The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 17, 1861, Image 4

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    (Reported for The Prem..]
Sermon to the Soldiers.
A discourse, upon the following text of
Scripture, was recently delivered before Com
pany A, Ellsworth Home Guards, Captain J.
P. Lentz, in the Protestant Episcopal Church,
Reed street, below Eighth, by Rev. ONABLEs
W. Quick :
"As. hie part% that goeth down to the battle. so
shall has gad be that fortieth by the stuff: they shall
rut suse."—l Satnua 122.24.
After detailing the peculiar circumstances
under which these words were originally spo
ken, not, as the speaker said, with the design
of applying them to any portion of the audi.
once, (although the principle of government
and adjustment involved in them he held to be
singularly applicable to the present contest,)
he proceeded to address his hearers as fol
lows :
I have the pleasure of addressing a portion
of the Home Guards of this great city. The
design professed by the organization of this
- large and formidable body of soldiers, is to
protect the city and its defenceless inhabitants
against possible invaders. Thousands of our
fellow-citizens have gone far away, and are to
day in the tented field. . They are there to
withstatid their brethren ccwho are in •arms
against the constituted authorities of the land."
As far as the designs and intentions of those
rebellious brethren are concerned, learned as
those purposes have been from their boasts
and expressed sentiments, oar city, and, in
deed; all the 'niaits of trade, have been invaded
and pliindered. Nothing has saved our Go
vernment, and our fields, hamlets, and cities,
but the prompt and energetic action of the
people. The youth of the North are now a
wall of fire between us and destruction. Brave
ly and successfully they are holding the foo in
check, and, in the hand. of Providence, are •
the effectual means of teaching him the error
of his way. The enemies of the Government
are finding out the mistake they made,
and the miscalculations into which• they were
led, when they relied on division of sentiment
among, our teeming millions. God has united'
the helirts of our people' as the heart of one
man,:in upholding the supremacy.of °law and
the cause of justice and peace.. . •
But there are other interests to guard, and
those are at home. Since the war has begun,
numerous arrivals have occurred, and among
them 'we'have reason to believe are some who
are desirous of infusing traitorous sentiments,
and:to stimulate selfish, ambitious designs
against the peace and stability of the Govern
ment. !We have reason also to believe that
some of our own citizens are still trammeled
by party considerations, and do not heartily
support the cense. In the event of any seri
ous reverse is battle, this city might be ex
posedlo a rapid incursion, and much distress
might be brought upon those we love and hold
dear as life itself. Whether such an event is
probable or not, it is advisable to have the
minds of our families relieved from appre
hensions, however :unfounded. They must be
able to go in and out in pursuance of daily
avocations, and be permitted to give their
minds and energies to the provision of do
mestic comfort. They must be allowed to re
pose,in ,quietness ; to feat no rude alarms in
the night, and not to have slumber driven
from their eyelids by the vielence or terrorism
of mob rule. It is highly important that the
torch of the incendiary should be put out as
soon as lighted, and that a strong force should
be in readiness to bring the miscreants who
wield it to justice. In the desperation inci
dent to the -want of food and employment,
multitude' in large cities, have been driven
to unlawfUl acts, and have forcibly helped
themselves to that which might relieve their
necessities. It would never do to be unpro.
vided with a well-disciplined force to quell
any such riotous and suicidal proceedings.
In theory, the Home Guard of this city is
composed of those citizens who, by reason of
age, are exempt from going abroad to meet
the foe. 'They are also enrolled who cannot
leave their business without serious injury to
their families and to the prejudice of the ge
neral good. But all such are zealous, able to
muster and drill, and to provide a forlorn hope.
and "strong defence in case of invasion. We
have only to look on the serried ranks of the
Home Guard to see • that the flower of our
youth is among them. 'We behold fathers
and 'sons 'side by side, and shoulder to shoul
der, and oppoitunity is offered to all who are
desirous of thus showing their love - of country,
and. 'determination to save their helpless de
pendiinta from the ravagee 'of an infuriated
How precious - is the charge committed to Tour
trust! - Look at this beautiful pity and all its un- -
told treasures, learning, art and taste. Behold
these (sonatina homes where splendor and wealth
adorn; whore moderate desires enders air of corn,
fort reside and hover around. Bee the multitude.
of raridenees where the humble and the poor are
thankful to dwell, and where they have more
light, sir, and privacy, and conveniences, than the
poor have in any other city in the world. See thy
thousands and tens of thousands of the virtuouf
daughters of America; the noble mothers who
have worn themselves out in rearing the men who
are now lighting for ail held dear. Behold the
holy temples of our Christian religion, and the
oonsearated men who minister at our altars. Think '
how many things combine to make suoh a veil;
peaceful, and prosperous city. Ail these are inn •
Relined, and discord may be initiated which will
end in mourning, woe, and ruin. If we regard
sentiment, we can be animated 'by the most noble
and patriotic associations. If others can boast of
their saored soil, we can point to the spot where
the great Republic was founded, andAo soil from
whieh - the abomination of human bondage has
been" forever banished. Never has a rival flag
floated on the Northern breeze ; never has the air
echoed a cheer for disloyalty and treason. Ours is
pre.eminently' an .Ameriosin pity. We abjure fo•
reign, manners, customs, and principles. Wealth
h more evenly distributed, and common rights
and ;privileges are enjoyed without let or hin
drapes. Here .we have real freedom of speeoh,
and no man is cashiered or persecuted for opinion's
sake. Here vigilance committees are unknown,
and the guardians of the peace are true and loyal
defenders. of our rights. To guard such a trea
sure ; to' keep eneth muses of fellow•oltlzene in'
°outdonee and repose ; to enable the benevolent,
the charitable, the patriotic, to devise and execute
the hut measures to promote the general good,
are affairs of great magnitude 'and importance.
There la a dignity in your position, and every roe
-1012 why you should view yourselves . with self
Hence, the .Some Guard of this city should
have the same public esteem awarded to them as
they enjoy who have 40n010 ;mahout rebellion.
That public; estimation is very high. The whole
civilised world looks on with astonishment, and
history has not a parallel to the facts which have
now to be recorded. When the 'first parrioidal
blow was straok, and the defiant threat sounded in
our ears, there was fear mingled with indignation
in every breast. We saw ourselves defenceless,
atript of our armor, despoiled of many leaders
whom the country had reared. educated, and re
lied upon in case of trouble. We were all engaged
in peaceful pursuits, while those in arms against
us had been in course of preparation for a long
time, and had the time, as well as the disposition,
to make'ready for war. But when the trumpet
of alarm`was sounded; and our liberties were to be
maintained. then the armed hosts of patriotism and
freedom arose and rushed to the breach thrOugh
which rebellion and anarohy were ponying. No
thing could repress their ardor. they went with
out arms, food, or clothing, and the advance was
made by men of our own Commonwealth. Tens
of thousands vied with each other to be the first in
war, and everything was abandoned at the call of
or country. Only one spirit pervades the masses
of our people, and thou; who have gone to the
scene a aetive warfare differ not in sentiment and
purpose from those who remain. Thome who are
united in the home organization are ready to take
the places of those who have gone, if reverse at-
tends them, and the Government requires your
" Who goetlt a warfare at his own coat?" Here
is someththg like it, and hence a new thing under
the Inn. There are thousands who are providing
themselves with eve rything which they can make
or procure by their own means, that they may
have a soldier like appearance. hiuldtude(yrho
are toiling by day, engaged in manual or rCental
'Aber, go to their homes, when the shades of even
ing gather round them, but not there to remain.
The hurried meal is taken, the tender charities of
the family-oircie are left nnerjoyed, the literary
and religions privileges are given up, and the ar
mory, the drill-room, or the open . ground is sought.
• There, our citizens have lavished their time, and
in all weathers have studied and practised that
discipline which was necessary to give them la ,
oleney in action-- When night closes around our
oomradee .on the tented field or in the barracks,,
their labors are at an, end, and they may enjoy ,
the rut and repose they need. But the men of the
Home °nerd continued their exertions far into the
night season, and especially was this the ease at''
the beginning of our troubles. Hence we see that
the same spirit animates all our people, and those
who remain deserve as well of their country as
those who have departed. Both have made
great sacrifices. and have endured mach hard
ship. Many have put their familial, on the
war-footing in regard to expenditures, that
they might contribute to the amount required
to equip their sone and relatives Our Guards,
than, are not mere holiday soldiers, but are just as
able and willing to sustain the Government by
deeds of valor on the border or in the proud rebels'
lend as those who are actually breasting the flood o f
treason and anarchy. Therefore, when the historian
faithfully records the doings of this war, an equal
and jos; mead of praise will be given to those mal
lets who remained, to guard the passes leading to
the homes and families of those who perilled life
and health in the campaign. If the verdict shall
be that they are patriots, and worthy descendants
of those who achieved our liberties:you also shall
have a share in that award.
Those who have gone to battle and those who re
main to guard our homes are actuated by similar
This is a righteous contest, and the right is with
us. God, in His providence, has made us the
builders of the fairest governmental structure
which the world has ever seen. Oar-system is the
result of the experience of generations, and the
prinoiples of our ipolity are founded on the Word
of God. We beve in good faith administered the
government, and balw given-up much which iris;
doe might have required, thatora bretluen in all
motions might d*ell in comfdrf and fa the - eajoy
ment of their institutions. • •This Government has
been the hops and refuge of the oppressed of all
nations, and hue been the pole-etas of political and
religions freedom to mankind. Bur:misguided,
_end proud men have oombined to•destroy
this strultuto--this stronghold of , human rights
and men's dearest hopes They are endeavoring
to rollback the tide of progress, and to return to
a state of anarchy and barbarism. They have
spurnid , ,all our attempts to approach them in a
f ri ao r rud . spirit, and have declared that nothing
less than entfre submission to their will can satisfy.
them. :.Thei.-whale polity =nit be changed ; the
ftv, Sand rule . the many; end human bondage
must he renogiiised as the Heaven appointed and
perpetualecinditiorpot mankind. To effect their
purposes - they' have - oOmmitted crimes, and have
*,,, _
perpetrated wiokedneu at which the moral tome
of mankind revolts. They have despised as, and
have applied to the great msjority of their breth
ren the most degrading epithets. We have protested
them, advanced them, petted them in the family,
and owing to their perpetual vaunting and claim
to superiority, came to think there must be some
thing noble in their disposition in spite of the foul
blot which defiled their social and domestic organi
zation. Bat all that vision, that dream, that un
defined impression in regard to them has been,
brought to an end, or to an estimation which we
can define and appreciate. We now see that they
are not what they boasted themselves to be. They
have committed treason against the most mild arid
just Government on earth, and have inaugurated a
rebellion intended to overthrow it. From this the
minds of our people revolt with horror. We re
spond to the Scripture declaration,that rebellion
Is as the sin of witohoraft and idola try.
Hence, if we are to hope for the continued, favor
of Heaven, we must clear ourselves in this Matter,
arid banish the inkuity. We feel that disorgani
sation cannot enter into civil government, and re
main apart from all social, family, and domestic
relations. The same morality which robs national
storehouses . and treasures, and repudiates: com•-
Menial debts, would lead to depredation on-pri•
vate property. They who would desecrate and do-'
atroy one of the strongholds of freedom, would
plunder and ruin the temples of religion, and im
pair all moral obligation. Hence, in obedience to
the command of God, who has constituted human
government, and has told us to obey them that rule
over us, we have resolved to defeat the measures of
those who would ruin our country, and to oon•
found their devices. We gather together before
God, and our hearts are sad in view of the distress
liroughttopott-us. The ministers of religion stand
weeping before the altar, and entreat God to spare
the land. Ina wonderful manner,•klnd Heaven
has begun to send deliverance, and the lint an
swer to our. supplications li to arouse the, public
conscience, and to awaken us to a sense of the great
wickedness which has been committed. Then the
same Almighty hand, whioh has roused the
people, has united them as one man, and has
inspired them with the I)urest seal and with reit.
giouti motives. We have determined to
against this rebellious spirit, and to uae'every
means in our power to prevent its recurrence. We
feel that we are now in the greatest peril we have
ever encountered. -Itls worth all ouvexertiona
and saoritoes to escape it. We are moved by the
love of all that human hearts' hold dear ; • by all
that is noble and elevating in reason;toligton, and
.piety to go forth and banish the wioked leaders of.
rebellion from our land. We are influenced by
the virtuous indignation which the loyal and true
feel against treason and ingratitude, and are
restive under the restraint which wioked con
spirators have placed upon progress and the stendi
pursuit of happiness. We are impelled by a sense
of duty to God, to our fellow men, .and to our
selves, to go forth and abate <the violence whiob
would root up and destroy the tree ofliberty'under
which our happy nation has revised, and _on the
pleasant fruits of which it has long regaled itself.
We have appealed to the Great Judge and Arbiter
of human deatinyoind are confident that He will
give the victory at last, as He bath ever done, to'
the cause which, we maintain
But if those who have gone to the scene of war
thus feel, and are so prompted, we claim that they
are of us, and only a few of the many who are
impelled by the same motives We seek not '
bloodshed, but demand a return to Union, loyalty,
and'peaoe. We mourn while we strike, and give
,all the nerve and energy to the blow, that it may
be effectual, and that there may be no necessity to
repeat it. If high Heaven smiles upon their mo
tives who are called to deal the overwhelming
blow, it is also complacent towards you. There
fore, as is his part that goeth down to the battle,
so shall his be that remaineth by home treasures.
Let each citizen, in grasping his arms, in the ex
pression of his sentiments, in - the-exercise of his
endeavor to purge out all selfish, parti
san, and unhallowed motives. Let us not contend
for victory as an end, but only as a means ,to se
cure a higher objeot--the establishment of a set-;
tied peace, and the greatest welfare of all titan;
kind. These high motives will enable us to axes...
else forbearance in regard to the erring ,and
guided. They will 'Anse us to be merelint, and
to overcome evil with good. They will lead us'
to hasten the return' of peace, when it can be
establiehed with honor and safety, _and will eon-
Untie to enlist in our behalf the approval of the
Rood, the patriotic, and the religions of all nations.
Despots may look on with glee, and the eordid
and selfish rulers and subjects of foreign nations
may rejoice at our dlsaensions, but the lovers of
all that is good throughout the world _will sympa
this. 'with us, and will hasten to our support.
Such worthy motives will enable us to endure all
the chastisement which God may please •to lay
upon us, and to continue our exertions devotions,
and saorifices as long as the desired r esult is unst
The conduct, that of those who have gone to en
gage in active warfare, and that of those who re
main to guard their homes, should be equally con
sistent with their high motives and aims .
• We have set out to discipline and restrain re
fractory members of the family. Children are in
arms against the parental Government; brethren
MO in arms to have their own will against the con
stituted authority of the majority. They are wild,
extravagant, and demented. Contending against
an evil which doe. not exist, and striving after an
object which it would ruin them to obtain, we
find among their leaders the moat revolting ex
cesses and sins publicly and boastingly committed
against WOW moral commands. We go forth to
compel them to restore that which they have stolen;
to make reparation for the insults they have heaped
on our nation and Government ; to
r esit them to
account for the judicial and unauthorised murders
they have committed for opinion's sake ; to abate
the violence of passion. Therefore we deem it ha
;portant that our sodiers -sould. restrain them
selves. • They ' must l respect h the laws, and refrain ,
'from any'socts of injustioe or wanton cruelty. It is
inoonaistent in them to plunder 'and steal, hence
we insist that private property; notdeclared oon
traband, shall be respected. That a high moral
tone and religions feeling may prevade the army,
we are careful to send men of God, ministers of
religion, with the advancing columns. Oar soldiera
are taught to feel that the Lord is among them, and
that we may hope for his interposition. •
Here the resident clergy are wining to sot as
chaplains to the Home. Guard, and to open to
them individually or in a body the house of God.
We are willing to minister to them, and to pray
for them, that they may continue loyal, and enjoy
final and triumphal success. All are pleased to
acknowledge the hand of sod, and are anxious to
have tokens of his approval. Banos', fellow-0M-
Sena, professing and calling yourselves Christians,
you should show consistent behavior. You come
here to' own the God of battles, and you shiculd be
loyal and true to Him. Everything which de.
moralises you and shakes your confident's in
the justice of the cause should be avoided. Every
roan should restrain and discipline himself by the ,
moral and religions node, as well as study the
tactics of the drill, and obey the command of the
*Ober. Military rule is absolute and admits of
no question or compromise. Bo the Command of
God is decided and suffers no debate or re
ply. Restrain pride and boasting, and be
determined to regulate your appetites and
passions by the physical and moral re
straints which God has imposed. Everything
about the soldier's life is exciting, and the mind
is on the 'stretch anticipating real or possible evils.
Violent actions lead to strong expressions. There
fore prtfanity is the besetting sin of the armed
band. But how inconsistent this is in, those en
gaged in such a war as this ! Who can hope for
God's blessing, when so flagrantly affront his'
divine majesty? It la an offence to speak lightly
and disrespectfully of superior officers, and of any
who lawfully command us. How much more to
take His name in vain who isholy, and at whose
presence all creatures that are pare and good trem
ble and bumble themselves ! God may ,give the
victory to profane and wicked meni.but it is only
from regard to his own purposes, and not because
He approves their conduct. ' Some think It shows
courage to disregard the majesty of God, and that
he who is not afraid to disobey his will is enre to
disregard the threats e and onsets of armed foes.
But the truth is, swearing, -whether in osimpe,
armories, or in any place and company, is, in moat
oases, 'the exercise of , a habit, and not one in a
thousand thinks of the sinfulness of it, or has any
motive in using profane langmage. History shows
that the bravest men and mosiviotorioua armies
were not addioted to this practice. Remeniber
that crowds of youth who know not the meaning of
words and oaths are listening to you,and, while
imitating the motions of the drill, wil also' adopt
the language of your conversation Li some
of our camps the habit has been voluntarily aban
doned, and• the men have passed resolutions to
avoid and discontinue the practice. -
The use of stimulants; except when ordered by
the surgeon or allowed by the officers, should be
avoided ; other things being equal, sober men will'
fight better, endure more, and avail themselves of
advantages in a manner superior to anything which
men excited by strong drink can attain - . This is
the experience of leaders and' armies which hive
toiled and fought in all parts of.the world. The
soldier should be as careful and well skilled in the
use of his flask, whether it oontains.water or alco
hol, as he is in the handling and lase of his arms
and ammunition. Men kill or Injure themselves
with one is well as the other. More are killed' by,
straitness than by the ballet, and .the rise of strong
drhik predisposes the ayetenito dimmed: 'ff &need.
sobeir men to legislate and to execute the laws.
We want clear heads and steadythands to Minot
warlike movements, and to dash in pieces the
The principle which we now illustrate and en- -
foroe is, that the same rills should be applied to
those who remain at home to guard the helpless
and to maintain the pear* of the city, as is Web."
lished to govern those who have gone to a distance '
to defend us. The same high regard should be felt
for the spirit which actuates, and for the objects '
which draw both into combination. The deities are
the same, the aonduot should oorrespond.
Some of you, I know, are what. is known in the
community as religions men. Others are not at
tentive to the duties of religion nor habituated to
its exorcisms. 'Some, it may be,
L haye not bits
within a place of worship for many raonths, and•do
not enjoy the exercises here or elsewhere per
formed. But, my fellow•ottizens and; friends, if
you are called to yield your We to Biro who gave
it, amid the carnage of battle, you will remember
this holy place, and in your last agony will turn
your thoughts towards God's holy sanctuary. If
you should begin a new striae of actions, and by re
petition acquire s taste for holy servirces r you will
ever remember with thankfulness that authority
and influence by which' you are heresto:day. One
object in inviting you here, and in welcoming you
here, is often as you choose to come, is that we
may encourage: you in -your 'toll; and show you'
that we are anxious - to throw around' you the
shield of Divine protection. Let not those who
are professing Christians forget their high
calling, and that they aro soldiers .of Christ. Iset
not any soldier reproach his felloir on account of
his religion, or treat with any diarespeot his firm
adherence to Christian duties.
May God bless our country and perpetuate, our
'Union. And when our ar mi es return, laden with
the spoils, his lot th at remained by the treasure
shall be the same as his who went to the battle.
Those spoils will not be the wealth of onr'brethren.
Oar armies will not devastate their plantations,
nor rob their churches, nor despoil their private
shrines ; 'bet* they will bring backpeace, unity,
and concord. They will have restored reaso n to
the angry and pairsionate; they will have restored
the enjoyment of consti tutional liberty, and we,
with them, will °quell,* enjoy our ,hare of all the
**vintages they shall have /merited. We will wel
oome them to cheerful homes, and they will accord
the mead of praise to those who freed them from
anxiety in regard to those left in your care. Oh !
that God' ma hasten the time when they can
honorably and safely return to us, and receive the
ovation which a grateful people rill lavishly and
freely accord. Amen. .
PHICBMIENT Sutra - zee delivered a
tpeeoh at Auguste, Ga., on the 11th Inst., on the
prodnoe lose.
.Taz peach crop in Ohio is almost entirely ,
cut off, bat grapes promise an abundant crop. The
vines never looked better.
SYLLL-PDX in prevailing to an alarming ex
tant at the village of Newton, L. I.
ARMY suppmEs.
Corner of•tioward and Mercier streets,
New Yoex, July 8, 1861:
SEALED PROPOSALS are irivited. and will be re
vel at this of6oe until 12 o'clock M.. on MOND AY,
the 29th day of July instant, when they will be P 11134017
opened. for furnishing by contract the following ma
terials for Army clothing, deliverab'e sit suoh else, or
placer in the city of New York as mar hereafter be de
signated, in quantities as required, viz:
2e,010 yards cloth, dark blue, (indigo wool dred,) for
caps. 64 inches wide, to welsh 14 0011081 per yard.
.378.000 yards oltith, dark. bluer( ( ind igo wool dyed,)
twilled. 60 inches wide, to weigh 21 ounces per yard.
767.0.0 yards kersey, dark blue. (indigo wool died.)
twilled, 64 inohea wide, to weigh 22 ounces per yZar 4 .'
700,000 yards kersey. sky blue, (indigo wool dye dal
inches wide, to weigh 22 ounces per yard.
5.000 yards sky blue teeing cloth.
72 MO yards beet qualayblsok eloaca. •
700,1)00yard' flannel, dark blue. (indigo wool dyed,) 64
Unbolt wide to weigh 10 ounces per yard.
26.000 yards fiennel. cotton' and 'wool, dark blue, (in
digo dyed.) to weigh 6)4 ounoes per yard.
1,726,000 yards flannel. white, (Cotton and wool,) 3i
inches wide, to weigh 6)i ounces per yard.
1,426,000 yards Canton flannel, 27 mohee Wide, to weigh
7 ounces per yard.
334.000 yards cotton drilling, unbleached, I? inches
wide, to weigh e).l ounces per yard.
134,000 yards cotton drilling, unbleached, 36 inches
wide, to weigh 8 ounoes per yard.
60,000 yards brown Rolland, 36 inches wide, beat qua
.176,000 yards cotton muslin, unbleached, 30 inches
- 69.000 yards bli•skihlisht; 36 inches wid6,bset quality.
115000 yards Canvas Wong.
31 000 yards buolrrem. 40 inches wide, best quality.
206,0:0 sheets wadding, cotton.
120,000 pieces tapitifl , yards), white. 34 inch wide.
twist.. et quality,per pound.
est quality, per pound.
7.000 linen thread W. B. No. 30 and No. 40, per
51.060 linen thread, blue, No: 31 and 40. per pound.
4,000 linen thread, assorted colors, Nos. 35 and 40, Per
54.000 spools cotton.
• 8.960 gross hooks and eye..
• 23,630 gross coat buttons, best quality.
36470 gross vest buttons. beat quality.
38 360 gross shirt button., best quality.
38.320 gross suspender brittone, best quality.
)0 636 peat. board. '
100,000 yards cotton cord. '
200,000 army blan eta, wool. gray, (with the letterlll..
8. in blaok, 4 inohes.ions. yn.the centre.) to be, 7r et.
long, and 6 feet 6 inches wide, to weigh 6. pounds e
8.0,000 pairs of half stalking.. gray, 3 sizes, properli
made of good fleece wool.with double and twisted yarn,
to weigh 3 pounds per dozen pairs.
RCN* pairs bootees - •
Elo,ooo black felt hats. ben quality, road. of Scotch
and English coney and Russia hare.
3024 M hat cords, worsted, blue, 8-16-inch diameter,
with a tassel at each end, two 'robes long.
200000 black ostrich feathers, 12 inches long.
200,000 brass eagles.
202 000 brass bugles.
1,400 gross buckles. for neck stooks.
leather, for meek stooks.
vizor leather. for caps.
-- leather, for chin Wags for caps.
20,000 skins morooqo.l
1,400 gross bran slides for caps.
900 pairs N. C. 8: brass scales.
8,600 pairs sergeants ' brass scales.
192,000 pairs corporals' and privates' brass sealer.
All the above mentioned articles lutist conform is
every respect to the, seated standard patterns in this
offioe, where they may be examined, and additional in
formation received concerning them .
As it is deeirable that the articles be of domestic, fabri
cations, bids from manufacturers or regular dealers will
be preferred. whiob moat be made for and conform to
such articles only, in .quality. and _desonption, as are
regurred by the advertisement, and the samles in this
offioe. bat contracts wilt be awarded to the lowest:re
sponsible bidder who, shall furnish satisfactory myouri
ties for the faithful performance thereof.
The manufacturers' establishumnt or dealers' place
of business must be distinctly stated in the proposal,
together w th the names, address, and responsibintY of
two persons proposed as sureties. The sureties will
guaranty that a contract be entered into within
ten day• after the acceptance', of said bid or proposal.
Proposals will be received for the whole or any part
of each kind of the articles advertised for. •
The privilege is reserved by and for the United &stag
of; rejecting any proposal that may be deemed extra
Deliveries to commence within twenty days after the
aooeptanoe or the proposals. and one- tiurd of the quan
tity contracted for mast be delivered withinXwo months
from said date of acceptance, and the remainder in
monthly proportions, within fon months of said date.
of acceptance, or sooner if practicable. Bidders
nevertheless, state in their proposals. the shortest ;eli
gible time in which the quantities bid for can be deli
vered bythem. • •
All articles will be subject to insucotion by womb
inspectors, appointed by authority of the United .
Suval. . .
It is to be disbnotly understood that contracts are not
transferable without the consent of tae proper authori
ty. and that any sale. assignment, or transfer, wittiest
such consent having bees obtained (eneept 'under e.
process of law) will be regarded as an abandonment of
the contract; and the contractor and his or theidsureties
will be held responsible for all loss or damage to the
'United Hates arbioh may arise therefrom:
Payments will be made' n eaeh delivery, should Con-
Brea* have made an appropriation to meet them. or yis
soon tnereafter as aireppropnatton shall be made for
that purpose. ' Ten per cent. of the amount of eisoh-de
livery wilt heretained until the'eontract shall be com
pleted which will be forfeited to the-United States in
ease of defalcation on the part of the contractor in•fnl
fil ling the oonttaot.
Forma of .proposala and coarantee will be furnished
upon application to this office, end none will be con
sidered that do not conform thereto. •
Proposals will be endorsed, " Proposals for Furnish.
las Materials for Army. Clthing, , ' snd be addressed.
• Major D. H. VINIOII,
• • Qoartermaster U. S. Arm_y.
Box 3898 Post Office.
AILM•Y 13:11PPLIE13..-
, , •
Corner of Eowaid and Marco , treats.
Pinto Yoga, July 9, 1881
SEALED PROPOSALS ate invited, and will be re
ceived at this offloe until the Brat of, for
making by contract the following Army Clothing, to be
made of materials furnished by the government, the
articles to be delivered at the U. S. Depot of Army
Clothing and Equipage in this city. That is,to say:
2 0.000 mfa.utry forage cape.
200.000 infantrynutform costa.
400.000 blue flannel sack Goats.
600.000 troweers.
BJOOOO flannel shirts.
803 000 drawers.
100 000 greatcoats.
200,000 leather stooks.
The above artioles must be as well made in every re
enact as the sealed patterns in this office. where they ,
may, be examined. All artioles made under oust rude
herein invited will be received ender rigid inaosetion,
made by sworn inspectors, appointed by authority of the•
United States. • *. •
Proposals will be preferred for each kind of garment
separately' and for moderate, not small quantities of
each. Bidders will state the quantities they will con
tract for, and the shortest periods 'within which deli
veries will be made,
Each bidder, in totproposals.will distinctly state his
Mace of business, and the names. address. and re
'vomit bility of two persons prepared as anretles for the
materiel delivered and the quality of the' work re
quired ; and he will also state the - shortest periods
within which delivery will be made.
Bias for clothing will be accepted only from tailors in
exteniive business, or dealers in olothing accustomed
to employ many operatives in that line. . .
It is to berdiscinotly anderstood that contracts &relict .
transferable without the consent of the proper autnon
h., a consentany sale,auignment. or MiDg WittlOUt
such (except ender a proness of law,) wil be
regarded as an,atiendoriment. for which the oontractor
and his sureties will beheld responsible.
Delivery of olothincis to commence ten 'days after
the wisteria) shall have been issued. and the whole eon
tracked for is to be promptly delivered ac cording to the
terms of' each contract _ . - • •• • • • .
Payment wilt be. made on the delivery of one-half of
the amount of any artiolecontraoted for, provided ap
propriations for that purpose be made by. Congress;
but one-tenth of the amount due for each. delivery
shall be retained tilt the contract is completed,- mod,
she sum retained shall be forfeited to the United Stater'
in ease of defalcation or non-fulfillment by the non-'
Forms 01_ proposals and. guarantee will be furnished
on application to this offios_; and no proposal will •be
considered that does not conform thereto. .
Proposals endo rsed . " Proposals for manu
facturing army supplies. ' and will be addressed Cb
'l!daior D. H. VINTOti.
• Quartermaster tf.9. Army. Y.,-
Box 31198 Fest Office.
• itealtlaßirite. July 12, lAN.
Settled Proposals will be. received at this °Moe until
12 o'clock al., on Saturday, the 20th day of July. 1851.
for the following Army Supplies, delivered at the Ptate
Military Store, Harrisburg, in quantities ea required.
Said proposals to be publicity opened at the tune and
place named, and the successful bidders to be announe
ed as soon thereafter as convenient—the right being
reserved by the State to increase or diminish the nem
barand quantity
said articles:
One t housan d common tents, a rm y
pattern, Poles,
pins. ko., complete.
One hundred wall-tents, army pattern, poles, pins,
flies, in., complete.
One thousand axe handles. hickory. • '
One thousand pick handles. hickory.
Twenty bugles. for mounted artillery.
One thousand and ten stable frooks.
ie desirable that all the above articles be of do
mestic' manufacture, and when. any of them are fur
nished by the United States, the same must conform in
ell respeebt to the. sealed stardard pattern in the Uni
ted . :Stateis Quartermaster's °Moe and militaly store,
Ten per cent. of the amount of each - delmery to be
retained as a forfeiture until the contract is completed.
The above articles being required for immediate rise.
the time of delivery . will. be °outdated in -awarding
contracts. Contractor, to state in their propoeals the
time when the goods can be delivered, and the needy,
delivery of such articles as are- needed will be ootust-_.
dared in awarding the contract. Successful bidders to
give bonds with two approved 'securities.
every proposal to be endorsed, " Proposal for Army
Supplies," July 20th, 1861.
Ail supplies contracted for under these proposals to
be delivered at the Military Storehouse in tee oily of
Harrisburg, unless otherwise directed. free of all
charge for freight, boxing or drayage. unless freight to
place of delivery u greater than - to Harrisburg, in
.which case the diflerenoe will be allowed. All packs,
gee so delivered to be marked odthe outside, with num
. bar , and description of erticlee _therein and name of
party, furniehingaame, together with an i nvoice of con
tent's enoloeed, embracing:in addition to above, notioe
of whet sPftldlii SUPPLY - It a Part' 11.11ArSid.
jiLtl-St Q.• M..Hen.'•
• •
. .L
i• -
Optics op Away Memoir; apip s EQntrutor
. - • • Cornerpf Iloyyard ri nd fetercer Streets,
• • • ' • • Yong. Juira, /861.
• .11EALED • PROPOREI4B - aveinmted , and win. to. re
ceived atthis office until' 12 o 'clock ' M., on MONDAY.
the Eth ay of July' instant. when they will be pebbly
oPened: or furnishing by °correct the following tents
'for the use of -the army:deliverable , at sloth place or
s in the city of New York as may be hereafter de •
enguisted. in quantities es required.
+Fropoitals should state the prices of tents complete.
deliverable at any of the depots of the Quartermaster's.
department, exclusive of-the tent-poles and tent pins,
which will be the subject oresolvers contracts.
Large supplies will be needed, and the purchases will
bozos& from the lowest;responsib'e bidders, at the
time it beomnes neoesisary. to the orders.. -
The prices per tent shuld be, stated., naming the
places at whiclithe bidder offers to deliver.
The following specifications will be strictly adhered
114:14NTAGTENT: .
• It feet long, 15 feet yrideill feet high, with a wall 4%
feet, and. having Oil one end e hippo!, so as to admit of
two 'or ore-tents being Joined and thrown into one,
with a oontiounus cover= or roof.
.1108PITAt. TENT. FLY,
feet 10 inches long, It feet wide. •
feet long,B feet wide. feet bleb. 4 feet Wall.
15 feet long, 9feet wide. . ,
/8 feet diameter, i 3 feet high.
81311 V altltP - .TENT, '
"If feet JO inches long, 7 feet vide. be ? feet inch high.
The tents and • ilea'? are to made of cotton dick;
of following weight and dimensions, viz:
For Hospital Went-- • .
30 inches wide, and 2U ounces per yard. ,
For Roepital Tent Fly— ' •
30 Webes wide, arid 15% ounces per yard.
For Wall and Sibley ') ant--
38% Inches wide, and 15 ounces per yard.
AA the above-mentioned erten,' must conform in
every respect to the sealed standard patterns in this
office, where they may be examined, and additional in
formation received concerning them.
nr it is desirable that the articles be of domestic
fabrication, bids from manufacturers and regular deal
ers will be preferred. which must be mace for and con
form to such artioles oruy, in quality and description.
as are. required by. thcadvertisement and the samples:
in this office. but contracts will be awarded to the low
est responsible bidder, who shall furnish satisitiotont
securities for the faithful perfoimanoe thereof.
- The manufacturer's establishment or dealer's; place:
of business , must be distinotly stated in the proposati
together with the names, address. and responsibility o f
two persons proposed as securities. The sureties will
guaranty that a contract shall be entered into within
Ma days after the acceptancee ofsaid bid or proposal.
Proposals will be received for all of the articles sopa;
rately. and for any portion of each. - • •
The privilege is reserved brand for the United States
of rejeoting any proposals that may be deemed extrava
gant. ,
Alt artiPloo - vnll ou - bitiet . to imitation by sworn In
tcsiotore. appointed by authority of the United States.
It is to be distinctly , understood that contracts are not
transferable w , thout the. oorteetit of. the 'proper an
ority, and that any sale, assignment, or transfer:.
'without such torment having been obtainerlaexoept
under a prooesa of haVrawill be regarded as an aban
donment of the oontraet; and the contractor and his or
their securities will be held responsible for all loss or
damage to the United States which may arise there
Payments will be made - on each delivery, should Con- .
grew make an appropriation to meet them. or as soon
thereafter as an appropriation Abell be made for that
%MOWS. Ten per oent. ofthe amount of each delivery
will be retained until the ,00ntraot shall be completed,
which will be lorfeited to the' United States in case of
defalcation on the part of the contractor in fulfilling the
Forms of proposals and guaranty wilt be furnished
upon application to this dila.. and none will be oon
, sidered that do not ooatorm thereto.
Prop' gals will tie rammed, " Proporal. lor,Fandah
• mg Army Tents, ' and beriadfeli_to
fdej , r D. H. VatITON,
Quartermaster U. Army.
Boa.8:1901 post
Q r Drees Trotectore—a anre • snateotictri`
from atl aaraaa by pensurstion. ,
11141 pie BECE 000Da or everr daaertstloll;-Bdit--
rPacking,Heart and every amnia manufactured of
s Ruaboract the beat materiaL" Goods sold yolt
Asa, TO If uIT.THK TIM.Io, at the agent tndia
ribber Store, - 511. - 011118774 UT Street. above Itirdi
^crth aide; - ArTar wad Navy Bardam awe
—feaun JOHN TitOkilLEY.'
"THEY .1 30 . .. • BIGHT - TO
HOOD FOK 'odziiintinvss
Missy relieve a Cough instantly
:They °lair the Throat.
;They give strength and volume to the: l 4os:
iThey impart a dellolone aroma to the 11 - th.
:They arerdellghtful to el : Taste. .
They are made of simple herbs, ant:loans* harm
I advise every one who has a Cough; or a Dusky
Voice, ora. Bad Breath, or any diffioulty of the Throat,
to get a package of my Throat-Confections. hey will
relieve you instantly, and you will sgree . ,witti me that
" they go right to the spot." Ynn will end them very
useful and pleasant while travelling or atteadingnutilio
. .
meetings, for stilling your cough or alluring your thirst.
If you try one paokage. I am safe in saying that yon will
ever afterwards consider them indispensable.' Yon will
B od them at the Druggists' and Dealers in Medicines.
My Signature is on etieh psokage. All *then 1%4
A Package will he lent by mail, prepaid, on reoeipt of
Thirty Cents. .
• -
• - ..•
...... .
Dy the 111111 of the" l'ille the periodical staters of l~sr
yore or Sick•X.edsiA, may be prevented t and If taken
at the commencement of an attack untaseliat• relief
from pain.and alelthese will be,obteined, -
Thei:aeldonifiiilan. removing the Nowise ass( /hal,-
sea,/ to whioh female( are so, inthieet. .
:They sot gently on the bowels; removing ye stew ea ate.
For Literary Maw, Students, Delicate Females, and
all persons of sanitary habits, they are valuable as a
" 1 " , imPravilig the aPPstitS, giving teas end cigar
ASO digestive organs, and restoring thertathral c h ar
' , thiity and strength of the waols einem.
e: , •
, 2.• The CREHA.6IO FILLS are the result of long
piton and carefully oonduoted experiments, having
',Men in use many years, daring which time they have
IseVented and relieved a vast &Mount of pain and
suffering from Headache, whether originating in the
fur . . ems system erifrom a deranged Kate of the ate
- They are entirely vegetable 121 the IT /101219011 d hon, and
stay be taken at all times:with perfect safety witheet
making any emits of diet, aid tali abuse' of say 114"--
triustA• salts mutat O. *arm _scimistimaster amt.
BZWABB 07 00
TM Oasis, kAYIP in signstaru iffILTI aimless
M sash Jaz _
gill it/Drug/Ur wad all other Dalsra u Albiti gibes.
'A /1•A will be Dont by mall 'nimbi as rescyt or as
An niers iduntli be aildregemel
HENRY 0.-kuiza.l•la.
•'• : - •
. .
JP"' g. ll .4.lfalts•t ataleas.Pl•
"-:llsolutilii Mu. alseayliak th e obfeet jwiykieltkal
Ilfere made, .uars'or heilift . zoshe in aultipms.
.Ihoor, tAt Eremiear, Nor/ *Lk, ►s.
'k~ey Lave been tested in more tken a tkeisani ewe.
Ina entire imooeam. •
;L a ly are,or have been .troubled with the headache,
r a box,[Cleyhallo on :that 70a DULY haya
them q i pse of an attack.
. •
.Frovt t,it Adeirtiza , Treat/taw,
The Cephalic; TIN areanid to be a • remaikably effee
live remedy for the headache, and one of the very beet
tel that very freemen:it oomplaint which hie ever been
• . .Yreet Mato* 21, It, Taints; alifeeiae."2l4
We heart
ilily nuns. 11131t9111,4
**IN 1,44 Iraftairks rialty Mom ICapasks, Is.
We are irtire that Dap KIWI, Miffed -US Witibtkilt kW ask
who try „them, will int* to them. - I -
Aim 11.4 Se*aerie 1 'Aith Finder, Nest prlames
WY them ! ion that are atiotad t and lid are aura th at
mazutronony nati has vi ty !=ig a to t ie r zt j frzg:
Nous Ms rq . Loma //atadartid.
dpmazur, for Um irtlele (arpkali, Pak)
foragimur 44Presa2s.
i'regs set Gamete, Defteese, I. Leted.
Mr. ttoeiding n of 00IIII8Ot his will U
tica, he did not knots tovoieteie ragtime
7rette She Advertiser:-Z.I.
Tts tortimozu- in theirlmwor.UlMing t ersa, as sisal
riinnectable quarters. , .
Prow Chi Naos(2l•4lP 114
/Jovial's Pills ars tali= tiisiOa`ol * Mats
prow UN festavursll4 . 4oo . ollllBl.
laid t . w
Nein Ile CIMII4WW4(114301.11114 0
tatMnr liamanity can
SW A Malls 'monis 10440/1141P1 WAILED
111111 E will save WA
. , -• r •
SPALDING'S PuisrestiveLus
. -
r : '-• • .. . ;
' Bl°=)/N6M3 GLUE
IIlir!..11.111191111 Ili Inm:a !lavas Rata.",‘llll
441toolillenti viii even hi mreil-torainto4
famines, it it velmeminnle to .days . some cheap • and
OCartenient WSJ tOr.rdiligariTlZ ntruiturs.ToTni Otoalor
n. dcs
8141.DIVO'S PREPARED IlistiE• • • '
. -
le_seb? all 10194 , emelaerioles and no ?leasehold can
ottani to do wi out It. a Ls 'always ready .-and op tol
the Etat= point. - - . .
" - 11. . i a.04% 302111111*"
B' - A B lessit•tosede. rris44ll
emits. ' 3' • . r•
. •
- HENRY 0.1 3 11C43.1N9E.
eve. Rim iitEL •
3.4artsis ittmositi
son air _ en thil inavneosl9l VOA% 4nafteta9 ll etlar
3 1 1L8PAJLIZD EILIFB,I.wi • lid soma' to ILl
b•Gore Dulaisable;siid ffiii•tio 6.llnamii.
• .
Tispit th• (halide WiappeT.l
,10011101rdlitih, , • ,••••••• ••: • • • • •,....1)
S7VP.• Yowl couGtir !
wngs . muq pimcithqp w Ts
cairaiiiiiCEY roc; '4'
F 7 IWITU' ' M T M
es emus mmis
Jr.,. sks Democrat. Bt, 1171016 d, Minn,
mitwea doimmuts.
• •If rituaantrzu.- •
111711111 t. Xs. Ses 17AIN1II 411111SNI.
lames against 1.0161 `O* 'DAMAGEBY,. PAZ. on
nentellea.lltorer, and other buildings. ligaltstil
orpernetariand on Purnitgre. ..
, Roods, Ware,, and' !dor
, .., I:handle". in town or -
isAing 0 4 apprn.14 grEl.ll9 OBEYS 11111,141 N.
Which Is invested las follows', via :
IRlint ports o 4 64 0 0. 00,,Irroperta.. worth
(tab e the amoint—,..._ .... _. slam 10
Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. Rut ,
mortgage loan, at par— 11.000 111
Pennsylvanialtailroad Co.'s 6 per cent. se
cond mortgage load, (!30.0601....._ —. IRMO 00
ant i ngdon . and Broad Trop Railroad and -
al Co. M o rtg a ge 1011Z1,—.....---- COOO 00.
Groan rent, nrgt-olase --- 5.4115 60
Collateral loans, well seoured . 5,500 00
ty of Philadelphia 6 per cent. loan—, 110.= 00
legheny County 5 per cent. Pa. RR. loan_. 10,000 00
Commercial Dank stook— . , —..- 5,116 01
.... v d-reiriatta..-7,--r. iT.--.4---„.- vezz it
is Reliance
_Mutual Inenrapas Co .' s 'Coal[ 25;360 00
s e , County r e :r4 . lxturino r s e
j y: i 'ii,stgl i t. tow: 1,1,6 0 3 rz
niorileutual Insurance Co.'. so.p---
ah, reoeivable. . --.- 14,t2 il l
Y aoomants, scorned interest .. &0_......._ 7,104'66
Rash en hand— ............—.— ___ 11.644'64
. .
111817,10 04
The Mutual principle, combined with the seourity of
&stook Cavan), entitles the. insured to participate in
the sirstitrs of the Company, without liability for lessor.
&oases promptly adjusted and paid.
Clem Tingle . • • Samuel Markman,
W R.
illiam ,Th ompson, Robert /Steen,
Frederick Brown, William Ir4lituntr,
'.William Stevenson. Beni. W. new.
John R, Worrell. Marshall Rill,
H. L. Carson, J. Johnson Brown,
I m
Robert Toland, Charles Leland,
O. D. Jitosarten, Jacob T. Bundy's.
charles Woodward Smith Bowen
'James S. , 7 ' John Masan, 'ittsbeiry,
OLE • TINOLEY.. resident,
B. M. ELNORMA.N. Secretary. - - • -
, ,
Februarr Id. lie, . • . .
. ' fen
.ioNtra.Nrs BifILDIN6 . OS, Tr, o'ORII 4
• plitEintoass:" !' '
ffimremposi 151•11., MORD.IIO4I _ LAWNIZI.
uzzAtLacksx, 810. H. BYWAST,
Mail" BAtzrxx, JOHN H. Baowx, •
. Taigarcx, AnDssw D. Oman. .
ZIHZY WHAvffort, J. 11,E143.10671A.
JIATIMPO3tD BlA.ll.,:Protadent.
Beeretary- . fat
tm- ,00mPANy :2 . .1 .
No. 991 CAESTNUT Street, PhlladelPlus.
, -.SURER.
/111011Pegdres for short terms or for the whole term of
Ilfeg,[lllstgAnnuities and • Endowments ; purchase Life
Interests in Real Estate, and make all oontraota de,
Pending on the contingeneies of life. • -
They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees,
Trustees, end 110pirdians: • .
Me ages ground rents, TOM —.
Catato— .0005.98157.
lint States stooks, TreasurT notes, loans • .
of< State of Pennsylvania; oar of Flute
.?co 16819 5
Premium notes, loan* oilsotiaterros, a 'o. 957 , ,054
Pennsylvaida, North . enzisplvania P. • - - ---
roadi. and County cix Percent, 1.05,014 60
Dank, Insurance, railroad, canal atc•oku, to . • 07,047'n
Cash on hand, agents' balances, 60,206 14
DANIEL L. PLILLEI, Vint,.. °71.128
jam ,- R ilAr a f t l..4 4 VOKES. Vice Pm:lM entp•
lerhawnst" bT-41W 11111111 P) " PeAliMv" 111 : 3011 L
01110 i IP. E. ••nur and
1 413"1"
- CDs Yearlik EDI/tle C.:
- '•
-M. 14 ! a putilitWOr*lt - •. .
7 18
i ki ld" DIM • std li . A efri.
Ili gle•fi lr ec mil, ~.0.. We .
• e *Did& .
Oa Kink= !I Aitriu,o:: : ll. lowouls"
, November 1,.1810. •
SIBOADCI In lied States live ge omit. loan---eloujee 00
MAO Waited States sax lar Gent Treand7
Notes, (with scorned interert)-- 119.461
00,01:03 Pennsylvania State.. Eve • •en
lean. . • •
11,0000 OA, •• do. - •eixdo. do. 1140 00
MAO Philadelphia City my, sent. Loan. 116,1 0 3 37
10,000 TeneaseeStiseefive oent. 21,000 00
f 0 000 Pennsylvania Bally Id mortgage • -
wig QV sent. bonds . HAN CO
3/1.000 SOO shales, stook Germantown. Gas . -
er.zina.lll*, int/frost and onneinal
ranteed by the City of Phil,:
• Ilriiilphis lO.lOO 00
sredo-Pennsylvatua. lailroad
11.00 d MO ith=orth Peruarrhania
road Cora* • ____ "oo
1,700 BO shame P Iphla Ise Host and
pain 'Pug 1.200 03
SIO s roe Philadeip same Havre-de
MOB Ptesysltpw-Doat Vipany. WC 00
WO share, Philadelphia - obange
1,110 II Hares Continental Hotel C 0.......• . .
,70014 r . Coot 864,H111.111 . . Mallet val.lo ilat,llaS .11
receivable, for imuranose made- 171.3°S 42
an tat Af I #MIN IW 1412
1 1 . al
• •Yelleiete. Teat. and other opt. doe .
. ,
its Co , 11,144
Savo ant stoa .1 mita .. - AniniratTrAt sat
etkor,commua. " faze eci
ea* DMi .47rd .
7 it fig • . Gil O.
- mum n
.61 1 111,901 in
•IDllaio. Mares,. -.?
)11S. ',Oak's. ' '
laill A. fl oater, 'erlialat,
ki Paaldizur
. • Yonne*, " ,4 la
O. Davit ~. ,
Seamen Treela , ir, -Aoki: • Mlle.
Witham 'lr., .AiaticV, , • •
.4.,:eic.31.04, tebert Berton,
!Wan O• b. veins, i Jascb,r, „Tenets, .
.I r eesok .X. Baat. Jclit•llgrfirFarland
flr. I. kt...lErtiee, i - 1• •• n• r an.. .
esere• O. Aeiter, 1 i * k
. limit ''.
• n /lie 'Pinata
Nicsk Orsar, ' D. V:her *,
Btter): Xstir. i -A. D. B• % ilk C.- ' .
• , , . In n
. Le ar tlOß74 l ;l4int,
.1111KRY : 11.Y.NDIrlt.N. flifei • starv P : -. . -`: ~..d.,,,,,majde11y.11
0. o„ Street, opposite Instmenk:
i thhis
COMPMIT. favorably known tothit'Oommonity
for thirty-careers, antismog to insure , against loss or
damage. by Fire, on pnbins or private Ile s, either
permanently or for a jnited time. Also. oirFarnittire s
stooks of goods or, Iderotiandiso generally. mulibonsi
r , eir Capital, together vnAli's large Sorkin" Fanfits
.ivested in the most oarefU manner, wlnolf SHAWN
am to offer to th e inured an' vmdcomted sOrretty
. ,
the sus otiose. • - -
tottiosons. """ •
Jonathan Patterson. lima. Haslehurst.
alntin Ormonell. Thomas Robins.
mender Benson, Hamel Smith, Jr..
illiaa Itioxitelins,, John BEMOIIIIIX.
Thomas inintn.__
WILLIAX 6 OnowzrA, Secretary, art-ly
f ,
31 LNII 7 :.•• mrbro, :. • .
ret in 1L114 , - - Cmpi MI Bra 411*--1 I `flat MN sash
ii;suat,rn 77. - . r..../4 . • : :,,, 0:.4,f,A.1 , . :
invsEs4 to .sand 4334 evitlßill• - ioewntida-3ea -
Esti to inure on veutin ar.4 . chillow, Buil/Lbws.
1114sks of Mopiluintues&*.,4gAresktenaus. - .-,, -
' Di CUM° •
F.B. Aliuirrard, . -..,-,Ckorge3l4 Btlart, ...-
ten IT c oby - Burael grant, Jr••
los ALlWlLlellter, Tobias Wagner,
1.111,pi IS. lbelitk, nemaa B. Watts's
4 4 8iti lftd 4
JIL. Alta, Moy fil. Freesia', .
Wwiea D. NOM,
Sleepy) Q. Ganmsa.
IMORII . 11.11 . 1- AY P. NEED WV D, Fresiiivit,
W - Lith,htlit .11.1.. Xeirrotarr. iwil-41
FPI• DISURANO^E. EtiErrniniefe
NIRIXA_NOE 00/XIPANY of Palp a ble, XL,
North SIXTH. Street, below Race. Huila
buoAllcogii, and T h rshaadise generally' rem loss or
damage Firs. • otoznawar °manta, to aoliwrt all
Woes pima% and theni•Y,ko worit Ike auror
a*. of mop* e.
.111111114122. •
Wllitatti illsrgail, Avbart-rialulGui,
Francis Cooper,. Michael fitoGeor',
csorre L. Destkrirti, , ' Rtward McGovern,
James Martin, Tliomas &McCormick
Jamas DAME. Jean Bromley, - -
,Itattheir McAlear. Francis Falls,
Barnard Rafferty, John .oassadi
B4 .3a rnuss .1. Remnkft. Bernard R. Jiktvelstan,
°mac Fisher, Clucrtes flare,
els MeMancs, Mic_bacl Wulf.
FRArtcus OtetoP.Elt. President.
PRILItAItD ..ILAPPEYTY. deeretars. oort-l7
rdiA r gotrommirmAssm;;-•asuatlrsit>222.-
• fLinfiriti s ltii4TifiriiinCriia,'
%IL I • -, Paid' p tea 'Stoo ' and P lus.
in It 1107.11 e fand available aeotaitia a . oontimmo to
mem* or. Dwe nss Iltoros. raratttro.itt h erohgratioto,
Vessels in port an d tapir oortoes, end ot er personal
PToPorti. All :mien liberally end Droxaritly %divined •
Whoa. It„ Maria, - John 7. Lew*
John Wale ,h James R. Campbell.
• mammal yi.rthuriy Lanai
orton, bai
wi Edmund G. Du.
Ohne. W. Poolta”.
• IdoT"
WM. • • 314113, Promdent. -
11•BISAI' O. N. ORAWFO . eleareter. . feli-t1
. . .
lif ark•r o4l . o ..4 1 - 101 4* -- craut ZEES
wipe No. ntcria k tirinr mrimit,itstinKra 11111 rd ail
' Youth lVt.. w i r rlelnklw. ... . . .
Two will inrare against 1.4 s or dzotogo Oi
% du.
, _...3",4,graniYAnailiXl,l9'Partlyr4.
Limbeitekiii, •'''; .. ~ , f•seti -Ittz - :diti,
inat, - -.- J:gir t flialtex,
Yin sarwil
Mfrs j
.... _P r t .11 " 1..
... ,c., , : JASON z.o.w.r. - cm
WIL YAP i co:Proddoot.
W. X. 11111171 , Boowitors. ••••:. . - . : 2.....a...0
, ... W ANT
F . 4 l xcnitutez ENSURANOZ 00 .
•-01111Loa r i i , : ti o. lOR WALJIDIF.Streat... :- ::.' • '
Fry IN cE an Houma and ,Marakannai*
g ene T. ea • • table tar**, odkar lizeinatarr ear
:L e r, m Ln into a d i t , . '..., IT i f fra 1 Meng.
1 ,. .
vietv:tig., ..1=3,. Ow n. '
• bin O. E TIUMIAII 1-JALevatet..
....i.: : :. .
email.) oa*. Ewargarz : : 1. 1..` It
. 0 e . •:.
papa and A'are Roma. tozognsersvirstiiiit..-
, . rnamental Dharwar won& •••• • •
Darden Variet and Dtatuary. • .• '
• .Encanzto Flooring Tile.
Architectural Ornaments.
Ventilating and Smoke flitter.
die Tile and !limitary Wars.
.e.ara-itgeesed Drain Pion.
titer Yine.nrarranted to .tend
otorr,_obeag. and durable. •
s 4a itutinlied ra =rg tars!'"
Rail en sp=iirn by ler.
. • . • •-:
je wt.g_nwit.
• • •
,•4. enr SlFloroct ,
All ACIKEREL, , Hicaitrire;llg - Api. SATs : ' N.A. mon, k.a.--1,000 bbla. Mesa Aiwa; 2.14%.01)ti5i=
sol, larg=
2 111;...5pl ems N We,
....m*plitsc t i gis
ar Dame i c so, -
.... . .- .
l as. New Halt au, magtren ! , ,e,Lol,o7 . artii.:
t=gtVg%%.1.1 1 6,1i,,.- - - -
n, a Nee extra aezl , lo.1 6 .,
00 bb . rik% I o
fisit, -a.
10 Mas. new nom Meea oaind. ,
111.ble. new 'Halifax
la* Quintals grand:Bank
• .•- - 4110 Demo gerinaker-isoun
111311!r"111utf4,r v
nOO ,•• • : rile. 14_10:W4 ' %g.4EI
'USTRlClAMED,ir'i 4 2aulitiKiiibidl,!,
N rev= Lmenwoll Illander. Weaver. "Idasigor's
:: s44 . 34 4ii l Mtrnatiti, in i mien
'• - t p ra l = V at°.
i f
1 11 111 1 1 1".
pi nu" °rum,
1 1 l A t ILV.
ete t oatiogi* sot, In 1 11:1 bonus:
IV e; 'W . 1
"• wad Arßea PER('"
- B IH T . QUALITY B.o9kirlyti:
• ler • 1 • 4,111
.:VITTATV.Mfev ei:«4lData.
filiglifilll PHILADELPHIA
lillDVAggi v i t ltAi Lu,2o L ß ß ossg o A l i. :
r ta NN A L°ll (ftfAilf,l :° lfi rr i rla i d eZT l MAPP O VlLL
LOWVBI/ 1 1•W De Pst . olni4l7l , ii.... atid atiLLOW
-13 ILL ...,Btreete ramar) knoli, 1. amount' en
tresoes on TtakeentiLand on Callowht strselckot 8
connecting ateagrkbort With the. YENN„
IA 11.114R0A I tf,_Ba_rai running_ to_ rata
urg ; she . COMBE AND I VA EY 1.06 r. K. tram
mitikEtoitritatreArs r Ikea
- 6 -1 l'i tetrln
running to IgnathA s W oolurtz ,.
t.eave New Depotigotplr or 040 Vid CALLOW
HILL Streets • rttituutEL RIA., lessenger r
t r 944I3PLEiVritIVRIAM. at firtvi .
DAlLLY,Eneeting et . Idarrtsbrwith the N22[ the m
Centrist iiroad for Sunburn wlllitt , „.. I s , lA ,
5..0.; for ' Dirle Man at li r• M.. D al """ u • ' WI
. . ,
. MG ROAD. •
Faost ranstittalua Ls tes,
ro rh0n1int1e..:::......... ai •
iteadint--i.-..... It Iltiladelph is and Needing
bebanon.-...... -.
111 and Lebanon Valley R. it.
tisqpin in t
i i.-- 4 ............».134
Viers -...,—P121
reverton loseUttnlaB •
1eh1t0n......‘ . ...;.' ' IM
Monor...—. :-.-.97
Yr illitr "- Tr± -.Mg
Jamey hors 123
r a c i t avesC...-=-238,
l'roy--. --deli Williamsport and /31.mira
ow C I I 1 0
s i
th p, f i r s
wi t of i n B l:ls o ni
i d an d
D - 7 8 ! a s : ha l 8.
t 7 i alk t :. : 13, :tp . ,
Corner , :e i a r
, a :• R e C t al ro rt A t 1 a d i
I. ! a la f . A . l . Y1 4 .13c
7 1 0 8:;e:: A : i.
th .DN 'tw r e4t ol m ete d ViI ut II w AVALF
and CALLOWRILL 8t eels.
• W. R. ageILR.ENNFY. Seoretriri.
' mrllo-tt
May M. 18111
sad eper . Moneer, May IS, INS.
' :Lorre Philadelphia, 6, r, 10,12 , 18 A. M., I, 2, 3. •
4; 5,6, 6%; 7, 8,9064, and 1134 P. M.
Leave Germantown 5.7,71 4 •_ M B, 8.30, 9, 10, 11, 13 A. 31.,
j,_311, - 4,6, 6,6)6,73, 4 1 5 6 1... 65 I' 31. •
The 830 A. M. and r. WT81111( stop at earl:pan
; .
town mai.-• •
Loaye Philadelphia, 9/91 A M:, 2.1(.33C, 6,7 X, and 1.0%
P. ' • M . _
Leave VerrnantownAl.l.o 4 M.', 1 , 4,1 N, and 9% P. At,
• UEFA. Iphi
Us*. PareFliqiiii . i.i,ll:iii:l27Cfsi;;i:s;is, 4,6, is, ft,
and M.P. M. . - . • ' L. . .• ' , .
."Lesve 12heetntititill, T.lO, 8 - ,
BA* ii.40:41 - .Ail. m.'. 1.40 ,
O.Y. 0:4019.18, 8.40, and 10.i0 r.. M. .: •
TM 8' :M . sad 8.38 P. M. 'rip ma ke no Mops on th e
Germantown road. ';`. i• - . **
1,• , • - 'ON ISOPltiL'''
SmaieTtifindelphle,9.oB N. , " IM,ioLandnif r. 24.
1.116 Te Inteortutit Iliii. 7.9o;Asi 40.4e . ,41.40, and 9.10
lroit cortfutonocKENO.Noßiilrrow.m.
• Leave Philadelphia, 15.88474% VIL 11.05 • A. Id., 1.06.
12.06;434; dhf oil, and 114( .P.M.: , ;5,-„.
Leave Norristown, 9, T, es; I; u A. M., - ix, 434.6D4.
and 9,34 P. M. • ' ,"' •
_ ... • ON SUNDAYS.
Leave Ehtladelphia, 9 A. M:. 9 and aP. M. ,
Leave florrurtovrt V A AL P M.
, , Latii , e Philadelphia % 690,1 80.13494 A. M., 1.86.
ma,,,LosLAx. 04,8. and 114 P• • •:. vzt, 1
L01121,8711241171k. edi, '4 , ,118(4.4.4.W.A.. M., 6,1234..
ii, T,,Aig io P. . _ •:_.''• ; _,,'-'•'"',;.•?:,_,':,. • .N.
4 • • ON BUNDAIM. i:' -- - ' • -.
loam Philadelphia., 9 e.. hi:, 8.1. . 4 , ,. M. 1.;
Limo* Menarank_o34 A. M;; 11 ~ 9P.M. . •
• . 4. 1 i t". -., ,a. K. SMITH,
_Gene . rintendmnt,
• inyll•tt • Dolma. 14 frail- A • e EN:fltreete.
rrtiE PKtiNSTLVANLS:' prag:tit 'it li
'' - 11112.1(02.3) . '... -"-- 't" .4 " . •
. -26 1 1 i. laisrts DOUBLE' IRA& .
.I . ?itfile ... r: -. t ,. -1: 1861.
Inn, •CAPADITY F a EU.* ee, 4.. fu ROPY EQUAL
,•• , , Tar -ANY IN •iy s:ii!•ii TRY _ •
•TBRElig THROUGH P • -,...* SER T 1,417%
conneCting threw at Philade .. ~ .'Through Traine
front-p .. 1 3 i, New York, and.aLl• • .‘ . a Rut, and in the
Union' tat Pittsburg With, aronth Trite n te and
from _pointe iu t tie West, ft ormarest. arid thereat
—Mu furnishing facilities for the; transportation of
passengers•unampassed for speed and oomfort_by stir
ether route. . • • _
hnpress and Fast Lines tun through to Pittsburg.
rMout change of Cars or Conductors. All Through.
essenger Trains provided with Loughridge's fatent
rake—speed under perfect 000trol of •the - sagmeer,
thus adding much to the safety of travellers, ~.; • :.; --
Smoking Cars , are attached to. saoh Train t . Wood
raitA'N Steis ti ting_Care to Express. sad Fast Tirs,uhr:, The
ET PI _RUNS DAILY :. Mail and-FAst Lines. San
4ratn.lepYea Philinielphla qr., :
Fastlar rili 1
ilarrisburg Acomititodation, via c 9 in r. M.
~..0..,b,. .• . .440 ?.-ra.,, , .•• !11.,
Parkesiburg " lg. 5.40 M. ....•
Weft Chester o. 1, a t A. M. ..
West Chester Passenger' will take.the slit Charter
Nos. 1 and. 2 liarrisburg accommodation and Columbia
passengers for Sunbury - Wilhanu`Mort, Pin
intermediate;pmnts, s, Buf
falo; Niagara Falls, and ntermediate; points, leaving
Philadelphia at 730 A.M.. and SA P. 114.. go., directly
througihlie she Westward maybe' obtainedfsit the oBloes of
the Company ini t hiladelphia, New York , Boston,. or
Baltimore ; and ckets Eastwards ani a g in tbei • inlPOT
tant Railroad 0 ass in the Want_ baud any of
the reviler Line of Steamers on the ior Ohio
rivers. ... .. _ ._
r Fare alMt&ei ashrtf.tudtimisi sena, as hi' • any
other Route.. •- • - . • i.. •
For further hiferniatioiligildi at - the '- Frationger atm
tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets.
The compjetion of the Western_ gonna:name of the
Pennsylvania Railroad to Ctuoago. make this the
Pilie.eonneoticm of trao by the Railroad Bridge at
Pittsburg, avoiding ail drayage or, ferriage , o f Freight,
together with the saving of time,are advantage' reant
ly appreciated by Shippers of Freght, - and the.•Tralrld
ling Publio. - - ••••.• • ..1.-91 , 0 ••
iderohantriand . Shippers entrusting ` tge;kniiisperlin;.:
Non of their Freight .to this Company, can, lleLY,:with
confidence on MT suedr transit.,:;. . . ..., :. 1. ., i
TM,. RATES OF F.REIGIIT to and frientlani. VOW
in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad ilia: Ash' _ .tess
ti,.... gs falPeribit 14.1 . _•,4 i .. - diarrsd hy ether-ateitresia
Circe nisi.
Mir 13e pardoiqlsr to mark packages I,lllllPearend
rule Railroad. , - • ...• ii.
For Freight Contracts or Shipping
to, or address either of the following Unto
Company ,
_ D. A. Stewart, Pittabini , . 1 v.. ''''
R. is, Pierce & Co., Zanerrine. 0._.• J...,1_,• Johnson; Rip:
ley; O. ;.11. McNeely Mariville. ar t ; • Ormsby * Crop
per, Portumionth, 0 . ;. Paddook & Co..' Jeffersonvilis.
Indiana; N: W. Brown dt Co.,: Magni/mai, O. • Athena
& Ribbert,Oinotnnatt, 0, • R. C. Meldram, timon,
Ind., ..Tos. E. Moore, Lo r llinrille, Ey. • P. G. 0 ,
_Ley &
.., Eianiville, Ind.; N. W. Graham & Cp.,Cpar. ,o
17. ,_• R. F. Sus, Shafer & Glue fit. Louis. lido.' John
. Runs, Nashville, Tenn. , liarris H Hunt, tam
able, Tenn: ; Clarke & Co.; hioagoall..; W. ' ,N.
If oonts, Alton, AL' or to Frei [ t'Agentf of Rulreade
at different panto La the W est. .-. . -_ • -4 ,
tB. xlvetryon, Jr., P adelphla. • •
~ ,
lAELRAW & ROONS, FA North streek_Baltimore.
BECR. &'C0..1 Astor Home, or 1 S. William it.. N. Y
. LREVE& 00.79i1Y State , stan_et, Boston.
r;' +-IO() vN, Gang Freight Ag_ent, Phila.
.1.. O UP?' Deal_ Tioket Agent, Phila.
, E. LEWIS. SAO Siair't Altoona, Pa: )at-ly
1861.:. . 1 !I .
_AANGENLEXT2-u tYOlll' 4 -
W .I.h.__,
c x2i • ANA) - --: 11 : Yer 0 . 1 ". c
ill I Vip s tf s pi ri i ~...,7 ...„..
..O.II A
"soxlMtir-or. witiVi t taftistrra' 131111
. - •wu.
At i A.. lit.. eta eauhli Asa Alit fers: idraitt is;'As,
emairmtatioa _ ..... • - .4:.;..... -' - .i. - -...,_...#1111
At 1 A. 11„ cia liatettatt:224 l iontirOiti, (22. - J.)4
Aosornatitstuot 2 SS
AtotWi 8 A. M., via Garmienixd - Jayitttri:Xorialiir
a o 0
At , 134 A. 111,. via tenionstes atilrxdry PitY,
wsatora zapreyys. ----
Am--. -....-- 100
Al DM P. M., via Osu..mi on sad boy Aositamo
s. --- -- -- 3 25
Al I P. M.. via Camden and Alamo!, 9. Mg A.X.a-
Ar r ilr 7lCd.,ViaT.Lsaistioa"-""4-77;a2. . 1."- aaTerig7T34 -- - 3 33
ma; reaa.......-- —.E.Y.......... - .....--. 5 00
Al am , , via a and - Jerooy City. 2.1
tram! akst-..... - • '; '"'" I X
Alf P. rd.. via (itatitoir aad Jersey OUT, EToning
) 71,
stall -
__. • • ' — 3OO
Aftli3i,r. M. Via Cabiell "--- aat Amer Mb', Soak
ara Nag-- - ' .
an 3 00
At 114 32
P. ~ vis:Ttinden d Jotter City. 211
Clue Ticket— •• • ~. _ 125
At 5 .e. M.. vi.a CaI:SMM Anit - Ambo ,y Aooorr s oao-
Ciotti (Freight and Paygotigar)--/st glao- a -
Do. _ do. _ad Cam Vta i loW i re
The dP X Mail Mae nail tiny. Tie 113( P. i
:rim", Batardaya orzosotod. -•..*,-,3
or Water citap_._lstroluiaboxs, Aortaten, Wpiiiiiallo o
orgroso, Croat idond,:te., Tao A. M. fin' 0131111:501111‘.
via Dslaware. baskatrannt. and woetern Jr.. Jr•-- * -- - -
For Maaalt Ghana, AmAntewn , Betkiekom,Beliddit
Easton,• Aktabormus,'Fieman--tex. 48.. 'at LW A. M.
and 136 P. 31.. zoom Atarington De t;• (0 6 . 7 .0 4 .. M.
hay oolutoets lair trait loaabts jar ?detach
Chtmk at I.Y . P.
per Swot lolly. at 1 ant 1 A. IL. VII
Per Prookeilt. at &WK.. ant NY. i - • -
_-:,:i .7 -.. . - w - /I'ZAIT _ . "."-: •..
Per BrioloiLll2,alaai'aia.,' , 1 agA. 4.1 WINK ed
P. Bt. tritat•xi' and / - 'n mi - trautat
orraltnyniattToiteit. Diiiiirtert.. Tailor . lii. 'Ai , •
-tenitiperenea,Bardans. teem, as., at UN, 2i'S. Aiiiiig I
Steamboat ?mato% for Saida Own ittialltiiiiiiate
olaomkat gw, P. 21.. !rota Walnut - street ha
.. •„, -,_
larFor New York and lyr_ar Linea lea 1 Virg
)1•T•ot, take the :oarsjon Ftft., itratit,, a ire , a in.
AYH an boar befor* , torture.. Th e
Alg o t= into.tlio
deal t ar e" an ds arri o r j u st eaoh .s,c 'zii ci ana ottureliewiti,
a t..
sp'aerengera ars pro ttitad fit s
gage.bat.taeir TULE a2pareV • atl4lo - over
2 tio+W i r d for Ottos.. Bo - Chr u aan in V i ait
their r Disciple to One Po tat
ant in not lia la for any meant I.4lyetka .
mit by inataiateentroat. T.
maw .. ' ,- • WM. liATißlit.'Ateat.
VANIA i fir . :Altgsx . L.
ti tIQYLESTO*WItk, .0E
TV4111: 0 . ffliaff,'EOLlstiL
3 :1 :. '. • UGH I'ALT.I44I.
Ca wig sfteg . 9 +A
~ MAY 800, Passenger
Wrainrwillfaare I • a nd. W / LLOW Street., Pkils
dolphin, dull, (Bandags exported), es fellow' ; •
At CAD A. Al. rigiga)lfer f3etlatehtto. Allentotrn.
Matt& Clblunir. ton, Wilkegbarre,, &a. ,
At 3.4Ef'. M., ( trim), for BettilAhent; , Earton, &a.
* 6
ihizriii rose es Easton alq P. Pt and makes close
wirosuse or with Raw Ilwitey Central for Hew W . A.
At • 611 P.X.._.fer Hfutleittine, •44104t01iz. -mush
•At CCM:ant 4P. ht. fez I/41qt% -- • • .
• - 41 1 10.4),‘ M. e4lll,ll.4plf.ipiiiiror iabliiion• .'i
eLW A. Itt.' tea Teak taw=
wit the Lehish et or H4l 084 et Bow* Ate: Mir
•thelskerteet ect4 MOO entrethl• route te ,ir _ . •
14tift4411eAktin 4); a eoalopp fa . . ,
il4kX,o ire.Wllil at C A. ~ 9.111,4 M..aadi„ll-1
Detle*own d A.LO P. N. •
arayg Pict aattipplon at OM firths ALIO P. SS;
ON NlENDAYlL—raltadolaate klattem at 11,
Ik111"elP" for
°altar& at
36.14 D
vleoto - oro for R tmi p
toiefsm for Phi
_elor k ll. 4 : at S .
Faro to thlehora -NA $0 'rare to oratton
Fije to futon BO Faro Wilkosbarro,„ 4SO
broach 71orrokanit , otooks red • at. the Ticket
oat. at W.LLa., W Street; or NEMER Btrpet, ardor
to manna Ms abourrates or fare. , . •
All Paavenger 7rarom (oz_oopt Nondaj 'thetas) coattail
goo Nerlyr Duvet - watt - Firm and 41..tkti-artreeti. and
44 a r id Tilird-stratAt ramonser matiroado.,tareat7
:11/dautos ator uvelriF , titreat. -
- - ,• - RILIN MAIN. Arent.
ai - SPRING ...Autunat
iii:LM o___ r 4 -.AN .71.41.13-PIiIeRWILWA, '
fiIJELU omit &Is k A N?
or italtimora et CU A . ~ 11 Atticuriles),
14 11
and 10.60 2 .M. - - • - • • - I ":—.A.:lll. e ik 4, .
For Chester at LIS A. lA. U.5 1 44*.• - 101100S.Ve
. 'e Waninzten as 11.18 A. la., lineA:lll4 - in sal
or Bow Caatie at All k. it. and 647. N.
iOr Alt p° lf l o a re l l B. 6lS A .A. 7ll 'Bl. ll3ll • " 1.. N.
. Fir 361 11 bp 6 1 1 5 .1 1 '61 1 tillih' ADILUZIA
F lat mars at 6.0 A. M. (tbrpretto), AU A. Me
and 4.41 .
Um- A Itruatinaton at 6-10 ere SIB A. M.. Li. ICU
v. Salry at 1.40 P. IL
To Milford at a 3'. Id.
WHIP Dover 64 6.64 A. 611.0M1014 P.M., i
ST e New Carus st nu A. M.
~.........., T re e cll s za tira ter o a rs t7 i r r A s . sa hl e ., Dl o.46. I n f., liildniii.B.4oinirePA.isai.
7 ". " fitliNa FOXAIATIMON.Y.
.1060.T0 Bawer at 11.41 A. . LUX and 11.30 r Id.
C. ji m eeee waminaten st AWL,. UM Y. IL; MI U
A V a llielt - St "Ai/twilit tsmontior Oar Sitaailidg
rILIS ip dWileil 7 ... •• • ,
Sash Philladelt ler ranyville-ana ths erias e ase
Owes at 610 tin. . .g 1 ... Oa; . •
heave wartmkten far rerryetna sic ea....--...........-
.11 nrsyr - k i ttL i f .
ton for Philadelphia sad adorn's
-4=4:ra 44 I ' /4 '
atati „t a r s ta-larace far Baltimore sad unarmed
- loa. vs DEltimoTi. i Uwe-do-Sr*mop
'Au atatona st II P. "a
tca tiem s er l ki Brujapußtaa"ru r il lt a Th a ti y iall farther as-
LeaYllll P pipet& for fiapore = i d W4sazuri d ni
at BA A. M. an am P. 11... ans.
Baltimore for
~C st La A. IC tat
Ara •• a. at. arsamoar:Prmatinit..
. : ''.' is 'Lola a •' • ' ~': : : •.,, . .:
~,....:., 0 gip a , istimMulaj i l Trit ' • ' - ''.
.13.11:1. 4':; ,, tv's& ittntri, 4.7.•.c5‘.. t !"....r.: .. '.1...:11.•
LNo (Amor te B. goat. Jr.. 431 aairtrivw Bt.
This Morning,
July IT. at 10 o'cicak memoir.
Included In sale this morning-will be found. viz—
Comprising ladies' gents' and. children ' s: cotton hose
and half-hose.. gloves. furs, head-dr , sses. notions;
draw goods. white goods, combs, hooped skirts, &o.
Also. MOOS men's palm straw hats.
On Thursday alarming.
Juls 18. at US South SECOND Street. the stook of a
Job_Frlnting office, consisting of type, presses, rollers.
card cutters. tables. paper,
' Bale oommenoing at 10 °Valk, preoisely.
• Vt %s G
RIM? ItrAttt tmil Llil Pl 4 MOIR ■t
dortliern Centr
• The New Remedy for
Durum tboi past- year we heire introduced to the no
tice of the Weiliio2ll profession of thin country the Pars
OTV/tali/fa ClloFidi Of Promaantrer• as a
Sunbury sad Erie X. 1
and having received from • many sources, both from
01111i010.1111of the highest standing and from patients, the •
of its real value in the - treatment of this - painful and
obstinate disease, we are indueed to present it to the
public; in a. form READY FOR IfiIMEDIATE.UBE.
whiohwe hope will .sommend itself to those :who are
'imffeyunt with this attnettnr complaint, and to the me
dical practitioner who may feel disposed to test the
powers of this valuable remedy.
FLIRT R: PROPYLANIINE. in the form aegye'spc,..
ken of, ;has recently been extensively experimented
with in the
and with.MARKEDRUGOENS(as irlll appear from the
published 600011)221 in the me liceljoarnals.;
UTIt is carefully put up readr for immediate use,
with full direotions. and 0811 be obtained from al! the
druggists at TI cents Der bottle and at wholesale of
Druggists end Manufacturing Chemists.
sati4.l• PhibrAislohia.
Atent for Dr. SCHENCK'S Medicines in Middle
town, a. •
IDDLITOW . N,Dauphin Ca., June 27, ISM
DR. J. H. SCHNNCR, Philadelphia; Pa. , •
era : Herewith I send you &certificate of one
of our most respectable °among, who be. been rising
your medicines. and is row realored to health. 1 think
its puolioation woeld affect the .iodes in thus neighbor
hood. If you see proper to me it, do. so, or direct me
• Mr. fIaIIHAOT is an old,rellable,well-resneoted. and in
'finentlal citizen, His word would not be doubted by.
`any one who knows him, and at present is the Chief
- Burgess of thli town. Mr. Ramsay is himself a good
'advertisement. as he speak, for and recommends it
more highly than the. certificate mentions. .
Yours tralr, • GEO. L. CROLL.
. •
Minniarrown. Pariphin Co., Pa.. Jane 10,11361. '
MR. GEO. L. CROLL, Agent.
Dim& Bra : In my recent illnese, which was from
',mg /said cold on my breast and lungs; and whJoh was
'in a fair_ way of harrying Me to .rnY grave. I was 90
01990 b affected by the severity of the esough that I could
of fie down or obtain any rest, and this oontinued for
two weeka. When heard or-Dr. tiohenak's Pulmonm
„sad Bea-Weed Tonto, 1. immadiatoly commenoed the
t 'Me 'of teem - and. After using two or threc.bottles "of
'Syrup. i not iced a perceptible change.. The cough was
easier, and I °mild rest. mach better. After using
• two bottles of Tonic and ten of Syrup. I have been re
stored to' health. which enables me to say I have full
confidenoe - in its efficacy if taken in time, and most coy
' dually recommend its use to the af i.oted.
Re speotfaily yours,
• • H. J. RAMSEY.
' TOWN ELLIOTT, WINInS' i and LI VQ4:::„ .
J Itroc 317 - X-319 WALI'4II7 .Ztreeti ( 'act
V. between hirti,anCliwthsfnortirodli 1, .
11414,PL IL-- o;Old-rflosiouq:SOpLrfloW.:A1,-__
C lambed in 1541.): -;.- 7%.,: A. i -.;:.::: ~- •‘ . kW" • .ai.,
RAWSON i 4 bligaOldaccita
AI .; •"Le - • BOOLTLENS A W - , 1 '
'•-. 7' . Ititi:iii,_ end *WI 111111 r :'=
Between MVO sl y o ,, , Aat e t .
bJAIIII2I r*,WBOBI -4‘l"-_,0.11110X0 .'
ir-I]S - - • • ',..., ..• ." -I'7.
FMB ,M-AtTErrileT
-.a. 011 AIM !trilitEET. '• •
2 1 :11 . . yad
_Kum" 'o.r.f•lrrx drination. • li'
made- Ptarkjr ta m..0 -x 11.
IA juineaalairer's .6 ore. .. • . - ' l. •• . . ' ,• •- .
.•..13±,t, done nt a yps!liriaju k * - - - -,:-.. :. , •
__,...............____ei51it'arn -4--r " -• A:11.11111ilikL ..
fiLIVE 0 - -------'lll,.—Ptit:e Olive : Uil in Whiteil
'‘.... Om bottles 'tuft r_toerred ler] beiJaileL For
sale br • J4pRETOREA vfmaßs. -
PM No. 40 4 ,04nab F Per fanibt.
rigalats..ET_liniq*--.-. and. ati .
...pypentl,bp_ brands of 11 L'Iallan;_iliatneu.i.: - Neat -Been
F•r Ica b 7 Ai & OWEA MC •
;:winge.—A small invoice cifq
WitilT aki gArerkigiretk
1 .. 0 'Vitt " ' -
And testimonials, new, and almost without number,
might be given, from ladies and gentlemen in ail grades
of society ,whose united testimony none could resist.
that Frof. Wood's Hair Restorative will restore the bald
and_gray, and, preserve the hair of the youth to old age.
- in all its pout M.I beauty ! - ,
BATTLE CREEK.. Dee. 21, 1858.
Prior. Wool): Thee willt please accept a line to. in
form thee that the hair on my head all fell off over
• twenty years ago. caused by a complicated chrome lila
ease, attended with an eruption opt the head. A oon
tinual course of suffering through life having reduced
me to a state of dependence. I have not been able to
obtain stuff for oaps, neither have I been able to do
them up, in consequence of which my head time suffered
thtremely!lora cold. This induced me to pay Briggs fr. jlodges almost the last cent I had on earth for a two
,dollar-bottle of thy Hair - Restorative about the Ist of
August last. . I have faithfully followed the directictui,
.and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and
black, though short ; • it is also coming in all over m 7
,head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would
restore it entirely and - permanently , l feel anxious to
persevere in its use and being destitute of means to
purchase any more, I would ass . thee if thee wonldst
pot be Trilling to send me an order on thine agents for ti
• bottle, and receive to thyself the Scripture declaration
—" The reward is to those that are kind to the widow
and the fatherless."
_ Thy friend. SUSANNAH ICIRBY.
LIGONIER. Noble co. Indiana, Feb. 5, faisil.
Pithy. 0.1. Wool): Dear Sir: In the latter part of the
year IMP, while attending the State and Astons! Law
School of the State of New York, my hair, from a canto
unknown to me. c ommen c ed Dining of very rapidly, so
that in the short space of six months, the whole upper
part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover
ing, and much of the remaining portion upon the side
end back part of my head shortly alter became 'fray ; so
that you will not be surprised when I tell you that, upon
jay return to the State of Indiana, my more carnal ao
quaintanoes were not so much at a lows to discover the
cause of the change in my appearance; as my more in-
ttmate acquaintances were to reoosu use me at all. •
I atone made application to the most • skilful physi
cians in the country, put, receiving no assurance from
them that my hair could again be restored, I was forced
.to become renonoiled to my • fate; until' in •
the latter part of the year 1867, your .Restorative was
recommended to me by a druggist, as being the most
reliable Hair Restorative in use.. I tried one bottle, and
found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the
desired effect Since that time. I have used seven dol
' worth of ~
your Restorative, and as a result, have a
rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can
As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill itt
the production of so wonderful an article, i have 21300M
mended its use to many of my friends and acquaintan
ces, who, / am happy to inform you, are using it with
like effect.' Very respeotfnlly, yours,
• A. M. LATTA,•_
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Depot, 461 Broadway, and sold by all desteis through
out the world.
.The Restorative is pit up in Bottles of three sizes,
via: e, medium, and small; the 'small hold, half a
pint, andretails for one dollar per bottle.; the medium
holds ateast twenty per cent. more in proportion than
the small,-vetails- for two dollars a bottle; the large
holds a quart. 40 per cent. more in proportion, and re
tails for *a botne.
.0.1. WOOD & CO. proprietors, 444 BROADWAY,
New York, and 114 MARKET Street, St. Louis, Mo.
;And sold by all good Drugging and Fancy Goods Deal
Sold in HIM city A. FAHNESTOCEdr Co.. Noe.
7 said_9Jklorth FIFTH. Street EASSARD Co. ,
232 North SECOND Street •
ar , WER.T.• 0 HE S TER
I'ENNSYLVAPIIA • LROAD, leave depot, corner
ELEVENTH and M ET atreete,at 8.16 A. M., 12
noon, 223 P. 111., and - 4' P. M.
On Sunday, leave: Philadelphia at 7.20 A. Pd., and
-Weet Cheater at 4 P. M. i730-tf
ammo: 1 1 rEE4 T - CHESTER
RUMMER A....A74Ga101k117.
On andrer MONDAY, Inne3. e trains will
leave ADELPiIIA, from the Depot, N.B. oorner
of Mei/ EENTII and MARJf.ta Streets at 7.46 and
10.30 A. M. and 2, 4.12, 1.30. and 10 P. M. and will
leave the Station, corner sof , THIRTY-FIRST and
MAB-KET Streets _(Wert Philadelphia ) , at 8.05 : and
10,43 A . M., and,645. and 10./2 P. Id.
Leave W.1445T CliTtn'T.Oß at 8 A 51. and SP. M.
Trains leaving Philadelphia and West Chester at 7.46
M. and 4.0 P. 4. connect at Pennelton wish Trains
on the Philadelphia and Baltimore . Central Railroad
for Oxford and intermediate points.
' mr2l-tf General nuperintendent.
q . • e TRAINS POZA T OWARViltra l tri:
.7NABINDIATE MITAVIODIS.—On attd. after Nor. etb.
Iwo, the Passenger Trains for DOWNINGTOWN
will start from the pairPamenger. Depot of the Phila
delphia and Readine - Railroad Company, Name/ of
BROAD and cAL).,avan.,li Inmate, (paitstnagar
noe on Oallowhdl.) .
°AVM* IMAM for Dewaingteira leave/ sCII.OII
• ILEAOON WWII for Powatrictoro Is ßt
P. M.
DAMP (Bonitos ozooptoil.
order of qte g ßoo t rd of gamer,
,of ritia44l-
, sal•
READING I W:tat:A.]) C 0.9
. .
`1 347 Boa nnelreet..l - / /
.. :, ..,..,_ . .••••• - , . m lbfflia..s4.r.,ril 0,1811.
On end affei May ." ) BOY , Betwoop tinke,tat Lill be imined
by ttusampatly forAne polo& o o , ,ne, RIZ, nine, and
twece 440n3fig, not quveratite, •••
13esiman eeheob-tioltela Joss inr. be had at 33 per cent.
' ' 2. h e aliketsVt. sold '
i the Tretwarer at No. U 27
South•F ATV Oats ere any further formation
*an b eab+ 4 + .
NuaraA Boum—
.. - to Msmattosi t trao.:Alt
, _- .al . Dann winto&. w 11-
-.,aoort Zitaurton.
o lanton, , man*.
4 hhicara L italltiartior, evoko#WwWoil i V olodo,
implants north ant
V I Z,
...... _
..." 178•1 ! 1 : 1" . ' and
or %rams win kaavo Om now Doooj st the fltl
- 4.saillng Laiiroad, itoraet .6.M.OAD ihrAt
as attletutet entratio3 az um
-1•10 'ist ). 0 iiitt (panty* setasated). for &Imre
A ' , . 140 A. lig.
- . ILS.. M.
We . A ! . r . p. ,, i:Lo t t:lnnea:if id at 2= 4 for Wlik t lg u i
. Vi lltaU
Gibt A.74.400 - MfIBWItt It A (Lig e :
li• Tio• traps m e lee ' dim 0011718¢LIOIII lit
ai l, ot , p ir l iu,,, lowin4o i x . lllt ar t l i orn m en4
i ti r :.
i llrplt on:
I f Y
i tt i sti . °481 e6 all aornsa Mara and
r: '. ma ak t• Wm Ift tfals, mil l amps:Wei
aVita aa i n be; i t ioo *lt ta ti ti , l)*Ralskia and Et
se an rr ci rt r & .-61rma 13- E 11 1( 743 0 1-' :21 , 13 .arin cr h Ud atir L tb"t iA) . l'c W4Cl_ 6lll / 4 , r;11
itt fail gift arid Itsaclinz llooct.'BroOli and
atm tElai (tlonds_ps caumtail), tor all
WiTtii asla n t orta, at OP. U.
to mwe ittllvorroa lutfore IF. M... to lama
Ai r k i WU SA L .
••.. or . • am it y , Frenalt NW*.
X Rad. 16 or ta
4111orterr sioirair. SEICEI anal I lett Stmakii
1/41961X68 COMPABIZEI.
11111 -- ? - 1 1 ADAMS .111XPRIES
illralfte se ct.,oll•o ZICIO 0
wit .111:Efl11'NE7 Street,
lOW kazoo. rukt;hltidlas, Bask Ns_ss.
sitlter Ity its own' .&tnes
ether Uprose s ts ' a ri
lovas 2mA oitloo of tbo Vojta.' P -30 ".. 4
bols.cor ; ' : - -.ANattyria,
8U5.119188 fCIARDII.
Road n eeparedlo - pat oa imremmuat of Roofing. oa
- modemte , :terma.• will ;
every: ldiag perfteHriratei-tigfi Omani prom
Et6044 d30; • •r: • ,
• Non. 139 and 141 South FOUR7R attest
(Formerly Nov. e 7 and B. ) •
- -
b il y a T
ohs's' Cnurt.
Also, without reserve. atoeke, loans. ti e .
o'olook, noon, dunng the butineu 'tenon. In AC' 11
A o ly occasional tales. Tau
Sir We hens a large amount of real estate at
sale, including every desoription of nit) 'Ltd ..
property. Printed than may be had at the auotioirt:4l
PINE OLD WINES, BRANDIES, &c., fr o ., the .
and importation of Manna HANBiII, R E y L,
i t: (,), ,k
relinquishing this branch of their buttoner. (4 ..
Tots Day,
July 17. at 123L0's:dock, at the auction More. in au„,.
meet of fine wines, brandies. &c.. comprising Yuw,--".
Co.; Rudolph. Pelmartine & Co.. Balmony & IN, 7 .
Beigberder high-grade Shemes; Bunt, 8 00 , g'.Z,
"drop" Port ; Hungarian white and red pines
& F. Martel mos ; Jas. 'Hennessy & Co., ob, d ,„—. I.
&Co , Biscuit , ' J ricoehe &Co , Thos. Sias & fine old Cognac Brandies. Bohlen very thole, e 4 ply
Virginia pure old Peach and Apple Brandy: 0 00 0 I
Love. & Co.. Ziegle r, tine old Monongahela Whisk, `'.
%;-- This some ba especially wonhi or Ste t ' ',,
' comprising of the finest Wines RD Brilaeiti:-.
.imported having been , eeleoted with gr e ., t s:
Meson. Harris, Hey I, '& Co., daring tn., mo l ars
tw 2 l
,ears. and now to be sod without any squire 0 r i,,, , ,,. 4
, .tion. they intending to relinquish this branch of nie."
but . , i r
s;ir . Emile, w i ll be open f or esuninauon vnth
' 'pane at the auction rooms, two hours prepi o ,,_ " Catalogues now ready. ~,t ile.
;Tut/1., miapoß.
HAKE OF a ursaloi - PURA •
CA R Store -- Our sale to-morrow inn at IL,
A CIOGOn will comprise. besides Els lout of tso n i
Amid .jurrilture. , Prench-plate mirrors, boolt-n....:
and oMee tables , two superior sewing inann, ut i ,
bedding. Ch ina end gliusware,,&c.. forsint spill
tractive assortment worthy the attention as l a d, •
and others desirous of purchasing it
fo xamination. catalogues now ready and the artiss sinuyed
r e _
Rale at Nos. 399 and 111 Ponth Fourth &mit.
On Thursday Morning.
Aa 9 o'olook. the fu r nitu r etore, an asorte,o
excellent seoond-hand elegant piano [ o 4 3 '
fine mirrors, carpet!. beds and bedthilf &e.. from fem.'
lies declining housekeeping, removed to the sore f
COVlVeritelloo sale. 0
On Monday Morning.
Zkl inst., at /0 o'clock, at the amnion/stare, th e c "
tent , of twenty aratee Liverpool ways, conettietoi
bueses,.vegetable dishes. bakers. plates. eau 6111ttil
bl antehera, teapots. sugars. &c.. renam e a dens'
amottment. toWhich we invite the atbictions,
honsekeopers,lotel keepers. dealers. and others
corner of SIXTH end RACE Btreetz. eetthtul
The following articles will he sold for lore gaz pyq
the unit eelling erica :
line gold hunting case. daub's-ease, and ecsbe tot
tom English patent lever watches. cif the mor asrroral
and beet makers ;fine gqlrl doubts - time rnrlish p 4 2411
lever watches; indepenedent-seconde lever eet t l ft;
fine gold hunting-ease mil open-face escapemen t l e ,
and !opine watches; horizontal and duplex lestelim
'silver 41=131m-ease, dont:Pt-case, and doable-tonoi
English .patent lever, escapement lever, and long
watches: of the most approved and best makers; 44y d .
ble- ease and open-face silver watches; silver :memo
silver gnartier and single-earn warchesl fine sold rat
;Leek. MO, and guard chains;
.diamond huger. rlats
breast -ply seta et fine enA
gOld Jewe.ll7 ; geld hisagt-piee,
ear-rings. linger-rings, bracelets, penal;-acme, vtu
and jewelry of every description; guns, puddle mama;
nutriments, piano-fortes, and articles genera,
Money' eidrunsed liberallj, tor any locith of time
agreed upon, on gold en silver slate, diamoada,
h od
of fowling-pieces, musical in:trams%
dry goods, olottung, groseries, hardware, cotlerr, fur
niture, bedding , ultioles, and on eh ins:deist
Liberal cash advancer made on all artiolea oomnitt
-for rale. Yemeni! attention DM to all cat-darr nu,
o fL r E m S ny L y A e CK s U
ees is
successful operation, and been exclusively encased
building and repairing Marine and River kayaking'
and low pressure. Iron Boats, Water Tanks,PropeErry,
respectfully offer their 'emcee to the
as being fully prepared to contract for Engines of ill
sizes, Marine River , and Stationary, hiving sew of
westerns of different sizes, are prepared to exam' or.
dere with quick despatch. Every description of ?men
making made at the shortest notice. High and
Pr °swore, Flue, Tubular, and Cylinder Brian's( rd
beet Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Foretop', of SE nyl.
and kinds; Iron and Braes Castings, of ell desamtniu,
Roll Turning. Screw Caging• and all other wort at.
mooted with the above blarneys.
Drawings and Ppecifications for ell work dozes:then•
establishment, free of charge, and work guarcatia.
The subscribers have ample wharf dock roan for re.
pairs of boats. where they can lie in Perfect safely
and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, gc., da,
for naming heavy or light weights.
BEACH and PALMER amts.
Manufacture High and Low-Pressure Steam Ensign,
for. land. raver. and marine service.
Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Rows, &o,; Cow
bogs of all kinds, either iron or bract.
Iron Frame Roofs for Gm Works, Workshop, Rail
road Stations, &o.
Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and me,'
improved coanstruotion.
Every desoripton of Plantation Mitebinery, such SS
Sugar. T rai n s , and Gruit Faocum Fans. Orro
Steam. Dereaators, Filters. PtIMPiDE Engines.
bole Agents for N. Riltieux'a Patent Sugar Boiling
Arineratns,_• esmlth's Patent Steam Hammer r and As
pinwall tr. Wolsey fetent Centrifugal Sugar Draining
Machine. eni-r
BEACH Street, Kumla:ton. Phdadelphis„.—W/L-.
LIAM H. TIERS informs toe fnends that, banes pas
chased the entire stook of Patterns at the above Fora
dry, he is now prepared to reeelve orders for Railing,
Grist, and Saw-Mill Castillo, Soap, Chommal, and
Roue Work, Geaunk, Cutlass muds from Mom
loombetory or Creole Penman. ut all or Vault wad. er
The GR.ii6T EARTHEN, James Kennedy.
mender, will sail from Quebeo for Lireryool' ""'"
nertnhting on Tuesday, the 6th of Assess ~,p.
gem to be on board on the eg e
Morava-- —= $3)
Passengers occupying the grand "%t om berms n to
charged 816 extra.
rngteil paid 'for.
obar, on board.
a w r o th e e x not .
n e e e n tr d e
u u
Steerage patsergers fire required to provide beita•
and eating and drinking
The ship will take att'oargo--flonr, 6rall3oabttCl
deals, &a., &O.
For further particiJars, apply to the COntlfEePi.
GIL.MQUR k CO.. Clgetei"
GILMOUR k CO, Montreal.
The great be exhibited from Wedrega
17th ins_a.,vatil Wedneeday. the 3/st. both tl 9 / 93 "'
sive. 3 1 '51cote of admission, 00 cents each. ron.ent
under i2years of age, and schools. half ptitaclatq'
proenred from the consignee. in Quebec,nds;
oftae Otitis Grand Trunk Railway Co., .Potot Len.
tLuebea 9th !nig, Mgt. trIS tar
, a_y_JlTEArd Burguer raw you
LI ERF WI L, °Mho( at QUEENSTo'gh fro
land,) to land and embark paesengers ..c a m uck&
The Liverpool, New Yor Y. and rhiladelphis !ma
xim) Cornflour's at:dentin) Clrde-budi iroa satyr summ
itLin', are intended to sail as tau!, :
FROM NEW YORK FOR Livkapoot. ..,
EDINBURGH. Itaturdu, /17 7 1
GLASGOW. Saturday. 6(00 :
And every Saturday eat:manta tkti •"car, Pea ala . l
K. 44 N. X.
THROUGH FROM P.a./doh:l2l UL Cabin, to QueenatoWnor P,ggypool —.....--1
Do. to Landon, Yu. Lite i tioc d •
o _ _,_ --
Steerage to. Witilmortay.: m . or b ro F roo ,____-
It Itilr._.• riaiirti,Vialiefii.7l;; ja seratA ii
- 'm Lrearpool.. -- , - --- t
JaMMS•Ii forwarded to Karig. Pens,
wrorreen% an d Antwerp, at through ratea en., .. .-
434 W:cates of passage loaned from Loy : tO:4
o ,
irk._ ---------,---.•
-- ...ert donates of yaasage maned from Queellaww - -
i slew York--- —.- ---7; - , :: t i t;
These steamers have superior aooommoos-a_,.......
Passengers, are constructed with watering OW.'
meats,. and carry experienoed Surreatx ft ,,, :u .
For freight, or faassageoinlr at the offis a
pa W, AWN G. DALk, AWL
ta l Li ll ve W nw eln i n . t to stre wir eti v r il i ... 7 3.
In Olazgoir, to Wf l di /PLlal: rrer ,
. IL FLIP& •
Mott 'COW TOM TO LUZON'''. __
Chief Cabin Pasaage---- ----113.;
&amid Cabe Paraaca-------- .
' - • - -.7110rd IOsrON TO 107117001. ...,
Wkief Cabin Passate —_--* ----1
asroon'd Cabin roseate— ---- ----:•-•
The ships from Nervy . York oall at COTk FlarV. &5 ,,.
WAS ships from Boston oat] at BalJaa dad td" . "'
.ber. _
& FrERV4IIII. italic:oz. AFILICA, Cadt.dr
Las Ca t. J. atone. CAPIADA t Caj c c l,l
.4181 A__I. Coat. _ ,43 Lott. AMERICA. urt . ;&&
- A ifsrAEL&L,A3I4II /11.49AitA Catch
- - Capt. Coot EUhOra. tavt lama,.
• SCOTIA., (now WWI*/ — .0 „ :
Them, Tomb awry a dear white B u hr moo
• 1,81. IthannTodatrv;es n.CfortWoditaimq'tdit
l us
. R JEL PA, Aluierson, •• Boston, %Vedsortlf.P7 r
P J 4, Judkins, " li.'iork,Wedde# Y s n 'i l ii
CAN i x. Moodie , ~ 90 we , Wedoemeti VsL.
. ASIA. ott " N.York, Wedmadal. ALT . i.
'AUK ,dimm, •• Bowqa,webeks.hol•
Berth, not seoared until paid for.
An expenenoed flusgeop on board.
The owners of those ahiqs will aot be soognoi oN S M
3,am i t a c r i :el. l4 vii e l itlrn it il ea v v e rs r 'feirs j3 reo :li i° i t tla n t : o B tr e t i led r. le e in ' x j [ p e lutVi n r w e L fri : P il t" : l ; 6: e i v
E. aV +
d Bowling Orem Od • d,-
been established on a secure and Derma
but it in, in reality, a marvellous exams's °,
if favor wtuoh a rightly-oonduotet
L1721"-lIT, POLITICAL, AND 31115
sen receive at the hand, of a liberal Ad ea)Ji..,'
.public. Our most grateful thanks .re teetered
Patronage already bestowed upon as, nod 'ie . " -
no &forte which may serve to render the aso e.
more attractive, useful, and pa ß olly i n a n None .
The general feamrea of the paler. ilt„,,l i t t° • l '.„' 3
•Pmrg, Sketches. Biograyhy, amid Oritiee' gat '
`Dieted , Tales, chasen for t;te# Woo a • •ife• ll:l(s .„,4
tions of history , dßioturia r .of sad 1 ". - 0
merit—and adented, toiL t4eli ari . etr, a ;Se
both sexes a. 440 86fAit
The POLITICAL o f Tkrn WEl thYllif°
need not be maws., • :di: oe l ?'
and fooxim.t.t non here . Neese " ann ,
A As baffled, ur.eaverinsil ex,
IT, flOhiktY''
Of the
.4.3 CA
tirannloal legislation; ever declaring atd sa f ;,
the doctrine that POPULAR 50VE.8.E1 6 : 41. .,„. 1. ° 01
tees the ftuidamental basif.of our free loic ° ,r l ,.. r.
that the intelligence end patriotism of our , I . '" 64 .
ewers he proservative of a vise, Msi,aai eti , . 3l /gt
entment. , These aregthe principles 10 14 ' 4 .;,,, o
W33.EXIA7 PRESShas been committed. ad I D '
' will adhere.
TE.Rhi 6
00 .
Oxon Cooi. one year----.r yr
IrlinuiCopieu, one yeer.--. !s.
Fire COplel, 0128 rear..--
Ten Coition. one year..—.--
Twenty Copies, to one address. at the rte , jor
TX Per
Twenty Coni e s. annum
to one seeress of (. 0 I° of
AnY Person sending as a Club of Psalm or7itirt
be' entitled to an extra oopy. We 00ilti OCO ' 4 '
WEEKLY PRESO to °lawmen for St. „No
!IPIKUMen Cop ies will be forwarded to WO
goon theme. foot
Babeoriptions may earninenos a t Jai ttle,:',o
'hill* wit. in lima. All loners to be
No; 417 afilarrivoT
.dsYAILt7s4I6. 17 3113.7