The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 03, 1861, Image 4
Letter from New York TILE HALF TEAR'S BUSINESS: INTERESTING STA-- TIATICS—SoUTHEEN STATES rATING STATE IN IEREsT AN UNEXPECTED SPECTACLE—TOE LATE GAPT. WARD—TILE ARREST Or LR• 11URLBUT—SPECIE IN NEW TORE-TILE , c BEE HUNTER." I Corre ivondenoe of THEre W YORR, July 1, 1861. The commercial business of the country for the fiscal year ending on the 90th June pre sents, as was oxpocted, a very unsatisfactory exhibit. Last week the imports were only $227,719 against 929.01)8 in the corresponding week last year, and $2,440,947 in the corre sponding week iu 1859. The footings of im ports since January 1, compared with those of the two years preceding, aro equally un satisfactory. The aggregate is only $76,234,673, against $114.199.142 in the first six months last year, and $124,122,191 in the corresponding period of 1859. And there is, of course, no prospect of any more favorable state of things daring the continuance of the present disturbed state of affairs. The export trade compensates for this seri ous diminution of imports. The short crop abroad last year has been a God-send to our farmers, and saved the country from a weed of embarrassment. Since January 1, we have sent across the water produce and merchandise worth $63 556.589, against $4l,- 744.751, in the first half o . t last year, and R 81.802,020 in the first six months of 1850. We aro ' therefore, taking exports and imports into account, about filly mil lions better off than wo were in the cor responding six months last year. But we shall not be able to go on as swimmingly for the six months to come. The cream of the export trade has been taken. The crops abroad of the present year are too abundant to permit as to hope for anything like the bu siness we have been doing with Europe since last autumn. Wo must soon expect to see a falling oil, and instead of importing specie, shall begin to ship it again, though by no means in quantities so large as in 1860 and 1860. The authorities of Kentucky have evinced their loyalty to the Union, and their regard for State faith, by forwarding to this city the amount necessary ($100.000) to pay interest on the State debt due this day. What is still more remarkable, the State of Florida has also forwarded funds to pay the interest on her debt—tho only seceded State that has done so. The interest on the city debt of Mobile has also been provided for. The remains of Captain Ward are now lying in state on board the receiving ship North Carolina, Brooklyn, of which he was in com mand until detailed to the command of the flotilla in the Potomac. Large numbers aro visiting the ship, to gain a last glimpse of one who bad so largely commanded,-f heirtiftifttro'r as a spy, at Allan a, and his transfer to Richmond to be dealt with by Gov. Letcher, is regarded hero, by some; as an ingenious and expeditions mode of facilitating his journey North, and of procuring .a cordial welcome to his friends who remain loyal to the Union. The banks of New York city this day hold over 44,000,000 In specie—the largest amount ever held by them, and nearly 50 per cent. on their net deposits. That venerable newspaper man, Col. T. B. Thorpe, the "Bee Bunter," is to deliver the oration on the Fourth at Morristown. The programme is of the real old '76 style. The war has net the Jersey boys on fire,_ and the excitement of old times prevails again. Great Fight for the uhampionship. (From the London Times, June ID. It is, perhaps, no information even for those least acquainted with the dirty arena of the prize ring, to be told that the champion's belt, for the possession of which Heenan and Barra strug gled with snob cruel obstinacy, was eventually awarded to neither. The trophy was left open to public competition, though, as the belt happens to be one of those peculiar gifts of fortune which are not to be had for the askiog, and as its possession entails some personal respenethility in the way of having to tight all comers, no matter how many - or how big, the number of candidates for the danger ous honor was, on the whole, decidedly limited. The first claimants were Hurst and Paddock Hurst is the champion wrestler of Lancashire, a man of gigantic frame and almost superhuman strength, but perhaps the most unskilful boxer that ever entered the prize ring. In his contest with Paddock he was dreadfully punished, but aimed by accident contrived at the olose of the fight to hit his adversary one blow, anil one bow from such a Goliah was quite sufficient, for Pad dock was ataxia killed by it. Hurst therefore oame into fall posteesion of the turbulent honors of the belt, to which a boxer named Mace at once laid claim. Mace is a very small man, though pos. sewed of wonderful strength and activity. almost &harder bitter than Sayers himself, and reputed to be•tbe most scientific pugilist alive. Yet, even . with these advantages, it seemed almost mon krona to suppose that ho could contend for an in stant with any chance of success against an ad versary so overpowering in strength, and tiro, and weight as Hurst. Nevertheless, a match was made for the chew pionsblp, and yesterday it was fought to an issue on an island in the Medway, and resulted in Mane punishing his gigantic antagonist so fearfully that he may literally be said to have almost killed hini without receiving a single blow in return. The oontraat between the two men, as they entered the ring, was even more startlingly disproportionate than that between Heenan and Sayers. Hurst stood nearly 6 feet 3 inobea in height, and weighed 16 stone, while his gigantic swarthy ohest and limbs, in which the muscles stood out in great folds and knots like bosses of bronze, made his figure look even larger and more formidable, if possible, than it was in reality. In looking at his massive pro portions, and the avideeoes of tremendous strength as the thews and sinews crept and roiled with every movement, one felt a fascinating terror, which changed to almost sickening apprehension for the fate of the man who had dared such a Co lossus to combat. Among ordinary men Mace would have seem ed a terrific antagonist for any to cope with, but dwarfed and almost overshadowed by the glint he had challenged, his venture seemed lit. tie abort of sheer madmen. His height is barely over 5 feet 8 inches, his weight only 10# stone; yet, j as he prepared himself for the contest yesterday, I there was an easy air of nonchalance about him which, coupled with his compact, fair frame, and lithe and active figure, on which the email, bus bard end well developed muscle, showed out in startling relief, made his venture appear less desperate than it was to those acquainted with his skill and: strength. Horst, to his other advantages, added that of winning the choice of corners, and of course. ; took that with his bank to the F111:1, leaving it s fierce rays full in the farm of his antagonist. When, at last, after shaking hands, the men stood alone in the centre of the ring, it seemed almost like conniving at a murder to permit a con test between two man so disproportioned in site, height, strength, and weight. Yet Mace, as he stood op almost in the shadow of his great assailant, seemed confident, though, of course, very cautious. Lightly Mace moved in and out, feinting and smi ling, as. with a noiseless bound, like a eat, he sprang just out of the distance of the ponderous arms that seemed only required to move to crush him. Gradually they drew nearer and.nearer, the giant waiting for his chance, which the other now and then appeared to give him, though in reality he ventured nothing. At last Mace carefully yen Wed in, and struck his opponent slightly three or four times in the face They were only littleblows, but enough to show him that be could reach the slow, unwieldy boxer when be chose, and get out of all danger of return with perfect certainty. Apparently satisfied with this knowledge, Mace began the fight with a terriflo blow, which com hletely closed Hurst's eye, and seemed to make is bulky frame tremble to his very feet. Before the first round, which lasted nearly twelve ml. notes, was over. Hurst was half !mothered in his own blooo, and his face was no gashed, that, as far as appearances went, Mace might have been-as saulting him with a razor. Still, as it was known that Borst bad but to give one blow to win the day. no one seemed inclined to back Mace, who might at any moment get , a stroke that would annihilate him. Yet the tremendous blow, that seemed al ways impending, never came. Hurst knew evi dently nothing of boxing, and his antagonist, therefore, merely drew aside with the most per fect sang [sold trem the slow, awkward, move ments of the ponderous arms, delivering his own strokes lull on the bead and face of the giant, with a force and rapidity that was terrible. In vale,. like a blind Cyclops, Hurst threw his arms abroad, and'strove to peep, to strike, even to touch his lithe, wiry vain he strove to hem him into a corner. Mace would simply Jolliet his tremendous blows foil on the smashed face of his op ..nent, pan under his arm, and be gone, almost • eve annald_fullow his movements. Hurst over . age ngure atiatfairreamr - rotra utrc e himself was covered with it, and the clothes of Hurst's two seconds almost saturated. 'No thing showed the enormous strength of the man more than that be Could sustain thisfearfal punish ment and loss of blood with apparently little dimi nution of his colonial power He still pursued Mace with unabated determination, but never once even touched him, while, on the other hand Mane's blows sounded loud ail over the ring, till hem a sharp crashing smash they gradually deadened down to a splashing sound like striking raw meat, that was sickening to hear. Nothing stopped the copious etroams that flowed from all parte of Burst's face, and the whole of this one-sided contest became disgusting and horrible beyond all description. After there had been ten rounds, and the fight had lasted some three.quar. tars of an hoar, Harst's seconds and beakers saw that his ohanoes were hopeless. and earnestly strove to make him discontinue. Bat, though now utterly blind, his featnressmaahed out of all recog nition almost as a human being, arid then reeling from his fearful loss of blood, the gory, disfigured giant still totte.ed from his corner, only to be sent staggering back by an antagonist that he seemed mumble of annihilating. Mace now no longer fought cantioutly, but hit when and where be pleased, and even closed with the great wrestler and threw him heavily. It was all over. Hercules himself would have succumbed to each fearful blows, and the alarming hemorrhege which fol lowed them, and which now began to soak all the grass of the ring. Brettle, Burst's chief beaker, at last rushed into the arena and inalsted on his fighting no more, but the maimed giant seemed incapable of understand ing his defeat from' such a little man, and groped and staggered out again. Blind and fainting, it only required one er two more blows to Allied the affair; bat the infliction of these on a helpless heap of dean was horrible and sickening beyond all de- . seription. His seconds and backers gave in for him without his knowledge, and kept Hurst in his corner till he gradually became almost iasensible,. and all the restorative arts of the ring were ex hausted in efforts to keep him from fainting, which,- la the absence of a surgeon, and in his then fist frig power, might have been a most serious affai. Tae epeotaele which he presented is too horrible for description. Even the oldest champions of the ring were aghast at the fearful punishment inflicted in fifty minutes. Mace bad not a single mark on him. The Dookyard police were patched in in a steamer from Chatham to preveat the figt, and arrived just as it WU over quite offi cial that. It is • kind of set-off to this - revolting business to say that poor Hurst's comrades, on b o th odes, were most /solicitous In their care of who took possession, and proceeded to run the him after his defeat, and Mace went about among steamer to a point knows as "The Cone," on the them and raised a subscription for him amoun ing Virginia shore. to £35. Snob facts, though undoubtedly praise- Upon landing at the Cone, the steamer was worthy, bet poorly counterbalance the horrible boarded by a body of about 1.000 Virginia troops, nature of the whole contest. Yet pugilists think when the passengers were all landed and allowed that, in a few years, the Ring will again glow with to go on their way unmolested. About 150 of the all the brutal m 810103131100 of the days of the Re- troops were thenplaced on board the steamer, Ca gene; Revive the Ring ! It would be easier to tan Kirwan and fourteen of the crew being re restore the Rept/itchy. twined as prisoners. Leaving the shore, the steamer was run down as far oaths month of the Rappahannock river, where the " new captain" hailed three large brigs, which were lying off a few miles from Fredericks- burg. These vessels were immediately boarded by the privateer; and, not having a enfliotent force on board to offer any resistance. they were all then quietly delivered over to the party as prises. .The prises, one of which was laden with coffee, a second with ice, and the third with ooal, were run into Fredericksburg, Va., and delivered into the possession of the Virginians, the /steamer being kept at that port, together with her captain and orew. The three prizes were valued at at least $lOO,OOO. Captain Norris, the olerk of the Se. Nteholas, together with five of the etewarde, came passen gers on board . the Express, having been released at the " Cone," 'who give the above particulars. CLASSIFIND LIB? 01 THE 17311011R0 07 TUN TIIIRT7• savvrrn corionsas. We give below a list of the members of the Thirty-Seventh Congress, who will take their Beata at the extra session to morrow, omitting the m adding States, which will not be represented : In the Senate, but forty-six members are left sines the withdrawal of the rebel Senators. Of this number, thirty-two are Republicans. We have inaladed in the Senate list the names of Senator Nioholson, of Tennessee, and Senators Polk and Johnson, of Missouri, but it la quite pos. Bible that these gentlemen will not appear. In the event of their absence, the Senate wilt stand thirty-two Republicans to eleven Democrats. - The number of members of the Douse of Repro.: mutative' is redacted from two hundred and-thirty seven to one hundred and eighty. Of these, One hundred and four are Repoblieans, with two dis triote in California to hear from. - TIIIRTY•9EVENTR CONGRESS SENATE. [Republicans in Roman, Democrats in Italie:, re elsoted members marked with an asterisk. J carrirouNia. Milton S Lacliam(lla); J. A McDougall (Un). couNBOTIOTIT. Lafayette B. Foster. ►arts. Willard Saulsbury. Lyman Trumbull. James Dixon, James A. Bayard, 0. H. Browning, Jesse D. Bright, lo James W. Grimes, Ja13208 S. Lane, Lazarus . TV. Powell, John BrectinridgB MAINZ. IVitlism Pitt Fetaanden. MARYLAND. ANTHONY KIIINRDY (A.), Jams," A.. Pearce. Lot M. Morrill, Charles Sumner, Henry M• Rice, Trustee Polk, John P. Hale, John R Thomson, Preston King, Beajamin F. Wade, Eiward D. BOLer, _D avia_mst ---- 2-.l:mmon/it"' Andrew Tohrzson (pa.), A 0. P. Nzeholsort yammer. Jacob Coflamer. WISCONSIN. James B. Doolittle, - Timothy Rowe. 1101.13 E OF REPRESENTATIVES. cAxironsze 2. .T. L. N.:Stratton * [2 members to be eleot'dJ 3. Ws /ham G. Setae. 4. George T Cobb. 5 Nsfismtah Perry. NNW TORS. • 1. .E Renry Smith. 2. Mmes F'. Odell, 3 Benjamin. Wood. 4 Javnes . B. Kerrigan. 5. William Wail. 6. Fred. A Conkling. 7. Elijah Ward. 8. _lsaac C. Dolaplasn. 9. Edward Nazglit. ' 10. C H. Van Wyok * 11. John. B.Steelo: 12. Stephen Baker. 13. Abrm.Lß -Olin.* 114. Erciatus Corning. 115. Jas B.' McKean.* 116. W.M. A. Wheeler. : 17. 8: N. Sherman. 18. Chauncey Vibbarce. 19. Riohard Franohot. 20. Rosooe.Conkling * 21. R. flatland Datil.* 22. Wm. E. Lansing. 23. Ambrose W. Clark. 24. Chas. B. Sedgssiok. 25. Theo. M. Pomeroy. 126. J. P. Chamberlain. ,27. Alexander B. Divot. 123. R.R.Vanvalkenbarg. 29. Alfred Ely.* 130. Augustus Frank.* .31. Burt Van Horn. 32. E. G. Spaulding.* 33. Reuben B. Fenton.* OHIO.. Solomon Foot, =EOM 1. Dwight Loomis.* 2 Jamas E. English. 3. A. A: Bun 4. Geo. C. Woodruff D ICLAWARE Geo. P. Fidler, (P.) ILLS/COIL 1. E. B. Washbarne.* 2 law N. Arnold. HURON 3. Owen Lovejoy 4. William Kellogg. 5. W. A. Rezhardson O. J. A. MeClarnand. 7. Jas. G. Robinson.• 8. Philip H • Fouka.* 9 John A. Logan.* INDIANA. 1. Jotu Law. 2. James A. ..Crarens 3. Willlam hf.• Dana * 4. Wm.: S. Holman.* 5. George W. Julian. 6. Albert Porter.* 7. D. W. Voorhees. 8. Albert 8. White. O. Balmyler Colfax.* 10. William Mitchell. 11. J. P: C. Shanka. xnwe. 1. Semi. R. Curtiss.* 2. Wm. Vandevor.* lelatlgAB. Martin F. Conway.* I=EZZI 1. Henry C. Burnett. (Secession ) 2. Jas. 8. Jackson, (U.) 3. Henry Hader, (U.) 4. Aaron Harding, (U.) 5. Charles A. Wiokliffe, (Union.) 0. Georg, W. Dunlap, (Union) • 7. ROM. Mallory,* (U.) 8. John J. ()flagman, (Union.) 0. Wm 11 Wadsworth, .(Union ) 10. J. W. Menzies, (U.) MAINZ. 1. John N. Goodwin. 2. Ohne, W. Welton. 3. Elam'. O. Peuenden 4. Anson P. Morrill. 5. John H: Rioe. 6. Frederick A. Pike MARYLA.ND 1. J. W. Crisfield, (U.) 2. Elwin H. Webster, (Union )4t 3. C. L. L. Lissy, (IL) Henry Pday, (P.): '• 5. 'renal. Thomas') ( 17 1 a. Ohm. Calvert, (17 . ) X6RBIORW3III2TS: 1. Thos. D. Eliot * 2. Jae Buffintoti* 3. Benj. F. Thom& 4. Alexander 11. Moe * 5. Wm. Appleton. (F.) 6. John B. Alloy.* 7. Daniel W. Gooch.* 8. Charles B. Train.* O. Goldsm'h F. Bailey. 10. Marl's Delano.* 11. Henry L. Dawes.* - MICHIGAN. 1. Bradley F. Granger . 2. Fernando C. BOARISH 8. Frannie W.Kellogg.* 4. R B. Trowbridge. MISNEBOTA 1. 0 rue Aldrich 2. m. Windom.* MISSOURI. F. P. Birth., Jr.* TAS Roman's, (A.) John B. Clark. Elijah 11 Morton John W. Reid. J S. Phelps, (U ) John TV. Nod.* BIM warm:wiz 1. (Musa Maraton.* 2. Edward 1/: RoHirai 3. Thor Edwards.* • 1130 W .7t8811% 1. John T. Nixon.* LEGAL INTELLIGENCE 'UNITED STATER Maim COURT--Judge Cathy&lader.—The case of thilh4 General Park hal was still before the court yesterday. • George A. Ooffey, Eq., District Attorney, argued : 1. That South Carolina, inasmuch as she make/ war upon the. United States, must therefore be treated as if she were an alien enemy. until she is reduced to a condition of loyalty and Union. 2. Therefore, the property of her citizens, found at sea, is liable to capture' by reseals of the United States.' . • 3. The blockade was not only a necessary ant of existing war, but it is mathorlzsd - by the empress words of the not of 2807, empowering the Vier& dent, in oars of inzturreetion, to employ the 'fumy for its suppression. • • 4. This .vessel, in feet, did violate the blockade, by giving intelligenee'to vessels in the harbor, and by attempting to run in. • • The points taken and argued by the counsel for the defence were : • 1. That Peterson and Btoik, of Charleston, although residents of Charleston, are still pre sumed to be citizens of the United Statis t and, as such, have a proper status in court, and have a right to show, if they can, either that, in point of faot, there was no violution of this blockade, or that, in point of law, there WBB no such blockade to be violated. 2. That the President of the United States had - ceetparev i tat - cmdealtuk.poruditutionor the acts of 3. Supposing the blockade to have been regular and according to law , that there was no intention or attempt, after notice. to violate it. • Ora' AND TER ILIBER — JudgeriIIiLSOn and Ludlow -- The case •of George C. Ingraham,. oharged with the murder of John H. Sailor, was concluded late on Monday evening. The Com monwealth's evidence proved that Ingraham en tered the publics house of 'the deceased, and get into a quarrel with one of the inmates lie was ordered to desist, end did so, but subsequently re newed the fight. Mr. Sailor now interfered, and insisted that there should be no fighting in his house, and he came from behind the bar for the purpose of ejeoting the accused. At the door In graham drew a knife anclatabbed M;. Sailor. YOr the defence, one of the witnesses testified that Mr. Sailor first struck Ingraham, and this led to the fight In which Mr. S. received his injury. Upon this state of facts, it was agreed between the Dis trict Attorztey and the counsel for the prisoner that a verdict of guilty of manslaughter should be ren dered. The jury returned a verdict to that effect Seizure of the Steamer St. Nicholas. We find in an extra of the Baltimore Repub/i -tan (a Becassicn parir) the following account of this " brUltant exploit." The "French lady" alluded to ie 'apposed to be Captain Hollinr, late of the United States navy: • It appears that the St . Nickolas, Capt. Jacob ,cleft this oily on Friday morning last, having boar about forty-tivc passengere. Among those who went aboard the boat previous t able " o her departure from this pity wan a very respeo _ t French lady," who was heavily veiled , and, pleading Indisposition , she was immediately shown to her state-room, Where she wan kindly oared for by the females on board. There were also a party of about twenty-five men, dressed in the garb of mechanics, carrying with them oar-. penters', tinnere', blacksmiths', nd other tools. • The boat left at th e usual hour a for Point Look- oat and other points on the Potomac river, and everything passed off as usual, until &thirds) , morning last. When near . Point Lookout the " Frettoh lady " appeared on deck, not in orino line, bat in the person of a stalwart man, who was immediately surrounded by the party of meobanioa alluded to. • Captain Kirwan demanded an explanation, when the " lady-man " coolly Informed him that he designed confiscating the steamer, and going on a privateering expedi tion. Finding himself overpowered, Capt. Kir wan was compelled to take it quietly, and the boat was formally handed over to the man and his *row, The New Congress. Henry B. Lane James Harlan !CAMS. S. C. Pomeroy. &INIRTOKY. MABSACUTIRITTB Henry Wilson 31111113110? A. Morton B. Wilkinson. Johnston. NEW Linesman. Daniel Clark, NSW JSENST. Jehii C. Tee. Eyck.. :CAW TOM Ira Harris OHIO. John Sherman MOON. (ieorge W. NNW& LAX 11 407 B. Antbony. 8811. PI=IIY I. G. IL Pendleton.* 2. John A. Gurley * 3. C. L. Vallandig ham.* 4. MeliareLAllers* ' 6. James M. Ashley.* .6. Chilton. A. Whste. 7. -Barrbon, (Fus'n.) .8. Saml. Shallabirger: 11. Willtarn P. Noble. 10. Cary A. Trimble.* 11. Val. B. Horton It Bansuel.S. Caz.lL, 113. Semi T. Worernster.' 14. Harrison Q. Blake.* 15. George Nugent. 116. Wm. P. Cutler. 17.. James B. Morns. 118. Sidney Edgerton:4F 19. Albert U. kiddie. 20. John'Hutehins * 21. John A. Bingham.* OREGON. . Tames. Shia. PIearIBYLVARIA. 1. Wm. E. Lehntrin. 2. Chas„,Litta.n.r. - - I - 5 - Jobn P. Verree * 4. Wm. D. Kelley. 5. W. Mortis Davis. 6. John Hickman * 7. Thos B Cooper. 8. Samuel R. Ancona. 9. Thad. Stephens as 10. John M. Killinger * 1L Jas. H Campbell * 12. Hendr'k B. Wright, ((Union ) 118. Philip Johnson. 14. Galusba A. Grow.* 15. James T Hale * 16. Joseph Bailey. 17. Edw'd McPherson.* 18. Samuel S. Blair.* 19. John Covode.* 20. Jesse Lazeer. 21 Jas. K. Moorhead * 22. Robert McKnight * 123. John W. Wallace. :24. John Patton. 25. Elijah Babbitt.* afoot INLAND. 1. Won. P. Sheffield, (Fusion ) I 2. G. H. Brown, (F'n.) VIIIIMOIST. 1. Ezekiel P. Walton.* 2. Justin S. rttonAU..* 3. Forth., Baxter. . wisconstet.' 1. John F. Potter.* 2. Luther lianohett. 3. A. 800tt TYPE-SETTING is now to be done by ma chinery ; a company has been formed in Boston for the purpose of working the new patents. A speci men machine will be sent to the London Exhibi tion next year. Gov. JACKSON would be an admirable bil Hard player, he, makes such great rune. OFFICIAL. PROPOSALS FOE ARMY BAGGAGE WAGONS. illttaltglskatatirsti antikßai'y °lrving./ WssiIINGTON. June 21.1861. Proclaim are invited for the farniehing of Army Bag gage vvagone- Proposals should state the prioes at which thee oat be furnished at the places of manufacture, or at New York, phiberielphie„ Baltimore, Washington, or Cincinnati. as_preferred by the bidders. Tbe number which can be made by any bidder within One month atter reompt of tho order. also tee number which he can deliver within one week. The Wagons must exact , ly conform to the following spraißeatiot.s,euid,to the established patterns. .eix-mule (covered i wagons, ot the eize and desorin tion as follows. to wit: ' The front wheel" to be three feet ten inches high, hub' ten mohes in diameter, and fourteen end a quer .ter inches long ; hind wheels tour toot ten inches hubs ten and a quarter inches in diameter, and fourteen and a quarter itiolieslony ; false" two cad a half inches wide and two and three-quarter mates deep; oast iron pipe boxes twelve Molise lone. two and a half . inches at the large end and one and seven-eighths inch • at mai end ; tire two and a half inches wide b• five eighth., o f an inch 'Wok. fastened wi th one screw bolt and nut in each bailie ; bobs made of gum. the spokes , and Wile of the best white oak, free from detain.; each wheel to have a sand band and linchpin band two and , three-quarter mishits wide, ol No 8 band i and two ' driving oands—outside band one and a gea r ter inch be one- quarter inch thick, inside band one mob br three-sixteenths inch thick; the hind wheels to be reeds and boxed so that they will measure from the in side of the tire to the large end of the box six and a half inches, and front wheels six and one-eighth lecher in a parallel • line. and each axle to be three feet eleven and Mr wheels, w A t fiTt ic r fi e s e To fe b e e t ifi r :d u el of the t best e q uality refined /interim= Iron, two end a half inches square at the "header. tapering down to one and a half inch in the middle, with a seven-steals inch king-liiit hole in each axletree; wash-ra and linchpin" for each axletree; sise of linathine one inch wide. three-eighth" ofan inch thick. with a hole in each end ; a wooden snook four and three-quarter inch," wide and four arches deep. fas tenetteu betantiallr to the axletree Britt' oli pa on the ends and with .two bolts, six inches from the middle. and fastened to the hoards and (plater, ( the bolster to be four feet fire inobes long , five inches wide. and three and a half inches deep.) with lour half-molt bolts. The qenglile to threeen feet eight inches long, four inchee wide, and inches thick at front end of the hounds, and two and a quarter inches wide by two and three'quarter inches deep at the front end. and mo ar ranged aa to lift up, the front end of it to hang within twee - set of the ground when the wagon ls 'tending at rest on a leveltnirfute. The,front hounds, to be six feet two inches long. three tube" thick, and four inobes wide over axietree, and to retain that width to the back Bud of the fondue; jaws of the hounds one foot eight inohse long and three inoheesquare at the front end, with a plate of iro n t wo and a half inches wide by three eighths of an inoh , tiook, fastened on top d'art hounds over the back end i of the tongue with one, half-inch screw bolt in etch ; end, and a plate of iron of the same sise turned up at each end one and a fastenedhes to u n de r p the front hounds together. and on the side. and at • frost end of hounds, with half moil screw bolt through each hound, a seven-eighth inch bolt through tongue ; and hounds in the centre of jaws. to secure the tongue in the hounds ; a plate of iron three inches wide. one quarter inch thiok and one foot eight inohes long, secured on the inside of jaws of hounds with two rive is, and a plate of same dimensions on each side of the tongue, where the tongue and bounds run together, secured in like - manner : a brace of seven-eighths of an . inch round iron to extend from noder the front axle tree. and tate two bolts in front -part of the honi dz. • same braise three-quarters of an inch round to oontinue to the bulk part of the hounds, end to he fastened with two bolts. one near the back end of the hounds. and one through the slider and hounds; a braise over front bolster one and a half inch wide. one-quarter of an inoh thick. with a bolt in etch end to fatten it to the bounds; the opening between the jaws of the hounds, to receive -the tongue. four and three-quarter in hoe in trout, and four and a half inches at the back part of the jaws. • '1 he hind hounds four feet two inches lone. two and three quarter melte* th oh, and three inches wide ;jaws one foot long where they -clasp the coupling • pole ; the bolster four feet five inches long and five inches wide be three inches deep, with stead iron two and half inches wide by one . half inch thic k turned up two and a half inches and fastened on each ale with three ' rivets; the baiter stooks and hounds to be secured with four half-inch screw bolts, and one half-inoh screw bolt through the coupling pole. The ciouplthe pale nine feet eight inches long. three • inches deep. and four and a half inches wide at front I end, and two and three-quarter inches wide at back cenend dietanoe from the centre of king bolt hole to the tre of the bank salarree six feet one inch. and from the centre of kite bolt bole to the cootie of the mortice in the hind end of the pole eight feet nine inches; t ing bolt one and a quarter inebes diameter, of beat refined iron, d rum down to seven-eighths of en inch where tt pastes through the iron axiettee ; iron plate six inches long, three manes vride, atm one-eighth of an inch thick' on the doubletree and tongue where they rub together; t on plate one tee slid ' ng,bar, d fa a getie f d by at o e l u e- ren rt iiiirai l e i r i e n e e r h tz through the hounds; trout bolster to have plates above and below eleven inches long, three and a half inches wide, and three-eighths of an snob thmk. corners drawn oak and 'termed 'down on. the sides of the 'bolster. with a mil in eaoh , corner, and four coun tersunk nails on top two bands on the hind hounds.' two and two and a 'half inches wide, of No. 14 baud iron ; the rub plate on the cenplingetole to be eight inches long, one and three-quarter" - rubes wide. and fne quarter of en inch thick. Donbletree three feet eet ten inches long.' aingletree two teat sigh mama ong, art well Mane of hickory, wit h an Iron ring and clip at each end, the centre clip to be well secured ; lead bar and stretcher to be three feet two inches loog, two and quarter inches wide, and one and a quarter inch thick. Lead bath. stretchers, and singletreea for six mule team; the two singletrees for the lead mules to. have books in the middle to hook to the end of the fifth' chain, the Wheel and middle pairs with opeziringnjo. --tr im t l e a u- , , zite L a e eet tieir . to the fork; the' fork one foot ten inches long, with the stretcher atiii 7 teobed to tweed the forks spelt ; the - lints of the deet- Metre.. stay and tongue chews. three-eighths of au inch in diameter- the forked chain seven -sixteenth inch in diameter ;Vie fifth ohaid to be seven-aixteenttr Inch diameter to the fork; the fork to be five-sixteenth inch diameter; the links of these and of the lock chains to be riot more than two and a quarter inches long " The body to be straight, three feet six Inches wide, two feet deep. ten feet lithe - at the bottom, anti ten feet six inches at the top. eloping equally at each end all In the clear or inside ; the bed pieces to be two and a hal inches wide and three inches ogee; front - pieoes two inches deep by two and a half niches wide; tall Piece: two and a half inches wide and three inches deep ; and font inohos deep in the middle to rest on the Coupling- POle ; top rail one and a half inch thick by One and seven•eighth inch wide lower rails one inch tbiok by one and seven eighth inch wide; three studs and one rail in front, with a seat on stray hinges to acme it up as high as the sides ; a box three feet four inches long. the bottom five inches wide front aide, nine and a half inches deep. and eight . and is half Inches at toe top in parallel line to the body 6U in the clear, to be sub stantially fastened to the front end of- the body, to have an iron strap passing round each rivetel ow4rd to the head piece and front rail by a in each end..of it passing through them. the lid to be fastened to the front rail with Deo good strap hinges, a strap of five-eighth iron around the box a half inch from the op edge. and two straps same size on the lid-near the front edge. to nrevent the -mules from eating the boxes ; to have a joint hags fastened to the middle of the lid, with a good wooden cleat on the inside a strap of iron on the contra of the box with a staple ptssing through it, to [eaten the lid to; eight stuta and two rails on each aide ; one bolster fastened to the body, . six inches deep and four inches wide at king bolt hole ; .Iron rod in front and centre, of eleven sixteenths of aiLl inch round iron: with a bead on the too of rail and nut - , on lower mid; iron rod and brace behind. with shoulders on top of tail oleos. and nuts on the under side, and a .tint on top of rail • a plate two and a half Inches wide, of No.lo band iron. on tail piece. wren the body ; two , ;mortices in tail piece and hind .bar two' and a quarter inches wide and f oe inch thick. to receive pieces three set four Inches love. to be need es harness hearers our rivets through each side stud. and two toroth tbrongh each front stud, to secure the lining boards, to be of the hest quality iron. and riveted on a good bur ; one rivet through each end of the rails ; floor fire-eighth" of an inch oak'. boards ;sides five eighth" of an inch white pine, tail-board three-quar ters of an Dial thick. of white pine. to be well cleated with five oak ideate riveted at each end through the tail-board; an iron plate three feet eight inches loot. two and a quarter inches wide. and three-eighths of an 'intro thiok on the n; der side of the bed meoe, to extend from the hind end of the body to eight moles in 'front of the bind bolsters _ to be feeteeed by .tie rod at the end of the body. by the lateral rod end two-three eighths of an mob screw the. one at the forward end of the plate, and the other about eqtu• distant between "It and the lateral rod.. A half inoh round iron rod or bolt to pass diagonally through the rails, between the • two hind studs to and through the bed isthoe and plate under it, with a good head on the top and nut and screw at the bottom. to be at the top one foot six inobes from timid, of tail board, and on the bottom ten inobes from the hind rod. An iron clamp two itiohes wide, one quarter of an inch thiok around the bed pow-. the cen tre bolt to whion the look _chain is attached passing through it. to extend seven inches on the inside of the body, the ends, top, and bottom to be secured by two .three-eurhtbs inch screw bolts, the middle bar at the ends to be dean . with the bed P36CB on the lower ride, Two loot chains secured to the centre bolt of the body, one end eleven inobes, the other two feet six inches lone. to be of three -ethhtlas of - an inch round iron; feed troneh to be four feet six inohes - long from out to out, too bottom sod ends of oak. the sides of eellow pine, be eight inches wide at bottom. twelve inches wide at top, and eight and a half mobs" deep all to the ulcer, well ironed, with a band of hoop-iron around the top. o ne mound each end and three between, the ends,- strong and satabletrons to fasten them on.the tongue when feeding ; good sti ong oliame to be attached to the top rail of the body. secured by a staple with a hook to Attach it to the trough. Six bows of good ash. two in, hes wide and one-half inoh thick, with three staples to confine the ridge pole to its place ; two staples on the body. to secure each end of the b .ws ; one ridge pole t waive feet long, one and three-quarters inoh wide by five - eighths of en inch thick ; thacover to be of the first quality cotton duck. No. —. fifteen feet lonesid. num feet eightindh9l_ end one through each end to °loot it et both ends; • endss on each end of the body. to close and secure the of the cover ; a staple in the lower rail. near the second stud from 'each end, to fasten the ode (lords. The outside of the body and feed trough to have twq good coats of white lead, colored to a blue tint. the inside of them to have two poste ef - venetian red pant ; the min n g z ear and wheels to have two good oasts ofvenaptrui red darkened of a chocolate color, the hub and folios to be well pitched, instead of painted, if required. trees tao- a be t fur n ished with ea c h a is n s d o w n. o t e h x rai ng in e b l o e l t and singletrees atinilar in all respects to those belong jne to it. Each side of the body of the wagon to be marked U. 8.. and numbered as directed; all other pert. to tie at eared U. 8.; the ooyer, feed box, bolts. lmohPlna. tar pot, and harneas bearers tor each wa con t en t s p in a shoot box, (cooperea) and the marked thereon. • It is to be distinctly tindentood that the wagons are to be BO oonstrnoted that the several parts Of any one wagon will agree and exactly fit those of any other, so as to require no numeering or arranging for putting to gether.and allthe materials need for tneir construction Bonged, be of toe wo rk y ; all the woodlthoroughly sea- Boned, and the in rill its parts faithfally executed in the best workmanlike manner. The work may be Disputed from time to Dote alit progresses by an officer or agent of the Quartermaster's epartment. and none of it shall be painted until it shall have been inspected and approved by said eflicer or agent authorized to inspect , it. When-finished, painted. and aocepted by an officer or agent of the Quartermaster's Department, and delivered as herein agre ed. they shall be paid for. M. C. fit hIGS. je R edd . Quartermaster General U. B. ,;11.0WZI'S -ESSENCE OF JAMAIOA 01NGER.—PREDERICIC BROWN, Chandra and Druggist, northeast corner of Chestnut and Firth stir, Philadelphia, soh, roannteoturer of Brown's Essence of Jamaica Oinger,whioh is recognized and prescribed DP the medical acuity, and has become the standard family medicine of the United }Dates. Thu, Essence is a preparation of rinunial excellence. In ordinary diarrhea, incipient cholera, in short, in all poses of prostration of the digestive inactions, it is cif inestimable value. During the prevalence of epidemic cholera and 'rummer oompLaints of ohildren, it is 1,6011.- 1111/4 efficaoious; no family, individual, or traveller should be without it. NOTICE.—To prevent this valuable Essence from being oountertei ted , gthni ti new steel engraving, executed at a great wet, will be nand on the outside of the *Tee ner, in order to the purchaser against being=- posed upon by worthlees Prepared only by FRLDERICK . BROWN, and for %le at his Drug and Chemioal Store, N. E. corner of p i 'Btu' Chestnut streets, Phi l a delphia , Drug E. corner of Ninth aim . Cb eatut streets, "Conti. nental" Hotel, Pailadelphia. Also for sale by all re. I stiostabc• orarreitrts is ttir i,eit d States. OPAL DENTALLINA,—We speak from c r ei pexperienee when saying that the OPAL, t ir A made by hlx. BRUM. of .I.3tOAD rind Etreets, /I detedly the sueect ertmarato the moor teeth t Ire have ever geed. we joys it in all that is Ousted for ft. and being te.. sommended 7 the most trmutent dentists Ira advise all to Ore 3 a #31 1 ." - .P1347 1 0k . , 44.11-4, Tp;:E PRESS. -- 7MIWARgy i k, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1861. CET'II4.I4IO PILLS SICK HEADAOHE. NERVOUS HEADACHE. Dy the wee of these Fill the perlocticai attacks of /ver gers or ,litir"Hoideeha may be prevented • and if taken • at the oommeneemerit of an 'attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fail:in removing the /Varies sisni Herat eche to whioh females are so subject. . They sot gently on the bowels, removing Csereoptess. For Literary Aft's, Studists, Delicate Females. and all persons of sedentary eaeits, they are valuable ag Lezaties, Improving the appflits, giving load and Oiler to the digestive organs, and restoring the =Mara( 'las- Haiti and strength of the wnole syntax. • The CEPHALIC FLLLS ars the revolt of long Invest:l! . ration and carefaily oondnoted exneriments, having peen in use many years; daring which time they have prevented and ...relieved a Vast BillOnnt of rain and ertinering from Thradsche, whether originating to the aervorwe syntem or from a deranged state of .tha, sto , mesh, They are entirely vegetable In their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect 'neat* plthoYl =skint any eharito . cif dist. Add at abuse* QT.uty dim:- trivibla . tut* 'emirs tit caiy adattaitur • s.tow cs 311rWARZ OF • QOUNTERMTEI 1 itius eannina Lay*.lv o Ognsfsnon at MI MI" B. StratitißS en anon • Bold bi briiciita cad al.l other Deakin, in ffiedialnea. A Box will be ant by otell Myatt on MAMA of the Sts CrENT6 All 'Wide Maditmemea *kleffillEri< 0. SPA. :JD AX3. 411 YOS X. • . . ring 1 , 01.1101 1 1111/ ENDORDEMENTE OY i,r• W . A.& CONVOWE f Al. 71110 a WFY ?KOFF HEAD& Ci SPEEDY AND all - RE CURE Is w 1? !f. THEIR HEADE% • As Oahe restiissMilltid 111,1 Illuctlicttsd by !.r. BrA.Ls- Door. Usti illirord rngnutionetbifi ?reef d tiffs AA. fifty if air traits , ssiisstidte discrerw. 14x. tirszmuse. Bttt : I hale tried yony Cophalie His, andl like tern se • sit that I ward you to send E 126 two donors worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors', to *shone I gave a ow of the first box I rot from you. Send the Pills by mail, and oblige* ' - Year ob!t Servant, • • JAMS; JERISITESSII. hia. Zix leak you La /and me OMB MIS bar of loaf eft/mil* Ftrla&ae vueived a greatlptedf beasfit /ram Mots. Y " ra IiMAN Y PI asimmostr., . --•-; :.•••• m • 'bases Clawiiihranuskgriovolt* ILltuntos • - • '• TeX 'Bondi will *ow twikboxec of year CalaHo Mai oat t ne. ", • . 7;32.1 J110. B. MIXON& rairkood ow Sax el vela Pin:. awl Mee tiro. 'I- ii - BILLI Vicznon, Okus, Jam S'I'LLIDIII62 BK. PieS66 lILa ortolosed twenty-live cents, for which send ins tu2other box. errs= Cephalic) Tkato are trs* as ken Pills I • Rolle Venion, WYandot so.: i 81711.1.2, MU*. Des. 11,111611. Beszmisis, Est. wiekror some otrouleit or lane EIIOW bills. to bring Tonveechelio Pills more portioulerir- before MY one tomers..lf,yon have EM7Mirg of the kind terse send me. Doe of mycriitemers. who is subject to severe 6iiik Zoodooko, (vinosity Isetior two days,' was cored of an f§Stish ir,ew Tarr by veer Pitts. which I sent bar. - • • Itesoectfslly years ir. B. want& . FIA:xxL,N, olds./ • January 9. - . STA.LnIMI A o.dsCedar it, n. Y. LEAR Inotosedlind twenlive cents, mid for wnish 'send box of " Coolish° tT ' send to addreaa of Rev. Win. C. Filler Reynoldeburg, Franklin Ohi o. neer Fills 'wink e charier—now bueessee eineirst (aslant or. • IMO 70111,14 • • :•'.."• • W/CO. • adaya..iea. la left. NI. • • Xis : Net long sinew I /out to >tot forgi bon ef Cfthalie Pint far the sere of the /Verrone Headache and Omtvvrnerge, sad received the swam, aid nee Aid to seed as eel; nal/ was iadated is semi Apr Inert. Peace sand 11 , 7 ;stare anal. Direct to A. X. VrIt.EF.A.F.x. Yzoitaati, Allah. • !root ad Birromisiww, ffirtfak, Ye, wrehaliee,Piacwmtl litiVoge:tall‘girek Pr MIS t 4i Ecawiaw. IY•rf•th, Ts, Thar hare been tested in more Wins tionennil Wes With entire 1111(104611. . , Pion tar Democrat, Si. Motel, Minn, If you are, or have been troublen with the headeche, send fin boz, (cephano no that you way hare them in ease of an attack. •Fro es :At alcivrrtist Providenev, The Cephalle Ping are said to be a remarkably dreg tive remedy for the headache, and one of the very bed for that very frequent oomplaint whioh has ever been discovered.. • . Prom a. A r Stttris R. R. &aeon, Micas'., We heartily enaorae Mr. Beedding, mia hie unrivalled Cephalic Pill. . . _Frew Ms KII/14104111 Vailet; Star, NalusarAir, Va. : We are sure that persons suffering with the kiwAsebs r who try them, will zUok - toltteth - . Preis :At SOW:4411111 Path Piadsr, Nip Orkasis,Laj o Wry diem ! YOU that are afflicted. and we are sareghat. your testimony can he added to the already hat that has rouser. benefits that no other median* *an nrodnoe• : - • , ; , • .. From ris br. Louts Zhassestat. The immerse demand for the attiihrAloOlit•lrgial is rapidly moressum. Prows ski essatts, Ilessioorsort. Mr. !Spalding would not connect his name with * "- bole he did not ham to possess real merit. Airroritsier. Prosries, A. 1. reThesooota tetunoir fairor strong, from ilium b taartera.:;i ; ., • Nein Ski /may Noss, rilrayerr, ft. .1. 00plialla Pills are taking the ro- o •'c of all bats. /hoes a. Crevespeirtialn e w t , Bette 44, Man, said I. be very elazaeiou for WI basdaele, /1 0 rwes its Colossweial. Oimeisourii. infferini namenity nen now be renewed. W• Single ►en:. •t lIPAADLIteta ritt..FAXED SLUM will ailivs lan ilium Quer serf 'pant CIT. SPALDING'S PEEPAKED GLOE I BPALDITTG'B PRIpAItED GLUE? SPALDING'S PREPARED MATE! - - - - • ECONOMY! • DIEPATOIi! _ , Mr" A ISTITOR IN TrYll ELVIS r41112.".6“ Am accidents will happen. even in well-regulated families, it is vety desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for resairir.g Furniture.2 . oll. Crooke rT. An, • ISPALDINGOD PREPARED CLUE meet, ail inich oineitentdot, and no household can iaord to do without it. It ix - nlysysi ready, and tip to the a tioking hoint. '• USEFUL IN EVERY ROUSE." S. E.—A Brash acoompezies oksah bottio. friso t a 11013144 Address, HENRY 0. SPALI.I.INO,, PO. 18 CEDAJL STKEET. 1 W Y 041., EADifIO.N. As aortal!' inenoolelod Denote are attetstßtint to oe,un off' on the niatiting yubUa , i mitations; of ray PREPARED GLITt. I would oauyem all person, to ex amine before nu.robeednr,ind sae that the ft.ll name, sur 1PA1441111.11-41 71tEPAX1) .mariwyat hi . ea the satanle wan*, t r 1 et.hele artsesteillat MIN ' CURB ALL KINDS OP HEAU!:M.OHE SPA.I47.INMS TMAIr 1 MASONT/TY.LX. Cram., Fob. 6,1603 .11.a.valtirosat, Es.. Fob. C.lBlll. NAVE 11701.PLECIT.0 THE fit.VA diA.74(3.-?-1 1113791/1.1.4 ELISCTRANOS WhIPANIL, dor ra - a..trIILFIII4 • S it f . Dig . 3O' VIALMNIF /azure. arairst U/58 OR D.A111.461E BY FMB. 015 iiwas, Stores. aria other buildings. er iterpetual, and on Purnatare. Roods. Wares, tiLd Mar ekandiae. In torn or ooantr. • SAAR CAPITAL. 66131,110 w•--a381C75 .317.143 16, Which is invested • • roDows, : Le Ant mortgages 00 alt 7 er-Perty, worth , double the am0unt_.._..;.._..., ammo , 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.s 6 per cent. brat mortgage loan.. at par— 5.600 00 Pentueylvania itettlrond Co.'s 6 per sent, se, *and mortgage load, (.1304101 0 00 Anntingdon and Bree d Top liatlined and Cana! Co.'s mortgage loan— --- 4,100 00 eround rent, first-Maas 2, MS 50 Collatenal loam, well 116 0tmed 2,800 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent. loen;—_-_ 10 000 00 Allegh eny county C per oent, - Pa. RR. loan- 10 ;000 00 Commercial Dank 5t00k_. , ... 6,136 —_. GI tiOchaciOo' Dank stook . 2,8i2 co ennsylvanla Railroad Co.'s stook— .-- 1,000 00 he Reliance Mutual luminance C.o.'s stook :3,36000 Ifhe County Fire Insurance Ce.'d gook-- 1,060 03 Nhe DeLsware M. 8. Inavancle Cfol stook:- • 700 00 awn Mutual InanYanoe tIo.'S scrip- 380 00 ." 14,3a2 74 nook amounts , accrued interest, 7,101 rd Cash on hand ---. -11,854 64 3317%142 04 The Mutual prinoiole, combined with the seourity of Cheek Capital, entitles the' Insured to pal,ticupats in the pratits of the Company, without Liabilltr.for los-es. Losses promptly adrusted and paid. DtILLCTORA : . Clem Tinsley. - Samuel Biotit); William K. Thomason, Robert Steen. ... Prederiek Brown, William Mtoisor. William Htevenson. Benj. W. Tingley. .. .ht , i c t. Worrell: f Marshall Bin, J. Johnson Brown. ' • ban a l / M i nd, Charles Leland. • _ D. B4OBongarten. Jaoob T. Bunting. hula; H. Wood, smith Gowen, aces E. Woodward, John Buisoll,'Pltlabarc. • • OLE TINGLEY, President. , FM. HLNCIIMAN, SeorehlrY. ebruary Id. Bial. _ . ' ' " rat THE ENTEEPIasE 1Nk3)::` . . 4 114"C1E: 001kIPA.Pont: or riaLmistritA. cram (DlBerAzion EXCLVOIVEL Y.) TOKPARrEt EV1L.D1144.6. W. 001119,4".5 YOURTII AKD WALNUT SMARTS: 1112.8071911.3: F. ELATCSMORD Otot.DECAI WILLIAM McKim. Zieci. H. arittivr, lita.ano ' anti IL OSLOW,N, JOHN EA. ATWOOD. k FAMMISTOCI. JUN/. WiXOTON, ANDREV7 D. OW. NEWRY . WltAtivran. —J. L. E RaUtt 2 / 4 * F ..COXPICgrI i Tt" 14"41461"I' PENN MUTUAL - LIFE 1113111LANOIC COMPANY,__ No. 9:11 C RTNHE t IPZ /Street P..ETUA.L. , Philadelphia. i TER' PSK ALi•PHE FROFITa DIVIpb.I) AMONG THE M ECHEM •• ' Wire Lives for short ;suns or for the whole term of life ; grant Annuities and Endowments ; maims° Life Interests in Resat Estate, and make all contracts do petting on the oontingenoies of life.. They act as Executors, Administrators; Assignees. Trusteee. and Guardians, ABB ETB OF THE COAIPAN V. January 1137 E Mortgages, around rents, real estate.- ,8822,981 United abuse stooks. Treasury notes, loans • of Stabs of. Pennsylvania, city of Pints - dolphin, .. • 168,746 Premlum LlOtes7llllllollll on collaborate, /Ito. 23704 58 Pennsylvania. North Pennsylvania • roads, and County six per cent. bonds- / 0 5,802 00 Bank, insurance, railroad, canal stooks, &.o. 97,611,411/ Cash on hand, &goats' balances. Ice., km.— • 88,20514. • 8101,128 Of • DAPIIEL L. MlLL4ll...Presicient, Joni" A . E. efabz . Vice President. Iati,AWARE MUTUAL SAFETY ni .4l-1 BURANCE COMPANY: PHILADELPHIA. ' lzmontorabsd by the Loybilatare opPennest:feni.e; n3f.q. ... (Mee S. E. gerzt?or of 911111..t0 and :grim," ,tre l ti, - p4 PHILADIMPHrir- ' ' • ZILTITE ThfinttaNtfl4- on Vekegele,i W serge, To au parte of the ens. Freight, .. _ LAM) 111511..Wee.,3 Tv Toot. by Itivere, Coot:., ..akeA, one Mid Cor risce&toellparr_of the Welt - a. . FUJI; 11 , 13.AIICKS - en bterstiondiee geriezaDY:" On ' , ltems, IhroLllag gowtre, fie: ' • ASSEIIII OP nit CONIZAZII. „ Nonciabsr 1, 18!0. 111100,000 Ignited States !Weir 0ent.10an—....01C0,390 00 LUAU 'United States six V! cent. Traumatic% - biota'', (with scorn interest ).- 113,43 Si 2 . 944,30 PennzTlyanii% State lire,..W . .eee - lean. " . " (4,041 CO 91,000 to; rio. six ,;dO. do. 21.945 00 120,090 Philadelphia City six ': cent. Loon . /35, 10 8 S 7 'OM Tenn/tee !State five Gent. tam- 34,600 00 A wr inmy "ran _ i l d 94 maims __ -taX Air cent. bo ii__ —,...• • • 04000 00 Won ?Do shares. aturik Ge — aitown dee Cknsiveny.' Interest and Pnns4Al 4 - natentsod b 7 the City of Phim- . NlPlila, • 32,EZ9 1.01 pores Pennarcverna Rat vgn Conipany SSX 6.000 190 shares North Pennsylvania Jtail- 3, 09 road Company.— ._.- • MI 00 1.500 83 shares Piuisdolphia foe Boat mai. SWIM Tns Comp6o.T. I,3:00 00 210 i'shares Phil ad sip hi a an tatters-de dimes 'Steam S o w boat Company'. 293 Ce 220 2 shares Philadelphia Exchange • Cletanniar 68 1470 2 shares Uontinantal Noted C 0..- . 600 06 . 21W,70.8 par. • Cloit 1250,816.641. Market 23 1.664602 Bills recetvable, for uir!nuitirein,m6 43 Bonds and mortgages.— 24,690'00 estate 41.282.121 P.sdanoardsa at Anensies—Preminals on ma rina Policia. interest. and psi:sr. • :loM dna Strip and its* 0t..6711167 .Stglr3r.oo and ether 13sInian:s. IN.ik tacit. .• • • ks. drawer- •atsl • -- u,im al 8221.0112 81 91.V.80X0t1.7.. KIM= itanik, . 4.tte - sel .V... Makes Atissai It. Ossder, - J. P. Pen" 7. 4 .44 ee - 4,hileis ratiulica , :. ~ - limy 1 ..... John -. A. perreto, Edrrad . arlirrtea Jolla 0. 01111.1. - :. - Xi:Jsea rooka, &nes 7tgalistr, '. 41jpouGer lissenv. II WISIIt -GY ritt 4L. 1 'stole:ma 9, TiLazd , 7:asp 0. as.r.s, 1 Assert.Beirion. WLl.stre 0. 2.434171 - . s. i l's.bab P.lsnea. Jeweplt K. Etssi. 1 - . l.l6Bveg oskie. B i. M E4s ar . lAnd. ' - ~ Jr. .¢...111. 1114..at05. essres C. Imre., ! lehrtt e ßentFlo, Yiktefs. ig* emir,. 1 V. . ..orgno. 5P.171110 111.0DILT. i . - _er . " TiLIS.ILI4I. Vt, Prestieel. TEM. 0. • , is. Presides:. ItigrET ..rir6BVIIII. fssrmters. ' _ iml7-ff VIRE INSUBMIOE,..EXOLITSIVRLY.— 1;g q &,a x _amayA CE AI.—No, 510 WALNW moos spend once ftll6le. Thie Company, favorably known to the community for thirty-els years, oontinues to insure against loss or damage by Fire, on public or private Buildings, either permanently or for a limited time. Also. on Furniture, stocks of uoodir or Aferohandise generally. on liberal terms. their Capital, together irr a large ntirldt4 Fund( is invested in the most carer manner, arnica enables ikeut to offer to most insure e n undoubted s*olgyi..-r Ike ease of loot. *Jonathan Patterson, i lasso Hetleharat. Qp.nitin Campbell, • Thomas Rabina, Alarandar.l3ene.?n. Dame Ittnith, Jr:, .William montellel, , Jo hn , Oomreur. Thomas Singjk ' •• JONATRAN PATTBRBON, Preaidant. wrmtuir G. Caountis, Seoretarf. TAWS . 811 B, 21 14 .E NourANYOFSTiII '-a- STATE OF PENNVANIA--FIEN AND INSURANCE Nat. 4_ AND 8 •EXCNit Nei REILDINCHL • Chartered in ITS4--43avital sscomo--Yob. 'ratite, .411118,722 All inveztad in Boland and mailable evertritioa-:-ecn tint* to invers en vearela and Ceirteer, titt ta, ZOOM of Morehttr.iitse. Una*. „111.9t1-,loroaa: . • Esau .-6 D. ISks....:•rd, *nerds IL Mart, Ittemon Toby • • • **nerds grant, Ir.. • -.varies ester, Tobias Warner, IfrinLor ff. istltla. of B..Vrattir3a. 74 hail B. Bode. Nenzy.A. Kreoetver., Waite, eg .40%14. Iml• C. Careen- • WENN Y. 2.lMat 'PEN. ries:ideas. lIAR.FE • 'heroism • . • 447.-tf FINA INSDRANOR. EMORAT4IOItII 1N.31/P...A.NOK COMPANY of . Pkihtdolohisk, No. Z3B North trYTH 3treet, &Mow Raoo. it le' wild= oooda, and Merohsadiao conerallr Nook loom or dhroara by Fir*: The oompagy 33a.ronteo to adju3t jimogs promptly . , um( thereby hoot, to merit the -patrol oho of ths oikbh.o. - - DlTAtareis. Want= Brerran, Lehori Flezujsz, Ft&Ufa .Coo Per. Michael Moefeoy, °torte L. Doigherty. Edward Bleeevern, James Martin. Tharoke B. MoConelsk, Jemee Lamm, Bromley, tietthewAlesr, Francis ruard Heilerty, John Caimady, email FJ.isher, Hemphill. Nkraerd IL Helton/kr. Clete, !is lfa.Maine Mietesel Cahal• F CLB COOl%/1-14saident. c'ZILICLID.3AFFILIS. georatillT. • ee2l-1P A. E&NRIOAN FIRE INSITRANCIE Oa, - //‘OOIPORATED yin CH.A.S.TE, PEI 4ile WA GlV L lPTl3treet,aburre Third, Philadelphia, - Jaavint . a .pad Pald-up uapital Stook and lamina, trivattm in and available Securitiol4oontumes to 'lmre or. DtreWilaa,' Stores, Furniture, aterohandinei Vessels in port end their eartoes, and othar.versQMY Droverty. All loosen Itherolly and promptly adiarted. uunovote. Whoa. It Maria. goiw'raorzw,— John Weilh_, James H. CsanPoon. Mi t tel C. Morton, Edmund G. Danth, et Brady. Chas. W. Poultret. • boned orrill VEIOIIO M S R. ItlAit/Zl.Tresdeni. "ALBERT C. F. CKAWFORD. Secretary. fen-t 1 A NMICAOITE ,INisug-ACCNOZ 00htf,__AL A.A. -.N . y.-11togrisod Capital 11084410—Ctrilawirdi 11 1 747. a11 . PiA . .4 - 111nr ',treat bitwian Tklld ' r Fsmxtrl treetindlutehibia. Mid Indo Componr vii pA : o=si;olll3*Joss or i c mikoo..iii Jim on milieus,- . sad Norokoo tam , . - AL, Marino ' Inroransoo . .oi . I Toilielo; : dircoas lin! Frois Mo. • Inlarut Iraromarri a of Om Mu's*. . _. lb /*soh .r.rimr. . . ' Immo Mislaid. '.. JP. lortitor k . _AM 1 t,oh.euxi . A l 9 ' . j 'en. . " Da u lZ UL afar Vixen - 4. E. Batas. ~ 019.1 . W.tC14,Tdin A • w. K. EALIVN, floorotam —. %! ...: ~. , • - solkir • liIXOBANGE 11 , 131JRAIT(TZ COMPANY --Opice No. 409 WALNUT Street. FERE INSURANCE on Bonsai and hierohantiso Nanacoaatelly, -on favorable terms. 'either lin:Roder nor • . .• • • .Jorendsh Bongs 1. - Whozme ?dank, "ohm Q. Gianodo, Oharlee Thogrpson. Edwzrsl,,pll. Roberti,. James T. aftinned L. emedley. Joshn§, 7. Owen ianben C. John J; Griffiths: JER.E.1111431 BONBALL, Pres:dont. JOHN 4 1.49/14N0D0, Vico Preeftnt.' tratintan.Cox.Beeretsrs. . , . Amu> DEILLADZIR/ILt TkREA -0 OTTA 'WORKEI_, ' • ' Moe end O w rname are -ntal NN2r Rome, 10 10SHEaT Xtroot Garden Vete@ Eno:midi° Floojun - rlr'' •rohlteotnrs) ornaments: Ventilating and Smoke Ridge Ttle end !Sanitary Wale. Btmna-proused Dram Ave. Water Pipe, warranted to scant preesure, cheap e r nd dh.mble. The Trade anipplied on libelia teiTsp. nlairtrated Cntalornos sent bY Mall en nvvitootton tr letter. - • J. ACMCIMiii MORICINfi ? „, BAL. J. MON, lto.-808 81 , 0 5g 11 ". ac bizak-- .31 - 06 large, moditts„ and sittol!ed pubitares akoioe late-oralikt fat &h. 8.000 bbl. Haw Naltfax, PAZlroort, and F.Abtaiter rings. of atioicie 4 1 - B J-Itsx. tall boxeirortra. nervgaithi 8.000 boxes extra nevi No.l )eszi,nes. 8.4183 boxemy fesTractelinei errnt& ; tak Mei two white I.ok, 00 bblx.' new ..zooomi Mimi HAUG 24 bbl. navy Relifovr. Baircitaq Qviinctls eruct Haut Oueatis. 109 boxst Herkimer-cou g gy Chsa , 000r0 084 tutu , for cky • uRPEry KOOIV4 3 __ No. 148 NORTH.wciAßvigg. JUST ABOUVlA,tofleAnnie)iiintk//. from Levensool, ',Lima: Weaver:. & • eitspd•eti etereettioes : , ,; .• ; • .. . ..,. ~. Xi- les&Ytteet /twill, hi 1 "jeep • Si 2 • Raciass_ t Ilypsoromi. in 19 ewe. . -6 0: 1 1a.zstreet. tteneeennas, ut 1 blark• Ito - Ite_gtzt t• .I,se 1 Is Jars. • 10 Its vin pp jet nil lb bottle, . NO lbs - ak k tot., in 1 lb tattles, PX Ss 1, ui 1 Ile btttles. ...." . PlO fibs Pi) Tifilterr ii:iiti .s ho L ert.. NS . . j.. BROTileit. • 4 T and 49 North aISOOND Skeet. ....--- . ... Bzistr . OtritrrY lulormel ixAanalkita d " vir Imps' r-u in Ala ow sutajw,m--, RAILROAD PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. niss G 'lt TRAINS for POTTeVILLE. READ INO a HARRISBURG, on and after May 20,1861. MoRNING LINES, DALLYAStindato eteePtedj_ HittLeave New Depot,oorner °L I RO AD and CALLO vv- Streets, PRILADE PRIA. (Passenger en tranoes on Thirteenth an on Callowhill streets lat 8 A.M., oonneoting at Harrisburg with the PENN YL VANI R ALLROAD IP. M. train. running_ to itts burg ; the CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.06 Y. M. train running to ChambersburgE Carlisle, tto.,;_ and the NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 P. M. train running to Sunbury, ato,_ AFTERNOON BROAD and New Depotroorner of BROAD and CALLOW HILL Street.. PHILADELPHIA. (Passenger en trawees op 'thirteenth and op Callowhill streets,) for poweIVILLE and HARRISBURG, at 8.16 P. M.. DAILY. eouneotint at Harrisburg with the Northern Central Railroad, or Sanoury, Williamspo rt ,, Elmira,; tor READIN only, al6 I. M.. DALL Y, (Sundays d 4 nted.) IF/STANCES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READ ING RAILROAD. • Rum PRILADRLPIIIA, Miles, To Pkenix - vdte—.— 28 Reading-- 68 Philadelphia and Reading Leb 6BoB --.----- 86 and Lebanon Valley R. It.. Harrisburg---112 . I • Treverton Junotion I/58 , Northumberland..-17i • Lewisburg__ Miltop.--.......... Mundy Ip7 Williamsport...4 —.209 Jersey E1h0re.:—:....223 Look 6q Williamsport ,ClTlirteonttril.nB.tasZrdaaTlin'texiiiihrortMeeirwalinith 6° Di nit e nna" e l : t r ( Z ad A idl W : lol ll2 l l A rre‘t s O poon it ti T ithwwliwi.A. a ti:e n z i t.liE:sll, l ;o ft io lE l ft ag Al a L ra ß y o a tt ui t e nrin ad ni o W los ij e L oo la nn M esi " ti t lig l E W r e o s t r. :Corner NE y . s o r l➢t e ß t :O r :L . D a and OALLOWIiiLL Stree ts , W. 20. 1861.' ' my2o-tf SUM ER ARitATA . G ortimm MEWL'.-' PHI CAD .E- E LPHIA. GERMANTOWN, AND NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and after Monday. May 13, 1861. FOR 98itmeztro 99 N. Leave Philadelphia, 6,7. 8,9, 10, 11,12 A. M., 1, 2,3. 3.36. 4,5, 6, MC 7, 8 , 2, 101( 1 , and 11% P. M. Leave Germantown, 6,7, 7%0, 8.10, 9, 10,11, 12 A. M., 1,2,3, 4. 6, 6,6%, 7%, 8, 9,../ON P. M. The 8.92 A. M. and 3.86 P. M. Trains stop at German town only. ON SUNDAYS, _ Leave Philadelphia, 9,06 A. M., 2%, M. 9. TM, and 104 P.M. Leave oerreantownB.lo A M., 1.4, 6%, and 939 P. M. CHESTNUT HILL. RAILRO AD. Leave Philadelphia, 6, 8. 10, 12 A. M., 3, 3.36, 4,3, 8,9, end 101‘ P.M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7-10, 8, 11.4, 9.40, 11.40 A. M.. 1,60. lI.M, 3.40, 7.10, 8.40. and 10.10 e. M. The 5 A. M. and 3.95 P. M. will make noitoes on the Germantown road. ON' INUNDAIr 3. Leave Philadelphla, 9.06 A. M.. 71{.3, and 7% I'. M. Leave Chestnut - Rill. 7.80 A. M., 12.40, 6.10, and 9.10 P. AL • • - • FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. ave Philadelphia, 6.60, 7%, 9.06. 31.09 A. 76., 3.06, ,Axv.e. Norristown, .%6, P. M. 8.05, 9,11 A. M., 134. 434, 6%, 9% P. M. , . ~ .. .. ON serNDAYS. - I S ' Leave Philasieleh.Ls. 9 A: M.. 3 and 3 P. M. Leave Norriatown,7lt.k.M 7 . 3 tand 6 P. M. FOR A NA LINK. Leave' Philadelphia 111.30: '9.03, 11.06 A. .m..,1.65. 106, 3.06.4%, 6%, 8. an 11,2( P: Leave MeneLunk.q .N. 8.36, NC 11/6 A. M., 2,2%. 5,7. and 10 P:96. , . - . • 0.19131719,DAY5. ' Leave Philadelphia:. 9 _5: awl 931 P. M. Leave Manaiank.o3l A. M..,13‘,109.Ang 9 P. M. a. -Ku BreirgiL l 3.lseral9,perintendent, mill-tt Demi. 911A - rarand INCEEPI Street& • %'ln PENNSYLVA.NiAr-O . E.F-T i• 260.1;411J BiWrINICACi. 18 6 1• aglir:WW 1861. 71 .Ev0-AviszAverieuctertisow-EQuAL .s.oftoU6Ei , PASSENGER. TRAINS BETAVIW' I PRILADBIMILIA7AND PITTSBURG. Connecting direotist Phi b.ielphis with Through.Trzitur from Boston, New York;and'uti points East, rand in the Union Boot at Yittutpurg wi th Throoh Truing tb,und from sh ta .poin in th W e est, ortnwest. nod Southwest than furnishing rsoilitles for the transportation of Passengers nnsurnassesi for speed and comfort by or .. . . ..- . . Expretts, and Prat Lines run, through to Pittsburg, without change of Cars or Conductors. , Jill Through Passenger Trains provided with Loughndge's Patent Brake--speed _under. .perfeet oontrol of the engineer, thus adding mush to Me safety of travellers. Smoking Cars we attached to wilt Train r tittPs Bleeping Cars to Pp reel and Fast Trains. The EX PBEBB-.61.UN13 DAIL Y: Mail and Past Lines, Sun days exoested. • • • - •'. •• - . Mail Train leaves Phila.:l6lMM at T. 20 A. M.. Fast Line - " • ' 11.20 A, M. Express Train loaves 10.15 P. M. • , WAY.,TRALNS•LBAVE AB FOLLOW: Irani:burg Accommodatio n, via Columbia . LSO P. M. Columbia 4.00 P. - m. Par/celibate " at 5.40 P. M. ' • Wewt Chester " No. 1, at 8.15 A. M. " 2, at 12.00 P. 51. West Charter Passengers will take the West (theater Nos. ,1 and 2 Harrisburg , accommodation and Columbia Passengers for Sunbury,. Wilhabascort, Ehitura, O rel°. Niagara Palls. and intermediate pointe, testing Philadelphia at 7.28 A. M. and 240 B. • M., go direetly . through. Tickets Westward may be'obtitibed at the offices of the Company in Philadelphia, New York. Boston. or Baltimore ; and 'nohow Etuster m Ant any of the impor tant Vailroad Offices in the West; ntsis board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the .Mtuissippi or Ohio rivers. Sir Fare always as low, and time as quiok, as by any other Route. For - further information apply at the Passenger &- lion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The oompletion of the Western connpons of the realm. Ivan's, Railroad to Chicago. mate t the DLRECT.L.LNE BET WE 3WI TEE EAB AND THE W EST The (animation ofGREAT tracks by the Railroadlr Bridge at Pittsburg, ;avoiding all dreier.° or ferriage, of Freight, together with the saving of tune. are advantages read; , jy. appreciated by t3hitgors of Freight, and the Travel-' ling Publio. Merchants and Blusters entrusting tbe traasporta tion of their Freight to this Company, oan rely with eonkdinme on its tweedy transit. , EAT.E.;I4 OF FREIGHT to and from any point in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad ars as Ali Hew as Jevorobis as 4711 charpul by other Radlreart LOW. Bo particular to mart packages "via Penney!. -Tapia Railroad." • - For Freight Contracts or Shipping Dirootioruz, apply to. or address either of the following Agents of the 00•121Dallf D. A. atewart, Pittebbrg R. B. Pierce & Co., Zeli.esirille. J.J. Johnien, ler, O.; R. McNeely , Marmite, By. 'Or - ris, by & Crea ser, Portent:rah. o w n addock & do., Jeffersonville. Indlana W:•Br& Cincinnati. Athern ft Ribbeft,_' Cincinnati, O.; •R. O. Meldrum. Modicum, Ind. , Moor_ ,e ,'; P.O. - o'.ttiley Co., Evansville, ;N. W. Graham & Co.. Cairo, 1.11. R. P. Sage,' &haler '& Glass. Bt. Louis. Mn.; John R. : Rarrisi. Reedville,- Tenn.; Barrie lc Hunt, „Mem- P_bla, •Tenn, ; Clarke: & Qo.; Chicago. ;W.X. H. noonte, of to Freight ...Agents of Wren& at dilfarentgrointh in the .West. . , • • 8. 13. IrTiNGn'Oft,-Jr.,'Philisdelphiii. T "` MO RA W.& BO ONS. 80:Borth strest,_l3altimore. LEECH. & Astor Rowse, or 1 8. Witham Y LEBOR & 00.,__Nosn Stlte sreet. Boston..' ELA R. TOUSTON, n'l Freight' Agent. Phila. " L. L. HOILIPT, Gen' Ticket Agarl.t.4 . Phile.. • • _ F.RW7III. ch.'....••••i toonc . 11 AND I -0 • HEW • ' • F . 115 . 1 • F. 10131 • m11E1,1%44 1 durw _.L: YOIX•4I.If • Rest[I.VASIMI4II.. ''IrSTOV I .ke...Arks 4 0 .11.-F0eh0w.a., 3 R.x..? ... . • - . .i? '..f... Yager. .. .. . ~...„,- ..... ' . At 9A. IL., vllrassatipt.aisd Antbo7..(l, anstArAsz estrunpilatfaa•:- L....-. ..........-:212 22 84.4,f1a-'dis' sslax; a - gd! /awns 0ttp..(9,-.1.) discauar.datiett.-:-..- • -..--,........-:„..- 2 211 At 2 ~.,, ,. .01:0016,CF4gdat Z.NI Ism r iTrty qiurldaB • 80,, ..----.- —:- ,--•••.-- -•-- •••••,:•:•, • s lIM A; id. via; Aonsiogtou act , clatilnl4lll', '. 176 , azterr. Ricptviiti.' -- • • • • •2 00 At 122 P. rd., 113: P 2 .4 o din - aal MA W. ~•1 4 8 W 2 2 ,- ' .• dation.—... —. '.... - - • - -........:.-.......... ...„-..- 2 SS At 9F. M., via Crandon - and Amber, a..and &Mx , . • Wen .-.:-...• ...::'....--.-..--.- ..... ...__... ,-.:.. 800 At 04 F .. M... viaXernetzigton and Jame tli Pr, are l Ring -KX,nrcur.:......... —.............;,.-. „...,,,,,• ~,, „,„,_. -- ,p pp .10 434 F. At, via ; lrak:ip atid Jersey Chm ?..I - ' • Clue Wiainst ..---* „ -..-. :--- 222 At BP. M., via camdan awn Jeire...ty Ortp, Sreiz .--.' ~.-... 8 08 : A•t• WU. fet,, viz Catalan ,ar.d".fsrso7 Otty. &atilt; . - em Mail:— - • ' - - _2 241 ' At 5 T. M., VIS. Camden and Amber, Aseamino4 • t•-ea (Freight and Pasic:.nger)-lat Masa /Bakst- 218 .0. do. Claw Ticket-. 1. 'll - pc , 9r M Mail t. do. rams 22112. 9d ne nit P X, Italfso -80 ern iftai ,18atardara eXasetetl. For Belvidere, Fasten, :I,ambertnite, Fleatinottra. al., t T4ll eI:M.M. from ionair.gten. • • Far Water Cian,Etrond,ibarg, gammon, Wilkarkarre. Montrose, Great Band, As., 1.19 A. M. from Kausinglon via Dalatrarelmittaltanzta and Western It. B. - • s yor Mazoh , hunk, Allontcron, and Ikttitileaust at 7.0 pM. srul V( .M. front - Zeneangton -Dealt ; (tbs 7.1.1 31 morsonnsets with tram leaving hairtlin at Let 110 ' 'ter Merot.gclly;ar Send 8 A. BE, I and ds P. ot. or II A. X. and 2 r'..BL ~" . • WAY ' I,II9EX. - • Per Bruns"; Vresitez. ace., at 7.19 A. It,, 2% and faf ' F. M. frogs Eansingten, and 2% P. M. from Walnut street wharf. Far Palmyra. Itiverton, Delattee. Beyer:r, Rollins ten Florensa, Berdentatinr 212 4 , dm., 2%, 1,3, )(, and 8 F. •ii.' . Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown arid intennsdliste Plwiss,_ at 2% P. M. from Walnut -street wharf. krMr "For liew York and Way Lines leaving liengton t, take the_ pars, on Fifth- street, above - walnut, an hour berate departure. ,The oars run into the 4 n and on arrival of each tram, mri - from the depot. Pounds of Baggage, only, snowed sash rallelll2- heirsr. faasengeni are prohibited frem biking anything as gage bat their wearing'apparel. All ' baggage over pounds to be paid for extra. The Cori - limit use responsibility for baggage to One Dollarper mina, and will not be liable for any anitrent barand,lBo, ex tiTriripetontraat. . . . 'W111.12. 11 2A172113X.. /gout. • ~:- -••- ,- ,--' •- • - Di OR TH 'PrtiliiSni , • .., - 5 - :::::-.--•• - VA NIA RAILROAD. 13}. :4 I L 51, D0YLP.5T01714,51A MOM 0/61)/4K...BA LPTON. EATON, HOLLEY, ' - Iv K.EBSA RAE .t.o. 2 THREE THROUGHIRAIIIR. On and after MON_B_A.Y, MA Y 15,11140, Passenear Trains will leave pIIONY and W/ LOW Streets, FORA.- deluhia. daily. (Sundays excepted). 8a follows; At 6.40 A. 5 /.. l r u xurese). for Bethlehem. Allentown. mreh Chant , leson, Winceebasre. .t.e. t 3.43 P. AL, ( Dress), for Bethlehem, Renton, .k.o. his train reaches Eacton eta P.M., and makes close ssr.nootton wi j ki New Jersey Central !Or Now York. At 6.15 P. , fer Bothlehom. Allentown. Matela Clink. ice. . .. A:8 A. M. ani. 4P. M. for Doylestown. At 1040 A. 61. and 6.45 P. M., for Port Washiniton. ' The 640 A. M. Lr.prtsaa train Makes Mese eartneetion with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable mate to Wilkeaberre, and to ailtits in the tehiskootil_reglon. . KAINS FOR P.WI_LI.X.ELPRIA. . Liars thLehoes at 1.40 A. M.,. 5.1.8 ~Ai M., and 6.25 Lissa Doyleetotni st 7.25 A: M. and CU P. M. - Jeseee Fort WreattinBton at 6.30 A. -14. and 1.30 P. M. ON EHNDAYN , --PailadehAls far Bethlehem a: I . j " tledli! . ' i pi. o at sl' toylecteirn js fifr r s. 4110111 at 6.46 A rzl ..m., thle.hem for rananetpme at 5 .P. RI. Feist° Eethlettent-151 00 L: to Kano& Chstak.ls2 60 Fare to Easton '1 60 Pars to wllkeetarre •4 60 Terottgh . TicketLnettst preoured at 'the Ticket Ogees, at WELLOW Street, pr B. E.REE filfeet, in o: der to secure the above rates of fare. • ' An Paatonser Train, (exaept Emil Trite.) car.noot at Berke htreet• with Fifth and Sixth -atteets, Gill acor.d and Tnixd-stree'4 Pas:tenger ailroada, twenty 21.tunsoa afar /8111thar 1V111014" Strttat. . . - 'NE,LI a (MATH% Aren. • t. , ' ..:- • ~,, ...;-..... f ,,..1.... 1 - , SPRING AREAFffikr• ',:'... - ,: - • .; • ' 45,arr rkt/31;P_HA., "Fi r th6llllG 0 Pti AND•I3 TVIIO m ma/LXOA.D. On and atter MO DAY A RIL 16. Len I.• ASSENGEit TRAMS LEAVE P.t..A.DX1311.1A: For Baltimore at 8.16 A: Dl.. 11. A. X, (Facers= h and 10.50 P. M. ' P For Chaster. at die A. N ., 11.13 At XL. LIS and icug 10.60,_At. Fo P lA r ilmingion at LIS A. M., nee t. -61 3 itar,w , " , M. For New Came at t.tit A. el. aat 4.A1:P..4. At For Dover !. Ede A. gad 446 ... ;1.." -- .Far 'Mao= ate. ?. For . litallepi z till . , X 0 Flo — . roaLYO DC mom g O. _.A.ADEL:.PULA and 4.40 Y. Y. . .A: 111 .1EXeiroas). LAO A. 44., I C A .-- .. WU...* t1. t . , .. -.agton at 630 sad 9.14 A. Al.. t.tti and - o, ..ealiabory at 1.60 P.M. Lea miliord at 4P. U. Leave Dover at ASIF A. M. and LW r. M. Leave Noir Cagle at $.26 A. M.. 730 F. M. • ..Vave Wester at 1.40 d. M. ' 9.40:1.57 and 040 PM. bia . re BMturiare for dallsoary and Delaware Un- 7-- iiii.l. - 11f6 POII.I3ALTIMOXR: tiara °honer at &YAM.,12.06 and 1 1.60 P.M. wmaisataa as ilAn A. M.. 1342 P. M., and U A PISHTIIII6IO. with Passenger Cu sneaked. ran Perllow Inure Pailadalehn for ryville and intern...nista places at 640 P.M. • Lours Wilmin-tan for Parryrills she intermediate sleoes at 7.115 P. la. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and to Cato ',noes at OP. AL - ,bwre Hama-de -Grace for /lilt- more end 17:1 2131 - ate matt at Leave Ore for *errs - de - Orson ani intermedi ate Matrons at P. Al. • 1 SIM - DAYS : • Commencing Bandar, Mar n. 1961, until further no tice. TWO TBAINS run on Bandays, Leung Phindelphis for Baltimore and Washington at U-86 A. Al and 10.16) P. M. and Leaving Baltimore for Philadelphia at 9.46 A. DS. and P. AL 42t13 8. M. Px.i..1011. Preen/Int. L a EVANS & WATSON'S • SALAXAI47 7I ER. SAY ES. 11701,3 , --- .104 CIIE.L.SL.DT,NUgTm a r u s aa w . . = J t ai" varie rm a PLLK r - a iDOF RATEIs r FURNESS, BRINLEY, &00., _- No. 499 MARKET /STREET' Inly 9, at 10 ceort;Ok.7 for Milli -300 lOU Of fanoy and stains Franoh and British dry good.. tar tOsmnleit and ontnlonnen emir on morning of male. F.. PANCO&t3T. n UOTIONEER, 2n& • oossor to B. troott. Jr.. 431 CEKEIITNITT Thin ale i nins. luly S. o6mmermine at 10 o lnoluded will be found, viz.— EMBROIDERIES. /tA lime or Paris , embroidered collars and sets, bands. O. GOODS. Also, Patio black hoe points, Scanlon', mantles, & o. Also, Paris let mi to, long and short. Also, black silk and cotton lams veils. ROuP SKIRTS. An invoice of steel ■o*ins woven and tied hoop skirts. BUN UM BRELLAS. Also. a line of mit and gingham sun umbrellas, para sols, &c. HOSIERY, GLOVE'S, AND NOTIONS. Also ladies', !said'. and children's white and brown cotton hose and half hose. kid and lisle glossa:Esc. A Ise. an invoice of zephyr knit nablas and shawls. Also, a line of read goods. notions, Sta. - PIP ENVLi SKS. ' Also, at commencement of sale, an invoice of rockets, Roman oanales wheels. &o. 13T0.111 GOODS. Also. a email lot of lawns, harem, and dress goods. northern Central Railroad. 3unbar7 and Eno EL H also. .Thee Morning. At 10 o'clock. a large and attractive assortment of choice styles straw goals. Consisting, in part. of— • oases late and dart ra No styles medium to llns split straws. cadet braid. Florence. and fanor bonnets, oases ladles' and musics' limo: noulevard hats. -cases mon's and aim' menet, English straw. Leg horn, Panama. and palm hate. SHERIFF'S SALE OF CUTLERY. AND .FANOY GOODS. . . On Monday Morning, July 8, upon the premises. 503 Obeeruntetreet.n. large and well palaoted stook 4f fine pooket and tab." cut lery, tray*, perfumery, fancy goods, 3:0., isle corn ineweing at 10 o'olook gireoteelg. pp Ili LIP FOND & 00.., ALi tal bYrkit 70. Re MARA:OT gtfeec ant A4l 1411110 X • POSITIVE SALE W. SOO CARES tg./073, r!)10338, A rig HRO4A Yen: CLOSING BALE OP THE BEASON. July .3, al 10 o'clockTh is ore hlornius, etsely. will be odd, by eats , io gun— Wiltsytent aim's, boys' and youtini'• Gall. end hie boots, calf, kip, and goat brogans, Consreak xalters. Oz ford's ties, and slippers women's,. misses', and child ren boot., gaiter.,tritatins, and appears ; also, an ae sortment 4:Cony-mne goals. 4. Mi - floods oven for 'exandna4son, with &stab:still. early on the morning et sale. -.• . rinlN ONLY PREPANATION THAT HAS ".. - - STOOD WIN Win OP TEARS, atta an ows stone Allb MOSIR POPULA.V. IVIET DA I. And testirpotuats, new, and almost 'without -number, might be given. from ladles and gontlemeu in all grades of societyothose united testimony none eosld resist. that Prof. Wood's Bair Restorattie wtlirestore the bald and gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age. in all its youthfel beauty ! 'BATTLE CEEET. Mob., Deo. SO, M. PROT. WOOD: Thee yrillt please accept a line to in form thee that the hair on my head all fell off over twenty Tears ago, caused by a complioated oirronic dis ease, attended with an eruption on the head. A con tinual course of saffenng 'through life having reduced 'me to a state of dependence, I have not been able to .obtain 'tug for caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of which my head has suffered extremely from cold. This induced me topay Briggs & Hawes almost the last cent I bed on earth for a two .dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the Ist of August last. I have faithfully folloWed the in direotions, and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and b l ack, though short; it is also coming all over my head. Feeling confident that another large bottle would restore it entirely and permanently. I feel anxious to persevere in it. use and being destitute of moans to I Purchase any more. would ee.i thee if thee wonldst pet be , Tindi i n ts t alrg t n . : P. 6 4Z ?fle e r ßo ol liVt i u n r e e a t:c a l:k y r a fo t t r on a —" Tne reword isto those that are kind to the widow and the fatherless." • Thy friend. SIMAIVIiidi RUBY. Moo Malt. Noble eo.,lndiana. Feb. 3859.. PRON. 0..1. Woos): Dear the the latter uart of the ear 11432. while attending the State and NationaLLaw School of the State of New York, My hair, from a cause unknown to me, commenced falling off very raidly, so that in the short spairq of six months, the who le upper "part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing, and much of the remaining portion upon the Bide and back pert of my head ehortly after became gray; so that you will not be surprised when I tell you that, upon 'my Fetarn to the State of Indiana, my more casual ao fltiaintances were not so much at a loss to d iscover the cause of the obange in my appearance, as my more in timate acquaintances were to reoormse me at all. I atonoe made application to the most skilful phyla- Mena in the country, but, receiving no assurance from them that my hair could again be restored, I wan forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunately, in the latter part of the rear 1867, your Restorative was recommended to me by a druggist, as being the moat reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it was producing the desired effect. Since that time. I have used seven dol.. lane worth of your Restorative, and as a result, have a rich coat of very soft black hair, which no money can buy. As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderftil an article, I have rcoom mended its use to inimy of my friends and aosuaintan- MB, who, / em happy to inform you, are using it with elfeot. YOU reeineotftilly, yours, A. M. LATTA. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot,l44 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the world. The Restorative is put up Bottles of three sties, v#: large, medium, and small; the small holds half a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medium holds at least twenty per cent. more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars a bottle; the large holds a Quart, 40 per cent. more in proportion, and re tails for 83 a bottle. 0. J. WOOD & CO" Proprietors. 444 BROADWAY, New York, and 114 MARKET Street, St. Louis, Mo. And imid by all toOd Druggists and Fanny Goods Deal ers. Sold in this oily btß. A. FAHNESTOCK & Co.. Noa 7ee 9 North FIFTH Strant‘ and RAS'eARD Co. TWELFTH end:CtieSTNUT Btroota DYOTT & CO. 232 North eECOND Street. 0013-mwteowWtf PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER WORKB.-11EAFIR. &. LEVY, PRACTICAL AN It THEOR_ETICAL ENGINEERS. .Ifil AC FITNISTB. BOILER-MAR ERS, BLACK BM ITHS, and FOUIVINCRS, having, for many Years, been in successful operation, and en exclusively engated in and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure. Iron Scats, Water . Tanks. Propellers, ,ko., kw.. respectfully offer their services to the public as being fully prepared to oontraot for Engines of all ruses, Manna,ftiver, and Stationary, hvvoig sets of patterns of different sizes, are prepared to execute or ders with 'win': despatch. Every drsoription of Pattern making made at the shortest nouns. High and ',ow Pressure, Fine, Tubular, and Cylinder Rotten, of the hest Pennsylvania charcoal iron. Forging', of all sizes and kinds ; Iron and Brass Castings. of ail Roll Turning. Screw Cutting. and all other work eon- Dtad math tho above tanyinews. rawings and flpeoifications for all work done at their establishment. free of charge, and work guarantied. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lie in perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, &c., for falling heavy or tight weights. J COB C. NRAFIE, JOHN P. LEVY.. BEACH and PALMER Ptreets. J. VAIIGPLA.PI MERRICK, :OEN L. COPE. • WILLIAM 11. 711EME.ICE • HARTLEY MYEBICI, SOD THWARIC FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WARRINGTON STREETS. PEILADELPIIIA MERR/Ck & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture Dish and 1..01V Pressure ISteam isnyines, for lead, ricer. and manna service. Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &a; Riot ing, o Frameds, either iron or-brass. Iron Roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail road Slationa, Retorts and Cu Machinery of the latest and moot improved ooruttrnotion. Every desorieuon of Plantation Machinery', sucli as Eittrar, Saw, and Grim Mills, Vacuum Pans , Open Steam Trains, Defeoators, Filters, Pumping Engines. &n. Pole ARODIE for N. Rillienz's Patent &mar Boiling Apparatus. ZWeirrnytles Patent Steam Hammer, and As pinwall & Wolseils Patent Centrifuset Sugar Draining Machine. aua-y DODIT PLEASANT FOUNDRY, No. 951 BE..t(iii &root, Kettsinition. LIAM TIERS infoi me his friends that, having pur chased the entire stook of Patterns at the above Faun drp, he le now prepared to receive orders for Rolling, Bruit, and Saw-Mill Castinge, Soap, Chemical, and Rouse Work. Beanng. Castings msde from Raver.; Wyman or Cupola Furnaces. in dry or green sand, or loam. nue- WEST.- (MESTER mmar-mm.a....-rm RAILROAD TR AI N 8 via fittbSYLVANLA &LIE-ROAD, :leave . depot. earner. VENT% and MARKET btreete, ed 8.1.5 A. N , 4 12 noon, td.) P. M., and 4 P. M. • On Sunday, leave Philadelphia : at' 7.30 A. and West- Cheater at 4 P.' M. • iy3o-tf W : A. B,T CHESTER ODD. AND • pUIL A.DELTH I A ItAILH TLS' MEDI • ' BUMMER •ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, Inge S, Mb the trainer will leave( Pill LAG EL PHIA. from the Depot. N. E. earner of EIGHTEENTH and MARlLlsT•atreeta.lit 7.46 and 10.30- A. M. agd I. 4,16, 6.02, and 10 P. M., and will leave_ the Station. corner of TEURTY-PIRST and 21tig.LET, Btreete. ( West Philadelphia,) at &OS and 41; A. Al.. and 1.15. 4.30; SAS: and /0 10 P. Id. • 014 BUNDAYB. Leave PHILADELPHIA at .e A. 2d. and 0 P. M. Leave WEIST OFIASTEIt at 8 M. and SP. M. Trains leang Philadelphia and West Chester at 2.48 A. Si. and & IA P. M. oonnept at Pernneaton•wiih.Traing on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central nainnad for Oxford and Intermediate points. • • -HENRY WOOD. myrr-ff General huperintendent. minalemer.- NOTIOE.--4:4338TXR, VALLEURAILRO M APAII - - DWNar* &T own-AND IN TEREDIATE 15TAT10415 0 .7-Ort and softer Nov: ath. BeSQ, the fa/wearer - Trams • for DOWNINGTOWN &11 start herr new Passenger Depot of the Philo- Ma and adinajUallrout. Commis, corner of OAD.and A.LLOwintd.., Streets, (eaamogar en trance on Cell. whill.)) NoRNINN "TRAIN for Downingtown loa*no Ste A. id. .• - the N OON A TRAIN for vownisidown leaves at DAILY Madera ennePte rd g ni Br order of the Boa of zero ei the FkiLitel kia and Keehn: ItaltroAd Company. aid W. N. Mel LNENNY. Niorotarir. an_PriIIi.ADELPHTA AND ' READING 21 -4.1L401..A 00.. (Mice 2171 M. street.) Piftt.sramms, Amt. 9 . lin., • SR ASON TICIArTS. On r i n d after Nay /.11341,season tickets will be - berned bruits conspnar for the vertodis of three, tux. nine, ma 1 twelve months, not transferable. &Noon seheol-tioketz MIL] aka Iv k e l kt taw - diecsoigit. .• • -cll. Tbese tickets will be sald ti l tr Toe' South FOURTH Eltret c % Wiattet %TN"' can be f btained ; - ' • - apri-t • ;,..., -• . - . ~ = .11113034.; 8,011.196:- mum '4 - il. ;--- ..., rEmiunsurazi.-.0042- , • I r .„,, . • .•........ ~,.....„,.,..„. ~ ~,,.....„..„....,Dt . „.vi.,,,,...,,N,,._ ..swia 41/3.1142.4)42karter; Cleralaid,lDotroi TZ i ii ALloano,t‘lo , nstivankes, Ifni au points snit and west. la yeseanter trains will 101Y0...te now Throe, or the tkl ltankr and 114.mding Railroad , sorter BROAD and CFA L.WW.EIII..k, Strees, (Prasenter entranse an Ora koarktll ntrnor.) daily (Santora ansopts4). ler akar* 'sun'. a 4 follows:- • , - LAar EXP._. ............e.Se A. M. ein'. EXPA.ISA.:I7. - _______Ais P. M. She 6.00 A, M. train marmots at lapettaor Watts- WTI Pittnot• Santon, and all stations on ba AA_CAAWAANA AND BIAMIEBVIZA S o WA* stove ttathu make direct tranneotiono st with the troths nr the tints:York and Erie. ettnlndlia VI& and tills.cara Fodr, and SeZelo, rtew York and Ene . ant itra Maw York Central lwsculs, trots air painter }flail and wC, ri tt the .e.dae. e eknot.'W to Rhotira, Rails, anti Itievoislon /ridge, and all it.turnlodistef trointw. . • %tarts win be t rtcsired at tko pkiladelnkta and .12- =lra Railroad/Al" o strroket 01noo. northwest oorner of II lII.TX and OR r :irt4l/1; 4troebA, mutat the Passenner Asper. sorrier.. ..CN . tTE ert7.l6 and CA L LOWA r I G V . '.• IDIROVG ' X EDS FRl3lOl{, ?Urn • . ..- „so tho-Fkil %thto. a and Itrodins Depot . nrapd and uanowkill etre - t rawly OS:nears ezzootsd), for; all etrin4 larostiLt -.Sera, at If P. Pi. - . Irrsigets as rt.• isedeurerest haler* SP. M. to WW.II &lir Vid,A""pi " 1.._4 Ms o r . F r rt it Di v o t;lfMill'a c r mit aA 6 m9lYELLbt •rle .. , IL T. L gOnA iD, Arent. . . Werl)reiver censer "EMI and paltlialrX iiir StrAeur.' sere-tf i • PkilidarrAt lc . ~ - .._ . . . TIM A_DAlet JIXPERia faXlMitoo.roe4". ‘2O-03.830175117 Stniest forwards T=stiellt. ex.kage.i.l4banubse, Bank/UAW. awl 'Awls, +Mimi •It it' Welt. jeua or lei oonxusisti wick otter Z.32;irfts Oripitwee. ti ail Ike a Um." axe salsa iv: Um a.teit Ztaka. .. . ....., ~ RI, C 2312.00114. , ..I.l•Arnr.leva.e,o2...LeslL EAQII BRANDY: One barrel tip sO AMEN kN PS4CII, for sik.:• by C. C. h 193 ALUM ltrihrte BALE OF IMPORTED DRY 000 DB. DA.TperdayMornolge SALE OF STor:g . O (XpA...giI?SEEIY. LACE dO:FDS. tic: POSITIVE BAIIE_pF STRAW GOODS. HAIR ICESTORATiVE. MACHINERY AND LII.ON. RA.MROII.3 LINES 1MP.1121111 COALIPIkhINS MTHOMAS 4-*"..=50N517111641441.11 • Nos. 139 and 141 Routh FOURTH B u (Formerly Nos. 67 and V 9.) e— ' m ' PUBLIC P A LAS RE4a---:'---ATIt: Asp ISTOCKIt AT THE EXCHANGE EVERY TUEBDAY, o'elook, noon, during the burins's seas•q t . at 13 Sir' Handbills of eaoh property issued vpaintnh, addition to watch ire publisii on the tinturd.ty DV 14 to each sale, one thonaned catalogues., i n ~,,,,"lotis form, giving full draoriptions of au the oropertg-tone" sold on the following Tuesday. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER wsir Real estate entered on ota private sale resists and advertised octia , ionally in our nubile( tie m e , Tr. (of which one thousand copies are printed .w.snkr2l,ets free of charge. ",1 REAL E3TATE. AT PRIVATE BALE. .1121.' We have a large nmountof real entails nt en 7n , sa l e. includi ng ever, description of city and onti n - e ,7 property. .Printed lists may be had at the alustiOn no-"re. • Sala at No 2025 Weilnut Street, 'ELEGANT FURNITURE. MIR ROBB, MAN uLVET CARPETS. CUlt'f A Ng, Li ße i e n, FURNITURE AN- ) SO:JK-CABES. RARE-AX CU ifLY ENGRAThisVING 4, MO ARTISTS' PROOFS - rninr. t. Jul ID o'clock. lvo. NU Walnut street IQ be sold. by catalogue, t he very elegant lereiture'rf family removins. The osbinet furniture Pagan 5 to order. Is of rEql2llltte design arid finish, and n an ced e b lint a short time in use. There is a large nunihs-r"lnt framed engravings, selected • by the corner irt Pi moot of them ore artiste' proofs, , i•rd Some bron z es spry Copies In this country. Also. several fi ne bronzes. -' • sir - Mar be examined with 071111 . 1 0[11e11 on the linuni n! of the sale. at eight &Week. • • Executors'le--No. 341 North Ninth Btreet. NEAT )I(.llJBEtt tiLD PE 'FURNITURE, 11IthysEL CARTS. /VC- This Moraine. July 3. at 10 o'clock, at 1(0. U 1 North Ninth Cr.., shore Kr.oe, the neat household fornittire, ". , cte, kc., by order of the exeoutins. i r Ar &if:4 be examined at 8 o'oiock on the moraine o f the sale. Sate Yo. 1.15 Vine Iztri•et i ELEGANT PORNITURE. FINE OIL PAiNTINGS, VELVET CARPETS, &e. On Monday Moraine. r e inst ,at 10 ter:dor:dr. by cAttalnitne. at 615 Vile *treat, the elegant inalaUrn. /1:1011.1inz ignite wood and broottelle drel.Wing rows f anitum h ar d: some, rosewood ehambef furniture. II oil t t apestry, Ota . velvet parser, sea chan;:blitnt, hair twat a. . we — alai be examined at 8 o'dook on the inerm at the sale. of N o e N 45. Imo Sprite- Slreet SUPERIOR FURNITLRE, ud.ussEuzi On Tuesday Morning, CARPFT 9th inst.. at 10 o Week. at 1210 )}Dross i euvrtor farci.ure. Braman earnet, fine hair be uesses, doe, , of a family daelining housekeeping, " 4 ° 4 R.- the sate, M wi th he examincatalogedue. at e (Om =t an on the annic! Sale At N 05.139 and Fourth etrett. FOP h KIOR FURPIitURE, FRENCH-I%AT* liiit, MORS. PIA.NO-FORTEA• BEDS AND BEDDR; B ILUSSNLI3 AND UT.IIhR CARP TB fin. ' . - On Tttanutay Atone; IT At 9 o'olotik. at - the Anotann Atom &a ll, moq exoellent neound-band inraitnre, elf Kant apianonpLt M e fine mirror!, carnets. beds and & c.• li mn Me e : b ee declining honvikeeping, removed to the Eine f or oonvoniAnoti or sale. - - f:SISI3 NATBANS, At_t T ONEtR .Ul-111- A roD COMMIERHON MERCHANT, scine m , corner ogBIXI'H and RAC E Etrems, • • AT PRIVATE 8, LE, T PRICK'' , TO SUI THE.' The fo A llowing arbotes will be T sold for lets bag the usual selling Poen ; Fine gold hunting ease. dor.b e•oase, and denlge•tm. tom Engligh ; floe pate ver watches, time mar aware and best makers ;. gold double arlish ting el lever watches indemendentateowir lever vatting' fine gold hunting-case Sod ove face sacapement terse and Maine watches; horizontal and daPleX wad.. h silver hunting-cage, ease, and double. booili patent lever, escapement leer, and lame watches, of the most approved and best makers; d ble-case end open-face silver watches; 'fiversimmer sliver gnarlier and single-cage watches; fine gold out. neck, fon, and guard chains ; diamond finger nom red breast-pbm ; sets of fine gold jew e lry; gold bresettars, ear-rings. finger-rings, bracelets, peach-cam, secs, and Jewelry of every deseription; Suns, Ditto's, men u instruments, plano-fortes, and LO&moles AN ligamen t. . • dl NEY T. Money advanced liberally, for any length of tine agreed upon , on told and silver Vail, d i ~oil watches, jewelry, rowiins-pieces, musical initzameats, cry goods, clothing, groceries , hardware, cutlery. fur niture, bedding, tancy articles, and on all arncles of vane. GONBIGNIVIENLB AND OUT-DOOR BALfi3 EOLI LICIT Liberal gash ridvanoos made on all articles tailcoat for gale. rersonn , attention oven to all ont-door wage. IVI FITZ;i , ATNrK & BROS., AMY /J.& • TIONE ERE, 604 CR EBTNUT Bt., above _ SALES EVERY ILYEI4INE. At 7 o'clock. of books, stationerv, arid finer Dods, wiaphes, jewelry, olooke, silver. plated ware, cattely, paint int., musical ina • rnments. Also. nosierr, dry goods,. boots and shoes, and mer chandise of every description. DAY saLes every Monday, Wannesday, and Fri day, at 10 o'olock filVATE SALES. t private sale. several large consignments of watelea and jewelry, books, a: atinnery. silver- plyted ware rot ler', Fermi gOode. &0., to Which le aoheited the non 01 city and ooniory merchants and others. . Consignments solicited for ali kinds of merehandoe, for either yahoo or private sales. Mir Lrpethl cash advances made on constemects. . t-door sales crnrogotli att.. ded ELIA La PI6.ISI3INR, The New Iternedr for ItHEUMATLIId. Dunn- the peat 'ear we have introduced to the to tic* of the medical profession of this country the pert Orysiatissd Chloride of PrOPVtaininie ea a R_EMEDY FOR RREIhotAVSM; and havinu received from man] sources, both from phyniotans of Utz lushest standing and from patients the YiOST FLATTERING TESTIMONIAL!!! of its rest vales in the croons:cut of true pamfet are obstinate disease, we are induced to present or to the wubloc we a op fom ill REeoAmme n PO iR e S lf I t S o EvI o AT wh ÜBErs. suffering with toil athioting complaint, and to the ms• Meal practitioner who may feel disposed to test the Doyens of Oita valuable rettie4. ELIXIR PROPYLASIINE. in the form above spo ken of. has month' been extent/rely experinnntee with in the 1 IA HOLEPITA-h, and with KARA I) 8 Ut)CEda tea will appear front the Published accounts in the ma Baal 1,9 " - i , a CaNtUaY pus OD read, for immediate ass. with full directions. and can be obtained from all the d rtlfriate at Td cent:spar bottle, end at whidesale of BULLOCK fr. ORENSB.AW, Druceints and hlanufseturtntChetntsta. rbitwtetae,a. VETTER FROM MR. tiEr.). L. °ROTE -11-4 i rent for Dr. BC.FLENCIIII. X edieLues in :Video town, Pa. . IDDLIETOWN. Daeohin Co., fa., JuLe 27, tdfl. DR. .1 BCBI NCK, Ph.lacelphit, Ps. DEAR' all Berewith !send ton acertifiate of one of our most respectable current, who has seen tonne ]cur medicines . and is row tea area to herith . I think its pa ulic6l.loll would ritfeet the ss!eetnthte teuhrot hood. If you NOB proper to Use it. do so, or direct me to. Sabin Mimeos' is an old,reliable,well-rtsteeted and in fluential' cittz.n. His Word would not An ootibted br any one who knows Inca. and at present le the Cbief liergees of th s town. Mr. Ramsey re himself a Food adseitieement„ as be speaks for and recommends it more WV, ly than the certificate mentions. Yours trate, OS.O. L. CROLL • MIDDLETOWN. Dauphin CO, Pa., June 1 0, MR. GEO. L. CROLL, Agent, hia t In m rece Elnese, which was fres neglecte d cold on my y Ineaat m. end lungs. and which rat in a fat , way of hurrying me ro my grata. I Vain much affected by he seventy of the cou,h that I roan not lie dOWII or obtain cry rest, and thu c samord kr two weeks. When I beard of Dr. atchenek's PatmoLic .and Sea- Weed Tonic. I immediately commenced the nee of them, and. after teeing two or three hot ler o: !syrup. I notiPed a perceptible change. Whe coma's' inuoh easier, and 1 °onto rest much better. After *al.:: two bottles of Tonto and ten of Syrup, I hare beer on straed to health, which ensbles me, to say I hare fa confidanhe in its efficacy if taken in time, and moat or. dirtily recommend its nee to the aftboted. Respectfully yours, B. J. RAMIFY. WEEKLY. GafiiMUNRUSION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW TOR; AND LIVERPOOL, calling at QULENBTOwix Otoo,) tolond aftd onwyk posteoters and Ees;lAte. Tbe Liverpool, New ork, and 2bilaiolthis EerSic *hp COMee.ey's splen4l Clyolo-boilt iron rarer fasen. alma, are intended to YORK tollows: FROM IS.Kw FOR LIVERPOCI, CITY OF BALTIMORE, Earl:tram', e KANGAROO, Bstn , dar. Jer ° ETNA, Paturday, Julf And every Saturday throughout Oa sear, from P, No. 44 N. R RATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM .PRILADELPIIIL. Cabin, to (4.ueenstown, or Live _ 9ft; Do. to London, via Live Steerage to Queenstown, or Liverpool..—. Do, to London. Do. Return tiokets. Ouirible for sfxr.o'2e-1 1 . from Livemool.. ... Passengers forwarded to 1191-:e. Perm Etzilrut. Braman, andAnrwero, at tfttoach rater. Cotlaficapso of passage tunedtrcor. L1T917 04 ! 5 " . York .Certifioates of Passage itar.od from Qnetullim to New York . Whose steamers have inteerior 1000-.4lftOttliaott • w i r Passengers, are oonwtruatea with 'watertight amPa" . ments, and carry experienced , Sur cots. For freight, or scusara t ikuly. at the °Mos dins Om. raw. JOEDII G. DALE, Areal. 111 Walnut street Psdsocisais. In Liverpool, to WM. ItiXtAlf, Tower BliKizza In Marrow, to WM, iratmc. 13 Duet Welt. s gM THE BRITISH AND MAVIS SKIM dfctERICJOI ROYAI MAIL MAX' TAO% WNW TOM WO imapeia. Chief Cabin Plumage-- Second Cabs Passage- - 4 17P-074 aosToN TO LITIaToot. Chief Cabin fautartga--..------ sm. Beoond Cabin Paaeage— Who ship., from New York at at Cork Harbor. 'ne glues from Boston stall at Halifax and Cott Iv bor .. .- 'l'_ ! • LA, Cart. Jnalars. AFILICA, CaotalLazzol- ARAMIA, Cat. J. atone. CANN:II"CDs+. J. Ledcb. ASIA Cart. E. O. Lott. AMERICA , CDS. H eel e r' Avail/A.l.mgal/ NIAG;A, Capt. t000d:D Ca t. Cook. SUR° A. Coot- ..ICderNi• 1 ScOTIA, now Ow .1 ' nese varcals earry a clear whit, lie tat marl - to 4 ' rk' 9, 2 -asia7_, : vntr,;...-4 lii.fl?notl.d.u. • 181 "' SURD ..., .irin eison, " raor,, .aryosseier. kb „. 3 * "RI SI A. ' o d/rims, " N. York. Wednesdsr, hi l l.• CANADA. Moodie, " Roston. WedaesdDr. .1 01 ' 114 ASIA, Lott, " N.York, Wednesday. JO, ' l. ARABIA. !Stone. " Boston. Wealletd l7, 4- " ‘ Bertha not &seared until acid for. Jr° . An orpenenaed Surgeon on boe.rd Tiro owners of theca shins Idu sate P tae for Gold, Silver , Bullion, Miaow, Joyeetiv sea= —.,.. EN orldetals, unless bilLy of . ne arv• .Prarlowr". — ia the rake thereof tbaraiA Oa-- _ ' nod tbalsko. , ~ rzue N e r kiaiY ti: . • • „ In a act freglt ' Eitia‘ld • • ad. CUNAKY ---.11 ' , W . a soirtbd ems, xor Yeti 7' l ;- n7EEImy pRF:ss TEIII WEAKLY PEE" been eitablizhed on a treonreind permanent fbandsnll; bat to nth In marvellous examPle of the dellt of favor Which a rightly-witdcated • 0 t No. 947 .D.K A a F O ur rmazfodon ar. unaeity, POLITICAL, AND NV& i 'l' i; ,; %, , . • JOITILITAL can receive at the hands of a liberal and enlittan" Public. Our moat grateful thanks are tendered for lt l Loatronage already bestowed neon us, and We abed W. . ' no &forte whioh may 'serve to render the parer "" more attractive. useful, and geinnlar in the fermi. The POLITICAL oourse of THE WEEKLY PRx-' need not be enlarged neon here. Independent , w'sal . and fearless, it has battled, unwaverintly and talon' ly. in defence of the RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE against EXECUTIVE USURPATION, and Infra trrunaloal legislation; ever deolarinr and saberth i the dootrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY COvlu totes the fnadeunecgal bardeof our free instiom°"' that the Intelligence and patriotism of our masers • aliraye be preservative of a wits. inst.audeslnuir! 6. ernment. These are r.the prim:delis to whim T ' a ;, WEEKLY FILM has been commuted, and to Hers will adhere. • The general features of the paper, in addition tog, POLITICAL AND NEWS DEPARTMENTS , I nli Peary,: Sketches. Biography, end o r ki. d i dad St" lsete4 Talcs, chorea for their lessons of life. illaros‘ lions of history, depietureof manners, and g e " nu merit—sad adapted, in their' variety, to the moo 01 both sexes and all ages. F TERMS: One Copy. one year . _ St cc Three Copies, o ne yoer .Of Five Copies, one year.. 8 88 Ten Copies, one year._ 2 0 Twenty Copies, to one address. at the rats of elver annum TwentY Copies. to one address of each ten. scriber 1 ," Ebeonnen Copies will Le forwarded to th ose - Lo •-• attest them. Ilabsoriptions cosy commence at an, EU"' I _,..t ea r, always cash, in adrancos. Ail letters to be eddies.'" JOHN W. FORNEY No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET , X. X I MEDICINAL tri — P P 7.5 ve