t° a>lstkt~ts = The folloglnif he• • • .144 - Ipoattol-.llp efteptenoudyrseer Froatuteaet Oakum. to the terry-yand peter "Vey, end malaise pirldiabed hs the 'oolutnit of Tke ?rasa: - • , "A-MINIMAY 4 ItSIMING of the .bands employed be the Navy lead win be in` Sons of Temperance Malt, Second street, below Queen, this (Monday) after - neon, it Mageethritok precisely; By order of the Com , At the ategg therein named every seat in,the halt wee,' prOeited • with en occupant, and many were compelled to nand. - At 4.1 - . O!olock, the chairman -not being present, Mr. James 0. - Hoffmann*, ohoeen temporary chair plan b atelematloa. - - - • • Mr. Jim,eph Maul°, the permanent chairman, then =red, arid Mr, Henna at once roil : squished the - Mr. Menlo Said, he perceived --, that it was unnecessary to call the Meeting to ordei, for it was already as orderly is could be desired. He then announced that the report of the commltteewould shortly be presented. t. Mr. Pidgeon, secretary of The Committee, stated, In the absence of iteetuelnitan, that thecommittee had appointed ♦ sub. committee to ascertain what was. were beieg Raid to onteide mechaalcs.• On Saturday morning a number of certificates was received from shipwrights, spar waken., blacksmiths, and iddp.joiners furniihing the de. sired information. The committee waited op the beadle of departments at the Dell' lard on Saturday, and showed them these tart ficatee, by which It was manifest that higher wages were being paid to outside workmen. Au amine was received in the afternoon. stating that the certificates were not satisfactory, and the order baying been issued by the Department at Washington, they:could not, and would not, go behind it. The committee immediately ordered , the secretary of the committeeto prepare a ce tilled copy of these cern& rates, and to forward them to the Secretary of the Navy, to the Committee 'on Naval Affairs of the House of Re. presentative.,and to the Hon. Mr. Lehman, our Repro. *entailer, In ongresta front this district. . Mr. John Crosland, as chairman of the Saecative Committee of Wotithtirmen of the Philadelphia Navy Yard, presented a communication embodying the fol lowing IAMB: First. Outride workmen have, In most cases, opportu nities for overwork and jcbwork, and are regularly paid at the cote of each week, whereas, by the regulation of the Navy 'Yard, over 83 per cent. of the worken-n'e wages Is withheld for thirty days, and no opportunity for over work is allowed. Second. We have indisputable evidence that good workmen, under private employers, have not boon paid less than those in the yard, but In many cases have re ceived more. The certificates obtained from outside em ployers only gave the general rate of remuneration. Third. The 52.26 or $2.50 per day paid to navy-yard employees is not continuous for a week or a month. Scarcely a week passes but a day is lost to the workman, thus decreasing bir wages S3X per cent. Had the last week pureed without interference, we should only have been able to make three days. Mr. Crosland then submitted two propositions from the ' committee. The first, which Mr. Crosland desired to be put tut, was as follows That we go to work to-morrow (tde) morning under the new regulaticsr; that we appoint a committee to confer with the authorities at Washington; and that we proceed to work until the report of the committee le re. mired." The proposition was received with cries of No! No! Mr. LucluiWebb nevertheless rose to defend It He declared his conviction that the men before him wore die loyal fCriee of put hint out l and confusion.] Mr. Webb is plied that the man who said that could not do it, wl'ereatthe confusion waxed greater. Mr. John Van Damn obtained the door and quiet was _ restored. lie thought we should have some regard to • the prospect, add therefore the proposition was the boat we could adopt. The present was a poor time to strike perhaps the time may come when by striking we may get 43 per day. I therefore offer the following: Resolved, Thatthe ship carpentees of the Philadelphia navy yard do now go to wort under, but protesting against, the new rules and regulation. in the meantime appointing a committee to gather affidavits and statistics to prove that the Government ties bean influenced en tirely by misrepreeentation, and to try to induce it to re taro to the old regulations. Falling in that, it shall be their ditty to wait upon ship-cartentere In the public and private ship-yards, to induce them to strike for three dollars per day on the first of March, 1862. The resolution was received with applause. Dlr. Crosland. It will not do to lose eight of the first proposition. It is admitted that we stand before the Public In a ditdotel attitude. Would It not be stilt more disloyal to combine against the Government to procure 83 per day I I knowl stand here a marked man; but if can do you good. I shall not be fir behind tho general prosperity. [Applause.] The current public opinion is against ue, and there is no exca.e fur us. The officials at Washington, whose salaries have been ralerd from eight and nine hundred dollars to fifteen hundred dollars a yeer,!re I ollguepttietwe demand our rights, The 'Chair then stated ... oe quimtion—as fonnwa Resoired, That we will go to work, under the new re gulations, until the delegation to be sent to Washington • ehallrettirn addling suswerfrom tho Naval Department. The tenoning reaolution, which was presented as an amendment, was toted down viva one: I ,S iiksoircd, That the shipwright* employed in - the Phi ladelphia navy yard an wilting to return to their work, and that a couplet's be appointed it notify the - yard to that effect. Mr. Hagman, who had bad an interview with Con. gremman Lehman In the morning, stated that Mr. Leh \ man bad informed Win that the action of Congress would h undoubtedly be reconsidered. He further promise(' that 415 soon as he returned to Washington he would go to the As .8 ecrettry.vilth a delegation, requiesting him to restore Abe old rate of wages: :In the meantime, he counselled •the nothaaer, to return to work under the present regu latirnv. The question as stated by the with the amend moeut of Mr. Van Duren, was then staled. 1 Mr. Clouds then mid a further amendment, striking .cut all that part of Mr. Ilan Dueen's amendment refer sing to a determination to strike for three dollars per 'day, and adding after the word "shlpcarpentern" boat . .bullterv., caulkers, star•makers, and sawyers Mr. Crodand asked leave to withdraw the, original enotion,t n the ground that Mr. Van Dusen's motion was not on am, ndment, but • sulrentnte. Mr. Elewart, who bad had an Interview with Judge it.filey. told that gentleman had spot en MIN on this sub ject hat as good medlars were serving the Govern .. ment in timityvny for 813 a month an tvero receiving $2.50 a day la the navy yard. In regard to the salaries , of Congressrosn, they received but $3,000 a year, which ' was insufficient to support himself and family to Wash ington, Is hero the price of board, had reached $lO a month. He could not speak In favor of the striking movement, and thought that any oto moving to rem:qt. eider the naval bill would be the laughing-stock of Con , glass. The motion to allow Mr. Crosland to withdraw Hs first proposition was lost The proposition itself wax then submitted and lott. The second proposition then came up. It Was as Resolved, That inasmuch no shipcarp.ters, by roe. sonof bad weather, have been allowed to work but nine days in the first half of January,_which, under present will not be paid for until the 15th of February, no ,_?,resume work at the earliest moment for the balance t• month, or for a longer tried terasunder a engem- I tho tow regnlntions. In this length of thee, g work can be finished, and a satisfactory ,feat of the present difficulty bo made with the Navy iment. proposition was unanimously agreed to. Mr. Crosland submitted a third proposition, as fel ' ions: Resolved, That one or more delegates be deputed to wait upon - the Secretary of the Navy; and the Naval Committee Id' a mutual aplanation and such arrange , mem an will secure to the workmen their Just standard . . . . of wages fur the corresponding Genet:lief the Government. Agreed to. The delesostes chosen were Hr. John Crosland and Mr. Chas. Wilkie& Adjourned. (Yesterday we were informed that ship-esrpentors, upon applicstion. will be employed at the Navy Yard, a rd If the requisite number is not obtained, all work will be suspeuded, and the gates closed.) SPIIIITUALIBM EXTRAOEIDINART.—The enter prising eokmporary announced yesterday in an - item, whose paternity was doubtless intelligent collaboration," that the U. 8 sloop-of-war Hart ford had sailed at noon on Sunday. If' any ono placed the least reliance on the enterpriaingtotem. vporary, its vagaries might do some misehief; but several of the officers of the Hartford who hap pened to be absent from the oity on Sunday were rather assured by this announcement that they had ample time to join their vessel, and leisurely re ported themselves to Secretary Orabbe yesterday forenoon, as though the enterprising pictorial had never opened its oramilar lips in the matter. Who is the collaborator that is eternally putting his foot into it? COrNTING-ItOMIE ENTEIIED.—The counting,. aionso of James L. Bewley 4- tto , 326 South Dela are avinue, was entered some time during Satur day night. Nothing of value was taken, although the bcoks of the concern were thrown about the ROOT. 'The thieves could not have had much taste for the fine arts, as a small but very valuable paint ing, which might have easily been taken, was un disturbed by the scamps. No improper means of - ingress or egress were discovered, and it is supposed that the thieves had secreted themselves in the store during the day. Ramumes.—Mr. R. Heber Newton has been ordained as a deacon, in St. Paul's Church, of which his father is rector The ceremony was performed by Bishop Alonzo Potter. The Rev. Wm. Newton, of West Chester, brother of Dr. Newton. and the Rev. Mr. Edwards. were present. Mr. Newton is twenty-two years of age. He is a graduate of the Pennsylvania University. Twenty. four nelsons were confirmed by Bishop Stevens at the Church of the Evangelists, in Catharine street, above Seventh. There was a very large congrega tion present. Fruartiv.—This - afternoon the funeral of Mr. Ilemnen Teske* will take place from his late residence,- No. 617 North ,Eieventh street. Mr. Yerkes has been an active politician for a long po. lied. In the days of the old Whig party he was very psominent, and held several minor . positions under that organisation. At the last sewn of the Legislature he served as sergeant-M•arms of the House of Representatives, and was resided at the present session, but was unable to occupy his place on ammunt . of Illness. A NEW Covarenvkm—Yesterday morning, ,about l o'clock, titan named Edward McDevitt was arrested In the Eighth ward upon tho charge rof pawing a -new counterfeit five•dollar note, put porting to be the issue of the Blue Hill Bank, of Dorchester, Masi. The bill is dated August 1860. and is well executed. The accused bad passod Ogee of the bogus notes at a restaurant, and eleven jnore were found upon his person. He was looked A inp for a bearing. Storekeepers will do well to be on the look-out for these new and dangerous notes. Frarrtvz ?nom Jusriez.—Robert Redfield was arrested on filinday evening by Reserve Officer Rawlings upon the charge of being a fugitive from View JerSay,whers he is alleged to have committed '°robbery. is ebarged with stealing $450 .;from the house of Jehn Jennings, a farmer of Cam den county. He was taken into custody at Camp •McClellan, where he bad enlisted. Cho prisoner was ernt to Caniden for trial. - OUR FORRIOR Taans.—The trado botwoon Philadelphia and.Enitiland, in breadstuff's, continual 'heavy. Thera are now loading for Liverpool four ihips, for London one shit, and for Belfast one ship '—all with breadirtuffs, = Cos.. Gnactortv's Rannannv.—The Ninety. bet Regiment, P. V., Col. R. M. Gregory coot landing, yesterday received numbing orders. ale teats as Camp Obese, on the Darby road, have .ern sinieit.•sed , the'lnen were to take their de li/tarifa,. Washington last evening. The mem. "ere of Company K Were presented, on Saturday; ith a moldy of underclothing, by the :Ladles' .itie 016 a of tße North Broad-street Baptist bareh. itT Irmo 'Frazee—Yesterday morning, about o'clock, afire occurred at the Matamore Rouse, 'toad and Neer streets, Sizthirard. - The damage ne wee Thaigiagle Hotel, on Market. street, near Ninth-, 'oe eledanigidly dimaged-byfireabont one o'clock ..,aterday morning. ltuAitictaila::=Testerday the Schuylkill t s lamest clear of the floating caked of ice, which ?7 fact elieappasriog• . . . ‘ ' Frail Vilotbitatta. - FO.ostcjaao,-; to•day ..;ivkierGo/deis Mite, trete Poems ;.• bark Gijford, nia Teuton. - railed—My CarderAvoi 'for Liverpeoll . brig Wert!, far Logislaturo ae adjourotil to tfie 2let, to 7avi tam water -to tatbibli from 13raiiiitilloto. date eilly.ka* keep 100 wader Mite' two to sterea. 3 fostri4 - 40,1r bi•tho Out skulWor — tiO* l losial ire attoble,to Pa 1 : 11011 .*:illiole tkele toed. !poised, provhdeite ,wera:lieitt . th o ant ii:out B . toi or =as s l7. 5,~ '~ T , Lea_ materially subsided since, but the weather is Still 'Unfavorable. The whole valley portions of the State bare suffered severely from , this unpre cedented inundation, and many millions of dollars' _worth of property destroyed. But FRANCISCO, Tali. 'ship AURA Mary, from Bombay: If possible the hardest rain-storm of the season has Prevailed for the last ten days, melting the mow upon the mountains, and causing an immense Him of water from the foot of the hills into the valley. which the main river cannot carry off until after moat of the agricultural parts of the State are more or less flooded. The prospects are that California will be inundated deeper than ever. The femme and miners have alrealv been immense losers by the freshets this winter. Tho gold groduct will be reduced znlllions from this cause. The placer and river Mines snotain this loss, the various dame, auutducts, canalr, &c., being swept away or damaged. Governor Downey's lost message was delivered yes terday, and Governor Stanford's inaugural to.day The message represents the State in a very prosperous con dition although the funds of the State treasury are un usually low. The January interest on the State, Bacra'- meet° city and county bonds has been paid. ffMiiNMMEMEI The steamer Oriseba sailed for Panama, carrying 75 mmatngers and $1,060,00010 treasury, including $550,000 for Now York. MIifMNIMMMI The Legiblature propose to adjourn the Hesston to San Frentheo. The rain continues. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. -THE MONEY MARKET. PruLeDstpat.t, January 20, 1862. - The business transacted at the Stock Board lo•day was not large, though an increased firmness in prices was exhibited at the first board. $5,000 American And sold at 102, $15,000 City sixes at 92 for tho neer lames and 87 for the old. Pennsylvania Railroad stock ad ianced to 39% at the first board and 89% at the second board. Little Echnylkill Railroad shares sold at 10 ; Reading Railroad stock advanced %, selling to tho ex tent of 300 shares at 18k; llazleton Coal Company stock sold at 40, and Long Island Railroad at 10%. OFFICIAL BANK STATEMENT. -MILT AT7IAOIB OF 4111 PHILADICLPHIAL PILNIKB, BANKS. M Philadelphia... North America.. /arm & Mech.. Commercial..... Mechanics' N. Liberties.... Southwark.... Kensington .1.. Penn Township Westernre. o 4.'.. Man & Mech .. Commerce Girard......... 34,070,000 8,526,385! 1,9;1400 1,988,0001 1,654, 7 0001 994,0405,089' 803,7801 1,6811,059 1 1,198,8451 775,236 2,414,224 588,543 684,77! 9.1,795 598,784 624,000 451,000 *4,024,000 3,611,754' 5,186,071 2,037,000 .2,032,000 1 1,680,000• 090,4811 824,: 1,219,190 793,380 2,852,841 839,860 077,798 932,770 Tradeanen's . Consolidation City.... Commonwealth. Corn Exchange' Union 131,145,938 30,601,160, ,2‘t DEPOSITS. CIRCULAT lON. pm& . Jan. 13. Jae. 20. Jan. 13 . Jan. 20. -,--- -- - --- --- -.. phfladelphla ... $2,816,000 $2,537,000 $254,000 6284,000 North America. 2,279,773 2,191,018 228,095 213,900 Farm & Mech.. 4,166,282 4,145,396 262,695 255,470 Commercial.... 1,308,000 1,387,000 109,000 107,000 Mechanics'.... 1,229,047 1,062,019 99,290 109,115 N. Liberties.... 1,251,000 1,248,000 85, 77,000 Southwark.... 729,162 728,083 71,050 65,100 Kensington.... 072, 645,768 128,885 111,943 Penn Township 608,5 589,064 80,934 72,532 Western. ...... . 1,251.341 1,248,835 108,740 04,135 Man. k Mech... 653,485 625,330 101,455 115,236 Commerce.... 647,272 602,532 64,469 76,445 Girard 1,404,045' 1,282,019 151,800 148,020 Tradesmen's.... 519,1 500,744 77,553 72,838 Consolidation .. 332,3' , 818,058 100,385 122,473 City 647,412 1 648,570 46,495 43,910 Commonwealth. 387,041 872,380 04,316 55,670 Corn Exchange. 845,000 1 340,000 56,000 41,000 Union 277,000 1 255,000 75,000 74,000 - -.--- Total 21,324,510 20.696,898,- The aggregates compare with those of preceding state mente as follows: Jan. 13. Jan. 20. Capital Stock $11,970,190 $11,670,190 , Loans 31,146,938 30,601,160...1)ec.644,773 Speck, 5,622,123 5,733,459...1nc. 41,3343 Due On other Bka.. 1,702,716 1,675,116.-D0c.127,600 Due to other Eta— 8,992,952 4,120,261—1nc.127,309 Deposita 21,324,610 20,698,396.-Dec.620,114 Circulation 2,162,152 2,120,756 ..Doo . 41,390 Loans. Specie. Circal'n. Deposits. July 1 .23,067,320 6,688,393 2,101,312 15,997,943 Aug. 5 24,211,527 6,743,321 2,058,574 15,941,861 Sept. 2.........28,557,264 6,179,482 2,074,048 19,030,712 41 9 .28,328,496 5,617,870 2,111,439 18,329,837 " 36 27,871,497 5,040,340 2,148,885 16,976,017 " 28........ .27,459,472 4,697,284 2,202,773 10,498,788 It 30 - 26,713,917 6,222,672 2,194,491 16,344,113 Oct. 7 30,499,119 5,383,277 2,238,739 29.331,970 0 ]4 30,281,167 6,943,603 2 4 249,731 20,929,031 " 21 29,705,244 6,375,750 2,250,365 21,100.095 __ -- ..,....... ~ ... ..._ ___ . 28 28'805509 Nov. 4 28,431,736 44 11 ..... ....27,871,443 4 4 18. .... .27,629,754 44 25 30,498,431 Dec. 2....„ .... -30,048,052 •' 9 .11,100,602 44 16 31,140,282 44 23 - 31.060,001 VI 30 30,864,281 Jan. 0, 1602....31,040,337 ,6 13. 31,145,938 44 20. 30,601,160 6,554,683 6,764,770 10,917,769 7,088,809 7,487,108 7,404,530 7,266,912 7,85 ,1121 7,167,266 5,493,181 5,658,728 5,692.124 5,783,45 The following is a statement of the transactions at the Philadelphia Clearing House, for the week ending Jan. 18, as furnished by the manager, George E. Arnold; Esq. Clearings. Balances. 82,672,292 47 , 18231,185 92 2,656,591 65 188,165 17 2,523,095 64 116,598 14 2,348,687 82 139,340 94 2,408,687 80 175.100 57 2,482,121 43 211,674 67 Jan. 13... 66 34... 44 15... n 36... 17... ~ 18... 815,097,878 77 81,081,052 It Look out far new counterfeit notes on the Trenton Iraniling Company, and on the Blue little Bank, of Dorchester, Mass. The custom house statist:es of the commerce of New York for 1882 were completed on Saturday. The results are very eatisfactory, as follows : EXCtIIB of exports Al compared with 1860, tho imports of mer chandise shows decline of $103,727,723 The exports an increase of 85,102,721 In favor of this country This statement does not include the movements of spbcie, of which ear"coo were imported during the year. The decrease in dutiable Imports is over $lOO,- 000,000, mostly dry goods. The free goods show an lacrosse of about s2,2oo,ooo—the warehoused goods a decline of $5,800,000. The exports of produce, manu facturer, sc., show an excess of $37,000,000. The Now York Evening Port of to-day says: Tho week opens doll on the Stock Exchange, both buyers and Wiens awaiting action on the financial ques tion and news from Burnside's expedition. Prices aro K per cent. lower then on Saturday, but there is no pressure to sell at the decline, end the leading securities of the list are well maintained. There Is, however, little or no demand from the public for speculative stocks, and the principal transactions are among the jobbers of the Board. The market was better after the board, Influenced by the news from Kentucky. New York Central 6314, Erie 35 4 . The list of Government bonds and State stocks shows no change of moment. The Sizes of 1881 are j 4 por cent. lower. The money mortal ehowe no thaw,. There la a fair employment for money at cigeo per cent. on call, with excep.lonal buelneal at both 6 and 7 per cent. Exchange on London la di:lll%nd heavy at n1;4011234 for first-clan bills. Vino is a rise of % per bent. in gold to-d ay, but with out leading to any decided activity. The brokers are free buyers at 202% per cent., and the lowest selling Mite is 2g. AL 1%02 per cent., which was the ruling rate the close oflast week, there was considerable taken on sp. culation. but It is doubtful If a farther advance can be established, as it is more than probable that wo are on the eve of some Imporaint successes to our arms. There is also an impression In some quarters that the passage of a bill making treasury notes legal tender would at once so narrow the noes Of gold as to reduce the premium to a mere nominal rate. Tide, however, would depend greatly upon whether the credit of the Government is sufficiently fortified by liberal taxation. The banks are paying Into the Sub-Treasury $3,600,000 on account of the now United States stock. This call is Parable In (emend notes, two•year six per cents, and past-tine notes. The Terre Haute and Alton Railroad is advertised to be told, under foreclosure, on the oth of Starch, agree ably with the, provisions of the reorganization plan of the company. The Pew York bank statement, for the past week. has several striking points. The specie average-026,100,000 —is scarcely eo good as wee expected, is view of the decline in gold from 6 to 3 per ccut. premium during the week. The circulation is reduced about $BOO.OOO, amounting now to $7,340,000, againet $3,100,000 Mat week. The banks withhold their bills whenever they can me Go vernment netes or the current bank bills or the neighbor ing cities. The loans are down. $3,000,000 from lad week, $140,000,000. The deposits hive decreased $OOO,OOO. Philadelphia Stool January MITOIRTIND IT IL il. EtiATMAi k Exchange Sales, 20, 1862. an, Philadelphia Exchange BOARD. FIRST 2000 Amee'dold—conli.lo2 1000 ' do &ILION 2000 do ' ca 411.102 8 GermoutovitiGns. 48 17 Penns B 30 2000 City ee New 92 12000 do..New.oash 92 WM do Now 02 1000 • do New 92 8000 d 0.... Ne w.bs 92 100 Reading R..cash 18X 50 do cash 18X 50 do cash 18% 100 do cash 18% 18 Little Bchugl R.. 10 26 Spruce dr Plea R. 8% 5 Cam it Am IL —.llB 90 do cull 8939 10 do caith 8934 900 CRY 6a 86% 20(0 do 87 900 d 0.... " 87 600 do 87 1500 do New 92 700 ' do - New 92 BOARDS BET WEE 10 N Penns R b 5 7 10 do .b 5 7 MONO 3 Penne R 89% 4 do 30% 50 Little Bch R.eswit 10 1000 N Penna 6§....e5 63 20 Man a Mee Bk.. 19 10 do 19 WOO CHI be...New.bs 92 260 Ponua be.., Oti P 79j BOARD, 10 Hazleton Coal.bb 40 2000 POllO6 be... C&P 79,4 i 10 Lehigh Scrip.... 30 9 d0...........30 26 Pprues dt Pins.es 80 do 350 Long Island 8... 10% 60 do 10% 1000 City Ss New 02 OBB—FIRM. Bar. AO Emirs B Pref. 10 6 do 19 2000 ecbl Nan 6.1'82.. 623 1000 do 62 CLOSING P Bid. Ask. Ma Go • 87 81% P 9116 fis 8... .. 88) 873‘ Phil. 6, new... 92 92%( Penns 61 19% 19% 1t0041n6 B. 1891 18% Beading Bds '7O 84 14'dg 17 64'130411 93g Kew itt es 46.. •78 74 Penns it 493‘ 90 Parma it2dis 61 88 90 Morris CI Con.. 87 .. Norris 01 Prat.ll2 214 !lob Nav 61'82.. 82g 83 Bob Roo Lap Is 73 80 !eh Nov Stock... 6 Solt War Prof... 1139 92 Magri 8....... t. 0% Elmira 7e'78... 85 68 Long bland B. 10,1 log Leh 01 J; Now— 51:g 52 Leh CI k H Seep aag 88 N Penns 5% N Penns WU.. 63 85 11 Permit 10e... 78 BO Catawba 11Con I,li 2 Ontawlesa Pref.. 5 5g 2,l*&t eta 8.8... 50 Race h Yitm.st. 3 W Phita R 40X 51X Spruce & Pine.. 8E B,li Green Ik Coates ieg Arch Street.... 13 .. Philadelplua Markets. Jaguar 20—Evening • The Flour market le without any change, but dull to- day ; there ie some little demand for export, generally for the higher grades ;1,200 bble choice extra family at $6, 200 bbie do at $5.87, 200 common do $2.75, and - 400 bble common and good extra $5.60e6.75 ; sales the trade range at $ for miser, $6.6006.76 for extras, and $6.7608.76 for extra family and faucy brands, as to quality. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are but little hi. anima for, and dnU at $3.76 for the former awl $3 bbl for the latter, which Is scares Ws's.r la dull, and rather lower today, with 'light offering, and sales--about 8,000 bushels to all—at 163 re 135 c for red, the latter for prime Peonsylranle, and 140 e 160 c foie white, ea - to quality. Rye is unchanged, awl about 800 bus Pennsylvania sold at 720,723 cc, in store. Corn comes in stalely, and now yellow is hold at 6sy,c, without males; a email sale of new white was made at 68c in the carkarul 800 bee old yellow at 02c. Oats continue firm. Stith further sake of 3,000 bus Pennsylvania, at Slue' to UVMeasure In store. c-z- Dan re Is very little Quercitron offering or sell, log; Ist No, 1 is trasteif at 31 per tot,, "- Corron.—There Is little . or nothing doing, and no change in price or demand. - GDOCRRIEB AND PA . OISIONE4.—There le little or noth- ing doing in either, and holdere of the former are very Arm in their views. Eissus.—Thers Is a good demand for Cloyor, and 200 buy sold at 04 02 e 54.75 P bu. WHINEY Is dull but firm; holders ask 250251ic far bids, and 24g o 4fr gallon . for drudgo, and but little selling. rkiladelphta Cattle Market, Jan. 20, 1862. The. Cattle Market continues very dull. Tha receipts are rather larger, reaching about 1,600 head; prices re- Main about the same as last quoted. The following are the particnlare of the tales: 140 McQuaid & Carr, Illinola, $7,50398.23. 37 E. Scott, Chester cout ty,708.87X. 40 Hirable $ Kirk, Chester county, 7.50m8.60. 33 Kennedy, Chester county, 7 . 5 008.50. 61 Jas. Maillen, Jr., Chotter county, 7.6058.50. s 46 1' Hathaway, Chester county, 7.600560, 100 P. McFillen, Ohio, 7a8.50. 74 Cothran & McCall, Cheater county, 7.5038 60. 150 Mooney $ Smith, Ohio, 808.60. 30 I.lllmon R Frank, Ohth, 6e7. • 90 H, Chain, Penna., 7aB 60. 47 Aull.,Chester con ,ty, 7.5008, 42 Fuller dz Bros., Oldo, 838,60. 44 Chandler, Chester county, 8. 42 K. 8. Menton, 01110, 738 60. 29 McClean, Chester county, 708.26. 31 11. 0. Midis in, Penne., 708. 22 S. Storm. Penne. , 7eB. 19 Bloom, Western, 007.50. 30 Taylor, Ohio, 007.60. 16 Rosenberg, Ohio, 0. 21 I'. Worth, ( heater county, 847.50. 12 B. Howl, Cheater county, 7aB. 18 James Hays, Chester county, 708. 11 Miller, Lencasta county, 7.5008. 15 A. Ithlenbaugh, Western, 708. HI A. Christy, Ohio, 808.50. 25 Kimble, Chester county, 7.6008.2.5. 30 Melingtou, Chester county, 608. 27 F. Swim . , Ohio, 607.50., 14 Martin, Chester county, 7aB 60. 18 Endenbook, Chester county, 607.60, About 60 Cows arrived and gold at from $lB to $36 4 . bead, as to quality. The arrivals and sales of Sheep reached 6,500; Sheep telling at from 4 to 4.lic lb, grass. 2,640 Hogs sold at the Avenue Drove Yard et from $4 to 04.60 Y 100 The, net. Th is arrivals of tent Hoge at H. G. Imhoff's Tinton flog Yard nere 0,016 head; selling at prices front $0 to $4.75 47 100 lbs, net. CITY ITEMS. I BPEOI 11!MMI1E] A POPULAR. DRY GOODS STORE.—AMOng the various retail dry goods establishments of our city that hove won the confidence of the public by fair dol ing and keeping good stocks of goods, we would hero direct the special attention of our readers to the store of hfr. firanville B. Haines, No. 1013 Market street. Al though he keeps an A No. 1 stock of dry goods, saps ; dolly in the domestic line, be has, for somettim,tilat, made inusiins a speciality—so much ao that, by impul s es consent, his place has become, to some extent, desig nated as Ties Meaux Brous." Buying goods entirely for cash, and operating extensively in all kinds of cotton fabrics, he is enabled to offer.rare inducements to buyers of this class of goods. From his advertisement, in amt. the, column this morning, it will be seen that his scab of prices deserve attention. Wo do not wonder that he is driving a very active trade. 1,020,000 606,630 11,018,719 / 247,000 , 210,745 966,000 225,118 135,813 184,780 8/4,176 154,725 173,292 308,469 173,670 103,106 117,729 75,587 107,000 73,0001 73.000 :5,692,1235,733450 HEALTDFUL BEVERAGES.-51r. C. 11. Matt son, dealer in fine family groceries, Arch and Tenth streets, has now on handy fresh supply of London Brown Stout and Scotch Ales, of his own Importation. These articles are of the purest quality, are a delightful and wholesome beverage, and as such are recommended by our first physicians for invalids. In offering them to his patrons, we are assured that the highest regard to free dom from any deleterious substances has been had, Mr. N. having hod the brands he mils analyzed by a compe tent chemist. CONTINENTAL CONUNDRUMS from Stokes' 11. 'minted Continental Almanac for 1862. Why should the soldiers outside the walls of Fortress litonrro be convicted of counterfeiting 7 Ans. Because they are making wooden "quarters." Why Is Charles Stokes' Illustrated Almanac for 1802 like a mansion of the rebels near Beaufort I Ans. Because the figures in It are all colon.] Charles Stokes' Illustrated Continental Almanac con. tains eighteen figures of soldiers in full dress, beautifully printed in oil colors, besides other illustrations. It can be had on application at Charles Stokes' "Ono Price" C'othing Store, under the Continental. TUE BARBAROUS. Ilium]; of murdering the male children of the royal family of Turkey has now been officlaily abolished, the Sultan not only communi cating the fact to Fatale Sultana, his Moue, but naming her son Mehemet Fund. A son recently born to lllourtul Effendi, eldest son of Abdul Piledjid, has also been suf fered to live, and will, no doubt, when he arrives at the ago of manhood. robe himself in the elegant and cheap styles of garments manufactured at the palatial Clothing establishment of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, one door above Harnden's Express Office. A PRACTICAL ADVOCATROT 'WOMAN'S RUMP& —A yomig lady, from the East, has been armlet' in Peoria, 111., for promenading in male attire. She claimed the right to near pantaloons, had done so often, and de fended hertalf so manfully In court that the spectators became convinced that she should be allowed to continue the practice permanently. It Is said that the lady first became fascinated with the bifurcated articles by no ticing the graceful and elegant appearance of gentlemen in this city who were clad in full suits from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Itockhill Si Wilson, Nos. 603 and OOP flhosinut street, above Sixth. 2,234,642 2,273,063 2,837,444 12,226,422 2,234.504 2,243,828 2,337,400 T 2,926,401 2,113,6501 2,011,170 2,145,210 2,162.162 X 2,120,750 20,320,329 20,340,041 20,032,613 10 691,141 22,260,001 23,047,831 23,991,035 22,187, 24 22,546,463 31,018,610 21,396,014 21,321,510 20,609,396 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut eta. J H MontgowerY, Pa John Byers, St John, N N Shannon, New York Goo A Nolan, St Louie Nelson E Mon, New York 0 A Denny, New York D U Green, New York P L Mille, Now York Mr Lang, New York Geo Wilson, England N Seeley, Connecticut Robt Townsend, U 8 N Wm Foster, Jr, New York 0 F Whitcomb, Boston 31 F Wentworth, Maino Cyrus Hamblin, Milne- J G Prescott, hlaino Liout Hammond, 1.1 S A Dire Hammond & oh, N Y H S McComb, Delawaro Isaac S Loyd, New York Mrs Whitney, Now York Stephen IV) utt, New York E Sprague, Now York J Robby, New York E D Griswold, New York 11 Oliumend, New York L B Stone, Boston T G Yen Wyek, Fishkill,N Y S Southard, Fishktll, N Y 11 N Walcott, Fisliklll, N Y Sand Brown, Fishtail, N J B Beadd.:, New York E lit Pettit, New York D D Badger, Now York C J Gilbert, Now York E F Loomis, Now Jersey W C Maddock, New Jersey WTough & la, W Chen C T Brown, Chicago Jos J Lewis, W Chester B Smith, Now York J P Lord & la, New York J H Por,er, bow York John It Weeks, Newark, NJGH Taggard, B II 8123.080,407 . 138,59 ,901 912,916,491 $1"M,444 F Platt, New York J B Kew:hill, New York J L Boggs S eon, N J 0 I: Detrnold, New York F W Jones & uf, It C Miss V Teropleman, D C Wrn B Parsons. New York a A. Carter, Now York It DI Magraw, bl , l W L Wallace & wf, N Y etas II Dal, Princeton, N J Gardner It Colby, N York HP Martin, Philricia Mr Wetherell & In, N York liov I) It Brewer, N York Cyrus Brower, Bostsis J B Babcock it Mf, N Y A Thompson, Boston Geo Si Miller, New York A 0 hlalton, New York A P Wright, New York David Rogers, New York Is 0 Ilopkine, Cincinnati A E Shaw, New York Jacob Sleeper, noston Miss Sleeper, Boston Non T Jones Yorke, N J J F Rualing, N J Dr Touter, Washivgion Mr Tiers, Washington Geo A Phelps A In, N Y . Dr W S King, U S A Clirittlan At:, Baltimore J D Eremelberg, Baltimore J It Tinrlor, Brooklyn Woe E Taft & la, N York Snail D Crane, Boston Chen; II Gordon, Del . _ Mrs Sims& son, Weell DO Fahnestuck, arrisb'g Geo D linll, St - Louis Jae Boyd it wf, P‘mna J A Weiner, York, Pa G 8 Wright, N York Mies Butter, 13rdohridge, Pa 11 Morris, N York Gen A 5 Jones, N York J L Smarm, Booto4 J Seligman, N York I Seligman ' N York 0 D Bigelow, N York Id Coartrlglit, N York W Griswold, Hartford 8 Yost, Boston L NV Mansfield, N York Oapt Com:anger, IT S A E B Owen ,t. la, N York II 0 Yale, N York E Townsend, N York T G L Smiley & Is . . .. . . . . . .. Iti B Strong, Hartford W 11 Etneraon, Nowark,WS Mr Evans, N York N Lockwood & la, N York A T Baxter, N York 0 B Baldwin, U S N MPROHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth et., below Arch. L Williams, New 'Fmk S Howe, Chicago Wm Way, New York Chat McFadden, Penua Ceo W Eager, Mauch Chunk P Gosslor, Erie Victor S Dobbibe, Erin John Smith, Easton Major A Pardee, Jr, Penna M Malone, Itancaater J Patesumn, Milton, Pa T 8 Thompson,Aehland,Pa E Hotter, Bethlehem 0 S Palmer, Bucka co 'X Whitlock, Now Yolk AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut et., abort, Mb II Levy, New York M Menthorne, Now York Gilbert Rozat, New York SI ickinson, New York Thos Telfair, New York Lieut L L Emanuel, Plata W Bailey, Virginia (apt 8 Montgomery, U S A A 0 Bourne, Rhode Island 8 Bllaor, Delawaro II L %%liftman, New York John U Bradley, Indiana W Dysart, Pa W Darlington, W Chester .1, Lowenthal, New York Geo Malone, Point P_easant V,' G Worford, P Pleaeaut Jos E Taylor, Albany Lrtlle, Albany 8 B Brayton, Albany Wm Mix, Jr, Albany J A Morrie, Albany Pr VIl Lockwood, Albany AV B Lockwood, Albany Thos Mimeo, Pennsylvania F 8 Greene, Now York C Welettronn, Now York W B Woodman, Now York J 0 Benson, Paterson, N J 0 A Bryan, Delaware ir A Sick, blarylimi Copt J A Nterrett, ST. LOUIS llOTEL—Chestunt et, above Third. W Wurdrop R K Brown W Vermeulen, New York A liling, Itocliebter II tintibur .1 Si Winstor, ifinnegotr. A S Small, Burke co, Pa It Haywood, Pottsville A W Frick, Pl.llllll. W Kimble, (Mester co, Pa D Potter, New Jersey 41 II Demeritt, N II 41 D Arnrst, Plata Wm Boggs, Now York 0 0 Ilethorn, New York 0 II Voorhees, N Brunswk Chas Goodnin, Now York T Salmon), Maryland C Tobriner, Washington THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. B Blackwood, IT d N II Modell, Troy, N Y Miss K Bladen, Troy, NY AT Moyer, Louisville James O'Connell R N Dublin, Jr Bend F McGear, N Jersey P L Morris & la, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. H Blllommoo, Pittsburg Sand P Hagen, Carlisle Oro Watford, Morgantown Wm d Philter, Redding A Corn,., Allentown W Goetz, ()lineations G Wnitrr, Jr, Wash, D 0 A Woigley, Lobanoa co, Pa Thos Rear, Minersville 8 Jamas, Hazleton, Pa STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. .1 F Horton, Chester co W Fisher, New York J DI Loth., Harrisburg Sharpless Mercer, Penna Louis Healy, Lancaster J If Landis, Lancaeter co,Pa Peter Heiman, Lana co, Pa B J Gold, New York Jae Watson, Dauphin co W Ames, Dauphin. co Wm L Smith, New Jersey COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. Jumea 'Backman, Palma D F Baker, Media, Pa Cleo Lticktrman, Poona John Slasher, Elkton, hid Pavia Ramble, Chester co 0 Phillips, Ohmter co, Pa Amon Eatable, Cheater co R R Wlllialrllloll, Media, Pa JR Potts, Bridgeport, Pa W W Davis, Maryland NV B Spear,NVilmington,Del Obas Frick, Montg co, Pa Oen NV Lotorer, Parma J T Massey, U S A F McSparron, Lane co, Pa Jae Flick, Mottg co, Pa MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market Dr JUDE nowlep, Del Jae Kemptou, Philo W F Davie, Philadelphia Amos Lanning, Phil% 13 Simmons, Wilm, Del J Simmons, Wm, Del J Bender & la, New Jersey L A Hodges, Now York BARLEY BREAP—Second street, below Vine. W Earle Campbell, Pa A Vandegrift, Rddington J V Beading, Hatboro A Dulßeid, Day Nellie J 0 McCall, Philadelphia John litevens, Mooretown J,McQuilltin, Philadelphia D B Taylor, Philadelphia Saint Jones, Berke A it Grater, Lycoming J 0 Wilkes. Bethlehem A it Moore, Bethlehem P Vanslast, Allentown II B Groom, Montgomery Watson P Magill, Bolubury W Birch, Boleburr E DeCornea, Buckingham Lt J B Roberta,Cp Pler't Meat G 0 Davenport, Wayne co BLACK 'BEAB—Ttura street, above CallowhllL Ass Simler, Pennsylvania W Steckel, Easton John 11 Snyder, Penne Wm llougb, Tremont L 0 Coleman, Beading Wm Levan, Berke co, Pa Wm P Buck, Penneylvan's 0 T Homer, Now York MOOPIT VERNON HOTEL—Second et., lb. Areh. A Lnmbert, Lamberteville Geo 11 Fraim, Indiana 0 B Rthigere, Mt Pleasant H T Helmet, Mt Pleasant BALD RAGILW—ThIrd fittest, above Oa'lowed% W Sterner, Monte', co, Pa T 8 Leiseoxing, Altoona, Pa John S Moyer, Richland, Pa REVERS HONSIE—Tbird street, ahoy.° Ram John McKean, Monte, Pa II H Sparh Pn W Pennypacker,Ht Clair Sankt Howe, New York. TIEIE PRESS. - PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, J.A.NUARY 21, 1862. UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT Mtn 8 11 Gregory, N York 1: It Biddle, New York ,~~ -~~7~ FIIILADELPITTA BOARD OF TRADE. • EDMUND A. NUDE% GEORGE L. BURRY, (Gomm' or TWI morn EDWARD 0. BIDDLE, . LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia Behr 'Trojan, Shourds Barbodooa, soon MARINE I N TELLI IL4EN UE PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 21, 1562. BUR RISES 7 17 1 SUN SETS 6 0 HIGH WATER .6 20 mem Steamship Kennebec, Gartoti,,,,St hours from Now Yolk, with mire, &c, to James &B&Blice. ' , female in the bay and river, bound in or out, as before mortal. Seim Debormire, Bradshaw, 17 days from Cornwallis, with potatoes to Van Horn Woodworth & Co. Behr Annie, La Blanc, f 7 days from Charlottetown, P EI, with potatoes to Van Horn, Woodworth & Co. Bar Joseph Maxfield, May, 6 days from Boston, with lane to Tuella & Co. . . Behr Richard Bill, Smith, 3 days from New York, with oil cake to captain. Behr W G Bartlett, Connelly, 5 dna tram Fortran Monroe, io ballatit to captain, OGEARED. Steamhip Kennington, Baker, Boston, II Wineor. Steamed)lD DI Sanford, Sanford, New York, James All den3lce. Behr I 1 Sampson, Corson, Fortress Monroe, Tyler, Slone dr Co. - Bohr Susan Jane, Bose, Non• York, L Andeurled & Co, Selle Charm, Starr, Baltimore, J Street & Co. Ship Borneo, Reed, for London, loft Shlppon street whorl on Monday afternoon, in tow of tug America, with the following cargo• 3753 barrole fiver, 10,653 bushels übeat In bulk, OLS bags eloverseed, 1128 bags oil cake, 100 barrels pork, 200 tierces beef, 50 tierces lard, 15 tea tallow oil, 2 boxes chemicals. MEMORANDA Steamship Arabia, Shannon, from Liverpool 4th lust, via Halifax 16th, at Now York 19th inst. Ship Berlin, Jackson, from Flushing for New York, was passrd 10th inst, let 41, lon V. Ship George Turner, Itsloy, from Buenos Ayres, in ballast, at St Thomas alet ult, having arrived 30th nit, uncertain. Balk John 0 Brune, Gayle, cleared at Baltimore 18th Inst for Mot tevideo and Buenos Ayres. Bark Mahlon Williamson, Sharfforth, front San Carlos de Ancud,Chiloe, 82 liEl' a, with guano, nt Now York 19th fort, reports: Nov 22, lat 34 35 9, spoke a British steam ship with emigrants for Melbourne, 35 days out; 25th, let 31 21 P, lon 29, spoke ship Windward, from Sunderland for Callao; 22d uft, let 11 2-1 N, ion 43 20, boarded bark Willidmine,- Lawrence, 32 days from Rio Janeiro for Now York; 10th last, lat 8410, lon 50 34, spoke schooner Amelia, of Halifax, for Porto Rico; 18th inst. about 20 Hiles NNW from the Highlands, was spoken by Pilot. 'boat No 17, and asked if we wanted a pilot. We an. swrred yes; but two large ships being astern of us, they preferred to go to them first and leave us, although we had backed the maluyard to receive their pilot ; but see. ing they did not oiler to come alongside, we filled away and stood for Sandy Hook. After an hour we fell in with and engaged a steaming, and subsequently took a pilot front Boat No. 20. Bark Lady Suffolk (Br), Allan, from Port on Prince 29th ult for Boston, arrived at Holmes' Hole 17th Inst. _ • Brig Delhi, Daroahy, for Philadelphia In 0 days, at Port all Prince 2d Inst. Brig E Thompson, Havener, hence, at Kingston, Ja, 23d Ali Brig Tallulah, Plummer, from Rio Janeiro for Now York, remained at St Thomas Slat ult, repairing, to sail In a few days. Sells Only Daughter, Falkouburg, hence, arrived nt Rey West 28th ult. &ht. George W Hynson, Scull, hence, arrivod at Key West lot inst. Schr Paradise (13r), Berry, from Halifax for PhiWM OM, with flab, was fell in with Jan 5, lot 35 24, lon 61 11. Had lost tails, and leaked so badly that crow bad to be taken off by brig Nereus. The ma.e of the Paradise had been lost overboard. ;Sabra Abigatl Haley, Haler • A Hammond, Higgins, and George Edward, Weeks, hence, arrived at Beaten 18th test. Saw Volunteer (Br), Loomor, hence, at Kingston, Ja, 14th ult, and milled 36th for an out port. Ears (3 C Saddler, Sipple, from Milton, Del, and S Godfrey, Russell, from Greenwich, NJ, at Now York 19th inst. Behr Ntnuesntn, Foster, sailed from fit Thomas 29th ult for Philadelphia Behr J M Houston, Russell, for charter, at St Thomas 31st ult, discharging. Bair Anna B Hayes, Robinson, honco, at Now York 19th inst. At St Thomas Slat nit, ships J tV Clark, Kopperholdt, laid up; Olobe, Raker, do; Montmoronci, Brown, dis charging; barks Pontuckot, Leighton, condemned to bo sold January lid; Ilva, Durie, from Now York, arrived 26th, for Maracaibo, to sail January lot; Mary Sawyer, Bartlett, for charter ; HS Fiske, discharging, do; brigs Nantaoket, Dunbar, for Cionfuogos someday Sea Foam, Boreltatn, from Porto Rico, arrived 2911,, for Hamburg In few days, refitting; and others. SPECIAL NOTICES. ONE-PRICE CLeTrallo, OF THE LATEST &MSS, made lathe Beet Manner, expressly for BETAU, SAI ES. LOWEST Selling' Prices marked in Plain Figures. AU Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Oxa.Parea SYSTSII IS strictly adhered to. AU are thereby treated alike. se22-ly JONES A CO., 604 MARKET Street. CARD PRINTING, BEST AND CRRAPEIST In the Of ty, at 34 South THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING. Hest and Cheapeot in the CHF, at 34 South THIRD Street. PABIPTILET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the moat auperior quality, at the moat reasonable rates, at JUNG WALT & BBOWN'S, Drexell'a Tinthilna. 86 &loth TTITRT Street. delo-tf MARRIED. SULLIVAN—BRYAN.On Tuetday, tho 14th lust by the Rev. John Thompson, Mr, Bartholomew Joseph Sulayan to Miss Josephine Asenoth, youngost daughter of the Into Jelin R. Bryon, both of this city. [Washing. ton and New York papers co ;Y.] ■ lIANCRER—PRICR.—On the 17th Inst., by Rev. B. T. Noakes, Fleury A. Rancher to Miss Lizzie Price, both. of this city. DIED SDIITII.- , Suddenly, at the residence of her aon.in. law, C. A. Van Dorf,, Esq., Now York, on Saturday, the 18th inst., Mary H. Smith, wife of Horace Smith, In. the 82.1 ear of her age. . . HUGHES—On the 20th instant, at her Into residence. No. 723 Arch street, Mee Helen Hughes, la the sixty— aixib year of her ago. ** HEEHMI.I3.—Ott the 18th Inst., in her Dith year, Margaret Keehn'l6, relict of the late Leonard Keeittnio. Her male relatives and friends aro respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her lato residence, No. 1315 Arch street, on Fourth-day (Wednesday) morning, 22d inht., at 10 o'clock. Interment at Friends' Ground, 31x.- teentli and Cherry streets. LOVE.—On the 15th inaL, William Love, aged 53. years? Funeral from his late residence, back of No. 6.36 Second street, below Poplar, this (Tu.talay) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. Ak ALGEO.—Ott the 18th toot., Mae Mary Algeo, agod 82 years. Funeral from the redidenco of her nephew, Wm. W. Alpo, No. 4 Church avenue, between Nineteenth and Twentieth, Lombard and Pino streets, this (Tuesday> afternoon. at 2 o'clock, ak BOWLItY.—On the 10th Inst., 'Eleanor, daughter of the late Edgard Bowl 4. Funeral from her late residence, No. 405 South Third street. on \fedi. eidas Afternoon, at 3 o'clock. BA IN TON.—On the 18th inst., Mre. Pr fertile Brinton, Aged 74 years and 5 months. Funeral from tho residence of her son, New Fourth street, ,aboro Diamond , this (Tuosdny) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. 1111OWNBAOK —On tho 10th inst., Laura C.. daugh ter of Len is and Maria Itrownbaek, aged 22 months. Funeral from the residence of her parentg, Lancaster avenue below Fortieth street, tide (Tuebday) morning, at 10 o'clock. BURN E 8 —On the 19th Inst., henry Y. Smith, ton of Timothy nod Ellen Bunten, aged 8 yearn and 11 months. Funeral from the residence of his parents, No. 106.1 Arch street, this (Tuesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. PEVINE.—On the 10th inst., Mr. Philip Devine, aged 40 years. Funeral from hi, late residence, No. 615 Queen street, below Sloth, this (Tueaday) morning, at B) , ‘ o'clock. JAMES —On the 18th lust., Mary, )life of Simon James, aced 61 years. Funeral from her lansband'd Pestilence, No. 1608 Ger mantown rood, above Jefferson street, on NVelnesdny warning. nt 6 o'clock. JIISTIOE.—On the 18th Inst., Mre. Sarah, villa of Mr Joseph Justice. Funeral from her Mishandle residence, No. 1621 North Twelfth street, on Wednesday ofternoon, at 1 o'clock. Stit TAYLOR.—On the 10th mt. ' haat, on of Sarah and the late 'fume Tr Tlor, In the 42d year of Itin ago. Funeral from his late residence, No. 729 South Sixth aired, above Fitywater, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2% o'clock. YESKES.—On the 17th itiet,, Harman Yerkee, nod 64 yetire. Funeral from lila Into residence, No. 017 North Ele venth greet, this (Third-da)) morning, at 11 o'clock. t 111)t ESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, No. 018 CH7B fNUT Street, have adopt ed the "CASH SYSTEM," both in booing and selling, thus enabling them to purchase and sell their goods at the lowest poo.le prices. 000) 8 RECEIVED JANtrARY 14th to 18th. Black and White Pin Chock and Striped Silks. Gray and Black English Chintzes, 12K cents. Black and Purple Plaid Velour Reps, 3156 cents. _ Black Blanket Long Shawls, $7; Square, $3.50. • Balmoral Skirtr, full size, $2.50. Black Paramatta Clothe, 11, 81k, 3714, and 50 cents Black lamb's Wool Hese, 6214 cents. ja2l. TrSTOCKHOLDERS OF THE DELHI! IA SKATING CLUB AND HUMANE SIICIETY will meat at the WASHING lON ID/USE, CHESTNUT Street, on THUBSDAY NIGHT, the 234 Met., nt 8 &f lock, for the 'purpose of electing one True tee. Liti21.309 W. L. GERSION, Presklent, arTILE ANNIVERSARY EXERCISES OF TILE UNION DI. E CFIIIROII SAIOI2II SCHOOLS will, by request, ho repeated TUTS ( Tung de) ) EVENING, at 7g o'clock, In the Church, FOUNT"! Street, below Arch. 'lllO exercises will consist of Sing ing, by tie School, (several now pieces,) Duets, Bente and Addresses by the Scholars. They will bo of a more varied and interesting character than on the first occasion. All Sabbath school friends are cordially in vited to be present. lttt NOTICE.—TIIE CITIZENS OF THE old district of Kensington, and ull friendly to the KENSINGTON POST OFFICE, are requested to at tend au Adjoilrned Meeting, to be held at CENTRAL HALL, FRANKFORD Road, opposite Master street, 011 WEDNESDAY NIGHT next, at 734 o'clock, to re ceive the report of the Committee appointed at the pre vious meeting to visit Washington, &c. All friends of Cheap Postage and of the sacred Right of Petition are earnestly requested to be ipreont, an some important news still ho communicated. ja2l.2t* la. AT THE 1313TH ANNUAL MEETING of the CARPENTERS' COISIPANY of the City and County of Philadebids, held at their Hall on the 20th day of January, 1802, tho following omeere were duly elected, viz: JAMES A. CAMPBELL, President. MICHAEL ERNICKSON, Vice President. JAMES WILLIAMS,CIII Secretary. MANAGING JORNWIU mL MANAGING COMMITTNR. Michael Errickaon, D. H. Flickwire, • Walter Allison, Henry Shuster, Thomas F. Shuster, John Kinnere t John Ketchum, Samuel Williamson, Henry J. Rockies. Warden, JACOB JONES, lt* JOHN WILLIAMS, Secretary. MECLECTIC MEDICAL COLLEGE.— Th° commencement exercises of tho Ecloclic Col lege mill occur on WEDNESDAY, of this week, at 12 o'clock, at MUSICAL FUND BALL. Valedictory by Prof. E. G. Dalton. Music by Beck's Baud. The pati ne are invital. The Winter and Spring Session will commence on the first MONDAY in February, and continue sixteen weeks. For Particulars call on W. PAINE, M. D., Dean, 031 ARCII street. Ja2l,2tle PII/LADELPRIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD. January 20. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the P RILA DELPIIIA AND ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY will be held at the office, No. 324 WALNUT Street, on MON DAY, the 10th day of February next, at 10 o'clock A. M. At tide meeting an election will ho held for TEN MANAGERS of the Company, to serve for one year. The polls to close at 2 o'clock P. M. W. EDWARD SPOFFORD, je2l-tuths.tfelo Secretary. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL SIBETING of the Stockholders of the PHILADELPHIA AND'SAVANNAH STEAM NAVIGATION COM PANY for the election of flea Managers, and the transac tion of other business, will ho held in room No. 30, Mer chants' Exchange, Philadelphia, on TITE3DAY, Feb ruary 4th, 1862, at half past seven o'clock P. M. DEtitil4, Secretary and TteaAurer POS.P.OFFICE NOTICE.—A SUPPLE mentary mall for GREAT BRITAIN, to be do. apateled per Sniper CANADA for Boston on the 22d, will bo closed at Ode office, Ihle day at 12 o'clock NOON. C. A. WALBORN, It Postmaster. NOTICE.—THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockholders of the UCEA N S VEAM 11GYIGATION COMP.NY, for the election of five Directore, and the traneaction of other basilicas, will be held in room No. 30, Merchants' Exchange, Philadet • phia, cat TUESDAY, February 4th, 1802, at 12 o'clock noon. WM. DFNNIS, Secretary and Treaauror 07. TILE ANNUAL MEETING OF TIIE Corporatore of TUN CONTINENTAL HOTEL COMPANY, for the Election of Fire Maaagera and the transaction of other hnsineso, will ho held nn MON DAY, January 21th, 1802, at 12 o'clock 11, at the HOTEL. J. SERGEANT PRICE, jn2o-Ot Secretary. DT.. PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY.—Tbe Att nthly Display will be held on TUESDAY EVENING, Jan. '2l, at the now llorticul total Hall, southo est corner of BROAD and WALNUT 'erects. Schedules can bo obtained at Na. 26 South SEVENTH Street, of A. W. GARRISON, W2O-% Recording Secretary. COLUMBUS, PIQUA, AND INDIANA. RAILRJAD COMPANY. A meeting of Bond holders of the above Railroad Company will be held at Room No. SO MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, on TUES DAY, tho Slat Instant, at 12 o'clock SLI. Business of great imporlanco. Punctual attendance requested. By order of Committee. I. T. THOMAS, Ia:INSURANCE COMPANY OF TILE STATE OF PENNnYLYANIA, JANUARY 15, 1862. Thu follohing gentlemen have boon duly elected ue Dl rectors of th , s Company for the your 1862: HENRY D. SHERRERD, CHARLES MACIALEBTER, ILLIA Iff S. SMITH, WILLIAM R. WHITE, GEORGE H. STUART, SAMUEL GR kNT, Jr., TOBIAS WAGNER, TUOIIA 4 B. WATTSON, HENRY G. FREE 'WAN, CHARLES S. LE WV, GEORGE 0. CARSON. EDWARD 0. KNIGHT, JOHN B. NUSTIN. At a meeting of thii Directors, held this day, HENRY` D. SHEREERD, Esq., was unanimously re-elected Pre sident of the Company. jal6 6t WILLIAM LIAIIP FAL Secretary. la. AT A DIEETING OF THE STOCK. HOLDERS of the GIRARD F. and DI. IN SURANCE COMPANY, held at their 011ico, No. 415 WALNUT Street, TUESDAY. the 7th inetant, the fol lowing gentlemen were elected 0111cere and Liroctore for the ensuing year : macrons. Charles I. Dupont, Del., P. S. Hoe, N. Y., Furman Sheppard, Wm. M. Swain, John W. Claghora, Jar. Walker, Win. 0. Rudman, Pr. Joseph Klapp, N. S. Lawrence, David Boyd, Jr., 0 F. lleazlott, John Thorniey, A. Hart, John Rapplee, - 11.1 AS CRAVEN. President. GILLETT, Vice President. tary. ial4.tufm•6t A. JAB. B. A LVORD, Secret (LT" PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 13, 186% —The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the UNION CANAL COMPANY, of Pennsylvania, will ho h, hi at Ne. 228 WALNUT Street, (Farquhar butlding,o on TUESDAY, February 4Th, next, at 11 o'clock A. M) 0. TLIOBIPBOc7, Secretary. OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL. LAY ROAD CO.—PaiLson.pnt Jan. 11, 1882. NOTICE TO STOCHLIOLDESS.—The annual Meet ing of the Stockholders of this Company will ho held on DIOND A Y. the third tiny of February, 1882, at 10 o'clock A.M.. at the SANSOII.STIIEET HALL. The annual Election for Directors will bo lick) on MONDAY, the third day of March, 1801, at the Wilco of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. By order of the Board. inl3-dv3 EDMUND SMITH, Secretory. ca. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, Office No. CH, CHESTNUT Street. • • " PHILADELPHIA, January 6, 1862 At a meeting - of the Board of Directors of the Fame Insurance Company, held thlo day, a semi-annual Divi dend of Three per cent was declared, payable on and after the first day of February, meg. ja7tfebl WNS. I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. try. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY, PIJILADELPIIIit, January 17,1862. The Directors haNe this tiny declared a semi. annual dividend of FOUR PF,R CENT. from the profits of the company, payable to the stockholders, or their legal re presentatives, on sod after the 21st instant, at the Com pany', office, No. 224 South DELAWARE Avenue. jalB.ot J. MORRILL, Secretary. 137. OFFICE OF THE NEW YORK AND MIDDLE COALFIELD RAILROAD AND COAL LOMPANV.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of tho ern:pony will be held nt their 0111 co, No. '204 South FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, February Id, 1801, at 11 o'clock A IL, for the purpose of electing FIVE DI RECTORS, to sone for the emitting 3 ear, and the trans. action of such other business as may Lo brought before lIE NRY ROBINSON, 8( - c rotary PHILADELPHIA, JantlAry /8, 186'2 AIERCHANTS , FUND.—THE ANNUAL meeting el the MERCHANTS' FUND nOOISTY %ill beheld on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, the 2let Mt 4 o'clock, at the Rooms of the Board of Trade, 503 CHESTNUT Street. The Annual Report will ho submitted and an Election held for officers. THOS. F. BRADY. Secretary OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU. lEGTUAL INSURANCE C,MPANY OF PRILA DLLPEIL 8,1861. Tho Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will ho held, in pursunnco of tho Charter, at tho Office, No. DM WALNUT Street, IA 12 o'clock M. on MONDAY, tho Id day of February next. And an Election for Twenty Directors, to nerve for the ensuing year, will be held at the same place, on tho day named, betw ten 12 o'clock M. and 2 o'clock P. M. jao-tlintutfe3 B. M. BINCB lIAN, Sociy. ErrEAST MAIIANOY RAILROAD COM PANY, PIIILA DELPHI/i t Janunry if,, 1562. The Eighth Instalment, of FIVE DOLLARS per share, cf the Capital Stock of this Company, will be pay. able on the lot February next, at the Company's Unice, 497 LIBRARY Street. A1101.118A.L7 Atari:TYRE, ' Treasurer and Seerotary jnlb•thntntfol /15 -.. OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHI LADELPHIA, JANuAttr 11, 1852. • The Director° Lave this day declared a Dividend of SIX I'ER CENT. on the capital stock of the company, and on the certificates of profits outstanding, for tho year ending December alst, 1861, nithout deduction for State Tax, payable in cash to the Stockholders, on and after the 16th inst. Also, a Invid. nd of EIGHT PER CENT., pay - able pro rata on the capital stock and premiums earned, out of the profits of tho company for tho year ending Docomber 31st, 1861, for which a rtificates of profits, bearing Into. rest, still be delivered to the stockholders, and to the in sured entitloit to receive the canto tinder the provisions of the charter, on and after tho 2.3t1 lust No certificate still be issued for any less sum than ton dollars, nor for uny fractional part of one dollar. Sums leas than ten dollars, and not lees than ono dollar, aro credited to the insured on the books of the Company, and If, within any period of ten years, the said credits amount to ten dollars, commutes thorefor will be toasted. Certificates of profits aro liable, equally rr ith tho cap tat stock, for the losses and engazements of the Compa ny, and may be converted into capital stock at any time, at the option of the holder. It. M. 1111 , 10EIMAN, jal4-tothslOt Secretary. LEGAL TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR _IL THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILACEL PIIIA. CAROLINE D. lIARRIS,., and THONIAS E. MoTIL ROY, Trustee of said Caroline D., vs. CHARLES IL DAVENPORT, WILLIAM B. POTTS, and CATHA RINE 0., his wife, in tight of.s dd Catharine S, &PICNIC.; KIMBALL, and MARY C., her wife, in right of said Mary C., and EDMUND R. DATES -PORT. March Term, 1862, No. 25, Summons in Partition. R.-turnable the first MONDAY of March, M.:. To make 'ignition of the following real ostato in tlio city of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania: . No. 1. Lot on POllt heas to rl y bide of Cirtty'a Ferry Road, 813 feet not th of Washington at wino, 113 foot front, con taining 8 acres, 145 perches. No. 2. Lot on north Ride of Bud: roeul, 29.4 feet east of Twenty fourth street, 095 feet 0 inches float, containing about 14 nerve. No. 3. Lot on easterly side of Long ballo, 359 feet Nolltli of flock" road, 500 feet 7 inches front, containing 814 acres, No. 4. Lot on easterly 81110 of road loading to White Hall, 485 feet 4 inches front. ➢minded by lauds now or Into of tho Girard estato and L Alburgor, an I by the said road and Hollander's creek. Containing about 13 acres. No. 6. Lot And four-story brick store, east lido of Front street (No. 25), 2:37 fret 8 thchea north of Chestnut street, 10 tett 4 inches front, do feet 0 inches deep to Water street. js2l-tu6t ROBERT EWING, Sheriff. TN THE DTSTRICT COURT FOR _E. TIM CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. AVOIJET U. MILLER vs. DANIEL T. WOLF awl THEODORE W. WOLF. Sept. Term, 1801 No. ea, Lee. Fo The Auditor appointed by the Court to distribute t h e proceeds of the Sheriff's sale. under the above writ, of a 1 that cot Loin lot or piece of ground and Improvements thereon erected, situate on the northeast corner of Girard avenue and Seventh street, in the said city of Phila delphia, containing in front on said Girard avenue twen ty feet, and in length or depth extending thence north ward between parallel lines, on the nest lino thereof, along the cast line 01 said Seventh street one hundred and eighteen feet four inches and a half, anti on the east line thereof one hundred and sixteen feet three inches and a ball; bounded northaard by ground now or late of Pollard eestnard by other ground of the said Jacob Wilily , ' vs estward by sold Seventh greet, and soothe and by Girard avenue aforesaid; [beteg the an no premises a bleb William IL Kern, Esq., Nigh Sheriff, etc., by deed-poll bearin't oven date herewith, duly acknow ledged in open Distriet Court, and entered among the records ther«of, granted and conveyed unto the said Daniel T. Well and Theodore W. Wolf, in fee, subject to a yearly ground rout of ono hundred dollars, payable half yearly et the first days of January and July in every year]—'a ill attend to the duties of his appoint ment on TUESDAY, January 21st, 1852, at 3 o'clock I'. St., at his Office, No. 508 WALNUT Street, Phila delphia, 'alien and al here nil persons interested are re nutrcd to present their clalms,.or ho debarred from coming in upon said fund. int°. him tfa2l IBA4 C RAZLEITURST, Auditor. MARSHAL'S SALES MARSITAL'S-SALE.—By virtue of a Writ of Salo, by the lion. JOHN CADWALA.DER, Judge of the District Court of the United Mates, iu and to, the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, In Admiralty, to me directed. will he sold at Public Bale, to the high est and beet bidder, for Cosh, at QUEEN.ST. WIIA.RF, on TUESDAY: January 28th, 1802, at 12 o'clock M., the cargo of the Schooner PRINuE ALFRED, consisting of 8 bags Coffee, 12 barrels Coffee, 16 barrels Sugar, 20 blrs. Molasses, 4 barrels Molasses, 6 barrels old Antigua Rum, 1,500 bushels Coarse Salt. WILLIAM DULLWARD, U. 8. blaraluil E. D. of I'orolsylvAtila. PHILADELPHIA, January 18, 1868. j018.6t MAII SHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of aide, by the Hon. JOHN CADWAL A VER, Judge of the ritatrlet Court of the United States In and for limo Eastern• District of Pennsylvania, in Admi ralty, to me directed, will be sold, at Public Sale to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at CALLOIVIIILL- Street Wharf, on MONDAY, Feb. 3,1862, at 12 o'clock M., the Schooner GEORGE G. DAHER, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, as elle now lies at said wharf, WILLIAM MILL WARD, U. 8. Manilla' H. D. of Poona. PAILADELVIIJA, Jalknary 20, 1862. 1621.6 t VALENTINES FOR 1862.- NNW STYLES RECHEROGE, DISTINQUE, AND ELEGANT. Storekeepers Nemo C3ll early at No. 32 South FOUR= Street. le2l.3tit W. TILLER, Importer. CHOICE CUBA. HONEY, in tiornes and Ws.; prime Porto Rico nud Cuba Musco vado Sugar for sale by PHILIP 1111 ILLY at CO., ja2l-6l* No. 7 North WATHR Street. OFFICE OF ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. JAIIIIIITy 20, 1802 SEALED PROPOSALS aro Invited until biONDAY, the 27th Instant, for furnishing Army Gaiters or Leg. gingc, of good strong Linen Duck, a samplo of which can bo seen at thiWollice. Dias w ill be receDed for 1,000 or 10,000 pairs of these. Leggings, owl bidders aro required to stato how soon they can deliver them. Bids mug be endorsed, "Pro weals for Army Leggings." G. IT. enoatii&N, ja21.43t Dip. Q. kf. General Unite. States Army. RETAIL DRY GOODS SHEPHERDS' PLAID CASHMERE. One caso just opened. Black and White Macke, double, width. • Flue All.wool Cashmeres. ja2l RI Alt P LESS BROTHERS. NEW BALNOIR ALS. Four hundred Imported Balmoral Skirts, At prices lower than before offered. ja2l SHARPLESS BROTHERS RUSSIA CRASH', in medium and flee qualities. Scotch Crosh end Towelling. ja2l. SHARPLESS BROTHERS pmBRO I DERED M SUN 0 UR ..12.41 TAINS—At very low pet :ea, to poll tlio otrelc. fill ARP LESS SHHOTfi ENS, ja2l CHESTNUT and lalaure Streets. 1013 MARKET STREET IS NOW settled bar and a donut by everybody as be ing the cheapest MUSLIN STORE in the city, where there Is tho GREATEST and LARGEST AWRY MENT of every make, quality, and price that can be found. Buying my GOOLtr ontirel) for cash, I can offer greater inducements than many ate able to do. My stock is being constantly replenished, so that persons can find every - variety they may want at prices which I can safely guarantee cannot be undersold; and at preeflat it is, I suppose, ono of the largest retail stocks of Domestics in the city. I can sell a very good Bleached Muslin at Bc. •, three or four different kinds at 10e. •, 1 case at 10c., by the piece, that to extra cheap; two kinds of very fine, 'ide, at 12gc.; three makes, frill yard wide, at 1230.; these are job lots and under the roomier price; also, the Housekeepers', which is heavy; tiro Menials,Semper Ideas, Bartlett, Arctic, Wamsutta, Willlamseie, New York Mills, and many other approved makes, now in store; good Pillow Casing, 1 )e . wide, b 23 e.; shooting, Ix, 2,2 x, 2K, 2N, and 3 yards alde a full lino Of Brown Sheetlems, of all the beat makes, mid am impl..„ the Utica lose than it can be had. The baba rzx cent Canton YlAnnel in town; this 1! . 1 sepia t very fast, and no Mote in be bad at the price- :,.aving cleared out a largo lot of blark-ground American Prints, I will sell thorn at 1236 c. by the piece, 'which is 2 cents seder price. Per eons in want of MUSLIMS will find it greatly to their advantage to call at the Great Muslin Emporium. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth SPECIAL, NOTICE. 1024 CHESTNUT STRkET, CON TINVATION OF THE SALE OF THE GREAT BARGAINS OFFERING No. 1024 CHESTNUT STREET FOR THREE DAYS LONGIDXf MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY, At the request of many of my customers, who, owing to the Inclement vveather .of the past week, have bona unable to avail themselves of the groat inducement& M have been offering at 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, I hovel concluded to tahtnone the closing of the Store WEDNESDAY NIGHT, And will offer, during MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY, THE REMNANTS OF CUT GOODS, FRICE, FERRIS, & CO.'S STOCK, Comprising a general assortment in LACE GOODS, WHITE GOODS, LINEN GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, HDEFS., VEILS, AT A GREAT REDUCTION. Ladies.ohould avail themselves of this last oppertanity, as the Store cannot possibly be kept open after WEDNESDAY DIOICDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ONLY, AT 1024 CHESTNUT STREET, JOHN A. MULLEN, ja2o-3t Ago❑t RICH CURTAINS AND CURTAIN ERIALS.—The subscribers offer. at the lon est prices, a large assortment of Righ Curtain Goods, and Loco and Muslin Embroidered Curtains ; also, ovary variety of Plain and Gold Bordered Shades, Gilt Cor nices, Curtain Fixtures, and Trimmings. Also, Tapes tries, Reps, Damasks, Sat-de-Lalnes, Plashes, Broca tells, eta., for cabinetmakers, and an extensive variety of Foods for loose covers, as flatlands, Figured Linens, French and English Furniture Chintzes, etc., etc. SHEPPARD, PAN HARLINGEN, ta ARM:3ON, ja2o.ot 1008 CUESTNUT Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS BISHOP STEVENS, New Card Photographa now ready, of BISHOP STEVENS, in Rohe& Also, REV. GEO. W. BETHUNE, D. D., will ho ready on Wednesday.. A very lino Portrait, 25 cents each. Catalocues of Card Pictures Portraits, and reproduc tions of works of art. furnished gratis on application. EARLE'S GALLERIES 'AND LOOSING GLASS WAREROOMS, ja2o-2t1f816 CHESTNUT Street. • FINANCIAL I . S. QUARTERMASTER'S CERTIFICATES AND CITY WARRANTS WANTED, by GEC. J. BOYD, jalB-6ts la South THIRD Street NEW NACIONAL LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE & CO , BANKERS, No. 114 Boum THIRD STREET, The 7 3-10 run °out Treasury Notes of all dontimina nous, of the second issue of Fifty Milhous, dated Octo. Ler lot, are Law ready to deliver to purchasere, at the office of J. COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, de2B.lm 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. 7 3-10 TREASURY NOTES BOUGLIT AND BOLD. QUARTERMASTERS' CERTIFICATES DEALT IN. ja2.lm DREXEL & CO. SlO,OOO TO INVEST IN IRRE DEEIIIABLE GROUND RENTS. t?t , b* to J. H. WATERS, ja2l 110 South roman Street. $BOO $l.OOO, $1,500 TO LOAN on Mortgage. LUKENS 3; MONLGO 111ERY, Conveyancers, 1033 BEACH Street. above LAUREL. jal7-stutlAto $3130 0 -A FIRST•CLASS IM • proved GROUND RENT of LIM) amount tor saw, ut a liberal discount. Apply to E. PETTIT, mat No. SOP WALNUT'Strent. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS • PATENT McGLELLAN TIES. PATENT MoOLELLAIT TIES. PATENT McOLELLAN TIES. PATENT bIcOLELLAN TIES. PATENT McCLELLAN SCARPS. PATENT MCLELLAN SCARFS PATENT NoCLELLAN SCARFS. AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S I AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ATJ. A. ESHLEMAN'S AT J. A. EkLILEMAN'S NORTHWEST CORNER OF SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. P. B. The above articles, being PATENTED, cannot be obtained elsen here. P.S. N 0.2. Men's Furnishing Goods, in every variety. P.S. No.B. PATENT ENAMELLED COLLARS, 10 FOR A QUARTER. dei.tutuni TILE WORTH OF A PICTURE COUSISt9 in its fidelity to the original. MUM'S Colored Photographs ' in that respect, satisfy the most critical. Only $l. Gallery, SBOOND Street, above Green. it* TO THE DISEASED OF ALL GLASSES.—Professora BOLLEB & EITEVE,b.IB, Medical Electricians, 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia, invite all diseased persons to call ;young and old, who have failed of being cured by quacks, old school physi cians, and nostrums. Wo warrant nil cnrablo cases by special contract, and charge nothing if we fall. Con sultation free. A pamphlet of great value - given ter all, free of charge. Pt2.o-tf - 0131 *• - E. EL EARLEY, FURNISHING UNDISTAHRIb rionthweat corner of TENTH and IMEN Street!, non-Staff* Philadelphia. WANTED. Old Silver, Plate, or Coln bought, in large or small quantities, by HEIDER & DIDDLE, fidverarnitim jalB-71* EIGHTH and JAYNE. /FO7 - ANTED—Stock in the Fifth and Sixth Street Passenger.flailroail, at par, or ex change for city property. lddrese Box 2064, Phila delphia Poet Office. WAN T E B—A second-hand Sta tionery Steam 'Bogies, of from SO to 70-Horne Power. Address, gating partteulare, "Box 1155 Poat Office." doll-tf UNITED STATES MARINES.- Wanted, immediately, for the United States Marine Ceres, VINE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED HEN for sea ervice, between the ogre of eighteen and forty years. All information that may be required will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South FRON r Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, jalB.l2t Recruiting. Officer. FOR SALE AND TO LET TO BENT—A Desirable HOUSE, near BROAD and WALNUT. All modern conve tdeneee. 'Weaning Office. Furniture for sate, if de sired. Apply to E. PETTIT, ja2l-If 1423 WALNUT Street. FFOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- A large Storo and Dwelling on 111ARRE'r Street, on a prominent corner, end suitable for a liquor stare. Ap ply to J. H. WATERS, • jean. tf 110 South FOURTH Street. F OR 5W...10, OR EXCHANGE FOR „, Tz . .".roved Property, Forty Acres of OROUND, the 7:euty • Becoud Ward, fronting on the klount Airy Turn pike and the Couuty.line Road. Clear of all encum brance: Apply to J. H. WATERS, 3020 110 South FOURTH Street. IOR SALE AND EXCHANGE- A large number of Farms in the adjoining Conn. ties, States of Delaware, Maryland, New York, and New Jersey, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of land. Those wishing to exchange or purchase would do well to call and examine my Register of Farms. Apply to jal-tf E. PET LIT. No. 809 WALNUT Street. SHIP TIMBER FOR SALE.- Several Tracts of WRITE-OAK TIMBER. LAND in Dorchester county, Maryland, convenient to naviga ble water. For yarUculsre apply to de2s-Im* ARM FOR SALE.—A FARM, in .1! excellent state of cultivation, containing flay-one acres, (nine of which are woodland,) pleasantly situated Ir timerick township ' Montgomery county, two and • half genes from the Limerick station, on the Beading Railroad, 1 I offered for sale.• Price—Five thousand dol lare (86 / 006). Apply on the premises. noll3-tf SAMUEL IL GAFF. al FOR SALE—A Desirable FARM, containing M acres of Impeder land, near Sandy Bun Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, with dm class Stone buildings. Principal part of the purchase money can remain at S per cent. Apply to HOWARD & HAENDEN 607 UHESTNUT STREET, NEXT DOOR TO FREIGHT, STONEY, &a., forwarded to all potato , NOItTN, BOTTIT, Having openeduin Office in WASIIINGTOII, we shaa , give special attention to-freight for that City and vicinity, January 7, 1862. EMOV - THE HODICEO IAUPATIIIO PHAIILIACY of le. E. BCERICKE, in CHESTNUT Street; above Fifth, has been Re. moved to No. 48 North NINTH Street, where will bo found a largo stock of pure fresh Medicines; also, all the Latest Works on Honiceopathy and the Journals. Particular attention paid to furnishing Medicine Chests for the Army. jals-6t* &c, &c., n A. FAHN'ESTOCK & CO. HAVE REMOVED TO 488 MARKET Street. tal-lm ILLUMINATING OILS 011 LI OIL!! OIL!!! HULBURT & BRODHEAD, NO. 240 , LaRCII STREET, Hexing opened a General Depot for the Sale of Extra Refined and Lubricating COAL OILS, would call the special attention ofi dealers and consumets to their refined ILLUMINATING OIL, as it possesses merit beyond anything 'toren:store offered in this market, being entirely free from flat t gluey Embotance and bad odor which characterize that commonly Bold in this market, produces no smoke,. and is free from all explosive properties. Ate - Orders from- City or Country promptly at tended to. jels-1m COAL OIL! COAL OILI G-EORGIE W. WOOTTEN, 3S- SO.EIR SECOND STREET, NORT2 AMERICAN OIL COMPANY. DIANIISA.CTURERS OF COAL OIL, AND RE FINERS OF COAL AND CARBON OILS. WU. F. JOHNSTON, President., CEO. OGDEN, Secretary. Also, Agent for BEERS, JUDSON, & BEERS, Patent Girls Cones for Lamps, and wholesale dealer in Dith. ridge's Patent Oval (Ire -proof) and Eastern Flint-Glass Chimneys, Lamps, &c. Burners to burn Coal Oil with. out Chimneys. Cash buyers or prompt payers are respectfully laxited to examine our stock. no2l-2cs PORTLAND KEROSENE 0 I L. We ere now prepared to =MAY thla STANDARD ILLUMINATING OIL GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE & CO., Sows AGENTO, 1010 MARKET STREET, Pnibulalnhig. LOOKING GLASSES. ----- JAMES S. EARLE & SON, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS I.OOHINer GLASSES. OIL PAINTINGS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, PICTURE AND PORTRAIT FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CARTE-DE:VISITE , PORTRAITS, EARLE'S GALLERIES, 810 CHESTNUT STREET, Q Z. GOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRING. GARDEN Street, sells doublo extra Family Flour, fancy brand, at $7 per barrel. jal7-tutbstf SZ. GOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRENG • GARDEN Street, Bella the very best Cora Meal at 2 ct ate per pound. Jel74uthetf S6.SOWILL BUY A BARREL OF extra Family Flour at No. 812 SPRING GARDEN 8121EET. jal7.tuthatt ifiIVERYBODY BUYS BUCK- A 24 WHEAT FLOUR of S. Z. GOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street, became he eels none bit the very beet. jall-tuthetf TF YOU WANT GOOD FLOUR, GO to S. Z. GOTTWALS', No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. jet/A-tithed IF YOU WANT CHEAP FLOUR, go to S. Z. GOTTWALS', No. 812 SPRING GAS DEN Ftreet jal7-tuthstf rYOU WANT THE WORT OF H - your money. boy your Flour at S. Z. GOTT WALS', No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. He sells the very beet, and sells positively TEN PER CENT. LOWER than can be bought anywhere else in the city. He delivers to any Dart of the city free of charge, and In all caaes, If it does not give entire satisfaction, IT WILL BE TAKEN BACK, AND THE MONEY REFUNDED.jalT•tuthetf WHITE LEA OIL. Red Lend, White Precipitate, White Lead, Lunar Caustic, Dithers°, Narcotise, !Sugar of Lead, Sulph. Morphine, Copperas, Morphine, 011 of 'Vitriol, Acetate Morphine, Calomel, Lac. Sulph., --- Patent Yellow, Ether Sulobar's, Chrome Bed, Ether Nitric, Chrome Yellow, Sulphate Quinine, Aqua Fortis, Corro. Sublim., - bluriatio Acid, Denarcotized Opium, Epsom Salta, Chloride of Soda, 'Rochelle Salto, Wotherill'a ext. Cloche Tartaric Acid, Tartar Emetic, Orange Mineral, Chloride of Limo. Soluble Tart. Crude Borax, Sub. Carb. Soda, Refined Borax, White Vitriol, Camphor, Red Precipitate, Reale Co Pavia. IV ETHER LL 4: DROT EIRE, Druggiats and Manufacturing Chemists, Nos. 41 and 49 North SECOND Street, jalB-tf PRILADEL PIM. WANTS. JAB. T. MoCULLOTIGII, Elkton, Nd E. PETTIT, No. 809 .WALNITT Street. REMOVALS. EXPRESS. REMOVED TO GRANVILLE STOKES 'E h.I3T, and WEB r AGENT FOB THE PH IL ADELPHIA , DRY AND IN AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF Num. - ITALIAN OPERA. NOTICE.—In consequence of the accident on the Camden and Amboy .Road, on Saturday night last—the Artistes being on that train, and detained eleven boors on their passage—the performance, as advertised, conld, not take place. The management have concluded to give, on their return from WashinEton Jo New York, tawnier • OPERA. NIGHT, Which will take prince positively on SATURDAY NEXT, Jan. 25th. Tiro patrons of the Opera who purchased, and Nam who have received, Tickets of admission win be admitted on Saturday night by presenting their checks for seats at the door, when the entire Opera of THE BARBER ON SEVILLE ho performed, with Mins RINCKLEY, STBAKOSCH, BRIGNOLI, JYIANCIIBI, SUSINI, BA RMS. Conductor GAUL ANCIIITTZ. To conclude with the entire fourth act of IL TROYATORB. Miss HINCKLEY, M'me STUAKOSCH,DRIGNOLI, MA NOUS'. Box Oflice now open. MUSICAL FUND HALL, THURS DAY NIGHT, Jnn. 23d, ja2l-2t* GRAND OLD-FASHIONED WEDDING. MUSICAL -FUND HALL. THE CONTINENTAL OLD FOLKS, With their GRAND ORCHESTRA, Numbering Twenty-aye Performers, Malaita by MRS. EMMA J. NICHOLS, MRS. GORGIE SHEPARD,. MR. J. T. GULICK, and MR. EL E. HOLLOWAY, Will give a series of their popular CONCERTS, commencing MONDAY, Jan. 20th, And continue EVERY EVENING through the week. Tickets 25 cents; Childs en 15 c'nte. Doors open at 7: Commence at 7%, CONTINENTAL THEATRE ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL NOVELTY! HOUSES CROWDED NIGHTLY! - THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING, Jan. 21,155$ will be presented the Grand Equestrian Drama of EL HYDEU. To conclude with the last new Drama of SIXTEEN-STRING JACK• On THURSDAY EVENING next will be proluced ENCLE 7 . oitt'S CABIN, With New Scenery by Hr. Jno. Wiser, and a Superb Caat. Admission 15 and 25 cents. To commence X past 7. [lt WllO 18 TO BE MARRIED ON THUHSDAY NIGHT, Jan. 23d, at ja2l-20 •- - MUSICAL FUND HALM WEL SOHN DREW'B AIItat.STRZET Acting and stage Manager W. 8. FItr.DBRIOES. Boalnem Agent and Treamzer JOB. D. NUMMI . - .HOUSES CROWDED NIGHTLY. EIGHTH NICELY OF JOEIN TG•NIGHT, (Tuesday,) January '21,1862, RANDY ANDY. Ilsndy Andy .1 . 1 , 0Vi01123 to the Desoto. THE MORNING CALL To einichide with "tll}3 WATEItIItAN. All the company infix- casts. tEr Prices as Initial. NET' Cmfain rises at y after I o'clock. NET Beat secured ihrier days in advance. WHO - WILL. PERFORK THR CEDIALONY, A 7 11111SICAL FUND HALL, ja2l-2l* THUBSDA±V NIGHT, Jan. 23d1 WALNUT -STREET THEATRE NINTH and WALNUT Streets. . ..-....... . - • THIS (TIIESDAT) EVENlNG...ram:tar - sr 21. Will be performed Mee grhMihPecfs. 'Gramm of THE LAKES ON HILIANNEii• Or, The Gridmi of Glenxtiff: inty McLoughlin.. ...... Williams. Kate Kearney - • Mrs: Kitthey Williams. Trevlots to the Drama the Comediettro et LAW F 313. LADIES. • Barney William! unite Charectera To conclude with THE HAVVY 4 Palosa-50 7 87%, 75, and 25 cants; Prtfatt Doze* $5 sad Door! open at quarter to 7. To commence at 73j. WEDDING C'ARDS• AREf. SUED FOR TIIIIRSDAY - ITIGIIT,Jan..W; at 1a21.2t* MUSICAL FUND HAS& !TEMPLE OF WONDE-11,8— ..a.. TENTH and CHESTNUT Street& SIGNOR BLIITt In Ma New, Popular, and AmuaNg Entertainment% EVERY EVENING, commencing as Mar past 7 o'clod% and on 'WEDNESDAY and Se TVREAV AFTEtr- NOONS at 3 Grand Combination of Attraction, Thanmeturgicsa Illoblons, Psycological Experimentl, - Magical' Decays tionp, Ventriloquial Oddities, Comieriaiea, aid litcry Mote, and the Pleasing Exhibition of'he••Learned Oa* nary Birds. Admission 25 cents i Children 13 cents. - je37xf G ERMANIA. ORCHESTRA CARL SENTZ, Conductor. PIIBLiO VERE&IISALB every SATIPEDA.Y, at SA o'clock P. M., at the MUSICAL FOND ALL: Package of Eight Tickets, $1; Single Trcketellir cla To be bad at And re's, 110.4 Chestnut street, J. E.Gottldhe Seventh and Clhequrot, and at the door of the Hall. ooSIS-ss IDENNSYLVA_NLA ACADEMY 01 IL TEE FIVE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, ik open daily, Sundays excertod, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. Nl_ Admiasion 25 cents. Children under twelve yeets, half prim: Shares of Steels. SM. 114 DRUGS AND CHEMICALS ROBERT SHOEMAKERS & CO., Liorthead Corner FOLUITH and BAC& Streets. PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUG-GISTS, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMEBTIO WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS: MIAAMPACTIIRZRB OF VITEUTE LEA 1) AND ZINO PAINTS, PUTTY; ao. AGENTB !OR TER CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS Dealers and consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH ocBl.Bm JUST RECEIVED, per Annie Kim ball," from Liverpool, Slender, Weaver, Mtn— Sr's prerarations 25 the Extract ACOUICI, in 1 lb Ara. 25 the Extract Hroacryamti, in 1 lb Sant. 50 the Extract Belladonna, in 1 &jars. 100 The Extract Taraxaci, is / lb jars. 50 The Yin Etal Colchlci, in 1 ib bottles. 100 The 01. Succini Bea., in 11b bottles. 600 The Calomel, in 1 lb bottles. gm se Pll Hydrarg., in 111, jars. WETHERILL & BROTHER, mh9 47 RV 40 North SECOND Street. trisußArtuz ICOXIYA.MES. VOMMONWEAL ILI RANCE COMPA PRIMBYLVANIA. H FIRE INBI3- , OF THZ BTA.III 01 DIBBOTOBS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Bogen, /elm M. Whiten, Jolm S. Walker, Edward C. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, _ William Struthers, Henry Lewis, Jr. Stephen Coulter. DAVID JAY B, M. D., President. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice Pre:lidera. SAMUEL 8. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 618 011118THII Street. Philadelphia. sed-if SAFES. T,TLLTE'S SAFE DEPOT RI OVF.D to No. a South SEVENTH & os. root, n R ld eadin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past fevers, and balag determined to merit future patronage,has ceomext, as elegant and convenient store, and bee now on harA a large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Weought- Wt. Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safer, (the Gulp. strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Lillts'a. Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Dave and Locks wl be farntabesk to order on short notice. This it the et - MIAMI', had pen. tatted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered: Also, particular attention is calla to Rive Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. Ws Safe tf tea. ceded to surpass in style and elegant° anything.Yette feted for this purpose, and is the only' , ono that is ith "ttegg. fire and burglar proof. SPECIAL NOTIOEL—I. have now on band ear twenty Ferrol, Herring, A Co.'s Safes, most of them nearly usit, and some forty of other makora~ csanterising a templets assortment as to sized, and all lately exchanged for tll4 now celebrated Lillis Safe. They will be sold at Tart low prices. Please call and examine. ja2.6.lrif M. C. SADLER. Agent. ARMY TENTS-200 for sale by jal3-12i( FROTHINGIIMA !kr WELLS fp Rll SSE S! BRACES!! SUP LL PORTERS!!! O. H. NEEDLES, 8 W. corner RACE and TWELEPII Streets, Plu Practical Adjuster of Trusses and Etschanical emcee, has constantly on hand a large and varied stock of elegant French Trusses, and a complete assortment of beat American. English and American Supporters and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensories, Syringes i% pseat variety, French Pessaries, &c. Ladies' Department conducted by Ladies, TWELYTH Street, first door below Race. c027-113m ANTI -FRICTION METAL, Superior quality, For sale by JAMES YOCOM, .In., LRINK BB'S ALLEY, jal3-2m* Bet. Front and Second, Born nod Arch eta. SHOVELS AND SPADES. GEORGE lIALFMAN, MAN OTO CORNER OF BREAD AND QUARRY STREETS, lal3-Bin* Bet. Arch and Racc, and Second and Third. 285 GROSS PURE WHITE CAS TILE SOAP, cut in pieces of each, and packed in dozen and quarter-gross boxes. The best Toilet Snap in use. or sale by TITAIN & AIdIiEONE, No. 2'2 SOUTH WHARVES. CASTILE SOAP.-463 Boxes H0t .... tied CASTILE SOAP, a superior artlc'e. For sahib) , THAIN & MoKEONE, jalB•Gt* No. =SOUTH WHARVES. OLD LEAD-8 barrels just received por oshooner Amodio, for sale by JAIIRETCHE 8 CARSTAIBS, no 7 201 and 204 South FRONT Street SODA ASH.-140 Casks Marsh's Soda Ash, larding from ship " William Cumminga." and for sale by C. W. CIILTROII3IaN, jalS•St 33 South FRONT Street. APPLES ! APPLES !—Choice Green ing! and others always on hand at the Cheap store, No 872 SPRING GARDEN Street. jell-t[ LADIES' HAIR-DYE[NG DONE fu beautiful style, at FOURTH and BRANCH. iald-if if pRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, 1 AT WAR PRICES, of Looking.dlaeeoe,, Engravings, and fine Frames, at GEO. F. BENEERT'S, No. EMI ARCH Street jed-Rlf BEST QUALITY ROING SLAM W always en band and for salnat Union Whea t 14111 MUM Btrnett Kanington. T. Ta 0111.11.9, wAvart %wt. Indursibilo. PAMPHLET PRINTING, AND every other dwictription of Printing, of eie AM* superior (ItltaitY at. the most reasonable rates, iIUIC6 WALT & 11R41W1R,4, Dregera 84 sou* TURD Preto, MEW OFM .John Drew.