The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, June 01, 1861, Image 4
Weekly Review of the Philadelphia Markets. PHILADXLPIIIA, May 31, 131k1. Business generally continues languid and dull, and there is little or no improvement to note since the close of last week. Breadstuff' move off sl '' ow '. and prices at the close favor the buyers Qaar citron Bark is wanted at folly former rates ; very little has been done in Tanner's Bark. Coal con tinues in fair demand and firm, bat for Iron there livery little itquiry. In Groceries and Provisions the sales have also been limited, and for the latter prices are unsettled and lower. Fruit, Sicily, is arriving and selling freely, but in other kinds there is nothing doing. Fish and Lumber are very quiet. Naval Stores are firmly held, with some movement in Rosin, which is scarce. Oils, Mae ter, Rico, and Seeds very little doing. Salt is plenty. Teas, Tobacco. and Tallow very firm, but without much movement. Wool is very inactive, and Whisky rather more adios. The Dry Goods trade continues at a stand-still, the demand being only for goods suited for army mimeos, which command fair prices; holders of Cotton goods generally are not offering their stooks very freely, and most kinds are held for higher prices The Braldstuffs market is without any marked change; the demand for Floor, both for shipment and home use continues limited ; the sales comprise 3,500 bble, inol-oling Western superfine spring wheat at $ 371, winter do., $.5 50, good City Mills do. $5.70, and Lancaster county extra on terms kept private. The trade are buying in a small way at the above figures for superfine, $5.7556 75 for extra and extra family, and $7a7.25 per btj for !any brands, as is quality, and the market dull at the close. Rye Flour is but little inquired for, and offered at $3 50 per bbl, with small sales. Corn Meal is quiet, and Pennsylvania meal is held at $2 875 per bbl, without sales. WIIIAT —There is not much offering, but the de. mend is less Bettye, and some $30,000 bushels found buyers at $1 35a1.38 far fair to prime Western and Pennsylvania reds; $l. 3911.40 for Southern do, and $145a1 55 for white, as in quality. Rye is unsettled, with small receipts, and sales of Penn. Sylvania at 66s 67c. Corn is less inquired for, and lower, and 33 000 bushels sold, at 56560 a for prime Southern yellow, afloat 57958 c for Pennsylvania do, in the oars and in store, including some. West ern mixed at 50,543; fair Southern 'at 545580, afloat, and inferior. part white, at 535563. Oats are dull; sales of Pennsylvania are reported at 3041 v, afloat. Prime Southern are steady at 30a, with moderate sales. Pitovistona continue dull and. neglected, with a small business doing in barrelled meats at SlSa 18.0 for Mess Pork, and $1.5a16 per bbl for City Mess Beef. Of Bacon, the sales are limited. and prices of most kinds nominally unchanged, Rams selling at 9.1120, and Shoulders at 7a7io. Green Meats are also but little irrvaired for; about 210 oasts Pickled Hams sold on terms kept private, and Snowden in salt at 51 63, on time. Nothing doing in Sides. Lard is steady, with small receipts, and sales of tierces and bbls at 914100, and Mega at 101slIc per bbl. Butter moves off slowly at 10 a 123, the latter for prime roll. Cheese is steady bat quiet at 85,957 per lb, and Eggs are selling at 8c95 per dozen. Mama —There is no new feature in the Iron malket, and little or nothing doing, the prices of Pig Metal being nearly nominal; $lB 50a21 for the three numbers of Anthracite. and many of the fur. aloes stopping operations Of manufactured Iron the sales are also limited, and prices about the lame as last . nuoted. Lend continues unsettled. sad lower, t urn a sale of 500 pigs Galena to note at ,po 151 the 100 /be. cash. Golders of foreign are not disposed to sell at the current rates Copper Is dull and neglected, and the sales of both Sheath ing and Fellow Metal are limited at about previous quotations. .13a6.15. —gaeroitren coulee in slowly, and let No 1 ands ready sale at $26 50 per ton. Of tanner's bark we note further sales of Spanish at $l2 per oord, and Chestnut Oak at $9 50 per oord. Brien.—There is a moderate badness to note, mostly to All Government contracts at steady pates. BOISWAS —Good yellow is less firm, and selling at 310 per lb., with but little doing in the way of isles COAL.—The market is firm, with a fair demand, both for ehinment and home use, at fully former rates—sav $3 20a3 30 for Schuylkill White, and $3 35.3 50 for Rol Ash free on beard. CA3DII6 —The demand for all kinds continues limited, and the market without any quotable Change. Corm! continues dull; most of the mills having stopped operations, there is little or no demand for this staple, and a few small lots only have been disposed of, at 15111540, cash. Holders are not disposed to sell on time. The following is the movement since the Ist of September last, as compared with the previous three years: 1861. 1560. 1569. 1858. Receipts atsorts.-3.41. 7 .000 4 658.000 3.579,000 593.000 port to G't Britain.. 2 059 0002.44400 1,736.0110 1,439.000 A•soort to France.—.-. 56; 000 10.000 382.600 MAO =port to other F. P.— 144 000 440.000 came 3112.000 Total export. ...alum 3,01 ' 2,513 9002 WO tos 151001" Ott hand. . . ... mu ow 11.6:000 410:00 0 e 06,000 Of wbion, during the past week., included in the above: Receipts at ports.-- 7.010 61.000 11,800 17.000 Export to Wt. Britain.. 22.000 41.000 30.000 4 , .000 p°eett to Franco_ 40X1 5.000 INO non to other 1.090 6 000 3.000 . 19.i19000Lai exports.-- VOX* 66.000 38000 66.000 Summary.-Receipts Decrease at tbe porta compared with last year 941-000 bales. Exports-- Dooms° to (treat Britain 407,000 bales i increase France 10,000; &cream to other foreign ports 94.000 Total decrease in exports 495.000 bales. Doers' is quiet, with sales of 800 bags Ale at lliel2to, and some small lots of Lagusyra at Ina 140, on time, and 2 250 bags of the former, told by auction, at 'ram 101114;©, usual terms. Dacus moo Dyas —trade is very dull ; among the sales are sums small lots Soda Ash and hal . Soda, on terms kept private; 5 oases Bengal In digo at 110.1508; 6 eareena Onetimela an. at Ma 90e ; 1 ease Opmm and some Oil Bergamot at pre- aloes quotations. Fran —Tbe market is very dull, and the sales of Mackerel, mostly in a small way, from store, at $l3 and $/6 for Is, $6 and $lO 50 for 2a, and $5 and $7 per bbl for 34, as to eisa. Pickled Earring sell as wanted a. $2 5053 per bbl, for old and new fish. A Bale of 500 bbls was made from the wharf on terms kept private. Nothing dOisg in dry Cod. FATJZT. — There is no change in foreign, and a moderate business doing in Oranges and Lemons, in lots, from the vessel, at tram 30a up to $2 50 per box, as to condition. Domest - c Dried Fruit con tinuos unealable and dull, and prim nearly pima nal: if mem continue dull and unsettled, and no new engagements to London or. Liverpool have bee made public ; one to Cork is reported at 10d for grain_ West India freights are inactive, and rates range at 39a403 for anger home from Cnba. To Boston there is very little doing; and to the South there is nothing going forward. Colliers are in fair demand at 9Dt953 to New York ; sl.loa 15 to 2tbotto Island, $1 1.5a1.20 to Boston, nz.d $.454 50 to Key West from Port Richmond. GINSBNG —Large sales of crude and clarified have been made, on terms kept secret, said to be et a decline. Grano.—The season is over, but there is no alteration to note in prices. BILIKP is quiet, the stook being nearly all in the bands or the manufacturers, who are doing but little. nore —The naive continue light ) pticos ranging at 13 to 200 for new crop Eastern and Western. Old Hops are unsalable. HIDES AND LEATHER continue inactive, with a Small bushman tieing is both at about previous ratas. Linrazu.—There is very little change in White Or Yellow Pine Boards, and not mneh doing in the way of sales. thuguebannah Boards range at $1.245; liesaloek raft lumber sells at BlisB_6o and Lehigh Boards at $lO. Laths and Piokets are plenty and prioes unsettled and drooping, without any large sales made publio. MeLarissa continues depressed and dull, and the only sales we hear of are some Cuba, part by ano tion, at 17a200, and fair Orleans at 32e, all on IMO. NATAL STORKS —There is a fair demand for Rosin at 1218+2 20 for common, and $2 2533 50 for low grade and good Noa. 2 and 1; tine is coerce, and held at much higher prices. Of Bpirita Tur pentine, the sales are moderate at 75a78c per gal lon. Tar and Pitch are quiet. 911,11. — There is no *hang* iu Linseed Oil, and a moderate blllanllss acing at 5.1a5 50, weight. Lard Oil sells as wanted at 78,820, as in qualiry. Sperm and Whale remain quiet, and prices the same. Imports of Sperm and Whale Oil, and Whale bane into the United States Bbls. Be. Bills. Wis. lbs. Bone. Week end's May 27. Uri/ 4 355 15 MO 35.65.8 70445 730.600 Pram Jan. 1 to date. 27 215 74 790 748,4 M Same time bust yobs. 94,673 59 679 1112.1100 PLII.IITBEL continues dull and unsaleable, and we quote nominally at s2s2 25 per ton. gics.—The demand is limited, and the sales, in a retail wuy only, at l!lafqa per lb. SALT.—The arrival of ground Salt in bulk, noticed last week, has been disposed of on terms kept private; a cargo from Bonaire just in re mains unsold. faxspe —There !Ohne or nothing doles in any Unti l , and prices are altogether nominal. Srunrra —The market for Brandy is firm ; the adviese from abroad in regard to the vintage being very unfavorable; but there is very little doing, and no !quotable change in prices. eine are steady. Rom and Whisky very inactive. We quote the latter at 16i170 for bele, and the sales limited Drudge has been selling in a small way as Ici3, and Wlf ) which are IKSIGO, at 1d1e179 per gallon. SUGARS —The market is inactive, and prim about the same as left week; meet of the recent ar rivals are going into eters, and A few email !ales, chiefly Cuba, are reported at 41..5.1. on time. 65 Ads damaged Porto Rioo sold by auction at 41a510. Tallow is rather less active at itla for City and St 8f for Country rendered. Tans Ann Touscco .—The markets for both are firmer, but without muoh dotog in the way of sales. Wool. —The demand is tionsned to the medium and low grades, which are selling in a small way 0.17 et ebout previCl2ll TAW; ratistinc iron 9.8 to 4430 per Ib, cash, as in quality. Fi ne Wont i s un settled and offered at very low prices. A IJAION Parse AT ALILIANDRIA Henry T. Dixon, of /angular county, who has just been appointed collector of Alexandria, will assume his chaise in a few days. He will also start a Union paper, in place of the Alexandria Noodled, which was 11 &moisten shoat. It will be edited by his son, and printed by several membera of the Michigan regiment.—N. Y. World. ROT PALATABLI FOR FRB REBELS Several Pennillvassieee. teelselle t s Den. E. Me- Phonon and Hon. W W. 1)- Kelley, members of Con gress, Bon G. It. Smith, of the Pennsylvania Sen ate, and Dr. Paleeton, secretary of the late Peace eanfspenee, on Thursday visited the headquarters of the Fifth Pennsylvania Regiment, stationed at Alexandria. Being serenaded by the regimental band, the gentlemen named addressed the people and the members of the regiment. I venture to say, It is a long time sines Inch natrietis Safi meats were tittered in the late headquarters of the rebels. At least twelve hundred people were pre sent, including a large proportion of citizens. There were a few present who exhibited their p1....11ekv+ 3 by essessla and elanohed fists, bat the greatest portion of the people merely cleared each speaker. After these exercises the visitors were escorted out of the city by the band of the Fifth. minuses muumuu, ow TINNWISBNI Made an eloquent speech at Lonlaville, on Monday night. He declared himself for the Union, now and foreTer, end denounced the Secessionists in the most withering terms When he concluded, his audience aimed Mal ontlmffiaattoallr, Alba promised the support of Sentnoky to the patriots of Tanaamea. Tho - report th.t Gon. Butler was tba °Maud back to tatnapolie was without foundat o ion. The Privateer Prizes at New Orleans. [From the New Orleans Bee, May aiLl We have had many inquiries from our readers for information concerning the privateers that have been fitted out, or are now fitting out, at this port, and the prises that have been taken •, and although we do not think it proper to publish all the particulars that are to our possession, we see no objection to giving a list of the prize vessels. l'hey are seven in number, those capture - by the armed steamship Calhoun, and two each by the steamers Masse and V. H Ivy, and represent a total valve of about $170,000, a snotty good be ginning for three privateers , The prosecution for their condemnation and sale is already pending before the Confederate State District Court of this city, and will undoubtedly come to an issue fa vorable to the captors in due time. The Confederate States marshal, Mr. C. B. Be. verlev. has advertised his monition in the eases of the Milan, Ocean Eagle, Ella, Jol.n H. Jarvis, and Marshall, notifying all interested in them or their cargoes to appear before the Confederate States District Court, on the third Monday follow ing this pabliosHon, to show dans., if any they have, why these vessels should not be condemned to law ful prizes, and the proceeds of sale distributed agreeably to the prayer of the libellents. There hes been some conjecture as to where prizes could be lawfully taken, and as to the legal boundary of the high seas. We can state positively that the high seas extend to low-water tide-mark, so that all of these vessels have been properly and legally captured.' The following is a correct list of the prizes that have been brought into our port up to this time ; Prizes of the steamship Calhoun—The ship from Liverpool, with 1.500 seeks salt, vas• eel worth about 820,000 ; bark Ocean Eagle., from Rockland, Maine, with a cargo of lime, worth about $2O 000 ; schooner Ella, from Tampico for Pensa cola, with a cargo of bananas, oranges, ha., vessel and cargo worth about $5,000. Prism of the arnica Wilmer V. It. ivy — Ship Marathon, from Marseilles, in hallmt, worth $35 000 ; ship Albalino, from Boston, with a cargo of ice, vessel worth about $20,000. Primes of the armed steamer Mustc—The Mar shall, a splendid new ship, from Havre, In ballast, worth at least sso,ooo;.ship John If .Tarvis, from Liverpool, in ballast, worth about $20,000. A number of our prominent citizens own stock in these lucky privateers, and they have never known before such a profitable business, Their investments have been more than doubled in a week, and will probably go on in like ratio. This great success, too, will give vast encouragement to many capitalists who have not yet embarked in privateering to do so. As the distant squadrons of the United States navy have been generally re called, and the North has no war vessels to spare for the proteetion of its ships, every sea on the globe is a fruitful field for capture, and at the end of the war the South will have a splendid corn 'Barad marine of prises within her own ports. GENERAL NEWS. WE BATE files from Turk's Island dated on the 18th of May. The prospect of the salt crops and market rates of the article are reported thus : A considerable quantity of rain fell the latter part of last week. whieh has eheeked our salt operations a little We have, however, an ample supply on hand. The demand this week has been small. The last cargo of salt sold at this Cay brought eight cents. The Royal Standard of latest date says: " We regret to say there IR neither fIOCLP, corn. oats, nor any kind of provisions to be purchased in the colony. At Cookburu Harbor the mules can• not be worked for the want of feed."—Herald. TUE r4ftnluts of Ohio are putting in seed of the Chinese sugar cane, for she purpose of having purply of molasses and anger independent of the Bouth. THE PUNITAN AND TUE Cev.i.T.Tvn.—The London &cm:or mom, the populadon of the North bear to-day the relation to the Southerners which their Puritan forefathers bore to the Cava liers who planted Maryland and Virginia. Slower, and perhaps less chivalrous, the spirit of the.Puri• tan is more earnest and persistent, and ones aroused, rises to a pitch of enthushum which ren ders viotory or destruction the only.possible alter natives. The Puritan has always been inetor en the end, from Marston Moor to the last struggle in gall9*S, and his feelings seem now thoroughly aroused. hiraymarricx was received at the Adjutant General's Department to day that one thousand Baold rifles were en board the steamer ,'Etna. which arrived at Now York yesterday, and whiob had been purchased in England for the Common wealth of Massachusetts, by its agents abroad. The rides are of superior pattern, and are ex pected to arrive in this city to-morrow. Their Oust is about $2O each. —Boston Transcra!pt, Tfrednesday. THE grandfathers of President Lincoln and Jeff. Davie were both born in Itookingbano goring, Virginia. ANOTHER PRIZE 101,XTURED.—An American vessel, the schooner Winfred, wee, on Thursday, reported a prise to the COMILIiBBIOI3OIII at New York. She was anchored at quarantine, and will be soon eeeled by the proper authorities. COTTON FROM FLONTD.S..--CollOn continues to arrive at New York from Florida The schooner Commerce arrived at that port on Thurs- day morning from Apalachicola with a full cargo of the itimperial 7, product. The Secession gag appears at the head of the manifest, and the captain is liable to a fine of sloo—but the cotton is there. A DAY or two ago the citizens of Elizabeth, N. J., raised a large American flag over the resi dence of General Scott, in that plum WATERPROOF CLOTH FOR Sounans' Ovsu- COATS —Twenty thousand Mine. rendered water proof, and yet porous, were served oat to the Pooh army during the late war with Russia. They are prepared after the following recipe : Take two pounds four ounces of alum and dis solve it in ten gallons of water in like manner dissolve the same quantity of sugar of lead in a similar quantity of water, and mix the two toga. ther. They form a precipitate of the sulphate of lead. The clear liqnor is now withdrawn, and the cloth immerged ter one hoer in the seintion, when it ie taken out, dried in the shade, washed in clean water and dried again. This preparation enables the oloth to repel water like the feathers on a duck's hack, and pot allows the perspiration to pass somewhat freely through it, which is not the case with gotta-pereha or India rubber cloth. rEar..s.or.LrkuA.BOA.E.O OF TRADE.. JNOr SPARSIANIrE__,. J. ROSS SfiIiWDER. COMMITTPIit or TIM MONTE ti&01 UEL.E.STOREE. LETTER BAEZ At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia Ship TPaaltrara. Dral337 --.—Livehool, soon Ship !Annus Oakford. Eldridge Laverpooi,loon Musk 'WOW/II Rood, ?Table —Loudon. won Shay Bared, Alararacat Londonderry, Irene 3 Bark Gaston. FarraDman-------- Bremen, soon Bark Arthur White. MoMulbn—. .Glasgow, won Bark Thos Dallett. Dill. ----Lamm. soon Bark P C Alexander. Merrymin—.—Oardenas. won In Ma !teed, Anna.,,.,.,.,.,„,.-r -ROMA' 300 A SAILING OF TH.E OCEAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITED STATES, BEIBB LIICILVIC PON. DA.III Aluebeo—Ltverpool---......fune 1 Etna ----New York—Gleasow—..---funo 1 Basotho. —....-... New York—Rantbnr3—..—Jwus 1 York—Liverpool --June 8 New York —.New Tort —Bremen --.—June 8 North Bnton-- ,—Quebeo—Liverpool---- —.June 8 Edinburgh.- Liverpool—ftew Fork-- ,June 8 • 114../. 800t0n.Livenm0h....,............JR110 18 Tori—itamberg 315 A uptrallBllll% eW York—Liverpool - —June 19 York—Kuttanon, 38. —June 20 Fulton —...—New York—Barre32 Bavaria-- _ New . York—Bean tenvt---. Jove NI FROM. EMI% sHiPs IMAVE 1011 SATO Atuarioa*—Liverpool-Boatoo--- 18 Colombia .Galway-bew York—. —.May 21 C Washington.-Liverpool-Now ...141Ay 22 Boniussia--.Southaropton-New Y0rk............_ May 22 Asia _____Livervool_liew York __. _May 28 Australagiart--..Livarpool-lieW York— ..... Mar 78 Felton...-Bouthampton -Now Y0rk : .._...... . .. rosy 29 Glasgow-- Liverpool .flew York-. ...- —.24lay 29 Arabia, ----Liverpool_ Etoctork_._.—fune 1 Adriatic—.. Galway-Boston -- June Bavaria. ...# York— —lrma 5 rauwa........lsoutkampron-glaw gnus iz The Meliorate Maileteamerenall from New York en the lotalth, and Slat of each month. The Havana Steamers leave New York on the Ida*. 12th.11th. and 17th of each month. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. RAM ARUM 48 - 1511 E WOE WATER ARRIVED Bark Bells Donna. "ionneson, 40 days from Liverpool. with malt to E A Bonder & Co—towed no by tug J ruler, 08ohr Jonathan Cone, Nlehaffey, 4 days from Haddam, with stone to captain. IBBohr Vandal's, Cooper, I day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to Jas Barrett di. don. Bohr GoT Burton. Winemore, B dare from Boston. in Dalian to Noble, 'lawmen en Caldwell. Bohr Masan F Abbott. Ludham a days from Boston, in ballast to Nob e, liammett & Caldwell. Bohr f/avid Smith, Douglass, from Boston, Bohr Willow Harp, Brow. from Boston. Rohr kobk Onrson Ludlam. from Boston. Pohr Naiad Queen. Raise. from Providence. Rohr Smith D Bellows. Clark- from Middletown. Steamer C C A lger, Fenton. s days from Georgetown. DO, with mdmt to That Webster. Jr. Steamer P Banat. idell. C o. ours from New York, Isla, =Aso to Wm Id itsard Pe C CLEANED. Steamship Delaware, Johneon, New York. Jas All erdioe. Hohr David Smith, Douglass, Boston, Nobs, Ham •• eftlawall. Behr R P Abbott. Ludlem, Boston. do Bor Governor Burto n Winsmore. Boston. do Behr W illow Harp, Hulas, Providence, iteppiier ro. So c hr Naiad queen, Hulse, Providence, N Sturtevant • sent R Cotten. Ludlam, Salem. J H Blakintoo. Boar 8 D Bellaire, Clark. Hartford, It Hare Powell. BAILED. The Ship Lizzie asklorylt Eltiridse, for Liverpool: w h e t ieetosoutos tow Ol tux stmerion. She takrg out t h e couconns cargo : 20.000 bus grain in bulk ; 15.000 do do in bags; WOO bble 407 bales cotton, 68 hbds bark-5:0 tons chrome ore, 7200 Wig hides , 81 te . hams. 317 tos beef, 72 bbls 0.1, 1 box books, 1 ease dregs. 48 ooske Lttoo. 70 hhds do. (Correspondent* of the Philadelphia Exchange.) U. S. tl l'E Ahl Mk FLAG. Mat 30. 1861. The Flair. after being supplied with powder and anal at Fort Delaware. sailed Gnu morning wilt sealed or trte rolloarine is ft Let of her *laciest! Lient Commanding. Lewis G Sartori. Master. Albert Xerox. noting Masters, Wm if West. J Warren. Midshipmen. A Dexter. Weidman. Assistaat t nrgeon, C W Sartori. A ming rarrnascer. Lestford LsrdnAr. Acting Engineer, tat Assistant t.prisel. Assistant Engineers. Sprisel, BUM. Walker. Master's Mates, Robert Wharton. Joseph Johnson. Yours, &a., W. (Cormrroaderme ofth., Prea..s REA Dlft G. MST El. The following boats from the Union Canal passed into the Bohn•Ilull usual to day, Wand to PWladatphi a, viz D M Wailner.;rain to J Perot & ; Campaign. do to a% St Co; Horner d; Foust, do to JO. sayfor..; Lebanon vanes, nour. Ito! to W. / I "tte Co; & P Taylor, flour FitaPaUtom• MEMORANDA Ship . Joshua Mauran. Milliken, from Grand Turk. TI. puled horn fiewport 29th ultrar . Dort. Ship Baiter, cleared at Boston 30th tilt for Cal cat's. Ship Ida billy. Lilly. from New York 79th nit with a eargo consisting of 2,799 balm floor. 30.92 g hue wheat, and 7.171 do corn. for Glasgow, is reported bytea dihip America. at 13 alliaz, I, e ashore at 181,11,, All of wa• ter. The Ila registered 749 tons. Bark J A Lee, Christian. sailed from Buenos Ayres 6th nit for Cienfuegos in ballast. Brig Roanoke. Long. from New York for West India, and a market, with mules, was at Buenos /tyre, nth al lt t. wo,towee Li e be. DrvAtil awl I 51 Elawyse.l4.l ley. hence at Barton : 9th ttlt. Brig dabs o, Sawyer. from Providence for this port, Sailed from Newport 39th rilt. Brig John Hathaway, Townsend, from Wilmington, NOoor Rio Janeiro, sailed from Newport 39th nit. hetttegebkirrod. Brig George Downes, Isintingoll, hones at Portland 29th nit. Hoar tiontherner. Ford. boucle at Baltimore 30th tilt. Sohn! Parsh Clary. Terry,* J Moore. Ingersoll, and J ' , fanfold. May, hence at Boston .10th tilt Bohngamm Roe*, ; ttr Al hIIOIOOtILJ en H Allen. Babe4xik ; N BT Thomson. Conover. and.rt N Farnham, Lovell, eleared at Batton 30th nit for this port. Bohn 8 T Chants, Chartre. from Amboy. and Milton, Roca, from Delaware City, at Hertford Uih sobr London /loliver. Da lton, tIOLIOO for rruV/CIOLIV.O9 at :few IlltS ARMY SUPPLIES.— orrics or ARMY' CLOTHITIO AND EQUIPAGIE, Phiitutelphia, May 20th, Ib6l. SEALED PROPOSALS are invited and will be re ceived at this office until 12 o'clock M. on MONDAY, the third day of June next, for furnishing by contractthe following Army Supplies and Materials, deuverable at the United etatee Clothing and 1* qmpage Derrat (80b0 , 715 111 Arsenal), in quantities as rage': ed. viz.: 10,000 yards Cloth, dark blue, (indigo wool dyed.) fin' cams, al inches wide, to weigh about la ounces per yard. 1000 yards loth, inches wid e (uidigo wool dyed.) witted 64 inches wide, to weigh 2 t ounces per Yard, 130.000 yards Kersey, dark blue, (indigo wool-dyed,) twilled. 54 inches wide, to weigh 22 ounces per yard. 176,000 yards Kersey, sky blue, (indigo wool , dyed,) 54 inches Wide, to weigh 22 ounces per yard 50,600 army Blankets , witol, gray, ( with the letters U.S. tilack, 4 inches long, in the oentre,) to be feet km ts. arid feet 6 inches wide, to weigh 5 pounds each. 930,000 yards Flannel, dark blue. (indigo wool -dyed,) 54 inches wide, to weith 10 ounces per yard. 10003 X) rode Flannel. cotton and wool, dark b.ue, (in digo dyed,) to weigh 611 ounces tier yard. Me,olo yards Flannel. white, (eotton and W001,)31111011811 Wide. to weigh 634 ounces per Yard -400,000 yards Canton Flannel, 27 inches wide, to weigh 7 ounces per yard. 300,000 yards =Cotton Drilling, unbleached, 27 ihohes wide, to weigh 634 M ounces per yard. 100,000 yards Cotton I/citing, unnietiohed, 36 inches wide. to welch 8 ounces per yard. 200,000 pairs of half Stockings. gray, S Bi2eB , properly made of good fleece wool, with double and twisted yarn to weigh 3 pounds per dozen pairs. 60000 yards Russia :sheeting, 42 moles wide, best quality. 10,000 yard. brown Holland. 26 inches wide, beet quality. 50.000 yards Cotton Muslin. unbleached, 30 inches wide, 20.000 yards Black Silesia, best quint., 36 inches wide. 4 OW yards Buckram. best quality,4o Inches wide. 8.0-0 sheets Wadding, cotton. &PAL pieces Tape, (6 yarded white, 34 and 34 inches wide. - Silk-red, white. yellow, green, and blue, for flags, per yard. -Silk twist and Sewing Silk. best quality, per pound. 6,000 Linen thread. W. B Nos. 35 and 40, per 80G18/ , 80 0 Do. do, blue, Nos 30, 35 and 40. do. 1,000 Do. do. assorted colors, N 0.55 and 40, per lb, 1,000 dozen spools Cotton. Loco Mecca Webbing, rl2 yardal 1 and 134 inch, _ 40,00(1 yards Cotton Huck, 30 inches wide, to weigh 2234 ounces per yard. 15.0121 yarde Cotton Buck, 30 inches wide, to weigh 1534 ounces per yard. 200940 yards Cotton Duo k. RB3d limbos wide. to weigh B ounces per yard. 150,000 yards Cotton Duok, 2834 inches wide, to weigh 10 ounces per Yard -40,000 yards Cotton Desk, 24 isiehes wide, to weigh. 12.1 i ounces per yard. 8,000 yards Cotton buck, 33 'Hushes wide. to weigh 10 ounces per yard. 30,C00 yards cotton Duck, 22 inches wide, to weigh 01 ounces per yard, 40.000 yards Canvas Padding. mem yard, Bunting-red, white and blue. 000 Cords and Tassels. for trumpets and bugles. as sorted colons. -yards 34 inch Silk Lace, assorted colors, 40,e00 Lards 34, and 134 inch Worsted Lace, do. 40,000 mat Cords, worsted, assorted colors, 3-16 inch diameter, with a tassel at each end, two inches lon[. - 40,000 Ouse. Felt Ife.M. best enslity, made of foot:1h and knells& coney and Haws Hare. 40,000 Black Ostrich Feat ere, la inches long. 40 000 Brass Eagles. 5 000 bra= crossed cannon. 30.000 de Bugles. 5,000 do do sabres. 200 do Vesting, 2000 Trumpets. 60400 do Knapsack training sets, brass. 200 do spars and Ferrules, for guidons and colors • 2.500 gross Bllekiell. iron rollers, 34 and 134' inch, best quality. 1100 gross nuekles, for neck stocks. 400 pairs N. C. 0. Brass Scales and 100 pairs Bronze. Imo pairs Sergeant's braes, and 600 pair Seaweed Scales. 30,000 pair Corporals' an d Privates' brass, and 800 pair Bronzed Scales, 6,000 gross C.nt Buttons, best quality. • 5.000 gross Vest Buttons, do. 9.000 grams Shirt Buttons, do. 6,000 gross Suspender ButtOnel leet quality. 00 Bugles, with extra mouth-pieces. 200 Trumpets, do. do. • • 1.000 Fifes. B and 0, each kind. 1(0 Drums, complete, egtilleTy, no 419, do. Infantry. 6,000 do. heads, batter. 4.1,00 do. do: snare. 2,0.0 do."'snares. sets. - • 4.000 do. Sticks, pairs. . 4.000 do Cords, of Italian Hemp, 54 fort loan. 1,00 do. Shags. KS do. Stick Carriages. 30011oepital Tent roles. 3,000 Wall Tent Pelee, sets. 15,001 Common eo, do. lima Hospital Tent Pins, small and large. • 20.010 Wan do. large. 200.000 Common do. a. 5 000 gent Ilptions, (wood). large And Steen. 30010 Tent Stipa._ do. do. 5130 earnton flag Halliards, of Italian Hemp, 1 2 0 feet long. 1,000 HPereiting Flag Halliards, of Italian. Homo, 41 feet long: MAO peuadm Cattle Sewing Tonne. 6 and 8 strands. 20,0610 wands Mauna out Cord, large, medium, and small, best quality. /00 pounce holt hope. 6-000 do. Baling Rope. IMO ' do. Flax Twine. 5,000 lards Cotton Webbing, 1 and 13g inch, CIAO in Canteens, with cork stoppers, 3 pints. to weigh tit; ounces without the stopper. 300 Iron Pots with bails. 25 000 Mega Pane, sheet iron, weight 2 veranda. 10,000 Camp Kettles, do. 3 sizes, In nests, 1834 pounds. SAO Piekagei, 2 sizes, to weigh 634 and 7 sonde. Id 000 Felling ayes, cast steel; beet quality, 475, 6. and 634 pounds. 10,000 Camp Hatchets, do. do. la ounces. to,oric Pioiraxe Handles, best quart/. 20,000 Felling•axe do do 16 000 Camp Hatchet Handles, best quality, • 5,000 epatme, a times. do. do. 1,000 Stoves for eibley tents. 15.000 Chains for Sibley tents, sets. • All the above- mentioned petioles must conform in all ?septets to the sealed standard Patterns in this officio, where they can be examined, and any additional infer in regard to them will be famished. Sample Patterns of the Woolien and Cotton Cloths will be seat by mail to bidders. It is desirable that the article' be of domestic manufacture. proposals will be received for any one of the articles separatelt, and for any portion of aeon, not less than one-fourth of the number or extensity ativertised for. The privilege!! reserved b. the United initeirof de creasing the quantity one-fourth on the acceptance of the proposals, and of increasing it not to exceed double the quantity at any time prier to this oompletion of the contract, by giving the contractor thirty dos notice oI anon desired increase; and of rejecting any Prole' s' which may be ooneidered extravagant. The manufacturer's estabientment or dealer's place of business must be dietitians stated in the proposal. together with the names, address and responsibility of two persons-proposed as sureties. The sureties will eusroutee that a contract shall be entered into within ten day!. after the acceptance of 6.,1 or proposal. Bids from inanufeeturers will be preferred, or frOM reenter dealers in the articles, and contracts will be awarded to the lowest reap insibie bidders who shall furnish the required securities for the faithful perform 1L1306 thereof , ... Deliveries to commence within twenty'. days after the acceptance of the proposals,; and one-Marin of the quantity contracted for meet be delivered in equal monthly proportiohs within two months trom said date of acceptance, and the remainder witum three months thereafter. in monthly or grewer proportions. It is to be distinctly uedevehted that tient mete are not • transferable without the consent of • the proper autho rity, and that any pale, assign Meet, or transfer, without snob consent having been olitained,Tegoe6s uneer process of law,) wilt be regarded as an aba.noonment of the contract ; and the contractor and me or their semi lines will bit held reepongible for all loss =or 11 0 Mare to the United States which may arise therefrom. Payments will be made on each delivery. - ehould Con gress have made an appropriation to meet them, of as soon thereafter as an appropriation shall be made for that purpose. Ten per cent. of the amount of each de , livery will be retained until the contract shall be cow ; ploted. 'Awl will be forfeited to the United melee In calm of defalcation on the part of the contractor in ful filling the contract. Forms of proposals and guarenty.Will be furnished n hie office. and none will be emu itr,gtettrailli not o conform tot thereto. Proposals will be entloreed. l, Prameutle for Furnish ing Army Sappliee and Materials,'" and be addressed, COL. CH&RLtSB THOMaI. mrlll-tnthe6t Asst. Q. M. ben% U. S. Army. 'PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING THE PAPER FOR THE PUBLIC Flurcruce. OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT fIIIILIC PRINTING* WASHINGTON. May 1,1861. In pursuance of theprovisions of the seventh Section of the *' Joint Resolution in relation to the Public Prlnting," itpo6ll6d JAM 23.1586 sealed EYBP.}REIN be received at this clime until Monday, the Ist day of July. 1161, at 12 O'clock M, tor furnishing the paper that may be required for the pub to printing for the year ending on the let day of December 1862. The subjoined list apeoifiee, as nearly areas he racer tamed, the quantity of each kind of paper that will be ensues 1. 10,000 reams Ana, printing papor..unoalendorod. to measure 24 by he inches, and to weigh fifty pounds to the ream of $9O sheets. 2. ihree ream" 4110 priming riper- oisieridered, to mea sure 24 by Mt Aachen, and to weigh fifty-em pounds to the ream of 300 @beets. [Agreeably to the provlsione of the Joint reeolntion aforesaid. wimples of the character and quality of the paper required for the above classeswtli he funnehod to .applioanka therefor. The paper la to be put tip in quire. of twenty five sheets each. and bundles of two reams eack; each ream to contain 100 perfeet eheete. Uniformity in color. thinknees. and weighmill be required; and no bundle (eXclualve of wrappers) van lag over or under five per cent. from the elanderd weight will be received, and the groan weight will in all 06605 be required. Mixing of various thioknesses in the same bundle to make up the weight will be ooneidered a violation of the contract I CLAIM 3. 4 ® ream suPerrele Merton payer. hard-nixed and so ppy oolondorocl. to measure 41 by 82 irotizon.ttud to weigh My potmds to the ream of WO sheets. Crows 4 _ . 2,000 reams superfine map paper, sized and eaten slerod, of Amok omen as map be required, oofrespondm in weight with paper measuring 19 by 24 lushes, an , weigiaar twenty pound/ per ream of 480 'sheets. Ilibialer 000 reams ;superfine plate paper, foidendered or un ealendered, as may be required, 19 by 2l inches, and of such weight per ream u may be required. CLASS B._ 1,600 reams von° pun wating PaPeil /0 by / 5 inches 2. 2.009 do gap do IS by 614 do. B. "lild do demy f do 18 by 204 do. 4. 1,000 do folio poet do 17 by 22 do.'' 8. 100 do medium do 12 by 21 do. 6. 60 do royal do 19 by 24 do 7. 50 do super royal do 20 by 28 do 8. 80 -- d o isup•rial do 12410 t/ do O. 100 do double sap do 18 by 28 do CLASS?. 1 8,000 reams writing paper. 16 by 26 inches, to weigh twenty three pounds per ream. 2. 1.200 reams wilting paper, /9 by SG 1110110111 to Weigh twenty-eight pouuue Per ream, & 3,100 reams writing paper, 18 bs 23 inches, to weigh twenty-six pounds per ream. 4. 100 reams writing paper. 18 by 23inokes, to weigh twenty four pounds per ream. a . 346reamswrdine paper. 18 by 18 Molise, to weigh twenty-two. pounds per ream 6. 41 writ ingo reams writ ing paper. 12 by 18 inches, to weigh twelve pounds per ream. All the capers designatotiqn °lasses 4,5. 6. and T. must echoic sap perfect sheets to the ream, and no " out . d." quires. They are .to be made of the best mate rials. free from adulteration. fuusheli in the best Man ner, out to a rate edge, and securely and substanuallr enveloped. Tee papers in class 6 are to be white or bine. laid fist, and of such weights RS may be required by this °Rios. '!'hose in classes 3,4, 5, and 7, are to be whine, sad of the sixes and weights Boatilead in the schedule. The right is reserved of ordenng a greater or less quantity of aeon and every k nd contracted for in all the ( passes, to bo furnista,d at such times end in such quan tities as Saoh M t a h a e s p w b l t be e ovsce may seonrae ly, sod be sub ject to a separate 00abreat; but bidders may offer for one or more of the classes in. the same proposal. No proposals will be considered unifies accompanied by the guarantee that the bidder or bidders. if his or their proposals shall be scoepted, Will enter IEIIO an Ob ligation, with goon and moo:dent sureties, to furnwn i.e. articles proposed. Blank forme for Proposals will be furnished at this came. and none will be taken Into consideration unless substantially agreeing there- With. Ali the paper in the several elatses mast be delivered at such place as may be designated in Washington Mfr. (except that in class 7, which must be deliveredet Buf falo. in the State of Near York,) in good order , free of all and every extra charge wei gh t, expense. and subject the Sc inspeot.on, count. weight, and measurement of the ee o he in ell reiripaiam satisfaatory. Bidder' are required to furnish, with their proposals, samples of pot leis than one quire of each of the kinds of paper bid for, and upon welch their proposals may be 'biased, except in classes 1 and 2. the sucoessful bidders will be requited rigidly to conform to their Proposals Proposals will be addressed to" JOHN D. DPFR RES, Sups nntendent of the Public Printing. Washington.' and endorsed "Preemie's for ttuppleine Paper." my4-sat WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.— We have now on hand. and are manufacturing to order, at the Mount Roily Paper Mills, ever de scription of WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS. wnioh, for color end quality, are not excelled by any Age Mills In tbe Muted Staten. we wouie nu attention to a new article of Paper manufaotureo try us, and now for sale, called Butonees Letter, which has been gotten up to meet the wants of bulginess men and others, who object to Commercial rfoo as being too narrow, and do not wish to use pert of usual letter sheet. This overoomes both the above objections ; is a per fect s h eet , pur e wove; plate finish ; ruled on one side ; stamped in centre near the top ; made from beet mo onlit, tree from adulteration, and put up In neat boxes, eonvenient for use. We else have a raper galled Bali* Letter, simitAr to the above. except It nu but half Balk number o o lines on. so as to allows printral sc b E lan mp lt i n o r N hea k ili mu pga u brep 4 Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland Co.. The above Pa ors A a can be had of hlessrs..l. th_ PINCIOTI I§ and 151/StIAtiVEE BROTHE aim. :l laud 111 DE TVs ma vt asp r ACKEREL, HERRING, SHAD, SAL MON. itn.-1.090 bbl. Mess Km 1,1, and, Mack of eloiea .. trt assorted pa c kages CON bbls. flew 'LILT ,MeaberL and Labrador lll =is, of choice qualities. SAOO boxes extra new soaled i lderrinsa. cow boxes extra new rio.l wrings. 8,000 boxesAs i riMagd nine Herr/nix.hrt F obla. new Me W eonomj less Rad. 26 bbli. new Halifax Sa lmon, joip Quintals Grand Bank Cxifiek. no boxes Hertuner-oosnir Cheese,. IA line s e sit landing, for ems is, Milet.Pkv .k. irooe. nod N 0.140 NORTH WHA RYES. THE PRESS.-PHILADELPIHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1861 CEPHALIC , st4lOK Ht= NERVOUS HEAL) AO H By the use of these Pills the periodical attacks of /Vey yeas or Sick Headache may be prevented t and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sioknesa will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Naiads sag Read ache to Which female, are so auttleot. They act gently . on the bowel'', removing Costivesess. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Female., and all persons of sedentary habisr, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, iirtind mai and rigs bathe dieeetave argue, and restonng the natural alai tioity and strength of the wnole system The OEPHALIC rthus are the reran of long investi gation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in are many yearn, during which time they have prevented and relieved e mud amount of pain and mitering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the ego snack. They aro entirely vegetable in their eetegteition, an t nosy be taken at all times with perfect safety withent making any change of diet. and the absents of any dies tussahs taste rigida.' is nary to adintosiate thins te BEWARE OF 00IINTEREET1181 Th lenhinc 11111110 Ave signature. of Ptenry Ct. Illeeteuxe Bold by Dnitrieds and aU other Denim in leledloines. A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on reempt or the PRICE. 215 OENTIS. All ring b. "Alford. vuommtv 0. BPAI •e GEOAS UkEET, NSW YORK !AB FOLLOWINILENDORISEMBOITS OF OEPHALIC , WILL CONVINOS ALb WHO 1311.FITEX PAU* SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN Lt SARI Thatifflosisis arc valoilniod by Mr.Oral.>. - Ins, tAkiv arms losturstionablo proof fir the (P -osey of this srsiy sciassfine discovery, MX. SPALDING.. I' I have tried your Cephalic Pills. and I like then so wen that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of therm are for the neighbor*, to whom I gave a few of the first box I got from you. lend the Pills brined, and oblige Your ob't Servant_ JAMES KENNEDY* Ka. iIiALSINO. MA • wish you to send me one more box of your Cophslis Pills. X haws received a great deal rtf boa& from tam. Yours restootfutiy A DIARY APIA arointuuaz, Onurci CHUM J MINTINGDON COMITY, anuary la. IBM 11/ULDINe. TOR Will VOW, 5011 d ma tiro Nam of your Guplogio riLlo. Send them immediately. Bel9"tfullY "11 .310. B. BIMONX. P. B.—/ halve regeteed out box Owns , Pins. 0114 Av-ti IlAsoi turealiosti. limit Virg/ion. Ohio, Jan. 13, no C. firesanne, Esq. - Please find enohmed twenty-3Ye Dente, for:whi oh rend me asigther box *Pions Cephalic rills. They ere testis dr best Pills I Anne serf stud. Direst A. STOVER, P. M., Belle Vernon, Wyandot co., 0. 132VISINV, Masc. Dos. 11.1890. I 13.finsianos, Ma: wish for some circulars or largo show bills, to bring your Ceyhalio Pills more p a rti c ularly before my cus tomers. If you have anything of the kind please send me. One of my outman, who is ashisot to givers Plot Resdaolie. iu.ualtT lasting two dale,) Ism MU of a* Walk to out hour by your Pilia, which I sent her. geolletfullT B. WILLEM. NIVILT C. ISpeznina, leo. 48 Cedarst. N. Y. Draa Bra: Inclosed And twenty-rim) oentik(ll.lfor which send box of " Cephalic Pills.' gond mai/areas in Roe. Wm, C. Filler, Bernolcharark. Fraaklia Your Pills work like a ekaww—veers Headacki almost hectoliter. MM. Bruton,. Bra : Not long lance sent to 70111 for a box of Cabello Pins for the mire of the Nervous Headache andetleerieee. Old Tactual] the same, and Mcy AM so good on slut silos I woe indreat So seed for more. !two rend by return naeuL Direct to A. R. tiv - HEELEX. Ypsilanti. talok., From As Ersediser. Norfolk, I. Ceehalie Mlle aceemelbh the (Nen fee 'high they Were made, mt.: Care or headache in all Ito forme. Ikons Ms Examiner, Norfolk, Ira. They have been tested in more thane thousand eases, milk entire roossm. _ If you are, or have been troubled with the headache, •end for a box, feeehalio Pilll,l so that you may have them in OM of an attack. Awn She Advertise Preeidosts, R. I. The Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkeld, alfee give remedy for the headaohe,and one of the very best for that very frequent oomplazut which bee ever been aroovered. Press Ms Messrs R.R. Gazer% Chicago, .114 We heartily endorse Mr. /balding. and his unrivalled Cephalic fills. NOM the Kanawha Visite Star, Kanatehe, We ere WHO that persons suffering with the hatesehe, who try them, will stick to them _ Erma the Southern Path Pinder, New Orleans, Ls, Try Siam ! you Umtata &rioted, and we are sure that your testimony nap be ad ed to the already numerous list that-bar received benefits that no other medicine .gVIPOIS the St. Louts Domosrat. The immense demand for the art:tole (Cash/LIU MIL) If rapidly Wereasitig. Mr. Spaldsns would not conned. his name with en sr tole he did not know to possess real merit. The ieramess is their favor IA drone. from the =tat restmotabie quarters. From the DOW Diem Neurerri A.l. eephella Pine are taking the pleae or all beds. GMs She Comessretallistsss, Beilast MOS, MA to bowery. efilattolostat for 4124 12Matoil.11. Preys the Conossursial, Outeinststi, Oki.. Waring humanity omi now be Tolima. mr A Sinai, both di of EPUIDI WI PIERAWBD gIiFWE will save ten times tkoir nose anniallY:Va SPALDING'S NAPA-RED GLIM I SPALDING'S PREPARND GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I ECONOMY! DISPATCH' +AMr. Enron In Inn Bins 1 . 4n0."1R1 As accidents will happen, Mill well-regnlated families, it is very desirable to have acme cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Tore, Crooke 19PALDINWE PREPARED SLIM meet' an euoliemergenoieir' and no househotd eon word to do without it. It is always ready, and up to the stiokiht I)mM. USEFUL IN EVERY ROUSE." R—A Brush IefIOMUIIi each bottle. Prim isSott. Addreeub HENRY O. SPALDING, Am oertain anartnointed POIIIOIIS 618 attalilliting to palm off on the ammapeating publio, imitations of lei rRurARBD GLUE, I would oration ail Forams. to ex wain* beano Peannaelnii, and nee that the 611 name, VALDIIIIII PICEMILUD SUM". NOll the Made wrestler s , all others areMedlin WWI ~iDlglliAfa~ FILLS CURS ALL 111141/011 Or HEADAC THE 1 SPA LDiNG'S HEADAC3HE. I AT A THEIR RELOB. fflaisoammLN, Cows., Feb. 0.7861. Rivinivoltz, Ps.. Pee. i.IBSI Earsztor.oostruo, Co.. Okao.t. Januar, 0,19 n. wrali_yours, ' WM, PrhrJrra YPSILANTI, MICH., Jan,14, 1861. irrogn Deviewat, Bt. Mud, Mao. Prom Ms eassus.Davenrort, /ow'. 1 1 1 , 0 m *kg davits's/v. Preadinsee. A. 1. SAVE THE PIECES: AO. 48 OPDAP. mum.. NEW YOM[ CAUTION. INIIMUMUN COMPAKiSIB. THE RELI.&NOE HintlAL INSURANUE CIOMPAzcv, of tsu►nn?B[t. tF kiOE. No. 3014 WwI.NYT STIMET. Insures against LORI Cl DAMAGE EV FIRE. an Rouses, Stores, and other buildings. llmite6 er , ra i l i tual_,_and on Furniture. Wares, and Met *bandies, in town or iAdH cAr1TAL,A1131'113ZA135Z751161,1,145 Which is invested no follows, vial In first mortgages on 6107 property, worth double the amOnnt— t. swum 00 Penneylvants Railroad Co.'. 6 per Dent. first mortgage loan, at par— IMO 00 ?coney lveinia Railroad Co.'s per cent. se cond mortgage load ? (230,000)_. 0 7400 0 0 Itantangdon IMO BTOBII woe Railroad and Canal Co.'s mortgage 10an....`.._......._ 4,000 00 Ground rent, first-clues-- 2,40 63 Collateral loans, well secured 3.5410 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per oent. loan. 30,030 00 Allegheny County 6 per cent, I's. RR. !e'en— /0,000 00 uommoroiall Danz 610011.;-.-•-• isma 01 lbeohanio Bait !WTI - 2,811 ao Va n gl v i t til i Oe foal Insurance Cg's stock 76,760 00 The County Fire Insurance Co.'s stock 1,050 00 'be Delaware M. b. Insurance CAN'Rl St.oolt 700 CIO 'Union latitual Insurance Co.'s Sono------MO 00 Bills rseeivable— 14.302 74 Book mounts, scorned merest. 7,104 66 Cash on -- 11.64164 11317,142 04 The Mutualprinoiple, oomtkined with the mourity of a !took CapitM. entltles the insured to 'imamate in the eratits of the Comenn!. without liability for iOMS. Loewe promptly adjusted and paid. • • • • • • MIIIICTOBS : Clem Tingley. Samuel Hisphern, William AZ/110711May Robert Steen, Freeenok Brown, william Musser, Stevenson,William Beni. W. Tingley. John R. Worrell. Marshall Hill. EL L. Carson. J. Johnson Brown. Robert Toland. Charles Leland. G. D. itorannarten, Jacob T. Bunt/nth Charles a, Wood, Smith JAMB S. Woodward, Jeen Bissell, rittaburg. CLEM TINGLEY. P residen t. M. HINCTIMAN. Reareterc. F ebruary 16. 1961. MIS THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OY .PIIiTADBLFSA. (FIRE INERFRANCE EXCLUSIVELY,)' fOMPANIPS BUILDING, R. W. 0011.4. RA FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETR. DIRECTORS: i F. Rim/fro/ED STARR. MORDECAI L. DAWSON. WILLIAM MCI, 610. H. STUART. MALMO FRAZIER, JOHN H. BROWN, JOHN M. ATWOOD, H. A. FAHNXSTQCZ. HIM. T. TESDICI, ATIDESW D. CAW, MINH!, WHARTON, J. L. ERRINGIR. F. RATO ORD STARR. Prbvtlett. CHARLES. W. Doi.E. searetery. fen pßrui ItIIITUAI4 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY,No. 921 CHESTNUT street, Philadelphia. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL TILE PROFITS DIVIDED AMONG THE IN SURED. Insure Lives for short terms or lor the whole term of Itfe ; grant Annuities and Endowments - purchase Life Interests in heal Estate, and make all contracts de pending on the oontincenoies of life. They sot as Executors, Admmiatrators, Assignee., Trustees, and Guardians, Auserra OF. TOE COMPANY, January 1. 1S(1. Mortgages. ground rents, real 8.4211,99.1. 97 'United Mates stook.. Treasury notes, loans of State of Pennsylvania, pity of nulls delphla, wa,Ris SA Premium notes, loan a on oollaterila t h 0,... 287,6 9 9 68 Pormulvartio, North Praraelytvarue. Req roads., and County six per cent. bonds.-- 105.809 00 Bank. insurance, railroad, canal stook., Re. 97,60 49 Cash on hand, agents' balances, Re., ho.— 53,106 14 411,071,129 09 DANIEL L. MILLER. Prudent. isA NIVEL STOKE% Vice President. JOllll W. HO rtm Seoretins. inh22-tf P ILAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN BERA.NCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Inoorporated b, the Legislature of Pennierlaums. WI WI. E. sonar of THIRD and WAI.NNT oboe% PHILADELPHIA. MAXINE 1218VRAffOli, On Vomel.l Cargo" To Darts of the World. Ft, _ LAND INSURANCES On Owes b 7 Rivers, Canals, Lakes, And lord bar oaten. to allporta of the Ujuort. FIR_E INSURANCES On Morokondiso gonerratiy, Chz Stores, istromat Rogues, ito, ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 1, 1860. • 11100.630 'United Etatei are"' OM% IRV MD 00 010,090 Ratted Mato' ir oent. Treats?' Note', (with accrued interect)-- 110,41 et 100,010 Pennsylvania state five V cent • loan. 104/11 OD 11,000 six do. do. 31,91600 187,060 Philadelphia City oent. Loan. 15,203 37 10,000 Tenn/wee State five sent. loan._ 34.8:10 OD NAM Pennsylerma Railro 3d mortgage mix er cent. bonds 46,400 Oil 1.0000 509 shares, "nix* Germantown Ors Company, intermit and prinniplu guaranteed by the City of nine delphimi IDADO OO 10:100 WilaTON Penazyleama 'RI/arose Company,—.— SAO 09 1.000 100 shares North Pennsylvania Rail road Company_.._., 1.000 80 (hares Philimelphia Ice Boat and . Steam Tug Company._....-----. L;21;0 Go IMO eharea.PhiLadelphis and Grim !Ream Tow-boat Company. IGO DO 300 2 'hares Philadelphia Exchange Connally—. . 136 CO 1,000 1 shwas Continental Hotel Co. --- SOO 0..) etemoo ANT. coat 11547.336.34. Market va1.E8N,563 71 ENIi recemble, for manrancea made-...-._. /now Conde and mortgages..— 50,000 00 Heal estate.- 11,342 59 irleluncee due atAgenniee—Premitima on Ma rina Thellelee. intermit. and other debtra due the Company 21,EN1 48 gimp and stook of inexidir . insorisiioe 'and other Companies 1.51. en Ruh ea land—in Wake__ .038,673 in &ewer . M X 1,1.13 31 5 0 E 4 0 0 in DLe.V. . 'Milian. ..illosnt. 1 nrnuol 1 , 1„. ItoN'en Edmund A. Bander, .l . F. Pony:ton, Theoulailuo Paulatnk .Henry Sloan, John J. Penrome. . Edward DerlinstoA John C. Darla. , g. Sone' Brook°. Ja4lloll 'Erato - Air, i t'....oi:nor lerirsl!::t. Wilton] I.lyro, Jr.: r tr.ornas C. Ilem:,, James C. nand ; lobert Barton, With C. La ir.iz. jOOOb,P. Jones, Joooph ff. Soo],.swear B. Ist'Poriand. Dr. R. M. Heston , i Jo:hull'. Eike. . aeons C. Limner , 1 John B. &mine, :Moyle Muria crsig i .. , P. T. Morgan, ita:lea KeP.r. A.. B. Berger, 571,1.61.a14 MARVA. Preoidant. TllO5. C. HAM.), Viols President,. ILENItY LYI.BIIIIII. BenretarT. nori-tt VIRE INSURANCE EXOLUb .2- THE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE CQMPANY—inooorated ISM—CHARTER PERPh- TTJAL.--NO, 410 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ encefisuars. This Company'. favorably known to the community for thirty-eix year's, continues to insure against loss or demote by Fire. on public or sweetie Buildirme, either permanently or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, stocks of Goods or Merchandise generally , on liberal Their Capital, together with a large glurptus Fund m inyested in the most careful manner, which enab l es them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the mute of loss. Atavoroßs. Jonathan Patterson. • Inas) Haniohurat, 111111 in Campbell, Thoracic; Bodine, Alexander Bannon, Bernet Smith, Jr,. William Montanus, John .Beva roux, Thome", Smith. . . . .... .. JONATHAN I'VRT:EXEION, President. BELTON SMITH' &oratory. 5p44r IN SU RA N 0 E 0 0 El P A Vi Y OF TELE -IL STATE OF PENNSYLVAMA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE Nos. 4 AND f EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Chartma .321704—Carilaal ifed#,V. —Feb.l, INId. Gosh value, 5018,711 77. All invested in sound and aviulable seourtties—oon due to iEtlllllO on Vessels and Carton, Duildinta. Steaks of Merchandise Sco.. on liberal terms. DAECTORZI. . Alllll7 D. inernrd, Cowie N. Must% .uleou 'Toby, Shades Mecalester, somsei orent, Ir., V °bias Warner, illiemS. Smith. . Tehomas B. Wattson, ihn B. Budd • lgetu7 O. Frearpna. imam 1. Waits, Charles S. Lowy!. Gems C. Canon. 'H_EN.RIr D. SllEWurvill, -Prothlont. 1011.11.1114 HARPER.. Bearstari. Jell-tf FINLiNSITIWTOE. - 111101ANICV RANCE COMPANY of PhiltWelphib, NO. 1515 North IfXXTH Street, below Rage. Izmir° MlLO nue, Goode, end Merchandise conerall7 from !ere or damage by Fire. The company guarantee to adJutt all louses promptl li y, and thereby hope to merit the catron age of the pubc. =GZED iliam Morcan. rtcberk Flea: ar, Franois Coopar, Michael Motisoy, aleorgei•. Do ug'herty, hdward Motiovern. fiiiiiiii - Mailim, - Vialili iraZdirinillks amen Durosa, J.oan Bro_roles. Mat nard thew 'W McAleer, Frea is Fal/a. Berarty, John Thomas J. nomphill, Hil.ritard S. muleemai Themes Fisher, Charles Clare, Francis Mehlanne lillohael Cahill. F t kik,Nols COOPNR, Presiden t 14.61131.1L11.1) JEAFF W RY. Seeretary. awaly A MERIOAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., ti INCORPORATED UM CHARTER PER PETUAL. ___ U _ No. 310 WAL NUT Street above Third, Philadelphia, muslin a large peld-up Capital btoo and Surplus, invested ni sound and nVelleble Beenrittoe, Continue to insure .on Dwellinse, Stores ) Funsiturs Merotiamilee, Vessels in part end their 0111Ig0011 , and other person al Property. All losses liberally and promptly adjusted. • 'Dl3l=2'olo. John T. Lewin, Jamas 11, Cams lreri, Edmund 6, DutiLh. Chair. W. Ponnney. Israel Morris!. Johnß. Mari", W 01603 fAMIIOI 0. inorkons Potnok Brady, TI - 10M.A5 S. MAR/13, Pre dent. ALBERT C. El. CRAWFORD. Reorotarr. fon-tf A NTBRACITE INSITRANCIE COMM itipadittkor:maa. capitsa atoo"-crmARTRa 0/11oe lie. 311 Wit.LNLISi 8 trout, between Ifkir ar.4l FograiStreet, Philadelphia, IRO vompear Ti inaurn anninet_9l s• " ran by Ore,rally. on illpiltinga,Pcrnarris, awl Iderer:llininlne- Atte, Marine Inswanseg eII Ve Car bal Freirkte, Inleei luma cnro to Arta tikiVal al•s.a Jowl* Ricalicit, John Ketcham. Jahn R. Blakuitsr, Wm. F. Dean, 7. B. ths7. JAPRYIT EMIR], Huth/mt. WM. P. DRAM. las Przalter4, W. M. Elearete.l7. ar3-u Jlleirb Maker% Andennet. p~rr♦ir l'earnes Peter Eitsger. 10X0HANGE INSURANCE COMPANY —ollloo Plo, 409. WALCIVIf ±3;reet, YUU IlintlßAlibn. nonere end ritorolumcline generally, on favorable tarma, either limited or per petual, DISLEfiV9RI3: - - . Jeremiah Dense 34 Thomas Marsh. John_ Q. Ginnode. °bailee Thom:firma Howard D. Roberta, - Amon T. He‘to, ?Ismael L. Smedley, /Datm T. ()arm, Reuben C. Hale, John J. Ord Ms. jkatEMIAR BONSALL, Preluden t velum • Con .T . se O s kiN ra tt tir T/1110DO, Vice Freindet. leg .gROWN'S_ ESSENCE ON' JAMAICA tiIINGER.—FREDERICK DROWN, Chemist and Druipciet, northeaet corner of Chestnut and Fifth ate, Philemie mole meau.tactarer of Drown , ' Eames et Jamaica Ginger, which reeogniged and tiresonbed by the medical faouhy ‘ and hue become the standard family medicine of the United State!. This Essence is a preparation or 1211116135 i excellence. In ordinary diarauna, incipient cholera, in short, in all eaueiy.f irnetiatian of the digestive functions, it is of inestimable valno. During the prevalence of epidemio cholera end summer complaints of children. it is pecu liarly efficacious; no family, individual, or traveller should be without it. myripE, 7 lo prevent this valuable Essence from 'boom a9uutortetten. a cow steel eaglet-reg• emanated at a great cost; will be found on the outside of the wrap per, in order to guard the.purchaser against being im posed upon by trorthleel imitations.-1835. Preparef only by FR &DESNA BROWN, and for gale at his Drug and Chemical Store, N. & corner of Fifth and Clientnut streets, Philadelphia, and at EEL RENICK DEUR IS, Ja.'e, Drug and Chemical Store, S. E. cgrner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, " Conti nental' Hotel. Pinladelphia. Also for sale by all re mantable Druggists in the United Mates. - rart-em aRAVE-STONES, (I.II.AVE-5T013118.-:-. snook of Grave- stones and Monuments to be 1 1 ^ 14 sit very reduced prices. Plasm osU and examine, before nurohnsung elsewhere. at Warble Wodre of A illTellYMl s , TZ , fen-3m RIDGE Avenue, below ELEVEIiTIi Bt. RECEIVED, per 1 ` Annie Kilnball, 71 a/ from Liverpool, blander, Weaver. & Mandeell Prellarshonn : Ds Extract tonitl, in 1 lb Jnrn. tiltraot Tosoyalni, 212 116 Mon, 09 • E•iraut 16.1.... cm. it 1 &Aro. too tba Extract Tartlx•9l, 101 lb jars. 10 Zs Vtn Ral Cololuot, la 1 lb bottles, 100 The 01. Snooim Reot., in I lb bottler. 500 The Calomel. In 1 lb bottler/. In° iihrd e r /EIRtIERILL & BROTIIRR. n o .._ 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. (ALIVE OIL.—A lot of Latour Olive Oil, IL, to ovivo, and for iglo bLJAVIZTOIII3, CAIE inrAlLt, lOU iota PAU*, etym. son PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. pAeicErac aII I MPSR for POTTSVILLE, READ ING., argl HARRISBURG , on and after May 20, r °le tiaggrriNeweplpori ttio'orpnAeriloifitßinDdagind CALLOW HILL Streets. PHILADELPS lA. tramenter en trances on Thirteenth and, on Cailowhill st:reett i ,44. l l . B A.M. connecting at Harrii_burg with the, P bP4 VANIA ILlin D M. t to Pitts rean.r_enn burg ; to CUMBERLAND VALLEY 165 M. trap rnnsan to Chambeysburg,_ /to. and the NORT g_ CENTRAL RAILROAD 1 r. M. train rennin[ 811nblanigOON LINES. attvestitrazt.D.eppotja. comer e o li f p l) li ß itik OAD . i ta paa d o C e A ng L o L r CALLOW -811.1. trances on hirteenth and on C streets,) for POTTSVILLE. and RARER:IEIIIBR. at Sl5 P. M.. DAILY, connecting at Earnsla r with the Northern Central Railroad for BRODUTI. Williarnsart , ho.; (or READ &Pi a only, at sP. M.. DAI LY, (Sundays excepted.) DISTANCES VlAthe PHILADELPHIA AND READ RAILROAD. FROM PHILADELPRTA, Miles, To Phtenixville__.— 281 Reading.--...._... 58 Philadelphia and Reading - 93 and Lebanon Valley IL IL .2 Daltoili Northern Central Treyerton Junction 1423 Railroad. Sunbury. . Northumberland ....171 Lewisburg ..... . 1121 011010112 and Erie R. R. Vhiliamsport Jersey Shore- ..223 Look Haven— -235 Troy,— -.251 Williamsport and .Elinirs, _- 287 The BA. M. and 3.15 P. M. trains connect daily Port Clinton, (Sunders excepted.) with the CATAWIRSA. WILL/4248PURT. and ERIE RAILROAD, making close connections with lines to Niagara Palls, Canada, the Feat and southwest. DEPOP IN PRILAD IRMA: Corner of BROAD and CALLOWRILL Streets. W. H. McILHENNEY, Bowater,. May 20, 1161. mr2o-tf BUMMER ARRA Ni:ZE ~pg M&NT.—PHIf,ADIMPAIA, GERMANTOWN, AND NOR RI FTOWN RAILROAD. On and after Monday, May 13,1861. FOR - OKRMAN KO WIC Leave Philauelphisi O. 7,8, 9, 10,11, n A. M.,1 2 3 331. 4, 5.6.634,7, 8,9, 1034_, audit% P. M. Leave Germantown, 7,73 i. 8, 8.20,9, 10, 11, 12 A.M., 1, 2,5, 4.6, 4,6% 732, 6,9,104 F. M. The 8 . 20 M. and 3.35 P.M.Train,' stop at German town only. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. M., 2.4, ax, 5,7 X, and 1034 P.M. Leave Germantown 8.10 A M., 14, 634. and 934 P. M. 011.1ESTN UT DILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6, Eh 10, /2 A. M„2, 3.36, 4,6,8, 9, and /Mg P. M. • Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.10, 8. 8.40, 9.40, 11.40 A. M.,1.40. 3 so, 5.40. 7.10, 8.40. and 10.10 P. The 8 A. M. and 3.36 P. M. will make no stops on the Germantown road, ON SUNDAt S. Leave Philadelphia, 9.06 A. M.. 234.8, and 7X P. M. Leave Chestnut Kill, 7.60 A. M.. 12.40. 6.10. and 9.10 P. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia, P. 50, 7.34, 9.05. 11 . 06 A. la., 1.05. Las. 134. and 1134 P. Pd. Leave Norristown, 6,7, 816. 9, 11 A.M.. 132. 434, 632, and 9.34 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia. 9 A. M.. a and 5 P. M. Leave Norristown. 7.X _a. M., 1 and 6 P. M. FOR MANAYUN K. Leave Philadelphia, ezo, 784. 9.00, 11,05 A. M.,1.00, 105, 3.05, 434, 634.8, and 1134 P. M. - heave Mane auk, 634, 734.8.85, 934. 1134 A.. 51., 1, 834. 5.7. and 10 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 5 1 a. M., 3 6, and 7% F, Leave Matitty_ank, 554 A, M.,134.634. ansi 9 P. M. R. K. SMITH. General Sneenntendent, mrll-tf Depot. NINTH and Streets. THE PENNSYLVANIA UENTKA RAILROAD, 960 MILER DOUBLN TRACK. 1861._ aegimui 1861. THE CAPA CITY OF THIS E.0A016 NOW EQUAL • TO ANY IN TIIKCOUNTRYi THREE THROUGH E.CSSEPItiF,S. TRAINS BETWEEN PHI LADELTRIA .JINDIPITTSBURG. Connecting direct at PhilrfderphlaWith:Thronsh Trains from Boston, New York, and all. rats East. and in the Union Depot at Pittsburg with Through Trains to and from all posts in the Wen, Northwest. and Southwest than farmehme faellitieg for the trangportatinn of Faasengera unaunpaased for speed end comfort Or =1 other route. Express and Feat Linea run through to Pittsburg, without chaos" of Can or Conductors. All Through passenger Triune provided with Loughridse'si Patent Drake — speed under perfect control of She engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travellers. Smoking Can are attached to each Train ; Wood ruff's reteepmg Cars to Fnereal and . Fast Trains. The f a XP FESS R UNS DAILY: Mail and Feat Lines, Sun , Ya bairegi leaves Philadelphia at 7.a0 A. hl. cat Line LL " M. Express Train leaven 0 10.46 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS F . Ol. LO We • Harrlifinig COliiirlija; 'Sail P. M Columbia Zga i tler tat :18,111 A. I'd. _ " at 12 mP. M. . . West Chester Passengers will take the Weal Chester Nos. 1 and S and Columbia Trains. Passengers for Stmbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate 'taints, leaving Philadelphia at T. 30 A.M. and Lati P. M., go directly through. TtoketrWeetward may be obtained at the °Mena of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Bolton, or Baltimore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the impor tant Railroad Offices in the West ;also on board am of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mississippi or Ohio A ven! Fare always an low, and time as quick, as; by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market atrisets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, make thin the DM POT LINE BE'PKEENI.:HE F,AST AND THE t,{;ia~i+~~ia~~f~ . The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantages readi ly appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel ling Public'. Merchants and Li - hipperi entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confiden RATES speedy transit. TOF OF FREIGIiT to and from any noint in the West by the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all times as, favorable as are charged by other Rai/road Cempfa7M3. SIT Be particular to mark packages " via Pennsyl vania Railroad." For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to, or address either of the touowing Agents or the Company: D. A.l34Sirark H. $. Pierce k_co., Zemmollfe. o._; J. J, Johnson, Rip ley, 0.; R. McNeely, Maysville, Ay.; orroatry & Crop per, Portsmouth, O. ; Paddock & go.. Jeffersonville, ndiana; H. W. Brown & Co., Cincinnati, 0.1 Athern & Hibbert ; Cincinnati, 0.; R. C. Meldrum Madison, Ind.. Joe . &Moore, Louisville. K. ; P. o..O'Riley & Co., Evansville, Ind.; N. Graham tr.. Co., Cairo, 111. R. F. Sass, Stealer & Louis. Mo.; John H. 'Harris, Nashville, Tenn.; Harris & Hunt, Mem plus, keno.; Clarke & Co., Chicago, 111. ; W. H. H. Noon% Alton; ill.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. 6.13. KI NtiBTOPI, Jr., Frilladolphia, bIACIKAW & Kooras, PO North street, Baltimore. LEECH. & C0..1 Astor Rouse, or 1 B. William at.. N. 1' LEECH & CO.. No 77 State street. Boston. H. H. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. BOUTS, Oen Ticket Agent, _Phil& LEWIO. Golf' tglAr; Altoona. Pa. Ja.3-37 1861.Litigolmo.,_ 1861. SPRING ARRANGEMENT.-NEWYORK MINIMS. ;ERR OADI.DbN IND AMBOY AND PIMA. DEJarRIA MID ntErtwom HAILIWAD OIM3 FROM VILLA_MLFRIA LIKW : YONK AND.WAY , ,PLACEL TROY WALLNWT-317. WHAMS' AMR. IRNILINGTOR.AF.r.r.• WILL LXAVE. AS FOLLOWS, VIZ • 512.2. At 5 A. et., VAG Camden and Amber, C. 6145 A. An ooramodatian 25 At 6A. M., Via Camden Ear Jamey City. J., Acoommodation . - 2 as At 5 A.-M., , ria Camden and Jena:, City, Morning 425 A. GU, Vlll NAL118112044 GMT azlcy . . Cl..?..; vretarn Rai:Tana. - 00 At 1.23 i P. M.. via Camden and Aaaboy *Accommo dation _ 25 At t P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. En S 00 A; 1961. Si, via lionadigten and Jorsag City, 1,540- sling Easmae.-- 800 At OF P. 11., vla Kensington and :mazy Cit 3, Class --- 2 ZS At OP. M., is Camden and 4ereer (flu . , Evenine . . 100 At um sia Camden aniTienies 87ty, Wad ern Mail . 25 -At 5 P. M., Camden and Amboy. Azoommeda- Don, (Freight and Passenger!—lat Oise' Tialret— 2 26 - Do. do. 2d Claim Tiokeg— 1 50 The 2PM Mail Lino raze daily. The 11M P M, BogtiE ern Keg, Bearden excepted, • For ifeltidegoi Enaton,_ idambormile, "Lenduclon, &a., at. 7.10 A. M, and 43i M. from Kensington. For Water Glap_. Stroudsburg, &w anton , W incest:4l.ra. Montrose, Groat Band, tea:, MO A. M. from Kenaisgton. via Delaware. ,Laokawanna and 'Western R. Fp" Manch Chunk, Allentown, and /30taiebarn et 7,1( 1 A. Pa sad am P. M. from Xerutbigtou,Depot - (the TM A. M. Lae oonneota with train leaving Ja rgon at Sag P. M.) goy M.:Flint Holly. et 6 and 8 A. 1V1..1 arni AM P. For Freehold. at d A. M., and t P . M. WAY LINE& For Diana:, lirrantoa, am., at Ma 011 sale% P. M. from Kensintton • mad 234 P. M. from Walnut street wharf. FoCallayra. fwartort, Delano*. lever'. Hari!nr taairotanao, Lordantotta, &a., at 113 C. 1.3, 431, Ind 5 Etestaboet Trenton., for Bordentown end intermediere placee,at!}( P. M. from Walnut-street wharf. elFFor New York and Way Linea leaving Remington t, take the oars, on Fifth street, above ?Xenon'', an hoar before decimator.. The oar* run into the de t, and on arrival at each tram, run from the depot. Fifty Pounds of BagEtlge t only, allowed each pewsen- KerrraMOIMOM prOhllotted Mont taking dunning &I baggage but their wearing apparel. all baggage over pounds to bewsod ba g gagetra. The C.ornormy Omit their responsibility tor to One Dollarper ponne. ADA will not be liable for any amount beyond dlr.% ex- OOPS a 00910 orating:, WK. terzr, fa a I vito N T O v, R N T rt H FA .P IL EN R ' o N A ' S D II,- FUR BET'PILEREBI SBA L DonasTow.rt. MA NOR CHUNK, HAZLr.TW ILKON. EASTON, ECRIRY. RE, o. THREE THROUGH RAINS. On and after MONDAY. MAY if ,_lBO3, Passenger Maim - will leave FRONT and W 1 LO W Streets, Phila delphia, daily". (Sundays excepted), as follows: At 6.40 A. mi.( _Eivrea)ilor liethlohem, Allentown. Mauch Chunk. Angleton, At ilkellnalre. 440. At Le* M., (Engem), for Ltethlehem, Fulton, fcti. This titan reaches rlaston at t P. M. and ma_kell close eonnenDon with New Jersey Central for New York. At 6.16 P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Ciner_k. eke. At 9 A. ML tend I P for Doylestown. At 10.90 A. and 4.40 Y. 61., for Fort Washington, The 6.4.1 A. M. 1 6 .4prese tram makes mom rionnectlon with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and moat desirable route to Wilkeebarre, aml to ell point. in the Ukiah ooel rec.or.. TRAINS FOR PRI.LADELPRIA. FLeave Bethlehem at P.M A. M.. 9.18 A. M., and 5.33 N. Leave Doylestown at 7.215 A. M. and 4 le P. M. Leave Fort Washington. at 4.30 A . M. and SAO P. M. ON SYNDA YR.—Philadelphia for Bethlehem et A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 6 F. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6.40 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at /3 Y. M. Pare to lien , ehem...4l/ 69 IF F are to Mauch Chniik,S2 03 Faro 3 IQ L Pare waiteaearro. ae Through Tickets mud he procured at the Timm 011iaes, at WILLOW Street, or BERES Street, in order to secure the above rate. of fare. All Passenger Train', (except Bunday Truing) connect at Berke Street with Fifth and Styth.stroots : and acompi and Third-etroote runnier Railroads, Malty minute' after leaving Willow Street. 141. Lia ot.ARIA. Agent. likagaßEE SPRING ARRANGE. MENT.-PHILADELPHIA, WIA,MINOTOIS,. D BALTIMORE RAILROAD. On and a ft er MONDAY, APRIL 16. 1861, PASSENGER TRAINS LSAVE PHU. o DELFIIIA: For Baltimore at 5.15 A. M., 11.35 A. M., (Express), and 16.63 P. M. . P For Chester at 3.13 1. 81., 11.35 A. 111. 4.15 and 10.150 For Wilmington at 8.15 A. At.. 1136 A. M., 4.14 and 10.50 F.M. For New c'estbs at 0.11 A. M. and 4.13 P. J.R. For Dover a; 6.4 A. M. and .1.1.2 P. M. For Milford at 5.10 A. M. For Salisbury Fla A. M. TRAINS FOR PAIL.* DELPRIA Leave Baltimore at 6.15 A. M. (Express), 2.45 A. rd., and 4.43 P. M. Leave VlNlzaing tort at' 11.111 'and 5.18 A. 111. I.M and P.M. _ Leave Salisbury at 1.40 P. 1 , 1, Leave Milford at 4 Leave Dover at 6.35 A. AI. and 6.20 P. M, Leave NOW 035110 at 8.:3 A. 14,1 M P. M. Leave Chester et 146 A. M. 9 40.1.67 .", 0 • 1 9 Leave Italttroors for Salisintri and D elaware SlMl read at 6.1.5 A. Al. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE: Leave Chaster at 8.45 A.M., 12.08 and 11.1 Leave Wilmirtztori at PAO A. M.. 11.85 P, 1 . 5.4 and ii F.I2.ERMIT TRAIN, with Passenger Car ettashed. win run as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate Plums at 6.50 P,.m. .40(999 Wllzmuston for ronTrine Anal 1511917110011111 places mi. 7.13 P. M. Leave •Wilminf ton for Philadelphia and interme diate places at 5 Leave Hone- e- Grace for Baltimore aid intermedi ate stations at 6 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Ravre-de-Grace and internkedi ate station at 5 P. M. ON BIINDAYI COranletiOillE Sunday. May 190551, until further no tice, Two TRAINS wiil run on Sunday., Leaving Philade'pnia for Baltimore and Watddnitdd at 1196 A. M. and 15.56 P. M. and Leaving Baltimore for Ph iladelphia at 5.46 A. rd. and mom B. M. rELTON. ?resident. 'JOTTON SAIL DUCK and. CANVAS, of all number's and brand's Raven's Dunk awning awnoti j or an description., Par Team, Tronko. and !won Covers. Aker rdP O 2 Mannfeoturors * Drier frolol, from 1 ta foot Inds. waroonliorJWtin&dat JOBX EVERMAR ac au.. inyt-tE . -• 103 JONES Alloy FURNESS, SHIRLEY, lb CO., No. 449 WOMB! SINKER BALE OF FRENCH 000P15. On Tuesday MORIIIIFr June 4, • t 10 o'olook. for 04'011,14 obtain" - 400 packages and lota of fancy and eaglet Frenott dry goods. BPEOIAL 85.1.8 OF BONNET RIBBONS. On Tnoisday Mora:tint. 150 lots No. tato superior quality mit de sole bonnet ribbons. PPHILIP FORD & (70., AUCTIONEERS, ?40. 630 MARKET street and 531 MINOR et. LARGE POSITIVE BAL,E OF 1.000 CABER SOOTS. 8110 ES. AliD BROGANS. On Thursday MOTIIIIII• June 6, at 10 o'clock' precisely, wan be gold, by cable logne— Imo canes men's, boys' and yeah& oal 1. hie. and grain boas oolf and kip brogan@ emigrant tatters. Oxford ties, '&o.; women'a, mhteee 3 , antt otaidren's calf hi p goat, morocco and kid heeled boots said shoes, Kenters, slippers, busking, &o.; also, a large and. desirable as sortment of oity-niade goods. inol)ided in Bale will be found a large assortment of ladies and gentlemen's travailing carpet bags, sateli els &o. fiGir Goods oven for examinataon. with eatalettal, early on the morning of sate. AT F. PANWAST, AUUTIONENS, Sue- A. • moor to 0, Soott, Jr., 43/ CHEST/1u? at. RALE AMERICAN AND IMPORTED DRY DOOM EMBROIDERIES. MILLINERY GOODS, /co.. by catalogue. On Wednesday Morning. June 5. commencing at 10 o'clock. 83i.IPPi~~=. WEEKLY COMMUNICATION KY STEAM BETWEE N NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL. Whim at EIU ANSTOWN (Ire land.) to land and embark paesengeris and despatches. The Liverpool, New York. and Philadelphia Stearn ship Company's splendid Clyde-built iron screw steam ships, are intended to Emil aa fellows: PRODI NEW YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. ETN't I Saturday, June 11 I.4llriatlV47l, SeAri-day, Jots g CITY OF WASHINGTON, EaturdaY, June 76 GLASGOW, Saturday, June 32 And every_ Saturday throughout the year, from PIER No. 44 N. H. RATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA, cabin, to ciaornmown, or Liverpool. ----vs Do. to Loudon, via Liverpool.-.....,-- I - BO er Steerage to gneenetnn, or Liverpool _..._----- SO Do. .to London, ......, t . ... . 33 Do. -Return tickets , available for 's= months, from Liverpool.' —. .... elll Passengers forwarded to Havre, Phril. Hamburg. Bremen, and Antwerp, et through rates. Cei tificates of peerage ensued from Liverpool to Now York —... - —._ ._...... - 840 Certificates of protease issued from Queenstolni to New York-.... . —..—.. . t. --- iipo Theme steamers have superior accommodations or passengere, are constructed with watertight compart ments, and carry experienced Surgeons. For freight. or pas/Age, applyat the Mhos of the Com er:ln. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 111 Walnut street, Philadelphia. In Liverpool, to Wei. INMJ,N, Tower Buildings.. in Glasgow, to WM. INMAN, 13 Dixon street. SMTHE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM GEILea. PROM NEW TORT. TO LIV2IIIOOOL. . . . . Chief Cabin ticoond Cabin Passage-- _ Ti 9a011! UO9TOM TO trrwrocm. Chief Ceib 04;;;A&1;ii''''' - 10 The ehips from New ro a old Cork Harbor. The Chips from Boston call at "tablas and Cork liar p litarA. Capt. Judi:ins. AFRICA. CaoL /Shannon. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CAP7M)A,Ca_pt. Anderson. ?di A 4 Capt H. Lott. AMKige. QaM,l4.2AtijOY ♦♦U9.RAI lA rAtrAstA, k.apt. Capt. B. M. Rockier. 13U SOYA, Capt. J. Cook. SCOT [A, now building.) These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-bead green on starboard bow ; red on port DOW. AFRI QA •Oh an nou,lop . vog Xi, YO3, o 4444ert BUBOrA, Anderson, •• Soston, Wednesday, May V. PERSIA Judicins, " Pi. York, Wednesday, June 6. AUSTRALM B,PA Moodie, " Boston, Wednesday, June 12. V.% N, Rockier'. " Pr. York.Wednesda2,June 19, ARABIA, Stone, " Boston, Wednesday, June 26. Berths not entanyed until mid for.. APx Sniseon on board, The 6 ow e nere of these shies will not be nooonntable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, theme, Jewelry,.Precions Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading ri are m eneA therefor, end the value thereof th erein en For _D A eft or te= apply to lAI 4 Powlliu Gewou. New ext. RAILROAD LINES. KtitiollerDlAL, ( l l tilf,TlM HAtI..KOAD. VIA MEDIA. SPRING AR KANO eItIENT: On and after Monday, Marohil. /861, the traina will leave t trom the Dopoti nurtheast homer of I ichteenth and Market amour, at 9 et. M., and 2, 4. and 880 P. M. The Freight Train, with passenger oar attaohed , will leave Weet Philadelphia at 6A. M., running as far aa the Baltimore Central Junction. un Eundays, leave Phoadelphia at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M.; Weat Cheater at 7 MI A. M.,and 490 P. M. The trains ieaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 4 P. M. connect at Pennelroawirh trains on the Phnnd-Ipktta and Baltimore Central Railroad. for Kennett, Oxford. &c.. &o. R 1414 ItY WOOO, tubl/-tf General Boperintendent. EINVIIPME WBST otizerza AND PHILADELPHIA EALL.KOAD, • VIA MEDIA. SUMIITER74E.R.Ari N.,NT. On and after MOP DAY,Jane 5, 1861, the trains will leave PUILADEL•PECLA,from the Depot, N. E. corner of EIGHTEENTH and IIdARCKT !streets. at 7.45 and 1010 A. M., and 2, 4.15. 6.30, and 10 P.M., and will leave the Station, corner of THIRTY-FIRST and MA RA ex Streets, ( West Yhtladelyhta,) at 8.05 and 10 43 A. hi., and 235. 4.30,5.45 and S 10 18 ON SNDAY. Leave PHILADELPHIA at 8 A. M. and II P. 74. Leave WEST CHESTER at 8 A hi. Dl3ll 5 P. M. Trains leaving Phlladelplns and West Chester at 7.45 A. M. and 4.16 F.M. oonneot at Pem:aeiton wi,h Trains on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad for Oxford and interinediate points. HENRY WOOD, General ruperintendent. PHILADELPHIA WILMINGTON. AND HAL TIMOILE .RAILROAD.-SPECIAL FOR PORTR P.&9 MONROP.. - - On and after TUESDAY. May 28, 1861. the tram leavins Philadelphia at 11:i8 A. hi. will connect every day, except_ Busdays, with ono of the Bay sine Steam era from Baltimore to Fortress Monroe. 'through tickets will be for sale at Krill tied CH htlilTfsU Pireahl, Tand at Depot . BROAD and WASHING lON Avenue. hroega fare. as. Troops, in de•aohment of not lens thanflay. two-thirds fare. or 86.33 each. my27-tf B. 81. Fr.LTON, President. Am_._gsmiot I RVIDWI L AMAADACO".. (Office 227 South Fourth street.) FNMA DELPHIA. April V, 1861. SEASON TICKETS. On and after May 1, le6l,seaeon tickets will be Wine , by this company for Us. persode of three, six, UILIO, an twelve months, not transferable. Season sohool-tiokete may also be had at 33 per cent discount. . . . These tlokets will be eolcl by the Treewurer at No. 227 Booth FOURTH street, where any fur at information elm 94 o ( btsired. R. II FORD. SO riwnrer. ELUIRA 11.0IITS.— PRILADEURIA AND F.Jr- MIRA RAILROAD. QUICKEST ROUTS to %AM ewes', Catewiseit, An gent, Wilkeabarre, Saranton Danrilla, 1151- liainsport l . Troy, Ralston, yanton, Ntl=l. iftlaVITA Yaps, soobeatar, C evelandAletroi Tomo", Chieage, Et. Leaks , hfilwankoo, and ail points Kor th an d WM. Prt..e.l2C will lea** the taw Damon ar the Phi lately}fia m4_1[1014114 Railroad, tippler BROAD and OALLoWnuAL Street*, Irsuanger ontranop on Cal street,) daily tetandars estimated), tar shave poonte, Loll DAY PRFs3 --KOS A. M. Nllfls_. P. M. %Me MI A. M. train oonneota at Rupert,. for Wilkeg barre, pittion, Boranton s and all Marion' on the /LACKAWANNA AND BikoltiSlittltO RAILROAD. The above trans make direct connections at Elmira with the trains of the New York and Erie, Canandaigua gpd Niagara andtßullado, New York and ?xis. anti flow York Central Railroad', trout ail point" North and Went, and the Qatiadas. Baggage °hooked to Elmira, .tiara!', and thunsenstera Bridge, and all ii.termediate points. Violets Denbo ripered at the Philageipme and El mira Rgily.ebiLtr e s Toetet Office, northwest corner of SIXTH end CAI .q ;IN 111 , Stream, Ana At the PAluebg4r DOpoLattnle•T 6= THIRTEENTH and CALLOW RILL ..XOl/0 EXPRESS FREIGIII"I3tAIN Leave the Phil delphia and Reading Depot, Eroad ea Oallowittli etre t Rdailr (Sundays excepted for all points weataa North, at 6Y. Fraigata nta_.• be &Miami( NSIONI IY. M to !Haan tklir gilEa rants day., For r information apply at Freight Riloat, TRIR. Tii and OALLOWNILL. or to U. T. irk.ONARD, Agent. Pforthweet earsier =lli and IMlLEliriftil bit Stream, Ltese_.. 4 re.cioeieuia, .MIM,,ZE SaPINNOTIOIO.-111ESTER VALLEYAA 114RwOAD—PAS SEIYOER - TRAINS P - OR DOWN ureTo(i APED 04- TkiitMkiDlATt, )3 TATIO4O. — On sad after Mr, ittA, lOW, the Yeesetater Krang for DowNiri r wrovvrt will start from the new Passenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Company, corner of BROAD and CALX.OWIII.I6I, Streets, (passenger en tramoe on Caltowhin.) MORNLINIO TRATB for Downingtown leave/ at 8.00 A. M. AYTEI4IOIOI4 TlAlNifor Downiortown !tares at 4.30 P. M. DAILir (Sunday' excepted). By order of the Board of Ma uera of the Philade Pins and Reading Luiroed Compeer. ewe W. If. NcrbffFaiifY. ilsontarr. 0111RENSFREDIGASTI DAILY Y NE TO IN L AN D NOR OLK AND PORTSMOUTH, VA,, and to the ennui Deeds Citie s and Towne in tim South 1 . 11 1 Southwest. Geeds eent to the Cosa, isomer B.KO Street 'arid WASHINGTON Avenue, will be form ed daily. and at al low rater as Or any other. line. S. F. ICENNEy, Manor of Trisnsportotioo Y. W. 01 , P. 4. O. no EXPRESS COMPAIIIIK d. ImmoTHE ADAMS igxpitia, ea., °Mee 390 CPLIMINUT forwardm Paroels. Peokages. blerahandiss, Bank Hotel, and Epeoito.dther In - it= DWG LillVir .111 Goar t eoti+ll Nntit other Erp. rue CauT9ies, tv +Mt .nr:val'ew 'MN; sat oitiso of 0* XAt? - 0. 1 43, 1 15. aivegmlNemereiletillisi BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS LIEN 4 ADVERTISING in the Bast Newspapers of MY and Country at Ow Moms of JOY, COE, Ifo ADVERTISING AGENTS, FIFTH and CHESTNUT aTkEETES,Pialadelohls TRIBUNE BUILDING. New York. Ara tr TT 0. ULLM AN, ATTORNItIY , AT , . • LAW, JERSEY SNORE, Perthilivaria. Collections promptly made in Clinton and Lyoomma Goitataec EPSIRS TO Mesas, Waiter k Kllllb, Phdadelphut; J. H. Roma, JB/11111' MOUT& darorolt Go.. num& Shaffner, Ziegler, & Cou Frizhinuth & Philada.; L. A. Macho), loot Etavan ; Yard, Ginnti. it Co., rhitadis. - ThitQber & WoddroTh Rey 1101da. Howell Re. f: Philede. fels-3m JJOHN WELSH, • PRACTICAL . BLAME ROOFER, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN Road. is prepared to put on an• amount of Roofing. on the moat moderate terms. Will guaranty to make miry puildug perfectly water-Ugh. Orden promptly stbended G. mfr- TORN ELLIOTT, WIRES and LIQUORS, alr m.o. 317 and 319 WALNUT 15treambatioment stores, between Third and Foirrth, north wood Plata delidtiai 11. B..—Finn Old Wholuee likernva opium& iEstahhohed in MI J330-l) pAWSON Fa .141.0LIOLBOIT -• BOORBINDERE. Non, 619 and 621 MINOR Strosh Ditwoon Platter and Glteataui 2111.1,ADU,LPHIA. IAME', PATrZO:', JlLy. B. NICALOI,6O, 737-17" • ,(4 - 4 final JET &SONS. ImPoir..Elta lIAV.r.A.t. waAr.s. 21..1, _alit South FRONT Stmt. RANGIVO ITCSlfirly n /On ailltarealeilt of C.6111!110, GAM, which sitar itt km :etas. for 11.EA4 Li* vrtrctd credit. isto-TT l'th MANUFALOWII4) 211 NEW STREET. Files sad Rasps of every dosoription, and 'good .1 1 salitY , triads to order,. at We above astata s k un e n t. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. at INITIONItiIIOrI prim, Oen 'Ting cone as ie npl-dGm d ,_B. soarrit m il EVANS 1k WATSON'?S SALAMANDER SAFES. IT 0 AA 304 Oft ,4 ISTYIUT STILICRT. Pitu.ADELPRJAV PA. AOO4O variety of FIRE-Piton r OARE3 always la Mud. Inha-ti pg&Noll ZiNo-4 , am stiow V71317.E. r d e Vielle. MonWm, /I 1(4? Ground in j e lad to bY lb 6101.01 r AT ini411.4 1109 Fr • tins. In aral 1.1 isouth. • f ••uno • r . A' P s? U ' I . R I A I C Z. EtiXAah RF A I ~,i . AnAliiti EVEty , t(lli i &clock, noon, during the business imam. ' '.. 1 II Wir 1.1.00(1011110) email ;given, iii..... 0 ~. silt:him: to whioh We pitbnen, on the iiyaarl' i i t r ':ii 1 to one? ;Ale, ulie thOtutand Pataloe.mi. i r , ,e:' , 1,..,, term, twin is rah deeoriptiorm of all ter brotc:rat'llot4...l told on the( cohering Tuesday'. REAL Ea rATE AT PRIVATE 0, Li• or We re a large amount ot real em c e e io •• ogle, +note tag +tulip deteription of our and pr flui propert.Y. rAted 'tax , be had at Ibe gootio"".lito PRI VA R 8 8 I XECijarER ~ nor. 1117" Reel estate enter on our wrap) Ra o , , end advertised 000saionajty in.our puhlia gc,,,atuitic t , (o f w hi c h cue thimumuc notittit .11 . . tn, ~ , t„,,,, ~ ..1 1b, free of chary, REAL ESTATE SALE—JUNE 11, Grohltne Quirt Wills—Blotto of 4. , THREE STORY B OK D W ELLINO, s„,, th u s lipty, Buttoßuttonwood Meet, east of Twentieth street. 1:1, 1 11 nwood front. Pe rempteny SLUNG . lose an EstabiT R RP. fyr o BRICir DW Pio. (03 North Elo it h ,RI north of Green street, 23 feet !rout . Chard all ; ft lel. Wanes. PAO Same Entitle— AK Kis STORY , Ilse, No. 412 Marshall street. north of WillDwow t '' Clear of ad 'penal bronco Sale absnioro. sto ic. Same ystate— YHREE STORY SEMI( AND DWELLING. northwest ooroer of ROat I'Welfth etreete. Clear of all Ineambrahsea'7 remPtorL ate N . Same hstste-2 TERSE STORY Dit WIC IDAEL, DIGS, Nos 206 and 208 North Twelfth ttreet. inoumbranee. Sale peremo ore. erg 2 T HOEK STORY SNICK DWELLINGS, , corner of Thirty. seventh and )3lin mmum g . Sale N 0.11.7 Pooh Broad Street. SUPERIOR • FURNITURE, PIANO. CURT/A Oft eAXONY CARPET. 4, &n, Ia Tuesday Morton. June 4, at 10 0 olock , by catalogue. at No : 11 , 1 „,“ Broad street. the enure household Com m tis, bookcase, fine plated wore mirrors, tai (mateyrp er do curtsies. Saxony and Brunets carpets, clusel4 stemware, /so. e;r• may be examined wth oatatortre oh the Quiet of the sale. at eight o'olooir. To Marble Dealers Red othsrv. PE REM PTORY IsA lib OF FINK 1 ral.lfor m 131. E MONTMENTd. MONUMENTAL idio m :h. being a epeoisl oonsii nrnent to Messrs. Vdi On Wednesday Morning. June 5. at 10 o'clock, at the marble liird Fifth above r outli will be turd a Roe collection n 1 marble monuments- of Cr 001,1114 korona. and I oth,; styles, with groups. fit ursc endures. fin. basso rthie vr , - , finest rvin off er ede collection comprises soma of everat public. eßie. Will be ready for exs.minattim on Mender ) 51 Jute. Catalosues will be ready on Thursdar.3ein of tie had at B r osn Mims. or of thv Meesrs. Viti . l amarch street. erpqm erms-Under approved e n do r se d that Lincoln, months oredit for e..per. 1,1 Fele et N 05.139 and 141 tenth Fourth &me. bUYERIOR FURNITURE, FRENQR-PLEIT twits, ri.Asto-coram, BR uskida4 cARYEri" On Thursday Morning. At 9 aeciook, at the Auction store, en exboltmett excellent second-hand furniture . elegant aset o ./ 0 4. fine mirrors, carpets. etc., from families drooi'' us hoekeeping . , removed to the more for oonve4' term m FEREm p To p y SALE, AT THE AUCTION gTOR I. ANTIQUE VEK PLATE. On Thursday. Jose 5. at - noon, At the Auction stole, Poe 129 and lit Booth pu tt street, oza. fine silver plate, including Z Very begged at. Untie tankards. ewers ooffe. rute..salver enollor.tod a number of other artmles, all cf handsome mara ud. of the highest standard. _ EX freirrOnfil BALE, G MA N TOWN notragit.OLD URNEr u hi.CaapET e , re, k cjii kc. On Fndng Morning. June 7th, it It o'clock. in Prioe street, heein el b iza and Hancock wreet. Germantown. by order of raw. %or, the household furniture, feather beds, tromps. oar eta, oil [IWO, matting, ks. ar may be examined on th e moraine of Ws, it Sala No. IMS Arch Street. STOCK OF MAN.BLJK MONUMENTS, EINE SU TU&RY. OFFICE FUNIIII URIL &e. On Monday Morning, June'lo. at 10 o'olook, by catalogue, et the mall ya r r odgNook W 0 A Atchnt r marbl o monn the e em e n an o fee oho es, urns. fine statuary. a quantity or name blocks, &o. Mao, the office furnitura. made) loos , im r y ra , n or For partioulars Bee cataloguer, 'MOSES NATHAN'S, A 130 TI °NEE?. ANL? °OMNI/SALON MEA o llNLlkaittium owner of tariff end RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE fIAL.E. !Some sof e finest OOLD PATENT lISVEI ORRONOM}TI.I WATCHES manufactured, al all the neual eellin noes, cold lever and lepine uatos. silver lever azd learns watehas, English, Syn. ,„,/ t. ranch watches, at astonishingly low pilau, Aul t , b i every description. sets lew t gune, pato% Magical ER strornents, first quality of Havana .eigara, at half di importation price, in ioir oo Tties to Ell purahuera, sap vari b ous other uds s. SPLENDID SET OF V 711.0103 AT PRIVilk ALa. Conniption of diamond and opal breastpin cad se , rings. Price $6OO. (lost in Paris 81.400. A splendid single-stone diamond breast-pie, st) ints). cost 89214 08,8 DOOR RALE!! Attended to personally by the Asstietssi. Ooningnmentir of any ana @VAT"' l'ind oft oemla erred. 31015 En MONEY TO LOAN $96,000 to loan, at tha lowest rates, On di . arnotta. watches, jewelry, silver plate. cry gtulds, Conon, no MMustljarsiliarilvors. ontlery, pianos( mirrors, { `, to MMus, ddins, gni en troops oi every nesOriptloll,ll large or smearsmormts. from one dollar to made, for any lens_th of time as reed on. Ifir The Oldest Established Ronne in this Ida. err Pnvate entrance on ItACii Street. !Er Business hours from v M. to 9 M. 'envy inetirartes fa the het sjit ojeccottto. CHAROER 0111,1 '1 0 PEN CEN P. Clir' Advances of ttlo9 and upwads at two per @set Advar.oes IDE and arsraras, ens Per isr short loan:. VITZPATHICIL & A...12_ 11-11-0 VIIMMERS. 604 1111.7317111111 , amt. abet ZAMA, t% VBSY At I Voieroe, of .Looks, elstiotety Mug psis. wetehee, olooks tral. yy lows! irate. estleil, Peuntmge. ranetsal instrue ul me ate, Le. Alio.. Homey,. dry roods . boots and alum. mid au 'banana, of eYery Lasoripttn. DAY BAEK3 oveo7 Monde!, woitooolay, mad NY!. day at 19 o'eMot A. AL. _PRIVATE 416E14 At private ra!O scrotal mge,powr.tertants of • Loyola, books, sto , ,lourry siiseti.e.atte. Irma= finer goose. /to. To which solicited toe attends.* sity aid country reatohantssni others. Conelgnmonts solicited of nil 15 WI of aorskandfar for Mier pa t4 W or private osloi4 ger - .barest cash adyemooo mode *ass:is:Lemma Ott-door Wax promptly attended ta. MACHINERY A 11) LEM. Stin PI 4TLtttd IliOral MD oum!. WORM-CAM ellL YHA Al. AN) IlitEo.lthy OM Men NAOMI TE,IIO/.14.:1L-MASE ,BLACIIS m, fin( f 0 Dk.XE, having, tot twiny years, oo ra i simmpfal cperatiov, and Ifon OrkelikidVd!y onglati Wattling and repairing Marine juht Beyer Bantam, eld Lodi low arowit:e. Iron Boats , Water Taaks, from's. its., k.e. t retacettilly ofo: Vast: (1011111011 to Oa 1 1111 tattnig Mar nrsaotod to aortrast for ]finnan of dikes, Marie°, liver.. and :Itztoesn , Wring NiNs 'storm of di Muni aim, 'infusion% to toms* Il• kern Wilk color dexpaton. wary ...a . astiption of Poona ganging nottio at tan 0k0..-Unt mama. Wait sal lag Presantre, Flee, "glainer, 141 Cylinder Boar% of UM st gsnusylvanis aborzeoasng o r of ill par &ad ludo ; Iron and .i.iissa enini:e l or all Cosmos* 101 l Tarawa, Dore' thatiagi AL fill Om I'M a. )tested Witg. Igo obora Inurtnoom Drawioso and apeoitioations f4IT SE work done el War eetiebliadment. free of shame. and work garasnatOL Via iraboanbers kayo awpis wharf took loos ter Ti' pairs of boate t akere Ulm *an lie to toffee' Igen ant are prooido4 wdlt Owl, Week's. We. La.ea, Sir mania going w: title arof ha,. UMW Y. IMV:. JLICA2I azt PLUMY. onto 1. ir JOHN 2. CM. WILLIAM U. 116IIESZCi. SOUTHWARK FOITMAY. FIFTH. AND WA9ILLNOTOI:4I;r:E.II. MEHRICK A Sae, AND folAe,l4lt4 WS, Manufacture High and Low Pretlll.ll Steam Sarnia for land, ricer, and manna service. Boilers. Uasometera, Tants, Iron Boats, Pt; Can lugs of all kinds, either iron or braes. Iron Frame Hoofs for Oaf Works, Wortslnc LA mut Ntatiorug. ka. retorts and fins maoatuery or the Aloft end sno proved ooeetruotion. issery demonism= of Plantation Lletehinerr , m4 Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mae. Vacuum Put, Irn Trains. Deteostors , Filter*, Pomeitr ntiz" . lo Agents for N. ltdnee.7. i'mteui gash , iWat Apparatus Pfennytiee Patent Rtesn2 hammer. sad le pia/wall k Woleer's Patent Centrifugal dualtr Drat ral4 Machine saPr If_sOINT FOUNDii No. 01 Pt BRA CH Street, Itmz!nttna,Pilulilletip ,-'f:).- kIAIOI H. TIERS Inform btr fronts est, tanti,,rr. -- ikaara theentire atoat of ritterni at ate above s', 011 " IT. Ls it now. prfftireli roams criers for Wu rira, and Bay Mill Caßtingm,.sos2l (3. , thEcrwa :ferf bettod orb ros 17 - tractor. 11 417 MEDICINAIi PEOPTIAMIINS, Nig/ Douai hi RHEUMATISM. During the past ) ear we have introduced to the too: tie, of rite medlOal profession of this countrl the 11 " Oryssaitzeli eaortdo of tg REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC. and having received from many sources, both from phyaimarui of the highest standing and from patient , . "'" MOST PLATTERIIIO RESTIMOIVAS obstinate l value Ur the treatment of this Painfill disease. we are induced to present 11 ZO tb! mobilo in a form lthltarY FOR litibiNi-IaTE Oa. which we hope will commend itself to those who ere suffering watt Sail allitaitug 9QUIPIV,III, and to trenSt Umal praositiourr who may foot isycsoo. -- powers of this valuable reineey.. vel"' ELIXIR PROP Y.I.AM INK. in the farm sho ken of, hen recently seen extensively ereerimerted with in the PENNihYLVARIA and with MARKFI) UCOES6 (as will appear (OM de published accounts in the malice) )ournabat Wirlt directions, put up re obtainedmedmi with full and can befrom al, 00 druggists at la cents_por Dottie, and at Whnlessle° f DUL.L.VcrK 114 CRElslEtnetr- Druggists and Manufacturing Obemmta ma24-1y Pht ladelahm THE WEEKLY PRESS• THE WBEKLY Plticsu been established ea teem% and parranneel founealie ei but it ier, in reality, a marvellous example Of the der. rig of terror whaoh a richtly-oonduoted POLITICAL AND NEWO JOURNAL can receive at the hands of a liberal and enlittin" public. Our most grateful thanks are tendered far the patronage already bestowed upon us, and we slg/ to no efforts which may serve to render the gAPer eye " more attractive. useful, and popular in the foul' The POLITICAL coarse of THE WERICLY 11.16 need not be enlarged upon here. Independent s 1 te ,3 ' l3 ' and feerlinie, it tins bgt l CO, UnWlWerinfif and /"1".4. In in defence of the RIGHTS OF THE rNorLic agthlit EXECUTIVE USURPATION. am) 1 U aef_ tpreunital Isafidation aver dtelgurime rod lh '" the doctrine that POPULAR SOVERIOGPITY ocou- Wes the fundamental basis'of OUT free institutions 31 that the intettigenoe and patriotism of our °Wises Int always be preservative of sisitte t iust,andsalu tarr ern:neat.c-re nbc th TP_ WEEKLY PRESS has been oommated, and to Otto is wilt adhere. TERMS: 0118 CODY, MO year__ „.„ ." Three Copies, one 66 ca Five Comex , one year.— - -** - u Ten Cowes, one yeat..--. 7W4147 Copies, to one addreng, et the Tate s " V/ per 11111211 M............ e° Twenty Copies. to one address of each sob soriber— Specimen Copies will be forwarded to Mom w 4 Bra Any Person sending us a Club of Terentlefee , 7„ , ' be entitled to an extra copy. We continue to new - WEEKLY MEEK to Clergymen for $l. Halwarintionit MAI 001(001100 Di aPT always aaah, in advanas. All lessen w - JOHN W. FORNE Y No. 427 C11R.92 1 N157 'TREAT' 41. x) (I.IIARPAGNI. - i r ilw,t, Liblienand. Duoal 61420# and of li s e Two .V.dol el lid . mom for male by Javjus cgs & GARB s* and 204 Booth FROM' treat. fi t ski M.O.—Orders for the airport rmigortstioe ear or IP brands Will be stumpilailly attended 8/