PRIISS A, July —The aids] StaatJanzieger of e vening publishes 5 Royal Manifesto, counter. 7 by all the mintstera, aneordlng to 'wash the 9 ..t otiv i o n of the King and Queen of will toltecs at Kiiligenerg, in October next. The erm ,py will be performed in the pregame of the 'towbar). of both houses of the Diet. and f those plrFrasses who will be summoned from o all the ivrinees of the kingdom as witnesses SPAIN m,,bnit). Jul/ 4 - 10 enIng —The insurreotlon le ptirelY confined to Lnj A, and the troops now Dar. „ p i the town. The insurgents are shooting :The 1( 1 10110 forever " D with to the Pope." July a.— the dp wish troop, have taken Loja. HUNGARY - . porn, July IS —ft Is believed that the (mufti mos on the Addresi which have reaently taken e, between the.prlnelpal members of the Hun- Diet will result thls evening in the mini -401 Adoption by the Lower House of the Ad. j`,,4 to the Emperor as originally proposed by M. pot Important from Mexico. : orrusves conorrion or MUMS—DISSENSIONS pio: 1 0 Toe L3IIIRALII—TIII PRIIIIDIINOT—DRATU r nsooLLADO OUTRAGSS OP THE CHURCH r re er l c epondonos of the New York Times.) .r. CITY OP Mexico Sunday, June 30, 1801 the latest dates reoeived from the United Stalls i s Jags 3 per steamer 'Bieaville, from New yeir to Vera Cruz, and when we shall again he !cited with advioes from your ofty is one of the rlad uncertainties whits!' attend us bete he state of efreirs in this country-1g such that its impossible to think of anything except the r e existence of the Government Muria, like united States, is now in the height of a nat ional , ti, and the end with Mexico, as with the United Iss, God only knows The Ratotionary or 9 l e comb party, as a political power in the country, dead. The vast property of the clergy even, iytt was to prove a national resonroe and aonom ash so tomb for the Government, has entirely appeared, and is no lemma bone of oontention Flamm priest and Liberal ; neither is It any longer own for evil In the hands of the former, or a prier for good In the hinds of the latter ,Ths contention now rile In political afro's' is wog. the Liberals themselves Oa the llth !net , polar Jnorns, whet.bas been the legal end eating reildrat of the Rerublio during the last three r em we; .declared re•eleoted by a vote of Con mu of 61 to 55. Oa the 15th snit he took the rib as President, and became duly installed A my g reet, and inexplicable, change hes taken ;;nos in Congress singe that date Two days ago, ;sorties Ortega, the ettoorresful military general, oil elected Chief Jamie, of the Supreme Court, , cl otralent to ',the Vies Presidency) with the m ired pumas of r applanting President Juarez 11 DOW retaitnelb 'be seen whether'Juarez will be iliplued by revolutionary or legitimate means. it is possible Abet be may be overthrown by revs litloriary mewl., if he refuses to yield tp the de grade of those who, under the guise of seeking to are the situation, are endeavoring to place Ortega t power. Juarez declares that Isis resignation is caliber necessary nor lawful; and, whether be s the snalL for the place or not, whether be ao continue to guide the nation on its imPest•toesed enures or not, his deolsion i based on patriotism and an honest deter ;Mellon to save the nationality of his country, 0 long as any hope of its nationality exlate. The sudden changes that are now taking place drag the p olitical Jeaderr, and the oortfasion and pinny which naturally follow, are due in some swore to the Intrigues of both foreirrn and do sritio articulations for power and place that what :111108 of poor Mexico may be delivered over to Lie hinderers. The Government is paralysed in Ur trot plea for want of means with which to es- olish and maintain order The truantry I. bank no, and has been so slime the present Govern sent came into power. Foreign claimants take vial little the onstOm-bousee collect, and at the rtseot moment there is no earthly prospect of im• rerement in the finattoes of the Government. Coder such oiroumetanoes, the condition of at !in throughout the country must be frightful. Meet, the most notorious end bloodthirsty Wet of the Oburob forces that remains in the rsotry, is drawing a line of blood around the ea- Va. On the 2d inst. he despatched Cairlgae, a itaniah desperado, to Arroyoyanoe to liaise Don geeboir Osampo. This officer of Mauves took 11:GDO, and delivered him over to Zoloaga, who ut;acted him to every imaginable indignity for tat daya The oolaborer with Mr. McLane in ne plating the late treaty wan Insulted by Leant', an, and Staffs; he was spat upon, kicked, and t. half killed by shots, and dually bong up to tinniest. an agony each as 'a human being is eel too brought to endure Br Osampo was the father elt Bottom Mats, wife of Meta, late minister to Coiled States- Tots horrible affair caused Intense ezeitement in ctpltal. Tit...principal military MOD oame 'ward, and among them General Santos Dari n. who, with a division of men, marched to. Ards Tolcusa. Whilst reconnoitring with a small Arty on the 101, be was surprised by Geiser in armee, near the Lianos de Senor. Gls party u out to pieces, and he himself was killed. Gen. neva had, in the meantime, gone in pursuit of tapes, by the Limnos de Akpam, towards Pnabla. &toots fled before Ortega, and from the 14th to 231 the pursuit was hotly maintained On the set band. General Valle took the road of the . -:herniate Degollado. and allayed the same fate. :the 231, Marques, Galva:. and others, fell upon 1.-. near the Llanos de Salazar. out his force to vet, and took him and his officers prisoners. 7 tlte and his °Moors were afterwarde hung, and etas of the poor soldiers were butobered. Mar st BOW at Tulanaingo, with about 4 500 men. 4, who returned to the capital on the 25:h, .11710 to day, with 4,000 men, upon another expe• against Marques :tont Degollado, son of Don Santos, left this e on BaturdaV last,--to bring the corpse of his :nhet to this city for burial. The body cf Br. Nampo arrived In the city on Lis tth instant, and was honored with a grand total as the doh. The thrilling events of the month now drawing s olosa have greatly unsettled the public mind, 01 boubt'ess have something to do with some of the political changes which are taking place, and shbh may lead to a radical change in the Govern. rect. not, however, by placing the oountry in any tenor under the sway of Marques or his party. S ins fears this. I rive you some items from the interior. 553 Ignecio de la Liar, has been elected Got of Vera Ores by a vote of 43 000 ?e'quiera has retired from the Government of tori. Onbillas.will probably succeed him. INA material for the station-boires of the Me. 'lo iteilroad recently arrived at Vera Cruz from Orleans. The road is oompleted to the river's it, southern part of the State of Montego is man by robbers. under the command of hia.. Gonzales and Pulliam. Its port of La Pet, in Lower California, has opened to foreign trade, and the ports of Mu- Loreto, Cabo de Ban Loess, and Ban Qeintitu the wasting trade A eendueta of softie, it is reported, will leave .saajusta for Tampico° early in June I conduce of sputa is announced to leave this lion for Vera Oros tisry ditlicenee passing over the road between and Versants is robbed, and robbery is the of the day in many other sections of the Istkpderstood that Mr. Corwin has thus far ..splislied nothing In his mission; end the (ion ise of antra, net only in this country, but in 'faired States, le such u to preelade the pout .ty of anything in the way of treaty nagotia • being aceomplished by the American minister ;went. Notwithstanding the national oriels wets here, this people—tbe intelligent nor • -are watobing the progress of events in the States with groat interest. The prevailing Seem to be to suertain as soon as possible rbor the great North American Republio is des to lose its plane among nations as a Power on continent, and be 'able to judge whether the 'dean nation is to continue to exerese an in tl. for weal or woe upon Mexican nationality Mezioan interests. t regret to say that both Mezioans and European residents in Mexico moulted to adopt the idea that the American is permanently dissolved, and that the power American Government is broken. No Is particularly unfortunate at the present tent. as, in tionneetion with the °mansion and ..ititioty now attending affairs hers, lt opens the door for the machinations of European ''maey ; and that the European diplomats are with their brains—and plying their subtle ht your disoomflture--you may rest assured. its British legation is particularly active in •+iag British demands, but, thus far, without 7perttoularly satiefeotory result But the Moir • le being merle sinker, and the necessity for eervices of a diatingulehed physician from over !relict will, probably, be mede apparent soon Berke Loyal to the Back-Bone. aroondence of The rteee.l Raman}, July 18, 1881. The /er lose of a oompany of cavalry, of whit& . 4 3a, our present member In Congress, was ruin, having been tendered to the Government, to received Reties of their acceptance, and will in a few deye. , ' et the point of interest In the ogee le the re' of the members to enter Into the carries on tee oommend of their old captain Their ads- Up shout his sincerity in the nose of the Go , meat and the Union, were Confirmed by Ms 't for Breaker of the traitor Vallandigham nt embargoed, they felt it their ditty to meet bold on election foralloers. The meeting was jetterdsy, and 3' 0. A. I.l.offidifs, an exoellent I,r ends thoroughly loyal man, was sleeted in loco--Oopt. Ancona rooolving but two out o Who will not say this le a just rebuke? 17 e have other " BeCeralOn" Sympathisers Clf, who are looking after Demaeratio std patronage, who need and will probably •e'*e similar:verdlet. JACKSON. ATrexp7lD ROBBERY. -Yesterday,:two t,tthge ln•the Eleventh ward were entered by tit thievei, who peaked up a quantity of goodi ir to carry off, when they were discovered and '"ed their escape. Rtonzrrgn IT.—The following erten la going the rounds : 1 • An eldetly lady, who nloci a meeting of the First Vermont Hee -. arose, full of eathellasm, and said she Cfli God that site was able to do something for notary ; her two sons, all she possessed in the 4 11 Were in the regiment ; .nd the only thing std to regret we., that she could not have It twenty years ago—she would have fur. more." CITY ITEMS. t it.or enaLtagnane ALL ENGLAND --WO OW r4:41 that this monarch of the P. K., 'crier from zic to meet the notations *see In the ring. has "Altsaced all England. upon the eoedltion. how ! the stakes shell be two handsome milts of iron the colebrated aka•prioo olothsng algae Opt of Glanville /flakes. 809 °neatest mrset, The t 1111 3 1 10047Mp&1111171 elloll FrIfOkUUND MD to be . ..'" . "tct to Ibe NO -ads. 'We Nave 11017 alt modetlelne4 "'" e, the matoh has been aeoeoted• 41, rsR.ic MoDowsLL's Durritos. —The ad nrms of General McDowell Is olendld/IS Mint entire oompatdee are old In superior ' 44,1 from the Bynum Stone Clothing Hall ofKock- Wilson, Hoe MS MSand 606 Chestnut street. abort 'ibis establishment is the great militarY eloih t.,Sn of the oountry. Handle& of men are con smplossd there. and thousands of uniform eV ; on short notice. The rePtdetkin or thin fairmild faraisbes a sodloient guarantee that the WI/ram Istlie made by them an liset-slaw In mil rum% THE CiT Y. Military Matters. Letter from General Scott. Some weeks since a number of prominent gen tlemen of this city sent to Gen Boott a oommuni. elation expressive of their aptremiation of his distinguished publlo services. (to It. was made public In the newspaper, at the time. - Yesterday morainic Mayor Henry received a letter from Gen. Scott. The following is a oopy : " Wasmaarow, July ' 18111. GENTraIiCIN Of the testimonials with which I have at different times been honored by fortiori', of my countrymen, not one has been more precious to me than that I had the happiness to receive from you, my esteemed friends of Philadelphia. " It cannot be long before my public note will be reviewed by posterity, when its judgment , I humbly hope, may be somewhat colored by the partiality that now cheers my declining years. " I have the honor to remain, gentlemen, .‘ Your grateful servant, " WINFIELD !COTT. "Messrs. Alex. Plenty, Horace Sinney, Itiohard Vela, Wm. Meredith, and 205 others." TES M'CLIELL6II RICODOINT. I Oct. Jacob Zegler has accepted the command of the filoetellan (tate the , Cattierori) regiment. Be is all officer of experietate. ARRIVAL OF A NAIRN RRGIKENT Some time has eloped aims a full regiment Dallied through the town, and the ftbBsl3oB of most OfIOUT own regiments has given the Flreets a qutei, mint deserted look Last night, however. the pas sage through the eity of the Sixth Maine ment, oonatitated a revival of the bustle of former weeks. The volunter refreshment fund dispensed its substentials at Washington-street wharf, and the men moved away at midnight for diatlmore, bay ing tarried in town one hoar. The Sixth Maine Regiment, Colonel Knowles, numbers 1 200 men, including about one hundred recruits for other regiments The.regiment brings eighti:two bonsai:, twenty. six baggage wagons, and full camp equipage. The muskets are of the Springfield pattern, altered, and are to be exchanged in Washington A majority of the men are countrymen from the banks of the Kennebec: and Penobscot rivers, and will enter the field Inured to hardships and able to bear the fatigues of the campaign, being many of them full eta feet in height, and a considerable number are even taller. The uniform is similar to that of moat of the otherjfdaine and eastern mgt• mente—gray, with felt hats. The recruits had been encamped for two or three weeks at Camp Preble, about two :piles from Port. land, and were mustered into the eerviee a day or two Anne, anti came immediately forward. Along the route from Portland to Boston, the volunteers were received 'with entheeiaem, and at Boston, where they arrived at 4P. M a collation was prepared on the COMM,O6 They eterted from Boston at half past seven o'clock on Wednesday evening On Its arrival in New York, the regiment was received by a delegation of the Sons of Maine, who had arranged for a reception and the presentation of a Sig at the City Hall ; but it was decided, on amount of the heat of the day, not to land the regiment, and to present the flag on board tbe Bay State. At 3 o'clock, the regiment was transferred to two steamers, and oonveyed to Amboy, whence it pro. needed to Washington. Liget Dowe, of the Fourth Oonneotiout Regi ment, aeoompsnied by a guard, arrived in this oily last evening from Hagerstown, having in charge three Secessionists, captured after the recent battle at blartinebnrg, Va The rebel soldiers are named John Fares, Georg, Seely, and Edward Guar don. Two of them belonged to a cavalry compa ny, and the other to an infantry company, entitled the Continental Guards They areyoung, stalwart looking fellows; state that they were impressed into the serviee, and that they. were always in fa vor of the Union They are natives' of Loudoun county, Virginia, which is a Quaker settlement, aooording to their account, and filled with loyal oitieens They were captured the day after the " brush" at Balling Waters, by the Independent Rangers, and surrendered their. Minis rides to William Loag They also gave up their unltorms, and their olothes appeared to be in a very dilapi dated condition. They were confined at the Cen tral Station last night, and will be tent to Fort Delaware this morning. ABCRIJITS Yesterday afternoon one bandred• and fifty Ger man soldiers passed through this oity, en route to Washington, from New York, for the purpose of going the Twentieth Regiment, from that State. A 'VISIT AND RIENNADN Company C. Home Guarde, of the Twentieth ward, visited the Naylor Home Guards of the Fourteenth ward last evening, and were hand somely entertained by the delivery of several very patrlotlo speeches, toasts, and refreshments, alter whiob the Naylor Guards escorted Company C to Col. J. M Bickel's, on Broad, below Poplar, and with their exceilent bend serene ded the colonel. They were responded to by an eloquent and pa triotto sreeob from him, after which they returned home, delighted with their evening's en testain• went. FlRE.—About two o'clock yesterday morn ing fire was discovered in the restaurant occupied by Smith Farlow, at tke 8. E. corner of Eighth and Chestnut streets The fire originated from the vicinity of the kitchen range, bat was soon extinguished by the firemen, who flooded the building with water. But little damage was done by the ere. Mr Farlow's lose Is covered by an insurance of $2,000. The hoop skirt sad trim ming store of T. K. Stewart Is on the first floor above the restaurant. Mr Btewart's goods were considerably damaged by smoke and - heat. He is fully insured in the city companies The build. log is owned by Mr. J. Ohew, but the damage .done to the property is insignifieant, as the water will be pumped oat immediately. StoopEs DILLTEI.— A respectable citizen, named Dr. Lewis Berkendell, aged forty years, fell dead yesterday afternoon, while prooessdiag up the avenue leading to the Blookley Almahouse. A post-mortem examination was held, when it was amertained that his death had been caused by an effssion of blood on the brain. The coroner held an inquest, end rendered a verdict in focordenoss with the above, after whist' the body of &issued was removed to his late residence, in Fourteenth street, near George. STABBING LF,AIH. Yesterday afternoon two solders from Oamp Coltman got into a diffi culty, when one stabbed the other, Inflicting a very serious wound. Robert Toy, oue of the sol diers, was arrested and looked up In the Twenty third- ward station-house upon the charge of in dicting the wound. The wounded man was taken to the camp. Ptokrociurrs.—Yeaterday morning Officers George 11. Smith and Josh. Taggart arrested James Pryor aid William Stevens, two notorious New York Vokpcnketa, at the Camden and At iambs Railroad depot. They had a hearing, and were ordered to leave the city, after their like• name Lad been taken for the Rogue's Gallery. A FOUItDLIIIO.—A female infant, about a week old, w.s round upon the door-step or a dwell ing, No 1008 Waßaas street. The obild was very nicely dresaed, and it bad a supply of clothing with it: The little anteing WAS sent to the Almshouse' yesterday morning. ACCIDENT FROX GIINPOWDEE..—Yesterday morning two small boys were seriously injured at Front and Wharton streets, by the exploeion of a bottle of powder with whiob they were playing. John Campbell, the eldest, aged &bout ten years, was the one moat irjarod LUCKY ESCAPE.-A child, aged one year, foil (ro w the second story window of a house at No. 727 South Thirteenth street, on Wednesday afternoon, but fortunately escaped with slight I/I -f-tries. LAROENT.—Two colored women, named Mary Jones and Elisabeth Douglas, were arrested yesterday afternoon, at Sixth and Prune streets, having ten pairs of ladies' shoes in their posses. Mon. They were removed to the Third oletriot itatloa-hones. SLIGHT FlRE.—Yeaterday afternoon a alight Are 00:30Urred at the soul., of WiMani Arrett, in Pleasant street, smiled by obildren playing with matches/ Damage about $2OO. FINANCIAL AND COlClAlkitt )AL. The Money Market. Panausa.ruth, July 18,1861 The stook market continue' to improve. Read ing Railroad shares sold up to 191; Schuylkill Na vigation, C0Ef1132012, 51; Oatawisse preferred, 8 ; Elmira preferred, 103; North Pennsylvania ten per cents., 761. For the more reliable aeourities, prices were also generally better, and recent advances well main tabsed. Pennsylvania Railroad shares" 94 at 381, Lehigh Valley Railroad 49/, Harrisburg Railroad shares 51*, and Camden and Amboy Railroad, di vidend off, 1111. The Brie Railroad earned in .June June, 1161 ---,fig 757 26 " 401 560 34 nerease • 4128 114.13 The New York Tribune of this morning Lays Augnet Belmont left in the Ferrets to-day, probably for the purpose of feeling the pulses of foreign capitalists in regard to the loan authorised by Congress to be negotiated abroad. The times are not propitious for such a negotiation, as the preemie!' meet be remitted in gold, but the rote of interest may be a-teuiptation." • 'Toe Asia, from Liverpool July 6, brings three days later news. Her /Writes are more favorable than for some time past. American stooks were better, and- the market for console 1 per omit, higher. Cotton was bnoyeast and breadstuff. steady. The return from the sank of England, tor the week ending the 3d of Jnly, gives the folYowing results when compared with the previous week: soraie ineresse...-..£48.480 publics deeoelts—..... 7 271 84 Deo,sasa.:.. . se7 lnrt Other deposits.-- 11,02,433 Inatome.— sumo On the other aide of the account: OnvernMent securities £9. 980,201 inanities—. .sts,sis Other ae0uriti0n.. , •...... 21,101. sea Inommo-1.3121 894 N ot es unemployed MAO Deorosse--.1,716,39) — The amount of notes in eirimiation is 120,003,- 080, being an increase of £B5B 560'; end the stook of bullion in both departments is 112,071,772, showing a decrease of 1572,888 when compared with the preoeding return. The London Ttmes, (oily artlele), of the eve ning of July 5, says of the funds: ":The failing off of 1572,888 lu the bank bullion proved:larger thanked been generally anticipated, notwithstanding the explanations previously given with reorient to it, and otaisols opened this morning at a &Olt ne of an eighth The market, however, owing to a renewal of purchases recovered its tone later in the day, and closed at a fresh improvement. The first bargains more at 891 to 1, and , the goal quotations were 891 to f for money, mid 901 for the 7th of August." Tbe following are the shipments' of oil .by the Barclay Railroad and Coal Company forth. week iodine /My 13. 2311..'''''• 10 Previous shipments... 61 1:AtiondAit the mesestj.::. • mI dm. list you - --- SSC 00 • The New York Eventeg Pon, of this evening) atops 2 The Stook Werkel exhibits great strength again to day, and the speoulation runs highest on those descriptions which have attracted the least atten tion of late, while the advance is chalked only in those stooks upon which speculators are realising the profits of the rise. The prominent feature of the market Is the press ing demand for Government stook", which seem to rise in proportion to the success orthe Union army morals tswards Itinbmond. The sixes of 1891 have mold largely at 89.1890 f, and the latter is bid for more at the close. Tne fives of 1871 are 2,3 per Gent. better, with few to be had below 84 and 85. A glance at the printed list shows the magnitude of the morning's operations. All the active stooks and bonds are In strong demand, and tho market for six-or eight months past has not exhibited pooh an absorbing capacity. The market for bonds Is very firm and the trans actions in those of the Southern States large. Tennessee, and Mistouris have advanced 11,2 per cent , notwithstanding the large supplies from the West. Missouri's after touching. 403 fell bank to 48. Tennessees are wanted at 45f-145.i. There is considerable notivity in Northern State stooks. Ohio, Illinois. and Michigan bonds are much better. New York State Ts and 6s are scarce. Money is more active on mill at 54 per went The supply, however, Is very free at these rates. Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, July , 18, MM. . Rgeog.TED FT e• E•1 1 / 1 .T1Iti/XP.R. Moronsanbe Exchange. FIRST BOARD. 7100 C6141;1545 RR prof 6 8 POlll2l Railroad rl9O pit, as.— „ntm 96 a A 0 ........... .........- . 3$ 400 Witrniogton Rase 60 1 • d0......._ _, 99 •61t1 Elmira R. R. pref., JON 5 do . 89 50 Reading Railroad. )9; 3509 Penn RR It nate. 06 50 do-- 198‘ WOO do --. _,... idg 96 90 'do_.... .......... I' MI 10 RartfaborK R R_. sus 110) do --- . /95‘ 12 Lehith Vallee RR 49M BD do .b6wn /9.1 i 11) Del in Caneo,-.... 88 8(51 Pesulatg 6. 84 .01l 733>. BO Scholl Nan Con... 58t IP 0 Eohl Nan Ca '93.5ds so IWO Votth . Penns Uhs— 0616 800 d 0.... , . ~, ..... 69 1000 do-. ---.... 7434 BRInr1.0: 1000 Reading gm Id. mh, 7•334' 80 EiM)Ill RR prat—. 34;14: EMEMXI 6 Camden & Ain R. 11114 600 City 6.1--- 96% 3 d 0..... ... 111% 200d0......,..iietv116% 3 I 'euna Railroad ...3 , ff 11)00 do._:._. K. 11 0 SS% Imo Naps RR. le; nag. 963*; 130 Caterwiras R. K prf. 5 woo . do—a— --.... MI I 9 .Dal Div Canal—... 38 CLOSING Piti.C.RS--STEaDY. Bid. Askii. - Bit,. A:111.3. Pima se Lint off' 883( 116% Nob 744,* Pro.rit_ .131.4 roux 6a....iny. ad 66% IT % Elmtra R Prof.— 10% 21 Phil& 69 71 0, 1a0R96% '97 Rimini re ns. .603 i : Penna. 6a.....-- 78 - 80 Loris island R-30% 11 Read R -- 19% 19ff Loh Cl &N. BOIS- Road 141 . 1 V 76 . .—..,. 63% 84 1 Leh CI & N 411 .- 33 T . --811 sr Read rat 62 '80'46 9 , North Pena x— 6% 7 Read tat &ON—. 7314 7 1 NPa I. 66.. .66 66 Penns R . .18%; 80 it Penns R 10..-76 77 Penns It Id mt to ftlif— Catityrisaa R 'ore/ 6% 6% Norris Can Don, 41 46 Prank . &SoR... 36 .. Morris Can Pfd 11314. 24 & 3d-its it S.- .3.% 14.71 T 14 91" -11 ' 92 . _..- 6 8% 69if 9 i 7 Patin , ," 0x d -61 63 Salt Nav Imp 65„77 Sil Byrne & Pxne.— P. Ea; Bon Navill)l.—... 5,1‘ i'srA•n & l'ioatea 143( Philadelphia Markets. IS—Evening The Breadstuff* market is nut:banged, and the sales of Flour limited to small lots, mostly to the trade, at about $4 for superfine, made from spring Wheat, $4 25a4 50 for extra and extra family do $4'5084 75 for Western and Penne superfine. $4.75 a 5 50 for extra and extra family do, and $5 7556 50 for fartey brands, according to quality. There is very little inquiry for shipment, and holders gene rally are free sellers at the above rates Rye Flour and Corn Meal are very inactive; holders ask $3 25 for the former and $2 62/12 75 per bbl for the latter, without sales. Wheat comes in Monty And prime lots meet with a fair demand at stdady rates; about 6,000 bus have been disposed of at 1123 for prime new Southern red in store and afloat, is eluding some small lots of white at $l, 15a1 18, and 2,500 bus 'Spring at 803 ; old Western and Penne Red were held 110a1133, without sales. Pennsyl vania Rye is sailing it 57e. Corn—The receipts are light and prioes firm; 2 000 bushels Pennsyl ianie yellow sold at 615523 in store, 1 500 bushels Southern ditto at 533 afloat, and 1,000 bushels Western mixed at 485493. Oats are unchanged and firm; 1,000 bushels prime Pennsylvania sold at 290 in store; Southern Oats are scarce and worth 23A: afloat. BARK —Farther sales of first No. 1 Queroitron were made at $27e2S per ton- COTTON.—The market is firmer, and &Mall busi ness only to note. Glitooantits.—The high views of holders limit operations, end there is very little doing to. day. Paovislotts —The reoeipts and sales are light and the market dell at previous rates. Thitsirr is Inactive; farther sales of barrels are reported at 16 il6li Drudge is tattoo and worth Vir in a small way. Nevi York Stook Ichatige-July 18. 100 N. Y. Central .11.......79% 260 d 0.......... _...792 00 d0.........:..:.,_ 7931 0/0 00-..- - -.100 79. 100 000......:... '...... 03 74 1.0 do- .. —.MO 79 1200 d 0..... -..;..-- 79 11 0 do- ....-......-43 70 100 do —,:—.7834 10/ Erie kailroadl— .28 216 do- - ---- - .204 10) do-.... --maim 4 30 d0...,-....:-119% 976 Harlem 11'...., 124 2.0 Cleve.& To l e do R_.33 760 do-...., .124 300 414-...-',. 624 400 d 0.....— 16 0.31 700 do—. b 1.6 SI SOO do-.:......-b60.31.4 . 100 do- .. —..3 34' .1660 do -.....- ~... 51 300 d0.............•-.1110.32 410 do —.. . -.324 241 Cblo a / 2 0 & /211/.11...44. 100 dn..: ...... - - ... 560.41 66 do_ .--060.4336 i IGO do _.-:-.1010.44.5.1 300 do _..— . 434 10 do--_. m boo .t 0 Chloago H . A. Q:.::63. 15 do —.....,-..034 100 hlill & P do 02.-36 24 Warren R .-. 70 6.lHudlon Hiv N.— 174 333 do .....-..:....„. 38 2/ do-160.364 .0 do .....blO 38 600 Harlem lii. Pref..---70 26 do._-- 2934 101 Reading R-........-.....813E 120 d 0.... . -- .—.3D . MI do ---, —.3951 226 Allah Cen R... -KA ROdo-. ' . ._.....474 4 0 .21100 /1 & N I R-.- 664 po do _ .___ _1651 Mich el & , 01 m I Gaarli, 2, 211 Con Hop ft ..-- 69. HO . do— .....b3O 694 60 del —......10.69 200 do —.......".b10.69 300 do -..........:- 69 . 5 do— ......... si.istili !lila Gal & Chi 1t....bi0 654 1 125 do —.-,.. «...664 100 do —:—...0.66 I 421 do _._.._....02063 Ito 600 TT p 64 moo U 8 64'81 reg..— 894 6 OW d 0.....— _8855 70000 ' do- —B9 8 4 00 Et Gs Itrooup.._93t; 2000 U 8 es '7l reg..— 81 4 00 U 8 60 '74 cone.— 81 10000 • do. , . 87 3 e 1 6000 Tr') 13 II o 2 Ills_lo2x 1004 0 Imo 64 '60.........e1 61:e Ohio 6. '7O _92 10 0 X entgoky St Bo ... 77 2000111 Can bds '611—...81 WOO nd fans 8t 5s- ....77 7 , 00 htioh at 63 100 dO /O' 00X 200) do. . 159 0 Tenn 65 . :91. • 0 0 do. - 46 WOO do— i 6 6400 do 4534 3007 Virginia 64......4714 . 8041 do 47,4; , 33/0 N Carolina 68 200, do --- .._.lO 08 390 0.. 69 2000 Erie 2d mr 6. x1'819835 29.0 Hod It B Fd.-913,r 4001 Bud R ad mtg.-- ad Goo Mick Can 8s let_ .96 &MO Mon ti 6 F hoc - .74 800 doJO( 809 i C&311 9/00 Chi & N W let. __4o FAO Chi & N tv 2d mg. 1654 4 00 ed/eseuri St Ga.-. 4114 36000 do ......... 46)f. %OD d0.........8046% 1900 d0—......4110.46K 89000 • 46 0000 d0—....880.461g 19043 do--- —.4133 7000 46% BOW_. do 30OLotiimaaafs...--- 69 dPou Cal tst. ls 78 9 91 do.. 73,3; WOO *ion 9 634 , k 2 00 B'glyn Wwer 1.0-99 WO & r rte & W tat m. 1313( 92 Meehe.nros' 8k....93 25 Pbcouis tik_ -9J 47 Trues-men', Ili .63 15 t 75. X 10 Bk o C o m merce .71/ 10 Me repo I .an Bk.. Pi . 5 Continental Bk-. 683( 5 Ow k 8ank......... 91 6 do— .903 i 60 Cum' , Pre.. 636 60 reotfie M ail - 8 b 1077 48 N Y. Um New York Markets—Yesterday. 10511.5 are selling at 85.37 for pots, and 16 . 76 for pearls. line • teritrYrd —The market for State And Western Flour ie firmer. and 100 oar bb' higher under the Asia's advice.. but soroewti nosettled irregmar ; there is a fair demand for exported the nume trade. The gives are 12 56) bbta at 03 girt 05 for mimeo fine State, $41604 25 for extra elate. $3 9uote.. 5 for superfine Mi amian. lndiana. Ohio, lowa, so., sod $41606.40 for . ext a do Inc 11 4 iIIC Itt.Ppltilr brands •01 round-coop Ohio, at $4.8504 90: and tilde brands of do at $606. Oman ero Xl ur tea shade Miner, with a moderate demand ; a Ices() bbis at 80ges.40 for-superfine wore. S. 000 676 for extra do: s6e6 10 for Brandywine, 85.6007 2 ifor iseorgetown, $7469 fpr l'etersbsrg City. moo Wee for ti iohmond City. Canadian Floor is also better. with gales of 600 bbl. at $3 080370 for the rang.. of extra bra, d.. Bye r.our is quiet at 82600320 for the range of fine and euperfine. • r:011111143-alle unchanged ; we quote Jamey at $2 The 280. "randy wine 3410 On, punebernnt $l6. Wheal is mere b.,u) ant under t... European' advmes, and prices are , oz, tfp , bushel higner, vith a f-ir ex port inquiry ; the pale. are 180,000 bosh. ar starlro far Milwaukee Club; $1 br amber lows; $llOOl 12 fur winter red Western; 81.'2 for new red Delaware. Rye remains quiet, at 46000 u for Western, and 660 67 fur • (nth Hive,. Barley is dull acd nominal at 32e670. . . . tats ate agath firm. and in moderate request at 77at 310 for Jener• Delaware, anu g•ennsy Lynne ; Sloan for °tete, ano 27c323 for Western and Canadian Co, n ahareslll the general buo.anot of the market. and p lees have anvaue•d the demand is fair, and we ootioa ■.les of 60000 busbele at 300430 for now tnixed W satire. Peovisioms —Pork is in moderate demand, but-srith out imp '.rant ohan e ; the antes are 600 btda a: 316 bee 15 62 for mein. and 815 for prt me rte-t is quiet. with sates of 180 b bid at slob bu for country MP,11.. ISJ for 0“UtlITI prune :3861060 tor mow:died ,Weasern. and SIG 60 tor ex.ra meas. Prime mess beef is dull. a d without sal s• o sauce Beef hems are nuohangeo, with sales of Mt lib,a Western at 31 s 7ae14.. Cut meats requiet. at entio tor )5,-. ma and; 4.sseMie tor bouhlers. Lao d LIM dy. watt owes of aas tea boa. bbis at Ba6o. Waisay is steady, with sales of tioe Obis at teestbibo. • VELA') EloPalt 00A.11110.01? GEO. K. TATFIAK. mu • r _ _ _ Vlrdirt. TH. .P.ROT.P . I6IIIAM. .4A! IP? .11 . 3 . ar .. REHM • • LETTEIL Baal& ..44 rag Morehants) „Ezehanga, Pkiteuleiphio. Mop earanak, Rowland -Liverpool, Inly 2 as ue Tuscarora, Dimmer —.- . .... 1a5er5001., soon Bark Ralantras. Gleason—. —Havana, soon Bark Roanoke. Thompson -.Rio de Janetro. soon Bohr Clara. Barrett . , --eort Banin, soon Boar U s ileokroher.lßenbbi-.......--Port Bynum. soon MAILING Or TII OCEAN axwainEßs. 'FV)M TILE UNITED ISTATEII. SIMS LIAM' MOIL +Al's Arago —New York—Elavro---.....—.Ja1r 33 BOinburgh —.New Yort—Ltvorpool.— —July, 20 Bunton—Liverpool— .--Julr 14 Sal --New. York— Hamburg **July 17 C Wrontington—.New York— Liverpool_. : . —July 17 gala York—Liverpool...---Juiy at am/. 3 Ant bta—.—. —,_..floar Ant 7 B•emen York—Bremen... ...... Aug 7 Teutonic--New York—Hamburg--- Aug 10 FROM BWROYS., 111111 MOM. PM* Anglia Galway-Poston : . July I Now Southampton—Plow v uric —Jury 10 Olaagovr 'York --July IP A nano --..--Liverpo —ldly 13 Prvue Albert —Cialway—Now York.:...—..Jury 16 Borussia --Southampton—New York--.--- July 17 ot Malamute ..Ntw York—Liver — — l--.. —July 17 Arnim 2 —Liverpool—New ork—rut> 20 Tau touta—.Boutharoptou —Now ork--- . July al Fulton— —Souttuginybou—NoW fork ---- July 24 The California NEW stearnersiaii from New York ea the Tat 11th, and Mat arm* month. The Havana, Stemma re leave New York en the 24, 7th, 12th. Ilth. and 117th of °sob month. MA.KIZIE LNTELL MN ir. MST OF FHLLADELFOI/ 19, 1081. SUZAZER rea *-4 tBattic3E" Behr A Townsend,AßßA Vt'D. Leler, from Key West llth inst. in ballast to D. rt Townsend. Left if steamer feolo ratio. aoatoul steamers Niagara and Crusader sailed lath roar . tor Luba. Bahr Belle. lila by. I day from Odessa. Del, with wheat BohrM L e. Dos & 0 0 . • him. 1 day from Odessa, Del. with gram to Chnstian cu rra .,. Bohr a i Earley. Ranier tan.l dor from Frederica, Del. wt, ri whilst to Jae Barrett & son. Bohr Telegraph, Connor. 1 day Lora Smyrna. Del. with wbeatto Jag Barrett & _ - Bohr Cahrapion. Collins, I day from Little Creek, with wheat to lea Barrett & lion. Bobs Triumph. a rtio , s days from &soon, in ballast to Noble, Rammett & Colowmi Bohr .1 C Henry, Lose; 4 days from Cambridge, is ballast fa Sawyer & Co. _ Bohr Fly.Dheeseman. 4 dare from rtentiteket , in bal last to ormtala. relit Jai U Stine, Swain. # 474 from 1304t011, 111 bal last us J etTlet & 4 10. Bahr James ff . Bay. 2 days from Cnotnoton. Md. with 11h130 [suitor to J W Booms. seer 3010 e. Owens 3 day* from Laurel, ,Del. with ship timber to JAR Ramat. Behyjoe Bet hap. henry,4 day, from roomnolge River. Md. with ship Umber J W Bacon. Bohr Gen laybrr. foul". oar, from Pcioomoke Ri ver, with ship timber to °J W Ibtoos. „ Bohr Jas ti Gourmet, Hoye* from Proridonee. Bohr Tologregkti: Starers, f rom i aysidemes; Poly Heald. Brown. from Beaton. Bohr 1, A Dittinnioner, Killer. from Bolton. • Rohr H A Rodgers. Rodgers. fro r -Boston. Bohr ;lades ragiort from Steelman. f r om Boston. hwh'Bedor, om wow on th t. e ., gegotzwal:tt • la sr nit THE PRESS.-PHILADELPMA, FRIDAY; JULY- 19, iB6l. BOARD!". 10 Epritoe ac Pine R. B.IC MEMORANDA. Ebip Philadelphia. Poole, nance. arrived at Queens town Sd inst. for order:, and landed /SO passengers. Ship Borten/la, Atkins, for. Phitacielphia, was loading at Liverpool 6th fruit 0 ship w C blye. Whitfield, oleared at New York yes terday for Ban Fraceieen. - Bork Cathanne, Croaker, hence, arrived at Cork 4th Instant. nark Palmyra. Lovett, hence, arrived at Gravesend inst.. Bark Chas W Pouitney. Nn'artte, from Cienfuegos. entered inward at London 4th inet. nark Arthur White, MoMullen, hence. arrived at Glasgow 3d. Met. Bars David and Caroline. hence; arrived at Queene town 4th inst. _ r ßsrk hlisabeth Bar er, Fenhreath, hence, arrived at ensatme 4-h mat. _ Bark Noup.ireil. Flail. hence, retied - from to:feline tow iagd inst. for elm°. - • - Bark St James, Cruse, hence, artived at Rio de Ja neiro 7fh nit Bark knee Morrison, Gardner- helms , tor Kingston, Ja was eeekee 2d inst. fat 26 M. long 67 40 _ markx towm, sleazed at New MK yester day for Pal fax. . Brig Stanley, Mumford, hence, arrived at Poole Lst unseat. . B ri g K amid, Delano, henoe.arrisred walein 16'h inst. twig Baker. henna, arrived at Boston 17th inst. Brie CVDima. finkkam, cleared at Portland 16th inst. , for Philadelphia. _ • Bohr Joe ti Lee, Corson. from New Orlerns, arrived at Bordeaux 3d inst. Bolles M M Freeman, Nickerson, E N Panama. Lo- vell. M J Carlton, nhaler. Julia mitt. Ovando. Abt hart Haley. x It Bhanrron, Marts and W it ell. Bacon, hence. arrived at Boston 17th inst. Soh *Luny Ames. Knowlton. and John eiroup. Lake. henoe, arrived at Salem 16th mat. Sohr John B Wheldin, Smith, cleared at Salem 17th mat. for Philadelphia. Norris . Greaten," _ Bohr. Lillian. Sars,ey, I) L Sturges. %neaten, Matthews. and Grecian, Abbott. Mine.. arrived at Port land 16th tn..t. Bohr P Hawes. Mason, cleared at New Bedford 17th last, for Philadelphia. Bohr P Crouch, Henderson, hence, arrived at New burs port 16ili Mgt sear G L & k F Shannon, Baotou, hence, arrived at Gloucester 14th inst. Bohr BlooinSeld, Stints, *leered at New :York 17th inst. for ?Minds Oda. eohr David G.Flirrel, Hackett, at Bristol 16th last from Delaware City. Bohr. Lillie Sanders, Jones. sailed from Bristol 16th inst for nehmen City. Bohr John Tilton .Edwarde. hence, arrived at Est Greens/11%h 16th lea f Sabre S J tivyt Crammer. and C Smith, Smith, hence, arrived at New Haven itith inst. Sohn 1.1 W Benton, for Philadelphia, cleared at New Haven 16th Instant. _ dehrs John 'Warren, Lazier, Mao S. wainwright, Corson. John Compton. Elliott. Hannah Wiliette Par sons. Cornelis Newkirk. His bee. hence. and r ligabettr, Brywn. hence for Pawtucket, arrived at Providence /6th Intl bohr Exertion. Forbell, sailed from Providence 16th inst. for Philadelphia Bohr Wm Henry, Passapea. hence, arrived at Balti more 16th inst. -ehrs Edwin Reed, Goodspeed. seri. P U Wheaton, Wheaton, hence, arrived at Boston 17th mat. Steamers Atthrseue. Jones.= Sleek Diamond, Alleles and Novelty. Skew, hence, arrived at New York lee -terday. IMPORTANT TO MASTERS OF VEREIEVS.—The following report has been made to the Surveyor of the port of filew York: non K B Hart, surveyor of the Port: bin. We the undersigned Inspectors. detailed at the Narrows on Donut steamer Corwtu, do make the follow- Ina report: Mgt we msde a signal for the sohr Friott. Cast Awls. boned to Fiallailetpkia. to nalaset. to bean' to The o‘n tato taking no notice of it, a shot was fired emote his bows, so that we could board h•tn. Finding he had no olearance we sent him back to the oily to pr t MarlrOne. .Ftespeoths ly yours. • JOarTrl IVIoNIAN US. t . '"'"'"'"'"'" EDWARD W. MORRIS. ' UJrn P/11011 CLOTHING OF THE IiATIINT aTTI.III, Xll/140 in the beet inannOT, expressly for BE WAIL SALES. LOWEST selling prioes marked in Plain Figure's. All goods made to order warranted sartsfaotory. Oar Wild-PRICE gystem 11 @gristly ad- Sorsa to. ♦ll are thereby treated alike, teigt-tv lONEII & CO.. 1104 MARKET ■treet. SUPPE/11MS WITH DISRASS3 OP Tug BLAD. DER, Kidnap., Gravel. Dropsy, Weakness. ko.. read the advertisement in another column. headed " hold's Genuine ereparations." )3 4-mwf tf BATOMILOR'S HAre. celebrsted and perfect }fair Dye is Ike but is rhs world. MI others are were imitations of this great original. which hall gained malt extensive patronage In all parts of the globe: The genuine W. L. Batohelorte lassid -Rau. Dyli instantly produces a splendid bleak or natural brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair, and will minas ths iii astir of bed dyes, invigorating the hair for life. OARD PRINTING, .688 T AND ONRAPIRST IN the (lity. at 34 Roving TAI RD ISD4•I RILL-READ PRINTING, Beet andChesport in the Clay. Nt 34 &loth TRIRD - gtreet. PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other descrip tion of Printing, of the most sapenor nastily, at the moat reasonable rates, at RINqWALT tt BROWN'S. •r•vsc . .' int td int .gi Rooth TUTU) iltrost. dott-tf _ no.___. WV 661 t 73 do__._. 6 36' 61 do— .....blO 6634 Oo 01u.66 N 60 do— DPOTT—PERRI/13 —July VI. 1861. by Rev. Wm, J, R. Taylor, Mrs. Margaret. 3. Woe, co eamael H- Per kins. etre all of the clay of PluNdelehis.. • eMlret-- , IANCO ,I K.--Maroh 11th, by Alderman Thrtmesan, Henry A. Bmlth to Sarah Jane Hancock. alt of shot otty. M.ERBOITH—FOX.—On the Nth o' April, by the Rev. J. W. Jackson. J. Wayne Meredith to M., yoonge•t daughter of the late Charles Fox. • " JARvis—y ALE —ln New Haven Conn., on the 17th Intent. by toe Nev. Thomas Beesley, Mr. Costly' H Jarvis, or Philadelettle. M as Lucretia R. Yale. of HNewAaven. [West Closter rapers please copy.) " EVER —On the 11th instant, William A. Everly, in the 61th year of his age HIS male friends and relatives are invited to attend the funeral. from his late terdenoe. Ito. 13'8 Arch 'treat, on Saturd ay mornme, tue Seth instant, at 9 o'clock. ALEX 'O6 DER .—nu the 17th instant, John Alexander, in the 66 h year of his age CAHILL—On the 16th intent, Amhara Cahill, In the 73d • rar of his age. - Funeral rmin tee minden* of his son. Richard F. Cahill, fn. 2420 bombard street, this (Filday)morniv, at 836 o'clock. .1.11 LA HAW -on the 17th Instant, Mrs. Elizabeth Callihan at , d 77 years. Funeral from the reeidence of her son-in-law, Patrick Gilligan. Canton street. welt of 'lhirteenth. this (Fn day 1 afternoon a , 1 d'o)ook. RoAT.—On the 11th instil:lt. William C. son of Wit. firm C end Hannah A. Boat, aged 3 years 10 months and II days Funeral from the residence of his parents. 1116 Per r.ilb et' net. this (Friday afternoon at n'olock. CONDrelt —On the I6th instant, Winfield Conno r. infant sun of John 8. and Mary L. Connor. aged 7 Weeks and i days. Funeral from the residence, of his parents. northeast corner of Twenty- third and Coates so eats Aim ( Pride ) ntorninit at 10 halo. k uddeoly. nn the 17th inetant, Catharine Mama. et Deal. in the 78-h year of her ace Funeral from her late ream anon DV Marlborough streirt, abose Girard avenue, thie (Friday ) afternoon.. t 4 o'nic Bohr Mohawk. Giles, from St George. tbhr Joe o , lohrist. from St George. Sobr Joe tfonee,Spragg. from Fall River. isteam-r Hoverlr. ?faros. hours from NOW York, with noise to W p Clyde. dormer elarah. Jones, et hours'from New York. With oldie to Wm M Baird Co. 803, ner Mire t .i'lioluds. - 1 , 4 hours from Now York , with mdse to 'l3r Shird & Co. Stemmer George Weehington. Whl lldin. 3 bonne from Case Mar. with pasesagers to oustutu. BLEARED. Steamship Delaware, JonnaMi, New York. Jae AU derelict.. Brig herd°, Zangerfe,Glawvw. T Riohardson & Co. Bohr Zebulola. alien. Yarmouth. NS ,H A Bonder & tto Sotr J 0 Henry. love, Nantucket, ti It Sawyer it Co. Bohr Behralin it Anna. Dole. Borden, do Bohr Triumph, Artis, Boston, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Bohr Mary Haler Haley. Boston. do Bohrß Frasier, Steelman, Boston. do Bohr Vashti dbarp. Haley. &noon. do Bohr Westover, eddridge. Boston, N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr L A Daoenhower. hillier, floe On, do Behr Mohawk, Giles Bath do Bohr Jos Lova. Gilchrist , Newburyport. do Fehr Jas G Stolle, Swain. Boat. n. J Street it Co. Bohr 3 ki Counee, Bares. Portsmouth J R White. A Bohr Clara, Crowell. Boston, Baum, Ogle to. CO. Bohr Heald. Brown. Portsmouth, do Bohr Rebecca Knight, isludooo o t, Boston. do Sohr B D Be tows. Clark, Raiford, Tyler, Stone it Co kohr R Engltsh. Somers, Rotary. do Bohr 8 J Bright, Haulm, Commercial Point, Repplier & Bro. Bohr Telegraph; Rogers, lisawioh. R Blakiaton. Bohr H A Rodgers. Hod r ors Boston. T Baumgardner. Bohr Hume, Phioney, New London. do Bohr JOB House, Spragg. Proviaeloe. R H Powell. Bohr 8 L Croaker, Presbrey. Tumult". Twella it Co. pour R Km, numb, Roxbury. i. Bolhennel it CO. BObr JAB Li Hewitt. Ross, ammo. do Bohr Delaware. Ross, Snow Rot. Neall & Merriman. Rohrleijoh, Hathaway. Boston. J English. Bahr Jig irriet & Sarah, Tice. to i cabala, C A Reekaoher et Co: - Bohr Messenger, Fogg, Portland. Van Born; Woad - Ooh r Somerset. Miller.Waahlottoe, Penn Gas Coal Co, Bohr Geo Twlbill.Twihill, tf ew York. V A Horton. Pur A t. How. tier. Hatumore. A Groves. Jr. /Dr Bnstol, Allen, New York. Wm P Clyde. (Correspondee of The Press.) RA nb VR.R. DB GitaCel. Jule J 7. Eight boats left here this morning, laden and eon sig~cned as Eatel'a, t i . u n. ml y tt : to St Georges; Dubois & Lewis, do to Norcross & Sheets; Minniennope, do to A Burton; Camel, coat to now York; Wm w talon. iron to Thomas A Son; Agricola and United States, coal to Delawrre Cots. Sold by all Omelets and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAXNESTOOK & CO., DYOT & 00., Philadelphia. .0-t1 Ci 0 17 MB t BALKS/8 ONLIMILLIND NOISELESS &EWEN* MAGRINES, CI• Best in Uo• for Family Sewing. Y3a CIIKENTSVI Iltrast. Pkilsalsiskla asV 1r MARRIED. DIED. D UN cAll.—On the 1611 instant, tem Elizabeth Dan can stir. In James , nnosn, in the teth year other age. Funeral front the residence of bar buseignit. No. 913 Heath Fenth street. tins (Friday),, at 9 o'clock. FOirk.fL--trn the 17th tastant. 1."31ea Borheek, daughter of Witham a, d Anna e ester. used 14 mouths. I. unseal from the residerout of her pare. le Green wioh street, below Fon. th. this (Friday, afternoon. at 3 o'clock. FU Ks, v.--On the 17th instant, Laura Matilda. dough ter of Robert L. and 3i. A. Furey, af MI 21 months. Pone el from the TeleileLoo or her Parente, No. 1113 Elm street thts (Friday loft/imams'. at 3 o'o oak. • Y It D.—On the 17th tnebint, William Yard. son of Pearson Yard, In the 46th year of his age. Funeral from his lather's realdente. No. 210 Pooh Eiseman s rest, on Patorday.afternoon. at 3 o'ctnck. • JOHNISTIONI.—fin the 18th lost:mt. Josephine J. John stun. dansht•r of Aerie L. and the late Jalapa J. John ston. aged 10 yams and I mon hs. Fun nu from'the residence of her in-ther, N 0.334 Georse street, on Funds,. afternoon, at 2 o'clook. K E 8 the 38th Oaten'. Front, son of Wm. Y. and r. J. Kettter. agee 4 years and 7 months. Funeral from the residence of Ms parents. Mulberry street above Oxford, trig, (Friday) atternoon, at 3 o'olook. • ma LNG STORK, BESSON & SON, LTA 918 CGS uISTIVUT 'treat, are now sellins Black crape maretz. at 21 and 11134 oenta. Bleak be resew, at ZS and 3IM Delve. Black 7-4 wide berates. SO and 43234 agate. second-mourninr poph. it, se aim 4. Gray mixed lavellae r 3.2.l4e. Gray mottled rondentia.l2)4e: 6•a7 mixed wide madonnas, 13Xo, rot and white printed grenadine Garages, leg, rot plaid real grenall , ne beveziss.ioo. Uwe and white organdlea.36o. 177 MNOTICE—TO THE INHABITANTS OF FXAIIKFORD—Tbat The DAILY or We h.RLY can be tin dAt the oonnter of in BUM, or served at roar houses regularly, at an early hmse W . 0.6E1E01 AD, IylB.lnt' Agent for The Press, in it. rankford. WHEADQUARTERS CAMERIUN DRA- Otar , F. CO , . M. Friedman oommandinz.—lhr. ie r DUNLAP, Representative or Eleventh and Twelfth war..s, has kind', sent 13 , 1 & verr handsome do nation. He is one of the few of oar Representatives who rook out for the interest and oomrort of our sot - dten, and we ha:wool:iv citizens wilt remember hint in future for hie generous exertions end antigun. It" wATIONOTICH-OFFICE OF THE DELA WARE AND RARE AN CANAL. AN I) clot- AND AM HOY RAILROAD kr4D TRANSPOR- N COMPANIES. ritiNcirrottl N. J July 10./931. The Joint Boni of rlreators have this day deola , td a Dnidend of FIVE PER CUNT.. on the Cashel , took of the Lomeantes. from the *amnia of the lan six snonths.pnyable to the Ptookholdels or their legelye presentative& on tityl IiPOT she =I that.. by KICRr 80 IsEflrPr N. at the t Moe of the COmeehles at Phtiadel• phis, and by II A BLIES, at the 0.1160 a of the COMP 11141•111 at New York. RIM; AM) BTOCKTOti,t Treasurers. /718-8 t /dB. B. GREEN. nr'WESTERN BANE. OF PRII.A.DEL PO lA. July 12. 180 i. is meettag_of_the Bard of Direators. held this day Mr. c. n• w txtiAND Warn appointed !mutant cavi l ler of thin Bank. Jill St 0. M. TROUThIAN, Cashier. TT, osrviox OF THZ PHILADELPHIA Altb DARBY 11 / 4 1 1rOa D C.O nEs DIILIPEA. July LI Mi. The Boar of Dirsot_pis have this usy deolsred a Di vidend of P r h i y-Fills Carat per share on the Capital Stook of th s COMDIMI. oitteunding OM day killable on and alter the 26th lost . at the Whoe of tue Treasurer, !so. .2. itinut Guest, For the ooprenlentie or as btookholdere, the Trot outer 'oil, ba it th e Depot. corner of Depry_aveutte and Forty •ninth street (opposite the Gray a Ferry reska,) batsmen It.ti and 6_ /IAT UKDAY, the 17th inst., prepared to the above, Tosue4L:poks wt closed until i alith inst. Roe; IPA 6aorstar manner, 11/6-116 Mo. 161 OT Atneet, trim 'OETWE OT THE FRANKFORD AND BOUTILWA RA' PH ILA IA eI,PIII. At CITY PAR KVGER RAILWAY rOMPANY, )381tKS (lath Chatbaln) Street, below Fourth Ynr AMMPIIIA. July amen. The Rased got Directors have th , s de deolered e. pivldend of TWO AND ONE-HALF PhR CENT, from the earnituge or the peat six 'months. %my able to the atookholderg, or their legal reuresentatlves, on and atter the 31d ihetent The Transfer Duette will be Glossed until 22d inst. .17(1.4,22 !HA R. AR 10l'T,'eoretarr. 13T- OFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 406 C .A tl STa .treat 1861. At a meeting of the Board of inies_ -a he JU toI I J this d ya. a dividend of THRUE PER CENT. was deolered oa the Genital, nayahle nn the first de. or August next. 131 tin W. I. BLANCHARD Senreitarr crrWE HAVE EMPLOYED HELP FROM THE PROTESTANT EXCRANGE.Southweet corner SECOND and NEW Streets. and take pleasure in recommending . it to the public as an Institution much needed in our city, for its care in selecting thee best men, women, and ',Whiten as to character' and WWI - J. E. ADDICK_ „S 6E Race street. E. M. SELLERS. Green and Tulpehooken streets. , .EDWIN R.A.NDOLPH. DM Chestnut attest. .EDWIN KIRKPA PRICK, 1231 Arch street. • Dr. PANCOAST, CM Mount Vernon street. JAS. Rl[ ; /}BRI M. RIM. Ede Mount Vernon streeL GEO. Fs EIEmAN, a 47 North Eleventh street. P. G. OLIVER. ISO North Sixth street. B.IIOW ER. ".tiird_ansi Germantown avenue. T. WILSON, 210 North, Front street. T. MeGVIRE,422 South Front tifreet. M WRITN, In Morahan street. W. C. BORER, 4 32 Market street. W. R. RICRA RW3081,4111 Market street, And over one hundred and fifty more, to whom re ference ' , will he ivan at the, n,rlll-tlrn A UTTO N.—The undersigned' her , -by 11 -J-imu.itne ell persons amnia buying or Tientbitine the foltowins ewes. viz : One dated on he 11th or.fuly. instant. for SM. dawn by G. C. Hawthorne. and en doped by Jac, b Fres, payable in Ext. days from date; lathe barometer County 8 Mc. Another note for the same amount drawn and endured tot shove. which le parable sixty days from date thereof, at the Co lumbia Bank, The notes at above deseritird were lost: together with a pocket- b"ok contatnir g about foots-five doilam in /toner. The payment of the notes has been stoo.ed, and bankers any 0 hors are hereby cautioned not to re• mews or nesouate them A gaitAblq reward_ will be .paid to the finder by return ing the to , G. O. 'HAWTHORNE,. Register of Laneseter onunty, 3713 3,* Lanoaster. Pa. nt , THOSE WE OHERI6H GET LIVE- N.. !iv+ Photo rapids in nil, or Colored Photographs, for which the ohaTy e is only Si, at REIMER'S Gal ierr•SECOND titree'. above Green, lt• 'MILITARY NOTICES. • k THE CAMERON' DRAGOONS, Colonel Max vrieiltnan commend me, aretiow being mustered into the United -totes *amine, _ One company has • been ady n adored in , and are,,new encamped et Sir ird, Part. near the,Col lege, Another oOMITIIet Vlll be , nnuirared th t'+= day. at -- two o' the United states amenal,Sixteeuth and neado.iarters Pro 4'B COATES Ftreet, where a few m-re TeCtrUi." Will be .tat en. Privates and non nom inandoneCt Ifinere curial. ed with horses, equipments, and rattona unmediated,. I . UNITED'.., STATES . .,,O.AVALRY.- . WANTED—For the Tbird,Regimeint 1.1 8. Cavalry —able-bodied. unmarried men. of good Migrant./ einer morals, between-the ages of-18 end Set years, to serve for S years. Pay from 12 to 97 eiollars per month, to,tb olotbmg.. board, and medical attendance. -Men': accustomed to bootee and riders referred ; a minor will runt be entotted.mithoutthe onnsent of parents or South Apply at i'rintostal Rendezvous. Zito. 12 3' South KIGETH Street. ]OHM SAVA Mt, i92-Ste • Regt. , ;C: a. CIIN 7 Y. Reotg +Moor. NEW 'PUBLICATIONS. NEW ENGLISH .BOOKS F. R,-..THE enton MON OBJ ' , WITS OP Title. TeIIORO37,OP E. By - the Fey. J. ta. Wood. _With beautiful Illnstran ns. print , d in colors. Ilino; cloth, extra, $l. Or with pain plates, fancy boards. no. • isitrristt, stßim EGGS AND THY-1R NESTS. ; By 0. Atr 'noon. 'Beautifully colored plates,l match 'the foresoluf. Itno cloth, SI. Plan Dares , -COCO tOt4 oßit.cryt UP TRH Ot , UNTRY. By Rev J G. wPod. Colored plates, 12mo. cloth, SI. Plato plates, 2io commoN OBJECTS OP THE BRA SHORE. fly rev. J. G. Wood. Colored plates. 12oto. cloth. Plain *bites, - BEITIcH *ERNS AND THSIR ALL By Thoc was, Colored plates. Iliwto, cloth, OUR WOOD, APIu 4 ilriA7ttB , AND LIADOEB, By W. 8 . Coleman. ("Anted plates: 12tno, cloth. st. .BRITESR BOTTERFLik.s. Br W. 8- tloleman Beautiloby colored plates 12.n0, o/oth, $l. Plata 3 26. Any or the above sent free bywiall on receipt of the Fdreirn books imported to order by every steamer. Catalogues can be had on applmat , - oELFt.,y k co.. ImPorters of Fnglish «nd French - Banks, jytg No. 27 South SIX 1 tl ot ab. Chestnut, THE GORILLA BOOK, THE 'DOLLARS. REBELLION RECORD For July-60 cants. UPRISING OF A GREAT Pr OPLE-7b cents. JOHN- AItiFAMLAN, 33 B.6IXTF St. Canvassers wanted. 1,17-2 t MAJOR GENERAL Al o 0 I ELLA N. . 1 -NAL Cal d photographs of Major General hloClellan. Pries ZS oasts. Now ready. tocALLISTE2 k BROTH RA, • 728 CHEBTN UT Street. ROOKS, LAW AND MISOELLANZOIRL new end old, bought, sold. and exchanged, at the lIIL/A,DXL_PHIA- BANK ' HOOK 'STORE, No. 41, cHESTN UT Street. Libraries at a dirt-lino. purchased. Thus° Minns Books to sell, if at a dist/mos, will state tAmr names. sizes. bindisks ‘ dates, editions, prices, and WANTED—ItooIs printed by tienja mix, %Franklin. as well se early Books printed in and iriaerr r tleita c' y g a n alenna tt A rs ro P ro lorries, in press, sent tree. Ltbranes appraised by 1111-tf JON rla M Pn1411.11. GROCERIIIB. TO FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE KURAL ))1611,10713. wore prepared, 11J heretofore, to eeeltir female et guar Gauntry Reeidenaee with every description of FLPIB eiviasiwta,-mus. &0., ace. ALBERT 0. ROBERTS, 00111(Eit .SLEVEISTIt AND Ituiirirrassva. eiyl3 ' . • • PURE roccp.T:WINE. rot a RAC BY C. H. MATTSON. ARCH AND TENTH STREETS- IeI NEW MANT_IT.T A STORE. The most splendid SILT MANTLES in the city 1-1013G14, & CO, ISOUTIt TENTH BIREE7 SILK M.A.NMILLAS, -• In every new style, the thtliti*'WnliUlt!ei mer seen, at the elegant .New atom. :„. 26 800TH TEN* HOTJGII..A., 00. .168-fm LATEST AND BEST • PaTENT • FRUIT JARS, (BAKER'S' PATENT.) NO CEMENT 18 USED. AND NO EXPOSED SUR FACE OF GUM TO TAINT THE FRUIT. TREY ARE TEE - MOST SIMPLE IN OPERA, TION, RELIABLE IN RESULT. AND EASILY PROVED. POTTER & BODINE, pole Manufaoterere and Proprietors, 108 OHESTNUT STREET. Moo, Maoufaottirera of Plain and Fanny Wine and Liquor %Mee, Druggists' and Crockery Dealer' Green Gleam Ware. ' Jrlo•wfmim p 0 THE LADIES .-CIIILDRXWIS - 3 - CLOTHING, t a Immense - snotifioe, tbe La dies' and Cbttdren'e Purntainng Store. Nu. 104 North TEN rPi Street. above Arch. hie 12.. T. ENIP SEEDS. toy Cro (warranted,) 7861. Wholesale and Rtt,lll. ALFRED C Atiriqd UR. Implement sod Seed Warehouee, ho. i•North PlttlUJv UM. JylB-12t Be ow Callowbill, CAbE'S PATENT FILTERING CORK AND TURK for (soldiers' CsSteens denial:lS throush which the soldier secii awls water. treed from. poison. Fifteen dollais th e 100; 0r25 Unita pio2e: No. 3 ARCH &rest. it Hi-St • QT3l4lhilat t'Otarl,A)NT OR' CHOLERA FANTl3l.—the sufferings of the little ones from this dteesse may b. at once relieved by JAYNE'S 0...11M1N AT VC 8A 4pl. It calms the notion and Wm,. the tryttattoo Of the etomeeb and effects a speedy and evermanent core. t old at Strealit3r/v UT baser, jy Mat tf VANN AND COMFORT. 4 A. ThEOBALD asks, Who can please or suit everybody / Boon a person probebly never war born. But those who know when they are suited BOOTB'or 8110E8 axe 'anted to give hlm a Gall, and those who never were salted before may be suited now. He is ist big old tibiae- 5.06 COATES &met. - an eta Sl:lhlnkß IS UPON. lIIS—And all the dis oases incident to the •en eon may now be eipwted. Dy_aente , y. litarri use. Choie,a linorbus. and all Bowel affections are likely to prevail. and 11 , 11 ewes Lytton suffering. Yet there and all similar ooniPleitte maY_ Pe MPti* cured by Dr. D. J vre g's Cartidl pin BALSAM. Prepared stu2ceiEsTriur 1717-3‘if fijalt= csaks and cases of the brands of Itt. Juben r igßrgatut, Hain-Brion ',salsa. Fey bl JAUREICIKE & fad no 9 stemtb► FRODIT firoot aTHE PRESS" BOOK JOB PRINTING EISTABLISHmE N O. 417 OHESTNUT,' STREET. . P.HILADELPHI.4. The attention of the Business Community is respectfully Invited to the New Book and Job Printing Office of " TH2 Passe,” which has been fitted up with New Material, in the most completemainey, and is now prepared to . `eiec - 14e;•lik . a sittsfactOrY style , erriry - i*- ety of Printing. MILITART 000D8,‘ SHEBLE & FISHER, • • • MANUFACTURERS 'OP INFANTRY" AND CAVALRY • 'fr SWORDS. SABRE ,BAYONETS, OFFICE, No. S NORTH STREET, jyl9 at* Philadelphian UNION -GOODS. FLAGS, BUNTINGS, &c.„ &c,.. .11T REDUCED PRICES. W. H. HORSTMANN & SONS, iyl7-31 FIFTR and CHERRY etreets. COTTON DUCIK. SUITABLE FOR TENTS, WOZ pus sx • FROTH:Mg-HAM it WIC L5l. isySS-1 tf ' RETAIL DRY GOODS rHE' L. HALLOWELL & CO. 333 MARKEL' STREET, . - • : ARE CLOSING OCT ' . AT RETAIL, their al.:rook or GRENADINES, TIBSUES, BABWES, BAREGE ANGLAIS, ORGANDIES, JACIONETS, LAWNS, BRILLIANTS, ORGANDY ROBES, /to., ac, _ . IMMENSE. SACRIFICE: .415-mwtat.- - . 'MEN'S AND BOYS' WE AB. , Cathmaretter, Tweede. entionndas. 76 Li cent, findnen l-w gat of rlrt teens. Coaanaiesrduroys. B.ISOR and fanny Cassitnersa. Cuttr ink and6.ll.D. 113 X. E. Corner NtrerMAJR.WEV CLOSING OUT SALE DRESS GOODS. Balanne of our elm* summer Drees Goode, at merely Imams./ pricesoo olose theta. Buenas and Delete flobes, than hat! pries. Fine stoat Blank Drees Eioods, extra onenn. COUPF.H & uuttaßD. Jrl3 3. B. nor. NINTH and MARKET. IitKNOH LACE POINTEB. - Shawls. Mantles. and Sansone. *Ow d to ons.litar their vatue. Bleak Mantles. Cloth. do. Bummer Pastern. It finalit , ‘oa. chisp. • - COOPER & 011 AHD • N. R. car. NI >II !mad MARKET. N. Et —J . :lest-stoop Skirte,l7 to 40 springs. jyl.3 SUMMER DBES , ' GOODS. A still further Reduction In ?neon of Drtu•tfoodo To Close Bummer Assortments, Ow (foods—Travelling Goods. Lawns and r rtandi-e—Cluntzes— Retraces and GTerteditten—Broobea. Catiooes—eophno—Stimmor silts. Poulsrde—l'uinmer t bowie—Mantles. gliall.PLgBB jell . CRESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets LINEN DIAPERS —A fall line of various qualities of Scotch Diapers, IS inch to Zt -Inch. Also—Huokaback and Towellags. KEA ft.-LEES BROTHERS. ORRSTNU r and EIGHTH &mete. VYRE & LANDELL _ARE OPENING Rt.A O l( 811,10.—BLeok Silks, Sue grade. Bleak Bilks tor city sales. Black Bilks wbolem.le. 2150 k Silks, ZS td 35 'noises wide. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and A PCB, ere Solling tai their BUIIKOST Goode low. to close them. Yammer rilks. India and Frenob. Da. k French Organdy Lawns. Berm and Lawn hobos by the yard. Houble end rwlic Bilk Grenadines. ifiN,YRE & L ANDELL • HAVE FOR D'ltvBBEB Ulu Planneia. alt-wool Plaid Flannels. Good assortment of Toweling& Summer Ciail?s wholesale. j,lO-tf 1861—MEMORABLE YEAR ! • VERY LOW HA PR R DIco ON n DRY GOODS t 81161, MORE REDUCED! THORNLEY & CHISM. N. It. POT. "PIG .4.rn and SPRING DARDEN, Want Lotto!' their atook.ciatia 0f.. . have consequently • REDUCED VIZIR PRICES, VERY LOW, INDEED. Fancy Sipe s little over half prioe. Some stiles of Dress Goooe at half prim Lace Mnntles,Pointes. ho genie, &0.. very oheap. Smolt mike. the cheapest in Philadelphia. A great variety of Gray Gomm; Limns, &0., &o. A very larr • stook of , pom•stio Goods. A vorT'larce stook of_binen Goode. Cloths. Cas , imeres, Vesting& he.. &e. • N.D.—This is a AARE CHANCE 0 get Arno& an usually cheap. •• TEIORNLP,Y & c'ELISM. 11. R. Got . EIGHTH and •PRING GA.( BEN. N. ll—trom tins date, July 9th. Terms ".Cash on Drtiverv. . • • 119 pair. PARIS-PRINTED _OHLNTZ-41170- LORED ORGANDIE/1 R.EDOCED TO HALF PRICE. Riobeat style imported. STMe weal Price Thu. Medium Si ; 62. 24 • • 60 . .. /9 ; Fins Paris lationets. X ; natal pries, an ; Si. Fine Brio . rtment do, 12M ots. • B•rhres Satin Ibtnpe, ko.. ko., an reduced to 19 eta., worth 3732. Pr-n.rd Berens Anntais 123 E ohs. The above oomprises home of the haw l soniest roods in the market.. CHARIER ADAMS k SON, tf - .WORTH and ARCH Streets. GREATiR REDUCTION IN DRY P•••••• 7 GOOOB.-1304 quality or Ointhame far MI. aa.ortment of Dread Gomm from MR to W. Delnines end Challis uelainee reduoied.ftomile to 12%. Lading' Glottis, plain, plaid, and striped, at .e low fi We e ti and Boys' Wear. muoll reddoed. • Lawn' in ii , eat varlet) from 8 to 5/Ha. Palm uininr,Go“ds. at the lowaet market phone. BheLland 15bawg, from Off to .6 at J Lin 81 H. RTOREB', jig 7U ARCH Street. B A &GAINS BARGAINS! ! oftRAT aeoßincgs . _EXTRAORDINARY INDU C EMENTS 0 Eared in MO balance of our Brook of UMMEit DAMS 1.4u0D11, now elosincont GREATLY UNDER COST PRICEEL Panetta in l i nos Mantles, Bournous, Pointe*. flargiunsineilk Coats, easx_quesa-d Mantles. nAFLUAINS IN FANCY 81LK6,. DAIWA IN • IN BLACK BILKS. 000. Mohair Grenadines for 260. . 160. Detailing. new err les, /or AL goo Organdie Lawns for MEG- - 12)(io, Lawns, fine quality. tor H. STEEL & EON, $l6 No. 713 North TENTH Street. above Orates PRICE, FERRIS. & CO.. NO. 807 CHESTNUT STREET, RUH continue to RETAIL their large WHOLESALE ST••CK of .White Goods. Linens. aces, and Flmbros dais.. at price* which mast make it to the interest of every one who may want anything in their line to iv, theme call. as chef will nave at least:ewer mint of the lanai ocwt by so doing. JACONET_O. CAMBRIC& MPLLS. NA INPIOOKB, TeRLSTANSB. ISWISSEM, FRENCH 811;ield. , 8, SKIL' IAN FEB. Qt3ILIS. Fleuavp_ bWHI'IFe FOR BASQUES, I.IBBROUPD PRIRTI3, FLOUN CING/I. • DelereS, SLR h Vs8,_0,1•11)8. InimERT • INGII,_COLL Aka, VAL_ENfIENNE ARID OTtir i f LA9NB VEILS. MI ITB, HAND/IY.RCHIEF7I 0 HEFTIN4 Ph i LOW A.III 8 R. 015 . i t 4 B , 'I - AI I v . R Ci,OTHS. NAPKINS, TA TOWELSS DMP, FUC ABACK 'ANL OTHER Am) T • OVESL NOB. N. B.—A few clime. real thread and Cambria Lace Pointe.. at about half pries,. A new lot of trimmed and plain net ,underaleeve.. .41 . beautiful mule. Val. Moe handkerchieby ALL VERY CHEAP. PRICE, FERRIS. & CO., hi-Jm 1407 CHESTNUT STREET. CIIMCR STOOK (*DRIBS (400DS AT irRICITAtArAX/RD)NG TO THE TlMElL—Pophaa, Barer', Silt Cha half price ; Deleioea re duced f rom 25 re 11)4o.; Bprlog Chinuea raddood from to 80. opeotal attention to requested to our stook of (hien dies and Jaoonet Lewes, irnion bound to alone out at a tow ftsgro. CRAIRLIt.B AAMe & SON. te7DBIG Eni an &RCA Streets. ABANBRUPr IMPORTER'S fr. TOOK of gamplesiof Linea Cambric Handkerchiefs. In hem-eutobed. sheer oolded, and embroidered, from ID cents to e 3 cents each ; s great bargain. purchased a saortfioe for cash, ai.d to be sold In the same way only. ClEjjklther4 4 ftel & 80N. e7O !WRENCH LACE VBILB.—A choice lot a: just. purchased from a bankrupt importer, and for sale at half prim, at CHARLES ADAMS k SON. le2O EIGHTH and ARCI Elt/eata. VLIENOII LACIZ POINTS,' BOURN° CIS, - 11 - . AND PdANTI 4 .EB —A large stook to be so!d at leas them wnotesale prices. We cannot be undersold in these goods. . . CHARLICS ADAMS & SON. HIEVELTS and ARCH. Streets, M(*.QUITO NETTING, all colors -, Tarlow ILL all Wore , for oovering elaasta; Plaid arid dwlM Mulles at wholooALlo vita& CHARLES ADAMS & SON, DAS KJ aHT fi and A R'7.41 Btreeta. SMALL -PLAID BILKS. Blue and White French Bilks.. Bleo_k and White Frenoh Bat. Brown and White Frenoh Silks. Green and White Front& Si keret° and White Prone!' lk fl i tika. N dos. Wide. at 01SO per dos. SO dos. White Bilk Gloves. No. per pair. Many goods reduced Teri low to Ie t. at MAIN . d'r Oti GG', Isl 70 A R CH Street. SPEOIAL N0T10.6 ! I • 44,after ttua state._ TO /3=PUROOLDEAD OF .12_RY GOODIV termined to mimosa lAsir Stock they rive km_ iff 6115111 S! 0.4 1 l osottfol Fancy for TS cents, worthlLl" ran /bah rano Bilks for 01, well worth eijk a ndine and DIXO(0 Goods, •boot on• tuOf their I " a c l i gi mi xe d Good s , in eiori variety'. from 8 cants per Tani to NO 680, itio r tyej LllBlll.OllB, VERY ?fast Bleat il_wads dcrable flood. k.ct i , "nva, De L a th.", G.lloax)s, Caskimersa, Cloths. V k tnens,filinshni,_Fliti, x ters, ita. &a. BRAWL 9=l. g M i tetm e 8=1;4; =T s , iikir r iTgr 0..4vv style, iNt *PI"? itilMnakillUl MIL stiMilyzit nitioilTs. SEA EATHEEQ, CAPE PILAND, GAPE MAY, N. J.—Dir,LAWARE ROUSE is now open for the Amon. Terme .$l3 per week, Iyl6.lm* Jerezti MEGRAY, Propnetor, RBA BATHING, - BRIGANTtNR BOBS BRIGANTINB BRACH,N. J; Now open for the 5004911. The Bathing. Fishing, Gunning, and Yachting being very superior. Boats will await gnashs at the inlet on arrival of trains. .Board par week U. P. O. Address, Atlantio IL D. SMITH-, , Proprietor. VirtllTß ROUSE, Lower end ofItiLABBACBURP37I3 Avenue, ATLANTIC CITY. This Mune in 'M nt eats& imediatety on the Beach, and presents every accommodation for Viaitare. Terme Moderate. WILLIAM. WBITIIIOUP'n je2s-tm Proprietor. gEA-BATEIING, SAILING, AND FM" N. 7 me. ; ATI.iANT f'C HOUSE. WATCH. HILL, Neer BtoMngton, Conn. Vine celebrated watering-place Hotel, where the facilities far Bathing. mailing, Fishing. and the enjoy ment of the best quality of Bea too.; are superior to any other in the United States, will he opened on the 1:0th of Tune. 1861. - 0. B. BPBNO Jegg-irn ' Proprietor. 71111 E ALHAMBRA " ATLANTIC .: CITY. N. J. • A SPLENDID NEW ifounE, pet, Corner of Atlantic and Maimacbusette A.verreee • The open for the reception of Boarders. Rooms and Table of " 11/1; ALiiAbiltßA " are unsurpassed by any on the Island. There is s soamous Me Cream and Refreshment Bs - loon attached to the House. Terme Moderate. .. O. DUBOId S. J. YOUNG, jeVc2rn Proprietors:' RCDLOE'S HoTEL, ATLANTtO OITY <ff. J.—A t the terminus of the railroad. on the left, beyond the deeot. Th s House is now open for Board ers and Transient Visitors, and offers aesomrnodationa .equal to way Hotel in Atlanta City, Charges moderate. Children and servants half pride. *Fir Parties shou'd keep their meats until the oars n• rive in front of the h,tel. CONGRESS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. 'hie spacial)! irons°, situated at Atlantio City, will be opened on the 39th June, with every accommodation for Tinton. The House fronts the beach NO feet. living a splendid view of the - ocean, and is near the Fitibins and comfort POW, No : pains wtil be spared to secure the comfort and conven i ence of meats. Je24-tsel THOMAS C. GARRETT. LIGHT HOUSE COTTAGE, ATLANTIC .A-La CITY, the hearse Reese to the safest Part of the bear:s44s now orsp for tie Reason. ,TERMS MODKR ATE. NO LIQUORS SOLD ON TRH P FLIMISMS. JONAH. WOOTTON. JeS4 EmPravrtetor. SEASIDE HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, BY-DAVID ROATTER GOOD: A NEW PRIVATE BOAR ING-lIOURE, beauti fully situated at the foot of Pennsylvaroa Avenue Now open for visitors for the season. jezt-2m SEA BATIIING. —" The Clarendon," (formerly Virginia Rouse.) VtitGINI k AVENUE. ATL ANTIC CI rY., Is now open for the s.ooommodation of laormisire. 'Phis House 1 a mimed immedrafe.y 'the Haub, and Pam. every room affords a fine view of the sea.. I' JAALEB EN KIM, Nt. D. TAMMANY ROUSE - NORTH - 0/0.0- LINA AVENUE, Near the Depot, ATLANTIC MTV. The enbertriber taken pleasure in informing hie former patrons and the publo that he has reopened the above Houss,wherr3 he will be -happy to please all who may favor hi in with a call. feat am liGIAH Cll:IllAVPR. Proprietor WASHINGTON HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY,: N. J.—This Howse fronts the Surf. and `hes the f inest Within ; Ground on the Beach Bardpe week, 88 SO. Bathiee oresees znoluded for weeid; boarders only, Board per dar, et SO. !tingle meals, SO °gull. JOHN Rtalibir RA Al, KENTUCKY HOUSE, • ATLANTIC CITY, N J Tnis comfortable and convenient new house located on Kentllaki swenne.opposiie the Scullions°, has been fitted up for visitors this eees•m. F. 41c. P. QUIGLEY, Proprietors. N. IL—Ammon and flarriasen to N ire. je24.2m • Cr:MT&AIi HuiJSM , • M. LAWLOR, Proprie ATLA NT torIC. CITY, N. .1., The above new house is open for Boarders. Rooms equal to an, on t , e beach, well ventilated. hitch coil. Inge. &o. Servants attentive and polite. Appyoxi mace to the Bathing grounds. Je24- m rRANKIIN HOUSE, ATLAINTIO,OITY, tr. BY MARY M ABUIRW. This Boole fronts the mirf, and possesses the finest Bathing Gtounds on the beaoh Bosrding 8840 per week; SLID per day. tingle meal 80 gents. Bathing Dresses inolnded for weekly boarders only. it 2/ VONSTITUTLONAL HOUSE, . 'kJ ATLANTIC CITY. N.J.. . (Onyoeite the I , fational.) JAMES I. BARR. (ofch Old Globe,) Proprietor. far The ohoioest brands of olquorn and Cigars to be found on the Inland. jr24-2m COLUMBIA HOUBE, Atlantic City, X. J. EDWARD FOYLE. Proprietor. This 'Some min the immediate moinitt of the Surf House, and within half a square of the best Bathing Grounds on the beach. The proprietor will use eery of to nuke Me masts comfortable. Terms re eon able. 1e24 ST.AR . HOTEL, (Illehtie'Oppoeite the Unlll States Hotel.) ATLANTIC C.T • SANWA!. *DAMS? ropnetor. Dinner.----- • oents. — A GO , Camases to hire. rir Boarders accommodated on the most reasonable terms. • je24 2m SEA-BATHING.—N ATIoNAL II .A LL, Cant 1 Immo. Cat' May N. J.—The proprietor of the above-named final/ located estabbabment would respectfully inform the thousands of Goes that have heretofore visited his house. that., in order to meet the rialitlrSESllBlBmaAhßObEal. o r ;l b w. ° rN e s se to :VA DOLLARS PER W KER. Children under 12 Years nt age and aervanta !Legume. hnperior accommodations, and ample room for MO persona Jta fere to J. Van Court, 243 Arab street, Philadelphia. je2l 2m AARON OA RR E VBO N. Proprietor. WHITE 'SULPHUR AND MALY * • BEATE BPRINGB, DOUBLING GAP. These Poi - inks &rein Cumberland °aunty, Ps., thirty miles west of Harrisburg. on the Cumberland Valley 10at1roa.t,eodaenogoD for the reoeption of visitors, and from Ave to sista pe dollars. &Georgina to-rooms. rooliTA your through nakets at the POMMY Ivanis Rail road Office, at a rednoed price $4 th- ()ugh. Call on B. B. Janney, Jr., & Co.. AO* Market street, for information, nerds. &o. COYLE, /LEM, it. REAMER, 18410-fm* Proprietors. S URF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, NEW ;EMMY. Thu' .O tfhl., with its first-class accommodations for over KM karate. will be opened on the 17th of Jana. Situated within sixty yards of the Oaten. tat a point where the bathing is the best and safest on the curet and remarkable for an unusually dry and nealthi atm.- 'Mere. the SUN F BOVBE will be foetid one of the most attractive places ot summer resort near rtuladeishie. the table will be most liberally supplied. The house is lighter with gas and plentifully 'applied with good cistern water. A tine band of maths and the services of several fast-sail ng Yachts have been engaged, and on the pro misee are Btlhard Tables Bowl ng Alleys, and a sell aient nu n.ber of Oath Nooses, The Fishing, Gunning. and Sailing at Atlantic. City cannot be surpsased. All trains stop at the BURP HOUSE. to land and take np.paseengers. "T an/ Information , apply at ASHLAND HOUSE, AR: •H street. Philadelphia. or address the Bubsortber at the Bug House. elf cat H. 8. BENSON. Proprietor. HOWLAND'd HOTEL.— EA HATIMID. LONG BRANCH, N. J. 1." lubscrilbArmr: ppu Vtol f or Ole ISMRS on Battu-day, June li, 1261. my 63 • Ini• H. HOWLAND. Proprietor. CONGRESS HALL, CAPE MAY, CAPE INLAND, K. J. Thor well-known first oleos Hotel will be opened for the reoeotion oflomat. on THUR 4 I) PLY, Atha 20. Board, 82 per day, or 812 oer week. • WrrsT et. TitOMPSON. Jell Qw Proprietor,. r!OLITMBIA HOUSE, Oape Island, N. J. This celebrated house will be onened for the re tle.l2lCll of ntest• on June 26. 1861. The situation of this house is one of the most beauti ful on the Island, commanding an unobstructed view of the ocean. A band of tnusio has been engaged exclusively for this hoose for t , ie season. A large number of bath houses are eosneoted with the establishment. Good stab ling for horses attached to the reMte es. Applications for rooms or other partionlars will meet with prompt attentionbri_addresiong the subscriber. JAR. 8.. LAIRD, Proprietor. jell-!m Gape leland. if. J. nimasoN SPRINGS, OAMBRIA 00., IL/ PA.,--This delightful and popular Rhea of summer resort. located direotly on the line of the Pennsylvania 'Railroad . , on the summit of the A Ileg h eny mountains, twenty-three hundred feet above the level of the ocean will be open for guests the 90th of .TUNE. Sinoe tell season the monde have been [natty improved and beautified. rendering Creneell one of the most romantic and attractive plan.. in the State. The furniture is Yet lout thoroughly renovated. The seeker of pleasure. and the sufferer from heat or disease, will find attrao bons here, in a first-class Lavery- Stable, Billiard Tables, Tenpin Alleys. Baths, Ike., together with the purest air and water, and the must magnificent moun tain soenery to be found in the country. Tickets good for the round trip from Philadelphia, SUB • from Pittsburg, 03.00. • .For'forther information, address 0. W. MULLIN, Jet-7m Cresson Springs. Cambria Co.. Pa. KITTAT/NY HOUSE, DELAWARE WATER GAY. Thie favonte place is now open. presenting increased &antiphons. for the season. Rnard reduced to trot the times Leave Bennington Depot at I o'clock A. M., and ar rive at the Gap at t o'clock P. M. R-rtaxaces.—Franklin Peale. Morton hloMiohnel, Louis A. Godey. &moot •C. Henze? . and Charles Backer. • L. W. BROWS , All. . • Propnator. RICA-BATIIING.—The UNITED STATES HOTEL, .ATLANTIC. 2.1. J. is now open for visitors. Th's . is tne largest and neat- furnished Hotel on the Island, and being oonveotent to the beach and surrounded by extensive and welt shaded grounds, is a desirable House for families. It is lighted watt iras and well supplied with pure water: The Germania Hoolety. will furnish the mush) Sir the season. The our atop at the door of the Hotel for the e liventenoe or meets . JPILEMLAH . .IKoRIB BIN, /elO-tt • Propnetor. Sll° Etatea Hotel, Lon g Branoh.. N. J. , will open for the raoa_ptloo of visitors. Jane go. last : with the enlargement of dining room; parlor. aildiuonal rooms &0.. since last season. Address B. A. ellitritedoltratt, Proprietor. hit-ttn• mANbION HOUSE, MT. CARBON, ANAL eobnylkill oonnty, Pa., la now open for visitors. Fpr terms. apply on the Premium 'eta lin • M. READ. SOHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, PiEw JREET. The " 11.EATE1 HOUSR" will be opened for the re ception of Company June hilt having been extensive!, refitted and iniroverl sines the last deniOn affording additional oornrorts to visitors, and izioreasing the de sirableness of the plasm: As a healthy. pleasant, end fashionable place of Sum mer resort., "Soboriley's Mountain" has but few equals, and la surpassed by none it a reached by a pleasant railroad ride, and only seven boars from Philadelphia. Leave Philadsipnis in the 11 o'clock train for New York, reach Jersey City at 3 o'clock, thence by Morris E'imex /railroad to the Mountain. heturnmgjeave the Mountain at 6 A. M. and I P. M., arriving in Phila delphia ar 1 and Bo'olook P. M. Boom can now be en gaged. Charses.moderate. D. A. CR0P1.151..L. Jell-frrnwldt• Proprietor. SUMMER BOARDING, ATLANTIO CITY. N. J., A.ABLAND ROUSE. Corner of Penneylvanta Avenue And the Railroad, Atlantic A.venne, nt NOW OPirtf For the reoeption of permanent Or transient bo•riers. Je24 1m JOEIN MEITOICIO. StiVE YOUR CHILDREN! Aare Your Children! from the ton often fetal elfeoie of titim ..l,u. Liam_ oletnt, by nun. o no. JAYS :41 AMIN 41,- v. ire his and We re medy': end slimed br. kept 00 hena by every careful mother. tioltl et 242 CU bet 11.6 Err street. 1r 36 IX/STAUB STAMPS.-24 ct., 12 ct.. 10 ot.. 6 at., and 9 ot. STAMPS for We at ttits aloe. Except:me the 6et •tamps, they wth be mold at a du -00/1111 a sv. O.Mt. 1,14-11 COLIO, Eour ttoznach, and all Bowel Affections, are removed by .1 4 , 1'61E1$ CAfthil- NATLVA tioLtrAed, trula more certainty and woo Om Or ear other preparation let_ofored to the oliblie tiara it o trial. Bold at N 0.341 CIi.E,OIIYTBt. yyLl-to, If OLIVE OlL.—Pare Olive oil in white. Pa rer pass bottle. hermar o littr i Ntigit s r 16. ITO 1. 7 %.54 7 1101 4 10111115. I jaigHlE I XOORBION TO CAMP LAFAYETTE OP COMPANY A, FIRST RF.GIMENT.ARTILLERY PHILADELPHIA. HOME GUARDS, CAPTAIN CHAPMAN BIDDLE, ON CHADD'S FORD BATTLE GROUND. Trains leave the depot of the Witst Cheater and Phi ladelphia itaitroad Corr, IMITV- no Thema corupt Eigh teenth and Market streets, daily (Sundays excepted) at 7.11) *Saud 4.15 M. Returning, leave Chadd's Ford at 7 41 A. M., 4.10 and 7P. M. Fare for the excursion el. Passengers by the 1 P.M. trt in have over three hours at the came, returning in the cool of the evening. )5H gy WoOD JylB-7t General Superintendent. TO NIAGARA, FALLS AND BACK FOR $l2. EXCURSION TICKETS WILL 3313 SOLD DAILY THROUGHOUT THE SEASON, .Pitom PHILADELPHIA TO THE FALLS OF NIAGARA. AED RETUAN. FOR. TWELVE DOLLARS, Via Phradolphia and Wading. and Catawiim, and Buffalo Railroads, affording the opportunity to VISIT AND VIEW THE FALLS OF NIAGARA, AT THE MOST TRIFLING COST. TICKETS good for szvmq DAYS PROM DATE. commodatione throughow: are It IHST CLASS, And the Scenery al: ng the route to unequalled. For information as'to hours of starting, &0.. apply a P. tr. E., Through-Ticket Office, N. W. Corner NIXIE. 'AND CRESTNUT STREETS K D. MEARE, General Agent. G. T. LEONARD, Ticket Agent. A 14111 8811 LY BIBIDLNGEL ABB 4. 14FK MONDAY. July IS. and EVERY Thi n Weak. Mann Scant Views of Intera.f lug Lo &Pies in Furore; Gionto Vienne! Civil Cot dot; Start int Pepresgm ta; tont Or Rl:v.4mo war. mak ''.lC the lament and moat interesting nhtbition ever offered to the • nnYo. • ~ -I.moon ZI noun: ~ toloran 18 cams. Gallery (exavesely for colored pe , p'» 25 cants. irlbet pfiI 4 NbY , ,VANtII AO/IDE:MY 0.1" THE PING Arrrs. rosy CHERTNTIT street. is open daily, Sunday' excepted, from 9A. .till P M. dmiael on :1 a Can's Ohihren under twelve 7earx, half prme Bhar.s of StnOtr.s3o. ill SALEM BY AUCTION NI • FITZPATRI'II 1E a BROS., AIRI LY-AA TIONEERE, 604'CRESTAIT P Bt., above Sixth. Bisr,Rß KirraY Elly•NINO. AVM o'clock, of all anti every description of wares and mernriandise 1•a-o al dby sales to suit consignor.. War Outdoor eaten promptly attended to. A 1' to IN ATE. tiAt,t., The stock and fixtures of a wholesale and retail paper and stationery store. , 1 oio Ream* Commercial Note-paper, £0 cents per ream. 1,600 Beams of good white Ruled Letter-PaPer..9o amps per re , m, • 1.000 Reams inner Path Post Letter.psper, 93 cents Der earn I 200 Reams super Bath Post I.iitter-paper, gilt edge, $1 ter ream. 600 Beams Foolscap-paper, white. titled, $ 1 per re mu. 100 coo pine White Envelopes, mdf-sealing, from 75 aen , s $l6O per thousand. - 20n rOOO „Fine buff and Canary 'Envelopes, self-seeling. fr. mBu cents to sl.6u per thousand. _ UntoPi Part:rid . ENV ELOP ER . 155 VO Union overtones. assorted /styles (one oolord at $13.6 per term and. or laarn - ep r hundred Ito .00 lin.on tovelopes. as-oried-at lee. I two colors,) at $2 sayer Thousand. , us o nts per hundred. Lcaagro a 'meaner S tee] Pena. 20 o.n a par arose Ala vmerft am ment of stationery yaw.fonnd in a first elan stationery establishment Oh , whole to los sot. at a g, eat Baer floe in order to clone Ins cook of a Whoi.a .te and Kenai. otationer deolnungfiastnesa - ear Lolisral oath adva , ces on oosingtments for either nubile or private sale /3 27-6 t Pi op 0 or. WANTED TO EXCHANGE Nor th P•nosytvistiie, snow. and Ens, Lad o bonds far a att. residence' io a mod Pddross "'frooe," office of Thit Press Motto, 1. , 061,tv $.4 of the pro.. r , 1•39 .f • WANTEU 50 BUY—A House and wa.Lot near. Germantown or ^her•ut Bill, Address A. B. G.." at the offios of this payer t atatins p size. locality. Occ J 1.9 ft' MPLOYERS WANTING YOUNG JulMea, &0.. are invited to address tti_e" men t Committee ." at the Rooms of the Y mash Dhrtatian Association. 1009 and 1011 OEM Plarlf !Street. apltiha FOR SALE AND TO LET. in VIE ADVERTIS CR WOULD LIKE NM to purchase a modern's sized city residenoe• in a good n.ighl orhood. for whioh he 'you'd give desirab six and sev n oer oent. bonds. AGOrtel ••, office of The BIM. .1) GERMANTOWN.—TO LET.(for the 116880 , °rya's*/ a pleasant Residence. near 8 maser Lane &mina ,• ten TOOMII well shaded. E. Mee A t 11..uth eIe•CON It teet. tm* IMTO ItIgNT LOW—Furnished or un fornietted. for MX months, or longer. if desired. large Roil convenient Houde, No 1736 Arch street, Atiply s to A. P. and J. IL 1110$1t18, 956 Street. Je 19 ti 011.11rNtIT-STRKET HOUSE and RIK STORE to rent.—The desirable bturinesa location. L CHESTNUT Street, with dwelling attached. Apply at 431 CHESTNUT Street. atilt sr° RZAIT—A very desirable STOICS, on the Ninth-street front of " The Continental oteL" The Store et Ninth and Ransom mreeta erpe si Illy adapted for a Balms and Ida tars Maker. *may to Jolly MCE. Polf-ti Southwest NINTH and ISANSOId streets. FOR MOLIANGE.-A OHMS TRAOT dram unimproved farm land the State of Now hussy, convenient to the city. will ppee exchanged fir eitmrcerty. ADD at Ho. 11S DERAI. Stmt. INSURANCE COMPANIES. FAME IN CM COMPANY, No. 406 .CREVINUT arnica FUCK AND tritau+D 1818111.ANCE. 11011LICTORS. aeons W. Day--.--4if Deky . & MatJaet. Samuel Wright__ Wri.ght tiros & go. D. Dimly Davis & Hezu L,WIS, Lewis Bros & Co. C. liaohardson. • " J. C. Bowe :& Co. liamnel T. Bodine...—Preet Wyoming . Canal des" /no. W. Everrnari—of J. W. Everman & Ce. geo. " West & Fobe4i. 8. Martin-- " garage, Martin, & Co. D. Wilson Derru.--...A.goey-er- law. E. D. Woodraff--....0f Sibl pr ey, Molten. & Jay. Kessler, Jr_._ _No im (iron street. gEORGE W. DAY,Preciden sid FitAticla 111/CY, Vice WILLI.AIO,III y Et.s *friss Tr*. soo , ..ine• 4.114111 Y-7AVING FUND-ONITIED STATESTATE TRUST COMPANY, earner TRITO and CILEIT NUT Streets. INTERESTFITE PER CENT. , S. R. cßAwFoltp, President. JAMES R. MINTER, &oratory and Trearsrer. Offioshours. from 10 until o'olook. Tlus Company Is not joined in any spolisstieg to tk• ..d RLaiirrs BATE DEPOT REMOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, near tie ill Institute. The andersigned.thaaldhl for peat favors, and Mal determined to anent future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand a large assortment of Lillte's Celebrated Wrought ary (naiad Iron Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, (the en itrieffy Ere and burglar proof safes made,) Also. L . he's Hummel led Bank Vault, Safe. and Bank Looks. Liffie's Bank Vault Doors and Locks will be tarnished to order or short notioe. This is the strongest, beet Protected, and cheapest Door and Pock yet offered. Also, particular attention is called to New Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry &o. Thine is can_ seded to gar - pass in style and el egance anything yet of fered for this purpose, and ut the only one that is Arts*. ly dre and burglar proof. tragrar. NoriCa,—l hays now on bend say twentyel Farrel, Herring, tr. Co.'. Safes , most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers. oomprunng *complete assortment as to sizes, and ell lately itz. *banged for the now Celebrated Lillie safe. They wUI be sold t atsery low pries*. Please call and lIILMLOII. 1•111-• c rf AAIII,VR. Ar•nt. sais dr o p . FOR lOW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware wit Raritan Cana, Philace!phis and New York Enron Steamboat Cam oany will receive freight on and after MONDAY. nth instant, and leave daily at 2 P. N., delivering their oar golw In New York the followlng dam Freights taken at reseonable rates. WM. ci,y_p_m. Ale. 14 BOOTH Wit ARIMS. Philadelphia. JAMEE HAND ,ayent, Piers 14 and 14 EAST New York. eclat-air & dig i t FOR NIP YORK. TIM Phlladelehia Steam Propellor Company oommenoe their boMnets for this *Niacin on 2donfay Oita uut. hetr Steamers era now roisoming freight at Swainol Pier above Welnnt West. . • • - - - Vomit asootematatul:• Ai!olp , ?7 14, W. St LIAILP Oa,. ..• , ••v% G EP 11 . 11 A T A MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, E LANCASTER COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA, This celebrated Weterini Place will open for visi tors on the 3d doi of JUNE. with all the attractions of former seasons. SEtaated on a mountain 1,700 feet above tide-water, overlooking the riotiest airtuultnrot country to the world. the am perfectly pure and dry at all times, ren ders it proverbial!, healthy. Share are ample acoommodattona for 400 visitors-- fine graded walks through the forest to the various tal:g.g.P.Trgi'`ATsteospaOr r t t h ' i e d bi: u p A reis li e p a o and d 11 the eye one of the finest and moat extensive pano ramic views toba r ren. A. good hoer, is kept on the place, and beautif drives around ; hot and cold blahs: a splendid band o atom the Sermania, of Pki ladelphio;) bolihng al eye and billiard saloons, with the latest tnitoroseoltab ea. Large rardene attached to the place. from which all the vegetables are fresh for the table, which, too, win be supplied from yhe Phil idelphia and Baltimore markets. as we Lip from the rich agricultural °wintry around. Careful and attentive sermons. LIPID( been connected with the establishment for some years with the into !proprietor. the undermined airaures the old patrons of the sled , . and the pooh. generally. that it will be eonduoted, in every depart ment, in its former popular. War* Vialtora to the Sprin snit take the oars to Lancas ter, thenoe miles s taging over pleasant roads and through a beautiful ocruntry. Through tickets teamed at th e ram., irania Railroad °Moe. ELEvlsisrrii and MARE ET Btrootst Philadelphia. For further , partitu i b‘ra or airouLt the preprieier refers to Jots. H. ENS owner THIRD and - VINE attest., and to JA E 8 ii. No, 9 North SIXTH Street. Philadelphia ; or, &adroi t . B. Q. BLAYMAUCEIL Rehm. P. 8.. ors... _•114.2m. If DIAIERBCEIL AND DYSENTERY.-7 be most violent attacks of them complaints W e al - PrOIDIVI* sobdotd by Dr. D. .1 1.•&H cestei- OA M. 1. is quick'. safe. and carts la IR its sationoted is in all respeota just suet a rt medy es ever. latml4l should to Supplies:l wi season of 'be year Stir retuned st No. 242 CB.uBTr•U/ awe. yyl7 GOO OASES Ur. $o VINEYARD PRO PRIIsTORS COMPANY lGeotke tied se. hisanker4 CtiGN u—Jeat reoel.ed per Ve•ais Mina fteitk.B .rdereux ge oases (U. hotting' each/ very fine uLo BA_AiwDy (bottled in CopnedJ of cub above well known sod favorite brand. the first Inputs flow, into the united etates antler the new tenni to wluob we beg to cell the attention of the trod. elan ales Can be eeen st our ofiloe. For ISIO Ott bold try me le so sce 0. Ill ant ents. J. IVLIA A CO.. v 9. ire l9tn lift 'retreat small invoice of irides, Sheep, b t M a tingre: l o.W.:ll s / I r ":Siti UWE MIT leg g CHOLE V RA, Ohol el eis. Morbus. " and Cra = m 4 i Allag e itrAr i t u tam ay the mint V/6012 aria *mama. har-es • - -- ----- EXCURSIONS. - AM US,tMENTS. WANTS• SAVING Ellßod DS. EILFEti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers