Mittirdtir iiklho !insert!' Ward-,Esoape of the itlurderer. Awtostbrutal and cool-blooded murder was per petrated last evening, about 7 o'olook, at the oor liter of Twenty-fourth and Biddle streets, Fifteenth "ward, which created great Indignation in the neigh 'borhood. The murdered man was named John Itionly, aged about 38 years, who resided in Osprey street, between Biddle and Spring Garden, and bankr of Twentrfourth street. Ito was a married =an, end leaves a wife and eight small children. , -Be is said to be setter and industrious, and followed lor a living the ocoupation of boating. lie had just .Coma from Washington, where he was boating bay rfor the Government, Last evening be left his nesidenoe, and had been absent shoat fifteen min •ntes when the deed was committed. He was com ing deism 'twenty-fourth street, and when about 'the. intersection of Biddle street, two men crossed -over and twatilted him. Ile caught hold of one of *them, when some one of three cried , t Leave me .go." 'Upon this one of the men stabbed Gordy, "when he fell on his face. It The knife entered the left breast, and is supposed to have penetrated the heart. Two boys, who saw the whole traissetion, immediately rushed to his :assistance, and lifted his head from the ground, -when the dying man attempted to speak, but his agoras were choked, and were not understood by those gathered around. Ho was immediately car ried to his home, and expired in a few moments after the not bad been committed. The two men, immediately upon the perpetration of the deed, died down Biddle street, and were pursued for abort distance, but finally effected their escape. 'The murderers are unknown, and the young men 'who saw the outrage committed state that they 'would be unable to recognize them, as they did not think the matter was anything more than a mem ram street broil. We visited the scene of the murder last evening, and could learn no cause whatever for the commission of the cold-blooded sot. A largo pool of blood was in the street where the murdered man fell. It was stated, among other rumors, that the deceased bad been to a dog-fight, and had boon the winner, and that ho had incurred the displeasure of one or two parties present. Numerous other idle :rumors were afloat. The wife of the deceased was coming down Biddle street about the time of the ;sad occurrence, aid saw her husband fall. Oat of ousioaity she mingled in the crowd, and, when fold ;it was her husband, her grief knew no bounds. She followed his corpse as it was carried along, and, 'upon reaching the honsopfell exhausted upon the floor. The coroner was notified, and will hold an inquest to•dny. Co IDENCE MAN ARRESTED AT THE totrrixErrraf.„....,h young man, named Charles S. Patterson, alias d. e 2 Adenderaon, was arrested on Tuesday evening, at the Continental Hotel, by De tective Officer Levy, for attempting to practice the confidence game in this city. It stems that on Friday last the following advertisement appeared in a ootemporary : ..Wsartn—an active young man to do n o lmai ng , I!lust be able to give cash security to the amount or $lOO. Salary $OOO per year. Address, immediately, Q. Henderson,' Blood's Dispatch." Jonathan R. Weaver responded to the advertise anent, and receive& a note from Patterson to call at a certain room in the Continental Hotel, where he kas been stopping sines, the 28th nit. Mr. Weaver idled on Sunday afternoon last, as desired, and ascertained what .ho was to do. Ho was so much gratified with the representations of Patterson that be let about raising the required amount of $lOO. Ile even went to Lancaster to obtain the money. He returned to the city on Tuesday, and had ano ther interview with Patterson. In the meantime the agreement had been drawn asp, ready for the signature of Mr. Weaver. The latter, however, desired to make further inquiries, which Patterson could not consent to, and said that he had ,two other young men ready toga to New. York, where he said ho was in business, at No. 110 /teed street. Weaver then left. and was subsa *clumsily advised to confer with the police authori ties, which he did, and the result - was the arrest of Patterson. Tho papers which -fell into the hands of the detectives show him to be a ' , sharper." He wfil have a hearing to-morrow afternoon, at two o'clock. RETURN or A PRlSONER.—Yesterday morn ing • drummer boy, for Morly attached to Colonel Corcoran'a Sixty ninth Now York Regiment, pre sented himsblf to the Mayor, requesting to be fur nisited with pass to his home in Now York. The lad said he was taken prisoner at the same time with Colonel Corcoran, and was, for a long time, ow:Wised in - Richmond. 0t account of his youth and apparently harmless character he was allowed to go free about the town At one time, ho states, be was urged to attend, if possible, the proceedings of the rebel Congress with a knife concealed about his person—which be was to use whore it would tell the best against rebeldom. Ile was granted an entrance, among other visitors, and had actually got within a few yards of the Presidential chair, whose occupant be would have murdered had he mot been stopped at the moment be was about to tmake a dart. The boy tells the yarn with so much coolness and deliberate emphasis that his statemems -could hardly be doubted. lie says be made his *Nape from 'Richmond by stealth, and was sent across the Potomac in the trunk of a friend, who had boon allowed to go North. The eatery is a rather doubtful ono. Tics EPISCOPAL HOSPITAL.-1110 report of the managers of this institution states that the ate w dEfospital, at Lehigh and Huntingdon avenues, is 'fast approaching completion. The amount already eubsoribed for the erection of the building is $20,000. The number of patients treated during the year was • .300 ; the largest number at any ono time was 35 'The average time of residence of each patient was twenty-six days. Since the opening of the hospital :24,451 patients have been treated. During the _year, 6,337 patients have reooived benefits from this dispensary, making an averago of over fourteen per day. The not Scat of maintaining the hospital 'was $4.751.28, and to outside patients, $023.44. FATAL REarwr.—Yesterday morning, Jo oasph P. Martin, aged alma 45 years, died at the ltospital, from the effects of a broken leg, caused icy a fall on last Saturday night. The accident hap paned on Chestnut street, between Front and Be -cond. The unforiiinate man was found by the po lice, and with their aid walked to the station•house, where a physician was summoned, who pronounced his ankle sprained. lie was soon afterwards con veyed to the hospital, when It was. found the limb 'was broken. The deceased has a wife in Albany, ew York, but no relatives in this city. SMOCKING OISE or Btrama.—Yesterday a *roman named Henrietta Drake, aged 50 years, was abookingly burned by her olotbes taking fire from a Stove, in Darrow street, above Shippen. Her in .juries are so serious that her recovery is doubtful. RELIEF TO THE FAMILIES OF VOLUNTEERS.— Mining the week ending yesterday, the commission for the relief of the families of volunteers expend ed $18,284.58. Sumnr..—Yastorday about noon a German, whose name we could not ascertain, cut his throat at a house No. 917 Bt. John street. The unfortu nate men was laboring under an aberration of the on4oi. THE Cm CAN or,--The carriages for the cannon presented to the city since the breaking out -of the rebellion have been completed and handed .over to the proper authorities. Mr. Beery Simons, the proprietor of the National Wagon Works, made the gun•carrleges without cost to the city. REVENGE Or CITT PROPERTY.—The revenue of the Department of City Property for the year 1%1 vas' $25,142 07. Of the appropriation made to the department $102,651,82 was expended, leav ing a balance of $3,066.43 to merge. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. TUE MONEY MARKET. PAILADEI.PHIA, JAMlan' 8, 1881 Berating Railroad shares fell off at the Stock Board to day from 183 to 17% but, on the other hand, tho Drincl pat investment securities were sold at micas in advance of yesterday's quotations, and the market was quite Strong. Pennsylvania Railroad shares sold at 37N, Le high NarigatiOu nt 51, Norriateirnllailroad 42X, Elmira gt 4N, and Elmira Preferred 9,N. City sixes advanced to 88N for the new issue, and the new gas issue sold at 88, and the ohl issues at 82N. Pennsylvania fives, con gons, rose to 82N, and the coupon sixes sold at 97X. The orders to buy stock extended to many speculative Ittacks which bare latterly been neglected. Catatrism preferred, Samlkill NATlption preferred, and Long laland were in demand at rising prices. It wonld seem a If the prepos6d I 3‘ne of currency by the General Go- Wernntent was expected to produce Inflation so early and er,;nelt an extent as to warrant speculative ventures. There Is no change to record in the mousy market. ""were. Drexel d. Co. report Now York Nxchauge pares 1 .10 prem., 'Boston Exchange pare 1,10 prem., 'Balti more Excliange d•Ftee 14 die , American Gold 3%m4 prow. The crowded mate of our columns forbids more than a gassing reference to-day to the financial condition of our IBM% as set forth in the message of Governor Curtin, It will be men that the disbursements for ordinary pnr. poem have only exceeded the cayenne from ordinary SlottMeet during this year of calamity and disturb. Once, 126,885—[caving in the Treasury an ammo. vended balance on this account of 5554,593.31. The waraoen ecconnt slows receipts of $8,114,379.45, lend disbursements of 52,728,812 i leaving a balance, un getended, of 8390,507.41. The balance of those two ac counts, with 0600,000 refunded by the General Govern. meat on account of 'war expenditures, and $5OO received erom the Society of the Cincinnati, make a total balance In the treasury of $1,851,805.72. By the operations of the Ankh* fend, $300,801 of the State debt have been re. deemed and cals.:ll4l during the year. The New York evening Post of this evening aura The stock exchange is very (inlet to-day, both tuyers and sellers awaiting the action of Congress on the linen. cislettestioia. There Is but one opinion as to the (trot effect on Mocks of the fettle of $100,000,000 dem intl. notes, but great diversity of views literally as to rho tent of the rise under the new caner of things, of the "hinnies a its etability and permanency when the market is tested by some unfavorable bows from any unexpected smarter, for it Is not unreaeonable to calculate upon dia. tutting circumstances with a half-million of men facing each other, rat to spank of the eccentric movements of gold ..d foreign exchange, and the unsettled policy of the The market closes 'dead? but inactive. New York 1004114 Ink . 1181 %, Erie 34, Pacific Mail 95.)(a9554, Toledo Goverumenta area little bettor at the close. Tho coupon sixes of 1881 leare oft with sales at 887,;m89. State stocks are dull; Missourls 415(e4134, Tonnes. Pees 4264254 The speculative, and, in some respects, inexplicable movement in gold continues to exert an important in fluence en the money market, and Increases the anxiety to know what Congrees will finally do with the scheme of the Committee of Waya and Means. The domauil for gold, this morning, opened very brisk, and as high as 4 pu* teat. premium woe asked and paid. Most of the bre ams are buying freely at B; '. s Nearly all the banks Which profess to pay specie dole It out only in smell lots, no that Meek , herniecit is more nominal than real. We these * stain that the bank% are husbanding their sneer, =all emits only. The operations In foreign exchange go 'With the .loCiteribg gold;but business In flnit-class , Jolla is quite moderate, the mail for the Boston steamer Raving closed last evening at. half past live o'clock. There is something doing 'in prime commercial Lille, Ai 1180118 K, but meet of the leading drawers are not %meet to sell 4s yet foe Saturday 's mail, as it Is difficult ladsteresine thus early what the demeiut will be. The illtA i t y ttelect bills on Loudon is nominally 114ce115. ablokoolagi and considerable businesa to now 41011 , at 0 pee cent ,on oath Primo paper is 0X,37 per MMtertt - h fete trausections below I. is Out the $2,882,000 interest on the public debt, which ftat the New York Sub•Treasnry, over $2,. Asa_ sdready been paid to the owners of the num wpos: opiate.. rhtladelptua Sive January BAPOVIIID BY 0. 30. 8LATKA IMUST 100 City e5..........82X' 1000 do 200 84,4 700 do..tiew 88X 5000 Penna Coup Os.. 82x 500 do Coupes.. 117 X 5 Beading B. 0 & P 18x 50 do 27 04 100 & int...lT 94 &iflui 14 Philadelphia xolvinge 02.11. D. 6Enthrall 454 10 Poona R. 37.( 25 do ...... 37)( 3 d 0............ 37,4( Ina Oily Bs n isa2,dya 83 1000 do..ngnv2dye 83111 1000 Lehigh Vol 8a..,. gig 1000 do. .. . . . . 91M 10 EludraßProt... 0J 2000 W Phila Ma.... 90 -2 Norrlatown R... 40,i :ll BOARDS. 50 d . 0 . .65w0.. &int..l7 04 60 do. .. 17941 930 LeLiglaiov . B;. . .1 00 BETIVREI 4 Second& Tldrd.o„ 40,40, 4E00141) 1000 GUY el now. 4455 1000 do.. new.... 88.4 600 do.. new.... 885 f 501:1 do,. new.... 8835 4000 do.. new.,.. 85,g 1200 do.. new,,.. 88)4 200 do,. Dew..., 8851 600„.. 8834 800„„ 85% 600 do.. new.... 081.‘ 16000 do„ new 165. 88X (wpm? , f" . . SOO Green Lt Cote Te 88 BOARD. 6 Maim. R. 4 „ti 5000 Penne Coup 521... 03 30 2000 Pa 11 lot tot BDWII DIM 100 do. ...... ....• 8r,14 36 do .. •.. • 317 61' 2 Lehigh ....... , 61 2 ....... 0 ....... 51. 9 00, .. .. 81 - 2 2000 DeUm 11v 602... 0041 11000 Betiding 6e '86..• 73 ,4 4# 'Strata B Pref. 0,44' 20 Elmira 74 62 85 Long Leland B. 10g Tag Lela CI& Nay.. fit 81x Loh 01 R N florp 38 83 31 N Ponna R..... 6 g 6 Ponna B N.. 683 69 N Penns 10a ~. 70 .. Bid. ,dirk. PO& es 82 83 MIK es L.... 82 83 Ptilla es now... 88) 8831 Pomp, 56 77X 78x Beading 8... ••• 17% 18 Reading lible '7O 82g 88 BA; X 88'80'48 91 04 Read X 88'80.. 72% 73x Panne B 87); 87. Panne B 2.1038 e 85 ktorrio 01 Con.. 39 . • entwine B.Coa Calawissa Pref.. i% 43 Frkfd kt South E .. 33 2.1 .48d ate PO. 403 i 47 Enea&Vino.stell a 5 W Pbßa 50 514' Berme le Me.. B.h• 6% Green & Conine 16% 17 Morrie CI i.ref.loB . Bch " Nair 5105.2.. 65,14 Bl Bch Nov Imp 6. 72 74 Bch Nay Btook. 3M, 6 Soh Nov Prof... 2I Elmira It 4J 5 Philadelphia Markets JANUARY E.—BM:ll4g. There is rather more demand for the high grades of family Flour, and 4,00005,000 bbis have been taken for shipment, mostly good 'Western, part on terms kept Private, and part at 85.0406 dP' bbl; 400 bbls very low grade {Western also sold at P.5.12yi. Sales to nib trade range at from $5.2505 50 for super; $5.62,Y4 05.75 for extras ,• .P 5.8700.25 for extra family and $0.5000:75 for fancy Wands, as to duality. Site }Weir and Corn Steal ate quiet; the former Is held at $3.75, and the latter at 0 bbl for Pennsylvania. WRRAT cornea in slowly-, brit tho demand 'Bless active to-day, and prices about the same; sales comprise about 5,000 bus,ln late, at 0.3001.a5 for common to prime reds, in tore, and L 1.4201.45 for mlato. Aye is steady at 72074 c, and sales light. Corn—The domand Is mode rate, and 0,000 bus have been sold at 58c for new yellow, In the cars and In store ' and 50000 c for old, mostly of the former description. Oats aro held above tho vlows of buyers, and dull at 38039 c for Penni. Bend.—There is very little Quareltrouofferlag, and lot o. lie 111a1 at $3O IfY ton. . . Corrott.—The market is firm, but there is little or no thing doing In the way of sales. GNOOEDIBa AND ritoYieloga.—Thera la very littio doing Walther, and a dull market to notice for the latter. Scans.—Cloversectl is more active, and 400m500 bus sold at $4.2584 50 4' hu, the latter for prime lots. Wntesx is active at a further advance; sales of hbis at 22es22Xc, and drudge at 21a , '21.,1ic gallon. Exchange—Jan. 8. 150 Relo Railway..... 31% 60. do 84% 60 do 830 30% 60 do 830 31 150 Erio R Prefd 55% 350 do ... 55% 00 do 1,10 55% 60 nucleon Me R.... 39% 20 Ilarleto 11 12% 250 do 12% 50 do Prefd 30% 100 Mich Oen R. ..e3O 40 100 do 49 50 do 830 40% 200 do 1,30 40 100 do 48% 10 do 48% 450 81 8o & 14 1 R.... 20 • 100 51 8 0a RI C 8.... 403 4 160 do 40% 6 Pacoima R 111 60 Clev & Toledo 11 . 35% 200 do 35% 450 do 38 400 do on 30 100 do 530 30%, 6.50 do 15% 160 Chic & R Is R ... 52% 700 do 5234 50 do elo 52% 250 do b3O 02% 27 Mil A; Pr du C 1 pf. 80 Drew York Stock 31000 LT 8 65 'Bl reg.. 87X 1000 Mich St 8 wk bs 7715 8000 Tenn Os 42X 6000 N Carolina 05... 60 1000 Mo 8t fis 4115 1000 Erle2d m ex '79 98 /000 Brio 3il n 1 bs 'B3 88 10 0 0 1 1 1 ,0 ,NY & Elm 75 6000 C,B & Q 8 p be 93 1000 Mich SoDd m As 01 awo Mich do 8 r be. 82K 600 111 Cen E ho.— 89 1500 Ch & W lamb 19e /000 Ch 3:11W 241mb 12 2000 Gal & Chi 2d m b 00 60 3111 & P de eh It 1915 50 do .......... 19x 1000 Del, II .11% . lstm OD 60 of Com ex dv 76 1O Am Exit): 78 30 racillc I& 8 Cu.. 9574 100 do .560 05x 60 do 560 95 60 do 130 01X 9 N Con B 81 65 do 81y 200 d0..........8115 6 do 8115 100 do 160 81x 1160 do 8115 16 ill Cen It scrip.. 6215 10 Gut & Chic 16... 67 CITY ITEMS, SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY AT THE FIRST BAPTIST CLIWIC/I.—Tlto interesting anniversary ever• clues of the Sunday Schools of tto First Baptist Church, corner of Broad and Arch streets, which took place in that edifice wine two weeks ago, will bo repeated, by request, this (Thursday) evening, to commence at 7X o'clock. On the first evening the church was so crowded as to prevent many from attending who desired to do so, and the exercises were admitted by all present to have constituted one of the most successful entertainments of the kind ever given in this city. The exercises Oil the Present occasion, although in the main similar, will be scmswhat varied from those already referred to. One attractive new featuri see may safely promise our read ers, will beythe address to be delivered by the Rev. Dr. Newton, rector of St. Foul's, whose reputation as a tho rough Sundapachoal orator to unrivalled. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE LECTURES.—The se cond course of lectures for the season before this honored institution was opened on Monday evening of the present week, In a lecture ou "The Microscope and Microscopic Objects," by Prof. T. M. Drysdale. Last evening, Prof. Foirman Rogers lectured on " Ice and the Glaciers"--a seasonable flume, and admirably treated. On Friday (to•mort ow) evening, Professor J. Aiken Melgs will de liver a lecture, in the hell of the Institute, on "Food," which will, no doubt, be a practical discourse, full of useful, and we may say much-needed, information. For the terms of membership of the Institute our readers are readers are referred to the advertisement, fp another column. TfuitTY-HECOND 71.1cNtrAL REPORT Or THE FEMALE ASSOOIATION OF PHILADELPHIA CDR TITH RD LIST DT THE SICK AND INFIDSI Peon wing CIAOTIDNO..— From this report (a copy of which has just been handed to us) we learn that, during the past season, the mem bers of this association bare rendered to the sick and industrious poor the aid which It Is the province of tile society to furnish, so far as Its limited means would allow. Although the winter was not severe, the unusual diffi culty in obtaining regular work made the articles of clothing and the money paid for making garments very acceptable to many poor families. The object of this association is to afford relief by giving the applicants an opportunity to help themselves, and, in many Instances, those assisted are said to have received the sowing offered them in preference to the ready-made clothing. The receipt of contributions is gratefully acknow ledged, and the friends of the Society are roraindod that any future donation will be gladly received at their place of meeting, or by the officers of the association. Sewing line been furnished to a large number of per sons during the winter, and one thousand throe hundred end eighty made garments have been distributed among the poor, Tho receipts fur the year amounted to $638.50; the expenditures, $03.16. The donations In goods during the year were also gory considerable. The Association is officered as follows : Hannah Mil vreeldent, No. 105 North Nineteenth street; Eliza beth Jenkine, treasurer, No. 937 Franklin street; Helen U. Longstroth, Keretary, No. 119 South Seventeenth street. SECOND LECTVitE OF DR. HAYES.—The SO cond lecture by Dr, Hayes, (delivered by particular re quest,) at Musical Fund Hall, on the , t Arctic Explora tions," with whirl) his name is familiarly associated In the mind of our people, will be given In that Hall this (Thursday) evening. The deeply-interesting character of the subject, no lees than the admirable st>le in which it is treated by Dr. If., iti curs to attract another yell large and appreciative audience. AT TILE ANNUAL MEETING Of the , c Phila delphia Society for the 'Establishment and Support of Charity Schools," held at the Ludwig Building on Tues. day evening, 7th inst., the following gentlemen were elected officers for the current year: President, Edwin Waiter; VICO president, 'Henry Oramond; secretary, Jos. C. Turnpenny; treasurer, Bichord H. Bette, managers, John D. Maori, 'Edwin waiter, Henry Gramm'', John Dorton,- Dr. Wm. Shippey, Jos. C. Turnommy, Pelnberton Smith, Bobort S. Paschall, Samuel Jeanes, Ches. Ellie, 'Richard H. Betts, Henry Paul Deck, Wrn. D. Parrish, Thomas Bodway, Edmund Webster, Samuel H. Fulton, bane 'Norris, Thomas 0. Garrott. LONDON BROWN STOUT AND SCOTCJI ALE.— Tt ese wholeteme beverages, of the finest quality, and in their greatest purify, spectally adapted for table use, or for Invalids, our readers will find at Mr. 0. 11. Mattson's, dealer In Tine Family Groceries, southwest corner of Arch and Tenth streets. • STRANGE CorsornExcE.--11 is a singular fact that Messrs. ?damn and Slidell, whose mission to Eng land was all Moonshine, left Fort Warren In the Star light." It is Meted that cotton Is to be cultivated extensively In the Sandwich Islands. If the negro is indeed a de seendant of llem, we should think that Mot the place for him would be among the Sand wish era. We hare recently had our oitce door listed with listing of colors comprising the red, white, and blue—kindly fur nished us for the purpose, by one of the cutters of Stokes' "one price" Clothing Store, under the Continental, and it attracts some notice. A friend remarking that he never knew a time when there was so much 'listing done with the Bed, White, sad Blue, as there lent present. Manuinn IN nut SMUT SLEEVES.—A young man named Johnson, an engineer at Chicago, wont to Ids room on Christmas evening to pot on his wedding gar ments, and found that seine thief had stolen his coat. There nee no time to got another, and the plucky follow nee married, in his shirt sleeves. Buck an emergency could scarcely occur in tide city, for the groom could readily procure, on the shortest poo,lblo notice, an We gout mat at the Brown Btone Clothing Hall of Bockhfil &Wilton, Non. 803 and VA Chestnut street, above Sixth, where the driest stock of wearing apparel for gentlemen and yatbs to be found in the country Is kept constantly OT hand. A GRAND MOVE EXPECTEo.--Wo learn that it is currently reported in Washington that a greed Move will won be made by the Union army on the Po tomac, which will act in conjunction with the monster naval expedition now being fitted out. When the blow be struck it will fall heavy, but until then, we, as loyal eitlyens, will provide °twelves with fashionable and comfortable winter garments from the palatial store of Granville Blokes, 609 Chestnut street, whose extensive Mock of superior clothing Is being disposed of at war prices. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Sr OEN FOURTH PAGE MEMORANDA Bchr Paradise, from Halifax fur Philadelphia, vms spoken 20th tult, lat 39,1ang 88. Behr D B Steelman, Sault, cleared at Now York yeeter• day for Egg Harbor. Behr Laura May, Billings, cleared at Boston 7th lost. for Philadelphia, Scbr John 0 Brooke, Grafram, hence, arrival at Port- land Gth Inst. Behr Sarah, Benson, from Now Bedford for New York, wag below New Bedford 7th last, haring returned. Behr Maggie Yon MIMI, Ireland, BMW front Now London Bth inst for Philadelphia. Barnegat, Jan. 6.—The schr Clifton, of New Jersey, mune Rebore on Saturday night ono mile north of Horne gat Inlet. She has a cargo of tray and oats for Fortress Monroe. The deck load of hay lets been discharged, and about 500 bawl of onto. She makes considerable water, but ran be kept free. We have tightens here that can take the cargo to its destination. THE PRESS. -P . HTIADELPRIA, THURSDAY, JAN U 4RY 9, 1862 ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UT TO 12 0 ? OLOON LAST I►IOUT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—NInth and Chestnut eta :tea P Pennell, New York D Wallace, Pittsburg L P Noble, Now York Lleut Green & WI, 6 N 11 viinis, Pluladelphla Geol3rinton & la, Pa . . _ J Grower, Now York Y O Dexter, Boston Sonnets E Black,Delawaro John A Altdenlico, Del r Bench, Washington Mrs Mach, Washington B E rotriken, Penn'a J 111. Kercer & ref, Ind W II Akin, New York F Bu Bois, Nov York A 8 !Mckenzie, N Jersey J Futterman, N York Mr Lowry & In, N York 4 A Lowry, N York W It Borrows, N York O F Farrington, Doston Farrington, Bostin W E Brhonek, Ohio . . 1) Austen, Jr, Now York Jae A. Kelley &Ron, N Y Eli Renee, Jr, N York T Swift, N Redford 8 Thomas, N Bedford J A Mitchell, N York A Spring, Portland, Mo A 73 Tucker, Prow, RI 3 3 Barnard, Seorgetown,l) 0 Luther 0 Saxton, N Y . J Porker, Jr, Baltbuttre 8 J Bacon & Is, N York N 0 Parka, New York Jas 11 Wheeler, Boston Bon SDI Law route, Penne, C Jerome, Boston S Roth, Columitla Mr a C A Savage, Illinois E TiIIPP, Inshore,N 1 Oro do 13 Moles, Pottmille Pliny Ptak, Pottiolle Miss risk, Pottsville Sir Women A In, N York Miss Pennison Now York Mr Curtis, New York AI 11Stroug, Wow York A S Baldwin, 13 8 N Mrs Baldwin Sarni Sloan, Rochester Chas Si Connelly, .f r, N Y S Marehall, Mart Cant T C Rogers A la, N I 311 itlcerearY, DI Chunk W 0 Doris, New Jersey W C layr a , New jersey GM Coss, Pittsburg CSi Randall, New York Mrs Edrck, Now York Blinn, Providence 0 Keep, New Jersey Mr., W T Clough,Nowark,NJ 0 0 Poster, Boston Was Paine, Boston J W Bice, Roston J I) Blmtgley, Albany Wm 'Monteath, Buffalo 3 5 Br) ant E T Henry & wife, Penna. Clf Byeior & fa, N Bedford 013 Davie. Jr, & wife, N y T Batchelor, Boston C Minton, .1,, Chester co lion A A Burnham, Conn John L Johnston & is, N I C W Barker, Carbondale Coo Haywood, NOW Jersey S '7' 117de A In, New York 11 B Langdon, Now York I/ K Shoemaker, M ()hunk J B Carpenter Cincinnati E 0 k• 111) err, York, Pa Thos Terry, dew York C Sillier, Now York Jno A Greene, Boston Minim, New York W G Murray dw, .Torn City Mrs Von Posen, Jeraey City D H Winton, Now York Thos Wallace, Jr, Conn Jno T Gibe, New York Geo E Righter .%w, N Jerso Wm Claiiin. Boston Temple liime New York Leonard Ware, Boston JM B Repaid% Boston C E Alexander, Boston John T Narita, Now York El' Bogs dr la, Auburn T Ropes, Liverpool Wm Malcom, Salem J 1 Bane, Boston Gen AS Jones & N York E S Sanford, New York N 0 Dawson, Maryland Corn Seaman, Maryland J T Build, Alan*land MERMAN rs , HOTEL—Fourth street, ab. Market. Joe S Bond, Now 'York W Heinen, Milton, Pa M llhellaly, Pittsburg D 13 Murphy ,t la, Boston Geo B Murphy, Boston Geo L Carington, Conn , B Mitchell, Maryland J F Day, Pittsburg .1Y T. LongOinro, FMla D G Bush, B ellatonto Wigton & lA, Pa ffi B Lowry, Brie, Pe J M Sandereoi,, New York. J C Ingalls, ?Saes S Ford, StLonla J IL Davis, Fall River II S Boiler, Flttaburg Dr E Wallace, Reading W J Ileacock & la, Gloversv Col Jos C IllcElbblo, Cal AMERICAN HOTEL--Obessant H., above rlfth. J II Jones, Summit 11111 Capt W .1 Conner, H Chnk NV H Rohineon, Paoli, Pa A S Williams, Paoli, Pa T Harvey, Puma B Spangler, Lane co, Pu Geo A Ford, Maryland John II Russell, Maryland .1 If Wollo & la, Betlichem Richard Molly, Pomia Mire A E Debuff, Penna Jacob A Delluff, Peoria Mho Emma Melly, Penua George Harbor, Boston Mrs .1 C Harris, Hartford Major (111 Otto, Now York nos E Bolger, Now York 0 Lockharl,, Mauch Chunk Thos P Jones, Maryland El A ZobriAte, New York E E Clilte 3; wf, New York 6 Taunter, HD, New York Jos L Taunter, New York Gi W Putnam, Now York J li Sanborn, Sandy Hill JIIR 5 Topham, IVmh, D 0 J Q Hon, New York Z II Jarman, Now York J G McGregor G Clarke, Now York N II Clarke, Now York W 0 Noyes, Now York .1 Black, Providence, It I It Parkinson, Delaware J Y Cunningham, Maryland J Greene, New York T. LOUIS HOTEL—Crbestnot street, above Third. Jas Block, 'Lancaster Wm Warren, Philada A J Jones, Jr, Muth Wrrt II Howard, New York 018.11 Underwood, Conn A K Itoy, Jr, 5: la, N J S W liellingsmorth, N' Shepherd, New York Walter Ileugh, Philada H B Jenks, Brooklyn J It Whltteman, Mass 11 0 Allen, Washington J It Jones, Philada Id N Clark Jos Potter, New York John Tobin, Philada TIIE ITNION—Arch street, above Third. L M Coe, Cleveland L Bennet, 'Easton GII Darsgood, Warren, 0 W Mintzer, Pottstown bliss SR Snyder, N Jersey F M Litman°, Middletown J V Clay. son, Pt Pleasant Id Crofert, Danbury, Conn Mrs Drown, Illinois J Philadelphia A 9 Ostorholt, l,lt Pleasant Jl3 Jordan, Mt Pleasant S D Foot, Now York NATIONAL lIOTEL—Race street, nbovo Third. S Teach, Jonestown W T Ettinger, Allentown .Jr It Hoffman, Allentown .3 Ettinger, Allentown T Y 'Rhoads, Allentown Geo Zeigler, Reading U Williams, Altoona S Itebberd, Altoona S Wi{llama 15: la, Minn ,Toa Letlert, lierkg co Sarni N Freid, Allentown Peter Shamtno, Pa Wm Dunker, Lewisburg Jos Gi our, DuSiest:rwri Jas Rs) Holds, Easton W R Dunham & In, Pa CODIMBRCIAL--Slxtly street, above Cheat - nut. L Malin, Cheater co, Pa Amos ICemble, Cheater co J K Burnite, Delaware A Pennington Delaware Jos Matrett, Maryland A G M Prevost, Trenton J C Mahan', New York W B Rankin, New York BB Colby, Now York I Jackson & la, Cheater co W Cliix, Penns)lvania Clms B Edwards, Pa Chas W Sallacla, Da J E Mitchell, Maryland 3 M Baker, Venuryleanin Dr Jla Clement, Maryland Dr F McHenry, Chester co E B Patterson,Lancaster co D W lirreau, Pommylrani°. STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. IV Adrian, Paterson, Pa J Potts, Paterson, Pa JII Hiilin, Centre co, Pa Jos V Crawford, Pittsburg Thos S Young, Contest lite W Bucaonon, Lancaster co John A Applegarth, BalL C Leonard, Baltimore J Poor, J tml Ilia co J Bozo, Now York \V Swope, New Volk J Phillips, Chester co Geo L Plitt, Pittsburg A J Wolfktel, Lewistown Joshua Clenden, PLiln Julio F Huber, 'Lancaster Coo Winnt, Lancaster John S Hacker, Pa John Early, Carlisle, Pa Coo hlcAlpin, W C Scott A In, Plain P Scofield, Ohio S W Woods, Ohio BARLEY SIIEAF—Socond street, below Vine. JlB'', Germantown Iffr Stewart dt la, I'enua J Ilibbs, Newtown It Myers, Cheltenham J R Hunt, Philo F It Cummings, Philo, C S Vendegrift,Eddiuston F Furey, Wash, D James Newbold, Newtown Godey Ellie, Centreville J liolHogshead, New Jersey Mr Mlles, New Jersey L J Bunt, New Jersey W Richmond, New York J 111 Tilde, Boston John I/onohou, Baltimore Br Night ingatt:,,,N3m.Lemesll,AAidt-tritLut." . , t• Vitwkirtt, New Jersey A G Brooke, Connecticut - T E Fetter, Yleo, Frankrord Pa F Fox, Harrisburg BLACK BEAK—Third greet, above Cal locrhlil. S New Jersey Gen Kline, Pennaylvanla Abraham Berkman, Penna Abraham Long, Senna Chas Is:teller, Non Chunk Dlt Bechtel, Bechtelevitle John Strunk, 13ecbtelavillo John Kltno, Saltonl Stabler Kline, Sailor(' Daniel Levan, Beading Jacob Bulb, Green Lane MOUNT VERNON lIOTEL--lieoond ort., ab. Arob. Geo Brown, lies:York Geo Adler, Pennsylvania "lbatio Nertert, Reyport Joe Rog; Key port IV IS Daniel, IlriErtol, Pa A It Bloan, Boston MADISON HOUFM—Seeona street, above Market. JII Holey & lady, [Nisbet , W M McMahan, Maryland Josiah Brown, New Jersey Miss Brown, New Jersey 1V1.13 Meant, New York W Hill, Milford, Del John D Henry, Maryland Jos Andersen, Boston REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above littoo L It Rater, Phceniville A HO) t, New Jersey S White, Alt Holly J Upham, Boston BALD RAGLB—Third street, above °snowball. .7 Bruce, Mt Bethel Barni Kirony, Quakertown Reuben Noeloy, Norristown 3411 n T Berger, Pa Geo NV Wiiliehn, El Chunk Richard WitHaw , ' Pa SPECIAL NOTICES. JOHN L. OATEN WILL COMMENCE A COLlifig OF TEN IaICTI7III3B on Practical Threnoloa at the Cabinet, U 22 Chestnut street, soot. having had much experience in teaching and in the application of Phrenology, and on extensive Cabinet for illustration, Mr. Capen will guarantee satisfaction to every member of his class. Parhculars at the Cabinet. Tickets for dent, $2, do. Lady, $l. Examination of Character, Talent, Health, &e., with athice, day and evening. Families visited when re glinted. jaP•3t NEW. .1100D6 FOR, HOUSEKEEPERS, comprising a general assortment of Housekeeping arti cles, ssith many new Improvements and Inventions for Housekeepers' use. Also, a number of fancy articles, suitable for Holiday presents. Selling at reduced prices, to suit the times, by E. S. FAnSON & CO., delft-tf Corner of DOCK and PEAR Streets. ONE-PRIDE CLOTHING, OF THE LATEST Errias, made In the Beet Manner, expressly for RETAIL SAVES. LOWEST Soiling Prices marked In Plain Figures. 'All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory, Our Osis-Pnros: brarsis is strictly adhered All are thereby treated alike. te22-Iy JONES A CO., 604 MARKET Stroot. HELArnoLD's UNIVERSALLY APPROVED IfEDr.—Compound Extract Beau cures Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Droner, Weakness, &c. Read the advertisement in another column. nob-ths PR. ROBERTSON'S VEOEZABLE NERV OUS CORDIAL ; or, NATURE'S GRAND RESTORATIVE. Tho great remt,l) for all Nervous Canplainta, DAM ty, ohtratioa, Lou nese of SPiritg, &c. Prit , o For wale by DYOTT k CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, Ja]-thatf Depot for 01l Popular blodleinee, MARRIED. FRAZTO—LENNEIC—On the 7th instant, at Ger. matttowb s by the Bev. James More, William Frazer and fiery Lembo,. tt, ELY—LENTZ.—On January Mb, by Mayor Henry, William P. Ely to Lizzie, only daughter of Girard Lentz, all of Spring Mill, Montgomery county. [Germantown Telegraph pleatie copy. tf FW m a m a SPRINGER.—On Tuesday afternoon, January 7th, 1862, Ann 31. Springer, wife of Benjamin it. Springer, aged 73 years. The friends of the family aro requested to attend her funeral, on Friday morning, 10th lest, at 10 o'clock, front her husband's residence, No. 014 South Ninth street, without further notice. ** KEYSElt.—Suddenly, on the morning of the 6th inst., henry Keyser, In the 430th year of hie age. unvtal from his late residence, No. 508 North Tenth street, this (Thursday) afternoon. ar BROWN.—John P. Brown, in the 41st year of lag ago. Funeral front Ills late residence, No. 1410 Marlborough sired, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 O ' CIOGIE. dk MYERS.—On the 6th instant, Mary Lenin, daughter of John and Martha Myers, in the 4th year of her ago. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 191 Main street, Norristown, tits (Thursday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. ItIATTSON.—On the oth Inst., Anthony W. Mattson, in the 47th year of Isis age. Funeral from his late residence, No. 2026 Poplar street, this (Thursday) morning, at 10 o'clock. * LOWER.—Suddenly, on the sth Instant, Amanda Mat vino, a Ito of Edmund K. Lower, In the 31et year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 10 Oak street, below Thirty-seventh, West Philadelphia, this (Thursday) afternoon, at I,ti o'clock. rs DUBOURG —On the 4th Instant, after a lingering ill ness, Caroline, wife of John Dubourg, In the 60th year of her age. Funeral ,from the residence of her husband, Bower street, in the rear of No. 1715 Francis otreot, thin (Thurs day ) morning, at 10 o'clock. RONEV.—On Tuesday evening, January 7th, Anna Roney, relict of the Into John Bonny, in the 80th year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, No. 1011 Vino street, on Friday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. ROBERTS.—On the 6th instant, Mrs. Ann Roberts, in the ral year of her ago, relict of Edmund Roberts, deceased. ROBINSON.—On the 6th inst., MIS. Cathmisto Ro binson, aged 77 years. Funeral from the residence of her Bon-in-law, Charles Luis, Bock road, west of Aloytunonsing road, this day, (7 ilursilaY,) at 1 o'clock. TILLER.—tin the 7th inst., of catarrh, Etta Mtnete, daughter of William and Martha D. Tiller, aged 2 years 0 months. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 1318 Fifth street, this day, (Thursday ' ) at 2 o'clock. * WILICINSOIL—On tho oth instant, Roney Wilkinson, aged 132 yparti, Funeral frotn his lain residence, N 0.1121 South Second street, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o'clock. tk ENIMED.—CIn the 7th Instant, Mary Eagan', In the 80th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her son-In-law, Ema nuel 40. 'Wentz, Whitemareh, Montgomery oounty, on Friday morning, at 10 o'clock, AF BRADLEY.—On the 7th lug, Jolni Bradley, aged 15 Years, youngest son of James and the late Rosanna Brad ley. Funerel from the residence of hie, No. 713 South Eighth street, below Shippen, on Friday after noon, 518 o'clock. nocTon.—Ou the 7111 instant, Kate Hooter, infant daughter of John F. and Mary A. Iructor, aged 1 Year, months, mid 14 dto B. Funeral from the roildeknce of her parents, No. 1013 Mertient street, Tenth, above IValuat, this (Thursday) ' afternoon at 1 o'clock. lIASTINGB.—In Virginia City, Nevada Territory, on the 12th ultimo, Charles W. Hastings, one of Joseph W. Ilaslings, former]) of Mercer county, Pa., aged 21 years and 1 month. PARAMOUR—On the 8111 inst., Joseph, ton of Joseph and Anna IL Paramere, aged 0 months and t days. Funvial from the residence of Ma patents, No. 828 CATURIff street, this (Thursday) aftarnoon, nth o'clock. ROBFIRTS.—On the sth (instant, Mary Roberts, aged 89 yearn. YIITICTI. I IfrcIA !Ala rositlonce,lio. 3.1.36 North Third. ofrect, this (Thurctlay) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. 4t IVIOURNING STORE, Dec. 23. —IIESSON & SON, No. MS CHESTNUT STREET, offer for Salo to-day, for cash— Black and White English Chintzes, 12)4 4 to 150. do do Allantio do 12%0. do Purplo do do 12 Ic. Gray and Black English do 123 c. Pfaff, Block do do 123‘c. Black and white imported Do lodine, 123 to 14 cents. do Purplo do do 183,0. Second Dfournlng Cbono Nohafra, .1.2,,ti cents. Block Bops Annlaik, 21 Celli. d 024 rjr. AT A MEETING OF THE CONTRI• butore, of the House of Thstuge, held, pursuant to public notice, on WEIINESDA I', January Bth, 3882, at 4 o'clock M., the, following named gentlemen canto duly elected no officers and managers, for the ensuing year: PRESIDENT—TIIOI4IAB }3ATIP. ( J. J. ISARMAY, VIC E rft " IDEN " — ISAAC ooLLINs. TREABI:7IiEIt—GRORGE Ay. FOIll3B. ShCIMTARY—ALEXANDER HENRY. MANAGERS. WM. M. COLLINS, JUAN PATIN UM, JOHN W. CLAGHOHN, HENRY PEILBINS, JOHN M. onnEN, NT.M. SILIPPEN, M, D., JOHN ROBBI NS, ALEX. FULLERTON, CASPEIt WIaTEB, Ti. D., 6EO. M. TROUTMAN, WM. B. PERor, ARTHUR 0. COFFIN, THOMAS L. HAN/it', N. B. BROWNS, THOS. A. BUDD, F. A. FAUNA BD, ISAAC) R. SMITH - , D. L. COLLIER, JACOB P. JONES. C. 11. wOODwAnD, CIIA.BLES WHEELER. It WM, PI, COLLINS, Secretary pro torn o[7o WEEK Of PR iIYELL—TIIURSDA.Y. Union Meetings for Prayer this day, SA NSOII Street, below Ninth, 12 to 1X o'clock, and Rev. Dr. W 3 lie's Church, BROAD, below Spruce, itt 3% o'clock, Subject—The Church of Goat end the Christian Minis try; the increased spirituality of the Church and its mole decided separation front the world; brotherly lore, sympathy, and union of labor among the Lard's people a higher stanched of piety and power among Christian ministers and all their Yellen ;laborers; the outpouring of tho Spirit upon our Universities and Colleges, and on the rising ministry at largo; the conversion or the young, and a large blessing upon Sabbath and other Schools. OFFICE OF THE RELIANCE MU TUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIMA DELPIIO , Jan. 8, 1862. The Annval Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany' a ill he held, in pursuance of the Charter, at the tonce, No. 308 W4I.NUT Street, at 12 o'clock M. on MONDAY, tho Li day of February next. And an Election for Twenty Directors, to serve for the ensuing Sear, will he held at the mule place, on tho day named, between 12 o'clock M. and 2 o'clock P. M. uadhstutted D. ?I. 11INCHAIAN, Sec'y. rif . PEOPLE'S LITERARY INSTITUTE. —The closing Lecture of the course will Iso de trtered In CONCERT RAU, on MONDAY EVENING', .I:lnners 13t1u by tier. IL 11. ("DAVIN, D. D. Subject— " The People." Leetute quarter before eight &crook. Tickets 25 coots; for bale tic T. IS. Pugh, Sixth and Chestnut ',treats. jull.4t if THE 10ENSIENGTON M. E. SUNDAY 11.23: SaTIOOL 0111 tepest their Exhibition THIS (Thursday) EVENING. Doors will bs opened at 6 o'clock ; exercises commence at 7. Price of adieu,- Eton for ',hats childreul6 cents It* gr. THE ANNUAL MEETING. Or THE 'Mutual Firo Insurance Company of Philadelphia null lie held on MONDAY, January nth, nt 12 o'clock AL, at rho Booms of the Board of Trade, No, .50.5 CHEST. NUT Street, at which time au election V. ill be held for tact. Directors. T. P.L,L.WOOD CHAPMAN, fa94l* Secretary. ME ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stochholdera of the FATIMILTI9' WESTERN Me BRET CONI NY will be held at the NI/EMI:Of MARKET ItOTEL, .I.`Zo 2129 MARKET street, on FRI DAY, tho 24th Instant at 8 o'clock .I'. M., to elect officers for tle.easuitig Car. J. IV. BIASES, Jo., .180-80: Secretary. PHILADELPHIA ASSOCIATION FOR Tur: BEM EY OF DISABLED FIREBEN.— Tho Adiourveit ontY-oglith Annual Mooting of the Association mill ho held on SATURDAY EVE YING, Jammu 11th, 1862, at 734 o'clock, at the HALL ON TIIE FIRE ASSOCIATION. 308-48 WM. J PASCOE, As.h.tant Secretary. ry-7, REPETITION OF TILE ANNIVER u,3 enty of tho SUNDAI-5C11096.3 con is.cted vtt the First Baptist Church, BROAD and ARCH Ftrerta. An on the on ening of the recent Anniversary the house ss no bo crowded Ete to proveat aces , . On the part of many oho were desirous of being previa ou the occasion, it has been resolved to repeat the same TIM (TERMS PAY) EVENING, January 9th, at quarter past amen o'clock. Tim ONOttitiOß, which will he somewhat varied from those on the former occasion, will consist of Sing ing, Addresses, &c., on the pact of the Scholent and others. The lion. Dr. NEWTON will also ha urn...AM an ackfromr. naraz.nit:Avi LaTE triSUDANCE AND VIM:a COMPANY. PmILADELPITIA, Janunry 4, 1.842.. 14QT1. 0 E.—Tho Trintees have this day declared a Dividend of THREE PER OENT. for the last six months, on the capital Moth or the Company, payablo to the Stockholders, clear of Stato tax, on and after the 2311 a lost. , JOAN C. sins, ja7-3t Secretary. FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, Office 4Uti CHESTNUT Street. Dindami.estiA, January 60362, At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fame ineurence Company, held this day, a acml•anmtal Divh decd or Three per cent was declared, payable on and after tile first day of February, MS. jit7tfehl GYMS. T. 1.11, ANC tt AIM, Secretary. grOFFICE OF TILE PENNSYLVANIA. Company for Insurances on hives nod Granting Annuities, 304 WALNUT Street—Philadelphia, January 11302.—The Dhectors have THIS DAN declared a Di vidend on their Capital Stock of FOUR PER CENT. for tho last six mouth=, and an extra Dividend of ONE PER CENT, which will ho paid to tho Stockholders or thoir legal representathos on demand, Mithout deduction for SI4IO Tax. WILLIADI B. HILL, ia7.3t* Actuary.. KrOFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA City Passougcr Rolla ay Company, 2100 MIDST -I,UT Sly et—January 0, 1002.—The 'Board of Directors have THISDAY declared n xicidend of ONE POLL Alt end FIFTY CENTS per share on the Capital Stock from the earnings for the pant six manna. payable to the Stockholdern or their legal representatives on and after the 26th Inst. The transfer books will be closed until the 16th inst. 7a7-10t WM. W. COLT T, Secretary firs. , OFFICE OF TUE RIDGE AVENUE AND DIANAYUNK PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY.corner of RIDG E mud CO LIU PRILADETAIGA, January 0,102. The Board of Directors have thin day declared a Divi dend of FIFTY CENTS PEE SHARE of tho capital Mock of this company, payable on demand, at this office, to the otockholdere or their legal representatives. LEWIS STORES, ja7=t3tir Secretary and Treasurer. 07. MUSICAL ruNn - ' STALL. Dr. HAY? S (by particular request), wilt givo o Lecture on TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, January 7th and nth. SUBJECT—ARCTIC I.:XPLOD,ATIONS Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commences at 8. Tickets, 25 cents each, to be hail at Beck Sr "Lawton% Seventh and Chestnut; Pugh's, Sixth and Che Aunt; Continental Motel; and of Mr. Beckett, ut the Hall. jert-St UT OFFICE OF TILE FE R ANKFOD AND SOUTHWARK PIIII.ADELPHIA CITY PAS SENGER RAILROAD COMPANY, BERKS. (into Clutthron) Street, below Fourth. ProcADIMPIIIA, &Minty 2,1882. Tito Board of Dlroctoia have this day declared a divi dend of Three and Ono-half Per Cont. on the Capital. Eloclr, out of the earnings for tho pact els mouths, paya ble to the stockholder:lpr their legal representatlrea on and after tho 15th inat. Tbo transforbooko will bo closed until tho 15th Inot MIAS. R, - ABBOTT, BeCtetary orOFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA AND DARBY RAILROAD COMPANY. EITILhDELPHIA, December 28, If'ol. The Annual Meeting of the Stochholders of this Com pany will be held at the Depot, on DARBY Monne, be tween Forty-ninth and Fiftieth streets. on MONDAY, the 13th day of January, 1852, nt 3X P. Put., nt which time nn election for President nud Directors to servo for the ensuing year will be held. The Supplement to the Charter, approved the twenty eighth day of February last, will he submitted for accept once or rejection. 'THOMAS SPARKS, de3o-tjel3 Secretary. FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. The eubecrlber would invite attention to hie IMPROVED OUT OF MEM Which ho makes a specialty In hie business. Alen, con gently receiving NOVELTIES FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR,. J. W. SOOTT, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, Kb. 814 CHESTNUT STREET, Four doors below tho Continental. BOSTON AND PHILA DELPHIA. STEAMSHIP LINE—SAIL ING FROM EACII FORT ON SATURDAYS—Front PINE-STREET 'WHARF, Philadelphia, and LONG WHARF, Roston. Tho atearnahip SAXON, 1,150 tons, ertlnnin S. IL MATTHEW'S. The ktearnainp KENSINGTON, 1,053 ton., Captain 0 BAKER. Vim steamships form a regular line, sailing from each port punctually on SATURDAYS. The new• steamer SAXON, Captain MATTER WS will sail from Philadelphia on SATURDAY Evening, Jan. ii, at 7 o'clock. Freight taken at fair rates. Insurance one-half that by pall vessels, For Freight or Paesago (having lino accommodations) apply to lIP.NIIY WINSOR R CO. jag-tf 332 SOUTH WIIAIVIES. WEB COPARTNERSHIP of PRICE, FERRIS, & CO.. heretofore existing In the city of Philadelphia, is this day di,solved, by mutual consent. The business of the Into copartnership nlll he settled uP by the members of tho fate firm--via.: JOSEPH nr. P. PRICE, RICHARD PRICE, JO., EDWARD FERRIS, JAMS li. COCHRAN. PRICE, FERRIS; & CO. JANUARY 8, 1862. latl.3t r , ORREST CRITICISM. Hamlet, JI2 Rolle, Demon, Richelieu, Itlelnotte, Virgiolue, Rich ard, Lear, Othello, Iletalnora, Cade, Gladiator. Beo THE CITY ITEM. It* WILSON.-LUNCH FROM 10 .4.-fi • to 12, every day, which be invitee his friends and patrons to partalm of at 236 RACE Street, where ho will be happy to meet them. 'The choicest Old English Ale in the city; ah,o. et cry description of liquors, of the Mat quality, at the lowest price. Call and try, and con. ♦:oco 3 ourselves that a better article cannot be had in Philadelphia than at G. WILSON'S, 236 RACE Street, above the Olympic. It OPPENHEIMER, AGENT AND Manufacturer of ARMY GOODS. Contracte fittod for other parties. Terme liberal. Room No. 2, up Moira, N. E. corner FIFTH. and OILESTNGT Ste. j09.1m AU TER 'S HAIR-DYE, 25 AND 38 cents a box. Also, privately applied, at 53 TIMM Street, (there Otte3t,ut, tag-2ttr 07:. APPEAL FOIL TUE SUFFERING POOS.—Hundreds In our city urn now suffering from cold, hunger, and sicknoes. That loathsome and appalling disease, small-pox, prevails largely at present among Om destitute. ti TUE HOME fIfIeStONARY SOCIETY OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA" appeals moat earnestly to the public to furnish the aid necessarysto enable Its agents to relievo this want and distress. 11118 Society has been laboring among the poor at this community for twenty-six years, and many thousands whom it has aided by Its timely assistance and counsel can testify of its efficiency and Success in this very important work. During tho last seven years it has bent to Rend homes In the country no less than eight hundred and four children—the offspring, mostly, of drunken pasints—and nearly all of thorn have done well. Donations of money, however small, may be sent to the Treastrer, Mr, THOS. T. MASON, No. 431 MAN NET Sliest. Donationa of fuel, food, owl clothing oiit bo very 00 . ceptoble at this time, and may ho sent to the Office, No. 42 North FIFTH Street, or they will be called for on a note being addressed to Sir. JOHN P. ARRISO N, same place. GEORGE 11. STUART, President. ISAAC R. SCIITII, Vice ProJident. It. IC. HOEFLICIC, Secretary. Jal.tuthsGt OFFICE OF TIDE LITTLE SCIIUYL- U NAVIGATION RAILROAD and COAL COMPANY, 407 LIBRARY Street, 18th Doc., 1801. The Annual Mooting of tint Stockholders of Oda Com pany, and an Election for Officers to servo the ensuing year, will be held at tho Chico of the Company, N 0.407 LIIIRARY Sheet, on MONDAY, the 13th of January next, at 11 o'clock A. delo-tiltdutjal3 Sf 31. WALK, Jr , Secretary. tErEAST AIAIIANOX RAILROAD COM PANY, 407 LIBRARY Street. PIULADELP/1/4, Deo 23, 3861. The Annual Meeting oP the Stockholders of this Com pany, and MI Maioll for Officers to serve tho ensuing year, oil he held at the Company's 011Ite, 407 LIBRARY Street, on MONDAY, the 13th of January neat, at 10 o'clock A. M. ARCHIBALD bIoINT YltE, do24•tuthAstlalB Treasurer and Secretary. OFFICE OF 4, TUE DONALDSON IDIPItOVEMENT dNlt RAILROAD coat. PAIVY," No. 270 South TII@O Streot, Wathington Bulldinge.—Plithaelthritn, January Ist, 1862. NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of tho Share Ifoldera of this Company will by hell on THURSDAY, the 23l toy of January, 1862, between tho hours of /2 and 2 P. It , for the election of Diroctot s to eery° the ensuing year, find for the trananction of such other b 1141111383 na may come Wore thy mee ting. . . ja2,9,16,26,23* ALBERT B. 'BONET., SecnstarY [Ga. OFFICE OF TIIE FRANKFORD IND 801131IWARK PHILADELPHIA CITY PAS SENGER RAILROAD pobIPANY, BERK'S (lato Chatham) Street, below FOURTH PuILAPPNIIA December 29,1831. Tho Annual Meeting of the Simi:holders of the Frank. ford and Soul Walk Philadelphia City Passenger Ballo road Company null be hold td the Office of the Company, on MONDAY, January lgth, 1822, at 12 o'clock Ilto at ulach thou Fuel place on Election will be hold for Penal. dent and Tn ell e Directord to serve the ensuing year. d2O-Dal3 CHAS. It. AI3BOTT, Secretary. cirOFFICE OF TILE ENTERPRISE IN. SURANCE COHPANY, 400 WALNUT ST. PRILADISI.I•IIIA, Do ember 2 _8,1801. NOTICE.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Enterprise Insurance Company will be held on MONDAY, the lath day of January, 1802, at 10 o'clock A. U.. at the °Men of the Company. An Election for Twelve Directors to servo the ensuing Year will he held on the same day, at the same place, be tween the hours of 10 o'clock A, hL and 2 P. N. d 2 o.tiaEd CRADLES W. COXE, Secretary. OFFICE OF THE UNION MUTUAL, INSURANOII COMPANY Dec. 30, 1061.—Tho cannel tneetthe of the Scripholders of the Union Noted Insurance. Company of Philadel phia mill be held at the office of the Company on MON DAY, January 13, 1862, at 12 o'clock M.., at which thee on election will be held for eight Directors, to nerve for the ensuing three years. JOSEPH. ()MATSON, de3l-tutlis6t Secretary. ErOFFICE OF THE PIIIEADLIAPERA. CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. DEMI= TT, 18131. The Anneal Meeting of the Stockholders of the PHI LADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER HA IL WAY COM PANY will lie held at No. 23 MEIIOBANTS' EX CHANGE, on MONDAY, the 13th day of January, 1882, at twelve o'clock 31., at which time an Election for Preal, dent and Six Directors to serve for the ensuing year will be held. With. W. COLKET, de2B-14t Secretary, TrOFFICE OF ASSISTANT TREA SURER, U. S. PUILADA., Dec. 26th, 1861 Hollers of the two years Treasury Notes, with inter est at six per cent., payable semi-annually, Issued under the Act of 2d March, 1861, ate informed that the intereat on such notes to the lot January, 2862, will lie paid at this office on and niter that day, presided that such notes, n ith a schedule signed by the holder of such notes, showing the number, date, and amount of each note, to gether milli the interest duo thereon to said let of January, are lodged hero three days beforehand for veri fication. J. 11. WALTON, 6e21-121 Assistant Treasurer U. S. ff. OFFICE OF THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY FOE INSURANCES ON LIVES AND GRANTING ANNUITIES, 301 WALNUT St. PUMA 001,1411 A, January 2, 1002. The Annual Meeting of the Stockbohlers of this Con. Tally will take place at their office, 304 WALNUT Street, on 21111NDAT, 20th inst., at 12 o'clock M.; and at tho same time on election mill be bold for thirteen Directors for the ensuing year. WILLIAM IL HILL, 103420* Actuary. orOFFICE 111.71VTIMIDaN AND 11/lOAD TOP MOUNTAIN ItAILMAD CO. DE osmnva 26th, 1661. SOTICE.—TIto Annual Meeting of the Stockholders or ho Huntingdon and Itrotni Top Mountain Railroad am Coal Company u 11l ho held at their (Alice. ' No. 1:66 D Sotth THIRD S eet, on TUESDAY, the 14th day of Jatcary, ISO, at 21 A. M. a lieu au Election will tie belt for a President and ie elver Directors, to servo fur theceouleg year. J. P. AEIITSEN, d..27-dilal2. SetTetnry. Kr. INSURANCE COMPANY OF TUE sTATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. . . 3.31M.1113r 2, 1852. An election for thirteen Directors of tho Company, to Ferri for one 3 cot, vlll be held at the Company's Nog 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDING. on MONDAY, Janiary 13, lE+52, botween the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. andl o'clock P. M. WILLIAM HARPER, jnl-tl3 Secretary. 1.111 LA L lA, DECEMBER 20th, 1001.—Tho Annual Meeting of the Stock holders of Ms LOCUST MAYUNTAIN COAL AND IRON compAn will be kohl tot their Office, No. ISO Smith TIIIIID Streot, on MONDAY, the 20th day of January, A. D. 11302, at 11 o'clock A. 21., when an Election will he hell for seven Directors, for the enduing year. The transfer book of the Company will be closed for fifteen days presious to the daY of election. ... . . 8(.214 ift:2o JOS. O. CIOPPTIOR L Sovrotyx,_ r I{.ADZL CHI Del:eaglet' 30, 1861. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Fau!, Insurance Con any IA held at tho °Mee of tho Oats pang on MONDAY, tho thick:cull day of January, 18G2, tit 10 o'clock A. M. AnStection for Twolvo Directors to Servo for Dm ensu ing ;or will be held nt the Immo time and at the salvo plum betveou the boors of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. d.50.tja13 W. I. BLANCHARD, Socretary. Tr OFFICE OF THE GIRARD COL- L'AtiSENGEIC RAILWAY . CON.PAN —Corner of Columbia and Bldg.) ovenuen. Cou.souurni P., Jan. Bth, 1882. 'The Doard of Directors of "The Girard College Pas- Sense; it3ll4Vny Company" have this day declared Dividend it ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE out of tho earnings of the poet elk months, payable to the Stock holders, or their legal representatives, on demand. W. S. BLIGHT, Treasurer. try. OFFICE OF TILE MINE HILL AND SUUUYLKILL DAYEN lit.ll.llOAD PART. PHILADELPHIA, 12th month 20,1661. A stited Animal Meeting of the Stockholders will be belt] their office to. the Mil of the Franklin Institute, Booth SLVENTII Street, the 13th day of Ist Month, (January,) 1862, at 11 o'clock A. M., at which them a reDertottho proceedings of the Board of Molinaro will be pre/seed, and an election will he held for a In eeldent and tan lionoktera to conduct the affairs of the Company for the year ensuing. 'WILLIAM BIDDLE, den tjula* Secretary. 07. PHILADELPHIA AND READING I AIL ROAD COMPANY, OiSco 227 South YOUR:Ill Street, Putt. t DEL rum, January Z . . DIVIDEND NOTICE—A dividend Ore(lN en per cont. on the Profit - mat Nock of this Company 1111.9 been declared, pa> able >n the 16th Inidant, free from State tax. Stocklolders on the books of tho New York Agency vine pitd nt the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company. Stontlolders on the books of (ha Boston Agency all! ho paid it the office of Slesere. J. N Thayer A Brother. S. BRADFORD, Treasurer. "fil RAN KL IN INSTITUTE LEO TCRES.—The second course of lectures before the Institut will commence on ItIOND4Y the 6th ins., at 7% o'clock, find he continual on &wider, Wedurrility, end Friday evenings, for ton vicolos, as Col- 'MONDAY EVENING, by Prof. T. DI. Drysdolo, on the Wcroscope and Alicroseopic Objects." WENEEDAY EVENING, by PLof.Fairruan Rogers, ou 44 Ito and the Glaciers." FRIDAY EVENING, by Prof. J. Aiken 'Wigs, on rooe.. _ . tkilS bIIiIIatERSIIIP of the Institut°, per armun, or $25 for life, with a charge of $1 the fret year for a certificate of membership. Each member to entitled to a tenon ticket to the lectern for himself out a lady, and my additional ladles' tickets at S 2 each. The minor children, wards, and appresding of mom hers out rendre tickets for the ceurco of lectures for $l, or for the use of the Library and Reading-room and the Looter-ea for $2 Goltlemen whiling to become members ledl pleaoe of the flail of the Institute. in SEStbIT If Street, alms - . Chestnut street, to WILLIAIIt j04.1S Actuary. FINANCIAL. N EW NATIONAL LOAN. CFFICE OF JAY COOKE & CO , BANKERS, No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, The 7 7-10 per cent Treasury Notes of all deuomina ttote, of the second 'gait° of Fifty Mitt dated Octo ber lat, are now ready to deliver to purchasers, at the office of 3. COORE, BUI3SORIPTION AC[ENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. 7 3.10 TREASURY NOTES BOUGHT AND SOLD. QUARTERAIASTERS' CERTIFICATES DEALT IN. ja2.3m DREXEL .sc CO. $3130 0 -A FIRST-CLASS DI • preyed GROUND RENT of this amount for sale, at a liberal discount. Apply to H. PETTIT, jai No. 300 WALNUT Street. GROCERIES. ORAI3-APPLE CIDER, OLD , CURRANT WINE, OUR USUAL SUPPLY, JI3E3T 'RECEIVED ALBERT C. ROBERTS, DEALER. IN FINE GROCERIES, jaB-tf Corner of ELEVENTH and VINE Sta REIMER'S COLORED PHOTO GRAPHS rank highest in public favor. The fine I/utilities of these pictures, blended with miturel coloring, rack, them perfect SECOND Street, Minim GREEN. lt* TTA M S ..-1,000 pieces sugar cured City-smoked Mune for »Me by 0. 0. SADLER tz CO., 309 103 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. P,ll OULDERS —1,500 pieces city- Fmcducl Shoulder's; also, 70 hhds. Shout forg to dry salt, for salt by C. O. SADLER b CO , in 9 ]O ARCH Street, 2d door above Front, -FOR SALE-80 bbls. SOUR KROUT, beet witty ; put up for army purposes. Apply to C. A. 'WILDMAN, 425 MARKET street. ja6-6t4 aRAT OR DISCOLORED HAIR 'VI Brett n beautiful Black or Brown, at FOURTH and )3/1/th(11, ati•if tf RE'DAIL DRY POODS. FROSTED BEAVEBS. Ono Case of Frosted Bearers, Mack Mixtures. Brown do. Superior quality for Cloaks. SHARPLESS BECTICMIS, jog CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Wtreets BA.LMORAL SKIRTS. A large lot. Bright and dark colors, 'Woollen tops, full size, At low prices. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH St-roots MEN'S WEAR—BOYS' WEAR. 50 to 75-cent Union Camimervs, Elatlaotg, Careimeresi boot in the market. slap Casolmeres ; best in the market. $1.25 Cassimeres• v best ever sold for the money Black Clothe fcr Ladles' Wear. Black Broadcloths for Blen'o Wear. Some bargains in nor Cloth Stock. Tailors' attention to invited. COOPES S CONARD. Jog B. E. corner NINTII and MARKET CLOAKS AND SHAWLS Itedured In Price. Good Stock of Cloak& Blanket Long Shawls Cheap. Black Thibot Shawl Cheap. Black Blanket Biluare sllawld for $l. Broche Shan le at half price. COOPER & CONARD, ja9 S. E. corner NINTH and MARKEL Sts pyRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and 141 AXIOM open tmday, a froth assortment of Poublo.fneed Black Figured Silks. Solid Colored Brown .Fignred Blues, Nodes, Green, and Purple Silks. flak F ,YRE & LANDE.LL keep the very hew:last Plain Black Dross Silks. Heary.bortiered Stout Black Slag. Widow's Silks, without gloss. Bich Plain Silks, for city ti ado. jaB V. 50 BALMORAL SKIRTS, full size. Balmorals Wholesale. Ea!morals &Oil. Jab EYRE & LANDELL. EVENING DRESSES. THOS. W. EVANS 140 Co., NO. 820 CHESTNUT STREET, Have just received nor steamer an assortment of NEW GOODS, FOR PARTY AND BALL DRESSES, THE LATEST PARIS NOVELTIES. ja7-3t CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! GOOD STYLES. BEST DIATE.RIALS, LOWEST REIOES. COOPER 14,1 CONARD, S. E. corner NINTH and MA.IIKET Stmts. deld.otnthlin 11LANNELS.-A LARGE ASSORT MENT OF Ballardvale FLANNELS, all widths, Beachdate and Saxony FLANNELS, Shaker and Walsh FLANNELS, at very low prices. GREAT BARGAINS IN BLANKETS. We are clostan out our entire stock of Fine all Wool BLANKETS, Fine Rochdale BLANKETS, Heavy Cumberland BLANKETS, Cradle and Crib BLANKETS, at last winter's prices. AMERICAN, FRENCH, AND SCOTCH BLANKET SHAWLS—aII grade% at low prices. Heavy Black Moire Antiques at 50 cents, worth $l. Super Mack moire Antiques at 62.5 i route, worth $1.25. WINTER DRESS GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY. H. STEEL & SON, Jol No. 'n3 North TENTH Street, above Coates. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCE DIENTS. GREAT SACRIFICE OF CUT GOODS AND REMNANTS PRICE, FERRIS, &I CO .Uni . ISO TUE Raring closed tl e' RETAIL STORE, t rtoode' Remnants, be offerod for e PRESENT WEEK, at the Holiday" Late, and Embroidery Stor' NO. 1024 cFIESi LYE STREET, REMNANTS of T Cansbrics, and Brllliantes. REMNANTS of Nlnsooks, SY. isscs, and Mugs. REMNANTS of /laid, Striped, nod Dotted Musllns. REMNANTS 0 5 Victoria andfilsbo Lawns. REMNANTS of all kinds of Whit(' Goods. REMNANTS of Shirting and Fronting 'Linens. REMNANTS of Sbectiug and Pillow Linens. REMNANTS of Damask and Spot Table Linells. ENNA tag Of Cri c jiNebenil Linen Lawns. liiiiNANTS of ClAnbric Eilao.llPriitserting s . - RINNAWS - Cri7=v7a nagings, insectings, and • - Laces. REMNANTS of Thread Edgings, Innertings, nod Laces. REMNANTS of White and Black Silk Edgings and . . Laces. REMNANTS of all hinds of Inoos, Edgings, and In- Bening& ODDS AND F,NDS is Pointe Lace Collars, Sets, awl Mk fe. ODDS AND lINDS in Iloniton and Thread Mara, Sete, and ODDS AND laws in Idaltimo Collars, Sets, and Mllda. ODDS AND ENDS in AppSnub Collars, Sots, and !Wide. ODDS AND ENDS in Valencienno Collars, Beta and DIU& ODDS AND ENDS In all klnda of Laces and Em- brolderiva. ODDS AND ENDS in Gents' and Ladies' 'NAN. ODDS AND ENDS in Embroidered and Printed Bor. &red thlkf. - ODDS AND ENDS in Preach and Pineapple Ndkfe. ODDS AND ENDS In all kinds of Mee. ODDS AND ENDS in TOWCIIS and Napkins. Together with a general assortment of LACES, EMBROIDERIES, WRITE GOODS AND EMEEM FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, At 1.021 CHESTNUT STREET. JOHN A. MULLEN. P. B.—A tow Jot of REAL THREAD BARBER, at half DIRT. A new lot of REAL VALENCIENNES TEIIIIIIED lIPEFS, at half prico. jab-5t N O T I C E. OWING TO THE RECENT CONFLAGRATION Id TIM BUILDING OCCUPIED AS OFFICES 1117 TUE AMERICAN TELEGRAPH COM PANY, THEY WILL RECEIVE MESSAGES, FOR TUE PRESENT, dT 302 CHESTNUT STREET NEXT DOOR ABOVE THE LEDGER OFFICE. HOWARD & lIARNDEN EXPRESS. REMOVED TO 607 CHESTNUT STREET, NEXT DOOR TO CattaiVlLLE STONES. EREIORT, MONEY, So., forwarded to on points NORMA, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST. laving opened an O'Dea in WASHINGTON, we shah give special attention to freight for that City and vicinity Jarman' 7, 1862. WILLIAM MANN, STATIONER AND BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURER, Can be found until Ins late Store is refitted, at No. 35 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Four doors abovo hls old location, WIIEBE TIE IS NOWARED, TO-DAY, To attotwl to hl% Customers as usual. E. S. EARLEY, FURNISHING UNDERTAKES, Southwest curlier or TENTH end GREEN Streets, rip/2.Bmit* Phatuielpht). FOR SALE AND TO LET. faTO RENT—A three-story House, Ith back building, No. 235 GROWN Street. be tween Eace and Vino etreete. Apply at No. 3 WIL LING'S Alley, between 9 and 1 o'clock. ja9-2t* pR IVATE APARTMENTS.—Two 1 handsome communicating Chambers on the second floor, and one on the third, if desired, with largo private Tarter and private) table, can ho had at 1718 PINII It is desired to rent those rooms to a single family, to the exclusion of other boarders. . ia9.Btis DESIRABLE PINE-STREET RESIDENCES to EXCHANGE for firat-close Nerchandhie. Apply to J. H. WATERS. in 7 110 South FOURTH Street. g r A A WELL-BUILT -FOITR sta. STORIED BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, located on MARKET Street, will Le EXCHANGED for good Dui; ding Lute in the T%entioth ward. RIFOIY to J.ll. WATERS, jai 210 South POURTN Street. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE 11.1iistA. handsomt , Sour-s?trislDwiaaara; Street, near Ches Nat: A ikrtn, ontall Er:USes; Or 8001/ Stocks will be taken in pityrkent, APAIY to J. H. WATIIIIS, IIC.: Smith FOUttlif Street et FOR SALE--A FARM of 20 ...4.;./i.creq, in tho town nl= WHYZIGUTH, N. J., to 13 - X , change for Furniture. haply tb• J. WATAS; la 7 :010 Sant& FOURTH StVeet. SSOOWILL I3UY THE WHOLE of a 'valuable PAltMor teem a large In terest fn one that will make it fortune during the war. Address PATILNTEE," Lambertville, N. J. ja7.6l* COAL YARD,—For sale, lease and fixtures of a first.class Coal Yard. Situation, BROAD Street. Willeeit cheap, Bent tow. Inquire at SO9 North BROAD Street. ' ia6-6t4V ICE-HOUSE TO RENT, at May- Zialanth Twenty-fourth isartl. Apply to B. C. & WARREN, on the prumisem. jab-6t 'VCR SALE AND EXCHANGE-- A largo number of Farina in the adjoining Coun ties, States of Delaware, Iriaryland, New York, and Now SerseY, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of land. Those wishing to exchange or purchase would do well to call And examine my Register of Farms. Apply to jal-ti PETTIT. No. 109 WALNUT Street. SQ. H. P TIMBER FOR SALE.— Several Trade of WHITE-OAK TIMBIIit LARD In Dorchester county, Maryland, convenient to naviga ble Ivater. For particulars apply to JAR. T. MaOI7I.L.OIIGFI, de2s-]mg Elkton, MAI 'ARM FOR BALE. —A FARM, in excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-one acres, (nine of which are woodland ' ) pleasantly situated in Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and a half miles from the Limerick elation, on the Reading Railroad, Is offered for sale, Price--Five thousand dot • lore (55,000). Apply on the premises. nolo-13 SAMUEL H. GRAFF. dat, FOR SALE—A Desirable FARM, containing 95 acres of anperfor land, near Sandy Run Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, with Ars:- class Stone buildings. Principal part of the purchase money can remain at 5 per cent. Apply to E. PETTIT, ial• No. 309 'WALNUT Street. REMOVALS. REMOVAL. WELLING, COFFIN, & Co., HAVE: .TtlatOFED TO 2.20 CHESTNUT ST. Ja9-4t REMOVAL.—The undersigned has removed from No.B North THIRD Street to 726 UnlinlitiT Street, %there ho will continue the rob bing of Millinery Goods, as heretofore. ➢I. BERM:MiIt, Philadelphia, Jan 2, 3862. jau-St A. FAHNESTOCK & CO. HAVE B TO 408 MARKET Street. )al-Ina EDUCATIONAL NOTIOE.-AN EXAMINATION OF candidates for tho vacant Chairs in the Central High School ',Nil' be held at the School, Southeast come - BROAD and GREEN Streeta, commencing on '- DAY, the 17th day of JANUARY,IB62, at ee- P. 11., and continuing during Saturday. , and Natural The Departments to be filled are as r - First. That of Anatomy, and Anatlca. History. „angunge. That of Fr4c oli - conducted by gentlemen aim Third. That of the or their eminent ability in the na no hove beep Mho C o mmittee on the Central Nigh School. " t :9 l ' -' ROBERT J. HEMPHILL, Secretary Controller of Public Schools. NEW PUBLICATIONS HOLIDAY BOOKS AND PHOTOGRAPH ALETTAIS SELIJAV AT VERY I.OW PRICEB. G. PERRY, Bookeelle, de2o.lm 6. W. Corner 'FOURTH and RA,CE. D IARIES FOR 1.862. Giu m.igsp VARIETY. Ave) AT THE LOW.taT pgiogs. BUY OF VIE PUBLISHER. WILLIAM G. PERRY, Pubßeim, de2o./m S. W. Corner FOURTH. end RAGE. -------- _ ii-Vaavxrda, _LAW AND I,IISCEILLA ..9., KNOBS, new and old, bought, sold, and ex changed, at the , PHILADELPHIA-BANK BOOK STORE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those haying Books to sell, it at a distance, will elate their names, sizes, bindings, dates, prices, and conditions_ WANTED—Books printed by Benjamin Franklin, as well as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Catalogues, in press, seat tree. Libraries an. praised by itc2 l3 -til JOHN OA IifPBBLL. ILLIIIIIINATINO OILS. COAL OIL! COAL OIL! GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, 39 SOUTH SECOND STREET, AGENT FOR THE NORTH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY. liIANDFACTURERS OF COAL OIL, AND RE FINERS OF COAL AND CARBON OILS. 'tV3l. F. JOHNSTON, President, CEO. OGDEN, Secretary. Also, Agent for BEERS, JUDSON, St BEERS, Patent Glass Conga for Lampe, and nholesalo dealer in Dlth ridge's Patent Oval (fire -proof) and Eastern Flint-Glass Chimneys, Lamps, &c. Burners to burn Coal 011 with out Chimneys. Cash buyers or prompt payers aro" respectfully invited to examine our stock. no2l-2m PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. We Ore now prepared to vropply We BTAEDARD ILLUMINATING on, LT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE & CO., SoLz AaENTs, 1010 MARKET OTBSET, ad-ehn Pnilsdavado. MARSHAL'S SALES MARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of sale, by the Ilea. John Cadivalader, Judge of the District Court of the United States In and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, mill lam sold at public sale, to the highest and hest bidder, for cash, at MEAD-ALLEY %%ARP, on MONDAY, January 20th, 1862, at 12 o'clock 22., the schooner OCEAN WAVE, her tackle, apparel, and fur niture, together tt ith the cargo laden on board, consisting of 15 Iz/ids. rnoinsßeF, b bids. mesa pork, 1 case quinine, 8 cases castor ell, 1 do. opium, 1 box bay rum, 1 do. tapioca. L LIAM MILL WARP, U. S. Moishal E. D. of Penna. Puirsnsrytits, Jolt. 7, 1862. jaB.ot 30,900 YARDS OF DARK-BLUE KERBEYS. For 6alo by SNYDER, sc CO., 219 and 219.! North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. jab-3t* BOOR BINDING OF EVERY PESCRIPTION EXECUTED IN THE BEST MANNER, AT VERY LOW PRICES, At W. C. PERRY'S, BOOKBINDER, de33 lm S. W. Corner FOURTH and RACE. LARD AND GREASE.-50 tiorces prime Leaf lard; 50 tierces White Grease, Fired from the West, and In store. For sale by MURPHY R BOONS, ja7-6t No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. !II BUSSE 5! BRACES ! ! SUP POSTBUS!!! O. H. NEEDLES, B. W. corner RAOk and TWELFTH Streeta• Th l ll l .l Practical Adjuster or Trnseea and Mechanical kern emcee, has constantly on hand a large and varied stock of elegant French Trusses, and a complete assortment of beet American. English and American Supporters and Delta, Shoulder Braces, Suspensories, Syringes in great Variety, French Pessaries, &C. Ladles' Department conducted by Ladles, TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. n0:27,113m lUNITED STATES MARINES.-- Wanted, Immediately, for the United States Marino Carps, THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED BIEN for eea orrice, between the ages of eighteen and forty years. All information that may be required will tie given at the &indrawn., 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, jo3-12t Recruiting Officer. RAISINS —3OO boxes Layer Raisins 300 half Loans Layer Midge; 300 boxer hl R 'Bunch Raisina• 300 half boxes AL R Bunch Raisins. New and choice bolt, now landing and for ra/0 bY 311.1111'111" & BOONS, ja7-12t No. 146 NORTH 'WHARVES. TIMED APPLES.-66 sacks new JJ NVestern Dried Armies; 7 bl,lB now Western Dried Apples. Just received and in store. For sale by 1111.111PHT a KOONS, jal-St N0.14e NORTH 'WHARVES. COTTON DUCK REMNANTS. REMNANTS of 12, 10, aril 8 ounce COTTON DUCK, suitable for - ARMY GAITERS, NOSE BAGS, CANTEEN STRAPS, Ac., for site by T. D. WILDER k CO., lal-3t , r No. 001 North FRONT Street. UNITED STATES DEMAND NOM TAREK AT PAR.--C. DDIiOOIIRN, 23 South WATER Street, has for vale 10,000 Packages of Steam Itetthed Sugars and Syrups; also, Rto and Java Coffee, at lou prices for cash or approved short credit, Ageatfor Ss'elis'a french Brandy Coloring. iaB.3tst• ARIATBEIIMITS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MIIEIIO —BROAD ADD MOUSE STREETS. Lessee and Manager J M NIXON. ANNUAL BENEFIT OE MR. GEORGE HOOD. THIS (THDESDAir) IEYERING, January 8, 133, Rho Comedy of SPEED THE 7LOCOR. Mr. James Martin. Mr. 3. W. Collier. Mr. John Meanllonatr. Mr. W. A Chapman. —Miss Andrews. ....Miss Athens. Mrs. P. Warren. Sir Abel.... Bob Handy Henry A admit! Lady Handy_ S.uson 2tlles Blandford. To conclude with THE WANDERING MINSTRNE, FRIDAY—POSITIVELY LAST NIGHT DDT ONE Or EDWIN FORREBT, When he will appear in his great ShakepeariErn barer sonation of KING LEAR, A character in which RE HAS NO COMPERE. 19 - SATURDAY—No performance. MONDAY EVENING, January 13, BENEFIT and most positively last appearance of EDWIN FORREST, When lie N% 11l sustain his world-rtnowned StiakapoartsPe ehalactr r of OTHELLO, THE DIOOII OY VENICE. Doors open nt 7 o'clock. The p6rfortnance3 to com mence at half pout 7, p.A.NSOM-STREET EfALL KJ A GRAM) COXPLII2ERTAIir 001iGgHT lin. T. 3. - Dolmas, Rmorabis - knagn as MARTO, Will be given On THURSDAY g9yMINH, Jannaey On Which occardan the following Ladles and , Gantly• mem hate Kindly vglanteoreh their aervicai: Madame BHOWN Mien SEDGEVIUN Madman SMITH. Contralto: Mr. L C. CLIPS' rallnittim MAHIO Tenor. Profenora BACHMAN and GOZIZA LI, will preside at the Piano. Tickets 25 canto. Re3cfred Set Ali 50 cents. Itis CONTINENTAL THEATRE+-- ~N✓✓ WALNUT Elvset, above Eighth. THE POPULAR •TIIHATIW. OP PHILADELPHEB. BEST COSH ANY - IN TOTS CITY, MAHNIVICHNT STUB OF HOBBES. 707 - Lowest Maas oP Admission. AMUSEMENT L.ILLION! THIS' (7HUIISDAY) , January 9, 1867+ Will Ire presettOd tho great Drama of P Tlf A Pr; on,• TEM TRlft 000 OW '76. Also, tho , As - otch Donna. of .10D ROY. Admission I: and 25'rents. commence 31'. past 7 WALIIITT-STREET THEATRE--- NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Sole Lame ktBS. AL A. GAERETTSOM. THIS (TUDESDAT) EVENTNN. January 9, The performance• wilt c*Ounezloo. Vial the Drama of BOBBA^TO GOOD• ZErCIE- Pendeon O'Bralerty ...11t. Barney William& etecNchlch a celebrated. Drama of Impersonation, AN MOUS IN SEVILLE, In Which Dim Barney William takes eeveu characters. To conclude with the New Comediette of LATEST FROM NEW 3.7012 E. Phil Mulligan Ur-Barney Williams. Seraphine Mre, Donley Williams, PRICES-60, 5 7 . 1 C. 76, and 25 cents Private Doses. 86 and 85. Doors open at quarter to 7. To commence at 7A f. .A,MERIOAN ROAD 1Y OF MUSIC—BROAD AND LOCUST STREETS. Leese° and Manager M. NIXON. .NOTIOZ. . From tho decided preference area by the Dahlia to Mr. FORdIEST'S Shakespearian Impersonations, the Manager hail determined, for the remaining nights. that none but Shakopear e , s plays AMR be-performed. fia7-et MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET TITEATHIL Acting and Stage Manager W. S. FREDRRICIAL Business Agent and Treasurer . JOS. D. lIIITHPHI. CROWDED DOUSES TAITAD WEEK Of Shakspi are's Grand Pageant of u LOVE'S- LABOR LOST." First Week of the new National,pmm. of SCOTTO; OR, THE SCOOT AND NIS Say. 'Founded on the Present BOTH PIECES EVERT NIGHT. Z._ Every member of the Company in the caste" eriCCB as usual. Seats secured one. week in ad Curtain rises at M after 7: Beata secured 3nv tra charge. At KI N S AMPLLITT 'eue' near E Street and PENNSTWPee spa I'lanager . Willard's, WASHINGTON, D. stueserian Hanager. KING. "Jul that this FRANK WRITTAKER.,.., EDIFICE' Visitors are respectful' F.LEGANgTAK PNRFORIIANCES. Is nightly open for RICE, SUPERIOR KORICAN RIMIORIST, NIGUEL:, FCC ONE IVICEEs 33)NDKY, January 6,1862. C'Nei fat particulars see -Washingtan &Adolf nionidc Qui local bill, SPEW", PERFORMANCES- DN 'WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. RICIIIVRIIs P. JONES, Agent. rjIEITP.LE OF WONDERS TENTHA. and CHEST_TPTI Streets. SIGN Olt BLITa Inliis New,. Popular, mud. Amusing Entertainments. EVEtY 0, commenciag at half past 7 o'clock. and ICSI/lIESDAV owl SATURDAY AFT Fott liOONS at 3. Grand eurnbination of Attraction, Thanmatargical Illusions, Pest °logical Espeeiments, Magical DeCeo - Vot.trilounial Oddities, Comicalities, sad Bon Mote, and the neasinEsluniticia of the Learned err nary Birds. Admission 25 cents ; Children 12 cents. G ERMA.NIA ORCTIRSTRA.. CARL BENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REURAW3ALS every SATIIRDAP, at sm o'clork P. M., at the RESIOAL FUND H kLL. Package at Eight Tickets, sl.i Single Tickets, 26 To be had at Audro'so.lo4 Chestnut stmet, J. E. Gantoras Seventh and Chestnut., and at the door of the Ran. 0fdi26.611 IpIENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY JL THIS FINE AHTs, 1026 CHESTNUT Strad" Et open deity, &masts excepted, from 9 A. IL till 6 Y. 3. AAmicaiou 26 cents. Children solder twelve rates half mice. Shares of Stock. E3O. 3vi WANTS. WAriTED.—The Military Hospitals at *Washington are in urgent need, of Bed Backe, (of Beitingcr uheete, and Wrappers. tat of those ar ticles loft at the Beo--itory of the UniteaStates Sanitary Cononletdou, No. 1235 trrresTNUT Skeet, will be at once forwarded to Washington. lab-thatu'attt. NF I TANTED-A Situation as Clerk, or would maks himself gene:ally useful. Mies. septic:nimble reference or cash seessitg given. Adams SAMUEL, this office. lati.3tl4 WANTED—A First•elass Salesman, mbo is well neenahated with the Photograph trade. Address "Box 110," Philadelphia Post Odic*. jot -3t* 107 ANTE D—A second—hand Sta— tionery Steam Engine, of from 60 to 70-Horse Address, stating particulars, "Box. 1155 Post de2l-tf BOARDING, ..... 1110 LET—With or without board, to 1- a single gentleman, a bed room and sitting room. or bed roam only, in WALNUT Street, between Tenth and Broad. Address, for further particulars, **%. T. Z.," Pros: office, Chestnut street. doi-tf LEGAL HENRY DUCACHET vs. SlT i_ SAN DITACFIET. C. P. inita - '1.16617. Alias Divorce. No. 16. And now, January 8, 1862, on motion of JOHN O. 1317LLETT, for libellant, rule granted to, show cause why a divorce from the bonds of matrimony should not be decreed in the above case, returnable 25th day of January, A. D. /Sd2, and direct that said rule be pub- Italica according to the rules of court at leasttwice aweek for two %reeks in The Press awl Daily News, two daily pacers publiQual in this city, and also lAN ice in the Legal. Into Ilvenccr, before the divorce be decreed. - M 9, 13, 16, 20-41 LETTERS TESTADI ENTARY - ON the Will of ELIZABETH CULP, decewnxl, have been granted by the Register of Willa to TIIOStAS ETEWARPSON, Jr., to o how all persona having claim* or demands against the Est:ite of said decedent, are re quested to make known the same nithent delay ; rAod tat nersons Indebted, to make moment, at the office of the Executor, No. 415 PRUNE Street, Philadelphia. del2-th6t* NOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary to the 'Estate of WILLIAM R. T. READ, deceased. (watchmaker and jeweler,) having been granted to tha undersigned, ail persons having claims against said ostata ere-rennested to present them tor settlement, and those irt.. debted to make payment to W. MORRIS, . Executer, Old No. 37 South SECOND Street. des-tbet" ESTATE OF JAMES MURPHY, DECEASED.—Letters testamentary upon the Estate of JAMES IItRPHY, late of the city of Phila delphia, cabinetmaker, deed, having been granted hT the Register of Wills to the undersigned, all persona in debted to the Estate will please make payment, and Moe, haying claims is ill present them to the Executors, at 506 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. JOHN GEGAR, B.r D., 011ARLES STAGG, Executors. Or their Attorney, MIL ERNST, jrl.3-6t* 512 WALNUT Strook ITiSURAN C E coairArixEs. CODIVIONWEALTH FIRE Dint- RANCE COMPANY, Or THE STATI ON PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. 1 David Jaime, M. D., Charles IL Bogor* John Id. Whiten, John U. Walker, 'Edward C. Knight, Hobert Shoemaker, Theresa S. Stewart , William Struthers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Stephen Conifer. DAVID JA , M. D. , Preside t. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice Dreaded. SAMUEL H. MOON, Secretary. 011 ice, Commonwealth Building, 6111 CHEBTRUN Street, Philadelphia. *NW It F ARE - INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 OHEBTNIPP Ohm& rreE AND INLAND 206GYBAN01. DIRBOTOII.I3. GeCliD ) W. Day of Day & Matlank. Simnel Wright "Wright Bras. & 00. D. B. Miner "Davie & Birneg. Henry Latiiii, Jr " Levin 8r05...& Oa. O. Richardson.. ii 3. 0. Bowe & Co. Jno. W. Erorman....... " J. W .Evermart & Co. Geo. A. West "'West & Yobtia. a. B. Martin . " Savage, Martin, & Co. O. Wlison Davis.. Attorney-at-law. E. D. Woodruff of Sibley, Molten, & WondraiL Jno. Kugler, Jr . No. 1713 Green area. GEORGE W. DAY, Preeidant. FBANOIB N. BUM, Vice-Praddlll&L WILRIAMB I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. i 423462 SPRING GARDEN FRUIT AND PRODUCE STORE STILL AREAD.—The sub— scriber takes this method to inform his patrons, and the public generally, that be has removed his Fruit and Pro duce Store to No. 812 SPRING 'GARDEN Street, where he is now prepared to keep np 6 full supply of Apples, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries, Nuts omen kinds, Dried Fruits (both Foreign and Domestic), Butter, Eggs, Poultry, dc, dc. Also, EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, Buckwheat Flour, end Corn Meal. All of which he wilt Bell as low as can be bought anywhere in the city. Being thankful for past favors, to those who have so liberally patronized him heretofore, the subscriber most respectfully solicits a continuance of their patronage, and invitee all others to give him a call, at his new place, where he has superior facilities for supplying all With everything in his line, on the moat reasonable terms. My motto is : wTo live and let live; quick solos, arid email profit." Please give roe a call before purchasing elsewhere. S. Z. GOTTIVALS, 812 SPRING GARDEN Street. PRESENTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, AT WAR PRICES, of Looking-Glasses, Engravings, and toe Frames, at OEQ. F. BENEERT'S, No. 826 .9:EGG Street. , r -:...- C. M. SLOCUM, DENTIST, 1348 CIIBSTNIIT Street, below Broad. jai-Stia