will open a fresh invoice of COUNTERPANES. Honeycomb Counterpanes, fresh goods, $1.50. Honeycomb Counterpanes, largest size, $1.50. Hone* s9iub {ftun'wpaues, two putterasi Honeycomb Counterpanes, best quality, $1 50. AHaudale Counterpanes, good size, $1.25. 4 Atlandale Counterpanes, largest size, $1.50. Lancaster Counterpanes, these are heavy, $1.50. Marseilles Cc unterpanes, as low as $2. Just opened, a fresh lot of Richardgou’g SiitttUg, suitable for family, use and shirt'fronts—they are the cheapest linens made*, the lowest number is 87# cents, and from that up. Several patterns of hand-loom Table Linen at 62#, which are better than anything in the market at the money. A full line of Shirting and Sheet ing Mußlins. at the reduced prices. GRANVILLE B. HATNES, ap7-3t No, 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. pLOTHS, CASSIMERES. Goods for Boys’Jackets. • • • • Pants. ** for Mono’ ■ ■ for LadieS’ Cloaks. LINEN GOODB. Barnsley Table Linens. Damask Napkins and Towels. Small Figured Damask Goods. Good Stout Irish Linens. Diapers Birdeye, Pillow Linens. DRKSS GOODS. Shepherd’s Plaids. Plain and Figured Mohairs. Plain and Figured Popiinetts. Delaines and Uhallies, 0,000 yftvds bfcw Prints, 12#c. SPRING CLOAKS. Opening dally new Cloaks. Medium length and short Sacques. COOPER A CONARD, ftps Southeast corner NINTH and MARKET. -VTEW SPUING PRINTS, IV CHOtOK STYLK9., gPBAOUR, PACIFIC, ALL TWBLYK AND A HALF CENTS. A leurg. lot beat style, and fart color, at 10c. COWFRRTHWAIT A CO., mblS-tf H. W. cor. EIGHTH and MARKET BU. CLOAKS, PALATOTES AND MAN TILL AS.—Ladles In want of tho above article, will find it to their advantage to visit the old established house of Mrs. lIENBY, No. 38 Nmth NINTH Street, below ARCH. The latest Paris Styles always on hand at prices that astonish everybody. apl-Hm New cloak store! The most elegant assortment in the city. No. 29 South NINTH Street, mh26-8m First door above Chestnnt. /"ILOAKS.—If you want the beat value V_/ for yonr money, go to tbe City Cloak Store. 142 North EIGHTH Street* above Cherry. mh26«3m PATRONIZE REIMER’S GALLE BY* SECOND Street* above Green* and it will fol low* as tbe night tbe day* the certainty of being pleased with Lis Colored Photograph* for $l. IN TBE PRESENT DEARTH OF news, it will be agreeable to leant that life-size Pho tographs in Oil are made at BEIM ER’S Gallery, SECOND Stmti SN’re 0» p fii fit reduced yyiCMi It* BROOMCORN, HANDLES, TWINE, Ac.: Broome, Rackets, Ac., for sale by G. B. BLAUSION, Commission MsceiWßis fato-dm fifi fivoth WATER Mm* RETAIL DRY ROODS. E. M. NEEDLES COMMISSION HOUSES. J rxVwAY HEUSSNEK, & CO.. IMPORTERS OF CLOTHS, DOESKINS, CAS3IMERJS3, AC., AC., OFFER THEIR VERY LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHS, DOESKINS, &<?., Of these celebrated Manufacturers: EKCKENS, (Little Ticket;) JOHANNY, SEVERS, It SCHMIDT, (S. & M.,) Ann man, athara, at CONSIDERABLY' REDUCED PRICES. No. 20tt CHESTNUT STREET. (jARPETINGS; OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. WOLFF. & 00., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 132 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. O" A full assortment of Philadelphia-mad* Carpet, always in Store. apl-Im gHIPLEY. HAZA.KD, * HUTCHINSON, No. 112 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS roR THR SAI.E OR PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mh2R 6m -JELLING, coffin, & CO., S2O CHESTNUT STKBST, Agent, for the feilewlßK mftkeil ot g9oda i PRINTS. DUNNELL MFG. CO GREENS MFG. 00. LAWNS. DUNNELL MFfl. 00. BLEACHED - COTTONS. Lonriale, Foreetdale, Auburn, SlaterßTiUe, Oentredale, Jamoatewn, Blockstono, Hop«, Red Bank, Dorchester, Newburypart, Z6U&V4, BuHon, Greene Mfe. Go.’, A. A., B. A., 0. A., and other stylet BROWN COTTONS. Burnside, Trent, Groton, Ashland, Chestnut, Gtenyiltof Jtteohanfod* and Farmers’* CORSET JEANS.—Glasgow, Manchester. DENIMS AND STRIPES.—Grafton, Jewett City, Madison, SlatersviUe, Agawam, Keystone, Choctaw. CANTON FLANNELS.—SlatersviUe, Agawam, BILESIA&—Smith’B, Social W, L9D9fiale Qg, WOOLENS. ARMY DLUE CLOTHS, KERSEYS, and FLAN NELS. BBOAD CLOTHS.—Plunkettß*, Glenham Co., do. OABSIMEBE9.—Gay A Son, Saxten’a River, &c. SATINETS.— Bobs River, Oonvorßville, Lower Val ley, Hope, Staffordville, Converse and Hyde, Gonvone Bros. A Co., Shaw Mfg. Co. KENTUCKY JEANS.—Rodman, Mystic, GoldMedaL D6MET PLAnnbIs.—WILLIAMS’S Angola, Sax ony, Merino, and other styles: LONSDALE Nankeens and Colored Cambrics. PLAID LIN9EYS. COTTONADE3, Ac. ffcSQ^m WHOLESALE HOUSES. AND 54-INCH SKY-BLUE KERSEYS. BUPERMNE INDIGO-BLUE SATINETS, BLACK CADET AND OXFORD Do. PRINTED Do, in variety. BLACK AND FANCY MIXED DOESKINS. FANCY CABSIMERES AND HELTONS. » STORK, AKD TOR SALK BT JOSEPH LEA, feiO-U; 199 AND 130 CHESTNUT STREET TRIMMINos. RADIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS. Wo invite tho attention of buyers to our large and woll.selccted stock of LADIES’ DRESS AND MANTILLA, Together with a good line of STAPLE THIMMIN^S, BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, PRUSSIA BINDING 3, WORSTED SKIRT BRAIDS, GIRDLES, TASSELS, SILK EMBROIDERING BRAID, FANCY SILK BUTTONS, BELTINGS, BUGLE GIMP AND BUTTONS, VELVET RIBBONS, CHENILLE SILK HEAD BETS, ETC., ETC., ETC. The goods being of onr own manufacture and importa tion, ve can offer them at the very lowest prices. WM. H. HORSTMANN & SONS, mh2s.tutluialm FIFTII AND CHERRY STS. FINANCIAL. PROFITABLE AND SAFE INVESTMENT. UNITED STATES 6 PER CENT LOAN 9 PftJJßblft 111 ONE YEA.II, in Huina of $1,665 ami $5,010, for sale. 7 3-10 TREASURY NOTES For sale at a DISCOUNT. Quaitermaster’a vouchers and receipts wanted at low rates. Onc-year certificates delivered at ouce for receipts. DREXEL & CO. apB-5t QUARTERMASTBBS’ VOUCHERS. CHECKS RECEIVED THEREFROM, WANTED. AMERICAN GOLD WANTED. DREXEL & Co. <P£ AAA AND $l,BOO TO LOAN ON <PU»vI/v Mortgage or City property. 0. KINGS TON MoCAY* 427 WALNUT Street. ap7-3t* (PO AAA A GOOD MILITARY tP/WyUv Vs business for sale. Address “ Box 123* P. 0” ap7-3t* ([Jin CAA—THIS AMOUNT TO IN tP lUjtH/v* VE6T in one or two Securities* as a permanent investment. Apply to E. PETITT* mh26 No. 309 WALNUT Street. fI?Q OAA OLD MORTGAGE FOR tJ)t/jOvv* SALE, on a valuable farm iu Montgo mery Also, a number of first-class city Mort gages and Ground Bents, of different amounts, at a dis count Apply to E. PETTIT, mh7-tf No. 309 WALNUT Street. ©K AT|A AND $4,000. —Several sums jpcJjVv/V of these amounts to Invest in good Mort gage Securities. Apply to . ALFRED FILLER, Conveyancer, »ps.6t* No. 61 North SIXTH Street. eOA AAA TO INVEST IN FIRST VV Mortgage Securities, in sums of $5,000 each. Apply to P. A. MITCHELL, ap6-3t* 134 South Tglltn Street. ■DRUSHEfe I > AND BLACKSMITHS’ BELLOWS, KEMBLE & VAN HORN, mb2o-3m No. 331 MARKET Street, Philada riHARLES 9. CAHSTAIRB, V 126 WALNUT fitreat* and 21 GRANITE Street* Offers for sale Cognac and Rochelle Brandies, of different brands. CUret Wine in casks and cases. Madeira Wine in quarters and octaves. Sherry Wine do do Fort and Burgundy Port in quarters and octaves. All in bonded wardhaiiM. mhQB-tf H/TONUMENTS AND GRAVE ijjL STONES at very reduced prices at Marble Works of A STEINMETZ, RIDGE A venae, below Eleventh Street mhl3-3mif QOLDIERB* SEAMEN’S, AND Wl kj DOWS’ PENSIONS, Pay, Bounty, Priae Money, Ac,* procured by JOHN H. FRICK, Pension Agent, No tary Public, and Commissioner Tor the States, 223 BOOK Street Bosidtncc, LINDEN Street, GERMANTOWN. TASSPOHTd OBTAINED. apu-flt* LADIES’ TRUSSES, SUPPORT EBS, BRACES, and other Mechanical Appliance., of correct construction and cosy to the wearer. Rot sal. and adjustment at O. H. NEEDLES’ LADIES’STORE, TW ELFTH Street, first door below Race. Gentlemen raiuiriug'BuDtani Trnum will call at th( gontbweet corner TWELITH and BAUE, where O. H. N. given attention to thi. vnecialteature. mhM.Bmlf Tortoise shell.—a few boxes of Tortoise Sholl for sale by JAURBTOHE A LAVERGNI. fail 202 and 201 South FROST Street. Eresb roll BUTTER, EGGS.&o., received daily at B. Z. GOTTWALB', No. 812 BPBING GARDEN afreet. mh2C< -U IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. JJAZLETT, LATHKOP, & LYONB, No. 414 HARKET and 409 MERCHANT STREETS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF ENGLISH, FRENCH, AND GERMAN FANCY GOODS. WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, OLDYKB, HO SIERY, LACES, TRIMMINGB, RIBBONS, COMBS, BRUSHES, Ac., Ara now opening and receiving a new and choice atock In the above line, to which attention of buyers is In- Tltcd- mh29-!m DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. 1862. sfring. 1862. BIEGED, BAIRD. & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS or DRY GOODS. NO. 47 NORTH THIRD STREET. racuDELPaii. Merchants visiting thia city to purchase Dry Goods will find our Stock large and admirably assorted, and at Low Fiqures. In certain olasses of Goods we offer inducements to purchasers unequalled by any other house in Philadelphia. mhlS-Sm 1862. spbinci. 1862. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. J. 11. CAMPIIELL Sa CQ a No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE NOW IN STORE, LINES OF CHOICE GOODS, TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF OASH BUYERS. WHITE GOODS—In all their Varieties. LINENS—AII qualities and best makes. TABLE DAMASKS—Napkins and Doylies. L. C. HDKFS—Towels and Toweling. GINGHAMS—Super, Fancy agd SqUd Ohcdil, LAWNS—Now and Choice Styles. ORGANDIES, and Faria Printed Jaconets. DRESS GOODS—In very desirable styles. BLACK SlLKS—Choice Brands. FLANNELS—Of the best makes. BLEACHED GOODS—A full line. PRlNTS—American and English. CHINTZES, BRILLIANTES PERCALES. TOGETHER WITH MANY OTHER GOODS, ADAPTED TO FiftST-CLASS TBADB, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE OFFEBKD AT DOW PRICES. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, * CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP DRY GOODS, KoSi 239 and 241 N. THIRD STREET, ABOVE BACK, PHILADELPHIA, Have now open their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK or FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Among which will be found a more than usually attrac tive variety of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS; Also, a full assortment of MERRIMACK AND OOCHECO PRINTS, and PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. To which they invito the special attention of buyers. mh2l-2m : . - • • • BUNDS AND SHADES. JgLIJS'DS AND SHADES. B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NORTn SIXTH STREET, MANUFACTURER OF VENETIAN BLINDS WINDOW SHADES. The largest and finest assortment in tho City at the LOWEST PRICES. Bepairing promptly attended to. ap3-3oa CHEAP BLINDS. —GEORGE W. ZIMMERMAN, Venetian Blind Manufacturer, No. 136 North SECOND, above Arch street. Old Blinds repainted and trimmed, or taken in ex change. Give me a call. apo-dt if CENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS QEOKGE GRANT, MAHUFAGTUBEB OF AND DEALER IN GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, No. 610 CHESTNUT STEEET. mh2o»3m JTLANNEL OVER-SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. FINE. SHIRTS. COLLARS, STOCKS, AND WRAPPERS. It W. W. KNIGHT’S. NO. 606 ABOH STREET. VT A foil USe ol TIES, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY, AND UNDERCLOTHING, Always on band, mbs 3nrif Fine shirt manufactory. The subscriber would invite attention to hie IMPROVED CUT Of SHI BTS, Which he makes a specialty in hia bosinese. Alio, eoi» FOB GENTLEMEN'S WEAK. J. W. SCOTT. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, So. U 4 CHESTNUT STEEET, jtP-ff Tonr doors below the Continental. _____ ““ 1 “EXCELSIOR” HAMS are the Best in THE WORLD. J. H. MIOHENER & Go., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, And curort of tbs Gslobratsd "EXCELSIOR” sugar-cured hams, Nor. 142 and 144 North TEONT Street, Between Are A and Rate street*, Philadelphia. The justly<celebrated “EXCELSIOR” HAMS are cured by J. H. M. A Co., (in a style peculiar to them selves,) expressly for FAMILY USE; are of delicious flavor; free from the unpleasant taste of salt, and are pronounced by epicures superior to any now offered for sale. apl-3m THE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY Have reopened and refitted a BRANCH OFFICE IN WILLARD'S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. O. This company is prepared to accommodate the guests of thatbouße, and the public, with every Telegraphic facility. Communication direct with BALTIMORE, . PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, And all Telegraphic Stations iu the loyal Btatoa GENERAL Of EICE, No. 433 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. W. P. WESTERVELT, mhlfi-lm A DAMANTINE CANDLES.—A job u\. lot or old Adamantine Candles, in store and for iiili by RHODES A WILLIAMS, mhlf 107 Sonth WATER Street STR AN GEES, for Hair- Cutting Sham pooinor. and Bathing, should r*o ta FOURTH*. and BRANCH Streets. 6^>.lftf J|R. LIGHTHILL’3 NEW WOBK. ITS CAUSES AND PREVENTION. Bit E. BUNFORD LIGHTHILL, M. D., with Illustrations. Ore elegant 12mo, cloth hound. Frice 50 cent.. The deplorable degree of ignorance existing among the general public la regard to matters concerning this highly valuable organ, has ccnvinced the author that a popular work on the sutycct would be of immense value, and he has endeavored in this little volume to lUftsemtyAtp, ja plain ami simple language, a perfect knowledge of the causes which produce deafness, and the moans best cal di lated for its prevention. ***• Sent by mail on receipt of SO tv»nt*. CARLETON, Publisher, (late Rudd A Carle ton)* No. 4 f 3 BROADWAY, corner Lispormrd street, ■»h27.ths«i6t New York. DR. GUTHRIE’S NEW BOOK— TDK WAY TO Lirß. By liev. Dr. Outline. *l. THE HISTORY AND TIIEOKI OF ItKVULU TIONS. ll>- liev. Joseph Clark. 75 eta. WASHINGTON A CHRISTIAN. By Bev. T. W. J. Wylie, D. D. 26 eta. For Sab* by WILLIAM B. A ALFREt, MARTIKN, »p5-tr 606 CHESTNUT Street. TUSsT PUBLISHED. t/ “THE BIBLE HEADER,’' THE “WORD METHOD” APPLIED TO THE This wotk is constructfed npon the principle familiar to many ttacheifl aa the »t Word Mumon ” kU mentary hooks on -his plan are in extensive use iii this country and in England. By ft. the child or adult is in troduced, at once, to the knowledge of icords as aigns of ideas, in&trad of acquiriug a knowledge of letters as the elements of u'ords. Id the proper use of this method, a competent knowledge Of tllO Aft Of ft*ftf!iUg CAU Lfi by c!ii|'lr«n or adults in a very few daj p, or weeks a most; and the ad vantage of it is specially obvious for ad nits, who have neither time nor patience to endure the tedious and seem ingly useless process of alphabetical and monosyllable in struction which is usually adopted. “THE BIBLE READER'* is published lu a cheap fonm for gonaral uim Rt 16 ceiiU. The TABLET*, which are of use in leaching large classes, may be had in sheets for 4 cents each, or on cardß for 17 cents each. A Circular, explaining and illustrating the prin ciple, and containing tho opinions of etnineat teachers and philologists, will be forwarded upon post-paid ap plication. •ST SamploH of tho Book and TnMuri will nlsc ba fur nished by mail to teachers —especially of Mission and Adult Schools —who will remit fifteen cents lor payment of postage. Published and for sale by the American Sunday-School Union, No. 1122 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, and 690 BROADWAY; New York. ftfrO-St COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. Notice is hereby given, That tho partnerahip lately Riiluiuttng SAMUEL J.LKVICKand JOSEPH SAUNDERS,uoder the firm of LKVICK & S.VUNDER3, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. Either of the undersigned is authorized to use the name of the firm in liuuvlation. The business will be settled by SAMUEL J. LEVICK, at QUAKKRTOWN. Pa. JOSEPH SAUNDERL Qu&kortown, 4th month. 7th, 3562. apS-St^ PORT RICHMOND IRON WORKS, —COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—JOHN H. TOWNE, formerly of the firm of Merrick & Towno, has become a member of fhe firm pf I, p, MORRIS A CO., to take effect from and after the Ist of January, 1862. Isaac P. Morris withdraws from active participa tion in the conduct of the business. The title of the new firm is I. P. 5108R13, TOWNS* M 00. ISAAC P. MORRIS, HWJSTAWSi JOHN J. THOMPSON* fell JOHN H. TOWN®. POPARTNERBHIP NOTICE.—IB - BAFIj HOBBIS this day retires from onr firm, fill BODBi THEODORE H. MORRIS &fid FREDERICK W. MOBBXS, are admitted as partners j and the busl aew will be continued as heretofore. HOBBIS* WHKELXB, A GO., Iron Merchant., 1608 MABKET Street. Philadelphia, Dec. 31,|84£. Estate of william binder DECEASED. tfO'tiCE.—Letters testamentary on the estate ef WIL LIAM BINDER, deceased, having been duly granted to the undersigned, all perrons indebted to said estate will B«ke payment, and those having claims will matte known the same, without delay, to JACOB BINDER, GEO. A. BINDER, April 7i ]BC«> Executors, apS-tuSt* 8. E. ror. SIXTH and OXFORD Streets. QUPREMJG COURT, EASTERN DIS- O TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. January Term, 2862. No. 26. In Eunlty. GROVE TB, In pursuance of a decree of the Supreme Court of PeDDSj Ivflnia in and for the Eastern district, made in the above cause, the undersigned will sell at public sale, at the Exchange, tn the city of Philadelphia, on TUES DAY* the 29th day of ApiiLlS62,flt IQ n’&tafik, iwsn, the following-described estate, property, rights, and.frau cbists, late belonging to the Barclay Railroad ana Coal Company, to nit: No. 1. AH that tract or body of coal lauds situate in the township of Franklin, in tho county of Bradford nnd Slate of Funnaylufluia, C6»lftlniiig alta-MLer 2,455 acrea ami allowance, bounded by lands surveys < In the war rantee names of Andrew Graydoo, .Tames Shoemikor, William Gray, John Graff, Thomas Hundos, James Bid dle, John Barron, Jr., Andrew Tybout, Peter Edge, George Edge, and Samuel Edge. Being composed of six contiguous tracts of laud sur veyed in the warrantee names of James Cox, William Hall, William GoTet, Joanna Curry, Aaron. Levy, and Jacob Hilt/.hfeimer. of which about 209 acfbß are im proved land. On this tract No. 1 aro the Barclay Uoal Mines, yielding a superior Quality of semi* bituminous coal, and the works,, fixtures, and apparatus fop mining coal. Also* fort}-one Dwelling-Houses, and other buildings and Improvements. No. ft Al*o,the Railroad constructed by, anti hitherto belonging to, the said Company, 1623-100 miles fcleugth, extending from the Coal Mines on No. 1 to the North Branch Canal at Towanda, In the said couuty of Brad ford, with Inclined P1&8I, Plftße House, and Axlnres) three water stations* sidings, and lmids appurtenant to the said Railroad, with the right of way, and with all corporate rights, powers privileges, and immunities and franchises heretofore belonging to or vested in the said CompKny. Oi & Alsoi alt thoie adjoining Loti or nieces of Land situate at the terminus of said Railroad, iu Towaada aforesaid, bounded by the Susquehanna river on the east, Elizabeth street on the north, a lot of Tracy and Moore on the south, and on tho west by an allev, Main street, and lots of Job Kirby, J. A. Record, E. Overton, James Harris, and Thomas Elliott, containing 14)j aerts, jjwfg or lees,{with a water Basin, trestle, and fixtures for Snip ping Coal,Engine House, Turn-table, Office, Burn, Lime Kiln, and the improvements thereon. No. 4. Also another lot or piece of land situate at Towsnda, aforesaid, on the aforesaid railro id, bounded l>y Tracy and Moore’s lot on the north, (which separates it from lot Ifo. 3;) by land of Gordon F. Mason on tho west and south, and by the Susquehanna River on the east, containing 10 acres of laud, more or loss. The terms of snte will lie as follows : Nos. 1 and 2 will be sold together, subject to a first mortgage thereon exe cuted by tho said Company to Patrick Brady aud Isaac K, J’ftyißi tnißtff-ei for CDViOWi wilh interest thereon at 7 per cent, from September Ist, 1857, Nos. 3 and 4 will be sold separately, aud dear of incum brance. $5OO will be required to be paid in cadi at the time of sale on Nos. 1 and 2, and $250 each on No*. 3 and 4, and the balance of purchase money on the confirma tion of the sale by tho Court. HSppSb, CHARLES W. BEBESFORP, Iff. THO MAW & SONS, Auctioneers. apB-tuAfist TO THE V I S EASE D OF ALL CLASSES. EXPRESSION FROM THE FOUNDER OF THIS .NEW DItCOVERY, PBOF, 5, JJ, JWMIKB. More than two thousand invalids have been cured by Prof. BOLLES, at his Institute, 1220 WALNUT Streot, Philadelphia, fn less than threo years, and thirty persona have been permanently cured of old long-standing chronic diseases Iu twelve days, many of wltose certificates are published daily, for the good of humanity. Ft of. Bolles IlißYfefdl'is IS not compelled to publish old far-brought cer tificates, but is daily publishing testimonials of tho most satisfactory and reliable character, and all of Uda city. apl-l2t Another cure of paraly sis or THE LOWER LIMBS (DABAPLEOYV AND APOPLEXY COMBINED. READ THE FOLLOWING: Philadelphia. March 31,1862. Professors BoLi.ks and Adams, 1220 Walnut Btreet. Gents. : The remarkable cure which I have derived lrcm your method of applying ELECTRICITY, ajm&Bte me to thin acknowledge (lie great obligations I am un der to you for snatching me, as it were, from an imme diate death. About two years ago, while a resilient of Cincinnati, Ohio, I was visited with an attack of para lyses of the lower extremities, which rendered me almost £UtjFt-ly ÜB&bli to stinJ upon my limbs. I employed some of the most celebrated physicians to be ionnd in that section, but received no apparent benefit, aud after a lapse of about eighteen months was taken with a spasm, which one of my physicians pronounced a fit of apoplexy. Two weeks elapsed from that time before I became the least /medians of anything tliU had IfAbs pired, nor could I concentrate my rniud or converse upsn any subject without becoming very visionary and ex cittd, until I placed myself under your valuable treat ment. While In Ohio, and after my friends, my family, and myself had fonakeii all hopes of my improvement At* re covery, my w ife proposed that a visit to the East might possibly benefit me, and after consulting with our phy sician on tho sub,ect, obtained bis consent and approval. After my arrival in Philadelphia my attention was called to your treatment by a pamphlet banded me by my father, which contained the names of eojn? gentlemen whom ! bad been formerly acquainted, with, and whoss statements I could rely upon. I immediately made up my mind to place mysolf under your treatment. I have new been the recipient of four treatments, aud 1 now feel perfectly satisfied that I am restored to a sound con dition, And I therefore feel it my duty to gratefully ttfkwwMsc the benefits which I liavo receive! through your treatment. QTEVENS HOUSE, IO (LATE DELMONICO’S.) So. !S BEOiJWAY, HEW TOBK. Five minutea' walk from Fall Biver koat landing, Chambera street, and foot of Cortland atroot. mh2B 3m GEO. W, STEPHENS, Proprietor. The bT. louis, CHESTNUT STREET, BETWEEN THIBD AND FOURTH, PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned having leased,for a term of years, thic popular house, have the pleasure of announcing to their friends, and the travelling community, that it is now open for tho reception Of guests. The li6Ua4, since tbt first of March last, has been entirely renovated and re fitted, in a superior mauner ; the apartments are large, well ventilated, and furnished in modern style. It If centrally located, convenient to all the depots and steam’ boat landings, aud in the immediate vicinity of the On* tom House, Tost Office, and the Corn Exchange. Uoiihected with tho Hotel la ft A U RANT for the accommodation of those preferringthe EUROPEAN PLAN. Price! of rooms from THREE TO SEVEN DOLLARS per week, according to location. Board $1.50 per day. Table d’Hote for merchants and business men, trom 1 to 3 I*. Bi. _______ J3RNBY NEIL. tnhß’lmif ISAAC L> DEVON. A CARD.— THE UNDERSIGNED. late of the GIBABD HODS*, Philadelphia, W Baaed, for • term of years, WILLARD’S HOTEL, b They ***• this to nfera to tttb 4d friends and customers many thanks tor past favort *ad beg to assure them that they will be most happy b ee them fn their new quarters. SYKES, CHADWICK, * 00. WitsisaMl, July li ltfiL auM-lv Superintendent. □ HOVELS AND SPADES. O GEO3GE HALFMAB, imronotnana, ■ TOBHXB OF BREAD AND QTJARBT BTBBB’ .. ! art- tote W 4 Soao® s *94 W. i WEW PUBLICATIONS. Just Published: A POPULAR TREATISE DEAFNESS* SAMUEL J, LKVIOIC, LEGAL. ItAItCLAY RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY, and others. MEDICINAL. Very respectfully, yours, Ac., 'WILLIAM H. SHAIK, No lIP South Twentieth street. HOTELS. AMUSEMENTS. T|TALNUT=3TBEIT thbatbe— YY NINTH an* WALNUT Btra*B. Sole Leuee. MRS. M. A. OABRETTSON. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, April 8, The performance will commenre with CAMILLE CMnlliDiMivi CharlotteTbompnon. Arroan* Duval ....Hr. Edwin Adam*. The performance will conclude with A KISS IN THE DAItK. Selim Pettiboue. Mrs Peltihone. I’MOIB—MI iffji'i TBi and 2A rant*! Prlrat* BoiWt SB and S 3, according to their locale. CHAP GE OF TIME. Doora open at 7 o’clock Tn conmienoe at Ijj. GONTINENTAL theatre. ANOTHER NEW DRAMA!! Moral and Instructive. TUEBDaY EVKNIKG, April 3, 1962- Aml until fmiher nnHce, uill be presented the entirely TH'uthne.HCt I R I>' H DRAMA! entitled "Tint maoahtiiy'" or, tub tbkp o' The Mncarthy Mr. J» B. rftudley. Alufk Percell.. Mr. P. Anderson. Murphy Miss Blanche Qbaptnan. Ti/TRS. JOHN DREW’S XV-L ABUH-&TBKJCT THKATRKe Acting fitagfl Manager W, 9. FttJSDBMdKS. Rnsiness Agent and Treasurer JOS D. MI7RPHT. MONI»AY AND TUESDAY, AI»RIL 7 AND 6. 1882; Tbhtvvhth Weak <>f Thirteenth Week of JOHN DREW’S JOHN DREW’S BRILLIANT ENGAGEMENT. SECOND WBRK >F TIIE NEW IRl§| DRAMA, CBOtiOOBE-NA.BIDHOOEi Or, the Foster Brother. WITH ITS GORGEOUS SCENERY Andy IJonlahan, the FoHtcr Urother.... Cornelius Field, alias Crohoore-na-DU hftjje.... Be tils can be gtotirod for Mr. John Drew’a roproiMiU tirria three days in advance. Doom open at 7 o’clock; performance commences at 7# precisely. CION CERT HALL. 1 A MILL of the Battalion of SAC NURBS’ GA i) ktt*, toui f ,ht"«ijttir ? to fhfjr Hilftwry Instructor, Major ft. XCKENDriRFFt will taku pltiru cm TttuHA DAY KVEMKfI, April 17th. Tickets 00 rente. No extra charge for reserved Keats, apl-!6t# A SSEMBLY BUILDINGS. X*- CAPTAIN' ERICSSON'S KAJnora BTJAM JtVTTKRV twtfKTOK will l» shown EVERY EVENING PUKING TIIK WKKK, commencing MONPAY t APJtfL 7, Together with other NEW VIEWS And all the MAGKIFinjWT B'JKNKS of INDIA »ml tbeCIiKAT 3Bi*b¥ KififißliLlON. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY APTBttNOOSS, iiKßit engklke’s UNEIVALLED OitfHESTRA Will perform choice Gems of Mn-ic, Including our ovra NA CION'AL AIRS. The wbcle forming an Un&» quailed for BEAUTY, BBIM.IANCY, and EFffEOT. Admission 25 cents. Six tickets, $l. Children, 19 cents. Commence at 8 and 3 o’clock PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY 0? THU FIHK A&T& is now closed, but will reopen on MONDAY, the 28th in**. apS-tf Germania orchestra. OABIi SBNTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC BEHEAUSAL3 evorj SATUKHA.V, At 3if t'clMk P. M., hi tht MUSICAL FPK& BALL. Package ef Sight Tickets, ; Single Tickois, ‘Jo eta. To be had at Andre’s, 1104 Chestnut street, J. K. Qimld’a, Seventh and Chestnut* am! at the door of tVe Hall. oc' EDUCATIONAL. TREEMOUNT SEMINARY, Norris town, Pa., for YOUNG MSN aod BOTH.—The situation is high and healthy, and the ground* contain ton acres. The SUMMER SESSION commences April 8. Fur circulars, address mlilamths.&t JOHN W. LOOII. PflMhutl. Family boarding SCHOOL FOB YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, AT POTTS TOWN. Montgomery county. Pa. This Institution wns established eleven years since, br foftnerly PreftjdentoF JMaware College : and baa been uniformly favored with a high degree of public confidence, and a generous support. Tbe ensuing Summer season will commence on WED NESDAY, May 6th, and continue twenty-one we*ks. OircnJarp, containing testimonial , references, and full Baiticnl&rsi will lie fnrniabed od application, tn ap2 9t REV. Mr MKIGS, A. M, Principal. /OXFORD FEMALE SEMINARY, V-/ Oxford, Chester county, Pa. In a healthful, and easily accessible location, it affords advantages for a thorough and MlKallco, Thu course of study includes tiie Oruamentol Branches and moat of the solid branches taught in our colleges. The next Session will open MAY 7, x 362. For circulars, ad dross Miss H. BAKER, Principal. mhl3-lm wmm* A LADY WISHES A HOME in a family, or with a single Udy, to assist in light housework and sewinc; or is willing to travel. Addiess **C. L. S., ,J office of The Press, ,, apS*'2t* A PHYSICIAN, residing five miles from tbe city, about retbing from practice altoge ther, is desirous of leaving some worthy practitioner its Ins moat prosperous field of practice. Inquire of H. N. GUERNSEY, 14bl ARCH street, between the boUra of 3 and i I*. M. »p6-iuvf" WANTED— A Salesman in a Hat and Cap Home that can Influence a rinla and Ohio Cash at.rl Bhort-cr*</i»t On* «c -'lUftjnifd with tbebusinsss prWvrredi Aiiiirew Da a 2113 i Thilodeiptun r, o, Communications will be ettictly con fidential. aptKß* AAA —WANTED, A PARTNER tj) l with this anoonnt of cash, in a safe »nd iespei/lable bnaineia. Darin* lures [roflt». gsriisltr sired, if required, on inrestmtirf. An hornet. actire business man required. Inquire of E, PETTIT. 3r» WALNUT Street. It* 8 UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wimteir to Hip PniW States Kurina florin, for sea service aboard of men-of-war, 87SYERAL HUN DRED ABLE-BODIED MEtf, hutwoen tbe ageff of eighteen and forty years. Young me& from the conn try nut less than & feut 4# Inches high/ who shall paw the medical examination, and enlist, will receive thro# cents per mile for the distance travelled incoming to tht Rendezroiw, at Mi South Street, below Spruoe, Philadelphia, Or at 10Sf MARKET Street, '^Mmtngtou r Delaware. All other information that may be re quired will be given. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, aps-12t and Recruiting Officer. WANTED— A Sitaatum as Sitlesui&a, by a young man, who has been eugaged in tho Hardware business for fifteen years—part of the time iu this city ] has a Surge and valuable acquaintance In Mis souri, Illinois, and Kentucky. Address box 3043, St. Louis Poet Office. ttps-12l* WANTED. —An experienced Sales man wishes a situation In w wholesale or retail dry-goods store, either iu Philadelphia or the country. Address *• LEONARD,” Press Office. ap2-6t* WANTED TO RENT—A Houiw HM with the modern Improvements, located on AROH street, between Tenth aad' (Sixteenth streets; rent not to exceed $6OO per annun>r Address ** A. B. C.,” at She office of The Press. ap 7-4i* fi\—_ WANTED. ■ — 500 good work /O \ horses wauled jmt»odiate!y, Apply at the Ohio House, West Philadelphia, Pa. np~-6t* GTO.W, FITZWATER. £jv_ DEPUTY QUARTERMASTER j£tS- OKNKSAL’S OFFICE, run.AiMcnvuTA, 4th April, 1862. 500 TEAM HOBBES wanted immediately. They must be eound, free from blemish, well trained to work, not less than hands bigh ? and from six to eight y eaj-f »*e. Apply at the WILLIAM PENN HOTEL, West Phi ladelphia, Fn. (Signed,.) A. BOYD, aps-6t oRpt. aud A Q*. ftf , U. 8. A. DEPUTY QUARTiSRMAS SC3SS TER GENERAL’S OFFICE, PinnADKLPiH.u April 3. 1862. WANTED IMMEDIATELY — Vobbcls to load with Coal for Fort Monroe, Ya. A. BOYD, »p4-if ffartftln mnl A, Q, M, DEPUTY QUARTERMAS TER GENERAL’S OFFICE, Pwir,a dr i. niiA, April 3,1862. WANTED IMBIEDIAI ELY—Vessels to toad with Coal for Alexandria, Va. A. BOYD, w Ap4-lf Oftplftlu A. M. FOR MALE AND TO LET. FOR SALE OR TO RENT- —An ■a elegant Country Residence, delightfully situated w» the summit of CiIESTNUY HILL. The house it iff complete order, contains all the modern conveniences, gaa tiitl water throughout, and is within a few minutes* walk, of the Railroad Decot. The yard is large, haudsomely laid out, aud is well shaded. Will be sold on easy terms or will Lfc reiittd to ft good teisast for oue vr Hikc yean^ Apply to ALFRED H. ALLEN, »pB-3t# 436 WALNUT Street. gjfe FOR SALE—-A Handsome doable ■ciThree-Btory Brick Dwelling, back bu;]dto^s r abd lot of grounJ, at the norllieasl comer of Vv ALLACE awl NINETEENTH Streets; 37 feet 8 inches front by 105 feet deep; finished with all the modern conveniences. Terniß eccommodating. Immediate pnsiesslon given. Aprlyto A. B. CARVER A 00., ap7*6l# S. W. cor. of NINTH nml FILBERT Sis. TO PHYSICIANS.—The Dwelling, JL Library, Surgical Instruments, etc., of a Pbyslclao of large practice, lately deceared, situated in a large busi ness town in the country, could be purchased if applied or soon. The practice is still kept up.' Apply at 153$ GREEN Street. apkftt* jgp, TO LET AT A LOW RENT— UPiI Thu largo Dwelling 620 LOOUST Street, opposite Waßhiiigton S«inare, Tupuly-sorcn Rooms, suitable for, and long occupied as, a BOABDING UOUSK Has aluni s done a inrito and profUabln liraineM, g, KINGSTON HcOAV, i-27 WAIjSU r Street. ap3 6t* BOARDING. BOARDING. —Desirable Rooms for FIKMH.9, IP Slbgle, Street. apS-it* SPRUCE STREET.—Communi eating Rooms, with Board, for married or single grniltmi'Di Bnrerences f XGintngetL npB a# BOARD WANTED, by a gentleman, in a plain, neat, respectable, small family, between Third and Fightli and Chestnut and Pine. An, gen tie in an or widow lady haying aparo room can addraaa «ItaHts Agaiti," uulil 12 a'elseu, Tuesdg}', April Ist, Philadelphia V. O. rohSl INSURANCE COMPANIES. INCE company, Street. IND INSURANCE* 3TORS. Fame insura N*o. m OHKSTNHt g FIRE AND INLA. DIREO E. D. Woodruff, John Router, Jr., P. S. Justice, Waul)i»gton JonMi Ghas. Stoftea, John W. ltannaa. K, President. i EPSON i Vice President ARPy Secretary. r. N. Buck, Olihb. Richardson, Heiiry Lewis, Jr., Alex. Wliilklin, Geo. A. West, O. W. Davis, FRANCIS N. BUG) CHABLKS BICHA WILLIAMS I. BLANCHE PIOMMONWEAJ.Y \J BANCK COMPANY. PBNNSYLVANf.A. DIBYCTOBB. ' David Jayne., *. D., Charles H. Bogan, John M. W uiul] , j o j, u K w»Bta». Edward fj. Kblght, Boberi Shoewoker, Thomv. s. Stewart, William Struthers, Heary Lewie, Jr., Elijah Jrnaa. DAVID JAYNE, M D., President. . JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice PreeidwL ’SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, CniBHCEWSMIt BdUding, ttt3 GHE9INO* dtreet. Philailelphia. eot- if H SARDINES.—A very superior brand O for sal, by CHARLES S. C ARSTAIBB, bp* I*6 walnut a&ANiiEstrwt. Mr. Viniog Bowen. UIhN. Johnson. Mr. John Draw. Mr. Frank Prow, ‘H YIRE INBU , OF THE STATE 0»