tile' MEISEL , PUBLIIIEdID DAILY, (etIiDATS IXOXPTED,) RY7OHN W. FORNEY. wnlpi 119. 417,0HEIMTT WISEST -THE DAILY riiEss, wILYsi 011176 Yin Wsic,'payable to tho Canter. tiiibieribors out of the; City at Btx DoLtfas Azirtnr, FOOll DOLLARS TOE EIGHT MONTHS, Foul Vofrquir Tom• Si: lifoirros—tnrarfably in advance for the Eine ordered. . • TIES TRI,WEEKLY PRESS, ' Maned to ttubecrtherstatt or the OUT at Tense Doh- Lam Pia line; In adeanee. COMMISSION HOUSES. QBIPLEY, HAZARD, I IHUTOBINSON, Zo.lllll OHIBTM STREET, 00XXISSIOX X BOXiXTV '7Ol ! L t okLi or PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. stati-em C OTIIS AND C,ASSIMERES. SELLING . OFF, FOR CASH OR SHORT CREDIT, 1131E1 ,CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &e., wori.irly owned by J. W. MSS k SONS, to be sold REGARDLESS OS COST. A. H. GIBBS; MILITARY GOODS. ANI;#REWS' ORIGINAL CAMP, OR TRAVELLING • BED TRUNK. l (Pittard Applied for) For sale by W. A. ANDREWS. nol6-21ii No. 612 OFIESTITUT Street. ARMY'CONTRAOTORS MID SUTLERS 617PPLIND WITH BBUSHICS at the lowed rate& Always on hand, a large stock. of CAVALRY BRUSHES. Government standard; WAGON BRUSHES. Government standard; dlll9 rren - Deocrlption of Brushes required for the Army 1CE.M.13.14E it VAN HORN. oelll4m 991 MARKET Street, PhUndelphia. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER de CO.. Vortboalt Verner FOURTH and RACE Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLES AIA DRUGGISTS, UIPORTERS AND DEALERS IA 'FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. EANIITACTUBERT or in/ITE LEAD AND ZINO FAINTS, PUTTY, &O. AGENTS POE THE CELEBRATED FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. :Dealers sad consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. oest-sm 'LUST RECEIVED, per ei Annie Kim_ fey bah' , from Liverpool, Kander, Weaver, & Man dies preparations : 26 The Extract Anent% in 1 lb Jars. 26 The Extract Hyoscryami, in / D jars. 50 The Extract Beihulonna, in 1 lb jars. - 300 Es Extract Taraxaci, in 1 )b jars. 60 The Vin Rai Colchicl, In 1 tb bottles. I.oo"The 01. Succini Rect., In lib bottles. • 500 Ea Calomel, in 1 lb betties. 500 ft. I.llll.vdrarg., In lib Jan. WETREBILL & BROTHER, NbS 41 and 49 North SECOND Street. , FIOLIDAV GOODS j[ANGING VASES. Ornamental Flower Pots. Parlor Vases for Growing Flowers. Baskets for Jardiniere. Pedestals with Vase for Flowers. Antique Vases for Mantels. Vases Re ottistance for Parlor. - Bugle and Terra Cotta Vases. Lava Flower Pots and Vases. Garden Vases and Pedestals. Brackets for Bunts and Figures. With a great variety of articles suitable for Christ-- CM presents, for sale retail and to the trade. Warerooms 1010 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. dell S. A HARRISON. LOOKING GLASSES. TMMENSE REDUCTION Ix LOOKING GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, INGRAVINGS, CIOTIIHR AND PHOTOGRAPH TRARINEL JAMES B. EARLE & SON, 816 CHESTNUT STREET, Ilimennee the reduction of WI per cent. in the mime or sR Owl Klllllttrwinrod Stock of Looking 6iti-130.1 i also, in Magni/Inge, Picture and Photograph Frames, Oil Pala tal's, The largest and most elegant sasortment in the Costar/. Arose opportunity is now offered to make pall Ohms in this line For Cash, at remarkably Low Prices EARLE'S GALLERIES, )34-tf 816 ORESTNET Street. CABINET FURNITURE. CitABLNET FURNITURE AND Kir LIABD TABLES. MOORE k OAMPION, No. 251 South SECOND Street, connection with their extensive Cabinet Radom are smssr manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hand a full evenly, finished with tie 11100EE & CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, arid& are pronounced, by ell who have need them, to he Metier to all others. Nor the quality and finish of these Tables the mama lecturers refer to their numerous patrons throughout the V.lll/014 who are familiar with the character of their work. au2S-flm GRO4LERIES. MACKEREL, 'HERRING, SHAD, SALMON, gc.-8.000 bblo Mess Noe. 1,2, and 8 LACHEREL, large, medium, and mall, in insorted ackagee of choice, late-caught, fat Bah. 6,000 bids. Row Halifax, Eastport, end Labrador Her. IMP. of choice qualities. 6,000 boxes extra now scaled Herrings. ' 8,000 boxes extra new No. 1 Herrings. 8,000 boxes large Magdallne lierrhqs. 260 bbla. Mackinac White Nish. 60 hbls. new Economy Meer ShaL JS bbla. new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 quintals Grand Dank Codfish.' 600 boxes Herkimer County Cheese. In store and landing, for sale by MURPHY & MOONS, not. Nit 140 NORTH WHARVES. WINES AND LIQUORS. PRE PORT WINE. DUQUE DO POBTO WINE, BOTTLES IN PORTUGAL IN 1820. Physitlina and invalids in want of a reliable article of pore Port Wine can be gunned by Inquiring for the hoTe wino at CANTWELL k KEFFEWS, Southend corner GEEMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. HENNESSY, VINE-YARD PRO.. minors, Bison% Trtroche & Co., Maiett, Met, end other approved brands of COGNAC BRANDY, for }ale, In bond end from store, by CANTWELL & 'HEFTER, Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. QTUART'S PAISLEY MALT WELIS -14.7 ET. Buchanan's Coal Ifs Wbiskit Old Tow Gin, Old London Gin, London Cofdial Gin, Bolden'a Gin, In bowl and store. CANTWELL & Kzmn, Senthoind corner GERMANTOWN ATOMIC. and MASTER Street' ZouAvE CHAMPAGNE.—A new brand—am excellent &Melo. Imported and for sale tit a Wee to mit the times, by CANTWELL & KEP NER, southeast corner of GXBIIfAIbiTOWN Avenue and Infant street. . RITDESHEDIER-BERG, LAUREN. HELMER, and TIOCKEIXIMER WINE, In eases of one dozen bStles each •; warranted pure, IroPorlod end for sale low by CANTWELL & KEEFER, watt. sad corner GERMANTOWN ATODUO sad MASTER Street. ViEI:RMAN'S DRY CATAWBA I—This approved brand of Cincinnati wine, the best article out for "cobbiers," for sale pure, bat- Ned and in cases, by CANTWELL A HEATER, south. but comes treet. GIRMANTOWN Means and MASTEN se2 , i FRESH MINCED MEAT. The gubserlber bogs tears to inform the public that he is again prepared to offer Ida jurtly celebrated NE PLUS ULTRA MTNOED MEAT, In large or small Quantifies. Orders Omagh De. 1111101 Poet will be punctually attended to. JOSHUA WRIGHT, SPISING GABIMIX and ISANKLIN Street-ft Philadelobla. BEET QUALITY ROOFING SLATE always an hand and few Nab M Onion Warr, 1613 MOH eared, Xenslmten. T. MMus, silT-WAranar fins'. pmwasia. LFAT)-8 :barrels just rowed per schooner A 1916110, for sale by JAURZTOIIIO t OnIISTAMS, nta 909 awl 904 South 'FRONT Street. BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS, • IN EVERY VARIETY, AND OF THE BEST STOOK, SELLING AT LOW PRICES. Buy et the Manufactory. W. a. PEERY, BLAME4IOOX MANCTACTUBER, efo•lm 13. W.: Corner 'FOURTH and RACE PAMPHLET PRINTING, AND every other deeerioticin of Printing, of the abet ertmelior quality, et the most reasonable rates, at WIG. ' , WALT & BROWN'S, Diezer4 Building, 84 South TAW &mi l , uoSS VOL. 5.-NO. 134. RETAIL DRY GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS IN FINE CLOAKS, ,TO CLOSE OUT THE STOCK PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM. 531 MARKET Street, Which fa replete With every desirable style and descrip tion, will be open to inspection et prices corresponding to the general reduction; particularization, among such an infinity of qualities, being, if not hupossible at nil events, unsatisfactory. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., Have now on hand A LARGE STOCK of MILSLINS. Which will be sold at Drices LOWER THAN THE MARKET RATES. Also, GREAT BARGAINS IN PRINTS, 2,000 yards of which will be sold very tow. la4•Bm HOLIDAY DRESS GOODS. The following goods aro desirable for Christmas Gifts: Low priced DoLnines and Calicoes. Wide English and French Chintzes. Brilliant Figures now American Do Latins. Dressing Gown Stuffs of Gay Cashmeres. French Figured Do Lalnes and Fancy Merinos. Plain Poplins and Rich Styles of Epinglines. Plaid Flannels, Bright Broche Dress Goode. Blankets, Table and Plano Covers, Quilts. Bid Gloves, Warm Silk and Cloth Gloves. Embroidered Collars and Lace Goods. Silk Handkerchief% "French Linen Cambric Hdkfs Black 1311 k Cravats, Scarfs, and Neck Ties. Plain and Fancy Silks, Rich Black Silks. Blanket Shawls, Brodie Merino Shawls. SHABPLESS BROTHERS, delB CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. potatoes, at 18) cents; Calicoes, 12g cents. BIS& and fancy Silk Handkerchiefs. Neck-Ties, Gloves, Gents' Shawls. Misses' and Ladies' Shawls In variety. Nice assortment of Dress Goods. Balmoral Skirts in great variety, at J. H. STOKES', 702 ARCH Street. N. B.—On hand, Jack-straws and Solitaires, malls by and sold for an invalid. 'they are nice games as well as presents, and any one would confer a favor by Purchas ing the same. del2-lf HEAVY - CLOAKINGS. Brown and Black Sealskin, 75c to $1.50. Cheap heavy Coatings and Cloakinge Fine Black Cloths and Beavers. Good stock Cassimeres nt old prices. COOPER /a CONAED, &IA 8. E cor. NINTH and MAIM= ri OUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS.-811EPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & AMNON, Itnportera and Dealers in Linen, and House Furnishing Dry Goods, etc. Hare now on band a full assortment of Linen Sheeting, Table Clotho, Napkins, Table,Divas . Towelling, etc., etc., imported under the old WY, or bought a great sac rifice. per cent. allowed on parcloses as above, if ald for on delivery. no2Ttf WILL CONTINUE TO SELL UN TIL JANUARY let, our entire stock of BLANKETS at the old prices. . . Will open THIS DAY a large stock of all Wool Flan-. note. Onr 25 cent White Flannels are the beet in the 'city. Very handsome neat styloa DeLaines at 18%0 i hand some dark grounds, all Wool, at 31 and 37 cents. COWPERTIMAIT & 00., deb-if N. W. corner EIGHTH and ISIKIIKET. PATENT PATENT MCCLELLAN SCARFS. AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. F.SHLEMAN' AT .L A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. EstILEHAN' AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLE N' AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S NORTHWEST CORNER OF SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA.. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. P. E 3. The above articles, being PATENTED, cannot be obtained elsewhere. P. S. N 0.2. Mon's Furnishing Goods, in every variety P.S. No.B. PATENT ENAMELLED COLLARS, 10 FOR A QUARTER. de7-stutb6m CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! WATER PROOF CLOTH CLOAKS, In °intim variety; LIGHT AND DARK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every ehado BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every quality; BLACK SILK-VELVET CLOAKS, EVERY NEW STYLE, EVERY NEW MATERIAL; THE LARGEST STOCK /ND THE MOST' REASONABLE PRICES IN THE CITY IVENS, oaf. No. 23 South NINTH Street. GREAT BARGAINS IN LADIES' OLO ANS, To close out, At the ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND MANTILLA STORE, N. W. corner TENTH and ARCH Ste. 1101-6 M JACOB HORSEALL. CLoAKs— Handsome styles of well-made, eforrlceable gar ments. The been made, the best fitting, oad the host materials for the mice. A largo stock from which to select. COOPER dc CONAN% dad S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET. CLO AK B! The Larva, Cheapest, And Beet-essortod Mock In the city. UNITED STATES ARMY AND NAVY SIMPLY AGENCY AND CAMP EX- TO MANUFACTURERS, MERCHANTS, and INs VENTOIO3, and those wishing to forward Packages to the Comps of the Army, or Naval Stattons of the Coast or Golf: Having secured especial privileges for visiting all the departments both of tho Army and Navy, and all the camps of the various military stations, and the naval posts of the Coast and Gulf, for the purpose of introducing and selling to the Departments, Military Storekeepers, Commissaries, Quartermasters, Sutitra, °Morn and Sol diers, and also to Naval Agents and Paymasters of the Navy, all articles required for the use, CORIVOIIIOIICo, com fort, and necessity, both of the Army and Navy, we have organized time above.entitlod AGENCY AND CAMP EXPRESS, with its headquarters in the city of Wash ington. Under this arrangement—entirely complete, and extending through all the departments both of the Army and Navy,—we can offer unequalled facilities to Mer chants, Manufacturers, and Inventors, in readinena of sale, saving of time, and the ninny expenses unavoidable through the usual tedious channels of sale to the De. partnionts, Campo, and Naval Stations. Those wishing to avail themselves of the benefits of tide thorough and extensively-organized system of agency, can do so by forwarding samples of their goods to our address by express, and prices and explanations by letter. All packages for Camp delivery marked to our address, Washington, D. C. All goods, inventions, wares, or merchandise, of whatever nature, ordered by thin Agency, will be paid for on delivery. Letters of inquiry will meet with prompt attention. Agents well referred, with small means, can find pro fitable earDintnient in thin organization. A tow aro wanted. Office No. 211 PENNSYLVANIA Avenue, op• Poeta Willard'a Rotel, Washington, D. O. REPERZNCES: GEOROR LAW, Now York. EILtSTIIS CORNING, Albany Mosna H. GRINNELL, NORTH & CIIASE, PUMA. BIIIPLIN k Bnos., J. H. TAGGART, Alums' Fara Ens, ALEX. COMEING9, la Hon. HONEY WILSON, Masincbusetts. Buns ti. Co., Bankers, 'Washington, D. C. A7-if JOHNSON, SWEETLAND, Jt. CO PROPOSALS FOR SUGAR AND PORH.—Office of Navy Agent, 112 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia, January 711 s, 1862. PROPOSALS will be received at this Office until TUESDAY, January 14th, 12 o'clock AL, for (tarnishing EIGHTY THOUSAND POUNDS OF BROWN SUGAR, Natty Standard, to be delivered at the Navy Yard in Philadelphia, without extra charge for transportationl one-half to be delivered in thirty days, and the remain ing half In sixty days, from notice of acceptance of pro posal. Also, for ONE THOUSAND BARRELS NAVY MESS PORK, to be delivered a 8 above, one•half In thirty and the remaining half in sixty days. JAMES S. CHAMBERS, Navy Agent. MD PRINTING, BEST AND erest in the City, at RINGWELT BROWN 13, 14 Routh TRU= Riot. n 029 „),,' ..,„,. „. , s 4( \‘l!// ,/ /V •-'l' \ ,\ \\ :.-- .z.....„..,,..., •, _ ~a s•-, vs\ ‘1,,,,..it • , ..4,:v., 7 ,,,.. ,_,--, -, -: :-.- ...,..:,„:., (..... ''--. N. 5 ,!,,! • \.O ~,,,o, 1 , J .. r. ” ''' , 7 - --- -- - S.- - ; r- , ,- • -", .. - -.........._ ^:( a c..yil 77 -k -f- -",:5ili:;-.L::: : 1 ,41#- -- -..,.,-. - :,.1, .... ...... -,. -,- _, ‘•,-"---ik% -: -,.' - ------ -,:' -111■18.,•:_l -- . itc -. :Cik., , ,„,. ~-:: `,-'-!..::::::::;•]: _-.l''''-'l4° ' MI a , „,„f.,___..„,:„. ify,4_,..‘,,,,,,...., , :,:- :ci ,: ~,,i - k-•,,fj*, : - „1 - .:::,..;s,., ;011,0';:_e,-,,,,,i-hl. i ,: : - . 75 V; i 0 ^ ,drr. , "..,". - '4 ' -----"=="--- ~-,.,. g t - -, be seen except the captured, and the dead, and the wounded, which the enemy were unable to take with them on account of their precipitate retreat. As nearly as could. be estimated, the rebel.loss was fifteen killed and seventy wounded, twenty seven prisoners, forty guns, and some sixty hence and mules. They were destitute of camp equipage, and stores of any kind. Our iota reached three killed, two mortally wounded, and thirty more or lesaseverely hurt. The enemy was encamped in the edge of a wood upon a hill, dillicult of approach, Witli.eyery ad vantage in their favor. Capt. Boyd's rifiemen.wore ordered. o bring the enemy into action, and although.a perfect storm of lead swept around them, they stood their ground and fought obstinately, as long as a rebel remained in sight. About 250 men participated in the engagement, and their courageous style of fighting was highly complimented by Gen. Prentiss.- The otticom-for the most part showed coolness -and courage, and managed their respective commands with skill and effect. The command returned, to .their camp at Star geon on the evening of the engagement, perform ing the extraordinary feat of.marching upward or forty-two miles, and fighting. a. severe battle in twenty-four hours. There remain but a few. armed bands of rebels in this part of the country at the present time, and. the effect of this success of our arms will probably be to discourage and dishearten the friends of rebel lion. Latest from Sprineld—Price Alarmed— Sad State of Atfaire Tho St. Louis Republican of the oth inst. says: Mr. Giles Smith, an citizen of Barry county, reached Rolla yesterday morning, and communi cated the following facts to Mr. Turner, a member of the State Convention, who came in on the Pacific train last evening. Mr. Smith left his home, in Barry county, last week, fearing the Secessionists would take his life. But a day or two previous to his departure three Union men living in his vicinity were taken from. their homes and shot dead by Joe Pevy, the ex sheriff' of tbo county. Two of the number—a Mr. - Watson and Sol. Roberts—had been Secessionists, but had recently espoused the Union cause. Mr. Smith passed near Springfield, and learned that Price was at that place, with 20,000 men and ferty-six pieces -of cannon. Ho had just received six pieces of cannon from Arkansas. McCulloch was with Price, in command of a body of Arkansas troops. Price expeoted an immediate attack, and had called upon the Secession Home Guards in the sur rounding country to come to his aid Montgomery was at Bower's-Mills, in Lawrence county. A part of his force was at Carthage. He raised the stars- and stripes at Mount Vernon, in Lawrence county, but the Secessionists pulled the flag down after his departure. lie subsequently returned and raised the flagagain, and told the oiti -7.C119 if they tore it town he would burn the town. The flag was flying at last accounts. At Spring crook Mr. Smith passed twenty-five emigrant wagons going south. Gen.. Sigel. Gen. Sigel's resignation was dated on the 31st, and the Post (German) of this city, says that some twenty or thirty officers in command at Bella have likewise tendered their resignations. Maj. Has sendeubel is understood to be of the number.—St- Louis Republican, Oth, inst. MISCELLANEOUS WAR NEWS. The Blockade of Wilmington, N. C [Correspondence of the Press.] U. S. STEAMER MOUNT VERNON, Blockading off Wilmington N. C., Doc. 5, 1861 There are several onboard of this vessel who hail from the patriotic city of "Brotherly Love," and their friends will, no doubt, be glad to hoar, through your journal, of their health and welfare. Our first. station, after leaving Old Point, was off Beaufort, N. C., where we cruised for a month. We wore then ordered to this place, and, since our arrival, it has been more effectually blockaded than ever before, for no vessel has got in or out since we anchored. On the morning of the 20th instant, after the fog and haze lifted, we discovered a little rebel tug close in the shore. Our anchor was buoyed and slipped, and our little steamer was headed for her. The tug was close into the land, and between our vessel and the tug was a reef, in such shoal water that we could not go over it with safety. We run as close to her as possible, and fired two shots at her. They fell short about half a mile. If we bad been properly armed with a rifted can non, we could have crippled her, and made a prize_ Thetug was very fast, and she pulled quickly for the fort. We could see the rebels in the fort waving their rags to her. When she got safely in under their guns they hoisted their miserable banner, and let it fly for a moment, and then hauled it down, as if ashamed of it. All vessels that are blockading should be armed with at least one gun that is rifled. If we bad been armed on the morning of the 20th with a rifled gun, the , c Secesh " navy would have been minus one vessel. It was a great disappointment to all of us that wo did not secure her, and we hops that the Department will give us a new armament when wo go up to Old Point to coal and water. Our commander, 0. S Glisson, Esq., is a splendid officer, and very popular with officers and mon. He has been in the service thirty-five years, and alwe,ya actively employed, as the navy register will show. We very seldom hear what is going on, and news papers are a great treat to us; and Fie T? ess would be particularly welcome to those from Philadel phia, as we would them know what is going on in our good city. Herewith is a list of the officers of the Noma V - 0.17022 Commander-0. S. Grissom - . - Masters—Alick Allen, Henry L. Sturges, John. D. Barclay. Assistant Paymaster—Henry Y. Wisson. Surgeon—Samuel B. lioppin. Chief Engineer—Joseph Mcßnight. Engineers—John Lardner, James H. Hosford. Master's Mate—Robert G. Wright. Pilot—John P. Foote. If anything occurs that would be of interest to your readers I will advise you of lt,. DI. D. (Contms:c.icz er.:::•:L. Fags.)