CITY ITEMS. bit. CRAM, AT CONCERT HALL TICS EVE NING.—This evening, the Rev. E. If Chapin, D. D., of New York--Oms of the most gifted and powerful public wallet's of the age—will deliver the cloSiug lecture of the People's Literary Institute courts, at Concert Hall. His 111.1bied will he " The People." As this will probably be the last opportunity of hearing Una trumpet , tongued orator in Philadelphia for a year, we advise our readers to go early if they wish to insure admission, as the hall, iron present indications, will be filled to overflowing. SERMON BY THE REV. WIC P. BREED.—A copy of the sermon by the Rev. Wm. P. Breed, preached on Thanksgiving Day, in the West Spruce-street Pres byterian Church, this city, of which he is pastor, has been handed to us in pamphlet form. The sermon is en- USW "The Lights which Coil hath showed us," and is Sounded upon Psalm 118. 27—to wit : "God is the Lord which hath showed -us light. Bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar." in this dis course we liaYG another eloquent indication of the loyalty of the Northern pulpit. It breathes the spirit of intelli gent patriotism upon every page. Wo had heard much in praise of this sermon when it was delivered, and now find that it was well deserved. NAM - FACTORS OF SILVER PLATED WARE, NMI] AND VIIRSTSUT STREETS.—As the present buying season is at hand, we take the liberty of directing the et, mitten or our readers to the old Silver Plated Ware es tablishment, on the northeast corner of Chestnut and Ninth stretts. On Saturday we spent a half hour pleasant ly in examining the brilliant. and extensive stock which this Louse now offers; and we must say, that for chaste ness of design and elegance of execution, we have never examined so superb a display. We find that great at- Lila this season loam paid in this satahlialintent to the manufacture of Hard Metal, or Nickel Silver ware, which is almost equal to the Sheffield, and it deservedly taking the place of all other plat d goods. Their exqui site Tea Sets of this extra durable finality, as also their richly wrought pitchers, fruit-baskets, butter-dishes, castors, goblets, and a hundred other nada! articles, are splendidly adapted for presents, and should t. 4 borne iii mina by purchasers. PUBLICATIONS OF THE A3IERICAN SUNDAY fieIIOOL UNION.-.The find hilltilieed of the school World," and the n World" for 1862, have just bevn issued. The former has had one very success. Thl Segni C:theliellfei and the latter is A new &Mille. to the publiciitionsof tide beneficent and CattudiC iudiMd tion, intended for circulation among the thousands of children in its various missionary fields thronghont the Union. They are both beautifully illudratml, and are models of the typographic art. The reading matter also le unexceptionably good. POITLAIt ESTABLISHMENT .—lt ig cetimflied that frtnt four to floe thousand persona visited the store of !theism. E. 0. Whitman & Co., Second street, helper Cheetnut, on Saturday last, and Were waited 4p,m, T e t i edit. ail this fabulowt seam WPM UMW exquisite holiday 'reparations, their display of line, delicious, and tempt ing confectionery seemed to be multiplying itself for the accumulating demand from some unseen source. The secretor the eatraonlinary mans of this old and popu lar house lies in the fact of their making the eery Lost quality of goods, selling them at moderate WOO, allti making all their customers feel at home. Faun., Goon CIDER, Raisins, for fine cooking lairrffrfi and a hundred other mato only t0ti0,1 ; p4,,,, in a first.elass grocery store, can be had fresh and ele gant, together with everything e'su desirable or choice in the grocery line, at the NUT° of Mr. C. IL mattaon, corner of Arch and Tenth streets. AK ATTRACTIVE EICItTIi-smEar ESTABLISH DISNT.—aIeshrti. Witters Cu. No. 35 North Eighth street, corner of Filbert, have added to their fine stock of Lamrs a sp'endid assortment of fancy goods for Op 21.11,1 a, s. Their store is a great centre of attraction for Indies now shopping in that busy thoroughfare. They are selling a most beautiful line of Turkey movy:co goods, of all kinds, at unusually low prices, MEPPR. CHARLES aiIePORD Sox, nnder the Continental Hotel. has the la4est and most elegant stook of Fonds, especially adapted for presents, that they have ever offered. Every holy nod gentleman in Phila delphia elivuld visit their splendid salesrooms before poe •ehnsing elsewhere, as their st,ek embraced everything that is lqii , P.lV) 'mahout) deninible t or Reninnabln, Dam a neat necktie to the moat devout sets of Ladles' Ears. Their prices are lower than the sante goods have ever been sold for heretofore. IsilawarArnt CIIANIVE...—Wn perceive by the laab number of the New York Independent. that that popular journal is to be hereafter under tho odito• Tial thano of Rov. Henry Ward 114e6ber, 6 oss,,- eiation with Theodore Tilton, Efq. Under this effi cient management, its vigor and popularity will doubtless be greatly:,.inereased. ITAstnis_ToWs HAIR STA!I.—The most relia ble ar ti c l e in use for coloring the hair and whiskers a natural block or brown. Does not fade or wash out. t)e rat, TIS Storm* Area FOR CHRISTMAS.— Witr-Plated Toa.noto-6211 to Sib. Silver-Plated Castors-81 to 825. Silver Plated Cake Basketa--$5 to $l5. Sit% er-Plated Butter Dishes—ss to $l5. Silver• Plated Child's (lups—ifl.2-5 64. Sihrr-Plated Ice Pitchers-51150 to $l5. Silver-Plated Toast Dacha and Sugar Baskets. Silver-Plated Napkin Binge and Salt-Cellars. Silver-Plated Call BAN Rip( i,:q) `-saes, pilTer•rlitted Fruit and Dessert Knives. Silver-Plated Forks, Spool., and Ladles. Fruit Muds and Card Reeeivora bilver•flitted Warn of all kimls, of tha Last quality, mid at moderate prices. E. W. OARIITL L Co., Manufacturers, 71& liheeinati .treet, ita-sonfc Flan E. W. & Co., 715 Chestnut street, have— Fine Sets a Irorphandln CuUnrs,in etyma. Tint , SE its of 1 , 06.14 -handle Onflory, in canna. Tint. Pearl, ivory, and rito4-11411dit TifiL Tiun rnarl; nnd Flatud.linudl4 Nat Pialea l'iti Nati, Ivory, And Plated-hkndle nutter Knives. Fine Carrera, Sharpeners, and Kniyea, all of the facet quality, and at moderate priJes. 2t THE TRENT AFFAIR i—Ct The plot thickens." Now it ie rumored «Mason and Slidsll must be given up, with an apology, or fight." This, if true, an the prize -fighter; would say,'" means mischief." Now, again, we !KIT that the low a the old hero, Scott, will much pease the British lion, and, on second thatolit, he will "fear te make a mess of it." Then, again, we hear that 4, Seward has made it all right." We would like to know what right is, even if Seward boo mode it to. We think Wilkee marts it 5.a1l right." Everything. in feet, is so exciting, now-a-days, in the papers, that it is feared that the ImAness advertisements of such establishments as Cherie, Stokes' llOne-PrisO" Clothing store, under the Guntinental," may bo overlooked. THE DF.SPATCITES FROM MR. ADAMS.—The Secretary nt Etate has called a Cabinet meeting and spread the Government the eperzini despatche N of Mr. C. F. Adams, the Minister to the Court of St. Joints, relative to the Trent affair. Mr. Seward subsequently assured our attentive special correspondent at Washing ton, that reafione et' *tote would prevent hit Milking knolvn their entire contents at present; but he sai l he was at liberty to say that the the American Minister de clared, obliesitatingly, in his communication, that, in his opinion, the most elegant garments for both soldiers and cieinen,, tv be fantod iu any part Or the world, were those made et the Brown Stone Clothing Rail of Rock bill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. TEE LOYALTY OF IRELAND. —We see, by MO advices from Europe, that a large meeting of the Irish population, opposed to a war between this country and England, was held at Dublin. That Animal hag atrongrr attachment for the United Mates, where then sands of her sons now lice and are protected, than she has for oppressing and tyrannical Engla td, is plain to .he iniuds of all, In case of an outbreak. however, between the two countries, all wipe and loyal folks will continue to purchase their clothing at the Palatial Establishment of Granville Stokes, 609 Chestnut street, who is now dis posing of his entire stock of winter g untente at aaeri. Tieing prieea. CIIRINTMAS PRESENTS AT E. W. CARRYL & Co.'s House-furnishing Store, 715 Chestnut street. Ploe !Teo Trs, in eetF, 0256 .1-,56. Willow Work Stands, $2.50 to $7.50. Willow Chairs for Children, $1 to S 4. Japanned Bird Cages, S 1 to $lO. 31.,,J , Tool Cheater, 61.&43 Silver-plated Toy Tea Sets, 75 cents. Soolds, Sashes, and Belts, and Military Goods. 2t THE GREEN GROCERY, at. Thirteenth and -et“,thut, to uow open, Butter, cheese, Poultry, Ciamo, Fruit. Vegetablea, &c., of the very best quality only. Sold at each, market Driers. de2l-6tit ARRIVALS AT THE EIUTELS ILf? TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST NIGHT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut atm. Cart J N N N A W Gregory, Michigan Jas Turner, New York S M Lawrence, Penna. .1 WRoy wide. Erie, Pa G W Bolintan, Pittsburg W F Hall, St Louis F Kennedy, St Louis Sand Slam Now York JB Idaster Haalehurnt, Phila JII H Conwl , ell, Maryland. Benj Thompson, St Paul 0 K Shoemaker & wile, Pa Miss Emily Way, Phila Miss Amanda Way. Phil* Miss Fanny Way, Phila Miss Carrie K Gwin, Media H C Wecilrnu. II 9 A_ J A Dokter .1 11—soy a Joe F llovy, Boston Wei A Bowers, liarttord G Itimmearter, MD, USN Dr (I win Jae Boy, New York Lieut W 11 Rossell, N C J McLeod Murphy, N Y Mi,er A E Smith, 3,Vaalt, D C J Otderlies N Tl A .„nesoa la. Gel Gtn E Shreve!, Marllllhd Lieu! r M Parra, N York T M Wolfe, Maryland W G Steele. New Jersey Wm II Allen, New York Dr Msulstry, LT S N J Randall, Conn Dlrs Mautsby Wm D Haley, Maaa R 0 Edwards, New York J B Klee & le, Newyork T Williak w, Boston N A I.llliitneM, Now York E A Larkin, Boston G G Donets, England A Bills & w, Troy, NY J . V Underhill & la, N Y Wrs Snnih 8 W Butler At do, It IslonJ - I' Bohr, New York Murray, Pittsburg Capt R B Irwin, U S A Mr Man, Philadelphia Mr Grafton, U S N L Bennett, New York •LI H Reed & la, Chicago Mrs C Kidder, Baltimore A W Leisenring, Penns J B Oriffillis Now "fork M. Is Potter A le, Din, 0 II P KAMM= do w, K Y Thee Kennedy, Glasgo w , J E tritinn, New York W Taggart* la, Albany E W Chamberlin, N York Wm Peterson, Wheeling A C - Durbin, Now York B 3 rent%) IreW Yvrk Wm Yam, G N ruirlstrurn, AIM' Wm II Boma Albany S Wiener, New York Wm Ohio W Sweet. Prov, B I John It Bartlett, C S N 0 Kidder, Baltimore B J Colieber, England A K Silrealer i sf, Boston 1111 Cushulitth Mug blue. CiiiiiVy) Willsll, D G IT W Thomas, Mann W W Thomas, jr, Maine B C Mitchell, Maryland U Fisher, New York John T Danner, Conn Si S wy circa, Brooklyn J H Foster, New Turk - Wm Whitt N Jean J MaCarter, Penult P Tor tor, Winne 0 (inrrinon, St Louis Arthur 13 Staff, England E P wittimthe, Chicago apt W C Johnson, rt York Mr Collins & Indy L Lyle, Pennsylvania Mr Mane al, Maine Jos T Norton, Wheeling H Blickfitone, rennil MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch W Maitland, Nebraska W S Send, N Jersey Klaiberland, Virginia That Burchnell, Penna. Tl Mum Ohio Lim A S Tulin% U on R 5 NOtis Milford Sarni illie;ter co eo 1,, Phelps, New York J T Norton, Neu• York en W Lilly dir la, M Chunk J 'DAVIN Well.willo It Lyon, Muncy it W SActen,, Penult Pittsburg tins !lowan]. Pittsburz rittzburg Climb firm, Nation II Greer, Lock Haven J McCarter, Erie THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. W tirst, Dillsburg McNeely, Trsston. N J Liwiosy, Jr, Pittsburg CH G tirtl u, POlU:4s , lvAnio. Causix,r, New Jersey J Fithian, 116120 - on, N.l Pi•nnesivanis Jenaey It Ilmt Yhu•uixville L Mick, Dlilvaitikee l W4ll Ohio, AMERICAN HOTEL—Ohestnut et., above rm. J Carroll & la, New York S Townsend 6: la, ti York COI $ H Juilliion, Delawaro 0 Smith, Philadelphia Eieut It Smith, Dania John Andrews, N ti J H Harris, Williamsport Capt S SaMIIOIH, B.ooltlyn B Sauenele, Brooklyn P Brady, Pennsylvania R .111 Goundic, Bethlehem S C Harria, Pottsville .1 E Tem, Ilartford, Conn John II Willard, Phila 3 L Andrews, Ohio J W Dell, Wasnington Joe L Preebrey, ItiFL93 j A 3 R I I' l3 4 e e n i t 9 iat Philadelphiat, New Yo r k E B Tappan, Boston JIIIIII I; Carroll, rhiln I) W Olirer, Philadelphia C Y Asbury, - New York Col J 3 Sanderson, Pa hlre A(3 Rrickler,Jer Shore Maj J H Humes, Jer Shore ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third II A strong, Trenton N Z Stems, Wash, D C .t,, es Kito Albany A Henry, Now Jersey A D Flodnrr, Pennsylvania A Glenn,PeonsYlvejtto Miss N Kern, Chester cc, Pa H Wile, York R F Seamen, New York Win 11 Lawson, Penna. 1? Burt, New Haven .1E Wesson, Massachusetts Copt S H NtWIEURILPfi Win S Won!, New York M Salisbury, It Island Jill 9 Cook, Rhode Island' DI Schaffner, New Yurk Jas Schaffner, New York \V II Wilmer Louis Reim ' Philadelphia. E A Andrews, Peoria, In 1) A Smith, Ohio STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. T F Weller, Pennsylvania C Mines, Lancaster co S liennedY, Lancaster co W Forrest, Lewisburg J Elder. Pittsburg W H Watt, Pittsburg Cleo L Tlitt, Harrisburg Jas Thompson, Militia co It Woods, Pittsburg Ii P Dunbar, Pittsburg A J Wo'Wel, Lewistown C J Picot, Philadelphia W McGloldin, Baltimore Miss Hastings, Lancaster T S Bit:buds & son, Heat Hug Ii A Russell, Philadelphia Jos 11 Russell, Philadelphia Wm Wallace, Altoona W L Borecker, Altoona 0 ➢I Levi, New York W Hendricks, Boston A Snyder, Boston conntEnclAL HOTEL—Sixth street, above ebeatnut, W W Burnett, Delaware John Mitchell, Cheater co Jo:: 11 Phillips Minnesota Evans Pennington, Pa l3=riZlW!Mfl=M=MtiMal J Di Deur , lee, Pa Charles Leopold, Pi} A J Brower, Pn S a Downing, ♦Pest Cbest'r Rufus Wiley, Wadi Bottom Mrs Livingston, Now York J R Caswell, Reading Jna Storey, Plaenixville Noses King, Chester co W D Newell, Tersoy City Alf Perkins, Plain&Will 0 Sheer, Pottstown, P. BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. W Baker, Kew Jersey Dr C Hill, Hatboro' A SWllitlng, Briageuorti Ct E Lancaster, Patina J c Paul, Bucks co E J Booting, Bristol Jesse James, Bucks Co B B Hough, Pt Pleasant J C Rice, Frenchtown Augustus Vandegrift, Pa J 1 Parry, Ittladrol II J 0 Taylor, BeyieStown 7 II Rending, Hatboro' W W Paxson, Pt Pleasant J 0 Gutunterer, Burlington It M Kenzie, Penna Jeeee James, Pena G Hendrike, Penna L P 11.16, 8..1., ~,, h i Smith, Penne, W Richmond, Boston James Kane, Atlantic City MOUNT VERNON HOTEL--Second et., ab. Arch. Robert Lyon, Connectictit G Collins, Connecticut L Etpragne, Massachusetts Joshua L Comma, Boston N 11Consens, Roston E Nice, Pennsylvania G Sargokt, Washington D,Ringsbury, Washington Col 31 Williams, Virginia E.A .liotlerlcic, U 8 N MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. W H Barnes A hi, Wyom co C I 1 Wilson, New York N SlY'elnallet) pinta Gin Pa P MoY Thomas; Maryland s c rennnylvania W F Watson. Bucks co C It Haywood, Newark, Del Mrs Carmnr, Stroudsburg NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. W flu) or, Pottsville N P Hobart, Jr, P.6.41i0 JII &milli, Schuylkill co J S Dodder, Alleetowe J N Rhoads, Allentown Col C Carmony, Lancaster J Marsh. Lewistown AI DrollAt, Catty,lo44 J II Roberts, Philo Jos S Miller, Reading John Welsh, la WERE HOUSB--Third street ! ioolo nun, Weyi, rliiiitaelphia Jas Stanton Now York S Johnson, Jr, Median], Pa T B Kerb, Harrisburg G ai Ermeutrout, Reading BALD EAGLE—Third street, shove Ord F stein, Distal; A I 3 liertulet, {Yamh i D J Ricgcl, Fiala J Franks, Reading BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill. P P Nelson, Fernleylvania II A Perkins, Cincinnati John r Wegonhoret, NMI& Wiii R M0..1, Yardley-vine IttlPTert. Mucks co Alvin Paint, Nana Thomas B Metzger, Phi!oda PEILADELFHIA BOABD OF TRAMP. EDBIUND A. SOUDER, GEORGE L. BURY. (Mumma = or vas MOW EDWARD C. DIDDLE, LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Holyhead, Cole Liverpool, 40011 Ship Criniaa. ilmhady Liver iro o 004 Ship Thgeftrora, Dunlevy Llverpcwl, Dec. 2G Brig Lump°, Evans ....St Jrago de Cuba. soon Ketch Commerce, Barnes ....Mayaguez, PR, soon Schr Win Carroll, Chipman Mayagnes, PR, @fon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT QF PHILADELPHIA, Dee, 13.1961: SUN RISES 7 25 i 6IIN BETS 4 35 HIGH WATER . 6 58 ARRrVIED BteomehiroKonnelloc, Garton,24hourn from New York, with min to Jas Allderdiee. Passed off the Ledge skip Congress, for Liverpool, and bark Roanoke, for .Rio, both proceeding loin. Mir Willard gaulabarr, 1-110.00, 3 do, from Fortress Monroe, 11l liallatd to captain. Seim J Marsh, Adams, 2 days from Balm% NJ, with corn to Jas L Bewley 00, GrorGe RUElaen, Moorrie,Z Jaya from ludiark River, Del, with lumber to J W Bacon. Schr A Cordery, Babccck, from Boston. Str runny Garner, Spencer, 24 hours front New York, with mdse to W ClfdO. OLIAIIID Steamship Kennebec, Garton, Now York, J .4.lldonlico. Ship Ellen Stewart, Collin Landon, Workman & Bark Union, Heard, Rio de Janeiro; Le Aid 4. Pawn, Whae tagimyra, J Datum pi Co, Brig M Means, W n, Barbadoca, Tyrolle ,C; (Jo. Brig Clarence, (Br) Brandford, Demerara, et E Outer britife. pcUr J A OrIMP) r4aWrl btowart§ CUM di Co. Bar A Colliery, Babcock. Fortress Monroe, Tyler, Stone lb Co. Scbr D Jnnea, Tater& F.510/44 Monroe, do Seim W Sanlebury, lindr.on, New York, T Clyde. Seim J S Lane, Stewart, N Raven, I, Audenriad & Co. Sehr Mary Elizabeth, Reed, Norwich, do Selo Joseilna & Edwin, Connelly, Baltimore, T Web- Jr. Selo- Melinda, Tolley, Locust Point, 13 C 'Lancaster Schr 8 Martin, Tnrpin t Berlig i Ml i captain. 6tr : 8 Clay - pow, Di4:14149TC, A grows ' Jr, SAILED Sbip Ellen Stewart, Coffin, for London, left Smith's wharf on Saturday afternoon, in tow of tug America. She takes out the followiog cargo: 23 : 35E1 buelrois wheat, 9,091 bbls flour, and 1,003 bags clover:met (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del. Dec 21 ThQ Ship C01141'0561 ter Lii - orpoai, gunboat Hiliming; !ma oi - oilier V S gunboat wont to sea yosteraaYi With a fine northwest wind, leaving no vessels at the Breakwa ter. One bark went in this morning. Yours, &c. A. MARSHALL. - arEMOUNDTDA. ship Fleetwiug, Kelly, for Beaton, waa at Calcutta 2d ult. Ship Endeavor, Doane, cleared at New York 20th fast for San Francisco. Slsiplipn t rrentiou, ciearva at Boston 20t1/ inst, for Port Royal, SC. Sell Mary D Cranmer, Cranmer, hence, arrived at Boston 29th inst. Selz Sea Witt.ll, Tyler, for FRIRMAIS I Tilt $ 'York' cleared at i3ostola 20th haat. Seta. Emelioe E Potter, Beebe, bence, arrived at Pro videeee liith inst. Behr W P Phillips, from Boston for Philadelphia, at N Haven 19th inst. aid' Altaic Mager, Wheaton, hence; arrived at Salem 19th met. Sat - Isabel, Taylor, cleared at New York 19th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Sarah E Jonee, Jones, hence for Norwich, at N London 18th Inst. echr Black Diamond, Tootigi cleared at Now - Fork 20th inst. for rhiladelphia. ESchr 0 F Hawley, Buckley, sailed from Providence ra t h inst. for Greenport. Behr JVC Woodruff, Robinson, from johp, r g r 15h11ad~la6:s, At Newport 20th aunt. SILTS /40ner R Reagan, Coombs, and Challenge, Tracy, hence, arrived at Gloucester 10th inst. Schr Wave, from Philadelphia for Newfoundland, pre viously reported, was wrecked at White Island, NS. Sake Placid arrived_ at Halltex 13th lea. dth her cargo. Br bark Empress, from Tido de Janeiro, with 6,180 bags coffee, wan c .ptured off Pah6 a 'Outre recently, while at tempting to run the blockade. She tried to get in at night, but got ashore, when she was boarded from thp S &Finite &be wovild tre *.eto %9 New I-9M, NOTICE. TO MARINERS The Nantucket South Shoal Light Vessel parted her moorings on Monday night, 16th lust, and arrived at gd 16th. 51,.. he on I..avi the carat. *Ol inn of the crew of tho Swedish ship Oriental queen, from New York, which foundered 75 miles south of Woman's Land. She will be replaced upon her station with as little de lay as possible, of which due notice wilt be given. N. A. LONG, Clerk to L.ll. Inspector, Second District. Boston, Dee. 20, 1861. • ♦ • To SUIT THE TINES, FRUIT CAKE, 50 cents. POUND CAKE, 25 cents per pound. A fine assortment of MIXTURES fur the Holidays. PODDO3, A, 11, 16 11.... th kla Eimer It ;More Idarket NEW GOODS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS, Aohlbriaug a general aseoriment of iiounek - crepitig orti dee, with many new improvements and inventions for Housekeepets' use. Alen, a number of fancy articles, suitable for Holiday presents. Selling at reduced prices, 1r FARSON 4- co n delS•tf Corner of DOCK and PEAR ;greets. DR. ROBERTSON'S ELIXIR Or HEA.LTIT I the most valuatte reriway laTor oared to the public for he cure of Coughs, Cala, Consumption, Asthma, &c.; also for Dysentery, Diarrhma, Cramp, Sse. Price $1 For sale by DYOTT t CO., ATV, North SEVOND Streets no2s.ruttOnt Depot for all Popular Medicine@ tinitati HAIR DYE; ONLY 38 CENTS ♦ Box.—Roftles larger than the Dollar Dyes. Colors in stantaneously, and will not wash out. Try it. Sold only at UPHAM'S, 310 CHESTNUT Street. P4T-Wi1113131 ONE-PRION CLOTHING, OP THE LATHAT STrtias made In the Beet Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked In MI Pi 0.... Alt Owls made to Order warrantee gauge°. tors. Our Oen-Tewa STOTIX U strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. "22-1 F JONES 8' 00., C 94 1141 SET tHroetu MARRIED RISTINE—MO EtHISON.—On the 19th instant" by the Rev. T. A. Fernley, Mr. Jacob 41§4igig, Of Philadelphia, 4...1111as Aaas iliorris.a, of Wein Phinutelptiln. * MURPHY—LISTER —On the 19th tostant, by the .11,r. T. A. Fernley - , Mr. J. Henry Murphy to Miss Sallie S. Lister. * TAYLOR—CUMMBig§i-4n tli 01)th (Ictobor; by T f irivr, 11r, wruiarn 'Floyd Tay. for to Miss Mary Jane thurimings, both or this city. * DIED. PEGfair,-01 pneumonia, Saturday morning, Haim Laura L. Dagen. Her friends and former pupils are invited to attend her funeral, on Tneetlay morning, at 11 o'clock, at 1616 cbtqr.ttt ytrett c % ** 02 - AGlitititiati.—On rho ZOth infitalit, of eoutumetiOn, laiy L. Mad:house, irk the 34th year of her age. Iftr relatives and friends are respectfully invited to at tend her funeral, from her late retideLee, No. 1030 Spring Garden street, on (Stroud-114i) oftyrnuon, At 2 witilimt further notice, tF CONEAD.—On the 20th instant, 111 , s. Margaret, wife of Isaiah Conrad, in the 79th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the ftmeral, froni her husband's resi ,b-o, Ro. T 49 if 140 OFCBtiV on Tutnnitly, at / - 4 o'clock tro proc..ed to Germantown. ** CIFERSEBIAN.—On the 21st instant, Rev. Loads Cheem men, D. D., in the 59th year of Ids age. FIGIMM ROM his lithe POSididies. No_ 1500 Pint. S.trast, 00 iii se.ity III9hIIIIIQ itt 10 OelOgi. 811ARPLE8.—On Friday, December the 26th, 1861, Abraham Wodar Bharplee, in ttw MS year of his age. The tolatrves and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend hie funeral, from lilt late residence, Sarum Farm, Drlaware county, on Friday, the 26th, at 11 o'clock A. 111. Carriages will he In waiting for the 8.30 train from the city on that day. [Baltimore and New York pnpere please copy,] *** COOPER.—On Finn day, the 19th instant, Joseph B. Cooper, in tile 08th year of hie age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from his late residente. near Cam. den, New Jersey, Me (Second•day) morning, 234 ling., at 10 o'clock, without further notice. tt 11AZZA11.0.-011 the 21st instant, Midi Catharine illizzard, in the OM year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, No. 723 Florida street, 011 Tae,Jar tuorniag, at 11 &clock. INSKEEP.—On the 20th instant, 3fery A. Ttiskeep. Funeral from her late residence, northeast corner of Bleventh and Carleton streets, this (Monday) morning, et 8 o'clock. . _ I 1 Ii IGIIT.—On the 20th !natant, Anuie, the only d,,,ghter of Butoert and Margaret McKi.iglit. aged /4 ycare. Funeral from the residence of her father, No. 1727 Darker street, this (Monday) morning, at 10 o'clock. * kieCLol3ll.—Cn the 20th instant, William McCloud, In Ihe 9.411, rear of his age. Funeral from the residence of his brother-in-law, Thomas Drown, No. 1621 Lombard street, this (Monday) morniim. at 10 o'clock. 001111ELL.On the 10th instant, Anna Myers, wife of Jrnin tiurrell, aged 35 years, Weekly Report of Interments. lism.ll4 GIFFIGTI iNc9inl,mr gli Interments in the City of Philadelphia from the 14th 1,, the 21s , of Deeember,lB6l. I d, I 51 A 018516E8. 0183.5338. m ... 04 A:44OAm i Fever, 'scarlet— ... 16 Ahoetwa 2 " Tylfliti4 1 Abortion 1 " Typhoid.... 2 2 A lbsuchou ia 1 Gangrene I Apoplexy 1 Hydrephubil. . 7. iGti/Weri 1 1111111111 l 1 nOtitorrltame,......, 2 e.toinarli.... l 1 ia Bowels. 1 Croup.... .. 7 Ilooping Cough—. 4 Congestion of Brain. 3 2 Inflammation, Brain 2 2 o Lungs. 1 1 " Bronchi.... 1 ss Liver . 1 It Lange .. 217 Caries, Vertebra,.. 1 " Peritoneum. 1 3 Conssimprn, Lungs. 30 4 " Pleura 1 44 Bowel . I 1 " S. Pk Bowels. 4 a en—i.k.„. ...... .. 915 lutuseusception.... 1 Diptberia 5 Inanition 2 Diarrhea.... ...... 4 1 Jaundice ..... ,„ . , 1 Dropsy 4 1 Marilqlllll9 I ... itrain 31 tituaslos„,. / " Client 1 Old Ago 3 n Heart. 1 Paley 3 Disease of Brain— . 1 2 Rheumatism. 1 " Hear! 2 1 Scrofula „ ..... „ „ 1 2 Drowned —. 2 1, Belau-Fox 1 1I I Dysentery . 2 Still-Dorn 8 Debility 13 9 Stricture, Intestines 1 Effusion on Brain.. 1 Tetanus. 1 Erysipelas.. 1 1 -- -- rover, Puerperal.. I 1 Total .... ....... . 111 134 OF THE ABOVE THERE WERE: Under 1 year ...... .... 05Ilerom 30 to 40 14 Pram Ito 9._ ..... ____ 11l 11 45 in /A . li II 2to f. .... 92 i "14to 60 19 " sto 10 ...... .... 14 " 60 ba 70 ...... .... 11 " 10 to 15 ...... .... 4 II 70 to 80 17 o 16 to 20 3 II 80 to 90 .. 5 II 90 ta 30 27 .• 06 to 'Rio 1 Toil/ ...245 178500. I litaBllB. WARDS. First 16' Tenth .. 7 Nineteenth .13 Second,— .....17 Eleventh 5 Twentieth 11 Third ...... ~,,. 0 Twelfth 10 Twenty-first.... 4 Fourth ...... "at Thirteenth" ~,, A Twenty.tteeond._ S Fifth.... ...... 10 Fourteenth .... 8 Twenty-third... 8 Sixth 3 Fifteenth 15 Twenty-fourth.. 22 Seventh 14 Sixteenth 9 Unknown....... 8 Eighth 5 Seventeenth ....17 Ninth 6 Eighteenth.....lo Total 245 and states; 180; Foreign, 49; Un_ NATIVITY,--lifil known, N. From the Almehonse, 8; People of Color, 10; from the Country, 5. The number of deaths ' compared with tho correspond.; lug week of PM and of lust week, wag ae %Ileum! Week ending Dee. 22, 1860, was - 257 Week ending Dec.l4, 1861, was 260 Males ' 123; Females, 1T2.; Boys, 64; Girls, TO. By order of the Board of Health. WILLIAM READ. Health Officer, MOURNING- STORE.-HES SON & SON, No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET, offer for sale for cash— Mk& 88 cents to 37X coats. u all wool Velour Ottomans, $l. do do Reps 87)6' cents to $l. " tic f do Boinglinos 51)4 cold* to K. lav French Ivlerinoes, 75 cents to M. ao do Cashmeres, 75 cents. Poult do Sole or Mourning Silk, $l. Thibrt bong Bln $5.50 to $8.50 4, and white iMpqrted Dv Lainoe. UX cants, it,r.ona Mourning' Chum Nohairs, 72,16 cont 9 do 4 ca... THE ANNUAL 'MEETING OF THE CBANITE LAND COMPANY will Le hold on i uF.UPAY, the Hill January, PEC, at 6 o'clock P. PC, No. 113 South FIFTH Street. /• it* OFFICE OF THE MINE HILL AND SUIIIIYLKILL BAYEN 11.11LROATI com_ PHILADELPHIA, 12th month 20,18111 A stated Annual Meeting of tho Stockholders will be held in their office in the Hall of the Franklin Institute, hath BEYLNTII btreet, the 13th day of lot Moth, (January,) 1602 1 ut n o'clock A. 11., at which tam a report of the proceedings of the Board of 3lutfagers will he weighted, and en election will be held . for a President arid t6ll MAl.Akei.s to conduci ihe offoirs of tile Company- - for the yea, ensuing. WILLIAM BIDDLE, de23. tin] 3* Secretary'. ra. MEETING OF TUE BOARD OF TRADE.—A stgtefi Mooting of the Memnon of the Board or Trade will bo held at their Italmo COd CHEIFINUT Street, on - MONDAY, December 211 mot., at 7 j a r o'clock Dr . ISAAC I. IIAYES will communicate to the meet. IPA the principal mound of his Into North Polar ExPe onion. vontrihutore to that expedition, through the Committee of the Board of Trade, are particularly in. "ritrd to attted. LORIN BLODOBT, It .96erataPtf- GERMANTOWN H 0 M E GUARD— OPRCIAL NO.flGß.—Every member of Com pany C is expected to answer to his name at Roll Call, THIS EVENING, at qgj eieleel.:. All member. who have sect resignations, and hare fatted to funiisia sub stitutes, are notified that such resignations are of no effect, and will report themselves for duty to the Orderly Sergeant. By crder of bt, J. Dian% Capt. Commramthas Conlptmr C, First Artillery, P.R. G. J. C. JONES, Ja., First Sergeant. 11* tT- _PEDDLViRk The Closing Lecture of the Course wi 1 be de livered on IRO IiDAY EVENING, December 23, at CON CERT HALL, by Rev. E. IL CHAPIN, D. D. Subject— " The People." Lecture quarter before eight o'clock. Tickets 25 cents, at T. &PUGH'S, CHEST NUT Streets. de2l-2t irrTHE REY. GEORGE W. SMILEY will lecture upon the "Mnmmoth Cave of Ken tucky," at HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, on THURSDAY EVRNISC. Dee. 1 /M., (minter haute elgLt o'clock- 'Tickets 23 cents, to be bad of Charles Erouse, 726 Spring Garden street. and of T. Stellwagen, 632 Market street. delk-Lit trrPHILADELPHIA AND IL EASI Na 11A1LROAD COMPANY—OPPICE 229 3utITII FoURTII STREET. PHILADELPHIA, December 21, 18eL To avoid detention the holders of coupons of this Com pany; due on the lot prominio, see tieki&toa to Love limn at [hie office on or before the 21st inetalit, when re ceipts will be given and cheeks will be ready for delivery on the xd proximo, in exchange for said receipts. de2l-tjat: S. BRADrOItD. Treasurer. itt„ to if,„ , u,3 meeting of the Stockholders of the Mercantile Li brary Company will be held at the Library Room, on . THUESDAY EVENING, the 26th instant, to nominate onkel a for the ensuing year, and for other purposes. Under the amended Charter, the officers to he (dented by the stochlwiders are a President, Vice President, Re cording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Metro Directors. At this meeting the proposition to alter the By-Laws BO as to increase the annual ta:cee, es recommernityj by Ateekbehiers at the last annual meeting" will Do pre• stinted for acti9u. JOHN MABSTON, JR., dell-fntw6t Secretary. rrPHILADELPHIA, DECEMBER 26th. Atinual Mootlo of Do, &oat bolders of the LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND MON COMPANY will be held at their Office, No. 230 South THIRD Street, on MONDAY, the 20th day of January, A. D. ISO 2, at 11 o'clock A. M., when an Election will be held for seven 'Directors, for the ensuing year. The transfer book of the COMPViII be closed for fifteen days previous to the day of on. de2l-t 1a2.0 JOS. C'OPPIICII, Secretary. arOFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA A 111) EAU, MAHMOAD COMPANY, No. 324 WALNUT Street. PIIILADSLPHIA, December 19, 1861. The holders of SCRIP ("Certificates of Preferred Debt"), baud by the SUNBURY AND ERIE. now lIIII,aIYRLYDIA AND BRIE RAILROAD DONI PANY, under the Act approved the 13th of April, 1880, are requested to resent their Scrip at this Office without delay, for settlement. JODI( LINDSAY, Treasurer. orritiv. or THE WESTMORELAND COAL COMPANY, No. 2SO South TRIAD Street, corner of Willing% tales, . PHILADELPHIA, Dec. P}, /€45/, The icarosal Meeting o the Stockholders of ;hie com pany will be held at their Office, No. 230-South T %USD Street, on THURSDAY, the second day of January,lBB2, at 12 o'clock M., at which time an Election will be held for eleven Directors, and a Secretary and Tremor, 19 serve for the ensuing year, d019..tja2 F. B. JACKSON, Secretary. ErrOFFICE OF THE 'WESTMORELAND COAL COMPANY, No. 230 *NM mop coa-ner- of Willing'. staler, PaiLADvvenre, Dec.l3, HIM At a meeting o . the Directors, held this day, a Divi dend of EIGHT PER CENT. for the past year was de clared