THE PRESS. PUBLISHED DAILY, (SUNDAYS EMPTY/DO BY JOHN W. FORNCY. [OFFICE NO. 417 CHESTNUT STREET THE DAILY PRESS, TWELVE CENTS PER Wssz, payable to the Carrier. Mailed to subscribers out of the City at Six DOLLIES el& ANNUM, FOUR DOLLARS FOR Main. /dorms, MASS OLLARS FOR EIS IlD)NTElN—lnvariably in advance for me ordered. THE TRI-WEEHLY PRESS, Ziaßod to Subecribetti out of the City at Time DOL /se nut Latium, in advance. MILITARY GOODS. ANDREWS' ORIGINAL CAMP, OR TRAVE LLING BED T RUNK. For sale by W. A. ANDREWS. (Patent applied for) No. 612 CHESTNUT Street nol6-2m ARMY CONTRACTORS AND SUTLERS SUPPLIED WITH BRUSHES at the lomat rates. Always on hand, a large stock of CAVALRY 131=ajp.,5HES, NJ/overtime:oA standard; WAGON BRUSHES. Government standard; And avers Daserintion of Drushoe required fer the Army. HEMBLE & VAN HORN, oel6-3m 321 lIIKBRET Street, Philadelphia. ARMY FLANNELS. WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 116 GITIGSTICUT STKEIGT, AM prepared to make contracts, for immediate delivery, of DOMET FLANNELS, AND ALL WOOL INDIGO BLUE FLANNELS, of Government standard. 001-ff CADET MUSKETS AND EQUIP MENTS.—We have just made to order a lot of su perior MUSKETS suitable fur Philadelphia Cadets. They are light and neat, such as every parent would wish to place in the hands of their sons, affording healthful ex ercise v. - Ithout being - so heavy as to 'inure the spine. Also, CADET EQUIPMENTS made to Hieeko pat tern. PHILIP WILSON ar CO., no2o-1m 432 CHESTNUT Street. Dirk: -GOODS JOBBER'S. 1861 TO CASH BUYERS, 1861 H. C. LA \J J Co.. • No. 303 MARKET STREET, Are reoelAng 4a117, from the Pattaiizt.i.rtio. anal NNW YORK AUCTIONS, a general assortment o rIEROHANDISE, bought for CASH. CASH BUMS are especially Invited to call and ex entina our Stock. FURS I GEORGE F. WOMRATH. NOB. 414 AND 417 ARCH STREET, EAS NOW OPEN A FULL ASSORTMENT LADIES' FURS. To which the attention of the Public in invited. no22tial MILLINERY GOODS. KENNEDY'S . FREE OH FLOWERS, FEATHERS, AND GirtiERAL MILLINIGRT GOODS. g. 729 ORESTEBT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH oc6-3m DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Northeast Corner FOURTH and RACE Street, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLES ALE DRUGGISTS, /DLI'OWTMtB ZLND DEALERS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS. XA-VitPACTI7R7SES or LEAD AND ZINC PAINTS, PUTTY, ito AGgIiTS FOl3 TEN CELEBRANIED.-- • FRENCH ZINC PAINTS. Dagaret and ez.ntammrs anprliod • VRAY.LOWT.RWRS FOR CASH oc3l-3m ETTRECEIVED, per " Annie Sim II," from Liverpool, Minder, Weever, & mair den greparationa : 119 To. Extract Aconiti, in 1 lb jure. 25 be Extract Hyoecryami, in 1 lb jars. AO be Extract Belladonna, in 1 lb jars. 109 Da Extract Taraxaci, in 1 lb jars. , Vin Ral Ooloblol in 1 lb bottles. s 100 Ss 01. Succint Reck, in lib bottles. 600 be Calomel, in 1 lb bottles. / Soo lbs Pil Hydrarg., in lib jars. WETHERILL ,k BROTHER, 41 and 49 North SEOOND Street. LOOKING GLASSES. SENSE ILEDITOTION LOOKING GLASSE S , , OIL PA.MINO9, NNOBA.I7INOB, IHOTtIRR AND PHOTOGRAPH FRANZ& ,FAMES S. EARLE k SON, 818 CELEBTNIIT m of 26 per tent. in the of all Stock of looting Mamas, also, in end Photograph Frames, Oil Paint 1d moat elegant assortment aft lb. ntunity is Row offered to make per Gaeb, at remarkably Low Prima GALLERIES, Sl6 CHESTNUT Street. T FURNITURE. ITRNITURE AND 811- & CAMPION, South SEOOND Street, their ostensive Cabinet SWAMIS 21311 'superior article of MAIM TABLES, land a full supply, finished with the lON'S IMPEOVED CUSHIONS, by ell who hoyo use& them, to be and finish of these Tables the mann dr numerous patrons throughout the tar with the character of their wort. GRCH-ERIES. MA KEREL, HERRING, SHAD, : MON, &0.-1060 bbl. Mass Nos. 1,2, and [ACRE XL, large, medium, and mall, in assorted llCkages .f choice, late-caught, fat deb. 1,000 b :New Halifax, Rastport, and Labrador Bor ings, of ~oice dualities. 8,000 ,es extra new scaled Herrings. _ - amo taxes extra new No. 1. Herrings. 8,000 lima large Magdaline Herrings. 960 irbls. Mackinac White Fish. 50 OW new Economy Mesa Want 25 sbls. new Halifax Salmon: 1,000 Ottawa Grand Bank Codfish. 500 dozes Herkimer County Oheeem In Al and leading, for sale by MURPHY & KOONS, nob No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. COAL OILI UOAL OIL! GEORGE W. WOOTTEN. 35 SOUTH. SECOND STREET, AGENT FOR THE NORTE AMERICAN OIL COMPANY. NANIIPACTUBEES OF COAL OIL, AND 88. FIXERS OR COAL AND CARBON OILS. WM. F. JOHNSTON, President, GEO. OGDEN, Secretary. Also, Alent for BEERS, JUDSON, & BEERS, Patent Glass Conq for Lamps, and wholesale dealer in Dith ridge's Pattnt Oval (fire -proof) and Eastern Flint-Glass Chimneys, ! l amps, &c. Burners to burn Coal Oil with nut Obnunew, Cash bores or prompt payers are respectfully Invited to examlai our stock.. no2l-1m pOATLAND REROSENE 1 OI L. We are low prepared to =play tbls BTAND/111) ILLIIMINATIEG OIL /to GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. S. I LOOKX„.Bt Sots AGENTS, - 1010 MAIM= MEET, stteao Peneoetedds. ITERILAPOS, OYSTERS STEWED AN) FRIED, AND CHICKEN RALAD.—lnyl letiOn Glib and other notiree will be dietrlbeted in all Darts of Mt city, with punctuality. the undesigued is at all times prepared to mreeent, for the inaPeOon of Ladies and Gentlemen, a list of the things nesary for a large or small entertainment, as the rase may le, thereby avoiding all unnecessary refold= and waste a nd dallere himself, that by ide long expo glance in mess, be will be able at all times to give, as Jeeretofo . entire satisfaction to all who favor him with their pa • age. HENRY JONES, Caterer, TWELFTH Street, above lIPILIIOII. 001-em : AD PRINTING, BE 8 T [Cheapest in the city, M RINGWALT a Milt =MP IMO, and DB9WW,, VOL. 5.-NO. 114. G REAT ATTRACTIONS. HOLIDAYS ONLY_ Most suitable for will be offered et FROM WEDNESDAY, the 11th inst. A fresh and carefully selected stock of Comprising all the most recently imported novelties in this Ih.e. Those wishing to make acceptable, fib well as useful CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS, Would do well to call at Before proceeding elsewhere FURS! FRENCH EMBROIDERED COLLARS and BETTS ? INFANTS' WAISTS and ROBES, ad. HEAVY CLOAKINGS. Brown and black Sealskin, 75c to $1.50 Di4 3^ 7n D be!Lst A vlu l . N j E tis%ce*. suitable for Christmas Prosents. 60 pieces best Americas Prints at 12% terns for Presents. COOPER It .CO, del4 S. E. cor. NINTH and (ILOAKS-- ‘l.-1 Handsome styles of well-made, servi, 'meats. Tbsbeg,mad_ e t _the-barti c ., materials Ite - tWvilels: lirge-V/Yek 'select. wormsuoi a & 16. Restless, Bark, a. GENERAL BURNSIDE'S EXBED/TiON. There it a probability that a part of the vesseba named in the fortgohig list may be employed 'he General Burnside 's expedition. In addition, Go these, several gunboats have recently been pur chased and fitted out, a few of which have sailed. within a few dew fur Annapolis, while other& ass. lying in our harbor awaiting orders. Among these gunboats are the following Bembehell . Cadet Chosen; formerly the .... St. Nicholas. Cossack " Bindern City, Dragon " • lienlinaton. Grape Shot Grenade Guerilla Guide Highlander fusser Lamar Picket Pioneer Banger Reoruit Rocket Scout C' Mary. & gimbal!. +8 . Admiral. . Davie. . Dutaheas. " ... .. Philadelphia. Sherman. •••••••••• Stampede: Si Cs ' George Davie. Mayo. Sentinel Shrapnel Shismisher Mary C. Ropkitut. Vidette cg Reliance. Voltiguer Jacob Merritt. 26111 We ( I Marshal Nay. The Government ig constantly purohasing vessel' suitable for transportation or for conversion into gunboats, in order to provide a naval forge soli, oient for all omorgenaioa.