The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 28, 1861, Image 3
• _ . Proceedings of City Councils. The regular dated meeting of both brandard of COMIOUI Was Int" rsitoPioi sftmoon. 815LECT COUNCIL. Tose. Cramer,, president, in the chair. The n ova petiteoes and communications were received -ope from the unemployed citizens of the Boren teeoth, Eighteenth, end Nineteen th wards, ova e es i e g a copy of the resolutions passed at their oast meeting, which was referred to a joint vr e sial oommitthe ; from the trustees of the Bated r oler i o . Illeshanioil Raft asking for an appro. pay damages dona to their building by elation 10 P rome t ee rs ; from the eithena of the First division, F i tc h ward, asking for the change of a precinct d 00nnualvation wee resales& from Alfred F Dangly , Ireq , asking Council. to be present at t oo commencement of the Polytechnic College The invitation was accepted. From the Cameron Regiment, asking for an ap propriation of 41,000 to astray certain ezpencos. ileferred. From George Allen, Rrq.. of the 111:13 , 11178117 o p ie erylvarda, asking Connolle to be present at the i r annual commencement. The invitation was annelaa air. Davis, from the Committee on Girard Re totes, reported a resolution transferring certain ;tout of appropriation to said estate Agreed to. AA ordinance for the widening of Delaware gone. from the north line of Auk greet to the p ath line of Vine street, was agreed to. The Committee en Girard Estates reported a r esolution authorising a remittance of $2OO for rent doe said estate. Agreed to. The Uminolttee on Law reported w resolution shangtag the places of election an the fourth divi sion of the Fourteenth war , , and the lint divirion of the Eighteenth ward, which was adopted. The same committee reported as ordinance fix leg the placer, of elections in the Twenty fifth and, which was agreed to. The committee to verify the cash accounts of the Ci'y Treasurer reported the city funds to be $535 057 93. The same committee reported that the amount of worr"is e° o s l6 Pgirfnea by the City Onntronee this year, up to the Sidt hut , to 029 909 49 Paid by Treasurer 719,750 23 310 153 20 thititondiog warrants to Jan 1, 1861 2239.011 )0 YAW o 1 thug Iv Um 20th hmt sit mg 68 122 711 42 Leaving outstanding altogether, on the 26th lit igant, $432.864 70. Me Nest presented an ordinance providing for the extension of the time of the heads of depart ments of the city, which was finally withdrawn. Mr. Berme presented an ordinance making en appropriation of $3OO to the Taggart Guards. for expenses incurred while mustering. Referred to the Committee on Defence Mr Fox offered a resolution instruoting the chief Commissioner of Highways to report when and how often the streets of the Twelfth and BeeOnd wards bad been cleansed and the dirt removed since the Bret of January last. Agreed to. Mr. Hanson offered a resolution instructing the Committee on Surveys to report a plan for drain lug the parade ground. Referred to the Commit tee on 'Rune,' I Mr Nem, at this time offered the following : Whereas, The Legislature at its last artsition en titled that the eleotion of the members of Councils and municipal officers of the city of Philadelphia, ,belt be held on the second Tuesday of October, in such year, inatead of the drat Tutelley of May, heretofore, and that the terms of tomes now in office shall be extended to the time designated by raid act, altar the October election ; and Witerects, It is manifestly proper that the new Councils shall have the opportunity of .ppotztting the heads of departments for whose conduct they will be held responsible by the people— Therefore, In order that this purpose may be attained— BBC?. 1. The adapt and Common Council of the city of PUllede/phie do ordain that the twine of the beads of departments to be elected at any time hereafter shall terminate on the diet day of Jan., 1882. and that all ordinamies or parts of ordi. IMMOs inoonsietent with this ordinance be, end the isms are hereby, repealed. Mr NSA'. said Thiene/WWI% will give the new Councils the opportunity of choosing their own officers. If we appoint them now for one year, they will have six months to serve under the new Counelle. To make a change of the beads of departments le the middle of the season, when Gouts - awe are but half completed, and a new set of hands must bit in troduced, would be very unwise, and .tuolikely to promote the interest of the oily. The time moat proper for new men to take their places is in the winter, when badmen &suspended, aid the old accounts settled np ; when the new in eumbents have time to study the duties of their lame, and lay cut plans for futare action. - Mr. McLaren:a' moved to refer the ordinance to the Committee on Finance, which, after some de bate, was boat. Toe bill was then agreed to. Mr. Werzatiumn cffered a resolution dispensing with the next stated meeting of Councils that day being the 4 h of July, and that Councils meet at seven o'clock on that da and proceed to witness the grand review of the ifome Guard. Agreed to. Mr Sense* offered an ordinance imposing a dna of $lO on any person who shall dhatroy _or in jure any of the tree. or property at Fairmount Park ; also , that it shall be the duty of the Park pollee to remove from the Park all intoxicated persons. The ordinance was agreed to. The Chamber then went into an eleetion for two directors of the Girard College, which resulted in the Glutton of Messrs. Morton MtiMioheel and John 0 James. The bill from the other Chamber, making an additional appropriation to the Washington regi ment, wu referred to the Committee on Defence. The bill from Common Council, making an ap propriation of $595,000. to pay the interest on the fended debt of the city falling due on the lot of July. 1881, was concurred in. The bill making an appropriation to certain fire companies was also concurred in. The bill providing for the expenses of the special @leaden in the Second Congressional district was concurred in. Tee tail changing the time of meeting of the Board of Fire Directors was agreed to. The chair announced Messrs Dickson, Davie, and Magary as the committee on the working men's petition. The Chamber then proceeded to Common Conn iff/ for the purpose of electing _certain officers, and, on reassembling, concurred in the bill providing for the erection of a bridge over the Bohylkill at Cheating street. Adjourned. GOMMOZI COT/NCI/6 An Invitation was. received from Colonei Pie&- listen, asking Councils to review the parade of the Rome Guard, on Broad street, on the ensuing Fourth of Jody. Au:muted- The funny of the University of Pennsylvania invited Councils to attend the commencement of that 'Limitation, at liffideal Pond Hall, on the morning of the 3d of Jaly. Accepted. A memorial, signed Montgomery Johns, in re !mule to the eaostrnotion of a culvert in Columbia arenas, was referred to the Committee on High- Mr Mmat presented a petition asking for the repeal of an ordinance changing a preoinot holm in tke Pith division of the Mint ward. Referred_ Mr LTIID presented a petition from Company G of Col. Small !, Regiment, asking for an appropria don to defray expenses lammed in this city. Re ferred. Thu amendment in reference to the lease of the Banbury and Erie Railroad ; pending at the ad journment of the last meeting, wee celled up by the president. Mr Lven understood this was the buoiness of a epee's' meeting of. Councils, and desired to know whether it was in order to take it up at a stated meeting. The Panful:mu, thought it was in order. Mr Lisn moved that its further comideration be poetponed for the present Agreed to Mr. Cassue offered s resolution directing the Coma& tee on Claims to .return to ex Coroner Jo mph Delevee aft his dovemente relative to a Maim he bee against the city. Agreed to. Mr Maces*, train the Committee on Fineries, submitted an ordinance appropriating $595 000, to ply the interest of the funded debt of the city, felling due on the 10th of July next. Agreed to Also, s fetelMion to release the sureties of Fletcher, Bmid, Z sue, and others, wee adoptei. Also, an ordlos.nee appropriating $l,OBB 46 for The payment of Maim of Maws Moutgornery, Miller, Minkel, and °there, for oorustructing This ordinance met with considerable oppod tint, and was finally referred to the Committee on Mr- Rains prestnted a revolution diraotias the City ControUer to countersign warrants to pay the *sperm' of the special election to be held on the 21 of July, in the Second Conventional !Harlot. Agreed to Mr. Quinn offered a resolution repealing the resolution changing the place of voting in the Fifth division of the First ward. Agreed to. Mr. Moran, from the Committee on Trusts and Are, Submitted a report stating that they , bad completed their annual Mit of inspection, and found the entire apparatus in a complete condition. An ordinaries/ appropriating $3OO to oertain steam engine companies : $250 to hook and ladder occapaulaa ; and $.250 .o base sampan's!, as pre. mribed by law, was agreed to. Mr. Carrxr, (from a Pint Committee of High yaps and Surveys) submitted a report on the sub ject of the bide mode for the 000 ttroottoo of the Chesmut Urea bridge. Tuley mato there has been no informality in realised to the openinir of the bids. A neolation was submitted anthonsing the oontraot to be made with Messrs Clark. MoGrann k lie , it a soil not massaging $291,85l 50, and the Pnoorstrueture to Meanie. Wilcox A Whitney for $139,512 30—the contrast for the masonry work to be entered into forthwith, and that for the super. annotate to be imbject 'to the farther action of Comas. Mr. Bistal.ll4llollo moved to mewed, that the son• treat be awarded CI Mews Clarke, McGraw'. it Co , and Wilms Jr, Whitney, at a oast of $415 000 for the complete work, aooording to the speoifioa coas. Mr. BABY= hoped that neither. of the reecho lions would pan. When the matter wee before the Chamber on a former occasion, it was dis tinctly stated that the bridge Wm to cost *300.000, and no more; and now a proposition coma here by which the lowest bid is 'Ale 000 ; this at bias, toe, when meth work can be dens at a much reduced price from what it mold hail been done at when this ag.oarnank was made by ins city. no Res also afraid that the stone would acme from Oonneetiout and the iron from New Jersey. Mr QUUIN said, the question now was simply as to wham this dentrset ettasid be given He eon. , vidored the proposition or Kr. idagsre• one mould meet the approbation of every honest men in the ohambar. By the eontractori proposed by Ea) the bridge would be constructed M the lowest price, and they bad eonfoomed strietly to the pre scribed form of advertising. Now is the time 10 bevel the work dope, as the bridge is mush flooded. ilelidra, there are thousands of men in Philadel phia now idle, clamorous for employment , and this bid give them an opportunity to gala a Ileali wed, Mr. Cassawsx.x. offered an amendment, pro Tiding that all the atone required for the loutuie, NU and emwttnotion of the bridge be prepared cad dressed In Philadelphia, exempt so much ea Putting to the quarrying of the some. That will prevent the woik being done In Connecticut or New Jersey. An animated debate mod on the bridge qua& tin, which hu been debated and reported a !math- time and again, daring the last two years Mr Lrxn moved dually that the report of the ectemittee and resolutions be printed for the use or the mutters, as they were evidently not pie. Mid to vote upon the question intelligently at this time. Mr Pones timid not are that anything would b e,. fettled by deterring the work. The subject bed wen fully dieCinitud, stud • la re portion of our working Glum could be employed if the een et:ruction of the bridge was commenced. Mr. Lurie' motion was not agreed to. The amendment having prevailed, the queitiOn toot rsenszed en the original motion as amended. Mr lawn. made an earned 'pooh in favor of postponing the question, and argued the ea it se He wanted to be Matilded that the 'peel hoodoos had been an drawn that the 091ltreOlOre 6ould not come into the chamber twelve month' !wawa, and day 'het en extra appropriation would be required. When be became a member of Coen oil the awn asked for the bridge was only $3OO 000, and the underatending was that the Chestnut- street Railroad Cowman] wee to pay one third of that awn. Re renewed hie motion to postpone, whioh was not agreed to. The second resolution, providing for the Gan struetion of the masonry and auperstruatere at the present time, was not agreed to. The matter was finally disposed of as follows : Mr Megergee's saseidment was lost. Mr. Cresswell's amendment was inoorporaled in tho original revolution, end the letter was amended as follows ; The masonry to be awarded to Messrs. Clark, MeGrann, 1 Co., for the sum of $2BO 732 50, aud the rupersorueture to Messrs. 141100 Z It Wl3lt ney for $134 732 50—the masonry work to oom• menee iMMedlitely. The report was agreed to, by a vote of 53 yeas to 5 nays The entire cost of the work will be $415,000 resolution from Select Council, dispensing with the neat noted meeting of Counaile, that day being the anniversary of our national lade pendenoe, was concurred in. Both branches of Councils assembled in the chamber of Common Counoil in pint Conveutien for the purpose of ideating a member of the Board of Guardians and a member of the Board of Health, to serve for three years from the first of July next. Mabion H_ Dickinson was unanimously chosen a member of the Board of (*usrdiane, and William Taylor (the present incumbent) a member of the Board of Health The matter from Select Council, relative to leasing the Sunbury and Erie Railroad to the Penneylvania Railroad Company, and authorising the Mayor to oast the vote of the city in favor ca the immure, wee called up. Mr. BARPIIIII moved to have the further cooside ration of the eubjeot postponed for the present Agreed to. A motion was made to make , be biii the special order or the day tar the near 'Aar.] ...eating. No quorum voted, and the Chamber adjourned. HON. PHAROS P. BL.uu.—At a late hour on Wednesday night Bon Frank Blair. of Mis Semi, was serenaded at the Continental Hotel, in this city. Be responded briefly, and is the course of his remarks said that any man who proposed a compromise to Congreas should be imitated from that body Bo idea of a peaceable adjustment was to be entertained one') the rebels bad grounded their armv and returned to their allegiance to the tegularly•oonetituted Government Until that lime arrived, we would proceed to deal out a merited punishment to those who would destroy the Union he was for saving the i. Won by mairoion, and of taking snob decisive measures as would strike terror to the hearts of all traitors for a century to come At this point a voioo in the crowd cried, "Down with the A bolltiv,rstets ?" Mr. Blair continued by saying that the Abo litionists did nut tell within the scope of big re • mark; at present. Bat hgterroald say that they had not taken 111) amiss against the, Government. Oo the eontrary, they had dropped all partisan fool ing, and were now in the ranks of the Federal army with men, money, and good will. They ware not like the rebel traitors of the Smith lie de used that all the people of the South were allied with the Seeession movement, arid is saying this he apoke from personal observation He then returned thanks to the assemblage for their attention; and aPer Mating that be reoog n-arld no flag, not even that of andYOUTI, ae supreme to that of the United States, he withdrew amid great applause. ANNEAL COMHESONNENT Of THE POLITEEH situ CoLiman —The seventh annual 0, =Milne merit of the Polytechnic' College took place last evening, at Concert Hell. The audience was very large. The Germania Orebeatre was in attend are*, and diseoursed some expellent musio. The exercises were opened with prayer by the Rev Henry 13 Clarke, D D. .Dr. Kennedy, president of the institution, then made a brief address Be alluded to the success of the institution. which has now existed eight years After speak ing of the progress of eduostion, he oonelnded by an eloquent appeal to the gradutres, who, he said, would always have the best wishes of their Doanlty. After hn overture by the band, Hon. Wm. Strong less introduced. Be spoke of the study of the arts and aalannet—which In early timed was confined to a few, bat now is afforded to every one. Gradually the arts and sciences have booms more diffused, wall now they have become the common property of mankind. We cannot go anywhere but we will find new Instruments are constantly being made by which labor is ren dered leo ditfionit---even inanimate objects are brought, by the sciences, tinder our control It is, indeed, a glorious thing to live in the age we now do. Life is worth more now than in the age of our forefathers. We stand in amaze ment in what practical salon cm has already wrought. The history that was a full and eomplete one of the arts and sciences ten years sine, would be bat an introductory now. It has been said, and often said, that " Knowledge is Power." It is, indeed, power when applied to the arts and sciences. Suppose that Arohimedes, Sir /rano Newton, or some others of the great dim ooverere of ancient times, could revisit this world, and 800 the great changes that have taken place in the arts and soienoes, what would be their emo tion*? It is indeed a blessed thing to see how we are advancing. No art is yet finished ; they are aU in their infancy; new arts are to be di:l -e.:leered and branght to light. The speaker in eat:eluding was warmly appUinded. The ceremony of conferring the degrees was performed by Governor Curtin, president ex Oleic of the board of trustees The degree of the Beebelor of Civil Engineer log was conferred upon the following-named youog gentlemen: Arthur M. Cwsimsjon, Cuba ; subject of thesis, design and description of passenger reilroad depots. Thomas De Cubos, Canary Islands ; subject of thesis, the steam engine. John FOlllBllOB, Norristown, P 4. ; subject of the . Els, aqueducts and their oonstrirotion. Ed. B Hutchinson. Newtown, Books county, Penosyl. veers; subject of thesis, railroads, their fro:lotion and construction. Wm. F. Law, Caatale, Pa ; mobjeet of thesis, roads and roed•making. Jas. W Hutchinson. Grigguille. Illinois; subject of thesis, "illuminating gas" Lewis W. Robinson, Had donfield, N. J ; sal-jeet of thesis, plan and de scription of an iron arched bridge Joseph B. Hutchinson; Bristol, Pa ; subject of thesis, Ella pension bridges and their construotion. Degree of Beohelor of Chemistry—Ferdinand W. B.oebling, Trenton, N J ; nrjact of thesis, the anelyde of Iron eras, steel, Gan and wrought iron. Jos C. Roop, Ceratantown, Pa ; &object of tbeeis, economy in chemical manufactures, and the utilizing of waste materials. GRADUATZB Or. THRZX TZARS Mester of Mine Engineering, D. E. Brower, Jr Norristown. Master of Chemistry, Balmy C. Eckstein, Phila delphia. Dr Kennedy stated that two of the grszlnittet were now engaged in the defends of the na.lonal flag. Although not present, the degree of Master was soot:erred upon them, viz Master of /Mechanical Rogineering—L. R. Fran eine, Camden, N J. Master of Civil. Engineering—Walter Scott, Philadelphia The Bon. Jsetztes Pollock was introduced, and road. a orief and interesting address. The bane:Cotton was pronounced by Rev„ Dr. H. W. Ducachst. THE STOEN.—Seversi places were street: by lightning during the storm on Wednesday of ternoon. Tna electric fluid struck the lightning rod upon the tower of Norm:tab's factory, at the corner of Fifth and Cherry streets The rod was bent downward, and several bri.he were knocked from the turret. No serious damage was done to the building, but the inmates were considerably alarmed A huge poplar tree in Fairmount Park. about one hundred feet in front of the old Mansion Rouse, was streak by lightning and rent from top to bottom. Rage fragments of the tree were thrown to a gre•At distance. ¶f he shock was felt sensibly by persons who bad token shelter in the doorway of the building Ti3a Walt of the sloor John B. 510..1, 17iNe the waterworka wharf, Ren-ington, was struek an damaged to the nmortut eighty dollars. The telegraph lines were much interfered let' , by the alarm. the lightning taking exOlaslvs *barge of the wires for e.veml hours. F.1.2.LL ACCIDENT.--Yesterday afternoon a leech man nautott liaorge Lennon was totally in Jared by the accidental imago:a lt o of h. earned in his pocket, while walkiog along Loons+ street, above Tenth The ball entered hie right side, and he fall on thlinavemant Instant dove rat pereono went to bin alaistanoit, and conveyed him to the hospital. Deacon died, however, on hie way thither. The coroner was notified to bold an inquest. irV Bionoggr Ulan nis.--The annual closing exercises of thui school will tido race at claw o'clock, this afternoon at the institute, corner of Ma , hot and Thirty ninth streets. The ordinary examinations will be followed by a review of the eadets in skirmishing and bayonet exercise. The student's have been well drilled, and go through military evolutions with the preobion o 1 veto. rens. S ALADAHO i CELDET6.-71118 corps of youth, under toe direction of /Major Eckendorf, will bare a dreie parade at the grounds of the West Pella• delpida Institute William street, above Market, this afternoon, it three o'clock, whore military men and citizens can have an opportunity of Nee. big some excellent drilling. The varioni company movements, skirmishing, and French bayonet ex ercise will be performed. &swore Anninzwr.--Coleman JOBeph,aged eve years, had one of his arms badly embed, in the eihippen-dreet market, by a butcher's block failing upon it. Be wee taken to the Hospital, where It wee thought amputation vend& be ne cessary. APPOINT/MTS.—Ron. Wm. B. Thomas, collector of the port, hall armouneed the foliosing appointments, and the appointees kayo been quali fied and sworn in Inspeotore—eatattel Oen, Joseph Btroek, Samuel Fox Ferman of the Weighers—Meals! Kemble, Find Aesistant Storekeeper—A. B. Sloneker. JEFF. D.Kvie.—Yeetentay a photograph of the Stetter " Jeff Deets " was pisoos in the m gua r e a u em m atm 1) o tea tive Police cif" ze, Fifth and Chestnut attests I; was placed 8010116 number of piotures of some noted burgiare and murdarste. CAirnow.—The city le now swarmed with that class of thieves ksown se boarding-house and hotel thieves. 3VDDISN DZATus.---Tha captain of tho GM man back Afford, tying at Lombard-street wharf, felt dead on board the WOW, at four o'clock yes terday morning. Yestardny morning, the dead body of an infant was found. On a lot at 13Wroath *ad C.t1,..-14,, streets. The coroner took charge of the body. Tag Unseal tilted in photography at the British Ordnance Bergey Oboe ITO of varietal sizes, the largest being eight babas diameter. focal claws°. forty one ickabez, and eipable of produelng a nega tive, free from sensible distortion, artisan lashes square, a stop one tech In diameter being placed eight inohee in irons of it. OA.RD PIUNTItier, IfizElT AND 012134015 T IN the City. at 34 South TRIAD 3trast. cia4ULAR PIJNTLNC. But aad Chaaptit is Ifi Lorkk Tlllllll lititrai, PAMPHLET PRINTING, and every other daterlai b o n of Printing, of the WOK 1111,4111101 r liteittYy at the Mad remonable rates, at RINGW ALT & BROW eily Dragers ihuldins, at soak TRLRP agree*. dalg-tf CITY ITEMS. FIBIWOHNI roll trigs CORM FOlTaln. "— Mews. S.O. Whitman & Co., tleoued tweet below Chestnut, have now in store—we speak "by the the bee. assortment of A No. i Fireworks in Philadol phis, mnonfaatu - ed and imported with opeotal Moe to the epproaching peoull rly interesting anni versary. They are already oinnuiebolbs to hell them to our °Miens. till to fill large orders for them to variOue Parts of the country. This house has lope bad the Ma tat'otl of keeping the bait quality of Fireworks. and from an examintlion of their DrCellt supply we 0511 safely pro hie our readers who may favor them with e call , a more sclendid assortment than 'WY have Over selected from before. lasterrAwszes Prinzusurso Goons —We would al; tin inform our readOree Once tor an. that the *dads of all others in this city to buy Gouts' Furntehins G ode in greatest perfection. latest styles. largest stari.=ty, and at the ansOlest wines. is at the old and IMPular Gentle Furnishing Rouse of Meows, B. C . walkout le. Co., !Gs. 5 and 7 North Sixth stmt. WO GRIM! COUBINATrOSS --Professor Lowe MS recently asoended to a great height in his grand bal loon. and sent telegraphs damnably's what he saw of the enemy's same to President Linaoln. I his is com bining two great modern disoeveries for an Meant purpose. Another important combination was made some time since by Granville Stokes. who furnishes exoellent olothing. wi , h elegant gifts, at war prices, at his Mammoth Clothing kmporium. 509 Chestnut street. THE MILITARY GLOTHINIS DEPOT.—Rookhill Witsotds Brown Stone Clothing. Rill etsweans to be the leading house for the manufacturing of military cloth lug. In the upper stories they have some twenty cutter. *minium(' end about seven hundred baud,, arc Poustuut ty engaged in making up the work. Over three thousand coats were made up by this firm in ten days, for the State. harden full snits for several companies of Rome Guards. and for officers of the army and navy. The lunation of this welt known establishment is Nos. esS and ,m atomism *treat. shave /Meth. ERMA 13w.LPRIA BOARD OF TIAPg. 6E0.14. TATHAM, TR 8 PBO raiNB/EAM4V7E COMMITTIM 07 MW ,Y COM. L. DEW*. LETTER BAGS At the Mordzantt . Exchange, Pk.ilizaltipitur.. Ship Sitranak. Row land - Liverpool. July $ dihp Tusearora. Ounoivr Bark larnuel Tartax, Tarbax—.,Brienra AT Mai roar Rath r'ordeha Farrell. Barbados , . J l / 1 1036 BATS ilea hagle. Kenny— --- Port Bpai Tvn.wion Bare Felant• ne. wenpne__.- jigivapa, goon Mirk Ann Plizahetn. Norgravo7.:___ _Key West. soon. Bark JOB Maxwell, Ono's— —......_. agu YTS , . 600 n W pyriegartb, Gram_ „..Falmoura. soon Brig Linaggu, Erma ____ Jag° di, Cuba, BODO SORr Faitttle Vane.", --..--- Harems- soon SMEINIO OF THE uvram STEAM S. FROM THE UNITED STATER. SHIPS LUVI TOY S.R.Y* Baearia-__ New Yorlr-Re.mhurg.—. Ines 99 of Baltimore _Pew v ork_.l ioerpool----. Stine 99 Jure New York-Liverpool— -J ups 29 RI , Yorir-Liverwml—.. Jul, 3 remen-- -.flew Yo-k . 1 4temen 6 K+ntsroo.....".New Yorkativetp9ol,,,, 6 raTal l4 .-• • • noston..Citgwor July ar.anna...Li,eqpnot . .10 , 2 1 0 II am MOM& .—..- New York Jempeampton.-- July IS Perste.— ..New July 17 ' , NACU . n e . york- Samburg 77 or&L.Becrtiburg—...— AU& /0 PROM E IIHUP& MIN DAT, Rremen.....-Bout-anioton...New ...... Jane 14 Kanearoo ----Liverpool-New York ----Jove 12 Goisrup„ Wotan .. —June 18 Et aromonia-.Bouthaorprrol-New York-L.__ -.Jane 19 art a .- Liverpool._ New York- .--enne 19 Penns .....-- Liverpool_ -YearVert —.._...Jeoe Ar,ton _.S l rlllllBllltitoll-81811V one 28 aekonis— 8011 , L naMpten-.llreW Yore —Jai) Teu flouthompton-21ew York --Atm 3,7 The Valifornia Mail !Mesmerised from New York en the let..llth., and ILA of each month. The Havana Steamen leave Nov York u tne 84,11 k tee. me, and prre or mop m0n0?,. . 10/I,liteNtl' iNtriKl,s.l44rfr,e:p.:• ?MIT ft VHSLADELPHOA., June 213. VIM RUN 16 —SUN SETS ,7 14 aio is WATER. —. .6 63 ARRIVED. Steamship Kensington. Balie__„r hours from Boston, with mime and passengers to Henry Winger, sSteamship Delaware. Johnson, from New York with rodeo sod loaosengw eto Aliderdice. Praised of toe Brandi wine two bring ard One schooner bound up; oft the Ledge. an unknown French shin; bristi M B Milli ken, Norden, and B T Martin. French, both from. Cards ono, bound up Brig Lillian. Ilwasey. 10 days from Ramis, with sugar and molasses toe & W We sh. Sid inst. let 3317 long 7710. passed brig Arabolla Irons Aspinwall. bound N. Robr A J Gorton, Elwell,6 day. from Quincy, with wone to rrsprofil. Bohr Triumph, Ards, S days from Boston. in ballast to °amain aohr E W Pratt. Walden. 4 days from West Dennis, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Boor feriae Wilßarnson. Jr. Winsmore, 6 days from Bostnn. in ballast to Sineickson A Glover. Bohr ivy. Henderson. 6 days from Boston, in ballast to 'Noble. Hammett & Caldwell. Bohr Rockingham Talsey.s days from Portsmouth, in ballast to Bancroft. Lewis & Co. Bohr Effort, Smith, 2 days from New York. with midge to eaptain. Bohr R G Whilden, Nesl.3 days from Boston, in bal. Mot to N &Hurter nt A Co. Bohr ft A Rorer: Roger,. 6 dais from Barton. in bal last to B R flowyer , & Co Bohr Jonathan Cone. Mahaffey, 4 days from Middle town. in ballast to captain. Bohr J G Stills, Swain, 6 days from Boston. in ballast to captain. Bohr E L B Wales, Hoffman, 6 days from Balton, in ballast to captain. Bohr Delaware. Denby. 2 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jar Harms A Ron. Bohr Ranoocas. Wright, I day from New Castle, Del. With corn to 'Jas Barratt A SOB. Bohr Z ?drama, Steelman. from New Redford. Rohr F C Bmith. Andomon. from Salem. Bohr Vlize Williams. Taylor, from Boston. Bohr Snow Flake. Dioterson. tram Boston. Bohr Sophia Godfrey. Bnatell. from Boston. Rohr Sarah S loos., Janet. from Boston, Rohr Alabama. Vangilder, from Boston. Bohr • V W Binimona, Godfrey. from Rostodi Bohr Yacht' sharp. Haley, Dom Roston. Rohr David Smvh. Donating. from Boston. Behr Lady Ellen, Corsn from Boston. Bohr marry A Shropxhire o .. Shropshire from Boston. Bohr B A Weeks. Godfrey, from Barton. Bohr Fr P Simmons; Godfrey,from Seaton. Bohr Man Elizabeth. Hervey. from Boston. Coke Win Jones. Jones from Marblehead. Bohr W 0 New wohnith from Pawtucket. Bohr lean Unica lin. Leavitt. from new York. Sour D Morris, Hoover. from No. wiob. Bohr Belle Bunt Gr nt. from thirnegat. Bohr Volta. Frocks. from Greenport Bohr 11W Perry. Ramoson. Dom Nantucket. Bohr N B PoWer. Beebe. from Bug Harbor. Mohr Sophia Ann..- mite, from Roxbury. Bohr shrub A Taller Dolma from Provinoetown. Flyaway. Davis. from Sag Harbor. Boh r. T ftenediot. Goldsmith, front Providetoe. Behr 44 W B•nediot. Ella. from Providence. Rohr Jae Rouge. Sural it. from Tuokerton. Bohr Wm P ooz. Hmiolr. from Medford. Bohr Naiad Queen, Hulse. from Providence. Bohr S J Boort teermhn. from Roxbury. Bohr Ontario. Vangilder. from New London. Steamer Concord. Norman, at hours from New York, with:adze to Wm M Baird & Co. CLEAR RD. ftliip Bitola Joe. Pinkbam. Liverpool, G A Moßinalry, Bark Schound Dwight, Mose:son, Portlano. L nother- Mel lb Co, Brig D-oren. Tra , ana. H %Man A re. Br e Catharine Rogers, Yazoo% Gardiner, C A Book seller & Go Bohr ti A DouglasArook*. Bavaria. P Fitzpatriek. Bohr A J Horton. 'Elwell, Quincy . Rothermel & Po. Bohr Ph Danversport. thistner,Stiak.. nev dr. Weifir gtoo. Bohr N L Nimmons. Gandy, Boston, do Bohr J R Mather. Nickerson, Boston. Twelle & Co. Bohr Pearl Brawn &Aston. R B. Sawyer di Co °lir V r harp. holey, Salem. do ikihr Tnumph. tarns. Boston. captain. Bohr A Pharo Lipainnott Portartionth.,_J Conrad. Bohr 'Elouise, Teacher, Portsmouth , Bancroft. Lewis Soot Roorngham Talpey. Borten, do Bohr h W Pratt. Weidtri. Bosom, do Bohr 1.1 A Nose a. Rogers. Boston. E It aawaer & Co. door Telegraph, Nickerson. Gardiner, Westmoreland Coal Co. Odd. N Stratton. Steelman. Norwich, R Rare Powell. Rohr Harsh E Jones J nes blorwi, ti. do Bohr Jar Hong' scratu, Pall River. do & BohhrL C Smith. Anderson. Salem, Van Dusan, Norton , Boor Mary Anna, Bowen Boston. do Bohr Lady lien. Carter, Motu. B Mitnes & Co. 1 eh? Danl Mo, rim Ho wen N. rwiotii do Bohr Haim Hall Grout. rrovidonce, do Bohr Viebti Shore. Hour/ thoem do Sour W Jones. Jones. Marb e N Bturtavnit A Co. Bohr fd A dirnveh re. Burnpshire. Boston, do Bohr d V W Simmons. Godfrey. Aalent, do Bohr Stoney& Orogen. Boston, do Bohr E o. Potter. Beebe, New Haven, do none RA T. tar- Danes P o e,i, i . tharli . d o Bohr It 14 Wilder. Piet. Portsmouth, do Boor .1 Cone. Nieman!. Middletown. do Boor Fly UhisePashau, Nantucket. do f.ohr W W Morey. Is-rtun- oomon, do Bohr It Corso, Ludlam dallatia, do Bohr E W idioms Far or. Boson. L Audatiried A Co. &hr N oind Queen Balsa. Providence. do Bahr 80‘.11, Steelman. Roxbury, do Bohr Alabama. v &canner, Roston, do Bohr H W heordiet. Slow. Pro.idence, do Sant A Higgins. Boston, do Pear Bedona. Walt, Boston. do Bohr W C Nehru. rimilb. Pawtucket. Sappier A Bro. Pont Isaac H noklin. Leavitt, taoo, dti Bohr Rom is nri. Smith. floiTnry. ory 'our Sophia Godfrey ifutorellaloston. Baum, Ogle &Co Bohr ..^ary Harvey. Mi ton. do Boor Vo ta. Brogs, Greenporf, J R Biatristom t . Bohr W m P Cox. limos. Medford. no Fehr h W Perry. aa.thnnOn. hantuoket. J If Whits. PonrFlyaway . Davis.ofil Harbor Blunickson & Wooer Rehr Jesse Williamson. Jr. Win-more. Burton. do Bohr T Benedict, Goldsmith. Promderice. J B Henry. Sear emits, Douglass. Portsmouth. Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. Bohr H P Simmons. Godfrey. Boston. ao Bohr tnotoin Vanrilder Fall a aver, 'Paler. Mali* it Co Sour R A Week', Godfrey, Boston, Banoroft, Lewis Str Beverly. Pierce. New York, W P Clyde. Str it Witting, Claypole, Baltimore, A Groves. Jr. tOorrespouooooo oruio Hanionore.l I..Rw Ha., Del.. June SI The bark Anierioan. for Barbados, and two sohooners loaded with pme wood, went to sea this moral Wind southwest. yam, A. MARSHALL. (Correspondence of The Praia _ HAVRE DE. BRACH. Jane ze. Nine boats left here this morning , laden and consigned as fulkows: Cpig iron to North. Chase & Northi T Brainy and .r In 8 , eats. turninous a Al. InniA. Collide. anthracite coal to Bow York; H Brubaker W. C Roche Lander. Me Pins 'Ultra. Rebecca Ann, and Daupkin, thraoite coal to Delaware City. (Conespondenee of the Preen.) READING. June gd. The following booth from the Union Conti mugged into the gotoirlkill Canal to dam. bound to Philadelphia. la den and aconaunled as Whom: _ Defender, Kral, to Perott liro: Saratoga. do to L G Nl7Opicer; Our Mollie. do to A 4 CICISC & CO; Orient, do - 0 to tiro- Mr 4 Aridarhon- towbar: Pea to Ingo Moyer. Arnold do . to ioehua Keeley; George WILUIOI4 do to Bolton & Crisman. Terror; anthracite coat to I. burrs, New York. MEMORANDA. Shin Wm Curominge. Cope, for thiledelphigontiled from t,iverpool 11th lust Ship. Calliope. Goodwin. hence for Liverpool, was gusted 14th tort. 200 rniles west of Cape Clear. Sh p Laneaster. Dimon, for Philadelphia. sailed from Liverpool 12• h Met Snip Plestwins. Ke Igi from Liverpool for Calcutta. gin on Codling . Bank. near Wicklow. tech met. km owns off slier throwing some cargo overleard. and proceed ed. making no water. Ship Golden Fleece. Wigton, cleared at New York reaterear for Ban Francisco. Shin Boort/man. "Thompson, for Buenos Agree, cleared at new rink gestmear Blue_ Crown Poin.., Knight. from Calcutta, arrived at New Y.•Tk ester day. awe Ft , ins Dragon. Watson., from Boston Feb 25 for Ban Frano.see, w spoken Ap bat 36 6. long 64 W. Blue Manlius, Brag' *leered at BONtOzi 26th inst. far Bomovy and a market. Bark Conrad, Bwiloyary. for New York in 3 days. was at Ili , de Jam iio likh alt. B rks Hamilton. Jarman, and Glenn, Efo'mez, for Phi ladelphia, sailed from New fors testerdYy• Birk redone, De Omega, hence ? arrived at London derry NM root Bark AOI4IIOII- Kirwan, from Rio de Janeiro, arrived at ilmtnnure yesterday. Bark is.azie, Nickerson, from Paposo. Chili, arrived at New Y. rs lemmas. P.s.ti Goalie t Henry. from Iquique, wee below Bal timore yesterdeg. • Brig Francium.. Veils. hence, arrived at Marseilles 13th inet. Drag Mount Vernon Hall. for Philadelphia in 3 days. was at Lio de femur° 16th nit Brig BOrth Point. Smith, from Rio de Janeiro. with 00Irce , arrived et Yuri rcateniar , brigs Orosmibo Rosehrork and Humboldt. ureemaw. hobos. formed at Boston 26th List. Bourg Grace Girdle?, Clark: B, Vara. ?rink' M B `""' boar. Lake. Revenue, Gandy. S r Hai or, Robinson. Win Wallace. Robioson. Knight Gage, J 11 Austin t Dam . .. W G dudes ied- rlewit.t Escalator. M Ruda .n. Hudson. Hewitt Ross, George Edward* Welke. Wm I. Cargill, Hawkins, Alex Fatten burg. Wilbert. Adolph Huge! gluon. hence. sad Gemtlria , movie, from Lewin. Del. at Soaden Stlch Mat. Solara Fanny. May hew, and el Btrd. Johnson, o leered at NSW York 3 egterdsT for Philedelems, Nous Et LI Storgeeatorris, W CUMIDILIU, WiVert White quill. Howell. J t, R. deer. Career., g rtimirer, grower, whirr 4 geaabeth. Seed. and ilver Magnet. Moored at Roston Seth rash for Phthideiphia. T P hearts siode 4 and Thoony * 047, hence, ar rived at New fork yes.erday. KrOFFICE OF THE NORTH PHILA. DE , F HL A paws Ktrtihß RAILHO i% 0 COE- Y. FIIII.ADM.PITIA June ttl, 1861. A MOMS oi SAO BSpoOtioldlro of the Nor , ll doipuie held at th.e.ot6ae book of no. 409 WALNUT Street. on WEDNE-DAY,J..1130,at3 O'clock P. M.., to sot upon the gepplenlelll CO their oh .rter.vaned nt the Legt SOB men4. the Letieleture. ja.1.211/412#4-41* Baorosarr. THE PRE -PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, MAE' ,1861. Philadelphia Markote. Juts 27-4vaning. The Flour market oontinuas very doll, and prim aro uneettlod and drooping. Wes nom- prise 800 to 000 bble, partly taken by the trade at $4 50d5 per bbl fer *common Western and good Penes superfine, $4 371a5 25 for extras, $5 121 a 560 for family, and from $5 75.6 75 for fancy brands, &cording to quality; inainded is the above is a sale of 100 bbls fine middlings at $1.121 per bbl. There is very little • demand for export; the receipts are fair for the sewn Rye Flour and Corn Meal are not much inquired for—'he former to offered at $3 25, and Penns Meal at $2 621 per bbl, without sales. WrielAr —There is more offering today, coil the market le dull sod deorimed about 0,000 bus sold at from $1 18 to $1 23 for fair to good and prime Weetern sad Pennsylvania red—the latter alloat—sl 28 for prime Delaware do., and $1 30 to ;1.40 for white Rye is "sates, and Pennsylvania is wanted at 600 Corn—There is rather more offering. and prices have declined to 533, at which sate 2.3 000 Mrs yellow have bran sold, afloat ; lots to store are held at 520. Oats continue dull at 24:14 For Pennsylvania; about 1,500 hue prime Southern sold at 2910, afloat. Beal'—There is a good demand for gnercitron at $29 for let No. 1; holders generally ask more. Corron.—There is very little Inquiry, and Mall business doing at fully former rates. OROCURTIIB are ortu, but qui.; with sales of 000 bags Rio Cluffee to note at 12512}0, on time. rnovisione remain very ineelive, geed prices of all kinds unsettled and drooping; sales of Lard at 0 , for yountry-puelted, and Ols for prime West• ern, in tierces—the latter oarh . WHISKY is very inactive; Permay/venis b malt+ are selling at 18i3, prime Ohio do 170, hilt& 16k, and drudge at 16., per gallon New York Stock E FIRST I IND U N 81,'81,pow)._ 8938 IMCM IT 8 as, 86)1 u U .4 '7 77 IMO I roma') 13 u 0r....101% 110(10 Coupon ildg 79 Srp 5101 M Tenn tft Ba, 'BO.— 37K 94000 - b7.v. 1 +el Virmini a . tit fte..— MIS 8000 do.--........... 41311 8000 d 0... • • */. 5 0,1 booo N t 11090 hltosou.l. et es.elo LLOW 81014) . al3.k 4000 do do ---.. brO .3104 .10 , K10 do— tar 3-4 4100Louioinnii 8i64... e 4 1 1410 Caul" , r 74.. 77 800 11 . 1.17 n Woe.' Ln..100 1.0 , N V Coo 08 81810 P.r.e ad mfg. be, 4 trie 4th intK bar New York Markets—Yesterday Asaas are firm, and selling at 85 5085 5635 for rots, and *5 524 ab WM for Pearls. BREAI H 717 1 088 —roe market for Fido7o ard. Western Flour le teary am for all tt• sortptions • azerg for ex Int ^ tate. nrmoh .5 in smelt PL11101,.. he FM es art 9too bb'eatl446o4Zl for sup., fino Stat. ; $4.608466 'or 17.1 i ra dui f tat map , . Ann 118•Ohin •n. tut,. lowa, ere,. and *4 &Sea Se to- extra dn. inoln , inn sheoping brands of round ha , . Ohio, at 858515, and trade brand- of at *0.40e55.84. Routhoro Fl o ur is dell and ~ ruooing, with rodes of 400 bhle at. 85 Thera 25 for sum fine Rahin-ere ; *84007 for extra ***toro in tor Brandywine; SO 11033 to for Georgetown $776.9 70 oar PsAereLturpc .And 87.75 o_rs for Richmond danailia. , Flom . ; dull and heavy. with Pelee of MO bhle at &4 neoT a 6 for the range of extra brands. 11.70 Flour is Rivet, ith smali sales at *awe for the rhose of fill!, all' , .u.,,erfine Corn Menl of , do I : we quote JereAr at 112.1002.90; Br , ildt wine, lit uoi patio.° :no e 16 e16.25, Wriest in newel anti late bue lo•-er ' with 0741 a moderate demftroi ; sale,l4o um bus at soesS I for rid e . as 101)11134 • Wesel d 6 for Milwaukee Club; $1.26®130 for 'watts Western; $1 40 I'4' woite Beranek,. Nye ie quiet at rditalo for Northern. Barley le dull at Melo° tiro c. .t 1410010 for Jersey Delaware 'sod P/111111,4vAtiia .110.41)i,o for state, and 2&3310 fur Weat erp anti Caned' .n. . . Corn inconro and &shade firmer,witb a fair deronnd; tales &9 OOU bushels at 46eraPo for new mined We.te.n. PRoVIEMPIEL—Pork is a tufte firrn-r for Me.', but theta is not much activity ; the ewer; are 344 bob ar .tf4t 37340 , 14.59 tor Mee.. and 69 99..0 for prame. eef dolt. wok, 440 bhle *840.0-8 for eotintrfr mass; s4a4 60 for county prime; in 10.75 tor re waked Western, and 511011.60 for extra mans. Beaman , lye dill and nominal t - at meats are two:olive. at Wien% for hams and 4,V050 far onoutdem. We quote mete Pork an $1440 bbl. SPECIAL NOTICES. BATC2nI.OIO3 BAIR DYEL—This celebrated and perfect Bair Dye is the but is the avorld. All others are mere imitations of this great original, whioh nag IMAM) swab citonsire patnmage In al/ Pans or the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hair Dr' isialallalif produces a splendid black or natural brown, without staining the stilt or injuring the hair, and will romady the ill elects pr bad dues, invigorating the hair for life. Sold by ell Anissurts said Padua:atm Wholesale by FAILNESTOCK & CO., DYOVT & ONa PRION CLOTHING or FEIN LAMM STTLle t rude in the but manner. supremely for RE TAIL HALES. LOWEST selling prices marked In Plant Figures. All goods made to order warranted satiefultorr. Our ONE-PRICE system is strictly ad -lered ta. All are thereby treated alike, vets-ty JOH Ea k eel MA 111(1,17 atral,e Owls Banal Comaymeno I#ol6lflulBll REWINS MAI:MINES Wu Bork in Use for PIMiIY &Mktg. U. Ise OA FlAllteW kr" Pit.a4ii!"trit 4.07 11 BILL-HEAD PRINTING. Beet and Cheapest in the city. at 34 Routh THIRD Street. DIED. AI A EfEß.—On 'wednerdag morning. 26th instant, Carrie J.. Moue. daughter of James Magna. Her funeral will to ••e plum from bar fatherli resi dent,* No. 1219 Areh street, on Saturday next. at 43i cola oak P, ,'N, To, proceed to 9 1 etenhen's Chetah, where the burial terviceit will be performed and the interment made. The friends of ohe family are respectfully reatier.rd to atttetd without fu-thrir M/LlB.—At the Chestnut-street Douse. en .the morning of the 26th lament, after a short illness, Dr. William R. of Richmond, Va. He was long ?ardent of Paiiedelshia aid was greatly rotes.. ed among an extensive seanaintaneo o- his amiable dis position and kindness of Part. His rentune are to be denosited in a vault winl gout to hill native city vve:ltetTEß.—en Thuttriay,27tc meant, of brim ehnia. Thomas Webster. Sr.. in the 78th year of his ix friendaand the frieuds of the family are invited to attend his funeral from his late yes dance, 1529 Vine' street t on Qaturday 29 h instant. at, 4 r Ft.lcrolle Thom a sr ar. Ell a Fletc he r harles S. Fletcher. no r andi in the 44th Year of his are, SAITTD . .—In Philadelphia, on Fourth. day wailing. on the 26th day of the tixth month, hanmelbmith, aged 613yearg The rolatives and friend. of the family are reenact fully invited to attend the fnneral. on morn ing, the .19th intdant, at 7 o'cioolr. from his late foal 1. at 41 Flevertth errs-t. Pirl..sielphrsa To r.... - oe d to Wrightstourn Seeks pointy. Pa. •SB.—On e 234 thstunt, Mary rants. daughter of Wm. Ai and Ela ati W. ChM*. aged 18 months. Funeral from the remdence of her earents„ Pio. 11 Oak street above ThirtP-fou-th, v‘ eat Philadelphia, on ~,• turday so orisons, at 3 o'c'colr. * B n the 25th last entre daughter of Walter and Annie 511. Bain, in the 7th year of her age, The friend* and reunites ate respectfully invited to aft nd her funeral, from the residence of her fa-her. Da K alb street, Norristown, this [Pride)) mornins t at 11a wrack .F 1 1 .112 RD'a•--On the 26th mutant, Edward Richards, in Meath Tear of hot e..e. Funeral from his at.. resid-nee. No. 1212 Wood. bine entreat. 0.. sundry afternoon. et 1 o'clock. ROB. , RTeOl2 —On the 28th MeMnt. Mar'', infant dsurt ter of George and Mary Bohannon, Ned months. " lunt nil firm 1010 Poplar street, this (Friday) tuna tlf. at 9 o'clock. Gra ITL.—On the nth meta-a James rolli , r's tem of bareuel and Louisa C. Gaut, aged 3 years and 6 month*. ?posts!, from the resident* of his parents, .No. SOO Trolor's avenue. Osnatten,.N. J, th.s (Fr,day.) morn ins 14 , 100 elook t Mob AUGHLI .—On the 28th instant, ThentattieTa• Lanothlot avd63reare. Funeral from DM late residonee. No 2018 Hampton mine . Isomi en T. elllleth allft TWenty.brg We+ M. atcoe ton hare. tHP F , dav 1 101*1210011. et 1 0'c1022.* fr cGoWAN—‘ n the 26*h' iratant, Inary McGowan, in the 26th year of her ate. MaGovan Nol9 r 2hoßroewo--el ntes.e e o t f . this (hFurrild..a.rd). Sohn after noon 2 o'elnek. oNn .irtrt.—On the Nth instant, Michael MeMaktu, area i 9 years Makin. tbe residence of his mother. Rose Mc- N0 n 19 , 6 Buttonwood street, thie (Fridt4l morning,. 10 6, clock. e.ft ID A N.--ttn the I6th instan', Hate M. MahollY, wi a of John H. Phs Man. aged 29 • a -trs Funeral from the residents- of her husband, No. 't'd Pei a stteet Twelea. above Pine street, tnts(Fridar ) afternoon. at I o'clock. MAR- HAL,It.—On the 25th instant, William B. Narehall. in the Md rear of his age. mend from his late residence, No. In Frslik`Ord arein shove Thompson street, on eunday afternoon, at Q cloak MU.IPEIV.—^n the ?5b instant. Filen Murphy daughter of Maurice and Catharine Penrphy, aged 3 yews Puneril from the res , derme of her parents. No. IMO Filbert street. late Farmer street, this (Frotay)after noon, at lo'olonk. 4 WlD ut. e . BLACK BAREO' ES, Only 7- T 4 Wide Meek Osnegen, only 60 ciente. 7 4 wiee Black Barakes, only 110 emit& 7 4 wide Blßak Bargain, mat am cent.. T-4 wino Mai* BriTegall, only In% cense. wide Black tieregew, OMIT aewte, BEESON Ic RON'S Mourning_idore. Jell - N. 91 11 1 iltiftwrNllT target fr_r A ll r : I 73 I3 C G ONIni s li ergll7 5 1) Mire?, o _Wry. r6vorArdef ft) the now naidonoi Hon WPC M. Kt:RN:WEB. for_ Cob•reas will be bald at NATIONAL tfAL,I. MAR it below I ft- TEENTH st , est. at ti o'clock gilt Evening. lte giSittiliDEßr 1111STITTAB.—The Att neat o being ix nrcor • anadera' limonite will ptace Jae. rah. at 11 o °tech. The venal exieeinatian. will close with e drill of tbe Saunders' Cadets The Inwltsta is 'lterated at Thirty-eleth and Kubik streele. West Philadelphia. prUNIVERSITY OF TEN • SYLVYrallik— DvPARTMISNT OF ARIL—The esoonmation .:did/deo for aemlarion Wil) be held at the. Unli- VP.RhtITY. TURODAY. the sd des of to o'clock A. M Stude to oan ay •ty for /Oars,. on. to acme the fall mom. for the Puree of Bachelor or Are. or only that vortical of it for wtrob the U {Pe of Bachetor of Poirpoe is 11i...a, or any inch coition as the may sanction. GEORGE ALL 6 oI. is24l-it Seemetary of the Faculty of Arts. PHILADELPHIA AND itIEA DING R.ilvocd Come/ir. Offie* vO7 flOnth FOURTH telliLAbtLP4llA. JllOBlB, LW. 'cuticle is hereby elven to the Preferred Btockholdera of this Company. that DP:N.I3 WARR elet t 8 e-e now re e dy for delivery. payable Dee•mber 3t. yet. g $l4 Layer 'Mare. which infudes an dividends in ' h r.>, OP the Preferred Stock. inolndlne that fop the .. r taw together with interest thereon. at 81 X PM K CE 66 , per annum from the dates at wb oh tb. y IWO , elusively accrued omit the maturity of the warrants. Blank power, of Attorney 08.12 tv• had at 'Ms office. jelB lit 8. BRA DFCI4D. Treasurer. MI GIRLS; HIGH AND NORMALacirwirL, The Ideml-anntivl Examination of card.datee for c dmistrion as Pupils of the Bich end No mal C0h...0 oil , be commenced on MONDAY, July 1.1831. at 9 o'olook A. M. g. be admitted. the candidates mist be at beset four teen years of age. and pan a-who:dory egeIDID.T/012 in Orthography. t'efini•inn of 'Word.. Readins i =lash Grammar. • onstituunn of the Un ted States, ensure tion. arithmetic, and Perm mane. A candidate must have been apup lof Publin •chool termdie Pupa? Ptahnni Nattier. 01 l'ennsylYania, for Ilia term of one year. The candidates will be examined mt" Mom DAY in Orthography and r nslish Grimmer. TUESDAY In Penni ton of "Words and ncoretioal arithmetic. WETINVEIDAY in Practical Aritbmetio and Panting. FRIDAY in Constitution of the Uni Led Mates and Men- nitration. The o:satiny ion in Reeding will be cemaienord on atOt4 DAV and be oontinned on snob day till completed. By order of the Committee. 1011.3 t P, A. tlitkßAK, Principal. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. (Dr.PAR4 MENT OP A Kim.) e raaspinstann of the Junior, Snolioninre. and Fresh•^an • amen, at the close of the Third Terns, wi.l be held In the following • IA A 1 7, 0. to 11. .Tturiorr. by th e Provost (11f , rai.Phi1osephy )and So9Aoraorer. by Prof. Ear , d4ll. (ilartly , rerit Uroinstry,r 10•11telt From 11 to 1. Freriernen. by Prof Gowns.. I figlefel kfilttOry ) area. Tuesday 36tt.. P.c. • b Juniors. by Prof. Ken. dnII. (J Yerentral Catentius.) and Freshmen. by Prof. JaelY.e. (CieleYO'N Elttalied.) to ittch. From It to I. So kmnlyes by Prot. epee. f Latlietire tlandbra.k Ik. English Lmtitu- ye.) wri,r,a Wed.. day 244. From 9 to 11. .FrerAnten. b. Prof. Kendall. (Geometry-) written. It tot Juniors, by ..rof Allen the Promeitleux Of Salotl,lns) 97 A. - ram 9to 11 Jart , ora. br r of. Jack. ,j„„ t ,,,, oral. From 11 to 1. Sophomores, by Pra Alien (the Clouds of Aria 'onbanirad on, l . Fridov.26ta. Prom 9 1-.11, .111/110r.1 LI, Prof PrasPr. (Kent and ike Rte .tn. goacn.e.) and So.A•mtores, by Prof. FraZOT-1 Chemistry the hlgtot..t tenths. g u. If.. SoPhottieru. by Prof, Jackson.' Horace—Oat§ ehd Sig ri.r • or.f. M..dgy. Tatty in. Prom 9 to 11, Freshman. by Prof. Allen.( Hsrodotars,) oral. IkIIROROK AUST./. .101 7t Secretary of the Fermat, of Arts. rehartge—Jurte 27. BadUM. 3160 Rudeon R Ist mtg.le4 INED du.. .„..103 600 Mieh. 8 241 mtr Ex 50 I I I Metropolitan 131 c,.. 78 101 Maps out t 0.,.. 76 190 Cumberland Pref. 435 110 fie mail B—. 68 62 N Y Central R.-- 7665 200 ro Ifor 7364 llom R 'O l Mien Or Ind -100 1111 ah N I 12k 20 ?ditch 13 Guar Ink . 2' l / 4 1110 Cen R f1ap....13 66% 100 do- c Mai a Cle .. Col & flirt R. 97 fe Gal &Ch.0.R..-- 59% nue mai 69 260 _ 00.4 2 9 ele Zr.. Tel R_._ 263 E 10 N Jamey The Peop'e's Union pear of the Second district therefore Insit !Mkt tor !he edministration of which the y are ft pert they need no' be ashamed. and that they have acted with a tieoen• re , p,.ot to the times nud to you, in Irrtliriltint the man limy CIO presera i nnd,in the mode ih pre.e• t him for your suit sees. It v. to be honed that those who have revived peliticel organize gone whose doet,ines h•ise been repudiated by the Sediment of iwebty %Mtge, may feel •he same. Let every man vrno in east We. has repudiated and desree doe ohs deo rises of 'whim( ileceeMlo is the le xi mate off prinx—evere man who h ore for a IMO' ore fut ea.i.ummation of the pres"ent anritiot. thaw!, to the longn.fge of Mr. it about., coot a teen s:lA millions of money and a million of men"—eill who Prefer t , e suer4-htee of a political life e-nestaa. to the continued existence , f the nationality. to that of Fi re writ convention—vote tor tti men we present. thet miyany of the treci nd (owlet may net be di...h0ne...4. Hi coder of the Peoplere Union CO3 r ',maitre ..!oni mittee. SOHN D. WATBOlir, Preatdent tozw.l.. F m s o s o ig4t y t . si. e26-6t rrr I 11111:ADaPill& & READING R. R. —PcILADELPtiii. Juan 20 lE6l—iO avoid =Mien the hn , done Of COOIIOOI of /hie COMORot). OOP on the In nreettno,ar. ?remained to leave them at thie otA &a on or helere the 29th inn, when metre wit be given, and cheat, wit. be reedy for delivery on the let prom, SO. in exchange for said Temple. Jen 81 8 BR-4D- n. TreeNOTOT. uyoVIR M HAVE Wm Pim V 2tD H MLP FROM THE PROTESTANT F.X.ol3ANOE,Southwest 001118 r SECOND ano NI W Street/, and take pireimre in recommena oaf it to the public as en institution much needed la our city, for its care in selecting the best men, women, and children as to character and quell fioations J. E. A D DICKS. 630 Race street. E. M. SE LE Re. G-een and ToLvehooken etreets. SULIANNA R ANDOLPff, tl3t ebeskrint •treilt. EDWIN KIRK PA 1 RICK, 1531 Arab street. Dr. PLISCOASTOI2I Mount Vernon street. JAS. FRE EM AN . 16M Mount Vernon street. GEO. r 447 Eleventh street. P. G. OLIVER. MO North Sixth street. 110 CV I.R. laird and 061111/ItItONIM avenue, T. WILSON, 210 North Front street. MeG WEL 622 South Front street. M M. WHITE, 333 Mamba street. W. C. BOER ,_433 Market squat. W. RICHARDSON .418 Market street, And over one hundree and fifty more, to whom re (Groner, will be given at the °Moe. mySti-Sin A, VOl, 111 4 TE IC li. fi+VALRY— W.S.NTED—TWFOTY GOOD MIN, to fol up" a Coarrinv attached to Colonel Younrii LIGFIT CAVALRY. Homes end equiv. manta found. Wilt be murered int. the United b=ates serve' as loon as the Coatesai is fun. tales wanted two BUDlatiltd , apply at 111 X ii DO= enrolls. Je711.2t CAPT., DAVPI. 1,0 0 0 MEN WANTED FOR THE UNITED STA rEt3 HI &RINE CORPS. able-bodied. between the ages of 21 and 36 rears, not less than five feet four and a half inches high, and ofifood oharaoter. Soldiers serving in this oorps perform duty at nary virile and on board United Mate. .hips-of war On (uruitu aietiono. All Maar information which may be desired 'will be given at the Re:We:vow, No. 311 Booth FRONT Street. 3M iu First Lieutenant W. FITORES RUM Recruiting Officer. NAVY SUPPLIES-186142. NA p 7 DEPAttrntaNT. flunkar OF PROF/61036 AND CI. nitINO4 Jelle IS lan .8 9 PARATIll PROPOEALU. Fettled and endorsed " Proposals for Nuys Pupplies." w II be received at this tureen until 9 O'e'ontr eq, M .. , on VVEDNF.SuIt, the Ith day of July next, f..r fut nothing and delivering (on reeeivteg ten ouys' notice, except for biscuit. for which five days' nettles Abell he given for every twenty thoussne you de require/4 at the Un ted tates navy var., Philadelphia. Pa., such quantities amity of toe foliowine articles as may be required or ordered Item the o ntotetere by the chef of th.s Rommonding offioer yr the -sum rinttyyara, darns the • s ei:e y u ' ir riu t r u .ii j ce " . ;;19e2 l id! , pickles, sugar, tea , beaus, molasses, vinegar, and whisks% Tb- hiss .it 'hail he iniiide warily from sweet suttee fine it ur. of the be ereeture of the year ffibit or mi. but she lin all owes mentraotured trm none made of the crop immediately urenieding the dates of the re tteriOne ihr the same; Sheol be phoerly baked, thoroughly kiln-• ried. wal pecked. and delivered free of &large to the United btetee, Id good, sound. well bright ft et oarre , ,, ,, lth the ti tine wel. scoured. The /tor shut be ou I to the host Nichmnnd and Ballimute brands sod of the munnfnotive of Isbell pr. we in the near IE6 I or 1861 bat shall in ail cases be manufactured font pure. w•und. fresh-gronuu wheat of the crop immediately preceding the dates nt the te f r irhe st. me ; shell be perfeotl. sweet end in all respects of the heAL ; snit shall be delivered. I n good ord r. tree (4'411 oh , trge to the motel Nutlet., m the best new, well-seisouea, s mnd. bright hire a. or het -thirties. as the cane near be—the staves end Lexdings ta be of red mix of the b. g qUal tr.; rong and well fit opal . with lin.r4 ho Mond each he'd ; two half •barrels to be consiutred NIS harm:, and net weer.- than one-sixth of the required actuary to be In half-h Tr.e ri e ghat' lie of the very test quality. and of the erne immed welt. preceding the dazed of the regrits, trona fur thP e The deo. d apples shitil he of the best au‘lity, and shah the merino bt an drying on T. and of the or T. ot the ;intorno' immediate y preceding the dales of the rettV: DIM for the SUMO and WWI be dehvered to ea. gives containing not more than three hundred nds. i her tales shall be pat in iron bound nicks. the iron henna to be 1 tech were and f to inch thick. and each aside shall ^ordain one In lon of 0410111..130 Minn of n'tp - re and eight gallons of metllu,a encumbers - fit - y to ga lon, d the vegetable =each 'Mall weigh fif F seven v wads. and their only be rotia for; and seek Ca k- shah then be fil ed wt h whi'o wine vinegar or at 'east 42 degrees o , str- ngth. and *stud to French vine car • and the contractors shaft warrant and guaranty that they Will MVP ;Mid and sound for at least two years. The iron hops on the barrels nontahaing whleke. molassea. vinegar, and pickles tai bt well painted with red 'end. The sugar shall be dry and fit for packing, and equal in quality to the best Havens brown, be Left sh•tt he ..f good qua ity young hyson. and be ilnlivers.d in ha fund quar•er cheap stints. . he beans shall he of the venr loot quvitp white beers RIM frivol be of the erne tmmrdtmety preceding the dates of the requisition for the seine, 64 pounds to be telt n as (no bltehnl _ . . '3 h- molasses shall na fully tenon] to the very beat qua hty of hew Orteens and. asea arid shall be delivered an new. well seasoned rod-cak barn- le_ With white-pinet heads not Less flake 134-inch thick the naves not less th n 36 - inoh thee k: the Drh* e s to tee three guiltier' boop.d. and, in nod. ton. to have four iron- hnopa,..”no on bilge IM inch .n white and 1-16th inch thick, and one on onto. chime itch to width and 1-lets inch thine. cod shalt be thoroughly coopered end placed in the hest shipping etndet.on The viteent shall he of the first quality. egged to the standard of VI, United Stales Phatmacopmea. and "had contain no other than !scenes acid ; and a4Pli i a dell veyqd in barrels similar in all respects to those reqoioed for ma a sew, ago, the esoostioo t•tskt 414.42-• eh staves and heads shall he auhmituted for red oak staves end white-Pine heeds, had shawl be tboroughli 000ested a d placed in the ben chipping order The whisky snail be made wholly from grain, round and inerceantable, and oil full first proof according to th. 'United Nolte* enstom.lblite standard. and than be dont. a reotified. It t hall be delivered in good. new, sound, bright. three-quarters no ped, well seasoned white oak barrels. with white oak heeds. the heads to b e ma d e of awes-we n s heading. andweri painted ; the stag a not to e fess than X-inch thaiik.and the h.ards not less than X inch thick; and each bayed siai4 D 1300Pered toad won. With er e three - yawn! Iron bm.p on each bier e 11g min in width. and 1-lath the thick. and one three-penny hoop on each chime. tjg inch in width, and I leith inch thick, pa per . higrom. 'the Whole to be pet In good snipping order, free of all charge to the United elates, _barrels e h a lfts unarmed anodes. embracing casks, . ,barrels,. and boy., ahall be ostkimit to spoil enspithion as the chief of * the Bureau of Provi sions and Clothing may direct, the inspecting offieer to he appointed by the Navy ttepartment. Alt min atone to be at the Vacs of delivers, flasoutt num however. be mowed .t th^ place 'lntel:tarot-tures but will in all oases be subject to a final Inspection at the place of de livery before the bids are insned thereto,. The prior s o alt the ioregoint articles to be the same throughout the year. and oiddere may offer for one or more articles; and hie offer will be itao•itted for that entitle for winch his proposal may be lowa .s. All the casks. Ferrets. and half barrel* boxes, or montages shall be marked 'with the r co barrels 'h rottrootor's name. all ihe and hail of flour, breed, and pickles shall have. In addition ti the goose. the year when manufactured or put up szterhed upon them. khe quantity of these articles which will be required oannot be precisely stated. Ihe commas will there fore be en de. not for *lmelda quantities. but for such quantities as the service may require tr be delivered. Contractors not residing at the place where deliveries are required Unlit est-144n AffoSlol6lll at ASIA 14.4158, that no delay mar arise in furnishing what may be requited; and when a eiontrtator fails promptly to comply with a r•quiPitiou the Chief of the Bureau of Provisions mid Chitties shah be authorized to direct on/charms to be made to supply the defuneney, under the permit* to be esereswd in the riestreret the mooed of a requisition. ore dnolcate cop, thereof. at the Bureau of Yrovutions and Clothing, or at the navy yard aforesaid. shall be evidence that such regional= has been made and re ceived. se-write offers must be made for each article; and in mum more than ere artiola is contained in the offer. the ehiet of the Bureau will have 'he reht to accept one or more or the article, contained en such offer. and repeat the remalid r ; and bidders w hose proposals are eccep ad (and none others; win be forthwith notified, and as early as practicable a co.niviot will be trans .itted them far Paean ion watch contmot wait be returned to the hursau within five. days, Assam° of the time required for the regular tranembonon of the mail. Two or more approved sureties. in a sum 'gnat to the e timated amount of the reaneotive contract , ,will be r•eu,red..34l t.eiry per aentom in addition will be tri.hheld from the eivonntof at{ garments on &mount then of co latent+ security. in addition, to secure its serf .riaance a a not n *my event to be paid until it is in all respects complied with; eight. per oeaturn of the amount of all made will be paid by the nay. agent within thirty days alter bias, duly all tben'teitted Veil have ban pregentipa to hi m , wittot forms of p.t.positls moo be , bleined on applioa tie" tot.* navy anent at rtiiladeiph a A ' , cord, or dap icate of the letter Informing a bid der of the acceptanoe of hit proposal, will be deemed a notification there It. Wittiik 1' ema nine of the not of Use, attl ni• old till b tondo and sooty:co in 00X/- formic. I. ith this made standing I very Mier made mom I* accompanied (at directed in the sot of Cousreva it airing apprOp , llV.lolll of the oval eery e for 1846-'47, ap. roved lath . f August. Me)by a wri guars .P•e . igne by one mre re•gt t• • .Peck ,het be or thoy hnd•r -t-ke 'bit the taddsr or bidders . wil. , if hie or their b‘d be arme'''d. pate. to o n obligation w thin five ea, e, wan good and autto sot canines to tarnish the sue pas proposed. b.. bureau will not oe obligated to cum- Met au) ro.pow+l ecoomplund In th e guarantee r valree by 1-t• ; the 000.1. .run t o the goat at e to be minified by the navy agent. esetriot attorney, or 001- tor I toe etletohes The otreission of bidders is &Vied to the dereeimioje 0 : 'ticks required a - in OtstarPerliort for ',actinic's a .fipe,l hut rie , d efimp.rtiree twill be mode &tutees the Offered-et Abe sqvitp • end co....met, reer;r4.l' nave that .f.. 11 Welty awn ; and tiLir alblelten tS also pilttittaittiy di Cited 60 the joint yipotsi ton of 211 h Ilfritrh 1864, wad to the act of as lerh Asigiest.3666. jr2S-felt WTO THIT OthiLMOTP VOTERS OF THISHUARD' HORHARiIignORML. DU CT. In the statist Of a struggle familia exietence of your country. von are smiled upon to elect a member or the House of Representatives for your district. The causes Of that struggle may and will be, variously stated ; but that par Ilan teaching.' bay, eduoeted a vest pottier, of out peep e in the belief that the Union created by the Conston was onl th e commute. and not a nationalltYa Is ten tie; and that preemie Administration not tee exponent of those teson•uss. is also true. The -ardent as .truthe of the .party in power are wall Inli• elated by 'de course: it le tebenlotiel Agent the distils leticat of the la attalblio. and age tat a return to the chaotic • Imes which preceded the adoption of the ere xollt 'O/310110tioo. Those of you—and we Wel t d hope it is all et you—who ate proud of the Union and of the hero e uprigin• of nations men to °rush r be lion, at the call of the P indent. must end° seine Admitlintr , - tion. as YOU value and loVe your country. You Out tißel It. we feel persuaded as. the exponent of a pit ty wh ch, in pregery n. and intonalpim our nationality. beLomes, mdeed. the party of the et:witty. The ideas end the dnotnnta wh oh p eoeded its accession to lugger are in toque degiee. or the ka"ti but it . resent "is cum , before )ou now as the Groom - 11MM came be fore our I . 4.efethers—a -posit ve recreation of nariocel those ht with which every pitmen ma- start afresh. The friends in the ataminietration (who were so at its Incoming as new) have presented to you for your But f_mges on Tuesday next Charles Cot.sol, sq ,of the moth ward. ocrit and reared among you- 'in the prime of manhood. with legislative ex oer.euee. and with an erttabl shed character for integrity in trivets and'midi* life we as.. for hint. fir the Administration , end for our commo n oenatrY, pout_ cordial support. With him there is no danger. rhea vote would be inconsistent with his entire life which should he recorded fur any measure making insects tiur lintltUtionts TPRlglant isov portion of our nabonral domain. DT abating . the on ward 1114 , 0 h of tue Republic in all that makes Christian civilization. It low Peen suggested by some that he, or some other, should have been Invented to you fur your aupport by a mode free from pAiireat Ohtani mitt n, have *try %eho have eo ept.h n tnougt.,t well of this?.ls ar, organization of nay ao.t whine is intimate y connected with till oistoice of people to he (morosely net aside? The .ug mama Which notes p%rtv orgenizations ignores vein copies, and look. eroluetvely to men. In all govern ments, and agnsaially in parnlar ones. mutt there ne great theoretical propositions of °fates I sawn, our up in ample f .ring tor common thought end ripen -he re the heal It and vigor of the nation depend. If tney are rtehr, the part, which sustains them becomes the tin personation of o nstitution, ofinati :slay the d to coon try. and the /moment or mob a party s enema of the three. Poch organiz %h. no become demoralized. end net_eu trits do end to tmes eYerrthlng berm; nut to break up sueb organ Mime entbely is positive leis. ita well to the people as to 'he lik.veremect. Roger, much better, should he good and virtuous endearor to hem hien the tone end in. dente the ell:unites of Doha eel parries than to d-stroy them, The t twine deign of organization without teeking, its improvement. no di-e ' to its inherent •••V-161011., 10 the distillate* e toll. of the present rebellion. Rut tho.e who have deprenwed the mode wiimh has li,eu adopted have swegested no leneeltll'e. Is it to be by a self constituted committee who, if they urn , re p•amine.-rt men in our commutnt• who have beeenis oy their adherence t p •threet argon's %dons mast pre sent to Yon men whose past life is Witnout a history. whose Matte to without temiratoop at whose ousel., mews we without experience? 't hie cermet be. We want the ezper•emied a-when in ou: legielative halls mare than in those of any tv.untry of the skthe; and until our tortoni ions shall he different firm what they are now, a' d Our tionerar form% chanted we shall tot Wench except by strong, effective, and partisan - gani nano. s which grow upon sincere construotihne of our eonstitutrun and sincere views of publ.o tier ea the co , wnience of our comp,' will esow .hat the destruct on of 110 cocas orgatitzatimm in Nue* p has been Succeeded he a vitiated chime tone. and ht the intiodurtion of inferior capacity to croptrollive po. sitirois Ito the perm' , to dny heireve that the hump lion of the Fedoral party in '27•8, the Whig party in '3l 3. or the *merman party in Ise 6, wan productive of national good ? is It not wear that each of those orga nizations ecuid have hoer impprivrd a-d matte suhaar , vihut to the area/ blurs of the tithe , Anti is It net also clear that. if urr ono' ea tit.irwes en-' amnion had io alrowed it, the prisent rebellion would not have oecarreil ? MILITARY NOTICES. RETAIL DRY GOODS. CAPE MAY, SARATOGA, ATLANTIC CITY, LADIES Intending to wait these or other watering place. should boar ui vied romembionoe that the huge WHOLE,- El &LIE STUCK of PRICE. FERRIS. & Is still 11 .ale at 807 CHESTNUT ST., In which they will find, ettecially Suitt d to tie "8 1, 7A80N Al TUE SEA SILORE," Or any of the Summer Fr awns, HANDSOME E B ROI DERED SKIRTS AND PEIGnOURIL for veering with morning waterers; RLeBTiC CHINESE LIAIEN4. for (ravelling dremeg and duidere; LINEN COLLARS and SETS, to gether with a large se , ortment of EMBSOIDERIIIB and LACE GOODS, muted to the above mentioned elegem, " THE STAY-AT-HOME COMMITTEE.” Should remember the CEEAP TARLETANER, for covering _gimes. chandeliers, &o, together with our JacONErs. C4billtil(23. MOLL. 125211584.A3 t r AIN SOUKS, and all kmda or inen and 12thPe Goods. at OVEN HALF PRICE." .riniT OPEN KM A [tech lot of Pineapple Handkarohiefa, at 16 cents. double tsw,st i.eic fur tfleaven at na cants. V., , enafrannaa Lem' end bdvinge. . " Camb. deb trimmed with Vat. Mee. ~a nd other Lane actg. SAND ALL A g MILIU intiLa? PRICE, FERRIS. & CO., job tioT CHESTNUT STREET W HOLESALE STOCK HOSIERY. HOSIERY, HOSIERY, HOSIERY. TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGO AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS AND FANCY GOODS, FOR SAT.FI AT RETAIL, FOR GASH. AT RETAIL FOR CASH, AT RETAIL FOR (FARM, AT. RETAIL FOR CASH, AT RETAIL FOR CASS. The Subscribers offer for sale, on end after THURSDAY. 6th INST., AT THXIII. STORE, NO. 409 mAtuKta nowru 13/DE, NO. 409 MARKET STREET. vOitTli MDR, NO. 409 MAK K. STREET. NORTH SIDE, NO. 409 MARKET S VREE'r, NORTH MD FROM 9 A. M. TO r P. M. THEIR BTOO7. 07 GOODB FOR CASH, RETAIL LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES Ail wilds of UOTTON tioaista NEEDLES, PINS, GLOVES. ROOSS AND EYES. LACE MISTS, SKIRT BRAIDS, ZEPHYRS, TAPE*, BRAIDS, SHETLAND WOOL, COMBS. SKUSHES. SPOOL COTTONS. PeRFUISFRY, BUTTONS, ITN D &Willi RTS, (Of all Desoriphone ) Merino. gco.) Also, a Full Assortment of Dress Trimmings. BURNET P. SEXTON. Sew SWEARINGEN Jel-Im NO. 409 MARKET STRES7. I. A & N E D R FOURTH E Y AED E ARCH, L, RAVE A FINE STOOK OF GOODS ADAPTED TO TEE PRESENT WANTS OP TEE PEOPLE. MOZAMBIQUE'S, PRESENT FASHION. SHEPHERD PLAIDS, BLACK AND WHITE. FINE FRENCH ORGANDIES, LOW. DARK LAWNS, FAST COLORS. • FINE PLAID SILKS FOR BONNETS. SUMMER SHAWLS, NEW LOT. LACES, MANTLES. SILK BOURNOUS FINE LINE OF TRAVELLING GOODS. BEST MITTS, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. HOOP SKIRTS, ONLY FIRST QUALITY. SUMMER QUILTS, NAPKINS, TOWELS, aO. ja2l-6; LADIES, ATTENTION ! ON WEDNESDAY, THE 28nE INST., PRICE, FERRIS, & CO., No Sol causwauT Etreet, Will 'oven a consignment of very choice styles of CAMBRIA LACE POINTES, AT ytanikt .80 TO $2O EACH, WORTS FROM 812 TO $4O EACH. Also, a small, bat verr choice invoice of magnificent RR A. wiz x rit AT FROM Hell TO $lOO WORTH FROM 480 OCM EACH. al W men wn ti b c e '&nwoams e sold It, °f a eu d oo ndw a mud resseeetfaili urge up n she L.dieg the importance of CALLING EARLY, am we will have but a few of the above and can get no more at s ; low a Prir s . PRICE, FERRIS. & CO., irT-et Ito get ;ROST' "CU r Street NEW MANTILLA STORE. The moat splendid SILK MANTLES in the *its. HOUGH 80 168-2 m 26 SOUTH TENTH STREET. SILK MANTILLAS, In every new style, the richest qualities ever wen, at the elegant New Store, tta SOUTH TENTH STARS% HOUGH & CO. VGANIALES AND FICENOR LAWNS, O )23‘ cents. 111 vireos oven to deg, ft; cents These are aft fast actions Dark Frenoti Lawns. Lawns of neat s.yles. &YR' & LANDELL. FoURTH and ARCM' FygE & LANDELL are prepared to Bust Touries with— Faateonable Travelling Dream Fasbionab , a Summer . Faah;onanle i awn urgandi. e. VELE & (=ANDELL WILL OPEN THIS 14081W 4 G Bleak lace Pointes Biadic Lao, zaurnoni. Book Lew. Nhatrest. VAR & LAN FOURTH and 4 P DT,Open to-day tbo Mom blow of the meant isahirn. z in.biquee Ai wide. Mcz-,mtieies era wide. Mozan.bieuem 2 yards wide. talD BUMMER, 000D8 for Men't and Hoye weer. Light C' esimerys end A•ummer Btatre, Bow', W.sir Irestintw A Fine Stink MG Lowest Prices. CI.OrAt CORIUM. A. N. owner Tw r Urn' am! MA WWIKT. 10 GENT GRAY GOODS. 25 mint Baretet. 6.V afar Firured 131 raga meals. raid 26.0 ant Fitteitt Baragoa. Buck Barites, Tamutinai. and Crepe Mintz. 00tor1idt & GUN AM/L. pit 6.11. ear. firrer6 and MA .61. A BANKRUP T IMPORTER'S It.TOOK A or Illamplos or Lirom CrAnhrio neediseekiers. en hem-stitche d sheer etude& and embroidered from 10 cents to IN cents each; a great bargain purohnen a eaorifive for oaeh,ai.o to be sold in he name way ants. CS_AILLS.B AD & SON. 3eso EIGHTS and ARCH Streets. gll,ll MANTLES!GR 4Y DUSTERS ! ! Frenoh Lace Mantles and Points. Very low prim! for Cush. Fine fresh stork of tbege_goods in our LIAR LIN Amy 1100 M. REDONE FLO O R, Pl.l3,—motaiir mina, tioopeivne j aad aimikersthiefs m% coorza oto • RD pea IL R. eor. RINI'S and MARKET. sPRING OLOAKS , IN /WHINY NEW ;34#12$IVNNW No. 93 E. Ninth street. V i PRING CLOAKS, IN ENDLESS YA- K" riety, at IVENS'. niT3l-1m RPRINU CLOAKS, THE (711114ITST P. over seen. at - myn-lm No. 93 8. Ninth Arent. CUMKB.—Wholesale Merchants are in vitee to eterne the Ewa et IVENS', Ito. 93 HOUthrilllTlS Street, corner of Jayne it. suval-lm Between Martet and Chestnut, DRENCH LAO Pi iINTB, BOURNOLIS, AND MANTLES —A lard& stook to be so'd at lees than wholesale prices. We cannot be undersold in these goods. CNA R LAO ADAMS & Elea= ali4 ARCO etreepe, NEW STYLE CLOAKS, EVERY NEW style, every new material. at _pnees that astonmh eve one. at the large store, N. S. corner of Eighth and Walnnt irreeta, MYN-4111 VITY (7LOAK STOES, No. 142 N. V Eighth street. above Cherry. are now aellins every new style of the mason superb qua li ties. in email new shade of Dolor, cheaper thee say other store In the elty. HSTEEL SON, • 1 , 4 0 . 711 North TENTH Street. above Cloceff. Will selltM• • EALAVE of Tagll ISTOD/C OF NEW eau OESlKentas Damao etrODO At gilt greater rednotiotui in pricey th an lefty bays ewer before mad.. and ei hl (NH L. ;VCR FEVER than p,RETAIL-Wil LEttALE ar(YIIME mine city. knot and , nanard nag, VOl/ 0/1 0 CIP. Very cheap and good til , Loic tntee gyotoe Uresa Otx-d• of ever va ried. Ping Isoonytt and Organdtr awns at 11%. ACE MAN lEz. FOP/ ,178 8/LK AND CLOTH 'CO t AMP ANTkrz, Jet OREATI.Y OND-R CO*T PRlCetB. SIIMMBIt BRAWLS MI, Go-der Ora. Barege Shairla. Strived myth (. 1 11511, Arn im s . Whom Harm and G Imadine. . Pie (.I°4 ai r/14K. 1.1-438 BROTNERas CAN 4 T 4. I) and EIGH - PEr Streerr M OITO NEPTING, all PAWS j Dala i:sm, an color., for ooverlag guinea raid and itwirs Mandwitvaol.mde_priose. CHARLh ADAMS Et 130 N. Jea) WORTH and AlLLlBlEltreetn. PARIS LIAM MANTILLAS, NIAGARA. Vim Weds haying been rolinibisbod by OUT IMPOrt ent—in • vseir of rim witr orive—f big 0 MOM tilo4l too biro amormt or duly, will be offered to pureheeere Cl ro. corresponding redoobon from ueua► remit prime, Pln : AT 60 emirs ON THE DOLLAR. CLOAKS AND atANTIILAI3, BPRINCI 471.011/ CLOAKS. BUMMER OLOAKB. Also, TRlktallffe LACTEcI, MOM AND CLOAK TRIMKINGS, 0 . aro., AP in Wee aimortnient, will be airmail yes e# en avemse redact sra of ONE HALF. in order to complete our cr. rangements with our oroditors. J. W. PROCTOR & Co.. PAtiIA MANTILLA mad OLOAII QMPORIUAI .80/-13 708 CMBBTNW7 atrMt. CLOAKS AND hiANTILLAR.-4AT7- TlON.—Ladieg are trtntioned against the liste ned. MinellleUte pertoun formerly in our eMIIO I O/7 and now m the employ of other parties, who represent themselves'. to be oonnseted" with nip end their (kaftan- Oshman's to be** branches of the Pans Maxvida Ent perivel." .51,e4 Statements are simely Intent:mug. lend to ensnare and chat the trsuspeesies. We 6a,, no other store then the one we have noon pied these six years, at 700 C Q e.STN IIT Street. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., Parts Mantilla Bmpornuo. SPEUTAL NOTIOZ sh a and after this date ITIORNLEV & t.. 7141 bil4 win offer EVERY POSSIBLE INDUCEMENT TO CASE PURCHASERS OF DRY BOODB! Being_ determined .o reduce their Stock they will sirs Good Betfeie r S Beentlini Fano; Bilks for 78 omits, worth *l.ll Roan, Glatt Vance Gaits for el, well worth 811.211. Grenadine and 'Berate Goode, about one half their rake. Gray Mixed Goode, in every variety, from 8 coplanar yard to SO cets. BLACK SILKS, RICH AND LUSTROUS. VERY, Soot Bloc* Brooside alum, doubly. itteod k , & o. &a. Ds Leiner, Calicoes, Cassoneres, Cloths. veninta, Linens. Musliny Flannels. Quitter. Covers. &0., &a, SHAWL Ail teCLOAK-ROGIn EXHIBITION. French Laos Manties, Faintes t Shawls, Eugenio,. Cambria Lnoe Mantles Mantilla Lace Goode, &o. Silk ennui Marti ne, &st... in every sty le. At TEORNLiEf & . as CHUM'S, N. Legerner EMMET & SP RDA* *ARDEN Its. t riPENINO OF THE AROII-131 BEET ‘-- 0 ARC MANTILLA ISTOILE, W. corner TF.NTII and M. ALL NEW GOODS. Rich Lyons Silk viroulars. Rich !lons Bilk Swum Cambria and Pusher Lace Points. Do. do. do. Mantillas. Cloth and Tweed Circular/. Summer Cloaks. Ao. Purchased under the influence of the War Panic. and to be sold at teas than the cost of imitortation and manufacture. hulks are invited to inspect thin stock, Without re serve, beton: purohasinK elsewhere. earn JACE)+4 liORRF ALL. Pmver. - 14 0 1 kJ STOOK OF DRESS HOODS AT PEW itICORIHNG 10 THE TlMFB.—Po t itte. Before% Silk Cutillru, hull' price ; Challio Delsitte M oneta from Zito /Mo. tiprios Qtutnion ted.owi from i 3 tog°. emitsl attention is requested to our etreqr organ- Moe sad Jaeonet Lawn.. whine we re hued to gloat out at s low figure. CHAWL.Ie Alllet•+& 80N, jeSt) woe EH and ARCH Streets. SMALL -PLAID SILKS. Bine end Whit- Preach Silks. Black and White Prenoh Silks. Brown and White French Silke. Goren and White Frenolt Potpie and Whale French Silk,. $6 dos. Mids. at Sirt SO Joz -60 doz. White Eltdc Gloves. 266 per pair. Many goods reduced yen low, to 010116 out, at iti3- JOHN H. STOKES'. ' 70$ ARCH Street. gt3l}ol ER GR :OD;!;. INJ Ten Blankets—Nl ogiinitn Natiingg. Colored l'artatand—hi ggi .gtrtg, Bsthing Gorda—lig Bollande. Furui ure ektutze.--ablute htellauds. Bathing Towels—Russia ira h. BHARYLr:BB SitOTBERFI, 3e22 cHENTriv7; and etrantit. 'WRENCH LACE VEIL/N.—A choice lot just parolumod from a bankrupt importer, end for sale at nail price et OHOIRI.FdIe ADAMS & PON. .1 , 20 MORTIS and ARC; Street& COTTON DUCK, SUIT4BLE FOR TENTS, lIOR Sala FROTHINGHAM & WELLS. nirits4 tf BALLOON VIEW MAP, fitlF. SE 021 1 OF WAR. as seen from LOWE'S BALLOON, TVirr,l4TY- FIVEgENTO. At wanted in the Ci's and State. JOHN MorATLI.AN. 33 South %IX la street. up stairs. NEWSPAPE4.—.NOW READY— The first aneiber of the NATIONAL, 1911 A R. printed in e , ma. for rOlenel Lytel lieEtraeot Tries fh.. e:ents. opies for mle by Kt G . a riAtftD i . No. 007 0.10e031 street. sad B. UrliAPll, 310 cif 0 00- . I 4 'treat. Jag 3t THE DEBATES OF 001 4 GPESE.--The Debates of the next Passion of Dominion to eon , none in Wewhiation city the 4'h of July. 186.1. will be uubliettee otlietally by tbo übdersis bed THE DAt. Y Ut.tAto...ltvelieaPer form , and in Colveßol- 810NAL Gt.utlr. AND APehl'e IP X. in book form. The latter passes free through the roman of the Vinton Dreurs. The ono' f ei her °urine the session is 4113. in advance payable in soebio. poet office atainee,_or the notes ofeerete-peyttet bents. Jutiti C. RIY4OI. waantronyon,June IS 11161. jest-71* ROOKS, LAW AN.D#lBy.ELLAllrris _—....inu,mought, ,an exotianne at the PRILADBLPSIA• BANK BOOK STORE, 80. 410 ORESTri UT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Whose baying Books to sell, if at a distance. Will Mee their names, sizes. bindiess,datex, editions,prieem, and Wealth:um Dks WANTB—Boo printed t• 7 enje min Franahn, as wall as early Books printed in and i.Cse i ll' eric p a tdet .l & "" er Pe t 4e t y e i: s aitiffn l a r il ita ag: lanes. in press, sent free. Libraries appraised by se-tr )Derr mik 701,10:1A N TOE COURT OF COMMON PLFAS FOR THE CI FY AND COUNTY OF PRILA DSLPhtA MAC CARTRY ye. Al . ICE Al Ail CAR t. nob. Div. A. v. Al. Sept 0860. Noss. Alms *taut, December T ,1660. No U. fr. ADalt : Y“u wilt Vamps take ratio. that the Court have grenttd a ru e ou Rrepondent to stow yawls way N. de me 01 D,voroe. A. V. M., InDliki sot to en tered in he fIbOVIS ogee, Reournooto oATURDA z July 6 tiltit, at 10 °Vent A M. To A./..lViti MAC CuRTIIY. Reseriniimit. JACOtt BOWERq. je28,29kje.2 4* Attorney fir Libeoent, TIJI otiußr tl MM P A.S / 4 `nli THE CITY Alio courcrY OF PHILA BEL Poi& ROBERT G. lvt kited. v.. JOVE A. ERNDRIP. In Equity . . Jane Tem 1861 No. 86 Ths Auditor repotnted to Audi , settle. and adjust the NJ-vontofD"Yiftti c POO .E.M. roe leer and ore pert ddneibution of the Weans fir h.s heads, will meet the taftlell norrentd boo arum, No. 944 g outs EIXIti Meet* on MAITiDaY, Jut , $ 3661. at o *took A M LEWIS C. %JAE IDV jell fmw-es* Auditor. UVERILLAS—With heavy English very durable. JIPEPH Filer A - . LL, le2B it Nos. 'S and N. FOURTH St A LOT (P VERY CHEAP GINGHAM A gna-limbral4e, for ss'e by J 15FiP0 FUB9RIA. Nro 9 end 4 Penh FOURTH &Net AItIBILOI'YPISTSAND PHOTOGRAPII- ERS—Tho beat and obeareut place tor y_au to buy your stook at Foy Louis% .to for tiv. Fouott Jul,. at G :KUM ati DABIra t . u 11,13 Gallo Moro f• or irs 11.1 d Importers, 41.111 RANBT •AD PLai3E, FOUll.Tzt +moot. above Onx.B rni UT, Philada. .It.* pROURAMNATE NOT, BUT GO while it in yet to-day, and gat Cohrod Photo traps fur OBIT el, and Am arm pra at, all prices. AETTER'S HAIR-DYE, 38 cents per box, or 3 fitt el, et the-Harr-Lye Depot, 53 Botati 111.13 D 15 met. rouBLIO NOTIOZ SELLING OFF AT COST. A !arse stook of. Mathematical, °edam& and Pnito aolnotal Instruments to close =he bus•neam; thatelni intdrutuants. Rules and Santee, Horveyco's bistro oi td,otaidaaa.: _Veinal:los an! tim , Causes, litereosoones inn Piddled. dawn) i.antorue, lnor monlntara and Hycroc.etere, Eland Glaate.. team- Est, Etna attune o teotr coy Machine+ (Cobalt. aninnti6o tons; also, a fine as+ortment of fine Cutlery and ea t /ko.• ko., ko., ko. ,No. 635 CHESTNUT no Plulado .0.--The oolliros prim. of eaoh diatinetly morkoo to Armee. jal9-6t wfm COAL! COAL! ORDERS RECEIVED FOR IiERIGE AND SCHUYLKILL MAL. By EDWARD N. HALLOWS/li, iaa WALNUT STREET. PURE PORT WINE. ARCH AND TENTH STREETS. NEW LOAN FOR SAT ;El A limited amount of the new 3,000,000 INAIIIt la mum to Nutt enrolment, for MI kJ JAY COOKE & 114 ROUTH THIRD STREET, Deli-]m LIARS AND COMFORT. A, ThEoBALD sake. Who eau eiseee or m u t everybody atee a port o n probably never was bona. But those Who know when they are minted in BOOTS Or SHONA are invi•rd to sive hint a Gall, and those Who never were 1 ,, 4) trofore may be waited now. Me is at his ant Plane. SOS COATES Street. jell; Set I:pfN.E SHIRT MANUPAOTORY.—.I. W. 10017, Sl4 CHEVINUT Ofttos, a raw doors bolo.. sot!. CoatinostaL" Tha Manton opl W 1161484 Dia% a Anoitcal .to 11l Ihit'atto 4;W - 7 .'r 1111IIIS. of ea nor asks. sat assUiriel. op log/ sM mato to cod er at ohartoot 114-u RBTAIL DRY GOODS. BEOOND IMPORTAMON. TIM BALANCE OF OUR MANUFACTURNA ESTOcic 1111,1TAInt GOODS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. LEGAL. U)1 13 RE LLAS. C. T. AM.SL - ER, Optician, POI 11ALB BY 0_ IL MATTSON. suatipi WUITEE Lower end of MA.88,1.011U813178 Avenue, ATLANTIq NTT. This house is located immediatelyou the Beech, and prelim ■ ewity accommodation for Visitors. 'r ima madarete. W I ..Luel Will Lyn ifOUIE. Prepoietor. SBA.-BATLIINfi, SAILING, ANL, Flat- ING. ATLANTIC IL USE. WATCH Pilaw, Weer titonpagtou, Cone, Thus eelobratrd wate , ine-pletw Hotel, where the facilities for Kaquoig -atLnE. Fishinit- end the ,wser me'l of the beet quality or sea too , are superior to amp ether in tee intted States, will Morel on the M 90th of Ines I 14 al BP NO' it, jens-lin prieter. BRICkqS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. The underetrune reepotrally announce to ti qtr friends patmus.and the trarothus public generally. that owing to the etringener of the ti nes, they save reduced the Price of board to TWO DOLLARS per day. Thankful for the patronage go liberally. bestoirK en them, they yeeposettoly war ter e oortetrustr. wthe same. assuring their Wren* thtt the • oithogi ill be conducted p at the same l•herat plan that' has heretofore onersoterized their establishment. WM. P. TUCKER & Co. Jel7.lm KITTATI..I 7 1101188. DELAWARE WATER GAP. Thin roxortte plane, it IIAW MAR, oreicintins inereasad sttra tone. far the season. Lreme Kensington Repot at 7 o'olock A. M., and ar rive a , th. Ong , it o Week PM. R FERENC.P.--Frrnklin Peale, Morton Nierdiehael. I claim boday. Hamlet C. Henze awl (Aortas Bee !ter. hU. Prop.letor. it ql .11 1 1 : Ai- kJ tl xißit " ATLAN -la CITY. N. J. 4 1.4 NAMPA NEW POUIE, Corner of At'entio %LA MRllB6O' layette AVOlllleat /NOW op. n for the reception of Bow dere The Rooms and Table ` • .HE ALHAMBRA" Ate un.ureamed by any on the Island. • to all,*(5101/8 TOO Cream and RePeshment Sa loon atiaohed to tha Bony. `re. , ma .trt oder••re. 0. DUBOI:* k S. J. YOU G. Proprietors. S 4 )MOOLLY'B MOUNTAIN SPRIMag, NAV/ lERAvY. The " HEATH . TIOII33" will be oven-d For he re caption of Compont June 16th having been en n testy refitted and mot ovedllllloll the 1.-at Somas; affording addittot•al comforts to vLitors, and increastag the ne sitablete tp, of thP place. cte Peratlay, p , eaftent, -.4 thinlilnnable• nlnna of knot awe ream t," 8 homey's; Mountain" bast but few eon .111. and to surpassed by none It to reached ny I pleasant rati , oad rule, and only se'-en hour; from Psilaselphis. Leave Phitaosivnis, in the II o'clock tram for Ise" York, reaoh Serene city at 3 o'clock, thence by Morrie and este.: gail.o.d to the Mountain. Returning. +cave the at. G M. an .1 tP. M., arrini K in Phila_ aelehia a 1 and flo'olnelc I' M. booms can now be en siled Cluse. rz,d :tate, D. A. ORU NELL. ies-iTrnwist- Proprietor. AILUNEMEN M crF ON OUG'H' f" LYN, PIO THE 4 1 TRZ, Rf-Tr. RpReNT, THIRD NIO - HT RI 1 4e • az - d..5()Tv The following rt.:l4llAm, hove been made. to the oont urnt Mrs. ELIVA PLACE. Miro PP. 4 RV. Mies MARCY, Mrs. ityx E. Mint Ft,n IEN ;3E, M' HA Fi !LETT. TYII9 (Friday) tOrbrilliG, will be performed the lona Drummer Tito OC.e.Ail CaIL tt ; or, "Tie Deep. Deep Sett." New f•cener.. new Coatiturien. CANT OF CITKRACTS3B. Dennis E reeponoush Harry _-gar; %, Peter Intonate Mary HO an, • MIL kir Moe rai ors rind Pea-mot/T. COztobidint 'With the law: hnble feroe of Tito TWO tiRr.G Little Gtetort....—..— .....-.......--. Harry Centime Mr Grertify . .. Barrett In rehearsaf Yen NtFbts to e Flii 7 orrnr; tVALNIJ 1-,Y) 'RE oif r. As . • RETURN OR THE F*VORITEe. Tn I iind RV it;'t Week. lIOOLEY AND C. 4 .II , IPBELL'S MINETttELE, etate at toe b.thiepien iirojensien. The frost Como tliCri, lintrWein. end UOLTON. The unex‘elird Clee.rtette. e*PiN. RREVRS and MELVILLIt. Together with etwara. ROWAN.% CrtARLE3, BIM MOnn. end the INB ft IJNIENT QUINTETTE, In their Choate and Atriuniog Entertainments. `Furhug! roKdlie n paruoulari toe- Ils. Frices ee Initial , Jail% ASSEMBLY BUILDDIUS. YIP= WETX, MONDAY. JUNE 241. And EY*ll Night this 'Vent, anderrin's Gigantic I, xlebition of ohs 11 IlßB`lllll W H the tree) Betties by lan e rind sea, To - nadir". Thominotions e alll3 all the poe. pomp. and circumstance of war. Adavasion 26 (mum kauldresi u cents. 7*24-41t WEIN THINTY-EIGIII.II ANNUAL ra il. ffIBITION OP THE PENNSYLVANIA AOA- Dicky tig THE POtle: ARTS iS NOW OPEN AT 30316 ( 3R.,STNIIT Rtreet. Admissionlas minted to 10 Cents. Pelson Ti 016334 26 Oasts. Maven under twelve years, half prioe. Catalogues eats. eV IZEIZE WANTED—Two or three new, or second IF • hand upright drill,. Apply 209 Worth SECOND Street. Pt= Pi* AY G oUN MAN, just graduated fr om the Kish Pohorit, desires a firrUit'llele in a men:lentils house; would be satisfied with &email palmy wail his imesrienoe would entitle him to aumamma rirmisneration. jel9-in* WANTED—A purchaser for a patent right that Will yield BUT tbousted dollars to say Bersonh e:AV b:17474 * Tin u s i l r it ra i hase oom i peln r t sell. Address '• Alfred.— a t °Mos, len At* ` VAN/TED 65 000 iILTQAI,2 • an s first-class nueneumborad property worth $26.0110. Addroso" T. L.." this &800 jewnt* WA' . TED -- BY AN I XPBRIE :CED inivmsti, who can onmlnand a fair amount of near trier , . an ?lagemeni in a Brat clam jobbing hones. oddress. • .T. It,' Ohm of .Tha PULS. jolt let* VIAIPL:uY EU& WAN "VINO Yu UNG nen, &e., are invited to address the" Empiox merit Committee," at the Rooms of the Young mews miSt re nden Association , 1009 and 1011 1 3.0.9,8314117 et. nel-em FOR SALE &ND TO LET. GERMANIOWN.--TO RENT, for Iffitt the Rummer, a F URN IS FffD HOUSE, netehoe-. maxrr'e-Itatt Sutton Apply aixtlt harm An LINDKN Street j 2t Ti) LET —.A t low rent, a pleasant country Beat, with thrall , acres of I,nd, well th .ded aou a variety of fruit. o.,rnor or Green Lane and York Ito , d, B , anoht , wn. a s IR lee from via ket street h, railre.d. and eight nurtures walk (row Green Louie -ta , ,onot Korth Naos, team* Railroad Ingo•ro of Mr. MNCto.HY. 000tnte. or of Dr. De tfr , VILLK.11:11 gout' sztrkotitilitrPet. jar it* Ai TO LIST A II 4ND.:OMR DENcm, with all the mo'era improvement/Nat the no th..eot corner of NINTH and CiTtlatttefe...4 Bent moderate. ino.utre at No. 1006 Otiftt-T AN attest. ' iC26 T+) KENT Le /W—Furrasned or un urnivhed. Ur six months, or longer. if ‘‘ostred. large tali 00nVenoeint donut,: No 1735 Arco stress Apply to A. P. %slid 11. MORRIS. 9-6 A R R Street. is 15 ff dm Oil ciM U * l-4,7:14 il...q.ak• and BM, !MORE to rent.—The desirable business location, 1.112 ISHEaTNUT Street. with dwelling attached. Atlas at 431 RiETlutrr - *Toe dB Pia( )pkiat.ex lO RENT.—To Rent. the lame and commodious nodern• built House, earner of Aftfilit'T Steet and WILIAM AVOMEM , with vie, oath, hot and co ld water, and aji the modern impmwetnentat Amoy to .k itY S. TAR ft. Tio OR WO Street, Philadelphia, or on the prember minls-1f 1110 itekia—A very aesirable on the Ninth-itreet front of "The Continentil Rote." The Store et Ninth .%nd Ransom streets saw el &DT adapted for a RADDI It and Msznise Maker Apply to JOHS4 1110 k, fee-nt !Southwest NINTH and SANS M Stream. FF01L111011A144.4E.-7A tAIUIUS TILAUT ',freed anlmproved farm land in the !tate of fief Jersey, oonrement to the cite. he emohe.nced for eiti_property. Apply at No. lay PEntram., inns% sio-tt 13 OAR!) ING. Two RAMtbIEA can be accommodated with fingt•olms BnAR D. in a private family. wha , o t . ere are no children. Rouse b•nutirully Mtn, &LISA flue mina. a Walk from' Warne" imago 1. Re ference exchanged. cddrefe - a/waltzer,' oe um:- town i. )02614 PRIVATE 80AktfliNti hut sooommodettone for females or upnsle per sons minter of SttVltU 4.d V.V. +V Atreeta, f or .,A, the Allierlo6o Hotel Beth.chem, June 22 1861. fri6 Qty INSURANCE Cl/MPANIES. FAILS INERMANut UthAk.lll 4 44, No. 4015 .0KE5111 1 11Wetreillia FINK AND INLAND INAVALANDIS. DISIXO7OIII.II. qi.Oralli Par,.....-4.lNsz dr. &LOMA. Samuel Wright— . 1 Wright Bros & QS. D. K. Kirser " Davis & Wryer, mew Lewis, Jr.--- Lewis Bros & Co. C. Ktotiardsort,— I. C. Rowe & Cs. alarmed T. Bothno.....Preet 'T_roxreing Cabal Oelires Jas.gearemo! E W. rratum & Um. 8.0. A. Weft —... " West & Folms. T. K. " grove, Martha, & M. 0. Wilson Da..A.Noraer -at- law. S.D. Woodreff.--....0f ekbles, Mottos ' & Wimindr• Jac Kessler, Jr— —No. me !green street. twig w. DAY,Presisient, FAANWE N. litiCA. Vtae rruiliont WII6I,IANIN TILANnsrA n • learnt:lw , SAVING CAVING IfUND—UNITED STATE P. 74.111 7 COMPANY, corner THIRD sad 0.11.1411T NU T treat,- EM FM g ER CENT. JAMES nowt& i fir.? , H.ll 79 lll Pr ell4llO Qom) home, u n til I °Weak " . m mug Company is nit joinowl in MIT /5A 16110 re*LIILDPS SAIL MOT RXMOVXD to No. 91 South BKVENTII lancet. near Me lin Institute. h...datiirited.thddiftd far seat femme. and Willi determined to Merit Mere Dafronaso. has &T Vs alegant and ocavegient spore, end bad now on Wog assortment or Lime a Ctel ynt44 FrzodA_ it (blued hoe Pira and Baratta rom 51,08 P. strgy ore and ter moor as ea mad t Let h - II a unagnal lad Komi. Vault,. We. and mak illiebi Mink Vann floors and is woi baWandiack to order on abort nonce. Thu ai the etrot c ire...beat- PWraw'Zd heat for tra'New Co - rhigten i t i r Ptto. Jewel , &o. TWA , •ta ode,. ta in irtirte and p Ogatee any n, 7.1 - rend for thine nas. and lo SILO OS van um It fire and burglar onto • _ mom of t heta nut ntrinnAL NOTIOI.—/ have new on band as _y twenty Fined, gerons. & Co,`l Baled, new, and men ram! of other makers , aosimnaing a ifflate amortment co i to most Ith i g Ver,ffii o l tilt r for i low s t v i= Ileum oaßodixotao. ass ra REGULAR LINE AND DAILY EXOURRIONI.-Bmmer Co hut,mejc,r mew.. Ansi pier brow ARCH eitorrtowly. (AuLderym*d I sto'clock, for Choir. r, Peony grove, New u Deiaware G r its, MOAT DELA WARK, end Wean. PaYa for the Exogrmlon„ -_„ • „go cants. Fumes for Driageton and 'Nom mime tin* jam at* iii NEW Mt Lai, - rifita. NEW DAIIN LINE. ago Dolararg gag 11... rip. OAIIIIII. _ __•. I .:Y _ • Philarathatua and N ew yam Exam. ttraraboarrato- Paw kr il l metre fraight.ortand atter RIONIAM. .Mk imam. and w i y e daily at 1 P.. 114., dehretios sae owr goAo to Rev York !ha fulkonnt days. 'freights taken at raawattoie Mee. WM.I 01,Y,_,DE Aroma. so . i t coirtu yo TlAAvica Phibutatittata. ii 11 HAn t Aigatt, Piers 14 anti 11 EAU iLI Vial, MAW York. otiog4itt m ag i c FOS NSW YOLK. TUX enoadetttia Itteam rroveller Compaa will sonamenee their business or the season es Mosses le inst. , Asir ateamets Cr, now reseivins freiglit at Beesunt Igor above Walnut street. Weems sseennzadatm. A s Aplvii Also. a . Nan Ons Ifilaware EtsORTS.