Yopho’s Kentucky Cavalry.—The Kon oe yesterday, for three years, by Capt. MoArlbnr, of the United States army. The offioers are Captain T. Clath and Lieutenm's Farr and Bryan. This aompsey was mostly ree-nitod in Uyoomlag Bounty Lientenant Bryan will re am home tor the purpose of bringing on two more 'oompanies. f-DaownED Mas.—The body of an unknown rowned man was found yesterday at fiestonville. The ooroner *ras notified LEU All IK reLLICEfICB Quabteb Sessions.— A few trifling oases were disposed of, and the court adjourned at *n early hoar. None of the other coarts were in ses sion. AN ENGLISHMAN’S VIEW OP THE AMERICAN WAS. Mr. Bussell’s Letters to the London Times. Mr. Bass* II has writ en tone more latter* te the London Ttmes, from whloh we extract the fol lowing interesting passages: FEXPABine TO CBUEBBATB THK “ VOUJtTH.” WAnnmoTon, July JS —I arrived In Washing ton the evening before tbe meeting of Congress On my way, I had been amnaed by seeing grave men enter tbe oar, with long wends and old bulging projections at the end thereof, covered With bright paper, which, I was informed, were rockets ” —in faot, the citizens were preparing for their great jubilee, “ the Fourth of July,” and fathers of families were providing far the wants of tbe What!” she said, ■< do yon mean tor'onemoment to say that they are equal in appesranao to onr Senators?’ In one r«-ap*ct the Senators are certainly destitute of the air of wisdom which is given by white hairs and venerable aspect Pew of the Senators are men of advansed years, and Mr- Crittenden is pointed out as a kind of obsolete semi-fossilised politician, as much out of place as Nestor wood ho in a revel with Achilles and Patroeluj In another phase they are not so dignified. They do not consider it unbecoming to write at their desks in the midst of debate wri ting is a bare mechanical process after all, and no man looks well while he is engaged at it. Selmtoiß are like other men. Perhaps they are a little fonder of stationery When the last Congress was coming to a o!oac I saw a large man, oovered with porepiratioi dragging a huge box after him into the railway station He w?» followed by two other toen with sioifi&r boxes. This was a Senator who was taking home by mail his supply of publio sta tionery contained in these boxes. Then it most be “ OOT-Onded ” that dross has something to do with the a-p nd General Scott has a battle to fight very mnoh like that in whiah Lord Clyde contended so vigorously and successfully against his “ politicals” and aivilian enemies Tnere are man high in infiacnoo and ao ml cape oiiy for good or evil who dMlare that the United Statea army is a nnisanoe, and that it would be much better to employ good stump orators, or men who know the wants of the “people.” tooondnot the United States armies, than men who have sta died, at least theoretically, the art of making war all their lives It may be readily imagined how flonoral Boott deals with suoh opinions and their organs All these gentlemen are for pushing on ahead and making a general attaok on the enemy. They think an army is like s round of canister, which can be fired .if whenever the match is applied It strikes me from what I have seen that the Federal troops will have to be managed with skill and oau tlen in ihe face of tbe Confederates. The latter will fight with animosity and desperation, tem pered by miiitaiy knowledge of a certain hind that may neutrals, the advantages possessed in num bers by the Norrk and flour; Rgaio a crowd found a aart fi led with lager bier, from which the Dutch f-vk arc filling them selves at five oents a mighty beaker Mounted orderlies, always at gallop or a inter, al-ernate with mounted officers at the same rates along tbe road One crop belongs to the New York Seventy Bin'll, a rrg ment cf Scotchmen, but not of Highlanders like the stalwsrt fellows whom Douglas and Taylor led in the Crimea and Hindostan ; near them was a regiment ot Wisconsin, and further on, inside a very strong and well made earthwork whioh they have thrown up with immense labor. >he bixty ninth Regiment of New York who did not parade for the Prince of Wales. The wo'k is a redoubt, wiih bastions and dry ditoh, closed by palisades and stockades, and mounts, I should think, about tweira guns, twenty four or thirty-two pounders. It was too hot to make a very minute inspection; the tents were packed olese, and there wore signs inside that when the regiment moves h good deal of b-g-age and boxes must be left behind This work, which dominates a height overlooking the road to Alexandria, is sunportMl by a similar and more ex tensive field work, oovered gt ihe flank and gorge by a morass and a deep stream, whieh intersects the road, and can be turned into a wet ditoh; and the woods have been felled on the elopes of the kill, so Mto oburuct an assailing force materially These works maybe regarded in the light of anex-en sive rite du pout on the Virginian side of the Long Bridge and the foroe now available for their imme diate defence mnst be taken to be at least 8,000 men. wi'h three field-batteries, in addition to guna of position, whioh oannot be less than twenty pieoes, besides some detached guns and howi sers Arling ton Heights was Included in the visit, but enough hu been said of the oamp already, and so the pariy returned to Washington It needs not to be said that tbe destruction of property about the camps is considerable. Fruit trees are stripped, gardens are ruined, forests are cut down, fields are tram {fled, the orops are deserted—in some, the plough ying abandoned, as it was left by the Secessionist owner Another of the ready inodes of defence known to the Americans may not be omitted. Along the road at several plaaes I noticed bloek houses, made of stout logs, pierced for musketry in two rows, and oovered with some incombustible material on the roof. The little garrison can resist anything but fire and regular artillery, when they have drawn np their steps and elosed the door, which is on the second story. These wooden forts are cquare in shape, and are very strongly built of stems of trees. On arriving in the oity, we learn that there has been a very interesting discussion in Congress, and that the Opposition has received a very severe defeat on a motion hostile to tbe Government. A thunder-storm, preceded by a duet storm, and fol lowed by a tornado worthy of Robilound, closes the day. M«jor General P. etnont, who is here to reoeive instructions, will prooeed to take np his eommand of the Western Mississippi district to morrow, and I am Informed that on Friday morn ing a general advance will be made for a short m&roh towards the enemy’s position. Great Destruction of Railroad Pro perty. WKSTBBH tkatel out off bgidsbs swept AWAY—BRECKIURIDSE .From the Pittsburg Gazette, of restcrdar.l Tbe heavy rains of Monday hud 'he offset of sw-'liiog the streams in Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio to suoh sn cxient that several bridges bav>i been swrnt away, and, tor the present, all rs.Uiosd oomtanr-instion from this point west ward ly has Deep cut. flt As the telegraph lines on the Pittsburg, Port W ayne, A Chicago and Cleveland t Pittsburg roads are down, tbe tull extent of the damage has not yet been ascertained. We gather the following particulars: Tha ps3senger train on the Cleveland road, wbioh left this oity on Monday night, proceeded as far as Rochester without interruption, but here they learned that the bridge t ver Big Beaver had been swept entirely away, end the train was obliged to return to this city with its passengers The flood in Big Beaver was vary destructive, oansing great damage to property along the valley Tho bridge of the Cleveland road spans this stream at its oor, finer, oe with the Ohio river It was a costly structure, about four hnndr- d feat In length, and Bothicg is left but the abutments on either side. The superstructure and piers were oarried away by the high water and immense plies of drift wood which floated down the Big Beaver Some distance below this- point, at Smith’s ferry, tbe railroad bridge was also swept away, snd'some time must elapse before communication or.n be es> abiiahed on this line We learn that ex Vice President Breckinridge, now better dis'logaished as the traitor Breckin ridge, was it ptssenger on tho Cleveland train, having arrived here from the east, and taken pas sage west daring the some night He was accom par.ied by bio daughter, perhaps as a sort of “ guardian angel.” JHe mime hack to this oity with the rest ot the passengers, but the fact was not generally known until he b id taken his de parture for the west by river. Poor devil! on bis last visit here he w»s received with open arms, in broad daylight Now, ho fears the" arms” of an out-aged people, and tries to sneak through the oity under cover of darkness The officers of the rood have made arrangements for sending their passergers by river, a steamer having been chartered for that purpose Their telegraph wires are down, and they have no in formation as to the condition of thsir road beyond Bmith’s ferry. - The Pittsburg. Fort Wayne, and Chicago line has also suffered considerable damage. Tbe train cue from the West on Monday night and Tuesday morning did not arrive Tho bridge over Little Beaver has been swept away, as else the bridge further west at Darlington They have no aommn niop.tloc west of the latter point, as the telegraphic lines were broken by the destruction of the b; iuges It is feared that other bridges have bi-e ■ sw p * way, and that travel will be inter, upled for eev- - raldays. The most active preparation* ere mik ing, however, to repair the damage on both these roads The Allegheny Valley Railrssd has also snf ferod eom-what, but not ao as to >U« regular running of thoir trates Tho reported damage by land slide, and waebiDg away of the track, was in. ooTreot The sqnednct over Buffalo creek was swept away, whioh gave rise to a report that toe Freeport aqnednot has been des r- yed 'phis does not in any way effect the operations of the Valley road, which, we aro pleased to learn, is open for trevel as usual The great Pennsylvania Central road seems to have been uninjured The noon train arrived herefrom Philadelphia on time, but western pas sengers were not a little non plnssed at finding their progress so nnoeremoniou-ly stopped WiooiAM Ltoji MeKaazm wbo has figured~Bo largcy in Canadian politics daring the last forty years, is said to be dying Some time sires bis memory deaerfed him, and now he Is nearly help legs He leaves only a homestead to his tamiiy, and that not valuable. Prom Netv Orleans* tTSASCBS—COTTON AMD TCBAOOO —LOVI OF THB TAHKSRS The Bil tlmore Exchange, a Secession sheet, says: We arc penuri es io copy the following extrecta item a letter received in this oi y. Too date is not noent, but it contains foots of whioh WO have been heretofore ignorant. The few rough buildings, reported by the Fcderals as being on Ship Inland, turn out io be Contederate batteries. The letter was writton from a point nearly oppo site Ship Island, and it therefore accurate The expedition of the Mcßae, alreadv allultd to in the Exchange, was of h later date” : Louisiana July 33 18G1 Wo oame onr here on the 221 nf Jnnt. one d„y before the blockading steamer Massachusetts came inside of Ship island and established the bl lokade of the Sound Anexn-dttion from the Conf dor. t States war steamer Mcßae, fitting out at New Or- leans, put a oouple of lake steamers in fighting trim and Came out in quest of the Massachusetts, hup she was informed of their proximity doubtless by Spanish fishermen, and left. Tbe steamers of the expedition repaired to her anchorage, and fiading her absent, took possession of Ship island, where we had an unfinished fort just reedy for the first tier of guns. In a tow hours the steamers’ guns were in battery at the fort, and the steamers off ior New Orleans for men to replaoe the marines at the fort. The Massachusetts returned next morning, and engaged the fort forthwith, she fired some 31 gnus to onr 18, but ours being longer and well directed, it is thought she was struck at toast twice or three times, when she retired, and has never been within striking distance since Our little steamers have been out firing at her several times, to persußde her to come under the guns cf the fort; hot she is prndmt Thus the blockade ts raised, end tbe steamers pass to and from Mobile We have a regiment of men at the four watering-pi »oes on the lake shore, b stden about 150 Home Guards to each. Here we shall have two additional regiments by tho lfith of August. Indeed, by fall, it is expectsd that this coast will be protected by a large foroe. to prevent the landing of any large body of men from Lincoln’s vessels. They oan interrupt peaceable commerce, it is true, until we can get together Something of a navy; bat as to their coming near shore, this is not thought of, for they know too well what their reception would be. Tbe glorious victory of Ihe - 21st (Suaday) reached us on Monday morning, and was hailed with de light by men, women, and children, and, as faT as I could observe, by tbo negroes, too Wo all pray that the villains to be sent ro destroy us may thus be dealt with in every attack Indeed, it te bean tiful to see tbe calm reliauoe our people have in Davis, Beauregard, Lee, Ac.; and if. as was the ease at Laurel Hill, we suffer a defeat, every one says: “ Very eorry for it. Poor Garnett! we have no donbt he did his best, and we shall surely whip them next time ” I trust that Davis will maintain a defensive war until they get whipped and wjre ried a few time; more, and get largely in debt and discredited, for we shall surely send more and bet ter men, and have them in better trim for a fight as the war progresses. When I say better men, I do not mean that those we have are not good, but there are a good many foreiguera and people picked up here and there mixed among our men, white those who are left were busy then, but in the de cline of business have leisure now; thus we shall have capable and intelligent soldiers. About mo ney to support all this—l feel sure there is suffi oient patriotism and confidence in onr Government to induoe the great mass to take the paper issues for anything the; have; thus tbe ootton subscrip tion, and what cash they oan get from the various banks, will, doubtless, oarry us through our revo lution ; besides, every successful battle helps us to borrow money abroad. Besides, onr people can raise large amounts on tbeir ootton from Europe ans What prevents Mr. John Bull from advancing onr planters in New Orleaus, through his agent there, mrney on his orop in warehouse in New Or leans, and waiting a year or two before he caD ship il? Ever since the blnokade, tbe Europeans have bought tobacco in New Orleans largely, and await peace to ship it. In the oily, I know the French ooitßul has •noouragsd a]i his oountrymen to send out their usual orders, and he tells them that he has no doubt they will rsaeiro them in the usual time. You speak of hate becoming intenser in Balti more Wby, all the oMldren of eleven Statea aio now being adna&tei to bate the Yankees, as I seo every day by my little ones. For example, M., who had read the story of Samson some time ago, oame to his mother lately, and said: “ Ma, waa Samson a Southerner?” ‘‘Why,” said she ‘- Beoanse if he wse be oonid help us a great deal cow ” The Northerners have been inculcating these lessons for twenty five years; now we are to begin. J- Requikh Mass for the Dead of the Sixty- Kiexs ttaeiussT —be. Bridget's Homan Camolio Church wan tbe scene of en interesting ceremony this morning. A solemn Requiem Mass waa eete brated for tbe repose of the saute of the soldiers of the gallant Sixty-ninth Regiment who were killed at the battle of Stone Bridge Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather, tbe edifioe was thronged with the friends and relations of the members of the regiment, and several members of the Sixty ninth were present in their soiled and ragged uni forms The ohoir, nndar the direction of Mr Agrteete Paur, the organist, rendered Mczart’e B quiem Mass in an rff-ctive manner. The pruoipal solo fo;g were soprano, Mme. Btephani.-; contralto. Mme Fr Riioe; tenor, Mr Hartmao, and basso. Mr Graff. The Geiman Leiderkracz furnished a powerful ohotus The Mass was celebrated by Fitter Mi ney, pastor of St. Bridget’s, and chap lair of he Sixty ninth, atsisted by several priests. — N. Y Post, yesterday A Preacher Kilued bt LwnTNisa—The Lafayette (Lad } Courier of August 6 h >s the 101. lowing: Mr Harris, a Methodist minister, was struck by lightnipg and instantly hiued, near the Stato line, yesterday. He had preached ini the neighborhood on Sunday, and during the storm yesterday, in aoropany with his wife, had taken shelter in the house of one of tbe brethren at the edge of the wood There were five or six persons in the room The deceased was walking back ward snd forward in front of the open door when tho bolt doscended. and be fell dr ad at the feet cf his wife Nut a groan nor even a sigh escaped him. Hia features were as plac'd as though ho was in a qaiet slumber, and there was not a m rk umn hia person to indicate where the bolt took rff,ct Hu boot was ripped open, and a watoh key attached to his fob was melted to dross. All the peraoLß in the room were more or less shocked, but not serionslv Two men, Pike Gian and Qeom W KUter* driving al-mg the road Boath Bend. Xodiana, wcto also strnok by lightning, and almost in stanily killed. One of tbe horiea was also killed, and the wsg*>n turned upside down. SiHODPAE ADD FATAL ACCIDENT PartlOS from »t John relate a strange and fatal aooider t that oooarred at Pettingill’s slip, near the custom h< use Yes erday afternoon, about two o’oloek, the Pilgrim, a ship of about 1.400 tons burden, lately put into the dry dock, olosriy adjoiniDg the steamer Emperor’s wharf, in Pettinglirs (lip, careen-d over, the blocks of wood on wnioh it was raised having given way. Al’bough tbe ship only toppled over slightly, the sudden jerk snapped off tho masts olose to the deok, they being unrigged, and, moreover, worm eaten from age The fore mast falling over the adjoining wharf killed two girls, one sevouteon years of age, the other fonr teen. The misxsnmase went orash through the warehouse on the Emperor's wharf, committing considerable damage, and slightly injuring awo man inside, while the mainmast, falling where a Vagon and horse, with the driver, were s’ancisg, crushed the-vehiole, killed tbe man, but left the animal uninjured— hew Brunswick Headquar ters, Ith Cojicreve Bocffaia. —A writer in the Pitta burg Dispatch gives the following aooount of a oongreve roohet: Ifi the British MTviae they are fired from a cop per tube, not a thick iron tube. Tbe Gazette also states that tbe face being ont to barn a given dis tance, tha same as a shell, I beg to inform him that there is no fnse in a rocket The composition el the rookot is the fuse, which is fixed by boring, not ontting The rocket is not attached to the pole, hut there is a stiek attached to the rocket, In length According to size of rooket There are two kind-, vis! shot and shell. Shot rockets are armed on the bead with a .-olid rhot, mado in a peculiar 'form; aboil rockets are armed with a common shell Shrapnel or spberiosl cannot be used, as a shrapnel must travel with a oertain ve looity to be effeo ive, as also wi'h shells fn in guns. Shrapnels from six ponnder guns over twelve hun dred yards is of little use, as they have lost at that distance a good deal of their force or velocity; con sequently, when the balls are released from the shell they have nut force sufficient to kill Rockets life good for boat set-vioe; (would be tuafol on the Potomao at present) They are also unequalled as an arm against cavalry, when properly handled; also for dislodging the enemy out of ravines, or from behind rising grounds, where tbe direct fire of artillery oonld not reach them; also for destroy ing gun carriages, caissons, Jka., or for any purpose that a rocket-fire is required. Deolabation of the Rhode Island Legis lature. —At the recent meeting of the Rhode Island Legislature the following resolution was adopted: Resolved , That in the present crisis of onr pub lie sff.lra there ought to be a full and sincere union of all political parties in support of the flODStitu tioually-eteoted Government of the United States; and that this General Assembly pledges to the President of tbe United States the best exertions of tbe Government and peoplo of Rhode island and its entire resources for the preservation of the Union. Ex-Senator Cooper, of Pennsylvania, has been commissioned a brigadier general of volun teers He was authorized some three months ago to raise two or more regiments, bat hie appoint ment as brigadier has jnst been made Kew lark Stock VIRBT BOARD. 3000 Ufi 6s ’Bl oonp 88 SO Pao MBB C0,—550.76% 60OU ’• 65’«6.. .ft 30 do .16% liOCOTr’y 6 VctSYr- 96 73 d0—.—....7* 2551.0 do ■..■ „ 96% so do— —76% 50i do— .96% «0 N Y Gen R exd 0iw.74 3000 Michigan s» .80 100 do ——, ,30.74 10.0 Tenn tOa’OO fit 00 do bSO 74 «OUO do —4,% 60 do *Ao73« 1300 do.. > 4*ltf ilO Mioh 8A N I if.. 14 6000 do. - - 8d Mi SO Mioh 8 A N 1 a bOO.SO OOM do—— 30 44% •60 tone llailroad— MX flisjo Virzima St Se a 0 63% 1 0 do sSO 98 SB do .°T—.RS WMiohUen R....b3. 41% 600 u- ~64 I SO dn D3O 43% ’O 00 Missouri 81 6«8d 43<130 00.... -43 SUOO do— bSO 4i% 60 do— —— 4rit 3JWO do 43,V SO do 41% »40 do— bis 4’% 60 do - aIS. i% 16010 do. .4 % S Pausma V— 107', 1000 do— blO 43% 60 id Cen H a.o, 64 11000 d 0... 43% too do .—~aS,i63s£ 3000 Moot:aa to H A snteOolA Cm 1* 94 8t J K 4*« 1 0 Gal A Ciu it- 0.563 f lfoO l.mlisiaraStSa 64 iSi do- - ......lieu seoN OuroUu 65..A1.6fi 40 do .—..--alO. 6% 6> 6Me ropilitau Hk... 83 liwi do - ——...39% 33 Del *. Hod Cl 0... 84 1100 Chi BA Quin R.. .68 30 Penn Coal Co.exd. 7s%t New York Marbel* Yesterday ABBIS are in fair demand, with auiall sales at $5.25 lor Pots and $5 374 far Paaria Breadstuffs Tho market for Stqto and Wertem Flunr is firmer, and prioer are again 5c per bbl higher, with a moderate basiness doing at ,no im [vrovemont The aalea sr- 9 000 bbla at $4.35 4 4ft for superfine Sta’e, $4 80 4 70 for rx’ra ti sie $4 35 4 40 for luperfine Mi„tiigsn, Indiuna, Ohio. loaa, Ao . and $4 50 5 80 for extra do , in c ndinu shipping brands of ri.u-'d-honn O-io. at $5 5.10. and trade brands of do at. $5 20 6 15 8 ntbern F'onr ia firm and in mou»r«ie de mand ; seles 800 hhla at $5 05 5 30 for snoerfine Bal'imnre; $5 50 676 for -x -a no ; $8 6 10 ior Brandywine; $6 7 25 fnr G*orge'own ; $7 9 69for Pumistiurg City, $T 8 for Rioninond City Canadian Fioiw is firmer at din f»ir request, with sales of 600 bbla at $4 4054 45 for superfine, and $4 60a? 60 for >he range ot extra brands Rye F iur is steady, and selling moderately at $2.3OaS 86 for th* rang* of fine and superfine. THE PRESSc—PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, I8«l Kk¥(7KK fcIOMC OF THB FIRST CITY TROOP FirafcOitjr Troop had a apteDdiil reception on their ar rival home jeiford iy morning. The Home Guards were ont in foroe, and Pat'erson’s regiment traced the oo oisiou. All looked well, a faot to he attributed, to the oiroumstanoe that most of tne men in the ranks h d pr curen their uniforms at the Brown Atone Clothing fUUof RooktU'l A Wilson, Nob. CCS and 608 Chestnut street, above Sixth. Hiis establishment is now the great Military Clothing Depot in theoity. Tag PfrssTDrut’s Proclamation .—His Excel lent)? the President of the United Btatech in accordanoe with tno bequest of Congress has issued a proolama tion a ttinx apart the last Thursday in September next sb a day of humiliation and prater. We may mention that it is also the President's wish, alth ugh not ex pressed in the proclamation, that all the o tixens of rhiladelph'A should resort to Granville fcstokes, No. 609 Chestnut street. bfiioiath&td&T.&nd tmyof him one of bis splendid suits* where, in addition to the full value of yuur money, you procure a splendid gift. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS uOftiINKNTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Ghestnui. Chas L ’’alter. Harrisburg Amos Smith. Charleston i G Coffin. New York Jlft Krmuokj J P Fennel, Cieveiand.O Wo Beall, U*i a Mrs Marshall. Wash. I) C John Kilgour, Cincinnati •apt J M t.tndiev, Indiana K W Whitcemon, Bos ion John * Hiestend. Lancaster H *■? Key, New York U B wVson, New Jeraer wash ‘rving, U ? N 8 J Holier, * swe*«, N Y Mrs Reunett, New York H b Browne, Baltimore Maj W BSlaok, Wash,DC S A Hopkins. New jersey C *■ ooper. New C K Dupu*, Baltimore J Bailer* w» Washington Mils Bailer ft si* Wuh’tOß Mrs W it*, Washington M*tttOolJ D 'V>«Gregor,f'iY J tt MacGregor. MD>A Y C&pt G ’allmaffg*. Y& J AdarylMid K H Kerr, Kansas W M Baker* lowa City S Bej mour. New York Geo F Baker, New York Gfo 4. j-o Loynes NY G o J Smith. Lebanon, O J ti Smith, Lebanon O Jas 8 Good, Springfield B Mat ; ack ft ln.Cin. O Wll Morgan, Cin* O Sam J rooe, Springfield, O A W Whipple, Wash* D C Mrs tf A'J hompson, Wash M?s Lsytuf. Delaware Mibb Morns Delaware Mis Bush, Delawa e Miss Bush. De aware D .nl t uner ft la, Pittsburg Mis* Luoy • nieman.Pittebg Miss N .pieman.Pittsburg M Hinu'ton ft wf*Pittsburg John W Beaz U.TTniontvn Joh • H Ha mpton. P’Leburg JB H Painter ft wf. Pittsbg v iss Lotnrop. Pittsburg C L Painter* Pittsburg Welra over y. tiar«*buxg F.Ui» Covexjy, ftariisbiirg Philip DoughertyJlarrifibg Mrs Dougherty. Ha nebg v ies I'uughern rarrsbg J D Doucii rty Harrisburg Wt. Dougherty* Hamsbg Jar cooko ft wt, Phila H Lee- Pittsburg T F • lien. New York il L Hawes. Worcester Hon TJones N J J Thompson, Md John Baud, New York Mr Msotftvei ft la, * York >-dw d*ards.New York O C Hra harat* New York M Morgan. New York J M Bradhur«t. New York GeoW Young, Vork, Pa T D Shaw, Jr, New Yoik W baina, Baltimoie k W Converse. New York haml Tompkiua.Newark RClcke Boston KG Hazard, hodeUland Nhither*New York H ' thaokleford n York J '• Motley. Boston H Jlbbotson, >«ew York J L Mager ft wf, York, Pa Geo F Seymour, s* Y fcEKHia * NTS' jgnwi j, -Faarti trroet, below Area* Col D H WilliamsiWilkinsb Be r i Griffsy* Feana 114-vW JI «owa r d Pittsbg * Georg-, Pitt:burg GeoD Pbberi. Pi teburg J Casse's* Pittsourg Sami Able, haston G W HouseU • aston W> /b]e, Easton P MoEvot* Penna L Atkinson. Phila Ca»t Garrison, ewYork A K Garrison. ewYork WAMoAt*e Hage srown J A Mo*tee- Hagerstown W Paxton ft fra, FitUburg M s Buring ft fm H Penny D W Ri die. Hamer’s Fe’j o Hamp«h Graham* Wdm, Del Drtl H M tohell, t*o«''n J> J inooin. Berks oo G r Harvey* Doyleetown Geo Carlton, Jr, Mass Mass jfr ter F sher. New Jersey Hiehard L ooha t. N J Geo J Hughes. Pa 8 H Bauer, Pennsylvania. W Harris Jr, Phila John W Conro>- N J A J Wlmeley. faa-yland H Wbita ' r Albany Mrs Curtis. Delaware Mibb Crawlord. Oeltvwire Mibb .vii lor* De'awarfl TP Klei 'it. aus. New Jersey F Cu ns. Ueiawa-e ft n yioKay, New York Robt W Reynolds. Jr,Del 8 7enn*ilL Delaware John R Rivals, Wash, D C WJ ei nard ft me* e, Md Jti »vans. Baltimore E H Crver, ‘J rentou. n J E A Packer, New i ork Jos R Ridgway. N Jersey J E Little, New York CHHu'on. ewJersey John S t'jerso . Beading Col R * atoliffa. '1 am«qaa H a Big'er, New Yo.k Mrs R M H.orue, Pittsburg JWW Gewt. Lanosster GHi 1 1 , < r blO Ge» Wiggan. TamHqni * Truman, ffß.vrnna.oluo A C Hal . MttttOiuseVa M»m R Hall, Mao'fohu etw John Reoiler ft fa, Clfl H B ewr>l- New Y*.rk Joel Fithinn, Jersey Thus C Nicola, Jr, tins on DD MoGinnera* P> tisvi le Chas Chr tmi", I'ew Yok H Geno*el, N «w York Jonas .aaaoa. New York John jl Ta.lor* Penna 8 v iiOSrfi Birnet. above Third. R Doerge, New York J Baers, Carlisle T Dwtgct, C< nneot out U B Biyel w, Trov, N Y SHas Philidephia John J UrolytPo tevn’e J Lailunft wf,B'Bton A hrtmonds Wa*h DC E F * w ng* rlkton W Midi New Y rk C B Whiner. JW u ss . BP-o*t Providence. R Z Air R Waud York .F J £imp«on ft la* Md B 6 w. rria ft la* W&Bh,DC Bertram. '4»vr Yorg > Simmo b, Jr, Albany C G Mexinniss* Baltimore W W ff.enty, New York BTATKS AN JON-Mr.rket itreet, al»cye Sixte. M Herman, Penr-B*lvama W Rtryker. Easton JasMilU-an.lck JL>ilU«an foke*bury*Pa W 8 Mil'igan. Ickeabufj, j a Wm Weamer. Penna Ja« f'oat s. Ch’istiaua T ti Watt- Latrob% Pa t G G'O"©* Rarr*sbu g G Rapsr litsburg Jas Dunkirk.Pittsburg . W SCmwley. Ch®****©® John tiorgan. New York John MoGi nds w fflin,Pa J C Waison* Milton* Pa YY Frlojd, Columbia. Pa COMMERCIAL HOTEL—Sixth at..above Chestnut. H WTailor* Chester co W M Grisoom Philada A Perk'r'e- Phi ade’ema w f Agaid. Philadelphia GW Lef ver Chatham,Fa Morton enoook* Dei J D We® « Port D®p“sit J M MoClrnan&n, Port De K Biohvdfl. Pottsville Geo Richard", Potts t«wu Chae Pearce* NewJe sey JnoVa de«slice, Phmuixv M i*.oo«ey, Pennsylvania K Darlington* Jr* Penna NATIONAL—Raoe street, above r hird. Pater Gr- ea. l ehirb co R Miler, Mifflnvillo J K B-eitenbaoh, frnnn Lrule Hitter, ending .Geo W Buokman. Readme Geo Knauss, Pitubnrg REVERE HOUSE—Third street, above Raoe. AbrmSohropp.Bethlebe-u Dad)Sobropp. Bethlehem Col ft, . Cake, w ash, 1> C J M Have,,ridge. Md G W Aeabner. Pt Oarboa W H Adame, Hohuylkill co BALD EAGLE HOTEL—’Fhird et., above Caltowhitl. H Smith, »ilen’own i w Weberiint. M Chunk 1 U Scholl. Penns N A Felix, Ae&dtns 1! Katbaeh. Poitsville BLACK BEAR BOTEL—Third et.. above Callowlilll Auk Bander. Fhzabethv’a BUD Keim. Germantown Eli Becntei, Beobte.avuLe Aaron M Bright Dr G vioueh- Fenna Mrs so Stonzh, f enna W Nelson, Buoks 00, Pa IiARLKY &HKAP—-Second street, Uelvif Viiie. WmD4Wigon,ChMWnham Jes Bill, Germantown Chftß Boiler. T B Wa'son. Pepn» diet’d Jiark. Holmeiburg J T Oungao, o>ietleton t Pa W D Larne. Taj lomville W W Potter, Penna Thos J Corson. New Jersey MOUNT VERNON—Seoond street, above Aroh. A Miller, Bethlehem Miss* Ferguson,N Jersey J H Ooake, * ilkeabarro Thau Flanagan, California itt.porved tor tbe Ptoos.l RIO JANEIRO—Bark Union i Hoard-3701 baiaooffee X«ewie »rd Damoni C * LAls—*onr Oan Koot. Parker—9oo 000 laths and 18 000 p okets G\*biU * Q>-.|tid. PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF VRADB. GlfiO. W. TATHAH* ) TH FROIHINGHAM,? CoMMITTM or THI MONTH, WM. L. REHN, \ _. At c/-i‘ S&'/uingi PhiicuZci-pfiia ShipToiMjaroiiii Ounieyy. —. ... LiTerpooheoon Ship Lnnouter, D*oan Liverpool, eoon Ship Weermoreltod. Deoan ...... ~~—Live pool,soon Hare tt'ftitha Ann MnNeit. Somera.. London, aoon Bark Nußßet. (dr) Brownlow—~ . Batbadoe. eo^n c*ns Ma’jis Miiiiken, wuraoti.....— M&tanjm,loon Behr Ausoeta. (Bri Horton - St narte»eooa BRH RISES. SETS..- -■ 0 48 HIM WATERs— 10 4 Sxrhacge-Au«. 14 Corn Meal is steady; w» quote Jersey at $2.80a iB5 Brandywine $3.10 3 15; puncheons s>6 Wheat continues in limited supply, and with a fiir exnort demand; w« have to note a further a-ivanoe of l 3;per bushel The receipt* arete y s nail, whieh operates as » --rious check upon business The sales arc 71 000 bushels at 80s for Ni 2 Chicago spring, in stire $llB il 25 for in fanor to prime winter red Western. $1 09 lot ohoio* Ricine spring. £ 1 34 for white Kentucky, and $1 03,1 05 for Mifw >ukee O'ub Rve is steady »"«t Bark Geo Ttiomae. Lewis, from Key West 88th Jalr, in bwl«t to esp'am. Hark Ueion Heard, 44 days from Rio do /anoirOiWlth ooffee to Lewis k, Bnim-n. • a . . = _ . nctir Gun Rook, Parker, 18 days from Calais, with lathsard p*eketsto G isfci'l A Gaivm . Aohr G A H ayden. Snath, 8 daj e from New Yorke With sa't *o oaotAin. Bohr A 9 Cannon Newell, 8 days from Boston, in bal last to N °turtevant ft Co* ttonr D Halo, Conklin, 4 days from Esg Harbor, in b 1 * »o rrptam. flobr E J Rajner, Rayner, 9 days from N York, with ioe tooAp aiu. yohr John and Thornes. Hilliard, l day from Smyrna. Be', w tti wheat ard oats to Jne L Pew let A Co. Soar Mary R>ekardiu l day from Camden, Del, with wheat and oats to J L Bewlej A Co. Hoop Te*efc'aph, Conner, 1 day from Leipsio, Del, with stain to J UK Pmmer. . „ SobrE Eogl eh.nomers from PortemOUthi Pohr Pearl. Brown, from Portsmouth. SonrJD Mye'S Cobb, from Boston. Sour Alios Lee. Corson. m Boehm, ohr M Van Dusen, Ireland from Boston. Bohr J D MoCrt* thy, *mith. from Hoston. Kohr Mof-re In«erto>l, from Boston. Reh? Wm H Mheldins C Inns, from Boston. BohrJ H Pieter Wmett«, from Boeton. Bohr Borrows C Clark, f om Hos'nn Kohr a Townsend, Boston. B- hr B Aabo ead. from Norwioh. Sohr Wm Robinson Glouoester. SobrOa-ano Van Gilder. port Sohr O Wim do _ Bonr J D Myers. obD; KnstOD. L AudeDf'd k Co. Poh W H Sheldins. Collins do do Bohr J H P!a*er- WiUete oo do Bohr J D McCarthy, Smith, Boston, Banoroft, Lewis, A o. Bohr C Moore IngenoH Boston, R H Powell. Bohr A T o*nsend tow send Boston. J R Blakiston. fcJcnr * hoe Lee Corson, Btisron, N Btnrtevast A Co. Pohr Burrows C Clark. Boston- do Boor A * Cannon Nowels Newburyport do tahrP * onklm Rox»urr- L A 00. Hohr C WiUiame, Guiding, novidenoe, fimmobson k Glover Pohr Ontano. Van Gjider, Newport-do Hour Aahmead, Vonas. Norwioh Castner, Stiok ney ft Wellington. •ohr Pearl Brnwo, Portsmouth, John R White. St hr Wm Loper, Robins n. Harwiohpon, J R Bla k,Sclir Evergreen, Potter, Baker’s Landing. Noble. Hamnirrt Agftidwell bonrUrbana, Wilcox, h'ew Bedford. J Ogiey Bohr C Heft, -hoe, linker’s Landing. Rl, BMi toes at Co. BohrLH >naioott, Leeds, Newport, J R White. Bohr Ino, Cjow«U. Provir.eno* L Annenreid ft Co. flour Ocean Wa*e. Pnoe, Piovinoetijwn, do Sohr S J Bright, Smith* Marblehead, do Polit L ft R Smith Pmi*h. Beverly* RenpUer ft Bro, BelirK ninky. Tioe. Pawmoket, J C Henry.^ Bohr MJGanse* Simpkins, Washington* Penn Gas Coal Co. Bohr R Vftux Frink. Boston* E R Sawyer ft Co. Pchr ti J Hsyner, itaybcr* Dostoa* Cituner, atioknoj ft WolhnKfnn .. . „ Pohr its: ift Rebeooa* Fiioe* Boston* Van Dusen, Norton ft Co. Hchr Fidelia Edwards. Old Cambridge, do Snhr A H Dennis. Lake wa'em. do Bt.r Bristol. AHf*n. New York. Wm P Clyde. Btr i he*mour, PaUi-er. Alexandra*T Webster* Jr. fttr R Wil'jng, Claypoo'e Baitimroe. A Grovee, Jr. Bteara©' Phi sdeiphia. Hand, Georgetown and Alex andria. W l f Cl'de. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exohange.) L/iZ\R**.Tt‘o, AUPI3 The schr Eineliae* Ynrka from Havana, arrived last evening* and oom ng from one of the ports where yel tow is reported to exist* will be quarantined for a few days. (CorrMpondepoe of the Philadelphia Exohanee.) LKWK*. n«!.. Au* M The fovlc Washington, fnr New York; brie Oiarettae, for fiem% T aTa; sc K r« Nahe'la Maria, for H*-iif*x; 8J Aiken and Jane N Maker for Kei Wwt; Dp Lloyd, for Warren » Ripple* lor Providence V W iau'NhiiM. for rfo&tnnjL Kails fir v*>rli swr p Garrla-n- for Port land l C Looser, for N&lem ; Marr JP Haroii» and al* before reported at the Breakwater, went to sea this moning: »he nutter Dobbin also left for a ormse. Wind gw; fiaebreeae. „ Yours. A* MARSHALL. MEMORANDA. „ „ . Steamship *frioa» Shannon, cleared at New YorklSrh icsfc fo* Liverpool. ~ M . Shii/Z'ne Fullerton, from Arrll SO for this port. *ith marble and rats, put into Sydney, N 8, 16th ult. leaky. Shin north Atlantic, Grave®, cleared at Breton 20th mat for MplKoorno. ►hip ***uropa- ftobertson* for San FranoißOo, oleared at Boston Ik h ir cfc, , , Flora McDonald, Fuller, cleared at St John.Nß. Bhi at for Liverpool. „ „ Ship Re'ianoe. Bangs, from Trapani June 17, at Bos ton ISth i*Bfc. . _ _ Ship nsan Hinks, Atwood. from Liverpool June Wat Bn*»oo 13 f h inst k Gidriines, Young lienee at Boston 13th Inst. Barb Go d Bopo. from Algoa Bay, C6B, wm bplow Boston 13th inst, Borg innio Fiuohinson. hence At Portland 11th met. *> k Hnnid, Marsctialk, cleared at N York 13th mat for Vera Cruz. , Bar* James Bna n t, Lovett, from Troon Ann 114 for Mantmain was spoke • Jir e 5 lat 16 2t 8-Jon W3IW. _ Brig Delta, from Havana was reported below N York 19th inst Brie Ranta Clara. FUingwood* at Nsgnabo, PB.3Btb ult fnr New Yolkin 4days. Brig Pre*ti'Bimo James, cleared at Baltimore 13th inst tor R o Janeiro A , . Brig ‘’rlrstiDft. PtoVeft. hence at Boston lstn inst, Bohr UiHie zanders Jones for this port via Warren, sailed from FaH River llrhinst „ >*ohr j-hn Jones Corson* sailed from Pawtucket 12th inst for this port. „ ' , . , 'toh/CrifliS, Renear, sailed from Newport 11th mat tor this port flohr Martha. Baxter, hence at Bostonl8 f h inst. Bohr Y»ier Tjrrell. sailed from Pawtucket lltb inst for New B-unirwlok.N J. ~ , _ „ Minnie Cobb, AVpnd, from Rookland for New Yorif. when oomme thrrugb Hell Gate, morning of inst went ashore on the Gridiron Bh* would probably getoff«thigh water m a damaged condition- „ Bohr David Faust. M-alander. for Aguadilla, sailed from N«w York lltb m»t. , , . «... Hchr Grec'ftn, Abbott* sailed from Sullivan 9th inst for Philadelphia, , . _ „ , Rohr Fornelia, Crape, cleared at New York 13th mat for this port „ . Rohr ti Anight, Beebe, lienee at Boston U'h inst. BohrJP Cake. Endicotc* sailed from Balem9ihinst for Phil-de’phia , „ __ . _ . Rchr Empire, from BaTbadoes for East Harbor. Caioos Dlands, to load ralt for Philadelphia, b- fore ’•©ported at East Harbor in distress w*s being repaired 25th ult. .sohr Damon, Pitcber* hence at Portland 19th inst. MARINE MISCELLANY. , Bark George Teomas, Lewis below this port* sailed from To’to gas Juir 19. and arrived at the Breakwater 9 f h iu»t in 8 days from West* *>n the Bth inst. at midnight a dens© fog prevsihnt • anchored off th© Hen and Chickens, and lost the best bower anoher with about a fathom of chain. Bohr W 8 Robbias, of New York, 130 tons. R. Munvo, master, sailed from Arroyo, P R. May 8. with a osjgo of 61 hbda tugar and 119 casks of molasses, for New York ocmigned to Messrs. Vatable ft Reyband* and is re- OlivfiMVnin New York for St Johns N F: wpnt on Mutton Island NB ult. Threw ovtiTboaid 100 bbls dour ard p -rk to lighten the vessel jbalanoe of the cargo saved and taken to Barrington* N 8. SfIPECIAI . NOTIOEH Surgkon-Gearral’s Office, Aug. 9,1861. The foj.lowing Act of Congress in rela tion to the Corps of Medioal Cadet, ia published Tor the information of all concerned: ** *ec. 7 And be it further enacted, That there be added to the Meoica) Stuff of the Array a Corps of Modi* oal Cadets, whose doty it sba'il be to ect as dressers in the general ho*P>tas and as attendants m the field, under the direction and control of the medical officers alone. They shall h♦ ve the same rank and pay as the military oadetsat West Point Their number shall be mutated by the rxirenoirsot service, at no time to exceed fifty. It eliaLlbe composed of young men of liberal education students of med cine, between the ages of eighteen and twenty three, who have been reading medicine tor two years a*«d have attended at east one course of leotures in a medical college. They shall enlist for one year, and be tubjeoi to the rules and articles of w*r> On the fifteenth day of the last month if tlwir service thv near approach of thmr di. ohano shall be rem rted to the Surgeon-General, in order, if desired, that they may be relieved by another detail of applicants ” Application inu3t be made to the Surgeon-General for admission into the oorp3. m conformity with 'ha ab >ve aot, stating the date and place of birth, place of resi dence, perod of medical studies, and enclosing the cer tificate of ihe dean of the c-il e*e lor* when not obtain able other satisfactory evidence of the faot.) that the applioan . has attended one full course m a medical col lege. Those applications must also be accompanied with testimoma's of the good moral obaraoter and sound physical condition of th* candidate. When an application is favorably nonsidsred the can didate will receive a letter authorizing him to appear before an Army Board of Medioal Examiners, who will make a special reporr in each case. From amrng those approved b? the board the Surgeon General will select suoh a r umher os the servios nmy require, As the services »>I thiscUssof medical and surgical assistants are at one" Tequued. applications, to be suc cessful- should be prompt!* made to the Burgeon Gene ral who will direct tue candidate to appear b« fore one of the Army Medical Boards now in ae.sion in Wash ington and the oity of New York. _ _____ _ R. C. WOOD, aui3 St Acting Burgeon-General. J xTßNsivfl J xpßhiß Cs and the recorded testimony of thousande prove tkit JAYNE’S EXP ►C TOR.ANT is. without exmpi,»n, the most valuable remedy n the wovld for coughs, colds asthma, bron chitis. or- up, whooping oru h. consumption, and all pnimonio complaints. Prepared only at "843 CH -BT nUi* Street. au!4 4t tjLdftrfXNft OF *J*B LiAMS* •t ' spi cs&&9 is the best manner, expressly fer RE i?.v-V LX!!. LOWER? selling prices marked in --h. il Ficurce. All goods Ria.de to order warranted Our Olf£-PJtICE system i« strictly *%- ir.rr .• v- i.'“ are thereby treated aUkt. 5-:»rrs'3 «- Eatorjbloa^s zx.A.\n >3 - LfiiBcelebrated rnv perfect Bl.it Dye is tk* kttf in tkt world* Al* ethers are mere imitations of this great original, which has gained such extensive patronage in all parti of the globs. 'Sh s gmuine W, A. Batchelor’s Liquid Hair Dv* iwt&ntly prodnoes a splendid block or natural brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair? ft»d will fSMc'y 4&* ill ifuti if bad &ves. inyigorating the hair for life. Sold by all Druggists and FeTfumers. Wholesale by TAHNE379GK A 00., 9YOOT St GO., Philadelphia, iahl-tf ■:#aovHa & nAKBtt'S ao'fiELESf! FAMILY BBWIKI MAOHIJNKO Til- Ht’sx is Use fer Family Sewing, t i- pks*ad4‘oa ? » I?*HD PRINTING, itaST ANOOHXAPXS* IK the Oil,. »l 34 £ajt'< THIRD Street BILL-READ PRINTING. Be«t andCkeepe,. is the Citr- at 34 Sooth THIRD Street. -J!|tC3i.*iß PKINHIWR, ButU¥ '!!>«»««• :=s the fj ’■> . St *«* Wrv»»i .PAMPHLET PAINTING, and'every otherdeacrlp lion of Printing of tbs snoot superior quality* at the meat resifenable rates, at IINSWAtt % BRO'WJPE, #reva**f> r« ldi«»s Jti w* mn awam HAKKIED VAUGHAw-oPFLK.BBOrK.-On the JJthof Juno, 1861, by John G. Wil«on. V D W., Mr, William H. Vaughan and Mina Ma»y a. Offierbock. all of this oily. msLi>. CALHOUN.—On the 13ih instaiiti Mr* Wm« Calhoun* inth«4tt year of his age. _ . _ . Funeral from hia lata residence, Rising Run lane and Seventh street, this (Thursday) afternoon* at 1 o’olook. C M B6L«On the 135 H in-fant. Josephtne- infant daughier of Joseph a* d harah Campbell. aged 18 mos. CH*NNON.—On l3 iiinstant,Mrs.fea a«- Shan non. re-iot of the late Joseph CJiannon. in the 831 rear ofeerag** Funeral from her late residence* M* ! n street, Ger man town, thia (Thursday) afternoon, at 3 o'clook. * PAVIS —cnthe 9th instant, at the rea d*noe of her fa’her, in Fox Clive, Carolina mate, aged 18 years, daughter of Junes D. »nd Sarah Dsvis. Funeral vili proofed to Lower Dublin Baptist meeting aoute» this (Thursday) mormnSi at 10 o’oioek. * UADEN.—On the 13th instant, Edward Baden, aged 68 yeare, Futif ra> from Bt. Joseph’s Hospital* on Friday morn ing* at 8 o’olv-ck. „ ’ McDoNN*-LL—On the 12th instant, Hugh MoDon nell. aged 49 years. _ _ • . . * TT Funeral irom his late residence, Paaohal street, Hee tonvilie,this(Thuisday) afternoon, at3o’clock * MILLER—On the 13'b instant, Mrs. Fanny Miller, wife of John Mil'er, in the 45th y*%T oi her age. Funeral from the residence of her husband* John Miller- corner of Huntingdon and Thompson street Nineteenth ward, thia (Thursday) anerno' a, a 3 o’olk, MOoNjiY—On the 12fh instant, Mia Fldabeth Mooney in tbedfrh year of her age. Funeral f -m the residenoe of her brother. Mr. John fhibe. No. 1620 Frenkfrrd road* be ween Cherry and Vienna at re s. on Frida afternoon, a* 3 o’olook. * PEB U RDY-—Ob thelgth mxtmt.Febeooa, rehot of Joho PftrOerdr, (from Leioester* England,) in the 77th year Gfber age. Fur.era; fn-m the residence of her aon, Montgomery avenue ondFrankford road, this (Thura * ay)afternoon, at 4 o'clock* UUI ' N.—On the 12th instant, Bernard Quinn, in the 23th year of h sase. . , Funere from the residenoe of his brother-in-law, James Willi&uis 729 Fayard street, between ano Reed*th>B/'Jhu'*day)afiernoon.at4o , elock.. * ROREh.—On the 12 h instant, Joseph Borer, in the Slat year of his age. Funeral from the residence of his father, Daniel Ko rer. Hotb uo'. Montgomery co.» this ('inurßdaj)moin ipr nt«l9 o'clock, i»CO'T—OQ the 13th instant, John fiooU. in the 47th yea of how aellina flunk orape maroi* at 38 and SIK oenn. laok buregea, at 3* and. SIS* cen'B. Blaok 7-1 vide baregoa, *0 and 604 oent*. Semmd-jnouroiri. poplinß, 15 cent*. Graj mixed lavellu, Qthj rnotlied modenaa. ID,o. Gra, vide madonnae. 18Xo. Black and white printed crenadme barege*. Ide. Shepherd plaid real irenadmr haretea. Ka. Black and vhite Pari, orkandies. Me. irl 0» THE UNION PRAYER MEETING, (O. *. ) will be fed in the WEST aKCH EET TR-6BYTe.HIAN CRUKCH, at S o’clook, T,l IS Afi N It* [fif. INStRANGE COMPANY OF THE ll If STAiEOh TENNBVLVAMA, Arniu.t*, 18U. The D'reotor. havethi»da» deoareda uiViDEND ofsix PKR CENT., or TWELVE DOLLARS-per ■hare pa' ab eto th* Stockholder., or their leeal fte nreeentauveß, on demand, au«lo> WILLIAM HARPER. Secretary. ryry. OFFICE MORRIS CAN Al. ANO BANK -115 INO CO . Jsa.KT . I-.Y. Jilt, IS. 18*t. iJIV'DEND N'.TlCh,.—The Board ~f .-lrector*hare declared, from the earninge of the Canal, a eeim-annual Dividend of FIVK Pr R CENT, upon tn* Preierred Stock, parable on and after the oth dar of August next, at tne Office of 'he Companj at Jersey Cur. or to Stockholders in and near Philadelphia, at the omoe of E. W Clerk A Co . there. The Transfer Books mil be olosed from the 30th inet. to the Bth of Autnat. jyW tAnlfi* L N. CONDIT, Seoretarj. ryv NOTICE—TO IHE INHABITANTS OF lIJS PRANKFORD-That the ItAILY or Wt I.KLY PHEBS can be had at the counter of in. atore, or *erved at your houaae regularlj. at an ear JrlAlm* Agent for Tkt Pr.aa, in Frankford. ,) /iilr..: -S.i'A') - vtfljjSisJiAVKl.' l.Ji siiPPcKTERh FOR LAiilEO. ana the only Blip portara under eminent medical patronage. Ladio* ana phTiieianx are reapeetfulb rscveaM to call onir on Mr*. Betta.at aerreaidenoe, 1039 WALNUT Street, PhUadelphia. (to avoid counterfeit*.; Ihirtj thooaan* invalid* have bent adviaec hr their phraipi&n* to oa* Sir apslianoea. Thoae only are genuine bearing tk* Bniteaßtateaaoprriiht, Labela on the box, and elfna tareycJ elayn the Cwp*rt*n, vith t**tiaemal* JF YOU WANT PORTRAITS for your parlors rememb'r. there is no mistake about th*» likeuoss, and you are of appeasing Picture, tf y»u Ri-t * iif'-s*ze Ptttt» O.ißa PH n oi», atßbiM Gal «r* r skoonw street, above Green it* LOST ORMI-LAID.-Certifi ate No. 62, one hundred sha-es or the Lehigh race iron 'V Brook in th“* nan-c of G -orge PMicoast Notice Is hereby given th«t &pp>ination has been maue to the Company for a new orrf.-fi.t-.te. CHA R LRB H. Kxeoutc.r of the f state of Geo. A. Pancoast. Philadelphia August JBGI. It* s-A pew KiQrM-NT. -rmiiA WTI DELFBIA LIGHT CAVALRY. 'T’St COLONEL BICHARO WHNRY BIWH. auoi mcil by trie War Pepanirent fir Three Years or the War. PRINCIPAL Rl’ND'-ZV. US 83 i M RKF.T “tract Thin Re* 1 merit offers to notiv. jti'u-k men ■who dn «ire at once to go to dm* peculiar advant gc« The luuiterioj wil. b•by o mp*n*©*» The order* fr''tn tn<* w ftr Itap'trtnHiL; have areatly been rso-ivr dto auno y ortoh oomoany, si soo'i m muitor*d. wi»b un form arms, equipments, subsistence, and hor es, tinrre equ pmtnts and forage, and at nnoe go in o o>mp near tbit on? f*.r praotio* ami d id daring th - formation '*■ the Regiment, T»-e rny ia as f ilows per n.ontb: Sergeant • a|or, 933 ; (iu Hermes er H ergeant #33: Chief Hugl r BS3; Fir t *>r eant 922; Sergeant, #l9; Corpor-i, 816; uglcr. $l6; Fa.net and Blackamit.. #l7; Pri ate. 814 Ph<- arms will be simply the Sabre and large-sized Revolver. r lhe uniform will b* Derlt-Blue Jacket and Gnu, and &y tftae Panto, al* timmodwith Vmiow nraid. The Colonel, RiOHAhU HKNRY i* a We*t Point crtduate. and nexperenced army'ffioer the other office** are »i»h» ut exception,selected for their known fitness for their positions. Young m*n between the aces f18a» d 23 ab’e-bodieil, of light bu Id, and o- er 9 ieet 6 inches high, wio wish to join this Regiment, van apply at the Fnnoipal Rendezvous. No 833 MARKET STREET. The restriction as to age not apply to Buglers o d sn'dier* of the mounted servjo*. Ail rn n> a must .produce the written consent of their parent nr «U&*dian. iiUlfl 12t SI LINCOLN OA V*LPY. —A 11 mem yJKO bers of Captain I. Fitzwater's Company are « ™ requested to be punctual in attendance at 9*4 « ii i NUT Street for muster, nnd to be sent di reot to Washington Canrin I. PITZW *TEK t Head quarters N, E. comer FIFTH and WALNUT Crests auHSfc «ATT£VTION! WHEATLEY LIGHT GITA RD'Company I, Twenty-second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers—The Company will as «emble at the H . i#u nf the PAIP MOUNT MR ff OOMFaNY TO-HAY. at 10 o’doek Business of im portance will be brought before the Company. Volun teers wanted. By order of EDWaRD CARROLL, Captain of Co, I, Twenty-second Regiment Fa. Vol, aulfi-St* 8 ATTENTION! TWENTY-FOURTH REG r M.ENT I— Captains of '’ompames will op*n reoruitinr offices* ai.a , - 'oe and cheap* House Furi.i.-,hing Goode. uoo pairs G.n o’ Suspender, at 65 oente, worth el. A d 'Oided bargain. do«.n Kents’ Linen Oamhrio Handker ohielß, at 56 per donn, very cheap, at JUHN H. STOKES 1 , »h« YOU A ROB street. CLOTHS, O A S'-1M WIRES, VRBTTNQS, oompnaing a fine stock at . wtf 8. E. oorner MnTH and MARKET. 8 TABS T DE La INKS AND BAREGES. 83.60 and S 3 fail length barege robes. Summer dress goods at half price. Biaox ureas goods, a fine assortment. _ _ COOPER X COWARD, au7 a, E. cor. W’NTH and MARKED. Entibe mantilla stock Be-’uocd 40 per oent. to close it. B ircains in dust* re and Iscn mantles. Beet hoop skirts, right Bhope, and reliable. CI»UiUK « .uixa-D -au7 ** K r vmV|lM4 MAXFEV, "•* «*«r Hd Si’-PURNI'iHING DRY GOODS, of every description, cheap for oa*h. . . „ COUPBR A CONAKD au7 g. E. cor. NINTH and IHAHKET. GOODS- STILL FURTHER REDUCTION IN SUMMER STOCK, in order to Insure sales and realise Cash. Fine Chintz colored Paris Organdies, Do do. Pans Jaconets. Medium st. le do. do. Dark Brown Lawns. 12>t cnis. Silk Chat'ies, Bareges. Barege Anglais, Gray Goods, Poplins, Mon* de sines, &o Blaok Tamartine Crape de Esoang, k O. Foulard Rilke and r-ilanese, Ac, Whits Croods in variety. A fine line of plain Swiss Muslins, 13K tosocu. Blaok Lace Mantle*, Bonrnous and Point*. Black and Colored Stella Shawl. A very cheap lot of Linen Cambric Rdkfs. A good etook of Flannels and Domestic Goods at the lowest market rates, lor cask only. CBARt.ES ADAMS A SON, jytt-tt EIGHTH and ARCH Street*. -MEMORABLE YEAR!! ACJvkie HARD ON DRY GOODS! VERY LOW PRICKS! STILL MORE REDUCED: THORNLEY A CHISM, N. E. oor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN, Want to sell their stook clean off. And have consequently REDUCED THEIR PRICES, VERY LOW, INDEED. Fancy Silks a little over half price. SomestTleeof i)reas l G"oOa-at half prioe. Lace Mantles, Pointes, Eugenics Ac., very eheap. Blank silks, the oheasest in Philadelphia. A great vartety of Gray Goons, Lawns, Ae., A*. A very large stook of Domestio Goods. A very large stuck of Linen Goods. Cloths, Csssimeres, Vestings. Ao- Ac. N. B.—This is a RARE CHANCE to get .goods un usually cheap. THORNLEY A CHISM. N. E. Cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. N. B-—From thia date, July *th, Terms “ Cash on PeliverT.’’ iyB Sgmm«;k stock op dress -oods at PR ICES ACCORDING TO THE TI MES.-Pophns, Bareges, Silk Cnallies. half price; Chatlie Delaines re duced from 3B to U3go. ; Spring Chlntaec rednoed from l»ito8o. Special attention is reauetted to onr stock of Organ dies and Jaoonet Lawns, which we are bound to oloee out at a low figure. CHARLES ADAMS A SON, ir» EIGHTH and ARCH Street*. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! GREAT SACRIFICES. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS offered in the balance of our Stook of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, now oloeingont GREATLY UNDER COST PRICES. Bargains in Laoe Mantles, Bonrnnus, Pointes. Bargains in Silk Coats, Sacanes and Mantles. BARGAINS IN FANCY BILKB. BARGAIN* IN BLACK SILKS. Ho. Mohair Grenadines for 380. 160. Delaines, new styles, for Bc. 000- Organdie Lawns for iSVc. 11M0. Lawns, fine quality, lor So. H. STEEL A SON, jy« No. Tl 3 North T ENTH Street, above Coatee. AJJaNKKUPF JL&t'OtiTEit’S dT^OK of SamplM of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, in hem-stitohea* sheer-corded- ai.d embroidered, from 19 oenlstoSS oents each; a great bargain- purchased a sacrifice for cash) and to be sold in the same way only. CHARLKS aDaMH & B ON, ieSO EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. FKENOH LACK POINTS, BuURNoUN, ANf MANTLES—A large stook to be sold at lees than wholesale prioe*. We oannot be undersold in thesegood*. CHARLES ADAMS A SON, ie3o EIGHTH and ARCH Btreets. Hf UtiQUITO NBTi'ING, aU colors; Tarle -I*l tan,all colors, for oovering glasses; Plaid and Swiss Mnalina at wholesale prioes. CHARLES ADAMS A SON, jelO EIGHTH and ARCH Streets SSPBUIAis NOTION! ' S 3 On and alter thus cate RKORNLIiY A C.UiaM will oflsi EVERY POSSIBLE INDL'CKMER'J OABH PURCBASEM OF DRY GOODS: Beius determined 'o ‘tana tkar Stock they will tier Gscrf Swrsaini ! ■' Beautiful !?&noy Silks lor 7ft worth #l*l3 Heavy Rioh Fancy Silk» fox #l, well worth #1.14. Srenadine and Barege Goods, about one half their Gray Mixed Goods* in every variety - from 3 oents per yard to 49 oents. B&ACK filLKfi, JTICH. AND LBS'JROB? VKF'-' GHkAF. Beat i3l*ok Brooade Silks, double faced* *c.,*c, Be Laines, Ualiocos. Caasixneras* Hlotlts. vesting*- ike. Linens* MusHos* Fianueui. Qaiiuu Jover». 3HAWL AND CLOAK ROOM EXHIBITION. French Laoe Mantles, pointes* Shawls, Eugenes. Cambria Lace Mantles* Chantilla Lace Goods, k« ?-!acV H'A’k Coats Mantles, ko.* in every styi*. At VAORNLEV 4 fc '-t * « > KEMoVAL JaMK H. castle has removed his Office to No. 709 LOCUST Street, first door ab we ■* tumingt n au7-12t' CJ 95. N. HEATOJj’S LEHIGH AND LOCUST FOUNTAIN COAL WHAKF. 993 North OEI.aWA.RK Avenue, above Fi'plar street. All Coal partioular y seleoted and prepared for family use Housekfepp's desiring to lay mtn ir win er tup yj.wili be uruisbed with a good - nd oiean arriole, at ve-r reduced i*n«-Fg f,»ro *h. Dealers and Manu autarer* au.pied at wbo’esale pnrs NulB»‘u«hAs2 «* GK AI- nibUi UiU/?. _ liMllbH Hazleton) COAL, of a >npenor quality. Egg and Sluvr sizes at 84 OO per ton. Nut size ■" SIM • “ Will be sold at the ,e rates until the Ist of October, If dehve ad-ascot ■ enth ann nor h of Archstreeis To have advan age of this great reduction in prioe, each order must be acoompanieu with the i'ash R P. GILLINGHAM. MB-llt* N. E. FRONT and POPLAR Btreet*. MILITARY NOTICES. RBTAIIi OKI UKOON KEUOYALB. CO* L. ’ .f .1 . - PRESERVING JARS. CANS AND JARS! IMMENSE STOCK SHILLING OFF AT NOMINAL PRICES, AT Nos. 11T and 119 SOUTH TENTH STREET, t he largeiwliolesale stook of ARTHUR’S FRUIT CANS AND JARS, Now Selling oil at an IMMENSE REDUCTION. I am now Belling ofT, at RETAIL, the entire stook of the late firm of A rthur. Burnham, A Gilroy, N. r.. WT . ner Tenth and GeorM StreOte. ooneistlng of ARTHDR’S FRUIT CANS AND JARS ; "OLD DOMINION” COFFEE AND TEA POTS; PItATT S SELF-VENTILATING MILK PANS; PRATT’S SELF-VENTILATING BREAD AND CAKE BOXES. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, &o. chance as ibis will again occur Tor get ting the above we l known srtioles at a very low price. Now i» the time for Housekeepers to xftoure a supply of Fruit Jars for the sees-m, at a small cost. CHARLES BURNHAM, «. E. oorner TENTH and GEORGE Street., Phila. auS-thsuim rjEAfcirf ABU VI, GLAS-t BELOW, „ . ... . GLAfS ON ALL SIDES. '•HarteTf/ar” ' 9lU|! po '*° n
    s open tor Boarders. Rooms eonal to any on toe beaoh, well ventilated, high ceil ings. Ao. Servants attentive and polite. Approximate to the Bathing grounds- je34-3m HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N ‘ J ' BY MARY MAOUfRF. This House fronts the surf, and possesses the finest Bathing G-ounds on the beaoh. Boarding 88J0 per week; 81-0 O per day. Single meal 00 cants. Bathing Dresses included for weekly (warders only. leX im /CONSTITUTION H USE. ATLANTIC CITY’, N. J.. (ofth Old Globe,) Proprietor. 9T The choicest brand* of Diction and Cigars iu he tound on the island. jall-Hm /COLUMBIA HOUSE, Atlantic City, N.J. EDWARD DOYLE, Proprietor. This Hoase is in the immediate vicinity of the Smf House, and within half a square of the best Bathing Grounds on the beach. The proprietor will use every effort to make his guests comfortable. Terms reason able. ie»4 3m OTAR HOTEL, f «*wly Jjpgrfwg* HoteU a AMUEL ADAMS, Propnetor. Dinner ....... - 80 oente. Also, Carnages to hire. 9T Boarders aooommodated on the most reasonable terms. Je34-3m SEA-BATHING. —NATI >NAL HAL L, Capk Island. C&im Muj N. J*—The proprietor of the- above-named finely looated establishment would respeotfully inform the thousands of Guests that have heretofore visited his house, that, in order to meet thr pressure of the times, he has* for the present season. REDUCED FlB CHARGES for B to EIGHT DOLIjAR? PER WEEK. Children under 12 years ni age and servants halfpriee. Superior aooommooations, and ample room for 2W persona. Refers to J. Van Court* 243 Aroh street. Philadelphia. je3l-2m AAR(M Proprietor, WHITE SULPHUR AUU CHALY BEATE SPRINGS, doubli*sggap. These Springs are In Cumberland o-mnty. Pa., thirty miles west of Harrirburg on the Cumberland .Valle j Railroad* and a? e now open for tbe recpptioc oi visitors. Board from Jive to eight dollars, according to, rooms* Procure jour through tickets at the Pennsylvania Rail road Office, at a reduced prioe #4 through Call on ff. 8. Janney* Jr.* & Co*. 605 Mancet Htreet, lor information, cards* ko. dOYLE. AHLkfc REAMER. jagp.|tu A Proprietors. GSKA.BhTHI • G.—The UUITSD yTA S SS HOTEL, ATLANTIC. N J., is, now open lot visitors. This is ths largest and ijest-furnished Hotel on the Island* and being convenient to the beach and mrounded by extensive and well shaded grounds, is a desirable House for families. It is Lighted with gas and well supplied with pure water* The Germania Sooiety will tarnish the musio for the season. The oars stop at the door of the Hotel for the of guests. JLRKMIAH McKIBBIN, jemMf Proprietor CUMMER BOARDING, ATLANTIC k 5 CITY. N J„ ASHLAND HOUSE, Cornet of Pennsylvania Avenue asd the Reilroae, Atlantio Avenue. is now orwjt For the reoepboo of permanent or tranaient Iwareera. je34 3m JOHM B.BTOKKB. ««>r*RIRS. fJXI FAMILIES RESIDING TN THE RWRAA DIBTRIOTS, We re prepared, s« heretofore, to Mppiy lamilieea, their C*untry Reaidenees with every deaortption of FIHB BROSK*i>-S, TEAS, fc»„ **. ALBERT O. ROBERTS. CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STREETS. my 18 pUREPORT WINE i FDA «A*? Ur O. H. MATTSON. AROB AND TENTH STREETS. it* EXCURSIONS* <’HBaP and DRLTGHTFUL I Tf—’"" MAV—Leaving niii -.u ... Fain 'Y. August Id ,841 i b*’r.arninx will leave GAPE MAY SA i U 1)A/. euruat 17 I*l. ..yj}o rew, swift, oo rnnndionß, anil p pul.Ee m-r JDBN A W/iHNJSH, Captain J.GONF. will natea grm.d exeuisinn In C-pe Mai. leav ng Briet 100 Fri aiy Aug'mt 16, at Vi n’olooir A. M.. Hnrliniton 7JI, , ~V , .T <3* Anr ia 7.*n Ardaluaia 745 Torreadale K l v er ouB 16. 'l'noonr 83U. ■ Tide.’ ll39o, and bit’" 11 *h»rl. rbilatlelphia- at 9 v'elook * M. Return.eg will leevo the Capea about 1 o’oloek P. M, Au * W.arnvingai driatnl aboutgo oieok. tnis arrangftn snt. ih* excmsb'nistowill nave bb hSf“. ri iK .’J % revoral rrfreanmg ealt-walev ff r',"! 00 , r,1n tioutaienuta not Wlahibg rn,«r W S « < ThStluy‘2 " ver L" kf'toan remain on the nent. ii Ihe W arner, on her down trip, will laid at Port Delnwa e, ml spend onem.ur on the island: we have inaoe ariangemrnte wi h ' aptain G,l» n . oom rnander of tne Fort to ado it the excursionists in tbe r -n, giving them an opportunity o* viewing that im- Uion*e struoture. and likewise tne monstrous tuns, whioh ft'nce is worth the orst of the whole trip. Cols' nißn’t Br»«s Uond win oocoinpauT V'O excursion Tiok ets ior rhn oxonrsiem of rauuc trip. 81 ft} to be usd on board the bo>it No patn* wui bo spared to give Keoert! eausfaorion. Meals and refresnmentsprovfded on hoard b/ AILEN A. BKOTHI-tts. au ; 4 3i* { (.'barters.) V'HiNG MEN’,- uHKlrTii aBmO CI .TION.— Second ’xnursion to ATLANTIC F i V lUESDaY, nngeeti, 1861. Sooinl Meeting at * o’olock.in the PRt eByTKRMN CHURCH, nader iv.%-t tron .i» e .°‘ a .nuinner of mmiatere, who will ao company tbs Aisooituion. ataßiMa** V,n ® " lr ootwliarrat39oA M.,retnrainf Tiokefs One Dnllar and fifty cents. Children half of° t r > ”jlU t 'laL n o‘ ,r “ J,Jlpai AMuKfliJUKfl'l 3 OLYMPIC THSa"*. UNPRECEDnNVKD SUCCESS MIBB ANNIfi. OI LONBDALE and the new and brilliant 8 i AJT Gri M P A NY . KNT IRE CHANGE OF BILL THIB EVENING. First of u. MJhgy Dramaof AN S^E L VSfB^iE I R N - B r ra. Louisa Lovetriok ■ An?e^SnSnle. WALNUr-STRJBaT TUB*.THE. * * in oonsequoos of CONTINUED SUOCEfIUi a DA M-9 and i'OWtm 1 win wntinue tbeir elegant en'ana'bmenls THUKBOA August jj Pooondniilitnf Mrs E WIN A 'AMS Hav.raaek KAPoli 0i, ’ S ° LD OUAKD, Haversack jARs;"" L ‘ * n ! SSIi Bni * an(,Wlth IllBh Mrs. Fdwin Adam*. ’riI t WiTNESST Vlnio * ®o'* r ,* , > ertfthe IdiotJ • <——- . Fd«in aomps, Price* as üßu tl. Ferformanos ooffimf acfi at )£ to I, As s if, MBii V HUHiDt'.'iGh last •' / *„WEEK BUT TWO-COMPLETE AND UNEX AMII.f. 11 Si.t>CEBB. Every nigh’ this week. Day exhibition on SATURDAY AF I'ERvoON, at> ? ?A'U lt 'irl! CI ' c , r ? t '' con °f SOUTHERN REB.L -n iii ” f^l , V'cJT*— ln-iudiDg the great Battle at Bulla Run, Va,. Battle at Carthage, Missouri, with i'ortrai ts of ail the Generals To be followed "T *■"- derson’s great represeutntion or the RU 8lA,"l WAR. Admission, Moents: ahlidren, u Coleiod people, Pe«MsY VAiNIA AO-DEMY OF THE FINE ARTS. 1035 CHESTNUT Street, ie open anur, Sunday?excepted, irom 9 A. M. till ip. M. Admission 95 Cents. Chilaren under twelve yearn. naif or.oc. Shares of Btook, 930. jy| JEDUuATION 4JL», Yonr*© hAwES’ JjKSTIIME 0? Hatbnro. Fa.. K®t. Geo. Haku, r. M. f Pnncipsl. Family s hr*ol in a delightful ooontry location, oon verueuitoiheoity ' 3 nut es resumed September 9th For eirouis's. ad dres*u e Vrinoiygi. aulMt* A TBAOHIiE, of skvkkal YB ’ES exp.rien.ee, end a r-adaate of oollege, wishes to obtain a situation. Th« bee' of tes’imoniaie given »e toth.a ter ard gnalificavione. Address “Teanhe-,” ihrongn Mlo.m’s Lispatoh. ani* 9t* Bdgehill school, PKINCIiTOrf, n j. A HnaiE FOR BO.YS. Pupils prepared thoruuchly for Colles© ot for Bu k no flOhOOl premiss 00S tain thirteen sores* cr-.vidine am»ly for •©■©■«, ■lot urmind and garden per ß *Bßiun. For Oir ulars, addri-M Aev. J. F. HUOH»**B. aulg th*A tuSt Principal. ril fE PBIYAT3S ,SOHO r )r. FO* BOYS, » in tho J?b'lad£phia City Tnatitute, Northsost corner ot CHES NUT a d EIGHT«kwTH btreets, w-11 r©cp*n MOisDfhY» fteptemHor 2. IW1« auld 2m* L BU RuOWr*, Prinoipil (VWmETOWti COLLEGE, D, 0., - Arouei. ISM, The exercises of this Inatifntiou wt’l b« re uiDcdun The first MONDAY ib Septfirab r* Te ms per unsum, f Bo»rd and I uition, 9»0, payable half i early, in od> vanoe, FJ further rartioulars apply to the President. ruU wf» mlm J- Hv hARLY. 8 J. WAN ffi. Employers wanting young Men, are invited to addrem the“ Emplsy ment .Committee,” at tho Rooms of the Yeung Mcn’e A **Ao‘-aD=>> 1 ’ AOO9 r.oS 1911 OtfiiSTNßf »»»«’ FOJt SALJB AND TO LIST. afOK RMUT. VIRV LOW—An ele r*nt new HOT'SF-. No. 911 N. Eighth street: pnoa StlKf Apaly to UPPINCOTT A PAKBY. Nm 9»ii MIRKEI St ect. anlt-Sf g* A RARE OPPORTUMTV !_ ■SryGHTH-RTREET DRY GOf>n» STORE, with i«'dKt«yS l 'li lNB ' Onel of the heir Inoaied add nttta Upttorrsnn Ih. street For paHir-01-.r., an ply to is. WRIhLEY, • onvejaooer, anl3 tuthf&e-*t» 13* South FOUhTH BtrVeL m TBE “ FSTAUDGB B n lL‘»jNb>’ TO M.LBT !-To let, for one or more Tears, the *‘Fe tn-»se 3Dnding. ,, (i Nts 99-and 811 rhearrut street, former y oeoupied b» i« J. j evy A Co. he bu»l“i* jr is built o Brown stone, four ronea high, fire-proof, 60 oy I7fi teet. This s-ribbshnient is considered the handsomest de voted to ui mmeioial purpos sin th# United Suites.and the good wi'lofihe immense trade formerly traassoted there valuabiCi APP 710 mo m* * FETKinOFi w n FOUPTFh.NI Ii etreet, York. N B.—l he present Fixtures belong to *he e«tshii*h DhtoL au!3 mwAfetif eWANTICD— To Pent a large Ware houae ; one west ■ f BROAD, and touth of ARCH streets, wou'il be preferrrd. Immediate poeumion r*. q irod. -• jplr at i'o. 117 Siag ’iD .tree', an!4 3t MB 'R Sft l-£ -Oa reasonable terms, the ■■ n»w Residenoe, containing n ! l the modern im provements, No. 30 North SIXTLUNTH Street, apply tn A LKNftSIMB Southeast oorner Ft URTH and W I.NUT treete. «ecoud floor. auP-et* IXJ RB —> he very desirable Store, No. m S ..well adapted for -he lia/dwaro buaipe-s. W.ill be r«n ed low. Apply to M. PATTON, -&Bouth m hteenthat au* 8t • TO sET —A DWELUNO HOITNP, THfRTEFNTH Street, above /roh streets with all the modem convenienoea. Kent moderate Apply to wethhrilla bpoihtsr: au3 47 street* • TO HAOD.*nFiBLO, N.J. —A commodious BHICK oentr&Uy lo oated on the main street, ; has all the oom forts and conveniences of a complete Country flonee. Inauire of J, K. PkYTOW. i> 2T lro* RBBWALM UT Street Phila. Ti) KENT V *W—Furnished or un- IH-innuibed, for mx months, or longer, if desired, a large and convenient iIUUSE, No 1780 Arab street, Apply to A, P. and J. H. MORRIS, 916 ARCH Btreet. J® J* tl g| OHttsTWUT-HTKt Fi’ iI’.*U«IS aud ML |TORE ro rent,—The dcsiraWe business location, 1033 CHESTNUT Street, with dwelling attnohed, Apply St 431 r-URVi-NUT Street. »Dll FUU pJKOBANGS.- -a UITIHUS tract ofgood cnliu, ~!T,g larm land it, the State of New J*r»T, oanveoiet'.-. so the Bity.wili b« exohanged f»t eitv ernoer*-. A;;ly at No 1(V FEDERAL Btrt ! 1 - Bsai-tf ’3■•(.* tr-i -I— A yen- desirable STOMA, A on ths Nihih-stre-.t frost of “ The Continental Retel.” The Store at Ninth andSansom streets sspe s: ally adapted for s SAnsi sand Ktsitnr! Maker. Apply to JOHN RICE, T*e-tf Soatawwf NINTH and atreol. INSURANCE COMPANIES. INAMB INSURANCE COMPANY, ■ No. 400 CHESTN9T B‘.rM'd EIRE AND INLAWS INBHRANOE piucTons, -Se*rg. W. Day — —of Day k Matlask, Samuel Wright—— .. “ Wright Bros kC. »TB Birney ” Davis k Blrney. Henry Lewis, Jr. ’’ Lewis Bros A. 0* C. Richardson.. .. "J. C. Hows k oe. Jno. W. Evermar—of J. W. Evermen A 0». xeo. A. West . " West A Fooes. *. B. K&rtin—.- . “ Sevarr. Martin, k C -0, Wilson Davis... ,A.Uornej-at lew. E. Ll. WoodralT oi Km «t fW, StltlSf, .If fto. 1718 Breirn rireet ■3£OSbE YV. SAY. Prsiiideht. FRANCIS N HT .' K. Vioe FresiJ*»t, ■v t 1 :.\MS t. Hi A «lOHi *0 aes«(er« !»33-fb} " SINKS, guying- rc: « “•! .ru w.- rsm » TRUST COM?'»NY, -sen.c 7S-EVaxo GKFCV> RUT Streets. , INTEREST FOUR PER CUNY 1 S. R. CRAWFORD, Prenimt JAMES X. X VNTEfI. fleoretary and VrMsnrar. Oil. hours. from 10 until t o’*l-»k fe* 3AFKS » LILLIES SAFE DEPOT REMOVED .to No. Cll South SEVBNTO StrMt.nwrUv im Institute. The undenngnedfTh&nklul past lavore, ana determined to mem futurp petron&ce. raereoured an elegant ami oouvenien* store, ami ha* aow on hand * targe aasortment of Lillie** Celebrated Wrought »n« Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof /rue e»r.» etriotly fire and burglar proof safes made.) *V.m> '• » lie's vnequalted Hash Vault, Safe. and Bank Looks. Lillie’s flank Vault Poors and will bs furnish' r te order 00 snort notice. This is iiiN strongest, her. protected, and cheapest i»eur and Lca> rrt offipred. Also* pr-rficuiar attention is oallet' to Liilift’o tn Cabinet fTafe Tea Plain jewelry t ftp- Thift Safe is au. ?• sujpims ntylc and ciegiUjfiaißythlßS yet e fered for Uus purposoy &ud ?»the on ; *> one thM u* etrxt ‘y fire and burglar proof. Seuuijj. rfoTice.—! heieuow'co aanJ ear twenty v FarreU Re?ring &■ Oj.'s u4 and ! 4 t-AHT HIVER. New York* qul-tf _ —ir-*. puilauslphia and J^aBEBaWASHINGTON EXFREBB STEAM BO T COMPANY- , New hn», direct for Alex&nan., Wuehmgton, and Georgetown. .J hrough in *0 honrz S-.eemer PBILADELPHI*, Ceptsin THOA HAND, £teeiner J t/NOM Captain JEROME, Will leave Philadelphia every W DNEBDA Y and SA TURDAY, a’ 13 u’oiook M,, oonneoting with all line* at thoae porta, and returning leave Weahington, Georgetown, and Alexandria every TUESDAY and SATURDAY,Tor Philadelphia. W. P. CLYDE, Agent, No. 14 80UTH WHARVES. Philadelphia, MORGAN k RHINeHART. Agenta, jy!4-iftf Foot or e .erect, Waahington, an'-xlfa EEU l) 1 AH i.TMB AND EXCUAalONS.—Bteamer CO HAi\ct.V leaves fir»tP or below AS OH Street* EVK- JtY M.OANING* at 7K o’otook, (exoepi Sunday,) ror •JhM, k er Pecnsurove. New Cuttle. Delaware City. Fun Delaware, and Salem. Heturnlug, leave Salem at IXaud *o’oiook. Fare (oi the Excursion... 40 eents. Stares or Bridgeton and Odessa r.*et this line* g^Steamft'KßYßOiD leaves JRCH-Street wharf daily, at 3 o’clock- for all Landings named above ex cept Fort Delaware. au« Ut* it'Ob NRW •'CilUi. L'U.4 fWHfiHBB* Philadtlßkie Steam P.-opeller Oompae - will eemhiene* their baiuw fer th* m*mm en nfoudar rw»iv>«! »i tnx Pier above Walut atreal T*rau aMeonedatinz ■ ■ WINS—In casks sad QMM ■( tka brand* *f hi. Jnliaa. Marranx. Xant-Brtaa P^ilUta.