The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, February 24, 1862, Image 4
THE CITY. AELGREIFEETIi Ttilt3 IfiTVNINO, ABOH-STREET TITICATRE—ATeh street, above Sixth.— tithe Comedy of Errors"—'l Serious Family." WALNUT-STREET THEATRE—Ninth and Walnut Sth.— id The White Terror"—"A Reined for an Oliver." CONTINENTAL. TIDIATRB—WaInut street, above Eighth. thick Tom's CaLin." ASSEMBLY BUILDING—Tenth street, below Chestnut.— di Panorama of America and the Great Rebellion." Kosice'. FUND HALL—Locust street, above Eighth.— Grand Concert Bow WASHINOTON'S BIRTHDAY WAS CELEBRATED N PHILADELPHIA SIYTY•TWO Y 91113 AGO. --A full account of the preparations that have been made to celebrate this (the 130th) anniversary of the Birth day of the Father of his Country will be found in another column. In order to give our re .ders an idea of how the same event was celeberated in Philadelphia in 1900, we have cormaltd she following facts from hies of vaom s of that date: In 1600 Congress wag sitting in Philadelphia, and on the oth of January of that year a resolution was adopted recommending the people 01 the United States to assemble on the 22d of February next, fur the par puma of pay ing Milt. able honors to the memory of General George Washing ton. tin the came dair , the Pt erhi,ni cent down a ape ciid message, announcing that he bad approved and signed the resolution. The annexed proclamation was accordingly issued By the President of the United States: Whereas, the Congress of the United States have this day resolved, " That it be recommended to the people of the United States to assemble on the td of Bobrnary next, in such numbers and mariner as may be conve nient, publicly to trstify their grief for the death or Gen. George Washingron, by suitable eulogies, orations, and discourses, or by public pm) ors ; and that the President be requested to issue a troclamatiou for the purpose of carrying the foregoing into enect ;" now, therefore, I, John 11081113, President o 1 the 'United elrat,,s of Amerirt, do hereby proclaim the same accordingly. Given under my hand rust the seal of the United Stater, at Philadelphia, the sixth day of Jauuary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred, and of the independence of the said States the twenty-fourth. JOHN ADAUS. . By the President. Tin. Ptdrearga, Secretary of Stake. Tho anniversary in Philadelphia was observed in the following manner : At Philadelphia the anniversary was respectfully ob served. The greater number of citizens kept their houses shut. and abstained front business. At the seve ral churches eulogies were pronounced by the clergy in the pretence of WIN congrrgotivnt, At AVOII the Cill cit.nati assembled in the state Rouse and marched in procession to the German Lutheran Church, preceded by several military corps. After devo tional exercises. Major William Jackson delivered an oration. A Masonic procession aiso left the same place at ten o'clock, A. M., and proceeded to Zion Church. In the centre of this large gathering was a monument, borne by tour Paster Ana Masters, support ing a golden urn, which was azirmouuted by an eagle with wings expanded, and holding in its beak a scroll, in the ngure of a bean, with n suitable inscription. Rev. Dr. Magaw delivered the oration. Mugress, then in session, adjourned for the day. A resoletien to meet in the chamber at half past twelve, and thence march to the church in Race etreet to hear an eulcgium, passed the Senate, and was carried into effect ; but in the House it was lost by a small majority, POll , O of the members desiring to attend the Itotuan Catholic Church which had tenoered an invitation on the occasion. At Lancaster, the Pennsylvania Legislature adjourned to celebrate the day. NAVAL AFFAIRs.---Some necessary repairs are being made to the sections of the floating dock at the navy yard, preparatory to their being moored la the stream. As wan as these repairs are completed the steam frigate Pozehatan will be raised for examination. Nearly all her planking above the water line has been removed. her boilers, which were of copper, have been broken up, and will be replaced by iron ones. The re pairs to the Powhatan will Net the Government nearly as much as the colliding of a new ship. She framing of the new sloop-of-war Monongahela is completed, and she will be planked during the next ten days. . . The side-wheel steamer Ifianti, recently built at this port, has been docked at Baltimore for repairs to injuries received truriug the late gales. Mr. Heaver., naval constructor of the Philadelphia Navy Yard, bas gone to Baltimore to examine her. Letters received from the steam slop Tgscarora, re centh built at this port, and lately at Southampton, England, speak very highly of her sailing qualities and machinery. A propeller shaft for the iron-plated frigate now being built in this cityty Messrs, Cramp di Sou, has just horn made bS Trego, Baird, di Co., at their works, on Cant.3n avenue, Baltimore. The shalt is in three piecas,is eighty-two feet in length, and weighs nearly sixteen tone. • The naval appropriation bill, recently passed by the Rouse of Representatives, et Washington, appropriates 5145,746 for the extension f nuilding4 and repairs to the Philadelphia Navy Yar4, and 85,300 for repaint to the Philadelphia Naval llost ital. The sum appropriated for the navy yard is about ope half the amount asked for. At present there is no prospect of an enlargement of the yard. The schooner George Mangum is expected to arrive at tLe navy yard in a few days from the Gulf of Mexico. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. A - stated monthly meeting was held at the Hall of the FrauUhl Institute, on Thursday evening. Tito flommittee on the. Library wade their annual report, stating the number of volumes in their charge to be 9,700. After the announce ment of the standing committees for the ensuing year, Mr. Howson exhibited a large model of is cannon, in vented by the late Archillne Lawrence, to whose execu tors a patent has been ter-mine allowed. The cannon is an improremant on tits celshratod Armstrong gun, and is arranged for loading Mille breech through a hollow screw, which, when ti t .ht, confines a sliding gate against the rear of the carrel.. The gate is to be hung to an operating lever, so as to render itself adjusting both to the end of the screw and rear of the barrel; the lever is so connected to a slotted cam on the hollow screw, that by; moving this cam in one direction, the screw m.ty be loosened, and the gate dep, eased, orepacatory to the in millet,' of the charge, and on moving the earn in the opposite direction the gate is raised and tightened Dy the screw. The cannon has been especially designed with the view of obtaining a perfectly gar-tight packing. at the breech. ffir liowson also exhibited the remnants of a rills bar rel. to illustrate the reignite of a receurdungerous experi ment. The barrel teas about thrre-Mghthe of an inch in bore, the metal over a quarter of an inch thick. The barrel was filled with cartridges. each cartridge consisting of a ball with a charge of oow - der, and eacn ball having a hole through it for the reception of a fll6O. The sup position was. that after iguitine the powder of the drat charge, a short time would elapse before the explosion of the next charge. On igniting ,he first cartridge, how ever, the whole exploded, and broke the barrel into a thousand pieces. A HAPPY OCCASICN.—The employees of the Arsenal, on the Schuylkill, celebrated Saturday in part by testifying their appreciation of [h.) many kind nesses rseeivrd from Mr. C. A. Altegood, their Superin tendent. To his lady they presented on Saturday a service of silver plats., comprising el-yen peers of glittering sil ver. massive, elaborate, and beautiful. A committee quit tly went to Messrs. William Wilson .2 Son, S. W. corner of Fifth and Cheri y streets. They left a carte blanche or, er for the service, and with a result that far exceeded their erpectatione. The matter wes so arranged that the recipient krew nothing ..f it until the glittering ewer wee placed before her. The service is marked: Presented to Mrs. C. A. Allegond, by the employees of the United States Arsenal, on the Schuylkill, Pitilmlel phia, Feb. 22d, 1862." It comprises a tea art of six pieces, upon a splendid salver, and a gorgeous pitcher and two goblets, upon another salver. The articles were manufactured of the it Wilson sterling" standard, or about five degrees finer than English coin. The pre sentation was attended with a very pleasant interchange of sentiment. OUR POST OFFICE.—WhiIe New York hag teased a grand post office at the rent $60.000 per year, no seeps have been taken to give the same privilege to PUattelphia. The custom house, in this city, was the work of corpo rate enterprise ; the navy yard is constantly struggling against untoward political influence; while the mint, the only building erected by the Goseroment, is permitted to remain the cams dinat, naimpreved structure it was years ago, mituodernized even in the sightest particular. rhididelphla should have adequate accommodation for her public services, while, above all, the poet office should be so established solo arranged as to give the peo ple the most central local access, and, at the same time, afford the business of the office the largest room for its operations. THE CHILDREN'b OHE.—During the year 1861, 71 cases were treated in institw ion, against 133 for the year previous. The out-door patients for the year were TM, an excess of 286 ovtr last year's number; the visits paid to the diepeneary for the same period were 5,699, an increase of 2,163 over the previous year. The receipts from conirihutors, including life members, have been ”Otl, which is SOH 00 WA than the previous year. The hospital received from the executors of their late president the amount of a legacy of $2,000, be queatked to them by his wilt. Owing to the condition of pall:: affairs, the effort to carry forward the movement for putting up a new hos pital building has for the flambee's suspended The funds already paid in for this object have been radii - dowdy in vested by the finance committee, Bnd Are pitying N od interest. The whole fund now am, note to $3,035. PHILADELPHIA. SEAMEN AT TORT DO— liELSO.N.—Among the gallant fellows that were wounded at tort Ponelson was Mr. William Roney, of this city, and a son of C. J. Roney t an esteemed and capable em p10)00 of The Prcas establishunnt. Young Ronny is thought to be seriously Injured. John Hoziea, also a Philadelphian, was in the battle, and upon Commodore Foote's gunboat. When the flag was shot away, he wagons of the first to clamber out and fix it to the mast, amidst a shower of whizzing 01101. FLAG PRESENTATION.-011 Saturday eTerring, a haadeoma flag was presentarl to the Viidatii at Wilmington, Del., at the Continental Hotel. The pre sentation was mace by ea• Mayor Vans, and he wai re sponded to by Captain Potter, who read a beautiful poem. Other speeches were made, and the occasion was one of unalloyed pleasure. Among those who were pre sent were several political fossils." MESSRS. EA.BLE & SON `hare, desired tta to call attention to their card, elsewkere; also to ex press their regret thnt they were unable to illuminate their transparency, as it was not sufficiently a SUCCORS to allow them to do so. on the prominent occasion of Washington's Birthday. AN EAGLE SHOT. --On Friday last an eagle, measuring am44n fee! bli Naas weans the Whidd, was shot in Horsham township, eloutgomery county. Such birds are very rarely seen iu that section of the State. ONATIONS.—The . Cooper-Shop Vo lunteer Refreshment Committee acknowledge the do nation from the . Radnor Lyceum Association the sum of R 68.6 01 through Mr. James R. Shock. treasurer. Also, from the proceeds of Professor Morris' lecture, for the use of hospital, 542.31, threeeh Miss Anna Ross. LAFAYETTE LAST MAN'S ASSEMBLY.— This body colebrated their fourth anniversary . on Satur day evening, by - a splendid an pee! at the Pali/181164S or Charles Thompson, Esq. Songs were sung and toasts drank, and a happy time generally was enjoyed. THE RELEASED PRlSONERS.—Notwith standing the announcement that the Bent Bluff prison ers v ould not strive in the city before next Tuesday or Wednesday - , a large crowd of people remained during the whole of Saturday around the Baltimore depot. As a matter of course, they were doomed to disappointment. SWORD PRESENTATION.-011 Wednes day last, a sword was presented to Lieutenant Anthony Morin, of Co. D, Ninetieth Regiment, P. V., Col. LS' IN td the members of his company. The presentation look place at the camp, at Nicetown. THIRD REGIMENT RESERVE BRIGADE. —Campo' , G of the Third Reiritnent provided a Rump• tuous entertainmeat for the officers of the regiment, after the parade on Saturday, to which the loss of a dinner pre pared them to de full justice. VISIT OF GOVERNOR CURTIN TO THE Britastzters.—Governer Curtin yesterday visited the re. estieut of Col. Angtroth, encamped at Caen - lea, and was racsiesd with a salute of cannon.. He vieited the rogi. meat of Col. Butler Price likewise.'" CANADA TO BE FOartriED.—.A Montreal paper gives credit to a rumor that the Governor- General is about to issue a commission appointing several of the distinguished officers, sent out re eently,by the imperial military authorities. to re. port on a complete system of fortifination and defence for,the province, and that a Canadian civil engineer of eminenee, familiar with the topography of the country, will be added to assist them in their labors. THE Eighteenth Illinois, Colonel Lawlor, which ea diatingniabed itself at the taking of Fort Donahoe, is an. Irish regiment. The New York MEV-ninth has found a rival. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST /M KT CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut shi. A II Grose, Pittsburg P F Smith & la, W Chester • J Rowo, Harrisburg J Chatham, Harrisburg F A Awl, Harrisburg E D Crawford, Harrisburg C Preston, Evansville J S Rates, Harrisburg W P Moot*, illflietAirg H McKim, Harrisburg J L Hammond, Harrisburg J R Bluffly, Harrisburg T F Wright, Harrisburg D Kinsey, Cincinnati T Antrim, Cincinnati T D Ford, St Louis L P Noble, New York Miss Heynee Delaware Dr J II Gentler, N J C Kinsey, Missouri J Leleenring & wf, M Chunk Miss Douglass, 111 Chunk E J Scott, U S A L 8 Deals, Prov, R I C C Pomeroy, V $ A George PON Poen& J C Cooper, Wheeling 111 Ti Ott, Wheeling T WHosenthid, St Louis II Frost, Virginia A h tibp, Wellsburg, Vu S Museelman, Penns J W Harper, Now York T A Tolson & la, Wash,D 0 T M Oddone, Washington Chas Scranton, New Jersey Wm Henry,Jr, New Jersey Richd Church, New Jersey E N Marvine Auburn,N Y Hugh Roberts, Quincy, lii Chester Hard i ng , Boston John Trutton, %Wm, Doi F Tramp, Baltimore A A Douglas & Chunk Mrs Looser, Pottsville Miss Loeser. Pottsville R .13 Brown, Pennsylvania Mr Brown, Baltimore Miss Pray, Baltimore Miss Martin,Maryland John C Smith, Pottstown B W Horned New York C W Coryell. Wmsport, Pa Tlt Brooks, St Louis Chas. P Wood Auburn ,N Y Mi-s Wood, Auburn, N Y A S Fuller J R McCune, ritt§burg S idingblin, Wheeling A A Laurencenens,Bootn W N Wellingten Chas Bushor & wf 11 S Willis, New York W D Richardson, Mass L Buckman, New York T L Beaufort, Boehm John Donor. Cincinnati, 0 E Baker, Pennsylvania S Bales, Harrisburg E K Munly, Harrisburg Wm P Wilson, Harrisburg Pitt Cooke, Sandusky, 0 Geo B Boolt, Pennsylvania 0 Hashes* J N Rosnobis & la, Ind J Duffy, Pennsylvania G W Cass, Pittsburgh T V Faxton, New York C It Taylor, St Louis L locker, St Louis J A 'Morrison E M Shield, Cincinnati, 0 J S Eldridge & la, Boston J A Donnell, Greensburg T Donnell, Greensburg, In -3 Warren, New York Jos T Owens, Pe ,na II Chaffin, Boston T Pickering, Cincinnati ; 0 W 0 Jewett, Colorado S N Pettis, Meadville J N Chrieflold, New York Clt Din.ond & clang, lowa Mrs J B Winters, Cal D Seligman, Europe DE Strouse, Pottsville Miss Loeser, Pennsylvania MIRCHANTS' HOTEL--Ironrtb at., below Arch. N Peters, Delaware If 11 Walton, Delaware J D Jacobs, Climatic rallyarg lion AR. McClure, Penna. J Pennsylvania J W Mollhaury- H B Clark, New Jersey J N Barton, Now Jersey J iStambaugh, Pennsylvania Geo A Waller. Ohio It Dutton, Cleveland, 0 F Hegau, Louis rills Jac , 'lo Shaffer, Ohio C 8 Palmer. NOW Hope, Pa G W Burke, Chambersburg Chas McFadden, Penn% It 13 keuseey, Piro:Masille W A Willard, Peoria, 11l A Anglin, Cincinnati Andrew II Blair, Carlisle Captain H Lacoek A Clark, Amsterdam, N Y J L Mclntosh, Now Jersey Chas Stewart, Baltimore Jae H Britton, Washington John Price, Washington L Smith, Washington Wm Jones, Columbus, 0 J M Hamilton, Hansas H Adams, New York J It Covington, Maryland AMERICAN HOTBL—lllbeinnni ut. wove Fifth. H lifenderfer, By H S Conover, N Jersey M Mercer & la, Pa Mies Haines, Pa R W McAllen, CampCurtin . S OM. Dillon, Wilm, Del 8 Campbell, Pittsburgh Mre Lewis Burton, Pa Mrs Oro Burton, Pa Dr D G Purton, Pa A Ammerwan, N Jersey Fare W H Matson, N Jersey R H Sayre & son, Bethlehem J Jr, Bethlehem J B Champion, Phila Wm Meson, Phtla J B Wiggin, Phila Wm H Sayre, M Chunk N York W U Champion, N Jersey J G Nokes, Pittsburg Capt C H Barns, Pa John Flack, Illinois C V Culver, Franklin Capt A C Winn, Pa Lieut Y. Monahan, Pa Chas J Shrever, Pa A D Wooistoo, Chicago G P Matthews, Philo J E Dongheity, Del E Berner, Vermont Theo P Rynder, Pa J Lord, Del C J Gale, N York NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. A Ritter, Reading 0 W Harris, Maryland A Davie, Harlon, Pa D B Hatfield, Indiana nos Hill, Indiana Miss M Davis, Pottsville M Rivers, N York E L Vandliug, ()heater, Pa J W Cobs. &hurl' Haven Win B Bleinn, Leek Haven If Dart°. Pa A H Gunning ,k wf, Pa Robert Moore, Danville Louis Gaul, N York Chas H Van Horn, N York H D Jones H 9 Hamilton, N York John G Park, Wheeling,Va Chas Martin, Lobar on E J Runhard, Milton W F Hodder, Pottstown Chas Plympton, Mass BTATEB DNlON—Market Meet, above Sixth. R G Gallaher, Hifflintown H H Wllsin, Pennsylvania E T Harley, Lancaster E Lyne, Patterson, Pa J P Rogers, Salem, Pa Joe Leland, Taylorville Truby, Pennsylvania Dr Ivens, Chestertown George Born - M L Littlefield, Mifflin, Pa lr Carrie , Mifflin, Pa P. McLaughlin, Ilarriaburg John Iflag,innis, Baltimore Jas Dougherty, Ebensburg P MeDemi, Pennsylvania Wm Watt, Latrobe, Pa James Elder, Pittsburg A Buchanan E HelFal W Welkh, Dunkirk 90DIMILRCIA.1.--Mata tareet. atann 'Mutant. D N Parker, Liarriolyarg TFL Nevin, Palma nos B Gorsuch, lllaryland P G Carey, Phomixville O W Sears, Phomixville A F Bordman. Phomixville 0 P Nichols, E T Casswell, Belsware A S Wham!, Reading J Martagh, Oxford Jos Marrett, Baltimore N Belden, New York Baae Longaker, Penns Jos Hall, Media, Pa S G Baker, media, Pa BF Shantz, Media, Pa THE UNION—Arch street, above Thint W C Goldin, Port Clinton J H Conrad, Zanesville A J Whitley ' Delaware TI Weber, Marietta, 0 Thos S Dubbs, New Jersey Mrs Qucksall, Trenton,N J B E Knight, Ohio Henry Hahn, Reading visa Northstreet, N J E S Forsyth, Camp Pier't T E Werner, Camp Pierpont Geoyobart, Jr W H Ladd, Itichmmtd, 0 Wm H litalathhaon BARLEY SHEAF—Seoonti street, below Vine. Geo Williams, Baltimore J R Holloway, New Jersey Flolloway, New Jersey S Stokes, Woodbury E W Holcomb, New Jersey PG D Manners, N Jersey .1 E Bunting, Bristol, Pa W S Vanfleete, Wash, D C C Jenks, Attleboro, Pa C Willard, Newtown Lient Roberto A. fam, Newtu Jan Thornton, Byberry Tcntienovn, Prborry Thwg4l3, 13votlokon C Singer, Pennsylvania B A. Singer, Pennsylvania Jesse Comfort, Bucks co J Scars, Ohio P Carr!, Pennsylvania MADISON nbusa—Becond !greet, above Market. Geo Pickering, Bucks co Col Win Butler, Lewistown . . Jae Potter, Jr C M Price, Bucks co D F Conover, New York A E Savage ' PD Park, Swedesboro, NJ It Watzon, DoYiestown `Win Thorp, Milford, Del .1 Jeffries, Now fork . REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Raoe. Paul Berger, New York A Whitman, Newark, N J D E Wei rick M 0 Abreu, Cuba Nada, Cabrera, Cuba Elam. Hernandez, Cuba .7 L Lawnll, Catasauaus L Whitcomb, New York A Manuel, New Jersey • BLACK BEAR--Tbird street, above Caßowhill. Capt E Erdman, Penna A B Heck, Allentown Dr H S Omens & wf, Pa Wm Ruppert, Bell'a Corner D It Harper, Olney Master Harper ' Olney. Harrison Woodward, Pa Lewis P. Appleton,l3ueloi CO • 1101 TNT VERNON HOTEL—Second et., M. Are& W J Fell, Wilkesbarre A S Donis, Wilkesbarre T T Ely, Davieville, Pa L L Dubree, Johnsville, Pa A J Trippel, U S N Thos Anderson, 17 S N G W Anderson, U S N A W Morton 3; la,Montg co Capt W Joslin,Penna PLOLLADIMPIIIA BOARD OF TRADE. THOMAS REIMER, JR, ISRAEL MURRIS, CommITTRS OF TEI MONTH. JOSEPH C. GRUBB. LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship John Leslie, Given Liverpool, 90011 Ship Arnold Boninger, Hashagen London, soon Ship Tranquebar, Goodwin London, Dom Ship Moro Castle, Boss London, soon Bark Thomas Balled, Bill Laguayra, soon Brig Innisfail, Mclntoshßarbadoes, soon Schr Fannie, Vance Havana, soon Wm Alma, Elderkin St Thomas, soon Fon Snir IsLaND.—Brig Julia Ford, Capt Jackson, will tail for the above port on the 27th inst. All melt. ages, letters, and newspapers destined for the squadron -will be forwarded if left at the Foreign Letter Office, Phi ladelphia Exchange. MARINE IIiTELLIGENUE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 24,1882. SUN RISES 6 41-SUN SETS 6 44 HIGH WATER 10 67 AR ti.IYBD. Bark Harriet Fisk, Ffik, 3 days from New York, in ballast to Workman & Co. Bark Convoy, Woodward, 2 days from New York, in ballast to Workman dr. Co. Tug .1 F Starr, Evans, from the Buoy on the Middle. Draught up bark Harriet Fisk. Passed at 6A.It on i3a. tutday, off Liston's, ship Amelia, for Liverpool, getting under wayi off Delaware City, bark Tahiti, from. New York, coming up; of Chester, al3 P M, brigs S4Marye from New York, Judge Blaney, from do, anti echr Frank Herbert, froUi do, all coming up. BAILED Ship Amelia, McKenzie, for Liverpool, sailed at noon on Friday, iu tow of City Ice Boat,She takes out the following cargo: 2206 bbla dour, 10,100 bushels grain in bulk, 464 do in bags, 450 tcs lard, 250 bbl pork, 232 bag bacon, 221 bags cloverseed,l49 bs.s hams, 70 tee beef; 50 bxs thoulders, 22 bbla chrome ore, and 1 box tools Bark Annie Hall, Gill, for Queenstown, for orders, with 15,393 bushels corn. Bug Gitana, Spooner, for Cardiff, with 10,133 bushels red wheat. WENT TO SEA. Ship Niagara, Lawrence, for Liverpool, was towed to sea at noon on Saturday. MEMOBLNDA Bark Star King, Smith. cleared at New York 21at Met for Africa. Brig Henry Lewle, Grant, hence, hence, arrived at Boston 21st inst. Brig Judge Blaney, for Philadelphia, sailed from New York 2lst inst. Schr..J Dorrance, Bice, hence for Providence, at New York 21bt just, , ecbr Jas Slidernice, Stites, sailed from Cienfuegos 6th inst. for New York. Sara A Haley, Haley, and Pathway, Compton, cleared at Balthnore 21st inst. for New York. Bcbr E M Haley, Haley, from Segni, at Hassan, NP, 12th hist, for Boston in 2 days. Sane R Miller, Baker, J M Vance, Burdge, E Eng!lab, English, Aid, Endicott, Lewis Chester, Somers, 8 X Cul. len, Cullen, bnowtinise. Dickerson, A E Martin, Robin son, J T 3Villiame, Curtis, and others, Were at Port Royal 19th inst. HOTELS. ACARD.-THE UNDERSIGNED Late of the 01lialtD 110170 X, Philadelphia, have teased, for • term df years, WILLABD'h HOTEL, I. Washington. They take this occasion to return to their old friends and customers many thanks for past favors, and beg to assure them that they will be most happy 10 INN 11100111 In their new erten. CHADWICK. > h 00. WAsmoroah JlilYl6. 1501. 5n2841, OLD • WHIIE BEAR HOTEL 8. W. earner of FIFTH and BADE Streets—kept by P. BURGTBAL. Ample accommodation for Weekly and Transient Boarders. Also, a welbsupplled Bar and Bestauraut adjacent. German Dinner at LP. ii.. fe2o.4t TERRAPINS, OYSTERS STEWED AND 'BIND, AND OHIONNN Cation Cards and other notices will be distributed to ell parts of the city, with punctuality. The underaigned is at all times prepared to present, for the inspection of Ladies and Gentlemen, a list of NA things necessary for a large or small entertainment, as the case may be, thereby avoiding all unnecessary profoulo and waste; and flatters himself, that by bin long rape. duos in business, be will be able at all time to give, sa iiiiitefore, AMA sailidactiois to all Who fivoe We. With Weir patronao. H>pNBY JONNS, Caterer, No. 260 gouda TWELFTH Ilirset, above UNDO& ocl-tn ANTI -FRICTION METAL, Superior quality, Nor ask by JAMES YOCOM, Is" DRINICZWS ALUM InnAnis Bet. Wront and Second. Race and Arch att. cc LUCIFER" OIL WORKS. 14 100 Bble. Lucifer" Burning Oil on hand. We guarantee this oil to be non-exploeive, to burn all the oil in the lamp villa a !steady, brilliant flame, witliJut diluting the_ with, and lint slowly_ Hide. lined with glass enamel. WEIGHT, SMITH, di PLIBSALL. le2l-ffi Office 615 MARKET Street. Q Z. GOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRING GARDEN gt., tow now on hand a lot of von , ' choice ROLL BUTTRB, which he is selling , very cheep. He receives Rutter daily from some of the beet dairimin the country ; hones he hes it always fresh- AU who wish to get good Butter. and cheap withal, hare here an excel. lent opportunity. hal FOR SALE AND TO LET. EA Desirable Modern Residence in the western part of the city will be exchanged for Small houses, end I will give $l,OOO cash with it. Ap ply to J. H. Waters, 110 South FOURTH Street. fel2 FOR SALE—On easy terms, a Large Factory Building, nltuale In the Fourteenth ward, Ho by 118, diree front.; nhilialnihk 3linfting, En gine, Crane, and Cupola. The above prep...lees caa be need for a Cotton Mill or. Foundry. having formerly been used for both. For further particulars apply to J. H. WATERS, 110 South FOURTH Street. feB isis TO BENT A Desirable HOUSE, BROAD and WALNUT. All modern 001190. Mance& Beaming OiQoo. Inarniture for mica If do- mired. ADDIT to Ja2l-tf fia FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE-4 nu. dwellings, Brown street, above Fifteenth Street; 4 dwellings, Pine street, below Second street. Also, farm of 80 acres on Rancoces, near the Radioed ; ono of 84 meek near Conshohocken; one of 100 acres, between nolruesburg and Frankford, on the turnpike; 160 acres, 1 tulle from Mount Holly; 75 acres, near Northeast Sta tion, Maryland; 160 acres in the oil region, Venango county, Pa. 3 and various other properties, both in the city and country. Apply to J. H. WATERS, fel 110 South FOURTH tareet. HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE BRA by tbe subscriber, at WOODBURY, New Jersey, now doing a good business. Poesemion given at any time. ja3o-Im* JOHN P. PHIPPS. FOR SALE—A Desirable FARM , mi. containing 05 acres of superior laud, near Sandi Run Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, with Smil eless Stone buildings. Principal part of the purchase. money can remain of 6 per cent. Apply to E. PETTIT, ial No. 809 WALNUT Street. FOR S ALE, aliE Farm. 133 urea, near Williamstown, Camden ca. 4 New Jersey, with good improvements. only twenty-eight miles from the City. Also, several Farms to exchange. Price only $5,000. Terms easy. Apply to IL PETTIT, 10.309 WALNUT Street. feS eyear'e 30 g 000 PEAC Hbuds TREES-ONE rowth from tbe choice fruit, era very 160 trete—tern be told cheap. Apply to fel-tf J. 11. WATERS, 110 S. FOURTH St. FOR SALE, CHEAP—Two fine - Fruit Farms near Dover, Delaware, convenient to Railroad Station, with good improvements. Terms easy. Poesession this spring. Apply to E. PRTTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. tB FOAL SALE AND EXCHANGE - A large number of. Farms in the adjoining Uoun ties, States of Delaware, Maryland, New York, and New Jersey. averaging from 10 to 200 acres of land. Those wishing to exchange or purchase would do well to eel and examine my Regieter of Farms. Apply to jal-tf IL PETTIT, No. 1109 WALNUT Street. FARM FOR SALE.—A FARM, in excelizmt state of cultivation, containing fifty-one scree, (nine of which are woodland,) pleasantly situated in Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and a half miles from the Limerick station, on the Reading Railroad is offered for sale. Price—Five thousand dol. tare 06,0001. Apply on the premises. n 016.4 tidhltrZL H. GBAFF. LEGAL. ZN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA.. Estate of ISAAC/ W. MOOKE, deceased. Tne Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of GEORGE GILLINGHA.BI and RICHARD S. MOORE, Administrators of the Es tate of ISAAC W. MOORE, deceased, aud to make dis tribution of the balance, hereby gives notice that he will attend U. the duties of his appointment on MONDAY, March 4, A.D. 1862, at 4 o'clock P. M., at his office, southeast corner of SIXTH aud WALNUT Streets, Phi ladelphia. H 6211 D. W. ousmEtt Auditur. ESTATE OF MARTHA M. LONG )1}1111, Deceased.—Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of MARTHA. N. LONGSTETII, de ceased, haying been granted to the undersigned by the Remitter 0151)k, for the Oily and celled" er ale, all persons indebted to said Estate are desiron to make payment; and those haying claims or demands against the same, to present them without delay to JOHN L. LONGSTRETH, Executor, No. 410 GALLO WHILL Street. or his Attorney, JOHN L. SHOE X sKEN., jal3-m6t* 325 North SIXTH street. FSTATE OF JOHN WECKERLY, Deceased.—Letters Testamentary to the ' Estate of JOHN WECKERLY, late of the City of Philadelphia, Victualler, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, all persona indebted to the Estate will please make payment; and those having anima will present them to the Executors, at Hall, Northeast corner FOURTH and GEORGE Otreets, (basement) WM. WEOKERLY, jal3-m6t* JOHN G. WECKERLY, TN THE COURT OF COMMON 1 PLEAS OF PHILADELPHIA COUNTY. In the matter of the distribution of a certain sum of money pad into Court Upon the !saltier' of HENRY HOOVER, to pay off and extinguish a certain ground rent. The Auditor appointed to distribute the sum of $666.67 principal and $633 arrearages of a certain annual ground rent, reserved out of all that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the north side of WHARTON street, between Delaware THIRD and FOURTH street, in that part of the consolidated City of Philadelphia formerly the Dis trict of Southwark, at the distance of one hundred and sixty-seven feet and one-half of a foot from the west side of the said Third street, containing in front or,hreadth on the said Wharton street, sixteen feet, and extending of that width northward between parallel lines, at right an. glee to said Wharton street, sixty-five feet three inches; bounded on the north by ground granted or intended to have been granted to James R. Hattuck on ground rent, on the east and west by other ground of Christopher and John Falka, and en the south by the 4414 Wharton street ; which sums have been paid into Court in Duna. ance of an order made upon the petition of Henry Hoo ver under the provisione of an act of Assembly, entitled an set in relation to ground rents and judgments in Phi ladelphia county, praying that John Fallon and F. Pem berton Norris, owners of said ground rent. may be com pelled to extiostaieh the same; will attend to the duties of his appointment at his onice, No. 735 WALNUT Street, on TUESDAY, February 25th, 1862, at 12 o'clock M., when and where all persons having claims upon the said sums of money are required to present them or ba forever debarred from coming in upon the said fund. H. RUSSELL THAYER, fel4.fmwst Auditor. TN , THE COURT OF COMMON I N PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHI LADELPHIA. The Auditor appointed by the court, snr petition of WM. 11. HOLMES et al., to state an account of the amount due by ROBERT K. SCOTT, Trustee of JO SEPH HOLMES, and ELIZA, his wife, to the said trust estate, and to report distribution of the balance in his bands, will meet the parties interested, for the purposes of hie appointment, at hie Milne, No. 829 ARCH Street, on MONDAY, March 3, 1862. at 4 o'clock P. H. fel9-wfm st* EDWARD HOPPER, Auditor. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NOTICE. --We the subscribers, have LLis der entered into a Limited Partnership, agreeably to the provisione of the act of Assembly, Ms. ed the fire day of fdarth,lllB6, entitled "An act rela tive to Limited Partnerships," and the supplements there to, and do hereby certify that the name of the firm under which said partnership is to be conducted, is " EDWARD M. NEEDLES that the general nature of the business to be transacted is the purchase and sale of Fancy Dry Goods, and other businesss incident thereto, and the same will be transacted in the city of Philadelphia ; that the name of the general partner of said Wm Is Edwant It. Needles, residing in the city of Philadelphia, at Nis. 1123 ?donut Vernon street, and the name of the special partner is Thomas J. blegear, also residing in the city of Philadelphia, at No. 141 Arch street ; that the capital contributed by the said Thomas J. Megear, special part ner, is live thousand dollars, in cash ; that the poriod at which the said partnership ia to commence is the first day of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixty two, and that it will terminate on the thirty-first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five. EDWARD M. NEEDLES, General Partner, THOMAS J. =GEAR, Special Partner. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 1, 1862. fe3 m-71. gORT RICHMOND IRON WORKS. —COPARTNERSHIP NOTIOE. —JOHN H. TOWNE, formerly of the firm of Merrick & Tows% has become a member of the firm of I. P. MORRIS & CO ,to take effect from and after the let of January, 1862. Isaac P. Morris withdraws from active participa tion in the conduct of the business. The title of the now firm is I. P. MORRIS, TOWNE, di CO, ISAAC P. MORRIS, LEWIS TAWS, JOHN J. THOMPSON, fell JOHN H. TOWNE. TrHE UNDERSIGNED have formed -L a Copartnership, under the Arm of JAIMETOII.III & LAYSIiGNIC, for the transaction of a general Com. Importing 1.6. h at 402 and eat. t4imi FRONT Street. reB-I.m DISSOLUTION.—The Copartnership .1-./ formerly existing between the undersigned, ander the arin of VANDNINTEBB, ANGLER& 800., wee 41U /wired Dee. al, 1881, by limitetien. The business will be nettled by B. P. ARCHER and F. B. BEEVES, et No. IS North WATER Street:. 0. P. PAM:OIEIII7EIA B. F. &BORER, W. B. BEEVES. Philadelphia, January 10,1862 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The undersigned have ibis del formed 4 VonerMerebilh coder the firm of ARCHER & REEVES, for transaction of a WHOLE• SALE GROCERY business, at the old stand, No. 46 North WATER Street and No. 46 North DELAWARE Avenue. BENJAMIN F. ARCHER, FRANOIB B. BREVES.' Philadelyble, Tan. 10,1862. • jal3-tf VC/PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-1.8- BANL DIOSSM tide day retiree from our firm. the game, THEODORE H. MORRIS and FREDESICIE W. MOBBII3, are admitted me partnere i and the bad nen will be oconthmedae heretofore. Roam, WHBELZB, & 00., Iron Merohanta, 16081 MAIIBIT Street. Philadelphia, Dec. 81.1861. ial-tf MARSHAL'S SALES. MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ or order of sale, by the Hon. JOHN ()AD- M ALA DER, Judge of the District Court of the United States 'band for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, In Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash. at QUEEN-STREET WHARF, and Store No. 714 South DEL SNARL Ave nue, on TUESDAY, March 4,1b62, at 12 o'clock M., the balance of the cargo of the ship AMELIA, consisting of mill-stones, glass bottles, salt by the sack, earthenware, glass, iron pots, camp-ovens, spiders chimney-backs, 7 boxes of machinery, containing' cot ton spreaders, one !MA etietsii•ing, SO bottles iodide of potash, 1 box b66k11, 1 box shirts, and other articles of linen. The goods will be open for examination on the morning of the sale. Sale to commence at QUEEN Street. WILFLiM MILLWARD, U. B. Disrobe! R. D. of Penns. Anicanuvrina, February 17,1802. fel9-6t CARBON AND COAL OILS.-50,000 GALLONS now in store or delivered in Pittsburg. For sale by WILLIAM M. WILSON, I Special contracts made with shippers for Oils deli. 'tared at the wells or at any Atlantic port, in "glass lined" barrels. • fe22. tf RAisiNs.-300 boxes Layer BAIA=3 • SOO half boxes Layer Belch!; SOO bozo. BC 111 Bunch Bnlssins: SOO half bele. X H. Son& Palmist Raw and choke fruit, now landing and for eel, by - - MURPHY .t KOONS, isT-tf Ho. 146 NOBTU WHARVZI3. P OUND BUTTER, FRESH FRAM the country, received daily at the "Cheap Store," No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Straet. ta3l-tt IF YOU WANT GOOD BUTTER, goo to S. B. GOTTWAL S ' , No. 812 SPRING GRAD= Stroot. ABl-U TEREUIVG.-195 bbls. No. 1 Her ring, for sale by 0. 0. SALDLIB & feB 108 KROH Street, deer 141 o.• Front. SHEEP AND GOAT SKINS.—A unsu Invoke of Sheep Cud Goat Skins for ode by JAORNTORN & LAVARGNE. fat • 209 and 204 South FRONT Street. OLDIER S.', SEAMEN'S, AND: WIDOWS' PENSIONS, Pay; Bounty, Prize Xo. ney, &c., yraeured by JOHN H. FRICK., Pension Agent, Notary Public, and Commissioner for the States, No. 223 BOOS Skeet. te2L4t* THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 18621 COAL OIL! COAL OIL! E. PETTIT. 1423 WALNUT Street Also, Agent for BEERS, JUDSON, dr BEERS' Patent Glass Cone! for Lampe, and wholesale dealer in Mb ridge's Putout Oval (fire-proof) and Eastern Mkt-Glass Chimneys, Lamps, &o. Burners to bun:lood Oil without Chimneys. Cash buyers or prompt payers are respectively Invited to CIEMIiDO our stock, JaBo.lm JAMES B. EARLE & SON, MANUFACTURERS AND !IMPORTERS or LOOKING GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, PICTURE AND PORTRAIT FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CARTE-DE.VISITE PORTRAITS, EARLE'S GALLERIES, 810 CHESTNUT STREET, jals PSILADELPHIA. BJLLIARD TABLES. And have now on hand a full supply, &delta with the MOORE At CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced, by all who have used them, to be superior to all others. For the quality and finish of these tables the manu facturers toferto their numerous patrons throughout the Union. who are familiar with the character of their work. an2s-6m MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, IiALIIIO/i, U.-3.090 Wu. Km IToo. 1,2, and 3 dIa.CAEREL, large, medium, and email, in martial packages of choice, late-caught fat fish. 6,000 bbis New Halifax, Eastport, and Labrador Her rings, of choice qualities. 6,000 boxes extra new scaled Herrings. 3,000 boxes extra new No. 1 Herrings. 4,000 hexed large Magdaline herrings. 230 bbis. Mackinac Whits Fish. 60 bble. now Economy Mess Shad. • 25 bbls. new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 600 Waco Herkimer County Cheese. Itt store and landing, for sale by MURPHY & KOONS, Mfg No. 146 North WHAIIYES. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO.. Northeast corner Fountit and RACE Stiveto, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. MANUFACTURERS OF WHITE LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, ao. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dealer. and consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CAUL SEALED PROPOSALS are invited till the 10th day of March, 1862, at 12 o'clock M., for supplying the U. S. Sub. Dep't with 6.000 head of BEEP CATTLE on the h.of. The Cattle to be delivered at Washington City, and each animal to average 1,300 pound. gross weight! no animal admitted which weighs lam than 1,000 pounds groole. The Cattle to be delivered at such times and in each quantities as the Government may require. No Cattle will be repaired under this contract before the let day 9 r. April, /562. Heifers and Bullocks not wanted. A bond with good and sufficient security will be re quired. Government reserves to itself the right to pay in.Treit- Bury notes. No bid will be entertained when put in by contractors who have previously failed to comply with their contracts, or where the bidder is not present to respond to his bid. Bids to be directed to Maj. A. BECKWITH, C. 8., U. B. A., Washington, D. C. I, A B, de hereby propose to deliver to the Govern ment good Beef Cattle on the hoof for per hundred pounds gross weight. The Cattle to be delivered at according to the terms of the enclosed advertisement. The Cattle to be weighed on the eoalee, and the weight eo determined to be the purchase weight. I hereby agree to give a good and sufficient bond for the fulfilment of the contract, and to receive Treasury notes in payment for the Cattle. felB-tm9 PROWIPB .1-ir MENGE JAINAIOA GINGER, P.- JAUICE rCHR, F. LAVERGNE. Attention is called to this valuable remedy which ohould be in every family, end for the Army and Nary it in In dispensable, curing affection, of the stomach and bows% end is a certain preventive from the effects of bad water. OAUTION.—To prevent this valuable Essence from being counterfeited, a new Steel Engraving, executed at great cost, will be found on the outside of the wrapper. in order to guard the purchaser against being imposed upon by worthless imitations. And sold by all respectable Druggists in the United States. fes CONSUMPTION. WINCHESTER'S genuine preparation of DR. J. F. CHURCHILL'S HYPOPHOSPHITES 01 LIME AND SODA" A Specific Remedy for the treatment of ' The great access which has attended the o IA the Hypophospbitee is creating a very general ineiellT, not only among the medical profession, but also among the thousands who are sugaring from Pulmonary Disease. In all Nervous or Scrotukns Complaints, Debility, LOOS of VITAL Powiss ' Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and Female Weaknesses, it is a sovereign sad invaluable re. ONO. Price $l, or six bottles for 53, with full directions, Circulars may be obtained by all inquirers Bold whole sale and retail, by S. 0. 11lPHAN, 403 CHESTNUT Street, QPERMATORRHEA.-ONE TO SIX KJ Boxes of is WINCHESTER'S SPEOIPIO PILL" will permanently cure any cue of Seminal Weakneu, or its isaulting impotency, however aggrarated, and whether recently derelopeil or of long standing. • • BRAD THE TESTIMONY. 1, we believe it to be at near § ipectle as any ine.4i cine can be. We. bare oared many severe came wian from MX TO TEN DOISEB.. • "B. KNIT% M. D." Amer. Jour. of Med. science. 208 M4RICET Street ILLUMINATING OILS GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, 38 SOUTH SECOND STREET, AGENT FOR THE NORTH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY. MANUFACTURERS OF COAL OIL, AND RE FINERS OF COAL AND CARBON OILS. WM. F. JOHNSTON, President. ONO. OGDEN, Secretary. LOOKING GLASSES CABINET FURNITURE. CAB.II? .I, T B FURNITURE AND BIL- MOORE & CAMPION, Pio. 261 South SECOND Street. In connection• with their extensive Cabinet Business are now inanulasturing a superior article of GROCERIES. CRAB-APPLE CIDER,' OLD CURRANT WINE, OUB 'USUAL SUPPLE, 7IIST RECEIVED. ALBERT O. ROBERTS, - DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, jaB-tf Corner of ELEVENTH end VINE Ste DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. , DRY AND IN vp[THITE LEA. V OIL. Bed Lead; White Lead, Litbarge, Sugar of Lead, Copperas, Oil of Vitriol, Calomel, Patent Yellow, Chrome Red, • Chrome Yellow, Aqua Fortis, Muriatic Acid, _ Epsom Salto, Docile& Salta, Tartaric Acid, Orange Mineral, Soluble Tart. Bub. Carb. Soda, White Vitriol, Bed Precipitate, WDTHEN Druggists and Mani Noe. 47 and 49 White Precipitate, Lunar Oaustic, Narcetine, Suiph. Morphine, Morphine, Acetate Morphine, Lac. Buiph., Ether Sulphuric, Ether Nitric, Sulphate Quinine, Corr°. Bublim., Denercotized Opium, °him ide of Soda, Wettierin ext. Wmhe. Tartar Emetic, Chloride of Lime. Orude Borax, Refined Borax, Camphor, Resin Cowie. L & BROTHER, nfacturing Ohemiete, orth SECOND fluu PHILADELPHIA. PROPOSALS. Polo( OF BID MEDICINAL. Manufactured only at FRE DENIM. BROWN'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL STONE, Northeast corner of FLA TH and CHESTNUT Street* PHILADELPHIA CONSUMPTION_ Pries $1 per box •, .lx boxes for SS. - Sent by mail. Sold only by O. 0. UPHAM, 403 OHRISTNUT Street. sole agent .for Philadelphia. Trade supplied. n027-wllain G LUTEN CM'Solpli PURE COD-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of most patients to COD-LIVER OIL, and the inability of many to take it at all, has in duced various forma !of disguise for its administration that are familiar to the kledioal Profesidon. Some of them answer in special casee, but more often thelvehicle neutralises the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite II unpalatable and of bet tberePtutle 1 1 14", The rePIIP Dance, Duna, dm, to invalids, Induced by disgust of as On is entirely obviated by the use of our OAPSULES. 0011-LIVER OIL CAPSULES have been much need lately in Europe, the experience there of the. good,re sults from.their use in both bospitel end private practice, aside from the naturally suggested advantages, are suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for them, fooling assured their vow will result In benefit and &Nerved favor_ Prepared by WYETH & BROTHER. 1414 Ne LIMIT fittest, Philadelphia COTTON . SAIL DUCK AND CAN VAS, of ail numbet• and brands. Raven's Duck Awning Twills, of all dsscriptioni, for Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers' Drier Yalta, from Ito 3 feet wide. Tarpanling, Belting, Sail Twine, &e. /LAWN W. BYERNAN & CO., my4-tf 102 JONES Alley. BAST QUALITY 11.00FINGSLATE always on hand and for We at Union Whart,l46l SIAM Btreet, Hemington. T. THOMAS, rarf-17 11WALIIIT Street, EdMOM. RETAIL DRY GOODS. W ea] SVILLR MUSLIN wiLLIABihViLLE MUSLIN.-We are selling the Best Quality Whliainsvilia Muslin, at a lower price than any raid. store in the city. We have, a large stock of good BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIN'S. which we are selling LOWER THAN. THE LOWEST RETAIL PRICE& NO BIIIYIBUG. Call and see for yourself. We will open to-day, from a large New York Jobbing Rouse, now going out of business, a large Ict of GOOD BLACK SILKS, boughtfor cash, at a great sacrifice. Good heavy qualities, 70 to 95 coots. Best C. Black Silica in the city. kOPeri'r inliditieB of Wide BliWk Bath Two-faced Figured Black Silks. FANCY SILKS> A large assortment of NEW AND RICH STYLES, 50 cents to $2, 30• inch Black Molro Antiques, at 132.,44 cents. 11. STEEL ds oON, fen No. 719 North TENTS Street. stave Coates. C°WFERTIIWAIT & CO. ; N. H. cor. EIGHTH and MA KEET Otreoto, Have opened a handsome stock of NEW 011008, espe cially adapted to the times, consisting of new and elegant Fabrics, at low rates. Black Silks, vet , cheap Prints in immense variety. A large line of Flannels, such as Baliardvale, Saxony, and other celebrated makes. The hest twenty-live cent white Flannel in the city. Moulins by the piece, at wholesale prices, mostly purehmed be fore the recent rise in domestic goods. fe22-tf LINEN FURNISHING GOODS. SHARPLESS BROTHERS have now open Linen Sheeting's and Barnsley Damasks. Rilatnral Color Loom Damasks, for Tabling. Linen Diaper's and Towle, bordered. Crumb Cloths, Stair Crash, Dowlas. Kitchen Towels, Huckabacks, Crequillas. Beet makes of Irish Shirting Linens. Linen Bosoms, made in the beat manner. Stout Body and Sue Fronting Linens. ALSO, English white Countermines and Quilts. Summer Quilts and Light Counterpanes. Blankets of all descriptions. Muslin Shitting,, bleached and brown. Cotton Sheetings of every width. Pillow-Case Cottons and Linens. Green-Baizes and Furniture Coverings. Huilands and Chintzes fur Slips. MI of these Oro offere4 at lonot reel' pricog, folS CHESTNUT and EICHTH Streets. RECENT AUCTION BARGAINS. 5 doz. tine hemmed Handkerchiefs, at 3T3i cents. 2 . piecei extra fine 4.4 white Flannels, cheap. 20 doz. Ladies' L. C. Handkerchiefs, at 13 cents. 41 Balmotal Skirts. MOO tlifchlinft ARler!cal Prints, i 2) P=4, ALSO, 1 piece oil boiled heavy black silk, $l.lO, worth $1.25. 6 pieces Shepherds' Plaids, 25 and 31 cents. 20 pieces new spring De Laines, 25 cents. 4 pieces brown and black mixed Lavellas, 123{ cents. 44 pieces Russian Crash, from 9 to 12,56 cents. 12 pieces heavy domestic and imported Ginghams. 11 pieces fins Swiss Ginghams, at a bargain_ 101 pieces fine blenched Sfuulins, at 16 cents. Cotton, Table, Diaper, and Linen Damask. CASSIMERES. BOYS' WEAR CHEAP. COOPER & CONARD, fels S. E. Corner NINTH and MARKET. NOTICE. -DRY GOODS. Two lots 8.4 Table Linens Two lots Towelling, 12%. One lot linckaback (bordered) at 25. One lot super do. at 33. Nice assortment Plain and Plaid Gingham& 700 yards Plaid Gingham' at 12%, worth 18%. Oalicees, large assortment, 12)i , 13, and 14. Gent& L. 0. Mk& at 24,28, and 31- a bargain. Gents' Suspenders; very cheap. Fresh lot of Book Muslin and Mkt's. 50 pe. Plaid Muslim, from 18A' to 50e. At JOHN H. STIMICAS', fad . NO. TN ARON Stteet. E W HOUSE-FURNISHING .L.l GOODS, LINEN% &c.—The larged amortment ie the City of line Flemish, Irish, end Barnsley Linen Sheeting.. Dunbar Dickson's and Bichardson's Pillow Linens. Golden Flax Shirting and Fronting Linens. Table Linens, 'Table Cloths, Napkins, Doylies. Towelling, and Towels of all descriptions, pr the bath, chamber, pantry, kitchen, and nursery. Quilts and Blankets, of all sizes, for cribs and beds. Table and Piano Covers, and Materials for covers, by the yard. Furniture Chintzes, Furniture Coverings, etc. Bich Lace and Muslin Curtains and Curtain Materials. Plain and Gold Bordered Shades, in all colors. 813EPPABD, YAN HARLINGEN, & &RAISON' 1008 CHICSINUT Street. C l REDUCTION IN PRICES J -OF MANY STYLES OF WINTER GOODS FOR FIFTEEN DAYS LONGER, BEFORE TAKING THEM INTO STOCK, viz: Figured and Plain Merinoes. PIMA mid Gay Long Slumls. Dark Dress Goods, Poplbm, do. Plaid. Flannels—Pink, Bine, and Brown. Ladies' Scarfs, reduced 30 por cent. One lot of L. 0. Hdkfs., at 15c. Two lots do., at2sc., a bargain. One lot of Linen Diaper at $1.25 a piece. HOOP Skirts-75, 87X, $l, and el.= Nice assortment of Gingham!. Ladies' Merino Vests, all sizes. Misses' Merino Vests, all sizes. Gloves and Hosiery of all kinds. Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, splendid assortment at J. H. STOKES', ja2s tt 702 ARCH Street. TILACK SILKS BY THE PIECE. 411.0 1 pack Oro de Rhine& Black Grp de Brilliant. Black Corded Gro Grain. Black Figured Double Faced. EYES & LANDELL, fel3 FOURTH. and ARCH Streets. EYRE & LANDELL, F p Uli T H and ABC 11, are opening for Spring 4.4 Nigh Light Chintass. 4-4 Light Spring Brilliants. New Spring Style DeLaines. - PIER & LANDELL, FOURTH and Jl2l ARCH, are opening for Spring Napoleon Blue Plain Bilks. Select Shiulea Brown Silks. Solid Colors rianred EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH. are opening for Spring Fine Plaid Drees Silks. Fine Plaid Bonnet Silks. Black and White Shepherd Plaid. fen g 7 PIECES NEW t. 4 PRING PRINTS. ILY New 4.4 Shirting Prints. New Oil Chintree at 18% cents, worth 25. New Imported Gingbams. COOPER & CONARD, fe3 NINTH and MARKET Streets. BLACK ALPACAS. One auction lot 37X, worth V) cents, One auction lot 25, worth 31 cents. fine Black Wool Delaines, ST% cents. COOPER & CON&RD, feS Southeast corner lulus and MARKET LINEN GOODS. Medium and Fine Fronting Linens. Heavy Shirting and Pillow Linens. One lot Red-bordered Fringed Towels, .1144: cents cheap, Linen Sheeting, Diapers, Napkins, Doylies. ' Damask Table Cloths, Blay Linens. /to. COOPER & COWARD, feS Southeast corner NINTH and HA RK CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS G REAT BARGAINS LADIES' CLOAKS, To close out, At the 11310H-BrIFT . CL . CA T IAN" MANTILLA STORE, az/O-Bm JACOB HORSFALII. noLoAK,s— Handsome styles of well-made, serviceable gar ments. The beet made, the best fitting, and the beat materials for the price. A largo stock from which to . ClOOPielt IJONARD, 11. IL cos. NINTH end Utt MOM CLO AK 13! The Leaved, Meanest, and Beetmusorted Steal In the oily. HOUGH & 00., No. 26 South TENTH Street, Opposite Franklin Market. DEPARTMENT OF THE RE CEIVER OF TAXES. PHILADELPTUA, Feb. 20,.1862 -BOTTOM TO DELINQUENT TAX-PAYEEIB.—The following peraons have been appointed Collectors of Re gistered Taxes for the following years and wards : Jooeph Brown, let ward, for 1858,1859, 1860, and 1861. Wm. M. Hull, 2d ward, for 1858, 1869; 1880, and 1881. Robert Tittermary, 3d ward, for 1861. Bobert 8. Hall, 4th ward, for IE6I. Augustus J. Baton, sth ward, for 1861. David H. Lane, 6th ward for 1861, and 24th ward for 1858,1859, and 1860. Charles Franke, 7th ward, for 1861. Ephraim Haws, Bth ward, for 1861. Thomas O. Steel, 9th ward, for 1861. !Samuel Schiede, 10th ward, for 1861. R. 8. Williamson, 11th ward, for 1861. Henry Schell, 12th ward, for 1861. C.C. P. Eltackhouse, 13th ward, for 1861. John N. Harman, 14th ward, for 1881, and Bth, 9th, and 10th wards for 1858, 1869, and 1860. J.:410A1 Wimer, 15th ward, for 1861. Henry P. Brawn, 18th ward, for 1858, 1850, 1960, and 1861. Israel E. Tames, 171 h ward, for 1861. Wm. J. Donohugh, 18th ward, for 1858, 1859, 1860, and 1661. • Jacob B. Debaven, 19th ward, for 1858, 1859, 1860, and 1861. Manuel Triol, 20th ward, for 1861 Wm. Adams. 21st ward, for 1858, 1869, 1860, and 1861. 9eorge W. Widdis, 22d ward, for 1858, 1859, 1860, and 1601. A. A. Gregg, 23d ward, for 1881. George W. Frees, 24th ward, for 1861. John M. Test, 3d, 4th, 6th, 6th, and 7th wards, for 7.858, 1859, and 1860. • George B. Armbruster, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 20th wards, for 1858, 1859, and 1860. And ;Emilio PORIOOI., Req. solicitor, who is alone an theiiied 1'6641 for llices of 1887, and years prior thereto. CAUTlON.—Pereone upon payimg taxes are respect fully requested to see that the collector's warrant is for the year and ward for which the demand is made. WM. P. H&ietaf, fe22-at Receiver of Tame. PRk.',SOOTT'S NAVY REVOLVERS. Large Stock of Prescott's NAVY 4•inch and 8-inch Revolvers. Superior in every respect to any other PISTOL introduced. COMPRISING STRENGTH, GENTILITY, LOTION, and ECONOMY Or, in other words, containing all the excellencies of COLT'S, SMITH & WESTON'S, and ALLEN & WRELLOE'S, concentrated in ono instrument, thereby making this PISTOL the most formidable weapon ever offered for sale, ALSO, The largeet assortment Of Cartridges ever offered In the city of Washington, adapted to all CARTRIDGE P/STGLS. A very fine amortreent of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES Imported by Fellows & Co., No. 17 Maiden Lane, New ork, expressly for the Retail Trade. A very flue assortment of Ladies' and Gents' DRESSING OASES. G. A. STA REWEATHER, fel9-Im* 350 PENSYLVANIA Avenue, up stain. VNOLISH ENCAUSTIC TILES FOR FLOolol.—liintoree Tiles for vestibules, hells, diutog-rooms, hiaithe, and far subtle buildings of every kind, as laid in the Capitol at Washington and maim churches, stores, banks, hotels, and dwe llings, in every part of the country. Patterns, composed of Buff, Bed, and Black, 820 per square foot; with Blue, Green ' or White Introduced, 3 4c to 88e per foot. Lithos:m*lode dors sent by mall, on applicatigu L B. A. BABBIBOX,Importer, 1324 No.lolo 13'1711:fr street, OROVELI3 AND SPADES. GEOEGII HALPHANt MANUFAOIOIIIII. 00BNZI1 OF DRZAD AND QUARRY STRUM, muuttn* NM. Arab sad Race. and Second and Third. driFIENOE Ali]) lii„ll7.lllL—Prime V Herkimer County Cheese. Abe, Choke Goshen Butter. Conetmotly received, and for sale by • - RHODES it WILLIAM i. fele-tr 107 BouitiWATEllt et. TORTOISKSHELL.— - few boxes of Tortoise Shell for mile by JAITMITOHE & LAUB/Mimi tell 902 pad 9“ fkawth 11 . 80117 6kQ t. RAILROAD LIS mich THE TENNBYLVANIA CENTRAL THE GREAT DOUBLE TRACE ROUTE 1862. Matlm 1862. THY CAPACITY 01 , TUN ROAD 111 NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN UTE COUNTRY. ~' ~~ ~ Facilities' for the transportation of passengers to and from Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago, Bt. Louis, S. Paul, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans. and all other towns In the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Sleeping and smoking care on all the trains. . . TIM EXPRE6O RUNS DAILY i Mail and Fast Lima Sundays excaptad. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia at. 8.00 A. M. Feet Line.. 66 .11.30 A. M. Express Train .. 66 6 ....... ... .10.30 P. M. Parkesburg Accommodation leaves ....... at.. 12.30 P. M. Harrisburg 66 66 "0.30 P. M. Lancaster II .4 1, .. 66 4.00 P. M. West Chester passengers will take the Mail Train, the Parkesburg Accommodation, and the Lancaster Accom modation. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Fulls, and intermediate points, leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 2.30 P. M., go directly through. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, S. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET ideate. By this route freights of all desmiptione can be for. warded to and from any point on the liMirosklit of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Witconsin, lowa, or Mts. solidi, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the West, by Memnon from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the Wed by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are, et all times, ae fa vorable as are charged by other Railroad Companion. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confidence on its speedy transit. For freight contracts or shipping directions apply to or ..dress the Agento of the Company. 8. B. KINGSTON, Ju., Philadelphia D. A. STEWART, Pittsburg. CLARKIt & Co., Chicago. LEECH & o. 1 Astor House, or No. 1 South William Street, Co., dew York. LEECH & CO., No. 77 Washington street, Boston. MAGRAW & KOONS, No. 80 North street, Baltimore. H. B. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Agent, ran& L. L. HOUPT, Gen'l Ticket Agent, Phila. ENOCH 'LEWIS. Gaol firm'!, Altoona. jyl-tf i w ag NORTH PENNSTh. VANIe R.AILRoAD. lOR .BETDIAWRIS., DOYLESTOWN', Al A UOH MINE, RA.ZLETON, EASTON, CO LEY, Ac. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On sad after MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, UM, Pas. near Trains will leave FBONT sod WILLOW Strode, Philmialphia, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows! At 6.40 A. hi., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Hazleton, &c. At 1.46 P. H., (Express,) for Bethlehem, Easton, This train reaches Easton at BP. M., and makes • close connection with the New Jersey Central for New Pork. At 1.05 P. M., for Dethtaken, dilentove, Manch Chunk, &v. At 9 A. K. and 4-P. R., for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Witoldligton The 6.40 A. M. Express Train makes elate connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad et Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to all points in the Lehigh oefi 'RAMO FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 7.07 A. IC, 9.18 A. 11., and 5.88 r. IL Leave Doyleetowu at 6.80 A. 11.. end 8.20 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 8.50 A. M. ON 8 1 UNDAYO—Philadolphia for Fort Wollaston at 9.80 A. M. Philadelphia for Dopleatoira at 4 P. 111.. Dopleidown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. Port Waabington for Philadelphia at 2.46 P. M. rare to 8eth1ehem....61.60 I b i:are to Mauch Chunk.22.oo to Easton 1.50 Through Tickets must procured at the Ticket Offices : at WILLOW Street, or BILKS Street, In ardor to Mace the above rates of fare. MI Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) ecninect at Bests street with the Fifth and Bildt streets, and be 'baba and ThIA-etreets Itsssebger 141bud*, tweets *M antes after lessins Willow street. nod ELLIE! °LAME.. &gent ANAWINTER AR RANGEMENT-PRILADEI. nun, WZI.IMINQTQ I, ANA ULTI74O/4 SUL SOAD. On and after MONDAY, JAN. 6, 1862 PASt3ENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA: For Baltimore at 3.30 A. M., 8.15 A. M.,1155 A. EL, (Barrage?, and 11.00 P. M. . - Rot Choker at 8.16 A. M.,11.86 A. M., 8.46 and 11.00 P. M. For Winnlngton at 8.30 A. M., 8.15 A. M., 11.35 A. NI 5.45 Don 11.00 P. M. For New Cootie at 3.15 A. M. and 3.45 P. N. For Dover at 8.15 A. M. and 3.46 P. DI. For Milford at 8.15 A. M. for Seiliebury at 8.15 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Baltimore at 6.30 A. M. (Dirnree.e, 1.011 F.M. (tigress), 6.20, and 7 P. M. (Ex - prone). Leave Wilmington at T. 30 and UM A. M., 4.16, 3.40, and 9,60 P. 61. Leave millenary at 2.36 P. M. Leave Milford at 4.56 P. M. Leave Dover at 9 A. M. and 6.10 P. M. Leave New Cantle at 11 A. M. and 6.10 P.M. Leave Cheater at 8.20 A. M., 12.16, 4.90, and 9.30 P.M. Leave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate iltatietki di.%) and T P. X; for Dover and intermediate station 1.06 P. M. THAWS FOB BALTII3ORM heave Chester at 846 A. M., 12.05 and 11.30 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 5.80 A. M.. 9.28 A. M., MU P. IL, and 12.10 A. M. 1122XIGIIT TRAIN, with Paasengor Or attached, will run tug follows' LeaTO Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate pieces at 5.10 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places at 7.10 P. 11. Leave Philadelphia for Chester, Wilmington, Stanton, Newark, Elkton, North Emit, Perryville, Havre-do. Grace, and Baltimore at 8.30 P. H. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace and intermediate stations at 8.45 A. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate 'laces at 2.05 P. M. ON SUNDAYS ONLY At 8.30 A. M. and 11.00 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. - At 7 from Baltimore to Plillfidelphlth The 3..30 A. M. brain from Philadelphia to Baltimore Will run daily, Monday; meta, ie2s-t1 B. 01. FiILTOB, ereedaeni. PHILADELPHIA 10-AIMAND READING iiEILISOAD PAISMENGAI: TRAINS FOB POTTSVILLE , BEAD ENG, and HARRISBURG, ou and after November 4,160] MOUSING LINES, DAILY, (Sundays; vagepted.) Lewes New Depot, earner of BROAD and [!ALLOW_ HILL Streets, PHILA.DELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill streets ' ) at 8 A. 8., con nectieg at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD 4.15 P. M. train, running to Pittsburg ; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY LBO P. IL train running to Otuireberstrurg, Carlis;.. Sec.; and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1.20 P.M. trek" running to tied!, bury. Ete. AFTERNOON L.L.N.Eb. . . . ;Aim, New Depot corner of BROAD anti DALLAS,- HILL btreete, PHI LADELPHIA, (Pneoungur entrances oil Thirteenth and ou Oatlowkill eta,,) for POTTSVILLE and HARRISBURG. at 3.1. b P. 01., DAILY, connect ing at Harrisburg with the Northern .r - lentral Railroad, for Sunaury Williameport, Elmira, Arc. Express Train from New York via Easton makes close collimation with the Reading hail and Accommodation Trains, connect ing at Harrisburg with thr Pennsylvania Central 3.16 A. M. Train running went. For WEADIENW 01/il. St 4.60 P. Id., DAILY, (StuidaYs excobtaiL) mwrewow VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READING - „ . - BWIA/083). irsokrYILAIMILPHIA, roPhomArAllle 28 &Mims 68 Lobenon 86 Harrisburg 112 124 Mlllersbnrg 142 TrevertouJunctiou.l6B Sunbury 169 Northumberbaul....l7l Ithwimburg 178 HdtorlBB Mwavy 197 WilliaragisorE 280 Jerseyl4hore "V 3 Lock Raven... Balaton 238 Williamsport and Elmira Troy 281 Railroad. Elmira 287 The BA. M. and 8.16 P. . trainsconneet daily at Port Mop, (Bundayr excepted,' with the OtiTAWISSA, WILDLUISPORTI and Lai Tsar:WAIN etakiaB claw connections with Utley to Niagara Nall Oalladat the West and Southwest. ' DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA : Owner of BROAD and OALLOWHILL Streets. W. H. M01tL1111.1212111. Secretary. October 80.1881. NNWFALL AND PE B ALRBANGIMMT.-- PlinatitalisPHlA, CSBEL&NTOWN. and NORRIS TOWN RAILROAD. TABLI. On and sitar Monday, October 98,1661, until farther notice. FOB OZBDLibiTOWN. Lel% PlailidgfAis, o.s, 9,0, 1001, 11,12 A. lit, 1,2, 5,4, 0,0, 1,0, 9. 10X, sad 11X P.M. Leave Germantown, 0,7, 73 f, S, IN, OM, 10 $, 11 $, The 8% A. M. Wahl from Germantown dohs at Gay's and Timm only. OF SUNDAYS. lowa Philadelphia, 9.06 A. 21., 2, Tv 992 101 L P. IL Leave Germantown, SAO A. M L ,I T a amt OM P. M. OHEfITNtT HILL BAILBUAD: Leave Philodelpbla, I, 9:12, -A. M.. 2. 44 IN 15. and 10x LeaveOliestnut ILL 7.10.810,10.10, /, SAL 6.40, 7.40, and 9 10 P. M. 010 SUNDAY& Lam rbsibacipme,9.(W T P. M. 1.4.6*e Okaobitit Hill, T. 60 A. N., 12_40, LAO. and 11.1.0 P.U. TON OONSNOHOOKNN AND NOBBLITOWN. leave Philadelpbia, Bj4, 9.016 11.01 A. N., IM, LOS, 4 1 , 9 : y .06 . 8.01) P. 1 , 0, u A. and a Norrtdown, T, P. ON SUNDAYS. _ _ . . . Leave Phfladatphiii, 9 A. Id., 8 P. IL Im,e giorristo 74 it%A., 0 P. X. Lens Thu sdSi OM, 84 n A. 4MI to6,9ad 8.06 P. m. Leave Mansynnk, ON, Tit, DM, OM, UM S. DL, 51 and CM P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 8 and I P. Leave Dlennyunk, Tx A. M., lig and 8 P. IL 11. H. MUTH; General Annerinteadenig ef Meat MIN I% And waxy nomao. 111711rinill0 - p ,T,i 5 :511K !W1:414 ROAD. VIA MEDIA. WINTER. ABBANDEMENT, On and after MONDAY, Nov. 26,150/, the mains will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot, N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8.30 A.M., 1, 4.15, and 6.46 P. 11., and will leave the comer of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Senna, (West Phlla delpliht,) at 11 minutes altar the starting time Eton the Depot. ON SIIMDATIL Leave parcexatiqiil - 1ii1:22. am 2 P. L Leave West Cheater at 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. The Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.30 A. K. sad 4.111 P. M. connect at Pennelton with Trans on the Phila delphia and Baltimore (Austral Railroad for Concord, Kennett, Oxford, arc, *c. RINRY WOOD, n026-tf ihiparlntemdent in i mmt PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD CO., (Office 227 South FOURTH Street.) On and after May 1,1861, season tickets will be issued by this company for the periods of three, six, nine, and twelve months, not transferable. Season school-tiehets may also be had at 33 per cent. discount. These tickets will be sold by the Treasurer at No. 227 South FOURTH Street, where any further information can be obtained. S. BRADFORD. ap3.o-tf Troannr, m ai mpuist PHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA B. B. LINE. 1862 WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1882 For WILLIAMSPORT, SCRANTON, ZLISTRA, and all points in the W. and N. W. Passenger Trains leans Depot of Phila. and Beading B. 8., cor. Broad and CM.. iowhili streets, at g A. N., and Sit I/ et daily, GlOalt Sundays. QUICKEST ROUTE from Philadelphia to points in Northern and Western Pennsylvania, Western New York, 140., Ito. Baggage checked throng• to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or intermediate points. Trough Express Freight Train for an points aim% lemme daily at 6 P. N. For further information apply to JOHN S. HILLER, General Agent THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL, and N. W. oor. SIXTH and OHEETNITT Streets. ja3l-tf ailimmeN EST CHESTER RAILROAD TRAIN& vta PIN& SYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave depot. earner ILI IALRICZT Streets. at 8 A. M.,1230 noon, end 4 D. IL 1a034 Philadelphia and Beading and Lebanon Valley B. 11. NOrtnern Uentrat Railroad. Banbury •nd Iris B. At 0 A. N., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation 32 25 At 6 A. N., via Camden and Jersey City, (N. J.) Accommodation 2 26 At 3 A. M., Via Kelleingtan and Jimmy City; Morning Nail 3 00 At 12N P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation . . . . 2 25 At 2 P. N. via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex prom 00 At 4 P. 21., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Express . . $ 00 At 4P. via Camden and Jersey City, 24 Claes Ticl et 2 25 At 6% P. N., via Kensington and Jersey City, Evening MaiL 3 00 At 12 P. Bt., via Kensington and Jersey City. South ern Mail 8 00 At 5 P. M., via Gamed.. and Amboy, Accommoda tion; (Freight and ralaiteagor)Aat 9112111 Tlclif4, s 2 25 Do. do. 2d Class do. W The 8N P.M. Line runs daily, Sundays exoepied k . The 12 P. N., Southern Mail runs daily. ' For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkeeberre, Montrose, Great Bead, Ac., at 7.10 A. M. from Kensing ton, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown Bethlehem, Belvidere, Boston,, Lambertville,. Irlemingt;on, be.. at 7.10 A. M. tied BP. M. team Kensington Depot (the 7.10 A. M. Gine connects with train leaving 1181011 LOS' Mauch Chunk at 3.33 P. M . .) For Mount Roily, at 6 A. M. 2 and 4 P. IL Fer Freehold, at 0 A. M., and 2 P. M. WAY LINES. BALES BY AUCTION. FURREBB f BRINLEY, & 429 CHESTNUT STREET SALE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC , DRY GOODS. On Friday Morning, ebroary 28. at 10 o'clock. by catalogue, for cash -409 19tu 9f PritlA, Frvii9b, German, Scotch, and Amo, rican dry PPHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTION ERRS, 525 MARKET and 622 COMMERCE Ste. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF 1,000 OASES BOOT 3, 8110E8, BROGANS, &o. Tilt+ Morning February 1.'4, will be gold by catalogue, at 10 o'ciook. precibeiy— .1,000 cases mend', boys', and youths' calf and kip boots, brogans, Congress gaiters, Oxford ties, and Wellington boon., women's. misses, and children's calf, kip, goat, and kid bootsoronten's lasting gaiters and kid slippers. Also an toutottment of first.claes city. made lasting gaiters, auki kid ass goat Neared Loots. Sr Open tor examination, with catologuee, early on the morning of Role, when buying will find it to their interest to attend LARGE SALE OF 1,000 OASES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, ko. On Thursday Morning, February 27, at 10 o'clock, at 10 o'clock precisely, will be mid, by cotnioguo, tur net cad!, 1,100 cantle man's, boys', and youths' calf, kip, grain, thick, and cavalry boots, brogans, gaiters, Wellington, and Balmoral boots; women's, misses', and children's calf, kip, goat, morocco, and kid heeled boots, shoes, gaiters, Balmorals, slippers, Ac. also, a large assortment of city-made goods. The above sale will coosha of prime goods, from city and liabtcra uthauracturcra. w '- Goods open for examination, with catalogues, earls on the morning of sale. MOSES N THANE , AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION. AfIfECHAti% aJutbeast corner of SIXTH and DACE Streets. ITATHANB' LARGE SALE OF FORFEITED COL. LATERALS. OVER 1,500 LOTS OF FORFEITED GOODS. llu Tu.aday Morning. March 4, at 9 o'clock, at. Moses Nathan' Auction Dome, Nos. 155 and 157 North Sixth street, adjoining the enntheftst corner of Sixth and Race otreots, and - will consist, in port, of— Fl" overcoat'', EaEllzfirilli frovh - , drool, find itnqinime cons; fine, cloth and cassimere pantaloons; cloth, velvet, satin, cashmere, and other snarl; woollen undershirts, drawers, alid hosiery ; shirts; boots, getters, shoes. gums ; gentlemen's shawls, ; silk, cashmere, merino, alpacce, delaine, and tabu' dresses, skirts, and dress patterns; itunlercluthing of every description; fur victo rines muffs, cuffs, &c.; gaiters, morocco hoots, and slip pers; Munieinuti bruche, stens, crape, merino, Bay State. teotillett pluld, silk, and ether slatwiti etlest, Meth, and merino cloaks, circulars, capes, and mammas; silk dusters and harries; large lino feather beds, bolsters, and pillows; handsome tapestry, Brussels, and ingrain entry and, lair carpets, rag carpets, stair rods; window shades bed quilts, comfortables, spreads, blankets, sheets, Dillow-cases, towels. napkins; centre tables, re ception CUBS; china, glace, and gneendware writing desks; knives and forks; ornaments; all kinds of nook ing utensils and kitchen ware; restore; fine oil paintings and engravings; door mate ; chamber wars, and nu merous other articles. Also,a number of books, among which are splendid Bibles, Shakepeare's Works, Good's Animalia. Good's Family Flora, Ornaments.of Memory, .141)yels, Music Books, Barred Music, and a thousand other articles. irr The goods will be open for examination on the afternoon previous to the day of sale. SITIPPINO. siIaBOSTON AND PHILA DELPHIA STEAMSHIP . LINE_sAIL, DU FROM EACH PORT EVERY TEN DAYS—From PINE-STREET WHARF, Philadelphia, and LONG WHARF, Boaton. Steamer SAXON, Captain MATTHEWS, will sail from Doeton for Philadelphia on FRIDAY, February 21, at 4 o'clock P. M.- And From Philadelphia for Boston on WEDNESDAY, Feb. 26, at /0 o'clock, A. M. Freight [aim at fair rates. Insurance one-half that by sail vessels. Shippers are requested to send Bills of Lading and slip receipts with their goods. For Freight or Passage (having fine accommodations) apply to HENRY WINSOB & SO. ja27-tf 882 SOUTH WHARVES. sim WEEKLY COMMUNICA TION BY STEAK BETWEEN NEW goAR AND LIVERPOOL, calling M QUEENS TOWN, (Ireland,) to land and embark peasengere and dtenatchea The Liverpeol, Now York, and Philadelphia Steam ship tionapauy's splendid Clyde-built iron screw steam ships aro intended to sail ea follows: FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL, EDINBURGH Satorday, Fob. 22, 1862. RANGABOO And ersry Saturday thronghont tha year, from PIER No. *I V.'S. _RAVES OF PASSAGE THRODGE PROM PRILA.DRLPIII.A.. Cabin, to Queenetown, or Liverpool..... $75 Do. to London, via Liverpool $3O oteems to Queenstown, or Liverpool. . $3O Do. to London. $33 Do. Return tickets, available for six mouth!, from Liverpool $6 O Penmen forwarded to Havre, Paris, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Oerli.Waal of oaesege leaned from Liverpool to New York 840 Oertificates of passage issued from Qneonstown to New York 830 These steamers have superior accommodations for pas senger% are constructed with water-tight cempactments, and carry experienced Burgeons. For freight, or passage, apply at the °Moe or the Conn- PanY, JOHN (3. DALE, Agent, 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia, In Liverpool, to WM. INMAN, Tower Buildings. In 411segow, to WM. INMAN, spB.ll 13 Dixon street. 11= LIVERPOOL, NEW YORK, AND PHILADELPHIA. STEAMSHIP COMPANY. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. By order of the Secretary of State, all passenger' leaving the United States are required to procure pass ports before going on board the steamer. no6-tf SOUS G. DALE, Agent. THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL LILAIL STEAM tkii.f.Pcf PASSPORTS.—AII persons leaving the United States win roimire to have PASSPORTS from the authorities of their respective countries, countersigned by the Secretary of fitabb at Woenifigton, or by the Paesport Agent Si putt of embarkatiob. Fitosi NEW TOES. TO LIVERPOOL. . . .. tihief Cabin Passage OHM Second Cabin. Passage TS FROM BOSTON. TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage SLID Second Cabin Passage OP The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The shins from Boston call at Halifax and Cork 114 r• tioi. VICES:id, caps. JoMin& AFRIOA, Baps. MIS=OIL. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA, Capt. J. LcKok ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. AMERICA, Capt. Heckle, AIISTRAJASIAN, NIAGARA, Capt. Moodie Capt. Ocok.INIIROPA, Capt. Anderma, SCOTIA, CHINA. • These remade carry a clear white light at mast-bast green on starboard bon ; red on port bow. a MERICA,,Moodia, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Fob. 19. ASIA., Lott, tt N. Yolk. Wainesday. Feb. 28. CANADA. Muir, .. Boston, Wednesday, March 5. AtibTRALASIAN, Cork, " N.York, Wednesday, Mar. 12. NIAGARA, Anderson, . Boston, Wednesday, Mar. 19. Berths not secured until paid for. - Au experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be aeoetnitattla Ina Gold- Silver, Bullion, Smith Jewelry. Prsolon l ll 3l lann, or Ideta/s, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, 53 , 1 the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pan. sage, apply to B. OIINARD, 4 BOWLING GREEN. Nev. York. Or to B.C. A J. G. BATES, 108 STATE Street, Boston. a. . A r*, FOR NEW YOELE. - ANEW DAILY LINE, viS Delaware aad 1: r i Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Corn row recelive freight and leave daily at 2 Y. H., deliver ing their cargoes in New York the following day. Freights taken at reasonable rates. W P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, aul-tf Piot it 14 and lb EAST RIVER, New York. said gt6 FOR NEW YORK.- The Philadelphia Steam-Propeller Company VOW euxumenco their businees for the season on Monday, 18th instatt. Their eteamera are now recetting freight at Second Pier, above Walnut street. Terms accommodating. Apply to W. 31. BAIRD & CO., ruhlii 22! South Delaware Avenue. Ad r i a FOB, BALTIMORE r WASHINGTON, D. AND A WS TEAM MONROE, DAILY, AT 3 O'CL ( )CS. P. M., BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMBOAT - - - COMPANY, (ERICSSON LINE.) One of the Steamers of this Company leaves the upper side of Cheottmi-street Wharf daily (SqL:days areeptatt,) at 8 o'clock P. M. , and arrives in Baltimore early next morning..Freightsfor Washington and Fortress lam roe received and forwarded with all possible despatch, and are required to bo prepaid through. Freights of all kinds carried at the lowest rates. A. GROVES, Jr., Agent, fel4-2m* No. 34 South WHARVES. RAILROAD LINES. 1862 YORE: fiNalt 1862 . ARRARRANGEEN TS OF NEWLINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA.. bF,LPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00.'S LINER nog pRILAPELPHIA TO NEW . TONE AND WAY FLAOIIS, IRON WALNUT-STRENT WHARF AND KENSINGTON DIEM. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: For Bridal, Trenton, de., at 7.10 and 9N A. Id., and 3,5, 8.30, and 12 P. M. from Kenslagton. For Bristol, and intermediate stations, at UN A. N. from Reneington. For Paknyra, Riverton, Delano, Beverly, Burlington, Florence, Bordentown, irc. ? at 122 ? 1, i t 0, and OX P. sir For New York, and Way Lines leaving Renaing ton Depot, take the care on Firth street, above Walnut, half an hour beforo departure. The can run into the Depot, and on the arrival of gash train run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only allowed each Passenger. resonation, are prohibited from taking anything as bag gage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over 6.147 pounds to be Paid for extra. The Dummy limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for say amount beyond $lOO, except by vocal contract. WM. 11. GAT ZMIR. Agent. EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS EX /name MOBS ODINPANY, Office 820 UHIIbTbiII Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Mer• chandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or fn connection with other S=prees Cloinpanies, to all the principal Towns and (titles of the United States. I. B. SANDFORD, relV tilenerak Superintendent. M TEIONAB & SONS, • Noe. 189 ind 141 donth rouliT/1 titre t. (Formerly Noe. 07 and 40.)1 118•' PUBLIC PALISH BEAL EBTATS AND itTotqui AT TEE EXCHANGE ON TUESDAYS. REAL NSTATF nT rßiyhTE TALL bwro CI iargn arnaant or TONI 01ILEIte at ammo Rah% temintling °Tory doncriraicm of city awl country pro. party. Printol Hate may to, hurl at the Auction Stara. NEAT FIIRNITVILE, ittlll,, VitlLVltt 0A11.P11.18; PAINTINthi, I.IOOIC.CASEE4, Ac. tin Tuesday Morning, 26th inst , et le o'clock, at No. 190 Vino street, by catalogue, thn entire household furniture. Also, the kitchen tomiture. lair May be examtned at 8 o'clock on the morning of the sale. ir I? 500 M arket ittrivt_ COUNTERS, Ha TARI C FA, SPIELVINU. AND ettg,- TAINS, COUNTING HOUSE DESKS, snauLA TOE, &e. On Tues.(lay Morning, At 11 o'clock, at N 0.500 11Earket atruct, the fixturee of a clothing bongo, enimioting countord, tot4os, and ilt!qvirA , of A , or largb rtrome, runtriur oak 11'144 vet? 0110 regulator 4 =Mine, &c. sr. May be examined at 8 o'clock on the morning of Hate. SALE OF VALUABLE AND INTERESTING BOOKS FROM A LIBRA ItY. On niowisty Afternoon, Frbrumf 25 , 6, commenting at 4 o'clock; a collection of 'valuable and informing Lemke, from a library. NW For particulars ammo catalogues aml bookm, rear On morning of Halo. BEAT FUBL4ITIIRE, RAISEWOOD PIA .740, oyAr. ItIIBROILS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, lea. Un Wcdneetlay Atornitog, 26th fast_ at 10 tAbielt, at ke. 1093 latent Vi street the neat parlor,dining-room, and chamber fund tar., rosewood piano urte by tibickermg, oval pier oar rors, fine tapestry carpets, etc. 11Y May be examined at ti o'clock on the morning of the sale. LB. HOPPIN & CO., AUCTION . XERS, 242 MARKET BTILETBT. SALE OF FOREIGN AND DO.MENTIO DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, HOOP SKIRTS, LINE el EMIT Ito. BOMB, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, ,kci. Tuesday Morning, February 25, at salesroom, at 10 o'clock, coraletingat a variety of seasonable and desirable goads, adapted to - present sales, to which tbe attention of plurchittopitbil. rite& air Goode open for examination, with catalogues, ear!► on morning of male. 11DANCOA8T & WARNOCK, ACC TIMMER& No. 213 MARKET Street. SALE OF AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DILE GOODS, EMBROIDERS, WRITE GOODS, HO SIERY, GOODS, .4c., by Catalogue. On Wednesday Morning, Fedrnary 20, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. PENN STEAM. ENGINE AND BOILRB WORKS.—NEAFIR & LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGI NEERS, lIIACII IN ISTS,IIO ILE R- :WAX ttS, mr.- fird rrllB, and FOUNDERS, haring, for many rears, been in Huceeaeful operation, and been exclusively an. gaged in building and repairing Marine and River En gines, high and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propellers, &c., reepectfolly offer their services to the public, tee being fully prepared to contract for En gines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, having sets of patterns of different sizes, aro prepared to exe cute orders with quick despatch. Every description of paitern-maiiing made at Um tboriost notice, ugh and Low-pressure, Flue, Tallier, and Cylinder Basra, Of the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgings, of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of all cheerio- Vona ; Roll Turning, Screw-Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawinee and Specitloationa for all work done in their establishment, free of charge, and work gusrowial. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock rOOlll for re pairs of boat., where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided , sitti shears, blocks, falls, &0., Ac., tor rais ing heavy or light weights. J. 'VAUGHAN MicHHIGIC, JOHN B. COM WILLIAM ll' 34HHttleK, HAHTLNY HELMICK, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTD AND WASHINOTON Saturday, March 1,1862 PHILADELPHIA. BIERILICW. R SONG, 4, ENGIN:EI:Ia AND MAOILINHTS; Btatmfactliro 11 igh atm! Low Pressure siteauA .Enginee, for land, river, and marine merrier. Boilers, Casomvtera, Tanks, Iron Boats, dc. i Cast ings of all kintb., either iron or brass. iron-Fruzso Roofs for. Gss Works, Workshops, Rail road Stations, Brtor•a mud Gina Machin<ry of the Loco and moo improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, said Grier Vacunm Pans Open Steam Trains, Defecators, niters, Pumping Engines, foie Agents for S. Rillieuxhi Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Noun} th's Patent Steam 'Hamner, and is pinwall &.Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. ans-tf AjORG.AN, URR, & CO., BTE9M -IXL V;B6tirt bUiLiAlte, irvn aunt - lora. sod General Dlachiniata and Boiler Makers, lion 1211) Ob.L. LOWIIILL Street, Philadelphia. fnl3-ly rip LTAVE (311A.MPAGNE.— A. new ALA brand—an mtegituat article. Imported gni for gala at a price to rah the times, by CAN'i,VitLi liAlr- FER. fwnitheubt corner of GERMANTOWN AVOlitiO and MASTER Street. RUDESILEIMER-BERG, LAUBEN REIMER, and HOCKBEIMER WINE L ia caws of one dozen bottiea each; warranted pure. Imperial and for pale low by GANTWELL ti EEFFER s month. east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. PURE PORT WINE. DTQUE DO PORTO WINE, BOTTLED IN riliiTtjgille IN WO. melanins and wimple in want of a reliable article OC rue Pcrt Wine can be supplied by inquiring for the above wino at CANTWELL & HEFTER'S Southeast corner GERMANTOWN A venue and MASTER Street. HE.NNESSY ) VINE-YARD PRO prietore, Biegnit, Trienehe, . Co., Marett, Nod. and other approved brands of COGNAC BRANDY, fade, in bond and from more, by CANTIVELL & ARFF ER, Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. WUAIIT'S PAISLEY MALI WHIS KY.' Buchanan's Nall Ila Whisky, Old Tom OW. Old London Olin L6haav, CM dial Gin, Pahlbnis In bond and store. CANTWELL & BEFIT% Southeast earner GERMANTOWN Arenas and MASTER Street. ZIMMERMAN'S DRY CATAWBA. WlNE.—This approved brand of Cincinnati wine, the beat article unt for .+ctiiiiiiere," for nolo mirth bot tled and in eases, by CANTWELL & KEEFER, south east cotittr GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER, Street. ee.2.1.6m JOHN A. A_LLDERDIGE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Has resumed the Practice of his Profeataon at A OPPENIIEIMER MERGEIA.N— -DISE DEOEEIt iu aU branfihos of credo, end manufacturer of every description of Army goode, Fa 48 South THIRD Street, west aide, second story, Phila. delphia. de77 JOHN WELSH, Practical SLATE VI ROOFER, TRIED Street and GERMANTI)WN Road, is prepared to put on any amount of ROOFING, on the most MOIALRATE 'MIMS. Will guaranty to wake every Diultlingeerfecti7 INer - tightt U Orders promptly ettanden to. myT-ly QTHAIII-c3COURING AND TAILOR ING done et the ehorteet notice. HENRY B. BAscota, 187 SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. U. BASCOM'S plan for the timee is to recommend same to bring ttwk old Clothing Iva have am made new. Also, their Clothe, end have them ilahlan ably made up 4.10-87 EVERY LADY WHO WISHES TO BE BEAUTIRITL should 'birches° HUNT'S COURT TOILET POWDER, It tht Sloan &amiss in Elliot:lo,4nd Ism the only Pawner that will not injure the skin or rub uir. Price, 1$ 25. and 50 cents. RUNT'S /MOON t..F ROSES. a beautiful, na tural color for the cheeks or lips', it will not wash off or injure the skin, and remains durable for years Price $l. These articles ere quite new, and can only be ob.. tabled of R$l4T Se CO., 133 South SEVENTII Street, above Walnut.':-All kinds of ravcy Soaps fm -1 xual. fel9:lnt CHARLES S. CARSTAIRS, NO. 126 WALNUT STBRET, (Late of thellrm of JIURSTCHE A CARSTAIRS,) OFFERS FOR SALE COGNAC' BRANDIES, of the brands of Olanyere, Pinet, Cartillion, Otard, Demur, Ao. ROCHELLE BRANDlES—Pellevoisin and A. &lg. nett% BORDEAUX BRANDT—J. J. Dustin CLARET, in casks and mew of the brands of Rani Brien, Bt. Julien, chateau Margaux. ' PORT WINE—De Muller, AlicianteOnsd BorrerAiii. MADEIRA WINE—OId and New, of various brands. SHERRY WINE— do do do CHAMPAGNE, of various brands. WHITE WINE VINEGAR, dic,, B --• • RANVIES.—Pinot, Castillon, Sr, Co., Tricnebei & Co., J. J. Duper, Soria Alta i A. Seigmetee, Alex. Beignette. PORT WiliES.—J. Bampo, Beat, Benlearlo De mut ler Bros. SHERRIES AND MADEIRA WlNES.—DooMaPina apple. Dm, Stewart'. eceteb For Ph+ . 1 ;1 JAYRETOHE & LAVERGNE. fe2l 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. LARD AND GREASE.-50 tierce@ prime Loaf lard; 60 tierces White Grease, Meet from the West, and in store. PM wale bs MURPHY A HOONII, N 0.141 NORTH WHARTHL HANGING VASES. 11 Ornamental Flower Pots. Parlor Vases for Growing Flower& Baskets for Jardiniere. Pedestals with Yam for Flowers. Antiune Vases for Matta Vane Redaissanae for Parlor. Rustic and Terra Gotta Vases. Lava Flower Pots and Vases. Garden Vases and Pedestals. Brackets for Busts and figures. With a great variety of articles suitable for ChM. men presents, for sale retail and to the trade. Warerooma 1010 OHNSTNIIT street, Philadeleldits dell & A. HARRISON. 111 ED FRUIT.--Bright now half andD mixed Peaches. Choice New York State Abides. Choice New York State Blackberries. Now Ohio /mkt', tart sliced, in white bap. In store and fOr by RHODES & WILLIAMS, 107 South WATER Street ARMY AND NAVY PAY COL. LEG7ED.—AIa, arrears Pa 7 for mitroolis ilacbarged, salernumerary, and Seaweed coMosn—ltoate. y money—Cfanius money—Contractors' aay—Disoluereee —Extra pay—Land warranta—Penalona--Prize money— Recruiting Eat eases State Pay Subsistent* S Pranaportation. procured by ALBERT POTTS' Army and Slimy diesuay, . Z.Gcrisol df TIMM aad WIL e LOW Stool. 1102-11n* DAD APPLES.-66 osob new Waters' Dried ArPled; T bbl. new Western Dried Apples. Jost received and la store. any sale by lIIISPHY KOONS. JaT-bf 1101118 WSAI SALES BY At CTIOiI STOCKS AND 'REAL ESFATY.—MAIICIT 4th. afar Pante')lftra In handbills and ratnre advertisement& Salo No. 1.005 Virgo street Salo No. lon Mount Wrnon stroot SUPERIOR FIRE-PROOF SAFE. At private Eflie, a very impeder tiro-proof safe. MACHINERY AND IROPi. JACOB C. NEAPIN. "MEIN P. LEVY, BEACH and PALMER Btrootc WINES AND lAQUORD. BUSINESS NOTICES. NEW . CASTLE, DELAWARE. (it2B•Sm*