THE WAR EXCITEMENT. Philadelphia Markets. Jane 24—Evening. AMU VAL OF A NSW TORE REGIMINT. The Flour market is dull today, the demand The N e w Tort Thirty-wwweith Regiment landed both for export and home use being limited ; st Washington street on Sunday, about midnight, h o id en generally are for te lli ng at previous quota and wore weloomed, as "anal, by a large crowd meet; 400 bbls Northwestern superfine sold at The seen was !ling to a•eir es t wharf by the Sou th ware furnished with hot tiaras and $4 75, alla 150 bbli extra at $5 as per bbi; standard 1 1 e " ;W 0 oommittee They expressed muds ;gratitude superfineoffered at sses 121 without aides, ax T o r the attention hemmed upon them. The mem ()apt in lots to supply the trade within the range hart of the regtment were !Wally awed to a train of the above figures for superfine $5 2555 50 for o f o il at the wharf, and they were taken mit a !: pie depot pco.a etraet They net hoe‘ ,„ !Vir S 5 7 . 5.41 for . 11 d 25 .7' for fancy brands, as in quality. .331 y, an t d OP". until near two o smut yeeterdayßye Flour and Corn Meal morning- A. the Can moved al' in the brigat are but little inquired for; we Ttoto the former at moonlight the soldiers were oneered vmiferously $3 25, and the latter at $2 621 per bbl. Tee regiment is furnished with nice hundred Wigan —The receipts and - sales are fair and so d fifty improved rifles about 8 000 hue have bea n Co ne following is a list of the field mil staff the market re ' W Yl ofat3 ain posed 120 123 for Weatern and Fomelylv 'a ° g oe rs of the regiment : reds in store. 1283 for prime Comtism re afi Colonel, John B. McCann , lieutenant-colonel and 120..140, for white. Rye le wanted, be D C. Minton' acjialaul to John Oar"; ' ma j or, - ' buyers only offer 60e for Pennsylvania. Corn yarphy ; Doctors, John &tenuity bad William O. Meagher; lieutenant, George W. Clarke, colonel's is better ; about 4 0 000 bus 00 hue prime South d ern yellow old at 523, and 2, handsome o at 533, aid se t e mp and quartermaster, Hoyt ; chaplain, afloat. Oats are dull at 29 3 for !Southern, and 30," g e e J_ Tiesott. for Pennsylvania at - which rate there are more The men aregeneralll rough, Mows, who !ellen than buye rs. donbtless make good soldiers ter they have BARK -Qaerottron is wanted, but there Is none bed some experiences of camp life and obtained here, and Ist No lls steady at $ . 29 per ton more IDOWledge of drilling, 0021 . 05L— Is little or nothing doing, and As a general thing the etre:ars of the regiment the market is firm. are Am" determined men, and equal to the re GROCERIES remain inactive, and the only sale is sponsible positions in which they hero been played 3143 r minion is quire an acquisition to am t a ;_ ca e rgo of Cuba Sugar sold on Sunday at Si, on men. as he is an officer abo di sc ipline ilitar ca n not " Pawn - crows —The withal is unsettled and very elty and strict regard forthere dull, limited business only to note b e a question hie graduated at the 1:44 *ldb and continues inactive, bble selling at bo School itery in Eng.iand, where he earned some in and mule lob Wootton, and subs -que , tly )3014 the rank of d rs ,,;.atenftet in the Third Light Fe, tear J. Timed, ono of the professors at St. John's o liege, Foraeain. goes the regiment tot:More the toile and hardships of a campaign, and to gilt tool ion religious 501150latinil AS is necessary un• der snob oircumstanoes. A great affection seems to exist among the soldiers for their chaplain Col. McCann rides a Has gray horse, full cf mettle There are two companies in the regiment from Catiart-tigno, consisting of about one hundred and Divvy men, which Capt Rtngham, who oom wends one of them, w4e mainly instrumental in e quating The regiment has a very efficient and well equipped engineer corps, 61311 numbers about eight hundred men, all - told. Mr. Vilm. Da Lug le to be placed on the staff on arriving at Washing ton, as engineer, with the rank of lientonant PRESENTAT/05 AT FORT DELAWARE. Yesterday a handsome gig was presented to the Commonwealth Artillery, Capt. James it Mont ratery, of this city, now stationed at Fort Dela wire. The flag was taken down by the friends of the company, in a steamboat, which left Arch street wharf at nine o'clock yeereeday morning_ JACK 80,11 RAGMEN 7- Yesterday, a number of mica) commenced sew: lag for this regiment, at their headquarters, Filth end Chestnut streets The men will be mustered Into 'orrice in a few days Y LAO HAI S The Young Amexio we, of the Sixteenth ward, raised s handsome flag at Dutton and Otter etseete, retards, morning- oollation was served upon the oeoesion, and there w.e much enthneieem. PFTLADILPSIA 111.D1CAL STAFF APPOISTMINTS. Governor Curtin haa mode the &liming Phila delphia appointments of eurgeone and surgeon.' metes in the Pennsylvania regiments w2.l)h may be ordered off These gentlemen will hold them selves subject to orders from the surgeon general : Surgeons—Adolphus Pates, John Cox, Edward Shippen, Jame. Collins. tergewile Maim—Z. Ring Jens., William T. W Dialsomon. Drs. Pats, and Dielteaon have been the first to be talented. and hare been ordered to Camp Washington, for which point they will leave to• day. 11W 11143111111? new regiment of Germans is forming at Enloe. fi s lcl, Wait Philadelphia, under Colonel Schimmel :nig One company, one hundred strong, is now drilling there, under Captain Os-aid. The reel meat has been accepted by the Secretary of War for three years. ?ARID' OF THE CADETS OF TEMPERANCE AT GIEMINTOWN —Yesterday morning, three er four Lumens of the Order of Cadets of Temt eranoe pa roled in the above-named place /hollone from neighboring plaoes participated in the parade, and presented a -very fine appearance After the proomion bad gone through the principal streets, they marched to Ileng's Woods, where all joined it a general jollification AFFOINTMENTS.-Dr. James Moore has been Appointed surgeon, sod Dr. William C. Todd, as. Onset surgeon, in Colonel Cha itq'e regiment. Mszrisra or TEE BOARD or Fran Dinnorons. —Last evea ng a meeting of the Bard of Fire Directors was held at Fifth and North streets The treasurer reported that the rum of $19.69 remained in the treasury. The committee appointed to receive donation' for the family of the late John H. Sailor reported that they had collected sl2s ' of which $BO had been paid to the widow of the deemed. Toe Board then adjourned. The new Board was afterwards organised by telling Mr Stone to the chair The credentials of the members were reed, and the following per manent Offl3llll were sleeted President. S. S. Suss. of the JJelaware Engine; vice presidia% Mr. Robinson, Columbia Eakins, and Mr. Vin. yard, Empire Rook arid Ladder Company ; treasurer, Lewis B. Rush, Friendship Engine. The new Board adjourned until the last Monday It July. Portllomm CoLucas. The oommonc,o ment of stile -institution is to be held on Thures.y evening next. In Concert Bail, at wbloh time the harem will be conferred by eovernor Curtin, who rill male down from flarrtaborg for the pnrpoee steeehes will also be made by Judge Strong, of the Swims Court, Morton McMichael, E q , and the Gannania OfaberTA will lend its chant' to the evening's entertainment. The enrolees will be free to the pablio. Wirm Enirmsiox.—The Delawnre-avenne Market Company are extending the wharf in frrnt of the market-house seventy feet, which will make it the tartest pier in the Delaware, and afford largely-increased accommodations for the proseou des of the oyster trade at that point. In a few months the Market Company will have possession of CO. extensive wharf property at the root of Dick etreet, which is to be used for a fish market cad a arkele.ale vegetable market. PAYING WATER ilyarr.—The receipts from ever rents ani , anted during last week to over WOO A large amount is yet due for water MOM. and all those who negloot to pay by the It al Joy will have 10 percent addel to the amount al their bills. DLSBONEST Expi.o-rEs.—Charlea Flacktoan ear arrested on beturday evening. charged ad .h Irif larooLy of eight &Nara front Ph employer, at &and and Vine streets. Be was raanzaitted, in isfaalt of bait, by Alderman Saltier. &lour FIRE. About 6 o'clock yesterday maulug x sliest fire nooorred in 'the epic" mitts of iteirre Graven k Brottee-, N 413 205 and 207 North hot ;street. The damage was not heavy. SLIGnm FIRE.--Yestelday afternoon a slight !la (slurred at No 839 S.,utb Front street, caused by shildeen playing with matches. Fru LAST NIGHT.—The filittrn of fire about 'wit past ten etdoes, last nigh , . was caused by the burning of a shed in bras'.' Ferry road, opposite arsenal, Hirst ward, The alarm was received It the Central Station from three dilr,reset borne 11l about the same time. This has never occurred. Mime. Itrx OvEa.—Last evening, Felix 'Ferrate, lusting at Tenth and Thompson streets, was ran tsar by the Girard-avenue oars, and had both atlas broken. En was taken to his home. LEGAI. IN rELLIGENCE. COMMON PLEAS —Judges Thompson and Wiwi —The court was occupied during Jester air morning with the equity argument list. The ease of Abrahams et al. vs Cohen at al. was thrsed by counsel, and a decree entered by the eon& The feats of the owe, as set forth in the IA may be thus briefly stated : The parties, nom tleinent and defendant, are members of Her I.le 'it Lodge, No. 12, of the Independent Order of Sati Brith, a seoret organisation of Israelites, :armed, as the charter sets forth, for the Inculcation of friendship and fraternal feeling, granting win Mee to the sick and distressed, giving aid to widows lei orphans, and for the promotion of the moral lei intellectual culture of the members, the de. :swains being the former trustees. An article in tie constitution prohibits a dissolution of the „ . ..ige by the acts of the members, so long as ten ,'filing to continue it in existence. All went tt b an :ozoonely until the 6th of June last, the to „„ 'tiered, embraced a numerous member ='p, and gab . - tsonlated considerable money. Of the ..ter, $3.600 invested in city loans, and the m a „ s reta i ne d the treasury. r -'s that date the ' , dr, held an Coition for true :eel and elected other , gentlemen in place of the Winds-tn. To these i sc swlteleated trustees the truer refused to deliver • books, 1 - 72 c 1 P 2 Permi v - 4 lands of the lodge, and a , , nie day. after. ards !Pit a meeting at an unusual inane, and in an i llegal manner, and at that mean: the lodg e was *molly dissolved. The present appl:OS tiOn gro w s 1 of this trouble, and an injunction is nreYed for t !earths the defendants from interfering Wiiit the r.fe1.a0... of the lodge Homy M. Phillips appeared for the defenda." 4s l vn William L Hirst for complainants. In th - 2 , %Ire) of the latter gantleman's argument, and :costae its close, he said that the came was a sad vit.:lee of how the evil example set in the SeCOS -4'4 if the Southern States could operate in private zattere The present was a clear clue of illegal I .tlesaion; the defendants bad-violently taken away ~I t 6 ptoperty and effects et the lodge, and now, rrtg oiseovered their error, were like be ba ed the States would be, quite ready to declare Lit their act was nugatory, and they were quite to do what was right. ,joe parallel still held, because, said Mr. Hirst, "i would hot take the advice of their learned 11 ,1 1 1 d and cling to the old government and the I g , but must needs snake an abortive attempt ~i ' s l up a new and independent institution. The 42 4 in the other ease will be egual:Y sid"-• 1 . I ,T" court ordered that the books . papers, a' 13 .9 0 ' 40 7 from the lodge room, should be re -1,..4., 12 to the proper Oattodnui that the defendant aoold restrain from all interferenc) with the stock ,: la ` 4 ,by bythe lodge. and that the dividends thre i",, , 141 other 1111001120 Should be applied in accoerd 'with the requirements of the constitution , and QCARTEIt BEssions--Jridge Alllson.—With L e t!"laY commenced the seirond period of the term, and the dock was well wowded lullits of edminals known fainilimly as on. ZWit Being generally old and petty tffen tr Glee permits whose station is life and po i'rtY preclude all hope of obtaining bail, they are cd ?ts committed to the County Olson by the h. 7 411 holding t he primary hearing, and there called to court and disposed of. Tbe I, ltta 7brject, of 0011 f 80, 13 to get rid of these oases as possible, and the drat week of every r•licd and term is devoted ezoluldvely to them. 4 tomber of trifling charges were disposed of )11 ...rta, morning 1m: -. 'ell portion of yesterday morning's session s ocripied beiyjig the spiboarboas of per- Oicuseo Item ServiDig as Jaso', a awls H e ' 4 `ving been summoned for the period. 03 ° kt , i ll° "l'man worked hie elder way up to the bar, 1y..."" gating hie aye. r 32 years, Val immediate tti,V P°°- The regular clauses were uttered in tin "vs deafness, sickness. and buriness being th b rombiebt ones The latter seldom avails, pr,, u g h It ie frequendy the Most earneaily A number were axenued 13 '' the d etstas District Court, Judge Cad hid* ' l % was in Beaded during the early parcel' yes morning, but nothing of interest transpired. Philadelphia Cattle Market PUTLADELPHLt. June 24. 190. The off . -rings of Beef Cattle were large wen this we - Ir4 re 011 Pg 1 361 head at Phillips' tante m 4 et of which we4e d EP awl of at prices ranging from $7 to $9, including a f w ex - ra quart , . 4 hi44ti ■ 4le at 76n more. The bulk of the sales were at $839 the 100 Ms, which 36.016 saline. ThE tOlinwing are the particulars of the same at the Avenue yard. A few stock Cattle sold a 8303 50: 42 t Abrams Ohio. at $8409. 66 John dandmeon, Ohio. new 7. "64 at/ ate & Carr. Onia- .3909 Si Kaatee & Kirs, 1 anomie , co.. $8419. bUK.ITEEJE Chester comas. $BO9. Jas Mont an. Ohto, $86 , 9 35 - Hatha- art.„0hid....3 11 .819- 44 P. MoFillen, thins. et map 25, 21 oahran & itoCiall • heater county. $85004. 45 Joh., "odd. Ohio, 4869 75.1. ohm Illinois 85 6009, tas ar-ousr & Smith, Ohio Itimols, $BO9. 17 4 clrienberg - 0.. otuo $700150. 17 U. mw& .Pr4nk Ohto sBeB.Bo - Feldenmer & Kirwin. Panneyivania, $80625. 93 EL C $5429. 46 I. 140 4 480876 14 G . oaehne,m, -.Mostar anun.y, 02509.29. 27 ttothsah id. Fen sylvanin, 5R01174. Fuller & Ores . Ohio. 118.19110925. 45 ilhaudiee & Alex nyer. 0809. 22 T.l. Qiumerwin, too $8 ifif. , 17 Goa. MArkersounty.l§7o22o. 16 John K. flinan. hastsr u $87689. 2) Alr.lll Illinois, 6 8114439.25. 40 16111 .ker & Co . • ten /Mei 15 13 ;wen 0hi0..9t 08 50. 0 rlows.Thware disposed of at from $2O to sslegtoht aortortlin 4. to condition : nn ohmage- About 31,11/0 Hogs were - emitted end sold thug week. 'mama ng / 533 N. Imhoff's et 845006 and 700 at the Avenue Tara at Uwe the 100 ,llis net, which ,s an ad vance Of iheep, the wen were 6,e.30 head, at prioaa within be 11111,6 of 8070 4P ih • .et, as to couultien. New York Stock 500011 8 68, 'Bl reg.... 8/35 moo II t 6s, 'al, coax , — Slit 10 , 10 U 8 64, '74 amis.— 76X 3600 Roney State 6x. 78 80 V 00 - awn 111 3'5551 Pdi'so.. FT 3600 Tont o'l 65,'90...» 36 am d0_....._ 864 4 2/0 0 d 01... 388. 19 00 Virginia State 61. 33 10 0 do— 3314 WOG do.— $314.11 do.— .- 40 7 On Georgia Rtato 64.- 63 Imo N Carolina 66 43 'too do.-... 46 40000 edopaon.7 ie... . 21 38, 6010 Lindeman& 66 6164 NM do - 6136 8101 Mien State 78, '79 81 I 1090 n 2016 rCelitrel R 7. 9 99 7 1030 3i law Tri o p fide. . 95 65 2300 Minh ant (4,1 t. 91 /160 Goshen nr'oh Bd. 74 600 Minn 8 8 F tide.. 72 1900 Lao & 61. Ist in C• 92 &OR B it Q. 85._.. 93 30 Tradesmen's Bk. 95 20 Bea.,kof neyublio 90 CITY ITEMS. ANDREW?. SOWINNEN CORRONT GoNE. The amount of inconvenience to which the South has al ready subjected itself by iTs suicidal volley is incalcula ble. How could it be otherwise. when not only all thei luxuries, tut nearly all their necessities, have beretor fore teen suopfied by the North ? One of the chief of these neosssities, furnished from this city in firmer lessons. was the superior Water Coolers and Range_ rators of -Mr. J. B. Clark, No 1008 Market street. We would state. in this conneotion. that Mr. Clark has now in-nufacttired. in story, a large and splendidly-assorted stook of these articles. and is seNiag them off at prices far beiato their acruoi nest, in order to close th'e branch of his business. Inc oeli , b Wed Force! Ain-lined Coyl e ss are unrivalled. and his Refrigerators, it has been demonstrirtd repeatedly, will keep provisions better and longer, with lean ice, that any other In use, This stook offers rare inducements to putchasere. WAR News —No ROWS Of importanoe has yet been received from the seat of war. The people are becoming impatient, and cannot wait long. The only item of interest worthy of mention is tnat the be-t, cheapest. ar.d m. et durable military and civic, clothing at the molar one-prioe Down or Gran ville Stokes, gO9 Chestnut Street. A so:aro:he assortment of summer clothing now on hand. Tun 111rtararty Ciavnnea Drcow.—Roekbill Wilson's Brawn Stone Clothing Hall appears . to be the leading house for the manufacturing of military cloth inn. In the upper :Writs they have same twenty cutters erapiored, and about sev-n hnodred bands are constant ly engages in makingnp the work Over three thonsaiti coals were made up by this firm in ten days, for the !O&M. betides fall suits for several companies of Homo eiraitts, end for °Myers or the army and navy; The 'embalm( this well known establishment is Nos. 603 and MS ttossmot .trust. &boy. maid ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, VP TO 12 O'CLOCK LLST CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. Cha. Vez n, Philadelphia N 8 Peterson, Phila JK. rr. ar land F 0 *triosland. RoMmond M Murray. Pennsylvania F LJoines. Liverpool Eng T fir oh. P.w York y Wehater & la. N Jars., Gaetano-. Hovel_ New York inn l' Jones Yorke. N F •teele, *inseam J Gulitand, Camp Wayne M B &is York, Pa Wnso 0 ,ausrum,yerk,rn Jae B • low C-cmp wayne SCullen Joe oro utioush. New ork K Brown • B kuwea- Damon .13 8 Ga.ner. Zanesville. 0 B Mo. re & Lewistown 1.1 P alublenburs, LI Si Mr - ridge. 'A sabington Col Schuster New ork pi It. I, mons. ea twau ea A Nixon ew York • J F COW -II & a .1 4 1.-w York Mtn, Gowan Dlew York Master ~owr.o. eleW Yore: Atl t OU. 8 & la. N x ork D rant I:,lhottgo _ hero , ' Jr, N York B • otrikgri. Look flAv.ri Chas U Br-ok:n Woo K• JC Ro horde &. att. PPrina Mr launder. w Yo,k fr ileverdabl. ew York (of Dudley, Jew York J Gay Boa on Fo n. doe. Prom to., NJ J Donegal , Imago Rot Dr .larkeon t Mango Ch h . :lynxes. S W Conover & do: Ohio J G ohone, maine H 11 Barrier. New y„ik It B Chneman. Jamey City Jae 0 t nrray, U N Nerd i du ohms, 11 to 11 Pa :atm ne, US It W J ellen, et taut mr A AoBll+B Be ton W 19 Oat Wm • safer. Boston 41 . .8R0. Penne H n Yezin. Matta Geo C itiotutrcleon. Berton Py J W Stone, Boeton BBe kt.ap. Boa on WA Wk siker. ~ ew York Ailate‘ehriseite .Tolin A DIX.. New York Chas I Dix. Bon York Thorny. n Cnmpbeli. 0 v Bennar. flew Yo k thwarter, Pitt burn 3 A Balder& vow York .3 .n 1. Barnes Nein York Bat B Lionntz,bew York W Buten Baltimore C Mee - Ahoy F D Bow New 'York Win A > eleven. New York D Elu. tin don . . m Bow kb", Pitom . urg Joumegm Pitt burg The. Waimea. H ow York HO Warm. Phila.& AVSKOMANTa , 807AL—Fearte Street. below AM*. F Kennedy. Pidketom N J Waldo Abbot, new ti ork C h _Palmer. Booms oc,. Ps Bnn Wm Duck. Marlowe Wm k. Potter,lfr eromiNT J P Ituoirnam Lonienlle It PatlaU. Lommrille M P Gaud', Jr, U n A B L. reito4, r rie. ra Jae B Clow. camp Wayne Wm J O'R/oy. Cincinnati C Mo- soden, oownmszen Louisa Saadi, Mu .1 ey Geo R t wope,Lsnommg cu nom Mews. Steubenm 0 Mrs Haven, Forsburg Aug Duncan, 1 a J Y Key, Penns) learns Chas Ha pahue. haulm Boni Thompiondtanevile Coombs. Indians Bev t dw v. slime, sending Stui• b. Cahlorntn M Tver. Yo.k Pa Piehd fdoGrann, I anoaster John Meiovern, Jr, Lane W h Boyle, Chogaberebtog .f R Eby, liarnsoung AJARRICAII HOTEL—Chaireat termer. abeam Fifth W C Beira, Beßigtore R P. Williams, Baltimore R P coo ay. Balurcore ira R H at, e. I ens miss a C eiss, Penna Chas It-amen. Delaware him Eteasten. Delaware R A Abbott, MAMA& apt W M Sheakeimear tc is a DM Jr 8 Elearite. rh.mostebia J 8 H trio& Cloister 00 W C Corkenter t p ork W Elation, rico York W Utley, Yliw rork J Van R yer, New York W E C4Thp, NSW lurk GMitier.r/ele York 3 Twddll, Easton F liobin. " acne W It Rider, eittrzland A Harrington. 0619.1WAre Mr Mll4Oll IC in, Maryland H O'Connor, Baltimore SI. LOUIS HOW EL--Ohestiant street, above Thlrl. Miss W ikon, Pennsylvania NE Imlay. New York 1) tourray, row York tut rutin. Vonnolvania W wilumen, borawrocizt ti Obedsey Nevy_forig D Potter, N Jeraez hire CA:lnver Jr- eh, Walsh Mrs Barrington. wash J 'nutter, Port Carth,n J L duttoo, Man iand N. la Ferry, Massaanusette I) Dean, Brook., W Miner, New York NATIONAL HOTEL—roam street, stove Vitra. H Illacdona d. Indiana Mrs Berg. New York W Widiams. New 'York Geo W L brick, a 'Woad /sotto .Lippman. Pottsville F L Roman. Peoria TAB 11111014—Arak 'treat. above Third. I Brawn. DeiSMILTS B Rom. Delaware Sp• nper, Rorrniburn D it v.- o.taimr. 1i J 0 Raoul on. A haglieni oity o W Unser, tonna, A J ela ler, New Jersey Jos Focht, Pourvnle, Pa Jaa J Outtiok. Plutada R titoenne, kiarralort R H Jaen. Dietahure S M tagmund„ Latogh ao John Book. Lam. Pa 0 Rhanison, bow York .1 I. Hiolay & la,,telorida cPMMERCIAL ElYVEL—Sixth st., &boys ChestnaL L J But.l erne on. Pa Jas Emith, Unionville x g van & dam, Philo J P W iikansoa. Unionville w 3 0 ,1.paton N A Pesos smoker, Fa Is Bissell, Yort II W oeglaa.d, Penner . asara,.ali Wright & Pa A R imhie,. Chester so, Fs Davis KinibSe. asiter Co Luna Hann% tamer no Geo W eesslits, Yo Josiah r Yis o Boole= Beontel. Pa E room. ?nil, aelphis. F Oheotar county JasB Kt,k. Chest -v co J Devoe, W Chester, ra W Levi,, W Coaster MOUNT VERNON HOTEL—Eeoond it..slove Ara. Saud Perry. New Orleans S Cassidy & is. Trenton Geo Kto arils. W iikesbarre U Powell, Want/arra h Martin, tiow Jersey STATES UNlON—Market street, nbove Sixth. Chu Resnolds Wo. Del D Mathews, haw York wok. Hotaatoa„ Willi= co icrha Hart, hufs•a co 1.14 L 7'0Wa110124, w If Mouuenhak, ro J 1.144ar. IA ilk nstatsg C h4l.rrark. Ch mar co ti Buchan n. Luau Cr 00 S 0 one, find:quo Jas untigit ?instal r caviler, reaanywallia, J G LeMusw eh, /Newark, N itgirt&itit HOUXlb—Tturd street. above itette. C Weedy Masontown. Tilos le.sheriy,. Penns Jos Grossman. ociersnlie 3 W winker, Int Ustr T r,ernli. mobs, ra, Cr W Morgan, meaning BALD FABLE ROTEL—Third at.. above Callowhill V B (Mane China 3 C Borer, Port Carbon r.oeser, mks co lA= BRAlL — Teera street. above Callowbill. eedslielt.Beiv Britais Miss Ged.ballt. N Brits= Sarni octanes,. !cu e& B V Massey. Jr. gbibut A , nosnien, raiteeelphis John Nhants, hibui 8 Moran, P/InAdelPitta /Mel Roam. Banishing BAJSI.EY SIREAF EBYYEL-4560 011 A it.. bet. 'Vine. Wm 11. Rama t _Panes Evan .0 Jona', Pena'a John ^ineopt. Finn . solo Solomon Honaumbt, Pa nand Et dtankwell. Pa TjiAl7i:.. ere. P. TAMAK. T tie ° JO. rtiP.GRAM 4 COMIIIUTTNX "me M6Olll MM. L. R Eii lALTTIK2I. Usti* At MS Mer aerate Each/owe, Philadelphia. ell I p rarsonk Rowland.-- July 6 Di.v l u.aaru t s, OUlitV , ../.. tverpoot. NOWi Ship Emil, At:MUM- otrionnuxu.---Liverpool, wee en .p 010 J. 41,.. Yin them_.-., noon gam, ga w ps' Toil.oz, Tar box —.. 'Atoning Ayres. soon nark Cerdelli. Fat Berbancee.. June 28 B a it Bea jseg le. Port emu. Trio, moon Bye laulalgo. Emit Joao do Cube. soon Seta Yealue, hiavanu. sum MEMORANDA. Steamship Kensington, Baker. hence, arrived at pos t m 231 inst. Brea. , amp Ariel, Nelson, from Aspinwall. arrived at bra York yesterday. Or cow, Johnson, from Havana, arrived at New York yesterday. Steamship C4 , lumbla. Adams, from Havana, arrived at New York rest... Mar. Ship haywire. Young, from Callao, arrived up at Bal timore vsatsrdity. Ship Lizzie Drew. Gray, cleared at London 32th inst. for eardsif and Cape of Good Hope. Ship Monis. Mayo. dies ed at London 10th inst. for Sn derlana and Shanghai,. Ship Sarah Newman Gibson, from London for Cal cutta, saiird from Deal 9th Chip 'Vomit, Soule from Callao, at A ntwerp it& that. Ship John Stuart, Bungee. cleared as Liverpool Sib init. for carditand Callao. Ship Frigate Bird. '1 houipami. from London for KW !lichee. at Southampton ihn in t. Ship Emperor, rinoels, sailed from Newport NM mat for Montevideo. ship iitiamploa. Bisbee. cleared at London 10th trist, for minderlaud and Bombay. for Robert Harding. which went to sea from New Orleans on the lith inst. bound to Liverpool Aged up at 3..Nieitlid per ib .or cotton and for otnar freight in proportion he took on board a ful. cargo in three days and was the only vessel which was not under sei zure b r *he rebels Bark W ash kiwi:, Wank., sailed fr o m Bremerhaven 6to inst for Phimuelpnia. Bars B innesota, Wayne. staled from Glasgow Bth inst for New York. Bent Old hickory. Holmes, for Philadelphia, sailed from Liverpool Ufa mat. Bark Alex McNeill, Somers. sailed from Havre 9th inst for Shields and the U otstes. Bark inaittia A un, Chase. hence, arrived at Key West &hi, rt. Bank Casco, Gardner, hence, arrived at Havana 14th instant. • Bark P C Atexander, Coloord. Imam, arrived at Ma te zits Nth inst. Brig Aitavem, Reed, hence, arrived at Trinidad Gth inst. nark eat, Ryder, hence. was below Boston 23d inst. ' *Brig John Welsh, Fitield. hence, arrived at Trinidad 9th inst Soar George I Jones. Crowell, at St Thomas 18th ult. from Demerara, and sailed lid for Tares Island, to load for Philadelphia. Sabra 11 , mrta. Haskell. and .3" Birdsall, Lockwood, hence. arrived at Boston tad inst. &hr. J C Runyon. Mathis. sad Fining Amelia, Har ding. cleared at it Mon Rd lost. for Philade , phia. Bohr ()MUM, hence, was below Dostorilki .net. Bohr Jonas &parks, Inman, hence, arrived at Boston 234 lost Soars chair If Moore, Ingersoll, and Thomas Page, frame sailed from detain eau ovt. for Philadelphia. Bohr Amelia, lane, hence, arrived at Provinenoe Ed instant. Bohr Black Diamond, Young, at Gloucester 21st inst. from Delaware City. Bohr Salmon Washburn, Thrasher, at Taunton 2lst inst. from Velaulso e City. Beer Mahe ii katorir Wodfttin henee, arrived at Key West sth inst. Sofa ft Yv Dillon. Snow, from- Cienfuegos. at N York 23s lent. ABobr Pauline, Brown, hence, arrived at - New York gad inst. Boor Volta. Brooks, sailed from Greenport, LI, 20th inst for PdimAelphra. wi.ohr Mary -hoe. Welsh. from New York for St Tho mas, was spoken with iro.t. let so 24 long 61 • Buhr X A Fisher, eltztokford, (neared at New York yesterday for Para. *Bohr M xtro , d , sti. Atwood, cleared at New York 'res ted:lay for Ph ladelphia. Vo advaltioncrwas mud Zillwrplky, Olusavt• hence, arrived at New era •ektor.ow. xchange—June 24. nomm. 79 Continental Bank. 61 Io shoe & Leat't Bk ao 1 Del & Hod 8* Soolll Can IL Sep__a 8213: 20 do.- -42 623 E 110 • 66 as do.. .- % .230 24 200 N Y Central It-- 73% 11 Krie e........ 22 260 Harlem 9 100 do 400 80 11arlent PreFerreTd. 20X 00 741 0 8 4aa Central. 42 10 4 2i0h &N I R... 72 SO Gal ic Ott °ago R.o 60 ..110 OP 1020 62 80 d 0...- -610 6 1 2 200 458. 20 au do— OP% 48 I d____ 60 d O o -80 do ..... 6 8 100 Chicago & I S& (0 ao 3432 110 do 343; 25 New Jerre 1.8 40 N Jolley von R.. 11l Sy DIRICTION OF THE PROalt'WU OF WAR, Medical Boars. to waist of enrgeon A. N. toLAIILN, the Medical Director of the Department of Washing ton. Suwon L. A. EDWAREIB inn Ass dent Burgeon T.Bl. 08TTY. U. 8. Arnay will convene in this city to-morros , morning, at Ic o'o Dolt. or as soon thneetter as praetusibuy for the examination of snob applinants for +be p tenon of l'urgeon f r a Brigade as may bo re tarred to it by the Secretary of War. Appointments will be made from among those only ho shall be examined and reported as full qualified by said &lard. Own Pinar Ourroara or row LArsor 377/alll2 made in the best 7710111101", expremly for Kr, SAIL HALES. LOWEST selling. prices marked in Plain Figures. AU goods made to order warranted tate:factory. Our ONR-PRICE system is strietlyaill cored to. All are thereby treated alike. eats-ta JOIIRE z MI- 604 mAiglfElr Iffirset. M)Eft== RFITOKES—STOICE..—On the 20th Instant, at Friends' Mee ing- hone, in Stroudsburg Pa . N. Newlin Stokes, M. I)of Moorestown. St. J to Martha daughter of &Orden 'takes. of -trondsburg. R t EWS R r—VONDFri.—t n the 24th instant, at Bt. "arks Church, Philadelphia, by the Right Rev the Rhinos of Pennsylvant4, the Rev. W. re. Suwon, Root° , of Rt. At drew's • hutch. Mantua, to Julia V. Duncan. only daughter of K. Vogues Ego of this SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEADISIts. FEOM THE VNITED ANATOL MVPS LUMPS /PDX DAVI Adrudia, York..SAlwai— ap 2s New York— Ann e r•urs" - Arabia l3oston—Laverpool ir or Baltimore .New k (ma—Liverpool— —June 29 Jura New York—liirernoel-- -3uuu 29 ....-...New York—Liverpool—. -- 3ulr 3 Borman Ytrit • . Piretarn ------ l ull K york,,l4vorpool J tr r it Parana.- Booten—Galioar 9 t•uropa 13iietoo_Llverpool JO 13 ammonia Nftw ortr._nout otimptoit. —.. July 13 Perms York—Littera . .. l i --Jill! 17 Rlll3olllilt —New York.. Hamburg 97 era— atomtrure---.•..-.....Ang 10 terttrati tiUiterlt. 111.118 LIAvI TON BAT. Braman— ..,_Bout smitten —l66w Y^7l6--........./nne It Kangaroo •Liveretiol— New York .__..__ June it liooit %alma ___Lioorooel- • Quebec June 13 *AmokLwerpool—noston--.. June Ili Parson,— 041 way— known Juno 38 Eloamrma—.2oothompron—Neat York —June 19 k+ns— —Liverpool—New York— .--Juno 19 Perms _.Livetpool—New --.June ar :In o h.mpenn_fiew tom 26 fibisetu r a___ Beath ,mpton— New York --July Temonia..--Bouthamptun—Now York —July IT The California Mail Stearnerigatall front New York on the let, 11th, and Mat of each month. The Havana Steamer& leave New York en the Mink, nth. 17th. and tlth of each month. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OE PHILADKLPHIA. June 65, 1861 sun R.IBEB 4 35-6 UN BETS MOH virATRIC it. 4 41. Brig Orinnno. Nash. 4 days from Salem. in ballast to EA -cuder & Co. Bohr Wm Hone, Scott, 3 days from New York. with nit to oastain Sour 1- mma. Smith, 4 days from Lynn, to ba!last to N Sturtevant CO roar i y is A May, Baker, 3 days from irew York. in b4aat is oiutain. Sob • Kvebne. York 2 days from New York. in ballaat 'CO G W Glienadou & Bat. Bohr Kent. s cotton, 3 days from HOOrgetoWn. Mds wi h woe‘t to J U Bewley a Co Sebr. Marv. Rickards. 1 day from Camden, Del, with oat.' ro L, Hawley la tro. &Mr. D. Atidans, from Boston, in ballast to B hitinfe at Cu. Bohr R H Stormont Matta. from Brillion. in ballast to tt ß u e .nk„ ()e B & Co. hr A ally. Haley, from Boston, in ballast to Elt Bawyer & Bohr Chas rot Neat. Benderfton. from Bridgeton, in to Noble. Betemett Dc o•l4weti. Steamer Beverly. Pierce, 24 hours from New York, with smote to W P elute. steamer - arah. Jones, 24 hours front New York, with mdse to Wm 011 Baird & Co. °LEAKED. Bark Aaron !Horner. Miller, Havana, W Cumming. eons Henry May. Hoover, Marblehead, Bancroft, Loam & Co rohr Emma, ' , Zillah. LIMB, N nthrteoant & Co. Bohr 1 4,0 J Crowell, Boawn, W Woad. Bohr C M Neal, Henderson, Boston, Noble, Hammett & Ualdwett. - Saar hellos D. Studestat. Dortrov. l 3 Mitaer & Co. Bohr It H Sh•nnon. , oarta. Boston .13. um. & Co hr • Baler Hale's. Boston. F. t Bowyer & Co. Rohr Elliott. Avis Boston. oemain. Bobs B F Keever Carman. read°. Tyler, Stone & Co, Rl' fiShriver. Venial. Baltimore. A. Groves. Jr. SPEOIAL NOTICES. MEDICAL BOARD. SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE,t June 10, 1 61. The Sestenne of the Beard milt be held si,t No. DO Penn eyivania avenue. (north aide) between Seventeenth and Eighteen. It streets. C. A. FIN t.E.Y. Je74 31 Enron General. BATOIItELOR 7 B HAIR DYE -This celebrated and perfenit HAW Dye it Mc besr in the world. All °there are mere imitations of this great original, which tea gained snob extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batoheloes Liquid Hair lb. issrasirla produces s splendid black or natural brown, without staining the skin or injuring the hair, and will ?may the GI effects of bad dyes, ildriptatillg the hair for life. sold ty all Druggists and Perhiners. Wholesale by FAHNEDTOCK. & CO., DYOI7 & CO.. Philadelphia. Craovia rt UMCNit'a UELBERANSS NOISELESS SE'wEria MACHINES. Too Soot in Van for Family Sowing. TIRO ORR R•117IFIVIR Oftratodt.. PirfloAllolnlbis side to, MARRIED. LIR—ArAfILE,--On the 13th of April. by the Rev. Witham t•uddards. Mr. J. G. uatiir, of tAritste, to Mpie Mary I. Nagle, of Philadelphia. DIED. BALAION.—On the 23d potent, James W.Bahnon, printer. in the 'sth year of hie age. The relative• and friends of the family ; also, the members of Pa.ity Lodse. Ito. 325. 1. 0... f U. P. - Phtuidetyina Typographical come Typographical Union 04. and assisianoe 'Plume cemptinv. are re spsetlitlls invited to attend the funeral. 'rota tug late reildenrse.NO. 855 Medirato street. east of Lawr nee. above Brown. on Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock." BIBBOP.—On the i 23 instant after a long and severe illness, in the hope of a bleated immortality, Wm W. Bishop. in his filtu year. The family and male fr ends are respeotfully invited to attend his Inner l,_from hut late rewdenoe, No. 1016 Chestnut street. on Wednesday at 3P. M. Interm a nt at Mount kloriah. r ATIIER.—On the morning of the 23d instant, Iktmg E is.% Mather. Aar relatives and friends are respeotfully Invited to attend her funeral, from the resident!, of her law, James Mi er. Mark t street, welt of Fortieth, , thle{Tutedar af , ernoos at 2 o'olocr. B USBEL.t. —On th- 221 instant. Mrs. Mary P. Rue nen. wile of Oliver P. Funeral from toe residence of her mother Mye.Sarah 'I) Ingram. ho Broad street, below Wharton. this (Tuesday ) afternoon. at o'clock. ITS.-0,1 the 234 instant, Mary Smith. aged 21 years. Pune , al from the re.'tlerce of her parents. No. 619 South Twelfth street. above South. this lTneediter af ternoon. ai 3 o'clock. eGLAI.76I tit IN —ln Camden, on the 2Sd instant, Catharine Ann, daughter of John and Ann fetoOlaush- Femoral from the residenoe of her father. Piers street. between Veeend and Third, Smith Camden, this anes - day f afternoon 3 o'clock. McaULLMN.— n the 2'd lest.. David son of David and PliZabeth MCMU:II.I2. axed 8 years atd 4 months Fnnerai from the residence of his parents, York street, west of Amber, this (Tuesday) afternoon. at 4 o' looms. RR--On the 22d instant. Elizi.beth it.. &mesh tey of Charles and Mary Jane Cake, aged 4 years and 7' mow he . . IP Tlent, from the residence of her wants. No, 746 Ukick atreet, this ( rtterds- ) rapratnt, at 10 o'clock. - rEWETTEN.—On the 23d instant, Mrs. Catharine Dewetten. seed 45 16.1117. Fttilang fr'm the residence of her niece, Mrs. E. A. Tram. D 0.3.4 Queen street, this rtneadar) afterana. a a ea'oak. E' HE it.—On the 22d instant. Charlet! > Keiohline. son of George W. and Jane ksher, aged IS months and U days. konerid from the residence of his'tweet.. Ridge solid below Oxford street, on Thurnday alteinoon. at 3 o'clock. _ .* myratii —At Germantown , on the 91st inst.. William Flames. son of Wiliam. C. arm Lou sal*. Myere. to the 11th year of a's age. f"u• - .eral services at the house this (Tuesday) morn ing. ar gig o'clock. 21hY DISK—Go um 23d meant. Annie Pauline daugh ter of Penn (*rollick, 1.4 Mayder. wig 6 it ear... ino* - the, so .d 12 days. }rimers) thy. the res denim of her parents. Locust etre.% below Fortieth, this (Tuesday) afteinooti. at a o'clock. " 7_A WIDE . BLAUK DA.REUEEI, only • so .... 7 4 mtde Black mirages, only SO ciente. 7 4 woe Black names+, on 4 00 rents. 7 4 wide Ulnae B treeea, only 67% e 9 9 19- 7-4 wide Meek liaregee. only B.9ji, seats. X wide Bleak Barbra', null ID A °"'.. BEntliottil & 801 , 4 , 8 Vonrainticore. jet No. 91a C iiIRISTN UT Otreet. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE COM- Lul, *Caftan r.— I he Acnnal Committee re. or conferring . Deity es Win be held in. CotreEirT id,AA.L. on rid UR GAY • G. june St , begin nuatar 8 'clock. The Deere*e wit t be conferred ST hill 3eilenOr I Governor R.itst, President (Aldo of the of rrusteas. and eddres-ea de -1 i sited by MORTON ii;rIIIUHAFL. Fin and B n. W eTGO std. r.rurdo by 00-t. an a Orchestra. The publie are tespeetfaily invited tr, attain,. A. L. Kits, lc BOY, P&p , joss President Pacnlty. CENISISAL 11141111 SCHOOL.—The iination of atiebesuts for aqui te the Or, Mamioarron of ariplicauts for earn itsi n folds Con- Angry Conies.. in nem on Ftt D Y. June 28 h, scriber .- se 00 at 9 A M. and be continued in .he ord.r Mt R 4 DAY June 28. h Arenanr.t ou an.. Orthogranby. ' tte"*.tmen. Centel will be forwarded to those who re- Molt D AV, J.l , 131, rr .cdoal.aritume in and Yrinoi west theM. yle.ol • rithrns :a dabsenetions may aasamanale at slay talc Varner TUODAY. Juiy 21. ihnmmar. hal Parting. a vi , r° cask .o adessum Allotters to team ras. " WE Kr Y. Jul ad. Constitution of nittid • t States and Defining . Tti o odideitee emit he et tenet thirteen ran of are. J 401 kr . 19Sa' VS Its 12... retid e ente of the city of hilndeiyhts end fur et meet N em nue year pupils in the robi.o Mono.te of the intr. Aro. 41T caw rifu , r incssr, A1a1101.4.19 a. Dl4.l3i i t irm F., .IP , NZ I 1. 7:b IN Z. 3r , 2lff I A. • o THE PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, IUI. OFFICE OF THE NORTH FELLA PIDELPHIA PASEIWNSP•R RAILROd_9. PCNII PIitLADILPHIA. Juneau, 1 6 61. meeting of the Strokholdars of the North Phila. delehla Pe sender 9/direful Company will he held At their office beak of no. 409 WA 1..4111" street, WEDIgHr Molten. & Repaid. Jr_—No 1713 omen street. GEORGE W. DAY,_Pretident. F RANDLE N. BUCK, Vice FreelAimL wm.s.l AMP 141.• an bos_iftr SAVING r' UPI DS. ReviNG FUND-lIIIITIED BTATZS TRUST OOMPANI T , earner THIRD and MEM RUT Streets. 0111TERERT FIVE PER CENT. B. R. CRAWFORD@ FrII I 4IIPRIt JAPANS R. HUNTER, Boorotary and Traagarer. °Moe hours, frqmlo until I cOolook. Thu Company is not toinoi in aer application tlayt i.a•,alatayy s:;kt tALE UV 44 CULTS, FILLIIIS, AND BROOD MARES. TRoROUGHBRED. It ..tRe..D, a. D BROOD. 810-:s, raised by Mews. A. MATLIAARD and BErlt 6 . 1 T. Tirl-$ll- Y. July 2, 341 At Mile ROI fireedine Farm °pow to the Bonaparte Oro.•nde,H rdentraw, fb. oonira.noing at t ceolook P M .wt hoot regard to the we fluor ffir nr attrat , oo of tutedifoot, humors and nroodoro we.. are ea , aloes to irup....v, them et GE telitiViotd tot.. pe igrece a f the t. o•ottabbreo stall one ffermm and P 4 _010.7 end 01.. the Uot.tne at- Won, G. M. P‘tohen , 11. m Jam'. Dedawn. reonem Jr., ' , Hay Dart &e., air eel the colts end 60 O. offered at -his he. Kr Caul r nee contralto:he full pa:Maulers. redigreee. &a.- now ready at the jell-St-if Mir khrD ii rf ERR 12 Koff. etsononeer. REeIILAR LINE AND &ARAD illaY EX Ilft4lo Vg. - B , osiner luaV Hat pm be 'no n Cel. atte-t. ( s a , days axes pt of at 7X, o'clock, for Chßst r..renuir nova, N.w etIO liettiWare CM, 104 T VELA WAX.% spd Salem Fare r+.l. the 50 sehtis r tap • for Bridown and Wens meet this hue irt6 F it NAVY Wan. apolimiPlEW DAILY LINN, via Delaware lid RITMO c‘nal. Phi-awe Phismod "Ow York Err Preen 'gismo-mu COM.. ,gee ye freight on and after MONDAY- mai and wave daily at I P. al.. aellYertlig their oar goes in New York the following days imam taken at reasonable rates. WM. P CLYDE .44444 Its 14 SOUTH WHARVES., Phi1aa 6 4... 0 Piers 14 ani i iit t riti6 l" Afitifft e ,DlO at. W gsb2o-iftf ME&Fon NSW YORK. onia THE spy Philadelphia Ream Propellor will comment* *boit busing:4o for the owl= on Mania! U tioLreteamers tuvraow mew= fraiskt at Sued Pier above Walnut wrest. Tit= sacsoingtodauns. vise nAnta J t Go. COI !WWI nalliAriny OPAL DitIeTALLINA.—W e speak f rom el sosiosi experience when aaring tear, th e op AL sel-vALLIPIA made by _Mr. BRUIN. Of B ROAD sad RPStICE Streets, iffdeeidedlT the Weed preparation Erthe mouth an te e th ;hair, have array Thso o, wa have it sulfite all that to clamed for it, and beito rir. eamtnended hr the meet emend dentists we &deo. all as siva it tral.— genabla. ....e.5... • fIOTTON SAIL DUCK and: CLUIVIA Li of all numbers and brand/. , _. itemizes puck /mum Twills A af all desesirapaa. for irenui, Ammuit4, Trunks, and wagoa_Coargi,_ Alpo, Paver Man c ti e urers Drii i Y 711.11 t. 1 IND w bat Inds. Una mat, ww. s ww , t4i 1 1 0 0