The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 01, 1861, Image 1
THE PRESS, ogIIED DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) BY JOHN W. FORNEY, OFFICE No. 417 CHESTNUT STRUT. DAILY PRESS, °1"" Vla WZIK, Parable to the Carrier. 00 ,5 to Subsoribers out of the My at Six Dou,aste w 0,,, Pont DOLLANI lOU Einll7 eIoNTITIO, )1 , 1 DOLLAR'. roe 9Ez MONTUS-InVarieblr M ad 00 , for the time ordered. Tat-WEEKLY PRE , itiw to so kanbeng out of the City at Tuns" DIA 0. PSI ANNUM. in advance. SUMMER RENORTS. HOUSE, T end or 111ellelACEIllt3 RTTS Avenue,_ ATLArITPI 1. WM ix looted immedix•relLan the Beech, and nociontmndatinu [or Viettore , gro; narrate, W LL,LZ fri. 'Mkt I rt.llols4lit, Proprietor. I ttt - trd _ kvEkBATI:II.I%, ISAILItisa, AND ElbH. ON' ~,,,e r LAN'Tic ROUSE, WATCH WILL, Near Ptorminton, Conn. T h i celebrated irsusrloa-plaos hotel, whege the , 1 0 , ~e -hine ethos, Ftobteg. and tee the beet quality of ee% lon , are superior to o„",;ticr ten Latted State', wilt be °pitied On the A( lune MI, et U. S. Eft'KerCt. ft, PrOvirietar. Ingo 1 ni .RIG GS HOUSE OHIOAOO, The undersigned respectfully alumnae to their ietde getroro, and the travelling publlo Renerally. „M a rini to the !stringency of the tines, the have „ mo d the price of board to TWO DOLLANA per ilitatfol for the patronage so liberally beatoweld , t eem, the/ reepectfullf oak ter a continuance of Ihe sroe, meurinc their nations th‘t the " that v iu conduoteu on thlll mime I bent Olen that hag hiretufore chartioterised their establishment. WM. F. TUCKER & Co. jelf.lm K.ITTATI HOUSE, DELAWARE WATER OAP. Tim Waste plane IN now; open., presenting Increased sum tams for the eessOn, I,sre Kensington ttepot at 7 o'olook A. M., and ar t'” sRUM n o —Fr o'cloic Peale. Morton hi °Michael. !ants A. tiodey. Samuel 0, linos', sad Maxie' B.eser. w BROIllt. AD, ist. it AbtiAiniltia," .1.10 HUY, N, A eIihNDID NEW viouvE, v, corner of Atlantic and Messiteimsetta Avenaeat Now ovn for the reception of Boailleis _ Th. RoOMB &ad Table of HZ ALHAMBRA" are oynomsed basallou on l oh eCseam. and Refreshment Ba aan to the House, Telma Iviodemte. O. DUBOLI At, B. S. YOU'O, 2114 Prowletora. 114.)USEli. SUIPLZY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, 110 ORESTNOT VI" COMMISSION KEROKANTS, FOR 111 LB RALE OP PHILADELPRIA-MADE GOODS. MILLINERY GOODS. _ _ WROLEIALE STOOI.. AT RETAIL. THOS. lc 141NNEDY & BRO. Tim OOESVNUT street, below Are offering their Stook of FRENCH FLOWERS. AND STRAW GOODS. AT RETAIL. CREW? FOR CASH. OSOCERIZS. 1 oI4PATT , TEI pion:HNC{ IN TUE 13131.11L1M we are premmed, ea heretofore, to supply families M ttitr 0011.2417 lesulemes with every desorlPelort of 111411 1111.00 EXITS, TEA!. ,to., O. ALBERT O. ROBERTS 1107313111 NILIMEITIL AND 111101 EXCELSIOR HAMS. J. H. MIOHENER & I.IMOVINION "PALER& asn OVIIIZO or wra ISZKERIAIIIII "EXCELSIOR" 11111101-01114E0 RAM& PM AXD 144 1101.71 7101/1` titotwoon Arok and boo argent. , - 11412aDlil , P1111 , Itbalnitly-oelonnsted Exoeboot Rams are omit by 1. a. to. a. Co. (in a style *tanner to themselves), ox &forfoottlY ; are of dobottaut flavor, free from mph:aeon% taste of salt, and ars - nrononnoed bi Was Istpemar to %UV now ftflikrAd for Woo. strin•lrn LOOKING (LASSES. ' LOOKIICG-OLASSEg. Now daily exhibiting ant owl:Meting new and de sist styles of LOOKING—GLABBES, Ganibiniise all the latest improvements and facilities i stannfaature. Great novelties in Walnut and - Gold, and .Gosearaod end likokl tempos for MIRGGIta. P tiernieet 'extensive and, varitd assortment in lob ` ma DT. ' JAMES -ar-E - .A:RT., - E - & - gON; BAILLIIB I GALLERIBB, mitt' tr BlB cutter:4in sTnE gT. BANKING. AUGUST BELMORT ez 00., BANKERS. 60 WALL BTBEET NEW YORK, Imes Lettere of ore& to travellers, available la all Wig of Etl7ooo, through the Keens. Rothsehtld of Pa rig, Leedou g Frantro#,Ntelgle. VleMllg s g and Milli' OCT - Mrsondersti, feltig-era* PINIE WATCH REPAIRINC. PERSONS. HAVING - IrINE WATOHEB ,-..- twig •nete v itithette given Ato seafeation - to. the :NM erie le tad to bons them to onr isto oiL letiere ta de ire (a elm be remedied be thoroughir Mlle and ; 134 mine fitmen t isini,the l e t4oh enixvented to slue 10 k 4r6 mite ion, •'-- • - - ' • - - - - • et Val - Molest' Boxes,'&o., careens sont m W "* . ° "4. `_ • ' aid. k:Bitonalt. , - mt Urtere orWatoiali Kemal oxes: Medlar, lee.t 3114 ciamelrttlil Street. bedew Fourth. CABINET FURNITURE. InABINET 1.14311/ 'FABIAN. . MOORE ,C3AMPION. No. set SOT= 63300f4D STREWN. k*sonaeedes their. exten,lrs Cabinet Baataiwo. &711 pew Mirimarsgiote of OW ° r v etiFta l i t iVahr e o d U v a l gOlt. tuoa are pro .br a who hate used thee, to beetpertor to others. lot the ty eAd e ptith tame Tsbloo an ion ro t raiWir e h r o %M.L.dir m in li t=aotot t li g th c Olr wort. BUSINESS'S QUIDS. DB. WILLIAM ALIMANDER, NO. 340 B. POURTA Etwit Moors Piz*. °Moe boars Iton cedlook• A. M. MO r. J OHN - T WELSH, PRACTICAL SLATE ROOFER THIRD Btroot And GERMANTOWN eadnrillinNitd to put on anLomount of Roofing. on moo building pet moderato Orals. Will guaranty .to make 4 , 0,7 irfnotty water-dab Organ progontly .ttgao4l•4l to va.7- JOB.N ifiLLIOTT, WINIC and 1,141301 iii, Nos. 311 and . 819 WALNUT Street. ( and g~grth, Do ebestrnen! Vrish' be rrNl i l OW WDlstte +el~ I lath ell na.) paaly pAWSON &"144.WilUbirfOrl, BOOKBINIVERAI L x... 119 and Sill MINOR WM, Beiirtile yet anAlilr i rrit stresta. MI PALA , JAL B. ALOIOIIIOIII tt 4 btuffurscrroxy, .1i NEW STNI.E.E7. • UV ovary aosarrimor tu agit Piles mid t . v .. . 4 i, 0,9,- isCisr . made ' ILE ..esd REAM.. W Ht.. Mom, SA illtemtpreei ).. NimIllSOT mussel% im.mititur lei= la a s. ). B. B MITA. LEGAL. "‘t.l r TER COURT or 0 pHILA nu rpt THE CITY AND COUXTY or itdDittl si i . 0. MAR° it ye. JOlll4 A. 11END... '"(P. la Equity.. J nos Tem,lB6l . The And tini iitiacneted to such settle, end adjust the ati•otiet of DAVIT) 0 Gl'oo •EN. reorivor. sod to Jo- Port Otatrt button of the b 4111004 in h.s bends, 'will awe,. Its partial interested et Vs °Moe, ho. Scioto 1 11 X fit &Toot, oa MOB CA Jut. 8. 1.881. et 11 &cloak OAS , ' ur, lets frow-et• Auditor. LIETTICRS TESTAIdXNTIJIX TO THE EST&TR ef JOHN H. WHEELER. demised. ." 8 moor. Third and Lombard streets. hatrint been lOali'd to the undersigned. all persons indebted to said is to are ttqueotoo to t ooke l oornent, and all worsen, 441114 alining are feanesiod to preeeot them to CHA Lk A FE 1111rti, .I_o7 WA LN ter Street. JOHII COMM. 3/3 Ut4.10/1 !Street. Nva ' y. WUNELLR. who continues tbs Gm an Tea Sualaeaeorentbereat earner e1 . ..11410.D and 1 4 0 aBARO r ueap. to dui, authorised to repairs. payment or sabot due said Estate, and aooonnts against It Fe leftleith tittn. Jane y be OW Jell•enthilt NFries 1t3.115111,81 WITIPY, the follotenk Cart fkoe,Le of Burplas of ih.*PhliV. Ventst Nampa Life inanrules' Company timr , itg been or mm ad. so nirp.,witoa has bo.a made to the C o r plliiELY fur the teem, of a. now oenitooto No. W. W. Wm. Ailicm.S. 430. J.w VOL. 4.-NO. 28 5. SUMMER RESORTS. CONGRESS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY. N. will be scnotons T-Touse. situaled Atlantio Qtr. will be opened on the SOO June. 'with evetT at O‘"nMea.ll°'' for visitors. The Rouse fronts the beach lee Wt. wring apiend , d view of the - croup: and le near- the risking and Sadist . point. .120 limns indt be geared to secure the emmfort and convenience or scoots. J 24 teal TH.G*Ag G. UARRIcTT. ILIGEIT HOUNIE COTTAGE, ATI, NTTI) R-4 CITY. tee nearest Ranee to the safest part of the beach, in now open for *1 Season. TeIaINIS M* TIPR. NO LIQUORS SOLD ON pßfrAimvs, JORN WOOTTON, Preepetor. Iat.IDE ilu ATLANTIC WAY, N... 7 N. J. EV DAVID NOATTERGOOD, A NEW PRIvATE DOAR ING-110UR. boauti folly Wasted at Ott toot of PeitallylVaMa Avenue Now opea for elicitors for the treason. Je2B 4m SE A BATaING.--‘t The Clarendon, " I formerly Ittritluis Roue,) VI ROI R AVNIK. ATL ANTIC 01 rY, many ope for the sesommodation boatdent. his Rouse is situated immediate the Beaoh, and flora every room de s. "us 'near of the sea. I •0913m] JAMES J hel KINS, &I. D. TAM! lANY HOUSE, NURI H LINA AVENUE, Near the Depot, .A I'LaNne CITY. • , The eubmoriber takes ;denature in informing him former patrons and the pub is that he ha. reopened the abo.• Howe, weve he will he happy to please all who may favor him with a mill. - ieitt Sta ELIAS CLEAVPR, Proprietor- QUMMER. BO A.RDI N ATLANTIC CITY, N J., ASH t. INDIO HOUSE, Corner of Penneylvants Avenue and the Reamed, Atiando Avenue, . • 12 NOW OPEN For the reception of permanent or transient boNriers. hat tut JOlll B. 8 'PDX KB. WAgg;Nh44'ri -I,l;billuoUSE,, ATLANTIC h s the finest.n‘thies Ground on tt:elfblibte and tense', 5860. Batetos resees P.oluded for w.eldy hoarders only. Board Der da, $ l 5O r.antin meals 54 ) 1158,11t-_, JURA RI-attn. HAM. ENTUCKY HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, If J. Tole ornifortable and convenient new house bosomed On Itentunty avenue opposiie the rinrillouse, has bean fitted up for visitors this FOAV`R P. QUIGLEY, Proprisiors. N. B.—Horses and Carriage. to Hire. Jey4-2m CENTRAL HOUSIC,, • ATLANTIC CITY, X. J., L AWLOR. Proprietor. The above new house is open for Boarders. Rooms equal to any on t e beaoli, well ventilated. high oeti mge in. dervanta attentive and polite. Approximam to the Bathing grounds , less-tut PRANKLIN HOUSE, ATLAtiTIO OLT it,' N. J. ' • BY MARY This Boost fronts the surf. and possesses the arrest liathins G ovoids on the beach Heading SBA per week; 81.50 per day. Finite meal AO °ants. • 13athins Dresses included for weekly boulders only. ;eat - (IOANSTiTUTIONAL ATLANTIO CITY, N. .T., 01=i tir kw" 1, ) of:h Old Globs.) Proprietor. The ehoteest brandso.. /Atmore and (Agars to 1* found on the island. . 1,24 (91413111131 A, DUSE, Atlantic City a.." „N. J. Dfrore, RD DO'h.E.PrOtrrieter; Thla Honrela lit the immediate , vicinity of the Surf Rouge, at d wlthie hall a /QUM'S of the best Bathing Grounds on the beach. The proprietor will use every ed'ort to usAke his guests ooaifortable. Terms reevou - able: irSt 110 TIM, Maul., opposite the United States Hotel.) ATLANTIC C.TY. N. J. , • SAMUEL ADAMS. Propnetor. 1hn"r.—.. 7 .-- tiiii 1 75ae : i 3: 4;;10 . h1ie . ...... * 147 c 412 - ti. ligirßvaraere accommodated on the moat reeinnebla terms, Jm QE A-VAT/116.'6.—N 6.Tt INAL L L. CAPE 'ELAND. gap% Mem IC .I.—The ornpriethr of the above-named loosted establ•shment would resproifully inform the thousands 9. Guts a that hove heretorore wonted hts house that in order to meet rho prtesure of the times he has. for •he Pretreat season* ILE LICeD OUR ItGLK for 0 wrde s r T DOitt..Aß4 PER WWEK- Children none- IS 'rears , T age and servantshalf vice. t.tmenor a-oomairgiations, at ample room for ZO persona. ta to J. Van rand 243 itchstreet, Philadelphia., jai sat Anitori atirtE rko Provrsetor. - iiiEA-BATill • G.—The UNIDO') ter fi.TBS BOTEta ,ATLANTIO. - N' .1.. is now seen for visitors. Thiel is the largest and i-eabfurnishod Hotel +la The Island. and being convenient to the hearth .end surrounded hi extensive and well abided grounds: is a demireLtote Boum- for f•miliro It is lighted, gel arid Well supplied with purn,wninr. Gerrnbuta Society will famish the music f.r the semen. 'The care atop at the door of the Hotel for the e nvenienoe of guests. InitSfitiAa jeto-tf. QUIN HOUSE, ATLANT[O Orr!, NEW sPaszir, R. ThiHOTb. with He first-ease aonommooations for over 400 guests. will be opened Op the lith ---- 81tua Led yam, o - timer 066131. St point the bat tng .rs the beet and safest on the closet and. remarkable for an uqueuall7 dm nod health- atmos phere, the tilarrP tiOtralt will be found one of the 'Molt attraattve plums a'ttia- , e-art near Philadelphia. rho table will to moat liberally suppbodi The honey is lighted with gas and plentifully supplied with good A fine baud of mania and the services of several feet-sea Itg 'Vacate have been engaged, and on the Pre are ttilliard Tab'es Bowing Allem, and a entd Meat nee. for of Both Rouses. The Forking. tiannlng. and galling at Atlantio cis l _amines be sarpnesed Ali trains mop at the BUSY BD WM. to tand sad take av ir V or " arny lll t a n t larmaiton, apply at ASIULAND 11.01:Prrt. A& 'EI Street. Ptubutelphiei, or address the Subscriber at the itarf fiewee. etc set , B. 8. fikNIION. Proprietor. H OWLAND'6 HOTEL.— The sabeit l ieflggr i era ge l l i i i olf i tt, AliClL on mums/ , " "111°R15 inslll•lrn EL HOWLAND, Proprietor. CONGRESS HALL, CAPE' MAYCA.PE lAL4„ND, R. S. This wall known first elm Atotel win be opened for the ref:emboli of eneste on -lift: RIM •Y, Jane SO. , WBBT & TH.ORPFION, jewev _ , Proprietors. COLUMBIA,.Gape talattd. N. J. This celebrated house will be opened for the re otiop of guest. on June 26.1851. , the situation of the house is one of the molt beauti ful on the Ulundi commanding an unobetrnotod view of the oaeau, Ati. baud of mush" has-been engaged asahmivehr for We house fort e season. A large number of bath houses are oonneoted with the establiihment. Good stabiing for horses attached to the prenu es. it , polieatione for rooms or other partioniere will meet 11th prompt attention he . addressing the au t eet it i eg., JAE. IL LAIRD Proprietor. cape island. N. J. TO NTiNE HOTEL, NEW HAIFEN, 001416RCTICIIT.—T4e Subscriber refuntlahed firm-e'eae Hotel , entare Wet Spring. re modeled the old Dining Room, added ati new Ordinary. and put in complete order , him Millard 4 d Rath Rooms. realities 0414 41Y° rAitroa ot - Roo.= at either Bongs gains , id; al ear urst-gpasi 130418_1a 013 Country. Boarders nen so to end from the TONTI rat; to the 13.14 e D, th , re Sines It der, by real, and take their male at either Snow, without extra charge. Raving poronesed and stoosed a large Flinn at eannenes Head this sprin the two hopes will be fisnsiehed_wat, Meade. radlu g, 7, thatar. Veserab4s. and Fnut, dull; from •be Ps.rm. A Wartime Line has Wen put up: Sachem's Head and at the Tontine ag i o Prayrsetnes' owe expense, whioh °mtant' with alLtha linen; In the United Staten. - 71.• LAM 86&AUSTDPI. - - QAOIECEDI'S HEAD HOTEL, GUILFORD, CON , ,—.The proprietor. of this well-known. fini aptau,GuthtnnablephlMMOß ROL tite. worild inform its former patrons. and the public generally, that he bruit on three hundred 'set last sprint. making seventy tour new,. bed rooms. new din..rig room• forty by one' hun dred. new parlor, forty by se •enty. ' heart room in me house is newly turnismeo, with new carpets and new cott.ige furniture. The Hotel is of modern ocinarnac bog. built on an extens i ve scale, with ommodations for four hundred giomts ; beaubfally located no island Round. fourteen miles east of New Raysn, on the brew London and tßonington Railroad; new bit hard -room, con v enien t new ttbles ;tw the ba n.. ,te-pin alleys, at a. distance from and twelve new bathing 'houses. Fishing is nut ear sued on:Tthis, Sound. A, new yacht ot forty-five tons, and several small arill-boats, will be cormututir on 'hand, ready rorparties. ~.• Going from New York to Sachem's Read. take the 3A. Vain and 3P. RI. train; cheek and ticket . Sachem's Read direct, changing ears at New Raven; time through 3if, limits. Prom New Raven to the Read theß a. Yd., Id.".and will .me 40 nanurcee." „At asehees Read - depot be found one of Cook's best four - torsoOmnibusee, new and clean, to °airy you direct to the house. A new Barn , one hundred by fifty-two feet; was built lard spring, vitiate will aroommodats tat, horses: teen-a Ores Of lay have been enclosed . end filled with onsamentAl and tint trees, watts do. The house wit be opened for the reoeution of com pany She Seth day of June next, under the immediate enpenntendenoe of the cyrner. ft. B.—blosoultroti are never seen at the Bead. 3434 M . H. Vicr. SCRANTON. AND EUf. co LESSON RIN ON . SPGS, CAMISRLA. 00., pai...,-T,t x t. delighthil and popular T oe of Romer n. lboatad &Featly' op th e line of the Pennsylvania RailtpaO, on the summit of the it Ilegbel mountains. Montt-three hundred feet above the lave of the ocean. iri)r be open for anent, the IMUN of J . einoe lasi season the ironed* have been greatly improved and beautified, rendering Cr.eman one of thi moat rernantio o t end ottreorlve ia'aors in the Elbste. The f thither' It Bing thoroughly renovated. The spealtef ,plsarArs. and the enlister from heat or digest.. rill nd it Wrao ttons here. In o first-olag Lipiry Stab in Hilliard Tablas, Tenpin Alley.. lii. , ko.. together with the Purest air and Voter. and the 91•4 t magnifieent moun tain *ashen to NI rOIiIIIr tII the ooentfl. Tieing' good, (9r the round imp from Philadelphia, SNP) • from Pittdrarg. s3z. Forkrther littera:ration, address G. W. MULA t in t Jo{- AIR Creation Bprinfs. Gigaton' co., Pa. lIZ P H 11. A T A MOUNTAIN RPRINGS,. E LANCASTE/LCAUNTY th i e VEN T FYINANIA, Th , s celebrated watering 0 open o r visa tors on the 3d day of TUNE . with a il a ab.raetiona of tomer lespone, eive.ted on a mountain 1400 feet aeon! Edi-Vater• oTeriookina saricritmysi count' y to the world the air perfeutly Wire and dr., at all time., ren ders it proverbially healthy. , share are ample aemoremodatione for 400 iriaitoes—; fine graded. waits through the forest to the yanotts springs and summer houses on the atom:Rain and to the obeesvatory. from the top of which Is preuentod to ttip eje one of the lanest cadnet a/A.41 5 0,1re roost° view. to be seen. A griorhearyis test on the I .l.o.,itieeautrfel_drivee around ; hot and cold bathe ; a polo d band i..f Mud° (from the tiermania, o y ph i . In(elp a;) howhitir alleys and billiard samo gio , w ith the latest itepriived tables. Large gardens attached to the 011300, from chlolsb the vogeiablea . 0 . 0 ie . kil ash for the table, w hi ch, lixi. will VA& entailed rani Philidelphia and s et more markets . as we lt ae the nob ectiooltural oonntry around. Careful 0"04"mm,...... y.,.... iv .....tidwith tee establishment fot moms ream tee ate proprietor. the uneervintiew empires the. o patrons of the plane and the ehette ' ZeUttrs ll 7 thatit trill b 6 0 OcktOttelt In every depart ..,.it in tit farmer pow:LILT gray• 7Vitori to tau Simons will take the ears to Lawn,. rhos lamelee sMeing over pleasant-4004 and ter. • e ,l 4. 4 „ beisatifo.FictLy. Thrdogh stokers mood Milo, ylvania road °aloe, EL EV.eiNTSInd at the • , Streets, hi liefila. - . yytRICBt - o gy . ti*s Of airtightru toe proprietor or furiee , ' = corner I'LEIR end VINE z . i . e rg to Pad. b. --` e it. BEYBON. o. li North .Wej and 03 js.. , Ithia r i .addriSse . FIITII. &treat. YlUlarr-. el. q , BLAYMAHER, Eptirata . P. i...; -Pencester co.. Pa. mile-tm if --w. WHITE SULPHUR, AND (MALY BEATE arstame, DOUBIA L TIrG PAP• Thee* !twines are in Cumberland thi rty y fl llei west of arrieberg en the Cum' rind salroso.•sii s.• now open for the /OOP pt 1.012 Ot visitors, Posed from bee to Juliet eo.tats. aeoordins r 'ego* Creel/re YOttr %brawl' tint at tee Vann') (yaws Mann Med °thee, at st ItOILO.O &I WO 84 th oath. • ....14.tallott 8.8 isossi, ,It., & tie 3 Market street. Ireep!tt?rsartion. Garde, COYLE. A/4 4 . & ! RAKER, .jedo-Itn" PreerhttOre• MANSION HOUSE, Bit okrsopi, .I.Tl'kohurltiil county. Pa.; Ja now oun for Matom pp r Ural. apply rm Pramual. 1•24-1 m HEA.D. . . :-' ~...., - : 7, .1.(;;Li„,_ - Att I, I pii ' . .), ___....„ 1;111,e.aiii500tei_,,,7, ,:::,----.,..;,- ' - ~,... . •1 .... ,!,.. - " . , 4 t 0 7 .1:4,) ..; tiN4 ,4 ‘4•41 1 ,-kt I f //, .4' el l ' • '. l -,, ~ .. . _ Cr . . ; .' ... 'l . -[- -- ( 7 ' . N- 4 iTI-- , li '.4 -,:..... N,',,'".:.„,A 1 411' . 'l 75 " ., --`. --. 1- - .r. . - 11'i..' f .ii l'•upjl,•'ki,v'/',.7, Th 44 • 47; . rirr.42. ..,,,..,_ .. • _ -;', _ &;.... „. ...j, ' - :' Vl. l . '' , ',"'",.. ' V , , -. .1001011l i ....yeo , , , ItA. r' ' '-''''' --- ovaimmiiii-,-'- 7:?.."-::'....,.;;1T , ..". - ,:4 1 - ,,, ,,_, : ,.. 1 apmi4it: .:4 , -.44.4.• . . , , ._;-T'';•:4;•-../7'- tii . 7 4l 4r , V;T -N -V.7r A te,- --‘:: . -- 4 .• , —"trV,, , ,, ,z ' . " - =';', ,44.4..___ -,- , ir ~. • -4 -,. .. -, . • ~. __•„-,4...-4,Ak . -,..._-,.... ~.i vt4.7 ...., „, -zth*..;kir 4 l'.: -. 4 :'7 '?s , l"!; . :t , r'-` ! - 4- , :I.I':. '-, • • .... -' ,- ',4: ..,„„rift:shi--. • ~ ~....,,.---, _,, „„_._ -,.,;._ _ ---- , . _ , , - - -wax) --..------.'- —* ‘..-"''''. '- ...- ~,, ' : 7:"---.--- 4 .„.;-`r•-:.:;—...: . .,-T , .......1Z. , .„ 0 „T0? L .. - 1 "111 \" '''''..l . it]. _----.... . .. • • '..',. .. ', ~... _, . . . • tOP T 1 LO r, NEDIUINAL. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION.. HERHIEERLLNMmMNUe O OLLt, rDm-- ' A 4 4 HM I E 3 L 6 MMBUOO O LL 4 r PMM-7,4 E UERIN 3 O L L 4 J MM OBBBOO oMLI dDYIIrI g m Lm i ca, 'rlEL M§ o,lolllBlMOLD'a nwm twi's—aLKBOLD'a,HgLABOLD'a a HELMB II IOB,-uXLMB4OI4-IELMBOLD% MBLMBobIya—REI.MBO4IrB—HRLMBOLIP,R MaLMBOLIPX—HaLMHOWEI—HOMBWA3 REIAInubDT-tinLvpow.-.. J ...0.v IP"IBUN=VRAW4g4=DaIfet MHOLD%—RELMMOWB-11141,M1301.6 _ABOLuS—HE4MBOLD%-!-REuMBOu iirtillta B I [ 3i-FILMT•ri , (6 3 O B T traf NSIlv - r itAg Flu - H fßAuc_ricati By 'II '.. 1 KAUT H CR TRACT DUO !X ITACT HITCH X TRACT D UCH. XTRAC HUM] • TRAM' BUO THE GREAT DIURETIC' R E .REAT DIVA 417 Q. WE, : lI)RgTIU. lIE G REAT . lIII3.STIC. BEFI EAT TUHET . W..• Till Gil HT r.itteprio:' T i oREAT D. It.RT 0. - T B GREAT_ lIIIRET g t T rC GR.KAT.O lIRKTI IRE OB.BAT.D .WIETI . • HE Ilf? EAT DIRK k Tic. RE GREAT DlußfiTtu. It POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC - A POSITIVE AND - SP I.CIFIC IC A POTIVE AND - SP gefrre A PCS TIVE AND , SPEC' A PO S ITIVE - AND SPECIFIC 4 PuS AND SPECIFIC A POSITIVE AND SPECLFIC A POSITIVE AND: SPECIFIC A POSITIVE ANIT SPErIFIC `A Pa rh" AND A POS I T IV E AND SPECIFIC A Affirg SPECIFIC A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC FOR =SASSO OF TUB BLADDER, KIDNEYA' GRAVEL,' DROPSt BLADDER., lf lON E re, GRAVEL. PROPS , BLADQ ER, KIDNEYS. ORA rRL. DROPb BLit DDE REI3 V .NRYS..GRAEL, DROPSY BLA DOA' R, HIONEYS, - ORAvEL,_DROESI BLADDER. EIDNEY4, - OR AVEL,.. DR OPS BLADDER, R lONEVE, GRAVEL, DROPS D.C.ADOER, sroivsys GRA VE.t, DROPS B BBB LAPDB R. .111! DDRR,"Ktoiyf ys,. etetdivE DROPS. DLADDSR,..KIDNSYS. GRAVE DRDVE LADDER. KIItiYFYS,'GRAVSL, PROPS LA ODER,'KIBNEY,B, , GEAVEL, DRnP LADPER, Envl,s, GILITEL: DROPS , lD ALL DISBAT M D ALL" DSRA4 S AND ALL DISIAti 5 AND ALL. DASBS AND 3Li. WS Aso AND ALL DISFAES AND ALL'DISIASES AND.ALL DIS ASES it 1 ANDAL PIS ASS'S . 41 110 A t CIS ASA'S A D A Oran 1 'AL . 1 1 3 3 4 4 * ; S 8 A DAL D S SBS 11.)1.151.110 . Fil AS.IIINQ F 1 ARMti. F. A IN RISING R At Ri'll.N.G. FR ARLS/1 4 14 If: , 0 A.111t1013 ILO Jail.' NG . _go 'AR [ BI F6'. ROB 117 ' 14 All a pra,,, A i IN: IE4BI A .• ' IMPURITIE6 OF THE BLOOD, oks. 1 impoßzT Ea OF THE BLOOD. &a, imFgRIT gs DP-THB BLOOD, ko, IMP RIT Es OF TriE 14100 u. &a IMF Err P 8 OF THE BLuOD,,&o. TAUT IV OF 1911111:8RB: . t, & .. °. iturtllljTJJAZ OF 411:13 BLOOD, act. hiPURITtEB OF THE . BLOOD, aro. IMPURI ri K 8 OF l'Elli 81,000, &o. 24FUR MISS OR THE BLOOD. &s. icdPußillEB OF THE-BboOD. Iko. inT I ETIN BF IRE BE ng, It ti - .?viumze 4 wailleOOD: Rs. 111 E VOllB DIESPJUSE, 00/iIIVMY7/01 4 1,. EPILEP7IO Flllll. Laver* Lawitt4e of WI Man*? 13704. DIMNESS QP INSANirfir, Ogirit TlSAtataE, DOUR. BTO.GIi!. RELMBOLD'S' EXTRACT • BCCHU 1 IfO FAMILY MOULD 'I3It:WII'IOUT IT. /*0 FAMILY !MOULD. BE NCITIIOI37 17. Prepared sooordiat to PHARMACY AND.taitHMISTRY; ?toucans]) earrivesn Irr 711 e most eminent nutlet, ens ; endorsed and recom mended by dlatmanlabed Clergymen, Governors of Stator. Judaea, the Prof., and all who use 14-7-ayeri where—evidenoe of the moat reliable and reePonalble oharaoteropen for inspection. IT 18 NO PATENT NOSTRUM. It la advertised liberally, and ita basis is merit and deeendina upon that, we offer our prepara tion to the affiieted end suffennz amenity with entire oonlacienoe. THE PROPERTIES QF THE DIOSSIA UREPIATA Were known as far beak as two hundred sears, and its peculiar affection the Mental and nomad Powers axe spoken of to the htghast terms by the . most eminent authors of the prewent and acient data, among whom will be found Shakespeare. BYTOO, and others. Prom this faot it his proved eminently.moooesidni is those symptoms of a Darvois temperament, arising from 'aleatory' habits and protracted . applioation to litarirT Pursuits, and oonfinement from the open eir, and is taken by • MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN. ILELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUOEU ,Is pliousiat In its twits and odor. and immediate In Its notion. and free from all Injnrions Properties. Cures at Lit.,tla LITTLE OR NO CRAMP< IN DINT LITTLE OR NO ORANGE IN DIET Ifioaere auffering, send, or call for the.remedy at otos. Explicit dtreptene eooompeny. Price ONE 'DOLLi&E per bottle, or six for FIVE DOLLARS. de livered to any come, initaal, aotel, post, express °MOO; or shore. TRY ONE BOTTLE. TRY ONE BOTTLE. lIIILMBOLD 3 EfERVINE wur.rA.R.Arzorns. /MLA/BOLD% Et ENUEICE PREPARATIONS. EXTRACT EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. PLIYI3IC/ANS , PLEARR . ROWS t We make no secret of Ingredients. Tbij.:C*poona Buohn is oompnod of Boohoo, Cubebe. and lindpiiir Berries. selected by a oompetent Drastuit!:#loilik. of the beet ;malty. • !IMPALA/ID, Iw lecryo, T• ITEEMBOLD. PRAOTICAL AND ANALYTICAL. .CHEMIIIT. BOLD AT . . HZLIMBOLD , S MEDIC,tt DEPOT. NO. 104 SOUTH TENTH STABNT. ' BELOW. CHRsTNOT: Where all Utters mu 0i4447:44.4 . 411 wAB.II 01 . 00O1TTEN2'ETTS. 4811 - I , OIO I 4IIVAINDOLD , B_rr rauvircr -OTHER. Notz.—Depot UM Bath losjittiitres t. 81114, call. OT VON at once. The reedieme..aelaptedi to pooh Ltd iiert else. WILL BI PIUIPARBD. if neomaary. the patient to the beniflt of advice, mid a speedy and permanent ours, r#W-JIND p 0 NMI D.III9IIEND. urlf-havtli Eljt t)rtss. tExtraoted, hi Punch. from the latest edition of Dag wel.'ll Life of Dr. Johnson.L The next day was Saturday, and I called upon my revered friend In the ,TemPle, and after some hesitation I mentioned that I ,IMd purchased tickets of admission to the Crystal Palace to Bee the feats of the Freneh acrobat, Blondin, who Wu to exhibit that day. I firdd that I did, not know whether I should „go or cc Sir," said Dr. Johnson, cc why do you tall me a lie ? You know that yon have resolved upon witnessing this Frenchman's exhibition, and the weakness of the desire is less culpable than the cowardice of the mendacity that would veil it." l _ admitted .that,l,itajt cariosity,to behold Instance' of the 'power ofleOurage and skill. In surmounting difficulties of -a grave nature. e You area humbtagp--said my•venerated friend. ‘ e You Care'. math frig fellow'i Courage or.skill, but , you,have a vnigardesire. to go .wittit the multitude,•an'd pert/awn con 'coaled hope that you may-be -present at a painful catastrophe.' • • I urged that the Prince of Wales, my Sovereign's eldest son, had .witnessed the sight, and rewarded . the performer with a medal. My honored friend became exceedingly an gry. "Do not," he said, "drag the name of a member of the royal family of these realms (royal de facto he added with a muirner to himself) into your miserable plea. The Prince ofWales in not refusing to join in a transat lantic holiday; was gracefully diechargingun Instalment of the duty for which he was ac credited to the-West. You have no business on Sydenham-hill, and if you bad a medal, so far from bestowing it upon Blondin., you would stick it upon your own hat, and repeat the Paoli farce. Let me hear no such non sense." But my character, as is well known,.lB one of invincible fortitude and pertinacity, and when I- know myself to be in the right, I am not easily put dowii. I therefore returnedle the charge with a courage which almost asto nished myself. 4, Pinder sang the' prairies of horse-raeing, , Dr. Johnson," I replied. & horse is not a Frenchman; nor are you Finder" retorted . my revered friend, with that:quickness which belonged to him. The lively sally restored his geed humor, for he added, ci You are not oven a Pinder of Wake field, though in your heart you despise Goldy's Vicar of that locality." • This was unjust, told_ him that thotigh I did not think so highly of Goldsmith's little tale; as - Honda - did,'l was' far from deipisingall elegantly :tyritteciiiid — dititel . able. I thep ii'Dr. - Johnson . ,,'.Will'Youdb me the-favor to come and see Blondlit?' t: • He laughed, and - said—l was - putting him to the experiinenfUni • Citlirs4ii,hich I afterviards thought a moat felicitous-phrase, because the Frenchman had - to <, cross" the transept.. I doubt not that I have lost hundreds of equally good things through my culpable negligence of transcription. 4, Why, sir," be said, cc if you had asked me to purchase a ticket for this sight I should have peremptorily refused, because I am not justified 'in contributing to bribe a follow creative, though only a Frenchman and a' mountebank, to risk the less of his life. Brie as yea have paid for the tickets, and as I shalt not repay you, the mitts is with yourself, and I will accompany you." - • :t lc We ire at the Crystal Palace," I re: marked, as the train entered the station. 4 ' The building is not of eryetal, nor is it a palace," said my illustrious friend. , The name, 1 said humbly, was given by M. Punch. Mr. Punch is a great authority," said Dr. Johnson, removing his hat fora moment, "and I witliegly accept -his his noniericlaturo. The fact had escaped me." S.o ready was he to own an error whei it was properly brought before him. it Mr. Punch," he continued," is most' for tunate in selecting denominations. It wris he wbb gave the name-,-ot Arcadia - Or flistnew acceded garden and locality at South Kensing ton, a name whic4 I observe the journals are all adopting .v. , Alont acknowledgment of the original inventor. Bat few can so well afford to be robbed, though the wealth of the Bank of. England is no excuse tor the crimi. nighty of the burglar." We proceeded across the beautiful gar ... den, and my revered friend, whose classic reCol r lections were ever ready, pointed to the-Mer cury on one of the water temples; od' re '-marked that there was a Bleed in ready perched. I said, " Slat in crier-num." but was immedi- ately and sternly rebuked by my honored friend for light use of a word ltignltying I eternity. "Ent," be atided,-ptaufai not be cast down, for you yourself'are an , everlasting donkey." Tbia reassured me, and we ascended to the gallery and took our sea's. Gazing-down upon the vast area, on the sides of which and around it were nearly 10,000 persons, Dr. Johaton whispered slily , "Do you think, • many persona would come to see you supported by a singlo cord ?" I felt hurt ; fur, though I am conscious of many shortcomings, it was wounding to think that the greatest moralist of the age had ever seriously contemplated my coming to be hanged. "Do not be a fool," said Dr. Johnson, kindly, "You will repose in your Scottish mausoleum, followed by an Incalculable array: of semi-denuded Caledonia boors; so be happy, and survey mankind." The Frenchman came upon the rope, ran, tumbled, stood on his head, slip, lardown, walked backwards bliadfolded, and performed his other extraordinary gymnastic feats at a height of Igo feet from the floor that had been cleared . below. Military music played, 'Abe vast' assembly applauded, and tears came into my eyes. « What are you blubbering for ?" said my illustrious friend. c. Do you envy that poor acrobat his triumph, or do yon imagine that you yourself could perform those feats better ? En the first alternative tho sentiment is un worthy ; in the second, the vanity itieglegi ons." • 'REMEDY LANGIIO4, IIERVOUBDINS& ECM READAORS, NECrI'ICI. FLUSH, bo. 01 N 01747. :*ONDAY, 'JULY 1, 1861. MONDAY, JULY 1, :1881 Johnson and Blonain. Thus did he ever seek to-improve my mind arid heart, and what do I not owe to him / I told him,-however, that he misjudged me, and that I was weeping to think that 10,000 of my fellow-creatures bad assembled to derive mt. citement from the chance of a French moun tebank breaking his neck. is Spare your tears, and stow your twaddle." responded my venerable friend. " They have come for no such savage purpose. They have heard that a pereon has acquired the art of safely walking on a suspended cord, and they evince a laudable desire to witness a triumph of pourage and of skill. bo yon degrade your fellow -subjects to the level of the Roman spectators 4f gladiator fights ? Is" there one person in that crowd who would tarn up the thumb, it doing so would bring down that acrobat to that doer?" I did not dare, to remind him that he had summarily crushed my own plea in his cham bers, but I asked him whether ho would "take anything to drink. Ho was coudesceading enough to partake of a bottle of Scottish , ale, with mo, and seasoned it by a good himored gibe at my selecting liquor bearing the name of my country. ce The health of the French acrobat; with : the American reputation, in a tumbler of Scotch ale i" he said. " Drunk by Dr. Johnson," I ventured to add, " Whose reputation is neither French, nor American, nor Scotch, nor English, but universal." " You are a thundering humbug," said , my revered friend, smiling. I have reason to be lieve that be was pleased, for he to, pay the cab from the terminus to the Tem ple. AM IMPORTANT °SPINAIIOE.—The Ellett Oonvention has pealed the following oral uaboo—yoss bB, nay. 27: Bent Ordained, That the payment of the int*. rest open the bonds of the State now the property Of the United !Motes, or held by it In trust, or whleh ate now the property of a official or oorpo 7 ration of said Government, or of any btete adhe ring thereto, shall be snepended during the iixist. tc WOr;.and for the purpose of ascertaining the bonds so owned, the coMMissioners of the• sinking Lund shall cause each interrogstions .as they may prescribe to be answered ender oath. The letarest on said bonds, except those held as aforesaid. and the sterling bonds payable in London, shall be paid in at the treasury, and not elsewhere, in 0111 , rum. EXTRACT from a letter, dated (lamp Spielman; Maryland, Jane 24, 1961! " Oor brigade, Man Wynkon,) Berea( 'aid' Third Regimente. Pennsylvanta Volunteers, inoved • from Puokstown to Ibis pima last evening. The First Prone. 11401116Dt bee gone to Frederick dental other regiments moved toward the Polo. mao last night. Oar ,oamp is three miles from the' river, a little below Meroenburg. 'Oen Patter rm's whole fors* seem. to • be approaehiag the river tradu.lty, aed.will no doubt ores' at several points into Virginia-in a few days. The , bealtb of out ttoops is goeTd- , COmmialarist and q a &e'er toaster's department have improved wonderfully. OfSeers and men are an=ions for a !lilt's with the Confederate force& _ -If 'a battle miaow( victory I =net be with 04,- at !Galt, *lir moo • ham so , re wired. Letter from Washington. Correspondence of The Press. I WALSHINOTor“IITaii2B, 18$1 ,TIIS CABINET. &protracted sesidon wan held to-day, The lou of =the gallant 'Captain 'Ward WAS an tottneed, antrettoived . with great regret. 'lt has cast a gloom over the. Departments." The . movement of Captain:Ward was not only. not authorized, but contrary 4 l, am informed, to' the .expressed wishtlsc,-,ot the Commanding. General. - . TAM, , SOLDISTIA' . To-day , there - aml44 old soldiers eared for at tho .c Soldiers' Hume:"., Very little sielN , ness. 4 The :old boys are delighted with ,the men and music in the encampments :around them i and discuss the news of the day, and probablemareniento a;my, with great inteit et. - „ A very- ha'ndsome brick:building ho nearly, completed at the souttlealt of main build_ leg: It' is intended for, emcee and `stbre rooms; but wilt be Used as a hospital until '`a building lS erected for that purpose Gen, litausdeldrhas forbidden the periniasionnl visitors in the town, lest spies:might make. their observations.fromthis - desirable point:' SEC'RET'AitY oestiaoi's The,Seeretary of War is busilY,eigaied (in his report to Congress,. and is therefore un able to give tandienee to any except* upOn businessi of the highest itnpertaneb. There-: port will be one of the most interesting done; raents - ever presented to Congress; as •it.will necessarily give , a detailed account, :of the large army pow in .the ile,ld, imlnnieg,the ex.- penditure its suppOrt Involves, apd.othpr mat tnra of interest incident:al to the grandmplising of , a free people to sustain their Government and to enforce , the laws. NEW *MOMENTS OFFERED. A number of new regimenta continue to be ifirere.d far the -War,and no. little dissatisfac tien is ',evinced by the, parties.; concerned cause S6Cretary Cameron is slow. toTaccept. It' hOwever, * remembered' that, the, dehboration on the . part of the Secietark, a ind acae P t a ri aa - regent 'involyes" care'aud that whirtlisoverirbelnaingriressatreitosatippri JAM, he cannot, with' , a due= regard `te'llis offi cial duties,:devoio the - neoessarrtimitO the numerous applications nevi before Wm: It is probable, however, that, after 'the Meeting of Congress, all the perfee,t regiments, now offer,'. ed, including several frora . k'eurisylvania, will 00L. PATTSILSON'a AIEGLMEN-T. The:distattment . of :Col; Pattetsbn's regi ment ledt here in charge'otthe 'tamp and,the sick,-;Went to•night ,to4join, the regiment: at Ptiolesvilie. This detachment is under- the command of Lient..Qhmo.. ;In the franks we observed Messrs.. Rileyoind.Hassan, nad , Other well-known citizns of ..Philadelphia,.Wilio ro yal, all well, and rejoiced. at the, proilieet of seCitig service before:Vie, aighteentli:of next mOdth,,whert the regiment will disband. 'Last night the line band - of Ccif:Einstein's'regintirit' serenaded the party prior . ,to their departurti; suffieierst speeches were made on the °ems sion by the soldiers and citizens who were, present. .71111,111E1f JAIWIMIOLICIADE brigade . is still 'tititi.ood On Arlington liiiighte, and the men of each regiment are doing their -whole daty: Quartermaeter „ton, of the Fourth, well known 98 a long re itidimt of your city, has been promoted gnar -1 tertnafiter of the brigade,., with tho rank of majur—a oompitmont tea worthy and blHcieat officer: . ROA. JOLIF. N. AZAD. . . ;Judge „Read dined with . the President to ?lax?, This, is his .firat ! visit to_ Washington lingo... the. robent "'serious praytinteoit'e'arlier Tho 'boon,"oiillekupon by many &silo giustiod, eitiZeitiinosi . hio,3itici! unite in giving himi welco me. retiuns•to Phila • dslphiii.tO-mOrrosi . event*. • EPPEOT OF TIIE.IVAIL IX VIROTNIA, lr geiidemsn; VIC returned' to-day troth the vicinity 'of Harper'S -*Ferry, states that the crops everyvitiere in the neighborhood have been rendered worthless by the military. No wheat field within ten miles of the. Ferry re mains undisturbed. Seventy locomotives of .the„.Baltintore .and Ohio railroad were de •stroyeti last week atilartinsbarg. • , General Mansfield stated to this gentleman, laat-el, , finieg- tbaolonel Stone's • command was explictad .t,p to•,o . Ileepec's, Ferry ysa -teiday. it is not *liable; however, that this hit' been done. • _ Tag USSTLIM Or ooseasse. Several Senators sod Reprtsssntatives have already - arrived. Tile opinion pr s tivails that tbe Session will be very aniirt, and that long winded speeohos will be. discountenanced. 'N6 subject wilt be. discussed that has not an immediate bearing upon the vigorous prose- elution of the War. • No thought. ot -any thtog 'looking to any kind of compromise will, be entertained fort+,•Moment. The A.dministra; tion is'terribly in earnest, and the Itepresenta tires of the people will promptly and earnestly Support every measure calculated to put down . . _treason and punish traitors. GKN. X DOWELF. NOT SUPARSNOXD. , The, cerrespendents of the - - Tritritac., and other New rOTVllipere have telegriapbmi that Geri. McDowell was superseded 'lnltie Maid oi the Deptrtment of Eastern Virginia by Major General Dix. This is not tree. Grit. Dbr.eame en herein obedience to the order of Gen. ScOtt;.hut the idea of placing him in command of Geri. McDowell's department has never been Seriously contemplated. • I have it on the highest'authority that Gen.: McDowell is not and will not. be superseded. • The Secre- Ury. of-War and Gen. Scott reoogniaa-Gen. McDowell as one of the best officers the service, and they consider that be is justly:en titled io the post he now , occupies.. farther, ,it la deemed of the highest Imliortarice, In a inilitary point'of view, that he should be con tinued in command of the important - district assigned GeeeICAL PATTERSOF'S 00/.171171. • I telegraphed last evening that . letters from Geoerat p„ittersonrgzeiton Intimated a strong probability of an important movement by that army.' Such to import of official and reit. able letters received here last evening. His movement will be in c on cert with .other im . ce portant columns, and in a direction withheld 'from public announcement, General 'Patter. son's troops are reported-in fine condition, consisting Principally of , the' following regi rbente 'rum Pentisylvinik ' - First iegirnone .... ' ....001 Samuel Yohe. asoond resiment....... Col. Fred S. diambangh. Third restme .t, ' Got Franois P.. dannere. Sixth regiment . ... J &wee Nagle'. Seventh regiment Co) W. H. Irwin. B,ghth rtgunent Ninth regiment .......Col 'C, Longneoker. Tenth regiment.... - .'...C01. S A Meredith. Thirteenth regimenr...CoLT.-A. Rowley: • Fourteenth regiment:: .OJI J' .W J 01111304. Fifteenth regiment.....ool. 13 -A Oekford. Sixteenth !e l ement.— . Col, T Legit,. Twentieth regbient Col.' W: It Gray. ' . ' - Twenty first regtmenC.Col: 8a11ier..,,,V:•!• • Twenty-third regimtnt 001. 0 'P. Dare:::' . Twenty fourth Owen:, ,!.. - A I.EOIIOc2VT'OP AiOHOOl.-TX1.011311615.- • The New York 28th, which arrived here yesterday morning, contains a very large num ber of those who,. having taught "the young idea bow,to shoot,", propose to have a little practicein that line'themselves. . The: Medina company,* nineteen teachers , L and the Lock= port company nearly as rnany,'While - a large proportion of eacli — ceitiparsjillisi:of- the same cisas. They.bring an extra tent of large size for debate, literary exinselsesiand.artinsement. -They carry the Untte.4(:States rifle of 1861, and . make a yery, fine appearance on the FORCED TO MUTE. L. H. Chandler, Beg:, of Nort9li t :ya w & distinguished lawyer ot. that city, and - a Bell and-Everett elector lasi year, has been forCed' to leave the Old Dominion, and is . now in Washington. TEE .YVIEMET.YIPTII PENNSYLVANIA. Col. Cake's regiment, at the arsenal, hith erto quartered , houses 4u that vicinity, erected tents, and went into cannilast eve.. ning. 'Six companies et this fine regiment are thus encamped near the arsenal, and Doti company in the arsenal. The Othef foncitopA: panies 'are at Fort Washlegton, 6100 Pptict , " mar_ . • The exercises last eireningtit thellew York 11•0121:10 (rresbytethin)oburch were'largely et tended. The• young ladies .14 themselves great credit „The salutatOry, . l i.Joanno d','!..l.:l:"Aiutiii Crawford, ,Of Penpsylvapia, and of the.; Stars and Stripois,i p by lately L'oulaiPeek;btsew York, were superior;nnAsdostrOfy . eieeitited. two' Alta, suritfol The Barelo.boyel bifithed yesterday atlEtol brook's- rretaurent, at the foot of the Capital; and paid tor their liquor by smashing about s2oo worth of glazers, rec. atoll winduig up with a general tight among themselves. Some lot the Fire Zomtves were present, but labored to'quell the row to the best of their ability.- The police were not on Itand. /tut •the Fire Zoueves are not all ot. that °lase to [strive to preeerve the peaoe. Three, of them ow the avenue, intoxicated, yeaterday met two members of a Maine reg mentoinO: without provocation, struck one them, over the head with a bottle, while !Maher curiiii . 33: on the ishoulderWitt(a boirte;lCiiile. The wound ed marCwas taken to' the'ottioe losDr.)Dove, When At was ascertained that ; hi! -wounds, .though-severe, were not mortal t : Slone Pay day interuperanse, has. lriere*pgii• • ' LATEST FOREIGN NEWS. ENGLAND TEE connitlesioners for the Bahibition of 1862 have received an intimation: that the Queen and the Prince Consort wit contribute from thstr 00l- ;nations any ptotures, statues, or ,other artioloo of virtia::Uhioh may be thought 0040104 the hz hibttiarr " - ' • ' , .„.„ • Tax' Quoits has arpointed George'eavnuto Mathew, F ', sow Secretary to her - Mrjelty's Le "ltation• to Aso Alexia."'" :Republic, to be her . Ma. -jaoty'S-Char,,.e) d'Aff tires and Clorftst %snore' to the Republics of. Go4femala, Costa Rios, - flonditros, and Sokixdor. Tun minnicon of the Princess Allot eritliPrinee' Lents of Haase - ndt to take place this year, but `at Whet perird in 1862 it to to be- celebrated bee yet to:be !fettled l but in all probability it will be early in the season. Ilr :Flew of Ma tantriage wPh the t rrinates Mice, I th uo e r ' ii t it r ig n iiiit e pt t 'eC`litr l a i 'b ei t s Pr D ia l c r e m L Bt en d le`f P ro r m °r lB 0 re, gulden ( ttywit'.4., t , 600) a' year, to 40 . 000.* or. rather more than X. 3,000.: -It will be remembered that the great made to the _Perinea Alias. byParliament, wee £3O 000. down; end £6`fioo - a year. .. ' . Tut inLl,for approtrlating,the seats vacant-lip the funtahmetit . of St Albans and Sudbury has been agelt 'debated; andPwith tr curious* result. The House of Commons has no objection to the es• iiigning - new members to Yoritspire and Lanca shire, but'it wEI not hear of Chelsea and Kensitg. ton being made into a power. A tosj wiry of more than aluidred defeated the Government on this PRONUNCIATION IS TRB 11017511 Or LORDS —n is ti-rt often Mat WO find noble lords °devising each' Olher 'strike may in,, whioh they Kononnoe their se,ortle„ but 'he Berl of Derb.Y.kiet the exiniple the other night. In speaking of th e of the pm* per duties, be in rePly to Earl Granville, said . 4 Neither do rsee that so great a benefit will be given by, the removal of the paper ditty.: to those tradesmen who sell gkoeries, tea, anger. and other, artifiles,,ohnonottht of the:paper In which those articles are wrapped, not to nee the , moble lord's' expression of " wropped " [A laugh J Eari•Gran;• vile, in reply, said that his first embarrassment in rising to address their lordships was inoreesed.hy finding hiserselesti liable to `offend the critical oars of iris noble ftiorid opposite. Big noblifriaindliair orjected to his "peculiar phraseology in primonnoin,g the word:" rtropped,"whioh he proem:l4d Abe no ble earl pronounced [Genf - Oster j He asserted, the : right of every Englishman to pro. Minima certain words in the way which pleased him best, and before be &mid 'bow to the noble earl's correotionrha;"must know was Wrong to pronounce the name of the capital of the oentrel county, in England "Derby" instead of . Darby:" laugh J- • Iv is said that lir floater, of telegraphio fame, has proposed to many'llt. P to laydown electric wires to their bowies, by, which the state of the de- bates may be telegraphed tti them during the eve. ning, and they may be summoned to the blouse when required to vote. • IV is understood that, in addition to the Irish estate Jbarceathed by the Bari of Ludlow to the Doke ot••B r edford; Lord 'Jiltrltutisell takes, under the will of his .1:o:other, the late Doke, the Irish property, purchased by John, Dteke'of Bedford. With Alta 'personalty, there are various stories as to the amount left to Lord John. There seems to be no doubt that, in addition to the Irish property. there is a very handsome Sum in ready limainey-420 000 has been named—but on no very volitive authority. "idifition to the Acheacs,"4o, iron steamer, .stnikthertitoyai Oak, 50 iron-plated frigate in pro tean et.tOtia thaw, the Lords of the Admiralty have given directions , for the following line•of battle lad other stemware to be built at the same dock yard ; Tbe Pea, 91; the Boadicea, 51; the Po mona, 51; the Ganymedo, 28; the imlmoutli; 2: ; the Tees, 19: the Dtitgence,l7 ; the Alba do ea, 4; and the Salami', 4 . TES music hall of the Surrey Garden WAS burnt' down on Tuesday afternoon. The - disaster: was Gamed by the plumbers, who were repairing the roof, leaving their fire while they went to dinner TEAMS 'WITH AMIRICA —The trade of it& 0011 t, try with the United dtatea daring the knit quarter of the present year la stated to have cotansted of imports of American produce to the estimated value of £14048,548 and of exports.of British manufac tures of the detoured value of £4 147,019, showing a balm es of £10.899 529 payahle, to that country. •Aa the floret. of, tee same oerlod'of last yen* eon- Bolted of imports-411 087 720 and exploits £5 886,. 357, the bat-.nee nalabie to America on - thitt ocoa- MOD was £5 201. 383 -Notwithstanding, therefore, the enormous quantities of wheat and flour we have now taken, the increase this year in tine balance to be paid was not more than 15 698 168. A corer/tor is about to be introdnoed for the ap plication of the patents of Mr Nsthan Thompson, an • American engineer, for boatbuilding by steam machinery. This machinery is suitable for the construction of boats of every size and mould; and durability and; safety are attained from. the.unit formlty and p,ertection of the various fittings, while the Saving in time and labor is extraordinary. The' inventor has published testimonials from a large number of the principal persons in the United. Hlngdorn connected with navigation and . the :working of elaborate constructive establishments, and these ate all of the molt unequivocal "eta rooter as regards the value of...tne . sy s tem: both' to a national and oommeroisl sense. "A eatter,3o feet in length oan," it is said, " be constructed and delivered perfect in every respect within a few floors' after the order 13 received /or it," and the muter shipwright of Woolwich Dockyard, who was appointed by the Admiralty to examine and report oa the method, has bully corroborated the opinions expiessed by other authorities — The revolution which. it is likely to create will, it le believed, be analogous to that effected in other departments of Labor by the sewing machine, and the oontrtvanoes which have of late years multiplied the peoduetion 01 clocks and watches. In our colonies and distant territories, 'where so zenith of the progress of each' settlement depends upon the facilities for river and ooaat navigation, its, advantage, are•likely also to be, of. espeoial importanoe.— London Timm. . - 171141 TOR'S BOOK ay .Batelt or ENO ;4:yriii.mach amused by_ttie • inspection of the 'bink. note - aiitograph-boCikl—twit Splendidly boned folio volumes, oereftillrbigged• over with linen emote Hach leaf is embellisned wi.h a beau tifully illuminated border, exactly surrounding the space required to attach a bank note. When any distinguished visitor arrives be &requested to place his autograph to an unsigned note, erhieh is itinuedtately pasted over one of the open spaces One of these volumes is suite full, and toe other I nearly half full. They ate thus illustrated by the signatures of various royal and noble personages Mast of " Victoria Reform" does not appear; bus those of Napoleon' 111., Henry V , the Kings of Sweden, Portugal, and Prussia a whole origede of German Princes, Ambassadors from Siam, Per sia, Tut key--the latter in *oriental characters= and some of our higher nobility. Though there are some scientific) names, as Arenberg.ind Ohara. lier, there are but few of our literary celebrities Among them I observed those of Lady Bale and Mehemet Ali, the Paoha of Egypt.—city Ryes/. , la ?He Court of Chancery the Lord Chanaellor, and the Lords Justices gave judgment, confirming the decree of Ijige Chancelior tirnart in granting the_ lijatiotion and restraining the defendants,- Messrs. Day and M. "Hoesu.h, from tenting notes ropresenting the currency of Hungary; and dim. missed the appeal with costs. . A Dtwan j!tirnal states that the appeal in the Yelvertim gnarltags cue, which was to have been tried during 'the present term, has by consent,' °eon hosiponod pub' next term, wnioh commences in (Nicobar, before which, probably, the decisions of the Sootoh Courts will have been giren. ".Tas skull of Dl-k Torpin. under iglus shade,, many years in the Morley fatally of York," wee one of the lots put up to nuotion at a stile of •, gen- - aloe furniture yesterdayweek 'in Ohurett street, Soho The lot sold for fourteen shillings, Inoluding, the glaze shade. - CRYSTAL PeLacs —Biondlo's third asoent at treated 18 353 pereoas to witness his extraordinary' performances. Reyeord's Nertaxparr hag the fellowi ti g;. "The New York Herald, angered , at losing large por .tion of Its - onseoribere,- grateful, perhaps. for past 'favors, and andnipating a renewal of. Southern pa tronage for the Mance, at the oomatenoiment of the. recent outbreak, displayed but little sympathy (Or the North. Its patriotism was deoidedly lake warin ; indeed, so ninth so, that•itsi proprietor be came-a inspeoted person The people at New Yolk at first insinuated, and then openly declared, that his heart was in the Booth. A crowd gathered round the aloe of the New York Herald,and threatened to'poll it down and lynott Its owner, nn• less the stare and stripes were unfurled from-the windows and roof of the edifice. The ',rept ietor of the • Herald, convinced that the people .were in earnest, honing that he Gould no longer temporlta, and that he must go the 'whole hog for the North to ear. his life and property, declared in favor of the Union, and forthwith mote' oat as a red-hot patriot." 'TROOPS /OR Cabana --The Great Eastern his beetiobertered for the oonieyanoe of 2 500 mezi,. 100 offieers, and 122 boreal-for Quebeo Tbese will inolnde the Fourth Field Bitter, of the Royal artillerF, consisting of 7 ! Moore; 220 men, 20 ao-'. men, .25 children ' and 110 bursas ; the Thirtieth. 'Regiment of Foot. eonsisciag of 39 *Moors,' 868; men, 80 women; 120 •ohildren, . and 6 horses; the. fourth battalion ot the Sixtieth Rifles. oonelating. of 39 officers, 868 men, 80 ,women, 120 children, and 6 hones. In addition to whom, there are to' be also 4 officers, 102 men, 9 women, and 19 obil: dren belonging to the bizteenth, Sevenkeote, and. Ourt Zundredth Foot, and. the Canadian - Rtgea. All of :these are to be accommodated in standing . berths, which. are being."4l,ctint up, the ddrrilril7 'supplying the bedding _The troops' are to be vioj twilled by the Great tikip Company, and they are 4 0 be l ts:erpool, the ship, it is unde r= S7l, reihen to that port . ' Besides the q•sect4 .eastersr;: the Golden Flute htui also been liken tits to otwirey'the Forty seventh Regiment of root to -Ciebeo. The regimenkoonsitte of 39 aft! eel;,..B4sMen, end the mama. apinber of women nnd clGdren and hones. .The, are to embark 'at . FRANCE. Tea ambassadors from the King of Slam, bear ing Fremont' for the Emperor, have arrived in Preece. Ta■ trial of Mires bag been adjourned for a fort night. . Ax °Mobs' denial hal been given to the rumor of _treat y between France. and Spam for seaming ,poseession of the Andlles. Tam titte. - Doke of Malskor, it about BE ?triton. loos u the 1)n he of John Jones; Malakoff wee toe name of the German stonemsson.whe the on tractor for the masonry of the towel. A Pitnaou gentleman, M. Jeequet, lately died et Bonen, leartog all bis fortune to a lad; llt , Parls Btogular to relate, the lady.died.about the . iptine boor, leaving M Jaoquet all her "nton!iy , The heirs of both ire to ODetellt whiob waa o;4Berelver. Twain Petit& rope•dateerei performing at the -Hippodrome in Paris, were recently, , precipitated to' the ground by the breskieg'of a rotten rope. The fatherand eon were" killed •on - tli:eper . ;:the other sort had his legs broken. Tbe widows of the two men brought an atctionagainst the direetot for damages!, and were allowed .28,00 • franos. _The TWO CENTS. dtraotor then toned upon 'the tope maker; and ob . .taieed the same amount from , •..PEL9TOGRAPHY' Fetescz —From the rectently. iaken 'oenstia of Pails, It wOrtld esem tliat ,Parta . te. like Pereepolie;.ie "City or the sun."' there being returned no less than .23 . 543 persons dependent on; that luminary for their daily,.bread, these sun! worslifripere being in ,one tfay or 'another supported . by photography. 'Osilculattog 'on' that proportion; more-must be, over-a . -million of . pooplge , over Fraiece.t.e,whorn this .brarteh of 1. 6 Industry / 1 , Pro antes a tiyellhood'. ' ' feportedi.'thaf the'' rinfairtr L iis innipe. of whom there are between 6.oo4Xtintt-2.,000, are, after thoy.bave. passed . ten yeareof age, .06 supplied, Witt light mar kets and hayenetsjor the purpos e . of tieing': lostrueted in; tlieirLustiOilth.r 'vlewfte thit i fOrtnation ot. corps Irom , which, tho,non-oom- . toleeloned,eilbers.are to be , selected for , , the ermy. At eavorkteeff Sears of ag e hey are to be admitted bete. the - ranks,' so that . their 'military' oduoation will have been oompleted on entering the service. '34....Dzerustrimr.. priest, of the. Madeleine, at Pada:. being' motel by the 'sorrow' manifested by all his psi - bleb:inert: OiritilliTElinig-tbat be :was called en to,qattr..thato, l . haar.wrlttao • •to the Emperor, to pray .to insist on his aocepting„the optic of Marseilles: ' SPAIN. A imrraa.bas beau tetseivect from Idtdey.Abhae; Emperor of ,Morooco, preying for an extension of hid time for the par:dent of the 'indemnity'" to Spatia;••isideiplainieg: the oiromnstanifes':whloh . haVe:plitagod it out of the, Sultan's power to wake thes.stiptilfitut payment in _May The Soltah's lc% ability•to fulGl los 'engagement is eaid arise frosiv.the tribes niehaving Muds their usual:an nual offeringe, : at l the feast.of Ramadang. The brtnish jourualsi atiti6dte this to the exhaustion . 0.,10f111d A/y.1)11)11W! war, sod to the' ILA tiezieii of 'the' Abe oopsitrj opposed to,the' prevent but , so. - Vas': Madrid -papers !menden that ;8r Sala manna r hea. eon treated ~for the onnetniottoll of, an important part of - the proposed rallWays Gut Italy, and also fOr:the• bulldiag'of a' oartain. lituuttor of frigates 9f-svar for the.. Italian .ICtng-, 'ciivil war ba - Amerloa bad caused 80 great Mee tni the price - of. cotton' at Bait - alone (Spain)" that many . otthe smaller, manufacturers had closed their factories, and thousands pf .wo,rkmen.had hiesi:thirown out of employment. " " • POR,LUGA•L. " • ROYAL proclamation prohibita the open-air meeting+ conveneron Btmday _by the Patriotic, 80. oleties..-I4is.said that sea itious manifeatoea have been distritinteid among the troop. ; The' Coi . tes are. obleflY 7 ntionjitoilinvitamining the revolts of the laie elec. dons.- • , The_Movernment, are Jumble to count ripen a toijority,And a change of bdieistsy is notim ponsible".. • The Portuiti "esti • Obvettildent• kap' pro poeid:te- Spalti ti anti duty. On cattle...; • 7 4 t•J; tad.l Tag Polish, and Czech members of ,tllll_,Lprer flouie baie 'made 'a' proposal , Mat 'the Empeivii should , prorogne ;the eittirgs of. the Col:midi 'ot . . the tintll 3 a - •repretentation uf.the whole rc •catiy,tri. obuunpil.,• at he tti oiil d ;01ine/M:7, 'tali oonvokit•tdie priiicdPat'Dfeti: t ' •••• King and Q nen win ;leave • Daft for R.3aigsbercat the end of this week, ant! AM a went ceremony of. doing hoMage to the nexpeett pant *of•the Prussian 'throne U-thert tak'o Wive there. , . J.! •••.: t' ' , < Att At j.i. Stio he held:at. Antwerp on the h and 20t hi - ot s Atiguist Dint; to which artiste and literary metro( ill natioes are invited:. - Mr.' J 'F-. Loot, president of the Cerole, Burgomaster of ieiniwerp, and member of - the Betglan Chain bets, will preside . • : • . . . . amp. Russian Government arelptishing,their . stria Live and „oppressive measures against. tne, Poles to the very verge of 'endurance. 'Annrdl:' •nsimei hat:jtist • been published Prolliblttfigithe wearint of t tquere caps,,,inds ; loan boots and islitiesof p'ertein.eolcirit, ite:ci.drof 8 of any 'mittens] out It is stistixi tti .t, 'at the' !het vedep ition Cf:the,new Govitnor. of. Poland in :Walleye . , Gonnt Z imoyeki, the ~popular Polish leader; wee preview, and wee received - with' especrel dfstico don •:' The new lieutenant °DIY holds . hiti:offiie ptpvltionau7• .: : : I , • . . ITALY. ~ , Iris announced froth Rosie that aaorrehltUryrilii be bald on tb Nib runt: Theilvopeorillproneuritoo an allcoution, and. appoint, it hosed, four Aiderie can bishops. , Truiro..lll.lllsolsiltA4: Aho proraortin of els cardinals ' " ' Tan Trieste *Gaiette onyeatbat.hi. Kosoutb has taken a villa on the'llake•vf Caine, end that be boa porohitoett tq l Pleote - , por to bte !mesas ,with; whiokha:ltitando to eo.iiibue the, tr . tanni.ohate of , A LET initie Yizzioriale, state, that on information derived from tnelerenott pollee, aearob bad boen, made after a Ftsl3obo/111. monk, yrhO had left that city wttli the Intention ot'aesaa ihe Emperor Napoleon'—:The telegraph was *et ,to Folk, and the disguised monk ; was toniotl'iri the - neighbort*l of Macon, • , : - ORINA, • Tan BAHill' and Ifienek'Stnbassies are estab lished at Pekitr;;Tliellsge';of both nations' wete hoLsted on tdaroh 26:. Toe Shines* Government have" rsio l ved '.to . 46611:Mai an English school in Pekin . _ . NEW ZEALAND Tat .war ,in New Zealand terminated an Kap* 19, ny the unconditional inirendet of the natives. COUNI'.OaIrOUIL.• . • . CCIIICT CAVOTJB2B death has _opened a wide. Add for sorimouloos di_sonfiefon by to - reign - organs - a thiti fetnre of Italy, bac r it 18 satiefaotory to 7.101113 tbil; ,Italy herself speaks sorrowfully,; but with assured; hope. Every, honor has been .shown to the de•, parted, inioluding the 'highest honor of all—the' deolarstlbi of .raselve -to walk • acoording to his teaching. Baron -Ric:atoll is the snooessor,of the great stateesnan:'safdrit is "bielfevid 'alit Parties will rally around bitif and prevent the enemies: of_ltalian liberty frotw_rtvatliog themselves,of.any_ opportunity.that onay.tteem to be, afforded by the lobs of Cavotrr.' The enialtation the Papal,party is, of tionrse, very greatt-iTh'e neris'id' the Count's demise wrought a'sqrt of-miraele opon_tbe Pope, anditiddinly -nuked:the .14 -1 7.Fatfkor whieh tiriesiy.- 2 Blustidt Gon'clon - The foreign pa i ryt_gerstypily. sire;.se night, be expected,bieiretpittisal notices and en -1,-gtuta- of tie IttittOtktuart“Cavoi'lr. Even' the eletioatintirnala!do)justlim kr '.hts memory.' 'The ,Artncrnsa, the most vtolent of the reactionary or testimony to, his worth in - Mites that should reinembiatei :• " political opPonants otthe illustrious deceased as. long .as he was pow-. erful..we .strongly and: freely oombated A. 6 ideas and his errors. Over hit corpse we will remembek only the'magniftoent endowments of his nature' It will belong:te' history to jttdAe htin ; to no tole-. meat him .and deplore nis lora. • We have often e ‘ xperienoed his gtiodneu'of heart: After the enp :, prossiota of the oonvente; i isioneatery in Liguria was stiffujing from banger, lye privately anpesl7. ed to his -charity,,and lie",instantly sent 2 000 E; (480') to the sisters •ef that convent.' 'Moreover, Ae isrole_ufwith his own hatid,:a long letter whist' . proved Ne . go?dneas of heart. We .now . that at ki'vras i tn ths.babft of filial/43g, neoessitons loodue,7".dlte.litere had' inmeione proofi: of MS loyalty,- .Charged: by an, forward a petition august ,peysonage, we addressed it, by letter, to the loyalty of' C 9131 4. CailOtir Not: Only was the-petition 'presented, -but It was also pnblished by. Count ,Cavour'a means,- although It, ;ertuiln the main a Unsure of his oonduot., On ano ther' ocoesiOn . we ventured to. send' him the . drat ,copy of a book which oornbate.frhis policy ; he ao °opted.% and—thankod its. in a graoions letter, And, 101.12dlitlresse: tr. Count Caiour the liberty, 'that hit beefittatitad'ns of oollsoting Bt.: Peter's Count;.oaysur, among other things, in his last ,momenta Rae hand to ray': " The Niapolitans! ! why, they are highly vivacious' and intellectual ! .11 at present they do not answer. .our expectations, it I's because jut ,at, present they are„not - Autte. prepared:' Bat they"will soon be".c.etter-,..- - .9fe.y.will. not tiehindbiiid with the other Italians!" A '.'lllltn - letterAsys, Aleaoribtag•the'elosing seenesof..C.ivottr!e.exhitenoe: h He spoke of bakil : Geed' 'heavens !' are. Witt( ilitiiihrave man in• the reldsVof•ill hbrepttantticitlee.7 . ,:lire . go, to Yenioe ; es for litita;:that .witt po_for another generation ; have dene`enough for mine.' Saab s were the liatlmmti he einistantliexpressed;:without inoolserinoe; but repeating, them often, arid. Mv ol u ntarily , It s also declared that It"itio . kooosTsiry to. govern ,, with liberty Count Cavonr :worked' for fifteen hoidl daily; He was 11, hearty eater, small orioker, and took,no izereise, - ;Thla *frail:o4On thaaoriatitutioi biaikeit on hoosslonal headmihea; from which: lie - Teonglit relief in phlebotomy..,.,, , Letters from Tu.rin,atate..that at the funeral of . Count Csvour, a number of Polish end Hangs.- Tian refugees were 'present, with General 11.11411 a andlEtissuth at'their ' . • The.body was opened...4 the .phydolagis =Alpe afternoono of the'7th: lewai markiii Ail kb -Bairtartied l enttei:White during - hfif shortinn :TheolficitiL Austrian Gazdte refers in the kl 'lowing terms to the death of Cone 4 Cavour c', ' !" The' grave is before - us, and We will not there lore sHer a judgment on one:who.;wes our enemy. t/ hatwe Austrians canny is, that Count Cavour, tee left 'amongst us a meniory.thar trill never die :His 'ob3-ot was to weaken and bumble 'Austria-; that okisat he nee fully attained, : A great revolts. Alen has been ancomplished. by his hands !' A subeeription has. been opened 'at Home for tbil future ortOUoll Of - n mostunentto Connt Cairourde4 Abe th . ltoilit - Napo • leon, Cavu' !Wr ; a" "e - Jike eimai Whose eitigeacifen compelled bicalo si tu wi•li ' sow, whilli :taiinnuatta mortal .191•.A9t having . .d um of a smerie s t ent ly m long ea , ugi *eche BiLl2O. time play being constrained to'lilt it'ttie : same' table unscrupulous and ;dangerous a el:warner. rneltber moat we withhold ..ous. mac& of approbation from that marvellous adroitness .which *enabled him to 'mini,e with so little • irjailiche aohtfally stisi tamed.: 3 Tbat he 'did trot .keeltitosel `altogether; body and soul, is a . great deaf more wonderful, thad that die . 911594 - upcdoue oinimardon_eacttid have been obliged to deliart with only a portion of the skirts of hn gtratent. — Loridon paper. - ; ort.Astintc.ste .9439NR119. In bts speotat'eorrespondenoe from Americut,.te theTtes4l, htr, Russell l a ys ""Thetis is an' :embarrassing oustetuie A_uattrYia, searoat i . s tki tig i A t t e . in :any bode of good naaanars o whieb.,in the ttzonth at least Is may too otliumon,- ' and which May be still more general intim N or kko L at ill'avente; to a stranger it is protinetiee Of the I annoyance which to experienced-by by , one' 44* to . Obliged to icquire whether the behavior of;thoie amo ng whom ne is at time Is intentional inde ne a t or ooeventiousl 'wait 'tir'reedlig For loetartae, m y friend and'asYself Us we eie riding along sae'a , gentleman standinghear his'batt•ry or lits flood morrow; oelonal,' Or r , goneral,', (ea the oath., may be,) says my ftiend 7 -' Good morrow (Imagin ing milltayy rank aocoording to , ills notion pos ' sassed by speaker of the importano• of the position et general's A=" D:' 0 ,)' Sills ' 'Oolontd, ho t allow me to introdueeto you Mr done* , of London. . The oolonel advances with erasion, holds out hie THE WEERLY PRESS Ima Warta' Prete Will b• sent to nbianbere b 7 mAil (par mut= Lt efrnistos,) tt—.......54.00, Threin 00p.i04, " ' 6 _ 1.11.,; Frre " • : , i r...........0......N. , .4.00 Text e, ee es • —..--..- .121102 Twenty " " c' (to ono Redrew 90.60 limas Copies. or over, (to adduct. of "• • •:• each rube:a-cher,) each—;.....—......,.—.—.—.. - Lew Fora club 6. • Twenty-one or error. we will mid *a extra covir to tr. setter-ue of the Club. - Kir Portransteni are requested to set aa Agents (Sr Tax Wilms Fillies. CALIFORNIA PRESS, Issued three dmes a Month, in time fat the CsWears. Steamers, ; hand, grasps JOrtrUelf hand rigidly, and'arrYit witrui; ly, as if ho had Just -gained a particalarobj ward his 'existence, Mr ;Jones.-I'm very-gladto,makst your acquaintance, Mr. Ilave„you been yrati Moire you haie been in our oonntr7:lo ko:• Bittlit ie most Illiely'that theta:anal will }dirt Wfilk . isay when he ple4a , e. without - saying' a'wtirdittr rer;taking the least notice of the-sforcsaitt.foneaiws, ,to.whose acquaintance he had Jost beforeexpressed, moil friendly feelings, ,and In whose. personal . _health be had Colin) eo deep an in , and J i attes, t 11 he le aootistorned to •it, recta tiffionted. The foot Is that thenntroductlon sme.nenothitig'; like merely told eaoh,other's names; and if-you ike you way improve-your amlairktenos t , The an rishr king fa, a remnant, of ttarb ITT?". A1,9' 1 "- whsn men wl'h the samiCooloreil skill were o g ad to see eaah other. ' 1 " ( ' ' TB CUMSo9 OF ENIiL . AIID •Asb-Wiktak,:/861: ' A parliamentary paper was Infield `Bm-Friday • Bight; oonalating of a lents of tables:ilor the papa,' lAd On and houses enumerated in ,ELlRiAlkli and ; Wal.a, and In ihe.lsLfirual,in,tite Biiean,,on, the BhA p• 1881 " ba'flitat3inpaiiil.mloiiiv4n . 20 205 5(4 ; 9825 Ne - inalee;aid . lolBo,- 2513 f .a The • 'OAR, p4ptilltioll•ln - 1861. IT 027 009—via., 8,781 225 males and 9 , )46 . 384 fe males • The portion of the arttly, ; . royill navy, and ng chant seamen:Mat of the.oountry at the thus of the cecina lanot included, and as it appears from (M -oira retorns that the army abroad amounted to about 137 000, the royal navy, and marines absent from the United Kingdom to about. 42 9 . 00, and the to•ohant seamen - abseni -:on vv.) get! to about 96 000, It may be 19.83111326:1 that the numbers of tutee classes belonging to .E gland and Wale! were collectively not less than 162 021, mostly adult males Toe actual inereette of population (2 169,&7&), between 1851 and 1881, was greater thaw to way preview' decennial panes ; tint the rate of owing to active emigration,. bad somewhat di minished Toe above are the general reatti`e, u oomprised In the &et three rablete. — the num .ber:.f houses in Stgland end Wales -In 1881 ea 8 745 483 'Dhabi ed, 182 325 uninhabited, and 27,- 580:banding. Teens 18'. a large increase in each 016415. The population of London within the naafi; of 04-Metropoint Ono-rentent sot is, in 1861, 2 803,; 034; as against -2 The initiated noes are 362 8912" , ::- • • • • • • " Tee o her tames -gifts' details of counties and districts, except the lest;table Xi', welch relates to 'emigration According to toe rererus of the emigration commissioners, 2 249 365 emigrants exiled trom the ports in the Uutiee Biagio:o in the interval bet wean onuses - ottd Arch 3l 18.51 ..And the census- of April 6;1861. But 191.532 et, the . nutiob'er were probably ot "fo'reigzi loatqng -2 Of4;B23:erntraitts• froth' the pepalation" - of •the ' Zegae.;'fitlrtiom:ebottt 640 210 were or were of Sooton,origin, 230,88Ei .04 • ' " " 'The return does nbt.loonteln% the results of 'the •iii*poes for tioottatid and. ; . Letter froici • • • OOL. PRANK .NLAIR?EI .SPEROX LAST °m alt. vim?' VisrAiot in!, • *itiiotior To Ar#,Bir- . . triVroiiiiits_' WAN' 4 . 1 feiLl3o4lll' nireriti) • :'AT.:WiRKISTON4I..As Of k 0 CLIXT •• . -61 .PPLIN d 7 — AkEY.' DR.. TTNI:I--tOOLDENT. TO • issue bs ._ . . icicranieatteroe sr The ,Pr. ..“.1 A.. Nuvr - Ttivic,'Jcuse 28; 1881: -- • Ctili Fran Blair elieech • last might,-at the "serentide.given him at the Metrupolitan,"is the • subject . of. commendation,,.the.-v.. lair/tale,- but among- tittypeople. • Its onixtus ;7 , prOcpiaing hostility to •c.comprornise" itrex. 7 actly Itra&COrflance with`the:iiiittinierdot New' York: -The Idisimeriati, Who can eipressauch 'ainitimentis'and . titai Onlthe:border against 'the. combined 'power_of.... • .Scuttlefficers:and itseceasloulatf6 the all! others to,flitthe .Spealiq!s ehailor the up! preachingo4llngteia: ; • Twenty ei* hundraeid"ffity men left-towii yeaterdiy'for 'beat of Government, idly armiatand• equipped; and before the. close of th;t entitling ;week lour thousand more will be on the...may - from this; Offilti:ranfling the grist fief : that the State - I - Pi New' tirk rls'alrer4l,sent:lOitytiu•nearei Iteldierel to the Bel d,:the twarleeling'• ;tijotkaudttorty, thousand more could :6e•rahse'd • ihlatzty,days, withunt thu.slighteetdtflictilty. : tretwithatanding.thecrinciem-to whion Gen.. sicilia: haft, :beim 'stibjeCled bY few it,totAt. • unfilled friends" in not nesi.apepers', vide it: rapidly'up;.iii;tit; wilt' lutente •• • rieittly: t o Move.' About , tbreit "thotufeed have '.• fairs ad_y.,beest:;muster4Jutp -the regular per- .; ,vice,. and . the army ( nificers...ditiiied ittr. ipitilitiailireitioVitdditst to the 'mini ttir.'",' • . ;The* Masonic 'fraternity - evert where WM .leari•Witli: Satisfaction that =toe Itev...J;uxies tuts been appointed chaplain of the -Tbixd,.C.otipecticut regiment. . Mr. Willey has - ior.tiany,years past been a prominent Wilinal idtheMaeonic and .aid Tellitsv fraternities; to S+iretary of the EpiScopal'Conveition or the Diiiketio of Connecticut, - aud ono of the most " sticbesaful;•sis be of .the most popular, . etnrgyruenin•New England.. - IS:pealting ! ot iclaaenry, nea4 every officer of •the Buffalo regiment, now at Washington, is - ' .ft' passim, and a regular Masonic lodge y t about IQ be opened by the& while camp. The •'major, Wm. B; iDretv;:is Grand:Lecturer of tile Grand Lodge et the State, and twin daily :expqetation of receiving a chatter to en.ble .ttim to commence work. An tt institution" - ot this sort will serve to while away many an • 'itpiir agreeably that; in the monotony of camp woula tie otherwise thrown away. - :11undreita et - .4s.brethrou" in other regiments .vrepicl :avail themselves of such an op iiorinnity, to brighten thezia*ves .np .l .the vicirk the*. oichir.; . . ' • . . 2 The. Reiv. Dr: •Tyng; formerly Philidai. • • ~ beg.om4 sole iiroprietetand edirimof, llse-Protestatil Chwrckwunt of :this•eity: : • ••••. Iklab4p.•Dy•Laucej:,•of - Virfog.iss was'siceidentluiikaeciiifilawn ioi - oatisbus liticturtunslely, sus. - ' tidied - no • Be se abcnii today ' I Col: Frederick:-Tosineeadis AtbalY; ar ttenpng 'Tor, :tbe.`traastilr 'of. the ' comae/nd of !tile: 3 ey.tmeb e t.:( .New York Yulate/tns, now at Forirees Monroe) to Rome ottter.utli. der. He accepts the major's commisslOri: to_ lie regular army. - • Hoitax. • . , • . , r t Frther fom the South... '.- • .. i u WHAT TrIT. nneaLasvom coussisri ?area ON YR. lItIIASISLY.,I =time/1800T' 11017711 VesuLtita.. , ,- , . The. Charlsston : Coursenef the ! 20, h._ tx!st : , in rit4 l 4o/1.:*...../.14 15 ;.:*t #. l :Eusie_. 11- 1 .. 48 .:!u. "i.... a.... barolina and **five of her eiIiZODS for mOnstroltl-. hi instititielei iiiji: ' • .s - ' • i This prodtisliciii - of the innatriods narrater' Of • battles has ootncauniciatedattioti Inietrat too ;4) the People .of. - ..tkinlit i Oerolina conderaing ;themselves- Before that ep srle wai read, ra.,oe,rg•Airtes 'we here ignorant 'th'at we' ware all - rootarobtatii,' sod - ibat we .were' pra y ing .tor'dellierimee :frOM".the oke•of republidapiern, that we might eajiy...the delights and poSaps of a royal °purr., We knew .hat•iris -were - sue lonirlir'of the old Uilted: thetas. ;hat we had' became °Wiens of I new - Detrain: , pent, and that..we were , engaged i f 3":susgatslin.. pii - L 'ite hectorrand ' divltl . ; - tint we did ;iel know that we Weiet4riSig out for a3bitit9 kV& Wnsn the lettet.. was read each one ttilkekiii - other' if' he: bad-ever' heard snob sentimenle - eX• pressed as are ireputa to nirin that eoroPoeitlon;• and the reply.w.s iavarlably itt the negative., 'Xi what Dr. _ Russell states be tree, 'hen. we ars a. commonwealth of deceivers and •iisrs* 'We' 'all said the forin of government runder which •we' sone tivint;., and for whose maintenance-we are well% lighting:and atiffaileg, ail linifiTta - ifeeii thrime set by in our State end 'seated' tinareori e'diedemed: and-seePtred:AlliOn!ot Britititt's royal 'stook; set. yet each has kept the desire hid aw.y in the,darki reoesses Of his heart' 'Husbands bac not reveilol' the eisdiet '."- to' their: wired= add friend ltele.'net; breatbed•it:iato - the ward' triend.-• -It .this bell* 0180, WO 170 S.retnartable people: tied, th 011411.13 0. 0110 . 04n 1 admire us tor ' bon est, and trutefetizems - and , sense;we :cannot be praised 'too highly foi Wei, iieisi liihtiecondilian when Di IlanseliCaii; kiong.'"The dangerous seer et was •barilieelli-Our bosoms; And *hen we heard of the dlitenguished presence; right gl , d were we to let the demsa Dome, .up our lips All of Conive,'Loonid - nalobraiiii &c -ease Witte:eminent writer; but manigecitieivWk l i hie face 'lad , shook 'his . hands,' anal unburdened .their souls From all qualters,there came ,te_bis eats the echoes of the smalls voids. Tliki'Vtiliatiltilcf, al If wei could Ciiifgei - Joiae"or a the • iforil "Vibe ~iir /land .to nil. overinose abottld be content" the 'admiration ' -These.oonfassions satistled Dr . D.ussell that," She 'admiration for mottro . bkiittllttitiris fins on the Si g. . - lush mixial, for- privilifff , iti:cisissee; and fora Undid . !aristocracy : and .vwrry f is undisguised and-apple ready ,gentuni," With . the Pride of 6.67111 11 'achlevett ' their IndePecidence is mingled in the lklioothsCaioliniana"hearta a :strange regretitt:the .resoit. „mut .olnaegnenoes, and many are cher who If *Vold go baiik to morrow, it we could:" . ` 2 Tha-ooming 'of that gentleman trek i iiill4kl Arrent. 7 i its Scored i s , oeit, WM DO' 0111e:Ot? sli ,skilful living penmen could iksr• made more.of the hidden Inclination than Dr, Russell, orttili .t. oidatt •Tiii m - , If her gracious' sovereign sees thaitiet ter, slie'weeld do well to send one of kt-r sons.lo,Vbarles , too . or rather one ,of her dertg,!iters,,witt t . vb. ,3.• o misry' itiatramens' fittcl 2 rdbas; 'ilk' Iff . e..hirias_ The amitosis 'now !proolaitaiegt A'l3l.o' O worl d We are monarchists, and the i 44esduak : of Soota 'Caro lina will MIA the knee i raker monarch but a deseendent of the deo* ois joke was brukez by our fathers. i :• ' : ' fl:l'. -...- t. ' • . . • A FALSE. 11,1t3ckli.-461'are Authorized OS . say th at the wagrikplit vibtib baboon copied taw aerveral:o44 . l•l;ffoisr Ths :Ph ilisdapo - a Prew in referiiiiinaitliS66lningbam, the fi . ogont of the tidiiii'qlotti*Yirnois Association, is . entirely • iilihout foundation butininetiiim has not been at Blount Ter abn a t ao e 7ucDioimber At: haat aisootinti rata was. at bar (orator total In 80niii 011 , 0110/s .i where pee bad been oottineei to her snort, for *coke by :whine Tee iteptitation . quallyiniime 7.• eyeot to the lady wbo . repreinataqatrA d soidation, sod.who now resides at ,Mount. Vernon • She is Incapable' of oeinpintattiois the "A:vociiilen by sore of disloyiltj or tedhaireitfoli In 'abatis , of the saered%rentalardt illaablagaoa,.ebe .nreows:alie hee,hat oae,duty,to perforni.o. be,taitaini cosh ir tnur end' the - Aladoiatiofi==iuill - An 'tetingni"'wl l !are yowl 4 4, 7 0141 itikeltet TuF ,'"g • • •74 • 11:000Bilelnigit vitilik they oiumit obiato , yig. to'iWiiiicapted laid put into thi *soca. - : • '