Fxke Buckwheat and Wheat Flour. — The «4lAl>**teA BlWkwliWlt fiftU*, of ttie “Silver Flint" Brand, for which Mr, C. H. Mattßon, dealer in lino gro •cerieEi, corner of Arch and Tenth streets, is the sole ngont Tor this market, is being preferred to all others, and it is moderate in price. Mr. Mattson's Wheat flour, now on hand, is also fully equal to the Harper’s Ferry article, wriiich is now* out of the market. Eshlemah Undoubtedly Ahead.—To such Mi «Nt<-ut lias ttr. J. A. fißhlcman, proprietor «f i'Tlig Cravat Store,” Seventh and Chestnut streets, succeedcl in leading the trade in this country in all kinds of Gents’ wearables for the Neck, that there is a fair prospect of this field being soon left to bis entire control. His era- Tata are a theme of universal praise in fasluonablo oir*. •eles. Concert Hall.—Last Night of Georoe Christy’s; Famous Minstrel Band. —Their success in this city has been without precedent and we can ftSSUft -our readers that time and money w ill both be properly iu vested by a call at the above popular establishment. A rare bill of excellence is offered, well worthy the pa tronage ofnsij Removal of the Keukl Capital.—Wc sec it stated that the capital of the Southern Confederacy is to be changed from Richmond, Yu, to Nashville, Tenn. This Is, indeed, glorious news, and fully goes to prove that the strong foothold sained by tho Union troops in Virginia has alarmed the traitors, aud they have deemod it prudent to get as far off as possible. While we grow jubilant over this news, wc should at the same tiino bear in mind that the finest and cheapest fall and winter gar ments in the city are to be procured tit the Fashionable Clothing Bazaar of Granville Stokes, 603 Chestnut, who is selling his large stock at unusually low prices. The Message of President Lincoln.—On next, Congress will meet in regular seaaioiu Oil the day followinir, the President will send in bis message, When the progress of the war will be narrated, and the future policy of the Government will probably be fore shadowed. It is not yet known whether the President *rfll make- any allusion to the elegant and substantial Uniforms cot up at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, abora Sixth; but it is known that he is loud in their praise on Btf vftte wcppfpnßi FINANCIAL and commercial. THE MONEY MARKET. Philadelphia, November 26,1861, The recent considerable rise in foreign exchange, iii the face of the heavy fulling off of all kinds of imports, is taken at tho Stock Board to signify that foreign liolders of American stocks have taken advantage of the recent stiffening tf prices to realize very largely, and carry off the proceeds to their own countries. This fact lias led to the formation of a strong combination of the Lulls at the New York Board—fnet sufficient of itsrif to depress prices very materially, but which, taken in Connection with the anticipations of English dissatis faction at the arrest of Messrs. Mason aud Slidell, pos sesses peculiar significance at this moment. Prices, as yel, *ure vr.ib.-r flTnjjr TOntatmncil at tllV* YllTlUdtlPllTtt Board, but they cun hardly continue to l>e so in the face ef the New York movements. Symptoms of a decline were noted to-day. Pennsylvania State fires fell off y, Rnd closed liwry lit the decline. City* sixes shared Tho Dame loss, both for new and old issues, as did also Penn sylvania Railroad stock, Reading Railroad shares, and fche greater part of the railread and canal securities. There is no new feature 16 export concerning the ftUOncy market. A new counterfeit tcn-dollar note on the Mechanics’ Bank of Pittsburg is in circnlution to-dny. It has on tho lower left quari.-r, a scene ip m irOll-foiUldry \ Oil tllC lower right quarter, u scone in a machine-shop; 10 on ©ach upper corner. An exact imitation; well done. The Bobcat Jtlrerfiser of Saturday suys that us a pre cedent in interpreting the meaning of tho tariff act in luce cases, the "cigar question” lately eettled by the Se cretary of Ihe Treasury is au interesting case. Tlio pro vision in the act of 3SGI ($ 6, clause 2) is as follows: “On cigars of all kinds, valued at five dollars or under 3>cr thousand, twenty cents per pound ; over five dollars Sind not over ton. fonv eonts pep pound • And bv« Uh dollar?, sixty cem.« per pound, aud iu addition thereto, leu per centum ad valorem.” On some cigars, costing eight dollars per thousand, the Collector assessed duty at tho rate of forty cents per yound, and in addition tlwreto ten ptr sent, ati valorem; ♦he importer oianm-d that the ten per cent, applied only to cigars costing over ten dollars per thousand, and claimed entry at *he rate of forty cents por pound only. STbe Secretary of the Treasury agreed with the collector that the ten per cent, in addition was duty, equally ap plicable If.«elp«wof «H Whether COSIIUg mOFO or less than ten dollars per thousand. The Secretary bus also dscidcd the case of Borne litho graphic show bill?, designed as advertising posters, and Showing the* buildings, business location and pf tllP the Importer claimed tQ t>C “CTI- or plate.*, ** and liable to only ten per cent.; while the collector of New York at first called them a “manufacture of paper,” to bo assessed at thirty per -cent. But the Secretary, and also collector upon further 'Consideration* assessed them at fiftton \m caul, as ■•‘printed matter.” “The impotterof soma woollen jackets, knit by hand, With buttons, sewed button-holes, and pockets, claimed ‘4o enter them as 1 hosiery * at thirty per cent. But Viicy are held to come under the la-ad of ‘ clothing readjr •DUUI«. Abel W4.rli.tr nppurel of overj- dva-criptioii, cura- Syoßed wholly or in part of wool, made np or manufactured Wholly or in pail by the tailor, seamstress, or mannfac ■fairer;’ and si» are subjected to duty sit the rate of twelve -coots per pound, and in addition thereto twenty-five per ’tfOUlUb “The Tiihmto Central Railroad Company gives notion to the holders of its stocks registered on it s books on the 15th of January next, that they will be entitled to can ned bends scrip for five dollars upon each share of stock Leld by them, tMiverable on the Ist of February poNti end spartkrs i.ol.lii.sf c :rt»ticntes are hereby notified to Lave the same registered iu their own names on or be fore the said loth day of January. Also, that two addi tional coupons, payable July 1, 1862, and January 1, 21863, on the fuli-paid stock of this company, will bu de liverable*. on prusontutlrm of oorlifiouton at this office on or after the Ist ituy of December.” An Important c ecisien has been rendered in the Su preme Court of Now York, in the suit of Lamed, as signee, &c., agt. Little, involving the legality of “ calls,’ W privileges to call, for given amounts of stock. The ©alt wasbreught upon a c&U for two hundred and fifty Dhares of Chicago and Bock Island, aud was referred by the court to a well-known legil gentleman, whoso report 5s in favor of the puuntiffj the defence interposed by the Cefcndant being tlmt the transaction was toW, as coming ivitliin the prohibition of betting and gaming (2 Revised Statutes, page 080). The parties were represented by 33. B. Meade and 5. G. Courtney for plaintiff, and L. TJAvI fur Tlii opisl'-'n In the- case is long-, anil we only fjuot<- the more important parts; n It does not appear whether the defendant, at the date of the call or during the time the bearer had the option of making it, had the stock] nor does it appear that the #?efire-r- <-f ft Jmd no intention of calling for the f^OCK. Slbe legal presumption, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is that the defendant had it in his power to re spond to the and that the bearer of it would make she call if he saw fit or it was for his interest to do so. dvSnfir ilie JustmJJK'Jit a rc-ftoanable interpret »tion, it Beems to amount t.» this: For value received —that fs, for & sufficient consideration —T agree that if at any time within sixty thivs you call on me for two hundred and fifty sharc-B of Chicago and Bock Island Railroad stock «yf filxiy r.-sih, 1 will deliver ll to you. It hi fcruis ihe paper says only the bearer may call, but it is obviously Implied that the party granting the call engages to deliver, otherwise there would be no sig nificance to tin* }>:»p*-r whatever. Without the paper, and without the consiUiTiitinm anv ou« would havo flip right to call. The cull »ml the consHlnratirm expressed imply axeceßsarily that there was an obligation to deliver. Is this a wager l Suppose an owner of a horse or a house end lot of laud to agree, in consideration of SiOO pui.l to Jiim, that he would give to the party- paying the conside ration the- j>rxvi!«-pf «.«t- option of purchasing the liorjie or Jiouse and lot of land ai a certain fixed price within a limited time, wouhl such a contract be a wager, or illegal, Under the statute against betting and gambling! I think not.” A fI'MU HiO flAnkh g At All>Any» rela tive to engraved siaiiatures to bunk note?, says the hii l>ernjtemlent dws not 4l regard engraved signatures upon Jjank bills or notes as a compliance, in letter or spirit, With the provirions of sections 3 and 21 of the General Banking Law of The Kew Yoik Evening Post of to-day says : The stock market has a better tone to-day, the accounts from Pensacola assisting the recover}'. The early trans actions of the d:iv were at lower figures, but the feeling At the close U iirirs iiinl the full auohitlons of thc- fioftrd flro sustained. Tli* l strongest of the railroad shares is 3Tew I ork Centra!, and this, in a measure, supports the rest of the l ; st, though without producing any marked improvement on yesterday's prices. The wenkeet o! the Western etoekfl was Ckl&asd. Bur lington, and Quincy. Sales wero made as low as but St closes at 59. The market was decidedly better after the Board. New York Central recovered to 78 ®7B#, after selling as low Bs 7T. Erie (ten at 3Qtf ®3Q#« Government stocks are sternly, with fi*w offering. •The coupon sixes of 1881 are 93K®93)£, the registered The fives of 1874 are dull at 83#®83)£. Tho money market is ca*y at 6 per cent, on call. •There is, however, considerable business doing at ®7 J>er cc-iit. on mkc.-ll;m«K>ii9 collttterais. taper is dull, Und only first-clans names are current at 6#®7 per cent. , „ , , The foreign exchange market is hardly so firm to-day, the ticrimnd having been freely met yesterday. The loading (Maoni nro idling flt 109uOiieh is tho ruling jatp for all firsl-elH.jp bankers 7 bills. IV6 of sales of Jirime commeiTial hills at The general Im pression i* that till l advance in exchange is only tempo rary, and grow* out of a desire ou the part of a for to jilace their bateon W\ e other Bide. Franca arc auoted Philadelphia Stoc Noveinbei BEfORTED BY S E SIiAYMAI FIRST 1 JOOO City 6s New 93* 200 do. .New t-usli 93# 1500 do 93# £O6 do 93# 9000 Su»j Cnu«! 65.... 15 630 abt Penna 5? 78 100RoadingIt... .cash 17 60 do ...... l»5 17 60 do 65 17 eo -►SIT 60 d 0.,.., I*s 37 BETWEEN 800 City 6s...New Ous 87 $OO d 0,,, ,New C»hs §7 SECOND r 600 City Now 93# 1000 do New 93# aooo d«. icso s&% 3 Morris Canal prf.loB^f closing rs Bid. Aik. U S 6s, ’Bl 92# 93# yhilaea 86# 87# Thiladsß 86# 87 6a new... VS 03 p| Y’enna&a.,,.,, 78 78# Beading B 17 3-16 17# Beading Bda *7O 82# 83# B’dg M 6b *BO *42 92 BeftdMBs>M.. 99# W# Pennaß 37# 38 Penna B2d mfa 84# 85 Morris Cl Con.. 36 38 Morris Cl Prof. luS- \> HO fichN&Yfa’fi'i,. ft# 64 Cell Nay Imp 6e 70 14 filch Nay Stock. 3 & filch Nav Prof... 11 12 Elmira B 4# .. riumueipßia JTiarKets, The export demand for Flour is limited, anil ouly about GOO bbls have been disposed of at $550«5.62# for com »on, a»»«i s'>i.'U rupvrfluo ertfra at ®5.7&, ami family at 55.87#«r6.2£i, the latter for a fancy brand, and $6.50® 7.50 per bbl for fs*n« v brswis, as to Quality. Bye Flour la scarce, with «nnu a den at 34. Corn Meal is held at slB7# par Mil. yYHKAT.—There in a fair amount offering, and tho de mand is rather .better * sales of 19,000 bus at from 130 to 386 c for common to good and primo Western and Ponti- Byivftjiia reds, including white, in small lots, at 142® 150 c for fair to choke luU, Bye is wanted* and Pennsylvania Is Felling at T&st.toc. Com iB unchanged, and good Boiilhcrn yellow Is firm at 63c; 1,200 bus white sold at 70s 72c. Oats are inrt *micn iminired for, and 2,500 bus Pennsylvania told at 41c afloat; Southern and YY'eU-m SPff 40c. About 1,500 bus New York Burley sop| B.m:k.—Ab«H*i 50 kkib> Ist No. l Quercitron sold at $28.50 person. Coi’tos continues •vary-firm but inactive, and wo bear Of no sales. (•roo-bui-e* s A>*n Provision's.— There is not much doing in either.* and no change in prices. Sums nre iiniet; Ulorvereocd is wiling at 84.25a4.75, ftbo latter for prime lots. Whisky is dull; bbis selling at 21®21#c, ami drudge Gt 2QO2Q£c per gallon. •k Exchange Sales, r 26, 1861. LEU* Philadelphia Exebango. 10ARD. 100 Readings 17 50 do cash 17 60 do s 5 17 56 d0..........00 i 7 50 do. s 5 17 1000 CamAAm 6s ’S3.. 82# 4 Bk of N America.llo 2 2d A-3d-stR 47 1 Penna R MII , cqgh 05 5 Harrinburg 8.,, •, 02 ; BOARDS. I 500 City6s 87 |W)Cam&Ainsa ’75.. 83 BOABD. 3000 U S 6s *Blregastvu93 100 L Island R....b5 10 8 N Liberty Gas... 30 HOES—FIRM. Bid. Ask. Elmira R Prof. 0# 0# Elmira 7a *73... 63 65 *">ng Island R, 9# 10# A Kav*» so# 51 Leh Cl AN Scrp 82# 33# N Penna B 5 6# N Penna R 65.. 56# 57 N Penna 105... 71 77# Href- 4# 5 Prkfd A Southß 36 30 2dA3dstaß.3. 46# 47 RaceAVine-stsß 3 4# W Phila R .... 50# 51# tipraco&Pine.. %% 8# Green £ Coatei 16# 17 Cheat & Wal... 27 30 Girard College.. 10 .. November 26—Evening. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS TO TO 12 O’OLOOK LAST NIGHT* CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Chestnut and Ninth streets. J S French, Illinois J M Millard A wf, Balt M Smith, New Jersey Chits Arbuthrot, Paniiß Louis Stix, Cincinnati Mr Anderson, Bedford, Pft Dr Watson, Bedford, Pa G F Filley A la, St Loms N T Adams & la, Conn J Ewing, New Jersey t W G Roberts, Kansas F B Brown, Boston ft) S Fell, Boston G P Cowles, Conn 8 H Mix A wf, New York Mr Mix, New Wk D\V Guy, Princeton, N J J J Wood, Columbus W J Jones, Elkton, M 4 Non A K McClure, Penna S A Purviance & la, Pittsb J S Leih, Harrisburg A Wilhelm, Cornwall John Noons, Harrisburg Major A K Lewis P Tlllinghaat, New York Jwwob Wilde, Jr, Now York M A Salt, Now York A S Paxton, Kentucky Jos W H Watson F C Upton, U S N AN Smith, I’SN ST Do Ford, Jr, Baltimore H B Hancock, Minnesota John Williams J T Clew, New York Go! Sll Fanltird, Prov, R I GK Ide, Philadelphia F II Brown, Penua U BBMW&tor, jr.N Jersey S ]l Edwards & wf, NY W Gray, jr, Boston T Koessle, Albauy ,T Black, Baltimore Jos 13 Clark A- la, N Y L M Gloss, Wash, D C G Tiiruot, New 1 «n>k K 1111 i>l, New .I,.r*‘v Hon T i\ilhV| N i) \y liivhiH'dduiii AuiMll Il Mrs Haley, Harrisburg Miss Biw» ITamshurg J Hughes, BrtUimcro II M Welch, Now Haven C Merrinm, Mass J H Haines, Brady’s Bend N Herrera, F G Tucker, Albany J JTiirwood, Albany Col A Prevent A la, Wash Dr J M Huntpr, Pimnft 8 C Now York F Donlowey, New York O McFarland, N Jersey H T Jenkins, Now York Thos 0 Weeks, Boston K R William, Phila M Parrish, Philndelphift Q A Humphreys, Now Y’ork W J McGuakio, New Yorlc C! Altlen, Mnssachnsetts N Perry, New J w ln, Sf»r y U n d A Townsend, Delaware W 13 jvuowlcs, Delaware W A Cook, Delaware J B Wiggin, Philaila J Smithers, Delaware C J Harrington, Del Mrs Harrington Y E llasunu Xiuvtown, Pa Thos P E A Wilkinson, N Jersey Thos R Morrel, Chester to A W Davis, Chester co E Pennington, Chester co H W Townsend, Chester co H Eckert, Penna T S Young, Jr, Chestor co A SpeaKnmn, Contesvllle A B Leedom, Pemm J P Pi'lcp. YlUtmu Md JK Le&uaiU U, 01*m co J D MlArplWS OJiesior CO J 0 Rhoads, Chester co F A Graff, Delaware F Churchman, Delaware Win II Swayne, Vnionville S D Chandler, Chester co Wm (' Deekey, Pennst D I> W Ilntcbioson, Penna 1£ II Srawltrid;;!', Clio«( Co Jf NvSparl'ftUi LiUU' CO S?is»rrh«Uj V?u*?s*er co NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. Mrs Bustler, Pottsville, Pa J H Abbott, Denver City T Mendenhall, Bloomsburg E S Ancona, Heading O \V Scaalin, Illinois fl Keck, Vermont H Hart, Veimont Miss daumeister, Vermont J K Kramer, Wash, D C John W Royer, Penna W S Weil, Allentown J Dimharu, Northuniberl’d J WBeinsmitb, SchJk co A J Schock, Canton, Pa H W Riiuh) Baltimoro . J 8 Sodden Pottatown STATES UNlON—Market street, nbovo Sixth. Jos C Walker. Gap,Pemm Jno Patton, Lancaster co L Rogers, New York S J Reigart, lowa Thos G Woodward, lowa Isaac Holton, Chambersbg J P Claris NWSoti, Pe-iilirl Llcitt D S Drain, Virginia Cyrus Meliring, Penna Francis Henry, California V E Williams, York co, Pa W A Johnson, Oxford, Pa Jas Johnson, Jr, Oxford, Pa MALISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. Jf A Wolfe, Georpetu, 3>el 31 DT JUlie, Delaware B Sheppard, Laurel, Let N N Hearn, Gumboro, Del E M Waller, Maryland Sunil Solliday, New Hope,Fa F Webb, Philadelphia .T M Scesholtz, Berwick S Lean, Lover, Lei II Scarborough, Cecil co,Md Stnoy Broun. Brownelmw? Lewis Gsisler, Dover, Del E L Todd, St George, Del MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second st, ab. Arch. John S Kinsey, Bristol S F Ebevman, Boston John R Holt,liristut John fanzuut* Bristol Walter Bush* New York Ghas Knight, Byherry, Pa Isaac Knight, Byherry John Keeman, New York BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhili, Peter Gross & son, Penna M B Brown* Penna II 5 Grosti, Bethlehem H Lightcap, Summit Hill R Scbeidy, Lehigli co Thos Yeakel, Pennsburg John SYftlp. Bethlehem J Able & son, Easton 51 Sclioch & la, Pounsbarg It Sharadin, Kutztown S Grayhi), Snyder w, Pa G Shellyi Snyder co, Pa N etnrj* romisburg Henry Geary, Pennsuurg Mrs Geary, Pennsburg A Schocli, Pennsburg Miss Schorh, Pennsburg T Fcnstermueher, Allent’n L Slick, Allentown It Good, Doyletown Jolm Sailor, Frcnchtown, NJ BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhili. P L Piener, Berks co, Pa J Merkel, Berks co Wm Harner, Pcnnsburg J E Bubb, Pennsburg Geo Bubb, Pennsburg H S Borer, Olney jin 11S Itorer, Olnoy C Harper. Joukiutown H Rover, Snmneytown J Iliitt, Sumneytown H P Herp, Rending P A Dyer, Southampton S Leflier, Onvigsburg Thos Miller, Penna Chas 1) Knight, Penna J Vanartsduleu, Peftoa A Delpi Bucks co Geo Kline* Amityvilto BARLEY SHEAF —Second street, below Vine. Mrs Snvder, New Jersey J Cadwallader, Fox Chose R Meyers, Cheltenham Miss Harvey, Pennsylvania A Pliillipf) BoylMtovm A J Laruci lincka co C Torlicn & la, Ilicliboro Mr Tcrkes it la. Penna Mr Jaminon & la, l’enna Mr Freeland & la, Boston A K Mylin, Massillon, Ohio Mrs Taylor, Bichboro Mißn Taylor, Bicliboro P H Follmer, Milton MAMWE INTELLIGENCE. fgr see FOUBTII PAGE, ARRIVED. Sell*- Oeorgo Byron, X.ow«Uj E 3 from 5t Johnsy T B, with sugar and molasses to Jolm Mason A Co. Passed off New Castle, brig Trindelen, from Baltimore, upward bound. Sclir Geo J Weaver, Tunnell, 2 days from Indian Ri ver, Del, with to J L Beivley A Oo- Schr Bird, Long, 2 days from Indian River, Del, with corn to Neall A Merriinan. Schr Champion, Collins, 1 day from Little Creek Lan ding, Del, with corn to Jos Surratt & Son. Bohr Liberty* Johnson* 2 days from Indian River* Del* with corn to J L bewley & Co. Schr George Russell, Morris, £ days fram Indian River, with lumber to J W Bacon. Schr Consolation, Adams, 5 days from Salisbnry, Md, with lumber to J \V Bacon. SioKinvr Bw-i-lj, fjurwj 31 Lours from N«w Vwkj with mdse to >V P Clyde. CLEARED. Schr Volunteer, (Br) Loomer, Kingston, Ja, A E Oil tei'bi'id ye. Sclir'Mary P Hudson, Hudson, Key West, Tyler, Stone & Co. Schr Maggie Van Dusent Ireland, Fall River, Castner, Stickney & Wellington. Sir J S Shrivor. Donnis, Baltimore. A Groves, Jr. Str Btbtol, Charleg, New York, W P Clyde. SAILED. Ship Faranak, Rowland, for Liverpool, left Walnut* street wlmrf at 4# P M on Tuesday, in tow of tug Ame rica, with n cargo consisting of 32,329 bushels wheat, 28 tierces hams, 23bbls grain chrome ore, HObbls flour, 300 do com meal, 20 pkgs mdse, and 27 bales rags. Forty passengers in forward cabin and steerage. fCorroepondenee of the Philadelphia Exchange,) CAPE ISLAND, NJ, Nov 25, 9 PM. The bark Thos Kilham, from Dublin for New York, which was spoken 24th inst. off the Highland* Light and ordered to Philadelphia, passed in yesterday forenoon. Tire V S Miner Stute of Georgia* hound south* and bark Isaac R Davis* for Mntanzns* together with several sclirs, went to sea this afternoon. Wind NW. Yours, Ac. THOS B. HUGHES. MEMORANDA. SiAAHlsliip OulmiiLia, Adams, cleared at sfe*r Xoris s‘eaterday for Havana. Steaiurhlp Fulton, Wotton, from Havre, arrived atN York yesterday. Ship Holyhead, Cole, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York ypßterday. Bark James Lemon, Mmicalny, from London for Phi ladelphia, at Deal 13th inst, and proceeded. Brig Mount Vernon, Hall, from Rio do Janeiro Sept 29, at Baltimore 25th inst. Brig New Zealand, (Br) feenw, wrived at Barhadoes sth inot. Brig Orinoco* Nash, hence* arrived at Boston 25th inßt. Brig Samuel Small, hence for Boston, arrived at New port 25th inst. Scbrs J II Wainwright, Ludhuw, J Williamson, Jr, WiimmW/*, A -■sliropj|iir^ 1 B L Burry, 1\ Ottvor, Sallie B, Bateman, B E Sharp, Sharp, M 1> Cranmer, Crnnmor, C Loeser, Laws, Grace Girdler, Clark, J H Allnn, Ketchum, Polly Price, Adams, New Zealand, Poland, K Townsend, Williams, Northern Bight, Luke* 3 V Binor* May, J 0 Patteruon, Hand, Lewis Mulford, Doyle, Mary Elizabeth, Roeri, William Wallace, Creamer, L A Dnnenhower, Miller, Annie Ma gee,-Wheaton, Bhodelln Blew, IVtH-son, Deborah Jones, latein, and Eugene, Parker, hence, arrived at Boston 25th inst. S«Kr Messenger, Pratt, at Boston Sotll lust, from D 0« lawure City. Schr Bn rah Lavinia, Cranmer, sailed from Providence 2'M inst. for Philadelphia. Sc&rs R S Bean, Cookj and S L Crocker, PresUfqy, frfiiw Tuuniotk for Philadelphia, ealied from Newpvrl Votll insiani. . Schrs Win Jonea, Jones, for Pniladelphia, and Ida L Howard, Jones, for do or New York, at Newport 23d inst. Schr Raven, Rose, hence, arrived at Portland 23 inst. Schr Hor&£o Gibbs, hence, arrived at New Bedford 25tl* inst. Schr Minerva, Jefferson, Bailod from Fall River 23d inst. for Philadelphia. Sehr Ontario, Vangildcr, hence, arrived at New York ysutordnyi Schr J L Rcdner, Conlery, at New York yosterday from Fortress Monroe. Schr Mary Trice, Birzzard, from Wilmington, Del, at New York yesterday. Schr M R Carlisle, Ryder, at Baltimore 25th inst. frijin Ronton. .... Steamers Anthracite, Jones, and Novelty, Shaw, hence, armed at New York yesterday. .Steamers Alida, Robinson, and Sarah, Jones, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. G Driswell, New York ti Drinker, Easton THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Si, 1861. SPECIAL. NOTICES. Charming Sally. BY THE BAUD OF TOWER HALt. Tune—“ Black Eyed Susan.” The steamer partly was unmoored, To Southern regions sho was bound, The volunteers were all on board, The final bell began to sound, When churning gaily to the cabin Game— She loved a soldier—Ephraim was his name. “ Oh tell me, passengers,” she cried, “ Oh, tell me, soldiers, if you can, Where my dear Ephraim yon have spied, A ImntLomf- and. polite yottiig WfUl. Oh, tell me, Captain, tell at once the truth, Have you beheld that most alluring youth 1” Why, Miss, among these volunteers Polite ww\ lmndßomv Mb enough yon*U find;” «But none,” s:iid Sally, u like my love appears; To none, besides, my fancy is inclined; Oh, Captain, wliun at Tower Hall he bought T 1 O. i‘ i ju\ i'.o;ir hi'iu J was caught.” Ephraitu, who to the table had gone To seek refreshments, heard her vuice divine, Ami,liken whirlwind now cumo rushing on, Exclaiming, “ Oh, dear Sally, I am thine.” “T know thou art, 4 * sht- Bftid, “that suit alone, From Tower Hall, would make me nil thine own-.” Our assortment of Fashionable and Serviceable Cloth ing is unequalled in Philadelphia, and is being sold at reduced prices. All tastes and jtookets can be suited* Military uniforms mailo to order, at tho shortest noticci iu tho host manner, ('all and examine. Tower Hai.i., No. 518 Market street, Philadelphia. It BENNETT & CO. UrriAM’s Hair Dye, only 38 Cents a Box.—Bottles larger than tho Dollar Dyes. Colors in stantaneously, and will not wash out. Try it. Sold only at UPItAM’S, 310 CJIKSTNUT Street, no2T-wfm3m Special Attention is called ITIfT? ' to the unprecedented inducements offered to those About pnrclmsing Pianos and Melodnona. Lnrga temporary K-ductioiis bring made to me by the manufac turers in consequence of reduced wage 3, vent of manu factory, and all that goes to make up tho coßt of pro duction, the full benefit is proffered to and a'call must satisfy* all tlmt 710*0 is the time. Cau Bull aji?’s£- clast? Piano at 5235. Give me a call. no4-lm J. E. GOULD, Seventh and Chestnut sts. Pr. Kobertson’s Gout and Eheu- MATic Drops—Tho only reliable remedy for Rheuma tism, Gout, &c. Price SI. For salg by DYOTT A* CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, no23‘gwlm Depot for all Popular MadleluAS. J. L. Cai>en, Successor to Fowler, Wells, & Co., No. P 22 Chestnut Stwket.—Phrenolo gical examinations, with verbal and written description of viwrnvfrry hvauiu tuientj nfiaptation for hnsinrsfli and tho cultivation of facultito. A faithful description gua rantied. In no way can the young got as valuable instruction for the preservation of health and improvement Of Ulilll as l>y a Phrenological examination. Office open day and evening. n023-sw 2t One-Price Clothing, op the Latest Styles, made In the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selliug Prices marked in Plain Figures. AU Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our One-Priob Systju* fe'fltriftlr fo AU arc thereby treated alike. se22-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. Batchelor’s Hair Dye.—This oele braird and perfect HAIR DYE is the REST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, which has gained each extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR’S LIQUID HAIR DYE IN3TAHTLT produces ft SPl&ftdM Black or natural Brown, without staining the Skin or inuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyci*, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by aS Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOUK & C 0» and DYOTT & GO.i Philadel. phi ft mhl-tf MARRIED TRUMAN—KEEN —On Tuesdayy the 26tb 3n9t*« ftt St. OnurcAf Ly the Key, <5, Tr BoWVH. ITcmT Gi Truman to Stifou A., youngest daugliter of Joseph Keen, Esu-i Loth of this cfSy. * SCHULTZ—WINTERHALTER-—On the 18th Inst., by Rev. F. Reilly, G*t>rge H. Schulte, of Phihvdelphia, to Li7-7.1t.- C- Wlnterlmiver, of WiJiningtoi»,-i>yl, * LIPPINCOI’T—JITMPHUEYS. —November 23d, by Rev. W. Cnthcnrt, Mr. William Lippincott, of Wilming ton, Del., to Miss Amia Caroleen Humphreys, of Cam den, N. J. * TANCO—BAQUETi.-»In tho city of Now York, by the Rev. Dr. Taylor, Fofix Miguel TAnco»-of Havaun, to Harriot Madeline, daughter of C. Baauctj of Burlington, New Jersey. * DIED. 9H&UA& —At Cniup Oros**, KcntucKyp OR the 19th fast., Mr. Charles E. Thomas, aged 32 yeurSj tlUrd sou Of Henry E. Thomas, of this city. He was a member of the Thirty-sixth Regiment of In ilimm Volunteer?, aiul wacr killed by the accidental dis charge Of hig SUll. , * I’HOCTOR.—At Gormantowii, on Mondf.v, the 2oth Inst., Misb Elizabeth Proctor, in the 69th-year of her age, daughter of the late John Proctor, ot‘ Ebaton, Mass. Funeral service at tho residence of her nephew, Mr. John Burroughs, on th|s ) 6ft?rDoQß> Oil tllC arrival of the- 3 o'clock train from this City. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend, without further notice. Her remains to be removed l to Mount Auburn, Cambridge, Mass. # POTTS.—On the 24tli lust., Nathan R. Potts, in the 79th your ofhifiniro. Funeral on Fifth day, (Thursday,) 28th instant, at 2 o’clock P. M., from his late residence, 504 North Sixth street. The relatives and male friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend,, without further invita tion. ** HOOPES-—At West Chester,. Pa on fin- Helma Maria Hoopes, wife of Rdward Hooves, Aged 42 years. Her funeral will take place from Hie dwelling of Lj'dia A. Townsend, West Chester, Pa.,. this day, ((Wednesday,) 27th fast., at 11 o’clock A. M. MA.ISOK —Ou the- sdtli Inst., Snraii second d»ugb ter of Jacob and Magaret Maison, Funeral from the resideuce oflierfather, No. 251 Madi son street, this (Wednesday) afternoon,2TSh instant, at 1 o’clock,’without farther notice. * MITCHELL.—In GlouoeetmvN. an. tho 24th inet., Miss Margaret MitchoU, agod 30> years. Funeral from the residence of her father, Thomas Mit chell, Mercer street; Gloucester, this (Wednesday) after noon, at I o’clock * Mourning store, No. 918 CHESTNUT STREET. BESSON & SON have lately received Black Beaver Cloth Cloaks, Gray Watev-proof Cloaks, Black Thibet X.otig Shawls, extra Shepherd PlaiU Long and Square Shawls, Crnpe and Grenadine Collars and Sleeves, Jouvin’s Black Kid Gloves, Alexandre’s Black, Lead, and Purple Kid Gloves; Fleecy Silk Gloves and Gaunt lets, Black Centre Brochfe Scarfs, Black all wool Yelour Oiidiuaus and Heps, SJ. a Black llupa Anglais, cents a yard ; Grenadine Vcll3. Ac. nt>4 aA SERMON APPROPRIATE TO THE IL§ TlMES—Thank?giving Day, at 10# A. M., by Rev. JOHN WALKER JACKSON, at St. Paul's M. E. Church, Catharine, above Sixth. It* r*» IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CUS IKS TOM of former years, a Union Prayer Sleeting will l>© held in Union M. E. Church, FOURTH St., MAW Arch, a l 3 o’clock P. M , on THANKSGIVING BAY. Rev. A. ATWOOD, E. J. YARD, THOMAS T. MASON, n027-2t* Committee of Arrangements. ryai rfIILADELFmA BIBLE SOCIETY.-* UJS The Twenty-third Anniversary of the PHILA DELPHIA BIBLE SOCIETY will be held, by Divine permission, at the Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, EIGHTH tort fttoYf RACK, on TUDRffI AT (Th «ik3e giring-Day) EYKHTNG* the 2otb instant* at half past seven o’ciock. Addresses may be expected from the Rev. John F. Chaplain, Rev. R. A. Carden, Rev. George H. Fisher, D. D., and the Hou. James Pollock. A collection will be taken up in behalf of the Bibie cause. By order of the Committee. It ISAAC BULGER, Chairman. IVQ A SWORD, BELT, AND SASH WILL be presented in Captain Bennett Fulmer, of Com pany K, Chorman’s Mounted Rifle Rangers, on WED NESDAY EVENING, November 27,1861, at 7 o’clock, CROPPER’S HOTEL, STRAWBERRY St. It* DIVIDEND,—OFFICE LEHIGH COAL IL 5 AND NAVIGATION COMPANY, Philadel phia, Nov. 26, 1861.—A Dividend of THREE PER CENT , equal to one dollar and fifty cents per share on the capital stock of tiic Company, has this day been do clarol by the Board of Managers, payable on demand. n027-et EDWIN WALTER* .Treasurer. na POST OFFICE PHILADELPHIA, IT 5 Nov. 26, 1861.—NOTICE.—THURSDAY next, 28th inst., being THANKSGIVING DAY, this Office Will bd ildSAil. b4U\'<*6b bftitra of 7# and 0)^ O’clock A. M. f and 1# and 2# o’clock P. M. The Sub-Offices will be opened at the Batne hours. The Carriers will make their usual morning delivery, and will be in attendance at the Office in the afternoon. BP TWO collections will ho made from the LAMPPOST and other Letter Boxes, at 8 A. M., and 5 P. M. n027-2t C. A. WALBORN, Postmaster. (V?==> OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF Lks HEALTH, S.W* CORNER SIXTH AND BAN JSOM STREETS. FHiL.tnELpniA, November 26, 1861. Notice to captains of vessels arriving at the Port of Philadelphia is hereby given that every ship or vessel, arriving ftt tho Port of Philadelphia* shall be visited by the Port Physician previously to her being hauled to any wharf within the city or district aforesaid, or Windmill Island And every captain or other person so hauling such ship or vessel to any wharf as aforesaid, shall, for each nnd every offonoa, forfait and bay the sum of two hun dred dollars, to be sued for and recovered as herein pro vided, unless it shall be made to appear by such captain or other person that there was at tho time imminent danger of the loss of such ship or vessel, or of the pas sengers or crew r thereof, k jßy order of the jfoanl oflTfoUhi n027-3t WILLIAM BKED, Health Officer. rr» at a special meeting of the !ijj COHOCKSINK HOSE AND STEAM FIRE ENGINE COMPANY* hold on SATURDAY EVE. ninGj Not. 23, 1861* tho following preamble and reso lutions weW unanimously adopted: Whereas, We ftr£ ftmt«nM io hear announced the demise of our late member* stricken down in the primo of manhood, and virile nobly tosthnw to his devotion to his country — Resolved, That this Company has hoard with deep and sincere sorrow* of the death of our late fellow-mem ber JACOB CROMLEY. Resolved, That in his death this Company has loaf fl H&bA inpuiLpr, anil one vWe honorable and high. inhided course has endeared him to all j and that while we render testimony to his bearing as a true fireman, his past career has proven his bravery os a soldier in sus iftimm? the reputation of hiscmmtry on the banks of the rmonmri Resolved, That while we sincerely (ympathise with his bereaved family in their loss we bow in meek sub mission to the will of tho Judge of all, who wills every action for some unforeseen good, and whoso mysterious doings we are not permitted to Hesoivcxi, That a copy of these resolutions 1)0 pre sented to the family of the deceased, and tho Apparatus of the Company be placed in mourning for tho space of thirty days. GEORGE W DULL, PETER KUKEJR, EMANUEL W6LPIN£kb, JOSEPH E. WEISS, JACOB MILLER, Committee. The w nnnrnr.v» Active, mid Contributing Members of tbs Omnnany ure nuj«ojit)»d to mwd at tho Hull of the Company on THURSDAY, 28tH instant, at 12 y clock, to ntteod the funeral of our late member, JACOB CROMLEY. The Fire Department is particularly invited. JACOB MILLER, no2Mt* _j S«»mfauFy. lth bank, ladblpuia, Nov. 25,1861. (held Nov. 18, the following jjy elected Directors of this rry» COMMONWEA] UsS Fnu At the Animat Election,s gentlemen were unanimous! 11 ilJiVi fAP Hie ensuing year: Robert Morris, George H. Ashton, Jolin Derbyshire, Chas \V\ Mitchell. Isaac Ford, Chas F. Bower, Henry K. llamish, Kdwd, P. Mitchell, limy W. Gray. At a meeting of the Board of Directory held thin day, ROBERT MORRIS, E»i., was unanimously re-olected President, JOHN DERBYSHIRE, Vice President, and HENRY C. YOUNG, Cashier, for the ensuing year. It U. C. YOUNG, Cashier. ry=» UNION BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA -ILS TIONi-»At the Annual maoting of the Society* held Tnesflny, October 16tli, the following gentlomeu were elected officers and managers for the ensuing year: PKESJDKNT, SAMUEL 11. PSUKINS. viPE ntKSIDKKTS, RICIIAHD p. WOOD. J. FISHER LEAKING. TRKASCKKR, EDMUND WILCOX, 404 CHESTNUT Street. ConnKyroNiuNG skcbktakv, L. MONTGOMERY BOND; RECORDING SECRETARY, JOHN 11. ATWOOD. MANAGERS. Beniamin Coates, John P. Taylor, 31. W. Baldwin, S. Morris Wain, W. Bf. Collins, Jos 11, Pulfvs, Thomas Latimer, John Aslmrflt, John Bolileu, Thomas A. Budd, William Purvcs, Zebulon Locke, Arthur G. Coffin, Charles Rhoads, Benjamin Orne, Richard Wood, John W. Claghorn, CJwrlW 8, Wurtfa Mt Ptt Thomas wattson, Abram B. Perkins. At a pubocijncnt meeting ot the Board of Managers, Mr. JOHN HICKS was reappointed Agent, and Messrs. S. C. COOPER and THOMAS EVANS Collectors. If Is well known that this Society is not ft iivto alnri givJiiy ufiunuv, but it Jiimiil-Miihiiuh nautili..!, iu u'rij, winch strives to remove pauperism by leading the pom* to habits of industry and good morals. In pursuing this work, il« visitors necessarily meet with poverty In every condition, and especially among such of the poor us do not beg upon the streets. In view of the suffering to be ap prehemlod tl«<‘ coming winter, the Society nsttM attention to tho requests of the Collectors, who are now making their annual calls. The Managers havo made arrangements for a larger supply of fuel than usual, upon terms more favorable than at any previous season, and mutt look to the public to contribute liberally tn enable thorn to supply the extra demand which is likely to arise. Persons preferring to contribute dlrertly can band subscriptions to the Agent, at the office, Northwest corner of SEYENTII aud SAN SOM, or to EDMUND WILCOX, E9ii., Treasurer, No, 404 CHESTNUT Street. SAMUEL 11. PERKINS, Broridenh John H. Atwood, Secretary. n023-sAwol na TRADESMEN'S BANK, LL§ Philadelphia, November 2f», 18fil. At an pectiojj for Directory Md oi» tip 18th inst., tho *wi! owing wore elected io serve tile enauin? srV*ilr5 r V*ilr i C.H. Rogers, Tho?. 11. Moore, J. It. Rloodsood, 11. 1». Gawy ,T(»lin Hartman, Jacob Weaver, E, J, Kenney, Oeo. C. Thomas, Uaei'Mu. toned of Directors, held THIS ivas elected President, and no2C-3t*. And at a meeting of the ]h DAY, V. If. ItOGKIfS u JOHN CASTNKIJ, Cashier. ELPHIA BANK, a.rniA, November 5», 1861. iold on the ISth inst., the fol jly elected Directors of this ry'sp* THE FHIEABJ ([■ Q l*iriLAi*K At the Annuel Election, In lowing gentlemen wove dul Bank : Thomas Itobins, Samuel Welsh, &}«rnrAY, THOMAS BODIES, elected President. no2G-4t Joshua Loiifsstreth, Marshall Hill] J. G. Fell, ' li. It. Aslmrst, Kichard Wood, Jas. L. Clagliorn, >eCoursey. loan! of Directors, held THIS? , E»i., vras re- ne BANK OF COMMERCE, FwuMsiii’fliAi November 25i 1561. Av neKl on the lStti mat*} tho lolloving* named Stockholders were elected Directors of this Bunk: George K. Ziegler, Patrick Brady, Rodney Fisher, Charles Henry Fisher, Adolph E. Boric, J, fiodnilUl Pftlll, HI. D„ William Y, Wu-iit, George Trott, Charles n. Mnirheid, William W. Tjongstreth, Thomas 11. Kirilov, | Peter Cullen, John McAllister. And at a meeting of the Directory THIS DAT, £EOR{iJ-l k. Kp,j., w»s unanimously elected President 5 RODNEY FISHER, £»]., Vice President; and JOHN A. LEWIS, Cashier. n026-3t ,OE BA^K, •riirAf November 2th 1561. stb jiipt., thi> following Stock i rettors of this hunk: Edward C. Knight, William L Maildock, James Steel* Christian J. llolTrumn n*=p» CORA EXX’IIAN- UsJ-f I’niI.ADKT.I At the olcction held the 181 holders were duly elected Dil Alexander G. Cattell, Joseph Lindsey) David Ynnflmeer* Philip u, Mingle, Robert Ervion, 11. W. Oatlimvood* Dell Noblit, George L» Buzby, William I*. Cox. And, at the meeting of the Directors to-day, ALEX. G. GATTEIL, E&o , waa unaulmouttly atofttwl PfUii dciit, ALEX. WHILLDLN, ESQ., Vico FMdeut, mid J. W. TOIUIEY, Cashier. n026-3t J. W. TORREY, Cft shier. rirsa niILAMLI'UIA STEAi>I TU® COM LLg PAX V.-—N&fcly grlvoJi that H.ppllcu.tlou hiis been inside for tie renewul of Certificate No. 6, issued March 5, 1857, for the payment of $25, being for (lie first instalment on five shares of stock of said Company,- the same having*hceu lost or mislaid by ns, nolB»nith4l* WM. J. MARTIN Jt GO: PEOPLE'S LI TEG ARY INSTITUTE. IJyJj? —The Fifth Lecture of Uu* Course will be deliver ed on THURSDAY EVENING, November 28, at con cert by gkojUtBWM CVKTIS.BSQ. Sub. ject—"iYfltfonflf Honor." Lemur, uunrter before 8 o’clock, Ticket 25 cents, at T. 13. PUGH’S, SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. 0023-lfst PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE COM* 115 FANY« Nnveiiihor 2oi 1801.— A mooting of tho fttocklKilcleiH of the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE COMPANY will ho held on MONDAY next, December 2, at 12 o’clock, at the EXCHANGE, (Room No. 30, third Door,) for the purport of electing nine managers, to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of athw Lu-imuu. hoQ;'»-Gt WM. S. GRANT, Secretary. ry» OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD iLi? COMPANY, Philadelphia, October 15,1861. — The Board of Directors have this day dec]ftr?4 ft Stfhi annnai dividend of Tllß]f£ PEft CEtIT, 91) tt)9 Capital stock of the Company, dear of State tax, payable on and after November 15,1861. Powers-of-Attornoy for collection of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company, No. 238 South THIRD Street. 0«17-tdel THOS. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. MILITARY NOTICES. i ATTENTION!—TEN MORE MEN H wanted to fill up Company B, Oapt. A.'H. BON JIJmaN, attached to Col. E. M. GREGORY’S Regi ment, now under marching orders. Headquarters NINTH and CHESTNUT. n027-3t* JU WANTED—TEN MEN FOR H Company G, Ninety-First Bogiment, Colonel K. M. Ilf GREGORY. Apply a( the GIRARD HOUSE, or, “ CAMP CHASE, on the Larl*y Road. n027-st* E, G, SELLERS* Captain, S WANTED—TWELVE GOOD Men for Company I, Col. GREGORY’S Regiment, now at CAMP CHASE, Darby Road. Will leave for tho seat of war in a few days. Apply at headquarters, GIIURL U6B§£. ' n027-3t* JOHN F. ,CAItIE, Captain. S ALMOST READY TO MOVE— Colonel E. M. GREGORY’S NINETY-FIRST REGiMENT, Headquarters GIBA.I»P UQVSfi, en camped at Camp CHASE, PARS IT Road, one and a half miles from Market street, to move to the seat of war in a few days. Only a few more good men to com plete the regimeut. '• n027-3t# 8 UNITED STATES MARINES.— Wanted immediately for the United States Marine- Corps, THREE HUNDRED ABLE-BODIED MEN for sea service, between the ages of Wid' tim-t?—five years. AH information tlmt may Ue required will be given at the Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, below Spruce. JAMES LEWIS, Captain, Recruiting Officer. n027-12t S' REGIMENTAL ORDERS, No. 5. —ln obedience to general orders No. 5, the Second Regular Reserve Brigade will form on Franklin street, right-resting on Race, at 9 A. M.,.TIIURS DAYi 28tli ill lit. liy order, ALFRED DAY. Colonel Commanding. S. G. THOMPSON, Adjutant. It* M HEADQUARTERS CURTIN fl LIGHT GUARD T* To NO* 801 W SANSOM Street Authorized by tire Governor, and accepted by the Federal Government. Comfortable quarters provided in Philadelphia. Pay, Rations, and Uniform as soon as enrolled. By order of CQI«, H, J, STAINROOK. W. R. MAC ADAM, Adjutant. n026-st* REGIMENT OF LANCERS. RECRUITS WANTED. A few Young Men or CrQOD CHARACTER to fill va cancies in tho PHILADELPHIA LIGHT CAVALRY. No Minors need apply. TWO DOLLARS BOUNTY will he paid to any one who will bring an accepted recruit, when mustered into service. Five feet seven inches is the liviglit iwiv iii tliin Rvaimcnti which GENERAL MoOLELLAN ,las s-IrctMl as A REGIMENT OF LANCERS. Apply at once at the Rendezvous, 426 MARKET STREET. n027.4t* THE WORLD’S PAIR OP 1862.- Persons desirous of sending articles for exhibition at the World’s Fair opening at LONDON May 1, 1862, arc informed that application must be made through tho resident agent at thi» city, and the articles accepted must bo sent to TSwf YorK before January Lnoxti Tho agent for this city is Dr. A. L. ELAYER, as sisted by L. BLODGET, Secretary of the Board of Trade, at whose office, 505 CHESTNUT Street, appli cations from manufacturers and inventors are invited. n027-6t WINDOW SHADES.—The subscri- Y Y hers keep constantly on hand, and put up i n the very best manner, both in town and country. Plain evory description. They also furnish Shades colored to order, adapting them to the color of the front, or to the prevailing color In the room; and supply Shades in quantities, and at re duced prices, for Churches, Hospitals, and other public buildings. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEtf, £ AMIs6N, Importers and Dealers in Curtains, Curtain Materials, etc., 1608 CHESTNUT Street. n027-tf Photographers and ambro- TYPEKS.—Now ia your time to order a supply of fancy, plain, and other Cases. Cameras, Chemicals, and materials of every description used in the art, at GEO. DABBS & CO-, 401 KAN STEAD PLACE, FOURTH Phi!:»»};•!jrSi, 1 ,;.. They Itnvu jtisd ra.-eived a isirge supply of the newest patterns, Ac., for the livliduys which they will sell at New York prices for cash. Orders by Mail or Express filled with despatch n027-2t* The copartnership here- TOFORK existing under the. firm of GAUL & LFIVIS, is this day dissolved by mutual conseut. The biisiuess of the firm will be settled by either part hol ut N0.'211 North FOURTH WILLIAM GAUL, THEODORE C. LEWIS. Pmt.ADKi.rniA, October 31,18G1. n027-wot m RUSS KS!~ BRACES!! SIJP- X PORTERS!!! 0. 11. NEEDLES, S. W. corner. BACK and TWELFTH Streets, Phila., Practical Adjuster of Trusses and Mechanical Appli nii(!QB, has Constantly on hand a largo and vntd&l stock of elegant French Trusses, and a complete assortment of best American, English, and American Supporters and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensories, Syringes in great variety, French Pessaries, SHEPHERD rLAID LONG SHAWLS, $6.25. BLACK AND PURPLE PRINTED CAMLETS, 37 N cents. BLACK AHP WHITE PE LAIHES, 12 Cents. BALMORAL SKIRTS BLACK CENTRE BROGUE SCARPS. it A VI AN WHITE DOMET FLANNELS, WOOLLEN KNITTING YARNS, Manufactured fjsprcsfil)- for ARMY SOCKS, in store tihd for Hide by LEWIS DOSTER. no2o-2t* N. W. Corner FOURTH mill ARCH. House furnishing dry GOODS.—SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, Importers tuul Dealer* iu Linen, and Houso Fnrnißhimt Dry Good*, etc. « Have now on hand n full assortment of Linon Sheeting, Table Cloths, Napkin*, Table, Diaper Towelling, etc., etc., imported under tiro old tarilf, or bought a great sac l'ifilT, N.D.— fstp per cent, allowed on pnreimsos as above, if paid for on delivery. no27tf Dress goods. Reps, MoyißPfa, Poplin*, Pvlftittfß, Ac, Diacu TophpS) Mcrinoesj Delainedy BorobtwtfJiefb &c« COOPER & CONABD, no 7 NINTH and MARKET. CLOAKS— Ready 11.-'..1.. ar m' to order. COOPER A CONARD, no 7 NINTH and MARKET Streets. WHOLESALE HOUSES. jyj O RAVI A N VAItK 13SUE KEE SKI'S, WHITE DOJI MET FLANNELS. BLUE FI. AM MELS. BLANKETS 5 -t-VD 10 lbs. PER PAIR. CADET SAT TINE TTS. WQQKUKN KM ITT INQ YARNS In store and for sale. LEWIS DOSTER. N. W. COP.NEU FOURTH AND AT!(III. It* ' ' NATIONAL LOAN. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE & Co., BANKERS HO. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. Pursuant to infractions from the Secretary of the Treasury, the Subsenistiftt BoaU la the NEW NA TIONAL LOAN of Treasury Notes, bearing interest at the rate of seven and threa-tentha per cent, per annum, will remain open at my office, No. 114 SOUTH THIEP STREET, until further notice, from 8 A. 51. until 5 P. 51., and on Monday s till 9 P. 51. These ntfe® yfi\\ b27-wfni3ni TF YOU WOULD HAYS A PIC* JL TUBE to please you get a Colored for $1 at IlElMEft'a Geliery, SECOND Streep GREEK. The accuracy of color and finish nevor i>*»7 *° please. It* Lamp shade manufactory of qvAßitti, Southeast corner of NINTH ami ARCH Streets, Wholesale Establishment. Retail Store, opposite, No. 831 ARCH Street, For cobvenieijce of Liuly customers, who will lind there the iitoist uriiole for a Ciiriatutsaa irredcut. n025-td*3l Homoeopathic dispensary, 509 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, OrieS nAiry, from 12 to a o’clock, (Sundays excepted.) Consulting Physicians—RlCH’D B. GARDINER, M. D„ JAMES KITCHEN, M. D„ FKANCIS SIMS, M. D. JOB. H. GALLAGHER, M. D., Attending l'hysi- Clin. linQl-fit fIHEAP SUGARS.—C. DONOGHUE, \J 23 Sontli WATER Street, is noiv soiling Stoam- Rcflned Sugars, Syrups, Coffee, and Adamantine Cundlos at rcUnccd Brices, to prompt cash bnyers, n028.3t* T3ORDEAUX BRANDY.—46 Pack ages J. J. Dupuy Brandy, in bond, for sale by the sole agent*, JAURKTCHE & CARSTAIBS, 802 and 204 epHtUfBOHX Street, ««28-tt HOLIDAY GOODS QHRISTMAS IS COMING, And wo are assured that many who read Tlue. rress an: ulrendy considering WHAT TO PRESENT TO THEIR GENTLEMAN' FRIENDS. Wo would suggest tho following A FINE WRAPPER, MUFFLER, SCARF, TIE, or GLOVES. Or, ir they have friend* IK THU ARMV, what could 1.0 more lureiitablo to our noble Volunteer* and Ollicers, than COOT FLANNEL MiIIRTF, OR HEAVY UNDERCLOTHING? THE PLACE TO HUY THEM W. W. KNIGHT’S GENTS' FURNISHING STORE, No. GOfi ARCH STREET, N. TI. FINE SHIRTS ready made and made to or der, at 51.50, AND UPWARDS. n027-if tf LADIES’ CLOAKS. TAPIRS’ CLOAKS. JU We invite THE LADIES to oxmnino our KKWLY-RECF.IVED ASSORTMENT oc RUSSIAN PROMENADE JACKETS. CARL PETERS & CO,, Nortlionst Oornor TENTH and CHESTNUT St«. n027-0l MILITARY GOODS: JjJ_OZ DUCK ARMY STANDARD. FOB SALK BY ALFRED SLADE & Co., 30 lktiTJA Drill 40 SOUTH FRONT STREET, no2o-12T QOTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, V 6& &AL* BY tn729-r>m FROTHINGHAM A WELLS. FROFOSALS. A RMY SUPPLIES^—OFFICE OF _£\ TIIK ACTING COMjmuARV 00 gUIIHIdT ENOE, No. 1139 GIRARD STREET, Puii.aobi.i-uia, November 22,1861 PrcvpOHAls will ho remved at l thin office until 12 o’clock, M. i oh tho 30th tiny oP NOVEMBER, for fur* niehina fop thn ti>ia of thn Uult«4 Stfltea nvini', atmuh tltnoft n*\d in fcuch (lUAntltiuM as nifty bo required, (luring tho month of December, tho following Subsistence stores, viz.; 1.00,000 pounds first quality Smoked Bacon Sides, packed in tight of nb«>r.t»3oo pounds 2,000 l>=«rv*-ih “ Extra Supertim* ’’'Flour. 60,000 pounds first quality Pilot Jtretid, in good Hour bnrrols. 350 bushels first quality new white Beans, in good dry barrel*. IDO l/uelidfl lirat duality split Pofis» in good dry l»ar« rt’ls. 10,000 pounds prime Bice, in good Hour barrels. 30,000 pounds prime Kio Coffee,-in barrelft 42,000 pounds light yellow sugar, in‘barrels. 2,000 gallons Vinegar. o,SO6iH>ni M h U*t .nudity-A.Unumttne f.dl weight, one-fourth kixch mid three-fourilia twelves. 10,000 ponuds good hard Soap, full weight. 260 bushels good, clean, dry, line Suit, in good, tight IIIUTOhU 250 gallons good Molasses, or Syrnp, in barrels. Samples, in boxes distinctly marked,• to accompany proposals lor all articles except meat. AU of the articles to be of the best quality, securely packed, and in perfect order for transportation. Bids will include packages and delivpry In the city. Seller’s name and date of purchase required on each package. Certificated of inspection of tho Meat and Flour will Lo required. Bids from known dealers for ma nufacturers only will bo considered,.and. each bid inuat # bo accompanied by the Of tWD TCBPOIIfti- Lie persons for the fuithftiVperformanc© of the contract. Proposals to be endorsed “ Froposals for Subsistence stores,” and directed to Captain C. W. THOMAS, n23-6tif A. Q. M. and A. C. S., U. S. A. WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. j IN ORDER. TO REDUCE OUR large stock of WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and MUSICAL BOXES, we are now, in ac cordance with the times, offering them at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Ladles or gci>een’.en intending to purctaao a Watch for their own wear, .will find at our Establishment an article that can be IMPLICITLY RELIED ON for time, and at a price MUCH LOWER than ever before asked. Partieulft* attention la glvau. to rapalritig fine Watches, Clocks, and Musical Boxes, by skilful workmen. FARR & BROTHER, Importer®, 0c23-2mif 824 CHESTNUT Street, below Fourth. STAVES AND RANGES, j&h SILVER’S AIR-TIGHT GAS- O BKiKSI, FOB THE PABLOS, DININQ TOCIiOOM, AMD OFFISEi IN ALL SIZES, And made in the most approved manner, of the beat Imported Russia Iron, withPATENTED CLAY CYLIN DERS, of which we have the exclusive sale. NORTH, CHASE, & NOBTH, oil-dud* No. 200 North SECOND Street, rffr. NORTH, CHASE, & NORTH’S CELEBRATED COOKING STOVES, Q#B-WDBiuffliiK, with Doublerplirted Topa, and *ll the latest iniprovriiitinM. Manufactured and Bold at 012-2mif No. 209 North SECOND Street J&. THOMSON’S CELEBRATED LONDON “KITCHENER,” xfftr The beßt, moat durable, and conrenieat arrange ment for Cooking; baring the best facilities ior an abun dant supply of Hot Water, Boasting, Baking, Stevring, Broiling, 40; Tor gala. In various mm, of our own manufacture. NOBTH, CHASE, It NORTH, No. 209 North SECOND Street, 012-2mif Philadelphia. POST OEEIOE DEPARTMENT, July 17th, 1860. PHILADELPHIA LETTER CARRlERS.—Agrees ble to the authority conferred by the 10th section of the Act of Congress of 3d March, 1851, entitled “An Act to reduce the rates of postage iti the United States, njitl for other purposes,” it is licraby ordered, that all the ave nues, streets, lanes , alleys, roads, and highivays in the Consolidated City of Philadelphia, Pa., lying within the Ist, 2d, 3d, 4th, dtli, 6tli, 7th, Bth, 9th, 10th, lltli, 12th, 13th, 14th. 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, and 20th Wards of said city, and that part of the 24th Ward not Included within the limits of the Blockin' and Kingsossing Post Offices, be, and they are hereby, established as’post routes. This order to take effect Ist August, 1860, (Signed) ' J.NOLTi Postmaßtor aencrah Post Office Department, ? November 19, 1861 j PHILADELPHIA LETTER CARRIERS. Tho PosiiuaHer flnneral h&.v»ns;, on the 17 th d»y of Jnt/j iB6O, agreeable with the 10th section of the Act of Con gress of 3d March, 1851, entitled “ An Act to reduce and modify the Rates of Postage in tho United States, and for other purposes, *’ established as post roads alt the November 22,1861.) The above orders are published by direction of the Postmaster Coneral, C, A, VAW9ISK, n027-30-st Fostmaater, DR. VERNON PIERPOINT, MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSIGJANS, ENGLAND, Author of “Skin Diseases and thoir Remedies,” and »Diseases of the Rectum.” Maybe consulted at his KeBI 1012VaLHUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, FjtOM 10 o'clock A. SI. till 8 o’clock P. M., oh bt ArrOISTMBNT. Dr. PIERPOINT has been especially sucessful in bis treatment of tbe following diseases: SKIN DISEASES of Every Natnre, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA, and DISEASES of the RECTUM. no2B-tf School Apparatus for Class Illustrations, Globes, Drawing Instruments, Ac, made and for Hale by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 021 CHESTNUT StresL Priced and Illustrated Catalogues of 88 pages furnished gratis, and sent by mail froo, on application. no2l-lm fjfIEHRAPIJSS, OYSTERS STEWED 1 and PRIED, AND GHIORBM SALAD.—lrri tation Cards and other notices will be distributed in ail parts of the city, with punctuality. The undersigned is at all times prepared to present, for tho inspection of Ladies and Gontlemen, a list of the thing* iv lurgft or small entarlivlnMbht, IL& e&setn&y bo, thereby avoiding all unnecessary profusion and waste; and flatters himself, that by his long expe rience in business, he will be able at all times to give, as heretofore, entire satisfaction to all who favor him with their patronage. HENRY JONES, Caterer, - No. 250 South TWELFTH Street, above SPRUCE. ocl-6m IJIHEODORE EVERS’ PHOTOGRAPH AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY, NO. 606 ARCH STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, Opposite tbe Arch-street Theatre, naSG-bu if PHILADELPHIA. /"YLD LEAD—B barrels just received V/ per schooner Amalia, for sale by JAVBBTCHK A CABSTAIRS, ddT a® mfl aot South FBONT etcaet. # NEW PUBLICATIONS. Anew novel of great in- TKItKST AND POWER. NOW' KFIADVi FOR BETTER FOR WORSE, A Story from « Temple flar" and “ Tales of the A»y" Bvo, Paper Trice 60 Cents. Reduced to 37# cent* to compete with a cheaper edition* FOR SALE BY ALL BWKBKLLKftS, T. O. H. P. BURNHAM. PUBLISHER, 143 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. Sentoy mail post-paid on receipt of the price. no2fi-nnv 2t Books, law and misoella- NJCOUB. *mw and Abl, himeht. «dd. aim at 1., PJ.JLAOiuLPUiA-ilANli RO-.it STORE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to Bell, if at a distance, will state their names, sizes, bindings, dates, editions, prices, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by Benjamin Franklin, as well as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania Tor salo. Catalogues, in press, sent free. Libraries Ap praised by ffe26-tf] JOHN CAMPBELL. TTOKEIGN READING ROOMS, Jj 1323 CHESTNUT Stm t, corner of JUNIPER, OPEN EVERY DAY and EVENING for LADIES and GENTLEMEN. From 11 A. M. until 2 P, M. ex clusively fur Lathes All tho principal f mirth fifTIlMDi Mil E/lglifill IllllSi trated nnrt Literary FtTlOdiCillf) HFO rPßUlliriy fCCOIVCd every two wvekH. Oalirjnani's Messenger and Journal des&cbats l»y every mail from Europe. Terms of single Bubscriptiow per annum, $6; throe months, &2.50; one month, 5?l. Family subscription per aimunu 910; throo months, 93.60. Orders fQrTwvijfU Books and Periodicals forwarded by ever}- sj-^iner. ' LEYPOLDT, Foreign IWksotler, noHO-lm 1323 CHESTNUT, WANTS. A YOUNG MAN WANTS A SI TVATIDH as cierh or light Porter; would mate iiimsdr geiirnilly useful. Unrxrrplioniinle refeicnco Riven, or cash security, if rdiuircU. Address “O. C„” office of this paper. n027-wf2l* TO LAWYERS.—Wanted a Person of EWT£y, ALIHI y, &ti«l ReaprmsibilSfy to assisi in n Lrw and Ctdbcling Agency. Addrois Box 438, Post Office, Philadelphia, no‘.2G-3t* WANTED BY AN ACTIVE young man, a thorough Bookkeeper, a sltn fttloh lii R tiH-rcjuiljh? or nis.iml'acttiring «-dnl>liHliin»tnt. Address u .lf. W.,” Ibis office, no2(»-f>t*: TXT ANTED—A SUITE OF ROOMS, T T with Board, for a Single Gentleman, between Aroli iind Spruro and Ilroml awl TuMitiet.li atswcU. Ad (lrpßH » R. 11. J.," ihUafllw. hoQC4i* WANTED— BY A YOUNG MAN, a .Situation as CLERK, or employment in any LiifllhfKK oripscii)'. lias a general linowieigß o? IniitineilU) and can give the most satisfactory reference. Addross J. HOPPER, Blood’s Despatch Office. uolO*J2t# tfO KfjA TO LOAN ON MOKT- I])/J,UI/u *aok, by josi.ru is, j>rt7nrr r «o WALrJUT Street. no2&«ljt* WANTED—A FARM, within ten —3Cor tuHvc iullch or riiilaildpliln, for which tho bout aimlitv of Imtu'ot'oil elti 1 twipply u-Ul 1... *iv.n In «*- dullKO'. Aot.lv lo E. PETTIT, ocSO No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOK SALE AND TO LET. kVAAAAA.\A. l >.'. t .*l 'A.A>.AA A f&l TO LET The convenient LiIiiIDWELLING HOUSE, No. 311 I'lNBStreot-coii toliilng too jinrlure, dining room, kitchen, four clmmhcr*. iiixl too turret room*, nil in complete order. Rout low. liMiiiru »»No. 318 l'iiiu iilwid. ncailp oujmullo. rioL'l.Hfßi.lt# Theatre or m u s i c hall LEASK FOR SALE, newly fitted up In superior fiiylih on'the unmilnuNi Juiim* Jlotels 020 GiIftSTNUT Mredt. iimirire or Mr. .IONKS, at lioud, from 10 A. M. till 3 P. M«'Tor two vliictFare woodland,) pleasftntly Bituated in Limerick township*. Montgomery couuty, two and a half miles from the Limerick station, ou the Reading Railroad, is offered for sale. Price—Five thousand dol ■ lars (So,000). Apply on tho promises. Hol§-tf SAMUEL H» GRAFFi TO EXCHANGE—Cheap Delaware State Fruit and Grain Farm, containing 156 acres of laud, situate within one mile of railroad station, Delaware Railroad. Also, Montgomery county farm, coutainlHg9s fICrCS, Sighid&U tiilli-O above the city. For further partl culars apply to E. PETTIT, uol6 No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE—Valuable Farm, contain ins 130 acres l 30 acres af eMeeßfe&t Wa&dl&Hd, thA balance ill A high State of cultivation, nicely watered with springs aud vanning streams, situate 6 miles from Doylestown depot, and 2X miles from Lambertville sta tion and Delaware river, Bucks county. Plain and sub stantial stone improvements; good out-buildings, and every variety of rruitSi Price only STo per acre; easy terms. Apply to E. PETTIT, Bel 9 No. 309 WALNUT Street XpQR SALE—One of FAIRBANKS J_ (2,500 Urn} PLATFORM SCALES, nearly new; one SUGAR-MILL, nearly new. Also, a lot of superior Shelving, suitable for a Wholesale Grocery. Apply at No. 127 North FRONT Street. no2o-wfm6t* mA&AEA FALLS WATER POW 1\ ER.—CAPITALISTS AND MANUFACTU BERS. This immense water power is now ready for im mediate occupation, together with one hundred acres of land* embracing 0110 Quarter of the village, on which to locate mills and manufactories. The stipulations for price of pewer will bo one half that at Lowell, Mass., and the quantity is almost un limited Should the demand warrant it,, the American Fall can cawuly be stopped and its great. through the bank below its present site,.for mill purposes, under uheftd and fall of 200 leet. The title is perfect and the property unincumbered. For further information apply to N. W. Day or A. P. Floyd, Niagara. Fulls • AUumuU* Huy. N&. ISOftVlni street, Flui&delpkiu; llsn. T- A. Jenckea, Providence, B. I.: D. Thaxter, Boston: or the owner, HORACE U. BAY, No. 91 Liberty street. New Tore, September 2.1861. se4-wfrm3sa BOARDING. /?oTspruce Street—Rooms for UUtC fftnalies s»r single gentlemen, -with tKKvrU, no2G-Ct* ]£JtfGSFORP’S OSWEGO STARCH. ITS ADVANTAGES !!! It requires only HALF as much as of other Starch £ It irons best when wet, and does not stick to tho iwm! It gives a crisp and glossy finish to the Linen 1 It is more economical than u Cheap Starch I” sure it is Kings/ord's you get l It is for sale by all good retailers, ALLEN & NEEDLES, AGENTS FOR THE MANUFACTURERS, Nth 42 South DELAWARE AVENUE n023-12t and 41 South WATER Street. GROCERIES. rjio FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. We are ereearedi as heretofore, to amply famlllee at their Country Residences with every description ol FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, AO., AO. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, WBHRB BLSYfiiITH AHD TINS B&EBTB, mylS CILATE MANTELS. These henutiluUy enamelled iiANUfiLs, bo de cidedly preferable to any others, are manufactured by us, and sold at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ARNOLD & WILSON, eeß-3mif No. 1010 CHESTNUT Street rjTOE BALTIMORE GAS-BURNING FIREPLACE HEATER. Sometimes called the “ Latrobe Stove,” is the best stove for wanning the room in which it stands, and also rooms above. Call and look at them. ARNOLD & WILSON, oc&-&mlf No. 1616 Chestnut street* JpRESH MINCED MEAT. The subscriber begs lenve to inform the public that be is again prepared to offer Ilia justly celebrated NE PLUS ULTRA MINCED MEAT, In large or small quantities. Orders through De spatch Post will be punctually attended tp, JOSHUA WRIGHT, SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN Street* no!3-2m Philadelphia. COAL-OIL LAMP WITHOUT A CHIMNEY. TRITTINB’ PATENT COAL.OIL LAMP burns all kinds of coal oil without the use or a chimney. Burners ulln.K "ripWI.W ? R. H. WEEKS, General Agent, Bn g.l m 16 North SECOND Street. DAKER & CO.’S UNEXCELLED Ij cod LIYEB OlL—The most approved remody for CougbH, Colds* BronchitiKi Scrofula, &c. Physicians, in prescribing it, have fin the testimonials of many of the profession) a guarantee of genuineness iu which all the eflicncy of the invaluable medicine is retained. Invalids are ae'dnmi, by tbe evidence of thousands, that it is less nauseous and more readily retained to thoir benefit than many manufactured compounds Bold as Cod Liver Oil. Sold, wholesale aud retail, by the Proprietors and by City Apothecaries. JOHN 6. BAKER & CO-, no2o.]mlf 1M North THIBD Strwt. E. S. EARLEY, FURNISHING UNDERTAKER, Southwest corner of TENTH and GREEN Streets, nolB.3mi[* rhlladelDhia. AMUSEMENTS. American academy of MUSIC. GRAND GALA NIGHT! TO-NIGHT, TO-NIGHT, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 27, farewell, farewell, AND ONLY BENEFIT OF HERRMANN, OF HERRMANN, THE f! II EA T PitKsTl D I G IT ATE U B THE GREAT P It KBT ID I O ITATK UB ON THIS OCCASION MDME. ROSALIE HERRMANN MDME. ROSALIE HERRMANN Will mnke her FIRST APPEARANCE FIRST APPEARANCE IK llKit WORLD-FAMED EXPOSITION LA DOUBLE VUE, A MAGNIFICENT PROGRAMME, REPLETE WITH WONDERS. The perfonmtnce will commence with TIIK FLYING PHOTOGRAPHS, When Mr. HERRMANN, instend of throwing Card*, will tliniw TWO hundred photographs Ol iititln . h i.i, lI.UnMiN mid lliillneii, lo mi pm ta o.' tlio HERRMANN will he HflHiatcd by THE OKItJI A N I A ORCHESTRA. TO-MORROW, THANKSGIVING, TWO PERFORMANCES. MATINEE AT 3, EVENING AT 8. AdlntKttlon, DO cent*. Reserved Seats, 25 cent. OKtra, Amphitheatre, 25 u-ph, f; u |oml (iilllnryi 25 contt (No referred sent* ror the Mllllncc,) DOOM upon St IX’ Cfinnicnce at 8. OF MUSIC.— MANAGER AND LESSEE JAS. M. NIXON. WILL OPEN ON MONDAY EVENING NEXT, December 2d, with Mr, EDWIN I’ORREST. HIS FIRST APPEARANCE IN FIVE YEARS, Who will he supported by a full and efficient DRAMATIC COMPANY, Bw-'-omr;; uill P e o r <,n t, g'a-pay, N»r. 28th, for tiro Bale or JiESEKYKD SEATS for the lint four I'crforiminces. no2B-6t Q_KAND YOCAL AND INSTRU MENTAL CONCERT IN AID OK THE JEWISH FOSTER HOME. AT XIAKDKL k IfAYDIf HALL, ON SATL'ItDAY EVENING, November 30Ut, Varticnhira In future ndrertisements. TIfJKKTS To Uhad of lh* Himnwru, iibd u( Ihe bllhcipal MtiHie no2f-2t* miJANKSGIVING DAY.—TEMPLE JL or,WONDERS. SIGNOR IILITZ WII.I. fill's- THREE GRAND EXHIBITIONS or NATURAL JIAGfC, VENTRILOQUISM, ASH TIIK LEARNED OANARV BIRDS. ChnumuirliiK nt 11, 3, mid half nod 7 o'c\w,k. Adniißßlon 25 cciilb. Children 13 cent*. n027-2t* jyjTJSICAL FUND HALL. OItAND VOCAL AMI INSTItCMENTAL CONC'KKT, Tor tin* ttf th** VOLUNTEKU KKFHKBIIMKNT SALOONS, L’nclfr (In* dimcfion of -Hi»* Joint l-'it IJ»A v KVKNiNfi, i!m» foUovlm: itr'lfit*'# will uppoar ; MAI’AMK VAMiKIIV IHtytK'A, Prlmii Ikirmft Ahholuiji or the Opf*m lEioibo r»f L‘ml, (Hl* sir hi npjM*ttrH»rft-In thl* i;ity«) Mr,'JOHN y}t^y,KU t r)io ci*Jehr»fM KtJfflfHh Tenon fill AIjKXAXIWK WOLniV'SKC. Tlir renowmil J’liinifr—lilx flnil /ipp/mmiflu in Coucort. Anil MISS ANNIE LONSDALE, (JontwlJenno ttiul Klocutlmii.sf*- w!u> will r<*dt? Hii/ of “Tiie Volunlwr’n Wife/ 1 cm 1 lilQJ'ltlfiiiTliYftPhß. AiimiuHnut 60 ci-ufri. Tlrhets on Hub? at all the Mania Storm ami principal JJntnlh, at tin* Volunteer Refresh »m-n1 Subunit, and at tla* Hull day and evutiiug. Tl/IKS. JOHN UREW'S i-YI. AROH-STBEET TIIEATBE, Acting and Stage Manager. W, S, FREDEBIOKB. Bnnimrn) Agent and Treaanrcr.. JOS. D. HUBI'HT. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, November 2f, Tl.o jw-if.will cMnm.no- M'itii (tie Corflcgl' Vt THE JEALOUS wife. Bfrs. 0ak1ey....... Mr. Onkk*>\....... To conclude with THK SEVEN fILKUKS. Cliu.uh- ip ArniiHiL Victorlnc Change or Time.—Doors open at X before 7; curtain will rise at 7 if pn*clf« ly. No extra charge for reserved scats. * ' THEATRE— NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Sole Lessee MRS. M. A. GARRETT9ON. RK-KNGAGKMENT OF MR. J. S. CLARKE. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, Novutntai Q 7. Tlio purlormanop win emnmoiioe with TUB UCTOItOON. Sttlcni Sciulder.... Mr. J. S. Clarke. Jacob M’Closkfy.... Mr. S. Dubois. George Pevtorj,,Ml. DiltCOrabi Mr, snnnyrJilr,,, ( i ( Mr. Thayer. V,oo Mrs. Anna Cowell, Dora Sunnyside. Miss C. Jefferson. Pkicbs—6o, 37#, 75, and 25 cents; Privateßoxea* and $3, Doom mwn ftt CJi> Par fomuiiu (a Mftw«.K*4 U f y WHEATLEY’S CONTINENTAL THEATRE. ANOTHER THRONG of delighted spectators to witness the Gorgeous Eastern KMllffitfittfi Spectacle, TIIK cataract CF Tflß QANONSi Or, The Rnjuh*s Daughter. t will he performed TO-NIGHTfor the THIRD TIME. Together with IRISH ASSURANCE. GRASP MATIHER OK THAhKSQIYIItG DAY, *t2 o’clock, embracing tho GREAT SPECTACLE ASSEMBLY BUILDING, YVAUqg’g ITAIiIA, ■puySpfiT anil EVERT EVENING DURING THE WEEK, A SPLENDID PANORAMA Of the mo&t interesting scones in NORTHERN*CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN ITALY, THE UJIAND OATHEDfcAt At MtLAtt. TogetherwUii Scenes of great interest in the AMERICAN WAR, With ninny views illustrating the heroic struggle of our devoted soldiers. Grand MttNnee on ThanUsglvlk» Day, commencing at 3 o’clock. Also, oh Saturday afternoon. Admission 25 cts. Children 15 cts Magic lantern pictures of THE liEßEillOS — Representing all tbepromi— pent Scenes, Engagements, and incidents to this date, Tor sale by JAMES W. QUEEN A CO., 924 CHESTNUT Street. A Descriptive List furnished gratis, and sent by maM free* on application. uaQl-lm Temple op wonders, tenth and CHESTNUT Streets. SIGNOR BLITZ, THE GREAT MAGICIAN AND YBNTRILOQUISTi in his now aud Gonatantlyipariad atriorniuncost EVERY EVENING, commencing at 7JJ, and WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS* at 3—illustrating the astonishing and interesting- Myste ries cf Ancient and Modern Magic, entertaining Veatri loquial Demonstrations, in whjch ftjg T9iC9 Will MUBflt 'iriighii and fhv LEARNED CANARY DIRDBi Admission, 25 cents \ children, 13 cents. nolft-tf CARL WOLESOHN AND TBEO PORE THOMAS’ SERIES OF SIX CLASSI CAL SOIREES.—Third Season. Subscriptions will be received at the Principal Music Stores, where Pro grammes and full particulars can be seen nos 1m ORCHESIfiA. \J CARL SENTZ, Conductor* PUBLIC REHEARSALS every SATURDAY, at SJf o'clock P. M., at the MUSICAL FUND HILL. Package ef Eight Tickets, $1 } Single Tickets, 25 cts. To be had at Andre’fi, 1194 CMwtiUlt BtfWti J, E. ttoulii’fc and at the door of the Hath oc29«v PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 1035 CHESTNUT Street, b vp«n dsilli Bnmlaiß figceptalt from 9 A, M. till 6 P. at. Aaiuitaion 30 cento. Children under twefyo inn, half price. Shares of Stock. #3O. jyl TNSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND.— 1 Exhibition on AVIBBIfWNi St half pnat a o ; ctock. AdtntsaiePi TEN Cents. Store. U South EIGHTH Street. oc9-wtf EDUCATIONAL. French and Spanish lan guages.— F. LE BARRIER gives lessons of French or Spanish, either in schools or in private fami lies. ’Apply to him, every morning before ten o’clock, at M?B< SPLINT’S, 30 North NINTH Street, corner of FILBERT, no26*tt* PROF. F. A. BREGY, OF GIRARD College, gives private instruction in the French Language and Literature, Apply GIRARD COLLEGE. SAFES. LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RB ISPMOYED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, n« the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured M elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand a large assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the oslf strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, Lillie'S Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie’s Bank Vault Doors and Locks will b? fftTßllhft io order V 3 sWi i* «Won‘g6lrtt t>oßt fKK looted, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie's NOW Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Safe is con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of* f&t&jl fiS this U tho Duly ODD IL*l i» Are and burglar proof. Special Notice.— -I have now on hand say twenty M Parrel, Herring, A Co.’s Bafes, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a compMi assortment as to rises* and all lately exchanged for Mi now celebrated Lillis Safe. They will be sold at ita low priceß. Please call and examine. ja26-lyif M. 0. SADLER, Agent INSURANCE COMPANIES, TTAME INSURANCE COMPANY, Jl No. 406 CHESTNUT Stmt. FIRE AND INLAND INSURAJfSiJ, DIRECTORS. George W. Day* • * of Day A Matlock* Samuel Wright. “ Wright Bros. A 00. D. B. Bimey. “ Davis A Birney. Henry Lewis, Jr “ Lewis Bros. A 00, C. Rlchudian u J. 0. Haws A o*. Jno. W. Fverman « J. W. Evermaa A 00. Geo. A. West » West A Fohes. T. 8. Martin “ Savage, Martin, A 00. 0. Wilßon Davis Attomoy-at-law. I. D. of SiblWt Moltem A WoodnU. duo. Hauler, Jp. No. 3713 Green street. GEORGE W. DAY, President FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vloe-FraldMl. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD. Secretary. ja3B-tW SAVING FUNDS. SAVING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD end CHEST NUT etrnt.. INTEREST FITE PER CENT. S. B. CRAWFORD, Preeldent, JAMES K. HUNTER, Secretary and TreMtuw. Office. bourn, from 10 until 3 o’clock. Tlil«;oomi*hl it not Joined in any MuuioMum to W LegUUtfe».