FOREIGN NEWS. Essays and Reviews.—lt has already been Stated that the Bishop of Salisbury uas commenced proceedings in the ecclesifiaiteal courts ugaiust the ftev. Dr. Rowland Williams, vicar of Broad Chalk. Wiltshire, the nutlmr of “Bunsen's Biblical Re searches’ 7 in the well-known volume entitled ‘‘Es says and Reviews. ' In order to meet the expenses which I>r. Williams must necessarily incur, a com mittee lias been formed to raise the necessary fund* for the defence, Mr. 0. \V*. Uoodwia, JV£. A., of fc?t. Cntharine's College. Cambridge, the author of “Mosaic Consr.gouy" in the volurno. and Air. Theo dore Du Bois, of Rolls Chambers, Chancery lane, noting as honorary secretaries. The committee urge that the Bishop of Salisbury’s proceedings may tend to suppress the freedom ol religious inquiry in the Church of England, aud that other cases of prosecu tion may follow if Dr. Williams should be con demned. TAXES ON ENJdYifj-ijjys.—The annual ‘•Elnance Accounts, 51 of England, which have been issued, Show that last your the duty ou spirits produced £11,849,152; the duty on wine, £1,114.791 ; on malt and hops, £0,838,9 JS ; on tobacco aud snuff, £5.- 606,483 —a1l this without reckoning licenses; on sugar, £6,097,389 : on confectionery and preserved fruits, £361,543; on game certificates, £129,906; on cards and dice. £14,532 ; on dogs. £197,520; on ar morial bearings, £57.118: on hair powder, £1,157 ; on race-horses. £6,241; on horses for riding, £242,- 438; on c«rr»«g*\s p.»thcr than hackney or Stage car. adages), £‘!.':OJU2; on servants, £202,105. A Year's Wjli.s in England.—A calendar of the wills and administrations of the year 1858 (at least from the 10th of January) has b'een published, and the registrar-general Ims made some interesting calculations founded upon it, making an estimate for the omitted ten days, so as to complete the year. 210,972 adults died in the twelvemonth, and 30.523 persons left personal properly behind them ; 21.653 had made their wills ; the other 9.170 had made none, and letter* vf administration had to be taken out; 89 persons with more than £10.009 ; (one worth above (£190,000) died without making a Will. The aggregate amount of property left by all these persons is estimated at £71,800,792, averaging £2.331 each. Distinguishing between the men and the women, we hrd that 102.049 adult men died in the year, aud 21.454 left personal property —for One who left any, four leaving none ; 108.923 adult women died, and 93V;? loft personal property. The average amount left by the men was 2.751 ; by the women, £1,37 i. Omitting now any estimate for the first ten days of the year, and dealing only with the actual will? and administrations of the rest of the twelvemonth, 'the personal property of those •who tlicd rnv, I’O.yry In number, amounted to £/!9,892 .*iwi. iJwh-eis £57-396.350 was left by the men, and £ J2.ioi.93ii by women. The stream of wealth dotted thus : 3*ei>on.*. Byins 22,f10 3.e=s thaw £l,ooo. . . 6,277 £I,OCO, hut tha»£ 1,020 CIO.UOC*, hut lew than £5U,U00.. 102 £OO.OOO. hut !iw than £lOO,OOO. 07 Abu'.v £190,000 29,9711 ... £60,893.389 Only one property w:r~ aworn so high as £900.009, And under £1.900.000 : J.Pvd ■were under £2O. The property divides nearly equally at £2i£l>o9. About r£25.000.000 b-:*lc:igOvl 20.502 person?, none having more Ilian £2':)_ot)U ; nn-i the other £25-09'}, Opi) be longed to iW7 persons, fifty times -fewer than the former eoir.phi. v. Of those who left above £ 1 UU.OOU thirty-seven were described as esquires, a term which would include men who had made their for tunes by trade or commerce; ten were titled per sonages, fire were b.uikcis, tour merchants, tluee clergymen, one cotion manufacturer.' one corn merchant, one hotel keeper; one was in the navy, one in the Indian army, one in the Indian civil service, one was a spinster. Three medical men left more tlii/i; x.'hl'jjO. A person described when he made Lis will a commercial clerk left above £§9.000. Seventeen *• laborers and mechanics*' above .t'l.huO- Of seventy five lawyers, fifteen died without making their wills. Tl\e foregoing statements, which must l>e taken as approximations lather than an absolute accuracy, relate to England alone. In the year ending March 01. 1659. legacy duty was paid in the united kingdom on £05.41'.01L —but that docs not from husband to wife, or the converse, no legacy duty being then payable; succession duty on real pro perty was paid upon £29.242.030. and. estimating that to be taxed to the next successor nt half its saleable value, it will amount to £58.485.200. On this assumptidw £i2:i.920,5 v the .Emperor Hnpoleon 111. from Father Ventura. W it encountered great opposition from Charles Albert Who had fur different views. Ventura remained *t Borne after (he flight of the Pope. He was of fered the Presidency of the Constituent Assembly, blit declined the perilous distinction, lie never beueved m the durability of the Boruan Republic but he was Strongly opposed to the attack on Koine bv General Oudmot. lie left the city on tile 4th of Suiv, ana retired to Civita Vccchia under the pro lection of the French. Despairing of enlightening tlie public mind on the rc«l state of Italy,' and uil able lo lender any further service to the Pope or to the nation, be quitted Italy for France, anti took up his residence at Montpellier. Here he letirW wit.l pain that his sermon i; On the Victims of - \ lenmi was condemned by the congregation of the Index; but he submitted nevertheless, and ; iormally retracted the opinions he had advanced in 1 that ducoiufc. During his stay at Montpellier he ! published Ijttrrs to a Protestant Minister, with the view of refuting the arguments of a elcrevmaii ; of Geneva who cuutended that St. Peter had ; riever been in Heine. He remained tv.’O year’ at Montpellier, and practised prcneMng in the'l’reneh language, and then came to Paris. Here, where ! Ins name was already known, lie acquired celebrity 1 by bis Conferences with the savants of the observa tory and the institute, but, above all. by his set- ' Dions and his publications. For vears, he drew i crowds to the churches of the Madeleine and St ! iiouis d Aiitm. The original character of his stvle i the copiousness and energy of bis language, and I ills buists of lofty eloquence, not'to speak of his ; ras,. store of theological science, made even lii« : most fastidious hearers forget his peculiar pro- ! Dunciation of the French tongue. He also preached the Lent scnmius in the Imperial Chapel of the i Tuitcncs. He resided sometime at Versailles. I and then feit his health rapidly declining. When ! Cautajs Porter, U. S. M., is out ill a card all hope was over he earnestly besought the Bishop j pronouncing a letter.recently going the round- of * ersaiLes to obtain for him the benediction of : the newspapers, purporting "to have been uttered tnc Bope. Ims IA at onco acceded, and the Pott- : kv liis son. adverse to the Government, a fabrica tifical benediction reached Father Ventura onlv a lion and a furgery. as will be proved in due time few days before ho died. * Turn,, ifti, t-i r. _ ■ ! Jin- "It. D Ihe fitusvillo Gazette says .1 1,1 « v-V NIVA Conference.—The following arc I ‘-here are about eight hundred oil wells, from Oil lajc official arrangements for the approaching threat '■ l *>'• («hc mouth uf uil creek) to Titusville. The Evangelical Conference at Geneva, to be held un- : Humber of flowing well* from the mouth to the aer the presidency of Lord RodenSunday, Sept. ! K.vnd farm. is sown. M^ a «pt- -- In °r- : Ma.ior General Swixinjits, of the British iTrJn it i * President of the r army, died near .Southampton on the °7th nit lie French branch of the Evangelical Alliance. Ad- ! entered the sc,-vice in™fj, "„d ' i " 1? lbidem or delegates or thet several the siege of Copenhagen, in the Peninsula from ' Bu 3 eeebous. t omdudmg address, by Pastor Bard, of to 1815. and at \ew ijrlciin- Geneva. Afternoon. The Sabbath, and the he-t ; -r,,..', i,- ~ „ Means of Promoting its Sanctification; paper by t . Aumv ohm in Maisi:.—Tho Ellsicorih Professor Godet. Xeufebatel. First speaker Pas- r a J“ Ihat the army worm lias not proved tor F. Couliu, Geneva. Tuesday. Sept! ii.morninie : dc ' ,rilljl,T * i >» that l egion ns was feared, and that —The Religious Uestitution and Immorality of tlTe '■ l0 ~ ■Wear to be subsiding. The Dover (JWrrrr Masses in all Countries, together with the Monn* wqiorts the appearance uf tho worms in that vi whichWiVilom and Experience may point out foP ! " nit^ the Applicntmn of the only efficient Remedy for : -Au. lIASD* Lost.—During the hard storm Jhese great Lvih; pajier, by Frofusswr Roseau, , of last weak, a schooner went down to Uio eaetirard ot. Iliiiare, rails. Dr. Mttdeod. of Glasgow. of the lighthouse on Sn-atford sh«*oh?. Connecticut and Dr. Gutbric, of Edinburgh, will speak on = nnd i?i reported that all hands on board were thus question. Afternoon.—-Mission Work ftwon" drowned. Uie Heathen since the Conference at Berlin ; papeT ! Kai-iiaki Fet IV, the brother of Iluclml has by M. Christ, president of the Society of Mission? rrrrntTv W hi. ..iiw , „ , ! 1L -. s at Basle. First speaker, Pastor L. Bridel. of Vaud. ! in<» thorele'of^ ”, c “ Bcd t 0 Fl».v- Wcdnesday Sept 4, Kxninin": lho i, Ikw-P h S tion of the Skepticism of the Present Hay in France: t-,. v „ paper by M. Krnest Naville, of Geneva. First . r U dX, , ; - yKN " ' CttnisriA.v Association speaker, Pastor Bnstie, of France. Afternoon ?* Afcw , lorh “".ti distributed 4,010 volumes to the The People of Israel and the Gospel of Jesus ClirisC n ' ,J ?r s; *••"< copies of ihe Testament in English, paper by Hr. Gopadosc, of Holland. -First speaker. ’ !• > e-pic, in German, besides .'tli.UUO tracts i M. TViliiam Petayel, of Keufchatel. Thursday, ‘tom -New Folk viiy. and ].-’OO little books. . Sept. 5 (no nieeliii" in tho morning). Afternoon.— 51 Oltiin.vs Cotton (4rowers Tin* Mormons - Italian Italy and the Gospel; paper by are raising a enn-.iden.Ue quantity "f :Xn the 1 3*stor Of Turra. First Speaker. Proitaior MresCJil sea.«oH. and are vmding » e?»IUm ia Jf azJ !arella, yf hulugna. Friday, Sent. 6, morning. l»«rowi.n. Utah Territory. ° ° m ! The Character,sties of the Reformation and of life . a....'. . i- . . v- . " .. „ Reformer of (feiieva; paper by Dr. Meric 1)* An* ' A L’.vii I ij:c E.\i;ink roil Baxoor.—The jbigne. of Genera. First speaker, Frofessor JLei city government of Bangor Lave contracted with ©f Er!at>gcD. Afternoon. —Sunday Schotil^ 1 ' the Portland Company for the construction of ono •pajier by the !Ov. J. C. Fletcher, of New Yok\ of their raeduinwized fire otiginci?. j First speaker, Master Paur Cook, of CnUh. It is allkgfd tbut u dojmtution of traitors Saturday, 7. morning.—Religious Liberty, from St. Louis have been a? fur North as Chicago, : considered asthc Guarantee ofthe Order and Peace asking anangementa with their sympatbizers for of States; papeyhy Pa-stor E. dePressense, of x j a- secret mfurmntion m regard to the movement of • Vis. First speaker, Pastor Vlguet, of Geneva. Af- troopg. ternooo.—American meeting tin English).—lnflu- : A llomk MAN.~.|anasßal)Cock > of Northbo- ' fhofleG™ ‘ il.’ rSISJ m arr erty i on 7 Ca ‘ r T' 811 ’ - is now cighty-four years of age, has thobcism lo the l*nrted the hev. Doctor ■ always lived m that town, end Batrd.of J\cie lor/;. Monday, Sept, of tllc ! the Means by which this may be successfully »c- hi-Veen '^ e <} . ovcrnor of i cumplLhed. Afternoon.—The Religious Comiitiim ‘hut State ha. been called onto raiso six or eight \ of tlie People ofEastern Europe andVcstern As o 1*!!!! -! 1 v < ' t l„ p i'; n ,aßa T m " kin S, tU speakers. M. Frederick Rougomont. of Keufchatel : from f « urtccn 10 i s,3£tcen «>ousand men. Pastor Monscll. of Ireland. Tuesday, Sept. 2(>’ Chicago is tlio largest grain depot in the morning.—^The Importance of uniting Doctrine with w °rld, and the new wheat crop is now running in j Christian Life in order to the Prosperity of tho *korc over tho rails at a price of 29 ccntspcr buriiel ! Church; paper by Pastor Bauty, of Vaud. First lower than lost year. 1 Pastor Grandpicrre, of Paris. Afternoon, i Du. D. C. Mi nsox, an attache in the As- '> ~-lhQ Religious Movement in Germany since the !■ layer'd Department of the Mint in San Francisco. 1 Conference of Berlin; paper by Fnstor L. Ttonnet. of Jrnßkfuvt, Ohiof apmker, Professor Thuluch. of llalle. "Wednesday, Sept. H, morning —Meet ing reserved for German Switzerland. Wlmt nre the Principal Points on which the Rationalism of tho present day, particularly that of Germau Switzerland, is opposed to Hvangclical Christiani ty? paper by Professor Koggcnbacii, of Basic. Afternoon.—Meeting reserved for Germany. Tues day, Sent. 12. morning.—On Christian Brother hood mid tho Characteristics which should distin guish Controversy among Christians; paper by M. Agenor do Gasparin, of France. First speaker, Fnstor Tournier. of Geneva-. Afternoon. —Revi- vals; paper by Pastor Anet, of Belgium. Chief speaker, Pastor Frederick Monod, of Paris. Only two Aiueri«m appearances at this Conference ? GENERAL NEWS. APPAIIiS IsTKXA?ASt) A rikoxa.— Accounts received through the Santa Fe mail confirm the re port of tho surrender of Fort Fillmore. Lynde abandoned Fort Fillmore on the 26th ult., and marched toward Fort Stanton. When about eighteen miles from Fort Fillmore, he surrendered his whole command, numbering some 500 men, to 300 Texnns. The Texaus afterward took possession of Fort Stanton. Seven hundred rebels attacked a small body of United States forces in Mcsilla, Ari zona. Captain McNally and Lieutenant Brooks, of tho Federal army, wore wounded. The tight was stopped at nfc;ht by mutual consent, tho Federal forces leaving the rebels in possession of Mosilla. Fears are entertained that Fort Union may be taken, and tho Santa Fe people are somewhat alarmed. FiKSJiisu Oitra gf. ix Kkn’tuukv. —The Le banon Central Knitarllttu publishes the following account of an outrage recently committed in Oascy county : An old citizen of the county hud sold his farm and received the money, or a portion of it, when some five or .*ix villains proceeded to liis house for the purpose of robbing him. They took the wife of the old man and tied her, and then seized the old man, made a fire and held his feet and legs in it to induce him to tell where his money was con ccalcd. Failing in this, they tied a cord around his head, drawing it so tight as to make his eyes protrude from their sockets. They finally prevail ed on the old man to tell where a part of his money was concealed, which they got, and made off. Four of them were subsequently arrested. Venezuela. Affairs. —Wu have advices from Venezuela to the Ist insf. On the HHh of July the acting President issued a deeree virtually as suming a-Dictatorship, and expressing a determina tion to put a stop to iiic war of mew which has so long raged in that unhappy country. By another decree of the same date, the publication of any of the military movements of the Government is for bidden, and a third decree of July 29 provides for the establishment of a national police in the capital, and wherever else it may be deemed ne cessary. £o,TO'»,SSO .20.010.'>00 2t.M1>,000 7.100.000 i-j. 000,000 Arrest or a Norm Hor.*e Thief.—About four months ago .the vicinity of Elmira was made the scene of many robberies, which mostly consisted of valuable horse?. Owen C. MeG-mny losing a beau tiful pair of horses and a wagon valued at over £7OO. A description of the thief having been ob tained, the case was placed in the hands of William Loo. Chief of Police, who succeeded on Saturday in arresting a man named Trumbull. The suspected party has been committed to answer. Mr. .lmix ISkatty, of Darlington, Bouvcr county. Pa., having retired to rest, was aroused at midnight by ft loud knocking at the door. Hastily rising, be repaired to the door, when a concealed villain, intent upon murder, tired either a gun or a pistol, discharging its contents into the body of Mr. B,' The would-be murderer made his escape on one of Mr. Beatty 1 © horses. A New Exgixe m* Destruction’. —An inge nious mechanic of Cincinnati has invented a new gun which will carry a nine-ounce ball, and has the same.range as ft siv.pound rifle cannon. Two men can manage it. one carrying the gun. the other the ammunition, one hundred rounds weighing less than seventy pounds. The name of the inventor is Powell, and he intends shortly to bring the matter before the authorities at Washington. G oxe Oyer to inn Exemy.—A special de spatch lo the New York Times says First Lieut. Manning M. Kimmell, of the Second Cavalry, who was at Bull Bun wilh a part of his regiment, has resigned his.commission and accepted U captaincy in the rebel caralvy in Missouri. Bishop Odexhedikr . Ims issued a pastoral letter to the clergy and laity of the diocese of New Jersey, appointing a special service to be observed on the last Thursday of September, the day set apart by the President for fasting, humiliation* and prayer. The Release of Boteler.—Gen. Bank l ; is not to blame for the release of the Hon. A. R. Boteler. His orders to Colonel Leonards, of the Massachusetts Thirteenth, were to take and hold liim : but Mr. Holder's tongue "wa» too much for Col. Leonards, who set him free on his own respon sibility. ; Shocking and Disgraceful Affair in New York.*—During tho departure of the Cameron Rifles, on Saturday evening, for the scat of war. they wore attacked by the Fire Zouaves. During the disturbance a policeman was stabbed, and a volunteer, who had attacked him, was mortally wounded. , Governor Dennison*? Generosity.—There | being some discrepancy in the muster-rolls of the | Bursdnll (Ohio) cavalry- a few days since, which ? resulted in a loss to the men of $203. Governor Dennison at once made up the deficiency out of his ! own pocket. i Another Tragedy ix COLORADO.—From ! tho Denver papers of tho 1.31 h, we learn that a man • named Reynolds, residing near the forks of the j Yrain and Platte, attempted lo shoot a woman with ! whom he had lived named Caddie Dexter, where j upon she committed suicide by swallowing poison. Rebel Heck fits from Kentucky. —We are reliably informed that a company of eighty men, enlisted in Northern Kentucky for the rebel army, passed through Cincinnati day before yesterday undisturbed, and got off to Louisville, eu route for Nashville and the Southern Confederacy.—Cin ciimati 2>a]>cr, 2bth. The Cairo correspondent of the Cincinnati Crftsette says : Afishoriunncsuightn bottle, recently, which was found to contain a paper, giving the exact position of the fortifications, magazines, Ac., with the number of men at Cairo and Bird's Point, di rected to General Pillow. It fortunately floated into a Union net. Col. Henry Doioiieett is a native of Illi nois, having been horn in Carlyle. Clinton county, where he at present resides, lie crossed the conti- RCiil. .»yk.&'i^tbeir.=Z‘i, l,J ~ Journal'. A New Yorker Indicted for Treason. Jerome Barber, of Marcellus. N. V.. bn., been in dicted tor treason, It is alleged that 1m was an engineer in the rebel army, and assisted to con struct the Vicksburg fortifications. Mi.tixkers sent to Dry Tortl-oas. AH the mutineers, whose names have already been pub lishcd, including those of the Second' Maine and Thirteenth and Twenty-first New York, were sent to the Dry Tortugas this afternoon. —Washington Concxjmttlcnes Tribune. 2otii. = Kii.led ey ins .Tailor. —A man named Daniels, in jail at White Plains, New York, for as sault and battery, attacked his keeper, intendin'*- to obtain tho jail keys and release nil tho prisoners? The jailor, nnined Crawford, shot him dead on the spot, and, on investigation by a coroner's jury, was justified in the act. 1 * T in-: Gazette, says that the schooner Gold Hunter. Capt. Curtis, reached that port a few days since with a cargo of 10.000 bushels of wheat from Milwaukee, en route to Liverpool on special charter by a Liverpool firm, who have dis patched several vessels this season from the upper lakes to English ports direct. * Tiie Late Freshet.— TJio Sandusky ( Ohio) hrgmtrr says the damage done by the recent flood along the valley of the Mahoning. Shenango. and fi e-bannock creeks is unprecedented.' 1 ". All ■ the bridges over the tributary streams hare been swept nw-ny. rendering the passage of coaches and other vehicles impossible. .. eirrs ox the Srx.—There arc a! the pre sent lime thirteen or fourteen distinct spots and groups of spots on the sun. Three nr four of them are pretty targe. They may all he rcndilv seen with a telescope of moderate power. The i nr e iorc returning to Maggachuaetti tu rtiism a new din- lias disappeared, and lus friends nre alarmed lest ho be dead. During tho week ending August 17th, the total receipts of flour mid grain in Chicago amounted to 1,874,515 bushel?, showing an increase on tho supply of the week previous of about 650,000 bushels. Major Si.emmer.—Major Slemmer, now recruiting for the Sixteenth Infantry at Chicago, has been ordered to take the field u within the De partment of Ohio ’• —Uen. Koscnornns’ command. The "Winchester (Yn.) Republican records the (loath of Alexander Darkens, Fsq., editor of the Clarke (Va.) Journal, published at Borryvillc, from wounds received at Manassas. A daughter, five years old, of E. L. Daven port. the actor, came near being killed, on Wednes day, at Roxbury, Massachusetts, by being thrown from a carryall. All the reports now going the rounds of the papers about Garibaldi anil his son should be chro nicled under the general head of Uaribalderdash. — N. Y. Lender It is said that the Secession postmasters are making strenuous exertions to convert their slock of Vuitcd States stamps into cash. Their opera tions nre on tho borders of the Middle States. A pickpocket was recently arrested in St. Louis who said that his hand had found its way into fifty pockots during tho day without coming across a single dime. YYnisii Gen. Siegel was in St. ijonis lie was complimented with a torchlight procession nnd se renade. He has received his commission as briga dier general. U. S. Us'iv Kits a list Convention.—The G eneral Convention of Univcrsnlists in the United States will hold its next nnnunl session in the city of New York oil Tuesday, September ITtli. The lion. Arnold Medhury, one of the les sees of the public works in the State of Ohio, died a few days ago at lioecoe, Coshocton county, in that State. Union Medicine. —“ The hospital at Fortress Monroe has been quite full, but nearly all the eases are now cured. v — Ptrehonge. That proves tho excellence of Monroe DoctVur ! —Vanity Pair. A young gentleman of “ great expecta tions” advertises in a Dublin paper for a wife, and thinks that a lady with “ youth, beauty, and two hundred a year,” would suit. A rew gentlemen of St. Louis have sub scribed Si .400 for tho purchase of a carriage and pair of horses, which they will present to Mrs. Fre mont. Fatal Accident. —Fortescuc It. Jackson, paymaster on the Chicago and Itoek Island Bail road, was killed in a collision of cars near Peoria on Tuesday. Political. —Capt. Thomas Francis Meagher is understood to have the inside track for the regu lar Democratic nomination for county clerk of New York. New Mexico. —lion. John S. Watts, for nicrlv of Indiana, and Hon. Diego Archalota, for merly of the Mexican Congress, are candidates for Delegate to Congress from New Mexico. Ohio Forces in the Field.—By tlio mid die of the present week Ohio will probably have 30,000 men in the field. The Illinois Central. —Thirteen hundred carloads of produce reached Chicago last week by the Illinois Contral. Bayard Taylor is to be the war corres pondent of tlio New Y'ork Tribune. His new volume of poems will appear in November. James Buchanan was arrested, in Cincin nati. on Friday last, for stealing an umbrella. See what it is to have a bad name. A piece of ' insulated copper wire has been found, which is a portion of a line between Centrc viile and Arlington. The Chicago Posl says that in tlic battle at Wilson's Creek, Lieut. Farrantl. of the Second Dra goons, captured eight Secession flogs. The Indians arc said to be committing de predations in Jackson. Minnesota. A force from Fort Bidgcly lias been sent against them. A benevolent lady ill Northwestern Mis souri offers a premium for enough Yankee scalps to make a bed quilt! 'Nearly the whole amount, §10,000,000, of the new loan, assigned to Boston, has been already taken. ITiram P. Bennet and Judge Williams are now the only candidates left in the field ns delegates to Congress from Colorado Territory, (Pike's Peak.) Tiie Louisville Journal office was robbed of $6.10 in specie, a few mornings since. Personal. — Ex-Governor Patterson, of New Y'ork. is lying ill with paralysis, at Gre gsville. MEDICINAL. ™ The New Remedy for RHEUMATISM. During the past year we have introduced to the notice of the medical profession of this country the Pure Crys talized Chloride of Propylamine, as a REMEDY FOll RHEUMATISM; end haying received from many sources, both from phy sicians of the highest standing and from patients, the MOST FLATTERING TESTIMONIALS of its real yuluc in the treatment of this painful and ob stinate disease, we are induced to present it to the public in a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, winch wo hope will commend itself to those who are suffering with this afflicting complaint* and to the medical practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, in the form above spoken of, has recently been extensively experimented with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSFITAL, and with MARKED SUCCESS, fas will appear from the published accounts in the medical journals). It is carefully put up ready for immediate use, with full direction?, find can be obtained from all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and at wholesale of BULLOCK & OUENSIIA.W, Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, Philadelphia* ma 24-ly ■JIyfES. JAMES BETTS’ CELEBRA -I>JL TED SUPPORTERS TOR LADIES, and the Only Supporters under eminent medical patronage. La dies and physicians are respectfully requested to call only on Mrs. Betts, at her residence, 1039 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, (to avoid counterfeits.) Thirty thousand invalids have been advised by their physicians to use her Kpliances. Those only aro genuine bearing the United States copyright, labels on the box, and signatures, and also on the Supporters, with testimonials. ocl6-tnthstf _»UUK Aj*D JOB rt TJTTTE P E TTS S’’ TTIV ' I BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The attention of tlie Business Community ig re- spectfully invited to the New Book and Job Print- ing Office of The Press, which has been fitted up with New Material, in the most Complete Manner, and is now prepared to execute, iu a satisfactory Style, every variety of Printing BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CARDS, CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, BILL HEADS, BILLS OP LADING, LETTER HEADINGS, DEEDS, BONDS, MORTGAGES, CERTIFICATES, BALL TICKETS & PROGRAMMES, POSTERS, HANDBILLS, DRUGGISTS’ LABELS, Gold, Bronze, and Colored Printing executed in a Superior Manner. MERCHANT.?, MANUFACTURERS, MECHANICS, LAWYERS, AUCTIONEERS, I>UDLIO OFFICERS, BANKS, RAIL- ROAD AND INSURANCE COMPANIES, Etc., Will be supplied with any description of Printing required, at Short Notice and on the most Rea' eona&le Terms. jc3o-tf THE PE ESS.—PHILA DELPHI A, TUESDAY, AUGUST 2T, 1861. CIRCULARS, PAPER BOOKS, Etc., Etc., Etc. MEDICINAL. fc rjIHEY GO RIGHT TO THE SPOT.” INSTANT BELIEF ! STOP YOUR COUGH ! PURIFY YQUR BREATH! STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOlt LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. GENTLEMEN CARRY SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITH SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. CHILDREN CRY FOR SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS, They rcliovo a Cough instantly. They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to tho Voice. They impart a delicious aroma to tho Breath. They ore delightful to the Teste. They are made of simple herbs, and cannot harm any one. I advise every one who has a Cough, or'a Husky Voice, or Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to get tt package of my Throat Confections. They will relievo you instantly, and yon will ngreo with mo that “they go right to the spot.” You will find them very use. ful and pleasant while travelling or attending public meetings, for stilling your cough or allaying yottr thirst. If you try one package I am safe in saying that you will ever afterwards consider them indispensable. Von will find them at tho Druggists and Dealers In Medicines. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. My Signature is on each package. All others are counterfeit. A package will he sent by mail, prepaid, on reeeipt f Thirty Cents, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE. NERVOUS HEADACHE. CURES ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE! By thft tiso of these Pills tho Periodical attacks of Ner vous or S e-ck Headache may bo prevented; and if take at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing tho Nausea and Head ache to -which females are so subject. They act gently on tho bowels, removcing Costiveness For Literary Men , Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits , they are valuable as a Laxitive, improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to tho digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasti city and Btrength of tho whole system. The CEPHALIC TILLS are the result of long Investi gation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many years, during which time they havo pre vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in tho nervous sys tem or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any clinngo of diet, and the absence oj any dis agreeable \tasle raiders it easy to administer them to children.. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS! The genuine haTe [five signatures of Henry C. Spalding on each Box. Bold by Druggists and ail other Dealors in Medicines. A Box will be seut by mail prepaid on receipt of the PRICE, 25 CENTS. All ordcrß should bo addressed HENRY C. SPALDING. 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. From Ike Examiner, Norfolk, Va. Cephalic Pills accomplish the object for which they were made, viz: Cure of headache iu ail its forms. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. They have been tested ill more than a thousand CdSCS, With entire success. From the Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn. If you are, or have been troubled with the headache, Bond for a box, [Cephalic Pills,] so that you may have them m case of an attack. From the Advertiser, Frovidence, R. I. The Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkably effec tive remedy for the headache, and one of the very best for that very frequent complaint which has ever been dis covered. From the Western R. R. Gazette, Chicago, 111. We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his unrivalled Cephalic Pills. From the Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va. We are sure that persons suffering with the'headache, who try them, will stick to them. From the Southern Path Finder, New Orleans, La. Try them 1 you that aro afflicted, aud we aro sure that your , testimony can be added to tho already numerous list that lias received benefits that no other medicine can produce. From, the st. Louis Democrat . Tho Immense demand for tho article (Cephalic PillB) la rapidly increasing. .. _ F ™ m tke Gazette, Davenport, lowa. Mr. bpalaing would not connect his narao with an ar ticle he did nut know to possess real merit. From the Advertiser, Providence, R. /.’** The testimony in their favor is strong, from the most respectable quarters. From the Daily News , Newport, R. I. Cephalic Pills are taking the placfc of all kinds. From ihe Commercial Bulletin, Boston, Mass. Said to be very ellicacious for tbo headache. From ihe Commercial Cincinnati. Suffering lniinfiiHty can now be relieved. A Single bottle of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times their cost annually SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE l SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE ! SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE ! SAVE THE PIECES ! ECONOMY l DISPATCH IW« A Siiioh is Time Sates Ab accidents will happen, even in well-regulated fami lies, it is very desirable to huvo some cheap and conveni ent way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, lcKec» i Gao. 11. Stuart, Halbrr» Fruzier, i John If. Brown. John M. Atwood, j B. A. Fahnestock, Benj T. Trodidc, 1 Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, . J. L. Ervinger. V. RATCHFOED STARR'. President. Charles W. Coxe, Secretary. felo PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, No. 921 CHESTNUT Street, Philatk-Iplua. (HA ItTKR PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE IN SURED. Insure Lives for short terms or for the whole term ofliFe; grant Aimnties ami Endowments; purchase Life Inte rests in Real Estate, and make ail contracts depending Oli tlie contingencies of life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. ASSETS or TIIE COMPANY* January 1. 1831. Mortgages, ground rents, real estate $322,931 97 United States stocks, Treasury notes, loans of State of Pennsylvania, city of Philadel phia. Ac....... Premium notes, loans or collaterals, 5ee. .... Pennsylvania, North Pennsylvania Rail roads, and County 6 per cent, bonds. ••••• 105,802 50 Bank, insurance, railroad, ennui stocks, &c. 97,647 49 Cash ou haucl, agents' balances, &c., &c 83,205 14 $1,071,133 02 DANIEL L. MILLER, President. ISAMI'Et 35. STOKES, Vice President, John W. Horxor, Secretary. Delaware mutual safety IKSUKAKCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, 1535. Office, S. E. corner of TITTItD and WALNUT Streets, PHILADELPHIA. MARINE UiSURANSS, On Vessels, ) Ctirgp, > To all Tarts of the World. Freight, \ INLAND INSURANCES On Goods by Rivers, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriages, to ail parts of the Union. ’ FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1,1860. SIOO,OOO United States five per cent. Loan.... SICK),000 00 117,000 "United States six per cent. Treasury -•Notes, (with accrued interest,).... 110,463 04 100,000 Pennsylvania State five per cent. Loan . 25,970 00 21.0?®- do. do. six do. do.. .219,15 00 x*3,000 Pliiht.K T.i •-<•!*.. i4oan 125,203 3i 30,000 Tennessee State five per cent. Loan 34,000 00 60,000 Pennsylvania Kailroatl 3d mortgage six per cesr. bonds. ®w elmros stock Germantown Gas Cpttepaj.-ri interest nml principal giiuroutiedhytheCity ofPhiladel l'hia 15,300 00 5,000 100 shires Pennsylvania Railroad Coniyitny 5,000 100 shores Kortli Pennsylvania Rail* road Company 1,20 G 30 shares Philadelphia Ice Boat and Steam Tuff Company iw. •. 250 5 shares Philadelphia and Havre-de- Grace Steam To\rhoat Company.. 250 2 shares Philadelphia Exchange Company 1,001 2 shares Continental Hotel Co, »5086,7 CD par. Cost 3547,335 31. Market val. 3554,556 71 Bills Bfceivnlde, for Insurances made 171,336 4*2 Bonds mid Mortgages 34 500 00 Beal Estate...... 61,333 85 Ualanc.»3 one at Agencies, Premiums on Ma rine Policies, Interest, and oilier Debts duo the Company... .51,566 02 Scrip awl Stock of sundry Insurance and otlier Companies Cash on hand: l 5 a ' lks ’* i In Drawer DIRECTORS, Samuel E. Stokes, •T. F. Peniston, Henry Sloan, Eduard Darlington, 11. Jones Brooke, Spencer Mcllvaino, Thomas C. Hand, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, "James B. McFarland, Joshua P, Eyre, John R, Semple, Pittaburg D. T. Morgan, «• A. B. Berger, “ M MARTIN, President. HAND, Vico President. nol7-tf William Martin, ] Edmund A. Soudcr, Theopliilus rankling, John R. Penrose, John C. Davis, James Tra John Cassady, Thomas J. Hemphill, i Bernard H. Hulscm&nu, Thomas Fisher, Charles Clare, Frauds McManus, ; Michael Cahill. FRANCIS COOPER, President, Bernard Raffeutt, Secretary. 0c23 American fire insurance . COMPANY. Incorporated 1810. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Mo. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third. Philadelphia. Having o large raid-op Capital Stock and Surplus* in vested in sound and available Securities, continues to insure on Dwelling?, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Ves sels in port and iliuir Cargoes, and oilier Personal Pro perty. All Lomicu liberally and promptly adjusted. HIRECTOR9. | James 12. Campbell, Edmuud G. DutiMi, Charles W, Poultuoj , Israel Morris. Thomas It. BLn-iu, John Weigh, Samuel C\ Morton, Patrick Prmly, John T. Lewis, , TTTOMAS It. MAKIS, President. Albert S. Crawford, Secretary. fe22-tf Exchange insurance com pany— Office, No. 409 WALNUT Street. Fire Insurance on Houses, and Merchandise generally, ou favorable terms, cither Limited or Perpetual. DIRECTORS. Jeremiah Don**!), ! Thomas Marsh, John Q. Gimiodo, ' Charles Thompson, > Edward D. Roberts, . James T. Hale, Samuel 1). Smedley, | Joshua T. Owen, Reuben C. Hale, 1 John J. Griffiths. JEREMIAH DONSALL, President. JOHN Q. GINNODO, Vice President. RicnApn Cor, Secretary. jt*3l SKINSt —A small invoice of Hides, Slieep and Gont Skin*, jnst receWed from the We«t Indies, for sale by JAUBETCIIE A CABSIAIBS. 202 SonUi FRONT Street. j’4 OLIVE OIL. —Pure Olive Oil in white glass bottles, just receiTed per bark Juliet, For ■ale by JAUBETCIIE & CABSTAIBS, je3# No. 3W South FBONT Street. . SIIEUJUiP-B, President. T . Joseph Maxficidj John Ketcham, John 11. B!akiston r Win. >\ Dunn, J. K. Ruum. ESHER, President. DEAN, Vice President. ap3-tf 5,000 00 27,900 00 $317,142 04 263,795 St 23<,694 53 45,000 00 2,026 50 .$26,673 16 . 435 35 29,103 51 8904,907 51 Fifty Pounds ot Baggaae, only, allowed each Passen ger. Fafwngow arc prohibited from taking anytliing oa baggage hut Uteir wearing apparel. All bnggAgo over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound,- and will not bo liable for any amount beyond $lOO, ex cept by special contract. . . . . _W3L H. GATZ3IER, Agent. »6»TH7mKBX£ VANIA RAILROAD. FOll BETHLEHEM, DOYLKSTOWN, 31 A UC H CHUNK, HAZLETON, EASTON, ECKLEY. WIhKESBARRE, Ac. three through trains. On and after 3IOXDAY, 3IAY 13, 1860, Passenger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Phila delphia, daily, (Sundays excepted,) as follows: At 6.40 A. 31., (Express) for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mnuch Chunk, Hazleton, Wilkesharre, Ac. At 2.45 P. 3L, (Express.) for Bethlehem, Easton, &c. Tins train reaches Eas-tou at 6 P. 31., and makes a close connection with the New Jersey Central for New York. At 5.75 P. 31., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mnuch Chunk, &c. At 9 A. M. and 4 P. M„ for Doyleetown. At 10.30 A. 31, ami 0.45 P. 3t., for Fort Washington. The 6.40 A. 31. Express Train makes close connection with the Lehigh S’alley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest nmj most des-iraMe route to WiifcCflbarrej and to all point* in the Lehigh coal region. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 5.10 A. 31., 9.1 S A. 31., and 5,33 P. 31. Leave Doylestown at 7.25 A, 31. and 4.15 P, 3L Leave Fort Wnshineton at 6.30 A. 31. and 2,30 P. 31. ON SUNDAYS Philadelphia for Bethlehem at 8 A. 31. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 5 F, 31. Fare to 1 Fiireto3lauchChnnk.s2.Go Fare to Eueton...... 1,50 I Fare to Wilketsbarre.. 4.50 Through Tickets must be procured at the Ticket Offices, at WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street ,in order to secure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berks street with the Fifth and Sixth streets, and Se cond and Third-street* Passenger Railroads, tweuty mi nutes after leaving Willow street, niyl ELLIS CLARK, Agent. WEST CHESTER SSSKSiI3nr?KAILHOAD TRAINS Tia PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corner ELK* TENTH and MARKET Streets, at 8.15 A. M., 12 noon, 2.301*. M., and 4P. M. On Sunday, leave Philadelphia at 7.50 A. M., and Wert Chester at 4 P. N. jy3o-tf Best quality roofing slate always on baud and for sale at Uuion Wharf, 1451 BEACH Sheet, Kensington. T. THOMAS, my7-ly 217 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. KAILROAI) LJiSKS. T’lriLADEhrillA AND KF.API.W IIAJUiOAU. I'ASSKNOKB TWAINS «>K POTTSVILI.K, USAP. IKO, 11'ic] lIAi:i:lSHrU<;. r-:i_ -liiil nff.T fF.-tj M, ism WOKNING LINKS, DAM.V, f :»i*x <-ptoAL> and (JALKOW IUI.L Stn*«‘|K, I'HiLADKLPHIA, on Thirh-ontli hjml on (’Kllnwliill Kfn* r, fs,) ut B_A_. AI. t mn* lU'Ctijjj? nf v.ith tii- PljNN.i'i LVATfIA KAII«]vOAT> 1 T. AT, tnvir, running t«> JMrtfrfnr.v?; th-> COIIIKULANI) YAMiKV J.iift 1\ M* train niimms 10 C)min!ti , rr-J*iu , '.S Gnrllsli*, A<\ \ and Him £<0!l IHLKN CKKTKAL ItAJLIiOAI) 1 l*. M. train running to S:m- Itury, Ac. AFTKPyOGN LIKES. TifflTA New 7Vtvif, frtmer cifl.TiOAD and lIILL Streets, J'UILAiHvJiI'HIA, (Vuwuw'r tm*.r.wrva on Thirtfi-ntli jw»*l<>n OnTio\v)»i»l (=*■»,..) nr FOT'CSVILLE and JiAltltlSHtfUtf, ut y. 15 I*. M., DAILY, eunnect i.’iß at with the Nerllfrn Central lirtiiniul, fnr fnmin»y t WiliiHUHporr, Minim, *fr.; mr HEAD ING orjtj-, !v t 5 ]», 7n,, t;,\UjY, (iMinifoyn rxrri»ffO DISTANCES VIA PITILADETiPIfIA AND HEAPING! EAIMtOAP, F«om Pnii.AnKi.pniA, MUch. To PlurnlxTiUt* 23 •) Readme ... 58? Philadelphia and Reading Lebtwoii 80 f and Ijubtouon Valley 11. K Harrison r#. 112) Dauphin..' MilUTßhurp 112 f Northern Central Trevmon Junclhm.l'>S f Railroad. Sunhnry 100 J Northumberland... .171 ) Lowinhiir" 173 I Milton .......IBS 1 Muncy IST > WilHanisport .......200 Jersey 5h0re....... .223 | Lock Haven 205 j Trm- 011 * Williamsport ami Elmira Kin .s;:;;;: .v/. '.'./.Sst s Il:,iiro,i,t - The 8 A. M. and 3.15 1\ Iti. trains connect daily at Port Clinton, (Sundays c.xropled,) with the CATAW'ISSA, WILLIAMSPORT, ami EltlK RAILROAD, making close connections with lines to Niagara Falls, Canada, tin? West uurt Southwest. DEPOT IN PHILADELPHIA ; Corner of JSRO.VD nml CALLOWHJ LL Streets. W. 11. McILUENNEY, Secretary. my-2t)tf Mny 20,15G1. summer ar- EsIH.KANGEMENT.—PHILADEL PHIA, CEIiMANTOWK, and NOURISTOWS BAIIi- I.d.M). On and after Monday, May 13,1861. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 6,7, 8, f>,lo, 11, 32 A. M., 1,2, 3, 3.35, 4,5, 6, 6#, 7,8, 9,10#, ami 11# P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7#, 8, b. 20, 9, 10, 11,12 A. W., 1,2, 3,4, 5,0, 6#, 7#, 8, % 10# P. M. The 8.20 A. H. and 3.33 I*. M. Trains stop at German town Dill)'. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. 31., 2#, 3, s#, 7#, and 10# P. M. L*\\v& Germantown, 6.10 A. M., 1,4, 6#, and 9# P. M. CHESTNUT ITTLL RAILROAD. I'-ave Philadelphia, C, 8, 10, 12 A. N., 2, 3.33, 4,6, 8, 9. and 30# 1». M. Leave Chestnut lIHL 7.10. 8, 8.40, 0.40, 11.40 A.M., 1.40, 3.35, 5.40, 7.10, 5.40, and 10.10 P. M. The 8 A. M. and 3.35 P. Til. will make no stops on tho Germantown road. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. JVL, 2#, 5, and 7# P. M. Leave Chestnut liiiS, 7.50 A. 21., 12.40, 5.10, and 9.10, P, M, FO3VCONSHOJIOCKESJ ANT) NOnttlrjTOWN, Leave rhiJnfl-ijilil.i, 0.00, 7,v;, o.QO, 11.05 A. M., 1.05. 8.05, 4,«, 6,y» S, ftisil 11 V V. 14. Leave €, 7, 8.05, 9, 11, A. SL, ly, 6;£ f &b : s» S>') Ilia A. M.* 2, •Sft, 6,7, 10 lh M. 0>” SUNDAYS. Philadelphia, 0 A. M., 0, f>, mid 7% V. K. L’»*;ive 51;i:myunk, A. 31., ijx, and 9 I’. M. H. K. SMIMIf, ' r .'i;:;crai Dopot.NINTJI and OREEif Sheets. THE PEN^YIA^ANIArCENTRAL JI.ULROAI>, 230 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1861. Mmmm 1861. THE CAPACITY OF THE PDAT> IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. Connecting direct ixl I';* Through TntlaS from Boston, Now York, and mH points and in ths Union. Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to and from all points in the Weal, Northwest, and Southwest— thus furnishing fiiMlities for transportation c‘‘ Passen gers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. : Express and Fast Linos run through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. All Through Passenger Trains provided with Loughridgo’e Patent Brahe—speed under perfect control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking Cars arc attached, to each Train; Wood ruff’s Sleeping Cars to Express and Fast Train 3. Tho EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines Sun days excepted. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.33 A. M. Fast Line “ “ 11.20 A.M. Expre-s train leaves “ 10,15 P. 31. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia, 2.30 P. M. Columbia “ 4.00 P. M, Darkesburg *• at 5.40 P. Trl. .West Chester 11 No. 1, at 8.15 A. K. “ “ No. 2, at 12.00 P. U. West Chester Passengers wili take the West Chester Nos. 1 and 2 Harrisburg accommodation auu Columbia Trains. Passengers for Sunlmry, Williamsport, Ehnira, Buf falo, Niagara Fall-s, and intermediate points, leaving Philadelphia at 7.00 A. M. and 2.30 P. M., go directly through. Tickets Westward obtained at the office of the Company in PliikwU-ltihia- Now York, Boston, or Balti more : and'Tickets Eastward at any of the important Railroad offices in the West; also on hoard any of the regular line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio rivers. i&~ Fare always as low, and time as quick, as by any Other route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of* t Elovenih and Market streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Prj'.nsj Ivania Railroad t:» Chicago, make this the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THE GREAT WEST. The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all druyuge or ferriage of Freight to gether with the'saving of time,'are advantages readily appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travelling Public. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their Freight to this''Company, cau roly with confi dence on its speedy transit. : THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the West by the. Pennsylvania Railroad are a*. all times as favorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. Bfc?“ Be particular to mark packages “ via Pennsylva nia Railroad.” For Freight Contracts or Sluppijig Directions, apply D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg. H. S. Pierce & Co., Zanesville, O.; J. J. Johnson, Rip. ley, 0.; R. McNeely. MnysYillo, Ky. : Ormshv & Cmt>- per, Portsmouth, 0.; Paddock A Co., Jeffersonville, liuiimm sh. yr, Brown & Co., Cincinnati, 0.: Athern & Ilibbert, Cincinnati, 0; R. C. Meldrum, Madison, Ind; Jos. E. Moore, LmiisviUe, Ky. • P. G. O'Riley & Co., Evansville, In«i. ; N. W, Graham & Co., Cairo, 111. : R. F. Satis, Slialer & Glass, St. Louis. Mo. ; John H. Harris, Nashville, Temi.; Harris A Hunt.'Mem phis, Twin.; Clarke A Co., Chicago, 111. \ W. 11. 11. ICoonts, Alton. 111.: or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. S. B. KINGSTON, Jr., Philadelphia. MAGRAW & KOONS, SO North street, Baltimore. LEECH & CO., 1 Actor House, or 1 S. William at., N. Y. LEECH & CO.. No. 77 State street, Boston. 11. It. HOUSTON, C-.n’l Freight Agent. Phils, L. L. lIOL'PT, GenT Ticket Agent. Piiiia. E. LEWIS, GeuH Sup’t, Altonuu, Pa. jaS-ly 1861. Smss ARRANGEMENT OF NEW YORK LINES. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AND PHILA DELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.’S LINES FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. ?Ro3l IVALNCT-STUKF.T WHARF AND KKS'SIXGTOi; DEPOT. WILL LEAVE AS FOLLOWS—VIZ: PARE. At 6 A. IT., via Canute]! and Amboy, C. and A. Ac. comuiodation. - S 2 25 At 6 A. M., via Camden luid Jersey City, (X. J„> Accommodation 2 25 At 9# A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail... 3 oo At 12#-F. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommo dation.. At 2 F. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex- press 3 oo At 4% P. M., via KeuMngton and Jersey City, Eve ning Express..... 3 00 At 4% P. M., via Kensington uud Jersey Citv, 2d Cla>s Ticket o 25 At 6 P, K.j via Camden ami Jersey City, Evening Mail. 3 00 At 10% P. Id., via Camden tuul Jersey Cily, Sontb ern Mail. At 6 P. M., via Camden ami Amiioy, Accommoda tion, (Freight aud Passenger)—lid Class Ticket.. 225 l)o. . do. . 2d Class Ticket.. 150 The 6P. M. Mail Lino runs daily. The 10% r. M. Southern Mail, Saturdays excepted For Water Gap, Struudsbnrsr, Scranton, W’ilk m.d .-jhtpiv imported, and Amcru : .n dry e*>..J!Y CiOOIIS, 110N1KJ1Y, J-:A! 15H'.> 1J) 1. !:l H \.j., Jty ciilsdo^m*. On Wednesday Mornins; August 28,1801, coivne-iudnir of 10 o'ehiek precisely. STOCK OK CLOTHING, SHIRTS, AND DRAWERS Included in sale of Wcdne-dny; 28th inst., a stock of Superior Ready-made Clo'hing, Sliirts, and Drawers, Ac. Also, included in the sale— EMBROIDERIES. A line of late ano cliuico htyles cambric ami jaconet Collars, sr-l*. trimiuinm-, Ac. IILONDMS AND LACKS. Also, while and bhudr si!k Monde laees, Saxony edg ing, cotton hue:-, At. Suiihury and Erie ft. R. SPRCTAT. SALE OF 3ftf> Dn/.F.N-LADIES', MISSES', AND CHILDREN’S HoOl’ SKIRTS, f : On Finlay Moniimb Aomisd 30, rnumfeneing at 10 aYloek precisely. ; \ Street*. On and after the 2 f .lh ins!., bur place of br.-duess. will lie at N‘i». ;>25 31ARKET .Slmd, imuiedinlely our foimer place. PEREMPTORY SALK OF 1,r, u0 CASKS HOOTS, " SHOES, BROGANS, AT. On Tiiiirsilay Morning, Angtirt 2P, at 10 o'clock jirndsidy, will he H.dd, Ivy ca talogue. l,f:0(l nu n*:', lmys’, and yotdhs’ mlf, kip, and grain hunts} cnif, kip,’, and grain hunts, brngans, O'j’gre-s gaiters, Oxtord ties, A:e.; women's,-oni=-es\ mvl ChiMleu’s kil', goal, Ul:*l kill, j-ewod H!:il •penned hunts, fchoos, gaiteir:, Ac. Kmhiwing’a luii .assurtiuent of firnt-cJass boots and shoes of city and Eastern mauu- Luttuers. <£sss> WEEKLY CO-MMUNICA- SttßfilSfo TICK BY STKAM BKTWJJES XEW youk and liykkphOj,, tolling i>,QPBESg. TOWN, (livland,) to-laud and embark pe.? jcmgcn and despatches. Cabin, to Quoc-nstj'.nb or Liverpool .?7-j Dm to London, via Liverpool Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool ?:>Q Do. to London §;Jo Do. Return tickets, available for six month*, from Liverpool... &S 0 P.i.-rengeis forwarded to Havre, Party, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp a, through mt? 3. Certidcates of passage issued from Liverpool to New Ymk $4O Certificates of passage issued from Queenstown to New York §3O These steamers have super;.* accommodations for pas sengers, are constructed with watertight compartments, and carry experienced Surgeons. For freight, or passage, apply at the office of the Com pany, JOHN G. DALE, Agent. THE BBITISH AND NORTH Sgnßfevja AMERICAN ROYAL"MAIL STEAM- SHIPS. . FROM NEW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage .§l3O Second Cabin Parage..,..,,, 75 FROM BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage...., *llB Second Cabin Passage 60 The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Har bor. PERSIA, Curt. Judkins. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. ARABIA, C’apt. J. Stone. CANADA, J. Leitch. ASIA, dipt. F. G. Lott. AMERICA, Cant. Hockley. AUSTRALASIAN, - MAGAP.A, Capt. Moodie. Cupt. Cook. EUROPA, Capt. Anderson. SCuTIA, (now building.) These vessels carry a clear white-light at mast-head; green on starboard bow; rtnl on port bmv. AFRICA, Shannon, leaves N. York, Wednesday, Aug. 14. EUROPA, Andersou, “ Boston, Wednesday, Aug. 21. PERSIA, Judkins, " u N. York, Weilresdav, Aug. 2S, rijcaiiA, Mwan, coston, Wednesday, Sept. 4. AfclA, Lotr. t; N. York, Wednesday, Sept. 11. ARABIA, Stone, “ Boston, Weilnesday, Si>pt. 18. AFRICA, Shannon, “ N.York, Wednesday, Sept. 25. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gold, SHror, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Slones, or. Meta!?, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pas sage, apply to E. CUNARD, 4 BOWLING GREEN, New York. liilliiUl SPRING AR EANGEMENT PJTILADEL PHIA, WILMINGTON, AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD. On ana after MONDAY, AYGT.’ST 19, 1301, FAssenger trains leaVe niiLADELPHiA: For BalliuKire at 8.15 A. 51., 11.35 A. (Espress), and 10.50 Y. 51. ter. For Cheater at 8.15 A. M., 11.35 A. M., 4.15 and 10.50 r. Ji.| For Wilmington at 8.15 A. M., 11.35 A. 51., 4.15 and 10.50 P. M. For New Castle at 8.15 A. M. and 4.15 p. M.l For Dover nt S.lo A. 31. and 4.15 P. 31. For 3lilford at 5.15 A. 31. Fur Salisbury at 5.15 A. 31. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA : 1861. Leave Baltimore at B,SO A. 31. (Ejcprc»)i 16.13 A. 31.« and 4.45 P. 31. leave Wilmington at 6.50 and 11.33 A, 31.. 1.00 and 8 P. 31. Leave Salisbury at 1.40 P. M. • Leave SUlfurd at 4 P. 31. Leave Dover at 9.00 A. 31. and 5.20 P. 31. Leave New Castle al 11 A. 31. and 7.20 P. 31. Leave Chester at 7.40 A. 31., 12.35, 2.25, and 5.40 P. 31. Leave Baltimore for Dover and intermediate stations at 10.15 A. 31. Beave Baltimore for Salisbury and intermediate stations at 4.45 A. 31. Leave Chester at 8.45 A. 3L, 12.05 ami 11.20 P. 31. Leave Wilmington at 9.85 A. 31., 12.35 1\ 3I„ and 12 A. 3f. FREIGHT TRAIN, with Pnssonger Car attached, 1 will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia for Porryviilo and intermediate places at 5.30 P. 31. Leave Wilmington for Pcrryvllle and intermediate places at 7.15 P. 3L Leave’Wilmington for Philadelphia and intermediate places at 5 P. 31. Leave Havre-de-Grace for Baltimore anil intermediate BiatLoii3 at 6.15 A. 31. Leave Baltimore fur Havre-de-Graco aud intermediate Btations at 5 P. M. ON SUNDAYS ONLY; Af 10.50 from Piiihulclpliin to I‘nltiiriore. At 4.45 from Baltimore tn Pliibidolp'iia. S. 31. FELTON, President. as ELMIRA ROUTE.— B£££££K^tii& i pHILADEr.FHIA..'ANI> ELHI* RA RAILROAD. QUICKEST ROUTE to Tmnaqun, Catawissa, Rupert, Wilke.-burre, Scranton, Danville, Milton, Williamsport, Troy, Ralston, Canton, Elmira, Buffalo, Niagara Faßg, Rochester, Cleveland, Detroit, Toledo, Chicago, St. Loum, Milwaukee, ami all points North and West. Passenger trains will leave the new Depot of the Phi ladelphia and Reading Railroad, corner BIIOAD and CALLOWHILL Jjlreets, (Passengers entrance on Cal lowhill street,): Auly, (Sunday* excepted), for above points, as follows: DAY EXPRESS.,,,S,OO A, Bf. night express...* 3.1 a R. m. The 8.00 A. M. train connects at Rupert, for Wilkes* bnrre, Pittson, Scranton, ami all stations on the LACK* A WANNA AND BLOOH3BURG RAILROAD. The nhovo trains make direct connections at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Erie, CanaadfUgwa ami Niagara Falls, ami Buffalo, New York and Erie, and New York Central Kuilrouile-, from all points North and West, and the Canadas. Baggage cheeked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge, and all intermediate points. Tickets cun bo procured at the Philadelphia and Sl* tnira Ruth-odd L’m-'s Ticket Office, northwest comer of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at thn Passenger Depot, corner THIRTEENTH AND CALLOWHILL. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave the Philadelphia and Reading Depot,. Broad and CallowluH streets daily, (Sundays excepted), tor all points West and North, at 0 P. 31. Freights must bo delivered before 3 F. M. to insure their going the same day. r. For further information apply at Freight Depot, THIRTEENTH and CALLOWJITLL, or to G. T. LEONARD, Agent, Northwest corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, ap!9-tf. Philadelphia. ' w'k' : st uhestrr riIILADELrUIA KAIIj- VIA MEDIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, June 3,1861, the trains will leave PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot, N. E. corner ! of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 7.45 and ! 16.36 A. M., and 2, 4.15, 6.30, and 10 P. M., and will I leave the Station, corner of THIRTY-FIRST aud MARKET Street.-, (West Philadelphia,} at 8.05 and 16.45 A. M., ana 2.15, 4.30, 6.45, and 10.15 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M. Leave WEST CHESTER at 8 A. M. ami 5 P. M. Trains leaving Philadelphia and Wert Chester at 7.45 A. M. nnd 4.15 P. M. connect at Pennciton with Trains oh the Philadelphia and Bultimoro Central Railroad for Oxford and intermediate points. HENRY WOOD, an27-tf General Superintendent. MES9HS THE ADAMS EXPRESS SHfciMd COMPANY, Office 330 CHESTNUT Street, forwnrda Parcels, Packages, Merchandise, Bank Motes, and Specie, either by its own lines or in connection witn other Express Companies, to all the principal Towns and Cities of the United States TXUOAD—SOO lbs. for sale by 7.* W'ETHEItILL A BROTHER, tell IT and 49 North SECOND Street. This Muniii.g, AugiM 27, at IfloVlnrlc HOOP SKIRTS. . no dovv.-ii superior stnl spring with worm taim hoop Philip foul & c 0.," auction- ERRS, No*. 525 MARKET'and 522 COMMERCE At'.nt of sale, .3C. doven’ fine split-, and 25 <|uxen heavy gi;it ftkin-. Oj'c:i fur examination, with-catalogues,'early on the morning of sale. A A ..:;"' Also, nt private sale, sewed arid peered army and navy Lr.scan-. MFITZPATBICK & BROS., • _ -AUCTIONEERS, CO4 CHESTNUT Street, above Sixth. SALES EVERY EVENING, At 7 o'clock, of books, stationery, and fancy good.*, watchea, j.-welry, clocks, hilvcr-j'iated w.tre, cutlery, paintings, mr.sii-id instruments, Ac. r. A . : ; Also, l.ori-jy, dry goods, hoots and "bhoes, and mer-. chandisc* of every description. - DAY SALES Jloii-Liy, Weduefrday, and Friday, at 16. o'c'uclc. A. 11. PRIVATE SALES. A! - prirnte saL*. several ofwaichos and j -welry, Looks, Btationevy, silvc.i-plat»-l v.aiv, eut l.-ry, f otcy goods, A'*., to which is KMicited the attention of city and cousttry merchants ami others. -A . r' \. Coiisignnve.its solicited of ail kiudj of morcuaudise, for e>h r public ov private .sik-s. ; :c;r /- Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Out-door f.dos prcini]d!y attended to. shipping, The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steam- B’np's oyien'li l Clyde-hudr i:vm screw sterna. Bhipa gr? iittefi'k'd 10 S'di as follows: FROM NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. CITY OF WASHINGTON..Saturday, Augr.-SOL GLASGOW Saturday, Sept. 7. CITY OF d'AL'i’i>RK......... Saturday, Ik' Asa!’every Saturday throu.yhcut Iho year, from PIER RATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. 11l Walnut street, Philadelphia. In Liverpool, to \V\M. INMAN, Tower Bug hnsa, la Ghugnw, to WM. INMAN. RAILROAD LINES. TRAINS FOP. BAX.TTMO'R'E EXPRESS COMPANIES, E. S. SANDFOBD, General Superintendent H Sg .-?ra3«r^gCßaEafc-a^i SALES BV AUCTION. M THOMAS A SONS, . K„i. 131 »:•.-! 14! f-nH). rfTI’.TII Stre« (Fi-rmefl) No J . bT ami Oft.) S'KK’KS AND DKA I. K.-TATi *’•>= vf rtH lh- > Iw lu* r 1 •!•.! tiii* tl'-> FIELD' FALKS It LA 1j ESTATE AXII STOnXS, AT THE KXUiANGK, KW.UY TUES-DAV, ,-t 1S o’clud; limit:, dnriii,:;, gt'llSOn. luJut/ftnd August* only a-ivis '.I REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. %1T W v have n Wry* «.f a* private sale, including ewry tie.-.erijiiuin til" «*ii> iisi.l muniry pro perty. rnut"d lists may ho hid jit the* Au-.ti ;?i Store. Aii"il'L 27, at 12 mmn, nlihrml ri' -'rvi*, f>r ttrcoiMil «if whom If imtj concern— -307.‘i >.hnt't>s I.(n‘!!t'{ (hip Improvement f’oinpAny. 10 4 * Associated llutri.rrs 1 »fc Drovers’, par $lOO. fi «* Armlfji;y /if Missir, with ticket. $OOO scrip Delaware "Mutual Safety liianvauco Co. Our sale at the Exchange, at 12 o'clock noon, on Tuou dn>, 27th in?b, will include— VALUABLE FAHM, DELAWAKE COUNTY, Pa. A v.thmM*.} farm, Tladnur tnwin.hip, Dekiwuru county, Pa, Kco handbills fur J'ui! descriptions. Peremptory Sal**, h. closo a concern. FOtRTHIIKK-STOJcY lIKJC'K DWELLINGS Ts'ur. DM2, DM4, BWfi, ami KMS Tylor sh'iof, b'dwwrtl Fugli nnd Tenth on-eeis, Liduw MftaTor street. Sale ab» feolute. Sec* lmiflliiits. iVnmj-iory Safe, in clone h cimconj. UUK K ANI) FJLNMK DVVKf.T.T.VGS, Fifth street* south nl Muster street, Sale absolute. See haudbiUs. PiTi-iiijitory Saif*. TJIREE-STOTIY LIMi'K DWELLING, Germantown road, Sixteenth ward. $;*lo absolute. Safe ftt Nos. 309 anil 1 11 Smith Fourth Sfrnn*. SUPEKHUI FCKNITriti-:, ITIKNCU.PLATF. JTIB HOItS, PIAKO-FOlf'l'kS, iu:i*.s JSEDDINQ, BRUSSELS'AND OtllEH U.W'I'KTS, & c . On Thursday Morning. At 0 o’cluek, at the Auction Stun*, an assortment of excellent second-hand furniture, elegant pi.uio-t->rto4, nun mirrors, carpets, beds and bedding, Ac., from i*ml iios declining housekeeping, removed to the store fui con venience of sale. Also, a very larae and superior Fire-Proof Safe, moda I*3 Evans £ Watson. Cost £2lO. SUPERIOR KUBNITUKE, MANTEL MlitßOltf, BRUSSELS CARPETS, Ac. On Wednesday Morning, 4, M 11 uYliJi k, at Nu. Franklin .-treot, 01-uv" Tlmtnr.sriji, tin- superior parlor, dining-room, aui rbamber f»ir?att;rA. Hn - maist-L inirn :-, I’ui* /ngravljia*’, Juii'l.-uint* hrus-ci-i and vt-lvi-l earpet-, &■“. A.lso, kltf'lii-n f;u nit r.i *-. tKir" May In.* exauiiiiei] »t S o'clock on the morning of th" with C.ltilJ'iCH* >. MOHKS NATHANS, AUCTIONEER AND COMMJSSiuN S!KRCHANT, souUicturt corner of SIXTH and HACK Streets. NATHANS’ GREAT SALK OF FORFEITED COI»- .' v 'Aiij?u , tf 27, at 10 o'cinck, at 3l'Nf*s Natiimi.Y Auction Hons!','No I '. Kio and 157 North Sixth fitreot, thf 1 s<,xit!if*:\st C‘.-r;:-r i.f .Sixth and •*_ (.'oiisMiug of Gul.l uiai Stiver Watch- <, Diamond*, G.'dd Chains Udd Ae., v!y..t I'ine IS-camt tr->M K*jyli.-h pati-Tit Jev»*r watcher, extra full ji'weii‘*d, in hunting fh.uhle c-w-s. au-1 open face?, of t!-.c* dn**?t f.ypiuvi-t f:m* 18- carat guM escapement, iletachei} levers, lepine, horizon tal, a:u! duplex watches, in hunting c.<«**.■» and op ‘U face*, of tl;fr b:‘;,t makers; gold Encil.di, Swiss, mid French wntfheH; fine 15-cara.t g‘>M douhlf-tinm pat-nt !?vor watches ; fine IS-eju-at gold hah pen*l'*nt ?.v*inds watchea: fine 18-carat gc-M watch, with independent seconds ana half and liimid-.-r s**i:on , !s,- sr.itnL!" fur horse'nen an t phy fc'iviai)n« f'ilVrJ* liliiiiiiiU'-c.t-e, lion! :‘, ami itnubla- Tjottouiod Jhiglish p»u*t»t k*vet‘ watuics, full jewelled and plain, of thu'must; ar.-nrV/ed and best makers; silver escapement lever, lepiji", h*irizuidal, and dupl-jx English, Swiss, and French'wnt'‘h‘ i «, of the Lest maU>*: , .-' ! in liuflt ing ease«, double riu,;*, and open face,; gilt and goid plated watJu*.s of venoms kinds; fimv odd v'e>f, ruck, fob, dmtelaine, and guard chains : hair chains; diamond breast-pi?:** and tiiiO-r-riii';<; odd ?u:d ponsj go!nlnl and duplex watches; Bilver hunliug-case, donh!e-cn?(', ami d-mMo.bottom EngUsh patent lever, eseupprneiit lever, and lepine watches, of tha most approved and best makers; double-caaa ami open face silver watches; silver yumticr ami filngle-casa wafclies; fine gold vest, neck, fob, mid guard chains; diamond finger-rings and breast-pins; acta of fine gola jewelry; gold breast-pin?, ear-rings, finger-ring*, brace lets, pencil-cases, pens, and jewelry.of every description; guns, pistol*, musical instruments, piano-forte 3, and ar ticles generally. Honey advanced liberally, for any length of time agreed upon, on gold and silver plate, difimouds, watohee, jewelry, fowling-pieces, musical instruments, dry goods, clothing, gnurrics, hardware, cutlery, furniture, bed ding, fancy articles, and on all articles of value. CONSIGNMENTS ANI) OUT-DOOR SALES SOLI- CITED. Liberal cash advances made on all articles consigned for sale. IVrsonnl alfention given to all otd-door sales. 10-Dixon Street. 4m PENN STEAM ENGINE AN I) K 0 IL KR\V 0 R K SNEAFIE Si LEVY, RRACTICAT, AND THEORETICAL ENOI KEERS. JIAUJIAiSTS, IJOILER-MAKERS, IILAOK SMITHS, and FOUNDKItS, having, for many years, been in successful operation, mid been exclusively en gaged in building and repairing Marine ami River En gim*2, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propeller*, Ac., Ac., respectfully offer their services to the public, as being fully prepared tn contract for En gines of nil size?,'Murine, River, and Stationary, having Bets of patterns of different size?, are prepared to exe cute orders with uuick despatch. Every description of Pattern making made at the shortest notice. High and Lvw Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, of th*» L.-.-st IYrin-ylviinhv charcoal iron, Forging?, Of Ofl pises and kinds; Iren and Brass Castings, of all de scriptions; Bull Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work cuiineeiwl with the above business. Drawings and Specifications for ah work done at their establishment, free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-duck room for re pairs uf bunts, where Ihcy can lie in perfect safety, and art* prov Med with shears, blocks, falls, &c., sc., for raising heavy or light weights. .. O. VAUOffAJf .MERRICK, WILLIAM 11. JlNltltfCK, HARTLEY MERBIOS, QOUTHWAItK FOUNDRY, KJ I‘IEIIt AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK A SONS. EyGiyEEX. S’ AmYD MA CHIXTSTS, Manufacture lliirli and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for land, river, and marine sex-rive. Boilers, Gasometer*} Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac.; Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron-Frame Hoofs for Gas Work 3, Workshops, Rail road Stations. Ac. lietorts ami CtlW Machinery of tlio latest and moat improved eontfnictioii. . Every dtM-riptitin nf Plantation Machinery, such aa Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mill?, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Train?, Defecator?, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac. Sole Agents f-»r N. ltillieux's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Ne-mvth’s Patent Steam Hammer, and Aa pinwall hi Wolaey’a Patent Centrifugal Sugar Braining Machine. aus-tf POINT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. Pol BEACH'Street, Kensington, Philoda.— william li. tiers informs bis friends that, lumug purchased tho entire stock of Patterns at ti»a above Foundry, he is now prepared to receive orders for Rolling, Grist, and Saw-Mill Castings, Soap, Chemical, and House Work, Genring. Castings made from Rever beratory or Cupola Furnaces, in dry or green sand, or loam. myd-tf IJIHE WEEKLY PRESS. THE WEEKLY PRESS Has been established on a secure and permanent founda tion ; but it is, in reality, a marvellous example of the degree of favor which a rightly-conducted a LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND NEWS JOURNAL Can receive at the ha ml 3 of a liberal and enlightened Public. Our most grateful thanks are tendered for the patronage already bestowed upon us, and we shall spare no efforts which may serve to render the paper even more attractive, useful, nud popular in the future. The general features of tho Paper, in addition to its POLITICAL AND NEWS DEPARTMENTS, Wilt be POETRY, SKETCHES, BIOGRAPHY, and Or! ginal and .Selected TALKS, chosen for their lessons of Life, illustrations of History, depicture of Manners, and general merit, mid ndapted, in their variety, to the faate* of both sexes and ail age*. OUR NEWS COLUMNS Will continue to be subject to unremitting care and atten tion, and all diligence be employed to make this paper m compendium of nil tho principal events of interest Whioh transpire, at home and abroad. THE LITERARY CHARACTER Of THE WEEKLY PRESS, ijow uniTertinilj acknow ledged to be of an elevated stamp, shall not only maintain its present High Btunding, but shall be enhanced by im portant and valuable contributions from able Writer!. Deeming Purity of Morals the great safeguard of private happiness and public prosperity, we shall carefully ex clude from our columns everything which may reasonably be objected to on the score of improper tendency. Tht fields of pure Literature afford sufficient material to make an , ACCEPTABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Containing the elements of excellence, without a gingl# objectionable line; and the proprietor of THE WEEKLY PRESS may justly claim, that no head of a family need hesitate to let its columns go under the notice of member of his Household. THE POLITICAL COURSE Of THE WEEKLY TRESS need not bo enlarged a pox here. Independent, steady, and fearless, it baa battled unwaveringly nnd zealously in defence of TIIB RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE against Exccutivo Usurpation, and Unfair and Tyrannical Legislation: e ver declaring and h&tiug to Ihe doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY constitutes the fundamental hauls of our free Institution!, and that the intelligence and patriotism of our Citizen! will always be preservative of a wise, just, and salutary Government. These aro the principle* to which TH* WEEKLY PRESS has been committed, and to these It will adhere. One Copy, one Tear. Three Copies'one Year. Tlve Copies,one Year B*Oft Tea Copies, one Year 10 Oft Twenty Copies, to one address* tt the rata of 91. per annum... 20 Oft Twenty Copies, to address of oach subscriber.. 24 09 Any Person sending us a Club of Twenty or mar *M be mithsi to an extra copy, We continue to, ien4 THE WEEKLY PRESS to Clergyman for 81. Specimen Copies will be forwarded to those who request them. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Term! ALWAYS CASH, in Advance. All Letters to be addressed to I*rnKMI’TDUY SALK—MWK**. This Day, HEAL ESTATE ALE, AUGUST 27. Sale Nn. ViZZ Fra»*klin Stre**t. LATERALS. Thi.' Muming, : : AT PRIVATE FALL. AT PRIOES TO SUIT THE TI?IE3. MONEY TO LOAN. MACHINERY ANI> JACOB C. NEAFIE, JOHN P. LEVY, BEACH aiul PALMER Streets. joint E. COPE, TERMS: »M B OO JOHN W. FORNEY, Ko. 417 CUKSTNUT SIBEST, PHILADfiLTaiA, THTS DAY. U'.hdroCrip-