Military Mattera. The now !aliments are pushing tepidly forward ,te work of filling up their ranks, and the new re. e mit: will soon be ready to take the ft lid. The A+Fimonth+ Will be house In a few to recraltyoldnieere ?r The ational Guards will remit far 1 500 men, to ha divided into three divis'ous t too iptentry 500 ZULFIVeII, end 300 artillery. There s o be no doubt of the suoeess of Col Lyle in this o w undertaking He has earned for himself, ;bile io Baltlroote, the reputation of having the ~eft drilled regiment in that city. The Z suave rtfon of the regiment is already far advanoed. tb e Norma:tent hme offered strong Inducements theme volurceera, who have become almost vs pranr in experier et, and as reliable as regulate i n service , to remain. Fifty dollars per man II to !" riff to toll regiments whiob re•enliet. Forty .1:11ars a wants to be paid to these who ra enlist in or traoler, and thirty dollars °soh where they re in:lit KNAPSACKS AND juillaaAas An establfahment In this oily bag contraots for n oising an immense number of knapsadlts and boarsalks for both the General and State (40aaeu. reentS The two contraots embraoe 64 000 knap• iatt and 29 000 haversacks, the whole lot costing pearly s2ou 000. The knapsanke for the State are C ede of enamelled cloth, asurthose for the General acreroment of linen goods painted Wash ; the eatpseaka being flrst made before going Into the sleds of the painter. In Walling the oontrast, so sr to west the urgent demands of the Government, 1,5 onntrac tor has employed 1,800 women and over No :VAL The. men out out rho work, make the 6r ,pc, end sew them on, while the women make Os nets AU the knapsacks and haversaoks for the (I 'nand Government are sowed by band, while those for the State are made with sewing m6o:floes., Ica work, when diddled, la closely sorntiniced. by Oorsroment alders, and •the slightest defeat in a yesplsolt causes it to be thrown out. The war, chile claming a complete , etageation in some branches of badness, makes. work-in_others, and costes new wards that have to be supplied. enattrat's littGlbittur Colonel Chanty ' s regiment on Saturday took usession of the Government bulletins, above the Cost= nouns, made vaosnt hv the marching' of Colooel Murphy's eommand to Ilestoovllle.,. Mon, g Thom +s, Xsq , Collector of. lb. Port,, tendered as use of the building to Colonel Ohantry. russaAr, or • •iior,Diza: Johnnie, of Germantown, Pa., - Was aoottlentally s hot while on *kat duty,. on Wednesday, 17th Indent, to Virginia, by a fellow soldier. Ills body bit been brought bozo, and the funeral took place from his late restdonotr In Brinalutret street, yes nada,' afternoon. The Germantown ll,me Guard Wooded the funeral. TICS WIIITHERILL BLII/13. • The Wetherill BMes, of the Pattadelphia Bat talion, under' the command of Lientenenta'Cieorge Q. Bto k and F Wands'then, will leave their quarters, 1037 Market street, for Comb Coleman, on Wednesday afternoon, to pin Col. Geary's re gim sat AIIIIUNITIOI The steamship Borten, of the outside line, ar rived in this port on Friday. She had on freight two thousand twb hundred and twenty ronod shot, s; pounders, for the Philadelphia navy yard. • The steamship Delaware, whieh sailed on Eila terday, will bring two thousand 32 pound shot for the same plate THII OTXMAINT LOITATtIi Thie oompsny, under command of Captain Mlle brand, expect soon to see smite corvine. They are to march on the 48th inst They have acquired muoh skill and dexterity to the particular military Kbool in which they, have been trained. COL FRINDMAN'S EmoimiliN ' T OF CAVALRY' Col Friedman, an able and experienoed 61neer: It about fishing . a regiment of cavalry. Seven eempanies have already been raised, two of whittle Sere been sworn in, and the others will soon follow. Captain Davis, who ban long leaved in the Texan YoncerS, with hie lieutenant, J. Thorp, has jest strived from Camp Peron, and will be sworn in WI morning The above °employ, oommended by Capt. Jobs 11 Taggart, of Philwdelphis, and now stationed at Cusp Curtin, 11.irrisburg, wants twenty-two men. co Oa up the corps to the required number. The, men will be immediately forwarded to camp, swore' le. Le The rtoraiimg Ober, Merit Whinier. la row In town, and mey be seen at hie residenee, I Amtic street, below Wharton, between Tenth and Eleventh, This is a good opportunity for reeruite or) in a good company. eserrea Eseisrix.r. Company IC, of. Colonel Geery',4 regimant, were mastered into the service of the Milted States on h'ttrday afternoon, by Major Hatt This company slit the Rover Guartir, of Philadelphia Captain, W. a Woodward; Brat lieutenant, John M Wolf; second lieutenant, R. R. Hallowell. This taihneat will receive their rifles on Monday. FRE " FORWARD" RIGIVIIXT Thu reßiment, raised and commanded by Col. B:aimmelpfennlg, is now full. It oomposed en wily of Germane. 4 301013101 B. has had much war Ile experience in Europe, and he Is a man of in domitable energy. DIIPARTIIIIII OP Till VIMOZIANT TROOP. The Merchant Troop started for the teat of war in Saturday night. They went from Broad arid Prime streets. They were assorted off by a large :rived, and were heartily cheered as they left the city. PINGO NXBROINX On Saturday afternoon, ootopiny o_, Captain Charles M Prevoit, Grey Reserve, First Regiment, waded, and proceeded to the grounds of a gentle. am In the rear of Girard College, for field exer t", The company paraded seventy five muskets, tad wore white pants and fatigue jackets. They looked sod marched well, and it was the general splolon of good judges that they were entitled to be considered the ',reek company of the tI Re. "rye ,, nits 7.OIIAVINS OP PRILADMILPHIA. Patrolling arations.will be opened In this city during the Doming, wee*, preparatory to the forms- WA at a regiment of Zoaavee. to be composed of firemen attached to the Philadelphia Flee Depart ment. Lint, Col. Boxier, at present with the National Guards, bat accepted the otimmand of the regiment. axonal's ;molt JIIRSZY SUOMI. Oa Saturday morning, sixty•five recruits for Col Cbormenn , a idegimeot of RI a, RengersArtivot 31s city frail Jersey Shore, Lyjoincleicootinty, a., It charge of Capt. Keenan They were traorport ol over the Catanisea and Philadelphia and Read ing Railroads A company for this regiment was faltered into the. United States service on Batnr• day afternoon, at the State annual; Sixteenth and filbert streets !WEARY E or Till }TOMO GUARD dIITILLIET ' RrollfiXT, titter known as the Keystone Artillery, pro teeded on Saturday morning to Camp Lafayette, of Clbadd's 'Ford, under the command of Captain Railings. Wkile there, they will encamp with Company a, Boptali) Biddle. of the same regi ment, w hich left the city on Tuesday last. Both 'ocapanies are admirably drilled, end do great e:edit to themselves and the city. Tffl LINT. The employees at the Mint in thin city are all nrstog over hours, getting up the "sinews of vir for Uncle Brun Half a million a der is :arced out. The money ooloed is principally doa ble eagles. Besides what ie coined for Govern• zest, large sn®e are minted daily for private maul MINEON LION? GUARD Philadelphia may be joetiy proud of the men ehe sal sent tff to battle for the love of home and Go wan:lent against theft and treason, sod amen tau the regiment above named gives great pro the of honor to the city that sends them forth. Clap^sed of disciplined materiel of the first elms, all ander the command of breve and exper'enced 53ra, it mast leave the impression of Pecnsyl lei& plcok on the friends and bankers of " so ffit" wherever it may be f and The regiment complete, with the exoeption of one company, ad the pleae may be secured by a good one. The istdquarters are at present at the loathe:et °or ?' of Sixth and Arab street.. IPIIIIDIST IiZGIVINT OP CAUZIPLON LIMIT 01TORD, COL 010 P YeLEAN This regiment, oomPosed principally of the m e n :s In Col. &forehead's Twenty second Regiment tonsylvania volunteers, has been atseepted by Go. ornment, and wilt be Immediately mustered into ri'ss, and no doubt will be planed in &prominent 'tido°. Mr Geo W. • Giles, formerly of the rah street Theatre, bag been eleoted as Major . .t is from a good old Yankee yolk, and will prove itself eapable of ailing any part that may be de. lord h'm. Toe thestrioal profession is well re ?llea red in the present war: Messrs. W W. W F. Murphy. Frank Johnson, A Eltim •ell and several others from the A rob street ; W Page, J Porter, T Greene, Saphore, from 1 Walnut street; J. J sok, J. Mood, from Wonongh's; Shirty Prance, and 0 Douglas, •m Rivers', are attached to Gel Lyles' Regi oat of National Guard' lAeedOe.or TROOPS Nab four or fire hundred so!dlers arrived In city at nice o'clock on Saturday evening, from ew yn? k and after being hospitably entertained the Volunteers' Restaurant, left for Washington. 's soldiers were destined to recruit companies ready to the , United States servioe. Tun NEw POKY Omos.--An architect in e employ of the Government was in the oity on valley, making arrangements for converting property welt of the Custom House into a Post ,e and United States Court rooms The idea 4emolsbing the old buildings, and oonstracting and costly strctoturea, has been abandoned, 4 the old Wife.' will lie altered for the rur. lei for which the property was purohesed. This otk will be done during the present summer or wog fall. A desire Is felt by the represents vet of the Government to avoid the tribe of fob who are on the look out for obesees to All "lir pockets at the expellee of the public treasury. , TUR LATE lawn; Borr.—Tbe - motion for a • trial and in errcit of judgment In the ease of 'rev and Darlington, found guilty of libelling tory Blank, which wan to bare been heard on troday, wee postponed until * fall bench can be N. there beteg several legal potato Involved itch it Is proper sboold be fully considered. P IM/DELP/ILA HAT 31s.xxs.r.—There has to a alight adysnoe in the prioe of bay since t (potations 270 loads baying been sold at '>zr. 60 to 70 coots per owt• for the common / thtY, and from SO to 90 cents for the best s 'tY loads of straw were disposed of at few: D6O 711 cents per owt. MYST Ellol7B.—On Saturday evening, some ,7 1 who were fishing in the Delaware, opposite Y.lerenth ward, brought up a man's head. 'e's were marks upon the skull whloh seemed to 'mote that ha proprietor hod met a violent death. CITY ITB 151 S, Ins Collie or Ten RiBeLLION —The present I hne continued a llttle Ovilsixty date; Yrittitu tt Ur 'll periods sum of sixty million is *ski to ki , ve e icendild b3l the Exroutive. A pmt.on of this rum he' been it.vested at the inaminoih clothing I " , t of Urativ.lle!token. 400 Chestnut !West. where :re numb re Of our volunteers have, erocurid their .nary uniforms. Wills erioti sale a handsome and 4 :ti slit h 4 been presents& " v 3 444 I, Sri OCLELt,,in Vicyonias —lt is te `4 L Y in Mary men. that 0110 sleet region of. the: or Oenet St MOClellezl, In Western Vtrginle, that his eOldlent ere *ell oicithed ind gibitifortaJ , etill aaad• Acting upon this ettnolelL,n4n4Y 01 - 1116 . yl organized regiments have procured their nai ler et the Brown kkone Clothing Hall of lookitill the re. Noe 623 and 606 Chestnut 'trait. above Sixth. " Hl I krm is entensivelv angered IP the isfinnfectiore of ; 411 41 uniforms, sad no mean, shabby, or nnarbetan-: ' tareieet Is ever turned mgt of their estahlieh meat, ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CIONTINENTA 1., HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. H I , Bollman pi tietnirx Wm li Wendt'. St l out. 8 Morilellan, Wheel, inc. Va It Norton. Wheeling '74 H W Patrtek. Penns N , d Inger & wt, et Louis Miss M Stop, Brooklyn rs Rom). litoon in I P Dag. Mayon. rya Watson. WashtogtOn. Pia 8 11 Brown, New York ,Las Davin & Isdr P Pet 1, Brooklyn w 0 1311116 P, New York A mega Now Torn C n Grine New York Thom B Reed ,I Reynolds & la. it r . Jan Reynoida Prov, R 1 Beni Pries, Cold Sprint J B Anthony, Pr"v,R I is. wobeNson. New York i' 0 B,l3peOti ?leer IrOlk a B Aro Ninrd Mere Wm I. Regenstein, Fottsv B F Beasley &la Minot. a W Miller. New York 1) A Pgintt, Now York Dr A, New York M Burum & la Ma.. Jcl Fly. Providence. R I 11 8 Ely. Providence _R I J Ranfad. New York P Tiiiinshuiet New York 'lq V Plunkett, Connectiout Milton Sutliff, Ohio B Par, Massachusetts 11 F Drake, Ohio Willis Patten & wife. N Y W R Downes. Pottsville iris ,Looseri Pottnitlle Capt A Ilt Lewis . C Curtin Mien 13 Bushy- Philwlelphha cant P Brooks, Wash Geo W Childs, Philado James (Ivan. Boston B Jones, Boston it Iram Gay% Boston .1 0 Haase Roston Chan E Goodwin. N York 'Theo toiler. New York 8 8 Smith, Cincinnati. 0 Jae M , sooner. Pittsburg Miss comnor, Pittsburg . Volnoy Rmith, W Point .lEhn g_linger. New York R Berlin. Baltimore w 11 w Ming". Mau P N Chapman Patera Mass E R Paine, Rarr_teburg Geo W fiord. Boston B rl,. 1. , ew Yort L Locke. Boston J V Fletcher. Rnsinn P Bayous. tiontim ' (3 V Pletcher. Boston J IC Herbkrt. Illinois /1 8 Marcy. U 8 A Mr Flaniman, New 'York Mr Franklin. I'M York L Billing!, Portland B Knight. Po tland 1t) i'. Perions..Washington G B Chandler, mano'r,N R F Biw'. iWtmoington, D 0 B Butts New York Wl Gates'. Baltimore neo Ada mslal. renn I, Bubb* A. Conneollout J W Boston .1 M Firma% Benton. Chas H Pretton Boston J W Watt's.: Boston 0B Chapman, Boston I, Moral). Bost n B abh t.t.. domon JOI. Robbins: Bos'on No r ton Peott. Batton arts Peterson. Maio Debt Peterson. Mass John A *Learns. New York Morns Davis, Phil& Pi P Cutter. Ohioan* J n ruttia New York David .Noggle, Wisconsin J T Burris, Kansas & im am , ig n . yr. k ,- Mr Fantonia & lady, N J Rush Roberts. (Olney .1 Rau.-Quivor ..- .- W °Prost . .' IS L Bs dub, New York Francis Mowatt. London ' 1 tout P - A-Leans. N Y fl B Swings on, U 8 Navy .1 H Tesdorph. Baltimore J D Xremeitterg, Baltimore .1 Ji Andrews. )3.w Jersey Jit Nevins, New Jersey •r 4 1 . RI:MI.11, Bedford, Pa J Randall, eonneotiont ' • E X Buell, town Col is F Phenard , , Itl Shepard. Mass I 13 anshaw. U B N E R Arnold. U 8 N T Kohler - , - A King firclford Rnatie Thorns., Pang Victor neilipe. Peril! F.l w Rola ono a New York Thompen Clsrspbell.Jr,Cei Win P Watson. Boston IC B Grinord. France Geo A Ostrnitder, Prunes D 1) bmit h. France • 0 W Low. M WM 8 T Randolph. Newark I J Birsohhuhl, Louisville .1 B Morse Mass- W 11 Sanders. '.au 0 I) cooper, Mass D 'colt. New York G M Spooner & wife li 0 laniard, Rhode Island C Snoautaker New York 3 W runts. Boston Lt Col (3 Y Betts. N York W V Ball, New York A Nickels. Albans . It W Bisamont. New Hope Jos B Craig. Yottwrltle • Kaorton. Boston ' Alfa Gray New York J E Coleman. Hartford Brig Gen It Berstein, N Y Col Al• Motley poly a_ E Adams Mai R Linaul p mane M W Pilot, New York )3 F Finob, New York H. I, Ductild New York Id H Dawson Boston Joseph D • y. Boston John I , Wasiak W H Townsend Providenoe .1 Peohsm. Boston Geo J Hooting, Holton Fan, W Brown Prov. R. M W Gardner, Pros W ACa i.pbe . l, UK N 0. Boboyier. New York !Mennen Thurber, P , ov G W tantia,y, New York J N I 4 V haddeno H stti Hanna" Mrs Labe & W ash 13.stio %Nish Jobs pplaton, Wwh, C .1 ? Tweed, Cincinnati be , Keck. Cloonan t Gen :W sok. I.lnoinnati Thos odiews, New York A T wfdli,nson, mass F Chamberlain, Mass P Field. Massachusetts H boson A J kinmaisf, Mournaboaet , s I 0 Harnrisok & la, Wash alassaohnsetts A Leavens. toms sobt.setts Joe Pool.Cleve,and,U 8J Mariam, Vermont 4fr4icticurt HOTEL—Cheat/tat errata. above Fifth. J W Bonita Bidtimore J M Aebmead Caleb Vohs. Permit hem W three. Baltimore W Gardner. New York J M • netts. r ew York H Wallace, Pittsburg • F McKinney. Kansan wal'or Laotet • W Chester J Brown. Jr. Lynn Thos Wondwerrd. Lynn H C Bond, Harrisburg . }1 B Enteral., W • heater HC Y u•ig, Ba timorgis W Haywar d k. r. et Y J B MoKee Hazleton J AT*, or New York J W brumes. Hewett, N J w N retiroh Cino•nnatt W Firoh. (Orate° W C Almmd, raw York J intw York • Joseph 'silken Philadelphia .1 Q B rd- M 0, Dov mot. Del M 3 a 'groan.. Boa on D B Bruin, Newark, N J Merritt. BrooklynlCsitlyon. Boston W re oKrtv. Prtteibarg lbany.NY Williams. Albany W d lNttter. Cape -ay P p moue . , Venus David 010 , er. Pottsville Trios Wren, Fottsville • r; "Glover. portenlle X'TUrner. Jersey lbore B F Te, • Jeritey thrum Cat 1,1 rrowsmith. J chore ?Ma s i .1 ml Haet, Jer ihote H Heil, Jr, Lezin,,toe, BY . .. . IST . tOl3lB 110181,--oheeraist tweet. soave Tiara. T 8 Fisher. N York C INTIM Mew Y. , rk T Bova I, lialiim we ' ' 0 8 R.OO. frost^n 800 WIN! Costa. MALI Joe FJeohing.epeater oo J M Alp Po. VOW York D oha D Watson. Philo. WA Duncan . Prom. T_ r Booker, Prank .8 kicker,. ~ iv yore Pi W Jones Philadelphia W e. tiayward Ji. Isdr, N Y 0 W Olen JP lad!. Pi J B flarrmort. mate ij fr. • ro.e, ono. r.:Eir tar.d 800 "hatruoe. Trenton P P Fdey, hr . w York Joni David.on. Penns Joe 0 Ivor. flew York Oeo Knight. vlasoi John rrootor. Jr. mate J M Jones,. Philed•lplata . d Thomas, Philadelphia • James Jacky': , Phila. .8 R Pulling.M D. PI York BTAT UNlON—Mipket street, above David M coo key.W Chest's W H Watt Delaware . .11 Coster. Chester on Miss K Coster, Ch.- star oo W A Mato'', gal, Militia The, E Watt. Pwehtt. g .1 At l'hristy,_Penna I » Williamson, Read ng Vat.klrkß Balttware A H W tae, h' Ptttsburg John Upstater' Pittsburg K Clayton. Pittsburg Orono, P , ttliburg A WolikieliLeviisiovrn H F Zinn, Penns . 8 EMORANTIT 810TEL—Pasrte amen. owes. Agek J G Pitterean. Pittsburg P BW;gton. Buntiegdon P & P.wey. rbliadilnbli W Winchester, itO.D W El (lemon. U 8 A D D JODO.II. eklll64ol4hilt WFr °mac . Phi & . J J ater•clita Kinanint Et Clark A.'la, Newark, N I J R Dater. , 7hicatio Jt W beriokson U 8 AL P.- marg. Boston J R Coalman. i rie E./ A lithium. Haile J Bnrier, Wheeling .Vii B E Net sr..arie J o h n f eau, Eno. Wilson King , slag re It Derr. N. re . P cosier, etrie Jobs I, Bows, Frie Min Kate Brown, Erie 18 1. Barrington, Batt THE UNION—Arse street. above Taira H wawa, Flarrislattit Miss K Watson. Haree• H M Stevenson 'pee-, Pel J Minna. New J • rsey Mrs M P flakes &child, Is W_Ft Holmes. Indiana Oen Draper la. Kiss W Parwell'ia la Pa .1 W earasol. Lawisump Immo Ran well, Ma ss Reed. Pitobritrp...Hesa Parasol Burns,. Mw Col Fairraan. r•ew Yolk C W tiro , Pevni I lent brown. Ft Monroe IS Cogswell, Ft Monroe • COMMERCIAL HOTEL— 151xtb st., *boys Chestnut. n Bbarolf ea, Chester oo J 813 yr. Phits .1 Hamill°ld. Peons J P Broomall Parma 8 O linter. New Jitney N J Brower, Lebanon, Pa Miss C clients, Phila BARLEY PERAF—BOOOnd street, below Vine. A Edinger, nt.rondsburs J Q al oLaushl , n. LOwten J F Brodhead. Wash. 11 0 Tot 8314 Pennsylvania . Wro Oloesin, Pt ?Itinerant 1/Yrn Ba , dersion, Bucks oo Copt Jail Batterthweit Lient idoCotter MOUNT VERNON ROTHL-Beoond et.. above Arch. W anodgraes New York J3l RoNnson, New York m t earls. hiladelphis K Morale, Now Jamey. • N C ine. tr-w JOIVer Theo Carling, flew . 1 _11 . 117 J T Twitcher, N.', Jersey Jay W 31N1 Jetts/ K C WaliVaa, Palmate _ 8 klrowatield,Pa O N Relteryfenne'lrania Nathan', Delaware • • " ` — zgairrOlc 6TSL=4acie =MU &bon Third. 8 H Yoonm.lithland, Pa H H Clayton. Penes J H Walter. Penns D 1) Artnar, New Yotk M Boyer & yr. Raiding Bon e.l Ancona. Heading L R Dare & Fottat'n rapt J A Wiley k In. Pa C H Venn. roblk Haven Dent 0 H Carter. Da Jr' 00113118 T, Ohio J Mintzer & wf, Pottet'a tRVERR IBol,lslS—Third street. above Kane. /I Ritter Rittersville J R Childs. Milton, Fa F -forming A Dav d•on, Cambria, Pa .1 A Wait r, Pittsburg win G Peru. Phil& C Brotth, Trenton, J R Thornton, Trenton BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third et., *hove Callowhill. B Puffin. Easton H Rutbroff, Lebanon Beni Kinhb. Pennsylvania David Davis, Philadelphia Bawl Morns, fluladelohia • BALD BAOLM MOTXL—Tturd et.. above Calktishill RLe !souring, Penna .1 M Raetsrtice. Fostoria D BErnith. Montgomery no Jos Watt, Montgomery co PHILADELPHIA BOA KIP OW WILAD. , , GEO, N. TATHAM.. TB. FROTHINGHAM. # Commiriar or v 7.louve WM. L. HEFI.I. At the Merchants' Exchange. PhMilan/um akin Earanak, Rowland—....-Liverpool, July 36 Anis Tuscarora, numery _ - 1104 , 14. Bark Roanoke. Thompson —_.Rlo do Jnneiro. soon Brig Queen Esther, PST Card-. . Port *pain. soon Fehr nuau,( Rr) Sbelaut Kingsron. Ja. soon Boar Fanny Forrester. el oDou Ms, slues. soon Bohr A Hooksoller ; Stating— ----Port *pain. soon 1 1 / 1 111,INT. INTELLIGENCt. POST OF PEULADELPFILA. July 29. 1861. RUN ILISBB -.A 50-BUN - .110 BIOS WATER.-- .2 rl ARM Steamship Delaware- Johnson, 20 hours from New York, via Cape Mar, with mdse sad usaseogeTs to Jag Allderdioe. raw below the Brandywine. an unknown squats rigged vessel, bound no Pawed helms Chester. 'ohm Martha Jane. of Philadelphia with loss of main-. sail and math boom, and bulwarks gone. Brig Delhi, riarnatn, from t•alt Key , T will salt to , Thom Wairson .tx Bore left 44 wr FTy, Phullra from end for Roston. to soil t n the 12'h of July. July Looming eta of the presage. saw nark Lamp- Intiter. going to Balt Kew, to wad sit for beer Wyly tame times poko brig aTsbaiwa. going into Grand Turk, to toad salt for guidon; same time saw bra Elisebetb. Baker. going throogh the pinnate July 9 Ist ft 60. lon 71, saw uglith man-of war elandmg to the west ward July 18 6 r M. lat 14132,10 n 74 W VAS tiostdes by the *earner Albaboas. with Bohr Carrier of Galveston. hound To New York. in tow going into Hampton Roar's; 19th. hit 3746. lon 7163 W. spoke one Mountaineer. /Somers. from Cardenas for New York, Left at 'muted, Port BPIIII3 June 28th sohr Napoleon, of Wilmington. MC th ing the geonsion flag. Bohr Narrag a n se tt. Hall. from Port Piok ens Ilth. and Key Weer 12 ii lust in ballast to nastam. On the 16th inst. let lON long 79 spoke *Lis tharian Traveler, tr Havana, bound to Bambara. oat 8 chic I a the 17:1a tut, off - 14attersti was boarded in U (5 steamer Alba trins. after a ehase of ohmic five emus both having mistaken their fists, tint on meeting separated on the moat friend., LIMO Bohr Jolla Niohols. Thompson 3 days from Cboptank River, with railroed ties to J Thompson, Bohr James a eila.m. Bart, days hem Taunton, wiTh mine to Tvells & Co. tong John Whitby. Henderson, 1 day from Odessa. Del. with rain to Christian St Carrara Rohr Golden Gets. Fieminf. 1 day from Pruderies. DOS. with wheat and oats to Jas L. Bewley & Co. Bahr Farmer. Deputy. I day from Milford, Del, with 60111 W i lgus Bet &. Kos. Pair solo Smith. Dlonless. from Portsmouth. Solar &phi& Ann. Smith. fr. m Iloston Bohr Emma*, Adams, from nsirbor. Loh, Warren C Otelann.Smith from Pawtucket. eobr War Steed. Smith. from Dmbton. Bohr Essex. Soot, from thorwiob. Steamer V aloan. Morrison. 24 hours from New York. With more to W :11 Weird & Co. Steamer George Washington, Whindin. 3 bourn from Cape Mal , . with peasant berm cents/D. Pu bound Born. tier Book. as unknown brag upward. AT QUARANTINE,. Byte Alfred. (ligoriv.) from Pon PP Primus for Fel Booth. Fag put into the Listaware areakwater.og yi day. in distress scd 'arms towed up to Quarantine. on Enaday by tug Jolla F Som. In consequence of basins no person conversant with navigation on board, tbe captain sod mate baying died on the passage, -- °LEA *KB 14tritainiship KenglExton. Baker. Berton, H 'Meson Bteameete Stimaan. Cramer. New York. .1 Aliderdloo. Rule John Corset. t• - age Gulf Porto r Wrirhte Sons. Bart r 'dentine. Almeida. Bassos. ./ Mason it Co. Brig Pultan.Button. Nava a. Workmen & Co. Brig Trenton. Atherton. Portlaad. .1 H B , altistOo. Behr W 13enadiat. trills. ttev b even J fr Clara, Semen. Port. Spein, 'l* Wattson Rae& Boor James Pelican. Burt. Washington. DC, VAnd.ll - Norton & Co. ... _ . , dchr I Vinegar. Pobuilkoin. Weshington, DC, Van daaeoellerton sr Co. Fehr Yawns. Adams. Providence. B Milnes'Et Co. Bohr l mi. Post. Providence. Cutter. iftiokner & Wallington. Bohr hienediot Goldsmith, Providence, Canner, BD.:Myer & Wellington. . bobr war Dieed. /Smith, Providence, Costner, etiok ey .t. Welhnoton. ° Bohr it Abbott. smith, Boston, Costner, etiokney k "Wellinaton. Bohr D bmith. Boucles'. Boston, Noble, Hammett Caldwo.t. :Bohr J Radnor. Cordery. Boston, Backer & Co. Bohr W C Neaon j Sith_ - slam, liericher tr. Bro. Behr t i al Milan, +smith. Boston.,Beppher & Bro. Bohrdorado, Williems, Baltimore, Bancroft. Lewis, h. Co. r.l Moore. Bartlett, Boston. Bancroft. Lewm & i ßai ßobr New raven, Field., Norwieh i K If Powell. neer T B otter. Darr orrom ton Y out. W 80 0 1 4) 7a. Eohr ' "el erir ta. Ba S i rek r itil aiml o l O l. l;e B iiirei n %tt Co. sfe rlVgi k . nowfock rfi'd• err C C Alger. Fenton. Waal:6ll3[ton. Webeter, Jr. Mr .1 /crone. Jimm i e, Pi , ashinton. oorseuswn and Alex& dna T webster. Jr. Bete it Burden, eiddell.Ahoorwlig, .1" B Chamber,. num '.. r • `r ' MEMORANDA Only' Flying Drlllon. Watson. for Melbourne. and laminar. Bougtsr, for drawly: mere oharterad at can Yrnr.ot • • 9 to nit Ohio : inglander. Blattbrows. from Uvula for London. at ViLliacitl , h Cittt mgt. ant proceeded.. '• ehfo liconhaht. Brack. from lions Sang at San Fran" 01440 litk alt. • - . . . - • '• • Oh ip Obaileoge. Tbomdike, ballad from San Filmdom:to 7th Mr. for Was.lCons. wtrh Odd Coo in xold, bats. _.. • blp 011 Colon/. LOW, sit en from eon ftranniano Bth nit, for 1. verpool. carrying MP ebb Auar. 16 000 soak. 'Wheat. SOO bbia salmon, 176 bates wool, and /000 . 11aoku ‘nlakeilaar. ethip Waite ewnikm._Croaby 6113111 ed at San Fran -1 01.0061 k altlfar Hong Kong, with a °Alio of nolsoann sum were and 11111,000 In Mimosa dollar. . bars of Iva,. di , ft, 12 o'cLoot anir molt?. LETTER BAGS Blitp Sebeetion Csbot, Watts, from CaSao, arrived try at Baltimore 20th Met Bark rireac. rly.ehr. from Trapani rot 404tOng was IrPOkin 534 alt off ot &PIRA. eart James 3mtth. Brewer, at Rotterdam 24 fort, for Newoastie, le, res 4 l , l Kate Pericles, Snow. from Callao, with atom°, was below Batt, .te 10 h mac tick aohiti m os. ratleaber, 0:6111141 (it New York WI, lost for Pay/W.lola. tirta Ohlbmitte Rogers. Yeaton, heorm at Gardiner iltn last. Bohr mid Zack. Abbe hems at New Haven 18th hint. Pehrs Caroline Smith and 1 %walker. for Philadelpnia. eared from New Haven 18th inst. Beare r.iaile Mani. Hale, ; Pathway. Crawford, and J A PIITBOIIII, ttsw honee at Faisal 18 h 1111 a. Bohr Mary D Craniner. Creamer. sailed from Went 18th inst. for Philadelphia. dohr Ifuens.‘rism. Phillips, from Fall River for Phila. Newport 170 inst. Mohr 8 N ltinitb. Fist. hence at Boston 19th Met. Bohrs 18 8 T rhoinvion, Conover; Pau asset, 88111 1 0 e. and P M whe‘ton. 'Wheaton. olearod at Boston Hith Inet fir Phil , idetph is.. Bohr Wm L Ovrton. timid, for Philadelphia. remain ed at fr swoon 18th inst Bohr John Rogers. Buokalew, henna at Providence 18trt ly 20. voo Chi k W2d nig.l6 Gal it Chi 2 in bda.9l 10 ilk 01 Commerce - •131:6 .11 Brond way Beak_ 111 20 Bank of rl A merles 8D 91 M rnpo itan 911 10 Paolfio Matt 8 -MO 74,1( SOO A. Y. Centre' IL.. 76 60 do--. ---,IQ 76 • 160 do 4.10 flo--.b00.111 6 dn. - • 20 C 13016 OW Pref.... Tel 2000 hrie gaileneel— .27 12m ilndi on Itiv M. .$7 . 100 Ivo - do- ... r ..bledpfe. lcd Itarlem R yrs Ilau 271( 110 Readmk 160 Minh Cen R.-, La* ko Watt 8 dr. 6...1316 2 0111 Cen S 300.. • 'ICU. tin 10 Cie Col te - Cin ., /12:.•%. , c36 , ao Dal & Cal _ 63 ..... 60 ..1141 661( 700 Clove & Toledo 11..11 160' .b 1034 l 0 do iou do— .31 MO Chi do It 1 R---.. 44 ' Ma no -3/2) New York Stock 1000 U 6 64 'Bl onap... -Po 1000 ---19?"; 40,0 410 0000 U 8 61 '6l rood.- . 06 1000 do— --96 X 1100 dn. - • • 01 1 i Moo 'Tr'y 104 -. ortta._/01. 10100 Tr' y 6 p o 2 Yeer-001( MO lad Jana ..77 6010 Tenn 6a • • 41 • du. MO 434 4040 do • -2..• 43X. 0901 Vlrsinia 81 64..03 0 .46 1 6001 - -46 ••7 I 90000 --• 700 Story& St 64.._ 61 9000 N 673 7oa do-. .... 0200 d 0.... s ooo oca . o 0 d d 0...-. .--66.aX _ Kvi NW Missouri Btate . 6a .4434 1.0 po Mat do 620.4446' 10'00 do 411; 89000 dr,— 44$ 60.0 • do .. 30U0 • do-,-.. n 6 44 RICO Mo.. la E. & . 1‘ J-0041 1003 Loultistio Bt 66....6 • ... 67 1 1003 File R ‘ on bs '7l Bail 1000 Mioh lion 8 p 01st pra S (1 bad-- 9%1 4 00 ?Mott 8 ft F bds.- .7434 3000 111 can R bda_.:-. 91X1 000 do.. . ....9 0000 Chi & 01 * lot - 40 New cork Starkets—Sattiiday , • nook. &c . —The Flour market le less votive, bat Mires are without any very decided °mange. Phe sale• a.e 10.800 hhls et 9404 10 for impelGne State; 64 2504 4) for ext. a Mare. duet, at 94 3004 33; 638504!5 for tuperfine la astern ; $4 2604 60 for com mon t ma It• m extra teeters. and $4 9005 for eh p ain. brands extra round hoop Obto. T..• market 010 - in W quoit searoely so firm The s . hat f , r Southern Four ie steady and de roan • ia quite moderate, with tales AO tibia at 860676 for common, and 8609 for f. noy 'and extra. Canadian Flour is steady with sale. 860 bbls at $3.730 $BBl for impel fine abd Se Mee7 for ex.. ra. F , ou• is without eetential ohm ge ; sales 100 bbls at 625005.50 for the range of fine and superfine. Corn Meat is duet and unchanged. GRAIN.-1 he Wheat tomke • rules firm, w , th a limited supply and a moderate export. demand; sales MOM bus ipi.rt to arrival/a h 301230 for 1; ollio Spring;; 920 for Racine 1 1 piing ; 94096 for Northir.stera Club, hie nouns nee cargo very do at ; 90090 a fiir Milwaukee Club: 8101 52 for Amber Iowa; —1 Oleel 02 for Mime iota 8 ring 81 1261.15 for winter red Western ; 91.13 01.72 for new red ami Air.ber Delaware.' . )e is quiet at 63aG6 , 1 for ortb River; male. 3 600 bus Western at as. Barley is dull and nominal. There is spa doing in Corn. hot the market le wltbout mate rial change • .ales - 47 0 0 bus at Merefet or damaged ne w- tied Western. 430450 for sound do. 47e 'or prime shiest , g do. and 600 tor new 'Aeolian,' yellow. Oats me quite firm wit ,, a fair business doing at 2150.1/.. for Canadian. m d 320340 Sur Western and Slate Pr °visit/Ns he .ok market is rattier easier with sales 670 bulls at 618.37015.5 J for mess, and 810 lor prime The Beef market i• quiet nod steady, with sales 100 bins at aloe 50 .or Country Prime; $50500 for Irlonn te y Me • ; 6801050 for repacked Mesa; and 810.500 8/1710 r extra Mess Prime Maas Beef •s nominall• unohanged. Beef llama are quiet and onehang rut Meats are inactive to 4140543 for 'Shoulders. and 565 for Barns Sales 25 ry Salted Rao s m 63(0. Fo • Lard tbe market is unchanged with sales 162 bbla at Se 9 cent. • Butter is selling at 9611)10 for Ohio, and 70150 for State. ' I. steady at feaTo for rommon to prime. benne —' l he market is •teadr and the demaed fair. with sates 16 oats at $0 AM for fo.s, and 85 611665 75 for , COTTON — .T IM Marlin is quite firm, with sales 1,300 bales at IL3CO Or NI loildlinr. Up/ancis. WHISKY market is a shade easier with sales 900 bi , ls at 160163. in, chiefly at ire inside prloe. Coggga lye demand ocattnata &olive, and the filmset vdy , firm. Ti hales mince our taut have been 3.6 0 bags Rio at 11014350 r roommon to strictly prime; sou bags Maracaibo at .1.51io; and about 200 bags 1.a 7 gua• ra /So- H ICH IS More Saint.; OTIOIIS are very firm. MOOS MO tea at sXeriVi earth. Stioaa.—There has been a hatter business done sinOe on last .0 refiners and the trade. and with falrilrer intik oh- market is buoyant, and press have advanced fully X ifr 'la, '1 he sales are 2110 eh • oubsat 6/tit , ;AO hhas Porto Rico at SMO7O ; WlOO Wide. New (.....aiou at 640 , 6fiy; and about /,000 oozes Mayan* at f366X0. ..tiot,aesita m a share 'd mar. but the business oon tingle light Sates 128 hhdajnolaolag, Cubs Meumovodo. se 100253; Normally' at 25,r; Porto Rico M. 16110286; and• Barbadoes at 260. SPECIAL NOTICES. Owe Pules Cu:rams or. say LAIN, . I MAIO. ncSde in th is bast manner, exprecillY for RS: , za.ll,- HALE& LOWES - 2 selling prises marked-11A Num, Figures. All goods wade to order warranted satisfactory. Our 02 , 116-PRICE system is strtattrat Pored to. all are thersby trootod r siiko. 101 1 1133 Is CO.. 604 MARIE El Street. BATCHICLOWS RAIZ I►rH.—This CtiebrAted And porfotrt fisir Dye :As . bast its tks lowa. All others ere mere imitations of this crest original. which has gamed traoh esteneiropstronsce In all parts of the globe. Toe [Minima W. A. Datohelor's Ltsuid Hair Dye latently produoee a splendid bleok or natural brown, without staining the skin or ininrizic the hair, and will remedy shslii aims of bad ityis. Invigorating the hair for life. Sold by all Druggists sail Perfumers. Wholesale by ANIKEEITOCII. & CO., DYOTT & CO., FM...golly/wk. BUFHRBItiI WITH DISHAHRS OF THII BLAB- 11E,, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy', Weakness. Ate., read the advertisement in suotber donanin. howled "-Hem beld's Genuine toreparatinue."' ty4-myt tf Gnoviat it Itaxmcals Gitannuran . NOLBRIABIS IMMIX% MACHLIMS. fia Best In Us* for Family 6,wins. ilia. 7AO Edit% WI etmt. Plittsdats... sou S. CARD TRINTING..BIosT AND .0110UPleyt — is te: %Mts.' u grienttb.lllllßD et:met:: ,;•.• nrtOULAI PRINTING. - Beg t see IRiag“in •hi 1 .• az et teen; TWIT traat. . • BILL.-HEAD PRINTING, Beet enaNinitieet in the 04r. et3e Booth Tilt Stre,t. PA/RIMS:AT PRINTING. and Gym ether &eerie flea of Printing, of the most sueerior erelits..lo the oast resaensele rates. et LINA:MALT al BROWNie tir•r•t!• Ihilding. $4 •RT WTI Street. 81/LARKED. OP V.CIC—YFITER• ON —On I ha 9th instant, by Rev. Dr. William J. Mann, Mr. J. ewle Epeok to Mies Ca rotins U Yeetarsoe, oath of this cite, a /18 , -TA(711( M Am.-4 n the daft thsttnt. br -Bev. Vstllisin N . nolienbach, Mr George Beans to Miss Mary Taoktnan Ooth of this ooy. • WWl' BY— ALLOW n the lath inetent. by Res. rtnale t bomb. Mr. Henry Wiley to Miss Elizabeth Caldwell. both of this city'. Isif 011Cals —On the 18th infaant. Sy Rev. ffeinlel Heaton. Mr. Robert Etris to Mize Frances Blies Crocker, both of thle oar. • DIED. , . , 81cLIY.—At his reaidence. in Oxford Oakland Co., idittigrn. on th e 9 trim., 1 1 / 4 1r. John Rio Kay formerly of aluntoe.•oouLty Antrlm, Ireland, aged 78 yearn and one month. . . _ . . Mr. MoKay and his family settled in Oxford in Wm, and hca for.nes soon made him beloved by all who knew him Re pissed t•om time co eternity without fear, trostiet in his Itedeemer. rte body gym lot owed to the cemetery by his six eons, and a large retinue of f• r " Write. Haply ere tt e dead who die in the Loyd," A6E111417'11 Y.--(ha the 18th instant. Chas. William Abe nit thy • *tad 25 'Care and S MOOD/. Funeral from the }evidence of Mts. Frances Sterling. in Orthod , x street. below Paul. Franiaord, this Mort eay / afternoon at o'ol ik.• h.r..—On the glib irstant, Clara, daughter of Motet and Letitia &sum:Laved 2 years al d a months. Pones, from her miner's readenoe. northeast corner of Swansea a restreera, d Weahingtou avenue, this Mot day I 2 o'clock. . . Ji rid API.—On the9lettniteot Barah. Wife of Rom C. Batman. and daughter of the late Thermos Unshorn, of Phi adelphis fh- relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend her tuner sl. an CV edutuday s tersoon. at S o'olocsk. Irom• her. h Omni's residenon, street, Camden, without further maim,. To Proceed .0 Laurel a I 1 Cr meters . .. COMLL—vn the 19th instant. Lafayette T., son of Joseph h. and Caroline Comly,ll2 the 9th year of his ase' • frnnenst from the residence of bis father, No. 368 Blain street Frankfort, this (Monday) afternoon, at a o'cloot. • • HALL.—On the /11 h 11:Latent. Mary Jane, wife of Wm. B # sll in the 261 n year of her age. Puberal from the resideno- of her hnetand Ohara wood west. east of Twenty-first. this ( *Londe, ) MOT- O' ok. D U 66 .—Foodenly, on the 13M instant. Mrs. Mary Ann, wife ofJot.a B. k e rguson, aged 21 years and 13 day,. r uncial frorn the residence of her_parents. Thomas and Eliza 13(4 North Front street, this • f Monday morns , a. ef 9 o'clock. RnMiCK.--.n the 19th izustant,Jammi Remick, In ha 63d year. Funeral from his late remdenoc. No. MO Bann* • tree. this ( oLuay ; ternoon: at S o'clock. ea UM P.—tin the 19th instant. Mills Martha Etcunp, In the to h year of bar age. Ftlnelnl Man the YO.lOOOOO of her brother-in-law. .1 Matt Ks. per. Elea no-main 'lump's.. near the t..:- .foid Ch. YOH, on 7 n sd ay morning ist 10 o'cloo.. • Wilsr 10w he listt instant Mr. beorge Wins low In the 73d year of his age. • . Funeral from the residence of his son In-law, Wm P. sermon •Tao south - gentb street. this (Mot:mai) Alamo on. at 2 o'clock. Weekly R eport of Interments. MULTI' 01TICI, July 20, lb% fl a g Mirt ie it from Ott nth to lottninents Sn lA. Cif the, tg 0. a - DI•lallitli• 1 e . tr, -- DL e. g P F -- -- A blues— ....- - 1 1 eise . er, Remittent.- 1 An Int. ---••-..• t • & Ariel.— 26 .Allmminuria._::—.• IT/vb s .... 1 AO) smalls ...-...• ".... 1 " . T)ekoid-... 8 1 V110cer.....- ......- 2 Gangrene... . ~..,. - ..1 •• p.mrtorn...... 1 14610 n Itt:B owel. .3 . - - " Bladder --• 1 - • " • mg..-- 1 " Btonisob.. 1 " Luns• ....... • 1 • Casualties.....— 4 1 FTooping Cough.._'•• ..' 3 Crone. . • • 6 InBpurnatlon,/rlUn n congesiini 3 of Brain. a 8 • • Bronebl 3' 7 Lungs— 1 ". Btanclett..t..... I:7 .. L i v e r._ 1 " Lansc-:-.. :, i : l Cholera !uranium. _ 71 ':: reritonalanc.. - • Mortms— . 1 1 5 rir k :l t i PI ! . 2 ..!. Cramp5.....:....-- I / c_en ea 01 spine ---. I I Inanition_ . ...„..... Consunip'n or Luoss'lB 8 Intemperance' and • concession. Brain- 1 fr. x pusu ie ....• • 1 UOO VUISIO2III-•-•.• -- - ] 36 M fiIIOTM63) 021 • ••••••••:•„ yan05i0—.........-• i biara5mua............. . • : Dlyibe no,-............ 12 Ade Illifee... .... • ••••• ••- B iaracea----......... 4 13 I darns or Ln0ga,..:... r° R .7 - irrai — n...7 . 4 ' 1 Sti:t i gi .-- t . :77.7. a DDiseasee of flii i ii i tt:::: 4: 1 L a irniri::—..." --.. ... 7 infs.— a mall-Pox --..-- 8 Drowned. ..............- 1 1 ttrii ia r:Lw ir r i t a f• tari t tr ... .......... 11 Llbing.:-............ I an51i50bia.7...,_,....1 1 lnknawn..-- .......... 1 Eniarem'tor o ral ll' Wounda..-_-. 1 1 _ . ....i__.:• • . , vier. - I FaITY. --•- 1 T0ta1...-•----- I 93; 14 . ervaiti.:— 1 . oa.pufaieoir ... . ___ ._ ‘99 282112 W2ll t Under 1 reer..-..-...d10 Flow 40 to 60......... .. 37 . From 3to 1--;.,,,.........40 , " -00 So 40-4.'......... 14 1 3to 13-......—. $ 5 " 40 to -70 ......;;; ..-. It 6to 30.-......i..3.: 31 " 70 to RP ~.. ...........- 11 to to 111-....:-...:. 8 " so to 40_ .._ 4 ..... ". 30 to 1131-.....4.4:;.•24 ... A LRAM. • WA* Ds . . V 7•1011. First ------211 Tenth - .-- 7 1rfineteenth 84 Eoht,6 .....-. 31 Elevent h.__... 7 - Wentlett.. SI kin/ —;-.. 8 'rellftb .-14 ^ wenty-fint ...• n I ottrth—..- -11 kurteentb..... 6 " s er, ► enft-seeeed_ 4 *lth —lll otateenth.....lo-wenty-third..-13 71120 . /0 Fi ft eenth— 2s '7irents-f0nn36.31 Beneath - ._...1e Sixteenth 16 Unknown-...._ „10 2/Ighth....— 12 Seventeenth—ft 1 Ninth— -..... 4 Eighteenth- .•.13 Total-... &A NAT I V rvir-United Mites, 101; Pcneign, 43; On ke_crwn, 23. From the Almshouse, 11; People of Color, la ; from r the Country. 2e • The number of deethe compared with the eorreenond jjll_week of /Mr of last week, wee as follows; Week ending u y 11,M), Wei- . —......--- ...... -BIS Week endini ali 13,1661, wee.__.... ..._ __ ..ate 1661611. 260; FOMalea. IxBl Boys, 166 ; eirli, KT , By order of thijlol,rd ofjtardinL , . '4 , WiLlattil AZAD. Zenith Meer. THE PREgS.-PHILADEIJi . _ MI CitTICNING STORE, BEBBOII it SON, .1.7.9. 918 OHIitiTIVUT 11treet, ate now aellll2 - took grape mareti. et ;is and 3134 oat ts. 1010 k b 9 rates. at 26 and 614 oente. lank 7-4 wide buoy'''. 60 89d 810 4 809 ts• seed-monann, potiVl (Ms. clrar Waled lavellas, . tiray mottled modenaa. I e. Oear mixed vide madonna, 11040, ilust and vlo te printed arenmilne banegoe. 1042. heobard plaid real grened•n• ha. 'VMS. 600 , /aok and white Pavia much ea.Wo. II) Sys ‘l6 0 TACE.--IFARMERIP MARKET 11 4 COMPANY.—AII Buteteribera to the Stool( Of. t to Company who have not paid up the Cull amount at. 't etr respeotiveaub•eriptions, ere beret), nntified that Mimi( IX en In aerault ton t pay in, such spluoriptions rot more then three months, att anoh unpaid stoat will. In accordance with tne provialonkof the teound section of .li' Supplement to the A a inoorpgratina said Coro nae, approved Map 1 , 1861 Le forfeited. unteu paid no I n thll, on or botore the Slat day of Autinat next, 1851. PI wrier of the Board of (Banapera. Jy22 an3t. JAM ER J. LKWIS, Searetarl• - JIOTIOIPC—TO THE HASITANTS OF FltdoiKFOßll—That the DAILY or WEEKLY 98 can be and at the counter of Mr store, or served aiyour houses regularly, at on ear • hear, W. C. BREA RD, 17/34re. Arent for The'Preis. Freakford. GT'THE YOUNG MEWS CHRISTIAN A tIeOCIAI lON oF PHILIIDELP.RIA.-1 teenier ino‘yeh/y nicotine all be MO on MiltiDAY EV151 , 4.14% Z 24 inst.. at 8 &cloak, in the Rooms of the Romoeistion.loB9 and lot( CR hRTRUT Street. Mr. James Grant Ingle oesrnyivt. Fluhjoet. " The Christian Laborer and his Vineyard." Members aovoislor to quelord to attend. •• Revs. H. P. Pennon. Hyatt Smith. and other imminent vi 11 at the meeting. t grangers and tho public) generally invited. JOIINWANAMAKER, iy2).llt Corresponding Seoretary. WNOTICK -OFFICE OF THE DELA- R.S ANn mAItiTAN CANAL. AND GAM AN n AM WY RAILROAD AND TRANISPOR TATIoN CONIPANIt.B. • • - - - . Parsowrort, N. J., Jniy 10. MIL The Tolnt Erma of Pireotore have this day declared Dividend of RIVE PER CENT., on the Capital Moot of the vomoentes. from the *strings or the last it months. noyabte to toe htookMo de,e or their less' re preseoletives .on and elver the MI tnet.. by RTCRe RD BHIPPEN. at the Offioo of the Companies at Phibtriel... phia, and Y by IRA BLIPS, at the Officio of the Companies At New or k. JAS. 8. GREERIIIHARD ITTOOKTONI rr .70111MTIMI4 N, cf. :WESTERN BANK OF •FHILABEL : PHIA. Ju1y.12.1861; ' • $ mesons of the' Board of Dirsotors, held this W Mr. C. N. WEYOANDI appotuted Assistant Cadits of this Bank. Billies G. M. TROUTMAN, Cashier. OFFICE OF THE. PILKILADISLPHIA. ,AND DARBY it ' , RABA!) COM P.NY. PHIL. DELPHIA, Jul? 11 ISM The gnarl of Threatens have thin day declared a Di vidend of OVIT,INTY-Pl V>t Cx,fl TS per *hare on the Capital Stook of tb a company, ontatandlne this day. Rayable.ottaind after the 25. h mat , at the 011300 of to O Treanorer. Ivo • Walnut street. For the oonveninnan of toe Stookhalders, the Ties intrdr will be at the Depot corner of Darby and Forty ninth ;tract (opposite the Grey ' s F 0 ,7. roAsf.) between ¶ 5 and B M.. on SATURDAY, thelffth teat , prepared to pay the above. • Transfer Books will be aloud until the Idth inst. • THOS. el.PAßKB.l , eoreter- and Treasurer: Jilt , NO. 1 rl WALNUT Street.— OFFICE OF•FHE FRANKFORD AND HoUTEWARK PRIL on.t.PRIA CITY ftArt ••ORR RAILWAY r'OMPAP4Y, REMUS (late Chatham) Street, below Fourth Prit ADELPHIA. July 11. MR. The -31 thing Ground on the Beach. Board per week, 21118.50. Bashing Dresses included for wrealY boarders ordy. Board per day. 1-150. Bans meal, SO sent , . JOHN 49TIIINNHAISI, - rsonnetor. TZ". ENTUOKY HOUSE, . KUL ATLANTIQ CITY. N 'J. Tnis comfortable and convenient new house Masted on Kentucky avenue. opposite the Surf Bonne, has bean ,fitted up for visitors this es. intl. - F. & T.. QUIGLEY. Proprietors. . N. IL—Noises and Carrumes to Rim. Je24-2m • CANTICILL HOUSE; • ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., M. LAWLOR. Proprietor: - ''`The above nee' hones in open tor 'Boarders. • Ittiorse 01111111 to any on We beach, well ventilated, high owl mg *. gervan's attentive and polite. Ankroximate to the Bathing grounds. FRANKLIN HOUSE, ATLAt•TIO CITY, • BY MARY NAOMI:E. • , Thus Howse Irene, the .egri; and pones:leg the fl nest Bathing 0 minds on _the,borkab. Boarding $849 per Took ; $llO per day. "Meals meal W oenta. Bathing Dresses -includsid for meekly boarders only. Jou 2m. CONSTITIITIONAL . IIbUSB, ATLANT I posit e the .0 C ria lTY tto . nau 11, J 7 (0 - • .A.BIEB J. BARR. (ofth Old Globe,) • . . .Proprietor. NT The choicest blinds of Liquors and Clears to be found on the Island. , •. •: • • . jel4-2m (1 . 01.41:31B1A H6UBE, • Atlantic City, N. J. EDWARD DO] LE. Fropyietor. This House is in the immediate vicinity of the surf House, aril within [ICI a• square of the beet Bathing Grounds on the beach. The proprietor will use every effort to make his guests oonifortable. Terms reason- ICH 2m STAR ROTEL, • (Nearly ousefie,lhe Statea Rotel.) ATLANTIC C.T . N. J. Dinner._ &IMAM ropnetor. oenta. to hire. lIP Boarders aocunornodatelon the imoat reasonable 'terms. inn 2m SEA -BATHING.-NATIONAL 'H A L L, CAPE /BLAND. Cape May N. J.—The propnetor of the above-named finely located establishment would reirtmotfully inform the thousands of Guests that have heretofore visited hie house. that. ln order to meet the pressure of the times. he has, for the. present Gamma. UUCED Rid CHARGES for &emelt to b. fear DOLLARS PER. VirstEK. Children under 11 years ot 'viand senrantehelf pries. superior acoommodattons, end ilM1)10 room for persons. Refers to J. Vain Court, 243 nrekrtreet, Philadelphia. Jell-2m AARON GARIU TBOrt.Propristor. iITJD 'SULPHUR /IND ORALY v v'. BEAT.E'SPRINGB.' • DOUBLING OAP. These aprinvi are in Cumberland emunty. Pa., thirty miles virest of Harrisburg- on the Cumberland Valley Railrotiand . ive now open for th e reception oi visitors. Aitrd fr o m tire to eight dollars. according to room.. mur* your through tickets at the ream lvania Rail road Oaths, at a reduced pilot, though. Callon H. & Janney, Jr.. & Co.. 606 Market street, for information, cards. &e. •• - OOTLBI4-Girrib-BRAWIER, - ititt-Sinv Proprietors. .Q1711,1' HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, NEW P. , JERSEY Tats IltYkEl... with its first-class sooommodstions for Over 400 guests, will be opened op the Trth of Jane. Bitnated within sixty yards of the Ocean, at a point where the bathing is the best and safest on the coast and remarkable for an tintionially dry and health. Mama- Phers. the SURF ROUSH will be found ono of the moat attractive places co 'amine• resort near Yrtiladelpaia. the table will be most liberal!, supplied. The house is lighted with' gee and plentifully supplied with good cistern . Water. A fide hand of mule and the services of several fast-sailng Yachts have been engaged, and on the Pre mises are Billiard Tables. Bowl ng Alleys, and &suet- Went number of Bath Boluses. The•Futhinir, Bennie/. and Bailing at Atlantic City cannot be surpeesed. All trains stop at the BURP HOUSE., to land and take utplamengers. or say information; apply at ASHLAND ROUSE, Oa &rest, fluladelplua, or address the Subscriber at the Burt House. en-Set H. 3. BENISOII. Proprietor. HOWLAND'S HOTEL.— -m-Jl-• ium . i3ATlfirte, LONG BRANDT, IL J. • The sabre ber pp.° 1 hotel for the BC.EPTiOet OF 111311:011/5 M Dattodai. Inge 16. UR. - • • msinktm* • • • 11, ROWLAND, Proprietor. ColllThißtA HOllBlO, Cape Island, N. J. This oelebrated house will be opened for the re oaption of guest. on June 28, 18111. ' The situation of this house is one of the most beauti ful on the Island, commanding an unobstructed view of the ocean. A bend of music has been engaged exolusively for this house for the sessoo. A large number of bath houses ars connected with the eatablushment. Good stabling for horses attached to the v ./Vella/alone for T 001415 or Cabal' PartlolllB,lll meet ta Prompt attention by addreasinK the sot:sonnet. • • JAB. R. LAIRD, Proprietor. fell-2m Cape Island. 24. J. EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGB, LANCASTER COUNTY,. PENNSYLVANIA. 'This celebrated WaterMg Plane will open for visi tors oath. lkiday of JUNE. with all the attractions of for u cg a rso. on v2 a mountain 1,11:0 feet above tide-water, overlooking the richest agricultural country in the world. the air perfectly pure and dry at all times, ren ders i t proverbially healthy. There 'are ample aceommodatiorm for al visitors— fine grade walks through the forest to the various E r elgervLil i . m ertifi . b tge nA t e :p O C T VITA: D r p r e sented i't . lli If. to Ole one of the fi nest and most extensive pano ramic views to Nilsen. A good hvory is trout col Ce . ' We pia li ajli a , O bib7ld beir t i4 l47 allE l l l4: a an;d Poit h i a mr anol iZ e g 9l ;, d a t o 7 W t i ti ti tee Incest . im eoTn v irhYo b g es ill i g ge ve r ire r i l able s sls till ° fresh for the table , which, too , will be supp lied from the Philo:llslhi' and Baltimore markets. as well Cram the no b agrionitural ootintry around . Careful ne and attentive servants. Raving peen pormeoted with the establishment for some years 'with tne late proprietor. the undersigned wares thb Old patrons of the place and toe puolio generally that it will be conducted, in every depart ttiegq its former popular way. V rs to the Banns* will Wee the oars to Laneas-• 'ter t ones 11 miles staging over pleasant roads and tnrO tt iN i i . beautiful countrY. Thronlh t2Ons Issued at nerivanla Railroad °Rio°, BlAir TR and 114. Streets Philadelphia. For further aka circulars ty proprietor. refers to JOS. . B coiner 'Ylkill. and VINE IM'it s a ir d ee t t Lao p s i g"; ll =2 °. 4 ilenb ru,./ 1 4.~ALAymelEa, or .1141 . 1 tr• if Vali rats - Lim:motor gum.. Pa SOILOOLRY , S MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, .NEW JERSEY. The "EIRATH HOUSE" will be opened for ths re *option of Company June 15th having_ been extensively refitted and improved atone the last Season; adordlng additional comforts to visitors: and itiorsegung the de sirableness of the plane.. . InllAsa healthy. leassp leasant, nd fashionable place of Bam -1 resort.'" Sr. onlei't Mountain" has but few equals, and is surna+sed. by none it is reached by a pleasant itul,ond ride, and only eaten hove from Philadelphia. Leave Phlittnelptna to the 11 o *look train for- Bow York, reach Jersey City at 3 o'clock, thence by Morrie and Essex Is &dread to the Mountain. hemming „lease tho Mountain at 6 a, M. and 1 P:111.. arriving in Pharr dolphin Iv 1 and 8 o'clock I'.ld. ECOEMI can now be en gaged. Chartes.moderste. D. A. CROWELL, leZfittinwL3t" Proprietor. SPRINGB, CAMBRIA 00., delightful and popularpl•oe of summer resort. located directly on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, on the summit of the ells hen tnountaine, twenty-three hundred feet above the level of the ocean, will 'tip open for nerds the Kkh of JUNK. 81noe butt season the grounds shave been greatly improved- and beautified, rendering Cresson one of the most romantic and attractive places in the State. The fartilture Is being thorouguly renovated. The seeker of pleasure, and the sufferer from heat or disease, will find - Mine tons hel . e, 112 first-eleame Livery Stable, Billiard Tables, Tenpin Allele, Baths, Jto., togeth er with the KTl o t o r p rZnt Lat t e r. anoned d T h e e n c r a l i trits . tzu cent mor ,i g . Tickets good for the round - rhila" ,- 4 1Ptua, 0700 . from P ' for 13.01. For' further information, addx/Mis v, • 6 ' cL,Lizt ' Am-2m Oreeson Springs- VrITTATIMY ." - • • DELAWAP6 ViATEO. BAP. be le aso no n w . ora, ni cre red ie u a o tt e s tio in . s c ru re t aa t e b d e times -Letsys Divot o ' oloak A. M., an d ar rive sv the thr ; ,,Tle o l oo k p M R u ir aL ,Ari r a mie s. — Prallkila t Peale, Marion McMichael. •Backer. V 8 .4 11 •Uel O. Rtozek sad Otwlea istr-lra W. B 012 d" ne rrortor. Se t tr. • 4111 IiTHING.—The UNITED tSTATEIS •now oven rOT ..,_/10 7 1 . E . L., ATLAPT/O. is s turniatted gaol .otrv n ... TV" Is Pre %nest mid b4r!t: t _ the and . ityla t AWL betas aan' ee =4 — e d groanL, is a !try ded by extlytiltve add w elllt te li•hted 70 1 47 r tr b / 11 2 " 1." rinlilleg. water. The GerrOalue oted oil: ru 'hgt ra z" "' no for the season.. The 1131 4... * 611, rt the door eTtiti t e ß o ll s o it te ual l for V o l i l s o n e ri te . eo6 NW Provnetor, i'n'ane) WIIIe and ';AttpitiOty Dealers' Preen . 1)10•wCcolai faCrYPEER BOARDI N G, ATLANTIC „CITY. N. J., ASHLAND MUSE. Illomor of l'ennsylvsnis 14.'nuans end the Railroad. Atlonlao avenna i 1 sow °PAN Yprtho romrture of pormaalP t or s i v i r i r mir isti-tni SIIMpTER' RESORTS. .11111 A BELTHING.-llnited etates Hotel, Loan Branoh. will Ofets for the reheiggen of trimitoth, Jame 10, 1801 ; with the enlargement of dieing Teeny SALVOS. 6.ciltional mem., &o:, ;thee tact eeflaha. Add WISS• B. A. Bliiilleateßisli. Proprietor. • J79-lne EXCURSIONS EXCURSIONS TO SUIT THE TIMES. ariatimengiim FOR THE SE.II-SHORE EXTRA. If OTIOE—OASIDEN AND ATLANTIC ILA. On and after TUESDAY, July 23, and until farther -notice. an Exoursion train will leave VINE-S MEET EERILY, daily (Saturdays and Sundps excepted), at 6 o'olook A. M. Btoppkg only for wood and water. Meares good for Om dar and (flan, Cm. JOHN G. BRYANT, 1, Agent. al:ltalia XOURSION TO DAMP LA:FAYETTE OF COMPANY A, FIAT ocumENT ARTILLERY PHILADELPHIA ROME GUARDS. 11:1A2TAZN OILAPMAff BIDDLE. • • ON CR7IDD'S FORD,IJATTLE GROUND Trains ficifne the depot of the Wert Chester and Phi ladelphia Railroad Con‘yanv.. no theme. Onrcer Blgh -1004UlatEld Market streets, daily (Sundays excepted) at '746...1d1and 415 4 . _I4I. Returning', leavo Chadd'e Ford at 7.4.6 A. M., 4.10 and 7 P.. rd 4 Faro for the excursion 81. Passengers by the 3P. M. tr-in have over three h.,ura at the camp. returning In the ocol'of the evening. NE -K Y WOOD 17/11.7t • General Superintendent. TO NIAGAaA FALLS AND BACK FOR 812. IMPIREMENINNOMIS EX . CITRSION TICKETS WILL 1513 BOLD DAILY THROUGHOUT TAB /MASON. lIROM PHILADELPHIA TO TAB FALLS OF NIAGARA, APID,RETUHri. FOR 7WALVB DOLLARS. Via PliDadelphia and Reading. and Catawisea. Elmira, and Buffalo Railroads, affording the opportnnitY to VISIT AND VIEW THE FALLS OF NIAGARA, • AT THE MOST TRIFLING COST. TICKETS good for egvara nays vigour DATE. Ac commodations throughout are vtgag cLAss, and the Scenery at• ng the route is ttnegnallel. For information as to honrs of starting, &0., ageing F. & E., Through-Ticket Oboe,' N. W. Corner ROUE AND CRERTNITT STREETS H. D. MEARS, Genoral Agent. G. T. LEONARD, Ticket Agent. J716-lm AM.UBMBILENTS:• A SIRIMIBLY BITTLINNOR.. .t I NI .TH WEER OP TR F GREAT SOUTHERN RSBEL; lON. Together with SANDE RGON" entmesel. Montage - Illustrations of Ills ADdBI/IN WAR. AND 81. GE OP SEBASTOPOL. With life like f mita ion* of Button, rumen. Porobanlitienra stnso , s. Conll6- greityms. and Tornado s, with Gieentin Tableaux of the torenob, Turkish, and kussfan ensst Admission 25 ass ' s. G es. hild , an s 'Scents Doors oven at 73g. To commence at 831 o'olock. FaENNISYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE PINg ARTIi. 10115 CHERTNYPI/ srtTest. is open dally, Olig n ayLetated. c irmS l 4 :. l. un ril de tpl4 r y av r „am half T i rt ' e Elhar.e or Sway. el. • ill WANTS- WANTED—A Steam Engine, from 6 to 8 Boras Powrr. -with -Boiler and al' corm s eta itiso,6 good Work Boma. Addrars —Lime Yard. NINTH a d COATFB &recta. mid arms h23-=t' E,z.01111.11. WANTED.--Wanted. A T Kliit TEACHER,. -to take. char,* or a Male Grammar School thicettr. , Pantry 8475 for Term, oommenama E rat .14 oaday 44,1 , 401 am ber next to eon tivue ten montlia; None but a first-clew a.ober Deed apply. App ieanta wilt tr. - examined by the aunty on then thedent, at the Bgh-tuthool Ilmo, to thia City, on 30th tom., oommenaing at 9 o'clock a. 111. /SAMUEL FREES. Chairman Grammar Bodoni Committee. REA Dt:l ca. July 20. • i7*ll 6t• WANTID-100 ftew-style Union. Pa triotic, And omio Envel"pes, 1 dent ekoh •d dress T. R. Ziktiht & CO.. Laneaat•r PA hie WTED—lmproved City Property in exchange for goad farm land in -New Address ' New imam," Office of this paver. jig° lit• vk/A lc TED—A good Ltit.UMM ER to join ••• a cowpony about to procood to the seat A' war. ddreas'• Compact,' 8.,' this °floc • . jy2IL9O _ WANTED—An • Improved • F ARM, for which valuable unimproved property will be given in exchange. • JO) 4t• v WANTEDTO _EXCHANGE North l'irourrlvaras Railroad lhabarr and - Frio. and other bonds for a OitT residence. it, a good loaahtl. Address. "Trade," - Whoa of 27u Pius. stating I..cality and oh; Of the preoerry. • 5•19 t 4 l . lteimyklig: WANtiil44. YOUNG Men, &a.. nre invited to address ti " Ernie ment Comnuttol i .st the Rooms of Me, oval_ cluntilua on, 1009 and 1011 Car.olllliT attest. • se4lllsa WANTED '3O BUY—A Bouse and Lot near Gennerteren - or Chertut Bilk . Address A. H. 0.." at the °Moe *I lbw. paper "tattier pdas , , . size. Ote 324t* FOE SALE - '&NO TO•LET. •' THE' ADVERTISER WOULD . LIKE am to purchase a moderate sized city residence. in a rood nsightorhood. lor whist' be would give . desirebt sir and 'Bev. n per cent. bonds. - Acores • klemds_, *Moe of The Press. Jr Ltt-tf . f3}IIOIANTOWN.-TO LET (for the Ma sem., oriear) a pleasant Rendez:toe, near Shoe matter Lane Station; toll rooms : well shaded. E. IPSouth SINC01 1 11) ' , treat. ra-Im• a TO KENT LOW—Furnisbed or Em ma furatihed. for inz months,. or longer. if desired, a large and convenient 911136 E, fro 3736 Aron street. Apply to A. P. and J. H. NORRIS, 916 ARCH treet. Se 19 tf IaOIIEBTNIIT-STREET HOUR and STORE to gent.—The &nimble blueness location, OBEEITNUT Street, with dwelling attm . keled. Anti et 431 CHESTNUT Street Sall PO BENT—A very desirable STORM, op' the Ninth-01mm. front of "The Continental Rotel.' The Store at Ninth and Sansom streets ens eially adapted fore BADDLIII and NAILNISS maker. pply to JOHN RICE, rfati-tr Southwest NINTH and 8A NSOM Streets. VCR IXODANGE.-A ORODETZ TRACT - 11 : of good aulmeroved farm land in the Mao erten Jersey. oonvemeet to the ottY r Onll be exchanged Ter eity oropert7. Apoly at Ne. 114 FEDERAL Street. sef-tf 11111ILITKILY GOOD.I9e sH.F.BLE, -it, FISHER, MAXWPACITURAMI INIFANTRY AtID CAVALRY SWORDS, sazitsJityorarre; OFFICE, No. 3 NORTH FIFTWEITREET, l9l9•St` COTTON DIJOK. SCIITILEILE P . R TENTS; for /AL* FROMIINGIL&M & WRIZS. sto9-i tt INSURANCE COMPANIES. WA lal ENSDRABOX 00311Pitil, Yu ' AND 4 on,gammalinuts_tTs• 4 V4..E. AND T ri I k ., 3 ADIINIB UMW's. eaorge W. pay__ ....._44a 7 e✓ Atatlattk. 211-1120% Wttset---.....: . rteht limo &q. D B. Bitter —.— . r . t. terser. Hem Lewis, Jr—..:--. :: wis taros .&_yi. • p i t yd-, BA- - - • N.,7:41-a t •wiet. i 0 " w. &menses ..— n e . W. r.sernian & . e t t A. Weit— ..., • est & Eokes. . ; Matta . " " Rayne, mama, & Cs. i ik. ' 14Pn Dana :_.... li Ttr e - at & Weettntit_ /4. D. oodtett--... 8 I A o a. Jae. Xelest. 3 L—......- o_ j eit:_eell street_, °"" W. DAY Pl4idaspit xt.R.AmiLlt. WILAIABIB I. MaIec:BUILD; flre . ssetsrs. lass-tris sitvirme QAVINGI_L rOllO-rtrti 11110 STA TNI3 TTIVITMWANY:"r = raer Ay and Olfarl- If Slateh..PlVE r CIE.NT •a. O.II,AWFOAD, Preshinl. acmAis T.wriTEK, ratan and. Treadnunw. e hours, from 10 mat o'clock. • Oompany 131 met 0 tabarApp)oB4ol 4 . 14 Of , . sArna; P . ikCialf.'S SAFE DEPOT RIEHOTED .-Yo Ito, al south SEVENTH Street, near lks iln Institato: h• thiderelkatd. thankful for put favors, and bald Alltarmined to men% future patronage, ttas OtiOnied ps elegant and coniraptero. stole, end Wu now on band a 9 'aafortmant of Lil li e 's Cored Sates and tit] lea Iron'l4ll] and Bo:War mar .4 1 1eentr stn• tins Oild battler proof sa L : =We.) , LH tie's parded Book Vault, 8a /e. and Sank LS Ws k Vault Doc end 0 will be ormak•d to order 0 s ort notice. This is the stronrt, bast proteawd, and oheapeatf o :. or and Uult 0 7 KM. Jaso, elirootlayMr. 11 0 osi ll ed_to • ' tt Ng. Cabinet Safe or late. ewelr, ko. This sedea •u e to surpass n style mid elemmoe an yerorf teed for this pursue. ind Is the only one that is Mi•t ly fire and burglar proo . SrPSlALlionos.-1 ♦e now on hand say twenty l]f Farrei, Herring,. it. Co•'s Safes, mom of them near.r ,". an d some forty of other 101fOrerli. aomprising • epaMlote assortment _as to A nd i a taw, • r~ et tinged for the now aelebniplie anfe, They will be sold at Vert low prioes. P Gall sad esAmuni. lass-t Of • • * ' .ft 111.11111.rit. Al•nt iiiiv e=t WOECTOEW l'Oftit. NEW DALLY WOE , .is Delaware mad illrtao can• • Pal 4(4 lohia rattlEW York !Wren to boa pew will menet) ight oo end alter Kurt D A AL Y. ERA meteor, and save l bat sP.el .. dollverlas Moir 11181e gOes In .New York the follcreing dam Freight@ taken et reasonable rams. WM. P Milos,. MI. 1.4 sou'ra WildaVEle_ itrielreis• WAR!, J uip_,.. nu F,er, ie end IS :1:A.57 lt.P. raw Ye►Y. atkal-tftl _ - • ._. . si dg a t FOE NSW YOKL . nap Plulodearbla ate= Propellor goinpany Pal assume:me Moir bueineea for the was= ext maniac ou t t pat. 'noir dreamers aro now reeetv7ns - tralikt a1 54084,11$ .11ir elbows Walnut street. arms socolcuao6l4.l4 Akpltla s -samurai wow its 4 ifstla * lF•lWrk." - ..” 4 "." . pirmfai BRAM:Q. One barrel i t s. Waal s. Philadelpbia.