The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 04, 1862, Image 4
111 : 111 ** 12 16 1 / 1 4 14inid 7PonnuisL4oo9 Chest, %#.itief, , •*, ' , ..trilker4liviiiii , istiataii—znlel mid !remit sis,— ,4 1 Shoinwllecof Tenkeser—e 4 lltylVifee Ceme"—"The The .V#2o4llol4Viteed.'! ,* • . ! 'Tama or Wenneetke4f. 'dotes' r Tenthed Mat 'vat OIN IMO liptatibuswid. Rase4NAßigur Escapes.— Aa mantitised In yeattirdey's lame, a fire broke out ' about 12 o'elook on - Wednesday - night, lathe three and-whaltateig larick building, located In the rear of NO. 222brortli Elloond Street. • The building is csetned. , Idr•BdWatil K. Tryon. The altar is nu- espied by, Ildr O. B. Stirling, whose for wet .2Thellesh floor is occupied by Frederick fifetphall, loss is about $ 5 OO, upon which there le no insurance. - • . The second ,snd third Stories and stile are.oceti -045.102 Bowen,plinufactjor of fellation ituri- Jame primera, .percession wartrUgee, &o:, for Use wrathy. The loss of Mr. Bowen Is - estimated at *l,OOO. -Hs is insured. • ' , • - The deniage to the building is shout $2OO, which is fully covered. by, insurance hithe Vire &mom ,...''Tbeifire broke out in the isiablishment of Met .- btu! fir 'and osininsted SweideltaUj. :When the fl - se s maiappearance, considerable alarm - was Greeted. among -the firemen - by the et pleigaio of some caps widen had been left upon the winducriill. They thought t hat powder was stored in the building, but soon Waite assured that such Was not the oafs, to Went to work with 'a will. At 2 o'clock and 47 mileages yesterday morning a - fire was dimovered in theastenrive granite build fug, No. 105 Hugh Third street,. -and No, 248 Obeisant street, the structure baccur two frents. On- Cheahnotatreet ,the bundle is M eterieliin 'height, - and on Third street fiveowid is one albe moat substantial edifices In the-city. On. Third street the basement is occupied by Jelin Trenwith, dealer innewvapera and periodicals. A portion is - also occupied by the American Telegyaph Company as a storage room: . The telegraphic battery war kept in the vault, under the pavement.. The reinalnder.of the building was orronpled 'by Means. Obeiteuffer & Preytag. On Cbeetnut street,- the basement and first floor were Om opted l i row.- aid & Co.'s Exuma, and the Hamden ll` oward conipanies, and the second ftidrd, , arid sixth by Hewn. Obertenffer' do = Prey - tag, importers ,of foreign dry goods. The fourth' floor formed a partef the telegraphing operating room, the build ingbeing in the slaps of an L. - ThiSiire broke" out in Trenwitb'a newspaper de pot; on Third street, and burned very fiercely AU the steels end Ilittires of thismom were destroyed. The loss is estimated at two thousand dollars, upon whioh there is no hicurpnee. The contents of the 'other portion of the cellar were also destroyed, and the telegraphic battery were completely Mined. The alio of the -Tele graph Company was oompletely,wreoked, but, for tunately, the operating Mom escaped,- except - a slight damage to the instruments front Met, which was sp eedily remedied. The loss of the company wilt be about $1,000.,- Inured in the•FireAssoola tion. E' ~, F~' The bufinees of the Telegraph Company was not interfered with. A battery wee put up n the operating room, end the instruments were In work ing order by nine o'clock.' A temporary office for the reception of messages bee been fitted up at No. 302 Chestnut street, The greatest, deatruotioi bifire seems to have, been in , th e express office . The fi xtures, office furniture, ordinary , account books, way-bills, letters, - and a quantity of-loose papers - , were all destroyed. The - principal hooka and money packages were in Galin . proof, arid were saved, But few packages for shipment were on hand, three large loads having been sent to the depots the previous evening. The geeditreceived by the late tralni had not been taken into Ail building, but were upon the sidewalk. Amid „200. leakages, of 'different desoriptiode, stored, in • the cellar, principally unclaimed goods, were destroyed. Their value cannot be estimated. The total' lose of the Express Companies will' be abouts2,soo. No insurance, ' • .The fire did not extend- beyond , ' the first floor, - but the other occupants suffered from water add smoke: Mews. Oberteuffer Fraytag estimate the value of their steak at $200,000, but isle thought that,their lose will not_ be unions. They hive an insuance of slso,ooo. The building . is owned by Dr. David Jayne. Low, &nut $2,000; mewed In the Royal, and other nom pairs. . The occupants cif,neveral of the adjoining build ings suffered by vice ter. They are as follows: No. 246 Media street, - first story end cellar, occupied bY Mr. Raphael, dry gotda and commission mar , ebanti hie stock escaped, with the exception of a lot of ship sheathing and sheathing paper for metallic rettifsiwhich was stored in the subeeellar. Lem several hundred dollars; insured in city companies. The upper stories were ilocupled by B C Evans it Co., dry goods commission merchants; dimage • Southeast corner of Third and Chestnut, five-- story brown.stone building, owned by the United States Life Insurance and Tram. Company. The cellar was completely flooded. It *tut occupied by Richard Peplum% as ale, wine,. and liquor vaults. The room was filled to each on extent that the liquor casks and large bogebeads of -ale were floated off their skidts. Mr. Penietan'a lose is betweed $2OO and $300; insured for $2OO in the Franklin. No. 109 South Third'; Wm. H. Maurice, sta tioner. Cellar flooded out; no important damage was done. Na.-111. South Third ;'Charles McGowan, tobacco end cigar attire. A lot of fine smoking and chewing tobacco in the cellar was ruined. Loss poo ; fully insured,. At the time the fire broke ant four young were on duty in the fourth story—telegraph room,. They were Win. F. Snyder and Merlon smith; operators; . and George Maul' and -Edward Sum mers, Mike boys. The hatchirayi having heed open, a dense emote soon pervaded the room, and the re treat of the young men - by the Staircase on Third street - was out off. The atmosphere was women terilybeeeming more suffocating, and the cheapen of escape were-exceedingly slim. The endangered persona' made their way to the windows on Chest nut Street, by, which they obtained fresh air. Throtigh great exertions they succeeded in ai r tractkeg the 'attention of the firemen below, on Chestnut street, and arrangements were at ones made to release them from their pert= lens situation.'" The scene at this moment was very thrilling.. A elicit delay and the unfortunate indi viduels would have been-compelled to leap to the ground or auto death by suffocation. Chief Engineer Lyle ordered the largest ladder in the city, belonging to the Empire Book and Ladder Compa ny, to - be pia up to the window. This was a hercu lean task, but the _Felice and firemen seemed to vie with each other late who could work the hardest. The street kiting coated with stifle sheet of hie, much d Minsky was experienced in getting the ladder intoproperpoeition. Thelma we/ finellyeecomplish ed, end then a rivalry ensued between the firemen,' ea to Who stiould go to the aseiatanee of the 'lumina youtamen. This was an exceedingly dangerous ope rationfor each round of the leader had become en cased in lee. Mr. Samuel Antonini, of the Empire -Bookman* Ladder OoMpany;succeeded thronging! two ;,WilllaraFtits, of the Schuylkill/thee, one; and Charles Duncan, of the Philadelphia - Engine, 'one, When taken out, the young- men :were almost in sensible As they reached. the groan& in safety,' the creel gave evidence of experienoing anneation • of great relief The firemen deserve great credit for the noble manner in which they worked. With the excep tion of a few minutes, they were on eonittant duty Lem midnight until eight o'clock root Morning. The weenier wee hitter cold, odd the -writer (rose almost es soon as it lsfr the ,pipes. Aimed every man was covered with .sheet of ice, but there wee no shrinking. Several small fires were built in the sties! by the firemen, this being neeessaq to' keep —from freeeleg to death. ft ki f Tag Film Otitcil Rosisni.—Yesterday af ternoon,ihecese'ot-lheltrie young men charged 'pith fraudulently- obtaining n cheek from the Philedelphia Poet %lice, -was resumed before the United 'State' tkonmialloner.. Thomas,, one, of the defendants, was called for the purpose of being Mr. Ball, ,for • the. - defendants, 'objeited 'to 'the. hafting •or Thrallu in the, ground - that be has - - Obargett himself. The -objection wu overruled, and Themu` was= sworn. • if. met the other de fendant, Charles. Dierbatun,. In this city. akout the third of April' Jut - et .Idr. 8.-Baid'e house, in await street, .near Eleventh and Rua streets; Bierbana gave me. the draft ;- the first time they met,- Dierks= called the witness to one Me and - showed him a draft, which he sad was it a later he had found ; Bierbann't took the draft from tan envelope from'his pocket; the dra ft was upon the American Exchange Bank, bf-Itew.York,,and he thought the _order "of- I. 'or T,'„lmkests; he thaughttct Bars ' , Was -• no writing -on • the bask -cf - draft - '"; when ha drat - seer .it ; the *moult Was 024412 ; witetesi give the duff , back, when Mierbium add be might have It; Blerhattm told hhei - to meet him at Ninth and Arch on the tame ignstniantl -they met, and the draft-was given to winless ;. it had the name of "3. Lukens" on it; and, he--Woo thought, 911 Market street; witness took-Gm draft "Mine, and afterwards presented it to a brokee-,who refused to cash it as. be was n n- - , known; beam/ thin going to destroy it; he showed the draft to a young man, who mid it should be signed; he took it beck to Bierbanm, who wrote on It, ""pay n -to - the cinder of C. Thomas ;" be le ft for New York,- and through a Mr. Gilbert's to. tineactsthe drag** , cubed. ' c ro mvey,"au t -ined,- - -Bo did not know bow Bier beam suds to - 44*k to him about the draft; made , no arrairament as to the disposition of the money ; Bierbaurn gave It to witness as a worthless article, and he got accent the money. • • L, Gilbert ,sworn.—Ho sew Thomas. about a year' agc,for the fleet time, in New York ; he first eaw - the drift there, and signed it on the back; it with Cashed, and be received alb; be bed had-no eonveriation with Thomas Since be had left NeW- Tt ' --- - - -ssiorn.Bitirbanta never said Is possession; Tbomaa,onco told if was about last April. . led.z-Bierbannt lad been in yeer; he had free 1004311.1 a1l wee in titi'babit- of getting ie•poet oStie ; he was discharged t his trasineee. _ - err argued by, BM couniel on st-Commhisioner concluded to. heit pelt one o'clock to-day. t~, >~ T _ -. c= - R v ;, .. Tt. snow 'mot. :I.l!vidt Arai! 7i;1434 .:-POtadlaincte. to the 1406001416201 . -Zve, - ~.._ alAx.teio • milui,-mrabast gjeorti TM ltorty 2 h1.~ .10)1 1 —Y,estenin morning the Mteirecinistenees attending the re. tinseled at the Sixth-vrird station• additional,winaeas was Dr. 8, a& a" post-mortem examination MO to expeetation, the heart AC ball.. The latter, a. small 'lobed 'in 'another park of the tited as follows; - - There eras A teiFitie Point Meet filer ittehet °Pelting thei 'cheat I found tha el/steel blood, the.ball having the seventh rib;-and "taken' tl.notiesa-toward the right ot ingh.the sti .- natmh 'sat pane inc aorta. hemorrhage l'atistitimited idet itlt death.- ,, yerd{ot"to'the: effect Mit the Itnehot #aliatt, initiated pith tillionlinkPeters, fbadii - thst intoner yesterday, tralStrof fijipi,jenteitirand, failiXea. Aka ,Iteititlehihd,hett planed • 7 - - Ifteriesgfthe_ World. •" - A - few days slue we gave s eummary'of the BrittehiiridAmeriniiiiiiary, mid we' now add that of all the other ptirmipal maritime Powers. The etreilittt'othe French - navy toes follows : Balling Stem, ..... .... 99 20. 4 .... ,8V 21 ,27• 82 ..... —.lOO 180 39 47 tills of the Line Triantee Corvettes (Aber small vessels:.. Transports Total ' Grand total 642 Guns - 12,460 Itutaiss posacised, before the siege, of Sebastopol, the following . veil's% exclusive of ships building, and the flotillas in, the 'White, Caspian, and (Moist seas : 4 ships of the line, of 120 guns. ships of the line, of .100 guns. 26 ships of the line, of 80 to 90 guns. IS ship of the line, 0f.... - 70 guns. , 48 frigates, of 44 to 60 guns. 40 - corvettes, Wipe and schooners. 34 steamers. , 850 gunboats, &co :The geet,was 42,000aailors and 20,000. marinei Mad artillerymen. The fleet carried about 9,000 Since the war, quite a ohange has talien - place in - her naval affairs. At present she has, in various stages of repair and in process of construction, the following vessels : 40 ships efthe line, 54 steamers 32 frigates, - 347 gunboats: 63 corvettes,. Total ...... 604 The Prussian Navy is as follows 1, Sailing frigate, cotion 1 Steam corvette, Dana ...... ........ steam Corvette, Barbaroma..., / School ship, Amazon 1 Steam frigate, Thesis 1 Paddle. wheel transport, Prensseseher Adler .I galling transport, Mercury 2 Schooners .. 16 Gunboats, two guns each 6 Con•yawis., The 'Prussian Government are now building 12 frigates of 60 guns, 10 sorew corvettes of 8 to 12 gnus; 14 avlsos of 6 to 8 guns, 5 schooners of 2 to 4 guns, 5 transports, and 36 gunboats; or 82 new vemels. Toe Austrian navy ooneista of 104 vessels, as sub joined : ECM= , Name. Guns.' Name. Dcbwarzenbarg..., .....50 +Carolina... Bellow) 50 Diana...... lierara 42 Lairdlg..., Radetzky..... ~..82 Minerva... ;Venue ...... 31 Titanta.... JIIIID (towing ehip) 10 (liailding).. .---- , - 6 Frigates. 6 corvettes. ' 11100 S. 181 Triton.... .....16 11u45er.... 16 (Building) 161 18 8 brigs. GOBLECTTES. 1 .....12 Artemlea.. .....10 6 goeletteo. ...:10 Mantoaucall.... Orestes Pliadea Pala Trieste Elizabeth rlaanbc Aretnuea Arland!'la ...... .... MAIM ..121 Yourluf.... , .. /0138 Peaches.. allNnoant. IS. ........... each 41 9 tenders. 6 brigantines.. 4111 steamers. Total Arendt ) 104 ebbs and vessels. Denmark, for tt small nation, has n largo navy Ships. thine 198. 9 416 88 1 14 4 66 3 • 10 8 6 6 - 35 23 48 47 98 47 47 Mongebello.... Ernettu (mortar) Ships.ot•the-line Frigates Corvettes Barks Brigs Schooners Cutters Steamer. Bomb vessels .... Gunboats Total The Roland navy is as below 2 sbips•of•theatne of ships.of•the-line of 5 frigates, first-class 8 frigates, seconti.class 2 frigates, (razes) or 12 corvettes of 18brigs of 21 goelettes of. 21 WAI steamers. 2 transporter. 2 transports, 2 frigates, port ships with 100 guns. 1 corvette, Total, ninety. two vessels with 2,000 guns. And in addition 49 ay. Se with ... • .. • • 134 The navies of the other maritime Powers aro as follows BARDINIAIt 61 1 brigantine • 81 1 gabarra... 48 8 gunboats.. 44 8 ateamera.... 1 abia-of-the.line. 1 frigate........, 8 steam frigates.. 2 corvettes 4 Was Total, 29 'vessels ind 406 gnus Titr. BWEUIBII RA.vIC 12 stdpunt.the-Ilne, 0 schooners, 8 frigates, , 8 mortar 'vessels, 8 brigs and corvettes, 22 transports, 260 gunboats, 12 steamors TOW TC5llOi4, 332 TIM tionWEGILAN NAVY. 6 schooners, 4 steamers, 189 gunboats. 2IIrtKISII NAVY. 2 frigatee, 1 corvette, 1 brig, - - 2 ebfps•of•tbe•llne, first class, of 120 to 130 guns 4 ships.of•the4tne, ascend class 74 to 90 guns 4 corvettes, of 22 to 26 guns. 16 brigs, of 17 to 20 guns. .12 schooners, of 4to 12 gnus. 8 steam frigates, of 12 to BO goon. 12 steam corvettes and despatch boats, &o. Total number of vessels, 50. T/18 DBLOIAN NAVY. l'brig.... ....... 20 guns.j 2 gunboats guns. 1 g0e1ette........12 guns. 3 steamers ..... ....a guns. The fleet consists of two Corvettes of twenty-six guns, two steamers, one mounting six guns ; three brigs of twelve, ten and two guns ; seven sehooners, five cutters, twelve gunboats, with twenty-two guns. They also have a marine artisan company of 179 men : SUMMARY OF VESSELS OF ALL SIZES. Vessels. Gang. 145 18,480 642 12,450 264 2,557 691 9,000 51 - 178 201 751 149 1,232 141 2,174 29 405 332 145 Great Britain Prance Unitcd States kneels Trustda Austria - I Denmark 13elland • Sardinia Sweden Norway Turkey lichrimu Greece Mr. Weed's letters from Europe. proMthe Albany Evening Journal.] LONDON, Friday, Dec. 13, 1861. We are all waiting with breathless anxiety for the response of our Government to the demand of Fs:gland for the release of the rebel emissaries, for on that reeponee, it is believed, the question of war - or peace han. Solicitude occasioned by this new question, adde d gs to the anxiety which this civil war occasions, leave me with little inclination, even if I bad leisure; which I _have mot, to enjoy London, presented, as it now is, under favorable auspices. Though really nobody, distinguished people receive me with a consideration not a little embarrassing. Our minister, Mr. Adams, with his amiable fa ' roily, are. exceedingly cordial in their attentions and hospitalities. Mr. Adams took me, on - Wed nesday, to Lord Lyndhurst, the Nestor of English juirisprudenbe, now midway between his ninetieth and hundredth years, with sight and hearing slightly impaired,' but with his intellectual faculties in all their vigor and brightness. Ile is a native of Bos ton; born before the Revolution, and deplores the possibility of war, though he Is quits sure it was wrong to take Slidell and Mason from under the ) British flag. Sir Henry Holland, of world-wide medical fame, drops intoour hotel (George street, Hanover Square) familiarly, and is oft to Windsor to see Prince Al bert who is seriously lit. Sir Henry, who hes boon =inch in Amerleans greatly, distressed at the idea of war. • Sir John,Wilson, Governor of Chelsea Hospital, 'Who received five woluids in the battle of Chippewa, called upon ne today. This veteran, who has been over sixty Teams in the service, contemplates a war with'Americi with shuddering. He told me that be had acted as "second" in six duels, all of whioh were settled, while three in whicih he was unfortu nately " principal" were fought. lie said that dif ference between nations, as between officers , could generally bo adjusted by the exercise of good sense and reasonable concessions on the part of those en -trusted with the management of them; that the party least to blame can best afford to make con - dilatory advances, and that when amicable results - are reached, , advances , generally come from ,that quarter. I went to-day, by permission, to Pembroke 'Lodge, Richmond Park, the country residence of Earl Russell, long , so well known in America as Lord John Russell, with whom I had an interview 'Wan helm, relating, of course, to our difficulties with this country. And al though I nm not at liberty to give to the readers of the Journal what was said on a question as delicate as that now pending, I may , say that: the visit In other respects was an in teresting ono, giving rue, as it did, some knowledge of an ennobled and distinguished family. At the conclusion of my interview with the Earl, lamb wail announced, when we met Lady and bliss Russell, with two Bona(boys) and a daughter of eight ye - a& lunch (which, as Lord Byron said of one of 'Mr. Rogers' breakfasts,-"might have been a dinner ") over, I took leave of the Earl, hut was asked by Lady Russell to look through the grounds ; and after Waiting a few minutes in the dining room, her ladyship came, in walking apparel, and gave me half an-hour's ramble through grounds richer even in horticultural interest than is embellish. Ments or in views. Though a moist day, with an • atmosphere to lit, yet in the openings her ladyship directed my - attention to =Hampton Court, Kew, Itiegston, Windsor, dos., An., and to those localities Made dual° by the residence of Pope, Horace Wel pole,!. and other literary celebrities. Passing a mound which attracted my attention, her ladyship drew me to the point front which Henry the Eighth Stood - watching, through an avenue in the woods of the park, fora signal locket to be fired from the florae of St. Paul's Church, announcing to his wife. murdering Majesty that Anne Boleyn was be. - headed. To:day, in city, I found time to iniulge, for an hoar, antiquarian tastes, visiting the stone which Jack Cade struck with his pike, when ho imagined himself "monarch of all be surveyed ;" then a. fragment of a halDburned church at a point where the great fire in•Londen was arrested, which Etude as it tien - stood - then the former residences of ,Sir Llano newton, of Sir Joshua Reynolds; and of -Ilogarth, all in a circuit, and within a stone's throw of each other ; and finally, the old and old fashioned house in Disbopsgate street, occupied by ]log Richard the Third, now "come to base uses" - -, --hort much baser than thugs of its early and king ly occupant I cannot say. There are ; howeVer but brief , intervals of relief from the anxieties which our public troubles occa sion.- I waaat the liseldng4ouses of Daring Brothers and Cleo.,Peabedy Ic Co., where news from America 'is hourly expected and tremulously looked for. — I- have made acquaintance, pleasantly, with several gentlemen of tho London press, whose columns ere kindly open to ate, and for some of which , I have, written; even ventured a letter yeiderday to AIM Times; which was courteously accepted—Mr. Detain°, the editor, doing um the favor of sending a proof-slip_to my lodgings go to Paris this evening. T. W: PRDL4DELPHIA, BOABX mum EDMUND A. SOMME, EDWARD O. L. OVBIDDT.E, ER (Oomotrror or me MM O. L LETTER BADE Alt the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia Ship Oliver Noses Liverpool, soon Ship Samuet Locke, Sweetser ..... 800r1 Bark Elizabeth 3, Foulke 13arbadoes,, Dee. 30 Brig J W Woodrtift, - Bobinson Pollee. DB, Boon Behr-Trojan, bhoufas Barbadoes, awn Behr S J Bright, Smith Laguayra, Boon Behr James' Allderdlce, Stites Olonfuegoa, soon Schr Win Carron, Chipman MaYagUes, PB, noon az. 280 242 AIIINO OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS: FROM THE 'UNITED STATES. 81111.13 LAVE TOD DAY. Edinburgh ...... New York.. Liverpool Jan 4 Nova Scotian.....Portland..Liverpool Jan 4 St Andrew ' Now 1 nrk..Glaagow Jan 7 Earnak New York... Nassau and liavre..Jan 7 Niagara' Boston..Liveroool Jan 8 Etna New York... Liverpool - Jan 11 Norwegian Portland ..Liverpool ...... ..... Jan 1 1 Bohemian Portland..Ltverpool. Jan 18 John Bell _ New York.,(llaasow Jan 21 Canada Boaton.,Liverpool. ...... ....Jan 22 _ FROM EUROPE. 811IPEI LEAVII @Oft DAY: Ilammonia... Southampton.. New Y0rk.......... Dec 18 Norwegian Liverpool.. Portland... ....Dec 29 John Bell. .... .... Glatsgow..New York . - .........De0 21 Asia Liverpool—New York Dec 21. Kangaroo Tarerpool..New - York. ..... .... Doc 25 Bobelnkul Liverpool..Porliand Thro 28 Canada .Liverpool.. Boston..... ........ Dec 28 ***The California Mal Steamers Bail from New York on t've Ist. 11th and 21st of each month. MARINE INTELLIGENCE FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, lan. 4, ILS62. suns ... 18 .., 12 ..., 10 ... 12 ... 72 SRN RUMS 7 W. i RUN BETS 4 88 RIGA WATER 5 22 . . . Pry Decx.—Brig If D Ruggles, levon, which cleared Mit nit for Barbadoes, after getting as far down as Now Cantle wan found to leak so badly (having live feet water in her hold) that the crew refused to go to sea In her; she put bark for repairs, and to go upon Simpson 4 Beare dock., Ber cargo consists of flour, tobacco, can dles, etc. Ship Minnesota, Rowland, ornk, I` Richardson fi Co (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del.. Jen.l. The ship Holyhead, for Liverpool, and bark Conrad, for Bahia, went to sea this afternoon Tho telegraph wire Las been down since last week, and will be repaired by to-morrow. Wind MY. Yours, &c., JOHN P. MARSUAII., OORYSTTNS. Guns (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Dol., Jon. 3-11 A. IL The brig Victoria, from Laguayra, with coffee, arrived at the Delaware Breakwater thtk morning A strong northern wind prevails, and a tremendously big eon is running. Weather clear and cold. No digesters to report. Yours', JOIIN P. EfABSHALE. . . Steamship Delaware, Oasten, hence, at New 'York 2d iostent. Steamship North War, Jones, cleared at New York 2d that for Arvin% an. Steamship Undo &sum from Panama, at San Francisco 26th ult. Steamship John Mart, which sailed from Havana on tho 22d ult put uack on the'24th to repair,' having been ashore on the Colorsdos. Ship Barren ell, Adams, cleared at Now York 2d last for 'Montevideo and Buenos Ayres. Ship Thomas II Perkins, St evens, from Bordeaux 7th November, wadi below New York 2d inst. Ship B B Forbes, Ballard, from Boston 221 August, at San Francisco 29th ult. Ship Red Gauntlet, Lucas, from Now York 31 August, at inn Francisco 30th ult. Ship Nonpareil, Green, sailed from Ban Francisco 29th ta for New York. Ship Euterpe, Aroy, eaSed from San Francisco 29th Mt for New York. Ship Devonshire was partially discharged at Bermuda 28th ult, having a quantity of coal and wool remaining . in her. Her leak bad been found to be in the lower port of the bottom, and from the wont of a dry dock abe can not be repaired at Bermtala,but will probably be brought borne for renalrs when the good weather sets In, with the aid of steam purer; and extra hands. Ship Caroline Bead, Douglass, of Warren, RI, at Syd ney, NSW, Oct 21, from Port Townsend, remairing• In port, bark Helen W Almy, Davis, of Now Bedford, for San Francisco. Freighting business good for English vessels, but nothing doing for American. Bark Princeton, at New York from Demerara, expe rienced heavy weather Was fourteen days north of Bermuda, with heavy NW gales; lost and split tails, had foroyard carried away, started cathead, topgallant, fore. castle, and sustained considerable damn o to spars and rigging. 140 1,932, ..... 84 Vas .80 to 84 " .54 to 60 38 to 44 ~ 28 ~ 18 to 28 " 12 to 18 ~ 8 11 Bark Achilles, Galloghor, hence, at Lou lon 17th ult. Bork Ornsuler, Moore, at Hamburg 14th ult from Baker's Wand. Bark Zepbyr, Lane, from New York 21st August, at eau Francisco 2gth Bark Freak Lennig, Sumner, at Efavana 26th ult from Now York. Bart Annie Buckman Loravor, for Shanghai, Ballad from Queenstown 19th tat. Brig A Q Cattoll, Watson, hence, at Cardenas 20th ult. Brig C A White, Irons, uncertain, remainod at Havana 2011, ult. Brig T W Lucas, Perkins, cleared at Tarragona 4th ult for Malaga. Brig °rums, Baker, uncertain, was at Havana 28th ult. Brig Judge Haitian ay, Lamle, sailed from Havana 25th ult for Philo&Whin. Brig Rebecca Sheppard, Bottum sailed from Havre 18th nit for Philadelphia. Brig Nautilus (Lubec), Wren, from Rio Janeiro via St Thomas 15th tilt, at New York 2d inst. November 12th, off Pernambuco, spoke bark Cavalier, from Baltimore for 810 Janeiro, out 4« days. December 30th, tat 59. ion 72, passed a ably with a black ball in her foretopsall, bound west. Selo Ebel, Sawyer, Tracy, cleared at Portland 31st ult for I'Lliadolato. Behr Belle, Peacock, cleared at Baltimore 2d test for Phlledelvlaa. Eveline, Yorke, hence, at Et Jago do Cuba 14th ultimo. gar Fannie Vance, for Philadelphia t remained at Havana 28th ult. Bahr New Jersey, Vannernan, hence, at Havana 23d nit, and was in port 28th, uncertain. Behr N B Borden, Bennett, at Havana 28th nit, for Now York. Behr Freewind, Jones, hence, below New York 24 inst. Bcbr Georgia, Morris, cleared at New York 24 lost for Sanyrna. Bchr J C Brooke, GralTatn, hence for Portland, at Rd. gartosn 2Dth ult. Bolus Charles Carroll, Pratt, and Haggle Van Dagen Steelman, hence, both Inc Norwich, at Now London dloi Seta Antares, Cordery, bence, at Providence let inst. Schr Eliza & Bebecca, Floyd, hence, at Somerset 31st ultimo. Behr Frank (3t), Newell, at Baltimore from Halifax, reports haring experienced heavy gales on the passage, in st tali she lost her deck loud of Bob. On the 20th ult, at day light, after lying-to forty-eight home, the captain descried a large schooner, then in let 38 30, lon 78 20, with all her sails down. Ho at once headed for her, but when he reached within about a mile of her alit went down. It was discovered that her bulwarks were painted lead color. Captain *moll cruised about the place for some time, but could dfscover notsiug by which to Iden tify her. Ile stiPposed the crow had been taken off bY another vessel, or had escaped in the schooner's boat. Sclera L A Nay, Baker, and Charter Oak, Saunders, hence, at Salem lot inst. Behr Mary Elizabeth, Heed, hence, at‘tiow London Slat ult. Stilt Orin, burned at Sandy Hook, was classed at NT tons register ; built at Rockland, Me, in 1852. Schr John F Couch, which Jo roportod to have beached inside of Cape Henry on Friday night last, was classed A 2, 100 tons borthen, built at Cape May 10.1840, from which port she hailed. Behr Grace Brown, from Boston for Trenton, cut sway both wads during the galo night of 27th tilt, white Inside of Thatcher's Island. Blio was afterwards towed into Gloucester, Behr D D rfazaid, lying at Brooklyn, parted her flues 2d foot, and come in collision with schr Benbow, of Ban gor; bad her stern badly stove, rails, bobstays and main sail carried away. The Benbow had flgure-head, head gear, and rails carried away, and is also badly chafed. Schr Convert, Wyman, of Brewer, UN from Boston for Buekaport, took the gale of 27th nit, and was blown a', and out into Nantucket 31st.ult, with loss of all sails and leaking badly. The captain and crow have left her, Ate being pronounced unseaworthy. A letter--the date of which is not glyen—from Captain Townsend has been received in regard to the reported total loss of the ship Tear, of New York, stating that while in charge of a pilot, coming out from Nowchwang, the ship grounded on the bar, and that it was his inten tion to stay by tia vessel and lighten her, with the hope of getting her off. pE PORT WINE. DUQUE DO POILTO WINE, BOTTLED IN POBTUOAL IN 1820. Physiclane and invalid,' in want oT a reßable 'snide of pure Port Wine can be 'supplied by inquiring for the above wine at °ANTRIM"' & 'UPPER'S, pout/leant corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. HENNESSY, VINE-YARD PRO- Melons, Bison% Tricoohe a 00, Matt% Pinet, and bther Approved brands of COGNAC) 'BRANDY, tor Pay In boutraud from Moro, by, OANTWELL h REITER, BOOtheita corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. QTUA.RT'S PAISLEY MALT WI3IB - linobanan's Coal 1a Whisky, Old Tom Gin, Old London Gin, London Cordial Gin, Bohlen's Gin, In bond and store. CANTWELL & REEFER, Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. PZOUAVE °VIA MPAGINE.—A new brand--en excellent article. Imported and for sale et a price to cult the times, by 041TWJS'LL d Kim rnn, southeast corner of GERMAXTOWII Avenue and atetann eked. p UDESHEDIER-BERG, LAUBEN. fIXIBIER, and 1100KBEIPIES. WIRE, In owl of one dozen bottlee each• warranted pure. Imported and for pale low br OANTWELL B K.EFFEB, south peat corner ONEMANTOWIi Menne and IdASTSB Street. AZI3I4EULAN'S DRY CATAWBA WINE.—Tble approved brand of blncinnett wine, the beet article out forcobblors," for sale Duro, bot tled end In came, by OASTWDLL & NERVE% south not corner GiRMANTOWN Avenue end DICASTBII Street. - se24.thn QPRING GARDEN FRUIT AND PRODUCE STORE STILL AllEAD.—The sub urriber takes thia method to inform his patrons, and the public generally, that be has removed his Fruit and Pro duce Store to No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street, whore he is now prepared to keep up a full supply of Apples, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries, Nuts of all kinds, Dried Fruits (both Foreign and Domestic), Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Ac, Ac. Also, EXTRA. FAMILY FLOUR, Buckwheat Flour, and Corn Neal. All of which ho will Soli WI low as can e bought anywhere in the city. Defog thankful for pant favors, to *hoe who have SO liberally patronized him heretofore, the subscriber most respectfully solicits a contlnnance of their patronage, and invites all others to give him a call, at hie new place, where he has superior facilities for supplying all +with everything in his line, on the most reasonable. terms. My motto : "To live and lot live quick Balm, and tmall 'profile." Pleaeo give mo a call before purchaeing elsoichero. S. Z. OOTTWALS, de4-11 812 SPRING GARDEN Stroot TrEBRAPINS, OYSTERS STEWED AND FRIED, AND CHIOREN BALAD,—lnvi teflon Cards and other notices will be distributed in all parts of the City, with punctuality. The ondenlgned is at all times prepared to present, for the inspection of Ladles and Gentlemen ' a list of the things necessary for a large or small entertainment, as the coos may be,' thereby avoiding oil unnecoseari profusion 'and waste; and Batters himself, that by his long expo• rionce in busmen, he will he able at all times to give, as heretofore, entire satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage: HENRY JONES, °stem, No: 260 South TWELFTII Street, above 8PR110714 0c143m • A FULL AND PPLENDID AS SWITMENT of Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, and Gents' Numtenth? Goods, just received Rod for sale. Also, a variety of Travelling Shirts. J. W. SCOTT, 814 WIEST. NUT Street. below llordivental gaol. nean-tf PAMPHLET P I IN T I NG, AND every other desalt - Moo of Printing, of the most eurerior quality, at the most roemonable ream], at BING- Ift . A LT & BROWN'S. Drezol's Building. 8 4 South THIRD btxcet. non THE, PUSS.7-1 3 11ILA:DELPIIII, JANUARY -4,1 M ARRIVED UIdfaVICED MEM= MSBIOR&NDA WINES AND LIQUORS ^~'~,. FORNEY'S "WAR PRESS." The intense interest everywhere felt in the mighty con; . teat in which the Lirmlee and Fleets of the Nation aro eagaged; ON THE POTOMAC, IN WESTERN VIRGINIA, IN KENTTJORY, .IN MISSOIIII.I, ON THE BRA COAST, and eisowhere, and the existing demand for a Weekif Joni nal that will furnish a full and accurate account of the thrilling event/ of this exciting, and evor-memorable period, acceptahie alike to Soldiers 112 Camp, to peaceful Plresldos, to those who wieh to, obtain the latest war news, and to those who desire to proserro in a convenient form, for future reference, a correct History of his Great Rebellion, has induced me to commence, on SATURDAY,NOV.I6.IB6I, the publication of a GREAT WAR PAPER, (In bon of the preaent Woe of the Fireekty Press,) to be celled FORNEY'b WAR PRESS." It will be printed in anvolor style, on a large quarto sheet of eight Pages, and each number will preaent the following ATTRACTIVE FEATURES, via : A BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING-, Ithistrating an event of the War, or a MAP or some lo oallty whero important operations are in contemplation; A RECORD OF TM LATEST WAR NEWS from all parts of the country, received during each week by Mall and by Telegraph, from numerous SPBOUtIo fIOIVELEBPONDENTBi and all other reliable sources of information; THE LETTERS OF .60CCAS1ONA1,I" whose epistles from Washington during the last three years have been singularly correct in their statements and predictions, and whose comments upon nubile Minim have bon copied and read with deep interest through out the whole country; A THRILLING SKETCH OR TALE, Illustrative of tho romantic Incidents connected with tha War; GLEANINGS FROM. THE RUM TREASURES OF WAR-WIT AND WAR-POETRY, that are elicited by the mighty ovonts now transpiring; ABLE EDITORIALS ON THE OIt.DAT QIIESTIONS OF THE DAY; THE LATEST LOCAL AND CIXNERAL NEWS ; A SUMIARY OE RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENOR Intareating to all Reaomlnationa MIIPORTANT ARTIOLEB FROM FIEST•OLASS WRITEMB i ACCURATE MABKET REPORTS, Including the Cattle Markets of Philadelphia, Now York, and other places, the Money Market, and Reports of the Prices of Produce and Merchandise. Efforts will constantly be made to Introduce such now features as will render the u WAR PRESS" one of the most popular and attractive Journals of the country. if, contrary to general expectations, the war should be mi. denly brought to a close, its columns will be filled with article that will prove deeply interesting to its readers. TERMS: Ono copy, ono year 82 00 Threo copies, one year a 00 Fire copies, one 8 00 Ton copies, ono year 18 00 Larger Clubs a ill be charged at the same rate, thus: 20 copies will cost $2l i 60 copies will cost aso ; find 100 Males, $l2O. Wo also of f er the following EXTRAORDINARY IND UCEMENTS To every Subscriber remitting us 62 we will forward by mail a first-rate, now, largo COLORED ISIAP of tho Southern States, which gives the moat useful and corn- Prefienstro view of the Seat of War, and descriptions of the important, localities of the South, that has rot been published. Its retail price is fifty cents, and it in well worth double that sum. . . . We will also forward one copy of ibis Map to any pet son who sends us a club of three, of lITe, or of ten sub scribers. Any person Bending na a club of twenty enbecribers, accompanied with $24, will be entitled to an extra copy (tor the getter of the club,) and oleo to a copy of the above mentioned Map. In order to further atimulato individual exertion to ex tend the circulation of the t 4 WAU PltffBl3," we offer the following liberal premium: ONE lIIIHDBED DOLIABB IN CASH Will be presented to the person or persons who may pro cure the largest list of subscribers by the let of April 18432; FIFTY DOIALAItEI to the norson forwarding the second bight:et number by the same period, and TWtNTY•FIVR DOLLAR:I to the person forwarding the third largest number up to that time. .. The conditions of the foregoing premiums requiro all subscriptions to be paid in advanco for ONE YEAS, at the rates published above. ALL POSTMASTERS, end other loyal citizens, are earnestly eolicited to Lida in extending the circulation or the ~ WAR IlitEBB. , They may rest assured that they will thereby not only snare to subscribers a, but one which will be an earnest champion of the vigorom prosecution of the war and the restoration of the Union. SPECIBIER OOPIES will be furnished to those who rouneatthem. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Tome ALWAYS (MOIL In advance. All Lettere to bo DAdroesodto JOHN W. FORNEY, "PIIESB"OffIce, 417 OHEEiTNIIT 87BEET. FOR'SALE AND TO LET Q. II I P TIMBER FOR SALE.- Several Tracts of WfIITE•OAIC TIMBER LAND In Dorchester county, Maryland, convenient to naviga ble water. For particulAra apply to JAS. T. MoOIILLOTIGII, 4025.1m* Elkton, EMI ttF 0 4 %CHANGE A FINE It ioLL PROPERTY, on tlui Eastern Shore of tram , Land, consisting or Grist, Saw, and Carding Mills, Wheel wright Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Store, &c., 'comprising a whole village, with about ,30 acres of ground ; superior water power—no equal in the country ; bringing a rental of $1,600 per annum. Apply to J. 11. WATERS, del3-1S 110 South FOURTH Street. e tt FOR SALE-A LARGE FAC TORY BUILDING, covering a lot of ground 100 feet by 160 feet, having three fronts, with a large Steam Engine, and all In complete order, situate In the c*tre of the City. Will be sold at a great sacrifice. No money required. Port can remain on the promisee, and the balance will be taken in city property. Apply to J. H. WATERS, 110 South YOURTII Street. ARM FOR SALE.--A FARM, in .L excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-one acres, (nine of which are woodland,) pleasantly situated In Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and half miles from the Limerick station, on the Reeding Railroad, is offered for gale. Para—Five thousand dol. Tara ($5,000). Apply on the promises. nol6-tf SAMUEL IL GRA.Itr. ag, FOR SALE—A Desirable FARM, -.L.:. containing 95 acres of superior land, near Sandy Run Station, North Penney/vat:de Railroad, with area. class Mono buildings. Principal part of • the purchase money can remain at 5 per cent. Apply to E. PETTIT, No. 909 WALNUT Street. WOE SALE AND EXCHANGE- A. large number of Farms In the adjoining Colin. ties, Staten of Delaware, Maryland, New York, and New Jersey, averaging from 10 to 200 acres of land. Those wishing to exchange or purchase would do well to call and examine my Register of Farms. Apply to jel-tf E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Streok .LEGAL. ESTATE OF JAMES MURPHY, DECEASED.—Letters toetamentery upon the Ettate of JAMES IitURPPIY, late of the city of Phila. dolphin, cabinetmaker, deed, haring been granted by the Register of Wills to the undersigned, all persona in. dehted to the Estate wilt please make payment, and those having claims will present them to the Executors, at 500 South FRONT Must, Philadelphia. JOHN GROAN, hi IS., CHARI.ES STAGG, Executors. • Or their Attorney, WM. 'ERNST, ja3-6t* t,12 WALNUT Street. -EN THE OBPHANS' COURT FOR JL THE CITY AND COUNTY ON PIIIL&DNL. Zetnte or JULIEN CORVAIZIER, amused Thu Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the account of FANNY CORVAIBIBR, Adminle tratrlx of the Bstato of the said decedent, and to make distribution of the balance in tho bands of the accountant, alit meet the parties Interested for the purposes of file appointment, on HIONDAY, the 12th day of January, 1802 at 4 o'clock, P. M., at his odico, No. 110 South SIXTH Street, in the city of Philadelphia. ja2,4.13,8,10 JADfES B. BOYLE, Auditor. JULIA W. VOELKER, by her next Friend, &c., va. HENRY VOELKER. Common Pleas. Juno Term, 1861. No. 40. Sin: Take notice of a Bodo upon you to show cause why a Dlvorco from the marriage bond should not bo decreed in the above case, roturnablo SATURDAY, January 4, 1862, at 10 o'clock A. M. To HENRY YOELKER, Respondent. LEONARD MYERS, de27-fr&eat4t Attornoy for Libellant. MARSHAL'S SALES it/1" AURAL'S SALE.--13y virtue of .4.LIL a writ of sale, by the Roo. John Oadwalador, Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Slattern District of Penrdlylvanla, in Admiralty, to rne directed, it 111 be sold at public) sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for cash, at the STORE, 712 South DE LAWARE AVENUE, on MONDAY, January 13,1882, at 12 o'clock Tf., part of the cargo of the schooner SU SAN JANT, coneleting of iron, alcohol, linseed oil, fish, pork in pickle, and cod fist,. Tho store will he opened on the morning of the sato, where the goods may b. es seam ed. WILLIAM MIL LIVARD, U. S. Elm ahal E. D. of Poona. nutADELrniA, Dec. 28, 1861. de3o-6t VIO'rELS. A CARD.-THE UNDERSIGNED, lato of the GIRARD HOUSE, Philadelphia, have leased, for a term of yearn WILLARD'S HOTEL, In Washington. They take thls occasion to return to their old Mende and customers runny thanks for past favors, and bog to aunt.° them that they will be most baypy to gee them fn their new quarters. .• BYRES, 0111ADWION., at 130. Wastrrwatos..lnis 19. 1991. 9921-ly i i i IICARBONO OIL CO. - CARBON 011.-1,00 bblo. to arrive. re.r vale la lute by vole agent.; in this city. BROWER It 00., del2-110 20 South DELAWAUt Avenue. INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SUETY INSURANCE COMPANY.—lncorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1835. Office. S. E. cor ner THIRD and WALNUT Sti cote, Philadelphia. Ma rine Insurance on Vessels, Cargo, and Freight, to all parts of the world. Inland insurances ea goads, by river, canal, lake and laud carriage, to a 1 parts of the Union. Pith", INSURANCES On Merchandixo generally. On Stores, Dwelling HOUROR' ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOV.I, 1801. PAR. 0052. enoo,ooo United States Flyover cent. Loan, $100,250 00 60,000 U. States 0 per ct. Treasury Notes. 49,995 37 25,000 United States Seven and Three tenths Treasury Notes.," 25,000 00 100,000 State of Penn. Titre per at. Loan., 89,561 25 123,050 Phila. City Six per cent, L0an...119,448 17 30,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent. t. Loan 24,076 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, let Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds.. 20,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, '2l Mort gage Six per cent, Bonds... 46,110 83 15,000,300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Co. Principal and Interest guaranteed by the City of Philadelphia 14,687 60 6,000,100 Shares Stock Penn. R. R. Co. 0,00 00 Bills receivable for insurances made . $90,780 07 Bonds and mortgages .„ 76,000 00 Real estate 51,363 35' Balances due at Agencies—premiums on Marine Policies, Interest, and other debts doe the Company 43,131 07 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $11,843, estimated valeta. 4,000 00 heels on hand—in Batiks $51,098 03 in Drawer 617 83 William hiartin, Edmund A. Bowler, Theorbilna Paulding, John It. Penrose, John C. Davis ' Jaws Traqualr, William Eyre, Jr., James 0. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. Beal, Dr. B. B. Huston, George G. Luther, Hugh Craig, Charles Kelly, • WILLIAM 1 THOMAS C. HENRY LYLBURN,Sef T HE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANOIt OOMPANY, OP PIOLIDIEILPIOA, OFFICE No. 806 WALNUT STREET, Insures against LOSS 071 DAMAGE BY FIRE, on Houses, Stores, and other buildings, Limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goode, Wares, and Mer chandise, in town or country. " CASH CAPITAL, f23I,IIO.OO—AMTB 6817,142.04, Which is Invested as follows, via In first mortgage on city property, worth double the amount f 1102,900 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. first mortgage loan, at pat - Pennsylvania Railroad oo.'s 5 per cent, se cond mortgage loan, (830,000) ~. 67,900 00 Huntingdon end Broad Tea Railroad and Canal Op.'s mortgage loan 4,000 00 around rent, first-class 2,402 60 lateral loans, well secured 9,500 00 City of Philadelphia 0 per cent loan 170,000 00 Allegheny County 0 per cent. Pa. 88. lean. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock_6,l6s 01 Mechanics' Bank stock2,Bl3 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s ate& .... • . 4,000 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.'s gook. 65,850 00 The County Fire Insurance Co.'s stock 1,050 00 The Delowaro M. B. Insurance Co.'s stock.. 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s ecrip 880 00 Bills receivable 14,802 74 Book accounts, accrued interest, &o 7,104 65 Cash on hand 11,644 04 818T,143 04 The Mutual principle, combined with the security of a Stock Capital, entitles the insured to participate 112 the rioriTs of the Company, without liability feria:wane. Leases promptly adjusted and paid. D/BECTOBEL Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William Musser, Benj, W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, J. Johnson Bowen, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen ' John Bissell, Pittsburg. TINGLIDY, President. Clem Tingley, - William R. Thompson, Frederick Brown, William Stevenson, John R. Worrell, E, L. Carson, Robert Toland, G. D. Rosengarton, Charles S. Wood, Jomee S. Woodward, OLE B. N. Elneauemer, Secrete: February 16, 1861. FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIV LY.—The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INBURANOM 005IPANY. Incorporated 1825. • CHASTER. PER PETUAL. No. MO WALNUT Street, opposite Independ ence Square. This Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-14 years, continues to insure against Loss or Da mage by Fire, on public or private Buildings, either per manently or for a limited time. AWN on Tnraltare, stocks of Goode, or Xernhandise gtmerallY, on liberal V 31915. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus land, iv Invaded in the meet careful moaner, which enabled them to offer to the Insured en undoubted security In the ease of lose. . DIDIMODS. Jonathan nate:wri t Thomas Boblns, Quint - in Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Deverenx, William Montana, Thomas Smith. Isaac liadehorst, JONA.THAN'PATTEDSON, hvitident. Wrimax G. Oahwittm, Secretary. apt A NT II RACITE INSURANOE COMPANY. Authorized Capital 4400,000 011ABTF.It Office No. 811 WALNUT Street, between Third and ?math Streets, Philadelphia. Thli, will insure against loss or damage by on Bui l di ng s , urglttire, and Merchandise gene• rani. Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Liorgoes, and freights. Inland Insurance to all Darts of the Union, DIRECTORS. Joseph Maxfield, John Ketcham, John R. Blakiston, Wm. P. Dean, J. E. Damn. ESHER, President. DEAN, Vico President. --.. spa& Jacob Esher, D. Luther, E. Attdonried, Davis Paragon, rater Sieger, JACO] W. N. fIidITIG Secretary, FIRE INSURANCE. MECHANICS' INSURANCE 001i1PA.NT PHILADELPHIA, No. IBS North SIXTH Street, below Race, Insure Buildings, Goods, and hlerehandise gene. rally, from Lose or Damage by Fire. The CoraPanr ifaa. ranty to adjust all Losses promptly, and thereby hope to Merit the patronage of the public. DIRECTORS. William Morgan, Hobert Flamm, Francis Cooper, Michael McGee'', George L. Dougherty, Edward McGovern, James Martin, Thomas B. IticOonnick, James Duress, John Bromley, Matthew McAlear, Francis Falls, Bernard Rafferty, Jan Caseady, Thomas J. Hemphill, Bernard R. Rebmann, Thorne Fisher, Charles Clare, Francis McManus, Michael Cahill. FR CIS COOPER, President. BeIBAID Rd/VIRTY, Secretary. 0028 PHILADELPHIA INSURANCE COIVIPANY OF THE IL STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFF/OE N. and 6 EXCHANGE BIIILDINGB, North side of WAS.L. NUT Street, between DOGE and THING Strode, FHA. dolphin. ESORPPORATED In 1704-OHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, 8200,000. PROPERTIES OP 'P 188 HIO COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1r 1, 8507,004.81. ft/ADINN, SIRE, AND INLAND TILANOPOBTA. T/ON INSUHANON. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd s Samuel Grant, Jr., Marled Macsluster, Tobias Wagner, William S. Smith, Thomas B. Watteon, John B. Budd, Henry G. Freeman, William B. White, Charles B. Lewis, • George IL Stuart, George 0. °arson, Edward . Knight. HENRY D. SILEGIUSED, President. WaLrag Roarer. Becretarg. Jr2O-ti THE ENTERPRISE LIM:MANCE 0011PAITE or PHILADELPHIA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXOLUSWELE.) COMPANY'S BITELDINO, S. W. CORNER FOURTH AHD WALNUT STREETS. HIHEOTOBS. F. Ratchford Starr, Aron:Neal L. Dawson, William McKee, Geo. H. Stuart, Uslbro Frazier, John IL Brown, John H. Atwood, B. A. Fahnotdock, Benj T. Tredich, Andrew D. Clash, ' Henry Wharton, J. L. Errlnger. F. BATURFORJ) STARR, ProAdent OBAILIs W. 0011. Socretars fel& A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE VOMPANT. Incorporated 1810. MART= PILUPETUAL. blo.Blo WALNUT Street, above Tidal, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Stock end Surplus, in tested In sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on Dwellings, %ma, 10:wafture, Merchandise, Vett ed, in port and their Oargoee, and other Personal Pro perty. All Loma liberally and promptly adjusted. DIBEOTOES. Thomas B. Marin, John Welsh, Samuel 0. Morton, Patrick John 'l` THOI.II Acnsni G. L. OldWl/031); UKCHA.NGE INSURANOE CoM ll Re. 409 WALNUT Street. _ Fire Insurance on Timms, end Merchandise generally, On favorable tonxus, elthor Limited or PorpetuaL DIREOTORE. Jeremiah Boma, Thorne North, John Q. Ginuodo, Chula. Thomms, Edward b. Roberts, James T. Hale, Samuel D. Smedley, .Tosima T. Owen Bonbon 0. Bale, John J. Griffiths ' . JRBRAILL&H BONFIALL, President. JOHN Q. GINRODO, Vioe President. BIONATID 003, Bocrotary. la3l PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. 921 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROPITS DIVIDED AMONG THE IN SURED. Insure Lives for short terms or for the whole term of life; grant Annutim and Endowments ; purchase Idle We nets it Real Estate, and make all oontracta depending on the contingencies of UM. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. ASSETS 02` THE COMPANY, January 1,1881. Mortgages, ground rents, real estate $822,981 97 United States stocks, Treasury notes, loans of State of Ponneryinnia, city of Philadel phia, Ac 289,795 84 Premium notes, loans or collateral", Ao 881,8941 68 Pennsylvania, North Pennsylvania Rail roade, and County 6 per cent. bonds 105,802 50 Hank, insurance, railroad, canal stooks, 40. 97,047 49 Cash on hand, agents' balances, Ac 88,900 14 81,071,181 01 DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice PrueMent. Jo= W. Hoation, Bocretary. Ail i gno PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING RAILROAD CIP., (ORM AA? Bonth Fourth street.) PHILADELPHIA Aril 2; 18411/. On and after May 1, 1881, fit 3143011 tickets Will be leaned by this company for the portals of three, six, nine, and twelve months, not transferable. Season echool•tioketa may also be Had at 88 per cent. Mamma. Those tickets will be sold by the Treaenrer et 80. MR south FKIRTE street, whore any farther informable!) can be obtained. BRADFORD, QOM! Treaanrer. WEST CHESTER aiIIIMPE—RAILROAD TRAINS NIA PERM SYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corner ELE VENTH and RIABEET Edroota, •t 8 A. N., ISM noon, •pd 4 P. IL no2•tl BEBT QUALITY -ROOFING SLATE ehtsfa en hand and for Bala at Union Wlisrf,l46l MUM Etzwet. Remington. T. THOMAS, ToTT_9• WIT WATAIII, treat. Plithuirolthls CIROULAR PRINTING, BEST and Oncapeat In the City, at lIINGWALT =OW IPB, 24 2,auth TIII/33) 24004 watt 4889,128 37 0 TORS. Samuel E. Stokes, J. F. Peuiston, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer ht'llvaine, Thomas O. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, 'Joshua P. Eyre, (John B. Semple, Pittsburg, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg, A. R. Berger, Pittsburg. MARTIN, President. . HAND, Vice President. :crotary. dot}-tf James Campbell, Edmund G. Dutilb, (Teazles W. Poelimey, Israel bionic AB R. HABIB, President. fieentarr. te22•tt SEASON TIOKiTB RAILROAD LINES,. THE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. TDB GREAT DOUBLE 'TRAM BORT& 162. INIEWO THE CAPACITY Or THE ROAD IS NOW EQUAL 70 ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THE GREAT SEOILT LINE TO TEN WEST Facilities for the transportattol of passengers to and from Pittsturg, Cincinnati, Chicago, St Louis Bt. Paul, Nashville, Memphis, New Orleans. and all other towns' In the West, Northwest, and Southwest, are unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. - Sleeping and smoking cars on all the trains. THE EXPRESS RUNS DAILY Mail and Fast Line Sunday s excepted. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia at......... 8.00 A. M. Fast Line . ...... ....11.30 A, M. Express Train o 10.30 P. M. Parkesburg Accommodation leaves Phila. at.. 12.30 P. M. Harrisburg ' 5 .. 230 P. hI Lancaster •' . 4.00 P. 01. Weet Cheater pitmengora will.take the 6tail Train, the Parkeeburg Accommodation, and the Lancaster Accom modation. Passengers for Sunbury, itilliamsporh Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Philadelphia. at 8 A. M. and 2.80 P. At, go directly through. For further Information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, B. E. coring. of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. By this route freight, of all descrlPtions can be for. warded to and from any point on the Railroads of Ohio, Kentucky, Indinnis, Illinois, Wi•coaein, lowa, or Mis souri, by railroad direct, or to any port on the naviga ble rivers of the Weet, by steamers from Pittsburg. The rates of freight to and from any point in the Won by the Pennsylvania Railroad, are, at all times, as fa 'corsage as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Merchants and shippers entrusting the transportation of their freight to this Company, can rely with confidence on li e speedy transit. For freight contract, or shipping directions apply to or aadress One Agents of the Company. B. B. 'KINGSTON, in., Philauelphia. D. A. STEWART. Pittsburg. CLARKE & Co., Chicago. & Co., No.l Astor Mute, or No. 1 South William street, New York:- . . LEEOI3 St CO., No. 17 Waablogion street, Boston. ritie.GßAW ,gt. KOONS, No SO North etreot, Baltimore 11. LL HOUSTON, Gon'i Freight Agent, entia. L. L. HOUPT, Gon'l Ticket Agent, Phila. ENOCH LEWIS, Gen', 6¢0% Altoona. /4-tr 1861. ammo 1861. ARRANGEMENT Or NEW YOEJ LINER. THE OAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD ocl.w LINES FROM PIIIbADELPHIA TO NEW YOUR AND WAY PLACES. FROM WALNUT-STEW WHARF AND 10.9811NOTOS. LF,Avir, 48 r0w..0w.5--yo; 1/Allll At 0 A. 111., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ao . ooramodati 82 28 At e Ac A; o O n, A Camden and Jersey City, (N. J. commodation) 211 At OX A. via Kensington sad JerseyOlty,lllorn ing $ 00 At 121{ P. At., via Camden and Amboy, Acconuno• dation 2 23 At 2 P. ht., via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex _ Meg 000 At 4 F. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Express 800 At 4 P. Af., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Maas 2 23 Ticket. At P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Eve. ring Mail 800 At 12 P. M., via Kensington and Jerseyelty, South ern Mail..., 800 At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aecommada. ton, (Freight and Passenger}.-14 Class Ticket.. 2 26 DE. do. 2d Class Ticket.. 1 BO The 6% P.M. Mall Line rune daily, Sundays excepted. The 12 P M ilouthem Mail runs daily. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wlliccsbezre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., at 7.10 A. 71. from Renelng.. top. via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western B. B. For Manch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Futon, Lambertville, Flemington , Ac., at 7.10 A. B, and 3 P. B. from iteuetngton Depot• (the 7.10 A. B. ltuo connects with train leaving Easton'for Hauck Chunk att 8:86 P. 74.1 For Mount folly et 6A. M., 2 and 4P. M. ' For Freehold at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 7.10 and OK A. 61., and 3,5, 6 80, and 12 P M., from Renologtom For Palmyra, Riverton, Dolanco, Beverly, Burling ton, Florence, Pordeutown, &0., at 12%, 1,4, 6, and 6% ear For New York and Way Linos leaving liming ton Depot, take the care, on Fifth street, above Walnut, ball an hour before departure. The care run Into the depot, and on arrival of each train run from the depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to Ono Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond $lOO, ex cept by epode]. contract. WM. H. GATZILER, Agent. NORTH PENNSYIe ariffli '. •': YANIA RAILROAD. YOB BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, MAUCH OHTINN, HAZLETON, EASTON. HOELEY, eta. WINTER. ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, NOVEDIBER 4,1881, Pea. aenger Train's will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, dailygeundays excepted ' ) as follows: At OAS A. N., xpreas,) for Bethlehem; Allentown, Manch Chunk, Hazleton, &o. At 2.46 P. N., (Brprese,) for Bethlehem, Emden, &o. Ws train reaches Easton at 8 P. M., and makes a None oonneellon with the New Jersey Central for New York. At OA P. M., for Bethlehem ) Allentoeirt, Mauch Ohnek, Me. At 9 A. M. and 4 P. M., for Doylestown. At 0 P. M., for Port Washington. The 6.40 A. EL Ex - press Train makes close connection With the Lebegh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable route to all points in the Lehigh coal region. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 7.07 A. M., 9.18 A. N., and 5.88 P.M. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. M. and 3.20 P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.00 A. M. ON SUNDAYS—Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 9.80 khiliklelphia for Doylestown at 4 P. hi. Doylestown for Philadelphia at f A. M. Fort Waehlugton for Philadelphia at 2.46 P. M. faro to Detblehem.,..Bl.6o (Faro to Mauch Ohunk.S2.6o rare to Eaatot 1.6 6 Through • Tickets moat e procured at the Ticket Omoea, at WILLOW Street, or BE MS Street, in order to swore the above ratan of rare. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Train) maned as Berko street with tho Fifth and Sixth streets, and Ss- Oond and Third-areas Passenger Railroads, twenty mi nutes after leaving Willow street. nod ELLIS CLAIM, Agent. asponsWINTER AR RANGEMENT.—PIIMADEIL. NILS, WILMINGTON, .4,11 D BALTIMOSN BAIL ROAD. On and allot MONDAY, NOV. 18, 1881, e :}~ ~ ~ :~ For Baltimore at 3.80 A. hl., 8.15 A. 61.,11.85 A. M., (Express). and 10.50 P. M. For Chostor at 8.15 A. 31., 11.85 A. M., 8.45 and 10.50 P. M. For Wilzdngton at 8.80 A. M., 815 A. M., 11.36 A. 1.11., 1 8.46 are 10.50 P. M. For Now °sotto at 8.15 A. M. and 8.46 P. M. For Dover at 0.15 A. 11. and 8.46 P. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. M. For Baliebnry at 6.16 A. M. TRAINS FOIL PEIMATIELPFILS: Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A. M. (Brunei°, 1.05 P. M. (Express), 6.20, and 7 P. DI. (Express). Loave Wilmington at 7.80 and 11.23 A. IL, 4.16, 6 46, end 9.60 P. IL Leave 6allabury at 2.36 P. M. Leaie Milford at 4.65 P. M. Leave Dover at 9 A. M. and 6.10 P. 8.1. Leave New Basile at 11 A. It, and 8.10 P. M. Leave Cheater at 8.20 A. AL, 12.16, 4.50, and 9.80 P. M. Leave Baltimore for BallsburY and Intermediate statical 15.20 and 7 P. DI; for Dover and intermediate stet:lone 1.05 P. M. . _ _ . ,TItAINB POP. BAL1931011M: Leave Cheater at 13.45 A. M., 12.06 and 11.20 P. M. Lorna Wilmington at 440 A. M., 0.26 A. 66.,13.66 P , and I/ A. M. naciairr TRAM, with Paceengot Oar attached, will ran as follows Leave MlMl°lphis for Perryville and Intermediate noes nt 5.10 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville sad Intermediate acre at 7.10 P. N. Leave Dalthnoro for Havre do Grano and Intermediate atione at 9 A. ON SIINOAYI3 ONLY: At 3.30 A. M. and 10.60 P. 151. from Philodo'Ali to Baltbnore. At 'I from Baltimore to Philtarolphia. Tho 3..30 A. M. Crain from Philadelphia to Baltimore wlll run daily, Nonrtayt ezcepted. ae'2B-11 8. M. %ELTON. President. giaromPECLA.DELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS FOR POTTSVILLE, READ ING, and HARRISBURG, on and after November 4,186 L MORNING LINES, DAILY, ((Sunders excepted.) Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW BILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on Vallowhill etreetta) at 8 A. IL, con necting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 4.15 P. M. train, running to Pittsburg ; the 011MBERLAND VALLEY 1.60 P. N. train running to Ohamberebnrg, Qarllsle, dm.; and the NORTHRBN OENTRAL RAILROAD 1.20 P. M. than musing to Sun bury, tina. • AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW. HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Paasen,ger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhill se,,) for POTTSVILLE and HAEHISSIING, at 13.16 P. EL, DAILY, connect. lug at Harrisburg with the Northern Central Railroad, for Snnbury, Williamsport, Elmira, ho. Express Train from New York via Easton makes close connection with the Beading Mail and Accommodation Trains, connect ing at 'Harrisburg with the Pennsylvania Central 3.15 A. M. Train running weak For READINCI only, at 4.110 P. M., DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) DISTANCES VJA PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. 1103( PHILADAILPIIIi, Miles. To Phoenixville...,o'“ 28 8eading............. 6B Lebanon 88 Harrisburg 112 Dauphin 124 Millersburg 142 Treverton Junction.lsB Sunbury 164 Northumberlend....l7l Lewisburg 178 Milton 188 Money 197 Williamsport 209 Jersey Shore 228 Lock Haven 286, Ralston 1 8 1 ? Williamsport and Elmira Troy Railroad. Emirs 287 The 8 A. 61. and 8.16 P..J . trains oetumtdally at Port Clinton, (Sunders excepted,) with the OATAWISSA, WILLIAMSPORT, and Rung RAILROAD,making Close connections with tine. to Niagara salla, (rum* the Wept and Southwest. DEPOT IN PRILADELPILIA : Oorner of BROAD and OALLOWRILL Street& W. H. MoIGRBBNRY, Secretary. October Doom]. PbWobble and Beading and Lebanon Valley B. B Banbury and 'Brio B. B. is in gem I Mai AND WIN TE B ABBANGBMENT.— MILADELpiIiA, 92111BLANToWN, and NOEBIB - BAILItOLD: • Tun TABLE. Chi and after Monday, October 28,1861, wall further notice. . FOB GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8, 9,10.08,11,12 A.IL, 1,2, 8,4, 8,8, 7,8, 9, lOM, and 11% P. M. Leave Germantown, 9,7, 7), 8, BX, 9x,10g, uN, A. ILO, 2, 8, 4,0, 6, 8 , 9g, UP. M. The 8.3 A. DI. train from Germantown ettna lt Tines and Ttoga only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 A. M., 2,7, and 1915 P. M. Leave Germantcp, 8.10 A. M.,,1, and 9N F. M. I::: 1.1:1.13 LoavondladelMds, 13, 0,11, A. M., 2,4, 5,8, and log P. M. Lowe Ohettnnt mu, 7.10, 9.10,10.10, 0 , 3.40, 6.40, TA% and 9.10 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. .Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. )Yl., 9 and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.50 A. M., 1140, 5.40, and 9.10 P.M. FOR 0051SHOHOOREN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6X, 9.05, 11.56 A. Id., 1%, 0.00, 0.05, and 9.00 P. 05. Leave Norristown, 7, 8, 9, 11 A. M., 1)i, 4,1 i, and P. M. . . . ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 8 P. M. Leave Norristown, IX A. M., 5 P. M. POP. MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia, 6N, 9,11 A. hl., /Kt 8 . 05 , Lit 0.05, and 8.05 P. M. Leave Menem*, 6.1, ag, eg, og, lig A. St. 2, _ 6, dnd 8% P. M. ON SUNDAYS.' Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 8 and 7 P. U. Leave Mei:mynah, 7X A. M., 6% and 8 P. M. SMITN, General Superintendent, 0u26-d Divot lalPpland PLUM Streets. uunrEas, BRINLEY, • No. 42D Isms= myna GALE OF FRENCH DRY DOOM Oa Friday Morning, January 9, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, hit cash— • 350 inhi Of fancy and staple French dry goods. - IT Batonles and malnguas early on morning nt swiss nam F, PANCOABT, All()TIONISIEA, IA • Snoteeoor to B:timtt, 3r.. al MIISTBUT S. SALE OF ABINRICAN AND 181 PORTED DRY GOODS, GERAIANTOWN FA.NOY KNIT GOODS, 110SIERY, NOTIONS, MISTS, STOCK GOODS, Ito., by Catalogue On Wednesday Morning, January 8, commencing at 10 o'clock W 0 010,1 7. FURS. FURS. FURS, Mao, On Wednesday ?darning, At 10 o'clock, an invoice of faddonable furs, buffalo' and fancy robe', &c. LB. H 0 P PIN, AUCTIONEER. 242 MARKET MEET. PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTION &&B8, Noe. 626 6tAIIHNT end 622 nomitsiuni ARMY SUPPLIES _ OFFIOR OF FII GONDIDSARY OF /3 17 113/SFRIIOB, NO. 1130 GIRARD STARRY, Philadelphia, December 28,1861. Proposals will be received at this office until the FOURTII DAY of JANUARY, /802, for furnishinew the use of the United States army, at such times and in BUDD quantity as may be required during the month of January, the following subsistence stores—vl2 : 600 barrels prime mesa now Pork. 1,500 barrels extra superfine Flour. 200 bushels first quality now white Beans, in good flour barrels. 16,000 pounds prime Mee in good flour barrels. 10,000 pounds prino Rio Rice, in barrels. 2,000 gallons Vinegar. 2,000 pounds best quality Adamantine Candles, full weight, twelves. 12,000 pounds good hard Soap, full weight. ' 200 bushels good clean, dry lino Salt, in good tight barrels. 500 gallons good Molasses or Syrup. Samples in boxes distinctly marked to accompany pro posals for all articles except meat. All of the articles to be of the best quality, securely packed, and in perfect or der for transportation. Seller's name and date of purchase required on each package. Certificates of inspection of meat aad flour will be required. Bide from known dealers or manufac turers only will be considered, and each bid must be ac companied by the written guarantee of responsible per sons for tho faithful performance of the contract. Proposals to be endorsed "Proposals for Subsistence Stores," and directed to Captain..r. N. BUM, - - CommissfiCy of Subsistence, , dell-It United States !Volunteers. (IFFICE OF ASST. Q. N. U. S. A V —FORT DIONSOF, VA., Docember 24,1801 Healed proposals will be received at this office until HI o'clock, at noon on the TENTH DAY OF JANUARY NNXT, for fu rnishing two Steam Fire Engines for this Pest. Each to have an 8, 9. or 10-inch Cary's Rotary Pump, or other pump of equal capacity, with auction hose, (length and diameter to be named,) and sufficient number of discharge pipes also, tender for fuel, and hose reel to accommodate 500 feet of hom of usual size. Proposals will alto state price per foot for suction hose of same size as that with engine, from 50 to 75 feet nidi tional b, ing required with each, with all necessary con nections i alto, for 500 feet of India rubber delivery hose of the requisite strength, with 7X-inch connections. Bid ders will state, in detail, the capacity of each 8,9, or 10- inch pump for drawing and discharging water under dif ferent lengths of suction and discharge hose; time re quired to get up a sufficient head of steam for effective work, and such other Information as will enable this De partment to decide upon the bide. Separate proposal!, mill be received for the one thousand feel of India rub ber delivery hose if desired. Price in each case to in clude delivery at this post is fa and cotnplete working enter. Bidders will also slate when they Can execute their proposals. (Signed) de2B.tjalo GRIER TALL RADON, A. Q. N. SEALED PROPOSALS ARE IN 'Red till the 10th day of JANUARY, 1002, at 12 o'clock 21., for supplying the Government with DERV CATTLE. The Cattle to be delivered at Harrisburg, Chambtssburg. or York, Pa., as soon atter the 28th day of March, 1802, as the Government may direct. The Go vernment Will receive under this contract 4,000 head, and reserve the right to call for any additional number up to 10,000. Each lot of Collie delivered shall average at least 1,300 pounds from weight; and no animal will be received which weighs less than 1,000 pounds gross weight. Government reserves to itself4he right to pay in 'Trea sury notes, and to reject any bid for any cause. No bid will be entertained unless the bidder Is present to re spond. Tho bide to be directed to Mejor A. DUCKWITH, 0. S. D. S. A., Washington, D. 0., and endorsed "Propo sals for Beef." I, A It, do herby propose to deliver to the Govern went Rood Beet Cattle on the hoof for- per hundred pound,' gross weight. The Cattle to be delivered at --, according to the tetras of the enclosed advertise ment. Tho Cattle to be weighed on the scales, and the weight eo determined to be the purchase weight. I hereby agree to give a good and sufficient bond for the fulfil ment of the contract, and to receive Treasury notes or or other Government funds In payment for the Cattle. de2B-dtia9 OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND QUIPAGE, N. E. corner TWELFTH and G IRA tl) Streets. PROPOSALS.—ProposaIs will he received at Ode ot. lice until SATURDAY, Jan. 3, 1812, to furnish for the Schuylkill Arsenal ONE SITOTION FIRE ENGINE. Bidders are requested to state the price and 1117.0, end where the engine Zan be inspected. G. 11. OBOShiI.N, lite2T Dep. Q. M. Gen , U. 0. A. AMWEEKT,Y CODIAIIINICA TION BY s'nem BETWEEN • zsi; yowl. AND LIVERPOOL, calling at mu (Inaea,) to land awl embark pekaaangera and destatelisa. The J?iTerpool, New York, atka Pletlmlelphla Mee* ebb GompiaN Irpmdid. Oiyde-built iron exteor ekam• ships are intonded to sail as follows: PROM mr,vir YORK Yort tivz.vooL. EDINBURGH Saturday, ,Inn. 4,1581 ETNA Saturday, Jan. IL 'KANGAROO Sanidt+Y, Jari.lB. And every Saturday tturottiebont the yeor t Zona No. 44 N. It. BATES OF reiasmis THROUGH FROM PittLADELPIELL-- Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool. . 571 Do. to London, via Liverpool $OO Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool. . SES Do: to London. DO. Itetarn ticket's, available for six months, from Liverpool 666 ramengere forwarded to Havre, Parte, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of peerage leaned from Liverpool to Now York VA Corti&otos of passage issued from CPlatiottOtim to New York LW These steamers have superior accommodations for pas sengers, aro constructed with watertight osumachnettto, and carlT experienced Surgeons. Tor freight, or passage, apply at the *face of the 0011. P 8427, JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia. In Liverpool, to WPf. Tower Buildings. In Glasgow, to Whf.12416A13, 18 Dixon atmst.. LIVERPOOL; NEW YORK, AND PHILADELPHIA STEAMSHIP 0021PhXY By order of the Secretary of State, 141 panorama leaving the 'United gtates are required to procure pan porta beforegoing on board the steamer. noB•tf 3011 N G. DALE, Agent. dim THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL NAIL STEAK. SHIP& PASSPORTS.-AB persons leaving the Halted States will require to have PASSPORTS from the authorities di their respective countries, tounterg=ed by the Secretary of State at Wasidngton, or by tho Passport Agent al port of embarkation. FROM NEW PORE TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage SIX Second Cabin Passage Tit FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Older Cabin Passage.... Socon.d Cabin Paasage The ship. from New York call at Cork Harbor. Tdo ships from Boston oall it Halifax and Cork Bar bor. PERSIA, Capt. Judishas. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA, Capt. J. Lott& ASIA, Capt. N. G. Lott. AMBICA, Capt. HockUT. AUSTRALASIAN, NIAGARA, Capt. Moodis. Capt. Cook. EUROPA, Capt, Anderson. SCOTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a clear white light at meat-bud ; green on starboard bow; red on port bow. AESRICA, Stone, learns N. York , Wednesday, Jan. 1. NIAGARA, Moak% Boston, Wednesday, Jan. S. ASIA, Lott, - " N. York, Wednesday. Jan. X CANADA, Muir, a Boston, Wodnesday, Jaa. 22, AFRICA, Shannon, " N.York, Wednesday, Jan. 29. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these shine will not be ecceentatie 4:4 Gold, Silver Bullion,Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, wilco' bilhof lading are signed therefor, sad the value thereof therein expressed. .7tor freight or pas sage, earls to E. OVNBBIf, rohd-tf 4 BOWLING GRIM. New Toth. AM PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORRS.—NEAPLIA LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL 2INOL NEEDS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MARERS,BLAWL* SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, tray - trig, for many Years, bean in successful operation, and been exclusively we. gaged in building and repairing Marine awl River En gines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tank', Propellers, ito., Au, respectfully offer their services to the public, se being fully prepared to contract for En gines of all sizes, Marine, River, end Stationary, haste ads of patterns of different elms, are prepared is axe cute ardent with quick despatch. Every descriSion in Pattern making made at the shortest notice. Binh sad Low Pressure, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder BMWs, o the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. .Forging, of sil sires and kinds• Iron and Brass Castings, of all Sa" seriatim,' , Roll 'Turning, Strew Cutting, and ill gait work connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifwations for all work deco at Bilk establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The eubscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pain of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, isid are provided with shears, blocks, fails, , te., imp fee ring heavy or light weights. JACOB 0. IMAM, JOHN P. LEFT, BEAOM and PALMER Wavela._ Northam Crentrai Railroad. TAI:IOIULS W7lllolt. W/1,1311.1 U. Minato:, 111.HTLIVI mumax, SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, NINTH AND WASHINGTON STEM% YttiLiDILYIIII.. MERRIAM & SONS, BNO.INBEAS AND MACHINIST Mainfacture High and Low Pressure Steam Itstenal for land, river, and marine 'ionise. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron BOSI4 ea* Inge of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Boots for Gas Works, Workshops', Bail. road Stations, &a. Betorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and meet ImProved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, OSSIM Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Smug Trains, Defocatora, Filters, Pumping Engines, as. Sole Agents for N. P.Miertee Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nessnyth's Paten (Steam Hammer, and AS. pinwall & Wolecy's Patent Oelltrifuna ISuiPmDratabse Machine. WWI FOR NEW YORK. iiiNSW DAILY LINN, via Delaware NWII Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and Nem York Express Steamboat 00111. pally receive freight and leave Maly at 2 P. E., debases their cargoes in New York the following dam. neiglits taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES,PhiWeIsh& TAMES HAND, Agent, ant-if Piers 14 and lb EAST MEE, biew Yogis. a dr oi t FOR NEW YORK. Tbs Philadelphia Steam Propeller Cottipeap will commence their busineell for the season on Iliontinii 18th indent. Their steamer are now rooolylng trolglat et &OM( Vier above Walnut street., Tomo twoommoitntlng. - Annly to BALED & Pia Booth Delaware AyeeM (IARD PRINTING, BEST AND (Meanest in the Oftr, at 811 , TOWALT & BROWN 8, 84Bouth THIRD Week' ~~~@ C~ `i ~' ~ ~ SALM BY AVVTION. PROPOSALS FORM OF BID SUIPPING/ NOTICE TO PASSENGEB6 MACHINERY AND IRON. itOffil I. OOPS, =IC V - g - :, -;. .' i'' ' ''',':; ; ;," ' T • EY4vekiiir4; THQM.I3 -- et!. RON& Bros: Z 8 1114.14.18:mdi 101nrili Orem (lomat) , N. IST . 240 ua PUBLIC SALE (9 REAL 'EATATE, .srocKs, At the Exchange, nn Tuesday nest, at 22 eclotk tom Full partlcaber,6 in pamphlet natefognee, no w %reedy. pußtio RAM BIM BOTAU L ANit AT fiHE DICHANGS, irvanr-TVismi, se - 11 nolnytieriset the bushiestresse on." - UAL MATE 16.1 . PILITATII Sit& Mr We limb a Mtge niesount et 04 eessie We, including may ileseripakei den/ and party. Printed nate-may be bM MIN) cog STOCK& PgWe t de. , - it On Toesdah. - ' --. ' -4.-, January 7, at 12 o'clock ao.a, at the Philadelphia Zachaege , -- /00 shares Bohemian Mining Company. 100 share, Peiiusylvenis :Medea Company. Pew No. 90 Oalrary..eburch -middle Wale, Locust st. /share Mercantile Library Company. I abate to the - Philadelphia Ithetuetan. I shares Ameriecaracadenp of Music, with task EIAVEII7II FALL BALE—JANUARY T. Will ittelude the Rowing, Execntoee Bale—Estate of damn Taylor, deed. BEIM DWELLING AND LOT OF 01101N21, 1 southwest thrum of Montgomery arenas and Debirrad" street, Eighteenth ward. Lot 97 by 90 feet. - Same Estate—LOT OF GBOEIND, Belgrade street, IT by 90 feet. Sarno Estate-6 LOTS OF GROUND, adjoining Or above, 17 by 144 feet. Same Estate-4 LOTS OF GROUND, Honer:mew avenue, near Belgrade btreet. 18 by 117 feet. Same Estate --LOT OF GROUND, in the rear of the above. - AT For farther particulars see handbills and litho graphic plans. Tnistees Peremreate. LOT OF GROUND, Front street, between Tine mid Caltowhill streets', N0e331. 24 feet front, 4 0 feet deep, to Water street. Fele absolute. Execntor'e Peremptory Sole—Katate of Catharine King, _ _ deceased. .TIIIIEE FRAttlik DWELLINGS, 'Earl street, north roost of 'Thompson street, Eighteenth ward. Peremptory SaIe.—THERE.STOEY BRIM DWEL LINO, N 0.132 Laurel street, east ot—NewMarket etre* Sixteenth ward. HANDSOMr NNW' MODERN DWELT.MiG, No:. 2089 Wallace [treat, weal of Twentieth. Receivers sale by order af the Court. Furniture of e Commercial Agency Hamm& • LARGE IRON FI th RE PROOFE--SUPEROR OFF/0. DESES, ' On Monday Nanjing, January 6, at 10 o'clock, at the Commercial Agency Rooms, No. 12 North Third street, Without reserve, by order of a Receiver, the valuable furniture, fixtures, at. comprising 4 superior fire proofs, 16 walnut and ma hogany dace desks, book racks. with drawers, - rafibag, am., copying primes, Ac. LARGE AND SUPERIOR FIRE-PROD'.' SAVES. Also,_ very large and superior fire-proof safes, by Far rel Herring. 2 very large and superior. fire-proof safes, by Erma & Watson. Cfiftted iron thief-proof safe, by Lillie. e 9" llay be examined at soy time previous to the owls. Sale at Noe. 139 and 141 South rourth Street. SUPERIOR FtIRSITORE, FRENCH-PLATE MRS ROBS, PIANO-FORTY.% BEDS AND BEDDrriCh CHINA AND GLASSWAI2B, BEVSSILLS AND OTHER CARPETS, ans. On Thuroday Morning, At 9 O'clock, at tho Auction Store, the roteriter tong- , furniture, )Senn-fertre, mirrors, Brussel* and Wag car nets, asc., from tontine* declining botmeireeptag, removed to the store for toncesdence of sale. Catakvara ready the day Itfaylotia to sate, AT PRIVATE SALE shaTta Melt T4b_riay. - - MOSES NATHANif, AMMON - EU AND COMMISSION AINDADIANN. outbi corner of SIXTH and SAM Streets. , AT PRIVATE SALE, AT PRICES TO SUIT THE T 13412& The following Do sold for ter than WAIL.- mud gelling price: Fine gold hunting-caw, dotblq-essa; and - lotable-ima torn 'English patent lever watches, of the moat appera* and boat makers' fine gold double-time lover watches; independent seconds ,lever watches; So gold hunting-Case and opon-face escapement lever are /spine watches; horizontal and duplex watches' arts hunting-case, double "are, and double-bottom inglas patent lever, escapement lever, and leplue watches, Of lOW most approved and beet makers; double-case and opar face diver watches; 'diver Quart/ex and single-0o watches; fine gold vest, neck, fob, and guard ciabs,• diamond finger-rings and breast-pins; mats of fine pit Jewelry; gold breast-pins, earrings, finger-rings, *saw lets, pencil-cases, pens, and jewelry of every destelpdgm;, g ho u lens, pistols, m genetidly. tudcal instruments, piano-fortes, Wad as , ts MONSIr TO LOAN NoneY advanced liberally, for any bagel of Ub agreed upon, on gold and ellver plate, dlanionde, waking,- Jewelry, fowling-plecee musical Instruments, dry wok Clothing, groceries, h ardware,cutlery, furnltaro, bad— ding, fancy artlelee. and on uricles of value. . CONSIGNMENTS AND OUT-DOOR SUM ma CITED. „ - . . , Liberal cash &drawee made on an articles oo for aide. Personal attendee.' even to alrout,loorZt. BUSTIVESS NOTICES. JAMES T. -Mo'CULLOTGEI. 4 ATTORNEY AT LAW, XLKTON, Maryland, will attend to the Collection and Eiscurbig of Claims in Cecil, lierford, and the counties of the 'Eastern Shore. ' • de2s-Ineel AOPPENHEIMER, MEROHAIi . DIRE 'BROKER in all branches of tilde, sad manufacturer of every description of Army Goode, No. 48 South THIRD Stroot s weer aide, cern, elny7,Ph ila &delta. doll It TORN WELSH,' Practical BLAU t/ BOMB, THIRD Street and Grawarowit need, le prepared to put on an/ amount of 8001411%. 'A OW MISMSRATA ~,..6 W IT! PIMP* tr Bake 6.00 tuidrng per watei-z.. - Orderno promptly attended to. _ _ QTRAM-SCOURING AND TAILOR ING dono at the ehorteet notice. HENRY R. BASCOM, ISt SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. H. BASCOM'S vim for the timee is to rewarmed Dente to bring their old Clothing to high and My. talllS mule new. Alm, their Olotia, and have them taddon ably made un. PRACTICAL AND ANALYTIOAJ. 0113b11872.11.—The Laboratory of the entssotihen Is open daily, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. D., for Anskyies of Oros, Guanoe, Waters, &a Aleq for the Instruction Students in Chemistry, Ninentieg7, and aso lo o. Opinions given in Chemical questions. • : Special Instroction DISDICAL CHNINISTILT. JAMES 0. BOOTH, 21108: U. GABUSTZ .71(0. .1. BESSE, 'IL D., oc4-3m No.lo CHANT Street, Tenth, belottliarket. W EVANS & WATSON'S SAIAMANDNBOAI/20. O, 16 SOUTH SO ST M RM ME! STREET, PHILADELPHIA, A large nrioty of PLRE-PBOOF SAM stomp n hand. EXPRESS COMPANIES. norm THE ADAMS EXPRIMI ompexy, 01Scet Pat carsinsnyt Privet, forwards Parcels, Packages, Nercliaadiss t Desk Notes, and BMW, either by Its °wax llama la osaireties van other Everest Companies, to tlMks ilefaafgal WIMP sad Dines of the United States z a 80,19DPON - D, .11 amoral gasserntsedsse. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. "THE PRESS" BOOK AND, JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. No. 417 CHESTNUT STREW, piTit, A nELPHIA The attention of the Beelines Community le r•-• epeotfully invited to the New Book and Job Pria*- lug Moe of Tun Pares, which hem been titled up with New Material, in the meet Complete linos. and is now prephred to eremite, In a satistador etyle, every variety of Printing. • POSTERS, HANDBILLS, DRUGGISTS' LABELS, CIRCULARS. DEEDS, BONDS, MORTGAGES, CERTIFICATES, CHECKS, DRAFTS, BILL HEADS, BILLS OF-LADING, LETTER HEADINGS, BALL TICKETS & PROGRAMPARS, BOOKS, PADITIMETS, CARDS, ItIER(MANTB, MANUFACTErBIItS, 111110/WWM, LAWYER% AVOTIMIERES rilitLlO 0FF1031143, BANIf.S, ItAXLr, ROAD AND,INSITRANCraI COMPAVIIIB, Will be capplied vilb - any delerisdkot ot ?MAC required, at Short Notice and *zi twang Aai lonable Tanal. WO,. O LD LEAD-8, barrels just weaved per oclmoner A I VS T011 e. &O MT&lff& COT Xl2 0002 204 South 114023 Stmt. trt.-3- 1 .--:" ~`~`~ PAPER BOOKS, NOTES, RECEIPII3, ETC., TO., ETC.