The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 06, 1861, Image 4
FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. PHii.ADEi.rniA, November 0, 1861. TUo Stock market exhibited Still more improvement to day* Pennsylvania five* sold at 76#, City sixes, of the new Ratio. at 92, and the old issue advanced to 83#. Beading Railroad shares sold at the first board at 17 % nnd between boards at 17 G 9-100. Pennsylvania Railroad shares sow at the first hoard atd»#,butntterilic Second board at 87#. Camden and Amboy Railroad sixes of 3550, Fold at 80#. Pennsylvania Railroad first mortgage sixes at 06. Korth Pennsylvania Railroad sixes at 63#. Harrisburg Railroad shares were steady at 51#. Lehigh twigntion at 50. Norristown Railroad ac 43. Beaver Meadow Railroad at 58#. Several of the banks are expected to pass their semi iumual dividends. The Girard Bank has guttered a losb upon Southern railroad bonds, estimated at two hundred thousand dollar.*, ami, cousiNjuemly, and wisely, makes no dividend. Others of the banks have business paper secured by large amounts of collateral in the shape of notes, given by Southern merchants. While the war lasts the collateral ie worthless, and the makers of the notes bavins failed, the funds of the banks are to such an extent locked up until the war is ended. Meanwhile, the stockholders must wait for dividends. The following dividends have been declared: I'aru erg «nrt Mechanics’ ••••3 per cent. l’kiUuHphia ..a m Western ..3 u Southwark., Commercial, Commerce.. Tradesmen’s. Meehwnpg-. Northern Liberties City Bank.. Manufacturers and Mechanics’ o The American Mutual Insurance Company divide six per cent. The Steamship arrived from Bfigl&bd tlllS DlOl'U ifig, brings §310,000 In specie. Tlie Bankers'' 3lagazine for November, 1861, is pub lished by J. Smith Hainan*, Jr., New York. Its leading articles arc a continnatlOTi of Mr. Hickrox'a article upon the History of American Ooinngc, Cic Adroulllrijsuf Miles, the Hanker, of Paris, Objections to Government Demand Notts, by ft New York Hank Officer, Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion, and a large variety of smaller interesting articles. The Boston Traveller says: The week commences under highly favorable auspices, as it regards rates of interest lor loans and discounts, both at the institutions and in the open market. The suiulyof good bankable paper, however, is remarkably limited, owing to cash payments taking the place of cre <Uts. Large balances are d«l& tklifl eitj, l ffOOl OUtsOf»tOWH banks and other cities, and all the foreign exchanges are favorable to this side of the water, and h*ve a tendency to increase the snpply of conetautly-accumulatiug specie. The copper niinius interest is claiming a fair share of public Hwl the reports from the Fewabic Isle liOyRlO) Franklin and Rockland mln«s, Are highly sAtls factory, as it regards prospects, products, and expenses, lining the coming week, the October returns of tlie Isle Roy ale mine will be received at the treasurer’s office of this city. The Quarter which ended on SJOtU September, e av* 282 tans product valued at §Gd»000« ugftinat SS33)QW expenses, and netted $32,000 profit, equal to $1.50 per ehare on the twentv thousand shares. The quarter to cud with Tcceniber is expected to do as well, if not better, which would yield $3 per share, for the operations of six months, and place the mine on the listof dividend-paying Stocks, witn the Mluneboti, Pi«jb*i»£». Nftiiomil, and </«incy. Ingot copper is quoted at 2U£ cents cash, and 21 cents on time. The question having been mooted as to whether the holders of 7.30 cent. Treasury notes have the right to demand their conversion into etucki the York Tri bune publishes the following correspondence upon the point: No. 27 Wall Street, New York, Oct. 29,1861. Hon. S. 1\ Chase, Secretary of the Treasury: fc>in: Will vou have the goodness to iuform us whether the holder of 7 3.10 Treasury notes has the privilege of exchanging them for twenty yehrs six per cent, bonds at any time before the maturity of said notes i The supple mentary act says the Secretary may issue said bonds, but the question arises as to whether he has the option, or whether the holder of notes has the right to demand the exchange at anv time. With mucii respect, your Alvwlieilt BOPVflntC, WM. & JOHN O’BRIEN. Treasury' I>KrAitT.WEXT, Nov. 2,18C1. Gentlemen* : Your letter of the 29th ult. is received. The act of Congress to which 3*ou refer does not in ex- Pft'Ssi terms giro the holders of the three-years ionite the riffht to demand their exchange at Siiy lilttft b&foro tUIdP maturity for 6 per cent, bonds running twenty years, but it authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to make such exchange, and this authority is regarded by this Depart ment as entitling the holders to the option of making such . .. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, GKO. HARRINGTON, Acting Secretary of the Treasury. Messrs. W.m. and John O’Bhikn, No. 29 Wall street, New York. The Pittslutrs Dtsp<t/cl oP ys&ljSdftl* 33.V01 On Saturday week, 26th ult., Chief of Police J. G. Patterson obtained information which led him to suspect two men, named William Alton and J. D. Thompson, of passing counterfeit money. They were boarding at Mrs. on Liberty §treet, and suspicion was first di rected towards them by parties In the house. <?hief Pat terson visited Sirs. Ingram's on Saturday evening, the £6th nit., and had a conversation with Alton. Previous to Patterson coining to tli© house, and before dark, Thompson was observed going out the back way, and to ayprotwll ft board yard in the vicinity. He was followed l*v some children, but he* frightened them back by pro ducing a pistol. During Puttersuirs stay in the house, Alton paid some twenty dollars for his boarding, having previously hesitated to do so. A fear that he and Thompson would t; cut their bill” on her, induced Mrs. iDimimio throw out hints wM4t £ avc riso to s>»ni cion against them, and which iwa resulted in tueit* appre hension. Alton had his wife with him, and leaving Mrs. In gram’s on Monday morning, he went t» housekeeping on the corner of Puqjiesuc way and Stauwix street, Thomp lo lging with him. A close watch was Kept on the house, but nothing turned up until Thursday morning, when tlie private watchman at Applegate's foundry came to the Mayors office with a package containing twelve hundred dollars in counterfeit money, wrapped in 3 table napkin, identified as belonging to Mrs. Ingram. The watchman stated that lie found Ihe package on Mon day morning, in a board-yard, near Mrs. I.’s boarding hotij*'. The counterfeit stuff consisted of $BOO in Tens on the Warren Dank, South Danvers, Mass., and $4OO in J-'ivi's on the Jndson Bank, Osdensburg, St. Law ri’iiie comity i New Yerli. Ite execution is eucli that or (linarily good jinlgCß Of money might; very re»auy be de ceived by it. Tens of the Warren Dank were presented, not with intention to defraud, at » broker’s office, and readily taken, and itwas only after a critical examina tion that they were believed to be counterfeit. Alto a wit* arrested on Friday morning at liis hous@. Thompson manased to make his exit by im entrance un known to the police; but returning to the house about four P. H., on Saturday) he was secured by Officers Strain and Hamilton, who hud been keeping close wattli. AltOl) 10 a resident of the city, and. we believe, was laised here. Thompson ie a Stranger, and lias been hi tin's vicinity bvt a short time. Both were locked up for examination to-day. The New York Port of this evening says: Stocks were dull and weak early in the day, but the news of tJie safety of ILe naval ex j»odllio& hU A Strong impetus to the market, and the closing prices show an advance of i»or cent, on the prices of the printed list. The firmest of the list is Hudson Hirer. The closing enles were at MHt Kurt?’* in the day the stock was pressed on sellers option at 88#€t38?f. The Western stocks are buoyant, on account of the favorable traffic returns. Rock Island closes at sft bid, Hicliigan Central4B**, Toledo Zs%. Padfic Mail remains very firm fit Panama New York Central leaves off at with consi derable business at 79@79.?5. There is no movement whatever in Government or State stocks. Mipsouris are dull at ; Tenneasees at 42, CtaYffcoupon Tives of 1874 are offered freely ftt 8*994#, The money market is moderately active at 6®7 cent, on call) with considerable business doing at the outside figure. Exchange on London is easier—lo7 an 107 with more business lining, There is nothing new stirring at the Sub-Treasury to day. The subscriptions are light, but the aggregate j-aies of the Treasory Department average about it*mil lion per day. PlulHilHlplillt Stock Exchange Sales, *5,1891. ebb, Philadelphia Exchange. BOABD. V sPenn& 37^ 19 Morristown B mi? 6 do *9 10 2d & 3d St K .... 44¥ 10 do 44 5000 Penna B lsira.bS 00 1 Harrisburg JS... 51V S da Sly 9 do bl% 500 N Penna 6s. 53)4 Novenibei B*po*t*d bt fl. E. Slaymak 300City6eEew 92 5000 dOiimujiii 02 200 do 02 100 do 92 100 do 92 300 do .92 100 Bead 8....b5wn 37 % 300 do 17# 100 d0.,......b5 1? 69 50 do bdwn 17 69 50 d 0... ~bswn 17 69 ’ BOARDS, 2o LeWgli &H BETWEEN 500 City Cs New Gas, 83RI 1000 Penna R lstm.. 96 [ SECOND 1000 C & Amb 6s ’89.. 80# I 20 Lc-higk Nav 50. 18 do „ 50 2 50 BOARD. 11000 sth & ©th-St B 7b 92 500 City 6s New Gas. 83# lOßeav Mead-....* 58# 2 do, iii i it, i■ i 59# 50QPenua-55........ 76# 200 d 0........... 76# 1000 do sswn 76# BOARDS. ' ' 15 Penna S.... 37# JK&^aTEADY, 7 Harrisburg R... 51# 500 City 6s new ,02 100 South A Moy Gas 9# AFTER 1 2000 Penna 5a,. 76 V CLOSING FUlt Bid. Ask. VS 6%1881 93# 94# Phil*Bs intoff. 83 83# Philaftsß “ 83 83# Phil* 6s N « 01# 92 pfnnaSs, 76# 76# Beading 8..... if# if# Beading Bds *7O 80 V .. £*dg M 6e’80’43 89 Read M 6b’86.. 72 Bid. Atie. Elmira R Prof. 9 10 Elmira7s*73... 60 61 Long Island B. 10 10# Leh Cl & Nat.. 50 50# Leh Cl AN Scrp 31# 32 N Penna R..... 4# 6# N Penna B 65.. 53 55 N Penna B 10s. .. 71 Catawissa Pref. 4# 4 V Frkfd & South R 35 Penna 8....... 37# 37# Penna R 2dm 6a 83# 84 Morris Cl C0n.... 86 Morris Cl Pref .104 gcb Nav 6s *82.. 61 62 Sch Nav Imp 6b 72 - 2d A3dstsß.3. 44# 46 R&M&Vine-BteU a 4 W Phila R ex d 61 Sprnco A Pine.. 7# 8 Green A Coates 14 Cites & Walnut. 26 30 Sch Nav Stock. 4 5 gch Nay Pref.,. 10 12 Philadelphia markets* November s—Evening. The demand for Flour* both for export and home use,,tiog HiiJltd • ulUb l'eaeli game £@9oo blila at So for fine; 55.50 for superfine: $5.75 for extra.; $6 for Family flour; 700 bbls City Hills on private terms; and $6.25 f 157.50 bbl for fancy brands, according to finality. Bye Flour i* scarce, and selling at 53.87#®4 bbl. Corn Heal is dull at 92.81# W bl»l. Wheat.—There is a fair amount offering, and prices favor the tuyere, with sales of 15,000 bus at 128®130e for prime* Penna red, and 138®145c for white. Ryo—Sales of 2,000 bus Penna arereporteil at 71®72c, and Delaware at 65e66c. Corn is in steady demand, and 2,000 bus JTIIOW sold at 62@63c, afloat. (hits are unchanged: 0,000 bus prime Delaware sold at 39c, ami 2,000 bus Penn sylvania at 40c. Barley is dull: 700 bus New York sold at 72c, and 800 bus Southern at sfcc. Bark.— First No. 1 Quercitron is steady at S2B IP ton. CO'iTOX it- quiet, the advanced rah-d nMV AHrrerit checking buHiu-s?*. Gkoceujks and PnoviaiuNS.—There is nothing doing in either, and prices are unchanged. Seeds.—t'loversced is wantea nt $4.50 IP' bushel, wirh but little Offering, Timothy is with $1.75 bushel, add Flaxseed 51.5001.50 bushel. W hisky is unsettled amt lower *, bbls selling slowly at 21tt21#c, and drudge at 20#®21c copartnership notices. pOPAKTNKRSHIP NOTICE.—Wo have tfiisdaj' admitted EDWARD A. GREEN to an interest in our firm, the style and name of which to lie the same as before. STITT A BJtOWNE, Wool IU-aUps and CommijJiinn Murohantp, No. 6 South FRONT Street, Philsulplphia. SETH B. STITT. GEO. H. SHEBLE. JAS. M. BROWN, Massillor, Ohio. JAS. B. SOUTHWICK. EDWARD A. GREENE. rmbAPWH!.') N9T, 1i 18§I, nol-12t Mackerel, herring, shad, SALMON, &c.—3,000 bbls Mess Nos. 1,2, and 8 CACEEREL, large, medium, and small, in assorted AGk&gfS Of oiio* ce i late-caught, fat fish. 6,000 bbls. New Halifax} Baetport, and Labrador Her* togs, of choice qualities. <fooo boxes extra new seated Herrings. 8,000 boxes extra new No. 1 Herrings. . 8,000 boxes large Magdalina Herrings. 850 bbls. Mackinac White Fish. 80 I»LK Eecnamy Meia Bhftli *• 26 bbls. new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 quintals Grand Bank Codfish. 600 boxes Herkimer County .Cheese* In store and landing, for sale by MURPHY A KOONS, naS No. 146 NORTH WHABYB9. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. JAMES R. CAMPBELL.* SAM, W. DE COt'KSEY, J Committee or the Mows. BICHARD C. DALE, S' LETTER BAG? At the Merchants' Exchange* Philadelphia. Brig J C Coale, Linden Rio de Janeiro, soon Schr Luim, (Ilr) Wilson, Port Spain, Trinidad, soon Bchr Fannie, Vance Havana, soon Sclir S J Sterritt, Slerrltt Klngathu. Ja, goon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA* Nov. 0. 1861* SUN RISES 6 69 | SDN SETS .5 1 HIGH WATER... I & «fl ARRIVED. Sclir Mary Staudisb, Atwood, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. Schr Jos Maxtield, May, 6 days rrom Boston, in ballast to L Audcurled & Co. Schr L A Daucnhower, Miller, from Boston. Schr Sea Flower. Clark, from Albany. Schr New Zealand, Forlmr, from Brooklyn. Schr Jas IJ Jloyf, Lyons, fiom New York, bclir D B Steelman, Scull, from Providence. ciiSARED. Brig Nellie Mowe, Pike, St Thomas, E A Soudor & Co. Schr New Zealand, Forhau, Boston, J R Blakiston. Schr L A Danenhower, Miller, Boston, Sinuickdon A Glover. Schr J Mnxfleld, May, Boston, Ii Audearied <fc Co. Schr Jds 11 Hoyt, Lyons, Boston, do Schr D B Sterimuw, Scull, Pawtucket, do Sclir Sea Flower, Clark, Rewbeck, K Haro Powell, SAILED. The bark Ami Klizsibeth, Capt Norgrave, for Goree, WCA, gniled yesterday morning) with ft full ftnd YftUnbk cargo. The Bov D K Flickenger, missionary to the Minda mtesion, goes out as cabin passenger. (Correspondence of the Press.) HAVRE DE GRACE, Nov. 4. The steamer left here this morning with 16 boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows * Aerdillft Scebold, wheat to Humphreys, Hoffman A Wright; Frank Burrows, wheat, corn, <sc. to do; K W Frame, lumber to Chester; L Piolet, pig iron to lMuouix ville; Pennsylvania, wheat, Ac. to Perot A Bro; dAJ Tniiup T lumber to M Trump & Son; M Elizabeth, boxes to John Craig; Thos lV Rnvw, Limber to Wui 0 L(oy,l< Capt P Shay, boxes to John Craig; Gen Lyon, wheut to Budd & Comiy; Lucy Shoe, wheat to Perot A Bro; Con rad & Barber, bituminous coal, and Wm F Michael, lum ber to Norcross & Sheets; Frontier, coal to Delaware City; Wm G Thompson, wheat to Humphreys, Ilotfman & Wright. MEMORANDA. Brig Judge Blaney, Coombs, from St John, NB, for Philadelphia, at Salem 2d Inst. Brig Condova, Johuson, from Warren for Philadelphia, passed out uf Nvwpvrt 2d ingt, Schr Uecar F Hawley, Buckley, hence, arrived at Dan vers'2d inst. Bcbr Yenloo, Clossen, hence for St John, NB, at Salem 2d inst. Seine J Cadwalndcr, Clayton, J D McCarthy, Smith, John MoAduni; Piurioih P Doicci lioicei flud IWbt Curr son, High, cioired at Boston 4th inst. for fiiilaaclphta. Schrs Isabella Thompson, Corson, hence, and Del pliine, Ross, from Egg Harbor, at Providence Rd inst. Schrs II W Godfrey, Weeks, T Benedict, Goldsmith, and H W Benedict, Ellis, sailed from Providence 2d ilist lor riiiiacUipiiia. NOTICE TO MARINERS. NAVESIXK LIGHTS, MARKING THE APFROACUBS TO THE JIAKIIOK OF SOW YORK. TWO H6W iight-bouse towers are being crectal at Nave* Sink, NJ, a few feot iu the rear of the two light-house towers from whiclrthc existing lights are now exhibited. On or about the first day of May, 1862, of .which duo notice will be given iu advance, two first order fixed lights will be exhibited from the new towers, and the old towers will lie removed. The illuminating apparatus will be catadioptric, of the first order, according to the system of Fresnel. The tow ers are built of reddish-gray granite, are each 53 feet 6 inches iu height from the base to the lantern deck, hav ing a focal plane above thea mean level ol the sea of 253 feet. Jbpth lights will liavo exactly the same elevation. The now towers stand 328 feet apart from centre to centre of lanterns, and preserve the bearings of the old ones from each other. The intelligent seaman will not fail to perceive that, in approaching the entrance to the bay of New York from tlie southward, after passing the Capc-s of the Delaware, lie limy eta (if within their muse) the first order fixed light at Absecom, or the first order revolving or Hashing light (visible once in every ten seconds) at Barncgat, on the Jersey coast, and then the two first order ftxeUlights at Navesink; or if approaching from the eastward, after passingHmitauk first order light, (fixed, varied by fiadios OBCe in evvi y D v 9 minutes; he may sec the first order fixed light at Great WcaC (Shinnecock) Bay, or tii« first order revolving light (once every minute) at Fire Island, from which last light he can shape his course to make the two fixed lights at Navesink. The Navesink lights are 3S)£ nautical miles to the northward of the fiarnogat light) and 35 nautical milea tc the westward of Fire Island light. The Barnegat and Nave&iuk lights will be seen at the same time, in clear weather, in 16 fathoms water, and at 13 nautical miles distance from the New Jersey beach. The Fire Island andNavesink lights will be seen at the same titue in clear -weather In 16 fsltl&ffiS W&tliP t ftlld 3.t 17 nautical miles distance from the Long Island beach. The rxistinglightsat Navcsinkhave a mean range of— Revolving light, twenty-two nautical miles. Fixed lights, twenty nautical miles. The two first arder fixed lights to bo exhibited from the new. towers, on or about tlie isi of may, 1662, will haV£ a range (under ordinary states of the atmosphere, from the deck of a vessel 15 foot above the water) of 25yx-nau tical miles, and both will be made at the same time, and both will be seen at the same time when withiu their rfrige* A new notice will bo issued during the ensuing winter, getting forth the precise higlit All U'llifih thC Old lights Will be discontinued and the new fixed lights exhibited. By order. THORNTON A. JENKINS, Secretary. Treasury Department, Office L. H. Board, Washington CitVj l9, IS6I. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. «rpHE PRESS” BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. No. 4lf CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The attention of the Easiness Community is re spectfully invited to the New Book and Job Print ing Office of The Press, which has been fitted up with New Material, in the most Complete Manner, and is now prepared to execute, in a satisfactory Style, every variety of Printing. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CARDS, CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, BILL HEADS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADINGS, DEEDS, BONDS, MORTGAGES, CERTIFICATES, BALL TICKETS & PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, HANDBILLS, DRUGGISTS’ LABELS, HEBCHANTS, MANUFACTUBEBS, MECHANICS, liAWYEBB, AUGTIONEEBB, PUBLIC OFFICEBS, BANKS, BAIL- BOAD AND INSURANCE COMrAKIES, Ero., Will be supplied with any description of Printing required, at Short Notice and on the most Rea gontble Terms. j?3O-tf EDUCATIONAL. TENNENT SCHOOL FOR BOYS, HARTBVILLE, Bucks county, Pa. Next term commences Nov. 6th. oc2B-12t* Bov. Sf. LONG, 51. A., Principal. MB. WINTHfiOP TAPPAN’S BQAKDING ana BAT SCHOOIi for young la dies, vrill reopen at No. 1616 SPBUCB Street, on WED NESDAY, September IS. se7-2m The west Chester academy, Ht TVeST Chester, l'n , within two honrs* ride from Philadelphia, by lltc IVnmsytvnmtt Central, or by the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, via Media. Tli© Winter Term, of full five months, commences on the Ist of NOVEMBER. “ Tactics** will l>© introduced as ft regular department of the gyatem of in struction, to those who desire to avail themselves of Sts advantages, at a moderate charge. Eight tried and experienced Teachers assist the Prin cipal in the duties of the school. WJL JT. WYERS, A. M. t Principal. Philosophical instruments, SCHOOL APPARATUS for CLASS ILLUSTRA TION'S, Globes, Drawing Instruments, Ac., Ac., made and for 8816 bl lA ?*ma}£isKm SuZl Priced and Illustrated Catalogue, of 8S -pages, fur nished gratis, and seat by mail free, on application, sel 8-2 m Drain pipe.—steam-pressed STONEWARE DRAIN PIPE. ~ PRICE LIST. 2-inch bore, per yard 25cents* 8“ ** »t ........ 30** 4 “ 44 u ’’lin.V.’, 40 H 6 *» 44 44 50 « 6 44 44 44 65 44 7 •« 44 44 u 8 11 44 44 no ** 0 44 44 44 ■ “ 10 8f 44 “ 44 12 44 44 44 20Q i* A liberal discount allowed to Dealers, and to those or dering in large Quantities. FACTORY—SEVENTH and Germantown road. B. A. HAUKiaoa, 9clD-tt Warehouse 1010 CHESTNUT Street CIRCULARS, PAPER BOOKS, Etc., Etc., Etc. THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1861. MEDICINAL. li/1 UTTER’S COUGH StfRUP. lU F. BROWN. COPY-RIGHT SECURED. iPrepnrcd only from the firiKinnl Proscription of the ItU rRDFKSsOR MUTTER. AT FREDERICK BROWN’S, Northeast corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Philadelphia. This Bcmcdy is a safe and simple preparation from the rowiptof the lutcdiriiiiguifhtt! iWcssor with whom it was a fovorite prescription. That ho used it in hifl extensive practice, insures to the timid a certain pmorof its pure and innoxious elements, and to those who know' his character for skill and careful attention, to prescribe only such remedial agents as should eocuro restoration without producing subsequent evil, It will be Wfk’oimd as n rt-nj good. Under Iho g«i!dsinc*> of & Ph> J eician (to whom its combination will unhesitatingly be made known), it will ahvnjs be found very beneficial, and in cases where a medical adviser is not at haud, it may be used with safety, according to the directions, in all cases of short or long miration. Tor wile at FREDERICK BROWN’S, Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of FIFTH anil CHESTNUT Sts., oclft-s&u 6m Philadelphia. Elixir propylamine, The New Kerned? to* rheumatism. During the past year we have introduced to the nofloe of the medical profession of this country the Pure Cf|i* taliitd Chloride of Propylamine , as a REMEDY FOB RHEUMATISM. • and taring rewired from many wwwti phy ticians of the liigheat standing and from the MOST FLATTERING TESTIMONIALS of its real value in the treatment of this painful and oh* sflnate disease, we are induced to present it to the public In u form READY FOB IMMEDIATE USE, which we tftp? will commend itself to those who are suffering with this afflicting complaint, and to the medical practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the form above spoken oft has recently been extensively experimented with In the PENNSYLVANIA MOSPITAL, and with MARKED SUCCESS, tas will appear from the published accounts in the medical journals). >9r It is carefully put up ready for immediate use, with full directions, and can be obtained from all the druggists at 76 cents per bottle, and at wholesale of BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, ma 24-Iy Philadelphia. HELMBOLD’S genuine PREPARATIONS. HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BCOHU Cures Diseases of the Bladder. HELMBOLD’S EXTRAS? BUCHU Cures Diseases of the Kidneys. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Gravel. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Dropsy. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT DVCIfC Cures Nervous Sufferers. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Cure? Debilitated Sufferers. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU For Loss of Memory. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUOIIU For Loss of Power. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU For Consumption, Insanity. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU For Epileptic Fits, St. Vitua* Dance. BEi,MßOLi>*§ EXTRACT BUCHU For Difficulty of Breathing. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU For General Weakness. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU For Weak Nerves. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Trembling. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU For Night Sweats. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU For Cold Feet. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU For Dlmhofcidf Vision. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU For Languor. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU For Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System* HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Per Frtl!i4 Countenance. HFLMBOLP’S EXTRACT BUCHU " ‘ For Eruptions. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU For Pains in tho Back. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU For Headache. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU For Sick Stomach. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. If you arc suffering with any of the above distressing ailments, use HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU. Tw it, am! be eenvincod of its (iffiosoy. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU, recommended by names known to SCIENCE and FAME. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU. See remarks made by the late Dr. Physic. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUGIHT. gee Dr. De« woe’s valuable work on Practice of Physic. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU. See Dispensa tory of tho United States. HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU. See remarks made by Dn Ephraim McDowell, a celebrated physi cian, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in King aud Queen’s Journal. HELMBOLD’S Genuine Preparations. Bee Medico- Cbirnrglcal Review, published by Benjamin Travers, F. B. C. S. HELMBOLD’S Genuine Preparations, gee most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. HELMBOLD’S Genuine Preparations. See remarks made by distinguished Clergymen. HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS tt Give health and vigor to tho from?) Aud bloom to the pallid check and are so pleasant to the taste that patients become fond of them. . HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU, SI per bottle, or six for $5, delivered to any address. Depot 104 South tenTH Street, below CUestfiut, Philadelphia, Pa., where oil letters must be addressed. PHYSICIANS IN ATTENDANCE From 8 A. if. to & P.- M. Dwiribe symptoms In all oornmnnicatiom* ADVICE GRATIS. CURES GUARANTIED. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere, ocs*stuth3m TI/TRS. JAMES BETTS* CELEBRA- Iu TET> SUPp&RTEBS FOR LADIES, And ih* 'only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La dies and physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. Betts, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand Invalids have been advised by their physicians to use her appliances. Those only ore genuine boaring the United Stateß copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and al&o on the Supporters, with testimonials, ocld-tnthstf LEGAL. TESTATE DE" Li CEASED. Letters of Administration to the Estate of LOUIS MERIAM, dMCABod. bavins boon a ranted totho subicri* her, all persons indebted to his ostatc arc reunited to make payment, and those having claims to present them to MARIE HEKIAM, Administratrix, No. 526 South THIRD Street, Or to her Attorney, FREDERICK lIEYER, oc3o-w6t* No. 241 South THIRD Street. TTtTHEREAS WILLIAM T. BLACK f V MAN, of the Nineteenth ward, did, on the 18th day of A. D. 1861, maho and execute a General Assignment of all hifl estate, real and personal, to the undersigned, in trust for the benefit of creditors, all persons indebted to the said assignor wilt make pay ment to JOHN CLARK, corner of SECOND and GREEN Sts. Or, to' his Attorney, JOHN GOFORTH, oclti-wfuilSt* 115 South FIFTH Street. BUSINESS NOTICES. PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY.—The Laboratory of the subscribers la open daily, from 9A. M. to 6P. M,, for Analyses of Ores, Guanos, Waters, Ac. Also, for the Instruction of Students in Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology. 6pinionß given in Chemical nuefltioßS. Special Instruction in MEDICAL CHEMISTRY. JAMES C. BOOTH, THOS. H. GARRETT, TVA T DTI now \f n 0c1.3m No. 18 CHANT Stmt,Tenth, MowgrtA TOHN WELSH, Practical SLATE U ROOFER, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN Read, Is prepared to put on any amount of ROOFING, 98 {he most MODERATE TERMS. Will guaranty to make every Building perfectly Water-ti^ht. W Orders promptly attended to. myT-ly EVANS & WATSON’S IV BALAMAHDEB SAFES. ' STORE, 16 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIRE-PROOF SAFES always on hand. WiriES AND LIQUORS. PUKE POET WINE. DUQUE DO PORTO WINE, BOTTLED IN PORTUGAL IN 2820. - Phyulclanß And Invalids ift want of & reliable Article of pure Port Wine can be supplied by Inquiring for the above wine at CANTWELL A REFFBB’S, Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue . and MASTER Street. Hennessy, vine-yard pro orietors, Bisquit, Tricoche & Co., Marett, Pinet, and other approved brands of COGNAC .BRANDY, for sale, in bond and from store, by CANTWELL & KEFFEB, Southeast corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Btratr gTUABT’S PAISLEY MALT WHIS- Buchanan’s Coal Ha Whisky, Old Tom Gin, Old London Gin, London CordiHl Gan, Bolden.flln, In bond and store. CANTWELL & KEFFER, Southeast comer GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. ZOUAYE CHAMPAGNE. —A new brand—an excellent article. Imported and for sale at a price -to suit the times, by CANTWELL A KEF FER, southeast corner of GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. Rudesheimer-berg, LAUBEN fIEIMEB, and HOCKHEIMER WINE, in cases of one dozen bottles each; warranted pure. Imported and for sale low by CANTWELL & KEFFER, south east corner GERMANTOWN Avenue and MASTER Street. TIMMERMAN’S DRY CATAWBA M-X WlNE.—This approved brand of Cincinnati wine, the best article out for ** cobblers,*’ for sale pure, hot fled and in cases, by CA NTWELL k KEFFER, south east comer GBRMANTOWN Avcimt: »u<J MASTER Street. se24-6m Bordeaux brandy.—46 Pack ages J. J. Diipny Brandy, in bond, for sale by the eels Agents. JAURETCHK k GARSTAIRS, 202 and 204 Boutli FBONT Street. 0c22-tf T> OCHELLE BRANDIES.—PeIIevoT- J-l) Hill, A. Seiguette, and Alex. Selgnette, in half- pipes, Quarters and octaves, Tor sale, in bond, by JAUBEXCHE & CARSTAIBS, 202 201 Soutk PBONT SU'Mt 0c22-tf pOGNAC BRANDY.—Pinet, Castil lon, Bmiuit, Tricoclie, & Co., Sanvin Aine, Olau i«r and Hemiessr lintmlj', fvr ssls is Vwi JAD KEXCUE & GABSXAIBB, 202 and 204 Sootli FBOHX Street. 0c22-tf Anthracite insurance COMPANY. Authorized Capital $400,000 CHARTER PERPETUAL.'. Office No. 311 WALNUT Street, between Third and Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. This Company 'will insure against loss or damage bp Fire* on Boildinsui Furniture, end Hertimndte iw rally. _ • . Also, Marine Insurances on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. Inland Insurance to all parts of the Union. DIRECTORS. Joseph Hazileld, John Kctcham, John R. BlikiKtons Wm. F. Dean, J. E. Baum. ISSUER, President. DEAN, Vice President. ap3-tf Jacob Esher, D. Luther, li. Andenried, Davie Peareon, Peter Sieger, JACOB WM. I W. M. SMITH} Secretary. MEDICINAL. “ rnHEY GO RIGHT TO THE SPOT-* INSTANT RELTF! BTW YQVR CQUGH! PURIFY YOUR BREATH! STRENGTHEN YOUR VOIOB SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS ROOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. GENTLEMEN CARET SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. CHILDREN CRT FOB SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. They relieve a Cough instantly. They dear the Throat. They give strength and volnmo to the Yoiofl. They impart a delicious aroma to the Breath. They are delightful t* the Taste. They are made of aimplo herbs, and cannot harm any one. I advise every one who has a Cough, or a Husky Voice, or Bad Breath, or any difllcolty ol the Throat, to get a package of u, Throat Confection—. Vli£y Slit relieve yon instantly, and yon will agree with me that “ they go right to tho spot.’ 1 Von will find them very use ful and pleasant while travelling or attending publie meetings, for stilling yonr cough or allaying your thirst. If yon try one package I am safe in saying that yon will ever afterwards consider them indispensable. Von will find then §t ft. Druggists and Dealers in Hedielnes. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, My Signature la on each package. All others are oonnterfelt. A package wW he sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt o Thirty Cents, HENRY O. SPALDING. No, IS CJSPAR STREET, NEW YORK. CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE. NERVOUS HEADACHE. CURES ALL KINDS OF HE AD ACHEI By iU «I 4 6f ttal* Pillf the. P&ifldifttl ttttOkS Of Ntt* taut or Sick Headache may be prevented ; and if taktn at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom M in raooTteg tb« «*<* Head ache to which females are so subject* They act gently on the bowels, removing CostivsnesS For titerary Men , Student «, Delicate Females, and •11 persons of sedentary habit*-, they are valuable m a Im&ittvlEg the appetite, giving tone and now to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasti city and strength of the whole system. The CEPHAUO PILLS are the result of long investi gation and carefully WBdUCted experiments, having been In use many years, during which time they nave pre vented and relieved (. vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous sys tem or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely V£g6t&bU in their GOmpOSltiOlh MMI may be taken t at all times with perfect safety without making any clumge of diet, and the absence of any dis agreeable Hast* renders it easy to administer them to iMMrift. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! Xhe genulltf hSTO JUT® signatures of Henry 0. Spalding on each Box. Bold by Druggists and all other Dealers In Medicines. A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the PRICE, 25 CENTS. All orders should bo addressed HENRY CL SPALDING, 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORE. From fits Examiner, Norfolk, Va. Cephalic puis accomplish the abject for which they mn BUHIPi lis r Cure of headache in all its forms. From Ote Examiner, Norfolk, Pa. They have been tested In more than a thousand eases, with entire success. Trent the DiUiirhl, SL OUul. Minn. If yon are, or have been troubled with the headache, send for a box, [Cephalic Pills,] so that yon may hare them In case of an attach. •From at Aivertiter, PmUeim, S, I, The Oephalio Fills are said to bo a remarkably effec tive remedy for the headache, and one of the very best for that very frequent complaint which has ever been dis covered. From tti WiiUm B. B. Oiltllt, Chicago, 111. . We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his unrivalled Oephalio Fills. From the Sanawha Volley Star, Kanawha, Pa. We are enre that persons suifering with the headaohe, Who try (hem, will stick to them.. Trent file Southern Path Tinder, Nets Orisons, La. Try them! yon that are afflicted, and we are sard that your testimony can be added to the already numerous list that has received benefits that no otter medicine can bfoddte. Trent fits St Lottie Democrat. The Immense demand tor the article (Oephalio Fills) la rapidly increasing. Trom the fftuette, Davenport, lovia, Mr. Spalding would not connect his name with an ar ticle he did not know to possess real merit. Trent the Advertiser, Providence, ft. I. The testimony in their favor la strong, from the moi respectable Quarters, From the Daily Neva, Newport, B. I. Oephalio Fills are taking the place of all kinds. Prom fits Commercial Bulletin, Boston, Mau, Bsid to be very efficacious for the headaohe. From file Commercial Cincinnati. Buffering humanity can now he relieved. ffr A Single bottle of SPALDING'S PBEPABED (3LtJJ2 will save ten times their cost annnslly.'WW SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE ! SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE t BAYS THE PIECES 1 ECONOMY I ■W‘« A Stitoh m bn Bans Nixs.”H| As accidents will happen, even In well-regulated fami lies) it if yeiy desirable to have some cheap and conveni ent way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Ao. BfALDING'S PEEP ABED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to do without X It is always ready, and up to the sticking point. ' ■ » USEFUL IN EYEBY HOUSE.” N. B._A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price, eents. ‘J Address, HE lj' BY C.S P A L DING, jjo. 48 OEDAB STBEET, NEW YOBS. CAUTION. As certain unprincipled persons are attempting to palm off on , the unsuspecting public, Imitations of my FBH PABID GLUE, I would oauUou all persons to examine bolonjpnrahaalngi and sec that the full name, jw SPALDING’S FBEFABED GLUE "WE os the outeide Wrapper a others »-.* swindling CowMsfeila. fcll-tf INSITRAMCE COMPANIES. F" AME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 400 CHESTNUT Street FIBE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRBOTOBB. George V. DM of Day & Matlack. Samuel Wright « Wright Btob. A Co. D. B. Birney “ Davis £ Birney. Henry Lewie, Jr “ Lewie Broe. & Co. O. Richardson “ J. 0. Howe & Co. Jno. W Everman «J. W. Everman A Co. Geo, A, “ West A Fobes. F. 8. Martin. ..•**.-•••• '* Savage, Martin, A 00. O. Wilson Davis Attorney-at-law. jj. D, Woodruff. of Sibley, Molten, A Woodruff. Jno- Reader, Jr. No. 1718 Green street. GEORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vice-President. WIL-liaMS t. ftLANOHAfiD, SUerSi&ry. iftBLW Delaware mutual safety INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated hr the Legislature of Pennsylvania. 183*. Office, B. E. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Streets, PHILADELPHIA. MARINS INSURANCE. On Vessels, I Cargo, 1 To all Parte of the World. FrJlfiht, J INLAND INSURANCES On Goods by Bivers, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriages, to all parts of the Union. FIBE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1,1860. 6100,000 Hoi ted States five percent. Loan.... 6100.000 00 117,000 United States six per cent. Treasury Notes, (with accrued interest,).... 110,468 84 100.000 Pennsylvania state five per cent. L0an..,,, 95,970 00 31,000 do. do. six do. d 0... 21,046 00 123,050 Philadelphia City six percent. Loan 123,208 87 80,000 Tennessee State five per cent. Loan 34,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania fiailroad Sd mortgage six per cent, bonds 45,090 00 16,000 SOO aharcs stock Germantown Gag Company, interest and principal guarantied by the City of Philadel phia 15,300 00 6,000 100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company .......... ..... 6*oooloo simrofi North Ponnßylyasift fioffc road Company9oo 00 1,200 80 shares Philadelphia ice Boat and Steam Tug Company 1,200 00 250 6 shares Philadelphia and Havre-de- Grac« Steam Towboat Company.. 2&Q 2 shares Philadelphia Easfe&nge Company 1,000 2 shares Continental Hotel- C 0..... •666,700 par. Coat $647,836 84. Market vai. $664,666 71 Bills Receivable, for Insurances made 171,386 42 Bonds and Mortgages.... 34,609 00 Balances due at Agencies, Premiums on Ma rine Foliates, Interest, and other Debts duo the Company ,61,666 03 Bcrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies . ‘•"-■ifSSSSSr 1 ; DIKE' waiwUttUn, Edmund A. Souder, Theophilua Paulding, John B. Penrose, John C. Davis, /amts Trsi'wlri William £yrv, Jr., James C. Hand, William C. Ludwig, Joseph H.Seal, Dr. B. M. Huston, George G. Lieper, fiugt Craig, Charles Kollly, THOB. Hivkt Ltlbusr, Secrete T7HRE INSURANCE. «T MECHANICS’ INSITSaNCB OOMPANT OP PHILADELPHIA, No. 138 North SIXTH Street, below Race,- Insure Buildings, Goods, and Merchandise gene* rally, from Losb or Damage by Fire. The Company gua~ ranty to adjust all Losses promptly, and thereby hope t, merit the patronage of the public. DIBSOTOBSi Robert Flanigan, | Michael McGeoy, Edward McGovern, Thomas B. McCormick, John Bromley,. Francis Falls, John Cassndy, Bernard H. Hulsemann, Charles Clare, Michael Cahill. CIS COOPER, President. DiaiTi r£IHE RELIANCE WllUam Morgan* Francis Cooper, George L. Dougherty, James Martin, James Dutosb, Matthew UcAlf«ri Bernard Rafferty, Thomas J. Hemphill, Thomas Fisher, Francis McManus, PBA] Bmiis Biffbbty, Sec DUAL INSUBANCI OOMPAKT, OP PHILADBLPHIA, OFFICE i?o. §64 WALOTTV STREET, Insures against LOSS OB DAMAGE BY FIRE, on Houses, Stores, and other buildings, limited or perpetual, and on Furniture, . Goods, Wares, and Mer chandise, in town or _ country. GASH CAPITAL, S23I,IIO.OO—ASSETS $317,142.04, Which is invested as follows, viz: In first mortgage on city property, worth double the amount .............$192,000 00 Pennsylvania Bailroad Co.’s 6 per cent, first mortgage loan, at par........ S,OOO 00 Pennsylvania Bailroad Co.’s 6 per cent, se cond mortgage loan, ($30,000) 27,900 00 Huntingdon and Broad Top Bailroad and Canal Co.’s mortgage loan.. 4,000 00 Jjj£TOs fintoiftffhitHtiittfttMHtif ??£?? {? Con»leralloans,wellBecurea,,„*•••• a,&oo M City of Philadelphia 6 per cent loan80;000 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Pa. 88. loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock 6,135 01 Mechanics* Bank stock 2,812 60 Pennsylvania Bailroad Go/gstock,,, i«"in 4 ( OW 00 The Beliance Mutual Insurance Co.’s stock. 20,350 00 The County Fire Insurance Co/I stock..... 1,050 00 The Deleware M. S. Insurance Co/s stock. • 700 00 Union Mutual Insurance Co/s scrip... ..*•« 880 00 Bills receivable...... 14,302 74 Boot accounts, accrued interest, Ac. ....... 7,104 $ Cash on hand,, ~,.. 11,544 64 The Mutual, principle, combined with the security of i Stock (r&pi&l; the insured to participate in the FKOFIT9 of fbe Company, nithoat liability for bossii. Leases promptly adjusted and paid. DIRECTORS, Samuel Bigpham, Robert Steen, William Mnsser* Benj. W. Tingley, MarshaU Hill, J. Johußon Brown, Charles Lelftnd, Jacob T. Bunting, fi&Uh BAU'en, John Biseell, Pittsburg. !M TINGLEY, President Clem Tingley, William B. Thompson, Frederiok Brown* William Stevenson, John B. Worrell, 5. L. Carson, . Robert Toland, 6. D. Rosengarten, Charles 6. Wool, James S. Woodward, CM B. M. Hihohmah, Secretary February 16,1861. pENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU JE BANCE COMPANY, No. 021 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE IH SUSEB. Insure Lives for short terms or for the whole term of life; grant Annntieß and Endowments: purchase Life Inte rests in Beal Estate, and make all contracts depending on the contingencies of life. They act SB EsstUtfllSi Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, January 1,1831. Mortgages, ground rents, real estate 8322,081 0T United States Etocks, Treasury notes, loans of State of Pennsylvania, city of Philadel phia, i£ JBBJBBM Premium notes, loans or collaterals, Ac 237,801 S 3 Pennsylvania, North Pennsylvania Rail roads, and County 6 per cent, b0nd5...... 105,803 80 Bank, insurance, railroad, eanal stocks, Ac. 07,617 10 Cash on hand, agents’balances, Ac., Ac..... 88.200 11 *1,071,138 OS DANIEL L. MILLER, President. , SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice President Johh W. Honaoß, Secretary. Fire insurance EXCLUSIVE LY.—The PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated 1825. OHABTEB PER PETUAL. No. 510 WALNUT Btreet, opposite Independ ence Square.. This Company; favorably known to tbe community for thirty-sis years, continues to insure against Lois or Da mage by Fire, on public or private Buildings, either per manently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, stocks of Goods, or Merchandise generally* on liberal terms. Their Capital, together -with a large Surplus Fond, Is Invested in the most careful monner, which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the cape of loss. DIRECTORS, Jonathan PatterflOlli Thomas Robins, Qulntin Campbell, Daniel Smith, Jr., Alexander Benson, John Devereux, William Montelius, Thomas Smith. Isaac Haelehurst, PATTERSON. President, c rotary. upi JONATHAN William G. Cbowbll, So INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—OFFICE Nos. 4 and 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, North side of WAL NUT Street, between DOGK and THIRD Streets, Phila delphia. INCORPORATED In 1708—OHABTEB PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, 8200,000. PROPERTIES OF THE COMPANY, FEBRUARY 1, 1861, 8507,008.61. MARINE, FIRE, AND INLAND TBANBPOBTA HON INSURANCE. DIRECTORS. Henry D. Sherrerd, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Macalester, Tobias Wagner, William S. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, John B. Sudd, Henry (J. Freeman, William R. White, Obarlea 8. Lewis, George H. Stuart, George O. Carson, Edward 0. Knight. HENRY D. SHERRERD, President. WIU.UK Hirpkh. Secretary. jy29-tf fpHE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. {FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) odMFANT’S BUILDING, 2. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DIRECTORS. Mordecal L. Dawson, Geo. H. Stuart, John fl. Drown, B. A. Fahnestock, Andrew D. Cash, J. L. Erringer. 'OBD STARR, President, r* felK F. Batchford Starr, William McKee, Halbro PrSßltf, John M. Atwood, Benj T. Tredick, Henry Wharton, f. batch: OBAU.SS W. Coxk, Secret) TTXCHANGrE INSURANCE COM- Xy PANY—Office, No. 400 WALNUT Street Fire Insurance on Houses, and Merchandise generally, on favorable terms, either Limited or Perpetual. DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Buhsrll, Thonma Marau, John Q. Ginnodo, Charles Thompson, Edward It. Roberts, James T. Hale, Samuel D. Smedley, Joshua T. Owen, Reuben 0. Hale, John J. Griffiths. JEREMIAH BONBALL, President, JOHN Q. GINNODO, VicePresfctenL BiOHAftL) Coi, Secretary* JaSI American fire insurance COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third* flulwielpliim Having a large paid-up Capita) Stock and Surplus, In vested In sound and available Securities, continues to Insure on Dwellin Furniture, Merchandise, Ves sels in port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Pro perty. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. . RWUSV6RS. Thomas R. Maris, John Welsh, Samuel C. Morton, Patrick Brady, John T. Lowiffi THQM Albert C. L. Crawford, [AS R. MARIS, President. S Secretary. fIOMMONWEAL' XJ RANCH COMP AN"! PENNSYLVANIA. DIKE) David Jayne, M. D. t Johu M. Whitall, Edward C. Knight, Thomas S. Stewart, Bwif Jr., m FIEE INSU OF THE STATE OV OTOBB. Charles H. Rogers, John K. Walker, Robert Shoemaker, William Strothers, Stephen Coulter. fE, M. P. r Prenident. HIT ALL, Vice President, Jretary. Building, 613 CHESTNUT e»4-tf DaS'ID jay JOHN M. W 1 SAMUEL 8. MOON, Seci Office, Commonwealth B Street, Philadelphia. 3,630 M :ixitiB26|67B Ifi i««*m 486 96 29*108 n 8904*907 8 (TORS. i S&EifUlß.Stolus, J. F. Periston, Henry Bloan, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer Mcllvaine, Thomas C. Hand, Robert Barton, 1 Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Gyre, John B. Semple, Pittsburg D. T. Md?giUi, « A. B. Berger, “ AM MARTIN, President. 0. HAND. Vioe President, ry. n037-tf 8317,143 04 James R. Campbell, Edmund G. Dutilh, Charles W. Poultney, Israel Morris. railroad lines. NORTH FKNNB YL- Vania railroad. FOR BETHLEHEM, DOYLESTOWN, MAO«B CHUNK, HAZLETON, EASTON. WOKLRV, Ac. WINTER AnL'AN«E3rSJNT. THREE THROUGH TRAIN'D. On »nd after MONDAY, NOYEM ltd'll 4, 1861, F«- BtLger train* will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Pbihdelphiu, daily, (Sundays excepted,) üb*follows: At 6.40 A. M., (Express,) for Bethlehem? AlientOTTO, Uaucb Chunk, Hazleton, Ac. At 2.40 P. M., (Express,) for BellilMun, JStLBtOb, Aa This tram reaches Easton at 6 P. M., RUcJ makes ft close connection with the New -Jersey Contra) for Now Fork. At 6.06 P. M., for Betblobsm, Allentown, tfauob Chunk, Ac. At 0 A. M. and 4 P. Jtt., ftif Duylaitowii* At 6 P. AL, for Fort WaHimigtoij. The 6.40 A. M. Express Train mftkes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, Vein® the shortest and most desirable route to oil point* la the Lehigh coat region. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA, Leave Bethlehem at 7.07 A. M„ 9.19 A. BL, and 6.36 P. U. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 A. M. and £2O P. M. Leave Fort Washington at 6.50 A. M. ON SUNDAYS—Philadelphia for Fort Washington at 9.80 A> M. fftv Duilestawn At 4 P. M_ Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia al 2.4& P. M, Fare to 8eth1ehem...451.50 I FaretoMaucn-Cnuuk.S3.6o Fare to Easton...,*. 1-50 | Through Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Offices; at WILLOW Stmt, or BERKS fitrwf, is order to secure tho above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berks street with the Fifth and Sixth streets, and Se cond and Third-streets Passenger Railroads, twenty mi nutea after leaving Willow street. qo4 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. 1861. Basis 1861. ARRANGEMENT OF NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD GO.’S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. FROM WALNOT-HTREIST WHARF AMD ESNSIkOTOB DIPOT. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy* Oi find A, As? commodation.... 36 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jorßey City, (N. J. Accommodation) 2 26 At 9)4 A. M., via Kensington and JoreeyCity,Morn ing Mail.,.. S 00 At 1234 Pi ML* via Camden and Amboy* Accommo dation...* 2 26 At 2P. M., via Ctundon and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex- * press 3 00 At 4 P. M.j via Canulcn and Jersey City, Evening Express,... 3 00 At 4 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, 2d Class Ticket 2 26 At 6)4 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Eve ning Mail,. 3 00 At 11 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City, South ern Mail 3 00 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accomraeda fcUh, (Ff eight and Passenger)—lst Glass TiokaL i 2 26 Do. do. 2d filagg Ticket.. 1 CO The 6)4 P. M. Mail Line runs daily. The II P. M. Southern Hail, Saturdays excepted. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkcsbarre, Montrose, Great Bend; Ac., 7,10 A. M. from Kensington, Via Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western fi. fi. For Mauch Chunk, Allontown, Bethlehem, Belvidere, Easton, LambertviUe, Flemiugton, Ac., at 7.10 A. M.; from Kensington Depot; and 2)4 P* M. from Walnut street Wharf; (the 7.10 A. M «tno connects with train leaving Easton for Manrl Ohunk at &?§ P: For Mount Holly at e A. M., 2 and 4 F. M. For Freehold at 0 A. H. and 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 7.10 and 9)4 A. M., 5# 6.30. and 11 P. M., from Kensington, and 2J4 P* H. from Walnut-stieet wharf. For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Burilfiif ton, Florence, Bordentown, Ac., at 12)4, 6, and P. M. Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate places, at 2)4 P. M., from Walnut-street wharf. •Sr'For New York and Way Lines leaving Kensing ton Depot, take the carß, on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The £&¥B VUU lfita thft depot, and on arrival of each train ran from tho depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Passen ger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything am baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pcimdi and will not be liable for any amount beyond sioo, ex cept by special contract. WM. H. GATZMER, Agent. fSslEgjgggyq WINTER AR- BANGEMENTt—PHILADEL PHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD. On and after MONDAY, SEPT. 30, 1861, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at 8.15 A. M.» 11.35 A. M., (Express), tad 10.&0 P. M. For Chester at 8.16 A. M.» U. 36 A. M., 3.30 and 10.60 P. M. For Wilmington at 8.15 A. M., 11.36 A. M., 3,30 and 10.60 P.M. For New Castle at 8.16 A. M. and 3.30 P, M. For Dover at 6.16 A. U. For Milford at 8.15 A. M. For Salisbury at 8.16 A. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA: Leave Baltimore at 8.30 A.M. (Express), 10.16 A. M., and 4.46 P. 61. Leave Wilmington at 7.56 and 11.83 A. M., 1.50 and 8 P. M. Leave Salisbury at 6.25 A. M. Leave Milford nt 7.45 A. M. Leave Dover at 9 A. M. Leave New Cattle at 7 and 11 A, M. Leave Chester at 8.30 A. 11., 12.15, 0.26, Slid 8.40 P. BL Beave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate stations at 4.46 A. M. TRAINS FOB BALTIMORE: Leave Chester at 8.45 A. M., 12.05 and 11.20 P. M. L?ave Wilmington at 9.25 A. M., 12.36 P. M., and 12 A.m“ FREIGHT TRAIN, with Passenger Car attached, will run as follows Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate placeß at 6 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and iaftrgiediate places at 7 P. M. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and Intermediate places at 6.45 P. M. ON SUNDAYS ONLY: At 10.60 from Philadelphia to Baltimore. At 4.45 from'Baltns&&f& to Philadelphia. ee2B-tf S. M. FELTON, President fTIHE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL X RAILROAD, fIW MILES DOUBLE TRACK. @xiiai 1862. 1861. THE CAPACITY OF THE ROAD IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Through Trains from Boston, New York, and all points East, and in the Union. Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to and from all points in the Wort, Northwest, and Southwest— thus furnishing facilities for transportation of Passen gers unsurpassed for spoed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. All Through P&sstRMF Trains provided with Loughridgs’g Patent Brake—Heed under perfect control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train; Wood ruff’s Sleeping Cars to Express and Fast Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines Sun days excepted. Him Train leaves Philadelphia at 8.08 A. SL Fast Line “ « 11.30 A. M. Express train leaves ** 10.30 P. M. Parkesburg Accommodation. P. V. Harrisburg t* S.vtfP, H, Lancaster « .. 4.00 P. M. West Chester Passengers will take the Mail Train at 8 A. Hi., the Parkesburg Accommodation at 12.30 P. M., and the Lancaster Accommodation at 4 P. M. Passengers ior Banbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, ; and. ihiormedi&iS lfllTiflg Philadelphia at 8.00 A.M. and 2.80 P. M. t go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the office of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Balti mere • gtgd Tickets Eastward at any of the Important Railroad offices in the West also on board any of the regular line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio rivers. Fare always as low, and time ad quick, as by any other route. Fop farther information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, mftke this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE GREAT WEST Tk& if ttafiUs by the Railroad Bridge At Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight to gether with the saving of time, are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travelling public. tfffCllftßta ftR<J entrusting the transportation or their Freight to this Company, can reiy with coufi dence on its speedy transit. THE BATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point In the Weßt by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at aU times as favorable as are charged by other Railroad Oqmmitii Be particular t» mark packages “ via Fennsylva nla Railroad.” For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions* apply to, or address either of the following Agents of the Com pany D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg.: fi. 8. Pierce & Co., Zanesville, O.J J. J. Job&iiii, nip ley, 0.; B. McNeely, Maysville, Ivy.; Ormsby A Crop* per, Portsmouth, 0.; Paddock A Co., Jeffersonville, Indiana; H. W. Brown A Co., Cincinnati, O.j Athem A Hibbert, Cincinnati, © ;R. C. Meldrnm, Madison, Ind: Jos. B. Moore, Louisville, Ky.; P. G. O’Biley A Co., Evansville, Ind.: N. W. Grih&Si A Oa., Cairo, 111.: B. F. Sane, Slialer & Glass, Bt. Lonifl, Mo.; John H. Harris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris & Hunt, Mem phis, Tenn.; Clarke & Co., Chicago, HI. ; W. H. H. Koonts, Alton, HL: or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the Weßt. 8. B._EINGSTONi Jr., Philadelphia: _ UAGBAW A KQONS, 80 North street, Baltimore. LEECH & CO., 1 Astor House, or 1S» William at., N. T. LEECH A CO., No. 77 State street, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen’l Freight Agent, Phlla. It. I*. HOUPT, Gen’l Ticket Agent, Pbila. S t LEWIS, Gen’l Sup’t, Altoona, Pa. Ja3-ly BEta—b PHILADELPHIA ISfi9E9iSD BEADING RAILROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS FOR POTTSVILLE, READ. INGi and HABBIHBUKG, OB and Bf(?rS9'’<*“il>or4 f 1881. SIOKNING IIIMBI DAILT, (Sundayo exropKd.) Leave New Depot, corner of BBOAD and CALLOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger entrances on Thirteenth and on CallowhiU streets,} at 8 A. M., con necting at Harrisburg with the PENNSYLVANIA BAXIiKOAD P. M. train, Ringing i& PiiUkllPg < (h* CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.16 P. M. train running to Chambersburg, Carlisle, Ac.; and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1.00 P. U, train running to San bury, Ac. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, comer of BROAD and callow- HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passecger entrances on Thirteenth and on Callowhitl sts,,) for FOTTSVILLS and HARRISBURG, at 3.15 P. M., DAILY, connect ing at Harrisburg with the Northern Central Railroad, for Sunbnry, Williamsport, Elmira, Ac.; for BEAD ING only, at 4.36 P. M., DAILY, (Sundays oseeptod.) DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND BEADING RAILROAD. Fbom Philadelphia, Miles. To Phoenixville 28 ) Beading 58 ! Philadelphia and Reading L«luik>u 86 {and Lebanon Volley 1L J£ Harrisburg 112 J Dauphin 124} MHlersburg. 1421 Northern Central Treverton junction. 158 { Railroad. Sunbury 169} Northumberland... .171} Lewisburg. Muncy. 197 Banbury and Erie B. B. Williamsport 209 Jersey Shore 223 Lock Haven........ 256 S® 1 ®* 011 - SH*® Williamsport and Elmira The 8 A. M. and 3.15 F. M. trains oounect daily at Port Clinton, (Sundays excepted,) with the CATAWISSA, WILT.IAMSPO&T, and KfilE RAILROAD.' making dose connections with tines to Niagara Falls, Canada* the West and Southwest. DEPOT-IN PHILADELPHIA: Comer of BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets. W, H» B eCretar J r * October 30,1861. f?SiTCi»ggg»aa PHILADELPHIA AND READING BAIIBOAB 00_ (Offlcs IXI South Fewth afreet.) Philads^lphiAi April 1881. SEASON TICKETS. On and after May I,IWII, season tickotawriU bo Issued by this company for the periods of thrc*» six, nine, and twelve months, not transferable. Season school-tickets may also bu bad at 33 per cent, discount- ... _ ... Those tickets will bo sold by ‘.no Treasnror at No. W South FOURTH Street, any further Information can be obtained. g, BRADFORD, ap2o-tf Treasurer* BY avctwn, Furness, brinley,V co.> No. 429 MARKET STREET. SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. . On Tuesday Morning, Vovenibcr 26, nt 10 o’clock, f«.»r by tftf&logttf- 40U lots of fancy and staph* French dry goods. •y Samples ami catalogues early on morning of sale, NP. PAW COAST, AUCTIONEER, • Succotwor to B. Scott, Jr., 431 OHSSTNT7T fit. SALE OF EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONS, MILLI NERY GOODS, NOTIONS, «©., by Catalogue, This & November 6, commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. EMBROIDERIES, Aw iHvoirr of fftftrojfimil j/icowrf antf coiiaw niKl self, infants jttcojjtt lobi-w uml w:h«p. bandp, udef- Ac. ! LINEN CAMBRIC nANI)KETfCWIEFS. ! Also, ladjed* and ge/rts* hem ditched, hemmed, and plain hnen cambric !(e*ifik«rj:hh>fK. j gIBBONS, AND MILT,INERT GOODS. | Also, late styles and clrmec colors plain :uhl embroi ' deied poult do sole lumnefc ribbons, rich uacj high cost . ndvrt and chenille Dowers, superior modify Mack und ■ fnnev velvet*, uncut velvet*. Ac. • HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS, AND DRAPERS. t Children's Wove hose, and Cents* rnWon hone < Mil hair to. merino and Illii etorcfi and imiuitli s, emu’ : merino and lanihs'.n'on] hhir'i» Ar, I NOTie-SS, Sc. j Alsrvjui iifvoice of notions, hitir and shawl pin.H/fancy ! buttons, bead good*, Ac. UMBRELLAS. caucn Sculch ginstmm r etajl Balcs - SHERIFFS SALE OF T3SE, STOCK AND FIX TURES OF A MERCHANT TAILORING ESTA BLISHMENT. This Morning, November 5* commencing at IfrrArloriv precisely, cvm plstlng of cloth*,- rnMithoHfri, tflmmillj.-i, roudya made clothing, furnishing gooiif» r itxtnrea, counters, mir rors, seeing machine, Ac. The shark of a establishment. POSITIVE SALE OF RICH BOHEMIAN GLASS AND CHINA Ware, goods, Ac., Ac. On Thursday Morning, November 7, at IP o’clock, by c»talog>ie. liicludel will be omid— Bolitndim glassware, from the I«tp< i rnil manufactory nt Prnene ? conuifitingof winos, decanters card receivers li'inor set-, carafes ami tumblers «rb»«j ties, lemourttb- Kutp, sponu tumblers, finger bowls, rich vases, fruit dishes, Ac. r in great variety. SILVER-PLATED GOODS. Also, leavy silver-plated caßtura, richly-framed Hguor Btamls, enke baskets, Ac. FRENCH CHINA. Also,, decorated French china tea setß, toilet sets POSITIVE SALE OF A STOCK OF GKRSIAN TOYS AND FANC* GOODS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac., Ac. Or Thursday Morning, November 7, al 16 oVloclc. Contfihting. in part, of German toys he.'ulft and bead goods, wax and kid dolls, musical instruments fancy goods buck purses, Ac. AH fresh goods, suited tJ ap ptoHcliing sab^s. SALE OP GERMANTOWN FANCY KNIT GOODS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, ire., by cata logne. On Friday Morning, Novesuber 8, at 10 o’clock. M FITZPATRICK & BROS., «.rli AUGTIONSBBB, 604 CIIKSTNUT Street, above Sixth. FOREIGN SEA-SHELLS. Oil Thursday Muruinsj Ncvember 7, at 10)4 o’clock A. Rt., at the auction store, 694 Chestnut street, will hn sold, without reserve, a rare mu! elegant collection of over 1,000 beautiful spe cimens of foreign eea-shrlls, to which is solicited tho attention of the of t’hikulelphia, a.nd of the tallies iu piiilinilar. Call and examine this splendid collection of the wonders and beauties of the mighty deep. Now open ou examination. no6-*2l# SALF. THIS (WEDNESDAY) MORNING, -AT 10 O’CLOCK, Of paper, stationery, and fancy goods, silver-plated ware, clocks, cutlery, Ac. Also, 5 elegant sewing machines, Burnham's patent. Also, 50 reams of Union letter and note papers, and 75,000 Union envelopes. Also, an assortment of fancy soaps, perfumery, <l*c. SALES EVERY EVENING, At 7 o’clock, of books, stationery, and fancy goodr, watches, jewelry, clocks, silver-plated ware, cutler? J paintings, musical instruments, Ac. Also, hosiery, dry goods, boots and shoes, and mer chandise of every description. DAY SALES Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 16 o’clock A, M PRIVATE SALES. At private sale, several large consignments of watches and jewelry,, books, stationery, silver-plated ware, cut terji f«OT gftffiffi sfii to hbfrh !§ solicited the attention Of City and country merchants and others. ' ‘ '""*** Consignments solicited of all kinds of merchandise, for either public or pifvate sales. Liberal cash advances made on conßlgnments. Out-door sales promptly attended to MACHINERY AND IRON. PENN STEAM ENGINE 3mSS»AND BOILER WORKSNEAFDBi LEVY, PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGL NEERS, MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having, for many years, been in successful operation, and been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine and River In. Eineg; high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tank* Propellers, &c., Ac., respectfully offer their services U tho public, an being fully prepared to contract for Bn gines of all sizes, Marine, River, and Stationary, havin sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to ext cute orders with quick despatch. Every description oi P&lUen malting made at the shortuKt notice: High Bod Low Pressure, Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, oi the best Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forgingß, of a£ sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings, of aU dft« ■criptioii* ,Soll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all othte work connected with the above business. Drawings, and for all wofk 46U it Hl4|l establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, uid are provided with shears, blocks, falls, Ac., £&, fat raising heavy or light weight* JACOB V. NEAZTB, JOHN P. LEVY, jel4-tf BEACH and PALMER Streets. J, TAUQHAH MBRBXCS, S. COPS, WILLIAM H. MEHKIOIj EABTLBT KIIIIOS QOUTHWAEK FOUNDRY, KJ FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STBBKTB, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK * SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam EngißMi for laud, river, and marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Cost ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Jron-Ft'ame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Ball road Stations, Ac. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and moil improved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, such ac Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Paus, Open Steam Trains. Dtifocatorfl. Filters, running En§inssi Sola Agents for N. Billieu.x’s Patent Sugar BoStng Apparatus; Neamyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and As pinwall & Wolsey’s Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. aus-tt POINT PLEASANT FOUNDKY, JT No. 051 BEACH Street, Kensington, Pbhada.— WILLIAM H. TIERS informs his friends that, havt* f purchased the entire stock of Patterns at the abcVi Foundry, be is now prepared to receive orders for Boiling, Grist, and Saw-Mill Castings, So&p, Gk&B&lftal, and House Work, Gearing. Castings made from Rever beratory or Cupola Furnaces, in dry or green sand, or loam. my9-tf RAILROAD LIITOS, PALL AND WIN- Ng’w MV *MT-~ rw * 188 ARRANGEMENT.— PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, and NO HUTS. TOWN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. On and after Monday, Octobor 28,1861, until further notice. FOR GERMANTOWN. Lo&vt Philadelphia, 6,7. 8, 9.10 00. 11,12 A. M., 1,3, 3, 4,6,6, J, 8,9, lON, and 11X P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7j£, 8, B,V, BN, lON, 11N. A. M.. 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6,7_,8,9>5, lIP. M. The S% A. SI. train from Germantown stops 9t Dili’s and Tiiigiv Bn!}', ... on sonLATS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.65 A. M., 2,7, and P. M. Leave German town, 8,10 A, M., 1,6, and 9jj( P. M* CHEBTNDT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 0,9,11, A. M., 2,4, 0,8, and 10# P.M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.10,8.10,10.10, A.M., 12.40, 3.40, £.40, 7.10, and 0.10 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 0.05 A. M., 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.50 A. M., 22.40, 5.40, and 9.20 PM ' FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6#, 9.05, 11.05 A. M., IN, 8.05, 4#, 6.05, and B.ou P. 91. Leave Norrirtoira, 7,8, 0, 11 A, M., 1%, in, aud 6 P. H. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 3 P. H. Leave Norristown, 7X A. M., 6 F. M. FOB MaNATUNK. Leave Philadelphia, 6#, 9,11 A. 3L, I#, 3.05, 4#, 6,05| iisd 8.06 P. M. Loutc Monamnh, Ojf, 7>f, 9Hi 9 !it A. M., 2,5, and 6J£ P. HI, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M., 3 and 7 P. M. Leave Manayunk, 7# A. M., and 8 P. M. H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent, oc2B-tf Depot NINTH and GREEN Streets. ISC—EHMBgsa ROUTE.- ■SHfIcafetpHn.ADELPHiA AND ELMI- RA RAILROAD. QUICKEST ROUTE to Tamaaua, Catawissa* Rupert, Wikoaburrei SertHltoni Milton, Williamsport, Troy, Ralston, Canton, Elmira, Rtfiryoo, Ni a B ara Fails, Rochester, Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo, Chicago, St Louis, Milwaukee, and all points North and Wort* Passenger trains will leave the new Depot of the Phi ladelphia and Bmuling Railroad, corner BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets, (Passengers entrance on <?a|- lowhill street,) daily, (Sundays excepted), lor shove points, as follows: DAY EXPRESS 8.00 A. M. NIGHT EXPRESS 3.15 P..M, Tbf s<99 A. M. train connects at Rupert, for Wilkes barre, Fittsou, ScFanton, and aU sinilens on ike LACK AWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. The above trains mako direct coanoctioos at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Brie, Canandaigua and Niagara Falls, and Buffalo, New York and Erie, and New Terk Central Bttilrpft&r fr 9m *?? points North and West, and the Canadas. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge, and all intermediate points. Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and El mira Railroad Line’s Ticket Office, northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Strcetß, and at the Passenger Depot, corner THIRTEENTH AND CALLOWHILL. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave the Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Broad and Callowhill streets daily, (Sundays excepted), for all oomts West North, ar ft P. M*. Freights must be delivered before 3 P. M. to insure Ihelr pohig. tits fi&fliu day. For further information apply « Freigh* Depot, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWHILL, or to G. T. LEONARD, Agent, Northwest corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, ap!9-tf. Philadelphia. WEST CHESTER BaiSraSafANl) PHILADELPHIA RAIL ROAD. VIA MEDIA. FALL ARRANGEMENT. On and after'MONDAY, Sept. <2A, 1881, the trains wffl leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot, N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8 and 10-20 A. M., and 2* 4.30, und 7 P. M., and will leave Urn coiner of THIRTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets, (West M 17 ntnules mfter ilie time from Eightcepfo and Market streets. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 A, M, and 4.39 P. M. eonucet at Penni Hon alth Tr&hai on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Concord, Konnett, Oxford, Ac. HENRY WOOD, se2-tf General Superintendent. BEifiMaaasa WEST Chester ■S.JULS9H3m #BAILBDAD TRAINS via PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corner ELE VENTH awl MARKET Street* at 8 A. M., 12.30 neon, and 4 P. M. no2-lf Hides and goat skins =An in voice per schooner jS’aoffiar#’< IVidi, from St. Barts, for sale by JAURKTCHE A CABBTAIRS, 202 tod 204 South FRONT Street, odUtf SALES BY AUCTION. thomab~ 4 "sons^"' • Nos. 139 and 141 Bontli FOURTE Btfort. (Formerly Nob. 67 *nd 60.) TOKLIO HAI.KM KBAL KHTATJC AND STOCK#, AT TUB EXCHANGE, EVEBY TUESDAY, -rt 13 o cloci noou, or.riug tho linsiiMws acawm. „ *®al estate at private bale. ®.. 76 a amount of real ortate at prlvut# Bate, including evtr> description ©f city and country pro* perty Printed Itofa may hv had nt tho Auction Btero. SEVENTH FALL BALF< OF RK\L Ef’TilTE AND BT(»CR» NUYESIBZB 12. This will inrludc— -1 INK feT.—FRANKLTN SQFARX.—Vabtallo resi dence. Nr*. 613 Vb o frireii, oppoMit* Franklm Square. Imniedmto possoxsion. Keys at the Auction Roiww. ST.—lia«<J>oou- brow:: aiuno resMvnce. No 1518 PiiH- (CuuiTi Bow). Immoiliate peeses aion. Keys «t tho Auction Rooui.j. FOURTH ST.—NVot modern riwol!iiu.v No. 459 Nfirth Fourth street, LOMBARD ST.—Faur-story l*rick ilhtWwg, No. 14?1 liombhrd ttie6t. Foor-sli.i-y brick ilin-hiicr, K«. J 433 Limifainl nfreet. NEW BT.— lirir.k ilwclliiifr, Ho, 821 New ffreet, west of Third Postponed Sail*—Estate of A. L. PoaJk. DWELLING, No. 242 fwdtti Fifth stn-et. SlS’ill StrrTlirw-rtWJ’ brisk Bt-ro ami dwcUinj. Sontli Ninth etr<H*f r below Carpenter. TARfIABLII BUSINESS LOCATION.—Four-story bri?k .I\v(*Jiir»g, No. 127 South- Tenth stre'-t, between ]VV ahiut- and Chestnut. remain on mortgage. Immediuto jyrtwssion. TWO THREE-STORY BUTCK DWELLINGS’, Ger nrrtnifvti r<>ad, Hoi lliv.frd of Dnirpltin Rirrei. Lot 60 fHt front. TU’O BUILDING LOTS, NorHi; Ninth street, above Dauphin street; :i". fi-i-t front. TWO BUILDING LOTS, interaction nf Germantown road with tl>*> we*! bMv of Kj«Ml, Tweuty-firat ward; 41 foot front. BALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE, OVAL MIR RORS, SUPERIOR BILLIARD TABLES, BAGA TELLE TABLE, DENTISTS* UJPAIR AND SPIT TOON, LACE CURTAILS, BARS, ELEGANT CARPETS, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, *r. CARD*—Oar sale to-niorrow morning, at the Auction Store, will comprise, Ix'.sideK 600 of wip<-rior eecond biind furniture, Fr»‘»th-plate oval niirrer, two Kitperior billinrd tablen, balls and cutw complete v bagatelle table, balls and p.uvh cnmpKdn: dentists* very superior chair, COST §75; fri’ir 6T»it& <-mbroM<-r«-4 Inc- citHAlhS, velvet and Brnssete carpets, china and glassware, beds find bnldjncv Af., forming an attractive flaY, to which we invite the attention of ladies and others desirous of pur chasing. MT CfttnlogTsm now ready, and tho articles arranged for examination. Executrix’s Sate. SALE OF T3fE LIBRARY OF THE LATE JOSEPH P. ENGLES, ESQ. This Evening, November 5, at the Auction Store, the libimry of the lab- P.EhfiU-th Eriu Uteludlmi u uuiubpp of oil theolomeid oad classical works. PST For particulars see catalogues and the books. Sale at Nos. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENCH-VLATB SUB- FIANO.tfORTES* BEDS AND BEDDING. CHINA AND GLASSWARE, BfiUSBBLS AND OTHER CARPETS, Ac On Thursday Morning. At 9 o’clock, fit the Auction Store, the superior furnl fturuture, mirrors, Brussels ami other car pets, Ac,, freni families declining Lousokeepitig, removed to the store f oi convenience of sale. Also, 2 superior billiard tables, with ball* and c-nes. Also, 4 pieces fine embroidered bice curtaius. AU<», Ftench-plate oval mirror. Afsoi a Tt?ry importer tellste’ chair, covered with plush, cost §?75. Also,» superior bagatelle table, halls and cues com plete. *F~ Catalogues ready the day previous to sale. S*rlu No. 704'Locust Stxcet, (Wnshsngton Square.) ev iM-nnon v urniti'iie, i»ia n clfuute, gas CHANDELIERS, VELVET CARPETS, Ac. On Tuesday Morning, November 12, at 10 o’clock, at No. 701 Locust street, by catalogue, the superior furniture, rosewood piano forte, gas cl fiadelu rs, line tapestry velvet < arrets, china and glassware, Ac. £7 M&y Lfe tiMamiuod at 6 o ? clook on the morning of the sale, with catalogues Philip ford & co., auction eers, Nob. 625 MARKET and 522 COMMEBOB positive sale of i,600 CASES BOOTS, SHOES, BROGANS, AND GUM SHOES. On T hitrsday Mnridng, Nev. 7. at 30 o’clock precisely, will be Bold, by ca talogue, 1,000 caaes men’s, boys 1 , and youths’ calf, kip, grain, water-proof, and thick boots j calf, and kiphrogans, sailers, Oxford tUo, iic. \ women’s, nugie!i\ and children’s calf, kip, goat, morocco, And kid, heeled boots and shoes, gaiters, slippers, buskins, Ac. Also, n large assortment of first-class city-made goods. tBT Open for examination, with catalogues, early oa the morning of sate. —--— —: — : - ItfOSES NATHANS, AUCTIONEER JJX AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, southeast comer of SIXTH and RACE Streets GREAT SALE OF FORFEITED COLLATERALS— ‘ '‘3,590 lots oir foUFEITSD GOODS. This Uforning, November 6, at 9 o’clock, at Moses Nathans’ Auction House, Nos. 156 aud 257 North Sixth street, adjoining the southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets, and will consist of Indies* mid beds, bed ding, furniture, looking-glasses, paintings, carpenters’ and other tools, Ac. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING. Superior overcoats, crarrickt, raglaus, business coate, frock and dross do, tine cloth and cussiniere pantaloons, fij)c patin, silk and silk velvet, doth, cassiniere and other vest,, gents* wtmii«n thsiwls. l»ooi«, ir-tiii-rs, shoes, U&1- brellas, hosiery, underclothing, cravats, neckties, hdkfs., gloves, monkey jackets, cuai, pauU, aud vest patterns, canes, Ac. LADIES’ CLOTHING. Fine fiilh'Sfltin puplipj mcrinnj delaine, de begfj cliiJiT/, cniiro, and other drcsrfeo nnd patt*-mst elegant emhroiilmil crape shawls, fine broche, etella, cnslrniere, merino, Bay State, plaid and plain woollen, Bilk, And other shawls; scarfs; silk velvet, cloth, merino, And other cloaks, circulars, basques, mantilla-, and capes! uorkuil capos nuil culhU’di purnsttlri; fiuiry i gaiters, slices, slippery hnnils. sucker wrapper.-'p morning gown?, fine fur victoriues, muffs, and cuffs, under* cloth ing of every variety, Ac. AT PRIVATE BALE, AT PRICES TO. SUIT THE TIMES, The following articles will bo Bold for less than half tfca usual selling price: Fine gold hunting-case, double-case, and louble-bot* tom Euglish patent lever watches, of the moßt approved and beet makers; fine gold double-time English potest tev&v w&taliesi Inaopeudent goaouds levw watches; fist gold liuntiDg-cago aud open-face escapement lever and lepine wutchcs 1 horizontal and duplex watchesi* sflvur hunting-case, aoubie-cHHe, and donble-bottora Eagtteh patent lever, escapement lever, and lepine watches, of tIM IB9ft approved and beat makers J double-case and 09tt> face silver watebes; stiver QnarUer and singl&-£&£S watches; fine gold vest, neck, fob, and guard chains j diamond finger-rings and breast-pins; sets of fine gold jewelry; gold breast-pins, ear-rings, finger-rings, brooft lets, pencil-caßes, pens, and jewelry of every descriptteß; gnnat pietolsi musical ustriußwtet Pl&B9-f?rte®r •** Ucleß generally* MONEY TO LOAN Money advanced liberally, for any length of ttmt agreed npon, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches, ftWfllT) fPft'iiPS - P‘ GC, r 9 r musical instruments, dry goods, Clothing, groceries, Imrtlwwre, cutlery, furniture, UL ding, fancy artieles* and on all articles of value. CONSIGNMENTS AND OUT-DOOR SALEB SaiJ CITED. Liberal cash advances made on all articles consignee for sate. Fersouat attention elveft te fill AUt-doOl* **!** HOTELS. ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, BROADWAY, MEW YOBK. BOARD REDUCED TO $2 PER DAT. Since the opening of this vast and commodious Hotel, In 18S4i it hag been the single endeavor pf the prppri«^ r « to make it the moat Biimptuoua, convenient* and comfort able homo for the citizen and stranger on this side the Ailantic. And whatever has seemed likely to administer to the comfort Of ite gucstß they have cudeavored, without re gwd to cost, to pri vide, and to cumbine all tho elements of individual and guciul enjoyment which modern art has invented, and modern taste approved*, and the pa tronage which it has commanded during the past six yean Is a gratifying proof that their efforts have beau appre ciated. To meet the exigencies of the times* when ftU *«• aulred to practise the moat rigid economy, the under signed HA VS RXntfCRD THE PRtOB OP BOARD TO TWO DOLLARS PER DAY, at the some time abating nono of the luxuries with which thejr table has hitherto lieeß SHflpUsd. se?4m TREADWELL, WHITCOMB; k CO. A CARD.—THE UNDERSIGNED, late of the GIRARD HOUSE, Philadelphia, have tensed, for a term of yearn. WILLABP’S BOTP't •“ Wasliirigton. They take this occasion lo return to their old friends and customers many thanks for past favors, and hen to assure them that they will be most happy to •ee them in their new quarter's. - SYKES, CHADWICK, * CO. wisbhshe, Jniy is, 1881. auSl-ly SHIPPING. 4*P*& WEEKLY COMMUNICA SMHBBb TION RY STEAM BETWEEN NSW YOr.K AND LIVERPOOL, c&!!)»s at QUEENS. TOWN, (Ireland,) to land and embark passengers and despatches. The Liverpool, New York, end Philadelphia Steam, ship Company's splendid Clyde-hnilt iron screw steam* Ships are intended to sail as follows; ‘ PROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW Saturday, Nov. 9. CITY OF NEW YORK. EDINBURGH And every Saturday throughout the year, from PIXR N0.44N.8- BATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool...... Do. to London, via Liverpool... Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool..,, Do. to L0nd0n........... ........... D 0» RptIJFP tickets, available for six mouths, from Liverpool,,.. IW Fassengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp at through rates. Certificates of passage issued from Liverpool to Now York , 340 Certificates of passage ferae? fro® Queenstown to Now 3B® These steamers have superior accommodations for pas sengers, are constructed with watertight compartments, ami carry experienced Surgeons, Yor freight, or passage, apply At the office or the Oom pany, ' JOHN a. DALE, 111 Walnut street, PhitadetlM*, In Liverpool, to WM. INMAN, Tower Bnstdings. Tn Glasgow, to WM. INMAN, 13 Dixon street. THE RRITIBH AND NORTH SBEIa> AMERICAN KOVAL MAIL HTF.tM. SHIPS. FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Chifc? Cabin Passage. ...,180 §ucobil Cnbiu 71 FROM BOSTON TO JiIVKRFOOfo. Chief Cabin Passage..... ..,,,$llO Soccttd Cabin Passage * IK) ' ThoyiMp* from Nm>' Vink coll at Cork ttacfeor. Tho shtyu from Biihtvu c«U at Halifax uad Cork Hat tor. PERSIA, Gapt. Judldus. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. ARABIA, Capt. .7. Stone. CANADA, Goyt. J. Leltcb ASIA, Gapt. E. G. Lott AMERICA* Gapt Hockley AUSTRALASIAN, NIAGARA* Capt. Moodb. Capt. Cook. EUROFA, Capt Aod?reot building*.) These'vessels carry acJear white light at mart-hoed; green on starboard bony *. red on port bow. NIAGARA, Moodio, « Boston* Wednesday, Oct. 18. ASIA, Lott, “ N. York* Wedueßday, Oct. 2P. CANADA, Muir, w Boston, Wn*»w»d*r» Oct. SO. AFRICA, SH&finan, « N.Yorlt; Wndnesdar* Not, fl« AMERICA. Anderson. “ Boston* Wedneaday, Nov, 13. PERSIA, Judkins, Iwives N. York, "Wednesday,Nov.29. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon ou board. Tho owners of theso ships wiH not be accountable fw g*m, Silver, StiUUn, Specie, Oawolty; Procioui Stonet, or MvtaU, unless bills of lading &n signed therefor, and tho value thereof therein expressed. For freight or PM ■ago, apply to K; OUNABD* mhA-tf 4 QREICN. New York. EXPRESS COMPANIES. THE ADAMS EXPRESS ®SMESi COMPANY, Office 320 CHESTNUT Street, forwards Parcels, Packages, Merchandise, Book and Specie, either by iu own linoi or ia connection witn other Express Companies, to al I the principal Town* and Oitlos of the United States E. S. BANDFOBD, 101 l General Bnnerinteude*it. QAPONmEk SAPONIFIER, - O ltuy a Box of SAPONIFIKIt! costs 10 cotds, It make.* eight pounds of beautiful hat'd «>ap. or fcUU'lv n barrel of §vlt simp—all fov 1G cents. Try it, Saturday, Nov. 13. .Saturday, Nov. 23. 875 sBo s3o s3B