Reception of Hon. Frank P Blair, Jr.. inWashington zreec•tir+ from Mop.ra. Blnir, alteDon gall, iiickmun , andyorney. y i „ E n the Mss'ain A toa Renatoliana of resterdat .1 best arm:thaw, aaout nine &cloak, notwithstand the the unfavorable state of the weather, a large crowd assembled In front of Willard's Hotel, whoa, a roompanied by Dodworth'a exoellent bawl, they precluded to the residence of the Hon. Montgo• ma y Mar, Postmaster General, where a serenade Tyro tendered the lion. F. P. Blair, ci Mloar.url. After one or two national airs from the band, ono o f the a sgta of the Preshorn, of thirteen store, was exhibited from the steps, which elmited immense sheering from the assemblao In front. The " Star• Spangled Banner" was them per. famed by the band, when calls were made for Colonel Blair, when he appeared and spoke as fellows : SPIRO/ OV COLON /IL BLAIN LiENTLVIEN AND YRIIINDS : I extend to you my tlaoers aoknowledgmente for the undeserved com pliment you have bestowed on me this evening The only subject now, I protium.; about which one it allowed to speak, is that which ao prominently o mpfea the thoughts of all our people everywhere. refer to that of the present distracted condition of the country—the question of the war. Aa to what has been done, or ought to be done, to meet the requirements of this momentous period In our optional history, I do not feel myself competent to pass upon. But Ido feel myself able, with others of my fellow.olasena, and entitled, too, to express an opinion ea to the justice of this war, and the propriety of conduo ling it with vigor. [Applause J in that respect, my friends, I claim some advan• cages oror many of you who aro bore tonight to hear me. A voloe. You are doing it right. You are the man. Mr. Blair. Not In that respect, my friend. I 41d not allude to anything of that kind, but simply to the faot that r live, and have always lived, fn one of those shareholding States; and, therefore, lUD well acquainted with the sontimenta of the people in those States. Aa one living in that see lion. I sedure you that the majority of the people In the slaveholding States are opposed to this re bellion. 1" Gerd," and appieuee. j But they are held down by an intolemble tyranny—the tyranny , of an armed minority in the Southern States—a mf entity armed by a corrupt and imbeolle Adminis tration. (" Good," and applause I A minority she took the "Irma belonging to the Government, pieced in their bands by the most corrupt and treacherous Administration that ever existed in any country. And with those arms, my friends, they have put down and trodden under foot the majority of the people in the Southern States j Appinuso j And now, when the ques• Ilan, Shall we prosecute this war to uphold the Constitution and maintain the integrity of the country, Is put to us, shall we hesitate? No! We most continue this contest, in order to de liver the people of the South from their oppres sors (" That's so," and load applause j I wish to put it in one aspect to you here to night Look of Bast Tennemee, surrounded on all sides by the armed myrmidous of Jeff Davis. There was 25,- 000 majority out of the recent elocution In East Tennessee, for the Union, and yet she is controlled by the hostile forum, of the enemy. Ought not this Government to send to these men relief ? [A. voice. Yes, immediately.] Should we not send our armies there, and should we not alto send arms with whieli these people might strike down their enemies? It is jest as proper that that should be done, my friends, as that we should send relief to any of oar beleaguered fortresses. They require and demand instant relief, fapplausej a- much so as did those at Fort Sumpter; as much so as it did in the Me of Piokens ; as mutt so as it did at any place where our eoldlers are be leaguered and surrounded by a hoe fie foe It is the duty of the Government to send this re lief to the Union men of the South, envircsed, oppressed, and pat down, as they are, by a mi nority armed with weapons stolen from this Government. t. Good," and applause j And why should we hesitate upon the brink here Why should we hesitate to tread upon the sca— the sacred soil, as they call it—of these rebel liou States? Why should there be any hesi tation at all? Why should we not plunge into the thicket—into the midst of them—to give deliverance to the men who are standing sure coormed, bat still upholding the glorious flag of our country. I know, my friends, the troth of the things that I assert here tonight. Take, for tonnue, the little State of Maryland, upon which we border here. It has not been two weeks since tie people of Maryland, by an almost unanimous tots, declared themselves in favor of the Union ; and yet that little nest of oopperheaded Maryland legislators is still sitting there plotting treason. 1. Good," and cipsdanse.l And yet the Police Commissioners, and the rebels in the dens of Bal timore, are stilt endeavoring to assassinate the loyal soldiers of the Republic. rt That's so."j I A yoke Not now.l They will do it any time in the dark when your back is turned. They are of that breed. They do not rise even to the dignity of the rattlesnake, for they don't give notice, but strike unawares. Applause j And that, my friends, is obaraoter info of this rebellion. These people *ail them selves " the ohivalry !" So far, slue this war commended, they have distinguished themselves by nothing, orsept it be in an attempt to shoot down the pickets and assassinate the people who have conquered them. (Load applause I That is the ahlvairy of the South, my friends. That is the false chivalry; but there is a real chivalry in the south, and it will yet assert itself. Mt voice—Yoe are one of them What I have sushi of the Union sentiment of the people in the South generally, is especially true as regards Missouri. It has always been so. Nine out of ten of the men of Missouri are Union men, end yet, notwithstanding this, the State Govern ment of Missouri conspired for six long weeks to entry Missouri out of the Union. These fellows wets cans firing against the Union there with arms in their hands, whilst loyal citizens, until this Administration came into power, were deprived of ativ arm whatever. We were not even allowed to defend the arms which belonged to the Govern ment in the arsenal at St. Louis But when this Administration came into power, there was a dif ferent state of affairs. Arms were planed in the hands of the loyal men of Missouri, of which I hope Mayhems given a good account. !Several Voices. They have I We hays at least endeavored to do so. When lost it is decided toplan arms in the hands of the Ival men of any of the Southern States, they will vindicate themselves in the lame way that those in Missouri have done. [Applause.] Bat I have detained' you too long. ft' G.i on, go cut Brom what I have said, you oan gather that I am for the war lam for prosecuting the war until there is not an enemy to the fig of onf country left standing. (Vociferous casering.l lam now, and always have been, atainst any kind of compromise. [Loud ap plause 1 I think the" Government that compro eines with Its enemies, armed enemies, dis paces steel! by the act. (Applause J Any coni• remise will breed ten wars, each infinitely more terrible than the one Which now impends over us. A compromise, by its very nature, sows the seed of future mars, and we can have no lasting peace, no peace which is worth having—none which 'sold be permanent except that psaoe which comes when the enemies of the Government are in capable or powerless to disturb. A Mounted Cavalryman. No compromise I. what I say. graughter..l Mr. Blair, None whatever. Ido not desire to Impugn any man's motives; bat I mast say that, in my bumble judgment, the man who oompro awe is himself very HUI, better than the traitors ebo now bear arms against the Government. That's so ! and applause j A vein Worse Mr Clair. Judging by results, such an one is prubably worse. Gentlemen, I must again tank you for your kindneses in coming ten this evening to salute me upon my re :VD ftotti Mittman. The compliment you have tild me Is entirely undeserved upon my part ; for what little has been done in Missouri is due to a certain gentleman whose name is familiar to you — general Lyon. three enthusiastic cheers were here proposed lad erector this gallant outliner Mr. Blair, resuming. A tried and proved soi l* A man who fought his way through the Mexican war ; who has been put into all sorts of tealde plaoes to tight ever since the Mexican war, lad bee always fought, just as he has recently in Sittiourl, for vlotort. And believe he hu always tai the same princ iples in his fights that the Irish ton does—that wherever you see a head hit it, laeghter,l and not wait until everybody hits you on the head, just for the sake o fshowing them they minuet hurt you. (Laughter. j I think tome of our generals are rather playing that dodge 34 W [Laughter and applause J They want to In-Ay the world bow many blows they can receive Without being hurt. Gen. Lyon's mottos and pectic. is to strike before a blew can be Rinsed et you.,„ As I have before said, I do not regard nyseit as being animists to criticise the tactics of treat generals, and I shall not attempt to do it; Ent j will say. however, that the people of this , 'gantry are very twspatteut for the victory which, rwrybody tells us, gem Scott can gam whenever de dettres. Lthink the sooner it oomes the better. This is not a matter of military science ; it does not ttquire one to ,be a soientito person to understand It The sooner this victory, which "Gen. Soon :an gain at tiny time," comes, the better for the talon men ef the South, who are being oppressed and robbed, and in many instances shot down. I ter, the sooner their deliverance comes the better Mil It be for them and the whole country. I have gent reliance in the skill and generalship of Gets. boon; and 1 believe, when be sloes strike, it will prone OtrOdUlla; but delay is dangerous. After again thinking them for their visit, be nutted amid great applause. !Winn OF BRMATOR Various calls being made for the Bon. Mr Ma- U,ugal, of California, that gentleman mime for ward, and spoke as follows: Friends, I am not here to make a speech. I :rarely came up here, in company with others of 7'o, to compliment a gentleman who has won for Lintelf the proud title of the gallant Blair of Idle (Applausel I believe he will be as wise .1 , counsel as be has been gallant in the Mild. rap 1-suse I lie has given his opinions here to you, ' , IA I will say now, as a junior jadge generally I' , In my State, after the opinion is given out, °loom% ' (Laughter and applause SPEICH or MR. DICKMAN in response to numerous calla, the lion. John Hickman, of Pennsylvania, appeared, Mid spoke LI follows : Gentlemen, it may be somewhat injudielons, in judgment of some, for Me to address you to for the simple reason that I am always apt formdecided opinions, and to express the 00- 'lent I have formed very plainly and expliottly. A votes, That Is whit we want "J ,Mr. Hickman. Very well, then, if you want 1011 1, I will give you a few of them. [Applause.j ,° my optnion, the Government of the United Giles la passing ihroagli a great ethic That those eke are to armed rebellion against ithave entered late that rebellion without- apy cause under ilea. !Ie union in Ibis danger men only be preserved by I .3stant and the most energetic notion. (Applause I The people of the land, who love the country, have had. op their minds to send their children, their trotters, and their fathers into the field, to defend 11. They have made pp their minds to give their "I"°7, not grodglngiy, but with an open and ex- Waded liberality, for this purpose. And after I . IIO Y have done this—eont their kindred to the Sld, and given of their treasures—they expect !e°° who are in authority to use thee* men and ',Alla:m a y, so as to produce the speediest and moat , r a table result. f Applause sdY 10 you that the people of the United ""?, are 'sot /41111.fied 101 th the delay. I im• 'III cheering I home people may a-ode/stand the Red necestity for it, but the American people not understand it. [That ' s ao.J ' When there i ts Iwo or three hundred thousand men in the field, fitted spinet less than tt hundred thousand, with !lite advantages on•the side of the Government, ' 4 ° People have a reason to expect that something ehoult be dote; that they should see something done; a^ I t :t what le done shall be produoti re of gre it roan. I Applau se , and that's so As fir myself du n .t, now, I have not been alln I d . not thit-h I ever shall be able, to enders( Ind wby 50 0011 in n are kept lb the city of Ww-hing trn. and 50,00 men across the Potomac), in a state of p .thet InaeLlon and repass I 3,y, to Iv m, that this groat body of troops wh , c'o has been °ailed out by t.e Government is able to do srmsthing—le able and willing to do it to night, to-tuorrow, or at noon-day Then, why should almething not be done? You expect it ac much as Ido I" That's so," and applause J We aro now seeing what we have always asoo heteto• fore—that the rulers are infinitely behind, in rogress, the people themselves. I Applause J What they went now Is deoided aotim on the part of the Government—to have these robots. with arms in their heads, treated as they deserve to be—as the twin who infraot the laws—rather who sot all the laws of God and civilised man at defl anor. and then resist those who are put in the place to execute the lawe—should be treated, not by ccuierotnise, but by force [" Good," and ap plause. If this is to be a war oondooted by diplomsoy, I there was no necessity for milling the Congress of the United States together, for all that is required in that oasts is a little stationery—pen, ink, and paper. But If they intend to Conduct the war by men and money, by physical force, then there is a necessity for convening the National Legislature; and, I suppose. as a Congress has been called, we will be expected to vote both men anti money, and that, after we vote them, they Will be need to Crush the rebellion (applause', and not devoted to the purpose of garrisoning the city of Washington to preserve order here at night, nor that they be employed across the Potomac in throwing up forti fications in order to enable them to resist an attack which It is apparent will never be made. Langh• ter and applauSe J Now, airs, you have my opinions in very brief; and I will not enlarge upon them. beesnan„ if I were to go farther, I should say still more offensive things I will conclude by toying, that it an egg ware laid in Virginia, and batched in New York or Pennsylvania, I would not trust a Waken that came from that egg. I Laughter and I applause I • SPEECH OF MR. FORRtY ion. John W. Forney was next called upon, and responded in the following language: I cannot refrain, follow countrymen, from join ing with you in this jolt and deserved tribute to the gallant gentleman In whose honor yogi aro giving this delightful serenade to-night. Frank Blair is not only "Frank " by name, but "frank " by nature. I Applause J Bold in words, he is bolder in deeds—and now returns from a battle field which has been distinguished by prompti tude, by energy, and by signifioant results. A young man, more than usually fortunate in the Iwo altion be has aoquired fn the collimation of his noon. tritium, he returns to the district in whiob he was born, welcomed not only by his family, but by his friends Ile returns, not merely endorsed by the people whom he is serving so well, but amidst the acclamations and the plaudits of the entire Ameti can public. There is no honor that could be eon. ferred upon snob a man more enviable than the position be maples today. His modesty, hie in levity, his bravery, oomm•nd our gratitude, and I say to you, nee Pennsylvanian. resident among you now, that I look upon him as one of the rising men of our time and generation. In conclusion, gen Vernon, I will say that I am happy to bear this feeble tribee to the merits and the character of the gallant Frank Blair. [Applause I Alter one or two stirring airs from the band. the crowd separated, apparently well entertained by the events of the omission. Spanish Outrages in Hayti. ARIZONA or IIAYTINN VNIIHNLIS AND OBEW The Boston Post gives the followin account of Spanish outrages in Hayti, received by an arrival at Boston : " Through the politeness of Messrs. A. 8. & W. G. Lewis, ilentral wharf, we are enabled to pub• lick an extract from a private letter. " 'We have found it necessary to despatob this vessel somewhat sooner than was anticipated, in oonsequence of a row the Spaniards have been kicking up at Fort Liberty Yesterday morning the town was thrown into the greatest consterna tion by the news that a Spanish war steamer had Captured two logwood barges and sunk a third, making . pHs:mere of the crew of the latter—the people in the other having esoaped by swimming ashore. As yet nothing is known of the reason for this outrage and hostility, although we suppose that as the lisytien frontier at Fort Liberty is only separated from the Dominican by the river, that the bargemen have been in the habit of put. chasing or steeling from their neighbors logs of mahogany that from time to time break lcose from the rafts and drift out to Sea. . . . • " The people are in a Very exoltetk state, Jost now, and afoot last night ail the Natidnal Guard were under arms. Abont 12 o'clock last night a number of pistol shots were heard in the harbor, and some evil-dieposed persons took advaniage of it to spread a report through the town that the Spaniards bad come to attack it. The news spread like wildfire, and created the greatest alarm. TThe pistol shots came from the sobooner Searstille, Captain Kelly being engaged in firing off his pistols before sailing J The General of the plea, eame post-haste down to Mr Hubbard's, and orders were sent off by two boats tram the port to bring the oaptain on shore. Ile refused, however ' for tunately for him. as he would no doubt have been maltreated, so great was the excitement among the crowd that Hoed the sea3tde 14 ' In consequence of the affair at Fort Liberty, our supplies of logwnnd are ow almost onlirely, as we average some 500,000 to 800,000 pounds from there per work ' " The Beaton Traveller has the following bit of news from St. Domingo "An intelligent shipmaster just from St. Domln-' gc informs us that the Spanish Government had seventeen men•of-war in the bay of &mane, and that store-houses were being erected on shore in large numbers. There were plenty of rumors that the blacks would soon make serious troubles." The Secession yorce on the Potomac and Rappahannock. A correspondent of the Washington Star, of last evening, says that on the day before yesterday the Beeeestonista were in ecstasies ever a Ipol story say ing that, on the night before, the entenly had driven in our placate from the vicinity of Oload'a Mill, to within two hundred yards of Fort Ellsworth,(on Shooter's HOW killing seventeen and taking nide teen prisoners, and riddling Padgett's toll-house (on the Little river turnpike, near the base of Shooter's Hill) with ballet holes. Of course, there is not a single word of troth In the story. They claim to havb 12,000:itroops at Fredericksburg. /kepis creek, and elsewhere, immediately on the -Potomac and Rappahannock. itiNOTAT/0/1 01 raw CAPITOL —The interior of the Capitol has been renovated and cleansed, and will be in order early this week for the reception of It compants, the Senators and members of the House. Matting is laid down in the principal rooms; the desks and furniture have been revarn idled ; the frescoing, which was defaced, has bean restored*; new cushions and oarpeta in the report era' gallery are furnished, anti everything is look ing substantial and oomfortable ones more.— Wash snirton Star. Flo THAITGII TROOPS IN VISHNA.—FALLB CHURCH July 2 —NDITOR OF Taw WASHINGTON I Stun : have every reason to believe that yester day there were no traitor troops at Vienne, though their scouting parties were hovering around the village. One of the tour horses captured by Connecticut ploketh (with two men) a day or two since, nn doubtecily belonged to Samuel R. Johnson, of the Fairfax troop. The aggregate number of traitor cavalry from Fairfax, .Famtuier, Rappahannock, Warren, Richmond, Bedford, andother (Va ) coun ties, this ride of Manassas Junction, has been ma terially increased reovntly. Now York Stock ' xchange—Jul y 2, BORED. 711188 38000U861,'81, S stoup- 8114 34000 U S 6s 'bl reg..... 10000 II 9 be, '74 coupag 76A4 lOW N Y at 7s '76 —.194 10000 Tenn at 6s. '80... SI 8300 Virginia tit 6e-s6 464 WOO 1101(14 16000 oo— 46 6600 d 0.... —.86 sit NM Georgia St 65-... 17 1010 61X 1000 N Carolina 60 6000 do— at 48 MOO d0__..... 16 4O/4 SOLO trio 6/.. le 11 /89 J. 4254' &mu N Y Cen 71. ._-.. 96 1000 Erie let rata bd5..101.4" 10804) Nlissosiri kit ea..- 38 KM do 67% 8.00 do— . . 37 51 KO) Erie R '7l-- 66 24000 Hod It let m 10339 4007 ill Centrist bds -• 80 600 893 g 100) Chi k N W Ist.- 36 2000 Gal be Chi 24 mtg. 09X 18 Del tr. Bud Cul._ to 12 Cumberland pref., 4X 18 do..—._. , 4 Paotfio Mai l 8 B, 70 00 Gal in CM° R— —on 60X 60 do--.. U,. 352 do..— 60 do—._..baw 6)36 60 do ----el° 605: 160 do— ....610 60,44 200 do--_. 105 60X 2.0 Cloy & Toledo' R_ 24 24024 HO do —=.660 49. 50 do .300 do b 6024 700 do— , 28X 100 do —416 2116 60111 Can R 66 50 do— o 66X 600 6536 300 do „_,..57 6586 175 PI Y Ciiatraf R.—. 2.175 50 do.— .... .66 73X 50 do— ,a 5 733(, tO Rad Riv H. . .600 31 460 Harlem Rai l ro ad . MX 90 Miobigan Central., 4331 10 Clev Col4 , Cin R._ 97 30611 D. 6000 U B do 'St non D.— 8636 I 10000 U B 65'74 Dont , . 763( Keir K 7 Pt6ix.l. 72 COW Lomisiso6.6l.—. 61% iroo Tenn St '3O. 37 KM d0..._.._.... 3736 /WOO do--,.. • .•24 3731 , 3,110 do 2736 12067 do —. ...114 3134 6610 N Carolina 61.-- 4836 XlOOO Mlisourl St 63.--. 371 i 2000 do -- . 373 2000 Virginia es —,--,. 46 10 Paol: , Met, 5 OP 61 2001 V Y Central M.-- 733 i a* RaTiOITI it lo 69 Yanamp ft—..... _ 306 w sto tsio & Qhtoll2o R.! 603 i 100 do ~—, — —.1)o 73 3 i 100 Cloy & Tol 11.— 33)fi New York Illarketo—Yesterday Aguas are steady, and selling at *5 MX for Pots, and 58.683(0676 for Pearls. lialensruess.—The market for Western Floor is bearr, s6Q 1)11066 are 100160 4r bbl tower A with a mo derate Mumma doing at the concession. The sale' are 9.000 bbls at $3 9004 for superfine awe, !f4 3004 46 for extra Uwe ; $3.3004 for surerfine Michigan.. Indiana, Ohio. lowa, to , and 54 .2004 75 for extra no. including stopping brands of mood hoop Ohio at *Odes 90, and trade brand. of do at $506 85. Southern FlOlO remain. ALIA. and prices are drooping: sales 650 bb's at 56 0006.76 f.r superfine Baltimore: $690 for MIA do; fri n0n6.76 for Biandyw inn ; $6O 6.26 for Oeoreetown ; $7 100928 for Petersburg City 5T6009.25 for R iohmonJ City. Canadian Floor is heavy and lower. with sales of 360 Ws at $44607.95 for the range of extra brands. Rye Fleur isduil, with small males at Vet for the range of'_line and super6ne. Corn Meal is quiet; We quote New Je rsey at 03410 290; Brandywine, $303,10: puncheons. $13055 25 ' Wheat is heavy and 7o gls bushel lower. with a mode rate Maui r. at the decline. 'The sales are 88 COO bush els at 9601030 for rood to prime Milwaukee Club. EVS la palet at 6606 5 0. Barley a dull at 560t06. Oats are tell. and 'Mime only . to a very moderate ex tent at 26030 e for Jersey. Delaware, sad P66/011vanial 1100310 for ritats,atd 24030 a for Western end Canadian. Corn is less active and hardly so firm; the receipts, however. continue lista. and there is not mnoti offering : The sabre are 45.400 bushels at 408490 for new and mixed Western.' P11•0161•10.—Pork Is quiet and unchanged ; the Wee are 525 bbia at 6114 76 formes/ and 010010 25 for prime; Beef Is in little better demand. with sales of 300 bbls at $6.60126 for country rows ; $404 641 for twin ntry prime ; $84510,76 for repacked Western. and $llOll6O for ex tra mess. Beef HMI are dull and inactive at 1312014 fey attire and Western. Cat Meau are dull at.5)406(1 for Hems, and 414055 for Shoulders. Lard is heavy and lower, with Isles of 400 Masud tibia at 8095 for 140 Ito prime Western. Batter and Cheese are dull and heavy. uunigty le nnehatsed, with pales of 400 bbls at 150 IMZu. 111P0P-29 AT PAILADZLTIIia.-The following are some of the prinelpal &rattle.' imported at this pork for the last mirth, .fone, 1801; also, a com parison with the same 11919 Jut year: 1861. /661. 1860. lees. Total. Tot". 1. Brimstone. tons— . . 420 2 213 2 719 Wee. baits —......--..11. 21 ) 78 02 44.710 Cotton, bale s -.....-...........- 116 4,673 SO 361 ri.ll, bbls... _.- -.-........... 1 017 11 631 14,291 tildes. T.uusPer.--.....,... 4,406 61,695 46 340 1 nOtgopkgs... : -L..., ........... 17 0 120 res. lods----.......;...: 500 1.161 1 713 Ton. bane .....,-... 2.7C 0 342 844 116 760 roe bandt s.- ee-....---....'.. fo sc ow 111800 Paw , tons..-.. ......--.... id 827 1 ois 6 168 1 848 .emons. b0xe5`......5 900 19 764 97,723 6dolams, hikes. wild i5r,.... 171 8 491 20 186 Noises's, Ants .. .. Imo "3.1157 8 848 naval store.. bbl ;... ._., 0 to 614 28.247 9786301 noxes.--. .. IWO 102,03 .7 4 174 Rice, tiereea-.---... ' , 2 611 7 069 8/4.1,11.10ke ..--.. -..-: 8.440 lOS 8373 116,9 1 6 Salt. busnels-.....-.......111 900 67,698 115 081 Sums°. b5a5......... —.-.. 8/68 6,2.3 12638 BaltpetrP. bags- ..,,,' „., . , 9.161 -- 6 m 7 2 1 ogar. blis. and t 05............. 4,01 16,498 30 793 , Hagar. troves..-... -...-... . 120 1,711 6.142 1 tagar, brss-.---...-....- . 87 696 2,764 6 0 =tt . g t4 6.- a - i - - 1,200 1600 6 32.660 262 A Comsr.—liad the comet now remarked in the northwest appeared at any other time, pro phecy might have failed to make Its beaming sig. niGoent In the present portentous lispect of things, it will dottbt:ess be found ominone, end ite precise bearing, extent, and direction regarded as so many indications of the aooacsi of oar It.mles and the stability of our Government Professor Malone, or the nigh School, bee besn busily engaged in soanning the heavens for the wonder. At points east and west, it has been seen, and we may expect, in a few days, that the naked eye will detect it from our own longitude. A correspondent gives the following account of the phenomena as it appeared at Atlantic City : "The comet became visible as daylight deolined, but I first saw it at about quarter past 9 o'olook. Ii was then about ten or twelve degrees above the horizon, and the direction about twenty degrees west of north, or whet a seaman would call nor'- nor'-west " The nucleus or head was large, bright,. and tolerably well defined. When viewed with a small telescope, it illumioated the field of view nearly as much as Vaunt when that planet is brightest, but no singular or Befitting pleura was observed in its conformation, isle sometimes the ease. The tail of the comet, though. perhaps, lees brilliant thna that which appeared some three years ego, was yet much longer, extending, when the bead was near the horizon, to within ten or fifteen de- grees of the zenith, or, in other words, could be plainly traced through an arc of full seventy-five degrees ' , lt passed just to the left of the pole star, and terminated near the constellation Lyra In con sill:once of its position so far to the north, it was Only a few hours below the horizon ; for, setting about ten o'clock, I saw it again at about half pear two in the morning, already six or eight degrees above the horizon, in the north-northeast, while its tail might be seen at any time during this inter val prPjeotiog far above the northern horizon. On the whole, it wan a most magnificent celestial pbe• nomenon, and such in Its rarity and splendid gr■n deur as one can expect to sse only once or twice in a lifetime "Mow ibis comer'oeme to display itself in mob a fully developed oondition ail at ono° I oannot tall, but it seems to me most reasonable to supping, that it has been setting before or with the inn, and having a rapid motion eastward la the heavens, (or northward, wbtoh would produce the same effect.) it has been so far behind the enn in letting on the evening referred to, Id to become visible through the absence of the entx's light."• CITY ITEMS. BUY YOUR BIRRWORICB To - DAT. -As th• " Fourth " approaches, more and more interest is felt by everybody respecting the celebration of our treat National Holiday. That there will be an unusual amount of Fireworks consumed. we have no doubt, and we would take this opportunity of saying that Per sona who desire to hare the best quality of these Jo,- inspiring explosives, add in choicest variety, should go to the great emporium for the sale of these arti cles, at Messrs. B. N. Whitman do Co.'s, the popular confectioners, &mond street, *below Chestnut. this morning. Their stock embraces. among other things, the following articles, in endless variety: Crackers. of various sizes Roman Candles, with brilliant colored halls: Rooker., with gold rain and brilliant bells ; beau tiful Rosettes ; Triangles, with superb pots; Mines of Aervents art:Mara; Fire-wheels, of every desortp lion ; brilliant colored Hensola Lights; ornamented Flowerpots; Firemen's Torches; Folks Dances; Thunder-wheels; Lightning Rockets; Fire Balloons; Globe Lanterns. of beautiful colors. Also. Flag., and an endless variety of other articles suitable for the proper observance of " the day we oelebrate." We invite the early attention of our readers to this splen• did stook. A COMPLtrrs DRUG ESTABLISHIIItni —We were yesterday shogn through the new Drug Store and ma nufaoturing rooms of Maseru. Wyeth and Brother. No 1412 Walnut Street. The different brisnohes of the mannfactisting business are conducted in separate apartments. with every appliance that ingenuity and their enlarged experience could have suggested The irtme care that is exhib ted above ground is shown in the arrangements under ground. Vaults have been constrnoted, to preserve drugs and medicinal product s liable to be injured by light or heat. The store is the most elegant and praettoally eonvenient we have ever seen. We advise all to see it. Was, Parrimtrtez, ASD Flutsa.—These terrors are now about to burst in all their horrors over the se called Confederate &atm and the rebels may prepste to pay the penalty of their treason. They want salt, spices, coffee, leather, ahem drugs. sod clothing, No such wanta are felt in oar glorious Union States, as every °Rine°, he he rich or poor, oan obtain excellent apparel, of the bort goods and wake, for the lowest Prices. of Unicorns Stokes, No. 609 Chestnut street, with a handsoine rift for every article purchased. Tnn Mtbrvanw Cgonfingt DBPOT.—Rockhill Wilson's Brown Stone Clothing Ball appears to be the leading' house for the manufacturing of military cloth ing. In the upper stories they have some twenty cutters employed, and about seven hundred hands ere constant ly engaged In making up the work. Over three thousand ooats were made up by this firm in ten days, for the State, besides full snits for several companies of Borne Guards, and for officers of the army and navy. The location of this well-known estataLlunent is Noe. 603 and SOS Chestnut street. above Sixth. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS Or TO 12 O'CLOCK LAJT MOOT. CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut, ft Ammidonn. Boston John Covode. Weetmore'd T H Rabe. Pittsburg '8 flieho - ds, Chian g° Mirk .1 8 Richards. Chicago Sand Oilman, Nr G C Varney, Ch•oago W Holmes. Pittsburg Mrs Holmes, Pittsburg Mrs Moore. Pittsburg John A Gor•ey, Cinoinnatt Chas D Jones. Cincinnati .1 W Gill, Ohio Jos Boriebonr, Boston W 8 Carter, Milwankie Evan Thom,., Jr. Bait - w It W Vanderhof & lO.NY D I) Bodssr & son, N X F Chase. New York Limn til-V 8 Atkin. Ohio Thom Dodge. Womb. ft C . g Ist Balsa, Waah. D C Chas Dodi e, Wash, D C E J Sturling. fit Loco. J 11 , ullivan. Ohio G W Simpson, • ew York Jag Galway. New York W E Berrien, New York D W Stewart. New York floe Beck. New York 0 T Yin gem New York Geo II Woodward, Balt W Lowther. Panda Mr Conway, Virginia '.IS Bickford & la •Boaton Miss J X Barstow, Boston W B Buiirey,.o 5 It K Parr J.. Albany, N Y Nelson Iffalltrli MA= Rtr h'd NI Upjohn, N Y B Bradford. U 8 A ' G A Watts. IJ 8 k Mrs J T Lord & child, N Y Robtll •Alarlc. o pil —.. J P Coll k arkr-kronnebrark•J LI M.rli jP. rk L -Ds 'Witt T rtilley. NJ J )!E troyward 551051 W Locher, Lancaster John W Carr:l-rizland D W Flayler, 1.1 8 A T T Woman. Harrisburg E I. Bigelow, Maas James F wormv,„ N V JW Sti 1, New Jersey Charles W , osisiand, N Y II at Bassett, Conn W H Otis. Brooklyn A 8 Hutchinson. Brooklyn Owen weeley. New York. Charles D Phelps. fll Y W+.B Benson, New York Mrs Jamul' Howland. N Y Min El tri. Woolsey. N Y Charles W W00.187,1'1 Y A Hall & la, New York Charles (3 Co , nell, N Y Edw Noyes, Maine Thor Sealy. Newark, N J Geo S Hardy. Brooklyn Geo B Stetson. Bridgewater H W Blatohlord & wf, 11l J 1 .4 ;Whitney, Gorton H N Gambrill, hiarrlacd N P Tileaton, Boston Mrs Corrid Wilkes & oh .1) 1' D Suwon, Wash. D C Min Stewart, Wash. D C A Morton. New York H W Grinnell, New York F it Gibbs, Chicago R M Pomeroy. Cln, Obio J W Cottom.C,n.Oldo U li Leonard, New York It Flo ,, sa, Cincinnati, Ohio Miss 13 G Hoses, On, Ohio Miss Kate Chose, Wash, DC C G Niakoloon & wfblid H F ist.dders, Boston E R. Brown. Rhode Island J It RioartiF .. G 111.8tfivtten.,BrostklIn —...—... —.--._ i Boston. New York Pi Hardenbeyler. Utica R T Soarlett, New York W Van O'Linda. N York G W 11 Mon. Carlisle A B•aoh, Newark, N J 6 Smi th . New York A Wilhelm, Penns Mai Cu . len & la, Minnesota . 1 Farrington. Minnesota CaotJ W Liogenfelter F Young A B Doti. ll o A. A Gars Pennsylvania F W r •ogswell W J Dill a A hi riCall. Chester oo J Da Ford, Ohio „I Ely, BLIOSS 00. Pa AILEACBAWirr $Ol/Mlr—Fonrti street. below Aieh. it W Moehen, Panama R B Wigton. Bnatingdon J J Kevin, hushing J P Baal:tor /c la Lonisv: w a Bowerman, Penna M Barry, !Ammeter C v ohe, Bethlehem P_Thomas Cataaauena A.l Dull. Katanning. Pa J 1 no 0 L. Ward, Towanda d Brown, et Thomas. Pa P .1 Barry. Tamaqua T Johnalort, New Jersey Dr J Y Mattison, pi I W M Harvey. Atlentio City N Pi Pavan. Massachasetta E P Miller, Dentio City C Allen. Maryland Capt 0 Hallam, Li A 0 -B. Topping. AshlQ2d, 0 T t. Bushnell. A shland.Ohlo B P Me.y. Elkton, Md .7 C Royer. Eno on. Md M Malone, Jr, Lancaster Allred Lyon, Manny, Ps AMERICAN HOTEIr-Cheetnat meet. above rift% D Brown. New York itobt Fl Hall', Delaware J AltiEnitht. Penns C A Winn, Clinton co. Pa .1 C Treziyulny.l.4 Carolina w D Wilson. Newark Jno E Coohrane & wf,Conn Wm M smith, Ohio • Geo L Stone. Baltimore C K Judson, Baltimore Joo Opt!, ks & eon, Easton Jas W Deacon, N Jersey GT Porland. Cinomnati Isaac ParsonetJr. Penna. M H Kuhn, Scrantonl.ollloDrint M Chunk • J D Beinghart.Jereey City .1 G Heave. hill City Isaacs Molter, New York JWager. Troy, N IS A Woods, Maryland p Inoh, 13 N Geo Francis, Washington F DIMIILIek THE UNION—Arek street. atiove Th lrl. Beni Mebane. Cleveland J F Karthaas. Ohio t Jarvis Penns B Clay bourn, Lloorolog co Mats M ( 347 bourn. L7OO 00 Col R Katona . . rareanus Miss J W mkt. Penn& Miss Wolbert. Penns John F Wason.Wellsville,o K Ingalls. Penns Jams fl“ Hier New York Thom L McKeon, Easton 'Awls W Snider. Penns Mrs 4) Rill. Penns R D Turner. New VOI k Mr* Flobt Retold:ram:rag& J &Oilman. Pottsville Bab:dill I. Tamaqua Groover, Riohniond. Ind F H Cenroh, Penna C McCarthy. Pottsville B R (Aborts*. I. Vino BT. Low HOTEL--Onerrtnot street, above Third. Wm Jones. Penns , Wm C Fountain. Del W Gilmore, Mars .I•lent Ji E Weaver, DR A C Rogge, ftlarllond • Taos Oliver. Bellmore Taos "J Maer, Virginio W F Daily k. son, Balt Mos w bur en. Jr. illl l / 1 gg We es, cO111:111 •R. Hazard tt luta B Flues, oils - - pr Monet, Wash. D C Solomon .Bayles, Lansingtoirg, N Y STATES UNlON—Mtirket street, above Jaoob Spangler, Pa A B Long. Lewistown B W Ahdrhws.rh ladelphis , W hillawson. Phil* A Dal., Mechanicsburg It Frotseber„ Chester oo Peter McCallum. Ches co Mrs Mo , „:allonz, Chem on Robt J Virginia leas° it Punier. Reading Sol Groan Harrisburg W Watt, Pittsburg W hider. Pittsburg Jos E. Elder, Willinebnrg Thos Watts, Latrobe COMMERCIAL ROTEL—Bad at., above Chestant. Geo T Leonard. Barks co W H Webb, Philadelphia J ic Grove, Philads Intim Daniel Rupp. Ys Jos YeaFce. New Jersey Gh 'a Pearce, New Jersey M R Niiioner. Roxbury J F Cranford. Maryland P B Thompson. re Jos 8 Ely level own P W B Brinum,i heater Val .1 if titration, Plula D A Peed. Look' Haven li B Patterson. Pa Alen Mcda, Coatterine Jae A Broorne.Lebanon co A 1P Zimmerman. Pa Lewis Miller, Cheater no BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third at., above CMlowtoll. Ghee *nand. Allentown Chas Horner, Jenkintown Char Ftnney, liartaville A Bilokm.n, Penna W Burner. Peonstnirg Jae M B 'kb. Penne:mu M liery, Pennaburg Chas ornson, rem& C Zecty, Vanua W Kline. Amityville Jno Vertreen, Roxboro R V diesel; Phil% Cbaa B Knight, Pettus J Boer. ktonergyille 8 E Wel'nher Pottsville .1 K Hill, Penns saint Leillev i .orwiesnurg W L e Mer , ""figebiarg A etsulier, nreter. MOUNT VERNON' HUTBL-Baoond at., stove Arab. famcs Dorso, PMla Mr editorlan, Nonrialowri John rllionse, Hanley. Pa If Shona.. Hanley. Pa A B ,EckLarr, New Jersey AA akharr, l{enneas, frity Jersey OAKLEY ausAY HOTEL—aecond et. Del. Vine. R 8 Lawrence & la. Conn ,no C Moore, Plow - Hose Thos W Fenna nn F Janney Ph lla / Watson. ?eons F Wintiock. New J C Brasish,W. Penns. J S Rich. Bunks no W Davison, Cheltenham ft Jarrett, Fauns rIATiONAL ROTEL—NW street. above Third. Chad V Warren, New York C V Warren, Jr,NewYerk Mies A Teompson. N Y Henry Belt. reillaallvaado Oliver. Tremont 'Joel Miller. Beading • David d Osgood. Ltestotit A M Byers & Is. York, Pe Chas nutter, Pottstown El liiish,Laticaster 0 A Fox, rOttiVine ' TIM A Urflerr.New Jersey 8 Mtuisehasn, Italians SIEVEJLE EGUIDS—ThuiI tree aboy~Rs~t Sarni Watts, UMW 00. Pa Amos' !Whits , Pa • C , las Lyoa, Penney Minis. ea T ar or / 4 ,. Pa Vlt P lshertr, Pecnallykinla .1 Kleckner, Snyder 00, Pa BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third mt., •above Oallowbl ll. A Flohbur. Hook.tirville i< B Fishbar, Hooke - mottle A M Weitmor Lebanon oo A 0 Sevier, Boitiloolitn U WdHeme, Illattiastott tdw Boater, Bott L isp ota Wtri Barney. Lohtsh eo, Po (Isom & BAzines OInaRRATID rioussixsa BEWENOI MALOIIIIIIO3. 1319 Best In Cho for Family Mewing. Pc 730 CM 101 M atriot. NW elykis, sat 17 0/RD PAINTLN R, BIM AND OM/PIM IN thy City. at 14 Muth THIRD Stmt. .011.1. , -.IIkAD PRINTING, Bat and Chearefft In the *lt', e.t34 South T1.1 .. 11t . D Stroll THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, ' JULY 3, 1861. i b iIILAWELEMIA ROAR CE r/F" IFIPAD 7 . OEO. N. TATHAM. TEL E 'kElnitNulincii, koiwywywwww ow riot Mollie, WM. L. RHEIN. LETT ZS BAGS rke Illorreeratee Sz e h a nge, Plabuitdplita Saranak. Rowland-- -- /MY 6 limo Tuscarora, Dower,. 00, L , wark samnel Tarbox. Ts:bozo. Buenos Avrellt soon Bark Bea Eagle. IC Port 800 Trin.itoob . Bark Eglantine, leaeon Mamma; soon Bark Ann Sligantith. Norgrays........—Kar welt. soon Bark Joe Maxwell, TS. NMI Brig boango, Brave— —.— at Jago de (Juba, hoop Rohr FROD3e. Vance._._._ b &Tana. to a Bohr J riorth•rip, Rosa— an Prince. 110011 rt ARAN EC LN'PELi.lNE'•>>'r Pour or PHILADELPHIA. July 3, 1813.1. BUN RA:EQ 11.143 H WAT ER. ARRIVED. BohrT P Larne& Fran.bes. 33 days from fit Buts, with salt. fruit, &o. to Jeanea. Boattervood. & Co, 28th OP. lat 36 20.101173 40, *yoke sohr B Duncan 7 days from Havana, bound to Falmouth, Png. • Left so ar Seguin°. of and for New York. to mall 19th ult. Pohr George & Arthur. ttubbi. from Jamvios. vla New York. with to wood. &o. to D N liVetzlar & Co. Bohr Defiance. Dorntoo,9 rime from 31 Thomas. in ballast to E. A Bonder & Co. Mohr British 'assign. Johnson, 13 days from Nassau, with fruit to BBdt J L Perot. Wes bound to Beinui nah, and. when ordered 06, gail•d for Wilmington. NU, end being ordered off there. nailed for this scdt. The tientain not being on board, the mate was unable to tar nish any information as to tho yeaisele ordering her or. Bohr Mail. Kelly, • dare from Providenoe, with rndpe to Croweli 4 Collins., - Bohr Carthseena, Kelly. 4 days from New Bedford. tth onto Bbober tr. Co. . ..... Bohr Anetsw, base, 6 days from Boston, with ice to oi_ptalp. Behr J L Fleverin. Bonsai. 1 day from Dover Del, with corn to Jag Barrett & Bon. Bohr Nen,- Waling l B7.2 days from Chesapeake cite, with grain to Christian & Curran. Behr Pinta. tisundera. 4 days from New London, with oil to Theme AL McKeon... Bohr Ida. Wormwood, days from Kennebunk, with loe to captain. Bohr Boxer. Rankle, 6 days from Wellßeet, in ballast to N Sturtevant & Co. Pohr Banta! Webster. Puller, from Boston'. Bohr H R CoreilrlL Palter. from Boston. Behr Alert. Champion. from Boston. Pohr Nu gene. Parker from Boston. • , Bohr B B Sharp. Jerrold. from Boston. Nola Prowess. Jnoraway from Boston• Bahr A malts 0 Rives. Lake from Boston. Bohr Mary Paterson Godfrey. from Boston. Bohr J C Paterson, Hand. from Boston, Fohr Lydia Ann, Weaver from New York. Bohr g M French. Stiles. from New York. Pohr Fanny, Matthews. from New York. Bohr Polly Price, Townsend, from Salem.' Bohr Constitution, Strout. from Newport. Bohr Joe P Cat.). endieott, Irom Newourysort. Pohr 0 P Hawley. Buottey. from Greepport. 'Bohr Cline A Greiner. Young. from Dorchester Point. Bohr D B Steelman. Scull from Haverhill. Pohr C W 'Holmes, Hinson , from Hingham Steamer New York. Hunter. 2{ hours from New York. with mdse to Wm st Baird & Co. Steamer Anthracite. Jones. 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M Baird & Cn Steamer Concord. Norman, 34 hours from New York:. with mdse to Wm M Baird & Co. rII,EA RV't Ship Florida. Mortimer, Be John, NB. 1' Wright I Sons. Sark Kate Lincoln. Hughes, Washington. D Coover. Brig Tiberias. Lecoo, Cienfuegos, Stewart, Carson. & Co. Brig Lillian. @stayer. Port'and.S A Bonder & Co. Bohr Abby Ellen. Gilmore.Belfest. Me. Bingham &Co. Fehr 0 F Hawley. Buckley, Danversirort, Costner. Btiekney, & Wellington Bohr C A Greiner. Young. Salem, N It Sawyer & Co. Bohr constant ionStront Salem. N Sawyer & Co. Bohr Fanny. May hew. Boston. N R Bowyer & Co. Bohr J C Patterson. Hand, Boston. N R lawyer & Co. i'obr Lida% ?Dn. Weaver. Boston. Baurn.Osis. & Co. Bohr A C Reeves. Lake. Gloucester, Bennt.Ogle Bohr P Prloe, Townsend, Boston, Sonoran. Lewis, ' & Bohr M Patterson. Godfrey. Marblehead, Banorolt, Lewis, it Co Bohr Alert, Champion, Boston. John 11 Biakiston. Fair Prowess, fiaokawar. Scet , n. John R lilaoktston. Behr t. ngene. Parker. Boston, N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr B Eaherp. Jerrold, Boston. N Sturtevant & co. Bohr Daniel Webster, Fuller, it Dennis. N Sturtevant & Co. Behr Boxer. Rankin. Rentiebnok, N Eivartevant & Co. Bohr B R Cotsbail Bator, Boston, R Here Powell" Bohr I P Cske. Endioott. Boston. L Audenrird & Co. Bohr 1) M French, Stites, Providence, L A ridenried & Co. Bohr C W Holmes, /boson. Hingham. C A Itteksober it Co. Bohr D B liteeinan, Scull, Haverhill, Tyler, Stone, & Co. Fehr B Englisq. Bolles, Fort Hamilton, Noble, Ham matt. & Caldwel . Bohr W it Mauler. Colby, Boston, Costner. atiekner, & Wellington. Pobr a A Hammond Paine. Bostoa C A Deeksaher. Steamer Delaware, Johnson. New Y ork. J Alderdioe. Steamer Brivtol,Allen, New York, W P Clyde. Steamer R Wilting, Claypoole, Baltimroe, A Groves. Jr. (Correspondence of the Pulse.) BEADING, July I. The following_boets from the Union Count owed into the Bohn,lkill Canal to day. bound to Philadelphia. la den and eorouned u follows: Forma OM. grain to Perot k Bro; Grape.ihot, do to A 0 Cottrell & Co; P & Bunion. lumber to Bolton & Ghtpstman - K Hoffman. copper ore to Mr Fleming ton ; 3 rattle timber to flohurlkell Navigation Co., MEMORANDA. • Bhip Western Star. Knowles, from Boston for San FMI2OI/00. van spoken May 9. lett 9 30 N, lon 2a. nom J N Cushing, Swan, shiled from Liverpool 11th nit f Caloutts. hip Harrr Hammond. Arey, /Jailed from Liverpool 16th Mt for Calcutta. Ship Romans,. Owen, railed from BingoeWangle / 2 th April for Kong Kong. Onto olyrovd. Jord‘n. US days from Calcorts for London. wee spoken Bth nit, lat Ss N, lon 2840 W. Shur Franois n P.lmer, niohardeon. from Cs lino for Queenstown. for orders, writ into Crookhaven ISM ult. Hark David Lumley, Beedling, henna at Cardtt loth ult. barn Old niokorf. ROltrOlg. from Liverpool for this port. wee epokon nth ult. oft - rumor. • . Bark .1 Dodfrer. Clare. hence, sailed from Queens town teth ult for Londonderry, Brig i W Drisko. Prieto, sailed from Providence SOth nit for thisort. Brig Con doms, Johnson, for Delaware Ci4T. sailed from below Warren ntli ult. Bahr Willard P Adams. smith, from Remedios 16th ult, at Boom lit lost. etas May.. Rogers. for this port. and P Plater, zaril. for wilmtngton, Pel, cleared at N York let lust. Vahrs Lad rntrro,k. Fisher ; Theresa. smith ; mDennis . Lake; Louisa Fraser. Stsaltnan, and LW Rich. Crowell oleared at Rental:llst lost for this port. SPECIAL NOTIOES. 217 T TOOB• BATHING ROBES - For Ladies. Gents, and Children, AT SLOAN'S. ' - It* 806 'MARKET Street. Philadelphia. Oprm Palo' OIAYPILLAIG op 'PEP 1A7 , 9,91' STYLIS, mode in the beet 111161:11267, expreeety for RE TAIL BALER, LOWEST Bening vrioer marked in Plate Figures. AU good. made to order warranted' astufaotery. Ow ONE-PRICE oyetem u atrietl, ad hered to. Alt are thereby traated JON Y.B & CO.. 604 MA 6 . ..KEW Zba,,t - eseirIILOIVES. sad perfect Hair Dye is the best Le tip world. All other ere mere imitation" of this great original, which has gained nob extonaire patronage in ell parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batoheloes Liquid Hair Dye inneeily produces a splendid black or natural brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair, a n d will rtpludy tit ill effects cif bad dyes, inrir.orating the hall for life. Bold by an Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNEIBTOCIC fr. CO., DYOT7 k. CO.. Philadelphia. gebl-ti BUBBMAN-007TIYALFE.—Tuesday, Ju y 2. by the Rev. Mr. Franklin, Abraham Busman to Diva Ootthalfe, an of this otty. 111111.DOOM-011110LY.--00 tha,. 30th nit.. by the Rev. Father O'Haran, John M Moon to Mize In try Louisa Crally. LEWIB--GARIIETBON.—On the .28th ult.. by the Rev. J. R. V eviler, Mr. &impel J. Lewis. of Trenton. N. J., to Miss Rachel A. Garretaon. of Philadelphia. • DIED. • BTANBRIDGE.—On' Tuesday, 2d of July, rifler a short illness. George L. Stanbnclge. aged 88 years. Ris friends, and those of the family, are respectfully invited to &trend he funeral, from his tete residevoe. No. 47 North :Thirteenth street. on Friday morning next. at 10 o'clock, without further notice. MlTCHinLt..—§abvath afternoon. 80th ult., George H. Mitchell Pr. , in the 66th year of his age. The relatives and frier ds of the family are reepeot folly invited to attend his funeral, from his late resi dence. N 0.1447 North klrventh street. this (Wednes day) afternoon. at '4 o'clock. Pervicee inv - Tabernacle M. E. Church, at 436 e'o ck P. M. ALTILIJUSE.—On the 80 hnitimo, bliss -Abigail Alt hquse. in the 28th year of her age. • Funeral from the residence of her sister. Mary Weisel, No 1240 North Beoond street. this ( Wedneadty) morning .c 6 o'clock. APLbff.b..Tic.--tle. the SGth ultimo. Mrs. Rebecca Aplegate. relict of the late George Aplegata, in the 68th year of her ago. Funeral from her late residence, Broad street and League Lahti:id road. this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 5 o'clock. . . ft.NB.-013 the Ist instant. Mrs. Boners Beirne, aged 46 years. Timers! from her late residence, No 803 Thirteenth street, this ( Wednesday) morning, at o'olook. • CO KIN Tll.—On the Fit instant, Mrs- Louisa Corinth, relict of the late Wm. Corinth. aged 37 years. Fenzel from the residence of Mrs. Louisa Middle ton, No 1103 Nouth Third street, this (Wednesday) af ternoon. at 2 o'clook. DEP DAN.-43n the let instant, Patrick Deegan. aged 67 jeani. Faneral from his late residence, No. 831 Franklin street below k'arrish, ttus (Wednesday) morning, at 9 • DOWDLE.—On the lit Instant, Ann. daughter of Peter and Mary Dowdls, aged 4 MM. and 9 days. Funeral from the residence of her parents. Frying Oa den street, between Fifteenth and thxteenth, this Wednerday afternoon. at S.V. o'elook. • EL 1,18.—0 n the Seth ultimo, File Dainty, daughter of John P. and Penh Mho, aged 13 years. Funeral from the reader°e of her gamuts, Seventh street. above Wood, this (Wednesday) morning, at.l9 ol • look. RRIGAN. Oa the ist instant. Fatritk qarrigan, aged 61 years. Funeral-from his late residance. No 2046 Coates street, this (Wednesday ) afternoon. at 1 o ' olook. L.LOn the let instant, Mr. Archibald Hail, agod 36 r ears. .INll34lrat from his late residenoe. No. f 29 Earp street, above Need, this ( W ednesday) afternoon, at 11 o'olook. MORWOOD —On the Ist Instant, Mr. ' Henry Mor wood. to she 46thyear of his age. Funeral front his late residence, rear of 1536 Lombard street. this ( Wednesday) afternoon at 2 o'olook. MOTT.--On the let instant. Mrs. Anna Mott, widow of the late Aaron Mott. in the 61st year of her nee Funeral from tier late residence, No. 231 North Twelfth street„ this (Wednesday) morning, at 9 o'clock, MOW—On the let instant. Kate, ddashter of Frar els D. and Sarah Mower, aged 16 years, 3 months, 1 1 1 2z i te d r:1 ' from the residence of her parents, Falls of Schuylkill, opposite Laboratory, this (Wednesday) af ternoon, at o'clock. • SMALL — On the •ht Ins ant, Florence. youos est daughter of Wm. F. and Mary Ana Small, aged 2 years, 5 months, and 10 days. {- SY KRIS.un the let instant, Mrs. Catherine Byers, aged la years. Funeral from her late residerioe, No. 492 Dillwin street, on Friday afternoon. at 3 o'clock. T AYLOR.--On the 30Ih ult., Henry Cochran. infant child of Robert C. and M../ . Taylor, azd I year. Funeral trom the residence of tits parents, No gm Spruce 'treat. this ( Wednesday) morning, at 9 WbLOON.—On the let instant. William, son of Christy and Farah Weldon. in the year of his age. Funeral from the residence of hie parents, north west ooer of Vine sod 'berenteenth "streets, tat. (Wedne s day) afternoon, at o' °look: • .MOURNII4IG STORE, BESEON ik SON, 2113 CIF ICBTNUT Street. are now Reilly' Blank tarets. at 26 and 312 i ciente. Blink biretta, at 25 and 3134 dews. a4sei7-4 wide barites, CU and etX oents. geoond-mourniny PoPlnia,26 dents, Oral miasd lavellea,l23(o. lira, mottled modem's. )2)115. Gray mixed wide madonitiaa,lBgo. Illack and white printed grenadine baregee, neaberd plaid real sreandino ba.eges, 600. Black and whits Tana organdiee,26o. 171 crrPOST OFFICE. PI2II. O 2DELPIIIA- Amy 2. 120.—This office will he open for the rammetiou of business, on THURtitt4Y. July 4, from 7)‘ . to 9 o'dook A. hi.. and from it to t o'olook P. The Bra -torr Orricits will be, open at tile same howl, Le tter Carriers will make their usual morning deli very. A onlleotton will be modo from the Lamp-pest Letter lows the same as on bu oder, et o o'clock P.: M. C. A. WALBORN. J. 3 7< • Postmaster. 1011RTH OF JULY - CIItgORATIG N. N YOUG fdliten CO fSTIAN A eau_ ATIO will hold a hIEETING ou TlaUta. AY, the Oh Instant, at 1O A, M., to the Baptist huroh. B Aft e 0 el Murat. below Ninth. for the purpose of oommemorating, in a Illinstlan merest, In these eventful times, our greet petiole.; birthday; and also for the purpose of.melnot some 'citable arrangement for eupPlYing the epintual wants of ou r • sallsot voino- Oen. Addresses rutty be expected from ex -Governer Pollack, the Rev. Mesters, Barnes, Cooper. Taylor,* Wylie. Chapnd others w i ll be meeting will t h ee con tinued until n o onwhen it be followed by the daily noonday preyer meeting. 1,3-11 t• na— OFFICE OF TUE PHILADELPHIA CITY PAISSKAIIIEK RAILwAy COMPANY. yIIILADZLY/11/.. July lat, Isst The Board ef Directors have Cents y flared a divi dend of thiel i cillu and Fifty per share Tor ttie lest six meet it ‘ payable on and after the nth inst.. ett their ( Moe. WzfatTv-FIPBT and OE BOWN UT Sta. i6-3t WAL W. COLK BT. Treasurer. CHURCH or TILE EPIPIL4NY,__COR ribIk OF CHYNTIPUT ppd TiIY9FACIT Hata:— ivute Amnia, 011 THURSDAY, JULY d e , at 9 o'alcodil n the morning. 113.-et! .... t .16 -aux SETS RIA_RRIED. TTON FON MEETING AT THE CHURCH, . 01 ' THE EPIPHANY ON l'Has FOURTH.— won Meeting will be hold in the Church of the Epiphany. corner of CRESPNUT and FIVTKEI4III &reels, on the FOURTH OF JUCY, at a o'olook in the afternoon. Biehop Lee, of Delano°, Rev. Richard Plewtoe, 0 u., say. R. ("Arden. anit others. will deli ver addressee.. All friende of the Union are invitedto attend. Pi 3 31 rcrSTATEMENT OF THE UNION BANE aa required by the fourth seotion of the sot of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved the 17th day of April, A. D. 1867. Amount of loans and digeounts....-:_— 951 . 94 371 12 alp from other hanks-- -- 37 1176 30 of notes in 86,850 00 '• devoid Up, inolad ins balances , due to other banks.. - . 199 340 70 PHIL . A.DISLPtiIA. July 2. /861. CITY OF I. Jim. J. Bucket, Caahier of the lJnien flank„ helot 'worn. depose and say that the above statement /11 n or 7 0 0 t , to the best of my knowledge and belief. J.J. HOCKEY. Cashier. Sworn before me, this 3d daof July, A. D . . 1861. It JOHN H. FRICK. Notary Public. 1023 VT. NEW YORK, JUNE pert IBI3I.NO ••TICK re_ hereby roven.that aain LETTER F ATTOnfi EY granted by HANS BAAS/EKREN, o. rit.Thornerr, W e Ind km. to J. upsoir CROOK hat, of the city of Philndel hiss been revoked. and. ot no effect. H. HAAGEN - IKE, • By his •Agent, T. Bland. BANK OF NORTH AMERICA, JULY J. 18 81 —The Board of Dirootors have this dar di:ed a Dividend for the last sax months of THREE PAIL CENT., payable on Mb instant. olear of State tax. 112• St 110CILL KY. Cashier. [TyOFFICE OF TIIE FAME IFIEERMIGE come Arly, Pio. 408 CRnSTRUT rtreet. PHILADELPHIA, Jolt 1.18151. A t a rueetant of the Board of Directors held this day. a dividend of TR ttlir. PER CENT. was declared on the capital. payable no the first d ay of Austist next. 172 lot • W. 1. ELAPIORAKI). IlearetatY rir BANK OF PESINSYLVANNOTICE is hereby ittken to the holders of the Notes of said Bank rex istered for payment on or before MAY 25. 1861, that the dividend awarded thereon will be paid on presentation of sod notes at the Oboe of the Auk-. nem 407 LIBRARY Stre.t. (secendetoi7,) between .the hours of 10 A. Al. anti 7 P. B. W. O. PATTERSON. W. L. 8 / 4 YAI.I a. ' J. D. TAYLOR, • Philadelphia, July I. 1881. 4 airmen. Iy2 St* 7 HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. The Commencement et the Central IPsh School an :eke oleos at the Acadeiny of Mimic URl9liii Y. July Z. 1851. The aOO , ll will be open at 9 d'olook A. M. hasp:lles to dominance and. Tickets ea rents each. Private Irixee no fir , t 'spend floor. $6 each ;on the third Ronr, 33 eaoh. l be halanoe of the fund. after defrayinz expenses. will be apo.opriated to the Volunteer Fund. Tickets for sale at the office of the Board. S. ICI earner of Sixth and Adolphi streete, at SI sitmn's Book'Store; Chestnut Street, above Sixth; at J. R. tionld's Seventh 'and chestnut streets; at Hazard's Hook Store. Chestnut street. below Shiloh : at Charles Doitiver's. IVA Chestnut.treet below Twelfth. and at the Academy of Music on TnesdaY, Wednesday, and TheyedaY. By order of the Committee 111111 t School. SOBb.: r . IVA Sleort tory' of Controllers of Pnblio Schools. ncrTHE GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE. ANN CITY. AND TREAT COMPANY OF P ILADELPHLIA.. Jane 29. 1861 The manaer/ have this day declared a divideod of FOCH. P C. Per. on the °apical stook. for the /sat sixinonths. Payable to the stockholders, clear of the t tate tax. on demacd. Jrl et. JNO. F. JCVIES, Aotnary. OFFICE OF THE NORTH PHILA. DELPRIA PA/361E140ER RAILROJto COM- T. • PHILADELMEIA. Jone77, 1361. A meting of the Eittookbolders of the North Phila delphia Passenger Railroad Cowan; nil ti -k "'"* . their o_ Hoe. book of nio. goo es L,n; reet. on WEDPIEn DAY, In ly 3d,iat S &cloak P. M., to sot upon the supplement to their oharter._passed at the last ses sion of the Legislature. JEREMIAH BON:SALL. .1e35.31&132.3-tt* Reoretarr. I:t UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 33ItPARTMbN r OF AR S. Anne& Cotrinsenoement r for conferring degrees in the rte. will be held on WEDN sBDAY. the Se day ofJuly in the nt tIeICAL FUND HiOL b. The prosies t ion w leave the College hall at 10 o'clock A . The reverend clergy. iodine of the United States and State enurtst the mayor of the city, select and oommon coon ells , the Boat d of Directive and president of the Gutud Ostler., the runniest of He Central High dohoni, the candidates for the degree of Master of Ana. and other gradatifee of the University, ale invited to strand. GEORG tit ALLEN, Jyl-34 Secretary of the Faculty et Arts. anIPHILADELPHIA; AND REAPING Railroad Company. OfSee 1147 South FOURTH t._pRILAVELPEtrA, June 29,_1861. croliceill hereby given to the Preferred Stookboldera of this Company, that DIVIDEND WA RRANI:I3 now ready for delivery, payable December 31. FM, being 114.51 per share. whit% ineudee ali dividends in arrear en the Preferred Stook. including that for the year 1803, together with interest thereon, at SIX PER CENT: per annum from the dates at wtcoh they Nue oessisslY accrued until the maturity of the warrapta. Blank powers of Attorney can be had at this °thee. .je2B 1.2 t 'B. BRADFORD, Treasurer. ay. WIC HAVE EMPLOYED HELP FROM THE PROTESTANT EXCHANDE.Southweat corner DECO)) D au° NEW Streets. and take pleasure in recommending it to the publio as an institution much needed in oar city, for its oare in selecting the best men; women, and children as to character and quali fications: J. E. ADDICXI2.23O Race street. E. M. SELLERII,Droen and Tnlpehooken streets. JULIANNA RANDOLPH, 1734 Chestnut street. EDWIN KIRK PA MICK. UM Arch Street. • Dr. PANCOAST, 11311 Mount Vernon street. J 11;21 ARDS. 1520 Mount Vernon street. GEO. FREEMAN. 1t47 North Eleventh street. • F. O.OLIVER, MO North Sixth street. ts,DOWE;E. hirq,al Germantown avenue. T. WILSON, 210 North Front street. T. AloOlfl .4211 South Front street. M M. WHITE. MS Marshall street. W. C. BOXER, 492 Market street. W. H. RICHARDSON, 218 Itl4rket street, And over one hundred and fa', more, to whom re ference will be wen at the office. METH &. BROTHER; ' ' APOTHECARIES, Will open their New Stem • NO. 1412 WALNUT STREET, • PHILADELPHIA, - - MONDAY BIaRNING,. JULY lit, 1861. - • orotided Iver 7 i — eppli;noeenti 0011VC134/109, And poweseing more than usual advantage and fseilities in IMPORTING, MANUFACTURING, AND DIS PENSING , everything pertaining to a MODERN APO PEECARY STORE, they hope to receive a share of public. favor. Their PERSONAL cue and attention will be given to every detail - jy3,10 • .. UNITED VINEYARD -PROPRIETORS, z-z_o.(24sor Fang:use, liTanltgeDCOGNAC.—Just shipment at the above favorite'itn."'or the vintage, of . 1868, 18&S, 1852. 2850, hi half, quarter, and eighth pipes, pale and da - k. he popularity of this Brandy has lndueed various imitation. of their "trade mart," and we now oall the attention of the Trade thereto, and to partioularlf no tioe. In their purohaa es, that all package, of the Vine yard Proprietor, Company Cognac has the name of " George linguae; Manager," branded in full. For sale in bond by the " sole agents " . • - I. fit LESLLE & CO,. J73-Im )38 Beath FRONT street, 300 OASES LESLIE'S GINGER WINE. —The attention of the Trade la invited to the above popular article. a light, pleasant , and refreshing atomaohio beverage for !amity use during the Rummer season. For sale by the prtnotpal ironer. in the oar. J. M. 1.R 4 1.1R k CO.. jy3 Im . 13 0 S South FRONT Street. 200 p U rt i I I i fi t, R T E O iZNIT S B ir D AN T I IN ( E G. YA rge RD e f:RZ: manager.) COON (3.—Just received per Ocean glim mer," GOIIVB .rdeitua.. 100 011.26$ (12 bottler( each) very fine OLD 13nADDY (bottled in Cognac') of the above well known and favorite brand. the first imports tion Into the United ctates under the new tariff. to which we bee to call the atteniton of the trade cant plea can be seen at our offioe. For sale on bond by the sole agents. .1. M. & co.. Jy& Im 3 Set South FRONT Street. EILITAAY NOTICES. tATTENTION, JUNIOR GUARD COMPANY A. THIRTEENT RIKA RD.—Yon are hereby notified to attend at the Armory. corner RIOBTO and GALLOWRILL . on 'rill.; /141 DAY MORNING next, 4th mat., at 53 o'itionki fully equipped for parade. By order of Captain E. M. GREGORY, It IGEN J. RhISLER, it Ngt. . . NiTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE l— ATTENTInN, CAPTAINS OF COMPANIES OF PEIIttNBYLVAIOIA ! i:seising of Companies in ehi 13tate who wish to have their ComPenteLe in:i roned kir immediate 8 4 / 1 1 , 300• addremi " Cot. client. TRY. Girard mute, Yitiadeiphila" The Colonel's Regimen to now rouiteriny. and every Company oan be moldered forthwith. P. 8 -If officer. have M. or 40. or 30 men, they °an be mustered on condition' that will be explained. • it* - I' COMPANY B, BLUE BESBANES, • iwiß meet at tho Arniory on TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ENIENINGS.tat 8 o'clock panotu• - ally, for drill. Evert member Is expected to be present. lir2-St*) T. REYNCIADIS, Captain. I, UNITED STATES OANALRY.- WANTED—For the Third Regiment. U. B. Cavalry —Oa-bodied, unmarried men, of good character ann. morals; between the ages of 18 and 36 years, to serve lir a years. Pay from II to 21 dollars per month. Irttb dotbang. boatd, and medical attendance. Men aonastemed to horses and riders preferred ; a minor will. ndt be enlisted without the consent of parents or guardltu. Apply at Principal Rendezvous. No. tl3 flourtvo.l6lllll.Etreet. • 3011 N EIe.VA OE. 1111-2 w• Capt. 3d Regt. U. X. Cav'y. Reotg. 0115oer. 4OPO MEN WANTED FOR TUE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. able-bodied. bittarp the ages of 31 and 84$ rears, not less than five t lopr and a half inehes high, and of good °horse . Soldiers serving in this cores perform duty at naviyartle and on board United titateir ehips-of- - war :yin statiou. All other information which may b• _Tild will b• given at the Rendezvous, 0, 311 Fitora Street. ' 1, ' First Lieutenant W. STOKES BOYD, lel-lm Recruiting Villtier. SIUADIER RESORTS SEA, LATHING, ,ERIGAIITTNE BOGREe Nor BRIGANTINE BeAcnos. J. Now own for the season. The Bathing. Fhibllge Gounieg,aod Yachting being very superior. Boats will await guests at the mist ou arrival of teams.' lbard per weep 88. P. 0. Address. -Atlantis City. '. ii. D. SMITH. jr3-20 Proprietor. TM COST IS ONLY $1 fora Colored Ploolograeh. and Ambrotypes are made for all prfoea at REIMEII.II Gallery, ItIe.COND street. al ve Organ. lt" TrELE ANTI-SLAVERY OFFICE HMS -a- been. 111; MOVED from 107 North Fifth street to Ivo. 106 Dorth TENTH /quirt four doors above arch, west side,in Dr. Bessely's new building, wham can be pad all the current publication! relating to the suh]eot of slaver), and where will hereafter .be transacted the usual bagmen of the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery ho dirty. • Di St GOTT S. PERCLik AXILLA. bUIELDS, or. Ittadies' Dress Protectory—a sure promotion from oil thinvomo by prrypiretthn. IMO le ROUSER 000lle ot every deacrtithon. Belt n Paellsalevery alen 4g uf a n t d tintling;itieastnatel*Gyre OnAa. Ti) B.IT TH TAP .i . at the Greet India Rubber more. 311 CHEBIN UT street, above Third, north aide. Army and Navy Equipments. JO:94m JOHN THORN LEY. CorrON SAIL DOUG. and O.B. I SVAS, of ell numbers eao brands. Raven's Duck dwaing ?wills. ell 4esoripttote, ter Aerninvi. Tranks. sal Wagoe_Dovere. Alio, Pape ' Na.BULSOtvre Drier V, two r =at wide. vereuales, IlAgasti age. fell • • wry 101 E A9.EArL UOMFOJi,T, A. TWA/BALD mike, Who owl please or milt ever7btxl7 t Boon a version !probably never was borp. But those wko know when She, air suited in BOOTS or 8110E8 &re topped to rive hint a WI, and those who never were Stilted before may be suited now. fle is at his old plase.l3oB COATE.3I Street- jell) 3m WINE SHIRT MANTJFAOTORY.—J. W. 50077, Int .oatiarrars Strew, 4 d o c ai r,the .. ceakeehw. Tho ottoutioD of 0 1 igrp _ invited to has. ineitovjap u t a l tr:tlnr,l l :il t .a"”:!, l :l. l "wruh V 94 NEW LOAN FOR BALE A limped amount of the new 3,090;000 LOAN, 1 4 mum to =St esuoheeve, for , rate ky COOKE & CO.. 114 man THIRD STREET. 10/1-/111 RETAIL. DRY GOODS GREAr*.iviAlivg IN • ' SILK:MANTILLA& • . . LACE JiANIELLAS, aad BUMMER CLOAKS. AT J. W. PROCTOR & CO.'S. GREAT SALE, AT THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. 7 08 CHESTNUT STREET Summer Moak., at........ 51 co. worth $6 0 0 - ' Summer clinks aL...— 2 00, worth 660. Striped summer cloaks... 500 worth 10 CO. 811 k 10 60, worth 1600. Silk _. 9 60, worth 16 00. Lace . • •—. 960, worth 10 pa. Lace mantillas.._... a 00, worth 12 00. Lace points.— 1 80. worth a 80. Lace points— •• • 3 50, worth 860. Finest Pusher Points and Macti.laa, at an equal re duction from value. jyl-8t pRIOE, FERRIS, & Co., NO. 801 CHESTNUT STREET, ' !till continue to RETAIL, their IargeWROLFSALE BD 4:IK of White floods. Linens. 'moist. and Fnahroi deriea. at prioes which mast make it to the interest of every one who way want ally thing in their line to_sive them moat). as they will tams at leas[ 24 per cent ol the usual cost by No doing. JACONETB. CAMBRIC& WILLS. NAINROOKB, eELETANEE. - n WIESER, FRENCH MUl3l.lhB, BRILWANFEIS. QVIL fa. FLOURED SWItONS FOR BASQuEeI. haSIBROID'D SKIRTS. FLOUN CINOS. • DOINGS, SLOE:Yr& BINDS. Ulna:RT . MK COLLARS, Ire LIiNrIFNNE AND OTithß LACES, VBIL 4 I. (CITE!, BANOS EIt.OHIEFEI OF ALL RINDS, SHEKTIN , s, t LOW AN!) 81111 - IND LINENS, 'i AB ute. CLOTHeI. NAPKINS. TA BLE DANA KS. p UCKABACK AND OIBER TOWELS AND TOWELING'S, N. B.—A few choice real thread and Cambria Lace Pointes, at about haft price. A new lot of trimmed and adain net underateevea. beautiful wire Val. lace handkerohiefs. ALL, VERY OREM% PRICE, FERRIS.. & CO., 1167 Cat(aTMUT STREET. • WHOLESALE STOOK HOSIERY::: . , . • ,: - • HOSHOSICERRY.Y,.:`, .• ' IE HOSIERY: • _ . TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS -AND FANCY GOODS, FOR SALE AT RETAIL. FOR CASH. RETAIL FOR CASH, --- AT RETAIL. FOR CASH, AT RETAIL FOR. CASH, - AT RETAIL FOR CASH. - • The finhsoribers offer for arda, on and anor • THURSDAY, 6th INST.; AT THllit STOAT, NO. 409 MARKET BIREET, NORTH SIDE, NO. 409 MARKET STARLIT, NORTH SIDE, HO. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH HIDE, • NO. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH Mow. FROM ; 9 .I‘..r.c.fro 5 P. M sitainajocx ni„Oaoria !FOI : f RETAIL, LESS TEAR All kinds of ~•"'• • COTTON HOSIERY .: 'NEEDLES, PINS, GLOVES. HOOKS AND EYES. LACE MITTS. SKIRT BRAIDS. " ZEPHYRS. TAPES, BRAIDS. _ SHETLAND WOOL, COMBS, BRUSHES, • SPOOL COTTONS. PERFUMERY, '• BUTTONS. UNDERIHIRTS. (Of all Desoriptioinur) (Silk. Merino, AO.) Also, a Fall Assortment of DreasTrialrninga: ' BURNET', SEXTON. & SWEAIVNGEN. 106-1 m NO, 409 MAIRIPT.ISTERIT9..• •• NEW MANTILLA STORE. The moot eiktendid BILK MANTLES in the oils HOUGI-1 & CO.; EIS 8017 TR TENTH STREET. SILK M4NTTT.T A Si, .. In every new style, the rioheet qualities ever aeon, at the elegant New Store, 23 900TH TENTH STREET. HOUGH & CO. OANVIeS AND FRENCH LAWNS, um eents. 60 pieces open to-day, 1234 °aura. These arc all fast colors. ~ Dark French -Lawny. •• - .. Lawns of neat inylet '- • - It RT & CANDELL,_. • . ' (MIMI and ARCM E& LANDEILL are prepared to Azi suit Tourists situ— . Fashionable Travelling Dresses, • Fashionable Hammer grOirs. Fashionable Lawn Organdit v. &o.,&o. YRE & LANDELL WILL OPEN THIS moRNING— Black Lace Pointe' Black Lace HOUTIELOWS. B not Lwoo Mantles. I _RY.IS6..LANDELL_, NATRTH• and It , 4 , _ r•ormay - zue - somrue - ores. unneso or the present &s him Mozambique' 4 wide. . _ Mozambique" card wide. Mozambique' 2 yards wide. : • CABSIBIEBE3 AND BUMMER , :GOnDIEI for Men's sod BOP , ' wear. Light C.selmeres and Fnmmrr Httdre. lion's Wear arid Vestma A Fine Stook at Lowest Pries.. cuurnx.& cONAap. 1127 - risrnar NINTH and MA Rig?. OOENT.GRAY GOODS. • 15 cent Mirages. - • BM cant Fieured Bsrega Anxlais. 15.20. and 25 cent Finest Boraxes. Mack Bareges, Tamortines and Crepe. Maretz COOYEA. & COne.ILD, air 5. oor. NINTH sad mARKST. 'BANKRUPT IMPORTER'S 'STOOK A of Samples of Linen Cambric. Handkerchiefs. in hem-stitched. sheep coided, and embroidered. from 10 oenui to 63 cents each; a great bargain. purchased a sacrifice for cash, and 4p be sold in the same way onli. CHARLES AD 4616 & BON. JePI E 1611711 and Aft_PEtiltreetc SILK MANTLES ! GRAY DUSTERS ! ! P.." French Lace Mantlea and Points. Very low prices for Cash. Fine fresh stock of these roods in our LARGE NEW ROOM, SECOND FLOOR. N. B.—Mohair Mitts, Hoop Pkirta,and Handkerchiefs ehe.s.4^, cool.Kft & ;ON ARD 8. E. tor. NI and bIARXET. • WIRENOII LAOS POINTS, BOURNOUS, .o.". Aro MANTLES —A largo stook to be sol at leas than wholesale prices: We cannot be undersold in then goods. CNA SLAM ADAMS & SON. JO/ EIGRTE and ASCE Streets. SUMMER SI AWLS ' Silk Border Ore.. Barene Shawls. Strived Bilk Chalk Shawls.. White Barone and 0 , enadine. Light Paisley and Rteltas. Black lgit and Broohe. nitaßeLtBB B_BOTUBBB, len r iIiFPYYI'4III and BIIIHTH Street& • 31FlE QUITO NETTING, ill colors l ' Tarlem an. all colon. for coverin g gleamy.; Plaid and Swiss Muslin. at wholesale prices. CHARLES ADAMS et SON; HIGHTH and ARCH &vests. SMALL -PLAID BILKS. . Blue and Whit, French Since. Bhp.* and White French Silks. • • Brown end White French Silks. • Green and White French Bilks. Purple and White French Rai. AO dos. Mitre. at $l5O per:doz. 60 dos: White Silk Gloves. 26ct per pair. Many goods reduced very low, to 010/38 out, at JORN E. STOKES'. 70g ARCH Street. i lErielldleit 'GOODS. Ice Blankets-I/davit:it° Battings. Colored Tarlatans-o , w Mita. Bathing Goods—Blip Holland& Funiiturgi Chititztke.rStiade Holland/. Bathing owe s — alma era, h. BWABILEBB_BROTBERS. gIIBBSWEVIt and ELM= litteette. • STOOK OF DRESS G O ODS AT 1, - 7 PRICER AMORDING TO THE TIMEIL-4'OMIUR• Eames, Bilk Chaff .e, huff price ; Challie.Delaines re duced from ato 1 > o. ; Spans Chintzes reduced from 123‘ to 80. Special attention is requested to our stook of Organ.: dies and Jaormet Lawn.. which we are bound to close out at a low figure. gHARLKS ADAhIS & sot+, uieRTFI and ARCH Stream IfiIEENCH LACE VEILS.--- - A — clio - leo -- 10 - t Just ourobagoct from a bankrupt importer, and for sale at half price st CHARIZA ADAMS & SON. Je3o EIGHTH and A RC:11 Streets. HSTEEL & BON, • No. 713 North TENTH Street. abase Ceetee. Will 'blithe • BALANCE OF THEIR STOCK OF • . NEW AND DESIRABLE DRESS GOODS At still greater reductions in prices than they have ever before rued". and at • MUCH LOWER PRI CES than Ty RETAIL-WHOLESALE ROM% in the city. - muss and Foulard Silks. very °heap. Very ch eap and good Vise& Since. Frt." DM. Goods of every varlets. Ina J motet ant Organdie Levu. at 135(.. LACE MANTLES, POINTE.S, BOURNOU_ ,3 SILK AN_D CLOTH COATS AND MANTLES. jet GREATLY UNDER COST PRICES. SPECIAL NOTION I 1 OD and after this date IRORNLBY & will offer BVERY • POLO9IBLE INDUCEMEIIII TO • OANH FURCHASERB OF DRY GOODE Being_ determined to rodeo' their Brock they will Good Bargain, ! • Beantifni Pansy &lira for: . t m ntrl. worth 481.11 Heavy /droll Fancy Silks for I, well worth el. tirenadine and llerege . about one half their TRIM/. It4ed Goode, lu even variety. from 8 oenta per TO to SO *ems. tax% [SILOS. RICH AN A , LUSTROUS, VERY ORE k . l a z at & d aa Bilks ne' ntrta f , a ggi tit o Vett n &O. Livr, retnithns, latinels, Qmite„Povere, ho. WL fl OLOAK-ROOM ii.X.IIIBPPIOPI. Prenoh Laos Mantles, Pointer. Shawls. Engem. Icambna Laos Mantles. Ohantllls Lace 000 a, &S. Black Bilk Coats, Mantles ~lio everLitYls. 11. At TROHNLRI ft OHL851! Z.lisrasr R.lll/PFX 81%1810 e Pity lite. •••I. pIIRE PORT WINE. FOR BALE ZY 0. H. MATTSON. ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. CLABET WINE—In oasts and cases of the brands of Bt. Jithen, Dian . aux, Haat-Brion pontUso.. For etle by JA URNICH Ce,RBTAIR.B. No. 20:1 South RONT street. BMW PUBLICATIONS. " The amplest, rarest, and most interesting Mastro Starts tif the lower creation that have ever reached Eu rope."—Paonsasoa OIvEN {before the Royal Geotraphi, cal Society,) HARPER & BROTHERS. FRANKLIN SQUARE, NEW YORE PUBLISH THIS DAY DU OHAILLU'S EQUATORIAL AFRICA. Explorationa and Adventures in Equatorial Africa: with hem:trite of the Manners and Customs of the People, and of Gm Ohmura the Gorilla, the Croco dile, Leopard, Flephant•Mippopotamns, and Other Anima's. By PAIIL B. ne CRAILLII, COJTESPOIIding Member of the American .Ethnrdoitiosi decistv; of the Geographical and Btatis`loalBooiety of New York, and of the Boston Society of Natural History. With Numerous Illustrations. dro, Muslin (uniform with Livingstone, Barth. and Burton.), ea, • Aram McLendon Times. The extraordinary production of M. du Chadlu is novr in the hands of Gunman& of inquisitive readers. ghe reception already Recorded to she fortunate explorer fur the pruofs of hie prowese exhibited at tne Geographical tiootety, the summary of their restate whioh has reach ed the publie ear, and the rumors sae coutrovereiee inevitab , y attendant on any Jame aestivation. t b our knowledge of the mute's minium or of its living deal new,. have stimulated expectation In a sense which we hardly remember, to have welooa.ed the efforte of any' recent adVentUret.* k.VOII the MOWS Or the Oki WOrid . records, the opening of the tomb, of empires the re, calvary oten', from the Mva, of Pompeii or 'the ash heap!' of desns., excited " a ale interest than these new re a lf the natural world. because they are sub existingities. important to soience. and, ia a territOtOM OMNI, to the civilization yet to come. We must go back to the voyases of La Yerouse and Captain (loch. arid almost to the days of wonder which followed the track of Columbus i ,for novelties of equal signifi cance to tee age of then. discovery. M. du Chaffin nee struck into the very game of Arnett. and has linen the yodel the torrid zone from its western rivers, swamps, and forests. Be has found 'therein a variety of new tr pee of living creatures, and others whioa were only psniallr and =parrot:4ly known. He has- sojourned among tribes or races who feed on their kind, atd he has encountered the animal more formidable than any Yet beard °fon hionlnspirea FL terror instance whi c hra &Lions as yet mysterioucend ineredibte. and is, at a.t events, of paramount interest at this moment to the conjectures and hypotheses of our leading physiolo gists. tint the crovuung diseovery of the whole 113 the identifioation of the great feature of the continent which another traveller is alpi n e - have reached at an. other pomt—thatchain of moUntains which ap- Pears to travers t from east to wes arc wh which hoi oen the mereta ofits intelity rivera. on mast depend the determination of its future. Each exploits on the part of a. alight. wiry American gentleman of French extraction, whose modesty and evident trust :worminess have cemmended him to &hiked every one who hat met him in English Bowel:y.Bre a sufficient explanation of the eagerness to reed his narrative. and mere 'harems excuse for our own prompt attention to A DAY'S RIDE. A Life's Etanancie. By CHARLISs Lovas, Author of " Cheerio O'Malley," ` Gerald Fitzgerald," The Martine of Oro' Martin," " Maurice Tierney,'"" One of. Them," &a., fiyo, Paper, BO cents. . WILLSON'S F4TII READER Etglanditlly,llluistrated. 540 Dagtel large 13mo, $1 WILLSON'S READERS. A Series of Shoot and Fa- rally Headers : Designed to Mita the Art of Reading in the most Simple, !Ultra'. and Praotleal Way, embraoing in their Plan the whole range of Natural History and the Physical Sciences ; aiming at the highest degree of Usefulness, and Splendidly Dins trattni. Consisting of a Printer and Seven Readers. BY litaacive WILLSON. The Primer, and Fink, Se eped, Third, Fourth, and Path Readers now ready. Prise 16,20, 30, 60, 66 cents, and DJ. Tits Frrra HEADER contains. Part I. " Elooutiona ry." in woroh the higher prromples of Elocution are developed in a series of Conversations, with numerous examples. Part I 1.. '• Herpetology. or REP . /Mss' (the 1 had Division of Zoology )wi th drawings of 40 ape oirs. Part 111., " Human ' Physiolocy and Health." .00ntioned from the Fourth Header,withl3 Illustrations. Part IV., " Botany," oontinued from the Fourth Kea der, with d rawings of nearly' 200 species of Plants. grouped in iambi's, in accordance With the**Naturol Method." Part V.._ •• lohthvoloev. or Fianna" ( the Fourth Division of Zoology ), with drawings of 124 m oles. V 4 t " Civil architecture," appropriately. illus trated with th e different Orders, Ho fart "Cho rotstrY." Part VIII., Geology,' with. Geological Chart and Drawings• of Extinct Animals. Part IX., "Ancient History," with illustrative Poetical Lteleo ions. Ho. There are also Ten " Miscellaneous" Divisions. each Choice selections, in great part poetic's% have been gathered from more than two huridred d writers. to sive interest to and illustrate the scientific divisions. and thereby furnish a suitable variety for reading purposes. '" WE COMMEND THE INTRODUCTION OF THIS SERIES POF READERS INTO EVERY SCEDuL IN Tan LAND. AND AN AUTO-DE-FE OF ALL PREVIOUS ONES, WITH TOTAL DIS REGARD TO THEIR •COST."—Areto York Ttmool June 211. [Nome of Afen Readar.) I=l lEr'Wtll be eent LI Mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of pride. EW BOOK'S For sale by AMTJEL -HA Z D_, Jr., • • 124 CHYSTMUT Street BITORLE'S HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION IN ENGLAND, VOLUME TWO—from the second Lo ndon edition , to which fa added an alplustietical index. 02 50. OB3ERVATIONS ON MILITARY LAWS AND COUAT MARTIAL, hearing of evidence, &c., adapt ed to the Army and Navy of the United State., by William C. De Hart, captain of - Artillery, one volume. 412 00. THE CII.IBEB OF TEIE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR. A letter to the London TIMM by John to throw taira.....,i n th or of The Dutch Republic, tec.,paper /0 cents. Amour,Athe new book by Miohelet. -- Anthorot L trans:sled from the French. O n volume /2mo. 81 OD. i2l-31 BOOBS, LAW AND )41801CLLANSOUS, I and old. bought, sold. and exehanged, at the ELPHLA-SANK BOOK STOKE, No. 41S RIES UT Street. Libraries at a dista.noe purchased. hose haring Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, /JIM dates, edition", prices, and conditions. WArer B—Boats printed t' Benja min Pranklin, as well as early Books printed . in and o n =A . rirril 3 p t ie la. i npra c n e L ni tt i t y w at i l l it fo r r or a t s ral . ts e = Mines, in press, sentTr i ee. Libraries appraised fett-tr JOHN CAMPBELL. MILITARY GOODS. COTTON DUOK, • 8 UITA BLE •FOR TENTS, TO/1 11/.1.1 DT FROTHMG.I . IIAI4I & WILLS mris-1 tf ~Kh~~: ~1~■~ti~:11i:C NOTIOE.—The interest of ‘. JOHN B. GAILFLETT in the firm of C. &J..I3IDDLR & CO , images this first day of JULY, A. b. U 361, he having withorswn from too Arm by inutile' commit The Mud, ens will be cominned bL l remaining partnere, under the firm or N. C. k J. BIDDLt. EDWARDC. BIDDLE, JOHN BID_DLY. JORN.-B..OAAItETT. rpa - E 0 OPARTNICRSHIP HERETOFORE exiatirg between the subscribers, trading under the firm or Hogs h HEIMAN., is tuts day dissolved by mutual consent. • The de bta cue the said firm will be settled by DAVID Tiogri, at rio. 256 North THIRD Street. O DAVID PORN JOHn HEISLER It* Philada., 180 rttSSOLITTION.—The Copartnership car ried on by' tne undirsisned, under the stile of .1 KKR& & Co., at the CHINA HALL, eV Chestnut street. Is this day dissolved. by limitation. • Either of the late partners's autbonzed to settle the business of the bite boa. WNI. J. KKR.t. PRILAD ruts, July 1,1861, JOSEPH KERR. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partaershiip heretofore Witting Mit..iten. BA.MUEL C. raomPBON and SAM.I7IaL A JENKINS. unaer the firm of THOMPSON Zs JENKINS, is this day, dissolved by mutual oonsent. The business of the late firm:null be settled mud' wound up by Samuel S. Thompson, at the store, No. 604 MAR KEW' ntreist. BAMUI L 8. THOM PeON SAMUEL H. MAXI NS. • Ybileds.. June 7th, 11361. j,24.1 tr gang COPARTNERSHIP heretofore ex -11- bating between the undersigned and Charles H. Btone. under the firm name of Rhin 811.0N14 80Ntl, hais bees dissolved by the death of the said Charles H. fitkne. The undersigned will continue the business, at the old Mend. under the game firm name. • JAMBE N. 81 . 0N8 , Hiss( Dd 11 IBS LIF TI WC copartnershlp heretoforeAlligti eau the undersigned. under the firm 8' IN ER CO., is thus day °ie.:ova& by mateal .r isonash The busmen will be sm iled at the old stand. No. 9 NY f 10.19 BERAW- B !MAY Streets, Philad a. J. RIAO. 01 61 NE R. HENRY V F LL W ER. iMITH. hiLsda., July 1,1861. VOPARTNERIDIII) 119111113 D.—The un de,si sued have this day entered into oopartnership. under the firm of WOLGAMUTTI & RALEIGH. Being amoonsors to the late firm of J. B. STEINER & Co., we will continue the • business in the same branches as heretofore, at the came place, No. 9 BANK street and I u aTRAWEBRKY Btreet MRURaIICERWEOGHMUTH. Philada., July 1.1861. jrl.ltri DISSOLUTION. -'t he Copartnership heretofore existins tetween the undersigned, utter Ma aide of CHE3NUT, i rEEL. & rO , is this dity_dissolynd. by the withdrawal of tOWARA) T. eiTEEL. The business will be continued by JAO. M. Lai iter4UT and Y tyvER KOFILLIAB, under the style of , Catairtl trr IColll,Hers. Either partner is authorised to nettle the brininess of the late firm. J .4 1 4 re. giSICUT, SD WARD T. STEW., PETE& KOILL,MAR. 111 Et COAL/ COAL! JOLT itSl. ORDXRIS REOEiVED YOR LEMON AND SCHUYLKILL COAL, EDWARD N. lIALLOWELL, 133 WALNUT NTRANT. J e33-wfm•at SRINEL—A. small invoice of Hides, Sheep, at t _e s i k inAirat v ratral l ivrrtsi BMW. ',ROM , GO.. • • PO tALIVJEOIG.,.trPure; Olive Oil in white bokia..jav watered ri bark Jutiet. For • •—• KUItETC oyorifyentii. ••• No. SIOV South FRUIrI street. AMUSEMENTS. GK.../ND 0111(3N FIREWORKS, corner OF JU ritLAY NIGRCH and HT. TW ENTY - FilieT Ste, FOURTH ACOOMMOdatIO7III rOf 20,000 pe op l e gunortntended by Professor JACKSON - , BECK'S BAND in attendance. TAM TARLEAUX OF F , RF, Iteleding Yankee Poodle Routing the Rebels, and the-Pine Temple , in which the figure of Washington toes farewell of the Army, amid ammo efaye T anitiriAd. Tickets .' 4 15 Cents, For sale at all principal Book stores aga Hotels. Coalman', at sunset. 1,3-2tl UTALNIIT-STREET THICATRE. V FOURTH AND LAST WEER. TO NIGHT and RY NIGHT / hie Week, HOOLEY AND CdIIfPBELL'S MINSTRELS. With toe CORM Trio, BIRCH, BROVelat. and COTTON. The nnexsehed Quartette, CAMPBI LL 6.11.471 N. REEVES and mELva,r. Together with Messrs. HOWARD, atiAIi.LES, SlM MOrdtt, &o. Hew Bones, Choru.see, Demme, Plantation Scones, Bur lesque-Opera. Coln. dy. '.l.ragedy. and Farce. To conclude with Tws m A.cQUER B. LL. Thursday, THE GLORIOUS FOURTH OF JULY. Two Grand Performances _ AFTERNOON `AND EVENING. For partioulara see bills. jyl dt • A SSEMBLY BITILDMGS. _ FOURTH OF JULY WEEK.' SOUTHERN Kb...HELLION and lt USNIAN WAR ! Both Exhibit - 10mila 9 , 011 entertainment. every even ins this week. Three Grand Exhibitions FOURTH. OF JULY. Morning_. at 11; .6 fternoon. ; Kvenibir 8. 30 NEW Vl6Wif 08" THE 'REBELLION. Admission 29 cents; Ohildren 15 cents. jyl St INSTITUTION FOE Taig BLIND -Ex bibttiona every WE IPIRSDAY 'AeITERNOON, Selected Neves vocal tied Instrumental. Admission, TEN CENTS. Commenoing,at half vast Soy shack-. Brous, 11 South EIGHTH street pEONIISYLVANIA ACADEMY OF THE A PIN 14 .A. 11 2 .8. 1025 an: r.RTNTIT Qtreet, is open doily. Sunday/ excepted, from p e, 51. till 6 P.'sl. ndmicalon .jetata Chilornn under twelve yearn, half price. Sharer of Btocir, 830. EXCURSIONS ,RMNMNIti FOR THE SEA-SHORE. FOURTII OF JULY ATLANTIC CITY. EXCURSION TICKETS. From Philadelphia to Atlantic and hack 81.20 From Philadelphia to Hammonton and bank_._. , 100 From Philadelphia to Egg Harbor and . 1.00 GOOD FOR ONE BAY ONLY.. . Trains leave YINE-ETREET FERRY at LSO A. M. ija 2t J. 1 ,10. G. BRYANT. Aunt. POlfitTri OF JULY - 117 R RION —F..4 L.LII OF ol'_!-`,,to SCHUYLKILL Arra smucKo , —By Ridp; a and Passenger Railway Inn. to these delightful and romantio spots. passing near Odd Fellows'. Glenwood, Mount Vernon. end Laurel Rill Cemeteries. the Gi rard College Passenger Railway oars run every four minutes from RECO.D Ridge RCH Streets. via Arch street.•Nintta greet, and avenue. lite Wiese hickon is admirably adapted for pio.nics. jy2 3t* AV U 1) ;ALT DELAWARE—The awlirac medieua *Tape May steamer GEORGE WARRINGTON, Captain W. 4 CY ' lli , 11 le aire Arch-street wharf at 2 o'clock, aad Magargee's wharf, Kensington. at 2,34' o'irl 'eh, on the afternoon of THURSDAY, the 4 h day of July. Proceeding sown the river and bay, will make an excurwou around, this etdrevid Fort, now in full garrison.. Returning ovili reach the oily at as early hen rin the evening'. Fare for the excursion, 60 cents. asagag DOWN RIVER.—REGULAR. LINE AND DAILY EXCURSIONS:— Steamer OutIANSEY leaves fi rst pier below ARCH Street, daily, at 73f, o'olook, for Cheater, Fennagroue. New Castle. Delaware City, Fort Delaware, and Sa lem. Returning, leaves Salem at 13fi. FORT st 2 o'oloek. .excursion 'llekohl good from Sd to sth 50 ate. FOURTH OF JULY EXCIMAION. by MAJOR REYBOLD, from ARCH. Street wharf.' at S o'oicalr A. M. Returning. leave Salem at 4, and Fort at 43G P. M. Fare for the Exouresoci. d 0 ciente. jy2 St • WIC6T CHESTER AND ViA MEDIA. pIILADELPIIIA RAILROAD- FOURTH OF JULY EXCURgIONS. Excursion tiokets to Wean Cheettr ono retorn.hood frnra July ad to sth , isclasive will bo aced at the ticket Wiles. N. E. corner EIGHTEENTH and MARKET Streets. Pare for the round trio. one dollar. jyr it HENRY WOOD. Sege et. Milt,l4llPIN, FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSIONS TO war wAsairi..oN. EASTON. BSTEILLES.6I- ALLEN OWN. MAUCH CHUNK. and the LER. GIL COAL REGION. The KORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANY...At issue EXCURSION TICKETS to the above s taUnD FROM let JULY TO 6th JULY, INCLURIVE. From its offices, at WILLOW street and BEAKS Street. FARE NOR Tirg ROUND TRIP, ' To Ene-on—.._._e2 50125 To Bethlehem. 2 601 To Mau At. 3 123 Theta excursione .i'l affor an opportunity ofenend- Mg the " POuRTR" amid the reabt. of Military Camp Life, or of enjoying the rom'lntio heantv of the scenery along the Lehigh, end Inhabng the :n vi gouging breezes among the mount Ina around Mauch ohnnk. Not zeareitv Tickets Bold on thepoara. TRALNY LnAVF: WILLOW BTREET. At 6.40 A. M., 245 P. M. and 6.15 P. 6L Paul Ber'.B Street twentYminates later. ELL - T 8 CLARK. je7S-6t As eat R. P. R. R. Co. WIRSPHILADELPHIA AND RRALIING RAILROAD CO., Offiee,m27 Bola FOURTH Street. JUEII3 28.7861. ExcußsloN 71CASETS Will be tamed between all votive, at RFDUOED FARES. goad foe all tr00p..., from Saturday, Jute 49. to Monday, July_B 7851. JEClUaive. je21.6.. W ituo 4y, Peary, SEA FOR THE BEA-SHORE --CAMDEN AND ATLA NTIC RAIL ROAD —On and after MOND 4Y. June 17th, trains will leave VINE-STREET FE RRY, as follnwe: Mail train _ —7 30 A. NI. Eznreee train.—...... —4.00 P. M 3.ooommodation . PO P. M . RETURNING, LEAVES * ATLANTIC: ——4 45 F. M. Express— —6 15 A. M. Aocommodation— 3.18 A. M. Fare to Atlantic., SLIM: Round Trip tickets, good for three days, $2 60. Freight mist no delivered at COOPER'S POINT by 3 P. Id. The Company vii not be reepcinsible for any goods until renewed and reeetpted for by their_Akgent, at the Point. JOHN G. BRYANT, A vont. WAN VS. - EMPLOYEF.S. WANTING YOUNG I Committee ,' " are invites] t omedreee the" EtAloT men t at the Roof the YoLom e a . ; Christian Association. 1009 and 1011 CA.M.: Street. an3-Sin FOR SALE AND TO LET. Ai FOR SALE OR TO LRT—lhe old mat eistablinbed Business Ftand, known as CHINA /CALA., opposite the Nt.te Comas; has been .mnstdered one of the best business strnds in the city for the /eat 30 years. tt is intuited in the test part of Chestnut 'treat and suitable for both wholesale and retail. Terms easy. Apply on the rot entities, to jy2-3t • J. KRAR. iWANTED TO RENT—A Moderate sized HOUSE. Ina good looentr. Rea; not to ex ceed e3OO per annum Brat of references given. Ad dress '• Tenant." office of The Press. jeZI fit- TO LET —At low rent, a pleasant country seat, with three Bores of hind, well shaded. and a variety of fruit, corner of Green Lane and York Road, Branchtown. trx m.les from Market street by 1111/TOl4, and eight minims walk from Green Lane Citation of North Pennsylvania Railroad Inquire of Mr. MEDARY. 0000atte,_or of Dr. DE .Fth NNW,. VILLE. 118 South REY r.PITH LltrPet. J. 6:1P" al TO RENT LOW—Furnished or tut.. WA.furnished, for CIS months, OT longer. if desired, a large and convenient 9101/d h, No 1735 Arch street. And, to A. P. and. S. H. BIORRIs, 9t 6 A Rol& Street. Jo 19 tf CHESTNIIT-STREET HOUSE and M STORE to rent,—The desirable tinniness location, MgICHRSTNAJT Street, with dwellin g attach I d . Ani2l7 et 431 CIinnTNUT t4Weet. Mar GEItbiANTOWN PEOPBILTY TO JIM RENT,—To Rent. • the large and commodious, modern built Rouee, corner of ARMAT street end WILLOW Avenue. with gas, bath, hot and cold water, pr an ell She modern Improvements. Apply to BENlity a. TA RR, 710 GREEN Street , Phi'Mclnnis, or on the emises. apt- TO tiNNT—A very desirable lirrO4ll3, on the Ninth-street front of " The Cknitinental HoteL" The store et Ninth and Samoa streets espir stair adapted for Salmis and Hannstis MakeßlCr. Apply to JOILN E, W-tt Sonthyreet NINTH and slANSolti streets. OR EXOHANGE.-A MHOS TRACT of good unimproved farm lar_d ih the State of New Jersey, eonvenient to the eity, mill be emehanyed for eltaro?erty. Apply at No. 118 , FEDBRA.L Strait. INSURANCE COMPANIES. VAMB INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 4 03.CHESTNET an • FIRE AND INLAND lIIISWILANO MMI S. xs esorge W. Day— D 7OFIZ &.• Matlack. E lamnel.Wright- " Wright Bros & C. . B. Sumer title & sin t er, enu Lewis. Jr.--. " swig Bros rs• Co. C. Rlehartlson.--." J. C. Rowe Js Samuel T. Sodine...—Preet Wyoming Canal . somes Jno. W. Everman----or J. W. Eyerman & Cs. goo A. West— " West & Fob... 1. S. &wage, Martin, gs 0. Wilson .Davm—..Attorney-m•-law. M. D. Woodraff--...0f Sibley, Molten, & Woolnal Jae. Xessler, Jr— —Vo. 1713 Oreen street. filf.O . Rek. W. DA,Y,President. FRANCIS_ N. 81/Og. Vioe President. • wrhLudaa I. BL.ANcliAßC.Reeretarr. lart-Iftf - ars, au. WS; SAVING I IIND-11141110 13TATIS TRIMS 00151PANV. earner TRIED and CREW NUT Iltreeti. LHEBRESE FIVE PE C R RAWENT. 5. R. CFORD, Protldonl. IMEB R. HUNTER, 4.:43Tepsry a nd Treasures'. cm hours, from 10 inapt 0 °look. is Comp.x. tr not Joined in lan avvlleatfott M tlik• LorislAtnro. tel BArras. LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. 21 South SEVENTH Street, near tie romklin Institute. The undersigned, Hurd for peat favors, end being determined to men tyre patronage . has „ 0. core d „ elegant and cone ent more, and has now on hand a large assortment oLtlhe's Celetirstel. riroules ,! Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar ?roof 58. "Liz e tr_ strtetly fire and burglar proof safes made./ Al s o. Ile's Hanna) led Bank Vault, Safe. and Bank in. Lillie's Bank Vault Doors and Loots will be furnished to order on short notice. This is the strongest. . ben protected, and Cheapest Door .stid a lPqk Yet-Ontrtil Also. Dartiouhty attention is o _ued_t h o 'Am: is coq Cabiliet Safe for Plate. Jewelry. &a. T le Bei a oo d ou t o "annual in soledCl aleviip:us anything yak T iered for this purpose. pl 2 the Only one =At SUIG LLT tits and bilrew Pro p !. parr dr t s li tsp u ri rri O ng TlC i tt a Ti co. 7:e gar no e w ,ii on m h oit and or ts t r le tir m e n n e tz r a iy l and s ome tort, of other makers , comprising a n ew . 1; assortment as to Mies. and all lately ei. "mP aned — for the now Celebrated Lillie Safe, They will r . at ics” . c. ° l4 ll Dll . llL x . am Ai l e:t. • be sold at wiry low prloes. tam-lirtf . . hia st FOR NNW TORR. NSW DAILY LI/113, via Dsi.sw4l4 LhE 'twit= Canal. Philaselplaiaandllew York Mamas Regiamboet CIF.- : 711 receive trensht on and after ONDAY. Mt t, and leave daily at Pi P. Pd., dell•Ortlag th eir ear goes New York the folio:mug days. Freights taken et rem -,". W2d ll . l" P bl , B drk i t ttri4 Ile. 14 ROUTH Wm AIL . P Incelllidel. ~. JAMMS .141 1 !Kent, ~ Pier, 14 and lii EANR X. Near York. lelli-iftf mgraFOß . NEW YORK. - THI Philadelphia Steam Propeller 0012 1PKIY riocumunenoe their bonnet for the Belson on mon y LILA, eir Steamers are now reoerrinz freicht at Se plan above Walnut street. Tema s oopimpaistuu. l. , w_ . M. BALK', k 044 llootb 1111• 1 1avrario .11..5• • HAVANA OlQAltts. —A I,ooo,oooohoiOs assortment, oompriainC SOtlle of the most celebrated brands in env Bayous Mar ket. snob ea Vicorn. Cabanas. Varese Y.eptutOlo. rseP tstno Block Sao. Punchinello. &0.. &o. Also, Flo .ant;f3ayolo Cigarettes. For sale how for coats, at old tor pnoBl. bY the IM*Ort4r. CB.6RIAtiEI TNT . Ste. 130 AvALri UT Street. my22-w-t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers