The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 21, 1861, Image 3
I popttli &?tf>rcma lex, • •1,-v.,unruly obtain. — JMcmphi* l5 th i ; r. THE BHBBIi OFFICIAL RKI'oHT OP THE HAXABSAS Although the official r-‘p**ri4 of the various com manders engaged iu the* battle of the 21st ult. have been received in Richmond, the rebel Secretary of War ha 3 given posh ire iufliructioms to suppress their publication. From East Tennessee.—A letter from Knox villc. says the Memphis Appeal of the yth inst., contains the following items: [ find in Southeast Tennessee » much better state of feeling for the •South than has yet been manifested by its inhabi tants ; but northeastern Tennessee is still turbulont and in an excited state, on account of the arrest of Baxter, Nelson, the suppression of Brownlow's paper, and luo capture of Captain Thornburg, who \ra9 leading a comp.-tiiy mlo Kentucky, to assist Lincoln—his company hiring routed by the cavalry Sent against him, himself shot and captured, and thirty of his men driven back to Tonnos3ce—forty es caping into Kentucky. Two or three companies hav ing gone from Eastern Tennessee into Kentucky, to assist Lincoln, the neutrality of Kentucky has been violated by iheso troops, and Got. Harris should Inform Got. Mngofiin uf lliu fuel. m) ilmt he cua either a: :crt them or hare them drivon out. Wc learn this morning that th© Eastern Tenues scans aro going over in hundreds to Keutucky to join the t’niouisls in that State; this should be looked after and attended to at one©.” THE CITY. Ihfokta>:i Arrest. — Wc were informed yesterday that n man named Stephen Renau, for merly a citizen of Philadelphia, was arrested on the charge of rendering aid and comfort to tho enemy. The circumstances attending his arrest, as We learned areas follows : Mr. lieaau visit ed South Carolina immediately before or directly after the fall of Fort Sumpter, and obtained, a con tract for building bridges on a railroad between ’Charleston and Columbia, and ordered the iron work to be dune at one of the iron foundries in th© city of Reading, in this State. After the com mencement of hostilities. the proprietors of the foundry in Reading refrained from sending their work Southward, notwithstanding the repeated de mands of Mr, Hentiu for the same; and the latter accordingly visited that city to ittccrUiiu the cause of its detention. While in Reading on Monday last, he was overheard by a distinguished resident of Philadelphia to utter strong Secession sentiments, and express tm* opinion that wo would be eventual ly defeated. He was induced to proceed to this point and on Monday night was confined in one of our station houses. Yesterday he was searched, when ?. large amount of gold bullion was found secreted iu his mondy-belt, together with several thousand dollars in Southern scrip and notes, After n partial oxnminatum, lit? nib plnmi in charge of Marshal Mill ward and removed to parts unknown, although tho presumption is that he was sent to Fort Hamilton or to TVasliingtou to await the action of tho proper authorities. Military Matters. —The California Bri gade, authorized to be formed by Col. E. D- Raker. ZS rapidly being organized. Tho Colonel is now in tho City superintending the organization. Thor© are three battalions now at Washington, and to complete the brigade as soon »$ possible, the following regiments have been accepted: Col. Raster's Fire Zouaves, Col. Gosline's Zou aves, and Col. Owen’s Irish Regiment. Ooi. Out line has now four companies full. Col. Kirk, who fiaa four companies, has signified his intention to consolidate them with Col. Goslings command. Thi3 will give* eight companies at once. Col. Bax ter is moving rapidly. Companies are forming at th© different engine houses, and already there is great rivalry between tho companies ns to who shall present a full company. Col. Owen is confi dent of getting the greater portion of his three months men to go back with him. Col. Raker is displaying great energy, and will have his men uniformed nru equipped as rapidly «a possible. Such companies as are full, will be sent forward on Friday. Tho headquarters of tho brigade is at 12$ Walnut street. Colonel Pleasanton, of the Home Guards, has is sued an order to colonels of regiments and com manding officers of companies of the Homo Guards, to report lbe:mclvcs at headquarters to-day, at noon, prepared to inform the commanding general ■of the actual number nf officers, non-commissioned officers and privates of their respective commands, who will enter into active service. John M. Ftali. of Company E, Second Regiment of Vermont Volunteers, has died at the residence of Mr. C. V. Fort, from the effects of a wound re ceived at tho battle of Bull Run, on tho 14tfi of August- ita arrived in our city, on hie way home, Rut his wound not allowing him to proceed further on his journey, he was taken charge* of by Mr. Fort, of the Cooper Simp Ketreshment Committee. The •deceased soldier had every attention paid him. and the services m Messrs. K. and A. No binder were gratuitously bestowed to alleviate his sufferings. Mr. Fort, c-f the committee, will take charge of the remains, uud accompany them to hi* homo in "1 er xnont. The Vermont and Troy (N. Y.) papers will please coj»> ibis notice. Camp Badger, of the Keystone Regiment, is lo cated near the Wis?ahickon.. Tho companies are rapidly filling up, anti will be ready for the field in a short time. This regiment is under command of ’Colonel Wise, of Williamsport, Fa., nested by officers who have ?mclt gunpowder niui served their country. Tho stray volunteers of Colonel Chantry's regi ment, were* being locked up yesterday morning, and preparations are being made to leave. It is expected that «U the companies of the regiment will leave to-day About one hundred recruits for Colonel John iv. Murphy’s regiment have gone South by the Baltimore Railroad. Colonel Jo:*him T. Owen, of the Twemyfuurili Regiment, bas issued tho following inspiring ad dress to the men who served with him during the three-months term: “ I take great pleasure in announcing to the gal lant men who returned with me that the oppor tunity now presents itself for their rc-enlisimept and speedy return to active duty. The enemy still, threatens the capital. The best Government which has ever boon constructed fa still in jeopardy. Peace will not be restored again until it is con quered. Trtvtson must be suppressed by the strong arm of military power. Once more to the field, then, my bravo comrades, and vindicate your right to be free, inspired by a noble patriotism, iet US together resume our position in column and march to the rescue of our pricoless Constitution and blood-bought liberties/’ The retained volunteers of the National Guard Regiment arc recruiting at the hall. Race street, below Sixth. A crack regiment will be turned out. Natal Matters Tho United States steamer Susjiiehanna has been thoroughly over hauled and repaired, and furnished with a new shaft. She dropped down to the Powder W'harf about noon yesterday, and will go to sea inside of forty-eight hours. The new steam sloop-of-war Tutcacora will be launched to-morrow at noon, if nothing happens to tt!»tfce present arrangement. The Court of Inquiry at the navy yard, upon the charged made against Capt. Chauncey, of the S/'s quthmnna, by his crew, has forwarded its decision to the Secretary of the Nary at Washington, and awaits a reply." Pending this reply, they meet and adjourn daily as heretofore Their proceedings have been kept entirely secret. Flag I^keskstatiok.— Yesterday afternoon the Independent Home Guard of Southwark. Cap* tain Day, proceeded to Gloucester for drill aud dress parade. They paraded 61 muskets, aud marched in a creditable manner. • Arrived at Glou cester, they were presented with a beautiful silk flag by their lady friends of Southwark. The pre sentation address was made by Miss Cordelia R. Morton, trad the dug was received by the captain for his company. On returning to the city the Guards fired salutes on passing the navy yard and the steamers and Albatron, lying in the stream, and were answered by hearty cheers from the o*o*3 of tho?e vessels. Gfio* Francis has been ordered to to cruit thirty able-bodied men for Col. Toil's Rifle regiment of TH.-triet of Columbia volunteer*. This regiment Ims been on duty for three.mouths?. Col. Tait is an able and experienced soldier. Mr. Francis will receive recruits at his residence In Pearl stm-L, one door east of Eighteenth sinvl. This is ft fiat- opening for a few steady i-i-.-n. who know how to use the rifle, or wish to loam. Col. IlKisnv Field Rkciurst.— The third company. Captain Schwartz, has been sworn into the United States service. Col. George Ziegler, the paymaster of the regiment, paid the men the promised bounty in hard cash before they left the armory where they were sworn in. This regiment, uiiuei: the liberal hands of Col. ii. Holden, 15 fast filling «/>.' Colonel Reoiment tor "Wash ington.—The fifot battalion of this regiment started for Washington yesterday evening, at six o’clock, from Broad and Prime streets, where a special train tras in waiting. The Colonel purchased a splendid regimental standard, and presented tho same to his regiment before leaving Camp Swency. Lieutenant Colonel Leidy is to remain here and superintend tho organization of the rest of the companies. Major Seymour will remain in command of the camp on Judge Peters' farm. While the regiment were at tho depot the Fourth New Jersey Regiment, a fine body of men, marched up Prime street to the cars, and took their depar ture for Washington. The Cixt Grays.—Wo are plowed to learn that that efficient organisation the City Grays, (Company A, .Second Regiment Home Guard*?) pro poses to increase its numbers sufficiently to form a of three companies, each to be composed of one bundled men. The necessary arms and ac coutrements will be furnished by the city. It may be well te state ti«t the Grays were for lie especial proieetion of the banXs and business Tlaeee on Chestnut street, between Third and i tfth Street*, and tho co-operation of all the business es tablishments in this section of the city is therefore pf much moment. IftTTT.rn Cannon.—Quito a large number of Cannon, cast ut thePhoenixvillo iron worts, have been sent to the Bush Hill works to he turned, after whioh they are returned to Phoenixville to be rifled. The large cannon cast at Bush Hill will bo ready Sat trial in a few days. Gray Reserves Offering their S ervices. —At g meeting of Company C, of the Gray Re served,, held at Concert Hall last evening, a, resolu tion was adopted, offering the services of the com pony to the Government for a period of thirty days . regard the Acceptance of this patriotic offer ex tremely doubtful, both on the ground of policy and of precedent- Peowned. —A boy, by the name of TTugh Derail, wasdrownedin the Schuylkill, morning. The body was recovered, and taken to Us residence, No. 2137 Locust street. Fule.—The alarm of fire about hall-past twelve this morning was caused by the partial burning of a small .dwelling, .on the east side of C?roWs street, above Ras9» Xh® fire extin guished. before any steamers had occasion to go into service- Charged with Picking Pockets. —George ftolaa, a young man, was arrested at the Baltimore depot,Yor picking pockets. He had inserted his'hand Into die pocket of a lady, and got hold of her purse, trhOß she seized the thief and held on to him until A pOliOtBlft& came up. Holenwaa committed yes* morning by Alderman BeiUer. 1 Deownkd. —A boy named Dennis, aged six 2 rears, was drowned in the Delaware yesterday af ef&eoß, at Pine-street wharf. His body was re* C rrmi* “Up, Arm, and Out!” —The general or ders from the War Department have boon promptly responded toby tho Plate authorities, and, by the end of the week, about seven thousand soldiers, in regiments or parts of regiments, will leave Phila delphia for the Potomac. In two weeks, fifteen thousand men, or thereabouts, will also be under way, and if other portions of the Stato respond with like ulucrity. we shall find an immense army of loyal men assembled at Washington, to defend Maryland and menace Virginia. There fire some twelve camps in the neighbor hood of the city, which contain, iu each, from two hundred to six hundred men. There are about fifty rendezvous for recruits which contain, in each, from twenty to two hundred men. In all, there are encamped ami in quarters not less than fifteen thou sand men about town, tho most of uni formed, but very few arc yet armed. Thero are about ten thousand men not attached to any organ ization, but determined to go off fit the first exi gency. The exigency has arrived. tlu? intelli gences from Washington confirm, and wc may espect, during tho present weekj to SCO all who really mean fighting connected with some of the many incomplete organizations. There are regiments of cavalry, of infantry, and of artillery in need of men, and among the many aspirant© for icadcrs of regiments some true soldiers Risu good patriots certainly may bo found. No ex cuse, therefore, exists for not enlisting at once, and the honor of assisting in a vigorous and victorious campaign is open to every citizen. Meeting or tue Pennsylvania Horticul tural Society—Exhibition op Fruits, Ac.—A meeting of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society was held last evening, at Concert Hall, Mr. J. E. Mitchell being in the chair. A bunch of grapes, of the rare species known as the 'White Muscat o f was placed on exhibition by Mr. Mntlieson, gardener to F. C. Yarnall, of West Philadelphia. It is supposed to be the largest ever grown in this country, weighin'* 7! hie pounds four ounces! Mr. Mnthcson was requested by the Society to prepare a statement of his peculiar mode of grow ing the grape, to be read at the ensuing meeting. A fine collection of pears, consisting of the Bart lett. Oil, Bergamot, Jullion, Golden Bitbon, Baxter Seedling (No. 1), Washington, Mudelamo, Chancel lor, Fchlnnd. Flemish Beauty, and Hull, was ex hibited by Mr. Baxter. Alsu, the following varie ties of plums grown by the samo gentleman: Columbia, Gen. Hand, Blue Seedling, and Heine Claude. By Mr. Ifagner, n specimen of plum which was singularly free'from the curculio, and elicited much admiration. A large and magnificent plant, known ns the epcrnophpllum tftcitrtn, grown by Mr. »Tc* romc Graff, gardener to George 11. Stuart, Esq., was admitted ou all hands to be the feature of liic evening. A beautiful potted specimen of the ycllowvorbenn concluded the display, which, considering that the meeting was intended to bo of a purely business character, was every way creditable. The subject of tho prevention of mildew ip grape ries wuo then taken up and discussed ul some length. A member stated that the application of sulphur to the soil immediately iu eoutact with the roots of tho vine had resulted beneficially. It being questioned by a member whether sul phur was sufficiently soluble in water to be absorbed by tho roots of tho vine, Tho secretary slated that, in hut opinion, the sul phur, when subjected to the chemical action of the soil, was soluble to some extent. The disease of the plum tree was next made a subject of discussion, and tho proceedings were brought to a close by the announcement of the fol lowing premiums: To Mr. Graff, for the eyanophylhim masrnff eivm, five dollars, To Mr. Maihcson. for his specimens of white Muscat grapes, five dollar?. To Mr. Baxter, for specimens of fruits, three dol lars. An Affecting Incident of Manassas— “Kiss Mu Goon Night, Mother !’* —A Philadel phian, just returned from Washington, has related io us the following incident of the recent disastrous battle at Monacos G ap • In the Government hospital, on the day after the battle, lay a youthful member of the Ellsworth Zouave Corps, who, notwithstanding tho frightful nature of his wounds, bore his sufferings with a patient heroism, akin to inspiration. For a long time he seemed unconscious of tho presence of his heartbroken mother, who watched by his couch fondly, yet in anguish of spirit, and lay like one in a trance. At length, turning slowly over on his side, his vacant eyes met her longing, agonized gaze. A train of long-buried recollections seemed in stantly to have awakened themselves in his bosom, and, murmuring willi the artlossness of a child u kiss me good night, mother," he fell back, and was dead ! The gentleman to whom the incident was..rotated pencilled Ihefollowing lines, yesterday, in the cars, during his trip from Bnl timorc to this city : ‘•kiss nk noon night, mother.'' Mother, dear mother, the day has seemed long Since the lark warbled his matinal song. .Sadly the hour.- have passed since tho morn ; Darkly the momenta that ne’er can return ! No beaming hopefulness, no joyous ray, No cheerful sunshine to brighten my way. But, mother, vour kiss turns the darkness to light; Kiss me good night, mother, kiss me good night. Mother, dear mother. I’m longing for rest— Longing to slumber for aye v,-i(h the blest; But when my wul spirit from earth-life is fVee, Still shall itiy presence seem nigh unto me ! Oft thy wild kta-; of parting shall fall on iuy brow — Thy sad tearful eyes gaze upon me, as now—- And often I’ll say, with the angels, in white, ;; Kiss me good night, mother, kiss mo good night!’’ Many such incidents of that fearful day could doubtics* be related, and wc cannot regard it as ever too laic to recall them. 'Wholesale Swindling.—A man, namedC- F. Wainwright, boarding at the National Hotel, in Race street, was arrested and taken before Alder man John White, yesterday morning, who heard him on the following charges: For swindling Mr. MeGety, * boerdiiig-house keeper of Nevr York) out of £25 for board and lodging? held to answer in the sum of £BO6. For cheating George L. Harris, printer, out of £5 for printing circulars; held to answer in the sum of 3600. For swindling A. 11. Brown out of $2O; held 111 §BOO bail For cheating I*. Kettcrlinus out of $16.26 for fancy printing. For the latter he was required to find bail in tho sum of $BOO. There are other charges yet to be preferred, but Alderman White deemed these amply sufficient for the present, and fully committed the defendant in default of $3,000 bail to answer the charges at court. The New Bridge at tiie Falls.—The bridge over the Schuylkill, at the Falls, is now fast arriving at a state of*eoinpletien. One span is al ready in place, and the others will b© put up du ring the present month. The finishing of this will be a matter to rejoice over by the business men of this vicinity, as they hare heretofore been com •polled to go some ton miles out of their way to get f over tho river. LEGAL lIVTELLIGEACT: United States District Court— Judge Cadwalridcr —The courl met yesterduy morning at 10 o'clock, but no business being ready, the petit jurors were discharged until to-day, at the same hour.’ The Grand Jury havo as yet acted upon one bill, and tlmt charges the passing of counterfeit qiuirtcr dollars. Another Important Arrest Albert Sandi'crd, United States Marshal, ar rived in New York yesterday morning. He hud hi charge si man naiuod Loi’isDi- Cediax, who claims 1& be a French oiiixen. LjiL who is a resident of \\ *l - North Carolina. He sailed from M ilming ton in the British vessel named the Adel so, bound for Halifax, in order to meet one of the Cunavd steamer? on Us road 10 England. During the storm of the 12th the ve-?el became disabled, and the captain,' rather than let tho ship go down with all hands aboard, put into what he thought wad? it friendly port, but what proved to be Newport, Rhode Island. The vessel nut having a proper clearance, slic was seized by a revenue cutter and a prize crew placed aboard of her. M. Bbbian aud the other passengers were all taken prisoners. After being confined for some time. M. Behan was sent on to Fort Lafayette, Now York, where he now is. He says lie is visiting Franco fur the pur pose of seeing his family, but letters of credit to the amount of $40,000 were found on him, with which he wap to purchase clothing and arms for shipment to Wilmington and other places South. Pirates in the West Indian Waters, TEE JEFF. DAVIS, BVMFTER.'"AND ECHO HEARD FROM. A letter to Kllwood Walter. Secretary of the Board of Underwriters of this city, dated at St- Thomas, August l, reports the movements of the pirates as follows : “ St. Thomas, August 1 aWe have advices from St. Johns, P. R.. that the privateer ‘bark’ J<jf\ Davis, mounting eighteen guns, arrived at that port on the27lh ultimo, aud was allowed to take in supplies of water. “The steam privateer Sumpter was at Curacoa about the 20th of July, and the pirate brig Echo was about two hundred miles northwest, and had boarded a Baltimore vo&sclj allowing hex* to pro ceed. ' 11 The interest of shipowners and underwriters would be much benefited by the presence of a United States war steamer in these waters. '— N.Y.Post . Acts of Patriotism in St. Louis. The St. Louis Democrat says « Yesterday morning. T. A. Harrison, FUq., of Minnesota, formerly of this city, placed in tho hands of General Fremont, for the use of the Go vernment, forty-six thousand dollars. The loan was entirely spontaneous on Mr. Harrison’s part, without suggestion from any one, and reflects great credit upon his patriotism. “The People's Savings Institution of this city, through Isador Bueh. Ksq., has also tendered a loan of twelve thousand dollars, which has been ac cepted. The institution having been overlooked in the recent arrangement with the banks of the city, came forward with the tender, not wishing to be behind in its devotion to the Government. It is gratifying to read these acts of patriotism. * Perils of Kentucky Unionists.— Mr. B. 11. Humphrey, who lived near Melburn, in Ballard county, Ky., owning a farm and some servants, was compelled to leave his home. Simeon Humphrey, a cousin, aud Robert 11. Summers, a large property holder, were also compelled to leave. Mr. Summers after getting his family across tho Tennessee river, went back with his two sons, re solved to defend his property, including twenty or thirty servants. We have not heard the result. The cause of this treatment is, that these men were for the Union. They had the choice to take the oath to the Confederate States, leave, or be killed.— JjQuisvilU Democrat. Major General Keim and Adjutant General Schaffer, of Pennsylvania, were on Saturday honor ably discharged, llieir term of service having ex pired. They were connected with Qeneral Patter son’s division, and were among the most efficient and experienced of his officers. New York Stock hust 6000 l! S Cfl, 'Bl ..Re* 67# 21000 B S6h, lbM..op Bs' ICOOTJK 6a, 1868.Cp 88 1000 b 8 os, *74...Cp 81 20200 Treaaope.2y, U7Jtf WO Trea* 12 p c 100,H; 1900 Indiana St sh. .. 75 8000 Midi 0* 80 frttOO Teun Stale Gk/M 42 13000 42 V 1000 flo 42»i 5000 do *‘ 2 >& 500 Virginia Gs 5 4 H 7000 do c Wtf 7000 do lO(KK) GeoM 0s 0* S(H) do 07 )£ 4000 California St 7k. 75* 0000 N Cur Gh 64^ 1000 do 64# SiMXHJ Mi#**ouri St Oh.. 412>, IOCOfI do slO 4'2 12000 do' 4d 2000 Mio Oh iss to II & St J It 40 0000 N Y Oiitnil (X !« 4000 Krie I! Ist intf!..lo3 :ct» of Yesterday. liaak* tf 40 M>k at $5.23 fm* New York Mark* AniWS nrr TUiclinnscriiMritl Vow and s;>.37t; for Pearl*. 3Jit«AwS'ri:ppy.—Th<* marl Flour continue? dull and heui *kot for State aud Western kvy, at prices slightly in favor of the purchaser. The sales an* 9,500 bbl.s at 54.45a4.f>0 for snpernno State; !;*4.G5n4.7e for extra Stale * #4.54a4.G9 for super* fine Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, lowa, Ac., anil $4.60a 4.R3 for rNtra dp,, including shipping In'imds or round hoop Ohio at $-.'s.l. r «fts,go, an;! trade brands of <to, at Sjro.yOaG/iii, .Southern Fionr is unchanged in price anti in moderate request; sales ‘.ihOlMs at #5. J Daii.bO for superfine Haiti* nituv; 5NJ.7fm6.25 fur extra do; SGa6.lofor Brandywine; sGa7.i:6 for Gooigeitnui ; S7n9 for Petersburg City; §s7;vO for Richmond City. Gimndinn flour fs dull aud heavy, with sale? of 450 bids at $4*45a4.50 for biiperfme, and 5f4.60a7.D0f0r the range of extra brand*' Itye Floxir L- r-uie l - and steady, with small sales nt $2.30 aS.S«» for tin* rsmia- of lino asiil superfine. Corn Meal »* stead >, and unoltniigcd; wo quote Jersey at S>2.7C*.ttJ.6s; Hrandywine £303.15; puncheons, sloa 15.2'v Wheal is in better demand for export and home con- Munt lieu:, and the market is rather more stojuly. The Kiles are 150,000 bushels at for Milwaukee CiuL; 81.11 for Thoune spring; §1.20 for choice amber Green Hay; $1.24;»J.28 for winter red Western; :5i.33 for white Western; and 81.40 for new white Kentucky. Ryo is quiet, and prices are without change to notice. Barley is duU, and nominally unchanged. C»tS art* Steady, at 30a32e for Jersey, Delaware, am! Pennsylvania, 32n04c for Western and Stale, ami STiViPc for Canadian. Corn is a shade easier, with a fair business doing both for export and bona' consumption ; sales of 125,000 bushels at 43a40c fur mixed Western, and 50c for Western yellow. lli-:j:swAx.—Yellow is Quiet, with small sales of West* orn at 2Sa2oe. Adamantine are ftrljTC, and the business is confined to small jobbing lots ai 1 Gal7c. Sperm are quoted at 30r fur plain, and 40c lor patent. Corru!.—MauiiffcfhswU i,i quiet arid unchanged; now f'lii'iitbing i? quoted at 24. and yellow Metal at 18. Amn rican ingot is firm under the European advices, ami bake in quoted at 37*£aiS, cash; there bare been some further transaction?. Dcros, Ac.—Chemical? are dull, with sales of 50 tons Soda Ash at &1.5 G, raid 009 kegs Newcastle Bi-carbunale Sudn at $3.31 cash. Provisions.—Pork in in fair active demand, but tilt* market is witLivUl any essential j tbn s;vU*s arc 2,SCO bbl? at $lO for Mrrsu but including 400 bids la?t evening at $14.87#, anil 830 for Prime. Beef is quiet and steady, with mtuill sales at S 5 Tor country Mess, ?4n4.00 for counlry Prime, $9.50a11.50 for re packed Western, and 512.50a35.*25 for extra mess. Prime mess lU*eF is dull, and prices are entirely nominal. Beef hams ore quid and unchanged. Bacon is dull and inactive. Cut meats arc dull and unchanged, with sales at far hams and 4 ( >£jis for shoulders. Lord is firmer and in moderate demand, with sales of 400 tea and bbUakB#a9#c. NEW ~ YORK CATTLE MARKET, August 20.—At the Washington Drove Yards, (AUerton*?), Forty-fourth street, .4,048 head of fresh bullocks have been received, including a large number of coarse, heavy stock, and only a few really prime to e.Urn fat steers. The market was very dull all the morning, but became active to ward* noon, owner* yielding to butcher* @2 per head <le e’me on the rates of Inst Tuondny, Very few of the host sold as high ns 8 cents per pound, and 7n7# cants wn* h good price for good killing steer?. The bulk of the sole* were nt6>*a7j£ cents for fair to mid dling. Common sold at Ga6# cents. The average rate was below 7 cent?. Many of the salesmen thought Jo-Gay the blue?* of nil the blue days this season. Dro vers have met with heavy losses, and must expect to do u> as long as the arrivals continue so large. The indica tion? were that the afternoon sales would bo still lower. £vpsne have declined one cent per pound since Thurn dny anil Friday hud. The arrival- xpa 4,000 h*»«l, with only e small demand. Prime corn fed sell at 4 cents live. This noon a lot of heavy prime corn hogs, ave rage weight 270 lb;*., would not bring 4 cents live. The drove was as fine as any in market this season. Dis tillery hogs are scarce, and not wanted at any price. the now order of the War Depart ment. directing ro-gulay soldiers to be ehlbded like volunteer? for three years, has exercised a marked influence on recruiting in Now York. Imst week more than double the number of the men of the week previous were accepted and sent over to Go vernor’s Island. The cavalry rendezvous still keeps ahead, so thut detachments go to Carlisle twice as often as they’did. formerly. CIT Y ITEMS. Ak Army of Tailors.—'We have heard this phrase used in derision ; but we have seen the tiling have real substantial significance at the present clay. Roclc fiili ,v Wilson, Non 60S and 005 Cheptnut alreet, liternlly havy an army of Ldlors employed in getting up garments for soldiers. Every style of uniform, for officer or private, is made by them, and the high reputation borne by the manufacturer is an earnest that all are first class in re spect to material, fit, cut, workmanship, and all other de si ruble qualities. Tin: Govern mea't am> iSdiks.—The nows that tlie Government ha? determined to arrest nil disloyalpnr tics in the free States lias ouly been rivalled in its good effect by the announcement that Granville Stoke? has on bond the largest stock of clothing in the country, at his palatial store, GOO Cher-Lnut Hlreet. The Hummer stock of this? establishment is selling out at very low prices, and a gift giren with each purchiwc made. A flue assort■ ment of fall goods also cm baud. ARRIVALS'AT THE HOTELS VP TO 12 O'CLOCK LAST HIGILT. CONTINENTAL no?px—tffoth and Chestnut, K McCoy, Havana Alf Ifarliug. New York K linker, Fonnsvli’ania John D Bailey, Pittsburg 1? II keim, Reading DORR Keim, lowa Lucues B Keijn, Reading L Mattson, Port Carbon MF. Walker, New llnvou i> S Barnes, Now York ,7 II Weber, Chicago C Loeser & w, Pollf villa Clias Looser, Pottsville T Lutkins, New York J«s Wilson, California Mr* A Ingraham, N Vork Mr Man, Philftdtlphtn E V? h Perkins it la, Md Tlieo Mollce A la, Baltimore J 8 Holden, Baltimore W If Kincaid, Pittsburg O L Stewart, New York Mrs J W Awlings, LeW.nou Miss A O ltittell, Ohio J B Rutherford tc dtt. Pa A Rutherford & da, Penua E C Cleveiajirl, Worcoler I>r Fuller, Maine .1 Goldstein, Warren, Ohio O M Winch, Boston L W Ton Kyck A wf, Pa T C M Patou, New York JI Westcott. Jer-c-y City J L Hamntor, Harrisburg A B Crosby, N Hauipshii’O Mrs M J Crosby, NII IT L Hnenet & la, N York Jas L Sutton, Baltimore YA\y S Willing, Pbiladdphia Lieut Y R Fendall, U S M C Wash Irving, 17 S N John At Moore, Now Jersey E.Fithian, 1.: S N M A Coen, New York Mr Evans, Now York O Maxwell, Jr, Philadn R J Parsons, New Yor k Sami 'B Brown, New York J II Robinson, Piri:-burg J A Urban, Lancaster Chas.T Lamed, US A CL Bannyer & wf, Cin, O E Lippiucott, Cincinnati M Courtrisrht, New York C E-stonnri, Milwaukee Gro Sexton, Hartford C Smith, Kc-w York C Kvndrivk, Wwtvrbury^ Y W Houghton, New York W K Hooper, Baltimore John Berry, N(-w York J Brooks & son, Boston Mv Cress, New York E Clianwood, Boston John Ely, Elmira, N Y WT Thorne, Cincinnati J Hooper A la, Baltimore Mrs Whiteford, Baltimore J Brake, New York M M Russell jap Gnty, Baltimore V J Morris, New Haven 1’ M WooJavj*rJ, Nt-v.' Hevt-n 11 B Huntln^Wu F I) Forben, 80.-ton T H Sullivan, Baltimore l>r Bryan x w, Alex, Ya X B Bryan, Chicago, 111 J A Richardson, Bahimorc J Selignian, New York .! U liidglry, Baltimore S Loeb, Cincinnati E Heckman, Cim imtn.ti G T l.ane, Lancasler Capt Gibson, Wa>h, 1> C .Jos Price, Bidtimore i» Kuul'Jill, R H Gallnlior, New York C..J J 1! Bt.nd-.-r, Nv-.v Wrli L Schoffner, New V'vrk ¥ S Bond John Lowry 1> Woodruff’ C H Pulton. Boston .las Cortelj on J.ietu W C McCall, N Jersey Dr F V Dayton, U S A J V Danii, Com:<-aicut Y, Tweed, Connecticut S Hntehins, Vrov, R [ J P Blake, Connecticut Jolm Dickson, Cin, O . II D Moore, Harrisburg J V Criswell, Harrisburg 11 l l Cooke *V riiild, OJiio Miss J W Jffily, Harrisburg Dr Keily A limy, HiinWg 31 Sleren.s Yi T Day, New York .1 Carpenter, Providence,K 1C M Tibbals, Eri© Col Mnrcey, U S Army MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Fourth street, bolow Arch. II I. Erlieu, Lnucii.tei-, J’u O R Tim-itt, MHrylaral. J P:il terpon, Aili -lu ny. J'a JT. Wnlhice, i’iU'tjur.y' V 11,.i.1in-, \v;(>■)!, iJ> Hue!;, WiiyU, PII Stevenson, AUoCh’v CO < 'el 1» It J U Eurelitieid, I'llt-lei:;; IC H Huglicw, Allninv A S Sillimnn, llazieton J Turner, Luzerne, Ta W r. ration, Columbia . J K Johnston, T.l Ileberlinff, M Chunk J M Collins, USA Capt J Hutchins, Mass A J McConkoy, Teima Miss Vlt Tfaines, Tcnua Miss Mary S Iltunes, Ta J I) Spaulding, Ohio P J Kepplinger, Oliio E S Beardsley * la, Oliio 1) B Uptlegraff, Oliio J JI Peek, Cleveland, Ohio W H Peck & la, Ohio Col F M Hutchinson, Plain Oenl Cline L Green, Mo W p Wellsss, Cineinnnli -Too K\uikle, MUton, 1' , H B McKeal, Lancaster, Pa 6 B Valentino, G Castle .1 T Valentine, Green Castle Rev K Sevin, Mata J,ieut Edmonds, Kentucky Mrs Hays, Madison, Xnd Miss Hays, Madison, lnd Jlrs Whitehead, Indiana Jaa A Lynn, Harrisburg J Shore, Pittsburs J S Edgar, Alleghany J W Myers, Alleghany MII Stanton, Philadelphia R W Southmayd, J’ey City It P McKibbin, USA Beni Davis, Jr, Mass IV J Madt-riu, Pennsylvania L K Sheafler, Canton, O E C Cowdro, Comp Curtin John Talbot, Del co, Pa Hon J Schindell, Allentown D Eddie Hartwell, N H W 11 Barnes, Philadelphia W McLean, Shippeushtlrg Clias Ileebner, Lee, Mass John J Rahman, Chamb’g AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut st., above Fifth. Tims B Allen Tlios Mooro Lieut 1> 9 Bruinell, N Y Abram S ElMt, St Paul Win T Ilaim s & hi, Fa Lieut E Tomhler, U S A llaiiißlloardmnn, Lane, Pa Henry Hobart, Jr, Mass Thoe II Foreman, Lnncaater Capt Jos G Woodside, X T C H llollingshead, Mt Holly John P Parke, Ta Geo W Ilummell, llarrisbg E D Winslow ,h la, Mass .1 D Comstock, New York It R Williams, New York 11 Krum, New York H B Bogloy, New Tork John P Ofl'erman, Penna S B Dorian, Cheater co, Pa Job F Marlin, Philadelphia H Johnson, Hartford It 11 GrllMli, Bnltimoro Jos M iruinplireys, N Y Iteht Lawson, Baltimore W M Adame, New York John P Sunderland, N J H Smith, New York S W Giblw, Albany F P Burns, Di-lavrara ST. LOUIS HOTEL— Chestnut Etreet, above Third. N Clawson, Jr, New York M F Mulkey, New Haven H Lyon, New York M Thompson, Cincinnati N Hodge, Massachusetts Thoa O Culbreth, Delaware J K McCurdy, Reading L II Funk, Milton, l>a Capt J T Powell, U S A Capt C J Morrison, USA M Ecrris, Waehinglon Chas Williams, Brooklyn Mies Williams. Brooklyn .1 T Weaver, Wasliington Chas F Shoener, Tamanua Wra F Donaldson, TuuuuFa Geo Omrod, Tamaqna J 51 Chamherlain, lowa A D Eckel, Pennsylvania I, Towns, Washington 11 51 Knight, Washington Clms T Barrett, Washingtn J Y i'oivn, Washinston Win Midslcr, England \ j Dlauvelt, New York Jacob Coffman, Dayton, U BLACK BEAR—Third street, above Callowhill. Mrs D Bruner, Coopersburg Mrs Dicttrick, Chester co Dr G Slough, Penua Clias Waller, Penna Wm Harper. Feini-hllrg Jas M Bohb, Pennsburg Chas Harper, Jenkintown Jacob Huth, Green Lane Cits Morrison, Fcastcrvillc D Harper, 01ncy_ H GUtoV, BaHimoi e Geo W Peering, CovpVrw 6 Jno Sohnell, Sumncytown H Boyer, Sumneytown L J Smith, Reading Benj Krupp, 1 rancoma, Po Jos Whittell, Northampton H Krupp, Franconia, I a Isaac Tomlinson, Byberry Cco Kline, Aimtyvdle A Stouffor, Exoter Jacob Boyer, Slouersvillo John Kepler, Pennsburg BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Vine. Isaac Diorday, Lane co, Pa Jesse Heston, Newtown Bobt Howanl, PMlafla J W Cowell, DojlcoUmu B M Cooch, New Hope Jae P Orosdal*, Penna Chan KirkbriUei Penna Hill* Germantown A W Rich, Penna Preston Rich, Penna Seth Kl>» Penna J 8 Merrick, Penna II S Merrick, Teona M T Jwrett* Bucks co SfejJi BetiS Jri New Hope THE PEESS.—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1861. hcchango.—Aug. 20. nchuin. 1000 Erie RJM mlg.. 85 2909 Mich C X* Ist m 9G# 2099 Gal A Ohi 97 5 Imp & Trailers Bk 79 38 Pcima Coni 77 13 do TGtf •200 Pacific MS C 0.... 79 ft Chi B*QR 58 112 N Y Ccn It h 3 72 375 do sC 72 ?| 150 do Si 72? i 30 do 73 100 Frio Railway 25^ 100 Hudson Kir It 33 10 do 32^ 50 do 830 32$ 50 Harlem R prof... 2+s 325 Mich S * N 1 12$ 7 Panama R 100 !100 111 Central Scp.sli) 63$ Hit Ck-Y Col A Cut... 94'$ 25 Gal & Chicasi) Glu 100 do slO 700 Clev & T01tv10..,. 28 250 Chi & It 1 R SS$2 GO do 38^ And Birney, T.ivorjiool Vi V Lee, Holton A i* Rout, Now Jinveu THK UNION—Arch street, above Thin!. C ICeop, New York J M Stein. Chicago M Wheeler, Hancock, NY D McKenna, SlAtinston,Pa I> Lll nil, Itordentown Him Hey W (? Goodman, LVnniugtonv Joh II Higgins A lady, N J It PhUltus N Critic, i’a Rlj Boone, Ihnnsylvania 1' D McGinncH, IVtUviile B l»isalfr A: lady, Rending .1 L Riehl, Danville 8 Hunt, Union, Pu K O’Brien, New Jersey K J Stone, Wheeling, Ya COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth Ktreet, nbove Chestnut. 11 Ridci-way, New Jersey Win A Grundy, I’hilft Limit Haiwv, Cnmj. Sweny Lieut K U Wilson, I’iiiln John Merrick, Pcmin S Zimmerman, Franklin co Alex Mode, Coutexvißo J Dero- - ', Wrwt Chester J(i Gihnnre, Pt He posit, Md P W Carr, M t TT'OIy, N J •T I* Brooimll, I'.iut.sville Aaron Msu-tin, Che-ter eo Morton Peunork, Wilm, Del W 11 J riming*, St Clair John Han is, Pennsylvania Win 1" Woodward, i’a STATES UNlON—Market afreet* above Sixth. John K Fsshrr, r»i»mimvu Jr* L Hindu Rhilailplphui G W Sluice, Mexico, Pa A Moses A dun, Johnstown V»* R Uoiid, Chester J v/ Crispin. llolmcsbing Gen M Kulp A wf, Paterson Mrs Ei! A dan, Paterson Miss M M Crawford, N J Wll Morrison, CnatesvilJe WI» Mondeuludl, Coalrsv C Col gnu, Lanrasler en, Pa P Colcan, Lrutcnslcr <v* Pa Jiu> White, hauctederciu Pn Kent Davis Christiana, Pa .J T Irwin, Christiana, Pa w Hm inuian, LnrirnauT co Win Vickie, Lancaster co 11 I, Mrtv.imfi!, P<»ina j Ntch'.’W.’r,, TVmvijtraiun Jolm Peruvflj Boltiruore PALI) EAGLE—Third street, above Cnlhiuhul. Jos Miller, I'ogelsviilf, Pu A G Bewley, Bethlehem J McNenJ, Bethlehem Geo Gary, Lehigh co, Pa II 1) Miller, Por.r.a Wm Hittev, Allentown John Gorr, Allentown F Wiwrnr, Allentown Win A (Jor.-inflo, Ath-tdovn Jo's H Retting, Allentown 8 iMoiiine, Weiss pnrl J J Snyder, Weissport T. Weirs, V--import A TCncrht, Mauch Chunk C’hf.v Pettier, ’Weinnpcvrt Wm BcUerlinc, Weisspwt I) Ih err, Allentown E Lehr, Fantnn I) IV Scholl, I’enna J Hftrbester, Heading Col R i'hit", Mmifli Chunk H Johnson, New York E Odemvrllcr, Easton A Harp, Weissport MOUNT YEKNON HOTEL—Second at., ah, Arch. John P.LJssett, lionr-sdale John Trcuin A la, N York Mnj Cll Rust, New York Miss Earle, New York J M Kennedy, New Jersey A Miller* Bethlehem .T ,I Spencer, Tlnwiey, Pn C II Stuart, Pen nil John M Be nstend, Pl'iin K T Benstcftd, J’liitd John A Cochran, U b A W r Young P J Meimer, Pein:u Chas M Wise, Fenna NATIONAL HOTEL—Raro street, above Third. John Kemmeror* Allentown W H Lilly, Allentown Geo W Turner, Delaware S Seymour, New York S llanuyt-r. Wits!*, D O A llanf-n, Washington,'D C Orr, W Vlrick, Ashland, Ta E lJudner. New York Auk Rrinoohi, Lane, Pa REVERE HOUSE—Third street above Race. E W>y!» Allentown W S Pear, Olm-y, Pa A T Hulling A la, Boston J P Boyer, New Berlin, Pa Goulon F Henry,ihiujihin co John Mackey, Buyder co Rertolot Uonnnnl, Rending rHILAPELWIIA BOARD OF TRADE. GEO. N. TATHAM, 1 TIT. FROTIJINGHAM, > Oomahttee of the Mo.vtx. >YJH. L. KKIiN, ) LETTER IIAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia Ship Tuscarora, iHmlevy., Ship Weetmorelaud, Decau Bark Martha Ann McNeil, Somers .London, soon Bark P G Wilson, Peacock,,lvio Uc Janeiro, toon Brig Mary E Millikan, Nnrtlun MaL\»iJtJW, noon MARI WE INTELLICtENCE- PORT OP PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 21, 1861 SUN RISES 5 22 j SUN SETS. HIGH WATER ARRIVED. Pehr Helen Mar, Tuthill, 4 days from Nor York, with ice to captain. Schr Ann Jane, 3 days from Clioptank, with wheat aud oats to Jas L Bovley *V Co. Schr Woslovor, Elilridge, from Boston, via Wilming ton, Del, 1 day, in ballast to Crowell A Collins. Schr T P McColley, Carter, 1 day from Camden, Del, with wheal io Jas Bamitt & Son. Schr Mnntiin, Mnxon, 1 day from Eroderion, Dol, with wheat to Jag Barratt & Son. Schr J W Early, Harrington, 1 day from Frederica, with oats to Jas Parrott Sc Son, Schr Andrew Manship, Bloxani, 1 day from Magnolia, Del, with wheat to Jas Barratt k Son. Schr Fanner, Deputy, 1 day from Milford, Del, with wheat to Jas .Barratt A Son. Steamer Vulcan, Morrison, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M Baird A Co. Slc-flnsfr Sami., Jones, £i4 hom'd from New York, with mdee to W M Bnird & Co. Steamer Philadelphia, Hand, 26 hours from Washing ton, with mdse to W P Clyde. SteamerS Seymour, Palmer, S 2 hours from. Washing ton, with mdse to Thus Webster, Jr. Steamer Anthracite,'Jones, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to W M. Baird A Co. CLEARED. Slftfiin.-hip KPhAinglou, Baki**-, th»«t6n, II Winder. Steamship Delaware, Johnson, New Y'ork, Jamc3 All* derdice. Burk Nuggt-l, (Hr) Browulow, Barbftdoes, E A Souder A Co. Schr Neptuno’s Car (Br) Davis Cardenas, J Mason & Co. Schr Fly, T.ynn, E R Sawyer & Co. Schr B J. Berry, Wee.ver, Boston, L Audenriett A Co. Schr I* Moilnor. Mnrt.J. lloxbury, do .Schr 11 \V 8.-ntOii, Taylor, Lynn, J R Bktkistou. Sciu* Zephyr* Cain, Washington, J U White. Schr Zion, Tooks Saliyburv, Sid, J \Y Bacon. Str Bristol, Allen, New York, AY F Clyde. Sir J S Shrivor, l>enni«, Baltimore, A Groves Jr. Sir S Seymour, Palmer, Wadiington, T Webster, Jr. Str PhilndelphUi, Hand, Washington, W V Clyde. {Coue&pondcuce «.»f vhc Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., Aug. 10. The fdeumor Retvidere, from New York for Washing ton, DC, put into the Breakwater last evening for a har bor, and went to pen during the night. The brig Borneo, from New York for.JCey West, put in making 8 inches of water per hour. Part of her crew deserted. Schr Sarah Cullen, from Philadelphia for New York, is also here, leaking badly. The following are also at harbor: Schrs F Edwards, l? D Cox, J R Plater, John Walker, of New Havoc, J M, SM'AIi J Hoyt, Plata, Johsi Larkin, Idaho, John Annuck, of New York, J Sattorthwaite, J W Wookton, Burton Cook, Cbicmau, of Jersey City, Richard Vuux, Excelsior, of Jersey City, J C Babcock, L P, E S Sunders, Harriet Lewis, and Jos Ilolt; also brigs Madeira* for West Indies* Catharine Nickles, for Bangor, and Valiant,-for do. Wind east, and no up -pcaraorc. of oleariug ofl"» Your*?, Ac. A. MARSHALL. MEMORANDA. SK!t> Uncle Joe, Phildmai, for PliUaflelpltlft, entered for 'loading at Liverpool 3d inst. Ships Emily Angiißta, Strickland, for Philadelphia, ai*t John Leslie, Giuen, for do, entered for loading at Liver pool sth insi. . , . Ship Eli/.a A Ellen, Lnnt, from Shanriiae, ajnred at Npw York yesterday. Dark White Wuigi Eftlingi hence for Lnipinyrfti yr& spoken 10th inef, lftt 20, long 04. Burk Money nick, Smith, from Rio de Janeiro 13th ult, in ballast, at Boston 19!h inst. Bark Arthur White, McMillan, Balled from Glasgow ud inst. for Quebec. Brig Jarlen, (Norw) Klateness, hence, at Queenstown sth inst. Brig Sarah Woostcri Lord, from Bath for Philadel phia, sailed from Nowport lTlh inst. xr Brig Wabash, Bigloy, at Newport 18th inst. from Ha* Tana. ftchr Dirigo, from Havana for Pluladelphia, was seen 15th inst. ofVllfttteras. _ . Bark Marian, Fowler, from Havana, arrived at Boston 19th inst. • . , • • Schr« S L Simmons, Gandy, Wm G Audenned, Hew itt, Marietta Tilton, Tilton, and J H Burnett, Ireland, cleared at Boston 19tii inst, for. Philadelphia. Schr James Martin, nailed from Providence 19th inst. for Philadelphia. _• Sclir Jas Ncilson, Burt, from Taunton for Philadel phia, at Newport 17th inst. Schr Hannah Willits, Parsons, lienee, at Newport 19th inst, to discharge. Schr S L Crocker, Presbrcy, hence, arrived at Taun ton 17th inst. .. Schr D M French, Stitcs, hence, arrived at Providence Schr B Mary C Town, Cramer, sailed from Providenca 18th inst. for Philadelphia.' >T Schr Wm Bement, Hillard, hence, arrived at New Ha ven 18th inst. Sehrs Annie M Edwards, Somers, and P A Saunders, Somers, cloarcu nt Bofiton 19th inst. for Philadelphia. Steamer Novelty, Shaw, hence, arrived at New lerk 5 dreamer New Tork, Tinnier, cleared at New Tort yes terday for Philadelphia. (Correspondence of the Press.) ST. THOMAS, Aug. 1 Arrived July 25th, brig A J Ross, Small, for Barba dos, and willed 2r,th for Turks Island:; schr Doborah Bcaslev*, from St Kitini and fiailcd 26th for Philadelphia? oGih, schr >OlllOO, Closssen, from Port a Potre, anti sailed 27th for Turks Island; 2Sth, ship Hope, Tucker, from Liverpool, will, coals, in distress? 30tli, brig Elmir, Parker, from Granada? 31st, brig Dunkirk, Griffin, from Buenos Ayres; Sisl, bark Muravnl, from Trinidad; schr Hannibal, Wentworth, from Pt a Potre? Aug 1, brig C 0 Billin' r s, from Deniarara: schr Henry M Johnson, from New York. Sailed July 28, ship Masonic, for Cork. • Tl,e &lnp Hope, Tucker, from Liverpool for Maurilus, with coal.-, put in looking badly, with loss of foro and un/.zesi tr>pma>ils, nml mainmast sprung. In discharging. The privateer Sumpter is reported at Curacoa; the Jeff Davis at .St Johw, PR. A privateer schr, seen about 200 miles from Porto Rico, spoke and visited a Baltimore vessel, endorsed her payers, and did not molest her. SPECIAL NOTICES. Batchelor’s Hair Dye. — This cele brated and perfect HAIR DYE ia the BEST IN THE WORLD. All others are mere imitations of this Groat Original, which has gained such extensive Patronage in all parts of the globe. Tbo genuine W. A. BATCHE LOR’S LIQUID HAIR DYE instantly produces a splendid Black or natural Brown, without staining tho Skin or injuring the Hair, and will remedy the ill effects of bad Dyes, invigorating the ITftir for life. Sold by all Druggist* and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNESTOCK & CO. and DYOTT & CO., Philadel phia. mhl-tf One-Pricf. Clothing, of the Latest Styles, made in theßest Manner, expressly for RETAIL SALES. LOWEST Selling Trices marked in Plain Figures. All Goods made to Order warranted satisfac tory. Out Osk-Pkioe System ia strictly adhered to. All are thereby treated alike. se2a-ly JONES & CO., 604 MARKET Street. Grover & Baker’s Celebrated NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. The Beet in Use for Family Bowing. No, 730 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, Card Printing, Best and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Beat end Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beet and Cheapest in the City, at 34 South THIRD Street. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, or the most superior uunlity, at the most reasonable rotee, at RINGWALT & BROWN’S, Drcxoll’s Building, 34 South THIRD Street. delO-tf MARRIED: STII.I.R—SMITH. —On the 20tli inßtant, by the Rev. O. W. Shields, A. Owon Stille, M. D., to Maria King, daughter ol William 11. Smith, all of this city. * McGILL ALBERTSON. —On tho 19th instant, at the residence of Rachel L. Maulsby, (the bride’s aunt), bvtheltev. John Woart, rector of St. John’s Church, Rachel L., daughter of the late Jacob Albertson, of Plymouth, Montgomery county, Pa., to James McGill, Jvsq., vf Philadelphia. LIPPINCOTT—BLACKMAN.—Od th« lllli instant, by Roy. >V. A. Milby, Wm. K.. Lippincott to Misa Mar tha A. Blackman, all of tlfia city. .•*•• LYMAN—IRWIN.—On the 14th instant, by Rev. N. Cantwell, Mr. John Lyman to Miss Isabella Irwin, both of this citv. * GRAM6BT—BURTON.—On the lllli instant, by Rer. J. >2. Kilter, Mr. Wm. D. Crameby, to Miss Jane Bur toui a}l of this city* * DIED: HOWE.—On Sunday, the 18th instant, Mrs. Frances Howe, widow of tho late J. Howe, in the 78th year of her age. Tho rolativcß and friends of the family are invited to attend her funeral, this (Wednesday) afternoon, the 21st instant, at 3 o’clock, from tho residence of her son-in law, W. W. Knight, Manheim street, near the Plank Hood* Germantown. To proceed to South Laurel ililL Carriages will leave W. H. Moore’s, No. &05 Arch street, at 2 o’clock. * SMITH. —On the 17th instant, Elisabeth 8., wife of Cornelius Smith, in the 71st year of her age. Funeral from her late residence, No. 4 Swarthraore place, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3o’clock. * ROLM Alt.—On the evening r>l‘ the Wtb i*» i-i -*, Adcladf, wife nf tin* lute Anthony Holnar, in the. Ji3:n year nf ).r*r wi-'o. * CAM I'BKLL.—On tho l&lh in.stunl, Jtdm Campbell, in tin* 8:M j cur ofhir. nge. Vunei id from his late residence, in Ea-Uowu, Che»t*W co., ibi> fWfi!m>*il:iy) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * CROTHEKS.—On the ISth iivdanl, Mary brothers, wife of Saiuticl ua'ci! 6j yearn. Funeral fiom the rer'idi-nce of her huaband, Samuel t'roUiev?, Kail Htreet, below Shm’* lane, Mauuyunk, thif- /Wwlnemluy) nftei'iieun, at 1 o'clock. * CUKTJS.--Dn the 17th infant, at Mount Hnlly, N. J., Blanche, infiiiit dniightiT of Kii/.abelh <l. utul John H. Cnrlis, Jr., of Ihi.- <*:!>, aged {) uioulh*. * DA \ IS.—On the IRth inwlnnt, Laura J., daughter of John J. and Sarah Davis, aged 21 month*. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No, KV3fl Vinoslivet, this ( \V(-iliU'K«lay) ufti-nmon, at :j nVlnrk. BASTIAN.—On the lllih instant, Samuel J-}., Kan of John :»nil lin* late Almira l):;.sli:v!i. Funeral from the residence of his grandmother, Mrs. IhumriU Algi.-r, As£*<*i« street, of Thirty-sixth, Wr;-! rhHiidi'lpMtit * i’FROMMER.—On the 16th instant, GoHlolb Pfrom mt*r, in the HUh year of his nge. Funeral from Ins residence, 027 South si reel, below Tenth, tikis (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. # GIBBONS.—On iho 101 h inst.uit, Dennis, son of Den nis and Margaret GiMiun-'. :tgvd 3 yi'ar. Funeral from the l e-iileneu of his parents, N. W. cor ner of Twr-iity-fir.*! mid Tjoinbnrd streets* (Wedncs- Je-y) nftr-rnooji, «t 1 oVlork. ENSIGN.—On the 79th instant, CUara Larina, inruul daughter of Chiudottc F. and Henry Kusigts. Funcrftl from the residence of her parents, No. 24 South Seventeenth street, on Thursday morning, at lu o’clock, * GARDINER.—On the 19th instant, Washington Hen ry, Soil t'f John K- Gardiner, aged 9 years. Fimend tVein the residence of his imrenlf’. Second htrooL below Girard aveuutsthU (Wednesday )aftarnooH, At 1 oVli't-k. * GAKLIGK—On (he tSIli imdant, at Frankford, Mr*. Jhih' Gailieji, iu {he 70ih year of hi*r age. Fuiivnd fiom her late l-esideiice, Deal slreel. below Adam, Frankford, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. *• I.ONG ACRE.—On Ihe 20H» imdmil, Fannie H. n:4udl, infant daughter of Josiah ami Louisa Lougacre, aged 10 lncntlis aud 10 day*. Fnwcrid from the re-'Klencc* ot her parent s , No. 1202 Whitehall street, this (Wcdne.-day) morning, at 10 o’clock. * McCitERDY.—On the 18th instant, Mr. James Me- Crwdy, auvd 42 years. Funeral fmm la.- lute residence, No. 1534 Howard st., below Master, tliis (Wihlnesday) aflcrnoun, at -S o’clock. REDSTRKAKK.—On the 18th Instant, Susan (}., Wife of Ainnr S. Kedstreake, aged 22 years. Fmiend from tin* residence of her hissbaml, No. 408 German at reel, Inis (Wednesday) nfiernoniif at 3 o’clock. SMITH.- On the 18th instant, at Mount Holly, N. J., Ann Smith, In br*r 90th year. Funeral Gi*h (’Wednesday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * STTNEMEYER.—(»n the Ififl: instant, Mrs. Mary Ann fitinenifier, aged 47 year. s , wife of George Stinomoyer. Funeral from her late residence, Germantown avenue, below Diamond, this (Wednesday) afternoon, av 1 o’clock. - * WTLENT.—On the 18th instant, Elizabeth-Wilent, daughter ot George and Mary Aim Wilcut, age<l 6 years, 1 month, and 10 days. Funeral from the residence of her parents, Maiden lane, below Graj’s Ferry road, this (Wednesday) after noon, at C o’clock. ■JI/TOUKNING STORE, BESSON & IV± SON, 918 CHESTNUT Street, are now selling Black crape maret-/., at 25 ami 31X cents. Black bareges, at 25 and 31# cents. Black 7-4 wide bareges, 50 and 62# cents. Second-mourning poplins, 25 cents. Gray mixed lavellas, 12^c. Gray mottled modenus, 12j£r. Gffty Iftlfci*! wide madonnae, 1 c. Black and white print(*d greniwline loc. Shepherd plaid real grenadine bareges, 50c. Black and white Parle organdies, 25c. jyl Liverpool, soon .Liverpool, soon THE INDUSTRY SAVINGS FUND LLJ and BUILDING ASSOCIATION OF PHILA DELPHIA. Tho Kin!)! Ammo! Meeting «il! be held on THURS PAT BYENXMIt. 22d Inst, nt 8 o'clock, at >. E. corner of FOURTH and GREEN Streets., when the annual re port will be presented, and Officers elected for the ensu ing year. J. S. SIDDALL, au2l-2t* Secretary. ryr==» EAST MAHANOY RAILROAD COM \X3 TANY, Office 497 LIBRARY Street. - Phila delphia, 16th August, 1861.—The fifth instalment of FIVH DOLLARS per share of the Stock Of Vllb COmpftUy Will bo payable on the Ist of September next, at the Com pany’s office. A, McINTYRK, :ui2l-wAstsrl Treasurer. POST OFFICE. PHILADELPHIA, LL? AUGUST 21, 1861. In order to l»etter accommodate the public, I have the pleasure of announcing that, through the kindness of Mr. Michael Dunn, the office, No. 12 Exchange, has been se cured, where all persons having the old United States Postage Stump* are requested io call anu have them ex chanced for Um now ones, duHhte tlie remainder of th'd week, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 V. M. It C. A. WALBORN, P. M. ryrz=* CONSULATE OF SPAIN.--In accord ance with a Royal Ordinanco, dated 30th May last, the sales of Qumkailver from Ahnaden’s Mines Imre ceased in Cadiz .and in the interior of the Kingdom; it w ill be *oid only nt Sevilla and Madrid. Pui'ebfttore at thy Commissary of the Mines of the State, (Comisario do las Minas del KstwhO and at the second to the Superintend ent of the Mint, (Superintendent): do la Casa do Moneda,) in whose offices, respectively, proper facilities for making payments will he ;ifr'nnh*d, and the Quicksilver delivered in iron flasks containing three Castilian arrobns each. The prices fixed by the said Royal Ordinance, at the obovo-nnnsM place?, nrv a? follows—namely On sales from Ito 999 Hades, per flask, 634 Healer Vellon ; on sale? exceeding 1,900. 63*2 Reales Vcllon. Moreover, the quicksilver will continue to be sold at the Commission tie Hacienda de Espana cn Londrcs, C. A .Token Yard Citv, Londres, in tho said flasks of a minimum contents of 75 English pounds each, nt established prices, to wit: Ou sales from 1 to 999 flasks, price per flask, 7 pounds ster ling, with a discount of 3)£ per cent., and of ¥- per cent, commission. On sales exceeding 1,000, 7 poumU-ster linar, with a discount of per cent., and >5 per cent, commiskion, exportation from Londwi being” 6bU»ftUi*y. PvAMKA U, The Consul of Spain. PiULAPEi.Piri-4, 20th of Augu-t, 1861. au2l POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, Lkjs August 20, 1861. NOTICE.—In consequence of a change in the de parture of the trains for New York, the public is hereby notified that on and after TO-MORROW, (Wednesday,) the 21st in«t., the morning mail will be closed at this office at half past eight o’clock. The mails heretofore leaving at S and 10 A. M. will be discontinued. C. A. WALBORN, nn2o-2t Postmaster. rPOST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, LLS AUGUST 19* 1861. . NOTICE,—'The public is hereby notified that the now UNITJSD STATES POSTAGE STAMPS are now rcHflj' and for sale at this office. Those haring any of tho OLD ISSUE are requested to call and hare them ex changed for the new one of the same denomination wntm SIX DAYS from the date of this notice, as after (lute tlurj hn »• •- ■* 4 nf iwi'au’A at this office. . • The jew Stansna .are of thr* d®nominatio« of O* B, THREE, FIVE, TUN, TWELVE, T>VENTYrFOUB, THIBTY, and NINETY CENTS. au!9-fit C. A. WALBORN, P. M. MILITARY NOTICES. L"” iS T 0 F FIELD AND STAFF OFFICERS or COL. HENRY BOHLEN’S FIELD REGIMENT. Colon;!—HOST BOHLEN. Lieutenant Colcnct—l‘HANClfS MAHLER. Major—ALVIN MATZDORP. Adjutant—KODEßlCH THEUNE. Quartermaster —JOHN WRICK. Reg. Surgeon— CHRISTIAN A. S. BEEKEN, M. D. Ass. do. EGON KOEBPBR, M. D. Regular Chaplain—FßANClS KKCKKRITZ. HEADQUARTERS, 344 North THIRD Sired. au2o-6t B ATTENTION !—COMPANY I, H TWENTIETH (SCOTT I LEGION) REGIMENT. VI 801 l open N. W. corner SEVENTH and CHEST NUT Streets, up etnira. 7t JU CAPT. W. E. HUBBS’ ZOUAVE ll COUPS will be mustered into service on Friday af ll/ternoon, o o'clock, nt SFRING-OARDEN IIALL, THIRTEENTH mid SPRING GARDEN. .Enrolled members, take notice. nn2l--t Capt. Vi. B. HUPPS. ill SEVENTEENTH REGIMENT IN- Ed FANTRY, P. Y,—Returned volunteers, and other i|J young and active men, who desire to enter at once ■* onluctive service, can now have an opportunity of en listing in a good regiment, and be immediately mustered into service. Apply at the Armory of the Independent Grays, CO‘2 ARCH Street, or at the Philadelphia Grays Armory, MARKET, above Eighth. Other Armorica will be opened iu a few days. nu2l-3t* IYM. A. LEECII, Colonel. II u. S. MARINES.—WANTED im -6 mediately, for the U. S. Marine Corps, 500 ablc- M{ bodied men, for sea and land service. Also, a few competent Drummers and Fifers. All information that may be roqaired will be given at Rendezvous, 311 S. FRONT Street, Philadelphia. W. STOKES BOYD, au!7-I2t First Liputenant, Recruiting Officer. THREE-YEARS MEN. RE CRUITS AND VOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR THE REGULAR ARMY. Term of services, throo years. Pay, *lB to *25 par month. You have now on opportunity to enlist and sene under graduates of West Point. . For full particulars, apply at 800 CHESTNUT Street, corner uf Eighth, up stairs. Captain JOHN V. HAUGHEY, nuB.l2t Fifteenth Infantry Becrnlting Officer. VgA new REGIMENT.—PHILA JBI DELrillA LIGHT CAVALRY. / r*V? COL. RICHARD HENRY RUSH. Accepted by the War Department for fThree Years or the War. PRINCIPAL RENDEZVOUS, 833 MARKET Street. Thin Regiment offers to active young men who desire at once to go to duty peculiar advantages. Tho muster ing will be by companies. The orders from tho War De partment have already been received to supply each com pany, as Boon as musiored, with uniform, arms and equipments, subsistence, and horses, horse equipments and forage, and at onco go into camp near this city for practice and drill during the formation of the Regiment. The pay is as follows per month: Sergeant Major, $23 j Quartermaster Sergeant, $23; Chief Bugler, $23; First Sergeant, $22: Sergeant, 19; Corporal, $18: Bugler, slpi Furrier and BlacfceioiTtii @IT *, Private, Tho arms will be simply the Sabre and large.gizod Re volver. The uniform will bo Dark-Bine Jacket and Cap, and Sky-Blue PantH, all trimmed with Yellow Braid. The Colonel, RICHARD HENRY RUSH, in a West Point graduate, and an experienced army officer. All the other office™ are,without exception, selected forthoir known fitness for their petitions, .. , Young men between tho «ges of 18 and 28, abio-nodied, of light build, and over 5 feet 6 inches high, who wish to join this Regiment, can apply at the Principal Bendez- TOUP ’ No. 833 MARKET STREET. The restriction as to ago does not apply to Buglersfor to old soldiers of the mounted service. All minora must produce the written consent of their parent or guardian, aul 502 t F~'or sheriff, JOSEPH H. THOMPSON, of tho Thirteenth ward.^ The Union, one and Inseparable. No North, uo South, no East; and no West; but ono and indirisiblo, au!9-Bt* The union. FOB REGISTER OF WILLS, WM. M. GREINER, Subject to no Party rules. milb-Jt-* MARSHAL’S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of anlo by tho Hon. John Cadwalador, Judgo of the District Court of the United States, in and for tho Eastern District or Pennsylvania, in admiralty to me directed, will ho sold nt public sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the Store 703 and 70a SWANSON Street, below Shippen, on MONDAY, the 2d dny of September, 1861, at 12 o’clock M., 2,500 socks of Salt, more or less, being the cargo of the ship GENE RAL PABKIULL, WILLIAM MILLWABD, August 10,1861. U. S. Marsha!. E. D. of Penna. eu2124 31 WHILE YOU ARE ABOUT IT get a colored Photograph. Tho charge is only *l, and you are sure of a pleasing picture by resorting t o BEIMEB, SECOND Street, above Green. it* POLITICAL. NOTICES. NEW PUBLICATIONS, for the best. NEARLY READY, DICKENS' <{ GHEA T EXPECTATIONS)'' ILLUSTRATES BY DARLEY, Two volumes, at 7»c. each. Orders received nt the office of APPLETON'S CY- CLOPEDIA, 33 South SIXTH Street. JOHN McFAKLAN, AGENT. ftulfl-mv»2t Late English publications. Imported tttul lot-wile by MeELItOY & CO., Im -1»•! li’i'H of Kji«ii.“h ituuk*, &c. r N’u. 27 South SIXTH S!j’ei‘t, »l*OVpCh'rtmit, MAX MULI/Rlt. I/petur™ on the Science of Lan guage, Royal Bvo, doth. $>3.50. Pit ITCH AICD’.S INVCSOKIA, including the Dcsmi orftCOHe and Piatonmcese, British and Foreign. 40 Illus trations on steel. 4th edition, revised and enlarged. Thick Bvo, cloth. 011. MACK AY (CIIAS.) Legendary and Romantic Bal lad;; c>f Scotland. 12mo, rloth. £1.50. KNIGHT (CHAS.) Ihipultir History of England. Il lustrated with numerous portraits on steel. Vol. 7. 6ru, doth. £3. JACKSON’S ART OF WOOD ENGRAVING. New edition. Enlarged and brought down to the present with imtlcea or Modem Artists, ami Kngrarlugs irom their Works. Royal Bvo, half morocco, gilt tops. &1G.50. A priced catalogue of a large collection of choice Eng hi id •French Literature, hi every department of Science and Aft« how ready. and may be had gratis* on application. auSQ-ot Books, law and miscella- NEOI'S, new and old, bought. sold, and ex changed, at the PHILADELPHIA-RANK BOOK STOKE, No. 410 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to sell, if at a .distance, will state their names, sizes, bindings, dates, editions, prices, and conditions. WANTED—Books printed by Benjamin Franklin, as well as early Books printed in and upon Auffwica. Autograph Letters and Portraits purchased, Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Catalogues, in press, sent free. Libraries ap praised by [fe‘2s-tf] JOHN CAMPBELL. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS. ___ T iLANNELS ANGOLA, MF.RINO, SAXONY, Etc. TAIiIOUS WIDTHS AND QUALITIES. For sate by WELLING, COFFIN, & Co. au9-fmw3m MILITARY WOODS. Oil NAVY BLUE SATINETS. 5,000 or 6,000 Yard* latligoßiuo SaHaH, sudi as is usod in the United States Navy. For Bale by FROTHING-HAJt & WELLS, 35 LETITIA Street, and auH-Om 3-J FRONT Street, QOTTON DUCK, SUITABLE FOR TENTS, FOR SALE BY myM-iftf FROTHINtLffAM & WELLS. RETAIL DRY GOODS. g P E C IAL NOTICE' PRICE. FERRIS, & Co., After WEDNESDAY' NEXT, the 21st inst., will dose the Bale of their "WIIOLESALE STOCK, at No. 535 MARKET STREET, Preparatory to opening it again for sale on CHESTNUT Street. COUNTERS AND FIXTURES at 535 MARKET Street, for sale ; a great bargain. PRICE, FERRIS, & Co. nu2O-10t . TV/TUSLINS STILL AT OLD PRICES. IV i —Notwithstanding the advance in price of Cot- UNISLEACHED SHIRTING MUSLINS AT THE OLD PRICES. BLEACHED SHIRTING MUSLINS At the Old Prices. SHEETING AND PILLOW-CASE MUSLINS At tb e O' 1 ! Price’. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED COTTON FLANNELS, And Domestic Goods of nil Kinds, AT THE OLD PRICES. New styles or PRINTS at S>l, 8,10, and 12%. In order to insure more RAPID SALES, and to close our stock in season, we have made STILL FURTHER REDUCTIONS In prices of all oiir Summer DreatMloods. r 11. STEEL A BON, No. 713 North TENTH Street, above Coates. nugl6-tf CHEAP DRY GOODS—STILt FUR >r CTM,P3iPV£2J9SL™-^ MEK STOCK, m Fin* Cliiatz4»lorod P*ri* - Do. do. Paris JarouotSs Medium Style do. do. Dark Brown Lawns, 12# ceuU. Silk Chflilles. Bareges, Barege Anglais, Gray Goods, Poplins. Mous de Laines &c. Black Tamartine Crape de Espang, &c. Foulard Silks and Milanese, Ac. White Goods in variety. A fine line of plain Swiss Muslins, 12# to 50 cents. Black Lace Mantles, Bournous and Points. Black and Colored Stella Shawls. A very cheap lot of Linen Cambric Hdkfs. A good stock of Flannels and Domestic Goods at tho lowest market rates, for cash only. CHARLES ADAMS & SON, jyCO-tf EIGHTH and ARCTI Streets. TYRY GOODS AT THE LOWEST J J MARKET RATES. Bareges, Challies, and Tamertlne-, cheap. Madonnas Poplin?, Mohairs, Alpacas. Plain Brown and Tan Colored Silks. Nice assortment of Black Silks. Small Figured Silks. Blue, Green, and Lilac Plaid Silks. Larger Plaids, very cheap. Men and Boys’ Wear, nice and cheap. House Furnishing Goods. ' 200 pairs Gents’ Suspenders at Go cents, worm SI. A decided bargain. • „ Also, Fifty dozen Cents’ Linen Cambric uandker chiefs, at *6 pec doxeu, at Rtl 6 702 ARCH Street. iodi —MEMORABLE TEAR!! 1001. HARD ON DRY GOODS! VERY LOW M! LHoKEBKDrcEi)i ana SPMSO garden, Want to sell their stock clean off, And have eonwHiuently REDLX'ED TIIEIR PRICKS, ■ VERY LOW, INDEED. Fancy Silks a little over half price. Some'stylcs of Dress Goods at half price, Lace Mantles, Pointcs, Eugenics, Ac., very cheap. Black Silks, cheapest in Philadelphia. A great variety of Gray Goods, Lawns, Sc., Ac. A very large stock of Domestic Goods. A very large stock of Linen Goods. Cloths, Cassinieres, Vestings, Ac., Ac. ir P. —This is a RARE CHANCE to get goods un usually cheap. THORNLEY k CHISM, NrE. comer EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. V B —From this date, July 9, Terms “ Cash on Da livery.” Jyo - RAY shirting flannels. Plain and Twilled Grays. Plain and Twilled Scarlets. Plain and Twilled Army BUwl Fancy French Shirting Flannel?. White English and American Shirting Flannels. Mixtures and high colors Shirting Flannels. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, au l3 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. Fancy thin dress-goods. A few lots remaining, of— Summer Dress Goods, In Bareges and Grenadines, PopUnß, B&f«g4 Anglftl*, ’ Chintzes, Mozambiques, At very low prices, to close the stock. 7 SHARPLESS BROTHERS, auls CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. Eyre & landell, fourth aud ARCH, Are now opening, for Fall Sales— Black Stellas, low grades. Black Stellas, medium grades. Black Stellas, fine grades, Eyre & landell are open , iug t for near trade— Black Silks* at old prices. Full atock of Muslins. Shawls of all grades. Brown and Blue Plaid Silks* Full stock of Staple Silks. House-furnishing dry GOODS, of crcry description, cheap for cash. COOPER ft CONARD, au 7 8. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET. ri LOT H s, cassimeres, vest- Vj INGS, comprising a fmo stock, at low rates, of men’s and boys’ wear. COOrER ft CONARD, an? 3. E. corner NINTH ft MARKET. Q CENT DE LAINES AND BA- O REGKS. 53.50 and S 3 full length barege robes-. Bummer drees goods at lialf price. Black dress goods, a fine assortment. COOPER ft CONARD, au7 S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. Entire mantilla stock Reduced 40 ppr cent., to close. Bargains in dusters and lace mautlce. Best hoop skirts, right shape, and reliable. COOPER & CONARD, fiu7 S. E. corner NINTH ft MARKET. Philadelphia terra-cotta "WORKS* 001 co and Warerooras, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. Ornamental Chimney Tops. Gurden Vases and Statuary. Encaustic Flooring Tile. Architectural Ornament*. Ventilating and Smoke Flues. Ridge Tile and Sanitary Ware, gteam-preeeed Drain Pipe. Water Pipe, warranted to stand pressure, cheap and durable. The Trade supplied, on Liberal Terms. Illustrated Catalogues sent by mail, on application by letter. tnh&Mf Q/l fIAA to |6,000 to invest in a first <P“tjVUv class City Ground-rent. Also, several »uma to invest in mortgages. Applv lo E. B. JOBES, It* ‘ No, 12? South SEVENTH Street, SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, COM MISSION MERCHANTS FOP- TUB HALE OB PHILADELPHIA - MADE coons. tnli22-Gm RISCHE & OELBERMANN, IMPORTERS OF WOOLLENS, AND SOLE AGENTS FOR BAUENI> A H L ’ S DOESKINS, CLOTHS, fcc. No. 333 MARKET STREET. aul-0-mwfot •JELLING, COFFIN, & CO., No. 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer, by tho Package, th? following Makes and Descrip tions of Goods : PRINTS. DCNNELL MFG. CO. GREENE MFC. CO. BREACHED COTTONS. Bay Mill, Lonsdale, Hope. Blackslone, Groer.o Mfg. Co., Bed Bunk, Mariposa, Jamestown, SlaterHvillc, Bdvidcre, Ceutredale, See. BROWN COTTONS. Fredonia, Ohio, Groton, Silver Spring, denvilie, Ragle, Mechanics 1 and Vnrmors’ Union, Ac, CORSET JEANS.— Manchester. DENIMS AND STRIPES.—Grafton, Jewoft City, Madison, PiJiUTrtville, Agitwum, Keystone, Choctaw. CANTON FLANNELS.—Slater.sville, Agawam, Shep pard’s. SfLESlAS.—Smith's, Lonsdale. Diamond Hub WOOLENS. JIKOAD CLOTHS.— Buttomloy's, Pomeroy’s, Gleuhftm Company. CASKIMKRES AND DOESKlNS.—Greenfield, Gay's, ' Stearns*. BATT NETS.—Raws River, Crystal Springs, Con vers villeT Mope, Stafford ride, Converse and Hyde, Con verse Brothcrst Bridgewater. ALSO, Flannels, Lhieoys, Kentucky Jeans, Nankeens, Tickings, Colored Cambrics, Printed Cloakiugs, Ac. uu9fmw3m SCHOOL OF DESIGN FOR WO MEN, ]sSt CHESTNUT Street, reopen* on the first MONDAY of .September. EN ftLIS II AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL.— I The school of the subscriber, in Simes’ Building, at TWELFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, will be removed to the larger Hall, directly over Mr. Jlas sard’s store, s?i the same building, and will be reopened eu MONDAY, Dili of September. au2l-tf OHAIU.FS SHORT. Bordentown female col- LEGE, Ilordentown, N. J.» situated on the Camden and'Amboy Kailroud, thirty milt**; north of Philadelphia. Special attention paid to the common and higher English branches, and superior advantages furnished in vocal and instrumental Music. German and French. Session commences September 30. Address l>rT» JQllif V. ISKAKELEY, A. QT. MARK’S EPISCOPAL ACADE IO MY, LOCI'.*? .StrrM-f, vest nf Sixteenth. reopens on MONDAY, Sc-ptemln r t 2, at 0 A. M. J. AN'DRKWS HARRIS, A. M.» Principal. THE COLLEGE OF ST. JAMES, Yr'ASIU >'GTO>T COUNTY', MAKYLAND. The next Annual of tlio- fullest', aivl of tl» Grammar School, will open regularly on tin* last WKD» JN'Ff*I>AY (the 25th) of September. Address the Uot. XH-. KEIU’OOT, Hector, At., College of St. Jainon I*. 0., Mainland. nul9«mwl*2t pi EORGETOYTY COLLEGE, D. C., AfotrsTt 1351, The exercises of tUU Tnstitution will he resumed the /list-MONDAY In September. Terms per annum, for Hoard and Tuition,- S2OO, payable half yearly, iii ad vance. For further particulars apply to the President. oul4.wfAmltn JOHN KAIILY, S. J. Academy of the protest- A.NT EWBCOI’A!, CIlt'KCTf, Locust aud Jmil. per streets. Til? Autumnal Session' will open on MOXD.VY, Sep tember 2d, at ft o'clock A. M. 'Applications for admission maybe mad* at tko Aca demy on and after August 2Sth, between the hours of It and 12 o’clock in the morning. JOHJi'W. ROBINS, A. M. f Hoad Master. THE MISSES OASEY and MRS. 'BEEBE will r*-open tlieir KnsrlUh find French Bofti'diii" ami Day School on WEDNESDAY, the 11th of SF.PTF.MBKR. au2o-lm -\/rARY L. STACKHOUSE will re- AVx open lier BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL, for Girl*, at No. 1«"-0 SPRING GARORN" SStreet, ontlw.Sl of SEPTEIIItKR navi. auSO-iUt* i?DGEIIILL SCHOOL, Jjj PRTNCF.TON, N. J. A ’HOME FOR BOYS. Pupils prepared thoroughly for college or for business. The school premises con tain thirteen acres,, providing umply for lawn, play ground, end garden. Terms $125 per session. For circulnrs» address Bert J, I\ HUGITEsU AuK.-thPtfc.tudt Principal. WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, YY WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, The next session of this Institution will begin on MONDAY, the 2d of September. It possesses the best facilities for thorough instruction in a complete course of solid and ornamental studies. Superior Accommodations for boarders. For full information, address aulO-tsel JOHN WILSON, President. MISS MARY E. THROPP will re open her Boarding rind Day School for Young La dies, at 1924 SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia, on MON DAY, September 9th. Circulars, containing fuU infor mation, to be had on application. aul9 dtOctl# MISS E. BROWN WILL KEQPEN her School for Girls, in the Spring Garden Insti tute, on the Northeast corner of BROAD and SPRING GARDEN Streets, on Ninth month (SEPTEMBER) 2d. Charge for tuition. Ten Dolhira for five months. aul9-lm* TKVINCt female college, JuMECnANICSBUJIfi, PA._Tinßilif;Lirutiou,PhaptPrwt with full collegiate powers, will open its next session on WEDNESDAY, September 4, wilh a fuU corps of efficient and experienced Teachers. The attention of parents having daughters to educate is respectfully called to this institution. For Catalogue* riving full information us to terms, Ac., address A. G. MARSHALL, President. juilT -»t utliOt* GH ESTN V T - STREET FEMALE SEMINARY.—Miss BONNEY and Misa DILL AYE will reopen their Boarding and Day School on WEDNES DAY, September 11, at No. 1615 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. aulG-liu Young ladies’ institute,of lIATBOEO', !'a. t ßev. GEO, HASP, A. M,, Prin eipal A family school,- in a delightful country lot alien, convenient to the city. Duties resumed September 9, For circulars, .wulress the Principal. aulJ-Ci* 8. A. HABBISON, 1010 CHESTNUT Street. COMMISSION lIOUSES. No. 110 CHESTNUT STREET, EDUCATIONAL. au2l # nnlP-mwf lm BOARDING SCHOOL, near Media, DELAWARE COUNTY, Pa., tui- Twelve Boys. Roopclis September lb nulD-lm* BAML. ARTHUR. A. M. THE PRIVATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS, in the Philadelphia City Institute, North east corner of CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH Streets, will reopen MONDAY, September 2,15G1. nuls-2m* L. BURROWS, Principal. MILITARY DEPARTMENT IN CONNECTION IVITII THE MODEL SCHOOL, TRENTON, N. J.—Term opens SEPTEMBER 2d, 1861. In view of the present condition and prospects of our country, which are too well understood to C-Aliment here, and at the urgent solicitation of many citizens, it has been determined to establish a MILITARY DE PARTMENT in connection with the Model School, which, while securing to its cadets all the advantages hitherto offered by that school, shall suporadd tho per fection of drill, tho precision of discipline, and to a con siderable extent the special application of scientific prin ciples required to constitute the thorough soldier. Tho plan keeps prominently in view the moral training of tho pupil. Under all civcumstHncw tho Bible will V© assumed as the standard of truth and duly. All that tends to develop nud strengthen the upright, generous, and amiable qualities of our nature, and t# depress -and weaken its evil tendencies, will be constantly resorted to for that purpose. A regular and systematic physical training is contem plated, which, in connection with the Intellectual and Moral, is so essential to man in department of lifr, In furtherance of these views the department will be organized mid conducted under the special supervision of Dr. SUMNER C. WEBB, so long and .well, known in connection wiih the Normal School, with the co-opera- I ion and assistance of the Principal and Professors of th« institution. The course of study will be substantially the same as that already pursued In the school, preparing the pupl for college or commercial life. There will abo be special exercises for those who de sire tlum in the application of mathematical and mecha nical principles to fortifications, gunnery, siege opera tions, Ac. The drill in the School of the Soldier, the Manna! *f Arms, nnd the Evolutions by Squad, Company, Battalion, fcc., will bo required of nil. To insure uniformity, a dvess will hereafter bo PTC* scribed. GENERAL REGULATIONS. TERMS OF ADMISSION.—I. Candidates meat nal be less than ten nor more than seventeen years of age. 2. They must be able to read fluently and wiito legi bly. u._ They must be able to operate with freedom in the fundamental rule* of Arithmetic. 4. £hejr must possess* ft gonwftl flCWfotoft# Wit’ll w® Geography of this country. _ 0. Such books us are now in the Text Book Library of the School will be supplied to such of the cadets as desire them free of extra charge. _ . _ , 6. For the ordinary English branches, to wit: Read ing and Elocution, Penmanship, Book-Xeepmg, Menial and Practical Arithmetic, Grammar and LompOsUion, Descriptive Geography, Algebra ana Practical Gecsne try, ftlO per quarter. . I . ~r 7 For ouy of tho fowcoing, with Ancient fled Mo dern Lnngtigee, the Higher English branches, Civil, To pographicali and Military Engineering, Sift perquarter. 6. The tuition will be required, without exception, in R<^9. 8 Candidates for admission will be received only o« the* EXPRESS CONDITION that they aso to couform STRICTLY, PROMPTLY, and CHEERFULLY, to al the rules established for the discipline and government of the department. All fnnhrr information will he furnished on appllca* cation, by letter or otherwise, to WM, F. PHELPS, Principal State Normal School, Or DB. SUMNER C, WEBB, Refer lo Prof, JOHN S. lIART, Editor of Sunday School Times, VhUadelpbia. ftßlfr-awtai* AMUSEMENTS. >A/<AVuv'-/«V<'^'AA. < An'tf^vw>A»wwww>nnw rpiGHT-ROPE ASCENSION FAIBMOUNT, ACROSS THE SCHUYLKILL RIYBIt, Br Mil. JOTIN DBNIKB, The most daring ln (he World, THIS AFTERNOON, Commencing us 2 o’clock, one! concluding at 6. It# TITcDONOUGH’S OLYMPIC THEA ±.T_L THE, RACE Street, In-low Third THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING, August Sl»t, Uir-t Nlfiht of the Force of TIIK FTtJKR't’ OUAItl). MISS ANNIE LONSDALE In a ii< 1» Comic: rt»h*. Mr. Heninit l an tin lii'ceMit analirut hlg will. ALL THAT OLITTERS IS NOT 001.0. Stephen Plum Mr. Panniu' Martha ■ Mrs. Flaw TIIK WINMILN; on, UNLIRTKIJ /0;i !,OVK Tnuirheo Alias Annie r.onsdat* Adnilwioii—l’amurttr, Si ecu!*. Fiunilr Circle, 15 cents. Frivatii Box Seats, 00 cents.. It Assembly buildings.—-last WEEK RUT ONE—COMPLETE AND UNBX AMPLKI) SKCCKSn.—Krory night: this wk. Daf exhibition on ,*ATri{I)A Y AFTKJINOON* at 3 o’clock. Stcmiplicon of tl.c SOUTHERN KESKT,LION—Fifty Views—including the great Rattle at BuTl'h Bun, Ya., ItaMle at Sprineti.l.l, Missouri, will) PcrtrßltS Of IlllthO OfneralK. Tn tin fnllnued liy ftahrietotoii** repr*- w*iiljilioi) <>nin- JULIAN WAIt, Admi«;.ton,'2* cental children, lo cents. Colored people, 25 cent*. • aul9-6( PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE FINE ARTS, 1025 CHESTNUT Street, U open daily, Sundays excepted. from 3 A. M. till fl P. M. Admiaaion 2f> centri. Children under twelve year*, half price. Sharis of Stock, S3O. jyl Young men’s Christian Xi SOCIATION.—Second Excursion to ATLANTI# CITY, ITKBDAY, August 27, 1861. Social Meeting M 4 o’clock, in the I‘IIKSBYTKJtIAN CHUKOH, uoiler the* patronage of a number of minister:, who wilt ac company the Association. ltunf leaves Vine-street wharf at 6.30 A. M., return ing at D.3D I’. M. Ticket* One Pollar and Fifty Cents. Children liatt pric.-, j-vir pule at the principal Bookstores, and tk* Rooms Of the aul‘2-l&t* WANT ED. — The advertiser is a PRACTICAL PRINTER—h:ta liccn the pro prietor of h daily and weekly newspaper, and is of steady and industrious habits, !fa desires a SITUA TION as local or assistant editor, bookkeeper, etc. Ig * good accountant, and Tor a young man only 25 has hat rtT<Taß<* ahare of business and political expn# rience. well fit Una him to ioanogL' the financial and mailers of any oflicc. Address aul9-4t E” MPLOYERS WANTING YOUNG Mon, Ac., arc Invited lo add re** tho Emplayrnont Committee," at the liooms of t)ie Young Men’s Christia* Association, 1000 and 1011 CHESTNUT utroct. apS-6m I'OR SALE AND TO LET. Gymnasium for family, School, or Homo Guard. A complete set, re quirin'? but a small rwin for efficient arrangement. ■Will be sold at 575, cost 5?175. Apply at Store S. K, corner ELEVENTH and CHESTNUT Sheets. It TO REN T—Large Communicating Furtmlicnl ROOMS, for Gentlemen, (without board)* in a private family, on 'WALNUT Street, wetf of Tenth. Apply to Drug-Store, N. E. corner of Eleventh an 4 Walnut streets. au2o-tf 0* A RARE OPPORTUNITY ! HSaklGHTir-STHKET-DKY GOODS ST(.'*HE, with large RWELLINO, tr> Rent. Ope of the bCnt-IOCHfC* and fittwi*up Store)* on the Htreot. Vor partieulATA, aj*- piy to E. WIUGLEV, Conveyancer, uuHbGt* 154 South FOURTH Street. au'2l-l'Jt* TO LET.—A DWELLING- HsSiLTf-OU.SE, THIRTEENTH Street, above Arch, with all the modern convenience-. Rent moderate. Apply t* WUTIIERILL Si BROTHER, an" 47 North SECOND Street. <§& TO RENT LOW—Furnished orun ißxfuvnif-heH, for f.lx mouths, or longer, If desired, a large and convenient HOUSE, No. 17o* Arch street. Apptv to A. 1\ and ,1. li. MORRIS, 910 ARCH Street. _ A THE “ FETRIDCFE BUILDING" HiliTO LET !—To let, for one or more years, the Eet« ridge Huildiiia/* Nu.i. 809 anti 811 Chestnut street, for* im*rly t.oouptfj l*>- L, J, Lr-ry A Cy, The building i* built of brown ijtoue, four stories high, fire-proof, 50 bjr 17f» feet. This cftabii'hment is considered the handsomest de voted to commercial purposes in the United States, auJ the good will of the immense trade fouuerly trau**clo4. there valuable. Arrly to W. ‘PEMBROKE FETRIDOfI, 100 VYeht FOURTEKN'TTf Street, New York. N. R. The present fixtures belong to th-i establish ment. ftul2-mwifotif t ABJNET FURNITURE. CABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LTARD TABLES. MOORE & CAMPION, No. 261 Sou'll SECOND Stewt In connection with'their extensive Cabinet Business art now manufacturing a superior article of BILLIARD TABLES, And have now on hand a full supply, finished with th* MOORE & CAMPION’S IMPROVED CUSHIONS, which are pronounced, by all who have used them, t» ta superior to all others. for the quality and fim'sh of these Tables the mans* faetUetFs H-fcb to their numerous patron* thrpugf»t?u6 ih# Union, who are familiar with the character of their work, au2s-6m FAMILIES RESIDINgIn THH We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply famiiitt fit their Country Residences with every dejeriptioaot... -■ i OiUi, CO. ALBERT C. ROBERTS. CORNEIi ELETENTH AND VINE SMWTO inyIS INSURANCE COMPANIES. TIIAME INSURANCE COMPANY, P No. 408 CHESTNUT Street* FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. IHRECTOftS. George W. Day of Day & Mattock. Samuel Bright., “ Bright Bros. A Co. D.B. Biniey., . “ Davis Sc Birnoy. Henry Lewis, Jr 14 Lewis Bros. A Co. C. Richardson “ J. C. Howe A Co. Juo. W. Bvermun....... u .T. \V. Evermaa A Co. Geo. A. West “ West A Fobes. F, S. Mar1in............ « Savage, Martin, A Co. C. Wilson Davie...,.,,. Attornpy-at-law. y„ D. •'Woodruff. of Sibley, Molten, A Woodruff. Juo. Kessler, Jr........ No. 1713 Greou street. GEORGE W. DAY, President. FRANCIS N. BUCK, Yice-Prwideot, WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. ja23-iftf SAVING FUND—UNITED STATES TKUST COMPANY, corner THIBD and OHKBT NUT Streets. INTEREST FIVE TER CENT, S. R. CRAWFORD, President, JAMES'K. HUNTER, .Secretary and Treasurer. Office hour*, from 10 until 3 o’clock. This company is not joined in any application to tha iicgbietuvv, - LILLIE’S SAFE DEPOT RE- to No. 21 Svuth SH YKMTiI Street, ue»c tlio Franklin Institulp. , Tlio underrigiud, thankful for past favors, and beta* determined to merit future patronage, lias necured m elegant and convenient store, ami lias now on hand* large assortment of Lillie’s Celebrated Brought onl Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the only Ftrietly fire and Imrelar proof safes made.) Also, Lillio’a 11110011(111111 Bank Vault. Safe, and Bank Locks l.iUie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will bo furnished to order on elmi t notire. This is tin* strongest, best pro toetc-Jj niul Door nnd Lock yet offered. pnilicular aUciition is called to Lillie’s Naw C:\ Safe, fee Plate, .Irwvlvy, See.- This Snfo »* con ceded to surpass in style and elegance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that id strictly lire and burglar proof. Spectai. Notice. —I hare now on hand say twenty of Yarrel, Herrin?, & Co.’s Safa, mo?t of them nearly new* and pome forty* of other makers, romprising a complete ncjeortmnU ua to ptaw* nnd ail Ihiely pxrhanffcdforth® now crkj-r»tcd Lillie- Safe. will be Soi-4 ftt T«TT lowpriee*. rirnse call and examine. ja2u-lyif M. C. SADLER, Agent. _ FOR NEW YORK. DAILY LINE, via Dolawar* w« Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Express Steamboat Coat* pany receive freizht and leave daily at 2 P. M., deliver ing their cargoes in Now York tho following days. Freights taken at reasonable rates. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. JAMES HAND, Agent, Bul-tf Piers 14 and 15 EAS.T RIVER, New York. _. ®rr"“ k. PHILADELPHIA ANtt fUIT*-* i WASHINGTON EXPRESS STEAM BOAT COMPANY. , , . Now lino direct for Alexandria, Washington, ana Georgetown. Through in 86 hohi'a. „. Steamer PHILADELPHIA, Captain TIIOS. HAND, Steamer JEROME, Captain JEROME, Will leave Philadelphia every WEDNESDAY and 6A TUHDA A', at 12 o’clock M., connecting with all Uneß at there porta, and returning, leave Washington, George town, and Alexandria every. TUESDAY and SATUX— i>AY, tor Philadelphia, W, E, CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 SOUTH WHARVES. Philadelphia. MORGAN A RHINSUAUT, Agenle, Foot,of G.etreet, Waehington* - FOR NEW YORK.—Tha SBiSiSS&a Philadelphia Steam Propeller Company will commence their'business for the season on Bioouar* ISthinetant. . . ~. . 'l’bdr &r« poyf re9*-»Y*«g (Vfrlfllt *1 SeeAM Pier aboTG Walnut street* Teinw accommodating. Apply to W. M. BAIRD 4 CO»* 224- South Delaware Arenue. PHILADELPHIA,, S3JKlSirAi*i AND READING RAILROAB CO . fOflioo 227 South Fourth btrout.) ' l'ii,L.\nni,rmi, April ttTt 1S01« SEASON TICKETS. On ami after Slay 1,. 1861, season tickets will be issued by' this cwnu>**ny f° r the periods of three, sLx, nine, and twelve months, not transferable. Season bdiool-ticksU may also be had at 03 per cent, di'ironnt. . „ Those tickets wifl be soM by tlio Treasurer at No. 22T South rOl'ltTli Street, where any further mformatLoa irn IK? obtained! ifSAPF(?BD t »p2O-if Treasurer. < ~ WEST CHESTER A N-l) PHUADKLPHU B\ILBO\D VIA MKPIA. _ okoyr Skrtisg- at kei>ron.m* K. church* KJjAU NEWTON’S STATION. Ti-ftipH Icaro tin* station) nortliewiccvrppr of Tenth Ttfiirl['jt fclrcctwj ac 7ii& luid 10»DO A> Mil Z\ 4i16 anfl.0»8B * Newton’s Station for Philadelphia, at 11.15 M.‘, 2Aih 5.14 and 8 P. M. , i’ii’e tor the Round Trip* Xwonty-fiTe Conw. _ HKN\ woiwt, G mitral gianfrteudet. Best quality slate on hfm*. w>«“ •*>» at ltt| B *-£ir s,reel ’ vsffifinrt (*4 SSSBgfta*. TN FARMERS’ MARKET, Maekkc olrpis KEPS thee? {194 •uSfl-tt* 1 EXCURSIONS. WANTS. HENRY SPRAGUE, Concord, New li^njpiliir. UKOCERIES. RURAL DISTRICTS. SAVING FUNDS. SAFES.