Store Kebcl Accoon aro clted w nfc j Xb.Btobmoo4 P«P«e o whi «,h excel J Boooants of the b*‘« * t ion enjthiEg * OTC-* Tho “ y 8: ri'gtt' o’clock ftotion Bg4 GoQ- Kiri road from ■ point yUtti violence oi the o*rs, straight oa out going, tnil” mrto’ - oognizett mftntof * . the £Uf lino, a broke/ ..l/Koro tber<’*i if the enemy At that hoar i brigade gjfived on the rail it to Manawas Junction, at a let of Ston» Bridge Seeing the itei t there, this general stopped dismounting hia men, marched enemy, without orders, and with - ie Junction, thereby saving a five ides. Beauregard did not at first re /rigade, and believed it a flußk move- Jnemy, till they oamo near enongh for fee distinguished. Oa their arrival in jral charge was made, and the enemy 4 fled precipitately. /the armies reached Oentrevllie, where ill had 15,00 ft fresh men and,heavy guns,in ~ he made a desperate rally, Bat another of the Confederates broke the now lines, became ■ 'complete, .The body of 'rmy pdrsaed to Fairfax, and planted onr flag aeeourt-house. The cavalry out up the enemy milee fprther, to Fails Chnrch, only-four miles im Arlington. About half the members of the /ederaf 'Conigrese were distant spectators of the' battle. At Oenfcroville was found a table bounte ously spread, aurronnded by empty Boats and j twenty baskets of-ohampagno, where Benator 'Wil { son was in the aat of entertaining a large dinner / party on onr arrival. He himself narfowly escaped. , / He got ont of the village in the disguise of a driver of a marketeer*. Among other curiosities seised ■ there were a.number o,f bills of fare of dinners Me-. Dowell intended to give at different points, all in Frenoh, and elaborate as to the cuestn*. Borne of / thens|are in Richmond. X . / ■ It will be impossible to give details at present. ,/ It must be confessed that the victory was the re sult of the most desperate daring and dashing courage of our troops. The Fourth Alabama, Fifth Virginia, and Seventh and Eighth Georgia Regiments are said to have suffered most in the engagement. Sherman’B,battery of sixteen pieces ana a portion of, the Rhode Island battery are in our possession, and a beautifni battery it is. Cum mings’ Virginia Regiment oharged first upon it, and were repulsed, when another regimont cams up, shooting down every man and oaptnring the pieces. The Washington Louisiana Artillery took two of the pieoes and immediately turned them with deadly fire upon the enemy. It would-be unjust to discriminate among the various regi ments, for all did their work -writ. Virginia, North'-Carolina, Booth Carolina, Giorgio, Ala bama,. Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, Kentuoky, and perhaps Florida, have united their destinies this day in eternal bonds of friendship sealed in blood May it ever continue and strengthen as time shall pass. It must not be omitted that Captain Delaware Kemper’s Alexandria Battery-joined the conflict in the evening and did noble work, as on Thurs day last, mowing tanas in the enemy’s ranks, with out the loss of any of their own number. Ex-Governbr Smith was active in the engage ment with the portion of the regiment assigned to him, and elioited the warmest expressions of ad miration from General Beanregard. An officer of the army, who arrived here yester day, says that he witnessed the onset of onr sol diers, the Arkansas regimens, he believes, on the New York Zouaves, and that it was a terrible spectacle. They threw down their guns and made the charge with their brandished bowie knives. The Zouaves at first seemed petrified with einaee ment. Then, as their assailants knocked aside their bayonets and fell upon them with their fu , rious blades, they fairly screamed with terror, and fled in the utmost consternation. Colonel Bartow died a noble and brave death He first received a shot which shattered one of his feet; but even in this disabledcondition ho main tained his place at the head of his men. Bo had reached a fence which orossed the direction of his charge, and was supporting himself, waving his sword, and cheering his gallant band on to the fight, when some miscreant's bail pleroed his brave heart.' . T- uty-tbr' if thf nded Zf OPIHIOK OF ATTOBHKY GBSBBAL BATES. ftf o f ft ft*fti oTy ' Ni- i Attorney GBaerai Bates has written a long let mote than MB wain™ 20 >5J 00 . 3ta£,< '%| ter on the question of suspending the wrif of ba-‘ nitiime ltd! rmfefiii^r 0 Wlt ?-* tor f corpus, in answer to the following questions Ki 7 l or P™T 1 ™ r * B ' stateaLropounded; by the President of the Unitea States ; lave hilled and wounded some 7° O^, 1 ' I “- khe Presenttiiiie of a great and dangerous the enemy, and taken nearly nrisonek", 0410 ”’M* disorot.onary while others are constantly bought in from ih7i tO , oanße tO . arrested and held m custody woods Our own loss is 500 Silled and 1500 W knoWl ‘ 10 have criminal intercourse with wounded No_ prisoners Our regiments most suffering ore the Fourth Alabama, the Seventh and Eighth Georgia, Fisher’s North Carolina Re giment, and Hampton’s Legion" The Whig soys: All aooounts agree in representing the spoils of the battle to be immense. Among the items not previously mentioned are 600 tents, and 7,000 axis.. Our troops have been busily engaged in burying the slaughtered Yankees. About* three hundred bodies remained unboiled on i ursday The Federal wounded who arrived in Richmond were as kindly eared for as the Confederates The Whig says that k committee of citizens tool: oare of ibe wounded, asd adds: “ They were oordially assisted in this ‘ lr-hor of dove by other ofiigens, not members of the com rnmee, who had memo forward to render assiat snd take the wounded to thoir homes. Each ' lo r«g*rd it as a nrivilego to take one •tr fellows under his care, but, of -.ratified ” ornOTW4i coarse, alletftefiasr i_ - Jh® soys; h«.gi_ of the w/ee«w tary eur « oon at b ? tba ktJeVa'noamlia 6 6!lomy > 6 000 to WOO The Examiner sn*a that hv>j> *„ * ■ ' pla h n " U ™ Sao^l'7 magnittosnt aopply 0 W« hflT« d in° iaTe J 6ap£aiea a ®ntioDß this tooident of the pS:S3rrS= lg F*!'e»".T*f: SwPwH?SSi " B "? d * d 1 his men respond Firing h-m. K maintaining their ooaifinn ® J hi®, and SSSMfe^eSaSS abont^o^dfed'^o^^who^l 00 S" bwfc Bomb Carol! oared* i, h Qen Evans, of •elf known to the men ’hdd’.d “n ! and eV l!,tlß S ®’m otlo eneonrokem.n 1 ?5 ded his n °ble and patri msnder. 4 S 6hWt%meB b a‘» n tb * ir ga l lant °«“- rides to the line and *£ .?•* ? saor *B® ,rd himself the Legion to hold lls^levoS 8 r ! ds ippea)B to moments longer nod the vimi>.£ 0B 1 “S. b ? { H faw The men were snSertog horribly won raging thirst, when a nombSr of thaeffi h ° mcs j privates volunteered-on the aDd , bringing water from a ravine tea? b? * th w t ° f Are of the enemy. Bat throe returned Sf? li* gallant errand. t Lieatenanta Bates and 7*/ ro^. Hdge*Rnrt < th“ D ? Bsrds > aßd private N °N'cart' th *y list IS time to join Coionel namm aßd d *iP®rate ohargO'ap.on.the ba-dory P &e£2&=?*S££te SB.Kf' AWUfS? Co?°Mal h o,hooded 00 Joha «*tind hat the in the is nn- W ith every confidence in General BoOtt and his able .corps of engineers, one thing is fare, they hare too much to attend to—too many apprentices to oversea. This is no time for idle speculations. Tour countrymen must be up and doing; no time must be lost. Pieparo your civilians:to fast, the part of soldiers. . Your President should place an army of at least si* hundred thousand men In the field at onoe; the men have been offered and should be acoepied at onoe; an army two hundred thousand strong should be at Washington; a division one hundred thou sand ttrong .at Fortress Monroe. Generals Pat terson and MoClellan should at onoe, or as scon as' lossible, unite and taka a convenient distanoe ram Manassas Railroad, in entrenched, strongly fortified earth worts.. The Washington army should move the oolumn within striking distanoe of the enemy. The Fortress Monreo oolumn shoald move towards a point in tho rear of the raiiro'd, between the Davis army and Richmond, and, by certain, unfailing military understand ing, Bhould i all attaok the enemy at one time, the same hour. This will be sure to Crown your arms with suoeess. At the same time an army shoald be organized in yonr manufacturing States, at least 50,000 strong, to embark on hoard of ships, to attack on the Southern coast; another equally strong should enter the Mississippi river towards New Orleansloo 000 good men Bhould be mus tered at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and; go South by the latter rivers; 50,000 men should be sent through Kentucky, to 00-ope rate with the other divisions of year very grand army; still another foroe of 200,000 mon should be held in reserve, to act where their services may be most needed Such a force can conquerrest assured s smaller one may fail To a foreigner accustomed to the rigidity of in dividual power, jour institutions appear, if any thing, more magnificent than they are. Yours is tho only real republican nation that has ever ex isted, and the eyes of all civilized nations are anxiously awaiting the result, to soo whether your people think the Government worth sustaining. - There need bo no fear of any first-class European Power; acknowledging the independence of the rebel States, without the-most satisfactory evi dence of their being able to sustain themselves, for many reasons: England distrusts Canada, and sees a turbulent spirit in Ireland, only awaiting a fa vorable time to revolutionize; besides, she is not entirely confident of her new bed-fellow, Napoleon; and I assure you the Jatter 1b too well aware of the existence of the seoret Carbonari, and the uncer tainty of the permanence of his family on the throne of France, to interfere in any matter where there is no advantage to be derived by him. Being ,on farlongh from tho Austrian servioe,; with a predisposition to admire the United States, I have carefully noted in my travels over many portions of your country, every object or oharao ceristio of your peopie, and assure you thatT oan .not imagine any outrage on the part of the Go vernment that oould be flagrant enough to oauso any ofyonr peopie to rebel Yours is a mighty country, unequalled in the whole epoch of history, and I entreat the people in their majesty to obme forward and sustain the authorities. Civilized mankind sympathizes with the North ;• the accursed supporters of human slavery, of despotism, of tyranny, of are alone in their aocursad schemes. Tbo uolocksd-for war may bo Iho cause of very hard times, bat the people are or onght to be ready tor the sacrifice. Their late outpouring of: money, men, everything, to sustain their good country, convinces me that I do not plead in vain. In this emergency a good plan would be to have a committee to hire or engage every able bodied man to drill daily ; make your city one vast camp for homo defence, and, if necessary, pay every vo lunteer, two or three francs a day. If you have hot the ready money; let a scrip; based on tkeflrst credit of your city, be issued in such sums as is. neoded to pay your home ioroes. Let the pay be ever so small; it would prevent much suffering, re lieve the pressing necessities of many, keep the poorest from starving, ind,- let oome what may, would be A phalanx strong enough to slaughter any foe daring enough to disturb your quietude. Supposing your taxes would be doubled, would it not be better than to have your oily in danger, your citizens suffering from hunger ? A commit, tee of five, or any other number, of your goad hearted, responsible citizens in each:division of your city, would be appointed to arrange the affair systematically." Though not wishing to doubt the devotion of the citizens of Kentucky, I must say, in all candor, that' there are many there of high; and low degree who would glory to'-see the sieve propagators conquer. Place your city beyond reach of all snoh evil disposed citizens. , Though a devoted snbjsot to his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, whom and whose cause I am ever ready _to support with my life, if heed be, I offer any knowledge of arming and fortifying your city I may possess,: without any 'charge,; as my small token of appreciation of true liberty, know ing that his Majsaty will -not objedt, as ho loves Republican America as I do. ana that is only so eond to my own country. Let every man be -a conscript. So out to battle to preserve the beon handed down to you by your forefathers, and your country most he, will be, sustained. Godfbev F. C. Tkatzckt, Captain Co. E, Fourth Royal Top. Eng., Austrian Service.. - The Writ of Habeas Corpus and the Powers of the President. 2 f * hß writ of habeoßcoJSa® a."sfnvS 0 V. n ' rs l 5 7 . wh “' in >~\ SttmfiSSftNSßHK Pie, their historical regions to thlmiV f °° r pBo ' .3tfJK?fflS“jr»Wifa£BS! of habeas corpus Still, th^DflonTi^w 1 f ?fJ bo wr3fc fiCtut, eren whii* inkJ?5 P v. p „l English by dc- Bngl^^^ 11 * J^^galo/the rigbf to the forms of Enolfah » historical of EaeJiah the that the Boglish Xeroicnt 21,85 kn ‘* oaoe asattmed the uow** 1 ™ s ?* - ha *. moTts than i would, and hold tlXm L beyond .the reaoh indlcL ndefio te ti “ B and they desired, no (lonbt J examination ; against the « *»«£■ hence the :olaose of the e°oa‘ry And consideration. Bnt we mMt t^ 10n n °w coder words, vague and indeteSite «» t ?h ooDa,lue tha find them ‘ The nriviiJm! ll^? 8 th *, y at ®’ BB we cotyas.shall not K wLJto kai or from it? Saapended— doM * E ? benefit hong up ft, a limo oT m ,' an delayed, Writ« Aates corp JlwhSh-writ? Tn w ? r lllB there were many wri> g called T “,1 Ba Kland need by the oourfs for th» mlmL» 8t “»“®. and oise of their various ,onTBD,en t erer by acts of Conareas—.w - Jf r - awa 00aIt8 .1789, srotion 14. and S theW J°K B,ory s?t r ' f section 7—Save, I believe. M “ rctl 2 1833, He adds ; j equivalent powers/ 7 - I«ge^of’tl^^rrf^rJ ,,s l >B “ i <> a of?the,privi- u_ derstand a repeal of all nowb? , n> , | We ma> - Bo ‘ OP SEOBETABY ANTI Mi the phrase to meab tthat, fa *»£ of D ” d "stiihd uotfl^u ESDAyf thv StffSfA 84 ' 18 * m J& dangerous rebellion like the IS* ..? ea " SB d tB ® oonstruetion of two HutIJLJV ° f W°l deolare tho opinion that tie o ®°Vwhere n al *?n?.^m\tiM , ?? r t b 08 xaini»^f'* 1 * Puer to .mivevd Z vri^LT/ 6 , 1 kas lm "^ £ thTffidVuTs wnf,L™ h "/ a, ‘“ D rsfn^ B^ ordinary tlm r S s — ent * 8 »o part of his adopted!® nor ms * hereafter be AirmM ami andwwepHonat. and «^„‘?” POrar3 ' diflWrfeeefctween pressing emergency wh.n i: 8 ”? 6 ?. 0 ? 1 !' to meet a the Stone or marble, toiler to •bs tbo weak to Josur ”th- Jadwiai Y * 8 *•« 0 Pressed lw bidd *r» ma, o^ f M? s WJjftbe b «{> the ordinary coarse of*"dr o I | a ,obo 6u PP r ' s «»d S by the^jWif^SmK I «!bnerc ri of tlie'Ld" TlomeW the powers vested in tbemarsb„?.? !B S,{ ,o * s ' "by .•»*«».««h. offer, till thebv bos he the lawful authn ?b*n,and not w‘Sosf*^SdMm?«PSi«2f , - < “'f "d'ahio jf r«Jeot,tne, th* a * d f bo wUitcry power ofibewatlon *2 sal*.5 aI *. *° that power perform bis great' Jeeat M a ( BD d wifh Buiidias, dro ill-.iVj; ; M°,^ BP,,rB£fl ibo iMurreotlon 01 ""! JrW-tauK' *” ‘ SwtoIL , fieoretary'l a^j^wurer. a wrH ofhabe'/rokpuJ tbe’^Sionrf^dlfaVe. ceive wh"a tr o*V-l.°t F . 8 : i 0 ?° J flnb i<> and r e - s?a?2 st £f,? ar W° a »n ante-»r Tefrimenta ul ih^atr" tho,ftid ba "«»»«« - Jr»-icth. M The nT,iL t i™ S . a,l 67,000 mess pans, sheet-iron, weight 2 pounds. i,700 iron pots, with bales. . - •• ••• SO,OOO toiling axes, oast steel; best duality, 4M, 5, ahd b)g pounds, . axe handles, beat'hickory. 17,000 oamp hatchets, cast.steel, best duality. 18 v ounces. 64,000 hatchet handles, best hlolrory, ■ • • 27 otiO;pickaxes, two sizes, to weigh 6)4 and 7 pounds, , M,OOO piditaxe handles, best hiokory, - -.80.000 axe stints. 1 27 000 hatchet slings. 27*0 0 spades, two/izes,’best quality, 400 sets hospital teat poles. 4 800 sets wall tent p uss. 27.00? Sibley tent- poles, with iron tripod. 2,000 sets of servant*’ tent poles. 94)00 hospital tent pins, targe. iD,OUO hospital tent pins, small, 43 000 wall tent pins, large, tec OUO oomroon tentpius. X 0 090 Sibley tent stoves. 2 000 drums, infantry. ... 2 000 drum oases. < 2,0 0 drum heads, batter. 2 COO drum heads, snare, ■ 6 000 pairs'drum a’loks. 2,Os h (l l i faTD,all ■awefaotoir securi ties for the feithfu! performance thereof. ~ The manufacturers’ establishment or dealers’place of business must be distinctly stated in the proposal, togetherwith the names, address,and responsibility of two persons proposed as sureties. The sureties will guarantee that & contract shall be entered into within ' ten days after the acceptance of aaid bid or proposal, Proposals will be received for any one of the articles : separately, and for any portion of eaoh, notiMtban one* fourth of the number or quantity ad ranised Tor. 'i he privilege is reserved by and for the United Siates of rejecting any proposal, tnat may be deemed extravn,-. to commenoe within twenty days after the acceptance of the proposals, and one-thbd oi the quan tity contracted for must be delivered witMo two montns from said date and acceptance, of*tue remainder m monthly proportions, witain four months of said date acceptance, or bo -nor, if practicable- Bidders will, nevertheless, state in their proposals the shortest pos sible time in which the quantities bid for can be deliv ered hr them- •, .. . v , All articles will be Bubjsot to inspection by sworn in spectors, appointed by authority of the united States. - It is to be distinct understood that contracts are not transferable, without the consent of the proper author ity. and that any sale, assignment or transfer, without such consent having been obtained (except under a pro cess of lawj, will be regarded as an abandonment oi the contract; and the contractor sad his or their securities will be held responsible for all loss or damate; to the United Btatea which may anae therefrom. Payments will be made on each delivery, should Con gress have made an appropriation to meet them, or as soon thereafter as an appropriation shall be m*de for Ten per cent of the amount of each de livery will be retained until the contract shall &® com pleted- which will be forfeited to the United States m case of defalcation on the part of the contractor in ful filling the oontraot.- V . „ Forms of proposals and guarantee will be furnished upon application to this office. *nd none will bacon sidered that do not conform thereto. '• . . , FroposalswiU he endorsed. “Proposals for Furnishing Army.Suppliesand Materials,” and be adefreaaed, Majors©. B. VIWTUff, ; (Quartermaster U.o/Armiv Box 329 S Post Office./ times jffeteat tvs see to cope i former of ap •mdoos parka rons of 'oneral \ia own ad an SUPPLIES, OtrARTS3iMA.STsi Gbnebal’ss Office,>, llasribburg, July 26, 1861. L 'SEMjFD PftQPoBrvl»~ wi l be received at this otfca unnl ia o’cook, jNUon FRIDAY, the 2d day of. August. 1861, for the following Array Supplies, deliverable at the State Military Store Harnsbwrer- in quantitiesas re qu red. Said proposals to be publiclt opened at the time and place named, and the successful bidders to be arraouaoeu as soon thereafter es convenient—-the ri?nt beine reserved by the state to increase or diminish the number and quantity of sard articles: : - Ten Hospital Tents, with Hies, poles, pins,- eto., com-: hundred and fifty Common Tents, poleh, pins, etc., complete. ■ ■■ -■■■■■ A ... a. , Two hundred end fifty Wall Tents, with files, poles, pins, etc., complete. One hundied Drums, with Sticks, slings, carriages, cases, &e, complete. _ Two hundred t2oo> Dram Heads—batter. Two hundred Drum'Heada—snare, On# hundred Cocos. Fifesr ,r ■ ■■ - , • Ten thousand tnres-prat Canteens, ooveredand ttrap pad, cotton; Ten thousand Haversacks, army standard* Ten thousand Baversaoks enameled cloth. . Ten thousand Knapsacks, straps, &o, complete, army standaid. ‘ . / ■ . , Ten thousand Knapsaoks, straps, &o.» complete, ena meled'Moth; M • Six hundred Snovels, Six hundred Spades. - • „ • Six hundred I- atchets—handled. Six hundred Axes—handled. Six hundred Picks—handed. . Ten thousand Tin Plates. . - Ten thousand pairs Kmves and Forks. Ten thousand Tin Cups Three thousand Mess Pans. One t onsand Camp Kettles. Ten thousand Blouses, woollen lined. One thousand yards sky blue Tape for chevrons. Ten thousand pairs'browsers, footmen. - Twenty thousand white, Dorn* t Flannel Shuts. Twenty Pairs Stookings, One thousand pairs Cavalry boots. Ten thousand pairs Bootees. Ten thousand e'orage Caps. ■ _ • ' T welve thousand Doub e lumbers, 30 to £0 inclusive. Twelve thousand Letters, A to K inclusive, . One hundred and thirty tiergeants’Sashes. Ten thousand Blankets. r , ‘ Ten tooussnd Great Coats. ...... Ten thousand sets Infantry Accoutrements. Twentj thousand pairs ofJJrawejs. ■ . i nfeWf if Ten housand Blankets. Wool U ray, liK’Silf p 6 inches, weighing S pounds each, with, Forty Hospital or Medical 1 ranaport Carte, U, 8. ar my pattern Also,sets of ••harness for horses of above. The ambulance wagooß, parts* and hftTness*ubj?ct to the inspection approval, in duality and finish, of ihe surgeon general of Pennsylvania, whose decision: shah be final and conclusive, ■ - -v- It is deairab'e that all the above articles be of do mestic manufacture, and, whfn any ot-them are iur ntshed by the United States the s*»me all respects to the aealed smndard oatrern m the Umi'ed States ££uarteimasier*B Office and Military Store, i*m !a4eenh|SV cent of the amount of eaoh deliver? to 1m retained a, a forfettare until the oontraotis completed. Contractors to state, m their proposals the Urae when the goods oan be delivered, ana spMdy deiiveiTof stish artic es as are needed wid be considered in award* ?Sg th Jooair“tMaqo«Bf«l bidden to give boada with v adder theie jropcsols to be delivered at tne Military Siorehonse in .the citr or I HarrisbaiE. unless o'heririse directed, free of all 'kcharse for frei.hi;, boxing, or. orayage, nulec®. freight plaoe of delivery is greater ttmn to Harrlßbilrg, in Umh c»'o ihe dlflerenoe -will be avowed. All-pwik ;so delivered to bo marked on the outeiue vsth berat’d description of ortloles therein,.aud name %iy furnishing mine, together f” >?Y° £? ® f Ats, enclosed, embracing* in addition to above, , jjJwhat special supply it w a > ~ ■* ij M- «-'en. P. Mb ~—~\ItTNERSHIP NOTICES.. I ~M" -_-----i-'--.--" - ji.rururun.ri,ii~. |-|i - I I SK fc’l?'# 'WMokraOW iJ ENKINS, mttiia I i* rm will - be consent The business of the j Thompson, at the red wound up by Samuel S» • j Relative to limited partnership ”iA* entitled An act nffL? ay °f,March, A. D. IgS' Sssed the .twenty T b under the i Said partnership to ooinmfttm« ?«?», A. D. one thou»M hSSdr?/ h -°.5 rBt P* Julf j»»-tu«tthm for tukato J. G «FrH *~~ —-■■■- ' ' ■:■ Seamnl PtittiJ THE PRESS—PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, ISM. OFFICIAL. “ I’HEY GO RIGHT TO THfc SPOT” INSTANT RELIEF! STOP YOUR COUGH! FVRIPY YOUR BREATH! STRENGTHEN TOUR VOICE! SPALDING’S THRO AT CONFECTIONS GOOD FOB CLERGYMEN, GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR St’EAKERB, GOOD FdR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES; OESTliEsraa CAMLT SPALDING'S THftOAT CONFECTIONS; llAbtfiS ARE hKLIOIITED WTTH SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. OHIX.DEES CRT TOR - SPALDING’S THROAT CONFECTIONS. They relieve a Congh Instantly. They Gloat this Threat. They give strength and volume to the Vote*. They impart a delicious aroma to the Breath. They are delightful to tho They are made of simple herbs, and oanhot harm any one. ■ . . ■■■ ’ I advise everr one who has a Cough, or a Husky Voice, or a Bad Breath, or any diffioulty of the Throat, to got a package of my Throat Coufeotions. They will relieve you instantly, and you will agree with me that ‘'•they go right to the spot.” You will find them VArt useful and pleasant while travelling ot attendingpublie meetings, for stilling your cough or allaying your thirst, IT you try one paohage, I am safe th saying that youVrill over afterwards consider them indispensable. - You will find them at the Druggists’ and Dealers in Medibines; PEIOE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. My Signature is on each paokage. All others are counterfeit. A Paolcage will be Mfct br mail, prepaid, on receipt 6:' Thirty Centa. Addreu HENRY O. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDAK STREET, Jtew YORK. CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE. NERVOUS HEADACHE. CURB all kinds bv HEADACHE ! : 3ytko«e oithcs»jPi)iatli©periodia»UttMiaof »osts 9r Sick I-IcadatK* may be prevented i My! if tfsfceu at the commencement of an attack immediate raUcf. from pain' and sickness frill bfe obtained, l) ;. Viey seldom faihin removing tfee xtks to whioh females' are to subject, r j ffhey act ctntir on the bowMa, removing Cttknnct*, For Literaty Men, Student*} Deiioate Females, and *H personaof sedentary habit n t they are valuabU as a Laxative, improving the «w»«£t£a r givinK tofuandftrigsr to the digestive organs, anffrestonn*-ft t satara I !ehuh> tiaity and strength of the whole erstem, . " the result of long invest*, gallon and carefully conducted experiments; having been in use many years, during- which time tkQjfrvnr prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain thd Buffering from Hoadaohoi whether originating in the nervavt Bystem ©r from a deranged st&U ©mho **©- ««*. J They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and Maybe taken at ail times with making any change of diet, and the absence cf env dis*- iruabU taste rtndsrt it's*** te adminisur them 1* ihiUrmi . ! ... sswasS' off -oonarsßPiiW - i Vhe genuine have ftva eignfctar«of£Uws.wdiJU *n each Bex, : .. f Sold by Druggists and ell ether ffealewf in Meaplnwk & Bex will be sent by vjttl prepaid eu resets /of the. FjBJOB. W/^TPNTfc/ ■ I ■■■‘? '. ■■ :. -■ ■:■ f • '*■■■•••■- Ail a^.f'Snw • i. Ff I** 1 ** *« JSn«iHintr t AtortU, F*. FiU* MaomplUrh th« object far *kt«* ti«y [Ti*.: Cure of beadaeao m all iu foraa,' Capitals V*r» uaadj p-WH th* JBx»mintr t ' fftrfalfi, T*. [° been tc«ed m more tk«n a tkcasan4 camh, > ■.< .. f... •■. -..••• |*» «*< Dtmoa-M, St. Clmti. ifl**, tnx ft®’ or r’S lT ? been troubled with the headaohe. id fofbox,_(Cepliaiio JiUa.J so that to* ms* hare im i»*e of an attaoic. • . IVoKifAt Adtsrtisi , Pmidtnet,lt. J, rhelehalio Fill* are *aid a remarkably erec er#ay for Ins headache, and one qf the Terr heel th*erj freauent oonnitaat whloh ho* eyerbeet coded- ■ J"t»*« Wixem K. K, Bmxtttr, CAirare, lU. lo PrUt ea *° r * e ** r- and kit unrivalled fmiMt Knrunak* Felliy Star, Aoaawko, r« f# tore that pereone. anfferinr with tko heMatke, rkp them, will tttok to them. ■at** Sotttktrn Falk Findrr, JYttr Or item, L*, v thorn! ran that are afflicted, and rreaTe tore that iteitiinony oan he .added to the already tmmerou fiat bae receive benefiti that no other ntditine produce. - I Am lt< iktnett, »tramenee demand for the article tOepkalte PiKf pidly inareaeing. * . Am Mi Ouifu, hmnixri, / he did not moit togonett real merit Jkramtke AdeerMier, PreoUmM, E, J. Ike teetimonr in their favor u tlrene, from tko ant peetable ouarten. I frit* Ik* l)*ilv Niwpti, M, £ MUli Fllla in Uklni tbs - •*; *ef »u kixdo 1 I Mi Cmxuniml Smllmm, Darla »• Mutt. Idtldte be ran eff oaeieue lor the ketdiek tram Ike Gemwurcial Gtoetw,,*- •uleriai humanity oan nor' bo relieved, r A Rime tottlt of WAMMHft'a : .'REt-ARER • ..eeim oft or .the eneuepeottnc public, imitationt of ray FAEFAREP GLHE, I would Q&ution &u pereone to *0 ■also before purobeeinr, tuid nothin »re»t,bet»ee» *Mrt m* Fjurth Street; Phuadolphis, , . Company.willAssure against less er damage *y Jnro,en Buildings, Furuturo, and Merehautdiae gem*~ A»o, Martas lunruueu 'em Vessels, oirgeee, end Freights. lalead larajwwo the Bsiea. Jtteee Esher, /Seek Masfield, S, AuUer, J*!uißet|huu, fc. Audenned, John A. Blakutex, .ftsfssr* . mar?/V. W« Ms myj’gMe Secretary.; ' : apfrtl 'J'KE KJEIAsh-NUiL mctcAi. ifiSoifcAmA- pom# Affi imsa, **.;*s> lutrn** acatnrt hOßii 01 OAMA9B BY FULE# e» ; Wewits, Store®, aoi other buildiueiu Uiaiia^ ■■•>.■ " er wDrpetaaJ, and, on-Furniture wooda, ware*, aud,Jtf*r ekandise, la town or sacti OAfitAJj'. ssu.hh ». i.. Which i* invested a* fcilowa, rit r in ftmaortea*0w 00 • klieshenr Countr 6 pbr oeut, Fa. B£. loan-. 10,000 00 < Jomiaeroial . $,158 01 ficohanloa'Bank t&IS, CO : {emttfjwma RAi.iroad 05?4 2,000 oo The KhUanoft Ot».>. atook S) [ho County; Fire liurq rance.Co. '* etook.^.—. l,{w to; Foe JDelaw&re M. Too 00 [nion Mntuallnimranoe Co.’E SBO 00 hits receivable— 7i ootßoooimta, suwniedinterfiEt, Ae~-,_v-. 7,104 Of euhan4_ 11J44 64- 9827,149 M The Mutual principle, combined vnth the aeourity of a Btoohr Capital, entitle* the in»ured to participate in theproais of the Componj, withoat liability for less**. - LctsM promptlj adjusted and paid. . . -PiEUcroaw: 'v glam flfineley, ' Samuel iihrphaa, W i Lliam ■ li. 57homp#on, Steen, rredenck Brown, William Mu»er, William SteyenEou* B&i. W* Titislay, John Jt. Mat*haUHifl, •, ' Careon, J. Johnson Brown, Aobert Tol&ud, Che,rleB Lalande <9. JDdßoccnrarteu# Jaoob T. Bun ting, Uharle* S^Wood,, ; Bmitia Bovren, Jems. S. tittshug. a. m.runohman, hemetory: - February Id, ISM. fe» •jyHB BNTSBFKISF of fhuladelbha. (FIRE INSBRAKOE EXGVJSIVEfeY.I COMPANY’S BVJLAIRB, S. W. CORES!<■ , WOVRTH ANB-WALNCT STJWXTS aiJUSOVOXB: F. Ratcrporp Stask, Mospucai L. DAiraeH. ■ WuiLiAM Mels*, Oso. H. Sssisr, Napbbo Fxazixx, . Josit H. Buows, • iM:&« X&JmW MgnuTjWHAßioit, J.L.fiaißiSoxn. -F. RATOHF'ORB STARK, President WU bTfi W. COXE. Besrctarr. . felt TJENN; MUTUAL' LIFE INSURANCE A; Company, H0..981 CHESTNUT Btreet.PMlaaMphia. ALA SHE THE IN SURED. Insure Lires for short terme or for the "whole torm'of life; treat Annuities ana Endowments j pnrohase Life. Interoat* in Keel Estate, and make all contracts de pendnlt cn the contintonole* of life. ‘Flier not iu Kxeontors,:Administrators, Assienees, Trustees, end Guardians. - ASBKTB 0F THE COMPANY, January 1, Ull, Mortraros, cronml rents.resl estate- 9531.081 27 United Stetea atooka.' Treasury notes, loans . of State of Fennajlvama, oity of Phila delphia, fto— *6B,res M Premium notea, loans on collaterals, Ao.'—n *87,6*4 *S- Fennsyirania, North Pennsylvania Rail roads, and.Co.uflty,aix percent. bond*_i— 109,80* 90 Dank, inaursnee, raihpjd,.j!Sga!jifoo)i, fc»; SZ,Cff 49 0»h on hand, agents* bi'stibea, &e„ sk, gffig.ia • , 91,(31,1& 01 DANIEL L. MlLLER,President, , SAMUEL E,BTOXES.VloePresident, JOHN W. HOBNOB. Seoretary. mhß-tf . f^ELAVARS MUTUAL SAFETY IK *■>' SSRANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Inaerparated hr the legislature of Pennsylvania, JKS. Oflee S. Ei aorntr of S£IKD and Tf ALNUT streets. " MARIHE IHfiWmtNCK, ProSS* |Te all parts ef tha Tforld, «*■ Seeds by CiMl^^kSf s rod Asst Bar ®a Merahaudise gene-taKy,- On Store*, BweUiSK ...... Houses, Hu, ASSETS OF WHB COMPACT, ftorsrabar 1,1630. 9100,000. United States firs OP sent, loon—. ®I(SS AM M IICdBO United States aiz & oent. .Treasury v \ . Notas, turlth scoraed interest}— JB,*» 84 US.SSO Pentwfyssla- Bteto-. fire! ISP aeii! .■ . m lefeiu.; i.l Kfitn 31.000 . .* s». • «e, . sin do. - d«. • fLttt &l- Philadelphia City six JSf eent. Loan. - ISMOS S 7 M.SmO Tenceteee State !«»■ eent, loan- H.OOO os M.OOO Pennsjlrama lUilJoad Jd mortgage • • red «°2!‘ 7 ~ «J»oao JUra) SM chores, stook fiermsntoem ass . Gsmpany, -interest and. principal smtranttei by the Cfitr of Phila- MH IDO*Jm«„Waisiltaju* "iailiMd.. M ’* l ® 00 lOTehKMfewajPeSJwriiranlajSir - f,^e 0® M0 0» IiMO D shares Continental Hotel Oo.i-1— bw m «®»,TO9 p.rt, Oo»t'e«7js!B.§4,\. Moths; T»].#*Sl,U9 n Bills reoerrable, for insurances mode 171 $B5 is &?iss?. laort!:ae ' ! ‘ , -S"—- M.MD 1» S-snl estate—— i. wi.: ■■; jj Ba|jui»f»*4»e *t Areaeie*—Premiums aa M«~ >- nae roueleai lfiterpst. «tt4 other dabteda® tb9 Caiapaay.-: . , ..|. , . • -■ ■• ; - gt cm m. 8 rteek of- canary isseranM £si ’ Caal? »n *ws2'-is» .aaujffalS •* v- 33 -w w*'i « " ' peoohutit TPanldm: | r?S?n n* Bre *®' ! Mwa« BMBnitoß •**u£ OeJPa'ris, ' ft. Jane® Urwcfrj, fauna Hq«u%.... U'tfntM,' ; - WibiSH e-nt, if., , Sheasan C; Baud. •sJjxsb fl. Haßi, -.abort Batten. ViiUsnst!, S.u- I -lisaiiSj.M’SarUßd, Fi»:E. r da* : j • St'S?t- •. i t- tofljHeaple, Flush's. AsssCrsis. 3, W. Morton, <* Yhfertss b.e3ij, ■ r A. 13. Bbtest. *- President.- Birw»T . ,-. „ O' SAKJSi Vies President. ; HJBOTT higABHHPr. Koaretar'. ■ polT-tf ' U*W3. WIKB. IKSUEANOB BXOLUSIVBIiY eJi'feipOtnpanj, iaTorlblj- known to the eomiuuuiti 3r ® ar ®' continues to insure asainst loss' 3' damage or Ftre, on pUblo or private: Biiißinr*; hither pemanontlT or Vor a Wed tiffld.' stooks of Woods or Marohandis* senhraUx. on libers! toiethermth a larso Surplus Fund, is ItiVMtod in tho most cftrofbl manner, "waloh.' ozuiblos o"®/. to ‘ho insured'an uud.»iLSS“»snrt¥ 1’ *»» wl «TjWO. —■ .: T " . ■ ■ :... aiueyea-a. Jonakbaoi PMtoraan, iEftalakum. i*iSs!t n i Boeboii, Pamei Smith, it., ® I’vftTJ Acont£iiuV] ■ John '^T(rci£ > Thomaa Smith. SFSK&- IHSUEAMJS. --‘'MBQHAjffiOB* osttru'-i- Stoacn r'i&iiirjt |ra3wiai Ki«hatsi ■ ££wara mOffTifitn JtmWiMiirtiii, 2rhowM B, MftConsu* Joan Bromley,.-*•■■ ■■ M atthojrJMeAlwr, bran QuiFtilla, S«raard Raoetty. ; .John C&atady, ¥2i*ma« Je'HbmpjiUi. - ilarnard HTHuias-wißa teKHj ciuSiS? sk£r* lhn . W*Stwuu, ,_... r SliolißolCaliiii.' Fr ioc«sr AMBRIOAN: ETBB IWSORAHOB no., PE'f uli ORPOIu ' ffSll 109 “ ClYAStfEir PEH .Streatiabpve Third, Philadelphia, .largs paid-up CapitAl Stook’and SarwJua. invested inwound and available Beonritiet, oontuiuet to taimre oc Dwellint*, Stores, Fnraitnre, Merohandlte, Vettelt in port end iheir oarioee, and other penons’ prepertr.. All lotoetliberaUr.and promptlradiSttet ;■ . . »’nßcvoa«. ■ Shot, R. Slant, John 7. frevrit, fcf'M' • OkMt W. Poiltcpy. mciet MorrUf THOMAS R. TtIAK-IS, Preaidem ARBKRT C. a. OJLAWFORBeflwfftSrye fSgitf , |?1XOMA»OB fHSORAfJOB COMPANY AJd -Offloe Hc. tO9 WADWDS Street. FIRE IHB.tntAfiCE on Eouet and Morohandite lenerally, en favorable teres*, oitkar limited er per pettal. > -DIREOSfDRS: Jerenuak fiemnls, Tbornat ittam, John ti. ginnodo, Okariet Thomptoe, Edward D. Robertt, . JatnetT. Hale. Samuel i>.,Smedley< Jethua T. Owen, Reuben 0, ■ : John J, flhrtfßtha. loAilMiAd HOliflAhh, Preiident, JOK« 4. GIJWODO, Vino Pratideni, Rurnan* Cos, Secretary. . Jaß pmiiABSJLPHIA TEE RA-OOTT A *■ WORKS, ORos&udWan Roonp», 1010 OHiia'/WTT Sirast, OmniuentAi Ciumncj Tops, Rarden Vaaetand Statu&rr. bnoaußtlo Floorme Tila. Arohlteoturai Ornunoxtb. . /onnlatinj and Smoke Fiwbn, ttdco Tile aud Sanitary Wart. Steam-proiiMid Draw .Pipe, Water Pipe, warranted to uta&* sreaeuroeoheap and durable, ¥ko Trade supplied on liberal I'.rtff*. , by * ».n 'i, elt^r JnST.RBOBIVED, per “ Annio Kimbsll,” from JjiYorpnolv Mandar. 'WaaTrr, /* Majidpr * preparaliona: - ■ M IbaiKxcraot-Aoonitit m l »jani ? , H »* :Kxtraot Hyosey&mii in 1 ft jut* i 10 R» Kxtr&ct tteiiadonnat, in I ftjar*. r 100-Rr fixtraot Taraxaci, ml&i&rs r •0 9ib Vm Ral (jolchioi, m l & Dottier. iOO 2»i 01. ftttOOim Keoi., ic 1.8 bottlt* MO 9>b i ® bottle#, ' ’ v • «’»'x °M K« iraTf. iti I B»Jar*. WKTHSRIUi A. BKOTHKR, mtif: ■ and 49 North BKCOND Streei M-Ofevato.—A.oW.Dbl#. Me*# Mm. i» tU in*, S Aiaos srel, iaTco,medi«sft, ana amaH ’in assorts oMt#r»& ♦f okqiofllate*oaugni fat fi#u, bbla. Kew Halifax, Bastpan- »«;* % rinM»df «hoi<»daaU4loit«: > , (4100'boxoB oxira new#o&i#aß«ma&ff. • boxei.oxtranew.Noj. Hernntc I jjoo b»eajtrae stoTrtnee HO bblit.Maoldnae/WhUe FiiV, . , BObbl#viiewKoonomyM«afßAitkA- U bbl*. aew Ralifla Balmon, i 1,000 Rraad Bank Godfiaa. . oo baxM Heikua#r-ooftsty.Oa#««av .. 1. in #t«r« Aaclaadmr, ?#r#ala>y ’ nee' ' nivi^'^^^v^aSy’eb.'' YAEJOSg. miLABBLPmA. a?,iw si . V A. •s. wt.Jm -•-■ it , m^RSsmrnmsii^m La 57S Wotr Depot. oorper of BROAD &&d OAi»LOW wto*, airflwfa, pftIbADfiLPHIA, (Pa*»e»ror s»i SSlS^lP^^ffi^^£RO e Xi>* o '#. ™““ *° B iShsKHOON Mgm- „ . ow X)AU,f > oarmeotia* at, Harrisburg with the **ss» J*M* i'KII.*,D*t»SUV HI l9*» ToPhatt)ixviHe__, S 8 Readme #8 Cebanon-—. „ « Harrisburg Uj, . fisKSte=a! WiOTertoa Junction 138: Hotthnmberland.—lJl —.-lg . JsLlitojl »«i.i» in «- ..^-m JoraerShore-:—,„J33 lioei HaTea- ■..—386 TroT t WilliamßßOrt and Hlmira Railroad. •.; • •. • • The 8 A. M. and 3.18 P. M, trams .connect da’JtafilPrt oioSfeconceotloaß with hoes to tfiMara Kalin*, Canada, JPE^pTn-PH!I?DE |iPH), A: dofnor of: BROAD jiiar». 18*1. - •. ' .. - ■ ; aoaoTtf. Philadelphia »nd3laadme and Lebanon Valter Ji* SOJMMfiK AKiiAtiQJK Leave Philadelphia. 6,7,8,3 10 11,1* A. ili-, 1,3,8, I ’whe B*2o A.’wf arS sis P. It Train* «op as Seraan torm only. o» SUNDAYS. lidnr« Philcvtielphiai 9.08 A, M., 23tf, 51£, 5,7hU »ud a6>£ r * a 6 « c ii mwAMtstos* .Leave Philadelphia, tt» 8* 10* 18 A* M.,J, 8.55, 4,6,8,9, a i?6a-« cj'hMtrmt Hill, 7.19, S, BAO, 940,11.40 A.M., 1.40, S.SS, 8.40. 7.10,8.40, and ifl.lo P. M. , • . , 1 Tie BA, M. adif 3.3 s P. M. -Bill rfiats no Uinta ®n !ho Sensanwirn road. ijjrNDAVli !j lijjiePbilail«iplila 1 9.|sA.M.,«<,5,and™P. Mi T l.uaTß (Jliestntn Hill, 7.EIA. M.< 13.40. 8.10, and, 9.H1 P ' FOB CONSHOHOCKEW AMD MoMISTOtyH. Leave Philadelphia, S.M, 7X, 9.08. 11.05 A. 11., 1.96, B.M,4Ki«i : B,attail«P,M ;ii ; „ . „ - ■_ ■■ - Leave Norriatomi, 6, 7. 8.08,9,11 A. fii„ IJS. dJS, 814, I andSK B. M, :- qH SHNfIAV*' | Leave Philadelphia,!) A. Mi,*3 and 3 F, M. i Leavo Norristown, A. M.,1 and SF. ML forTaanatomk. - Leave Philadelphia, 6.60,714,9.03, 11,CS A. M,, 1.03, A, M„ 3,3*; 3,7. and 10 . . - gfajjjjfa \ Leave Philadelphia, OA, M,, 3.5, and 7J£P. M. L4r.Ho hiftniWoikj.ra A. M., IH, «*, and » P. M. j .. .‘ H. icteiflfTHi.iWoral SnpenMsiident. rnrll-lf Uenbt. MIK'PH. AM BSERW- SiTgeU, PEHHSXIiTAHIA OJNTR.U TRACK."' 1861. fflawM ISSIi THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS BETWEEN PHILADBLPHIA AKP PITTSBURG, Connecting direct MPhiladatpmairvttiTljrottehTraiiw from Boston, New York, and ail pomt* TSa&t.fittd In the Union Depot at. PittsburgwithThroueh Trams to and from aujpointt m t fie Wost* Northwest, and SoutKfreat —*thua fnjineincj.facihtiois for the transportation of Passenger# UDeurpiMßed for speed and comfort by any ether ronte. Express and Bast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without change of Care or Condnotors. All Through PaMenser'l'iainß prondod withLoughridse’s Patent i Brake—apoed under perleot control of .the engineer, i thus oddrar much to the safety of travellers. . Smoking Cars are., attached ,to .each Tram ; wood i fyys esooptefl. ’ • ■ . .•■ rSm loß & Ctf A. M. JtoirowTrain leave# ‘V.r. I&Sp.JSI. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AG FOLLOWS : Harrisburg Accommodation* via Columbia, B.SO P. M. Columbia V‘' d.oaP.,M. . . ParkeSbur g “ *!-• . West Chester ‘ *io I,ftt 8.15 A. M.-- “ No. 2- at 18.08 P. M, • West Chester Passengers will take* the West Chester Nos. 1 and 3 Barnabarg' accommodftifohaiid Columbia Train*. ; Passencers for Sunburj, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Phil&deipnia at ?.S8 AeM. and 3.50 -P* m, 9 go directly through. - v Ticket# WeatwarA may be obtained'at the. office# of , theComp&uy in Philadelphia,New York,.Boaton, or. Baltimore ;imd Tickets Eastward at any of the impor tant Railroad Office* in the West ; also on board tunr of theregalar Lino of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio ri aitraya sc low, and time wi u by beo othsr RjJfciS. For flirtHor ififorjeetnnsßjjy eiAss Fecsencor Sta tion, Sontlieadt corner cfHrcvontS. sm fibsa-fcot utreeis. • The completion of the WsOtoni oesnsotrone of the FennsylYsniß. Rralrondto Chi carp, make this the DISECT Link BET WKEM THE EAST AND THE: 0.-.. i gUEAT-WE3T. 1 I'h. oonneetion of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Fittibttrs, aroidia* all drayase Or ferriase of Freisht, ■ togetherwith the Baying of time, are advnntatei readi ly appreciated by Sbippern of Freight. afidthe Trarcl ims ru&iio. Morobanti and stipeers eatrastjnt the transporta tion of tlrsirFyeurhf-totbifl Company, ean ; roly with 1 . eonfidenoeoEitacppedytrannit.'i -■ , THE KATES OF FREIGHT to and front any point in the w«t by the PennsylTanid Ki-ilrosd art at all Inter er favernbis a. art «Asrr«l by otntr Hailtaed. ffmrranira. . ' Vr Re particsiar to 'mark paek&see “ via Tenney 1- yanwßailroad.” ■ ■ For Eieirht Contracts or Shipping .Dirnoticns, apply to, oraddjoss Cither of the foßowmc Asrents of the Company.' „ H. E. Tieree St johneon. Rip lay, Or; R. MoWceiy. Mayinlle, Ky.; Onnibj & Crop per, Eortimouth, 0.; Taddoek A Co., JeiferaonYiUs; Indiana; H. W, Brotrn & Co., Cincinnati, 0.: Atiierr, fc HibbortTCinoinnatr. O.; K, C. Moldram, %di*on, Jjt.S., Jos.K, Moore, Lonia’nlle. Ky. ;T. S.- O'Riley fc Os., Eranonlio, Tnd.-s N. vr. Sraharn & Co., Cairo, is l • *W** '£al}* r J 8 01a«SsiSt, -Jjoais^Mo.; John 3*. Kirtr.t, MeahTUlo,-Tonn,; Barns ft lltmt, Mem- SN, i Co., Chioasd, m.; W; JR, H. Aorinfe,; AEoja, ni, ,-or to iFrsiaht - Afonin of Railreads B. D.'KIWgSTOH..jg. ghrladaji'hih; MAaRAWdt KobNd', 1 Sn" ‘RfH-OOS*'o?lSj Wilpm Jt., a, y LEECH A CO., H 0.17 State street, Boetdil.- H.'IH._HOirSTOTt, Ooa’l Freisht Anent, fhila. ii' Ofn’i-TiehotrAeont, Thiia, E. LEWIS, Sen'l Sturt Altoona. Fa. JaS-lr 7SMH WJ!.IfJ?-B*. W*l«J ASJMJKimrall S3?bt • r WIKI. fi££7B 48;IT0£WWBi7IS.: . JU M< M., via Saatisß ssi AisWi*, B,'ss4 A. Ai^ 1 ' MU.K.H •saiwwMt itaay--car; (W. AoaoßEisdaSija u~_ » ,•»«-. . aIS * %itl '■*''***aa4 Jerzw? Si-1?, ?£*rs£2g . AtUKA»2fcji via Ko&a&gfci»& *&£ Ja2s&v chty»'v* a —-—— soa Atl3K j*. C&ssdeß «i 4 Asb?y Aw©BS3a.@‘ - ---: -' ■•• -■'••■ ' AtgjK aai/Assi|Y» G.&&4A. Es nfigj&rjfe?3ft K«aringtesitadJo7a«7^^jafegT B W lSa^ *£ *•s'• WyTEfimnir- * Mail~ r ,, ,■ _ _ ■ ■.«■• ■■ .ft £0 ■ AtHJ£J t M«> via OggMte&'T&ctd Jersey Oiiy.aiteisji net. 1 ffinvlf ’*3? ..Camden and Jtmr Citjr. 2d A t* Wp***** a *ai~Ai»o*T7 3 * ■ H»a, »Mi fMsansrir)—let 01sirWri*£;_ *« •i-.-’ 5 ®- , ~ Sd CIMS'S-oiet-'llp ©Tin MAlUßg,tTtrdaTKflsaftQtori> • Fer.Trater. 9»p. StrssuisbxrgT Baraiataa, » g t Band, &©;? 7.15 A«M, freift £am*hjgf*7.:. : m 7.JU A, H. and et F, IK. Iroa Semnaston C«B*t; (ti« /.l'i A. Iff; Kiuwoa- fcr-Mauoh *•>'*««>i»». *i . BtrnrLj. Btfu**-' t yi»raJw».B««9n*»TO,a*„atMK,- 1. s,lK.aade hiWiiL 01 ,^' 1 ' 15 ® t 0 one BoUarpw wsf“ ■ mhS? - - TOR ttAWMBR. Aea-L ; '* °P»»NSI i- FOYiESTOWK^KA^'-’S on end JSHfW 1 IeaYAFRyKS andWU.Lo'w StweiTPhSe d*l?lLlftid*u)y* (Cmidaia sxccptad),'as fciiowc; '£ Sa Pl***kJsL isotbleboni.- Allentown, # Hasloton,- Wi&esbarrc s -&e, • &c ' train Tc&than&mou ats ft-2S4e. and makes e J «ra <*9un«9ftpnwitlk;KfTf. , J»mr;o9&tr»i for Wew y®** - fit 5»16 t 5. K,ei iwf ’'WF' s' ‘«V A. fend-t? ?prl/oyiessow»e YTojiunEtoE. : _ A .‘ train make# cioso donneat!*;. at ..Borbjteheni, beinj tka ybiorteat and mo« doiirablejouteto Wilk^rbarre, fletMsrtWM *M A. SI.. P.lB A. HhieJUt i<“»ve poj-leoiowii atT.J3 A.M.nnd i.lSfits. ’ H P, M , B®JniAV^ll.~'P*iladalpli?a t ' icy • BetiJakea# a* 8 - :v -• ,• ■ JiiiMeipiie tor Horiestown it> S F. st goTlettown forFtaladelphlo at«.« A;!».. Dethlehein for Philadelphia et's P. M, rani to Bethlehea-Sl »«| Fare to a, * 55?JS.^?“S? !l tnr 1 ® iFire to -Wilketbirre- *1 so rJT™ E .‘?T^i D^svL- E s,J it ¥' 1 Procured et the Ticker SfSMfi^gjSSagrS-fig*" B «-r» R=»oud and Tillro-«reeJt PMsensor RaulroaSS® tw S ??f oujiute* ifwr loivust Willow Street. . ~ ' .'K3uJk.tR-CJbASIg, Agedi. am taaajMae.Ji 1 ' J3P.K3M6 AiUCANiiit _ On mo &ft« RIONDATjAFRIL M.lBBl, FAD3EWOISR THAIMS LEAVE Hanj*6j3frßHlA: awrkmr!ia m f‘ SIC A- ®" »-wA.M.,tKipn»s), i-fx. Ai E ' lE A - M " I’-WA.M., ~lf and IPA& J| For > W\, i miiieUr at t,HA, tt„ 11. M A. M„d.W »**■ f “' (Ewrtst), «.u A.eaveCWe«tornt3.«fi A,Mi’, . tf»»vf vrn«uvtf)«n at o,w a. er.a ii.w aw a a..'Al. ■ ;■■ ?JLAirt,wi£fi Paastinrar Car attsakW* vill ran as follows • , Wave Fktladelpbifi far PerrrviilD and mtenszedixi# plates at S.SOF.M. hesvo.Wipmnsw.B ft» t-«rrrvillt end .imaiwwttiaw piaeos at7,liP,M. j LoaYp Wilmic'ctou for .FJutedtlpjua anrf mtarmo dsateplaoosata p. A 1.... . 1 care anTT*-^ * - O rMnj3*r B» Uuaore and intarmedi ate stations at OA. M. , s ,iXSo«»tri’*M, r s " ro "*'; 0r «» M< Intermeei. , , ■ ' OM dHADAYa. .io»Bfi[A»i^n j o w tf - ar 1 > Waehinkton j Eeayiiup Baltimore foriiPhilmielphti it *.« a, M. ,au B. M-. FEEROM. Freenlani, Mm' KVAKS & VFATBON’S MBR. SAXtRKANDBB SAFES, non n**' «vk«sjihv ,(■■■• PHUJPjjhfct. • utreat ani #3l MI&OM. Bt. Ms. #3O MAg»l*» - ths; 3RABON. PfITST FALk SAbB BROGANS, be, • i.fltTO OASISB * -m.bT Oftta- Angont 1. at 10 jm ol^*°6? 9 “f f eSklfktioa, eatlr on a law mvM« of prinia arm? brogans,. ’ Xf corner of SIXTHandSAOBSK^"' '"•" '“' '• ; at PRIVATE SALE. . ■ AT „ *£• following articles wi a c% w»a xor won «"*« agaaiaaESfegsfe ’■?sfSS 5 & r aS-HiSife ifSB'fSSSISSs s^tss^s^iSSifS laSßaS^Basw"" rsorthena Central Railroad. aati fiSric &■ Moaer |ot any-length of tint® aerJed Wi>6» oh gold cs 4 ,ailV©J< piete.r d?nrao«u«?. :sgss&ff3Krfey i witrajnftnts* j tv rnm?s dldifinig. gro-ocnest hafum Ce iu Feint* windintlu Stom*t>k f or ”<***3 *« tar gpyttlt* fftodatha, t lf othetderSqcementsof tbegtOTnWhaft4 Bosnia te lt aa« drooping opirita, and. regWiO *M we£k» nervous. «nd beoomed&eptod.raa iAairnerTrarwßteira {haltered,• .eonstitntiKitecfem.dafrn, radraWeot to toot hombl* 'tons to humanity, l%Sjm.wim TRAM'S.!’ *{i%. M-. wine claw i«.jl nMfiMMT . On© does will remove all Bed Spirits. • One doee will cure HeaTt-bura* >Jbreedoses will ourelndigeatioii. OnedosewtUgiveyotta GoodrAppetii*., . One dose will atop Iks distressing pains of .Dyspepsia.-. One done will remove the distressing and disagreeable edeotS' 6f ‘ W4nd tft Flatu«tfoe*~6Sid iw won, &* the stomach xw6iTo»,tfco vliwigpiatin?, Snif ll, %to distress ins load am dll wsfnftil fdebngs will Be remdfduf: One dcxse will refold ;tft* most distrwamg paiss o» *ttolic,either]ii'tlie.sfioin2«ii'^,^^ i ls f A i«W doses will remove all otextftt&ivni In the Aidnos « Bladder.orOrinffiryOrgasi. - • ; . 4 . Persona sXito are sefteosly. afflieted with any J?idne> Complaints are assurdcrof speedy relief by a dose 01 two, and a radical cure 6? the oae of one or two bottler SIGHTLY PISStPATIOH. . Portions whet from duwipatmg too ever mratj and fohi SRaevii. effects oi poisonous liquors, ih violent ,headaQfcd3,Siokne«* ot ©toraaoh, weakness, find OfiAdoSewrU remove all bad feehnsit, iiadift* of weak and nm»tifcuttons should take the Invigorating Spirit three tfenes a day ; it .will make them strong,'healthy, and 'hapiy, rafifovb aßcfeatrue tions and irregularities from the menstrual' orgahifi, and restore the bloom of feeuHh and beauty to the careworn faOO, --t'.' ..- : v . ■; ■ During pregnancy it will be found an invaluable raedi emc to remove disagreeable sensations at the atom&ohi All the proprietor oshs is a tnal, and to mdnoa this, he has put up the Inviaonaffias gyimt in pint battles at Ohoente,an&ftaCl* . ;■■ etenefal Depot, 4 8 WASTES- Street, Ifew York. monv * CO, »3S North BBcdlfß Street,-': ?. - •,. srkoisssle Acanfci in Anil IcrESte br JOHK H. BATfCJs, 84 fi, EIGHTS Btr»et. tni all SfegeiataT. " "' r (,7-tiutnl, Kiwis * PAJ’TQOAST. AUOTIONBHB,- Sue* . B. Scott. Jr. *3l OEDICINAI.. PF.OPYLAiSINE, . „ w „ ■ __■■',■ Tim Hew Remedy tor ilHEif MAOISM. JJnrins the past year we hare introduced to the no tice of the medical profession of this country the .Pwa CxyrArAiuid Chloride of r’ronylnmiHe, as a REMEBY FOR RHEUMATKK; and haviaii ;reoeiV«d i from'many idaroo*. both from physicians of the nifhsst a tundras r.ndfrom patients, the most FEATOEXine Vebtimokiam of its real value in the treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, we are induced to present it to (he public in a form READYrFOR IMMEItIATE iJSE, which we hope will commend itself to those who aro suHerine with this nliliotine complaint, and to the me dical practitioner who may; leal disposed to test the mowers of this Tamable remedy. - EliIXiR PROfiYIiAMIRSi in the form shore spo ken of, has recently been extensively experimented with in the- fEMsrsYiviHU KoaraAt, and Wick 3IA&JL&I}SIJGGE3S(aa will appear frosith* account* in the me lioal journals. { is oaremliT pat up read? for immediate use, wlta nul directioiis. aDd csb be obtained from all the drußfiiats at 75 cents Per bottle, and at wholesale of BULLOCK it CXEWSHAW, Sruccistiaad. Manufacturm? Cbemiala, Philadelphia; jMKS. JAMBS BETTS? -CELEBRATED BUPPOjIXEItS FOS l-ABiEB.’snd t!i« only Bip porters under fflimat ffisdtoni patnwmffo, Ladies and phymtuan* ara- rstpastfally: rsquested to call only on Mrs. Batts, at iter residence, 103 U WAX,IfUT Streep riulatlolphia, (tosvoid comiioi-foi ta.> Thirty thousand Inyalida have bean advised by theirphysiciona to n«* her appliance*.. Those only are genuine boaring thy. Salted-State* copyright, label*, antbn boa, and srfaje- Kr3|jßEd also en tha Supporters. -with tastrasniftls SnSTKgfSS CARDS. ~iTOHN’..>WSLSH, PRACTICAL SLATE - SQOFEH, .THIRD Street and SEESt&HTOWft Rond, n prepared to pat on anotmonnt ol Eoo&g,' on she most moderate terms.; .will guaranty to make srerybioldlEr perfectly srater-tigh Order# promptly R'tfi.WM-to. : > ~ : mv7-fy • ELLIOTT.^IHSS^aALIQUOSg,' rtores, between Tail'S Fonrthi, north side,; ?w5»P' delphift* J*. B«—Fine GkS • on • b^if (Established in ts4g.) . - - ' jaJO-ffin ‘ PAWSOE, * -HFJHOLSOg, ' . Sjetmm oreea S&S* «i^»ipftvi^istAty«n : ' fcpl-dSra ■ J, B. SMlTfs* EASS AND. QOSITOKT. . A. THEOBALD askS, Who can please erirait everybody ? • SuoS » person probably never waa bora. But those 1 who know>wh«n they are. suited m BOOTS or SHOES are ravued to give Mm a oa.ll* aud those who never were suited before may be auitednow. .Be is at his old plac«-SOS COATJSKS&reet/ - • KA£LROA» .'lirirJßSV ' jB3« ~awr fmiimi WES T O HESXiSR TEA! NS TO fsnfe sets noon* 230 B. M., and * •XJn Bandar* le&vs Tfeilsdslphia at r*SO A. Ifl., and West Chester at 4 F. M. ' jjso-tf JSSaHHassssK ws 8 t'' ohsstes Amp phi Ij ai>el p jh.i a VIA MB&IA* ’ ■ SOMMER ARRAHGKW.ENT. ■On and after MONDAY, June S. 1861, til© trains wiil tear© PHILADELPHIA, from the Depot, N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and MAR&HT streets, at 7.45 and 10.80 .A. M,» and B.SD. and;Jo P.M;,asid will leave the station, corner of THi-iITV-PIRST and MARKET Streets, (West Philadelphia.) atS.OS and 10.45 AiM., ana Leave PHU.ADELPHIA A; M. and S P. Af. Leave WEST CHESTER at 8 A M., and fi ?, iri. Trains teavine Philadelphia and West Chester at 7.46 A, id; and 4.15 r. '*2. connect at Pennolton with Trains on. the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Oxford and intennsdiato; points, mj27-tf 4 , 0ti0i.--oss3Tsb _ : TRAINS Fdßl)OWm^Mc¥ > It'A^O'M TERMEBIATJB STATIONS.—On and after Ke-r. kK drains for -iWWNEHSTOWIf wul from the new FasannseT ZtepAt of the JPhila- Company, corn** oi BJtOAS and CATXOwSTIIx- &trftotn, i u • trend* on CallcvhUU •••■ ■ 'UDKKUfa ASM Ut •jpo'C’nmtesrs sQ±*iz i.i S.Sf • A.- Mi ' . ; -AFraFJfCCB VSAXRftar ©ssraiiurtoWK 3eaw.*t P.ffi. ' PAUaT **uuun( •attested).: . V® V, • J3rerd«. or »A«.JE»(Uffi.ttf..A34kEUS£e{**,«l sft*. K :..«*• and Xe&ti&ff j&ulrozd Company. r . . •- ■ ang •, •": !W. "g Mcr^gEßgV;Sg-erg-taryV •.• ; jjic jag ••"•f-Bitffrr Philadelphia and railboar oo„ f/Ufitee 817 Soatfe Fourth street.) • On and after May l. lDSi.aeason tickets •*’lo be issued oy this company for the periods of three, ox, nine,, and nrehre months, not transferable. «T4s, &n 4 tl\ p&ia& gScrik as.* ■-;*3 r cst.u- ‘ •■•■•. . .", . . ■.. •:. :. Pasrpa-* s *r*ins vnh iss*-»o tfe« aaw V-Pizot at tx« Pki- ana ■ K.©a4int K&iJro&d,. eornsT BKOa© and -AliLO'W iULA Strata, (Paaa&ntftr entranan «n fn* .K»AwHU train eonneetc as Kitssrt, for WU£oi , ..orrs, ftttean. Scranton, and r-l! station* on the * AOSLAWAJSHA AKBJUW)OMSCtf S« UAiI,£OAS. Sbnabevstr&iacmake threw eonnoctians at Kiaura wstli ISt* iraisa of tfctnlfeTr Yorlt and Krio, Cana adaj ana and Blatant Falls, and fisffalo, New York aai Eras,an* Xtv Yatk Centra! atn!r*n#», trem all mints JSorth and Wort, and tiia Canada*. ■ W-Kbcna, £»«»,*. an* ai-msMion Jinico, and all!: snostllatssomi*. “ V '2MK»# Pluia4«iwu» ait«£t ' rrWffi f&WSfe^sF 2 fete w.vs#a? si *Sft®«.jaasr“‘ k "*~" *• «*«»^ r,T? rt »x*n c salt : ■•'» ‘t.-r - rc- » t r C-J V > - ® 3-6*HESS COBH*A3MBB. JjMMWßlliii -? 1 * 52 fixpusau KthatSiV SSfJL? KL 4 T2 41 la »«snwti»> •» * ■ - £*■&*&>!£:. 900 '-’-'SES UNITED VINEYARD PRO. well known and favorite brandi tha° fi«. vllB abov ® tioo mto the United otatee under th« SSE iniporta whreh we bet to oall the attention of thifhJjl? Tl S’ to pie* can be aeen at our office. For „„ t ? de ; flam eoleatent*. j ar r^SSP&I by the l»» fm ■ ..iJj EBBLIE & COf, l—: ‘o? south FRONT htrt.t OklVi! Oik-—Pure • Olivo ull in ? MibojMas & mm, ~~~" • Ho*, island 141Soath FVBBTtII Strest (Fcrraorlr Won. 07 rad 68.). PGBtjIC SALES REAL ESTATE AHD ST(Ki*. AT THB EXCHANGE EVERY THESBAY, X?*,® - o’oloot, noon, daring the business eesjon. In inlw • 1 . A«*oootwional*sl#s. '’.d ’ AT WUVATE SALE. have a large aaaountof real ©state at sale, including ererr description ‘of city and ->»eitr. Printed ii»tn tout b* had ct the 7„>v.„ ' v f f SUPERIOR FURWTBRE, FRENcit AND OVAL MIRiriRB, BkS, 5 WTtlsiS, PI 1 'M ANO GLASSWARE, a aww carpets. *» • •* rl*nn— ~ o<3b»h.' tl “ B (Thewdar) fliominr, at tie ' r, »e- neeoed. ' ol * mantel imrror.eiif tftid formfure, fine ~iirror. in. gilt frame L ir ß me,-Freneh plate trt* i-JdmV“ o fma American SmjS* beds and t, n f nym ;!;„ * ware, Biussefo and other oitfr*-. ’ HteHtion atcraoti^© : aasortmemt worthy the *k tentton oi «diea and lotHer*deairon* of TSTohaams. .M -* *r Catalosnea now roadr and the artlo. orrantm for examination. ;- Bale at New. IS9 and lil Jouth Fourth Street. (OPBRiORFURNITURE, FR.KKCa-Pt.ATK MIR RORS, PIANO-FORTES. BEDS AND BEDDINS, BKUSfeELS ANB OT3RR CARPETS, Ro. ■ ; ' rr This Morning, At 9‘ o , cloclr, at the Auction ft tore, an c ; excellent fiocone-nanu furniture, elegant pianc l *fwtee f ■fine mlrfore, oanwte. bede am! bedding, *o, from' fom lie* declining houseKespnsss, removed to the itos’e te o®£Lvomonoe of sale. TC/S FITZi'ATKI- K. & BBOS., AOO AW-* TIOBEESg.SQ* OBBBTK ITT St., above Sixth. ••''ins ■KOMIS',and fancy Mode, watches, jeweiOi ware, eatiery, paintings, mueioai lfleiynmento, «o. s.iAMfcrßCjletr.-to'lWwbjbooto ana sheas, aud mw . CI J>A y! Ai Kefeverjr°Mend »y. W-dni»4a T , and prf. **' St W °’ C, “VlifeE BALES. * tori rate (sale. several ISree eqansmneate of watches and jewelry, boohs, stationery, sUver-plated wars cut lery, fancy Mods,- &0„ to whijTfa.soHeited the atten tion of city and country merchants an* others. Consignments solicited for Bis Kinds Cf merchandise* for either pubiio or priyate sales/ ; * iiiiperal cash advances roads on conaieTcenw • sates prornytlr nttftTtdfld t>-» .*s** ' STEAM ENGINE AND »II&BOrLER WORKS-ItSAFIB * LEVY, 'SSJSffiJWrJXmo- THEORETICAL founders, Jiaviag, for manr years, been in successful opefation, and been is bmldirix andxanairin* fflarme and -Kiver-Engineß, tush n«rt' irS mwM&i Iron Boats, Water Tanks, PropeUcn, 3S 1 thepuWio m i/fnS fnlirjißpMM to oontr&ot-fo/Engines of ill SfrSi and-fltationwy, iKSYinr M of mferent ri*MT»re Prepared to exoouteor- SerswthQuioVdSaonMh. Ererr de«nj>t.on ofPattern maSe noaoa. Hirt «il« Pressure, Pine,.Tubular, sad beatPennsylvaniaoharooaUrofi* Eorsinzs,waunze* and kinds j Iron and Br&ws CsJitmga-of'a^dosonpUoM, Roil TnrßiEß. Screw Cuttinlf. and &7 1 other work eon necteditith the abovebneiness. and are provided with &ils, &0.,- - te raieias liootj or lirtt trjusitg KEAFIE, "JOHN P* LEVY, BE AC a and PALMER Streets, I, VMTGBAJC-MBRBICKi 30KH COPE. WILLIAM H. MERRICK* * HARTLEY aUSRRtCK. couthwatik: foundry, {” FIFTH AND wASEIKCTrON STHKETtE, • • rnn.JLDSi.PBu.; .. -rffERMCK A. 80H3, JSNGWSMMS , Hanufaoture High act! Low Pressure Bi«ra i.ngine». for li>d, river- and marine service. Boiler*. Gasometers, Tante, iron Boats, ing« nf all kmds. either iron or ctsss. - ■ • ~ Iron Frame ftoofi* for Oas "Works, Worksfeope, itail and‘ Machinery - of th® I&test and inwt * , J?V6rj < (io»crStion o ofl : ’lajltetil)n MaoMnei,.. eueh tx Sugar, SaW, and Gritt Mills, Tamara .F«j»*jOse BWarn Trains, Befoostors, Filters, Pumping bssuxi. Agent* for N. Killieu*’" Patent Sugar Bojiirj: Machine. : - mi ~? PO33ST-ELII&MAISI FOUNDRY, No. 951 BEACH Sfceet, Kensington. f hiMeiphia.-Wil,- JUIAM H.TTEBS infoims hie friends that,having pnr- Ohaeed the en’ire stock of Patterns at the above Pmtn drji tie 10 now.prepared to reoeive orders for Roiling. Grist, and Savr- Mill Castings, Soap, Chemical, end House .Work, Gearing. Castings made from Rever berator, or Cupola Furnaces, in An or green sand, or ■ loam.:. t-i - .. ■ i"’ l ' 3£NEy TfOCJBi * (isnerai ismvarintnndBnt. •EreMKrar- SAJOSSBT AUCTION. MACHINERY AND IKON. SHIPP IK«* ■rf«)Bft STEAMSHIP GREAT EASTERS SOtafflS-FOR LIVERPOOL. The GRtA’J' BASTKFW, James Kenedy, com mender* will sail from Quebec for i-iTerpoC''« {tbm&rt permitting) on Tuesday, th* 6th of Animat. * Jmwb ger* to be on board on the evening o r the Bth. . RATES OF PASSAGE, • Cabin* . ——:— _s6s ‘ Steerage*—— - $3O Pasieneere occupying the grand saloon, berths will be charged 915 : Berthe cot secured until paid for* Iwo experienced s are on board.. Steerage pa-serctre are required to provide bedding, also eating and drinking utensils *lh© ship will take aa oar t o—fiour. gram, sahes, dry deals, felilli r!lu A TION SS&MML BY: STEAM BETWBKK HEW YORK AKD LIYES-PO9L, oallijj* E* QSfEjeKSTOWN Ore laodt) to land and embark orasancsrt and despatches. The'Liverpool, Hew York, and i hiit.rfeipftia Steam ship Company's splendid Cljds-bnili Jjou uorew steam ships, are intendetito sail as foflctr*: -. hew yoek fqh Liverpool. GLASGOW, Saturday, Amuet 3 CflY OF BALTIMORE, Saturday, Awt stlO K.AHGAROO, Saturday. .Augostll Aik! ercrs Saturday tircurhour the year, frou* F rt'A ' *A?S3 OF PASSAGE „ • YJIEO W<5H EBOM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin, to Queenstown, or — 9®' •* Do, to London,*!* Liverpool, _ IBQ 3t*or&se to Queensto-yB, or LiverpooL- —.— ft£) Do. to London.—~~ _ —.— ~~ $8 Dc,, Eeturn tickets, available for six month*, from Liverpool., —, _.. _ 9® jraßiesgera forwarded to Harrs-, Pan*, Hambur*. Bremen, and Antwerp, at through rites, Osrtinoa.t6« of iisuod from Liverpool to Weir York —,— 948 Certificates of please issued from Queenstown to ~ 350 Tsliese steamers hare superior aaqaannodaGawi for vriih watertisht compari raonts, and cam experienced Burgeons, . : F®r rreigkt, or pa**ase, esppfr; at the office &i Die Com pany. v JOES G. DALE, Aseat. . - ' j all Wamafcstreet, Philadelphia. Iu Liverpool, to WE IKMAiS, Tower BoildLss* In SiiwtKow, to WM> I24MAK, JLa Dixon streiv_ THE MBIT3SB AKJJ ?4G£fß 333vg&*jea! mtoM ns* TOiX *o irraarooi.. Oiiaf Cobin— — 91 j» t Second Csba Panisse K 9SOM BOSTOM 20 irvswooi, Shief Cabin Paasago $Jl* Second Cabin Passage—W *hips,from Nctt > ora call at Cork Barter., M • Sk* shipsiroKj Boat on call sfc Halifax and Gars Bar- ISksiA,Capt, Judiio& AE.EIGA. Capt. Shannon. ISaBeI, Capt S. Stone. , CANADA, Capt. J. Leitoh ifi Alciptle. Lots AMEEIci, Cast, Hooter. SSCTiSBffitAB, ' v! MIASMA. Cast, ftuwdi., Cssst. Cook. EWKQPA,Cant. Aadenss, : ' SCOflA.OioWbmldlaE.) ■ : Shew T*«sal» omry s olesr wiut* Jsiht at mast-SioM: •. «!«sn on starboard t«w ; r<£ on sort bow. r CANADA. Aloodie, leaves Beaton, Wednesday, Jo j « j ASIA, Lott, “ N.¥or)e, Wednesday, July S 5 ARABIA, Stone, “ Boston. Wodnasdiw, A tie, r s AFRICA, Shannon, « jOoik.Wednesdsy.Aiiir« tvURCPA,;AiiuerMn, “ Boton. w>aj;e»Jay. Aug :: ; PERSIA, Jndlrins, , •* rt.>ork, Wednesday, Aust Bertas nataecaradnntll paid for., An experienced on board, .. Ute owners of rheee abiija vilinot be aaeo uiawJf Sold, SilTer, BnilionjSpocift, le-weiij, Ptsciou* Srae? or Hota{«,uiLl«aiMli3 of ladineare signed thereto:, tae xalae thereof therein exprswodA. Pot;_£*«» K ticcs&se.apply to ’• IS. CwRASP* dßowiisr ®r»en, KevYsis ifrjVHE PRESS” BO O K A IT D JOB PRINTING E S T ABLISHMENT NO. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, ’ RMIX AD EL P ELIA. gg? The attention of the Business Commit? is respectfully invited, to the NtswT^j^i: Job Printing Office ot « The has been fitted up with New Malq *s™ mbiit'complete manner, and is to execute, in a satisfactory style, every t* riety of Printing BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. GAUDS, CIRCULAR* CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, RECEIPt 8 ' BILLS OF LADINO, LETTER HEADING 8 ' BILL HEADS PAPER BOOKS, CERTIFICATES. HEEDS, BONDS, mortgage BALL- TICKETS AND PROGBM I^' MERCBMNTS, MANUFACTURER*' CSANICS, LAWYERS, 'AUCTI"*' . HERS, PUBLIC OFFICE banks, railroad ■AND INSUMJNCE COMPANIES, Will _be supplied with atfp deecnp 1 * Printing required, st short notice on ll o