The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 31, 1861, Image 4
Mr. Nulogellgo Letter from Cairo. (From the London Times.) CAIRO, Illinois. In my last letter I gave an account of what I saw on my way to the city of Memphis, and of lily visit to the Secessionists' camp, mid braught up the narrative of the journey to my arrive( at this place, which is the headquarters of the brigade of Illinois troops employed in behalf of the Union to keep a watch and ward over the important point which commands the jiintelon of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. Major General Pillow, of Tenneaso, biocimis the current or the united rivers at liitenir Brigadier General Prentiss bleekedsa j i tb streams before they join at C s irt?..,Vgre'r up. The former is in the midst of friends: the let o ne lair -across the ter is surrounded by rivers, in hie rear, bolo - fiind, and above him—.4u his very ei,t. ! re are Secessionist feelings, ssa i wihes, sometimes rePresered 41 force. There are in the larger gc • ~ t it this vast region conditions of 0 n the subject of Union or Soles . h are like the electrical phenomena conductor, charged by induction. As rho tea approach or recede from the groat slave agriculturists. they become Secessionist, or divided, and finally Unionist. Western Vir ginla is rather Federalist than otherwise; Southern Illinois is in several counties all hut Secessionist; East and West Tennessee differ in sentiment on the great question; Missouri is also distracted by Federalist and Disunion. Ist. It may be that this schism will not only break up the Union, but oven split up the States. for the sovereignty of which one part of the Republic is arrayed in arms tigainst the other. The Secessionists, however, stop short with their universal remedy at the borders of each State, and do not admit the right of se paration to any portion of a State, unless it be in their own favor. A Union man is very glad to observe .discussion in a State, when it is brought about by the friends of thel Govern ment at Washington. A Northern man will endure anything but the idea of the Union being broken up; he becomes intemperate and angry if it be hinted at. But, in what ever way the end may be worked out, it is clear the moans used in doing so are the old fashioned machines in vogue in the Old World, in the bands of despots, kings, and rulers ; and that the majority in States, which was formerly the ruling power, must be destroyed by the process. The argument of a self go venting people for the whole of the United States is now convenient enough; but we heard very different language when England demanded redress for the imprisonment of her suhjecte at Charleston, and when a British subject was seized in New York because be had destroyed a vessel in the service of the enemy. In fact, the whole of the philosophical abstractions on which the founders of the Republic based their Constitution have given way before the pressure of events, and every step that is to ken by the Federal Government in vindication of its rights or prerogatives is embarrassed by difficulties which, in the end, must be cut by the sword. The authorities can scarcely deal even with a rebel privateer; and in the case •of the schooner taken by the United - States brig Perry in all but flagrant piracy, with proofs abundant of her guilt, there is no court to condemn her unless one be specially devised, inasmuch as she ought by law to be condemned in the United States Court, in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina, where the United Mates processes at this moment are not of much effect. It is obvious that such .an emergency as the present cannot be met by any constitutional devices. Republics in a crisis have always bad recourse to dicta tors. If word-splitters, dectriue-mongers, and dodging politicians, at the forthcoming Congress of Washington, attempt to control the. action of the Executive by go constitu tional " devices, motions, or resolutions. they will do more harm to the cause of the Union than all the militia captains of the enemy's host. I A few hours took me out of the Southern camps to the Federalist position but Seces Mon sentiments travelled on board the steamer. 1 he passengers were rather Seeessioniat than Unionist, and, I must say, from what I have sere, there is far more leniency and forbear ance shown by the United States authorities to the rebels than the latter exhibit towards those who are in favor of Federal principles, which are generally described down South as siAbolltiouist." On landing at the levee of Cairo, the passengers went where they listed, and a very strong Secessionist from New Or leans, who bad travelled with me in the train going North, on (c business,"-1 suspect lam Merle prim Mercurio—was let go his way by General Prentiss, alter a brief detention. Re garded from the river, adratonsists of a bank' of mud rauning out in the junction of the Mis sissippi and Ohio, in the shape of a horizontal . The tops of certain unimpressive wooden stores appear above the bank, and one tall ho tel rises aloft near the sharp end, before which the United States flag floats with all its thirty four stare. At the angle there is an earth work, which is not yet complete out which will soon be &debt d, in very good order. It is a redan, or, rather, a flecbe, following the line of the banks, with a good profile and com mand—a regular ditch scarp and counter. scarp. The delta is strongly occupied by Illi nois volunteer forces, with two field batte ries and several guns of position. On the op posits shore of the Mississippi, at a place called Bird's Point, in the State of Missouri, is a detached post, with field entrenchments, held by a regiment composed of Germans, Poles, and Hungarians, under Colonel Schntt neri about 1,000 strong, and several pieces of light artillery. Posts are also established higher up on the banks of each river, but on the bank of the Ohio, opposite to Cairo, the awl is tabooed. There is the "sacred soil" of Kentucky, and Beriah Magoffin has warned the United States and Confederate States off his premises. It is my belief, however, that Columbus will not be long unoccupied. The Kentuckians opposite Cairo are very strong Secessionists. in the hollow between the levees of the rivers is cc Camp Defiance," which meet he the base of operations of any force proceeding down the Mississippi. The bulk of the troops are encamped in wooden sheds, provided with berths like those in a ship, which are disposed longitudinally. so as to afford the maximum of sleeping room. These sheds run continuously along the in ward side of the levees, the tops of which aro broad enough to servo as carriage roads. They answer well enough for temporary pur poses, but would not do for a lengthened resi dence. There can be no drainage, as the ground on which they Brawl is below the wa• ter level. The parade is spacious and level enough—the bottom of a swamp which the troops have cleared, cutting down trees and removing stumps with great diligence and labor. Joss 21. I visited the earthworks at the end of the levee. The work I found to be rather gc crowd ed" with guns, bat it gives promise of such strength as to enable the occupants to com mend both rivers effectually. The armament is quite adequate to all purposes, and consists of one 8 Mat howitzer, two 24 pounders, two 82. pounders, and tome lighter guns, the whole being dominated by a 10-inch columbiad in the centre, on a circular traversing slide, not yet mounted. The magazine is well made and lighted; It is the salisst and best 1 have seen in the States. The practice I saw with a field piece from the wad:, at a small target five hundred yards off, in order to try ricochet fire, was by no means bad, and would have speedily sunk a boat in the line of fire. Whenever a steamer is made out approaching Cairo a gun is fired from one or other of the ports. The steamer then gives the private signal agreed upon, and, if she does not an swer, is fired upon and brought to by a ronnd• shot. In the evening, as I was walking op and down the levee, atter a day of exhausting heat, an extraordinary tumult attracted my attention, and on running to the hotel whence the noise proceeded, I discovered a whole re giment drawn up two deep, without arms, and sbouting out in chorus, 4t Water! water! wa ter I" The officers were powerless, brit pre sewly Gen. Prentiss came round the corner and, mounting on a railing, proceeded to ad diess the soldiery in energetic terms, but, in substance, his remonstrance would have been considered, in a French or English army, as much a breach of discipline as the act it hid censured. These men bad broken ont' of barracks atter hours, forced their officers and sentries, and came up shout. tug to the headquarters of their general to oorriplain of a deficiency of water. The ge neral addressed them as it gentlemen." It was not his fault they wanted water. It was their officers who were to blame, not he. He would see they had water, and would punish the contractor, but they must not come dia. turbiog him by their outcries at night. Their conduct was demoralizing to themselves and to their comrades. Having rated the c. gen tlemen " soundly, be ordered them back to their quarters. They gave three cheers for the general, and retired in regular line of march with their officers. The fact was that the men, on returniog from a hot and thirsty drill, found the water barrels, which ought to have been filled by the contractor, empty, and not for the first time, and so they took -tbe quartermaster's business into their own 'hangs.' Their officers did not wish to be very strict, and why 7 The term of the men's vo luntary service is nearly over—they have not , yet been enrolled for the service of the State ; therefore, if they were aggrieved they might be disposed to disband and not renew their engagements, nod so the officers would be left without any regiment to offer to the State. But they went oft in an orderly manner, and Geo. Prentiss, though much annoyed by the occurrence, understands volunteers better than we do. There is no doubt but that the quar termasters' department is in a bad condition in both armies. Kr. Foretell has proposed to the Southern authorities to hang any contrac tor who may be detected cheating. There Would probably be few contractors left if the process were carried into effect in the North. The medical department is better in the . Northern than in the Southern armies. But even here there is not an ambulance, a cacolet, or a mule litter. When General Scott made his first requisition for troops and money, or miler when be gave in his estimate of the probable requirements to carry on the war, I hear the ministers laughed at his domande. They would ho very glad now to condone for the original figures. Little do they, North or South, know what war must cost in money. in lite, in misery. Already . they are suffering, ant it is but a tithe of whiitis to como, for the Itre and the misery,h,a4e not been expended and felt. In thigNemphis papers two ithys kg° 1 ra w Issiofitication that draughts would do issnetkprihe magistrates to families left in dietraiiieby the departure of their heads and 844 Xis to the seat of war. In the Cairo :Vipers to•day I observe an appeal to the au thorities to do something to aid the citizens reduced to pauperism by the utter stagnation of trade. In despite of their great violonco of speech, the Secessionists, like other men in most parts of the world, abate their rage in the presence or armed force—inter arma silent; and the process which is goiug on in Missouri may bo . (wally successful if it can be applied else wnero. Any way, the results must show the Government at Washington that if they could have acted on the same principles elsewhere they would now bo in a very different position. The outcry which would have been raised against them could not be louder or stronger than it is at present. Why, Cairo Itself was a centre of disaffection and secession till the Illinois volunteers occupied it militarily with artillery and a strong force of infantry! For days they were threatened with an attack, and wore subjected to abuse and insults. All that has died away, and outwardly, at least, Cairo is Unionist, although Southern Illinois Is by no means of the same mind, and Gen. Prentiss finds it necessary to station - troops along the railroad. at the bridges, to prevent any playful pranks in sawing the timbers or setting them on fire. The Americans persist in ignoring the use of horsemen, or, at least, in depreciating it, though they will at last find that they may shed much blood and lose much before they can gain a great victory without the aid of artil lery and charges atter the retreating enemy. From the want of cavalry, I suppose, it is, the untnilitary practice of gg scouting," as it is callod.hero, has widen. It was all very well In the days of Indian wars for footmen to creep about in the hushes and shoot or be shot ny sentries and pickets; but no civilized war, if there be such a thing at all in civil conflicts, recognizes such means of annoyance as firing upon sentinels unless in ease of an awns! ad vance or feigned attack on the line. No camp can bo safe without cavalry videttes and pickets, for the enemy can pour in impetu ously atter the alarm has been given, as fast as the outlying footmen can runin. In feeling the way for a column cavalry are invaluable, and there can be little chance of ambuscade or surprises when they are judiciously em ployed; but "scouting" on foot or adven turous private expeditions on horseback to have a look at the enemy can do, and will do, nothing but harm. Every day the papers con tain accounts of as scouts" being killed and sentries being picked oft. The latter is a very barbarous and savage practice, and the line- Sian, in his most angry moments, abstained from it. If any officer wishes to obtain in formation as to his enemy, he has two ways of doing it. He can employ spies, who carry their lives in their hands, or he can beat up their quarters by a proper reconnoissance on his own responsibility, in which, however, it would be advisable not to trust his force to a railway train. GENERAL NEWS.. GEN. MoCI.ELLSN's BODY GUARD.—Sturges' Aifle Corps, who have Rated as Ludy guard to Gen. ffieOlellan through the campaign in Western. Virginia, reached Washington on Friday night. they number about one hundred men, armed with Sharp's breech leading rifles with eabre bayo neta, and warn enrolled in Chicago for the war. Choy are named after Solomon Sturges, a wealthy backer In Chicago, who donated the wbole of the outfit to the company, at a cost of $2O 000 The tents are of the Crimean pattern, and are the best in use. The officers' tent is used by General McClellan, and around him at all times are the Chicago boys They all love the General, and 'here is not a man who would not die at any time to save him from berm. The uniforms are the neatest we have seen; ono is dark gray, and one corduroy for fatigue. They are accompanied by the champion drummer who aocompnnled Ells. worth's &naves on their tour over the 'United States. WHAT MR. &WUHAN'S NEIGHBORS SAY Amor HIE —A correspondent of the Holston /car nal; who has been travelling through Penneylva ale, writes: " A neighbor of Mr Buchanan wax in the oars He repreaents that-the ex Preeident has been long dangerously sick from sheer exhaustion lie has little sympathy from hie fellow•tosrnemen. who upbraid ttlm as being the author of all our national troubles Be is obliged to bear much 'hat =nat wound him, and Mame by the basket Mil are sent to him full of abuse end calumny, and !:e mach eo that while he was BO sick hie friends would not allow him to see any letters, unless they knew where they were from Mite Lane to repro. aented as making herself agreeable to all who call, sad keening open house to all who.come to Wheat land with that same grave that made her so pope lar at the White HOBBS." PRIVATE DOUGUE.ars, of the New York Seventy first, Captain Allen, of Massachusetts. and private Waldorf, of the Fecund Wisconsin Regi went, arrived in Washington from Endley . Churob, where they were retained as prisoners until Friday eight, when they effected their maps They mare that the rebate admit the loss of fifteen bun 'red killed in the Bull Run battle. They also re port six hundred Union prisoners in the hands of the rebels, and that they are well treated. The rebels will not bury the bodies of tbudead Z :naves and mtuabers of the New York Fourteenth No soldier in a red shirt or breeches. reoeivee funeral rites at their hands. The rebels expected a re newal of the at•aek upon the Bull Run batteries, and are now in strong force between Centreville and Fairfax Court Rouse. How TUN REBELS WERE DESPATC/EIED BY A Noun Dab SOLDths. —Otte of the must remarkable instances of me Bull Ran battle is relate•i of a pri vate of the Twenty-eighth Regiment New York Volunteers. Be bad been wounded in the groin, Ind was bobnling off the field, when he was put-. teed and overtaken by three rebels. As the fore most one name up be laid his hand heavily upon his shoulder Too soldier stumbled forward, and as be fell ho draw his bayonet—the only weapon he bad—from its scabbard, with whieh he ran the rebel through the hrs.:ly, and, at the same time, Resod upon bit captor's revolver, drew it from the belt, and shot the other two. Re then made geod hit OfeAte, and is now in Wathington. TENDED. OP ILLINOIS AND INDIANA TROOPS.— Gov. Yates, on behalf of Illinois; tendered the :irioretitry of War, after the Ball Ran battle, thir• teen additional regiments of infantry, three add! tional rezimenta of cavalry, and one additional battalion of artlllery,pcitling that Illinois demands the right to do her tall share in the work of pre serving the Union from the assaults of high handed rebellion, and I insist that you respond favorably to the tender I have made On tbe.same day, Gov. Morton, of Indiana, is understood to have tendered ten newtegimehts THE Illinois delegation have agreed upon recommending the followirg as brigadier generals: Ifeasra MoClernand and Rioherdson, of the Goose; General 8. 8. Prentiss, whore appointment has been detsrmtned upon; Colonels W. 11 L Wal• lace and John P-Imer Russ. mad Captain Grant . Et le believed that the names of Captain Grant and Mr MeClernend Trill be sent in it an early day. Tun Now. GLINBOATS.—The new gunboats being constructed by the Government are to be armed with heavy steel guns, the Navy Department having given an order for a number to be mann foarnred, after the pattern of those made for the dickies brigade, and which gave such satisfaction at the tests lately made at the navy yard, under the direction of Captain Dahlgren. PLOTTING AN INSURREOTION.—The Patapsco Enterprtse eays that a family of free negroer named Collins, consisting of the mother, two dough tore, and two sons, who reside in the neighborhood of Savage Factory, have been committed to jail at Silioott'e Mills, charged with plotting an lostarec don of the eleven in that vicinity. Foutto DEORNED.—The dead body of Mrs. Hoffman, wife of Mr. John Hellman, of York, Pa , we, found in the Codorne ortek, a few hundred yards above King's Mill, on Friday evening last. She was a woman of unsound mind, and it is sup. Posed that she murdered away while laboring un der a At of insanity and was drowned . HosrrrAL.—lt is said to be the intention of the Goseromeet to convert the Naval Academy buildings at Annapolis, Maryland, into a tempo rary hospital. Upwards of fifty siok soldiers were brought there from Georgetown on Battirday last, and several others on Monday. GEN. LANE'S COMMISSION.—Gen. James H. Lane has received a Brigadier General's eommir. ~ion from Gov. Morton, of Indiana, which. Is equivalent to the oommand tendered him by the tiovernment, and enables him to hold his Senator s liD from Kansas. THE Assistant Secretary of State has gone to New York es a special messenger from the Pre sident and GovernorAe4ard to invite the Prince Napoleon and Prince's Clothilde to pay a visit to Wasbiogion, and, while there, to make the White House their home. Tna PAY Or TEN OTPICINIIB.—The BUM to be received by the arisen of a regiment for three monthe' 'embus ts as follow,: Colonel $654. lieutenant colonel $582, major $525, captain $385, first lieutenant $325. second' lieutenant $ 3 lO, Ha gen $525 adjutant $379. qaartermatter $403. THE. Foata IN BOSTON BAHIIOI TO Na ARNSD —United State, officers have arrived in Elise 11 to make arrangements to arm the farts in the harbor, in accordance with the orders of Go armament. It will require considerable time and labor. • MR. Gsonox Joansos has been sent to Londoon county, Virgiotn, by Gen Boaoregerd for the purpose of collecting wagons, team., and grain forage for the toe of his army, " posoesbly if he can, forotbly if he moot." PaaDONED.---Gov. Catlin has pardoned o.ptain Rvgart, recently convioted at Pittsburg of manalanghter In taking the life of J. H. Vandc grift. Re was disohargod from prison on Friday last. Lear wslot the sammit of !donut Washing ton was reached for the first time is hiete r y wit h a horse and buggy The ascent was made by J W. Thompson, the pr ,, prietar of the Glen House, 000npying about nine hours, including the return CILEDIT or THE STATE OP Maing.----The whole .roonnt of hi to for the Bt•ste of Maine loan for $250,000, was $9OO 000 It was all teach' at a pretettho CoLoan, LAausa says that be would rather fight soother battle with the troupe who teat batik at Ball Rua then with the new levies lie values the experience of one Loeb battle hfghl7. Sotorrox &cacao, Erg., of Chicago, a day or tiro ALCM, paroosetd two splendid horses, in• tended es a present to General MaMalian Tar 110A8 of the cannon, at the battle of Ball Rao, waß distinctly heard at Port Tobaooo, trewearte ot 26,000 troope, tieve paced ,thronsh Baltimore on their way to the 1141 . of NOY' ft mss regiment of General O. B. atrium; of Western flew 'York, has been isemiepted. General Stuart was formerly engineer-in-oblef of the nary. FICIAL ARMY bIIPPLIER. OFFICE OP ARMY CLOTHING AND EQIIIPAGE. i uornor of Howard and Moroe• streets. ffsw YORK July 17. 1881 SEALED P NPS A are. invited. and will 1) , re ceived at thus ° s Mao until 12 o'clock tin Till.lftat.AY,the Bth day of Anoint next. when chef will be eubl'elf orrenet. for furnishing. br oontrAct. the 1 Rowing Army Supplies and Mat•wials. deliverable at such place or places. in the efts of .vaw yore. se may be hereafter deaitrved, in quantities as required. vie: 200.000 tin cwt. one. with omit st'pp •irs, 8 pints, to weigh 11$ nunoer without the stopper ; to be covered with oloth, after an ineeeotion has been m•ide of them. 20011X1 canteen straps. 36,000 camp kettlea. sheet-iron, 6 size, In nest' AM pounds. 67 . 000 ma-s pans. 'Meat-iron. weight 2 pounds. 1.700 iron vets, with bales. 60,000 te , l , nit axes cast steel. best quality, 05,5, and 63 p. undo. 61.11 M axe handles. hest lookory. 27,1100 Damp satchels, oast sleet, best quality. 18 mimeos. 54 001) hatchet handles. best hiokory. 27 1510 plokaget , two sizes. to wel d 6) and 7 pounds. 64.010 pleases handles, best hickory. 30 000 axe ahem. 21 WO natehet 27.0 0 maiden two sizes, best quality. 400 *OM nospital tent poles. 4 800 sets Bran tent p ees. 1,0 1 S. We, tent p tee, with iron tripod. 2 000 save of servant' tent poles. 9.1,00 empire" tent pins. large. I'4ooo hr spital tent one, small. 40 OM with tent pins. large. • ese o'sminou tent putt. 10 0 0 Sibley tent stoves. 000 drums. infantry. 2 WO drum ogees. 2,0 U drum hearts. batter, 2 taro drum heads. snare. 6 000 pairs tit= slake. 2.1100 entre stink carriages. OM sots of •d ra m snares. 2 ion onto, slings. 3 000 drum cords of Italian hemp. 94 feet long. 3,400 eagles with extra mouth p roes, 1.400 thitntry bugle me ds and tassels. • 2PO garrison El m nra , harda. 200 recruiting ling halliards. gm Did great -o at straps. 9 000 sereeants' aashes. 200.000 bras H.. K. I s miters. 20 OOD each , A, D. C. D, E , F, 0, 276.000 brass _numbers. 25 ODD each, of 2, S. 4,6. 7, 8. 0, 50.00 i 1, and 60 MO • 1 6. to serve also as 9. Sc 000 yards worsted lace, t DI und 1)5 Inehes wide. 48 OM tardy' worsted hum. ( blue.) /f, inch wide. 200 pairs sereeant major (in tan try )onevro , e. 200 pairs q artermasterrs sergeaut (infantry)che vrons. 200 pairs hospital stewards' ohemons. 200 pairs ordnance sergeants' chevrons. II 0 a) pails first sergeant,' (infantry ) chevrons. 3,000 pair, serneante' tin fan try )chevrons. 161011 pails corporate' (infantry) chevroue. 19 000 yards red bunting. )7 000 re rds white Denting. 8 000 yards blue bunting. 200 yards 4-4 ragslin. 1.91311 000 yards ye cotton. drilling. 203111*) yards bedrock tape. 9 00 yards cotton et-belif, inches. 7 000 yards lmlting rope. 20e 000 keepoisoks. complete. 2 0 001) never-emirs, complete, Bids will also be received at the same time and place. for the making np, from materials furnished by the Government. the following artielee, to be delivered at the depot of army clothing and equipage, in this city, viz: 200.001 single bedsaaliz. 200 garage/a flags. 2(11) storm nags MI reactant.. g flags. All the above mentioned articles meet Conform in every respect to the sealed stanuard patterns in ruts of fire. where tney may be examined end additional in formation teceived concerning them. • As it is desirable hat the articles be of domestic fab rication. bids !torn manufacturers or regular dealers will be preferred. which must be made for and canto, m to such articles only in quality and description, as aro required by the adverosement and the samples in thus effuse. Mit liontreats w u be awarded to the lowest ra nee Bible bidder. wh•• eke!' furnish ear aleatory Begun ties for the faithful performance tneireot. The manuelaturers' estnblishn Set or dealers' place of business most to d•Nunetly stated in the preposal. together with the names, edarees. and responsibility of two persons proposed 68 sureties. The sureties will guarantee that a °entreat Beall be entered into within ten days after the acceptance of said bid or proposal. Proposals will he received for any one of the articles BeearatelY. and for any portion of each, not hos than one-fourth of the number or quant , ty ad , ertised for. the privilege is reserved by and for the United 8 ates of rejecting any proposal teat may be deemed extrava gant..l.elvertes to commence within twenty days after the sensetanas of the proposals. and one-the dot the mimi c/re oOntraoted for must be delivered within two Demme from mud date and acmerranee, of tee remainder in monthly proportions, within four months of said date of acceptance, or so nor. if procticaele Bidders will, nevertheless, state in their proposals the 'honest pos sible time in which the qUatiti4loB bid for can be deliv ered b• them Atl articles will be suisjecit to inepeotten by sworn in tweeters. appointed by authority of the United Steams. ft is tote distinctly understood that °entreats are not transferaele. without the consent of the proper author ity. and that any we. assigament or transfer, without such tetneent having been obtained (exempt meter a pre cool of law 1. will be regarded as an abandonment of the °entreat and tee etestraotor and his or their seennues will be held responsible fur all loss or damate to the United Stamm whiob may arise therefrom. Payments w , ll be made on each delivery. should Con gress have made an appropr•atlon to mast them, or as soon teereafter as an appropriation shall be ay, de for that purp ie. Ten per cent o 1 the amount nr each do. livery will be retained snit the aoatraat shill tie com pleted which will be forfeited to the United States in sine of defeloation on the part of the contractor in Jul- Slone the contract. Forms of proposals and guarantee will be furnished liven application to this office. and none will be con sidered that do not conform thereto Proposals will he endorsed." Prepare)); for Furnishing Army Supplies and Materials." and b., addressed, Major D. B. VIP 4 &GM, E Quartermaster U. . MT' jy22-tAB Box 8295) Pont 06100. ARMY SUPPLIES, QtriXTERRISSTMS GINERAL'it OenChi klattateelUtto, July 26. lel6l. PROPO3 -. L wi I be received at this or roe until ock. M.. on FRID a Y. the Sd day of Angnst. the following Army supplies, deliverable at the State Milit,ry Harrieb,,re. in quantities as re au red. Said proposals to be publioi• of ened at the time and plane imitated. and the euemessful to••dots to be arnounoed es soon there ifter as cocv-nient—the rig nt being received by the elate to Moralise or diminish the number and suaubcy of said articles: Ten Hospital lento, with Sites, poles, pins, ate.. com plete Sixteen hundred and fifty Common Tents, polite, Pins. eto.. oornolete. Two hundred -n! fifty. Wall Tents, with flies, poles, pins. eto complete. One hand ed Drums, with slake, slings, carriages, Mee. &o , onmp'e•e. Two hundred MO Drum Heads—ba•ter. Two hundred 2CO) Drum . Heade—snare. Ons hundred COOO i Fifes. Tea tnousend trues-pint Canteens. covered and strap ped. cotton. Ten thousand Havereaoks, army standard. Ten iboueand Haversacks • nameted cloths. Ten thouaa..d Knapeacks, straps. &o , oomPlete, army stands. d. Tee thousand Knapsacks, straps, &0., complete, ena meled loth. 8-x hni d•ed &torahs. Six hundred ,pales. Six tinnd•sil 1 atchets—handled. Six hundred A nee—b - ndled. Six hundred Picks—hauled. Ten thousand Tin. Plate.. Ten thousand onus Knives and Forks. Ten than-and Tin Cnos Three th "send Mess Pans. One t ousand Camp Kettle.. Ten th•tueand Blouses. woollen lined. One thousand, aids sky bale Tape for chevron.. Ten thousand yaw ' , wee •s, footmen. Twenty thousand white I.ont •t Flannel Shirts. Twenty Ihousa d wilts litociaings. One Dinneen pairs Cavalry Beata. Ten thousand pairs Bootees. Ten thousend • onsee Cape. waive 'boos rid Daub e ^ Weber,. 39 to SO inclusive. Twelve thousand I attars. A to K inclusive. One hundred and thirty hergeanta' Sashes. Ten thousand Mankela. Ten boos- nd G eat Coate. Ten Omani .1 sets Infantry Aonoutramenta. • Twenty th • usand pairs of Drawees , Ten housand B ankets Wool Dray. 7 feat byb feet inches. weighing b pounds each. with black letters, P. V., in contra font ine es to. s„ Forty Ambulance Waso - a. of the rat' ern of tho U.S arm. of four a) wheels and tw, ( 2) wheels. Forty hospital or Medina(*) ransport Carts, D. P. ar my pattern Alto, sets of harness for hors-s of above. :1 he ambulance wanotia• carts, and hernees • übject to the inspeotton and approval. in quality and finish, of ihe surgeon general of Pennsylvania. whose deotston shalt br final and onnolusive. It is desimbe that all the above &Wide, be of do ts alto matufacture. and, when any of rh-m re fur nished by the Unitid etat es th• a - -me must conform in all rasp at. to the sealed standard pattern in the United Otatee quarte.mesier's Office and Military Store, Phi ladelnhia. e'en per cent, of the amount of each delivery to be retat tic tl ea a forfe.ture until the couttaot is compl.ted. Contra° o.e to Mate in their proposals the time when the goods can be delivered, -rid the spe.dy de !very of en•stt astir es al are needed wi I be considered in award ing the marmot duneesaful bidders to give bonds with two approved securities Every prop sal to Pe endorsed " Proposal for Army Supplier. august 2d. 1861." ail supplies contracted for under there propesils to be deli, Bred at the - Militaryy. storehouse In the city of Berristrg. unless whet - eine Mimed , free of all charge for freight, boning. or drayage: unless freight to plea f delive_u is greater than to Harrisburg. in which on.-e th- difference will be allowed. all p ink ages so delivered to be marked en the outside with ut irrer tr-d deeurtption of artto•es therein, and name of party Um:oohing Berne n together with an intro we of contents. enclosed, embrecing, in addition to above, notice of what areotal supply it to B Part. R. o_, HALE, jr77-dtaaraf Q, M. • en P. M. THE WEEKLY PRESS. THB WRINLY PRXEIS seen established on a secure and permanent foundaturs beta. is, to reality, a marvellous example of the degree of favor which a rightly-oonduoted LITERARY, POLITICAL, AIM NEWS JOURNAL tan receive at the bands of a liberal and enlightens. public.. Oar moat :fateful thanks are tendered for the patronage already bestowed anon na, and weshall snare no etrorts which may serve to render the paper even more attractive. useful, and ponnlar In the future. The general features of the paper, in addition to its POLITICAL AND NEWS DEPARTMENTS, Will be Poetry, Sketekee. Biography. and Original and Se lected Tales, ohosen for their lessons of life. tllnstra• tiling of history, depiotvre, • ,of manners, and general merit—and adapted, in their variety, to the testes of both sexes and all ages. OUR NEWS -COLUMNS wtll ocennue to be subject to unremitting care and attention, and all diligence be employed to make this paper a compendium of all the principal events of inte rest which transpire at home and abroad. The LITERARY character of THE, WEEKLY PRESS, now universally acknowledged to be of an ele vated stamp, shall not only maintain its present high unending, but shall be enhanced by important and valise tile contributions Irom able writers. Deeming PDRILTI op MORAI.I , the great safeguard of private happiness and public prosperity, we shall carefully egolnde from out column s everything whioh may reasonably be objected to on the score of improper tendenoy. The field's of pure literature afford sufficient material to make an AO CEPTABLE FAMILY NEWSPAPER, containing all the elements of excellence, without a single objection able line ; and the proprietor of the TILE WEEKLY PRESS may justly claim that no heed of a family used hesitate to let its columns go under the notice of any member of his houaehold, The POLITICAL mires or virE WEEKLY ?REIM need not be enlarged upon here. Independent, ateady, and leafless. it ha., battled, unwaveringly and :salons in . defence of the RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE against EXECUTIVE USURPATION, end unfair and tyrannical legislation; ever declaring and adhering te the doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY opium tutee the fundamental None of our free institutions, ana that the intelligence and patriotism of our oitisens will always be preservative of a wise. iustoind Snigger) Go• erument. These are the prisolples to' which TEE WEEKLY PREl3BJuui been committed, and to thee, it will adhere. TsttM . irne Corr. one year.__. . - . of ss Three Conine, one rear.-- I 00 Free Coptee. one - 8 00 Ten Comes. one year...—. 12 02 7-wsety Cosies, to one addreise. at the rate of vir annum_ . TO 84 twenty Conies. to one sdorete of eeob rah. An, person semluts us a Club of Twenty or more, 'WM b e ent i tled au , extr a oopy, Wecontnue to seed THE WEEKLY i'KESS to Clergymen for SI, "Mammon Comes will be (oriented to those who re quest them, I Beesorletioas lasy._scunmenee at any tfma, Tanga sleriiiioash. la adverame. , dll leiter. to be addressed is J Ol-1 N W. FORNEY • N , . 4•7!vstatirtetir orkitieT, BIMIQUAL4Tr ZOOMS; KAU il jr Int Vat% INOVOrt i kiji ISA aria. • W. , V ittrOato lOU THE PRESS.-PIIILADELPfIiA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, THEY GO RIGHT TO INSTANT RELIEF! PURIFY YOUR BREATII! THROAT CONFECTIONS GOOD FOR "CLERGYMEN, • GOOD FOR LECTURERS, GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES. BPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS. SPALDINEPS THROAT CONFECTIONS. SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS They relieve a Cough instantly. They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the Voice. They impart a delicious aroma to the Breath. They are delightful to the Taste. They are made of simple herbe, and cannot harm any one. I advise every one who has a Cough, or a Duda Voice, or a Bad Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to get a package of my Throat Confections. They will relieve you instantly. and you will agree with me that " they go right to the spot." You will find them very useful and pleasant while travelling or attending publici meetings. for stilling your cough or %haying your think If you try one package. Yam safe in saying that you will ever afterwards consider them indispensable. You will find them at the Druggiets' and Dealers in Medioines. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. My Bignstare is on each package. All others , 00unterfait. , A Peokage will be sent by mil, Drepaid, on retell* of Thirty' Cents. Address . . . HENRY 0. SPALLDIEI4.6„ No. 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORE CEPHALIC PILLS SICK HEADACHE. NERVOUS HEA.DACHE. • H.EA_IDACMIE I By the sea oititesePtUs the periettealat!taftaagli vies or Sick Hied/4i MO, be vfeisAkei ;71—na'1kXa at the sommeneinisont Pf an attack =mediate; NOi f. horn pain and siObielle Will be obtained. they seldom Caitlin, remold/le the Nereus eadifigit ea, to which tamales are so editi tot. They act gently on the bowels, removing, orieStiejlitn. POT Literary MU, Students, Delicate kilmalsa•Mid all parscour of, esdeatars . iahits, they are eallable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tons and tiger to the digeattva organ', and restoring the natzral a tioitir and *tranc' of the woofs me m- ' ' • The dEPRA.LIC PILLS ere the result °flints investi-' ration and aarefally conducted. experiments, hiving oxen in use many years, amine which time they.ltave prevented and relieved a rant ;drama of vain land entarine from Retalsohs, whether stir Mating . in the neroaett into cm or from a deism:ea state of the rte. saanik Whey are entirely vegetable in their senuxigition, ant veer be taken et. all titan with perleot safety nit ee making any Ghazni . * of diet, and gips aissace of IMP disa tresabis TESTIS WfiKelrt if SFsp se niiveilitss.;• sins, se 0001.15TF.01111.11 ginnina SIM xiEnatokroo o?. Annry gmliitat In cash Box, Xcli by Druggist,' and all etker liralora to ♦ Bat will be sant by rail priraalit an receipt at tlip PRIOE. 26 CENTEL. Sal &Urn zkokid Jo editntsr9 rriVeie 64 1 46 DALE g71irEC1f..45174" 1-C.LE Ifreee A/1E42144W. 21.0.fe1e, ye. 1410116/14 PLUG 8 4 / 1 4717411ek the °bloat ler trbiea tkoi were nude, viz.: Goo of nesdache in all ire Prow the Sillfl44sllo/. .IY•rfdlikt Jitter have beim tooted in incr. tkan a tkazicind Wlll entire IMOOSIIIIII, hoes the Democrat, St. grime, mum, if roe are, or have been troubled - lite the headache, Mind [or a box, [Cephalic, Pills.) to that Tot pay have them in care of an attaok. Bost ihe 'Advertise , PIVIM/411161, Ail. The Cephalic Pilliare said. to be a remarkably v4ite tive remedy for the headnehe; and ' one of the vet, text for that very frequent complaint which haa e'er been decovered. Pram Ma WWI era R. B. Greta, CA.Csai*,' fa Wa he andorals Mr. Spalding, and kip unifvcilc i Pais. Freon the Esseiclie ire/ky SW, Keesieho 7 tra. , We we sere that persons guttering witithelhiP, alto try them, will diet to them. ' • , . . . Nom . 814111stitt Pdt4 'Pinder. Nato filarrii, t 2,•! - , TrT theit,l,yinithet arifetricted tl andtt re iritri that gl ir tbs te r =Wry ttte e et, to tba2 other i L li Z e i r c= can produos, Mow as h.,. Louis Into liameiJoo demitad for lie artisli (commis r.ttio li rapidly " • ' - s•-• iretitiee Gaireits' Davossiiri lava. • ‘. • • prr. apaiding would riot connect ha name wits a*s.V . bole be ilia not kmoss to possess real merit, : • .01 , ires Sho Prewtolasse..2:/.' ja into teehmonv in their favor is stroni, tram the ifspsotsble ituartera. from as Doily Noes,' ffsiefors, 9egialle Pills are taking tke .0-9 aau 'du x IhriA 461 elgegumereiet SMJNggw. .sestoe. Km- Said to be hi 7 ogioiaopp.l*.lkft.lisagaek , • Ant Ow Caw*WWl' kinninitiaait now be ?shoved, • . , lir A Magi* , WAillfgelll• ralgrAltkl• OWE save Sea threi sesaany--e. ersimilfm narasin 8P Ai. rillf G'S PSZP ARM:, SP A.lOl N G'S PREF!MX 1 • t-iI;ITE r.tx)riomY: DIEIY.II/15A' iar 4 .♦ B.rures 1:‘ Tuts 84v3t. Itivrt." - t% Aa acoidonts trill hitppen. erest.'i.t . weli-retuleitsd Laraine:. It is Tory &tumbles to* toore'irnxe obeap and souveuteutwaTJor earthing ?pram $ OTS. c.'rocira ry, eI'ALDIZiG'I3 PftErAH.l , 4l _ . *seta alt sno .ftteilosuciea, mad Go avuoteboa , &am *fiord to (I.o, , rithot I it. ct Lt &lwrivo ree. , dy. sod nv t 4 tke itiokiut " Uric.Ftl, IN F.V.bILY 1.101/6}...." Branh acworepaniew emb bott:a rrea.n. *ants. kfidraza. 5PA.1.1411.1 . 440 , .. As wilds aiiartaalpled venous are attamettna t's ear= off cn the azurogyeetine pnolle, Imftattorts ofra! PJLEPAJLED SLIM. T arauldoeaticm all penman' to Ca mino Were penthas;as, and thµ the NU nese. SPALDIII6 , II PREPAJLED GLIM. l*si is on tits °mails Wm.'s slall ethers srs Suutvirrtel la. 11 1 1110111 AL. THE SPOT." STOP YOUR COUGH! STRENGTHEN YOUR VOICE! SPALDING'S 6Ol==!elMf OAERT LADIES ARE DELIGIITED WITH CIIIELDRAN OZT 701 TORE ALL KINDS OH CAVE VXI6 CTlSCfri+ es aIKSIAJC surds +t motor fOlUt OA ililail IMlltriltAtlfea COM rANIXX. INIRIIRANOE COMPANY OF TUE •TAT'It OF e v rtri*YLVA'tA.—'[A. 4 and 6 IrXCHANGE 8U11,111 , 1011, 'Woof VF6Lr. 1 , Or g ia uest, between DOCK and THlRDBttgeta. 1111a delph. INaoRPoRATEn in 174 I—CH A ;ITER PERPETUAL. OF ri raL gm) 000. PROPERTIES OF ''H e NY. FEBRUARY 1. 1861 ILO? LAND MARINE. FIRE. AI4IB ITRANSPORTA TION 'POW RANCE. • DIRECTORS. 'Henry D. 81terrerd. &mg.' Grant. Jr.. Chartr 6!160/LInstsr, Tomas Wagner. inrn r,rnith, Theratil 8. - W • tteng. .Inhn B. Budd. Henry G. Fterman, Wtham K. White, Chanel'''. 1 awls, George IL BtuarL Otor.te 0. Carlton, Maud C. N K n igh ei WILLIAM HARPS YorBtah RERD. Predntf A NIIIRACITE INSURANCE WAWA flt_PlaY.—Aatiorised gapitel Ataa — CitAKWltit EWCIA.E.. Orlon No. 111 WAJ.,YIIIIf Strome, hatwava lklr‘ sad PeOrth Street, Philadelphia, Info Company wilt favor") &motto' loge or damage by Fir* y , on Batld/age.Friwitcre, end etoreksaties germ . Awa, Marine Lareraneee ea 7oa=ola, fro.rgoos, and /nights. lalasd lam te e i ll a parue of tko Jairiab Dam. /*tea Maxfield , D i d i r r.: 44,. pima INfol. F. 0.4111. Mar illoor. M J. Ed3rgitm. B FAM.EI L yreld 'W lA M. F.MMANI, VIM Trostiinih w. womnrwators. umr. 408-u 711HE' umAL - lonnaaniet.uompANy kNUALVIILLTIIIA; 111 , 7PINX. X*. teltieskr. _ . filsres egeiroit M ) B4 OR. DAM46IIS. St:F/Lls *s ifemias, Stores. and other bullps.llmited Cr oerpotusl, and on taro goods, Wares, and' or okandile, in town ir 02S-2111 CAP174.32,,,t21,0ban try: .171) tw—A161.116713 6117,1df to whiott is invested as follows, vie IA Arst mortgages on city property, wortk double the amount— 01112J06 OD Pennaylvanla Railroad Co.'s 6 per emit. 5m mortgage loan,. at par-- Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per Sent 40" oond mortgage load, ( 330400)---: kr 400 00 unungdon . nd t Broad Top Railroad and' Canal Co.'s mortgage 4,00) 00 *round rent. first-c1au5e_..3.462 60 Cisllatensl loons, well secured— —. zap) 00 Cl* of Philadelphia 6 per pent; l 0 .06,000 00 Allerheny °minty 6 per cent . Pa. RR. loon— 10,000 00 Commercial Bank/took—. 6,131 01 Mechanics' Bank stook 2,832 00 Pennnlvetila Railroad Co.'s stook--:... , • 4,000 00 The Xelianoe Mutual Insuranoe Co.'s stook 66,610 00 She County, Fire Insurance Co.'. stook 1,060'00 toe Delaware M. 8. Insurance Co.'s stook— 100 00 imen Mutual Insnyanoe Co.'s scrip— 690 00 pins reciatvabte—z.• • . 14,303'04 Book amounts, swim . ed interest, 7,104 66 Creak on 11,644 64 4111.142 04 Ike Mutual principle), combined wait the security of shook Capital, entitles the lammed to participate in tks prOrs of the Company, without liability for tosses. hoses, promptly odiusted and void. DINACT01111: ,Itllem Tingley, Renner Bierman, Witham K. Thompson, Robert abseil. ,&ederiok Brown, William Musser, nanny Stevenson, Benj.. W. Tingley, ;John R. Worrell, Marshall Bill, 1)L. Canon, J. Johnson Brown. pert Toland, Charles Leland. D. Rosensarte . Carlos n les_ D . W oo d, . • isoob T. Buntinx, unth Bowen. • Jsllllo4ll O. Woodward, John Biesell, pinerren. CLEM 211101., President. B. M. HINCI(24ABI, gleoretarr. February 10. Wel. MI ... TEEM liraterrariPtilefiE • . . .. ./ENEVIETRANOR . COMPAktru -or rtaraDniradt.: .:11/11tE DRIVRABOS, ExeIaBLVELY.I ( OMPANPS EVILDING, S, W. CaltAbta • NOVATECAND-WALMYT STRENTS. ' DURECTORII: . MaseroUllftaxs, MOLINCIA.I DAradose ittexxx also. H. Straset. 1 4 , irril t i • Jogs H. Meows. , JL , IIII lorrardte, B. A. numerated. • • Teedici, , ARDRIVI D. OASILI AZIAT WrarAntoew - L. Etecteerass. P. RAM ORD ISTAXX, ersiatout, IralkiLEA W. COME'. Beeretsry. fail PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY No. 921 CH CITERTNTIStrI t Ph4edelohile. .t.rr . ALI. IMF. PR FITS DI a AMO 0 TIM IN -, ISORED. Insure Lives for abort terms or for the whole term of ilia ; grant Annuities end Endowments; Purchase Life Interests in Real Estate, and mi lake all ecnitraots de 'Hendon. on tile Qf . • They aat. Eteoutore. Ad .Mtetois, Ask/nets, ruteeiend Guerdient. ARELETB OF THE COMPANY, January 1. 1f4..,1 Mortgages, ground rents, real estate _ _....5 121, 901 Halted dtatos stooks. Treasury notes, loans of dtate-of Pennsylvania, city of PhDs, 168,n5 ik Premium notes, loan, on ootiaterals, r 17,174 18 Pennsylvania, North Pennsylvania Rail roads. and Connty ins per cent. bonds 103.802 10 Bank, insurance, railroad, oanal "took', ha. 97.647 ell Oast on hand, agents' balances. /co., 28.206 11 01471,129 02 FEI, L. MILLER, Premden nt. JOAN W. n f Ot l in t :h . 5T°11123 ' Vi" Friktf fLAWARE MUTUAL SAFZTY IMANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Ineoroorated by 014 loriolatnyo of Ponnalyanin,lMS. time B. E. earner of THUD onA WAl9lllrir lit:roots, ziaravarazi r • venal. • • , Ha r m. Dio.WoMIL - INSTIVLECES' ({x. Semis lor Vet. Cana% a AACJIAIId.fisT- Tili TrE al lat t f 4- elltdzg li" ' On tiorebandwo moray. O nem, DirolAnn zgn• AM= Or VIE C:CM.I•O-17, liovember 1, UM *WOW Vniteel Stater fiver cent, a'n........:613440 FS Ile,ooo Waited States sit eent. r.r ream; .. •,;„.„, /Reel. neerned t 110,001 04 litaamoulfennerlvama State Ave Amy UAW 747 — 707. 7V. - 4e7 1111 112,060 Pkiledelpala sizfr sent. Loan.. 100 St 00,000 Venneveee State five cent. loan- 34 00 .1;0,0150 Yequerivaint Retiree id mortgage tiv cent. Dont' - WOW 00 UAW 003 shares, deck. Germantown Gae • Cowan'', interest and principal teed by . the Oar or Pans = /lad 100 shares 4 PennaTtrazie IRotlroa4 Concni 1,009 00 :AO ISO chaos' North Fenac 7 vcais.ll , • • 900 00 100 00 sluftgWalifi4ls-103-EO4l-Tia Veten Tim 1,951 120 0 chaise Mar Mamie Eavra-dO - ow-boat Colapv., SO 00 310 alunsee elPkia lizekft,co • ' Gempant - - 41 63 1,0(0 7 'lsms Continental VAC 00,— 00 336 700 per. Omit 31ti7.035.24,“ Market wa.2134,7,40 71 5111 c receivable, for inra wince?. made-- /71,X0 a fizudg and mortgertit.--4- MAGO 00 Meal estate 01.632 56 allonyms dto at Aseasiea , -Prernitime an Ma rine ieolisiat. interroat.oni etkiet!lebte Ace Occr.vany - n,OOO le: and .ettek men' ;,,,traareneo! - aii . etNer £tompatueo MCC El eaqh. to &Wear- .53 , *5,130 01 orzior 61 • , 3i:2.W-3 - VD:Ir.. 14.i1:au .1 L.:. iI 41 'E., PlAtti .a. Oitaale ,I.A.mvaill A. &Iraq, ./. F. i'alartiA, Inteerk i tur Paxidina. ' 'Steam) Islam, - 341..4.11 at. caress. 1.4-a5r4.010112&*”.• iskaa C. avlii, . X. Jioaciaßtirka i aalitaa Vi ,qtaiir, , • tamitar Mahstiaa. William& ne t Jr" I Mrbtl:4ll 4. Kind. Irseas O.' lid, • .i ~ b9lolirlilu i Williiiii , writ. 1 . !scab .r...Tones i auetyk A.0.1.i., f B. M'Yarlspi i ar...5.. M. Mimic', . t JouamA P. ..NTIO• ~.. 1 ara4 3. L'Aggilt s , 1, Lek& A. Skpli olsa.rattAt'z ula. els . ! Z. X. 4,orgail, ii Ilkaa -= ..cily, A. B .{ i sie . . 1491.10 iti Eitilitail , dsto . u. MA.MII a wildmit. . iIIIgAILY faY).B 1 3 1 71&, EstiamUrr, .. • DoIT-tr loan. nisuitAilm,' TILE PENNSYLVANIA'. FIRE '_INSIIIANOE MlSPANY—lnooorated 1816-OEARTER PERPE4 TUAL—Sfo: 610.WA_LNIIT Street, oepoatte Indomod en 6anare. - Company, favorably known to the comraunits- for tY4-atz yews:continuos to moue tweinat loooor damage by Fire.. on publto or private_ Botldityo folleW permanetttly or for a hmxted Alao. on rattan, stooks or eoode, or Merobandme neneratly. on -beret • „ . Their Caettel, together et a large Euroltut Fund, IA irlted Lb. the moat care manor,' which exiabkr4 t 47.1. to ever to tho inoiroa an =doubted coaarity o Itso el lan. •.. $ .. livagrous. .146athzu Pattargan, lard's UssieMint!, iiiintin ComvbeU. . . Thomna.Robine, xrider•Benson, Daotel finaith. Jr.. W iNtsa Momter, John .Rovoronx, , • - JONATIA.N.PA .14.01 i, frathleM. WI: LUAU( O. CZOWILL, atIO/OLIII7. 3b4/7 pox 11 , 18LakEi014. L'iIitiOELANTOS' _ L8E4.3. 1 4:210.Z. CUlstil'AllY ..t'killidelphiC•Plt.' 13a B•rth. SIXTH inrcita.Bl6lll,: tagoollgods,aad. Iflorehandize ranetrally froyaL coca iirnsize,br Fire. :70m 00rn141..r...Y Irracr,:suet' 3 alma au losreanoraplti, z - ve thvxibr ber.c. 'es .ulna aeC of t%n r). Wiatz.ii:Absr3an, Itcbifii.O.iitujia. • Coosaa. .d.reknel Atowsoy, be2itc - n a Daltl eri,7 sAirard InetiOVenk / Martz, likomts B. Mapormst Afana, Ihurctirs, Jowl . Arbtll2.ew 1115.22..1rer "hum. talcs, .. rnavi Itzflorti, Joht3 ,C.asaad,_v „ ptomests'J. 1i01121,1111.1. Be rn ard M . leuilialtaii- 4- r 7 o-dis Fisher, • , • Charl es atirs;* ,; allde Ateikaatal • Miohae) Cato:, FkAlfula coorE.a., prediftems. BERNARD S.AFFBR'SY;Bearatarr. - eaS-ly • • p'LLOIAN rurr mSURANOE t.lO. .1 • 17CDIVORAirED 21111 b 41f.A1215.11 , PI3IR PETUA.b • • aio ALMS? Street anfee Third. Philadelphia. 11.yrin; slug. paid -np tal Stook and Surplus, Invested tniound and avails le Stiouritiea,aontinnes to Wear° or. Dwellinr.e. !Stores, Furniture . ..lfferobandise, Vessels to port end their cargoes, and other.perionai nriseart7. It barallT and proctstly minute , 717-littolls:'' Am. R. Maria. . John 7. Lame. John Welellt, lanandrit. Chtine_bpeil. anmeel "t orten. Edmund G. netsfa, PelPelmet. "t Cher.o. u W. Paritns7, i s • ST,N II II rni rt. MMUS, President. elt.ltilP.lST O. S. CLAW OM). doeretsry. lea-tt VXCLIANUIC INSORANUE OOMP.AnY ..9.-.1 —oll(oa.Ne. 409 WALent7 Street, FMB 11409.1A.NCE on Moues ant Pterahantas ganorally, an faverable terns. after limited or per pstaaL .. . Kilt , TOWS: jEak Bonsall. irhoms• Monk, •n Q. linnets, _ Oluarlas lennaat. D. Roberto. James I. le, gunnel L. Smedley. L Jothuis 7. an. ben 0,.1 1 / 11 . Jolla J.,66oStlue. • EMIA.II , IIOI . IBALL. Preindent. J RN Q. eirfriopo, Vieo Prondent RICLAXII COLpeoretory. _tad .1101111LADEIRMA TI4RR A -0 OTT A WO.RXE, 011 , ...* and Ware , iteema, 1910 OiLESTIIIIIIIr Itreet. Ornamental Maurine) Top. 411.arden Vase. and Stataary. Nnesustio Flooring Tile. relt.tteiltural Orna.menta. ennta_lana and .mote Flroc. ILidde Tile and Santa Warn, avartm-.tweed Dram Pine. Water warranted to eland preunmioneap and durable. 7 v e Trade saeplied on liberal terra. atratod Ottalorttecaent alpalleattan 'r "after. • 4t " bl e j if : a ems' -ea tAgr L IVST:BAOMMIED, - Or 44 Annie Sinsball,n e from LiWinioe!: A 9Tiniei. , & Minter.. areneraionsr 20 a Extreot Id] , '• •Si a • tixtraar• Nraeayam.l. to 'Viers. • 20 Sas tatreot delledonnae,lnj Jar.. - Ike 2os treat Eareaset, to I Dlens. • ao-e. Vie Nal Coletual,!n Lib bonbon. • . 410 fas.ol.urmini greet. in/ It batles irP) 17.:a C..V.erael, 17/ btrOle.. r" 1- Ittiara. WETriIIWILL &11.140THNE. rtstr 47 and 49 Nnrtb SECOND Street - At Aeli Ifilt . tIL, if 10tilaiN=, - ,', olzti.l_l, WU.- ; 751 01.02 7 . eis".--.1,0M tibia. Maw; Moo, 2. 9, mil 1 1.10.0k -1;14 0101., tirZihistedavak. I :AMIN .. lc 3300713•3 ti39ra z . v .,„ of exoloe lato-obasay. at 000. •• 3,000 bbis.nerw gait 110030• rt: dal ;.aa,,i..,- u p . i riiKs, of oholoo gulf es: t,Oime xee extra nom 51ei•tnaxs. 3,000 .xoir aXtraa_ew .1 *Mewl. 3,00 a box .30 Is e. 3004ri c tl 1 • rringr. 110 bbls. Mae 1 • 00 bblo. new •• • • 0.. ;.: gisc. ' II bbl 4. nrw : . . . , .... • e Ws 11M-r : N.: . ~ ... r... seil 111*. I . : KA.IR, KAM D LIM SI. PIIILADICILPHIA t g . AND %M I L K & 31 11 :2 - flte it ' atetitßlt . I HU KO ki e r n P arid after Me 7 70, 1861 MORNING' LINEI2, 119andaye egoepte4 Leave New s. ept,parn cif BROAD Mid CALLO HILL tDreet PHILADbI,PsTIA, (Passonger en tranoes on Thirteenth end Callowhill streets,' at 9 A.M. oonneating at Retyriaburg with the PENNIIIYL YANIA RAILROAD I P. 21. 0.1 running to. Pitts burg; the to VAL 'EY 1.06 P.M. train PrOVitlPßlarNlitr-Ck/Teßsafit&ti. train e running to 8 •••• 1(. 0 Itab bitElthOON LIMES.• Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD and CALLOW RILL Street*, PHILADELPHIA. (Passenger en trans on Thirteenth and on.Callowhill streets,) for, PUTT VILER sad HARRISBURG. at 8.111 P. M.. DAIL .00211100 ting ai Rarriabing with the Northern Contra Railroad, for Sonoury_, Williamsport, Elmira. ho.; for READ/ 14 Q 01111, at 6 P. M.. DAILY, (Sundays excepted.' DUSTAN UEB V/ANG PI/ 'RAILR MAD E/XOAD /11A AND JP-EA.D- I. Plops PISILLDILPIIIA. Mile., To Phcenirville-- 28) Reading------.--_ sal 86; angoldn—.--.124• TrevertonJanet - tonna gunning._ Northumberiand..-171* Lewisburg-178 Milton .--.183 ,-149 Wigleinisport— —.SOO 16089 Bhore--22.3 Look Raven—....23g. Iltiladelphis end Readily anti Lebanon Valley . Williamsport and klimira • SOD Railroad. The 8 A. M. and 8.18 P.M. trains oohneot daily at Port Clinton, (Sundays exoepted t ) with the CATAveI3BA,' WILLI AMSPORT, and ERIE RAILROAD, ink close connections with Lima to Niagara Pans, Canada, theiWeat and Southwest. DEPOTIN PHILADELPHIA: Gilmer of BROAD and CALLOWRILL Streets. W. H. MoILITENNEY, Secretary. inv2o-ti Mew MO. MI SUM. , 4. .K. ILKADit.i.iS c r MEN r. PI4I LADE (..paia. GERMANTOWN, A ND NORRISTOWN JLAIIROA.D. Oa and atter Monday, Me., 13, 1861. FOR (iRR MAN Tovvri, Leave. Philadelphia, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11,15 A. M., I, 9,8. 11.35. 4,5. 5, Mt, 7,8, 10X, and nI4 P. M. Leave Germantown 6.7 1 ;71 . 8.8. M. 9. 10, 11. 19 A. M., 1,2,3. 4. a, 6, 6)4. .11, M. I:ne 8.30 A. M. and 3.arr r. Trains stop at German town only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 A. M., 2%, Mt, 6, 73[, and 10% P. M. Leave 93.4rmantown 8.10 M., 1.4; a% and 934 P. M. CHESTNU 4 7 HILL RAILROAD Leave Philadelphia. 6. 8.10 , 12 A. M ., 3,, 4, 6.8, 9, and 101[ P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.10,8, 8.40, 9.40 , 11.40 A. M.,1.40. 3.50, 6.40, 7.10, 8.40. and 10.10 P. 81. The 3 A. M. and 3-56 P. M. will make no mope on the Germantown road. ON STINDAI S. Laave Philadelphia, 9.121 A. M., 2%05, and 7% P. M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7-50 A . M., 12.40. 6.10, and 9.10 P.M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, 8.60 734, 9.05, 11,80 A. 70.. 1.05. CM, 4%. 674.6. and 1134 P. M.. Leave Norristown, 6,7, 8.03, 9,11 A. At, 134, 434.834. and 914 P. M. . 8111iDAYS. Leave rhiladelphia, 9 A. M.. 3 and 5 p..M. Leave NorrurtoVrn, 7% A. M., 1 and 0 P. M. FOR MAN AY UNK. Leave Philadelphia 8.50, 7% 9.00, 11,13.1 A. M.,1.06. !.06.3.08, 4 %, 634.8, an 1711 P. Di. Leave Mepaitenk, 633, 7%, 8.33, 9%.1133 A. M.. 1.5%, 6,7„ and 10 P • —• - . ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 4. 91.., 6 6. and Ml'. M. I.eaire Manayunk, TX A. M. 1%, 6%, and 9 P. M. .13 . IYI 8 ki,__Oesieral Superintendent, tavll-tt Depot. - NINTH and GREEN Streets. 'HE PENNSYLVANIA OR NTB r, L RAILROAD socr mu.,Es DOUBLE? aitAcx. • 1861.. - Fliminwal 1.861• Olt CAPAaT OF TIV- RriA r f NOW RQIIAL ANY IN_ KR CO rcnty. italusE. TIIROUSR GER. TR AIN3 BiSTW EISA PRILMFLPRIA AND PITTSBURG, gonneoting direot P ladelphin with Throush Trains from Boston, New Yor , and all_points Eqpt, end in the UnlolljNipot at Pittsburg with Through 'grains to and from a (11 points in the West, Northwest. and Sentiment -. - -thus furnishing facilities for the transtlrtation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. &sprees and Fast Lines 'ran through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Cooduotors. All Through Pruisenger Trains provided with Lougsridge's Patent lirate-speed under perfect control of the , eurinsSr, thus adding much to the safety of traveller*. Smoking .Cars are attached to each Train ; Wood rAft sieemicare to Eurese and Fast Truism. The R.X PA Eed RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines, Sun days exsepted. • Pail Tram Isar; Philadelph i a:at f. 90 A. M. 'last ' A. M,' Expri!)-= Train leaves " /0.15 P. M. WA TRAINS ',RAVI; AS FOLLOWS: .garristmrg Accommodation , via Coimbra,. 3,30 P. M. Columbia . coop. AL Parkesjinrg " at 5.40 F.M. We l s. cheater " No at 8.15 80 A. M. N. West Chester Passengers o. take lll the west Cbestcr NTrtu os. Ins and I Harrisburg acoommodation and Columbia flies&engere for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Musts Fe and intorinediate ;mints, leaving Philadelphia at TAO A.M. and $.lO F. M., to direetir through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the 'otiose of the company h o ilailadelphla, flew . York, Boston, or Baltimore ; cud okets Eastward at any of the impor tant Ituiroad oes in the Wan; ako on board any of the - regular Line of Btaamera on the marauding or Ohio rivere..: Fare sawF.yli ail and time as quiet, as by any other Route, For further information apply at tke Passenger Ma tien, Southeast corner of Eleventk and Market streets. The completion. of the Western eonneottons of the Pennsylvania, make Olathe DIRECT LIX4E BE W EEN THE EAST AND TILE BREAD WEST. Yho otinneetion of tianici by the Ragroad of et PI arg, avoiding ail drayage or ferriage of Freight, tele her with the awing of tiro . are advantages readi ly Lthipsers of Freight, and the Travel ling Fublie. Merchants and Ebarperii managing the tranirorta tion of their Freight to this Company, can rely with metre on its moody Aransit. 11 RATIO OF F 41,16117 to and from any point In the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad eta et Cti tft , tt ivorrabls as' ars shorted by stag, Eat/road JOB, ft. partisolar to flit- imeages Pennsyl-' mina Railroad." _ ... ..... .. . . . For Freight Contrunte or Ethi_peins DiroB.l , dle!I tO, or address. either of the fo ll orrinc, ends of the Commies' . ...... . .....- O. A.:l!ttewsre, Flttatcarg: R. B,_rieree & Co., Zazteeeille. 0.; J. J. Johnson, Rill- Ley, O.; R. ftioNeety, Maysville, 'Ky.; Ormoby & Crop per, Portelnoath, O.; Ftultlook _8... Co., Jefflseionville, i in littrl t "bria til a-, O.; .S. C'! u la i rd a it;. Q. dit4ll7:, d.,/os. . lloore. .t.mosvile, Try .; P. 6.'0 le? , & ~ „14 - 414M01.1 o, Ira. ; Ni. W. erghagg & CO, Cairo. • ; A. rO. 01.1. fighttier it Giase,Bt. Louie.' Mo.; John • 'Agri's: fftolMle, Tenn. • Rama . RAM . , Hem.; th-la, weillt;' Clarke. at. to.. 'Chmairo, Ili. ; W. A. R. .11.00Dti, AI on, L 11.; or to reixiit Meats of Railroads at aliveren points An the egg. 8. B. 1C.11168TaN,...17.- Philadelphia. F.RAW & ROLM% 80 Nortkatreet, Baltimord. ' CR & C0..1 Amor Hodge, or 1 8 William at., im, Y E.FCiI. & C 0... No. 77. State dna, Axton. , R. R. IifQUATON. Gien'l rreyglit Aggqi. Fiala. 1,.1,..R0UPT, laan'i 'Winkel Agent, -Phila. H. LEWIS. tien'l Bire't Altoona. Pa. la 7-13- 1861:s . r t iAliqt . 4 , 1 MUMMER ABArsAI , M - 1 14 4 .E r W4 IrfRY.l vtleCaltl:o2A an ar entoy i f e iatte- • t I SACiat 7eKe.f-a !Ili Ai 'TO Pire YOAA 'ARM AY Ph , PROW yvsaay Aga laritutaven =rt . : _ IR NA. SOO AA IrOitlertYlt, Vft: • ra?ta At 5 A. M. • via dlagoisi 4,l4,A , klairra.Mta „- • • MB M At A. M. ills Saittest nail PROW tM. J. Aegeniiti'Xatias.--.. • - • • 111 At aA. 11., sits Camden awd Jaten lif t araiag- • Mal— • • • .• • , • 00 Ai 11X A..51.,via Ifenangtow ant lamas MS; Wreatern• &eread_ At MX P. le., via Camden niut'Aithlis asettenose-- t 09 At, Y. M., vla Camden and Ambet,Mead A. Mt- ,L • row— •• sso At 414 t a t, lendir.t tan cad Amu Mt:6BU aing a 0 At ex . via Ksainattses slut jersey .City,fld • • _••• .104 1. M., vie Camden and Isnot: LittY,ing • Moll _ , • BM . Matti. at.oriathiandet and Arrow tntf, At 11X P. fit., via Camdei 154, M Clads At ar. hj,, fits Clistrasa and t. Assam:eau, ties' "Froight and Purnagen-lat Mons wicket_ 1* b 6. 31: Clue Tfiehot- i SO ' woe BY ht BLit kdsta rang daity. who Mu arts fa. ail. Bate rdays saantas. • Far 'Water eats , atroadsbut, terantern, IT'atattikarro. Mentrass, Cleat Bend, tee., 7.1t1 A. 151: from Aaron:trier DlTiawars. Autrawatina and Westernlt: IL • For Muck Shank, Alltintern,Beildshem,Belyidere iSsaten lotat.sertville: at LIB A. M. and 4.K . P. M. nom Reasingten Daptiit - idinnasts was.. train tearing Edisto for Mania Ohnnk at ISS P. M,l: • _Ar go}l.o Igeur, et and lA.MO ao v; or Freehold.. at 4 A and B-P. Fer W hag*. I:target, ,:ran,en, ma., at r4eA,.1 1 1., s ; 5 ants 5X i P.51.• freer ßangingten, and r. M. .IiYM WSinti- Itreet wharf. FarLab:errs. Waverton, Ihm ' anea. Beyer', ten F reuse, 13erdentevra, ika, at ISX. I, 3. 434,8.241 C r. etesmboat Trenton. for_gordentown and intermediate plooeikat 114 P. M. from W alnut - street wharf. • • tor For New York and We Lines leaving Itolingtet- Depot, take the oars, en ?ifth arrows, above 'Walnut, ittlfan heir bofore - departure. Ths dais MN; into the tin al on arrival *reach train, ran from the dosei Pounds of Baggage, only, allowed each Punt - . 'vizagars are prohibited from taking aruthiria as gage bat their wearing apparel. All baggage evel pouda„to be paid for extra. The Comtmn: War resacondity lei baggage to OneDollarpor 310 'and will net be liable for am ansont ,yend *ll4, sr sept ny special aauttmt. in WIZ • WOL iX. tIAIMMEA..atAtt, ;.tatri. t '• • • :im,a i•- ' , 4 - • v..% . 1iaLii.. FO xlt -- F . TIEF4 DOY a'Ociti •atAt".'... ig.rf r1d44.1 ( .6".7021..E.A.5 ~ ri, El:3)ll,km, ~KELD.I3.6 IRE 0. ,FutEu Tai '.OVGE +R A.M. A. - ' • . Wiiiik, • tcr Atoll!) a tt, MAY. 18,4 M, .railitpler Vrasiunrut save rftorrE and Wi.L.LowlStraola. ramp dolph Ca 11(0,1w:day; czoopted), ad (01.LOwa t. la 1.40.,,0., r-1. rao l evo, _for livditokec. 1.4..1.101r.••• Mauch CanaF. nxioton, Wdkeaarra, 114; at 2,0 ,F. 1d.,, t rawer's), fa: Be;alatiatn. :locum, its. Clio rasonag Enatom atE P. ;1Y.1. , / , 7d....n:..4. en olx./.1 aranaetton Intik !taw Jerooy Central .ti,ow- - fo_*o I. At , Lie ; P. :v... ' fl- 73etti trien!.. .. 1 14.- sp , *.reettat I . IT. It A...N. an( a - L._ tar -toyreittionn. . . .;.1 A. M. M., Lir Foi W0 1 01 1 ; 1 0 0. r! • 1.W10 1 0.40- A.- R. na-preaa_tTran in./ . 4,te . a olotnae.4l 1...!` aritb the -kealsk Vann, Rr.lll . 6ati at -,.1.1. - Iluo eta, be ' tea ahertext and ' utast deloronto to..W' ' whirrs , la t: nHiottita In tti '.i.e.h doed_retton, itAXNE FOR.. F ADE!. ("EU,. 'rt....* nth Wage, •at f•.to A. M., 1.13 .c... M., sad 0.&" oaia."ooykootran at YAL A. ig, anti CO P. AL. laa - ra Fart Thattiaille9 at V* 1... M. and 1.60 P. M. titt . watar, 2 a.yz.-- ,,,,,, tyr Betklebsra at It fkradt;volualor Dqvaftatow.7l at 3 f. :-/- Noylestottn for Pktfedeiplua ut OA 4... M. , Bethlehem for -Thrtladelekte at it P. X. I Fare So .w•thietAp,....q/ tsg J Fero to Kouah Cuunk..7ll eP Flofto Za i s s E.....-: - .. 1 Faro to wiikar.barre- Ate roarT'z 01 - eptect• be atoeured •at the Tick° so; at 'pow ISt reot:pr 8F41.1 . c8 Atteet, it:rotes , to aere.-tko above rate: of wt.: .• . • . - .• • 411 • PampanizIr7lana (Gtaos.lsltuaay.Tnatan)oilane•r 10 13arkel 13 1. , with nab. sad tilit.a.-atreetr, odidi Boao'anill hirn-itrenja i Faavairer Raurostia, men., t . mill*" EP" I ' vr i' w 1 I.7 Flrrictiotitic, Agsua. ..2PIaNG _ MBST.--PHIL.6I).ELFBIA, Lt. we A BALI/13103E P A F. And a MOPIDAY,_APRIL 15i1361, fAJOlß — Rividi. 3 LEAVE' PHILABAL.P.BIA: ‘Fer. Baltimore at 5.11 A. M... 1116 A. M.. (lidaprear), and 10.111 P. AL For Welter at 8.16 A. M., 11.511 A. M., 4.15 and MAO YeISMr•• tV ilamirtmt at 3.16 A. Id.. 11.36 AL .ss A. , 4.10 and for !tee Cast.m. at 5.111 A. N. and 1.13 P. M. Far Oever,olB.l6 A. and Ale "4 er Milford St 8,16 A. M. :war Calletrury_4l3. OR A. M. F Mayo Baltarpere at 6.16 A. r. (Expr.:, LCD A. dad 4.0 P. 14., • laa'"J Wilarmkten at 11X8 ard 3.46 e • A.. Lel and NMI dahinarr at 140 f, Lcave HilfOrd at 4 P. eave Dover at 6.56 n. M. and 1.29 New Carrie at SAS A. 6L,Lat P. M. heave Vier at TAO A. M., and 6.0 P.M. leave :more for IllaliaMlTT Zl24l3slawa.To road at4.lA M. . • likAms FOX BALTIMOJLE: • YVero (Mister et 6.0 A.M.. ILO and 11.3) vs ivlb 13 si"len At US A, IC, 11. P. M., and 13 E 14611111 IFILLI3S, 'Mk PaasilDgeT Car attaakce. • MB, ran an follows: leave 2.tllielelphla for Perryville and intermediate .e.basee at apo.r.m. • .cave WS en. for PerrytilLo sad niteratelLate Oases atl/A m„ Leave Wllraintten far Philadelphia and interred. te ye Kay - re-de-Grate ter Fattlatere and tntermaiii - ate at:diens at 6A. M. ' 'Leave .Wtamor• for Stavrei-de-Grase and intermeel. ate atabana at y, • Oft 01310311/3 • Cdoemenolr,r, &radar. May 10,LSO, anti/ tartisr no ttee, TWO TRAI 613 Intl run on hand:Lys, Leaving Ahlladelonia for Baltimore and Wealunzton st UM A. . and 14.50 P. ht., end Leaving Baltimore for Phibulehtnis at LC/ A. M. ant f M S. M. PBAMOII. Premilsat. E V AN 8 & WATSON'S SALAXANDER sews. 111110.11 —304 ISIMMIIVEST, 4 : it ti•Nr• noes*" .. 111115 Ilartr PALMS NY A:IC(0110N. N F. PANOOAST, AIIOTIONEBR, Sue- A. • • comor to B. &mt. Jr.. 4.31 011.11417NW1T Rt. BALE OF F.MBROIDURIB, ETOCK GOODS, 80-1:11t.F 1:11t.F Y quit, &c. This Morning, July SI, eonimeneing et 10 o'clock preelisely. Inoleder will by lou - d late ety lei einbroiderrd (milers. se s, and trimmings : Cali s' and gent,' beeisry : easel smnns h. , 01, skirts. natio, s . c now:ring a desira ble assortment, eutied t pregent le ail salmi, dR,II 'LANK Kll3. 100 pair extra quality song blankets. F F. 0., FL. , VObIREJ. 100 cartons Pans artificial 11.swgrfi. JR. tie. b3O P1A.11.1173" Etroot =OM PILNOII.4I. .< . FIRST FALL BALE OF TI REASON. 1,000 CASt's .1309 T ROGANS, Sco. Op 'Chu rs'day Mornie-s. Avgnst 1. at 19 o'clock precisely, will be wild. by oats, loom. 1,000 oases men's, boys', end yoaths' calf, kip. nn o Min boot.. calf. kip, goat, and enamelled brogans, COnKrese gaiters Oxford ties. waling shoes, dr wo men's, 11111/SPMe, arid children's boom .hoes. gaiter', slippers- buskins. ko. Also, a large assortment of &st eals city made goods. KT Open f:r examination, with catalogues, early on the moraine of sale. Also, at private sale, a large invoioe of prime army brogans. Itorthern Central Etadrosii. FITEN3BB, BRINLEY, & 00. d MARKET I,l7lltrelf Itzubvry snd Eh* S. M 08ES NAIR ANS, AIT 0 T.! QN IC PI R iff- 31 - ARC CSMIVIIIMON MERCHANRI. aoutheut corner of WC:if and RACE Btreata. AT P IN , ATE RA AT PRICEK. TO SUIT TEE TIMM. The following article's will be sold for lees then half the usual selling price Fine gold hunting owe. donb'e-osao, and double-bot tom English patent lever watches, of the most approved and best makers ; fine gold double-time nglish "Patent lever watohes; independent-seconds lev-r watches; fine gold hunting-case and oven-face escapement levet and lepine watches; horizontal and duplex watches , silver hunting-mac, doubt- , case. and doable-bosom weclieh patent lever escapement lever. and !opine watohee, or the most approved and beet makers; Pon bio-oaas and open. face silver watches; silver ituarcer silver guarder and single saute wetchea ; fine n gold vegt, beak. too. and guard ohalns ; diamond finger rings and breast-phis; seises fine gold jew-lry • gold breast-pins, ear rings. finger-rings, bracelets, penoil-osses, ponn.• and jAwolr, of eve:y description; guns, pistols. miThiezi} instruments, piano -fortes, and artlelan separetic. MY TO Money advanoed O liberall NE y, LO A for any lenell of - time agreed upon, on gold and sliver plate, domones ! WatCbte,Alrelrt , musical instruments. dry goood, clothing, grootinoS, hardware, cutlery fur niture. bedding, fanny articles, and on all article:l of Vaune CUNNIGNMENLEI ANTI ouT-Dooß BALE'S Istmr— CITED. Liberal dub &deineate made on all articles consigned for sale. Persona attention riven to all nut-tiror eslea. T L ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD. THE TEST OF YEARS, • AMR GROWS MORS AND MORE POPULAR EVERY DRY. And tegtimonis a, now, and 'Oman without number, might he given, from Indies and gentlemen in all grades of sooiety. whose united testimony none 00. Id Tomtit, that Prof. Wood's flair RestoTatiye will restore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty! SATTLs Cexas, Mick., Deo. 71,18x8. PROP. Wool): Theo willb please atioept a line to in form thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty years ago, (Mulled by a complicated owromo dis ease. attended with an eruption on the head. A con tinual course of suffering thmtigh life having reduced me to a state of dependence. I have not been able to obtain stuff for caps, neither have I been able to de them up, in consequence of which my bead has suffered extremely trom cold. This Induced me ea r thy Briggs & Hodges almost the last- cent I bad on for a two dollar bottle. of thy Hair . ,Resterative about the Ist of August last. 1 have faitfully followed the direct:tune; and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short ' it is-also coming- in all over my head. 'Feeling two fident that another large bottle would restore it entirety and permanently, I feel anxious to pereevere in its use and being destitute of means to purchase any more, would as,. thee if thee wouldst pot be willing to send me an order on thine agents for a bottle, and receive to thyself the Scripture declaration —"The reward is to those that are kind to the widow and thefatheneos. Thy friend, SUSANNAH KIRBY. Licsihialt. Noble co. Indiana. Feb. 6, 1869, -Piton% 0. J. Woov : Dear Sir: In the latter part of the year 1658. while attending the State and National Law School of the State of New York. my hair, from atame unknown to me, commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in the short space of Mx months, the whole tipper part of MT scalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing, and much of the remaining portion !Iron the side and back part of my head shortly after became gray ; ao that you will not be surprised when I tell you that, upon my return to the State of Indiana, my more casual aO quamtanees were not so much at a loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as mr more in timate aequaimanoes were to. recognise me at all- I atones made application to. the moat skilful pbysi- Mans in the country, but, receiving no sasuranoefrom them that my hair could again bo restored. I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1861, your Restorative was reoomtel)adadja me by a druggist as being the moat teliabie Hair Restorative to use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time. I have used seven dol lars' worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hmr,whieh no money can bil L a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article. I have reoom mended its use to many of my friends and aequaintan ces, who, I am happy to inform you, are using it with like effeet. Very respectfully, yours, A. M. LATTA, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the world. The Restorative is put up in Bottles of three sizes, large. modinm, and en all; the small holds half a pint, and retails for one dollar peg bottle ; the medium holds at least twenty per mat. more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars a bottle ; the large holds a quart, CD per cent. more in proportion, and re tail. for Sa a bottle. O. J. WOOD 4t. CO., Proprietors, 444 BROADWAY, New York, and 114 hIARKET Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Deal ers. Sold in this oi FIFTH A. FAHSCESTOCK & Co., Nos. 7 and 9 North Street. and • HASRARD & Co. TWELFTH and'OHl-EITOCT Streets; DYOTT & 232 •North SECO ND Street • ottl3-murfewstf AnfILVAGag IffBAll4 far Paimirstarent leeTes at Byer e. tins'Board of Mani;gers tk Fsitsxai- Ma ant Reading Itailroo CIMPA . II,T. =. 7 , ..fe11A51012. Brarztary. Alea r geHinfri A P,ELPHIA -1133,01.N0 ' Ft..AII.ELOAD CO (01140 Wlsotttl. Feerth street.) SSfIS • PEILLDILrnk, Antii $7, rrrTs. 0n and after Kay 1.1E41, season tiekets will be balled 'by On* OOMPSAT for the' pews& of tnrre six, nine, and twelve months, not transferable. - - - aeason sohool-Ookets MIT &$o be bed at Oyer cent, • These tie.e.eta will be sold by the Tyeasurer at Ito. 247 :!oath FObßTit ttreet. where any fartherinfonnation .oett be obtained. 3. LIRADFoRD, Lt RAYGIT.= ,h.DEAtIIA AAP TA . cavicicm.zoirs.b.' wra, =.l4o , l l ,ol.tayßym, vse. Wirrrsrmrr", jtarsr.ton_f Devout flithon, CYII- linionorr• Troy- AME:011 1 I...anton, t“en-a., nelfeje, Alidarn 11 , L,67, ; 11-sakes:sr, IltrrelanCL.Datrrtit cirkpame•rf. Ferilano.too.. and al; mut?! /*lll.k. one 1 1 nscenic: IZZ.V4 ' Ea* it , AP O 4 ths no ledtonanin a.r, 4 goading gailr/r...4,' earner tr.rter&D and Ztroo4, .(Pseeenser ent - eneo OR Gal laißkr ctrll4l.) deny. (43esdrnt a, - .45.2tvz ). ka• n'to:ro pen ir il t,a to:laws: _ co a m. 7" WO:En Etr.Pg- s-u 2a. 11.9 3,4 A. M. train solllle4tS M Rilpert, for Walt*. .A 770 • Pltbmt. naranion. and n/1 etationa en et 1/g4II.Ot.in7I.I4SAL•AND 87,00t3tnv2.* /k it trams make e.:rent aoll . retione at Ennire tke tronnt tin-ii.nre learxhild Ca nll ll ll Bl = B end La) ncern rellt, mud Beale, eV C.., litf!_..ertnez Kew York Gentral Trap alt p•teto Rene _no Went, aroi i4e ctal . neee. _ Beggars onet.c4b , l Ea r l ignie .V 4 0 .7410/ t.X 4 0 R- 1 11?•,&1 1 / 9 11 Brit!, o, and .• ."/.;om.r..stinte n O M. I /%. lriateta eon : roenred At the Da/one/nein ant fa_ mire Anil.reed j .:6 e , slthe.tet Dace. T,Sunorn.7.ol/t_aorner LE.11.1, snot .%4PN etronta, an•4s , ,fil!krzinienzer , bonet. earner*: ', . ..:E1Ery 17..E.R0V7 SX2r,EBB .E.luslerAT 'VIA*/ Miave tke Po:e. LAlelnitutond meadiaZ Panel, Wend au liorlan etre adnitt exeen*), , 14 1 ., a u • A 5 .11211, W." Vall; "" ; ftsar Fro/0U atm , e 071 ' • S. - a their reline tics r 131.0 04 .7• wet tarteer eaters:At:ea •nt wklgt l ll - r-E7O 1 0/t/1.1.1r1M 7 ;,:w atromm ~ _,.u.15 ApAms - 11XPR -CTU., !Ngt, orkztimscstrost, ilprinT — Mittas , twirns.o , :_trouwbs., Atuksimes, Willoisis. sitkor ;' , rillog br ita 'mit .ftauiti ..*.x. ;a dirt Vila Stk.*: ' • to- fia, tka o IIiTH it?lio!halspr IturVa l itaigis; - - - ''' • ~, ' , Inc ; - W AWA . . 'IL aliniMagii - *EDI CINAI. puma PEOPYL.V4INE, Nsw Recoatir for JENEVMATIEM. Vanua the east 'ear We have introduced to tho no tice of the xeedloal profession of thin country the Pars Gratzto/ised Maori& cf Propylactinc, an a REMEDY FOR REED MATIOhI; and having received from many nouroes, both from Pliveimansof the highest standing and from patients, the MOIST FLATTERING TESTIMONIALS of Its real value in the treatment of this painful and 'obstinate &ammo , are are induced to present it to the public) in a form READY FOR LAIMEL•IaTE (18E, which we hope will pommend itself to those who are suffering with *cis Meting complaint, and to the =8- (I.v:eat practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable iemedl. ELIXIR FROFYLAMINE. In the form above him of, has recently been eittenzively exPeriMenWd with in the pErmay.t.vAznA EtOSPITAh. and with M.A.RXF SUCKPREISfas will appear from thy pabliehed amounts in the 'coke& joureauid Wa'lt is aerofoil, put up ready for immediate use, with fell &motions. and can be obtained from all the dm:vets at 76 oents per bottle. and at wholesale of BITLLOCK & Drurgisis andhiannfezturang Chenuste usti. Pbslsd.tlnhis BUSIIIIMS6 C:Mit!3•Lte 1 - 0111 WELSH, PRACTICAL /MATE ROOFER. TWIRD Street and GERMANTOWN Road, tepreparrd to put on any_amount of Roofing, on the molt moderate terms. Will guaranty to make every building perfectly water-tigh OrderspzOmptly attendecl. to. ror7-77 . Vaal NIZIO'IT,Nii4 and Lif.-1110.103,- ag Nos. 317' and .31V-WALPIET IStreet, fbasonient stares, between Third ant .Fgaith, north ado,) ?kHz delelna. PI. B.—Pine QM Whiskies talfaVi (Established in 1343.) ?a!9-Na p AWOON & NICHOLBOIq, - BOOKEIND743LB, Xes. 019 and 411 .11,11.3 - 0.0. Ht tx4, Itermsers4ket s=o Chestnut .st7es= 4404E8 P JAM' B. Nigid,kt.oll:" .1-01-13-* , •.• pth_g MANIMIOTORY, • 211 NEW 272 ERE. Piles and Reeve of every devoripted i ant aqui 'quality. Trade to eller, at the , above eetahlistooteet. Wlit/LEEitLE Bred RE7AII.. GS avelad n r' prices. 4et:nit:4le t 37. 1, 5 , M114 ,, P1 apl-ACm • .J. EASB AND UOMFOJT. A. TkIEOBALD rusks. Who earreleas• or anti ererrbod, 1 . . Snot a person probably_ never was bore. Bat theta wh. know when the,' Die 'Nutted in' BOOTS or SHOES ere invt.ed to give - him a call. and those , who never were eel tett before innr fps suited now. Beta at his oid piens, V 4 0, 10 ( - its "0 vp Rt-rAAt iAIS io' FLAP—GI:C.) ell)L't? IN*EDINNECWEF.T offESTif,E fiLELROAD TRAI if 21 rut .P.ENIVeY.L.V AMA 7tAls.lt3Aii, lease depot. corner ELEVENTE and 61ARE T ttreets. a 2 A. At.. noon. 2 31 P. 61... and 4 P. Sunde,y, leave Fhilisdeiphits rr.t 7.3$ t. tL. and. West Chester et .t P. M. r. ;TO-if • W S' 013 ' , CUD PHU,AFIELPRIA EiALGROAD, • ,• Vl4 MEDIA. 5UMA173 . 13. ARRA Nil ENT, end after MONDAY,Juna 188/, the trairm will le 7a Yriljj,AD,' i.Plf! DAY,, the Depot, N. corner of El GSTIKUNTH nne; streetsst 7.45an0 10.30 NI, my' A. 4.13. 0.00. r- ,__ nd 10 F. ano 10ana the altanon. corner. 01 TR RTY-Flft`T and 31.1.R.K.5T Szmete, (Wax, Pnandtdo l .llll,) at 8.00 nad 10.4/5 r M.. and LB. 4.51 ISAIS and 10,15 F.M. 91.1.:51)ZiDAye ueavelil.t.e.OEUllllatll7bl. and a P. Zg. t•eayel , 7lo' r4IT:f It at tt hf. and Ei.F. rd. • ;trams leaving B hifaxielphts. and-West Cheater at 1.41 A. M. and tits r- connect" ate P. ennaltonmlth on the Philade;rlda and Br.W.mord Cc.naral Railroad Par _Oxford And zetterrnediate rTMTRY WOOD . , xturM-tt Jjenentl xtryerintendata, .A4ll9lllOMg : - AYJN.C.E.—:-Lattu - t . !ITER VALLI3YRA.T.LitOAD.--.P.M .81.:PIGER Tit _4.1.08 FOR. DowliaunoNni AND I.EIRAIBILLATE STATrOrt.--On. end. slier .1107 501_ LSO the Pamenter 2i r roznz .fors. WifINOT6WIT will ' start from the new P.A.44engar Depot of th astride and iteeolitle__RtAiroad Gonvory, comer of BROAD and 0,4,141,UWar1A. StrAsts. Nts2llP•r. s *- blase on Callowhill N-VANINV MITI 114 THOMEt_d Noe. 139 wed 141 gonth Pc.:099.1rn Street. (Formnri. Nay g 7 wed 59.1 PUBLIC SALM It r.AL tisTATE AND oct., AT THE EXCHA nGE kVERY TOPDaY, At 1 o'clock, neon, during tee hu.inenn t5llOll. ln +lily ltd Atignitt,only ecoanienai sates. 9 ekL ax l e ATE AT PltrlirATE SALE. IST We have rge eZIOU at of real entate nt Meat, gate. lielOilldille eVeTT dencrigion of oity and co awi , Property. Printed Ilnia__ ma- had at the mltiunit: 1 4*. Sale at Nos 139 and 141 ' , oath Fourth ktrpet, avitiqr,ioß portni t ' tIRE.FR..r.DICH-PLinTE hug_ itOrta. PIANO FORTES 13.- - .Dtz AND DEDW BRUSSELS AND OT 9PI ft lIARPItTB, Eng. AS, On Thank's) Morning. At 9 o'clock. at the Auction t , tore. an "at or excellent second-hand furniture, elegant plann.iertea. fine mirrors, carper, , beds and tt.dding, ka. from him hos cleclinina housekeeping. removed to the store fa r oenvenionos of sale. ITZARI BROS., Atje. IVA• TIPONEERS T, 604 CHESTNUT Bt., above S • At T o'clock. of hooka, etationery, and (ahoy god. watches. jewelry, cloaks. silver elated ware c-1 l painrinys, musical itrromenta• too- , 0.,0 r y , Also. Hosiery, dry goods,. boots and shoes, and the attes °handles of every deliamptaon, Me:- DAY 8AL1..8 every_ ondaY, Wo doloodaY. sad Fii day, at 10 ceolook ~. M. PRIVATE SA liF:l5. A tprigate gale. ea TeraJ large eorosignmeatanivatob oh us an and jewelry. books, cations ry . oilvor-kted Irate 4! len, fanoT and wh' tion of mry and county) nrrohants and othsra • Conmenments solielted for &II kindo of marohttd for ei toe: public or private salon. Lie. 16" Operal osah advances mad, on M oorrintraeou, ot-iroiro. OIR D. ,,,, Di1* .I' ,,, OPfi , INA.CIIINERY AND IRON. PENN STICAM ViGINE AND BOILER WORKS —N EAFI & LE", PRAC P.CAL Ara ri THEORSTICAL ENOl'Vpcni, MACHINISTS. BOILS II -MAKF StI,IILACKSAIITHR, and FOUNDVS , S, having. for man , years, b teD noppotwul op ration, and been exclusively eny hmed . 4 building said repairing Marine and Riveratom. hit: and low pressure Iron &eta, Water Tanks. gresell. /to. &a.. respectfully of f er „ their services to the b,ri ae Veiny folly prepared to contract far sizes. Monne, oo River.. and Stationary. it , (4 patterns of different ze e , are prepared to extente nr dem with quiet despatch Evart drearier:oe of makint made at the shortest Donne Highau 4 . Preesure, Flue, Tubular. and Cylinder %mime! best re linty 'Pam oharcoal Iron Fen lugs, of gis Roll ntr d kinds ; Iron and tira , sa Castroge. of aff derZ. Turntrig. Screw Cutting and all other wortc on . nested with the above cmments. Drawings atni .pecificatlone for all vett dine at the establishment. free of charge. and wan . guarap t l i. The subacribe , s have ample wharr-d. oos for r "pairs of boats . whe- w the, Mt lie 713 perfect ate s. and are provided with shears. blocks, Mlle, for refiring heavy or Light weights. .1 COB C. NEAFLE, BEACEi j° Jil l Pt LMER VY‘btreig„ Y. VAIIGHAN JOHN R COPE. WILLIAM H. MERRICK. HARTLEY ELIRR/11. gOUTHWARR FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHING-VON BTREM, PHILAIJIMPECIA. • • • MFRRICs & !lONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Nantliaettlre and marine Pressure Steam Autism for lasd. river. and tonnes. Boners. Gasometers. Tanks. Iron Nets. Am; 13, 4 t. ins of all kinds, either iron or brass. DIM Frame Roofs for Gea Works. Workshops, Roil road Mal:Lune. &a. etorta nno San Manhinory of the latest tmd tog improved constrnetimi. E,Very dmrivElort of Plantation Machinery, cachet sugar, Saw, raid Stint Milk Vacuum Pam. 444 Steam Trains, Defoentors. Filters. Pumping Encips. &o. /sole Agent!. for N. Rillieux's 'Patent finger &Mtn: Apietratusifiermyth'e Patent :Item Hammer- and as. Pitman A. Wolany'• Patent CentrifacalSugar Ih t i a;i4 Manton. wog groottiT PIE 4bANT FOUNDEL 14 0.95) Ble,AeHStreet:KOnsinetort. Ptaladeighia,Mar LIAM If. TIERS info out hie (nerds that. Warm imu, °hared the en ire stook of ratterne at Me atawth ai , dry, he is now prepared to Tenet e entail toy Griat,. and Saw- MAI Coatings, Soap. Cam= Houle Work,..Gearina, Castings 17 )- de horn Sever hamlet,' or Cupola Furnaces. it dry or creen tand,to loam SHIFFJNG• BTgANISBIP GREAT EASTERN FOR LIVitRPOOL. Ihe Ofte , , AT MARTI. PN. James Reuradv, gum. mender, will Bail from Quebec fcr Liverodol,iec h t," permitting on Tueaday. th• 6th of AlllllPt. gerato be on bou ß rn on Zl9 th O e F e vening cr the ash. AT FABS.AGE. Cabin, .-- • —JIGS absentee.-- 830 Passenrers °coursing the grand salmi hernia will be oharged 815 sgsrri. Botrtba not °awned until paid for. wo ereenenced r- urger) is are on board. Steerage pa SOP F6ra are requ.led to ptir t ide b e dd ing, also eatina Hnd drtalaua Waned' rt he ebtp will take aa car, o—Socr, grain, Rehm dry deals. .to For farther partial:tiara, appl. to the consme n . - ALLAN GI. MOOR Sz CU.. Quebec, or GILMOUR rc CO, biontreal, Or to their agents in /taw York. EDMSION BROTOFR!, tAl* No. 8 Bowlirg Green. witstumy BY 01TA.% BETWF,EN NEW YORX AND LIVERPOOL, =lime ,Ite aw,/ to land and embark pnereilLett and sekruchm. '.Vbe Liverpool, Raw York, and Ames/• imp company's splendid Clyde-mnit Iron screw staem shipe, are intended to rail as follow( : wtelvAll 14EW YORK FOlt LIVEXPOSt, GLASGOW. Saturday. dUrniq Ott VOF BALTIMORIS, tatudar. Au atIO KANGAROO. Sarnrday. August 17 And oTe 63.tdtda7 i r :77ca3litook the Jeer, hu sk r,Lt NO. 44 N. 1. .?...I.'WES OF ?A TRROVOII FROM PEULAIIELPZIA. Cabin, to Ituminztown, pr Lirerpool.— n Do. to London, via Ataersue to Queenstown, or laverpoeL__--- N Do, to London. --- 80. Eaturn tiokelk. available for elk steed, from Lmerpool.. Peasant= forwarded to Rene, Paris, reinsert, Bremen, and rworp, at thronch rates. et t l fi c y s t ai of oessaro fanned trout Liverpsel to New York— ell Oeitificetee. of passage Maned from Queemuna a aw York— . . ewe ateune:a have tra.perior itnownntodattnes ter oeutaenaere, are uoiustruetan with If:ltem:ad COElpfri moots, and carry OZPoriOnood usooosur. For fremkts - or vamp, a;pl7 at the ofte of us now OLT. ORrf td.,B , Afm:. kiValnet ra u se_ Ak Live:PO=4 to Wel. Tower 13tildste. B! o'#, mr41:14, leizon meta „ Tat • BNi f .MB AND 50P an ” AItIBRICAN 14.41.. i. gnat- 1 5 CY& 1.11.0 A NSW SOZZ Se .1.171/3.1C01. mier Cabin inn Reoottd. Cohn7s !HON ZWITC2.I 2.:=1:1/141.. 'Mier Cabin Passare. • Almond Cabin Pe..te4..t— • ... eke chips from New York tags: Cerkiferbee. 'Eke ettiss fmt. et late= and On ei Aar- RDXO,, Ceps. t.h.F SICA, Clem. Mt= en. AXAI3., Capt. I.C:oct, rA1445.4.,CAr. Leltob. ASIA_ Cant . E. e. Lott . AMERICA, Hoot el. 11.BENJULLAWAr. lAGAJLA. :Apt. Atolls Cawt. Cook...EUROPA., Csst. Andetess SIC-Kfg lA, I now hasbygd whets waszez cz:iil7 a clam . atiti , 4-t at .1T teen on storbesed bow• : ra' op pm , caV• CANADA. Moodie, leaven Batton, Wedoesditt. /nit ts, AIDA,. Lott N.York , Cliedneaday, A-F-Alik-A. mono, "-er.esis.. Aim 1. iFttiCAS , Mumma. " N. Yotk, aredneeder Aar 11 UROPA, Anderson, " Boston. :dserber. Au/ V. PEREIA, " /4:iOTh,WV I -Meg&T•An; Dcrths not saoused anti' raid for. An axperievoew Earseon on ba&a. inte owners of those ships will aqt be r.ucontc , ,a fee sold, SrlTer, Bullion, Epetie, Jewe;ry, Frreieu et Waists, unless bills of Mins sttmed thersisf•Lll the-than . thereof the; sin egprelle,. ref :tent a .4a= &PO" - te OVNACS. Beralnst Orson, !leT 781 k. “T-H.F.:. PRESS” BOOK AND JOB PRINTING E S T ABLI. SHisiEN T . NO. 417 CHESTNUT STREET P HI.LrLD H 1.2 The attention or the Business Gotamunit is reipeetfully invited to the New Boa: ail Joh Printing Office of ‘c TIM PRESS," Rhii has been fitted up with New Matenal , in to most, complete madner, and Ls now prello l to execute, in a satisfactory style, ererY riety of Printing 130 OKS, PAMPHLETS. CARDS„ CLROUL , ArV % CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS. BTLLS OF LADING, T,ETTER HEADINGS, BILL HE PAPER BOOR'S. CERTIFICATES. DEEDS, BONDS. MORTGAGES BALL TICKETS II ND PROGIL 43 t Ii MERCHJINTS, MANITEACTUREBS, cHANIcs, LAWYERS, .11L7CrICi ERRS, :PUBLIC OFFICIfiI B4NIES, RALLROA) .44ND INSURSIVCI COMPBNIES, at Will be rapped with an• delirripuo, Printing reqtdrad, at short odes tad as *oat ieatemable terms.'