The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 01, 1862, Image 3
t!ITY ITEMS. Another JLarge Meeting in Behalf of the ttvHliere Another very large and interesting meeting in behalf of the moral, intellectual, and spiritual wants of the s >l* diere was held in the First Reformed Batch Church, comer of Seventh and opting Garden streets, on Sunday evening. The spacious edifice was jilted, as of yore, be fore the congregation worshipping there'' was rent with infernal strife and ecclesiastical rebellion* The services on this occasion were conducted by the Rev, Dr. Fisher, who, we understand, now temporarily occupies the pul pit of that church* The exercises were comnienced at 7% o'clock by ringing a hymn, reading the Scriptures, and prayer. STATEMENT BY MR. BHILLINGSFOBD. Before proceeding with the addresoeo» Mr. ShitliDga •ford, one of the committee; of the Young MenVGhristian Association, haring this movement in charge, made a brief statement, in which he said that they had already •circulated in the army over two'miUions of printed pagde, mainly of ■* Cromwell 1 ! Bible,” the “Boldina Text-book, 11 and the “ Lib of Havelock. 11 They had, he said, held, twenty-seven meetings of this character, -and collected in all some two thousand dollars* In addition to the work of a more literary cha racter. which the con-mittee are doing, they have' also assisted several regiments in procuring chapel-tents, and are now supplying the military hospitals in this city with mu average of over eight hundred quarts of milk per week, a luxury' which, although of real importance in -tnatlcg the sick and wounded, is not supplied by the •Government. Mr. Sbillinggford also read a letter from Mr. G. P. Watson, chaplain to the Twelfth Indiana Regiment, dated Winchester, March 14,1862, in which the strongest testimony wushc-rno to the practical utility •<_f this movement among the soldiers in the army. ADDRESS BY REY. DR. PATTON. The first speaker of the evening was the Bev. John D. D., of this city Ho opened with a patriotic ■allTOton to rinrrlftßO] ilia MtiTS State. He thought it ■waa eminently proper to uerole a part of this day to the spiritnal wants of the men composing onr great army. In a military sense, he had no doubt that soldiers were all the better for being m-re machines of obedience, and yet, as Christinns, it should HOt bfi OYerlOuM that those men ow.d a higher loyally to the King of Kings, for the discharge of which they must be fed with religious knowledge. Bence, the object of this meeting was most laudable. It tended to sooths and mollify the severity to which onr brave soldiers vme exposed. Especially was tM* true of those who Imre expressed a desire for tins Spiritual ailment. Supplying those men with good readiug matter would i,ot only relieve the tediousness of many an hour, but it would save them from yielding to many a temptation. Besides, by sending these tokens of regard to the soldiers, they would be sustained by the assurance that (hoy are rtf •'Vitmbcrcd at home, Oh! how it nourished the courage of a man In battle to know that there were friends at home praying for his eatery ! Our country, with the best Government in the world, was imperilled. True, we had had some brilliant victo .ries, yet it was a mistake to suppose that the end was at* ■ tamed. No, the Young ALeu’s Christian Association, hadngtbU humane work in charge, must expect to labor on for some time to come if they would attain the end of their mission among the soldiers engaged in this righteous •contest. At the close of Dr. Patton's there was an ADDRESS BY TBE BEY. JOHN CHAMBERS, Mr. Chambers opened by saying tbat’tbere were many calamities in this world, and among the chief of these was v;ar. There was but one that exceeded it, and that was the calamity of intemperance, because the latter was endless in Us duration, Bui that war was a oa» lamity, withering and destructive, we all knew, and the saddest and, he had almost said, most un conquerable of all wars was a civil war. A statistical account of the army of the United .States, he said, disclosed the disgraceful fact that amsiig the fKIOiGQQ nieu composing it, there wero but -30,000 professing Christianity, leaving 670,000 to go forth in our country’s defence to face death, without the slightest par tide of preparation for their fate. He did nut know, but he supposed that in the rebel army the disproportion was equally great The Church should turn pale as the look'd at this fact, and the ministers of God sbomd blush ns they looked at it. This, at least, was one reason why an eJfort • ought to be made to briug our soldiers to God. They were, of all others, most exposed to temptations, and, •unless assisted, they could uut withstand the tide flowing in upon them. It fidelity, ho said, would take advantage of the laxity esjjblLited by the foregoing statistics, and they ought, therefore, to be counteracted by spreading ■ the Gospel. He hated the word battle ficld t and he would to God • that be could blot it out forever, but he could not, and Re would therefore do what he could to mitigate its hor rors. Another reason why the Gospel should be given to the soliiera was, that it might make them true patriots. Pa triotism, as he underaioou it, was to « render to Giesar things that are Ctosar’s, and to God thethings that are •Goo s;* ' and he wou d not give a rush for ten thousand patriots who did not act out, to the letter and spirit, the Constitution under which we live. Jeans Christ, he said, had been the embodiment of a true patriot. It was an honor to Philadelphia that her churches 3»mo given some two the* sand dollars towards this cause. Be knew thatibia amount sounded smalt when compared with the millions that are given freely to carry on the wot : bat, then, it was an admitted fact, that it cost -much more to kill people than it did to make them happy —to damn them thau i» save them. For e» ample, no man was taxed for the church, or the IPtwyer meeting, bey end voluntary contributions, and yet vverj man that was worth a dollar wag taxed to sustain turn shops Aud gAittbliog hells. He would not, therefore, itvg those who heard him lor contributions: that would be an insult to their Christian character. REMARKS BY A BE TURNED PRISONER After the collection was taken up, a statement was hnAdc-, m unpretending English, by- a Mr. 2ane, recently rtturntd from Richmond, where he was a prisoner since the Ball's Bluff massacre, on the 21st of October. The soldier, though in the rough exterior of a private soldier* iiid evidenily feeling as much trepidation in facing a large ■audience from the pulpit of a church} he CQuM well •experience in confronting rebel artillery, showed that a cnaa may carry a warm Christian heart into the camps. He tpoke feelingly of his brave colonel (Baker) whose fall he witnessed, and seamed overwhelmed with grati tude to God at his own es* ape and &afe return to his friends in this city. He will leave to rejoin his regiment in a tew days. A Concert in Aid op the SiCk and Woi’MU P Soldiers.—Persons seeking amusement at -this time should not forget to make it serve’tlie pur poses of patriotism as much as possible, Thjg b? -done by giving a liberal support to the Various enter tainments given, from time to tune, in behalf the sick and wounded soldiers now lj ing- in the hospitals of this -city. This (Tuesday) evening, at Musical Fund Hall, a concert is to be given m this behalf, by the Harmonia .Musical Society, under tue auspices of the Young Men’s Christian Association —an organization, by the way, -which has won for itself the highest praise by its well timed and practical efforts, of a humane and Christian • character, since the outbreak of the rebellion. As the entertainment this evening will he one 6f first-class -merit as a perfoi-mtince, we bespeak for it a decided .-success. Let all attend it who can. -A Puilic Drill by Professor Saunders’ “■Cam:;*,—From an advertisement elsewhere,it will be seen that a drili of the D&tralion of Saunders* Cadets, complimentary to their military instructor, Major G. JBckendorff, will take place in Thursday eveniug, April ITiU, at Concert Ball. A better disciplined company, or battalion’* of youth, we have never seen, and the ■** drill 11 U euro to attract u large house. Pyre Liquors for Medicinal Purposes.— Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in fine groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has constantly on hand, for the accommo dation ol his patrons and the public in general, a line of genuine iniuors, of undoubted purity, such as can be 'used with safety and advantage by invalids. It is a real accommodation to know where a jj ure article of Brandy, •or Vims of different kinds, can be had, and it is with •this view that we have taken the liberty of directing our .readers as aboTo. Richmond Cornered.— lt is highly probable that by this time the rebel capital is surrounded by the Union troops, and that the traitor Government is in a tight place. We may soon look for a “big thing ” on •Jeff, and Secession may be considered as about played out. In the course of a few months the leading rebels will have been hanged, things will resume their wonted -course, and the loyal people of the South will enjoy the high privilege of again crossing Ma3cn and Dixon’s line unquestioned, and of coming to Philadelphia, where they -can buy elegant and comfortable suits, at the Brows Stone Clothing Hall of Bockbili £ Wilson, Nob. 603 and •605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. So mote it be. Franklin said a Bible and a newspaper in every bouse, a good school io every district—all studied and appreciated ab they meriU=-nre tlie principal support -of vir ue, morality, and civil liberty. We might add that it is alio highly nt cessary that each district should be provided with a first-class Clothing Emporium, snch as that of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, wliero the cheawit and niioit aarment* in the country are manufactured. The ee Bullet-Proof 33 Vest.—We would call the attention of our officers and soldiers to a simple, but very important invention. The Bullet-Proof Jest is, in appearance, precisely the same as the regular mili tary vest, hut between the cloth and the lining are fitted plates of light cast steel, with edges lapping, and so fashioned as to perfectly fit the body, and i 3 supported from the fchoulders by steel springs, sufficient to resist the blow of the heaviest sabre. Its merits may be briefly stated thus: First —lt is within the means of every soldier. Second —lt is impossible to pierce it with Bword or ■bayonet, or pistol balls, and wid resist musket balls at twenty-five rods, and ride balls at thirty-eight rods. Third —li is light, weighing but to & pouada, and •doeß not impede action in the most violent exercise. Call and see this desirable and ingenious article, at Charles .Stokes’ Clothing Store, under tbe Continental Hotel, Chestnut street, below Ninth. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. 9T SEX FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED. Bark Azelia, Kerliu, from Pernambuco March Ist, •with sugar and cotton to Lowis & Damon. Left barks Imperador, Power, hence, arr Feb 27: Amazon, Kerwau, from New York, dlschg, arr Feb 25; Margaret, Quig, •from do, disebg; Richmond, Cleveland, from Now Bed ford, to sail March 3d for Buenos Ayres; brigs Brandy wine. Harmon, hence, unc; Breeze, Outerbridge, from Bio de Janeiro, seeking freight; schr J Darling, Penny, from New York, disebg. The A has been 11 days north •of Bermuda, with heavy gales from NW to WS W. Took a pilot on Sunday, 30tb March, from pilot boat £ Tar leji Saw ship Strangle, for Liverpool, and brig Baltic* for Ship Island, going down off the Buoy on the Middle at BAM on Sunday. Jan Iltb, on the outward passage, lat 2912 N, long 4238 W, saw a large bark, about six .miles distant, go down bow first; ran down among the wrecked stuff, and hove to for three hour, but saw no body, and suppose she bad been deserted some time; when first seen she had ho colors eel; had close-reefed fore and main topsails and fore topmast staysail set; courses hauled up; was apparently English, and about •350 tens. Baik Mahlon Williamson, 6charfforth, 3 days from N York, in ballast to captain. Brig Calvert, Miller, from Sierra Leono Fob 16, with bides and peaauta to Wrn Cummings ft Son. Left bark •Orlando, Sparks, for Boston, loading; schr Lath Sich, Loud, for New York. Brig J B Mansfield* Wallace, ar rived at Sierra Leone 12fch Feb* and sailed 14th for I-le -do Los* to load nuts for Marseilles. March 24, lat 36 30 S, long 72.20 W, spot* brig Lft&Bga, Eeanj, baaed for fit Jsgo. Saw ship Saianak, for Liverpool, off Caps Hen lopen at 10 A M 3flth ult, going to sea. * Brig Alex Milliken, Fish, 3 days from Fair Haven, in bailas to J 1* Bazley A Co. * Scfar Hannah Graet, J arm It, 4 days from Newbury port, villi mdse to Goo B Kerfoot, Schr Kben Sawyer, Tracey, 5 days from Boston, in ballast to J E Bazley A Co. Schr Beuj Enghab, Hathaway, 4 days from New Bed ford* with oil to Bunting, Dennis A Jonos. Schr J Y Wellington, Ohipman, 5 days from Boston, with Icc-to C Carpenter. fiehr Young Taaser* Moiton* 3 days from Fortran Blodtop, in ballast to T wells A Co. Sche Charles Atkinson, Atkinst 1 day from Milton, Del, with corn to Jaa L Buwley A Co. Schr John IV Hall, Day, 1 day from Magnolia, Del, with corn to Jaa L Vewley & Co. Schr Henry Wolfe* Atkins* 1 day from Milton, Del, with grain to Christian ft Co. Steamer Bristol, Charles, 24 bonrs from New York, with mdse to W P Olyde. Srrauur Wanderer. Knowles, 24 hours from X York, with trdse to W P Clyde. BELOW. Bark Amy, Hammond, truiu Messina. CLEARED. Steamship Saxon, Matthews, Boston, H Wiusor. Brig Man Alvina, Ames, Key West, Tyler, Stone A Co Brig Col W Coggins, Coggins, do do Schr E Headley, Bowen, Hatter&s Inlet, do Schr M Bbiopflhirc) Bhropahire, Burton, Sinntekßon A Glover. Scbr James S Hewitt, Hake, Boston, do Schr O F Hawley, Buckley, Braintree, S Caatner A Go. Bchr L Bndicott, Leeds, Providence, J B Blakiston. Scbr N Holmes, Hewitt, Boxbury, L Audenried A Co. Schr L Phlagor, Mungan, Washington, JII White. Scbr Home, Ward, Georgetown, do Schr C A Stetson, Rich, Deal’s Island, Md, captain. Str J S Shriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. BT TILIOBin. (Correspondence of the Frees,} New YORK, March 31. Arrived, British gunboat Meded, from Bermuda; ship Wm S Lindsay, from Havre; brig J Mclntyre, from Ma tanzas; schr Euphemia, from Vera Cruz. Relow, bark Lamplighter, from Palermo. MBMft&ANDA. The British schr Fair Play, hailing from Halifax, NS, from fct John, NB, with a cargo of fish and lumber, was captured on the 12th inat off the coast of South Caro lina. Acting master Nelson, with a prize crew, was hoard and, after repairing at Port ordered to this port, where she arrived yesterday after noon. The crew captured with tlie schooner are stilt on board. Ship J F Chapman, Levensaler, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. Ship J Norton, Gilley cleared at New York yesterday for rbiladelpMa. Bark Charles R Truitt, Scull, for Bio de Jeneiro, was loading at Montevideo Jan 28. Brig Dunkirk, from Mesßlna for Philadelphia, 8S days out, short of provisions, was spoken 28th ult, lat 3G 64, long 74 40, by the Audio F Barneß, at New York, who supplied iliein. Scbr Minnesota, Foster, for Philadepfla, was leading at St John, PR, 18th ult. Scbr Wm L Cogswell, Goodwin, from Lisbon, arrived at New York yesterday. Schrs Romp, Stemley, and E J Mansell, Kelley, for Philadelphia, cloared at New York yesterday Sclir Polly Price, Adams, lionce, arrived at Boston 26th ult. Bchr Pearl, Brown, hence, arrived at Boston 30th ult. Schr S L Crocker, Presbrey, hence, arrived at Taun ton 29th ult. Steamer Miir?, NiikOla, ke2£&, 4Wlfed At N4w York yesterday. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS DP VO 12 O'CLOCK LAflf KlOflf. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sts. LBaar, Washington, DC~ Mrs M Harrison, Delaware Mis H A Woodward,Boston H Y Ferine, Dayton, 0 CRMoorman k da, Ky HD Reading, tteima F S Kirtland, New York B L Ferguson, New York 8 A Allen Jno E Hanford, New York N D Souvin, Poston B Clemens, Easton Jno O Wagener, Easton T F Appleby A la, N J V II Mount, New Jersey II D B Lslferlg, N Jersey Miss J Mount, New Jersey Miss E Appleby, N Jersey T C Gipson A la, Boston Danl Currey, Delaware A Caldwell, Columbia, Pa B H Steinraetz, Washington. Baml Steinmetz, Washington J M Kimball A wf, Memphis Wm Allen, Auburn C Remington A fa, N York L S Weed, Stamford Wm Hoyt, Stamford D D Lord A la, New York Jno H Simpson, Boston Sirs Weotli Bw York J A Hover, Now York W Mackenzie, Now York P H Crowell, New Bedford. Chas Carrol), Norwich Mrs G B Drown A ch, B I 0 Loeser A wf, l’ottsville S P Willeston, Wellsboro E C Jones, New Bedford Geo Schwinck, Boston C T Stevens A la, Conn J Fry, Baltimore Jft» Sykes A wf, Washingtn Mrs J T Cobb A da, X J Mrs Ledgewood, N Jersey 8 Italian, Jr, Delaware J D Osborn, Ohio John A Morris A la G T Flanders, New York John Nesbit, New York W Lincoln, Boston J W Pursel, Michigan T B Mj era, New York Mr Pomeroy A la, N Y JeliH L D&Vidson, England Mr Lamberßon J McDonal,Jr,Ala,Albany Mrs Lamberson Mrs A T Gavitt, New York A J Parker, New York J Phillips, Mass E Yard, New York M Conrtright, New York R N Peterson, New York B McLaughlin, Boston F Tillingbast, Now York Mrs H Petersen, Baltim&ra W P&tteMOß, Baltimore J W Patterson, Baltimore F Harrison, Jr, Baltimore lewis Jones, Scranton, Pa J W Newell, USA Roht Bayarde, New York A North, New York F W Von Stade, New York D D Badger, New York J A Hayden, New lork J A Pennell, U S N E N Laurence, New York E N Hubbsll, New York A Lit dgena, New York John Thompson, N York John F Danna, Connecticut E Filleg, New York Thos Smith, New York Amos Clark, New York E N Blue, New York Chas Mackin, New York A N Lindsay, New York W Thomson, Delaware H E Woodward, Boston laaac R Hitt, Chicago W C Hitt, Louisville Capt 7> M Shuley,Louisville Mrs Blatchford, New York Miss Collins, New York GL Shuyler, New York J Coal, Jr, Baltimore Upshure Johnston, Md C W Goddard,Constantinople J W 80l inson, USA Thos Webster C E Baulet, Maine S C Jordan, Maine 0 W Jordan, Maine W <7 Burgees* Maine C W Pierce, Boston H B Buggies, Cincinnati M G Easton. Pittsburg J Ciangle, Wheeling J W Gorin, New York J McMullen, New York Mirs A R McMullen, NY W W Webb, New York C Knapp, New Jersey J Johnson. New York E Brooks, New York N Bliss, New York Leri Stevens, Mass G S Scott, Ponna W Fimstone, Easton, Pa H D Stover, New York Mies Howard, New York C W Farrington, Ohio W & Bliss, N ew York L Deane, Maine MERCHANT^ 1 BQTEli—Fourth st.i below Arch* W J Irwin, New York J T Davis, Wash'll, D C G S McElfisb, Waehfo, DC J F Gcdney, Wastrn, D C W G Sterling, Wilkesbarre J E Babcock, lowa E S Phelps, Waterloo, lowa Jas Jameson, Beading R F Brown, Lewisburg J D Qeesaman, Shippcnsb’g G Levis, Bsogrstown P Arnold, Carlisle C E Porter, Btair so, Ta S L Willits, Fenna J Russell, Boston N P Cole, Boston J J Ayres, Williamsport F Fourthman, Waynesboro W Say ford, Harrisburg E S Zollinger, Harrisburg B Lsßgcake, Muncy, l’a Mies E L Kennedy, Penna E Heckman, Fenna J F Randolph, Jr, PoftAft Thos Dram, Dover, N J J S Lawrence, Scranton F Dick, Indiana W H D Lewis, Indiana E Bostick, ludiana B N Miller, Pittsburg H H Kennedy, Maryland AY Bakewell, Pittsburg AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut*., abova Fifth A C Heulings, New Jersey R B Carr, Virginia Ii L Jones, Virginia J G Phillips, Kentucky H B Phillips, Kentucky II Rogers, New Bedford J D B Marshall M B Nichols, Pottevilio H Clayton, Tamaqua C F Shindol, Tamaqua H Kppiehimer, Beading T A Farnsworth, Few York J M Frick, MinersviUe L W Kaufman. Fottstown F 8 Shaffer, Baltimore P B Bisley, Baltimore G W Brinton, Baltimore D S Althouse, Pottsville H A Hoff, Beading W Skelton, Penna C W Carr, Pittston J J Evans, Pitteton L Esw Yarfe H Gaalm, N*w YA»k E Brm,(lige, New York Jno Y Storm, New York A T Storm, New Yoik Dr F Worrell, Maryland N G Westcott, Maryland Capt W B Dorreli, Delaw’e Jas L Wiley,Chester co J A Parsons, Maryland S-E Forkey, Maryland F Gardner, York Springs ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. E Akens, Baltimore A M Kinsey, Holmesbnrg W B Rosenbaum, New Jersey J Ottoberger, Cuba Colonel Johnston, Penna It Pelt/, Phila F Walker, Phila H L Jewell, Phila G Pfeito C 0 Knight, Maryland B C Ivniglii, Mtirylanil Ij Jones, Maryland J J Dover, I’cttsville W Dover, Pottsville THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. J B Woods* AkroD, O II Adler W HScbmick, Oauried, O Chas Heitahu, Lancaster E Dawßon, Delaw are Geo W Josepii, Delaware JchnLeich, Bethlehem Miss 8 First, Easton J Seitzinger, Pottsville Mrs J Service, Lambertv Janies G Elder, Penna; N P Riley, Pennsylvania G C Platt, Naugatuck GOHMEBGIAL—fiiitn street, above OhestnfiL WF Boward, Maryland T Cooper J Sweetland, Ohio F Thompson Ala, Chio A C Nesbitt. Maryland CW Maxwell, Maryland J H Smith, Maryland C W Nesbitt, Penna J H Johnson* Penna J O Tustin, Northumberl’d W M Eckels, Penna Jill Swiler, Penna M Fennock, Delaware N C Brown, Maryland Jos S Kirk, Chester co, Pa D J Brown. Oxford, Pa A B Haldeman, Columbia A Pugli, Chester co, Pa STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Jbo Hunter, New York G F Wilson, Elizabethtown W H WatL Pittsburg B King, Huntingdon A WoUkill, Lfvribtown B Gohn, Wrightsvilie E A Yarnall, Chester co EL Taylor, Chamberaburg BABLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Tins. J Hill, Germantown Mr Stewart* Pennsylvania T Ely, Davisville J K Hoff, Montgomery co J S Cadwalader, Fox Chase Lieut G C Davenport, Pa L G Paxaon, Mifflin co B Bell* Mifflin co B Walton, Attleboro J Conard, Pennsylvania Q A Haversteck, Memphis __ J Eastbum, Pennsylvania II Gorman, New York P Sharps, Wyoming J Lewis, Cincinnati B Roberts* Cincinnati SergtJt Walton, Washington G Henry, New Jersey A!• Wgtrliingtpu, Piana Q HugerißWi ScifcrsYille J 5 Wurman, C'arversvillo, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, 1 above Third. Jag Kirkpatrick, Sch Haven S R Rose, Allentown Tbos Totten, Shamokin, Pa Isaac Jones, New York Eli Erlitnahadc, Penna Mrd John Goorge, Lebanon Plies Anna George, Lebanon Jacob L Rise, Lebanon -S A Rhoads, Lebanon Mrs W George, Penna Miss Allies 31 Totten, Leb John Weitzel, Penna Moses Speckp, Beaverton E filiiasler, Pennsylvania Mra 31A Orth, Lebanon BEYERS HOUSE—Third street, above Race. Y L Stover, Mechanicsburg C W Caatner, Penna C L Neuman, Ntw York G Bryant, New York E T-Farrow, Burlington,NJ L Lenhart, Perry co, Pa BALD EAGLE—Third street, above CallowhilZ* Owen F Huber, Allentown O-venKt iper A la, AUentwn Sand Sowden, Lehigh co,Pa E G Houck, Boyertown Mrß Houck, Boyertown Lieut J Hyndman, Md Sergt L Miner, Annapolis Geo W Bright, Sunbury, Pa BLACK BEAR—Third street, above CallowhllL P A Breus, Allentown N Uarptr A la* Branchtowu A S Cressman, Sellersvillo A Trollenger, Penna Mrs Trollergtr, Penna D R Harper, Penna W Kline, Amityville O C Young, Penna J Gruber, fchnyikill co, Pa MOUNT TEBNON HOTEL—Second A* »th ArctL G N Hiller, Cheltenham, Pa IS Stover, Penna C Day, Eaa‘rort A G Davis, Lambertville MADISON HOUSE—Second street* above Market. Dr A C Stiles, N Jersey H Wynkoop, Backs co Capt J 0 Fay, N Jersey J O McLongtilin, N Jersey Mrs McLaughlin, N Jersey D Walton, Washington D Conover, Danville SPECIAL. NOTICES. Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia ! DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or $1 returned 1 DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or #1 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for El, or $1 returned l DYSPEPSIA cured for 81, or 91 returned! WISHABT’S GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILL la a positive core for DYSPEPSIA. I warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty yean* stand ing, or the money returned. Price f \ pgr box, Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of the money. Depot* No. 10 North SECOND Street. Descriptive Circular gent free on application. feB-2m L. Q. 0. WISHABT. Office of the Adams COMPANY, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, Fhiladilpkia, January 27, 1862. The Adam. Express Company having enlarged their facilities at Washington, D 0., bp banding a Railroad depot, and having acauired additional capacity for transportation, aro now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash ington, Georgotomii Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick. Adametown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandize in large lots. Sutlers* goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Soldiers* parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and receipted far at our .depot, 8. E. corner of BROAD and LOCUST Strata- JOHN BINGHAM, ja2?-tf Superintendent. Dr., Robertson's Vegetable Nerv ods Cordial; or, NATURE’S GRAND RESTORATIVE. The great remedy for all Nervous Complaints, Debili ty, Prostration, Lowness of Spirits, Ac. Price 91. DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, Depot for all Popular Medicines. For sale by jal-thatf Caro Pkimtinq, Best and Cheapest In the City, at 111 Soath FOURTH Street. H K Parsons, flarrisourg 1’ Allen W L Stone, New York T Nowell, Boston Gilt Cornicbs.— Lacs and Muslin Curtains, Vestibule’Lace and Bods, and Window Shades of every description, at W. HEN RY PATTEN'S New West End Store, 1408 CHESTNUT Street. Rich Gilt Cornices, --3 cents each. Rich Gilt Cornices, 37# cents each. Rich Gilt Cornices, 60 cents each, filch Gilt Cornices, 75 cents each. Rich Gilt Cornices, $1 each. Rich Gilt Cornices, $1.50 each. Rich Gilt Cornices, $2 each. Rich Gilt Corniced) $3 each. Rich Gilt Cornices, $4 each. Rich Gilt Cornices, $& each. Rich Gilt Cornices, $7.60 each. Rich Gilt Cornices, $lO each. KELTY $ gp. t 639 CHESTNUT Street, Below SEVENTH, On*- Price Clothing, ov thr .Latest om.KS,made In the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL HAI FA LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods pnad» to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our On-pßios Ststsh is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. •e22-ly JONES A GO., 004 MARKET Street MARRIED. WAYNE —UAGFRTY.—On 15th January, by Rev Pr. Theo. W. J. Wylie. Mr. Charles H. Wayne to Miss Eliza J. Ilagerty, all of this city. * DIED. SINEXON.—On the 30th ult., Horace L. C. Sinex od» in the 23d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the deceased, and the frtende of his tafh&p, lUh?y L. yih6*oft, art invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of Mrs. Hannah Sinexon, No. 1206 south Third street, on Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o’clock, without further notice. * ROSS.—On the 29th ult., Miss Mary Boss, in the 24th year of her age. Tbe relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her mother. Mrs. Amanda M. Ross, No. C2O North Fifth, above Greon streit, on this (Tuesday) afternoon, April Ist, at 2 o’clock. Interment at Laurel Hill Cemetery. * pURK.—On the evening of the 2§th i}U.j di?9s99 of the heart, James Burk, aged 68. Funeral from his late residence. No. 2(12 Vine street, on this (Tuesday) morning at 10 o’clock. * JONES.—On the morning of the 30th ult., at Ger mantown, Hannah A. Jones, in the 33d year of her age. The friendß and iclatives of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, Josiah F. Jones, corner of Germantown and Chilton avenues, on Third-day, the Ist of 4th month, at 1 o’clock. To proceed to Friends’ Burial Ground at Plymouth. * LOGAN.—On the 30th ult. t John W. Logan, in the 46th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, 905 north Eighth street, on Wednesday morning, April 2, at 10 o’clock. ** WABNER.—On ihe-SOth alt-, Mrs. Hannah L. War ner, aged 73 years. Funeral from her late residence, No. 1831 Melon street, on Wednesday afternoon. 2d inst., at 2 o clock. FARRELL.—On the3oth uit, Joseph G. Farrsl, in the 73d year of his age. Funeral from the residence of liis son, George L. Farrel, No. 31 south Nineteenth street, on Wednesday, April 2, at 3 o’clock. ** WBITEMAN.—On the 30th ult- 7 Mrs Alice White man, in the 71st year of her age, Funeral from the residence of her daughtr, Mrs. Mary A. Elfrey, Svbert street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth, on this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. * MEDABY.—On the 29th ult, Hannah Margaret, wife of Milton B. Medary, aged 29 years. Funeral from her luiib&nd’g residence, this (Tuesday) morning, at 9# o’clock. * DAGAETY.—On the 29th ult, Matthew H. Hagarty, aged 55 years. * MUNDAY.—On the 30th.ult., Mary J. Munday, wife of the late Captain John Munday, of New York. * TVfOURNING GOObs, AT CLVSH IjJL PBICES.—BIack Bombazines, 62)4, 75, and 87)4 cts ; All-wool Tsmiscs, 75 eta; All-wool Mousselines, 31,3 f cts; Gamete’ Hair Bareges, 37)j cts; Crape Maretz, 18j£ els; Milanaiie Bareges, 18k cte* Silk Cha.lies, 3 1% cts; Satin Plaid Bareges, ctsj Plain Bareges, 1 2%, 15, and cts; Silk Grenadines, 75 cts; Gros de Rhinos, 70 cts 5 Second Mourning Bareges, cts; Black and White neat Check Silks, 62)4 cts; Black and Purple All- Wool Mousaelines, 31 cents. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store. mh2s No. 9i§ CHESTNUT Street. HOLDERS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY uj* AND PITTSBURG BONDS Are invited to neet at Room No. 30, EXCHANGE, on THURSDAY* the 3d instant, at 11 o’clock* to hear and act upon tho Report of their Committee having in charge the arrangements for settlement of their claims. apl-3t J. B FRY, Chairman. HORTICULTURAL HALL, S. W. 143 corner BROAD ami WALNUT Streets. Subject for discussion this evening: w Utility of Orchard Houses. 11 It PHILADELPHIA SOCIETY FOR UJJ PROMOTING AGRICULTURE. STATED MEETING at Room. 326 WALNUT streak, on WED NESDAY. April 2, at 11 o’clock A. M. Distribution of Seeds, and Reports trom tKb Patent Office. apl-2t TWENTY-FIRST WARD REPUB -113 LICANS and nit other patriots, friendly to Re publican principles* are reanestad to attend an adjourned meeting at TEMPERANCE HALL, Manayunk, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, at eight o’clock, for the organi zation of a Ward Association under the new rute3. It# JOSEPH MULLINE AUX, Jr., Secretary. iyx=» REPUBLICAN ASSOCIATION, US TWELFTH WARD, ORGANIZED MARCH 26. IS62—ln accordance with the rules of the Republi can Convention: President—JNO. S. SHOEMAKER. Secretary—B. SNYDEB LELDY. Treasurer—S. C. SIMPSON- Waid Committee of Superintendence—Messrs. Rick ardr, Watson, Cummings, Andress, Hannis, Shoemaker, Rowlett, Groves, Bovoudt, Warner, Alsop, Sparing, Cake, Simpson, Tolaud, Johnson, Souder, Penrose, Sei del, Macferran, and Kuen. 11* JNO. S. SHOEMAKER, President. »y» PRIVATE LECTURE, TO GENTLE. MEN only, by W. PAINE, M. D., at the Eclectic College, BADE Street, below Fifth, on TUESDAY EVENING, at 7# o’clock. Tickets at the Doctor’s office, 631 Arch street, and at the door, 25 cents. mb3l-2l* LECTUBE.-POLTTICAL ATHEISM, IL§ OK THE EIGHT OP REVOLUTION, by the Rev.‘PHILIP SCHAFF, D. !>., at HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, corner of Eighth and Green streets, on TUESDAY EVENING, April 1,1862, at 8 o’clock. Tickets 25 cents, to be had at T. B. Pugh's, Sixth and Chestnut * Lindsay A Blakiaton, Sixth, near Chestnut* Schaffer & Koradi, Fourth and Wood, and at the door. mh27.6t* ■mbs MONUMENT CEMETERY NOTICE. Iks —An Assessment of 60 Cents on each and ev«ry Lot in the Cemetery (not heretofore exempted from tax* alioD), will be due and payable, at tbe Office of the Ceme tery. No. 14 L North SIXTH Street, on the Ist day of APP.IL next. Tbe payment of $4.40 on any one Lot t together with the assessments nowdue, will exempt the bame from tax ation or assessments forever hereafter, if paid before the Ist day ef APRIL next; if paid after that time, the as sessment then falling due must be pa'd in addition. mb!9-12t E. TAYLOR, Secretary. na NINTH WARD PEOPLE S ASSOCIA [L3 TlON.—Monthly Meeting on TUESDAY EVE NING, April I* 1862. at 734 o’clock, at the Hall, TWELFTH and FILBERT Streets: By order of the Association. .JOHN THOMPSON 1 , President. David, Secretary. mh3l-2t# OFFICE OF TH£ CATAWISSA RAIL -113 ROAD COMPANY, No. 308 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia, March 10,1862. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Meet ing of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on TUESDAY', the first day of April* 1862* at 12 o'clock noon, at the Company's office, No. 308 WALNUT Street, In tbe city of Philadelphia. Tbe Annual Election for President and Directors will he held on MONDAY, the fifth day of May, 1862, at the Company’s office. miiio-tapi WM. R. FISHER, Secretary rysi EAST MAHANOY RAILROAD COM- ItS PANY, Office 407 LIBRARY Street. Philadelphia, March 14,1862. The ninth (9th) instalment, of five dollars per share, upou the Capital Stock of tbe Company, will be payable on the Ist of April next* at tboir Office. ARCHIBALD McINTYRE, Treasurer. mhlS-stthtapl AVIS AUX LIONS DE LA MODE. LkJj Mr. P. Andbiot a l’honxbur d’infobxbb lbs FrANCAIS ET LEB ETRANGER3 QU’IL EST AUJODBD’HDI qerakt pb la MAisoif, GRANVILLE STOKES, 609 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. H guar&ntiß par sa position aux homines de gout, aue see vfetemens porterons tonjours un cachet de distinc tion innimitable et a des prix a 26 pour cent an deseous den’importe Quelle maiaon. Sa longue dtude etsa pra tique Pont mis en rapport avec lee artistes les plus habiles de gaparUM&nt a Paris au’a Londrcsj etaui lai foarni rone tonjoura les plus nouvelles modes eties mteux por tdes de ccb deux pays. Avis a ceux qui tiennent a etre a Pavance des modes, mhl-lm POST OFFICE NOTICE. PniLADBLi'iiTA, April 1,1862. Mails for the BLOCKADING SQUADRONS, to be despatched per steamer BB ODE ISLAND, will he made up at this office at 12 o'clock, noon, on 1' RID AY. April 4,1862. €. A. WALBORN, P. M. »pl-iu&ih2t POST OFFICE NOTICE. A supplementary mail for GREAT BRITAIN, to be despatched per steamer AMERICA from Boston, will be madeupatthis office, at 12 30 P. M., THIS DAY. U C, A. WAtiBOBIf.r. M. ]\/[Y MOTHER’S PICTURE ! AND XtJL what is of mare value to a son or daughter, those who have lost them beforethedays of Photographs knew. RSIMEIL’S Colored Photographs for $l, SE COND Street, nbovs lt# Bullet-proof vests.—if you want to save the lives of your sons and friends in the army, do not delay to ee'd them BULLET-PROOF VEST?. For sale by PHILIP WILSON ft CO., arl.St 432 CHESTNUT Street, TVORYTYPES.—REIMER4S Ivory- JL types are conceded to be a perfection attained by art. Complexion clear, smooth, and soft, a falthhil counter feit uf the original. SECOND Street, above Green. It* riOTTON— 4B bales good middling, and middling fair, for sale by WM. M. GREINER, apl-3t No. 109 CHESTNUT Street. T ABOR-SAVING MACHINE J-J CLOTIIES-SAVING machine. TIME-SAVING MACHINE. Daley, Morse ft Boyden’s Clothes Wringer saves labor, time and clotheß, and is an improvement which will most certainly be generally adopted. It is self-adjusting t sim ple, and durable, and ie far superior to every other de vice for the purpeso intended. Over five hundred have been eold within the last thirty days in this city. No family should be without one. They are warranted to give perfect satisfaction. For sale by L. E. SNOW, at the Office of JOY, OOE, & tVi Northeast corner of FI f Til »nd CHESTNUT Streets. Orders from the Country promptly attended to. apl-lm OBALED PBOPO3ALS ARB IN VITED till the 16th day of APRIL, 1862, at 12 o’clock Mi, for supplying the United Stfttea Subsistence Department -w ith 6,000 head of BEEF CATTLE on the hoof. The Cattle to be delivered at Washington city, and each animal to average 1,300 pounds gross weight; no animal admitted which weighs less than 1,000 pounds gTQgg; The Cattle to be delivered at *.uch times and in such quantities as the Government nay require. Cattle will be required under this contract soon after the contract is closed. Heifers and bulls not wanted. A bond, with good and satisfactory security, will be required. Government reserves to itself the right to pny In Trea sury notes. No bid will be entertained when put in by contractors who have previously failed to comply with their con tracts. or where the bidder is not present to respond to his Md, atd all bids to be accompanied by two guaran ty. Tbe names of firms should be state Jin full, with the precise address of all the members of the firm. Bids to be directed to Maj >r A\ BECKWITH, C. S., U. S. A , Washington, D. C. FORM OF GCAUASTEE. We. mi of ihe county of and State of--; , and , of the county of——, and State of , do hereby guarantee that is able to fulfil a con tract in accordance with the terms of his proposition, and that should his proposition be accept'd, he will at once enter into a contract in accordance therewith. Should the contract bp awarded to him we prepared to become bis securmea. . Tbis guarantee must beap pou Jcd to each bid, apl-13t THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1862. RETAIL DRV GOODS. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, No. 1008 CHESTNUT Street, Bespectfnlly invite the attention ef buyers to their new aud large stock of FINE AND RICH NOTTINGHAM LACE and MUSLIN CURTAINS, AND LACE AND MUSLIN DRAPERIES, bough! at & sAcrlflce, Ahd will bo sold a bargain. nih22-stutb6t \ JJEMOVAL OF THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM TO No. 920 CHESTNUT St. J. W. PROCTOR &. CO. marB-lm 1024 CHESTNUT STB EMBROIDERIES, LACES, HANDKERCHIEFS, UJNEN3. WHITE GOODS, In nil their varieties, AT LOW RATES, To which Novelties ore Sally aSded. EDW’D M. NEEDLES. mh2B-lf 1 0 2 4“cTbTtTUI 8 T B E E T 11/TRS. STEEL HAS RECEIVED ALL from Paris the latest Spring Style of Corsote and Skirts. 107 South TENTH Street, below CHESTNUT. It# CARD FHOTOGPAPIIS. PROFESSOR COPPEE.—We shall publish this morning a very fine Card Photograph of Professor Coppee. McAllister a bbo., 728 CHESTHUT Street. /""lEB.IST CHURCH.—THE EXTE- V-/ RIOR of this Church in a Card Picture. Price 25 cents. Mailed free of charge. BT. PETER’S CHURCH.—A VERY fine Card Picture of the exterior of St Peter’s Church, Philadelphia. Price 25 cents. Mailed free of charge. MOALLIBTEK A BRO*,' *' apl-2t 728 CHESTNUT Street. lyiSS MARY E. THROPP REGS J.V-L to announce to her friends and patrons that she has removed her SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES from 1924 SPRUCE Street) to the more eligible location, 1841 CHESTNUT Street. mh29-6t* SPRING MILLINERY. OPENING PAY AT No. 408 s*sr ARCH STREET.—Miss S. T. MORGAN will open her new SPRING FASHIONS on WEDNESDAY, 2d of March. Pattern Bonnets, Dress .Caps, French Flowery and French Bonnet Frames, for Merchants and Milliners, at the lowest Wholesale CASH PRICES. apl»3t* MRS. H. WRIGHT, No. 137 Street, will open Fashionable SPRING JuILLISERY, on THURSDAY, April 3. 1862. mli3l 4t* 4* MISSES O’BRIEN, 914 Chest- Street, will open PARIS MILLINERY for tbeSpriDg, oil THURSDAY, April 3, 1862. mfc3U4t* DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore existing between FREDERIC A. MILLER and J. K. HAMLIN, under the firm of F. A. MILLER & Co., is this day dissolved by limitation. The business will be settled by J. K. HAMLIN, who has the Bole authority to collect the book accounts of said firm. Philadelphia, April 1, 1562. It* Dissolution of copartner- SHIP.—The Copartnership heretofore existing under the name and style of T. C. HENRY A CO. is THIS DAY dissolved by limitation. Either partner will sign on liquidation. T. C. HENRY, Fliila.i March 31,1882. TC. HENRY, HAYING ASSOCIA • TED «ith him THOMAS STILLMAN, will con. tinue the Wool business, as heretofore, at Nos. 10 and 12 North FRONT Street, under the firm or T. C. HENRY A CO. T. C. HENRY, THOMAS STILLMAN. The undersigned will also continue the Wool busineßß at Nos. 42 and 44 North FRONT Street, where he will be pleaßed to see his old friends and customers, apl.tntha 3t TO THE DISEASED OF ALL CLASSES.—AII sub-aento and chronic diseases cured by special guarantee at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in case of failure no charge will be made. Professor DOLLES, the FOUNDER of this NEW FRACTIGE, will SUPERINTEND the treatment of all cases HIMSELF. A pamphlet containing a multitude ef certificates of thoEe cured, also letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men, will be given to any person free. Lectures are constantly given at 1220 to medical men and others who desire a knowledge of my discovery in spoiling Electricity «s a reliable therapeutic agent. Consultation free. apl-tf ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE xY. OF INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS, per formed by Prof. C. H. BOLLEd, 1220 WALNUT Street* Philadelphia. READ THE FOLLOWING I have been a great sufferer for more than twelve years, which was contracted from a disease I took in California gold mines, by great exposure to cold by work ing in the water; nearly lost my life from inflammation of tbe lungs; bad several attacks. After I returned to this city I hod scvcr&l pulmonary attacks liera, soma 6f acute inflammation upon tbe lungs; was treated by the most eminent medical men, but the cause of my difficulty re mained unmoved. No medical man has been able to do me any permanent good by medical treatment. About three weeks ago I had a most severe attack of inflamma tion upon tbe lunge; iny sufferings were indescribable. I reported i 6 foedldOl treatment, which seoihed to be una vailing, and I seemed rapidly sinking Into tbe arms of death; when I chanced to see J. J. Bailey, 219 Market street, who had been cured by Prof. Bolles, of 1220 Wal nut street. Mr. Bailey advised me to see Prof. B. at once, which I did, and in ten minutes (as strange as it may appear) I was perfectly free of my sufferings. At the time Prof. B. treated me I was suffering with the most severe spasmodic cough, without any expectora tion. It seemed I could not live an hour. He has treated me four times since, and I am perfectly relieved. This cure tomoisstillawoader of wonders. No shocks given; all was pleasant and agreeable. I would oheerfully invite all of the sick to avail them sejves of (his new practice. I §ver feel thankful to Mr. j. j. Baiiey for informing me where! could be cured. JUDAH LEVY, apl»3t* 814 Bouth Fourth street, Phila. AC AR D . Mr. Editor : many Important certificates, as the result of my successful praclico in Western New York, previous to my arrival in this city, I shall publish occasionally seme of them, in connection with others I have also taken in Philadelphia. The following is from Colonel L. C. Jul son, formerly district attorney, for eleven years. In this sitr. A. H BTEVENSi EltslmaftisP&roisisii Dn. A. H. Stsyexs—Dear Sir: I deem it a duty I owo you, and those who are suffering from diaeaso, to state that under your treatment, by ELECTRICITY, for only aiewdays, I found great relief from a complica tion of afflictions. Among them was the GRAVEL, with which I suffered over thirty years, and for several months provions to my first visit to your obfigetl to me a catheter. The very first treatment re lieved me from its further use: the second and third dis solved the gravel, and rejtorea the urinary functions to a healthy state. I had also Buffered very much from Piles, of which I was entirely relieved. My wife had suffered much from a throat diieasa, of which sho was also cured under your treatment. lam fully convinced that Elec tricity, in the various new ways you apply it, is destined to effect a great revolution in the cure of disease, and triumph over all other systems of cure now in use. Ysorsi truly. It, C, Jl'PSQtf, ~Wal.rlOOi N. Y-, Feu. 2?, 1860. qpl-atlP* rjiHE " EXCELSIOR ” HAMS ARE THE REST IN J. H. MIOHENER k Go., And Given of the celebrated "EXCELSIOR” SUGAR-CUR ED HAMS, Noe. 142 and 144 North FRONT Street, Between Arch and Race streets, Philadelphia. The juetly.celebrated “ EXCELSIOR” HAMS are cured by J. 11. M. & Go., (in a style peculiar to them eelvee,) expreeely for FAMILY USE ; are of dellctaci flavor; Tree from the implement taste of salt,and are pronounced by eplcnree superior to any now offered for sale. - ■ apl.3m TpXECUTORS’ NOTICE Letters J-J testamentary to the estate of J.KDIA BODE RTS; Into of tbe city of Philadelphia, deceased, have been dnly granted by the Register to the undersigned executors of her will. All persons having any claims or demands •gainst the estate of said decedent are requiredto make the same known without delay, and those indebted to her are notified to make payment of their several debts to AIiGEIUm ROBERTS, 4to WALNUT StreeliNiTt CLArp, 1022 WALNUT Street, Executors, apl-tu ot* IMPORTANT!—THE ATTENTION L of all is directed to BEIMER’B Gallery, where Life- Sine Photograph, in Oil nr. made at reduced prices in view of tlie times. SECOND Street, above Green It* QBOW CASES. O Plate-glass, German silver, per foot, $lO Crystal-glass, « “ ** ....... 8 half German silver 8 « allwalnut 4 WM. H. GROVE, m¥l9-tapl4 XU North FOURTH Strett, Phllada. McAllister a bro„ 728 CHESTNUT Street. EDUCATIONAL. COPARTNERSHIPS. JAMES BAMBDEN JAMES RAMSDEN. MEDICINAL. No. 1418 South PENN SQUARE, Phila. THE WORLD. GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, COMMISSION HOUSES. qarpetTn'gsT OIL CLOTHS, AND MATTINGS. WOLFE & 00., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 13S CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. tBT A fall assortment of Fhiltdelph[a<inada Carpet, always in Store. apl-lm gHIPLEY. HAZAKD. & HUTCHINSON, No. 11-2 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION MERCHANTS von ths s.u.n or PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mli2B 6m COFFIN, & CO., S2O CHESTNUT STREET, Agent* For tbe Mowing makes or good*; PRINTS. DUNNILL MFG. CO GREENE MEG. GO. LAWNS. BUNNELL MEG. OQ. BLEACHED - COTTONS. Lonadale, Foreetdale, Auburn, Bl&tersville, Oentredale, Jameetown, Blackstone, Hope, Bed Bank, Dorchester, Newburyport, Nanmeag, Zouave, Burton, Greene Hfg- Co.’* A. A., B. A., 0. A., and otber style*. BROWN COTTONS. Burnside, Trent, Groton, Ashland, Chestnut, Glenvitle, Mechanica’ and Farmers’. CORSET JEANS.—Glasgow, Manchester. PENIMB AND BTBIPKB,-Grafton, Jewett City, Madison, Blatereville, Agawam, Keystone, Choctaw. CANTON FLANNELS.—Slatersvffle, Agawam. SILESIAS.—Smith’s, Social Co., Lonsdale Co. WOOLENS. ARMY BLUE CLOTHS, KERSEYS, and FLAN NELS. BROAD CLOTHS Planketts’, Glenham Co., Ae. CASSIMERES,—Gay i, Son, Saxton’s River, to. SATINETS.—Bass Biver, Gonversville, Lower Yal* ley, Hope, StalTordville, Converse and Hyde, Convene Bros. A Co., Shaw Mfg. Co. KENTUCKY JEANS.—Bodman, Mystlo, Gold MedaL DOMEX FLANNELS.—WILLIAMS’S Angola, Sax ony, Mexino, and other styles: LONSDALE Nankeens and Colored Cambrics. PLAID LINBEYB, OOTTONADES. Ao. ffe26-3m WHOLESALE HOUSES 27 AN D T4-iFcT SKY-BLUE KERSEYS. SUPERFINE INDIGO-BLUE SATINETS, BLACK CADET AND OXFORD Do. PRINTED Do, In variety. BLACK AND FANCY MIXED DOESKINS. FANCY CASSIMERES AND MELTONS. US STORE, AND FOR SALE BY JOSEPH LEA. fe2o-tf 198 AND 130 CHESTNUT STBEET MILITARY GOODS. gKY-BLUR KERSEYS. (97 and 54-INOH.) DARK-BLUE KERSEYS, DARK-BLUE INFANTRY CLOTHS, INDIGO-BLUE CAP CLOTHS, SKY-BLUE CASSIMERES, (New Regulation, for Officers’ Panto.) WHITE DOMET FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, lOoz., 120 z., A 16o*. TENT DUCK. All warranted United States Amy standard. FOB SALE BY ALFRED SLADE & GO., 10 South FRONT Street, and 39 LETITIA Street, Philadelphia. felB-tmyl Brass grommets and eye- LETS for Military Blankets and Leggings. Manu factured and for sale in any quantity at FIFTH and CO LUMBIA Avenue. [mbB-lm*] 1!. IVINS. GENTS’ FURBISHING GOODS. Q.EORGKE GRANT, MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, No. 610 CHESTNUT STREET. mil 20-3 m JJ'LANNEL OVER-SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. FINE SHIRTS. COLLARS, STOCKS, AND WRAPPERS. Manufactured at W. W. KNIGHT’S. NO. 606 AEOH STREET. 19- A Call lino of TIES, SCARFS. GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY, AND UNDERCLOTHING, Always on hand. mhs 3mif Fine bhirt manufactory. The subscriber would Invite attention to hia IMPROVED OUT OT BHIBTB, Which he makes a special tv in his business. Also, con stantly receiving NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE, JTo. 811 CHESTNUT STREET, Jaß-tf Four doors below the Continental. SEWING MACHINES. & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, 628 CHESTNUT STREET, mhll-Sm YARNS, BATTS, & CARPET CHAINS* H. FRANCISCUS, * WHOLESALE DEALER IN YARNS, 433 MARKET and S North FIFTH Street PHILADELPHIA. Buyers win find a full Stock of COTTON, LINEN, AND WOOLLEN CARPET CHAIN, COTTON YARN. TWIST, FILLING, WADDING, BATTING, COTTON LAPS, TIE VARKS, TWINES, CANDLE WICK, COVERLET TARN, BROOK TWINES, SHOE THREADS, SILLING AND SEINE TWINES, BED CORDS, .WASH AND PLOUGH LINES, COTTON, HEMP, AND MANILLA CORDAGE. Also, a full assortment of PLY NETS, Which he offers at Manufacturers LOWEST NET CASH PRICES. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. H. FRANCISOUS. *33 MARKET and S North FIFTH Street, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DEALER lit WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. Always on hand, a full Stock of TDBS, BUCKETS, CHURNS, MEASURES, BROOMS, WHISKS, FANCY BASKETS. WALL, SCRUB, and SWEEPING BRUSHES, LOOKING-GLASSES and WINDOW PAPER, Mata, Keelers, Flour Buckets, Nest Boxes, WASH BOARDS, ROLLING and CLOTHES PINS FLOOR and TABLE OIL CLOTHS. SCHOOL, MARKET, and DINNER BASKETS. Sleds, Borrows, Carriages, Hobby Hone,, Ac,, <4a, 1 All Goods sold at LOWEST NET CASH PRICES. phll-Sm - FINANCIAL. o*l Q Cnn —THIS AMOUNT TO IN tj) Ll/.UUUi VEST in one or two Securities, os a permanent investment. Apply to E. PETXIT, Bih2B No. 309 WALNUT Street fl*Q Qf|A OLD MORTGAGE FOR iPOiOv \J 1 BALE, on a valuable farm in Montgo mery Also, a number of first-class clty : Mort gagee and Ground Rants* of different amounts* at a die fQUgt Apply to E- PETTIT, mhTrtr ' No. 80® WALNUT Street. BRUSHES JJ AND BLACKSMITHS’ BELLOWS, KEMBLE & VAN HORN. mhSO-Sm No. 331 MARKET Street, PMlada LADIES’ AND GENTS’ HAIR DVF.D in beet style, at tin Saloon, t’OURTH and BRANCH. mMf-iftr IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. jg^ZLETTTLATHROP, & LYONS, No. 11l MABKIT and 40» MIRCHANT STBKBTI?, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES,- HO SIERY. LAOIS. TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS. COMBS, BRUSHES, Ac , Are now opening and receiving a new and choice stock in the above line, to which attention of buyers is in vited, mh29*lm 1862. bpeino. 1862. RIEGEL. BAIRD. & CO., Merchants visiting this city to purchase Drt Goons will find our Stook large and admirably aeeorted, and at Low Figures. In oertain classes of Goods we offer inducements to purchasers unequalled by any other house in Philadelphia. mhlB-2m JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS. Nob. 239 ud 341 N. THIRD STREET, ABOVE RACE, PHILADELPHIA, Have now open thetr usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK 07 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Among which will be found a more than usually attrac tive variety of LADIES’ DSESS GOODS; Also, a full assortment of MERRIMACK AND OOCHECO PRINTS, and PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. To which they invite the special attention of buyers. mh2l-2m CARPET WARE HOUSE. OLDDEN & RICKNER. 533 ABCII STREET, TWO BOORS BELOW NINTH, SOUTH SIDE, Have this day opened thtir New Stock of CARPETS, of the best English manufacture. The newest Patterns in Yelvet, Brussels, Tap. Btoesolb, 3-Ply Ingrain, and Ve netians Oil Cloths in all widths, Canton Matting, Mats, Druggets, &c., bought before the late advance—selling at the lowest prices for cash. mli3l-12t QIiEN ECHO MILES, GERMANTOWN, PA. McOALLUM & Co., MANUFACTURERS, IMPOBTERS, ANDDEALBB9 *O9 CHESTNUT STREET. (Opposite Independence Hall,) CARPETINGS. OIL CLOTHS, Ac. We have now on hand an extensive stock of Carpetings, of our own and other makes, to which we call the atten tion of cash and short-time buyers. mh7-3m JIOURTH-STREET CARPET STORE, Ho. IT ABOVE UHESTNUT, Ho. 47, J. T- DELACROIX Invites attention to his Spring Importation ol CARPETINGS. Uq{uprising €very style, of the Nearest Patterns and Design* in YKIiYKT, BRUSSELS* TAPESTRY BRUS SELS, IMPERIAL THBEE-PLY, and INGRAIN OABPETINGS. VENETIAN and DAMASK STAIR CARPETINGS. SCOTCH BAG and LIST CARPETINGS. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, in every width. COCOA and CANTON MATTINGS. DOOB-MATS, BUGS, SHEEP SKINS, DBUGGEIS, and CBUMB CLOTHS. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LOW FOR CASH. J. T. DELACROIX, Kh«-4m 4* South FOURTH SWMt. CARPETINGS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, NO. 619 CHESTNUT STREET, (OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE,) Have received, per steamer Edinburgh, and ether late arrivals, their SPBING IMPORTATION OF NEW CARPETINGS: CROSSLEI’S YARD*AND-A-HALF- WIDE VELVETS, 9-4 MEDALLION DO., ENGLISH BRUSSELS, EeTTRA^Q uality tapestry* BRUSSELS CARPETS, WITH BORDERS, (of new designs, for Halls and Stairs). INGRAIN AND THREE-PLY OABPETINGS, of extra quality. ALSO, 500 PS. J. CROSSLEY & SON’S TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPETS, FROM 871 TO $1 PR. YD., Together with a complete assortment of OH. CLOTHS, STAIR AND FLOOR DRUGGETS, RUGS, MATS, ha., All of new, choice selections, and AT MODERATE PRICES. J. F. & E. B. ORNE. mhS-tf OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE. PHILADELPHIA. RADIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS. We invite the attention of buyora to our large and well-selected stock of LADIES’ DRESS AND MANTILLA, j Together with a good line of STAPLE TRIMMINGS, BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, PRUSSIA BINDINGS, WORSTED SKIRT BRAIDS, GIRDLES, TASSELS, SILK EMBROIDERING BRAID, FANCY SILK BUTTONS, BELTINGS, BUGLE GIMP AND BUTTONS, VELVET RIBBONS. CHENILLE SILK HEAD BETS, ETC., ETC., ETC. The goodß being of our own manufacture and importa tion, we can offer them at the very lowest prices. WM. H. HOBSTMANN & SONS, mb2S-tuthsalm FIFTH AND CHEERY STS. THE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY Have reopened and refitted a BRANCH OFFICE IN WILLARD’S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, D. O. This compear if prepaid fe *S99sSffi94»*® ft® jm®«ft nt that bouse, and the public, with every Telegraphic facility. Communication direct with BALTIMOBE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, And si! TffcsrspW? Stsflsa* is ft® ftr® 18tot «*- GENERAL OFSICB, _ No. 433 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. W. P. WESTERVELT, mbls-lm Superintendent BRAIN PlPE.—Vitrified Stoneware Drain Pipe, a cheap and indestructible material for drains, either for private use or for city drainage. PBICE LIST. 2 inch diameter, 25c. per yard. 3 Inch “ 30c, 44 4 inch *• 40c. h 5 inch “ 50c 44 C inch 44 65c. 44 7 inch “ 90c. 44 8 inch 44 $l.lO 44 9,10,11, and 12 inch diameter. We warrant this Pipe to be equal to any imported! and superior to any other manufactured in this country. ,8. A. HARRISON, mb29-tf 1010 CHESTNUT Street. ATONUMENTS AND GRAVE HL STONES at very reduced prIAAS At M&fbla Wjfkl of A. STEINMETZ, RIDGE Aveaue, below Eleventh Street. mbl3-3mif IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF ENGLISH. FRENCH, AND GERMAN FANCY GOODS. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. , IMmXEttS MS J9BSISS D B Y G O O DS, NO, 41 NORTH THIRD STREET rHiiADHipau. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. TRIMMINGS NEW PUBLICATIONS, JN PRESS AND NEARLY READY, THE OHANNINGS- AN ENTIRE NEW NOVEL. BY THE AUTHOR OF “EARL’S HEIRS.” THE CHAN NINOS! THE CHANNINGS! BY THE AUTHOR OF •> BAKU’S HEIRS." THE GHANNINGS. A Domestic Novel of Ileal Life. By the author of ” EARL'S HEIRS,'’ is iu press, from the advanced sheets received from England, and nearly ready, in a large octavo volume of 2GO page., large type, double column, and printed on the finest and beat of whita paper. Price Fifty Cents in paper WTSfi 91 ?eyenty|iv, ln cloth. Fubiishcd by t. B* Peterson & brothers, 300 cSSfiTUUT STBSST, PHILADELPHIA Advance copies of the Channings wi’l be sent free of mißtaso. 5, n remitting Fifty Cents to the yuWishWSt la S letter 5 or, two copies will be sent fur One Dollar. Booksellers, News Agents, and alt others will please Bend on their orders at once for what they want of tlih book, which will prove to be one of the most popular Aftta published for y&ars. Address all orders to the publishers, T. B. TETEBSON A BROTHER?, No. 300 CHESTNUT Street, Pliltadalehli. New style of card por- TRAIfS. M’e introduce to-day A NEW STILE OF CARD PORTRAITS Toubicbthe attention of Connoisseurs is invited. Tlia Porn aits aro line line engravings, executed in superior style, and prepared from the latest Photographs, many of which have been obtained expressly for this collection. TRICE 10 CENTS EACd; 08, TWENTY PORTRAITS FOR ONK DOLLAR. The following arc now ready : GEN. GRANT. GEN. BEXO. GEN. CURTIS, GEN. BIBNEY. COM ROWAN, LIEUT. WORDEN. KIT CARSON, CAPT. BUCHANAN, of Ihe Mtrrimac. Published by WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN, apl-tf 60S CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. gTORY ON SALES, PERKINS’ EDITION. THIS DAY PUBLISHED BY LITTLE, BROWN, & Co., LAW AND FOREIGN BOOKSELLERS, 110 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, STORY ON THE LAW OF SALES OF PERSONAL PROPERTY, with illustrations from the Foreign Law, third edition, with large addition to the text and notes. By J O. Perkins, lvol. Bvo. Also,recently published, WASHBURN ON THE AMERICAN LAW OF REAL PROPERTY. 2 volb. Bvo. STORY’S EQUITY JURISPRUDENCE, eighth edi tion* carefully revised* with extensive additions. Bp Isaac F. Redfield, LL D» 2 vols. Bvo. PABSOB’S ELEMENTS OF MERCANTILE LAW, second edition, carefully revised and considerably en larged. 1 voL Bvo. GRAY’S REPORTS OF CASES ARGUED AND DE TERMINED IN THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT OF MASSACHUSETTS. Vpl. 14. HURD ON THE LAW OF FREEDOM AND BOND AGE IN THE UNITED STATES. 2 vols. Svo. Also i.\* Press, axd Preparing for Publication*: BENNETT AND HEARD'S DIGEST OF THE MASSACHUSETTS REPORTS, with references to the General Statutes. 2 vols. Bro. WHEATON’S ELEMENTS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, seventh edition, revised and brought down to the present time. By W. Beach Lawrence. Svo. BISHOP’S COMMENTARIES ON CRIMINAL PRO CEDURE; or, The Law or Pleading, Evidence, and Practice in Crimiual Cases. 2 vols. Svo. REDFIELD ON THE LAW OF WILLS, EXECU TORS, AND ADMINISTRATORS. 2 vols. Bro. QUINCY’S REPORTS OF CASES ARGUED AND DETERMINED IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF JUDICATURE, in the Province of Massachusetts, from 1762t0 1771. lvol. Bvo. UNITED STATES DIGEST FOR 1860, edited by George 8. Hale, being Yol. 14 of the Annual Digest. AMES’S REPORTS OF CASES ARGUED AND DE TERMINED in the Supreme Court of Rhode Island. V 01.3. GRAY’S REPORTS OF OASES ARGUED AND DE. TERMIXED in the Supreme Judicial Court of Maasa chusatts, Yol. 9. ALLEN’S REPORTS OF CASES ARGUED AND DETERMINED in the Supreme Judicial Court of Mas sachusetts. Vol. % nearly ready. CASES RELATING TO THE LAW OF RAIL WAYS. By Chauncey Smith and S. W. Bates, Esq. Yol. 3. . CUBTIS ON THK LAW OF PATENTS. Third edi tion, revised and greatly enlarged. Bto. BLACKWELL ON THE POWER TO SELL LAND for the non-payment of Taxes assessed thereon. Second edition, enlarged. Bvo. Messrs. L.i B , & Co., have jußt issued a Catalogue of their publication s, which may be had gratis on applica tion. mh29-Btuth 3t if JJR. LIGHTHILL’S NEW WORK. Just Published: A POPULAR 'TREATISE DEAFNESS. ITS CAUSES AND PREVENTION. By E. BUNFOBP LTGHTHILL, M. D., with Illustrations. One elegant 12mo, cloth bound. Price 50 cents. The deplorable degree of ignorance existing among the general public in regard to mattersconcerningihishiehly valuable organ, has convinced the author that a popular work on the subject would be of immense value, and he has endeavored in this tittle volume to disseminate, in plain and simple language, a perfect knowledge of the causes which produce deafness, and the means beat calcu lated for its prevention. Sent by mail on receipt of 50 cents. CARLETON, Publisher, (late Budd & Carleton), No. 413 BROADWAY, corner Lispenard street, mh27*thstu6t New York. INSURANCE COMPANIES. Jjj'EW ENGLAND MUIUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF BOSTON. ESTABLISHED 1843. Accumulated Capital $£,i66,6b6 Cash Dividends Paid since Organi zation, nearly 1,000,000 Surplus over Liabilities, about.... 1,000,000 ASSETS. Yalue of Beal Estate held byibe Company. .$£43,530 22 Amount of Cash in Banks 37,685 24 t« Loans secured by Bonds add Mortgages 581,395 84 44 Bank Stock held by the Company 607,694 00 a Stock held by the Company as OMlM&r&l fur Loans... 84,400 00 t» Premium Notes duo and unpaid.. 540,362 35 < 4 Interest on Investments made by the Company due and unpaid.. 5,000 00 LIABILITIES. Amount of Losses due and,ooo 00 44 Dividends declared due and un paid.., 14,117 27 INCOME. Amount of Cash premiums received $251,421 04 44 premium Notes taken by the Com pany 226,870 82 it Interest money received., 103,827 50 EXPENDITURES. Amount of Losscb paid daring the year..... $134,800 00 44 Beturn premiums paid or unpaid. 56,576 B 0 4. Expenses during the year, inclu ding Commissions and Poes paid to the Agents and Officers of the Company 49,549 70 PRESIDENT, WILLARD PHILLIPS. directors: Charles P, Curtis, Sewell Tappan,. Thomas A. Dexter, Charles Hnbbard, Marshal P. Wilder, Wm. B. Reynolds, James B. Amorj", Geo. H Folgor, Homer Bartlett, Francis 0. Lowell. SECRETARY, B. Js\ BTIVENB. The undersigned will wait upon persons desiring to effect Life Insurance, and assist them in making ap plies! ion. WILLIAM GETTY, Agent and Attornoy for Pennsylvania. New Building, Philadelphia Bank, 425 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. mb26-tuths6tif Fame insurance company, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIKECTOBB. ] K. D. Woodruff, John keidßr t Jr., P. 8. Justice, Washington Jones, Ghae. Stokes, John W. Everman. SiPrMidsßtr iBDSON, Vice President. ID, Secretary. [mhlQ-iftf F. N. Buck, Chafl. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., Alex. Whilldin, Geo. A. West, O. W. Davis, FBAH9IB S, PW, CHART,KS RICH, WILLIAMS I. BLANOE 'H I IKE INSU , OT THS SrATB 01 fIOMMONWEALT KJ RANCR COMPANY, PBNHBYLVAHIA. OKS. Charles H. Rogers, John K. Walker, Bobert Shoemaker, j WilUam Strothers, I Elijah Jones; ill M B.i President 11TALL, Ylce President ttarr. Inilding, 613 OHEBTNUI se4-if tf I,tl< Jayne, M. D., John M. Wbitall, Bdward O. Knight, Thomae 8. Stewart, HewIrtW »,AVID JAY! JOHN M. Wfl. SAMUIL S. MOON, Secrel Office, Commonwealth Br Btreet, Philadelphia* ALL PERSONS ARE WARNED .XV- against taking checks purporting to be drawn by HENRY WINSOR ft CO., unless the name is engraved on the check. mh2i*-3t XjiBESB ROLL BUTTER, EGGi?,Ac„ JU received daily At B. Z. GOTTWALb 1 . Nft 813 SPRING GARDEN street. ANOTHER VICTORY FOB EVANS & WATSON’S SALAMANDER SAFES. * Hkiulkiixm, March 28,1882. Meters. EVANS A WATSON—Gentlemen: On B*- iTinitty nioruine last (he 024 (tit, the entire woollen ma« mifaclory belonging to the estate of Lewis Doster, de ceased, w»s burnt to the ground. Some time ago they purchased uie of your Bafcs at a Sheriffs sale, some where in yau* illy, uud f»Ui&i it i« the saeand story of the factory, where it was exposed to an intense beat | so much bo that it melted the knob and plate off of it. After the Safe was In the fire for a number of hours, It was ta ken from llie ruins, ioolid off And opened, when (lit books, deeds, bank notes, apapers—ln short, ever> thing tlie van found in a perfect state of preservation. respectfully, J, E. KNAUBS. ' - J A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES FOR BANKS, STORES, DWELLINGS, HOUSES, Ac., ALWAYS ON HAND Oft MADE I'd oudkb, Warranted Equal to any in the World. AT THE STORE, No. Ift South FOURTH Street, apl-tuttwatif PHILADELPHIA. THE CHANNINGS! Mm LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RK. ISpMOyiSf) to No. 21 South SEVENTH Stroet, now the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favor* and befog determined to’merit future patronage, has gg elegant and convenient store, and has now on'hand m large asflorlment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought aaff Cb filed Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only sbictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Lillie's Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie’s Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be rarnlUMff to order ob BhoPt ftiti&i. This Is the strongest, best pro- 1 tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie’s New Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Safe is con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. BfEdUL NMISH I h&PB &5W AS fc&ad p&y twenty of Farrel, Herring, & Co 's Safeß, moßt of them nearly n#w, and Borne forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low prices. Please call and examine. jftSHytf &Q,gAPfellh AotL Bn EVANS A WATSONS SI SALAMANDER SAFE* STORE, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, A large variety of FIBE-PKOOF SAFES always ow band. TtffltS. JOHN DREW’S JJ/A. ABCSI-BTBKKT THEATRE. Acting Stage Manager W. S. FREDERICKS. Bnaineu Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MURPHY. TWELFTH WEEK OF MB. JOHN DREW TUESDAY* April 1* 1802* And every night CROHOORE-N A-BILHOGE, Or, the Foster Brother. Andy Honlahan, the Foster Brother.... Cornelius Field, alias Crohoore-na-Bil hoge.. * Mr. Frank Drew. Pierce Shea, Mr- $. iv Mortimer, Ally Booling.. .. ... ............Mrs. John Draw. Seats can be secured for Sir. John Drew's representa tions three days in advance. Doors open at 7 o'clock; performance commences at 7)4 precisely. Teie harmokia musical so ciety trill give a COXCE ItT on TUESDAY BVE ning, for the wounded and sick Soldiers, at the MUSI CAL FUND HALL. mb3l'2t* WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— NINTH end WALNUT Streets. Role Leasee MBS. M. A. 6ABBETTSON The Management has to announce the illness of Mr. J. S. CLABKE, but hopes for hia recovery by tomorrow* THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, April 1, The performance will commence with THE DRUNKARD. Edward Middleton Mary Wilson. William Ur. Hi win Adams. Susan. .Miss Alice Grey. P&1365—50, 37 , 95, 4nd 25 eeaii| FHyUo Boxit, C 6 and $3, according to their locale. CHAFGE OF TIME. Doors open at 7 o'clock. To commence at 7% Assist the pook woundbd SOLDIER, by gains to the i‘HAKMONLA>' Concert, ot MUSICAL FUND HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING, lor bis benefit. mh3l*2t* CONTINENTAL THEATKB. ANOTHER NEW DRAMA !! Moral abd Instructive. TUESDAY EVENING, April 1, 1882, Second night of T. S. Arthur’s GREAT MORAL TEMPERANCE STORY, In dramatic farm, entitled ♦‘TEN NIGHTS IN A BAR-ROOM.’* To be followed with the btirletia of JENNY LIND. In active preparation, and to be shortly produced, “THE MACABTHY OR, TEEP O’ DAY. WE BEOULD ALL TRY TO GO to tbo CONCERT fop the Sick and Wounded Soldiers, on TUB SPAY EVENING, April 1, given by the HARMONIA MUSICAI/ SOCIETY. mb3l'2t* PONCERT HALL. VJ A DRILL of the Battalion of SENDERS’ CA DETS, complimentary to their military Instructor* Major G. BCKRNDORFF, will take place on TQUBS PAY EVENING, April 17th. Tickets 50 cents. NT* extra charge for reserved seats. apl-lfit* American academy of mu sic, MARK HASSLKK’B GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL TESTIMONIAL CONCERT, (EASTER) MONPAY EVENING, April 21st, When an unprecedented array of Vocal and lustra* mental talent will be presented. Full particulars will be duly announced. Concert in aid of the ■Wounded and Sick Soldiers, TUESDAY EVE NING, at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. iuh3U2t*< T>EPETITION OF THE CONCERT XV BY THE HABMONIA MUSICAL SOCIETY, a* the MUSICAL FUND liALL, on TUESDAY EVE NING, April 1. Th« CANTATA OF RUTH* Composed by Mr. Frank Parley, aud received with plea sure and applause by a large audience, will be repeated, together with a selection of miscellaneous nmsic, contain ing Solos, Duetts, Choruses, Ac., and the same popular singers will give their valuable naslstaTrce, with the whole Socit ty. TICKETS FIFTY CENIS EACH* For sale at Gould’s, and the other principal Music and Book Sloros, and at the Musical Fund Hall, For particulars bog programmes. Assembly buildings—india AND THE GREAT SEPOY REBELLION.—A beautiful and thrilling Exhibitionfrom the Royal Poly technic institute, London. EVERT EVENING- and*ow WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, com mencing MONDAY, March 21. The Entertainir ent consists of a series of brilliantly JI- Ivminattd Tableaux, illustrating scenery, architecture* and customs of tho gorgeous East. Also, the principal connected .with the late Mutiny in India—The great Battle of Havelock', Jessie Brown ai Lucknow; Miss Wheeler defending herself from tho Sepoys) Siege and Fell of Delhi, Ac., Ac. A NOVEL FEATURE for SATURDAY AFTER NOONS— Combination Entertainment of Mufic and Art —lntroducing Herr ENGELKE’S celebrated Quartette. See Programmes- Admission 25 cents. Six tickets, $l. Children, vrhm accompanied by adults, 10 cents. Commence, Evenings at eight; Afternoons at three o’clock. Doors open om hour previously. Communications should be addreaeedto mblT-tf JOHN TOT. Germania orchestra. ~~ OABXi SXNTZ, Condnctor. PUBLIC RXHBABBALS every BATUBDAT, a* *Jf o’clock P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. Package »f Night Ticket., 81 ; Single Ticket*, 2i am. To he had at Anam* iIM Chennai afreet, J. I. SeilNi Seventh and Oheatnot, and at the door of the HalL oeSMr $-2, 100,067 74 PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY o*' THU FINE ABTS, 102, OHXBTNU* afreet fc..- nen daily, Sunday* exoeatod, from 9 4- M. *tU 8 P. AdoMffi 8* cent,, anaer twelve yean half prloe. Bhareaof Stock, aoe. W_ $15,117 £7 BOARD WANTED, by a gentleman, in a plain, neat, respectable, small family, between Third and Eighth and Chestnut and Pine. Any gentle man or widow lady having spare room can address “Route Agent,” until 12 o’clock, Tuesday, April Ist, Philadelphia V . 0. mhSl £.>33,119 30 WANTED— A GIRL TO DO general housework. Good recommendation* required. Apply »t 1821 North FIFTEENTH Street. mh!9 $240,936,50 « UNITED STATES MARINES— Wanted, for the United Statos Marina Corps, for Bia service aboard of men-of-war, SEVERAL HUN DRED ABLE-BODIED MEN, between the aget of eighteen and forty years. Yonng men from the coun try not less than 5 feet 4jf inches high, who shall pass the medical examination, and enlist, will receive three cents per mile for the distance travelled in coming to tba Rendezvous, at Sll South FRONT Street below Spruce, Philadelphia. All other information that may be re quired will be given. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, mh2l-12t and Recruiting Offlow. ga TO RENT—Four rest now COT- KeLTAGES, having all modern conveniences, with large lots of ground* situate ou SEVENTEENTH Street, near Westmoreland, two squares from Tioga-street Station, Germantown Railroad. Apply to E. TAYLOR, apl-Ot No. 141 North SIXTH Street. gfr FOR SALE—A Four-story House, Eli. with fourntt ry doubleibaok Building, and Stable, and Coach House, in rear of same. The whole replete with all the modern conveniences, having three Bath Rooms, Water Closets, Beservolu, Ac. Situated at 80$ North BROAD Street, above Brown, running through to Carlisle Street. apl-3t* TO BE LET—A superior Water- X TOWER, formerly occupied by a Saw Mill, with commodious Dwolling, Wharves on Tido water Naviga tion, Ac. Apply to J. L. PBNNOOK, mh3l-6t* Hntmesburg, Philadelphia. a Jf O Jti BALE . — The handsome ■L three-Ft cry dwelling, with office attached, No. 1823 GREEN Street. Lot 86 by 197 feet Price low and terms very easy. Apply to ALLEN & 81M3, southeast corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, second floor. mh29-3t*_ - LADIES' TRUSSES, SUPPORT EBS, BRACES, and other Mechanical Appliance* of correct construction and easy to the wearer. For aala and adjustment atO.H. NEEDLES’ LADIES’STORE, TWELFTH Street, first door Race, Gentlemen requiring Bupthre Trusses will call at thn Southwest corner PWELFTH and RAOE, where 0. H. N. gives attention to this apecialfeature. mh!2- Amif fPORTOISE SHELL.-A few boxes at JL Tortoija BMI [of late by JAURBTCHB « LAVERONJ, fiitL »2 and 3M South FRONT Sfreet. SAFES; AMUSEMENTS. Mr. Edwin Adtme. .. .Mias Alice Grey. BLACK-EYED SUSAN WANTS. FOR MALE AMD TO LET* Mr. John Drew. mh3l-mwf3t mli26-6t*