Naval Matters The United States steam frigate Pou*kaian arrived at the navy yard yester day morning. She has, for some time past, been engaged in blockading duty, and was brought here for repairs. The most of her orcw were discharged in New York, only a sufficient number to bring the vessel to this port being retained. The vessel yes terday was anchored off in the stream, and will be brought in to shore to-day. She stands much iff toeed of repairs, which will ho commenced at once. She will receive new boilers. When the Powhatan first sailed, she went in pursuit of the privateer Sumpter. The portion of her crew who have been discharged were sent to this city for the purpose of Jtaing paid off. A trial trip of the guuhAat Wid-on was made to New Castle and back. The trip was very satisfactory. A number of other gunboats at the yard arc ready to leave. The City Icc Boat, which has been mustered out of the United States service, arrived at this port yesterday. The boat was mustered out because there arc now so many gunboats ready for duty The ice boat has done an immense amount of ser vice. Within the last twn or three days a number of naval iiuYv ivpoitcd at tho navy yard iof duty. Most of them will go on board the new guu fo>ats. 'VTiie Central Republic ah Club have re elected tbeir officers, as follows : B % Thomas. Vice Presidents —H. Yale Smith, M. D., Caleb H. Needles. William J. Gillingham, Charles J. Ellis, Amos Briggs. % Recording Secretary—A. M. Walkinshaw. Corresponding Secretaries —William S. Peirce, George 11. Earle, El!»b Word, M. I>. 3Treasuror —Benjamin Iluckel. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, There has existed for some time a civil War (within the jurisdiction of tho United States, Mused by the slave power; therefore. Resolved, That it is the deliberate opinion of the Central Republican Club, of Philadelphia, that the Surest method to crush the rebellion would be for Congress, at its next session, to pass a law embody ing the policy of the Fremont proclamation, to Wit; That the'slaves of all persons taken in arms against the authority of the United States shall, by law, be declared free. That the Executive Committee be, and they are hereby, instructed to call a convention of the Republicans of Philadelphia, for the purpose of adopting Tules for moro perfect government of the Republican party, said convention to be com posed of three delegates from each ward, to be elected by the Republicans of the ward on a day to l>o designated by the committee, and to meet at Such time and place as they may appoint. The Recent Finn —During the whole of yesterday a throng of curious gazers remained around the ruins of St. Paul’s Church. Tho da znage is much more extensive than was at first sup posed, amounting to fully $30,000, on which there IS only an insurance of SlO.OOO in the Franklin In surnnee Company of this oity. The large bell lies at the bottom of the tower, broken into three pieces. !The walls appear strong, and there is no sign of any giving way in any part. The tower is built on an arch, which accounts for its standing so firmly. As far as ascertained, there is no reason to suppose that the fire was other than accidental. The Trouble with tife Chestnut-street Bridge.— Yesterday the City Solicitor filed his answer to the biil of equity of Gilman & Co., rela tive to the construction of the Chestnut-street bridge. The Gilmans are of Ester, New Hamp shire, and Brunswick, Maine, and the owners of a four-acre lot, with three docks 403 feet long, and a front, of 3fio feet, capable of accommodating 17 Vessels. They claim the Schuylkill as navigable to fifarket street, anil assert that (ho new bridge will Jaake their river property valueless. Mr. Lex re viewed the points of the complainants paper, and the matter will be decided in the District Court. Arrest of Counterfeit Passers.—Yester day afternoon. tw» boatmen, named Jacob Shiberly and John Carter, were arrested at Morris-street wharf by Soargeant Tryon and Officer Pearce, of the Nineteenth-ward police, for passing a ten-doliar counterfeit note purporting to be the issue of tho Waterbury Bank. Conn. They were taken to the Station-house, and, on searching them, a bogus five dollar note of the Fanners and Mechanics* Bank, of this city, was found on one of them. They will have a hearing before Alderman Clouds this morning. Real Estate Sale,—James A. Freeman, auctioneer, sold yesterday at noon, at the Ex change, the following real estate: Dwellings Nos. 1115 and 917 South Front street, 3d by IX3 feet, sub ject to £3 12s. ground rent, for $1,900; a two-story frame dwelling house, with a brick office in front, BfifSyimk road, above Federal street, by 131 feet, for $2,000; three small three-story brick houses and lot, Orchard street, above Brown street, 27 feet 4 inches front by 50 feet 4} inches deep, for $1,375. A GANG Or Tijieves have boon infesting the Eighteenth ward for a couple of weeks past, and Some eight or tea houses have been entered. The Pascals have been foiled in several of the places, but in others they have managed to secure cloth ing, money. Ac . ranging from $5O to $lOO in value. On Tuesday night a house on Marlborough street Was robbed of one hundred dollars in cash. Rebuilding.— The iron works of Ridgeway, Jteife. & Lawson, at Germantown, which were de stroyed by fire about ten days since, are now being Iobuilt, And nre expected to bo Again in operation in a short time. Personal.— Professor Whitney, a relative Of Mrs. General Gaines by the first husband of that estimable lady, has succeeded in placing in a fair train of settlement a portion of her claims. Mr. W. ha 3 recently returned from Memphis, and he represents the state of the rebels in that city and its vicinity as deplorable in the extreme, some of them Jyei'rg almost driven to despair and desperation. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. TOE MOMEY MARKET. Philadelphia.) November 27,1861. - Very little biubi*** wis transacted In stocks tO-iUy, yriii little change in priceß. State fives sold in small lota at ? 7)s. City sixes were steady at 93 % for the now i - BUe and }i for the old issue. "Railroad shares show "vffj little fluctuation. Pennsylvania Railroad shares are Jjtn at 33. Camden and Amboy Railroad stock was oJF t Bid Reßding Railroad shnres wore dull. The evidence of a disposition to support the Govern nenh in its efforts to repress treasonable rebellion, is daily given in the liberal amount of the National loan ihitis being taken at the offices of itß various agents in IHs city. Messrs, day Cooke & Co. have disposed of ft amount, amt the daily applications at their office * ft: various amounts, we are pleased to notice, are at once |plh commendable and patriotic. The rate of int«re&t on the now Government loan, of levin and three-tenths per cent is certainly of a remu letttive character, so far ag a safe investment is can toned, and the disposition of the loan into small amounts Biell adapted to suit purchasers whose means are limit* td The subscriptions, thus far, exhibit a disposition on Ihiparl of the people to take the loan, and we do not kiuff of anything safer in the entire stocklist We commend these subscriptions as eminently pa ftnoic and praiseworthy. Tliey give an earnest of loyal fediig, which will eventuate in its just reward—that of tnltiining the holiest of causes, and remunerating those wkoU&ve placed their confidence in the Federal Govern ing, la. no event can these loans be othA* than safe, as the pVat North is earnestly disposed to sustain the Govern noit at all hazards, and will regard this 11 defence loan” isnot only binding upon their pecuniary resources, but Usnlnehtly worthy oF redemption for its truly patriotic tha acter. We invito the attention of those who are dis posd to invest to come forward promptly and freely to the great work of furnishing the «sinews of war” in crching tlijn infamous rebellion, which must be pat doui eventually beyond all question. lie Little Schuylkill Navigation Railroad and Coal Coipany give notice of a special meeting of the stock holders, to be held on Monday, the 9tli of December, at 11 (clock A. M.» to hear the report of the committee ap point'd at the last annual meeting of the company, to •ranine and report upon the last annual report of the }oard of managers. The managers of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com* any have -declared a dividend of 3 cent., (equal to 1.50 share,) payable on demand. Jfhe following is the coal tonnage of the Shamokin jjley and Pottavitleßailroad Company; Week. Tear. Tons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt. 5,637 19 214,155 11 6,197 09 189,219 IS week ending Nov. 23. Sue time last year Increase., Decrease.. The following is the statement of coal transported orer the Hazleton Railroad for the week ending November 23,1801; Week. Previously. - Tons. Cwt. Tons. (Jwt. Tons. Cwt. Hazleton Mines.. 2,921 18 119,853 18 122.778 16 Cranberry., 2,133 04 77,029 05 79,162 03 Diamond 641 08 30,237 03 30,878 11 East Sugar Loaf. 2,459 02 114,689 16 117,148 18 Jotmcilßidge..,. 3,133 07 92,733 10 95,888 17 donut Pleasant.. .*4 01 7,297 33 7,351 14 Cbervale 3,174 19 15.425 00 16,599 19 larieigh 1,227 16 58,545 00 59,771 16 minesville 910 10 18,446 03 19,355 13 feddo 3,447 17 95,887 01 99,334 18 Total:.. pt*- riodlast year,..1<%313 12 007,200 03 622,513 12 18,107 01 630,143 04 648,259 05 Increase 2.793 99 22,043 01 25,736 13 ( The West Philadelphia Mutual Saving Fund and Trust Company have declared a semi-annual dividend of kree per cent., payable to stockhplders on ftud after tonday, December 2, 3861. i Philadelphia Sloe! November kpORTED BV S E. Slafsii ( FIRST ] Jo City 6s New 9.3* O do New 93* 95 do 86* 11 do 2dys B 7 1 do 86* 2 do *o3£ 1 do 86*| betwee: JBhu>iNavPn-f... 11 SECOND ftPenna Coup 6.... 96* aofPemm It Ist u>.. I*7 * 40t do.. ..Ist ui.. 97* I do 37* j do 37* do 37* I AFTER. 4330 Chefs & Del Bs.. 59 IMorris Canal l'rf.loB* 1 CLOSING PBII Bid. Ask. Cl 6», ’Bl 93 93* Phi*. 6a 66* 87* Phil«6aß 86* .. Phils ta new... 93 03 * Penna 61,, ,,,,, 79 73?,; Beading B 17.31 17* Beading Bda *7O 82** .. B*dgM6a’Bo’4S 92* .. Bead M 69 ’86.. 72* 73* Penna B 37* 37* Bean* B 2dm 6. 84* 85 UorriiClCon.. 35 S 8 Blorria 01 Prof.loB* 109 ochNav6s’B2.. 62* 63 Sch Nav Imp 6a 70 74 3ch Nar Stock. 3 5 3ch Nay Pref... 11 12 BJmsraß. 4* .. Philadelphia Markets. The Floor market is unchanged hut firm, and rather moredoing for export, abont 3,500 bbls Western extra family sold at 95.67* ®6, mostly at the latter rate; 150 bhle common Western superfine at 95.37*—g00d brands 24,935 13 k Exchange Sales, 27, 1861. :na, Philadelphia Exchange. 90ABD. 4000 DS as ’Bl, rcg... 93 150 aht l’onnasscash 77* 10 Arch-st It. s 5 12 50 Road B.sswn*int 17.31 50 do..eSwintint 17,31 50 do 17.31 j 25 Spruce & Pine R. 8* : BOARDS. |lOOO Elmira B 75...... 64 BOABD. 3000 Elmira R 7s .64 5 Mineliill 4!lj; 24 d 0... 49* 2000 Cam & Am 6s ’B3. 83 8 WestPhila 8.... 51 13 2d A 3d-at R 47 BOARDS. 12 Morris Canal Prf..,. 103* 2 do ..108* lEB—STEADY. Bid. Ask. Elmira BPref. 9* 9* Elmira7a’73... 63* 64* Long Island B. 9* 10* Leh Cl A Nav.. 40 50 L»h Cl A N Serb 3'2 S3* N Penna B 5* 6* N Penna B 6a.. 56* 56* N Penna 105... 71 78 Catawissa Pref. 4* 6 Frkfd A South B 36 39 2d A3datsß.3. 46* 47 BadOAVine-steh 3 4* W Phils 8.... 60* 61* Spruce A Pine.. 8 8* Qreen A Coates 16 17 Chest A Wal... 27 30 Girard College.. 10 Novkmbeh 27—Evening. are worth !?5.50®5.62‘ 100 bbls extra at $5.75, and 200 bids fine Flour at $5 l>bl. Sales to the retailors and tmker» range at the above figures for superfine and ex tras, and «?6,5Q£t7.50 for fancy Brands, as to quality. Rye Flour is selling in a small way at $4 4P* bl>l. Corn Mwa continues scarce; Pennsylvania, if here, would bring $2.87# 4P bbl. Whkat.—There is not so much offering to-day, and prime lota are In «2otfc gallon. New York Stock J IJBBT 30000 U S Os ’Bl coup. 93}£ 8501) Ori'fiii IV L % y 90,V £OOO 111 Canal reg D«. 80 5000 Temi 65’00.. ... 41# 5000 Missouri Cs 41^ 16000 do. 41>$ 2000 Virginia 0s 47 1000 Cal St 78 81# 5000 N Y Cent C 5,.,, 02 1000 Hud Sir 3d m.. 75 21000 111 C R bds 90 3000 111 Cent K bds.. 87 ICOO Galena A C Ist.. 98 2000 Chicago & R 1 b 93 50 Plm-hix Hank,,,, 80 10National Bank.... 87# 10 Bank Commerce.. 82 CO Pacific Mail §,,.. 87 50 do .blO 86K 60 do *3O S 6 50 do *3O S6j£ 70 do t 1,,,,,,,, 86)6 465 iio S6ft 325 N Y Central R.... 78# 100 do b 4 78# 550 do. 78 J a 200 do b3O 78 250 do slO 78 100 do ».Bft 78 10 Little Miami 11... 77 50 Gal & Chi R... 510 70 200 do.. .7)30 70^ 100 do. 70 'i CITY ITEMS. Dr, Stillc’s Oration at the University Last Evening. Tho annual oration before tho Society of the Alumni, of the University of Pennsylvania, was delivered in tho halt of that institution, last evening, by Alfred StiUe, M. D. The audience was large and select, as audiences on these annual occasions usually are. At 8 o’clock the orator of the evening, accompanied by several of the most dis- JinguhJicri members of the society, entered the platform. Tlio preliminary devotional exercises were conducted by Btehop Potter, at the close of which the speaker, wag in troduced. His theme was, “ War, the Civilizer.” He commenced by saying that just thirty years had elapsed since ho had had the honor of appearing before an audience at the very spot where he was then stand ing. The hopes, experiences, trials, disappointments, and achievements of those who then met his eye—many of whom were long since departed—were then briefly and poetically dwelt upon. racing to his subject proposed, the speaker said that do observer of national events during the last thirty years could fail to have perceived that public virtue in high places limi been steadily undergoing u decline. Pros perity.had to a degree stagnated the life-blood of the na tion, and hardened its heart. It was an error, he said, to suppose that war wag cessarily hostile to civilization. The history of th 9 race was, to a great extent, a history of wars, and yet the race had steadily progressed in civilization. In speaking of the influence of war upon civilization amt literary culture, he said it must not be forgotten that. ftjg first impetus.given to Greek literature was by a war waged to recover a sacred sUrine. Then, again, the names of the- Greeks whose literary achievements rendered Greece most famous had all lived within ap* riod of a century and ii half, and that duriug the progress of bloody wars, or the . short intervals between them. And those men were all Athenians—the natives of a State no larger in extort than our own Rhode Island, and so rugged and ban on that its grain-producing power wa9 not sufficient to supply its ewu people. Ppdiefedihg from Greece to Rome, lie said that the seven centuries which elapsed between the fouudiug. of Rome and the assendency of the Cmsars were spent iu al most perpetual warfare. Yet, cut of this chaos of war had arisen the majestic figure of Imperial. Home, and htr Augustin age* the funic of which still lived, «»d ■ would live to the end of time. Virgil und Horace had filled the world with the glory of their writings, and the pro ductions of other names still challenged. the ad miration of the most learned and refined of modern times, It was true that this golden era of Komnn literature and art was not of long duration, yet it illustrated a principle. If any period in the his tory of the world was most noted for the destructive in fluence of war upon civilization, it was the eleventh aud twelfth, the era of the Crusades. These wars had neces sarily shaken the social foundation’ and yw that Roman holocaust had been the immediate instrument of giving a new and higher impetus to tho lifts aud civilization throughout Kurope. The invading armies carried back to the Romans stores of knowledge which they would otherwise never have attained. If it was true, as was said, that the Romans had de rived the idea of the compass from Arabia, then, the orator maintained that two of the greatest blessings of the present age were due to the wars of fee Cruaftdeß" the discovery of America, and the solved problem of popular liberty. So that, chimerical as was t&e design, of those wars, their influence for good to after ages-was inestimable. The civilizations now existing were next glanced ait* in -which It was said that the duel was no more resorted to in Christendom by gentlemen) excepting where tho people were more or less degraded by the existence- of some other barbarous institutions. Concert at the Green-street M. E. Ciu kce. —liy an advertisement in anotlior column it will be seen that a part of the Thanksgiving programme, at the Green-street Methodist Episcopal Church, will be a Concert of Sacred and Select Music,in theeveuing, hy the Choir of that Church. The Concert will be given under the direction of Professor H. Priem, and will doubtless be a very pleasing and attractive entertainment. THAUKsGiviHa Dinner.—The time-honored custom of “ eating a Thanksgiving Dinner” will be duly observed today in many happy homes. In all populous cities, bowev< r, there is necessarily a large floating, «t loose-footed” population, who, on these annual festive occasions, make it a. point to ll dine out.*' To accommo date this class of gentlemen, and all others who may be inclined to indulge in a really sumptuous, elegantly-pre pared dinner, Mr. J. W. Price, proprietor of the first class restaurant, southwest corner of Fourth and Chest nut streets* will servo Thanksgiving meals to-day In a manner worthy the reputation of his establishment. Glancing at his poultry preparations last evening, we found him amply provided with the choicest game. His chicken salads, oysters in every style, terrapins prepared in the beet manner, as well as liis desserts and wines, are all of the finest quality. In addition to the large busi ness of his saloon, his superior facilities for furnishing families and parties with the choicest cookery in this line have placed Mr. Price in the front rank of this class of caterers. Malaga Grapes. —Mr. C. H. Mattson, dealer in fine groceries, Arch and Tonth streets, has now in store a fine lot of Malaga grapes, which he is selling at 33 cents per pound* about half the price ordinarily charged for this delicious fruit. The finest articles in the grocery line can always be had at this establishment. Gilt "Window Shades, 75 cents, with du rable fixtures. Fine Gold and Velvet, SI, S 2, S 3, and 84. Store Shades painted to order at W. Henry Patten's West F.nd Store, 1408 Chestnut street. Heavy Lace Clutaiss. —Some of the heaviest Lace Curtains, of fine tambour and application work, ever on exhibition, for sale at great sacrifices, at W. Henry Patten's West End Curtain Store, 1408 Chest nut street. Quaere’s Lamp and Gas Shades.—The establishment of Y. Quarre, southeast corner of Ninth and Arch, is unsurpassed by any in the world. It em ploys the most skilful artists and lithographers and keeps constantly going an enormous number of presses. There is a multitudinous variety of finish and design, ranging from the lowest to the highest price. No parlor or sit ting room is complote without one of these beautiful or naments. The glories of classic history, the richness and grandeur of celebrated sceneries, copies of noble Btatuary and paintings, and scenes drawn from the Revolution and fr«n the present war, a redolineated in colors, and the light is made to give the life-like illusion of a panorama to the pictures. The advertisement will be found in another column. Thanksgiving Exercises The customary Thanksgiving dinner will be given this afternoon, at 3 o’clock, at the Northern Home for Friendless Children , comer of Twenty-third and Brown streets. Addresses will be delivered by Hon. James Pollock, Rev. Brooks, Rev. J. Hyatt Smith, and others, and interesting exer cises will take place by the children, The public are in vited, and donations will he gratefully received. Religious services will beheld tUisfThursiay) morning, half past ten o’clock, in St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, New street, when ltev. E. W. Hutter will preach the ser mon. Fall and Winter Clothing. —We would remind onr readers, that the best and cheapest fall and winter garments in the city, of all styles and qualities, are now selling ut the Mammoth Clothing Bazaar of Gran ville Stufccs, CO9 Chestnut street Mr. Stokes has just r< ceivcd some of the finest and most durable materials in the market, which are being turned into ready-made gar ments as fast as the pressing demands made upon him for his superior clothing will admit. Every garmont manu factured at this renowned clothing depot is warranted in fit, fabric, and fashion, and can be sold at more reason able rates than elsewhere. Those who wish bargains in the purchase of their winter clothing should visit the mammoth emporium at 609 Chestnut street. The Battt.k at Fort Fickens.—The news iV.-ii* very copious or saihl'actory, and we must wait tor an arrival from the fleet before wo can have the details of the battle. We can assert with per fect confidence, however, that the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Roekhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 005 Chestnut street, above Sixth, enjoys tV»o reputation of turning Ollt the inn.ut plouaut suitfl Fnr civilians, «« W French, Sides, sailed from New Bedford 26th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Riclmrd Thompson, Blackburn hence, arrived at New York yesterday. Schr Compromise, Andrews, at New York yesterday ft. «* ! i- , IV'. Schr Mukhin BMts, EuUieutt, cK-nitd ut N«*w lock yesterday for Baltimore. Steamers Raritan, Stover, Black Diamond, Alton, and Ironsides, Vanderveor, hence, arrived at New York yes* terduy. Malta, Nov 9—Tho American ship bland Queen, 80-1U1«o, 1U1«o, from Suliim tor Queenstown or Falmouth, L, bits put in hen; with loss of sails, cargo sldftod, and escaping into the pump well. She will have to discharge a portion of her cargo to diecover and make good tins detect. Brig Castilian, which put into Boston on her ~ from MatnuxiiH to Portland, reports h av,l '' s f seen Oil thG 21 Kt inat, in Ini 38 06, ImiK ‘» ( A ~v«4>-e of tho old hulks which jeeehily left New B**' f or j| ie l'brfe T)io >viiiil v.uri fair tj u . tinie, and they were making clipper my.e. Marwick states that it was the hatdest looking HeK he ever saw afloat. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice h hereby given that the can and mm hoys on Spring Point Ledge and Stanford’s Ledge, in Portland harbor, Me, will be removed this day, and their places fiiifll'liod by spar buoys for tho winter season. By order oi the Lighthouse Board. J. D. SEAVEY, Clerk First Lighthouse District. Portland, Nov SI, 1801. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS UP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. CONTINENTAL HQTJSL—Chestuut and Ninth strootg. G W Gill, Massachusetts A Wolf, Jr, Cincinnati, O M Alut k, Cincinnati, O l? F Russell, Bedford Win Mcknight & wf,Pittsbg M P S?chell, Pennsylvania Mrs Wm W Jeifrics, Pa Miss Jeffries, Wets Chester W II Withers, Indianiv Vv II lligbce } Trouron, N J J T Way A* fam, Phila W»i B Lamour, Baltimore F E Crime, Wash, IK' Wm II Stowart, Baltimore Master Stewart, Baltimore Cupt Boggs & wf, USN MisS Boggs Geo Jackson & la, Del Miss K intiurd, Delaware JohuL Billany, Delaware W R Morton, U S N C W May, Jr, New York John C Long, Pennsylvania D Flint, Michigan Mr Clynicr, Pennsylvania II O Palmer, New York Madam llermiip, Parte Mftda uLuvi, Paris II Buckwnlter, W Chester W D Wyville & la, Wash C A Pitcher & wf,Wash,DC Miss Pitcher, Wash, D C Geo W* McLanahau, N Y Mrs McLanahan,Now York A H Rowe A Story Hon J Buffinfon & gn, Mass G Hall & la, Mass L Borden, Massachusetts N A Wood, Hoboken Geo Wi!hriUl» Iloboken II W Keyes. USA J Moiigel. Berks co, Pa A II Gcrmmt, Berks co, Pa J B Montgomery, Rending Mrs A C Garrison, N York J Parker, Jr, Baltimore Geo W Henderson, Pittsbg F C Upton, USN J McGregor^New York F Suydam & la, New York Miss Whitney, New York Lt J Gllccksclier, USA Wm B Morris, Boston S (i llavt, Boston Mrs Lends & d»r Boston P E Gay, Boston TIIOB C Fields, DlUfulo, N Y Joint A Bedwell, New York Master H Bed well, N Y A J Foster, Harrisburg J M Major, Harrisburg Benj II Cox, Illinois B L Cilley, Exeter,- N II G A Wentworth,Exeter,N HER Mmige, Boston Jus II Bond, Baltimore '\Y 8 Houghton, Boston J Sv.waTfl & la, Boston W II W&uer & wf, N Y G P Keeler, Boston C C Henry, Boston C.C Sheyer, Pennsylvania AL Collins, Connecticut Mrs Toren, New York Tliosß Oakly, USA O S X Peck A la, New York Capt M Strouso, Pottsvill? John S Brooks, Harrisburg B M Miller, Harrisburg Tims W Gray, Boston .7 R Kluls & tvf, BrooklVfi- Chus J Ciiytotd A N Y A B Odvll & wf, h’ Y Hi n A A Sargent, Cal W Kemp, Troy, N Y Rev C P Sheldon, Troy, N Y Otis G Clark, Troy, N Y Jos Fales, Troy, N Y E P Ross, Auburn, N Y R M Harrington, Now York F S Perkins, New York F F Brooks, Cincinnati,, O W N Holme?, Cincinnati, O F S Sevens, Ntflv York C MHlon Now York Capt D D Porter, U S N DM Porter & wf. N York J W Smith, New York J Fletclur, New York E R Ril’d A lfl. New* York H F Hutchinson Miss K G^BnmnierbeU II A Shackelford, N J E H Fernold, U S N H A Finah, Kontucky* Goo Ladd, Nov VWk Lieut H S Bloodgood Col Howard, New York G T Headley, Washington W H Woodward, Phila Mrs JT Smiih, New York Thos Rutter, New York ChasH Clark, New Yorlc JIV Vinton, New York J D Wheeler,Massachusetts Mrs F E Hull & son, Maas G r siocomb, Muss Geo H Bnuiiflu, Boston Mr W’ardweli, New York Mr Gildorsleva, N Y C P Woteott, Ohio Miss S 31 Edson, N Y J Ely, New York T 1£ Edson, New York MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. C Fulton, Bucyrus, O Mrs J J Blakslee, M Chunk E H Btektslve, M Chunk Richard Kg&f, Abpaai Fostenbaiigli, Penna D C Tready & la, Lancaster H H Landis & hi, Lancaster D E Smith, New York Capt D B McKibbiu, USA E A Russell, Baltimore Lieut S L Carr, Harrisburg O W Seece, Harrisburg "Wm Templin, Harrisburg W B Tull, Harrisburg P HMrKaiw, Harrisburg E Hawke, California Jehu 3L GtiniiHTi York Sp’g W R Scott, Mwuiviiio, Pa J F/Weain, Cleat field J E Creamer, llauovor, Pa Jos Mahoa, Shippeusburg M Brodhead, Danville, Pa T B Taylor, Bridgeport F Butler, New York L A Miller, Altoona J F Simouds, Mass AMERICAN HOTEL—Ohoetnat si.* above FifCtl. J Maloae, Lancaster R Lawson, Baltimore ~ J S Young, Wash, D C John Brown, Penaa € C Baldy, Danville L P Bacon, Jersey Shore J Donaldson, Tamauua G B Hickman, W Chester It M Gomidlc, Bethlehem Major E TConner, DC W M Wil&oii, Boston I McCormack J Hall, West Che* ter V N Halt, Milford, Del C M Knaius, Bethlehem M Selflidge, Bethlehem CWP Coates, Baltimore L Winslow, Jr, Mass II French, Massachusetts R Davol, Massachusetts T E Snyder A la T T Yaudever & Ut J A Farnsworth, Vermont W J Smith, Minersvilla II Hobart, Jr, Masg J J HcckarL Boston Ii g Quinlan, Boston G W Landis, Maryland W Broun, New York F A Lisk, Maryland G Wilhelm, Hoboken, NY M A Thomas, Baltimore G B Thomson, Baltimore Lieut C S Wheeler COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth Bt., above Chestnut. E Beidy, Washington, D C Wm H Eder, Elkton, Md L S Jmbrie, Chester Volley Jos Pyle, Chester Talley D E Chambers, Chester co Job Hayes, Chester co T Chambers, Chester co D Baker, Lancaster Benj Vernnr, Lancaster J F Bratieman, Lancaster MrsN W Dickey, Oxford J R Ramsey, Oxford, Pa Daniel Stubbs J G Hicks. Chatham, Pa S liorrey, Chester co J E Taylor, Falrview, P$ John Julies, Chester co M f> Hill, Mifflin co, Pa Tbos Walter, Coatesville E B Lamborn, W Chester Mast Lomborn, W Chester A B Shaw, Clearfield, Pa Jos Irwin, Clearfield, Pa Sami Sutton, Baltimore T Coates, Chester co P Riley, Reading W Lancaster Co Amos Sharpless, Delaware Wm D Dixon, Wil, Del ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. A G Busby, N Jersey P B Brown, Washington J H Williams, Vermont T W nurtt, Ohio Capt L Goldsborougli, Md Iluth P Nixon, N J S Ray, Pbilarta D W Moore, N Jersey A Rex, Philadelphia J Carter, Tamaqua Jl Ellis, New York A Taplin, l'rov, R I M Reddy, New York W B Ilowes, Conn Lieut R Johnson, Ya Lieut Caldwell, Wash, D C C W Simmons, Prov, R I THE YNloN«**Aru]i street, above Third. M Raymond, Canton, O G W. Henrie, Tamaqua R W Marshall, Philada C Tatman, Delaware J L Carson, Nebraska J L Stephinson ft la, Pa J II Nisley, Middletown D Dunn, N Jersey C Geiger, Blair R Studebaker ft la, Ohio Jno Dugnn, New York STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. J Cornman, Carlisle, Pa Amos H D Copman II Trigel, Philadelphia Chas W Wright, Phila J Smith, Albany Jos Elder, Pittsburg Wm H Watt, Pittsburg H H Wilson, Juniata to *G Whitson ft la, Lancaster co T H Cunningham, Phila X A Evans ft son, Juniata co BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Tine. Charles Atktuaon, Bucks co Hiram Hitchcock, Wyom'g Lukens Thomas,Luinberv Geo F Pap3t, Connecticut Jas Kelly, Richmond, Va Patrick Kvlly, Y& A B Harvey, Delaware O G Stover, Penna K Knight, Penna Tbos A Bobinson, N P R B Jacob Brets, Philadelphia John Connard, Tacony M Gilmore, New Jersey Geo llenry, New York Felipe Neto, Spain _ BLACK BEAR—-Third street, above Callowhill. C Stichler, Hevford, Pa Benj Krubb, Penna Cbas Morrison, Penna Alvin Faust, Penna E Erdman, Centre Valley Jacob Boyer, Stonersville Vm Book, Newtown Amos Bowers, Bucks co, Pa S HWerth, Heading D H Bechtel, Bechtelsville Eli Rwhloli Bechtelsville A Stauffer, Reading NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, ftbovo Third, n Colt &w, Allentown, I’a R'J .Tone", Scranton, Pa H Miller, Allentown, l>a J S Frank, Allentown H J Blank, Selingsgrove R Darlington, Chester co V S Bonds, Allentown J II Childs, Milford MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. D B Janney, USA EG Warman, N Jersey J M Shinn, N Egypt, N J J A Davis, Scranton G Simmons, V. ilm, Del Lieut Lippe, USA 6 B Husltton, N Jersey AY Vincent & la, A J AY II l>ay, II Bridge, IT J B Barnes, St Louis MOUNT VE£' t O? HOlJCL—Second st., ab. Arch. J W Smith, Phllnda B K Holt, Bristol, Pa S Furguston, Bristol, Pa N Roll, N Jersey bald EAGLE—Third street, above CallowMlL D Schorty, Penna A Calvin, Easton, Pa, H Heninger, Bucks co, Pa H J Dreher, I’ottsviile, Fa BEYEBE HOUSE—Third street, above Bace. Thos A Bobinson, Pemia J Jones & la, Newton Chas B Kay, Penn Manor SPECIAL, NOTICES. Special Attention is called ni'i f* to the unprecedented inducements offered to those about purchasing Pianos and Malodoona. Largo temporary reductions being made to mo by the manufac turers in consequence of reduced wages, rent of manu factory, and all that goes to make up the coat of pro duction, the full benefit is proffered to buyers, and a call must satisfy all that flow is the time. Can soil a first* Class Piano at $225. Give mo a call. nc4-lm J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut ets. Helmbold’s Universally Approved REMEDY.—Compound Extract Buchu cures Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weakness, Ac. Rcud the advertisement iu another column. uoO-tUs Dr. Robertson’s Elixir op Health, the most valuable remedy ever offered to the public for the cure of CoughS} Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Ac.; also for Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Crfttnpi &C. PricoSl For Hide by DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, Depot for all Popular Medicines. n025-mthlm One-Pbioe Clothing, of the Latest BTTLiS.madein the Best Manner, expressly for BE TAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Ohs-Phios System is strictly adhered to. AH are thereby treated alike. se22-ly JONES A CO., 1104 MARKET Stmt, Batchelor’s Hair Dee.— This cele brated and perfect HAIR RYE is the BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W- A. BATCHE LOR'S LIQUID HAIB DTK IHBTANTLT produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without Btaining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, Invigorating the Hair for life* Bold b j all Druggists and Perfumers, WfcQIMAIO b J FAHNESTOCK ft 00. and DYOTT ft 00., Philadel phia mhl-tf James Read, Boston MARRIED GUMMI'.Y—BOIIAKKKR.—On WednWiViJTtllinrt., at St. Philip's Cliuwh, l.y tlm llav.’ Charts* D. Cnopct, Charles F. Gmmm-y iui youngest daughter ot Joseph. Keen, Esq., both of this city. SAYRE KlNG.—October 28tli, by the Rev. M- B, Kurtz, Mr. Wm. H. Sayre to Miss Amanda King, of this city- # DIED. B A.REK—On the evening of the 27th instant, OQj'.rud Bawl, aged 9 years. Funeral from the residence of his grninlr.jc.* Ann Hinkle, 811 Wood street, on Frith*)- at 2 o’clock. .. ISlifAt Loitersborg, Md., O>' 0 21 s t instant, Dr. John T. llej ard, son-in-law of John 'g, jfcMullin, of this city. _ # I'OTTS.—On the 24th iust-, Nathan R. Votts, in the 7Pth year of his age. Fin »rnl on Fifth '\»y,' inst tnf. <\t o o'clock 4*.M., iroiu hi* lnt( . residence, 5u4 North Sixth pjroot. 1 In* ami n.ule friends of tho family an* respectfully invitoy, to attend, without further invita tion. $ J»cnh U H. l C^ i ;^ ,^?™ tf ' ! ‘., Va., on the m instant, Funeral *.* * ,l( ' 26th year of his age. above B"** 4 ' •* 1,18 bite residence, Germantown avenue, u*- .rt.B HtreetjtUU (Thursday) afternoon, at lo’ol’k. —On the 24th instant, Edgar Paul, son of Matthew and Ann Catharine. Hummel, in the 2d year of his nge. Funrrnl from his parents' residence. No. 1003 Marshall street, tin's (Times lay) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. # SHAFFER On the 24tli instant, Catharine Shatter, aged 38 years, 0 months, and 18 days. Funeral from the residence of her husband, Henry Shafi'er } Vpper Dublin township, Montgomery county, near Jarrettown, this day, (Thursday,) at 10 o'clock A.M. ZELLEK'—on the 20th iu. I, Cyrus W\ Zollen young cbt son of George and Maria Zeller, aged 1 year, o months, and 25 days. Funeral from his parents’ residence, southeast cornerVf Thirteenth and Melon streets, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * URKNIIOI/M.—On Monday, the Seth instant, Clara, daughter of Eliza Juno and tlia late Albert Breultelm, aged 5 year*, 3 months, and IS days. Funeral from the residence of Washington Garrett* 428 North Nineteenth street, this (Thursday) morning, at JO o’clock. # LEMAN.—On the 2Gth inst., after a lingering illness, Charles J. Leman, in the 58th year of his age. MORTON.— On the 23dinst., Mr. John \V. Morton, in tho 44th year of his age. Funeral from his late residence, No 115 Edward street, this dn£, (Thursday,) at 1 o’clock I\ M. * MULLEN.—-On the 25th November, Mr. James Mul len, in ihe 33d year of Ins age, * MURBAY.—November 25th, 1861, Mrs. Ann, wife of Wm. A, Murray, in the 64th year of her ago. Funeral from tho residence of Let 4 husband, No. 930 Pine street, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * ROBINSON.—On the 26th instant, Mary Ann, wife of Wm. Robinson, in the 31st yoar of her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband, No. 2230 Clayton street, north of Coates, this (Thursday) after noon, at 1 o'clock, - Mourning store, no. 9is CJIESTNUT STREET. BESSON & SON have lately received Black Beaver Cloth Clonks, Gray Water-proof Cloaks, Black Thibet Long Shawls, extra sizes; Shepherd Plaid Long and Square Simwis, Crape and Grenadine Collars and Sleeves, Jouvfn’s Black Kid Gloves, Alexandre’s Black, Lead, and Pnrplo Kid Gloves: Fleecy Silk Gloves and Gaunt lets, Black Centre Brochfc Scarfs, Black all wool Velour Ottomans and Reps, SI a yard; Black Reps Anglais, 25 cents a yard; Grenadine Veils, &c, no 4 CONCERT OF VOCAL AND INSTRU UJJ MENTAL MUSIC, IN THE GREXN-STRERT M. X. CUURCII, BV THE CHOIIi OF T II K CHURCH, Professor H. PItiKM, Conductor, On THURSDAY EVENING, November 2S, ISOI, It# Commencing at a quarter before Eight o’clock. THANKSGIVING DAY—SERVICES U J? in ST, JOHN’S LUTIIZBAN CHURCH, RACE Street, below Sixth, by tho Pastor, Rev. JOSEPH A. SEISS, D. D., in the morning at 10j$ o’clock. It# NORTH BROAD-STREET PRES ILS 33YTEIUAN CHURCH, THIRTEENTH AND SPRING GARDEN STREETS—Preaching-by the Pflfctor, RnvFi, Ei ABASIS, this (THURSDAY), at 10}$ o’clock A. ft. A collection will be taken for benefit of soldiers. Seats free. It THANKSGIVING.—PREACHING TO LLS DAY, at 10}$ .A. M.,. in the WESTERN M. E. CHURCH, TWENTIETH, between Walnut and Locu# by tho Pastor, lt^ CHURCH OF THE INTERCESSOR, LLS SPRING GARDEN, below 81l JAD—THANKS GIVING DAY.—Divine service on-Shis (THURSDAY) morning at 11 A. M. Sermon by tho Rector. Strangers will be accommodated with seats by speaking to thcted President and M. W It JORDAN, Jiv w&s re»ole( "WOODSY ARD Cashier. PHILADELPHIA. BIBLE. SOCIETY.- The Twenty-third Anniversary of the PHILA DELPHIA BIBLE SOCIETY will be hold,, by Diviue permission,, at the Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, EIGHTH street, above RACE,. THIS EVENING, thO 2Stb instant* at half past seven o'clock. Addresses may bo expected from the Rev. Jolm F. Chaplain* Rev. R. A. Carden,.Rev..George HL Fisher, D» D.» aud the Hon. James Pollock. A collection will be taken up in behalf of the Bible cause. Bv order of the Committee. it - I&A AC BULGES* Chairman. fa THE WORLD’S. FAIR OF 1803. IJsJs Persons desirous of sending articlesfor exhibition at the World’s Fair opening at LONDON May 1,1862, are informed that application must be made tlirough the resident agent at, and the-articles accepted must be sent to New York before January 1,. next. The agent for this city is. Dr A. L. ELWYN, as sisted by L. BLODGET, Secretary of the Board of Trade, at whose office, 505 CHESTNUT Street, appli cations from manufacturers and inventors are invited. n027-6t pwr==» IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CUS ILJj TOM of former years* a Union l>rayer Meeting will be lield in Union M. E. Church, FOURTH St.» below Arch, at 3 o’clock P. M> on THANKSGIVING DAY. Rev. A. ATWOOD, E. J. YARD, THOMAS T. MASON, of Arrangements. n027-2t* fV?p DIVIDEND,—OFFICE LEHIGH COAL \ls AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, Philadel phia, Nov. 26, 1861.—A Dividend of THREE TER CENT , equal to one dollar and fifty cents per share on the capital stock of the Company, has this day been de claret by the Board of Managers, payable on demand, n027-6fc EDWIN 'SYALTEK, Treasurer. fvr=a POST OFFICE PHILADELPHIA, \l3 Nov. 20, 1861.—NOTICE.—THURSDAY next, 28th inst., being THANKSGIVING DAY, this Office will be closed, except between the hourd of 7# and 9% o'clock A. M„ and \% and 5# o’clock V. M. The Sub-Offices will be opened at the same hcmra. The Carriers will make their usual morning delivery, and will be in attendance at the Office in the afternoon. PPTWO collections will be made from the LAMPPOST and other Letter Boxes, at 8 A. M., and 5 P. M. jjno27-2t c. A. WALBORN, Postmaster. n«» TRADESMEN'S BANK, [| r Phil adelx’liia, November 25,1861. At an Election for Directors, held on the 18th inst., the following were elected to serve the ensuing year: C. 11. Rogers, ! Thos. 11. Moore, J. B. Bloodgood, 11. L. Gnw, John Hartman, l Jacob Weaver, £, J. Kenney, ( Geo, C, Thomas, John Uarrow, And at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held THIS DAY, C. H. ROGERS was elected President, and JOHN CASTNKR, Cashier. n026-3t* ELPHIA BANK, ilphia, November 25, 1861. leld on the 18th inst., the fol ly elected Directors of this THE PHILADI Philadei At the Annual Election, h< lowing gentlemen were du*. Bank : Thomas Robins, Joshua Longstreth, Samuel Welsh, Marshall Hill, Edward S. Clat-ke, J. G. Pell, Frederick Lennig, I». B. Ashurst, Augustus Heaton, Richard Wood, J. L. Erringer, Jas. Iv. Claghorn, S. W. DeCoursey. And at a meeting of the Board of Birectors, held THIS DAY* THOMAS BOBINS, E&b* was unanimously re elected President. n026«4t B. B. COMEGYS, Cashier. BANK OF COMMERCE, [) g Philadelphia, November 25,1881. At an Election, held on the IStll Inst,, tho following, hamed W« «l«eM fe. Ziegler, Patrick Brady, Rodney Fisher, Charles Henry Fisher, Adolph E. Borie, J. Rodman Paul, 31. D., William V. Wicht* George Trott, Charles H. Muirhcid, William W. Longstreth, Thomas H. Kirtlcy, } Peter Culleu, John McAllister* And at a meetics of the Directors, THIS DAT, GEORGE K. ZIEGLER, R«l.* was unanimously elected President; RODNEY FISHh)Bi Vice President; and JOHN A. LEWIS, Caslder. n026-3t J. A. LEWIS, Caa!dor.__ i CORN EXCHANGE BANK, LkS Philadelphia, November 25,1561. At the election held the 181 holders were duly elected Dii Alexander G. Cattell, Joseph Lindsey, David Vanderveer, Philip 6, Mingle, Dell Noblit, George L. Buzby, William P. Cm. And» at the meeting of the Directors to-day, ALEX. G. CATTELL, Esq, was unanimously elected Presi dent, ALEX. WHILLDIIi, Esq.» Tice President, arid J. W. TORREY, Cashier. n026-3t J. W. TORREY, Cashier. rvr» CONSOLIDATION BANK, Philadelphia, November 25, 1861. At an Election, held on Monday, 18th inst., the follow ing gentlemen were elected Directora for the ensuing year; James V. Watson, A. Snow Nundnin, Abm. 8. Wolf, Henry Croskey, Wm. Hogg, Ludlam Matthews, Tlenj. Malone, Thos J. Potts, John P. Verree, Job.B. Van Duron, Josiah D. Brooks, Robert Shoemaker, >. Logan. ho BosiiJ, hald THIS DAY, u,-wa3 unanimously re-elected *OIi, Cashier; and GEO. \V. no26*tuths3t John W And at a nieotina of ill JABIES V. WATSON, Emj. President; JOS. N. PKIItS TIIOKNE, Ewj., Solicitor. n*s=» OFFICE OF THE LITTLE SCHUYL- U 3 KILL NAVIGATION RAILROAD AND COAL COMPANY. PniLapblphiA, Nov. 18,1861. A special meeting of the Stockli driers of this Company will be held on MONDAY, the 9th December next, at 11 o'clock A. M., at the Office 407 LIURARY street, for the purpose of receiving tho Report of the Coramitteo ap pointed at the last Annual Meeting, held the 14th Janua ry 1861. WILLIAM WALN, Jn, nol9-tuthst9d Treasurer and Secretary. iy*s=» PHILADELPHIA STEAM TUG COM [L3 PANY.—Notice is hereby given that application has been made for the renewal of Certificate No. 5, issued Mnrch 5,1857, for the payment of $-25, being for the first instalment on five shares of stock of said Company, the same haYingVbeenlost or mislaid by us, nolB-mth4t* WM. J. MARTIN & CO. PEOPLE’S LITERARY INSTITUTE. IKS —The Fifth Lecture of the Course will be deliver ed on THURSDAY EVENING, November 28, at CON CERT HALL, by GEORGE WM WItTIS.ESQ, Sub ject—il National Honor." Lecture, quarter before 8 o’clock. Tickets 25 cents, at T. B. POCIII’S, SIXTH and CHESTN UT Streets. n023-if 6t Ith inst, the following Stock* irectors of this JJivnk; Edward C. Knight, William L Maddoek, James Steel, Christian J. Hoffman, Robert Ervien, H. W. Onthcnvood, EXCHANGE COM- , PAI * r, November 25, 1851.—A meeting of the ® t !‘<-Khoidp' 1 -H of the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE o -> V will be held on MONDAY next, December nii v o’clock, at the KXCHANGK, (Room No. 30, tJiira r.00r,) for the purpose of electing nine managers, for tlio ensuing year, and for the transaction of Otb ~p business. , no2;*»-0t WM. S. GRANT, S&crotary. IV» OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD lA3 COMPANY, Philadelphia, October 15,1861. The Board of Directors have this day declared a semi annnal dividend of THREE PER CENT, on the capital stock of the Company, clear of State tax, payable on and after November 18, 1861. Pou-ers-of-Aitorm’y for collection of dividends can he had on application at tho office of tk'A Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. oc-17-tdel T. FIRTH, Treasurer. OFFICE Q*> THE BOAHS OF 03 HEALTJI, £.\r t t;oßNKK SIXTH ANP SAN SUM STREETS. Philadelphia, Novembor 20,1861. Notice to caplins of vessels arriving at tho Port of Philadelphia is hereby given that every ship or vessel, arriving at the Port of Philadelphia, shall be visited hy tho Port Phynician previously t«> her in-ins hauled to any wharf ujthin Mir city or diidrirt aforamiid. or \Viiidu\i|l And every captain or other person so hauling anch ship or vessel to imv wharf as aforesaid, shall, for eveh and every offence, forfeit and pay the sum of two hun dred dollars, to be sued for and recovered as herein pro vided, unteSß it feliftll bis made to appear by such captain or other person that there was at the time imminent danger of the loss of such ship or vessel, or of the pas sengers or crew thereof. By order of the Board of Health. n027-3t WILLIAM REED, Health Officer. AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE Iks COHOCKSINK HOSE AND STEAM FIRE ENGINE COMPANY, held on SATURDAY EVE NING, Nov. 23,1861, the following preamble and reso lulions wen* unanimously adopted : Whereas, We are convened to hear announced the demise of our Lite member, stricken down in thopnme of manhood, and whlU hoLly bearing testimony to his devotion to his country— Resolved, That this Company has hoard -with deep 0 ;-d nincere sorrow of the death ol our late fellow-mein ber-TACPD CROMLEY. liesoh'ed Thn* i |IS death this Company lias lost a good member, m»! itafr fb^* 1 honorable nnd high* minded course fans endeared Kim to ; ani * that while wo reuder testimony to hia hearing as a true flrtCV 111 ’ bis past careifr lias proven his bravery as a soldier in */US tainjng the reputation of his country on the batiks of the Potomac. Resolved, That while we sincerely sympathise with his bewavot] family in (heir loss wo bow in moelt sub mission id iho will of tllO Judge of nil, who wills every action for flhfitd unforeseen good, and whoso mysterious doings we are not permitted to Question. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be pre sented tu-tho family of the deceased, and tlio Apparatus of the Company be placed in mourning for the space of thirty days. GEORGE W'. PULL, , I'E‘t'Kß KVKBH, EMANUEL WOLFINQEK, JOSEPH E. WEISS, JACOB MILLER, Committed'. The honorary, Active, and Contributing Members of the Company are rB»iucfited to meet at the Hull Of tlit! Company on THURSDAY, 28th instant, at 12 o'clock, to attend the funeral of our late momboiv JACOB CROMLEY. The Eire Department is particularly invited. JACOB MILLED, tio27-2t* . Secretary. HOLIDAY GOODS QHRISTMAS IS COMING, And wo are assured that many who read The Press are already considering WHAT TO PKESENT TO THEIR (SEHTEEMAITFRIENDS. W 0 would suggest tho followiag • Either A FINE WRAPPER, MUFFLER, SCARF, TIE. or GLOVES, if they lift ve friends J N THE ARMY, what could be more acceptable to our noble Volunteers and Officers, til,IK GOOD FLANNEL SHIRTS, OE HEAVY UNDERCLOTHING!? THE PLACE TO HUY THEM W. W. KNIGHT’S GENTS’ FURNISHING- STORE, No, 606 ARCH STREET. N. 15. TIKE BHIBTS ready made and made Co or der, at 51.50, AND UPWARDS. n027-if tf MILITARY GOODS. arn FOR ARMY 1-2 HOSE, 4 FANCY WOOLLEN HOODS, NU BIAS, SONTAGS, &Cr THOS: MELLOR& CO., 40 AND 42 NOBtH TUIED STREET. l - oz DDCK ’ AHMY STANDARD, FOB SALK BT ALFRED SLADE & Co., 39 LETITIA-and 40 SOUTH FRONT STREET. n026*12t ' ; QOTTON DUCK. SUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOB SALS BT teys9-6m FROTHINGHAM A WELLS. MILITARY NOTICES, j| ATTENTION!—TEN MORE MEN H wanted to fill up Company B, Capt. A. H. BON -11/ MAN, attached to Col. E. M. GREGORY’S Regi ment, now under marcliiug orders. Headquarters NINTH.and CHESTNUT. n027-3t* S WANTED—TEN MEN FOR Company G, Ninety-First Begiment, Colonel E. SI. GREGORY. Apply at the GIRARD HOUSE, or, CAMP CHASE, on the Darby Boad. n027-3t* E. G. SELLERS, Captain. S WANTED—TWELVE GOOD Men for Company I, Col. GREGORY’S Regiment, now at CAMP CEASE, Darby Road. Will leave for the seat of war lii a few days. Apply at headquarters, GIRARD HOUSE. n027-3t# JOHN P. CARIE, Captain. n ALMOST BEADY TO MOVE— R Colonel E. M. GREGORY'S NINETY-FIRST Jlf BEGIMENT, Headquarters GIRARD HOUSE, en camped at Camp CHASE, DABBY Boad, one and a half miles from Market street, to move to the seat of war in a few days. Only a few more good men to com plete the regiment. no27»3t* « UNITED STATES MARINES.— R Wanted Immediately for the United States Marine 111 Corps, THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN ■* for sea service, between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five years. All information that may he required will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 Sonth FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, n027-12t Recruiting Officer. « HEADQUARTERS CURTIN LIGHT GUARD KKGIMEIST, F, V., >’o. 801 SANSOM Street Authorized by the Governor, and accepted b}' the Federal Government. Comfortable quarters provided in Philadelphia. Fay, Rations, and Uniform »s soon as enrolled. By order of ; C()fc B,f STAINBOOK. V. R. MAC ADAM, Adjutant. n>, REGIMENT OF LANCERS. RECRUITS WANTED. A few Young Men of GOOD CHARACTER to fill va. cancies in the PHILADELPHIA LIGHT CAVALRY. Ko Minora need apply. TWO DOLLARS BOUNTY will be paid to any one who will bring an accepted recruit, when mustered into service. Five feet seven inches is the lowest height now accepted in this Regiment, which GENERAL MoCIELLAN Has selected as A REGIMENT OF LANCERS. Apply at onco at tho Eondozvona, 426 MARKET STREET. n027-4t* The partnership hereto- FORE existing between JAMES F* WIIiLCOX and MICHAEL iJOUTIEB expired on (this) the2stli day of November, A. D. 1861, by limitation. We, the subsferibors, have formed a Limited Partner ship agreeably to the provisions of the act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled “ An act relative to Limited Partnerships,” passed the 21st day of March, A. I>. 1836, and its supplements, and do hereby Certify that tlie name under which said partnership is to be conducted is JAMES F» WILLCOX. That tho general nuture of the business to be transacted is the packing of butter and lard for shipping and the manu facture of j|ard oil, said business to be carried on in the city of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania. That the name of the general pftjlner is JAMES WILLCOX, residing at No. 628 MARSHALL Street, in the said city of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, and the name of the special partner is MICHAEL BOUVIER, residing at No. 1240 North BBOAD Street, in said city and State. That the amount of capital contributed by said MICHAEL BOUVIEB, special partner, U Eight Thousand Dollars. That the partnership is to com mence on tho 26tti day of November, A, D. 1861, and is to expire on the 25th day of November, A. D. 1864. J. F. WILLCOX, General Partner. M. BOUVIER, Special Partner. Philadelphia, November 25,1861. no2Bth«Bt TTOENCK PLATE LOOKING JL GLASSES, in Rosewood, Gilt, or Walnut frames, at prices to suit the times, at GEO. F. BENKBRT’S, Nq. 826 ABCH Street. u027-lftf DRY GOODS. '4fc HAVE JUST OPENED A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF FROSTED BEAVER CLOTH CLOAKS, WITH A FULL STOCK OF| CLOTH AND VELVET DO. OF THE T. \TE'T PARIS STYLES, JUST RECEIVED ONE CASE VELVET CLOTHS SUPERIOR QUALITY, Nos. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET, no2B-3t INTER HOSIERY. THOS. W. EVANS & Co. Would Invite atlcntiou to their LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF ENGLISH HOSIERY, IN’ LADIES, GENTS, AND CHILDREN'S SIZES, OF Til]-’ MOST APPROVED MAKES, ISCLUDIS'O A FULL ASSORTMENT THE CELEBRATED BALBEIGGAN HOSIERY, FOR SALE AT VERY REASON ABLE PRICES. 818 and 820 Chestnut St. n023-3t CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. dFes™ clToa'k sT~ We- mvil« THE LADIES to examine our .» NEWLY-RECEIVED ASSORTMENT RUSSIAN PROMENADIS J ACKETS. CARL PETERS & CO,, Northeast Corner TENTH and CHESTNUT Sts. iio'AT-Ol QOOPER & CONARD. CLOTH CLOAKS. FROM S 6 TO S-20, In their LARGE ROOM, SECOND STORY, no7tuths-lm S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET St 3. CLOAKS BABLE CLOTHS, IKOSTED BEAVERS, SEALSKIN CLOTHS, BLACK BEAVERS, LYONS VELVETS; A LARGE ASSORTMENT, MODERATE PRICES, ’ AT THE PARIS CLOAK EMPORIUM, *os GnEgTNTJT STREET, J. W. PROCTOR & Co. nol4-tf {CLOAKS ! CLOAKS! CLOAKS! KJ WATER PROOF CLOTH CLOAKS, in endless variety i LIGHT AND DaBK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every shade; BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS, of every quality: BLACK SILK-VELVET CLOAKS, EVERY NEW STYLE, EVERY NEW MATERIAL: THE LARGEST STOCK AND THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES IN THE CITY IVENS, oc!s No. 23 South NINTH Street. Stoves and ranges. A SILVER’S AIR-TIGHT GAS £I BURNER, FOR THE PARLOR, DINING- AKD IN ALL SIZES, And made in the most approved manner, of the best Imported Bnsfria Iron, withPATENTED CLAY CYLIN DERS, of which we have the exclusive sale. NORTH, CHASE, A NORTH, o!2-2mif No. 209 North SECOND Street, A NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH’S £3| CELEBRATED COOKING STOVES, Gas-consuming, with Double-plated Tops, and all the latest improvements. Manufactured and sold at o!2-2raif No. 209 North SECOND Street, Ja. THOMSON’S CELEBRATED £3L -LONDON “KITCHENER,” The best, moat durable, and convenient arrange ment for Cooking 5 having the best facilities far an abun dant supply of Hot "Water, Roasting, Baking, Stewing, Broiling, Ac. for Bale, in various sizea v cI our own manufacture. NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH, No. 209 North SECOND Street, oljU&oif ' Philadelphia. THE DEBATES OF CONGRESS,— THE DAILY GLOBE and THE CONGRES SIONAL GLOBE AND APPENDIX (the official papers of Congress) wilt be published during the next session of Congress, to convene in this city the first Monday in next December. THE DAILY GLOBE will contain a full report of the debates in both brunches of Congress j also, the news of the day, together with such editorial articles as may be. suggested by passing events. THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE AND APPENDIX will contain a report of all tlie debates of the session, re vised by the Speakers, the Messages of the President of the United States, the Reports of tlie Heads of the Kx* eentive Departments, tho laws passed during tha ssajioh, and copious indexes to nil. They will be printed on a double royal sheet, quarto form, each shoot containing sixteen roval quarto pages. THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE AND APPENDIX puss free through the mails of the United, States, under a joint resolution ot Congress pasietl the 6th of August, 1853. TERMS For one copy of THE DAILY GLOBE during the ses sion $0 00 For one copy of CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE AND AjfjEJWN'W's Uw session 6 oo THE DAILY GLOBE may Lo tiiKoii for one or more months at tlie rate of SI per Month. Subscriptions for THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE AND APPENDIX must be for the entire session. The notes of specie-paying banks, gold or silver, or postage stamps, but no other currency, wilt be received for subscriptions. JOHN C. RII ES. WASUI.NOTOS C'lTVj November 25j 1861, fIOLONEL RICHARD ft. RUSH.— Now ready, a very flue Card Photograph of Col. Richard H. Rush. McALLISTER & 880., TX7HAT IS MORE DESIRABLE vv or acceptable to a friend than a colored Pho tograph? BEIMER makes them for $1 at bis Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green. It* IJIEEODORE EVERS’ .PHOTOGRAPH AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY, NO. 606 ARCH STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, Opposite tho Arch-street Theatre, 11*26-lm If PHILADELPHIA. TRUSSES! BRACES!! SUP porters !! \ C. H. NEEDLES, S. W. corner RACK and TWELFTH Streets, Phila., Practical Adjuster of Trusses and MvchfUllcal Appli nnces, lms constantly on hand a largo and varied stock ot elegant French Trusses, and. a complete assortment of best American. English mid American Supporters and Bolts, Shoulder Bruces, Suspensories, Syringes in great variety) French Pessaries, Ac. Ladies’Department conducted by Ladies, TWELFTH Street, first door below Race. u027-if3m Baker & co.’s unexcelled COD LIVER OIL—Tho most approved remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Scrofula, &c. Physicians, in prescribing it, have (in tho testimonials of many of tho profession) a gnorautee of genuineness in which all the efficacy of the invaluable medicine is retained. Invalids are assured) by tlie evidence of thousands, that It is loss nauseous and more readily retained to their benefit than, many manufactured compounds sold as Cod Liver Oil. Sold, wholesale and retail, by th« Proprietors and by City Apothecaries. JOHN G, BAKER A CO., no2o-lmif 154 North THIRD Street. *l—E. S. EARLEY, FURNISHING UNDERTAKER, Southwest corner of TENTH and GREEN Streets, nol9-3niif* Philadelphia. pOTTON SAIL DUCK and CAN VAS, of «U numbers and brands. Raven’s Duck Awning Twills ,of all descriptions, tot Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Hanufactnrers’ Drier Felts, from Ito 9 (Ml wide. Tarp.tiling, Belting, Sail Twine, Ac. JOHN wTRYEBMAN A 00., W JOHN Alter. BEAUTIF U L BLACK AND BROWN HAIR-DYEING done at FOURTH and BRANCH. n027-iftt mHE SUNDAY-SCHOOL WORLD. X A Monthly Periodical, 10 pp., 4to, published by the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, for Teachers, ParcntF, and all wlio are engaged or interested in the religious training of the young. Tonus tW TVvntyfiYrCpntH per annum. , . . Sample copies furniahod and subscriptions received at the Home Depository, No. 1122 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia; New York, No. 699 Broadway; Boston, No. 341 Washington street. nol4-thst Books, law and MISCELLA NEOUB, new and old, bought, dold, and ex changed, at the PHILADELPHIA-BAKK BOOK BTOKE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Stroet. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, sizes, bindings, dates, editions, prices, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by Benjamin Franklin, as woll as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchaa&d. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Catalogues, in press, soot free. Librarios ap praised by ffe26-tf] JOITN CAMPBELL. XpOREIGN READING ROOMS, JP- ■’ 1425 CHESTNUT Street, corner of JUNIPER. OPEN EVERY HAY mid EVENING for LADIES a ,.u .it;;* I. .1, -I. v- v .- cluftively for Lauies All the principal French, German, and English Illua trahil ami Literary Periodicals aro regularly roceivod every two weeks. Galignani's Messenger and Journal des Debats by every mail from Europe. Terms of single subscription per annum, $6; throe months, 82.60; one month, $l. Family subscription por annum, 810; three months, $3.50, Orders forforoign Books and Periodicals forwarded by every nteanif-r. F. LEYPOT/DT, Foreign Bookseller, no2o-lm 1323 CHESTNUT. TpREXC-il AND SPANISH LAN- J_ GUACES.—F. LE BAI.BTER gives Ic-iSonfl of French or Spanish, either in schools or in private fami lies. Apply to him, every morning before tun o’clock, at ?lfg, SPLINT’S, 30 North NINTH Street, corner of FILBEBT. . no2o-4r* Prop. f.~a . brkgy, of girTaiid College, give.s private instruction in the French Language nnd Literuture. Apply GIBARD COLLEGE. noHMuthsCt* ANTED—IN DRY GOODS Store, a tollman —one of a few years’ experi ence. Must speak the German and English. Undoubted re ference as to honesty* industry, and business qualities re quired. One from the countsy preferred. Address « s Box 192,” m»town, Pn. iMi2B.thBtu-4t# TO LAWYERS.—Wanted a Person of Energy, Ability, «nd Responsibility to assist in a Law and Collecting Agency. Address Box 438, Post Office, Philadelphia. * no2ft-3** TY7ANTED=—A House on Arch street, V V west of Broad, with all themodern improvements. Price not to exceed $9,000. Address Box, 2243 Post Office. n026-tuth9a-3t# WANTED BY AN ACTIVE young map, ft thorough Bookkeeper* ft situ aiiSon in a mercantile or manufacturing establishment. Address 11. W.,” this office. no2C-st* TXT ANTED—A SUITE OF ROOMS, IT with Board, for a Single Gentleman, between Arch and Spruce and Broad and Twentieth sfrccta. Ad dress “ H. H. 3.,” this office, n026-3t* WANTED— BY A YOUNG MAN, a Situation as CLERK, or employment m any business capacity. Has a general knowledge of business, and can give the most satisfactory reference. Addresß J. HOPPER, Blood’s Despatch Office. nol6-12ft^ WANTED—A FARM, within ten ■* or twelve miles of Philadelphia, for wliich the beat quality of improved city property will be given in ex change. Apply to E. PETTTT, ©c3o No. 300 WALNUT Street, Theatre or m u s i g hall. LEASE FOR SALE, newly fitted up in superior style* on the Jones’ Ilotol, 020 CHESTNUT Ftrcet. Inquire of Mr. JONES, at hotel, from 10 A. JI. till 3 P. M,, for two days. n027-3t* FOR SALE.—TWO COTTAGES, ■Ha. built in Italian style, ben-nrifnlly situated on LEX INGTON Street, near by the Pft.BsC-bgAr U»llro»d, West Pliiladelphie : large lots, &c. Also, two beautifully si tuated in Miiylandville, near the Darby Passenger Railroad. Either of which will be sold very low, on the most reasonable terms. Apply to E. PETTIT, n»23 No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE—WEST LOGAN- Mm. SQUARE PROPERTY.—Four-story Brown Stone Dwelling, with extensive back baildirgs. For further particulars, apply so E. PETTIT, n 023 No. 399 WALNUT Street. F O R S A LB- VALUABLE ffial-FARM and MILL PROPERTY—Farm containing 90 ACRES of superior LAND, situate twelve mites north of the city, near Fort JVashington station, North Penn’a Railroad. First-class improvements. Apply to E. PETTIT, oc3o " No. 309 WALNUT Street, TO EXCHANGE—DeIaware County Farm, containing 75 acres of superior land, situate nine miles from the city, one mile from railroad station, nicely watered, with excellent stone buildings, fine fruits, Ac. Also, ft number of farms to exchange for City Pro- perty, Apply to nolfi Farm for sale.—a farm, in excellent state of cultivation, containing fifty-ons acres, (nine of which are woodland,) pleasantly situated In Limerick township, Montgomery comity, two and a half miles from tho Limerick station, on the Reading Railroad, is offered for sale. Price—Five thousand dol • lars ($5,000). Apply on the premises. nolS-tf SAMUEL H. GRAFF. FOR SALE—Yaliiabl* Farm, contain ing 130 acres; 30 acres of excellent Woodland, the balance in a high state of cultivation, nicely watered with springs and running streams, situate 6 miles from Doylestovn depot, and 2>£ miles from Lambertville sta tion and Delaware river, Bucks county. Plain and aub- Bt&Btiftl stone improvements; good out-buildings, and every variety of fruits. Price only £75 per acre: easy terms. Apply to E. PETTIT, se!9 • No. 309 WALNUT Street. 728 CHESTNUT Street. IJIHE BALTIMORE OAS-BURNING FIRE-PLACE HEATER. Sometimes called the 41 Latrobe Stove,” is the beet stove for wanning the room in which it stands, and also rooms above. Call and look at them. ARNOLD A WILSON, ocfi-Smlf No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. NEW PUBLICATIONS. WANT'S. FOR SALE AND TO LET. E. PETTIT, No. 309 WALNUT Street. TO EXCHANGE— Cheap Delaware -A. State Fruit and Grain Farm, containingls6acresof land, situate within one mile of railroad station, Delaware Railroad. Also, Montgomery county farm, containing9s acres,, eighteen miles above the city. For further parti culars apply to E. PETTIT, uolS No. 30ft WALNUT Street. T?OR SALE—One of FAIRBANK’S Jj (2,500 tt>s) PLATFORM SCALES, nearly new: one SUGAR-MILL, nearly new. Also, a lot of superior Shelving, suitable for a Wholesale Grocery. Apply at No. 127 North FRONT Street. no2o-wfm6t* BOARDING. SPRUCE STREET—Rooms to r v/tr jC families or single gentlemen, with board. n026-Gt* GROIERIES. IJIO FAMILIES-lUBSIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply families at their Country Residences with every description of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, *O., 40. ALBERT C- ROBERTS, CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE BBBETB. mylB MACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, SALMON, 4c.—3.000 bbls Mess Nos. 1,2 V and a (ACKEREL, large, medium, and «mall, in assorted ackages of choice, late-caught, fat fish. 5,000 bbls. N&w Halifax, Kastport, and Labrador Her* togs, of choice qualities. 6,000 boxes extra new scaled Herrings. 8,000 boxes extra new No. I Herrings. 8,000 boxes large Magdalina Herrings. 860 bbls. Mackinac White Flak. 60 bfelß. new Economy Mesa Shad. Q&. bbls. new Halifax Salmon, quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 690 boxes Herkimer County Cheese* In store and landing* for sale by MURPHY & KOONB, ao6 No. 148 NORTH WHARVES. .PROPOSALS. Army supplies—office of THE ACTING COMMISSARY OF SUBSIST ENCE, No. 1139 GIRARD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, November 29,1861 Proposals will be received at this office until 12 o’clock, M.* on the 30th day of NOVEMBER, for fur nishing foT the use of the United States army, at such times and in such quantities as may be required, during the month of December, the following Subsistence atoros, Yi»« 150,000 poundß first Quality Smoked Bacon Side*, packed in tight tierces, of about 300 pouuda each. 2,000 barrels “Extra Superfine ’* Flour. 60,000 pounds first uuality Pilot Bread, in good flour barrels. 350 bushels first quality now Be.ins, in good dry bitrirls. 150 bushels first quality split Peas, in good dry bar rels. 10,000 pounds prime Bice, in good flour barrels. 30,000 pounds prime Rio Coffee, in barrels 42,000 pounds light yellow sugar, in barrels. 2,000 gallons Vin#»gfty, pofindH ketd quality Adanmiitino Candle?! full weight* one-fourth sixes Hud throe-fourths twelves. 10, 000‘pounds good hard Soflp, full weight. 250 bushels good, dwn, dry, fine Salt, in good, tight barrels. 250 gallons good Molasses, or Syrup, in barrels. Samples, in distinctly maek-nl, to accompany proposals for all articles except meat. All of tho articles to be of the best quality, securely packed, and in perfect order for transportation. Bids will include packages and delivery in the city. Seller’s uamo and date of purchase required on each package. Certificates of inspection of ths Moflt flni Flour will be required. Bills from known dealers for ma nufacturers only will he considered, and each bid must be accompanied by the written guarantee of two responsi ble persons for the faithful performance of the. contract. Proposals to be endorsed “Proposals for Subsistence stores,” and directed to Captain C. W. THOMAS, n23-6t if A. Q. M. and A. C. 8., U. 9. A, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR large .lock of WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and MUSICAL BOXES, we are now, in ac cordance with the limes, offering thorn at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Ladies or gentlemen intending to purchase a Watch for their own wear, will find at our Establishment an article that can bo IMPLICITLY BELIED ON for time, and at a price MUCH LOWER than over before asked. Particular attention is given to repairing fine Watches, Clocks, and Musical Boxes, by skilful workmen. FARR & BROTHER, Importers, 0c23-2mif 324 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. QLATE MANTELS. These beautifully enamelled MANTELS, BO de cidedly preferable to any others, are manufactured by tub and sold at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ARNOLD & WILSON. ocß-SnUf No.’ 1010 CHESTNUT Street. POSTAGE STAMPS.—Twenty-four cent, twelve-cent, and ten-celit STAMPS for sale at five per cent, discount. Apply at The Prut office. noS-tf AMUSEMENTS. American academy of MUSIC. GRAND GALA t>a y and night. IJAV AND NIGHT, TO-DAY, THANKSGIVING, TO-DAY, THANKSGIVING, THURSDAY. NOV. 28, GRAND MATINEE AT THREE, IAREWELL SEANCE AT EIGHT. l‘ AST API-PAKANCES POSITIVE LAST APPEARANCES OE HERRMANN, OP HERRMANN, THE GREAT PRESTIDIOITATEUB, THE GREAT PRESTIDIOITATEUB. WHO RETURNS NO MORE TO PHILADELPHIA, I’lllOß TO HIS DEPARTURE FOR EUROPE. THE LAST OPPORTUNITIES OP SEEING HERRMANN, T II I 8 DAY AND NIGHT. MAMMOTH AND MARVELOUS PROGRAM ME OF MAGIC. lIIIUK. ROSALIE HERRMANN MD.VB, ROSALIE HERRMANN Will appear on liotli occasions iri lier VOsl.U-rAiIKU “DOURI.E VUE.” HERRMANN will bo assisted by TIIE g E KMASIA OnC«K 8 T B A . HAI.I-THICK FOR CHILDREN AT THE MATINKH GRAND AND LAST MATINEE AT 3 O'CLOCK. ADMISSION 50 CENTS. NO RESERVED SKATS. Evening, al 8 o'clock. Admission, 50 cents. Reserved Soaks 25 cents extra Am phitlmrure, 25 c.ent.L Colored Gallery* 25 cent*. Honrs opon id and?#. qf music.— MANAGER AND LESSEE JAS. M. NIKON. WILL OPEN ON MONDAY EVENING NEXT, December 2d, with Mr. EDWIN FORREST, A S II AML E T , HIS FIRST APPEARANCE IN FIVE YEARS, Wlio will bo supported by a full and efficient DRAMATIC COMPANY. BOX-OPPICE, at the south entrance, will be open on TIIURHIAT, FRIDAY, anil SATURDAY, from 9 A.«. to 3 P. M„ far the sale of RESERVED SEATS for 0» firßtfour Performances. no2B-lf Philadelphia academy of MUSIC.— —- lessee and manager jas, si. nixon. The Management takes much pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of PUiladel pUm* the first appearance of MAD’SELI.K ISA#fit,hA CCBAS, Tremierre Dansfeuse from the Urihcipfil Opera Houses of Europe, and lately of tlie Afiadrmtr cf MusiCi of Bouton. She will make her debut on TUESDAY EVENING, Dw. &3, Tn connection with Dramatic by the full and efficient Dramatic Company Full particulars hereafter. MRS. JOHN DREW'S ARCH-STREET THEATRE, Acting And Stage Manager W. S. FxSJDJSBIOKS. Business Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MUBPHY. THIS (THURSDAY) AFTERNOON, ifcv. 28, MAZRPPA ; Or, the Fiery Untamed Bockiik* Iferse. Olinaka ,MrsrC .Henri* Mazenim, alias flassimero Mi». Yf&&teDra?, MAD AS A MARCH HARE. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, November 28* PAULINE. Miss Charlotte Thornpecn. SKETCH KS IN INDIA. Change of Time.—Doors open at # before 7 curWa j Will rise at 7 precisely , No extra charge for reserved seats. Paulino.,.. -WALNUT-STREET theatre— VV NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Bole Lessee MRS. ftl. A. GARRETTSOI?. THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING, November 44, The performance will commence with TUB OCTOROON. ,Mr. J. S. Clarke .. .Mr. 5. Dubois.- Mr*. Anna Cowell. P, P., or THE MAN AND TIIE TIGER. Bob Buckskin ~,,,, Mr. J. S> Clarke* JiOtHNSDN CRUSOK Nipcheeae, ship's steward Salem Scuddor... Jacob M’Closkey ZOB Prices —so, 37#, 75, and 35 emits; Private Boxes, 85 and 83. Doors open at 6#*, Performance to commence at 7#. WHEATLEY’S CONTINENTAL THEATRE IMMERSE ATTRACTION FOR THANKSGIVING DAY ! GRAND MATINEE THIS AFTERNOON, At 2 o'clock. IVlian will be the Gurgi-ous Eastern tviuea triau Spectacle, THE CATARACT OF THE GANGES ! With all its wonderful Scenery and wonderful Effects, TO-NIGHT and EVERY NIGHT, THE CATARACT OF THE GANGES! |HRAND VOCAL AND INSTRU MENTAL CONCERT IN AID OF THE JEWISH FOSTER HOME. AT n&NDEIi & HAYDN HALL, ON SATURDAY EVENING, November 30tb. Fjirticulnrr in future advertisements. TickuTS FIFTY CENTS EACH. To be had of Mid idaunaers, and at the vvincipal Music Stores. n027-2t* Thanksgiving day.—temple OF VOXDEKS. SIGNOR DLIT/5 WILL GIVE THREE GRAND EXHIBITIONS of NATURAL MAGIC, VENTRILOQUISM, AND TICK LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Commencing at 11, 3, and half past 7 o’clock, Adhfri&lob 25 cenlf*. Children i§ cents. no27»2t# FUND HALL. GRAND VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, For the benefit of the VOLUNTEER REFRESHMENT SALOONS, Under the direction of the Joint Committees* FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER29th, When the following distinguished artistes will appear : MADAME VALLERY GOMEZ, Prison.- Donna Assoluta of the Opera !lous6 Of LondOßf Paris, and St Petersburg—hot* first appdAr&nc* iu Philadelphia. SIGNOR FBEDERIOO UIDOLFI, (His first appearance here.) SIGNOR GIROLAMO GARIBALDI, (His first appearance in this city.) Mr.*JOHN FRAZER, the celebrated English Tenor. M, ALEXANDER WOLOWSKI, The-renowiied PlahM—his first appearance iu Concert* And MISS ANNIE LONSDALE, The celebrated Comedienne and Elocutionist, who wUI recite the poem of 11 Tho Volunteer's Wife.” CONDUCTOR Prof. THUNDER.. Admission 50 cents. Tickets on Bale at all the Mflgjg Starts and f&ihclpnl Hotels, at the Volunteer Refresh ment Saloons, and at tin* Hall day and evening. Assembly building, WAUGH’S ITALIA. MONDAY SVKXIN&, and KYKBY EVENING DURING THE WEEK, A SPLENDID PANORAMA Of llie most interesting scenes in NORTHERN, CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN ITALY, THE GRAND CATHEDRAL AT MILAN. Together with Scones of great iuteroat in the AMERICAN WAIL With ninny views iilustrattlig the heroic struggle of our devoted soldiers. Grand Matinee on Thanksgiving Day, commencing at 3 o’clock. Also, on Saturday afternoon. Admisßion 25 eta. Children 15 cts MAGIC LANTERN PICTURES OP IY_L THE REBELLlON—Representing all the prom!-, cent Scenes, Engagements, and Incidents to this date. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 924 CHESTNUT Street. A Descriptive List furnished gratis, and sent by mail; fref, on application. tiaai-lM mEMPLE OF WONDERS, TENTH JL and CHESTNUT Streets. SIGNOR BLITZ, THE GREAT MAGICIAN AN® VENTRILOQUIST, in liis new and constantly-varied perfornmnceßi EVERY EVENING, eemmenelng At 744, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS* at 3—illustrating the astonishing and interesting Myat*- ries of Ancient and Modern Magic, entertaining Ventri loqui&l Demonstrations, in which the voice will amnse and delight, and the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Admission, 25 cents} children, 13 cents. noltMf- GAKL WOLFSOHN AND THEO DORE THOMAS* SERIES OF SIX CLASSI CAL SOIREES.—Third Season. Snbscriptioaa will b« received at the Principal Music Stores, wfcste. Pro grammes and full particulars can be seen aqo la GERMANIA ORCHESTRA VJ CARL SENTZ, Conductor. PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, aiSlf o’clock P. M., Bt the MUSICAL FUND.. HALL. Packßge of Eight Tickets, SI; Singt*Tickets, 25eta. To be had at Andre’e, 1104 Chestnut sleeet, J. E. Gould’s, Seventh and Chestnut, and at the doonof the Hail. ac2B-if PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 10% CHESTNUT Street, M open daily, Sundays 9 A. M. till 6 P. tt. Admission 25 cents. Cy&Lren under twelve yeH% half trice. Share, of Stock, 830. fyl SAFES. Re, LIIJjIE’S SAFE DEPOT RE BSjaMOYSD to Mo, 31 South SEYKNSB Wrest, new the Franklin Institute. The uudereigned, thankful lot Fail favor*, and tains determined to merit future patronage, hot secured u elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand* large assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought Mi Chilled Irou Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the eat, strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, LllUe’l Uneonallod Sank Vault, Safe, and Hank Locks. Lillie’s Bank Vault Poors and Locks will be fnrnlsheC to order on Bhort notice- This is the strongest, beet frw tested, and cheapest Boor and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention ip callod to LilUe’d fI»W Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, sc. Safe la non ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet Cf“ fared for this purpose, and la the snip 6he that is stHoOy fli'? and burglar proof, SpgouL Kotiox—l have now on hand sap twenty d Parrel, Herring, A Co.'s Safes, most of them nearly new. and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for the now celebrated LUUo Safe, They will be told dm low prices. Please call and examine. ja2S-lyif M. C. SADLER. Agent INSURANCE COMPANIES. Fame insurance company, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street JIBE AND INLAND INSURANCE. PIRBOTOKB. George W. Day of Day A Matlack. Bamnel Wright “ Wright Bros. A (Jo. D. B. Biruey “ Davis A Birney, Henry Lewie, Jr...... 11 Lewis Bros. A 00. C. Richardson.......... “ J. C. Howe A Co. Jno. W. Everman <« J. W. Xverman A 00. Geo. A. West. 11 West A Fobes. F. S. Martin “ Savage, Martin, A Oo O. Wilson Davi5........ Attorney-at-law. E. D. Woodruff. of Sibley, Molten. A WoodnUß duo. Seeder, Jr No, lflS Green street, OkORGEW. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Yice-PreaUtaL WILLIAMS I. BLANCHABD, Secretary. ja2B-tM SAVING FUNDS. SAVING FUNDI-UNITED STATES TRUST OOMPANT, corner THIRD and OHWT NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. S. B. CRAWFORD, President, JAMES K. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office home, from 10 nntil 8 o'clock. This company li not joined in any application to at Legislature. EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS'EXPRESS COMPANY, Office 830 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Merchandise, Bank Notes, and Specie, either by its own lines or in oonnectiM wttn other Express Companies, to all the principal Town* and Cities of the United States E. B. BANDFOgP, Jell General Srinorin tend sot. Gunny bags-go bales for sale by JAUBETCK A CARSTAIRS, n 022 202 South FRONT Street. .Mr. J. S. Clarke,