Ixchange.—Sept. 20. BOARD. Ifew York Stock E: 5 Metropolitan Bk.. Ss)£ 20 d0...* bo 1 * 10 Penn a Co:il 70 5 Pac Mail SS (A*... 8:* 200 do 82 '£ 100 do 82», 100 N V Oi*n R 73'/ 200 do slo 73».: 100 do 815 To 450 do . pV 30ft do .>5 73 l u ‘ 65 Erie Railway 20 25 Hudson Kiv 1t.... 34 100 do b3O 33,y 9 Panama It 110 100 Gal & Chi R..1t30 69# 18 do r»'J 50 do s 3 60 y 00 do slO 69 50 do o 60*4 50 Clev & Tol It 29?* 200 do 2l>& 300 do 20 y 100 do W 0 20? i *250 Chi * KIR 43# 100 do 44 250 do 43 V 50 do slO 43# 73 Mil & 1* du C H... IS 16 New Jer 11 112 •tHOOOUSG.s 'Bl ro£.. 00 V 1000 U H 6b 'Bl C 1... OO'v 1000 V S Os - 6f. 87S 7000 U S Ss '7+ rp... So>4 "23000 do 80 23000 Troas I*2 pc.... 101 12000 Trcft G p c *2 y.. 08f>; 1000 111 Canal IPOO.. SO 1000 111 SWvVnx Oil*. 80 000 Indiana FT ns... 7ft 1000 Virginia St 65... 52 booo do si-, r,i w 8000 Tcnn St 6s ? ftO.. 43 1500 Q Missouri St 65.. 10000 do 43/j 2000 Mo G.-lss toll & St .Tit 47 1000 Erie 1» Ist in b.-.H>3 2000 Erie 4th in bs... TO 4000 If Y riiiP76rv.li»o'' 1000 Ifutl 1» S F bil.. 90 3000 Mil'll Conls! m. OS 600111 Cent It luls.. 93 3000 Galena A C Ist.. 98 10001. Erie & W Ist. 66)4 2000 la CJfc Mil L (1b 11 10 National 11k.... Bft 30 Bk of Commerce SO 10Merc Ex 11k.... 78 25 Corn Ex 8k.... SO CITY ITEMS. The Saving Fund Swindle— With slum of marble and frescoes gay* The Savings Hank made a great display: Its name win gilt on the window glass. To catch the attention of all who might pass. The man who worked at grading the streets, The man who sold potatoes and beets, The man who kept a grocery shop, And the -wotnon who vended ginger pop— All thoi* people deposited cash, In the lu-tinition which made such a dash, But the Managers gobbled their savings up, For the Savings Bunk was a Shaving Shop. Wanting their cash, the above-named men Called at the Bank and called again, Till they found with surprise and consternation, That the thing had “ynne into liquidation. If over go shabby, or lean, or lank. To hoard jmtr funds in the Shaving-? Bank.! Better invest your Gold and Notes, In buying good Pantaloons and Coats. Which can in abundance be bought by all Who will bring their cash to the great Oak Hall The new Tieupury Notes, or any kind of good money taken at par for our elegant Fall and Winter Clothing. A large stock to select from, comprising the choicest EtjU-p in the imirkd. We poll very cheap, TVaxamakf.h A Brown 1 , Oak Hall, S. E. voenov Sixth and Market streets. John B. Houghton, Oak Hall, Sixth and Marketstreets. Fall Stock of Confectionery.—Happen ing to be in the vicinity of Second and Chestnut streets, yesterday, and seeing the immense crowds of happy faced buyers passing in and out of Messrs. E. G. Whit jjjan A Co.'s ivufoFlionery oi-tnUKshmcnt, wo couM not *esL;t the temptation i'F falling in,’* if for DOthiug dSQ than to evoke an Hem. Their autumn stock is now ready, Sind, for variety and richness, surpasses auy of their farmer dibplaj s. No wonder everybody prefers E. G. Whitman A Co.’.- confections to any others. They are fhe best and purest made. Where to l!ft Your Lamps.—Xoiv that everybody has ]e;»nic-d that the best portable light in u-e Ip that oMhiiicd ft util the use of <* Kerosene •' oil, the in formation desired is, to know where to obi ft in the bext tamps to burn il in. By all adds, this is at Messrs. TYit fers & Co’s., No. 33 north Eighth street, corner of Fil frort. Their stock of Lamps is endless in variety, and embraces all the improvements extant, the best of which' £re of Mr. Witters* own invention. M. J. A. Ksiii.emas is the proprietor of tho treat Central Ciuvat Store, popularly known as tlie * 4 original *’ O. I*. E. C.» on the northwest comer of Chestnut and Seventh. Give liim a call—everybody. Rebel Cannon Pointed at tiie White House. —lt is said thiit the camion in the rebel entrenchment*, jiear Washington, are sighted at the White House. Two Bmnked thousand gallant soldiers keep watch and ward ihere over the i n!:o:sal honor, and they fonu a cordon about the regularly-constituted authorities of the land. These warrior.- of the I'mon have brave hearts in their fcosoms, and very many of them have their outer man Blade comfortable and elegant by the superior uniforms made at the Brown Slum* Clothing llall of Roekhill & Wilson, Nos. OU-J and GO3 Chestnut street, aho\v Sixth. The military clothing made bv this firm is superior in respect to cm. finish, comfort, &c. £ Curious Calculation.— The vast number of Inhabitants who do Hv ', and have lived, upon the face of the earth appear, at first sight, to defy the power of calculation. Bur if v»t suppose the world to have ex isted rix thousand \ ears, there now exist one thousand million. Of this vast number how many have had the good judgment and son-** to purchase their clothing at the Popular Gift Clothing Establishment of Granville Stokes, 609 Chestnut street; also, how many gilt> have t>een presented to the different purchasers I ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS rp to 12 o’clock last night. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Chestnut and Ninth Streets. John W Haseltiii.*, US A H H Janewav, Jersey City H R Coggshall. rhila J II Smith. Wasli, I> C T M Knight, Phila C Laila. Illinois W H Suppler A la, Vhila Mrs St E Crockett, N Y Geo B WnUoiu New York Dr Clark, Now Jersey L JohliKffl, Ma-s A Eyoavs, Ohio 1 SeUey* Michigan Sirs Harris & utui« New York T Russell, Boston 31 Wilson. New York T H Rochester, New York Miss CJ- Jk*chest‘.-r. N Y Mrs M Rochester, X York 3lrs Maj Vincent, ft' York C Froir, New York \f BeE live. ISA X l)n>wn r New York Jns Bedputh, 1* Curtiss. Illinois H Stone, Cin, 0 N Wall, Wash, B C John Riirear. B.'dtitnorc C 0 Simpson, New York W H Dixlgi*. >*!•*.»• Ynfk I) Y Sullivan, New York 3lnj J P Murray,Wash, D C Y II Jackson, Bristol E Burnham, Chicago, Til A Barret, Staten Island C TVeekhorn. New York Jf Rawls A dii, New York Mrs McCoritih !•:. Chicago Mrs Shield J V Mo-.-n- A b-, .Nviv York MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. H W Hawthorn, Willium-pt O K Chamberlin, N York y M Elli.s Lew id.m-g S B Morris, Lebanon, 0 8 Sckoonjuakcr. Kentucky Win II Cool, Bristol, O C Bower* i'*.rd. t) Tims Steckel, Allentown Lieut Mel'mldiis. < amp Buff F T Blitz, Columbia 31 Crawford. Nttirsi.-tk* John Forster tVm C l*mo nn J Richards, CollinihnsS O C J Long, PitT-hnrg H B Hilhii'O!* B’ilki-barre Jolm $ Brown. lVurut Clms llamp'Jiirc. .lejitu-.-ville T. II Weis--r A «f. York W M Shaw, Atlantic City 3» T) Kon.-si-tar. Now York J B Cocliran, Frio, l*u J P Byei>, Venango c«> AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestntrt fit,. above Fifth, Band Moitj>oh, ChnmLorsh A C Dexter, 31 F Howard, Philadelphia JY, Dougherty. Del cu B B Shrove. New Jersey Sami Dickey, Oxford I) Arnold, i’ri Jits W LiiiviUe. Lancaster 3) Holme*, IVtt-ville E P Norton. Maine A Percv, Dcl.iwan- S A Beers. Brooklvn J S Pew, X.-v York C A Psast, Nt-w York Oapt P Schupp N 31 McDowell, l’a T Brich.'tin. New Turk Capt J C Osterloh J* la, U W D Wvri!!, Washington S A 8 L Buttvrwoith A la. Pa Jos D Coles A la, Pa ST. LOUT? HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. AT Small. Peun.-vKanin N Bitter, New York V B Rosenbaum, N Jersey C Mittendorf »V la, Balt 35 Priestly, .H i'aul Jl RulunfOn, N York Tli6mp-a*. N York J llftll k- I*, Ohl*> tl'm Brewster, Kentucky Clms E Hunt, Boston Jos Andrade, Phthidrlplua M Baez A la. Caracas JI de Briceim a da. Caracas I* V H Van llifler, X.T Jos Davy, New .L-rs-ey N 11 Bennett, Philada Mrs Konumaie a da, Caracas THE L’NlOX—Arch, street, above Third. J R. Hillman. Altoona. Pa John Gosliorn. Virginia J S Slydcr, (.’hmnherrJmrg IVmP West, Salens, Ohio John W Bai l-, Pi-nna I B TwnddeH, New York Capt J II Moore, l’cnna NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third Jot. A Moke, Keim.-tJ Square E II Blank, Alh-idnwii H H Wood. Ivauiu li It Taylor, Heading Baml A JobvisTOii, Piti.-lmrg TH KJoekuer, l*n Col 8 Nicholas Harrisburg 1111 Vauxley, N J CWLmvftll. Philadelphia Miss R(I Moore, Pottst'n Miss M Lydia Buyer. Pa Mr* II R Boyer, Poltstown T II Swartz. Indiana Win Jones, Towanda Mrs Duncan A da. Pa commercial hotel—Sixth street, above Chostnut. W Ross, Santa TV 0 Pennyparker, Pa James McDoi:i»i::;h, Pa G B AdHiuS Del i i- I’a N G Howell, IMui.-ylvnnia Mlbs Wood A' >is Hus co M Pennock, Wilm, Pel J Baubni. Ohm John Ciiftiplw.il. K!kt..n,Md D J Jloar, Pldlud.-lphta JI Procter A Sa. Wilm, I>el TS Brown, Pennsylvania BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. Geo W Kinder. Maryland Geo Sigafoos. Penna Wm Early, ltri-r.il W K Evans, Bristol H Breßfonl, JDi&tol E Stalery, Bristol E Gillingham. r- nmi M Reeder. New Hope TV Jame-S But ks’i i- T Ely. Wuruiinster E Wildnian, Feid.a Gh Gfllinglmin, Laid Islmid Jas Palmer, Bucks co 1 Buckmrm, N*\\!<>wn G T Merrick. Bm-k> co D McNair,Buck.- >o Jno Sutcb, Hart.-ville S Stradling, Bn- ks c A T DuffielJ, Pawr-villc* A T Blair, Buck- to D T Proper, (Brnkeitown L Frank,Somerum Sijuare A Potter, Hauiincmton W Davis, Chclteiihaui BLACK BEAR—Third street, above CftUowliifl. J B Ellenger, Newtown, Pa Thos Steckel, Ponui TV Pali, Yardli-j \ iile I Trexlt-r, Yardleyvilh* BBobl.Jr, iri.r-!i:.„i W it Neal, Yardleyvilh* C MorrißOluPenmi J Smith, j<-,ikiuton 9? Dftrmh. Rucks , <», l*a A Buckman, l’nma C Buckman, P<*un;i AS Roads, Southamplou 6 A Neal, Yardlej vilte 0 Roads, Sonicrton 8 Roads, Sonicrron 1) u G Keim, Peniui F T Beans, Pennu It IfoUowt'll, I’ciina jj Stetler, Trentuii, N J J Coleman, Berks co Juo Mattis, Dauphin co, Pa D R Harper, Olm-y J B Blickman, Pcukii R Borroughs, Newtown W Eddovp. Moreland J EStrawu, Illinois D Rcnno. Reading MOUNT VERSON HOTEL—Second at., ab. Arch, idj Dunham Miss G V King, Penna i S Jones. New Haven T H .Scott, Delaware tf A Williamson, St Clair S Tripple, r Lukene, Monts c<*. Pa L Dutree, co jJM Shiim. New Jersey Sargent Schenendt r. Pa Jorporo.l Sinitli, Pound Amoc Moore, New* Jersey G B Colo, Shippenshurg M R Demdng. ClciirAeld S E Neiler, Petnia Dr W Wilson, Bethlehem J II Baldwin, Indiannp'dis Jas Sulgrove, Indianap'dis J R Churchill .7 TV Ryan, Eric, Pu TV J Lamborton, Penna John Loudon. Alt,.one. Pa Jolmsnn Bv G E Billingsly, Kentucky James G Elder, Penna Jacob T Gest, IMuladii Mrs S E Moore, Xnrrishiwn J Chambers, Cincinnati L B Platt, Delaware Sargent Taylor, N York Samuel Sinclair, Jr, Pa J B O’Kcsnn, ] > eunsylv ? a Levi Oberholtz, l’cnn’a O RciPler, Marylantl Jos Stackhonso. Atlloboro T\ II Stuekerl, Bucks co Amos Corson, Middleton Thos Buckmnn, Newl.Mont;: co IVm T McKfi'M-r, Hatrisu .1 McCullough, SprinvfieUl. 0 D Ilians. penusyhauiA T E Watt, ritts-hurff .1 1> HuMwin A wi, PittdU W 11 Watt, I.atrobo, Pa S G Qrone, Harrisburg j tH * Kldov, Wilkcshnriv K Cnnniiixkflm, Chester co J Jt iJol'l'ins, Mass dns P Wiley, Pcmwyiv’a REVERE HOUSE—Third street, Above Race. 1> M,.„m l’ort (*rtrt***i» W I) Port <‘»ul.on V L ltlauksbm, (Immhi-rsh X Brawn, Csirlwh* Sornl JlidlicM. New Jersey All .1 Saylor, Berk* co AW Bishop, Northampton BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhilt, Bi'tij W Smith, Bucks county Oliver RoMerton. Pa L 1* Bivjwii, Allentown Bvnj Beans, Bucks co PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. GEO. N. TAT2IAM, * TH. FROTH TNGUAM. S COMMITTER OP THB MONTH, WOI, L. RLHN, > LETTER BAGS At the Merchants 1 Exchange, Philadelphia. ShipTonawandft, Julius Liverpool, Sept 25 Burk Addison Child, Smith Buenos Ayres, soon Bark Tlmmuft Ihdleft, Dill Laguuyra, soon Bark Elizabeth J, Foulkc Port Spain, Triii, soon Briir Waltham, OlnTk Barbados, soon IJILP OK T ATIOiV S. gT. JOHN, N. B.—Brig New XeaUhd.Gnnning—64s,- t)00 lutii* 100 bids ah* wives* E X Sonder A Co. MARINE INTELLIGENCE, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 21, IS6I. SUN RISES 6 2 j SUN SETS f> 58 HIGH WATER 3 27 ARRIVED. Ship Ifortonain, Atkins, from Liverpool July 28, with imlse to John R Penrose. llnrfc Aaron J Harvey, ’Miller, 3 days from Portland) with indue to Wm Cummins* & Son. Brig New Zealand, (Br) Gunning, 10 days from St John, N B, with laths and fish io E A Sotidcr & Co. Brig Waltham, Clark, 7 days from Boston, in ballast to Thus Watt son Sc Sons. Schr John Lancaster, Willetts, 5 days from Province town, with mdse to Geo B Kerfoot. Schr Jus Allderdice, ,Stik-s, 0 days from Boston, with ice to captain. Schr M M Freeman, Howes, 5 days from Boston, with nnlse to Twells & Co. Schr John Farnnm, Hall. 4 days from Providence, with imlso to Crowell A* Collins. Schr J B Bleecker, Edwards 2 days from New York, with mdse to D Cooper. Schr Trojan, Slumrds, 7 days from Key West, in ballast to D S Stetson & Co. Schr James Neilsnn, Burt, 3 days from Taunton, with mdse to Twells & Co. Schr Sarah Luvinia, Connor, 1 day from Camden, Del, with oats to Jas Bniratf A: Son. Schr Ida, Vamlerslice, 1 day from Port Penn, Del, with grain to Christian Sc Curran. Schr Mary, Rickards, 1 day from Camden, Bel, with oats to J L Bewley & Co. Schr John Sv Rail, 1 day from Jones 1 Creek, Del, with oats to Jus L Bewley & Co. Schr Velina, Hulings, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with wheat to Jas L Bewley A Co. Schr Levin Lank, Boyce, 1 day from Concord, Del, with bark to J L Bewley & Co. Schr Delaware, Doiibv, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wh**at to Jas Barratt & Son. Schr Rhodella Blew, Peterson, from Boston, in ballast to J It Blakiston. Schr New jersey, Yannenian, from Baltimore, in ballast to Noble, Hammett St Caldwell. Schr Fnauy Bounlman, Matthews, from Portsmouth, in luilhud to Sinnick.= s on J? Glover, Schr Isaac Rich, Crowell, from Boston, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Schr R n Wilson* Davis, from New York. Schr Jos Porter, Yates, from Boston. Schr Anna Magee, Wheaton, from Boston. Scln* John Cadwalnder, Clayton, from Bo don. Schr Pathway', Crawford, from Boston. Schr Mary Piittereon, Godfrey, from Boston. Selir Wm P Cox, Houck, from Salem. Si*lir J Framlir?, from Sonars Point. Schr M Monson, Bmvfdi-r, from Bmoklmven. Schr C Williams, Golding, from Maurice River. Schr SI) Bellows, Clark,-from Middletown. Schr Ellon Baker, Steelman, from Dover, N If. Steamer Alidn, Robinson, 22 hours from New York, with mdse to W P Clyde. CLEARED. Steamship Delaware, Cannon, New York, James All dcrdice. Steamshipß S Stetson, Russell, Washington, DC, D S Stc*s«oji & C*o. Ship Philadelphia,' Poole, Piverpool, T Richardson A Co. Selir Z A Paine, Jones, Eastport, E A Souder & Co. Schr F Bourdman, Mathias, Rockport, Sinnickson & Glover. Schr II A Roger*, Rogers, Boston, DTearson. Selir 31 H Wilson, Davis, Boston, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Schr New Jersey, Vaimernan, Boston, do Schr J OmHvalacler, Ciayton, Boston, Costner, Stickney Sc Wellington. Selir Pathway, Crawford, Boston. do Srlir R H Dnlei’t Shenmin, Providence, do Schr M Munson, Brewster, B.i9ton, Wm II Johns A Co. Schr M Patterson, Godfri'y, Boston, Repplier A Bro. Schr Isaac Rich, Crowell, Boston, N Sturtevaut & Co. Schr A Meceo, Wheaton, Boston, L Audenroid A* Co. Schr C Williams, Golding, New Bedford, do Schr Wm 1* Cox, Houck, Medford, J R BUkfeton. Selir Saratoga, Adams, Newhurvport, Van Dusen, Norton & Co. Schr J Frambes, Somers, NowLnryport, Trevcrton Coal Company. grlir g D Bellows, Ciarlu Kanrnrd, Tyler, Stone Jt Co. Schr 14 C Scribner, Irons, St Thomas, Tyler, Stone & Co. Selir George & Arthur, (Br) Stubbs,Montego Bay, Ja, D X Wct/lar & Co. Schr Rhodelia Blew, Prtcrsmi, Boston, J R BlakUton. Schr Emma Amelia, Harding, Boston, Twelh & Co. , Schr J M Jones, M Clyde. Tin: hark Savannah cleared for London on Thursday, by Messrs. J'efer Wright A Sons, with the following cargo:—7,927 bushels wheat, in bnlk; I,93obag*oil cake; 502 hrls fiour; 293 bids oil: 3 bids chrome ore; 65 casks tallow; 15 casks lampblack; 225 tierces provisions; 4 ca=ks ylussware; 1 box brass ware; 50 hhds tobacco. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Deb, Sept 19. The brigs Judge Blunoy, for Boston; Lebanah, for St. George; Catherine Nickel?, for Bangor; Marshal Ney, for AVest Initics: schrs J W Maitland, for Washington; 11 Pnysoii, for Boston; Sarah Wooster, for do: Smith Tuttle, for do; West Wind, for do; Kedington, for St George; It Jacobs, for Berlin; Michigan, for Portland; Woodruff Sinn?, for Braintree; j W Wellington, for Well fleet: CL YaiuWrwort, for Fort Monroe; Mary P Hud son, Henry Castle, and H 11 CoggshaU, for Boston; Hornet, for Baltimore, and steamer Jersey Blue, for New York, are at the harbor. Ship Wm Cummings, for Liverpool, ia at anchor in the Roadstead. Wind N. and cloudy. Yours, &c. A. MARSHALL. (Correspondence of the Press.) READING, September 18. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, hound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: MilosLurg Iron Works, bar iron to Lynn, McCoy «fr Co: J II Hugg, lumber to M II Keith, Now York: Regu lator, grain to Perot & Bro; Jacob Steel, lumber to Trump A Son; Mary, d«» to Henry Croskey: Wright & Brother, chj to John Craig; Mary Elizabeth, do to Wm C Lloyd; Jersey, charcoal to Wm Kaufman. F. MEMORANDA. Ship Ocean Belle, Brown, at Cardiff 3d inst, from Montevideo. Ship Western Chief, Wording, from Callao, was off Queenstown orb inst, Bark E FUuibus Ununi* Wallace* gulled from Cadiz 2Sth nit, for Montevideo. Bark Mary Edson, Nickerson, at Marseilles 2d inst, from Boston. Schr H B Malionoy, Lake, lienee at Bo3ton 19th Inst. Schrs Elonise, Tliatclior: It S Milrr, Baker; Excd si.ir, Rih-y; E Slade, Bayley; C M Neal, Godfrey: SE Julios, Jones; Henry Cole, Hazelton; George Edward, TYcvKr> r Boicc, Adams, ami L A Jlliltr, cleared at Boston I‘Jth lust, tor this port. gchrs Henry Perkins, Gobdriclij L S Levering, Cor son; T Lake, Doughty, and llanuaU Blackman, Corson, hence at Salem 17th in>t. gchr Omega, Taylor, cleared at Baltimore 19th inst. for this i«»rt. # gchrs A Cordery, Grace; St dona, Foster; S ..Moore, Strum and Zmiavi*, Foster, cleared nt Salem 17th Inst, for fids port. Sclir Jas JNeil.'im, Burt, from Taunton for this port, sailed from Newport 8 A 31, ISth inst. Srhr Sarah Ehlridge, Conover, at Providence ISth hist, from Orman's Creek, Del. Schr Hannah Willets, Parsons, hence at Baker’s Laud ing 17th inst. Schr S Applegate, Levi, cleared at New York 19th inst, for Egg Harbor. Schr TVuve, for this port, sailed from New Haven ISth instant. Selir.-iMartha C«»llin.a, ShAurds* Revenue, Gamlyi Em pire, Adams, and New Haven, Field.*, sailed frvrn Provi d*-u ;c IStli inst, for tliis port. MARINE MISCELLANY. Brig Hannah Eastee, having a forged clearance from New York for St. Thomas, with a large and valuable cargo, was seized at Elizabetlipurt on the afternoon of the liuh inst. The captain and crew escaped. The Messrs Marey, br..th«sri«, >me Uvingin I’ortvinoilth, N. H., the other in New* Orleans, owned four ships. The Southern brother hoisted the Secession ling on two of them, and they w*ere seized by the United States autho rities. The other two, floating the stars and stripes, w ere captured by the rebels. SPECIAL, NOTICES, One-Price Clothing, op the Latest j Styles, made in the Beßt Manner, expressly for RETAIL | SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plata j Figures. All Goods made to Older warranted satisfac- : tory. Our One-Price System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. j ee22-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. j Batchelor’s Hair Dye.— This cele brflted and perfect HAIR DYE is tho BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere Imitations of this Groat Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine \V. A. BATCHE LOR’S LIQUID HAIR DYE instantly produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating tho Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK & CO. and DYOTT & CO., Philadel phia mia-tf Card Printing, Best and Cheapest In the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. BIEL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. | PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of tho most superior quality, At tho most ' reasonable rates, at RING WALT & BROWN’S, Drexell’s j Building, 34 South THIRD Street. dclO-jy | MABRIED: Bt >wles—peters,—On Sunday, tho 15th inst., by Rev, Thomas Braiucrd, D. D.» Mr. (JimiUw M. ismvli** to Miss Sue, diiuglitar of Jacob Petals, K**., all of this city. [Xcw Yoi-k i*u|k.ts i>l<*a.*o copy.] #* ' M.KINSTRKY—ANCOKA.—On the MtU inst., at ; Chestnut Hill,' by Rev. Dr. 3loriarly,Gco.A.3lcKins troy to Isabella M. Aurora. # * KRAMER—COOPKIL—ScpI.mber Ifith, 7»y R.*v, j John Thompson, 3lr. J’hilip Ju-imier to 3liss Sarah S. j Cooper, both of Philadelphia. . * J .lATIIO—PAUL.—OiI the 18th inst., by Rev. A. At- ; winul. 31 r. Henry F. Jutlio tu Miss Ib*bet:ea Paul, all of ; till- «*iry, ifc • CAIiTY—MEGEE.—On tin* lltli inst., by the Rev. « A. W. Milby, Mr. N. J. Carty to Jibs gallic Megee, all ! of tliir* eity. # 1 lIASLA3I—GRfiFF.—fin the 17th inst., by the Rev. John l’ntter, Wm. Haslain. of Philadelphia, to .Miss Edith Jane Groff, of St. Georges,'Dd. * KELLY—JIct^UAID.—On the Kith inst., hy John G. Wilsmi, Y. D. 3r„ Mr. Francis Kelly to Mi& Alien Me both ot‘ tMs , lty. RONEY—HUCSUES.—ApriI 2*.\ Hilil, by John («. Wilson, A". P. M., Mr. >\. J. Kom-y to Mis* Juno llucbes, both of this city. * MARSHALL—DDBGSQ.—On the 19th, l.y (ho Rev. Sand. Ditrburow, John S. Jlurshall, of Clh‘B year*. Funeral from her lute residence, No. 917 South Third street, this (Saturday) afternoon, ut C o’clock. * M ALLOWF.LL.—On the 1 P;L Henrietta R » wife cf Charlf r M. lfall'v.vll, in the 22d ; car <»f her a ire. Funeral from h< r late residence, No. 1020 Beech Rlrerf, thi«i /witiird'iy) »frern...Mi, at 2 o’clock. * JOHNSON.—On the ISih inst., Mary Amanda, wife ot‘ John R. Jidin-oii, hi !!)•• o->d year of h'-v age. Funeral from the rende nee of her hu>!»:tml, Falls or S.dmylhilbon Sunday afUTimnu, at 1 oVlock. * IIAGEKTY.—On the lSlh ins!., Chrlrtojdier Ilagerty, in the 04th year of his age. Funeral from Ids lute reeidr-nre, No. 7r.t» Somb > ir t.M-i.th Mrcct, tide (fc?«t nrdiiy) iiftornoi.ii, at y e'dovk, without further nonce. * LOI DKRBACK.—On the 10th Inst.* Mr. Joseph Loti di*r buck, nurd 6h c»i>. Finn ral fn»m bis late residence, Xo. li»02 Cross street, by Tenth ami Ta.-ker, on Sunday aflernoon, at 1 o’clock. McCBOSSAX. —On tin* 191 h iust., Patrick, son of John and .Margaret McCro.-snn, aged on.* year and tea im'Jiths. Funeral from the residence of hi" parents, 1625 Wood street, iltir- (Saturday) aftenu»mt, at 3 o’clock. *• Ralston.—in the bonniLdi of riKi'iiixriih 1 , on rha I.i«.|-Irln« of the JtHh llisl, Catlmiine Rnlstoii, I'vHvt or J tuner RiiLtuti, in tin* 70th year «»f her age. Funeral on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. & SHE\ LIN.—On the l!*th iti.'l.. Tbonms. son of Pa trick and Catharine Shovlin, ti.ged 22 month-. Funeral from the residence of bis parents. 521 North Front street, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. * WELLS.—On tin* IHlli inst., Mr. John Wells, aged 41 years. Funeral from his late residence, Heath (formerly Car rol) street, above Thirteenth, on Sunday, at 1 o'clock. # YERGKR.—(Mi the morning of the 19tl» iust., Sarah IJnuKi'ii, infjiut itniiirKt'-i' of .luliti Jv. anrt M»«rv 31. V<*r ger. aged 10 months jmd 0 d:«y.-. POOD BLACK SILKS AT OLD Vir rKICKS. Black Gros de Rhinos*, SI. do. Ptmitde Sides, gl. do. Orem Graines, extra finalities, do. Gros (irainettes. do. Gross de Kspagnes, do. Gros deS Indes. do. Gros d’Keosse and Ottomans, do. Arumre? ami Venetienncs, Ac. BESSON Sc SON, Mourninj? Store, 6{l2.tf No. 918 CHESTNUT Street ryrs=»- « OB!—THE IMMUTABILITY OF GOD.—Rav. JOHN ('IIAMBKUS rner of SIXTH aud CHESTNUT Streets, THIS (Saturday) Evening, at 8 o'clock, Distinguished Speakers will be present. It JJ HEADQUARTERS COMMON jR WEALTH REGIMENT, S. W. comer NINTH and Va CHESTNUT Streets,—The Roll Book is now open at the above room. All young men desirous of organiz ing a first-class Regiment for immediate service, are re ijuesh’d to enrol their names without delay. se2o-6l Ji THE WALLACE ItEGIXENT Hot nfFAKTKT-COL. E. E. WALLACE,-Cum- Ilf nsunding.—Hcad'inarhTSj GOVERNMENT BUILD ** INGS, CHESTNUT Street, below Fifth. Patriotic young men wanted to be mustered in a first class regiment, nnd go into camp, under pay and rations at once. Companies to have full camp and garrison equipage immediately. Officers moot daily, up stairs, at Headquarters, nf 9 A. M. sel6-6t# Sdl CAVALRY.—CAVALKY OF floors wishing to lmy u tniined, spiritod ssubllo f JICRBK, which ha? no superior, fifteen bauds high* soTt’ii ytnrs old, tntd of pytMordiiuey endiu'nnee, willdo well by addressing Box No. 4, CIIEST Ell, Dela ware county, Pa. se26-2t^ CAVALRY.—a OO D MEN JSSBfr u anted to fill up Captain Arcbambault’s Troop, of Colonel B. Butler Brice's Regiment, now in Camp. Rations, Ac., immediately. Pay* from $l4 to $22 pop DK'UUb An exix*rionccd Trooper wanted as Orderly Sergeant. HcadquartiTS 106 South SIXTH Street. Captain JOS. ARCIIAMBAULT, Late Eighteenth Regiment, P. V. First Lieut. FRANK EVANS. Second do. JAS. 31. COX. s©2o-2t* S-ft U. S. ARMY—WANTED IM- Sstn MEDIATELY, for llio SIXTH BEOIMEXT v. S. CAVALRY, REGULAR SERVICE, n lew more alde-bodied mew, between the uses of twenty out* and tldrty-ftve. Pay ranges from $l4 to $23 per month, *ceortiing to the rank of the- soldier. Eaeb-hidn will be fnrnislied with u good horse and equipments, am ple clothing mwl subsistence. Quartets, fuel, and medical attendance free of charge. The pay of each soldier com mences as soon as hois enlisted. By nn act lately passed, the term of enlistment is changed from five to THREE YEARS, and every soldier who serves tliattime is entitled to $?109 BOUNTY from the Government. Attention is drawn to the fart that the Government has wisely commenced to promote soldiers from the ranks. Advancement is, therefore, open to all. For further particulars, apply at the Recruiting Office, GIRARD HOUSE. LIEUT. F. DODGE, s!4-tf Sixth Cavalry, Recruiting Officer. NEW PUBLICATIONS. ATeXA N NEW I‘OKM. EDWIN OF DEIRA, BY ALEXANDER SMITH, Author of Life Drama aiui other Poems,*’ ;i City Poems,” Ac, UNIFORM WITH If IS PREVIOUS WORKS—WITH FINK PORTRAIT OK THE AUTHOR, 1 voh. lCmo TICKNOR & FIELDS. publishers, It 135 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. Books, law and miscella- KEOUS, new and- old. bought, sold, and ex changed, at the PIIILADELPHIA-BANK BOOK STORE, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to sell, if at a distance, will 6tate their names, sizes, bindings, dates, editions, prices, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by Benjamin Franklin, os well as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Catalogues, in press, sent free. Libraries ap prftised by ffc2fi-tf] JOHN CAMPBELL. J^U RNSIDE’S WHISKY. TO THE PUBLlC.—Messrs. STOCKDALE & CO., Kv>. 331 WALNUT street, north Wdc, Philadelphia, are the Sole Agent* for the sided' my Whisky. JAMES BURNSIDE, Distiller, Allegheny Co., Pa. BURNSIDE’S PURE OLD MOKOSGAIIELA RYE WHISKY. —Hotels, Dealers, and Fainilieii supplied by the Sole Agents, STOCK DALE A CO., *i*2l-tf 331 WALNUT Street, north tide. -VPEW YORK AND PHIL ADEL jAI PHIA SYRUPS In Jlhtte., Tw,, anil mils, part of very choice quality. 3few Orleans ami Ouhu Sugar, also strictly choice i’nrtn Kico do., Cut I.oaf and other refined Sunars* Primrose Uis/* do. 05*,” and William IL Grunt 7 * 5s « Own Rrand” Tobacco. An assortment of prime ami nuslintn Coffees of various kinds. Also Porto llico and Muscovado Molasses in store and for sale by PHILIP REIEY & CO., 3fu. 7 North'WATER Street. TTNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVA \J NJA—MKIM’AL I>K I 1 ABTMKNT. ~ Ninety-■ hixtli Sesfiiun, 15U1 mul 'O2. Tbe regular Lectures of tUis school will commence MONDAY, October 14, nml termiimte tbr last of February. Fee tin- full Course §lOO, Ti. K. JSOGERS, ?c*2l-tstu4t Dean of the Medical Faculty. UNION ENVELOPES! UNION ENVELOPES! VS lON ENVEOLPE3!-That will go tliruusli tilt* Post (.util's, over tliroo liumlereil unit liftyilill'emit.t vies. CountryStorekeeperseuppliwl .with twenty-five nr it million, ill tin* very lowest prices, at MAOKK'S, Union Panel- anil envelope Manufuetory, 010 CIIKSTNI'T, of HUDSON Street, cor. of HUDSON Street. Ileuieinlicr olij, lieniemiter JJI6 CHESTNUT Street. eeit-Ut WHO WOULD HATE THOUGHT f f that would pay i'..r so excellent a colored Vbotoirrapb as tin* one made by RKIMKIt, SKOoND Street, above (!r«‘ii ? It* XUTER’S HAIR DYE, tin" and 38 ix Touts a Rox. Also, applied at Oil THIRD Street, nhove Chestnut. It* s s ’ ooo - — Vei, y tjlxVjVui/j snporier old Mortmain*.*, scrum! on unit ml city properties. for sale by F. It. .10NKS, No. 129 South SEVENTH Street. rn, HAY AND FODDER CUT -X-TEIiS, (Jraiu Fans, Root Cutters, Corn Sliellers, A^litoltural Implements. in great variety, for sale- by 1). J.ANDRKTH A SON, llbpltJUeht itnd Seed Warehouse, 3t* Nos. 21 and 23 South SIXTH Strrel. AAA BAGS PRIME NEW CROP Ow TIMOTHY SEED, fur jale l.y «-21-6t# BORERS & REST. Ammoniated super-phos- IV3IATI’1 V 31AT1’ OJ* LIME, warnmted pure around lioug unil lino bone.' Bwie dust nmmiraetumi ami for nulo by H<*CiKKS A (iKST, No. N»*i MAKKKT Slroid. So2l-fit* Fine shirt manufactory J. W. SCOTT, 814 CHESTNUT Street, a few doors below the “ Continental.” The attention of the Wholesale Dealers is invited to hie IMPROVED CUT OF SHIRTS, of superior fit, make, and material, oa hand and made to order at ahnrtaatnitb jeS.tf OLIVE OlL.—Pure Olive Oil in white glass bottles, just received per bark Juliet. For •ale by JAUBETCHE A CABSTAIBS, No. 208 Bnnth FRONT Street. JUST RECEIVED, per “ Annie Kim ball,” from Idverjiool, Hander, Wearer, A Man fler’B jroparations: 26 lbs. Extract Aconitt, In 1 lb. jars. 26 lbs. Extract Hyoscyaml, | n 1 lb. jars. 60 lbs. Extract Belladonna, lu 1 lb. jars. 100 lbs. Extract Taraxaci, In 1 lb. jars. 60 lbs. Vin Hal Colchici, in 1 lb. bottles. 100 lbs. 01. Succini Kect., in 1 lb. bottles. 600 lbs. Calomel, in 1 lb. bottles. 600 lbs. Pil Hydrarfr., in 1 lb. jars. A BUOTHEB, it and 40 Korth 6ECQNO Street. ! mbs l THE PEESS—PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 81.1861. RETAIL DRY GOODS. jgYBE & LAN DELL, EYRE & LANDELL. EYItL & LAND LL EYRE & LAN'I iRLL. EYRE & LANJ)ELL. lyrj: & landell, fourth Axn aucii, FOURTH ANO ARCH, FOURTH ANO ARCH, FOURTH AM) ARCH,. ARE SOW OI’HXIXG THEIR USUAL ASsORT M E X T O F FALL 13 ItY GOODS, AHAI-TED TO FIRST-CLASS CITY SALES. FASHIONABLE SILKS, FINE BLACK SILKS, NOVELTIES IN POPLINS, NEW FALL SHAWLS, SCARLET CENTRED SCARFS, WATERPROOF CLOTHS, FULL STOCK OF STAPLES, L> L Y GU O O 1> S. >e2l-rtuthl*t WE WILL OFFER THE BEST QUALITY of Wamsutta Bleached MUSLINS, 33 inched wide, for Vl}.} ets. by Ihe piece; best 37-inch wide Wamsulta, by the piece; bunt Water-twist Fruit of the Loom, full yard wide, 12j£ els. by the piece, (these arc sold wholesale, by the caso, at 34 et<;) Wil liumsville 2ds, 12J£ cts. by the piece: No. 1 Wiilinms ville, la cts.; New .-York Mills at the old price; extra heavy Housekeeper Muslin, 12)£ cts.; Harris’ extra tine, 11 j, cts M (this was never sold for less than 12,‘f ;) lino nnd heavy yard-wide, 10 cts.; full yard-wide, cts, by the piece; the beat fljf-cviit for cents by the piece; best 11-eent for 9 cts. by the piece; full I>£ yd». wide for cts., (now worth 15 cts. by the case;) Utica 10-4 wi’de Hamilton aod Ilugenot Sheeting, 3 yds. wide, the very best made, 37 cts. We call attention to this lot of Muslins, knowing them to he at less prices than usual, and »ill sell them at these prices only fjo long ns our present stock may hud. Wo offer a Great in all Linen Barnsley Napkins, $1.25 per dozen. Also, in Table Linens, Fine Napkins, and Blankets. B. D. K W. H. PKNNKT.L, pelO-Ct 10*28 MABKKT Street, below Bteveiith. FALL— 1861. SPLENDID GOODS, UHEAP FOB CASH, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, The Cheapest ever Offered. Thirty Yvr Corf, under Regular Fricea, SILKfj AND PRESS GOODS, Great Variety. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS. Most of our Muslins still at OLD PRICES Flannels, Cloths, aud Cassimeres. Linens of our own ImiK>rtation. Blankets, nil sizes. Balmoial Skirts, Ac., &e. At the Old Established Store of THOBNIiEY & CHISM, b*2o U. E. cor. EIGHTH and SPltllTG GARDEN. WATER-PROOF CLOAKS. T T Also, most approved shape for Fall Wear of Plain Cloth Cloaks. Striped Cloth Cloaks. Black (’loth Cloaks. Orders filled with our accustomed promptness. Largo stock of Cloths from which to select. COOPER & CON ARD, seQO S. E. comer NINTH Sc MARKET. ) CLOAKING CLOTHS. Waterproofs aud Bepellautc. Plain Colors Cloakings. ' Fine anil Medium Black Cloths. Ah-o, Cassiuicrcs, Satinets. Vestings, Boys’ Wear, See. COOPER & CONARD, ee2o 8. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET. SEAM'LS. Blanket Shawls. Mifeip** Shawls. Black Thibet Shawls. Gouts 1 Travelling Mauds. t COOPER &CONABD, bp2o 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET, a WATER-PROOF CLOTH CLOAKS, BLACK MIXED. RepeUani Cloths, Brown Mixed. -• llepellant Cloths, Gipsy Hoods. Light Cloths, tbr Fall Dusters. EYRE A LANDELL, 80 17 FOURTH and ARCH Streets. Autumn dress goods. SHARPLESS BROTHERS have opened a hand some STOCK of GOODS, Specially adapted to the time?, Consisting of NEW FABRICS at LOW BATES. Plain and Figured Black Silks, Rich plain colored Poult do Soies, French Merinos, very cheap, I’ivris l*;mt y C;»shim*ri*s and De Lnines, Velours, Drogllets!, Reps, Otfomnns, Black l)v Ltdnes, Merinos, Doinl*ii'/.sm*s, New Styles Fine Blanket Shawls, Broelie and m*w Fancy Shawls, French and English wide Chintzes, Calicos in immense variety, New Goods in Men’s wear, Boys’ Cussiinercs and Coatings. Belt CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Street a. “VTE'W FALL DRESS GOODS. Al New Styles of Fall Silks. Very Cheap Black Silks. Good Black Silks at 75, 81, and 87J£c. Rich Printed Merinocs and Cashmeres* Rich All-Wool Reps, all colors. Black and White All-Wool Plaids. New Full Delaines. Beautiful Mohair Brocades atlSjfc. Cheap Stella Shawl#. I Stella Shawls of all grades and qualities. BALMORAL SKIRTS, • Largest sixes, and best colorings and stylcß . At $2, worth S 3. 1 Cheap Canton Flannels and Muslms. N ew Goods opening daily. H. STEEL A SON, seU tf No, 713 N, TENTH St., above COATES. The arch-stkeet cloak and MANTILIA STOEE. KEW FALL CLOAKS. WATEK-PEOOF TWEED CLOAKS BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. EVERY NOVELTY AT MODERATE PRICES. JACOB HORSFALL, Bu3l-6m N. TV. corner TENTH and ARCH Sta A UTUMN DRY GOODS. *t\ j will open this morniug the following desirable 6 One Lot of Dark Wool Do Laine. One Lot of Dark Cotton and Wool Do Lain©. One Lot of Mohair Poplins. One Lot of Ladies’ Cloths. One Lot of English Calicoes, at JOHN H. STOKES', au3o 702 ARCH Street. TATOTICE TO LADIES. lM Will open this morning, from a bankrupt sale, the following goods, which are decided b&rgans; One Lot of Plaid Muslins at 18&, worth 28. One Lot of Plaid Muslins at 25, worth 37 One Lot of Ladies’ L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, One Lot of Ladies’ L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 15. One Lot of Geuts’ L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 25. One Lot of Dark Linen at 25, worth 37)£, at English canton flannels— Both single Atul double napped, at old prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, & ARRISON, Be7-if 1008 CHESTNUT Street. Linens, house-furnishing GOODS, FLANNELS, DOMESTIC MUSLINS, &c,—Tlw lorsefct assortment tn the city, at lowest prices SBEPrAKD, TAN HARLINGEN, A ARRISON, ■ gcTif 1008 CHESTNUT Street. ~]VT 0 T I C E . —The subscribers have Li agreed to continue, and renew for one year beyond the time originally fixed for its duration, the Limited Partnership heretofore existing between them, in accord ance with the Act of Assembly, under the firm and immo of BENNERS A DRAPER, for the importing ami trad ing in foreign and domestic liierchandige and the general commission business. The General Partners are ISAAC B. BENNERS and WARNER DRAPER, and the Spe cial Faitner is JOHN 1). RENNERS, who has contri buted to the capital of the firm the buiu of Ton Thousand Dollars. 'l‘lie continued or renewed partnership com mences this dav, and ends on tha twelfth day of Septem* ber, A. P. 1802. Philadelphia, September 12,1861. ISAAC B BENNERS, WARNER DRAPER, General Partners. JOHN D. BENNERS, se2l-s6t Special Partner. "* IYTOTICE. —The undersigned have this 1 N day Sold till tlitir interest In the firm of F- N. JONES, Philadelphia, to I’. JONES & Co. and J. M. JONES, who will continue the business under tUo firm of F. A J. M. JONES. NAHUM JONES, J. ALFRED JONES. Boston, September 16,1801. It* ■\yt7E, THE UNDERSIGNED SUB- Y I SC’RIBERS, have, by mutual consent, THIS PAY, September lSfli, 1861, dissolved the Copartnership formerly kuowu under the title of CAIN & ISZARP, Tobacconists, No. 11l MARKET street, Philadelphia, Pa. selO-St# "M'OTICE IS ALSO GIVEN—TIie J_ 1 subscriber w ill e.untinuo llio business at tho old stand. AH persons having claims against or indebted to the firm formerly known as CAIN Jk JSZARD, will here after present them for adjustment to the said , ael9-3t* JOHN \\\ CAIN. "VT OTI C E.—The subscribers having _l_ 1 bought out the late fu*m of Thaclier & Woddrop, would infonn tlieir former patrons, and the public gene, rally, that tliry are now prepared lor tUo fall trade, and would offer inducements to customers to suit the times, a their stand, No. 10 North FOURTH Street, Philadelphia THACHEB & 00. Samuel A. Tiiaciibr, Hexily D. Vanhorn. \VvVi‘.ViW.'\WCA‘.V»SV V.'.VAW,' l '' Letters testamentary upou the estate of SARAH N. SAUNDERS, lato of the city of Philadelphia, deceased, having been graut <*2o-31 Secretary Controller* of Public School.*. TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILD KRS.—SEAT.KI) l-BOI’OSALS, endorsed “ I'ro posals for building a Public School House in the Six teenth Ward,” will be received by the undersigned, at the Office, southeast corner SIXTH and ADKLPIII Streets, until TUESDAY, tho 24th day of September, 1661, at 12 o'clock M., for building u Public School llouso on Howard street, below Girard avenue—said School House to ho built in accordance with the plans of George S. Bethel!, urclutcct, to bo seen at the Office of the Board. By order of the Committee on Property. ROBERT J. HEMPHILL, seSO-St Secretary Controllers of Public Schools Hides and goat skins.—a lot receive 1 per schr Augusta, for ealo l»y JAI'KETCIIE & CARSTAIR9, selu 202 nud 204 South FRONT St. JOHN H. STOKES’, 702 ARCH Street. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. JOHN W. CAIN, JOHN F. ISZ.VUD, LEGAL. RETAIL DRY GOODS. STOCK AT RE- OPENING OF NOVELTIES IN LACK GOODS AND PRICE, EERBIS, & Co., will open mi MONDAY, the 23d instant, novelties in LAFH, mid EMBROIDKIiIKS, as follows: Nesv Point Alein on Bare ('ollars and sets front S 2 to $25. Do. AH»liuueaud Yii|i‘m iemie o. Hoiiitoii di*. do. 50e to .*?d. Do. Maltese do. do. LV to $3. l>o, French Eiubrd Camhrieatal Swiss«- Luces. Our stock of Linen Handkerchiefs, white goods, »tc., will be much improved by numerous additions, all of whieh wilt I*o o|f» , r»‘ l l for I’ilHll fillpiT UUllt. bc|OW ..liliiK.ry rvts.jl pjicus. FBICE, FERRIC, & CO.. 1(11 ‘1 MAUKET STIiEET IS THE J-U-Lv PLACE.—I have im\v on han*l a stock of MULLINS that cannot be surpassed in the city, many of which I will guarantee to sell cheaper than they cm bo bought. Having purchased them for rush at very low prices I am disposed to iiivv ttu? pnt.lio Hu- ln*n.«!it iff it by selling them very cheap. Heavy bleached Shirting nfc 6] by tlia bicee, Worth 7 by Hie ease; *Hll h-avicr at 7) ; 3 case, :i4-ineli wide, at 9 cents, has been Bold at 10; • lull yard wide mid fine at very fine 10#; very heavy 31 cents; and the line Water Twist 32# emits. 'Fruit of the Lootu, Wamsuttu, Willi.unsvilh’, and New Y'ork Mills mav on hand at the very lowest, prices. One ruse 1)7 wide heavy Sheeting at 12# cents, worth 14 by the case; ami one ease of those very heavy Hu"U‘*ii'*t Sheetings, 3 yards wide, 37)£ cents, worth’ 40 cents wholesale. These arc the heaviest Sheetings now made. AH these goods are tin* hwt that will hr* sold at the pre sent price's. ' GRANVILLE lb HAINES, rt*lS-4t 1016 MARKET Struct, above Tenth. WILLIAMSVILLE, WAMSUTTA, * f V Penn, Bates, Amoskeag, and Bellows Fulls | BLEACHED MUSLINS. Y. E. AUCHAMB.UJLT, Northeast corner ELEVENTH mid MARKET Streets, will 01*101 this morning yard-wide bleached Muslins at 8,9, 30, 31,12)4, and Id)£ cents; Shirting width Muslins at 6,7, 8,9, and 10 cents; heavy and. lino Sheet ing and Pillow-case Muslins from 10 to 31 cents; film white Flannels 12, 38, 25, 31, and 37 cents; heavy bleached aud brown Canton Flannels 10, 11, and Vl% cents; cheap Towelling and Tabic Linens; new-stylo [ fall ivlaim-sond Chintzes; Sheplienl's rhiidsut 61 eenta; licit full Poplins at 50 cenrs. Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods and Carpet store, Northeast comer ELEVENTH undMAKKKT Streets. selB*32t fIOWPERTHWAIT & CO., \J N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET Sts. Have just received 1 bale of Gray Twilled Flannels. 1 box heavy unbleached Canton Flannel at 10c. 200 p«. now autumn-stylo Prints at 10c. Balmoral Skirts* Infest style.*: and coloring*!, A handsome lot uf printed Uohnnts« 1 yd. wide* at 31c, A very cheap lot Damask Table Linens. Our 25 cent White Flannels are the bost in the city. selS-tf Eyre & landell, fourth and ARCH Streets, uro opening their usual assortment Rich Fall Press Silks. l-'igurcc yrr-nch I*opHiis.‘ All-Wool ltleli Foil Delaines. IMnted Frcm-b Merinoes. Wtitdon Foulards, new Fabrics. Fall Sliawls, new Designs. Fine grades of Black Dross Silks. New Goods, opening Dailv. EYRE Sc LANDELL, ee 17 FOURTH and ARCH Streets. fIHEAP DRY GOODS—STILL FUR \J THER REDUCTION IN SUMMER STOCK, in order to insure miles and realrzo Cash. Fine Chintz colored Paris Organdies. Do. do. Pnria Jaconets. Medium style do. do. Dark Brown Lawns, 12)£ cents. Silk Challies, Bareges, Barege Anglais, Gray Goods, Poplins, Moti3 de Laines, A-c. Black Tamarthie Crape do Espang, &e. Foulard Silks and Milanese, &c. White Goods in variety. A fine line of plain Swiss Muslins, 12# to 50 cents. Black Lace Mantles, Bonrnons and Points. Black nnd Colored Stella Shawls* A very cheap lot of Linen Cambric Hdkfs. A good stock of Flannels and Domestic Goods at the lowest market ratus, for cash only. CHARLES ADAMS & SON, jygQ-tf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. COMMISSION HOUSES. QHIPLEY, HAZARD” & » HUTCHINSON, No. 11!J CHESTNUT STREET, COM MISSION M RCHANTS FOB THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. FINANCIAL. gEYEN '’'"AND ’ THREE-TENTHS PER CENT. TREASURY NOTES. SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS OPEN THIS DAY, TO THB NEW NATIONAL ROAN. Those who desire to participate in its benefits should apply at ouee to the undersigned, the appointed Agents for the GoTernment. All sums received, from FIFTY DOLLARS upwards. The office hours during the subscription for the Loan will he 5 P. 31., except on Monday evening, when it will remain open till 9 o’clock P. M. JAY COOKE & Co., Befi-15t No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. YEW NATIONAL LOAN.— I•' Pursuant to instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury, a hook will ho opened on tlio FIFTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, At No. 114 South THIRD STREET, For subscriptions* under my superintendence, for Trea sury Notes, to be issued under the net of July 17,1861. Those notes will he issued in sums of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOL. IARS, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS each, dated 19tli August, 1861, payable three years after date to the order of the sub scriber or as directed, and bearing interest at the rate of 7 3-10 per cent, per annum, PAYABLE SEMI-AN NUALLY *, such interest being at tho rato of TWO CENTS FOR EACH DAY ON EVERY HUNDRED DOLLARS. For the eonvouieneo of the holder, each note will have coupons attached expressing the several amounts of semi-annual interest, which coupons may be detached and presented for payment separately from the notes. Subscriptions for such Treasury Notes will be received during FIFTEEN DAYS from the day of opening the hook a? aforesaid. No subscription for less than FIFTY DOLLARS, nor for any fraction of that sum, can be re ceived. Subscriptions of fifty dollars or one hundred dollars must be paid in lawful coin of tho Uuitod Statc3 at the time of subscribing. Subscriptions of more than one hundred dollars ma ybe paid at once; or, if preferred, one-tenth at the time of subscribing and one-third of tho whole amount on every twentieth day thereafter until the whole el mil be paid. No payment of less than fifty dollars can be accepted, that being tU9 omuU?Bt SUQI fvr winch Treasury Notes can he issued. Certificates will be granted in duplicate to subscribers for the amounts bo paid, the original of which the sub scriber will transmit by mail to the Secretary of the Treasury, when Treasury Notes, as aforesaid, will be issued thereon to such subscriber or his order, carrying interest as expressed in such but in gases where only part of the amount subscribed is paid at tho time of subscribing, Treasury Notes will be issued only for the payments made subsequently to the first, which will remain until the whole amount subscribed by such person shall be paid, when Treasury Notes will be issued for such first payment also. On payment of each de-. ferred instalment, tho subscriber will pay, in addition thereto, a Sum equal to the interest accrued thereon from the 19lh of August to the date of payment, and on final payment like interest on tho amount paid on sub scription, wliick payments of interest will bo reim bursed to tho subscriber iu tho payment of tho first coupon. The Treasury Notes Issued upon such certificates by the Treasury will be sent to the subscribers by mail, or such other mode as may be indicated by them when they transmit their original certificates. The duplicate cer tificates may be retained by them for their own secu rity. JAY COOKE, Office of JAY COOKE & Co., No. 114 South THIRD Street, next door north of Girard Bank. • . ses-15t MILITARY GOODS. woollens. WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Arc prepared to deljrer on contract o-i and o>4 dark and sky blue CLOTHS AND KERSEYS. Kcll-3m au29-ths6t# OR NAVY BLUE SATINETS. §,OOO or 6,000 Yards Indigo Blue Satinet, Buch as Is used in the United States Navy. For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, 33 LETITIA Street, end »nl4-2m 34 FRONT Street QOTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOR GALE BY myMJftf FROTHINGHAM k WELLS. t non non tent buttons, u. s. liVvV*vl/v pattern, for sale by J. P. REED, Turner, southeast corner of THIRTEENTH and NO BLE Streets, Philadelphia. . BeT-lin* TTARDWARE AND CUTLERY, 1 1 cheap far Ca*li ami short Credit, by MOORE* HENSZEY, 42T MARKET Street, Philadelphia. ftlO-lm EJll:i;uioi;itu:s. NO. 720 CHESTNUT STREET. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. JJNGLISII WATER-PROOF CLOAKS. (A<)t AH T'i l AI.) FLACK-MIXED CLOAKS, GRA V-MIXKI) CI,OAKS, BKOWN-MIXED CLOAKS, CLARET-MIXEJ) CLOAKS, OPENING EVEIiY MOliNlNft. J. YY. PROCTOR & Co., * 70S CIiKSTXCT STREET. DRY-GOODS JOISUKKS. JAM PS, KENT, SANTEE, & CO., IMI'OKTKIS? AXI> JOJinFKS OF DRY GOODS, No*. 230 mid 241 N..rth THIRD Stn«*t, above Race, Have tow open their ususil LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Auioi)" which will 1.0 found a general assortment of PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. ter CASH BUYERS SPECIALLY INVITED. w?l7-2ni 1861 FALL SEASON ‘ W. S. STEWART & CO., Importers and Jobbers of SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, NO. 305 MARKET STREET. Wo invite the attentionof buyers to a fresh stock of NEW AND TASTY DIIESS GOODS* In great variety, bought AT AUCTION IN NEW YORK FOR CASH, And now opening, which wo will offer on tho moat fa vorable terms. Our stock comprise?, also, an assortment of PLAID AND PLAIN CLOTHS, REPELLANTS, Ac. For Cloaks and Mantillas. rcl4 rjIHOMAS MELLOR & CO., Nob. 40 and 48 KOIITU TIITIID Street, hosiery: house, LIXIiX UU’ORTKRS and sitirt-froxt maxffacturers. Importations dii-ect from the Manufactories. sell-2m YARD’ GILLMORE, & Co.. Noa. 61T CHESTNUT and 611 JAYNE Street., Have now' in store a full and well-assorted stock of FALL AND WINTER SILK GOODS. DBESS GOODS, GLOVES. SHAWLS. Ac. With tMr usiml assortment of WHITE GOODS. EMBROIDERIES, Ac., to which they invite the attention of buyers. se7-lm 1861_ TO CASH BDIEKS. 1861. II C.LACGHLIN & Co . No. 303 MARKET STREET, Are receiving dnily, from the PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK AUCTIONS, ft general assortment. of MERCHANDISE, bought for CASH. CASH BUYERS are especially invited to call and ex amine our Stock, . ses-tf 1861. FALL GOODS - 1861, FRESH ASSORTMENT. HALE, ROSS, & CO., 821 MARKET STREET, Have received, and are now opening, a fresh stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS which will be Bold low for CASH nnd on short credits. tST Buyers are respectfully invited to call and ex amine our 6tock. au3l-2m TYTALTHAM 77 inch Bro. Cottons. TT Do 03, 40, 42, and 80 inch Bleached Cottons. Hamilton Purple, Fancy, and Skirting Prints. Robeson’s fancy do. On hand and for sale by B. W. CHASE & SON, ; sel2-ifl2t 100 CHESTNUT Street. CARPETINGS. JARGE CAP.PET STOCK SELLING OUT AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, TO CLOSE BUSINESS. BAILY & BROTHER, No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET. , sel7-tutks2m JtOUfiTH.STREET CARPET STORE, No. 47, ABOVE CHESTNUT, I am now offering iny stock of ENGLISH CARPETINGS, EMBRACING EYKUY VARIETY AND STYLE. Imported expressly for City Retail Salw* at Prices LESS TUAN PRESENT COST OF IMPORTATION. J. T. DELACROIX. f?el9-2m Q.LEN ECHO MILLS, GERMAKTOWN, PA. McCALLUM & Co.. MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, AJfD PEAI.ERS. 009 CHESTNUT STREET. CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, *O. AVo Bare now en hand an extensile Btook of Carpet ings of our own and other makes, to which wo call tho attention of cash and short time buyers. BCll-2m jq-EW CARPETINGS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, No. 519 CHESTNUT STKEET—OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE, Are now opening, from Custom House Stores, tlieir FALL IMPORTATIONS NEW CARPETINGS 1,000 Pieces J. CROSSLEY A SONS’ TAPESTRY CARPETS, from 87i CTS-TOfIPERYD! C-4 TArESTRY VELVET j FRENCH AUBUSSON; FINE AXMINSTER; ROYAL WILTON; EXTEA ENGLISH BRUSSELS; HENDERSON & CO.’s VENETIAN; ENGLISH INGRAIN CARPETS; ALL OF NEW CHOICE STYLES HATING BEEN INVOICED BEFORE THE LATE ADVANCE IN THE TARIFF, Will be sold at MODERATE PRICES. an29-2m PORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. We a re now prepared to supply this STANDARD ILLUMINATING OIL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE & CO., Sole Agehis, 1010 MARKET STREET, ot2-6m Philadelphia. gOOK BINDING. ~~ Magazines, Illustrated Papers, and Periodicals of every description, bound neatly and at REDUCED PRICES. N. B.—MUSIC bound strongly, and with great care. SAMUEL MOORE & SON, JAYNE Street* between Eighth and Ninth and Mar ket and Cliestuut. sed-ln MILLIN'EII v noons. MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS. ROSENHEIM, BROOKS, & Co., 431 MARK E T ST R EET, Invib- the aiUntion of MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS To tlieir wdbasmrtcd Htnck of RMtr.ON.S rdnnet silks, .VELVETS, FLOWERS, STRAW GOfiD.S, Olid every oilier ftrtide in their line. A fUiperiLT brand id BLACK VELVET RIBBON'S pcl3.2m Alwavson hand. F ALL trade. STRAW AND MILLINER? GOODS, We* nr«- now prepared to exhibit a choice stock of Straw atul Millinery Goods, which will be Hold at dose prices for Cush or blunt approved credit. LINCOLN, WOOD, $ NICHOCS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET. QITY BONNET STORE. FALL BONNET S , RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Ar„ NOW READY ROXXETS TRIMMED AM) MADE OVER. LINCOLN, WOOD, $ NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET. eol2-3St _ MILLINERY G OODS, of" the Latest styles and fashions, n«\v open at my store, nnd will In* sold cheaper than anywhere, for cash. Milliners and Merchants arc* invited to call and examine before pur chasing elsewhere. M. BKRXIIETM, wIT-lm No. 8 N. TIITTID Street, ahovj' Market. N. B.—Six per cent, discount deducted for cash. WANTS. TTTANTED—BY A DRY GOODS ? Y House, a lirst-iduss SALESMAN, controlling near trade, Pennsylvania, Ohio, A*c. Addrc-s with real name and views of compensation, JOBBER, Box No. GOT, Post Oftke. se2o-Gt* TXT ANTED—A SMALL FAMILY Y i to take part of the dwelling No. 805 MARSHALL street.. Parlor, Dining lluuni, ami Kitchen on the first floor, will» tlueo or lour Ruth, sras, h*«t and cold water,.Are. selG-Ot# WANTED —A situation as an assist art teacher hi a private school, by a young lady well ciualified tu tcarh the minor brandies of an English 'education. Address *» Mary,*’office of The iVesc\ ■'gclC-12t« TTTANTED—By a steady middle-aged T T man, a situation US porter or watchman in a fac tory ov wavpliowsa. O.orwl vel’eroncos given. Porter. 5 * oHice of The l*res». seld-fit^ AN EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEP ER is open for an engagement. Salary in accord mice with the times. Undoubted reference as to charac ter ami ability. Address “ DiisinesV’ Box 2'JSO* Philadelphia lh*t .Office An experienced salesman wishes an engagement in a Wholesalo Dry-Goods .loM'hi" liou.-c. Will accept either u salary or u com mU'gion nn salts. Address u Salesman,” this otHoe. Employers ’wanting young Men, Ac., are invited to address the u Employment Committee,” at the Rooms miles, from Doylestown depot, and '2y, miles from I.ambertvillo sta tion and Delaware river, Bucks county. Plain and sub stantial stone improvements; good ont-buildings, and every variety of fruits. Price only S7u per acre; easy tcnuF. Apply to J 7» PETTIT* 6**l9 No. 309 WALNUT Street. FOR SALE—Beautiful Country Place, near the Willow Grove, 15 miles north of the city, containing 22 acres of supcxfnr laud, first-class modern improvements, beautifully shaded, all kinds of fruits, Ac. Apply to E. PETTIT, sell* No. 309 WALNUT Street; 43 TO LET.—A DWELLING *l. HOUSE, THIRTEENTH Street, above Arch, with all the modern conveniences. Rent moderate. Apply to WETHERILL & BROTHER, au3 47 North SECOND Street. 4gi TO RENT LOW—Furnished orun- Bialfurniflhed, for six months, or longer, if desired, • large and convenient HOUSE, No. 1735 Arch street Apply to A. P. and J. H. MORRIS, 916 ARCH Street. je!9-tf TO RENT—Large Communicating Furnished ROOMS, for Gentlemen, (withoutboard), in a private family, on WALNUT Street, west of Tenth. Apply to Drug Store, N. E. corner of Eleventh and W alnut streets. au2o-tf WHEREAS, THE LINDELL HO TEL COMPANY by its Deed, dated the first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, and recorded in the llocorder’s Office of St. Louis county, in Book No. 234, at Pago 202, and also by its other deed, dated the said first day of December, 1859, recorded in Book No. 239, Page 336, confirmatory of and supplemen tal to said first deed, did convey unto WILLIAM M. MORRISON, EDWAIiD BREDELL, and FRANKLIN A. DICK, the following-described real estate, situated in Block No. 126, of the City of St. Louis, and described aa follows; A I.ot or parcel of land fronting two hundred and sevcisty-ojie feet on Washington avenue, by owe hun dred and fifty feet in depth, and bounded south by Wash ington avenue, east by Sixth street, north by the north line of the field lot confirmed to Joseph TaiUon, and known as Survey No. 1508, and west by Seventh street. Second-, A certain Lot or piece of ground, situate in said Block, containing about seventy feet, lie the samo more or leg?, on Sixth street, by one hundred and thirty five feet deep on Green street, he the game more or lesaj being Lot known and designated on the plat of the lots laid out and made an addition to the town of St. Louis, by William Christy, as Lot No. 37, bounded on the west by No. 38, on laid out by Christy, on the' north by Green street, on the east by Sixtli street, and on tho south by the Lot herein first described: which said conveyances were made to said MORRISON, BREDELL. and DICK, in trust, to secure the payment of certain bonds therein described, amounting to four hundred thousand dollars; being eight hundred bonds of five hundred dollars each, fiflVAhlo ill ton years from the first day of December* eighteen Hundred and fifty-nine* to PETEIt LIXDELL or bearer, with ten per cent, interest, payable semi-an nually from that date, all payable at the Bank of Com merce, in New York; and ivherea?, among other things, it was provided in said Denis that if tho interest upon said bonds, or any part thereof, should become due and remain unpaid for thirty days after the maturity thereof, that then, by reason of such default, tho said bonds shall forthwith become due and payable, notwithstanding said bonds may not appear on their face to ho duo*, and t thereat, said LIXDELL HOTEL COMPANY has, it is believed, negotiated, sold, ami pledged six hundred and sixteen of said l.iomls, amounting to three hundred and eight thousand dollars, upon all of which the semi-an nual interest, becoming due on tlio first day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty one, lias been due for more limn thirty days, ami is still unpaid, although 6omc or all of it lms been (Icnmiulcd * Now, therefore, we, WILLIAM M. MORRISON, ED WARD BREDELL, *id FRANKLIN A. DICK, Trus tees as aforesaid, at tho request of many of tho indi viduals and corporations holding said bonds, and iu ac cordance with the provisions of said Deeds, will, on thet wenty-sccond day of October, eighteen hun dred and sixty-one, and between the hours of eleven o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in Hip afternoon of that day, at the card front door of tho Court House, in the CITY OF ST. LOUIS, Missouri, proceed to sell the above-described premises and property, for cash, at Pub lic Yeiulue, to the highest bidder, in order to pay the holders of said bonds the amounts duo thereon, and any amounts or charges that may be payable under the pro visions of said denis, together with the expenses of the Trust. WM. M. MORRISON, ) EDWARD BREDELL,} Trustees. 804-rt GROCERIES. families 'RESIDING IN THE BUBAL DISTRICTS. We are jrroared. aa heretofore, to supply familial at their Counts 1 ;- Residences with every description of FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, 40., &0. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, CORKER ELEVENTH AND VINE SREETS. xnylS Mackerel, herring, shad, SALMON, Ac.—3,000 this. Mess Nob. 1,2, and 3 MACKEREL, large, medium, and small, in assorted packages of choice, late-caught, fat fish. 5,000 bids. New Halifax, Eastport, and Labrador Her rings, of choice qualities. 6,000 boxes extra uew scaled Herrings. 3,000 boxes extra new No. 1 Herrings. 5,060 boxes largo Mngdaline Herrings* 260 bids* MncKiimo Wlilto Fish* B 0 bids, new Economy Mess Shad. 25 bids, new Halifax Salmon. 1,060 quintals Grand Bunk Codfish. 600 boxes Herkimer County Cheese. In store and landing, for sale by MURPHY A KOONS, nofi No. 146 NORTH WHARVES. /send all Money and I’ackngcs of Merclian / disc for places in the Eastern States, New f York, and Canada, by lIARNDEN'S EX PRESS, No. 248 Chestnut street. They collect Notes, Drafts, &c., and Bills, with or •without Goods.. Their Express is i the oldest in the United. States. J Express Charges on a single case, J or small lot of Goods, arc less than S by any other conveyance. selo-2m^^^ HOLLAND GlN.—Double Pine Ap ple Gill, in pipes ami tiirce.iiuartrr pipes, tor sale from bonded -warehouse, by JAVISETCIIE ACABSTAIRS, eel2-lm 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. fIOTTON SAIL DUCK and CAN \J TAB, of all numbers and brands. Raven’s Duck Awning Twills, of aU descriptions, for Tents, Awnings, Trunks, and Wagon Covers. Also, Paper Manufacturers* Drier Felts, from 1 to 6 feet wide. Tarpaulins, Belting, Sail Twine, Ac. JOHN W. EVERMAN h CO., cayl-tr 103 JONES Alley. tfASCir-'?"- ’}.’jtJJd:\?'XCZV7STJZXSW'’ : ~*k American acaikmy of ML.-JU. ,ii, in \ ||. |-. cum.lS, ill .* n cimi.l BIII.ITAUV VSii KNTKKTAtN.'IKNT TFK.'I'AV F.VFMVC, 21. Til'kH- 1" nli lilt. llmii'-,. 2i) .tii'n (In rr«('rvwl M.it-.) i" in- i.ii’i iii tin' Aiini,mi, imui uf nrr. nun). Coiitiiii'iilul lintt‘l. uii'l i't .1. K. ili-r.M'-, Si-v'iitli lunl fliMllllt. open uu«u{< r l'.smii.-ncc ftt r.’cknk. H'llUt A" ME R I CAN ACADEMY OF SIISII fr ACR K J‘ MVgl C wii.i. Jik: #ii\ MnSIiAV EVENING, SHPTE.M jIKU 20, 1801. The l*il\ouiiiir eminent Isdent will assmt Mi-* HENRIETTA SHAW, Mi*. lizzie rouLK, A LADY AMATKt’n, Mim I'AIJIiUNK McCAFFUHY, Miss ELLIK FUGLE, Mr. JOHN J. FTtAZKII, (td t)‘f* Sfpuin tlpara Troupe,) I’Kit, A A RDM U. TAYLOR, I‘nd. HENRY 0. TIirNDER, Mr. *. ItKIIRKyS) A SlXEt'f (W f GItKAT EXPECTATION’S, received niubtly with crowded hov.-sus, Abel MagwUcli, a Convict Pip, Jin Orphan., Miss JEFFERSON Miss Iliivislmm, a L»ul}’ of ALICE ORJJY To rnnciwW? with the Fifth Art of JNAGBKTII. ADMISSION—Press Circle, 50c.; PAniuet, 27J{c.; (Secured seats, 50c.) j Family Circle, 25c.; Private Box* e?, §0 mid Single Scats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 75c. ; Upper Boxes, 25c. Poors open at 7; Perfommncc to commence at 7 MRS. JOHN DREW’S ARCH-STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager \Y\ S. FREDERICKS. Business Agent ami Treasurer., JOS, P, MURPHY. Tills (Saturday) eyeniaG, September 21, The performance will commence with Camille Olympi- Armnmi Duval Ga>ton, To conclude with THE ’WHITE STATUE. Htssyhoily llosettn Jtlw tttLt.fcß PRICES—7O, 50, 37)4, 26, and 16 eeiibt. No extra charge for reserved seat*. WHEATLEY’S CONTINENTAL THEATRE—WALNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH. SECOND WEEK Of the great. Shaksperiun Hpectaeular Play, THE TEMPEST; On, Tun Exchaxted Island I s.*l7-lm* With all its GORGEOUS SCENERY, MOVING PANORAMA, VAST AND WONDERFUL MACHINERY, ANI) GREAT CAST ! The Last Scene, PROSPEROUS VISION, OR THE ABODE OF ARIEL I N TII K E X CIIAX T ED FOREST, Tin-most nmindfimit ever produced in America. IiJAGIG LANTERN PICTURES OF It_L THE REBELLlON—Rppri»w*ntinjßf all flu? promi nent Sriiiff'i mid Iririiirutt To this duto* For sale by JAMES W. OUEEX A CO* 024 CHESTNUT Street. A Descriptive List furnished gratis Jind sent by mail, free, on application. • sclS-lm PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP THE TINE AItTS, 1025 CHESTXUT Street, h open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children under twelve yoaz*. half price. Shares of Slock. 830. iyl G~~ '"'kEATEXHIDITION' OF~sfodKi Sl’EKli, IJIfLEMEXTS, ic., Ac., £TV— Oil the 2&1, 24tli, mill 25t!i of .SEPTEMBER, At XOJIIifSTOWN, PKSN'A, On the groimfs of t!ie East Pennsylvania Agricultural and Mechanical Society. ficli>-6t* Premiums, over. On Hornes alone. Competition from all sections invited. See bills, BIT.-tuthsot# INSURANCE COMPANIES. Life insurance.—The girard INSURANCE, ANNUITY, and TRUST COM PANY*, of Philadelphia. OFFICE, 408 CHESTNUT STREET, CAPITAL, §300,000, PAID UP. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Continue to ixsntc lives on the most reasonabt© terms. The premiums may be paid yearly, half yearly, or uunrtorly. The Company declare a iioxTU of pro fits?, periodically, to flu* insurances for whole life. Four bonuses have been declared, of which the following ar® a few examples from the Register * Policy. Sum in- Bomi'cs or ad surnl. ditions. No. 89 82,500 SSS 7 50 No. 232 3,600 1,050 00 No. 109 1,000 400 00 No. 083 5,000 l,?to 90 Pamphlets, containing rates unit explanations, forms of application*, and further information, can be had at the office. THOMAS RIDGWAY, President. John F. James, Actuary. sdC-mwfOtif* riOMMONWEALT RANCH COMPANY, PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. David Jayne, M. D., Charles H. Rogers, John M. Whitull, John K. Walker, Edward C. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S. Stewart, William Strothers, Henry Lewis, Jr., Stephen Coulter. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., President. JOHN M. WHITALL, Vice President, SAMUEL S. MOON, Secretary, Office,-Commonwealth Building, 613 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. se4-tf Fame insurance company, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE, George W. Day... Samuel Wright... D. B. Birncy.,... Henry Lewis, Jr. C. Richardson..... Jno. W. Everman. Geo, A. West F. S. Martin..,.... C. Wilson Davis... E. D. Woodruff... Jno. Kessler, Jr... GEOKGK W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Vioe.PfMMM*. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. j&23-iftf SAYING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, comer THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT, S. B. CRAWFORD, President, JAMES K. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office hours, from 10 until 3 o’clock. This company is not joined in any application to UM Legislature. B LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT Re moved to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, anr unklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determiiu'd to merit future patronage, has secured aa elegant and convenient store, and Ima now' on hand m large assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only Blrictly fire and burglar proof safes mailo.) Also, LiUio’l Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie’s Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be furnished to order on shott notice. This is the strongest, best pro tec ted,and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie’s New Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Jjc. Tills Sftfe is Con ceded to surpass in style nnd elegance anything ret of* fered for tills purpose, and is the only ono that iB strictly fire and burglar proof. Special Notice.—l have now on hand Bay twenty ol Farrel, Herring, A Co.’s Safes, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other maker*, comprising a complete assortment as to sizes, and aU lately exchanged for tha now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at wif low prices, Please call aud examine. jaSO’lyif M« Ih SADLER* Agent. JKSS Cp ir-iwvri-J-O PERHAM’S GRAND INTERNATIONAL EXCUR SION, EMBRACING TIIE EASTERN AND MIDDLE STATES, AND TIIE CANADAS. ' Ta \vlt * Th<- gtatc- of Main,-, Now llnmiwhiro. V ormont, MiissicWi-tts, lllii'ito Isbuid, Coimoctloilt, New York. l>i'r.n=vlvanhi, Daliiwnro, nml Maryland, of the United States,' anil Camilla East, ami Canada Most, and New lSriniMvirk, of the llriti.-h Trovim-es. Tirkets from riiilailrliilna to t ainiila nnd trturn, $2l. ( ( «« « Boston «* “ SlO. Tho above including tickets to several entertainment* on the route. For ili’tirili* of the route, days or shirt fug, pnee or ticKrb-fvr tbv wind trip, pee ponton* nml wnsH Mil* at The piineipul hotels uml railroad office. selotf - _.IT— la. FOR NEW YORK. iftiil’M.SCT DAILY LINE, via Delaware and B&ritan Canal Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Com pany receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., deli Tar ing their cargoes in New York the following days. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WIIARYSSB, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, aul-tf Tiers 14 and 15 EAST RIVER, New York* , jr mmm PHILADELPHIA AND WASHINGTON EXPRESS STEAM- BOAT COMPANY. New line direct for Alexandria, Washington, and Georgetown. Through in 38 hours. _ Steamer PHILADELPHIA, Certain THOS. HAND, Steamer JEROME, Captain JEROME, Will leave Philadelphia every WEDNESDAY and SA TURDAY, at 12 o’clock M., connecting with alt ItnH at those porta, and returning, Wtve Washington, George town, and Alexandria every/’TUESDAY and SATUR DAY, for Philadelphia. -■ „W. P. CLYDE, Agent, NO. 14 SOUTH WHARYES, Philadelphia, MOBfIAN A RHINEHART, Agenta, Toot of G street* Washington. -.jr-K FOR NEW YORK. Tin ■MsSiESaPlutadelphia Steam Propeller Company will commence their business for the season on Monday) 18thinstant. • . t .. , ' „ Their Bteamers are now receiving freight at Seoonf Pier above Walnut street. Terms accommodating. Apply to • W. M. BATBt> * ©a, 324 South Delaware Ayeuoa, amusements y.<>\ AYE- D’Al'Rl'r'l A GRAND CONCERT Mr. F.. ADAMS CAMILLE! .Miss CHARLOTTE THOMPSON Miss KMMATAYLOB Mr. 1.. It. SHF.WELL Mr. FRANK DREW .Mr. t'H.UIT.KS HENRI Amount Policy and Bonuses, to be in creased by fu ntre additions. §0,387 50 4,050 00 1,400 00 0,&T5 00 PH FIRE INSU- V OF THE STATE OF DIRECTORS. of Day Si Hatlaek. VVrlglti Bros. & Co. ~,. “ Davis & Birney. “ Lewis Bros. & Co. « J. C. Howe & Co. “ J. \Y\ Everman & Co. ** West & Fobes. ..... “ Savage, Martin, & 00. Attorney-at-law. of Sibley, Molten, & WoodmlL ... .. No. 1713 Green street. SAVING FUNDS. SAFES,