The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 18, 1862, Image 3
CITY ITEMS. Lecture bt Wendell Phillips.— From an advertisement elsewhere it will be seen that Ur. Wendell Phillips, « the silver-tongued orator of America,” will deliver a lecture at Concert Hail to-morrow (Wednes day) evening, on “ The War and the Times.” The uni versal interest felt in the sentiments of Mr. Phillips at the present crisis will, doubtless, secure for him a vary targe audience. Dried and Smoked Fisn op Superior Quality.—Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in Fine Groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has now on hand a fine lot of {smoked and Spiced Salmon; also. Sardines, Mess Mack erel, Cod, and all other kinds of dried and preserved fish. An IMMENSE VARIETY OF ALBUMS, Wholesale And retail. A new card-picture of Bev. Edward Louns berry. Photographs executed iu every style of the art. Cremer ft Co., 18 South Eighth street. General McClelland Address to tiie Ai:.'iY, —The address of General McClellan to the army of the Potomac has the true Shakspearian ring about it. It reminds one of the speech of Henry V. before the battle of Aginceurt, when he said, that 11 in England, now tv-bed, Shall tliiuk themselves accurs’d they were not here.” “ Our George” concludes his address by saying, “and 'when tills sad war is over, we will all return to our homes, and feel that we can ask no higher honor than tho proud ' consciousness that wo belonged to the* army of the Po« tomac.” The General might also have added that during the progress of the war, he and his loyal fellow-warriors had enjoy ed the comfort and satisfaction of wearing ele gant and substantial uniforms from the Browu Stoue ■Clothing Hall of Rockhill ft Wilson, Nos. 603 and 603 •Cheatuut street, above Sixth, Passes to Fortress Monroe,— The Secre tary of War has issued an order prohibiting all person?, except those in the service of the United States, from visiting Kvrtreas BTouroe* It la understood that no ex -captions will be made except of those who hold the pass ■of Secretary Stanton. This Mill not be granted to any but a few who have already received permission to go to Norfolk ou flags of truce. Passes Mill also be issued by •Granville Stokes, the Fashioner and Clothier, at No. 60’J Chestnut street—not to vi&it the hut his Mam ■Jiiotli Clothing Emporium which he keeps constantly stocked with seasonable garments of the latest styles and fashions, which are worth seeing. Colonel Brown,-of Fort Pickens, refore Tin: Board ok Aldekmex is New York—Tub Colonel a Jokru. —ln the interview the Colonel held with that august body, the other day, many inquiries were made, during the conversation, concerning Billy Wilson and his through Baltimore or death” Zouavos. One of the alder men remarked that there was no chance for “ stealing” tfowu there, (alluding to the number of light-fingured gentry supposed to he in the regiment). The Colonel anaM'ertd by saying “No;” but then they have good **pickings.” and that seems to be their “forte;” imme diately after which the Colonel left. Some of the Board, next day, utre heard to declare that they believed that was a joke the Colonel perpetrated yesterday, and they were glad he had left the city. The Colonel is expected at the “Continental” to-day, and we hope he will uot talk much, tor the reputation of the bouse. The Continental Hotel is located in Chestnut street, below Ninth, over the celehra.ed Clothing Store of Mr. Charles Stokes. Card Printing, Erst and Cheapest In the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in. the Oity, at 34 Snath THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapen in the Oity, at 34 South THIRD Street PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip. •■Mon of Printing, of the most superior Quality, at the most ..reasonable rates, at BINGW ALT ft BROWN'S, Drexell’s Bvßding, 34 South THIRD Street. delO-tf Dr. Robertson’s Vegetable Nerv -003 Cordial ; or, KATUBE’S GBAUD KESTOBaTIVE. The great remedy for »1I Nervous Complaints, Debili •-7. Prostration, Lowness of Spirits, &c. Price $l. For sale by DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, Depot for all Popular Mediciuefl. jal-thstf ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS ur to 12 o’clock last night. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sts. .11 E Leman, Lancaster Geo F Ripley, Terre Haute JR L McDonald, jjt Joseph T L McClelland, Pittsburg .12 J Doniiell, A'ev York H\V i-iiypca B Jskiimsr & wf. Cincinnati John S Richards, Beading •Cljhs Davis, Bending J P Jackson, Lebanon S O Wingard,Williamsport 1L Schledngcr, New York H 1) Maxwell, Kaston, l’a John E Hanford, N'ew York John )rwin, Pittiburg M II Williams, Sew York •Geo M Meieinan, Pa J S Rhodes, tVJieeiiug H Head, Quincy, 111 SI Boou, Qiiimy, 111 T Ruratt, Quincy, 111 Sirs H XVrjsbt, Baltimore •Vo! C F Wells, New York C3l Alien. Wil. Del R S Shull'/. .11 Stevti b. Luke Superior 8h Warren, Boston Clias H Kneglts, NeittTork'll Murray, New York W Dure, llaii ax, -• J Plljrne, Evansville W atcCcu.kry, Wrightsviffe J Si 3 Marx, Allentown *%Y 11 A i instrong, Kaston M II Joues, Easton T K Eerie & vf» M«aa L 31 Earle, Mass I linker, Pennsylvania -J T K llayvard, LLaunibal 3lrs Haywari, 11-inuibal VHB Thomas, Now Jersey Gen O Porkius, Hartford • UrtTy, Balrimore A McGouegal & wife, Wis ■Airs >v KUorvtb & sons,NY G F Hailey & fmn,Fttcbbnrg X Biiiiior. New York. 31J Adler, Georgetown,D C •Guy Curtin, Harrisburg J B Wilson, UdA • J C Hudson & wife, Wmsport L K Baner, Yarmouth J B Rawlins W E Dougherty •J D lMighertj, Harrisburg Alt’ Brook*, Boston M Rank, Allentown C G Parker, Daytou» 0 35 Yard, New York J JVarliss, New York VM f» *k«-i*zie, New York >4 Harper, Whrcßmf* Va D P Badger, New York James W £uuth» New York H R Parson, Chicago E P Tilestun, Bo«ton J 3! U<iiling6wortb, Boston -Mr H Hill, New York A Barbu. Carboudule Chas W Baiker, Carbondalo Sirs Kane. New York Miss Litzeuburg, Bethlehem IV P Wentworth. Vermont B L Ferguson, New York C N Pint*, Chirotgo E Newton, Boston Chaa Alexander, N York Dr 31 W Fish & la, N York J'cbt fa TiUsoti, New Yopk J beligmau. Ne* York H, New York Wm Hildebrand, N York G F I>owns, Louisville, Ky C II Fuirwcather, St Johns W BrHmliiU, New York H J Leister, New York R M Harrington. New York A L S Howland, N Bedford ?J S Houlaml, N Bedford E L Dodd, Ohio Ci p Mutton]. New Yoik 0 a Most, thittirnorej J IX Upton, New Yoik VV P Lynae,-Milwaukee Mies >3 Lynda, Mihvoukeef Master \V Lynde, Milwau’e J* Sttdniki!, Baltimore J T Norton* BiiMmure P Bisgins, Washington II J.» Bramfui, Spriugtiald L C lvt-'s Sc 2 da* Hartford X Wheiuur Sc la, Bridgep’t J W Mwn:\j, New York It » T Gosatl, Georgetown 33 B Riddle, Nt-u.» York M 1' New York G W Gratiin, Baltimore J W Oree, Pittsburg C Gallagher, Fhd-i John Scott. HsirrLbnnj >Y YV Rttcham, Harrisburg A.I Ualherwood, Gurmaut’n MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth st., below Arch. ’iVui Dean, L tinware Jiw Jordan, Baltimore Avg Ooizburgvr, Wash \V U WaUou, lvausaa J (! Get'/., Lancaster John Callaway, lu liana F!i9ha Forrest. Allentown John D Stiles, Allentown y ix-ttz, Easton J H Oliver st la, Allentown Miss 51 Oliver, Eaßton H T VVarue, Easton J It L «?fe, idiio It B Whitmer, Illinois Olias & Stephens* Cincinnati John U Huitsnider, Mil Jas C YVe?ton, Milton Sftad Berlin, Tyrouo •Sion J V Qtiiggle & fa, Pa W(' Sawyer, Carlisle A. Gaiverk'l:, Dauphin W Whitaker, Pa H btuMis, Pennsylvania J R Dillenback, Pa *5 H Gross, Allentown Jas Pritchard, New Lisbon .1* Brown, Connecticut H B Webber, New Albany W II Roach. Maryland W PI B Mozeek, Maryland .J Covihourn, Maryland M McDowell, Wiim, Dal -J M fclocnm A' vf, New York G A Gu< nsey, Montrose, Pa W GiUerthorp, York, Pa A Levi. Hagerscowu SL Levi, Cleartpring G B McGregory, Wa«h, D C AMERICAN HOTEL—Obtumuc at., above Fifth* J Simpson, Summit Hill G Crlnton, W Cheater YV W Schuyler, Easton, Pa J II Edwards Lewis Strayer, York, Pa J W Peabody, Buffalo YV K Inglesant, Buffalo J W Spruiuee & la, Bel 3lrsJ I A Hickson, Delaware P Spruauce, Jr, Delaware 1) W Ciiauiber John M Carpenrer, N J .Jas F iroi.h, Beading John L Mountain, N Y John Opdjcke, Ea?ton A K Browo, Uf W Giidervleeve, Del S llalsey, New Jersey ■Jesse llilies, Jr, Maryland It 8 Holmes, Baltimore YV S Littlejohn, New York John It Stine, Hanover •J P Chamber?, Easton <«lurlermaater Krweu, For -J Van Riper, New York tress Monroe 'W Hale. Massachusetts J L Moore. Delaware <3 9 Conway, Maryland Thos S llobjon, Maryland N Thonneon, Laurel, l>el F A Curtis. Delaware H A Demin, Boston E Magnrgo W Jones, belawnre John Evans, Maryland J E Dougherty, Del co, Pa ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. John McDunold, New York M Richards, New York i*i II McCabe, Tama<iua C Go»pp, Easton YV B Rosenbaum, N J Jos 0 Crawford, N Y YV Billings, Vermont Mis Wilson, Dover, Del H Higby, Penns) IvanlA Dr McNally, New York Jl Schwartz, Cincinnati, 0 Chas French, New York -J J Whitlock A* fam, Wash Joel Fithian, New Jersey •Col Johnston, Pennsylvania Til is UNION —Arcn otreet, above Third, D YVall A la, New York J A Pair* Allegheny •John Doluft. Allegheny M Ernwine, Pittsburg Mrs Low. Pittsburg Davis Wallace & la R T V ood, liolmesburg John S Wallace, Lane co J 21 KHulfman A la, Pa Miss E Couiptou, Imiiaua •Chad BecU y, Waynesboro John Ley, Allegheny.Ta Jillaa M Ley, Allegheny] Pa Jaceb L Frey, Lancaster YVm I-avie, Jr, Chester co D L Coyle, Merceroburg 33 J Sylvester, flttliover.Mnss COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Ohestnat. E BI Alien. ISlaryland Amos Kemble, Chester co Chandler PhillipsiChfater S Kirkj <;•>, Fa John Nevlei. Phu.*iilx.ville F Yamlerslice, PhwuixviUe J M Baker, Pa E Potts, Bridgeport, Pa M Boonj, Schcylkill co, V:x J S Chriacio, Maryland John Beaiigt, Pa D S Bari.hart. Maryland 3) W Brower, Pa Ceo M Stetson, Delaware Mrs M A B»ker, Pa ¥ MeUallaugU, Schuyl co STATES UNlON—Market street) aoove Sixth. YV II Wert. Pittsburg John Haye?. Wash, D C D B Bpanogle, Juniata, Pa K .Moyer &: h.i, Wimp »rt Isaac Mai shall Jl W Shine Sc sis, Maryland YV Conway Israel Lupter, Perry co John Swaitz. Duncannon Thos E Watt, Piltsiuirg Ij J Rice, Bloouiiielil L Edwards ,V la, Pottsvillo BLACK BEAR—Third street) above Oallowhtn. <«ro II Kahlc-r, Easton Geo Sehummer, Easton “t'has Grnpp, PcrkeojuinviHe Geo Moyer, Pennsylvania H S Crewman, Seliersville D Peter, Washington James Weiler, Macungie Natlikn Schock, llambarg YlVm Knftbb, Oley, Pa S .Stoocer, stoenersville .31 J Borneman, Boyertono YVm P Buck, Pennsylvania Lewis A liutz, Allentown PG Fesaler, Williamsport H L Kibbun Penusylvauia Geo Kiiue* Pennsylvania Y G Ftasler, YVilliamaport NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. W SFislier, Reading H A Colt, N'orthumberlaud O <•’ Morris, Poniisylvauiti i’ll Garber, Connecticut W (i MU«rf, rcttSTlHo J Gu."ltart, Lebwiuo John llecker, Lebanon Jua Suyfon, Berks county J S KiUinger, Annville A H Stuart Boston Mr Davis H Adams, Ashland JUr6 Btantler, Chester co, Pa Miss Reinhart, Cno3tor co BARLEY BHEAF—Second Street, below Tine. Yf ¥ Marlin, Hollidaysburg J Stemple, Jeukiutowu D R Leedom, Newtown G J Reading, New Jersey J Fry, Lancaster city' R Douu, Sussex, N Mrs J P Walton, Tyrone S Holcomb, .Mount Airy J Snjdtr, Peiinsylvania II J Stull, New Jersey 33 YV Jones,. New Jersey B llamill, Ist lIJ Cavalry J Scott, Pennsylvania MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second ft, *b. Arch. S Buehler, Harrisburg N Schmidt, Adentowa H Adolph, AlUntowu S Me Fate, V.»rriHtowa O Blocmn, Penueylvania ¥ Trailer, Baltimore YY II Nashaxi, rerryaviUe J H Marshall, YirginU J fcliti}d«-r,Virginia S Smith, Vir^i>ni» li, USA BALD EAGLE—Third street, above CallowbitL I> YV Scholl, Fritdenbville YV 8 Bear, T’riedensville D Huff, Lehigh co, Pa J T Berger, Qnakertowa R Unongst, Bethlehem G SI ¥ Rick, Mitlwruburg 1> Oebman, Quaker town Geo Schock, Berks co, Pa MADISON HOUSE—Second strML tbovb Market. J Bunson, New Jersey B W Kirk, Buckco, Pa. E Blackstrme, Delaware M Haas Sc la, New Jersey W Arthurr. Smyrna, Del J Ryan, New Hope REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. S Herman, Baltimore Kllaha Lewis, Pa A Murray, Pennsylvania J W Banks & la, Healing l)r Mayo, USX MARINE INTELLIGENCE. (T BEE FOURTH PAGE. ARRIVED. Schr Mail, Kelly, 3 days from'Providence, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. SchrWm George, Hazel, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jaa L. Bewley A Co. Schr John A Thomas, Hinson, 1 day from Smyrna, ps!i v!th grain fa Jag L Ewfoy & Co» CLEARED. Schr R Thompson, Blackman, Providence, It IT Powell. Schr L Audenried, Bartlett, Fall River, Castner, Stickney A Weilin^ton. Schr T R Skinner, Perry, Washington, D C, Robert Jones. Schr Sarah Jane, Ale, Washington, I> 0, J U White. Schr Exchange, Ayres, Baltimore, J W Bacon. Soba Milton, Keen, New York, enptuin. Str 11 L G&w, Iler, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. SAILED The U S frigate St Lawrence left the navy ysrd 1 PM, on 3londay, in tow ot the City Ten Boat. She would stop at Fort Mifflin for powder, Ac, and then pro ceed to sea. The fine steamer Carolina, Costas, for Havana, sailed at 11 AM, on Monday. Cabin passengers—W Witters, of Phila; E Morrell, do: Mrs Perez and child, Havana. Thn Carolina was despatched by A Mmiuoi with the fol* lowing cargo \ 178 boxes caudlos, 430 tierces, 46 bbls, 570 kegs lard ; 204 bbls, 8 hhds tallow * 425 kegs antter, 20 boxes pork, 13 do clear do; 517 bags corn, 78 boxes cheese, 36 bbls beans, 17 bbls ale, 10 bbls tomatoes, 5 erfttoi cabbage, 18pkgs chandeliers, Ac. The Caroline is a propeller of odd tons, launchod last fepHbg from Air. Cramp l ? ship yahl. She was then liiiiucd the Union, and was employnd for somo time by the Government; since which sho has been thoroughly overhauled. She is intended to run on tho line batwaon Havana and Cardenas. BY TKLRGBAPR. (Correspondence of tho Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del.. March 17, 4 PM, The packet ship Tuacarora, from Liverpool; a light ship, name not yet ascertained, hut supposed from New York; barks Aaron llarvey, from Montevideo, anil Menco, from Lagnayrn, came in this afternoon aud are now (if aflflwr in the roadstead. Wind NW, Yours, Ac? JOHN T. MARSHALL. BY TELEGBAFH. (Correspondence of the Press.) New Yoke, March 17. Ship Audubon, from Antwerp. S“i>i« 5 f Sicrett, fr?n! Arngfl, Sritinh Crown, from Jamaica. BELOW. SJjip Lizzie lleman, from Liverpool. Ship James Foster, from Liverpool. Bark Queen of May, from Jamaica. Bark Queen of tho Fleet, from Queenstown. Bark Darmatadtcr, from Bremen. Bark Mathias Vineyard, from Glasgow, Bark Mary Baker, from Rotterdam. Thu ship Audubon saw the schooner Privateer on the 11th inst, oft' the. Capos of Virginia. MEMORANDA. Ship Go? Morton, Smith, from New York, at San Francisco 14tli inst. Schr J B Bleecker, Edwards sailed from Providence 14th inst. for tais port. Schrs Champe, Robinson, and C A lleckscher, Stubbs, clfared at Baltimore 15th inst, for this port. Schr IWiM tfaunon, Morrie, for Cuuiion’e Ferry, i)ai, cleared at Baltimore loth inst/ Steamer Bhickßtonc, from New York 14th instant, in Bearch of the U S ship Vermont, returned yesterday, having one of her boilers damaged. Mnp American Congress, Woodward, at New York 16th inst, from London, bad very severe weather the on tire passage, ?s(i iust, lat -!« W, long -19, fall in with an immense field of ice, nud steered SSS 120. miles to clear it; 6th, passed a large iceberg. Ship Vilhkfranca, Swanton, from Havre, 33 days, at New York 16th inst, had very heavy weather from long 30; lay to from Feb 20 to 25th, mott of the time under bare poles, a perfect hurricane blowiug from S W to NW: lost part of a suit of sails; night of 2d inst, lit 48, lung fell in with a large quantities of ice aud fan SE 8 hours to gut out of it. Captain Chapman, of the smack John M Chapman, arrived at New London on Thursday last from New York, and reports that on the Ist inst, he fell in with the frigate Vermont in lat 40 30, long 67 50. The Vermont ww'fliwfi S!!«9 rafcets, evidently in diatrsai. Captain Chapman immediately changed the course of his vessel, aud steered for the disabled ship,, which ha readied in a short time and lmardtd. Found the Ver mont with rudder lost, and sails'blown away, drifting at the mercy of wind and tide. At the requust of Captairi Baldwin, conmander of the Vera ont, lay by the Ligate and assisted in the work of setting tilings to rights on board the dieablod vessel. Besides the rudder and sails, one anchor, anchor chain and three hosts had been swept away by the storm, all tho furniture between decks was loosened. The report that the Vermont hag lost her masts is incorrect; they were all standing when left She had a green crew on board, or probably things would have goiio battur with her. Layby the Vermont Biz days, bring hired to do so by the commander* who paid $3OO per day for services. When he loft her it was considered that as soon as the sailors succeeded iu con structing a temporary steering apparatus, there would be no difficulty in navigating tho vessel into port. The Vermont was then in lat 88 45, long 63, or about 400 miles cast of Cape Henry. She was on the edge of the Gulf Stream, which would drift her in a HHitherly direction towards the Azores, f?he was well provisioned. Schr Lewi* Warrington, Anderson, arrived at As pin wall on the 27th nit, from San Juan, and on the 2-1 inst, having a full cargo of stores on board, was cut out by her crew, leaving the captain on shore, and left for parts unknown. NATAL, The TJ S transport Illinois, sailed from New York 16th inst, with the 04th regiment N Y S V. SPECIAL. NOTICES. Vestibule Lace, and Silver-Plated ROD£, cheap, at TATTEN’S New West-End Curtain 6 tore, 1408 CHESTNUT street. It* Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia! DYSPEPSIA cured for SI, or SI returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for SI, or SI returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for SI, or SI returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for SI, or SI returned! WISHABT’S GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILL ie a positive cure for DYSPEPSIA. I warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty years' stand ing, or the money returned. Price SI per box. Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of the money. Depot, No. 10 North SECOND Street. Descriptive Circular sent free on application. feB-2rn L. Q. C. WISH ART. One-Piuce Clothing, of the Latest Stylus, made In the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods mode to Order warranted adLUae tory. Our Oxk-Pricb Svstsm Is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. a022-ly JONES 4 00.. 604 MARKET Street gggjgsjSM Office of the Adams fe@ffif6w==Si]!3[Pl!)!S9 COMPANY, 329 CHESTNUT STREET, Philadelphia, January 27, 1862. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilities at Washington, D 0., by building a Railroad depot, and having acquired additional capacity for transportation* are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash* lugton, Georgetown, Alexandria, Aunapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress hlonroo, and other places South occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandize in large lofch Sutlers’ goods aud army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application At our oflice. Soldiers’ parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and receipted fsr at our depot, 8. E. corner of BROAD and LOCU3T Strata, ia27-tf MARRIED. BULL—STANLEY.—On the 12th instant, by the Rev. J. 11. Kemmrd, Mr. John G. Bull to Miss Angoline E. Stanley) loth of Montgomery county) Pai * DIED. On Friday morning, March 14th, JULIA M. JACK* SON, wife of Mr Joseph E. Jackson, of Frankford, Pa aged 04 years. 2be remains have been interred iu Ce dar Ilill Ometory. [Now York papers please copy J # SQUIRE.—At Germantown, on Friday, the 14th iust., in the 36th ) ear of her age, l(ary Elisabeth, wiffe of Dr. YYilliaui 11. Squire, and daughter of John Button, Es>i. Her friends are respectfully invited to auend her fu neral, from the residence of her husband, this (Tuesday) ufttrncon, March ISth, at 2 o’clocs. * MORGAN.—On the loth instant, Mr. George Morgan, aged a 8 years. Funeral from hi 3 late residence, No. 101$ South Front street, this ('luesday) morning, at 10 o’clock. # IIAINES.—Gn tho 15th inst, Mrs. Margaret Haines, iu tLe 53d year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, No 1210 South Sixth on Wednesday afternoon, »1 1 o’clock. =*- JOHNSEN-—On thy 14th iurtunt, Jonathan Joknycu, in his Soth year. Funeral from the residence of his sou-in* law, Dr. W. Gardener, No. f*ol Franklin street, on Wednesday after noon, at 3 o’clock. * K ILLMUBRaY.—On the 15th instant, Margaret, wife of Patrick Killmurray, aged 26 years. Fimt-ial Irom the residence of her husband, Hope strt'ut. ahuvu Thumpjuii, this (Tnosilay) aftarnoon, at '1 o’clock. tiUKHItING.—On the 15th iust., Mr. John A. Goehr iug, in the 3i)th year of bis age. Funeral from his lata residence, northwest corner of Eighth and Master streots, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at a o’clock. *= BHOSVNr —Qn the loth instant, Isabella, wjfeijf Lieut, John Drown, list’d 24 yearn Fuiietal from her late residence, corner of Canal aud Dauphin streets, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock.* McMULLIN.—On the 16th iustaut| Mrs. Barah Mc- Mullin, in the 26th year of lurage. I-’iinoral from the residence of her husband, Seven teenth street, btlow YVooU, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. 4k THOMPSON.—On Sunday,l6thinstant, Jane Thomp son. relict of the lato Alex. Thompson, in tno 91st year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her daughter, B. M. Thompson, No. 323 Gaukiil street, this (Tuesday) afiur noon, at li o’clock. =£ VlSZfcy.^—Smldtnly,ou the 16th inot., Willie Adelbert, gon of Jlcury t-. and Olivia E. Y r ezey, aged 4 months. # ]\/rOIIKNiiSIG GOODS, AT VElii" -LVJ. LOW PRICES Just received Black Tauiises, 75 cents; Silk Chally, 37)4 cents ; Bareges, 12)4» 15, aud cenls; Crape Maretz, IScents; Camel’s llair Buregce, 37)4 cents; Tamartiues, cents; Oatiu Plaid Bareges, IS?X cents', MounHellnes, 25 to 3i.y cents; Mmif.ridiiieH, double width, 56)( ami 62)4 emits; Moru- Briiuf-s, two yards wide, £1; p'igured Silk Grenadiues, 81)4 ci-iira; Glossy Silks, 7«J cents; Second Momning Chene Bareges, 12)4 cents; Black aud Purple All-Wool Moussp-lines, 31), cents. BESSON & SON, Mourning Store, No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. ao lIOIU’K ILTI HAL HALL—S. YV. [JI ? corner of BROAD anil WALN U’J' Streets.—Stated .Melting THIS EVENING, at 8 o’clock. It rvui. yyi:ndi:ll Phillips, the 119 celebialed Anti Slavery Orator, will LECTURE 10-MniiROYY EVaSiSG, at OOKofitf HALti, on ** The Wai and the Timus.” To commence at S o’clock. Tickets 25 cents. It* ivr==* I’IIILANTHI-.OI’IG LOlHii:, No. l.>, U,j I. <>. uk O K.—Hie Couunittve of Superluteud <noe, (P. G. 31. YVILD.MAN) Chairman,) will visit the Lodge THIo (Tuesday) EYEKING, for the purpose of giving instrucrion, on which occaeion inemhorß of the are reijuertcd, and those of sister Lodgi‘S fraternal ly invited, to ho present. It* NATHAN S. HALES, Secretary. iy-g=» MAKOXICjNOTH.’K— THE Olr'FfM'KS ttiifl Members of CONCORDIA LObiJK, No. 67, A. V. M., the oJlicers an<l members <>( th>- Gr»n<l of Fcmirj) Ivama, am! the Order generally, are particu* laily iuvtti*d to mfbt at the* Masonic Hall, oil WKDXE i- DAY, the liHti icet, at 3 o’clock precisely, in order to ntntd the fnwml of rmr late brother, JONATHAN JOHNSON. By order of the \V. M. BOJtKItT mJTOIIINSOV, Suo'y of No. 67. A. Y. M. ii'hlB*2t* DEPOSITORY OF V. S. SAMTAUY U 3 COMMISSION, in I’bUMlelpltm, 1235 CHEST- M'T StreeT—Mai:ch i 7, 1862.—The articles coatritmted to the 4 ‘ Depository of the Sanitary Commission,” ia this city, have all been DISTJtfBCTED tn the sick ami wounded ffddiers, in the .'Military Hospital* and else where. In view of the exigences of the war, there is tirm nt nfrrt for an immediate replcnirhnicnc of our stock* Contribution* r>l Hospital Clothing, and of article* needed tiy sick and wounded soldiers, are earnestly solicited at the Depository, No. 1235 CHESTNUT Street CHARLES J. STILMi, VM H. ASSHCSBT, \VM. L. HE UN, . Cotnmit‘L'o on tin# Depository. mbft St JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent. no THE DECLARATION OF INDEPEtf- LL3 PENCE will be the subject of a LEG,TURK, by Miss EMMA lIAftNINGR. one of the greatest living oratnre. at SANSOM-STREET DftLL, on SATURDAY EVENING, the 22d inatftttti at 8 o’clock. Admittance 5 cents, to defray expenses. Tickets for sale by T. B. Push, southwest corner of Sixth and Chestnut streots; $. Barry, Fourth and ChCßtnnt streets, and by the Com mittee. tnhlB-tuths3t* THE IVX E. SUNDAY-SCHOOL AND IL3 HOME MISSION ASSOCIATION will hold an ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL, at tho SAN3O 9C STRKET HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING, the 18th inst. Tickets one dollar; to be lmd at the Methodist Bock Stores, or at the door of the Hall. mh!s-3t* ay jar ■ GIRARD COLLEGE.—THE DIRECT -113 ORS OF THE GIRARD COLLEGE give no* lice that they are prepared to BIND OUT, in the State of Pent sylvania. THIRTY ORPHANS, in accordance with the Will of Stophon Giraid, to suitable occupations, such as Agriculture, Navigation, Arts, Mechanical Trades, and Manufactures. The master will be required to teach bis apprentice his respective art, and to furnish l-!m with suitable board and lodging in his own place of residence (except for special reasons, the appren tice may bn allowed to board elsewhere.) The master will be allowed to take each orphan on trial for a term not exceeding one month, and the apprentice, when bound, will be furnished, by the iustitutioo, with asuiU ble outfit, rersons desirous of obtaining an apprentice can apply at the College, between the hours of 3 aud 5 T. Jl.i nr, if not citir.rns of I’hiMclvhtni ran twWi™ the umlersigiied in writing, giving name, residence, occupa tion, and reference; the latter, whenever possible, to be residents of Philadelphia. HENRY W. AREY, Secretary of Girard College. AllftlY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE LL2 OFFICE— PuiLAi>ELJ‘iit.t, March 14tb, 1562. Proposals are iuvited, and wil! be received at this office, until 10 o'clock A. M. on WEDNESDAY, tho 19th in stant, for 5,0 t 0 Camp Hatchets. 6.000 do do Handles. 5,C00 Felling Axe do. Bids must be endorsed “ Proposals for Hatchets, Ac.,” addressed to G. 11. CROSMAN, mhls-tf Dep'y Quartermaster Geu'l. my OFFICE OF THE UATAAVISSA RAIL -113 ROAD COMPANY, No. 308 WALNUT Street. PiULAnKi.iuUA, March 10, 1662. '•NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Annual Meet ing of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on TUESDAY, the first day of April, 1862, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Company’s office, No. 3GS WALNUT Street, in the city of Philadelphia. Thfe Annual Election for President anil Directors will be held on MONDAY, tho fifth day of May, 1363, at the Company’s office, nihlO-tapl WM. R. FISnER, Secretary n*==» EAST DIAHANOY RAILROAD COM- Hof PAKY, Office 407 LIBRARY Street. ] I IIJL.U>KLM/fA, 1862. The ninth (9tli) instalment, of five dollars per share, upon the Capital Stock of the Company, will be payable on the Ist of April next, at their Office. ARCHIBALD MCINTYRE, mhls-otthtapl Treasurer. AVIS AUX LIONS DE LA MODE. Mr. P. Andriot a l’honnbor d’inkormer lbs Francaib kt lbs etrangbrs qu’il est aujouud'hoi CKKA.NT DB LA mai'son, GRANVILLE STOKES, 609 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Ii guarantia par aa position aux hommea de gout, <ine m Yetemvns portions toujours ub cachet dg distiucr lion mnlmitable et a des prix a 25 pour cent au dessoua den’importe Quelle rnaiaou. Sa longue etude et aa pra tique Font mis on rapport avec les artistes les plus habiles de sapartiu,tant a Paris qn’a Londres, et atii Ini fourni rons toujours les plus nouvellos modes et lob mieux por de cos deux pays. Avis a cenx <jni tiennent a ctro a l’ftvance des modes. mhlalm The cojstijsewtal hotel CAFES AJSb BEFBESHMENr SALOONS, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Underneath nud in immediate connection with THE CONTINENTAL ILUTKL, A CARD. The proprietors of tho Continental Hotel respectfully anuounce the opening, THIS DAY (TUESDAY), MARCH 18, OF THE RESTAURANT SALOONS, lit £s6ijii££li<>ii with the UdiitlneutaL Hetel. THE LADIES’ SALOON, The entrance to which is No ¥26 Chestaut street, and communicating with the Indies’Vutrance oi the liotei, is devoted entirely to the accommodation of ladies only, or those who have the escort of gentlemen. Withdrawing and toilet rooms, with all the luxurious conveniences of 1110 UtiUilnir. are atlacheil to this sortion of tho estab. lishmeiit. THK-GEKTLEMKN’S f'AFE AND RESTAURANT, comuiunicatit'g with the main hall of the hotel, possesses similar facilities, both having FAMILY AND RETIRING ROOMS for large or emftll parties. In connection with these sa loons there are facilities for writing, a news aud book stand, and United states {>oat efllcv. THE TABLE D’HOTE AND GENERAL CARTE will comprise all the ELEGANCIES AND REFINEMENTS OF TJIK continental cuisine, Conibiued withal! the LUXURIES THAT THE SEASON AFFORDS, Neither paint nor expense being ypared by the proprie tors to Tender thi? establishment worthy of the prestige of the Continental Hotel aud the city of Philadelphia. mhlS-5t A ID TO OUR WOUNDED SOL- Ml:as AND SAILORS. fra.Mraiiv Coao!if ; £[o.'i, Ckxtuai. OrFici:, Was:ii.nctos, March 15, 1862. Recent movements have much reduced the reserve stock or supplies at the depots of the Commission, aud at-* the present rate ot issue they will soon be exhausted. Ii i;, therefore, necessary to ask that renewed aud increased contributions should be xuadf, especially of the articles oi nmerated bolow. Watte will be avoided by sending, in all case?, to tho nearest depot of the Commission. All rcuuests for sup plies made to local B»ciities or individuals should be re lerted to the Associate Secretary of the Commission near est the point of di-cuaud, who will be able to meet them mum proniDtly* and at less cxpen&c # than'they cao bo met from other sources. The Commission is in want of funds. FRED. LAW OLMSTED, General secretary. Associate Secretaries of the Commission, to whom all applications for supplies should be rnadu: Atlantic District— Dr. J. Fos-ri-at J post office address, W»phington, D. C. Central District —Dr. J. S. Nkwreury, Clevtland, Ohio. Western District— Dr. J. 11. Douglas, St. Louis, Missouri. Depots, to tho nearest ,of which supplies should be gent by contributing societies and ' intlivlduala, and where they will be assorted aud transhipped according to tbe varying demands for different articles of the various columns and fleets of the army and navy : New* England Woman’s Auxiliary Association, 22 Sum mer street, Boston. WcniMrs Central Relief Association, 814 Broadway, KrvYwi,- Pennsylvania Branch of tbo Sanitary Commission, 1235 Chestuut striet, Philadelphia. Depot of Sanitary Commission, Custom llouae, Balti- more. Depot of Sanitary Commission, 244 F street, Washing ton, D. C. Soldiers’ Aid Society of Northern Ohio, Cleveland, Ohio. Cincinnati Branch of Sanitary Commission, Cincinnati, Ohio Columbus Branch of Sanitary Commission, Columbus, Ohio. Indiana Branch of Sanitary Commission, Indianapolis, Indiana. Chicago Branch of Sanitary .Commission, 41 Wabash avenue, Chicago, Illinois. Pepot of Sanitary Commission, Cairo, Illinois. Louisville Branch of Sanitary Commission, Louisville, Kentucky. Distributing Depots are also established at Fortress Monroe, Virginia; Port J’oj al, South Carolina; Key Wt»t< Florida, SLip Island, Mississippi; ML Louis, Missouri: and Nashville, Tennessee. AETICI.K.' MO.-T NEEDED. Woolen Shirts; Bed Tick'), 0 feet by 7; Pocket Handkerchiefs; Hospital Drawers,muslin; Lint and Bandages; Jellies. AItTICI.ES HOT NEEDED. Quilts, Pillow Case?, Canton Flannel Under Clotliiugf, Pillowt and CiwhionSi Preserved. mhlB-Ct Eeimers unequalled ivory- TYPES arc rhe theme of a*miration on all sides. In the accuracy of cclor, and llfo-like apjenrnnce, you realize an almost speaking Pioturo, SECOND Street, above Green. It# TTTONDERFUL! MOST WONDER f T FUL l— That art can achieve such a triumph as manifest in KEHIEICS GOLOItKD PHOTOGRAPH.*, for sfl. The rnosi incredulous are convinced upon exami nation. ABOUND Streel. above Green. 11& mREEMOUNT SEMINARY. Norris i town, Pa., for YOUNG MFN aud BOYS.—The situation is high and healthy, and the grounds contain ten acres. The SUM.HEK SESSION commences Aprils. For circular?, address ir-hlBtmhs*9t JOHN W, LOCII, Principal. LADIES’ MEDICAL ADVISER.— I very lady should have a copy. Sent postpaid, iu a sealed envelope, to any address, ou receipt of two red stamps. Address Box 1964, Pont Office, Philadelphia. ndilB-3t* “VTOW IS TBE TIME to got good and _LI valuable PORTRAITS, at a moderate rate. KEl hlEft’9 life-size Photographs in oil are being made at war prices, to tuii the times. SECOND Street, above Green. It# SHOW CASES —Plate glass, German silver mounted, nsnal Deism and width, per foot running measure, 810; crystal glass, do. do., $8; crystal glass, half silver, do do., $6; Crystal glass Walnut dhow Coses, do. do., $4. packing included. WM. H. GROVE, 111 North FOURTH StreeN Phila. mbl-l-lm A/lILITARY AND SPORTSMEN’S ixL DEPOT. PHILIP WILSON & CO., 432 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Single and Double Guns, Cadet Muskets, and Equip ments. Military Goods of every description. FLhli.# Tackle in great variety. George’s Superior American Tied Flies, for Trout, Bass, and Salmon. Rods, Reels, Baskets, Linos, Hooks, Snells, Ac. Cricket and Base Balt Implements. RurgesaUJelebrated Rods, in great variety. mhlo-6t Monuments and grave STONES iit Tory reduced prices at Marble Works or A. STEINMETZ, RIDGE Avenue, below Eleventh Street-* inhl3-3mif pOTTON SAIL DUCK AND CAN YAS, of all numbeis and brands. Baven's Duck Awning Twills, of all descriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers’ Drier Pelts, from 1 to 8 feet wide. Tarpauling, Belting, Sail Twine, Ac. JOHN W. KVERMAN A 00., my4-tf 102 JONES AUey. ZOUAVE CHAMPAGNE.—A new brand—au excellent article. Imported and for sals at a price to suit the times, by CANTWELL A KEF FEB, southeast corner of GEBMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. Broomcorn, handles, twine, Ao. : Brooms, BucketSi Ac., for sale by G. B. BLARIBXOM, C« n „„iraJ»o MwoUat, HI 0-Sir 13 South WATER Mm* CARbON OIL. —100 bbls. Natrond Oil in store and for Bale by WILLIAM M. WILSON, 308 MARKET Street. WATCHES.—Our facilities for AlSf procuring the BEST WATCHES manofaotorvd axemi9urpassed, and we are selling them at very mode* rate prices. Fine watches repaired by finished work men* and warranted to give entire satisfaction. FARR A BROTHER* Importers, 824 CHESTNUT Btreet, below FOUBTH, O AAA FEET APPLE-TREE WOOD, fJ.I/l/V 1 }: inch thick, for sale low. ’fIICKORY, ASH, and WHITE-OAK PLANK constantly on hand, or aut to order. Ot lVKtt OTTINGKR, North I’IPTH Street, i»e:ir Master. n»iil6-3t* CHILDRENS HAIR CUT, and LA- I>JE6’ HAIR DYED, Artistically, at FOURTH aiid BRANCH . mhls-iftf •PIIROULAR PRINTING, BEST *U ml Ohnp«t b the Oily, at BIKGWALT » BHOWITS. M' fVmth THtBD Stood «oM THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, MARCH 18. 1862. 1862, spring. 1862. HIEGrEL. BAIRD. & UO.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF dry a o o r> s. NO. 47 NORTH THIRD STREET. !-tnr,<WH:[,r*iu v. Merchants Tisiting this' city to purchase Bn v Goods will find our Stock large and admirably assorted, and at Lon- Fig units. In certain classes of Goods we offer inducements to purchasers unequalled by any other house in Philadelphia. mh!B-2m gFKING STOCK SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS A. W. LITTLE & Co.. mUS-tf No. 325 MARKET BT. 1862. 1862. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. J. R. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, HAVE NOW IN STORE, LINES OF CHOICE GOODS, TO WHICH THEY INVITE THE - ATTENTION OF CASH BUYERS. WHITE GOODS-laaU their Yari^tiesj. LINENS —All qualities and be st makes. TABLE DAMASKS—Napkins and Doylies. L. C. HDKFS —Towels and Toweling. GINGHAMS—Super, Fancy and Solid Checks. LAWNS—New and Choice Stylee. ORGANDIES, and Paris Printed Jacoueta. DRESS GOODS—Ia very desirable styles. BLACK SlLKS—Choice Brands. FLANNELS—Of the host makes. BLEACHED GOODS—A full line. PRlNTS—American aud English. CHINTZES, BIIILLI ANTES TOGETHER WITH MANY OTIIER GOODS, ADAPTED TO FIRST-CLASS TRADE, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE OFFERED AT gELLING OFF STOCK OF CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, DRIL LINGS, M ARSEILLES, &c. Twenty-five per cent, under former prices. A. H. GIBBS. fe2l-lm No. 531 MARKET Streak WHOLESALE HOUSES. AND 5 4 -INC H ~ ~ SKY-BLUE KERSEYS. SUPERFINE INDIGO-BLUE SATINETS, BLACK CADET AND OXFORD Do. PRINTED Do, in variety. BLACK AND FANCY MIXED DOESKINS. FANCY CASSIMERES AND MELTONS. IN STOP.H, AND FOR SALE BT JOSEPH LEA, re2o*tf 128 AND 130 CHESTNUT STREET CARFETS AND OIL-CLOTIIS. CARPET WARE- OLDEN & RICKNER, 532 ARCH STREET, TWO DOORS BELOW NINTH, SOUTH SIDE, Have this day opened their New Stock of CARPETS, ot the beat English manufacture. The newest Patterns in Velvet, Brussels, Tap. Brussels, 3-Ply Ingrain, and Ve netians, Oil Cloths in all widths, Canton Matting, Mats, Druggets, Ac., bought before the late advance, selling at ‘the lowest prices for cash. mhlo-lSt CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS JjiLANNEL OYER-SHIRTS FOR THE ARMY. FINE SHIRTS. COLLARS, STOCKS, AND WRAPP E R S, Manufactured at W. W. KNIGHT’S. MO. 606 ARCH STREET. A full line of TIES, SCARFS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, HOSIERY, AND UNDERCLOTHING, Always on hand. mhs 3mif Fine shirt manufactory. The subscriber would invite attention to his IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, Which he makes a specialty in hla business. Also, con stantly receiving NOVELTIES FOB GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. J. W. SCOTT, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING STORE, No. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ja9-tf Four doors below the Continental HAMPTON’S SPLENDID LEHIGH NUT, Hampton’s splendid Stove Coal, Hampton’s Bplendid Egg Coal. Yard, southeast cor. FRONT and POPLAR. mhlS-lit* ROBERT R. CORSON, COAL DEALER. OFFICE, 133 WALNUT STREET, BELOW SECOND, fe27*3m PHILADELPHIA. pOAL.—THE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to inform their friends and the public that they have removed their LEHIGH COAL DEPOT from NOBLE-STBEET WHARF, on the Delaware, to their Yard, northwest corner of EIGHTH and WILLOW Streets, where they intend to keep the beat quality of LEHIGH COAL, from tho most approved mines, nt the lowest priceß. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. JOS. WALTON & CO., Office, 112 South SECOND Street. Yard, EIGHTH and WILLOW. mhl-tf Brandies.— rinet, Ca ß tiiion, & Co., Biscuit, Tricoche, A Co , J. J. Dupuy, Sorin A ini, A. Seignette, Alex Seignette. POUT WINES.—J. Bompo, Beßt, Benicarlo De Mul ler Bros. SHERRIES AND MADEIRA WlNES.—Double Pine apple. Gin. Stewart's Scotch Whisky. For sole by JAVBETCHE A LAVERGNE, fe2l 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. Rudesheimer-rebg, LAUBEN HEIMEB, and HOCEHEIMER WINE, in cases of one dozen bottles each; warranted pure. Imported and for sale low by CANTWELL A HEPFER, south east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street PURE PORT WINE. DUQUE DO PORTO WINE, BOTTLED IN PORTUGAL IN 1820. Physicians and invalids in want of a reliable article of pure Port Wine can be supplied by Inquiring for the above wine at CANTWELL 4 KEFFKK’S Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street Hennessy, vine-yard pro prietora, Bisauit, Tricoche, & Co., Marott, Pioet, and other approved brands of COGNAC BRANDY, for Bale, in bond and from store, by CANTWELL A KEFFRB, Southeast comer GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. CTUART’S PAISLEY MALT WHIS- Dky. Buchanan's Coal 11a Whisky, Old Torn Gin, Old Loudon Gin, Loudon Cordial Gin, Bohlen’s Gin, In bond and store. CANTWELL A KEFFEft, Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER 8 tree t ZIMMERMAN’S DRY CATAWBA WlNE.—This approved brand of Cincinnati wine, the best article out for ««cobblers,” for sale pure, bot tled and in cases, by CANTWELL A KEFFBR, south east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Sheet. eeSl-Bra DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. AND PERCALES. LOW PRICES. HOUSE COAX. WINES AND LIQUORS. MILLINERY GOODS. 1862. 1862 , WOOD & CARY. (Successors to Lincoln, Wood, & Nichols,) No. T2S CHESTNUT STREET, Have now in Store a complete stock STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, BILK BONNETS, STRAW AND PALM-LEAF HATS, Ac, To which they respectfully invito tho attention of the foimrr patrons of the house aud tho trade generally. mar!2-2m H sphd.B. 188 2. BIBBONS, MILLINERY. ASI) STRAW GOODS. BROOKS. & Go., NO. 431 MARKET STREET, Have now open—anil to which daily ndtitions tiro made— Ihair USUAL EAIMM)! VARIETY oa RIBBONS. BONNET MATERIALS, FLOWERS, HUGHES, STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S HATS, FLATS, SHAKER HOODS, and ALL OTHER ARTICLES IN THE MILLINERY LINE, Which will he offered at tbe LOWEST MARKET PRICES. The attention of the trade is respectfully invited. It?" Particular attention given to filling orders. mhl3.2m rjIHOMAS KENNEDY & BKO-, 729 CHESTNUT Street, below Eighth. A Choice Stock of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, mhl3-3m] AT LOW PRICES. TARNS, BATTS, & CARPET CHAINS. H. FRANOISCUS, WHOLESALE DEALER IN YARNS, 433 MARKET and 3 North FIFTH Street. PHILADELPHIA. Buyers will find a full Stock of COTTON, LINEN, AND WOOLLEN CARPET CHAIN, COTTON YARN, TWIST, FILLING, WADDING, BATTING, COTTON LAPS, TIE YARNS, TWINES, CANDLE WICK, COVERLET YARN, BROOM TWINES, SHOE THREADS, GILLING AND SEINE TWINES, DED CORDS, GOO Fine French Work Collars from SI to 52.50, whole sale price #2 to $4. 200 Fine French Work Collars from 30c to SI, whole sale prico 40c to $1.60. ■ 300 Fine French Work Seta freni 30c to S 2, wholesale •price from 50c to S 3. £0 pieces Linen *2sc, worth 30c. WASH AND PLOUGH LINES, 50 dozen all Linen Napkins SI, worth 51.50. COTTON, HEMP, AND MANILLA CORDAGE. Also, a full assortment of FLY NETS. Which he offers at Manufacturers’ LOWEST NET GASH PRICES. WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, H. FRANCISOUS. 433 MARKET and 5 North FIFTH Street, PHILADELPHIA. WHOLESALE HEALER IM WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE Always on hand, a full Stock of TUBS, BUCKETS, CIIUKNS, MEASURES, BROOMS, WHISKS, FAN OY B ASKE TS, WALL* SCRUB* and S\YEEFINg"brU3HES* LOOKING-GLASSES and WINDOW PAPER, Mats, Keelers, Flour Buckets, Nest Boxes, WASH BOARDS, ROLLING and CLOTHES PINS FLOOR and TABLE OIL CLOTHS SCHOOL; MABKET, and DINNER BASKETS, fileds, Barrows, Carriages, Hobby Horses, &e., &o. All Goods sold at LOWEST NET CASH PRICES xnhH-£m HATS AND CAPS. IQ£O SPRING STOCK IQfiO AOU/V# COMPLETE. AOU/V* C. H. GARDEN & Co., Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in HATS, CAPS, AND FURS 3 STRAW GOODS, FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, Artificial Flowers, Ruches, Feathers, Ac., No. 600 and 602 MARKET Street, S. W. corner of SIXTH Street. A largo &ad complete stock. The best terms aad the lowest, prieng. Cash and prompt "time buyers” are particu'arlv invited to examine our Btock. mhl-2m _ SEWING MACHINES. _ _ <sTWILSON SEWING MACHINES, 62S CHESTNUT STREET, mhll-3m PHILADELPHIA. NEW PUBLICATIONS, Q.EORGE FRANCIS TRAIN, UNIONIST, Ik' OH T. COLLEY GRATTAN, S Ij A N T> E R E R . THE SPICIEST PAMPHLET OF TnE TIMES. PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS. PUBLISHED HI LEE & SHEPPARD, Bostos fuk SALK jnr T. B. PETERSON & BROS., 30G CHESTNOT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. TUST PUBLISHED— W THE SILENT COMFORTER A series of Scripture, texts for each day of the month. Designed lor use in tent*, hospitals, tho sick chamber, school-room, etc. Folio, large type. Price §0 cents. Published and for sale by the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, fnlils-3t No. 1122 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. FINANCIAL. <j>9 AAA §5,000, §lO,lOO, §20,000, t])t/jvUu« and other sums, to loau on MORT GAGE of City Property. B, W. THACKARA ft SON* No. 241 South THIRD Street. OHECKS. FOR QUARTERMASTERS’ VOUCHERS Forwarded for Conversion into SIX PER CENT. CERTIFICATES AT LOWEST BATES. MONEY ADVANCED, IF DESIRED. mM3-Jot DREXEL & CO C? 1 CAA —For sale, a well-secured LjOvvf* city MORTGAGE at 8 per cent, dis count; interest paid punctually. Direct to u J . S Box No. 2216 P. O. mh!s 3t* <PO QAA OLD MORTGAGE FOR tpOjOUV/# SALE, on a valuable farm inMontgo- Bnery . Also, a number of first-class city Mort gages and Ground Rents, of different amounts, at a dis count. Apply to K. PETTIT, mh7-tf No. 309 WALNUT Street. THE AMERICAN TEySGRAPH COMPANY Have reopened aid refitted a BRANCH OFFICE IN WILLARD’S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, 13. O. This company is prepared to accommodate the guests of thAihouse, and tho public, with every Telegraphic facility. Coniummcation direct with BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, And all Telegraphic Stations in tho loyal States. GENERAL OFKICHS, No. 432 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE* W. P. WESTERVELT, mhls-lm Superintendent SELF-ADJUSTING CLOTHES WRINGER.—Thia improvement will wring water from any article of the moat delicate texture to a bed quilt better than by hand, without the le»at injury, and adjusts itself, so that it ia superior to all other wringers and modes of wringing. Purchasers can use them one month and, if not satisfied, return them and receive their money. For sale by L. K. SNOW, at office of JOY, COE, ft CO., FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Ladies are particularly invited to call and eee them. fcefitlm RETAIL DRY GOODS. t?r6m a bankrupt stock. Jj WILL OPKN THIS MORNING— £O dozen L C lldUfa. hi M doitafi . -27 u “ at $1.62 “ 4 “ Gents’ Bordered fidkfs. S 3 per dozen. 2 11 Ladies* hemmed at 37 % cento each. 3 u <i “ tucks, at 62# cents. 4 il “ « 3 tucks, at 75 centß. 2 <1 SuKDondersßtitfX coßtßi 4 ** “ at T»0 cento. 6 ** *'• at 7ft cents. 41 44 at 87# cents. Also, a nice assortment of Dress Goods, at JOHN H. STOKES’, 702 ABOH Street. N. B —Jackson's celebrated Connting-housePENGIL. AH Merctmnto And Bankers use them. 1862. SI>ECIAL KOTICB - 1862. NEW LINEN, WHITE GOODS, LACE. EMBROIDERY STORE Tho subscriber has opened the Store, No. 1024 011 KST RUT Btr«ft ? as. ft LACK, I. IN EX, WHITE GOODS, and EMBROIDERY iloUdlv, lie denigns an'establishment where tho very be&t goods of every va riety in tl o above line may be procured at prices much below* the usual retail rates, anil unite as low as they are generally wholesaled. Having for many years boen per sonally, thoroughly conversant with all the markets of Europe, he possesses unusual facilities, and can offer to the public yen' great inducements to extend to him a share of its patronage. II« refers to tho annexed list as being a partial representation of his stock, and respect fully solicits from all an inspection of his goods: WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT Jaconet, Mull, Cambrics, Nainsook, Swiss and French Muslins; plaid, striped, dot ted, and figured Muslins: French and Skirting Cam brics, Dimities, and Bril LINEN DE; Shlriiug, Fronting, House wife, Pillow, and Sheeting Linens; French Rattling and Chemise Linens; Irish, geotcb, and liurmdey Tuhloj LACE DEPARTMENT. Valencienne, Beal Thread, ings, by the yard, aud also Pusher, Blnndo, Guipure, In Collars, Sets, Coiffures, Boniton, Maltese) Pointe, Capes, Sleovos, Hdkfs, o$p T , and other Laces and Eilg- etc Illusions, Nets, etc. VEILS. Beal Thread, Cambria, land Grenadine Vella. Pusher, French, Magfrie, | EMBROIDERY DEPARTMENT. Cambric,Swiss,andLinenjlnsertings, Skirts, etc., etc. Collars, Sets, Hdkfs, Cuffs,{infanta* Waists, Robes, etc., Bauds, Flounciugs, Edgings, [etc. IIDKF. DEPARTMENT. Ladies', Gents’, and Chil-jcloarlawn, embroidered, and dren’s corded and tapebor- other fancy Hdkls. My as dered, printed, hem-stitched sortment in Hdkfs is very aud French Hdkfs; . Re-Ifull uud exceedingly cheap, viered, scolloped, tucked, [ SPECIALITIES. Will open on MONDAY, the 17th inst., the following extra cheap articles: 300 all-Linen Printed Cambric Dresses at 25, 30, and 35c, worth 50c. SO ddsfeik &11 L;iieh Hemstitched ildkfa At lo£, 20c. 20 dozen do. do. do. 25c, worth 35c. 200 Real Thread Veils, from 352 to S? 10. 20 pieces 7*4 and S-4 three-fourths Bleached Table Linens, 65c, 70c, and 75c. The above become white with a few washings, and are usually retailed at 7oc, BUc, 88c per yard. 40 pieces Linens from 2Sc to 60c, worth from 35c to 73c, aud a variety of other articles in this line very low. EDWARD M. NEEDLES, 1024 CHESTNUT STREET. mhl3-tf SPRING PRINTS, -LA CHOICE STYLES. mbrrimacs, SPRaGUE, pacific, ALL TWELVE AND A. HALF CENT 3. A large lot best styles and fast colors at 10c. O JWFERTILWAIT & CO., mhlft-tf N. W. cor. EIGBTH and MARKET Sts, Merrimack, American, and ENGLISB PRINTS at 12# cents. Spring Delaines from auction, I!2# c!s. 3uo doz. L. C I Irikfs. from an'.Mon, 8 to 14 eta. Shepherd’s Plaids of desirable sizes. Black Wool Delaines, usual good stock. mhl3 COO FEB * OONARD. Linens by tee piece or yard. Bullard Vale Flannels, 33 to 75 cts. Linen Diapers, old prices for best goods, f'hivt Fronts, fresh lots, 25 to 50 cts. Domestics always at lowest market rates. mM3 COOPER ,t CQftARP. CASbIMERES. 8,543 yard* all-wool goods. Boys’ Caßßiiiicres in greatest variety. Men’s Fancy and Black Cassimeros. Black Cloths at the right prices. OUOPKR & CONABD, mh!2 Southeast corner NINTH and MARKICT. OPENING OF NEW SPiiiNi* GOODS, Just received from New York, and will be opened to day, a choice lot of NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. Albo, a large lot of NEW CHINTZES, purchased at very low prices, FOB CASH, which we guaranty to sell at prices that will DEFY COMPETITION. Jlept Chiatzeß,l2jf cents. Best Mtiriniac Chintzes, 12# cents. Best American (’, 12# ceuU. Dept Cocheco Chintzes, 12# cents. Beet Pacific Chintzes, 12# cents. Best Sprague Chintzes 12# cents. 3 Cases Good Chintzes, fast colors, 10 cents. 1 C'ateGood Chiulzes,Ja6t colors, 9 cents. 1 Case yard wide Chintzes, new styles, 25 cents. A BANKRUPT STOCK OF WHITE BRILLIANTE3. 1 lot white Brilliantes, 8 cents, worth 10. 1 lot white BriUmntes, 10 cents, worth 12#. 1 lot 4-4Avbito Brilliantes, 12# cents, worth 15. BARGAINS IN WHITE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. 50 dozen white Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, 75 cents ptr rinzoih 50 dozen finer quality, tape borders, 51.50 per dozen. Cheap Linen Towels, Doylies, and Napkins. Cheap lot of heavy Butcher Linens. Cheap Shirting and Fronting Linens. Hoi eycomb Counterpanes, 2# yards square, 351.50. 2# yards wide Bleached Sheeting, 28 cents. 2# yards wide Bleached Sheeting, 31 # cents. S yaeds wide Bteaftkad Sh6Min#, 37# Bta. 3 cases good Bleached MusMqb, 7# cents. 2 cases good Bleached Muslin, 10 cents. 2 cases Unbleached Cotton Flannel, li cents. A full line of Black Silks choap. Now styles Fancy Silks, 50 cents and upwards* New Spring Delaines And lteps. Shpphml Plftidr, of vym Yuritty. New styles of Spring Dress Goods, of every variety and opening daily. H. STEEL ft SON, mhB No. 713 North TENTH Street, abwve Coates Calicoes ! calicoes i: American Cali coca, at 12#. Manchester Calicoes, at 12#. Pacific ftalicoep, at 12# English Calicoes, at 12#. Calicoes, the best iu the market, for 12#. J. H. STOKES’, mbCtf 702 ARCH Street -vr .E W HOUSE- FURNISHING XI GOODS, LINENS, ftc.—The largest assortment in the city of Fine Flemish, Irish, and Barnsley Linen Sheetings. Dunbar Dickson’s and Richardson’s Billow Liuens. Golden Flax Shirting and Fronting Linens. Table Litmus, Table Cloths, Napkins, Doylies. Towellings and Towels of ell descriptions, fer the bath, chamber, pantry, kitchen, and nursery. Quilts and Blankets, of all sizes, for cribs and beds. Table and Piano Covers, and Materials for covers, by the yard. Furniture Chintzes, Furniture Coverings, etc. Btch Lace and Hudin Curtains and Curtain Materials. Plain and Gold Bordurud Sbiului* iu all colors fcUEPPABD, VAN HARLINGEN, ft ARRISON, f«10 1008 CHESTNUT Street TTriDE SPRING CHINTZES. ’ f V A fine display of English Wide Chintz Prints. French Percales aud Chintzes. Brilllan’s, Purples, Oamayoux. Wide Figured Shirting Prints. mhl2 SHARPLESS BROTHERS. pOODS FOR CHILDREN’S WEAR. Poil do Chevres, bright plaid. Plaid French Dross Joodg, new styles. Paueanlas, Miiandotinas, Amelias. Black and White Checked Goods. Ginghams, Chintzes, Checked Silks. mhl2 S£l vRBLESS BROS. YER? CHEAP FRENCH BA BEGE9.—I,OOO pieced of Milauaitse Bareges. Tnmartites and Plain Bareges. Selling at half the usual prices. SHABPLES3 BROS. • mhl2 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. REMOVALS. JJOTICE. THE BUSINESS OF TUB PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM IS REMOVED No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET J W. PROCTOR & CO mhS-lm Removal.— macky & hogg, General Produte Commleeion Merchants, have re moved from No. 1615 Market Street to No. 25 South WATER Street, between Market and Chestnut, where tboy will be pleased to eoe thor friends and customers. mhl4-6t* A DAMANTINE CANDLES.—A job XA. lot of old Adamautine Caudles, iu store nud for BHODES A WILLIAMS, 107 South WATER Street. TTORSE RADISH.—Pure Tuck Island XI Horse Radish, prepared for family use, in pint and half-pint bottles, for sale to the trade by BHODES A WILLIAMS, 107 South WATfiB Street. mhl7 < IMPORTANT I X ALL ARTICLES FOR SOLDIERS Should bo oent by HABNDfeNM EXPRESS, Wt CHESTNUT Street. Thor charge only HALF BATES, and send doily to Baltimore, Washington, Fortress Mon iWiMriftU other points occtiital by our troops t llantes; Bishop (mil Victoria Lawns; French Untiling Muslin; Tarlatans, white and colored, and all other articlou in White Goods. 'ARTMENT. Linons; Cloths, Napkins, and Doylies; Linen Lawns and OambricH, Birdeye Dia pers, Crash, and all other j Towels and Towelling. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. QPENING.-CLOAKS. J. M. HAFLEIGH. (SUCCESSOR TO h. J. LEW k C 0.,) 123 CHESISDT STIJKET, WILL decs, ov TUJtSUAY, "MAKCn ]Br:t, A (m ASSORT -M KNT OS BPlane AND 3CMMHR CLOAKS. In Bluck tiilk aud Cloth: a varied assortment, com Poising all the NOVELTIES IMPORTED. THIS SEASON. ni!il7-2t FOR SALE AND TO LET. rpWO choice communicating sceniul- JL story BUOH9 TO LET, with BOA 111), at No 251 North NINTH Street, above Race. mhlB-2i. 5 * "IPOII SALE—Tito Stock and Fixtures X of » first-cliisB t GROCERY STORE, estiiliHsljfil twenty yrors mnt (loidr w Runit lnisinoss/ SiUltlfiicuiry rrasons given fur selling. N. E. corner of SIXTH un.l BETTO SVeOI). nihlS Ct* eTO LET—Germantown HOUSE, south side of IIITTENJIOI'rfE Street, second homo went (f Marion, beyond Gm*u struut. Ihwsimqinn April 1. lleht «?2.’.0. Apply to WM. H. BAOriK, mblB-Rt* No. 23 North Fni'RTII Street. m the undersigned, being about to Miarnnove from hie prt-f-ent place of RESIDENCE to Spring GardeN street, utters the same TO RENT. The prtuiibve abound with n Variety of mo'lt rn conv<; jitnccs. CHARLES A. POI'LSON, nihlB-3tif No 332 South FRONT Stroet. TO LET.—Tlic large STOP E, No, £iilil333 MARKET Street, now in the occupancy of 31. L. Hallowed A (Jo., will bfe fof teht July 1, next. Thl-i property is ndinirnbly loieintl, has a front of 25 feet, five sb rice high, to a depth of 123 foot, thence it widens to 67 fott to a further depth or 183 feet, leaking the entire depth of the store 306 feet, tu a fine, unobstructed nnrth eru-llfclii; with au outlet nn Fourth stroet Fixtures complete, mid every convenience. It in well adapted for a Jnrgu clothing, commission, or dry-goods home. Ap ply to WILLIAM Jl BAGON, n.h!B-6t* . No. 23 North FOUItTn Street. **§ NORRISTOWN MANSION.— AuIiLFOB SALE —A superior, well-built MANSION, With TIIHEE ACRES OP I.AS b t repjr / iitii at<d. The buildings are commodious, uith all the mo dern convenltncfs, and may he purchAsr-d on ailvanta gronsterms. Also, a very superior COTTAGE RESI DENCE, with Forty Acres of Lund, In Pnttstnvvn. J. I). REINBOTH, mhlS-St* No. 436 WAI.Nt'T Street. mo DISTILLERS. The DISTILLERY known as the “PHCENIX,” and formerly ownod and occupied by SAML. SMYTH, Esq., rihmted on TWENTY-THIRD, between BACI and VINE Streets, Philo/lolphla, Capacity 600 busksli per day, is now ofiered for sale on reasonable aud accom modating terms. Is in good running order, and has all the modern improvements. An Artesian well ou the pre mises furnishes an unfailing supply of good, pure water. Addrcfla Z. LOCKE & CO., No, 1010 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. fo2*<bdtf Hi FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS— fiiui a handsome modern COTTAGE, in the village of Beveiley, on the Delaware, sixteen miles above Phila delphia; is well located on liiyh ground; tho in tho vicinity nftho city. Tho house islareo and roomy, with evfrgy convenience; the grounds are ample, conntin ing Stables, Comdi Tlotiae, Ac , aud are well laid out with fi nit trees, grape vines, Ac., in Abundance : within three minutes walk of both steamboat and railroad, and ac cessible at almost evtry hour ; cost over $?5,000, aud will bo gold a sacrifice. Address Bex 1080 Post Ofllce. i»ib34-fui lot* fiFOR SALE VERY LOW—First class new Dwelling, No. 1827 Green street, with fine BGNSALL BROTHERS, 116 North NINTH Street. yard. mhlT-fit* FOK EENT—A Furnishcil Houso. MaL in Germantown* by the niontli or year, ou moderate terma. Apply on MAIN Street, fourth door above HAINES. mhlT-at* 4 000 PEACH TREES, VERY 2- fine,thrifty; 10,000 Silver Leaf Maples, largo nnd handsome; ;i]bo. a large assortment of other Fruit, ilmde, and Ornamental Trees, for sale cheap for cash or on time. CiitblMtitf gFtttii. CHAR. J*. PETBIIS, mhlT-lm* Concordville, Dehtwirc countv, Pa. H TO LET—A House on HE WE T’B Hiul. lane, Gerinantown, with all the modern conve niences, Coach Boij'o and SraLlc, first rate Garden, and varimia kinds of fruit; wiiltin five minutoHi by a good walk, to the station. Apply at No. 23 North FOURTH Street. [mhl3 ttj JAMFB OKICSSON. FOR SALE—A desirable FARM, near Norristown, Montgomery county, containing SO ASPefl i f lUfid, hlefelj* LargA stoat improvements, fine fruits, itc. Price only 595 per acre. For further particulars, apply to E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. WANTS. WANTED —A Lad competent to enter Goods in a Jobbing House. Address, in haudwritlug, 44 A B C.,” iVc.tjr office. It* WANTEb-A SITUATION as OoAkhirihti, I>V h rihgte hi Ah. Tho best of refv- Tence given, bavin? had experience In the couutry, among horse?, Tor fifteen years. Address “J. Q.,” thia office,* DE?K-ROO'I WANTED—In an Of fice on WALNUT Street, between Dock and Fifth srmta Address Pox iop&, P, 0. . mhi3*3rft LEGAL. Estate of emanuel g. kro- IVIER, deceased.—letters of Administration to the Wute «f FMANUEL G KIIOMER, feuMal, fc&vt been granted, by the Register of Wills of Philadelphia county, to the subscriber. All perrons having claims or demands against said estate are requested to present them, and those indebted will please make payment, to MAHGAKET A. KROMEK, Administratrix, mb]B-tu6l* No. 1835 CO AT ESS Street. TN THE COURT OF COMMON X PLEAS OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY. In the matter of the application of JACOB A.CUFF, to pay into court the amount of a certaiu mortgage of a cer tain gristmill and lot of tend, situate in Upper Dublin town ship, In said county, dated April 1,1815, given by George one SlielEfilPti, t 6 £&£ilir£ ili4 a bond hearing even date therewith of $l,OOO 00, condi tioned for »lit» pa) ment of 15800.00, specie, immediately after tlie decease of Louis Brooks, of the city of Philadelphia, and CathariLe, his w ife, for the benefit of heirs of the body of the said Katharine, late Catharine Hartmau, as tenants in common, which said mortgage is recorded in tbe Rfcorder’f office of Montgomery county, in Mortage Book No. 12, page GO, and to have satisfaction entered on the record of said mortgage. March 3, 1862. Upon the petition and affidavit of said JACOB a CUFF being read and filed, the court grant a rule on all parties interested iu said matter to appear in said comt .on the ihh day of April, A. D. 1862, ut 10 o'clock A. 51., amt show cause, if auy they have, why the Sc*ld Jacob Acht? should hot be permitted to pay Into court the amount of said iinrtgage debt and interest, and, upon the same being done, wli>' the sa d court should not direct that full satiefaction shall be entered upon the ro coid of su’d mortgage. By the court, JARED EYANS, Prothonotarr. PROTHOSoTARY’S UFFIOKj Norristown, Olarch n, 1802. miilS-tuSt#', UNITED STATES, EASTERN Dis trict OF PENNSYLVANIA. SCT. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF TIIE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, GREETING: WHEREAS, The District Court of the United States, iu aud for the Easttru listrict of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, tiled iu the name of the United States of America, hath decreed all perrone in ge neral who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest, iu 401 cases of powder, 267 bags coffee, 5 bales bops, 327 tmra stri'U 25 bars iron, 5 flasks nuickdilYcr, 22 carboys acid, 37 boi es merchandise, 27 cases do., 5 do., 3 cases twine, 10 cases do., 3 casks merchandise, 1 case, ft rillcsand 5 bayonets, 1 tierce merchandise, 2 hogsheads do., 2 barrels shellac, 1 case medicine, 3 Cans oil, 4 long cases iron, steel, and Lad ; 2 boxes small arms, fixed ammunition, 1 lot small arms do.; and all goods, wares, and merchandise eei/.ed on board tliu steamer CUBA* uthenvi&o CALHOUN, to bo monished, cited, and called to judgment, at tho time and placo nnilorwTitten, atd to the elVeet hereafter expressed (justice so requir ing). You are therefore charged, mui strictly enjoined Hud coninuimled, that you omit not, hut that by publish ing these presents in at least two of the daily newspapers printed and published iu the city of Philadelphia, and iu the Legal InMliyencert jou do m ‘ldrii aud cite, or cause TO bo nmiiifehed mid cited, peremptorily, «H persons In geHtral who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest, in the said goods, wares, and merchitiilisH, seized on board the steamer CUBA, otherwiao CAL- HuUN, by tlie United States guuhnat .Samuel ltatan, to appear before the Honorable JUHN CABWALADER, the Judge of the uiiid court, at the District roeui, in the city o Philadelphia, on Him TWENTIETH day after publication of theee presents, if it be a court day, or else on t ir next court day following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, then and there to show, or allege, in due foml of law, a reaeonable and lawful ex cuse, if any they have, why tho said goods, wares, anil merchandise should not be pronounced to belong, At the time of the capture of the same, to the enemios of the United rstatep, and as goods ef their eneimei or other wise, liable and subject to condemnation, to be ajjudgtd aid condemned as good ami lawful prizes; aud further to do end receive in this behalf ne to justice shall appertain. Aud that you duly intimate, or causa to be intimated, unto all ixmoiis aforesaid, gtMiurally, (to whom by the tenor of these presents it. is also intimated,) that if the; shall not appear at the time and placo above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a r<asouabla and lawful caube to ihe contrary, then said District Court dotU iu ttud aud will proceed to adjudication oil the said capture, aud may pn nouuce that the said goods, wares, aud mer chandise'did belong, a-; the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of tho United States of America, ami as goods <»r their enemies, or other* iso, liable and subject to conti-cation and condemnation, to bo adjudged aud cohdemmd as lawful prize, tho absence, or rather contumacy, of the prisms ho cited and InllmAlbd 111 JUiJ 1 - wtee notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said Dietiict Court what you slrill do in the p oiuisos, together with these presents. Witney, the Honorable JOHN OADWALADEII, Ju«lj*e of the shU court, Philmlelpliift, this fifteenth liny of MAIiMI. A, 1», l«S, Ml* !» *>» flgW-SslU year of the Independence of tho said United Mmes. millB fit G. R, FOX, Clerk D. O. iy/| AItSIIAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a IVI Writ or nn’or of Sale, by tho Hon. JOIIN CAD WALADKIti vMl'lsxpf «l>» Dintrict Court of t) 1? Unltfd Mates, in and fm the Eastern District of ronnsylvania, in AdndiuUy, to me diucted, will be sold at Public Sate, to tho highest and best bidder, for Cash, at CVLLOW HILL-BTKKET WIIARF, on MONDAY, March 31, 1862, at 12 o’clock M., the Sloop HAVELOCK, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as she now lbs at said wlwil. WILLIAM MILIjWARD* U. g, Marshal j*J. D. of Ponuaylvaula. PniLlDKLrniA, March 17, 1862. mh.6-6t J UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted, immediately, for tho United States Mariiu Corps, SEVEN HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN for &ea service, between tlio ages of eighteen aud forty yvare. AH information that may be required wU! be given at tlie Rendezvous, sit South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Gaptaiu, mhs-tf Recruiting Officer. Green corn and peas 60 casc-s Winslow’s hcrmetically-feaU'd Green Corn, ?0 ** 11 * l Pertu, 20 Ms “ “ Fresh Toni^loeff, jußt Uuded and for gale by RHODES ft WILLIAMS, mhl7 107 South WATER Street O ILL-HEAD printing, best D and Cheapest In the clu. « RISflWibT b BROWN’S, M Soath THIRD Sbrttft. 4oW WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENTS BY WALL & JiAKNARD, AUC TIONEKBS. — Government Sale of Two IT mid rod and Fifty HORSES At Auction. On THUIISfHY KAJit, March 20tb, 1862, at the CORRAL,near th« UtiHervato* ry, will b*Bold at Public Auction, TWO HL'NDItKD AND FI I TT lIORSJCS, (-twlctmiod a* unfit for publicwrvice Sal*? to commence at 10 o’clock. Terms cash in Uunrnment fundi, By ord<*r, J. J. DANA, Capt. and Assistant Quartermaster. WALL* BARNARD, Auctioneer*. AMUSEMENTS, Concert hall. BKLKOT ri/t.wArrc axd voetic readings. Mil .1l MBS K. MDBTHICTI, Tlx. <lUtiiJn'mn)icl 1 rd> n!i’uj nri'l Elocutionist, THURSDAY BATI’IiT>AY, A N’t) MONDAY, Mfttch 20tli, 22*1, and 24th. THntrJDAY, UAftCJI 20nr. Refection* from Humid .Sliaknpeare. Drifting. T. Buchanan Bead. T>»a Liuim uiul iY,p Glovt, tnintfiitM pMn R-hnier.Hood, Charge of (ho Light Brigade at ttalakiava.i. .Tonnyson. The Stigma; or, TheStatesman** Bream '.JauTler. Selection* from Julius Cn-sar, embracing Mate Antony’s Prophecy and Oration Shakapeare. Sketches from Pickwick Papers. Dickens. Tickets admitting one person to the Course, ~,,,, W Singe Ticket** * >.»> *.., *».........»*»»»,*»,**..., GO For *sle at Concert liall and the principal Book and Music fiiore*. Boors open at 7 ; Heading to commence at.B o’clock. Thw will ho the only Headings Mr. Murdoch will give In Philadelphia. mh!B*3t ALNUT-STHEET "THHAT&K^ NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Sole Lessee. MKS. M. A. OARP.ETTBC9 Second Nipht and Last but Four of MR. AN If MRS. BARNEY- WILLIAMS. TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 16, 180tt. THE EAIUY CIRCLE. Con o‘Carulau. Mr. Burney Williams. Molediee Mm. Barney Williams. To be followed by the Comedy, entitled CUSTOMS OF TilK COUNTRY. To conclude with the Drama of Til?; MOMENTOUS QUESTION. PfliOßß_so. 27 IS, and 25 conti; Private Baca, 86 and S 3, according to their locale. Doors open at quarter to 7. To commence at 7j^. TI/rEtS. JOHN DREW’S i-VX ARCSI-STBKET THEATRE. Acting BtaKoManajten, m.n.iW. Si FBJGDXBIOM, Business Agent and Treasurer..... .JOB. D, MUfiPBTi 60th NIGHT AND 3d MONTH OF MB.' JOHN DREW. THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, MARCH 18, Will be enacted, Brougham's ROMANCE AND REALITY, Jack ~,,,,,,, t ? | Draw Paddy Donlan J aAr ’ j<mj I,foW ’ Aepfr Manly Mr Gilbert. To conclude with IRIiiJ ENGAGEMENTS. Tim Batferty Mr. John Drew, Mr. John Drew will appear shortly in the TOODLK3. CROnOORE-NA-BILLOUGH in preparation. CONTINENTAL THEATRE, LAST WEEK BUT ONE Of this justly celebrated DRAWING-ROOM ENTERTAINMENT OK KNULK TO 01 ’B4 UABIN, OR LIFE AMONG TUB LOWLY, Adinlfidloh 16 &i.d 26 Cents T& caßnchcy at 7# b'elaek TO-MORROW EVENING, March ISth. ♦» EVA'S** BENEFIT. A GRAND UNCLE TOM M.MINIBH on SATURDAY AKTFRNOtiN, at 2 o’clock, for L*Jio» And Children, termuiHtiiig about 6. Grand GYMNASTIC EXHIBITION. By Mm members of Profs. HILLEIIRAND * LEWIS* GYMNASIUM, ami CONCERT By the S.ENOKU&UND VOCAL SOCIETY, (wtn> have kindly volunteered ) MUSICAL FUND HALL, WEDNESDAY EVENING, March 19Ui, 1352. PROGRAMME. 1. Choice Musical Sehctions i 2. Introductory Remarks. 3. Calistheuic and Gymnastic Exercises. Under the direction of Prof. LEWIS 4. Chorus—“An die Fretide” BAIKCHRBI'ND VOUAI. SOCIETY, y. Gymnast r. Exercises upon *he following Apparatus SINGLE BAR, RINGS, liORSE, LADDERS, DUMB BELLS, e, Chornr—"W!o hah ich Fin Ge1fpht”........ M-nrihg. SjENOKRRUND VOCAL SOCIETY. 7. Beautiful Exercises—“ Les Hummed d’Alr.” 8 Chorus—The Star Spangled BouneV* S.EINGKRBUND VOCAL SOCIETY. 9 Acrobatic Exercises and Pyramids 10. Chorus—“ Onto Nacht” Otto. SAINGKItBUND VOCAL SiM’IKTV Dour b open at quarter of 7 o’clock j the Exhibition tv commence at ~y. o'clock. Tickets 25 cents; can be had at the Institute, anl at tlic Ilall on the evening of the Exhibition mhl7-3t Assembly buildings.—ivbia. AND TDK ORKAT SKpOY REBELLION,—A beautiful and thrilling Exhibition from thy Uuyal Polw tirbnir Institute! London, EVERY EVENING ami on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, com mencing MONDAY, March 17. 1 he Entertain;? ent ccnidsts of a aeries of brilliantly II- It'minalcd Tableaux* illustrating scenery, architecture, ami customs of 1 the gorgeous En*t. ADo, the principal events connected with the late Mutiny in lndi*—The ereat Battle of Havelock; Jessie Brown at Lurknow; Mbs Whc-rler <!ofei,oing herstlf from the-Sepoys; Siege and Fall of Delhi, A c., Ac. A NOVEL FEATURE for SATURDAY AFTER NOONS—Combination Entertainment or Mu*ic and Art —IIW R.VGELICI'S ttAUbt&teJ Q»Ut‘UU-K See Programmes AdiniwioJi 25 cents. Six tickets, $l. Children, when accompatiifd by adults, 10 cents. Commence, Evenings at eight; Afternoons at three o’clock. Doors open one hour previously. Communicationsshoukl be address**! tv nhlT-lf JOHN TOY. ACOMttitMhNTARX COINiUE&T TO MR. QUAYLE, BY OLD FRIENDS, Wiil take pluee at the NATIONAL GUARDS’ HALL, BACK Street, between Fifth and sixth, Ou WEDNESDAY EVENING, March 19tli, When many of the best Amateurs io the city will ap pear. The Committee feel proud to announce to Mr. Quayte*» nunu-rous friends that Mr. J. FRAZER, the weil known Tenor of the Seguin Opera Troupe, has, iu ths himlett nmmier, volunlooicd losing two Songn and * Duet with Mr; CRtnjlp; Fot pariicttlnrsi, See Programme ih heSt Wedh&ldAy*A papers. Tickets 25 cents: can be liat of the C.mimitteev or of Mr. QUA YLE, 761 Snu‘b NINTH Bt. mhlo 4t ON EXHIBITION; FOB A BRIEF FEKIOD, AT EA FILES’ GALLERIES 810 CHESTNUT STREET. Mr. ItKOIS GIGNOI'X’S magnificent new Picture, “ IKDIAN SUMMER IN- YIRGINIA,’* Painted for the Great Exhibition, Louden, this year. .25 cento. Also on view, fijes, for n few days, Mr. E.D. LEWIS* ifttest and nioet hupci taut woiUi “ THE GLORY OF THE TROPICS," And MXItLE'S lovely Picture, Admittance.... “ THE CHRISTIAN MAIDEN,” With other Works of Art, Germania orchestra. GAEL BENTZ, Conductor. - PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, MSM o’clock P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND HILL. Package af Eight Tickets, ftl ; Single Tickets, 36 ala. To bo had at Andre’s, 1101 Chestnut street, J. K» CkmSdV SoTenih and Cheotnui, and at thodoorof the Bail, ooSf V PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ABTB, 1036 CHESTNUT Street, h open daily, Sundays excepted, from 6 A. M. till 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children under twelve roars, lulf urico. Shares cf Stock, #3O, ]rl HOTELS. rnHE fcT. LOUIS, _L CHESTNUT STIiEKT, BETWEEN THIRD ASb i'Oltii'i'H, iIHi„U>KI.PUIA, Tire undersigned having leased,fur n term of years* this popular house, have the pleasure of announcing to their, and the travelling community, that it is now open for the reception of guests. Thu house, since the first of March last, has teen entirely renovated amt re fitted, in a superior manner ; the apartments are largo, well ventilated, and furnished in modern style. It la centrally located* convenient to aii tho depots and sieitni boat landings, and in tho immediate vicinity of the Cus tom House, I’oftt Office, and the Corn Exchange. I& r Connected with the Hotel is a RESTAURANT for the nccoiMiiedatlou of those prefer!ins# tho EUROPEAN PLAN. Prices of rooms from THREE TO SEVEN DOLLARS per week, uccnrdins to location. Ronrd #1.50 per day. Table d’Hoto for merchants and business men, iromitos i\ M, HENRY NEIL, ISAAC L. I>EVOB. tnhß-lmif A CARD.— I THE UNDiSKSIGJSJKD, lato of the GIRARD HOUSE, Philadelphia, have Meed, for i term of years, WILIiABD’B BOTXL, In 4t*eHlngt6n- Th&y tab* this eeA&nian to rfitnm to theit >ld friends and customers many thanks for past farors, tod bog to assure thorn that they will be most happy to jm them Id their new quarters. BYKEB, CHADWICK, * 00. Wißvnrovoi, Jnlv 16.1561. anW-ly SAFES. Effc, LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT BE lypiMOVEn to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, new the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for pant favors, and being determined to 'merit future patronage, has secured tm eirgniit and convenient store, and has now on hand 6 large assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought and Cl filed Iron Fire aud Burglar Proof Safes, (the only atj ietly fire aud burglar proof safes made.) Also, Lillie'S Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bunk Vault Doorß and Locks will bo furnished to order on short notico. This is tho strongest, best pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet ottered. Also, particular attention is called to LUlio’s New Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac, This Safe U con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. Special Notice.— l have now on hand pay twenty off Karrel, Herring, & Co’s Bafee, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment an to sizes, aud all lately exchanged for tbe now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at vary low prices. Please call and examine. ja2s-lyif ' M. 0. SADLER, Agent EVANS & WATSON’S lalll salamander satm. BTOBB, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIRE-PKOOF SAFES always o* hand. ' ' INSURANCE COMPANIES. /COMMONWEALTH HRE INSD \J RANCE COMPANY, OF TUB SCATS OB PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. David Jayne, M. D.. Charles H. Rogers, John M. Whitulh John It, Walker, Edward 0. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Strothers, Henry Lewie, Jr., Elijah J' nos. DAVID JAYNE, M D., President. JOHN M. WUITALL, Vice Preetdeut SAMUEL S. MOON, Secritary. Office, Commonwealth Bulllibg, 613 CHESTNUT Street; Philadelphia! ao-Mf tf LADIES’ TKUSSE3, SUPPORT ERS. BRACES, nud other ftlechauical Appliances, ot correct conttrnctiou and easy to the wearer. For sale and adjustment at O. H. NEEDLES' LADIES’ STORK, TV ELF Til Street, firs! door below Race. Of id. omen requiring Rupture Triuecs will col! at the Fouthwert comer rWKbjTil ana RAJE» where 0* H, N. gives attention to this special feature. mhl‘2 3mif rnORTOISE SHELL— A few boKes of JL Tottoiso BUoll for sale by jAURETOnK A LAVKRONB. tall 292 and 294 Smith FRONT Sim*, Orchestra, . .Greyer. mhU-et*