Bloody Riot Among Rebel Soldiers. [From the Memphis Argug of the 4th ] The riot at Grand Junction on Friday was a se xtons affair, and might hare been still more disas trous, but for the firmness and bravery of the com mander of the brigade, Col Sonlakorrcki, who, we are informed, shot down some of the men who re fused to submit to hia authority. We learn that when at Holly Springs, the men, by some means, got aoof3’ to a barrel of whisky. They knocked out the head and drank immoderately. The worst consequences followed. Tho men, who were tra velling in box oars, indulged in the worst oiirnva gunoos—even, it is stated, going so far as to throw their bayonets at each other One man was thrown from the platform, and killed by the train passing over him, satltog off ar. aim and a leg. On lesv tog the cars at Grand Jemotion, open mutiny broke out, and the msu turntd against esoh other With perfect ferocitr. entirely disregarding the autho rity of their officers, until the determined oonduot of Coi Koulakowski compelled a return to military rule Various reports were prevalent in the city as to there prooeedisgs Those whioh wo judge reliable wero, in the main, confirmatory of the statements contained in the letter, whioh we pub lish betow, written by a gentleman who resides in Grand Junction, to a friend in this oity, who has obligingly banded it to us: “Gp.asd Junction, August 3, 1861. —About twelve o’olook yesterday, there arrived here from Camp Pulaski a regiment of Louisiana voinnteers, commanded by Colonel Soulakowski, on their way to Virginia. About dix o’dicofe in the evening, after imbibing pretty freoly of 1 bast bead,* a row was commenced between the Frank Guards and some of the other companies, whioh resulted in a general fight of about one hour’s duration, during which Major York and the Colonel, aided by some of the other officers, used every peaceful means to quell the riot, but nil to no avail. It seemed to ba growing general, when some of the men took shelter in the Percey Hotel, the doors of whioh were immediately assailed with the bats of muskets, and whatever else could bo found to answer the purpose of a T'oaj soon succeeded in saaashiog lo all the doors* bliaaa, and sash, when tbey rushed in, like a lll * '■'oriated devils, and commeaced an indiscriminate desirnation of the hOt*l furmtar® and everything ihev could Uy their hands on. Drawers were torn open, the contents were destroyed, the furniture was broken and pitched out, the dining table was thrown over and ail the table furniture broken, the chairs smashed to pieces, and such a general wreck y u have never witnessed in a civilised community. <* About this time the efforts of the officers of the day and the guard proving unavailing to quell the mob, the officers, led by the colonel, com menced firing on them, which resulted in tho death of two upon the spot, and the mortally wounding of some five or six others, and some six more dangerously wounded- There were fourteen killed and seriously wounded, besides a number of others that left ob the trains last night, that were slightly wounded. The majority of the wounds were from pistol shots, come were bayonet wounds, and broken heads from the dubbed muskets, the men not having any ammunition. u The hotel looks this morning like a hoßpital after a hard-fought battle The dead and wounded are strewn &U over the second floor, and the groans of tbe suffering are terrible. K After destroying the furniture and breaking all they could about tbe house, two unsuccessful Attempts were made to fire it. i( Great credit is due Colonel Sonlskowski, Major York, and the ofioers and men of the Armstroog Guards for quelling the riot, and saving the town from destruction. “ I have just been informed by the surgeon, Dr. Henly, that there are three or four that will die during the day.” A Sharp-Shooting Regiment. THE SHABPBBT OF THS SHARP-SHOOTERS. The Evening Post of Wednesday gave a full ac count of the corps of sharp-shooters at Weehawken, and announced that a target praotioe would take place in tbe afternoon. The firing oommenoed at four o’olook. In the presence of a large number of spectators. Previous to that hour Colonel Berdan appeared, and com menced 8 wedging the balls in a mould, thus giving them a regular form and exact size, so as to fit the box. of th« pieee, and reoeive the neo ossary im. press from the spiral twist of the rifle The “man target,” christened Jeff Davis, was set np at a distance of a little more than two hun dred yards. Colonel Berdan inaugurated the firing In an easy, business-like way. he loaded his rifle, an ordinary target pieoc, with a tele scopic sight, and approached the <: rest.” The visitors crowded aronnd him in every direction, excepting, of course, that ooanpied by the muzzle of tbe rifle. A sense of personal danger preserved a small opening there. Tbe wind blew quite hea vily. It will he ooneoded that these oiroamstanecs were not particularly oonduoive to earefni and un erring aim. But Colonel Berdan is a man of won derful nerve. The crowd did not at all disturb him. He proceeded in the work with the utmost steadiness. Balancing his rifle for a moment, he fired at the head of the figure. When the smoke cleared away, the hole made by the bullet was ob served by the aid of the telescope—the cheek, near the nose. Again the Colonel loaded, and quickly fired at the head, hitting it just over the frontispiece of the eap, whioh was painted npon it The third shot was fired. “ Put Ms eye out,” remarked the Colonel. The ball had struck anar enough to that organ to destroy its use had it been a real one The fourth shot hit the face. “ I’ll try nature’s rest,” said the colonel, and be proceeded to a knoll near by, and, throwing himself at its side, aooommodated his person to its shape and took aim, bnt the petcussion cap only exploded. 11 Davis is safe this time,” he re marked. “ We’ll try him again.” Another oap was provided, and the image was struck just be low tbe front piece of the oap. The aim was quite as accurate as that he had previously obtained Ihe sixth Bhot hit about two inohes lower than the fifth. The seventh Mt the top of the head. Loading again, the colonel made ready to fire. “ Where will you have this shot?” he inquired of one standtog by. “In tho end of the nose,” was the answer. "Between the eyes,” suggested an other. At this moment the rifle was discharged. “ You spoke too late,” qnietly remarked the oelo nel, “he has another nostril. ” A gentleman was e&lled to witness the effect of the shot, and after wards «nr reporter. It was as the eolanel had said- The nose had an additional aperture. Where shall I put-the next shot?” the oolonel inquired of the gentleman at whose request he had spoiled the nose of the image. 11 Try his right •ye,” was the answer. No sooner said than it was done. The ball entered tbe lower part of the eye. The effect of this shot was carefully noted by se veral persons through the glass. “Will you tell me where to hit Mm again?” onoe more asked the colonel of the person who had oalied the last two shots. That individual deolined- He was satisfied that the colonel could Mt any thing, and it was not worth while to fire at the image, whose face was riddled. “We will hit Mm onoe more, and now in the oentre of the fore head.” This shot, the tenth, was the finest of the whole. It took effect midway betweon the front pieoe of the cap and the root of the nose, and di reoily over that organ. The dfstacoes werealmoßt mathematically accurate Colonel Berdan said he would go on if any one desired him to do so. But it was universally agreed that he had fired enough, that he had even improved upon his groat reputation, and to proceed further w uld be simply a waste of time. Colonel Berdan, his friends, and the representa tives of the press present, then proceeded to the field and gave the target a partionlar examination It had been previously fired at, but the holes made had been filled up, so that the effects of tbe reoent shots were evident. The accuracy of this firing was never excelled. Colonel Berdan, with his characteristic modesty, however, said little about it, but arranged for the trial of Ms men. Forty-eight shots were fired at the target by tbe members of his company—all but four of which would be al&sged '«mortal ” They were within a few inobes cf esoh other, and generally struck the region of the head or limbs. During ihe progress of this work the Colonel exhibited tbe greatest pleasure Said be on oneoooasicn, "Theseare pioked men. I cannot tell how many kegs of powder we have waßted in getting them. They are artists. If yon wished to get up a concert, would you engage hod oarriera to make your musio? This war with the rebels is simply a grand concert, and we are going to teach Davis, Beauregard, and Company to appreciate Hail Columbia and Yankee Doodle." Various Stories ol the U. S. Prisoners. The Richmond correspondent of the Charleston Conner cays: In conversation with one of the wounded prison* rs this morning, I remarked to him, “ Stranger, there is no disposition in to exult over ; fallen enemy; but if it is not impertinent, I should like to ask you a question. What did you expect when you left Washington ?” “ Well,” re plied the soldier, “we were told that our scouts could whip all the force you had at Fairfax and Cenrreville; that we should have a small sklrmhh at Bull Ran, and probably a smart brush at Ma nassas, from which plaoe we exDeoted to go on to R ohmond.” *< Then, yon had no thought of defeat ?” “ Not too slightest. The word wasn’t uttered, and nobody believed defeat to be possible. When ■we got to Fairfax, we found what had been told ns wes true there ; when we reached Centraville it was trne there, and when we arrived at Bu 1 Run we had what was expeoted to bo a skirmish there; but, by ,” oontinned the saint, “if that is what you call a skirmish, what in hell do you oall a battle?’” Among the pricoaora is a nobie-looning and in telligent Zouave, one of the few decent exceptions ia the crew. I saw him on the field, just after ho was taken. Woile passing a group of our men, one of the latter o&lied him some hard name. “ Sir,” said the Ziu&ve, turning on his heel, aod looking ifce Virginian full Ia the eye, “ I have heard that your s w&3 a nation of gentlemen, but your insult aomes from a coward and a knave. I am your prisonor, but you have no right to fling your curses upon me beoause I am unfortunate. Of the two, sir, I consider myself tho gentleman.” I need not add that the Virginian slunk away nnder the merited rebuke, or that a dozen soldiers generously gathered around the prisoner, and as sured him of proteoticn from further insult. From Mr. P. H. Oliver, the owner of Blind Tom, the negro, who has just spent five hours among the woqnded Federalists, I learn that a general desiro ia manifested among them to Sign a letter addressed to the people of the North, letting forth the real faots of the case, warning the people of that Be-tion not to engage in the un holy oomest, and acknowledging the kind treat ment which they are reoeiving at the hands of the Southern people. The prisoners informed Mr. Oliver that the reason why they fought so despe rately was, beoause they weteitoid that if they did not they would be butohered by tbe Southern troops if taken prisoners. Capture op a Brio ahd Carso. —We learn that the brig John Welsh , bound from Trinidad de Cuba for Falmouth, England, for orders, was oaptured by the privateer Jeff. Davis off the banks of Newfoundland on the 16 th of July, with a cargo consisting of 273 hhds., 64 tieroes, and 28 barrels Muscovado sugar, and 433 boxes clarified do. She was placed in possession of a prize orew, who took her into a Southern port Tho captain and prize erew arrived here this morning, and will, we learn, make arrangements for the disposal of her oargo v The oapl&m states that the Jeff Davis aame out of Charleston on the 28ih of June and ran tbe blookade, and had, previous to the capture of tho J. W., boarded two other vessels, one of whiok proved to be a vcßsel from Maryland, and had in structions, it appears, from President Daviß, not to be molested it met by a privateer. The otheT was a Yankee orafe, whioh had, previous to her beiog boarded, ohanged her papers, but as there was no deceiving the boys of the Jeff Davis, she was taken, and a Drize orew placed on board. The cargo and vessel are worth over $130,000 pretty good these hard times. —Savannah Repub lican, 31st, From the Southern states. The Richmond papers of the 3d instant have been received in Baltimore. They contain ths fol lowing Items: WOUNDED SOLDIERS. The number of wonndod Federal soldiers in tho hospital, at Richmond, has bsen increased by re cent arrivals to near five hundred. Bnt few more, says the Dispatch, will be brought down after this week Those here acknowledge the kindness with which they have been treated by ihe Southern peo ple. Tiie General earß brought down, on Friday evening, from Manassas, 38 wounded Federal?, who were immediately oonve pod to one ol the hos pitals From the number how here, a vast amount of phyßio, to say nothing of ortro and attention, must be nsed up, in order to minister to their wants A large camber oi siok and wounded Con federate soldiers are comfortably provided tor at the St. Charles Hotel, Mason’s Hall, and the vari ous other public and private buildings appropriated for hospital purposes SOUTHERN CURRENCY. The Exchange Bank of Riohinond is now re ceiving and paying out the notes of the following banks in the Southern States: Ja South Carolina, —All the banks. In Georgia —Savannah Bank of Commerce; State Bank of Georgia and branobes; Farmers and Meohanies’ Bank; Marine Bank; Menihan s and Planters’ Bank; Planters’ B ink of State of Georgia j Central Railroad and BaMlOg 1/OIH- North 0-«W-itoukof North Carolina and branches; Bank of Cape Fear and branches , Bank of Wilmington; Commercial Ban* of ml mington ... The other banks oi tho city, say* tne Dispatch, are at present receiving all the notes enumerated above under the head of Georgia Thoy ail ex pect to receive the notes oi ail the banks in the above list as soon an they can be hoard from with referenoe to the proportion adopted by tho late Bank Convention. Tho Exchange Bank, however, has acted without waiting far the responses of those banks, taking it for granted that they wiU be favorable. The baianoes between the banks entering into this arrangement will be settled in Trtaeury cows THE CONFEDERATE CONORHSB. Although Congress deliberates in secret, its sots are made public as soon as approved by tbe Presi dent On Friday the President returned several acts with hia signature attached, among which was one in relation to the appointment of additional field officers to volunteer battalions, and tbe ap pointment of assistant adjutant generals for the provisional foroea. An act was also approvedauthorizing the distri bution of tho proceeds of tile sale of the ship A- B. Thompson, condemned by the oourt of admiralty of Charleston district, S C,as * prize This phip was captured off Savannah, some lime since, by the steamer Lady Davit, A FEMALE SPY. The female prisoner brought to Riobmond on Wednesday proves to be a Mrs. Curtis, of Roches ter, N Y.. sister of a member of tbe Rochester re giment She is quite young, but by no means prej possessing The sleeves of her dress are orna mented with yellow tape chevrons, and the jookey hat whioh she wears is tucked up on one side with a brass bugle, indicating military associations- She is quite talkative, and does not disguise her ani mosity against tpe South Lodgings have been provided for her in a private house. KOBE DEATHS OF REPEL OFFICERS. Captain James K Lee, of the Seooud yirginia Regiment, wounded at the first battle of Ball Run, died at Manassas on Fiiday last. The body was to be brought to Riohmond and there interred. Second Lient Willie Preston Mangum, Company B, of the Sixth North Carolina Regiment, died on Tuesday of the injaries received in the l&tfi bfittlfi at Manassas. Lieut Mangum was a son of ex- Senator Willie P. Mdhgum, of North Carolina, and was a man of brilliant promise, and an officer of rare tact and ability ■ He was only saved from in stant death by a Bible in bis pocket, which broke the force of the ball. HOVED IE President Davis and family are now occupying the mansion provided for them at tbe corner of Ciay and Twelfth strcotß, having taken possession on Thursday. Ihe house has been put in complete order, and handsomely, bnt sot extravagantly furnished. PREPARING FOB WINTER. Governor Moore, of Alabama, has issued a pro olamation to ths ladies of that State, advising that each one of them knit one pair of substantial woolen socks, and deposit the same with the judge of the probate oourt of the county in which she resides, who will have them forwarded to the Governor of Alabama, at Montgomery, from whenoe they will be forwarded free of coat to the soldiers before the cold weather commences BELIBVINS THE NEEDY. Tho New Orleans Picayune, of the 2d inst., says : A large number of women almost completely biookaded Gravier street, yesterday, between Camp and St. Charles, by nine o’oloak, in front.of Mr. T. 0. Sally’s office, to receive their semi monthly stipend of five dollars each from the re lief oommittee, which has been paid thorn for the last two months. They were told, however, that the oity connoil had not yot made the promised appropriation of the $2,000 for their relief, when they all started to pay a visit to his Honor ihe Mayor, who was compelled to make them a speech, and assure them that the appropriation would be made at onoe. THE PRIVATEER “YORK.” The Norfolk Herald publishes the following ex tract from a letter received in that oity from on board the privateer York: We were at sea seven days, and oaptured a prize 113 miles eastward of Cape Hatteras. She is worth about $90,000 We put a prize orew on board, and, in coming in, fell in with a man of war, and bad to beach her to keep them from taking her away from üb. Our orew are now en gaged in wrecking her THE REAL TRAITORS. Much is said of late about the traitors who have brought existing troubles upon the country, and a good deal is said, by way of dispute, as to who they are Portions of them live on both sides of Mason and Dixon’s line. But the real traitors who are responsible for the disruption of the American Union, and the present civil war, threatening such fearful consequences, are Yancey, Hhctt, Toombs, Pryor, Davis,Keitt, Iverson, Wise, Mason, Wigfall, and Breckinridge and Lane, who lent themselves to their miserable purposes. If there are any men in this oountry who deserve the doom of traitors, they are theße authors of onr national calami, ties. And if this war oontinnes from three to five years, as we believe it will, they will be obliged to flee their oountry to avoid receiving a traitor’s reward. They have misled and deoeived the Southern people to the ruin of the country. And when the reaction takes piaoe—as it surely will—popular vengeance will seek them for punishment. When disaster and suffering pervade the South, as it surely will!; when the innooent people ory out under the burden of taxes and debt whioh this war will foroe upon them, ihen will oomo the day of reckoning for the real traitors—the political demagogues—who are the authors of the nation’s calamity. To avoid this doom, these men will make superhuman efforts to oarry the day on the field of battle, and thus pre vent the reaetien which promises their rnin. But they cannot evade the accountability to God, and to an outraged people. And if the war oontinuo three to five years—as we sinaerely believe-it will —the men we have named, and other smaller lights, will be fugitives in foreign countries! — Knoxville (Term ) Whig. BBOWSLOW “ CAB’! QBT AWAY.” The Parson’s paper says: Certain Secessionists are boasting that trie oan’t get out of East Tennes see—that the Confederate foroea have us surround ed, and don’t intend we shall leave the country ! Such will be rather astonished when we tell them that we don’t want to leave—that we don’t intend to leave—that we oan neither be ooaxed nor driven out of the oountry—and we are just where, of all othor places, we dosire to bo, at home. The dif ference between ns and some of our oitizens, who are nttering these •< loud swelling words,” it, we stand by our principles, and dare to defend them, while they, through a truckling spirit of ioe, from base mercenary motives, and from a most disgraoefol anxiety to be with the party in power ip the State, hypocritically pretend to be what they are not, and or; out for thatj whioh, in their very hearts, they despise, leathe, and condemn. God deliver ns from auoh a dog-like spirit of sub mission to tyranny and its tools! PRISONERS IN BALBIOR. Forty prisoners of war from Richmond arrived at Raleigh, North Carolina, on Wednesday even ing, nnder strong guard. Some of them are fiae looklng men, and among them are a lieutenant oolonel, a oaptain, and several lieutenants. They belong to Gen. Butler’s oommand, and are sent to Raloigh because then is no room for them in Rich mond. Their arrival attraots quite a orowd, but they were treated with due Southern oivility. We notieed several of them—all the offioars, wo pre sume—walking the streets on parole, and with seeming cheerfulness— Raleigh Journal. 80BTHSR!t*tlEWBPAPaR PUBLISHCRS. Poa (master- General Reagan has issued the fol lowing: COUPEDEHATB STATES OP AJTBRIOA, 1 Post Office Dep’t . Comtraot Bureau, V Richkobd, Va , July 18,1861. } Bin: The legislation of tbe Govtrament r a week, when my appetite ag»tin loft me. and I began to get w-»rso again. Finding it was the Syrup that helped me, J jook to it in earnest, and soonii'egantoge' be.ter. The ulcers kept he&bnfi one v 1 ® other. seve ral had di-oharged. loi uld fo*l tho air pars into the lung, and with less pain. * hey save new life to me, ana, contrary to the expectation *»t every one. 1 began to get better ve.y last. J never descended or gave up. bu.- used ail the exercise my strength would allew-and in about forty days from the first of September l gained twenty-fivepoun bof flesh; my threat, that had been ulceratedseveraltimes. got be*t«r,aDd 1 would raise from mv lungs mattor-mixed with Diood. until it gra dua'ly stopped. After using eighteen bottles I appeared to be almost well; but unfortunately, taking oold. 1 was obliged to continue the Syrupuotil 1 hid taken twenty five bottles. I believe, at the present time, Vfkj lungs are entirelv healed up. appears to be a part of my right lun« gone; my neht breast has shrunk in. or is smaller than the left I feel as well at the pre sent time *e i ever did* butamnotrosTong. l would advise all who have a cola orcoush-or diseased lungs, to not neglect them, but procure SCtt-NiiK’H T(H*- iIONIC SYRUP, and give ita fair trial. Be n-»t dis couraged, if like me, yout*ke six bottles without re lief, for it ma» bo the uloers are ripening, and w U soon break. I bebeve one bottle will cure an ordinary cold or co»gh -having known a bad cough to be cured with one battle. . lt , . . .. u Dr. Soheuok is pe r sonally unknown to me. bat .1 shall always feel a lively gratitude to lum, for it is with the blessing of God and tho use of hia by rap 1 am now alive. HENRY K. MU*DY. N. £ —I could procure anv number of our most re spectable o'tigens, who would aubstantate every word of my statements, but the high reputation oi Dr. Craig, one of our oldest physioians, would render it super fluous. a i the undersigned resident of Rahway, J., jiereby certify»hat I am well acquainted with tienry K. Mundr; that I frequently visited him curing his illness last summer and believe him to have been in the laststages ol consumption, and know his statements to be true. DAVID fl. CRAIG, M, D. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. „ Fridav and rtatu'd y are the days to find Dr. Pchenok at hw (’ffioe. N0.’39 North SIXTH Street, in this city. He treats no disease but those ol the Lungs, l iver- and Stoma h. and makes no oha ge for advioe, or exa mining luOE6 in the ordinary w**, or as physioians geno allvdo; uutfor a tborouzh examination with his t'espirometer he charges three dollars. If you have a ooueh*g»aml see Or tiohenc*. Jf tou hare a pam un der the shoulder blade, go and *ee Dr. Sohenok If you have a pain in vour b east, go and see Dr* Schefiok. If you spit blond, be sure to go and see Dr.ftohenok. Dr. t*chenok wishes every one. rich or poor, that has a cough, pain in the side or shoulder blade, troubled with coßtivenesa or thanhest* sallow comolexion* loss of appetite, ow spirits, restlessness at night or any Chur disease leading to consumption, to otll on him at his Office, on Friday or Saiurop-T. It may be the mean* of preventing consumption. Often a twenty five osnt box of rcbenoi’e iwanarake Puis will re rove ihe cause of this gi-eafc terror of r.his country—Consumption. _ . Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tome* each SI per bottle or six bottles for §5. Mandrake Pi Is, 25 cents per box. For sale, wnolesale and reinl, at Dr. Pohenpk’s Prin cipal Office, *o. 39 North 8 XTH Street, Philadelphia, and by the following agents: , ' » yott k Co., No. 2& North Second street. Phi'ada. S. <**• Haooe- No K 8 Baltimore street, Baltimore. George H. Keyser. No. 140 Wood s reet, Pittsburg. Conrad Fox- i'o. 81 Barclay street New York. C. a. Hein tsh. No. is bast King street, Lancaster. Geo. S. roll, Middletown, Pa. Brni. Foster, West Chester, Pa, • , £. ivjclna.ll, No. 124 Mamet street, Wilmington, Del. auB-3t TREOTIOKS ! : ~~ von. USING SCHSNCK’S BSA-WBED TONIC, i?or thv chhr op Dyspepsia* Nervous Weak ess. Ceneral Debility, Sour a d Pick Stomach Palpitation of the Heart and all d Boases arising from a • Disordered Condition of the Stomach and Organs of Digestion. The BBA-WEBD TONIC is a stimulant di«tiHed carefully from the sea weed and kelp, which are found in great abundance on the s?a shore, and whion are known to contain portions of iodine and iron, which renders them power ul remedies in all di eases arising from a weak or depraved state of the organs of diges tion. The Sea-WeedTonio is a mild,plsesant drink, aspire as the best French brand', and p -ssess-stho peculiar propert* of enabbng the stomach to oonvert the fond nto healt vy chyme, and thus forwarding the process ordi*eBtion, without whioh the general r exlth and sr-eneth of the syste a cannot he maintained. Th s wonderful power or the Sea-Weed Tomowui ac count for tbe rapidity with which most persons gam flesh while taking it* andwn oh. unlike other stimu lants, does not. leave the system prost-.aied when its use has been abandoned No general directions can b» given ed'ipted to every case. The ordinary dose is half a wine-glassful^. to bj taken im uediarely “fifter eaoh meal. The . ea-Weed Tome being a stimulant, tome persons require a larger dose than others; for ms ano«. persons of a delicate constitution a tablpsp onful will be suffeient; while others of a more robust habit can bear the full dose, or even more; each person, however, will soon b-able to judie ofthe quantity neoassary to betaken. Where th» ?*ea- Weed Tonic la well known, it is often use I as a pleasant bitters in the morning, in oases of fnfeebltd stomach, and has been esteemed verr u?sful; and it will ba found f ar superior to form of ardent spirits, as it in distilled from sea weed *-lter the same.roaimer as lamaicAspi'i sis from the cane, it is there fore entire'y harmless, an freefr^mihe inmnouspro pftrtie*of corn and ryo whiskey, whicu form the basis of almost every biue.s . if the bowels are not regular, a Mandrake Pul may be taken every nuht. or every other night, just before going to bed ; and if the bowels cent uue costive at the expiration of a week, four of the Fillb must be taken at bedtime. „ . It is *er y important for success in the cure strictly to observe »he following Holes: Eat regularly tlree times a day, and take the Tonic immediately afterwards. Be sure never to swallow any fo d until it is timrou hly masticated. The food Bhould ooLs st of nourishing and easil* digested arti cles. Do not starve yourself, but eat sufficient food to nourish the system In cases of Jong standing, the mucous membrane of the lungs not unfrequently sympithizes with the liver and stomach, producing violent coughing, expectora tion. Ac.; when this takes p ace. Scnenok’s ruimonic Syrup should be taken m connection with the Sea weed Tonic, i ull directions accompany each bottle cf the Syrup. „ „ Pnee One Dollar Per Bottle. ; - Dr. J. H SOHKNOK can be fou d at bis office, No. 39 No'th siXfH Street. Philadelphia.on Friday and Saturday of each week to give advice. He treats no disease but those of the l uu-s Liver, and-Stomach, and makes r o c.i-i-i;ea lor advice or ex amining Lungs m the ordinary way, or as physioians generail*do; tor fora thorough examination with the respirometer he charges three doi'are,and wishes every one that has a onus h. pain in tbe side nr shonlder blade rr üblod with coot vrneas or diarrhoea eahow complexion, loss' of appetite low spirits, restlessness at nights or any other d sense leading to Consumption, to call on him as above, and ge t hia adviae. &u7-3t PSOPYLiSJttINB, i-i The Neir Jtcmrty for RHEBMATIBM. fi&nttß ihe past rear we have introduced 10 the no tice of the medical profession of this country the F«r« Crysinlixed Chloride of Propylamine, as a JR3MJ3DY FOE RHEUMATISM; and having received from many sources* both from physicians of the highest standing and from patients, the MOST FLATTERING TESTIMONIALS of its real rains in the treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, we are mduoed to present it to the publio in a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, which we hope will commend itself to those who are iu Bering with this affiiotms complaint, and to tho mo dioal practitioner who zn&r feel disposed to cost ihe powers of this valuable remedy. ELIXIR .PROPYLAMINE* in the form above spo ken of* has recently been extensively experimented with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL* and with MAitKEI) SUCCESS (u will Appear from the published accounts in the raeiioal jourqaliJ ■grit is carefully put up ready for immediate use, with full directions, and o&n be obtained from all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and at wholesale of BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Praggiots and Mannfaoturine Chemists. Philadelphia. )ROF. WOOD’S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR Is preouelr what tta name indicates, for, while pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying, exhilarating, and strengthening to the vital powers. It also re vivifies, reinstates, and renews the blood in all its original purity, and thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease, it is the only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular form, so ae to be within the reach of all. So ohemi ally and skilfully oombmed as to be the most powerful tomo, and yet so perfeotly adapted as to act in perfect accordance with the laws of na ture, and hence soothe the weakest stomach . and tone up the digestivo organs, and allay all nervous and other irritation. It is also perfeotly exhilara ting in its effects, and yet it is never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It is oomposed anti roly of vegetables, and those thoroughly ootn . bini tut powerfully tonio and soothing properties, and i consequently can never injure. Buofi a remedy has long been felt to be a desideratum m the medical , world, both by the thoroughly skilled in medical ■ science, and also by all who have suffered from de -1 billty ; for it needs no medioal skill or knowledge ‘ even to see that debility follows all attacks ol dis ! ease and lays the unguarded system open to the > attaoks of many of the most dangerous to which I p oor humanity is constantly liable. Buoh, for ex- I ample, as the following.- Consumption, Bronohitis, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Faint , ness. Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, Palpitation , of the Heart, Melancholy, Hypochondria, Night , Sweats, Languor, Giddiness, and all that class of i oases, so fearfully fatal if unattended to in time, called Female Weaknesses and Irregularities, Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Com plaiuts, Diseases of the Kidneys, Boalding or in continence of the Urine, or aqy general deronge mentof the Urinary Organs, Pain in the Hook,Side, and between the Snonlders, predisposition to slight \ Colds, Hacking and Continued Cough, Emaciation, i Difficulty in Breathing, and, indeed, we might enu merate many more still, but we have space only, to 1 say, it will not only onre the debility following ! Chills and Fever, but prevent all attacks arising I trom Miasmatio Influences, and onre tne disease I at onoe, if already attacked, and as it aota direotiy 1 and persistently upon the biliary system, arousing ; the Liver to aotion, promoting, in fact, ail the ex- 1 orations and seoretions of the system, it will infill-. libly prevent any deleterious consequences follow- I lug upon ohango of olimate and water; hence all travellers should have a bottle with them, and all I should take a table-spoonful at least before eating. As it prevents oostiveness, strengthens the diges I tive organs, it should bo in the hands of all persona 1 of .sedentary habits: students, ministers, Uterary I men; and all ladies not accustomed to much out- I door exorcise should always use it. If they will. I they will find an agreeable, pleasant, and efficient remedy against those ills whioh rob them of their j beauty; for beauty cannot exist without health, and health oannot exist while the above irregular]- 1 ties oostinne. Then,again, the Cordial is a perreot 1 Mother’s Relief. Taken a month or two before the ' final trial, she will pass tho dreadful period with ', perfect ease and safety. There ieno mistake about ' it, this Cordial is all ui claim for it. Mothers, try 1 it! And to you we appeal to deteet the illness or deoline. not only of your daughters, before it be too < late, but also your sons and husbands, for while 1 the former, from false delieaoy, often go down to a premature grave rather than let their condition be known in time, the latter are often so mixed up with the excitement ot business that if it were not for you they, too, would travel in the sjime down ward path, until too late to arrest their fatal fall, But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal, for we are eure your never failing affection will unerringly point yon to Prof. Wood’s Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator, as the remedy whioh should be always on hand in time ofneod. O. J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444Brood yay, New York, and 114 Market. streetiHt. Louis, Mo. I and sold by all good Druggists. Price. One Dollar per Bottle. gold in this city by D. A. FAHNEBTOCK fc CO., Not end 9 North FiFl'H Btroet; HABBARD A GO WELFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and DYOTT l D., 233 North SECOND fctreet. oolS-niwf d-aowWtf URgS EVANS & WATSON’S BBal SALAMANDER SAFES. ' BSORB tut tshiig sir tkkKsu t HILAHKiraIA, PA, we r»e fiSs.pnvrtT <3A I *cu* DEBT QUALITY ROOFING SLATS *l - ways en has 4 and ftr sale at (Wen Wharf, 14Z1 UtAAM Street, Emalacte*, t, VK9MAS wyI-lv lit EUWt EMM. PhPndsShiu THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1S»1 “'[’HEY GO RIGHT TO INSTANT RELIEF! PVUIPy YOUR. BRRATH! THROAT CONFECTIONS GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS, SPALDING'S THROAT CONPECTIONS. SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. Thoy relieve a Cough instantly. They clear [ha Throat. They give strength and volume to the Voiee. They impart a delicious aroma to tha Breath. They an delightful to thg Tact,, They an made of simple herbs, end eannot berm any one. I advise every one who has a Coach, or a Husky Voiee, or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to set a paokaco of my Throat Confections. They will relieve you instantly, and you will atree with me that they zo rizht to the spot.” You will find them very useful and pleasant while travellinc or attendinz public meetinzs, for stilllnr your couch or allayinz your thirst. If you try one paokaco. I unsafe m sayinc that you will ever afterwards consider them indispensable. You will find them at the Dntzpste’ and Dealers in Medicines. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. My Siznatus is on each pookaze. All ethers are counterfeit. A Paok&re will ts sect by mall, prepaid, an receipt of Thirty Cents. Address HENRY O. SFAUUING. No. 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. CEPHALIC PILLS SIOK HEADACHE. NERVOUS HEADACHE, By the use ei thus riiis the periedieal attacks of Rcr veus sr Sith Htadaeki may be prevented; audit takes At the (iomraeneainent of an attack imnsdist. relief l rom pain and siokness will be obtained. {they seldom failtin removinc the liaxus aad .%«£- eihs to vrhiah females are so subject. They act gently on the boweli, removing For Liiarsry £Tsa, Sl'jJints, Delioste Female*, ttai all persons of <«i*Ki*rv they aro valuable u a Laxatint, improving the arrttiu, girint (me and to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural slss tieity and strength of ths wnole system. The CSPHuIMC PILLS ars the result of leu invasii gfction and earefully eonduoted eimeriments, bavins MBsinuie man; years, during whish time they ha«o pievenied and ’relieved a vaat amoant ef pain and suffering from Headaohe. whether originating In the ««v*«i system er from a deranged atata of the Of. Math, They are entirely vegetable In their tsmjegitlep, and may he taken at ail time* with per&ot safety without making any ehange of diet, and the akttnet if say iUt trutkbU t«u rndni «l assy t* adaiaiiur tim it thilirtn. bSWASB OF- OOGNXXKimFittI Ts* genuine have tve aisnaians .2 Henry Spalding eneaahßex. Sold by Druggists and all ether Sealersjn Medicines. A Max will he sentry mull prepaid on reseipt ef the PR3CO2S. $S QSMTS. Ail ciders s»»«Ud he addreseed HjSKfß'* aSFAiJHNQ. ** •era* aiswHM, rmw w*i, gram the JtaMnaer, Utr/tlb, r». ««hiUe Fill* aeeeapUih the ebjeet i« whiak they were made, vis,; Usro of headaehe in ell tie ierau. Trim tki JfasMtaar, Jf tr/tlk, Y». ■key have been tested in mere than a tkeisand eaeee, with entire saooeaa. Trim tkt Dtmterat, St. (Read, Mtmm, If you are, or have been troubled with the headaohe, lend for a box, [Cepbalio Fills,] so that yen stay harp them m case ef an attaok. Pram the Advertise , Pretidense, A, I, _ Wha Cephalic Fills are said to be a remarkably effec tive remedy for the headache, and one of the very best for that very frequent eomplaint whioh has ever been discovered. from the Western X. SL Qaunts, CkUase, 111. We heartily endarse Mr. Spalding, and Ms unrivalled Cephalic Pills. Ai* the Xenswhe Falls* Slat, Kanawha, re. We are rare that persons suffering with a* headache, who try them, will stick to them. Frees tka Southern Path Finder, Sew Orleene, La. Cry them! yon that are afllieted. and we are rare that year testimony eon he added to the already numerous list that has reoeivs benefits that no ether medicine can produoe. Ami the be, Lewis Lmaerat. Che immense demand for the artiele (Cephalic Pills) ia rapidly inoreaginr. Stem tka Beauts, Darsmrart, ftrwc. Mr. Spalding would not connect his name with an ar ticle he did not knew to posses* real merit Pram the Advertiser, Pravidarsts.A.l, Vke teetuaony in their favor is strang, from the mest i espaetable quarter*. ■ Wrens tht Daily Sews, Sewrari, £.. I. Cephalic Pills are taking the ll 'u#f *ll kiutr Irens tka Cetxmraiel Bulletin, Beslan. Mess. ■aid te ha vary eMeaeiei* for tka keadaek From tha Cemmenfef CbsaitssatJ* Sifferlaf kuaanfty ean new te relieved. MT A Single kettle ef SPAARIitS’S TEE?AREA CAVE will cave tel timse their east P3niudlv.*w SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE I SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE I SPALDING’S PREPARED GLDJt i ECONOMY! MT" a Enron in VThs Bjlvii Hwn.”‘Wi As aaeidents will happen, even in well-regulated families, it is very desirable to have some aheap and sonvenient way for repairing Furniture, Tore, Grooke **' SPALDING’S PREPARED GERE meets all suoh emergencies, and no household ean afford to do without It It is always ready, and up t* the disking ,•*>!>•' “ EBr-PHL IN EVERY HO WEE.” *. JB.—A Brush aeeompaniea cash bottle. Prise, H cents. Address. HKNRY O. SPALDING. ttl). 48 CEDAR BVRKEV, NEW YORK. As certain unpnnoipled persons are attempting te paint off on the usnspeeting public, imitations of my PREPARES GLRK, I would oaution all pereona te ex amine before purshuiut, and see that the fall name. WT SPALDING’S PREPARED OLVE 'W ia en the Outside Wrapper; all ethers an swindling GeuterfMt*. fo»-ll tiPiPtodf, THE SPOT.” STOP YOUR COUGH! STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE! SPALDING’S aSETLBHKE OAEEF LADIES AEK DELIGHTED WITH OHHDEEB OEY lOE QUKS ALL &INDK Of HEADACHE! SAVE CEE PIECE*! CARRION, rtrvMPJLNrix*. TNSURANOK COMPANY OP THU A STATE OF *os. 4 and 6 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, vo't.h«ideofWAL r» UT Street, between DOCK and THIRD Streets, Phila delphia, I7W-CR ARTE R PERPETUAL. PROPERTIES OF HE l* *,N /, FEBRUARY 1, MARJNE. FIKE^n^^TRANSPORTA DIRECTORS. Henry J>- Sherrerd. Samuel Grant. Jr.. ChAri** Maoalsaeer, r Tn»iH> Wajnier, Wiliiam h. emitti, Thomas 8. wittaon, John B. Build. Henry G. Freeman, William R. White, Charles *. Lewi*, George A. Stuart* , _ George C. Carson, Edward C, Knight. HENRY D. SrlLßßEßD,President. WILLIAM EAKfK** Secretary, * jytt-tf A 'STHRAOITK ttSSUKANOJS OOMPA i»- tllfila) S*W.!B9-3HARTfER FSRPETTA*,. OSes Re, 811WALH ST dtrset, bowse* Third and Fourth stre9i, Philaiolplua, This Company wilt insure nsutmi leas vr damage by •/ire, sit Uoildiat'.’, Fnnuturs, and Kerahaadiee gene rally, Ab ,; i, tirnr.* on hectsbi. Aaigeee, asd Freights. isiiad of theSue*. Jnseb Esher, ietsvhiitazheld, yather, fshi: JCetshai*, •dtnriod. lets*. Rbhutsh. iPhihli Vf». F. Beau, r Sieger, 3. K, Baum. JA«OB ISMlK*,.President. ■a, F.ji.EAH, Tin PrrnmL tt.k. Whitt*, .... »rf-u EBli ••• * r v MUTUAL !NBo®rhH*JiS 9* Pa»£...SEi,iPi;.rv. stx * : r AJ.Ku"? |.{ v. «- . Imre* aelinti ■>& iihtfi: Si. i: : W»7S«S, Siorci, -i' L -jitir g*tkUn;y ir-s sr sometur.-!- and ’,n i ; idri’,vtc -■ seeds, '*sr«, and M*r tkandiw, in town er tountrr. •ABM Ok£Jl!Ah, aSSI.IIC CO-JUJSiiWS HUt.ui V. Wiiiiib ;p invented as follow*, sis: la first rxorteace* on eitj property. worts tumble tbs amotml , ... «?si.ig) tt Fsßusj'-Tauia Railroad Oo.’e C per wont. brer ‘ mortgage loan, at oar— —, Pennsylvania Railroad Co.’u 6 per sent. se cond mortgage load, (BB.OO)). _— trMO Ml Haatinsdqn ana Broad Top Railroad and CanalCo.’d inprteij*e loan—- —id. 4.000 00 •round rent, first-olasa™ 3,483 60 Collateral loans, well aeonred— 3,800 CO Citr of Philadelphia 8 per oent. loan—. 19,000 00 illeiheny County 0 per cent. Fa. Kit. loan. 10,000 00 Commercial Bank stock— (,uaoi Meohanio*’ Bank stook _.. ao Fenngylraaia Railroad Co.’s stook 4,000 CO The Kelianoe Mutual Insurance Co.'s stock 30,5C0 00 The County Fire Insurance Co.’s stook ldko 00 fhe Delaware M. 8. Insurance Co.’s stock- 100 00 nion Mutual Insurance Co.’* scrip- NO 00 ereofiiTiM*—. 14,css n accounts, aaexoea interest, St* , . . 7,164 83 sn hand— 11JU4 04 w . BJir,Ul 04 Ike Mutual principle, eemblned with th* seeurlty of altook Capital, entitles the insured to participate is the rrofits of the Company* without liabiuty for l*sx& *. Reeses promptly adjusted and paid. _ _ djxictors: Clem winsley, Samuel Bispa&xa, William ft. Pncnipion, Robert Steen* Frederiok Brown, William Uutsor, William Steveasccg flenj. w. Tinriej, John R. Worrell, Marshall Hill, fi. U Carson* J. Johnson Brown, Robert Tclane* Charles Lelaud. ». D, Rosencartes>! Jacob T. Buntinr» Charles 0. Wood, Smith Bowen, Jtmes S. Woodward, John Bissau, Pittsburg. GLKM TIHSLEY. President. f. M, XIHCHMAW. ftearetary. ebrnarr 14.1841. fcfi mHIDKAMOT GGMF - OP S'aitiADllil'jSA -fire annuwtis kx „■ sGM?4trrs striLvme, s. s?, mts. ha ■ JOVKtKASV VALNffT iSfES%?3 #UEO3()As- F. Xa v*aii Voifl gvAUK ; iiozlbcm L. CiAvrss,-. Wilmas McSku. an. a. Btvaxy, F&azhz. Joed S. B&owr, lean M. Atwucs, B. a. Fabh.stoci BIJW. T.TRSDIOk, , AM>HSW D. CiS* - HBM3T WIAETOH, J J.h. EkII?63A. , P.JIASCKFOAb STA*i, Prwuiant. •JLAALEB W. OOXE, loaretarr- tilt PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Xo ' *^B«pS:i'£r l I{ I S! lels!il *' AM THE PROFITS PITIED AMONO THE IN- Inrare Live, for short term, or for tbe whole term of life; irant Annuitiri and Endowment.: purchase Life Intereirt. in Keel Estate, and make all oontraot. de perdmr on the oontinrenoie. of life. Tiic/ ah* a? Exeoutora, Administrator., Ami enter, Wnufeeafana- Goardinns. ASSETS OF THE COMP AN Y, January 1,1351, Mcrtzagee, .round rent., real estate .RBI,MI 01r Suited State, .took., Treasury note., loan, of State* of Pennsylvania, oity of Phi la delphia, to 1*8,714 44 Premium note., loam on collateral., *o SI Mi (8 Pcnmylvania, North Pennsylvania Rail roads, and County nx per oant. bond.—~ 100,801 80 Bank, insnranoe, railroad, canal etook., *ce. *7,447 40 dash on hand, atenta’ balance., fco.l *B,lOO 14 Ri,on,is oi UAKIiiL L. KILLER, President 3AMHEL E, STORKS, Vise Praeident. JOHN W. HOBNOB. Secretary. rnhU-tf ¥\&L£r&&2M %®TT3&L SAFETY Bt ? “ 3MAHCE COMPANY, ineerpemted by the fcegrisl&fctre of Pennsylvania, 1888. 9See 8. Re Miner of tfSaißl? and WALH7BW acveete* PHILADELPHIA, »Amas $ll VwSSiS* 1 d»rg9. J *3?© *U puts r-f ifas -ISAAHP iJfSVRAHCIHS Ca Heed, ii Riven, Casalt, Aiiar, and tins; Cat £■ SerehcsOma rensroSp. Oh Stares, aws'iias ScKOsa. is. dJSSJEVi O? THE flevembor 41 ISwl. wnit-hi ot&toa live V cent. io&n.-—..s!&,s& & 1 1SiOQO Hnited States six osnt. ?re&A!Tiiv,cT._ „ —„„ i jgo aa idHS U» ■iarnTHert* i’emwylTama JLall resi Company aa so 1 tXK 80 «h*r«» PEfladelpkiß I«» Boat mai Steam Tec Company. ...... 1,109 03 If S B nhara* Philadelphia aod Havra-do- Sraoe steam Toir-boat Company. 050 30 i)0 8 aharee Philadelphia iSxahr.nsß Swapasy- —. JM 03 1,900 t »kar« Contiaontal Hotel C«.__ 200 CO MM,700 par. Coat fsaoUM. Market t0). 3104,553 T 1 Bill* reaaiVable, for mnranee* made ... 171-!*-S to Bona* end Kortsoisa, ~~ ~~ ■ tun w KMI H3SB » *a!an*eidaaatAeoaei»— priiEiomaen Sbt nna Faiiem, mtoreat. and other debt* iya tha Company...... „ _— «I,M o* ■sup o&4 rsoch' tf caadry Inuaraneo ostd other Gaapani-e: , •aru' *» Ssaa-i—’isnho. •, £X£S*9O;X& miks* i Ssjassu i, sefsch 3si*i*a;-i A« feosisi?r, . Fj irsaisp??:. Fselaifce. Kern? Sioasi, J#kft It, Mtjirc*!#, Einrard iiftriln^Ux /*A& 0; X>&Tia. Jfca<» srt4!t&:r, apsssw M’Jiva?ae< WjUisis 3jr*i Jr** wkcjeuKj <*, JUsa, 4&3edsC%£&ae< rt Buries, WiJk&R £, &S«ivi£ ?> JSUSC, Jwsak.g, B**l, tee*sa 3. M’FaiUas. £r. 3* 3i. &»b?«fc. ! J*ekia P, Eyn, «**rg* & | £» Senile, FittfiVc* gat'k i &.¥.M«r?sn, “ JlMrlsdt Kefiy. I AS* Berger, 4> JJiJbrtlAM. MAtts™, i*r«jd#ni< SFJLOS. c. 5A1v05 v’ic® Prftjsidcßt. &?l»gyKy> gfccraxtrT.- nolT-tj? CTIRE INSURANCE ESCLUSTVILY. W¥AL —Bo. *lO ffALSITT Street, onmito inctener.e »nee Sauftrs. , Irtuß Comwaj, farorsWr known to the aommtmitr for thirty-«n jean, oontinnei to immure aeainet lon or dome.ce bjr Fire. on public or private Baildinre, either permanently or lor a limited time. Al*o, on Furniture, etooke of Sooda or Merchandiae generally, on liberal **3seir Capital, together with a larce Suralua Fud, i« repeated in the moat oarerel manner, which enahlee them to offer to the inenred an endenbted acenrity in. the n» of loee. . „ PIBMItPRS. Jonathan Patterson. lau Haxlekumt, Omjntin Campbell, Thomas Jtabine. Alexander Benson, Hamel Smith, Jr., William Menteiius, John Severeux, Thomas Smith. _ JONATHAN PATTERSON. President. William 8. Cbowxlt., Searetanr. spd-lr Fms ISSURAivG®. M3SC.THASTOS’ IHSSRANOE COMPANY cf Fhiladeluhis, N*. IJB Nerth SIXTH Street, below Rwe. irtaara itoilii iacit Saadi, and Mershandjs* generally frem l*e« »r damage by Kurt. The eestfiany rumataa Is adjust ail IpeaeJ promptly, and taershy h*s« t« sssrft tit setr**-- be sunup. sn tmtirXi. Wi-hatt: Uesui, He Dart FianU**. JFrsneie Casper, £fiekael Malfesy, •serge A. Daugherty. Edward SinOsTern. James Martin, Thomas B. MsGarmiek June! liarear. Jain Bromley, Mattie* MeAlser, Franeis Falls, Barnard Rafferty. Jahs Cassady, Thsmas J.HempkiU, Barnard H. HeiMtsaa. Vkamu Fieher, Charles (Rare, mania JHeKanuSi „ Misbael Cabl'd, FRANCIS COOPER, President. 3BRHARS RAFFERTY. gedreterv. saM-ly A MSBIOMi FIBS INSURANCE UO,, AnpwwM 1818 - BJUKTEJB PER- Mo.3IOWALNIST Street, ebay* Third,Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up .Capital Btpgk and Surplus, InvCstedin tound and available Seounbea. oantihses ta man re or. Dwellings, Stores, Fnrnitnre, Merchandise, vessels in port and tkeir cargoes, and other penonal property. JUI loans liberally and promptly adjusted. PIMKTOEB. Jrkes. E. Maris, John V. Lewis, ehn Walsh, James E. Campbell, Samuel C. Mortuu, Edmund G. Duolk, Patnsk Brady, , Chu. W, Fealtnoy. Israel Morns. THOMAS E. MARIS, President, ALBERT 0. 8. CRAWFORD. Seerotary. feXJ-tf (j'XOE&aGS INBUBANOjS uompant JCd -OSes No. 408 WALNUT Street. FIEE INSURANCE on Hokaea and Mershandisa generalir, an Jayarable tarns, eitksr limited ar per -312.3 OVUM: Jeremiah Bosissil, ’Vhpmas Marak, JehnQ. •innode, Ckar6k Vhsmsjoa, Edvard JJ. Roberts, Jamee V. Hold. Samuel L. Bmedlty, Joshua V. Owen, Eaaban S, Hale. _ John J. Griffiths. JEREMIAH BONSALL, President. JOHN (J. BINNOJK), Vice President. Veiaxp Co*. Secretary. Jail TBEKA-OOTTA OffieoaHnfrors Rooms,lutii GifßSTNUTßtraot. Ornamental Chimney Tops, •arden Vaaea and fltatuarr. Eneaustio Floorms Vila. Arohlteotnral Ornaments. Ventilating and Smoke Fisas. Ridgo Vila and Sanitary Ware. Steam-pressed Drain Pipe. Water Pipe, warranted to stand piVßsaro, sheep end dnntble, Vhe Trade supplied on liberal terms. Illustrated Catalogue,- sent by Null an application bj 'attar. DISFAVOR 1 JUST RSOSIYBD, per “Annie Kimball,” bom Liverpool, Mender, Waiver, A Hander’s preparations: ft Ai Extrast Aeoniti, In 1 B Jan, li ms Extra*! Hyosejarai, in IH Jam, M Bs Extraot Belladonnis,mlB jars, 100 He Extract Tarixaoi, ml B jars, W Bs Vin Hal Coloiuel, in 1 B bottlee, mßs 01, Eussim Koot., in 1B petti*, MS Bs Oalomel. in 1B bottles. MO »e Pi! Ererart, in 1B jars. WETHERILL A BROTHER, mb! *1 and 48 North SECOND Street MMAOKSBiiiii, H'SUUnNO, SSLAO,.BAL. yiA MON, &e.-d*ua bills. Mata Nos. 1, E, and I Maek aral, large, medium, sad small, in assorted paskaies ar ckpipp lita-oa»ht (at Csh, IJfSO Dbls. New Halifax, Eastpart, and Aabrsdar Bar tinis, af ehoioe aaalities. _ 1,000 boxes extra new naiad Xarrhux IJKD boxes extra new NoJ Heri into. •« w^Misriasr"- U bbls, new Economy Man Shad. M bbla. new Halifax ealmae, IJMO (Isintals Brand Bank Codfish, M 0 boxes Mfittaur-finß.tr Ohaaaa, r" rfc’Aaw ajKst £§B.s*s l* Hi SS &TS.VSP ««w@?ss ;raujkoaji aims*. PffiMfiftffiMHß P ll l i) sju p H;A *O$T.S V?LLE ING.and HARRISBURG,on and after Miy »?SS MOKIfIKG LINKS, DAILY, (Sunday, exoeiwdf) Leave New Depot, oorner of BROAD and CALI Ow- RILJL Street*, P&ILADKLPKIA, (Paaaeo (er «q -tranoea on Yhmeenta nud on OaHovmM afreet*,) at 9 A«M«,oonnectiti£%t Harrisburg with the PKNNISYL VJJffA RAILBOAD 1 AL train, running to Pitta bare ; the CUMSRHLANO VALLEY I.oft P.M. tva» D rnneioi: to ChiiraUortburgj Carlisle, Ac.: and the NORTHERN "KHTRAL BAiLROAD 1 P M, trei* '■Winiij ta Sunourr, ho. a ktehnoom lines. Loavejlew Denar, oorner orfißUAD'nnd CALLOW HILL Streets. IX E u AE>l-i LF Li IA. (passonsor on y»noe» <>n thirteenth ant! on Oallowhill stroof.i) lor POTTSVILLK end RARRIBHORO, et 8.18 P. M., nAlLY.oowieotiiie nt ttarnebun; with 'lie Northern Central Railroad, lor Hnnbnrj, Williamsport, Eimira, An,; lot READING onlj, ate P. M.. DULY, (Hundurs SMJJW.I DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AMD S.EAD „ INS RAILROAD. _E“®* PHinanaiPHia, Miles, To Phoenunlle 381 Readme , js i Philadelphia and Rvndmt' Lebanon 88 [and Lebanon V'aiirr K. R. Hamsbiue 113 J Northern Central Vreverton JanotionlAS; R^ilroaS. Sunbarj —..... --~n» J Northumberland ..-171 \ Lewiaburg——l78 1 Milton—-.ISM Manpy- J 97? *autm/j and ftn* A. k. Wiihamoport- SOU | Jersey Shorn— -MS) Lock Haven— ~.3& ) Ralston SSSJ Troy.».-M^.t Wilii&rriAaoit and iuraiva Elmira— «—2B7\ ft aiiroad. T he 8 A. M. and B.lft P. M. trains connect daily at Port Clinton, (Sunday# exoepted.) frith the OATAwISSA. WILLIAMSPORT* and RAILROAD, nukinc olose oonneotiona with lines to Niagara Paiia, Canada. thesWeat and Southwest. DEPOJ IN PHILADELPHIA: Comer of BROAD and OaLLOWRXLL Streets. „ W, H. MclLftifiNN*\ Secretory. Mar 80.1681, mrSO-tf fflg ritatammamn oUM ftljfJi - BKILADELPHIA. GERMANTOWN,AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and after Monday, May IS, 1361. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 8,7,8,9,10,11,13 A. M.> LS,ft. 8A5.4, ft, 6,6*6, 7,8,9,10 V, and 11* P. M. Leave Germantown, f 1.7. 7*. 8,8.J0, »• W. 11,13 A. tt„ 1,1,8, 4.8, ft, BK,7H, 8,3, M. The MPA- Mt m\ Pr m. wrftiw v *«««*- town Qniyt ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.Q0 A. 9*, ft, 7*, and 10* t * r - u ' Leave Philadelphia, d, 8,10, UA. M.,3, 8.85, 4,«, S. 1, end 10)4 P.M. Leave Chestnut Hill, M 0.8,8.40,9.40,11.40 A. A1.,1.40. BJ9, 8.40,, and 10.10 P. M. The 3A. M, and 8.38 P. M. will make no steps en the wermantown road. , ONBUNDAkB. Leave Philadelphia, 9.08 A. M.,IX, 8, and 7% P. M. p Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.80 A. M„ 13.40, 0.10, end MS ' FOB CONBHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. .» MSSOI »/*’ “■ n ' w A> K - J -** Leave Nomstown. i, 7, 'o.ot, 0,11 A. M., ltd, 41.. SH and 9H P. M. . ON SBSCAY3. Leave Philadelphia, 0 A. M., 3 and 5 P.M. Leave Norriitown, 73d A. M., 1 and 8 P. M FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Phiiadelphia, BAO, 734, 9.08, 11.68 A. M., !d», Sd», 5.58,434, 834.8, and 113 d P. ill. Leave Manavunlc, 83d. 73d, 8.86, 9>i, 113 d A. ai.. 9,33 d. 1,7. and 10 P. M. ON BDNDAYtS. Leave Phiiadelphia. 9 A. M., 3 0. and 7M P. M. Leave Manajnnlc, 7k A. M., 13i, 83d, and 9 P. M. H. X. SMITH, General Superintendent gyll-tf Depot. NINTH and SHEEN Street*. HTHB PKHKSTLVAKLk I. •* RAILROAD, 860 MILES DOUBLE TSLaOi. 1861. mm-mm iBt>i. THE CAPACITY OF THIM ROAD XB NOW EDO*L WO ASY IN THE COUNTRY. THREE THEOUSH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSDORB. Conneatint direot at Philadelphia with Thrsazii Trains from Bontoni New York, and ail soinct Eael, and in ill - Onion Depot at Pittrlwrs with Throash Trains to snr. from ah points in the vr get, Itortnwost, end Southwest —thin fnrniihine facilities for the transportation ol Paseonteri nniarcnnjrd for speed and comfort' by ssr ethot rent*. ‘FSgrefci and Fnpt Linos ran through to Piiisbur*, withautohanire or Cars or Cbnduotora, AU ?iironBh P&ssenfor Trains provided with Lcaghrldge’K Patent Brahe—speed under perfect control of the entmser. thu addins mnoh to the safetv of travellers. Smokine Car* are attached to eaoh Train; Wood nm’sßieeninsCaretoExpraui and Fast Trams, The EEPREEIS ICUNS DAILY: Mail and Feet Line.. Ban ti&T* ejeoeptod. . Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.88 A, M, Fait Line . . •* “ ll.w a. M. Expreie Tram leaves " lO.u p. M. _ WAY TRAINS LEAVE AB FOLLOY?S: warrisbnrs Accommodation, via Gclambia, 3.19 r. hi. Colnmbia “ 1.00 P. M. Parkesbnrs ” at 6.49 P- M. West Chester " No. 1, at 8.16 A, Id. _ “ “ No. I. at 13.00 P. M, Wees Chester Passengers will take tbe West Caesssr Nos. 1 and 3 Harnsburc accommodation and Columbia Trams. , Paesenter* for Sunbnrr, Williamsport, Elmira, Sul fa!o« Niasara Fall*, and iatermediaid poiiits» leaving Philadelphia at 7.88 M. and P. M., go directly through. TiofeU Westward may be obtained at the offioos o! the Company m Philadohohia, Now York. Boston, or Baltimore: and Tioketg Eastward at any of the impor tant Railroad. Offices m the West; also on board any of the regular Line oa Steamers on the Mmipsiupi or Ohio river#. **“ Faro alw&yc as low, and time u oaioi. an bj any other Roots, ••■ •■ . For fttrther information apply at th* rtyaencer Sia tion, Southeast oorner of Eleventh and Market atresia. Tbs completion of the Westorn connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chioagp, make this the DIRECT LINE BETWEENTft_4EASTAHD THE GREAT WEST, The eenneetion of traoii by the Ewlrcsd Brides at Pittsburg, avoiding tli arisiage or -ferriage of Freight, together withthe taring of time, are advantages readi }T aporeoiated by Shipper! of Freight, and the Travel ling Publio. Merchants and Shipper* sntviutLng the transporta tion ef their Freight to thi» Company, e&n rsir vrith sonSdenoe on iti needy transit. • t* *nd fr«m shy noint 11) the well by the Pennsylvania Railroad a™ at nil Itmu as /aeerabu .!7 .Slate street, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen’l Freight Agent, Phils. A. 1. HOUPf, Gen’l Ticket Aient.Ptui fi. LEWia. Ten'! sup’t Altoana, Pa. Jh3 ly SUMMER i.EEANSEMKNV.-NE’fJ' YORK UHEE, V*K CAMDEN AND AMBOY AN3 PEJLA nUiFHIAANDTRENVONEAILRCAD OO.’k AIIHEB FROM PHILADELPHIA VO REV TOEK AJIE.WAY PLACES, nan WALHiy-ss. wsani an* xasmsose;; i Wlii LEAVE AS FOLLOWS, VIS JA2I. At I A, jH, vtaSamd#* asd Am bay, <5. and A- *s sosmuMLLrii.. aiiW All A, die enadsa *ad witr, •;£. -V 1 Adsaxua-tfeliaa— - . m R„ via Bmiw and jmsot (Ku , liLsvl:s< AS HM A. a.,”ia alii" Jimsv"-2ityr wnten Smien.d. 100 At Hid P, M„ via Csisdcn end Astbsv Aeeemm* daiiaa j « At J ,P. M„ via Gsindsn and Amber, C. and A. 2s press—„ . : j gu At -’.ii P. M., ™ XsziiasKsaani Jonmy City, livs- Eiai Exnrjsß. ( 00 At tfs P, fa,, via Sr?'.viaci»r, and Jaraoy yr.j, Sc ■IJaaaVUM . , s a Ai iP, M„ via Camden mss Jersey CKty, Evsnint laail_. 0 00 £’llM?.M.,YfcOmde& and Jamay 3ity,Saath ara «et!~ .. Jgo At UJj P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Id Class Ticket g 15 At 6 P. M-, via Cnyrdtß and Atr,;>VV. .e.3aopBrttod&- tls£,{ Freight and Psawajarlst Class Ticket- 111 «.s%*rw „-.«*• - .. idOlass Vie'eet... 110 Ho BPM Mail Lias ran* daily. TheHk PH. syfth sra Mail, Rarard&ya exeepted, __Fer Water •ap.Strecdebxfp, Sartuitan, Wiliaa'sarM,, Mantrers, Urea: Btnd, Ac., a. M. frea JEsnsm-rSira, na Delawu*. Bmskawannfi tnd Western E. X. For Kami Chimb, AiUsitarni, BatklakaK.BalTidam, Hasten, Lsmimityilii, F.!eauns»a, *s„ at r.lO A. M. and dM P. M. iron KeEmngtcn Dceat: (the r.W a, M. Chsnk« n 01»P <7 M)‘ ,nr ' i 3 • a * Tißf for Mauoh Far Meant Hally' at! and SA. H., S and <3 V, A For ftnhdi, at t A, Sl„ aad S p! fi, WAY MMJEff ** Far Brutal, Vrenlcn, eo., at »ioA.m„ ManslX EM. bam Jtenamrtin, and IMP.M. bamWalnnt street wharf. . FarPalmrni, Eivarton, Balanaa, Beverly, Bnrlins- UnjFlorenaa, Bardentawn, Jka>, atllM, 1, S, ut, ufl *»"For New York and Way Linea lsavißi Kensington Hepot, taka the oars, on Fifth street, above WaSist, hau an hoar before departure. The ears nut into the depot, and on arrival of each train, ran bom the depot, Fifty Parnnds of Baggage, only, allowed each Passen ger. Passengers ar* prohibited bom taking anything as baggage bit their wunng apparel. All baggage over ffty poinds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their reaponmbilitvfar baggage to One Dollarper nannk, and will not ba liable far any amaast beyond ClOO, ex aaptbyspeaialaantraat. mkw wot. H. »avxmo:e. Agoat. BffmffliWfWiSßes. NORTH PfiNNSPiU VHBNK, VHKEE TKAZMB. On an* after Monday. MA¥” Paacecear leave FROST and 'WILLOW Streets* Pkua delpkia. dailT, (Sunday* excepted),.a* follows; At«.« A.M,.fExpreaajjfpr Bethlehem, Allentown, Manoh Cnnnk, Hazleton, Wnkesbarra, lit. Ati,MFrSr.,(j&xpraac), for Bethlehem, Easton, La. Thu Tram reaahes Easton its P. M., and makes oloss aannaabon with Nsw Jersey Central far N«w York. At I.U P, M., for Betblahc*. Allantown, Massk Okvnk. A*. . At f A. id. ABU i V. M,< far Uorletlewß, At IBJD A, M. and Adi P. a. } for Fart Wuhington. The e.SD A,. M . Exp r«s train makes elosa eonnaotlan with the Laugh Valley Railrsed at Bethlehem, being the ehartpet and. most desirable routoto Wilkesbarra, nudts.U^m BethUjaa at A. M„ e.H A. M„asdU( bur: Bpylaatawn at LSI A. M. and 4.U p. fit, Leave Fort Washington at AM A. M. and UO P. M. S«lDAkS.—Ptllxialpkia. for Satklaham at 8 Vhiiaddlphia far Bayiestown at IP. H. Eaylpatawn for Philadelplua at «,4B A, K, for Phliadelpnia at 8 P. M. Fare to Bethlehem.. B 1 MI Fare to Mauoh Chank.E2 60 Fare to Easton- 1 10 [Fare to Wilkesbarre- 4to Throsgk Viokettmnet be proonrad at the Vioket Offices, at WILLOW Street, or BERKS Street, in order te aeoura the above rates of fare, ARPuaangar * rains (exoept Sanday Vrainsj oannsat s*_B»rfeo BD-aei with Fifth.and Sixth-itreett, and ■aaond and Third-streots Paasoaaor Rmireada, twsnty minataa after leaving Willow street, FLUB CLARK, Agent, WBf TBgiMBWBBSS SPRING AKKANIiJE aMlo£>v’ S,?P A. M,, URSA. M„(Express), Far Cheater at Eli A, IIJrtA.M., I.U and IU9 /(Hi .Far, Wilmington at C.UA. M„ U.U A, M„ «,!l and IMBP. M. Far New Casno at B.U A. M. and I.U r, M. Far Daver.d All A. M„ 1-M and Laav* Salisbury at l.tS i. hi. ttivs Milford, at 4 P. R. uva Dover at a. M.and MOP.M. Kave New castle atm A. m,, 7.MP. M, avt Chester at 7.40 A. 111,, 9.40,1.67 end 3.48 P.M. Leave Baltimore far SeUebsry and Delaware Sail' read at 6,51 A. M. VEAINS FOR BALTIMORE: Leave Piaster at All A.M., IJ.Q6 and IUB P.M, hdgtva Wilmington at S.f» A. M„ 13. M p, M„ and IS FEHICHV VRAlN,with Paeesngar Car attuhad, will nut as follows : Leave Philadelphia far PsrryviUs and intamodiata olaaea at 6JBP.M. Leave Wilmington far ParryviU* and intarmadiata plates atr.UP, M. Lears Wilmingten for Pkiladaipkta and interme diate place* at ep. aa. Leave Kavra-da-G;asa far Baltimore and intermedi ate stations at 8 A. M, Leave Baltimore for Havra-da-ffiraaa and intarmadi ata atahana at 6 f. M. ON BVN3AYSONLY: : At 10 60 from Philiolelpniato Baltimore, At 4 46 from Baltimore to Philadelphia. Knuht’e Bleeping ■ ar will be attaohed to every nigltt train from Philadelphia to Washington KKPKKBH COSFAIIIIS. JKumn THS ADAMiS JttKPRSSB ■HcEBBESHBco.,Office 330 CffiHSVNW Street, ferwatrde Pareeta, Pacini ta, kerahandue. BankMetas, IAUi BY aCIOTIOI. Philip ford * 00., auctioneers, Ns. 630 MARKET Street and 631 MINOR 11. SECOND LARGE PEREMPTORY- SALE FOR THE FALL OP 1361. 1.000 CASES BOOT , -H'IKS, BROGANS, fco. This Morning, augustB. at 10 o’clock precisely.will be sold, by cata logue, 1,000 cases men’s, bora’, find youths’ aalf, kip, ami gram Hunts calf, kip, goat, and enamelled brogans, congress gaiters. Oxford ties, walking shoes, fto.; wo men’s, misses’, and children's boots, shoes, gaiters, slippers buskins, fto. Also, a large assortment of first olass city made goods. also-at private nolo, a large invoice of prime army °o?n f>r examination, with eatalogues, early on the mornmt of sslw TO o. ?fU-UOAot tom English patent lever w&tohes. of the most approved and beat makers; fine gold double-time t ncJiih patent lever wstohen; independent-seconds lever watches; fine sold huntine-oaae and open-face escapement lever and lepine watones; horizontal and.duplex watches, silver hantisc-oaae, and donbie-bMtora English patent lever, esoapement lever, and lepine watches, of the most approved and best makers; dou ble case and open face silver watches; silver; silver quarderana single-case watches; fine gold vest, nook, fob, and guard chains; diamond finger rings and breast-pins; sets of five cold jewelry; yola breast- pins, ear-rings. fineer-rimse, oracelets, penoii-oases, liens, and jewelry of evezy description; tuns, pistols, musica instruments, piano-Torte*, and articles eeners'lr MONEY TO LOAN. •Money advanced liberalir. for any length «f time agreed upon, on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowhnr-pieces, musical instruments, cry goods, clothing, groceries, hardware, cutler?, fur niture. bedding* fancy articles, and on all artkdf * of value COHBiGNMENLB AND CB'F-DOOK SALES SOLI- CI7SD. Xaber&j cash advances made on all artioin* owcut. «4 for sale, Persona l attention given to ail out-door sales. CJUS3H3tT irtlltWlTi/ISK,' f«ABISBT FURRITU&S ' i>';- v HARD TABLES. MOOKiii & OAMl*l No. 361 SOUTH SECOND STREET a eenusotion with their eitenei'rn itehuiel R«tltas» ire raw iiiuuuiatituiini;' u guperioi artiel* ill IS-vaiOTS- For ih« cuslitr Mid finish ef thee* 'Rubles the aan. jh.sjnrg remrSo -heir Bumewns Mttrent tiin.iii.jni; -28 SUia:' > 'i\:■; I- " ije.-.' c" w«rk, frf- iSI'aJJSaSS CAEJJS. JOHN WfiLiiH, PRACTICAL SLATE ROOFER, THIRD Street »nb GERMAKTOWR Kx>aa, is prepared ro put on any amount of Roofing, on the most moderate terms. Will guaranty to make every building verfeotly water-tigh Order* promptly Attended to. myf-ly s •' A «sos' & SHUaCASOP', BOOKBIKDEiia, 4®-.SI» And 631 MOTOR a -uR-eei! Markes aad Ciieain-.i e rftM'-e r 14*. IS. T- t<~ SJHLJg MAJ'UJrAO'L'ORY, - 3)1 NEW BTRHISS. Film and Snaps of ever? de*dript>sa. ...-it .ii nalltr. made to order, at the ebov* ealabii«h*,*oi WHOLESALE And SETA [J.- at te&nafMtiftTer’B prieea. Blooattfa.s «»p •?. a cos**' •; >i|-. . -v. api-dSm i, ij, EfASS AND OOMFORT. -d A. THEOBALD uk*< Who oan pleaas or nit •very body f Buoh u peraon probably never wu bora. Bat those who know when they are suited in BOOTS or SHOES Are invited to give him aoall, and those who never were suited before may be suited now. He is at his old olae# POATKS rftr*At inlß Sn RAILROAD LINKS. BEnrc—m WEST 0 HESTER SEKaScspESBS RAILROAD TRAINS via PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, leave depot, corneT ELEVENTH and MARKET Streets, at B.U A. M., IS noon, 2SO P. M„ and 4 P. M. On Bundaj, leave Philadelphia at 7,90 A, M., and West Cheater at 4 P. M. jySU-tf IS ax gaßHMßfts WlSis T OHESTFE g*B V§ * Jtf I!fW*AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD. VIA MEDIA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and alter MONDAY, JnnoJ, iflai, the trains will Imw PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot, N. E. oorner of EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets, at 7.46 and 10.S0 A. M.j and s, 4.16, SAO, and 10 F. M., and will leave the Station, oorner of TH RTY-FIRST and MARKET Streets, (West Philadelphia,) at 8.06 and 10.46 A. M„ and 5.16,4A0,0.46- and 10.16 P. M. on Sundays. Leave PHIL/..O£IiPHIA at 8 A. Al. aad 9 P. M* Leave WEST CHESTER ail A M. and 6P. M. leaving > J hiiadel , phi& and West Cheater at 7.41 A. M. and 4.1 S P. M. connect at Pennelton with Traini on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Rai Irani for Oxford and intermediate points. HENRY WOOD, myff-tf General Superintendent NOTIOJS.—OHESTSR 43KEgB _ PHiliDßLfHli, Aptii £Sa. SEASON TICKETS. On and after May 1. IBM,season tiekett will be Usaed by this company for tiin period* of three, viz, cine, sod twelve months, not transferable, Season sohool-ticketij may also be bad at SS Mr aaui. discount. _ . „ ?hes6 tiokett will tie void t>j tbo Treasurer atXf»« *387 Soatk POUItTII Strftat, **kftr* &&9 iftfOMßAtisiS oan be obtained. 8. BRADFORD/ ftp©- tf V^esunuar. cSK ant lysiawowmvrr. jSLMULA ROUTE.— PaiLAOFJbPHIA AND HL- S4IHA RAILROAD. aVICKESV KOUVE So VamKva, Cattwistt, Kn pert, Wtilceabarra, Sr ran ten, Danville, Milton, Wil 'iamsport. Trey, Ralston, Canton, Elmira. Buhale, Niagara Falls, EeaXester, ClevelanddDetroii, Velede, Shisage,Vt.Leuie,Milwaukee,and allpcmts north and Pasaosger iiaino will leave tko nsw Depot eitbai'fci- IMetnhmand Reading Railroad, comer BXOAD and GALIiOWHILL Streets, (Paeeenger entranee ttlK iswhi 1 ' ebest,) daily IBnndsy« wgaepted), for above *° ——i., Hiaav eipllsjl. —rup.m. ith» B.SBA, fa. train sonnests r,4 Rupert, for Wiiicg barre, Pituou. Seranton, and ail stations on tkr LAoiAWAKHi ASB lILOOMSBURO EAILEOAT, Vheabeva truss make direst ecunection* at Euaira with the trains ei tie New Yon and Eno, Can&ndaigna and Niaj&r&'Falb, and BiEale, New York kid Em, Mid New fork Csstral SLfdliiada.. lies ah psiuis North out West, and the Gasadtts. „ „ , 3*itsM tihsek.v.i t* Eiijura, i.gfl&U, Saspeeeicn Bridge, und all li-tanaodtata points. , iriirtclt Mf.ii lib Mcsurtid at the Phiiedelphta and Sa mira ItaUrocdLir o’* Vuiktii OHoe. serthweet cemsr oi BEXV.3. and C*U ISSN B V Sirteth, and at the pMjenger Sotos, eemirei 3EBEVJSENVHand CALLOWHISL. VKROU3 EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leave the PkU'.tjslphiaar.d Reading Depot. Breed cad toUswkiUatro tadaily iSandaya excepted f, for all seinte Waetau Eorth, ei SP, Be. ' ■ , FfOighte ms- betdiiivari* kelere 8 P.M. teißeero tto'.r goiEgito fsisg a*y. . For firtker ufonsane* Maw .at PtsigM set*: RHlSTS^Tiissd*uahOWSft|,L.«rto ffi. T. LEONARD, Agent, aomveet *erx*r lIEbtR s.s > v~ 7C.T r -fit CuXTuN oAiki iJUOii and UANY.&N, of all nnmbera oad br&ndKs . Aaven’i Duck Avnin? SVi!!?. of all Jeaoriptiousv i'o} ttu la* Awmiita, Trents, hni Wafon Ooven. AliiOkPapar nUuiHfaotsran;* Drier relts. frea * 'v ? faat w(4a. WK»HiD* - ’‘t} 1 t*U(5, Is • JOION W. KVBKMAN * GO.. my4-tf. 103 JONJKB Alley, OLIVB OlL.—Pure Olive Oil in white glass bottlee lust received per bark Juliet. For ale bY jabretche *• caes-tairb. :Ijj lie. 808 South FRONT atreet, SAXIE3 it I fc* S.'Vjt.jH. jtl THOMAS * SONH^ A * I'VJand 141,South FOBMTfi SIMM. rFarainrlt Not, ft and Si.) W.°S!i| 8 h; i !l , ' > KSTATK-»7th AirGUIT. ° n TUKsDAy - O’cloolf. nooa, during the bu-iuoM.i*™ VolJand August, only occasional iV ' /Ui * na . , REAL EM’A'i'i: Ai* PRfVATK kh v *r* We hare a large amount or real eJtiteatpnr&tft sale, lsfilmlme ovott description of ©it* ae.i rCinTSit prowrtr Printed llnM ttm- £■■ at thi HALE OF RIIPKRIi.iI i* Uh a .■( 1 ttit p. SiiJS IMIRPORH. ROB-WOOD &EL .DEO* UOPP>R COOKI-O UniNSIbS □ 4llut?TH riii VERNMkNT goods, Ac. 3, ° JIPKTH ’ w ~ CARD.— Our eale thin ( Ihursilaj) moraine, at tha Auocioi Htora wil oormmne. busidoeSß lon of nsoonu ha, d furnmiro, piano, Gne Franch p ale nn-ror" ,Vote wood me od»on. copper cmkine ut.n.i’a two ■iTncrior clcotncal maohinea. United Staten arm. olothiiij.oon aiatine of n.uaie ooits. earn linen hi, u«es. blue if™ baltfl, rjrnrila. 4c.; beds and bedding, chiia audVlaaa’ ware, Druseela and other oirprt;. ko., fnrmine nn attractive luiaortment worth, the attention ol ladiea and othern dnairona of purohaeine. W Catalogues now rend, and the artiolen arraneed for elimination. * .. nt Noa US and 141 *outii Fourth Kneel, 3 'JStW'&FiKiJ-SfSW I ®* PRUNCR-PLaTF HIR. aotfr 1 K AND BEDDING, BRUSSELS AND OTiIKR. CARPETS, ko. ..o , , . Thia Morning, einellfjf i uot f o “ ttore, au asiortmont «» «» •‘or.Ter ailver > m ß unie§? n '' Turkisl ‘ S!l ' olre ' lUraascus blade,and Also, a Hail’s patent breeoh-loading carbine. Sale for account <,f ihe r.mpd states CLOTHING, &WOBlouses7 & This Lay, .t • .«°* ,> ' , * CJ,tt he Auction More, for ftcenur.Jof the United rftvtrs. 82 UKilnnu oaps. 7& pompon* R iSstoek* 6 uniform coa*s musio c ats, 313 pats ep uhtu wd linen hlcu«es. 1431 yards bin* lace,2s o •unfeistrapa, »» sots brass be t mountings, 3 frogs, 3J sets b«lta. and 4t serteftrit#*’ and music swords. Kr* May be examined the day previous to sab. Sale Mo. 1350 Spruce *treet, HO(J BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YOU AND LIVERPOOL, oallmr at QUEENSTOWN fire land,) to land and embark pauenaers and despatches. Tbs Liyerpool, New York,and Philadelphia Steam ship Company's eplendid Clyde-bnilt iron sorsw steam ships, are intendedto mil a* follow*; FROM NW vom KOI! LIViiaFOOL. CITY OF BALTIMORE, Saturday, August M KAAfiAROO, Saturday. August If ETNA, Saturday, August 34 And averr fttudiT tbredcbsii the rear. froioPlEE ‘ ' KATES OF FABSAgE THROOBH FROM PHILABELFEIA. Cabin, to Ctnaanstown, or Liyerpool.. an Do. to London, via Liverpool , __ _ Mfi Stporags to Queenstown, or Liverpool- mo Do, to London. _in Do. Return tisketa, available Tor six months, from Liverpool, . 900 Passengers forwarded to Bavbo, Faria, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp, at throned rate*. Certificates of passage issued irom Ltverpeei to New Ceitifioate* of passage itsaeFtfom"Q»eenntow(> to New York - a 3O These steamers have superior aeeommodation* for passengers, are oonstruoted with watertight oompart ments, and earry expenenoed Burgeons. For freight, «r PMeace, apply at the effioo of the Cent way• JOHN 8, DALE. Agent, 111 Walnut street, Failadelpkia. lx Liverpool, to W(if. INMAN, Tower Buildings, In Niaarow, t» w.«, inman. 13 Sixes street. THS ISHITI6B AN33 NOKTH ■agggSfiS.4MK»TflkW ROYAL MAIL BBEAM- vxow nxw Yonx re atvixpeeh. Chief Cabin Passage — .—.#138 Second Cabin Passage _ » non bostok ve hivuxroen. Ckief Cabin Passage-. #llB Second Cabin Passage — ft The ships from New York eaii at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston sal! at Halifax and Cork ffiar- FEkuiA.-Capr. Judkins. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. ARABIA, CajPt. J. Stone, CANADA, Capt. J. Leitoh. ASIA. Capt. E. a. Lott. AMERICA, Capt Hook ey. ATBTKALJLSIAN, NIAGARA. Capt. hloodie. Capt. Cook, EUKOPA, Capt kndersou, SCOTIA, (now building.) vestiels oarry a clear white light at mast-head i rreen on starboard bow; red on port bow, CANADA, Moodie, leaves Boston, Wednesday. July SI. ASIA. Lott, “ N.Yorlt, Wedneeday, Julj 31, ARABIA, Stone. " Riston. Wednesday, Ang. 7. AFRICA, Shannon, “ N. York, Wednesday, Aug 14 ? VKOPA, Anderson, “ Boston, TVedeeeday, Aug 81. PERSIA, Judkins, '* N.York,WednesdnT,Aug 88. Berths not teoured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be aaoountablo ler Bold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones er Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor, end the value thereof therein rnpreand. For freight er naasaxs, apply M E. CUNAJgD, sbl-tf 4 sowiinc green. Waw Yerh. «r|i h e PRESS” BO O K AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. NO. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILAD ELF HIA The attention of the Business Community ia respectfully Invited to the New Booh and Job Printing Office oi “ The Press,” whioh has been fitted up with New Material, in the most complete manner, and is now prepared to execute, in a satisfactory style, every va riety of Printing: BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. CARDS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, BILLS OF LADING, LETTER HEADINGS. i ■ BILL HEAI)S, PAPER BOOKS. CERTIFICATES, DEEDS. BONDS. MORTGAGES, BALL TICKETS AMD FEOGRAMMES MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, ME- CHANICS, LAWYERS, AUCTION- EERS, PUBLIC OFFICERS, BANKS, RAILROAD AND INSURANCE COMPANIES, Will be supplied with any description of Printing required, at short notice and on the most reasonable terms.