The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 10, 1861, Image 4
Letter from New York. U}UPPINO IN PORT—EXPORT OF COTTON FROM SEM 1, 1860, TO JULY 1, 1861: AMOUNT IN STORE AT THE SOUTH—ONE OF TUE DIVIDENDS —GENERAL TONE OF TIIE STOCK MARKET— WORE SPECIE FROM El ROPR—DEPARTURE OF AUCLIIIISHOP PURCELL—THE GREAT NATIONAL "111 M "—TIIIC LATE RICHARD SANDS—TILE lILANKMAN WILL CASE—CURIOUS LAW PRO CEEDING AOAINET A CHUCK FUNCTIONARY— TIER REST APPOINTED NEIV YORK REOotsriT— DU CIIAILLU'S EQUATORIAL AFRICA—ANOTHER MIDSHIPMAN FROM TILE runLIC SCHOOLS—ART mt. ICorr.rp4ndenos of Th N e Proud EW YORK, July 8, 1861. Your own correspondent has been diverting ! himself with the perusal of that jocose news paper called the Shipping and Commercial List. He ascertains, from a formidable-look ing table filling two of its double columns, Saturday last, 86 n steamships, of (not including river and ferry craft.) 181 ships, 116 barks, 115 brigs, and 146 schooners, making a total of 542 vessels of ail kinds in active trade. The amount of cotton exported from . this port from September 1, 1860. to July 1, 1861, is 245,862 bales, against 186 881 bales in the corresponding period in 1869 and 1860. The exports of the week were 0n1y,.1,184 bales. The stock of cotton in the principal interior markets of the Siuth, at the latest dates, is as follows : 1331. 1860. Augusta and Liamburg, June 1 6 098 20 216 Meoon, Georgia, Jape 1 2 342 4 361 Columbus, Georgia, Mae es 2 527 9 794 Memphis, Tennessee, 15 1 254 9 326 A difference of nearly thirty-two thousand bales, in four towns. Either the planters have sold all out, or the Government have taken possession of it, or there is a mighty mass of the Southern ct King" quietly stored away in the plantations, waiting ibr the raising of the blockade. Among the dividend advertisements in Sa turday's papers, I notice that the Chemical Bank makes a semi anima/ dividend ot twelve per cent. The stock of this bank is worth about 850 per cent. None can be bought. It never suspended specie payments. The stock market, which responds as quick as thought to every public movement relating to the stability of tho Government, gave de cided indication, on Saturday, of the coefi deuce that capital feels at the decided and patriotic tone of the President's message, and the straightforward, sensible suggestions 'ot the Secretary of the Treasury, as to how means shall be raised to defray current ex penses and meet the great outlay for vigo rously carrying on the war. Not only is the plan obviously favored by the Secretary that which meets the approval ot the financial interest, but the universal sentiment is : Any amount of money that will bring hostilities to the speediest conclusion, and any taxes you may deem it imperative to impose for the at• tainment of that object we will go for without question. The stock exchange tells tho me ney side of the story. The stocks of Missouri, Tennessee, and even those of North Carolina and Louisiana, underwent a decided advance on Saturday, and held their own at the board this morning. Government fives rose two per cent., and holders not• at all anxious to sell. These 'facts, transpiring at the fountain head of capital, show how capital feels, and the confidence it reposes in the policy announced in the message of the Executive. Wall street has another •' good lick" to-day in the arrival of $1,105,000 in specie by the Arno, from Havre. Archbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati, was among the passengers for Southampton, by the Bremen, which sailed on Saturday. The Great National Hymn Committee are laboriously at work ferreting out the best one of the hundreds that have been offered for their scrutiny. A seedy individual at my side suggests with diffidence that the country already has a Great National Him—General Scott (1) 1 have no remark to make. The will of Richard Sands, for many years noted as a circus manager, was admitted to probate on Saturday, notwithstanding its va lidity was contested. The heirs-at•law have appealed from the decision of the Surrogate in the Jane A. Blankman (Fanny White) will case ; so that that case will have to be gone all over again in the Supreme Court. A curious case took place last week in the Marine Court. '1 he Stamford Bank brought action on two notes against James Watson Webb, given for the salary of the commercial editor of the Courier and Enquirer. The answer in each case was the same, viz : that the defendant had been duly commissioned as a minister plenipotentiary, &c., by the Presi dent of the United States to the Court of Bra zil, and therefore could not be sued under the Constitution except in a United States Court. The defendant produced his parchment, duly signed and countersigned by President Lincoln and Secretary Seward, and the court, after due deliberation, held that the plea was sufficient, and that the action could not be maintained in a State court. The Mozart-Regiment, which left here for Washington on Saturday, was the best fitted out, in many respects, of any regiment from New York - that has gone from this State, not excepting the Seventh, Twelfth, Sixty-nintb, or Seventy-first. It had ambulances, wagons, baggage ambulances, harness, horses, &c., complete ; commander's tents, wall tents, camp-stoves, boiler, gridiron, oven, pans and kettles of the latest invention, 2,000 pairs of shoes, 1,000 pairs white gloves for parade pur poses, stockings of the finest wool, drawers packed away in camphor and tobacco, 1,000 blankets, 2,200 , each shirts, drawers, and stockings; 100 camp.stools, 40 cots, 60 each . of basins, axes, pickaxes, sod spades; sad dles for officers, 40 litters for the sick, 60,000 rounds of fixed ammunition for Enfield rifles, 30,000 percussion caps, 1,000 mattresses, and abundant appliances of every sort for the suc cessful working of the regiment. In every respect, it is one of the must completely ap pointed commands ever placed in the field. About eighty thousand have been expended for its outfit. Da Obaiilu's wonderfully 'entertaining book on Equatorial Africa is having a large sale, notwitbstanding the hard times. The Harpers struck eff, tor the first edition 4,000, which are nearly gone. The first edition, in London, was 8,000 copies. - It is a very clever work; quite as good as Livingstone. Hon. Moses F. Odell, M. C., from the Biook- lyn district, has set the public-school • boys of that city all agog by his announcement that the scholarship at the United States Naval School, in his gift, will be conferred upon the boy from the public schools who passes the best examination before a committee of teach ers. This, by the way, reminds me' f the fact that the lad from one of Lae public schools of this city, appointed last year to West Point by Hon. D. E. Sickles ' now stands at the head of his Class at that institution. His name is Leydeeker. • Elliott, our great artist, is making a superb picture of Carnocban, our great surgeon, for the Commissioners of Emigration. It is to be suspended in the rooms of the Historical Society. Runoff. Secretary Chase's New Tarig. [From the New York Tribune ) The Secretary of the Treasury, impelled by the hollow sound evoked by any oasual knook on the doors of his Sub- treasuries, has very properly sub. =Wed to Congress a bill to raise additional rave nue by duties on imports It will necessarily oom• mend the eager attention of the entire business community. Toe main. distinguishing features of this bill have already been foreshadowed. They consist of the levying of duties of fifteen aents per pound on the importation of green and ten cents on black teas, Ave cents per pound on coffee and cocoa, atm cents per pound on chocolate (ail now free), with an inorease of the duty on raw sugar from three fourths of a cent to two ann a half oeote per pound, Wliti a corresponding Inorease on refi,.ed sugar, molasses, Ito,, Sco. These are the aistanotiveiy, unmistakably revenue sections of the bill, which we trust will be accepted without opposition. It were pleasanter not to pay these duties; , but the Secretary must have money, and we cannot borrow to advantage unless we provide for payment. Wo these purely revenue duties will have to be laid on. Gov. Chase, inoreass the duties on imported liquors generally, and to sabstititte specific for the ad valorem rates imposed on wines by the present tariff This ohmage with •respeot to wines W substantially a return to the provisions of Mr. Mortill's original bill, which the Senate saw At' nicer unwisely to alter. Of course, we approve this feature of the new sot. Mr. Chase proposes to inoreate the duty on salt from 4 ',ants per 68 pounds to 15 cents per IN pounds—nearly doubting it. /c might be supposed from the fact that the new tariff' is complete in itielt, that the alterations aro more numerous and more important than they no tnally are. Bat, though ail the articles are enu merated, it will be found on comparison that many, if not most of them, are subject to the same impost as by the present tariff while with regard ro otters the change la inoonaiderable. Yet there are some of these slight changes which we think were het ter unmade. On iron, far instance : Present Tariff. Mr. Chase's Bill. Iron, pig, per t0n.....$ 8 $ 5 Iron, , oar, " 15 14 Iron, railroad " 12 10 Now, if the modest reduction proposed by Mr. Chase would be 'wonted by the bitter enemies of the present tariff as an end pf controversy on the eubj-ot, we should be willing to acquiesce, and world urge our friends to do so; but we know it will not. They will only be encouraged to insist on sod agitate for farther conoessions. With great reepeot for Governor Chase's judgment in the pre miees, therefore, we must think it boot to leave the duties on .iron—as be does those on coal—jast as they are. Still, we say, it the reduction recom mended by Governor Chase will be accepted by the opponentirof the present tariff as a settlement of the matter, we would advise their adoption ; otherwise not. We are not inolined to favor any reduction of the present duty on sleet Mr. Chase proposes to sub. stitute one Cent for one and a half per pound as the lowest rate. Now, the present duty is very moderate—that of '42 was two and a half cents. The steel production of this country is jtit now in an interesting stage of development. Several. American inventions of great promise are being iteperfeetion. We believe they ate ealculatoki to TO 113 good steel cheaper than we ever. impor tedit. Bat the British steel interest is very strong here—strong with the trade—strong with the Press—sad abundantly able to spend $lOO,OOO to crush out its young rival, and rem. boreal the* outlay from its next year's profits. *lt Aeems to us an excellent time for letting the steel distl.reverely alone. We'fiiie - not had time to compare the two bills throughout, but we believe Mr. Chaim makes little alteration in the drape on textile fabrics. It may be that come woollen fabrics are proposed to 1.” ad mitted at considerably lower rates than at present;' it so, wo do not approve the change. For here is just the point on which we think the sincere opponents, on revenue grounds, at the pre sent (Morrill) tariff are mistaken ; they look on the recent and present restriction of oar imports as a oonsequenoe of ale tariff, when it is almost exela eively the result of the, great rebellion. We are not impi.rting much beside Enfield rifles and Whitworth field-artillery, because we need all our means for the prosecution of the desperate struggle which in volves the life of the nation Nobody h laying in a cellar of rare wines, nor filling his house with Parisian furniture; we are not buying porcelain,. ormolu, or bronzes; even Flora Malmsey wears her old dresses, and cares nothing for the laet new bonnet, for her heart is with a gallant of goer On the Potomac,' and she spends her days making havelock& for his soldiers, unheeding Broadway and the avenue, Baratoe.a and Newport, and leaving the last new -novel tnow six weeks old) unopened, end only snatching time from her en thusiastic labors to read the bulletins and rumors from the seat of war. Were there no tariff at all, we should be buying very little of Europe at present ; but we are using up oar old stooks and shall be perleotly ravenous for novelties when the war is over, and shall buy them, tariff or no tariff Whenever 'we feel righ and prosperous, our taste for silks, wines; and other vanities and oreature•comforts will revive, and be all the keener for' its Lenten vigiloind it will be gratified, whether the imposts to be overleaped range.from. twenty to thirty per gent ~ or from thirty to forty. We trust, therefore, that the pro tcotive features of the present tariff will be tonehed very lightly, at least at this session. Remember that it was not the protective tariff of 1828, but the reduced Verplank tariff of 1832, that bouth Caro lina nullified in 1833 A BILL TO PROVIDI FOR TES BRTTBR ORGANIZATION 12 221 44 197 OF TM; MILITARY BaTARLIFIIIMENT. Eitioticn I provides for the appointment of an As sistant Secretary of War, with a salary of three thousand dollars per annum. Section 2 reorganizes the Adjutant General's office; provides one adjutant general, with rank, pay; /So., of brigadier general ; one aaaistant, with rank, pay, to , of a oolonel of cavalry; and two assistants, with the rank, pay, As., of lieutenant colonel of cavalry ; four assiatants, with rank, pay, &a., of majors of cavalry ; and twelve assistants, with the• rank, pay, am., of captains of cavalry ; and there shall be added to the Bak:41108mm De pariment two commissaries, pith rank of majors of cavalry. Section 3 provides for additional wagoners. Seeders 4 adds to the ordnance department one chief, with the rank, pay, .to , of quartermaster. general ; one colonel, one lieutenant colonel, and tax second lieutenants. Seotion 6 adds to the corps of engineer', by regu lar promotion, ono brigadier general, one colonel, two lieutenant oolonels, and two majors ; vacancies to be filled by appointment of graduates from the Military Academy. Section 8 adds to the corps of engineers, three companies of engineer soldiers, with the same pay as sappers and miners, under the act of 1846. Section 7 adds to the medical department not ex- Deeding ten surgeons. and not exceeding twenty assistant surgeons, at the discretion of the Presi dent. Also, by regular promotion, two assistant surgeon generals, with the rank, pay, Ao , of lieu tenant ootonels of eavalry, who shall be inspectors of military hospitals. Seaton 8 adds a corps of medical oadeta to act as dressers in hospital and ambulance attenders in the field, with pay of oadeta at West Point; num ber at no time to exceed 100. Section 9 provides that female nurses may be substituted for soldiers, to receive 40. cents a day and one ration, in kind or by commutation. Section 10 provides for the appointment of 'chap lains, with the pay, iko., of captains of cavalry. Section 11 provides for the appointment of oa dets to the Military 'Aoademy, and 'adds to the number of cadets two from 'each State, to be ap pointed by nominations of Senators. Section 12 provides for three months' extra pay to soldiers re enlisting.. Station 14 repeals the ant authorising the dis charge of minors. Section 15 provides that the oath of allegiance be administered to enlisted men by any oommis cloned ohlser. Section 16 provides that the dragoons, two regi ment; the mounted rift men, and the two real. menu of cavalry, shall be known as Ist. 21, 3d, 4th, and sth regiments of cavalry, the officers to retain their present relativii . raoh. filiation 17 provides that the articles of subsist enoe may be varied by the Commissary General, under the direction of the Secretary of War. BILL TO PROMOTE THE 1/PIOIIIIICT 0/ THE ABUT ' The Preaident may retire, upon their own ap plication, officers who have served as sea for forty years, and are incapacitated by reason of wounds, received in their •lise of duty, from sickness or exposure, or from any. other incident of service, with the pay proper and allowances Axed by law fur the highest rank held by them at the time of their retirement, whether by regimental or staff oommissions ' and the next officer in rink shall be promoted to the place of the retired officer, Re cording to the rules of the service; and the same rules of promotion shall be applied seociessively to the vacancies consequent upon the retirement of an officer. The President, on the application of an officer to be placed upon the retired list, may, in his discretion, direct the Secretary of War to refer the application to a board of not more than thirteen nor less than live officers, to be composed, as far as may be, of his seniors in lineal rank, and preferably of officers already retired, their decision to be approved by the President ; then said board to report In what the inoapa•• city results ' • if from leug and faithful service, from wounds, or injury received in the line of duty, from sickness or exposure therein, or from : any other inoldent of service, when the officer shall be placed upon the retired list according to the provisions oiled. If otherwise, he may be retired with his pay proper alone, or with his service ra tions alone, at the discretion of the President, or be shall be wholly--retired from service with one year's pay and allowance,. and in this lest ease but name shall be thenceforward omitted from the army register. Officers partially retired shall be entitled to wear the uniform of, the respective grades, and their names continue to be borne upon the army register, and they shall be subject to the rules and articles of war, and to trial by general court martial for any breach of the said articles. A proviso limits the number on the retired list at any one time to seven pereent. of the whole number of officers of the army , fixed by law. This was referred to a select committee appointed by the Vice President—Messrs. Wilson, Hale, Lit tham, Sherman, Powell, Corwin, Kiag , Kennedy; and Howe. The others were referred to the Mili- tary Committee. A BILL TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF WEST POLE? ARMY CADETS. The following is the bill of Mr. Cox, of Ohio, to increase the number of cadets at West Point ice dem Bey it enacted by the Senate and house of Rep resentatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled: SZCTION 1 That the , President of the United States in hereby authorized and euipowered, when he shall deeni it expedient, to appoint thirty cadets to the West Point Academy, with the pay and cations now provided by law. . Sac. 2 That from, after, and including the pre sent year, in all oases of appointments of cadets to West Point Academy, the indiVidual selected shall be an actual resident of the Congressional district of the State, or' Territory; or District of Columbia, from which the appointee purports to have been appointed : and _provided, further, that the number of cadets by. appointments here after to be made. including the present year; shall be thrice times the number of the -Representatives and delegates in Congress, and the -District of Columbia shall be entitled to have three oadets at said Academy ; providing - that 'nothing in this election shall prevent the appointment. of an ad• dittoes] number of cadets, not exceeding thirty, to be appointed at large, without being confined to a eeleotion by Congressional districts. Sec. 3. That tr.., term of all cadets hereafter appointed shall be limited to four years. • t•Ec 4. That the forty ninth section of the act for the organization of the army of the United States, and all other parts of said act inconsistent herewith, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. - A Pownita MILL, of one thOnsand tons ca pacity in twenty-four hours, is advertised for tale in the Cbarlestorkpapers. AT Tea Bmi FIGnTs; ef the 15th and 16th ultimo, at Matanzas, a stogie man slaughtered eleven bulls. ACCORDING to the New York City In sp actor's report there were 393 deaths in the city during the past week. Tacnc". HARDEE took command of the rebel forces at Mem nt.te on the 24th ult. ROF. WO , 'DT RESTORATIVE CORDIALp BLOOD iturroveToß. Is precisely what the name Indioatar, for. with pleasant to the taste, it is revivifyingosilearating, and strengthening to the vital powers. - t also re vivifies, reinstates. and renews the blood in all original purity, and thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It le the only Preparation ever- offered to the world in- a popular form, so as to be within the reach or all. So ohemi ally and skilfully combined as to be the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted as to act tie perfect accordance with the taws af uses, and baize •sootko the weakest stomach, - ein tone up the digestive organs. and allay all nervous and other initation. - It is also perfectly exhilara ling in its eneeta , and yet it is never followed by ' las situde or depression of spirit'.-It is composed entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly com , bining powerfully tonic and soothing properties, and I consequently can never injure.' Buch a remedy has ; long beenthit to be a desideratum in the medical , world, both' by the thoroughly skilled- in medical science, and also by all who have guttered from de- . hiaty ; for it'needs no medical skill or knowledge • even to see that debility follows all attacks of dis ease and lays the unguarded system open to the attacks of many _of the mast dangerous to which e nor humanity is constantly liable. - Bush, for ex &Mete, es the follcroring : Consumption, Bronohitis, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Faint ness. Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, Palpitation of th e Heart, Melancholy, Bypoohondna, Nigh Sweats, Lasneuor, Giddiness, and all that alas' ,o oases, so fearfully fatal if unattended,to in time. Galled Annals nrsakottSts and irregularities. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Com plaints, Diseases o the Kidneys, Spalding or, In continence cif the' Urine, or ally general derange.. meat of the Urinary Organs, Pain in the Bank.Btde, and between the Shoulders, predispOsttiOn to slight Hrtekipg and Continued Couch, Emaciation [lnanity in Breathing, and, indeed, we might enn me rate ninny more stall. but we have space only to, say it will not only cure the debility following Cluua and Fever. but prevent all attacks arising trom Miasmatic Influences, and oure the ammo at once, if already attacked. and as it acts dl teeny andsersigentir upon the Inlitiry system, arousing the Liver to action pro in fact, all the ex . orations and secretions of the system, it will infal libly prevent any deleterious Consequences follow ing upon change of climate and water ; hence all travellers ahould have a bottle with- them,* end all ; hould take a table-spoonful at least before eating ' As it prevents costivenese, strengthens the Meas . dee organs, it should be in the hands of all persons of je d e negry.. habits: student', ministere,isterary me . ; an d •all- ladies not socuetomecrto much out - door exerowe should always use it. If the will. they will find an agreeable. pleasant, anneffiewint, remedy against those ills which rob them of their beauty; for beauty .cannot exist without health. wad health oarinot exist while the above irresnivt ; ' ties continue. Thenotgain, the Cordial is &perfect ▪ Mother's Relief. Taken lemonth or two before the ▪ final tnal, she will pass the dreadful .period with perfect ease and safety There is so vitstakr about it, this Cordial is a ll we claim for it. Mothers, try •it ! And to yen we appeal to detect the Ulnas/ or ' decline. not only or your daughters, before it beim° - tate, but also your sons and husbands, for walla • the former. Gore false delicacy, often. go down to • a premature grave rather than let their condition wi for th yo tte t e il x e ci y i . te ux, me , be known In time, the ter are often go mixed us , nwtonlldbustrainve e se l in tti t a h t e if sa it m w e e d r o e vß not ward path. until too late to arrest their fatal fan., But the mother Is always vigilant 'a d to to , nfidenUy appeal for and to w • u . ilifeotio are your_never- . Wand's Restorative Cord will ralngl.p po t int you . to Prof. as the remedy w h ich ould a t ' a.Y • Re nova t o" tinmorneed , J, WOOD pro al ways on haul . in eabliew York, and 114 fhar e l le!,or, 4 4 . 4.8r0ad- • M 0..; and-sold by all good' l fr ue etha• -Levu , Dollar per Bottle. • riles, One - •ld in this city by B . A. FAHNESTOCK 7 and 9 North* FIFTH Street.; R AB E / - --Sr. AlitD TWELFTB -and CHEBTIa UT &recta, d OTE " GO., 930 North SECOND 'Street. ftn Y oollt-smirf d-ecnirWtf Military Bills. HAIR RESTORA.TI YR. OFFICIAL PROPOSALS FOR ARMY BAGGAGE wnooNs. IatrA.SITRAMMITSIII GENERAL'o , OPITME,{ WARIIINGTON. 21. 1861. $ Proposals ere invited for the furnishing of Army Bag gage wagons Proposals should state the prioes at whioh they oar. be furnished at the places of manufacture, or at l'ew York, Philadelphia, lisitimore. Weelangton, .or Cinoinnata, as preferred by the bidders. The number which can be made by any bidder within o month alter receipt of the ord.r , also the number . . . ioh he can deliver within one week.. The' Wagons must exec ly onnformltti the folrowing spy oificattoi it, and to the established patterns. Rix-mule -(covered wagons, of the axe and desorip boa as follows. to wit: • • The front wheels to' be three feat ten inches high, hoar ten inches In diameter, and • fourteen end a gnat.- tee 'ochre long q uart e r wheels :our diameter tnoh• s hubs ten and a inches in and lourteen and a quarter it,ohea 100 tellies two and a half inches wide and two and three-quarter inches -closet oast iron pipe loxes t; xes rwelvednones long. two and a half inches at the large end and one end seven-eighths inch et small end ; tire two and a half tootles wide b.. five eighths of an inch • 11'0c: fastened wi h one screw- bolt .and not to each faille; hubs made of gum the spokes and Mlle of the hest white oak, free from defects:each wheel to have a sand band and linohpia band two and three-quarter inches wide: of No 8 band iron. and two driving oands—outside band one and a .qoarter inch bs one quarter tacit' thick, inside , band one tnoh or three-sixteenths inch thick ; the hind wheels to be made and boxita so that they will measure from the in side of the tire to the large end of the cox six and a half inohes, and front wheels six and one-eighth inches in a parallel line. and each axle to be three feet eleven and three-eighth inches from the outside of one shoulder washer to the outside of the o her, so as to have the Amiens' alt to track five feet from centre to centre of the wheels. it xletrees to be made of-the best quality refined a nierican Iron, two and a half inches square at the anrulder. taper ng down to one and a.baif limb in the middle. with& seven-eighths inch king-b -et bole in each axletree; war' •rs and linchpins for each axletree; size of linohpins one inch wide. th•ee-eighths °ran inch thick. with a hole in each end ; a wooden stook four and three-quarter inches wide and four inches deep fas tened 'abate-lei:dill° the axletree with olive on the ends and with' two bolts. six inches from the middle. and fastened to the hounds and bolster, (the, bolster to be four feat fire inohes long, five inches wide. and . three and a half inches deep,) with lour half-inch binti. • The tongue to be ten feet &eta inches -long, four inches wide, and three inches thick at front end of the hounds, and two and a quarter ;inches wide by two and three-quarter inches deep at the front end. and so hr ranted aa to lift up, the front end of It to hang within two feet of the ground when the wagon is standing at rest on a level surface. The front hounds 'to be six • feet two Inches long,' three inches thick. and four inches wide over axletree, and to ret-ya that width to the back end of the tongue; Jaws of the hounds one foot eight incihra long and three inohos square. at the front end. with a mate of iron two and a hair inches wide by three eighths of an inoh cheek, fastened on top of the hounds over the back end ot the -tongue with -one half-inch sorew bolt in each eud, and a plate of iron of the same-size turned uo at each end one and a' half inches to o amp - the front hounds together. and fastened on the under side. andat freed end of hounds, with half inch screw bolt through each hound, a seven-eighth inch bolt through tongue end hounds In the centre of jaws. to secure the . tongue in the hounds ; • plate if iron three inches wi de. one quarter inch think an one foot eight mottos long, secured on the inside or awe of hounds wit, two rive s, and a plate of same dimensions on each side of the tongue. where the tongue and hounds run together. secured in like manner ; a brace of seven •• ighthe of an inch round iron to;extrind from under the front axle tree: and take two bolts in front panto the hon• de, game Maim threeptuarters of an mob round to'continue to the-back part of the hounds, end to he factotum with two bolts, one near the back end of the hounds. and througho tt n e e openn i the slider and bounds ; a brace over front bolster one end half inoh *ids one-quarter of an inch Wok -with a bolt in 'soh end to fasten it to the hounda; ee,we, a tee jaws of the hounde, to receive the tongue. four and three-quarter in hes in trent, and four and a half inches at he buck Dart of the taws 'I he hind hounds four feet two 'inches long, two end' three quarter inches th ok, a'.d three inches wide ; jaws one foot lone where the• clasp the ()tidying pole; the ooleter four feet five trusties long and five inches wide b• three inches deep. with ste.dy iron two and a half inches wide by ore half mob thick turned up two and a half inches and fastened on . ach end web three mete ; the bolster stooks and hound.. to be sectored with four brof•inch screw bo.ts, and one bait-inch screw bolt through the ooupling pole. Tne cowing pole nine feet eight inches long. three inches deep. and four and a half inches wide at front • end, and two and thred-quarter inches wide at book end ; distance from the centre of king bolt hole to the cm , t ie of the hack Warms six feet one inch and from the centre of ki' g bolt hole to the cantle of the mortice in the hind end of the pole eight feet nine inches; tog bolt one and a quarter inches diameter, of best refined iron, drawn down to-seven-eighths of an inch where it passes through the iron ax•etree; iron plate six inches long, three inches wide, ace one.eightb of an inch thick On the doubletree and tongue where they rub together; iron plate one and a half by one-quarter of an inch on' the alid•ng liar. fastened at each end be es .rew bolt through the hounds; front bolster to have plates above and, below eleven inches long. three and a half inches wide. and three•eighths down o n th ek• corners drawn out and turned on the sides of the bolster, with a n-il nn eaph corner, and four coun tersunk nails on top; two bands on the hind hounds. two and two sod a half inches wide, of leo, I bend iron; the rub plate on the oeupling.pole to be eight inches tong one and three-quarters inches wide. and one (Dinner of en inch thick. Doubletree three feet feet ten Inches long. aingletree two reef eigh mohes long, ail well made ot hieltorY, with an iron nog and clip at each eott;the moire (dip to be well secured lead bar and strotolier to be three feet two' inches long, two and a quarter inches wide, and one and a quarter inoh . think l earl ba s. etre otters. and singletiees for six mule team ; the two sineletrees for the .end mules to have hooks in the middle to book to the end of the fifth` chain: the wheel and middle pairs with open rings to attach them to the doubletree and lead bar. 'The fifth chain to be• ten feet !nag to the fork; the fork one•toot -ten inches long. with the stretcher et taohed to 'wad the forks apart ; the Units of the don bletree, stay and tongue chainsthree-e ghths of an -Inoh in diameter; he forked chain seven-sixteenth inoh in do• meter ; the fifth chain to be seven-sixteenth inch diameter to the fork ; the fork to be five-sixteenth inch diameter ;Abe-links of these and ofehe look chains to be i ot more than two and a quarter a ones lung The body to be straight. three feet six inches wide, two feet deep. ten feet I og at the b.,ttom, and ten feet inches et the top, eloping equally at each end all in the clear or inside ; the bed pieces to he two and a half inches uede and three inches neep; front pieces two inches deep by two and a half molten wide; tali piece two and a half inches wide and three tootles deep; and four mottos deep one the m.ddlY to rest Ott coupltng pole ; top rail one and a half inett thick be onn and severe eighth inch wide ; lower rails one inch thick by cue and "e'en eighth inch wide ; three studs and one rail in front, with et Beat on strati hinges to close it uo as high as the sides': a box three feet four inches long the bottom five - incbea wide front side: nine and a half inches deep. and eight and a half inoh sat tee top in parallel line to the boey all in the meter, to be sub stantially fastened to front end of the body, to - have an iron strap -passing round each end. se , cured to the. bead *tie and front rail by a rivet in each end ,of it-oeseine th rouila them. the Ild- ibe fastened to the front rail - wit h two gond st ap hinges, a strap of five-eighth iron around the box a nalf itch from the 00 edge, and two straps same size on the lid near the front edge. to orevent,the mules 'from eating the ' boxes ; to have aJoint base fastened to the middle of I the lid, with a gond wooden cleat on .he inside• astray of•tron on the centre of the box with a staple p ening .through it, to fatten the lid to; eight etas and two rails on each sine one bolster fastened to the body, six inches deep and four inotiee wide at king b hole; iron rod in front and centre, of eleven sixteenths of an inoh round imp, with a head on the top-of rail and nut on lower end; Iron rod and nraoe behind with sboulders o n top of tail piece , and nuts on the under side. and a nut on top ofrail ; a p ate two and a half inches wide, of Into 10 nand lion on tail piece. across the booy ; two mortifies in tail piece and hind bar two and a gnarter niches wide and one inoh thick to receive pieces three feel four inches long. to be used as harness mime; four rivets tnrough each side seal. end two ?juke tnrongh each front stud, to reoure the lining boards, to . be of ihe beet quality iron. and riveted o a ood bur ' one rivet through each end of the ' rata; floor ..11.0 eiehths of an inch oak ; boards; sides five 'eighths of an inch white pine. tail Award three-quar ters of an inoh tniok. of white pine, to be well cleated wi l treve oak cleats riveted at each end th rough the tat -board ; an iron plate three feet eight inches long, two and aqua/ter inohee wide and three-mg hats of an inch think on the u der side or the bed pie°e. to extend from the hind end of the body to eight inches in front of the hind bolsters. to be fattened by the rod at the end of the body. by the lateral rod end two three eighths of an inch screw bolts one at the forward end of the plate. and the other about eget-distant uetween it and the lateral rod. A half inch round iron rod or belt to pass diagonally through the -rails, between the two hind elude to and through the bed piece and plate under it. with a toad head im the top and nut and screw at the bottom to be at the top one foot six inches from inside of tail board, and on the bottom ten inches f rom the bind rod. An iron clamp two inches wide, one quarter of an inoh think arotted the bed pieo•. the cen tre bolt to whiten the .00k °ham is attached wowing through it, to extend seven inches on the inside of the body. ihe ends, top, and b ttom to be secured by two three-et 'Oahe mole screw bolts, the middle •bar at the co d s to be flush with .the bed puma on the lower side. locs chains Saddled to the centre bat of the body, one end eleven inches, theother two feet six tech -along. to be of th tie-eighths of , an inch round iron; feed trough to he four teat six inches long from out to out. toe bottomaud "nos of oak, :besides of yellow pins, to be eight inobes wide at bottom. twe:ve inches wide at top. and eight and a half inches deep all in the clear; well ironed, w th a hand of hoop - i ron around the top, one around each end and three between the ends, strong mid suitable irons to fasten them on the tongue when feeding ,• good at one chains to be atuteheo to the top rail of the body. secured by a staple with a hook to attach it to the trough. Rix bows ef cool ash. two in. hes wide and one half inch thick. with three staples to - oonfiee the ridge pole to its place ; two stapi•e on the body. to Beanie each end of the b we; one ridge mite tselve feet long, one and thiee.quarters inoh wide by five-eighths of an inoh thiolt ; theloover to be of the first quality cotton duck. fifteen feet long and nine feet eight inches wide, made in the best meaner.' with four hemp Fords on each side and one through each end to close it at both ends; t • o rings on each end of the body, w close and secure the ends of the cover ; a staple in Abe • lewer rail. near the second s'nd from each end. to faeten the side made. Thy outside of the body and feed trough to have two good (mate of white lead, colored to, a blue tint the inside of toem to have two coats f venetian red paint ;• thereon ng gear and wheels to have two gOod coats of venetian red darkened of a chocolate color, the hub and Jel Ma to be well pitched, instead of painted, if required. A tar-pot. an, extra lone bon, and two extra single trees to be .furniatted with each wagon. the.king and singletrees similar in all respects to those belong in to it. Each side of the,body.of the wagon to be. marked U. 8.. and nuutbered misdirected ;.811.0teetAISTte to be et- Wald U.S.; the cover, feed box, bolts. linchpin.. tar pot. end harness bearers for each wagon to Lie put up in a strong box,(cooperect) and the contents marked thereon. It is to be distinctly understood that the vegans are to be so constructed that the several partner any one wagon winner°. and exaetit fie those of any other. so as to require no nem••ertne or arranging for petting eci getter, and all the materials used P•i• their construction to be of -rte best quality • -all the wood Dioronghll sea soned, and the work in elf its parts faithfully executed in the b est workmanlike manner. - .The work - may be Inspected from time - to time as it progresses by an officer or agent al l the Quartermaster's Departteeet. and bone 'of it s all be painted nerd It shall have been ,insimoted and approved be said officer or as out - authorized -to teepee, • it; When finiehed. painted. and scoop ad by an officer or event of the Quartermsateee Depertir ent, and delivered as herein agreed. they shall be paid for. el. C. ?de IGS. to ett-tf • Quartermaster Gneral U.S. auWNI3 EsSENOE Of 'LesItAIOA B GINGER.—FREDERICK BROWN, Chemist and Drug4ist, northeast corner of Chestnut and Fifth alp., phi elphia, sole manulsoturer of Brown's Essence of Jame op Ginger, which recognized and preson bed by the medical faculty and has become the standard family medmike of the United States:- • • - This Essence is a preparation of unusual exoellenoe. in ordinary diarrhtea, incipient oholera, in short, in all oases of prostration of the digestive functions, it is of inestimable value. During the prevalence of epidemic cholera and pammersiognputtnts of children, it is pecu liarly efficacious -110- ,- individual, or traveller should be without it. NOTICE.—To prevent this valuable Eeeonce from being counterfeited. St new steel engraving, executed at 'a great coat, will be round on the outside of :the wrap- Per, in order to guard the purchaser against being *n oosed upon by worthless imitations: 1068, . Prepared only by FREDER,ICK:BROWN, and for sale at his Drug and Chemical Store. N. E, corner of Fifth and Chestnut streeta, Philadelphia, and at FRE DERICK BRIM N, Drug and Chemical Store, S. E. corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, " Conti nental"' Rotel. Ptuladhia. Also for sale by all r•- s h ..ptsibli Tinereiste Sb. livotost litt..4lx• TIER SVNEKLY. 1/10185 been established on a aeon re and permanent foundation, Malt is, in roalit7, axnaryellons example of the degree of layor whiob a rightly-oondnoted LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND NZWEI JOURNAL can receive at the hands of a liberal and enlightened Public). Our most grateful , thanks are tendered for the patronage already. bestowed upon us; and we shall spire no efforts whioh may serve to render the paper even more attraotive;useful. and popular in the future. The POLITICAL course of THE WEEKLY FREW need not be enlarged upon here. .; Independent, steady, and fearless. it has battled, unwaveringly and zealous ly, in defence of the RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE against EXECUTIVE USURPATION, end n4eir and tyrannicig legislation ever deolariui and adhering to the doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY °out totes the fundamental basis of our froo tnsdtattons, and that the intellaunoe and patriotism of our oltisens wilt always be. preadroatioo of a wise, mot z and salutary Oor ernmeni: ' Tbreee are l i the 'oriel:4o4e to whioh THE WEEKLY PRESS hag been cautztutted, and to these " will adhere.' s; One Copy. one year Three Copies, one --. a 00 Five Copies, one 8 60 Ten comae. one Year...—. 11 PO Twenty Copies, to one address. at the rats of St per 00 Twenty Copies, to one address of aeon sab , moriber.-- 00 . Spacemen Comes will be forwarded to theallirit.e re quest them. - - gopsonytiona 1216 - santroenoe at any ilia.* Mara" cash, in ratlines. All letters to"be address:ail ti JOHN W. FORNEY No. 417 471INSTNIDT STREET ) . ' "` , t 5". PME I. A D .151 I. P INC Pte.-:PlittOOla'll1A, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1861. CEPHALIO PILLS TICILUS: aulis SICK HEiDACHE. NERVOUS 1-..,ADACHE CURE ALL D 8 OY Ig:EADA . CHE I BY tko Ilse 0 1 these rills the imirlodloal eickaki of No.- gnu 'Or Sick Hificlffelic may be orsyented ; and if taken it the commencement of an tittook immediate relief from Dam and Mottoes' will be obtained. They seldom falltin removing the Natillie “11111 "taut ache to which female* are go oubloot. They act gently on the bowels, removing rettlegaggr. For Literary Ms*, Brisdicstsi Delicate Pcmales, and all persona of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Lazativs, imvioTilli the Granite. giving teat and viler to the digestive organs. and restonng thetistaral elas ticity and strength of the whole system. -.. Ti'e CEPHALIC PILLS are the remit of limn investi gation and oarstolly oonchmtOd experlmenb, . harinc ooen in use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain ani nifferinc from Headache, whether original:lhp in the wn•ers system or from a demised state of the ate-- mesh. • 'Whey are entirely vegetable in ,their eerapogition, ant easy be taken at all tik es with veriest gaiety withoxt sicking any change of diet, and tAs airsenes of any digs greeable touts readers it earn etteitaistir tenet to centres. • ' K WARS ow 00 LTSTIIIOIOB I The gIIIIII.IIO 114110 /TOWillarsailit lam' S. Spalding on enah Box. Cold by Dreg:Jett eni el tither Dealers to Idebeinee. A Box be emit by gall prepaid on ranetpi of tie PRSOE. CJE74II:I--5 All ettsra add:l=a N7ir 0. SPA k 4DINCIL 4 cEDLIt LTJXLT. Jusw yogi VI FOLLOWLNO EDIWISICIIIICIMS Or ISPAIIDrNEY'S CEPHALIC s Wll.l. 00AVDION JILL WlO IMPF7:II FROM HEAD AGB 'IA, .A 13PRIDIVANDISUBB cum is WITHIN THIMRT BRAWL . . As . Mars Tistiortemisli LIS solookiettyd by Mr. SrAi.s. Ise, - iJord solsvamstiossabls•yroof tf -ti's tR easy if 14ii grimly scittallfis discovery. • IliAsepivnar. Minn.. Fob; f. 11E1 ertilum. • •-• ana: • I have tided..your Cephalic Pills, and I las :Con re wll thst I want yog to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few of the first bon. I Sot from Y9t 6 . • Send thd Pills by meal, and °blue Year oh t Servant, • • JAMES IRILIKEDY. IiAVXIIIOII.II, Ps., Fob. I, III! Inlx. illnaxaxxo. Mtn_ I wink you to send me One more box of yosr Goebel, ow 2111 i. 1 taut ?wised* groat dim/ of bls frets lAms. Yours r e 1 , 4 Y AITN 8701XMOVIES, Incurs Csitax,llvemptenox COINVY, Pa. Jantary us, Ua. grolortio. • ani.: •• p p; wi l l i l ni ft=end e me two i bozo! of yonr.Goolialio Xeroot i rlty 'row _2rs • .• JllO. B. ll= 7, 8.—11141V0 ItS4lVi4 tAows eastlinat. - BELLE. VizaroN, Ohio, Jan. U, ThBl 4 I. C. BraLnuta, Esq. . Plaaaa find enclosed twenty-live cents, for which sand as another box of your Cephabo Tern are truly ate Net Pills limes Na tried. A. Er/OVER, P. M., Bella Vernon. Wyandot so,, 0. itarsit.a, Ildass.. Dee. 1.1. G,SnaLame, Esq. • • I wish for some circulars or large show bins, to bring yoar Genitalia Pills more partionlarly before MY MU tamer,. If you have anything of the hind please send .me. one of my customer.. who is subject to severe Slog lgoadaohe, (Irnally lasting two days,) was cured ar ea atlas& is sag ♦sur by your Pills, which I sent her. lesneetfally years *. B. WILKES, KIIMOLDInvms, 011. linatry 9,1511. ALlit.Y. C. armanne, wo. 48 Cedar:ft,. Z . Y. DIABIZ: - • 111014?&All a t tire l ikty-#ve Gentian) for . which box 9 ha' Sondgod rows of Rol , . Wm. 0. Filler. Rernoidlhoro. Frank Co. Your Pills work iito • charm—ours tisisdaelio a /mut ht4l4lli4f. - Truly Team WIC C. FLI.A.S/1.. Troia-ail. Max.. Jai, it, lin. SIEZ. SPAlailliii. • ' Nut: , Art long 211166 I sent to yclo for atoz 440800 Pilha ll for the °ere of the fieryougeadeohe and =ipso. &xi reeersed the same, and they , As& as' and= kfest ass / 111163 in.duaed as solid for wens. • - .. • fleas' seed lky return nail. Direot to A. I. NTA g Wat igua. ' V: Prom ses Esserissr, Iferfsik, Ye. (I•plialle Pills aosompliskt the object ref wkick 1118 7 were made, viz.: Cure of headeohe in aline ferias. /Yew eAe Bresesiteer, Nerfoik, la, They have Veils' teeted is more OM a tkeemmt fain, with entire inteoWW: /row* 'Destinnit. Si. =nut, MOIOIII If you are, oi haye been troabled with the headaohe, send for a box, (Ceohatio alma so that you may hay. them in came of an attaok.. From thi Actirtrtiso Previdasea, A. I. The Ceptuslio Pille are said to bee remarkablv effec tive remedy-for the headache, end - ode of the very bed( for that very frecuept oomptaint which hes ever-beer discovered. ~ • Frew Out Wssists A.B. dastotts, Ckicage, Bt. We hbartily anionic' Mr. Spalding, gra him lutrivalleil ilez.halics Prim tlit IfaaawAs Tallnt Star, Hanewas, Tm, •We are care that_eareona coffering with the headache, who try them, will stick to them. /hem the Souther* Path Finder, Nis Orleans, La. Try them ! you that are afflicted. and we are sure that your testimony oan he added to the already numeroas Wit that has repair* , benefits that no other a:diotns san produce. "Vest as kit. Louis .I)sossersr, isTDe lmmen T s 66l e demand6oC for the article (Ckrphalio ?ills pidly 1110. lreet ohs Gosling. DainkinWi. /*VC Mr. Spalding would not oonneot ammo with an at hole he did not know to poetess real merit. Iron ter Adesrtisirr. - Proeittenu. I. The testamorir in their favor le strong, from tke meet tesobotable quarters. - /row th Deity Nis's. isi‘wr of I, llopkalle Ping are takint Cie r•e'eof all kinds. Irmo Ma 601,171441 Viii Bestm, Kass, Mild le he very ellionatove for the heattaele. hem t,►e Commercial, Civiciasat4, 0 Illarerins kimanity oan now be relieved. ar A fizzle rattle If IMAM:4IIIn riusrAtuss 01.1113 will Nan tin LIMN Choir slut 11111•11.1. SPALDENGI3 PREPARED GLOB I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE EIPALDINOr'S PK/SPARED GLUE I GAVE TM; P.l3so)Sji ECONOMY: sir.. A STITCH In Matz Mayas lims."'"111 As sooidente •will lumen. even la well-regulated families, it ts vary desirable to haye some abase and aoneenlera, way for repaying Partuttire, Tors. Crooke -ISPALDINCPB PREPARED OWE . . islete all snob emeisegolee, end no household sail afford to do without It. It Is always ready. and up to the sticking point. • ";IREFUL IN EVERY ROVE." M. B.—A Brash accompanies each bottle. Prisio.79 emits. Address. HENRY 0. SPALDING NO. 48 OKDAJL 873E8T, NKR YORK. • 9lifT1011; As•eartain unennoisled Dimon. je atunaptine,t• Dann' of on the nxtstunmotfris subtle,. italtatdons of mi PREPARED eL I would matron all persons to ex, amine before 'Ambient. and see that tb• A3ll name.' : . - U A . LOA M YRKPARZP 01111A7I L n WI MILK, 1/711111111011 pruitibig wasrrinMr 11411-4 INSURANOB COMPANIBB. TICK ittkaiaaacnil MUTTJ AS, INSITILABO32 COMPANY, ricu.A.srst.tria. ipiryiGE, me. 30 1 3 WASP'," Vl.ll,tiET. Ilthares &vaca : LOW OR DAMARE: BY FA.B., .1 Reuss, Morse, and other buildings. limited or it r oc il i ra4k 1 :;14 . on ana na lvi n , , i rr, shlndise, in town or country. eutsit . cAprp,fi.f., 4131,110 00-ABBE7II 16017,10 26. Whiok is Invostod as follows, via: 111 first mortgaZOl 011 014 Moony. Worth double the amonnt.--. ---. . .10163,500 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.".' 6 per Gnt, first mortgage loan at par -..,--. 0.000 00 Fennaylvama• Railroad Co.'. 6 percent. scr oond mortgage load, ( 830,000)—......... 27300 CO Huntingdon end Brood Toy Railroad and Canal Go.s mortgage 10011...............- 4,000 00 Ground rent, first-class -.......r.....-..... 1,442 60 Collateral loans, well soonred —.4.---. 2,500 00 City of:Flabidelptda 6 per cent, loan—. 60,000 IN Allegheny County 6 per Gent. Pa. RR. loan.. 10,000 02 Uommerotal Bank 5t00k—.........- ..._..- . 5,185 01 kiertheircoa -Rank stook— —— 3,1312 610 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'a *t00k...,...-. ,-- 4400 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.'s stook 1154150 00 The County Fire Inman:toe Co.'s stook 1,050 00 iinsbe Delaware M. 8. Insurance Co.'. stook_ TOO 00 nion Mutual insurance Co.'. aorip--......-. 380 CO reocovable— . 14402 74 k socounts, scorned interest. Ra—...._-... 7,104 65 Ranh on hand— .—.— 11,561 61 Whe Mutual principle, combined with the securityof a Stook Capital, entitle: the insured to participate in the profits of the Company, without liability for tom,. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. • Clem Tingley, Samuel Disphass. • William ft.khompuon, flobort Btoen, Frederick Drown William Musser, William Stevensiiti, Beni. W. Tingley, John ft. Worrell, Aleashall ff. L. Canon. . 4,Jolpson Drown Robert Toland. 6. D. Rosengarten, Charles 8. Wood, James 8. Woodward CLE. E. M. HINCAMA.I4. asol Februarr t 6. 1961. 1./TEE I:3WI *-$: INSTIRANOZ .00MPANV 01 rilniADZI/Pild. (FIXEIfiAIII3E. EXOLDISIVELY.) eOMPANY'S BOILDING, S. W. COAIVA'L 70VRTH AND WALNUT STREBTS DIXECTO.I.S: P.X.lll3filfoD.Jl &TARR, MORDECAI L. Dawson. WILLIam'JCRs, 690. H. STEERS, NALBRO Flumum, JOHN BROWN. JOHN M. ATwooD,O. A. FEENISTOOI, Bleu. T. Tainne Alltasw D. Cint, WXIA37OI‘. J. L. EDILINVER. F. B.ATOR O RD /STARR, Priraadont. WAILES W. COXE:lSearetarv- PENN MUTUAL -LIFE INSURANCIA. COMPANY, • . No. 921_CRESTNUT Iltntiet, Philadelphia, CHARTER PERPE T UA L ALL IRE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE IN SURED. Insure' Lives for short terms or for the whole tery life ; grant Annuities and Endowments ; purchase Interests in Real . Estate, and make all contract! e potsthns. on the oontinsenmes of life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Asairneeni, Trastees, and Guardians. . • • • AISShTS OF THE COMPANY, January I, 1851. Mortgages,-ground mulls, real eatate-.' .esn,Nu t 7 United States stocks: Treasury notes; loans . of State of Pennsylvania, city of Phllb- • deiphla, 3613,795 54 premium notes. Inane on_collaUrate,./no - 537,654 58 yenrurylvania. North . Pennsy.vania _ roads. and County nu per cent. bonds 106,603 50 Bank, insurance, railroad, canal stooks. & Q. 91,60.48 Cash on hand, agents' balanes, ,to.; rco. 158.106 16 81,071,123 07 DANIEL L. MILLER, Prestdent, SAMUEL E. STOKED, Vioe President. JOHlf W. HOS NOS.. Secretary. , mh2541 111E1.AW AILS hiUTUAL aa_rETl , .2-x a IMAIICE aor6pARY, YEILADELP.RIA. Insomorstad by the Legislature of. Poona Wants, p*'• X. 3. carnal' or VIIIRD and WAINNIF strict'. PHILADELPHIA. 14,6.1[111E I2IO2IRANCTIL. Oa Vas=la, gars., To al! narts of tits liorlA Freight, i. LA AD thswitAstaio 'sale by Rivera, Canal*, Late*, and Laid gar nage*, to allplats of the [lnlet. FIRE ILIBURANCES Oa Merskandis• Cialete.l.lY. On Morse, Iltwolitait Roassa. ha. AnBSI Oif 'BBB COXBT PA Novemoer 1, IMO. 8100,000 Waited /States Iva l l l, pent. loan....—entts...wa 00 MAUI 'United State" eix V cent. 'Enamels Notes, (with ttooraed interest)— 11T453.04 —/00,000 Pennsylvania State o.v• Bly sea lean. . 00,77000 31,099 do. do. six do. do. 21,945 CO . MAN Philadelphia City ai o x r f r Gent. LO&D , 125,109 ST 80,000 Tonnes's. State nye cant. loan_ 34,000 00 20,000 Penns M anta Rear 3d mortgage V sent. bonds , 40,003 00 11.000 300 chores, stook GermantownGew • Caraway, interest and tonnalpal guaranteed by the City of Phila delpia 111,1100 CO IWO 100 cha h rm Ponney_lyam_g, , 8.1110 00 CONLASAY 1,000 100 chars/ North renmiyivania rail _:-- 1,100 darts Pin Boat and Steam Tag Compa ny .._....__ h —. 1,200 .02 910 share" Philadea and Ramo-dr erase Steam - .irow-boat 00 . 00 200 ahares Philadelphia Cirobanere, • 4! On t shwas Continental Hotel He-. Bile ear. C10at13047,1.45.34.: • • Misrkist ‘41.8121.35 1 71 Bilis reoeivable, for insoranosa male_._,.__. 111,315 41 Bonds and mortmec.. - --- 34,500 00 Zeal estate • 61,311 80 Eslanees due siArensterrenzienks . rine P0110i001: interest- end ether debts 4(F.• the Company _ ELM! 11 scrip and Moe or sandryinsiranss isnd _ . siker ilertesniet ' I,Voi Sisk ea kare—tr. Wale—__. 4204117 ld — 1 EA 12 • • 101,1114 61 • " DIILISIMOYJS. - Trillium Martin, t Tanaml•E.'ritikoto r ant A. Voleer, ~J. F. reairtwa. g gy~~eozhikoe Par.:dine - . fl enry ellea r li I . Penrose, ' 1....i5r.r.1 Darlington 4mbio (I._,DaYla. I ' Ph Jor.emIlr•oloo, . joules Trumair, ‘ , . 4 2 - marmer.M'lloalam . .. •Willie's E i crs," , , Jr.,.' Stbanaax C; Nand, „janemG. 124, - , . ket•rrs Barton, TrilhanLCl. learlg, i Jaemb I r amaex,' Joatok E. Beal, - • • Janos B.rd'Foriaad, • - .A. K.' NW/ ill% ; i /mottos P. Eyre, ' &or O. C.4114y, ' . JeSn IL Ebrar.l9, Fittob , i.- 1 e s dru 1r o. - I D... Merrell, _ bar rx ;copy,. - -1 - ADD. 13 , ercer.' ... " . ' Wik.6IAI4.IAR ii.N,.l . residsnt. • . . 'gam Q. 1.9,-Viso PrieridAnt. il4l4ltlr 2irl.l3VR N. PkWlTlSiitn - - ' nou-sE Watt INSURANCE • OLUSIVRLY.L-' Js- THE 'PENNSYLVANIA . ..FIRE IrSURXECE 00111PANY—Inclo_uorated 18116--CHAAT.eIR PER PE TUAL—No. 610 WALNUT street, opposite Independ ence Etorusre. This Company, favorably known to the '33nm:trinity for thirty-six years, continues to insure alittinat loot or' damage by Fire. on pubho or private Enildinic either Perttionently or for s limited time. Also, on Furniture, 'took' of Goods or Meroktonduts generally, on libera l terms. Their Genital. Weather with a large Siu Fund. is invested in the most careful manner, whichenable: Muni' to offer to the bleared an endosbtedeestoritY it the ease *floes. • • - DIAXCITGILS. Jonathan Patterson, Isom Haslehnret, faaintin Campbell, 'Thomas Robins. Alexander Benson, ... Dr n,el Snail!, Jr.. • William Montelins, John Do veroor., Thomas Smith. .• JONATHAN PATTERSON, Prealdmit.. G..1311.0W1LL, Secretary. , api 1y - 111 - N BUR/INCE Y 00 M. P.A. - N.Y. OF TUE uj S g EAPENSTINAIA—FIRE AND NA fiSITRANICZ Nos. 4 N .4.ND 5 E.7-131L% NOW JULD Chartered in Igit.-.4laailtid 81080/0--Fo's. 1, Me, aaall ratite. 514,58,Til - , . . . All ineuted mild and extulatile.eirsinnes--cei tune to mania on Veneta axle Cartels, Dientince. Meek' ke,,en tenni. 31.7ACTORIt. - 'vary D. Etkorror6.- Cfamircs g Braatt. Limon Toby, • 3stig.4l *rant, Jr.. 41karies 241454t4t4f. Wsbita Wa William 4. asaitk; Wkoraso B. .W &litres Jo ttata.. Ms . . • KeTa - y W M• Okarlcarrr' ba A. D.• UM , cat. • :4 - .° rleal4 WISMAR; EA lir wF., Iliktrater , • , , • • -14-tc - stlel4ot. LL:MECIRLottIV rillett m IrRANGE COMPANY of Philadelphia, NO* 138 North ?SIXTH (Street, below Itace. I=l4 Build jugs. goods, and Merchandise generally from loss or damage by Fink. eompany gnarantos to adjust all lemmanromptry. and tkoribl hope to merit the patron, sea or the Dahlia. • • 311/R811T02.1. ~ . • ,_ William Morgan, lobart Fiani_jah. • Francis 4 300oisr, - Michael Momao3. fsorge L. Detakerty, Edwara"Mceovara, James Martin, . Thomas IL McCormick. James Daroo, Joan Brosiley, Matthew Madloft, • fernabi m t u a l lp Itcria . ard Raft:Ari a, 4.1 14:1 3 y jzt.; Aims ata . • it oas ° kui l he i r n , P Cliartea Clare, . . ranting Mardanim. ftbohaal Mull. • • . ',. . __:. jjt-414C1.8 COCPX*; - Presiderka, .F.K.E.ITLIED lt.iFrislitalr. &sanitary. . ookS-ly - A L BIERICAN .FIE INSURANCE 004 PETUINCOZPORATED 1810 7- CILAJUXEIIt MK Artle,- • • • No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Having a large paid-up Capital Steok..and Surplus, invested in sound and available Secunties,pontinues to insure of Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in Port end .their cargoes, and other personal property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. Rhos. R. Maria, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, James R. Cam'bail. itamnel M • G: Morton, Edmund G. Doti Fatrtek Brady, . Chas. W. rosataey, • Israel Morris. . THOMAS R. MAILIa, Pramdent. ALBERT O. 3. CRAWFORD. Georetanr.. • feri-tf ANTI:naI:3ITE INSURANCE COMPA .. lii.—kittlirliteill Clm: AWI 04.54421 00—NANNEN .P.INIETNA.I,__ . OStoe No: IIIWALNIIN Street, 'et turesu bird. sad Yourtls Street. Plittelelobis. • Ills Gemoany - vo in insure against :us Sr dala&CO by i 3 i. ri ,in Builtings,Amiture. and bier . skandise tene ts! N'''' on r '' ' Ftatt.r ` - DI/7mo ' ' c.l 4ob Faker, Joseph Nlsaftelt. ..11.ukher.. ' John KetohAut. Aidn.riet, ' /Mtn E. Blskuten. aunt Pearseu, Cris. F. Dean, r Weser. jAtizor sB ls t irt miiderit. , • 11 ht. P. DE Ail ,%, is• President. iI. Id . IMI?I. Saeretsrs. seill-U . ' VXOBANGE , DIST:MANOR COMPANY JP -4 —OlllO4 NO: 409 WALNUT Street. '. . .. FIRE INBURANCE on Harm, and Men:Manes* reith raILY. on favorable terms, either limited er Der- VOW& • DIDECTOJUS: - • aMmiakt Bonesll. Whomas Marsh, hr. Q, Ginned*, Charles Thompson. ward D. Roberta, James T. Hale, . ;simnel L. rimedley, • Joshua T. Owen. • babel' O. Rale John J. Griffith.. • , ; J.i&REMIAH Bor3Am, President. -. .JOlll4 Q. GINNODO, Vice Prestdent. ... vinaltD. (3oz. lteoretarr.. isri pitilialiELPHlA TICB . R - A -0 0 T T WORREk . 1 • Dace and *.re Room D Rooms, 1010 EENEN vw Arrest. Ornamental Chummy Tops, Barden Yues and Statuary. laneaustio Flooring Tile. Architectural Ornaments. Veutilanng and Smoke Flues. Ridge Tile and Starr Wars., Iteima-pred Dram Pipe. Winter Pipe, warranted to Man/ Preseure, cheap end durable. vie Trade supplied on liberal terms. Illestrated Oatalogues ant by . - • Matt en application by letter. so mad 6 iii ACIRICEM HIRRIN IiffIAD; . *EtAL. VCR MON, bble. Mess Nona, k, Mkt stuck stei. large, niediewl. and mall, in assortad phehagria 'of ohoioe late-oaaght fat fish. 1400 bb's. New Naltfax, Eastport, and babrader tier or choice qualities. — OW boxes extra new soaledporrtags. 1,000 Noes extra new No.l alerriass. COM boxes larger blagdrtur• orriate. 110 eats. Mackinac White Pita. bbts. newring s gess ithat. le tails, new shit* on. • • LOW Qaintraci rand Bar.k Codfish. 1100 boxes Merinmer-ooanty.Clteee... Ix store sat landin[. for We U iry MRPHY k. 'WON& Nn. is NORTH MINA R P,S. - - - - I UST lak ESVAT, per " Annie Kimball," If from Liverpool. Mender, Weaver; & Mandor's pi47aratio ag: if as Extract Aooniti. in 1 El Jars, is as Extraot Itymoyeni, In 1 & JIIXL 60 DO ExtJrnot Delladonnia. yp 1 *Jun. 100 ye Extraot 74ra.449i, In 1 is Jars. so lb, Vin itel oololunt, in 1 It boulear, Inn be 01. Bantam Rect., 114. bottles. \ 1100 De Colonial, in 1$ bot ea. , .. Iti IX 1114 VII Yid-Virg, 4, I a emu _. • WETIIE LI. & BROTEusg. 7 iii.... 4 7 and 49 , NorthISROON b Eltreelte. z 9l •QUALITY _BOOZING*: a l. B Iwo on kand and tit sato at Vntin'lnital 144/ I.IrACJI Mot, Xecisi_pttAig., Ir. YIKOR lIIT WAJOIFT it:IUL 7 agstm .. Az H j e it ,DE ß ign ol A . PAISSESIOIS for POTTSV7LLE, IfEAB- Lrfe, and . HARRISBURG. on_and stainer May 20, IMI. MORNINO LINES, DAILY B , (Sundays excepted.) Leave Now Depot, corner of ROAD and CALLOW - HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA, (Passenger nu tmeg.. on Thirteenth and on Callowbill streets, iat 9 lk.r4 , oonnecting at Hayrinburg with the PENN yL -VANIA AIL RoAD 1 P. M VALL E Ynning to itts burg the CUMBERLAND 1.05 P. M. train !uniting to Chtimbenibu.rg, Carlisle, &o.; and the NORTHERN CEI9TRAL RAILROAD I P. M. train running to Sunbury, dco. AFTERNOON LINES. Leave New Depot, corner of BRO AD and (SALLOW HILL streets, PHILADCLPIIIA. ((Passenger en trances OA thirteenth and on Callowhil streets,) for POTTSVILLE and HARRISBURG, At 1515 P. M., DAILY, connecting at Har ri sburg with the Northern Central Railroad for Sunoury, Williamermyt, Ac.; tor READING only, ate P. M.. DAILY, (Sundays excepted.) DISTANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READ -1143 RAILROAD FROM I'IFEMILDNLPIII•, Milne To Phmnixialle.--.- - L Le ebanon I Bn M Dartehi I Trevorton Junction 158 I !Sunbury.. —IB9J Nortbamberrand..._in • Lewisburg— ---178 Munoy .-197 Wl•liunleport -- —.209 Jersey Shore-----223 Look Haven— —195 LTroy.---. —2si Wiilianiaport and Elmira ira. _ Railroad. The 8 A. if. and 3.15 P. M. trains connect daily at Port Clinton, (Sunders excepted.) with the CATAWISSA. WILLIAMSPORT, and ERIE RAILROAD; making close connections with lines to Niagara Fella, Canada, theg_West and wouthwent. DEPO IN PHILADELPHIA: Corner of BROAD and CALLOWHILL Streets. W. H.' McILHENNEY. Secretary. mit.lo-tt 017.143 04 _ . Jacob T. Bun nit, Smith on n, John Biwa, Pittsburg. M TINGLEY, President, rotary'. 4:13N.0N SI Philadelphia end Reading and Lebanon Valley K.K. Millibar, and Elie it, li May 20. 1661. liewmwso . BUMME P R ARRANGE AI.LPIA GER 31ADITOWN, AND NOR 1118 TO Vlrli RAI ADE L RO G AD.. On and after Monday, May 1.1,1861. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philaaelphia 6.7, 8, 9,10. IL 12 A. la., 1. 2. 3. 3.16. 4 , 6.6, 6%, 7,8, 9, 1 0%, and GE, P. M. Leave Garmantown, 6.7. 8. 8.10, 9, 10.11. 12 A. M., 1,3,3, 4. 5,6, 6%, 7%. F 3, 9,_1034 P. U. The 8.20 A. M. and 3.36 F. M. Trains atop at German town only. ON strND AYR. Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. M., 1.%,3%, 5,7 M, and 10% Leave G CIIFI3TN la R ennantown, 610 A ILL R M., A I. IL 4. R0 636,AD. and 9% P. M. Leave rhiladolphia. 6, 8,10, 12 A. M.. 9, 3,55, 4,6, 8.9, 'and Int M. Leave Chestnut Bill; 7.10, 6, 8.40,9.40, 11.40 A. 31..1.45, .335, 6.43, 7.19, 8.40. and 10.10 P. M. The 8 A. M. and 3.35 P. M. will make no atuve on the Germantown road. ON 13UNDAI S. Leave Philadelphla,9.os A. M„,1% a. and 73 6 P. M. Leave Chestnut Rill, 7.50 A. 12.40, 6.10, and 9.10 P.M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia. , 6.60, 7%, 9.03. 31.06 A. 16., 1.06, 8.05. 4Y... 5%. 8. and 11% P. M. Leave Norristown, 6,7, 8.0, 9, 11 A. 31., 1%, 6%07%. and 934 P. 81. ON 31INDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M.. S and 6 P. M. Leave Norristown . 3M rel.; 1 and 6 P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia, 5.30, 7%. 9.05, 11 . .05 A. 31.0.05,, 456; 6%, 8. and DU P. M. • Leave Manayunk. 634.734, 8.35, 936.11% A. M., 2,3%, 5, 7. and 11) P. M. ON SUNDAY& Leave PhiladelphiiN 86, and 7% P. M. Leave Manayunk. A. M., 1%.6 %. and 9P. 61. H. K. EMI _ll._Oenaral Superintendent, .Denot. NINTH and GREEN Street'. THE PENNSYLVANIa OiiNTEAL RAILROAD__, • 5160 MILEJADDUBLE 'TRAM 186 L 1-7 - THE CAPACITY OF ROAD It NOW EQUAL TO ANY-INTHE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAMS BETWEEN PRILADELPRIA AND Prrrail_UßG. Connecting diLeot at Philadelphia with Throurh Trains from Boston. New York, and all points East, and in the Bmonesot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to and from a lt points in the West, Northwest. and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and oomfort by any other route. Espretui and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, c change of Cars or Conductors. All Through paseenrer Trains provided with Lougjirldge 's Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the engineer, thus adding mush to the safety . of travellers. Smoking. Cars are attached, to each Train ; Wood ruff's Steeping Cars to Yxpreee and Fast 'Trams. The EXP JESS .11.UNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines, Sna dayrdg_ posted. Mail Train leaves Philtiielpnia et 7.60 A. M. Fast Line 11 SI A. M. Express Traves 0 1815 P. M. WAY TRAMS LEAVE Affi FOLLOWS: Harrisburg Acioonreodation, via Columbia, LSO P. M. Columbia 4.00 r. M. Parkesburg " at 11.40 P. M. Wet Chestet " 1, at SAD A. M. No. 2 at 12.00 P. M. West Cheater Passengers will take the West Chester Nos. 1 and 2 Harrisburg accommodation and Colombia .Passengers for Sunbury Williams - sort, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate points, leaving Philadelphia at 7.38 A.M. and 2.50 P, M., go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the offices of the Company in -Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Baltimore ; and Tickets Eastward at. any of the impor tant Railroad Offices in the West ; also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Ituesseip pi or Ohio rivers.- Ltr; Fare always as low: nd time as ediek, as by any other Route. - For further information apply at the Passonter Sta tion, Bout must corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western cionnootiona of the Pennsylvania Railroad_to Chicago, make I.husthe DIRECT LINE BET WEEN THE EAST AND THE • GREAT WENT. The connection of tracks by i the Railroad Bridge at • Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time. areadvantagee readi ly appreciated by Shipper, of Freight; and the Travel ling Public. Merchants and /Shippers entrusting the trang - m, rte.- t ton of their Freight: to' this 'COTIODarty. can rely with confidence °nits speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all I seas as favorable as are charea by other Railroci ,crOMPORifd. onie - Be particular to mark packages "via PertriSY. 'mania Railroad."- . . For Freight .06n:ratite or tillpfling DIZOOtiOIIII, apply to,. ~ or address. either of the o lowing Agents of the Company D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg: B. Pierce fg_flo., Zanesville. o._; J. J. Johnson, Rip ley, O.; R. McNeely, Maysville, Ky. • Oramby. & Oren per, Portsmouth, O. • Paddock & Co.. Jeffersonvilus- Indiana; H. W: Brown & Co., : Cincinnati,-O . • Athern & R.) C. Meldrum, foit t u x lmon. Ind. hi Jos. . Moore, - Lotusville, Hy. ;P.G. 0' ley & .Co., ;.N. W.. Graham & Co., Cairo. - R. F. Slum, Eheler & Glass St: L0ni5,_M0.,....* John H. 'Harris, Nashville; Tenn. • Harris IL MOM p_tus, enn.; Clarke & Co., 'Chicago, ;W.H. R. Koonta, Altos, Ill.; or to Freight Again:" of Railroad' at different points in the West. - B. KI (413T0N,_ Jr., Philadelphia. • fiIAGRAW & Koons, 89North strie,-Haltim ore . ECH f . l ergrßttakort Wtiiiamit " k ECU N. Y BB7,riau:7ae on. H. H. HoUSTON..GentI Freight - Agent, Phila..; . L. L. HOUPT, Wicket 'Agent, Phila. • _.• E.LEWIIL Getel EWA Altoona. Pa. • .18-1-17 1861 RAMO ABRADiGEmENT.— LIN ER 'tE- CAMDEN ANT) AMPY. Anal.4l - JOBIIaFILIA AND_IVRENTON idAiL P.V LINES 30 Th( PTILLAD.ELPILLA. 40 REM YOSA AND WAY PAACEB. 13110 X AZIP_VKAIE32.Ir_ON P 5.1.:.• atn,A at; rtritletsWll,,y IZ At f M., via Caation and Duatha7..l3.764•A•Ao ooniuteitst:on -,_ • • -92 IS At C A. M., Via Camdan. and Jmn79 7 dltr..(N, Asearsmodation. If -At 6 A.M., VS . Ontalon . and Isrrla. OW* 4-010 31 1 12 At lig A.l{,, via lariadmien.olfriiiiwer eI2Y, • WesterneMpreso. - • ll 00 At 12% I'.X., via Camden andAlabey Asset:use --- • • • • 7 Id At 2P. M., via Civtadut ,mtd Ambery,,O, an A, Ex press-- 00 At C 34 F. rd., vfa Kensingtoa and :envy OLty. Kvit ning Express.-- • • • • • 300 At M.- via Kentitig - Ton . rar Jersa7 Cit7s 2d ' Glantrisket.--- -- •.• • Si At OP. M„ via Cash,leri and Zerney . City. 2, - raning 3 • . • - CO At lthf DI., via Camden and. Jersey City, next?: . ern . 16 At It P. M., via Camden and Arnbay,Aormiiiimals non. I - Freight and Paestutorl—lst Clam Wioket_. f Si De. - de. (naits Ticket- 160 . 'eke CY in Medi las rens The F 14.8m1-th orn sail, Saturdays excepted. _ For Belvisom Easton,. lainhortville, Floaelnatea, at7.lD A; M . and 436 P. M. from Kensington. • For Water trap, Strondsbe rg, 07• ton, Wiikeabarre, lidontroao.OresA Bend, Mo., 7.1* A. - . from Soniontlon, vie 1014klielirlaa ,011:01M .Kor Mau Chin*, Allon_town, and Bothlehcm at 7.11; A, M. and 3% P. M. from Kensington Depot (the 7.10 , A. M, souneats with train braving" Easton at 1.7,S r. AL) Far Meant *telly, at f and. 8 and 43d P. M. For Freehold. at d A.WAY M.. SANand 2 P ER. . M. For Bristol 'Crouton, to., at 7.1.0 A. 4.66 and 6S( i F.M. from ensingten, and 2% P. M. fr om Walnut street wharf. For Palmyra. ltiverten, Delano*, Beverly. Darling ton Florense, Bordentown, am., at ISM, 1,3, find 6 P . • - - Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentowri and intermediate places, stn.% P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. ItalefirFor New York and Way Lanes leavins KeLringtoa e t, pot take the oars, on Fi ft h Street , above Walnut, fa n hoar before departure. The care run tnto the depot, - and on arrival of each tram, run from the depot. • Fifty Pounds of Bassage, only, allowed each Passen ger. Pea/engem are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel baggage anythin g fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The y Company limit their reeporuilbllity tor baggage to One Dollar p erpoune, and will not be liable for any &moan* beyond 4120, ex cept by special contrast. mbN • • WM. H. GATZMEIB.. Agent. 0 it T H PERIBYL VA mut RALLa r oAD. FainEiitr4E - Wk; DOYLESTOWN, AtAIiCK CHUNK, HAZIA,T,Oht. zwuax, iqui v aiAotaffißtiris. On and after .MOH DAY. Ifk.Y. me, _Passenger Tremswillleare FRONT and wILLOw Streets, Valls delphia (Sanders excepted). as follows : At 644/. ni.,(Express),jor Bethlehem. - Allentown. Monett unk. Hatn /c eton, Wilkeabarro, o. AA sAs (Express). for i ) othlottem, giuton, &o. This train reoohea P don atil P. Af. and MakOs close tennection with New Jersey Central New Yorl. .At 5.15 P. Bt.. let Betitletam, ik ntowu. lamb. Cm*, , • M. At 9 A. M. and 4 P M...,f97 Do i 3 lo l3ol7'M_ At 10.25 A. M. and ua Y. M. or Fort Washmetsiii. The 5.411 A. M. Buren tridn makes olose oonneoilen With the Lehigh Valley , Rai road •at Bethlehem. boing the shortest and most desirable route to Wiaesbarro, and to all koints in the Lehigh (foal region, TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA.. fasts Thsthlskissa at 5.40 A. Pd., 9.15 A. AS., and 5.55 • *pie Doylestown at 7.35 A. AI. and 4.15 P. M. • Asase_Pcat Weuutington at 6.60 A. M. and 130 P, M. -.011 ,151AY6.—F.adalskia for Bethlehem at 5 kiladelphia for_Poylestoern at 5 P. M., 7 71 1 ri c n ri i i f to g P j al l euVlVai t il 6 P.M. ' 81. - * a le •Pi 4 i tt e ig:l trni - 9 el Vi r re t tii ' WI t iTe h earit k.B ! 60 19 broughirtokett Anat. sroonred" at the • Ticket Moss, at WILLOW Street, or BEARS Street, In order to teoure the abovorstet of fare. All Passenger wraihs (sasest Sander . Trains) Comma* at Berke Street with' Filth and Sixth-streets, and Second andThird-streete.Pauenger Railroads, twents minutes attar liating Willow Street. stLLIS (mai. Agent. 81 3 - RING ARRANtir, - • . irtatiPOlN id ENT.—IfILADELPHIA, rt e kt vriiikurid ON, B LTI MO_R _ i f i t , Afl is ir 6 oAD, On amd TRAINS AL APR! /8- L • PASSENGER L VE PHI S.DBIRMA: F or nawroor o at 61$ A, ~ 1135 A. lit,.(Expresa),' and 10.60 P. fd. - • . For Cheddar at 8.11 A. M., UM A.M., 4.111 and M. 60 P. F M or . • A. Wilmington at L.L.3 A. M., 11.81 A.M., 4.11 ani MAO P. M. _ . For New Rums at 3.11 A. fd. and Cif P. M. For 001 , 8711%11.1.5.A. M. and tall P. M. For Milford At 8.0 A: M. Far Salisbury .11rA .. TRARtS FOS M PALLABELPI(I.6. taava Ilaktrocre at 6.16 A. IL (Express), 943 A. /0... and LOS P. id.. 3 Lau") Wilmington at 8.60 erd f!.10 A. .w... and - ar.• Sali te lL ' shary At 1419 P. M. .. . &oars idilftxrd ti P. rd.. . Les i va Borer At e,gs .S. M. and &la P. M., • Leave New Goalie at &2.5 A.M. 7.110 P. M.. Mays cheater at 7.1 C A. M. 9.60, L 67 and 840 F.M. Mare Baltimore for Salis bury. and Doi:mare Rail road at Vie A. M. , TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE: Mare Mester at 6.41 A.m...1.L0a and 11. M P.M. leave Willinnrton at 9. A. M., 111„16 P. M.„ and li A. M. . Fltstompr Tung, withpLigenvir Car attacked, will ms follows : Mare Philadelnhia for Perry - rills and haternandiate Ple.oes at 530 p.m. Learn Wilmington for Perrtrille nil intennediate glues at 7.16 P. M. Leave WiLnln far Philadelphia and interme diate [damp at I .M . leave errs - raoe for Baltimore &ad intermedi ate stators at 6A. al. • - Mare BMW/lore for Marre-de-ereoe and Intermedi ate stations at 5 P. M. - ON SISPIDAYS : ' Commetionig Sunday. May 19,1861, until further no tice, TWO TgAINS will run on Sundays., Leering Philadelphialor Baltimore and Washington et 11.36 A. 61. and 10.60 P.,i11. t .and Leaving Baltimore for Philadelphia at La A. M. and Mil P. m. - MO . . IL M. FELTON. President. ---- aSALAMANDER SAME, --- - - 117012 204 111,1X1plaiViliVEZ22'. kair2oo4ll•l2l:4A-11404b Stir4l4 lIILNESS, BRINLEY, k.OO. No. 499 MA RKE7IIIMSET. pg F. PANOOAST, AIJUTIONICEE, Sao- A. sensor to B. Scott. Jr.. 431 CHENTerIiT eft. BALE OF STOOK NOT GOIONMA 11 31 . 031EY, GLOVES' S. &C. Thin Morning, July 10, at 10 o'olnnic. ,croC. CF HOSIERY GOODS. &o. Included in see. a porti•in of EL et ,, clc of hoeiery, gloves, lace ..00ds• satiny r knit lc &AS, ho. Ts, bo tit ". tir 01.008. Also. a portion of a /poen of tailoring roods, cloth it Onssisuereg„ vesgngs, rents' lurnisbioc goods. &AL Psll , B Hi4AD.DII.' Übe. PAN.s, ho Also, lots Paris later head-dresses. Paris fancy fans. .&. BTRIM GDOBIL Alec included in sale, an iavotoo of misses Boulevards and fancy hosts P ktYli.o bi CO., A tJUTION Su. ((RA (WARIEST BUroot and fin 6111,101 St PENN ETEAMENGINE AND BOILER WORXR.—INEAFIE & LEVY, 'RAC AN ft THEORETICAL ENGINE:ERR, ACHINIBT DOILt;R-MAR ERR, tiLACHR M ITEII3, and FOUND RN, having, for many years, been in suociemoul operation, and bean exclusively enrated in build ng and repairing marine and River Engines, high and low pressure. Iron B.iats, Water Tanks. propellers, &0.. respectfully offer their services to the public as being tuliy prepared to contract Lir Engines of al sizes. fqarine,e River. and Stationary. linNing sets o ,patterns of different sizes, are prepared to ezeoute or ders with quick despatch. Every dreoripton of Pattern 'making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubular. and Cylinder Boilers. of the beet Penney'vania charcoal iron Forginge, of all s izes and kinds; Iron and Braes Castings, of all descriptions; Roll Turning. Screw Cutting and all other work con . noted with the above business_ Drawings and °pacific:Aliens for alt work done at their establishment. free of charge. and work guaeantird. The Subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they loan tie in perfect safety, Reid are providel4 with shears, blocks, tails, &c., &e.. or raising heavy or light weights. J COB C. NEAFIE,. • JOHN P. LEVY. • BEACH and PALP4.1414 Streets. Northern Central Railroad• 7. VAUGHAN MERRICL, 701171 2. COPE: WILLIAM IL MItkRIC6, . 7LARELSINYE3ESICI SQOI)THWARK -FOUNDRY, . FIFTH. AND WASHINGTON STREETS, razigainn.Pnia. • - MFRRICit & riONS, • • ENGINEERS . AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture Bich and Low Premiere Stearn /Anginas, for la, d, river. and marine 60TVICO. BOilQra. Oaaornaters. Tanks. Iron Boats, &o.; Quit— ins of nil kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame . Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail road Stations, &o. Retorts and Gea Machinery of the latest and most improved oonstruotion. livery description of Plantation Machinery, such as Sugar. Saw. and Grist Mills; Vacuum Pans. Open Steam Trains, Defeciators, Filters, Pumping taigines. &o. nole Agents for N. Rillieux's Patent Engar Boiling Appnratus; Nanny th's Patent Steam Hammer. and As pinwall & Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining POI.NT ei.:EAdit.NT FOUNDRY, No. 951 B Ad :if Street. Kensington. Ph i adelDhia.—WlL LIMA H. TIERS info me his 'herds that, baying pur chased theen ire stook of vatterns at too above Foun dry. he Is now prepared to meet e orders for Rolling, Grist. and Raw- Castings. Soap,, and House Work. Goarinz. Castings rn , de from Rever beratory or Cupola Furnaces. in. dry or green sand, or loam. ttittl iIipirSPEPSIA. REMEDY- Dr.. HARDIE H AM'S AROMATIC DNVICORATING SPIRIT. Illidicies.hos bass used by Ski yoblio for sir years with iscrsasusg faeor. It is rsocnissenti&d to Car. Dyspwis_,_. Nervousness, Riart-Biors,. Cs/is Pesos Wind its Ms Slornaati; or. Pains 4911. Besisis, Bianchi, Drowsiness, iirsistytaiess, Low • Spirits. DsWiest Dr,oll4l4l..lessiersrsuses, • IT TWXYLASISI. EXHILARATES, 125 , 71602.A5Z1,,,1 'WELL NOT INTOXICATI O R. 82, ... • AA a Medicine it is quick and effectual, curing the most aggravated oases of Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaints, and alkother derangements of the Stomach and Bowels in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the moat. melancholy and drooping spirits, and restore the. weak, nervous, and sickly to health, streuth, and vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious use of hquorayhave become dejected and their nervous systems shattered, sonstitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible auras to humanity, the Dsuiwivw TRANSZNII. will, al most immediately, feel the happy . and healthy invigo rating efficacy of Dr. Ham's Invigorating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO. • Doss.—One wine glass full as often as pease/am One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. Ono dose will cure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion.. One dose will give you a Hood Appetite. - • One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dogs will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence. and as soon an the stomach receives the Invigorating Sgrit e , the - diatresc ing:adi and all g r es e gt o fti v l e ftle i s n s es er t ill di ar r a r emo uinp ved. a Tolle, °Mar in the stemaoh or bowels. A _few doses will remove all obstruotiorui in the Lidney. Bladder. or Urinary Organs. - FAMOUS who WO sieriouily afflicted with any Tidnei Complaints are assured or speedy relief by a dose or two, and a radical mire by the nee of one or two bottles • NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. persons who, from dissipating too much over night and feel the evil efibots 01 poisonous liquors . ip violent headaoheis. sickness at stomach, wealmese. giddiness. Ike. will find one dose will r emore all bad feelings. - L adies of weak and sickly constitutions should take the Invigorating' Spirit three Unmet a day ; it will make them drone, healthy, and ha pi y, remove all obatrue tions and irregularities from the monetrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn ace. During pregnancy it will be found an invaluable =di vine to remove disagreeable sensations at the stomach. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to induce this, he has put up the Invisionsvins EXIEr2 in pint betties at Wool:its. <Martz 01. • . General Depot, 48 WATER Street, New York. / DYOTT fit CO . .__ 232 North SECOND Street • . Wholesale Agents in Philadelphia, And for sate by JOHN H. EATOgi. 26 N. EIGHTS Street. and all Dragsters. isr-thetel. 1861. MACHINERY AND IRON. lEDICINAL- PROPYLAAIN 10, The riew Remedy toy IFIEUMA7111111:. Dame the past Tear we have introduced to the no tice of the medical profession of this country the Pura orparalisad Ckiorids of Propslatnins, as a RIIMEDY FOR' RHEUSIATIBM and having received from many Bourcer, both from Musicians of the highest standing and from patients, the MOST FLATTERING TEETINIONIALS of its TOM value in the treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, we are induced to present it to the public , in a form READY FUR ifiII?dEDIATE UBE. which we hope will- commend itself to those who are suffering with this afflicting complaint, and to the me dical practitioner who may feel disposed to test the powers of this valuable lemedy. ELIXIR. PROPYLAIRIP4E, in the form above spo ken of, has recently been extenawely experimented within the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. and with bliatifF:D BLICCESS(as will appear from the bobliehed =wants in the me/Mal journals.) war 1t in carefully put up ready for immediate flee. with full directions. and can be obtained from all the druggists at TA 013utbylbr bottle. and at wholesale of BULLOCK & CRENSHAW. Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists— Phi bidelehia. L ETTER FROM MR.. 6EO. L. ORO).L, A rent for Dr. SCHENCK'S Medicines in-Middle town,pa. 21IDDLZTOW2. Dauphin Co., Pa.. June 27,1261. DR. J. H SOH t• ECK, Ph.ladelphia, Pa. of Herewith I send you a certificate of one of our most roepeotable cnizene, who has ken using Tour medioines. and is row roe ores to health. I alma its puulication would greet the rmles in ibis neighbor hood. If you see proper. to use it. do so, or direct me to. • Mr. Ramsey is an old,reliable.well-respected and in fluential Hie word would not be aouhted by any one who knows him, and at present to the Chief Harken of th s town. Mr. • Ramsey is himself a good advertisement, as lie speak', for and- recommends it more lithely than the certificate mentions. Yours truly, Ca). L. CROLL. IlfliDDLETomtli. 'Dauphin Co., Pa., June 10,1861. MR. Gt.°. L. °NULL, Agent. DEAR Six In my rooen, illness, which was from reglee ed cold on my breast and langs. arm whloh was ins fate way of hurrying me to my grave. I was so much aflected by t he severity of the oon.h that I could not lie down or obtain .ny rest, and this c -ntintted for two weeks . When 1 heard of Dr. Sohenok's Pulmooio and Sea Weed Tonic. I immediately commenced the nee of them, and after using two or three bot.les of by rup- I eotieed a perceptible ohango. The cough was much sealer, and I could rest maoh better. After using two bottles of 'l' onto and - ten of Syrup, I have been re stored to health, which enables me to say I have full confidence in its efficacy if taken in time, and most oor diatly recorumeno its use to the afflicted. ltespectfully yours, B. J. RA.MSEY. NA RS. JAMES BETTS' CELEBRATED BURPORTERS FOR LADLES, and the only BUD porters under eminent xnedioal 'patronage. Ladies and Mysiolans are respectfully re nested to cull only on Bettp, et her residence, 7.059 WALNUT Street, ulzAelptua, (to avoid oonnterfeits .) . Thirty thousand Invalids are been advised by their physioiaos to use ter appliances. Those only are genuine bearing the tinlted - States'oopyright, labels on the. bog, and algae tarok and also on the Savnorters. with tsztiateniels RAILROAD LINES. is limesso WEST HE . B - TER' RAILROAD TRAINS wei PENNSYLVANIA- RAILRuAI), leave depot, earner EI‘KVE:I4TH and MARKET is treeta, at 2.1 a A.M.. 12 noon, 230 P. M., and 4 P. M. _ On Sunday, leave Philadelphia at 7.20 A. 111., and -West Cheater at 4 P. M. iy2o-tf ' • T PECESZIER, AND PHILADELPHI A RAILROAD. VIA MEDIA - 81.131141NR AR RA eiG ,, ,foIENT. - On and after MON DAY, :[AAA S. mu, the trains win leave PtiILADELPRIA, from the Depot, N. D. corner . of EIetiTEXNTH ad MAR KnT Streets, at 7.42 and 10.80 A. M., and 2, 4 18. 6.20„ and 10 P. M and will leave the Station, oorner TH RTY-FIRAT and mARRET &meta, ( West Philadelphia), at 6.06 and 10.0 A. M., and D. 6.45 and MIS F. hi. • ON SUNDAYS. Leave PHILADELPHIA ate A. M. and F. M. Leave PH ILADELPHIA OHESTER at 8A IC and SP. K. Trains leaving Philadelphia and West Chester at 7..42 A. M. and tie P. M. conneot at Pentielton wilt Trams on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Oxford and intermediate points. HENRY WOOD, 31172f-tf General nuperintendent. agigtwo NOTIOE.---OICKSTER VALLEY RAILRUIL—PAS SENQ-SR TRAINS FOR DOWNINGTOWN AND IN TSRMEDIA.TE STATIOIS3.--On an 4 afte 6th, Nov. ath, 1860, the Paaeenter Trains for DOWNINGTOW will start from the new Passenger Begot of the _Philo , . delphia and Reading ..ginitroad Comnany , corner of BROAD and OALLOWRILI, Streets, (neasenser en trance on_callowhill.) Steil.Nal TN Tar for Downingtown leaves Cl 8.06 AFTERNOON TRAIN fez Derwaingtewn leaves at LBO P. hg, DALLY faurk¢a3re smooptsa). By order of tlie Bova of Managers of the mimic hie. an Reading Railroad Conmanr. - ant -. W. R. MotbRENNY. igeentarr. - a ,....PIIILADELPHIA AND 'READING RAILROAD 00., ,(011ise 27' goutp Fourtk street.) Pa ..a..1)411.114 . .., Mei 77,1661. .SRASOIV TICKETS S. O and after May 1. 1851. season tickets wilt be homed by this company for the periods of three am, nine, and twelve months. not transferable. Beason schoo l -tickets may Mao be tied at 88 per fleet. These tickets 'will be sold by the Treteurer at No. k 27 Borah PO Ulan Street. 'where any further_lnformation eau he obtained. B; uPoRD, arar-tf Wreaserer: ar t ismuk ELMIRA 80UT... BLILADEAZIKLA AND RB 1., Litt./ALIL . i-. . . IV oithiffe ' ACiVVB to leareamta, Cat:mita:4Ra pert,' WOkitabarreißsrauton, - Danville, *Mori, wil li am port, - :from, Ralston, oanton, Niniinkr - mask'. Niagara's ails; Rochester, CloyalaadOetrat_ t v 4 Volede, Illitage, DB Boxio, fdiivroakeo, and all points Norte and Wert.. • .. gamma.' gar trains 'sail loses the new Depot 11 tko 71d- A tilieNavisl itesdink Railroad, owner , DRAMs" and , ~.....1.1.11, • B yeets. (Patalenger . *AVMs* en Cal lowaiii itreet,) daily Otatulays exen-toe), fee ahoy* wearer - as folloars : • - - - • IiAY •RXp1tE22...... - ...:-.--...5A0 A. M. • NICIV-.EXPRAR.:=-.---8.15 I'. Pa. Wk. .If.kt A. /14.. teem tatioettit at Itupert, tor Wilkes barn -.. 'T'libios, &wanted, and all stations on the le&CtitlfA/U4A. AND ar,omezßurat RAILROAD. ras wed a so t ' I re direct- aoanootione at Ritaira with.Ack trawls the etr lork arid Brie, Canandaigna Ina Dliagara'Y ,ad Buffalo, New York and Erie, ant Now:York Oat Railroads, goat all paints Nfrth and W_put, - aad tho Oaaadass. : ' .. . _Daggagookaokel to Bbaira, Buffalo, seal Nagultaidoa eridge; and au iutermetiete points, , , riskott saute . treoarW at the Philadelphia maim• stalaßollroadfor elg Ticket Oiliasi nortayeat corner , of • lIX4Road OR: tsiNlia IScreatib, sad at . t4t _l . mer . mato 1 TNIRTEVW II I.4 aftl , l , o _fflaPatild itevt , . Expprort l . -Riat 07 TRAIN - ' BeAoa tits .P.ab l,_ 6,}phja and Reading Depot, Broad and Calieetili•aiee . t 5444" (Sevilla* .- iiallpe,l4). fir all 01111110 0 wen CI - Me II lei SS r - ._st, . . Freligto igist he dollsored log. re dP. AL td inure their in tan oaf& day. air :Tiltrotor rlearltalielt & at , F ri jo l 1,..., p VIALRIFEENZEL &a eallo. 1 L vlim to --.-- _ - 4.11. 1 ARD, Agent. Norther *enter 1113Iri ARC ' IT Streets,: . a• 1 - -', - - Frs.-s, %la. :4; -Phitadolaina INZ SUET MAICIIPAOTORY.-; W. , 800TE1 814' ONEetNIIII Street, a ili a dooin ealen the ruontineutaVire attentif • OF Dealers is Invited to , LairitOvno C OF 41411114. et superior it, *aka. and stater* ea 1101441 sat sue to arta at =Meat Nettie. ilif-u MTHOMAB & SONS, S 1i0e,139 and 141 !loath FOURTH Street, (Formerly Noe. 67 and ea.) PUBLIC SALES RKAL ESTATE AND a l ATTHE EXCHANUE EVERY TUD3DAv . ° PK& o'olook. noon, during the bmineu season. In Jul , ';`_ Atignatonly mmasionai gales. KEAL E. eATE AT PRIVATE ALE, " op- We hare large amount of real waste at 0h1.... sale. including every description of oity and E a '. property. Printed lists ma. h- hed at the and Wary ------- " wore. SALE OF SUPERIOR FUIItrIITURE, r ir , PRENrtff-P.LATE MIRRORS, M AROGANY 4 j AA() poRTK.B. ELEOENT VELVET AND Bali -81.1 8 CARPETS, &o. CARD.—Our sale to-morrow morning, at the Alms Score will comprise. besides 600 lots of ence11em,,,,,,0„." nand rummy, , mahogany piano fortes, fine Fre."c: Dkte mirrere, tereine-laTh3. beds and bed th e-. atid glassware. 8 , 11.41ei1l and Ot110: r4 ,. •ng an attractive asscriment, worthy thy attentms dies and other. deatrons of purchasing. legr Catalogue' now ready and the artiolgt arm for examination. l.l Be at N0t.119 ap_d 141 youth Fourth Street. SUP E bIUR F URNII u RIE, . F ENCH- PLY. T mr k NOR, PIANO- FORTES. Bc:D3 AND 13E091N-ft BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS. &c. On 'Thursday Mormat..l4ly At 9 o'clock. at the Auction Mote, an aste-tinA L , excellent second-hand tantalite. elegant pew, to , ci fine rrorrora, earners. beds and beddint, &a. from l iee eeelicong housekeeping, removed to the sons r, °Government+ of sale. Also. three superior sewing machines. Sale No. ISO Cheetztut Street. SUPERIOR FUANIII.I It , o. & PIA Nu, MllllUttiaa, CARPETS On Frotav blorzone. 12th inst., at 10 o'clock, at No. 134 t Chestnut lure. the superior furniture , piano-forte by Gale k. co fi le French-plate pier mirror, ttrursels carpets ko. oar May be examined at 8 o wont on the szurolllt the sale. MOSES NATHANS, AIIOTIONtr.R AND COMMISRION MERCHANT. sostimain corner of SIX= and RAGS Streets. AT EVATE HALE. AT PRICE 4 To SUIT THE TISIES. Th e following artfoles will be sold for leu than bah the =Lai selling prim NiAe gold hunting wise, doubt some, and doutd e .h m. LODI Mnglisti patent lever watches. of the mor sy mortt and beet makers ; fine gold doubts-time nelish wain lever watches; independent-seconds levor are gold hunting-case anal open-face escapement see; end teethe watches; honsoutal and dope: satch el silver huntina-case. donut. , ease, and double-bone.; it:ngliah patent lever. escapement lever, and l epiat marches, or the most approved and best makers; 0 .. hie- case and open-face silver watches; silver roamer silverguartier sun tousle-case watches; Gno gold vest neck. foci, and guard chains • diamond finger rings smi breast-pins .; *easel fine gold jew.lry ; Kqld hrossr.o, u , ear rings. finger-rings, bracelet, von 01 ! - Oale4. pent . and jewelry of every desefilition; gime, piNtiv, t . Ing.ll2lnOntig, piano-10MS, and articles generallr. MONEY TO J.OAN. Money tudvanood liberally, lot any length of tom agreed upon, on gold and silver plate. dunsoode watches, jewelry, fowling-pieces. mama' inatcn e , t .: . 5 1Y goods, clothing. grocenee , hardware , cutle r? . fi n nitute, bedding,- lanoy arttoten, end on all molts°, value. CONBIONNLEINTIA AND CUT-DOOR SALE.• fluff.. Liberal comb advattoes made on all articles 00 1311 for sale. Pomona attention given to all nat-fluor iiITZeATvI K & BROS., Aud. • noNEERB,6O4 CHESTNUT St., above tizta. BALES EVERY EVENIMU, At 7 o'clock. of books, atstionerv, and fanny good, watChee. jewelry• CdOCke. ailVer platen ware, clam, toatntin rs, musical mne rumenta, c i T y goods, boots and oboes, and mar. obat.disa of every deaoristion. DAY tiAld.S every Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day, at 10 o'olook .M. PRIVATE BA LEO. A t private sale. several large consignments for vat t h ee and jewelry, books, siationery. stiver-pl‘ted were mit ten. fancy roods. Zso.. to whioh is solicited die a u e ,_ tion 01 city and country merchants and others . Consignments solicited for all kinds of merchandise, for either public or private sales. r- L o i o g rs al e ca r om vs t no t tmnddtnconiment. trEarr LNG. WEEKLY COMMUNICATION 'BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, milling at QUEENSTOWN are land,) to land and embark pamiengers and despatches. The Liverpool, Near York, and Philadelphia Steam ship Company's splendid Clyde-built iron 1078%, Ate&m. Sin "' ein tided to sail ea follows: V t6 ROMNEW YORE YOH LIVERPOOL. KANGAROO, Satucday, faire BTN A. Saturday, Ed' n EDINBURGH. - Saturday, J6l, 71 And every Saturday throrchont.the rear, from Pall No. 44 N. R. • EATER OF PAISAASE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin, to Queenstown,. or Liverpool.— --- IS Do. to London, via Liverpool— ——_ to Ste e rag ato Queeriatown. or LiverpooL , —__ ,E R°• t° . 14n1 4° 11 :7". -----, 7:-.---.—. -------- 11S If etiun tickets, available for mx. mantra, • from Livorno° .!. elb passengers forwarded to H 21,76. Pane, Hamburg, Bronson, and Antwerp, at through rates. Certificates of presage ianed from Liverpool to New York—. M• _ esa Dprtifioates of passage Maned from Queenstown to ew York-- These steamers have superior. atmommodations for passengers, are omit-noted with watertight pompon manta, and carry experienoed Burgeons. For freight, or peerage yriftg at the °Moe of the Cow- G. DALE, Agent, 111 W nnt street, Philadelphia. to Liverpool, to WM. INMAN Tower BUildrirr. In %Saslow, to WM, 11431.1 N, 08-tf 13 Dixon street. THE BEITINEL AND NORTH IMAM ROYA.I. MALI MAN- NIW tots TO WTIOWL. Chief Cabin Falmage —.1130 • Second Cabin Passage—._. _ snow Boaz= TO LITIMPOOL. Thief Cabin Passage—. ens ISeoond?bin N The alidpa pond New ork enlist Cart Harbor. The ships rota Boston call at Halifax and Cook Lu ber. PEORIA, Capt. Jadkirut. AFRICA, Cant.Elbarnaa. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA, Cent. J. Left.* ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. AMERICA, Capt. Boot er. ABSTRALASIAN . NIAGARA, liana Moodie. Capt. Cook. EUROPA. Capt, Anderson. SCOTIA,Inow building.) These vestals carry a clear white light at meat-Peal; :Teen on starboard bow : red On oOrt Inn% AFRICA. Shannon leaves N. York, Wednesday. Jai' S. bIIFLO,PA., Anderson, " Boston, w Niktatriy. Jail O. PE*B.l Judkikar " Yort. Wednesday, Jwy 17. CA NA M.oodle, " Roston, troiceids.. Jo, U. ASIA. Lott, " N. York, Wednesday, Jalj 31. &HAMA, &one, " Boston, Weanesdar, Aar. 7. Berths not seoured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these sins% will not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, /evrelrj. Precious Stones • or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed thereto, and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight OT lialliageh apply to B. CVNA, d Bowling erten. Now Fort. "THE PRESS" B - ooK JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. NO. 417 CHESTNUT STREET. PRILADELPHIA. The attention of the Business Community is respectfully invited to the New Book and Job Printing Office of cc TEE Pass," which has been fitted up with New Material, in the most complete manner, and is now prepared to execute, in a satisfactory style, every va- riety of Printing 33001 KS, PAMPHLETS, CARDS, CHECKS, N - QTES, BILLS OF LADING, ETT,I, HEADS , T.ETTER HEADINGS, PAPER BOOKS, CERTIFICATES, DEEDS, BONDS, BALL TICI(FTS AND PROGIUMPLES, FOSTERS, SAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES, DRUGGISTS' LABEL.e, ETC., ETC., ETC Gold, Bronze and Colored Printing Eso cuted in a Superior Manner. MERCILRNTS, MANUFACTURERS, ME CRai ICS, L.RWYERS, AUCTIMIT. BERS : PUBLIC OFFICERS) BANKS, RATLRO.h`D AND INSURANCE coMpSNIES, Till be .supplied with any description of printing required, at short notice and on the moat reasonable terms. AND CIRCULABS , DRAFTS, RECEIPTS , MORTGAG.ES ,