Mr. WILLIAMS entered upon a general review of the question. In days of old, in Athens, a certain fund was set apart to be expended for the annual amusement of the people, and a law was enacted making it death to propose its expenditure for any other purpose. One man, Lowever, in time of war, was found who was bold enough to lase this fund for the Weary of the State. In uur era of trouble, when the Union totters for existence, the fund drawn from the community and set apart for their special use,is diverted from its true channel and finds :Its Way into ie pockets of a great corporation. The one method is purely Athenian, the other purely Tennerlvanian. In the legislative halls, in 1861, scenes were witnessed Without a parallel. Members whom it was almost im possible, in ordinary seasons, to keep in Harrisburg on Saturdays, or even Fridays, willingly consented to fix Strange and unusual times pir the consideration of the twin reamed iniumities, while the main agent in the mission stood in the halls apparently holding the line over the members. He had supposed that the Assembly was a deliberative Paty, embracing men of a variety of opinions. Holding these views, lie was naturally astonished to find the unanimity of members of the Legislature of 1801 who would not even allow the change of a single word in the. railroad bills, II was recorded of the monarch Charles' that ha collected a number of watches, and endeavored to make them keep uniform time. railing in this, he came to the conclusion that if it was impossible to her upanize mechanical contrivances, it was useless to at tempt to harmonize the different opinions of men. Bat the Pennsylvania Railroad had evidently accomplished the miracle. lalib continued further,declaring that the prima Qf .F-Iphia had been e•uheidized, as well as that of if MTN • iburg, and that no speech which he might make, even Mow, would find its a ay in print in Philadelphia. Mr. ABBOTT trusted that the act, which had origi. 'Malty created this discussion, would come before the }lease on its merits before the close of the session, pre, *timing that one of the objects of the proposed investiga tion was to denounce or repeal this act. The subject N, as further diecussed by Messrs. Hopkins, Pennis, Williams, and Smith, of Chester conntr•. The resolution wes thee tts•ree.l to by a vote of 02 yeas to 1 nay—Mr. Dennis being the only member voting IA the negative. The following members were absent Messrs. Cessna, Cowan. Early. Ellett, Moore, Rowland, and Vincent. Mr. DENNIS then presented four reasons for his vote Sn the nepative. and asked that they Le unto ed upon the journal ; which wos agreed to. The first was that the re isolution abwdd have been a joint one; second, that the resolution propor 1 to publish the names of parties on es parte evidence: third. that the resolution was in violation of the eialdh section of the Bill of Bights• ; and, fourth, that the action or the House was without Losis lative precedent. The Rouse then adjourned until to-morrow morning. From Harrisburg. TRUSTEES OF THE STATE LUNATIC ASYLUM-THE PROPOSED PHILIDELPRIL EXPEDITION ileums:sr ne Jan. f2:).—J. J. Barclay, of Philadelphia Atlee;of Lancaster; and D. W. Gross. of Harris burg, have tet‘n appointed Trustees of the State Lunatic Vellum by Governor Curtin, for the ensuing year. The valuable servicea ranilerd in this capacity by Dr. Kirk- Lride are lost to the State, as ho declined a reappoint intent. A special order has been issued by the Governor, instructing Surgeon General Smith to visit the Eleventh aleghneut Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Coulter ' at Annapolis, and. make every provision for the comfort of the sick. and report the sanitary condition of the camp. Utile order was Baud in consequence of wallLanthanti eaten reports renataine the large number sick, and their 'kalif or proper ra o and attention. - Philadelphians should awaken to their own interests. "Governor Curtin strongly urging upon the National "Government the propriety of fitting out at Philadelphia an exclusively Pennsylvania naval expedition, if in liar enemy with the plans of the Governmcntand Commander- In-Chief of the army. Notwithstanding the immense slumber of men we now have in the field, the Governor tillers a whole diviviOn, Melding of over twelve real. complete, and ready to embark before t7.le Means of transportation can be furnished. The public-spirited citizens of Philadelphia should take hold of this matter at once, and by means of their active co-operatinn 'secure to the mechanism and laboring classes of Philadelphia the expenditure of over a million dollars of Government money, which otherwise will be turned to EOM(' 'Eastern seaport. The additional honor and glory which must inevitably accrue to Pennsylvania through this enterprise should be another incentive to active exertions on the part of the citizens of phimo 'hilt, and it failure probably be the result of the apathy and indif f erence of its people. From Key West and Fort Pickens NEW 3...0E1C. J5ll. 29.—The steamer Philadelpleza Las arrived from Key West, bringing Company K, regiment U. S. Cavalry. The troops at FlTrt Pickens and Key West are all in good health. ■ The news is unilportant. The steamer Ericsson, from New York, with troops, arrived at Key West on the 19th inst. All M :trine Disasters NEW York. Jan. 29.—The schooner Ned has arrived, bringing the crew of the Norwegian bark Jenny, from Philadelphia for Sligo, Ireland, aban doisitd, in a sinking- condition, On the 2hth tint. The bark Return. of Yarmouth, N. S., from Phi ladelphia for Ireland, arrived at St. Thomas on the fith instant, leaky. The Rebels Apprehend an Attack on Mobile. Advices from Fort Pickens state that the rebels Lave withdrawn a portion of their forces to Mobile, Which they consider in special danger, It is un• aerstood that the rebel force opposite Fort Pickens not now over 6.000. inclusive of that at the Live Oak plantation, which is held by from 1,000 to 3 ; 000 and fortified. Contrabands are constantly coming in to Col The Ninety-seventh Pa- Regiment IVES 7 CHESTER ! Pa., Jan. 2S, 1562 To Tug EDITOR OF THE PRESS : I notice in your list of Pennsylvania regiments, now in the field, with their location, you have marked the Ninety-seventh, Col. H. R. thus. at Washington, D. C., which is a -Mistake. This regiment left Camp Wayne, West Chester, November 10, 1861, proceeded to Wash ington, where it remained until the 20th November, when it was ordered to Fortress Monroe, Va. It remained at Camp Hamilton, near the fortress, un til December S, when it embarked on board the !Steamship Ericsson for Port Royal, S. C., where the regiment is now encamped on Hilton Head Island, near Fort Welles ; unless a forward move vent has taken place since the departure of the last - pail from that place. THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS THIS EVENING ARCH-STREET ' 7 .11EATRE—Arch street • shove Sisth.— c The Irish Attorue3 "—•• The. Irish Lion Doctor 3Dilwortb." WALN - vr, , ,TRELT Til EaTßE—Ninth Nal Walnut sts Nage Joke "— , t The Lakes of Killarney "- 4 . Pars Blunders." CONTINENTAL TIMATP.E—WaInut street, above Eighth Uncle Torn'a Cabin." TEMPLE or \Vex emts—N. E. corner Tenth and Chest- Innt streets.—Signor• Blitz's Entertainment. 'THE PHILADELPHIA PRISONERS IN RICHMOND. —We had the pleasure of a personal interview, last evening, with Dr. William B. Fletcher, sur geon of the Sixth Indiana Regiment, who was taken :prisoner some time since in Western Virginia, and Las just been released. Raving left Richmond on the 28th inst., be passed through the city ylter day, on Ms way to his home in Indianapolis, In diana. -We are indebted to him for the following items of news: The blockade i 3 haring a disastrous effect upon the rebels. causing great scarcity of the necessaries of life. Sugar. coffee, etc.,are selling at enor mous prices. and considerabl dissatisfaction is ex pressed by the people against the Confederate au thorities, and their do-nothing war policy. The Doctor, who was on his parole in Richmond, informs us that numerous citizens had expressed themselves "sick and tired" of the war;'and the .tuthorities fear the coming expiration of the term of enlistment. the 22:d of February. Captain Keifer. of this city, who is held as hostage !or the rebel pirates, is considerably "under the Weather." and his present accommodations are re presented as being horrible." Lieutenant Finny, Kern, and others, of the Cali fornia Regiment, are well and in good spirits. ißeasrs. McCleary and Morris, formerly connected With the press. bold subordinate positions under Adjutant Wm. H. Sloanaker, of the Prison Brigade. Adjutant Sloanaker, having given his parole, is itt full liberty within the limits of Richmond. Ile Messes with General Winder's staff, and performs hie duties to the satisfaction of the Confederate au thorities. 'Generals Wool and Winder's admirable system Of mail communication insures the prompt delivery of all money and clothing directed to the prisoners. All the prisoners who were taken at Ball's Bluff, and have since been released, were released on ac count of their ill health, and in no other case. COMBINATION OF THE MERCANTILE A.ND ATHE- LtArtt LIBRARIES.—A correspondent sends us the fullowing intere-ting news, relative to two of our most popular puhl ie libraries : CITY EDITOR PRESS: Perceiving by the annual report of the Mercantile Library Company for the post year, that a proposition had been started - to unite that institution with the Athenmum, giving to each shareholder of the Athena3um three shares of gtockor a life membership in the new institution, tin making inquiries. I find that the measure was Started at the last annual meeting of thole:then:cum Itnembers, and that the board of that company was directed to correspond with the board of the Mer cantile Library; the consequence was the above proposition, the title of the new company to be the Mercantile Library and Athemcum. The reason for coseidering one share of the Athemmom stock equal ea three shares of the Mercantile Library is that the property of the two is of about an equal value; while the Athenaeum has only about 400 members, the lgereattile Library has about 2,000; it was thought beat, therefore, to equalise them according to the par valets of the mock, which is $25 in the Athe- Mecum end $lO in the Mercantile. Now, to unite these institutions upon this fair basis, would, I think, be a gnat advents e to both, and particularly to the Atlenamm. as it would at once bring its stock to aboutpar, while it cannot now be sold at one dollar pr share ; the Mercantile Library stock sell ing readly at SEI 50 to $9. Of late years. the Atho l:M:11M Ins been declining. in consequencti of the ev es/Bite miount of tax which has to be charged anon soh shab—namely, $7 per annum ; while the Men 'pantile ;ives much more for $2. But the main thing to m considered is the great benefit the unity would btto the city, as it would enlarge the sphere of action and it is likely that soon, with the united properties and energy, the new company would be enabled b build and stock a large fire-proof build ing, whiol would compare favorably with the great yimblic lilrary of Reston, or the Astor Library of York; with such an institution Philadelphia "would rivd those cities. At present, they are far *bead of le. It is certain that the two can do a great deal morecombined than either will do alone. The Athenmun beard hasdetermined to refer the matter Lack to de stockholders, with a negative recitu- Snendation The annual meeting will be hsld at their buildng on next Monday, the 3d of February. As very few attend the meetings, the measure may be killed incense the members knew nothieg of it, there being I believe, no notice of it in any paper. I am satisfied that a majority would be favorable, if they knelt , of the project. THIRD REGIMENT RESERVE BRIGADE.—At a meeting of the officers of the Third Regi ment Reserve Brigade, held on Tuesday evening, It was resolved, that if the services of the Reserve Brigade are desired by the Government of the `United States, those of the Third Regiment ha 'tendered, Waugh General F. Patterson, for a period not exceeding three months. SLIGHT FlRE.—Yestorday morning, about two o'clock, a fire was discovered in the dwelling - house of Mrs. McCrudden, No. 1809 Howell street. The flames originated from the stove upon the first floor, and burned through into the cellar. The family of Mrs. MeCruddee were aroused by Officers Pair and Molieague, and effected their escape through the second-story window. The fire was extinguished by the Western Hose Company. IIieTtEASE Or IMPORTATIONS.—Within the last two weeks the officers of the custom house have been kept busily engaged in discharging severst heavy cargoes of coffee, sugar, molasses, etc. The principal part of these commodities have been thrown into bond. The importers have deemed it financially prudent to withhold them from the market for the present, hoping thereby to continue an additional rise in the price of these articles, especially in coffee, in which there is considerable speculation, thereby filling their coffers to the dis advantage of those who are compelled to use these articles. rtmadeiplua 31viriiets There is wry little doing in Emu Muffs to-tioy on ac count of the storm, and the Flour market is dull at pre rims quoted rates; sales of about 3,000 bbla, however, are reported at $5.62X 05.75 for good and choice extras, 3.3.10qp0 for common and good extra family, and $U 814t7 J' Übl for City Mills do; the sales to the trade are limited within the above range of prices, for extras and fancy brands, and 85.250,5.37 M for superfine, as to quality. Rye Flour is dull and rather lower, at $3 00a3 62.,tg bbl. Corn Meal is Imiet, and Pennsylvania rather scarce at $3 IfY bbl. IVIZuAT is dull and unsettled, shippers are not buying about 2.100 bus rod sold at 13061;lim for eommon to prime, in store . white ranges at 1886145 e, as in quadty. Rye is in steady demand at 724573 c for Pennsylvania. Corn con( s in slowly, but ,the demand is limited at 56.54 4 - ss7e for new yellow. Oats are unchanged, and Pennsylvania sell slowly at 30c, measure. BARK.—QllerCitroll is scarce, and wanted at s32for first No. 1. COTTON.—Holders are firm in their den - lands, but there is little or nothing doing to alter quotations. GDOCENDES AND PROVISIONS.—The markets for both ere quiet, and a small business only to note at steady r m e ,. SENDS.—Thero is not much offering, but the demand for Clover is limited at $4.373trt4.132X tEr be • /03 bits prime sold at 164.50. iS Steady ; 3000t1043 bids sold at 21}6 , a12 40, the latter forprime Ohio, and drudge at *2.33ie 0' gallon. Money and Stocks in New York. The Poi lt of last Owning says The stockmarket is decidedly firmer to-day, the official aceffilet . of the disaster to the Burnside expedition ruwl. tug much more favorable than the first reports by the way of Fortress Monroe. In fact, it seems to be a sub ject of congratulation that no heavier losses were sus tained, when the violence and duration of the storm are considered. Buyers consequently came forward this morning in large numbers and for large amounts, at an advance of Xet% per cent. on the prices of last eve ning, and in several instances the improvement is equal to IntlV per cent., with considerable buoyancy. The'strongest of the speculative list is Cleveland and Toledo: Rumor says that the directors are large buyeee, and that some plan is about agreedunon which shall wipe out the small floating debt that has stood for a long ,tiwe in the way of a dividend on the stock. Nothing official, however, has transpired, but the course of the stock would seem to confirm these rumors of the market The purchases have been very heavy within a few days, the price advancing to-day to 40,1 i cash, and 40X buyer thirty days. . . %amid bonds =time to exhibit veld firmness_ Hudson first sold as night as 109, Michigan Southern firsts 90, and Erie firsts 100%. Low-prieed bonds are also active at a large improvement on the prices of a week ago. State stocks remain quiet. There is little doing in Missouris at 42m on% ; Tennew.4ees 44%; Californias are very firm rising to 81%. The Government list is dull and rather heavy, pending the action of Congress on the treasury note and tax bills. The sixes of 1881 are IserCetg, lower, and the fins of 11514 new o rk FIRST 500 II S 6e'Bl, Beg. 89 3000 11.1 B 55'74. Cp.. 79 3000]11 War L 78M 9000 rem 60,'90.... 44% 6000 California St Is. 81% 1000 Brooklyn W Ln 99 3000 N Y C 70, „ „ „101% 7000 Erie 4111 Dlt Bd. 79% 3000 Hud Biv let m.. 109 2000 And B B Con B 75 1000 Midi C 8s 01d... 97 2000 Mich So 90 1000 Clev T 8 Fd.. 83 13000 Cler do Pito 4th. 40 57100 Amer Gold .b30.103X. 5000 do 103 03 1 10000 do 910.1 M 5 Del & Bud Co.. 92 126 Pacific Mail S.. 98% 59 do .s3O Mix 50 do . . ... 98% 100 do b3ll 987 g 10 do 63 X 20 It Y Central.... 83% 000 do 8336 350 do blO 63.34 150 do .ElO 931 850 Erie Railway.,. 3.11 125 do 630 .9.6 80 do .930 fl4ll 50 Mich S & N I G. 41M 50 Galena & Chic.. 08 CITY ITEMS. TIIE PLACE TO Buy AI raLtNS.—We need hardly inform otlr readers that one of the palpable effects of the war has been a great advancement in the price of cotton, and, consequently, in the cost of all manufactured cotton goods. Notwithstanding this, however, there is a vast difference in the prices Of these fabrics in different stores. For some years past the house of Messrs. R. D. & W. H. Pennell, No. 1021 Market street, below Eleventh, has had the reputation of giving their numerous customers the best goeds, Or the money, to he had in the city; snore especially in the domestic line. At the time of the ad vance in cottons they had sagaciously laid in a very heavy stock of them, and, foreseeing the prospective ad vance for sonic months to come, they bought heavily in anticipation of it. This fact has given their house great advantages, as the consequence has been to literally Crowd their store with customem in ail kinds of ',lather and at all hours of the day. Their general stock of Dry GOOdR is also very superior. We refer the reader to their announcement of prices in another column of The Press this morning, and are sure - it will be read with interest by all prudent housekeepers. DR. SOMMERVILLE'S LECTURE AT CONCERT BALL; Tuts EV.ENIN'a reaßere should not forget the lecture to be giver' At Concert Hall, this evening, by Dr. James M. Sommerville. for_ the benefit of the King . sewing Hospital Aid Society. His subject will be "Tie. iree—their Origin and Influence." WARMY APPOLffratENT.-11 e are gratified to learn that Mr. J. S. Brobst, of Catawissa, Pa., has been tendered an appointment in the army. Mr. Brobst is a highly esteemed citizen of Pennsylvania, an energetic business man, and entirely fitted for any position to which he may be assigned by the department. We trust be may accept the appointment offered to him. AN ARTICLE FOR INVALIDS.-31r. C. H. Mattson, dealer in tine family groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has just received a fresh invoice of superior old Port and Madeira Wines, specially adapted for invalids also, Brandies of 'the purest quality, endorsed as such by some of our most eminent physicians. A GREAT CoAT.---The buttons on the coat of John Hancock were of silver, and of American maim fe-tore. The device was a shepherd shearing hiSSIIOOP-- the motto, 66 You gain more by our lives than by our deaths." History does not state where the coat was made, but we have no doubt, had this great statesman been living at the present day, all his garments would have been purchased at the Renowned Clothing Establish ment of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, (one doo r shove Ilarnden's Express Oilier,) as at this Fashiona. ble Emporium prices arc regulated to suit the times. AN AWKWARD CURRENCY.--The giving out of money down in Dixie is obliging the seceders to fall back on the primitive pc cun i a —cotton and niggers. But a bale of the floculent fibre must be rather an %awkward purse of specie. Just imagine a‘, Secesh " applying for a new suit at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Eockhill & Wilson, Nos. 803 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth, and °timing in payment a bale of cotton or a contraband t‘ For 't ain't quite handy to pass off one o' your six foot guineas, - An' git your halves an' quarters back in gals an' picka niniiies." Neither such customers nor their peculiar currency are wanted at the establishment named. ,SANITARY SUGGESTIONS .—The last number of Hall's Journal of Health has the following: "If the thermometer is below thirty, no child or lady should be skating;' to which Vanity Fair replies; ""If the lady is below thirty and good looking, let her skate, ther mometer or otherwise. If she is the reverse, let her slide." The Journal of Health continues: "The grace, ex ercise, and healthfulness of skating on ice can be had without any of its dangers by the use of skates with rollers attached, on common floors q better if covered with oil-cloth." By doing this you will keep your lungs Inflated with plenty of gourd:lle gas. Yet we don't see the necessity of being ••covered with eibolOth,"' as directed. IL seems to ns WO 'Would prefer the Schuylkill and it COYering of warm winter clothing from Chas. Stokes' " One-nrice," under the n Continental." ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS 'UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NI6IIIT CONTINENTAL HOTEL Ninthand Chestnut ata. J B Beadle, New York W J Andorson, Pittsburg A J;Solway, Maryland J W McLane, Baltimore B 1! Morse Washington M J Fletcher, Indiana W Fletcher, Indiana L C Prost Wheeling, VA L weer, New York B Gihrindon, New York .le Gcreourie, New York J C Tate, New York J It Bettie, Boston W J Felton, New York .1 Hanford, New York G W Cass, Pittsburg GeolgeYerkes Chas G Shaw, Cincinnati WII Fitch, MaHam, Intl Enoch Lewis,tilteena Ihfer, Missouri John Armstrong, NY Geo E Butterworth J V Criswell, Harrisburg J D Dull, Harrisburg W H Chatfield k la, Cin Slid El Woods, Cincinnati Thos Nixon, Cincinnati J a Pennell, i S N Cb as T Evans. New York Cladding la, Kansas Miss Kate Hanson, Kansas Mrs J C Stone & 3 eh, Han BB Mayger, Baltimore .1 8 Whipple, Pennsylvania B Hurxthal,Neer,,York J McClunvy & Is, Virginia Dr Gibbs, US N Dr F B A Lewis, U S N Dr Jacks - n, New York T G Odwine, Cincinnati J C Ilayn, Lancaster 0 0 Robinson, P.mua H Biggs & wf, New York G R Giddings, U S A .1 D C.reeron, Harrisburg Z Bergen, New York J Bright, C Whitridge, N Bedford 11 W Howland & Is, Mass Miss M C Luce, N Bedford E Hampton & la, N J N Rountree & la, Chicago II F Kenney di la W Hennessey, USN - 8 lAbborte, Doylestown Ns Roberts, Doyle, , ,town Dr W S King & II S A W J Howard Miss M Smith, Maryland J Richarde, Chicago 0J Parker, Boston J Mansura, 'lndianapolis W G Morehead, Et ckwood B W Nit:teell,New York W X Greene, Jr, jc, la P Greene fI C. King, Naxpeek wigs cregory, New York Frank Gregory, New York H Totem, Cincinnati L r Able & wf . . W Walter, Louisville John Pease, Jr, Buffalo Pr Ahan March, Albany D J Boyd, Albany P Chandler, Wash, I) C F S Rutland, New York 13 L Forguson, New York 011 Booth. Mansfield, 0 W G leans, Maindield, 0 W N Wyatt, Baltimore Gen Weir &dal', Wash, DC W M Stewart, Indiana GPO Taber, New York TIC Simmons, 111 1.1tirtiOre Alias Clifford, Chicago W H Denny, Pittshaeg J W Mickly, Catitsauotta L Snow W 1; Llibberd iVia J Hibberd St la Ccl Lawrence, Wash, D C armies McGill, Boston Cla4S Jenkins &In, NY 1) L Sordam & la, N Win Norton, New York . W J Rankin. Troy, N.Y J Peatlesa, New York J S Dilworth, PittAnirg 't boa A Eidd & la, N Y C T Crocker, HMS U N Iletlatot, Pittsburg P M Wnitmore L Buckman, New York U II Calvert, Jr, Maryland E Wood, llindon W Bissell. PittAburg Joe Merrifield, Baltimore Jos Meeks & le, Now York Mrs II It Wyckoff, .N Y 'Mre T Belknap, Jr WII TiningiffiSt .b la, N Y 8 Mach, Cincinnoll .1 - Bobo!, Cincinnati M Closer, Cineinuali Geo B Bissell, Hartford Z W Buchan & la, N Y C 0 Beach, New York C F Doty, New York Jas Murry, Now York D B Got T C Kibbe :fits Abbe, Mass O II Greenleaf, Mass II C Deane, Mass W Patton, Massachusetts Geo 9 Moulton, Mass J I , Millary, 13 8 A C B Williams, Cincinnati it'L Ilelfenstein, Pottsville. Alt Luce, U . S N Cro .11 C Neal. Baltimore MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second it ett. Arch. Jos Sykes, Penns, Z Du Moses, Indiana Cbas J Hitt, Indiana T McManus, Mt Pleasant JANUARY 20—Evening change— stump A/ 1 100 Erie It Frei 67;3 4 ' Int) do 57y 125 do 615 58 2100 Cloy & Tot 1t.... 40 1 250 do 40% 1200 do 630 40% NO do hl& 40% 134 00 40% 'lOO do s3O 40% 200 do 630 40% 100 Chi St It 7 It 55 100 do 51% 350 do 55% 50 do .slO 55% 100 do o 55N 100 d 0..,- s 7 55N, 150 do b3O 55% 100 Chi B & Q ... 62.).; 50 do 62 60 Hudson It 38% 50 do 30% 50 Howling R 40 100111 Cent scrip..sso 61% 100 do 1.30 61% ,100 do 143 61% 1350 Clev et. Pitts 16% SOO Mich Cent 51% 100 do 51% 50 do. 00 51% 100 do 630 52 50 do 635 2 _ 10 Mich S & N 1..... 20% J W Riddle MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth et., below Arch. WII Baker, Clinton, N J C B Cortright, Hazleton J A Eyster, Chambersbnrg B R Jameson, Carlisle W Ely, Now York E L Stealey, W Virginia "V Lt Comstock & w, Virginia J W Taverner, New York T C Else & la, Phu.. Miss Kate Backus, N L Wilder, New York H D Schofield & la, Robt Klotz, Mauch Chunk PII Gehris & la, Pa D W Corbit, Odessa, Del John H Lindley, Indiana E P Sampson, Maine Thos Palmitin ' Dauphin co Semi Parnum, Mass Alex Leggate, Allegheny R G Skillet], Indianapolis L R Lindsay, Allegheny C Manning, Milwaukee Send Thompson, Brownsv'e C C Drinker, Clifton R W Drinker, Clifton .1 Strickler, Chambersburg Geo V Morris, Kingston S H Davis, Ohio J It Combs, Indiana L Wilmnrth, Pittsburg J T Jones, Sandwich T Swenk, Tlilfon F Turner, filmwneetoWn Hon Asa Packer & la Pa Mrs Linderman, M Chunk Mr Blakeslee & In, M Chunk A A. Douglass & Is, Pi Chas Hampshire, Pa Lieut C A Hartwell, 11 El A .1 II Breckenridge, Conn it A Brehm, Halifax, N T Calhoun, York,.Pa D T Williams, New York A Robertson, New York J McKenna, Now York P Gratin, New York Major W E Doster, Weigh I, Poster, llethiehem Dr Sueetwrott, Chambereng ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestaut street, above Third.. D L Pugh, Wash, D C Jolm J Hovey, Pottsvillo C H McCurdy, Wash, D C d W Jarboe, Now York W Y Mcßae, Franco J H Volum, Baltimore H Quillman Norristown Morris Kohn, New York Thos J Bradley, New York J S Trick, Vincentown, N N. 1.1110, JerstY P Putter, New Jersey Alex Garrett, 'Brooklyn Hunter 1101181 n w, N Y AMERICAN ROTEL—Cbeetnnt et.. above Fifth H Peters, Wash, D C F Rahtor, Littlestown, Pa Jos B Way, Chester co, Pa W W Wotalruff, N York AAt P SIT Dickson, N J A L Case, New York J S Lupton, NOW Jerties M 11 Ita - Reed, U S N Alex Weirs, Easton W L Barrington, Chicago W Townsend, W Chester W H Bevil', Connecticut E Morten. Boston W Bray, Massachusetts A P. 114.1, Coenteoticut Ilt S S Sherburne, Bfaryla'd S Martz, Walsh, D C Jos Beacham, Pottsville J W McKee, Pottsville Coin J B Montgornery,llSN H C Bond, New York J B Potter, M D, N j Gco Tomlinson, MD,N „I I,ieut H P Etas, Cincinnati R S Chidsey., Easton 0 0 Bray, Boston THE lINION--dreh street. above Third. O W Remington, New Jersey S M Riley, Pittsburg C Molly, Pinegrove, Pa J Studenhaker, Troy, Ohio W G Smith, Nowimk, N J A Guthrie, CommCtimit Ii G Minim Ohio COMMEACIAL—Sixth street, above Cheatntd. T Drennen, Maryland N P Manly, Maryland John Boyd, Chester co J Shaw H K Weand, Norristown S C Roberts, Norristown H H Howland, Maryland J B Pussy wf, Chester co T W F.vans, Heading A G M Prevost, Trenton John James, Poona John P Hilyard, Del S J Seneca, Maryland V - 11 Keith, Maryland Jas Patterson, bane Co J Menough, Cheater co 111 Stetson Ji la, Del STATES llNlON—Market street, above Sixth. Joe V Crawford, Chamberib W L Smith, New Jersey II P Duncan, Pittsburg J Milligan, New Jersey Licht W W Anderson, Pa J Bailey, Elinont 9 Moody Dickinson .1c eon, Pa J A Young, Chester co J A. PearAol, Lane:A.4,r coG A Heaton, Purina A HOW, Nebraska City John Montgomery, li - ash'n S G Grone, Pittsburg J FAder & la, Pittsburg J V Crawford, Pittsburg. Geo Ii KelleY, Pittsburg T E Watt, Pittsburg NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. J W Royer, Penne E P Ancona, Pottstown J L Naitting, Schlk co, Pa C Oscamp, Cincinnati, 0 J H Pile, Schlk co, Pa S Fink, Plitonixville Capt W T Watson, Penns. A Ilaily, Milton, Pa J Nimon, Milton, Pa 11 Pfeiffer, Allentown BLACK BEAR—suture street, above Ca%whin. A NV Elliott, York, Pa J L Small, York, Pa L NV Irwin, Beading C Snyder & la, New Jersey Geo Roads, Northampton N Haldeman, Bucks co Amos Bowers, Byberry D J Schlough, Allentown John Strunk, Bechtelville BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. Wm Davison, Chaltsnbam Thee White, Drenobtawn Jas McCoy, Doylestown W Dueller, Ryborry W Penrose, Byberry C F Weber, Philadelphia Wm Y Lusby, Cecil co, Xd Dr Fine, Philadelphia P L Armstrone, Chester co J K Lokenbach, X Chunk Wm It Miller,Montgomery co A G Peters, New Jersey MADISON HOUSE—Secona street, above Market Ceo West, Delaware J W HessY, Delaware J Shaw, Montgomery co J H Sutton, Delaware C NeOarty, Pike co, Pa id Long, Hartsville Col W Butler, Lewistown REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Bace. J Whitaker, Mt Clair A Lithgow, New York Jas Smith, New Jersey C Weldy, Ponna H Stump, Penne T F Coleamp, New York A Whipple, Newton N Camp, Ohio BALD EAGLE—Third ;street, above Callowhlll. J B Davis, Backe co,. ra D W retina G Lt.haaan tt. Jo* A Bloke. Penn,, MARINE INTELLIGENCE 117' SEE FOURTH PAGE ABErirED. Brig Gitana, (Br) Spooner, 63 days from Ric. de Ja neiro, with coffee to J IV Field. CLEMIBM . Sebr B W Perry Adams, Great Egg Harbor captain Sehr Presto, Corkin, Baltimore, It H &lir M P Mathews, Buell, Snow Hill, Aid, captain. Str Octorara, McLaughlin, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. =l2 (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWIS, Del., Jan. 29 The bark Alliance, from Rio de Janeiro, is at the Brflliwater. A brig with fruit, and the sehr Isabella Maria, from Porto Ilico, passed up. Yours, &c. JOHN P. MARSHALL. MEMORANDA Steamship Kennebec, Garton, for Philadelphia, sailed from New York 28th lust, and anchored at Quarantine. Steamship City of New York, Petrie, from Liverpool, arrived at New York yeeterday, Steamghip Glaggow, Roamll, fr.ota Liverpool, arrived at New York yesterday. Dark Alamo and brig Samuel Welsh, for Philadelphia, sailed from New York 28th hist. - Bark Gladiola, Dar's, cleared at New York yesterday for Hong Kong. Brig Julia Ford, from Messina fur Philadelphia, was spoken 12th inet,lat 41, long 65. Loss OF TOE NORWEGIAN . Bare. JENNY, FROM ThilLA nEramrs ran Smco.—The Jenny sailed from Philadel phia for Eligo, Ireland, Jan 19, with a cargo of 14.246 bushels of grain. On the night of Omni had a gale from ENE, durirg which hove to, in Mt 37 34, long 7452; the gale increased to a hurricane, when the rudder gaveway, carrying away the whole of the stern frame. Jan 25 the gale shifted to NW; the same day were spoken by the Behr. Ned, from Cette for New York, which took off the captain and crew. The Jenny was 240-tons burtben, and had been rebuilt six years ago. Wexford, Jan 3—The American schooner Marietta Tilton, Tilton, of and for Philadelphia (cargo salt and iron), grounded on the Dogger Bank thiamorning, where she unshipped her rudder, and threw overboard twenty 0118 of cargo, The tug from here soon got her oil, as. sisted to ship rudder, and towed her to sea, when she proceeded on her voyage. Makes no water, and appa rently little damaged. SPECIAL NOTICES. ' CONSUMPTIVES, NoTreß.--Dr. J. H. SCHENCK would say to his Mitients, and all those that OW4 CM llim last Saturday, and werodisannointed in not seeing him, that he has set next Saturday, February let, to be at his office, from 9 A. M. until 4 P. M., and will give advice, and examine lungs with his Rospirome. ter, free of charge, for that day only. Hie fee for an examination with the Eespirometer is three dollars, but as so many were disappointed front a distance, he has concluded to see and examine all that see fit to call on him that day. ia2o-3t* On OFFICE OF THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, January 27, 1562. The Adams Express Company having enlarged their facilities at Washington, D C., by building a Railroad depot, and having acquired additzonal capacity for transportation, are now prepared to forward Reayy Expreas freights, Packages, and Parcela, to Wash ington, Georgetown, Alexandria, Annapolis, Frederick, Adamstown, Fortress Monroe, and other places South occupied by the army, at greatly reduced rates. Special agreements madelor merchandize in large lots. Sutlers' goods and army supplies at satisfactory prices, on application at our ottice. Soldiers' parcels taken at much less than our usual rates. Heavy and bulky packages received and recsipted fer at our depot, S. E. corner of BROAD and LOCUST Streets. JOHN BINGHAM, ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST STYLES, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. AU Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our ONE-PRICE SYSTEM is etrictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. ise22-17 JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. DR. ROBERTSON'S VEGETABLE NERV OUS CORDIAL; or, NATURE'S GRAND RESTORATIVE. The great remedy for all Nervous Complaints, Debili. ty, Prostration, Lowness of Spirits, &c. Price $l. For sale by DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, jal-thstf Depot for all Popular Medicines. iiELMEOLD'S UNWERSA_LLY APPROVED REMEDY.--Compound Extract Buchu cures Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Pronto', Weakness, ate. Bead the advertisement in another column. nob-ths CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CHEAPEST in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. BILL•HEAD PRINTING, Beet MI Cheapen In the Qty . , at 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the most intperior quality, at the moat reasonable rates, at RINGWALT & BB.UWWS, Drexel'', Building, 34 South THIRD Street. delo-tf MARRIED. RILLER—SCOOT.—On the 15th instaxt, t. ) , the tee, Robert R. Greenbank, Mr. George W. Miller to Miss Elizabeth Scoot, all of Philadelphia. FULMER—MULLIN J.—On the 27th instant, by the Bev. Wesley Kenney, Thos. Fisher Fulmer to Anna J. Shilling. all of this city. GRAIIAM—FRAZIEB —On the let instant, by the Rev. T. A. Fernley, Mr. William Graham to Miss Marga. ret Frazier, both of West Philadelphia. * LIPMAN—BRUCKNER.—On the 26th instant, by the Rev. S. Moriati, Alm. Lipman, of this city, to BUM Jo eephine Bruckner, of Wnrzburu. St DIED LEJA.3IIOIII.—On the 29th inst., Alexis N. Lejatubre. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend his funeral, from the residence of his mother, 1012 Chestnut street, on Saturday morning next, at 10 o'clock, without further notice. teil* JANNEY.—Suddenly. on the 29th instant, Lizzie E., inftrn9 nciuglster or Javob and Matilda E. Janney, aged 7 menthe and 92 day, le SHOCH.—On the morning of January 27, 1862, Anna Maria, wife of George G. Bhuch, and daughter of Frede rick Leibrandt. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral front the residence of her husband, No. 1815 North Seventh street, this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o'clock. - WALLA.CF,,—On the morning of the 27th instant, in the 424 yearsf her age, Alice Lee, relict of the late Joshua AL Wallace, M. D., and daughter of Dr. William sbippen. The relatives and Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of Dr. William Shipper), N 0.1205 Walnut street, this (Thursday ) morning, at 7m o'clock—to MOVE' precisely at Sg o'clock. Interment at Favley, near Bristol. - LUCAS.—On the 27th inst.. John Leads Lucas, son of Francis and Cornelia LII.Ca?, in the 12th year of his age. Funeral front the residence of his PsrentS, No. sa7 South Front street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 3 IILOWN,--tin the 26t11 inst., Lewis Frederick Brown, in Ihe Fit year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his EiOlll4ll4BW, Samuel liloser. N 0.1663 Palmer street, below Frankford road, thisaTlntraday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. THE PRESS. --PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30. 1862. E Challenger, Delaware II Edwards 'yap- PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 13, 1562. —The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the UNION CANAL. COMPANY, of Pennsylvania, will be htld at No. DS WALNUT Sfreet, (Paivalsar buildiume on TUESDAY, February 4th, next, at 11 o'clock A. ill) jal4-tfe4 TtIOMPSON, Secretary. irrOFFICE OF THE NEU • 'ORK AND MIDDLE COALFIELD RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholder' of the Company will be held at their Office, No. 201 South FOURTH. Street, on MONDAY, February 3d, 1862, at 11 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of electing FIVE DI RECTORS, to serve for the entllling year, and the trans. action of such other business as may be brought before them. _HENRY ROBINSON, . Secretary NOTICE.—TME ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA AND SAVANNAH STEAM. NAVIGATION COM PANY for tke election of five Managers, and the transac tion of other business, N. - ill be held in room No. 30, Mer chants' Exchange, Philadelphia, on TUESDAY, Feb ruary 4th, 186'2, at half past seven o'clock P. N. W MADE NNIS, .la=-12t Secretary and Treasurer. Or.NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the 'OCEAN STEAM NGVIOATION COMPANY, for the election of five Directors, and the transaction of other business, will be held in room No. 30, Merchants' Exchange, Philadel. phis, on TUESDAY, February 4th, 1882, at 12 o'clock noon_ W3I. DENNIS, OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD CO.—PHILADELPHI Jan. 11, 1862. NOTICE TO §TOCKHOLDERS.--The annual Meet. Jog of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, the third day of February, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the SANSOM-STREET HALL. The annual Election for Directors will be held on MONDAY, the third day of March, 1862, at the Office of the Company, No. 228 South THIRD Street. By order of the Board. jal3-tfe3 EDMUND SMITH, Secretary. he PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD. it Pn.emt.rurs, January 20. he Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the PHILA DELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the office, N 0.324 WALNUT Street, on MON DAY, the 10th day of February next, at 10 o'clock A. M. At this meeting an election will be held for TEN MANAGERS of the Company, to serve for one year. The polls to close at 2 o'clock P. M. W. EMI' ARD SPOFFORD, ja2l-tutbs.tfelo Secretary. [rr. EAST MAHAI%OY RAILROAD CO3l. FANY, PHILADELPHIA, January 16,1863. The Xighelt Instalment, of FFYR DOLLARS per share, of the Capital Stock of this Company, will tie pay able on the Ist February next, at the Company's Office, 407 LIBRARY Street. ARCHIBALD MoINTYRE, jal6-thstntfel Treasurer and Secretary. OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHI LADELPHIA, JANUARY 11, 1862. Tho Directors have this day declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT. on the capital stock of the company, and on the certificates of profits outstanding, for the year ending December 31st, 1861, without deduction for State Tea, payable in cash to the Stockholders, on and after the 16th Ina. Suporintendent Also, a Dividend of SIGHT PER VENT,, nassiblepro rata on the capital stock and premiums earned, out of the profits of the company for the year ending December 81st, 1861, for which certificates of profits, bearing inte rest. will be delivered to the stockholders, and to the in sured entitled to receive the same under the provisions of the charter, on and after the 23d lust. No certificate will be issued for any less sum than ten dollars, nor for any fractional part of one dollar. Stuns less than ten dollars, and not less than one dollar, are credited to the insured on the books of the Company, and If, Within any Veiled of ten years, the said credits amount to ten dollars, certificates therefor will be issued. Certificates of profits are liable, egua Hy with the cap tal stock, for the losses and engagements of the Compa ny, and may be converted into capital stock at any time, at the option of the holder. B. N. lIINCHMAN, jal4-tuthslOt Secretary. OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU. TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILA DELPHIA , Jan. 8, 1862. The Annual Diming of the Stockholders of this Com. pauy will be held, in pursuance of the Charter, at the Office, No. 308 WALNUT Street, at 12 o'clock M. on MONDAY, the 3d day of February next. And an Election for Twenty Directors, to serre for the ensuing year, will he held at the seine place, on the day named, between 12 o'clock M. and 2 o'clock P. M. ja9-thstutfe3 B. H. HINCIDIAN, Sec'y. AONE HUNDRED AND THIR TEENTH REGIMENT, TWELIPTEI CA VALRY, PENNSYLVANIA I'MUN- E E RS. CURTIN HUSSARS! CURTIN HUSSARS!! This Regiment called into service by the President and Governor of Pennsylvania, is rapidly filling to thi3 maxi mum number. Five of the Companies have received their arms from the United States Arsenal, and it is ex pected that the balance will be received in a few days. The stall will consist of the following well-known gen tlemen: Col, Win, F, itihtfillth. Lt. Col. L. B. Peirce, Bradford county. Major Jacob Kohler. Major Win. L. Limit. Adjutant IL W..Graeff Quartermaster Harvey K. Reakirt. Surgeon Joseph D. Schoales. Co. A—Captain Chas. A. Freill. Co. B—Captain George Rammer. Co. C—Captain John Ehrenberg. Co. D—David Schortz, Captain. Co. E—Jacob Het tog, Captain, Co. r—William Bell, Captaiii. Co. G—Captain A. Hartman. Co. H—CaptainL Fisher. Co. I—Captain William Lento. Co. K-Captain N. Payn. Co. L—Captain George H. Russell. ja3o-3t* ARMY ° CLOTHING AND EQUI PAGE S-?aled Proposals will be received at this office until FEBRUARY the 15th, for supplying the Schuylkill Ar senal with Peeking Boxes in such .tuantities 0.1 may be needed until June 1, 18131 They will be subject to in spection on delivery at the. Schuylkill Arsenal, where sainples and sizes may be seen. NOTICE TO BANKS.—The Subseri- Ler informs the Banks that he continues to print Dotes in Tiauk at $2, per 190, half-sheet, fornieh ct.. Geed reference. DENJAXIN ROGERS, ja29.3t* No. 901 MARKET Street. S6,SOWILL BUY A BARREL OF extra Family Flour at No. 81:1 SPRING GARDEN STREET. julT•titthstr IF YOU WANT THE WORTH OF your money. buy your Flour at S. Z. GOTTWALS', No, 812 SPRING GARDEN Street He toile the very beet, and sells positively TEN PER CENT. LOWER than can be bought anywhere else in the city. He delivers to any part of the city free of charge, and in all ewe, if it does not give entire satisfaction, IT WILL BE TAKEN BACK, AND THE MONEY REFUNDED..iaI7-tuthatf JOHNBTON.—On Um 27th inst., Louisa Johnston, in the 13th year of her ago. Funeral front the residence of John lionnip, Nu. 920 Race street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o clock. * DOLAN.—On the 20th instant, Philip Dolan, aged 84 years- • Funeral from his late residence, No. 229 Auburn street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. FlBlll.llo.—On the 27th instant, Rachel, wife of Jacob Fisher, }so., in the 01st yeas of her ago. Funeral from the residence of her husband, Blue Bell, Montgomery comity. this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock. KINLY.—On the 28t1h instant, Mrs. Sarah Kinky, in the f,fith year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her, John W. Kelly, No. 1147 Germantown road, on Friday atter• noun, It 2 e , el.6h. KIRK.—On the 28th instant, bin, daughter of James and Mary Kirk, in tke 15th year of her age. Funeral front the residence of her parents, Ash street, below Girard avenue, this (Ihnrsday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. KOEIILER.—On the 27th inetent, Kate Koehler, daughter of Philip and Elizabeth Koehler, agetl:2o years. froni il,e renlchntOd or her porctiht, N 0.60 Wharton street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. MAY.—On the 26th inst., Mrs. Lydia Ann May, wife of Capt. Henry May, Sr. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 906 South Front street, on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock. * RESSO N- & SON , MOURNING 44' BTOREs Nn. filA efilltSrlillT Stmt., have adept ed the it CASH SYSTEM," both in buying and selling, thus enabling them to purchase and sell their goods at the lowest possible prices. 00018 RECEIVED JANUARY 14th to 18th. Black and White Pitt Check and Striped Silks. Gray and Black & L nglish Chintzes, 12X cents. Black and 'Purple Plaid Velour Reps, 37% cents. Black BiattlE ,- ;t Loug navels, $T ; Square, $3.50. Balmoral, Skirts, full BIM, 82.50. Black learamatta Cloths, 25, 31M, 37*, and 50 cents Ws Wool Hoed, 62X rend& jlll2 TrTHE PULPIT AND THE STAGE:— W. H. MAURICI4 will deliver a lecture ou " The Pulpit and the Stage" to= ht, at MUSICAL FiThip DALL. Tickete :15 mite. ltd' CasREV. OR. CHEES'ER, OF NEW TORE, at CONCERT HALL, TUESDAY kYENING, FEBRUARY 4, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 6, Two great Lectures no "Emancipation." Calsiisiaz-e At Solo . :k. Doors open at 636 o'clock. Tickets, 2d cents, may be had at the principal Bonk, and Drug Stores, and at the Hall. rirLECTURE AT CONCERT HALL, THURSDAY EVENING, January 30, 1862, by JAMES M. SOMMERVIDLE, M. D. Subject: Pic tures—Their Origin and Influence." For the benefit of the Kingsessing Hospital Aid Society. Tickets to be had atthe door. Price 25 Cents. )9.23-Th* ErrPOST OFFICE NOTICE.—IN CONSE quence of a change in the running of the Trains on the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, the Western mail heretofore closed at 5 A. M. vrill, from and after this date, be closed at this office at o'clock A. 111. It C. A. WALBORN. Postmaster. cla-• SOUP HOUSES.—THE FOLLOWING list embraces the corporate title@ 0' U the, neje, t,OO orkianizcil in this city for supplying the poor With soup, with the limits of each, the localities of the several soup houses, and the names of those authorized to receive contributions to their funds. It is published for the in formation of such as are disposed to aid in the supporter this useful and economical charity, and to aid the bene volent in directing the poor to the proper sources for their supply. Applicants should hear with them the recom mendation of a responsible party, and if found worthy, will by furnished regularly with nourishment for them selves and Philadelphia Society for supplying the poor with soup; Malts—from Walnut to Shippen street, river DOlaWare to Eleventh street. Soup Rouse, 33E4 Griscom street, from Spruce to Pine above Fourth. Treasurer, Jeremiah Hacker, No, South Fourth street. Northern Soup Society of Philadelphia—north from Callowhill street, from the river Delaware to Eighth street, except the portion east of Front street appro priated to the Kensington Society. soup House, North Fourth Street, above Brown. .Treauttrer, T. Morrie Perot, 021 Market street. Southwark Soup Society—south from South street, from river Delaware to Passyunk road and Broad street. Soup House, Sutherland street, below Queen. Treasurer, Benjamin Norton, IN Catharine street. Moyatueusing Soup Society—south from Shippen street, west of Passytink road to Bread street. Soup Nouse, N. W. corner of Eighth and Marriott streets. Treasurer, Robert Oraffen, 537 Pine street. Western Soup Soelety--south from Market street, west of Biload, also from Eleventh to Broad, Walnut to Ship. pen streets. Soup House 1615 South street. Treasurer, George Yam:, 1715 Arch street. Spring Garden Soup Socioty—north of Callowhill, west of Eighth street, from Race to Callowhill, Eleventh to Broad street, and north of Market street, west of Broad. Soup House, Buttonwood street,below Broad. Treasurer, John H. Dot•nert, No. 710 Green street. Kensington Soup Society—from Laurel to Norris street, ricer Delaware to Front street. Soup House, No, 208 All.. ,trect. Treasurer, George .1, Hamilton, Common wealth Batik. Central Soup Society of Fhiladelphia—from Walnut to Callowhill streets, river Delaware to Eleventh street, also Eleventh to Broad, Walnut to Race street. Treasurer, Clement Id. Biddle, No. VII _Market street. Conti ibulione in money intended to be divided among tht above-named societies may also be handed to EDWARD PARRISH, CIIB4IIIEIII of Com. of Delegates, 800 ARCH Street. R1,30-film3t rirr- • THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 1,1„3 SOCIETY OF THE UNiON TEAPORARY HOME FOR CHILDREN will be held at the HOME, northeast corner of POPLAR and FIFTEENTH Sts., on THURSDAY AFTERNOON, 30th inst., at 4)4 o'clock. D. C. MoCAHAION, ja2S-3t* Secretary. .INS URAN CE COMPANY OF TILE STATE OF PENNSYVANIA. JANUARY 26, 1861 , The Annual Mooting, of thd fltatkholddis be held on MONDAY, Yebroary 3, 1882, at the Company's Of fice, Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDING, at 12 o'clock, neon. WILLIAM HARPER,. ja27-tfe3 Secretary. PHILADELPHIA, Jamary 18, 1862 Secretary andlTreasurer PuttenetrEtri, January 20. lUD.. G. H. CROSMAN, Deputy Quartermaster Gnneral 3a3o•tfois RETAIL DRY GOODS. BESSON & SON ENTIRE STOCK MOURNING LAWNS, ENGLISH CHINTZES, DRESS SILKS, FOULARD SILKS, MOURNIN6I GINGHAMS, BAREGES HERNANII SILK GRENADINES, &c., Which they offer, at present, at the OLD l'ii(lES. MOURNING STORE, ja29-at if No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET JAS. R. CAMPBELL & Co., IMPORTERS, AND dASII DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, AT - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET. Having organized a RETAIL DEPARTMENT in connection with their WHOLESALE TRADE, will °k halif, at all seasons, a line of Goods by the yard, piece, or package, at such rates as to commend their stock to the attention of cash buyers. ja2S-tf MUSLINS BY THE PI ECE.—Not .L.T..I withstanding the great rise in Cotton Goode, we `will continue to sell our entire stmdt at last week's low prices. Wt, ofroi , Lleeehed !Citifies by the piece at 6X. ; bleached Muslim 6);(e. by the piece: bleached Musline 7Xe. by the piece; bleached Muslin, 33) inches wide, `Sc. by the piece; bleached Muslin for 10e. by the piece; bleached Muslin for 11c. by the piece; bleached Muslin for 12c.; bleached Muslin fcr 12,1ic. by the piece; 40 incites wide, 12%c.; heavy, 1% yards wide, l4%c.; 244 yards wide, 31Me.; unbleached Muslins I,Vc. by the piece; unbleached Muslin 10c.; ltableached Muslins lame. ' by the piece; unbleached for 11X c. unbleached (extra. good) Mutant. Axe. by the piece unbleached Muslin, 2X yards wide, 31%c. by the piece. We will .offer the same print that is selling for 14X and 15c., for 12%c. by the piece • the same colored Canton Flannel, that is selling for I c., for 12)0. by the piece; un bleached for 12Xc.; heavy colored Drilling 1255 e. by the piece; white Drilling 12%c.; yard wide black Flannel 87gc. Embraced hi this stock wili be found every de sirable make and width of Shirting and Sheeting made. We invite an examination of this stock by storekeepers and others, and will guaranty to sell any make of Mlle at a l e e s o a t le p o r r ic ß e e t t i a la n n H t o h t e is y e. can possibly be bought at It D. & W. 11. PENNELL, l a i n y )829.5t 1021 MARKET St., below ELEVENTH. 1 012, MARKET STREET IS NOW eir settled beyond a doubt by everybody as be ing the cheapest MUSLIN STORE in the city, where there is the GREATEST and LARGEST ASS9RT MEET of °Very make, quality, and price that can be found. Buying my GOODS entirely for cash, I can offer greater inducements than many are able to do. My stock is being constantly replenished, so that persons can find every variety they may want at prices which I can safely guaranty cannot be undersold; and at present it is, I suppose, one of the largest retail stocks of Domestics in the city. I can sell a very good Bleached Muslin at Bc. ; three or four different kiwis at 10c. ; 1 case at 10c., by the piece, that is extra cheap ; two kinds of very fine, % wide, at 12%c.; three makes, full yard wide, at 12„qc.; these are job lots and tinder the regniar price; alto, the Henseksupere, which is heavy; the alemlola, &miner Idem, Baran, Arctic, Wamantta, Williamsville, New York Mills, and many other approved makes, now in store • good Pillow Casing, wide, 1•210. Sheeting, 12;', 21i, fig, 2x, and 3 yards wide; a full lino of Brown Sheetings, of all the best makes, and am selling the Utica less than it can be had. The best 123 E-cent Canton Flannel in town; this is selling very fast, and no more to be had at the price. Daring cleared out a large lot of black-ground American Prints, I will sell theta at 1230. by the piece, which is 2. cents under price. Persons in want of MUSLIMS will find it greatly to their advantage to call at the Great Muslin Emporium. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, ja2B.3t - 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. ESTATE OF SAMUEL HICKMAN ) Deeeased.—Wbereas Letters of Administration on tho nbovo Estate have been this day granted to the nn dersigned, h! those indebted to the said Estate will please make payment, and these haying claims against the same present the smile for settlement to WILLIAM IL HICK MAN, Administrator, or to GEORGE HICKMAN, jail-MU* RIDGE Avenue, above Willow Street •9 1 .0 MANUFACTURERS, CON .I. TRACTORS. advertisers are prepared to purchase or make liberal advances on claims against the Government. Only large claims wanted, and-those that have been approved by proper accounting officers. Ad dress "E. A. G. & Co., Washington City," stating cha racter of claims, and where an interview can be Had. SWI-3t* GEORGE J. 130YEk, BANKER, NO. IS , SOUTH THIRD STREET. iki 6— QUARTERMASTER'S CERTIFICATES, City Warrants, Bank Notes, Specie, &c., dealt in. STOCKS and BONDS bought and sold on commission. p1.28-1m jalB•tfe3 GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. 7 3-10 TREASURY .NOTES BOUGHT AND BOLD. QUARTERMASTERS' CERTIFICATES DEALT IN. ja2-1n DREXEL & CO. $l,OOO to LOAN , ° 3MortgE: _TMs or Ground amount o s undit Rent. Apply to IL PETTIT, a ilag9 No. V* WALittti &rect. $lO,OOO D T E c oBmIANBT LE DIRRERN RENTS. Apply to J. H. WATERS, 18.21 110 South 'FOURTH Street. 53130 0 -A FIRST-CLASS • proved GROUND RENT of this MO Tor sale, At *libeliti discount, Apply to . . GIRLS' HIGH AND NORMAL SCHOOL. The Semi-annual Exeminatron of Candidates for ad- mission as pripile of the Girls' High and Normal School, will be commenced on MONDAY, February 3d, at 9 o'clock A. M. To he admitted, the candidate must be at least 14 years of age, a resident of the city of Philadelphia, and she must have been a pupil of one of the Public Schools of the city for the term of one year. The order of the examination will be as follows: -- MONDAY, February 3—Mensuration and Grammar. TUESDAY, February 4—Practicer Arithmetic and Orthography. WEONESDAY, February s—Parsing, and Constitu tion of the United States. THURSDAY, February 6—Theory of Arithmetic, and Definition of Words. The Reading will be examined daily till completed. .3.29-3 t P. A. OMEGA% Principal. CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL.— The Extuninat on of Applicants for admission into the Central High School will continence on MONDAY, Feb ruary Sri, at 9 A. 31. Cs6ndidates must be at least 13 years of age, residents of the city of Philadelphia, and, for at least one year, they must have been pupils in the Public Schools of the city. The order of examination will be as follows: MONDAY, February 3 Mensuration and Ortho graphy. TUESDAY, February 4—Principles or Arithmetic. IVDDNESDAY, February s—Practical Arithmetic. THURSDAY, February 6—Grammar and Parsing. FRIDAY, February 7—Constitution of the United States and Defining. The new Class will be admitted on TUESDAY, Febru ary 11. N. H. MAGUIRE, ja2s-5t Principal. IRENCII LANGUAGE.—A .Gentle man, a native of Paris, having a few pupils. pro. poses to open an EVENING CLASS for Gentlonian, for PRACTICE fn Beetling awl Conrerstnion. With his method, which is entirely new, the Language can be acquired in a very short time. Classes to commence MONDAY EVENING, 3d of February. Terms, 25 cents per lemon. Apply to Mr. HENRY DEVREUX, from 2 to 3 o'clock P. 111, 1235 CHESTNUT Street. ja29.3t* BORDENTOWN FEMALE COL LEGE, Bordentown, N. J. Tills institution is pleasantly located on the Delaware river, 1.4 hour's ride from Philadelphia. Special atten tion is paid to the common and higher branches of Eng lish, and superior advantages are furnished in vocal Ilia instrumental music. German and French are taught by natives, and spoken in the family. For catalogues, con taining full particulars, address Rev. JOHN H. BBAKELEY, A. M., ja29-2m* President. p T. 13TJOKDIAN WILL OPEN HER . West SCHOOL for girls on the third of Febru ary. No. 1030 SPRING GARDEN Street. juS3-12t4 A FORWARD MOVEMENT OF A the army of civilizing towards 'REIMER'S Gal lery, SECOND Street, above Green, attracted by the fame of his Colored Photographs. Only El. it* IF YOU WANT GOOD FLOUR, GO A. to $. Z. GOTTWALS', no. M SPRING GARDEN TF YOU WANT CHEAP FLOUR, 1 go to S. Z. GOTTWALS', No. 812 SPRING GAR DEN Street iltl7-tuthsti Q Z. GOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRING • GARDEN Street, Belle the very best Corn Meat at 2 et nt '3 per pound. j.l:'-tuthetf WOOD AND COAL CHEAP.- 1,000 Cord Oak, $4 to 50 do. Hickory, $4.50 to $6.50. Hauling, 25 to 38 cents. COO tons Egg and Stone Coal, V. 100 tons Chestnut, $3 to $3.26. J. S. 1. WRY, LOMBARD-Street. Lingle Kiln Wharf, is 29 2t* Schuylkill. CUBA HONEY, in tierces and barrels; choke New Crop Cuba Sugar; Prime White Lagnayra Coffee; prime and medium Rio do; White and Yellow refined Sugar, and Havana Box Sugar, in store and fur sale by PHILIP REILLY & CO., ja29-7t* N 0.7 North WATER Street. OLD SILVER PLATE OR COIN bought in large or Email quantities, by J%28 7t BEET QUALITY ROOFING BlutTß always an hand and for Ws M Union Wharf, lin MUMS Street, Sandinista'. T. THOMAS, By WILY= ire* thadidaft OF LAST SUMMER'S LEGAL. FINANCIAL E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street EDUCATIONAL. Jali-tuthgtf ti; BIDDLE, EIGHTH & JAYNE Streets INSURANCE COMPANIES. VRANKIANO FIRE INSURANCE JL coittrANy OF PHILADELPHIA, NOS. 42.5 AND 427 CHESTNUT STREET. Capital $400,000 00 Perpetual Pri'Mi7llllN $924,345 11 Leas Five Per Cent .... 46,217 26 . . . Unexpired Temporary Pre miums 203,633 05 Less for the portion of time expired on policies over one year 20,1185 55 Total STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS OF THE COM PANY" ON JANUARY 1. 1862. Pub Halted in conformity with the provhdons or the sixth sectiOn et the act of Assembly of April sth, 1842, MORTGAGES. On property valued at over $4,000,000, being acst Mortgages on Real Estnte in the City awl County of Philadelphia, except $68,- 629 92 in the neighboring' counties....... $1,991,570 74 REAL ESTATE. Purchased at Sheriff's selea under mort gage claims, viz: Eight houses and Int, S. W. cornet omit. nut and Seventeenth streets. A house and lot, N. side of spruce street, W. of Eleventh. Two houses and lots, S. side Spruce greet, near Sixteenth street. Five houses and lots, Nos. 521, 523, 525, 627, and 629, Billwyu street. Three houses and lot, E. aide Seventeenth Street, S. of Pine. Hotel and lot, S. E. corner Chestnut and Beach striets, rive liummi and lot, R. tide George street, W. of Ashton Street. Seven houses and lot, E. side Beach street, S. of Chestnut street. A house and lot, N. side of Fitzwater street, E. of Nintli street. A ground rent of $3O on lot N. side Otter street, W. of Leopard Street. 87 lots of ground on Buckley street and Quervolle avenue, Bristol. A house and lot, S. side Stiles street, E. of Sixteenth street. 2i. house and lot, E. side Front street, N. of Cherry street, Kensington. A house and lot, N. side Liberty street, Pittsburg. A lot of ground, S. side Penn street, Pitts burg. Two houses and lots N. side Filbert street, W. of Eighth street. Five houses and lot, N. aide Dauphin Street, E. of Coral street,. Total surveyed and valued at $125,630 16. Coat • • • • LOANS. Temporary Loans on Stocks as collateral security, (valued at $137,009 50. STOCKS. $lO,OOO Almshouse Loan, 5 per cent. (in. terest on.) 200 shares Bank of 'Kentucky. 17 Li Voial¢Fri Blink of Benincity. 100 , f Union Bank of Tennessee. 13 ‘• Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania. 200 Southwark Railroad Company. 37 Commercial and Railroad Bank, Vicksburg. 300 Pennsylvania Railroad Company. 91 Franklin Fire Insurance Company 2 Mercantile Library Company. 24. it Union Canal Company. 2 Continental Hotel Contpany. $3,000 do Bonds. 810,000 Pennsylvania State 6 per cent. loan of May 1861. $lO,OOO North Pennsylvania Railroad Bonds. $2,080 Burlington City Water Loan. 8700 Philadelphia City Loan. 8765 50 City Warrants. Total Market Value, $88,863 66. Cost Notes and Dille receivable Cash on hand 821,526 39 in hands of agents 6,815 17 BEAL ESTATE Market valaa Coat, as above Advance in value STOCKS Market value Cost as above Advance in value Total LOSSES BY FIRE LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR 1461, 518,888 83 By order of the Board. CHAS. N. BANOKEN, President. Attest—JAS. W. 111.cALL1STER, Sec. pro. tem. DIRECTORS. Chas. N. Bancker, David S. Brown, Tobias Wagner, Isaac Lea, Sanmel Grant, Edward C. Dale, Jacob R. Smith, Geo. Pales, Geo. W. Richards, )Alfred Fitter. GRAS. N. BANCIEER, President. EDWARD C. DALE, Vice President JAS. W. MoALLISTER, Secretary pro. tem. jalS,2O-tutheStit FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. 9 ; 7 1 -CET NP• VRESTFUT STREET. rumisbed in Conformity with the Charter. Receipts for the year ending December 31, 1861. For Life Premiums for term of Life 5143,333 94 Limited Premiums for short terms 1,044 88 6 . Extra4,47l 33 6 . Interest on inv e stments:lnd Policy Fees. 50,701 00 eaw,s,sc, " Scrip Dividends Deceived from Policies Purchased Amount $219,446 15 LOSSES AND EXPENSES DIMING THE SAKE . . . PERIOD. Losses 18, amounting to $54,500 00 Expenses, Salaries, Advertis- _ ing, Medical Examinations, 10,667 94 Bent, State and City Taxes, &e. 3,633 00 Agency Charges for Commis sions, Taxes, Advertising, Ac. 8,544 46 DISBURSEMEIcTS. Return Premiums, purchase of Policies 35,726 31 Interest Dividends, interest on Scrip Reinsurance, Interest, &c. Volunteer Aid Fund, Added to Capital in 1861 Accumulated Capital Dec. 31, 1860 81,01'1,123 02 Scrip of the Company received from purchased Policies, cancelled agreeably to Char ter .... Accumulated Capital Dec. 31, 1861 _ vornotp • AtAT6 OF ME CODIPANYLIA.BLE FOE LOSSES, JANUARY 1. 1862. $20,000 00 United States 7 3-10 Treasury N0te5...520,000 00 24,000 00 United States 5 per cent. Loan, 1865.. 1C0,00) 00 United States 5 per cent. Loan, 1871,. 100,212 50 2,000 00 Pennsylvania 6 per cent. Loan 2,105 QQ 40,702 89 Pennusylvania 5 per cent. Loan 20,000 00 Pennsylvania 5 per cent. Coupon Bonds. 18,535 00 31,400 OD Philadelphia 6 per cent. Loan 26,817 75 85,000 00 Philadelphia 0 per cent. Loan, exempt 33,620 50 19,400 00 Philadelphia 6 per cart. Loan, no tax. 18,084 00 3,000 00 Philadelphia 6 per cent. Loan, Coupon Bonds 2,062 50 6,000 00 Northern Liberties 6 per cent. Coupon Ronda 23,000 00 Philadelphia 5 per cent. L0an........ 18,695 00 10,000 00 Pittsburg 6 per cent. Coupcn Bonds 21,000 00 Allegliany Co. 6 per cent. Coupon Ronda 16,102 50 10,000 00 Washington Co 6 per cent. Coupon Bonds 7,525 00 21,000 00 Pennsylvania 11. R.. .Ist Mortg., 6 per cent. Loan 15,000 00 Pennsylvania R. 11., 2d Mortg., 0 Ner cent. Loan 30,000 00 North Pennsylvania R. R.. Ist lllortg., 6 Per cent. Loan.... 600 shares Pennsylvania Rail road Stock .. 150 " Lehigh Coal and Na vigation Co. Stock. 120 " Lehigh Coal and Na vigation Scrip ..... 212 " Girard Life A AtlllitY and Trust C 0...?.. 5.070 39 100 " Western Bank Stock 6,80'2 60 200 " Commercial Bank Stock 76 " North America 11'k Stock 10,168 00 100 " Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Bank Stock 50 4, Mechanics' Bank of St. Louis ...... • • • 4,550 50 $255,045 60 Mortgages, all first liens._ 10,583 84 Ground Bente, all first liens Loans on Policies and tollaterals ...... Bills Receivable, Premium N0te5........ Real Estate, Office Buildings, Cc.. Scrip Dividends of Ins. Co Agents, balances of their accounts due... Quarterly Payments on Policies issued... Cash on hand and in Bank Interest on Inveatmenta to Jan. 1, 1802 Life Interest and Annuity Office Furniture Franklin Fire Insurance Co, Deduct three Losses due iu 1862 Amount PHILADELPHIA. January 25, 1862 At an Election held at the Office of the Company on AttnahlY, the 6th instant, the following genWilitll were duly elected Trastees for three years Samuel C. Huey, 'Edmund A. Solider; Theophllue Paulding, Samuel E. Stokes, Janice Trognair, Remy C. Townsend, Thomas W. Davis ' Joe. I. P. Price, Robert A. Dobbin, Baltimore. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees, JAMES TRA QUAIR was unanimously elected President in place of Daniel L. Miller, who declined a re-election: SAML. E. STOKES waselected Vice President, JOHN W. HOBNOB Assistant Tice President and Actuary, an 4 'HORATIO B. STEl'ittli6 secretary. '1 he Board have declared a Scrip Dividend of THIR TY-FIVE PER CENT. upon the cash premiums paid in 1861, and hare decided to receive the scrip dividends of 1850,1851, and 1852 In piryment of premiums from those who pay their premiums in cash, on and after the let of March next; and those indebted to the Company for pre mium notes, or loans on policies, will be credited with the amount of their scrip for those years, on their notes or loans on the let of March next. JAMES TRAQUAIB, &AMU RI, E. STORES, Dr , ldvnt. JNO. W. ItOBB Olt, A. V. P. and Actuary. IL S. STEPHENS, Secretary. ja29-tit th 36t COMMONWEAL 'kJ RANCH COMPAN PINNHYLVANIA. DIBH David Jayne, M. D., John M. Whitall, 'Edward C. Knight, Tborm L Etewesti Henry Lewis, Jr., H FIRE _ INSU , or Till WritTl 01 'TORS. 1 Charles H. Rogers, John K. Walker, Robert Shoemaker, William Struthers, Elijah Jones. E, M. D., President. I: ITALL, Vloe Preiddent retary. • adding, 113 ORZeedS TII 4IOI IPII . DAVID JAY JOHN H. W : SAMUEL S. MOON, Sec Office, Commonwealth Street. Philadelphia. TORN A. ALLDERDICE, ATTPENEY-AT-LAW, Rao resumed the Practice of Ins Profession at NEW CASTLE, DELAWARE. [ja2B•3m* VIRCULAR PRINT IN G, BEST Cheapeet in the City, &t EINOWALT 'MOWS , 34 Iguth THEW Street. nag 8878,127 85 $483,543 40 838,329 BO ....!52,320,005 TS 8103,991. 33 863,615 13 $85,171 10 1,956 60 28,370 56 $2,294,674 38 .$125,630 16 103,991 33 OILI OIL!! OIL!!! HULBURT & BRODHEAD, KO. 240 ARCH STREET, Haying opened a General Depot for the Sale of Extra Refined and Lubricating COAL OILS, would call the special attention of dealers and consumers to their refined ILLUMINATING OIL, as it possesses merit beyond anything heretofore offered in this market, being entirely free from that gluey , enbetance and had odor Which characterize that cominonly sold in thie market, produces no emeke, and Is free from all explosive properties. err Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. jals-1m $21,638 83 $68,86366 86,171 10 $3,692 56 $2,320,005 75 PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. We sre now prepared to supply tale BTANDABD lILITMINATING OU AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE & CO., Bois AGENTS, 1010 MARKET STREET, se!-Orn tonfladelahla. 10,690 00 HOWARD & HARNDEN EXPRESS. REMOVED TO 607 CHESTNUT STREET. • NEXT DOOR TO GRANVILLE STOKES. EBEIGHT, MONEY, 11 - 04 forwarded to all points NORTH, t4:-7-2. SOUTE, • EAST, and WEST. Having opened an Office in WASHINGTON, we Shsll give spacial attention to freight for that City and vicinity , . January 7,1662. ja7-Im 577,30 42 $142,100 73 21,985 60 1,137 52 1,800 00 60,649 43 $81,451 30 61,170 00 1,009,956 02 23,471 25 36,669 2R BA. FAHNESTOCK & CO. HAVE • REMOVED TO 408 MARKET Street. LOOKING GLASSES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON, .MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS or LOOKING GLASSES. OIL PAINTINGS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, PICTURE AND PORTRAIT FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CARTE-DE-VISITE PORTRAITS, EARLE'S GALLERIES, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, isls PHILADELPHIA. 5.595 00 20,930 00 f, 11,8t16 25 22,500 00 26,442 77 WATCHES, FRENCH TIME PIECES, and MUSICAL BOXES repaired, by upt riot Workmen, at LEWIS LADOMUS 3 - CO.'S, Ico. 802 CHESTNUT Street, Phila. /FT All work warranted. Ja27-Ini SZ. OOTTWALS, No. Sl2 SPRING . GARDEN Street, sell; double extra Family Flour, fancy brand, at St 7 per barrel. jal7-tatlistf 10,585 25 EVERYBODY BUYS BUCK WHEAT FLOUR of S. Z. GOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street, became.) be sell* neve but the very best- jal7-tittlistf 6473,635 53 250,737 59 10,073 34 61,140 13 116,207 21 79,855 22 20,080 00 15,531 61 11,453 51 34,639 83 17,053 58 sou 25 2,235 73 300 00 TRUSSE S! BRACES ! ! SUP PORTERS!!! 8 W. corner 'RACE and TWELFTH Streets, Phtla., Practical Adjuster of Trusses and Mechanical ANSI. slices, has constantly on band a large and varied stock of elegant French Trusses, and a complete assortment of best American. English and American Supporters and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensories, (Syringes in rmtahl pan sty, French Pessaries, Ladies' Department conducted by Ladles, TWSLIPTH Street, first door below Bace. n027-1113m LADI E S CAN TAKE THEIR Children to FOURTH and BRANCH, for Hair $1,093,409 32 7,000 00 $1,091,409 32 PRIZE MONEY PAID TO OFFI CERS and MEN of the San Jacinto, Constella. 'lion, Dar:, Mohican, Jtystlic, Arooklyn, Sumter, and ether vaagola. ALBERT POTTS` Army and Navy Agency, N. E. corner of THIRD and WILLOW Streets. is22-luvw RAISINS. -300 boxes Layer Raisins; 300 half boxes Layer Raisins; 300 boxes DI B Bunch Raisins; 300 half boxes Dl B Bunch italaina. New and choice fruit, now landing and for sale by DITTEPHY St KOONS,. jai-tt tto, /40 tioßrill WBAZYBB. ANTI -FRICTION METAL, Superior quality, IDIIROOMCORN, HANDLES, TWINE, _UP ,ke_t BrnaMA, Buckets, dre., for vele Ls , C. B. BLAKUTON, Commission Merchant, islo.3m 22 South WATER insewt PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT WAR PRICKS, of Looking-Glasses, Engravings, and fine Frowes, at GHQ. Y. BENHERT'S, No. S2l ARCH Street. ial-tftf QHOULDERS.-1,500 pieces city smoked Shoulders j also, 79 hhas. Shoulders iu dry salt, for age by C. C. SkOLIER & CO., ja9 103 ARCH Street, 2d doer above Front. H 0 AMS . 1,000 pieces sugar- cured ity-evoked Hama for We bi 0. C. SA.DLER & a 9 • 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. ®E. S. EARLEY, HISSING UNDERTAKERS Southwest corner of TENTH and GREEN Streets, Philadelphia. CARD PRINTING, BEST AND Cheepeet in the City, at BINGWALT & BROWN 8, SS South THIRD Street. son INSURANCE COMPANIES. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. FIRE AND INLAND INRCIRANG'S. DIRECTORS. F. N. Buck, E. D. Woodruff, Chas. Richardson, John Kessler, Jr., Henry Lewis, Jr., P. 8. Juttice, Alex. Whilldin, Washington Jones, Geo. A. West, Chas. btokes, 0. W. Davis, Jelin W. Everman. FRANCIS N. BUCK, President. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Vice President. WILLIAMS BLANCILkitIY, Secretary. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 WIEST NUT Street. PHYLA DELPHI A, Armory 27, 1862. The following statement of the FAME INSURA NOM COMPANY of their condition on the 31st day of De cember, 1801, in published in accordance with an Act 01 Aunt rulrly. CAYlTAL—Authorind and enbaeribed Wilma na Amount paid in 61,090 00 . . ASSETS Bowla and M ortgagee Demand Loons on eulluteruls.... PLiladrlphiu City 64 Beni Estate.... Interest accrued .. llipx Receirgo ... ~. 1,107 98 inaanee duo from 4,!...ei j,iB;. tic 2,20819 Callon hand 1,8110 09 Inetuitumi; stottk I n,' f..t called in, and fa i r wlaila the ali,iklioldera NF? - Ipliy!dlially lla 41Q . . .. 38,170 00 RECEIPTS FOR 1861. Preminma on Fire Rieke, amount ing to 51,2:34,931.00 . $10,233 40 P rem unt a on Inland Risks, amminting to sriainaoo. 01 El ;7.ileße,4 .c.;p becuritielUlf : 3 004 00 • $14,101. 53 DISBURSEMENTS. . Fire LOSISCP • a I 1J,57804 Commit,lone .r. r ........ . 839 94 Expenses, rent, advertising, Jte... 2,283 44 Salaries 2 700 00 Dividende, January and July. 3,713 25 -- $1;114 117 Amount at rick 5007,458p0 WIIeI4AMS L BLANCIIATID, jtc27,mivi6t Secretary. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICE No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. PHILADELPHIA, January 8, 1882. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fame Insurance Company, held this day, a semi-annual Divi dend of Three per cent was declared, payable on and after the first day of February, 1862 L WILLIAMS I. BLplpTimi,p, jk7 tfeli secrotarY. ILLUMINATING OILS COAL OIL! COAL OIL! GEORGE W, WOOTTEN, 38 SOUTH SECOND STREET, AGENT FOR THE - NORTH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF COAL OIL, AND RE FINERS OF COAL AND CARBON OILS. WM. F. JOHNSTON, President. GEO. OGDEN, Secretary. Also; Agent for BEERS, JUDSON, & BEERS' Patent Glass Cones for Lamps, and wholesale dealer in Patt i-140a Patent Oeal (fire -proof) and Eastern Flint•Glase Chimneys, Lantos, &c. Burners to burn Coat Oil without Chimneys. Cash buyers or prompt payers are respectively invited to examine our stock. ja3o-lin REMOVALS. C. H. NEEDLES. For sale by JAMES YOCOM, Ja., DRINKER'S ALLEY, jal.3.2m* Bet. Front and Second, Race and Arch eta WOLFSOHN & THOMAS' SECOND CLAS,SIOAL SOLI? ER, TFICILSDA Y. January 3Ott4 lA62a AT TIM FOYER OF TILE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Madame JODANNSEN . will assist. Subscribers will be admitted to the last Rehearsal. For particulars see Programmes. Single Ticket,' $l, or Tickets admitting three persons $•2; can be had on the evening at the door. P123.3t* ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH, hrbta Chefittl!!!, - AMERICA ANB THE BRE.IT REBELLION/ Largest and most popular Exhibition ever presented to the American public In Five blertnnoth Sections, Including accurate scenes descriptive of the progress; of the Great Rebellion, from the evacuation of Fort Moultrie to the retreat of the rebel,: at. Port Ittwal. FOURTEEN THOUSAND FE ST OF CANVAS; With One Hundred and Two Serms! Open Every Eight, front TUESDAY, Feb, 4th, at 7 o'clock, and tit dATUUDAY AFTERNOON, at 2 ja2O-d' .$39,825 00 11,431.10 8,180 00 C ONTINENTAL THEATRE. THE cnE,IT I/IT OF THE NA7oLVONt HOUSES CROWDED NIGHTLY Second Weak of tha twat Drama of F 2 , 101,14 TOM'S CA It 114; Or, tire among the Lowly, NOTICE TO FAMILIES. A GRAND UNCLE TOM MATINEE Will be given on SATURDAY next. Poore open X, past 1; to commence at 2 o'clock. Admission 15 and 25 cts. Orcliestra Chairs 50 cents. Poore open berm 7; to commence 3( put 7. 4,107,205 19 WALNUT -STREET THEATM, - -- NINTII WALlitri Sole Lessee MRS. M. A. GARRETTSON. MR. AND MRS. BARNEY WILLIAMS. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, January 30, The performance will commence with Prince Polnrose To be followed by LAKES OF KILLARNEY. .7.,enty Milaughlin Mr. IhtrueeVitlianut. Edre lielarney lire. Barney Whinny's. To Conclude with PATH JILUNDER9. PatoBo-50, 37x, 75, and 25 cents Private Boxes, 85 and 83. Poore open et quarter to 7. To commence at IM. MRS. JOHN DREW'S A ROII•STRRET THIIAIRE. Acting Stage Manager W. S. FREDENTOKS Etiginep:4 Agent and TreamtroY 10R. TY. MURPHY SIXTEENTH NIWIT OF JOHN DREW. TO-/SIGHT, (Thumlety,) January au 18814 THE IRISH ATTORNEY. Pierce O'Hara To conettstie velkh THE IRISH LION Jim Munro John brew Fitaaig ,S 1 rs. , John brew Previous to the Co: wily. DOCTOR DILWCIIPPft.• lEir Prices as 1181181. air Curtain rises at atter 7 u'elett, WiF Eanin Recnreii tiutter dayn in wivanns. FRENCII BENEVOLENT CON CHItT. The FRENCH iniNEVyrENT socrErl present their Annual Appeal to the liberality of Plilladel_nl,4e, In the form of an Amateur vticAL AND IIeSTRLT. MENTAL CONCERT, under rile direction of' Mr. PERILL I, to be given at the MUSICAL, FUND tied 4 b, on the Evening of nitStlA.l% eeinmaiy 11th, 18e2, M 8 o'clock. The high order of Amateur Taint that has robin, leered in the cause of this o,ortty *ill secure to its' patrons an entertainment of the ver7 first clam, and in the name of times whose urgent necongtles are to he re. Roved, request your special attendance. Tickets ran be ()Wined at the principal Musie Stores, at the Hall, anti of any member of the C:Munlttee. 8. DEBTOUET, JOAN E. DESTOUHT, H. I'INTAMiT, Committee, A. iiettAND, H. PERDRIAUX, 1 ja3o fel 4 6 8 10 11 IIIEMPLE OF WONDERS-- 1. TENTH and CHESIZTUT &meta. In hie Now,Popular, and Amttainst Entertainments, - EVERY Nycl3l.No, mameating at halt vat 7 o'cloelt t R and on WENESDAY and SATURDAY AFTER NOONS at 3. Grand Combination of Attreetion, Thaumaturgioet Illusions, Mycological Experiments, Magical Decep. Gone, Ventriloquial Oddities, Comic:elides, and Boa Mots ' and the Pleasing Exhibition of the Learned Ca nary Birds. Admission 25 cents; Children 13 amts. GERMANIA ORCHESTRA. CARL SENTZ, Conduct - 9r, PUBLIC S.tHEARS.LLS avorp SATIIHHA.y, Mljjj o'clock P. M., at the MUSIOAL FUND II fiLL, Package er tight Tickete, el ; Single Ticked', Se cid. To be had at Andre'', 1104 Chestnut stroet, J. E. Goulds, Seventh and Cheating, and at the door of the Hall. oigt-1t P ENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY ON THE FINE ARTS, 1026 011ESINUT Street, 111 open daily, &many' excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. IL Admistion 25 conk,. Children under twelve rum half price. Sharee or Stock. SW. lvi M7AN T E D— A second-hand Sta tionery Steam Engine, of from 60 to 70-Horse Power. Address, stating particulars, "Box DM Poet Office." de2l-13 UNITED STATES MARLIsVES.--- Wrinttd, itnatiMlAtOY, feR the United Staten Marine Corps, SEVEN HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED NEN for sea sirvice, betweeu the ages of eighteen end forty years. All information that may be required will be given at the Rendezvous 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMS LEWIS, Captain, jalB-19.t Recruiting Officer. VO. 1521 WALNUT STREET- Irand,amely-furnislied BOOMS TO LET, with Board. ja2B-3t* 0 HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE LT the subscriber, at WOOL El, Now Jamey, now doing a good business. Possession given at any time. jaJo•lm* JOHN P. PIIIPPS. a y TO LET.— The second• story front and the entire third kory of our PARR & BROTHER, Ja2o.6t 324 CHESTNUT Street, below FOURTH. FOR SALE—The entire STOOK and FIX'l ÜBES of au AGRICULTURAL and SEED BUSINESS, or will form a Copartacraliip With per. 0011 having the required capital. Adilreaa (IBA 1117," Philadelphia Poet (Mee. ja2S-6t F IRS T- CLASS STEAM FORGE FOR SALE. Will be sold, at public sale, at 2 o'clock P. M TUESDAY, the fourth day of February, 1802, at the public house of W. L. DeBORBON, in the city of Read ing, the property known as the READING STEAM FORGE, in said city. Said Forge is substantially built, and completely equipped with all the modern improvements, inclialing tteyan-tea Nastayth hennner and three itirk steam hainntersi each with heating fmnaces and boilers attached. A tyre bending machine and oven, three puddling furnaces, five blacksmith's forges, two thirty -ton °lanes, me largest-class boring mill, slotting machine, turning lathe, and sixty-horse engine. Maio building, 300 by 100 feet, with sheet iron roof, a carpontershop. and brick office, with fire proof, &c., on the premises, which contain over 23 acres. Said Forgeis most conveniently located for business, ad. joiming the Reading Reileond,And tiO tvialeCtiAl therewith that locomotives can take away and deliver cars of Iron, coal, and other freight, without cost for hording. Shutea run outside the building, by which coal, scrap iron, ltc., can be dumped close to each furnace, without extra cost for hauling or labor. This Forge is capable of executing the heaviest work, having forged arid finished the main shafts of the " Adriatic, (believed to be the largest ever made,) besides complete sets of forging, for numerous steamships fur Government and others. The city of Read ing presents peculiar advantages for the successful opera tion of such a forge. It is within IS mil,, of Philadelphia. connected thereUltil DY the Reading Railroad, Mid the 6chuythill (1130 ton) canal, 128 miles by rail ffireet front New York, 138 from Baltimore, 54 from Harrisburg, and 34 from the Schuylkill coal region, whence the best an thracite coal can be placed at the furnace doors for about 52.25 per ton. „Reading is situated lit one of the finest agricultural districts of Pennsylvania, has a population of 2.5,000, and is noted for its general health and the purity of its water. As Berks county contains more furnaces than any other in the United Stales, iron of every description can ho procured by the forge at the lowest prices. Title clear of all incumbrance Posses sion given immediately, and terms mails easy, to suit purchasers. The Forge Is in complete order, arid is fur nished with every necessary tool and appurtenance to commence work immediately on taking possession, It is a property well worth the attention of three engaged 14 the aboVe business. For any further information, apply to 11. IL 111U1ILBNBEBG, Cashier of the Fanners' Bank of Beading, Pa. ja27-1104 TO BENT A Desirable HOUSE, Smear BROAD and WALNUT. All modern conve niences. Reserving Office. Furniture for sale, if de. aired. Agmly to R. PETTIT, jag; 1r 1423 WALNUT &net, dit FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— Rem - A large Store and Dwelling on MARKET Street, on a prominent corner, and suitable for a liquor Wye. Ap ply to J. 13. WATERS, Ja2o-tf 110 South FOURTH Street. F OR SALE, OR EXCHANGE FOR Improved Property, Forty Acres of GROUND, in the Twenty-second Ward, fronting 90 the Mount Airy TIM/. pike end the county.line Road. Close of MI sott o , btrindy. Apply to J. H. WATERS, VCR SALE AND EXCHANGE-- A: A large number of "Farms in the adjoining Conn. ties, States of Delaware, Maryland, New York, and New Jersey, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of land. Thom wishing to exchange or purchase would do welt to call and examine my Register of Farms, Apply to ' E. PETTIT, No. 809 WALNUT Street. -FARM FOR SALNI.—A. FARM, in excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-one acres, (nine of which are woodland,) pleasantly situated in Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and • half miles from the Limerick station, on the Beading Railroad, is offered for sale. Price—rive thousand doh lire ($5,000). Apply on the premises. tioll3-tf SAMUEL H. GRAFT. ja29-if tf at FOR SALE—A Desirable FARM, containinu 05 auras of ancertor laud, near giusAy Hun Station, Notth Pennsylvania Railroad, with first,. chum Stone buildings. Principal part of the put - chaise. money can remain at b per cent. Apply to E. PETTIT, jal No. 309 WALNUT Street. rriLILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT a BM- Nona) to No. 21 South SZVENTII Stmt. may Franklin Inatitnta. The undersigned, thankful for past favorer and bed determined to merit future patronage, has secured - elegant and convenient store, and has now on haul • large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought sal - Chilled Iron Fire end Burglar Proof Safes, (the oak strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Llllash Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Ilie'e Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be tarnished to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best prer tooted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet oitorig. Mae, particular at - Waltonls celled to Linda's IS Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, ao. This Safe is OM. ceded to corpses in style and elegance anything yet fared for this purpose, and is the only one that Is striate are and burglar proof. SskOtxt. Norion.—l here now on hand say twenty d Farrel, Herring, h Co.'s Safes, most of them nearieurit, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for tie now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at rialr low prices. Please call and examine. ROMA? R. 0. SADLER. Anil an BOSTON AND PHILA DELPHIA STEAMSHIP LINE—SAIL. LIM FROM EACH PORT EVERY TEN DAYS—From PINE-STREET WHARF, Philadelphia, and LONG WHARF, Boston. The new steamer SAXON, LIN tons, Captain MAT. THEWS, will sail from Philadelphia on WEDNESDAY morning, February 0, at 10 o'clsck. Faaid:lik kabala at file Insurance eue-half that by salt Tassels. Shippers are requested to send Bills of Lading and slip receipts with their goods. For Freight or Passage (hating tine accommodations) apply to HENRY WINSOR & CO, Ja2T-tf 332 num WHARVES. AMUSEMENTS. MMII:InMI ..Ivlrs. Barney IVilnamlL SIGNOR BLITZ WANTS. BOARDING. FOR SALE AND TO LET. 110 South FOURTH Street, SAFES. John , brow