Dollars ron Six Moxths—inyariaby in advance Tor ‘ " ~ ■ * j the time ordered. w I j THE TRI-WEEKI.Y PRESS, —■■ ... : VQL s_m 5 _ m 35 PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBEB~io7I[B6L ' === CENTS | SEA flATHl]yfi . ,V KEW tffi' f or ,oose sac,:s > n P on which are gilt and cm- j WASHINGTON FROM MY WINDOW. From Bucks C'ou.'tty. ISBfrasaMß 'FRENCH AND /-iNLY ONE Q\J ft P 3l f f “red the national arms, making the per- [FromourSweil| [Correspondence of The Presb\ I PywW ß iiii■■WJlMl Or ENGLisn BOARDING and pay SCHOOL, 10,000 Beautiful Stool PWte E„ CT „‘ n ™ nftim *us If & V) V K (rf W + SOU wlii> wears tins dress look very much like w,o,r,vnTfiv Gnnt 7 Ififil BicKihonAM, Bucks Co.jr Sept. 6. STTA HATTTTWr 1 MAIN Street, second door Mow JOHNSON Street. LORD’S I’liAYKIi for sale Engravings of tho q '4p / tlie Knave of Clubs in a pack of cards Arms A tt asiil\otc>, Sept, 1861. As great events are on the tapis, and every EA DAI HlNtr. Madame f. DBOUIN and M’lio Em. ROSSET having vainnMe Gi “n k way • J 5. lie Knave ot ciuos in a pack oi cards. Aims A strange old place is Capitol Hdi—and I section is linked together in the grea t chain of removed their School to Germantoa-n, will open on MON. it commences with oxquMtdV executed words of TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 10 1861 <l™s embroidered, gilt, and painted, are called w onder who shall write its Instory. Iff seems onr dcstin Vas a nation an outline ski'tell of a ; " ld iSI « h ° n "'h —— ’ i8 rl; emblazemed-trom a German word blazen, to o bein the enjoyment of a green old age, and iffi thisft Z™lc?Umm^,V*r-\ ATLANTIC CITY N J Refeukscks.—Rt..Rev. Bishop Potter, Pa.; Rt. Rev i n the mosMcgurt and tastcfiifmaimc'r^Nca/th?^hot- Heraldry ’ blow—because all the earliest descriptions of I at its base-with haps, possess some points of interest. T Old ■ ATLANTIC Cll Y, N.J. Jo'Sk Heraldry* fte fcience of re . I arms were those proclaimed, at tournaments, {£3 * ° i -ems to be J,W awakening, as it i vere, I TWO AND THREE-QUARTER HOURS FROM m[intoa/i. ItOV '' iel’-toci*" “T/.S e "' cordinggehcalogiee, i e greal ,ss . ue Her and the huge PHILADELPHIA. FTaTTNHFiRR’ TNSTTTTTTE MaT TDK COMMANDMENTS. annorial It also teaches whatever relates to the after announcing the. names titles and armo- arc Llton ti e eood old Dlan of hw ™,! ball is now moving onward. Until the present j O AUiN-UiJirvO iJMolllUliliy JUAxI- As r Work of ari this valuable and beautiful engraving marshalling of cavalcades, processions, and other . , ,°. cm ° tie titles, ana armo DU o t goaoap an ot &i\t\ jears- time she has sent but four companies for three - ; ATLANTIC CITY ia now conceded to be one or tha SSFJ | s wor { h m ore than the Dollar asked for it, iu willreadily public ceremonies.— Webster's Dictionary. rial « achievements of the respective com- a £°-* *? en P® o ?}® tako years service, beside her three-months men, ; most delightful Sea-side Resorts in the world. itsßath- **”' SrfZSSteSSR? Among some out-of-tlie-way odds and ends batants. The crest originally was the badge S/V^^ ll a a ‘r sordid Oration* scarcely to have been fully aroused 1 tog Is unmrpnssed: Its beautiful unbroken Beach (nine A School ror the Physical, Moral, Social, and Intel- of the engraving of valuable presents as follows: of curious old books which we have collected, or ornament which each knight wore upon his The peonle are all in an excellent state of ure- wlt, “ n the last fortnight., _ miles in length) is uneQualled by any on the continent, Several acres of plaifgromida are nttachid to the Scant- S warranted.) * 6 a at little Volume, bound in Very bVOWH helmet, and IIChCC the helmet itself often ap- serration, and it sometimes occurs to me, as I nruL hor t" ftr ' * 8 non * J,' 1 .” t^ o *l,I ri ?tnmu!r'(i gave that of Galveston; its Mr is remarkable for its dry. 2 t„ York borough. caif, and.published in LondorJ,ln 1719, during co“ Star c the g great 0 “of ceßsj its BAilixig and fishing facilities ax© perfect j its vicious habits* kindliness and purity of intercourse 100 Valuable Books. the earn part of the reign of George the First* -the crest of the British nation is a non p(tt* that 11 ashington need nc\cr rtgict the ab- Manassas, the matter has assumed a serious fwtela ore well fnmished, and as well kept osthose of En g ravi KS of the Lord's This little tome, about three inches long, two *«nt 6 uardm if_first worn on his l>y “^ e a ® f r/flie" clpltoh aXuciu^'ofr Cn,inE “f* to the 4 in ® ort - !■ Newport or Saratoga, while its avenuea and walks are Btudicß. Latin, Greek, and Mathematics, together with Braver. Wide, and one and a half m thickness, purports Richard Ccour dc Lion, and adopted as the Tt is a verv oilrn and tVI-u-irt Mrl miiniomalitv an t question of Government or anarchy, COun- . /Meaner and broader than those of ony other Sea-Bathing F rcn< *’, ar ? thoroughly 500 Steel-Plate Engravings of the Birth of Christ. to be a third edition, and its title, gaily set forth national crest by Edward the First. T] le ladiw seem tu be in tlic fas iions ‘ ‘j y or I ‘° conn J r y> thc S reat import of which ; glace in tlit- country. 140 pupds , &p in alternate lines of'’crimson andwZck, is« The All this however, we are forgetting and gOhSen gO bIS I m A rEr.tOD or r.v? a, „ JOinworih non. ooct, to S ooo «i,h each engraving British compendium i or, a particular Account our antique little text book. ot / acUs » n > enrTlfing thems^s’‘in J Hi hthi 4p m Roturnina- reach w TiMR op AD.vitssioN, are: This engraving has rcccival the commendation of thf> of all the present Nobility, both Spiritual and After mentioning that Hector of Troy bore " a *ch associate the gloomiest ideas of penance Colonel W. ’W. 11. Davis, of the Democrat , geipWaat 9a. m. and 7r! m. Fare, *l.BO. ' V~hl Sundky Temporal, from his Majesty to the Commoner, sable two Lions Combatant upon his shield; “ or ““»“»“«« < Bonnd-Trip Tickets, good for Three Bays, *2.50. Dis- For Day-lmarding Pupils, who spend tho.nights atj j»*Seiid <m ONK DOLLAR und four red stamps to Also, an account of all the Bishoprics and Ulysses, a Dolphin and a Typhon breathing There is none of that life or vivacity which tance, 60 miles. A telegraph extends the whole length of Wasliirlg, 5S.' ’No Vx't'ra cimV'geV. ’ Payi,Ve'nt'sVn kd'i'ance. r'"turn m'.ML 01 ' Clisru '‘" ? ’ :l " >ou are sure to get it >y ]) eanar ies, and by whom and when founded, out flames of fire; Perseus, Medusa’s Head; clusters around our good old cities of'modern tlednoblyfor the editorial chair ■ the Road. jyio-tf As pupils who come under the inHuence of the Semi- Address .. _J. M. AUSTIN * co., York, Pa. Likewise, the Arms ami Coronets of tlifi Antioclius, a Lion with a white wand; Them. Style. People don’t soem to coma here until iuta>inUtiG;n>uM>>»li.|.a.;.iU ■ -- .1— 1' ■" ■■ nary at an early age are educated with the least trouble, *lO secures 11 Kngriivmps and Tickets. . n , , n o i li , . , late in life and I would not wish to he rosnon , ms ptu asiue, anu waen up nw SUMMER RESORT'S! a redaction in the teems ef *ss ~r will i.e a„4« TIHUitY & KitcsE, Agents, n. E. oor. FOURTH Peers, with tlio Kamos of their Seats, what sus, an Os; beleucus, a Bull; and Aupestres, ' ;I V "y,, „ e .; 8 " 0 ': stem weapon which backs its own argument, mjiwo — during tlio entire course of each permanent boarding and BRANCH Streets, Philadelphia. Countv they are in and Distance from Lon- a Spbynx; the erudite author adds, «Abcl. f-i* l ~*???* °! *. troo P P f rojstering, versus theopiniewof the old philosopher to EAPTI? WfITTST ATT ANTTTf I PTTV Pupil who is entered under nine years of age. Those coum} mu an 111, ana instance irom EOII- a emu* ua, ciiioui aiuuin awn, aim, light-hearted lads playing along its very old the contrary Having returned from Wash AGLE HOTEL, ATLANTIC Lili, who arc not entered before they are seventeen years of references: don. To which is added au Introduction to the second son of Adam, bore his Fatlior’s pavements. I have said this is no place for i!.ir,nfi,il' ti! 18 "large ADDITION OF BOOMS. vance'is not made 1 in* thecase of s ilSle whobecomo mem- Clmrcb Ymh.' I " L ' II " P ''' tor ist Lutlic ran Heraldry.” Coat* with flnat of his Mother Eve, nuwsjApeis--- Tor-t hewoplc in Ifa- to raise a regiment in this district, lie is now Board $7 per week: Bathing dresses included. bers of the reciting that age. ii“v.a. ■w. Lilly, Pa«tnr 2d Church, When wo consider that there is gne office in she bcinjc an ffeiress; m • Gules find Argent ; j tirnai inWligmctr, mi discuss the con- | pushing the matter forward with the greatest I aniv-im . h—ktoSutkS fSt I 'JSi/mhlfatr? 1 fftTOr of youns men lvho 80-.cWi Thuiuauiij iscciur st. Juim'* rrot.Kpiscopal Philadelphia, and three at New York, at which and Jot<oi?h ? s Coat was Party per Pale , Argent of the removal of the deposits, energy, success rapidly crowning his efforts. LIGHT HOUSE COTTAGE, AT- "information n,ay from the PHnci- Cl rov!f. F. Hacon, Pastor Moravian Church. “Arms are found, and emblazoned." and bv mxiGnlesS’ The simplicity and positiveness fto'tasf ?«‘ er »«ptbusiastically enlisted I L ANTIC CITY, the nearest House to the safest Pals, or from the Mowing persona, who.are among those Roy. .To?. A. l!o«. “ M. E. Church. which extracts from flic « HeriM’s Visit. of declaring that LVe teas ail Heiress must be P . ? ?.? ll ' US ‘ laS m the good work ; LniOll meetings are being part of the beach, Is now open for the Season. who have Soxs or Waud 3 hoarding m the Seminary AT Hon. Thomas E. Cochran, Ami. Geu. Pennsylvania. ''«ICD extracts lrom tile Heralds \ lSlta- «" ' . fc . . , l T \ct reached the Calm arteries of its VCllera- called in all parts of the COuntV, to arouse the TERMS MODERATE. the present time. Henry Welsh, President York Rank. tlOnS" (in England) arc supplied, WC believe aamittea to be about CqUJiL The author winds ble suburb, and I have no doubt many nice old Tjpfmlo Thp most imrmrtnnt nf tbo anripg was NO LIQUORS SOLD on F “nkiln, l“; ita. l 'ostm ; " k 'r'York’ r ' York ’ ra ’ nn ' s raanj ' that our readers may not think it out of the up With a few verses, quite in the spirit of his gentlemen are still debating over their tea held at' the court house at Doylestown on the je24-Sm Proprietor* T^ lcar^ w * Fi l; Hoia. N. B. Brawny - - —-—— - wav to learn something about the curiosities prose, and worthy of being reproduced: anu twist whether South Carolina will go out of 80th ult. The call was responded to by a fTIAMMANY HOUSE, NORTH CA- P- A. Crrsar,’ l’rincipafof tlioGirlß* Higli ScbooVPiiiia- of Heraldry—a science, its professors sav,! Mlio e're desirest thy Pedigree to find. human'nature 'are not' visited S< uiJon Canitol BrCat a,lc ' enthusiastic outpouring of the The subscriber takes plemmre in informing hia former p« PUzKeraSi purchased. Those haring Books to seU, if at a c ® nc^ in * Among the Lppei Tcndom ThouTt surely find thy Stock below : during mj Sta>. He played a merrj tunebe- Gen. John Davis, and other prominent men. patrons and the public that he haa reopened the above j p o ri er . "Editor' of The Pre*s t Philadelphia* Mrs C distance, will state their Barnes, sizes, bindings, dates, of ftew 1 ork, as among the First Families of -p whAna* /!«/»r -» \l ie a sad ai , tawilj-colored COttagO. W ith ItS Mr. Chapman—evor a noble champion Of that be hBpP3, ,opkaseallwhomasr i WANTED-Rooka Virginia, lieraldryis in great request. The And also Fathw Adam Mh dim casements aud cobwebs but it was a fail- liberty which our fathers bequeathed us-dc jefiS-Sm ELIAS tILEAVEB, Proprietor. | SnodyflM.UaddS; pri “,H“ ai “l «r« n parvenu does not feel entirely at ease, in his And noble were both Parents of our Race; cession, noneof^your frivolous Tunes find a -« OSt s * in ' in f appeal, was rc cumr momma. “ ‘TT L “* ■»*<»' Vg'^ggX%*£t'Sr. —. Chunk, Pa.; Hon. J. w. Maynard, Williamsport, Pa.: praised hy ff e 2S-tn John CAMPBELL. Acre chariot, until his armorial bearings are Tr m , M ... . w ... . „„. to . know his business, for had he given from bis patriotic effort, comine, as it did from a De- ' /SaBINET FURNITURE AND BIL- T- BRETAIL DRY GOODS. ostentatiously exhibited on both, and the F. S Y“doubtUs" fort “" S; ’ beCn T a had gray in the service of j LIARD TABLES. Mr. T. B. IVattson, Philadelphia: Mr.’b. H.°Bartol,’ F. V.’s, in the decay of their wealth, still She from the first of Mankind had her Birth. troop ofveneiable and delighted listeners. In hj s party, now boldly eschewing those lines MOORE & CAMPION, Philadelphia; Mr. James Sykes, Washington. «n3l-lm T ONG CLOAKS, of Aqua Scutum. fondly cling to all that reminds them of their Yet ict her so bo proved-for if his Birth were ii ff efwW?" T hVbevft 8 his countiy’s good. .to howovw to- Prn, whai was hers, but Earth of Earth! The natural effect of a monkey’s presence’is nowmanofactnrinK»eiiperior article of ™ MONDAY lf sent!.r,.h^r l M ,!Oll smmLra ß roeoiv<!d SHAUPLEgs brothers, tuotc, wltli noble or enunent families m the As to such things in Heraldry as colors and known all the world over, and « Bokee ’is a smith, the sturdy yeoman who, but an hour And have now with the “r Kh old country.” We know not which is more mends, precious stones and planets, birds and T*"' before ’ had left anvil and the plough in re moore * campioips Improved craHiONs* w T^TS ™w u C' t / t .J^ eir 1 . 0w ’ n f rMide ? ce - QTELLA SHAWLS. pitiable, the parvenu ostentatiously assuming beasts, insects and fishes, plants and furs stars !if T- } , ‘°}£ hboi ; llood but that of Capitol Hill, sponse to the appeal to arms. Who knows which ore pronounced, py oil who have used them, to be j anrfyat "seventh and arch *un Black Centres, nmlium to fine. heraldic distinctions or the faded descendant f f ’ . But in this antique community he spends a but what there are Putmans and Greenes among onperior to all others. at tho ACADEMY, SEVENTH and ARCH, up Scotch and French Borders. nciaiuie u stmcuons, or tut mucu utscenuaui and crosses, saltiers and chiefs, fosses and pel- very sad life, and wastes liis powers upon the t b tm ? They, too, left the field and the shop lor the Quality and finish of these Tables the manu- sharplesr BROTHERS, oi a once honorable line hugging to his bosom k . (Hi bordures and bends, pallets and pales, trees, the Stones, and a cold and unappreciative to uurchasc^'that liberty which every freeman SSS^^aaSrTOKNBRMANTOWN INSTITUTE, fn Oo painted toc*»a of a traditionary respeetu- cl iemn B and cotizes, helmets and muunches I ™>rld. Years, however, have him pa- should Measure as a priceless lierha^ i fnr tl ,c BARGAINS IN MUSLINS, bility which lias fallen below zero. fe«c» and chevrons, bessants and escalops, i ambeginning to Party lines were forgotten, and all mingled T nnvivc ™ : !of Young Gentlemen SEPTEMBER SHifisci. Shirtings, and Piiow-CawiD U iins, by Our author commences by treating «of the saltircs atK i piles crescents and labels—we b - f tbt ,!! Bokc i ? ls , r . a P ldl - v becoming , together in harmony that was truly encouraging; LOOKING GLASSES. I Further particulars on application to t,' e p «;ee orjanl, V .L.AKCKA3IBAt.i,T,N. ec or. sevcra ] decrees of Gentry and their Prcce- i u ~ ? \ ... ' qmet, respectable, and well-beliaved, like a an d at the soul-stirring strains of the glorious i wsr. 11. McFADDEN, a. M., Principal, eleventu and market streets, lms mstore a largo sevciai degrees oi ocntij, ana ttiur i recc shall say nothing about them now. true denizen of Capitol Hill. Star Snaneled Banner fell upon the vast multi- JMMENSE REDUCTION SE. cor. of GREEN aud BITTENHOUSE Streets. “ __ !r“:_ Shirtiiig width ate, 7, ami 8 cents: White Sheetings, 10, Arms.-’ He does not ascend higher than Bucks County, sat at my window this morning and looked out blood to tinvlo in the veins of every patriot. I LOOKING GLASSES. mHE GERMANTOWN ACADEMY li^aua 8 Noah, who lie records had three sons saved In looking over the loyal States, it must l magnificent prospect that spreads The Colonel added a large number to‘his regi on patnttngs. ENGRAVINGS, efopen on MONDAY, September z, coats: Now Vail Style Mous. ric Lnii.e, 12. is, nndai with him in the ark,between whom lie divided thrill the heart of the patriotic citizen to see : ~n eat l Not these things alone, but many ment, and hopes by the first of the week to 1861. Tlie Principal will receive a few Bovs into liis cents. Ciienn Dry Goods niul Cornet Store. N. E. corner *u, n n //p * . i, , • » ■ O fliers j for tills window of niino is most suff- jto into caiWD inion tlio fair srroiinds nonr AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. Family. # j. h. WITHINGTON, ot eleventh and mabket streets. »e3-i2t Rio world. hem, his eldest son, he made how those men who followed the standard of ; gestive, and commandswhat for all time to Doylestown. making a model re- JAMES S. EARLE & SON, ~- ■. „ . mHE ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND * r “ l< : c ~ Asla ’ , aa !“’ 1 r,noe of Afrlca > Stephen A. Douglas, in the late campaign, come will be holy and historic ground. The giment of it, and will attach an artillery and 816 CHESTNUT STREET TJEMOVAL.—THE ACADEMY FOR mantilla STORE. and Japliet, Prince of Europe.” sustain the Government and the flag in this : bill forms a very sudden declivity beneath, cavalry corps. The latter is rapidly filling, aud Announce the reduction of 25 per cent, in the prices of all „ B a l ?’ £°™erlr located at the N. E. corner of NEW FALL CLOAKS.' Next, we learn that divers Emperors and hour of national peril. Prominent among : ? nd \ er . v tal ! tre ® s abnost flap their highest will be commanded by an able officer, Captain <he;Manufactured stock o. ro„ki ßg Giacse!; to BWCK CLOTH CLolks CL ° AKS ' Butos issued of these sons, and that among these patriotic Democrats were Hon. Hejtrv ! ial * Craven, formerly commander of the Union Engravings, Picture and Ph.tograph Frames, Oil Paint- tombor sd, ism. a fev, P „pU, bt nvvonimodated with EVERY NOVELTY AT MODERATE PRICES. them are ten degrees at this day; of which Chapman, Hon. Jons Davis, and his gallant nestles below in ivn nlw Troop, of Bucks county, one of the oldest or- IBM. The largest and most eießant assortment in the board. For circulars, apply at the school. JACOB HOBBF ALL. . „ „ , ® i nictropoiib nestles OelOH in a vast natural gamzations of the district, and one which run ■country. Arare opportunity is now offered to make nuri au29 - lm T - bRANTLY LANGTON, Principal. au3i-6m N. W. corner TENTH and ARCH Sts S J X aie ca ” etl A oble > as a Gentleman, Esquire, son, Col. W. W. H. Davis, of Bucks county. | basin, rimmed around by the ridgy Potomac— dered efficient service in the Philadelphia riots -Chases in this line For Cash, at remarkably Low Pricea TT D. GREGORY A M . WILL r» T? Tf U 9 OF PHTTniN finnDQ Anight, Baron, and \ iscount; and four are At a late meeting held at Doylestown, in that I the densely-wooded heights of Georgetown to of 1844. In fact, the whole thing is progress- T?ADTL”C Parr ttutuc! JIL. reopen his Classical and English Schcol, No. X still advancing. styled Excellent, as an Earl, Marquess, Duke, county, composed of men of all parties, said i the north, with the Anacostia to the sonth, and ing finely. EARLES GALLERIES, UOS MARKET Street, on MONDAY, September 2d. Having very large stock of and Prince. to be one of tlie largrst ever hold, these three : b ‘- ,;lutlibl la ' vn y and spreading lulls which rise You have no doubt seen that the Hon. jyß-tf 816 CHESTNUT Street. au2B-12t BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED Of Gentlemeu. itself tin: lowest rleprefi. there t„ n |-, rnerininn- nil o . aloug tllC llOriZOll, anil are lost among the Judcc Woodward, of Columbia, lias rcstgllfd TV/TISS M w HOWES’ YOUNG muslins AND COtton FLANNELS, arc nine Callings we are told First a Gen- i « enflen “ m I ooL a f*vm , grOVOSj shielding them from an admiring world, the nomination preferred to him as candidate BUSINESS NOTICES. M.LADIES • BOardingandday school Before the present etm tleman ofAneest’rv, who must aL be oneof !} ie acc t °' mt ba '’e had of the demonstration | Ton carteasily seci that; is a city for the judgeship of the Bucks and Montgo- Piureopen on WEDNESDAY, Uth September, at 1525 BELL THEM AT the old prices. m a , , «uo must utso tie one ot , ,t must have been a most inspiring and extra- !of “magnificent distances.” Whoet er laid it mcry district; there is trouble and perplexity W P. REIFF, REAL ESTATE • CHESTNUT street. au27-lm RICH FANCY SILKS FOR fall. Blood. Second, a Gentleman of Blood, and , ordinary affair. General Davis, who is now ! ollt bad litt,e faith in close communion, and in the eamp of the ultra Breckinridge wing, TT .BROKER, NORRISTOWN, Montgomery Co., ! TTRiuMTit!) UHRPMV UfVR ItnVC! A iTTiiroTi) rnim “ not of Ancestry; as when he is the second T-midiv nnuroirhimr bis eiubtictli year is fired one who casually glances at it from a point one or two intriguing wire-pullers having pre- Fa.—Farms in Montgomery, Bucks, Chestcrf a...l Dela! j „■ALADE^ MY FOR BOYS AT the old friues. descended from the first The third y “PProaciiingnseigMietU year is fired like this , vllcre I now write will be impressed sented Mr. Woodward, without Ms knowledge -ware counties for sale or exchange. Also, pcoperty iu JL AND YOUNG MEN, East of 41 North ELE- eV j'ri,Vel nruvo ?L- e ‘ uefciee litstenutu nom lilt nrsi. ine tnird, Wl th an enthusiasm that might be emulated by ! with the idpa of an immense vallev thirt-K- „„ „„ „ loct vrL Philadelphia. Delaware, ana Maryland, on the most rca- I venth street, reopens Ninth month (September) 2d. a Gentleman of Coat-Armor, and not of T r io n:„,f | *- , V.S •« i immense valley, thickly or consent, as a last bold stroke against Mr. eonable terms. Money loaned on bond and mortgage; :AU denominations admitted. *l2 per term of 22 weeks. -Block Silk Coats and otiUnthatris. *,, , . irtnn- T JOUnger men. HIS high character, great ; sprinkled with houses, and trees, and large ChUpiUail, tIIUS SUCCecdlUg m throwing the ■ also, on pood collateral, on Fhort date. Persons wishing j au27-lm w. whit all. „„ K 713 North TENTH St' above Uoatos. , ‘ e E iyet “ J ijorusinp nbilitylstern integrity and disinterested patriot- ■ buildings of white marble. latter gentleman out, an old grudge against n ihm-ea n fTIHOMAS BALDWIN’S ENGLISH 1 TTtTTTATxr tlbv rnnng ’ to b 'm n 1 " 1 hi s heirs forever, then, with the j smj ar e of immense service in this hour; and | i He will bo impressed with an idea which is Mr.Cliapmanforhisrepudiationoftheinfa :amount of property on iu Persons V a distance cSn ! X Mathematical andClassicMSchool, A ~ approbation of the Heralds, he may bear the hj s p Urc , upright and courageous son, editor of i aßvays present to an inhabitant, that the city mous Buchanan-Lecompton policj-. He has a solid by mall, and scut my catalogue. My whole attention : corner of' BROAD md ARCH, wUl°reopTn September I wiU open this morning tho foUowing desirable j Coat of Arms of the Lord’s makers belonging I riov'estown T>tmnrrat showed how well he ij s n !°, re Ikan a vast caravanserai, a kind of lai-ge number of friends of all parties anxious appUcants. Offlee, No. 205 mais street, .M. au26-lmo* soods. one or Lordship provided none of the blood !•„ „ weU 2 hotel, with extensive accommodations, and to reward him for the sterling integrity he has ~ Mi-ot* 11 * g, IcCPtPW to ii RCO USOV ■ /~iT ASmOAT TIV^TTTTT r r'h 1 One Lot of Dark Cotton ami Wool Do Laine. f riuioini/ mmor hn rpnmininrr Th<» i teachings of his venerable parent filled with travellers who only intend to remain shown in the political field. The faction are —— Successor to b. R- , s iLAbHILAL IJNbi'iTUTL, One Lot Of Mohair Poplins. of tb e origmal owner be remaming. The [ by being among the -first to volunteer in the ; a day or two, and are anxious to go home. It in a bad fix. If thev should now determine on ATTORNEY ; YhoCLAs?rcALn?iTi^TE^ U r C efu'ineit ß auUes pS« of IS'Calicoes, at ' flh 1& dc E rce or callm S of a threo-months army. He is now engaged in ■ sometimes occurs tome thatthe people have Mr. Chapman it is said ho willnot accept, as PA.—CUycollectioneprompt- ! ouMONDAY. Saptnmbo» ad. 7 V S JOHN h. STOKES’, Man, not necessarily Of piety, who, in the ~oUinr n regiment hv authority of flip Soovo ! not yet exactly made up their minds about he did not at first desire his name presented. * 9 Honanmtel,a “ a - Sn > fler > aM 1711,0,1 j. __ j- W. A. M„ «u3O 7Q2 ARCH Street. service of Go d and his Prince, kills a heathen }~£ Wafwith7lmttorv of ' arf llerv uhieh i- a CitJ ’’ Tbe C a P« ol , lo ° ks aS if 14 is hlost P robable that the Hon ’ Daniel ' reference.—Third street. pi*i. t - -TqrfvrTflTl TO IiADTES Gentleman he shall bear the arms of the van- ‘ , * ,• ’ , ! its architect was still debating whether to put Smiser, the present highly efficient occupant |,dcirhia. Edward Shipp™, E*.., _ CENTRAL - ato “«- |itup or take it down. Everything has a tern- of the bench, will be renominated by the op -StrecL: • 806-61 V/and SPRING GAhDEN streets, wiU reapen SEP- following goods, which are decided bargans: RmSv cveeffi VwWmc his' AteMCTe- Deis a fineisoldiev- lmung studied under the i porary and unfimshed look. Many pf .tlie , ppsite partv for a second term, and, under the EPETTTT REAL ESTATE TEHBER 2d. Boya prepared for Bußinesß, College, or One Lot of Plaid Mnslina at 1BJ(, w-0r1h.28. ’ 7 .„ " . , experienced Cuptam P.\RTliUiU£, au, : Lmises,resemble broivn-Stone, but if VOll tap existing circumstances, will* no doubt, be . BROKERaTS CONVEYANCER No. son i e G:S!™L% t e t w^rA G S\2 B i° ola ' CttU Rt Bne Lof of C-.Xk’»cl%, (ylz - die So )Tf Urn same S' Unction in Mexico os the aielof Gone- j t 3 o Te^SelS^llS^ai « nd^ *«“* But this is no time for political con- . WALNUT Street, flrst floor, back, Philadelphia. I au2B-2Bt* H. G. MoGUIBE, A, M,, Principal. One Lot or Louies’ L. Cambric Hamllcerchipfs, 10. the » Orel (Yiz . tlie Motto) OI lilt same inis ral Cushing, and subsequently served for sevc- | l-p™ Tim ,panii?^o. oV SL* o troversv, though a few old politicians and fine i Will attend to tho rnrehasp, Sale, and Excliango, of !-- - ——- - - One Lot of Cents’ L. Cambric Handkerchicfe. 25. Cl'eant Gentleman, and if he have Issue to the —1 VCUTS nv flip wtine fi nvpvnnr of Ymp ! 1 •>!pt.irantes. iiie scantung, noi>- ~, —«»ii ers s *;n cling fondly to the associa- Meal Estate in Hie city and country. Money myoated lu j THDUCATION OF YOUNG LADIES. One Lot of Dark Linen at 25, worth GJX, at rWww. tW fWiln, of RWI ”An „ ? ,V g Ot New ever, IS not alone in this, for Washington IS a tions of Tnc l"" v® *W die Wfi Hi.i *nd procured on mortgages* se2-tf ULThe dutitß of thV SPRING garden instil - J ° H 702 I fiftb Dc g iec ’ thc^' arc « cntl,e6 of ,® 1 °? d ;” | Mexico. Of Huxav Chapman we need only I city of appearances. There is an inside-life « Othello’s occupant?! di P > AP A"RT) TTTK T T NDTCTIST fJ-NTtIT) Ko. eu Marshall street, wm be resumed 1— do not clearl> understand is meant sav that lie was the fearless representative and an outside-life, and with no more resem- graver import occupy tlie public uav-Ta t I house”™S hi;l A UTUMN DRESS GOODS. here, we use the author’s own words. A sub- from Bucks mid Bbhigh in the Congress of the tban }oU j"!\ d flnd t "'f, c “‘ be sure you peopleware awakening to the gr£u i iea&od, for a term of years, WILLARD’S HOTEL, in GILBERT COMBS, A. M., Xl Black Gros de Rhines and Corded Silks, joined Xote adds that no Christian may bear United States when J IMES BuCIFAVAV rom- cliyst ™'hur, antt the veivetj cell Within, WROrO issue* The camp-fires of old Bucks are brightly SLSS ‘fav an24-lm Residence No. 608 anotbor_Cl.ri S tian’ S Cost of Arms, nor a Pa- menced the work of decoying the Democratic who S ° US rUUj ' ing *° WIU be most toIPy 10 ! TOY. 7.'i7HELM WILL REOPEN «»” “ d ‘ hCU T n the sametime > by I have to make the acquaintance of an iuhabi- Yours," ’' & Pho Bono Punmeo. SYKES, CHADWICK, i CO. f|, his School for GIRLS at 1525 WALNUT Street One Hundred Cases of very cheap Calicoes, said —except an Englishman m tlie lieltt wnen j forcing the Lecompton Constitution upon the tant who thinks so. An immense political M T Washikotox, Jniyig, IS6L ’ au22-i m ’ 6iilQa ' the Banner-Royal is displayed, do put to flight I of Kansas, and in that Confess no one museum where the national lions roar through ptvii fjpTftT AWn rOMMUIiriM TOHN WELSH, Practical SLATE T)ENN INSTITUTE—Southeast ’““la bright cole’™, any gentleman which is any enemy to his | was found more stem and determined in bis ft? “ g' c ™ ANCIAL tOMMLRUAL. t) ROOFER, THIRD street GEBMantiwn JT c.™™ THIRTEENTH and filbert s.s., re- “‘“ToweKttaJb^a,idlers, F«nce, from liis Banner of Arms , then that opposition to tlio Administration than Henry electrical mtlulncc Ot ? intriAil plot? and TTTfTioMFY IWARKFT sn the S iS P MODERATE n TERMs. vrm guaranty ta ] Sept ' 8 ‘ PriSal. ®‘bhabflTss'brothers' Fnghsli Soldier may honor his own Coat, in Cuacman. Now, hear wliat these three De- counterplots ; a market for adventurers • a Philadeephia Sent fi 1881 ! fag _,^ : iy_j Y Q W& LADIES 1 SCHOQL-No. TNSSTTT to Z ‘ ] F ILE MANUFACTORY ] AT«LD PMCIg. flight In t or In a chal- I report in the Bucks County the [ idles and Rasps of Quality, UNBLEACHED SHIRTING MUSLINS AT THE ! ! ; M cjitemlnl adventure, AmUo 7 Railroad shares i ; and Mechanics' ! ° WhCeSALE AimßStt i pr-ssrcif unbleached SHIRTING muslins ai ihn , own Cent of Arms, which the Victor may not [ General John Davis, of Southampton, in response avarice, and disappointment, and you have Bank stock ?. State fires were dull at 781, and «t mannfactnrS’s prices : |J 1 JN uLI D ±1 AKJJ GDABBIGAIi BLEACHED SHIRTING MUSLINS |use. A Gentleman who marries a Gentle- j to the request of tho meeting, rose and delivered a Washington city. It is not a home, nor docs city sixes at 91, and 8G for tho new and old issues. : dOM iQ * SUPerior m “ ner J B SMITH ' SHEETING AND PILLOW-CASE MUSLINS | el,titled to Coat-Armour, may take j b ™ f^ e G P c S n saia’ Jatt il cblstor a 1 r01,I1(i !t tho associations of a home. The market is inactive : . J. B. SMITH. _ beremo „ d t 0 the larger Hail, directly over Mr. Ua ß - At the Old Brices. I hers, by the courtesy of England. Sixth, I to^th?f.'eflrtjev?v natriot toTn I really beg your pardon, my dear and gen- The money market shows no alteration. i EASE AND COMFORT. : Sembw" 5 ’ aud ' VUI bE reopened BBEACHED and UNBLEACHED cotton , when the Kin g Knights a Yeoman, the new | meeting here this night/ S attended a meetifg rcadep - ( n don ' t , kno ''; wl !- v t reador . s are The new natk ' nal loan continues to be subscribed : A. THEOBALD afika, Who can please or suit ; a u2l/? ’ CHARLES SHORT. And Domestic Goods of all kinds, ’ j Knight becomes a Gentleman of Blood. Se- I here forty-seven years ago in 1814. Court eon- Waffdnnnldo hnfiu/ for freely by private parties and sinaU corporation, ! everybody 7 i at the old prices. ; ~ , | voned the next day after the news of the capture lasluon, and lam a fashionable node) —but I the amount taken outside of the banks in this citv Such a person probably never j™ 'to..But_tho S e ; TJORDENTOWN FEMALE COL- New styles of PRINTS at ejf. 8.10, amt i2K ; Tenth, u lien a i unman s son is advanced to iof Washington by the British reached Doylestown. sat down here to show you the view from this and New York already exceeding four millions of i 7™°iSrtwi I tnmTemm a acMland thM6 who never wS« : LEGE, Borflentown, N. J., situated on the Camden In order toinsme more RAPID bALES, end to close , sjfiritual Dignity, lie is then a Gentleman, hut I The whole county was in a high state of excite- window, and not simply to speculate, for it is *= >=o o n a= the note- are readv for detirerv ' arnted before may be Buiteduow. He la at his Old Place, ' l 0f I,roa a < li t t n , 5L 1 ’ onr 8 ° Ct BTILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS not by Blood ; blit if lie be a Doctor of the B l ™ 4, Courl the usual hour. Bird Wil- something well worth seeing, and well worth t subscriber'at the time of subscription the private i flrtfinniTrQ straat mift.Sm Special attention paid to the common and higher English _ . °f „ 1J x "**■ _ son was luaso, and Samuel Hart was oae +oii-;vir» a’lvrs iinnit to suuitcrioeri!ui uiut;uitiuosLripuun, me pn\ate ? brandies, and superior advantages furnished in vocal » nces of 811 our Summer Goods. Oml Law. lie is tlicn a Gentleman of Blood. 0 f the aFsoexates. J John Fox, then quite a young jn 11 nnii fn fht 2 investments in this loan will be still more rapidly f m* EVANS & WATSON’S ££&£££“*£& G IKs 5683,0 n No. 713 North TENTH Eighth, a Gcntlcmau-Untvyal, broughtupin man, w ? district attorney., kr. Fol rose ad® made. In Boston the average amount subscribed i ■ gTOB |ALAMANDER SAFES. —-e: w “b^KE LE Y, A. M , an Abbey, and serving in good Calling, aud S. ffIS.Z" dnily Is ¥30,000. ] | 804 CHESTNUT I nHEAP DRY GOODS—STILL FUR- i also related to the Ahliot. Tho ninth is : thntitwas noFa time to hold ilourt. J udge Wilson j gloomy sky. Immediately before us, on the ls riatei that PtoO.OOO of the notes go | . » ra . T®* MISSES GASEY and MRS. u THER REDUCTION IN SUMMER STOCK, in called a Gentleman- Aprocrifate, who, having ! did not concur in the suggestion of the Common- brow of that hill, you can see Arlington House, forward from the American Bank-Note Company : vsmeiy oi jmi-rsuui bases aiwaya J. BEEBE will re-open their English and French order to insure sales and realize Cash. : (W bwaraw Clmt a. 1 wealths officer, when the young attorney put on one of the historic spots of America. You to-day to Washington, of which $380,000 are in one : ° B">: Sc _ I !.'® , » Sl l ee !’ on Fine Chintz colored Baris Organdies. j Bcnea uie i rince as a i age, becomes cierK or l his hat, and stepped out, followed by Judge Hart, can barelv see the fa e ade, the top of the pil- hundred-dollar certificates, and $150,000 in fifty- ; WEDNESDAY, tlie llth of SEPTEMBER. au2o-lm Do. do. -Fans Jaconets. ; bteward of the Eoyal Kitchen, and by the i and commenced the work of raising volunteers. In f n ,.~ *i,„-„ f n „ ’ „*:«„„* r*.u- :• : PRESERVING JARS. _': T —„„ . mi Medium style do. do. ; r,thrniiffli the Horilds is endowed with ' little over a week’s time, four full companies were aFS ’ 101 tbcre are large and mighty trees dollar certificate.. It is expected that the quaEti- , L* STACKHOUSE Will re- park Brown Lawns, 12« centa. j 1 imee, throiigh the Hualds, is endowed with , - n b ucl j S moving off to theseat ! around lf > over which its marble summttpeeps. ty of notes sent forward will be increased with each [ IjIRUITCANS AND JARS! IVL open her BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL, for Silk Cholhes, Bareges, Barego Anglais, Gray Goods, , arms . jof war. The speaker then paid a high compliment I suppose it is three miles distant, for the succeeding day. A SI>IUNQ GARDEN Street, on the 2d Cmarthie de Espang, Ac. to the bravery of who respondeS to the liver flows between,although it is buried away The continued payments into the Sub-Trensurv IMMENSE STOCK SELLING OFF AT NOMINAL 01 bEf lEjmEit next. Foulard silks and Milanese, Ac. call of the President with such alacrity, imme- between tho greenwood on the one side and on account of the loan decrease tho specie line of ! trices at “H /fTQQ AT AT? V *E TTT'ROPP will re* White Goods in variety. diatelv after the bombardment of Sumpter. They the glaring hriek walls on the other. Carry *», i. a 0 «i *i, A 1/inno +h _ .i, on( -.. i Nos 117 and 119 SOUTH TENTH STREET. ; {VI v 1 t°' A fine line of plain Swiss Muslins, I2)f to 60 cents. saved Washington from capture. the eve north for the distance of a mile (a the bnnk ® and “> ereas e the loans, the _ changes in j OOj.unMUil» ouurn iMin stomu. XvJ. open her Boarding and Day School for Young La- Black Lace Mantles, Bournous and Points. Who General said- Tam for mv emintrv and V Je n °rill ior ine aistance OI a mile, (a the weekly statement being almost solely attributa- die®, at 1924 SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia, on MON- and Colored Stella Shawls. -i . “J?A \ or Country, and m ,i e la a ] ong distance, but from here you can e° The large Wholesale stock oi • DAY, September 9th. Circulars, containing full infor- a very cheap lot of Linen Cambric Hdkfs. with that party that stands by the country, and COV er it with the palm of the hand,) and you W® to the movement m Got ernment loans. , ARTHUR’S motion, to be had on application. anl9dtOctl* A good stock of Flannels Goods at the htyeeenU sSeJ A MTV T4Tje ;-|V/r ERCIEE - BBOWNwiUREOPEN loWCBtmarketrateB, OTARLE S n l-DAMS & SON, wood has been felled aud cleared away. Black , wkexlt aveba C _ E sot thz fiomm rJRUXX CAM to AjSU tIA-Ko, ! XTX her School for Girls, in the Spring Garden Insti- jyflMf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets.* The hope of the traitors was a division of the North. volumes of smoke arise from thecharred and „ wn | | Now selling off at an | 10£T MEMORABLE YEAR ! ! L\ tt New¥orr P \praW P KfNortWnparr” Wof tom^etthe ' i So 9«. 9. I Sept. 27fsept. t)., ScpL 2. IMMENSE REDUCTION. ; ch^thd ‘ ou ’ ’ r, -“ Dollar3 for VERY LOW^mces 1 ? DfiY G00I)S! S?! 12 -Tl 1 ! 110 “. ad 0 has been rudely torn, leaving the spot red and ... *3,837,000 »5,905,000; SBw,ooo| i lam now selling off, at RETAIL, the entire stock of : /CHESTNUT-STREET FEMALE THORNLEY * CHISM^ 11 M ° EE EEDUCED! should “led nTtheTaUot-box*; “buUhe South- fresh a "d bare—there_ is quite a large encamp- r “ m ‘ tjuX'.'! 4;8ol;82» 4,’ 93i;678;1,08713811,143,474 the latefirmof Arthur, Burnham,* Gilroy, N. E. cor- LsEMINARY.-Miss BONNEY and Miss DILLAYE °lLECorner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN, em traitors say if their side does not carry they will wer Tenth and George streets, consisting of will reopen their Boarding and Day School on WEDNES- Want to sell their stock clean off, resort to the sword. They have drawn the sword, ,*? :} .?? 41 *U he kind Ski .J ISo 000 I SiOM 915 M 309000 ARTHUR’S FRUIT CANS AND JABS. j HAY, September 11, at No. 1616 CHESTNUT Street, And have consequently »M we must meet them with the sword, and Jl6t eiiOllgll to leek at it though this glaas yOU Will Soutlnvark. I 9SRIS3 267® 322,382 (( OJ-jX./ ! TvnADTiTxm cnunnT nr A 3* _ e . lt very low» INDEED, earth. soldiers. Georgetown is below, but buried Penn Township 710,947 700,113 153,649: 178,004 VIi 1 Ph 1 A 'NT'PI rrTT A POTS TJOARDINGr SCHOOL, near Media, Fancy Silks a little over halfPrice* and when von have seen the Observa- Western 1,506,978 1,463,290 459,038 538,643 ±L±h AJNXJ ;JJ DELAWARE COUNTY, Fa./for Twelve Boys. Some ityleu of Dress Goode at half price. awa> , ana wnen you e seen me uuserva- Man & Mec h.. 1,100,200 1,271,910 129,585 133,203 { PRATT’S SELF-VENTILATING MILK PANS; Reopens September 9. LaceMiintlea, PomteH, Eiigenies, &c., very cheap. tory, the WJIUc Treasillj Building, Commerce 740,834 720,401 215,509 205,819 ! tBATT‘S.SELF-VENTILATING BREAD AND CAKE , aul9-lm* BAML. ARTHUR, A. M. Black Silks, cheapest in Philadelphia. the Patent Office, the Heights m the distance, Girard 2,328,113 2,360,389 284,799 299,919 j BOXES* . mtfn uufw iTrirp ommm wvvd great variefr ef Gray Goods, Lawns, Ac., Ac. and the hills behind them, you have exhausted Tradesmen's... 534,001 534,589 135,177 101,209 | rpHE PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR A very arge Bteck olDomcstioGnoda “ Consnlidation... 581,37-1 418,180 73,154 72,102 | ICE CREAM FREEZERS, *c. ; A BOYS, in the Philadelphia City Institute, North- Avery large sleek of Innen Goods, the m „lh Its , City B '- 3,0S ' r ’ 125,875 138,515 i 1&~ Ko such chance as this will again occur for got- east comer ofuhestnut a„a eighteenth Streets, clothe, '“ere", Ves l 'ns«, Ae-, Af- Away to the south the Potomac takes a commomeeniiii.l 478,1 is 479,073 70,873 70,003 j ting the above welt-known articles at a vtry low price, will reopon MONDAY, September 2,1861. H ’,P e ! “ * B wrWm™ ®‘ stwilghter course, and its silvery waters may Corn Exchange) 394,000 308,000| 98,000 87,000 /Torn js the time for Housekeeper tenure a supply of , auls-2m* L. BUBBOWS, Principal. EIGH TH and SPRING GARDEN. be almost seen to sparkle. One or two forti- Union 405,000 411,000| 04,000 05,000 | ma or t e season, aa em CoB__ , j QJfQJg ACADEMY FOR YOUNG NJSfW this date, July 9, TermsCosh ou De- ficatiOUS are visible-the one nearest is Fort Total | 2 8,328,490] 28,557,264;5,017,370 0,179,482 j KURNHAM, JLj men AND BOYS, Comer EIGHTH and BUT- 1y : Albany, and the other Fort Corcoran—but the deposits. ciuculatios. *f. E. comer TENTH and GEORGE Streets, Philo. TOXWOOD Streets. Classics, Mathematics, Full T7IALL AND WINTER hanks are, with this exception, as monotonous basks. 1 anS-thstu2m Counting House Course of Book-keeping, Penmanship, |j as river banks always are, covered with trees ! Sept. 9. | Sept. 2. Sept. 9. Srpt, 2, , GLASS above; X and doping hnras TlioAnacosta falls into s^=o" | GLASS BELOW, : POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, WEST the Potomac about two miles from here, and GLASS ON Aleli sn?E3, JT TENN SQUARE.—The Scientific School wil! begin Goods e'fiptTially for BOYS* "WEAR. Illimcdiatclj at the junction the aisenal IS Farm tt Mech... 3,072,.0T 3,7yi,1G3 | 360,3 ( J0 358,035 No danger of being poisoned with Metal in using tho on September 9th ; tho Professional Schools for Engi- COOPER A CONARD, erected. And a beautiful, romantic, and se- Commorciiil....! 1,026,000 1,121,000,104,000 102,000 HARTELL JAR. . I neers, Architects, Practical Cliemists, and Geologists, on 60 7 S. E. corner NINTH and MABKET. eluded place it is. Alexandria is not visible, Meeliimlcsj j 921,348 1,018,120 j 126,600 124,695 HARTELL & LETCHWORTH,. : September 16. The course on Military Engineering wiU ——- Lh+ rtiAoo mode vnn Ivipplp *molir»»W? N. Lilh-Uhs.. .1,007,000 LOOB,OOO. 82,000 7i,000 an!o-2m Glass Warehouse, 13 N. FIFTH Street. , include Field Fortifications, Siege Operations, Strategy, T7IATT A NTV WT\ Tr TFTI but those masts you barely see ate anchored Southwark i 7,9,410 804,594 64,490 65,245 T . T „ ...„ and Tactics. A. L. KENNEDY, M. D., Ij’ALL ANII \\ iiNlJhlt HI the river opposite. That Single Spire, hardly Kensington...-! 500,317 436,974! 97,905 95,860 LL PERSONS PUTTING UP i se7-6t President or Faculty. A English and American Prints. visible in the southeast, is the spire of Hope J*enii Xownslup, DVa,2l2| 545,919, 64,892 61,902 FRUIT, Ac., are especially invited to call and ; -a Tn T> MAT IVTTTSHP AT. examine the HARTELL JAR, recommended by Dr. At- , ““ =7~‘ t pi nll i ■ * *"“**■ COmnumOiDg MlinSOll’S Hill, II rebel Station Cmlinorco | BS7 87o[ 619 dw M M 080 ice, Prof. Booth, And others, and see Silver Meaals and jA i ho. 624 Aorth ELEVENTH Street, Philtidclpliia, cooi'Fiß Xr PUK x TIP) „i. ni ,4 n.iiSni. .......1, i iril . i, /IAM ..j.j i • i i i 17.) ci<>! 1 orp> nn?i oqr. mi 0-0 Slrst Premium which have noyer failed being ! JOHN DOWER, rrincipal. 6c7-12t* . R F rnr NINTH and MARKET fIIJOUt WlllCll SOHUOIIhaS 1)00(1 SOldand Writ- C awarded when placed in competition with other Jars. ! ———— S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET. ten lately. Hie lull IS not Visible, but it ' cSosS lgfi’Ssr l aicia s’Hi- HARTELL A LETCHWOBTH, I TITR . WINTHROP TAPPAN’S t,T APK Ti'Rh' s ! 6 ! GOODS can easily be seen with a glass from the dome c»v "i 46»’,853l 47L934 46’5ib 43’icb anlO-Zm Glass Warehouse, 13 N. FIFTH Street. [ M BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for young la- I RLACK DRESS GUUUb.— of the Cipitol. SfelS 24 8 f00n GO.’srS 5,%5 ■ I dies, will reopen at No. 1615 SPRUCE Street, on W ED- , J-* Black Irciicli Foplim. „ (niiet and peaceful tllC scene looks ’ Corn Exchange.. 233,000 219,000! 77,000 80,000 <2T. NICHOLAS HOTEL, KESDAY, Beptemlier 18. "L j nor ÜBS &• K 7 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. A BACHMANN, Pianist, at the Nor- Vu“ c .r. autumn day. But hoiv many hopes are buried Total !i8,326,887i9.030,7i-22,in,4an> ) 07i,045. BOARD REDUCED TO *2 PER DAY. mal Musical Institute, 624 North ELEVENTH , lllaeli Mohairs, Ac. ttWliy in tIICSC leafy WU» ! EVCl'y tlt'C illUlOSt Anlouut i u suh Treisuri' *f«o7'B7 htrei-t, gives instructions on the Piano, Organ, a,,.l Me- j COOPER A COfiARD, lllflSkS A SfilltmCl, 011(1 if tIIOSO WllO knOTV tllC AhlOUhtlU SHU iKSSUIS .*1,607,-8. Since tlie opening of this vast ami commodioua Hotel, ; fl _ ~ - m _ i scT 8. E. corner NINTH & MARKET secrets of these shores would only reveal Aggregate S 7 224 757 T?DGEHILL SCHOOL, ! ' them what a strange and wonderful history it The of 'the"hank 'sMement'com^es uhlc home for the citizen and stranger on this side the J-U PRINCETON, N. J. would be! Boom! It IS cannon, to be sure, ,-h those of the nrevious week us follows: Ailnntic. A HOME FOR BOYS. Pupils prepared thoroughly but only large guns practising and testing ioiioHs. And whatever has seemed likely to administer to tho ; for college or for business. Tho school premises con- tlieir strength and calibre. There will be rnaitnl stn.l, oil ail"' ' comfort of its guests they hayo endeavored, without rc- tain thirteen acres, providing amply for lawn, play- i.,„i,,„ -*-5.-4. ‘.moils' gatrl to cost* to provide, and to combine ail the elements ground, find garden. Termu $125 per HOdHion. IOUdUl 4 than tl)Av > crj SOOIIj my gOOU X101U18............ «8,8-8, or individual and social enjoyment which modern art For circulars, address Rev. J. P. hughes, friend, and echoes which will peal nearer, bpecic............ a,on, l.w, Wntcd, and modern taste approved; ami mo pa. aulfi-thsMutocl Principal. clearer, and deadlier among those reverbe- {v™ 1 .‘luJif' -infi’ tronagcwhichit lias commanded dunngtho past six years mtirw, hills All is now npooe until,sirmnnv Duo to otutr Dhs... is a grntityiug proof that their ciTorts have been appre. la lub, ‘ , IS now peace and harmony, Deposits. dated. confidence and expectation; but who knows Circulation; Aid wliat the morrow may bring forth ? To meet the exigencies of the times, when all are re united to practise the most rigid economy, the under* signed HATE REDUCED THE PRICE OP BOARD TO TWO DOLLARS PER DAT, at the Mim- time abating none of the luxuries With WlliCll their table ha* hitherto been supplied. TREADWELL, WHITCOMB, Sc CO. Philadelphia terra-cotta WORKS. Office and tVarerooms, 1010 CHESTNUT Street* Ornamental Cltimney Tops. Garden Vases and Statuary. Encaustic Flooring Tile. Architectural Ornaments. Ventilating and Bmofce Flues. Bidge Tile and Sanitary Ware. Steam-pressed Drain Pipe. Water Pipe, warranted to stand pressure, cheap and durable. The Trade supplied, on Liberal Terms. Illustrated Catalogues sent by mail, on application by letter. A RMY WAGONS.—Spokes and Hubs ix for Army Wagons constantly on hand. Address SPROCT, BACNDEBS, A CO«» EoC-lOt HughesviUe, Lycoming county,’Pa, B. A, HARRISON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. TREEMOUNT SEMINARY, NOR RISTOWN, PA., FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS.—The winter session commences SEPTEMBER ; 16. For catalogues and circulars, address | au24-stu&th9t# JOHN W. LOCH, Principal. Boarding school for girls. SHAItON FEMALE SESIINARY.—This Institn- I tion is beautifully and healtlifully located near tlie vil lage of Darby, Delaware county, Pennsylvania. The i Fall Term Mill commence TENTH MONTH (October) ! let, 1861, and continue iu session for a period oi twenty ; eight weeks. The course of instruction will be thorough 1 and embrace all the branches of a liberal English educa ; tion, and also the Latin niul French languages and Draw ing. For terms, references, and other particulars, see j circular, which inny be obtaiued by addressing the Prin- DAIIBY P, 0»j Vernin) Wmiini or IromE. Pftrriah, j comer of ARCH and EIGHTH Streets, Philadelphia. , ISRAEL J. GRAIIAME, t p . . . j JANE P. GBAHAME, 5 Pr ‘acipala. j an2iMhB&tu9t# fXOWPERTHWAET & CO., \J N. W. corner EIGHTH und MARKET St*. Have one of tl«* best stocks of Muslins iu the city. 1 yard wide bleached Muslin at 6j^c. 1 yard wide unbleached do at 8, 0,10, and lie. 1 k yard wide Muslin ut 12><c. Heavy line English long cloth bleached Muslin at 13c bv the piece, worth 18c. ‘ Our 25 cent White Flannels are the best in the market City and country dealers will find it to their advantage to examine our stock, as they cun save from 15 to 20 per cent. ee7-tf English canton flannels— Both single and double napped, at old prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, Sc ARUISON, 1008 CHESTNUT Street. Linens, house-furnishing GOODS, FLANNELS, DOMESTIC MUSLINS, A c.—Ttie largest assortment iu the city, at lowest prices SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, Sc ARRISON, gl .7if 1008 CHESTNUT Street. Balmoral petticoats. Three fluidities of best colorings and styles. SUARPLESS BROTHERS, fic4 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. OPENING OF NEW FALL SILKS. Rich New Fnll Styles. Fashionable Figured Silks. Plain Silks (gr Ruffled Skirts. EYRE Sc LANDELL, ee ? FOURTH and ARCH Sireots. No doubt these distinctions appear very ab- i surd, as indeed they art; but, not a century and a half ago, there was great store set by the qualifications which enabled a man to write himself Gentleman. The term, in Eng land, seems actually, at that period, to have included all, not in trade, above the rank of yeoman. Every nobleman ranks as a gentle man, though every gentleman is not a noble man—just as every officer in the army is a sol dier, though every soldier is not an officer. Birth, employment, or his Sovereign’s will, made the Gentleman, when the claims to the title wore strictly examined, and sometimes strongly contested. A man’s profession—such as the Church, the Army, Medicine, or the Bar—made him Gentleman. Even now, au attorney is styled thus, “John Smith, Gent-., one of her Majesty’s Attorneys,” &C, i but a barrister-at-law is entitled to be called Es quire. At present, in this 'country and Eng land, every man above the rank of an ordinary tradesman is considered a Gentleman, and ad dressed as “ Esquire.” Heraldry itself, which nominally arbitrates upon these matters once so important, may be considered the art or science of distinguishing, ascertaining, and recording the Arms, (crest, shield, and sometimes supporters,) of indivi duals and of families. ' The Herald also inves tigates genealogies, blazons, armorial hearings, and minutely describes them. "When arms came into general use, one man looked so like another that some distinctive means of recognizing him was necessarily adopted. Soon after the Norman Conquest “arms” were thus used in England. A warrior would wear his lady’s colors—sometimes a tress of her hair, a je *el, or any other personal ornament—upon his helmet, and would have some distinguishing embellishment painted upon his shield. This would often represent his condition or his purpose, as when Ivanhoe, in Scott’s novel, comes into the lists, at the Tournament of Asliby-de-la-Zouch, the device on his’shield being a young oak tree pulled lip by the roots, with tlie Spanish word Desdecha do, signifying Disinherited, to denote his own condition, through the parental harshness of Cedric the Saxon. Sometimes, the bearing or picture on the shield recorded some great deed performed by tlie wearer, or one of his ancestors—as the ancestor of the Scottish Earl of Seaforth, having saved the life of King Alexander 111., in the thirteenth century, by cutting oft - , at one blow, the head of a red deer, which had turned to bay, and was about goring the monarch, his descendants to this day have upon their shield simply a stag’s head in gold, On a blue field—in hcraldric language, “ a stag’s head, cabossed, or, in a field azure." Armorial bearings were borne, in former times, not only upon shields, hut upon ban ners and the military garments known as sur coats, jupons, and tabards. Oh state Occa sions, iu England, the heralds still wear tabards, The cry of peace during a time of war means submission to the enemy. The English language decs not furnish a term strong enough to condemn the men who fail to stand Dy the Government in times like the present. I regard this struggle as a life and death struggle. I heard a man from Ben salem say that there would not be three of the Doyiestown Guards go back again into the army— that they were so badly trcatedby tho Government. He was a Secessionist. I am told that there are sixty of the same stripe in Bensalem. These men are constantly finding fault with tho Government. If they are not satisfied with the Government, let them follow their friend, Robert Tyler, to Rich mond. [Tremendous cheering.J I have seen Democrats refuse to assist at a flag raising, because the pole to which it was to be at tached was not hickory—so blinded were they by party prejudice. I think our Congressman, Dr. Cooper, has got himself into difficulty, I gaw him at Washington somemonths ago, and warned Mm as to what would be the fate of any man who was against the Government in a time of war. He promised he would vote for supplies, and stand by the Govern ment. He has broken his word, for he is now flood ing the county with Secession documents. The General said that twenty oopieg of the New Tork Day Book, a Secession concern, are sent to Bensa- Icm, sixteen copies to Northampton, and eighteen or twenty copies to Southampton, Persons in the court-room informed him that twenty copies of this paper are also sent to Hilltown, and about the same number to Plumstcad. General Davis closed his speech by paying a high compliment to the ladies present, who occupied the galleries. After taking his seat, the General rose to announce that there would be a great Union mass meeting, at the Bear, on Saturday next, and called upon Democrats not to be seared away from the meeting by what Seces sionists would say about it. Colonel Davis followed, and announced that he was authorised by the President of tho United States to raise a regiment of infantry, with a battery of artillery, for the war. lie made a strong appeal to tho patriotism of the young men of the county to rally in defence of their country, and fill up his regiment. Bucks county could furnish soldiers enough to fill up an entire regiment, were the people so inclined. Turning to the bright eyes and pleasant faocs in the galleries, Colonel Davis said: ‘ ‘ Ladies, lot mo ask you to urge your sons, your sweethearts, your brothers, and your husbands, if it may be, to en roll their names to defend and uphold tho Gouern ment. ” He appealed to the members of the Doyles town Guards to ro-enlist, and follow him again to the tented Cold. About one-third of the Guards handed in their names, as willing to return to aetive service again. Upwards of sixty others en rolled their names, with tho object of becoming members of the regiment. A number of others promised to be on hand in a few days. quantities of oil continue to be shipped from Erie, Pa. On Thursday 950 bbls. were shipped for the East. Tho road from Titus ville to Union is constantly covered with processions of oil wagons. Uuneual of Ala. W. L. Mackenzie. —The mortuary remains of William Lyon Mackenzie were conveyed to their last resting-place in the Necro polis on Saturday afternoon, followed by a large number of sorrowing friends. The funoral cortege, like the life of the departed, was devoid of pomp and vainglorious display) but none tho less genuine was the regret of those who composed tho “sober) solemn, melancholy train.’ ’ Among them were the Hon. J. C. Morrison, Angus Morrison, Esq - , M. 1. P.,Dr. Conner,M. P. P., Hon. Oliver Mowat, M. P. P., and the Mayor and members of tho City Coun cil. On reaching the burial-ground the remains were deposited in the grave with the brief and sim ple ceremony sanctioned by the Presbyterinn Church, after which the assemblage silently sepa rated.—Leader. Loans. Nor. 4, 1857...21,199,462 5 Jan. 11, 1858,..21,302,374 l July S 24,311,028 t Jan. 3, 1850....26,451,057 ( July 5 25,446,440 ■ Jon. 3, 1860 25,286,387 July 2 ...26,801,396 Dec. 1 26,973,207 Jan. 7,1801... .26,891,280 Feb. 4 25,801,981 Mar. 4 .25,085,314 April 1 24,973,494 May 6,„ 25,438,086 Juno 8 .24,671,294 July J 23,962,206 Aug. 8 24,211,027 12 24,064,070 “ 19 ,24,011,084 “26 ,27,457,117 Sept. 2 ~..28,557,264 9..,,, 2?,525,496| J. R. Y. The following is a statement of the transactions at the Philadelphia (Hearing House, fw the week ~030 811,811,435..r»3, 455 1.496 28,557,264. .ncc.228,778 F ~'l7O 6,170,482.. 5ue,.561,612 1,951 1,132,1G8. .flue, 218 1,097 3,132,790,..Jiie. 68,699 5,837 19,030,715',.»0c.703,875 1,439 2,074,Ciei..1-uc. 37,391 Specie. Deposits. 2,071,404 16,035,788 3,770,701 VOUJM3 11,465,2031 6,635,817 (2,434481 16,556,813, 6,063,356 P,7A1,"54 17,049,005. 4,897,053 2,668,208 15,481,001 4,450 0f1j,i0.j!56,601 14,983,911) -3,690,785 15,904,913, 15,061,130 4,05032fe> 2,689,812 157261,928 ■XH3BSHU 2,778,318 15,296,455 5,006,888 2,811,491 >t,838,735i 03100,063 2.811,269,15.800.147 5,698,802 2,716,60216,681,007 5,718,826 2,317,087 15,306,668 6,688,303 2,101.312 15,007,943 6,743,321 2,058,57115,941,8G1 0,796,209 0,074,200 15,608,024 6,765,120 2,076,857|15,335,838 : 2,048,614 1 2,0X4,048 >(3,111,409 6,487, 6St 6,179,488 '|6,64~.670| : 18,217,914 119,030,712 1118,326, Sfff THE WEEKLY PKESS. Tub Wkeelt Pbess Trill be sent to eubacrlbers by man (per annum In advance,) at............,,>2.00 “ S.OO “ ............. 8.00 “ IS. 00 “ (to one address) 30.00 (to address of Three Copies, « Fivo it Ten Twenty ** n Twenty Copies, or over, each subscriber,) each..,, For e Club of or over, we will een& an eitra Copy to the gettcr-up of the Club. Postmasters ere reaueatefl to act u Agents let Tsi Weekly Peebs. ending September 9 r as furnished by the manager, George E, Arhold, Eeq.; r Clearings. Balances. 81,087,380 01 8141,107 56 1,834,004 55 161,080 81 . 1,010,279 07 163,345 14 2,331,010 18 221,683 61 , 2,052,018 CO 146,502 72 2,051,835 62 89,849 90 9fpt. 2. " 3, “ 4 *« 5, ** 6 fl2»lT0,618 63 $923,578 74 We annex a comparative statement of the imports of foreign dry goods and general merchandise at New York for the week and since January 1: For the wok. 1850. 1860. 1861. Bry fe00i!i<„. ..... 85,010,006 82,273,265 5832.301 6-cn. Mercia,..,!,so 1,771,036 2,156,216 089,484 Total for Week.. *3,785,002 84.429,471 51.621 7*5 P. rorioißty r011’d...*177,739,70S SwlcKW.i!? Sin cc January 1...5181,525,305 8100,832,738 893,531,230 T.’ie figures show n continuance of the contracted business, and the deficit as compared with last year is now' $76,090,090 since the Ist of January last. Ih6 OXI Wrts in the mean time, of produce, haro increase I $20,080,900, making a difference in favor of the cou Vtry of $192,090,009. The Bos ton Past takes strong ground in favor circulating treasury notes, and says; “If the c onntry is to be afflicted with paper money of sm. ill denominations (and it appears that the people wil t hove H), the people cwn iamish the best kind. On this ground we advocate tke-pamm .nent issue of on » miOfons of dollars, pay able in specie o.D demand, to serve aa a general circulation at par- on all. pbts. Twenty millione of specie, distributed-at four or five places; would be ample, as » rcuVetuing. fund, beyond all' auc tion.” * The New York lZvcnivg Pitt says, of money and stock matters in t&at city to-day: The week opens witSe firm feeling-on tbvstocfc exchange, with an improvement in- prices. The transactions are on a moderate gfflle, and etocks ftre sparingly offered at tho quotntions; There was some signs of weakness- early iB the day, but, at tho close, the market is very steady. The list of Government stocks is very firm. The six per cent, two-year notes sold at 983a98{, tho registered sixes of 1881 at 89$,'and the coupons at 90. For the fives of 1871 and 1874 80 is bid, with few on tho market. Missouri Sixes, after Scllingdown to 43, close at 43f. Tennessee sold at 44 J, bat arenownot obtain able under 441. In other Southern bonds there was no material change. The New York Central closes firm at 73 J, Bock Island 44J, Galena 69i, Toledo SOI, Illinois Cen tral 672. Money is dull and plenty at 4fa6'percent. on cult. The paper market shows no change whatever; tho rates are 5n7 per cent, the inside figure for Tory choice bills. Several lots of the Demand notes of the Govern ment have made their appearance in'Wall street to-day. They come from the West, where there is a disposition to embarrass their circulation. Wo hear that the State Bank of Indiana and the Bank of the Ohio Valley intend driving thora home for redemption. There are also indicati6fi£ that some of our city banks will be short-sighted - enough to adopt a similar course. Our city bank offioers hold a meeting to-day, and we hope that any proposi tions of this sort will be discountenanced. The applications for 7.30 treasury notes by mail ■ are very large to-day —much heavier than on any previous day—showing an increasing demand from ■ the people of the country, who are beginning to un derstand more fully the advantages of this- loan and the method of subscribing to it. The Assistant Treasurer reimbursed the banks- to day $702,000, being an additional payment on ac count of sales of treasury notes. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, September 9,1861. Baroness sa S. E. StiTMAg BHI Philadelphia Exchange, FIRST BOARD. 340 (abt) Pa se.2dys.73is 4Mineliill E...... ,SIW 20 Mechanics 1 Bunk.2o 2 do 51W 5 d 0.., 20 5000 City 65.... New-.,,94 • do 20 100 d0.,..K. S. 0.86 1 do .20 1000 Reading6s 1886..71 10 do.. 20 25 Norristown R.... 48)/ 25 Gr & Coatea R... 14 20 do llMnil4( 25 d0,4ti1144i...14 1000 Novth Pchim 63**,55 5 Cam k Aiiiboy B. 112& 1600 do .55 1 do 113 1000 d0..,,....,*,.5i» 12 do ...113 50 Beading R.lB V 2 do., 113 50 do.. Iss 13 Mmchill B 51 9 Harrisburg£ 2 d 0........... ,61*| 6 do ~...51W 1 d0............51,fc 2 do "Sltf BETWEEN BOARDS 1500 Cam & Amb bda 63 186 SECOND BOARD. I 4 Pennn It 37J7 i 50 Reading If 18 3-16 | 50 do 18 3-16 JES—STEADY. 2000 City 6.4 94 6000 Penna 64..1)6....73 % 27 Peniia 1t.........37# CLOSING PB 1C Sid . Ask t Bid Ask Philads intoff. 86j{ 87 X Elmira BPref. 9 10 Philaesß “ 80# 87# Elmira 7s *73... 50 58 PhilftCsli “ 83Jg 84 Long Island R. OV 9i£ P4Ma69... f ... T 4 L*hC'UK»T.. 49* 00* Beading R.:.i. 18# 18# Leh Cl & N Scrp 34# $5 Beading Bds *7O 84# 85 NPennaß..,,, 4 0 BMg M6s ’BO ’43 89 90 N Peima R 69.. W# 55 W Bead M6s *86.. 71 71# NPennaßlGa. 72 74 Pennalt..*.... 37# 37# Catayissa Pref, 6# 6 - Penns B 2dm 6s .. 88 Frkfd & Sonth R.. 88 Morris Cl Con.. 35 .. 2d &3d sts 8.3. 39# 42 Morris Cl Pref. .« 105# W PUila Rexd 61 53 Scti Kav Imp 6s 75 .. Green Si Coates 13k 14# SchNav Stock. 4 6 Chestnut & Wnl 25 30 fleh NavPref... 11 Philadelphia Markets. Tlio Floitb market is inactive to-day, and prices about lll '--anie aa lust Quoted, Tlioro is very little doing fei* export, nnu U,- ■*„!,, 3 are mostly to supply tlio homo trade, at from 54.50 to Ssior Cummon t 0 choic( , , uper . fine; $4.7505.75 for extra and extra tomlly \ *5®6,50 Cor fancy brand?, according to Quality. Kye Flow’ u dull and selling at $2,75 W bbl. Corn Meal continues scarce, and Pennn, is in demand at $2.81 bbl. Wheat.—Tlie arrivals and sales moderate) and th» market sternly ; B®fl,ooo bushels were disposed of at IQotfTlOOc for common; 1100113 c for good prima West ern and l’enna.; and 115 c for Delaware red, the latter afloat; a small sale of Donna white was made. atl2oc, and some good Kentucky at 125 c. Rye is in steady de mand at 4Susoc for Southern, and SG«SSc for Penna* Corn is scarce and firm, with further stiles of L.IOO busU prime Southern yellow at G6c, afloat. Oats fOfttiivue in good reqiicril at fnllv former rates; 2)000 bush old Pentlfl. sold at 32c; 1,000 bush new do at 30c; 600 bush Old Southern nt 31c; and 7,000 buali now do at 28029 c, ill the cars, and 30c, afloat. Bark is wanted; 80 hhds Ist No 1 Quercitron sold at $27 per ton. including a lot of Peterson’s at ©2o.i Cottos is firm but Quiet at the high rates now de manded. Groceries asd Provisions are quiet, nnii-tbs former firm mid on the adviuicei Seeds are unchanged, with further sales of Timothy nt 20 2*/c per bushel. WmsKY is firm; Ibis selling in lots at lStfolOc, fho latter for prime Ohio; aud drudge at 18c gallon. Philadelphia Cattle Market. The arrivals of Beef Cattle are large this Week, reach* nig about 1)000 liftid. The market eoutlaites dull,. and little or no change in prices. The following are the par ticulars of the sales: 33 Isaac Abrahams, Ohio, 57.500>8. 66 McQuaid & Carr, Ohio, $7.5008. 73 Kimble k Kirk, Chester county, sso#d>O. 30 Kennedy, Chester county, SS®B,SQ, 32 B. C. Baldwin, Chester count)’, SB. 125 James McFillcn, Jr., Ohio, $7.5008*. 56 P. Hathaway, Chester comity, SfiaS/iQ., 88 P. McFillcn, Ohio, $7®8.25. 74 Cochran k McCall, Ohio, $7.5008,50. 32 John Todd, Ohio, $808.50. 40 J. Seldomridge, Ohio, $708.25, 180 Mooney k Smith, Ohio, $7aS.l2J4* 34 Schatnburg k Co., Ohio, s7® 3.. 59 UUinan k Storm, Ohio, s7eB» 100 PcUliimer, Ohio,'s7@B. 50 H. Chain, Illinois, $7®8.25. 55 ItotUcliiUl, Ohio, $6,50®7,50* 26 It Nealy, Chester county, $7^8.25., 70 Puller k Brothers, l*enna.,.s7®i&». 67 Chandler, Chester c0unty,.57^8,25.. 93 N. Wemtz, Illinoi?, 56.50a8.75. 50 E. Hamaker, Ohio, s6®B* 84 H. Frank, Penna., sB®B>2s. 20 Scott k Company, Peuna.,. $7, 08.. 37 cioud & Martial, Chester county* 20 Wolf) Ohio, $60)7.50. 25 L. Frank, Ohio, s6®?. 3G Davis k Kimble, Chester: county*s&»7„ 33 Wayne, Ohio, $606.50. About fifty Cows arrived and sold at the Atom* Drove Yard ut from $25 to - $4O per trad* as to Quality. The arrivals of Sheep ranched, about B>ooo head week, selling at from 6 to 6}£c pe« ft set, as to con dition. 1,703 of mid eolJ, e.i IF. C, Imhvft 4 * Drove Yard, at froius4,7£Q>s.2s, fog still fed, and 5.75 per 100 lbs net, for (torn Hogs, according to Quality PENNSYLVANIA ITEMS. Allegheny County Union Convention. —Thq- Pittsburg Post of Saturday publishes a call for,., Union Convention of the electors of Allegheny county, which is-signed, by ovor a column of procti nent names. Tl,o CoayeuUva is to take place .it the court house on the Tilth iust. Pipe apples are abundant in the Erie market, at. 37i cents a bushol. A Union meeting of the citizens of lVavnesburg and vicinity was held at the court house on the evening of the 31st ult., and an eloquent address, delivered by Gan. Rowell. Gen. Negley„ of Pittsburg, was mustered into. the anitcd States service on Friday, by Captain D. H. Hastings, and immediately afterwards.toftlo.eoavr mand of Camp Cameron, the United States. camp. fon “collecting,, drilling, and organising volun teers,” near, Mutrisburg. The oba.i;s saw* in the interior unusually large this fall. Thf. Pas ob Rises. —Under the i,te law,of.Con r gresp, provision is made for the pay of regipnputah bands, the oompensation of a leatlpr boiugeqpid, t9> that of a lieutenant, and the ppy of privates, the same as mcmWjs of the cngicocr corps. If has, therefore, been determined tc,organize full, bands for all the regiments.— llan i;i>urg Telegraph. Union Meeting at Annohlle. —There was. a large and enthusiastic I 'nice meeting heldonWcd.- nesdaye the dth inst,, in Atuivilla, Lebanon.county. Pa. SiiWEX Death. —On. the arrival, of bhn mail train on the Pennsylvania Railroad at. PettyS-vLHe, on Thursday last, a gontleman by, tha name of Frank, on descending from the platform of the tars, IbU down and instantly expired,. Re resided at that place in the. ffnuily of his son-in-law, Dr, Altar, and had boat), on a visit to score relatives in Perry county. A Stranc.S: Fwe for Money..— ln Chicago recently, as if opt. Owen Stewart was taking down some shafting in the possession, of the late Chicago Democrat!,, be discovered a heavy pnper-onvoloped parcel, which he removed, dust ana oob-webbed covered as it was, and proceeded to examine. It proved to consist of $1,724 in glittering gold piecosi mostht of ibo aonomitt&Uons of $2O and SlO. A mnvSy the name of Kimball, a pressman connected w\th the establishment, claimed the money as hia property. Copt. Stewart gave it to him. Mr. J. S, Clarke is engaged to appear at Buffalo, op the 23d inet., and fulfil A tWO 'ffttJjS 1 engagement there. Ho may then take unltonhes ter briefly, and return to open in Philadelphia ift November. . 1.9* «K September 9—Evening. SErrsiißEi: 9,1361.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers