THE PRESS. 013 WISHED DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTILD I ) B Y JOHN W. FORMBY. 13FFIOS No. 417 011E81/TUT STREET. DAILY PRESS, irwscve Cetcre Pie Wale, veyeble to the Carrier. jebiled to aubearibera out of the Oity et Btx Dotte ee esNue, Foos Dom.eas /OR EIGHT Morrrus, Ha ti DOLLAILM FOR Mx MORTIIIP-111Tftriabl7th ad , wo e for the time ordered. TRI-WEEKLY PRESS. mouled to Sublortbers out of the OM at Timis Dot, IRS ?uR ANNInt, in a4ranoe. - SEA BATHING. 'nomilsgsgilmit S EA BATHING, • ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. TWO AND THREE•QUARTER HOURS PROM PHILADELPHIA. AmAreric CITY is new conceded to be one of the moat d•hghtful aea-• (de resorts In the wor cl. Its bath , 00 to unsurp•seed ; Its beautilul unbroken beach (rune mile; in length) is unnquilleo by any on the con tinent save that of Galveston ; its air is remarkeb e foe its dryness ; its sailing end fishing facilities are nar row; its hotels are well furnished. and as we l kept to those of Newport or Readout, while its avenues and wales aro cleaner and broader then those of Soy other tea bathing place in the country. Trains of the CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAIL ROAD leave VINE-STREET WHARF Philadelphia, dilly, •t 75,i A. M., and 4P. M. Returning, reach Phi hidelpida at 9 A. M., and 7:45 P. N. Fare. $1.1)1) Roood-trip tickets, good for three dais, 050 pia_ tarce.(l) miles. A teagraph extends the whole length of Ws road. jylo tf .iddr is t . FOR CAPE MAY AND NEW YORK. TU.'SDAYS. THURSDAYS, sod AATU akin a 9)4 o'olock A. M. New York and Philadelohln_etnem Nnoleation COM- Tilfg tOt ni l:c ri l i ften if :4o A ZO A T, ft w 6 llB=l4 ° Bl7 ,° E n. M a el end NEw YORK front lint whorl below Pomo. wreet. y TUESDAY, THURSDAY, eon ISATUNDAY. stids &M. kotureink.MotWe "'ter York came daya at 5 P. M. lieurning, . Y .terin Cape May EU.NDAYd, We.:DNES DAYS, 41230 HIO SY a. nt BA. M. 'me to Cape Mny. Carman inoluded HI 80 Vern to noon Mar. Season Tickets. Carnage Piro extra. ---.... ..... 800 faro to New extra. .._-- 200 Dn Do. Doak. . . au !Roamers t uoh at Now.aatla srung and returning. Freignas or New Y Jet A,NIaA n at .D w H a los, A g e n t. JlB 1m 414 and I 'tooth DEG 4W A RI., Avenel... marmot REGULAR LINE AND OAI Ll' EXCI'R MONA —Steemer CO HAI hY leaven Bret Per below AV CH Street, EV RY MORNING. at Tti n'oloak, (exeept Nudity.) for Cloister Penestrove , New Cm Ms. Delaware COI. Port Delaware. and Salem. Returning. leave Salem at Of and Fort a. n'olook. Fare for the Exonraton....— ..--. 50 oents. fitness for ttridantnn and O dessa meet this line. Mir Steamer RHYBO, D 1 ARCH-Street wharf daily._ at 2 o'elook for all landings named above ex cept Feel Delaware. Jr 2 agidraut FUR GAPE MAY.—Tho swift end comfortable Bey Rteemer -Aseti. W AtifilrYGTO N." Ctiotam W.Whillain. .eves Aroh-street wharf. fey. (Nee May. every Mo day. Wednesday, end Fred se moraine et OS olel , eik. Petit , icing, I the landine every Tueeday. 1 burs day, end Sittarder moraine er 8 o'olook. Fere. carriage has 80. servant's. oarriase hire inoluded 1.26. Pefrht tat eq_et the use,l low tates. First trip on rider . July 6. I P F ° A R M D T K U N B A: E D A A TrA ( N ) T R I I C RAIL RO A 1).-0. an after MOND CY. June 17. b, trains MU leave V I lih-EITILLiET FERRY, as follows Mail trate ----FS° A. M. Exertion train— --et* P. M. WTlJ — ft - IWISz ---.4 46 P. M. Expreu . -- 6 16 A. M. Anoommodation. . 6.18 A. M. Fare to Atlan•io, ; Roland Trip tickets, good for three data, 8360. Freight must tie delivered at COO PRE'S POINT by P. Al. The Cornonny wi I not be responsible for Any goods anti] received end reempted tor,_hy A their Agent, et the Point. JOHN O. BRYA.NT. 14111 if rent. tAlltinisis ion LIU u 3 Es, SLUPLZY, HAZARD, & 11 -1 3TOBINSON, 110. 119 OJEFASINIOT WC, COMMISSION - MEROBILNTS, FOR IME ELLE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. MILLINERY GOODS. eiL WHOLESALE STOOK AT RETAIL. THOS. KENNEDY & BRO. 'rue ERESINUT street, below MERTZ. An offering their Stook of FRENCH FLOWERS, AND STRAW GOODS. AT RETAIL. felt-tf ORKAP FOR CARL RANKING. A UGUST BELMONT it 00., BANKERS. 50 WALL STREET NEW YORK, terse Letters of oredit to trayeliere, available in all Carta of EnTOPe. through the Mows. Itotheetuld of -_ . • ru, London, Frankfort. Napier', Vienna, and their oor reepondenta, fe26-6m* LOOKING GLASSES. IMMENSE REDUCTION IN LOOKING GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, YIOTURE AND PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES. JAMES S. EARLE & SON, 816 CHESTNUT Street. Announce the redootton of PS p•r oen . t. in the prices in fill the manufactured stock of Looking dinura moo. n &impinge, Picture and Photograph Frames, Oil Paintings. The largest and most a agent amortmen tin the country. A rare opportunity now Shred to make suronages in this line for °ash, at remarkably low priors, EARLE'S GALLERIES, .19•tf 816 curr.sTNor StiftElaT. FINE WATCH REPAIRING. pIIERSONS HAVING FINE WATCH - ES that have hitherto given no satisfaction to the wearers, ars invited to brng them to our store, where Ul defeote eau be remedied by thoroughly skilful end toff:untieworkmen, and the watch worranted to give tut satisfaction. Mantel Clocks, fitusicutt Boxes, &e., carefully yet in templets. order. FARB. & BROTILEIL, nporte re of Watches, Musical Boxes. Clock. tp44ni X 94 (14.1914111 1 1417 Xtront. below irovalk. CABIN ET FURNITURE. CABINBT • FIIENITUnt AND 1311,- WARD GABLES, MOORE & CAMPION No. 261 800211 SECOND ISTRZET, to aouneotlen with their extensive Cabinet Buinses. ars now manufractunna a superior le of DILLIARD TABL E• ass save now on hand ti fall impel; relied with XOORE CAMPIOWIS /MPH D CUSHIONS, Whieh are prononneed, by all who have nsod thee, to Ili superior to ail others. For the quality end rualsh of these Tables the mats 'ftotarers refer to thoir 'tumorous patrons throilthout be 1111106• *how are seuttliar with the ohmmeter of then work. fe36-41. OBOOBBIZIS. 'l l O FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE ATARI -DISTRICTS. Wet re prepared, rie heretofore, to inapply families a %fur Country Zesideacies with every description of Ylll.B 6.II.OIIISILIES, 7E114 ita., ALBERT 0. ROBERTS. CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE STREETS so th PURE PORT WINE. FOIL SALE BY 0. H. MATTSON, ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. im MXOELSIOR HAMS. 1 . R. MIOFIENEE & 00, 2 r*RIULL riovialop *EJABIA. 4WV 010/11.73UP or *lli 610•ESILAIrEll -EXCELSIOR' ersiA-ollt/11) IUMII. 4(14 149 ABM 144 1101.7* PIONIe STAB= ( htIND Ants sDI bait Dtrsts.) ' , Ille_tamtleelrratedOldeffOr MI are oared )y t 0. n a dile familiar to erneelvea) e t forfaistt y zme of dais at one svor,tree . froll 4 e tateleaeant Wets of salt, end an, oronottneed erl -4 444 itIPerICIT to any now offered for late. evlllen Gurr4, PeftaiA XILLA SIIIELDS, i,,n,,,,t4gdpiefe Dress Proteotorm—a sun protection Rbitr i :K h bartl i g r ol U elverf dOlOnption. Delt ar"l"l. H r . sod MM., *mole manufaotured of 4itabiler,o the beat InaterlAt. anode sold FOR. g ith a. To BDI "/"Lid hB. at the Great India iumb bet ;tore, RhCHEM NUT Ntreet. above Nmrd. le , i mp. Army and Navy Eaulpments. JOHN THORNLgY. 400 v.%JAM tdidt.lo'S NOICII —The attention of the Trade le tnelted to the gore tapesr article, a light, pleasant, and ref reg , ling 'nn hereme f or taunt, age daring the grinunnr POT sale or the prinoipalgrooere i r th e intr. lil lie J. M. tais Beath Fitt, T Street. 5 1St11" - Ce8TAMP8.-24 ct. 12 ct.. 16 t,. tot.. and a at. STAMPS (or be go* . at ttua OfilGa. 4 ..n . a.linn.g the 3 et. staXDPB, thee Wlll be go* . at 11, i y — ' 4 ‘ of Pore per cent, • 1* • :. • • k II I /7.$ . 40} V 54. "...., : • ' ~t,, - . ~ • _ _ ...,.........:......,,„„,,,,.. ..:.,.......,:ett, ,••..0,,...,.,....„•.,..„...,,......,.. ~...--00..11 .:. cc; II"' iir ~,a. ..• • .: . _._.. _ r „7 „.' . --,-'.-.''• •-. 11 Iram.: - - -, 14). -iiglitir -- ;!; .-: ‘ , " . ''''''„iiii;t:: : :';i , ' . '-'-• , , :i. . pe„.. ... •,- - - ...4.-„ . 4 ; ~. -.NC- x':• k P A liir2....rtlqlll : ."-, -.'' ' , ~,--..._ , -.:.?. -- 0 - toi'...;:',ZAglitil , 0 - ~ 7 :' : ...1 .7 ' ` :,,,e!, ~ _ e l, ~.. : ....,.. • ...,,,---", v.„ . . ....,`,.;..\: -.' :' 10,' . jtjj , '' , ..,...... - ,..N ...A. Ill: Le ...6 71f "r PI.I-:: .: - ••'' •fr 4 - 6. 4 1 . ; -".'" , ? ,,, •- ' - --' - •• ' ' • --. dill '. . --t • - '-''' -'' ' 4‘ . . --.'• '.- -.): qq 1 4..-' . :l l' . • ' --'' ' - ' • - -y - ------ .- - . ~,,- .••• ~-• • - - .. . -v.-0- - -,•.•,- ~,,e.wip„.:-.....--...",-4 , ..t . ....4.,. lis - ,a,____.........., _, _ ~, ~. , .......;.,=-.. _ -.,......—... - -' 1 - - . --- .. --- .,.=.7,7,-1(4., - . .1-..: - ..- .i-- -.-, 48 1 --'-' --:'''''-'---' ---:: - •=iiiiid_ "•`''' •' • - - -' l-- .T.L . ---,...._ (1' .........,-- 1 .... _ "*...... --,........4:t.0" . i • 1 . :, peil 1' r. ~......,....i,...7,..,3„..c________.,,,,:::::: VOL. 4.--NO. 294. SUMMER RESORTS. SEA BATHING, BRIGANTINP. 1101./Sii, BRIOANI N. J. Now open for the season. The Bathing. Fistung, Gunning, and Yaohting Ming very superior. Boats will await guests et the hoist on arrival of trains. Board per week IBA P. 0. Address. Atlantic City. IL 9. SMITH, }YS-2m Proprietor. WHITE HOUBB_, Lower end of MAIIBACHUSPITTB Avenue ATLANTIC CITY. This house is located iminedistely_on the Beach. and preteen's every socionfinociation for Visitors. Tsrms moderate. SCIP,LIAM IiVRITkifOUBE. JIM-1m •• rreprtetor. EA-BATLIINU, BALLING, AND FlBll - ATLANTIc novs'E, WATCH HILL, Near ittoninston, Conn. This oelebrated waterinerolnue Hotel. where the facilities for Bathing. .siltng. Fishing. and tne enjoy ment of the best quality of sea fog are superior to any other in the United States, will be oFned on the 310th of June, 1861. U. 8. SI"NC je2d-lm Proprietor. 91 11 E ALBASABRA," "ATLANTIC CITY N. J. IPLENDID NEW 1101743, a. E. Corner o Atlantic and Massachusetts Avenues, Now opt n for the reception of Boarders The Rooms and Tehle of '• fB E ALHAMBRA" are unsurpaased by any on the Wand. There is a seeemus toe Cream and Refreshment Sa loon attached to the House. Terms Moderate,_ C. DUBOics & 8..1. Proprietors. ToteDwr.)B 11:Y1'EL, ATLANTIC CITY • N.J.— a t the term i nue of the railroad. on the left. beyond the de.'ot. Th s wows is now open for Board ers nod Treatment Viel.ore, bud offers Looommoditions equal to any Hotel in At!anew City. Charges moderate. Child , en an I eer.ante half crioe. far Peruse shoed keep their seats until the oars a rive In front of the,h-tel. WHITE 80LPH.I/R SPHINGS HOTEL; rIARLI9LE. Cumberland county. Pa. ' • - The Proprietor. Et Cumberland pleaeuer in announoing to the vintin that this magnifinent establishmeht is now weep for Traitors. ferrous wishing pure mutt tato sir. Medi' moat worms. bathing. fishing. and good living. sties riomahle vow's, can of do better teen to try these Springs. For sowt.oniurs send for oirotilms to WM. H. BURROUGEI of the city of New York; D. C. BU spd Proprietors. Jell-thstu Tt CONGRESS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. This spacious Rouse. situated at Atlantic City, will be opened on the Igth June. with every accommodation for TIBROTS. The Honse fronts the beach 120 feet. riving &splendid view of the wean, and is near the Fishing and &Wien point. No pains will be soared to emigre. the +:d General Henry A. Wise reached this town: - On Wednesday last, escorted by a fl a oavalry.oolMl pany, - and attended by his staff Col. C Q Temp• kins has solaimplished miracles in •orfrenising 'hie military force here, oonsidering the: diffioulties be had to contend with. Captain:Patton. command' ing. at a camp some miles, below here, has hii camp in thorough military ordei; as I am informed by those Who accomPanied General Wise .in a visit on Friday last.. The state et public, aentimentli this immediate vicinity is sound c - it It is the determination of the General to treat s. traitors all Virginians found in arms against thi Confederates. . What their foroe at Parkersburg Is I am unable to say. Fortunately, .Gen Garnett' demands• all their attention at Philippi, and I hero, no doubt Parkersburg is held only as secturiog theta ,the railroad, and novae a base of operation in this . * motion. I If Garnett could get around'and behind•Philippi, he would rout them ; and the thing is not impose: ble. You neat not be surprised to hear of ebri tient victory in that quarter at any moment. - • P S —Since writing ibis above three more ha tore have been brought-to Gen. Wise. They•ire from Roane county, and one (Col. 8. A. Roberts) was a member of the•Wheeling.Convention.., They will be handed over to the civil authorities, and in. dieted for treason; with a count under the new ordinance of the 16th Jane hst. Scouts are out for more of snob game. • t TQIi . s 8T: NICIIIOLAS EINILIIRZ. • • 7 • ' The Dispatch nevi ,fiat the'-prlsoners 'takenbn board the St. Nichotas and the other vesselrciapt. lured by Capt. Ratline were released by order.of the Confederate autherities They are the same persons that arrived here on Monday In the Miry Washington. • ) The came paper further gape of the "Afore of thi St Nicholas : _ • " A number of bags containing the mails and de spatches from tho Brasil , rquadron, captured on the brig Arontzcelli on lut Saturday morning. on the Potomac,• by the St. Wee/totes; have been brought to this city. Theyare not the .only specimens of Mintier oontraband goods that have come into, the pessesslon of the Confederate authorities since Old Abe commenced his war. ' No doubt they 'will be of value, is showing the plans of the enemy." The cargo of ice captured. by Capt. Hollins sold in Froderioksburg for $B,OOO. _runt 15017111W31T18N vuterwia. ' • , 01 the movements in Southwestern Virginia, the Dttpcych thus speaks : • : ' • .Brigadier General Floyd has, within the epsoe of twenty- dap, enrolled, armed, equipped, and ' brought to condition of mostcredthabfe disolpliae, ' two regiments of men,' who' Will 'be ready'to march :in" five days from this time. • He expects to add'yet: another regiment. The two new ready, at the oamp near Wytheville -are , commended-. by•Oolonela W Reynolds. and Dairy Heth,.beth actoompllshed Pincers, late'of the Federal truiy. - They - are hotb ' graduates of Weit Point, ' ari'd Colt nel• Wis a. classmate of General Beauregard :•The regiment itself is said to be composed of a body of men who cannot be surpassed for manly proportions and ail ' the native qualities'bf the true soldier. General 'Floyd has accomplished wonders in bringing to gether' and tquipplice snob - a• body of men In so brief,* apace of time. 'They will loon be on the march, hunting up the rude and brutal foe .who is now deseorating the eoil ,of Virginia. rate Bemoan. CONGARIIII. • , A number ~of tie•members of the Provisional Congress, wleielv meets in Riobmond on the 20th instant,• have already arrived. The Draparot says r— • • ' ne=l;'t Of, the South:Carolina ,delegation, Busher Miles is attached to the staff,. of ,c/entral Besicregard, and - N doing ditty — at Manassas - Ron James'', Orr, formerly Speaker of.the House of Reprisentativel at Washington, 11 do Richmond, _haying boon appointed in plass , f TWO, CEITS. . - Judge :Withers,..resigned. Bon . ,Lswrence M Relit has been in our o 4 for several days, and, understand, procteeds tolairfax to-day, &yawn panted .by Hon:. T. •L Olingman, - of North Cara lins, hoping to , be able to do a little fighting on their own hook" hefore' the assembling'of 'Con idea. Keitt . thinki•theie is' '''norne genie" in the neighborhood,:of Fairfax: ;Col , Fresois B. Bartow, ..of Ouargla; is with. Gen . Johnson's cern:: mend at or near Martinsburg, at 'the head' of his regitnent, doing duty, however:Sabrevet faigadier general. We understand 001. Bartow bee resigned hie seat in Congress, where las knowledge of, mill taryiffairi will ba muah'niiieed. • ' ' , • c - : :11 . 7"-mt. - • ••',, TAMIL or ' A letter &en NOrfolk7 to the ..Dispsitek • Colonel:;Sager- makes -a strong appeal to: our ; people .fog. the observance of the Fourth of Jul* From, tlie ,prepa.rations !ra hear taking place,the day trill:pass iff most patriotically. • ' " ••There "Was alio an enthuifairtib-obiierianoe: and a despatch from Sag - nets; Eleorgii, dated July 4, saya :'; • 13uairiess is, in a great measure, ,stispended heft today. Confederate flags are waving,lifiliDarls of the - city, and ' ono among the Moat' splendid wain' mai estioally over the office.of Abe iluguata ConstztutsonaAst. No daily .c.lipers, birie ailed In this W e learn that '5 'die o)d itindLirfirltrueljurtii belig roelebrited fn al. of . - theialtiee.Sllo..torrns df::Georgia lend Carolina, • • • . • • . r ,:a -,.) 1 °1m.u 4 u°,171F 8 Colonel Vraftotaiiier, of Baltimore, h - i i s 'Vitt.iipilited: 4"yi renildent Daiiii sis quarter. -master an ithe4Confederatit Senthern I army;:an •kasi.beenotreigned by. , Getternl Joeopb E •Johnsto 'biltte Botirtlibilgtide,4omposed of the Tents Tbirteenth Virginia, Third Tennestoe' ' atlitr:iffit jidaSylfend -;egiments,. now stationed ;At ,--;Wiri ,911.e09r6., ..••• t . 1 :- • - - .‘ ~.".." '' : i,'Oil Aliiiila .Iristino7,entiesstieWas odlnified a iselsilier' it itie Heinen' Confed erate' Eitsitesi'ind .bl,Pfoolamadon :of . .President Davis the - Contedd ~rate iasys.ware..e . .alended ,over . hey :„.„.. .. .. ..... 1 ..,'AisiginetheAi4i4l's at.Aloiiiiciiii:an`lfeidayliult owirfina the names of Bon. Albert Rewt,.. - Ark ; - .A . : :.; Ir ;Albert ,' J r 4:W1111am ! 11:1t yam: Willbdat Broeri„_Baltlctiorc,;* Colonel : Rill patter,. ..,y1 . 'Oita, • esedefortior"rilwili Lotdalpiiweollierylan . / ."- irlfitsia iili'ckpeiliViltd "Wee killed' ti i "Ablas'.-Phint) *James : gib feebly, Of Stafford; 17 ICoanOthreslity.was armed with a Sherpit'orill , air wets a' little nearer to the Freihori s t. than tee nielit:tiOaylOrsoldiess.''Hilonk di:attics:life afro at a distance estimated at between four,hundind and seven hundred. yards. ~..,..—...--,:-. A number of bags, oontainisg 'the. mails and despatehes from the 'Brasil rAnadron ' captured rim' tbe' bilre Illentiestlerion , - the Potomae, by the . St. lyieholas, !have been brought to Molt . .. - . !mond . ' . Don" A.: H i Stepheve and Hen' Howell Cobb we r e . at Augueta,.(Ea. - .,0n the,ad inst.. • • •.r.... ! ,The torm.of..Coy Gregg's 0..0.) regiment's-ens' ' figment' b iirieg'iiipired. they have been disbanded ithd:paid °ff.' . Marge number .will, however, , re- . . ;enlist under Col.alaskell. The Nineteenth Missiti• sippi, Fifth .North,Oarolitta, and Eighth Alabxmli 'Regiments had reached Richmond, as also 800 men of .Colonel Wade liazipton's Legion of South . ..Carolinians. ...., _. ,c, - - f , , . : ~- , The tennedieW Legislature refused to take any 'gotten 'upon - the memorial froth ..Rast Tennessee in •Ilivot.of a eeparation. from the rest of the 6tate.. A large ship, with about 750 begs of coffee, went ashore off Cape Henry on' Mond sy night, She has been seenrod . by the , Virginians. • " : J An acoident.. occurred at Richmond at a target exercise , Mr. Wm_ H . Courts, formerly a reel ? 'dent of Baltimore, but for some years past a raid: :dent'-of Augusta, wan soeidentaliy shot in the ' Thebead., e rifle, ball fraoturedbia tikull, causing . the ,brain protrude,to . ,and his condition is eat A remely - critic a l . *Mr. 0.• is a - highly - esteemed :citizen, and excellent Mitahlitie4. and: regret' arb universal at his sad fortune., . ~. . . . ~. . The. ilispatch..Bl9 , 3 ,paseektuterb .iliteriTh• lIS 'tiring at 'hlatthiat Point on the Vitetifanty:, , - - - ..., - 'Joeciiiii Laidtei, a chemist; wee kftled : IP mbnd . by - the explosion of. a - detaniatlitg. powdorlt watt manta/attiring. • . . .. - .• ~ • ! Important froni Baltimore PROCLAMATION_ OF GENERAL BAENS—ATEGIETINERT or wafture'. or romon—aratoirat. 0 rim RI/ LITART•PAOR TEE CITY. " The following items of interest are recorded the Baltimore American of yesterday : TROCLA.RATIONIOi.GENERAL BANNS. . To the People of :etleltspoore : lIRADQUARTEREDI*ASTIERNT OF ANNAPOLIS, • July 10; 1861. By virtue of authoritzr.vested in me, as com mending °Meer of ; .this department, I have sp. Pointed, and do hereby appoint; George R Dodge, Etq.; cfltitltimote,Mershatof notice, vine Colonel John R:Kenly,•who, being relieved of this service at his owri.request, now assumes oommand of the First Regiment of Maryland Volunteers, bn the Dpper Potomac, in 'the State of Maryland. I have made this appointment at the imggestlon and upon the advice of very many influential and honorable citizens of Baltimore, representing -its different sections; parties, and •Interestsf and in „order .that„pnblie- opinion , shall have proper. In , finenoe,,and the civil authority due weight in all muniotpitl'affaiiii, feria- any and expectation :that theimarehal will receive suggestion, advioe, And direetion,fromthem and other loyal citizens, as from ell the "departinents of 'the govethment of the 'olty, and in all respects to administer every department of ,the police law in fall freedom for the place and prosperity of the city, and the honor and perpetuity of the' United States. . , . jilajoi. General Commanding the Department of. Annapolis: ' •.lifitanctnazaine•Dicrearataicr O A icsapcmia, • FORT KICARNAT, July JO, nat. ailealst arden:No. : ,:411 , 114. regiments now stationed user the - oentri .t 4 - the city of Baltimore will break up _ their arAilit o'Clook P. M' to-day, - and' resume the poldtionsf, heretofore:. ocienpioci , by, them in' the lubutban portions , of the , city—via: . .„,.. The Nineteenth - Regiment Pennsylvania Vaunt.; :teals, Onions) 'Lyle, near Fort McHenry. ; The Eighteenth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunl .teers,,Csionel Lewis, Federal .Rill '"'The Twenty-second Regiment Pennsylvania. Vol .lunteere?Colonel•Morehead, Mount Clare staliOni -•-• The Twentieth Regiment New York Volunteen; :cliilonel Pratt, Patterson Park. ! ' - 'The Thirteenthltegiment NeW , York Volt:Mattis; 'ColoriellimithVen.Weat Baltimore street. -. The Eighth Regiment Massachusetts Voluntee% Col: Bias; on Baltimore street. ; 1 " The battery• of Light Artillery,' Massaohnititti :_Volunteers; Major Cook. Mount _Clare Station.. 11. When re•established _in quarters the ooml mending officers will' not'allow the men of their ;respective 'commend to'lisit the city without per , mission obtained for that purpose from the coin-, mending c.ffi era of the,eocupany sod regiment to which they are &Unshed.. When such permission is granted it will be for good cense: and 'those whci, .reoeive".it will:tie required to` eave their arms in camp, to avoid .coutroversy_ov oollision with oiti- ZODS, and to ifirefally.observe and obey the lawn 'and ordinances of tbe'oity. ' • No soldier. who _violates ',the rule per ; mated. to enjoy the privilege a second , time. Any, Soldier who v,iolatets the ordinances established for • tire' governmentof. the city; will , be punished' by the diyil ; tribunals; according tO -the:lewa) of the ~Stitte,..;The Commanding addition enjoins upon;all 'billiieril'in'eeoimitnd=in, addition to the military Instreetioci-oi , the!offiiiers' and men •rcquired of : them—especial attention ,to . ...the ; 7311 paragraph •of the Army Regulations, „viz : ~ , c'tticc. - Aitoommanders 'Might to cannier' miefta cc •Oupations • and: manly . , exerobrea ..and diversions Among their men, and to .repress dissipation anti Ipdnierality • " :••• .• By order of •Ronewr MAJOti . eXIIBILIL BABIES .Litsietant Adjutant. General. . Pelt.TlOULdell anon? .51111. °AMISS Or , MINCH • Lara . • . • 'WO learn Mar the 'steamer Ch•ster; Cal:ash:l - r B. Yoiing,.was taken poesesalon'' of at her:wherf at 4 o'olook yesterday moming,'Joy order of Pro volt Marshal E.enly,:for Air. expedition to the mouth of tbirPotomao :which admitted of no delay: The_Chester weir CP, for 'her usual trip to Cheetertown; and was 'ready for 'immediate ,ser : 'vise. 'She pmeeded •direotly to Fort"-McHenry; where General. Banks had in readiness au arma T went of two twenty four.poondera, an artillery company. an infantry company, and a posse of police dithers, under Lieutenant Carmichael and Officer Bonier, whioh were soon placed on board, and she steamed down the river.' Orders were also immediately given to stop:all the bay steamers that usually start at an early.itottri:to prevent any possibility of , information,belig 'given that might tend to the'defeat of the'parposes of the expei.. dttion:' • ' I lolormation was received on Monday night thaf Ool.,ltichard Thomas (the Preach lady), with hie seven companions, had reached Pair Haven from a schooner, which had brought them down the Rap; pahannook, and was waiting off the month of the Potomac for some pimpose in connection with 001. Thomas'. visit Baltimore., Oot.;Sealy, there• fore immediately resolved , to attempt ker,oapture, and being unable to engage a steamer with the es- Bendel secrecy, seized the Chester as above stated ; Re bad also reason to believe that persons in the pity were in collusion with'Ool. Thomas ' whatever his designs may have been, and that several parties tf men left the city in omnibuses on Monday, prior to the arrest of Col. Thomas, golog'toWards North Point, designed, it was presumed, to furnish the .schooner with an armed crew for future operations.., `The Cherter did not get *off until near 7 O'clock', 'lint las no other steamer was allowed to leave the port ;it le probable that the schooner will be cap. AnTeli with all on board and brought to the city, Colonel Thomas is a eon of thelate Hon. Richard 'Thomas;'of Bt. Mary's county; I for' many - years' 'President of - the Maryland Senate ' , aid's nephiss'p' 'of ex Governor James Thomas: We have not ass-• certained the names of the parties strutted with .htm,- but It is, believed that none of them are Bal . „ tirnoreans. . Lientenatit'Carmiohael says thit he was inforin ed that the party on board , the 'eebooner did their best to persuade Colonel Thomas not to come up' to, Baltimore, and some of them even endeavored to hold, him by forge, 'Finding Abet he was deter-, mined to oeMe;SiiVell of his companions resolved to accompariy him':' What was the objector their visit is:trarioully surmised, but it is prestimedith have been to attempt another piratical stirrers of one of our . ..river steamers and the osptareAtt a! sky TetllolB that might be found In the bay... The Chaster returned at midnight, batik - failed, in capittrinithe'Sobooner;though- they got on her track - .-She went about timiles tip. the Patuxent river toldillstous, sanding, and'aeoertadned that the echooner bad been there during the, mornips, basin OD board about thirty men, all well armed' with bright muskets. The steamer remelted * at the landing a couple of hours, and then returned • to the city. The gunboat llenwood was :over hauled and put on the track of the 30M:osier, and en. havivto keep a sharp lookout to °nape • • he foilo;ring are ooples,of iepere feexicren Col. Themes at the time of hie street at Bon hieHeary. It will be seen .thet It wM 4i. intention to paw 'ME WEEKLY EFRESEI. nis WITLY Pause -vitt bo met ti tabuatlNd IT mull (per =aux is aitranoed Three Copies, L. 41.1 ,o 0 Erma ." " 0.00 Ten " 01 " 12.00 'twenty " • " (to one addreu) 90.00 twenty Copies, or over, . (to' addreta of each antworiberd eget"— Fora Club of Twenty-one or over, We will sent sat extra otter to the getter-up of the Club. _ or Pan:masters are rtineatami tai sat aa Atints far WIELLT Pi*u. CALIFORNIA raslis, Lusted three times a !Until, in time for Os Oslifarala !tamers. • whilst id We city under the assumed name of flol R T. nroona The Commonwealth of Virginia 'to Richard Thomas Zaroona, greeting : , , Know you, that from speolat trust aid confidence reposed in your fidelity, courage:Mid 'good con dant, our'Governor, in pursuance of. the.authority vested. in;lini by an ordinanoe.of the Convention of. the State. of Virginia, doth commission you a calomel the active volunteer foioes of the State, to rankMi such froni the first day of July, eighteen hundred and - sixty-one ( ) In testimony.whereof, I have hereunto s }signed my name, as Governor, and csusei ) the Sal of the Commonwealth to be affixed, this second day of Jaly,"eiglitein hundred and sixty-one. • • : 'Joni( lizicazu. • : City of lizchinorui, Vtrgznza; to wit : • Tnie day appeared before. i me, Jost. Mayo, kfayor of the city of Diamond. Elam Thomas Zaroona, and qualified to the wklairi ooinmiesion by taking the oath' pretoribed by law.: ;. Given• under ray hand stile second day of 'July, A. D. 1861. - Josara Mayo, Mayor. • EXECCITIYA JJBPARTMIIINT, Brat/roan, July '3 1881. Permit Colonel R. .T. , Z trobtid,. of the Potomac Zouaves, to pass at wi11,./rse, over the roads and rivers of this Commonwealth, upon his own certi ficate, find upon like certitioate pass his men - and baggage, Ail Alters; civiland military, will respect him, and give him snob facilities as he may require, in their power to afford. By order, B BASBETT Mutton. Aid de-Camp to Governor of Virginia. Approved. • • • -• • Jon?, bETCHSR iIe also hid isitlflaitit a letter of Credit on a Bel 'timere house for the sum of one thousand dollars, deploring that therhheok of Ccl. Z troona to that amount wontd be duly honored b 3 Messrs R• M. Maury Fe Co., of Richmond. 1551ZDRE or BTRAMEIeB BY THE GOVERNMENT General Banks, of this military poet, acting on• der the direction of the authorities at Washington, yesterday seia-d the' steamers Mary ho , g. orr g. and Geo. W. Weems; both owned and commanded by the Weems Brothers . These steamers have been running for a number.of -years between Bal timore and the porta of the Patuxent river, and, it is laid, carried down a number of .peesengers who joined the Confederate army. Both captains are well known In this city. and bear a high character. The eeizure-was to prevent their being taken in a 14c:oiler manner to the Sc.Nicisq/a,r, and run into Fredariakeburg,as prism. ... FINANCIAL 'AND 'boittifnacum. The Market. ' ririx7illinimia, July 10, 1861. Therstook market was more animated. to day than onyeaterday, and several:of Ihis securities on the list advenoeC. ~13tate and city-loans were steady at yesterday's quotations-95 for new city sixes,, 851 for tb - c older Wiwi, and 82i for rhe Beate 'ooupen HVoe. Lefilgli . lkavigatlim rose - to 49{ for the 'stook, and 35} for the seep.: Notelet : own Rail rioad 'atiatint brought 484;Ilaiver bieidowAiiiroad stook" 57; Pennsylitatiiie Railroad' 87i, Navigation preferred 'l2, and Roading 'Railroad Shares 18. ' : : • The money market is unchanged. The West Philadelphia Passenger Railway Com panyhave declared a semi-annual dividend of four per cent., payable on and after the 25th inst. 'The folloWiag are the shipments of coal by the Bentley Railroad and Coal Company For the wee' k eiulioi July 6,1861..-.•.: Previous ehtomenta 22. i /0 Amount for the season_,. Sametime last The New York Everting Post reports the . stook itiiii`isioney 'market, in that city is day, as follows: Great buoyancy- and. activity •prevails on the Stook Erebange to-day. ,The entire list presents deoided firmness, and, the abaorbing , capacity of the market is more extensive than for • long time past. 'The demand for bond,. is very /Mlles, and all descriptions have undergone an important ad 'ranee. bpeoulaters are operating largely in that elese of securities Which has depreciated most, and whioh would be most, sensibly. benefited by .the downfall of the sece..aion scheme. , . The'roarket was temporarily affected 'by the , an noneoement of a reverse to the Federal :arms in .siisrouriptast the. strong speculative ,inquiry. for the. active stooks prevented a reaction in prioes, and the cone at the close is firm . New York Central °lova at 7545*, Galina at. 65051, llliaoie Oentral 661 , 167. For Reading 36* is bid. -, . . The "litordeiStiste 'stooks—all Southern bends see difficult to buy; except st &large advaroe. Tennesseas sold. largely . at. private sale. at 42}. Missouri& tonobed 411, and large ordera'at that figure are 'unfilled. Loulmanas are. , "; 'Goatees 62 bid. : • , • ' • Northern bonds.are also buoyant and higher, as will be seen by our quotations above. .• Government bonds Isre•in good demandiand'the Sixes rose to 87*: .The Fives of 1871. are Si bid with none offering., _The oouponFives of 1874 sold at 80*; a large improvement. ' The success of. the 'five million Federal loan, made up among thejarge. banks yesterday noon, leer father, the_ avidity with which the entire amount was 'capped up•at sir, is the flutist:A of general day, and Wall street feats buoyant under this new proof, of; the:financial strength of the Go vernment"' It is "a long time singe the Government has been able hinegotiete, in forty minute's, 'a loan of ,five millions at par, and great encuuragemetit is drawn so prompt a manifestation of the coati dence;of the financial community in the adminis tration' of affairs at Washington.' The loan was Namely oonoluded before the takers began pouring their gold into the Sob- Treasury; and before three o'clock yes - erday $3,- 500,000 of the amount had been deposited. To.aay the remaining-51,500,000 will be handed in. -As stated yesterday, this gold ie in' exchange for an equal amount of Treasitry noise/ at par, to run tarty days, sold unden.theiew.of thelast Congreas,whirth antherises the teen i: of notes'for a period of " not exceeding two years." - • . - The loan was taken bylabout forty subsoribers, .principally by the large banks and banking houses The entire amount was subreribed for in aborts for y minutes after theliit woo opened, and the Govern ment could easily' have Varied several , millions more, as far. Cisco, the assistant treasurer, bad numerous applications at a late hoot yesterday, :and the demand this morning is quite pressing. Toe up ; town banks and various institutions which have, large sums idle , are, desirous of employing them in Ulla way, and it would be no difficult mat 'tor to place a few more millions more on the same At the meeiing of the rank officers , yesterday, inrelation to the'entjait, several of the president/ expressed aiwish that.the list of subteribers be ,withbeld . from .publication, and that acqui 'ereed in by a ll present ;" couseqneistly, we are tiii abletolsive' the names of 'the parties to the loan. Farther than this, the reasons for suppressing the list are not given Philadelphia Bio -'• ••• , . --. ialr. I( RIP? 11:11D HI B..E.ELATIILk: Frick' i 2COO Rohl 14 , 060:611 . 1b1 65 311. 1 96 91.60biu6k0e,81i.-.t. 19.16 1 ' 10' - Ve.....1.... - ...4...": 30k. -10 Lehigh •.. I '" .49 1011 Penbli 10 CP1r . '?,•—.124 IWO Catt•di ----•bewil ". . 4011 .. „d 0 —... .45 , • 790 , •;• -do.--L .'96 I 1000 d0•—...:-..- ; 96 ' 100 • d•)-.-.:-... 95 60 do— . R 80 hoc 30 ' do • ' "K• 8 WPM , 3 Fame R—...--. 37% 2 eO.:-.4: Y3l 16u 6o6•lssy P,ref-b5,12, , . • "IfETWEE9 19 -- oriudown R 48 /OW Cb 0 et. An. 64 '7O- 80 . 6.1.6.e.d•rt 11._:-...... 18 60 do-- -_..... N. Iro do —.-- . 18 100 do— -:- . 18 aßcoriii 151.,eil1th ' • ... - .....2... 56 • 30 edinehi I R ..,....:,.. 67M 1 .do --- • . 67x, 1060 'oh Psv 6. '76 :-...6736 71111 Pen ro, it Ist us .... 34. :WO r N-Peons 14 6s ' ..., 61 ' 1000 i. 50u10.65.'44 'Bo_. 87 - 17 Lehi,hl74.l 11._.- 014 • ::10 Yonne. R.:-.. 37M 48 do— —.. 3, 3s] ' .. • • ' •-; !'439351141) 'ri PlitLails:„,' .161 off F6X 67 :Phil69a 9.1161:0ff 6634 • .. It petig. 6. new inoft44 93 ,! !realm, 14.--- -t4s4 la:. .Read Et.- -.. • hut. Iyi 'Read this 10.:-_4 61 .- - •Read am k 'BO '65.17 . Read olt 6s'66_ 'Me . 7 1 1 i Penns It . - CM •- 87)4 Perms R 2d mt.6o E 0 -, Morris Can WO .. , - .. 40- Morno Can Ptd. 1/ 7 3 6 114 Soh' rf its ' O O ..- fig elf • !oh liar Stk.-- 4,4 6 Philadelphia , Markets'. . July.lo--Evening !There 101417.ifittlet,:forpOrt- demand for Flour, „AM 14:111P190/1hiorerati .slowly • prices are . .. 1. 1 7 *. IMP) 4 401 11 1 , 911itt.544 25 for Chicago ins ,POT/iPil,..o.e.2taefb-torantiiiind extra 'family do, $4 . 501415 for Standard Westirn and Pennsylvania 11 uperilne,$f 7525 75 for extra and extra 'family doh anit 9 rsSse 50 for fancy lots, aeoording to ; 1 500 bbls good extra family :norikut $5'.75 par bbl.; the market .oloisedonset undifolders generally are free selle at the e Flour and , Corn Mea ls re not •above rates. RY :insulted for ; the former Is offered , at $3 25, an d elitter (Pennsylvania Ideal) it $2 82}x2.75 per hbl, without sales. aitar.Ttie recelpti intfitaleir are 'light, and the market is dull and depiassed ;:24$ 090 bushels yv sold, at 105,1123 for ellteTh and Penis reds. and 118,1250 for white, is Southern rod IA offered at'll2n, ti'arrive", — and:only a .ftow email lots have 'bow dispoeed. of at about that : rate.. „Ilya's; tlf.,ered at 60x, and very quiet .Corn °outlines sciirbe, bat, the demand is limited ;:4 600 •litis sold , at.513-1543 - for:Southirn and Penns' yellow, do store ,: loolacting . 1 800 bus mlzed , at ; 4B•s4o. Osts are quiet, and prices the same ; 3,000 bushels `Nein rot d'at 293: - Ttißiont -'—There is nothing doing in Quaroltrun, 111.1,105 t quiet at $29 per ton . COriOn —4loleers are very Via in their views, and a few smell sales were madtist - fttllirtioes. • 9noonalas.--There is •rather mote doing, but the, difference In the views of buyers And sellers . „ operations. Paoezeroxe eoutinzte without change in price or . .4amand, and a small business to. note , 'Minstar =.-I There it a ii3quirifi3r bbl 3 at '18 4 18;1 for 'Pennsylvania and.0h10,164 tor drudge, 'and 18io for hid. • • • , Tmc'city of Mexico contains 582 nuns,with an'elpgregate ondOwidelit of over two inftono of dollars. 14 2/13 10 k.lSichaage Bales, pra. rchany, Esohanse. 200 .oh NaV Wet PAN n R 4y.: 96 R 11e.: lo Morrie err .eihrn 313 • 34 Delaware Si :0 Heading 18 40 • do,— ]fOO Beang fie 136—iggon 213 i 1130 • On . 7114 RO Lehigh 30v14 • io Lehi. h Bong hewn 3814 8 's o rievesen •31 • golt 10 Bk H Libertiee.:- 30J Peonage ..... 75 12 Beaver Mandew 67 1 do— . 67 HOARDS Libish 3 5 34 40 do-- . 35.36 -10 . 3336 • , oar S. , 3 , melba.' It . eni 30 BeaTerAtesii,k7..: BOA M. 1)• so 373' 110 Sob Nay YttsPorn 1 ii En do .—.. awn 13% ' 'BO Long Island R. • to .10 do___ 10 7600 Ott, To sec ox, do _KeOIION 1 " 10 ocalAnnstou H .... DO -4 W Plias 603' CBS-FIRM Mei. Atha. h NiVt Pr f 4 .?3 14 bl,oigots ft Pref.- tai 111 J 4 LianalDS 30 Leh CI & tr.— Leh CI & Sop. 36 37, north Penns_ 4 7 PI Pail 66., _ In Penns it 106.-.- ' 76 Commit= ore! 6% • 6 .Id-rto R 3 - 87 38 Raze &Num.-- 2 _ Vicrotta d to 61 Bynum" k Plum.- 8 . Brost? & Castes-LA -