The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 06, 1861, Image 3
Letter from New York. COMPUMEHTARV DINNER TO OOV. ANDREWS —HOR- BIBLE SUICIDE —A RICH STORY—UNION MEETING —FAMILIES OF THF. VOLUNTEERS—MORE VESSELS CONFISCATED—THE HATTERAS PRISONERS. , [Correspondence of The Press. I New York, September 5,1861. f Extensive preparations have been made at the pPark Barracks for the reception of the Massacbu : Wtte Twentieth, (Colonel Raymond Lee,) which Jsasses through onr city to-day. The grand feature of the reoeption, you will re collect, was to be a “soldier’s-fare" dinner, com plimentary to Governor Andrews, of Massachusetts. But the bill of fare, as originally contemplated, has been materially improved upon, and now includes quite an appetizing array of edibles, that oannot fail to commend themselves to the discriminating palates of the “ merry Andrews” who beyond a doubt will be present. This morning the residents of the dwelling No. 23 Bedford street, were horrified at finding the body of Mrs. Matthews, also a resident, lying upon the floor of her bedroom, with her head in a pool of gore. The unfortunate woman, in a fit of derange ment, had cut her throat with a knife, and bled to death. An inquest was held, and a verdict in ac cordance with the facts was rendered. A very rich story has found its way into the papers, although redounding but little to the saga city of onr ponce. On the arrival of the Arago, a day or two ago, one of these Government function aries spied a Frenchman, the contents of whose pocket, suspiciously swollen, seemed to demand official inspection. He forthwith ordered the pas senger to make an expose, and was forthwith obeyed. At first, nothing was discovered bat invoices and business papers, but in the middle of the parcel, the Argus-eyed clerk perceived a letter, whose address contained the tell-tale word —Beauregard. With euch proof, there was no need of explanation,' the imprudent passengor was seized, and led into a pri vate room. The Frenchman, meanwhile, snocecdcd in seiz -3 ins an opportunity to ask explanations about what had happened. They thrust beneath his eyes the fatal letter, and he began at last to comprehend. ! The translation of the address is: “ Mr. Boudcrot, ■ Beauregard street, Paris. ” The police, in their Baguorancc of the language, had taken the name of street for the name of a man ! H A mass meeting of friends of the Union, eight ■thousand strong, assembled at the corner of Eighty p .sixth streritfaid Fourth avenue last night, but, as : JOUr Correspondent was not present, ho refrains f rom expressing an opinion as to whether it was *'■“ enthusiastic” or not! , At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors, ' lyn, hold yesterday, the sum of $15,000 was mated for the relief of the families of vo te. This makes a total of $85,000, which has appropriated by Kings county for that pur sp to the present time, nnd the total amount ded so far is $68,578.88. surveyor of the port hag seized eight more era vessels since my last, viz: One steamship, on. two barks, one brig, and three schooners. Hatteras prisoners still remain the cynosure ortorial eyes. Scdloc’s Island they occupy the unteuanted t "barracks inside of the walls of Fort Wood, while fc-Commodore Barron occupies a small house intended Bns a residence for officers. K He is under special guard, but is allowed the fctibertj of the island. Eft Preparations are making to fit up Fort Schuyler, Ho that in the event of onr having to accommodate ■Hnother large company of prisoners, we can put gjftfaem there without delay. The Attempt on Garibaldi's Life. The last foreign arrivals brought intelligence of tew attempt to assassinate Garibaldi. The par ulsrs of the plot are fully given in a letter to e Genoese paper, II fflovimento, written by e Sicilian hero’s friend and guest, Yecehi. We instate the letter: “ Caprera, August 18. “Last evening three light-horsemen arrived re. They had heard a rumor that two ill-favored liriduals had landed on Caprera. That appeared US mere idle gossip; they took their leave, and : went to supper. Then Stagneli and I took a oil with our cigars till eleven o’clock, and went bed. ft “ About three in the morning I heard the dogs Bark and jump out of their kennels. Immediately '.Biter I fell asleep again. At five o’clock I was up, Bpdsaw the gens d’armes, who related to me what .Sad happened daring the night. B “ When we went to supper they had gone to the 'ftbek, which command our court-yard, and stretch- Xi themselves out at a short distance from each ftther. At three o’clock they heard the sound of foot ffteps, and saw two men passing beferethem through 9e darkness, about a pistol-shot off. The guard Sfced out, ‘ Who goes there ?’ They answered him Sfe- a shot. The soldiers then pursued them, shout- ISg ‘Stop, in the King’s name!’ A voice replied Jab a volley of obscenities. ’Jp The gens iParmes fired again, and heard one ';#f the raseals cry out," 1 Holy Virgin! ’ Then both Sf them scampered off with the utmost speed. “ Coming up to the place where these miserables ad been, the soldiers found their musket balls bu- IJiried in n rock, and several prints of bloody hands the granite. There was a bloody track running , jgome distance along the road, a blood-stained hand atcTchicf, and a powder-horn. Jr “From the fact that the wounded men cried, S'Jcsn Maria!.^Giuseppe!’ as they fled, the gens JUT a ernes eehriuded that they were foreign assas sins, and not bandits of the island. “After the General had taken his bath we in ormed- him.what had happened. With his ordi lary indifference he made light of the matter, said hat he had seen the men on the rocks, begged the ’etiitTarntcs not to. frighten the population of iHgdalenu by spreading the story, nnd then went S to look at a little vineyard of his with a friend. “■But the soldiers, by their report to the authori ses, had startled the whole country; exaggerations i it grew from month to mouth; the women pricked from their windows that the General was plied; and everybody ran to the harbor to take efngc in a vessel. All the officials ran armed into he piazza, and I seemed to be looking at the of the ralace of Caserta at the period ’T'vrnen we were having the honor to protect there | ihe country’s .unity.. Everybody had in his mind I ■ one singleldea—the protection of that life which is I the most noble in Italy, and the most necessary to I , her existence. f “Two Government sloops-of-war started off on a reconnoitring expedition around the island. One ■of them reported having seen a boat put off from the Gigh'o toward the island. Efforts are now ;making to find out the crew who sailed iu it. This is all we know at present. C. A. Vecciii.” Colonel Charles P. .Tamison accepts the ;Dcmocratie nomination for the Governorship of Afaiae, and lays down his platform thns: (i JNot -only Interest demand of ns to stand ■by the country, for in a vigorous prosecution of the war is the only hope of a speedy peace. With •united action and so just a cause as we possess, I 'believe the rebellion will be put down, the stars and stripes again float over all of the United States •of America, and peace once more dispense its in our beloved country.” CITY ITEMS. - Si:i?rßi: of Rebel Property.— A stir was Icreated along the wharves on Wednealay, by the seizure |br vessels owned in whole or in part by citizens of rebel Upstates. While certain men in the community arc sorv |gjpg their own interests by playing into the bauds of others are devoting themselves to the service of Stie Union. We know of no branch of the public service important tliun the manufacture of military cloth \SUa j and we know of no establishment where this work Ma done so faithfully and satisfactorily as at tho Brown Clothing Hall of Kockhifl & Wilson, Nos. 603 and Chestnut street, above Sixth. Orp.— ln the present season of •turmoil nnd anxiety, when all the faculties, physical and uncntn], are keyed to the highest pitch of excitement, there i> nothin.? more to the general health than the use of good anti comfortable clothing, which can be purchased at all time*, at the very lowest prices, at the Mammoth -Gift Clothing House of Granville Stokes, No. COO Chest nut etrert. With each purchase a Gift is presented. The .gifts consist of every description, and are suitable for ‘both ladies and gentlemen. Each garment sold ia wur •rtnted in fit* fabric, and fashion. Jiew York Stock FIRST 40000 CS 6s'Bl reg.. 89 48000 do 89V -37000 V S 6? ’7l coup. 90 3000 V SC* 1865.... 87 7000 do 87 # 6000 1' S 6s *74 coup. 80 :14000 do 79# C 550 Treas 6 p c 2 y. 98# 3000 do 98# 2000 Ohio St 6s 1870. 92 6000 111 eouj> W? *62. 82V 4000 111 coup 1570..„ 82V 3000 do 82# 'l3OOO. Term St 6s 43# 4500 Yire'a 6s 54# 6000-K Car 0s 62 ‘OJOOOMissouri St6s.. 43#j 5000 do 43# 10000 do s3O 43# 1000 Miss 6s iss to Zl. & St J B 47# ,12000 LouJsiaija 6b. ... 05 1000 K V C’ontral 75. 100# 6000 E R al m ex ’7O 98# .12000 Midi C 8» Ist m 07 2000 Mich S Ist mt g. 83 100017 la Ist mtg... 81# 1000 111 Cl bds 92# 2000 do 02 3000 Terre li&A 1 m. 61 I 2000 L E A V lpt m. 61 i 1000 N J Cent Ist.. 103 1 70 Merchants' Bant. 82# I 100 do 85 * 5 Bk of America.... 83 Nevr York MarKi In the Provision market there is but little movement in any direction. The Government contract for 1,600 t»Ws me-'' Torlc, iron-bound, and to uvigh'2oo lbs to the bbi, lias been awarded to Messrs. J. If. Ilolcorab & Co., at $lO. Messrs. Wm. Watte & Co. were the successful bidder® for the Bacon, at or about 7#c for smoked ribbed side?, according to sample. The Beef has not been awarded, and was under advisement yesterday af itemoon. I The breadstuff's market exhibited to-day the same Ifeature.' that have characterized it for some days past, istate brand- of Flour were in moderate reumwt at full ipnccs, while Western ffrndes with dull and Inactive. ivvhcat vi»< one rent better, With II fillY CXpOlt tTWllillUl, a small supply offering. Coru was also Armor, with \\ good inquiry fur shipment, but the show of samples was father limited. ArfHJus are uniet, with small sales ut 55.25 for Pots, anu *5.37# for Pearls. ' BitLAOSTCrrs. —The market for State Flour Is <iuiet, nd there i 3 no decided chauge in prices of State brands. The sales arc* 8,600 bbts at §4.3<)<%4.35 for Superfine tute» $4.G0<ft4,75 for extra State, §4.25 0:4.35 for Hupcv no Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, lowa, &c., aud 54.50®5.70 .r extra do, including shipping brands of round-hoop hio at Sjfifo.lO, and trade brands of do at g0.15ati.25. Southern Flour is dull ivnd unchdiigwi, with much ol K)bbisatso®a.6Qfor superfine Baltimore; fa-J 5 *® 0 ; 11 ' r extra do: SBaB.IO for Bnmdywiuo; 5b«7.2.i for “orgetora; s7®9 for Petersburg city ; S< ®9 for liich rod city. Canadian Flour is quiet, and prices aro rather nomi- Eye Flour is quiet aud steady, with sales at s*2.3o® f 30 for the range of fine aud superfine, f : Barley i- dull and nominal. ■ foots quiet and steod} r , at 30®32c for Jersoy, Bela ' /wire, and Pennsylvania; 32®34c for Western and State, japd for Canadian. i Com is Fcarcc, and with a fiur inquiry for the home [trade and shipment, the market is firmer; sales 60,000 .’jbushels, at 45®50c for good to prime mixed Western. • ■‘ j Corn Meal is firm; we quote Jersey at 92.7502.85; f 'Brandywine 83.15tt3.20; puncheons sls® 15.25. ” i’ Wheat continues buoyant, and prices are. again lc : higher. There is a fair demand for export, but the sup ply of desirable parcels is limited. The sales are -:,us at $7.31 for white Michigan; $1.05®1.09 for sound Vfllwaukce Club ; $1.12 for red Slate; and $1.14 for fair *£fl; inter red Western. RyeiVquU t and steady at 50®$0c for Western, and 63 • .-08 c for State. Provisions. —Pork is dull and drooping; the sales are ; 'JO bbls »t $l4 for mess, aud $9,75®10 for prime. Beef Exchange*-—Sept* 5. BOARD. 9 Corn Exchange Bk 75 5 St Nicholas Bank. 60 20Park 8ank....... 88 20 Bel & Hud Cl 85# 100 do 85# 14 do 86 60 Pac Ml S 3 C 0.... 77 50 do 77# 100 N T Cen It 73# 100 do 73# 10 Brie R Fref. 47# 200 Beading B 35# 100 do 35# 100 Mich Cen 8..630 . 41# 20 Mich S&NIR.. 14 100 do 13# 100 111 Con B coup.s3o 65 180 do 65 50 Gal & Chic 8..630. 67# 100 do 68# 575 Clev k Tol R 29# 1930 d 0,,.. 29.# 200 <10..,...b30. 29# 500 do..««.««•«, 30 50Chi&RIR...slO 42# 100 do 42# 50 do 42# ' 325 do 1)60. 42# 50 do 42# 100 do 43# 50 do slO 42# 80 CB &Quin 1t.... Cl ; 37 Mil&P du Ch’ri R.. 15 12 do. ,2d Pref. 40 10N Jersey Con R..11l its of Yesterday. is quiet, with sales of 200 bbls at 55®6.50 for country mess; 84&4.50 for country primo; $9.50®11-Sofor re packed Western ; nnd ®12.50a1U.25 for extra mesß. Prime mess Beef nominal. lieef Hams are quiet, and there is nothing doing at present. Itacon is nominal. Cut moats are dull, and heavy at s®6c for Hams, and 4,V®4Xc for Shoulders. Lard is unchanged, with sales of 550 tierces and bills at B,q®9l»c. Butter and Cheese are selling moderately flt our quotations. The Government contract for mess Pork Ims been awarded to .1 H. Halcomb A Co., at $l5, nnd the Baron to, Wm. Watts & Co., at about Th for smoked ribbed sides. T l, .—Greens are in good demand, and prices arc steadily improving; we notice further sales of 700 half chests on private terms. Blacks are quiet and firm. On.s.—Linseed is inactive nt 58®60r. There is a fair demand for l-’isli Oils, and we notice sales of 300 bbls handsome whale at 45c. Whisky is inactive and firmer; sales 800 bbls at 18® 18>*c. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS IT TO 12 o’clock last hiqbt. CONTINENTAL llOTKL—Chestnut and Ninth Streets. J Sutton, Indiana, Pa F. S Hilly lowa V Doreett, Chicago H C Bresrier, Lock Haven O B Butler, Milwaukee* M C Williams* Indiana J L Schwartz k \vf, Pittab’g Wm Bush, Wilm, Pc! Geo W Bush, Wilm, Del S W HaseUinc, Ciu, O H A Macfarland, Cjn, O V Wilkins, Chieaso H W Frcedley, USA Clm# Barnard & wf, N Y B B Smith k la, Now York Jaa J Bevins k In, N Y C Kellogg, Now York Albert A Cobh, Boston E McLaughlin, New York Lt Col T W Egau & wf, N Y J P Potv, Wisconsin S B Hastings, Wisconsin Lt Col J K Harman, Wash A Watt, Baltimore P Mamma k la, Harrisburg J M Foot, Ohio T M Blooro, Rock Island Mrs T M Moore, Illinois Lieut A G Gaston, Wash W M Wiley, Lancaster H N Gambrill, Woodbury John A Iliestand,Lancaster Miss M Noyes, Baltimore II Noyes, Baltimore W N Ely, Baltimore F L Davies, New York G A Phelps, New York II Temple, New York E J Bispliam, Massachusetts E H It Buggies, Mass J W Weir k la, Harrisburg Mrs S A Fahnestock, N Y G Wilson, Sheffield I* S Justice, Philadelphia Miss E Baeher, Poona Miss S M Laurence, Penns S M Laurence, Ponnfl F C Adams* New York T Birhnrds, rrov, It I Mrs Whipple, N Hampshire Miss Whipple, N Hampshire Master D Whipple, N H Muster W Whipple, NH WE Hooper, Baltimore P H Folsom, N Hampshire Mrs K McMulliu k ch, N Y Miss L Hall, Brooklyn, NY Mrs J W Watson, Pennn W C Woodman, Jacksonville C H Brcneman, Lancaster Mr Evans, New York W H Bockafellow, N York G W Sewall, Maryland R P Woods, Maryland .T H Uhl, New York It H King, Jr, Albany, N Y C W Brown, Hartford C Bell, Oil Creek H Crocker, New York G II Danforth, New York J Bottrick, Milwaukee H E Muhlenberg, Lane, Pa L B Fisher, Springfield, IU J G Allen, Lexington N Sturdcvant, Boston L Sturdevant, Boston Geo Taber, New York Alfred Buck, Baltimore Chns Cushman, New York Mrs Sabin, Hamilton Q M Kendrick, Hamiltou Geo Young, US N Mrs Alexander, York, Pa AC Schaefer, York, Pa W May & la, Maryland M Moorhead, Schl Haven W A Griswold, Erie, Pa W S Wood, Wash, P C John Foster, New York P T Gale, New York L C Hardy & la, London H Sedley, New York A W Leiseming, M Chunk D J Stags & wf, New York G J Sydeeker, New Jersey J Harrison, New York E W Phillips, New Y’ork R Ware, New Y’ork N P Stanton, New York J Jackson, New Y’ork j W Stitt, New York J Cushing, New York E B Dana k la, New Tork J P Hiig, New York Wm P A Campbell, US N John H Keed, Boston Thoe J C Amcry, USA Chas H Shorill, New York W J Keeler, New York M L Ott, Wheeling, Va G S Van Telt, New York J A Whitman, New York G P Briggs, New York .T M Hurley, Baltimore Anson W Hurd, Baltimore E B Morgan, New York T Need, New York W S Holliday, Washington J P Btarquand, Boston Isaiah Noyes k la, Gin,Ohio Mrs N H Gould, Newport Stephen Gould, Newport Miss V Gould, Newport. Wm Dunn k wf, Newport N K Clements, Halifax,N S B W Evans, Prov, B I G W Bowers, New York John J Jackson, Baltimore Geo A Jackson, New York P McDonnell, Kentucky S S Fisher, New York Mrs W White, Kentucky J C Magers & la. New York C II Murray, Jersey City Mr Winder M Bliss J & Lynch, Brooklyn j C Cooper, WllCOlin?, Vft J;ts M liaig, Baltimore J II Wyman, New York W H Langley, New York A E Beach, New York J E Sheldon, New Y'ork T T Pfeffer, New York E Cooper, New York J 0 Frost, New York W McConlcey & da, N York Mrs J W Hailman, Pittsbg G A Berry A wf, Pittsburg Miss Berry, Pittsburg Mrs J C Bed welt & da, Pittsb Mrs Peebles k da, Pittsbg J L Ludlow, Pittsburg Dr J C Gilbert, Phila AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut at., above Fifth. C F Shoener, Tamauna P Murphy, Philada II Sinnickson, Salem, N J Wm Harris, Jr, Philada Wm Harris, Sr, Bucks co Jos A Bolgtam, Bftlt Chas Beasten, Delaware Miss Beastcn, Diinwaro Dr J S Knight, V S N MR Nichols, Pottsville W J Frizzell, YYashington W H Mawbey kla J R Van Wagencr* N York W C Inhoff, Delaware W P Richai’dson, Balt M Hendry, Baltimore S T Lathnin, Philadelphia George P Matthew, Phila George Hastings, Boston M C Collins, Baltimore B M Lnkens, Bidtimore R 31 Goundie, Bethlehem Jas H JlcKce, Hazleton R R Griffith, Jr, Balt F Minke, Maryland MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. Wm 31 Gray, N Y'ork J B Tromaid, Johnstown J C Porterfield, Ponn’n, 3V H Hall, Ottawa, HI H Schrader, Cincinnati 3lrs White k do, Pittsb James Brewster, lowa- W G Albright, lowa E G Wilson, lowa J B Fisher, Philada 3lrs Ilolabird, New Y'ork Blaster iiolabird, N Y’ork 3liss Grant, New York P Gutman, Lewisburg 31 Gutman, Huntingdon M Malone, Lancaster H Weaver, Ohio JIIP Stone, Ohio P II King, Ohio S M Seyler, Pa B Zook,' Chnmbersburg R \V Perickson, USA Wm 31 Gray, N York 31 Barry, Lancaster Theo Honston, New Y’ork J Hoffman, Carlisle W W Boston J C Clenim, New Y'ork N Sbauuon, Baltimore N Stahl, Oalf»a ? 111 L AtliiUsoh, Phila John I’cndleton James Pendleton II Eichelberger la, Balt SB JlcElroy, Pittsburg A Lvsle, Allegheny, Pa C- B Wells, 3lnrietta, Ohio C T Bottler, 3larietta, Ohio L RUterskamp, St Louis H Perry, Pittsburg ST. LOUIS HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Third. C CurtU, New Jersey W S Nock, Kentucky 8 ftnith, Massachusetts W G Case, Columbia, Pa Lt H Buck k la, New Y’ork W H Wiswell, Halifax,N S 3V A'Biddle, Pennsylvania Peter Berry, P C Lt j s Fnssett a la, v,i F M Camp, 3Vest Chester Crehtor, New Y’ork H Schwartz, Cin, O SEC Smith, Pennsylvania Jacob 31 Portman, N Y Gen Sheldon, New Jersey Jos 3lcCntchen, Cin, O P Harrison, New Y’ork G Green, Newark, N J THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. Jno Orr, Kittanniag, Pa L A Buckley, Easton J A Caswell L B Hawley, Phcenixvillo B Williams, Delaware M S Van Buckalow, Del Bliss Brown. C'ashocton, O Bliss Miller, Cashocton, O S Van Boskirk, Lj'cmn’g co Peter C Holler, Penna gaud Smith, W Chester, Pa STATES UNION HOTEL—Market, above Sixth. Mrs Pamorce, Lancaster Mrs Keller, Lancaster A S Sener, Carlisle' Jas H Pownall, Lane co,Pa Sam! Stem, Juniatta co J G Hays, Williamsport JD Baldwin, Pittsburg J M Lutz, Harrisburg Jacob Stouck, Lebanon co Peter Kimkel, Lebanon co li P Dunbar, Pittsburg Geo McLaughlin, Pittsburg R McLaughlin, Pittsburg Alex Taggart, Coatesville REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Race. Jos Whitaker, Mt Clair S Toombs, Philadelphia Rufus Welkins, Wilni, Bel J Roouor, Pennsylvania Chas Smith, Phcenixville Geo Thompson, Pa B A Williams, Pennsylvania Geo M Carr, Pottsville F Browning, Trenton Lieut J W Sclmll, Pa Capt Geo Ilay, Pa Rev Sand Barnet*, Pa F H Chinch, Pennsylvania C Stranger, Philadelphia James C Wilson, Pa II Saylor, Schuylkill Huron II Chiirclnnan, Srranton Wm Weaver, Pa Capt Thompson, Pottsvillo Mrs E Bertram, Pottsvillo Col lIL Cake, Pottsvil’c COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth street, above Chestnut. B C Way, Pt Deposit, Bid E N Grundy, Phila Tlioe Humphries, Blontcr co M Tower, Chester co. Pa Jas A Ncgley, Butler, Pa J R Coolbaugli.Wilkesbarre Thos Todhnnter, Pa Jacob Bevoe, W Chester Lieut A B Brown, Columbia Lieut B W Balmer, N J A B Price, Chester co, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. Jos L Allabangh, Pa W H H Duncan, Pa S R Simp !c In, Blontg co LB Ensign, Pittston Thoß White, Blauch Cinfnk H J Owens, Pennsylvania O H Baker, Washington, Pa H W Bank, Pittsburg BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Callowhill. L F Biglow, Kdw Jersey O A I/uckenbach, Bcthl’tn P Reese, Jr, Now Jersey J Mauderbach, Woraelsdorf G Coffin, Danville W Mink, Lehigh co, Pa Levi Smoyer, Macungie Geo H Burke, Penna John Ball, Qnakertown Wm Schweitzer, Bucks co Geo W Gross, Lane co, Pa BARLET SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. BE Koopman,Teri’c Haute J W Cowell, Doyles town John O Scrvie, Boylcstown H Ramsay, Boylestowu H Morris, Willow Grove S Atkinson, Pennsylvania JL Mathews, Pennsylvania John Fidcock, New Hope W G Allen, Bristol, Pa P H Norton, Philadelphia Ira F Gcnsel, Oregon K MeGraw, Pennsylvania Elisha Newbold, Penna E L Flint, Easton, Pa MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Second Bt., ab. Arch. A E Burd, New York Chas Neilson, Philadelphia s JUdtimorc Miss J Earle, Brooklyn Co« Hobart, Jr, Maes Wm Hobart, Mils* V Be Boinieu, France Clias Scars, New Jersey A Lambert, New Hope BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill. Dr H Dickcnshcit, Milford Chas Harper, Jcnkintown B Davis, Pennsylvania Linford Roads, Sorocrton B R Harper, Olney PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. GEO. N. TATHAM, 1 TH. FROTH INGHAM, S Commutes op the Month. WM. L. BEHN, ) LETTER BAGS At the Merchants ’ "Exchange , Philadelphia. Ship Sew all, Delano London, soon Ship Zcred, McGonagle • ..Londonderry, Sopt 10 Bark Benj Hallett, Little Glasgow, soon Bark American, Christian Barbadoes, soon Brig Ida, McMullen .....Laguayra, soon Schr J H Houston, Russell .Laguayra, soon SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED STATES. SHIPS LEAVE FOR DAT. Bremen New York.. Bremen ..Aug 31 Edinburgh .New York. .Liverpool Aug 31 C Washington... New York.. Liverpool Sept3l Canada Boston.. Liverpool Sept 4 Teutonia New York.. Hamburg ...Sept 7 Hibernian .Quebec. .Liverpool Sept 7 Glasgow New York. .Liverpool Sept 7 M»tanzas...,....NewYork..Matanzas Sept 8 Asia New York. .Liverpool. Sept 11 Arngo Now York..Havre .Sept 14 Karnak New York. .Nassau .'.Sept 14 C of Baltimore ..Nov York,,TdvcTpOOl Sept 14 Arabia ..........Boston. .Liverpool,,.Sept 18 Hnmmoina New York.,Southampton.,,.,,,Sopt 21 Africa New York. .Liverpool Sept 25 New York New York.. Bremen ....Sept2B FROM EUROPE. SHIPS LEAVE FOR DAT. Bavaria..... .Southampton. .Now Y0rk..........Aug 14 North American.. Liverpool. .Quebec Aug 15 Arago. Southampton. .New York Aug 21 Glasgow Liverpool. .New Y0rk.,........ Aug 21 Congress. . .Antwerp.. Now York Aug 21 Arabia Liverpool. .Boston Aug 24 Cot Baltimore. ...Liverpool. .New York. Aug2o llsmuiioiiia..Souths jnpton . ,Ni:w York. .».*.»«• iAU? 23 Ati-ica Liverpool.. New York Aug 31 Europe Liverpool.. Boston Sept 7 Great Eastern. . ..Liverpool.-New York Sept 10 Saxonia Southampton. .New York., Sept 11 Fulton Southampton. .Now York Sept 18 MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 6, 1861. SUN RISES 5 42 J SUN SETS 6 18 HIGH WATER ...3 12 AEBIVED. Steamship Delaware, Carman, 20 hours from New York, with miLe and 225 passengers, to James Alder dice Passed bolow the Fourteen-Foot Bank, at 9.30 this (Thursday) morning,-bark Amoricau, henco for Bar badoes, and brig Ida, for Laguayra: above Wilmington Creek, bark Elizabeth J; brigs J Eaton; Brandywine, frym Rio Janeiro, and a brig, said to be the Culvert, from Sierra Leone. Steamship Kensington, Baker, 48 hours from Boston, with mdse and piisswistors to Hunry Winsor. Brig IVm M Dwlgo t Audenon, ti days from Boston, in ballttstto JK Bailey. Sclir Cleopatra, Crockett, 4 days from Wycomico ircr, Mil. with lumber tu J W Bacon. Scbr Sarali Minge, Weaver, SS Uuya from Woodbridge, NJ, with mdse to C A F Lennig. Mir 3 Xf Early, Harrington, 1 nay irum 1 redenca, Pel, with oats to Jas Barren & Bon. Sclir Kaucocae, Wright, 1 day from New Castic, Del, with wlioat to .Tub Ban-att A Son- Schr Arabella, Seotteii, 4 days from Baltimore, with er schr Telwwhl o Nielterson, 6 days from Boston, with ■nulee to Crowell & Collins. . , „ , , Sclir Burrows C, Clark, from Boston, m ballast to cap taiu. Scfar John B Myers, Cobb, from Boston. Bchr P M Wheaton, Wheaton, from Boston. Schr L A Danenhower, Miller from Boston. Bchr Martha Collins, Shrouds, from Tuckerton. Schr Sedona, Wall from Salem,* Steamer Philadelphia, Hand, 36 hours from Washing ton, with mdso to W P Clyde. „ Steamer Bristol* Allen, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W l* Clyde. CLEARED- Bark E II Yarriugton, Corlu.m. OlbrnUnr, and a mar ket, Benm-rs it Ilrapcr. Schr r B Carter, Ilenisht- Nctr Turk, enptam. Bclir D t Sturscs, Korris, Boston, captain. Beta Sarah Hinge, Weaver, New York, Bancroft, Lewis, & Co. , , , ~ . „ Schr K I'ratt, Hall. Boston, I. Andcnnwl A Co. Schr W Koiincil) , Ciiristj , Georgetown, I>C, J II Con ras'clir Yandcnf, Ynnch af, Troviilcnce, Castner, Stick uey, & Wtdliustim. Srhr George Washington, Stcllman, Norwich, Castner, Btirkncy, A Wellington. • Bchr Swlona, Wall, Salem, B Mimes a Co. Schr Lady Lake White, New London, J R Blakiston. Schr W rax«ou, Stephenson, Quincy Point, C A lleck eclier, Schr Chief, Norris New Haven, captain. Schr Charm, Starr, Georgetown, PC, J II Conrad. Schr (ireciau* Abbott, Portsmouth, J R White. Schr W Foters, Williams, Georgetown, N Sturtevant k Co. Schr Jfljs Rjirratt. Jr, Peimel, Laurel, Pel, Neal &3lcr ritnan. 1 Schr J M Houston, Ruesell, Lnguayra, Pallett & Sons. Sclir P 31 Wheaton, Wheaton. Boston, R If Powell. Schr Martha Collins, Shrouds, Providence, L Auden rled k Co. Schr L A Panenhower, 3liller, Boston, J R Blakiston. Schr John B Biyore, Cobb, Boston, L Audenried k Co. Sclir Sedona, Wall* Salem* B 3fihiea k Co. Str Philadelphia, Hand, Washington, W P Clyde. Str New Y'ork, Hunter, Now York, W P Clyde. Str J S SUriver, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Steamtug Matt White, Molloy, Washington, captain. Boat II J Jones, Fanil, Washington, C L Hughes. /Correspondence of the Press.) ' READING, September 3. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Schuylkill Canal to-day, bound to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as follows: Elias Reber, light, to captain; Witman k Conrad, grain to Witman k Connul; A B Sherk, grain to P Ru shans A gun; P W Waguer, graih to Perott k Bro} Du rango, pig iron to Cnbeen k Co. F. MEMORANDA. Ships Walter Scott, Graffam, from; G W Duncan, Dillingham, from Chinchas, and St 3larks, Col ley, from Cliinehas, were at Callao 14th ult. Ship Richard Bustecd, ftlitchell, from San Francisco, at London 20th ult. Ship Mazeppa, Weekß, clenred at London 20tl» ult For Cardiff and St Paul de Loando. Bm-k Abemcen, Pendleton, sailed from Glasgow 21st ult for Montevideo. Brig Emma, Baker, hence, at Boston 4tU inst. Sclir Swan, Shelmit, hence, at Kingston, Ja, 20th ult. Schra Americus, Walter; Greenwood, Pecker, and B N Fox, Price, clenred at New Y'ork 4th iust for this port. Schrs 31 plater. Blizzard, for Wilmington, Pel, and Suwassott, Leper, for New Castle, Del, cleared nt New York 4th inst. Schr Helen 3lnr, Nickerson, at Kingston. Ja, 14th ult from New Y'ork. Schr J J Spencer, Dole, at Bordeaux 20th ult from New Orleans. Solire S L Simmons, Godfrey, and Minerva, Jefferson, hence, at Fall River @d inst. Schrs Hannah Willets, Parsons; A Heston, Ryan; C A Greiner, Young; Caroline Anderson, Bowkor; James filarlio, Harding; J Beatty, Sharp; and Ella, Doughty, hence, at Providence 3d inst. Schrs Sarah C Willcts, Smith, and Hannah Blackman, Corson, sailed from Providence 3d inst for this port. Schr.- Alliance, Ireland: Polly Price, Adams; J G Stille, Swain; H W Godfrey, Weeks; W G Audenried, Hcwctt; R Shannon, Bowen; N B T Thompson, Steel man, and lihodella Blue, Patterson, lienee, at Boßtou 4th inst. Schr R L Toy, Sheppard, cleared at Boston 4th inst for Washington, PC. Si-lire Piuiii-i Townsend, Townsend; Joseph Porter, Yatofr; Northern Light, Lake, nnd L {$ Levering, Cor son, cleared at Boston 4tli inst for this poit. Sclir L H Endicott, Leeds, hence, at Newport 3d inst. Schra Gazelle, Ketclium, nnd J P Cake, Endicott, hence, at Newbun-port 3d inst. Schr Mohawk, Giles, hence, at Portland 3d inst. SPECIAL NOTICES. Batchelor’s Hair Bye.— This cele brated and perfect HAIR DYE is the BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere Imitations of this Great Original, which has gained eueli extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR’S LIQUID HAIR DYE ikstantly produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without staining the Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the Hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK & CO. and DYOTT & CO., Philadel phia mhl-tf One-Price Clothing, op the Latest Styles, made in the Beat Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Prices marked in Plain Figures. AH Goods made to Order warranto! satisfac tory* Our Oke-Psige System is strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. se22-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. MARRIED; HARVEY—BECK.—On the 28th ult., by the Rev. J. H. Kennard, Mr. Samuel Harvey to Miss Caroline Beck, Voth of Philadelphia. * HILL—SUTCLIFF.—On the S9th ult.i by John Q. Wilson, Y. P, M., William Hill, of ftlanaymik, to Mattie Suteliff. t*f this city, * 31ARTIN—BALLIET.—On the 29t1» ult., by the Rer. B. 31. Sckmucker, Dr. Edwin G. Martin to Fannie S. Balliet, both of Allentown, Pa. * PAUL—IIULINGS.—On the Ist instant, by the Rev. J. Walker Jackson, 3lr. David R. Paul, Jr., to Miss SatUc G., daughter of Joel Huling?, all of this city. * QHAPMAN—ROWLAND.—On the- sth of July lost, by the Rev. Pr\A.l(t;ty, Mr. Charles S. Chapman to Anna Rowland, both of this city. * STOYNKEN —SOMMER.—On the 3d instant, by Rev. Father Woyrieh, Frank Stoveki*u, Jr., from Jersey City, to Miss Emma Sommer, of Philadelphia. * DIED: GIEST.—In Baltimore, oh the 2d instant, Otis Spear, only eon of Rev. Samuel 11. and Sarah L. Giesy, of Phi ladelphia, awd 20 mouths. * CASTOR.—On the evening of the 4th instant, Sarah Cistor, daughter of the late George Castor. The relative* and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from her late residence, <; Tacony Form.” second place above Frankfort! Arsenal, River road, on Saturday, 7th inst., at 2 o’clock, without further notice. , ** WALLIS.—On the 4tli instant, Alfred Wallis, in the 22d year of his age. His friends and nninaintonceu, also the members of Typograpliical Union, No. 2, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, No. 4 Sydney street, Ellsworth, above Eighth, this (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock. * BEALNt—At San Francisco, California, on the 7th of August, 1861, Samuel Eduards, son of Geu. Edward F. and Mary E. Beale, aged 2 years, 3 months, and 17 days. Its remains were deposited iu Lone Mountain Cemetery, near those of the lamented Senator Broderick. # GEISSK.—On the 4th instant, Edward C., son of Ed ward C. and the late Eliaa B. Geisse, aged 2 years aud 4 m i'uncrnl from the residence of his father, Old York road and Meeting-house lane, on Saturday afternoon, at IK o’clock. - * MITCHELL.—On Tuesday night, 3d instant, Erwin Salford Mitchell, eldest son of T. Mason and the late Ann E. S. Mitchell, in the 18th year of his age. His friends and those of the family are respectfully in vited to attend Ids funeral, from his father’s residence, Lyceum avenue, Itoxborough, on Saturday luoming next, at 10 o’clock. Funeral to proceed to Laurel Hill Cemetery'. Hit PAKHAM.—On the morning of the 3d instant, Mrs. Caroline A., wife of Bobert rarbani, Jr., of Kansas, and daughter of Wm. M. and Anna Fryer. Her friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her parents, No. 100GBrown street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 4 o’clock, without further notice. Funeral to proceed to Lafayette Cemetery. * FELL. On the 2d instant,' Josephine Stockton, wife of David Fell, aged 21 years and 1 month. Funeral from the residence of her uncle, Wm. King, on Hancock street, above Girard avenue, ou Sunday af temoon, at 1 o'clock. * MII,LEU.—On the 3d instant, Jane Miller, aged 40 from the residence of her husband, Joseph Miller, No. 1110 South street, this ( Friday) morning, at 10 o’clock. * COLLINS.—Oji the 4th instant, Michael Collins, aged Funeral from the residence of Patrick Ilolighan, Am let street, tins (Friday) afternoon, at I o’clock. * CBAIGE.—On the 4th instant, Thomas H. Craige. Funeral from his late residence, No. 329 North Fourth street, on Saturday afternoon, at 3 o’clock. * BONNELL.—On the 4th instant, Captain Lester F. Donnell, aged 76 years. • . , , . Funeral from the residence of Ins nephew, Captain Richard J. Hoffner, No. 320 Reed street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. . Edwards.—On the 4th mstant, Samuel Edvards, aged 54 years, . , Funerui from his late residence, Thirfy.fifth and Bridgwater street*, Mantua village, this (Friday) after noon at 3 o’clock. HICKLEY.—On the 4th instant, Henry Hieklcy, m the 27th year of bis ago. _ „ „ . * Funeral from his late residence, No. 9 Collins* court, North Twenty-third street, above Callowhill, this ( Fri day) afternoon, at 3 o’clock. * HOLSTEIN.—On the Od Instant, Mr. Err Holstein, in the 37th year of Ins age. Funeral from lus late residence, IleyeviUo, Darby Creek, Delaware couuty, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. „ , NISKEY.—On the 4th instant, Mrs. Elisabeth Niskoy, Aged 64 years. „. . , Funeral from the residence of her son-in-law, Elias w. Sheris, No. 515 Catharine street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. , , _ _ , . PARKER.—On the 4th instant, John J. Parker, m the 54tli year of his age. _ _ Funeral from his late residence, 323 Twenty-second street, above Vine, on Saturday afternoon, at 3 o’clock. OBITUARY* Died— At Pottstonn, Pa.i August 31, 1801, HEXIHT Potts, aged (54 yearn. Truly can wc say, in the words of the Fsalmist, “ Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man iB peace.’* ... ~ The deceased was one whose sterling qualities won ttie esteem of alt with whom lio associated, alike in the busi ness and social circle. Possessed of a mind ever sensible to the impressions of the pure and beautiful in Nature, he could not but rise into that closer commuuion with Nature’s God. Hence religion, which was a controlling principle, was disrobed of its austerity, awl in perfect peace he awaited the change wliich hope of a'blessed im mortality hail robbed of all its terrors. He died, as ho had lived, in the possession of a rich plenitude of recipro cated affection, Ida last hour soothed by those who wore dearest to him on earth* jjy ins denth the community has lost a valuable mem ber, the roor a liberal friend, and our country a firm supporter in this her hour of trial. Kind and courteous to all, hospitable in an uncommon degree, he was a type of that rare class—a gentleman of the old school, . “My defence is of God, which saveth the upright in heart.” H, W. Nokkistown rsOOB BLACK SILKS AT OLD XK prices. BluvK Giwdc ItUiurs $l. ilo, I‘uult ile Suies, £l. do. Grots Grams, extrimnalitirs. do. <mis Gruiucttes. do. Gros de'Espagnos, t?l.l2><. do. Gros dee lodes, do. Grosd’Ecosse and Ottomans, do. Arninree and Yenctieimea, &c. BESSON <fc SON, Mourning Store, It# No. 918 CHESTNUT Street. rv-=» NOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING ll g Election of tlie City Building Association 'Will I>o held on MONDAY", 9th September, 1881, at 8 o’clock P. M at No. Ti)i South SIXTH Street. It* _—=• THE PENNSYLVANIA EIRE IN- U3T SURANCE COMPANY.—SurTEMiiiiii 2,1861. The Directors have this day declared a dividend of Twelve Dollars and Fifty Cents per share oil the stock of the Company for the last six months, which will be paid to the stockholders, or their legal represenhitives, aftor the 12th instant. \V M. G. CROWELL, «03-tl2 Secretary. Last day of the season,— The UNITED STATES HOTEL will close on MONDAY, 9th September. _ , r w?6-2t J» McKLBBIN. NOTICE.— Having sold my Hat, Cap, and Fur Store, No. 710 North SECOND Street, to JOHN A. STAMBACH, I hereby give notice that GLO. G STAMBACH is no longer authorized to act an my agent. _ [«eG-3t*] P. B. HAAS. ARMY WAGONS.—Spokes and Hubs for Army WagouH constantly on ht&d. Address BPKOUT, SAUNDERS, A 00., Pto-lOt Hugheerille* Lycoming county,. Pa. THE PRESS-PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1861. O’nly onk'soLulß EACH! 10,000 Beautiful Steel Plate Engraving'* of the LORD’S PRAY ER for sale. Valuable Property Given Away! It commence!* with oxuniMtely executed words of “ Ont FAnuin,” and then lolh*sv in HuecesriUm the tdher parts of the prayer, every phrn>e«>f which i* engraved in the most elegunt ami tustrfnl nmuin-r. Near the lx)t toftl of the picture in n superbly executed head of OUR S‘AY 101II* and (>nrlivlhig the upper part of the en graving are ten angeD, each heaving one of the TEN CO3IMANDM ENTS. As a work of art thU valuable and beautiful engraving is worth more than the Dollarariced for it, as will readily be acknowledired on an inspection of it; hut the sub scribers intend to make a Gift Distribution to purchasers of the engraving of valuable pr<*cnta Ha follows: 1 House nwl Lot in York borough. 2 (Quin Jc l’ulmer’fi ni:«kc, warranted.) 1 Rookuway. 2 Building-Lots in Y'ork borough. 100 Valuable Bunks. f»0 bids. Flour (warranted.) 1000 Gold-Gilt Frames to suit Engraving of the Lord’s Prayer. f»00 Med-Plato Engravings of the Birth of Christ. Magnificent Louking-Ghtsses. Gold anil Silver Watches, Jte., *Ve. A Gift worth from 30 cts. to $?5O0 with each engraving sold. This engraving lifts received the commendation of the Reverend Clergy, our first citizens, and, indeed, of nil classes* who enter into it with interest and spirit. Ifcir Send on ONE DOLLAR and four ml stamps to pay postage ou engraving, uud you are sure to get it by return mail. Address J. M. AUSTIN k CO., York, Ta. B*3o secures 11 Engravings and Tickets. TlllEllY k KRUSE, Agents, N. K. cor. FOURTH and BRANCH Streets, Philiulelpliia. Rev. A. If. Locluuan, L.L. P., Pastor Ist Lutheran Church. Y'ork, Pa. Rev. A. W. Lilly, Pastor 2d Lutheran Church. ltev.C. W. Thomson, Rector St. John’s Prot.Episcopal Church. Rev. F. U. Hogen, Pnstor 31oravian Church. Rev. Jos. A. Rons «• 81. K. Church. lion. Thomas E. Cochran, Ami. Gen. Pennsylvania. Henry Welsh, President York Bank. David Small, Postmaster, York, l*a., and many others. se6-6t* MILITARY NOTICES. COLONEL K. H. RUSH. Tikis Regiment is now recruiting, at No. 833 MARKET STREET. Active young men, and old soldiers of .the Mounted Service have a good opportunity to serve under good officers. The Colonel is a West Point graduate, and the Captains are officers who have seen service. Young men of good character, from eighteen to twenty-eight years of age, Lave a preference. Ten Dollars Bounty for geod Buglers, and Five Dollars bounty for good Horse Skoevs. Old soldiers have a chance for non-commissioned offices. Apply at the Rendezvous, No. 833 MARKET Street, Bc6-12t* STHE WALLACE REGIMENT OF IKFANTBT, COL. E. E. 'WALLACE, Cora mantling. „ HEADQUARTERS *N. E. corner of RIDGE Avenue and COATES St.—VOLUNTEERS WANTED; to be mustered in, get pay and rations, and go into CA3IP at once. Eacli Company to have its full Camp and Garrison Equipage immediately. Captains already accepted, will -please notice. Officers having men will please call as above-. SU. 8. MARINES. —WANTED immediately, for the U. S. Blnrine Corps, 500 able bodied men, for sea and land sendee. Also, a few competent Drummers and Fiferg. All information th t may be required will be given at Rendezvous, 311 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. J. C. CASH, Captain, au32-12t Recruiting Officer Office of the Acting Commissary of i SiiimsTENCE, No. 1137 Girard Street, > Philadelphia, Sept. 5,1861. ) SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this office until 12 o’clock 81. on the 9tli of September, for furnish ing, for the use of the United States Army, the following Subsistence stores, viz: 65,800 pounds Smoked Bacon Sides, in 200« pound boxes, securelj' strapped. • 547 barrels first quality Extra Bless Beef. 175,000 pounds first quality Pilot Bread, in good flour biirrels. 375 bushels prime quality White Beans, in good, dry barrels. 15,000 pounds prime Rice, in good flour barrels. 30,000 “ “ Rio Coffee, in barrels. 45,C00 “ « refined light yellow Coffee Sugar, in barrels. 3,000 gallons Cider Vinegar. 3,750 pounds Adamantine Candles, full weight. 12,000 u Oleine Soap, full weight. 188 bushels good, clean, dry, fine Salt, in good, tight burred*, 32 quarts to the bushel. Sample- to accompany proposals -ivhcn practicable. All Of the articles to be of the best quality, securely packed, anil in perfect order for transportation. Bids will iucludc packages anil delivery in the city. Seller's name and date of .'purchase required on each package. Certificates of inspection of the meat will bo required. Bids from known dealers or manufacturers only mil be considered. Two good sureties, whose names will be mentioned in the bids, will be required for the faithful performance of the contracts. Delivery to be made by the 18th of Sep tember. Proposals to be endorsed “Proposals for furnishing Subsistence Stores,” and directed to Capt. C. W. THOMAS, ec6-3t A* Q. BE. and A. C. S., U. S. A. UNIVERSITY OE PENNSYLVA NIA 'DEPARTMENT OF ARTS. The First Term of the College-year will open on MON DAY', the 9th inst. Candidates for admission will appear at the University, for examination, on that day at half past 10 o’clock A. M. Tuition for each Term, Thirty Dollars. GEORGE ALLEN, SfG-3t Secretary ol the Faculty of Arts. QOLOMON MALICE, ATTORNEY to AT LAW, SI'NBURY, PA.—City collections prompt ly attended to in Korthnmlieriand, Snyder, nnd Union counties. REFERENCE.—OIipbant & Bell, Third Street, Phi ladelphia. Edward Shippcn, Esq., Sixth and A\ nlirat Streets. UNITED STATES 7 3-10 per cent. TREASURY" NOTES.—Parties in the country wishing to subscribe can have their business promptly attended to by enclosing a check to E. S. WHELAN & CO., se6-3tif No. 309 YVALNPT Street. gEVEN AND THREE-TENTHS PER CENT. TREASURY NOTES. SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS OPEN THIS DAT, TO THE NEW NATIONAL LOAN. Those who desire to participate, in its benefits should apply at once to the undersigned, the appointed Agents for the Government. All sums received, from FIFTY DOLLARS upwards. The office hours during the subscription for the Loan will be 5 P. 51., except on Monday evening, when it will remain open till 9 o’clock P. M. JAY COOKE & Co., 5.5-15 t No. 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET. NEW NATIONAL LOAN.— Pursuant to instructions from the Secretary of the Treasury, a hook will bo opened on the For subscriptions, under my superintendence, for Trea sury Notes, to he issued under tho act of July-17,1861. These notes wilt ho issued in sums of FIFTY DOLLARS, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FIY"E HUNDRED DOL LARS, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, and FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS each, dated 19th August, 1861, payable three years after 6atc to tho order of the sub scriber or as directed, and bearing interest at tho rate of 7 3-10 per cent, per annum, PAYABLE SESII-AN NUALI.Y: sncli interest being at the rate of TWO CENTS FOR EACH DAY ON EY'EItY HUNDRED DOLLARS.' For tho convenience of tho holder, each note will have coupons attached expressing tho several amounts of semi-annual interest, which coupons may bo detached a»d presented for payment separately froiu the notes. Subscriptions for such Treasnry Notes will bo received during FIFTEEN DAY’S from tho day of opening tho hook as aforesaid. Xrf subscription for less than FIFTY DOLLARS, nor for any fraction of that ouin, can he re ceived. Subscriptions or fifty dollars or ono hundred dollars must he paid in lawful coin of tho United States at tho time of subscribing. Subscriptions of more than one hundred dollars may be paid at once; or, if preferred, one-tenth at the time of subscribing and one-third of tlio whole amount on every twentieth day thereafter until the whole Ehnll be paid. No payment of less than fifty dollars cun bo accepted, that being the smallest sum for which Treasury Notes can be issued. Certificates will be granted in duplicate to subscribers for the amounts so paid* the original of which the sub scriber will transmit by mail to the Secretary of the Treasury, when Treasury Notes, as aforesaid, will be issued thereon to such subscriber or his order, carrying interest as expressed in such certificate; but In cases where only part of the amount subscribed is paid at the time of subscribing, Treasury Notes will bo issued only for the payments made subsequently to the first, winch will remain until the whole amount subscribed by such person shall bo paid, when Treasury Notes will bo issued for such first payment also* On payment of oacli de ferred instalment, the subscriber will pay, in addition thereto, a sum equal to the interest accrued thereon from the 19th of August to the dato of payment, and on filial payment like interest on the arnouut paid on sub scription, wliich payments of interest will be rciin , hursed to the subscriber in the payment of the first | coupon. The Treasury Notes issued upon such certificates by the Treasury will be sent to the subscribers by mail, or such other mode ns may be indicated by them when they transmit their original certificates. Tim duplicate cer tificates tuny be retained by them fur their own secu rity NEW PUBLICATIONS. PROPOSALS. FIFTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, At No. 114 South THIRD STREET, JAY COOKE, Office of JAY COOKE & Co., No. 114 South THIRD Street, next door north or Girnrd Bunt. scs-15t JJOOK BINDING-. Magazines, Illustrated Papers, and Periodicals of every _ description, bound neatly mid at REDUCED PRICES. N. B.—MUSIC hound strongly, ami with groat core. SAMUEL MOORE & SOX, JAYNE Street, between Eighth and Ninth anft Mar* kot and Chestnut. sc4-lm pOBTLAND KEROSENE OIL. We a re bow prepared to supply this STANDARD ILLUMINATING OIL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Z. LOCKE & CO., Sole Agents, 1010 MARKET STREET, •tS>6ii Philadelphia. RETAIL DRY GOODS. gP E CIA LN o tTo E . THOS. W. EVANS & CO. Would call the attention WHOLESALE BUYERS To their choice and varied assortment of NEW FALL DRESS GOODS. Tliis stock is mostly of their OWN IMPORTATION. CAlll.l tl.r.V SELECTED FOP. THE DF.ST RETAIL TRADE, c/ t r And will bo offered to the Trade at LOW PRICES, FOR CASH. 818 and 820 CHESTNUT STREET, BF.LOW CONTINENTAL HOTEL PHILADELPHIA E M O V A L . PRICE, FERRIS. & Co.. Having removed their Wholesale STOCK of WHITE GOODS, LINENS, LACES, and EMBROIDERIES, to No. 726 CHESTNUT ST.. No. 726 CHESTNUT ST., No. 726 CHESTNUT ST., NO. 726 CHESTNUT ST., Will, on and after MONDAY, SEPT. 2d, OFFER IT AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AS HERETOFOUE, AT PRICES MUCH BELOW THE PRESENT COST OF IMPORTATION Any novelties in our line produced during the season will be found in our stock. Extraordinary inducements will be held out in point of PRICES The attention of the Ladies is solicited. auSl-lm LONG CLOAKS, of Aqua Scutum. Blacks and Browns, Water Proofs. Hoods, Silk lined and tassclcd. ■BHARPLESSS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH, STELLA SHAWLS. Black Centres, medium to fine, fleotcli and French Borders. SIIARPLFSS BROTHERS, ee4 CIIKSTKUT raid EIGHTH. Balmokal petticoats. Three qualities of best colorings ami sti lea. SItAItI'LESS BROTHERS, «4 CIIKSTSCT and EIGHTH. IVTEW STORE! NEW STOCK! NEW JJ\ FIRM! Great Bargains in BIUSLIN AND PRINTS* Bonclit before the advance in Cottons, and SOLD AT THE OLD PRICES: A full and complete line of FALL DIIESS GOODS, AND FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY' GOODS, IU EVEItV VABIETV. CWrERTinVAIT & CO., Efo-tf K. SV. corner EIGHTH and MARKET Sts. pHEAP MUSLINS.— We will sell 10 cases (300 pieces) of the best Fruit of the Loom Bleached Muslins, at cents by the piece only. Tills is the very best shirting muslin made without regard to price, and we believe cannot be bought less than cents. We will also sell the best 6# cent bleached mus lin for 5 % cents by the piece ; the best 10 cent for 8)4 cents * full yard wide, B ft cents; good 12ft cents for 10ft cents: very extra filU'i lift CflltSi full Ift yurdSWiflCj 12ft cents; every make of bleached and unbleached mus lins at less prices than they can possibly be bought in Philadelphia. Extra heavy Canton Flannels at 10 cents. Table Linens at 25 per cent, under usual prices, and all qualities, from 50 cents to $3 per yard. Napkins at great reductions. Blankets very cheap. &8 Marseilles Quilts for 85, nnd all others in proportion. Twilled do mestic Flannel (lead colored) 12ft cents per yard. R. D. k W. 11. PENNELL, se3-6t 1021 MARKET St., below ELEVENTH. Great bargains in muslins. Shirtings, Sheetings* and Pilow-Caso Mnslins, by the piece or yard. V. E. ARCHAMBAVLT, N. E. Cor. ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, lias in store a large stock of Muslins,'at old prices. Fine Long Cloth Mus lins, yard wide, at 8,9,10,10 ft, 11, lift, l-» and 12ftc.; Sliirting width at 0,7, and 8 cents; White Sheetings, 10, 12,18, 25, and 31 cents; fine White Flannels, 12,18, 25, and 31 cents; Heavy Canton Flannels, 10,11, and 12ft cents; New Fall Style Mows, de Laiue, 12,18, and2o cents.' Cheat Pry Goods and Carpet Store, N. E. corner of ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets. ge3-12t THE ARCH-STREET CLOAK AND MAKTILLA STOr,E. HEW FALL CLOAKS. WATER-PROOF TWEED CLOAKS. BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS. EVERY KOVELTY AT MODERATE PRICES. JACOB HORSFALL, ftu3l-6m N. W. corner TENTH and ARCH Sts PRICES OF COTTON GOODS etill advancing. Having purchased a very large stock of BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS AND COTTON FLANNELS, EOK CASH, Before the present rise in prices, we will still SELL THEM AT THE OLD PRICES, BICH FANCY silks FOB FALL. A Full Line of the Best Black Silks AT THE OLD PRICES. New Style Fall Delaines at 20c. GREAT BARGAINS IN Black Silk Coats and Stella Shawls. 11. STEEL A SON, No. 71S North TENTH St., above Coates, Autumn pry goops. I -will open this morniag the following deslrufote goods• One Lot of Dark- Wool De Laine. One Lot of Lark Cotton and Wool t>e Laine One Lot of Mohair Poplins. One Lot of Ludies 1 Cloths. One Lot of English Calicoes, at • • _ JOHN H. STOKES’, 702 ABCH Street. •\TOTICE TO LADIES. JL i Will open this morning, from a bankrupt sale, the following goods, which arc decided bargttns; One Lot of Plaid Muslins at 18#, worth 28. One Lot of Plaid Muslins at 25, worth S7#. One Lot of Ladies 1 L. Cambric Handkercliiefs, 12# One Lot of Ladies’ L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 15. One Lot of Gents* L. Cambric Handkerchiefs, 25. One Lot of Hark Linen at 25, worth 37#, at JOHN H. STOKES’, 702 ARCH Street. Black silks at net cash PRICES. Black Gro de Rhines, fine grades. Black Gro Grain Mourning Silks. Black Figured Silks, double faced. EYBE & LA.NDEIIII,- • FOURTH and ARCH Streets. Fall de laines—the new STYLES. Pacific Vllls, new pattern. Hamilton Milts, new pattern. Manchester Mills, new pattern. EYRE A LANHEIiIi, FOURTH and ARCH Streets. Balmoral skirts, largest SIZES. Black Stellas, wholesale. Eight Mixed Sock Cloths. 600 pieces Tall Prints. T - EYRE * LA.NDEI.ti, FOURTH and ARCH Streets. Autumn dress goods. Black Gros de lUiinea and Corded Silks, Black Pou de Soics, Mourning Silks, Figured Black Silks, Colored Plain Silks, Bark Be Lames of rich designs, Wide dark Chintzes in Chintz colors, One Hundred Cases of very cheap-Calicoes, Madder Colore and handsome Hew Styles. Also, Hew Stella Shawls and Blankets, Sacque Flannels in bright colors, Bleached Muslins and Sheetings* Crush, and Diapers, Blankets, Damasks, and Quilts. BHARPLES9 BROTHERS, »u2B CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. TV/rUSLINS STILL AT OLD PRICES. iIKL —Notwithstanding the advance in price o£ Cot- UNBLEACHED SHIRTING MUSLINS AT THE OLD PRICES. BLEACHED SHIBTING MUSLINS At the Old Prices. SHEETING AND PILLOW-CASE MUSLINS At the Old Prices. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED COTTON FLANNELS, And Domestic Goode of alt kinds, AT THE OLD PBICES. New styles of PRINTS at ON, 8,10, and 12#. In order to insure more RAPID SALES, and to close onr stock in season, we have mrie STILL EUBTHEB SEDUCTIONS In prices of all our Summer Dress Goods. H. STEEL A SON, No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates. atigl6-tf CHEAP DRY GOODS—STILL FUHe- THEE DEDUCTION IN SUMMED STOCK, ,la order to insure sales and realise Cash. Fino Chintz colored Paris Organdies. - Do. do. Paris Jaconets. Medium style do. do. Dark Brown Lawns, 12# cents. . Silk Chaliies, Bareges, Barege Anglais, Gres; Goods* Poplins, Mono do Laines, Ac. Black Tamartino Crape do Espang, Ao. Foulard Silks and Milanese, Ac. White Goods in variety. A fine fine of plain Swiss Muslins, 12# ttsWicento. Black Lace Mantles, Bonrnous and Poixds. Slack and Colored Stella Shawls. A very cheap lot of Linen Cambric Hdkfg. A good stock of Flannels and Domestie Goods st the lowest market rates, for cosh only. CHABLES ADAM& ft SON, |y2o*tf EIGHTH and AJCH Streets. IQ/»1 —MEMORABLE YEAR!! jLOvle HABD ON DBS' GOODS! VEBY LOW PBICES! STILL MOBE SEDUCED 1 THORN LEY ft CHISM, „ E, 3S« corner SIGHTS and ePBBJG GABDBN) Want to sell their Block clean And have eonsognently REDUCED THE IB PBICK3. vest low, indeed. Fancy Sitka a little over half price. Bome stylea of Dress Gooda at half price. Lace Mantles, Pointes, Eugenios, Ac., very cheag. Black Silks, cheapest in Philadelphia. A great variety of Gray Goods, Lawn), &C., ftp. A very large ateck of Domestic Goods A very large etock of Linen Goods. Cloths, Caesimeres, Vestings, &e., Ae. N. B,—This u a SABE CHANCE to get gooda tup nsually Cheap. THOBNLEY ft CHISM, N. B. corner EIGHTH and SPRING GABDEN. N. 8.-Frem this date, JolfB,lorM“Caah onDe Utery.” Ilf DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. H C. LAUGHLIN & Co, No. 308 MARKET STREET, Arc receiving daily* from the PHILADELPHIA and NEW YOKK AUCTIONS* a general assortment of MERCHANDISE, bought for CASH. CASn BUYERS are especially invited to call and ex amine our Stock. ses-tf FALL SEASON. 1861. W. S. STEWART & CO., Importers and Jobbers of SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, NO. 305 MARKET STREET. In addition to our übunl assortment of BLACK and OTIIER STAPLE SILKS, We are now opening a desirable stock of NEW AND TASTY DRESS GOODS, To which we invite the attention of Buyers. Possessing the best facilities for obtaining goods, wo are enabled to offer ouretockon the most fuvoruble terms. Bc4-2m 1861. FAIX GOODS - 186 L FRESH ASSORTMENT. DALE, ROSS, & CO., 52t MARKET STREET, Hare received, and are now opening, a fresh stock of FALL & WINTER GOODS Which will be sold low for CASH and on short credits. #7- Buyers are respectfully invited to call and ex amine our stock. au&l-2m House-furnishing dry GOODS, of every description, cheap for cash. COOPER & CONARD, an 7 8. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET. Entire mantilla stock Reduced 40 per cent., to close. Bargains in dusters and lace mantles. Beßt hoop skirts, right shape, and reliable. •' COOPER & CONARD, auT 8. E. corner NINTH A MARKET. PLOT lIS, CASSIMERES, VEST INGS, comprising a fine stock, at low rates, of men’s and boys 1 wear. COOPER & CONARD» bu 7 S. E. corner NINTH & MARKET. Q CENT DE LAINES AND BA- O REGES. 52.50 and S 3 full length barege robes. Summer dress goods at half price. Black dress goods, a fino assortment. COOPER A CONARD, au7 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. FANCY GOODS. JpANCY GOOES, DRUGGISTS’ ARTICLES. A FULL ASSORTMENT FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN PER FUMERY. TOILET AND SHAVING SOAPS. BRUSHES AND COMBS, of all descriptions. POCKET FLASKS AND DRINKING CUPS. VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS. CHAMOIS, SPLIT, AND PLASTER SKINS. rOWDKII PUFFS AND BOXES. lUTENT LINT, Ac., Ac. OFFERED TO THE TRADE AT LOW PRICES. W. 13. GLENN, IMPORTER, No. 26 South FOURTH Street. CARPETINGS. E W CA R PETINGS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, No. 519 CHESTNUT STREET—OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE, Are now opening, from Custom House Stores, their FALL IMPORTATIONS NEW CARPETINGS. 1,000 pieces J. CROSSLEY & SONS’ TAPESTRY CARPETS, from 871 CTS. TO Si PER YD! 6-4 TAPESTRY VELVET; FRENCH AUBUSSON; FINE AXMINSTEK; ROYAL WILTON: EXTRA ENGLISH BRUSSELS; HENDERSON A CO.’S VENETIAN; ENGLISH INGRAIN CARPETS; ALL OF NEW CHOICE STYLES HAVING BEEN INVOICED BEFORE THE LATE ADVANCE IN THE TABIFF, "Win be gold at MODERATE FRIGES. &u29-2m REMOVALS. gWoTALT'™"'" PHILIP FORD & CO.. AUCTIONEERS. Hare removed from 630 MARKET Street, TO No. 525 MARKET ST., auol-lm And No. 522 COMMERCE Street, COMMISSION HOUSES. COFFIN, & c 67, No. 116 CHESTNUT STBEET, Offer, by the Package, the following Makes and Descrip. Hons of Goods: PRINTS. BUNNELL MFG. CO GBEENE MFG. CO. BLEACHED COTTONS. Bay Mill,.Lonsdale, Hope, Blackstone, Greene Mfg. Co.* Red Bank, Mariposa, Jamestown, Slateraville, Belvidere, Centred ale, &c. BROWN COTTONS. Fredonia, Ohio, Groton, Silver Spring, Glenville, Eagle, Mechanics’ and Fanners’ Union, Sc. CORSET JEANS.—Glasgow, Manchester. DENIMS AND STRIPES.—Grafton, Jewett City, Madison, Slatemille, Agawam, Keystone, Choctaw. CANTON FLANNELS.—Siatersville, Agawam, Shep pard’s. BILESIAS.—Smith’s, Lonsdale, Biamond Hill. . WOOLENS. BBOAD CLOTHS.—Bottemley’a, Pomeroy’s, Glenham Company. CASSIMEBES AND DOESKlNS.—Greenfield, Gay’s, Steams’. SATINETS.—Bass River, Crystal Springs, Oonvers ville, Hope, Staffordville, Converse and Hyde, Con verse Brothers, Bridgewater. ALSO, Flannels,. Linseys, Kentucky Jeans, Nankeens, Tickings, Colored-Cambrics, Printed Cloakings, &c. suSUmwom FLANNELS ANGOLA, MERINO, SAXONY, Eic. VARIOUS WIDTHS AND QUAL3HES. For sale by WELLING-, COFFIN, & Go. auO-fmw&m SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUBCHINSON, No. 113 CHESTNUT, STBEET, COMMISSION M BO HANTS FOE THE SAW OP PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. MILITARY GOODS. OR NAVY BLUE SATINETS. 4,000 or 6,0 M Yards Indige Bln Satinet, inch as Is used in the United States Navy. foreabb; FKOTHINGHAM & WELLS, QOTTON DUCK, BUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOR SALE BY myM-iftf FROTHINGHAM ft WELLS.. TIE INCREASING DEMAND FOR colored Photographs for 91, at BEIMEB'S Gallery, SECOND Street, above Green, is an evidence that the. jictupoi are appreciated. ‘ 35 LSTim Street, and 34 FRONT Street WANTS. ANTED—A PERSON C APABLE of taking charge of the books of on old Whole sale House in Market Street, who can furnish not less than $5,000 in cash, for which an interest in the business can be bad. Trade in Pennsylvania and Hie W est se cured, paying a good profit. An excellent chance for a young nmn wishing to commence business. Address, with real name mid reference, IMPORTERS A JOBBERS, Blood's Dispatcln au2B-tf ■EMPLOYERS WANTING YOUNG J~J Men, Ac.* are invited to address Uio “ Employment Committee, 1 ’ nt the Rooms Nf the Young Men’s Christian Association* 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT street. apB-fln fiw WANTED—SOO HORSES EOR V S. Cumin* and Artillery smief. M. A. KELLOGG, 112fi HACK FOR iSALE AND TO LET. LOW KENT—Four-story House and Store, No. 936 HACK Street —§330 per stiinum. reG-4t* TO LET—Large Store, Offices, and twolai'L'O HoniiiN. Miitnble For Artisans, n> tin* Ft*r- Yesi HuiUifflifS, eu>i side of Fourth street, below Chest* nut. For terms huiuire of K. SIIINN, No. filS FINK Street. fw6-frmvot* SALE —A Farm of 186 Acres, I* one of 100 Acres, one of SO Acre?, one of 78 Acre?, one of 24 Acre?, mid several other small Karins—good Land—with pood Ilulhlings, Spring Water, Fruit, Ac., convenient to Norristown and to Railroad Stations. Apply WILLIAM ROSS ITER, NtyjKISTOM'N, Pa. SALE—A Desirable Farm, con- JJ tniniiig 70 Acre* of Land, in the highest state of cultivation, Kituuto 7 mile* from the ofr>~« near Darby, Olio mile from Rllilloild Station (Modlft miul.) Excellent improvements, nicely aluuh*!, Wge Garden, Apple Or-’ cliurd, mid Fruits of alt descriptions. Spring of water near the Dwelling, running stream through the Farm. Will take part exchange. Terms easy, lV«w*Hon ut nny time. Apply to K. PETTIT, ses No. 309 WALNUT Street. mo EXCHANGE—VaIuabIe Farm, J. containing 108 Acres, situate in Montgomery Count}’, 20 miles nortii of the Cit)’, two miles from Kail road Station. Large Stone Mansion-house, Tenant'd House, two Darns, all necessary Out Buildings, largo Apple Orchard, and all kinds of Fruits, nicely watered with rmniUtg streams. Fine spring near the mansion, tfcCi Immediate possession. Apply to E. PETTIT, W 5 No. 300 WALNUT Street. P)R SALE AND EXCHANGE.— Farms in every locality, in the adjoining counties— States of New Jersey* Delaware, Maryland, At. Apply to E. PETTIT, PCS No. 300 WALNUT Street «ji| FOR RENT—A very desirable HUt four-story DWELLING, with double three-story BACK BUILDINGS, having all the modern conve niences. No. 110 North SEVENTEENTH Street, w4«ot# A RARE OPPORTUNITY!— HeIGHTH-STREET DRY GOODS STORE, with large DWELLING," to Rent. One of the best-located and fitted-up Stores on the street. For particulars, ap ply to E. WBIGLEY, Conveyancer, se2.6t# 134 South FOURTH Street. TO RENT—The beautiful and con fiULvenieut HOUSE, replete with all modern improve ments, No. 1735 ARCH Street; furnished or unfurnished. Apply at 416 COMMERCE Street. au24-lm TO LET.—A DWELLING HIHOUSE, THIRTEENTH Street, above Anil, Witt all the modern conveniences. Rent moderate. Apply tc WETHERILL & BROTHER, au3 47 North SECOND Street. gA TO RENT LOW—Furnished orun- Klfl-furnished, for six months, or longer, if desired, a large and convenient HOUSE, No. 1735 Arch street Apply to A. P. and J. H. MORRIS, 916 ARCH Street, jelft-tf EPHIIATA MOUNTAIN Hi SPRINGS AT PUBLIC SALE. ON SATURDAY, the 28rhrtay of September next, the undersigned. Executors of the will of Joseph Konig niacher, deceased, in execution of the directions of Raid will, will sell by public vendue, on the premise?, the fol lowing described Real Estate, late of said deceased—to wit: The well-known and popular watering place, known as “THE EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, 11 In the county of Lancaster, State of Pennsylvania, 13 miles northeast from Lancaster, 18 miles southwest from Heading, and on the Powningtown, Ephrata, and Har risburg Turnpike road, 59 miles west of Philadelphia, 38 miles east of Harrisburg, and 11 miles north of the B'ml in-Hand Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Tho propertv consists of 7T£ ACRES OF LAXD, Pnrt of it excellent fanning land, and part mountain land, covered with fine chestnut and other timber, with numerous springs of the purest water, which are con ducted to Douches and Baths. The Buildings are ex tensive, and capable of entertaining 000 visitors. This watering place ami glimmer resort has, every sea son since its commencement, been well patronized, at times to its fuH capacity, and this year has its full pro portion in comparison with similar places. The Columbia and Beading Bailrund, now being con structed, parses within of a mile of the Speingrs, and when completed|tvill make “Thu Ephrntn. Mountain Springs ” tin* most convenient of access of nil tho fcisMon able watering places. Possession and a good title will ho given on the first day of April next, or immediately if desired. Sale will begin at 1 o’clock of wrtd day. ADAM KONTGMACIIEB, XV 31. CAKFEXTEH, Executors. TO KENT—Large Communicating Furnished BOOMS r for Gentlemen, (without board), iu a private family, on WALNUT Street, west of Tenth. Apply to Drug Store, N. E. corner of Eleventh and Walnut street*. . au2o-tf "VTIAGAKA FALLS WATER POW JJN F.R.—CAPITALISTS AND MANUFACTU BEKS. Thi.s immense water power is'now ready for im mediate occupation, together with one hundred l acres of land, embracing one auartec of the village,- on-Vliich. to locate mills and manufactories. The stipulations for price of power will be one half flint at Lowell, Mass., and the iiunntity is alrnust un limited Should the demand warrant it, the American: Fall can easily he stoppodimd its great volinnedisohiirged through the hank below its present site, lor mill purposes,. under a head anil fall of 200 teet. The title is perfect and the property unincumbered. For further information apply tu N. W.Duy or A'..P. Floyd, Niagara Falls ;■ Alexander Hav,. No*. 1208-Vino street, Philadelphia; Hon. T.. A. Jenokos, Providence, K. I.; D. Thaxter, Boston; or the owner,. HORACE If. DAY, No. 91 Liberty street. New Yokk, September 2,1801'. se4-wfrm3m THE LINDELL. HO VY TEL COMPANY by Its Deed, dated- the first day of December, eighteen hundred’and fifty-nine, and recorded ill the Recorder's Oflice of St. Louis county, In Book No. 2U4, at Page 202, and aleo by its other deed, dated the said first day of December, ISSQ.-recorded In Book No. 239, Page 336, confirmatory of and supplemen tal to said first deed,.did convey unto WILL TAM M. MORRISON, EDWAItI) BKKDKLL,.and FRANKLIN A. DICK, the. following-described real estate,.situated in. Block No. 120, of-the City of St..Louis,.and described as follows: First , A Lot or parcel of land fronting- two-hundred and seventy-one* feeton Waslungton avenue,-by one hun dred and fifty feet in. deptlu.and bounded-aoutli-by Wash ington avemuyeftsb by Sixth street, nor Hi. by tho north line of the field lot confirmed to Joseph TiUUon, anil known ns Survey No. 1608,, mid west by Seventh street. Second, A certain Lot? or piece- of ground;.situate in said Block, containing about seventy feet, be- the same more or less, on Sixth street, by one- hundred and thirty five feet deep on Green street, he the same more or less; being Lot known and designated on the-plat of the lots laid out and made an addition to the-town of St. Louis, by William Christy,.as Lob No..oT,.bounded; on tho west by No. 38, as laid out*by Christy,.on the north by Green street, on the cast by Sixth, street,, and-on tlw south by the Lot herein.firstdescribed r which said* conveyances were made to-said MORItISOK, BIIEDELL,and DICK, in trust, to secure the payment of certain bowls therein described, nmaunting to four hundred, thousand dollars; being eight* hundredbonds-offivc hundred,dollars each, payable in ten years from tho firr-td.ay of December, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine,.to PETER LINDELL or bearer, with ten per cent ..interest;, payable semi-an nually from that date,.all payable- at the Ifcrok of Com merce, in Now York and WtemiB,.among'Othcr things, it was provided In said Deeds that if. tlio- interest upon said bonds, or any part thereof, should become duo and remuin unpaid for thirty days after the maturity thereof, that then, .by- reason of* such default, tho paid bonds shall forthwith become due and payable,.notiwittetandiiig said bonds may not- appear, on their iaoe to l>e due; and whereas,.sitid LINDELL lIUTEL COMPANY has, it is believed, negotiated, sold,.and’ pledged six hundred and sixteen of said bonds,.auiountitigtothwo hundred and eight thousand dollara,.upon all ofi which the semi-an nual intwr-t,.becoming due oil: tho fifist duy of June, eighteen hundred and sixty one,. hnfi< been (lilt! forniurO than thirty days, nml is still’unpaid,.although some or all of it-lias been demanded ; Now, .therefore,.we,. WILLLAIMj Mi..MORRISON, ED WARD BREDELL„aiuI KHANKA LN A. DICK, Trus tees as aforesaid,.at tho reuuest o£ many of tho indi viduals and corporations-holding saidlbonds, and in ac cordance with the provision* of said Deeds, will, on thet wcnty-scjßond day oF ©Dtobwr, eighteen Inin-. dred and sixty-one,.and hotwoGn. ilw hours of eleven, o’clock in.tlie fon'Hoon.and iiive in the afternoon, of that day 1 .at tllo east fronthlOon-ofi the Court House, in the CITY OF ST..LoUD£».Missouri* proteinl to sell tho nboYC-descriilad, for cash, at Pub* lie Yendue, t to t|io highwi bidriur, in ortior to pay tlrn holders of. saad bonds ttw nniounto duo thereon* aiul any amounts or eliargtw- thaft may be-payable under the aro visions of said de-ods,. tsgoWier wish the expenses of 't-foo Trust. WM..M..Mti>aafilSON, ) BIfcEDELL, > Trust y?. fic4.dtoc22 FRANKLIN. A. DICK, ) . GROUmi£S. _ €■ DONOGHUE, a 3 South WATER Street,, offura for- not*-, at tho market pricPß casil Packages of Stoauirßefined Sugars and Syrupi.. If rime Santos, Rio, /wA Java Coffee. eS-3t* MAiCKEKEL, herring, shad, 1 BALMfttfv &c.r-3vooo bbls. Mesa Nca.,l, 2, and 3 MACKEREL, lor<g.e,. medium, and smalls in assorted' packages of lute-caught, fat fißh. 6,000 bbla, New HoE£hx, Eastport, and Xutiwador Hetr. rings, of choice Quaiiiiej. 6,000 boxoa extea upw scaled Herrings.. 8,000 boxes extra nc-w No. 1 » 8,000 boxes laoge Kagdalinc Herring Si. 2SO bids. Mackiaae Wlute Fish. 60bMe.,aew Ksonomy MessSha^i. 25 bble.. new llftlifax Salmon. IfOOO.quintalß Bank 500’hoxea Heairimer County Cioeeow Hi store and faading, for sale by MURiaY ft KOONS^ no& No. 146 NORTH WHARVB9. rpO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE BUBAL MG^BICTS. W» ara prepared, as liMe.tefore, to supply families at fthaUr Country Reaidencea with «very description, of FINE GROCKWtfS, TEAS, SO., ftS. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. COBNEB. ELEVENTH AND VINE SBEETS. my!B INSURANCE COMPANIES. COMMONWEALTH EIRE INSU \J RANCH COMPANY, OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. DIRECTORS. David Jayne, M. D. t Clwafes H. Rogers, John M, Whitall, JoLn K. Walker, Edward C.. Knight, Robert Shoemaker, Thomas S.. Stewart, William Struthcr.-?, Heavy Lewis, Jr., Stephen Coulter. DAVID JAYNE, M. D., President. JOHN M. WHIT ALL, Vico President. 813 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. • THAME INSURANCE COMPANY, 11 No. 408 CHESTNUT Stnet. FIBE AND INLAND INSURANCE. DIBEOTODS. Goorge W. Day........ of Day ft Matlack. Bamtirl Wright........ “ Wright Bios, ft Co. D. B. Birncy..... « Davis ft Binsy. Henry Lewis, Jbr.... .. “Lewis Bros. 4 Co. C. Bichard Ron.-. “ J. O. How. ft Co. Jno. W. Eveiotao « J. W. Kverman ft Co. Geo. A. WtfA,,. West ft fobes. F, 8. Murtift 44 Savage, Martin, ft O®* C. WiVUA Davis Jaw. X. IV Woodraff. of Sibley, Molten, ft Woodruff. Kmslsi, Jr. No. ITIS Greon street GEORGE W. PAY, President. FBANCIS N. BUCK, Vtcs-Prwidsut WILLIAMS l. BLAN«IAK»( Btotetory. ia2sJf« AMUSEMENT!*, WALNUT-STREET THEATRE— NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Suit-Lmw-c MllS. M. A. GARBETTSOD, iYv. n'iVf it"o f* mi:, con.hook. THIS (FI: II) AY) EVENING, Srptumbcr ft, The- y.f j.-tiu'r l willrnmniwii'c tvitlt the drimtfi of JlX'lllSsi:, THE JUGGLER. Jorrissr, the Jun-ler ..Mr. COULDOCK, Julie Mi* ALICE GREY, To conclude with THE WIDOW)- VICTIM. Jeremiah Clip.. Jane Cliatteriy ADMISSION—Press Circle, She. ; I*art|iiet, 371,0. J {Secured srntf, 50c.): Family Circle, Me.; Private Bo»- cf, gs and 5F3) Single Sents in Orchestra and Private Boxer, 75e. : t pper Boxer, 25c. Dot-re open at 7%; Performance to commence j, to 8. IUKS. JOHN DREW’S IVX ARCH-STREET THEATRE. Acting and Stage Manager M . S. FREDERICKS, BuftincH?. Agent and Troaiiurer .JOS. D. MURPHY# THIS (FRIDAY) EVENING, September 6, The performance will commence with the school for scandal. Sir Peter Teazle Mr. JOHN GILBERT. Lady Tca/.10 MfB» JOHN DREW. To concludeuirh TIIK W HITE STATUE. Busybody, IMr- Charles Henri; Rosetta. Miss Miller. PRICES—7ft, BO# 87)4, ‘A and 15 cents. No extva ejuuge for reserved si-at*. Assembly buildings.— EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK, and on SATCS DAY AFTERNOON, at 3o’clock. Om Hundred Vtewsof SOUTHERN REBELLION, together with Sanderson'S gigantic representation of the RUSSIAN WAR. Both exhibitions M ill be given with mechanical effects, com bining the thunder of artillery, rattling of musketry, Btoim scenes, battles, sieges, bombardments, Ac., pro ducing a most startling and. interesting effect, and vividly portraying the horrors and desolations of sangui nary war. Admission, 25 cents \ children) 15 Cents. C 0« lored people, 25 cents. sS-tt PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, la open daily, Sundays excepted, from 9 A. M. till 6 P. M. Admission 25 cents. Children under twelve yeMV, h«lf price. Shares of Stock, $3O. jyl EDUCATIONAL. ' w BACHM'Xnn' Pianist, at the Nor • mal Mmicnl Institute, 4-G North ELEVENTH Street, gives instruction* on the Piano, Organ, ami Me lodeon. BidJ-lm* Germantown french and ENGLISH BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, MAIN Street, second door below JOHNSON Street. Madame F. DItOUIK and M’lle Em. ROSSKT having removed their School to Gerinaiitown, will open on MON DAY*, the 10th hist. A deduction ot ten per cent, will be made on pupils engaging before that time. Rkfkkkxcks.— Rt. Rev. Bishop Putter, Pa.; Rt. Rev Bishop Odenheimer, N. J.; Rev. Benjamin Dorr, Phila tlelphia; Rev. Mr. Rodney and Rev. 31r. Atkins, Ger mantown. «e4-tocl* SUMMER- STREET INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES.—Miss D. B. BURT will reopen her English and French Boarding and Day School on MONDAY, September 2, at No. 1026 SUMMER Street, Philadelphia. ftu26-mwf6ts Georgetown college, d. c., August, 1661# The exorcises of this Institution will be resumed on the first MONDAY' in September. Terms per annum* for Board and Tuition, $2OO, payable half yearly, iu ad vance. . For further particulars apply to the President. au34-wfiinlm JOHN EARLY, E. J. Academy of the protest- ANT EPISCOPAL CHUIiCII, Locust an! Junl per streets. The Autumnal Session will open on MONDAY, Sep tember 2d, at 9 o’clock A, M. Applications for admission may be made at the Aca demy on and after August 28th, between the hours of 10 and 12 o’clock in the morning. JOHN IY. ROBINS, A. M„ Head Master. aul9-mwf 1m TV/TTSS ABBY E. THOMAS WILL IYL REOPEN licr SCHOOL FOR TOI'HG LA DIES, At 213 South THIRTEENTH Stm t, between Locust atid Spruce, on MONDAY, September 9th, Number of pupils limited to twelve. se2-ot* MISS KITTERA intends to reopen her School for Children, at No. 50 North TENTH Street, on MONDAY, September 9. au3l»6t* BOARDING. PLEASANT BOOMS, with BOARD, at No. 257 North SIXTEENTH Street. sei-3t* PRIVATE BOARDING,—FINE BOOMS, at moderate pricey, may bo had for tbe winter, nt the ALLIBONE HOUSE, N. W. corner THIBTY-NINTH and WALNUT, West Philadei p)iia. an2B»lm LEGAL. TN THE COURT OF COMMON JL pleas foe the city and county of piii- Estate of CHARLES' L. KNEASS, InsAlvfrht. Tlio Auditor appointed- by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the First Account of John 31. Smiley, assignee in tru.'t for the benefit of creditors of Charles L* Kticoss, and report distribution of the net balance in the hands of the assignee, will meet the parties interested, for the pur yoseof Ills appointment, on TUESDAY, ITtii SEPTEM BER, 3 SGI, 4y. M. t at tlie WETJIEKILL HOUSE, Sansoin Street, above Sixth, in tlie city of Philadelphia.. WILLIAM ERNST, Auditor. SATING FUNDS. SAYInS fUND—UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, comer THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. S. R. CRAWFORD, President, JAMES K. RENTER, Secretary and Treasurer. Office hours, from 10 .nntil-S o'clock. Tliis company is not joined in any application to th* Legislature. SAFES-. LILLI-E?a SAFE DEPOT RE- IjIaIMOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, near the Franklin Institute. The undersigned, tbankfuhfor past favors, and belnfl determined to merit future patronage,, haa geoured as elegant and conveuienti and has now on band * large assoitment of Lillie’s Celebrated Wrought anil Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only strictly fire and-burglar proof safes made.*)- Atoo; LilileV Unequalled Bank Vault, Safe, and Bank Locks. Lillie’s Bank Vault Doors aud-Locks will be furniaoaft to order on short notice. This is-the strongest, best pro tected, and cheapest Door and Lock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called’ to Lillie’s New Cabinet Safe, for Plate, Jewetry, ftc. TiliS Safe i* con ceded to surpass in StylA and a)e«ahoe anything-y-et ot fered for this purpose, -and is the only one that is stncqF fire and burglar proof. Special Notice.— l-have now on hand say twenty oft Farrol, Herring, A Safes, .most ofthera nearly new* and some forty of other makers,,comprising a- complete assortment as to sizes, and all lately exchanged for thft now celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be Bold at 1 very low prices. Please call and examine. ja2s-lyif M. C. SADLER, Agent. The enemy of humanity at 1 LAST SUJIBOUNDED ?4-At 1220 WALNUT- Street, Philadelphia, Iho most astonishing, victories oro daily performed over diseases which have preved'a terror* to the Medical Profession in nif ages of.the world. As evidence of-, the abovo conquest over th» common eneniy of humanity, .wo beg leave to refer* tlie intelligent' reader to the names of the-iOllowing HbuorabW Gentle men of this city:. The undersigned take.pleasure in recnmmeii< th«' public the importnut discovery of Professors Botbeft. Cbninbcrlin in the use of 37»otricify for. tho airu of diS ense, and more-particularly that Class SddOQl>bQQefitfld' by medicine.. Judging from .what wc.hive.seen. of lh(fir>oporatiou on ourselves, and others, in the- curc-ofi obstinate disease®; tliat had for,years renlrte'l medical remedies,wo do not*, iiesitate to say that their mode oftreatnwiHis safe, .relia ble, imd efticient, and in. every respoct adapted : to tha. wants and relief of the dfeenseil. GEORGE Gv PRESISDRY,. Jr., Proprietor Gtracfti House, now of Willards* Hotel, .Washington. GLODGE GRANT,.No, 333 Markct’Streot-. De SILVER, No. 1736- Chestamtf street. C. H. CARMICK* Chestnut nud Fortieth .streets- HUGH H ARROLDv No. 49 South Third street. J9HN BUIST,NOu 922 Market streeA. &. P. M- TASKEi4.No. 1622- South Fifth street. 3. W. DAILEY,.Mo. 1850 Chesta*t<street. .JAMES P. GItEV-ES, M. !>-, No. iO6 Pi,>« -t-oot. IDWARD.McMiiHON.No. 122?, Bront street. STANI’OBD SIHSi.WELL,.No..K-26Daliner.etreet.. CHABLES D. fiII'SIINEY, Westerm Hotel. C. JroIIBIDE. NO- 617 South I'ourili street. J. BECKETT-,.Mb. 518CnHowhi3-etreet. J. B. SAWYBIt. PluiaiU-Iphiß. B. nriST, J tu No. 822 Markciwtwet, CALEB LASUJ, No. 1435 Chse-aut- street. BEVi J. tiALLOBY. J. S. RITTRJVNo. 18 North South street. M. J. GRIKRi Philadelphia.. T. Hv CB-AIG, No. 49 SontN-Shiid street. M. M-. LANNiNG, No. 162tJ.Piuibjiry avenue,. BGBZiNS, CHAMBIgiIiIN, .ft S-THVHNB,. soSl-CWf,- Nv. 1220-WALNUT Sfreoit.PhUm. NOTICE. TG THOB. PATRONS A*fD 6HIBPN3B. OE- THM eSXSID&(SaBf«M!a>:IiINE OP STB AMBUS. hnvißß.VMin, ipriiaUy wiAArAm.. TIBI PDILADHiUHIA- AND NJJW VCiSK *X PBESS SaSBAJIBOAT' COBtBAN.T Give, notice that ftey- will receive.and.forward #ll mat-, cliaadiee.intended Sorittiat-Line,.daily,.try tftair to and from New York,, at Ore. Wise, and Drafts • yearly contracla-witb the Shipp«a at tli» *wue price.. W. Pv CSiVIXS, Agent, M,6OUOT WHARVES, PhiladelßhK JAMES HAND, Agent, 117 WALS Street, Piers M and. K Bast Biver.N.'ift au29-6t .JCn regular line MESSsSm DAILY FXGVRSIONS.-SteiwivV, CO IIANSIIX leaves first Pier Mow ARCH Slsc every MORNING, at o.’eb)ckv (except Sunday>)u«r Ches ter, Penupgrove, New Castte, Delaware City, r prt l«ia ware, and pnlcm. Retnumin/, leave ana Fort st 2,o’clocb., Vsee for Ulc ExeaMbm---- - Y.Y"' Stages for Btidseioik aad Umi? 1 al i ‘S' I’'' 1 ’'' rl 11 Shumnr UluYßttU* U-ves at 2 o’riyeh, for aH landmas imim-d alurc axiept Fort Delaware. _____ Be3-10t* ffl r- K FOR NEW Y©SK. DAILY LINE s Delaware ai* Raritan C»n»l. _ Thiltalelphla and New York Oo**. pany receive freight and leave dailA F. M», deUfte*. ing thoir cargoes in New York the* lallowing days. Freights token at reasonable WM. P. G'iiVUE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH PhiladelpMlw JAM'i4 HAND, Agent, aul-tf Piers 14 and 16 EAST BJVEB, New Yoik. - PHILAWKIiPHIA A]S» ftSSSS WASHINGTON EXPRESS SYRUff- BOAT COMPANY. , . „ „ , New line direct for AlfHOhdria, Washlnstgiv Mff Georgetown. Through, in 86 bonrs. Steamer PHILADEARHIA, Captain THQS. HAND, Etenmer JEBOOUjI, Captain JEitOtWi. - Will leave PhllsdeiWA ""A TUKDAV, at 12 eiolooV At., connecting,wjth.aUjine» e 4. those ports, and rettuidag, leave WesAiitgtorh George town, and Alexwdlia every TUESWftA »j»d BATUB«. DAY, for Phihdelpht*. W. P. UW®*, Agent, Ne. PVfeGUTH WHABVBS, PhiladelpMOv MGBGAN ft RHINSHABT, Agent!, jyB4-lft Foot of Washingttm. FOR NEW YORK. •GpSsfslSrhilKlelpMii Sterna Itoprtler t&eir i>as*ww #e»wa w Hwwatfi m SOW wceivlng at BeooiA »bore Walnut street. 4 CO., 224 Beats Qttawan <w»n» .Mr. KIWIS APA MS. Miss C. Jefferson.