insurance. No one should neglect to provide hitnaelf frith the protection a good Detector affords, and there is -no better Detector titan Peterson's. By telegraph we learn that the Lehigh Valley Rail toad Company brought down from Manzh Chunk, for the week ending on Saturday, 21st inst.. 18,960 tone of void, against 17,441 tons for correaDOiltiing week lAA year, making for the season commencing December let, 3811, 52,752 tons of coal, against 49,319 tuns to ham , time last year—which is atiinciease of 3,433 tons of coal. I,sot)tons of Pig Trim were also sent down the road for the week eating, same date. The receipt,' of foreign gold and silver, and of gold from California, at Now York, and at Boston for :Ow - York account, tinct. Jununry 1. lire :About As folloo,..: Foreign goad entered at New York Foreign gold entered at Boaton.. .California gold at New York Vaal income of unltl. Hiner January 1. .4111 P tior, ill 1860: _From enlitnnuin, „, ~,,,,, ~ , ,§33,237 4 1100 arum “Invito iv 420,0110 --5t0,857.,003 Increased reccipts titter JIIIIIIOIT 1 5M7,415,11u0 The New York Bernina Post, or this evening, says: 'The Stock Emilia nem ehowed rather a steady feeling this morning land., tho later foreign adviees, although the gloomy weather situ Relaillet the marb rt. and induced some street sales of New rock ue,itral cent. before the Loan'. At the board 763, 4tY cent: vas paid, cash, and then bid seller On days. Oh the remainder of the railways Satiirds:- a !ogees were fairly rupptirted, 'With a rum teaaaa- sex end of the Western stocks. Michigan Ventral I.; naratriE4l 3SX, Rock Island 465, stint. The Federal securities are dull of We and partially down. Mist , ouris about 31) liitY cent. The OXChallgt• market for the Roston MAil opens the rep rare for ()althea ? sales - nog per Punt The rates offend for produce exchange are 3j al per cent. below the beef tales of Wet week. lii Money ....attern we hear le 2.7 s complaint to-day demand borrnwtrn, thousi4 Wl' se-nentt rate. The hi stiociatcd 'Banks are paying , ?iF3,500,000 into the 'Sub-Treasury to-day, on the negotiation of rile lath aidTenitTr, Whitt rtililtri Hit tatlnin:o on that operation to the credit of tin Treaeur:i in the Now York banks to *21,000,000, and in Boston and Philadelphia $i.1,000,033. The general consb tictiou placed on the sudden return of Lieutenant tlencral Scott in Wall Street, is in the di rection of peace=tde negotiation on the Trent arradr. some private letters from ttell-advieed panreo . in Wash ington this morning represent that cuttain hitereieteg between Lord Lyons and 111 r. Seward, immediately after the affair, and their respective letters to Lon don at that time, based MI the disavowal of the Inowle.tee of ....Tar Ga.,VcrtaLUVLst that each a capture was to take place. and of all purpose to insult the British flag, have delayed the pr. sentation of the peremptory de mand of the lEng.ish Government which came out a few days since by the Europa. Further advices fro's'. Lon -don alit therefore piolmbly by awsittd, ligeewhile, no are told through the -:raga's news, that the inference had already been drawn in Loudon twat the affair might nut have-beau au intentional insult, and the funds rose 7; per cent. on the arrival of th Nioselrg, Rhibidelpina Stock Exchange Sales, December 23, Armlets 94 g. IC. gt....nuka., Sxcls=l9} FIRST BOARD. 13 Pena R.......... 36 300 City tis new SS 1000 Penna Coup 55.. SO3 1000 d., 344 2 111inehill R 4i 25 do 32 do .... ". „ „ .4T:4 lltleGnaniCd 10 Arch-et B IIX 2 do 11,E 10 Mor 10734 .5' do ti 510772 'lO Penne. R SG,q 50 eo 36 do 36 0 d 0.3 4 .C.o. 36 BET WEE_ 3000 Poona Cp 00 sfiwn SO 1000 do qifti 00 SECOND 1 1 Lehigh liar. ‘' 9 do 43 r2.4.l"enna 50 do. b.5,v0 SG 10 do e.ll 36 00 Reading a....c.-Jh 10 di) 50 do 16 69 BOARDS. abt 500 retina So 77 5 bloc Cul pret.eZ, 5 do s 5 1000 Penns 5s 77 A .2coo do 77,4 500 d0...........773 500 do Hazleton C0a1... 39 AFTER 77477 1500 Penns, 5s 150 d 0... CLUSIVIi PR Bid. A sk. Plat, 6. 84 6.21.4 Platt 63 • 82 )/ Phila Oe new... 67;‘i to Penns 6e 7'l Reeding 16 do Beading Bds '7O 50 52 1t'46.81 030 >4O Bead 88'86.. 73 7j; , ,, Penns R :60 Penns R2dm Ca 53x.. 64 Morrie CI Con.. 2') 36 Idoreis 01 11e04.107 109 13ch Nem 65 . 82.. 6S 60 Nth Nem Imp 06 tio 74 tilt* Nev Stock. 2 13eli Nay Pref... 10 11 Philadelphia illarkels, PHILADELPHIA, D -c. 23—Evening, Itinsinear. generally has been inadive to-day, owing to the inclemency of the weather, and for Flour the de roand is limited, both for export and home use., about 500 bbls sold at fur superfine 5.5.75 for extra, Seel 3,500 bbls Diamond Mills family on private terms. bales to Melville lenge at the above figures for superfine -and ca. - n - aa, and 4.-:'d.n7 for extra family. and tan.Y brand:, as to quality. . _ WHEAT CnntietlPß dull and unsettled, .and prices favor the buYetb ; 901Q,C0? bits ovltl at 132 c fur geed 3'elm tylytinia red in titxte ; for southern do afloat, mostly at the latter rote, and 14325145 c for white. Rye is in steady drniaud ; 1,200 bus Pennsylvania sod at Corn comes in goal% : !lather sales are reported at C4e Ler old yellow 55xr66c . for new do, and 62e for mixed lots. - Oats are dun anout 2,000 bus honthern sold at 39c afloat, and Fee itaiN mini at 404/41c Bear is - unehamged, and 14 blals let No.l sold at $3O Tier ton. Corms.—There is little or nothing doing, and priced are nominally mewing:ed. GROCERIES AND Pnoristosiz.—Tha transactions are limited, and the Illarke. without any emoavie change. SEEMS are very quiet, and cluventeed selling, in a mall way only, at 5.,4.:37 y e 4,50 i • bushel. WIPSXY is dull, bids selling at 200220,¢e, and drudge 39,56 e • gallon. Philadelphia cattle Market, Dec. 23, 1861. The receipts of Bill Cattle are smaller than usual this week, only reaeliiez about 1,200 head. The demand la rather better, and prices 25c the 100 lbs higher than last quoted. The followinz are the particulars of the sales: dd ItArahle „t tUrk, Chester ramify, 47.136. 42 Kenueoy, Chester county, eleclit. It B. C. Baldwin, Cr.ean.r county, 87.50.758 65 James MuFillen, Jr., Chester county $8*8.50. 52 P. llathawn, Chester county, .4.8448.5 u. 60 P. 3fgFillun, Cheater county, •FSBS 50. 30 Cochran & aicCall, Cheater county, $8®8. 50. 62 Mooney & tirnith, Ohin, * 40 J. Seldeinrhl9. , , Ohio, P. 708.25. SO R. C 1.6, Ohio, 68 Aull, WeAern. 8708. 50 R. Healey, Cho ter eminty, $766.25. 52 Fuller & Bro., Ohio, F. 7.5007.75. 62 Chandler, Chester county, S7enS.2s. 18 George Barnhold, Delaware, af6v7. 62 Rotehrd, Ohio, F.7.7r8.50. 20 0. Smith, Ohio, 83aS 50. 60 Moo o & Prettl:, Ohio, 57ar7.50. 30 A Kettle, Pt.nic+lvania,B6o7. 57 J. Stcman, Pennsylvania, 56e7.50. 26 Claud, Chester county, Jr 7428.50 23 Davis Kimble. Chester count', S7esB. About 50 Cost,' erris ed and sold at the Avenue Drove Yard id from Vi,i) hriA fin Bl , Fingemt and 020000 for Cow sun calvet. The arrivals or Sheep reached about 1,600 head, selling at from Bto Pqico lb, net, as to condition 1,860 Hoge veld at from 84.00551 VY 100 lbs net, at the Avenue Droro Yard. The arrivals of fat Hogs at A. G. Imhers Union Drove Yard reached 6,770 bead, selling at from RCS° to $S W 100 lbe net, according to quality. Market rather brisk. New York Stock 11000 II 365'81 Cp... 89 2000 Kentacay 1050 Il ap '76, 70 1000 111 Coup II '77.. 7036 6000 Missouri e 5.... 39 25000 do 142" 9000 do 38,16 9000 California St is. 4000 Harlem let M.. 06 MP C B et.. 9 8 p c.. 94N 5009 111 Cent Ft b.... 85 2000 Ohl it .11 W 2d.. 10 5 Bk Commerce.. 77 1350 Ole Toledo... 30 100 de I_olo 110.11 200 MARI 46% 50 Gal 4; Chia d.. 63,V 350 d 0.........-62% 60 BliCeu Bey.— 51 400 do ...... -57 M 100 Panama 110 CITY ITEMS, “Trrauraurvirre ni WArt."—This is tho title of a sermon preached by the Rev. Henry A. Boardman, D.D., on Thanksgiving Day, which we have received in pamphlet form. Its distinguished author says that, un der existing stational circumstances, if the question of in- Sae:ding a Day of ThonLogiving were now Bret raised, there might be room for a difference of opinion. iltr yailiation might be more appropriate. But to omit such an annual service, after it has made for . itaelf a fixed place in our calendar; he held, would be a reftroaeh alike to our patriotism and pieta - . Dr. Boardman is one of the most able and coneervative living divines, and what he says upon any question is, therefore, looked for with interest by the public. Arrengthepoints presented in this admi z-able discourse, as SpeCißi grounds of national thanks. giving, the followd.e. are enumerated and respectively considered: "3 hat in respect to our most valued rights atria privileges, the aar hoe not molested that 0, large a portion of the Union has remainel loyal to the Constitution, oven in the face of the civil war ;” another he - flnda "in the stirntilus this wur has give.' to ilia hu mane and Christian virtues amongst us." Under this head, he says: •. It puts our young mon upon a training which will newish their manly virtues. It inculcates, as no gaoraliet could, I ,' , Oitt of economy, of moderation, of patience, and of self-eontrol, and fosters genuine sympa thy and benevolence." Another ground for thanksgiving Is found in " the favors which a benign Providence has shown our cau - e?' reatione which he sets forth, tie believed firmly "that this contest will result in re establishing the Union and perpetuating our Govern tnent." HENRY WAno BEECHER'S SALUTATORY AS Entroa-to-Ciitry Tun Isoarinsomir."—From the Current number of The Independent, we learn (what has already been stated, in part, in our notice of Mr. Beech pr's -lout lecture) that the "Editorial management of that liner lAN, Within the Dretwnt week, been asminwl ,Ly the Rev. Renty Ward Beecher; that the principles sad purposes of the paper will r,main unchanged; that it will study cathtdicity in its spirit, while teaching the • great cardinal doctrines of rtligion that are subAan- Wady held in C. 11.111.01 by the Congregations' erthucl.,X UiIOTC3IOI3 Of New England, and by the Presbyterian Churches of our .lute lend ;" that it will be dertitel to the tterantion of vital tisAllhass rathee than sastaelan tem, and that he will the liberty of meddling with every question which agitate.: the civil or Christian Pll,lll - according t.. i, discretion. 3ir. Botectwr EXPrOONS his eetimen• of the editorial profession by say ing that it has, with the progress of popular intelligence, aaatuned an importance second to no other, and that lie Irhe knows the scope and power of the prose need desire 11 0 higher office than the editorial. Tit Rvv. Gmnymp. W. SMILEY is Innouneed to deliver a lecture on Thursday evening nest, at Handel and Ilayth, nail, on ..The Mammoth Cave." The long residence ni Mr. Smiley in K antucky, in the vicinity of the itifinnumoth Cave," has enabled him to make it a subject of stwiy, and to traverse it freely with out a guide. He is evil to have spent days and nights together in making journeys through the mazes of this Wpm Jarful laby rinth of nature, and the result of his as ielorationa and geologies,. investigations will doubtless, his competent maids, constitute a very interesting eclat*. TO-DAY AT OA KI'ORD 7 .9.—To-day will be, ft gay day at Oakford's, under the Continental Hotel, let thy weather smile nr f own. Their stock of elegant goods tot stifle said he aought and tolittilltki by netv:.h.s oP taste, as they hare many things adapted for ladies, gen tlemen, children, awl military officers, that can nub - ln• fauna In their eetalliAnient_ They have radioed their pica in ail their department, in order to areommsdate the !nude of all. ;$36,707,000 7,711,000 :J3,677,000 .$78,095,000 BOARDS MOO Penn CD 513 Own SO 3001) du 95wu SO BuARD. I(TES-STIieLDY Bid. Ask. Elmira R Pref. 8.34 914 imira 75'73,,, ~ 65 Lung laartd B. 9jy 104 Lett Cl 6c Yay.. 48 4836 Leh Cl N Scrp 32 33s N Penne R. ...4 5 Si emu... ic 64'4 saps N Petwe. 109 76 73 C.MaNtitSsl% era.. ~ Frldil 6ntith 836 .. . . . 2d &,34 sts R. 3. 47 .. Itace&Vine-sc.sll .. 3 W Phil% R 60 Spruce & Pine.. SA( Sm firnen ()nate,' 1516' Cheat & Walnut 30 .. xeliange—Dee. 21. 8 Dui dr. Bud Co 824 23 Pacific Mail 92 do 85 100 do 85X 25 do ...s3O 8534 430 14 Yeentral 70N 50 do . 75X 300 do 76% 100 do b'7o 77 200 do„ .510 77 210 d 0..... ..... b 3 7T 275 Eric Railway..... 26% 22 do 20% 50 do 25% SO de _.....____h3 91 50 do 93 .95;c 45 'Hudson Oliver.... 3534 100 Mich Cent R.._ 44% WO do I 1100 Mich S k N 1 4__ 35 1150 do_.. ..... s3O 33 BEArTIFUL GOODS ron PRESENTS.—Messrs Witl&i k CO., No. n North Eighth aired, corner of Filbert, offer a very beautiful assortment of Fancy Geode, suitable for presents. There are many things of taste and utility in their display which strike us as common-sense articles for presents. Their prices, more over. are lower than the same goods can ho hogght at elsewhere. PURE LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES.- 111 r, C. 11. Illnttgon, dealer in fine grncerinii, Areh and Tenth streko, has IltlVI , on hand a guperlor article or tine old Brandy for o odirinat purposes; also, the finest quality of Madeira, of the celebrated "Dual" brand, reennininuilnil Ii idly siehitio. The beat in every conceivable varisty, ran absayn he obtained at Mattsoire. His preparations fur the holidays are on the hugest scale. GRAPINIS.—Among the delicacies to tt, bao Di the .;tore of Jr. C. 11. Manson, corner of Tenth Rud dish MretdP, RSA Ao4»c cholco iimerits arapcni, whicia 1n• bat+ just- itnportaml. Thu' Punched aro largo and the fruit luscious, and he Hells limn at the low Orion of 38 cents per pound. lVe know of nn more arceptablo pre pent, to the [note, than this delicious fruit. A SHORT WAlL—General McClellan, the Commander-in-Chief of the Union forces, is said to have repeated, recently, a fernier declaration, '• that the war would be short, though it probably might he desperate, DIA that he saw the way clearly through to success in 61 1 / I tllialb4 lbo retellion." In the mearAnt, the 'W4.41- known Fashioner and Clothier, Granville Stokes, 609 Chestnut street, will continue to sell, at war prices, lea extensive stock of well-made winter garments, which are superior in fit, fabric, and fashion to those /11:1111INC lured elsewhere. TEE FESTIVE SEASON.—" Christmas comes but once a year," and he deserves to be treated with proper respect when he does come. Everybody should hare a turkey, plum-pudding, and mince-pie on the festive occasion, and every Fentlemaq and ju land should don a Intl suit from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 603 Gbestritit street, above Sixth, in honor of the day. While civilians are thus attired, we would lam to see every soldirr in the service of the Union clad in a Onb- Etinttial and comfortable uniform from the same popular establishment. THE TRENT AFFAIR f-- 44 The plot thickens." Now it le rumored "Mason and &men mug be given up, with au apology, or fight." This, if true; as the prize fighters would say, "means mischief." Now, again, wo hear that the letter of the old hero, Scott, will much sh rift the British lion, and, on second thought, ho will "fear to make a mess of it." Then, again, we hear that " &ward has made it all right." We would like to know what right ja l even if Seward has made it to. We think Wilkes made it c. all tight," Everything, in fact, is so exciting, now-a-days, in the papers, that it ii feared that the business advertisements of such establishments - auto Stokes` tl One• Price" clothing §tcre, tinder the "Continental," may be overlooked. FOR CIIRISTRAS. Sileer-Plated Tea-sets-420 to 575- Silver-Plated Castors-44 to *25. Silver. Plated Cake Baskets-5.5 to $l5. Silver-Plated Butter Pishes-SS to $l5. Silver-Plated Gninis Onl7B-1 1 .Z - Zi /0 Silver-Plated Ica Pitchers-SA.SO to 315. Silver-Plated Toast Racks and Sugar Raokots. Paree_Plated Napkin Rings and gait-0611Am Silver-Plated Call Dells and Soon Vases. Silver-Plated Fruit and Dessert Knives. Silver-Plated Forks, Spoons, and Ladles. - Silver-Plated Fruit Stands anal Gard Receivers Silver-Plated Wares of all kinds, of the best q uality, and at moderate prices, E. W. CARRY!. CO., brittentarolll, 715 Cliestuut street, !Sas°llie UAL . _ E. W. CA.RIISL & CO., 715 Chestnut street, have— Fine Sets of Ivory-handle Cutlery, in cases. Fine Sete of Pearl handle Cutlery, in cases. Fine Pearl, Ivory, and Plated-handle Tea Knives. Fine Pearl, lyory, and Plated-handle Nut Picks. Fine Pearl, Ivory, and Plated-handle Butter Knives. - Fine Carvers, Sharpeners, and Knives, all of the finest cLuality, taut atmuderate mien. = ; ? CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT. E. W. CARRYL & Co.'s house-furnishing Store, 715 Chestnut street. Fine Tea Trays, iu sets, 5150 to .530. Willow Wort Stands, ;, - -;-2.50 to N 7.50- Willow Chairs for Children, SI to $t Japanned Bird , _lases, $1 to $lO. Boy e' Tool (he Ka, 51.50 to 55, - Pilvor-ylateil Toy Tom Sofg 7 7 5 cents. fitt prat, ,54slitta, ltrl livlith anti Military Goods. It TUE GREEN GROVERV, at Thirteenth and Chestnut, is now open. Butter, Cheese, Poultry, Gams, Fruit, Vegetables, of the very best quality only, gala at each. market priee4, t1421-6tis ARRIVALS AT TILE HOTELS ty} y 12 40aLeam LAM. NNW. CONTINNNTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut sta. J (i - Wild, /Mole Q W Wright, Zl•ny York Pt Lathrop, Washington,DC B F Johnson, Conn Ira Cole, New York 11 Butler,Prov, R I w .1 Cullen, Minnesota 13 S (4. , 0.t kb, Minnesota Bobt 1' Kane B P Phillips Jas M Starr, Ricinnomi,lnd D W Flagler, U S A. B K Forsyth, Chicago B. B Valentine, Bellefonte Pt 'r aiilliken, Bellefonte Chas Pratt, New York Ul* Drummond, New York A. Miles, Boston D D Badger, New York - D G Lobdell, Now York Ja, Mclntyre, Pa J IlatLeman, Pa Col John L Smith, Wash,DC Mrs M B Young. Mass 11:11,s S. Brayton, Mars Miss J flawis, Mass B M. C Durfee, Mass P Staff 5. da, Rochester W A Starrett, New Jersey Hon T Jones Yorke. N J Wm Dough ter . JAR C Oliver, Olen Carbon B Miele), Delaware F F Carson, Pittsburg Chas B ttorm, Milwaukee .1 WAticker t la, Boston 1 ) AT Fairfax, t S N Copt W B Lane, U S A If S McComb, Delaware John P Crosby, New York C F Davies U S A S B Sanford, Now York .1 W S W Davies, - Lient 11 13 Ortiht,, U g A. Mon A. K McClure, Penns Wll Clarke, Pennsylvania Miss Clarke, Pennsylvania Jaa T Field & la, Boston Wm 'llBingham & data, NY 13 A Tonner :.tan, Albany Miss refire, Alhauy Geo T Inglillin, I; 6 A B H Eldridge it wf, Boston Jos Chase, Lowell Seth Cl Babcock, New York nos Little, Pittsburg 3 M ity der, New York L A Birdsall, Texas A M Sallade It son, Reading, W J Conover. Marlboro' Max Stadler, Cincinnati J W Cowell, Panns)lrania .1 N Pears N. wf, New York B J Burden, Madison F S Kirtland, New York Johnson Stetson, N Jersey 1 , 1 F. Tobin, C difornia Stephen Hyatt, Now Torte D ulliciterl Chicago Pr Ow li IVO +Ma & isf I NT C R. Biddle, New York S Sanders, Jr, New York N B Harrison, U S N Capt Calhoun, U 3 N II F Bitch - J J Crawford, Detroit Itobt Protheroe, New York W Rawlins At son, N Y Jos Seligman, New York Geo W Sands, New York W Russell, New Yolk NW illlk4bil, New York Lt 14 C Babcock, Wash, DC J D Pratt, Baltimore Arthur Jackson, New York C H Valentine, New York A S Dodd, New York W A Beach, New York jainee, Wilkie, New York Capt Oldnixon Julius Bart; New York MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fonrth street, below Arch. G W Morgan, Beading W R Hazard, New York T beppeler, Mew Vork Jolla tiorronsoate, lieeton S T Van Sant, Phila J G Sanderson, Serant'n, Pa Chas A Miner, Wiikesbarre Jas S Searle, Wilkesbarre R Searle, Montrose it W Derickson, U S A Elf J Martin, M D, Allvut'a W J lienhedy, Lim Jersey Starrett, New Jersey Sam! Mitchell, Clearfield A W Brown., Lewistown W H Bright, Lewistown Jos MI lluirues, Mt Holly Blithe Packer, Penna. H England, Want., Del E A Depew, P.aeton. B avie, Newark, N J Miss B M Davie, N Jersey Gen W Patton, Erie, Pa it Snodgrass, Phila. Elisa Ella. J Snodgrass, Phil Miss A. E Snodgrass, Phila SilaF Itodeon -at, Cal Hon 3 Patten., Derma 11 Moffitt, Newport, R. I dames Ryon, Tat:lapis Joe Mahon, Shippensburg G Dickson, US A Stonebraker, Pena T Osterhout, Tunkhannock Alex H Seigel, Reading AMEILIOAtt HOTEL—Oneortnut at.. above Infth.. P Thompson, Baltimore . Q W Hall, Washington, PC A McGaiter, Wash, A C Anson Atwood, Troy, N Y Chas Neal, kloutrose, Pa Jos W Ryan, Brooklyn Jag F Smith, Reading John FolTerman, Penns Hll Mcrounoll. Maryland Held 11 Sa'se, Bethlehem W W Wells, II S N W S oung, New York G Ttri.t.., Cheoter 5f rnuntain, Sr, John Blegenfuse, Rucker ce Mr Ziegenfttee, Bucko co J B Straw, Sunbury, Pa R Horner, Gettysburg, Pa .1 W Ryan, Brooklyn H R Dubois, Delaware co Walter Snowden, Del re C Jone 4, Penna. Capt. V Del r, 11 P C Bancroft, Brooklyn P Mc ,, onongh, Now York Jae B Mathew, Maryland Cleo Walton, Maryland ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut strut, Maya Third. A Winterxast, New York P Warren, Minch' J 1I Jones, Philada J D Arneat, Philaria Jan B Bew9in, Vals, Del F J E Deaaman, Penns W P Tummy, Roston J lI Comogyn, New Yak& Capt Frilzinger & la, Md 3 Becket & la, Penns THE UNION—Arch street, shove Third A L Gee, Gordon Lieut W Martz. Pottsville Tlav4orth, Wash, D C A Legaa,t,, Alle,liony co T S Bulbs, New Jersey H Roper, Brooklyn G C Cromer, toittsbnrg J Woodside St fa, Phil J Brown, Salem. N J T B Gillespie, Maryland W M Beaman, Beading J W Bloom, New Jersey Rufus Adams, Philn J G Austin, Cinunbaributg .1 31 Dalrymple, New Jersey COMMERCIAL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. J. 7 Taylor, New Jeraey Ell Barker ' New York. U Vwens, Maryland 1Y R Mid) Maryland Antos Jcimlde, Chester co D Nimble, Chester co I) J i;ehtaeh, Milton, Pa J Ceaana, Bedford A Misliter, Beading A F Acker Lebanon E Leonard, Clinstlr co E Puna, I'shtlll J A vautterelice, uptlegrotr, WHIM asport 11 Cl:then', Chester co, Pa Jos Tharnpion, Chester co F J Pennock, Lancaster co S Wilkinson, (The 'ter co H Chandler, Penner J G Gilman, Maryland E Pettit, Bltrline.ttint I( J Isaac Stubbs, Cloak!! co E Seal, Unionville, Pa STATES llNlON—Market street, above Sixth. D Fulton, Maryland ITI!.99 1 ) frenorrcr, retinal S Paxson A Pershing, Altoona L St•irk, Lancaster co K P Shirk, Lancaster co C biller, Lancaster co S tI 514 e, Lancaster co J 5 Bilbee, Penna. John E Barker, New York Ceis= 7 Lancaster co A II Zook, Lo.ncaeter co J Watt, Baltintore MADISON HOUSE—Secoral street, above Market. M Yam:eidelon, renna Miss Horner, Harks co A Kugler, Flemington, N J It ttakp., 'ravloraville S B Conair, Delaware Rev .1 Renville, Bartavlllo A Doren, Mt Homy, NJ H Morqaa, Chester C 3 31Da 31 Phillips, Maryland M 1,94 31 l.urga, Toylorsylllo Mi. A Large, Taylorsville B J Jennings, Perryt', II 31relnekey, Delaware NATIONAL .11411EL—Nace ahove, Tldrl 34 D Ebert, Mien,'ilo Thm Wright, Jonest'n, Pa 11 11.1i11er, All.ntown q, 11 Vonte, SchuYl Haven Geo W Chambers ' Vermont Aaron 11 Boyd, Vermont Chas Whitney, New York Louis Ritter, Reading Geo W Baylor, Ti B A Howard Putts, Pottstown char linter, rottstown John W liuyori r rhiisiOwn "HU Rood, Illinois John S Marsh, Lewisburg S. Xißinger, Annville H A Woods, Phibuis LACK BEAR—TIM4 strert i Itbove John 'numbed, Kutztown Geo Kline. EArlville 3 11111, L Trexier, Yaraleyville W 9 PPNIMIP, VlLY.Hoysilla W P.z F Y..-,lh -CHI„ Buil A Noidd, Y4.1 , 16y4111. ttf•an:,, . - 4 , Yvato k Burroughs, Yar.llPyville Jim) Williard, Yardley vile Jacob Newmy.r, Pennu Mra Nou-rnyer, Parma . . . . Nsyltir WiiWier, Horsham 3) R Harper, ( MICK 6 Col3Fraith, Lehigh co Thais Willard, Penna Jolin Harsh, Penrisburg Geo Meyer, titirford Jvhn kliectuntl , 1Y Cur, Doylestown Sarni Carr, Ilnylagtaurn :lan Tunarstsdalen, Penna 3I N B Vanaritulalen, Pa 'nos Bye, Lallaara Jog Whitol, NorthriAlPton A Lukens, Southampton AIC Ilrli , 3, Soutbmopoai %V Bogelund, I.outhatnpton C Vailartidaten. Southlon 0 310: , cr i Montgomery co Lau Lee, NowtowA martin Berity ' Peuna 1 B Boyer, noyerstown Jacob 'Myer, Stoevereville AII Engle, Stoeversville MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second et., üb. Arch. W Bartlett, Buskin F. Nice. PlinegY Ii F Griswold, Now Jersey Jas Smith, Now Jorsoy Loris Du Niue, Pa W S Johnson Si la, Phila Jag Ward Si In, Phila H D Goodwin, Now York aae Mervien i Pittsburg BALD EAGLE—Third street, abort) CallowbllL Win Mown), Montgi,ney co M Kemmerer, Lehigh co Moses Wicand, Bninu.9, Pa S F Minnick, Summit bill, Berke co T t Lt.igornine, IlnrridutrH Elms Violin!, Lehigh co B W South, Bucks co Jminthnit Smith, Bucks co E Ateltnin, Steitiliarg, Pa Dmignoin Beans, Bucks co Chas 11(.1111.54 Bucks co avvERE HOUSE—Third street, above Baoe. S W Penn-parker Mt Clair, Jos Whitaker, Mt Clair, Pa Ship Tonawanda, Julius, 311 doss from Liverpool, with mdse and 30 paasenizera to Cope Bros, Pee 15th, 4. 30 P )11, Int 31 20, mpg 116 45, exchanged signals with ht,ain ship City of lialtionre, bound E. Suited Nov 15, in com pany with ship Win Cituiminen. for Philadelphia. An chored off Capo Iloninpen 20th inst. t•chr Pelnwarei lrisiby, I thky front Smyrna, hot, With wui nt to don Doi roll di :5011. &lir 1) F Richards, Joy, I day from Fortress Non• roe, with brit . ), to J E Barley. Seim T Haliharl, Williams, 3 clays from Now York, »ith mast. to Dark, Coopor. ticlir Telegraph, CArrer, I day trom Smyrna, Del, with cern to Jag Bumf t S Son. tkhr Mart, Itickards, 1 day front Camden, Del, with oats to Jam L Rep ley .' Co. Echr I,la, Tholl - c,lice, 1 day from Tort Tenn, Del, with grain to Cori lino C Corral]. t3rtir Mary, Omlrirksoth 1 day from Port Penn, Del, Vito vroin lit 1:11riMiall Man. btruaaug J Ir Mau, 51ershall, 1 day from the Buny ml tho Middle. firmielit up chip Tonawanda, ['run Li verpool; totted !town balk Whit° Wing, for L , lctimyrs. 011 11Orria Liston's, at 12 at on Sunday, eau , bark X i phial, for Usk, and Writ Union, for Itio Jouriro, :sr anchor. At 2l' onto nn' Drlaware City, saw ship Ellen Stewm t, for LoLdoo, going.down in tow of tug America. otrAnnn. Ship llolyhood, Colo, Liverpool, P Wright & Sone. St,ip Cr,ntea, Lnwl nn, o 0 Schr It 0 Whilito, "Neal, Hamilton, Bormula, Tylor, Stone 1 CO. Fchr Imes' L Sharp, MeElwoo, Hey Weal, do Brim Eagle. Ne%% hl. FortreAs Jinurna, do Behr Ad, lia, (Br) Payne, New York, (haying repaired) E A Solider & Co. Behr llurriii, ISvrrick, Boston, .1 E Baxley. Sir lI L th,‘, Ilultimor,,, A ann-ce, Jr. no burl; While Wind, for La qualm, awl MUND2I.I MAIM guiriked out to-day. Several gehrs paggod in, !minim un known. Wind SE, with the appearance of a etorill. Youra, &c. TllOB B. ROGUES. Brio Nellie Mowe, Pike, from St T110111:1S, arrived at N York yesterday Behr Sea Flower, Clark, dottrel at New York yester day for Ph Eckr 8 13 Whocier, Mdaughlin, oioarert at Balton 21 et inet. for Et hr Thawatlia, Dieney, hence for Boston sailed from Newrort 21st inst. ;Z:cltr limeglit, from r ovincltewn for Intilmiclphial at Newrort 2let inst. Schr Itheoun, Dexter, hence, arrived at FAlgartown 10th lust. S'ehr W 1I Bennis, Lake, sailed from New Bedford 21st inst. for New York. Stiff Arctic, Perkithi, hence; arrived at. Newburyport 20th BM. The largest assortment of Fashionable and Servieett— Uldibing in rplilololllllA, 7WitTpaeml in VI/lc and 'workmanship, comxising all qualities and prices, adapted to all positions and occupations, on hand, and being sold at riAltieed prices. Military uniforms made to order in the best manner, at the ohnrtest no tice. TOWER HALL, No_ IS Market street. Philadel [lll JaniETT d; CO. DR. B OBERT SC N'S VEGETABLE. NEB,- 70113 CORDIAL j Or, NATURE'S GRA SID RESTORATIVE. The Greet Remedy fur ell Norrows Complaints, Debi lity,- Prostration, Lownees of Spirits, Sic. Price $l. For sale by n - k - orr A; 00, NV*" GOODS FOlt HOUSEKEEPEItd, comprising a general assortment of Housekeeping arti cles, ,ith many new improvements ann inventions for Thumkeening , use. Alto, m ounthor of fumes , artioloe, suitable for Ilollday preaente. Selling at reduced prices, to Eta the times, by E. S. FARSON & CO., del.& tf Corner of DOCK and PEAS Streets. ONE—PRICE OLOTIIINO, OP TEM LATEST BTTLEB, made in the Best Manner, exprosely for mreren. SALES. LOWEST Selling Pricee marked in Plain Figures. All Goode made to Order warranted satiefao tory. Our Oria-rsibu Orirriiii le rirlotly adhered' to. All are thereby treated alike. ae22-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. . CARD PRINTENti, BEST AND GREATEST In the City, at 34 South THIRD Street: DROOKS--SUTTON.—On the 21st instant, by the Tlev. W. C. Robinson, Mr. Tbomaa R. Brooks and Miss Emnia T. Sutton, of lient county, Del. Charles Miles Penna MARINE INTELLIGENCE. sir 13E& FUUBTIi PAO& ARRIVED (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) CAPE NJ, flee 22 MILITOILASDA. }SI'EGIAL NOTI9~. CHRISTMAS HV Tll@ VAUD TOWRII. mut. Ife that with cash is well supplied, Aud yet will not, for Christmas day, A Beam:mat+lo teuNt provide, Degorvos to food on oats and hay Lot him whose soul cannot expand To purchase turkey and mince-pie, ininiui.rd to novae Ai.tout inud, Whoso peoplo Christian creeds deny But still more hoathon-like is he, Qn F. - incur - can Voneuree bent, Whu can no joys in Chrlstruss see, But thoughtlkee Mirth and merriment Inds Jay, rellgtott law Its claims, And friemishin too demands its dues, And he the form of manhood shames Who either duty cau refuse. The generous impulse do not check, Be mindful of e4chloved one's joy; The holies of childhood do not wreck, For each must hare the promised toy. Your lady friends you may doliglit ; Ey sending bounot, loutT or shawl; But male ones, to enrapture quite, Stud each a suit from Towau HALL To SUIT THE TINEF. , . rnurr DArP, e.sats. l'OeliD CARE, 2 cents per pond. A flue assortment of MIXTURES for the Holidays. FORD'S, 6,8, and 10 South Efoavi Street, below blarket No. 232 North SECOND Street, no22•ftulm Depot for all Popular M.eiliclues MARRIED . DIED. KNOWLES.—On the 21st blatant, at the Seminary near Alexandria, Ya., ortyphoid foyer, William Peter son, son of Edward and Ilelisees. Knowles, aged. 16 yew% of Colonel Cosline's Regiment, P. Z. [Due notice will be given of the funeral ] DIEThICH —On the 23.1 instant, Dr. Henry D. Dietrich, in the I6th year of his age. (Lancatter pa- Dela please CODY , I The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No. alb North Tenth street, on Thur. day morning, the 26th instant, at 10 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to the German Reformed Church, Race, below Fourth street, where the funeral service will take place. ** FOULKE —On First. day, 22d instant, Mary R., wife of David Foulke, in the 70th year of her age. Her relatives and friends are invited to attend her fu neral, from the rm. - Memo of her son•in-law, tweet J. Grahame. Sharon, near Darbi, on Fourth-day morning, at 1l o'clock. istr 81.11T11.—On the morning of the 23d instant, Henry J. Smith, in the 36th year of his age. The relatives and mukfriends are invited to attend his hie funeral, from the residence of his father, Nu. 1604 Wahare street, an Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'cloak. pleading papers please cony.] DEGEN.—Of pneumonia, Saturday morning, Madame Laura L..Degen. Her friends and former pupils are invited to attend her funeral. this (Tuesday) morning, at 11 o'clock, at 161.8 Chestnut street. CORP.A.D—On the 2041, !natant, Mrs. Margaret, wife of Isaiah Conrad, in the 79th year of her age. The relatives and filen& of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her husband's rush dcnco, Nm 13&Q Ridge nyenuo,Ltorditri at fa co'clitck M. To NOMA to GellllllllinTl. CHEESEMAN.—On the 21st instant, Rev. Lewis Chessman, D. D., in the 59th year of hie age. Funeral from his late residence,No. 1505 Pine etreet, thip (Tut.4ltiy) niornior at 10 o'cock, 6111111PLES —On Friday, - December the 20th, 1561, Abraham Witter sharplea, in the Sad year of Me age. Thetelahves and friends of the family are respectfully iweited to attend his funeral, frorn his Into residence, Sarum Damn, lhlaware county, December the 26th, at 11 o'clock A. 111. Carriages will he in waiting for the 8.30 train from the city on that day. (Baltimore and New York papers please cm.) *** HA22ARb.—On the 21st mama, Miss Catherine Hazzard, in the 611 year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, No. 723 Florida street, this ( Tuesday 1 morning, at 11 o'clock. BRUNNER.—On the 21st instant, Josiah G. A. Iltimner, aged lg years. Funeral from the residence of hie aunt, Sarah Ruth, No. 327 Culvert street, this (Tuesday) morning, at 9 o'clock. - • CItAWFOD,D.—Or, the 22,1 instant, Wm. Crawford, in the s.ith lonr of hig Funi ral front bis late residence, No. 2127 Tower Et ree t, between Twenty-first - and Twenty-second, above Arch, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. COSTE L.Lo.—On the 2241 instant, Anna Maria, daugh ter of Thomas and Anna Costello, aged 9 years and 0 months. Funeral frGm the residence of her grandparents, No. 1315 Warnock street, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. hoOY.—On the 20th inatirra, Harriet T 4 Wife Of Michael Tracy, ist the with year of her age. Funeral front the residence of her hueband, No. 1615 Green street, this (Tuesday) morning, at 9 o'clock. * MOURNING STORE,Dec.23. —BENSON & SON, No. 918 CEINSTNUT STBENT. offer for sale to.clay, for cash— Bleek ee,l Whlte Englioh Ohletzee, 1114?, fo 11 do do AO:odic do 12 , 4 c. . do Purple do do 12k o. Gray and Block English do / 2 54 c. Plain Meek do do e. Black and white imported De Leine% 1.2 y, to 14 cords. do Purple do do 18So. Fkcond 'Mourning ellelle Moltairs, 12% cents. Black Repo Anglais, 25 cents. de24 COLONEL MULLIGAN, THE HERO @f Lexingtuit, will Lecture in the NATIONAL LULL. Dlarkut MITA, ftheiVe Twelfth, ee 1•'ItIDA1 EVENING next, et 7J o'clock, fur the Leitolit of sr. JOHN'S oitrnAN ASYLUM. Tickets GO cents each. de24-3trd suNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY The Sunday Schools mono:Act' with tho first Baptist Church, DIP lAD and ARCH Streets, will hold their ANNIVERSARY on THURSDAY evouiug, at 7M o'cic ck. The exercises will consist of Addresses, Dia- Rhiglng In Rotor, Dnetn, Semi-Morn:ins anti Choruses, on the part of the 80 1101Nrd and others. The Flom James Pollock will also deliver an address.de23-2t* rffi POSTNOFFIOE NOTICE,.-A SUPPLE DIENTARY MAIL for EnroDe, via licetuu, Der atearntv EUROPA, will be eloged at thin once. nt ONE. o'elcrk P.M. ; this day. C. A. WALBORN, 16 romt,...3tet. POST-OFFICE NOTICE.—WEDNES. DAY next (25th inst.) being Christma3 D.ty, this (Aire will be closed PNCPpt between the hours of TX and OM o'clock A. M., 1,14 eed ..'clock P. M. the Sub Offices will be open from 7 to O) A. M., and 5 to 8 P. M. The chrriero nihlte their uphill morning delivery, and win be in attendance at the principal And Sub offi ces in the afternoon. One delivery µill be made by the Dispatch carriers, at 8 A. M., and Two collections trom lamp-post and other boxes at 8 A. M. and 6 P. M. C. A. WALBORN, de24-2t kostmaitor TrSUNDAY -SCHOOL CONCERT OF SACRED AND PATRIOTIC MUSIC, Consist ing of Solos, Dnetts, and Cliorussos, in CENTRA.L M. E. CHURCN , VINE Strool, abovo TWELFTH', °it CHRIS.; MAS NIGHT, at 7)4 o'clock. Also, addrevsos by Mr. SWINGLE'S, of Norristown; Nov. 3A15159 METT WILSON, of Ootoi and the Rev. JAMES 11. LIMITHOURN4 Tickets for adults 20 cents, childron 10 cents. To be had at the door. lt* EAST 131AIIANOT RAILROAD COM— PANY, 407 LISI44Ry Otreet. PAILADBLrIiIit, Dec 23,1821. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an Election for Officers to serve the ensuing year, will be held at the Company's Office, 40T LIBRARY Mire, on MONDAY, the 13th of January next, at 10 o'clock A. M. ARCHIBALD MeINTYRII, de24-tuthdatiaa Treasurer and Secretary. ; ' I v 4 I DECEMBER 24, 1861. LT.. CHRISTMAS DAY.—PREACIHIENG IN lARS'IP.III , I t 11CRCII, TW.ESTIC , TII Strrrt, South of WALNUT. at 11 o'clock, by the Pastor. OFFICE OF TIIE AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. PHILAIMLNII +. Dec. a ISM. . . NOTICE—The Amnia. Meeting or the 6tockhohlers of [him Company, for tho Election of Thirteen Truettes, to gem the evening year, will he held al the Office, to tho COMPaII3 'a Building, WALNUT Surat, Fanntholott corner of FOURTH. on MUNDAY, January 6, 1862, hetween th iposlre of 10 A. /2 M. JNOC. SI MS, ,1e24-12t Fmcrefary. TrTHE REV. GEORGE W. SMILEY' will lecture ilium 111 r of ikon- Incite," at HANDIti AND HAYDN HALL, on THURSDAY EVVNIN 0. Dec. 9e. 01, emnin..odng at A quarter Wore right o'clock. Tickrts 25 cont:4 7 to he bad of Clairlial Krouse, 720 Spring Garden street. and of g 2 Market )treat. r 1018.7 * RETRIAL, DItY GOODS. /1,11,1/1.11 V`.1.1. 11 , 1 CLOAKS ! OLO AKS GOOD STYLES. ' BEST MATERTALS. LOWEST PRICES. COOPER, & CONARD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets. del4.stuthlin M a t T h e 15 7 ,1 2, a C stoe N k I f ° lll N ese GoorAN— cannot be .erpaseed in the city, which I will sell at least le that IO Ver cent, (ray then yen he had tdrowliere, Having honght them cheap for c , .eb, before the recent advance, I ft rl cirtain of being able to tin on. One case good Mead rd dltirlin, nearly yard •witle, 10 cents, worth 11 WhOinSain: nal case fiery hllb ynnharhin,P2m rpm,' nne case heavy yard-wide, 12X cents (by the pie,w;) ono case Pillow Casing, 1 wide. 12%; one case fine o. 14; one rare 13; aide Sheeting, 16; Watusitita, Williams ville, and New York Mille, ot, hand ; heavy Bleached Sheetings. S, 2%, 2; l i, 'l%, and 3 >anis wide; heavy brown Muslinn,lo cents, foil urd-wide do. 0;4, and every mho , Quality in the market; heavy Canton Flan nels, 1234 ; still heavier at 14, and the best at 15; these I knew are cheap ; the best 25-cent walla and red Flan nel in the city ; 03 pieces of Calico, for Comb3rtables, Bid reehi,Ly the piece a very large siSsortnient 11,4-cent (Milan's., for Christmas Prow-Ms; a good selection of Delnines, 18.% ; good Comfortables, $1:25; very heavy do , $l5O, and the best $1.75; Blankets, heavy twilled, 83; finer do., $3.50; all wool do., $5. GRAINVILIA 11; lIAINFIF,t, _ deli-3t . 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. RAPS S', CORNER EIGIITII AND MERRY STS., Offer to the LADIES their stock of SOFA CUSHIONS AND CHAIR SEATS, AT IMPBBONDENTIP LOW PIKES, Just received— A SLIT LOT Of COMMENCED SLIPPERS RAPO PITS' TRIMMING AND ZNIGLIYR STORM, dol9-tr Cor. or BIONDI AND CHE'INT THE LAST OPPORTUNITY. THE LAST OPPORTUNITY. THE LAST OPPORTUNITY. THE LAST OPPORTUNITY. TYQB CHESTNUT STREET. Real Thread Veils, Point Lace Collars, Point Lace Sets, Valencienne Collars, Valencienne Sets, Valencienne Laces, Embroidered Collars, Embroidered Hdkes, Embroidered Edgings, Embroidered lusertinPs 0 I Embroidered Sets, Lib&e Linen cuffs, Pine Apple Hdkfs, Ladies' lidkfs, Gents' Mkt's, Linens of all makes, Linen 'Table Damask, Linen Table Cloths, Linen Napkins, Linen Doylies, Linen Edging, Linen Insertings, Velvet Cloaks, half price. Curtain Muslins, e • F.•,. Magic Ruffling, Cambries, Jaconet, Mul s r Black Silts Laces, White Silk Laces, Ladies' Paper Collars, . White Tarletans, Blue Tarletans, Pink Tarletans. ALL TIIB ABOVE GOODS ABE SUITABLE FOB CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, A QUARIUMS, FERN Caws, A variety of Fish and Plants, No. 144 North SIXTH street d2-Ims MUST BE SOLD PRIOR TO JANUARY 1, 1862. PRICE, FERRIS, & Co, No. 726 CHESTNUT STREET. de2o-tf FINE HUDSON BAY SABLE FURS , ;;;. -- LARGE CLOAKS, LARGE CAPES, HALF GAPES, MUFFS AND CUFFS, Very fine and dark, and juat from the band, of the workmen, will be woad at REASONAELE PRIDES, at the l'Ara CLOAK tail) Flirt UtircßWM, 705 ClibibiNUT J. W. PROCTOR & CO. - delB.6t GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS PATENT McCEELZAN TIES. MeCLELLAN TIES. PATENT McCLELLAN TIES. PATENT McCLELLAN TIES. PATENT MoCLELLAN SCARFS. PLTENT MoOLELLAN SCARFS. PATENT McCLELLAN SCARFS. AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S! AT J. A. ESHLEMAN'S ! AT J. A. EsHLEMAN'S! NORTHWEST CORNER OF SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT. SEVENTH AND CHESTNUT: THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. TUN ONLY 011AYAT STORK IN PIIIIADELPHIA, THE ONLY CRAVAT STORE IN PII/LADbLiPtiIA, P. S. The above articles, being PATENTED, cannot be obtained elnewbere. P.B. N 0.2. Melee Furnishing Goods, in every variety, P.B. N 0.3. PATENT RNAMILLED COLLARS, 10 FOR A QUARTER. de7..tuth3m MILITARY NOTICES. UNITED STATES MARINES.- WANTED, immediately, for the United States Ma rine Corps, THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED NEN, for sea service, between the ages of eighteen. and forty years. AU information that may be required . will he given at the Hen voile, 311 Acratb RilOitT Skeet, below Spruce. JAPrIES LEWIS, Captain, dell-12t Recruiting Officer. CHRISTMAS TIMES.—Take advart tago of the short time intervening, and Ern at once Bud enure one of itEnurs 51 Colored Ph • Otoiteaohr_ They are unapproachable in merit. Gallery SECOITD Street, above GREEN. ltd agn i wIE , AND PRIADELPRIA RAIL- kbei), viA our:13111AS EXCURSIONS Excursion Tickets will he sold between Philadelphia and West Chester good from December 24 t 1861 uutil January 4,1462. Fare for the Round Trip One Dollar. de23-8t HENRY WOOD, Superintendent. zum ADAMS' EXPRESS COMPANY. sPr,:siar, NOTICE. SiArran are rellit'ettq to ON their Inge Bud henry Freight to the EXPIMS9 DEPOT, ioutbenst corner BROAD and LOCUST Streets, whore receipts will be given. For the pretend, panda and mall peek _ ages only can be received at the Cheatimt-street Mee. ADAMS' EX PRESS COMPANY, no etty„snityr Street. de2l-10tif TAIPTHERIA AND SCARLET ( ti _s_r FEVER now so prevalent in this day, and, gene,: ally, as we are informed, proving fatal under medical treatment, we readily cure by ELEC TRIC:ITV, without pain or inconvenience, IA 911 r extensive practice in these diseases, we have never lost a single ease. Our ofli , e is at 1220 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. BOLLES k STEVENS. de2l-St* DIARIES FOR 1862. GREATEST VARIETY, AND AT THE, LOWEST PRICES, BUY OP THE P ÜBLISHP.B. WILLIAM O. PERRY, Publishor, 8. W. Coruer FOURTH au E4OE. HOLIDAY GOODS. HOME -BREWED POETRY. FOR CIIRTSTMAS. In•ar ladiPq and ittnilielig, atoi feolickgonin Whoßt benzta um nu light nn your Own fl(71011}I Pray atop on your walks, as you take the fresh air, And look at our notions and other line w.ire. We'vs kitchens and kettles, and fiddles and funs. Aid buckets awl baskets, anti pie boards and OMB,. Atd fleeter Altd hnhltea, and ekwi.l.44 and stores, And sailors and Hoteliers, and broad battledores. We've caldera and sorters, anti tattles anti trays; We've elle.- butarth, and chockeret, these, o!d Poniati pCiayft; We've pun a and backgammon, tutu for oracle., Ana sitenlllll or the Chini(l , ll, and bows for Um bays. t e've buildine-Marks, hidden, and skillets and skates*, 'We've per:Loire, and peneilN and natcliels turd sluteel; NYV'Ilf calm, rows, and cricket, tad sleighs for the now t We've gifts for lal givers—who bless and betttow. Wtd , , (robe and 11111( , ) , , au , d rtni ibr the Fair, Wh e cetel routriiimunt, 1111111 rant oil an we: wi.— homes arc mule happy while grandpapas play Awl prattle with babies to pass time away. We Caa't boast like tailors ur ht; Tower hall t i l l shitiTh flue thresiadd a ill welcOlne your feet every day, Providedyon praise no, a A porelL•10 , 0, and pity. We keep in South Eighth street, one hundred and five, Prepare(' e'er to please von, uhile tryinit to thrive Kinn ladies, we know Non will WY fur the boy's, While gentltinen give to their girls all their toys. Devoted, while dealing, to do what le fair, Dvattett.tti, yoor rionsore to 'pro& and care ; SlibPeribing oursp`ves, as your servants for fun, M. W. HAMMON it, and .1.'1'., his con. de242t* CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Backgammon Boards, Portable Jesks, Toilet Bottles, in great variety, Puif Boxes, China, Glass, Metal, &Le. Papier Macho Goods, Cabas and Travelling Bags, Odor Boxes, colored glass and gilt, Fancy Gilt Articles, Gent's Dressing Cases, Purses, Wallets, and Cigar Cases, Boxes and Baskets of Perfumery, Fancy Articles generally. Imported and for sale at low prices, by W. D. GLENN, dl4-16i if O. gd 6UtiTll FOURTIf &MEET CHRISTMAS -TREE BALLS OF BRILLIANT COLORS. 30,0(10 of all sizes, selling low, at TILLER'S CHEAPEST TOY IMPORTING ROUSV, doi2o-4t 32 NUM FOURTH. STREET_ CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! LADIES' FURS, OF THE CHOICEST KINI3S. Tory superior Dark Siberian &vine' Sable, Xink Sable, &Q., LLC., aT An of which will be sold at the veri lowest 'price.. dr SETS at $5, $6, $7, and ss. CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, delo.l2t Nos. 826 and StlS CHESTNUT Street. HOLIDAY SAT. We will open our new style of hat, for the approaching, holidayo, on Enturdny next, d019.32t CHARLES OARFORD SONS. LADIES' SHOES. We ore closing out our LA DIES' SHOES, Below cost. They nee the beet in the city. del9 I^k CHARLES OAKPORD gc SONS CHRISTMAS 13 COMING, And we aro assured that many who read The Press are Wet* winidering WHAT TO PRESENT TO THEIR GENTLEMAN FROMM. We would euggeet the following Either Z. 4 A FINE WRAPPER, MUFFLER, SCARF, TIE, or GLOVES. Or. If they have friends IN TILE ARMY, what could be more acceptable to our noble Volunteers and Officers, than GOOD FLANNEL SHIRTS, OR HEAVY UNDERCLOTHING TIIE PLACE TO 'BUY THEM is AT W. W. KNIGHT'S GENTS' FURNISHING STORE, No. 608 ARCH STREET. N. B. FINE t3EURT'd ready made and made to or er, at $1.50, AND UPWARDS. no2I-if lm INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SIFETY INSURANCE CONlPANY.—lncorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1835. Office. S. E. cor ner Tuna+ and W ALN UT Streets, Philadelphia, Dla rine Insurance on Yeeeelo, Cargo, and Freight, to afi parts of the world. Inland Inetwances on goods ' by river, canal, lake and land carriage, to ad parta of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandiza generaPy. On Stores, Dwelling Honses„ &e. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, NOY. 1, 1861. FAa. 0014. $lOO,OOO United States Five per cent. Loan. $100,250 00 00,000 U. States 0 per et. Treasury Soto. 40,985 37 20,000 United Staten Eleven and Three tenths freasnry Notes.... 15,000 00 100,000 State of Pena. Five per Lt. Loan. 89,501 25 123,00 Phila. City Six per cent, Loan... 119,445 17 30,0110 Status of Tonnesaeo Fite per Gout, • Loan. 24,070 00 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, let gage Six per cent. Bonds.. 20,000 00 50,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 2d Mort gage Six per Dent, Bonds." 46,130 83 15,000,300 Shares Stock Germantown Gas Cu. Principal and interest guaranteed by the City of Philadelphia 14,587 50 5,000,100 Shares Stock Penn. R. R. Co. 5,000 00 Fills receivable for insurances maklo $00,780 07 Monde and suocteages .... 75,000 00 ft/i6O OVP Sq tivaancya due at A genciea—prcuaitana on Marine P °Mira, interest, and other debts due the Company 43,131 97 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and otlice 49mpapleth §11,843 1 estimated value. 4 1 088 00 Gash on band—in Banks. 451,038 oa In Drawer......-5/7 33 01,615 36 DIRECT9V Samuel E. Stokes, J. Y. Pepiston, Henry Sloan, Edward Darlington, II H. Jones Brooke, Spencer frllvalue, ThOlnall 4/, FLOW, ißobert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Byre, Jobn B. Semple, Pittsburg, D. T. Morgan, Pitcsnurg, A. B. Berger, Pittsburg. MARTIN, President. C. HAND, Vice President. ?cretery. 4024-tr Willi:a Martin, - Edmund A. Sender, Illeophilus rankling, john It. Penrose, John C. Davis, James Tritimor, Ent`, Jrn James C. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H. seal, Dr. It. M. Huston, George G. Leiper, Mush 1 Ir.rag, Charles Kelly, WILLIAM . Tl.lOb.lAB C. 1.11, !NUN, Sv (I.OMMONWEAL x.." RANCE COMPAIC PENNEITLYANIA, DIRECTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Bogart John M. Whiten, John K. Walker, Edward C. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Themes S. Stewart, William Struthers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Stephen Coulter. DAVID JAY E, M. D., President. JOHN M. WUITALL, Moe President SAMUEL 8. MOON, Secretary. ()trice. ' , Commonwealth building, eta ORESTNErY Street, Philadelphia. 804 -if it FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, NV. 490 VIIN3T.NUT MOM FMB AND INLAND INGURANON. DIRBOTOIIB. George W. Day or Day & Matta*. Samuel Wright U Wright Bros. & Cb. D. B. Birney - 66 Davie 0 Birney. Henry Lewie, Jr " Lewis Broent CO. O. Eirbardenn . 64 J. O. Howe & Co. Jae. W. ReArregst...__.. u J. W. EVMMIMI k Oti. Coo. A. West " West & Fobee. N. B. Martin 66 Savage, Martin, & Oe. O. Wilson Davie.. Attorney-at-law., S. woarar of Blbley, Molten, & Wears!. Jon. Healer, Jr . Igo. 1713 Orem etreet. GIORGI W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, ince-PreddeGL WILLL&MS I. BLANCHARD, secretary. ie92-Re COAL OIL! COAL OIL! GEORGE W. WOOTTEN, 2S SOUTH SECOND STREET, AGENT FOR IRE NORTH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY. MANUFACTURERS Or COAL OIL, AND RE FINERS OF COAL AND CARBON OILS.: WM F. JOHNPTQN, Pccoldcat, GIGO. OGDEN, Secretary. Also, Agent for BEERS, JUDSON, d BEERS, Patent Class Cones for Lamps, and wholesale denier in Dith ridge's Patent Oral (Bre•proof) and Eastern Flint-Glass Chimneys, Lamps, &c. Burners to burn Coal Oil with out Chimney& Cash buyers or prompt payers are respectfully Invited to examine our stock. no2l-2m THEODORE EVERS?' PHOTOGRAPH AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY, - NO. 606 ANON STRUST, ABOVE BIRTH, Opposite the Arch-street Theatre. n026-1m if PHILADELPHIA. THE OFFICE OF AI'PLETON'S law CYCLOPA7DIA. DAY AND N/G-TIT, with an thr The privilfvo lipid by nubserlbern of '2O PEft GENT. discount on MI Book; not sub.cription honks win, Awing the Build:ls, be EXI NDHO TO A LL COM s JOtIN DfurARLAN, Agnnts d24-2t 33 South SIXTH. ST., up staira„,, BOOKS 1:1.1.11:ANT IMITIONS AT 40 - PkR CR4'7. 7111V4 TUN PILTAL ?RICH% JUVENILE BODES IN OItEAT WRITING DESKS, GENTLEMENV 1311ESISINC CABItS, POCKET WALLETS, PORTE MONNMES; CIGAR CASES; rouTE FOLIOS, LADIES' SATCHELEIi GOLD PRNS, AND GOTTA I'EUGRA' PEN AND' PENCIL CASES, Gold lllaniard. With a variety of other articles suitalide for the libti days. For auto Ly T. IL PUIIIL de2.4-St SIXTH and CHESTNUT Strada. w 111.T_E'S STIAKSPENRE; LITTLE, BROWN, & Co:, 110 WASHINGTON STREET, nosroikT, VOL 3. IX, X, XI, AND XII, BIIA_KSPEARE'S COMPLETE WORKS., EDITBD W/TII NOTES, PitxFACSII, INTRODUCTIONS, AND g , We know of no American Book that surpasses this Eihalnipearo in brauty of typography - , paper, and general getting up.”—PkiltidAlpki et i'esning "Mr. White's Shakspeare is a triumph of special acholarship."—Harpers treaty. IL The ealtiou In a great, autmiarakiall, anct enaurints merit, and is, in many reopects, an itilrnoYeinCLlt On any that hate praceded it."—Boxion Courier. "Of all editions of Bhakspeare, could we have but one, he ehould tawny prefer this. as undoubtedly making the nearest attainable approach to the great dramatist's own text, as affording the most trustworthy n aterials for its elucidation, and as presenting the must luxurious page to re ader."—Holt! Aintvican Review. cler24-24. If 4889,123 $ H FIRE INSU OF TIM BTATI 01 NEW PUIMICATIONS, NEW 8O01;8 AND CIIPT 80151 Kg \V HO LES A JE. PRICES, AT T. 13, POWS, SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STIVEri".3 FANCY t1001)ii NEIN' VOLU DIES Y/11:5 DAY. HAVE PUBLISTIED BY RICHARD GIANT WIIITE PRICE 81.60 PER VOL DICK AND HIS FRIEND FID US. HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED. Third Thousand. 45 eta. A capital book for boys. The story is told with a ring that will be heard, and the moral is excellent. ET TUE SAME AUTHOR: CHARLES NORWOOD; OR, ERRING AND REPENTING. Elustrated. i 5 cente. 6 i An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of ease) ) Let all persona who believe this, place "Charles Nor wood" in the hands of their children. ;?t.. WILLIAM S. & ALFRED MARTIEN 606 CHESTNUT STREET. It THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL "UNION, N. 1122 CHESTNUT ptreet i phDite r iphjo, THE rEßtoDluaLB puiAlottieci by N ciety are "THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL WORLD " For SupPrintemonts and Teacherp, publialled monthly at TWENTY-VIVI! UENTR PER S;-'NM AND "THE CHILD'S WORLD," An illustrated paper for Children and Youth, pub- Robed twice a mouth, at TWELVE CENTiiI PER ANNUM By the 100 copies. Specimens of either sent gratuitouily on application to the Dupouttory, Ito• 1122 OLINaTNUT Street, ehitade!- rhia. tlo24.tilth&a 3t THE NEW GAMES. This day ready, two new Gamea for convening the do mestic circle. Let everybody who wants to spend plea. get roDe of each of the two new Gamma entitled TUE WAR. FOR TUE UNION; On, UNCLE &MK'S NAUGHTY CHILDREN., Ina neat case, price only 25 cents. And Trin 00Wit3T OF NATIONA; OR, THS a A3[6 OF FOUR RACES, In a neat case, mice only 50 cents These Games are beautifully- printed, and are the only new ones published this year; liberal discounts offered to the trade. Also this day: THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND OTHER. CHRISTMAS POEMS, Beautifully printed on tinted paper, of the finest qua lity, &To size, and illustrated with eight large full-page cute, Price 10 cente, or beautifully colored, 20 cents, 'Twos the night before Christmas, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. This exquisite Poem is now, for the first time, offered in a worthy Urea& Beside this, the book contains " The Night after Christmas," it Christmas and the Lthildrea," &c. Millie charming character of these Poems, the beautiful style in which they are published, and the low price, ohoulti p at Ohell moats. a amend for them Us the thousand. HARLEY'S CHRISTMAS PICTURE CHRISTMAS GAMES, deeigned by F. 0. C. Darla; beau tifully printed en Unto]. paper, .9.0x9.;.', price 25 ent.e. This attractive engraving represents one of the Games common at the Holiday Season, drawn with the usual pace and spirit of this eminent artist. TINT BOOKS FOR CHRISTMAS TREKS THE CoMW BIJOU, and "GENTLE THOHGETB,.. are two beirattf.l little 653.11iti la ala4h. RUE Bide and edges, every page engraved on sWi, pith senne comic subject or pretty sentiment pictorially. expressed. THEY ARE WE SMALLEST BOOKS PUB LIMO IN Wig WOULD. They ere very beautiful for decorating Christman Trees. . . rico 13 cents ouch, or 81.25 per dozen PUBLISHED BY WILLIS P. HAZARD, AT KRISS KIIINGLE'S IfEAVQItAiITgIiS POR IiOLIDAY BIJOKP, 724 Chestnut Street. de'2l-if3t CLOTHING. E H. ELDRIDGE. Agt, FASHIONABLE CLOTHIER, Fermerly at Eighth and Chestnut Streets, Has taken the Store, No. 628 MARKET STRE&T, Where he is prepared to furnish Lis old friends and the public in general with CLOTHING READY MADE OR MADE TO ORDER, IN DIN BEST STYLE, AT MODmitAirie PRICES, As he buys and sells exclusively FOR CASH. do7-17n if AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY'S TIME-KEEPERS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. FOR SALE AT TEE COMPANY'S SALES ROOM, No. 326 CHESTNUT ST. I. D. MAWR% AGENT. de20.51 SLATE MA.NTEL,R. These beautifully enamelled HANTELtd, se de cidedly preferable to any others, are manufactured byes, and sold at FRIOEO TO SUIT THE TIMES. ARNOLD 43: WILSON. orb-Scoff No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. THE BALTIMORE GAS-BURNING FIRE-PLACE HEATER. ilomotimei called the LI Latrobe Stem )) ie the beet stove for warming tho room in which it Mande, and also rooms above. Call aad look at them. ARNOLD & WILSON, oc6-3mit No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. T . A DIES CAN TAKE THEIR CHIL- I J 1)11EN, for Hair-cutting, to rousru and BETANCII. E. S. EARLEY, FURNISHING lINDNIITAKER, PlithweF4 mar Qf VIM and GREEN St" e t'S no-19-arnif* Philsdelutda. PAMPHLET PRIN T I NG, AND start* Miter clooorlr.tion of Printing. of the moot superior quality, at the most reasonable rotes, at RING WALT & BROWN'S, Drexel's Building, 34 South THIRD Street. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. I 4 0 Or TLIE PARIS MANTILLA. CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM 708 CHESTNUT STREET TO THE LADILIF OF PHUADEFRIIIA AND IfIVINITY It is with no ordinarrfialings of 'aatiefeettn.amd pride that we now appea,before our eerynursorotts patrons to announce that; owing to the condnueci ithitelatt 64 . 610 bimifiess deft the jest six Taars, while conducting the Pariz-Mantillr.:-Emporiwn t it is rendered imperative that we shot REMOVE INTO MORE ELIGIBLE T'IEMIBES3. in order to provide for the betttr accommodation , or our largely-augmenting circle of friends. 'We are quite sure that we Isall not Le thouglrb% vain in supposing that the gratiScation engloye4 by ourselves, at tho step we are bound 'to take, will be• freely reciprocated, in many instances,- by. our• nu— werous sapperters, and 4 1 30 1 11'44'9VPR Ittie hitherto attended our efforts will accompany. us ha our new undertaking, With this explanation of the cause, we• now take the opportunity of announcing. that—partly with a view to show our appreciation , of the generous patronage we have received ; and partly to yonder our Stack ea small as possible (for 46h venience of removal), by a large increase of sales during the holidays—we shall offer the whole of our Stock at a large concession from tho prim hitherto obtained. Those of our customers who have not yet made their Winter purchases, as well es new patrons, will find it greatly to their interest to inspect the advantages which it is our intention to present. The. annexed schedule will convey some idea of the REDUCTION OF PRICES we propose to make, and in passing it into circulation we cannot refrain from remarking that every state ment therein contained is made with a strict regard to our ability to sustain snob statement; and we appeal to be adjudged of this fact by numerous Ladies who have patronized ue, to their universal satisfaction and approbation, during our career in this City. We are, very respectfully, J. W. PROCTOR & CO. SYNOPSIS OF THE. REDUCTIONS OF THE STOCK J. W. PROCTOR & CO. TO COMMENCE MONDAY, DEC. 16. FROSTED BEAVER CLOAKS, FROSTED BEAVER CLOAKS, FROSTED BEAVER CLOAKS, FROSTED BEAVER CLOAKS, FROM §lO TO *T•OO* BROWN SEALSKIN, OR SABLE CLOTH CLOAKS, rnom SIB TO tl.4—rp,.ON Ma TO $1.2. BLACK SEALSKIN, OR OTTER CLOTH CLOAKS, FROM $lB TO $l4-FROM $l6 TO $l2. VELVET CLOTEI CLOAKS, VELM CLOTS CLOA KS, FINE BLACJC MYER CLOAKS, FINE BLACK BEATER CLOAKS, FINE BLACK BEAVER CLOAKS, FINE BLACK BEAVER CLOAKS, TROUT 820 TO 810m...1110M 810 TO al% BLACK IMITATION BEAVER CLOAKS, FANCY. BEAyER VLQAKS 3 FROM 840 TO MO-FROM $3O TO $22 FANCY COLORED BEAVER CLOAKS ; ~: . ,4 4, 4 FROM $24 TO $1 S-FROM $lB TO $13.110 LYONS VELVET CLOAKS, LYONS VELVET - CLOAKS, OUR FUR DEPARTMENT, Which is replete with every desirable style and descrip tion, will be open to inspection at prices correspondinff to the general reduction—partionarizatiom among such an infinity of qualities, being, if not imeoseible, at all events, uneatibfactorr. del4 18 21 24-4 t FROM $26 WO $2O. FROM 80.2 TO Sl7. MOM Sle , TO $l4. FROM $3O TO $22 FROM 635 TO 636. FROM $.1,3 TO $33. FROM $35 TO $26. FROM SOB TO $10.50 FROM $l2 TO $9 FROTH $9O TO $65 FROM STD TO aal, ABIIUBEMENTti. ANERICAI4 ACADEMY OF MTJSJO Lessee and Mrirragor J M. NIXON. DIIIIIBTSIAS EVE. THIS (TUESDA ) EVENING, Dan•, 2- 1181, Tho hoaatithi CU RAS in Two Ballets, aEL OLE," aEL OLE," anti A RAGONEr , ES Y G %LLEGOI, MR. CAMEL swforriir.r. lea HUG" DE ant: TOBY ti m 14 err and RF,oFfiAlt FLX: EPN E:DA I, Doc. 25, CHRI9rnr%S, TWO OItAND PE ti Fo KMANL; Ea, DAV uwl NIGIIT. AFTERNOON, at ft, the Grand Moaary Drains of Cl/ I PPP: WA ; On, ELM UNII lA'S Till tIMI'll (:tiRAN TN NEW iSALLET. GE] EISIMA S EVENING, at half pas' 7, EDWIN FoititFsT Will appear in his Groat Chaffactor of NETAaIuGA. TRICES OF ADM!: lON.—Forgort, Parquet 1111011 h and Balcony, DO rents. No extra cloiro for Itosorval Nate. Private llovel, with adttiteeloue fur Eittitt see_ none,ll& Family Circle and Atnpliithentre. 25 cents. SECLiItED FOUR DAYS IN ARV/NOR. Doors Open at 7 t Orantnence et heir oast 7. FORREST NM FITS, MOEDA V, W EON INBA V, Pill IA V r,mISATI:IItDAIt. CUBA:4 NIMITS TUESDAY AND TiIIIttSDAY. p. T 13 A. lt N S niusr;um OF LINING V ONDEII9, To be open at all briers front 10 A. M. to 10 P. M., for Two Weeks, coninioneing becenther 33, in the giglbly Inv:tied end npft,qc,u, ILA], 1009 Cif Jt9TN 01% abort: Tenth, fitted up exprei.qy for the biller inspection of thew MARVELS OF ANIMATED And, on the first ,fioor, ESPECIAL ' ACCOM (D TloN OF yAMII / y The Wonderful Living Menster, BLACK E.EA-LaOtT., The Croat Mooned, of Oh., Oooau—Tire m,t epeciraeri eVerf!aphlrerl Ve-171, only one ever "7.(r / in the A ifimiio states—Weighs over 1,000 P l /17141--'Fitifil 00 /.6u.lq of rP!! PaPYr Tilt; lumotief, Perplexing, WHAT lIIIT 1- On, MAN- WONKEY; Intereatine, Arousing, and Pleasing—Ftatnree am/ Pe.. culiariti. Ifumma—Peatures- and Peculiarities Atli- Nun nor NunkaY— WHAT LI IV 1 And that Puerile nf.Sdentitht grinds ' THE ALBIN&PAMILY, Prom the Island of blathinascar—liorn of Perfectly Black African Parctiti , ii , Af4r: lifhthcf, Oliffa— White NegroPPl or Moore.---Alo White aelltiourPink Eves end Pleasant leaturrer ADMISSION CHILDBEN 11.NDER TEN ..... deZi-tf A HT EXHIBITION fFe• XX_ nese of the Araks of this 7ity, and other Ili-mole of art, the Lady Manna:ere r:f the " -7.111)11 )IMITAEW unlit enutied to invite friends of ;trio ratio -ohte chority or. A Xliti - flOti, iJhefteld in i!x behalf. in the Assend, - ,* Muff:dingo, -center of 12.31T11 and Ili II Eiii'UN Stme tho liViftlINGS Of if U MIKA Y '9.11 PRIMA V, .11.,etvemater ^e .041irto std feroutth tho whoto of FRID.Ar:: Itickew tate-beat at the door, 25 rents. Refreshments will he provided, TLEI"S C 11ITINENTAL THEATEIC—WALNUT loeti aXeve uramw. lON-TIIN CHRISTMAS ItifirliA IS; The Cheapest and best entertai tent in the ethy.., Tainight, the Crest .Watintint PillAntfla:-111i4Aiw., - THE SOVIIIMIN ItRANLLICI.eitif 2311 Y LA-ND! TO COnclucle with, for the hut ;ism, tho firwmwmi. &DRUNK THE CATARACT OF '7lllll Ut MORT/ TO , AILIRROW, et 2 o'cleek, (little:Ado Matinle, when will he presented, fo. ,, the -fawt-timer thee illlllollFl Emwstrian Halo-drama, .nt 6:4 THE .F4111Z7 THIEVES: with-other entertaininelgv MRS. JOHN DREW'S AID3II-STRICRT UV/ATER. AMER MA 146.i.g..• W. S—talttiMitafti. IhmineesAgent and Treasurer.. ...J 31k D. MURPilif. RBIS Cr CESDA Y) EVENIvD. December 24. THE ROBBERS., Charles de Il•toor Tv ke /1/1b:/ bY GITILLUA3TE TELT/l. To conduit , with the Side-Splltting 22ntomIzoo,of. I.IAD AS A MAIIIIII Shakspeare'a Grand Pageant of 1.11:3'S T.IBOtI,VS LOgT, t 31011.P.0W, 01111,1A1 A.l tel 11 Doors open- at, g before 7 eurtabp Wai rise at TX . -23*. 14.rn extra charge for roecrved soot!. ALNIJT-STREET E TMATItIs-- W NINTH tuvi WALNUT Btreste. 8010 Lessee MR& U. A. GABILETTSON. THIS: (7L7ESDAY) EVENING, Devtentber,tdi. Wili Iln.pre.ertiA the Adapt.,ll,,n..c:.l.ticken4k Chi - billings Story, ~ntitivd A 311:55AGE FI10:1/ TILE BEA: Captain Film Juan, .111,I1111:14litiY14 J. 3, Cha4 rreviouB to which, the Comte Drava of. 808 NETTLE. 3. Waddifere Mr. Z. S 11arke. T.l. &haLife:kith the Re Eelell.44.e. STATE SECILE f Parc:m-50, 37k, 75, and 25 canto; Private/Dom* $5 and $3. Doors open at quarter to 7. To commence at 7,11". ITED3 - O,E OF WONDEitB- TENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. HOLIDAY WEEK—NEW E NTE RIM _YNENTS. SIGNOR RUTZ: THRE.E GRAND EX FHA IMAGE S-GH: GHRISTM AS DAY, conmencing at 11 A. M., 3, and I P. M., and EVERY AVTERNOON aua Eyabirlia during the HoMug. at S end of. MARV!, MI R. PIE. and VENTRILOQUISM, and the LKAIL.N.RD CANARY BIRDS. Admission 25 rents ; Child:nu 13.cturas. TNSTITUTION,I I OII: 'PRE FILTND.— ..L. A CHRIST:4AS- au.lailfala EXHIBIT/OY. WISIMESDAY AFTN141.400.1.1, at 3% o'clock. Adtaisidon Ten Ceuta. CiAldtett %Lhr fourteen ? half price licapilful Articles, .m.le by the fsupiLy, tor sale. dc2A,..9.1 G ERMANIA ORCHESTRA. CARL SENTZ, Conductor. PURI:JP IIIiIIIPARBAitS @iffy SATURDATI et o'cloelt P. hI., at the 111IISIO.kl, FUND It 'ILL. Package of sight Tickets, $1; Single Tickets, 2S oft To be had at Arelte's,llot Cbeetuut street, J. E. amid's, Seventh and Chestnut, and sot the door of the Hall. oeMil-til pENNBYLVANLA. ACADEMY Of THR FINE ARTS, 1025 CHRSTNITT Streak k open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. X. Admission 26 cents. Children 'Enniof frylirp rimy tack' §lauree vi Stock. 11.30. 774 WAN TS. rpo THE HARDWARE TRADE -L $1,1:00 TO 82,100 TO IN V - ET.—A eituntion where She shove notcraint will be meerptchin as e, loan or as an investment. The !Wert:tin' hfu Ii i thirtros yearn' experience In the blueness. rteaso,arldrotis a 41„ . 8.," Box 40, Freetown, Rms. de23•l2t* AN T E second-Land Sta tionery Steam ffngine, of from 60 to 70-flortf, Adareze, atatiug 1.155 Punt da2l-14 WANTED—One gool-sizqd, or two email Rooms, imitable for a Stoe nanufactory. as Ire. Offl, 341-31.*. SALESMAN WILL BE OPEN, 808 an ENGAGEMEgT, Jahttnost lot_ who .sells Seventy Thotto4l dolloto of Dry aoodot to first-class near ;'ennsylvaola trade. ItefeLence given, Address ItICIIARD, Pres:Lake. de2-Im* FOR SALE AND TO LET. MO LET, anB, fixtures TAIL DRY :WOOS STOKE, in a Ilret.elaas notion in this city, tiaing a linshim, - ..0f Thirty Ttkouesauct Dollars a ear, which may easily bq • iNcrpiippil Sp ambit! Ana amount. A wood N[int the gore. Dent vtyy low. Itennus glean P•r wishing to. sell. Possession given either an. the first og February, or first of March. Address K.l), G.," Igo.'a COAL OIL WORKS VOR 0 N... 1 Capable of turning out gniloo • rations cam be cutuumiced i4,o„kivxto , PeTl-`vi• 43 i 067 Dike as any in the &imam 10 Y' YI-1463 • Nu 27 •PPIY to .. B. 111.11311ARD, Agent, 1:17 WALNUT Ntinot. TQRE-24,.TT, de2l.6t S q ....ORE, No. 8 NORTH THIRD ST. Apply to THOS. MILLER, 42 NORTH THIRD STREET. delB-12ttk BOARDING. D ESIRABLE FIRBT.OLASS BoAItItING to Vo had, with fluo rooms, at No. 1118 CHESTNUT Street. del3.l3t* TO LET—With or without board ; to viosle gontiuman t a bed room and sitting room. or bed room only, in WALNUT Street, between Tenth and Broad. Address, for further particulars, "X. Y. Z.," Press office, Chestnut street. de4-tif SELECT FRENCH AND ENGLISH BOARDING HOUSE, No. 33 South SIXTRICNTH Street, near Chestnut. Terme moderate. de2.lm WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. TN ORDER , TO REDUCE OUR large stock of WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVAN WARE, and MUSICAL BOXES, we are now, hi ea. cordance with the times, offering them at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Ladies or gentlemen Intending to purchase a Wadi for their own wear, will find at our Establishment ast article that can be IMPLICITLY RELIED ON for time, and ate price MUCH LOWER than ever below sake& Particular attention is given to repairing fine Watches, Clocks, and Musical Boxes, by skilful workmen. . . FARR & BROTHER, Importer% ne23.2ntif 824 011E8TNIIT Fitrut. belnw Fourth. SAVING FUNDS. AVING- FUND-UNITFAD STATE NJ TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and OHIMM 6 NUT Streete. INTEREST FM PER CENT. S. R. CRAWFORD, Nadia, JAMES K. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office boom, from 10 until n o'clock. This company is not joined In any application it, OS Leg-666r, SAFES. IikILILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT RS MOVNi.) to fie. i.U. gouit. 11.21iitiftit. iltreet, same t o nsnklin Ineihut°. The undersigned, thankful for peat favors, and Weil determined to merit future patronage, has secured fag ologunt and convonhmt aloro, and In.' now on t,..:d it large aanortmont of Lillie's Weitratad Wrongitt mit Glva Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Mame (the eon/ striftll fire and burglar Manias LucAlso MUM Unequalled Dank Tault, Bars, and Bank aa, Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Lofts will be farldeble to order on short notice. This is the strongest, beet yeas tooted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet otrarad. Also, particular attention is celled to Lilllelt RIM Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Sc. This Safe la cow ceded to carioca in styli and elegance anything yet sa bered for this purpose, and is the only one that is Adair Bra and Etrirgiar proof. SYDOIAL NOTIOD.—I have DOW on band say twenty ml Farrel, Herri n g, & Co.'s Safes, most of them nearly mil, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete aesortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for Vas now celebrated Lillis Safe. They will be sold at Mr low prices. Please call and examine. jolll-1 rir M. O. SAVVIER. Agent. SUp TRUSSES ! ,P/IA,c,'BO ! ! PORTERS!!! 0. , HrNREDIJES, S. W. corner RACK and TWRIiirCH Streets. PULL. Practical Adjuster of Trusses and Mechanical Appii. emcee, has conetantlyon hand a Argo and varied 15+00k of elegant French Trusses, and a complete assortment of best American. English and American Siipportera and Belts. Shoulder Braces. Suspensories, Syringes in Area{ tiffriety, French pessaries ? the. Ladies' Department conducted by Lattice, titiiiiLiFTlL Street s first door below Race. n027-ifilto BEST QUALITY ROOFING SLATE always on hand and for sae at Union Wharf, 1411 BEAM Street, Kensington. T. THOKAS, MIYMY UT WALNUT Mew Pliallihbbil ,2r, canto 15 centg flAtr-4tr '*H-L.l abewad.