The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 31, 1861, Image 4
(Continued from first' page.) ral Johnson, of Georgia, and 2,000 rebels; the for• mer lost, killed and wounded. 30 ; the latter, irtkr 200. 17—Return of steamer Constitution with news of the safe arrival and landing of General Butler's expedition on Ship Island, Gulf of Mexico, on the M instant_ Rebels attempt to drive the Union troops from Tybee Island ; they fail to do so ' • four companies of the Third Indiana Regi ment defeated three regiments of rebels (one of cm - airy and two of infantry) together with a bat tery of artillery, at Munfordsville ; rebel loss, 33 killed, and 50 wounded; Union loss, S killed, 10 wounded. 19—Two hundred rebel infantry. with three guns, defeated at Poittt of Rocks, by Colonel Geary 's Pennsylvania regiment; loss, 14 killed, 0 wounded; the Union troops receive no injury. General Pope routed 12,200 rebels nt Shawnee Mound, Missouri, capturing camp equipage, ammu nition, arms, and 1.300 prisoners. 20—Skirmish at Dranesville, between the rebels and General IdeCall's Division ; the former left 40 killed and 26 wounded on the field ; the Union loss was 7 killed and 39 wounded. The towns of Papinsville and Butler. Missouri, burned by United States troupe, 1,800 rebels captured, together with 200 heavily laden wagons, 1,000 horses, etc ; rebels drafting troops in Tennessee and Kentucky; riots ensue, and many are killed on both sides. 23—Return of Lieutenant General Scott; Charleston harbor sealed up, by the sinking of sixteen old whale-ships, full of stone; Pert Pu laski opened fire on the United States steamer Marion, but did no damage. 25—The rebels burnt a bridge over the Charlton river on the lino of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. 20—Great fire at Washington : army MINDS burnt, containing near 200 horses and large amounts of forage ; news of the rebel General Price's retreat in Missouri, and that his men are leaving him in disgust; mar tial law declared throughout the State of Missouri. 27—Hon. Alfred Ely, captured at Bull Ran. re turned to Washington city. having been exchanged for Rob. C. 3: Faulkner; important diplomatic correspondence between lion. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, and Lord Lyons, the British minister, which virtually settles the Mason-Slidoll diffitulty, and thusavoids a war with Great Britain. 28—Gen Prentiss disperses 900 rebels in Missouri. with a force of 450'•Union soldiers. 20—tior.Curtin, Of renneyttutria, reviews the Pennsylvania Re serves, at Washington, and praises them highly for their bravery at Draneeville. Consequences of War with the 'United Sissies, as 'Pictured by England. [From the London Post, (Government organ,) Dec. 12.] What will be the consequence should it be found necessary . to declare war a 6714:71.tit the Federal States of America ? This is a question which is DOW in every persun'o luouth, and whivlly cif all others, is the most difficult to answer. The imme. diate consequences it would not, perhaps, be very difficult to predict. With a navy such as Great Britain has at her command, the issue of the con flict could not long he doubtful The few ships which compose the American marine are now en gaged in effecting an imperfect blockade of the Southern ports—a blockade so imperfect that it is only owing to eireumstanee of the Southern States being destitute of any navy whatever that it is maintained for a single hour, But on the day that war is deelared what will be the position of the belligerent States? The first act of the Enghsh Government would, in all probability, be the recognition of the Confederate states as « distinct Government. Indeed, this would scent inevitable, elgoling Whim cicala England find herself obliged to declare war? Against the United States as they were known a twelve. month since, and as they are still recognized in the diplomatic world ? Impossible ; for, if so, the English fleets should, to be COnJiyiellt, Vont-al-1e Charleston as well a. New Fork, tend should stnk a Confederate privateer with the same readiness as a Prderal maser, This being manifestly ab , surd, the distinctive line which will establish the immunity of the Southern States will doubtless be drawn by the official recognition of their separate eitieleheer With the recognition of their separate existence they would become a distinct State, at war with a. matron with which we also Were at enottty. The relative position of the Confederate States and England would then in no respect differ, except in the mode of its creation, from the postien of Frappe end ! Sardinia in the campaign of Lombardy, or England and France in the Crimean war. An alliance would doubtless be formed between the two Powers, or, if it was not, it would be an unexampled instanse in history of two States making war against a third entirely inde pendent of each other. At all events, whether such an alliance were formed or not, the effects would be precisely the same. The Northern States would find themselves obliged to rope simulta neously with two Powers, and to defend the South ern frontiers from the -Inroads of the Confede- Tate troops and their seaboard from the hostile or. •meznient of England. It does not need a person versed in naval matters to conjecture the issue of any conflict in American waters, between the fleets which can be despatched from these shores and the few ships belonging to the Federal Government, ,whose names and calibre were furnished to our readers a few days since. In the event of war they would be obliged to abandon their occupation of the Southern waters, and fly for such security as they could find to the Northern ports. The imme diate regalia. therefore, of war between England and the Federal States would be thee rompletepana -1r;. of the trade ro, the loiter, anti such. eiestrtte -444 as the qrtfitee of the CV? federate &Orr and the navy of Great Britain might effect before hostilities were suspended. Still, however, the ultimate consequences of such a war are those which possess both for statennen and wanner , cial men the greatest interest. /low long the Northern and Southern States might have maintained the present conflict ; bow long the Federal Government would have pursued the ruin attempt, not only to subdue their ene+ miss, but to convert them into loyal citizens, it wenld ha impossible to say_ There is no reason to doubt, however, that the struggle must hare been a protracted one. If is.reside.t Lisacoin Las Leen aide to collect nal - Nut:nem army, and lavishee, with no sparing hand, millions on, pre paranoia for the coming campaign, President Davis governs a confederation equally prepared for the shock of battle, and essuraged by the success which has hitherto crowned - Their efforts at resistance Self-love and the necessity of redeeming their military reputation would have prevented the North yielding to the demands of the South i whilst the latter, conscious of its own strength, would have refused obedience to a power which it perceives is inadequate to enforce it. Thus time would have rolled on whilst the two component portions of what lately formed the United States of America were squander ing tneir at-sources without the most distant espectation of a profitable result. But how will this conflict be inituented.tieddall'itfe. position of a 2 1 1 ' 21 5 '"" ..."."- IV'elley it would continue gable that miner such a ea /cogek along C" Lopes --traili--ituCh circumstances nothing but the most insensate folly could prompt the Northern States to con, tinue the struggle. They could never seriously hope to successfully resist the attacks of England and at the same time regain their dominion in the South. The sole ques tion which would remain for consideration would be the time when the inevitable capitulation should be entered on, aid, maistsinently, when the present interneelne was should end and the Confederate States be recognized as an independent nation_ The consequences, then, of a war with England must ultimately he the ...triplet° and final severance of the Northern from the Southern States, and the establish ment of a separate nation, which recognizes slavery es the distinctive feature of its Coldlitotleu. If it be, es there is every to believe it is, true that the captain of the San Jacinto acted on his own re sponsibility, the Federal Government have not planned this novel mode of putting an end to the war, It can not, however, have failed to have struck theta since, that it; by refusing to deliver up Messrs. Slidell and Eason, they provoke a war with gag land, they will be able to yield with a better grace to their Southern adversaries. They may evade the charge of pusillanimity in recognizing as an independent State a people whom they have hitherto designated at rebels by alleging their inability to cope on the high teas with the fleets id Great Britain. These considerations must not be lost sight of should the intelligence reach us that the Cabi net at Washington have refused to surrender the Confedes raw commissioners, Hit noel be round necessary to lies dare war against the rederal Government, let not the morons too quickly conclude that we are entering on an enterprise which must cost this country the lives of many brave men and the outlay of much treasure. Let them not fancy that we are undertaking a second American war like that which, in the reign of George HI, cost this country one hundred and tairty-six millions sterling. Such will not be the case. We shall be entering on war eteeeni. 'nod could only be delayed through an imbecility on the part of the Federal Governmeht, which, with all their faults, we believe does not characterize them. It is more than probable that if they refuse our present demands, awl force on a war, it wilt only be to enable themselves to yield with better grace to a superior force. Whether such should prove to be their motive or not, England will doubtless require an in demnity for being thus dragged into a quarrel in which Lee armixible. lie. .4. en g a g ed nnd it kl.O Vorthern States are anxious to apply Um to their wounded self love, they must not object to paying the price such balm will coat. The Pacific Telegraph_ BOW THE LINE WAS CARRIED ACROSS THE PLAINS (From the Rochester (N. Y.) Union, Dec. 9.3 On Thanksgiving Day—the 28th ult.—a large party of the workmen engaged in construeting the Pulite Telegraph from the western borders to Salt Lake City, under the direction of Mr. Creighton, arrived at Omaha on their return. Among them was Samuel F. Starr, of two city, who reached home on Thursday last. Mr. Starr was engaged In the practical work of construction in the different branches, and he gives an interesting account of tee manner in which the enterprise was conducted. The line had been conetrueted previous to July last as far west as Julesburgh, which is on the Platte river, three hundred miles east of Denver. From that point to Fort Bridger, about seven hundred the line was constructed by the party of which Mr. Starr was one. Mr. Creighton had from seventy-five to eighty men employed, and they were divided into three trains. The men of one train dug the holes, these of another cut down the poles and set them, and the third put up the wire. In the three trains there were about seventy-five wagons and seven hundred cattle, in cluding a few mileh cows, to furnish milk for the melt. The wagons contained from thirty-livc to forty-five hundred pounds each—consisting of wire, insulators, tools, camp equipage, and provisions. The trains were said to be the best ever started over the plains—the cattle being excellent, the WPWITIS good, and all that pertained to the comfort of the men was in keeping with the rest. Good tents were provided; also cooking stoves and all the ne cessary utensils for providing meals, and, what was quite in keeping with these, the best food that could be conveyed ovotthe plains and mountains. The first pole was set on the 4th of July at Jules burgh, and the last on this section at Fort Bridger, about one hundred tulles ibis side of Salt LAlce City, on the 15th of October. The diggers' train went ahead, and got alone . at the rate of about twelve mites per day, digging about twenty-four holes for each mile. The train which put up the poles only made about ten miles per day, and was one hundred and fifty miles behind the diggers when the latter reached thc end of the route. On the plains the digging WIS easy, and the work went, rapidly on ; in the mountains it was slow, owing to the rocky soil. The poles were selected, cut, stripped of bark by the men, and were then drawn out by the cattle and dietributed along the line. In some 100.11ilec excellent timber was found in great abundance, bard pine being most plenty, though some cedar was obtained. Dead or dry pines were often found in large quantities, some of which would Make three pities, each of sellable Sim In some localities the poles had to be cut in the mountains, and hauled over one hundred miles. Each pole is twenty feet in length, and is buried four feet in the ground. Through the Reeky lliount-sln Pees, where the line runs, there are points where the snow is known to cover the ground to the depth of eleven feet. The line is well put np, and is as substantial as such a line can be, It has a single wire, not ex• posed to damage from the falling of trees, as care was taken to avoid everything of that kind. The route adopted was mainly along the road across the plains and through the mountains_ Ts shorten distances, where the road ran in a serpen tine form, the telegraph takes a direct line, follow ing the general course of the road. The track pur sued by the western trains over the plains is very crooked, often made so by cattle dying in the path. When an animal falls its carcass is seldom removed from the track—except as the wolves car ry it away by piecemeal—and trains which follow turn out to mad it. thus making a creaked track, for the hones of thousands of animals lie bleaching along the great paths that lead from the Missouri to the Paeific. The conntructorn of thin tolegyaph lino met with no hostile Inditunt, though they saw many of the natives along the way, and sometimes suffered by their thieving depredations. The Indian agent at Deer Creek, sixty-five miles above Fort Laramie, told Mr. Starr that one of the Sioux chiefs con versed with him about the telegraph project be fore the poles were set, and said that he under. stood that the poles were to be set sixteen feet high, and then strung with wires closely from top to bottom. As this would make a wire fence, all the buffaloes and other game would be ept from coming down to the south. Ile looked upon the project with disfavor, but when he understood that there was to be but one wire, and that sixteen feet above the ground, he was quite relieved of his fears, and appeared to be satis fied. Speaking of the manner in which the animals regard the telegraph, Mr. Starr says the antelopes were timid and distrustful. _Herds of them grossing the plains would stop when they came to the tele graph, and cautiously examine the poles before venturing to pass between them. The stations of the telegraph operators aro chiefly at the stations of the mail company, from fifty TO one hundred miles apart. There are usu ally two or three persons at eiteh elation taking care of the mules of the stage company, and these are all the society the operator has. The work of repairing the line must, for the present at least, be performed by the operators, going out when they find communication with the next station inter rupted. The duty of tin operator and repairer is anything but a pastime; and to perform it well re quires hardy, courageous men, who are not afraid to be alone, and to contend with snow storms and whatever else they may meet in that vast, wild re gion ever which they must sometimes travel. The right men will, in time, De found in the right places, and of the successful working of the tele graph to the Pacific none are more confident than the men who constructed it, and who, therefore, best know what obstacles are in its way. The party of workmen with whom Mr. Starr re turned came in wagons drawn by mules, and wore thirty-two days in coming from Fort Bridger to Omaha. Nebraska Territory. They arrived at Oma ha on the 28th ult. 7 and found winter setting in there. Ito and the rest of the party were in goo 4 health all the time they were absent on the expe dition; and the most of them regarded it as a plea. ant one, having no twat that they antsradqha S ervice of the contractor. '76. From My Window. '6l. [For The Frond Outward front Um dusty city, far beyond the bustling Wetly, Through the hazy atmosphere, quivering with the sum- titer beats, I am - gazing where the heavens bend to touch thevalloy's rim, And the farmer's humbly cottagv loco a opuctrih p§l9 and dim; Where the roseate, fragrant clover, whore the yellowing harvest grew, Where June Hewers and tender grosses treasured up tho jeweled dew— Ou illote plowing fields and mendowe sine hag sei ita iron heel, And the eye is pained and dazzled by the deadly gleam of steel, In the grove and leafless forest gleams the manytented camp, -- - And the russet fields are shaken by the dull and measured tramp Of a miality host of freemen, true of heart and strong of limb— Men ..ho learned to love their country front their Mo ttle& cradle-hyinn ! From their pleasant northern firesides, from their chil dren and their wives, Come they to redeem the nation, if it need be, with their lives • • Leavened by the martyr-spirit, 10, in eager hosts they • come! Never were such legions marshaled in the palmy days of Rome Think they of our birth-time str twee 7 how our fathers gathcml llirli From the fields and from the workshops—few, but stern, determined men ! Freedom's champions were fewer, but their hearts were Wong and true. And their pulses coursed as madly when the trump of battle blew; Freedom's workers were not many, but their arms were tried and strong. And their Souls, less kindly nurtured, chafed as wrely under wrong. Grand old days of inspiration! Do we witness their ratui Does their deathless love of freedom in our &Arta as fiercely burnW W 1 a Nth titod MINT lOW el c w Wftteh the cb and flow Of the battle-tides, as martyrs did a hundred years ago WASIIINGTON, Dcc, 20, 1861. M. H. 0085. rIiILADELPHLA BOARD OF TRADE. EDMUND A. BOUDEB, GEORGE L. BURRY, Oormirm OF THII Moirri. EDWARD C. DIDDLE, LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia Bark Elizabettri, Foulke Barbadoes, Doc. SO Brig Lonny), Evans ....St Jago de Cuba, soon Behr Wm Carroll, Chipman Mayagues, PB, soon Behr Jas Allderdice. Stites Cienfuegos, soon o,', us 3 1103=14 II M (el 3110 3 PORT Or PHILADELPHIA, Dee. 51, iBG i. SRN RISES 7 23 I SUN SETS .4 37 1 1 / 0 E WATERITyvitItt tttttt tut? . 211 ABRIVED Brig Ambrose Light, Bryant, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to J E Baziey. Sehr N B Berry, Dumb, 42 hours from Baltimore, in ballast to E A Souder & Co. OLZMMD Azelia ? !ter Der - rmaktmeo and a rnaricei p Lewis & Damon. .schr William L Hoffman, bogus la Grande, Btevrart, Corson Go, MEMORANDA Steamship Jura, Ailton, sailed from Portland 28th Met for Liverpool. Steamship Tenionia, Tauber cleared at New York Nth fast for London. Aramingo, Cansin, at - Madras 9th Mt from Lirer• Ship 'Emily Anglian, Strickland, for New York, enteral for loading at Liverpool 12th inst. ship Sanchu Panza, Hale, from New. York 13th July, at Melbourne 17th October. Shin Flying Dragon, Watmon, at Melbourne Oct 4th from San Francisco. Ship llarkaway, Stephens, from San Francisco, at getobVrA..— ietx October. ,ship A II Badger, Means, from Nem York July 9th, at Melbourne 221 October. Slap Zingura, Newbegin, for Shanghai, put back to !long "tong October IS, with sails split, main and =Hill tc.pmast stays torn oat, olks, liavlng experienced very Leavy weather, with high seat and gales from N to E. Ship Oxenbridge ? BerrT J from Boston 19th ;Ai, at 1,1011,,..r0c October 22d. ship Walter Lord, Wilds, from Oreenocir via Rio Ja neiro, at liftlbourno October 28d. Ship T 73 Wales, Lincoln, sailed front Idelbotirne 16th October for Calcutta. Ship John Bull, - Roberto, from Amoy for New York, passed Straits of Sunda 26th October. Ship Peterborough, Orchard, from Fooctmw or New York, imeeed Straits of Sunda 19th October. Ship Europa, Reed, sailed from Calcutta sth ult for London. Ship Anne Decatur, Alden, for London, sailed from Calcutta 7th ult. Slip Wyoming, Thrton, was tlp at Liverpool 14th heat for Philadelphia next day. Ships New Brunswick, Vickers, and Amelia, Edge, for Philadelphia, were loading at Liverpool 14th inst. . . Ship Belle of the Sea, Sigsbee, cleared at ;few York 29th Inet for gall. Vrancisco. Ship John Leslie, Given, for Now York; entered for loading at Liverpool 10th inst. Ship Competitor, Lickle, from New York, arrived at Sydney, NSW, Oct 4. A fire occurred on board, sup rzea: 1,43 he iwork an isseenatary, which was Boom extinguished with Lot slight damage. Bark Con Stricker, of. Baltimore, from Peru for Liver pool, ran on shore 10th inst., at 8.80 PM. Cargo (salt petre and hides) all lost, with the exception of a few of the latter. Ighip a total wreck. The captain (Leaman') 811.1 three of the crew drowned—John Gores and Adam Johnson, both of New York, and Henry Gwynno, of Roy West. The master's body and one of the crew washed on shore. Bark mntena (Fr), frota New York for Hong Kong, at Singapore 29th October. Bark Washington Butcher, Collins, at Palermo 3d inst from Trapani. Bark Henrietta, from Rio Janeiro, was bolow New - York 29th hot. Bark Courant, Oliver ' arrived at New York 29th Met from Rio Janeiro. Had heavy weather, lost sails, &c. 25ta inst, let 40, long 74 30, in a heavy W gale, with rough sea, spoke ear Ino, of Brookhaven, running before the wine wun signal of alarm Hying and pumps work. lug. Followed her some thirty miles, but the gale not abating, and the sea continuing rough, could render no assistance. Brig Mary E Milliken, Morden t bane, 4 MINIM 18th Ina. Brig Samuel Welsch, Cole, ailed From Havana 16tlx met for New York. Brig L C Watts, Jenkins, from Pernambuco 30th ult, at New York 2,9thinst, Brig Georgia, Conant, from BM Janeiro, at Now York 29th inst. Reg Anna, (Danish,) from Rio Janeiro, at New York 29th inst. prig Nairn (British), Noes, hence, at Cardiff 11th hist rvlir Mail, - Miley, hence, at Provillenao UM Mat. Schr Cameo, Pendleton, Bailed from. Stonington 26th inst for Philadelphia, to load ship plank for Boston. Schr Evelio°, Yorke, hence for St Jago de Cuba, was spoken llth inetin Caicos Passage. Sehr lifinerra, Jefferson, hence, at Fall Rider 27113 inst. Behr N B T Thompson, Conover, sailed from Provi dence 27th that for Philadelphia. E.ehr charity, of Providence, RI, lately captured off - aliment. lam, came ashore on the morning of the 24th, oirJOTICB' Inlet. She was on her way to New York with a prize crow on board and a gentral cargo. The prize crew, in attempting to roach the shore, were capsized from their boat. They all SaCcecdeti in saving them tieaveff.lerwv-veritait were tautly frost•hitten. Echr Theresa C, Smith, hence for Havana 20th ult, with a cargo of lard, butter, hams, pork, brass and iron castings. carriage coverings, &c, has been lost on the Bahamas_ Carne SAWA and taken to Nassau, NP, where a large portion of it was sold at auction on the 10th inst, and the balance was advertised to be sold on the 23d. The T C registered 178 tons, rated 214, was built at Cape May in 1835, and hailed front Philadelphia. Oa r lieheccr Shepherd, homers, for Philadelphia, cleared at Havre 12th inst. Schr J W Perry, Adams, cleared at Nassau, NP, 10th fast for Philadelphia. Schr Compromise, Andrew, cleared at Baltimore 28th inst. for Odessa. Del. MACHINERY AND IRON. d ram PENN STEAM kNGINE LEVY, peit r itPAE l NV l TNOßlPririe r r l ENGI NEERS, MACHINISTS, BOLLER-MAKERS, ELAM SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many yeas% been in successful operation, and been exclusively en. gaged in building and repairing Marine and River im sines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks. Propellers, &c., respectfully offer their services the public, cc being fully prepared to contract for Pit EOM of all silt's, Marine, 'liver, and Stationers, naviii Beta of patients of different sizes, are prepared to exa cote orders with quick despatch. Every description O. Pattern making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Premium, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the beet renneylvoniii charcvol iron, Forging% of fill sizes Bud kinds' Iron and Brace Castings, of all es script:lons ,Noll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all abet work connected with the above business. Drawings and Specifwations for all work done at 'rhea establistunent, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-doe), room for ; N . pairs of boats, where they can He in perfect safety, esti are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Am, &a., for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB 0. swarm, LEVY, BEACH and PALMER &reels J. NAOMI/ON MAN.RIOK, JOHN N. OOPM, WILLIAM H. WHARTON, HAMTLEY SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STNEINTS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK .!tc SONS, INOINEERB AND in eJffLNISIM Manufacture High and Low Preeenre Roam Enema' for land, river, and marine eorviee. • Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &c., Oast- Inge of all kinds, either iron or brass. iromilframo }loofa for Gas Works, Workaholic Ea. Toad Station, Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, finch al BUM, liew, and Grist Mille, Vacuum Pam Open Elton Trains, Delimatore, Filters, Pumping Engines, Am Bole Agents for N. }Milieux's Patent Sugar Boldly Apparatus ; Neemyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and As. pinwall & Wolsoy's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Drainhit Machine. itt6-11 COMMISSION HOUSE% pOTHINGHAM & WELLS, 34 ROUTH FRONT AND 33 LETITIA EITBEET, OrrMt !OR MALI BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEETINGS, BHIRTINGS, DRILLS, JEANS, SILECIAS, CANTON FLANNELS, _ PROW TRI MASBAOIIIIMITTB, GREAT FALL!! LACONIA, EVERETT, LOWELL, IPSWICH, HAMPDEN, LIICZWIIII, A ',ELL ASSORTMENT OE BRAWLS, BEATER GLOMS, TR/COTS, OASSEMERES, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, BLANKETS, AND ABM! GOODS, ?BOIS THN WASHINGTON (LAT/ DAY STATA,) AND ODDER MILLS. edam HAZARD, & HUTOBINSON, No, Z 1 ONNIFITNOT OTRICET, 00111dI8SION M 11011.3.71T5 702 TEX BALI or PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. FURS I GEORGE F. WOMRATTI, NOB. 410 AND. 417 ARCH OTBICET, SAS NOW OPEN A FULL ASSORTMENT LADIES FURS. To which the attention of the Public le invited. noNtial MILLINERY GOODS. KEN NEM 'SA FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, AND GENERAL MILLINERY GOODS. N 0.729 OHESTNIIT STREET, BELOW E/GICTIL ocb-Am MILITARY GOODS. ANDREWS' ORIGINAL CAMP, OR TRAVELLING BED TRUNK. (Patent applied for) For pale kr W. A. ANDREWS, nol6-2m No. 612 CHESTNUT Street. A RMY CONTRACTORS AND SUTLERS PIMPLIER WITH BRUSHES at the lowest rates. Always on hand, a large stook of CAVALRY BRUSHES, Government standard; WAGON BRUSHES, Government standard; And every Description of Brushes required for the Army KEMBLE & VAN HORN, oel6-8m 321 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. ARMY FLANNELS. WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 116 CHESTNUT STBEET, are prepared to make contracts, for Immediate delivery, 'MIME DOIZET FLANNEL, AND ALL WOOL INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS, of Government standard. oo4•tf OPPENIIEIMER, AGENT AND MANUFACTURER Of all kinds of ARMY GOODS. A lira) lino of samydee on band. Advances made. Contracts filled and guaranteed. Terme liberal. Office and Sample Room, Northeaet corner of FIFTH andentsmnpr streot,no.m No. 2, eikzaa delB-1% DRUGS AND CREIWICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Hortheset Corner FOURTH and RACE Street", PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DETTaarsmg, - IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IA roAzzeili . 6ZiD rtvrazowzo WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. ItAlMPA.Mitießti 457 win LE: T.PIA I) AND ZINO PAINTS, PIITTY;Ao. AIROCTO FQR TUN liBLEIMATED FRENCH ZINO PAINTS. Dealers and consumers supplied at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CAM. oc3l-3m TUST RECEIVED, per " Annie Kim eir ball," from Liverpool, Mender, Weaver, a Kau• dor's preparations: 24k Do &tact Amitil la d 3C jora. 76 lbs NatagicS Hyoecryami, in 1 ID jars. 60 be Extract Belladonna, in 1 lb jars. 100 Ds Extract Taraxaci, in 1 lb jars. 60 lbs Yin Bel Coichici, in 116 bottles. 100 lbs 01. Sucoinl Rect., in lb bathos. boo its dolomoi, 1. 3 ffi bottles. 600 lbs Pil Hydrarg., in lb jars. WETHEBILL & BROTHER, mbs 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. LOOKING GLASSES. pIREPTO DEDUCT/ON II LOOKING GLASSES. OIL PAINTINGS, lINGBILVDTGN PICTURE AND PHOTOGRAPH 11411.1113. JAMES 8. EARLE & SON, HO CHESTNUT STREIT' Annoonos t h e reduction of et, per cent. In the prices of all We Manufactured Root of Looking Glasses • also, in ilagrayinge, Picture and Photograph Frames, Oil Paint tUe. The largest and most elegant amortment in the sountry. Ararb opportunity's now offered to make purl shame In this line For Cash, at remarkably Low Prime WILE'S GA LT;FIRTES, jsiNti 1916 Olitg'PNUT Street. GROCE'RIES. MATERIALS FOR MINCE PIES. DUNCII AND LAYER RAISINS, SULTANA AND SEEDLESS RAISINS, CITRON, CURRANTS, SPICES, 67 WEE T CIDER. Tritifffai ALBERT C. ROBRTS, DEALER IN NINE CROCEP.I23, deb-tf Corner of ELEVENTH and VINE Streets. MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, SALMON, ho.--1000 bbls Hera Noe. 1,2, and 2 lIADICNREL, large, medium, and email, in assorted mirages of choice, late-caught, fat fish. 6,000 bbls. New Halifax, Eastport, and Labrador Har low., of choice 6,000 boxes extra new scaled Herrings. 8,000 boxes extra new No. 1 Herring& 8,000 boxes large Mariana Herrings. 960 bble. Mackinac White Fieb. 60 bbli new EnonomY Hera Shad. 26 bbLa new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 Quintal/ Grand Bank Codfish. 600 boxes Herkimer County Cheese. In store and landing, for sale by MURPHY & MOONS. 286 NO. 146 NORTH WHAIMII2. 110 TELS. ACARD.—THE UNDERSIGNED, late of the GIRARD HOUSE, Philadelphia, have leased, for a term of years, WILLARD'S HOTEL, in Medlin/Ann_ They take this &maim to return to their eld friends and customers many thanks for peat favors, and beg to assure them that they will be moat happy to me them in their new quarters. - SYKES, OHADWIOK, & 00. WASHINGTON, July 18,186 L MHZ•IT COAL OIL ! COAL OIL! GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, 38 SOUTH SECOND STREET. AGENT FOB THE NORTH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY. ALANUFACTURBRB OF COAL OIL, AND RE. FINERS OF COAL AND CARBON OILS.: WM. F. JOHNSTON, President, OEO. OGDEN, Secretary. AlEo, Agent for DEERS, JUDSON, & DEERS, Patent Glass Cones ter Lamps, and wholesale dealer in Dith rift* /Went Qvsl {tire-PfOr) fm4 gsstyru VIM-Vils** airtime, Lambs, Ste. Burnam to burn Coal Oil with out Chimney. Cash buyers or prompt payers aro respectfully invited to examine our stock. uo2l-2m I I I • 4 I • 4 ESDAY, DECEMBER 81, 1861. LYMAN, DWIGHT, CABOT, CHICOPEE, and BABTLET MILLS. FURS! FOR ;tam AND TO LET. TO LET—STORE No. 249 MAR rurs ET Street, extending back 6 Church alley. The two fronts will be rented together, or separately. TOWNSEND 011AliPLESS. SHIP TIMBER FOR. SALE.- Several Tracts of WIIIMOAK 'TIMBER LAND In Dorchester county, Maryland, convenient to naviga ble waxier. Rovparileuhra apply +o JAG. T. McOTJLLOTIGIT, de2s-Im* Elkton, Mdi R EXCHANGE A FINE e F mILL PROPERTY, on the Eastern Shore of Mary land, consisting of Grist, Raw, and Carding Mills, Wheel wright Shop, Illackamith Shop, Store, dm., comprising a whole village, with about .30 acres of ground superior water power—no equal in the country; bringing a rental of $1,500 per annum. Apply to J. H. WATERS, no South FOURTH Street. ILFOR SALE-A LARGE FAO TORY BUILDING ? covering a lot of ground (00 feet by LSO feet, haring three fronts, with alarge meant Engine, and all in complete order, situate in the ce)ntre of the city. Will be sold at a great sacrifice. No money required. Part can remain on the premises ' and the balance will be taken in city ptoperty. Apply to J. li. WATERS, de6-tf 110 South FOUUTTI Street. LARGE AND SMALL OFFICES TO RENT— IN FRANKLIN BUILDING. Some RANDSOMRLY FURNISIMD. 'rooms modorate. Apt'ly to Al, v, LN /822 14QVU,ST titroot, or to 8, litof:AlC l UT Mom dolS•l2t't FARM FOR SAL 111.—A FARM, in excellent state or cultivation, containing litty-ono acres, (aim of which aro woodland,) ploagantly situated In Limerick township, Montgomery county, two and a half miles from the Limerick station,_ on the Reading itailroad, offered for Bale. Price—Vice thousand dot lore ($5,000). Apply on the premises. nolo-tf SAMUEL 11.. GRAFF. TO EXCHANGE—VaIuabIe farm of 84 acres of first-rate land, situate near Quaker. town Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad, good water, welt fruited, with good and mtlnsirmitml liiono improve mentu, dm. Apply to IL HETTIT, N 0.309 WALNUT Strout. del3 la TO EXCHANGE—A desirable FARAI, eitlitge near Wont Uhentor, and ono mile from Railroad Station, containing 50 acres of excellent land, with good improvements. Price only $8,500. Also, Forme of every deeeription for toga on reasonable tome. Apply to E. PETTIT, dol3 No. 309 WALNUT Street. LEGAL. -E - NITED STATES, EASTERN DIS TRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. SCT. TFI' PItEgIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL OF THE EASTERN tisTittvr OF PENNSYLVANIA, Greeting WiMM US, The District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly and duly proceeding on a Libel, filed in the name of the 'United 'giatea of America, hail. decreed all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or Interest in the schooner E. WATERMAN, whereof BAMUEL HAREM Is master, her tacitly, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden on said schooner captured as Prize while aground on Tybee Island, and brought into this port to be manielied, cited, and celled to judgment, at the time and place underwritten, and to the effect hereafter expressed, (justice so requiring.) You are therefore charged and strictly enjoined and commanded that you omit not, but that by publishing these presents in at least two of the daily nem - amers printed and published In the city of Philadelphia, and in the Legal Intelligeneer, you do monish and cite, or cause to be monished and cited, pe remptorily, all persons in general who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, or interest in the said schooner E. 'WATERMAN, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden thereon, to OPPrilf flirting the flonorithle ViVOWA,I4A DNB, the Judge of the said court, at the DiSTEIVE COURT ROOM, in the city of Philadelphia, on the TWENTIETH day after publication of these presents, if it Les court day, or else on the next court day-following, between the usual hours of hearing causes, thou and there to show, or allege, in duo form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the said schooner E, WATERMAN, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden thereon, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States, and, as goods of their enemies ar And itibleet to condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as good and lawful prizes ; and further to do and receive in this be half as to justice shall appertain. And that you duly in. timate, or cause to be intimated, unto all persons afore said, generally, (to whom, by the tenor of those pro. sents, it is also intimated,) that if they shall not appear at the time and place above mentioned, or appear and shall not show a reasonable and lawful canes to tire eon- Mtn', then Feld District Court doll/ intend and will pro ceed tondjudication on the said capture, and may pro nounce that the said schooner E. WATERMAN, her tackle, apparel, and furniture. and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden thereon, did be;ung, at the Limo of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and as goods of their enemies or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and con demnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence, or rather contumacy of the persons so cited and intimated in anywise notwithstanding, and that you duly certify to the said District Court what you alkali do in the premises, together with these presents. Wltiieite the Iledkavelde JOHN 1011:1WILA.DER, Judge of the said Court, At Philadelphia, Oda twenty sixth day of DECEMBER, A.D. 1861, and in the eighty. sixth year of the Independence of the said United Plates. detAt-3t G. IL POOL, clerk bistrici 6c;urt. TN THE COURT OF COMMON JL PLEAS FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Trust Estate of GARDNER L. CRAN3TON. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, eettio, and adjust the account of JOHN HANLEY, Truntaa for Gardner li. Granaton, under the will or MART JOH L deceased, and to report distribution of the balance in the hands of said accountant, will meet the parties interested, for ths of his inpalttessul, 68 FRIDAY, ilta 3d of Janus, y. A.ll. 1E412, at 4 o'clock P. at his office, No. 933 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. GEORGE M. CONARROE, Auditor. de2l.atuitthst MARSHAL'S SALES. M/WWWWWVVVVVVVVVVVVVVW,II"Y•NNWIAWYWYY , ARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Bale, by the Hon. JOHN OADW ALA HER, Judge of the District Court of the United States, In oncl foor ttie Eastern District of, renuarlYan ,,,, Vg s Ad miralty, to me directed, will ,. Itighest '`na•r"reAetli,'"o'n" WEDNESDAY, January Sth, rossz, PPALUICHILL -9712 o'clock M., the Schooner JAN JUAN, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the cargo laden on board thereof. The cargo consists of 2,400 bushels salt, sugar, molasses, Ac. WILLIAM MILLWARD, Mu - A.4 E. D. of Penn . .. rHILADSLMIA, December 26, 1861 .2e27-6t MARSHAL'S SALE,—By virtue of a writ of sale, by the Hot. John Ueda%lader,Judge of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in Admiralty, to me directed, will be sold at public sale, to the highest and beet bidder, for each, at the omit; 712 South LAWAIRE AVENUE, on MONDAY, January 13,'1862, at 12 o'clock M., part of the cargo of the schooner SU SAN JANE, consisting of iron, alcohol, linseed Oil. fish, pork in pickle, and cod fish. The store will be opened on the morning of the sale, where the goods may be ex amined. WILLIAM MILLWARD, 11. S. Marshal E. D. of Penna. PHILADELPHIA, DEC 28, 1861, deBO.6t WINES AND LIQUORS. PURE PORT WINE. DUQUE DO PORTO WINE, BOTTLED IN PORTUGAL IN 1820. Physicians and inTends In want of a reliable article of pure Port Wine can be supplied by inquiring for the above wine et CANTWELL & KEFFEIVE, Continua Willer ttERDIANTOWN ATOM and MASTER Street. HENNESSY, VINE-YARD PRO viriAtoret, Bisontt, Trisashe k Co., /Karat Pinot and ether armored brands of COGNAC BRANDY, for sale, in bond and from store, by OANTWELL & KEEFER, 1ic. 1 49014 Met QMAR44.151:9117 Ammo and Z4LAST/1/3 Ewes& QTUART'S PAISLEY MALT WHIS- K./ HY. Buchanan'e Goal TM Whisky, Old Tom Gin, Old London Gin, London Cordial Gin, Bolden's In bond and store. OANTWELL & KEEFER, Sauteed corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. I . O"UAVE CHAMPAGNE.—A new brand—an excellent article. Imported and for sale at a price to suit the times, by CANTWELL & REF. FER, southeast corner or GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. RUDESHEIMER-BERG, LAUBEN mummn„ and noeumaymnp. WINE, ht eases of one dozen bottles each; warranted pure. Imported and for sale low by CANT ELL dc REFFER, south east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. IZTABLEILMAN'S DRY CATAWBA Lel 1112111.--ebie approved brand of Oincennati wine, the beet eellele out for " oebirkee," for sale pare, bot tled sod to owes, by CJANTWAhL & BEEPER, south emerik owner 4021112LLVT0 1 1011 .1.-reane and MAACtUIR Street. erafi-aan BUSINESS NOTICES. JAMES T. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELKTON, Maryland, will attend to the Collection and securing of Claims in Cecil, llitifestl, and the countlee the Rautern Slum, cianquilt A, OPPENHEIMER, MERCHAN. A DISE BROKER in all branches of trade, and manufecturer or every description of Army Goode, 48 South THIRD Street, west aide, eacond 'tory, Phila delphia. TOXIN WELSH, Practical SLATE 1100771 t, THIRD Street and GICIIMANTOWN Read, is prepared to put on any amount of BOOZING, en the most MODERATE TEEMS. Will guaranty to make every Building perfectly Water-tight. Wir Orders promptly attended to. m17.1r LAMP SHADE MANUFACTORY OF V. QUARRE, t3ontheast corner of NINTH and ARCH Streets, Wholesale IGetebllehment. Retail Store, oppoeite, No. 831 LION Street, For convenience of Lady customers, who will find there the most suitable article for a Christmas present. n025-tdeal p i TBBIII-6COURIIIG AND TAILOR. ING done at the shortest notice. HENRY B. BASCOM, 137 SEVENTH Street, above Walnut. EAgcows plan for the Limoa is to recommend Ceuta to bring their old Clothing to him, and have them made new. Also, their Clothe, and have them fashion ably made up. 'dell-/Y PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL OBEMISTRT.—The Laboratory of the subscribers Is open daily, from 9 A. M. to S P. M., for Analyses of Ores, Guano., Waters, &o. Also, for the Instruction of Student. in Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology. Opinion. giver. in Oheml..l Special Instrucidon in MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. JAMES 0. BOOTH, THOS. H. GARRETT, JNO. J. REESE, M. D., 16 maw Street, Tsath, bele* Market. EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAXES. STORE, £0 SOOTS 'FOURTH SMART, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of TIBZ-PBOOF BATZtiI alwava an hand. irIOTTON BAIL DUCK awl OAN ,4„J VAB, of all numbers and brands. Raven's Duck Awning Twills ,of all dssorlouons, for Tents, swathe, Trunks, and Weg9P covers, alio, raper Hanufsollurenf liner Jens, Rom /18 Get wide. Tenanting, Belting, Bail Twine, ao. JOHN W. NvERIIRN a 00., Tore-tr 108 JOHNS Alley. FULL AND SPLENDID AS SORTMENT of Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, and Gents' Furniahing Goods, just received and for sale. Alma, a variety of Travelling Shirts. J. W. SCOTT, 814 OHIEST. NUT Street, below Continental Hatch no3o-tr INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY usunANew COMPANY—lneoPporuttA sy cor neri L r tig n ie n la t t v ii . r n e d of w l'anv i t . i . ati ts it, ii o . ll i l e e l e p . h g i a .. E . c ia o rine Jpouranee on Vescels 7 Cargo, and Freight, to all parts of the world. inland Intmranoca ox goads, by river, canal, lake and land carriage, to ail parts of ate Union. FIRE INSURANCES Pn PVTGbandir, genet-Mir. On Stores, Dwelling Homer, &G. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOV.I, 1861. PAIL. Oust. $lOO,OOO United States Fiverwir cent. Loan. $100,250 00 tb,isOo U. States 8 per et. Treasury Not., 40,001 27 25,000 United State, geven and Three tenthm 'frettintry Notes.... 25,000 00 100,000 State of Penn, five per ct. Loan, 89,501 25 123,060 Phila. City six per cent, Loan... 119,448 Ir 30,000 State of Tennessee Five per cent. Lean. 20,000 Ponneylvenin ltailroeo, lot Mort gage Six per cent. Bends, 60,000 Pennsylvania. Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per cent. Bonds... /6,000,300 Shares Stock fiennantown Otis Co. Principal and interest guaranteed by the City of Philadelphia 5,000,100 Shares Stock Penn. R. 11. Co. Rills receivable for Insurances made.. Ronde and mortgages Real estate Balances due at Agencles—prendunts on Marine Policies, interest, and other debts due the Company 43,131 07 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, $11,843, estimated value. Cash on band—in Banks $51,008 03 in Drawer, . MT 33 1 1P.P.01 1 1111. q. Samuel P. Stokes, J. F. Poniston, Hoary Sloan, .heard Darlington, H. Jones Brooks, Spencer ht.'llvaine, Thomas U. Hand, kohort Burion, Jacob P. Jones, William Martin, Edmund A. Solider, Theophilus Paulding, John D.. Peurone, John C. Davis, James Trammir, William Eyre, Jr., 3131111.3 C. Hand, William C. Ludwig, James 13. MeParland, , Joshnn P. Byre, .i.:,i,u h. U.!ii.pi,, Plitsi,urg, D. T. Morgan, Pittsburg, A. 13, Berger, Pittsburg. MARTIN, Prenident. .Toseph 11_ Heal, Dr. B. td.litititoll ? George G. ttriper, Ilugh creig, Charles Kelly, WILLIAM THOMAS C. lIAND, Vice President. iffaitilt LYLSUliM, Secretery. del4-tt THE RELIANCE MUTUAL I1(OURAN011 COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE 206 WALNUT EITREET, Insures against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIBS, ow Rotuma, !Boren, and other buildinga, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, Goode, Warel, and Nor ahandlea, in town or • country. 13A521 CAPITAL, S23I,IIO.OO—ABSETO $317,142.04, Whlch lA luyilta4 M !Aim, rig In diet lacrtitalle on oily property, Worth double the amount 11103,900 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. tires mamma loan, at DAP 6.000 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co). 8 per cent, se wed mortgage loan, ($80,000) 27,900 00 Huntingdon and Broad Ton Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage Loan 4,066 66 Grnund rent, drat-elate 2,452 60 Antall' loan., wall secured 2,600 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent loan 80.000 00 Allegheny County 6 Der cent. Pa. BR. loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 6,186 01 Mechanics' Bank stock 2,8102 60 Pennsylvania Railroad Go.'s stock 4,000 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.'. stook. 25,860 00 The Count* Fire Insurance Co.'s stock 1,060 00 The Delaware M. S. Insurance Co.'. stook.. 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co.'s scrip 080 00 Bills receivable 14,802 74 Book accounts, accrued interest, &a 7,104 85 Cash on hand 11,644 64 The Miring principle, combined with the security of a Stock Capital, entitles the insured to participate in t h e PROFITS of the Company, without liability for LOMB. Losers promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS. Samuel Ilinpham, Robert Steen, William Rosser, Benj. W. Tingley, Marshall Hill, th Johnson Brown, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John Bissell,Pitteburg. . TINGLEY, President. Clam Tingley, William IL Thompson ; treat:wick t William Stevenson, John B. Worrell, L. Carbon, Bobert Toland, G. D. Bosengarten, Obarlee S. Wood, James S. Woodward, OLE E. M. Gramme', Secret - • February 16, DUO. VIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVE LY.—The PENNSYLVANIA 'um INSUSANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 182 b. CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. blO WALNUT Street, opposite ludepend- MO EMMY), Vila Company, favorably Known to the community for thirty-six years, continues to insure against LOW or Da mage by Fire, on public or private Buildings, either per manently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, dodo of Goode, or Martha/din morollr, oa littoral acme. Their Capital, together with a large Surplus rand, is invested in the moat careful moaner, which enables them to to the inlayed an smietihted genaritsr in the ease of loos. bum:mons. Jonathan Patterson, Thomas Robins, Quintin Comibeti, boa:dot Amith, Alexander Benson, John Devermm e William Montelins, Thomas Smith. Luso Madam; JONATHAN WILLIAM G. Ogow ANTHRACITE INSVRANCE othnierr.— Authorized wpm. 166004000 CHASTER PERPETUAL. Office No. 811 WALNUT Street, between Third and Pkilt This Company will insure against load or damage by lire, on Buildings, Furniture, and ffierchandiee gene rally. Aleo, Marino Inenronool on Yon% Vargo% mad freights, Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. Joseph Mastie ld, John Ketcham, John B. Ithdriston, Wm. F. Dean, J. B. Baum. ESHER, Preeldent. DEAN, Vi6E+ NUMMI aug-tf Jeieob Law, D. Llithem. L. iaxienriod, Davis Pearson, Patter Sieger, WIC P W. W. Minh Secretors?. FraE INSURANCE. ItECITAITIeg , INSUBANOII 0011 PANT ON PHILADELPHIA, No. 108 Norkh SIXTH Street, below Bace, bums Buildings, Goodie and Manhandle() gene. rally, from Lou or Demego by fire. The ()employ froe• rangy to 'Qua all Loam promptly, and Morey Dope to merit the Datrogage of the public. DEBBOTOBEI. DAM Michael licr(MoY4 Edward McGovern Thome B. MeDoriiot, John Bromley, rx-anciEs rafts, John already , Bernard H. Mnleemann, Chula Clam Michael Cahill. CIS COOPER, President. wan. 0078 WlElam Norm FEI3IOIII (1100 M, George L. Dougherty, James Martin, James Duross, Mailiteror Mciteer, Bernard Rafferty, Thomas J. Hemphill, Thomas Fisher. Francis McManus, FBA Bfsstesn RAITERTV, Sec TNSUIWCE COMPANY OF THE 1 STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nos. 4 and 5 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WAL. NUT Street, between DOOR and THIEF , Streets, Phila. delphia. INCORPORATED API In 1711I_ TAL , CHARTER PERPETUAL. C 5200,000. PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY T8A.1713P wiAßna, FIBS, 1881, 16507,094.61. • TION INSUBANANAL OBTA. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charlea Macaleater, Tobias Wagner, William 8. Smith, Thomas B. Walton, John B. Budd, Henry G. Freeman, William B. White, Oharlee 8. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George 0. (Parson, Edward . Knight. 12EMEiRE THE ENTERPRISE ititilTitarlON COMPANY 07 7/t/LADELLISTA. (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) COMPANY'S BUILDING, IL W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. ISIMECTOSIL 'F. Ratchford Starr, Mordecai L. Dawson, William McKee, Geo. H. Stuart, Halbro Frazier, John H. Brown, John ld. Atwood, B. A. Fahnestoek, Itenj lf. tredick, Audnow D.. Chich i Henry Wharton, J. L. Erringor. E. RATCHFORD STARE, President OMUILES W. COIN. Secretary fell A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No.Blo WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelpida. Swing a large ridd-ap Dahlia Sleek sad Illevalea, in veeted in sound and available &el:cities, continues to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Ves sels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Pro perty. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. Thome" R Mart, - John Welsh, Samuel. o:Norton, Patrick Brady, lA.. THO . ALBUM' O. ErtilltAWFOID, VXCHANGE INSURANCE COM' PANY—Ofiles, NS. 409 WALNUT Offs& lire Insurance on Houses, and Merchandise generally, on favorable terms, either Limited or l'erpetuaL onowroNs. Jeremiah Soneall Whomse Diarptis John Q. Cilunodo, Charles Thompson, • Alward Roberts, James T. Hale, Samuel D. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, Baba 0. Hale; Jobn J. San& JHBHWAH BONSALL maidens. JOHN Q. GINNODO, Vbierreddent. HICIAID 001, Secrellll. Jai PENN 'MUTUAL LIFE INBU. HANCE COMPANY, No. 921 CHESTNUT Street, Pbßadelplda. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE IN SUR.ED_ MENA LIVel Mr Mart tanner for the whole term of grant Annnties and Endowments ,• purchase Life Inte rests in Real Estate, and make all contracts depending on the contingencies of life. They net as liceentont, AdministnNorii, hadEmNio Trartaae, and Guardians ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January 1, 1881. Mortgages, ground rents, real estate 5172,9131 United States stocks, Treasury notes, loans of to of Pahasylvania, ally of Philadal. Ac 2E9,706 U Premium notes, loans or collateral', &a.. 07,694 68 Pennsylvania, North Pennsylvania Rail roads, and County a per cent. bond' 106,902 60 Bank, Ininuance, railroad, alma' WM, 80. 97,047 49 Cub on hand, manta' balances, No., $0..... 66,79014 81,071 1 188 01 DANIEL L. MILLET!, President. NATlvzi. Z. 13TOREIN Vice President. JONI w. Uostion, Itiocrotiwr. SPRING GARDEN FRUIT AND PRODUCE STORE BTlfirt AHEAD.—.The sub. Scriber takes this method to Inform hie patrons, and the public generally, that he has removed his Fruit and Pro. duce Store to No. 812 SPRING GARDEN Street, where he is now prepared to keep up a full supply of Apples, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberries, Nuts of all kinds, Dried Fruits (both Foreign and Domestic), Butter, Eggs, Ponltry, &c., Ac. Also, EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, Buckwheat Flour, and Corn Meal. All of whieh he will sell as low as can be bought anywhere in the city. IBeips ibauldui for r oot femora, to Ilkoose Nvho hove tgo liberally patronized him heretofore, the subscriber most respectfully solicits a continuance of their patronage, and invites all others to give him a call, at his new place, where be has superior facilities for supplying all with oTerTiLins 1.1.6 16.6, 611 the meet seess.zahl. tarsal_ My motto la: "To live and let live ; Quick sales, and small profits." Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. S. Z. GOTTWALS, aa_it $l2 SPRING GARDEN Street CIUNNY BAGS-60 BALES FOR Nhaß gab by JAURETOR & OARSTAIRS, A 0 972 Routh FRONT Ellreet. 24,075 00 20,000 00 40,130 83 14,587 50 5,000 00 it,00,7g0 07 75,000 00 51,363 35 61,616 36 $860,128 37 S 01Y,14.2 Oa PATTERSON, %%Want. . &pa resitsisr.n.s 7 J7O-if Jambe R. Campbell, Edmund G. Dudlh, Charles W. POUltllB7, Israel Morris. - e IL MAIM, President. Secretory. fe9941 RAILROAD LINEU. WINTER AR- D.ANEINMENT.—PITILAIIPL PIIIA, WILbIiNGTON, AND BALTIMORID /LAIL- On and after MONDAY, NOT, 10, 3901, rebtiENGES TB/11rib 1/BATE 111111/ADBLIPEIIit: For Baltimore at 3.i.ift A. M., 8./6 A. AL, 11.36 A. le, (11z1Bress). and 10.60 P. ft, Farr Charter at 816 A. mama A. N., axi ana /449 P. EL For Wilmington at B.n A. M. Alb A. M., 1.1.88 A. M., 8.45 an :0.50 P. M. For New thwtle at 8.15 A. M. and 8.46 P. M. For Dover at 8.15 A. M. and 3.45 P. M. For Milford of 8,15 A, M. For Salisbury at 8.15 A. 18.. TRAINS FOR PHILADIELPIALI.: Leave Baltimore ala. 20 A. M. /prawns}, I_oo P. M. (Erpreaa), 6.20, and 7 P. M. (ldrapretta). Leave Wilmington at 7.20 and 11.33 A. M., 4.16, 8 46, and 9.60 P. M. Leave liallabury at 2,35 P. M. Leave Milford at 416 P. M. Leave Dover at 9 A. M. and 5.10 P. M. Leave New Castle at 11 A. M. and 5.0 P. M. Leave Cheater at 5.20 A. M., 12.15, 4.50, sag 9.30 P. M. Leave nadihnora for gall mintry and ini.ran<4l.6 etatiour 16.20 and 7 P. M i for Dover and intermediate stations LOS P. M. - . TRAINS FOIL BALTIMORE : Lease eIhAMAY at 0.411 A. M., 1101 tatd 11.00 P. IL Leave Wilmington at 4.10 A. M., OM A. M., 12.811 P ,and l 7 a. M. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Pamenger Oar attached, will run as follows' Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intenuedlate seen at 6.10 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and Interniedlate aces at 7.10 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de Oulu and intermediate Miring at 9 A. M. ON BIINDAYM ONLY At 3.20 A. M. and 10.50 P. M. from Pkilladolpitla to Nitia.ota. at 7 from lialtimoro to Philadelphia. The 3..30 A. M. train from Philadelphia to Baltimore will run daily, Mondays excepted. ae2/1-kr B. M. PRLTOM, Pioddaat. 1861. r 1861. ARRANGtMENT OF NEW YORK LINES. TUE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PIIILA PAVILM4 4.4'11) TRENTQN BATI4TWAD (10,13 1.1 7 / 8 13 FR OM BIIIidADDIXIIIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES, 11L011 WELNOT-STREET WEAR? AND KENSINGTON DEPOT WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: AS 0 A. JA., vim Vousiou owl Amboy, V. and A. Ao- oommodation 82 26 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey Olty, (N. J. Accommodation) At IN A. M., via Kensington and JortiayOlty,Morn- Mg Mail 800 At 123 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Acooramo- dai46a 9 2d At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex preys 800 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evanlug Express 800 At 4 P. X', via Camden and Jamey City, 24 Mane Ticket k 96 At 6N P. via Kensington and Jersey City, Eve nines Nail. 8 00 4412 P. EL If via esnangton and lerneyelky, goals- PMEE!MBE!Mi tkua l (Freight Dud reelonger).--/al Olone Ticket.. 2 St DL, do. Id Liana Ticket.. 1 61) The dm P. IL Nail Line rune daily, Buildup' excepted. The 12 P. El leathern Mail rune daily. For Water Gap. Ittrouddiurg, Scranton. Wilkoebarra, tiontroes, Great Baal, am.. at 7.10 A. M. from /Canting.. ton. ola Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western A. R. For Mooch Blink, Ellletdown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Lletett, Lambertville, Flemington, gc., at 7.10 A. M. and P. N. from Kensington Depot - (the 7.10 A. M. ilne connect", with train leaving Radon ' for Mauch Chunk at 8.85 P. 84.1 For Mount Holly 4, N., 2 and 4 P, 44, for Yreabokl at 0 A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINKS. for Bristoi, Trenton, dm., at 7.10 and g 34 A. M., and ;1 ut 0,?4, finel J 2 P Al,l Imo? Fell'ol3lo4. For Palmyra, 1141 , 01101/, Valance, Beverly, Burllas ton, Florence, Bordentown. at 3.2 g, 1,4, 6, and 61( F.M. ET For New York and Way Linea leaving Sewing. ton Depot, take the care, on Fifth street, shove WaMLitt half an hour before departure. The care run into the depot, and on arrival or each train run from the depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Passau. sor. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over afty pound to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility far baggage to One Dollar Der pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond 8100, ex. eept by /modal contract WM. H. HATZMEH. Agent. NORTH PENNSYL , , • VANIA RAILROAD. fOR BETHLEHEM, DOYLVTOWN, AI A UG R MUNK, HAZLETON; EATON, ECHILEL itc; WINTER ARRANGEMENT. THREE THROUGH TRAINS. On and after MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1861, Pea !tenger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Strada, Philadelphia, daily,Mondays excepted,) as follow; At 6.40 A. N., (Exprese,) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Blanch Chunk, Hazleton, &c. 2,46 P, hl,, (Emus.) for Bethlehem. !Moho &O. This trash reaches Zenon at s Y . , IL, and maim a close oonheetion with the New Jersey neutral for Now York. At 6.06 P. N., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch thank, ix. At 9 A. M. And 4 P. 91., for Doylestown. At 6 P. hi., for Fort Washington The MO A. M. Exprese Train make/ claim connection :AS. els Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, hall/ the ehorteet and moot &lineable routs to all points In the Lehigh coal region. TRAINS FOE PHILADELPHIA. twiLioi..o at 1.69 A. BC, 0.19 A. N.. aiia P. M. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. N. and 3.20 P. N. Leave Fort Washington at 6.30 A. D. ON OTlNDA.YS—Philadolais for Fort Washington at 0.20 a. M. - Philadelphia for PoYleatowa at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. in.% 7 . 9 .0 4 7. 13 -to. tor 'fir,11.4tei F 121...4. 6.43 IF. td. Fare to 8eth1eh0m....01.09 I:are to liauch Ottnals.o2.oo 'Fare to Heston 1.60 Through Tickets must Bangui at the Ticket Oftlces, at WILLOW Street, or BEMS Street, In order to secure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berke street with the 'Fifth and Sixth streets, and Se cond cud lidrii-etreeta Paseenger Dediroads, twenty mi nutes after leaving Willow street. no 4 ELLIS MASH. Agent. i mpERN FALL AND WIN - TE B ARRANGEMENT.— YHILADELPHLI, GERMANTOWN, and ROBB'S TOWN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. 0.. ndoein, ...BR luA tlior notice. FOB GERMANTOWN Leave Pbllo , 3olpbia, 0,7, 8, 0,10.00, 1/, 13 4, M i l, 3, IL 4,6, 0,7, 8,9, 104, and nil P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7), 8, BM, 9g, Bit, A. M.. 1,2, Sol, 6. It Om. 11 P_ M. The 834 A. K. train from Germantown 'tope at Day , ' and Tioga only. ON SUNDAYS LAE,S6 PLIDJAISIdA, 8.111. A. M., 2 S, &RAIN P. M. Leave Cermantown, 8.16 A. M., 1,8, and Di P. IL CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. LeBve Pbiladvlphip., 8,9, 11, A. 21., 2,4, 8,8, and 'Log P, lAMB uhestnat Hill, 7.10 4 13410, 10.10 4 A. 21.412.40, 8.40, 8.40, 7.40, sad 9.10 P. X. ON SUNDAYS. Loave Pillmielpixts, 4.65 A. M.., 4. and 'I P. M. Leave Cheehant Rill, 7.50 A. M.,14.40, 6.40, and 9.10 P.M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, OX, 9.05, 11.05 A. N., 1,11, 5.05, 5,.4, 8.05, and .9.0 e P.M. Leave Norristown, 7,8, 0, 11 A. M., IX, tx, and P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 3 P. M. 'Uwe Nereidseve, !lIANA 1. K. POE MITINII. Leave Philadelphia, 6%, 9, n. A. m., 1%, 8.05, 4%, 6.05, and 8.06 P. M. Leave Manayunk, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%,11% A. H., 2,5, and 6„14 PAIL ON BIINDATEI. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 3 and 7 P. H. Leave Manayunk, 7% A. N., bg and 8 P. M. H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent, ne2S•tf Depot NINTH and GREEN Streets. rrHE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, SIMI MILES DOUBLE EDAM 1861. mtmx X 862. THE OAF/LOWY OF THE ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN TR& COUNTRY. VIBE& THROUGH PASSENGEB THUM) BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Dogma, New York, and all pointa &wit, and in the Union. DOW at Pittsburg with Through Truing to and from all points In the Wnsts Northwest, and bouthwest—. thus furnishing facilities for transportation of Passau gore =surpassed for epoed and comfort by any other route. Xxprono m 4 Foot LittOO FdL through to Pittsburg, wlttrokit change of Oars or °anal/cloy& All Through Passenger Trains provided with Loughridge's Patent prake—speed under perfect control of the engineer, thna adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking Cars are attached to oath Train; Wood. tin's Bleeping Oars to Xxpress and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS BUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines Son. days excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 8.08 A. M. Fad Line " 44 XPrefla LIBIII .` Parkesburg Accommodation 12.30 P. M. Harrisburg if 2.30 P. M. Lancaster at 4.00 P. AL West Chester Pamongers will take the Mail Train at A. ht., the taricestaire iteconumalation at 12.30 P. itt and the Lanca.ter Accommodation at 4 P. N. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Palle, and intermediate points, leaving at 0,99 0. Df, ally 2,44 F, At,, gs. 44. w P 7 Tickets Westward may be obtained at the office of the Nompany In Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Balti more ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad offices in the West ; also on board any of the regular has of Rteeniers on the lttieviergypi vi Ohle rivers. mfr . Fare always as low, and time nal quick, as by any other route. Tor further information artily at the Passenger Sta. don, Boutheaet corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago. make this the pwror LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THI 94EAT WEST The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight to gether with the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travelling Palate. Merchants And Shiners entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confi dence on its speedy transit. THE BATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point In the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at aII NEU 41 fatvrabie ent Charged by other Etatterld Companies. Ildr Be particular to mark packages " via Pennsylva nia Railroad." For Freight Contracta or Bblnving Direct - loner *PAY to, or address either of the following Agents of the COM. Pan,' : D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg.: H. S. Pierce & Co., Zanesville, 0. • J. J. Johnson, Rip ley, McNeely, Maysville, By. Ormsby & bar, Portsmouth, 0.; Paddock & Co., Jeffersonville, Indiana; H. W. Brown & Co., Cincinnati, O.; Athern & Hibbirt, Cincinnati, 0; R. C. Meldrum, Madison, Ind; Joe. B. Moore, Louisville, By.; P. G. O'Biley Co,, Evansville, Ind, •, B . W.' %Maw Co,, OEN, 11l E. F. Bans, abler t elmee, St. Louis. Dlo, ; dohs H. Harris, Nashville, Tenn. Harris & Hunt, Mem plds, Tenn .; Clarke 4 Co., Chicago,lll. ; W. H. H. Soon% Alton, 111. ; or to Freight Aget" of Railroads at dilforont points in the West. 0. D. tirricinfrori, Jr., Pioisdetride. NAGEAW a MOONS, so North street, Baltimore. LEECH & 00.,1 Astor House, or 18. William et., N. F. LEECH & CO., No. 77 State street, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Agent, Phila. 1,. L, IMIIPT, Garet 'ticket Agent, MAU. B. 'LEWIS, Oen'l 800% Altoona, Pa. jeg-1y PHILADELPHIA REINIMI AND unA141742 24-77111L1D M t (Moo 227 South Fourth street.) PIIILADBLPHIA. Awn 2711094. BEASON TICKETS. On and after May 1,1881, season tieketa will be HIM by this emnyany for the periods of nisei alai =et a twelve months, not transferable. Beeson sobool-tiokets may also be bad at 88 Per esolt discount. These lickete will tie told by the Trommr M Not 2IF Sotitt FOURTH ERreeti where any rumor inrormaidas can be obtained. B. BRADFORD, ' WNW Treeliezer. mi n gpop . WEST CHESTER RAILROAD TRAINS via PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corner ELI pO4 6 P and, MARITAT Streets, at 8 A. 111,12. 20 noOnt . FL m 514 IIJRNESB, BRINLEY, & CO., da HAMM STRUM SALE OF FRENCH DRY GOODS. On Fritiny Morning, .lanm , rY n at 16 o'clock, I.y .mf.nlotnao. for cn0,12- 410 of fancy and ample French dry gooikt. 1116 P• Ermillien and rtituinmana ommly on morning of aal lIOPPIN, AUCTIONEER. Z4l 111 A RIC ET SMOOT. GENERAL 1.32) I.E OF DRY 11(YEITIIr FANCY 'WOOS LEN A - AD ) 3 / 4 oliii'FFlO KNIT 401,08, 110S1H4tir, TRIIIIIIIINGI4. *AL Oh Jaz, not ) 3, at 10 0 . 1.1%.rit $ u genera! laminrtilielit of aLW. finto.)l , poods, atlarled 10 pre4llnt n . tinVeitie)f. Rte - n arranged fi,r I•Xililliatitiv), early on the niorliing nl bole, with cattilogiii.H. PHILIP FORD & CV., AUCTION KERB, Non, E 26 MARKET and El 7 00AIMER0JI Streets. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF I ON CASED, ROOTS, SHOES; IIhOGANS. On Thursday Morning. CLOEillkl: SALE OF THE SEASUN. January 2, at ILO o'clock yrectßoly, Wi l i, aold, by ca talogue, 1,000 ctutom hoyie, and ynnttin' calf, kliw grain, thick and Ilungitrhai hunter brogans, Willington Janda woman's, minim and cliildrou'a calf, kiy, gnat, and kid lambi and Hind*. Alan, a lotadanuar am...Hama W,•11:01'H HMI /HUSH; aee•rd :Itlll pa•gganl Balmoral 1.0014, atilnpttA to 610 land retail truth. 'flu. 'turn!' of buyorn in particularly callod ro this our laid I,llill FM' this /41.10 , 11,14 SP' Open for oxamination, with ontalogrum, early on tin morning of man, NF. FANCOAST, AUCTIONEER, • Btacceesor to B. Scott, sr,, 4,11, giugnin aEe SALE OP PiIItItOTTJEUIPS, biti• 0000 s, Hostility GOODS, NOTIONS, &c., by Catalogue. This a ornitig, DeepnillAv 11, cAmmatteing at 10 OMAe.k. bbl hfi. EM111:111DIER1IN. All iil,llo, Nucl. estottl.ele Ictt. , lhen:l4l4'r, inconel I collar:. eictol At. 0,001.5, k„. Aire, b.onu•l and v..lvm ribbotw, bonnet materials, nr. NOTIONS, 11001' SKIRTS, &c;. A In., 1. - Incur., I , ultwor., of nxl ra atiml liming limp akirtn, &v. GERAIANTOWN FANtIY KNIT CoDDS, HOSIERY, AND IILTI:K. ci,ovEs. choir" atyli•ii raitt7 zephyr knit lmods, mordrir, rcarf-, cusntcrtr, unbina, wu it and colon il. , l“llry, I'Nrfar henry buck army gnuntlots ; - STOCK Gm the Mock of it umita atm.& CLOTHING, ITALIAN CLOTH. &e. Alan an invoicr rently MILIII! clothing; Italian cloth, hrom &c. Ilconiber 31, Pt 10 o'clock An involcocif huo 111E4 WStrrontA genuine mink, sable, FOWL , ' 11.111 . till, fiteli, and squirrel furs, t.r ladles, nilss,,s, C'bililrvir r FURS. FURS. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OF FANCY FURS, NARA Ite.4 by Catitloam. On Thurgility Morning, Cotetprialug a geiteral 110!orttheitt of faaltionalrie fora for nlibm, t , and chiklren'n wrar. fancy elctgia rod carriage rebta t fa , cape oral vollara t gloyert, •o, D lt. VERNON PIERPOINT, DOYAL,COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, ENGLAND, Anther of "Skin Dineaeon mei their Remediee," sod 41 Digeitauts of the Rectum." May be coneulted nt hie Doeggvacfp 101 1 .1 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, FROM 10 VOLOOS A. N. TILL 8 DUNI F. Dtq OH HT fir. fittifOnl1 1 1 o 6en eepec6lli sucessful 6 116 treatment of the following diseases: SKIN DISEASES of Every Nature, NEURALGIA, ,BIIEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, and DISEASES of the REO rum.. n025-tf GLUTEN CAPSULES OF PURE COD-LIVER OIL. The repugnance of most patients to COD-LIVER OIL, and the inability of many to Mho it at all, has la duvet( various forms of disguise ha its administration that are familiar to the Medical Profeasion. Seine of them answer in special cases, but more often the vehicle neutralizes the usual effect of the Oil, proving quite as unpalatable and of less therapeutic value. The repug nance, nausea, to invalids, induced by disgust of the Oil, fa entirely obviated by the use of our CAPSULES. COD-LIVER OIL CAPSULES have been much used lately - in Europe, the experience there of the good re. eulte trom tileir not. In 'nth boepitat and private, prackice t itdidt , from time naturally suggested advantages, RI, suf ficient to warrant our claiming the virtues we do for Ulm, reeling assured their use will result In benefit mid fieServtli favor. Treparcel by WYETH & BROTHER. dat 1412 VI UT Shut, PhilMolphig, IRELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION g_ EtELMBOVWS GENCTRE PP.F,PARATIOVS. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. mwm.w, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Diseases of the Bladder. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Diseases of the Kidneys. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Gravel. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Drossy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Nervous Sufferers. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Debilitated Sufferers. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Lose of Memory. tanDOLIY'S BXTBACT BUCHU For Loss of Power. lIELMEOLD'S EXTRACT DIJURG Fur cunouniptiun, Ituvintry. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU • For Epileptic Fite, St. Vitus' Dance. HELMBOLD'S EX.TILACT BUCHU For Difficulty of Droathluer HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For General Weaknesif. B.I.ILMBSLBIS R.V.THA•6I For Weak Nerves. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Trembling, HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT MOH, Fur Night Swag. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Giii FfM, EIBLDIBULD . O EXTRACT /WOOD Fur Dinmessof Vision. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Languor. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU I t ee Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHII • For Pallid Countenance. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Eruptions. lIRLMINOLIS'A 7CTRACT itUdftti For Pains in the Back. RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Headache. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For gist. gtmakels_ HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPAItATIOES. If you are Buffering with any of the above distressing ailments, use HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. Try it, and he convinced of its efficacy. lIELMBOLIPS EXTRACT BUCHU, reeommended by names known to SCIENCE and FAME. HELMBOLD'S' - EXTRACT BUCHU. Sea remarks made by the late Dr. Physic. lIRLMBOLISIA HHXTFGAVT B . Ociftl. nee Dr. Do wee's valuable work on Practice of Pltysic. BELPtIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. See Dispensa tory of the United States. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. See remark. made by Dr. 141r...h. MCDO WOll, o celebrated physi clan, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in King and Queen's Journal. RELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. See Medico- Chirurgiral Review, published by Benjamin Travers, F. E. e. g. BRIA1110t1:01,4 (towline preparations. See most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparations. See remarks made by distinguished Clergymen. RELIdBOLDIS*GENUINE PREPARATIONS R Give health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek ;" and are eo pleasant to the taste that patients become fond of them. lIRLMIIOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, 011 sac bottle, or six for 5 5, delivered to any address. Depot 104 South TENTH Street, below Chestnut, Philadelphia, Pa., where all letters must be addressed. PHYSICIANS IN ATTENDANCE From a A. M. to Describe symptoms in all communications. ADVICE GRATIS. CURES GUARANTIED. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. ocs-etuth3m 1/.39 A. M. 20.30 P. DI. MRS. JAI - I'lE6 BETT6' CELEBRA TED SUPPORTERS FOR LADIES, and the only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La dies and physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Sir.. at her reeldeace 1039 WALNUT Sk:e Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their physicians to use her appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the United States copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and With t..the.niale_ .ellt-Githate COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. 13111LADELPHIA, NOVEMBER 11, 1861.—Notice is hereby given that writs of sciro ludas will lie issued ou the following . Claims for CURB ING AND PAVING, in three months from the date the oonto aro paid to the nudoraisnod at their 061ce No. 817 SPRING GARDEN Street, Phila. N. R & T P. POTTS, Attorneys of 11. S. Stephens. THE CITY OF. PHILADELPHI.A. TO USE OF. E. 0. PANLING vs, JAMES N. LINNARD, in the Court of. Coninion Pleas, No. 136, June Terms 1601, against a certain triangular lot of ground on the east side of Ninth street, 198 - feet 11 Inches south of Moore street, In the First ward of said city, containing in front on Ninth street 20 feet 1 inch, on the northerly line about 210 feet 6 inches, and on the southerly lino along the south lino of the towpath of the old Delaware and Schuylkill canal, about 300 feet to ground now or late of John Wagner. SAME vs. SAME.—In the Court of Common Fleas, No, 136, Jobe Terin, 18016 „gemA i st x certain triangular Jet of ground on the went dillv of :Oath struch in ths, rirac ward of said city, 235 feet 4 inches south of Moore street, containing in front on Ninth street 10 feet 8 inches, and .bath 13 lent nioro or Ives. nor.:4o3tit THE ADAMS EXPRESS MitiiPEN COMPANY, Office 320 CHESTNUT m OO% ir m - w p r opeie, Packages, MarchaacUrse, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by ite own Linea or in connection onto other Entwine Companies, to al 'the principal Tem* and Ones of the United Stated E. S. SANDFORD, iaia Mama! Adik,A4,,taadaat FOR NEW YORK. ONIMIIIMINIDITEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware awl Raritan Canal, PhßadeipLlß and Row York - Express Steamboat Quat• yany receive freight and leave ,dally at 2 P. H., delfts& Ins their cargoes in New York the following days. Yrelahte taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHANYES, JAMES HAND, Agent, •nl-tf Plan 14 and 16 EAST RIVER. New York. woeFOR NEW YORK_ The Philadelphia Steam Propeller Comma will commence their busineas for the season on Monday : 18th Instant. Tbsir steamers are now reoeivlnf freight at Ragout Tier obeys Wetunt pc v }. Terms accommodating. Apply to • W. M. BAIRD & 00., was ma &nth rialearare Akan irtEBT QUALITY ROOFING- BLAME .11-1 always on hand and far este at Tinton Wharf, 1411 BIALCH Obeid, Kensington. T. TROBLift, 11W1-11s W WALNUT Strait, Plillaataidd gALFIR BV AIIUTII3B. MMIZEI On Tin.mlny Atorning MEDICINAL DIMMER OF THE P:4l 4 3 303[611)1) I if.3o I ot•14 SALES BY AUCTION. M THOMAS & SONS, 111 No. MG rind 111 Sonth FOURTH Strut animorly Nne. 67 and 60. REAL ESTATE AND STocEs—THIS DAY 1)141,4dd4 t PUBLIO SALES REAL ESTATE AND STOCIE* AT TUE EXURANUE, EVERY TUESDAY, al If e y ebolt nom during the NlP:mutt RAMO. BEAL EfiTATE AT PRIVATE BALI We have a large atuuunt of real errata at yrivata male, including every cleacription of city and ' , Pantry pro perty. Printed lints may Mt had at thn Anctlon Mona STOOKR, kc Thi.4 Par'. Dreember 81, at 12 U . ClUtt IlllGll l nt the Than&lala Exennme— Itxre Pprrmptray et:re (Joirtinlntsi rekFllltrs' ft n 4 MiThion 'And mir) DO} ANI tiNinellerion.. nhitro Ar.artrany of the Finn A TIR, 1 btatre , Atereetraan Library Connolly. b.ohnreit American Armicin% or 9lnnir. VINAT.CLASS FARM, Tilsl DAY, r*Prnil‘Pr ;I, Eschnnvor try orator or Reirti-- lentate a)r Jri,lg 1,0104,01401 h (We'd: "VrtM7MiLV, HARM, 140 MANI, 11Toutwomen, county, L•rnnnyl',ani*, of ii tnlio from Rawly Ram Station,. on Om North l'imunlyonfit ItollYorul. S WM* from Ehoutnul mai i‘.11., from I , llll.i.lphim 1; hi ut r of tutu boat firremi lu Mootttonwry county. BE FLDllifl 1,4)T, Vope Rtrn, t Moot, milli. word. ViNVEN7 H VALI, SA fir—f A NUARY 7. im-hpiv rho tulEryffing, ytr; EXI.PIIII,r,I Male—N.lFM' of SIIM.II TKIII/1' 11111111 PWELT,INCI AND LOT OF ‘2IGOUND,, mouNiumit or von of Difoutuomor v Ill'olllll4 mid 11,„thouda, armor, "F.OPoloololi want. Lot 47 I.l' 110 1,(41. Eptahe-1.01 UF •CIRUUVU,, 17 by 90 fri4. Same Etottitoli LOTS OF (MOUND, Kdinluitic 1110 abovo, 17 by 1 i 4 root. 811r114 , Elitutr —4 LOTS or GROUND. 111..tiluomiry ay.titie, beat. Mr... 4. 18 I.y II; I'a+.•l. gIIIIW E4111141---LUla UI. 1111011111, 1,, 1.10. Ito ta.r.vo, Wi r..r further Ixtrlicullirm luuuthith. and litho. grapltle Pert•mpl,iry LOT Or GtO)UNI), Prwtot het weer' lino rkoL efilloe.lllll. stre.r?m, Nn, 331 24 fell front, 40 foot (loop, to Water rtrert. Bale 10111;41lb.. Executor's Peremptory Bide—Estule of f'at)nrluo Kinp, . . TPIRVIC PRAM): UW RE.LIN(tS, Itart Klrert, north wrAl 01 Ttionii.mtit 4trpet, taiLloruW Ward. PPiteutory SuIt.,—TIIHEE.STORY Ilro' fi t Nn, 182 Liturel Street, wiht of Novinarkvt Alma, tilxtri.oh ward. HAND:MINX NEIV 111010.111111 DWNTALING, 'fin Wall= WM, truht of Tinvitivili, Oslo at Non, lad and 141 tioutb ruurtb ?Wont. . EIIITENIOR FUNNITUNN, FRINCLI.PLATN MIN. ROBB, PIANO-FORTEB, TOMB AND BEDDING. CHINA .AND 01.103 WARE, IlliUBSlol.ll3 AND OTHER CURVETS. ,ye On Tlitmultty At II o'clock. M the Auction titore, the superior furni• Phtfl9-kliii% mlrrorAi I}rll Alld MAN CM. pote, Ae, l tress femPles deeUninß kgarikkillokkirt fomorad to the odor° for convenience of sale. AST Catalogues ready the day nreVielle to Epeolvi.n4 main by nrike of thi. Citurt FUMIIIIIPP fir MI nilllllllllPllll Aotiry Room,. lIRCE Ili' IN FIRE Pilfiriles—SUPEßlOlt UFFICII On Monday Morning, . . .Inpuury (I, at 10 o , rlark, at the Conunerefsi Agency Itnnuim, Nu. Third street. Mutant met vi. by osier of e Receiver, the valuable furniture, fixture'', &e. conirrlslug 4 superior tire proofs, 10 walnut runt ei liogany °Rice desks, book racks, with dtawers, roiling, oir., copying preenro, lir May be examined at any limn IflU I L to Um gIIN AT PRIVATE SALE Shares Mercantile Library. ix FITZPATRICK & BROS., doom.. Avvrrokrizza, 494 Orffinfla Ffr i h %Inn MO, SALt TIM e 1 ti4b. 4 .4') .. M.Qll:4l,Zu t t i t. 10 At the Auction Store, of fancy gtant, clocks, watchcA, jewory, r1;11,-ry, Niiver-pinte,i ware, Sr, Al o, gilt turoko, Albums, Portfolto9, ecc. Also, a ajdondid ce , llentlon of Sea Sheik and a varlet/ QT ;11Ki111 NONNI: fqr ifstw Irvin+ prommtre CHItISTSIAB AND P1t1101111119•• Bale every evening, et 7 o'clock, oil a oplinaPi mu. 014- Meta 01 . Taney Elknilri nilfrf , Pinted W7/114 c rnknl 11144 0 11 0 'h Jrwlirn 010441) [IWO) elationery, aniinalu, gift kooks, Illuetrated workii, in elegant bindings, juvenile books, &c. Also tine allannp, portfolio, work•boxim, So. Also, a liar collection of foreign era Mg's, and an immense variety, of fancy good:, of every clenerlption. PRIVATE. SALE. Daring the day, at average auction prima. NW Consignments solicited far either 'math° 09104,A.,,,,,, to anti flick tllitiarilline.A of C 4111111.41141.4. Kr Out-door._ galea promptly attondt4 to. Charges moderate MOSES NATRANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION DINUOLIANT. south's's{ corner of Klan and RACE Streets AT PRIVATE SALE, AT PRICIES TO SUIT TEE TIMES The following articles will be told for lees then bait qt• until 'selling price; Fine gold huntingTettee, doublerCoties end 3011b104(41 tom - English patent lever watcntsa of the moot noru i! and beet makers; flue gold double•time Englinh NUR. lever watches ; Independent KOCUIllia lever watches; fins gold am! neen.fnee escapement lever ad lupine watches' horizontal and duplex watches; was hunting-cue, double cane, and double-bottom Engin& patent lever, escapement lever, and lupine watches, of the moot approved and beat makers; donble.catte and OM. face sliver watches ; silver quartier and slngto4saps watches; fine eclat vent, neck, fob, and guard 'sham!: diamond finger-rings and breast.pine; nets or fine jewelry; gold !mut-pink unr-ringx, flagenrions. bran. 1.664 penal-Mktg* pm, and Jewelry of every delerilltiett guns, pieta's, musical instruments, plane-fortes, sad NI 11°P° FaYr• MONEY TO LOAN Money advanced liberally, for any length of IMM agreed upon, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watobea t Jewelry, fowllag.aiscog, musical instruments, dry goMi clothing, groceries, hardware, cutlery, farnfture„ Mao ding, fancy articles, and on all articles of value. UIILUI'LLUIt:ija , %2I4=U=M i !LI Liberal cash advances made on all articles oonalsta for ewe. personal attention given to all out-door odes. CABINET FURNITURE. cIABINET FURNITURE AND Kir kJ LIAM TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, tZv 7 5 3 riosith 0/40011D Otreett in connection with their extensive Usbinet Business N aow manufacturing a =attics artiao of TABLEI3, and WM now on hand aDM supply, nniatial with MOOSE it CAMPION'S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced, by an who have need them, to ha enperlor to all others. For tho .. L emllly wiid Rola .of those Teblds the mead !soh:mere refer to their to:Lammas patrons throughout &a Union, who are familiar with the oharacteror their work. 0u25.13m PROPOSALS. OFFICE OF ASST. Q. M. U. S. A. —FORT MONROE, December 24, /130/. healed proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, at noon, on the TENTH 'DAY OF JANUARY NEXT, for furnishing two kiteant Fire Engines for this VC, Encil te bore nn §, tit or 3V-inch Varyliiiritary Pump, or other pump of equal capacitYi with cuctiirn hose, (length and diameter to tie mimed ' ) and sufficient number of discharge pipes; also, tender fur fuel, and hose reel to accommodate 500 feet of linos of usual size. Proposals will also state price per foot for suction hose of size SR sh,,t withengine- 7 f'rslan:so so la feet addi tional thing required with each with all necessary con nections; als , a for 500 feet of India rubber delivery hose of the requisite strength, with 23,1 -ineh connections. Bid den will stele, in detail s the capacity of each 8,9, or 10- inch - pump fur drawing and diacharging water meter dif ferent lengths of suction and discharge hose ; time re quired to get up a sufficient head of steam for effective work, and such other information as will enable this De- Dartmont to decide upon the bids_ geparato proposals Pill lie received for the one thousand feet of India rub , her delivery hose If desired. Price in each case to in clude delivery at this post in full and complete working order. Bidders will also state when they can execute their DlUDOElaist (diluted) an6•tialo GRIER TALIARADGE4 A. Q. M. SEALED PROPOSALS ARE IN cited till the 10th day of JANUARY, 1562, at 12 o'oiocia M. t roe ~,,retying sl,n tiovernment with itemai CATTLE. The Cattle to be delivered at Harrisburg, Chembtrebiwg. or York, Pa., as soon after the 15th day of 'March, 1865, as the Government may direct. The Go vernment will receive tinder this contract 4,000 head, and pc.,Pdo the Pight iô eAll fat additioaal sailtlahaw it 8 10,000. Each lot of Cattle deliiered shall average at least 1,300 -pounds gross weight q and no animal will be received which weighs less than 1,000 pounds gross weight. Coveralls:cut reserves to Itsiar the tight tO tutY iu 'NW,- Fairy notes, mai to reject any bid for any cause. No Ma will be entertained unless the bidder is present to re spond. The bids to be directed to Major A. PECK WITH, C. a. V. Washington, D. 0., MO 41idANE , i1 a Prow sale for Beef." FORM OF MO A If, do propose to deliver to the Govern ment good Beet Cattle on the hoof for - per hundred pounds gross weight, The Cattle to be delivered et -, according to the terms of the unclosed advertise• nient. The Cattle to be weighed on the scales, and the weight so determined to be the purchase weight. I hereby agree to give a good and sufficient bond for the fulfil maiit of the &intent!. and to I'dMVO, Treasury notes or or other Government funds In On.Yhlellt for the Cattle. de2B•dtje9 - LITHOGRAPHIC WORK.—Sealed h received by the genato 002.111A ten on Printing, until 10th January, for Lttlawnraphing and Printing the Mane, Charts, and Diagrams which ac company the documentsfrom the Departments communi cated with the annual Message of the President to Congress, to be executed in the very best manner. No bids received except from persons carrying on the Lithographic business. • For particulars, apply at the office of the Snperinten• dent of Outdid Pvinting, where the work to he done eau eittiiiitied. JOHN P. DFFREES, de2.8.3t Superintendent Public Printing. OFFICE ARMY CLOTHING AND roxtrAcr, soonee TWELFTH aod Of RA teD Streets. PROPOSALS.—ProposaIs will he received at this of fice until SATURDAY, Jan. 3, 1882, to furnish for tho Schuylkill Arsenal ONE g UOTION FIRE 'ENGINE. Didders aro teetiested to state the prico and gi26, and where the engine can be inspectetl. G. G. °ROSH (N, Dep. Q. N. Gen, LT. N. A. =EN F ,„.• WEST CHESTER •`,- • AZ)) PHILADELPHIA BAIL- VIA MEDIA, WINTER ARRANGEMENT On and after MONDAY, No'. 25,1861, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot, N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and iIIAISEXT &anti i e,30 AA., 2, 412, and teia D, DI., and will leave tile corner or THIRTY-FIRST and DIABIIRT Streets, (West Thile delphia,) at 17 minutes after the starting time from the Depot. ON NDND4YS. - Lwayg rI;3IT.,APAi,r/4"M r 6 , A. 11- M. Leave West Chester at S A. N. and 4 P. M. The Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.30 A. M. and 4.15 P. M. connect at Peunelton with Trains on the Phila delphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord, lsvaucch vaivro, as» slFr nwm" W OBll, n025-tf ilnperintandent TERRAPINS, OYSTERS STEWED AND FRIED, ANP PtII9ENN l3ALAP,—lnvl tation Cards and other notices will be distritnOXl In WI parts of the city, with punctuality. The undersigned is at all times prepared to present, for the inspection of Ladies and Gentlemen a list of the ~ tut,. .aettacy &ea latigsainstidtsatarhilnentat, as tha case may be, thereby avoiding all unneneasarY profusion and waste ; and flatters himself, that by his long exPe rience in bustuess, be will be able at all times to give, as heretofore, entire satisfaction to all who favor him with thole patranaga_ HI2NRY JONES. Caterer. No. 260 South TWELFTH Feted, above RHUMB. PAMPHLET PRINTING, AND every otter doserlotion et Yriattaill vt‘he superior Quality, at the most reasonable rates, at BI 0. WALT & BROWN'S, prowl's llMlding, 24 Sou% THIRD Street. no%