The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 27, 1862, Image 4
THE CITY. Ikon-clad Vessels.— Since the en gagement at Hampton Roads between the Monitor and tb? rebel steamer Mtrrimac* wooden vessels hare become obsolete, add tho Government, it seems, has turned its attention chiefly to the construction of iron-clad men-of war. The affair on that day proved that the largest and „ best-nppoloted wooden frigates are but pasteboard houses, made to be knocked down, Tho mania for Iron.clad vessels has ev» n taken hold of the people, and during last week thousands flocked daily to the ship yard of Messrs. Cramp & Bone, Kensington, where is being constructed a vessel which will, without doubt, prove one of tho finest of its kind in the world, Tbe visitors to this yard in one day reached nearly 5,000 persons, and the rush became bo great that it was found necessary to close the gates, as the operations of the workmen were much interfered with. passenger railroads nmning to this place did a thriving business. and on tbe cars were large streamers notifying the public that this was the direct road “to the Kensington iron-clad frigate.” The work on this veeeel is progressing rapidly, and her builders feel con* lidont of having her launuhtd by the first of May. Her planking is nearly finished, and yesterday the caulkers were busy at work, and decks .were being put in. Over four iundrcd men are at the present time employed. The vessel is a formidable-looking ship without tbe armor, and Is built with gnat strength. Her sheathing is of jfl&trt Of fiUlt-MiJ-ti-li&lf.iucli iron, lougneJ and grooved, which is flow being delivered at tho yard. In about two weeks’ time, the work of placing on the iron plates will be commenced. It is evident, while looking m such vessels, that some new mode bf'attack must be adopted to destroy them, for they seem proof against any caunon ball yet used in naval warfare. I'hey cannot bo easily boarded hot shol has no «-flVct, and all the ordinary modes of cap ture fail, unless they are attacked by a steam-ram, of much greater speed to cut through their sides, or guns bo used of a calibre greater than has ever been constructed for ship service. This Is tbe problem which has now to he solved, and which such experience as we have had In Hampton Krads may help towards a solution. It seems to be determined, if tbe J lerrimac comes out acaiu, and the Monitor cannot finish her, that the attempt will be made by several strong vessels to cut her in two as she did the Cwtnfrcrfaßd. The iiniueb«o wlp fleets of England and France ftio fleets no longer. The fight at Hampton Road3has de stroyed them Ht one blow. They will do for store-ships, or to lay in ordinary for receiving ships, but as for war vessels, their vocation is ended. The only war fleets of Franco and England are their iron-c-tsed vessels, which have l»f en R.ade to ItArjje that tli^i l &i&nd too f;4? out oP water. The British ship M'arrior. which coat 55,000,0a0, is unmanageable, and, without doubt, a failure, while tho Kensington frigatt, which will cost our Government about 8D((>.000, is tar superior, drawing only fifteen feet of water, and with but little of Tim vegg?| ?XP99?(V With the money expended on the TTrcrrfor, five or ten better, smaller, aT.d more effective vessels could be built. Congress has already seen the uec< ssity of this, and ere long we shall have a complete iron-cased war fleet. The affair between the Monitor and the Mcrrimac has had the edict ol bringing before tho proper authorities new models end plans of iron-clod vessel*. Among those recently introduced 1* one to construct a vessel with a fist bottom, one hundred and fifty feet in length, fifty feet beam, and eight fe+t depth of hold; sharp bow and stern, and of very great strength. A heavy and efficient iron ram is attached to the how, beneath the wator-liuo. In order tbe better to boa*- ibe concussion which the battery-would be subjected to when in collision with a vessel, the wLole bow, below the water’s edse, would be filled iu with solid timber, braced strongly the whole length of the battery. This is the arrangement for the mm. Thu battery would consist of an augular roof of iliirh in all directions to the plane of the deck, to be twenty inches in thickness, of heavy oak, and all covered with iron plates of three inches rn thickness. The construction of iron-plated vessels is something new, and sbip-budders generally are of tho opinion that many important improvements are yet to be made, which, when adopted, will possess still many more advantages over the plans now used. Proceedings op the Methodist CONFERENCE—SEVENTH HAT —The intense inte rest of Tuesday was manifested again yesterday, ami the church was crowded to its utmost capacity with those who expected to hear a repetition of Tuesday’s debate. With the exception of the members of the Conference, tho assemblage was composed mostly of ladies who occupied tho galleries and most of the back seats on the floor. At o'clock the Conference wae culled to order by the Bishop, after which religious exercises were commenced by the Rev. Hr. Cook. Tbe minutes of Tuesday’s session were then read by the secretary, and approved. A ooiMbitteo of three on the claim of Bishop Scott was appointed. It w as moved that any member who was absent at yes terday’s setsion should have the privilege of recording bis vote on the resolution then passed. Carried. Eleven o’clock this morning wsis designated as the (imefw taking tbe Yet? «t the Conference on lay delegn tion. The call of the effective elders was then resumed. The Reading district was gone through with, and the Wil mington district taken up. This district extends far into the tiorder States, and the troubles of tse country have somewhat iutt-f fared with The labors of tbe clergy. Itev. Mr. Newman askei for a superannuated relation. The presiding elder stated that Mr. Newman had left his charge cuiiDg the year, and had commenced the practice of medicine. Rev. Mr. Flannery said that if he did leave his charge it was because be was sfurced out . Rev. A. Atwood opposed the gruntiug of his request, lie had, however, the kiudest feelings towards Mr. New* man He could not understand how a minister could starve at his station. Ho msiatnd that if the people Bee that a man is devoted to liia work they will feed him. __ ConsMersWe btiga'icn ttieu woh pinto between 'tbe Rev. Stephen Townsend mid the Rev. Mr. AtwooJ, which was stopped by tbe Bishop, who said that if it had any relation to the subject in debate, “ he had not gumption enough to see it.” After some farther debate, the Conference decided to reftr the c«se buck to presiding elder to investigate the causes of bia leaving his charge, anti that, in tbe moan* time, he should be faft without an appointment. The Easton district was then taken up. The presiding elder stated that, considering the geography of the dis trict, it was in a fair condition. Rev. J. B. A jars taid that he regretted that he felt it his duty to state that Mr. Quigley was regarded as a Southern sympathizer. Rev. 31i. Quigley said that he was ready for any in vestigation, ai.d to meet any charges against him. His motto was, the Union, the Constitution, and the Enforce ment of the Laws. Rev. William irishop said that he was prepared to re peat tome ihibkß tlmt 3lr. Quigley had said to him. Rev. P. vcombe thought this was out of order, and why was lliis not done according to law 1 AYhy stab Brother Quigley after he had w-teil “aye ” to one of the Strongest resolutions that could be written 1 Mr. Quigley said that he was prepared to meet any flung iliM could tic brought egninat l\im, and the Ann demeanor of the gentleman seemed to silence his ac cusers. There was no charge preferred against him. His character was, therefore, passed. When the name of Rev. W. Bishop was called, a charge was brought against him for breach of promise to marry, and lor misrepresentation* Rev. Mr McCarter appeared as the gentleman’s coun sel. He contended that tbe case has already been ad judicated, and thut Mr. Birfiop had been reprehended by Ins superior, the presiding elder. He read extracts from corre-spozidczice between Mr. Bishop and Mr. Quigley in support ot hiß position. He i end also a letter of the pro* aiding elder to show that he (the presiding elder) did not think tbe matt, r ought to be brought before the Con ference. The Bisbop said that too much time was being occu pied in the case. Mr. Mecasl ey thought we had better stay hero *• till the fill ILAh tli&t ibjlUl!& shduld be done.” The Bishop said that “he hoped to escape before that time.’’ [L aughter.J Mr. Mecaskey then went on with his argument* and cited precedents to show that the Conference should not entertain this charge. Bev. Mr. Gray appeared on behalf of the complainants. He wished to ear in reply to Mr. Mecaskey that the case has not been adjudicated. He cited a letter of Mr. Bishop Limself, in which he said that the whole proceed ing of the presiding elder was illegal. He thought that if the humblest member ol the cliuich was iujured re dress should be given by the Conference. He .regretted that allusion had been made to the lady in question, whose integrity is unimpeachable. He had no disposi tion to wroDg Mr. Bisbop, but he hoped that the charge would be entertained. Tbe Conference decided not to entertain the complaint by a vote of 95 to 75. I!«y. Mr, Cuuuiuiiiiain uigvwJ that MnWilmeriamem ber of Mr. Bishop’s church, be given leave to speak as to this case. Upon ths representation of many of the clergy, the gentleman withdrew his motion. Bev. Mr. Bishop’s character was then passed by the Conference, the presidium eider doing full justice to his eloquence and zeal, and stated that these affairs had been the only drawback, to Lis □sufuluess- Tbt* list tv as then gone over, aud the characters of the elders considered and passed. The Easton district being concluded, the Snow Hill district was taken up. When the name of Thomas L. Poulson was called, it was stated that on recommendation he was appointed chaplain to Cvl. Yf«n#cv ! # Mwfland lingitneDti aud hud been per. lorniing his duties taitiifully. A letter was read from the Bev. S. T. Gracey, who w as sent lust year to India us a missionary. 110 reports that his health is excellent. Bev. Mr. Chaplain moved that a committee of three be appointed to address a fraternal letter to the youug mis sionary. The motion was ..curried unanimously. The Bishop appointed it. H. PaUisou, J. H. Chaplain, and Rev. J. Lyburn. Bev. Yaughn Smith's relation was changed from a superannuated to an effective one. lsev. It. W. Todd was continued in his superannuated relation* Bev. J. Lednum was also continued In his superannu ated relation. The stewards wished to know if they should make an appropriation to Bev. Mr. Newman. Beciilod that they thouid not. Bev. P. Coombe moved that the decision in the case of Rev. Mr. McFarland be reconsidered. Mr. McFarland appearoo before the Conference and said that he believed that his health was so restored that he could resume his active labors. Bev. Mr. Bartino presented a certificate as to the phy sical ability of Mr. McFarland, signed by a physician of this city* The Conference decided to.graut him an effective re lation. A communication was rood from a Quarterly Confer ence, rm iumentliug Mr. McNamee for deacon’s orders. He w as eleettd James Carroll was also elected a deacon. The Committee on Memoirs presented an account of the life of the liev. J. Talley, who died since tho last Conference. He was converted to God at au early age, and served the church faithfully, but a stroke of paraly sis stopped his labors, and finally caused his duath. lie was described as an earnest, laborious Christian, a good preacher, and au amiable man. The memoir was adopted. The report of the Committee on Finance was then read. *) bo money collected tor the Sunday School was ordered to be paid over to the Book Agent. Tbe money for the Bible- cause was Oidered to be paid to Hie Bible Agent, that far th? sdHCMivuiM fluid to tie divided be. tween IHckinson College and the Female College. The Bible collection amuuntsto 51,775 91: educational cause, $445.52, for Sunday-schools. #843 &>. The committee on tho claim of Bishop Scott allowed him $1,500. It was so ordered. Notices mn then rend, usd the adjourned. New Government Hospital. A new Government Hospital at the corner of Tweuty tourth and South streets, has just been opened under the aurcrjiitinticuce of Dr. .insepli llopkiuson. There are at yvtrent u» tbe building 80 p .twntfi, who are Inadequately supplied with many needful article.-?, and who daily pine lor the food and drinks alone acceptable to the sick. It may only he requisite, in this city, which, during this war, more than through all its previous history, has illustrated its title r;f brotherly love, to make known this fact, in order to mure it rwly nnd liberal resromo to lid,, further Appeal to its benevolence. What our brave and unfortunate compatriots now need are clothes for their beds ai d persons; blankets, check sit miner counterpanes, pillows, pillow cases aud towel*, shirts, dressing gowns and handkerchiefs; and of articlesof nourishment, orange?, primes, jellies, gela tine?, farina, arrou'.root, white auaar, butter, milk, egga, wine, brandy, ale, etc "Writing paper, cologne water, and fine soaps are nho much wanted. Most of those things mu.vt either come trom tho daffy and cousttut con tributions of the benevolent, or the poor soldier must suf fer the want of them, as they are not all embraced ia the Guvtinment buupiita* or* ir dm> by the reyulatioue of the medical bureau* uro »h yet furnished in insufficient quantities. It is proper to add that tho supplies of tho Sanitary Commission in Chestnut street are now* exhausted, their last contribution being to this hospital, which still loaves it largely deficient. Depreciation op OittKeal Estate. —The revenues of Lite city property usually amount to over twenty* eix thousand dollar*, but during tlia past year, owing to the general depreciation ot real estate, the receipts vero perceptibly stnAllii* tliAti Vhs fol lowing statement will Bhow the different sources of reve nue and the amounts City rental. Ground rents Mortgage interest... Incidentals,,,. Ground rents held for Gnaidians of Poor The New United States Sloops.— The steam &lnop»of-w« launched last week at the navy 5Md is one «f the eight tvhieh were entered by the lust CMipress Tbo nimii'S of tlie emlit und where j,«5!t y are a* follow*: Juniata a«d Tuscarora, built at Philadelphia; Ktarsagc aid hnilt at Ports month: Wacriusett and Jlousatonic, built at Oharlaa town , (miida and Adirondack) built at Brooklyn. Arrival of the Bodies of Soldiers SLAIN AT BELL RUN. —During -be p»sr, few (lay* we have hail a great number of military funerals In town. Tho wounded and diseased who have died in our Government hospitals, have been almost dally followed to the grave by corteges of soldiers \ from the battle-field? of the South And West, we have received the corpses of ninny slain townsmen, and now, after months of occupa tion by the rebel army, the Alcedamasof Bull Bun and Hall’s Bluff have been received, and the mangled bodies of our country mon disinterred. Yesterday n slow, sad cortege passed over Chestnnt street—tho remains of some gallant Rhode Islanders, who had sealed their patriotism with blood on the uiemortble plains of Manassas. The remains of Col. John 8. Slocum, Mnj. Sullivan Ballou, and G&pt. Lavl Towers, ©1 tho Second of Rhode Island Volunteers, reached the city at 1 o’clock under the charge of Lieutenant Colonel W. 11. P. feteere, with a body guaid, consisting of ten men. A despatch, announcing that the bodies would remain here for a short tipie, was received from Washington, and a coumiiltec, consisting of Major Wm. A- Thorp, Major Wni. A. Delaney, arid Johu M. Malloy, Esq., inode some hasty Arrangements for an appropriate demonstration on the occasion. It was arranged that the bodies should bo laid out in liifiopondoncu Hall, and Colonol Stanton’s rogiinent of Pennsylvania Volunteers were invited 19 form the escort* Quito a crowd gathered about tho Baltimoro depot, but at tho lime of tho arrival of the traiu tho military had not reached there. _ _. Tho coffins containing the bodies wore enclosed m pino Wes, and iheso wore- -irrl.*.l hi tUfl IIGUMM llg tllft DOUfIO. Tho hearses were provided bj Mr. Gartland, undertaker. There was one large one, surmounted by the American flag, and drawn by (our black horses, and two smaller odpp, drawn by two horses each. The police were then formed as an escort, but before tiie line moved Col. Slauhbifi’d Peglliidiit, with a band of music, arrived, and took a proper position. Tho proces sion thou marched up Broad to Chestnut, and thence to Independence Hall, where the bodies were deposited. The ball was surrounded by a curious crowd, but en trance was debarred, as nothing could have boeu seen but ihvee plain pine boxes covered with the American flag. A silver plate, shaped like a shield, containing a suitable inscription, was laid upon each box, and two re serve cfficirs guarded the remains, shut up in the solemn silence of Independence Hall, with tbe storied faces of ge see, patriot and soldier, looking d< wn upou tbemfrom thaeimviig. The'bady of Major Ballou had baan dia* fevered of the head, and the body itself burned to ashes. The rebels bad tins wreaked thrir revenge upon Major Ballou, mistaking him for Colonel Slocum. The latter was discovered only by the lobs of one of his teeth and by the smallness of his feet. Ills place of intormeut was pointed out by some of ibe ru-»Uca of tho iielgkborlid&l. The ashes copiously mingled with clay, are now enclosed in metallic cuffii s, enclosed in turn by frame boxes. Last evening at 11 o’clock, Governor Sprague arrived in town and proceeded immediately to Independence CbumbtT! lvlif re lie spent n <inteti wntemptoMr* in the companionship of the dead Tho mnskots of the guard presented to them by the Governor were stacked in a corner of the room, aud their canteens and knap sacks littered the floor. The bodies will leave this morn ing and arrive in Providence on Friday, where they will he received by citizens aud military. Tiie Philadelphia Charitt Hos- PITAL.—The Medical Board of tbo Charity Hospital, Buttonwood street, below Broad, report thskt during the last year 3,600 persons have been relieved and many other persons have been attended at fclieli 1 HdfiS&l, df tdlK Every form of disease has been treated In the surgical and lying-in departments there has been a large ii crease of cases, and aid is asked, especially for those depart ments. The board think that enlarged facilities arc greatly noudid to moot tho daily iiiGroaiinsapplications for modi, cal aid in tho various departments of tbo hospital; but such improvements as even our limited means would jus tify, could hr.rdly be ventured upon so long as we do n ,>t hold permanent possession of the premises (which are the properties of tho city.) We must remind you, therefore, that as ibe possession continues billy by consent of Coun cils. and that we are liable to removal at iheir will, it be comes us to use our most strenuous efforts, without de lay, to secure to ourselves a place whoreou to erect such buildings as are suited to our wants. The establishment of a permanent fund is also a matter of vital importance to the interests of the hospital, as its continued prosperity, and ultimate greatness, depend upon tbe early possession of a revenue from some fixed and unfailing source. This hospital is one of the most useful institutions of this character iu the city, :in«l it i.s to be hoped that its menus will be bo increased as that its sphere of useful* ness will be greatly enlarged. Philadelphians Taken Prisoner.— AmoDg the prisoners recently taken by the ivbt-la were two young men, captured about one mile from tho Evan sport batteries on tho lower Potomac. Tho name of one of the parties is William T. Baum, a yoaug Phila delphian, who at the time of his capture held the position of ordnance officer on General Hooker's staff. Previous to that appointment he was lieutenant in Colonel Win. F. Small’s regiment of this city. While attached to the re giment, he eecured the confidence of his fellow-officers and The good will of tbe eiitire regiment. A tew months ago, he was detailed by Colonel Small for recruiting ser vice in this city, and the manner in which ho performed his duties won for him the lasting friendship of the Colo nel. His soldierly conduct and excellent address soon attracted the attention of tbo commanding genera', who immediately promoted him 10 a position on his own stxff. He resided in Third Btree*, near Spruce, aud although quite young, he had a host of friends, who will look with anxiety for bis speedy release. Expenditures on City Sewers and CULVERTS.—The balance of Culvert Loan, created to build the four great arterial sewers of the city—Cohock eink, Twenty-fourth street, Vine street, and Moore street —has been disbursed. These, with several others, were completed during 1660, leaving an unexpended balance of tbe loan, at the Logstmlog vf the year, Amounting to gd.1,354.80, with which there have'baen completed: The Montgomery and Ninth-streot, at a cost 0f59,75S 44 Changes of Fifth and Parrish streets 1,596 45 The result has been that but 6,548 feat of branch sewers have been constructed during 1861,1,355 feet of which have been at private expense. The Ninety-Day Law.—Anotlior commitment under the late act empowering the Mayor of Pld)ad£l&hla imprison for ninsfp days any pe..fAfl sional pickpocket found in a public place, or iu a crowd of people, took place yesterday. Edward Byers aud Pnddy Ridings, alias Henry Bavis, were arrested under suspicious circumstances at tbe Trenton Railroad depot on Monday night. Yesterday they had a hcariug be fore there being nearly a arizen pen oils present who testified that the prisoners woro pickpocket*, they were sent below till the warm weather comes. Byers convicted himselt by stating that just pre vious to bis arrest he had said to L avis that they had Letter keep clear of the crowd of passengers in tbe depot, tbU6 BlWWifiS a perfect knowledge of his own reputation, Freight Blockade.— For the first time in several months, the Pennsylvania Central Bail • road is now able to take tidily ail the freight that ia offered, and will be able, with her increased facilities, to anticipate the heavy business iikeiy to foiinw. The em bargo upon freight, during the past few months, was the cause of some feeling in our mercantile community. This has been removed, and there will now he no cause for complaint. The capacity of the Pennsylvania Cen tral is greater than any other road in the country, aud it proves loilimfite for our country that this great trunk line was far enough removed from rebel soil to be safely worked, in transporting, at a critical moment, tens of thousands of soldiers, aad immense stores of munitions of war. Good News—We ave happy to an mmuce to our readers this moruiug, that the streets of the city of Philadelphia, so noted years ago for its cleanli ness, are at length to be cleanstd. The good work will be commenced to* morrow, when an effort will be made to find the cobble stones with which our streets are sup to kv payed. For tins the public are indebted tq the Board of Health. Some time sluce a communication was received in Councils from the residents of a certain small street In the lower section of the city, asking whether permission would be given them to raise potatoes in said street, it being in a splendid condition for the production of vegetables. Improvements.—ln different-portions of the city, the work of constructing dwelling-houses, &c.. has already been commenced. In the Fifteenth nod Nineteenth wards extensive improvements are about being made; while in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth wards a number of new dwellings have been commenced. No less than eighty-two new dwellings have been contracted for, to be built upon the square bounded by Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Buttonwood, and Spring Garden streets. In the Nineteenth ward, (the old district of Richmond,) one hundred dwellings, suitable for families oflimited means, are about to be constructed. Bobbery of a Colored Man.— A colored man, hailing from New Jersey, fell in with a party of young gentlemen, on Tuesday night, who Invited him to accoiiumw them to a house in the lower ponton of the city. Bo accompanied them, and yesterday morn ing found himself minus some seventy- five dollars. Two of the precocious youths were arrested, and had a hear ing before Alderman Balias, who committed them to answer. They gave tlieir names as Thomas Winslow and John Dallas, and upon the person of the latter Bomo twenty dollars of the stolen money was found. Windmill Island.—The lower por ticn of Windmill Island, more commonly known ai Smith’s lelnml and Point Airy, has been sold to Mr. Robert J. Mercer. The property contains a large wharf frontage, with great depth of water, and is susceptible of important improvement. Wo understand that it is the intention of the purchaser to expend upon it a large 6um, and make it an important depot for the loading and discharging of cargoes, thus largely benefiting the trade Of the cit;, Effect of Lent upon Amusements. —The theatrical managers complain that their receipts h ive fdlcn off since the beginning of Lent. Good Catho lics are tko best patroiiß of legitimate amusements, and these abstain from extraordinary pleasures during the season of Lent. The Episcopal element is also miisiug from the theatres. The Continental Thoatre and the Arch-street Theatre have new pieces to produce, but they wisely postpone their production until the con sciences of folks will insure success and good audiences. Fatal Result.— lsaac Kinzcr, a flour merchant, doing business at the corner of Broad and Vine streets, died at his residence in Spring Garden street, abovo Twelfth, on Tuesday night, from injuries inflicted upon his throat and arm, whilo laboring under a temporary fit of iasanity. The rash act %vaa committed upon tho second floor of his store, and to fully accom plish his eDd be took a largo dose of laudanum. Disorderly House.—Yesterday a Miss Jones was committed by Alderman Boitler, to an ewer the charge of heeling a disorderly house at No, Old Beach street, near Brown. A witness testified that a great deal of dancing was had m Miss Jones* house, and that the cry of murder was frequently hoard there. Street Fight.—Two men, named Michael Brady and Patrick Bradly,got into a fightabout three o’clock yesterday morning at Eighth and Bedford streets. Billies were used, and one of the combatants had his head pretty sevorely cut. Both were arrested and committed by Alderman Dallas. Street Parade.—The One-hundred and-ninth Begiiufut 1\ V., Col. H. J. Steiurook, made quite a creditable parade through some of our principal ftreete yesterday morning. They were accompanied by a fine band of music, but were without arms. Another Man.—The Rev. S. Town send who objected to voting in favor of the majority re port at the Methodist Conference on Monday, was net Rev. Stephen Townsend, but Bev. Sylvanus Townßond. T here aro three 8. Townsends in the Philadelphia Con ference. Cotton from Europe.—The ship iresfmweltmtZ, which is now being discharged at Pine- Birofct wharf, has on. board a quantity of cotton, Bhipped from Liverpool for tills maikec, This is a very rare cir cumstance. A correspondent writing from Norristown, says: We have achieved a great Union victory in our town, us your readers will perceive by the follow ing facts: That Norristown gave 387 majority for Henry D. Foster, Democratic candidate for Go vernor in 1860. That Dr. E. L. Acker, editor of Norristown Register* and a rampant Breckinridge Democrat, is beaten by the lowest opposing candidate for school direotor 217 votes. That the lioket on which he ran was called Democratic, nominated as such, and supported as such by Register and the Defender , (the latter the Bell-Everett organ), who called upon the citizens to Sustain it as such ia order to put down the black Republicans who .were in the way of restoring the Union to a 'peaceful settlement or adjustment That nl though promluent Douglas men and sound Union men, such as George W. Rogers and A. B. Longaker. the latter formerly a Speaker of the House of Representa tives. were placed upon the tioket to redeem it from its odious character and save it from defeat, every one even of them were badly beaten, the former by 178 majority, and the latter by 134. I. #12,072 78 11,612 08 503 00 678 48 *76 63 820,142 »T The Election at Norristown, PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. VBOMAfi KIUBBb, Ja, j ISRAEL MORRIS, S Coickittib OF ths Most*. JOBEPH C. GRUBB. J LETTER BAGS At the Merchant* 1 Exchange Philadelphia. Ship Saranak, Rowland,,,,* Liverpool, March 25 Ship Westmoreland, Decan.. Liverpool, soon Ship Adelaide Bdll, Bohertion Liverpool, soon Ship Frank Flint, Roller Liverpool soon Bark American, Christian Port Spain, soon Bark Azelift, Havls Laguayra A Porto Oabello, soon Schr West Wind, Gilman Pounce,Pß, soon Schr J M Houston, Russell Barhados, soon MARINE INTELLIOENt E- PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, March 27,1863. SUN RISES 5 53—SUN SETS 6 18 HIGH WATER 12 14 Brig Ambrose Peters, Wall, GO days from Mcßslna, wi li fruit to inane Jennes & Co. Brig U L* Buggies, (Br j Feven, 13 days from Cienfue gfie, with fcugar to S & W Welsh. Schr Sarftli,, Benson, 2 ilaj s troqj NSW York, With DOtt' drette to captafu. Schr Frank Herbert, Parker, G days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A CollinH. S;hr Americus, Walters, 5 days from Port Royal,iu ballast to oaptaln. fiflir Golden Gntci Fleming; 1 da; from Frederica* Del; with corn to Jbs L Bewley & Co. Schr Vandalia, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr Clayton & Lowber, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Dvl, with corn to Jjim L Bewley & Co. Si hr Annie Gibbon. Rubjoll, 1 day from Salem; NJ, with com to Jas L Bewley & Go. CLEARED. Brig G T Ward, Briggs, Cork for orders, Workman & Co. Schr Breeze, Huler, Key West, D S Stetion & Co. Schr Emma Amelia, Harding, Botton, D Cooper. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del, March 25, A M The brig J M Sawyer, from Philadelphia for filatanzas, —Mm r?p?r'94 an «wrtomlsfl—ib4Mk AlMtliflh from an eastern port for riitlacelphin. rema u in tho Roadstead, with schrs James Martin. Thomas Borden, Emily Fowler, May Flower, Jersey City, and F W 6 Queen. A ship and a brig passed up yesterday after noon. Wind tVNW. Yoma, AG. AARON MARSHALL. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., March 26. The bark E H Yarrington, from Messina, came in this Mol‘fiiLg, sad PPsC4sdid us. Wind WdW. JOHN P. MARSHALL. Ship James Brown, Crabtree, at Callao 24th ult. from Ccinimbo, and sailed 27tb for Chincha Islands, to load for Autwerp. Ship Florence Chipman, Jones, cloared at Liverpool Bth inst. for Philadelphia. Bark E II Fisk, Fisk, hence for Key West, was seen 18th iust, lal 3s, long 74. Brig James Caroy Coale, Linden, cleared at Rio do Janeiro 6th ult. for Delaware Breakwater. Scbrs Bee, Postal, from Leipßic, Del, Waupousa, Sive, and Georgia, Morris, from Smyrna, Del, at New York 25th inst. Schrs Thomas Borden, Wrightington, hence for Fall River; W E Nelson, Smith, and F Mervin, Cole, hence for Providence, at New York 25th insti and all sailed again, Schr Eben Sawyer, Tracy, from Boston for Philadel phia, at Newport 23d inst. Schrs Globe, Ames, from Warren, and Exchange, Si.ule, from Portland, both for Philadelphia, sailed from NawimiH !43d inst Schr Irdiißi Stockley, from Seaford, Del, for N York, laden with corn auu wood, was run into 23d inst, at I A M, off* Fenwick’s Island, by an unknown brig, which carritd away stern within six inches of the water’s odge, bad to throw overboard somo wood and about 200 bush els corn; Put into this port 25ch inst. for repairs. Schr Joseph Crandall, Gage, at J ew York from Cadiz, had westerly kales the entire passage; sprung bowsprit, fore gaff, parted bobstftys, received damage to sails and rigging, and had bulwarks stove. Ship Seth Sprague.-Tyson, at New York from Glas gow, had very heayy westerly gales far tbs 35 days. Feb 16, lat 46 30, long 38 40, took a gale troin tiie west ward, and was hove to for five days. Feb 23 lud a hur ricane from W to SW, lasting about four hours, the sea going over the ship in a perfect breach. March 9 ship ped a heavy sea, which stove bulwarks, cabin, started afterhouse, and filled the decks. March 11, lat 49 59, loti|>‘ 39 10, pusfied of plank and ship kntefl, and what was supposed to be part of a boat. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Mediterranean—Baleares Isles—Fixed Light oh Botafocii— Official information has be.*n re ceived at this office that on aqd after the 30th day of Nq vcujber, 1601, a light would be exhibited from a light house recently erected on Botafoch islet, on the north side of tbe entrance to the port of Iriza, one of the Ba leares islee, off the southeast coast of Spain. Tho light is a fixed white light, placed at an elevation ernpafeft “t'w the mean level of the eea, ant sheald he visible in clear weather from a distance of nine m-.lts. The illuminating appatattis Is dioptric, or by lenses of the sixth order. The tower is round, 52 feet high, and surmounted by a white lantern; the keeper’s dwellingis attached, a«d both aro of a redQish«gray color. The tower stands in lat 39 deg 54 miu N, long I deg 31 mitn east of Greenwich. LtCHT ON ISLA DE LOS AUORCADOS. T Also, that on and after the3oth day of November, 1861, tho fixed light on Isla do loa Ahorcados, between Iviza and Formenteia, v li be changed from a sixth to a fourth order, and mired to an elevation of t>. feet above the level of tfio sea. It should be seen in clear weather from a distance of 1C miles. The tow>r is round, and 56 feet high; it is painted orange color, and suimounted by a white lantern. By order. 811,354 89 , THORNTON A. JENKINS, Secretary. Treasury Department, Office L. H» Board, Washington City, March 5, 1862. FOR SALE AND TO LET. FIRST-CLASS EIGHTH-STREET BsUtore and Dwelling to Bent; handsomely fitted up, with good basement; an old stand; location most cen tral on the street. Goodwill and Fixtures for sale. Ap ply 23 N. Eighth Street. mh26 lm* FOR SALE OR TO LET—Four ISiiiL Houses, on the west side of BROAD Street, below Columbia avenue. Applv at tiie southwest corner of NINTH and SANSOM Streets. mh'26-tf tp, FOR SALE, OR EXCHANGE IH IN F&IIT FOR CITY PROPERTY—A Urge COUNTRY MANSION, beautifully situate 1, command ing the adjacent country, together with a Cottage, Gar dener’s House, Farm House, Stables, Barn, ice and Spring Houses, and nearly fifty .five acres of land, near Abiugtoo Siaticn, ou the North Pennsylvania Railroad, about nil e miles from tiie city. Apply at 833 NORTH TBIRD STREET, above Vine. mh 25-3t* ap TO LET—A beautiful COGN ■iiB TRY-PLACE, of 10 acres, on the west side of FRONT Street road, above Hart lane, within ten mi nutes* walk of tho Frankfofd fthd Southwark passdftger cars. Possession early in April. Apply at the south west corner NINTH aud SANSOM, second story. mb23-tf r ' FOlt SALE—Lot, northeast corner SECOND Stroot and SUSQUEHANNA Armine, 250 fret front by 100 feot deep Apply to LUKENS «fc MONTGOMERY, BEACH Street, above Maiden. mti24-12r* TO DISTILLERS. Tie DISTILLER! tewira as tho " PHCENIX” and formerly owned and occupied by SAML. SMYTH, Erq., tituated on TWENTY-THIRD, between RACK and TINE Streets, Philadelphia, Capacity 600 bushels per day, Is now offered for 6ale on reasonable And 4W6td modatingterms. Is in good running order, and has all the modem improvements. An Artesian well on tho pre mises furnishes an unfailing supply of good, pure water. Address Z. LOCKE A CO., No, 1010 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. fe22»dtf TO LET—A House on DEWEY’S Mil lane, Germantown, with all the modern conve niences, Coach House and Stable, first- rate Garden, and various kinds of fruit; within five minutes, by a good walk, to tho station- Apply at No. 23 North FOURTH Street. [mhl3-tfj JAMES (JIIESSON. FOR SALE—A desirable FARM, near Norristown, Montgomery county, containing 89 acres of superior land, nicely watered. Large stone inroroTHmontg) fine fruits* &o. Price only $95 per acre. For further particulars* apply to eg, 40,000 PEACH TREES, VERY 3C fine, thrifty; 10,000 Bilrer Leaf Mantes,large and handsome; also, a large assortment of other Frnit, Shade, and Ornamental Trees, for sale cheap for cash or on time* Catalogues gratis. CHAS. P. PETERS, mbl7-lm* Concord ville, Delaware count*, Pa, TQKENT TO a GENTLEMAN—A largo communicating Parlor and Cuouibcr, in a pri vate louse ou Walnut street, without beard.* Inquire at the DRLG Store, ELEVENTH and WALNUT Streets. m FOR SALE—A FINE FRUIT ■JI FARM, one mile from Railroad StaUon, near Do ver. Extensive PEACH ORCHARD, just in the prime of bearing, besides a great variety of othnr fruits, large Grapery, Ac. Plaiu improvements. Immediate pos session. Also, a number of Farms possession of which can be given'this Bpring. Apply to E. PETTIT, mhSO-tf No. 809 WALNUT Street, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— 3Ca Desirable FARM, containing 95 Acres of supe rior land, six miles from Market-street Bridge, in Mont gomery county. Convenient to Railroad and Steamboat Lauding. First-class improvements, nicely watered. Sic. For fuithcr particulars apply to E. PETTIT, mh2o-tf No. 809 WALNUT Street fl> 1Q CAA —THIS AMOUNT TO IN <4) I OatJV/lF» VEST In one or two Securities, os a permanent investment. Apply to E. PETiTT, mh26 No. 309 WALNUT Street. fljo OAA OLD MORTGAGE FQR vOtOUu* SALE, on a valuable farm in Montgo mery county. Also, a number of first-class city Mort gages and Ground Bents, of different amounts, at.a dis count Apply to E. PETTIT, mli7-tf No. SO9 WALNUT Street. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. gM OKED SALMON. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER IN FINE GBOCEBIES, mhio-tr COBNEB ELEVENTH AND VINE STS. LEAF LARD.—79 tierces prime ket tle-rendered Ltßf L*rd, for 8&U by 0. C. SADLKB & GO., 103 ABGII Street; 2d door above Front. fXHEESE. —150 boxes fine Herkimer County Cheese, for sale by n c QinTivn 1. nn mb2o-tf 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. Adamantine candles.—a job lot of old Adamantine Candles, in store and Cor TTOB SB RADISH.—Pure Puck Island XI Horns Badlsh, prepared for family use, in pint and hair-pint bottles, for sale to the trade by RHODES A WIGLIAIHS, 107 South WATER Street. ! TV/lESS PORK.—2SO bbls Mess Pork, lu. for sale by C. C. BADLEB & CO., 103 ARCH Streot, 2d door above Front, TTIN BG A R—French White W ine T Vinegar, for wile by JAURETCHE 3t LA.VERGNB, Kns 202 am) 004 South FRONT Street. GREEN CORN AND PEAS 60 cases Winslow’s tosrawlkallr sealed Green Corn, SO »» ** »'• OPA6Q Pe&s. 20 bis *• Fraeh Tomatoes, j*sit aai for sal* by WHOLES & WILLIAMS, IV So-tl* WA.TSB Street THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 2T, 1862. ARRIVED. BY TELKGRAPJI, MEMORANDA. E, PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. FINANCIAL. JUST RECEIVED. RHODES & WILLIAM, 107 South WATER Street EnrCATIONAX, rPREEMOUNT SEMINARY, Norris -L town, Pa., for YOUNG M*N and BOVS—The situation is lil|,'h and healthy, and the ground, contain ten acre.. The SUMMER SESSION commence. April 8. Far dwmliw, addr... irhlBtnth».9t JOHN W. LOCH, Principal. Oxford female seminary, Oxford, Cheoter county, Pft. In a h«A‘tiiful, and easily accessible location, It affords advantages for a thorough and normal* education. Tbe course of study includes the Ornamental Brauclios aud most of the solid branches taught in our colleges. The next Session will open MAY 7, i 862. For circulars, ad dress Miss H. BAKER, Principal. mhl3-lm ■\7ILLA«fi tiREMN SEMINARY— V SELECT SCHOOL NEAR MEDIA PA.—Tho- Tongh course in the Languages, Mathematics, English studies, and all the usual branches. Special attention paid to Book-keeping. Fine Philosophical Apparatus and Library. Pupils of all ages taken. BoariULg per wcok, 20. Rev. J. HEBYEY BARTON, A. M. mhB-lm Tillage Green, Pa. Burden town female 001. tBaS, Bcrdontown, N. J. This institution is pleasantly located on the Delaware river, ljf hour’s ride from Philadelphia. Special atten tion is paid to the common and higher branches of Eng lish, and superior advantages are fomisned in vocal Instrumental musk, German aud French are taught b, natives, and spoken in the ramily, For catalogues, 000* talning full particulars, address Rev. JOHN H. BBAKELEY, A. M., ja29-2m* President. riALVARY ACADEMY, GERMAN TOWN, Phii.a.—The Principal can receive into lis fAmily a few hoarding scholars, whero they will enjoy all tbe cumfoits and discipline of honn. They can be prepared either for business or to enter any class in college. Reference—Right Rev* Bishop Potter* Rev. R. New» ton, 1) D. For circulars address B. SHOEMAKER, A. M., Principal, mh2o-thm 2m* GERMANTOWN, Phila. LKOAL. TN THE .ORPHANS’ COURT FOR A THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estate ot JOHa R. HUDDERS, deceased. Notice U hereby given thhl U A.NNAU HITiIDF.RS, the widow of said d< cedent, has filed in said Court her petition and an appraisement of the porsoual property which she claims to retain under the act of Assembly of 14th of April, 1851. and supolemout thereto, aud that the same will be approved by the Court on Friday, tho 4th day of April, 1b62, unless exceptions thereto be fl’ed. mhsiO-ths4t* THORN, for Petitioner. Estate of maria huixson, DECEASED. —Letters Testamentary to-the Estate of MARIA HUDSON, deceased, baying been granted ta the undersigned by the Register of Will- for the City and County of Philadelphia, all persona indebted, to said Es tate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them, without delay, to ELIZABETH RICH, J. T. GRAHAM, Executrices, No. 129 UNION Street, Burlington N. J, Or t*» their Attorney, FREDERICK HEfER, mhG-thOt* 241 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. Estate of James mcoohmiok, DECEASED.—Letters of Administration to the Eetnte ol JAAIES hTcCOBMICK, dcce»>,o<a, having been grai tcd to the undesigned by the Register of Wills for the City and County of Philadelphia, all persona indebted to said Entato arc requested to make payment, and those having claims to pr< sent the same, without delay, to MARY ANN McCORMIGK, Administratrix* No. 1717 SOUT- Street, Or to her Attorney, FREDERICK HEYEU. nhe.th6t* No. 241 South THIRD Street. William burrell, deceas ed. s The heir-ftt-lttw of WILLIAM BURRELL, of North Lopliahi, Norfolk, Engiaud, is required. It is supoosed the isone of the descendants of STEPHEN BURRELL, who can e to this country from England many years ago. Apply, with full particulars, to Mr, TBOHA§ MAY, Beanpojt, Quebec, nr to Mr. WILLTAM MaY, Solicitor, No 2 Adelaide Place, London Bridge, London, England, Quebec, March 14. 1862. m2O ths 4t COFAKTOEKSMP NOTICES. owTrich^nFir^'w^m!! —COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—JOHN H. TOWNS, formerly of the firm of Merrick & Towue, has become u member of the firm of I. P. MORRIS A CO, to take effect from and after tho Ist of January, 1662. Isaac P. Morris withdraws from active participa tion in tho conduct of the business. The title of the new firm is I. P. MORRIS, TOWNE, & CO. ISAAO P. MORRIS, LEWIS TAWS, JOHN J. THOMPSON, foil JOHN H. TOWNE pOPARTNERSHIP tfOTICE.—IS- Kj RAEL MORRIS this day retires from out firm. His sons, THEODORE H. MORRIS and FREDERICK W. MORRIS, are admitted as partners; and the busi ness will be continued as heretofore. MORRIS, WHEELER, A CO., Iron Merchants, 1600 MARKET Street. Philadelphia. Deo. 81. lfiffl. jal-tf PROPOSALS. Army clothing and equi page OFFICE, N. E. corner TWELFTH and GIRARD Streets. Philadelphia, March 25,1802. PROPOSALS. Proposals are invited at this office until 3tst March, at 12 o’clock 31., for furnishing immediately— 20,000 tin Canteens, with corks and strings—complete Army Standard, 6,000 Pick Axeß, Army Standard. 6,000 Spades. ** Samples can be seen at this office. Bidders will please endorse their communications “ Proposals for Cautcons, ’ “ Pick Axes,” and “ Spades.” G H. CKOS3IAN, mb26-t3l Deputy Quartermaster General, U. S. A Army clothing and equi page OFFICE, Philadelphia, March 24,1562. PROPOSALS Vill be received at this Offir-o until THURSDAY, March 27th, at 12 M., for furnishing Throe Hundred Srts HOSPITAL TENT POLKS, to be equal to and similar in 'every respect to tbe army standard, a sample of which can he seen at the Schuylkill Arsenal. Rids will be endorsed Proposals for Hospital Tert Polfff," G, H CBQSMAK, mh2o-3t Deputy Quartermaster General. TO CONTRACTORS.— ProposaIs wiil ho received until MARCH 31st, inclusive, at the Engineer's office, corner of THIRTIETH and MARKET streets, West Philadelphia, for the GRADING and BAL LASTING of two and a quaxter miles of the Junction Railroad, between Bridge street and the Colombia Bridge, in West Philadelphia. Plans of tho work can be seen at the Engineer’s office, and tho necessary informa tion obtained, on and after March 24. mhlQ*tmh29 JOHN A. WILSON, Engineer. MARSHAL’S SALES. TV/lARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a JA_L Writ of Sale, by tho Hon. JuHN CAD WALADER, Judge of the District Court or the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for Cash, at QUEEN* STREET WHARF, on TUESDAY, April Bth, 1862, at 12 o’clock M., the Brig ARIEL, hor tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lies at the said wharf. WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. S. Marshal K. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. March 25,1862. mh26-6t MAE SHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Sale, hi the Hon. JOHN CADa WALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for Cash, at QUEEN STREET- WHARF, on TUESDAY, April Bth, 1862, at 12 y’clock M„ the cargo of the Steamer gALVOR, con sisting of Cigars, Cigaretos, Bats, Knives, Dirks. Swords, Shoes, Guns, Pistols, Rifles, Percussion Caps, Quicksilver, Coffee, Ac. The goods can be examined on the morning of the Bale. WILLIAM MTLLWARD, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, March 25,1862. mh26*6t MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of sale, by the Hon . JOHN CADWALA DEB, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for tho Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be Bold at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, at QUEEN-STREET WIIARF, on TUESDAY, April 1, I<*62» 60 crates of earthenware, part of tho cargo of the ship Amelia. WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. S. Marshal E. D. o! Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, March 21,1862. mh22-6t MARSHAL’S SALE.-r-By virtue of a writ or order of sale, by the Hon. JOHN CAD WALADER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold, at pubHc sale, to the Highest and boat biddor, for cash) at CALLOW* HILL*STREET WHARF, on WEDNESDAY, April 2d, 1862, at 12 o’clock M., thebrig HERALD, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and tho cargo laden on board thereof, consisting of 655 casks and 308 barrels spirits turpentine. WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. S. Marshal E. D. of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, March 20, 1962. ML2I-61 MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Bale, by the Hon. JOHN CADWALA DEB, Judge of the District Court of tho United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Ad miralty, to me directed, will be sol I, at public sale, to the highest end beet bidder, for cash, at QUEEN-STREET WHARF, on TUESDAY, APRIL 1,1862, at 12 o’clock H., the cargo of the schooner PRINCE ALFRED, cm sisting of Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Rum, and Salt. WILLIAM MILLWABD, U. B Marshal B. J>. of Pennsylvania. PniLADELPiUAt March 20* 1862, mh3l-6t FRUIT. DRIER APPLES.—66 saoka new Western Dried AppUS j 7 bbls new Western Dried Applet. Just received and in ttore For sale by MURPHY A KOONS, !a7-tf No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. RAISINS.— 300 boxes Layor R&iai&a; £OO half boxes Layer Baistns; 800 boxoß M B Bunch Bahtina: 800 half boxes H B Bunch Baistns. Hew Mid choice trnit, now landing and for sale b, MURPHY A KOONSi j»7_tf Ho. 140 NOBTH WHABVBS. THE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COMPANY Hove roopesed »rd refitted % BRANCH OFFICE IN WILLARD’S HOTEL, WASHINGTON. E>. O. This company is prepared to accommodate the guests of that bouse, and the public, with every Telegraphic facility. Communication direct with ' BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, And all Telegraphic Stations in the loyal States. GENERAL OFEIO&, NO. 433 AVENUE. w. P. WESTERVELT, mh!s-lm Superintendent. JjQW, SON, & BENBO W’S SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. Mr. G. H. BENBO W, of the above firm, eo Jong known to tho American trade, ii forms his friends and patrons that, the partnership having expired with Mr. Low. he hfiß taken into partnership bis son, HENRY BENBOW, who has been many years connected with the late firm. G. H. Benbow having purchased the share of the busi ness belonging to B jbert Low. Sr., who was the original proprietor of LOW’S BROWN WIEDBOB 80AP, fto., BENBOW & SON will continue the manufacture of that superior article, haring had the solo managemont for several years. Alsc, of HONEY, GLYCERINE, FANCY BOAT'S, POMADES, PERFUMES, BRUSHES, Ac., the Quality of which they guarantee ecjual to any imported Into tho American market. Bio era visiting England the present year ore requested to examine our good* and prices without incurring the obligation to purchase. BENBOW * SON. 12 LITTLE BRITAIN, LONDON lIXUJUINATING OILS. QIL! OIL.!! OIL!I! HULBURT k BRODHEAD, NO. S4O ARCH STREET, * Having opened a General Depot for the Bale of Extra Refined and Lubricating COAL OILS, would call the tpecial attention of dealers and consumers to tholr refined ILLUMINATING OIL, m it pobtomm merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold In this market, produces no smoko, and is froe from all explosive properties. K 7" Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. fe2B'2m « T UOIFER” OIL WORKS. Li 100 Bbls. “ Lucifer” Burning Oil on hand. Ve guarantee this oil to be non-explosive, to burn all the oil In the lamp with a steady, brilliant flame, without crusting the wick, and but slowly. Bbls. lined with glass enamel. WRIGHT. SMITH, & FBARSALL. fe2l-tf Office 516 MARKET Street. pARBON OIL.—IOO bbls. Natrona Oil in store and for sale by WILI.IAM M. WILSON, i»8 MARKKr street. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. SHOEMAKER & co.. Northeast Corner FOURTH and RAGE Streets, rHti.AiiEi.raLi, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMTORXERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. mAufacturkrs or WHITE LEAD AND ZING FAINTS, PUTTY, &o. ASIHTS FOR THB CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealer, and conenmere supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. el2-2m >, BEY AND IN LEAD Bed Lead, White Lead, Litharge, Sugar of Lead, Copperas, Oil of Vitriol, Calomel, Patent Yeliowi Chrome Red, Chrome Yellow, Aqua Fortis, Muriatic Acid, Epsom Salta, Rochelle Salts, Tartaric Acid, Orange Mineral, Soluble Tart. Sab. Carb. Soda, White Vitriol, Red Precipitate, WETHEBI Druggists &tod M&1 Nos. 47 and 49 lalfl-tf CABINET EURNITUKE. CABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIAKD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, 1?9, 2fl Bputb SECOND Street, In connection with their extensive Cabinet Business are now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hand a full supply, finished with the MQORS A CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced, by all who have used them, to be superior to all others. For the quality and finish of these tables the manu facturers tefer to their numerous patrons throughout the Union, who are familiar with the character of tboir work. MEDICINAX.. Electricity will cure all FORMS fOF DISEASE, when appliod by Prof. C.H. BOLLES, 1220 WAL.NUT Street, Philadelphia, tie founder and teacher of an entire new mode of ap plying Ghlvaniam, Magnetism, Electro*magnetism, and other .modifications of Electricity, in harmony with his db-covery of tbe polarities of the brain, and ganelionic yelatioi sof the human syetem. Bead the following: About two years and six months ago I was taken with lullanimatoiy Rheumatism, and would sometimes hare it so;bad, in different parts of my b.dy* that I wouldbe un able to move. *1 ho parts affected would swell) and the pain was Tory severe* and in dAmp weather would ge nerally bo very stiff', and confined me in the house. I have tried different physicians «ud personal recommendations to euro the rheumatism without fail* and I also have taken a sreat many different extracts, and other medi cines* and ! got but temporary relief. I was persuaded by a friend to try Professor BOLLEi? & CO , 1220 WALNUT Street, Electrical but thinkiug at the time It would bo like tbu rest* 1 felt reluctant about trying it, hut a few days after 1 aaw a certificate in The Prest, a, daily paper of a cure of a chronic case ho had made upon a minister of the M. E. Church, 1633 HELMUTS Street; and 1 went to seo him, and after examination he said he could cure me. 1 submitted myself to his treat tuent, and the effect waa aetoniahiug • no shocks, (such as I expected*) but all was pleasant and agreeable, and after the fourth application I felt better than I had for some time* and in the fifth application I was perfectly cured, the whole occupying not quite two weeks Ido heartily recommend any person similarly afflicted, and believing if any person who has any acute orchronio affliction would call and see Professor GOLLES & GO., Electrical Physicians. 1220 WALNUT Street, he would get rolieved of his suffering by their treatment. ALEXANDER ADAIBE, 1312 SAVER if Street, mli24.3t* Eighteenth ward* Kensington, TO THE DISEASED OP ALL GLASSES.—AII sub-acute and chronic diseases cured by special guaranteo, at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, and iu case of failure no charge will be made. ProFe£S6r HOLIES, 'U>& V 3UNDEB of this NEW PRACTICE, will SUPERINTEND tlie treatment of all cases BIfiISELF. A pamphlet containing a imiltituds of certificates of those cured, also letters and complimentary resolutions from medical men, will be giTen to any person free | Leeturoa a» e constantly given nt 11230 to medical men and others who deeiie a knowledge of my discovery in applying Elt'Ctric-ty as a reliable tberapoutic agent. Consultation free. mh‘24-6t# QLUTEN CAPSULES PUKE COD-LIVER OIU. The repugnance of most patients to COD-LIVEB OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, has in duced various forma ’of disguise for its administration that are familiar to the Medical Froferniooi Some of them answer in special cases, but more often neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, Ac., to invalids, induced by disgust df the Oil, is entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. OOjD-LIYEB OIL CAPSULES have been much need lately In Europe, the experience there of the goodSre; suits from their use in both hospital mid private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, feeling assured their use will result in bonefit and deserved favor. Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER, 1412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. llyrßS. JAMES BETTS 1 CELEBRA -IXI. TEB BUPPOBTEBS FOB LADIES, and the only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La lies and physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. Betts, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their physicians to use her appliance*. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright* labela on the bom and signatures; snd •Iso on the Support****. with te*HnwiHa!* oold-tuthiitf BUSINESS NOTICES. DR. FINE, PRACTICAL DEN CH* TIST for 18 years. No. 219 TINE Btreet, above Second, inserts the most beautiful Teeth of the age, mounted on fine Gold, Piatina, Silver, Vulcanite, Oo ralite, Amber, Ac., at prices more reasonable for neat and substantial work than any Dentißt in this city. Teeth Plugged to last for life. No pain in extracting feeth, Artificial Teeth repaired to suit. No pap until satisfied ail is right. Reference, best families. fe22-3m TOHN A. ALLPERPICEj tl ATTORNEY-AT-LAW; Has resumed the Practice of his Profession at NEW CASTLE, DELAWARE. [ja2B-8m« TOHN WELSH, Practical SLATE U BOOFEB, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN Road, is prepared to put on any amount of ROOFING, on tne most MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty to make wsf Building perfectly Water-tight. WT Orders promptly attended to. myT-ly MACHINERY AND IRON. PENN STEAM ENGINE SMHBaR and BOILER WORKS.—NSA7IE A LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many yean, been in successful operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River En gines, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanka, Propellers, Ac., Ac., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared to contract for Bn* gines of all sizes, Marius, River, and Stationary, haring sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to exe cute orders with wrck Brer? descriptive c* pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low-pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings, of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all descrip tions; 801 l Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifications for all work done at their establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boat*, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., Ao., lor rail ing heavy er light weights. • JACOB 0. NVAFIf, JOHN P. LEVY, jel4-tf BEACH and PALMER Streeta. J. VAUGHAN MERRICK, WILLIAM H* MBRRIOK, HAMLET ME&BIOK, OOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, 0 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STRUTS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK A SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS^ Manufacture High and Lew Pressure Steam Engines, for land, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Cast ings of aU kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Ball road Stations, Ao. Retorte and Gas Macliinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, Bach m Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills. Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac. eole Agents for N. BilHeux's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus: Neemy th’s Patent Steam Hammer, and As - pinwall A Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. »u5-tf Ti if ORGAN, ORR, & CO., STEAM -IXI ENGINE BUILDERS, Iron Founders, and General Machinists and Boiler Makers, No. 1210 CAL* LOWHILL Street, Philadelphia. fa!3-ly White Precipitate, Lunar Gaustio, Sulph. Morphing, Morphine, Acetate Morphine, Lac. Sulph., Ether ftulphurio, Sthur Nitric, Sulphate Quinine, Gorro. Sublim., Denarcotized Opium, Chloride of Soda, Wetherill’B ext. Glnoha Turtw EmeNf, Chlbrideof Lime. Crude Borax, Refined Borax, Camphor, Resin Copavia. LL & BROTHER, mfaeturing Ohemisfcs, North SECOND Street, PHTLADELPmAa JOHN 1. OOPH, INSURANCE COMPANIES. Delaware mutual safety INSURANCE COMPANY INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE OR PENNSYLVANIA, 1885. OFFICE B. 15. OURNER THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA. MARINS INSURANCE ON VESSEL B, ) CARGO, J To all parts of the World. FREIGHT, \ INLAND INSURANCES Ob Goods, by Rivera, Canals, Lakes, aud Land Oarr!*c«i to all parts of the Union. FIRS INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores. Dwelling liousvo^Ao. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOV. I,IMI. Pl*. Q 099. 8100,000 United States Five per cent. Loan. 8100,260 00 60,000 United States Six per cent. Trea sury Notes. 40,006 8T 26,000 United States Seven and Three ftenOm per eont. Treasury Note* 06,0 M 06 100,000 Statu of Pennsylvania Five per cent. Loan 80,561 26 123,050 Philadelphia City Six per l*nt. Loan.... 119,448 IT 80,000 State of TfTOCBNC Five per cent. Loan ... 34,0T# 00 80,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, Ist Mort gage Six per cunL Bonds 80,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. 80nd5...•••« 40,180 88 16)000 900 Shares Stock Gersinntown Gil Company, principal aud interest guarantied by the City of Phi ladelphia 14,687 60 6,000 100 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Railroad Company..B,ooo 00 Bill! receivable for tusuruuGos mud 0...... 00,730 0T Bonds and Mortgages 75,000 00 Beal Estate.. 61,368 Bft Balances duo at Agencies—Premiums on Marine Policies, Interest, and other Debts due the Company Scrip and Stash of sundry Insurance and other Companies, £11,843 —estimated va lue 4,086 00 Gash on hand—ln Bulks £51,003 08 .In Drawer.... •• 617 83 61,815 88 DIEEOTORS, Samuel S. Stokes, J. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, B<!war>J Pftrlißgt«B| h. Jouob Brooke, Spencer ftl’llyame, Thomas 0. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, Jamei 0. MoFarUndi Joshua p. Erro, John B. Semple, Pittsburg, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. fIABTIN, President. HAND, Vififl ProaldanL :etary. jal4-tf William Marti u, i Edmund A. Soudor, . Theopbilus Paulding, 1 Jgbn R, Penrgig, John C. Davis, i James Tratiuair, l William Eyre, .Tr., ' James 0. Hand, ' William C, Ludwig, i Joseph H. Seah i Dr. K. M. Huston, , George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, WILLIAM 1 THOMAS 0. HENRY LYLBUBN.Seci fJIHE RELIANCE MUTUAL ISSUBASUI OOBFASI, or PHILIDBLPaii., OFFICE No. 806 WALNUT STREET, Insures against LOSS OB DAMAGE BT FIB®, co Houses, Stores, and other buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goods, Wares, and Mer chandise, in tawa *f country. CASH CAPITAL, 8231,110.00—ASSETS 8817,142.04, Which is invested as follows, via: In first mortgage on city property, worth double the amount * .8199,900 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Oo.’s 0 per cent, first mortgage loan, at par.... 9,000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’a 8 per cent, se cond mortgage loan, (830,000). ..••,.••*•3 87,900 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Railroad and Canal Cc.’s mortgage loan 4,000 00 Ground rent, flrst-c1a5a.................... 8,469 £0 jilateral loans, well secured 2,600 00 City of Philadelphia 0 per cent 10an........ 80,000 00 Allegheny Connty 6 per cent. Pa. BR. loan. 19,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 6,135 01 Mechanics* Bank at0ck........ 8,312 60 PennsylTflnia Railroad Oo.’s BtodCtiuimsi 4*ooo 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.’s slock. 26,350 00 The County Fire Insnranco Co.’s stock..... 1,060 00 The Delaware M. 8. Insurance Oo.’s stock.. 709 00 Union Mutual Insurance Oo.’s scrip... ••••« 880 00 Bills receivable.. 14,302 74 Book accounts, accrued Interest, Ac . 7,104 66 dash on hand,*.,,.11,644 04 *317,143 Of The Mutual principle, combined with tfao security of * Stock Capital, entitles the insured to participate In the toovitb of the Company, without liability for ZiOfi&ftft. Leases promptly adjusted and paid, DIRECTORS. Samuel Elspham, Robert Steen, William Mudser, Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hiih J. Johnson Brown* Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Boweu, John Biaaeli, Pittsburg. IH TIKQIiEY, President. {Rem Tingiey, William B. Thompson, Frederick Brown, Willilim SteTRELBOB, John B. Worrelli E. L. Carson, Bober t Tuland, G. D. Boneiigarfcen, Charles 8. Wood, James 8. Woodward, . olb: B. M. Hi*ghma», Secretan February 16* 1861. Exchange insukanob COM PANY— Office, Go. 408 WALNUT Street Fire Insur&nw. on Hooa&s, and Horeh&ndiM fin4r4U? 7 on favorable terms, either Limited or Perpetual. DIBSOtOBS. Jeremiah Boneall, Thomas Marsh, John Q. Ginnodo, Charles Thompson* Edward D. Boberts, Jarneß T. Hale, Samuel D. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen* Reuben 0. Sale, John J. Griffiths* JEREMIAH BONSALL, President JOHN Q. GINNODO, Flee President Biokaeo Con. Secretary. tan Insurance company op the STATS 07 PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Not 4 end 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side ofWAL NUT Street, between DO<3K and THIRD Streets, Phila delphia. IKOGBPOBATSD In 1794—CHASTER PERPETUAL, CAPITAL, *200,000. PBCPSRTXS& 07 TBS CCMPANX, TSBBCARI 1, 1861, 8607,094.61. MARINE, FERE, AND INLAND TBAHSFOBTA- TION INSURANCE. DIBXOTOBS. Henry D. Bherrerd, Samuel Grant, Jr., Cli&rlM Mae&lostor, Tobiaa Wagner, Willidm S. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Austin, Henry G. Freeman, William B. White, Charles 8. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George 0. Garaon, Edward 0. Knight . SHSRBH3D, BnwMcnL ry. ;y29-fc? HENRY D. WSLUAK HiXMI. Secret&i ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY’S BUILDING, 8. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WAS.NUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. F. Ratchford Starr, Hordecai L. Dawson William McKee* Gee. H: Stuart* Haibro Frazier, John H. Brown, John M. Atwood, B. A. Fahnestock, Benj T. Tredick, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, J. L. Erringer. F. RATCHFORD STARR, President. OustN W. Coxa* Secreterv fe!9 T3IIRE INSURANCE. J* MECHANICS’ INSUBANOB OOHPAHT OB PHILADELPHIA, No. 188 North SIXTH Street, brio* Bftoe, Insure Buildings, Goods, and Merchandise gene rally, from Loss or Damage by Fire. The Company gua ranty to adjust ill Losses promptly, iss4 thereby hope to merit the patronage of the public. DIBEOTOBB. Bobert Flanigan, Michael McGooy, Silward McGovern, Thomas Bi Motiormioki John Bromley, Francis Falls, John Gaasady, Bernard H. Huleomaim, I Charles Clare, Michael C ahill. :OIS COOPER, Prtmidcui oeSS William Morgan, Francis Cooper, George If. Doughert/j James Martin* James Dwobh, Matthew McAleer, Bernard Kafferty, Thomas J. HomphiU, Thomas Fisher, fyancl# McManos, FB Bimu f Anthracite insurance COMPANY. Authorised Capital 1400,009- OHABTER PERPETUAL.; Ofloe No. dll WALNUT BbfUt, UtVMtt Ml U 4 Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. This Company will Insure against loss or damage by lire, on Buildings, furniture, and Merchandise gene rally. Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and freight*, Inland Insurance to all narts of the CoSOHI PBBI9X9BS. ' Davis PearsOEi Peter Sieger, J. E. Banin. Wm. P. Dean; John Kotoham, M EBHBR, President D2AX, Vice President apB-tf William Esher) P. Lather^ Lewiß Andenried, John fi, Blakiston* win. WM. 1 W. M. Bnn, Secretary. XjIIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVK- Jj LT.—The PENNSYLVANIA TIRE INSUBANOE COMPANY. Incorporated U3t. OHAETEB PBE PBTUAL. No. 610 WALNUT Street, opposite InflepeiMl snoe Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-six yearn, continues to insure agatant Lou or Da mage by Fire, on public or private Buildings, either per manently or for a limited time, Abo, on Furniture, ctocke of Goode, or UerohantliM generally, on liberal terms* Their Capital, together with a large Burplui Fond, fei invested in the most careful montier, which enables them to offer to the Insured an undoubted eecurltr in the cage ot km. DUMOTOBB* Jonathan Patterson* ¥homaa BoMm* Qnfatin Campbell* Daniel Smith, Jf.y Alexander Benaon* Jobs Devereux* William Monteliua, Thomas Smith. Hazlehcrst, JONATHAN William O. Oxowilu FATTHBB9S, President OTOtayy. M, American fire insurance COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. OHARTIB PEBPETCAL. Ho. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third) Philadelphia. __ . „ , , Harms a iarge pald-np Capital Stock and fidrplM, In fected In eomid and available Secnrlties, oontlnnea to txurare on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Y—■ •els in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal rtt* perty. All Loaeea liberally and promptly adjusted. DIBHOTOBB. Tkomaa B. Haris, jAiA** K. OMSHbrfl, John Welah, Edmunds. DnUlh, Bamnel O. Morton, Charles W .Ponltnoy, Patrick Brady, Israel Morris. John T. Lewis, AIISSTO. L. OIiWFO»Pi COAL. HAMPTON’S SPLENDID LEHIGH NUT, Hatnyton’a splendid Stove Goal, Hampton's splendid Egg Coal. Yard, southeast cor. FRONT and POPLAR. mhlB-I2t* ROBERT R. CORSON. COAL DEALER. OFFICE, 133 WALNUT STREET, BHLOW BBCOND, r«2T-3m PHILADELPHIA. fIOAL.— THE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to iDform their friends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH GOAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STREET WHARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW StFWiti, where they intend to keep the best duality of LEHIGH COAL, from the most approved miues, at the lowest prices. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON A CO., Office, 112 South SECOND Street. Yard. EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-tf EXPRESS COMPANIES. Should bo .out by HABNDJCN’d KXPK.BBS, SOT CHESTNUT Street Ther charge onlr HACK baths. and nond dally to Baltimore, Washington, Fortress Mon. roe. and all other points occupied by onr troops fe24.cni* THE ADAMS EX- M9998i PKKBR COMPANY, Office 83C nmcßThur street, forward* Parcels, Packages, Mer vLaudise, Daub Notes, and Specie, either by its own line* or In connection with other Kxpross Companies, to til the principal Towns and Cities of the United Staten ®. S. BANBF"BD, fe!9 Osnersl SEperintendent. 48,131 9T f&ee,>ae 3T AS S. MABIB, Frelddent. Secretary. feß-M SALEH mr AUCTION TOHN B. MYEKB A CO., AITOTION y EEBS, Nos. 232 and 234 MARKET Street. bale or liuy (iooi)8. This Morning, March 27, on fonr months’ credit— -600 packages British, French, and American dry goodsC SALK OF CLOTHING, Ac. This Afternoon, March S 7» on four months’ credit— A atceli nf eitv-nißiiH clothing, ehlrta, dyjttrsrp, SALE OF OARPETINOS. On Friday Morning, Harcli 28, on four months’ credit -350 pieces velvet, Brussels, ingrain, and Venetian car* Ffllingii niattinyffi 6 ft SALE OF FRENCH DRV GOODS. On Monday Morning, March 31, on four months* credit— -760 packayen French, German, Swiss, and Rritish dry goods. SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES. On Tue.-biay Morning, April 3, on fonr months' credit— -1,000 packages hoots and shoes. TPUJiWifiSS, BBINLEY, & 00., X 1 429 CHESTNUT STREET. SALE OF FANCY AND STAPLE FRENCH DRY GOODS. , „„ On Friday Mornimr, March 28, at 10 o'clock— -400 lota fancy and stspie Freucli dry goods. PEKKJIPTOKY SAL]-] FOR CASH. On Tucfjday ftiid Wulucatljiy Mornings, April 1 ami 2, at lu o’clock— A large stock ot fancy amt st.tiiilt* dry goods. from a large jobbing litmsc deciinim? btirtinoHs. |! lncluded In our sale on Tuesday im'd aul Wodnosday, Apiil 1 «nd 2, will bo found a very largo aMortmcnt of Reasonable goodp, \ix : DOMESTIC GOODS. punched find brown nhirtiugs, drillings, iliaiwr, lon» mid equate shawls, blankets, paddings fluntieh, cloth", cHSfrinifree, ifnmpilcu and b’nUold oa-wimeres, Buckeye cnseimerefl, Mallftck jeans, satinets, eottonudeß, licbiugn, checks, ginghams, lawns, wool plaids, fancy I'lintii, HNiuing ( Mbit* rlntlirt. &c, T IMPORTED GOODS. Black and fancy miks, marcpilinos, vesting, jacouet, cambric, Swigs, and Nainsook muslins; bishop hwus, brilliants, silk nets, limm cambric handkerchiefs, linens, diaper crash, mhUp, alapaeas, prints, ginghams, delators, red lmreflesi oriiviuh, chutic duck. Hi icias, linen towcll-ngs, cambrics, velvets, serges, challies, linen coatings, linen drills Ac. COTiON HOSJEJtT, 1 OVE9, SPOOL COTTON, TJ!KKAD, Ac Men’s and women’s white, brown, and mixed cotton Lose &iid L&lf li£>3i*; lh;i!lh t'lovep, Luck gloves und gatmthte, silk gloves, fillet mitts, lisle gloves ami gaunt lft§» Lid gloves, merino shills and drawers, spool cotton, patent thread, shirts, velvet, trimming ana bonnet rib bons, Ac. NOTION GOODS. Hair and cloUnfi brushes, dulls, straps, harmonicons, chess boards, boxes, lead pencils, fishing Hues, flasks, books and f yes, thimbles, medles, suspenders, tidy cot ton, silk twist carpet bindings, linen tape, leather and carpet bags, shoe laces, buttons, Ac. 19" Catalogues be ready and the goods opan for exami nation on 'Tnnud.ay morning, April 1. PANCOAST & WAENOCK, AUC TIONEERS, No. 213 MARKET Street FIRST SPECIAL SALK OF STRAW GOODS FOB SPUING OF 1882. On Friday Morning, March 28, commencing nt 10 o’clock. Comprising lute and desirable styles of split straws, pedal, Florence braid, fancy straw, and colored straw bonnets,for ladies and misses} misses’ and children'* fancy Lute, ftouievarde, Verunms, &c., being a full assort ment of seasonable goods f MILLINERY GOOT S AND FLOWERS. Also, included in sale on Friday, an invoice of choice stiles real Paris artifioial Rowers, joined bl-jnds, still* netß, &c. STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. Also, on Friday, a Block of boots and sUupp, compris ing men’s and youths’ calf and grain boots and shoos; ladies’, misses, afid children’s kid and grain Ralrmrulsj misses and children’s hetltd shoos; women’s slippers, ticß, A c. SUPERIOR FIRE-PROOF SAFE. At private sale, a very superior firo-proof safe. Lb. hopfin & co., auction • EBBS, 242 MARKET STREET. Philip fokl> & 00., auction eers, 526 MARKET and 622 COMMERCE St* SALE OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, AND BROGANS. Thiß Morning, M&r&k 27th, at 10 a’elofcU, pe-uisriy, will b& m>M, bf catalogue, 1,100 cases men’s, boys’, and youths’ calf, kip, graiu, and thick boots} calf,kip, and onamellod bro gans, Congress gaiters, Oxford ties, Wellington and Bal moral boots; women’s,misses’, and children’s calf,kip, goat, kid, morocco, and enamelled hooled boots, shoes, suiters, slippers, tmrlsihn, Ac. Also, a large arfdortfoonl of first class city-made goods. Jfc?" Goodß open tor examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sate. SALE OF 1,000 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BRO GANS, Ac On Monday Morning, March 31, at 10 o’clock, precisely, will bo sold by cata logue— -1,000 cases mens’, boye’, and youths’ calf, Idp, grain, and thick boots, calf and kip bregans, Congress gaiters, Oxford ties, Wellington and Balmoral boots, Ac.' wo* men’s, misses, and children’s calf, kip, goat, kia, and morocco, heeled boots amhshocs, gaiters, slippers, Balmo rals, &c. Also, a large assortment of first-class city made goods. Goods open for examination, with catalogues, early on morning of sale Tl/TOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER JSEJL AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, southeast corner of SIXTH and RACE Streets. NATHANS’ GREAT SALE OF FORFEITED COL- LATERALS, 1,500 LOTS OF FORFEITED GOOD?, Consisting of fine Gold and Silver Watches, Diamonds, Gold Chains, Jewelry, &c. On Tuesday Morning, April 1, at 9 o’clock, at Moses Nathans’ Auction House, Nos. 155 and 157 North Sixth street, adjoining the southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets, and will consist, in part, of— Splendid fine gold (18 carat) hunting-case, double case, and double-bottom English patent lever watches, full jewelled and plain, of the most approved and best makers; fine gold hunting-cope (78 carat) chronometer watches, euit&blo for ladies or gentleman; fine gold (18 carat) magic-case English patent lever watches, of the most ap proved makers; fine gold (18 ca-at) hunting-case, doa bletime and independent second watches, of the vtry best makers; fine gold (18 carat) hunting-case and open face detaebtd patent lever watches some of them mag nificent moVezm-bis \ line gold (18 CH-kt) gold Hnntmg case uud open-face lupine watches, and other fine gold watches; very line silver hunting*case, double-case, und double*bottom English patent lever watches, of the most approved and best makers; line silver hunting-case and open-face detached lever and lepine watches; fine gold pnd f-Hvcr Atvi&tfcUli WAtCheS} gobl-f»lAtfed caf>e, hunting- caso, and open face lever and other watches; silver English, Swiss, and French watches. DlAMONDS.—Magnificent diamond finger ring, coat $350; magnificent brilliantdianiond breastpin, costs7oo; diamond pins, rings, studs, Ac FiliP £y]d fpb, neck, and guard chains] ggld and silver hpectaciea; fine gold bracelets, breastpins, flegar ringe, ftuds, sleeve-buttons, sets of hue gold jewelry, gold and silver pencil-cases ami pens, medallions, and nume rous other articles. t£7~ The goods will be open for examination on Mon day afternoon, and early on the morning of the sale. RAILROAD LINES. 1862. IBM 1862. ARRANGEMENTS OF NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.’S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLAGES. JBOM WALNUT-STREET WEAR? AND KENSINGTON DEPOT. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: PAU, At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ac- commodation* .82 3ft At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) Accommodation 2 2ft At 9)4 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey Oity, Morning 8 00 At 12)4 P. M., via Camden ami Aznboy, Accommo dation • 2 2ft At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex press...... 8 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden aud Jersey City, Evening Exgresß 8 00 At 4 F. M., via Camden aud Jeraoy City, 2d Class Ticket 2 25 At 6)4 F. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Evening Mail 8 00 At 12 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City South- ern Mail M 3 Oft At ft P. M., via Camden anil Amboy, Accommoda* tion, (Freight and Passenger)—lst Class Ticket. • 2 2ft Do. do. 2d Class d 0.... 160 The 6)4 P. M. Lino runs dally, Sundays excepted. The 12 P. M., Southorn Mail runs dally. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkeabarre, Montrose! Great Bend) &c.) ttt 7.10 At St five* Blueing ton, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. For Manch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, Lambenville, Flemington, Ac., at 7.10 A. M. from Kensington Depot, and 2)4 P. M. from Walnut atreet wharf: (the 7.16 A. M. Line connects with train leaving Easton for Mauoh -Chunk at 3.35 P. M.) For Mount Holly, at 8 A. M., 2 tixtd 4 P. M. For Freehold, at 0 A. M., aud 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 7.10 and 9)4 A. M.» and 6, 6.80, and 12 P. M. from Kensington, and 2)4 P. H. from Walnut-street wharf. For Bristol) eud Intermediate stations, at 11)4 from Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordeatown, Ac., at 12)4,1,4,6, and F - M. Steamboat TRENTON for Bordentown and interme diate stations at 2)4 P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. gGpr For Now York, and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The core run into the Depot, and on toe arrival of each train ran from the Depot. . , Fifty Pounde of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, except by special contract. WM. H. GATZMTBB. Agent. fSSMteEMMWMS PHILADELPHIA. AND BEADING RAILROAD GO., (Office 227 South FOURTH Stroet.) ©u aud after May 1,1861, season tickets wilt be issued by this company for the periods of throe, six, nine, and twelve'months, not transferable. Season school-tickets may also bo had at 33 per cent discount M These tickets will be sold by toe Treasurer at No. 227 South FOURTH Street, where any further information Gan be obtained* B. BRADFORD, ap2o-tf Treasurer. SnEraE PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA R. B. LINE. 1862 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1802 For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, EIiMIBA, an. Ml points in the W. »Bd N. W. Puaengsr Train. leave Depot of Phila. and Beading B. B„ cor. Broad and Col lowlull street*, at 8 A. H., and 8.111 P. M. daily, except Sundays. . . QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New Yftlfei #«,) Ac. Baggage checked through to Buffalo, Niagara Faii*, or intermediate points. . Through Express Freight Train for all points above, leaves daily at 6 P. M. For further information apply to JOHN S. HILLES, General Agent THIRTEENTH and GALLOWHILL, and N. W.cor. SIXTH and CHESTNUT Efraoti. ja3l»tt ■— i n 11 | WEST CHESTER TRAINS,Tin PENN BYI/VANIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corner ELS TENTH and MARKET MIA,Mr.I-*- 30 P 0 ?”) .n> 4 P W POTTON SAIL DUCK AND CAN- V>/ VAB, of all numbers and brands. Karen’s Duck Awning Twillß, of all description*, for Tonis, Awnlngi, Twiiiliu, and Wagon Oovow. Also, Paper Manufacturera* Drier Felts, from 1 to 3 reel wide. Tarpaulins, Belting, Ball Twino, Ao. JOHN W. KVERMAN A 00., 103 JONES Alley. LARD and GREASE. —50 tieroef prime Leaf lard | Mfierce* Whit* Grease, Oirect from the Wert, and In store. For sale by MtTBPHY A BOONS, • So. 148 NORTH WHARV*. QHOVELS AND SPADES. O OKOBO* HALFMAH, MAXDPAOttuaxa, CORN SB OF BBBAD AND QUABBT STBEETS Jal-3-Bm* Bet Arch ami Race, and Seoosd and Third. BALES H* AOIJTIOfI. Mthomab k SONS, • Bo*. 180 *nd 141 Sooth FOOUTK Sfirwt. (Formerly No*. 87 BJ 09.1 NOTICE._A!!»tsii#B I* *»|U6»lfB lo dll' la/w jnJ# tilth liioriiiiix, nt ths Auction Wore, of 900 lot* of ros*- w.oil p»rlor nml chunlier furnlMir., OBk library rarnl- Inre, roßewooil pittnoo, mirror*, line cot glassware, car tel*, Ac. The furniture wan made hy M or,re Sr Campion, and MV hi jierfnnt nnlnr, THB FIFTY-EIGHTH fUII.AJIKLPHIA TKADB BALE, BOOKS, STATIONERY, STB ItIOTTFI PLATES, Ac., will commence on WEDNESDAY, 3Mb lifArr.h, nt the Anction Boom*, South Fourth utveeL Kf Catalogue* now ready. W PUBLIC Balks BEAL KSTaTB and btoou AT THE EXCHANGE ON TUESDAYS. BEAL ESTATE AT PBIVATE SALE. WT Wo been a largo amount of real nutate at prtraM tain. Inelndliis mty itttihlj.Ui.i. of arty And AMtuiMi U»- I»rty. Printed lint* may ho hail at the Auction Store. Largo Sain at Nos. 130 aod 141 South Fonrth Btroat. ELEGANT BOSE WOOD AND OAK FURNITUBB, Mlli ULnA, FINK OXL PAINTING*, FINE GUT GLASSWARE, FRENCH CHINA. FTRIC PROOF SAFES, ELEGANT VELVET AND BRUSSELS CARPETS. Thin Morning. At 9 u’tluini fit the Aictii/ii dtorri olegßitroaowronil garter find chamber nirnlrnni, ininflrome roan wood ward robe?, t'lftgfint rosewood treitateMil, Kiiperlur extunolon ta llies, aecrrettryn. looxrnarn, suit oak library furniture, 2 rosewood piano-fortes, French'p’afo oval and pier mir rors, fine oil paii ting of J. Price WetherJJl, by W» od si/Jtu artififi French china iliimer u-nnu flno out gltuu ware, 2 superior fnfr-piool f.iifrrt, ina'le by Horring, large wnfrint conitlfiupliouiiv desk, fine velvet and llrtuwftls chi'| e(s, & e., furinir g an uUroctivu asMrrmßni, worthy the attention of Intlies uml others timorous of purchasing. Ealn No. 81.1 North Ninth Street. SUFETSTOH KUftKitiiufi, U'»rtisWO »b FI^NO, FINK ENGRAVINGS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, Ac, On fc’rMfty Morning. 28ih just., nt 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 313 Nortlk Ninth street, tbo superior parlor, dining-room and cliKinborfumiiurc, rosewood pumo»forte, fine engraving*, l&H Ai y tarirttls, ebb..* «„.l A«. R9»Ma y bo examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of sale. Sain No 330 North Sixth Street. PICTURE FRAMES, MfßUOit*. ENGIiiVINGS, TOGLB, I'lt'itNlTUUfi, Ac. Oil Friday Mornitij/, 2Bllt Inst, at 11 o'clock, at No. 380 North Sixth street, ft slock of picture snd photograph framod, pier mirror*, engraving?, tool?, furniture. i-c. KJUriutot-'a Suln—N&. U Itoutl, gwi. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, MIRRORS, VELVET CARPETS. Ac. On Saturday. Mornm*;, Sfitli Inst., at 10 o'clock by catalogue, at No. 33 South Kluvtnth afreet, by older of the executors, the superior fHVftltimi, fibA (TPAHfh frUU fcier SArrore, B ne »h<l BniKFfis curppts, An. tffb May be examined at 8 o’clock on the morning of the Bale. FINE MADEIRA AND SHERRY WINES, Gn Btttuifluvi 59tb instant, at 12 o’clock, hi the Auction Store, flop Madeira mid Sherry. Wines. Estate of the late Edward S. Burd, dece«Ht«l. Catalogues rc*dy. Bale No. 119 North Sixteenth Street. FCRMTIiKK, HIGH.CASK CLOCK, BHUSSKI.S CARPETS, Aft. On Tiit'Wlay IHortUfif-., GENTEEL April 1, at 10 o'clock, at No. lift North Sixteenth street, above Arch, the tritire household and kitchen furniture, high-case clock, Brunei* carpets, bedding, Ac. ■y May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morn mg of -ale BOSTON AND PlllLADElr ■cmvacftl’lllA STEAMKITJI’ LlNE—Froth PINH Street, Philadelphia and LONG Wharf, Boston, An. The bteaiuship SAXON, Captain matthews, will mil from Boston for Philadelphia on WEDNESDA Y, March 26, ard from Philadelphia for Boston on MONDAY EVENING, March 3t» at 7 o'clock. imnirniipc cno half that by sail ressels, Freigrt taken at fair rates. Shippers will please send bills lading with their good*. For freight or passago (having fine accommodation* for passengers), apply to HENRY WINBOB A 00., 332 BOUTH WHABVKB. WEEKLY COMMUNIOA smSsmat tion by steam between new YORK AND LIVERPOOL, catling at QUEENS TOWN, (Ireland,) to land and embark passengers and despatches. Tko Liverpool* Nets York} and Philadelphia Stoaai ship Company's splendid Clyde-'ouilt Iron screw steam* ships are intended to sail an follows: FROM NEW YORK FOB LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW EDINBUBGIJ. And every Saturday throngbnnt ttie year} from PIES No. 44 N. R. BATES OT PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA, Cabin, to Queenstown, or LlverpooL.STt Do. to London, via Liverpool.sBo Steerage to Quonnatoum, w LiverpwL... 894 Do. to London 8M Do. Return tickets, available for six months, from Liverpool... |N Passengers forwarded to Havre, Parts. Hamburg* Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Oertillratea of passage isscodfrom IdvLrpnol to Nov York 848 Certificates of passage issued from Queenstown to New Y0rk...... gSB These steamers have superior accommodations for pas sengers, are constructed with water-tight o-mpartoK«tt% and carry experienced Surgeons. Top Crslfht. op umlp at tfce offu* of the Oost pony, * JOHN G. DALJ3, A*env, 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia, In Liverpool, to WM. INMAN. Tower Buildiuco. In Glasgow, to WM. INMAN. w isirwt THE BRITISH AND JMOttTii TjKnSnifri AMKBIOAN BOTAZf WATX* PTIiAaU 7210 fit NEW YORK TO IIIYEBFOOII. 9b|?r mmmr ifmmttW Second Cabin Fiweags. **»*»..**•»*,. T§ ITBOM BOSTON TO LIYEBFOGL. Chief Cabin Passage..**. fiecond Cabin Faaa&ge *>»•*•«••»•*..«■ ft XSie Mb! from New York call u£ Cork Harbor. Tho chips from Boston call at Halifax and Oor£ Sai bat. PERSIA, Capt. J udkine. AFRICA, Oapt, ShuiQOA. ARABIA, (Japt. J. Stone. CANADA, Oapt. J. APZA, Cnnc. E. G. Lott. AMERICA, Oapt. Muir. AUSTRALASIAN, NIAGARA, Oapt. Meo«* Oapt. Uook. EUBOFA, Capt. Ar.denirrt- SCOTIA, CHINA. Thee* TeeseU carry a clear white light at gvaen on starboard bow; red on port bow. CANADA,McCauley,leaves Rostrm, Wednesday, Mnr. If. AFRICA, Shine, . ♦* N.Yrirk,We(lru. , B'iny, April 2S. A3IERIGA. Moodio, “ Boston, Wed.josday, April 2. ASIA, CWk, u N.Ywk, lYvilHfttday, A£Pi! 0 NIAGARA, Muir, “ Boston, Wednesday, April if* Bertha not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owuers of these ships will not be docoUhtaJ'U tor Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewoiry, Precious Stonvfe unleeg bOls pf jading are signal therefor, aaf fhevsduo thereof therein expressed** For freight or pw- K. OI7NABB, 4 BOWLING OBEENs Now YcA E. 0. & 4. G. BATES, 10ft STATE Street, Boston* sage, apply to Jggfc,- FOR HJfiW YORK. DAILY LINE, via Delaware and Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Com pany receivo freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., dellvtf ing their cargoes in New York the following day. Freights taken reS&Mißble rdl&a. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. U SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, aul-tf Plots 14 end 15 EAST BTVIR, New York. FOR NKW YORK.* The ■SuinKS*Philadelphia Steam-Propeller Company win commenoe their business for the season on Mouday, 13th instant. Their steamers are now receiving freight at Secoud Pier, above Walnut street. Terms accommodating. Apply to ■W\ M. BAIRD A OO^ 224 South Delaware Avenue. FOR BALTIMORH, MSi£i£&9fc WASHINGTON, D. 0., AND JOB* XJ&BS MOHBOB, daily, AT 3 O’CLiiOK P. M., BALTIJIOEK AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMBOAT COMPANY, (ERICSSON LINE.) One of tho Steamers «f tills Company leaves the apptf Bide of Chesbmt-Btreot Wharf dally (Sundays exoepted,) at 9 o'eloek P. M., aud Arrives in Baltimore early nfiH morning. Freights for Washington and Fortress Monrot received and forwarded with all possible despatch, and are required to be prepaid through. Freights of all hinds carried at the lowest rates. A. GROVES, Jr., Agent, £fo, $4 South WHARVES. felirta* ■VTOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN that application has been made to the Trustees of the Fire Association for the renewal of a POLIO* Op INSURANCE, No. 2732 Tor 5=1,000, dated bept,mber 19,1825, »nd Issned In Ills nama of MARIiARET Me* CULLY, which has boon lost or mislaid. Any luforma tion thereof will be received by SAMUEL MeOULLY, S. W. corner of FRONT and MARION Street*, mhll-tuthis lm TjWERY LADt WHO WISHES TO Pi B* BKAUTIPUIi should purchase HUNT'S COURT TOILET POWDER. It Is used by the Court Beauties to Europe, and it is the only Powder that wUI not injure the sltin or rub off. Price, 12, 25, and W cents. BUST'S BLOOM OP BOSES, a beautiful, na tural color for the elioelta or lips; it will not wash on or Injure the skin, and remains durable for years, Price 81. These articles are Quito new, and can only be ob tained or HUNT A CO., 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut All kinds ot k’anoy Soaps and Perftl mory. * bl3.Sa mmiKAPiNS, OYSTERS STEWED I AND TRIED, AND CHICKEN BALAB.—lnvi tation Cards and other notices will be distributed la IB parts of the city, with punctuality. The undersigned is at all times prepared to present, lot Ike IfiSi«USE ef Ladles and Gentlemen, a Hit of the things neceasary for a large or smell entertainment, as the cmd may be, thereby avoiding ail unnecessary proTMloi »nd waste: and flatter* himself, that by hta ton* e*fj- Hence in buatnose, bo will be able at all time* w fcoremfore, entire satisfaction to aUwto favor him wttfc (help yatronagi HENRY JONES* OftftTW, __ No 250 South TWELFTH Street, BPBUQE. ocl-Am /"IIIIMNEY TOPS.—Vitrified Terra Ssii-s asssrs&ti Mr*? £ & be found cheap, durable, anil ornamental. The material being a non-conductor, with a circular ihaft on cone shaped top, they will bo found a certain cure for detec tive flues or emoky cbimnoys. Sfaollilgh To each. 2 “ 6 inches high 2 25 3 » high 2 75 3 «« wibd>guard» 3 2* 8 ** 6inches wind-guard.,.,, J JX 4 <♦ wind-gnard / w For eale by Uia single top, or wholesale, at 1019 ( HEBTHI3X Street, mhll) SB OW CASES. Hate-glare. Gemma sliver, per Toot, #1» •< all walnut 4 WM. H. GROVE, >l4 111 North FOURTH Street, Philada rpORTOISiS SB ELL,— A few bPse? 9* I Tortoise Shell for sale by JaUBETOHE ft LAVEBGNH, fain 902 aid 204 South FBONT Best quality roofing slat* always on hand and for aale at Union WhSIftMH BEACH Streot, Kensington. T. THOMAS, m ,7-l- 917 WAT,NUT Berest. Philadelphia SHEEP AND GOAT SKINS.—A small Invoice ot Sheep and Goat Skips for sals Oy JAUBETOHE A BA y KtiafiE. Injl 249 * o j 004 bmiHi rnitHT Hfraat. RANDLES, Chemical Sperm Oandieft, for brlo by JATIBEI f'lls. & LA% KRCrNIi, rnd 204 South FRONT Btm»t vMA Broomcorn, handles, twine, Ae.; Brooma, BucketJi for said by Cl. B. BIABISTOS, MejiliW. J&l?»3ci fil 9»Titb W VTEB w*4, Saturday, March 29,1803, , Saturday, April ft, 1891. S. A. HARRISON,