The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 04, 1861, Image 3
LATE NEWS FROM ETIROPB ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER PERSIA. Anderson ) the Fugitive Slave. MR DAYTON'S REMONSTRANCE AGAINST THE "EATRIE" ARTICLE. Rebel Cornmiesionire in Prixie The steamship Ptlfita arrived et NeisS , York yes torday moreing,.with Liverpool data to Saturday, the 223 eh' The steamer Edinburgh arrived at QJeonatown 911 OW 20al. vat i and the North Brit.'', at London . 1191 - 11 411144 31n It IS reporcel MR um ealvrai IP? - romieVrE Wiil be suspended unfit tha eab.m.4 Hatted. The proeeedinga in Parliament have not been important. Lord John Rwasell announced, that France had rejected the proportion of Austria and Spain, that the Oatholie Powers shautikaet in onnoert in main taining the temporal payer of the Pope. It is also said thst , Spain has given a pledge that, whether St Domini°. it annexed or not, slavery shall not be intranood into the island. A meeting has been held in London for the be nefit of the fugitive slave, Anderson, and his kiss men in Canada He explained the necessity of killing the man, so as to effect his escape, and the meeting fully endorsed the not Another monster jl meeting in behalf of Anderson was to be held in Exeter' Hail on the 2tl of July. The rumor is revived that the Czar of Russia is to visit Napoleon at the Chalons oamp. The Southern oommissioners are in Paris, but France will hold no oommunioation except with the Washington Government. It is stated that Portugal refuses to acknowledge the new kingdom of Italy. FRANOR. The following is the arttale on the recognition of the Italian kingdom, whioli appeared in the Peers's, and has been einoe repeated la the Mani t•ur : Hlt is awed that negotiations will shortly be opened to effect the re establishment of liana* cal tha malt of Perin. 9hdllht tilBl/1 sA&bitAtIASD !lb Abu the remit will se the monition tato 81 tka Italian kingdom, composed of Life provinces and of the States which have been _planed under the sceptre of his Mojeety King Victor Emmanuel consequent upon events on wnioh Franoe has now no opinion to express, but which have been accom plished under favor of the prinoiple of non-inter vention recognised by Europe. The renewal of diplomatic relations with Turin would not imply, on the part of &ream, as regards the policy of the Italian kingdom, any judgment on the past, or any responsibility for the fatness It would Elbow that the de facto Government of this sew State is suf- Aotently established for it to .he possible to enter tain international relations with it, which the in terest of the two eiountries imperiously demand, France, by her flew attiinde, would not pretend to interfere in any manner in the internal or external affairs of the Italian kingdoen,.which remains sole Judge of its conduct, as ie is master of its future and of its destinies. It would aot toward ft as one day the great European. Powers will aot In •the American question, by recognising the new Its public of the Southern States when that Republic Blasi] have constituted a Government on a' basis which will allow international relations to be en tertained with it of advantage to general In termits." The Parris says: "The Government has ob tained an immense majority in the elections of members of the Council General, which have just Win Veoe. Out of 1 1 000 members eleeted only Whir IvlivrtP.s F l -I—a. impend to -be '"probable by the correspondent of the Times—M. Vimerceti, the non official repre sentative in Paris of the Piedmont's's Government since the recall of the minister, takes with him to Turin, it is said, the announcement that the French Government Is on the point of recognizing the new kingdom of Italy. M. de Livalette, whose health has suffered from the climate of Constantinople, is expected here towards the end of the month. After a abort stay at Vichy, to drink the waters, he will probably be appointed to Turin, when the recognition of the Italian kingdom is formally, an nounced. M. Talleyrand, the late minister to Ta • rin, it spoken of fur Berlin ; Latour d'Auvergne for Vienna; ; and 01 Dumoststier for Constantino ple, where General de Beaufort will represent France temporarily—that is, until the appoint ment of the regalar ambassador. Passe, Jane 19.—The Monstetur announces that the session of the Corps Legislatif Is prolonged' until the 2Tth twit In yesterday's sitting the new law on the press was discussed. M. Jules Fevre demanded the suppression of the administrative regime of the.,press, and the re-Aietablisbment of the law of 1519. M. Billanit, minister without port- folio, refuted the arguments of M. Fevre, and the Government bill was adopted. Torrnoar, June 19 —Admiral Ohappart has ar rived in order to farm a new naval division. Ad miral Reynaud is about to sail. Hie division will visit New York, Charleston, and other American ports. Pants, June 20 --audgment was given yester day afternoon in the affair of the "Monde news paper. The charges of insult and libel brought against the proprietors were admitted by the tri bunal. M M Faloonet was fined 500 f., and Cram pon was sentenced to 15 days' imprisonment and a flue of 600 f . We read in the Paris letter of the Tames, dated the 19th " Captain Russell, who was appointed by the Minister of Marine to report upon the per formance of the Great Eastern on her voyage to New York and back, has had audience of the Em peror at Fontainebleau. Captain Russell Is stated 14 Linn 2APISP* 4I _, his opinion that a reunion be- . m um ry t tperra - sgaasibZi.Zia - eriTa . kirebccs i. La r .- 1 1M, 0112 . 14 cue oet..biLisisarac d ro r bit.. is inevitable The 'armaments of the North, he .merins,so,formiclablo- as thew •ere represented to Oa tvumerona regiments that ;tore on paper are reduced to s few - pirates, with the officers and staff au grand complet. Ile sip• prebends the same state of things exists in the South, and does not look on serious warfare as im minent for some time to come." The Parts cor respondent of the Daily News•writea : I hear that Mr. Dayton, the United States minister, has remonstrated against the assimilation of -the Southern States of America to Italy, contained in the article of the Patric, reproduced by the Mon iteur." It is reported that the oiroular of M. Thonvenel to the Court of -.Turin, announcing the recognition of Italy, says that the occupation of Rome will be oontinued until the necessary guarantees shall be given to - France for the safeguard of those interests which be intended to protect in occupying Rome. A semi-official pamphlet is on the eve of publi cation at Paris ' which will explain the way in whioh the eldest son of the Church reoonoiles his recognition of the kingdom of Italy with his re spect for the Holy Bee. Marshal Niel, it is said, will be sent to Turin to eomoliment Viotor Emmanuel on his recognition by France as Ring of Italy. 21, —The presse of this evening ""# r;rli tiio a -t 1 1 1 -Aq ill? it irme.olllMl of the Kingdom of Italy has arrived, Mid li in the affirmative The Cabinet of Torte entirely agrees with the - views of Franoe " The Patric of this evening states that the Cabinet of Turin admits the reservation made by France in regard to the question of Rome and the patrimony of St. Peter. The Presse states that Food Paoha has been ap pointed Governor General of Syria. FRANCE AND ROME. Pants, June 21 —The Paris papers publish a telegram, dated Rome, Juno 18, stating that a despatch had been received at the Vatican, from Paris, announcing the recognition of the Kingdom of Italy de facto, with reservation of all lights. The same telegram asserts that the French de spatch also expresses regret at the non , fulfilment of the treaties of Zurich, and promises so indefi• site duration of the occupation of Rome by French troops. It is added that, in consequence of this despatch, the Papal Government appeared more assured SPAIN. The Covrtspondoncia Autografa ease : "Spit ln demands the solemn protilse of Mortise to eremite the treaties, before she entertains her proposition . it h m id t 9 reparation on account of the late grelek-e.ele-114,7 OQ " Malmo, Jane 16 --apaln will ppeutva a Mid neutrality in the civil War in America. The Bank of Madrid has aifirded aseistanoe to several mar es:dile hone*, whore affairs were embarreased. ITALY Toniw, June 17.—The Gazette ds Torino says: "It la asserted that the Government has received a despatch front Paris. announoinA that Profuse re eognises the kingdom of Italy.' The Opinions of to-day says '• The dtplomatio relations be tween France and Italy will shortly be resumed. It is asserted that. H. de Lavalette will proceed to Turin as minister plenipotentiary of Propos, and that the Commander di Nigro will go to Paris in a similar capacity.' Tunis, June 17, evening.—lnformation has been received by the authorities that Austrian emissa ries would attempt to blow up the powder maga zines The guards stationed near them have in eousequenee been tripled for the last three days, and ail woe's to the magazines prohibited. Up to the present time no attempt has been made. Perfect tranquillity prevails in Turin. A bill for levying ;4,000 men In the old JEmillan provinces-- the Marches, Umbria. and Sicily—was to day laid on the table in the Chamber of Depudes. Perlis. ment will °mations sitting throughout July. P4OlB, Jane .18—The Perim papers pablish news from Naples to the 15tb, stating that the towns of lianpoaroo and Bignano, having risen in insurrection, had been taken by assault by the Italian troops Twenty of the inhabitants were shot for having burned alive four Peidatontese. Both towns were afterwarda set on fire, and the inhabitants departed into the neighboring vit. loges. Rona, June 15 —The indisposition of the Pope is merely an attack of erysipelas. Popular manifestations have taken place in Ali bort( Theatre. with cries of " Viotor Emmanuel forever " IT! color ed bouquets .were showered on the principal .ballet dancer, who was afterwards arrested. TURIN, June Id —The journal of Ultlitg lialsesna has been seized for the publication of a Massinitin article entitled "The Pope and Religion." Pools, JUDO 17 —The students of this city have sent an addreas to the students of Frazee in reply to that issued by the latter upon the death of Count (lemur. The Neapolitan correspondent of the Times, in his letter dated the 11th. says: I hear of no resew tionary attempt of any Importance to speak of, but I bear continually of relations being kept up with the ex Bourbon Government, by means of the small craft whiott are employed to carry oranges, lemons, and other produce, to the Tiber. It is said that when the Jbirrs were arrested on their arrival from Rome, last Sunday week, letters were discovered to loaves of bread In fact, no ruse to left anprzotteed by which to keep up a commani otti¢n•with ,tho Neapolitans, and I believe that it le totialimbre constant than is generally imagined; tor, l e t p e ople deny it as tpuoh- se they like, a great Ink of thi population fit so utterly degraded as to look beak on the past with regret. They are the Plaoe-banters, the ignorant and the priest ridden, which are synonymous phrases, and the impatient. Most of these, with the simple pros peat of adding another dish to their daily meal, would ory out " Viva Pranoisco" to a man Bnoh blind insensibility to their rest position is at times most diabiartenlog, but when . it takes, as it com monly does, the form of ingratitude to the Pled montetejt is disgusting As I have remarked in other letters, tte revolution was made by the few, and not by the many.' .The crisis Is now one of great interest, and 1 welt with anxiety to see what the effect of Count Caveat's death will be on the fickle and volatile tiOnthemen arid their nufnernill pea ti o nary enemies. • Jana 12.—T teillgence reaches us from all parts of the proviro, of the "grief," the " oonsterna tier," (14' "strong impression" which the death of Count Covent' has created. In Messina m an y fl ag s wore hung out from the windows in mourning; the French steamer Solon entered that pot t i t , mourning In Palermo the chops were shut and the theatres were alined In Leto° the 81113J0 demonstrations of respect were made As f Naples, a public eubsoription has been opened in every' eirrondarto of these provineee for the erection of a monument to the deoeased statesman In the Largo di Natalie When the sum amounts to 100 000 lire the plan is to be decided on. Tunic, June 19 —The Turin papers of to day plablteh despatches from Florence, dated the 18:It, 'elating that on the, previous day same j turneyrnen bakers attempted le get up a manifestation, with the objaot of obtaining an increase of wages. The coalition did not, boirever, mum& ..<„,.. 15 utt 1 Iks atm/ail dation of the different public de‘te of Italy, by .229 against nine votes. On Saturday next the King will receive Prinee Pombino, who was exiled from Rome for baying refused to withdraw his signs , tore from the petition for the withdrawal of the French troops. The Opinions of to-day an nounoes that the note from the Frenoh Govern ment on the recognition of the kingdom of Italy arrived 'yesterday at Turin, and that it will be published when the reply of the Italian Govern ment shall have reached the Emperor The &M -oist Turtn Gazette of to day state' that the let ter published by some Austrian jurrnals purport ing to have been addressed by the Minister or the Interior to the Governor of Milan relative to the late events in that oily, is a mare invention. Roma, June 18 —The theatre has been closed in conicquentte of a violent national manifestation Roans, June 19.—The Pope is again ill. On the 30th instant he will go to Castlegandolfe. It is acid that the Pontifioal treasury now contains 18 000 000 f. in money Francis II has proposed to the French Government the "sale of the Cornell, Farneeina, and Capravoin Palaces The aliena tion has been sanctioned by, a Pontifical rescript Timm Jane 20—Evening —Garibaldi's bill on the national armament, with some modifications which had been approved of by the Ministry, was discussed in the Chamber of Deputies. Petruoelli opposed the bill He considered the French occu pation of Rome an outrage upon Italy. [Groat agitation 1 Petruoelli was called to order, and the general disonssion on the bill terminated The °lames wilt be discussed to-morrow. HIIN(I4M PR, lid - fit 17.___Tlio vatod 19 till ()bamboo of Doputios woli dimmed Laidig , in the Upper Holm It was imported by nearly all the members who, spoke. Bishop Reynold declared hitatolf in favor of the union of Hungary with Transylvania, and the maintenance of a connection between Hungary and Austria. Pearn, Jane 17 —The discussion on the address oontinued In the 'Upper House. The Primate of Efungary,•in his speech, laid stress on the necessity for a conciliation between Hungary and the Em- peror, and for a revision of the laws of 1848. All the members who spoke were in favor of sending an address to the Emperor, in the form proposed by M. Dealt, in the Lower House. PRAOI7I, June 19 —The Emperor has promised to grant an amnesty to those persons committed for Indi thud crimes In Bohemia, who should request bis Majesty's pardon. Vsnatra, June 20 —The Vienna papers assert that in the last Ministerial Connell it was resolved that the address of the Hungegian Diet should not be accepted, acd that the Municipality of Pesth should be dissolved. In the sitting of the Second Chamber at Pestb, on the 14th inst., the President called on the committee that had been appointed to draw up the address to submit it, modified according to the re solutions. M. L. Smiley then rose and stated that M. Francis Desk had taken no part in the draw ing up, but had declared that he no longer eon- Adored the address as his, since the moatimportant Dicta had been withdrawn ) and replaced by others vim% ART S . 6 .h cissa.vorzeii it .797 , Tide tenatinuication said to totiot ixiadb a great sensation in the Chamber. Paern, Jane 20, evening —The disousslon on the address terminated to-day in the Upper Hones. The address was unanimously agreed to. BARDIN id. - Tonne. June 21.—lbe Opinion', of to-day, says : We believe that the reply of the Italian Government to the note of Fracas, relative to the reoognition of the kingdom of Italy, will be de spatched to Paris in the course of to-day. The Opinions publishes a letter from the bro ther of Count Cavonr, denying the assertions of the Gazette tie France, in regard to the oircum- Menace whioh aocompanied the last religious acts of the minister. The Turin journal' announoe that, at the request of Baron Rican°ii, Signor (Ivrea, secretary gene ral to the ministry for foreign affairs, has with drawn bie resignation. PRUSSIA. Biuturt, Stine 19.-There is not the least founda tion for the report of a resignation of the Prussian Cabinet. AUSTRIA The Pays says the Austrian Government has re solved not to carry into effect, for the present, the project of disarmament on which it had resolved. and that a similar determination has bun adopted by King Victor Emmanuel's Government. It also says that the Austrian Cabinet, in order to enforce the payment of taxes to Hungary, hag resolved on establishing a camp in the plains of Rakes, and has already collected there troops, artillery, and ammunition The same journal affirms that the chiefs of the recently.alsoovered conspiracy in flreece were ex Russian officers. It adds that the King and Q3een, having been informed that they were menaced, took measures of precaution, and that the ()Aeon armed herself with pistols. Visalia, June 10 —ln to-day's sitting of the Lower Rouse of the Coanoil of the Empire, the Minister of State announced that he was autho rized by the Emperor to declare the bill proposed in the Provincial Diet of the Tyrol against the „-mxnaisalihe of the F;ottuitinti to be initniet stela Vie en, June n... 1110 105T0 10 morrow - for Corfnrou .account of her ..idejesty . 's 110114;111 beteg more Impaareu. - RUSSIA.. ST. Payattantrea, June 19 —The Northern Bee of to-day says : Up to the end of May last the In surrection of peasants had taken place in 141 vil lages of Podolia, containing, altogether, a popula tion of 71,000 These disturbances arose from a wrong interpretation of the imperial ordinances. Order has been re-established. POLAND. Tuoni, JunelB.—lt is stated that a courier ar rived yesterday at Warsaw, the bearer of the im perial decrees granting reforms to Poland. These reforms are said to make satisfactory Concessions to the country. Their publication is expected very shortly The Emperor has appointed Prince Alexander Gortsoltakoff, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to ba resident of the commission entrusted with 'draw. ng op the new laws for the kingdom of Poland. TBORN, June 10 —The statutes of the future Council of State for Poland were published yester day at Warsaw. The military have been with drawn from the streets and pabito squares. The Resource Club was reopened yesterday, and the Theatre on Saturday. — Th? imperial 4"_r" 15t9157,17 .. tfa1i4.41 iLio . ::owwrvai - oir Intr4 . Tite , 0ck33,431.1 t. to be composed of members of the tiouncil of Ad ministration; of member, appointed by the Em peror; the members of the superior clergy; the Governors of the provlecel, end the president of the Agricultural Assooiation Its fanotions are to examine and give a deliberate vote on new laws, on the budget for the year, and on all charges brought against pubito Junotionariee. The sittings of the Council will be secret, and the resolutions are not to be published before haying been ap proved by the Emperor, TURKEY Cosarawrrnoria, June 17 —David Effendi, an Armentan_, and now director general of telegraphs, will be Governor of the Lebanon. The Sultan continues ill. A physician has been telegraphed for from Paris. The Paris correspondent of the Daily News writes "It is stated that M. Andral, M Trous seau, and another eminent French physician, have been requested by Vely niche, to go to Constanti nople with all speed to seethe Sultan, and that they start this evening. There are strong reasons for believing that the Sultan's malady is beyond the aid of medicine." On the 28th of May a telegram was received at /L.: P:.:14 estttelteetetr a Mak MILUMPI of Torkith 111.11ted 111 AIMS of ilarlittfoii hI 11111 Mut delta. Thirty eight men were hilted, 13absequent despatthea state that the troops under Danish Piaui insisted on betog alloried to olear the pass at all hazards, and that they have atioacieded in so do ing They afterwards entered Niel/doh to relieve the garrison of that plane Commercial Intelligence. LIVERPOOL. hi R eirsu7273 - 2F- - - reaterdar .8,000 balsa ; apecula:ora and exeorters, bales. aloaing cunit and steacr. Bread.tufrs doll Pro visions-dull. Ltlii,DOrd. Jane n.—Contola 89089.% lor money, and 90091 for account. 1111110(m Central Railroad shares 40%840 disaount. Erie Railroad Well. LIVERPOOL WEEKLY COTTON REPORT. Layskroor.. June 22 —Cotton—ester of the week. 66.- 000 Dales. including 10 503 to speoutato s, and 8.000 to exporter'. The market closed steady. with en average DM,MOSS. but no quotab'e change. Molders offared free ir. but showed no deposition to press ettlee. Lower lftlalitles were d , thoult of s ale. The estimated sales to day are 10,000 bales, with 2 000 to 'peculators and ex poi te ix -the market doting oust, but st•ady. Qu. ta 'tone—Fair Orleans. •. middl ins do.. 716 16 ; Mobile fair. ; do. rev:Mins. 7E; Celan , a lair. 8% ; do. m.d dft n n ug•7E nook in Do. /.1107,000 bele.. 'no/lading 814.- 000 of American. THE bIANCRENTPR MARKETS.—Advioes from Manolasiter are unfavoreb:e. but there wail rather more animation in some branches of t`le trade. LIVERPOOL 1111.EnDsTUFFd MARKET. June 21. The 13reedstuffs market is very dull. All articles hate slightly declined he weather had been favorable for the crops. Rich ardson. Spence, & Co 's circular reports Flour very dull and slightly lower quotations. 241! &Islas Wheat very dullard Wei 11131Mpartaat ; prices 'engraft, on. changed. Red, Oa 6d010,14d ; white. ISse/..te ed Cern very cull. wan hit e expert inquiry at 64 decline. 11l tied, 1850211* dld ; yellow 280295; Walls. 80&22.t. LIVERPOOL PROOltifOrid MARKET. June 22 The Provisions mullet mu generally dull. beef dull, but steady. POrk quiet. !Moon heavy and Is lower. Lard heavy. and offered at low rates. say 00.. Cheese— laferior qualities Dave declined 202 d Tallow u dull and 1. lower; hatcher.' nominal at O&M'. Oztraanx PRODUCS MARMITs. June V.—Ashes—rots are quiet et 34sertle0 6d : ?earls quiet et 260365. Sugar steady. Crffee doll. Kies dull, and 6d lower. Rosin dell, and quotations bereft/ maintained ; common 6s 4d ; matiam es &teas. 2 urpentine dull, and leslEd lower. wt 42• Adams. Fish Oils dub, and generally unchanged. • Linseed Oil 201 2. 1 DTI 6d- LONDON MARKETS, June 22.—Baring Brothers' Circular reports wheat ten dull tra an d 102 0 lower; white 620 zee 03sy. e lour very del and lo lower, at Nismak ed. Iran—Welsh rails ;W elsh bar dul l .4.118.£11 Ss Ed; Pig doll at 494. Sugar steady. Cone dull and romancing barely •maintained. Rice heavy. Turpentine dell at aai. ea quiet: Googol IltellKid. ; Linseed elghtly lower et 22e Al. LONDON ?COMFY MARKET. ..onsols 82Xet2 2 :: for money. and -9009k13{ for amount. Bullion in hang has increased £385,000. The money market is aenerelly - In ATit l ed t3AN BECORYCIEEI —Baring Bros. report en Improved demand for Federal and kltate Securities. but for railways the btuiness is limited at previous rates. MARINE AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. • The A merica arrived out at Queenstown on the 23d The bark Rapid, (Tom Vera Crus. reports the frigate Macedonian •here, and all w It on the 9th of Jane. Letters have been reoelyed at Vets. Cruz. lrom the attborities at New Orleans to pnreh sae the mu lets that were to be had, but nobody would accept the °OM mission. PromOtlon of General Lyon, EEC. ET, Louis, Jaly 3 —The Democrat announces the promotion of Brigadier General Lyon to major general. llis command embraces the States of Indiana, Illinois, lowa, and Missouri. Three companies of the Seventh Regiment, Colo nel Bte►enion, left for De Soto last night, to sup port the Home Guards In that section against the attacks of the Secessionists who have artillery, and gather their elani by the discharge of cannon. Removal of Troops into Virginia. WALEBIIIOIOIII, July 3.—The First Zdinoaiota breke up their °amp till' morning, arid embarked at the Davy yard on the steamers Philadelphia and Baltimore for Alexandria, taklntwith them all their camp equipage, etc. • LATER FROM CALIFORNIA $1,244,000 ON THE WAY TO NEW YORK. FORT KuntruT, July 2.—The .pony expresi ar rived hers this morning with the following ad vices : NAN FRANCIUM°, June 22 —Arrived June 20. ship Govel, from Boston. Bailed June 19, gimp Mormon, for London; June 21, ship /gory Ro binxon, for New York The B:itish war steamer Tartar flailed June 21, for Panama, carrying $l2 500 for England, and the steamer Sonora sailed on the 20th. carrying two hundred passengers, and $1,244,000 in gold for New York, $BO,OOO for England. and $20,000 for Panama, making a total of $t 345.000_ Tin MEV* fir IT°" alra were rarroffrmr-, • A1t.333. Wolter--5a PM. ROO__ fal SE4IIIII BIM 110111110311111 ft , Qiilfl4 aaaV Of:I/man —.... Os ow . wiro Wollo, Fargo, A Ca. 367 000 Alaogo. ......... 000 R. Donohue 8c C0....109 0430 I Sedoman— 43,000 Lather ft Uhuroh„.. 33,0001 Dewitt & 3 6 .0t:0 Houagoh... 66,000 D. O. Male 5 0.000 The following 081)111 passengers also - liana ny the Sonora: J. W. Raymond, L Seta and wife, Mrs Colonel John O. Fremont and family, Colonel J. M Catlin, C. Adolph Low, Captain J. Chand ler, U. ,S A., Lieutenant A. M Randall, O. S. A., Miss Stewart, Daniel Gibb and mother, Liente hunt 'lt Brown Beninger, Don Jnan Robinson, G. B. Rayooolt, fen Toro. Gov. Stevens, Mr B. Duffield, Mr. Dryovan, T. Bailer, Eranois Brandy and family, Dr Conway, Miss Conway, G Shaffer, R. Glory, Mrs. Wikley, J. Portigeal, 0 Sal:lobes C. Conig, Robert Stafford. A. R. Kimball, W. . Clark, R. Conrad, M. Duffield and family, G. R. Smith, A. MoDonald, A C. Joseph, Richard J. L Do, Mrs. A. Stevens and 2 children. Among toe passengers is a company of United States Pappore and miners, numbering some thirty men No less titan four floe Union flags were taken by this ',learner intended for regiments in service at the East, the tokens of sympathy and admira tion of California friends. EIONNERCIAZ , LNTHLTAGSMCS The ship Mary Robinson, from New. York, oar ries 1080 bales of wool, as a portion of her cargo. Trade lemming stagnant Money is plenty, and rates of interest vary. Exchange on New York at 6a6 per cant. There have been some important sales of wheat to make no the cargo of the ship Old Colony, at ti nizmiska zr maw Lea ie A.r.g.aastin the Ming_ aigiiii fl MUJAOIIIOI The Republican Convention completed its labors on the 20th, and adjourned sins doe. The follow• ing is the complete clmte ticket, whloh is regarded by all parties as an exceedingly strong one: For Governor, Leland Stanford • for Lieutenant- Governer, JohnF. Chillis, formerly of New York. Par members of Congress, T. G. Phelps, for merly of New York ; A. A Sargent, formerly of Magsaohneetts. For judge of the Supreme Court, Rdwara Nor ton, formerly of New York ; for clerk of the 8u- Drama Court, Frank F Fargo, formerly of New York ; for Attorney General, Frank M. Prisley, formerly of New York; for Comptroller, 0 R. Weston, formerly of Connecticut; for Treasurer, David R. Assley, formerly of Michigan ; tor Sur veyor General, 3. .Houghton ; formerly of Massa chusetts; for State"printer, printer, F. P. Avery, formerly of Massaohusetts The fact of most of the candidates being from New York appears to have been entirely acci dental. • The :Federal - appointments under the present Administration• are nearly all from New England; while 7under the last -they were nearly • all natives of the Southern States, with a preponderance ,in favor of Virginia.. • • . • Eteneral Johnsen, the late military commander of this coast , was still at Los Angeles ' on the.lsth.. A - valuable service of silver plate had been ~prem intod in him DJ hid ie ra mrod tDDI DO AIII 0119111JIMY .141 9 Ka° 1 7. T a° overland rola% a nd IsT fifty Californian*, who meth service nudes..Jotter son .Davis.. lie had _ received :-.information..froth Washington.- that _ his resignation in the - Federal army was accepted .• - • - • . - Nearly . all the • public . halls in, Pan - Francisco were nightly squads of•lrdent military aspirants in drilling: • A printed circular and handbill have - been posted throughout Ban. Fran, 01800, directed against. ex Senator William M. Garin, and warning him _to . leave the State by. the. next' steamer.' . The authors. of this disreputable publication are notknOwn. •: • • Tbe Los Angelei Star, of the 15th, contains news from Arizona, and thii:southeeetern borders. of the State. . - •Since the discontinuance of the overland mail,- the Apache Indiana have become alarmingly hostile. At last accounts they appear ed to have control of Arizona Territory, -and neitherpereoninor property were safe there. The _Military. at - Fart Buchanan are reported-as afford ing no protection, but. remaining closed : - within .their posts. • . The United States poste at Fort Tejon and-Fort Mohave are to be • abandoned, and -the headquarters' established at Los Angeles, - where :four companies have already arrived. - • :.The,Sear remarks, that, with - the abandonment - of forts . Tejon and Mohave; the stook owners of the country will be given'up to the mercy of the .. Instead of concentrating 'troops at. Los Angeles,' it saggeets whether it would not be - well to stations force at the •Vadens,". and thus afford protection 'to the miners, gresera, and • farmers, • as • well as traders on the Salt Lake road. • •- -. • A correspondent, writing tram the esjott Peas en June lstb, calls attention to some recent ours of horse stealing in the Mohave region, and the re turn of the miners from the Potosi& oity. It is re presented that there is a general stampede, every one leaving the distriot, and all owing to the re moval of the United States troops. ' The reamer Cortez arrived at San French** on the 20th, from Portland, Oregon, bringing a battalion of U. S. infantry, consisting of two com panies of the Fourth Regiment, wtroh distinguished itself on so many ocamatone in Medan, and one com• DIDY 01 6110 Bina!, Glittiala At Pt WAPtust hOlllllOl - Der DJ YiilYt Viii " f` , "lito IDaIIA Or ills fliiiil3lll4l2l VI 1 1 0 Fourth °Quieting at three more companies, was to leave 'Orogen by the next steamer for elan Francisco. OREGON. Dates from Oregon are to the Nth of Juno.. In- telligence from Lieut. Mullin'a expedition says they bad crossed the Spoken river fifteen miles northeast from Walla Walla. A bridge fate hun dred and five feet long bad been aonstruoted across the Little Spoken. Two companies of _volunteers had been raised in Portland, called the Union Guards and the Jeffer son Guards. One Infantry and one cavalry com pany are being-organized at Belem. Never since the settlement of Oregon have the crops been too backward - as the •present spring. Daring the fore part of the month the rain was almost incessant, and the weather was more like April than Jane. The farmers say tbat should this kind of weather continue three weeks longer, the wheat oro p . will not amount to half the usua l or o p. , Grass le generally good. The Puget Bound Herald of the 6th says : " Yes terday the officers and seamen of the United States steamer Massachusetts were sworn in, in com- plianoe with a reeent order from the Government : eieveral of the men refused to take the oath, urging that after signing the articles of agreement, no such oath could be exacted of them." curthor IlrohAblit 140111 01 11111 NORM _ . ship Canadianle Crew. MONTREAL, July 3 —There is mush anxiety about Mr. Kelly, the first offiser of the Cartadtan, and the boat's orew, who, after landing the pea. gangers, set ont for the north shore of Belle lsle, to intercept some other steamer of the same line. They have not yet been heard from. Point of Rocks Occupied. BALTIMORM, July 3 —The Sign of this rooming says: " We learned last eveniog that about 900 United States troops, under Colonel Stone, have arrived at Point of Rooks, and were yesterday occupying that place. The Confederates were re ported to be throwing up batteries on the opposite or Virginia side." The Golden Fleece. at Montreal lldonvaisi, July 3 —The steamer Golden Fleece arrived here, bruniog the Forty-seventh Regi ment, 900 strong The steamer Nova Scotian hall not yet arrived at Father Point. Another Prize at New York. ktaw Y9Bit d9IT fr - 14111.P14.1 4 . 4 ° Pi" tiff (Bail IrE 111 ntlf!"!!`lx ". ' - ;PM P 7 w, New York Stock ruter SCOo U 8 6s, 87 6000 1 / 8 81 '6l yet-- 8611 60000 IT 8 65, '81 coup.— 8331 4600 TreaslOX o 24.101 WOO Trews 12 4P'a Nts.4o2 6000 n Y 847 s '7O ---.104 1 610106 m 64 9000 Kentucky At 6a... 72 1000 Indiana 84 63-- 76 4000 do.— —. 78 33000 Tenn St 6s, '9o. 38 las 0 do— 3774 7000 Virsinia St 46 171/00 do— —...410 46 12000 464: 30000 N Carolina6s.—t3 40 11.90 Missouri St 65.._ 38 530.%1 IWO Mo6s—lsli &8.1.43 X, 1000 Louisiana Stet.— 6154 MOO California St 7s _ 74X LW Suomi& St 6toNYCen7s.__... 3000 Erie 2d in P:24'64. 97 1000 Erie 241 m '79 res. 95 1000 LUC fr. Mil d G. IS 1001 Mat fr. W 'Ad..— 13 17 Bk of New York._ 77 New York Markets, Yesterday. Asses are quiet at 865634 for Pots and 85.60166-75 for remote. traeasTUFF6.—The market for State and Western Flour is very munh unsettled, and tomes have harther deol.ned If 0160 bbl. under the nollivorable Forepa ws /deices by the Persia. The demand is very mode rate, even at the heavy decline. Tne sales are 1600 bbls at $3760380 for superfine Ftate ; 84 2004 61 for extra State; V 6003.60 for superfine. Miohigan, Indi ana. Ohio. lows. &o . and 81 5066 60 for extra do in cluding abloom( bands of YOU d hoop Ohio at 84.660 4 76. and trade brands of do at 84 900660. Southern Flour is heavy arid lower. with a limited business; sale. 600 bb's at 156 2605.80 f r superfine Baltimore: 58 Berefl 76 for extra do; 86.8166.40 for Brandywine ; 1110 6107 76 for lieoretrown ; 87.e009 for Petersburg City. and 57 60609 for Riohmond City. renames Flour IP dull and , cweri with aales of 450 bbls at 84.1507 for the lance of extra brands. Rye Flour is lower. with trifling sales at 82.6003.80 for the range of fine and superfine. Cam Meal tastemly; we quote NOW Jersey at /112.750 236; Brandywine . 51 303.10: punobeons. 81601626 Wheat Is irrerular and unsettled under the Persia's advice.. and prices Me 20t1o1, bushel lower gales of 125 00 bushels at 8508714 for Milwaukee Club; 900960 for amber tow.; 900 for °home Raoine Spring: filt.ofse 118 for ',hi; e Western. 111 ye ie dull at 6761680 far Northern. Parley is heavy a 650600. Oats are dull and heavy et 26,3300 for Jersey. 'Dela ware sad Penns, Brant& ;306310 for State, end 290220 for Western and Canadian. Corn is doll and in favor of the buyer, with sales of 20 061 bushe sat 400446 for new mixed Western WftisttsT la dull and heavy ,with sales of 260 barrels at 18re t81(0. FROVIRIONS.—Pork is dull and bear,; the sales are 160 barrels at $1476 for mess and a.O for prime. Beet Is do I, w th selea of 76 barrels at-fa 6004 for country mess, 8404 60 for country prime, 88010 76 for repack ed Western, and 811611 60 for extra men. Prime mess beef isnter. Beef bacon are dull at 811011 Batton is nominal. Cut mews are very quiet. at 504.60 for hams and 4660 for shoulders. Lard is dull and heavy, with sales of BIM tea and bbts at PHILADKLPHIA BOARD (W . GY.0.1 , 1_. L TATHAM, au gat TH. V RE HD rx HR tnenutm, Comrt or Tax Moors WM. . . LETTER MIMS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Parse ak, Row land —.Liverpool, Jaly 6 ifeeeP Tam:arena, Vtle /eV) -Liverpool, noon Bilik Parallel Tar lrox, Tar box, Buenos aLne, soon trk Bea Eagle. Kenny_.....__n pu beam, Trto, seem rit iekti be, °lemon .Hawses, 100 n Nark Ann Klizabetn. Y Wee.. moon Bark Jew Maxwell. Tn. soon Brig baango„rasas— Jago th • cubs. soon Bobr Fannie. VIIIOO. haveasomya &ail I orthrup. Rum— _._Port au Primo THE PRESS.-PHLIADELPMA, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1861. PORT OF Fum,tost.ruirks July'd SUN RISES-:-. -4 'llB -3 UN BETS-- 42 MGR 11 IS ARRIVED. Strarnshlp Delaware, Johnson, 22 hours from New York; wi•b rode* and 'passengers to Jag Aliderdiee, Nosed off Bombay Honk. sohr d W neon. hound up. Brig frt. Wilibimn. 70 days from Trinidad de enba, With ►near to 9 Morris Wain &.Co. Came through the windward Tanalige to avoid Privateers. 7th lilt, near Kos Briton, spoke soh, M asrver, seeking: freight. Brig 'vaegett. Tibbetis. days from Providence, in balisst to FA , A D el ano ro. firtgolerald. 4 days from New Bedford, in billert to L A ndenried A Co. Bohr Jonathan May, Cobb, 6 days from Boston, in babast to Trier. Stone. & Co. Roh r L Is Levering. Corson. 6 days from' Boston, in bal'art to N Sturtevant A Co. Bohr I, B Endicott, l ends. from Newport. Sohr L Audenfied. Bartlett, from Onetnn. Bohr U Er- T Ramer, gruntley. from Providence. Bahr Mal Flivotipclii f r o m riga* Ti." - SE.e. iur;-;1; , _ Guias, haulm trani.Berr VA nag to VP fityac Steamer t!arab, J 031131. 24 hours from - New York, with aid's! to Wm hi Baird & Co. CLEARED. Steamship City of Richmond, Kelly, Fort Monroe, Col C Thomas with troops. Steamship Virginia, Snyder, Fort Monroe, C Thomas, with troops. - Ship Joshua Montan, Milliken, Havana, P Wright & Berm 134 rk Nuord (Russ), Iltorth, Belfast, Ireland, Work man & Co. Brig Jarlen (Norw), Klaveness. Queenstown. A Cattail & Co. Brig Loango, Evans, St Sago de Cuba, C W Bernadon & no. Brie Herald, .AB Delano Newburrport•L Audenried &Co. rtg Tangent, Tibbetts Witoasset, PI Sturtevant Co. • Fehr J May. Cobb. Tortugas. Tyler. Stone. & Co. Pohr Pinta, Saunders, New London. J R Blakiston. Bohr Jos Turner, Crowell, Fall River, R R Corson & Co Bohr BeSavoe, Boynton, Portland. it A Sander & Co• Bohr Fred Shearer. Sheerer, St Johns. B A Bowler & Co- Bohr J B Dudley. Hart. Boston N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr L Audenried. Bartlett, Boston, Bancroft, Lewis, & Co. Bohr C Moore, Ingersoll. Boston, Baum. Oils & Co. Bohr U & T Cramer, Huntley. Providence, MiMes & Co. . • gehr ICi* ?hero. Jones. Norwich. Mines & Co. Soh, L B Endicott Leeds. Newport. Reveller & Bro. Bohr Alex Blue, Haskell, Bdrartown. L Audenried Bohr Arietis. Cain, Boston. Cain, Hooker. 44: Co. Fehr Prawn, Jackaway, Boston. 1 It litakistan. Bohr L Gray, Weaver. Medford. Revolier & Bra. , Bohr B W Benton. Taylor, New Haven, N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr Carthsgana. Kelly, Salem, N eturtavart & Co. Behr Mary Atwood, Standish, Welideet, N Sturtevant & Co. • • 8011/ flortion, for Dolli Pi4YE94Qoff N rPmovant s h h- a AAltell6l4. a Rid. ERMllielltil OIL 118ehr B ti miaow ri alumna it Co, Bohr Jim Fermim, Rail, Pali *war, c. 0...., stick ney. A Wellington Bahr Centurion. Stanley, Portland, CA Heokscher. Sem Virginia. Hawkins. Boston. C A Plenksotier. ricer J P. Pratt, Pratt. Salem. C A Becksoher. Behre P If awes, Mason. New Bedford, Noble, Ham' Sett. do Caldwell • Bohr Mary C Torben, Thomas. Rommell. Patti% & Co. Steamer it L Caw. Ber. Baltimore. -A Groves. Jr. Steamer New York, Hunter, New York. W P Clyde. (Correspondence of the Philadelthia Kgohanga) R.S.Jgdy 2. The brig Canima ; sabre Ottoman. Mary Elizabeth: Thom Borden. F . C Smith, C R Vickery, Richmond. and 12 other 'choosers, anal loaded, went to sea this morn ing. Wind NW, A, MARSHALL. MEMORANDA. Steanrhip Africa. Shannon, cleared at New York 2d inet for Queenstown and Liverpool. Steam:main Edinburgh, Brooks, from New York, at Liverpool 21d ult Ship Hortensia', Atkins, for We port. wax loading at Liversool 2241 nit Ship Kate Cannon, Howes, cleared at Boston 2d net for San Eranoisoo. Ship Oliver Moses, Otis, sailed from Sayre lith nit for new York. Strip Courant, Oliver, salted from Newport. Ens,lBth Mt for Montevideo. Ship Middlesex. Merrill. from St John. 24 B. for Queenstown, pit ititri Hau l m son nit, waterlogged, Sark Addison, Child, Smith, sailed from Traiee 13th nit for Boston. Sins • dans, Cobh, hence at Belfast Ireland.l3th ult. Brig Com:love. Johnson, from Warren for Delawsre Citr, and eahr Globe, Jones. from do for this port. were at Newport Ist Isar. but proceeded up to Bristol on ac count of heed wind. DIATI i 112101 M 1.4?flool 2w2" 1 " sua Aar W!..414V111 L Tel. Elhermard, from Mugu 10 4BTe, At ri 'nun Itl mat. Bohr t hi Townstad, William,. hence. et Boston M. Bohrs 'Westover, Eldridge. woo g 1' Smith. Smith, for this port. cleared At Boston f d inst. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL MOTELS, CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. BrnalivOcid.Jr, Del W B Willkins, Delaware hitt B Aran. Cincinnati. 0 RF. Mollowin, Fern D Fleming k la. Virginia M C Baker & Is. Minnet'is M Moir4n/r, Wheeling Ii 13 Burnham, M Chunk L F Chapman. M Chunk I F Lamenok. Oregon MD W Loomis. Cincinnati F. Taylor. Cinoinnati. 0 Geo ft Hood_, Boston H C Spark.. New York Rawson, Cleveland Gordon Moßov. Boston JM. Hollingsworth. Boston C Norris. Boston Robert Orr. Boston J M Moorhead, Penne P P de Silver, Penne Geo C Dwight, New York 0 Hobbilzell, Baltimore J K Molony. Now York N Carpenter. New York A H base, Lowell R A Gilbert, Zlneeville, 0 M F Norton. Troy, N Y 0 Boutwell.'e oy. N Y W P Ralston, Brazil, A A W Bartlett. Mara N rtalnake, Brazil F Austin, Salem. Mass ir G Symonds, Salem, Mies 1' 18 Remington. LI S A J O worship. Portland, Me I Seligman. New York Pon H Hamlin. Maine N Planer. Maine Gis Beekman. New York • J MRI der, Maseachuretts James Boughton Gen T J Btread. Prov, RI T P Bogert, Jr. Prov, I Mr Thomas &wf 9 Browne, Prop, R Mast IC. II Browne, Prov.RILF tl Porter. Conn Mr. Anthony Pros,R E B Symms. London J G Holbrook. New York• Mr Anderson , Maryland A B Magee. Forreedale P Mo two,. Lanoastef Owen Dowell, New york Cept J Bytom. Pittabarr GI W Chatterton & niece. 111 T Parker & meter, N Y si B. Canis. Camp Lyon B Wells. Quincy. Illinois W B Lowe, Dayton. Ohio W Lawton. Boston .• J W Grigg..Botton A N Taylor. Cin, Ohib - • J Taylor. Cin , Ohio Mies Shinier. Cin.Oloo : A F Hberman. Ne C o lumb ia J C Tevis. California J • Godfrey. Dist C 4 Yeamana, Maas J C Lewis. New York C B redgwtok. rYIOA)U26 (1 W May Chicago C H Bigbee,New Jersey (P Muirhead. Phila A M Bruer, New York P B Sanderson. Wash. DC H B Bobbins, Hartford Mr Callender. Hanford has if Dayton. N York. • H R liverett. New V ork W &Innen. New York G F Dalton. New York N IC Hamlett, new York Mr Mclntosh. Baltimore Miss eit Jackson; Salt • /4 Hammerstough. Illinois Jan B 8 Coyle &1, Balt J C Virteank. Baltimore - John F Ferguson T Leonard. Massachusetts John aehurier. Weahts NV A Whoolor.New York Lieut 0 0 Storrs. Mass. . s Voris o. Mantbnri ite aid rtillta vtniatiu.illain...?,s 1' 1i agora, 1, ni.7 'Y ew ork ork Jo•• °soar c otes. N DaIaARNI Jll Hoover , New ork. J O Deieplaui, Caw Yprk%. C 0 flltornoOn, Now Yolk 1(3..1.'6.4.8c Lenin' . Copt Morgan. New York Mr Morgan, Wash, DC B cm Vail. 11..Itimora P Wilson, Harrisbart& `.l Bates' Harrisburg' L Hemmer . Harrisburg • G ?tau: New York IWICROH.ANTIV IllOTEL—Yonith !treat. below Arai , : W D Cooper Piltrbrag .1 It Crawford. Pa ' Immo B Morris Pa II a Lathrop r _fdams Jos Nlaaosohnsette .1 Codinaton. New Jener. JS R Betiday. Dorleatown Jae I. Pa Bois, tlallforrua Jobn Cbaboon,W)lkembarre CI M Raboook Et. la. Pa PIM ( ' Wee. M Chunk R it Borah. York, Pa M.s Jusoe Hoffman, Pa J 0 Welton, Conn J R Black, Irdiana A M ERIOA.N HOT EL—Cheatzint ergot. above Fifth W Faller. Pittsburg W Looker, W Chester If Lawson, Norristown J B Cham mon Phil& 8 Thomas. Maryland W F Uardner &ls... Pitt stet A W Wills. New Jersey O Henderson & wl, Peons Miss Mll Oranshaw. Fa, GW m Peons K P Ramat. Newark, M J B Whitaker, Wash. Dfl Wilber. Wash. D 0 H flick on, Georget'n,D W Meade. hi ossashusette F Davis, Maryland Stoles. Philadelphia PI Healey, California ./ if Allen, Jersey Chore b p s. W rientß;l.--waug ant street. above Mato. R N Ferias. Jersey City Thai J Magoar. Phitada C R Leib U S A. F M none. Albany T W 80. , dy. New York 11 Mended. New York 8 Z Board, New York n Moode. New York Maeekeld U 8 N I 11 Rune. Ykilmelphia S 11..=.]:.;- AA M4irnrQwnt Vill18: II 0 9Nontroit, nor l oft ' Vt? 111111 rtillecv , ph , o rr Al 6 Hazard, Rhode Island TIIR UNION—Arch street. above Third. J L Stephenson & le, Phil& RJ Temtinvon, Thereto U rentt, Dunkirk, Y W C Black. USA ' 0 Mull. roma W Lipper, Phita R L Murray, It Mellor°, 0 Aug _ll sumer Hillsboro. 0 Janie Lane, Wit, Det L W Snyder, liVashington STATES llNlCH—Market street. above Sixth. Chas W Rand, Boston P A Marshall. Penna J D Good, Gap, keens Thos Herron, Penna AH W t-reigh. Yinabiart Jaa Carne. rittabura Sharpie. s Mercer, Pltusbg It Marshall IS Geiger, Ganoseter J Gilpin, Mat yland e. A Porarfield. California R 0 Poterfield. California W Morrison, Coatesville Jno °Snow, Coatesville COMMERCIAL HOTEL--Sixth at.. above Chertant. J M Halter. Maryland S G Baker. Maryland David Morrison. Chest oo cant C W Smith, Phila H H Harding . . Ft Sotiorler H Shantz, Ft Bobayler Wm Mintzer & son, Pa C Pearce, New Jersey floe °Alf a / I ,WD, Del It:EVERS HOUBH—Third street. above Rae. C Bailor. West Chester P Oliphant. West Chester Chen Reimer, Phil B J Miller. Penns T Henry, rennet TA Gest. Tamaqua Robt Thompaon, Penne C i Koons, Behyl Haven C P dar or. doh' I Haven J P Gibson, Ft Desmotnes W C I/terming Oxford xchange—Jnly 3 10 Penns Cool 00.... 16 Pacofio la B.—eli 60 da—......a1l 663( to 63.T.0 100 do—.--. 60 UV Harlem -Railroad... 330 do.. 60 N y Central 19.410 73 300 do— . 73% 100 do 73% 100 do 73% Am do —....ef0 73 107 any 73% 100 do ____... ab 73% 100 Reeding R 33 10e Michigan C 035.610 43 60 do r : _ 4333" 160 ..110 esg 10 Mioh 6 & .. 12 60 Mich A&N I —6lO 36 160 do--......e3 36 100 11l Con R go 300 do— .--... 66 ao do- ... 430 61 60 du— —.OO 6416 60 Gal & Chao R.-410 60 160 do --. 810 60% 330 do— . 0 6074 to Clev & Toledo R.— 233 BO Chicago & R 33% R!ARINE TNTELLIGIENCE. UP TO 12 O'CLOCK LidlT NIGHT MOUNT YANITOIf litlirill - 11141911 Ell HITT Brl Jno !Yew Toni Win r iunni A blnnittall, Illinois BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Thud at.. above Ca toThin A Calvin. Eketok, its H lienleger. Backe co, Pa J Luekeebseh. Bethlehem D Miers,rdierstown E R Bieber, Carbon co. re. BLACK BEAR ROTEL—Third et.. above Callowlull. H Woodward, Pa - D G t , lough, Germantown John Spitler, Itieadlnr BABIaIY BRFJLF 1107.E.L.--6eoond at. eel. Vine. B B Hibbs & fam. Michigan Jag Backman, 8.1 benT )1 towart, Abington Chas Boehm, Pena& W M gi , k. Forrestgille W R Henry. Doylestown Jn A o_Pitleeek, New Hope It Hecker, Nana R Sloan biATIOI4AL HOTEL—Raoo street, above Third J 8 ehonk, Phil W H Book, Idiohigen W W Ramer, Indians SPECIAL NOTICES. BROWN & BROTHER's LIQI7ID BL/LCILING has been used in the New England States for severed years past, where it "has given the moat unqualified esti/rotation. It to used at the Continental, in this oity, and is for sale by C. H. MATTBON, It Cor. TENTH and ARCH et'. Buz YOUR BATHING ROBES For Ladles. Gents, and Children. AT SLOAN'S. lt• Sots MARKET Street. Philadelphia ON) PRIOR CLOTHING OP TRII LATIUM' STYL . :s t rands in the best manner,expressly for RE WASH. SALES. LOWEST selling phase merked Plain Figurer. All goods mode to order warranted satudiatory. Our ONE-PRICE system is striotl7ad kered to. Alt are thereby treated alike. .413-1 v JONES & 604 MARC WIT II Criket BATON :1114108 Hera U27l.—Tina celebrated and perfect Hair Dye is las bus to sAs world. AU others are mere imitation., of this great original, Phial has gained inch extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hair Dfa Outcast!) , produces a splendid black or natural brown, without staining the akin or injuring the hair. and will muds( shr f/1 eget: cif host dyes. invitorstint the hair for life. ead by all Drusosta and Perfumers. 'Wholesale bY FABITESTOOK & 00., DYOII7 & 00.. Phtlat aibistf °WYK 4t, ILIVS OILIBILLTIO NOIBELEB3 SEWMG MAOHINES. *a• li4rit In Use for Family Sowing. Mc TEO 6YEurw Ilitreet,Pkilagigoom 111 AltitlE D. 8 M ITII—PARMA LFE —At e t. Andrew's Church, on the let Instant by the Rev. Dr. StevAns..Captain J. .1. /Smith. of Memphis. Tenn.. to Adelaide. danyhter of the late lease C fartnalee, of this city. LKARY—WAL LACE the 16th of May,lBlllll. by the Rev. FrAnets Church. M. Patriot Leahy to Mrs. Jane Wallace, both of this DLBD. e.,..n FLIT RAFT —On the Sd instant. „Mivyesr other oralt, wife of Jesse B. Fianna. in the " age. . • " rally are remieet he relative. and (deeds ottllt , from the reaidence fully invited to attend the MT 'Saturday. July 6. st 10 of her husband, Hridestutte. A. M., 'without furthitE•Tuisdar. $4 of July, after a STAND BRIDOR 1.. &And bridge. sited 66 7011111. short Illness, Om thorns of the family. are reapeo ttully His friendatutihe funeral, from his isle r egiee ci e e , lnrited teal( trteenth street, on Friday morning No. a fp 0.01,x,ir, without farther yolks. • • ser•stftl6.—tin the lit Instant, Mrs. 'Citheritie Byers, 4ed lDJsms- ' '• Puiteralfrom her late reeldenoe, 192 Nana ehriet, cut Frulley afternoon, at totaook. . O,OBTER.—On the 2d tnetant L icsenh M. Colter. son .o.eph NI. and JoserMlne E. Goiter. aged I 745,11, MOWN:, and 12 days. Funeral from the residence of his grandmother, Mnrgrvet Garmon, Ttorty-third street, above Market. Went Philarlelphia. on ?rider morning, at 10 o'clock. * ORAN' E.—On the 2d instant. Elisabeth Drake. deciliter of Charles and Harriet Drake, aged 3 years end 6 months, D'oN A 1.,D.0N —On the 24 instant. Eliza Donaldson, wife of David L Donaldion. aged el years. Mee& R.T FIY..—On the 2d inv./int, Mary Ann 8.. Xo- Ca-thr. axed 4 years. Funeral from the residence of hia grandmother. Mrs Patriot( Reynolds, Centre street. Germantown, this (Thursday) afternoon. at I o'clock. MAT‘INGKR--On the Ist instant. Hannah Met sillier.. Milliliter of the late George Nlateinger, in the 27th year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her meter. Phoebe Ann Ill.!, corner of Peach street and Lanuant , r avenue, H epronvit le. on Pridly aPernann. at I o'clock. wo n the Int instant, I.' r. Henry Nor wood. in the 46'h year of his age. WATBO6I.—On the 30th ultimo. John Watson, aged 30 • " MIMS Rf TT riNHOU9R.—On the 2d tont— John nernet, eon HiNgithOMlll_ in bit nil Tr& or go AIL 423 R tfelM r rehen e lll U tratetfa ...L . ye? 16. . ,e'Prlfitty InnteitiP, fit 10 Aramaic. Tfrilme.—r i n the 22111 ultimo, Mary narvey Tinges, i n the Slat year of her rite. OURNING STORE, BESEON & SON, DrAt. 9tB OH SBTNUT Street, are now *felling Black crape maretz. at 23 and 3L cents. Bigot baregea, at 25 and 313 a: nen% Black 7-4 wide Larnaca. 50 and 1123 i cents. Aegiond-mournin, nopit 3,23 ems. Gray mixed lamellas, 1.23(0. Bray mottled modenas,l234C. Gray d wide madonnaa, Black and white printed grenadine bareges, We. Shepherd plaid real grenadine bmeges, We. Black and white farm organdies, 25c. jal rr—s-. • NO TIC E.—THE GREY RESERVE 1}..3 8.. ND. Cnarieu B. ooduorth• Couduotor. *in meet THU lIRD AY MORNING. July 4th; at the corner of WALNUT and ' , UNTIL at a o'otook. Purloins'. It' POST - OFF , PHILADELPHIA -11.3` .JULY 2,-166L—Thig office will to open for the transaction of buaineas, on THURISuAIr, July 4. from 7% to 9 o'clock A. M.. and from 2to o'clock F. M. The Buz .1 OST OFFICES will be open at the same hours. Letter Barriers will melte their naval morning deli very. collection will be made from• the Lamp-poet Letter Boxes the same as on ends y at 6 o'clock P.M. C. A. , WALBORN. j.B-St - Postmaster. Err -FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION. —THE ,YOUNG .111.13N'13 CHRISTIAN A3EIO - will hold a1 . 1.1,11..111 MEETING on THURS DAY. the 4th instant. at 10% M. in the . Baptist Church. 8 ANSO:d'iStree t, below Ninth'. for the purpose of commemorating, in a ehristke n , mainer, in these eventful times, our great nation birthday ; and alio for file nurPuee of remain% some Boilable arrangement for eapplling the erritual errixte of ear gallant volun ..l, -2 - ' 'CAM 111FACitarlOptlf PAiiilAk, .110 1 0. Mannli MOM til/OPPTI. ) 11 7 11 1 - 1 MIIII4 Gllsp3lo,m4 Other!. 7. ..m ee ss v o4. tinned until noon, when .t +.411 be followed by fhb dilly noonday prayer mdosting. 9134 E" [TrOFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY. PUILADHLPIZIA, July Yet. 11351 The Board of Direetors have this day declared a divi dend of One Dollar and Fitt) Cents per share for the last six monrhs. payable on and after the llth inst., at their ( Wine. T WANT V-FI RBT and fiRES rN UT Ste. orS-St WE. W. COLKET, Treasurer. cTUNION MEETING AT THE CHURCH, OF TEL6EVIPIiaNY HE FOUKTEI-- nion bleating - will be held in tba . Church of the Epiphany, corner of 011.58 MUT and FIteTKENTIi Blreele, on the FOURTH OF JULY. ate o'olook in the afternoon. Siphon Fetter. of Renneylvania, Mahon bee, of Delaware, Rev. Diehard Newton, D. IL, Rev. R. Carden. and others, will deliver addremea. All friende of the Union are invited to attend. 173-2l* NEW YORK, JUNE 22, 1861 TICE is hereby given that a certain LETTER OF ATTORNEY granted by IIANB fLZSOENREN., et t. Thomas, West Indies. to J. amino C ROOKER, of the city of Philadelphia, has been revoked, and le of no effect. - 11. HAAGENBEN, jyg 2t* ' By hie Agent. T. Bland. BANK OF NORTH AMERICA, JULY. 1, 1881—The Board of Direotom have this day i dciEd a Dividend ror the last SIZ months of Tit KEN Ph.R. CENT., payable oallth too-aut. olear of State tax. jt2.3t 7. HOCKLASY, Cashier. arOFFICE OF THE FAME INSURANCE COMPANY. No. 406 Oft.49ThilT rtreet. FIIILABILPIIIA.,Juiv 1. 1861. At &meeting of the Board of Dirton held this dot. a dividend of TEREIO PFR CEN T. was deolared on 911 MULL BMUS rill Mean iltT (I,[blai BBiil f. e le All II e RANI OF B E EN SYLTAPI is bersur given to the holders of the Notes or sal Eisele registered for payment on or before Map 23. 1861, thuthe dividend awarded thereon will be paid on eremintation of slid notes at the °Moe of the sells used. 407 LIBRARY BtreAt.(aeoond story,) between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. W. t•,. PATTERSON, W. L. savAcie, • J. D. TAYLOR. Assisnees. Philadelphia, July 1. 1861, ir2.2t* . HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT.— The Commencement cf the Central High Schonl I v g i e niece at the Academy of Music THURSDAY, July 11. 1861. The doors . ill be open at 9 o'clock A. M. tticerollea to commence at 10. Tickets Yll rents each. Private b-ixes nn firnt and isecond floor. $6 each; on toe third floor, 83 each. • The .balnime of the fund. after defraying expenses, will be ape opriated to the 17o , nnteer Fund. 'Pickets will be for pale at the office of the Board.l3. F. corner of Pixth and Adolph' streets, nt Sla , tien's Book Store, Chestnut street, above Sixth; at J. P.. tiould's Seventh and Chestnut streets ; at Hazard's Book dtore, Chestnut street. below Might h ; at Charles Desilver's. Iff9 Illiestnut t treat below Twelfth. and at the Academy of Music on Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday. By order of the Committee on High School. NOBBItT J. fIhfrIPFIILL. jy2.Bt Seorttary of Controllers of Publics Schools. PHILADELPHIA AND READING Railroad Company, Of fi ce •227 South FOURTH treet —PutLszun.Pars. June 28,18 M Notice le hereby given to the Preferred Stockholders of this Company, that DIVIDRINID WAR RAN'II6 are now reedy for delivery, payable December Et, 1862. being 816.67 per share, which incOudes ah dividends in anent . on the Preferred Stock. including that for the Oearas6o. together with interest thereon, at BIX PAR ENT. per annum from the dates at which they Me oessively accrued until the maturity of the warrants. Blank powers of Attorney can be bad at this office. je2B 12t S. BRADFORD. Treasurer. ory. WE HAVE EMPLOYED HELP FROM THE PROTESTANT EXCHANGE Southwest corner SECOND anc NEW Streets. and take pleasure is recommending it to the publicus an instatunon mush needed in our city, for its oars in 'electing the beet men women. and children as to character and quela mations ; 4, 8,...ADD1Ck8,4130 Rao* street. 1 .5,..11t. SEI.OLE RS. Careen and Tulpehocken streets. I U LIANNA RANDOLPH, 173,4 Chestnut ntreet. -RDWIII KIRK PATRICK. 051 Arch street. Dr. PAN COAST, 1132 Mount Vernon Street. 1 5 11 1 1 1 1AU r tilkl p ini ii Mllll Vs rnotierkaL - , t ,U. Old V k.:11. Nor6b L il itsif Mi t- Fli r t - ?WiIASON, 210 North-Pront street. ;M il e r nu " : l et .l . R ..,..usx '.hl tat " ute 4 F a ro i nt strert. kVaßtil. ... 4 AL wniTE. EMI Marshall street. . .0. BOK Eft r lMl Market street. ' .R. RfCRARDSON,4IB Market street, And over one hundree and fifty more, to whom re iterates will be wen at the office. m730-3m MILITARY NOTICES. HE AEQUARTERS HOME GUARD, City of Philadelphiq, July 3,1861. GemBRA L. ORD ex. Igo. 11 Owing to the great space that will be required for the parade of the troops cm 'he ith instant, the right of the line will rest on Guard avenue, in Bro id street. instead of on Badge avenue, rui derugnated in previous orders. A. J. gLEABUNTOgi. It Brigadier General Commanding Borne Gaud. 1 - HEADQUARTERS CAMERON RF- C/MEAT, Col. RO3 ISFIELD Con m tedirie.—The Base moment [Dribs CAA ERO.N RI , WI/SENT har ing been completed. at Diamond Coltase. Camden. the ea puns of the ont.stayine companies are hereby ordered to match the Caine on FRIDAY, Jul, 3th. into said Camp. to await there further commas dm. B order of Co.. ROsEPIELD. A. HAI N y . Adjutant. • Philadelphia. 4Wy 3,1!80. . It. hBE A DQUARTARB 11011 E GUARDS, CITY OF PHILAIIELPRIA.—Ronie of the Pa lons octbe 11014 Y. tiIIAND on its mill °Vali. i lIV iv ivrieo )WV rturifivviv , 4 - vrez un Pa" clown Broad to Woioni, hi Aleut to ntontti io. down Sixteenth to rine , down hi to Twelfth. up welfth to Iprium, down Ppruce V Sislith. up Eight& to Wal nut, coven Walnut to Fifthoip .P.ith to Brown, up Brown to Tenth. down Tenth to. Vine. tip ,Vine to Broad, sod there dismiss. By order, It BRIGesDit.R. OBNERAL PLEA ONTO?. tiNOTICE! ROTIOR ! NOTICE !—AT TZN'ION. CAPTAINS OF COMPANIES OF PENNS YLVASIVIA !—, aptatns of Companies in this State who wish tr have tneir Companies en rolled for immediate service, . address ~ C ol. CELAN TRY. Girard donee. Phitadelohis.' The Colonel's Re giment is now mustering, and every Company can be mustered forthwith. P. E.—lt officers have dti, or 40, or 30 men. they can be' mustered on conditions that will be explained. lt* IREORUITS WANTED TO COM piste Col. D. S. BIRNEY'S rid Regiment (Phila delphia City Gnsrd,lst A rtillery) 1,400 'trona, now in service near Harper's Ferry. Unaccepted companies and men wishing to loin will apply at No. 20 t North FOURTH Street, above Baca street. Companies will be sent on to Join the regiment aa fast as they are organized. .44-61* COMPANY B, BLUE RESKEVEB, will meet et the Armorj on TUESDAY snd WEDNESDAY EVENINDS, !at 8 o'clockpunctu ally. for drill. Every member ie et toole d cc, oe freegoi, 1413-3 t" T. REYNOLDS. Captain. 1N111.15.11 MATEO Clitrillitiii= WANTED—For the Vitra Regiment, U, 13. va lrl —able-bodied, unmarried men, of good obareoter atm morals, between the Iwo. of 18 and 86 years, to serve for 5 years. FBI from 12 to 21 dollars per month, with clothing, hoard, and medical see:piano*. Men anoustonred to horses and riders preferred ; a minor will not be enlisted without the onnsent of parents or guardian. Apply at PrinorpaL Rendezvous., No. 115 South MGHT.II. Street. JOHN SAVAGS. 112-3 w• Capt./1d Regt. U.R. Cav'y. Rectg. Officer. 11,0 1 .'0 MEN WANTED FOR THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. able-bodied, between the ages of 21 arid 31 years, not less than five feet four and a half inches high, and of good ohamoter. Soldiers serving in this oorps perform duty at navy yards and on board United States ships-of war on foreign stations. All other injormation which may be desired be given at the Rendezvous, No. Xll South Fgor4T Street. First Lieutenant W. STOKES BOYD, Je4-1m Recruiting Orhoer. W YETH eti BROTHER. APOTHECARIES, Will open their New More, NO. 1412• WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY MORNING, JULY lat,lBBl. Having proyided every appliance and convenience , and poeyessing more than usual advantage and facilities In IMPORTING. MANUFACTURING, AND DIS MMHG everything pertaining to a MODERN APOTHECARY STORE, they hope to receive a altars of public favor. ' 'Their PERSONAL care and attention will be given to every detail. S,I-10t F00,031.18v get Oolored Photographs for el. Arebrotirees at all prittel. Album and Visiting Cerd 1 hutogy , pbs. at a lower figure at REIM SR'S gallery. SECOND street. above Green. D.- POSTAUE STAMPS .- 24' ct ., 12 ct.. 10 at,. a ot.. end 3 ot. STAMPS for sale at this °Moe. Exceptinr the 3 et. stamps, they will be sold at a dis count of five per sent. jys-tf UNITED VINEYARD PROPRIETOp t co. (George Paliginto. Manager) COG NASL. x. "i received. by the Ocean Skimmer. from , ftreedy, of eh.timent of the above favorite " brand" the vintages of POO, tam 111/Z. 1814,100 sad ds-k. in half; Quarter, and eightkyldi has induced various 1 he populartty , of thtsoMrh," and we now call the of their trtereto, and to partionlarl• no attenilon of the Tredfi, that all yacht, es or the Vine -1105.111 Ulm?' INll^Oompany Cognac hu the name of Proanegtuw, Manager," branded v in full. For saGleeturltlr by the " sole ag- 711 LESLIE rim 138 South FRONT Street. 300 (JAS L.LBLIE'S GINGER WINE. —The attention of the Trade Is Invited to the a b ove popular artiole. a light, pleasant, and refresoang stomachic beverage ler lamily iste during the summer season. For sale by t'te principal grocers in the oity. J. . L)Self.. . J 3 1m 13s Eouth FRONT Street. 200 0 ASES lINI'f.IOO VINEYARD .rEO PRIsTORS COMPANY (George FehNnee, Manager) COON ~ 0.-..-Jost reoetved per " Ocean Skim mer. From 11.4deanz. 100 ottees (12 bottlee awl') very One OLD BILANDY (bottled in Cognac, of toe ablye well known and' favorite brand. the Snit trovirta Lion veto the United ntatee under the new tariff. to whoop we beg to oall the. attention of the trade. Sem etes can be seen at our office. For sate on bnnd by the sole agent.. J. M. Li.BLIE tr. CO.. /7 1 4 M 141/ISontA FAVIIT Bout. RETAIL DRY GOODS GREAT BARGAINS IN BILK MANTILLAS, LADE MANTILLAS, And SUMMER CLOAKS. AT J. W. PROCTOR & CO.'S GREAT SALE, AT Tar. PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 7415 CHESTNUT STREET Summer cloaks at. ...... ...Hi CO. Worth 415 00. Summer olo%ki at.... 2 00, worts tl 00. Strived rummer cloaks—. 5 00 worth 10 00. Silk coats. 10 50, worth 16 00. . Silk circulars.. —. 960, worth 15 00. Lace ir.antiliak.-- 50, worth 10 OD. Lim - 6Oh irnith /I 491 111106 6111111114.::;.; / 0911T 0 0 11 * LllOll voluuw.r.4 PI I a ref Float rusher Pointa and Maui ilaa, at an equal 16 - duotion from value. 171. at PRICE, FERRIS, & NO. 807 CHESTNUT STREET, Atill.oonfinue to RETAIL their large WHOLESALS Write& of White Goods. Linens. aces. and Embroi deries. at price, which must make it to the interest of every one who may want anything in their line to give them a call. as they will lave at least 25 per cent of the usual cost by so doing. 7ACONE723. CAMBRICS, MULL& NAINSIOO/EB, TeiRLETANES, Owl:sass, Fitericli BELILQA NTH& (IONA& FIGUR 04D isWIB9EIS FOR DABQUEa, E.M.BEOID'D SKIRTS. FLOUN CING& DGINGE3, BLE.EV.n& Et•iNDS. INaGRT ISMS, COLLA.Itie, VALE.NrIE NNE AND OTstElt LACES, VEILS. MI ITB. HANDKERCHIEFS OF ALL RINDS; MS STING, Pit LOW AND 811.1.8. T. IRIS LINEN, ABU/4 CLOTHS. NA EKGS% -TA BLS DANIA' Kt. 0 11CICABA.CIC LSD OTHER TOWELS AND TOWELING& N; B.—A few ehome renl thread and Cambria Lace Pointed; at about half price. Anew lot of trimmed and plum net undersleeves. - " "'beautiful styles Val. lace handkerchiefs. ALL VERY CHEAP. PRICE, . FERRIS.' & CO., iii-1m ' ilO7 CHESTNUT STREET. WHOLESALE STOOK m_os u*zzunv, HOSTERY, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANOYGOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, ' TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, FOR SAT:VI AT RETAIL, FOR (DASH. AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AT. RETAIL FOR CASH, AT RETAIL FOR CASH, • AT RETAIL FOR CASH. The Subscribers offer for vile, on end after THURSDAY, 6th INST., NO. 409 MARKET ISTREET, NORTH SIDE. NO. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE, 110..409 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE, NO. 469 MARKET EITREET,'HORTM SLIW, FROM 9 A. M. TO 5 P.M. ST6OX OH GOODS Ftlll+ tilloll, 1T LESS THAN viTIOLINALE PRIM. AU kinds of COTTON HOSIERY NEEDLES. PINS, GLOVES. ROOKS AND EYES, LACE MITTS, SKIRT BRAIDS, ZEPHYRS. TAPES. BRAIDS, SHETLAND WOOL, COMBS, BRUSHES, SPOOL COTTONS, PERFUMPRY, BUTTONS, UNDERSHIRTS. (Of All Desorintions ) Merino, /co.) A Full Assortment of Dress Trimmings, BTjRNETT, SEXTON. & SWEARINGEN, je6-1m IU. 409 MARKET STREET. NEW MANTILLA STORE. The most splendid SILK MANTLES in the nib. HOUGH. & co., le6-2m 25 SOUTH TENTH 8 1REET. SILK MANTILLAS, In every new style, the richest qualities ever seen, at the elegant New Store, 25 SOUTH TENTH STREET. • Jes.2m HOUGH & CO. nROANDIES AND FRENCH LAWNS, cents. PO pieces open to-day, 12% cents. These are all feat colors. Dark French Lawns. Lawns of neat styles. .E.YR`z t LANDELL, FOURTH and A RCH. EYRE & LANDELL are prepared to emit rot Tourirs with— trailla TratellinE.Droosec firfo'SVP s:r 110YRE & LANDBLL WILL USN TIIIS MORNING— Blank Fetes Pointe., • It/sok Lace Bournotts. B Bak Lees Mantles. FYRE LANDRIL, FOURTH and A Reg, open io-dity the genuine Mozambique of the preeent fashion. Mozsmbiques 34' wide. Mozsmhiques Yard wide. Mozambique' 2 yards wide. CASSIMEBE3 .AND BUMMER GrY)DEI ' l .-/ for Men's and Boys' wear. Light C.ssimeres and ''unimer Stiffs. Bow's Wear and Vesting!. A Fine Stook at Lowestrriee Km.h. CtiOrti, CONARD. 1.27 R. E. r-onnar HINTS and MARIEV. 111 CENT GRAY GOODS. •-• 26 cent Barium 6g cent Fienred Mirage Anemic 76.20, and 25 oant Finest Barnum. Black Barer's, Tamartinee and C Crepe Maretz re7r nn . E. couptit & Orreßß . por. NINTH and MARLLA?. A BANKRUPT IMPORTER'S b; TOOK of Samples of Linan Cambric Handkerolliefe. in hem-stitohed. sheer-corded. and embroidered. from 10 romps to 01 cents each; a great bargain. purchased a mullion for tough m lin Mil in ijinipme inj r pnlif Vi...0.1.•t0, fit0.11T11:—IIR/41111 SILK MANTLES ! GR&Y DUSTERS ! ! French Lana Mantles and Points. Very tow prides for Cub. . Fine fresh Moak of theae roods in our LARGE NEW ROOM. SECOND FLOUR. N. B.—Mohair Mitts, Hoop Skirts, R. and Handterotilets obeau. int 7 . COOPER & I.ONA 0 8. E. oar. NINTH and MARKET. FRENOR LA.ON POINTS, BOUNNOUS, AND MANTLES —A large stook to be sold at less than wholesale vices: We cannot be undersold in these good'. OHARLIts ADAMS Ir. SON. ego• EIGHTH and ARCH Streets, i,tritlMEß BRAWLS. • Silk Border Char Barege Shawls. Striped Silk Chan' Shawls. White ii4TOKIS and Grenadine. Light Paisley and stellar'. Black Siik and Broohe. SHARYLES3 BROTHERS, jeZI IHDITS UT and EIGHTH. Streets. WEQUITO 'NETTING; all colors ; Tarle an. all colors. for covering Classes; Plaid and Swiss idealize. at Irtioleeley ken. . . CNA ' ES ADAMS & 80N, EIGATIII and AR.CEI !Unman 5 7,1m,..D.Lint flint P- A PHU. motet Ind Wh i rs Frenot SUL Drown end WWI." Yuma' Bilks. Greenand White Frepoti Saks. Purple end White French Silks. SO dos. fides- at $1.60 per doz. 50 doz. White Silk Gloves, 26.3. per pair. !dewy goods reduced very low, to °lose out et JOHN H. STOKES'. jet 709 ARCH Street. SUMMER. GOODS. Ica Blanketa—ht own:14o Battings. Colored Tarlatans—tkaas aturts. Bathing Goods-81ip Bo!lands. Furniture Chintzes—Eibade Boßands. Bathing Towels—Russia Crap h. BHARPLEBB BROTILERB, Jett CHRBINIT7 sod BIGHTIit Stresta. RUMMER STOOK OF DRESS GOODS AT PRICER ACCORDING TO THE MMES.—Poplin", Hareem Bilk Chollirs. half price - Challis Delaines re duced from 25 to Iltio.; BunneCtuntses reduced from 12K to 80. Special attention is requested to our stook of Organ die' and Jeoonet Lawns. whioh we aro bound to lose out at a tow figure. C L ELAR LES ADAMS & BON leJO meals and ARCH Stree ts. F RENCH LACE VEILS.—A choice lot varrparaigcel et a bankrupt Importer, and for atire s !tt CHARLES ADAMS & SON. Jeep EIGHTH and AROo Streets. HSTEEL & 80N, A__•• N 0.713 North TENTE(Street, above Coates. Will sell the BALANCE OF THEIR STOCK OF NEW AND DESIRABLE DRESS DOODS At ettli greater rednotiong in vie°a than they have ever before made. and at MITOH LOW R PRICES - - - - than any RETAIL-WA OL • • ALE ROUSE in the oity. Fancy and Poi:dant bilks, very cheap. Vary oheap and good Black Sag. Choice Dress Goode of every variety. Fine .11 moron and Organdie Lawns at MC LACE MAN I•LEd, POINTER, DOURNOUS• SILK AND CLOTH. COATS AND Ai eiNTLLE. le/ GREATLY UNDER COST PRICKS. SPIGIAL NOandTIOE On after this date,lr 101 t rILEY & EVEI Y POSSLBL E GABE PURCHASE/Li sz R OOOh Y th G eTw i na u l r i v , Beincdetermined to G E ,„"tf t ,d,„Tip r i _*s Cilks for la oents. worth EMS "I".S.Uor Bilks G oods ,r / well worth $1.05. awl ftio.'o Itureure shout one half their Grease YIP* Mixed Goode, In every variety, from d cents ear ere to SO cents._ _ BLACK KLEE, RIC It rni &ND LUSTROUS. VERY Ct.A.P. Neat Black Brocade Bilks, double Isoed, rso,&e. rhit Lames. Calicoes, Cassimeres, Cloths, Vesting', &O. Li etr i Al l , lu i b le n g'Crartliotit lth gx e pl r ititN. ka• Prenoh Lace Maalox, Pointes, Shaw Eugene& Cambria Lace saantles Chantal& Lace Goods, &e. Black Coets Mantes,&o., in ever 7 style, At V#o l RN EY ar, CHUMPS, P. E. Corner *BMX & *ARMEN Eta. pAsE AND COMFORT. 4 A. TiLEOBALD asks. Who can please or snit everybody t Snob enersonprobably never was barn. Bat those who know when they are salted in BOOTS or BBUBB are invited to sive him a call, and Vie who neve r were But ird before_rney be stilted now. ele at his old plow . 808 COATNB ntreet. fell dm rrEig ANTI7SLAVSRY OFFICE HAS 4- been RI , MOVED from 107 North Path street to No. 106 North TIiNTR Street four doogi above Arch, west ide. in Dr. Beaseig's new buildiLllrt where can be bad. ail ate current maniostions relating to the subject 01 slavery. and where will hereafter be transaotrid the usual business of the Penaavvanta Anti-Islaverp deo'. . . OA= Paturyttra, Ban AND Mum, ix the Gits. at at Saila TIIRD Stmt. RETAIL DRY GOODS. M . L. HALLOWELL& CO. IMbIENBB WHOTZISAT , TI STOOK, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, MANTLES, Ao., Alko., FOR SALE AT E RETAIL,, Ott f!?..??.... mj4.. th. No 333 MARKET and OV North FOURTH Streets Jai •tukthJ6t GREAT S4LI OF SILK 00A.113 AND MANTILLAS, and Bummer Coats and cloaks, and Tome Mantillas and Lace Points Mot.L.ROVS. 11 South N Grafi Street. Chintz floaters, reduced from $1 to 50 eta. Barese Ang'ais Cloaks. reduced from 82 to 81. Beautiful Bummer Coats, reduced from 88 to $5. Stlc Coats beautiful. reduced from 816 to S W. Bilk Ciroulara, reduced from $9 60 toy 86 60. Lace Mantillas, reduced from me .0 se es. Lace Points, reduced from $8 to 84. Lace Points. reduoed from titii Rue. . Black Mika, Immense bargains ' • ' Black Brocade Poplins at6o ota. per yard, cheap .at ffi Gray Barest, A nglais at Mit eta., cheap at 10 eta. Gray Lavellas at BMs , cheap at I 2) eta. Rich Organdy Lawns at UM eta. Prot Mozambisues, r2Y, am. cheap at 25 eta. Rich Pactifro Lawns 6.8. and 10 eta - cloths for Ladies' C orks and B rye weir, cheap. 2,0 0 Shakers, all sizes and shades from auction. The cheapest and beet assortment m the city. SO dozen Jouvin's Ktd Gloves, at only 25 ota. a pair. (Mean at tO ets, - Sq32-tuwas3t M L. - SLR OY,II B. NINTR area. NNW !PUBLICATIONS. NYNBW BOOKS.—. I For sale, by - • • SAMUEL HAZARD, Jr., 72¢ CaNB I'NUT Street BINICLE'S HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION IN ENGLAND, VOLUME TWO---from the aecond Lon don edition to added an alphabetical index. G 250. _9.4QF;RITATiONO ON MILITANT LAWS AND Wad It th,l Anglita flab fir centaur,M State!, Ell D, DO Goyim of one - yolurnp, TitE CAUSES OF' THE ANIRRICAN CIVIL WAR. A letter to the London Times, by John 10- throp Motley, author of The Dutch Republic, eco.,paper 10 cents. THE BEA—the uevr book by Michelet. Author of L'Amour, tranekited from the Prenoh. One volume li BOOKS, LAW AND fiIIitUELLANEOUS, new and ohl, - bonght, sold. and exchanged at the PHILADELPHIA-BANK BOOK STORE, Pio. 41S OHESTN UT Street. Librariee at a distanoe purchased. Rhone having Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, size., bindings, dates, edition., prices, and conditions. WAINTED—Books 'Printed by Heaps, mm Franklin, as well as early Books printed in and upon America. Autograph • Letters apd_Portraits pur chased. Pamphlet Law. of Pennsylvania for sale. Cats,- lorues,pram soot free. I.,ibranes appraised by fell-tf JOAN OAMPBR.LI,_ MILITARY GOODS. COTTON DUOIC, SUIT4BLE FOR TENTS, PDX /141.1.1 DT . - FROTHIMIUAM & WKLLS Mlle! It COPARTNERNICIEV NOTICES: • • IVOTIOE.—The interest of JOHN B. GARRETT to the firmof E. C. &3. BIDDL At & CO . ceases this first day of JUL.?, A. L. 1861, he having withorawn from the firm by mutual consent. ' The Nisi , eau will be con tuned by_ the remaining partners. under the firm of E. C. & J. iit.t EDWARD C. BIDDLE, JOHN BIDDLE 113-31 JOHN B. GARRETT. rITSSOLIITION.—The Copartnership car ried on by the undersigned, under the style of WM. J. & CO.. at the CHINA NALL. 629 Chestnut street, is this day Either of the , ate partners is authorized to settle the business of the late tirm. WM. J. EPH _KKR.a., JOSKERR. PHILADELPHIA., July 11,1351. DISFOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.- The partneribip heretofore (mint= between SAMUELe. 'FROM PBON and SAMUEL N. JENKINS, under the firm of THOMPSON & JENKINS, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business of the late firm will be settled and wound up by Samuel S. Thompson, at the store, No. 604 MAN KE P Street. SAMUEL S. TfIOMPSON, SAMUEL II JENKINS. .Philada., June 7th,12d1. jy2-d If ntBBOLUTInN. The copartnership hsretofnre subsisting between the usdersigned. under the firm of P. oral N ER & CO., is this day dissolved. by mutual consent. The bu ousts will be set tled at the old stand. Nn. 9 NINE and N 0.1213 I'HAW- B !CARY Streets, Philadelobts. J. P. STEINER. • FRANIIIR F. WOLGABnITIL HENRY VOLLMER. Maeda., Jaly 1,1881. COPARTNERSHIP FOEMED.—The un dereigned hive this day entered into copartieralup under the firm of WOLGAMUTII & RALEIGH. Being snocessnia to the Iste firm; of J. B. STRIPIER & CO. 'We will continue the budges. in the same branshlss as heretofore_, at the same pima. No. 9 BANK street and I - 2 STRAWBERRY Street F RANICIPI F. WOLG MAURICE. RALBIGIL Fhllada., July 1.1661. • hi -1m IMITED PARTNERSUIP NOTICE.— I Ws. I.kt usisseismil_ resident. Cuf the oily Of Ithiletteplat neYSI MINI lip t t git e :Lo Y relative to limited partnership," passed the twenty first day of March, A. D. 1831. and the supplements thereto; said partnership to_be oondeoted under the firm of PATTER•ON & BOULTu•, for the purpose of doing anti carrying on a wholesale wine and liquor bustnuse in the city of Philitdelph a. Jonathan Patter son Jr . residing No NM Girard avenue, and hdward Roulton. residing ei o. Walaee street, both of the Olt, of Philadelphia, are the GeLeral Partners. For tunate .1. Fi..ueira, alto or said city. Is the +Streets) Partner, and hes oontribated to the oommon stock of said part nershipi the sum of forty thousand dollars. bald partnership to commence on the first day of July. A. D. one thousand eight Mindy d and sixty-one and to terminate on the flint day of July, A. D. one ttitou sand eight hundred and inxiy-six JON u.TII-N TTER/30N, Js., EDWARD BUULTON, General Partners. FORTUNATO J. MU PIRA. j S-tuitthrst • Rvenifil P.rtner. LEGAL STATE *OE GEORGE BARTON, de -4 oesaed.—Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of (bOftGb BA RTON, deceased. having been granted by the Register of Wills to the under/sly:tea. all persons indebted thereto will please make payment, and those having claims or demands against the said .Estate are requested to make known the same. without delay, to MARY M. BA ETON, & 80 UTE( Street, Or to her Attorney, ED Ve'flo. A. LESLEY. liJ:1112r 2/9 path POITATA ?treat. INSURANCE COIIIIAIVIEN. FIADIE ENSURAPICIE OOMPANY, 4015 CMHITYIII7 FIRE AND N INLAN - HINSHRANCF.. 17114C7015. George W. Day.--of Day & Matlack. net Wngtit—_---." Wilda Bros Jk, Bircey—.— " Davis & Birney. Henry Lewis, Jr_ " Lewis Bros & Co. C. Riobardson.— "J. o,flotre.& Co. Samuel T. Bodine.— —Pres't W_7ollllllf Canal Gooey, E Jno. W. Evernian— —of J. W. •erman & C•* Selo. A. West— " Wed & Yobee. T. S. Martin-- . " Savage, Martin, &C. 0. Wilso c =s—..Attorney-nt-law. E. D. W ...of Sibley, Molten & Wootraff Jae. Header, Jr_.—.No.lo.ll Green street. GEORGE W. DAY, Preside t. FRANCIS N. .BLICK, Vice President, WILLIAMS I. SLANCEARD.Searetsrv. SAVING FUNDS. Q,AVING FUND—UNITED STATZEI P.- 7 TRUST COMPANY, earner THIRD sad CHEW:- NUT Streets. 13117EREJST FIVE PER CRNT. 6,R CRAWFORD, Frosident. 4 . 4..N1ES R. HUNTER.. Seeretary and Treasurer. umoe hours, from 10 nmal a o'clook. Tell 99gingy it fril pidaiht u oar iiroutim‘ to Do SAVES. LILLLEIS SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. P 1 South SEVENTH Street, near the ranklin Institute. I the undersigned, thankful for past favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient store, and has now on hand a large assortment of Llilte's Celeb rated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire andßurglar roof Safes, (the mill strictly fire and burglar proof sa fes made.) Also, Li lie's strictly led Bank Vault. Safe, and Bank Lilhe's Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be Look Lithe to order on short notice. This is the strangest, best Protected, and cheapest Door and Look yet offered. Also, partmular attention is oalled_to Lillie's Nee Cabinet Safe for Plate. Jewelry, ho . This Sate Ii con. 'Wed to s3orpals in style and elegance any thins yet of fered for tOtO purpose, and is the only one that is strict ly fire and burglar _ proof. Brutal. Noric--1 InIve_IIQW on hand say twenty ed Farrel, fferring,_ k Co.', Safes, moat of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a °omelets assortment as to sizes, and all lately ex °hanged for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe. They will be sold at very fow primes. Please call and el&MIlle. la2S-tsar M. C. SADLER. Arent C 0 A I . GOAL I ORDERS RECEIVED FOR LEIUOR ADD" SCHUYLKILL WAL E r 31 .aer' BysirAßD N. HALLOWELL, J el6-wfm-6t 139 WALNUT STREET. WIRE & GARDNER, WILNIORE, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA., nave on band, and osn sapPli at ahort notice. CHERRY, POPLAR, ASH, AND OTHER ..LUMBER. Addrese aa above, or call on WALKER- &iISORVER, • . CObl3llBBlON bIECRODAerre. . . hi It': . MARKET STREET. „•• FOR SALE A limited amousl4 the new 3.000,000 LOAN, In •nma to mit putikii* for Rale 57 JAY COOTCR & CO, ' 11e ROUTH THIRD 8T R KR?. lUltiim PURE PORT WINE. FOE BALE BY 0. H. MATTSON, ARCH 'AND TENTH STEEETS. Jeg A OADZMY Or: MUSIC, BROAD and LOCUST Streets CONCERT BY THE YOUNG LADIES OF THE MADISON Oh AMblart 9•CHOOIL., IN AID or THE V01, 1, 1 9 11EKR. 4 . THESDkY t VENING, July 9, 1961. Mr. 0. F. Bengsrt, our Great Pianist. Mr. W. Hill. our Great i enor, and M'S/ chair, our Great Soprano. have kindly consented to asalat. Conducted .Pr , f. John Bower. Great-- . A. Bachmann. Admission 25 cen t s D o ire open at 7 o'clock. - To be commenced at 8 o'clock. .Ic4 Bt.* GRAND UNInN FIREWORKS , corner OF MO , NIO ot ARCH' and TWENTY-FIRST Ste., FOURTH T. Accommodations for 20,0 5 0 People: Superintended by Professor JACKSON. BECK'S BAND in attendance. TRINIT. , 9I TABLEAUX OF FrRF, Including Yankee Poodle Routing the Rebels. and the Ppm T. mule- which the figure of Viustonston Lltnijipswan or the TI awl 1011111 ° f nilyer NAL Pei gals of all e►!rising Ittlrez HOtelisi Commune fiL 1111111 k . laic' VVALNITD-. 4; llStßa l THRATBE. • rouRTII ARD LAST WEEK. TO NIGHT and EV. RY N G 'i his Week, HOOLEY- AND CAMPBELL'S MINSTRELS. With tile eritat Como Trio, BRCH. BROvirms. and' COTTON. The unexcelled Quartette. CAMPBELL, GR. BREVES and MELVILGE. Together with Messrs. HOWARD. CHARLES, AWNS. &o. New Songs. Choruses, Datum, Plantation Scenes. Bur lesque Opera. Cormmalady. sod Faroe. To conclude will TOE M AcQUER A.DE B a Lir, Thursday, THE GLORIOUs FuURTEI OF JULY. Two Grand Performances AFTERNuON AND EVENING. For particulars sec bills. jjl St ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. ME!MMI FOURTH OF JULY WEEK.' 801rtIfFRN RABELLION and NUBIAN WAR! Both r xhibitions at a oh entertainment. every even ing- this week. Three Grand Exhibition Fut . TWl'll. OF JULY.. Morning, e.r 11; Afternoon. 3; I.:veiling 8. 30 NSW vlt.WB Oa THE REBELLION. Admission 25 cents; Children lb cents. jTi 6t pI4INN6Y.LVANLA ACADEMY OF THE Ms Matt. 1025 CHERT . NuIf *h-eet; ie open dail Pendays exoepted, from PA. M till 6 P M. Admission 26 Cents Chiloven under twelve riare, half pries. Share) of 6t0cie",330. 1;1 T 1 OLDZKOM I1)US!, - 11 BRIGANTviE BB &CIL Is now open for ftoardere. The &-hi. and tcnnnins aro fpOdi Ann bahing an gond as theta Is on the tneest. -ttz litil‘stat Atli 1.1 hMitrak AIM!, 'ha 'Latino - per Will ukto POMO to Mao hie Di:totem swrial - 9flitvle, it nm 1 - been kept by lease Ilablzkose. , . . solo aerol311412•117 for SO Tears: - P.O.—Board to nit the times. iit-et* F. & 1101,0ZR'OM. From Philadelphia to Atlantic and beak-- $1.25 From Philadelphia to Hammonton and back— . I.®o From Philadelptita to Egg' Harbor and back.-- 1.00 GOOD FOR ONE DAY ONLY. • Trains leave VINE-STREET FERRY at 7.30 A. 31. bra 2t - JNO. G. BRYANT. Agent. FOURTH. OF JULY FrttlitigiON•Z-Fit LLB OF scauyuKlLL Alio SA HICK° • By kidiKe Ave • nue Passenger Railway oars. to these delightful and romantics spots. - passing near Odd Fellows'. elesaresd, Mount Vernon. and Laurel 11111 Cemeteries. 't he Gi rayd College Passenrer Hallway c'o. oars run every four fflimitta _from itrigg:.ll inn JIR O Eli - anvil TM Arch no rev. rIIMS 31R4 64,1,„... Po.; , 6.14.-; - 1.. I,l_lor Z;wM3 agatFORT DIM /WARE-ORA:ND FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSION Anuuny r tlaT DRLAW&RV..—The swift and wen modioug , 'ape Mar steamer G FORGE Friini GTON, tieptain W. Whilidin. Will leave aroh-street wharf at 2 o'clock, and hleitargee's wharf. Kensington. at 2 o'ol ck, on the afternoon of r RUMMY, the 4 h day of July. Procerding cows the river And bar, Yrzll make en excursion around this spl-noid Fort, now in full garrison. Returning, will reach the ear at en early hour in the evening. Fare for the excursion, to cents. jy3 adroit DOWN RIVER.-BEOUL&R LINE AND DAILY EXCURSIONS.— Steamer CONANREY leaves first pier below ARCH Street, daily. et 73( o'clock. for Chestvr. eelltlnitnra. New Castle. Delaware City. Fort Delaware, and Sa lem. Returning, leave* Salem at D. FORIT at 2 o'olortk. Excursion Tickets trod from 3d to 6th 60 ate. FOURTH OF JULY EXCURAIO6I4, by MAJOR REYBULD, from ARCH Street wbarf. at S o'clock A. M. Returning, leave Salem at 4, and Fort at a% P. M. Fare for the k xeurewn. SO casts. ..192 St* a_ wifWEST OHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD— VIA MEDIA. FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSIONS. . Fxcureioa tickets to Wm CbePter and re:nrct. 'rood from July SY to ath,"inclutive. will be cod at the ticket office. N. E. corner EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Etreeta. Fare for the round trip, on , dollar, jy / 4: BEN MeV:FOOD. Elope r't FOURTH OF JULY EtinematEXCURSIONS TO CAMP WAN INO l O‘ l , Eitift•Ore..llSTEL SEEM. ALLEN '', OWN. MAUCH CRONE, aad the LER OH cum.. REGION. The NORTH PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD COM PAKIr wilt issue EXCURSION TICKETS to the anove points. oOnD FROM Ist JIILV TO Bth JULY.INCLII;VE. From its Mikes, at WILLOW street and BERKS Street. FARE FOR THE ROLTITO TRIP. To 82 601 to Allentown... —.....82 25 To Bethlebem:—.._ 2 001 To Man It CuripX.-- S 6 , 3 These excursions wt affor i an eutiortnoity ofspend ing the "FuiiRTH" amid the realttr of llllllttary Or. Inn Lite. or of enjoi mg the rommotia hearty of the 'teener: along the Lehigh. and Inhaling theattrigoiattng braezes among the mount Ins around Malawi otiunk. - • - - • • • - • • No xxoursi-n %ticket...x.ld on the ear; Th_ettki 4 L e..A.V F. WILLOW STREET. 111.111 A_ M_. tlll M_ nil 1.11 R. Nl_ litku _Barbi INTOD4 41fNUIT 1111111/11111114111, iffq - READING RAILROAD CO., Office, ud 7' South FOURTH&reef. • PATI.J.II II LPIIIA. Inns 28,1861. .RXOURvION TICKETS Will be issued between all maw, at REM FARES. Rood for all wseseneer f r , June 29. to Monday, Inly 8 IBM. inolosive. je7B.6t. Wm. H. Mol 1.11 Fos N AMUSEMENTS. SUMMER RESORTS. EXCURSIONS ArtigiMM MMS FOR THE SEA-SHORE. I • MUTH. OF JOEY. ATLANTIC CITY, EXCURSION TICKETS. SEA irel jZ4 4 FOR CAPE MAY.—Thr ;swift and comfortable Bay steamer " tiou not. W A SHIN GTON." Captain W. WhilIMA Playas A rob-street wharf. for Cape May, every !Ito day. Wednesday, and Friday morong at 934 o'olack. Return ing, leaves the landirm every euesday, l hurl dayr_and hattirdisy morning ar 8 o'clock. Fare, carriage hire i.oiuded..--, ei RI .• servant's. carriage Aire included 1.26. Freighttaken at the usa,l low rates First trip on Friday. July 8. VI RIM gFOR THE SEA-SHORE —OAM D Rtil AND ATL A NTIC RAI LRO d D.—On and after MOND +V, June D.h,trains will leave YINB-BTithET PERRY, as follows: Mall tram _ _ _7 30 A. M. Express train--. —4.00 Y. M. Aoonmmodaaop fie P. M. RE l'uaratte...easevse ATL ANT Mail 45 P.M. r. rare iv WM , it ieQ STIP liffrep il l or three dem. 81 60. Freight moat oe delivered at COOPNWS POINT by 3 P. M. The Company wi 1 not be responsible for any goods until received and recetpted for by their Agent, at the Point. JORN G. BRYANT. 1515.11 5. rant. WANTS. $2,000. - .n T e w . o . sums of this amount to v mhi n sr4 l .i. e irtViral a Nii. jilt-40th. 30 10 s 3 BEAUS. West. RhiPLOYERB WANTING• YOUNG bleat, &0., are invited to addreer the" Emiloy silent Committee," at the Rooms of the Young en's Christian Association, 1009 and 1011 CFLEAT Street. ae3-rim FOR SALE ART) TO LET. Es • KOH SALIC u/S. Tu LZT—lhe old set established Busineas Stand, known as CHINA HALL, opposite the rme ffooep; has been ropmdered one of the bast business stands in the city for the last 30 years. It is 'limited in the tos•. part of Chestnut street. and suitable for both wholesale and retell. Terms easy. Apply on the 'itemises, to ;y2-3t' J. KERR. WA- 4 •11 1 .t.15 sILIS 110.141 1 —A mg sized HOULIIS. In s good t ILeac MM. So ...S -peed Sabo per sortum Beat oP rirerenose given. Ad dem "Tenant." office of The Press. 109 Or a TO RENT LOW—Furnished or un, BEL fartuthed, for six months, or longer. if 'lathed, a large and convenient Ptuuss, No 7119 Aron street. .119919 to A. P. and J. H. ROAM, 9i6 ARCH Street. le 19 ef OHESTNUT-STREET HOUSE and RM. STORE to rent,—The desirable basins= lamben t HSI CHESTNUT Street. with dwells/ attached. Apply at 431 CHESTNUT Street. 89U ai GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO RENT.—To Rent, the term ;did oorontodione modern-luit Roam, loth of ARMAT Street and WILLOW Avenue. loth gas, bath, hot and ool_d wate,r and all the-modern improvement.. Apply to OEIII7 IS. TA RR. 710 GREEN street. Philade lphia, or on the vremisee. ane-tf .1 TO /ON T.-4 rare opportunity is MIL offered to a competent manager of a Boarding Rouse by the undersigned. who offers to rent the pre mises form,- rly known as the ONILTED STeTe.f3 HO TEL.. eituated on CliEbTfiCT Street, above Fourth, oPPosnte the Custom House. 9he house contains forty rooms eU of trnich , nre partly furnished. The din ing -hall is ninety-five feet in length. bees des kitobenk pentriek and every other convenience that can be de sired. The premises have been fitted up in a com plots manner, and are ready for immediate ocatioancy. To a proper person. having experience, a PrOfitable business can be done. To an acceptable tenant the terms will be made reasonable. For particulars &Dirty to JOHN REA, on the grill:uses, between the hours of mid 3 o'clock. jell-mtnelOt VILENT—A very desirable STORE, on the Nlnttl-street front of " The Continental Hotel." The Store at Ninth nod ttanoom streets Oiltpil e a y adapted for a bums and HA/WM Meyer. fu to Southwest NINTH and Saittlitlit FOR 71110HANGB.-A 011010 E TRA.OT of good ammproired farm land in the State of New term. coneement to the aityontl be exchazred fet elty mds- ornaetty. .11.1rDIT at 11.111 FEREJLAL moot. tf FOR NOW YORK. Raritan CUI MOSIRNEW DAILY LIIVE, 'Via Dslawara ant Philanalatna and Nor York Exeter Steamboat Ildiant pant will reive freight on /lad after MOIND.A.Y.2ka Lun. . nt. an d a,ve daily at P. M.. delivering their goes in in New York the following dale. Pre, gh ts taken at reasonable rate' t, Agen No. la 'SOUTH WH Et , railadeleda. JAMES HAND.Agent. oatt Pion 14 and 14 HAWN. AMR. New York. macFOE NEW YORK. -- TEX Philadelphia Steam Proveller Comeepe will 00212teenee r their Nothings . far the Beacon on Mendel Utak lett Their ateeMerle are new marring freigkt et ab 4 .14 Pier above Wait:Et street. Wen= aeooramodattne. Apply tie M. BAUD *es steetioewo.....". A .e•anw • IiAVAN A IaGAS.B.--A 1 1 000 , 001 -Paboioe asiortmeots oomvriaing some attic most celebrated brands in the 'Havana mar ket. each as Flaw. 41410.11111, Verdad Espanola. Nes tato, Black Bea, Panotup_ello, &0., &o t Ale°, Ficaro and Garcia Cis modes. For sale low for oath, ateld tariff prices, bi uk, importer, cRARLtB iert-irn • No.loo 3217ALteirr Btrewt aINS.—A small invoice of Hides, Sheep, wad Goat .Bkiam, Juat reoeivect from me we s t r n _ Cas t fizy sale by JAII RETCILK & CdRaTaIUS, 4011 sorb vII , VIII.IP litrseht CLAItET WINZ—In casks and cases of the brands of Bt. JIIII6D, Margaiti. Beat-Brion Ponlago, Forests hi JAUKETCb & CARSTAIRS. NO. 209 NOWA PRONT • Olive Oil in white O w e clan V it*UtFlel us l P A r ril e i l i d d e i Irc k e 43111 Por ieSi No. 902 4outh FRONT street. CL,sII.IX. Atent N. P. R. IL Co