ihrk= too: 6015 ill fit; e1 1 1 'llB l oBlffets Oa.; go 118061111 ABBBollto St 8104110...-88. 1 8081 (ietuekrea;;-. 70 3 - $8011108 , 881'00..;„ ! 76 1180.111inkr toad . : LAINISMIth 8 7„8 - VOW Teno- Bs '90,,b60 3i AM. PAO", 0000111mourt, 9754enna Goat: . ; 85 16000Aineilennig . id.1.02, • Ib4o 1000:. do - 101,v 1100 'Erie Bolleray..6lo 15 1- 50 , do' 35% ' 455 d 0.... 35 50 . do . . .. 35 1285 r.sio Prf'd... ... 56% 100 d 0.... - 56% 50 d0....1L0 56% 475 N Oeutna 82g 700 ac e 3IX 1- 40- , d 0... ..bnw 82 650 1114s0ent 52g 69:.:d0 634.52% 50 dd 61062% MO Mich 8',9 N•I G..'40% 140321 OdoScpx- . 1 erg. 03% 100 do: ..'.. .. N0 63 21 014 . 4 Pitubs B. 16 7`o 0 Oln a.....at0 • 10 Galena& Md..... - 68 100 84 do 30%05eve & Toledo 36% —. 100 do . . ... ..elO 36% 150 do 87 1400 do 45 37 150' b3O 31% 200 Hudson 1t.... en* 39 100- -do 460 88% 10 Panama . .. ao Chi a R I 21..810. 64% 400 do 54% 150 ' do ..810.54% 50 ,do e6O 50% 300 ' do 54% 50 0 & .Quln 61 50 do e3O 60% 10 do 60% 50 91 P due._ 21 100 11,1 P O lot 77 , 5000 ' do b6O '2OOOO . .42g A6loollbtolaki. 49 2000.11Uonetittl II IMM O& 0.1914 n. -11000 N 2 Cent 1th...10/ "1000 II TO W6 1 76..104 - -.4000 N Y 0 76'76 06204 . - - 2000 Rite R mtg.: 9lg .6000 Tate Ith mtg... - 79g 1606 Barn Y & la.' 76 1400 'MU 0 8 818.810 943( 'at*, Nik&PduOtilat. 88){ 1000 ' d 0... ..... 86 3000 Mch 0 Ss Ist Di lag elm 9734 aopoosiii 88 . •*. 94 ,1110401Kich go2dNI as. 051( - 1604111 V R bds...• . 90) 45000 Ohl et- 1V W let. 41 11000 (Rev B T 8 Fd.. 82 Maio Peek. AO 8 D c Gosr by 111 0 R 85 'OO BkOoproene:...2'7lK Ltaih Ik.. 84 - :10Dor& Bud C 0.... 91 _4O POCIOC hien 0.. 2 . - 97 100 do.. ... . . 010 973; 60 97% 50 973( do 97yi 700 dci . .. ..bBO 98 CITY ITEMS, ANGTHER MEETING IN BEHALF OP THE SOD. tagas.—To-morrow evening, the Seventeenth meeting in ilbehplf of the soldiers, held In thin city, under the direc tion Of the• Young Men'a Christian Association, will take These in the Rev. Dr. 'McDowell's Ohtani), Eieventh erhvet, above Spring Garden, at which ouldresses are to be ,Gelivered by the Rev. .B. Griffiths, Secretary of the Motet Publication Society; the Rev. James M. Crowell; Rev. J. A Brown, chaplain of the Thomas A. Scott Re giment, Pennsylvania Volunteers; and Col. E: M. +Gregory ? Of the - Ninety. Brit Regiment Pennsylvania -"Volunteers. These meetings have been increasing from "Week to week, in nmnbers and Interest, and we wauld *gain urge upon our readers the Importance of sustaining the great and good work in behalf of which they are held. Let, there be a large Attendance of the friends of the sol diers and of the country they have gone forth to defend. Llfr COMPARED TO Tip SEABOXS.—TIIO fol- Rowina lines aro from the pen of-Wm. F. Schnmele, a lad .of fourteen Years, and wore composed tor, and delivered et, the recent amdversory ot .the Sunday Schools con zeckd With the First Baptist Church, corner of Broad diaidi Arch streets. i Master is aso .1‘ of Dr. Henry eammele, of this city. ills attempt at writing verses, Oie ofhis yeius; is not without merit: Behold ! the Spring a she passes along, • The fradt.ereodseoheing her blithesome song; :The ~^rase springs up as she passes bs,. ' ':Add ':Add the wildtbd greets herewith gladsome cry. 'The brake break forth trout their icy chains, And swell the song with their murmuring strains 'The frog makes theMarshee resound with song, . And Nature awakes as she passes nlong. - `The summer sun shines down from on high,- To the greet delight of the butterfly t . - 'The lily unfolds iti anow•whitti flower, ; the woodbine deck, the gardsn bower ; . -The wain is shaken by the gentle breeze,... And - birds warble briskly among the tress; While fish apart lively in the limpid stream, 4,11411er-he and herds in the meadows are seen , The Neenah changed—the sky is blue, :Thewoods are painted with every hue, Waterfowl sport on the cool clear lake, And feathered songstere the silence break ; ant the frost Wein, and.the lo,,ves fall fast, • . .As the trees are.ehaken by the chilling blast; , The voice of the bird is now hushed and kill, ..eluid ice Is formed on the gushing rill. • Rdia Winter boa come, with a heaving sigh; 'Vatic clouds gather over the leaden sky The earth is clad in a robe or ;irhito, And the bare trees tremble at the cheerless eight. 'She north Wind Sweeps over mountain and plain, And chants its mournful dirge In vain ; 'The Weenie are locked in icy chains, And Nature Bleeps while Boreal reigns. Mile, like the seasons,- comes and goes, .Checkered throughout with joys and woes; 'Childhood and loath, like merry Spring, Are the golden hours of our earthly being. When the mind is free, and ths heart is light, ellEfoge gilds the future, before our eight; 'Ti. then, in this joyous spring of life, 'Mist we gird ourselves for the coming strife. . . Mut Youth, like spring-time, soon to gone, .As Time, unceasingly marches on; The youngman liow has reached Ids prime— Has reached hie earthly summer-time ills step isrlitn t and his eye is bright, . And hit; arm rejaices in its Might ; AU former life to this point tends, .And now to agejle slowly beads. 'Tate gloiy of his primate; past; Anis autumn ,our has come at last ; lhe hoarser clilldbood could not stay, hind Youth's bright season pa.stiot away 'Tbe pride of raalibood, too, bad gone, And age le baetcolog quickly on ; Ilia mind reflects on days gone by, And forwardlooks with thoughtful oye. `The summers come, the summers fly, And BUM grows old as they pass him by The strength of hill former life has gone, And withfeeble step be totters on. 7.h0 snows of winter hare slivered his hair, And hie wrinkled brow. tolls that age is there; Till With plickl look and tearless eye, /Plays him down on his couch, to ale. As seed that in the Spring is sown, And by the Sommer sun Is grown, Determines the supply eighth:, ♦When Fall and Winter come again : flo, whet we learn in life's bright coring, ont the coarse of our after , being; And habits formed, Ake acorns grow, And shape our Character hero below. /Barth li the school of Heaven, where we Prepare to spend eternity. The Sabbath school guides the feet of youth, Zn - the light, in the way of troth: It above us the power of Christ to save, Aisd points to a Heaven beyond the grave; Where, when this earthly life is o'er, We'll dwell with God forevermore, ANIMAL ;REVIEW Or' THE lIIEROICARTS' TOM) Booixry.--The annual meeting of the Merchant's' 7undßociety, of this city, will bo held at tho Board of Trade . rooms, No. 503 Chestnut street,en Tuesday after- DoOn next, at,four o'clock, when the annual report will sishmitted and thiannual election of officers hold. CWLBM'S CELEBRATED COOK STOVE.—Ire tome alriady referred to the patent cook stove, invented oOd snide by Mr. 3.6. Clark, No.looB Market street, as liernsetedmirable article. The st o ve is knowri as Clark's Air-tight 'Oat-burning Cock. Stone and was first in troduced to the public about eighteen months ago, since which the demand for it hasbeen unprecedented. ills list Df names , --many of which are of our bestAnowncitizene— aderaing the superiority of thin stove over eli others in Ewe amounts to nearly one thousand. Nor is thin sweep y.ng tribute undeserved, loasmackas the stove la unquote tionsibly,a greater economiserin fuel - than any other in awe, the extent of. Its jnet.consnmins power, when kept Itt Constant operation, not exceeding the rate of one ton pf cocain six Diontar, In doing the cooking for a large thatity, The coat of the stove lei therefore, fully saved In fuel in a single year's use. The etove, we May state Wio, operates In the most satisfactory mainer, whether /or baking, boiling, roasting; or general cooking pur poses. The stove la simple in its construction, remark- ably durable, and neat in appearance, and in, upon the whole, one of the genuine "improvements of the ago," prabodying practicability and common ,sense. To per il:ins wishing to purchase Moves, whether In this city or elsewhere, wo would say, by all moans examine the o n e &ere referred to of Mr. Clark's Invention;mid those who Are now using a different article will ac wisely in nth tatltnting for it one of these. ICAROPENE OIL LAMPB.—The • finest assort cent of lamps for burning Kerosene Oil, in this city, is Shat of Messrs Wittere & Co., at their warerootas, No. 15 North Eighth street, corner of Filbert. These gen tlemen not only make the neatest and best styles of lamps, but they keep on hand at all times the purcre sudlity of the oil itself, which is the kind alone that -Ought to_be used, both from consideration, of light and +oolloo3y. A POPULA It EBTABLIBIIMENT.—There are few . *torn in rdiadelplila, In which her enterprise is more vracticany vliancated then In the famous old establish. lowed of Messrs. E. 0; Whitman & Co., Second . street, /*OW Chestnut, the widely-known and justly-oelebrated Confectionere of this city. At all treasons of the. year, find during ex days in the wcok, their store is thronged With customers. The reason is—their goods are the *mad and richest made, their prices ore exceedingly . wooderate, and everybody is waited upon with politeness. MCCLELLAN IstifOnTdidzEhi.--Whether the .epportunity for Gen. fleClellan to earn the reputation Ito possesses ever turns up or not, his name has been itunteortatized by PIT. J. A. Eshleman, by patenting the gplondlidnew fifeGiellan Time and Bearfc," which he is Ino*Oelllng to gentlemen of taste from every part of the loyal States. , - PURE OLD LIQUORS YOB. MEDICINAL YOB .olllll..—Yor the accommodation of Ida numerous patrons mod the general public, Mr. O. IL Mattson, dealer in SIM groceries, Arch and. Tenth streets, has, for some ems put, kept constantly on hand a stock of pure Old Boum, such as can be warranted genuine baleful aiispicion. Ills 6/andles, also Portand Madeira wines, orelkatineatly. recommended directly by our Brat phyal etaiiitor Medicinal purposes. SECOND UNITARIAN SOCIETY. The rteT. .11rroderic grothiughsco preaches again before this Society Itataarrowi in Washington Hall, Spring Garden, above sitieitt. Mr. Frothingbam has taken a high post. lion la the Unitarian Church, and Amid attract a largo audissa._ - - , Tug 'NUMBER OP WORDS IN THE ENGLISH lastotracoL—Out of the 50,000 words. in the English tongue, It has been found - that au English peasant only mos 500. An ordinarily educated mantis supposed loose 3,000. or 4,000, while a groat orator reached 30,000. The bid Teetament contains . 4,042 different wadi, aad,the works of Ohakspeara about 15,000; those titlithipeabout 6,000. The wards mod used are proba bly thou, which refer to the excellence of the garments, torAmlditsve and elsiliamramado at ~ the Brown Stone eteittelaiiHat.of & Wilson, Nog 603 aid ON mat ikreet, above Math. MIMI OP. THE $131) KNOWN As Conan.— Irby is Stokes' illustrated Almanac, for 1502, like swell. enolutid butcher's shop I• , Because It le made attractive by its fine cult. Wby are the wood engenvingn in Stokes' Illustrnted Jithoetine like the rtilp-ot•war it present on oar Southern Pewit 4c Becetilie they ire btock•aids to tie Vustneoa. INatei'lllnatrated AIMPIIIIII, tor 1862, contains name tow Oilestrationes printed. 121-011 colors, making it a Swiattlital : and . 1 , 811:table Almanac. It can be bad, on .18181106111a6s' erliitokse: One Price r OlOtbling • Store, later the 44 Oontisimtal.,, Imitr . itrri — orti.---' We "natlari that Iltanika•ii Emma*. Oopiaaar, whets office wait - destroyed Swan a Abort, time since, hare secured new and comma :dim mutate nexetioor tikitte siaafaij itnothing Ma .lloldlffi GratrtillaStAlak, No. SO9 ,phostnnt street, lestabliStubsete sie notedlor enterprise and gatftwootri ! ,stipapi a,tad near. eauts other t The 2 ,6 . 6 5 6, - 14 4ltie 4l oloo l .4a: "itOti dtdirer/ tit'jltiscid Its amaze -4111k atOiaretaotaing illombrrealif-tafadar far -the a 7113 and tashicnable 0 11 .1* .. „ wrofritomiotririloWe Of, Surety birds. of_ a --0616.5111:***, tetethet ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TOI2 VOLOOIt z►er CONTINENTAL itOTXlr—Ninth and Ohaeldwd eta G P Breneman, Lancaster .'..T N Miller, lowa S L'Crosby, New York W Gay, Stamford, Conn W B Hubbell,-Ohlo W A Muller, New York - II It Wilcox, New York J Draper, New York 0 Warner, New York Dr W G Hanford & w, N y W.Fox, Pottsville II Treater, Heading John (Joann', St Lords T I' Hunt, Scranton, Pa X liinzrehelmer, New York 0 II Nichols, New York John Baird, New York J P Kirkwood th iy, N Y AV Craven • W Conreen, New York W H Phelps, Pittsburg Miss 0 Mather, Pittsburg F P Fletcher, Vermont Mrs T Drew, New York Mr &tiding & lye Conn Joel. Wolfe Now York B D Bogart,.Now Jersey G L Apnea: New York : - DfJ Elder, Stamford, Conn J4l Potter R w, Boston Mho Moore, Hartford ' CI F Wadsworth dcly,Bostort J M !Banknote, Baltimore A Sibler, New York N Prelt, Connecticut E Dams, U 13 N R.Knox, U 8N 0 Wilson, II 8 J &Kendall, Now York M Abercrombie, Conn • Ira Nash, Michigan D Clark; New York L C Llllle, Troy, N Y W H Clement, Oln, 0 L Hamilton, Cincinnati, 0 T L Jewilt, Ohio W Coleman, Pittsburg J D Southard, Phila A Hlog, Bedford, Pa B L Buesell, Bedford, Pa A A Simms, U 8 N E A Whitfield, N York • B T Lincoln, Wash, D C R J afeconkey, W Chester B W Pycock, Now York R 8 Clarie,New York Ambrose Wlltele & In, Pa J Perham, Balton 8 Klonee, Boston - W 0 Churchill, New York John F Witten & la, N Y John E Hanford, Brooklyn N Stetson, New'Jersey 11 Mather, West Troy Mr Danforth, Weet Troy W Clarke, New York Mr Graham & la, N York E L Terry, Now York B D &Inman, New York E W Kenny & la, Mass Jas F Porter, New York Mr Jay, Now York F H Atkinson & wife, N Y AP Ward & la, CM, 0 W A Sherman & la D 11 Millar, Baltimore Mr Davldgo & In, Wash,DO John S Walker, Now York E. 0 Hazeltine, IT 8 N .T H Howe, Boston Mrs Howe, Boston G If patting, Boston Mrs Cattlng, Boston Miss Thayer, Roxbury B W Pierce, Boston H S Brown, New York B Edwards, Jr, Boston D 8 Draper, New York 11Whitmore, Richmond W Crittmer, New York O Dolmas, Washington John P Dunn, Conn I I Abraham, Baltimore Chas T Morris, Baltimoro P Wilson, Cincinnati, 0 • W V Kay, Chicago F W Newton, New York H W Gunruaon, New York F Morris, New York D H Sweerserr, Baltimore J Alvord & la, Conn 0 B Hayward la, Conn K Eldridge, New York • MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth et., below Arch. N Brewer, Itercersburg II Hall, Lynn, Mass C White, Rockville, Conn L Miller; Altoona, Pa 0 Miller, Altoona, Pa J M Stanton, Delaware W L Black, C W . J Denniston,-Ifollidaysburg W J Madeira, Penns J T Clark, Ohio jhi Taylor, Mitflinsburg M D Rouse, New Jersey J W /Wick, New. Jersey .. H M Yllet, Now Jollier S S May, Mass B D Wilson, Mass W litcCready,,New Jersey Dr E Wallace, Reading 'W H Crocker, Illinois B S Lanaban, Chicago R Hendley, Altoona, Pa A Oattnaa, New York Mrs Sticker, Milton, Pa D Washburn, Pottsville A J. Glossbrenner, York, Pa T B Waddell, Now York JB Stark, Wilkesbarre 0 A Hartwell, U 8 A JP Vincent, Erie W P Dysart, Tipton, Pa I Kaufman, Somerset B Weaver, Somerset J Swank, Somerset F Wilkinson, Penna D 0 Phillips, Ponies T A Evans & In, Pitt ,burg 0 McFadden; Dowingtown T Smith, White Haven J 8 Young, New Jersey J Shirts, Bound Brook '8 Burgess, Warren, Pa . Col 0 B Curtis, Warron,Pa J 8 Lyile, , Warren, Pa 3' B Guthrie, Warren, Pa A Gardner, Cincinnati, 0 Wm H Sells, U 8 N H Brubaker, Lanc N A Simpson, Baltimore • D 8 Brown, Boston H Thlrsten, Boston N Peters, Delaware H It Walton, Delaware , ANNBIOAN HOT/21.--Obootant et.. above Fifth. P Thompson„ Mao 0 F Thompson. Moss N A Boynton, Now-York L T Friable, Conn H H Fraley, Conn B J Mills, Conn J E Carroll, Conn G Weklman, Lebanon 0 H. Morey, New York J G Hobos L Passano. Ballimoro N B De Mye4, Tienton X B Hickman, Choster co Liout LWobb, Penns 6 Mc6 Breadalbano, Conn J B Miner, Boston G B Denny, Dayton, Ohio II 1" Jeannine, Indiana J McLean, Summit llill T Lang, Summit Hill A Miller, Summit Hill W Long, Summit Hill I E Smith, New Jereey . A Jackson, Wilkesbarro Cant 0 A Winn, L Haven LtM Sharrahrook, L Hav'n Lt E Monahan, L'Haven .T P Bynler, Lock Haven Grattan & la, Phil's It J Capron, Baltimore A F Lewis, Baltimore John 0 Bead, Baltimore ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut et., above Third. Geo Gage, Waterford, NY J Lord, Delaware co, Pa S Lendsbery. New York Thee 0 Bobbins, Conn B Woo!mac, Chester no, Pa Thos El Collins, Maryland Ttios 11 Humphreys, Bait W Campbell, Harrisburg R B JOIN, Now York W Woldmann, New York D Lange, PhiladelPhia H Powers er so, 'Vermont Chas Tobiner, Wash, D 0 THE HE7.oE—Arch aired, above Third. _ROY J Stliaeghod & lady, Pa II DOW d: lady, Pa John 111 Moore, Now Jereoy John H Barton, Del co, Pa Jos Dist, Colorado Tor V De La Montaigne, N Y B E Beitleman, New Jersey E Mansfield, Ohio , Mrs John 'Murphy, Ohio H Dills & lady, N Jersey Miss Tillie Parker, N Jersey Miss Kate Titus, N Jersey Chas D Bray, New Jersey 0 W.Orook, New Jersey 8 C Turner, NeW York Bobt Town,New York Jae Eltchlo , Easton, AM It Long, La A L Gee, Gordon, Pa Geo A Jocks, Newtown ,JasD Stryker, Larobertville Mies L 0 Stryker, Lambert+, H S Howard, Del Water Gap Z L Eisner, Pittsburg Jaroslawskl, Pittsburg NATIONAL HOTEL--Rate street, above Third. A W Creamer, New York Jacob Bishop, Allentown T H Snyder, Pennsylvania John W Laird, Easton H E Rube, Allentown Miss A E Parlor, Ponna D Dorgan, Williamsport Mom Hanson, Lewistown Jos Kramer, A llentown Jos Healtu, Now York Sol Sbubrlck, Centre co I Memnon, New Jersey H Thompson, II 8 N DH Jones, Harrisburg. Joel P. Leidy, Nazareth, Pa H P Ancona, Beading 'Jas W Kluuls, Allentown 0 Anderson Minersvillo Geo Gordon, Kutztown bliss 8 Hamlin, Reading COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above ChestunL Wetherill, Pennsylvania J Shaw, Philadelphia J P Hilyard, Delaware Limit Brotherson, Wash Joel Tanaredalen, Penna H Walley, Chester co, Pa C W Maxwell, Elkton,Md W A Williams, Penna. Thos Walter, Chester go, Pa Jos Hewett, Rockland A P Achey, Lebanon co, Pa Beni Prick, Montgomery T W Evans Ac wife, Heading J Leo, Pennsylvania Mr Shoemaker, Penna . Owen Relater, Md STATES MON—Mutat street, above Sixth. Limit W W Anderson, Pa Oapt W P Drinton, Ponna Gal Riddle, Philadelphia Jas Pfister, Pennsylvania G If Kulp, Patterson a B Van Reid, Reading 'A J Monti, Lowiatatra D Druster,lslaryland John Druster; Dlaryland Jonathaa otonee, C+l John Ely, Lana co James Rosy, Philadelphia Jos V Crawford. Pittsburg Geo Plitt, Harrisburg A Shepherd, Pennsylvania BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. ,S Gillingham, Bucks S Johnson, Bucks Miss Hobert; ' Penn's Kiss Lambert, Penn'a Pierson Bly,Delaware J P Rogers, Washington 11 Bumll, Wishington , Jas Dix ' New York Him Lee, New Jersey . John BTerry, Penn's B Rice, less, Bucks B P Hallowell, Montg C Dubree, Abington T 13 Smith, Penn's - E Wawa', Bucks- Win M Walker, Dolington John Livezey, Cincinnati MADISON llOUSE—t3econd street, above Market. N II iturd,New Jersey 1r Whitlock, Now Jereei A II seeder, Penn'a Simmons, Wilmington J BEMITIOIIS_, Wilmington W Bitable, Penn's, II Evans, Deposit, N York Ellwood Oarhart, Md S J Mears, Maryland BLACK . BDAR—Third street, above CallowhilL Stephen A Lewory, Dela John Largo, Doylestown Wm Paff, Yarleyvillo Beni Tomlinson, Byberry Harrison Tomlinson, Byb'y Signed Hoagland, Somerton Casper Roads, Somerton John Vanartadalen, Penns Wilson Miller, Byberry A Luckens, Bucks co, Pa Jos Whiten, Northampton Seneca Fell, Pennsylvania T W Dlgony, Doylestown J R Buckman, Wrlghtet'n D B Clemens, Chem Valley Richard .. Robb, Horsham YOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second rt., ab. Arab. A Farts, New Haven, Ct G 'l' Jones, Massachusetts T H ',either, Delaware .7 W Woods, Trenton, N Thad Flanagan. Castleton Tbos Flanagan, Penna• Jae Burgoyne, New York D L Hall, New Jersey Nr Johnson & In, Penns A B Lovett, Burlington, NJ M Davis, Jolunnille Capt Win Joann, Wash,Do BALD EAGLE—Third street, above CallowhElL Andrew Colvin, Easton P Reese, New Jersey John Weaver, Ohio Wm Reifsoyder, Reading L Berkemyer, Lehigh co - P Emistermacher, Allont'n David Nanamacher, Easton D Draken, Lebanon MITA= HOUSE—Third street, above nue. G W Whitaker, - fen= Albert Lane, New Jersey MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Eir OM POI:MTh PAGE AIIIIIMD Steamship Kensington, Baker, 48 hours from Boston, with reds° and passengers to If. Winser. Reports at the Breakwater two ships and two barks, bound in Paseed —ship Wyoming at anchor off Morris Liston's; passed two English zebra off Point Overfailv, bark Elliebeth, from Baltimore, off the Buoy on the Middle, bound in,• off Bombay Hook, Irtearaluit America, with a ship and a bark in tow' swan tug Star, with a bark in tow, bound out. Behr Caroline, Fox, 3 days from New York, with hur ley to captain. Schr If A Weeks, Godfrey, before reported sunk at Reedy Island and raised, has arrived up to the city for repairs. CILSEBED. Wainer B. Willing, Clay pools, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) NEW CASTLE, Jan 17 Tbe ship Samuel Locke, for Liverpool, end bark James Lemon, for Belfast, left here at 7% AM. Bark Oheval ile, for filo do Janeiro, remains at the pier. ST TELEGRAMS. (Correspondence of the Press.) HST YORK, Jan. ).7. Arched, ship Fearless, from Han Francisco; ehipE H Taylor, from the Isle of Wiaht; ships Autocrat and Geo Washington, from Havre; ships Manhattan, Bridgewater, and John 11 Elliott, from Liverpoof,• ship Kitty Floyd, from Antwerp'bark J Godfrey, from Dublin. MEMORANDA Steamship Saxon, Matthew, hence, arrived at Boston on Thursday night. , Steamship liennebec, Garton, hence, arrived at New Tack yesterday. ". Steamship M Sanford, Sanford, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. Bark Henrietta, Crowell, cleared at Now York yester day for Rio de Janeiro. • behr Triumph, Reeves, from New York, with a cargo of general merchandise, wont ashore on Wodnealay last, just below the who, yes at New Castle. film laid easy on Thursday, awl made no water. The captain came up to the city and despatched a tug to her asahranco. She would probably be got off on 'Friday. 'Bahr Olivia Braxton, Williams, from Baltimore, via - Delaware Breakwater, at New York yeatordar. Behr L Sturtevant, Wataon, at Now York yesterday from Wilmington. Del. Behr 8 B Wheeler, MeGlaughlin, cleared at Baltimore 16th inst. for Fortran Monroe. , The ti S gunboat Rhode Island, Captain Trenehard, from Galveston, via Ship Inland, Mobile, Nod Pickens, Key Weer, and Port Boyal 12th last, arrived With(' navy yard lent evening. SPECIAL NOTICES. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING, OP THE LATEST STruse,made in tho Beet Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST.SeIIing Prices marked . In Plain ligures. Goods made to Order warranted satierau tory. Our Oss-Paiou SYSTEM is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated a like. JONES k 00., 004 MABEET Street. HEL.MBOLD'S UNTWEIISALLY APPROVED Ilsusoy..--Croportad Extract Dacha cures Dlseasee of the Bladder, Kidneys,. Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, ,to. Dewitt:le adverticetnent fa another column. nog-the , • Da. ROBERTSON'S VEGETAIILE NERV ORS CORDIAL ; or, • NATURE'S GRAND RESTORATIVE. The great remedy for all. Narrow' Complalnta, Debit! ty,'Proetration, townose of Spirits, &e. Price $l. ,Iforaele by DYOTT & CO., • • • • No. 232 North SECOND Street, , lei-thett Depot for all Popular Dledtelnee, nADIBIATON'S HAnL STAIN 1110 'abet reliable article In use for coloring the Hair and Wbfekers black or brown. Does not fade or wash oat. Despot, 228 SPRUCE i3treet. laid-waft* CARD PSINTENG, BEST AND CHEAPEST inthe Oity, at 34 South TIDED Root. TEE PRESS. --PHILADELPHIA, `SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1862. ODE TO THE NORTH WIND. BY TDB BIRD OF TOWER BILL Where the Ice king keeps his court, Circled by the polar waves, Where the seal and walrus sport O'er the Artie travellers' graves, There thou bast thy gelid home, Furious wanderer of the sky; From thy sparkling crystal dome 'Tie thy mission now to fly. Either, raging tyrant, come, Wo thy chilling blasts defy, Though, wherever thou dolt roam, All the summer blame= die; Though thy bleak and angry breath Strips the groves and forests bare, And faded leaves are scattered there, Emblems of decay and death. Wrathful tvandoror of the sky, Wo thy fury still defy, If to meet thy rage intense, Wo from Towne Recu have borne Proper fixtures for defence; Thue, with armor well supplied, All thy fury Is defied, All thy tyrant rage we scorn. The best assortment In the city of Winter Clothing, the proper fixtures above alluded to, still on hand and closing out at greatly reduced prices. Military Uniforms made to order at short notice. TOWER lIILL,No. 518 MARKET Etrect, Philadelphia. It BENNETT b. 00. MARRIED. LIPPINCOTT—STACKHOUBF.—By Friends' Oore. many, at 1 1 4118114t0n, Bunke county, on the 21 instant, Allen Lippincott, M. D., to Tacle E., daughter of Babert Blockhouse, both of Fallsington. tk . . HOBART—HIPPOIitNSO.N.—On tho 16th instant, by Rov. Henry Darling, Joseph Hobart, of San Francisco, to •Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Hutchinson, of this city. KIRSLEY-011ATITAbl.—On tho 6th Inst. : by the Rev. D. L. Paterson, Hr. William F. Ifineley to Miss Annie Chatham, all of Philadelphia. tk FRIEDRICRS—MORE.—On tho 12th lust., by the Rev. flea. W. Showman, Mr. John R. Friedrichs to Miss Nancy M. More, Loth of this city: BLArK—BUNTER.On the Bth met , by Roy. W. O. 3ohnatone, Mr. Thomas Black to Mae Sarah Jane Hun ter. both of Port Richm,rid. SHORT—MARDEY.—On the 14th inst,by the Rev. J. B. Bailey, Mr. Thos. Short to Mies Annie Louisa Mar. dy, both of Schuylkill Falls, Philadelphia. tk MILLIGEN—METZGER.—On theldthinst., by Rev. W. T. Rya, Mr. James Milligan to Mies Sallie Metzger, all of this city. . . WILSON—GAYLORD.-0a the 7th inst., by Rey. Joseph Wilson, Boy. J. G. Wilson, of Philadelphia, and Miss Emily Gaylord, late of Plymouth, Pa. 0' The announcement of - marriage, published in this paper of the 30th of December, between Captain A.H. De Pass and Bliss Ella Reckless, to false no such mar. siege having taken place. A. 11. Da PASS. DIED. MEADS.—On Thursday, 18th instant, Mrs. Emma Vir- Maim Mears, wife of Henry D. Mears, and. daughter of James Henry, Esq. of this city. Der relatives andfriends and those of the family are in vited to attend her funeral from the residence of her hus band, No. 717 Twentieth street, on Monday afternoon, 20th instant, at 2 o'clock. Service at Green Hill Pres byterian Church, Nev. Mr. Dobbins, Girard avenue, above Sixteenth street, conuneneing at 8 o'clock. by the Bev. Halsey Dunning, of Baltimore, Md. InterMent at Laurel Mil Cemetery. ** OALDWELL.-0a tho 17th Instant, Mrs. Mary A. wife of Samna W. Caldwell, Jr., and daughter of Wm. S. Wilson, of Wilmington, Delaware. • * • BRYAN.—On the morning of tho 15th inst., Isabel, danghter of William L. and Mary Bryan, aged 22 months and 23 days. The relatives and friends of the famity are respectfully Invited to attend her funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 1029 Crease street, above Richmond, (18th ward) this (Saturday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. TOLAND.—Depatted this life, on the 11th Instant, at the residence of his slaters, in Germantown, Charles Toland. GABBER.—On the evening of tho 14th teat., William R., non of 8. J. and Sarah E. Garber, in the Tth year of his age. Funeral from tho r sidence of his parents, No. 1329 Spring Garden street, thin (Saturday) morning, 18th inst., at 10 o'clock. ' APPLE.—On , the 15th Instant, Henry Apple, Sr., in the 05th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 820 Parrish street this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. dk DIESIEE.—On the 12th instant, George 'Diemen Funeral from his Into residence, No. 16P1 Germantown rood, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. FIDELL.—On the 15th instant, Charles Francis Fi del!, son of Charles and Rachel Emma Fidel!, in the 10th year of his age. • Funeral from Lie parents' residence, No. 1224 North Eighth street, this (Saturday) morning, at/0 o'clock. * BAKER —On the 30th instant, Edward Hammond, twin eon of Oscar L. and Mary Ann Baker, aged 2 yoars, 3 months and 5 days. Funeral from the residence of his parents, No. 9 School House Row, Chestnut street, above Thirty-fourth, this (Saturday) often:moo t at 2 o'clock. CLIADIVICK:—On the 16th instant, Ellen Louisa, in fant daughter of Robert and Louisa Jane Chadwick, aged about 16 months. Funeral from the residence of her parents, Adams street, above the railroad, at Frankford, on Sunday after ternoon, 19th host., nt 2 o'clock. tk DALEY.—On the 16th instant, Margaret 3., daughter of John and Margaret Daley, aged 1 year 2 months and 6 days - Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 2213 Linn arrest, this (Snitirdny) morning, nt 10 o'clock. to HEYLIGEIL—On the 15th instant, Mrs. Julia lloyll ger, aged 62 ythu-s and 0 dare. Funeral from the residence of her Astor-In-law, Mrs. Prison Stratton, No. 4 Eaglo court, on Monday morn ing, at 11 o'clock. GLOStiOP.—Oa the 16th instant, Anna Elizabeth, daughter of William and Esther Glossop, aged 6 boars and 6 months. Funeral from her late residence, Frankford road, above Dauphin, this (Saturday) afternoon, at o'clock. * MOURNING 8T0RE,D00.23. —BESSON & 808, No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET, offer for Dale to-day, for cash— Black and White English Chinizeo, 12% to 150. do do Atlantic do l2%c. do Purple do do 12% c. Cray and Black English do 12%c. Plain Black do do 12%c. Black and white imported Do 'Aims, 1234 to 14 cents. do Purple do do 18,4 e. tcoed Idourning Chem, Mohair!, 1234 cents. • arCHURCH OF THE NEW TESTAIIErir, NorthneA corner GIitARD Avenue and THIR TEENTH Street. Bev. G.A. BURT GOK TO-DIORII.OIY at 10ji A. Dl.lt* • . . IirREV. A. U. THOMAS WILL LECTURE TO-MORROW EVENING, by request, on the "Rich Men and Lazarus." The morning service is at half peat 10. lt* las SPIRITUALISM. CONFEREPiCES will be held at SANtiON.STBEET HALL, on SUNDAY, at 10X A. 11. and 7,A6 P. M. Admission five cents It* gr. NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH, °DERRY Street, west of TWENTIETH.—DI - ne Service on SUNDAY at 103 A. E. Lecture at 7,t( P. M. Subject, "The Fall of Man." i M.* t 4 THE JEWISH TABERNACLE AND riir its Furniture in their typical teachings."—The fourth sermon in this course will ho preached in St. Paul's Church, THIRD, below Walnut, To-mos - now EVE N ING. Service at half past 7. It* enuncil OF THE INTERCESSOR, SPEING GARDEN, below Broad street. —The Bev. Edward Lounsbory, will (D. V.) preach In the EVENING, at 7K o'clock-; the Sector at 10K A. H. Second discourse on "The altar needing atonement." Strangers will be accommodated with seats. "WHAT THINK YE OF CHRIST?" —Gov. J. S. Willis, pastor of Tabernacle IC E. Church, will preach on this subject SABBATH AFTE ft- NOON, at S o'clock, in tho American Mechanics' FOURTH Street, below Girard avenno. It* J. NOLEN, Superintendent. gyA MEETING IN BEHALF OF THE Religious welfare of the Army, at St. Clement's Choral, TWENTIETH and CHERRY, on SUNDAY EVENING, at 7X o'clok. Bishop Potter td precido, and addressee from the Rev. Wm. Watson, Rev. Mr. Brooke, and ethers. A collection. It* TrAN INTERESTING SUNDAY-SC.IIOGL meeting will be held in the Trinity If. E. Church, EIGHTH, above Raw street, on TO-MORROW (Sun day) AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock. Singing by the children, and short addresses by the pastor, Rey. J. P. Chaplain, and Rem. W. Roomy, J, 3:1, McCullough, and others. •=: It* ErrMISSIONARY.—THE ANNUAL COL LECTIoN for tho SUPPORT Or MISSIONS will be Olken op TO-MORROW, in the {Venom 151. E. Church, TWENTIETH, near Walnut street. Seryleas at log o'clock by Mahon. SCOTT, at by Bey. I. 11. TORRENCE, and at 7% by Rey. J. WALKER JACK SON. It* 07. SECOND UNITARIAN SOCIETY.— The Rev. FREDERICK FROTIIINOHAM will rnq sch before this Ocelots' fn WASHINGTON HALL, Spring Orden above Eighth street, on SUNDAY the 19th Instant. Services to commence at )1 bofore 11 o'clock A. U., and 73( o'clock P. DI. Seats Free. NEr N. B.—Not in 'Handel and Haydn Hall, as for It* 07. NOTIEE.—A MEETING OF THE Congress Crow Assembly win be held at the Waffler(ll House, SANSOM Street, above Sixth, THIS (Saturday) EVENING, 18th inst. Punctual attendance is requested, as tickets wilt be distributed. R . L. O.IIENSCTTER, its Chairman Committee Arrangements. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA. AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY, rtiILADILPIIIA, Jaint[try 17, 1802. The Menton' have this day declared a semi•anaual dividend of FOUR PER CENT. from the profits of the company, payable to the stockholders, or their legal re presentatives, on and after the 21st instant, at the Com pany's office, No. 224 South DELAWARE Avenue. jalB.6t J. MORRILL, Secretary. DT. REV. D. S. BURNET, OF CINCIN NATI, Corretponding Secretary of the American Christian Mieniounry Society, will prench in the Hooting. House on TWELFTH Street, below Melon, TO. tOR NOW (LORD'S 'DAY), at 10% A. N. and 7% P. M., and elm on each evening during the week. Seta free.* " THE HARVEST TRULY IS GREAT." —The Seventeenth Meeting in behalf of the Sol dierY, nuder the direction of the Y. M. C. A. of Phila• dolphin', will be held SABBATH EVENING, January 79th, In the Rev. Dr. McDowelPs Church, ELEVENTH Street, above SPRING GARDEN. • borvicoy will be con ducted by the Rev. Marls 0. Sutphen, co-Pastor of the church. "Addressee will also be delivert,,i by the Rev. D. °Wino, Secretary of the Baptist Publication Society • t Rev. James M. Crowell, Rev. J. A. Brown, Chaplain of the Thome A. Scott Regiment P. V., and Colonel E. 11. Gregory, Ninety-first PenneylvattlaVolunteer Regiment. Meeting at 73 o'clock. It* rov OFFICE OF TILE NEW YORK AND MIDDLE COALFIELD RAILROAD COM PANY.—Tho Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the Company will be held at their Office, No. 201 South FOURTH Street, on MONDAY, February 3d, 1862, at 11 o'clock A. 31., for the purpose of electing FI YE DI RECTORS, to serve for the ensuing year ' and the trans. action of such other businoss as may ho brought boforo them. RENRY ROBINSON Secretary riticADELrntn, Janney 18, 1802 "BRIGHT SIDE OF THE WAR.-" PARK BENJAMIN WE:liver a Lecture upon this subject on MONDAY, January 20, commencing at quarter to 8 o'clock P. 'AL, et CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT Street, abovo elftb. Tickets for sale at Pugh's ' Stxth and Chestnut; at Burns & Slog's, 911 Chestnut street; at Burk's, Coates street, below fourth, and at the Hall. bil6-4t* rr. l 7.l.R.,CotlVlLTE=..7l, l l.l. l 'dral , win bo beld on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, the 21at at 4 o'clock, at the Meows of the Board of Trade, 003 ORESTNUT Street. The Annual Report will he submitted and an Election held for officers. 21109. F. BRADY, Becretarl iUNITED STATES MARINES:— Wanted, immediately, for the united States Marine Corps, THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN for sea service, between the ages of eighteen and forty years. All information that may be required will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, jalB.l2t Recruiting Officer. IPpljblolEogr'E a l - p oC h tL f. D r si GD each, S o f . y u?seeliColored f andlly• at JAMMER% Gallery, BEGOND Street, above Green, and perpetuate their likeness forever. Its SODA ASH.-140 Cash Month's Soda Ash, hurling from ship William Cummings." and for sale by C. W. CHUILOIDIAN, jalB-6t D 2 South FBONT West. KNITTING ZEPHYRS. KNITTING ZEPHYRS AND• OTHER GOODS In the various colors and. styles that have not yet been advanced by the war are MIRED BY US TEMPORARILY, - - AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, And for the ready money, now no universally required, our lady customers, as well as dealers, ARE ALLOWED • A FURTHER ABATEMENT OF SIX PER CENT., Whereby we yield to our patrons the advantage we de rive from cashing M.1 . 6!' our own transactions., J. G. MAXWELL 82 SON, STORE AND PLOTORY, SOUTHEAST CORNER CHESTNUT AND ELEVENTH STREETS. TRIMMINGS, ZEPHYRS, RIBBONS, LACES, SHAWL BORDERS, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, YARNS, KNIT GOODS, SPOOL COTTONS, jalibemw 3t And Other Varieties. NEW PUBLICATIONS cc THE SEVEN SONS OF mai- DION hi a moat exciting spirited resslance; all the characters, ell the incidents, all the accessories, taken separately, are graphic and life-like sketches. It Is very spirited, full of go;' no reader will leave elf un til ho reaches the end. The mysteries are 'inscrutable up to the last pago, and we have never seen a winding. up of a complicatcsi web of incidents so artistically and satisfactorily - managed." fio Bays the ablest literary jennnal published—the London Athol morn. TIIIIEB ENGLISH VOLS. (which sell for $7.50) In ono. Bvo.,Paper, price 50c; In Cloth, 750, For sato by an booksellers, and sent by mail, postage free, on receipt of the price. BOSTON: PUBTASIIED BY T. 0. H. P. BURNHAM, 143 WASHINGTON Street. MR. BINNEY'S PAMPHLET ON TILE PRIVILEGE OF TEE WRIT OF HA BEES CORPUS, The first edition of this Pamphlet has been exhansted, it having been printed for Mr. Binner's private distribu tion. A second edition being called for, we aro permitted by the author to issue it on our own account. This very able Exposition is now for sale by Q. MERMAN & SON, S. W. corner SEVENTH and CHERRY Sec jalB-3t* IN PRESS, JEER'S TREATISES A.TTA.CIi AND DEFENCE DIAL GEN. SIR J. JEBB, K. G. 8., ROYAL ENOINYERS. I. PRAOTICAL TREATISE on Strengthening and Defending Outposts, Villages, Houses, Bridges, dcc,, in reference to the Duties of Officers in Command of Pick ets, as laid down in the Field Exercise and Evolutions of the Army. By Major General Sir J. Jain:, K. 0. 8., Royal Engineers. 11. PRA:MOAB TREATISE on tho Attack of Mili tary Poke, Villages, Entrenchments, hr., with a fami liar explanation of the Principles and Practice of Esca lading. By Major General Sir J. Joan, K. O. 8., Royal Engineers. 111. PRACTICAL TREATISE on the Duties required to be Performed by Officers and Soldiers of the Army at a Siege ; with an Explanation of the Principlee on which an Attack is Conducted, and the Mode in which the dif ferent operations aro carried on. By Major General Sir J. JUnn, K. C. 8., Royal Engineers. J. R. LIPPINCOTT k CO., 22 and 24 North FOURTH Street. eGIOME CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. V A now copy from tho original painting of T. Bu chanan Bend; Esq , of PROF. LONGFELLOW'S CHILDREN, In Card. form, for the Album. Also, Photographs of Darley's celebrated painting of THE COURTSHIP OF MILES STANDISH. Also, WHITTLER'S "BAREFOOT BOY," and Wes li. F. GOULD'S "LITTLE MATCH GIRL," Companion Pictures, painted by G. Swain. Also, the Popular Pictures of BARRY'S "REOTOR'S WARD," LONGFELLOW'S o 111AWATLIA.'S WOOING," LONGFELLOW'S "EVANGELINE," GUIDO'S "BEATRICE CENCI," BARRY'S "MAUD MULLER." Wo will pay Fifty Dollars for Information that Shall load to the conviction of any person copying our valua ble copyright works. We have a great variety of popular subjects, including ALL distinguished persons, American and Foreign, of which we will send a list if desired. Price, 25 cents each, poet-paid Rte' PH OTOOR A Pll A LRCMs) —IVo manufacture fifty styles, of improved patterns, from very low prices .to the finest. These no claim to be the beat anti dimwit in the market. J. E. TILTON .5c CO., jal4-tuths3t Easton. HOLIDAY BOOKS AND PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS SELLING AT VERY LOW PRIORS. W. G. PERRY, Bookseller, de2o-Im 19. W. Corner FOURTH and .RAOE y-A- 32 Tjaa14 1862. Tliir - LOWL - sr.vAw..6. BUY OF TAE PUBLISHER. WILLIAM G. PERRY, Publisher, B. W. Corner FOURTH end RACE. LEGAL. TN THE COURT OF COMMON IN PLEAS FOR TILE CITY AND COUNTY OF PRILADELPHIA. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested (BEAL.] in the following estates, that the Honorable, the Judges of the said Court have appointed SA TURDAY, the Bth day of February, A. D.' 1862, for hearing the name, and for showing cause why they should not to bo allowed, and unless ex:options ate tiled thereto they will be conflrnntl, illto OK v.IIILEI7. 31. '6l. 4. Account of Ilecetvor 141. of MAMA 8. IrtfllN, et al.,acc't of Trustee. It WHITE, STEVENS & 00., 2.1 Fleet of Assignee 1 , JOHN HAWORTH, acc't of Committee MUTUAL DEPOSIT INS. AWN, 21 acct of Aieignee. CORN EXCHANGE INS. CO., acc't of Assignee. • JAMES MORTON, fleet of Atosigneo. • JOHN N. EPPELSHEIMER, acct or Conuaßteo. • JOSEPH RIPE A, ace% of Magnet>. - t;t f~ a ..~n. ,~ SAIII'L T. STRATTON, acc'tof Asolguoe: lalB-4t GRAS. D.KNIORT, Proth'y VVERY LADY WHO WISHES TO 12.4 BE BEAUTIFUL should purchase BUNT'S COURT TOILET POWDER. It Is used by the Court Beauties in Europe', and it is the only Powder that will not injure the skin or rub off. Price, 12, 25, and 50 cents. BUNT'S BLOOM OF ROSES, a beautiful, na tural color, for the cheeks or lips; it wilt not wash off or injure the skin, and remains durable for years. Price Sl. These articles are quite new, and can only be ob tained of RUNT IC CO., 133 South SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. All kinds of Fancy Soaps and Per fumery. jalB-Ina CASTILE SOAP.-463 Boxes Mot tled CASTILE SOAP, It superior article. For tale by TRAIN & MoKEONE, jall3-6t* No. 22 SOUTH WHARVES. 28 GROSS PURE WHITE CAS TILE SOAP, cut In pieces of ,Vlb each, and 'melted in dozen and quarter.groae boxec The beet Toilet Soup In use. For solo by TIIAIN A lIOKEONE. jalB-60-# No. 22 SOUTH WIIAILVES. , DRY AND IN WHITE LEAD OIL. Red Lead, White Load, Litharge, Sugar of Lead, Copperas, Oil of Vitriol, Calomel, Patent Yellow, Chrome Red, Chrome Yellow, Aqua Fortis, Murintic Acid, Epsom Salts, Rochelle Salts, Tartaric Acid, Orange Mineral, Soluble Tart. Sub. Curb. Soda, White Vitriol, lied Procipltate, Druggists and Ma Nos. 47 and 49 Jalg•ff White Precipitate, ' Lunar Caustic, Narcotine, Sulph. Morphine, Morphine, Acetate Morphine, Lac. Su !ph., Ether Sulphuric, Ether Nitric, Sulphate Quinine, Corro. Denarcotizod Opium, Ohlmide of Soda, Wetherill'a ext. Cinch% Tartar Emetic, Chloride of Limo. Crude Borax, Refined Borax, Camphor, /Will Copavia. LL h BROTHER, nufacturing ()herniate, North SECOND Street, PHILADELPHIA. HOWARD & DARNDRN - EXPRESS. REMOVED TO 607 CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT DOOR TO GRANVILLE STOKES. FREIGHT, MONEY, &0., forwarded to all points Nowls, SOUTH, EAST,. and WEST. Having opened an Office in WASHINGTON, wo ghat give special attention to freight for that City and vicinity. January 7,1502. ]a7•lm LOST OR MISLAID.—A Certificate of Stock, No. 100, for 50 shares Allegheny Mining Company of New &Iraq, dated July Stli, 1817. Notice is hereby given, that an application hen neon made to the Board of Directors of said Company for a new Certificate. ja4-s4t* P. BARRY HAYES. SELLING} OFF AT REDUCED PRICES TO CLOSE BUSINESS,-O.DONOGHIIE, 23 South WATER Street, offers for sale 10,000 packagea of Steam Defined Sugars and Syrups; also, Rlo and Java Coffee, and Adamantine Candles, jal7-3ttr nD LEAD-8 barrels just resolved per asoboonor Amalia, for Bale by JAIIRRTOUR & OARBTAIRB, poi 202 end 204 South FRONT Street HA PI 8 .-1,000 pieces sugar cured City-smoked Flame for 8010 by 0. 0. SADLER 84 CO., 103 ARCM. Street, 2d door above Front .0 1 1. parr.- E. S. EARLEY, FITRIUSHING UNDERTAKER, Southwest corner of TRIM and OBBEN Streets, nolkanit* ftdlndolobla. RETAIL DRY GOODS. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO THE LADIES EAST CHANCE: POSITIVELY POE THIS WEEK ONLY THE REMNANTS OF CUT GOODS PRICE. FERRIS. 8c Co.'s WILL DE OFFERED, AT A GREAT REMOTION, FOR TILLS WEEK ONLY, At the Ettore, No. 1024 CHESTNUT St., BBMNAIITB of Jaconeto, Cambrice, and Mulls REMNANTS 'of Nainsooke, and all other White Goode REMNAITTI3 or Liaene, 131nloyee, Table Damasks REININANTS of, Bud all kinds of Linea Goode. REBINANTS of Valenelenna, Silk, and Blonde tacos REMNANTS of Cambric and Swiss EdgingB,lnaertings, and Flouncing% ODDS AND ENDS In Towels and Napkins ODDS AND ENDS in Ladies' and Gents' Linen Handkor . chiefs, of all kinds. ODDS AND ENDS in Pointe Enco, and Pointe Applidito, Hoot. ton, Maltese, Valencionno, and Embroi dered Collars, Sots, Ilandkercblefs, Capes, Coiffures, Barbee, &c. ODDS AND ENDS , in Magic Ruffles, Infant's Embroidered Waists and Robes, and a great variety of other articles, comprising a general assortment of LrliFlr 9, WHITE GOODS, LACES, AND Ladles should avail themselves of this last opportunity of buying these Goods at less than half their value as this Store will positively close on Saturday next JOHN A. MULLEIN, ial4.6t AGENT. G REAT BARGAINS ix FINE CLOAKS, TO CLOSE OUT THE STOCK OF TUE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET, PREVIOUS TO REMOVAL. BVNOPSIS OF REDUCTIONS. FROSTED BEAVER CLOAKS, From $2O to S2o—From $22 to $l7. FROSTED BEATER CLOAKS, From $lB to sl4—From $lO to $7.50 BROWN SEALSKIN OR BASLE CLOTH °LOANS, From $l9 to sl4—From $l6 to $l2. BLACK BRALSRIN on OTTRR CLOTH 01.04.10, From $lB to sl4—From FAO to $l2. VELVET CLOTH CLOAKS, From $3O to S22—From $35 to $2B FINE BLARE BEATER CLOAKS, From e , t6 to s3s—Froms3s to $26 FINE BLACK BRACER OLoAK9, From $25 to sl9.so—From $2O to $lO. FIN); BLACK BEAVER OLoA1(13, From $l9 to . sl2—From 512 to $9 FANCY BEAVER CLOAKS, From $4O to s3o—From $3O to $22. FANCY COLORED BEAVER CLOAKS, From $24 to sl6—From $lB to 513.60 LEONE VELVET GLOVES, From $9O to s6s—From $7O to $55 OUR FUR DEPARTMENT, Which is replete with every desirable style and descrip tion, will be open to inspection at prices corresponding to the general reduction ,• particularization, among such an infinity of qualities, being, if not impossible, at all events, unsatisfactory. BLANKETS AND QUILTS. A. full line of desirable sizes. Heavy and light twilled Blankets. Imported Blankets, nearly square. 'Marseilles Counterpanes, now designs. Single bed, crib, and cradle Blankets. o—.....tionallty large white Quilts. Lace and taninoureacs.._ Selling at low prices to close the Moen. - Cloth embroidered and painted Covers. Piano Covers, and large and small table litorcens, Damask, Linens Shootings, Towellings, Crash, Furniture Coverings. Muslin Shillings, Shootings, Flannels. SII ARTLESS BRUT It Ens, fall CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. FLANNELS. -A LARGE ASSORT MENT OF • Ballardvalo FLANNELS, alhvidthe, Beachdale and Saxony FLANNELS, Shaker and Welsh FLANNELS, at Tiny low 'prices. °BEAT BARGAINS IN BLANKETS. We are closing out our entire stock of Fine all Wool BLANKETS, Fine RocMaio BLANKETS, Heavy Cumberland BLANKETS, Cradlo and Crib BLANKETS, at last winter's Prices. AMERICAN, FRENCH, AND 8001011 BLANKET SHAWLS—aII grades, at low prices. Heavy Black Moire Antiques at 50 cents, worth $2. Super Black Moir., Antiques at 6214 cents, worth $1.26 WINTER DRESS GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY H. 'STEEL & SON, Ja7 No. 713 North TENTH Street. above Coates. MEN'S WEAR-BOYS' WEIR. 50 to 75. cent Union Cassimeres, Satinets, &o. 81 Oamimeres; best in the market. $l.lO Cassimeres ; best in the market. $1.25 Cassimeres; beet ever sold for the money Black Cloths fcr Ladies' Wear. Black Broadcloths for Men's Wear. Some Bargains in our Cloth Stock. Tailors' attention is invited. COOPER & OONARD, jag B. E. corner NINTH. and MARKET CLOAKS AND SHAWLS Reduced in Price. Good Stock of Cloaks. Blankat Long Shawls Cheap. Blarkaldbet Shawls Cheap. Black Blanket Square Shawls for Eq. Brocho Shoals at half price. COOPER tt, COWARD, Joh B. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Eta VYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ABCII, open today, a fresh assortment of Double-faced Black 'Figured Bilks. Bolld Colored Brown Figured Bilks. Blues, Modes, Green, and Purple bilks. [AB VYRE • & LA_NDELL keep + . 4% Tory heaviod Plain Black Drees Silks, Theavy.borderod Stout Black Silksi, Widow's Silks, without glom. Blab Plain finks, for alty trade. 4E13 c 9 din 13ALIVORAI.4 SKIRTS, full alze. Balmorala 'Wholesale. 13almorala Bolan. jag BYRE & LANDELL. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., Have now on hand A LARGE STOOK of MUSLINS. Which will be sold Pf otiose LOWER THAN THE MARKET RATES. Also, GREAT BARGAINS IN PRINTS, 2,000 yards of which will be sold very foto. )a4-Om HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Balance, at 18,5( coats; Calicoes, 12,4 cents. Black and fancy Bilk Handkerchiefs. Neck-Tine, Gloves, Gents' Shawls. Nies& and Ladies' Shawls in variety. Nice assortment of Dress Goode. Balmoral Skirts is groat variety, at J. H. BTOSEE', 702 AEOII Street. 11. B.—On hand, Jack-straws and Solitaires, made by and sold for au invalid. They are nice games as well as presents, and any one would confer a favor by Parebna log the same. de1.241 HEAVY CLOAKINGS. Drown and Dlack Sealakin, 750 to $1.60. Cheap hoary Coatings and Cloakingo Fine Black Cloths and De'avera. Good stock ORBSIMBITS at old Nicol,. COOPER & GONARD, dol4 S. E, cor. NINTH and MARKET T_T OUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS.—SILEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN . , 8; AMMON, Importers and Dealers In Limon, and Ilona° Furnishing Dry (Mods, eta. Have now on hand a full assortment of Linen Sheeting, Table Olathe, Napkins, Table, Diaper Towelling, etc., etc., imported under the old tariff, or bought a great sac rifice. N.B.—Fivol>or cont. allowed on pnrchaees aa above, if paid for on delivery. nand SZ. GOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRING . GARDEN Street, sell; double extra Family Flour, fancy brand, at $7 ray barrel. J. GOTTWA.LS, No. 812 SPRING . GARDEN Street, sells the very best Corn Mont at 2 cents per pound. jal7-tf $6150 WILL BUY A BARREL OF extra Family Flour at No. 812 SPRING GARDEN STREET. jra7.tf lIYBRYBODY BUYS BUCK WHEAT FLOUR of B. Z. OOTTWALS, No. 812 SPRING GARDEN . Btreet, became he .selle none but the very beet. bll7.tr IF YOU WANT GOOD FLOUR, GO to S. Z. GOTTWALEP, No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. jal7-tf IF YOU WANT CHEAP FLOUR, go to S. Z. GOTT WAVY, No. 812 SPRING GAR. DEN Street. TF YOU WANT THE WORTH OF your money. buy your Flour at S. Z. GOTT WALE', No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. Be sells the very beet, and sells positively TEN PER OENT.LOW ER than can be bought anywhere else in the city. Ho delivers to any part of the city free of charge, and in all cases, if It does not give entire satisfaction, IT WILL BE TAKEN BACK, AND THE MONEY REFUNDED. jail •tf U. S. QUARTERMASTER'S CERTIFICATES AND CITY WARRANTS WANTED, by GEO. J. BOYD, jalB.Bt , rt 18 South THIRD Street NEW NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE & CO., BANKERS, No. 114 BORTH THIRD STRIHT, $ The T 1-10 per cent Treasury Notes of all denomina tions, of the second issue of Fifty Millions, dated Octo ber Ist, are now ready to deliver to purchasers, at the office of (T. COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, de2B-1m 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD 7 3.10 TREASURY NOTES BOUGIIT AND SOLD. QUARTERMASTERS' CERTIFICATES DEALT IN. DREXEL, Sc CO. $BOO $l,OOO, $1,500 TO LOAN A on Mortgage. LUKENS & MONTS°. DIERY, Conveyancers, 1033 !BEACH Street. above LAUREL. jair-etuth3t* $3 300 —A FIRST-CLASS for oat), at a a p p r r e r g eo G un ßC t i . llN A D pr lf y E t N o T of tido amount FOR SALE AND TO LET PRINTING PRESS AND MATE RIALS FOR SALE OR RENT. The Press and Printing Material of tho CHESTER VALLEY TYPE," at COATESVILLE, CHESTER COUNTY. are offered for Sale or Rent on accommotiatiog terms. They consist of a WASHINGTON PRESS, now, with Boller Apparatus, Imposing Stone, large Fonts of MINION and BOURGEOIS for Newspaper, with a complete sot of JOB TYPE, some thirty Fonts; ono Cabinet of 16 Cases' Brass Standing and Wooden Galleys; Sticks, Chases,,t.c. These Materials have been in ueo only a few months, and are nearly as good as new. The stock is sufficient to carry on the Newspaper rind Job Printing Business. It is now doing a good Job Business. Apply to YOUNG & RAMBO, COATESVILLE, CHESTER Co., Pa. Or JAMES L. JONES, ialS•s3tit WEST CHESTER, Pa. MAN-YARD TO RENT.—Situate on the Old LANCASTER Turnpike, opposite the Spread Eagle Tavern, near the Eagle Station on the Pennsylvania Railroad, about fifteen miles from Phila delphia, white a good supply of Bark, Rides, and Calf skin, can be obtained. A Stone Dwelling, Out-buildings, and about eight acres of Farm Land, an abundantaapPlY of soft water, the necessary Vats, Batas, &c., for imme diate use. Possession to be had April Ist. For fermi, apply to SUSANNA WORRELL, On the premises, Or address her, /bread Eagle P. 0., Delaware county, Pa. January 18, 1862. ialBaw.lt* EMBROIDERIES eg g TO LET—A Comfortable DWELL ING NOUSE, POPLAR Street, near TWEN TIETH, eight rooms, bath, and gee. Rent only $l5O. J. Ir. WHEELER, 113 South FIFTH Street. jal7'.2t* el 2 TO LET—A LARGE STORE II OUSE, situate in the centre of the business part of the borough of NORRISTOWN. It Is at present, and hes for the last ten years been, occupied 119 a Dry Goode Store. POSSOBL4OII on the Ist of April, or sooner, if de• aired. Apply to JACOB CHILDS, jal4.6t* Norristown. DESIRABLE PINE-STREET a RESIDENCES to EXCIIANGE for first-class Merchandise. Apply to J. D. WATERS, ja7 110 South FOURTH Street. mu A WELL-BUILT FOUR mu STORIED BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, located on MARKET Street, will be EXCHANGED for good Building Lote in the Twentieth ward. Apply to. J. H. WATERS, ja7 110 South FOURTH Street. eFOR SALE OR EXCHANGE_ " A handsome four-storied DWELLING, on TENTH Street, near Chestnut. A Farm, small houses, or good . Stocks will he taken in payment. Apply to J. E. WATEES, jaT 110 South FOURTH. Street. ts FOR SALE—A FARM of 20 -.6.;-Acreq, in the town of WEYMOUTH, N. J., to ex change for Furnituro. Apply to J. If. WATERS, ja7 110 South YOMITII Street. UDR SALE AND EXCHANGE- A large number of Farms In the adjoining Conn ties, States of Delaware, Maryland, Now York, and Now Jersey, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of land. Those wishing to exchange or purchase would do well to call and examine my Register of Farms. Apply to jal-tf E. PET FIT. No. 800 WALNUT Street. QHI P TIMBER FOR BALE.- KJ Several Tracts of WIIITE•OAN TIMBER LAND in Dorchoster county, Maryland, convenient to naviga• tile water. For particulars apply to de2s-Im* VARM FOR SALE.—A FARM, in excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-one acres, (nine of which aro woodland,) pleasantly situated in Limerick townehip, Montgomery county, two and half miles from the Limerick station, on the Reading Railroad, le offered for sale. Price—Five thotmand del • lam (0,000). Applren the premises. nol0•tf SAMUEL 11. GRAFF. FOR SALE—A Desirable FARM, -.G. containing 95 acres of superior land, near Sandy Run Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, with tlret clam Stone buildings. Principal part of the purchaae money can remain at 5 per cent. Apply to E. PETTIT, jal No. 809 WALNUT Street. -ARLE & SON, - V E IANIIFAOT6IIERS - Aliu LOOSING GLASSES. OIL PAINTINGS, FINE ENGRAVINGS, PICTURE AND PORTRAIT FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CARTE•DE-VISITE PORTRAITS, • EARLE'S GALLERIES, 818 CHESTNUT STREET, jal6 PHILADELPHIA. ILLUMINATING OILS. ®IL! OIL!! OIL!.!! HULBURT & BRODHEAD, NO. 240 ARCH STREET, Ilaving opened a General Depot for the Sale of Extra Refined awl Lubricating COAL OILS, would call tho special attention of dealers and consumers to their refined ILLUMINATING OIL, as it possesses merit beyond anything heretofore offered In this market, being entirely free from that gluey anbatonce arid bad odor 'which chathrterlze that commonly sold in this market, Pro':ltriCe no smoke, and is fro fraxa all explosive 'Proportion. Afar Orders from City or Country promptly at tended to. jels-1m COAL OIL I COAL OILY GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, • SS BOUM SECOND STREET, AGENT NON THE NORTH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY. KANUFACTUREIIS OF COAL OIL, AND HE. FINED'S OF COAL AND CARBON OILS. WEL F. JOHNSTON, President, GEO. OGDEN, Secretary. Lisa, Agent for BEERS, JUDSON, dc BEERS, Patent Glass Cones for Lamps, and wholesale dealer in Dith ridge's Patent Oval (fire -proof) and Eastern Flint-Glass Chimneys, Lamps, do. Burners to burn Coal Oil with• Oat Chimneys. Cash buyers or prompt payers are respectfully invited to examine oar stock. ao2l-2m PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. We ere now prepared to IMPVI7 fag STANDARD ILLUMINATING OIL AV GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE h CO., Sorai•AaErria, 1010 MARKET STREET, se!-en NEW FIRMS AND CHANGES. 1862. Merchants and Public Institutions supplied with BLANK BOOKS Of all sizes, made of the beet LINEN PAPERS, And 'warranted durable. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN STATIONERY in great variety. LETTER, NOTE, and BILL PAPERS. • TRIPLE-EXTRA GOLD PENS. LETTER PRESS and LITHOGRAPH PRINTING. WM. F. MURPHY 8a SONS, PRACTICAL BLANK-BOOR MANUFACTURERS, COUNTING-HOUSE STATIONERS, PRINTERS, AND LITHOGRAPHERS, 339 CHESTNUT STREET. de4-wks:ini ARMY TENTS-200 for sale by jal3-121X FROTIIINCHIAM & WELL, FINANCIAL. E. PETTIT, N 0.309 WALNUT Street JAB. T. AIoCULLOUGII, Elkton, Did LOOKING GLASSES INSURANCE COXPANIES. 'URANIUM FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, NOS. 435 AND 437 CHESTNUT STREET. Capital $lOO,OOO 00 Perpetual Premiums $521,315 11 . Less Five Per Cent .... 46,217 26 $878,127 85 Unexpired Temporary Pre. 11111111118 20,363 95 Lees for the portion of time expired on policies over one year 37,085 55 0166,548 40 Surplus 815,329 60 Total $2,320,005 75 STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS OA THE COM PANY ON JANUARY 1, 1982. Published in conformity with the provisions of the sixth section of the act of Assembly of April sth, 1842. MORTGAGES. On property valued at over $ 4 ,000,009, being first Mortgages on Beal Estate in the City and County of Philadelphia, except $83,- 529 92 in tho neighboring c0unti05....... 81,901,570 74 REAL ESTATE. Purchased at Sheriff's sales under mort gage claims, viz: Eight houses and lot, S. W. corner Chest nut and Seventeenth streets. A house and lot, N. side of Spruce street, W. of Eleventh. Two houses and lots, S. side Spruce street, near Sixteenth street. Five houses and lots, Nos. 821, 523, 525, 627, and 529, Dillwyn sheet. Three houses and lot, E. side Seventeenth street, B. of Pine. Hotel and lot, S. E. corner Chestnut and Bench streets. Five houses and lot, N. aide George street, W. of Ashton street. Seven houses end lot, E. side Beach street, .5. of Chestnut street. A house and lot, Fitzwater street, E. of Ninth street. A gronnd rent of $3O on lot N. side Otter street, W. of Leopard Street. 87 lots of ground on Buckley street and Quervelle avenue, Bristol. A house and lot, B. side Stiles greet, E. of Sixteenth street. A house and lot, E. side Front street, N. of Cherry street, Rensington. A house and lot, N. side Liberty street, Pittsburg. - A lot of ground, S. side Penn street, Pith burg. Two houses and lots N. side Filbert street, W. of Eighth street. Five houses and lot, N. side Dauphin street, E. of Coral street. Total surveyed and valued at $125,680 16. Cast LOANS. Temporary Loans on Stocks an collateral security, (valued at $137,009 50.... STOOKSe $lO,OOO Almshouse Loan, 5 per cent. (in. tereat on.) 200 shares Bank of Kentucky. 17 w Northern Bank of Kentucky -100 w Union Bank of Teinnnesse. 13 w Insurance Company of the State. of Pennsylvania. 200 ." Southwark Railroad Company, 37 w Commercial and Railroad Bank, Vicksburg. 300 w Pennsylvania Railroad . CompanY. 91 w Franklin Fire Insurance Company. 2 w Mercantile Library Company. 24 w Union Canal Company. 2 w Continental Hotel Company. $3,060 do bonds. $lO,OO Pennsylvania State 6. per cent. loan of May 1.901. $lO,OOO North Pennsylvania 'Railroad Donder $2,000 Burlington City Water Loan. $7OO Philadelphia City Loan. $76,550 City Warrants. Total Market Value, $89,663 601 Cost $86,111; 10 , •Notes and bills roneivable.,.... 1,965. 50. Cash on hand i.i1,52Y30 w in baud of agents 6,345 17' REAL ESTATE Market value. Cost, nspbove $125,630 16 103,991 33 r, Vance n va ue STO9IO $88,863 60 85,171 10 Market vnluo... Coat as above... LOSSES BY FIRE LOSSES PAID DURING THE YEAR 1801, $72,988 'BB By order of tho Board. 011.A.5. N. BANOKER, President Attest—JAS. W. McALLISTER, Sec. pro. tem. DIREOTORS. Chas. N. Banker, David S. Drown, Tobias {Vaguer, Isaac Loa, Samuel Grant, Edward 0. Dale,. Jacob R. Smith, Goo. Pales, Geo. W. Richards, Alfred Filler. 01IAS. N. DANOKER,. President._ EDWARD G. DALE, Vico President JAS. W. McALLISTER, Secretary pro. tom. ja18,20-tutbsSt* ITIBE PHCENLX. MUTUAL INSU RAmaI COMPANY OF PHILADELPIIIA,— The following statement of the affairs of this Company is published, in conformity with a provision of the Bap plercent to its Charter: Premiums received on Marine risks for the year ending 31at Dee., 1861 $102,678 62' Of which have been determined in that period $81..942 23 Interest, Salvage, Recoveries, &v. 36,505 07 ----$118,441 85 Amount of Losses, Re-insurance, and Return Premiums.. Exponsee of tho Company —5118,276.35 'rho Assets of the Company are as follows: $52,000 Pennsylvania Five-per-cent. Loan.. $43,233 75 $38,000 Philadelphia Six-per-cent. Loan.... 39,695 00 $22,000 Camden and Amboy Railroad Ex am-cent. Loan 21,860 00 Real Estate in the City of Philadelphia 29,321 33 Rondo, Mortgages, and ground Rents . 6.137 50 275 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Co 13,310 00 1,049 t , Phoinix Mutual Insnrance Ca ~. 17,801 00 Sundry Loans, Turnpike and Tow-boat Stocks Scrip Certificates, par, $24,255 12,057 44 Bills receivable for Premiums.... 33,893 07 Cash on hand .. . 7,737 16 Premiums on Policies recently issued, and ' other accounts due the Company 20,809 65 $229,756 89 JOHN R. WllollERElti.President. Simon. WILCOX, Secretary. DIRECTORS. - . „... .AdolLlnirr4 m e.... _ .84 ,, t1a1l n ,,,_..__ l iitu y ; D. 0. Wharton, William 351.'Kee, Wm. - S. Grant, framll7. lB " Locale Wain, B. W. Learning,. Thos. IL Powers. 1.31 January Hill, 1b62. jail-et THE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE' AA ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY OF PM LADELPHIA, in conformity with ea of the Lapis. laturo, publish a Statement of the Assets, held on Ist of January, 1862: Real Estate Bonds and Mortgages Ground Ronts Loaned on Collateral Security LOA SS. $4,050 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co. Loan 859,000 City of Philadelphia.— 87,000 Allegheny County $39,000 Harrisburg Railroad Co.. $4,025 Cam. and Amb. R. C 0. ... 87,000 Lehigh Valley B. 88,000 Delaware R. Co .... .. $2,000 N. Penn'a R. Co. 87,000 Kentucky Stale 812090 Schuylkill Nov. Co $2 009 Cincinnati 810,000. Delaware Div. Canal.... $5,000 'Panama°.. $30,535 51 Pennsylvania Sta t e... $14,000 Cleveland and Dfahonlng Railroad Co. ..... .. $4,000 Philielelabia, Bunbury,and Erie ltailrona Co, „ $2,000 Centralis IL Co.. ..., $6,300 U. S. Treasurx Notes • SLOCES. 30 shares North'n Wit of Ky.. 124 , t Bank of Louisville— . 23 a N. Orleans Gas Co.. 111 ". Union B'k of Tenn.. 1,171 ti The Girard Life In., An , h Trait C 0... $OO as Bear. Mead. R. Co.. 60 Do. prerd.. 30 o Nerelets' andillech's B'k of 'Wheeling 40 " Philadelphia Bank. Farm's R Blech's 49 ii Commercial Bank, .. 22 B'k of N. Liberties„ 62 Philad'a, Wiluamen, and Balt. R. 285 ,6 Pennsylvania S,D -500 Harrisburg IL f:, O. 111 Weiternll l '.. o f Phi -1111101,7)::h. Oaeh.atwlm. 51,543,369 24 JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. j:il6•thatu3* January 15, 1862 rTNION MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. STATEMENT OF T'gr,,,muse OF THE COMPANY. Premium; from January 1, 1861, to ,Yarmary 3802 $180,006 00 Premiums earned on /Wine and inland ricks during the year ending' as ebove 140,491 90 Received froth - interest on investments • 8,295 55 Lasses, return premiums, re-insurances, ox peaces, and commissions ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, JANUABY 13, 1862. 36,000 Pennsylvania 6 per cent. loan. 10,000 Philadelphia city 0 per cent. loan. 7,600 city of Pittsburg 6 do do 7,000 do 6 do do 41,620 Camden and Amboy- Railroad Company 6 percent bonds. 14,810 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company, 6 por cent. bonds. 6,000 North Pennsylvania Railroad 6 per cent. bonds. 117 shares Philadelphia Bank. 100 shares North Pennsylvania Railroad Company. 88 shares Delaware Mutual Saving Insuranco Co. 46 shares - Delaware Railroad Company. 10 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company. 23,1307 certificates of profits sundry Mutual Insurance Companies : Estimated present value $lOO,OOO 00 Cash in bank 18,818 90 Bills receivable 61,088 63 Due the Company for unsettled pre whims, salvages, and other ac counts At a meeting of the scripholdore of the Union Mutual Insurance Company of Philadelphia, hold at their office January 13, 1862, the following gentlemen were elected to serve as Directors for three years: Richard S Smith, Henry Samuel, James B. Campbell, Charles Wheeler, Charles Teein, Gilbert H. Newhall, Ellis Yarnell, Thomas Hallett, RHO, WITH 8. Destrmet, Edward L. Glatt, A. E. Boyle, George Lewis, Francis Tete, David Solomon, John H. Irwin, H. F. Eobinson ' Newbury A. Smith, Samuel C. Cook, William C. Kent, . G. W. Bernadou Henry Lewis, Jr., Wm. S. Baird, J. P. Steiner, Thomas Carstalrs, Constitute the Board of Directors. RICHARD S. SMITH, President. JOS. COLLISON, Secretary.jals.6t • H FIRE INSU , OF TEM EITATIF OF fIONNONIVEAL N../ BANOE 00311 PAN PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. David Jayne, N. D., Charles H. Rogers, John EL Whitall, John K. Walker, Edward 0. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, # William Struthers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Stephen Coulter. DAVID JAY E, M. D., President. JOHN N. WHITALL, Vice Preiddent. SAMUEL B. MOON, Secretary. Office, Commonwealth Building, 018 CHEEITHIPX Street, Philadelphia ael-If if APPLES ! APPLES !—Choioe Green inga and others always on hand at the Cheap Store, No 812 SUING QAEDEI( Street. ielT-tt FAME INSUR No. 406 CHESTNUT FIRE AND INDA DIRE I F. N. Mick, Chas. Richardson, Henry Lewis, Jr., Alex. Wh Geo. A. Weet, 0. W. Dario. . . FRANCIS N. B I C.K, PreaMerit. • CHELBLES RICH/pIiDSCH E VIce President. WILLIAMS 1. BLANCHARD, Secrgary.. jals-tr rrEtE VOLUNTEER REFRESH— L FUND. • • The• undersigned respectfully informs his Irian& and the public that he will give a LITERARY AND PIITSIOAL SOIRZR, AT THE, . lIANDEL AND HAYDN MUSD) . WE ' LL. Southeast corner EIGHTH and GREEN Streete r Oa WEDNESDAY, Jan. .£; 1862, 7pl P. M. The programme will embrace Recitations in Poetry and Prom, Four choice Dialogues, Selections from the Operas of The Maid of Oashmere, The Bohemian Girl, Re., Ali rendered by Ladies and Gentlemen of this•Oify. entire proceeds of this entertainment will be contributed to the VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT FUND. - Tickets may be obtained et No. 253 North TENTH Street, or at tho Door ca the 'coning of the - Soiree.- Frice 25 recta. jalB.str2t* AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. On SATURDAY EVENING, Jan. 18, 1862, ITALIAN OPERA, for one night only, by the cele— brated artiste of the Academy of Music, New York; on their way to Washington. Miss ISABELLA. HINKLEY. Mad. STRAKOSII, Signor BRIGNOLI. Signors MANCUSI, RUSIN!, and BABILL On this occasion will be produced Rossini's celebrated Comic Opera, IL BA RBIERE DI SIVIGLIA, THE BARBER OF SEVILLE, With tho following earnest . Miss HINKLEY, in her admirable role of 80141124 Mme. STRAK"OSH has kindly consented to oblige the management and render more perfect the rast toeing the role of BERTHA. B RIGNOLI, Almaviva . ; MANCUSI, Figaro cHUSLY4 Bartolo ; BAHILI, Bastin:, Director and Conductor ..........Carl Ana-Matz. Admission to Parquet, Parquet Circle. Balcony, $l. No extra charge for Reserved Beats. Family Circle 56 cents ; Gallery 25 cents. Seats can be secured TO-DAY, at the Box caciv of the, Academy of Made, the only place where seata will be ob tained. Doors open at T. Opera commence at 8, ja2s.4t 6103,991 = MG . I& ID MIISIO/J,FUND HALL. THE CONTINENTAL OLD FOLKS, With their GRAND ORCHESTRA, Numbering. Twenty-fire Perfoniters. , - Assisted by MRS. EIIIBIA S. NICHOLS, • • MRS. 00E01E-SHEPARD, • MR. J. T. GULICK, and • M R.. H.. E. HOELOWAY, Will give a aeries of their . popular CONCERTS, commencing ElHNHA'ic . Tam.27oa, And continue EVERY EVENING thou - sir the week. Tickets 25 cents I Children 15 ontS, Doors open at 7. Comm-oncost y, WALNUT -STREET. NINTH aaJ WALNUT- Streets._ • - Bole Lessee M . A.GARRETTION. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENINV. January IE4, The performance will commence with THE IRISH . Ptigt. . _ . Terrence O'Grady Mr. 'Barney Weittlanau To be followed by a Burletkitte, - entitled' ZRISH A - HUT:ANON AND YANKED rdOirSOTYE Nancy . .. . ....blreldarney William& THE idiGIO JOKE.. 524294,674' 36 . . . Prince Doloroao. . . . - ._ . Barney William To conclude with tint not BBIA:N - Pinoss-60, 87K, 76, and 26 cents; Prlyste Bois* 185 and Eta. Doors open at quarter to 7. To ccimmence at 7,V. • $21,833 83 V 0 N'IrINENTAL THEATRE- , WALNUT Street, above Eighth. ' • GRAND SATURDNY;NIGHT BILEf • ANOTHER NEW. EQUESTRIAN DICAALAL SIXTEEN STRING JACK, and THE' WAR FOR THE UNIONt Two felt Companies 1 Twenty-live Arabian Horace! 4. CHEAPEST ENTERTAIN. MEET' TH THE' CITY, THIS (SATURDAY). EVENING, Jan. 18, GM • To commence with THE WAR FOR THE UNION and conclude with SIXTEEN STRING JACK,. • - Admiration 15 and 25 cents. To commence Ai, prat I. 53,692 56 ...$2,320,00515 MRS. JOHN DREW'S ' ADOH-STBEET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager W. S. FEZDIDIFOKIL Bludneas Agent and Trenanzer.. . JOB. D. 21IISPEW CROWDED. MOISES. SIXTH , ki.TODT OF JOHN DREW. TO-NIGHT, (Sattlidnyo January IS, 1862, ORY O'MOBEI. Bory O'ltore Do Wilakin Rathleen, with songs. To conclude with Poppolino Frites as mrcaL Curtain rises at X. after 7 o'clock. frT Seats secured three days in advance, rrIEMP-LE OF WO NRER:I3 - -.- • -L. TENTH and CHESTNUT Street& - „ In his Now,. Popular, and Arousing. Enterraironordry. EVERY. EVENING, conuneuoing.at half pia DO , Olaok, and on 'WEDNESDAY and. 86.113.11 DAY /Lyrae- NOONB at 3. .$ll2 201 1 . 6,075 21 Grand. Combination of. Attraction, Thaumattirsicat Elusions, Psycological Experiments„ Magical. Dam} torts, Ventriloquial Oddities, Comicslitlee, and B. Mots, and the Pleashig Exhibition or the Loaraed.Cha.. nary Birds. Admission 25. Cants ; Children 13 cents, GERMANIA. ORCHESTRA. 02.111, BENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEA.I2B2Ja every SATUBDAN. o'clock P. M., at the MUSICAL PUND Ht&h.TA. Package of Eight Tickets, 81.; Siesta licketa. Ilia. To be bad at Ana1:0'5,11.04 Chestnut street, S , K. Gk.= Seventh and Chestnut, and althe door of the Hall. PENNSYLVANIA AOADENir OP .i. THE FINE ARTS, 10115 011.28 , TN11T 6614 it open daily, Bundaye excepted, from 9 !L. tEI 6 PAIL Admission 25 cents. Children under twelve milk half mice. Interne of Stock. 1 289. lel _w_AgnaD,,__-ma save., .18 'll, XRlDERirtißAPArigraltbs. MICE% syd 'WANTED, to.pur chase:Lira ,• . Latter Pills, and othia Mooting room &r., tures. Ada-rem D. W. A.,. Wilco et Tye Press. jalT-20i VrAZITE.II--Stoek it the Fifth anti Sixth Street Passenger P.ailrowl, at ps.r, or e*... obsess for city pronest.e. rem Pox 2064, Ma delpTn. Post Office. $23,V52 37 . 941409 .3 . 44.68130 . zs . . hpe 93 WAN T ED—A. second-hand Star tionorY Stimillgefae, of from 60 to 70.1Borga Address, stating varticularo, "Box 3.136 Poet de2l-tt ikGENTLEMAN AND WIFli (Houseker.per.) will take to board two Man fa uijlies or two gentlemen and wives, where all may have a comfortrade home at a reasonable price ; would live in any Purl t of the city that might suit the , parties. Address " Ee.onomy." lilt 910 LTAT—With or without board, to a Vmgle gentleman, a bed room and sitting room, or bed rem only, in WALNUT Street, between Tends and Broad. Address, for further particulars, "X.T. Z.." Press office, Chestnut Street. de4-IS Valued at $20.1= 13 TIICKINSON COLLEGE G R AM MAR SCHOOL—A. F. nituaaa, A. M., Prin. cipah—Founded In 1778, is one of theloklest and most thorough Classical Schools in the country. The Scholar.. ships, heretofore limited to the College classes, are acad— .:me now for the GrammariSchool also. Winter Term opens THIIRSDAT, 10th Jarman - . H. M. JOHNSON, President. jn3-wait Carlisle, Penns RM OV AL - THE HODICEO PATRIC PHARMACY of F. E. RIF:IMMIX. in CHESTNUT Street, above Fifth, has been Re— moved to No. 48 North NINTH Street, where will be found a large stock of pure fresh Medicines •, also, eM the Latest Works on Homoeopathy and the Journals. Particular attention paid to furnishing Medicine Cheats for the Army. jals-13itt $31,902 11 R A. FAHNgSTOCK & 00. HAVE! JILJ. REMOVED TO 408 MARKET Street. oft- mums SAFE DEPOT Riff MOVED to No. utli SNVENTH Street; ant WI M & ranklin Inatitute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and toll. determined to molt future patronage, has secured ea elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand • large boort:relent of Lillie 'e Celebrated Wrought awl (allied Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Bees, (the oatg strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Min Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. $148,787 45 . Llllle'a Mink Vault Doors and Locke will be farnithie to order on abort notice. This ie the strongest, beg new tested, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention Is called to LUlie's Ng, Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, &c. Tble Safe to OZICI• ceded to Bonen In etyle and elegance anything yet et feral for this pnrpose, and is the only one that le Malty fire and burglar proof. 8160,349 04 Bream. Norzoa.—l have now on hand say Waft at rarrel, Honing, & Co.'s dares, moat of them nearly and come forty of other makers, oomprlalng a comPlela assortment as to atzes,and all lately exchanged far As now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold MIME tow prices. Please call and OXII3IIIIIB. 145-1711 AL .0. SADLER. Ueda. gtrA BOSTON AND PTHLA DELPIIIA STEAMSHIP LINE—SAIL ING FROM EACH PORT ON SATURDAYS—Froat PINE-STREET WHARF, Philadelphia, and LONG WHARF, Boston. The steamship SAXON, 1,160 tons, Captain S. H. MATTHEWS. The sieiniehip KENSINGTON, 1,053 tons, Captain 0.. BAKKE. . . . These steamships form a regular line, sailing from mirk port punctually on SATURDAYS. The steamer KENSINGTON,.Bakor, will sail frotgkr, Philadelphia on MOEDA% Evening, January D), at? o'clock. Freight taken at fair rates. $226,70 68 Iremrance one. half that by sail vozecia. For Freight or Passage ((having fine accommodations) apply to EfEHEY WINSOR .t CO. . . TRUSSES! BRACES ! ! SUP- , PORTERS!!! S. W. corner RACE and TWELFTH Streets, May, Practical Adjuster of Trrusses and Mechanical Apse mares, bas constantly on hand a large and varied stock of elegant French Trusses, and a complete assortment of best American. English and AntericartsSupporters so& Belts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensories, Syringes its reed Variety, French Pescaries, &c. Ladies' Department conducted by Ladies, TWTsLFTit Street, first door below Race. n027-if3ot PRESENTS FOR THE OLIDAYB, AT {VAR PRICES, of Looking-Maws, Englitviugth and fine Frames, et CEO. F. BENICERTII, No. AU AEON Street. lax-iftt • fIROONCORN, HANDLES, TWINE, Brooms, Buckets, Bre, for sale by G. B. BLAKISTOR, Commission Merchant. ialo.3m 22 South WATER Street. LADIES' HAIR-DYEING DONS in beautiful style, at 'FOURTH and BUXOM. ]al6-if tf PAMPHLET a. every other description of Printing, of the twit superior Quality, et the most reaeopablo relay at sum- WALT & BROWN% DroneVe Building, EA Beal TN= Steed, Bolt INSURANCE" COMPANIES: NOE COMPANY, Street. ND INSURANCE. OTOBS. E. D. Woodruff, John Kessler, Jr., P. S. Jnettce ' Waehington Jones, Chtug. Stokes, ''Jno W. Erermsa. ADIUSEMETFTS. EDWARD W. VODDEIi. D*u.. Frank Drew. ...Mrs. C. Henna. MAD AS A MARCEL MARE ....Mr. O. Henrik, SIGNOR BLIT-Z WARTS. rl;l.;4i,l.Zte l EDUCATIONAL REMOVALS. SAFES. 332 BOUT"( ViIL.I.RVES. 0. H. NEEDLES,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers