Exciting Scene in a Ball Room. —On Monday evening, at the Turner's liaison Third Street above Willow, an accident occurred during the progress of n b>t]l. While the dance was going on the gauze surroundings of one of the chande liers took fire and fell to the floor. Several ladies who were dressed in light clothing were in immi nent danger of taking fire, but they quickly re tired to one side of the room, and the gentlemen present promptly subdued the flames. Considera ble consternation prevailed in the room for a few moments, and an alarm of fire was created in the but happily* no ( person wag injured or any material damage occasioned. This accident might have been as serious as that at the Continental Theatre, but for the presence of mind of the ladies and the promptitude of the gentloinen. The Voj.vxteer Refreshment Fund is likely to be forgotten, in view of the claims of other institutions. Troops, however, are constantly go. lug to Washington, and they are always fed on the arrival of the boats at Washington- street wharf. The Hancock Girls' Grammar School, Coates above Twelfth, have contributed one hundred dollars to the refrCFbireu* fund, nrd Messrs M. W. TV*Mw‘n A Co. and the hands employed by them, handed in the sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars for the some worthy purpose. TTnitehsalist Contention.— The ITiiivcr- Salist Convention for all the free States is now meeting in New fork A double delegation was present from Pennsylvania. Rev. Messrs. Bacon and Porter were finally received. They are well known in Philadelphia. Sailing of the « Oriental.” —This splen did new steamer sailed yesterday morning, having VQ board a number of distinguished gentlemen. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. THE MONEY MARKET. Philadelphia, Sept. 17,1861. There was no regular meeting of the Stock Board to-day, and the custom house and bonded ware house. were closed, as was the case with many places of business. The day was devoted to the ■celebration of the anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution, and but little general business was transacted. A few sales of stocks were re ported, chiefly of Beading Bailroad shares at ITS and 17 9-16, the dosing prices of yesterday. The following is the business of the Philadelphia and Beading Bailroad Company for the month of August: 1861. ISBO. StcceiTed from coal sl94,Sit 77 $250,073 71 “ “ merchandise... 32,406 78 3B “ “ travel, &c,.... 35,606 00 38,320 SO TranspTn. rondway, dump age, renewal fund, and all charges... Net profit for the month 131,025 32 190,136 36 “ “ for previous 8 mos. 892,661 11 879.491 83 Total net profit for 9 m0nth5.1,023,686 43 1,669,628 19 The Lehigh Valley Bailroad reports the coal tonnage of last week at 15,390 tons, against 15,791 in the corresponding week of 1860, making the de crease for the week 401 tons and the increase for the season 4,046 tons. The iron tonnage for the week was ■ 1,365 tons, making the total for the a season 46,841 toss. The following is the coal tonnage of the Shamokin Valley and Pottsville Bailroad Company: Week. Year. For week onding Sept. 14... 7,398 05 148,32419 Same time last year 4,953 13 131,548 17 Increase 2,444 12 16,776 02 The New York custom house reports for August Show: Va»t IMPORTS. Aim. 1859. Ann. 1860. Aug. ’6l. Fnter’d for eonsump’jiBlB,4l6,2o7 19,564,675 3,359,6115 Enter’d for \raifhVe.. 2,964,044 4,182,764 2,630,457 Free goods 2,929,921 2,050,665 1,818,224 Specie and bullion 348,419 140,750 1,049,552 ’ Total : Withd’n from ware’so. Cash duties ,$24,649,591 25,936,854 3,815,928 3,206,084 3,325,105 2,614,652 . 4,243,010 4,496,243 1,555,824 EXTORTS. Domestic produce $5,150,710 8,012,814 9,652,301 For mdse., dutiable... 374,707 191,270 176,582 Do. free 790,646 76,083 57,965 •Specie and luUlion 6,409,783 7,454,813 3,600 Total exports.... Total, excl’o of specie @12,725,846 15,734,980 9,890.448 . 6,318,063 8,280,167 9.88M42 The Cincinnati Gazette says, in relation to a charge made in a New York paper, that the State IBank of Indiana and the Bank of the Ohio Valley ’intend driving the Government demand notes home •for redemption: We are authorized to aay that the reference to ■the Ohio Valley Bank is without the shadow of ■foundation in foot. Indeed, so far as known, there hae’heen but » single bill of the demand notes in ■Cincinnati, and that is still here. Where the •“West” is, therefore, that they “come” from, it is difficult to imagine, for we presume the notes will appear here as soon as at any other point in this section of country. We may say, further, that the Valley Bank has done more, in proportion to its capital, to aid the Govern ment than any banking institution in the coun try, and the charge, therefore, does great injustice to its liberal and patriotic managers. As for the Bank of the State of Indiana, we learn that it is its intention to treat the Treasury notes as other cur rency, and this policy will be adopted, we doubt not, throughout. The paper will be subject to the laws of trade, and when the issues perform their functions they will be returned, and not before. If the Government expects anything better than this it will be disappointed. Anything worse need not be apprehended. There will be no combination or special effort to crowd the notes home. On the con trary, they will constitute a favorite circulating medium with both the people and the banks. The New York Evening Poet says of money and stocks in that city to-day : The Stock Exchange opens to-day with renewed heaviness, extending to every department of the list. The rise in foreign exchange and the discus sion of the unmercantUe causes which have led to it, together with the less favorable look of military affairs in the Western Department, produce a feel ing of dissatisfaction and uneasiness. The disturb ance in money, growing outof the heavy operations of the Sub-Treasury, also exerts an influence, as the active shifting of loans forces some stock on the market. There was considerable animation in Missouri €e, at a decline of A per cent. They clo3e 42| bid. 42f asked. Tennessees leave off 42£a43, which is also 4 per cent. lower. The other Southern issues were rather better. At the close there is a better feeling, with more inquiry for stocks at the decline. New York Ccn trsd 72fa72i, Toledo 29i«29i, Galena 69&69i, Rock jslasd 42§a42£. Money is in good demand to-day at 6 per cent, on call. Transactions are reported at 6]a7. butfi Id the ruling rate of the market. Prime paper is quoted at 7 per cent., with occasional sales at 6a6a for choice bills. The disbursements of the Sub-Treasury towards the close of the week will be very heavy, greatly to the relief of the banks. After the experience of the past ten days the Treasury Department will be able to conduct its operations, hereafter, so as not to put an other strain upon the banks like that of last week. The operations of the New York Sub-Treasury last week, exclusive of the business of the Assay office, amounted to $22,000,000, which is extraordi narily large, and it is not surprising that some dis turbance m the money market followed. Exchange closes very dull for the Boston steamer at 108Jal09 for first-class bills on London. Philadelphia Markets* There is a firmer feeling in the Flour market, and hold ers are not dispos'd to sell at previous prices j only about 1,100 bbls found buyers at $4*7504.87# forgood, straight Superfine, the latter made from new Wheat; $5 for West ern extra, and §5.87# for choice extra family. The sales to the trade range from §4.50 to §5 for superfine, §4.75® fi,75 for extras and extra family, and §6®6.5Q Mil for fancy brands, as in quality. Rye Flour is dull at 52.75 3P* bbl. Corn Heal is scarce; Pennsylvania is quoted at $3.81# W bbl. Wheat* —The demand is good, and prices hare slightly advanced, with sales of 4cr5,000 bushels at lOGaillOc for inferior, 112®115e for good and prime Western and Penn sylvania red, in store, and 115a117c for Southern do., the latter afloat. Ryu is steady, and 1,000 bushels old Pennsylvania brought 60c. Corn is more active, and 7,000 bushels Yellow brought 54®54#c for good ami prime, and 55c for choice lots, afloat. Oats arc wanted at full rates; 10,000 bushels new Southern sold at 39® 81c, afloat, nn4 1000 Mich St 6s 8114 6000 111 Canal Be-" he 80 22000 K Car 6s 0011 8000 Miss 6s iss to H. Ic St J B 42 % 37000 do 421,' 6000 do !-30 43 25000 do s3O 42> 4 ' 16000 do 1)30 4214 6000 do slO 42>i 6000 do sls 42J4 14000 Georgia St 05,.. 04 600 do, 03# 2000 liouisiana 6a.... 55 6000 Brk’ln C IV I.n. 98 8000 N Y Cent 65.... 92 1000 Mich S Ist mtg.. 82 20 Am Ex lik 80 10N JR 112 50 Chi B & Q B s3O 60 New York Markets of \ esterday. ASHES are unchanged. Bbeadstiffs.—The market for State and Western flour is firmer, and prices are 5® 10 cents better, with a fair demand for export at the improvement; the s;*h\s fire 10,000bblsill S4.7lhj-4.50 fur superfine State, fi.2ofor extra Stun-, $4.70«t+.80 for superfine Indiana, Ohio, lowa, for the range of fine and superfine. Corn Meal is ve v quiet, but prices are without •••»’* n tialchange: wc iiu .it* Jersey at $2.75®2.85; Himuj* wine $3®3.10; puncheons $15®15.25. ■Wheat is in large supply, and the market U scarcely so firm* sales 130.000 bushels at $1.17®1.20 for winter red Western; $l.ll for amber Iowa; $1.12 for Green Buy Spring: sl.3ofor white Western; $l.OB for Northwest ern dub; and Sl.oBtsl.il for Milw mkec club. Bre is aulet and steady at 65ff170c. Barley is nominal. # Oats are firmer, and in moderate request at 30®33c for Jersey, Belawrate and Pennsylvania; 33®35cfor Western and State, and 27®;h)c Tor Canadian. Corn is 1c higher, with a fair demand; sales of 72,000 bushels at 49W®54c for new Western mixed. Beans are in active demand, with sales of 1,000 this at 51.80aX.68 for common to fair, and $1.90®2 for good to choice medium. , Hat.— There is a good demand in part for the Govern ment, and prices are very firm; sales are makiiig at 40oT0 for common to prime lots. been a little movement In Manila, 265,356 15 337,494 94 134,332 83 147,35 S 5S Mrs Torrance, Montreal tv li Lciiycraft, N York C G Sawtelle, USA A L Holgate, New York Hon T Jones Yorke, N J E S Hill, lowa JBH Campbell, Cnraberl’d Joseph Gillet, New York Geo H Potts, New York Thos Williams, USN Geo P Gore, Boston Miss M L Dorr, Toronto V Lammond & la, Wash Miss Ellis, Washington W Hatch, Boston T Thomas «Sr la, Baltimore John Ward, Palmer, Mass M B Buflman, Vermont I> L Gray, New York M G Rice, New York W L O’Brien, Baltimore II Fulton, Brooklyn E Lincoln, Philnda Win II Clymer & lady SEPTEMBER 17—Evening. Levi Kline, Lebanon Jacob Kline, Lebanon Exchange.—Sept. 17. BOARD. 10 Del & Hud Cl Co.. 82# 5 do 82# 50 do I>6o S 3 50 Pac Mail SS C 0... 81 69 do 80# 100 do 330 80 a 450 K T Central It.. 72# 241 do 72# 100 do slO 72# 50 Erie Railway 25# 100 Harlem R pref.... 2.1 100 do 25# 100 Reading R..... b3O 35 % 100 do 35# 300 Mich Cen R .. 41 # 100 Mich So & N I.hlo 13 20Mich8 Gua’d..... 28# 10 do *2B# 20 Panama R R 110 50 111 Cent Scrip 65 150 d 0.... m Gal £ Chi C3# 100 d0........360 G 7 150 d0........530 68 400 C;ct & Tol R.... . 29 100 do 29# 150 Chi A R I R 42# 10 * do. 42# but otherwise the market is very dull \ sales 1,250 hales Manila at 41,' less per cent, for cash. lxmco.—There is a fair inouiry, and the market is strong : sales 16 cases Manila at 75g585, and 25 do on private terms. , Iron Scotch Pic i« inactive, and there ifl vorj activity; 1-50 for. Country mess, $4cr4.50 for country prime, ®9.50ffl 11 50 for repacked Western, anil $’3.50 for extra mass. Beef hams are miict and niieliangcil. Bacon is ilull. Cut meats are quiet sit for hams, anti 4? 8 ®4? 4 'c for riiouldt-iv. Lard is lu-avy, with sales of 200 tes aud this at Butter is in good demand for export, and the Letter qualities* are steady. Cheese is in improved (lull! uid and firm. CITY ITEMS. Iveiosuuc veisus VcUolciuii jOi'a*. Since the introduction of coal oils has become general for lighting purposes, its qualities, merits, and demerits are a matter of public interest. The economical view at this time, when burning fluids and other liquids of that class arc greatly advanced in cost, is itself an im portant one; but there are also considerations of safety connected with the subject of coal oils, iu which not only consumers, but the community at large, are vitally in terested. The explosiveness of those oils having become a theme of newspaper comment and discussion, wo hero propose submitting to our readers tho fads in the case, as we have obtained them, both from what wc doom vc lialdc authority and actual experiment. By way of explanation, we ought to state in advance that the term'“Kerosene,” which is now almust univer sally applied to these oils, is a misnomer, except when applied to those manufactured either by the Portland Company, Portland, Maine, or the Downer Company, at Boston, the term “ Kerosene ” being simply the trade mark of the oils manufactured by these two companies. The latter are produced solely from the Albert coal taken from mines in Nova Scotia, which are.controlled entirely by the alKtvc-iinmcd companies. The nature of these (kerosene) oils is that they are almost as colorless as water, and nearly as free from odor, produce a pure, brilliant, white light, aud for all practicable lighting purposes oro absolutely non-explosive. Of course, they can he subjected to n ihmgmiuri dcirrce of temperature, just ns water may he rendered destructive by being heated into steam * but so uninflammable are they that danger in their ordinary use is Impossible. Persons who have read accounts of accidents from the use of “Kerosene” oils may be at a loss to reconcile this apparent contradiction. The fact, however, is, that, in every accident recorded* so far as wo have been able to ascertain, both in this city and elsewhere, the oil em ployed was not the Portland, or genuine Kerosene oil, but the commonest coal or Petroleum oil, which is highly inflammable, and liable to explode, from the presence of naptha or benzine retained in them in order to improve their appearance and lessen their specific gravity. This, then, appears to be tho true state of the case: Persons using the Portland oil can do so witli perfect assurance of safety j wliilst the burning of any other is dangerous. For the consumer to avoid imposition in purchasing we have no definite formula, although tho application of a lighted match to a small quantity of the genuine and spurious oils, poured upon a smooth board, will demon strate their wide difference in point of inflammability. Honorable dealers, of course, would not deceive their patrons asking for the “ Portland oil” by selling them the inferior imitations, so that a good safeguard will bo to ask for the Portland oil in making purchases. The latter is kept by most dealers, we believe, the sole whole sale agents for it being Messrs. Z. Locke & Go., No. 1010 Market street, whose canl appears in another column. The supply of this superior oil, we understand, is adequate to the largest full and winter demand, and the fact that it has been much reduced in price will at this time not be its least recommendation to popular favor. HOW IT BAS OPERATED, That tho present unsettled state oftlic nation has result* cd disastrously to the business interests of inany of our merchants is unquestionable, although it has by no means paralyzed the energy and enterprise of all. In some of the departments of trade a large proportion of houses licreto fore actively engaged in them have had to succumb, leaving a comparatively clear field to those who are left in a vi gorous solvent condition. For this reason we have not a few leading establishments that will do very nearly, if not quite, their usual amount of trade this fall, ami tlrat too on a more profitable basis. Prominent among this for tunate class is the house of Thomas Mellor k Co., Nos. 40 and 42 North Third street, one of our oldest and wealthiest importing and jobbing houses engaged in the Hosiery trade. Their magnificent largo wareruoms, now stocked to repletion with their fall importations of ho siery, underclothing, zephyr goods, linens and wlrftc goods, and everything embraced under tho head of uo tiims and fancy goods, present at tin's time the refresh ing spectacle of a live business house, and we are much mistaken if the autnmn of 1861 docs not prove to them a highly successful season. The Note op Preparation.— A great bat tie is impending at Washington, and the note of prepara tion is sounded upon all sides. All along the lines “ the hunt of either army stilly sounds, and the pickets almost receive the secret -whispers o! each other’s watch.” Farther on serried hosts are aiming for the fray ; whjlo yet further from the line of impending battle, troips and munitions are hurrying forward. Hero, in our own midst, we have a regiment or two of tailors con stantly employed in making up elegant and substantial uniforms for the soldiers, at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut Btreet, above Sixth. "Washington to be Attacked.—lt is stated that three contrabands escaped from the vicinity of Fairfax Couit House, a few days since, and made their way into Washington. They report that an attack is to be made on that city some time during this week; but our friends need not be alarmed* however, as that city is ; perfectly safe, and in the meantime wo advise them to visit the Mammoth Gift Military and Civic Clothing Em porium of Granville Stokes, 609 Chestnut street, and there procure for themselves a handsome fall suit. A splendid assortment of fall aud winter clothiug is now being laid iu, and with each sale a useful and ornamental gift is presented. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS VP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Chestnut and Ninth Streets. J Pertain), Boston W S Wood, Washington A B Stover, New Jersey M JTeehheinier, Cin, O .T CKunkcl, Harrisburg C Crosby, Dixon, 111 V T Cope, Ohio P Dithmar, Mobile, Ala H Hoag, New York Mrs Shoenberger, Pittabg Mrs Blair & dau, Pittsburg J B Sarson, New York W S Roberts, New York J A Townsend, New York A R Townsend, Akron, O AV M Paddock, New Jersey J B Gordon, New Jersey A II Weils & la, N J S L Talcott & la, Conn C G Harkur, USA S L Kocklellow, New A'ork A' E Cooper & n't, N Y T> Bushman, New York .Tamos llodie, New York Hrs Beveridge, Wash HJ Clark, New Jersey AV J Smith, Wash, DC J Harvey, Wash, D C H T Cutter, Wash, DC EE Conner, Phdadolpliia JI AV Freedley, USA D 31 Barbour, Pittsburg Geo J Boal A la, lowa City A M Howland, Boston Mrs H S Magraw, Lancaster Muster Magraw, Lane Mrs Thayer, Boston Edw AValcott, Prov, R I M B Bramhall, Jr, N Jersey D Woodruff, New York Beni F Sheuk, Lancaster John T Manny, Boston Clms Hewlett, AVasli, I> C AV S Reed, Philada Jos H Black, Columbia S Jones, Columbia John A Hook, Columbia AV F Patterson, Pottsvillo E H Brown, Lancaster R J Far!, Jr, Boston D G Whitney, Detroit Talbot Jones, Cincinnati Tyler Davidson, Cincinnati l>r H C Porter, Pa Mrs Ynrdley, Cincinnati AV Burr, Pa A AVatt, Baltimore O H Judiun, Ta C P Jadinn, Pa J O Watkins, New York E M Banks, New York I* A Sutton, Danbury,Conn H R Pierson, Brooklyn A B lkij lis, Brooklyn S H Hiested, Brooklyn T Brooks, Brooklyn W II Heed, Boston Mrs E Y Toulnin, Boston J Hartshorn, Boston 11 1) Griswold* Now York F G L Cain, New York J R El*y, Harrisburg J MrKillop, New York M Sherman, Now York Geo K Pearce, Boston II Woods, Philadelphia II J AVerdenbaugh, Balt J T Martin, New York J H Trumbull, Connecticut Lieut J S Bond, U S R S Lieut S D Grier, U S R S Howard Rogers, U S R S J E McKay, U S B S W Cutter, USES T S Tnnhnll Scrgt Baldwin II T Baldwin, Hartford II Darlington, lowa F A Marry, Hartford S Woodruff, Hartford H 15 Beach, Hartford Mrs Carlin A* sun, Washi’n John M Pendleton, N Y Geo A.Shaw,-Boston R Korke, Halifax AV S Hemlerson, N Y AV AV Steavens, Maine B C Riunsey,• Buffalo C T King, Wash, D C G M Myers, Wash, D C J G Hill & nir, AY are, Mass O S Burt & wf, Illinois A Jj AVintie, Albany N P Sawyer, Pittsburg J J BerettB,.Ciiba T Bussell, Boston E R Sprague A* wf, Balt Thos I>onalil.sori, Md T AV Kennedy, Boston Charles E Goodwin, N Y ,T D Pliyfe A la, New York AV E Marsh, New York J A Willett* New York Jarnh Keefer, New York K Dsiy & sa, Newark, N J .1 II Lynde, Bangor Thus B Hamilton, Balt A Bn« k, Baltimore Capt J D Slocum, Fort Coc’ Col Mareoy, USA J«*s McCoy N 1) Siuily, Reading Alex Evans, Maryland Capt L C Pearce, N J 1> Benrimo, New York Gen K M Biddle, Penua Mrs Marshal, Cincinnati John A Krben, Lane, Pa lion F Watts, Carlisle AV Carr & wf, Pittsburg T B Kennedy & wf, Pcmia M Selmll, York, l*n II It Cogosliall. Puiina MERCHANTS* HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. J B Lee, Roxboro R C McAhoy, Butler, Pa L R McAboy, Allegheny co Jas M Birchlicld, Pittsburg F AV Hunt, Indiana John Campbell, Phila E Roberts & la, Ebensburg G U Roberts, Ebensburg Jno II Goodman, Lewisburg Geo Breed, Pittsburg Miss E B Breed, Pittsburg Uaburg,Ya A Fulton, Pittsburg Jas N Graham, Ohio C Scott, Cambridge*, Oliio Geo Macklin, McYoytown Miss Macklin, McA'eytown E B Grubb, Burlington Richd Meily, Mechauicsbg JII Putnam, Mass E W Hawthorn, Ohio Mrs T I) Carson, Gettysbg Miss L E Bobie, Maine Chas O Hunt, Maine Janies E Dixon, AViaconsin F J Dixon, Wisconsin •Tas F McNeal, Juniata co J F Smith, Phila II Kerper, Reading, Pa J Slade, Phila John H Buzzerd, Phipnixv’e David Lower, Phnenixvillo AV D Mcllvalne, Lancr co AV K McKinstry, Merccrshg Jos Dysart, Pn AV D MrKinstry, Mercersbg IS Grevnwold, Easton A Levi, Hagerstown .Is»« Fryr-r. If Bowman, Millorsvillo C K Cub*, Lock Haven T II Hill, Springfield, O AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut at.* above Fifth. M D Clark, Chicago G Porter, New York B Murtaugh, Pennsylvania ,T Lidsenring & wf,M Chunk Maj C Rodney, Layton, Dol Capt S II Jenkins, Del AVm AV Apsley A la, lVima Mrs L Brinton, AV Chester J AA' Tewksbury & la, Muss Levi B Smith, Bucks co, Pa AV S Howe#*, Philadelphia L Brinton, AVest Chester Wm Inbvtr, Delaware cu*«» \v Johnson, Baltimore 1’ A Curtin, Delnw.-ll'i l (l Cl Pitali, T):iytyn, O AV Harris, Jr, Philadelphia A N Seip, Easton, Pa K (• Thomas Jos K Riley,AVoodstown,NJ Mrs (- F Stiles, Montg co N Brown, New York N B Jennings, New Jersey Jus C Ailing, Newark, N J A AV Fi-Huws, r»rb: n m 1. Kaufman, Danville. Pn EE Lewis, West Chester Jonathan Simpson, Penua Jas L Carhart, Maryland I.E Smith, New York J Thompson, Rhode Island M M Rhodes, Taunton JKartin, Mulford, Del Felix Donnelly, Brooklyn Wm Hall, Wash’n, DC J Lyle, New Jersey Thos H Brinton, Chester co ST. LOUIS HOTEL— Clicßtmn street, above Third. II Butler, Pittsburg Jas Butler, Pittsburg M De Lange, Pittsburg J S Haynes, Pennsylvania AV BRoßenbaum J Boers, Now York Miss AVilson, Delaware D Murry, New York AV D Prohor, Tamaqua H Wales, Pennsylvania A Dietz, Ohio C G.Collins, Michigan E Edmondson, Wash, DC Ade Lofio, New York TB 7. Cause, New York & Beidly, New York C S Haldeman A fam, Phila A Bateman, Bridgeton, N J D Potter, New Jersey Lt Jos Amazoon, USIIB Lieut S A Bennett. Boßton Peter W Dean, Grafton, Vt J W Sunderland, Pa G L Carter, New York Mr Austin, Boston THE UNION—Arch street, above Tnird. Jos Richey, Mt Sterling, O Col R Ratcliff, Titmaqua Miss L Spang, Reading Miss M Spang, Reading ,1 L Stephenson A la, Penna Thus Milltto, Philadn W Pogue, Bridgeton, N J Goo S Atkinson, Ohio K S Womlburn, Cadiz, 0 8 WJWnodburn, Cadiz, 0 J Crnbb, Cadiz, 0 EH Rigby, Delaware Jl> Grier, Chiunbcrsburg Miss Whitekar k sis, N J ¥ MoGcar, N Jersey G 0 Ilayman, Pittsburg Sami Krmentrout, Rending W Swartz, Hagerstown Davis Wallace k la, Tcnna Sami Zeller, Maryland E Stevenson, Philuda A Berry, Zanesville, O Jus S T( ppan, Washington, D C NATIONAL HOTEL— Uacc street, above Third. E Johnson, Pittsburg Miss M J Wiel, Pa J D llousiun, Cincinnati, 0 S Fulda & son, Scranton W C Lyon, Danville Leopold Lyon, Danville Jos M Robeson, Stroudsburg J Keminmer, Allentown J White & In, Centre, ibi A W Williams, Reading John Allnbnngh, California S Arnold, Carlisle, Pa If Gorwiii, Allegheny City J N Miller, Pennsylvania ,T W Wallace, Allentown S N Thompson, Pa Sami Honts, Allentown Sami Bartholomew, Pft £?ilns raid, Montgomery co If Gris, roltsvillo M Forsyth, New Jersey W H SVethcrhoM, Pa E Hnrtrnuft, I’ottstown JJ Rhoads, Pennsylvania SamMlehns, Potfsville . W H Washburn, Mincrsv’c .1 II <'online. Pennsylvania STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. W Reidenbotigh, New York W S Duress, Wash, D C J A Christy, Mifllin, Pa J M Best, Daxwille Jan B Robinson, Grcensluirg S Ciuwidv, Blair co. Pa James G MnQuiule, Tbila W 8 Minster, Pennsylvania E C Giny, Coehranvillo D Leber, York co, Pa F Sultzbacb, York eo, l*n J McFarlnn G M Kulp. Patterson, lbt J H IVarsol, Lancaster G B Keui.ig, Altoona, Pa ,T;w McClure, Laudisburg Mrs It Ntilson, Bloomfield Geo Hone T R McKnight, Pittsburg L S Vail, Jersey City H Egolf, liloonitielil, Pa .1 Wert, Pennsylvania J Whitson, Pennsylvania J W Hughes, Pennsylvania Sergt W Johnson, Virginia BLACK BRaß—Third Btrcvt, above CaHowhilti D Wood ring, Weisenburg Wll armor, Ponna Chns Harper, Jenkintown W Moll, Allentown D Renno, Bcmvillo N White, Ponna Jas M Bohb, Feuna A Long, Ponna B I) Long, Berks co Mrs B 1> Long, Berks co ,T B Mussulman, Penna J Fensterrnachcr, Pcnnn Chus Levan, Piieetown Jacob Huth, Penna Geo Kiln?, Putina Chas Roads. Southampton J DButz, Allentown Mrs Bubs, Allentown W A Arnold, Rending Isaac W Levan, Reading Jacob Boyer, Stonersvillo BARLEY SHEAF—Second stroer, below Tine, J Hill, Penna M Cohen, Trenton P S Bodine, Clinton, N Y Blakey Watson, Attleboro A Bancnhowcr, Bucks co S IT Rice & la, Bucks co S Buckmnn, Newtown Jno Watson, Berks co Cluis Barron A la, Easton M T Kelly, New York ,Tacob Able, Easton S w Kirk, New Hope Jesse Leedom, Newtown S Yardley, Newtown M P J a nett, Ponna Alf Bhtkor, Newtown A W Rich. Bucks co F Rich & sou, Bucks co J Cunningham k son, Newtown MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second st., ab. Arch. J W Ettmger, Fhila Geo W South, Now York J Jones, Pluto Miss M Jones, Flula Capt .T B Waples, Delaware H Dolan, New York S Cummings, Maine REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. Geo L Rube, Allentown E Hermany, Baltimore N Ileyeer, Montg co W H Jones, Allegheny City Jos Kelley, Tanmqua A W Lukens, Wmsport Sami Reeder, Jersov Shore .T S Atkins, New’ York 11. II Bowman, Liverpool W Major, Pottsville r Breen, 5t Clair II Stump, Stouchburg COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth Btreet, above Chestnut. Geo P Taylor, Maryland Wni Reid, Philadelphia D W Brower, Phccnixville Miss Wood A* sister, Pa S Darlington, Chester co W Porter, Rochester Alex Mode, Coatesville J G Irving, Cheater co W II lluddleson, Pa J Smith, Pittsburg L F Freedly, New York J R Hoffman, Chester co Sami Chandler, Chester co BALD EAGLE—Third street, above CallowhlU. Jos Stopp, Allentown Aaron Eascnhart, Pa John Neligh, Allentown Miss Komig, Allentown Pi ter Troxol, Sellerstown Mrs Frederick, Allentown Sanil Meckel, Easton, Pa Johu B Brenniscr, Pa John Slopler, Bucks co, Pa J G Fetter, S Bethlehem E C Griffith, Monlgumery co J D Laciar, Bethlehem PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. GEO. N. TATHAM, ) TH. FROTHINGHAM, > Committee of thb Month. WM. L. REHN, ) IMPORTATIONS. Cardenas—Brig C H Frost, Hopkins—l9o hhds 9 tes molasses S hhds 40 tes nsphaltuin S & W Welsh. PASSENGERS ARRIVED In brig C H Frost, from Cardenas—James Lawrence, Wm Lawrence. LETTER BAGS At the Merchants 1 Exchange , Philadelphia. Ship Philadelphia, P001e.... ShipTonawauda, Julius, Bark Addison Child, Smith Buenos Ayres, soon Bark Savannah, Stetson, London, soon Bark Benj Hallett, Little Glasgow, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 1&, 1861. SUN RISES 5 58 I SUN SETS 0 2 HIGH WATER....... ;..l 30 ARRIVED. Bark St James, Cruse, 2 days from Now York, in ballast to James Devereux. Brig Jetldo, Melvin, 9 days from .St John, N B, with laths and pickets to Wm C Lloyd—vessel to E A Souder & Co. Brig C II Frost, Hopkins, 11 days from Cardenas, with molasses, &c, to 8 & W Welsh. Left brigs Manza nilla, for Boston, and Greyhound, for New’ York, both loading, to sail in a few days. Brig George Amos, Nichols, from Scarsport. Ketch ' Commerce, Barnes, 11 days from Mayague?:, FB, with molasses to John Mason k Co. Left sehr Gen Armstrong, from and for New Havcii, discharging. Schr Pemberton, Elzey, 2 days from Salem, with hay to J W Bacon. cSehr Fnmo, Bacon, 2 days from Canton, N J, with hay to J IV Bacon. Schr Merchant, Phillips, 3 days from Seaford, Del, with lumber to J W Bacon. Schr Caroline Couch, Robingon, 2 days from St Georges, with oats to Jas Barratt & Son. Sehr A C Gray, Ware, 1 day from Sassafras, with wheat to Jas Barratt A Son. Schr Farmer, Deputy, 1 day from Milford, Del, with corn to Jas Barratt & Son. Schr .Elizabeth June, Beckwith, 2 days from Easton, Bid, with wheat to Jas L Bewley A Co. Schr Golden Gate, Fleming, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with oats to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr Sarah Warren, Hollingsworth, 1 day from Little Creek Landing, Del, with corn aud oats to J L Bewley A Co. Schr Wm George, Hazel, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with oats to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr D W Elilridge, Ogden, 10 days from Dominica, with oranges, Ac, to Isaac Jeanes & Co. 11th inst, lat 31 9, lon 69 45, spoke brig A B Cook, from New York for St Thomas. Schr Julia Maine, Preston, 4 days from Providence, in baltiißt to Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Schr Fred Reed, McCtduum, 3 day s from Baltimore, in ballast to Yan Horn, Woodworth & Co. • Schr C M Carver, Pendleton, 3 days from Searsport, with timber to captain. Schr J B Austin, Davis, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Schr A Haley, Haley, 5 days from Quincy Point, in. ballast to captain. Schr Mary Ann Megee, Megee, from Boston. Schr Alert, Champion, from Boston. Schr James M A'aneo, Burdge, from Boston. Schr Adelaide, Young, from Boston. Schr A*an Buren, Wall, from Portsmouth. Schr Shcnaudoab, Candy, from Newark. Schr James K Mitchell, Tuttle, from Bridgeport. Schr F C Smith, Anderson, from Salem. Schr Hunter, Hackcf, from Orient. Schr Ever Green, Potter, from Bristol. Schr R 6 Porter, Smith, from Danvers. Schr Daniel Townsend, Townsend, from Egg Harbor. Steamer Bristol, Charles, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to AV P Clyde. Barge George II Stout, Lauglilin, 1 day from Now York, with mdse to AV r Clyde. Two Prizes.*— I The schr Fairwind, from Fall River, bound to Baltimore, in ballast, was captured 29tU ult, inside Cape Henry, by the U S steam frigate Minnesota, who placed ft prizo crew on board, and arrived otf tho Navy Yard yesterday morning. The British schr Prince Alfred, of and from Antigua, bound to Baltimore, with 20 puncheons molasses and 1500 bushels salt, was captured off Cape Lookout, 6th inst, by tho U S steam frigate Susquehanua, which ar rived also yesterday morning, in charge of a prize crew. CLEARED. Brig Geo Amos, Nichols, Boston, Sinnickson & Glover. Schr Shenandoah, Gandy, Newport, do Schr Van Huron, Wall, Portsmouth, E R Sawyer & Co. Schr Blackbird, Weaver, Salem, do Schr J II Mitchell, Tuttle, Bridgeport, L Audenricd & Co. Schr Hunter, Racket!, N London, L Audenricd & Co. Schr Evergreen, Potter, Braintree, do , Schr D Townsend, Townsend, Boston, do Schr Paugassett, Waples, Fort Monroe, Tyler, Stone & Co. Schr Alert, Champion, Boston, John R Blakiston. Schr J M A', nice* Burdge, Boston, do Schr Adelaide, Young, Boston, do Schr R G Porter, Smith, Danvera, J B Millies & Co. Schr D E Wolfe, Buckaioo, Providence, B Milnes&Co. Schr Cherub, Holmeß, AVasliiugton, Peu Gas Coal Co. Schr AVutchmau, Eskridge, Washington. J \V Bacon. Schr Fair Leader, Adams, Salisbury, Md, do Schr M A Megee, Megee, Boston, C A Hcckscher. Schr J B Austin, Davis, Boston, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Schr A Haley, naley, Bost,Nuhlc,Hammett ACaMwoll. Schr Citizen, Drinkwatcr, Providence, do * Scliv Julia Maine, Preston, Neponsett, do Schr P A Saunders, Somers, Boston, R Hare Powell. Schr A'illuge Green, Hawkins, Boston, do Schr D Hale, Conklin, Boston, do Schr S L Crocker, Presbrey, Taunton, Twells & Co. Schr Thos Borden, AVrightingtou, Fall River, Cabcen & Co. SAILED. Ship AVm Cummings, AVollar, for Liverpool, left Lom bard atreet wharf on Monday morning at 10 o’clock, in tow of tug America, with a cargo consisting of 350,111 bushels wheat, 2084 bids Hour, 121 hluls tallow, 10 hhds tallow oil, and 51 hhds quercitron bark. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEAVES, Del., Sept 16. The brig Marshal Ney, before reported arrivod 13th inst, remains, repairing; also in port, ono coal laden schooner, which arrivod this morning. Yours, «ta. A. MARSHALL. (Correspondence of the Press.) . READING, September 16. The following boats from tho Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Mary, boards to Norcross & Sheets; Hull & Davis, lumber to Fish & Green; II T Newton and AVra Edler, do to H Croskey: J P Corson, do to Joshua Kecley; Mary Enuna, do to AVm C Lloyd; J A Hooper, boards to Wm n Llppincott; J AV Young, do to Norcross & Sheets; AVinno bago, grain to A G Cattell A Co; Golden Gati', lumber to J H Doyshcr. F, (Correspondence of the Press.) HAVRE DE GRACE, Sept IG. The steamer left here this morning with 14 boats in tow, laden and consigned as follows: M M Shuman, with wheat and oats to Forot & Bro; Wm AVilson, wheat to AVm B Smith & Co, and bark to Delaware City; 31 A McConkey, wheat and oats to Jas Bnrratt & Son, and Dour to AVm S Smith & Co; H F Du red, and Hiram Mudge, lumber to M Trump & Son; A Sussman, do to H Croskcy; Homewood, do; Louis Fiolor, pig iron to Buck A Co; Erebus, railroad iron to Brook lyn, New York; Frank Taggart,.lumber to Wilmington, Del; Capt .1 Myi-rs, bit coal to Chesapeake City; Economy and United States, do to Delaware City; Hiawatha, light. MEMORANDA. Bark Adelaide, Etchbergcr, from Riode Janeiro 11th ult, with coffee, was below Baltimore yesterday. Schr Ann Pickrell, Elzey, honco at Baltimore yoster duy. Bark Reindeer, Coutts, hence via Fornnmbuco for. Rio Janeiro, at Bahia 10th ult Brig J C Coale, Linden, hence at Falmouth, Ja, Ist instant. Brig C A AVhitc, AVliite, sailed from Kingston, Ja, 4th inst, for this pert via Black River. Brig Experiment, Rogers, lienee at Kingston, Ja, 4th Brig Nfthant, Strout, hence at Boston 16tli inst. Schr J B i F L Parker, cleared at Now York lGth inst, for Delaware City. gchra Henry Cole, Hazelton; C Moore, Ingoraol; M E Clark, Clark: A M Aldridge, Bateman; J C Baxter, Boicc; L V Pharo. Cranmer; Excelsior, Riley; John Tilton, Tilton; William L Sorintre, Jones; J H Hoorn, ingcrsoil; j n Allen, Ketcbum; Fidelia* Wheaton; Snow Hake* Dickerson, and B A Wood, Cranmer, hence at Boston 16th inst. , ' , Schr Caroline Grant, PreHsey, for this port, cleared at Boston 16th inst. FOREIGN PORTS. (Per Steamship Anglo-Saxon.) Arrived from New York, Nathan, and Mary Edson, ftt Marseilles; ship Maria August, at Falmouth; Electric, at Pill: Equal Rights, at Bristol; Goethe, Ralph Post, and Windsor Forest, at Deal; F B Cutting, Ronald, R L Laird, and Jurenta, at Liverpool. TBE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 18.1861. .Liverpool, Sept 20 .Liverpool, Sept 25 SPECIAL NOTICES. Kelty & Co, KELTY A CO. 630 CIIESTMT STREET, OSO CHESTNUT STREET. W. Henry Patten’s new Window siiiidc, Woll-iiiiisTi iuid VplioMiry stan-, 1408 ciikst- NUT Street. Old Furniture veuplvuUtorod to look o,lh - EOIS-St* « NOTICE.—THE HOME GUARD Companies of Haddington and Hestonville will hold an adjourned meeting at the MONROE ENGINE HOUSE, in llnstonvilh', on THURSDAY EA'KNING, at 7# o’clock. A general attendance is rwiuefrtrdi selB-2t* J. BONBALL, Secretary. S RECRUITING HEADQUARTERS OF COLONEL D. ]!. BIBNKY’S ZOUAVES, Twen ty-third Regiment P. V., northeast corner NINTH and ARCH streets. This Regiment is now attached to the Brigade of Ge neral Graham, near Washington, D. O. Recruits are uniformed and sent to Camp Graham, at Washington, jus soon as enrolled. A few more men wanted to complete the 13tli, 14th, and 15th companies. The Recruiting Stations are at tho northwest corner of Sixth and Chestnut, at the Volunteer Refreshment Sa loon, Washington and Swanson streets; in Arch street, above Sixth, south side, and at tho Headquarters of the Regiment, in Captain Hillebrand’s Gymnasium building, northeast corner Ninth and Arch streets. D. B. BIRNEY, Colonel. JOHN ELY# Major Third Battalion. so!s-3t STHE WALLACE REGIMENT OF INFANTRY—COL. E. E. WALLACE, Com manding.—Headquarters, GOVERNMENT BUILD INGS, CHESTNUT Street, below Fifth. Patriotic young men wanted to be mustered in a first class regiment, and go into camp, under pay. and rations at once. Companies to have full camp and garrison equipage immediately. Officers meet daily, up stairs, at Headquarters, at 9 A. M, se!6-6t# VA U. S. AKMY—WANTED IM- Sgfeh MEDIATELY, for the SIXTH REGIMENT / T u. S. CAVALRY, REGULAR SERVICE, a few more able-bodied men, betweon tho ages of twenty one and thirty-five. Pay ranges from ssl4 to 823 per month, according to the rank of tho soldier. Each man will be furnished with a good horse and equipments, am ple clothing and subsistence. Quarters, fuel, and medical attendance free of charge. Tho pay of each soldier com mences as soon as he is enlisted. By an act lately passed, the term of enlistment is changed from five to THREE YEARS, and every BOlilier who serves that time is entitled to $lOO BOUNTY from tho Government. Attention is drawn to the fact that the Government has wisely commenced to promote soldiers from the ranks. Advancement is, therefore, open to all. For further particulars, apply at tho Recruiting Office, GIRARD HOUSE. LIEUT. F. DODGE, s!4-tf Sixth Cavalry, Recruiting Officer. Vi PHILADELPHIA LIGHT J3&CAVALRY. COLONEL R. H. RUSH. This Regiment is now recruiting, at No. 833 MARKET STREET. Active young men, and old soldiers of the Mounted Service have ft good opportunity to servo under good officers. The Colonel is » W«*st Point graduate, and the Captains are officers who have seen service. Young men of good character, from eighteen to twenty-eight years of age, have a preference. Ten Dollars Bounty for geod Buglors, and Five Dollars bounty for good norsc Shoors. Old soldiers have a chance for non-commissioned offices. Apply at tho Rendezvous, No. 833 MARKET Street. se6-12l# PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS, J- SCHOOL APPARATUS for CLASS ILLUSTBA TIONS, Globes, Drawing Instruments, &(*., Ac., made and for side by JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., 924 CHESTNUT Street. Priced end Illustrated Catalogue, of 88 pages, fur nished gratis, and sent by mail free, on application. selS-lm TF YOU LIVE AT AN EXTREME X. end of the city, you will be well paid by going an in convenient dltdnnco to REIMER'S PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, SECOND street, above GREEN, with a superior Colored Photograph for $l. It* non T 0 I* OA N ON MORT UV.vvI/CAGE, in puniH of One Thousand Dollar.. LUKENS & MONTGOMERY, (*l6-mAw2t# 1033 BEACH Street. Tallow.— the highest price paid for Country Tallow and Soap Grease, by GKEAPY & KEEFE, Nos. 425 aud 427 South FOURTH (Street, Philadelphia. aelO-Ot info '■"market stkeetlsthe JL vXO PLACE.—I Lave now on ham! a stock of MULLINS that cannot be surpassed in the eity, many of which I Will £UUl‘Mitc<> to Hell thfin they CA i be bought. Having purchm>cd them for cash at very low prices, I am disposed to give tho public the benefit of it by .selling thorn very cheap. Heavy bleached Shirting at 6jq," by the piece, worth 7 by tho case; still heavier tit 7)s ; 1 case, 34-inch wide, at 9 cents, has been sold at 10; full yard wide and fine at 9tf: very fine 10# ; very heavy ]1 cents; and the fine Water Twist 12« J coats. Fruit of tl»o Loom. Wsun.-uttn. Willi-wnsville, mid New York Mills now on hand nt the very lowc.ct price*. Out easel)* wide heavy Sheeting at 12)4 cents, worth 14by the case; and one ease of those very heavy Iliigueiud Sheetings, 3 jnrds wide, cents, worth 40 cents wholesale. These are the heaviest Sheetings now made. All these goods are the last that will lie sold at the pre mit prices. GRANVILLE B. HAINES, selS-4t 1013 MARKET Street, above Tenth. CERTAIN STORK CERTAIN STORE WILLIAM SVILLE, WaMSUTTA, I’onu, Rates, Amoskeng, and Bellows Falls BLEACHED MUSLINS. V. E. AKCIfAMRAULT, Northeast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, will open this morning vtrd-widc bleached Muslins Jit 8, 9. 10. 11. 13*.:, ■m l 1-11,; -.-nN: SMrlimr width jlillMUir. ;u u, 7, S-, and lLci-M.-; in as j ami line Shun ing and Pillow-case Mu-lins from 10 to 31 cents; fine white Flannels 12, 18, 25, ‘Bl, and 37 cents; heavy blenched aud brown Canton Flannels 10, 11, and 1214 cents; cheap Towelling and Table LiitcAP; now-style fall PelnhicsumlCliiiit'/.es; Shepherd's Plaidaat 31 cents; rich fall Poplins at 5U cents. Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods and Carpet store, Northeast corner ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. selB*l2t pOWPERTHWAIT & 00., V . N ; Curn6r EICIITU MARKET Sts, ll« v « j,..; MC( . iv „, a nale of (b ay Twilled Flannels. 1 box heavy unblcaelied Canton Flannel at 10c. 200 ps. new autumn-style Prints at 10c. Balmoral Skirts, late.it styles ami colorings. A handsome lot of printed Coburgs, 1 yd. wide, at 31c. A very cheap 10l Damask Table Linens. Our 25 cent White Flannels are the best in th&city. selS-lf -JELLING, COFFIN, & CO., Offer, by the Package, tho following Makes aud Descrip tions of Goods: BLEACHED COTTONS. Bay Mill, Lonsdale, Hope, Blacketone, Greene Mfg. Co., Bed Bank, Mariposa, Jamestown, Slatersville, Belvidere, Centredale, Ac. BROWN COTTONS. Fredonia, Ohio, Groton, Silver Spring, Gleuville, Eagle, Mechanics 1 and Farmers 1 Union, Ac. CORSET JEANS.—Glasgow, Manchester. DENIMS AND STRIPES.—Grafton, Jewett City, Madison, Slatersville, Agawam, Keystone, Choctaw. CANTON FLANNELS.—Slatersville, Agawam, Shep pard’s. BILESIAS.—Smith’s, Lonsdale, Diamond Hill. Flannels, Linseys, Kentucky Jeanß, Nankeens, Tickings, Colored Cambrics, Printed Cloakings, &c. au9fmw3m FLANNELS ANGOLA, MERINO, SAXONY, Etc. VARIOUS WIDTHS AND QUALITIES. For sale by WELLING. COFFIN, & Go. au9-fmw3m SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, No. 119 CHESTNUT STREET, COMMISSION M RC HANTS FOB THE HALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. WOOLLENS. Are prepared to deliver on contract 3-4 and 6-4 dark and sky blue CLOTHS AND KERSEYS. sell-3m OR NAVY BLUE SATINETS. 6)000 or 6,000 Yards Indigo Bine Satinet, such m le used in the United States Navy. For sale by FKOTHINGHAM & WELLS, 38 LETITIA Street, end an!4-2m 34 FRONT Street QOTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOB SALS BT myZZ-iftf gKOTHINOHAM ft WELL - 1 AAA AAA TENT BUTTONS, U. S. J-jV V V/j v/V/v pattern, for Bale by J. P. BEED, Turner, southeast corner of THIRTEENTH and NO BLE Streets, Philadelphia. fle7-Xm* MILLINEEY GOODS, of the latest styles and fashions, new* open at my store, and will be sold cheaper than anywhere, for cash. Milliners and Merchants are invited to call and examine before pur chasing elsewhere gEVEN AND*" THREE-TENTHS Those who desire to participate in its benefits should apply at once to the undersigned, the appointed Agents for the Government. All Bums received, from FIFTY DOLLARS upwards. The office hours during tlie subscription for the Loan will be 5 P. M., except on Monday evening, uihqn it will remain open till 9 o'clock P. M. New national loan.— Pursuant to instructions from the Secretary of tho Treasury, a book will be opened on the FIFTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, At No. 114 South THIRD STREET, For subscriptions, tinder my superintendence, for Trea sury Notes, to be issued under the act of July 17,1881. These notes will bo Issued in sums of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOL LARS, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS each, dated 10th August, 1861, payable three years after date to the order of tho sub scriber or as directed, and bearing interest at the rate of 7 3-10 per cent, per annum, PAYABLE SEMI-AN NUALLY, such interest being at the rate of TWO CENTS FOR EACH DAY ON EVERY HUNDRED DOLLARS. For tho convenience of the holder, each note will have coupons attached expressing the sovertd amounts of semi-annual interest, which coupons may be detached and presented for payment separately from tho noteß. Subscriptions for such Treasury Notes will ho received during FIFTEEN DAYS from tho day of opening the book es aforesaid. No subscription for loss than FIFTY DOLLARS, nor for any fraction of that sum, can bo re ceived. Subscriptions of fifty dollars or one hundred dollars must bo paid in lawful coin of tho United States at the time of subscribing. Subscriptions of more than one hundred dollars may bo paid at once; or, if preferred, one-tenth at the time of subscribing and one-tbird of tho whole amount on every twentieth day thereafter until the whole Bhall bo paid. No payment of less than fifty dollars can be accepted, that being tho smallest sum for which Treasury Notes can bo issued. Certificates will be granted in duplicate to subscribers for the amounts so paid, the original of which the sub scriber will transmit by mail to the Secretary of the Treasury, when Treasury Notes, as aforesaid, will be issued thereon to such subscriber or his order, carrying interest as expressed in such certificate; but in oases where only part of tho amount subscribed is paid at the time of subscribing, Treasury Notos will be Issued only for tho payments made subsequently to tho first* which will remain until the whole amount subscribed by such person Bhall be paid, when Troasury Notos will be issued for such first payment also. On paymont of each de ferred instalment, the subscriber will pay, in addition thereto, a stun equal to the iuterost accrued thereon from tho 19th of August to tho date of paymont, and on. final payment like interest on the amount paid on sub scription, which payments of interest will he reim bursed to the subscriber in the payment of the first coupon. Tho Treasury Nates issued upon such certificates by the Treasury will he sent to the subscribers by mail, or such other modo &b may be indicated by them when they transmit their original certificates.. The duplicate cer tificates may be retained by them for their own secu rity. No. 114 South THIRD 6treet, next door north of Girard Bank. ses-16t RETAIL DRY GOODS. COMMISSION HOUSES. No. 116 CHESTNUT STREET, PRINTS. DUKNEIjL MFO. CO REESE MFG. CO. WOOLENS. ARMY BLUE CLOTHS AND KERSEYS’. BROAD CLOTHS.—Bottomloy’^'Pomeroy’o,-Gl'euham Company. CASSIMERES AND DOESKlNS.—Greenfield, Gay’s, Stearns’. SATINETS.—Bass River, Crystal Springs Convora ville, Hope, Staffordville, Converse aud Hyde,-Con verse Brothers, Bridgewater. MILITARY GOODS. WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, MILLINERY GOODS, M. BERXHEIM, sel7*lm No. 8 N. THIRD Street, above Market. N. B.—Six per cent, discount deducted for cash. FINANCIAL. PER CENT. TREASURY NOTES. SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS OPEN THIS DAT, NEW NATIONAL LOAN. JAY COOKE & Co., e. 5-151 No. 11l SOUTH THIRD STREET. JAY COOKE, Office of JAY COOKE S Co., DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE, & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, Nop. 230 and C4l North THIRD rc-c-t, above Unco, Have now open their usual LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, Among which will he found a general assortment of PIIH.APKI.PHIA-MADE GOODS. B 3" CASH BUYERS SPECIALLY INTITEB. h*l7-2iii -J FALL SEASON. W. S. STEWART & CO., Importers and Jobbers of SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, NO. 303 MARKET STREET. We invite the attention of buyers to a fresh stock of NEW AND TASTY DRESS GOODS, In great variety, bought AT AUCTION IN NEW YORK FOR CASH, And now opening, wliicli tve will offer on the dlOfct fa vorable terms. Our stock comprises, also, an .assortment of PLAID AND PLAIN CLOTIIS, REPELLANTS, Ac. For Cloaks and Mantillas. sell IJIHOMAS MELLOR & CO., Nos. 40 and 48 NORTH THIRD Street, HOSIERY HOUSE, LINES IMPORTERS and SHIRT-FRONT MANUFACTURERS. Importations direct from the Manufactories. sell-2in YARD, GILLMORE, & Go.. Nos. 61T CHESTNUT snd 614 JAYNE Streets, Have now in store a full and well-assarted stock of FALL AND WINTER SILK GOODS. DKESS GOODS, GLOVES, SHAWLS, *ei With their usual assortment of WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, Ac., to which ther invite the attention of buyers. Be7-lm 18g L TO CASn BUYERS. H C. LAUGHLIN & Co., No. 003 MARKET STREET, Are receiving daily, from the PHILADELPHIA and NEW* YORK AUCTIONS, a general assortment of MERCHANDISE, bought for CASH. CASH BUYERS are especially invited to call and ex amine our Stock. ees-tf 1861. fall GOODS. 180]L FRESH ASSORTMENT. DALE, ROSS, & CO., ■3l MARKET STREET, Have received, and are new opening, a fresh steck of FALL & WINTER GOODS which will be sold low for CASH and on abort credits. Buyers are respectfully invited to call and ex amine our stock. au3l-2m "VTTALTHAM 77 inch Bro. Cottons. TV Do 33, 40, 42, and 90 inch Bleached Cottons. Hamilton Purple, Fancy, and Skirting Prints. Robeson's funey do. On hand and for sale by B. W. CHASE & SON, eel2-if]2t 100 CHESTNUT Street. CARPETINGS. Q.LEN ECHO MILLS, McCALLUM & Co., MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS. 509 CHESTNUT STREET, CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &0. We have now on hand on extensive stock of Carpet- ings of pur own and other makes, to which we call the attention of cash and short time buyers. sell-2m CARPETINGS. J. F. & E. 33. ORNE, No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET—OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE, Are now opening, from Custom Home Stores, their FALL IMPORTATIONS NEW CARPETINGS 1,000 pieces J. CROSSLET & SONS’ TArESTBY CARPETS, from 871 OTS. TO Si PER YD I 6-4 TAPESTRY VELVET: FRENCH AUBUSSON: FINE AXMINSTER: ROYAL WILTON: EXTRA ENGLISH BRUSSELS: HENDERSON & CO.’s VENETIAN: ENGLISH INGRAIN CARPETS; ALL OF NEW CHOICE STYLES. AND HAYING BEEN INVOICED BEFORE THE LATE ADVANCE IN THE TARIFF, Will be sold at MODERATE PRICES. au29-2ra MILLINERY GOODS. MILLINERY AND ■ STRAW GOODS. ROSENHEIM, BROOKS, & Co., 431 MARKET STREET, Invite the attention of MERCHANTS AND MILLINERS To their well* assorted stock of RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, VELVETS, FLOWERS, STRAW GOODS, and every other article in their line. A superior brand of BLACK TELYET RIBBONS sel3-2m Always an hand. JALL T R A DE. STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. Wo are now prepared to exhibit a choice stock of Straw and Millinery Goods, which will be sold at close prices for Cash or short approved credit. LINCOLN, WOOD, $ NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET. eel2-18t QITY BONNET STORE. FALL BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, &C., NOW HEADY. BONNETS TRIMMED AND MADE OVER. LINCOLN, WOOD, $ NICHOLS, 725 CHESTNUT STREET. sel2-16t JFANCY GOODS. JiANCY GOODS, AND DRUGGISTS’ ARTICLES. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN PER. FCMERY. TOILET AND SHAVING SOAPS. BRUSHES AND COMB&of all descriptions. POCKET FLASKS AND DRINKING CUPS. VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS. CHAMOIS SPLIT, AND PLASTER SKINS. POWDER PUFFS AND BOXES. PATENT LINT, AO., Ac. OFFERED TO THE TRADE AT LOW PRICES. W. D. GLENN, IMPORTER, aoS.im No. 86 South FOURTH Street. T~OPE INTERS.—Wantod, 5000r600 pf.uti H,o floor, Willi three or lour dnmib.Ts. Bath, gas, hot and cold wider, Ac. solU-Gt* WANTED —A situation as an assist ant teacher hi a private sdiool, l.y » yi)lln „ | ftl | y well (tualified to teach the minor branches of au Fii'di-h education. Address “ Mary,’‘office of The J'regf ** selC-12t* WANTED —% a steady middle-aged man, a situation an porter or watchman in a fac tory or warehouse. Good references given. Address “ Porter,” office of The /’rrM. seUi-lit* AN LXDEItiENCED DOOE.-HEEI>- KR is open for an engagement. Salary in accord* ance with the times. Undoubted reference as to charac ter and ability. Address Bucim-stfj” B‘*x 2250, Philadelphia Post Office. sel7-litl* An experienced salesman wishes an engagement in a Wholesale Pry-Goods Jobbing House. Will accept either a salary or a com mission on sales. Address “ Salesman,” this office, seie-iot* Teacher wanted.—a hdyeapa ble of instructing in the lower brandies of an Kug lirh education, will hear of a desirable situation ia a pcbcK»!, plcoi-antly located, within U few* miles ot the elty. Address “ Goshen, ’’ office of this paper. se!6-4t*~ Situation wanted— To take care of n Child, by a middle-aged Woman, in a family where she can have a comfortable home, which is more desirable than a large salary. She would en deavor, by a faithful discharge of the duties of her situa tion, to render herself useful. No objection to the country. Address Mood's Dispatch. scll-Gt T7MPLOYERS WANTING YOUNG lL Men, &c., are invited to address the “Employment Committee,” at the Rooms <*f the Young Moil’s Christine Association, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT street. apB-6m BOARDING. —A email family, or a few single gentlemen, can be furnished with pleasant ROOMS* at a private residence on SIXTH Street, oppo site Washington Square. References exchanged. Ad dress *« Home,” at this office. «018-3t* Boarding. —a widower, with two email children, wishes to secure accommodation in a genteel private family, where home comfortw will be secured. Address “ Marshall,” at this office. selG-ut* A FAMILY IN CHESTNUT NEAR Nineteenth street have two or three handsome ROOMS TO RENT, with BOARD, where parties can have every home comfort on moderate terms. Gentlemen preferred. References exchanged. Address ** Rooms,” Blood’s Dispatch. scl4«6t* Families and gentlemen do siring accommodations for the winter can now have choice of single or communicating roomn r At 223 9. BIIOAD Street. se!4-6t* PRIVATE BOARDING.—FINE BOOMS, at moderate priced, may be had for the winter, At the ALLIBONE HOUSE, N. W. corner THIRTY-NINTH and WALNUT, West Philadel phia. au2B-lm : E.fciMKTRp lei.i With ail it* GORGEOUS SCENERY. MOVING PANORAMA, VAST AND WONDERFUL MACHINERY, AND GREAT CABT! The Last Scene, THE ABODE OF ARIEL INTIIfi KKCIIA N'T ED FORE 9T. The most uineiiificpiib oVor produrwl in America; ALN CJT-STRENT THEATRE— NINTH and WAI.NUT Street*. Soli* Lessee MRS. M. A; GAftRETTSON. THIS (VKDM’S'D.A V) EVENING. September W ii 1 1 nI * 'w(. 1i T' i.r iif<> ijiVt l'iii) , -adopted l<) Mlid. J Lfio de of great expectations, received nightly with crowded hoil.*C#» Abel Mugwitch. a Convict . Mr.-E. ADAMS Pip, an Urphm , .Mi™ c. JEFFERSON Mjks Havi-hum, u Lady of Fortune, Mins ALICE GREY To be followed b> A POPULAR comedietta; ADMISSION—Dress Circle, 50c.; Famuot, 37Wth J (Secured neuts, 50c.); Family Circle, 25c.; Private Box es, $5- and $3; Single Scuts in Orchestra aud Private Boxes, 75c.; Upper Boxen, 2oc. Doors open at 7; Performance trv commence at 1%. MBS. JOHN DREWS' AltCll-STUKET THKATRK, Acting and Stage Manager W. 8. FREDERICKS. Business Agent and Treasurer J{JS: D.' MURPHY. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING,- September 18, The performance will commence with- TIIE RIVALS. Miss CHARLOTTE'THOMPSON' Lydia Languish Jnliu Melville Miss EMMATAYLOB Sir Antony Absolute Mr. JOHN GILBERT Mr, Fitullilnn'!,.Mr. l, jt.sHKW'KLi. To condudewltlj the comrUiuttn of LOAN OF A LOVER. Gertrude, .Mr. CHAS. -HENRI Ernestine Mias E. PRICE PRICES—7S,SO, 37>£, 26, ami 15 ccntfl. No extra charge for reserved seats. •jl/TAGIO LANTERN PIGTURES OF IVX THE REBELLlON—Representing nil the promi nent Scenes, nntl Incldt-nln it> ibis date. For sale by JAMES W. QUEEN * c 6., 924 CHESTNUT Street. A Descriptive Lir quarterly. The Company declare a bonus op PRO FITS, periodically, to the insurances for whole life. Four homines have been declared, ol which the following ftTO a few examples from the Register * | | Amount Policy and Policy. Sum in- (Bonuses oraft-r Bonuses, to be in sured. j ditions, I creased by fu } j . Hire additions. No. 89 $2,500 $BB7 50 $3,387 50 No. 132 3,600 1,050 00 4,050 00 No. 199 1,000 406 00 1,400 00 ‘ No. 333 5,000 1,875 00 6,875 00 FniupliiPtib containing rates and explanations, forma of applicationr, mid further inforniutfon, enn be had at the office. THOMAS BIDGWAY, -President. John F. James, Actuary. BOIG-mwfOtif* COMMONWEALTH FIRE- INBU \j RANCH COMPANY, OF THE STATE OW" PENNSYLVANIA. >TORS. • i Charles H. Rogers, John K.- Walker, Robert Shoemaker, William Struthcrs, : Stephen Coulter. [E v M'. D., President.' lITALL, Vice President*' retary. t willing, 613 CHESTNUT se4-tff David Jayne, M. D., Jolm M. WliitaU, Edward C. Knight, TJtomas S. Stewart* Hcniy Lewie, Jr„ D4VID JAYS JOHN M. \VH SAMUEL S. MOON, Seen Office, Commonwealth Bi Street, rhiladelpliia. Fame insurance company* No. 406 CHESTNUT Stmt, FIBK AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIRECTORS' George W. Day........ of Day Samuel Wright , “ Wright Bros. & Co* D. B. Birney ***** 44 Davis & Birney.' Henry Lewfe, Jr* 44 Lewis Bros. & Co. C. Richardson “ J. C. Howe & Go. Jno. W. Everman 44 J. W. Everman A Co. Geo. A. West «... 44 West & Fobee. F. S. Martin............ 44 Savage, Martin, A 00. C. Wilson Davis Attorney-at-law. E. D. Woodruff. * of SiLley, Molten, A WoodrvftT Jno. Kessler, Jr No. 1713 Green street. GEORGE W. DAY, President FRANCIS N. BUCK, Tice.PreeWeofc WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. ja33-Sftf SAVING FUNDS; SAVING FUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and OHIO* NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. 8. B. CRAWFORD, President, JAMES K. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer.* Office hours, from 10 until 3 o'clock. This company is not Joined in any application totte liegiet&tnre. SAFES. ISft LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT BE ■sSIMOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, new the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors, and beta# determined to merit future patronage, has secured da elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand a large assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated- Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the- only strictly fire end burglar proof safes made.) Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie’s Batik Vault Doors and Locks will be furnished to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best-pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to Lillie’s He* Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, 4c. This Safe is con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, aud is the only one that is strictly fire and burglar proof. Special Notice.—l have now on hand say twenty ol Farrel, Herring, JS Co.’s Safes, most-of them nearly uewy and some forty of other makers, comprising a complotft assortment as to Blzeß, and all lately exchanged for Um now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very low’ prices. Please call and exnmine. ja2s-lyif M. C. SADLER, Agent. fiv_ HORSES FOR SALE.—A very fine pair of Bay HORSES, 16# hands, high, ot the Morgan stock, suitable either fur carriage horses or officers: cavalry horses. Apply to TIMOTHY HICKEY, at the stable in The rear of 450 North SECOND St, it* cv—A PAIR of FAMILY HORSES— VERY SUPERIOR IN EVERY RESPECT. FOR SALE. Slay bo soon for throe ilavs, from 12 till 3 o’clock, at McOREA’S STABLE, back of THIRD anrt MARKET Streets QKILL, COMBINED WITH EVERY oilier advantage, produces superior results in Colored Photographs for S? 1 at REUTER'S Gallery, SECOND Street, above GREEN. It* QCOTCII WHISKY,—2O Puncheons lO Stewart’s raisloy Malt Whisky, in bond, for sale JAURETCHE & CAItSTAIRS, bc-12 202 and 204 South FRONT Street. Hardware and cutlery, cheap for Cash, and short Credit, .by MOORE HEXSZEY, 427 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. sclS-lm Hides and goat skins,—a lot rcccivei per scbr AuKwrtn, for sale by JAURETCHE & CARSTATRS, BelS 202 and 204 South FRONT St. JM P ORT A.N-T;. /Send.all Money and Packages' of-Merchan l disc for places in tlie Eastern States, New f York, .and Canada, by lIAKNDEN'S EX PRESS, N0.. 248 Chestnut street.- They collect Notes, Drafts, &c., and Bills, with or without Goods.. Their Express, ia. I the oldest in the United States. a Express Charges, on a.single case, . M, or small lot of Goods, are less than ■' by any other conveyance. 8010-2®^,^^ Ehbs perhamjs grand INTERNATIONAL excur sion, EMBRACING THE EASTERN ANI) MIDDLE STATES,. AND THE CANADAS.. To wit: The States of Blaine, New Hampshire, Vermont,, Massachusetts, Rlaxle Island, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Maryland, of thu United States, and Canada East, and Canada, Wot, and New Hrnnswirkt of tiio Rritish Provinces. Tickets from Philadelpldu to Canady apd return, $2l. n n n. Boston 14 **.. SIQ., The above including tickets to .several entertainments on the route. For details of the route, days. of t starting, price of ticket*for the round trip, Ac., see posters and small bills at the principal hotels and railroad offices. seltttf in PHILADELPHIA AND READING BAILBOAB CO., (Offico 227 South Fourth utreeh) PmnaPßnrma, April 27, laoL. SEASON TICKETS. On and after May 1,1861, senson ticket* wiR belmoea by this company for the periods of throe, six, .nine, *DA twelve months, not transferable. , „ . Season school-tickets may also bs had. at .33. per.ceoA tickets will be sold by the Treasurer, at No. J* South FOURTH Street, where any farther informaUcn can be obtuinod. 8. BRADFORD, ap2o-tf Treasurer. re FOR NEW YORK, , lil1 t E> vill mat Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and Now York Eipress SteamhcakOosj* paiiy receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M,, deliver ing their cargoes in New York thp following daps. Freights taken at reasonable rates. _ WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARYEB, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, enl-tf Piers 14 and 16 EAST RIVER,. New York. _ jr*L PHILADEIaP-HIIA AND jMggjgSfi WASHINGTON express steam- BOAT COMPANY. New line direct for AlevamWa, Washington, an* Georgetown. Through ln3B liovyji. p t ?A.,r PHILADELPHIA, Captain THOS. HAN®, Steamer JEROME, CajWa JEROME, Will leave Philadelphia every WEDNESDAY and BA TURDAY, at 12 o'clock M., connecting with all tinea at those ports, and returning, leave Wastdagton, QoocilS town, and Alexandria every TUESDAY and BATU®. DAY, for Philadelphia. W. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVRa. PhlladelidUa, MORGAN A RMNEHART, Agents ]yB4-i!t Foot of O street, Washington. _ Alt—a. FOR NEW YORK. Th* ■■■■BSnFhibulelphia Steam Propeller Company will commence their business for the season on Mondart 13th instant. Their steamers are now receiving freight at Baooal Pier above Walnnt street, -Terms accommodating, Apply to W. M. BAIBD A OOu oblB 824 South Delaware Ayenae, sel6-3t*