The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, February 08, 1862, Image 3
POLICE AND FIRE-ALARM TELECIRAPII.—The 31 ew office for the Police and Fire-Alarm Telegraph was formally taken possession of 7esterday morning, After !Le adjournment of Councils, on Thursday night, a num• fier of the members 'visited the now quarters, and ex "rasped their admiration of the largely-increased facili ties for the operation of this useful and responsible de -Ipartment. THE GOOD WILL ENGINE TENDERS TUjNKS. _o r , Thursday morning upon the occasion of the fire at Line brewery, vicinity of Seventeenth and Wiliam:streets, Er. James K. Bowman very kindly invited the of the Good Wilt Steam Fire Engine Company him his liter% at Seventeenth and Braudywine, where, after 4 . thawing" them out, he spread before them an excellent -Collation. 017,7rODT.—John Randolph, colored, who - was arrested some time since by Detectives Levy and -Somers, for having robbed an individual named Levi Becht of several watches, etc., at Pattersqu, Juniata county, Penn'a, was lately sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment. He was brought to the city yesterday, by Sheriff Hamilton, and placed in the Eastern Peni lentiary. LEASE OP THE PUBLIC WHARVES.—The COM. Iniseioners of Public Wharves and Landings give 'notice that a number of the wharves on the Delaware and Schuylkill, belonging to the city, will he leased at public auctior, for one or three years, at the Exchange, on Wecneeday next at noon. ORDEMED Purr.nnEr.rnu.—The United Skates steamer Suwance, of the Burnside 'Expedition, has been ordered to the Philadelphia navy yard for re pairs. She was badly damaged in the great storm., part of her bulwarks and wheel-houses haying been stove in, and bet tipper works injured. SAD ACClDENT.—Yesterday morning, a man tamed Dennis-Burns, fifty years of ego, empieyeti in the 'locomotive worhe W. Baldwin & Co.. wtt• Ferionily injured by a larp,e driving-wheel fahing upon him. The sufferer was conveyed to his home, No. 614 North Seven teenth street. THE COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS was en :gaged yesterday - 'with a -amber of trifling cases. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PHILLDIBLPRIU. FObrtIPA7 5.1862 The action of the House of Representatives, at Wash ilantan, peetsMay, iii fassing the legal-tender treasury. mote bill, met with a hearty endorsement from all classes to-day. The stock market was particularly buoyant, and arise in prices was noted. Only one general 1 egret was -expressed in finanotal circles, to the effect that Congress ought first to have passed a law providing for taxation in au isznotant amply sufficient to establish the credit of the Go vernment on a secure baste. But it is Understood that the pledge already given by Congress, in its Mint resolu tion, will be redeemed within a few dare, by the enact ment of an ample tax law, on which the credit of these notes and the loans orthe Government will rest and ; the passage of the demand-note bill is therefore accepted as the best measure within the reach of Congressional login /alien. Many who at first doubted the propriety of the legal tender clause have been led to give it their saw tion and :support; as tke recent action of hostile banks hss led to the greatest confusion in the transaction of every-day Imeinese. It is a positive relief from bank incoasietem. ICUs to have the demand notes stamped as money by Go fornment. Everybody will know what to depend upon in trade and busineas, and the adequate taxation promised for their support will make them better than any bank notes for currency. They will come to have the same weight IPigs, the pronto os hank paper has hitherto enjoyed. The faith of the people in their Government may be re- Vresented and recognized as well in its stamp on paper 111 in its stamp on metal. The necessity for making these notes a legal tender arises directly from the action of the banks themselves. They suspended specie payments at first and then paid their last instalments on account of the seven and three tenths per cent. loan in the demand notes of the Govern ment. As soon as they had accomplished this object they attempted to discredit them. A portion of the banks nobly endeavored to give the Government the benefit of their circulation, and received them freely on deposit and on payment of debts. These font d them selves victimized, however, by their fellow-banks when the balances at the clearing houses cattle to be settled, and were obliged, in self-defence, to pursue the same =patriotic course. The passage of the bill will change all this. Bank notes will give place to the Government notes, which will pass at the full value of their face in all business transactions. Foam think it would have been better if the plan pro- Posed in The Presfi 9fl4.4Ying Oita intro rearlycd by the Government on deposit bearing interest, had been incor porated into the bill. The Government would thereby have had the benefit of the money of all who were willing to give it the use of their temporary surplus funds, and who could not make it con venient to make a nermaneni, investment by buying loans. We learn that I homes Klaiber : Est ,is in Wash ington, on behalf of many of our prominent business Wien, financiers, and hankers, urging some such legists lotion at the hands of Congress, and he may yet be sue_ .10(41/Ifni. 'We hare already expressed the opinion - that 'this plan would, if adopted, help very materialll t•i keep 'the notes from gorging hi the financial centres, until they work their way into the hands of the pen die gene rally. The passage of the bill by the Senate, however, can hardly be doubted, and the tax bial.will speedily fol low. The people of the North have scarcely begun t feel the pecuniary burden of the war. They are in earnest in its support, ;mil wining to meet its requirements. They are not only willing, but able, and the Government Las only to ask and to bare. They wish for no half-way policy. 7 hey would have the war to be prosecuted vigor *hely and successfully, and they believe that the mole they pay in the beginning the less they will have to pay in the aggregate. The resources of the people of the Northern Iftates are as yet almost untouched. In them lie the means or replenishing the Isational Trea sury and sustaining the Government credit everywhere. The while revenue must be brought up to a sufficient sum to guaranty to public creditors of all grades the payment of their claims in frill, with interest. . hen this is done, there will be no difficulty in oh • taming all the money the Government shall need, what ever its amount may be. Meanwhile, and only mean -while, and as a matter of pressing necessity, talren up out of its proper order in consequence of the urgency of the case, the legal-tender treasury-note bill will be passed. The Treasury will be relieved tram embarrass ment, and the details of the tax bill can be arranged with more justice and care than they would receive if the *WE hilt were to he , hurried through Congress, under the Pressure which is necessarily exercised by the Treasury Department to obtain relief. Pennsylvania Railroad shares advanced to 43x, a gain AA U; the first mortgage bonds sold at 100, and for the second mortgage braids 91X was bid. Philadelphia and Erie sixes, gnerantied by the Pennsylvamet Railroad Company, advanced to st,, a gain of one upon the closing price yesterday. There is no good reason why these bonds should sell lower than the second mortgage bonds of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and they may become an even better security. They have been but re. .cently put upon the market, sad are perhaps not well understood by the public. They are a part of the five millions first mortgage on the 249 miles of the railroad, which will be completed and in operation within a year. Theprincipal and interest are seeured by the valuable ?'dread itself, and the guarantee of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. The interest is to be paid by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, aemi.annually, com- Mending April 1, 1162, and the principal in March. 1811. Twelve hundred thousand dollars of these bonds are pp,l4 to the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company for the payment of its liabilities, incurred for labor and materials in constructing the road, and from these bonds, we be lieve, proceeds the supply upon the market. Reading Railroad shares advanced to 21, closing with that price bid, a gain of X upon the closing price yesterday. The following is a comparative statement of the earn ings and expenses of the Allegheny Valley Railroad for 1860 andlB6l: 1860. 1861. Earnings, passengers 1550,850 44 $60,604 10 " freight 28,103 28 42,443 98 The excess of groes earnings is 1861 over 1860 is $14.- 93 38. The excess of net earnings for the same period 911,489 34. The operating expenses were 44.93 per ,t. of earnings. The shipments of coal over the Huntingdon and Broad pp Mountain liejlrcad daring the week ending Wednee. IT, February 5, cud since January 1,1862, are as fol- Week. Previously. Total. Tons. Tons. Toes. 6,636 22,326 28,962 2,282 9,356 11,638 Increase— ...... 4,354 12.ff10 /7,424 The following quotations are furnished us by hissers. cal & Co.: York exchange parel-10 die. ma exchange pare M prm. imore exchange ...pare X prm. Atry funds 0:54 . die. .erican gold e 344 prni. Treasury Priji die. The New York Peg, which has strenuously opposed legal-tender treasury-note bill, says to-day : .'he Stock Exchange is jubilant to-day ov-r the pes o of the legal-tender bill by the House of Re presenta s, and all values at once undergo an important W ith:on. The paper-mousy epeculatura are iu high fea r, and Congress will not have to wait long lo see soaw the mischievous effeets of its legislation. The market very animated on the opening, with great excitement few York Central and Erie, but closes rather tame, w the realivatiou of the clique who have been steadi tying of late. - 'be market was stimulated by the goof news from Aucky and Richmond, and much of the improvement to tone of Wall street is attributable to this exhibi t Of tiger, for the descondensy of the DIA Week hint .4much increased by the inertness of the urine. lie greatest animation was in Erie old 'dock, e xceed. unything ever known since the days of 185 T. The was dwelt upon nearly half an hour, the sales ing about7,ooll shares, with UMW. buying on tints. price touched3s, finally closing at - Ste stocks were leslX per cent. higher, especially teeeees and Missouris, which have been neglected a largest advance in Government securities was A of IN per cent, in the 740 treasury notes, which MX, having sold yesterday at 98. The elves of re also 1 per cent. higher; in fact, the Federal list orably affected, e money market is moderately active, and at six per on call there is a full demand. There is a beVer y of paper offering, the banks having absorbed very Pf late. Prime names are current at Cmi per cent. s exchange drawers are quite undecided in regard to rate for Ville on London, under the new Oranr of produced by the Icgal•tender bill. The business steamer to-morrow is small, and rates nominal at 115. home sales were made early in the day at Action of Congress yesterday has at once started ventilation in gold. The sales at the Board this q reached 8:;50,000, at 1.03,3i01035(, ; Into of finding buyers on time. adelphia Stoc eebruar: 'ED BY S. E. SLAY3fA FIRST lading 8..... .. 21 }do , . . ..,1)5.4. 1.18 ,do 21 10 ..20 94 lo 20% 10 b 5 21 b 5 21 J SO b 5 21 so ...... .... 21 21 7 r B 1111•••••• 44 28 43% 4 ... ........ . 43% 2 2 ; . 8 43% ...... . 44 4 A.- - - bswn 44 !,k 43% 4sy, Pein4s 81,1 1 ; 81% six (I % \ k, ..4 Ole 81%; 692,103 72 45106,288 08 t41,09a 80 810,180 78 Exchange Sales, 7. 1862. ea, Philadelphia Exchange °ARE. 1000 Penns. be 81% 8000 do C0n10n.... 88 5000 Penns. Coup 65.. 99 1000 do ...... 99 100 Cate E Pref 5% 50 do 2 1000 Phl&E 63 Penn It 85 5005th 3:6llt•stß 74.. 943 500 do 94N 1000 City 6e B. 90 1000 do 93 200 do ...... 100 do 100 do ......New 95% 100 do New 95% 2 Norristown 8.... 44N 400 Cam.", Amb 6; '7O 91 5000 Peon Blot m 248100 5000 do 2d 600 Reading 64'70.115 76% 2 aitard BETWEEN 2 Minebill B 47 20105th S Oth•et 94) 1000 Bau & Erie Te.... 06 SECOND 100 9;; 2000 Phi E 6n Penn It 85 1200 Lehigh 'Nay 6a...10234 I 30 Reacliog B 2t 1 7 Penns B 433 j BOARD. 20 Penns B 43% 18 do 4311 20 do 43% 3 do 433( 50 Reading It 21 50 do 21 I 20 do 50 do 0 b 5.21 L I IS 500 Penns Se 81% '2OO do 81% 360 City 5e '64 87 2000 Ginn Cp tis Int pay in Cinn....eaeh 85 110ABD8. B.Delaware Div.... 89 700 City Go— . New. 95% 2800 do New eswn 95% 1000 do New eswn 95 10 0 do New Own 96% 2000 city 6e1i....3di a 90 1000 do 3dys 90 600 Penua 5e '65.... Sin 1 Minehill A 47% 2000 Reading 8e'43... 98 6000 PentiCy.ssJasJi 88.44 AFTER as Ecia Fay Prof 2the 12% I 12 Phila Bank 03% CLOSING PR Bid. Ask. VSTr73-10N99% Phila Os 89% 90 Phila 08 new... 95% 95% Pennies 81% tag Beadily( B 21 211.16 RAIN 0810'48 97% 99 Beading Bde '7O 39% 90g Reed le de IS.. 76% 77 Penns Rex dlr. 42% 44 Penna let m Ba.loo 100 S NUBS B *lmes 91g 92 MORTIS CI Con.. 38 43 14.1riti 41 Pret.lloX 111 Scb Nay Stock. 4% 53(1 Bah Nay Frei— 12% 13 Sat Nay Os '82.. 63 08 Ehnira 6% 7 Elmira B Pref. 12% 13% ICES.-FI BM CITY ITEMS. BEtrarous.—The Rev. J. F. Berg, D. D., Of New Brunswick, will preach in the First Reformed Dutch Church, Seventh and Spring Garden streets, to morrow morning, and the Rev. G. li. Fisher, D. D., in the mining. At the Church of the Mediator, Nineteenth and Lombard streets, there will be a meeting hold in behalf of the soldiers in the Army and Navy, to-morrow evening, at which Bishop Potter will preside. The Rev. Abel C. Thomas will deliver a lecture to-morrow evening, in the Universalist Church, Lombard street, above Fourth, on The - Safe Side." At the Union Methodist Epiecopal Church, - ninth street, below Arch, there will be a great missionary anniversary, morning, afternoon, and evening, at which there will be preaching by the Rev. John P. Durbin, D. D., Rev. R. L. Dashield, of Newark, and others. The Rev. Dr. Adams, pastor of the North Broad-street Church, will preach to-morrow afternoon, in the American Mechanics' Bait on "The Pilgrim's gong." A tithe Neu-J.-its:lle= Cherub, Chorry street, west of Twentieth, there will be divine service to-morrow morning, at 10X o'clock, and a lecture in the evening, on the subject of Charity." The regular weekly meeting to promote the spiritual interests of our soldiers in the army will be hold to-morrow evening, in the Fifth-street M. E. Church, Fifth street, below Green, at which addresses will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. E. T. Kenney, Rev. Dr. Jnnkin, and Rev. J. IT. A. Bom berger, the public being invited to aid this good work by their presence and contributions. There will be preach ing at Washington Hall, Spring Garden and Eighth streets, (the Second Unitarian Society,) to-morrow morning, by the Rev.. Wm_ IL F11141 , 04i1, Atil In the eve ning by the Rev, Frederick Frothingham. PREACHING BY TILE REV. D. S. BURNETj OF CINCINNATI .—The church on Twelfth street, above Wal lace, owned and occupied by a congregation of devout, unobtrusive worshippers, assuming no other name than that of disciples, or Christians, has, for some few weeks past, enjoyed tile presence of one of the most eminent and gifted ministers of their persuasion, the Bev. D. St Bur net, of Cincinnati, a "pen portrait" of whom we pub lished in The Press some two years ago. The congrega tion in question is the only one of the kind in Philadel. phis, (in the West they are very numerous,) and this comparative isolation has apparently diminished, rather than increased, their strength. Since the arrival of Mr. Burnet, however, the church has been Stied with large and admiring congregations, and it is probable that his protracted efforts will have a decidedly resuscitating effect. At any rate, there are few men in the ministry so eloquent and profound in expounding the Scriptures, and all who hear him are convinced of his sincerity and power. An opportunity of bearing Nr. Burnet will b e afforded at the above Church to-morrow, morning and evening. He is worth hearing. THE PLEASURES OF A Goon MEAL are greatly increased by the consciousness that what we eat is pre pared with strict regard to health and cleanliness. For this reason we are tree to say that when we are. obliged to dine down town, which is net nufrequently, we do so with a keener relish at J. W. Price's, southwest corner of Fourth and Chestnut, than anywhere else we know of away from home. The fact that many of our first citi zens, including merchants, lawyers, doctors, and divines, patronize the sulmirably-streed tables of Mr. Price at least once a day, ip sufficient proof that we are not alone in this estimate of him as the prince of Philadelphia cate rers. Ile undoubtedly evinces an art in the preparation of game, terrapin, chicken salads, oysters, and meats of all kinds, which his rivals have yet to learn. LECTURES FOR TIIE Triumg..--Wn invite at tention to the announcement, in another column, of a series of "Lectures for the Times," to be delivered at Concert Hall, on the evenings of February 13th, 21st, and 27th, respectively, by Rev. J. A. Salsa, D. D., on "St. Paul and Aladin Luther ;" Rev. C. P. Kranth, D. D., en " Washington t" and Rev. E. W. Rutter, on "Our Country." The leetarea Will ife enlivened by the presence of the Germania Orchestra, and the entertain. melds will, doubtless, be interesting, instructive, and popular. DELICIOUS WINTER CONFECTIONERY.—After faithful serving of the public for years, Messrs. E. G. Whitman Co , the enterprising confectioners, Second street, below Chestnut, have fairly won the plaudits of our citizens for standing at the head of their department. There is scarcely a well-informed person in this city who does net know that the most wholesome (because the purest), delicious, and artistic confections made, are manufactured and sold by this firm. They have recently added to their stock a variety of semi-medicinal prepa rations of great excellence, admirably adapted for colds, coughs, and sore throats. Try them THE LIGHT QUESTION has recently attracted considerable attention, and we have been requested by some of our readers to express an opinion with regard to it. Therefore it is, that, after having spared no pains to speak by the card, we giro it as our judgment that the p 20 1 7140 bight (when coal gas is inaccoseible), either for portable or stationary purposes, is the celebrated tamp manufactured in every size and pattern by Messrs. Wit ten & Co., 2 0.55 North Eighth street, corner of Filberts also, that the Kerosene Oil sold by them is the finest and best in the market. THE NEWS AT /ISIFLEBTAN S B.—The news re ceivettin town yesterday, that the stars and stripes again floated" majestically over the sacred soil of Tennesseo, Created a "regular rush" at the celebrated Cravat Store of 31r. J. A. Eshleman, Seventh and Chestnut streets, for his inimitable 4. Union Ties," which lasted until 10 o'clock at night. Eshleman is doing his country good service. FIVE GROCERIES, in every variety, and in greatest excellence, can always be had at the popular store of Mr. C. li. Mattson, Arch and Tenth streets. Goods bought at this store are delivered in any part of the city, or neatly packed and sent to any 2f the railroad depots, free of charge. GrAS-FITTMG AND I' VOID//9G.- - We are sorry to learn that the gas-fitting and plumbing establishment of Mr. W. P. Dickinson, at Reading, Pa., was entirely destroyed by fire a few days since. The loss falls heavy on Mr. Dickinson, all his stock and tools, valued at $3,- 000, having been swept away by the devouring element. Mr. D. is a hardworking and industrious man, and is de servedly entitled to the sympathy and eecenragePleilt of tile citizens of Reading, and we trust they will extend to him, as heretofore, a liberal share of their patronage, to enable him to recover his losses. Tug LAST NEW Tura.—C' The last new thing, in Paris, during the New Year's fetes, was that of visiting cards, not only having a Photograph of the face el the party presenting it; but, in addition, has a picture of the chateau of the lucky ;weer." We think a decided improvement cardd be made upon this, by having a fun-lengilf portrait of the individual, if a gen tleman, giving two views, a back and a front view, so as to Show the cut of his dress. Then, a lady, on having such a card sent up to her, could soon tell whether the soliciting Tioltor bad his clothing made at Stokes' one. price," under the Continental," and then govern her action accordingly. A COIINTER-REVOLUTION IN RICHMOND.—If news which was received here yesterday morning is to be believed, a counter-revolution has broken out in Rich mond, and the people there are rushing through the streets elonting for the Tinton, Tho stars and stripes may next be looked for at the Confederate Capittl, and then for the hanging of banners upon outer walls, bear ing inscriptions recommending - the loyal people of Vir ginia to return to the 4, old concern," and buy all their suits at the Drown Stone Clothing Sall of Bookbill & Wilson, Nos. On and &FS Ctivituni street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. When all these things some to pass we may look for busy times for Jack Ketch in disposing of Jeff Davis, Floyd, Cobb, & Co. ABSENCE or MIND.—The latest case of ab sence of mind is that of a ship carpenter, who bit off the end of a copper spike and drove a plug of tobacco into the vet set's bottom. Ile did not discover his mistake till the ship spit in hie face. This is almost equal to the case of the individual who went into a store and purchased a suit of clothes, and never suspected that he had nothought them at Granville Stokes' Temple of Fashion, No. SW Chestnut street, until he tried them on. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Ili SEE FOURTH PAGE ARRIVED Steatntug America, Virden, 8 hours from Cape May. Came up light. Reports ship John Sidney, for Belfast, prasing to sea at 11 A M yesterday; also bark Isabella (I Jones, for Liverpool. Brig Keotra, from Cuba, was be /VW Bombay Hook at 1 P Hi coming nix OLEARED. Ship Frank Bonn, Morse, Liverpool,P Wright & Sons. Brig W Zn Dodge, Anderson, Rio de Janeiro, J Mason & Co. Brig Almore, Hasa, Key West, J B Barley & Co. Brig Rebecca Sheppard, Somers, Key West, Tyler, Stone & Co. Sehr B B Sharp, Tirre'), Fortress Monroe, do Ohr Isabella Maria, (Br) ..Card, Demerara, Van Horn, Woods' orth & Bcbr Borizon, Jarvls, New York, R II Powell. Str J S Shrivor, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. MEMORANDA Ship Philadelphia, Poole, hence for Glasgow. before reporhed going Into St Thomas on her bum gads, had And ioakir gbactly—would have to discharge. Bark Ilonora Wilhelmina, Drummond, cleared at New Took yesterda, for Pltlindei 011ie Bark Theodore Curtis, from Wilmington, Del, for France, at St Thomas 23(1 inst. in distress—hail decks swept and leaking badly. Rarrk Alliance, Do Carteret, from Rio do Janeiro, via Delaware Breakwater; at Bate limark yeatorday_ NAVAL The IT S gunboat Quaker City arrived at St Thomas 2lat ult. from a cruise. The gunboat Iroquois sailed 16th on a cruise. CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST In the City, at 81 South InIUD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet and Mew*. 1a the pity, at 84 South THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Beet and Cheapen in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every oilier descrip tion of Printing, of the most superior quality, et the moat reasonable rates, st lIINGWALT & BROWN'S, Ihexeire Building s 94 South TRIED elavots 4404 4 Phila. Bank_ cox Bid. Ask. Elmira 75 69 70 Long Island B. 10% 107 i Leh CI & Nay.. 613; 62 Leh (Ark N Ecrp 853 i 88% N Penns 8.. 7 734 N Pa 11 (feint off 64 69% N Penns 108... 79 81 'Catnwines R Con 1X 2 Catewiesa Pref.. 5% 5% Fr & Soutiek R. 38 40 2d aai div off 48 49 Rae. lc V eta R. 3 6 W Phila R 51% 53 Spruce & Pine.. 9 93( Green & Goatee 18% 19 Cheat /t Walnut 30 31 Arch Street.... 16% 17 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS - JP TO 12 o'cLoor LAPP NUMP. OORTINZNIAL HOTZL--Ninth and Chestnut it.. E A FiHey, St Louis H Lester, Illinois A E Tracy & wf, St Louis D Wallace, Pittsburg Geo P Leo & is, Chicago Maj Montgomery, U S A Mre Montgomery 11114 s Montgomery Jamey Robio,on, Pittsburg N Holnios, Pittsburg Cant Carver, Indiana D Sohneck, Norristown T H Rice, Massachusetts 1' Tillinghast, New Tork II Thomas, Pennsylvania Geo F Pence, Boston Jr Skinner, Jr, Mass E Randall, New Jersey hI B Bramhall, Jr, N J Wm Il Wrigley, Worcester H D Janes, New York B Williamson, New Jersey Rollock k Is, N Beard Jas S Wheeler, Baltimore Mrs A X Foute, Balt Mrs Moore, Baltimore Mr Washburn &v 4 Hass Dire Willard a den, Boston W S Chase, Boston B Simon, Baltimore B K Smith, Jersey City D H Barbour, Pittsburg A M. Roberts & la, Bangor Miss Roberts, Bangor Miss Stanley, Bangor Miss Rich, Bangor C S D Fessenden, Maine F J Suydam, Now York M V L McClelland, Me T A Janes, Prot, RI Miss E Jenks, Pros. R I F J More St n•, Allentown B Hamlin, New York M A Park•, Richmond, Va Jon A llieetnnd, Lancaster E Tarot., england H Ogden, U S A Mrs N A Bennett, St LOlll3 Chas. E Seaver, Boston E Stevens, New Jersey Ashbel Welsh, New Jorsey W P Wilson, Bellefonte Geo F Loaves, Boston Adolph Simon, Baltimore Col N N Misted, N J S Payson, Boston .1 - Blair. Now Jests C Harris, Prov, It Col S LAM64I. Washington Jas M Cooper, ilttdburg W It Pye, St 'lonia It Abbott, Baltimore S Harlan, Delaware A Bennett, New York G R Beaman, Now York Mr Danforth. New York 3 G Deoring. Saco Mist; Litzenberg, Bothloh'm II Robinson, Delaware C Ridgway B Raymond, N Jrrsay F G Ducal, Baltimore W S Go.tteberger, N York J Ammer; Now York W Dimiek, No .v York Charles E Welling, Vt F W Parmentor, Troy, NY Z N Arregtrong, PA . . ... _ J C Garin, Toledo, Ohio I' H Osterander, N York Bent F Hory itz, Butt J Stetson, Boston '1" B Bronson, N York L Wiodmiller, N York Jos F Gay, Boston Jos C Jackson, Wash'n S Holman, Massachusetts Ali Bean & wr, N Y W Stephen, New York J B Merwiuo, Chicago J E Hanford, Brooldrn B 0 Tufts Su wf, Boston X Sutton, Now York Mitg 13/ohok, Poston Thos 11/ Howe, Pittsburg MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth et., below Arch. Cep Plaister, Boston F W Manson, New York S R Brown Mt Vernon, 0 G W Brown, Mt Vernon, 0 Miss Ennui° Brown, Ohio II C Fry, Pittsburg, Pa A W Patterson, Paris, Pa James L Taylor, lowa W Hawley, lowa eaml G Peters, Pike co, Pa Allan Cameron, Mass E L Wittnan, Harrisburg F B Guthrie, Warren, Pa A Peters & la, Lancaster 8 Brown, Long Island J Leary, Erie, Pa L C Moore J W Guthrie, Clarion, Pu E Goodsell, Washington C W Stein, Easton Joe Mahon, Shippensburg J Hutchinson, N York N Peters, Delaware AMERICAN HOTEL.—Ohestnnt NC, AWN, Flfih II J Colons, Wash'n, D C J C Williams, Smyrna, Del P Brady, Washington Lieut L Ii Fassett, Wash'n tergt J D Ward, Wash'n Sergt EII Shepherd, Wash Sergt W W Roller, Wash'n Sergt3o Wheeler, Waslen Lieut 0 W French, Wesh'n II N Deggett, Attleboro H Hondo, Philadelphia JIT Eicholtz,Downingtown D 3 Carrusey,Meehaniceb'g g C Roberts et Its Capt Colhon, Albany A Later, Ponnaylvanla W B Brinton \V S Goodrich, Chicago P Ferguson, New Haven J 0 Hinsdale, N York C I Morris, Auburn S P Howard, N York T P Itynder, Camp Curtin W Steadman, N York ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. II Robinson M Herbert J Clerk, lowa W Rosenbaum, I J B D Phillips, Boston John W Andrews, Pa N Winslow, Pennsylvania A 11 Benjamin & la, Wash. A Winters, N York J Husgen, Baltimore •=1 J Bragger, N Hampshire .1I) Arnest, Phila B H Brownson, Phila THE IMO/I—Arch Direct, above Tbiri7, J P Hoff, Easton, Pa P T Simons & lady, N Y D J Beggs, Canton, Ohio J Stevens, Connecticut 31 McKey, Albany Capt E W Barstow, Conn Miss Barstow, Connecticut C T Davie, New Jersey W H Belknap, Zanesville, 0 II Sprague, Columbus, 0 Miss DI Sprague, Columbue,O BTATEB llNloN—Market EtboTo Sixth. D Fulton, Maryland E 0 Eyster, Chambersburg It Fisber ' York, Pa H Blessing, York, Pa .1 Elder, Pittsburg W H Watt, Pittsburg Tiros E Watt, Pittsburg W C Bolt, Indian Tcrrit'ry A C Hughes, Pennsylvania G F Wilson, Elizabethto'n T C Woodward, lowa A Lewis, Lanc co, Pa Mr Herley & wf, Chicago COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. J R McClintock, Pa J McCrory, Maryland Miss L A Lamborn, Pa M Pennock - , Film, Del B Spear, Wilm, Del 13 F Pennypacker, I's A G M Prevost R Parker, Maryland J Menough, Chester co, Pa C Wiudle, Pennsylvania MADISON HOUSN—Second street, above Market. G Mihileton, Mt Holly, NJ C Buneieker, Athens, Fe J K Maryland S R tingelton, New Jersey Mrs Horner, Baltimore Mrs Williams, Delaware A Warner, Bucks co James Wilson, New Jersey John Wetherull, Penna. D Webster, Bucks co NATIONAL HOTEL—Bate street, above Third. S C Thomas, Pottsville O Oekamp, Obio L S Leslie, Buffalo A C Williamq Buffalo I/ Wilcox. Canton E P Ancona, Pennsylvania Thos Hurd, Pennsylvania H Kessler, Pennsylvania Capt Z B Kooken, Trappe TII lllmes, Williamsport BABLSY SHEAF--ilecond street, below Vine. Mrs C Herring & da G Smith & la, Shaming W L Willett, Washington S Dub ' Washington 13 Spring, Wyoming E Woodruff, Wyoming X B Burger, Wyoming G Ilitehnoek, Wyoming T Lewis, Yardleysvillo X' Stapler, Penna T Ely, Davisville Mr Craven, Northampton G Ilibhs, Tayloraville L Comly, Byherry • 11 Simpson, Bucks A G Brisgs, lirorestown,NJ Jas Smith, Gui..ks D Satterthwaite, Penna J 'names- Lumberville A Buckman, Bucks L C Wanameker, N Jersey J A Deer, Newtown W Gray & Is, New Jersey W Bette, Penna W Street, Oswego, N Y S N gayer, Illahopany, Pa W L Paxson, Bucks REVERE HOUSE—Tilirci street, above Baas. James Brown, Berke co, Pa Jacob Tida, Easton, Pa G M Whitaker, Penna 17 Terry, Pennsylvania .1 F Luther, New York '• BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Oallowbill. BAtril. Toni Mason, Dorleet'n 11 sandere, Kutztown NV Beane, Pucks co, Pa E Odenheirner, Etch Chunk Elias Beatinger, Quakeren BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill. E Artman, Quakertown Mahlon Artman, Zionsville John Gerling, Cleveland, 0 H Tomlinson, Byberry H Rorer. Olney Eli Cadwalwder, Penna. Cooper Bonds, &merlon T W Begony, Doylestown JMord, Boobs co J N Radcliff; Penna 7 Kephart, Penult MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second ek, ab. Arch. A 8 Ridge, Bucks co B F Griswold & la, N J Mrs Lydia Griswold, N J Robt Smith, Burlington, NJ SPECIAL NOTICES. THE BATTLE OF CLIFF CREEK. BY THE BARD OF TOWER HALL. Of Cliff Creek, lot the North Bing the triumphs of that dap, When to battle fierce came forth All Secessia's grim aray, And their rifles in the sun proudly shone. Boldly marched the Southern men Through the dark and misty glen ; Major General Crittenden Lod them on. But the Yankees formed a "Y," Which was coming to the point, And the traitors then might see That their plans were out of joint, Yet boldly to the charge on they go; But our phalanx stood toe shock Like an adamantine rock, And like a frightened flock, Fled the foe. Let Columbia's sons rejoice For the tidings of your mighti . Let your heroes hear our voice, Singing IDmtue of delight: But while you thus exult, freemen all, Let your outside fixtures not Be entirely forgot Think of that enticing spot, TOWER HALL, Where is still on hand the best assortment or Winter 61 outside fixtures" in Philadelphia, which are helms closed out at greatly reduced prices. Military Uniforms made to orderiit the shortest notice. TOWER HALL, No. 518 MARKET street, Philadelphia. it BENNETT dc CO. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST Snug, made inthe Beet Manner, expreeslyfor RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Priem' marked in Plain Tiguree. AU Goode made to Order warranted eatinfae tory. Our Onx-Patos SYSTEM iS etrictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. 0022-li JONES & CO., 804 MARKET Street. DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA ! DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or $1 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or $1 returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for $1 : or SI returned! DYSPEPSIA cured for $l, or $1 returned! WISIIART'S GREAT AMERICAN DYSPEPSIA PILL ill A wales Mire for DYSPEPSIA. I warrant a cure in every case, no matter if of twenty Years' Stand ing, or the money returned. Price $I per box., Sent by mail, free of charge, on receipt of the money. Depot, No.lo North SECOND St cet. feB.2m L. Q. C. WISH ART. J E M OFFICE OF THE ADAMS IN—S — USI3I. _:.EXPRXS9 COMPANY, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIILADELPIIIA, January 27, 1802. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilities at Washingtoa, D. C., by building a Railroad depot, and having &conked additional capacity for troneportation, are now prepared to forward Heavy Express freights, Packages, and Parcels, to Wash ington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South occupied by - the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements made for merchandize in large lots. Sutlers' goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at our office. Soldiers' parcels taken at much less the our usual rates. eavy and bulky packages received and rocairded far at our depot, B. E. corner of BROAD and LOCUST HELMBOLD'S UNIVERSALLY APPROVED Basmar.—Compound Extract Dacha cures Diseases of the Bladder, lehlueys, Cravat, Dropsy, Weaknee% 40. Bead the advertisement in another column. nob-the HAMBLZTON'S HAIR 'STAIN The most reliable article in use for coloring the Hair and Whiskers black or trown. Does not fade or wash out. Dumf, 228 SPRUCE Street. jal.B-4vonik DR. ROBERTSON'S VEGETABLE NERV obe CORDIAL; or, NATURE'S GRAND RESTORATIVE. The great romody for all Nervous Complaints, Debili ty, Prootrailon, Lownetio of Spirits, Ac. Pricy For sale by DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, Depot for all Popular Medicines jal-tbstf DR. ROBERTSON'S GOUT AND MIER'. MATIO Dnors—Tba only reliable - remedy for Ithetmt- Dem, Gout, &o: Price SI. For sale by DYOT,T & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Shoot, jell-wmtf Depot for all Popular Medicines. UPHAM'S HAM DYE, ONLY 38 CENTS Box.—Bottles larger than the Dollar Dyee. Colors in stantaneonely, and will not wash out. Try it. Sold only at UPHAWI3, 3/0 CHESTNUT Street. n027-wfaara THE PRESS. -PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, [862. LSKEY.—On the 6th instant, Tetossa Mary Lakey, in the 721.1 year of her age. Funeral from the reaidence of her husband, LOWie Laker, No, 1532 South street, this (Saturday) inorninft, atS o'clock. LIVEZEY.—On the sth instant, Susan. eldest daugh ter of William and Ann Liyozey, aged 17 years and 1 month. Funeral fram the residence of her parents, No. 607 South Third street., on Sunday afternoon, at half past 2 o'clock. 111113 BARD.—EM the sth instant. Mr. John F. Hubbard_ MARTIN —On the 6th instant, Kate Elizabeth, only daughter of Joseph and Catharine Oray, and wife of John J. Martin, aged 22 years awl 2 months. Funeral from the residence of her father, No. 424 North Tenth street, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. * PdORTIMORE.—On the 6th instant, Mrs. Mary, relict of the late Samuel Mortimore, in the 65th year of her age. BE SS 0 N & SON, MOURNING STORE, No. 918 CHIN MUT Street. (Goods re ceived January rah to 31st.) Black and white striped and check Silk.a; Shepherd plaid silks; black Poult de Soles and aloes) , Silks ; English Chintzes and De Laines; Balmoral Skirts; Lace and Bivie, a Bullies; Lace Sleeves Crepe Caere .; Blanket Shawls; Thibet Long Shawls, extra sizes; Tarlatan Bonnet Ruches; Silk and Cotton Blonde Neck Roches Large Crimp English Crapes; Love and Grenadine Voile: Crape Veils; Wide Hemmed Handkerchiefs; Mull and Piping Sets; double-width Black aleueselines, &c. fc7 07. REV D. S. BURNETT WILL PREA.CR TO•D1OBIO\ti, at the Church in TWELFTH Street, below MELON. Baptism in the evening. lt* 07. REPUBLICAN CITY CONVENTION.— An adjourned meeting will be hold, at the County Court House, SIX.TH and CHESTNUT Streets, MON DAY-EVENING, February 10, at 7}i o'clock. feS-2f* CIIIIS. nuntramys, Secretary_ SECOND UNITARIAN SOCIETY, WASHINGTON KeLE, SPRING GARDEN SI, above Eighth.—SUNDAY, February 9, the Rev. WEL U. FURNESS will officiate in the morning; the Rev. FRE DERICK FROTRINGHA9I in the evening. Serviced to commence at a quarter before 11 o'clock A. M., and 1.t4 o'clock P. 111. /t* i. THE SAFE SIDE... LECTURE, TO-MORROW EVENING. by Rev. A. C. THO MAS, Universalist Church, LOMBARD Street, above FOURTH. Morning service at half-past 10. lt* try. REV. D. S. BURNET, OF CINCIN NATI, will preach in the Meeting-house on TWELFTH Street, below MELON, TO-MORROW, Lord's Bay, at HIM A. M. and 734 P. M. Baptism in the evening. Seats free. lt* rfr. GREAT MISSIONARY ANNIVER SARY, iu UNION M. E. CHURCH, FOURTH Street, below ARCH. SAl3ll , O'll Morning, at - log o'clock, Rey. R. L. DASIIIELD, of Newark, N. J.; at 3 o'clock, addresses by Dr. DURBIN, and others; at 7 o'clock, preachingly Dr. MIMI N. Seats free. lt* •THE PILGRIM'S SONG.' , —REV. Dr. ADAMS, au I 1 is aubj6B.l, E.4.11DA.T11, 3S P. M., AMERICAN MECHANICS' MALL, FOURTH Street, below GIRARD Avenue. Prayer•meeting at 3 o'clock. lt* J. NOLEN, Sup't. 1:5—• NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH, LCHERRY Street, west of TWENTIErII. Divine - Service on SUNDAY, at /ON A. M. Lecture at ix P. N.—subject, "Charity. lt* TrFIRST REFOR MED DUTCH CIIURIJII, SEVENTH and aPRING GARDEN Streets.— Rev. J. F. BERG, D. D., will preach on. SABBATH MORNING, February 9th, at 10S o'clock, and the Rev. G. 11. FISHER, D. in the Evening, at 7,34 o'clock. us. CHURCH OF THE METHATOR, and LODIBA LSD Streef.l. SUNDAY EVENING, 7) o'clock, a meeting in be half of the Religious Welfare of the Army and Navy. Bishop POTTER will preside. Addresses expected from one or more Chaplains of the Army anti others. A col lection. It* cm. SOLDIERS' MEETING.—THE MEET ING to promote the Spiritual interest" of our Soldiers will bo htld on SUNDAY EVENING, Fobrnary 9th, in the Fifth-street 111. E. Church, runt Street, below GREEN, at 7M o'clock. Addressee will be deli vered by the Pastor, Bev. E. T. Kenney ; Dr. Junkin, aed Rev. J. H A. Bomberger, D. D. The public are cordially invitkd to attend, end to assist in promoting the object of the meeting. lt* IrrTILE NEN* FRANKLIN ASSOCIA TION, by special request, will bold a CON • CERT, at SA NbOR-STREET CHURCH, MONDAY EVENING, lOth inst. Thane will be good music, good addressee; altogether, the grectlestnovetty of the 300.3011. All are incited. The Ladies will be sure to attend. Ad mission 10 cents, at the door, for the association. Coni mence at half past 7. A. W. SPENCER, ftB-2t Secretary. ocrCARD.—MY THANKS ARE EMI ITENTL DUE, and are hereby tendered, to the Fire Companies that were in strviee, and to the Polies of the Fifteenth Ward, for their well.thrected and suc cessful efforts in arresting the progress of the fire at LIP'S BREWERY, on the night of the sth inst., and thus saving my manufactory from serious damage. Without being deemed invidious where all are deserving of praise, I feel it my duty to mention the valuable ser vices rendered by the Diligent Steam wire 'Engine, the Weotcro And intineudvnce Hand Engines, the Empire Hook and Ladder Company. Also, Sergeant Orr and Officers Kruss, Nulty, and Idailaughlin, of the Police. It* TIIOIIAS POTTER.. 07. SPIRITUALISM.—MISS LAURA DE FORCE, of Wisconsin ' a medium, and one of tho most able and eloquent lecturers of the age, is now in thecity and will apaak at BANOOIti-STREET HALL, on SUNDAY, at 10}i A. M. and 7 P. M. Admission 5 cents. ltit acr LECTURES FOR THE TIMES, AT CONCERT HALL. J. A. SEISS, F. D., THURSDAY, February 13, on 40 • St. Paul and Martin Lu th er." - C. P. RRAUTH, D. D., FRIDAY, February 21, on Washington Hie Life, Character, and Opinions, with special reference to our Ulnae." Rev. E. W. NUTTER, THURSDAY, February 27, on "Our Country." . . Tickets, 25 cents; Course Tickets, 50 cents; Double Tick, ts,pl—for sale at the Lutheran Publication House, No. 42 North NINI H Street, and at the principal Book stores. Exercises to commence at a Quarter before eight o'clock. fe8.20 ca. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST 001i1TANT, WALNUT Street, South east corner of FOURTH, PHILADELPHIA, February 6, 1862. At the annual election by the Stockholders, held on MON DAY, January 6, the following gentlemen were elected Trustees, viz: Alexander Whilldin, J. Edgar Thomson, George Nugent, Hon. James Pollock, Albert 0. Roberta, 11. H. Eldridge, Samuel Work, And at a meeting of said Trustees, held THIS DAY, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year, yin DyOFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OP rusLio WIIARYNS AND LANDINGS, Col. Thorpe wee a resident of Louisiana for twenty years, and is perfectly familiar with the history and cha racter of Danis, Stephens,Beauregard, Wise, Mason, Slidell, Bishop Pont, and other noted Secessionists, which he will illustrate by anecdotes, incidents, and stories, both comic and tragic. fe7-3t* DTOFFICE OF THE nELEANeft fitru: TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILA. DELPHIA, February u, 1862. At an Election, held on the 3d inst., in pursuance of the charter, the following-named gentlemen were chosen Directors of this company for the ensuing year, viz: Clem. Tingley, Samuel Blapham, William R. Thompson, Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, William Mower, William Stevenson, Benj. W. Tingley, John It. Worrell, Marshall Hill, H. L. Carson, J. Johnston Brown, Robert Toland, ' Charles Leland, G. D. Rosen 'tartan, Jacob T. Minting, Charles S. Wood, Smith Bowen, James B. Woodward, John Bisset, Pittsburg. And at a meeting of the Board, hold this day, Clem Tingley ' Esq., was re-elected President. fe6-theta 6t 11. M. RINCEIMAN, Secretary. JOHN BINGHAPJ, Suporintendent. MARRIED . KOHN—WOLYIP,—On the sth instant, by tho Roy, /moo Lamer, fir. I). Kohn to Miss Emma L. Wolf!: DIED. ADAMS.—On Thursday evening 4 February Q, 1862, Charles J. Adams. aged 33 years. Ills friends and those of the family are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral, on Monday morning next, at n o'clock, from his lake rebiabnce, No. MG germ:a street. Funeral to proceed to Wilmington, Delaware. -* CRAM.—On the 6th instant, after a brief illness, Louisa M., youngest daughter of Mary and the late Samuel Cram. Tho relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her mother, No. 1816 Lee street, (between Chestnut and MMkot) title Jgaiurdoo tatertßovil, at 2 0 4 CAPVic, with out further notice. WlLhati.—On the sth instant, Thomas youngest son of John and Mary A. Wilson, in the Int year of his age. His friends and those of the family are invited to at• tend hie funeral from his father's residence, No. 762 Erie street, below Fitzwater street; this (Saturday) afternoon, Bth instant, at 2 o'clock. 111DIEDN.--On the evening of the 26th ultimo, at Camp Leslie, Joseph Dyson, of Company L, Captain Hardy. The relatives and friends of the family, 10140 the mem bers of Delta Lodge. 80. 31, I. O. of K. T., are invited to attend the funeral. Service at the Bluckley Baptist Meeting NOMA', to-day. at 2.30 P. M. K trOY.D.—on the rah instant, Eliza, daughter or William RH Nary Akrayd, aged 8 menthe. Funeral from the residence of her grandfather, George Glattey, Franialin *Arad, Germantown, on Sunday after noon, at 2 o'clock. SCIINITT.—On the 4th instant, Hrs. Charlotte, wife of Francis Schmitt, in the 42d year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 524 Prune'strect, Ibis (Saturday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. * RODNEY.—On the Bth 'natant, Elizabeth, wife of John 11 Rodney, and youngett daughter of John H. and iilisithellt Frederick. aged 21 Years. . . Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 01.6 North Eleventh street, on Monday morning, at 10 o'clock. MUSIC BY THE GERMANIA ORCHESTRA Preaident_—Alosanday WWlMtn. Vice Preeident—Samnel Work. Actuary—John C. Sims. Secretary and Treasurer—John S. Wilson. JOHN S. WILSON, Secretary and Treasurer, Pitli.AbNi.riiiA, J... 29, 1842 NOTICE.—The following-named wharves and landings will be leased - at public auction, for a term of one or three yeara ' to the highest and beet bidder, at the MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, on WEDNESDAY, 12th day of February, at 12 o'clock, noon : On the Delaware. On the Set itylkilL. Dickereen-at. landing. Callomihilidat. lauding, (west Weebingten-St, whfaide,)Chrietian- et. do. Race-et. wharf. Lomat-et. landing. Pine. st. wharf. Lembard-et. wharf and landing. South-st. lending. Catharine-O. landing. Davis' landing. In llfarkel-et. wharf and laud. ings (south side.) Noble-at. whf., lot, and Idg Gresn-st. do. do. Contes-st. do. do. Green lane landing. feB-3t* N. T. BAROUX, Commiasioner THE GREAT REBELLION.—COE. T. B. THORPE, of Brooklyn, N. Y., will deliver a lecture, in CONCERT lIALL, on MONDAY EVE- NniV, /oth inst. on "The Ridden Canses, or Inside 'View of the Great Rebellion." Tickets 25 cents, to be had at the Boolkstores and Hall. PII/LATJELIFWA ZRIE RAIL, MAD. PTITIJADILPIITA, January 20. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the PHILA DELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the office, N 0.324 WALNUT Street, on MON DAY, the 10th day of February next, at 10 o'clock A. M. At this meeting an election will be held for TEN MANAGERS of the Company, to serve for one year. The polls to close at 2 o'clock P. M. W. ffibiYAßD 61.6140 - fit', Secretary. Ja2l-tuthe-tfelo orINSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, February 3, 1862,—The Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SIX PEE CENT., or Twelve Dollars per Share, payable to the Steckholdera or their legal ;v. prontatiyo on tiunianti. WIDL H lAR ARPER, fe4-10t secretary. AtFIRST TROOP, PHILA.- DELPBTA CITY CAVALRY.—Tho Troop will assemble in mounted undress uniform, with overcoats, at the ARMORY, on 'MONDAY, Feb. 10th, at Lail' pad 0 A. M., to attend the flattered of CHARLES J. ADAMS, By order of the Lieutenant Commanding. feB-2t* FAIRMAN ROGRb 8, Orderly Sergeant. az 50,000 TRIUMPHE D'GAUD, the largest and best Strawberry; 50,000 Peach Trees, of the beet market varieties Applee, Pears, Cherries. and Plume, of tho (meet certain bearing kiade; Rasp berries, Blackberries, Rhubarb and Asparagus Roots, for sale low. Sand for catalogues, gratis. • WILLIAM PAT Ay, tce-3tO CINNAMIRSON, COWPERTHWAIT & CO., DRY GOODS, N. W. CORNER OF EIGHTH AND MARKET STS., PI7ILADELPITTA. We ha•e now in gore for talc, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, One of the LARGEST, and BEST SELECTED Stock's of DRY GOODS to be found in the city, comprising all the POPULAR ➢LAKES OF MOWS, bleached and Unbleached, each na Wan:sulfa, Magnolia, Williamsville, Utica, Boot Mills, Mendota, Red Bunk, . Androscoggin, Pokonoket, Bates, Green Company, Wilton, Lawrence, Black Rock, ./. And a variety of °them all of which we are selling LOWER TERN THE PRESENT MARKE T BATES. Also, a large lot of NEW STYLE PRINTS, AT 12t CENTS PER YARD. Also, 50 pieces of NEW STYLE MERRIMACK PRINTS AT 15 CENTS PER YARD. Together with a largo assortment of BLANKETS, FLANNELS, TABLE LINENS, and feS•tf DRESS GOODS_ CHEAP MUSLIMS AND FL ilN- NlCLl3.—Having made large purchases of Muslius and Flannels FOR CASH, (Not from I:ank-nip Merchants, but from merchants Mho are not kutlerllpti) ire are able to sell them much below the present retail prices. Williamsville Muslim] at 17 cents by the piece. Rhode Island Water Twist at 15c a Black and White Rock at 14c if Li 7.ebanon tong Cloth at 13c u itt Good Qualities at 12;4c. 3 cases Good Mueline at Bc. 2I yards wide Bleached Sheeting at 31c. 231 do do do do Tic. 3 do do do do 37ge UNBLEACHED MUSLIN& 3 bales Stark Mills yard wide, very heavy, 15c. 2 bales Portsmouth I;6' yard wide, very fine, 14c. I: case Unbleached Cotton Flannel 11c. bale 28 inch Ballard Vale Flannel 1 hale % Rall.rd Vats Flannel. 1 bale 4.4 Ballard Yale Flannel. 11. nTEEL & SON, feS No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Oostell. RAINES' LIST OF MUSLINS.-I have now in store all 'of the fol lowingmakes, which I offer at prices which I believe to be lower than they can be lied: . . . . BLEACHED, 1 lot Ai wide and good at S cents. 1 case extra heavy at 10 cents. 1 lot fine and ,7,c wide, 10 cents. 1 case yard wide, 11.3 i cents. 1 case heavy New Market, 12,s'e, worth at least 14C. 1 case Greene Manufacturing Company, full yard wide, 1234 c. 1 case Red Bank's, very close, full 37 inches n 440, 12*, 2 cases heavy htouneitteper's, in cents. 1 case Mendota's, as fine all" Williamsville, 10 cents. 1 case Wameuttas,of the most desirable finish. 1 case Williamsvile, just fresh opened. 1 case New York Mills, which are the best made. 1 lot 21( wide Sheeting, 28 cents. 1 lot 234 wide Sheeting, 31M cents. 1 case 2N wide Sheeting, 35 cepts Y. case best Utica Sheeting, 23( wide, MN cents. 1 case best Utica Sheeting, 2 . 31 wide, 40 cents. Fine unbleached at 9c; heavier do. at 10c ; very fine, 33-inch wide, at 12'%c; full yard wide do., 123(c; and all the heavy 4.4 goods, such as Stark's, New Markets, Lawrence's, Liticas, Bates', kc., which I will sell very chespi Sheeting, 2,4 v.-me, 31 Ai cents, There is also a large assortment of other domestics, such Ma CAliobrotl, Ginghams Drillings, Tickinge, &c., to be had at the great Muslin Emporium. G O.AIIVILLE B. S, 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. P. B.—Tuet opened 4 cases Pokonoket bleached Mus lim, at c that are being sold at 14e, and wore never sold less than 12,56 c when cotton was at the lowest. feer-3t JAS. R. CAMPBELL & Co., IMPORTERS, AND CASH DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. Having organized a RETAIL DEPARTMENT in connection with their WHOLESALE TRADE, will ex hibit, at all seasons, a *le of Croode by the yard, piece, or package, at such rates as to commend their stock to the attention of cash buyers. jaSS-tf TUNDKIISIGNED have formed, THE ti flnpartnerehipi under the firm of JAIIRETOFIE d: LAVERGNE, for the transaction of a general. Com. mission and Importing business, at 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. F. JAUEE WILE, feB-1m F. LAVERGNE. HAVING DISPOSED of our interest in the late firm of JAURETCHE & CARSTAIRS, we give notice to all persona Indebted, and those having Claims, to present them for settlement to JAURETCHE lz LAVERGNE, who are duly authorized to settle the TAE SUBSCRIBER, late of the firm of JAURETCHE 8t CARSTAIES, gives notice that be will continue in the Importing and Commission toviness followed by his late firm. feB-3t CHARLES 8. CiItBTAIRS. CHEAP CARPETINGS. GAILY l BROTHER Have removed their stock of °arsenous to N 0.19 SOUTH FOURTH S MEET, • Where they will offer them for sale at low prices, not withstanding the great advance in the wholesale prices. Housekeepers will find it to their advantage to call. FLOOR OM OLOTIIB. A large lot of Remnants to be sold very cheap. CARPET-BAG, CARRIAGE AND Lane-STOOL MAKERS can be supplied with Remnants of Carpets low. gar Our entire stock is positively to be closed out. GAILY 'lc BROTHER, feB.stuth3t No. 19 South FOURTH St., up stairs. NOTICE TO HELPLESS INVA LIDS.-RUTIFS PATENT APPARATUS, for removing Invalids without pain or inconvenience, and one person can remove the largest person with ease. The Apparatus can be seen at DR. Me CLENACHAN'S, No. 50 North SEVEN'II Street. N. B.—State rights for sale. feB-3t* CIRAY OR DISCOLORED HAIR .A DYED a beautiful Black or Brown, at GEAR KUNST'S, FOURTH and BRANCH. feS•tf if GENTLEMEN WOULD DO WELL by calling on DILKS & KENSIL, 139 North NINTH Street, above CHERRY, and have their old Garments made to look equal to new, by cleansing, or dye ing and repairing, CORSETS DE PARIS.—Noun aeons recu de Paris, it y a quelques jours, nue graude as sortment de Corsets et de cerceaux. Its sent le premier qualia et pas cher. 107 South TENTH Street, pres de CHESTNUT lt* P ATENT BLACK rAtia,FFINE TABNlSH—Suitable for Ranges, Stores, Stove Pipes, and all kinds of Ircn, Tin, and Wood work. For durablity, beauty, and economy it is unequalled. For sale by WATE 33IAN S LEE, 123 South FOURTH St., below Chestnut, sole agents for the patentee. it* WHITE FISH.-145 half bbls. No. 1 White Flab, for eale by 0. 0. BADLER do 00., feB 103 Allaa Street, 2d door above Front. William J. Howard, Jonas Baosuel T. Bodine, John Aikman, Charles F. Heazlitt, Hon. Joseph Allison, ERRING.-195 bbls. No. 1 Ha ll- ring, for sale by C. C. SADLER & CO., feB 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. ITHE ATTENTION OF ALL Lovers or. fine Pictures is direTted to 44MEW% 0010, tot above dreen. ale colored iilotograpoe are of decided merit and beauty. Only $l. .ARMY AND NAVY 'PAY COL LECTED .—Aleo, arrears of pay for resigned, discharged, supernumerary, and deceased officers—Boun ty money—Census money—Contractors' pay—Dischat gas —Extra pey—Land warrants—Pensions—Prize money— Recruiting - Expousee Stnte Fey Subsistence and Transportation, procured by ALBERT POTTS' Army and Navy Agency, N. E. corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets. ja22.lm* rp RUSS E 3! BRACES ! ! SUP- J. VaTEBF. I I I I 0, W. tenor BACK and TWELFTH Street, Practical Adjuster of Trut Bea and Mechanical Appli. Maces, baa cenetactly on hand a large and varied stock ol elegant Froth. Trusses, and a complete assortment of beet a Illerictn. ine± and /modem Supporters and felts, Shouldsr Braces, Suspensories, 0.314.44, Heal, Pewicriee, Ladies' Department conducted by ladies, TWEL7'TII Street, drat &or below Race. n027-illks SZ. GOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRING • GARDEN Street, sells double extra Family Flour, fancy brand, at S 7 eer barrel. ial7-tuthetf EVERYBODY BUYS BTJOK WHEAT FLOUR of S. Z. GOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street, became he sells none but the very beet. ' jall-tuthad YOU WANT GOOD FLOUR, GO to S. Z. GOTTWALS', No. 512 SPRING GARDEN Street. 7alT-tutheti ARMY EXPRESS CO., This company laying established an agency in this city, is prepared to forward TO BALTIMORE, WABBINGTON, ALEXANDRIA, ANNAPOLIS, FORTRESS MONROE, NEWPORT NEWS, PORT ROTA; TO NEW YORK, DOSTOL AND EASTERN CITIES Heavy Goods should be delivered at DEPOT, corner of BROAD and PRINZ Streets, before FOUR O'CLOCK P. IL, where our Clerk will give a BM of Lading. SMALL rABOELS 0/1417LE BE LEFT AT OFFICE FREIGHT AT VERY LOW BATES DELIVERED Goods for the EMIT at our Mee in CHESTNUT Street. PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN NEW TORS, 32 BROAD- RETAIL DRY GUMS UNBLTEAGIIED COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. CHARLES B. CAB STAIRS THOMAS CARSTAIRS. 0. H. NEEDLE& 337 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ALL KINDS OF GOODS THE 8017THENN BLOCKADING BQOADION 887 CHESTNUT STREET IN WASHINGTON DAVIS, BELDEN, & Co., MANAGERS. D. GREENE, SUPERINTENDENT Of THE COMPANYT 1120 mw/ER NEW PVIILICATIONS L EVER'S MILITARY NOVELS. WITII ILLUSTRATED MILITARY COVE , PRINTED IN FIVE COLORS. PETERSON'S CHEAP EDITION FOR THE MILLION. Complete in Ten Volumes. Price Fifty Cents each T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 306 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, publish this day " CHARLES O'AIALLEY, THE IRISH DRA -1300N,11 being the first ems reedy a a Now and Uniform Military Edition of the Celebrated O'MALLEY NOVELS. They are the Celebrated Military Novels of CIIARLES LEVER, and are issued with beautiful MILITARY - ILLUSTRATED COVERS Printed in five different colors, from new and original designs, making them the most attractive Books for the times in the world. c< CHARLES O'MALLEY, THE IRISH DRA GOON," is published in this style, this day, and " JACK HINTON, THE GUARDSMAN," and all the others will follow, in the same style, at once. The whole will be issued in Ten Volumes, uniform with this new edition of CHARLES O'MALLEY. Priee Fifty Cents Each, and will be sent anywhere, free qi potaga, at Fifty Cents Each. Booksellers, Butlers, News Agentsland others, will be supplied, by the hundred, at very low rates. Remit Fifty Cents in a letter at once, and, have a sample copy of tcO'MALLEY, THE IRISH DRAGOON," sent you per first mail, free of postage. Their names are as follows CHARLES O'MALLEY, THE IRISH. DRAGOON. JACK HINTON, THE KNIGHT OF GWYNNE. HARRY LORREQUER TOM BURKE OF " OURS." CON CREGAN'S ADVENTURES. KATE O'DONOGHUE. HORACE TEMPLETON. DAVENPORT DUNN. ARTHUR O'LEARY Booksellers, News Agents, and all others will please send on their orders at once for what they may want of any of the above books, all of which will be supplied by the dozen, hundred, or thou sand, at very low. rates. Copies of say of the above will be sent at ones, free of postage, on remitting the amount of the one wanted to the Publishers in a letter, r The Cheapest place in the world to buy books of all kinds is at T. B. PETERSON it BROTHELS', Philadelphia." Send far their Catalogue and look over it, and then order what ever you. may want. Booksellers, News Agents, Sutlers, and all others, will be supplied with any quantities of any books published, at the lowest net cash prices, on sending their orders to them. Address all orders, to receive prompt and im- mediate attention, to the Publishers, T. B. PETERSON & 13R05., NO. 306 CHESTNUT STREET, It PHILADELPHIA THE ALUMNI OF THE HIGH SCHOOL. Just Published, A New and Beautiful Edition of MISTAKES OF EDUCATED MEN. LBIC JOHN S. HART, LL. H. 124n0, Muslin. Gilt, Price 50 cents. do. Paper Covers, 25 rents. T. C. GARRIGUES, Pubßeiter, /48 South FOURTH Street, feo-61 4 t- Philadelphia TO ARMY SURGEONS. JUST PUBLISHED eitiffilt - a'6 SURGERY OF WAR. COMMENTARIES ON THE SURGERY OF THE WAR IN PORTUGAL. SPAIN, FRANOS, AND THE NETHCRLANDS, From the battle of Rolica, 10150, to that of Waterloo, in /SID, *Rh additions relating to these in the CRI MEA, in 1854-55; showing the improvements made during and since that period iu thogreat art and science of Surgery on all the subjects to which they relate. By G. 3_ GUTHRIE, F. R. S Ole YQI. Nap. MACLEOD'S SURGERY OF THE CRIMEAN WAR. NOTES ON THE SURGERY OF THE WAR IN THE CRIMEA, with Remarks on the Treatment of Gunshot Wounds. By GEORGE IL B. MACLEOD. D., F. R. O. S., Eurgeon to the General Hospital in Camp before Sebastopol, Lecturer on Military Surgery in Anderson's University, Glasgow, etc., eto. One vol. 12mo. $1.50. NW The above works will be forwarded by mail, post paid, on receipt of the price by the publishers, J. D. LIPPINCOTT k CO., PHILADELPHIA N ATIONAL LOAN. JAY COOKE 84; Co.. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, ARE PREPARES T 6 YUANISE TO PUncussEns, AT THE MARKET RATE, SEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS PERCENT. TREASURY NOTES, IN AMOUNTS AND DENOMINATIONS TO SUIT. fe4-12t U NION ENVELOYES UNION ENVELOPES! UNION ENVELOPES! OVER 350 DIFFERENT STYLES Country Storekeepers supplied with twenty-five 01 a million. AT THE VERY LO MAGEE'S WEST PRICES, Union Parer and Envelope Manufactory, No. 318 CHESTNUT Street, Corner of HUDSON dtreet. REMEMBER, 318 CHESTNUT Street. feB.3t Q Z. GOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRING • GARDEN Street, eelle the very beet Corn Meal at 2 cents per pound. jal7-tutheff E." S. EARLEY, SUEZIII3IILIAG Santhwest et rem of TV and CONlllNfignek, Philaditpb To COIN COLLECTORS.—For sate, at public auction, a valuable collection of American and Foreign Coins, Medals, Autographs, Numismatic Works, Catalogues, &c., at BANGS A; CO., 596 BitOAD WAY, New York, en the 10th and 11th inst., at 6 P. rd. For efitaloglieS, aiiiirooe ED SVAIID °awl, Box 1205 T. P. O , or the Auctioneers. fe7.3t* !FOR SALE—A fine, well-built three-story brick HOUSE, with three-dory back lmildinge, and all the modern improvements. Location desirable. Very low. 82,000 can remain. Inquire at S. E. corner TIIIRD and 'RACE Streets. fed-3t,* ROOMS TO LET IN NORTH SEVENTH Street, atove Arch street, east aide. One room on Met floor. Two rooms on second floor. Two rooms on third floor. Inquire at the southeast corner of MARKET and FIFTH Streets. fe3-If WANTED -A SITUATION AS BOOK-KEEPER by r Young Man, a grtelnate of Crittenden's Commercial College. Reference satisfac tory. Address "J. C. 1..," at this Unice. 11.3-stik PARTNER WANTED—In the Paint; Oil, and - Varnish Business, in a house established and now doing a good business. Address Box 720 Post Mee. 1L AVANTED- A PRINTER, who un derstands Press Work on Hot's large Cylinder Press, Hand Press work, and is is good Job Compositor. Also, a DCtY, about 17 years old—one who has some knowledge of the Jab Printing businma, and Mb Wafk a Gordon or Ruggles Press. Address "Printer," this of fice. feii-at* PARTNER WANTED, with fifteen hundred or two thousand dollars cash, in the "Sut ler" business. Appointment secured. Address How ard," Prexa office. feB-ffi* THE I:IIJAEDSMAN TO PRINTERS - AND PUBLISH ERS.—Wanted to Durchaee, the one-half interest in a well•established City or Country NEWSPAPER. By sending GOT. stating terms, and addressing J.," at this Office, the snbject will meet with prompt atten tion. fist-St WAN T E D—A second-hand Sta tionary Steam Engine, of from 60 to 70-Horst Power. Address, stating particulars, "Box 1155 Post Othce." de2l-tf lUNITED STATES MARIN 1418.- Wanted, immediately. f... 0%. United !glutei; Marine Genii, SEVEN HUNDRED ABLE:BODIED MEE tor sea atrvice, between the ago; of eighteen and forty years. All information that may be reguired will be given at the Rendezvous 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, ja3l-12t Recruiting Officer. COAL OlL—Manufactured at the Philadelphia Carbon Oil Works, Thirtieth and Race streets Warranted non-explosive, and equal to any be the market. Burning Oil, Lubricating Oil, and Benzine: For sale, in lots to suit. by BENJAMIN R. SMITH, Agent, feB.6t* No. 111 South FRONT' Street. COAL OIL! COAL OIL! GEORGE W. WOOrIITEN, 38 SOUTH SECOND STREET, AGENT FOR THE NORTH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY. MANUFACTURERS OF COAL OIL, AND RE FINERS OF COAL AND CARBON OILS. WE, E. JOHNSTON; President GEO, OGDEN, Secretary. Also, Agent for BEERS, JUDSON, Bs.BEERS' Patent Glass Cones for Lampe, and wholesale dealer in Dith ridge's Patent Oval (fire -proof) and Eastern Flint-Glees Chimneys, Lamps, !to. Burners to burn.Ceal Oil Without Chimneys. Cash buyers or prompt payers are. respectively invited to examine our stock. ja3o-1m OIL! OIL!! OIL!!! HULBIERT & BRODHEAD, Having opened a General Depot for the Sale of Extra Refined and Lubricating COAL OILS, would call the special attention of dealers and consumers to their Defined ILLUMINATING OIL, as it Doesesikes merit beyond anything heretofore offered In thianiarket, being entirely free from that gluey substance and bad odor which characterize that commonly sold in this market, produces no smoke, and is free from all explosive properties. jar Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. ials.lm AYE SALE AND TO LET. _ ga SPLENDID STORE STAND TO LET. The tanssteigned offerer to tut the well-known' Ma long eatituhak.l /norm, with tiainpm complete, altunrial MAIN STREET, Opposite the SUN HOTEL, BETHLEHEM, PA. Between the Stores of JAC,'DB BICE and WILLIAM. LUCKENBACIL Ito t inci,dro of the Infr.ineei portion or tile Own, Thie SUE LIU heell occupant for a number of years by A. GHIDEIi S CO. Favorable terms will 'Ns , offered to a good reliable bitsi- Wag loan. Apply to WM_ LUOICENBACI-1, BierllLlittlfAT, PA. 105424 FOR SALE—The Flittiture, Fixtures, and Gond-will of a wi11...444,114'0 first-clama Bonwling-Louse (25 rowan). (milting a a uteliv au mire- New doing a prof' rabbi Luninnnn. 15nnt, moderate - , Salim factory rensnnH given for erllipg ova. Addrese " . X. W.," ilex 1901, Pont Office, Philadelphia:. F olt SAL E—Or.. easy tering, a BUM Large Factory Building, aititaia'Sn the Fimrteentit ward, 110 by 150, three fronts i containing Shafting, En gine, Crane, and Cupola. The above "remises can• he used for a Cotton Mill or Foundry, having formerly Len , used for both. For further particulars apply to .T% WATE EIS. 110 South FOURTH Street. fuEl YOR RENT— A modern Itegirlonet?, &nil. with Furniture, to a private family. Teruel mode rate. Located WALIFETT Street, west or Brood. Addrom 'lll. W. J.," Press - (Mice. feB FOR BALE CHEAP—Valuable Farm, 133 acres. rretwr Williarnstown, Carrion C./ Pew Jersey, with good iniltrovottioldii. only twautyzeight miles from the City. Mae, several Farms to exchange. Price only $5,000. Terme easy. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 300 WALNUT ii•reet. feB FOR SALE, CHEAP—Two fine Fruit Farms near Dover, Delaware, convenient to Railroad Station, with good improvements. Terms easy. Possession this spring. Apply to Be PETTIT, ].Do. 309 WALNUT 9ki-4.a. ffi di FOR RENT.—Store No. 331 Mai , - uta ket street. store No. 23 North 'Fourth street. Possession March 1. House No. 539 Spruce street. Germantown Douse, corner Green and Harvey streets. Gernomtown noose, Rittenhormr, woet. nr Green street. WILLIAM IL BACON; 10 . .6M 331 MARKET Street. WANTS. ILLUMINATING OILS O. 240AROM STREET, PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. w. are now prepared to imply thb BTAKDARD ILLITKINLTING OIL AM GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOOSE & 00., Sous A.OSWTS, 1010 MAEKET STREET, Philadelphia GOLD AND SILVER AND QUARTERMASTERS' CERTIFICATES, Bought and sold. 7 3-10 TREASURY NOTES Furnished at a liberal discount. DREXEL & Co. fe7.lm GEORGE J. BOYD, BANKER, NO. 18 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Orr QUARTERMASTER'S CERTIFICATES, City Warrants, Bank Notes, Specie, dec., dealt in. STOCKS and BONDS bought And mold on ja2B-M GOLD AND SILVER - BOUGHT AND SOLD, BY JAY COOKE & Co:: No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. te4-121 $l,OOO to Loll .$ 0. 3 34 0 0r 0 t . 0— 5 . 6 T o rG h i amount dil ent. Apply tp E, PETTIT, ja29 No. 309 WALNUT Street. GOVERNMENT LOANS. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DOIJO - HT AND BOLD, JAY COOKE & Co., 114 BUTS l'lllllD OTBICET, $3130 0 - A FIRST-GLASS DI • proved GROUND BENT of this amount for sake, at a liberal discount. Apply to Z. PETTIT, No. 509 WALNUT Street. QUARTERMASTERS' -v CERTIFICATES, BOUGHT AND SOLD, BY JAY COOHE ea Co., No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. fe4-12t MILITARY CIOODS. SKY-BIAUE CASSIMERE, FOR NEW AMY EntiIMATION PANTS, OF A ALPER - 10R QUALITY, FOR OFFICERS' USE. FOR nix BT ALFRED BLADE RI 00., 40 Sinh. FRONT strett, and 39 LETPrig Sitaot fel.3m A RMY CAP BUTTONS AND manufacttlantit at Finn Saint and et/LI:11111 IA fe6-1/11* BRASS BYKLETS BRASS EYE. LETS !• 54r 731aaketm nr.N Leggings.. Street, rind COLVItBIII. Avelino. E. rvlas. fr6-Im* • ALW3 SEM EN TS'. VOLUNTHEItSv ItEPit±samrrir M SALOONS. OR &IV 'BLIISFIT, AT 101610 YELID trALtiy ON TESDAY EVI.V.ING; February ..19 . E ; 1882, rnocterdmz: T. Overture . • by Germania•Orehestra: 2.. Ilbeltailun from Nantlei nr. 3: Al este.— .... bilVtermaula (Victim/trot,• 4.. Celebrated Lecture ou 4toperanee, and The Erna of the Day,"irl- prOla and rhyme, being entirely m tin an prmti calrcomical, and sublime Dr. litrollo.. 5. Miele._ ff.rmania Orctiebtra. 6. Deirited Recitation, ~ L Waah:rit,totecOde to Freedom" • . • 1 4' Pr I:1 11 11f I L y Germania Orchestra,' IIAI KNOWITA - Ettp., Treasur.,t; Single Tickets 50 cents, or thrco forltt: To bo hal at the Prinelpal hlutio end etteetuub :Artier Statue; or Hr. NOW T. ES, Nin 18 and Willow ahem , : rat Dr. L DIS' Office, 2.13 - North Ninth etreot' of thrCommitteep and la $ the TilvPnli,g at the Door. Commence arn'clock.. fe5,1,q,17,19.-4-t IMMII fIONTINENTAL TITEATRJE. V UNPILE (7P., PPE STED F; Xo' 17r .x. I .P.;NT CHEAP A:ND MORAL ENTERTAIENT. Patronized by Thousands of nor citizens, Grave and Gay—Old and Yintutq , Whose countenances are suffused with ALTERNATE SMILES AND TEA,III2I. r RATIlTiPiat February tatti t and EVENT 'WEN. MO, the peculiarly taloned' moral Drawlng'Boont En— tutairinont of ENCLE TON'S' CABIN. ^his second GRAND "UNCLE TOM" MATINEE. will take place TWIN' AFTERNOON, commen:itsg •at 2 o'clock MEB. JOHN DREW'S ARCMSTREET THEATRE. Acting-Singe Manager W: S. FHE DEMME. Businons Agent and Treasurer TO: 2 1. D. M mina. TWENTY-FOURTH NFGHT OF JOHN DREW. THIS 4Saturday) XVENING, Fob: 8, 1882.; ALINE; Oa, TOE ROHE •OF 'IIIL/LA.RNHY. Davy O'Leary John Drew. Robert Dueler John all hont. Aline .. Mrs. John Drew. To conclude with THE ITtl3ll lE14.1(111ANT. Pat O'Brian ... Sir Prices as usual. tor Cnstain rises at M after 7 o'clock. tsar Seats secured threw days in advance WALNUT -STREET THEATRE NINTH an 4 WALNUT Btreeta. MRS. M. A. GARRETTSOM Bole Lessee THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Feb, E, The performance will commence with- IMIMM= Willie 'Riley Mr. "Barney Mary Moriarty... ...... Mrs. Barney Williams. To be followed by the coittedietts of . . LATEST . . L FE93I NEW yclifg, Ishii Mufiigan. in Barney William?. To conclude with YIROINPA ONE Rti'NEIRED YEARS AGO. PRICES-1)0,37A, 16, and Iffr cents; Private Boxes!, 85 and s.a.. Doors open at quarter to 7. To commence at 7X. FBENCA. BENEVOLENT CON— CERT_ The YRENCII 'BENEVOLENT SOCIETY present their AEII/11ta Appeal to the liberality of. Philadelphia, In the form of an Amateur VOCAL, AND INSTRU MENTAL CONCERT, under the direction of Mr. PERELLI, to be given at the rdfI,ICAL ruND HALL, on the Evening of TUESDAY, Pebruary 11th, 1802, at 8 o'clock.. The high order of Amateur Talent that has volun teered in the cause of this charity sill tenure to its patrons an entertainment of the very first class; and, on behalf if' those whose urgent necessities .are to be re lieved, the undureigned trust rher this appeal may meet with a liberal and generous reepoime 'Tickets can be obtained al the principal Mimic Stores, at the Ilan, and of any member of tho Committee. 8. DESTOFET, JUAN E. DitSTOUET, IL A. PINT ARD, Committee. A. DURAND, 11. PERERIAIiX, ja3o fel 4.6 8 1011 ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH, below Chebtmit. DAYJV PANOAAMA. OF AMERICA AND THE GREAT REBELLION! Open Every Night. fe4.3t* riIiIIRTEENTII ANNUAL FANCY _Z. DRESS RALE OF THE , LSAINGERRUND MUSICAL SOCIETY." MONDAY EVENING, February 10th, 1882, To be held at the NATIONAL GUARDS' HALL. Race street, below Sixth. To- eununeace with THE BARDS," A Comic Opera in two 2cts, performed by the members of We Society. under thedirection of Carl Gaertner. Ticket's One Dollar ; to be had at No. 323 yine street s . and at the Door on the evening of the Ball. fe6.3t* 111EMPLE OF WONDERS - J. TENTH and CITEMIIT Eared/. 81014 OR BLITZ In hie New, Powder, and Amusing Entertainment., EVERY EVENING, commencing at.half mist S °Wm*, and on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTDDO NOUNS at 3. Grand Combination of Attraction, Thatimaturgleal, Psyeological Experiments, Magical Decmp. Ventrilonial OddilPYS gMiCllilli9Ul oust Dolt Mots, and Sim "riassing Exhibition of the Learned Os. nary Birds. Admission 2fp cents ; Children 18 cents, • UERMANIA ORCHESTRA. CARL SENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at Bid o'cloek Y. IL, et the hIUSICAL POND BALL, onfight ticketti l $1 j Bingle.Tlelpfg4 Si ow To be bad at Andre's, 1:10 Chestnut street, J. B. Goolfra, Seventh and Chestnut, and at thedoor of the Hall. oe2B-11 PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 1026 CHESTNUT Street, open daily, thmdays excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. 61.. Admission 26 cents. Children under twelve year', half price. Sharer of Stock. 1630. EDUCATLONAL. BORDENTOWN FEMALE- COL. LEGE, Bordentown, N. J. This institution is pleasantly located on the Delaware river, I,W hour's rids from Philadelphia. Spacial Mien:- fil?n is paid ti? rionmon owl higber banchocof tug. hem and superior advantages are furnished vocal awl instrumental music. German and French are taught by. natives, and spoken in the family. Nor catalogues E cog.. taining full particulars, address Rev. JOHN H. BRAKEL-EY, A. 131„ President. is29-2m INSURANCE- COMP AN - IgS• 4, nOMMONWEALTH FIRE INSII- Na BANOE COMPANY, OP Till IiTATI OR PENNSYLVANIA. . . . DI/MOTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Charlei H. Boom John IL Whitall, John K. Wa4F,gr l Edward 0. Knight, Hobert Showpaistg, Thema' S. Stewart, William Strutttt"? Mary Lewis, JP. ? 4tl,4iiiii DAVID JAY S, M. D., Pray dent. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice PreeidkaL SAMEEL S. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Banding, SU CIiZESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. eee.M SAFES. g TALLIRIi SAFE DEPOT lia- Y'' MOVED to No. 21 South FIEVILNTH Street, as e Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, god Wee determined to merit (attire patronage, has secured op elegant and convenient store, and hop now on hand g large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought: and °billed Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Bohm (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, LIMO Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Hank LOOka. Lillie's Dank Vault Doors and Locks:mlll be..ftwalsheil to order on abort notice. This lathe strongest, beet noir tooted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offerad. Also, particular attention is called. to Link e@ Wow Cabinet Safe, far Plato, Jewelry, Sze. Thin Safe in cas caded to mow In style and elegance anything Id ale fered for this purpose, and Is the only one that la Waal ire and burglar proof. firsora. Norzoi.—l have now on band say tweet, Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes, most of them needy new. and some forty of other makers, comprising a complilli impartment as to sires, and all lately exchanged for tIMI now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at Nil low prices, Plena call and examine. ja2bayff DI. C. HAMA& Agent. 1: 13 EVANS & WATSON'S OALAMANDRE 0A671. STOBX, 16 SOUTH }FOURTH OTBENT, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ♦ large variety of rthz-rsoor SLIMS aletall In hod, WATCHES.—Oi&r faoilitiea for procuring the BEST WATCHES manufactured are unsurpassed, and we are selling them at very mode. rate prices. Fine watches repaired b' finished work men, and warranted•to give entire satisfaction. FARR & BROTHER. Importers, fe7-tf 324 CHESTNUT Street, below FOURTH. THOMAS POWELL, WATCH as MAKER, (formerly at 103 North NM'S), having umoutinued business. is now iu the employ of L. LAD°. 111:113 dr CO., 802 CHEWINUT Street, where he will be pleased to see hie friends mid customers. feo•Gt iatWATCHES, FRENCH TIME PIECES, and MUSICAL BOXES repaired, by uptrior Workmen, at LEWIS LADOMUS & CO. I S, No. 1302 CHESTNUT Street, PO*. Er All work warranted. 027-10 PRIZE MONEY PAID TO OFFI WEBS and MIN of the Ban Jacinto, Constella tion, Dart, Mohican, Mystic, Brooklyn, Bunter, and other voseels. AL92111 POTTS' Army and Nary Agency N. E. corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets. JaZtainei, POUND BUTTER, FRESH FROM the country, received daily at the „ Cheep Store," No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street, J. YOYOUWANT THE WORTH OF your money, buy your Flour at S. Z. GOTTWALS', No. $l2 SPRING GARDEN Street. Ile sells the very beat, and sells positively TEN PER ORNT.LOWER than can be bought anywhere else in the city. He delivers to any part of the city free of charge, and in all cases, if it does not give entire satisfaction, IT WILL BE TAKEN PAPE, AEE TEE MONEY AEEIJEDEP•inn-tuchilti RAIBIIIB.-300 boxes Layer Raisins; 800 half boxes Layer Raisins; 800 boxes 31 B Bunch Balsins• 800 half boxes M B Bunch Raisins. New and choice fruit, now landing and for ode by MURPHY A KOONS, No. 148 NORTH WHAM'S& S6ISOWILLI BUY A BARREL of 0A14444 "51117 Fl*P it M. SPONIi MMM ...John Drew.