Fire akb Accident. — The alarm of fire, at half past ten o’clock on Saturday night; wa j i-nnoed by the burning of a shed in the vicinity of Eiehth and IVharton streets. Edward Hettriek haa hit leg broken by being run over by the ec cacoe ho?e carriage while proceeding to the fire. Batabd Taylor, who has been spending the last three months at Gotha, Germany, with the relative? of his wife, is expected home in a few days. Ie was tolinve arrived in town on Saturday. Immedately upon his return he will join one of the divsions of the national army ns the war eor resnordent of the New York Tribune. His new volume n f poems was stereotyped in the early part of th< summer, hut will not appear until November. Uis .'riends in Chester county are preparing to receive him in a most enthusiastic manner. Nominations roit Brigadier General.— Cfhe efficers of the Home Guard held a meeting on Satirday evening, at Sansom-street Hall, and made the following nominations for brmudicr general. A. /. Pleasanton, Charles P. Dare, Henry Coppee. fcrAvnernr. —Tho dead body of n n'"vl -- lym infant was found in a basket in the Schuylkill, jear Race-street wharf, on Saturday afternoon. Joroner Conrad held an inquest in the case. j- IKEI Tlic alarm of Hre about twelve o'clock last night was caused by the burning of the In ery stahle of 7, ewis Watson, in Eighth street, above Buttons 00 * 1 • I' c were unable to learn the amount of daoJigo done - ij- 7 i: Patriotic Loan. —We understand that tjj./lioenix Hose Company has taken five hundred a Jars of the new national loan to be issued under jyact of July 17,1861. Camp Meeting.—A colored camp meeting is now in progress at Westville, near Gloucester, 'Kew Jersey. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE, On Saturday little business of importance Was transacted *in the courts, although all except ing the Common Pleas were in session. In the court of Nisi Prius, JustieeTtend. a number of rules for judgment, for want-of affidavits of defence, were made absolute, and some other business of a purely private character transacted. The Distr’ct Court, -Judges Sharswood and Stroud, was occupied with the current and general motion lists. A District Court was also held by Judge Hare, before whom the equity argument list was under consideration. In the Court of Quarter Sessions, Judges Allison and Ludlow, a few breach of the peace cases were beard, and also a volunteer habeas corpus. A lively Paris correspondent gives an account of the domestic life of Madame George Sand, at her chateau called “ Noha-nt. " which stands on the banks of the Indre, and is elegant and comfort able—richly supplied with treasures of art. The Chatelaine possesses a fine boat called the Mayen x, in which she often treats her guests to i sail On the rirer, herself managing the skiff with the dexterity of an experienced sailor. The Madame •rises regularly at 1 o'clock P. M., breakfasts npon a cup of coffee, without milk or sugar, and eats nothing. After drinking her coffee, she immediately descends to the garden and sets briskly ,to_ work, -panting- sodding, weeding, Ac. She is passionate ly fond oiflowers.and possesses many very rare floral treasures. She has a pet American' aeer, called “ Marquis,’’.which is scarcely ever out of her sight. To complete her menagerie, Madame Sand keeps a number of small tortoises, one of which is usually tobe saen crawling upon her desk. The charge of smoking so often brought against Madame Sand is perfectly true. She is no sooner np than she lights a cigarette, and she continues to smoke for hours together. At dinner; which is served up at the ehate'an, punctually at six o’clock, the hostess makes her appearance dressed with extreme care, always wearing a profusion of natural flowers, grace fully arranged in her hair. One of her singularities Is decking herself with false jewelry—though she has an abundance of real—pretending that ‘-one looks as well as the other.” Madame Sand ob serves an almost Spartan temperance, eats little and drinks pure water, except upon great ocea .stonli when she takes a gloss of Spanish wine at dessert. After dinner, when the company assem bles in tile drawing-room, she plays a game or two of dominoes; then somebody is invited to read alond, and she works, meanwhile, at her embroi dery frame. Afterward there ra music, she herself being an accomplished pianist and a talented com poser as well. At 11 o’clock Madame Sand re tires to her study and commences writing, never moving from her desk until 6 o’clock m the morning, when she goes to bed. She writes With Wonderful facility and rapidity; her “ copy” .(which tiie uninitiated will understand to mean manuscript), is very legible and without erasures or alterations, as she corrects only when a first proof” is placed in her hands. Her novels are amnsing to herself until the characters are fully brought forward, and then she becomes feverishly impatient to finish her work—to begin another. One of the amusements at Nohant is amateur thea tricals. No written pieces are performed, but a plot is arranged in the morning, the parts assigned, and then each character is expected to invent his own role. He New Haven Palladium saye : “We learn from a friend recently from Hartford that Secretary Welles has been of late so constantly occupied, sight and day, that when his wife recently went home from Washington he requested her to write her letters to him in as few lines as possible, as he could not find time to read long letters, even from her. What ft commentary this upon his slan derers!” The light-houses at Jupiter Inlet and Cape Florida have been blown up by the rebels. The light-house at Jupiter Inlet {on the Florida coast) was erected by Government at great expense, and in the face of fierce hostilities by die Indians. . Corporal Hehvet Dek, who was killed in One of the late skirmishes in Missouri, was a brother of the editor of the Boston Journal t and a native of Massachusetts. He went to lowa about a year •since. A Regiment op Polish Lancers. —Col. Tlej-er, a Hungarian, who senred as general in the lerolution iff 1549, and hag sixteen orders for "bravery, has received a commission to raise a regi ment of Polish Lancers. Two West Point Cadets on Tuesday refused to take the new oath of allegianoe. Their names are John C. Singleton, of Kentuoky, and W. W. Dunlap, of Missouri. Dr. P aimer, a well-known Hterateur, once connected with the editorial department of the Atlantic Monthly, is stud to hare become a sur geon in the Secession army . Purser Gallaqher, at the 'Washington navy yard, is a defaulter for $200,000. It is said that lie lost the largest part in lotteries. The kational horse show will open in Ot tawa. Illinois, on Tuesday next. CITY ITEMS. The New Uniforms. — We are glad to see that an effort is now heing made to clothe the newregi ments entirely in lihie. This is a most Judicious change, as it will obviate hereafter the mistakes which have liere totore occurred by which many good men have been sacrificed by the Vnion troops. Those who wish the new Uniforms should by all means repair to the popular Gift Clothing Emporium of Granville Stokes, No. 609 Chest nut street, where they will effect a great saving in ) making their purchases. With each sale a useful aud I handsome gift is given. A Great Battle Looked For.—A battle ! ] 8 looked for almost hourly between the Federal and : rebel forces at Munpon’s Hill, near Washington, Tlu> ■ most active preparations are afoot, and the fight will, no doubt, be fierce. In the meantime the manufacture of first-class clothing for soldiers is going forward briskly at the military-clothing department of the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Itockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. The facility and resource? of this famous establishment are unlimited, and the ' uniforms turned out from It are peerless in respect to quality and style. PHILADELPHIA BOABD 07 TRADE. GEO. N. TATHAM, ) TH. FBOTHIKGHAH, ? CoKHITtKR'OF TBB MOKTB. WM. L. BEHN, ) • liETTHR BAGS iff the Merchants 3 Exchange) Fteiaddyhia ShipZered, McGonogle ••••••.Londonderry, Sept 12 Ship Philadelphia. Poole. .Liverpool, Sept 20 Shipßrooksby, (Br)Chrystale....Belfast, Irelaud, soon ShipTonawanda, Julius ••••Liverpool, Sept2s Ship Wm Cunmiingp, Cope • • .Liverpool, soon Baifc Savannah, Stetson London, soon BarkßenJ Hallett, Little.. .Glasgow, soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. mi Or PHILADELPHIA, Sept* 9, 1861. .5 46 | SUN SETS 6 14 6 0 SUN USES...., HIGH WATEB. ARRIVED. Steamship Delaware, Cannon, 20 hours from New York, with mdse and 225 passengers, to James AllJer dice. Passed below the Ledge, at 8 o’clock yesterday morning, ship Scandinavian, for New York, and barks Azelia, for Pernambuco, and E H Yarrington, for Gib raltar! also an unknown bark at Quarantine. Brig James Crosby, French, 18 days from St Thomas, in ballast to captain. Schr Jan Sattorthwnite, Maloy, 6 days from Boston, with mdae to captain. Schr Labannab, Teal, 8 days from Calais, with lumber to S Bolton & Co. Schr E W Pratt, Whelden, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Crowell A Collins. Schr George Edwards, Weeks, 5 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Schr Mary H Banks, Cannon, 6 dayß from Boston, in ballast to captain.. Scbr j B Mother, Thompson, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to Tweiis A Co. Schr H Perkins, Goodridge, 8 days from Key \\ est, in ballast to captain. Schr J D McCarthy, Smith, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to captain. Schr Lamot Dupont, Herring, 4 days from Boston, in ballast to-N Sturtevant & Co. Schr Earna, Smith, 4 days from Lynn, in ballad to Noble, Hammett & CaltlwcU. Schr Armadillo, Pettiugill, 7 days from Portland, with plaster to Vau lb-i ■«, Woodworth & Co. Schr Telegraph, Connor, 1 day from Sinyrnu, Dei, with corn to Jab L Bewley & Co. Schr Wm George, Hazel, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with grain to Jab L Bowley & Co. Schr Yandaliri, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with grain to Jas L Bewley & Co. Schr Champion, Collins, 1 day from Little Creek Land fug, with oats to jas L Bewley A Co. t Schr Sarah Warren, Hollingsworth, 1 day from Little Creek Landing, Del, with wheat to J L Bewley & Co. Schr John' W Hull, Day, 1 day from Magnolia, Del, with oats to Jaa L Bewley & Co. Schr Francis Edu ards, Babcock, from Boston. Schr Jane C Patterson, Haul, from Boston. Schr Susan F A Mmrt. Ludlam, from Boston. Schr Susan J Blight, Smith, from Marblehead. CLEARED# _ Steamship Delawnre, Cannon) New York, James All* derdice* Steamship Kensington, Baker, Boston, H Wlnsor. Ship Sewall, Delano, London, Workman A Co. _ Bark Azelia, Kcrliu, Pernambuco and a market, Lewis A Damon. _ „ . , Schr Alfred, (having repaired) Dare, Falmouth, for orders, captain. _ _ . Schr Anson Moore, Sirout, Salem, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. ' Behr Elmira, Flo wore, Washington, do Bdu&iraai Smith, Scituate, do Schr Lamot Dupont, Herring, Hedford, N Sturtevant 4c Co. Stibr H P Simmons, Godfrey) Gloucester, Tyler, Btono A Co. ... Sdhr n A Weeks, Godfrey, Weymouth, J BBlaki°ton. Schr S F Abbott, Ludlam, Boston, do Scbr J W Woolston, Garrison, New Haven, L Auden rieil A Co. ftchr 8 J Bright, Smith, Gloucester, do Sclir H Perkins, GoodrMgc, Salem, do Scbr J H Allen, Kotchmn, Boston, T Baumgardner. Schr M Barton, Dcrrickson, New York, captain. Behr Union, Hutchinson, Bciiford, Del, Van Dusen, Norton i: Co. ~ Schr L Phlegor, Munson, Washington, J Street & to. Schr F Edwards, Babcock, Boston, Sinntckeon & Schr J C Patterson, Hnnd, Boston, T. R Sawyer & Co. Schr Geo Edwni ds, Weeks, Boston, C A Heckschcr. Str C C Alger, Fenton, Washington a Webßter, Jr. Str J S Shriver, Dennis. Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. {Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) v LEWES, Del., Sept 7. There fire HOW lying nj tlicPriawnrc Breokuutcr sclir. s Wrn AUcily fOR.New York} Israel Hull, for Jersey City; Governor Burton, for Portsmouth; Oriental, for Fall River; B D Pitts, for Washington City; B N Toy, for Philadelphia; Jesse Williamson, Jr, for Boston: Moses G Leonard, for Borkport; Ido, (transport) for. Washing ton: Eveline, for Havana; Ebop, for Providence; Win L springs l , for Boston; Exertion, for Philadelphia; brig Ida, for Lngunyra: hark American, for Barhadocs; and ship Lincoln, for New York, in tow of gteamtug (Correspondr’-ef oCfL/> HAVRE DK GBACK, Sk-pt t>. Eight boats left hero tills morning, laden and con signed As follows; Wm Wilson, wheat and corn to Win S Smith k Co; T 1} Stephenson and Samuel Titus, lumber to MfLlono A Taylor; Concord, bituminous coni, and M S Link. Maggie Foroinun, Harry Brubaker, and Friendship, anthracite coal to Delaware City. /Correspondence of the Press.) READING, September 5. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day', bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: American Eagle, bark to captain; P R Pfoute, lumber to Sami Bolton & Co; Wm P Fisher, grain, Ac. to Hum phreys, lloffmnn A Wright; Our Mollie, coal and grain to A G Cattcll & Co; John A Lemon, iron and coal to captain. MEMORANDA, Ships Calliope l , for London, amt Hannah Crocker, for Greenock, entered for loading at Liverpool Slat ult. Bark Amy’, Hammond, cleared at Boston 7th Inst, for Philadelphia. Bark .Tames Smith, Brewer, from Newcastle, at New Y'ork Cth inst. Bark Cavalier, McLeod, from Rio do Janeiro Juiy 26, at New Y’ork 6th inst. Brig J P Londerwald, (Dan) from Rio de Janeiro, with coffee, arrived at New York 7th inst, Brig Orizavn, renilleton* hence, arrived at Sutem 6th inst. Schr Lightning, Daniels, from Wilmington, Del, for Pernambuco, with flour, put into New York 7th inst. for repairs, having, Aug 22d, lat 35 24, long 65 15, experi enced a heavy gale fromN Io'NE, and while lying to under a two-reefed mainsail and jib, parted the jib stay, carrying away foremast and every thing attached, and springing mainmast. Schr Gertrude, Finch, cleared at New Y'ork 7th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Lucy' L Sharp, McElwcc, hence, arrived at Bos ton 7th. inst. Sriivs John A Griffin, Foster, F L Watson, Mitchell, Charlos D Hnllock, Petty', Mary Patterson, Godfrey, Annie Magee, Hoffman, II W Godfrey, Weeks, nock, Borne?, N B T Thompson, Steelman, J B Austin, Davis, and J H Barnett, Ireland, cleared at Boston 7th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr William Jones, Jones, hence, arrived at Salem Cth inst. Schr Francis C Smith, Henderson, cleared at Salem 6th for Philadelphia. •Schr Y’onloo. liaih' o^ol -®* hd, &*■» <!«- Icm i m mgr. Schr Minerva, Jefferson, hence, arrived at Fall River stli inst. Sclir C R Y'ickerv, Babbitt, hence, arrived at Taunton sth inst. 'Schr Richard Borden, Arnold, at Fall River sth inst. from Elizabotbport. Sclirs Caroline Anderson, Bowker, Alexander Hender son, Baker, and Mary Jane, Murphy, cleared at Provi dence 6th inst, for Philadelphia, Schr Daniel Webster, Perry, cleared at New York 7th inst. for Philadelphia. Schrs A M Aldridge, Bateman, for Philadelphia, and J Tansant, Brundage, for New Castle, Del, cleared at New Y'ork 6th inst. Schr J Grierson, Harding, sailed from Edgartown 4th inst. for Philadelphia. Schr Thos Borden, Wrightington, hence, arrived at Fall River 6th inst. Schrs Ontario, Y'angidcr, and S A Willetts, for Phila detpliia; Forest, Robinson, from MHlbridgo for do, and Washington, Merrill, from Philadelphia for Gloucester, sailed from Newport 4th a stli inst. Schr David E Wolfe, Buchnloo, hence, arrived at Taw tucket Cth inst. ' Schr Jonathan Cone, Mehaffey, sailed from Pawtucket sth inst. for Philadelphia. Sclir Messenger, Pratt, honce, arrived at Portland 4th instant. Schr Ada Ames, Ames, hence, arrived at Portland sth instant. Schr John Rodgers, Buckaloo, hence, arrived at Pro valence sth Inst. Schrs L Audenried, Bartlett, and D G Floyd, Rackett, sailed from Providence sth inst. for Philadelphia. Schrs E C Knight, Wbirlow, and T Clark, Clark, hence, arrived at Boston Gth inst. Schrs Polly Price, Adams, J Cadwalader, Clayt-on, Lizzie Maul, Haley, P A Snnders. Somers, and Julia E Pratt, cleared at Boston 6th inst, for Philndelplia. Sclir Cordelia Newkirk, from Philadelphia for Salem, which put into Newport 25th ult, in distress, has her foremast in, and will be ready to resume her voyage in ft few days. Steamers Sarah, Jones, Oneida, Trout, Vulcan, Morri son, Westchester, Jones, and Tacony, Ely, hence, ar rived at New Y’ork 7th inst. The transport ship called the “John Crawford,” re ported as having been captured by tin* privateer Jeff Da vis and destroyed, was the John Carver, Edge, which cleared at Philadelphia July 20 for the Gulf of Mexico. The J C was 976 tons register, built, at Bath, Me, in 1860, whence she hailed, and rated Al. NAVAL. U S steamer Harriet Lane, Commander Faunce, from Cape Hatteras, where she ran aground in capturing the forts, and threw her guns overboard to enable her to get off, arrived at the naval anchorage yesterday afternoon, to repair and refit. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS DP TO 12 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT- continental HOTEL—Chestnut and Ninth Streets. JFD Lanier, New Y’ork J P Jackson, Jr, N Jersey W H Forman, Cincinnati, 0 W H Denny, Pittsburg Hon A H Reeder, Easton N C Wooster, New York H C Dodge, Boston T Kirk & la, Mass P H Copland, New York M M Freeman, Now York J B Spotewood, New Castle Thes Wilson, New York James Fenner, Phila Geo Stettmus, Peoria, 111 J Clegg, Peoria, 111 Julius A Boylan, Cin, O D E Harvey, Cin, 0 J A Mockbae, Wash, D C John C Bftcher,' Wash, DC M SmithA son,' N Jersey J Allison Ala, Ohio. D W Bradloy,. Bangor 4 Geo Lawrence, Baltimore WB S Moor, Maine J Boyd & la, Toronto, C W Janies Leslie & la. Wash J Reynolds & la, N Tork Capt Dana, USA Mrs E Robinson, Cleveland S O'Griswold k la; ClevelM W Faxon, New Y’ork It D Lathrop, New York G Gorring, Seneca Falls E M Benjamin, Pariß James M Slade, Wash H 51 Slade, . Washington B F James, Washington R Turner, Baltimore HWFreedly, USA Mrs Lawrence, Boston 3liss Lawrence, Boston strs S M Davis, Boston S E Case & wf, Connecticut 31 Judd & wf, Connecticut A B Boughton, Lebanon,Pa S S Asklcy, New York F A Murphy, New York W Spear, Glasgow B Brown, New York F H Harris, New Tork Geo HBrigge, New York C .Walsh A la. New York John Sutton, Indiana, Pa N Stetson & 3 ch, N J W E Everett, New York' * J B Sleeker, New York J S Oakford, London 31 F Merritt John Beatson, Baltimore J W Paxton, Wheeling D Lamb, Wheeling A W Campbell, Wheeling J H Wilson, USA J S Hillman, New York II Huntington Lee, N York Chas T Pierson, New York T W Hammond, Mas? L W Hammond, Moss A H Hardy, Boston Thos Collyer, Now York Edw Fitzgerald, MD, Mass \V H Taaffe & \vf, N York T H Burley, New York J 7 Winslow, Troy, N Y H. Betden, Connecticut Isaac Plate, New York Wm Taylor, New York J O Stearns, Elizabeth, NJ J3l Andrews, New Jersey Capt H R Putnam. USA Geo W Hamerly H B Henry, New York J A Moore, New York J Wann & la, St Louis A D Seman, Milwaukee Elios Friend, Milwaukee E Clapp, New York A M Gazlar, Kentucky J T Burr, Boston D B Smith, Kansas Fox Diefendorf, Kansas B F Caruth, New York Wm Lang, Boston S Olgood, New York Mr Brady, New York St J B L Skinner & la, D C G Melville, New York W 0 Hamilton A la, Ky Thos H Davis, Camden J R Brown & da, Min'd D L Grow & la, Stillwater B H Fay, New York Lt Col Kretscliman, USA A May Stevenson, Phiia J A Eisenbray,Philadelphia E S Alvord, Indiana S Brady, Wheeling, Va W L Lippincott, Pittsburg C R Dimond, lowa E G Leonard, Cincinnati J Miller, Cleveland Jas Shea, St Louis J Van Ausdal, Dayton Miss II Wright, New York T W Wright, New York N P Sawyer, Pittsburg S J Bayard, Woodbury G D Bayard, USA Gen J J Viele, Troy, N Y H Tracy Arnold, New York Dr Thurston, Now York J W Bigelow, Boston John B Williams, Pa Win B North, Connecticut Dr C Theamos, New Jersey J A Curtin, New Jersey Chas C Doherty, Cincinnati D A Huntsman, Minnesota MHcidelbach, New York D ‘Wells, Jr, Milwaukee Wm S Wells, Milwaukee J Burow, New York Gen II Walbridgc, N York Wm G Sattenstall, Boston J G Hodg, New York Isaac Ameß, New York E L Gardner, New York O C Gardner, New York Wm Kirkland, New York F A Lutz, Washington,D C H H Porter, Chicago, 111 J W Clayton) Maryland Wm D Whipple USA Wm Holloway, Kentucky W Wheland, Jr, Wasli,D C Dr Wheland, Washington F F Bnrrick, USA If Temple, Saco, Me E J Bispham, Mass Chas H Tompkins, U SjA Chas Vesin, Phiia AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st.« above Fifth. Lieut Shreve, Camp Lyle Jas H Christ, Minersvitle J H Bailey, Fenna H Hobart, Jr, Mass John Sonets, New York B H Jtalstrd, Trenton, N J W Barrows, Davenp’t,lowa N M McDowell, Penna. M G Landis, New Jersey Capt 9 H Jenkins, Del C M Joy, Baltimore W L Barnes, New York 7 H Bartlett, Bristol, NII F Hatch A S Elfelt, St Paul W S Roatch, Baltimore S D Law, New York R Humphreys, Conn D H Smith, New York F B Strouse, Phiia T W Campbell, Phiia * E Young, Pittsburg J D Heppard, Louisville Lieut C W Spencer, Va M W Williams, Terre Haute ,T F Albright, St Louis J H Bindley, Indianapolis J Adelbcrg, New York A Bantu, Mississippi J G Nokes, Pittsburg Mrs Keys k chd, Tenn 0 C Jacobi, Louisville J C Wilson, Fenna R R Henderson, Fezna J J Gordon, Trapp, Pa MERCHANTS 1 HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. Robert P McKibbin, US A J K Caldwell, Wash, Ohio James P Hale, Wisconsin John Dymond, New York W W Seely Hoti J B Baker, Philada J W Wiley, Trenton Sami WetheriU, Bethlehem John H Gunn, Illinois Geo Scliutschers, Illinois Mrs J H Loomis, New York Miss Hall, New York John Elliott, Tipton, Pa Thos Bishop, Media M McGovern, Scranton K F Daman, Pittston J> Riser, Wiikesbarre M Gilbert, Johnstn, N Y John Danner, Canton, O A J White, Chambersburg E G Etler, Chamberßburg John Moore, Wilmington N J Smith, Cincinnati John D Park, Cincinnati J B Moreland, lowa T P Perkins, Newark, O John Bell, Dubuque, lowa J A Moreland, lowa P P Blood, Brookville Sami H Sterett J H Diefenderfer, Danville ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. P C Fulton, Hudson, VVis II L Pratt, Greenfield, Mias J A Merrill, Baltimore Miss S W Ludlow, Md P Berry, Georgetown, DC J W Dcrickson A la, Phiia Miss Munifl, New Jersey Miss Krey, New Jorsey Mr Chase, New Jersey Mr Mmna, Now Jersey R G Mortimer & la, Md G R Sheldon, Penna A Bartholly, Mexico C A Smith, Philadelphia T L Russell, St Louis A Lohmeyer T Baker, New York D Hale, Newport E Jennings, New York J Ifiisgcji, Baltimore If Kane, Washington, P C REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. Jacob Foster, Columbia <*o 1> Wood, Columbia, cu Ciias S Eisenlieimer, Phiia Mnriin Weaver, Pa James H Smith, Port Carbon F Leitcli, New Jersey Miss E Hogan, York, Pa Cyrus Bowman, Phiia J L OUphant, Germantown John Hood, Marion, O G E Juillied, Bucyrus, O S W Goe, Bellcfonte, Pa S Chapman, Utica, Ohio P W Mead, Me Ycrnon, O John Levering, Waterford,O J W Wlieeler, Findley, O Alex 1* Hatfield, Coatesville Jlf Eckel, Bcllcfonte] M P Medlar, Schlk Haven Clms R Duffy, Butler, Pa P J Hahn, New Jersey J H Rozengarten, Pottsvillo F B Findley, Illinois >' D Buir, Pennsylvania Jacob Stair, York, Pa STATES UNION Market, above Sixth. Mrs Douglass & child, N Y Jus E Sickel, Delaware George Cook, Phiia A J Jlced, Virginia John Best, Lancaster J H Pollock, Lancaster J Campbell, Carlisle Jno Nelson, Bedford W Dunlap, Lane co, Pa A Harrison, Lane co, Pa J J Baldwin, Delaware W M PlilllipM, Alexandria Jno Stratton, Now Jersey W Adair, Now Jersey W S Davison, Now Jcrsoy T E Watt, Pittsburg H Welsh, Toronto • J J Smlthers, Indiana W H Watt, Phiia Hobt S Fulton, New Jersey John Ewing, New Jersey COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. L Pwmnck, Jr, Chester co George Smith, Penna Goo Walters, Phoenixvtllc Jno Griffin, Phccnixville J A Schofield w L Warner, Now London p Watt, Tomoqua J H Hnddleson, Penna P McDaniel, Delaware Jus H Scott, Elkton, Md G B Ilazlett, Montg co, Pa T Meconnell, Maryland B J Thomas, Illinois G 3 Embree, Logausport II J Gardner, Boston THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. D R D;i\ its Greenville, O J Compton, Groo•villi', 0 EHEinerj, Jliddletown Col James Fhillips,UBA J>r S I> Patterson A wf, N J C F Jones, New Jersey SB Cleaver, Delaware Dr Marlor, Rhode Island J S Las . Trenton. N J J Minclirod. Illinois K W Bernstein. Phila S V Lliry, Greenville, 0 J 0 Stearns, Elizabeth NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. M S Worthington, t-anton, 0 Mrs Hare, St Clair, Pa A M Seidel, lMttshnrs Ezra Itiplev, Troy, N \ JII Itodnecker, Lebanon,l’n John Hoebncr, Pottoville E I* Anoonu. Leading !> Itnbert, J’lnladelplna John Thomas, Easton H » Shafer, Easton II 0 Donnell, IJewelten Jolin S Lntz. rottsyille A W Boyer, Harrisburg Jos B Ord, Pmladelphu BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhill. G II P Burkett, Montg co, Pa J T Berger, Quakortown Itarelay IW,„ Hyherry J Stem, Allentown Miss I’nmia Stein, Allentown Miss Ida V Stem, Allentown M L Baird,Plain A Beyerly, Phila Jis'ah l’.iegel, rhita MOUNT YEItKON HOTEL—Second at., ab. Arch, ft McT'nte. Wash, P C II Robb, Wash, D C 1 •, .•■ s T* Del 3lr.b.hvri„i,, l», 'I i.« ,‘rinUb, L N t, NI-o l\uk BARLEY SHEAF —Second street, below Vine. Julm Davis. Bucks co, Pa C Eirkbride, Bucks co, Pa J Fiutmi, Doylortown Simon Rice, New Jersey John Grant, Now Y'mk BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill. Thos 3Iilo?. Fox Chase 31iss 3liles. Fox Chase Wm Rnppi rt, B> berry C Roads, Southampton Mrs C Roads, ftoutliampton D Davis SPECIAL NOTICES. Om,v Give it a Fair Trial.—We nsk no more of anyone than to give JAYNE’S EXPEC TORANT a fair trial, to prove that it trill cure the va rious diseases for rvhich it is rrcwnrnondcd. It lias, it will, and can cure Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Bleeding from the Lungs or Throat, Whooping Cough, Croup, and a very largo majority of the most hopeless cofcs of Consumption, when all other remedies fail to do any good. Again wo say, try it. It trill not harm you, but must and will do yon good Prepared and sold at 242 CHESTNUT Street. se7-3t One-Price Clothing, op the Latest Sttles, made in the Best Manner, expressly for RETAIL BALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Our Okb-Pricb System is Btrictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. 8e22-ly JONES k CO., 604 MARKET Street. Batchelor’s Hair Dye.—This cele brated and perfect HAIR DYR is the BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere imitations of this Great Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR’S LIQUID HAIR DYE instantly produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK & CO. and DYOTT A CO., Philadel phia mhl-tf Card Printing, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING) and every other descrlp tion of Printing* of the most superior Quality, at the most reasonable rates, atRINGWALT k BROWN’S, DrexeU’s Building, 34 South THIRD Street. delO-tf MARRIED: GREEN—3IcCAUL.—On the 4th instant, by the Rev. A. G, McAuley, 3lr. Charles W. Green, of Holmesburg, Pa., to 3fif>s Rachel 3t. HcCaul, of Frankford, Pa. * . JOHNSON—MAFFITT.—On the 21st ult., by John G. Wilson, Y\ D. 31., Mr. David Johnson to Miss Letitia hlafiitt, both of Philadelphia. * PENNELL—DAYIS.—On tho stli instant, by hlayor Hrnrj'i Robert P. Pennell to Hannah IV. Paviß, all of this city. * CARR—WALKER. —On the sth instant, by the Rev Wm. Sterrett, Mr. James Carr, of Brandywine, Del., to 3liss Mary Jane Walker, of this city. * THOMPSON—CASKEY’.—On the sth instant, by the Rev. J. Crame, 3lr. Thomas W. Thompson, of Phila delphia, to Miss Margaret A. Caskey, of Gloucester, N.J. * . WILBY—3IEAD.—On the 23d of April last, by Rev. J. H. Peters, Mr. Fritz H. Wilby to 3liss Adelia Mead, both of this city. * QUICK —YOUNG. —On the sth instant, by the Rev. Chap. W. Quick, Mr. Albert J. Quick to Miss Anna D. Young, all of this city. * DIED: LONG.—Sept. 7,lBCl,Mrs. Mary Long, after a linger ing illness, in the 85th year of her age. Her relatives and friends, and those of the family, are particularly invited to attend her funeral, on Tuesday afternoon, at 2% o’clock, from the residence of her son, Peter B. Long, 1109 Locust street. Interment at the Mutual F. B. Ground, Tenth and Washington sts. ## McCLOUD.—At Beverly, N. J., on the 6th instant, 3lalcolm 3lcCtoud, aged 43 years. Funeral from the residence of his father-in-law, Charity Conard, No. 821 Marshall street, on Tuesday mnrning, at 10 o'clock. * THOMPSON.—On the 6th instant, Elizabeth Thomp son Funeral from her late residence, No. 217 South Eleventh street, below Walnut, this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. # BROWNING.—On the sth instant, Benjamin Brown ing, aged 43 years. Funeral from the residence of his sister, Mary L. Hatch, near Camden, this (Monday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. * FRlCK.—Suddenly, on Die sth instant, in the 49th year of his ago, Air. Jacob Frick. Funeral from his late residence, No. 711 Wallace street, tide (Monday) morning, at 9 o’clock. * Weekly Report of Interments. Health Opfige, September 7, Interments in the City of Philadelphia from t of August to the 7th of September , 1361. ji „j. I DISEASES- -S DISEASES. 2j _ - < S . 5_ o Ap0p1exy........... 2 Fever, Typhoid..... 7 1 Burns and Scalds... 3 Hemorrhage ....... 3 2 Cancer, Breast 2 (( Lungs. 2 Spleen.,*... 1 Hooping Cough 5 Casualties,......... 1 2 Inflammation,Brain 1 5 Cr0up.............. 3 “ Bronchi.... 2 2 Congestion, Brain.. 1 3 il Bladder.... 1 “ Lungs. 11 •« Kidneys... 1 Cholera Infantum.. 18 Liver 1 ti Morbus.... 1 “ Lungß 2 3 Consumption Lungs 28 2 ‘4 Peritoneum 2 Convulsions........ 2 9 14 Pleura..... 2 « ruerperul 1 « S. & Bowels 2 3 Diptheria.2 7 1naniti0n.......... 4 Diarrhoea.. 3 2 Munia-a-Potu 1 Dropsy...... 1 3 Malformation 1 “ 8rain....... 1 Marasmus 25 Disease of Brain.... 2 Old Age 2 “ Heart.... 3 4 Palsy 3 tt Liver..... 3 Scrofula..... 2 *4 Uterus... 2 Softening of Brain.. 2 Drownedl 2 Small-Pox,,, 1 20 Dysentery. .. 3 Still-80rn..... ... 10 Debility 5 3 Suicide. 2 Effusion on Brain.. X Tabes Mcsenterica.. 2 Erysipelas 2 Tumors.. 1 Fracture of Skull... 1 Unknown 1 Fever, Brain 2 Gunshot 1 « Scarlet,.... 18 « Typhus.... 1 Total 101 153 44 Remittent.. |2| 1 \ OF THE ABOVE THERE WEP.E : Under lyear..,.. 7G From4oto 50.,15 From lto 2,20 “ 30to 09,,,,18 » 2to 5.*,,,,.... 23 « 60to 70..«•,*...* 8 “ sto 10.* 15 “ 70 to 80. 5 “ 10 to 15 5 <4 80 to 90 5 44 15 to2o 8 ‘4 90 to 100 1 “ 20t030. 29 4‘ 30 t 040.,. 19 T0ta1..,. ....254 WARDS. WARDS. WARDS. First,.,. 10 Tenth 7 Nineteenth...... 24 Second 20 Eleventh 5 Twentieth 20 Third... 13 Twe1fth........ 5 Twenty-first.... 6 Fourth 12 Thirteenth 5 Twenty-seeond.. 5 Fifth... 10 Fourteenth.... 8 Twenty-third... 3 Sixth 6 Fifteenth......2o Twenty-fourth..l2 ;..... 'Sixteenth. ‘ ......14 .... Sevente' Seventli... 0 Sixteenth...... 8 Unknown... Eighth... , 8 Seventeenth 15 Ninth.... ....5 Eighteenth 4 Total .254 Nativity. —United States, 107; Foreign, 44; Un known, 18. From tho Almshouse, C; People of Color, 12; from the Country, 6. The number of deaths, compared with the correspond ing week of 1860, and of last week, was as follows: Week ending Sept. Bth, 1860, was. ..•■•■22B Weok ending Aug. 31st, 1861, wn5......2D9 Mules, 125; Females, 129; Boys, 75; Girls, 78. By order of the Board of Health. WILLIAM READ, Health Officer. fIOOD BLACK SILKS AT OLD UT PRICES. Block Gros de Bhines, $l. do. Soles, $l. do. Gros Groins, extra qualities, do. Gros GrametteS' do. Gros de’Espngnes, $1.12%. ■ do. Gros dee Indes. do. Grosd’Ecosse and Ottomans, do. Armures and Yenetienncs, Ac. BESSON Sc SON, Mourning Store, It* No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. NOTICE. AN EXAMINATION OF LL§ applicants for the position of Principal of the Davidson Consolidated School, Twenty-fourth Section, will ho held at the Central High School, BROAD and GREEN Streets, on FRIDAY, the 13tli instant, com mencing at 2 o’clock P. M. Salary $6OO per annum. By order of the Directors Public Schools, First Pre cinct, Twenty-fourth Section. ISAAC LEECH, se7-3t Controller. nr=3 OFFICE OF THE WYOMING COAL \y3 COMPANY, No. 230 WALNUT Street, Phila. A Special Meeting of the STOCKHOLDERS of this Company will be held at their Office* in Philadelphia, on MONDAY, Sept. 9th, at 12 o’clock M. sc7-2t CIIAS. PARRISH, Secretary. nsr==*. NOTICE—AN EXAMINATION OF |X_5 TEACHERS for the following vacaiit situations will take place at the Southeastern Grammar School on THURSDAY, the 12th instant, commencing at 2 o’clock P. M., and continuing timing Friday : viz.: Principal of the Girls’ Gronimar School, Salary $6OO - annum. Principal of the Boys’ Secondary, Salary $350 per annum. First Assistant of the Boys’ Grammar School, $350 per annum. First Assistant of the Girls’ Grammar School, Salary $350 per annum* The examination will he conducted hy Professor Nicholas H. Maguire, Principal of the Central High School. By order of the Board of Directors, Public Schools Fifth Section, eo7-8t JOHN KELSH, Secretary. rur==M THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE IN DURANCE COMPANY.—September 2,1801. Tim Directors have thie day declared a dividend of Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents per share nu tlio stock of the Company for the last six months, which will he paid to the stockholders, or their legal representatives, after the 12tli instant. "NVM. G. CROWELL, sc3*t!2 ___ Secretary. ■\TOTICE— PROTEST—CAUTION. I v The Public are cautioned against taking any Check, Note, or Obligation for the payment of money, made or uttered by ROBERT N. JEFFRIES, and en dorsed by him, in name of KERSHAW & JEFFRIES, or F. W. TAPPAN & CO. JOHN G. KERSHAW. Philadelphia, Sept. 7,1801. It* LAW BOOKS FOR SALE.—A com lik-li- set of PENNSYLVANIA SUPREME COURT .REPORTS, ill perfect enter. Also .thirty-two volumes TEXT-BOOKS, latest editions. Apply to U. W. CARRUTHKIIS, WEST CHESTER. FA. sco-2t* ____ Estate of james brooks, DECEASED.—Letters ef administration on the estate of James Brooks, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indobted to said estate will please make payment, and those having claims will present the same, wi»hout delay, to * . JAMES HOBROCKS, FguifcforJ. Or to his Attorney, DAVID M. HAMBLKTON* ~ si9-m6t* 51 North SIXTH St., Philadelphia. mHE COLOR OF YOUR EYES AND I. hair is as peculiar as your features. To have them properly represented yon should have a Colored Photo graph. The charge is only $1 at RF.IMKR’S Gallery, SECOND Street, above Greco* It* THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 9. 1861. Tjj^ANYEl>r~ BUGLERS! TRUMPETERS! Will l,i* paid for good Buglers and Trumpeters for Colonel Hl'Sire Itegimcnt of J’HILADEI.fHLV LIGHT CAVALRY, if qualified and mustered into ser vice. Apply at the Itcndwous No. 5*33 MARKET Street. seS-Ot TWENTY- M THIRD REGIMENT I’. V. 11l Washington', September 5,1361. "" Having been authorized by the War Department, with the approval of General McClellan, to accept five addi tional companies, to be attached to tiie* regiment, and beimi dcsirou* to have those companies filled to the maximum, with active, sober, ellivlent men, Thavede l.tilt ii i >.•*■; • 1!:« •; . ! !*• I'hTeMiihi l :» »l open an office sit NINTH mul ARCH for their reception. Recruits will be at once mustered in, uniformed, and forwarded to hendfiuarters. The coni panics thua received arc to Im drilled a* Skip mishcre, and w ill form a light battalion for special service. For subscriptions, tinder my superintendence, for Treft eury Notes, to be issued under the act of July 17, 1861. These notes will be issued in sums of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOL LARS, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS each, dated 19th August, 1861, payable three years after date to the order of the sub scriber or as directed, and bearing interest at the rate of 7 3-10 per cent, per annum, PAYABLE SEMI-AN NUALLY; such interest being at the rate of TWO CENTS FOR EACH DAY' ON E\ r ERY HUNDRED DOLLARS. For the convenience of the holder, each note w»U hare coupons attached expressing the several' amounts of semi-annual Interest, which coupons may be detached and presented for payment separately from tho notes. REMOVALS. PHILIP FORD & GO.. AUCTIONEERS. Have removed from 530 MARKET Street, g,oop or PyOOO Yards Indigo Blue Satinet, such as Is used in the United States Navy. MILITARY NOTICES. TEN DOLLARS BOUNTY Captain lIILLEBRAND, (if the Gymnast Zouaves, Company D, will superintend the selection of . recruits, ami forward them. He can be found at the Regimental Hoadiiuartcrs in Philadelphia, corner of NINTH anil ARCH Streets. D. B. BIBNEt, 3t* Colouel. II ATTENTION, HOME GUARD,— fl At 3 meeting of the officers of the Guard held Mr at Sansom-street Hall, on Saturday evening, Sept. 7, "*lB6l, General A. J. PLEASONTON, Col. CHARLES P. DARE, and Prof. HENRY COPPEE were placed in general nomination for Brigadier General. By'order of the meeting. __ WM. H. RHA.WN, President. David Itam.r.n, Secretary. ■ It* SU. S. MARINES.—WANTED immediately, for the U. S. Blarine Corps, 500 able bodied men, for sea and land service. Also, ft'few competent Drummers and Fifers. AU information that may be required will be given at Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. J. C. CASH, Captain, ftu3l-12t r ** rt * Recruiting Officer II HEADQUARTERS TWENTY- H KIGIITH REGIMENT, I>. V., Colonel GEARY Iff Commanding. Men wanted, without delay, to fill up the last Com pany. Fourteen companies of this Regiment are already' mustered and in camp. Come forward at once and'sign the Roll, at southwest corner FOURTH and LIBRARY Streets. Lieutenant Colonel G. D. KORPONAY’, se7-2t* Captain ASHTON S. TOURISON. . VjJk PHILADELPHIA LIGHT -£S2.CA\ r ALRY. COLONEL R. H. RUSH. This Regiment is now recruiting, at No. 833 MARKET STREET, Active young men, And old soldiers of the Mounted Service have a good opportunity to serve under good officers. The Colonel is a West Point graduate, and the Captains are officers who have seen service. Young men of good character, from eighteen to twenty-eight years of age, have a preference. Ten Dollars Bounty for good Buglers, and Five Dollars bounty for good Horse Sheers, QM soldiers have a chance for non-commissioned offices, Apply nt the Rendezvous, No. 833 3IARKET Street. ee6-12t* FINANCIAL. gEVEIT AND THREE-TENTHS PER CENT. TREASURY NOTES. SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS OPEN THIS DAT, TO THE NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Those who desire to participate in its benefits should apply nt once to the undersigned, the appointed Agents for the Government. AU suhib received, from FIFTY DOLLARS upwards. The office hours during the subscription for the Loan will be 5 P. M., except on Monday evening, when it will remain open till 9 o'clock P. M. JAY COOKE & Go., No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. NTEW NATIONAL LOAN.— ■L i Pursuant to instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury, a book opened on the FIFTH DAY OF SEPTE3IBER, At No. 114 South THIRD STREET, Subscriptions for such Treasury Notes will be received during FIFTEEN DAYS from the day of opening the hook as aforesaid. No subscription for less than FIFTY DOLLARS, nor for any fraction of that suln, can be re ceived. Subscriptions of fifty dollars or one-hundred dollars must be paid in lawful coin of the United States at the time of subscribing. Subscriptions of more than one hundred dollars may be paid at once; or, if preferred, one-tenth at the time of subscribing and one-third of the whole amount on every twentieth day thereafter until the whble shall be paid. No payment of less than fifty dollars con be accepted, that being the smallest Bum for which Treasury Notes can be issned. Certificates will be granted in duplicate to subscribers for the amounts so paid, the original of which the sub scriber will transmit by mail to the Secretary of the Treasury, when Treasury Notes, as aforesaid, will be issued thereon to such subscriber or liis order, carrying interest as expressed in such certificate; but in cases where only part of the amount subscribed is paid at the time of subscribing, Treasury Notes will be issued only for the payments made subsequently to the first, which will remain until the whole amount subscribed by such person shall be paid, when Treasury Notes will be issued for Buch first payment also, Qn payment of each de ferred instalment, the subscriber will pay, in addition thereto, a sum equal to the interest accrued thereon from the 19th of August to the date of payment, and on final payment like interest on the amount paid on sub scription, which payments of interest will be reim bursed to the subscriber in the payment of the first coupon. The Treasury Notes issued upon such certificates by the Treasury will be sent to the subscribers by mail, or Buch other mode as may be indicated by them when they transmit their original certificates. The duplicate cer tificates may be retained by them for their own secu rity. JAY COOKE. Office of JAY COOKE Sc Co., No. 114 South THIRD Street, next door north of Girard Bank. seo-15t TTNITED STATES 7 3-10 per cent. U TREASURY NOTES—Parties in the country wishing to subscribe can bare their business promptly attended to by enclosing a chock to E. S. WHELAN * CO., se6-3tif No. 309 WALNUT Street. TO No. D2D MARKET ST„ And No. 322 COMMERCE Street. au3l-lm MILITARY GOODS, OR NAVY BLUE SATINETS. For sale by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, 35 LETITIA Street, wul 34 FRONT Street »nl4-2m QOTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOB SALE BY my22-iftf FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. JJOOK BINDING. Magazines, Illustrated Papers, and Periodicals of every description, bound neatly and at REDUCED PRICES. N. B.—MUSIC bound strongly, and with great care. SAMUEL MOORE & SON, Street, between Eighth and Ninth and Mar ket and Chestnut. sc4-lm DORTLAND KEROSENE OIL. Wo are uuw prepared to Bupply this STANDARD ILLUMINATING oil AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 1 Z. LOCKE & CO., Sole Agents, 1010 MARKET STREET, ee2-fim Philadelphia. TTNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVA- U NIA. —DEPARTMENT OP ARTS. The First Term of the College-year will open on MON DAY, the 9th inst. Candidates for admission wilt appear at the University, for examination, on that day at half past 10 o’clock A. M. Tuition for each Term, Thirty Dollars. GEORGE ALLEN, Beo-3t Secretary of the Faculty of Art*. RETAIL DRY GOODS, STYLE fall goods. RIBBONS, SILKS, FLOWERS and FEATHERS, TABER & HARBERT, No. 35 South SECOND. Fall and winter Cfl&simc-rop, Clothe, Butinets.l Tweed Cnssinicrcs and Full Jeans, Woollen, Silk, mid Valencia Y'ostings. Fine Black and fancy Catisimcrcß. Goods especially for BOY’S’ WEAR. COOPER A CONARD, rc7 ■ 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. Fall and w'tnteb Kngiibit Aiiutk'uu l’liucs- Neat and giy figured Delaines. All-wool plain mid figured Delaines. Now Goods oponingr daily. COOPER ft CONARD, poT 8. E. M>r. NINTH and MARKET. Black dress goods.— Black French Poplins. Black French 3U*riuoes. Black Wool Delaines, Black figured Alpacas. Black ftilks and Bombazines. Black Alpacas, Chiutzes, Mohairs, Ac. COOPER* CONARD, seT 8. E. corner NINTH * MARKET, gPECIAL NOTICE. THOS. W. EVANS & CO. Would call the attention OF WHOLESALE BUYERS To their choice and varied assortment of NEW FALL DRESS GOODS. This stock is mostly of their OWN IMPORTATION, CAREFULLY SELECTED FOR THE BEST CITY RETAIL TRADE, And will bo offered to the Trade at LOW PRICES, FOR CASH. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA.. eri>-Ct g E M O V A L . PRICE, FERRIS. & Co.. Having removed their Wholesale STOCK of WHITE GOODS, linens, LACES' AND EMBROIDERIES, TO No. 726 CHESTNUT BT., No. 726 CHESTNUT ST., No. 726 CHESTNUT ST., No. 726 CHESTNUT ST., Will) on and after MONDAY, SEPT. 3d. OFFER IT AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AS HERETOFORE, AT PRICES MUCH BELOW THE PRESENT COST OF IMP OBTATION Any novelties in our line produced during the season will be found in our stock. Extraordinary inducements will be held out in point of PRICES The attention of the Ladies is solicited. au3l-lm LONG CLOAKS, of Aqua Scutum. Blacks and Browns, W’atcr Proofs, Hoods; Silk lined aud tnsseled. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, - ' - CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. STELLA SHAWLS. Black Centres, medium to fine. Scotch and French Borders. BHARPLESS BROTHERS, se4 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH, /■'IHEAP MUSLINS.—We will sell 10 cases (300 pieces) of the best Fruit of the Loom Bleached Muslins, at cents by the piece only. This is the very best shirting muslin made without, rogard to price, and we believe cannot be bought less than 14j£ cents. We will also sell the best cent bleached mus lin for 5X cents by the piece; the beat Bfcent for 8# cents; full yard wide, cents; good 12jf centafor.lOjf cents; very extra fine, 11cents; full yards wide, 12j£ cents; every make of bleachedanjl unbleached mus lins at less prices than they can possibly he bought in Philadelphia. Extra heavy Canton Flannels at 10 cents. Table Linens at 25 per cent, finder fisual prices, and all fiuaUtlM, fwim so cents to $3 per yard. Napkins at great reductions. Blankets very cheap. $8 Marseilles Quilts for $5, and all others in proportion. Twilled do* mestic Flannel (lead colored) 12cents per yard. B. D. ft W. H. PENNELL, ss3-6t 1021HAKKET St., below ELEVENTH. Great bargains in muslins. Shirtings, Sheetings, and Pilow-Case Muslins, by the piece or yard. V. £. AItCHAMBAULT, N. £. Cor. ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, lias in store a large stock of Muslins, at old prices. Fine Long Cloth Mtis lins, yard vide, at 8,9,10,10#, 11,11#, 12, and 12#c.; Shirting width at 6,7, and 8 cents j White Sheetings, 10, 12,18, 25, and 31 cents: fine White Flannels, 12,18, 20, and 31 cents: Heavy Canton Flannels, 10,11, and 12# cents j New Fall Style Mous. de Laine, 12,18, and 20 cents. Cheap Dry Goods and Carpet Store, N. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET .Streets. se3-12t Tie arch-street cloak and MANTILLA STOKE. HEW PAM. CLOAKS. WATER-TKOOF TWEED CLOAKS. BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. EVERY HOYELTY AT MODEBAT* PBICES. JACOB HOBSFALL, »u3l-6m N. W. ■corner TENTH and ABCHSta PRICES OF COTTON GOODS* still advancing. Having purchased a very large stock ot BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS AND COTTON FLANNELS, FOB CASH, Before the present rise in pricoß, we will still SELL THEM AT THE OLD PBICES. BICH FANCY SILKS FOB FALL. A Full Line of the Best Black Silks AT THE OLD PBICES. New Style Fall Delaines at 20c. 6BEAT BARGAINS IN ' Black Silk Coats and Stella Shawls. H. STEEL & SON, an3o No. 713 North TENTH St., above Coates. Autumn dry goods. I win open this morning the following desirable eoodB One Lot of Dark Wool De Laine. One Lot of Park Cotton and Wool Pe Laine* One Pot of Mohair Poplins. One Lot of Ladies* Cloths. One Lot of English Calicoes, at JOHN H. STOKES’, anSO 702 ARCH Street. ■vrOTICE TO LADIES. 1 i Will open tliie morning, from a bankrupt sale, the following goods, which are decided bargans; One Lot of Plaid Muslins at 18#, worth 28. One Lot of Plaid Muslins at 25, worth 37#. One Lot of Ladies’ L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 12# " One Lot of Ladies* L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 15. • One Lot of: Gents’ L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 25. One Lot of Park Linen at 25, worth 37#, at JOHN H. STOKES’, au3o 702 ARCH Street* Autumn dress goods. Black Gros de Bhines and Corded Silks, Black Pou de Soles, Mourning Silks, Figured Black Silks, Colored Plain Silks, Park.De Laines of rich designs, Wide dark Chintzes in Chintz colors, One Hundred Caseß of very cheap Calicoes, Madder Colors and handsome New Styles. Also, New Stella Shawls and Blankets, Sacque Flannels in bright colors. Bleached Hualins and Sheetings, tCowelinge, Crash, and Diapers, Blankets, Damasks, and Quilts. SHABPLES3 BROTHERS, au2B CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. •V/rUSLINS STILL AT OLD PRICES. J.\j. —Notwithstanding the advance in price of Cot* UNBLEACHED BHIBTING MUSLINS AT THE OLD PBICES. BLEACHED SHIRTING MUSLINS At the Old Prices. SHEETING AND PILLOW-CASE MUSLINS At the Old Prices. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED COTTON FLANNELS, And Domestic Goodß of all kinds, AT THE OLD PBICES. New styles of PBINTS at BY. 8,10, and 12Y. In older to insure more BAPID SALES, andtocloM our stock in season, we have made STILL FUBTHEB SEDUCTIONS In prices of all our Bummer Dress Goods. H. STEEL A SON, No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coatee. .ngl6-tf riHEAP DRY GOODS—STILL FUR THEB SEDUCTION IN SUMMER STOCK, in order to insure sales and realize Cash. Fine Chintz colored Paris Organdies. 80. do. Paris Jaconets. Medium style do* do. Dark Brown Lawni, 12# cents. Bilk Challieß, Bareges, Barege Anglais, Gray Goods, Poplins, Mona de Laines, Ac. Black Tamartine Crape de Sspang, Ac* Foulard Silks and Milanese, Ac. White Goods in variety. , _ A fine line of plain Swiss Muslins, 12# to 60 cents. Black Lace Mantles, Bournous and Points. Black and Colored Stella Bhawls. A very cheap lot of Linen Cambric Hdkfs. A good stock of Slaimeh and Bomestio Goods as the lowest market rates, for cai\ only. OHABLES ADAMS ft SON, Jy2o-tf EIGHTH and ABOH Streets. IQ£l —MEMORABLE YEAR!! 1001. HABD ON DBY GOODS I YEBY LOW PBICES 1 u „„ lmu STILL MORE SEDUCED 1 THORNLEY A CHISM, M B. corner EIGHTH And SPBINB SAITOH, Want to aell their stock clean off, And have conwnnentlF DEDUCED THBIK PBICES, YEBY LOwTINDBID. Fanoy SOks a little over half price. Some styles of Dreaa Goods at halt price. Lace Mantles, Pointee, Eugenie*, ftc-t very chea* Black SOke, oheayest In Philadelphia. . A great variety *f Grey Goode, L>im Ac., fto. A very large steekef Domestic Goode A very large stock of Linen Goods. Cloths, Casslmera, Veirting«,4c., fto. _ . N.B.—This is a BABE. CHANCE to get good, nn unilly cheap. THOBNLEY ft CHISM, N. iTcorner EIGHTH *nd BPBING QABDBN. N. B.—From this dote, JoU 9, Term, Cash on De livery.” ; t jr» jnOWPERTHWAIT & CO , \J N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET SN. Umo one of the best rfoeka of Mv.-litia in the city. J yard wide bleached Muslin ar 1 yard wide unbleached do at 8,5% TO, and 11c. yard wide unbleached Mubllo cvtl2)^c. Heavy fine English long cloth bleached Muslin at 13c by the piece ,worth 18c. Our 25 cent White Flannels are the best in the market. City and country dealers will find it to their advantage to examine our stock, as tliey can save from 15 to 20 per English canton flannels liotli (.ingle «nd double napped, at old prices. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, * ARIUSON, ge7-if CIIKbTKI'T Street. T”INENS, HOUSE FURNISHING J j GOODS, FLANNELS, DOMESTIC MUSLINS, AC.—The largest assortment in the city, at lowest prices SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN, A ARRISON, S c7if 1008 CHESTNUT Street. below Market street. Balmoral petticoats. Th'.i t- « 4 \:;ii;tl«‘s al bc«t r.hirorfjc *''l SIIAJU’LKSS HKuTHNItSs, «4 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. fYPENING of new fall silks. v/ Rich New Fall Styles. Fashionable Figured Silks, riain Silks for Ruffled Skirts. EYRE A LANDELL, se 7 FOURTH and ARCH Streets. OPENING OF ALL-WOOL FALL DELAINES. Richest Printed Mcrinoes. Woollen Foulards, New floods. I'tpffe de Paris, New Fabric. EYRE A LANDELL, tj FOURTH and ARCH Streets. OPENING OF SHAWLS FOE F4LL or 1861. Paislpy liordor Long Shftrvls. Novelties in Woollen Shewla. Stellas from ton to fine Grades. ETRE A LANDELL, so 7 FOURTH and ARCH Streets. GILMORE, & Co.. No s. 61V' CHESTNUT and 014 JAYNE Streets, Have now in store a full and well-assorted stock of FALL AND WINTER SILK GOODS. Whh their usual assortment of to which they invite the attention of buyers. se7*lm 1861. TO CASH BUYERS. H C.LAUGHLIN & Co., No. 803 MARKET STREET, Are receiving dally, from the PHILADELPHIA and NEW TOBK AUCTIONS, n general assortment ol MERCHANDISE, bought for CASH. CASH BUYERS are especially invited to call and ex amine our Stock. ses-tf FALL SEASON. W. S. STEWART & CO., In addition to our usual assortment of BLACK and OTHER STAPLE SILKS, We are now opening a desirable stork of NEW Afct> TASTY DRESS GOODS, To which we invite the attention of Buyers. Possessing the best facilities for obtaining goods, we are enabled to otter our stock on the most favorable terms. se4-2m 1801 F ALL GOODS. Iggl. FRESH ASSORTMENT. DALE, ROS® r & CO., 531' MARKET STREET, Have received, and are now opening, «■ fresh stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS' which will be sold low for GASH and on short credits. KF* Buyers are respectfully invited to call and ex-- amine our stock. au3i-2nr jIANCY GOODS; AND .;*;- DRUGGISTS’ ARTICLES. FBENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN PEB FCMEBY. Toilet ajid shaving soaps. BRUSHES AND COMBS, of all descriptions. POCKET FLASKS AND DRINKING CUPS. VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS. CHAMOIS, SPLIT, AND PLASTEK SKINS. POWDEE PUFFS AND BOXES. PATENT LINT, Ac., Ac. OFFERED TO THE TRADE AT LOW PBICES. W CA'RPET I N G S . No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET-OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE, Are now opening, from Custom House Stores,- their FALL IMPORTATIONS NEW CARPETINGS. 1,000 pieces J. CBOSSLEY ft SONS’ TAPESTSY CARPETS, from 871 OTS. TO $1 PER YD I ALL OF NEW CHOICE STTLES-. AND HAVING BEEN INVOICED BEFORE THE LATE ADVANCE IN THE TARIFF, WiU be sold at MODERATE PRICES. au29-2m 'JELLING, COFFIN, & CO., No. 116 CHESTNUT STREET,' Offer, by the Package, the following Makes and Descrip. Hone of Goode l PRINTS. DUNNELL MFG. CO. GBEENE MFG. CO, BLEACHED COTTONS. Bay Mill, Lonsdale, Hopeyßlackstoue, Green© Mfg. Co., Bed Bank, Mariposa, . Jamestown, SlateravUle, Bolriderej Centredale, Ac. BROWN COTTONS. Fredonia, Ohio,.Groton,. Silver Spring, Glenville,. Eagle,. Mechanics’ and Farmers’ Union, Ac* CORSET JEAN&—Glasgow, Manchester. DENIMS AND STRIPES.—Grafton, Jewett City,. Madison, SlatersvUle,Agawam, Keystone,.Choctaw* CANTON FLANNELS.—Slatersville, Agawam,. Shep- pard’s. BILESIA&—SmithTs, Lonsdale, Diamond Hill* BROAD GLOTH&—Bottomley’s, Pomeroy’s,.Glenham. Company. CASBIMERES- AND DOESKlNS.—Greenfield,. Gay’s,. Stearns’. SATINETS.—Bass River, Crystal Spring?, Convera- Tille, Hope,.StaffordYillc, Converse and Hyde, verse Brothers, Bridgewater* ALSO, Flannels*. Linseys, Kentucky Jeans, Nankeens, Tickings,. . Colored Cambrics, Printed Cloakings, Ac. au9fmw3m FLANNELS ANGOLA, MERINO, SAXONY,. Exc. VARIOUS WIDTHS AND QUALITIES. For sal* by WELLING, COFFIN, & Co. a«9-fmwSm OHIPLEY, HAZARD* & O HUTCHINSON, No. 1U CHESTNUT STREET, - COMMISSION M BOHANTS foa th« saii or PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. mh2 TiTLNE SHIRT MANUFACTORY.— J? J. W. SCOTT, 81( CHESTNUT Street, a few 4aore below the « Continental.” The attention of Ojj .Wholesale Dealers Is invited to hi* IMPBOVED OUT OF BHIRTS, of superior fit, make, and material, on band and mut 18 wdw at tbortwt nottw« RETAIL DRY GOODS, DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. DRESS GOODS. GLOVES, SHAWLS, Ac WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, Ac., Importers and Jobbers of BILKS AND FANCT DRESS GOODS, NO. 305 MARKET STREET. FANCY GOODS. A FULL ASSORTMENT W. D. GLENN, IMPORTER, No. 26 South FOURTH Street. CARPETINGS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, 6-4 TAPESTRY. VELVET; FBENCH AUBUSSON; FINE AXMINSTEB: BOYAL WILTON j EXTRA ENGLISH BRUSSELS; HENDERSON. A CO.’S VENETIAN} ENGLISH INGRAIN CARPETS; COMMISSION HOUSES. WOOLENS. MARBITAL t S SALE UNITED STATES, EASTERN Dis trict OF PENNSYLVANIA. A'6’7' THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, TO THE MARSHAL (IF THE EASTERN DIS TltlCT OF PENNSYLVANIA, Gw lino When'll*. The District Court of the United State; i,. nn<l for th“ Eastern District of Pennsylvania, rightly ;,tnl duly proceedin': on a Libel, filed in the name r-ftlu United Slates of America, hath decreed Jill person* in general who have, or prelend to have, any right, title, <-r inte rest in the Schooner “ALBION," whereof SILAS M. MARTIN i- Mister, her tackle, Apparel, and fttniitui'*, ami the "oods, and morchnndise, helm, <*,. hoard th. reor, raptured hr a Prize !»y the United States Went India Squadron, under command of Hag Officer <r. J. Petidergrunt, ami broiiLdit into thin |x«rt to be nionir-hed, eiled. find called 1o judgment, at the time and place un derwritten, ami ro the effect hereafter expressed (justice mi requiring.) Ymiare therefore charged, and strictly enjoined ami ronunanded. that you omit not, but that by puhlisliingtlie.-'piesentsiiiat least two of the daily nows -1 filers printed and piil<lmln-d in the City of Philadelphia, and in the Loyal laU-Uiyotuory yon do monish and cite, or cause to be inonNhed ami cited, peremptorily* all per sons in general who have, or protend to have, any right, tffh-. r.r i:i the >;.M S-I AMITriV. lu-r and merchandise laden on hoard said Kehnnwr, to np jiear before the Honorable JOHN (\W>\VALAI>KU, the Judge of the said Court, at the DISTRICT COURT l!(l<>M, in the City of Philadelphia.on tlie'll WKNTIKTH DAY after publication of thoso presents, if it he r, Court day, or f ir;,-,,jj the next Court day following, beta eeu the usual hours of hearing causes, then and tUirc to show, or allege, in due form of law, a reasonable and lawful excuse, if any they have, why the Raid Schooner ALBION, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchandise laden thereon, should not be pronounced to belong, at the time of the capture of the same, to the enemies of the United State-., and us gntuN of their f, r otherwise liable and subject to condemnation, ;o be adjudged and condemned ns good and lawful prices; nml further to do mid receive in this behaij pjs to justice shall appertain. And that you duly Intimate, or cause to bo intimated, unto all persons aforesaid, generallv (to whom by tho tenor of these pre sents it is also intimated), that if they shall not appear at the time anil place above ioentiond, or appear and shall not show a reasonable aiul lawful cause to the con trary, then M District Court doth liitcthJ dhil fr’ll! pl*6- ei-eu f o adjudication on the said capture, nnu forty pro nounce that the said Schooner ALBION, her tackle, ftp * pared, and furniture, and the goods, wares, and merchan dise laden thereon, did belong, at the time of the cap ture of the same, to the enemies of the United States of America, and ns goods of their enemies, or otherwise, liable and subject to confiscation and condemnation, to be adjudged and condemned as lawful prize, the absence or rallior contumacy of The persons so cited and inti mated in anywise notwithstanding) and that you duly certify to the said District Cou t what you shall do in the premises, together with these presents. Witness the Honorable JOHN CAPWALADER, Judge of the saiil Court, at Philadelphia, this Fifth day of September, A. I>., 1861, anil in the eighty-sixth > cur of the Independence of the said United States. sc9-3t (5. It. FOX, Clerk District Court. WANTS. WANTED —A. situation bj a young man t who Vim influence a Delaware anil Mary land trade, in a btaplc Dry Goode or Grocery House, to sell goods on commission. Can loan lift employer Two thousand dollars. Address this office, “ Henry." so7-3t* TTTANTED—A PERSON CAPABLE Y * of taking charge of the books of an old Whole sale House in Market Street, who can furnish not less than $5,000 in cash, for w hich an interest in the business can be had. Trade in Pennsylvania and the West se cured, paying a good profit. An excellent chance for a young man wteliing to commence business. Address, with real name and reference, IMPORTERS A JOBBERS, Blood’s Dispatch. aii2B-tf fPMPLOYERS WANTING YOUNG J2i Men, Ac., are invited to address the “Employment Committee. 1 ’ at the Booms «f the Young Men's Christian Association, 1009 and 1611 CHESTNUT street. apB-8m BOARDING. 1 STREET—PRI- J-tIO TATE BOARDlNG.—Communicating rooms, second and third stories. Two single rooms. Be7-6t* PRIVATE BOARDING FINE BOOMS, at moderate prices, may be had for the winter, at the ALLIBONE HOUSE, N. W. corner THIRTY-NINTH and WALNUT, West Philadel phia. au2B-lm FOR SAL£ AND TO LET. TO RENT—The beautiful and oon aMvenient HOUSE, replete with all modem improve ments, No. 1735 ARCH Street; furnished or unfurnished. Apply at 416 COMMERCE Street. au24-lm LOW RENT-—Four-story House and KSL No, BACK Street—sS3o per annum. T?OR SALE—A Desirable Farm, con- JO taining 70 Acres of Land, in the highest state of cultivation, situate 7 miles from the city, near Darby, ouo mile from Railroad Station (Media road.) Excellent improvements, nicety shaded, large Garden, Apple Or chard, and Fruits of all descriptions. Spring of water near the Dwelling, running stream through the Farm. Will take part exchange. Terms easy. Possession at any time. Apply to E. PETTIT, ses No. 309 WALNUT Street. mo EXCHANGE—VaIuabIe Farm, J. containing 108 Acres, situate In Montgomery County, 20 miles north of tiie City* two miles from Rail road Station* Large Stone Mmihion-houar, Tenant’s House.- two Bams, all necessary Out Buildings, large Apple Orchard, and all kinds of Fruits, nicely watered With running streams. Fine spring near the mansion, &c. Immediate possession. Apply to E. PKTTIT, ses No. 309 WALNUT Street. TCTOR SALE AND EXCHANGE.— JD Farms in every locality, in the adjoining counties— States of New Jcwey, Delaware, Maryland, Ac. Apply to E. PETTIT, eos No. 309 WALNUT Street fig FOR RENT —A very desirable SaL' foirr-iitorY DWELLIIf G, with double three-Blory BACK BUILDING-#, having all the modern conve niences. No. 116 North SEVENTEENTH Street. sc4-Gt* mTO LET—A DWELLING THIRTEENTH Street, nbove Arch, with all the modem conveniences- Bent moderate. - Apply to WETHXBILL & BROTHER, au3 47 North Street TO RENT LOW —Furnished orun- JBalfamlahed, for Slat mouthy or longer, if desired, * large and convenient HOUSE, No* M 35 Arch street Apply to A. P. and J* H. MOBBIS, 916 ABOH Street* je!o-tf EPH RAT A MOUNTAIN JfeISPRINGS AT PUBLIC SALE. OK SATURDAY, the 28th day of September next, the undersigned, Executors of the- will of Joseph Konig macher, deceased, in execution-of the directions of said will, will sell by public vendue, on the premises, the fol lowing described Real Estate, late of eaid deceased —to -wit: The well-known and popwiar watering place, known ns “THE EPHBATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS,” In the county of Lancaster, State of Pennsylvania, 13 miles northeast from Lancaster, 18- miles southwest from Reading, and on the Downingtown, Ephrata, and Har risburg Turnpike road, 59 miles west of Philadelphia, 38 miles eaßt of Harrisburg, and 11 miles north of the Bird in-Hnnd Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The property consists of 77% ACRES OF LAND, Part of it excellent fanning land, and part mountain land, covered with fine chestnut and other timber, with numerous springs of the purest water, which are con ducted to Douches and Baths. The Buildings are ex tensive, and capable of entertaining. 500 visitors. This watering place and summer resort has, every sea son since its commencement, been-well patronized, at times to its full capacity, and this year has its full pro portion in comparison with similar places. The Columbia and Reading Railroad, now being con structed, passes within # of a mile-of the Springs, and when completed|wlll make “The-Ephrata Mountain Springs ” the most convenient of access of all the fashion able watering places. Possession and a good title will be given on the first day of April next, or immediately if desired. Sale will begin at 1 o’clock of said day. ADAM KOKJGMACHEB, WM. CARPENTER, au3o-fst Executors. rriO LET—Large Store,. Offices, and JL two large Rooms, suitable for Artisans, in the For• rest Buildings, east sido of Fourth street, below Chest nut. For terms inquire of £. SHINN, No. 518 PINE Street. . sefiafmwGt# TO RENT—Large Communicating Furnished ROOMS, for Gentlemen, (withoutboard), In a private family, on WALNUT Street, west of Tenth. Apply to Drug Store, N. E. corner of Eleventh and Walnut streets. au2o-tf “VTIAGARA FALLS WATER POW ±A ER.—CAPITALISTS AND MANUFACTU RERS. This immense water power is'now riuuly for im mediate occupation, together with one-- hundred acres of land, embracing one quarter of tho village, on which to locate mills and manufactories. The stipulations for price of power, will bo ono half thatat Lowell, .Mass., and tho quantity is almost un limited Should the demand warrant it, tho American Fall cim easily be stopped.and its great volumedifchargcd through .the bonk below, its present site, for mill purposes, under a head and full of- 200 feet. The title is perfect and tho property unincumbered* For further information apply to iL W. Day or A. P. Floyd, Niagara Falls: Alexander Hay, No. 1208 Vino street, Philadelphia; lion. T. A. Jeuckes, Providence, R. I.: D. Tlmxtery Boston: or tho owner, HORACE H. DAY, No. 91 Liberty street. New York, September 2,1801. se4-wfrra3m WHEREAS, THE LINDELL HO TEL COMPANY by its Deed, dated the first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, and recorded in the Recorder’s Office of Sti Louis county, in Book No. 234, at = Pag© 202, and also -by its other dead, dated the said first day of December,. 1859, recorded in Book No. 230, Page 336, coniirmatory.of and supplemen tal to said first .deed, did convey unto WILLIAM M. MORRISON, .EDWARD BREDELI*.and FRANKLIN A. DICK, the following-described real estate, situated in Block No. 126, of the City of St. Louis, and described os follows: First, A Lot or parcel of land fronting two hundred and seventy-ouo feeton Washington avenue, by one hun dred nnd fifty feet in depth, and bounded south by Wash ington avenue, east by Sixth street, .north by tho north line of the Held lot confirmed t* Joseph Taillon, and known as Survey No. 1508, nnd Seventh street. Second, A certain Lot or piece- of ground, situate in said Block, .containing about seventy feet, be tho Borne more or.less,.on Sixth street, byonß-hundred and thirty five feet deep,on Green street, bathe same more or loss; heing Lot.known and designated on .t}io plat of the lots laid out.ond made an addition to the town of St. Louis, by William Christy, as Lot No. .37,.bounded on the west by No. 38,.0r laid out by Christy,.on tho north by Green street, on the east by Sixth street, .and on tho eouthby the Lot.heroiH first described; which said conveyances were made to said MORRISON, .BREPELL, and DICK, in trust, .tp secure tho payment, of. certain bonds therein described,.amounting to four hundred thousand dollars j being eight hundred bonds of five-hundred dollars each, payable in ten years from tl\o first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine,,to PETER LINDELL or bearor,.with, ten per cent, .interest, payable semi-an* mialls: frpui that. date, .all jvayabla at tho Bank of Com New York; and wftarAar, among other things, it was provided insnid Ih'cMU.tiiut if the Interest upon said iwnds,.or any i\art thereof,.should become dim and remain unpmdfor thirty daya.after the maturity thereof, that then, .by reason of such default, the said bonds shall forthwith become, due nnd payable, notwithstanding said bonds may not- appear on tlieir face to bo due; and wfrcrea«,.sald LINDELL HOTEL COMPANY has, it is believed,. negotiated,.sold, and pledged six hundred and sixteen of said bonds,.amounting to three hundred and eight thousand dollars, upon all of which tho semi-an nual interest,. becoming duo on tho first day of Juno, eighteen hundred and sixty one, has been due for more lhan.tJdr.ty dayp, and is still unpaid, although somo or all of it has been demanded : Now* therefore, wo,. WILLIAM M. MORTUSON, ED WARS BREDELLi n’rft FRANKLIN A. DICK, Trus tees Jfcs afiires:iid' % :it request nf nmnyol tho indi viduals and corporations holding said bonds, and m ac cordance with the provisions of said poods, will, oa tkefe day of 'October, eighteen him-. dwd nnd sixty none, ami between tho hours of cloven 6’elock in the forenoon and five o’clock in tho afternoon of lhak day, at the- front door of the Court Ifouse, in the CITY OF ST, LOUIS, Missouri, proceed, to. sell the. above*deßcrib«l premises and property* for cash, at Puf>r. He Vendue, 1o the highest bidder, iu order, to pay top holders of said bonds the amounts d*g.tjiiercon,.am) any amounts or charges that may bo under thft- pro visions of said deeds, together wild), the expensed «i*t' thp. TruKt. WM. M. HORRSSON, ) EDWARD BRtSDELL, > Trwteefl, seA-dlaeSfl FRANKLIN A. DICK, V 1 DAD DAA tent u,s. X.VVV.VVV p»HMn, for «ae b>' J. F. BRED, ■Timier, southeast corner of TttfßTTfi and NO PLE Streets, phiti^Mphia*. AMUSEMENTS, WHEATLEY’S CONTINENTAL THEATRE—YVALNCT .STREET, ABOYH EIGHTH, GRAND OPENING NIGHT. THF. TEMPEST; or. THE ENCHANTED ISLAND, With nil its GORGEOUS SCKSEET. MOVING PANORAMA. M;i2iiiiitf'iit dres;e; nnd appointment;, and STARTLING EFFECTS. Tut: t'Ainv Aitonr or apii.i, I S' T II E E N 0 II A N T E D F OREST. WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— NINTH and WALNUT Streeta. Sole Lowe SIRS. M. A. GARBETTBON. THIS (MONIIAY) EVENING, Sept,.ml,er, B, The pei-form'inee u i I! commeure with tiie drains of THF JUGGLER. Joorißße, the JnettliT Julie To conclude with MY POLL AND MV PARTNER JOE, Harry HnUynrd E. ADAMS Mary Mayhuil Miss ALICE GREY ADMISSION—Dress Circle, for.; Pap„ 10 t, 37 tee,; (S, -Ml :-V • Feu P- . fc-, uuU sri->; cutgie tertiri Hi U*ciiet>UA .butl A'uvula Boxea, 76c.: I pper Iloxes, 25e. Doors open at 7if ; Performance to commence If to 8. TY/rm JOHN DREW’S ±Yi ARCH-STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager....... W. S. FREDERICKS- Businet? Agent and Treasurer JOS. D. MURPHY. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, September 9, Tiie performance will commence with THE ADVENTURES OP A LOYE LETTER. Major Jtliint Mr. J.K. MORTIMER Catharine Bright Mrs. JOHN DREW To conclude with the VOLUNTEERS; or, THE RIFLE, and How to Use It. Mr. Pcrclvnt Fluff. Mr. SCALLAN Mrr. Percival Floft Miss EMMA TAYLOR PRICES—7S, 50, 37 25, and 16 cents. No extra charge for reserved sent*. Assembly buildings.— POSITIVELY LAST WfiElt &f Hid brasenl couta hlhktion. STP.REOPTICON of tiie SOUTHERN RE BELLION,, together with Sanderson's DIORAMA of the RUSSIAN WAR. Both exhibitions will be given with MECHANICAL EFFECTS, vivivhlly portraying tiie horrors and desolations of sanguinary war. Admii sibn, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. Colored people, 26 cents. 89-tR Academy of music.—the ELLSWORTH ZOUAVES' GRAND EXHIBI TION DRILL AND CONCERT will tnke place ou THURSDAY EVENING, September 12,1891. The Tull GERMANIA BAND is engaged. Tickets, 25 cents. Performance to commence nt 8 o’clock. scT-Ot* Gymnasium.— the Philadel phia PHYSICAL ISSTITUTK, Profrwort HIL LKBRAKD and LEWIS, Northeast corner NINTH and AItCII Streets, is now prepared for .the Winter Course. Ladies Gentlemen, and Children, M*ho desire fire de velopment of their physical faculties, and their bodily health and strength promoted, should attend this Insti tute. If necessary, thousands of references can be fur nished from those who have been benefited by it» JHoase call at the Institute. seT-8t PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY Of THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, to open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children under twelve yev% half price. Shares of Stock, $3O. ill INSVRANCE COMPANIES, riOMMONWEALT \J RANGE COMPANY PENNSYLVANIA. DTOBS. Charles H. Rogers, John K. Walker, Robert Shoemaker, William Strutters, Stephen Coulter, i iE, M. D., President. HITALL, Vice President. :retary. Building, 618 CHESTNUT se4-tf David Jaynp, M. D., JoV.n M. XVhitaU, Edward C. Rnight, Thomas S. Stewart, Henry Lewie, Jr., DAVID JAY JOHN M. IVI SAMUEL S. MOON, Seci Office, Commonwealth £ Street, Philadelphia. Fame insurance company, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. FIBE AND INLAND INSUBANOB. DIRECTORS. George W. Day, of Day & Hatlachr Wright rrf , rrf . “ Wright Bros. A ©*. D, B. Bimcy... “ Davis & Blmey, Henry Lewis, Jr...... “ Lewis Bros. A Co, C. Bichardson “ J. C. Howe A Co. Jno. W, Evennan “ J. W. Everman A Ok Geo. A. West 4t West A Fobes. F. S. Marlin “ Savage, Martin, A Ok C. Wilson Davi5....,.., Attorney-at-law. E. D. Woodruff. of Sibley, Molten, A WbeAruF* Jno. Eeßßler, Jr No. 1713 Green street. GEORGE W. DAY, President FRANCIS N. BUCK, Yice-rnetta* WILLIAMS 1. BLANCHARD, Secretary, ja33-tf>f SAVING FUNDS. SAVING FUND—UNITED STATBB TRUST COMPANT, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. S. R. CRAWFORD, President, JAMES K. HUNTER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office hours, from 10 until 3 o’clock. Tkia company is not joined in any application to Hw Legislature. SAFES. Rm LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RE HShMOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, near the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, thankful for past favors,* and betas determined to merit future patronage, has'flecored Mi elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand • large assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Softs, (the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also, IdfiM Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be fomislMft to order on short notice. This is the strongest, best pro* tected, and cheapest Poor and Lock yet offered* Also, particular attention is eallod to Lillie’s NflM Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewelry, Ac. This Safe is com ceded to surpass In style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is strfcfly fire and burglar proof. Special Notice.— l have now on hand say. twenty at Farrel, Herring,. A Co.'s Safep, most of them nearly nM, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged fbrtha now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at nil low prices. Please coll and examine. ja26-lyif M, Ci BAPLSBi Agent* REGULAR LINE AND flHBi DAILY EXCURSIONS.—Bteam« CQ HANSEY leaves first Pier below ABCH Street, wnp MORNING, at 7# o’clock, (except Sunday,) for Ches ter, Pennsgrove, New Caßtle, Delaware City, Fort Dela ware, and Salem* Returning, leave Salem at I#, aaA Fort at 2 o’clock. Fare for the Excursion. 50 cents. Stages for Bridgeton and Odessa meet this line. Steami r BETBOLD leaves ARCH-Strect wharf daQy« at 2 o’clock» for all landings named above Port Delaware. Be3-10t* - FOB NEW YOKE. dfi@HSa.KEW DAILY LIKE, rift Delaware ftfti Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Oott pany receive freight and leave daily at 2 P. M., dull!— 1 ing their cargoes in. New York the following days. Freights taken at reasonable rates* WM. P. CLYDE* Agent* No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, anl-tf Piers 14 and 15 EAST BIVKB, New Yorta - -ir- w PHILADELPHIA AND fiSfißa. WASHINGTON EXPBESS STEAM- BOAT COMPANY. New line direct for Alexandria, Washington, Mt Georgetown. Through in 99 bonrst ftepwer PHILADELPHIA, Captain THOS. HAHB, Steamer Captain JEROME, Will leave Philadelphia every WEDNESDAY and OA* TUBDA Y, at 12 o’clock M., connecting with all lineal those ports, and returning, leave Washington, Qeofli 1 town, and Alexandria every TUESDAY and SAxulb* DAY. for Philadelphia. W. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHABVES, Philadelphia, MORGAN A BHINEHABT, Agents, Foot of G street, Washington* r—w FOR NEW YORK. Tba ■HbSsßHbp hiladelphia Steam Propeller Company \rill commence their business Coir the season on Moiwfapy 18th Instant. Their steamers are now receiving freight at Beoont Pier above Walnut etreet. Terms accommodating. Apply to W 7 M, BAIBD A 00., 224 South Delaware A venae QIHE WEEKLY PRESS. THE WEEKLY PRESS Has been established on a secure and permanent found** tion; bat it is, in reality, a marvellous example of ttt degree of favor which a rightly •conducted LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND NEWS JOURNAL Can receive at the hands of a liberal and callghkwafi Public. Our most grateful thanks are tendered for ttaa patronage already bestowed upon us, and we shall span no efforts which may serve to render the paper even non attractive, useful, and popular in the future. The general features of the Paper, in addition to iti POLITICAL AND NEWS DEPARTMENTS, Will be POETRY, SKETCHES, BIOGRAPHY, and Oil ginal and. Selected TALES, chosen for their lessons®* Life, illustrations of History, depicture of Manners, ut general merit, mid adapted, in their variety, to the test os of both sexes and all ages. THE LITERARY CHARACTER Of THE WEEKLY PRESS, now universally acknow ledged to be of an elevated stamp, shall not only maintain its present High Standing, bnt shall be enhanced by tan* portant and valuable contributions from able Writam Deeming Purity of Morals the great safeguard of private happiness and public prosperity, we shall carefully «• dude from our columns everything which may.reasonaMjc he objected to on the score of improper tenjfonpy* Thai fields of pure Literature afford sufficient material te make an ACCEPTABLE FAMILY NRWSP4P£R> Containing all the elements of excellence, withgtyt a objectionable line; and the proprietor of THE. PRESS may justly claim that no head of 9 rtpn£r apt hesitate to let its columns go under the. notice of „MV member of bis Household. THE POLITICAL COURSE, Of THE 'WEEKLY PRESS Deed enlcjged here. Independent, Bteady, »nd fearlesa, it ta.batgjA unwaveringly and xealoußly in THS.HIQIUHh OF THE rEOPLE again etjKseviitfje Unrpajtjoni aoA Unfair and Tyrannical Legislationev,y dechtrjjng and ad hering to tho doctrine that P'&PI/L All BCY K constitutes tho fund amen tal.Jwgjig .of and that the intelligence Ciajl patriotic of our.Cittome will always be preeervntlTs.u a,ds,,. joqt, Government. These .pr(nqtJt!S to wW;Jt VBM WEEKLY PRBSS -coiiup&ied, and t| Will adhere. HfiJlltLSj One Copy, one Y,•••••• .*ajb3 0§ Three Copies, Yenr.... ..... Io* Jive Copies, oc>Ypar,.... > . • eaa a lta Ten Copies, o:», Yfgj .' .UN Twenty one ad&apei at per y...., y «£.«*•*■ ■ .ya.t.NU UN Twenty. CotiHi.tq ARtwajAer.. MUN Any Pawn aendln, uj. a. CJuh.Qt Twenty ormesf wjll be or.Stled tq an. extra, c q*y.. We continue to Ml THE ViinW INIBS to CUugXßtfA for 9L Bsecknm. Copiqa will be Sawaidsd to thoae who mat them.. Eabscriptb** mar eommence at any time. Twmff AJeWAYfc CASK, in Advance. AU VdttOS to be eddniHd to JOHN W. FORNEY, ITo. «» OHEBTgUT^EEET.^ OOULDOCK. .Miss ALICE GREY, PH FIRE INSU OF THE STATS OF
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers