The Nation's Call. IMY J6llBl H. HIRRY. I For The Preto.) To at ?" the voice of Freedom cello, Nor °Ale in vela ; ' Up, from the fields, the shops, the hall', The buy street, the airy walla— Raab martial men. Throbbing and quick, the nation's heart Beats rapidly ; And gathering on the nation's btow A fearful thunder cloud of wrath, plumed by lightning dean, now Marks in turfeaty and awe the path To victory. Waving in grandeur o'er these hosts, The striper and stare! god of the bold, the brave, the free, Who nerved our fathers for the fight, Grant to us stiff, our liberty, An arm to strike for every right— These are our prayers. MILL HALL, Pa., May 17,1681. FROM CAMP SCOTT. I llernmniondenes of The Yress.l CAMP SCOTT, YORK, Pa., May 17, 1861. Having an hour or two to spare this morn ing, I devoted them to an inspection of Camp Scott, of which somewhat famous military rendezvous your readers have already had some information. The camp is located in the southeastern portion of the town of York, about half a tulle from Centre Square. It oc cupies the grounds and buildings of the York County Agricultural Society, which are ad mirably adapted to the purpose to which they have been appropriated. A great many addi tional sheds and buildings have been erected since the formation of the camp, so that now their accommodations for from five to ten thousand troops are ample and comfortable. The grounds of the enclosure aro so low at one point that during the heavy rains of last week a considerable quantity of water accu mulated there, but the drains which are now being eat will carry it off, and leave the whole dry and comfortable. At present there are some five thousand troops here, comprising a portion of the Se cond Division. They are under the command of Major General W. H. Seim, of Reading, a gentleman and a soldier in every particular. He bas tbo respect and love of his keeps, and is universally popular. He has the efficient aid of Acting Assistant Adjutant General Bertram A. Scheaffer, of Lancaster. Major Thos. J. Jordan, of Har risburg, is the General's aid-de-camp and Col. 2.- L. Young, of Reading, division in spector. The officers of the Second brigade are Brig. Gen. G. C. Wynkoop, of Schuylkill county. His aid is Capt. J. McComb Wetherill, a grandson of Gen. McComb. The Fourth brigade is under the command of Brig. Gen. J. S. Negley, of Pittsburg; aid, T. B. Gross. The First Regiment, commanded by Col. S. Yohe, of Beaton. left the camp on Wednesday night. for the purpose of guarding the North ern Central Railroad, which is now fully re paired, and over which the trains are passing as usual. "be Second Regiment, Col. F. S. Stem= burgh, of Chambersbnrg ; the Third Regiment. Col. F. F. Minter, of Hollidaysburg, and the Sixteenth Regiment, Col. Thos. A. Ziegler, of York together with the First Regiment, all belong to the Second Brigade. The Twelfth Regiment, Col. D. Campbell, and the 7 hirteenth, Col. Thos. A. Rowley, belong to the Fourth Brigade. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Regiments, which also belong to this brigade, are at Camp Denniaon, at Lan caster; the Fourteenth under Col. John W. Johnson, and the Fifteenth under Col. A. 041k ford. 1 he appearance of the camp is striking, and to one not familiar with such matters would scarcely seem to come up to the general idea of a military encampment. A little familiarity with the arrangements, however, soon satisfies the visitor that everything is working admira bly. At every point yon are met with those stern rebuffs from sentinels and guards which, while they at first appear somewhat unpleasant and unoalled-for, are nevertheless the very essence of camp discipline. The camp fires burn brightly in front of the sleeping quarters, and around them are gathered the sturdy sol diers, either preparing their simple but sub stantial meals, or discussing the latest news from home or the seat or war. At other places, officers and men are busily engaged in arrang ing and distributing the equipments, some of which have just been received. Those for the Second Regiment, Col. Stambaugh, have all been received, and this regiment will probably leave for Washington to-morrow. DISCLPL/NE. It is gratifying to observe the excellent dis cipline of the troops. While the song and jest circulate freely, nothing is permitted which is net in accordance with the strictest propriety. The orders from headquarters on this subject are imperative, and are complied with most cheerfully. The drilling of the troops is almost incessant, and the results are seen in the proficiency al ready acquired. many of the companies drill with the precision and skill of veterans. The untiring efforts of the officers in this di rection, and the perfect willingness with which the men perform the severe duties, are the beet evidences s can give yon of the patriotic spirit which pervades them. They are deter mined to go into the field prepared to meet the vaunting southerners upon their own grounds, and nutter all circumstances. My word for it, the brave men who compose this camp will give a good account of themselves it they are ever called into action. A finer body of men it would be difficult to find anywhere. They are stout, hearty-looking fellows, capable of sustaining any amount of toil, and willing to endure auy privation rather than see the Union severed. I am informed by one of the offi cers, that every profession is tally represented in the ranks—lawyers, physicians, clergymen, merchants, and mechanics, are all here ready to do battle for their country. HEALTH OP THE TROOPS. The health of the troops is excellent. I paid several visits to the hospital, the arrange ments of which aro admirable. The wings of the large building in the centre of the grounds are appropriated to this purpose, and are well adapted to it. The rooms are large, well lighted, airy and comfortable. The medical attendance is of tho best character, and the patients ad express themselves highly pleased with the attention they receive. The most prevalent disease is diarrhoea, which is brought on by change of habit, and perhaps by a change of water. The cases are not clit &nit of management. ATTERT/ON TO THE HOE. The ladies of York, with that commenda ble spirit of patriotism which has ever charac terized them, have devoted themselves to the noble work of providing the sick soldiers with those little comforts and delicacies which a woman only knows bow to provide, and which are so grateful to the sick man when away from home and friends. The whole town has been divided into tour districts. The duty of providing soups, jellies, broths, and other lit tle niceties, devolves upon the ladies of these disc icts by turns, each one assuming it for a week at a time. It works like a charm, and the poor fellows who are in the hospital have not words to express their gratitude. The troops are supplied with excellent pro visions, both fresh and salt, in abundance. In answer to more than a hundred inquiries, in regard to the quantity and quality, the uni versal reply was, 4 , Plenty to eat, and first-rate at that." The men looked as though they were well fed, and I am informed that many of them are rapidly gaining flesh ander the discipline and food of the camp. THE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. I would like to chum this communication DA I began it, and say a word of praise in favor of the clothing furnished the solditra here as I have done in regard to the medical attend ance, food, discipline, &c.; but to do aught else than fix upon it the seal of unmitigated condemnation, would be to wrong, in the foul. est manner, the brave men to whom it has been furnished. I have not, I assure you, the slightest particle of good feeling for Jeff. Davis or any of his coadjutOra could see them hung with as much complacency as I would a thieving tom-cat; and l am free to say that my feelings towards the man who, at such times as these, speculates upon the comforts and necessities of the gallant men who have taken up arms in their country's defence, are not any more kind. He deserves hanging as fully and fairly as Jefferson Davis, and he should not be defrauded of his dues. Nothing short of an actual inspection of this clolking, as it is termed, will enable you to know how gross a fraud has been perpe trated upon the Government and the soldiers. I gave it my closest attention to-day, and am prepared to report upon it knowingly, and I do so with the entire sanction of both officers and men of Camp Scott. Let na begin at the foundation. I have now in my possession, and shall leave at your office, for inspection, a shoe, worn by one of the soldiers tiro days. It hae not a vestige of sole bit upon it. 1 have been fortunate enough, also, to secure a portion of the In-sole, or tilling. What do you stippOrto it is made of? pine sharing / Think of that, my dear Press. Such shoes furnished to the men who are to tight the battles Of our country 1 In some cases the in soles, or fill ings, are made of paste board., The heels in many cases drop off in ono hour's wear. The man wits would furnish such shoes is as soul less as the old shoe above referred to. TANTA,Loopte. Such material and such workmanship the veriest slop•shop in Chatham and South street never saw. With two fingers the cloth can be readily separated, and. in many instances. the soldiers cannot try them on without bunting them in some part. I have secured two pairs of these magnificent specimens of army cloth ing, which I shall leave at your office, and to which I invite the special attention of those Philadelphia merchants who gave Mr. Martin their certificate. Let them examine these pantaloons, and then let us have another off tiles e. • sLmumrs. saw a pile of blankets thrown outside the commissary's tent of one of the regiments, so y one of which could be torn to atoms as readily as a sheet of brown paper. Held by the fonr corners, an ordinary pleasant breeAe would split them from end to end. They are not At for a decent horse or dog, much less for brave men. They are about as well calcu lated to keep men warm and comfortable in a cool night as a piece of bobbinet. The only use I can find for them will be to make mos quito bars, should they hold together until the soldiers reach the South. OVERCOATS. Those may bo very comfortable, but they are far from coming up to my idea of what a soldier's overcoat should be. Thu material is flimsy; the workmanship wretched. In some cases, several shades of color appear in the same coat. In others, the cloth is cut wrong, turning the nap upwards instead of down. What a contrast between this and the clothing furnished by the United States ! You should have seen the coats of the Michi gan regiment as they passed through here yesterday. The men looked comfortable, as they deserved to be. As a conclusion, or tail-end to this sad story, I will state, npon the authority of Gen. W ynkoop, as well as of other officers high in command, that many of the men are Com pelled to wear their overcoats all day, to hide the nakedness consequent upon the rotten fabric of which their pantaloons are made, and these pantaloons, in many cases, worn not more than a. day or two. To mend them is worse than useless. Tho stitches won't hold. - - - - This clothing, I am credibly informed, was manufactured or stuck together at the Girard House. Is it so ? If it is so, the Govern ment should look to it at once. If It is not so, Mr. Martin should clear up the matter. He owes it to himself to do so, and I hope he will at once let us have all the information he is possessed of on the subject. if there are any doubts as to the truth of these statements, those who are skeptical ehould visit Camp Scots at once. A NATIVE OF YORK. FOREIGN. Tee UNITE) BTATgB AND AUSTRIA —The that application of the treaty between the United States and Austria for the extradition of criminals has lately taken plaoe at Vienna, where an Ameri can, named Marsh, a clerk in a mercantile boom, who had embezzled $20,000, was arrested. His employers, having learned that he had sailed for Europe, sent off in mann a legal gentleman named Col, who traced Marsh to Spain ; but as there is no treaty of extradition between the United States and that country, he determined to follow Marsh wherever ha went, hoping that he would at lest go to some country where his arrest could be effeeted Mr Col thus travelled through Spain, Portugal, snd Italy, following Marsh like his shadow, until he came to Vienna, where he had him arrested. As the treaty leaves the ac cused the option of being tried in Austria, or sent back to America, Mr. Col had taken the prooau don of bringing with him proofs of the forgeries by which Marsh bad long concealed his crime, but they were not required, as the prisoner chose to return to his own country. A suns of $5OO and 200 Napoleons in gold were found in his pozsession. TH4 EMPBROB NAPOLZON —A PariA letter In the ladipendance of Brussels says : "The Emperor, I believe has just Settled the manner in which he and the Empress will occupy their time during the vacation of the great political bodies. The Em. peror, after a short stay at the Camp of Chalons, will visit, with the Easprets, different departments of the south. Hie Majesty will inspect the works of Saint Banvenr and Enrages, and visit Brigne reg. de Bigorree, Begneres-de-Lnehon, and the Lander! of Lanmezan, where Marshal Neil proposes to esta blish, ae at Chalons, a permanent camp. The posi tion selected is magnificent; it is a plateau which command' a marvellous view of the Pio da Midi and the valley of La Neste Their Majesties will terminate their tour at Biarritz." Tun I T ILVERTON CASS —The Sootob Yelverton 001111XLIESiOD, which has been sitting at Manchester during_ several days, has terminated its labors. The moot of this tribunal was to discover, On the pert, ot. Mrjor Yelverton, something prejudicial to the character of Mrs. (Lonsworth) Yelverton, but their labors are said to nave resulted in total faibere. Mrs. Yelverton has left Manchester for Hull, on her way to Whitland Abbey, the seat of the Hon. H. Yelverton, noole to the Moktr. Tne unfortunate lady and her friends appear very con fident as to the derision likely to be given at Dublin, in the course of May or June, by the full court of judges,. before whom the exceptions taken on the recent trial will be argued. Ma COBDEN —The London Globe, in a leader, states that Lord Pelmeraton, on the part of Go. veroment, has specified his desire to advise her Majesty to bestow on her representative in carry ing out the provisions of the commercial treaty with France a baronetoy end the distinction of a privy connoillor, both of which honors he has de °lined. MAKE/ACM OF TEN PAINCRES ALICE —At the Court at Buckingham Pdlsoe, t 1 30. h April, her Majesty in council was this day pleased to declare her consent to a eentraot of matrimony between her Royal Highness the Princess Alice bland Mary and his Grand Ducal Rieman Prince Frederick William Louisof Hem, write!) consent her Majesty has also caused to be signified under the Great Beal.—Gazette. Ma G. F. TRAIN has opened hie second instal ment of a line, running (rem Victoria Station to Vireatrolnater Abbey, a length of about a mile. Air estate in Bedfordshire, consisting of the whole of the parish of Byeworth, containing about 1 220 acres, with the adyoweon attached, and pro ducing about £1,480 per annum, has realised at auction, in London, the large price of .£45,000. There being no residence on the estate, it °snowy be regarded as a pure landed investment, being at the rate of upwards of SiSi years' purchase. Ott the 2d hut , Messrs. Puttiok and Simpson commenced a three days' sale of autograph lettere, among which are included about eik;bty poems in the handwriting of Robert Burns. Some of these are unpubtirbed, in whole or in part; some are interesting first sketches of celebrated composi tions. There are %leo an unpublished ode on the itidependetce of America, and two poetical com mon place books, containing much imprinted matter. TOWARDS the end of the month of /ingest the Emperor Francis Joseph will be orowned at Prague as King of Bohemia. The Bohemian orown, which was made by order of Charles IV., in 1346, is of fine gold, and contains 111 preciotte stones. For some years this crown rested on the her of a figure of St. Weneeslaue, which is in a chapel at Prague, but at present it is in the safe custody of the keepers of the orb and atteptre To the Bohe mian regalia belongs a sword, with whioh the ca nonised Doke Wenceslaus. of Bohemia, is said to have beau slain in the year 938. " JAMAICA," says the Post, " has done a wise thing at last. She has pawed an encumbered es tates eat similar in principle to that which bap wrought such remarkable changes in Ireland; and we trust, and are induced to believe that the results will net prove less beneficial in the chief of the West India colonies." Accomirs from the Eaet State that Mr. Alcook bad arranged all the ditioulties with the Japanese Government, and had retorted to Jeddo by invi tation. Ile and the Frenob minister were received there, March 2, with due ceremony. LETTERS from Turin state tbat, prier to the re• conciliation of (saribaldi with Devour and Cialdini, the King sent for them all three to his study, where they met Generals Fanti, La Marmora, Durand°, Dozens, and Dial°. M. Ratszsi, though indisposed, was also at this important meeting ft is presumable that the statements made by the King respecting a general armament were con sidered satisfactory by Garibaldi's generals, for Ditto left the same evening for Mondovi, and Sir ton for Forl, in both of which places there are depots of volunteers. A LIITTIR from Cbambery states that discoveries have been made by Imperial engineers of various rich mines, particularly of copper, in the newly annexed provinoe of Savoy. Surveys are being made by order of the Emperor, and 38 applies •tione for grants of land have been made to toe Im perial Government by wealthy capitalists since the annexation. I, A eager mutest is going on in the Freneb Aca demy, respeoting the award of a prize of 20 000 f., given by the Emperor to the anchor of the most " remarkable work" of recent times The name of George Sand was rejected by 18 votes against 8 M. Henry Martin, the historian, is now the favorite tor this prise. Tax lifonzteur says that the conclusion of the eon:menial treaty with Belgium and the flatlet's°. tory progress with the Z Alverein confirm the hope that the French free-trade movement will extend to all Europe. Ms Morgan You Gazette annOunass, at a Dub lin rumor, which was gaining ground. the sip cloaehttig abdication of the King of Denmark, Frederlok VII., in favor of the hereditary Prince Christian, and hie early departure for Algeria. Tea Vienna Gazette contelps the nomination of M Zolsol,•Jew, as professor at the university of that capital This is the first person of that per suasion on whom this distinction has been con. ferred. Mar Sms, of Vienna, the daughter of the wealthiest basket in Iturope, after the Rothe. ohilda, is about to marry a Grecian Prince, and receives as a dowry twelve millions of francs. • True member of the Rothschild family whose name stands among those of the councillors of the empire of Austria for life is Baron Anselme de Rothschild M. DominsuaY, the publiaber of the Duke D'Ainaele'a pamphlet, bee received notice of trial for Saturday. the 4:h of May. He will be de fended by MM Dolour° and Herbert, two of the most brilliant members of the French bar. TER Novedades, of Mjdrid, states tbat vessels on the coast have been difilered to keep up a strict watch to prevent the dieembarkation of Don Joan de. Bourbon, news of his disappearanoe from Lon don having been reeeived. ACCORDING to the laSt census in Spain, it would app.-ar that Madrid surpasses all the other oapitals of Europe in the number of its centenarians, meet of whom belong to the fair ea, The rooontoentue shows that in that 017 there are reran women above one hundred years of age. One is 117, the next 111, the third 108, two are 102, the sixth 101, and the seventh has just completed her century. Tax astroLv of the re-elections in Portugal is very favorable to the Ministry. There are 105 Ministe. ri lists returned, and only 34 belonging to the Op. position. As Italian iquadron is to be stationed at Anco na, composed of font war steamers, four gunboats, and two sailing vessels. This Adriatic squadron will be placed under the command of Rear-Admi. mai Oresthien, a Neapolitan. Tam Italian army is aomposed of six divisions. Bologna, Florence, and Naples. The headquarters of each division is at Turin, Mi lan, Farina, Tan Opinions of announces that Prince cousa and the Bey of Tunis have recognized the King dom of Italy. Hine Victor Malamute' will proceed to Naples at the end of the month, and will, it is said, reside there for two month& Tan habit of smoking In Great Britain entails an expenditure of no lass a sum than eight millions sterling. IT is asserted that the signatures to the Irish national petition for the repeal of the union num bers 600.000 Tau fdloicter of Marine bas lint orders to place Chornourg in a sate of defense At prePent, the Sea battalion are unprovideti with guns. & Wuw building has beau opened lately In Cork, under the title of the Protestant Heil. FRUADELPHIA BOARD OF TXADS, WM. O. IC EEMMLE. r4u.S. 8. F E VD RtiO icKa. . Ckvensultsz or alts Moan!. Hu - LETTER BAGS tic C 46 Mrrchano"Ezykange, Nieruidp Ship Tuscarora. punter?' Liverpool, MOM Eitttp lA2EIBOOOOrd. Bldtidse—.-• 4Averyool. soon siltp VlSltOrift used. Prettle London soon tquo Zered Masoniget Londonderry, Inns 2 Bars rhos Deflect, DIA— —....—Lagusyre, is ton Bern Game.. Farretanone- Bremen. soon Berk Arthur What'. PdoMulltn—_—Buteg , w, soon bark fewlez ~.tiftVenen.6oo/2 kris .khn ..Triniciad de sibs, soon Brig A Thurston. LAMDber-..........._,-Berbad oat. soon Brig Atanl-y. Mumford ...Queenstown. soon Brig Bilis Reed. Desoto— Havana, soon Behr Bound, warbadoes. soon MARINE INTEL LIME-NUE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, May 20, 1.981. RUN 0.13E8-.-..4 47-. SUN SETS-- .7 13 1114311 WATER.._._. 10 412 ARRIVED. Ship Emily Augusta. Btrieldand,2l day. from Liver pool. with fridge to John It Penrose. Towed up by tug America. Brig w G Ca , tell, Watson, a days from Boston. in bal last to D 8 Stetson & Co. rohr Bale, Be !man, 3 days from Newburyport, with fish to Oro B Kerloot. Bohr Elisabeth knglish, English, 5 days from Boston, with Indic to captain. Bohr Baker, Heath, if days from BeaoOnet, with fish to captain. Bohr Lillie Saunders. Jones, 4 days from Sesconet, With fieh to captain. Bohr Carthatena, Kelly. 3 dogs from New Bedford, .with oil O. ro *honer & Co. Bohr ,}.'Thomas, McClure, S data from Chesapeake City, with train to Chriguan dt, Bohr Mechanic Coaled, t day from Odessa, Del, with porn to Jae 1.1 trawler & Co. Bohr Telegraph, Connor. I day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jos Barratt A. Son. nom' Cantos. Donnell, trout York, Me, In ballast to C Bernisener A. __ Steamer concord. Newman, 24 hours from New York, with mdse to Wm M. Baird & Co. steamer Vulcan. Morrison. 241 hours from . New York, wt h mdse. to Wm M. Baird & CO. Tug America,Virden from Delaware Breakwater. Towed to sea at AM. on Friday, snip Hortensia. for ..iverpoul; brought up ship Emily Augusta. Passed in the bay two bares: also brig,* Pausal Maloney, from A ew York, Ella Reed, tram do, and titarlight. CLEARED. Ship Calliope, Goodwin Liverpool, Workman & Co. Brig Altaveita, Reed, Trinidad ce Cuba, :Inman, Car son dr. Co. Brig N Stevens, Eaton, St John. NB. Twang & Co. Boa E P ewett. Jewett. Bath. E A Boucot & Co. BBrig Geo Downes. Jamieson, Portland, do ohr E Eng-iatt blueish, goatee. N Mortevant & Co. Bohr Halo. Newman Newham port, Geo B Karina. Bohr Canton. Donnell. Saco, C A frooksoher & Co. Behr Ino. Crowell, New. Bedford, Nettie, Hammett & Caldwell, Bohr Zoo. 'otter, Providence, I) Pearson & Co. Bohr Ida, Wormwood, Boston, !Common. Potts & Co. Sour John Alexander, APPlegarth. Baltimore, Thas Webster. .k. Bohr. Paroh Bibby, Rooney. do do Soar It G Ely, McDonald, Washington, DC. Tyler, Stone & Co. Bohr liavidsn. Jackson. Norwich, J W Bacon. Bohr Ocean Wave. tourers. Lynn. Van Dusan. Norton & Co, Bohr Samuel Boren. Gandy, Newport, J R Makiston. Boer Blackbird, Corupttm, Boston. Siunickaon & lover. Geetir Aid, Itndioott, Dos on, L endear - led & Co. Ekhr Adolph Hugel. Mason, Boston. NI s urtevant & Co Bohr Myruver. Bushes, Tortugas, Workman & Co. Str Alum. Robinson, New York, W P Clyde. Btr BerMatCh, Ritioaley, Boston, captain. Btr H L Gaw, Iler.lta.timore, A Groves, Jr. SAILED. Ship Calliope. Copt . Goodwin. for Liverpool, sailed on Saturday in lOW of rtm J F dtarr. with the redwing cargo: 23 IM bushels wheat io bulk; 9447 bushels grain in bags; Miu bb a flour 499 boles cotton, 189 works tallow, 35 hods a uerentron bark. and 2 casks yellow metal. (O2rfdePtabielloo of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LewEci,, Doi., Marty. Ship Paraken, for Liverpool, bark Kanawha. for New York. rolir ocean Wave. for Hai. fax, and novel al other isohoo , ers passed to sea yesterday. chip Bottoo, from metwood, Eng. via Havana and Savannah, came to the harbor last evening. Wind B. Yours, &o, N. W. tuoxidAN. MRIISORR NW" Ship. Elzabetk. Gillespie, for Philadelphia, sailed from bondundoriv 3d met. :chip Nabob. Baxter, cleared at New York 18th Met for San Francisco. r hip Fideha, Boasting, from Liverpool, arrived at N Yolk 18th met Bars Flore• ft. Welsh, for Savannah, sailed from Rio do Janet • o 30 ult. Barg Whe .t and, Peacock, for Bahia and Pernant -01100. called from n to do Janeiro TM ult. Barg Rob deer, Coots, for ilium. elphm, at Rio de Janeiro Bth tot. Barg Mah on Williamson, fichartrorth, uncertain, at Rio oe Jape. ro Bth nit. Ran s Lamolrater. Harding. and Ci-aytound. Onl brar.dson. 1 rom Palermo, arrived at New Yora 18th t at. Brit Anglo taxon. Dodge. for Pailadelphis at Hotter. dam 23d ult. B. ig Loran Isle, Morrow. hence, at Kingston, Tam, 271 h ult. Brie Veteran (Or) Drew, cleared at New York 18th fOr Parcambnoo. Vein . Vtot.,r, sears, olaared at New York 18th inst. far th , ladoiphia. Setts J L barred. Weaver, and J Bennett, =r old at New t ork 18th Met- for • hilacelphia. Steamers ar•thrsette, Jones, Sleek Viamond, Allen, and Novol.y. Shaw, hence. at New York 18th ast Propelier R Bord,.n. Allen. cleared at fkl..w York lath inst. for rhiladelottia. 2IEDICINAL. ROF. WO 'EPS RESTORATIVE CORDIAL. AND BLOOD RENOVATOR Is precisely what. Its name indicates, for, whit pleasant to the twee, it is revivify tag. exhilarating and strengthening to the vital powers. It also re vivifies. reinstates. and renews the blood in all its original purity, and thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to attacks of disease. It ie the only preparation ever offered to the world in a popular form. so as to be within the reaoh of all. lo chemi ally and skilfully combineo as to be the most powerful tonic, and yet 'overfeed., adapted as to act to perfect accordant. retch the /awe of na ture, and hence soothe the weakest stomach. and tone up the digestive organs. and allay all nervous and other irritation. It is also yierfeotly exhilara tine in its effects, and yet it is never followed by lassitude or depression of strait. It is composed entirely of vegetables, and t one thoroughly com bining poWerfally tonic nod soothing properti ise, end consequently can never injure. uah a remedy has long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical ' world, both by the thoroughly skilled to medical smenee, and also by all who have suffered from de ' bility ; for it needs no medical skill or knowledge even to see that debility follows all attacks of dis • ease and lays the unguarded system open to the attacks of many of the most dangerous to which poor humanity is constantly liable. Such, for ex ample, as the following ; Con sunipti on, Bronohttie, Indigestion. Drepepsin, Loss of Appetite, Faint . pegs. Nervous Irritability, Neuraleia, Palpitation of the Heart, Melancholy, hypochondria, Plight ' Sweats. Languor, Gliddinetui, and all that class o oases. so fearfully fatal if unattended tom time. called Ikmals Wealcrwasesatuf lirrealariliu. Also, • Liver Derangemenut or Torpidity , and Liver Com 'plaints, - Diseases ctr the Kidneys, Scalding or In • rontinenoe a the Urine, or any general derang ment of the Urinary Organ,. Pain in the Baolt,edde. . and between the Shoo:dere, predisposition to slight c.olds, Hacking and Continued Cough, Emaciation, • IDA...nutty in Breathing, and, indeed, we might ena- Merate m• ny more still, but we have space only toy say, It will not only cure the debility wholtingi • Chills and Fever, but prevent all attacks arising' train Mituimatio Influences. and ours the disease at once, if already attacked. and as it cam directly andyeersistently upon the tottery astern, arousing the Liver to action, promoting, in fact, all the ex . orations and 'marabout! of the system, it will infal libly prevent Mar deleterious consequences follow. jug upon chane of climate and water ; hence all imps lo should have a bottle with them, and ail should take stable-spoonful at least before eating. As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the diges . tins organs, it should be in the hands of all persons of _sedentary habits: students, ministem, literary 'men ; and all ladies not accustomed to much out ' door exercise should always use it. If they will. ;thew will find an agreeable. pleasant, and ef6oien - intoned, against those ills which rob them of their lbeauty ; for beauty cannot exist without health. land health oanaot exist while the above irresulan - ties continue. rhen,arain, the Cordial is a perfent . Mother's Relief. Taken a month or two before the ;final trial, she will pass the dreadful period with ' !perfect ease and safety There is no mistake atiene lit, this Cordial is all we c/aiotter it. Mothers, try ;it ! And to you we appeal to detect the illness or 'decline, not only of your daughters, before it be . lista, but arse your sous and huehands, for while ,the former, from false delicacy, often go down a premature grave rather than let their condition 'be known in time, the latter are often so ringed no with the excitement of business that if it were no for you they, too. would travel in the same down ward path. until too late to arrest their fatal fall. Rat the mother is always vigilant. and to you we confidently appeal, for we. are sure your never failing &Seaton will unerringly point you to Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator, as the remedy which should be always on hand in time ofneed. 43, J. WOOD, Proprietor, 444Broad e ity. New York, and 114 Market street Bt- Loeb', !Mo. ; and sold by all good Druggists, Mae, One Dollarl per Rattle. Soldm this cit. by B. A. IrAHNESTOaK & CO., le . tuff 9 North FIF TR Street; MASSARO & •-i Whi.FTH and CHEnTer UT Streets, and 1/Y0 0., 232 North SECOND htreet. oalg-mwfd-enerWtT LEGAL. IN TELE DISTRICT CriIIRT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. JAN Ed MILLED., Executor or LEA NOR A. JONH'. who was Assignee of WILLIAM CR SAN, vs EDWARD P. PIA VITICINB and HEN rey W. ovERMArI. terra tenant. March Term, IS6I. No. Levaii Fonias 7 he auditor appointed by the Court to distribute the fur d in Court. raised by trie sae under the anove writ. of al. that certain lot or pi , oo of ground. situate on the southwestwardly aide of the Lancaster nropike Road &smash v to a recent larva, thereof m•de by Fran w a Lightfoot, Esq.. t the distance of one honor we and fitteen feet woven inches no, thwestwardiY from the northweetweroll ode of sergeant street. in the boron; of 170 set Philadelphia. &foray rid, containing in front or breadth. on the teal Lancaster troaroee a cad, form feet, and. extending of that width in length or depth ewu , hwestweadly two hundred feet to the non b. tiortwitruly side of urean street i& certain fifty feet wide street, laid out and intended to be opened fo pub- Ito use. by the said William Crean, parallel with toe said Lancaster turnpike troadp blooded northeast waidb .by the sato I at visitor 1 urnpthe Hoed. south westw ardly by the said Crean street, northwestward y by other sr und 'wended to be this day granted he the maid William roan to the said [inward P Hawklis, a•sd south-sr by around granted by the said William Green to Dan el Moislo le,. on d rent. (being the Mlle premise. the said - m Crean by indenture licanns even date h.rewith, but dole coke. wledged,and delivered immediate ly before these presents and intetkled to be forthwith reoo dad atiourdine to law. roe the oo .sidelation money therein mentioned. the who a whereof a hereby se cured granted. and conveyed unto the said I'd card P. fiewstee; in lee ; t ,, Jear. neeerthe.ess. to the express reetr.otton thrum, slaughter bonserskin-dresaing estab la.hment. slue soar , candle, or eta-oh mennfa"tnry, or other building for unmet) 000ttpatioa,enuehl at any tune thereetter be put, ereottri, or used on any part ill , . 'hereby granted lot in, roam] ; and subject. alan. to the express restriction that r o Molding or part of a Wining should rir &at time thereafier, be put. erect-a. or used on the said above-described lot of around within fifteea feet mm the line of the said Lana star Turn- Tithe Hoed.. win attend t - the dirleor of app intment on Tn I/ It SD AY. the anti Oat of May. lust, A, D 186.1, at a o'olOck P. M. at n s °Moe, No u 49 South SIX un Street Philadelphia, when and where all persons in t rowed are requemied to present their waives, or be debarred from oJallnit inlo on the said fond. thYllB-10t JOHN P. [MINTON. Auditor. TN THE DLSTRICT CuLJRT IP—R THE IL CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. vflu.tam. DOME, and ELIZABETH, his Wire, vs Win.. CLAYTO I 4 and Charlotte hie Wlte,Cror merly Diver,, and JANE DIVER. June Term,lBsl. N 0.17. • Pur«uant to an order of Court, made in this ease. the writ of • ummone teemed therein is published, viz: Coy and County of Philadelphia , so. The oinsuotivrealth of Pennsylvania to the sheriff of rhiladolphia ootin v tj greeting If William Uiver tlizabeiny his ifs, twice you 'secure of prosecuting their claim, thee we command you that you summon , by good and lawful summoners. ilbam Clayton and charlotte. his Wtfe.•tformerly Charlotte Diver,) and Jane Diver. fate of your noun'-, so that they be and appear before cur Judges at Ph la- Gel° , ia at oar District (*curt for the City and.Couiri of Philadelphia, there to be held the Ist MON AY OF 11114 Nh.:l{ io when, wherefore, whereas they, the said clematidatit and the said detoodanti together and undivided. do hold all that certain met« Imola or t«ne meet and lot orpiece of ground.*ituate in Manayunk, bow den., limite d and deserth.fd as f Sows t beginning at the northwestern corner of a lot "told by the Sheriff o the City and County..of Ptii , adelishia as the property Of William Diver, th.t is, in the line of a street laid out by the tlehttrlltihl Navigation Comps-y. called rower street 06 test 6 inches thorthrreittwardly from monomer of Market and. Tower streets, thence extending along the eastward!. line of Tower street north 37 deg. and 30 16 feet 6 inches to a Corner of a lot sold to Jobe w. Stephuns. thence north 63 deg. 30 min ,east wens said Stephens' line Pa feet Ii inehes to the west erly etas of Albs street, thenoe along the said line of Mils attest south SO des. SO min., east le feet 23.; inches to a corner of the lot sold by the Sheriff as aforesaid. thence along the line of the same 94 feet 23‘ inches to the mace of beginning. with the anger 0113110111. The same defendants partition thereof between them to be mane (according to the laws and customs of this Com monwealth in such case made and prov.ded), do gain say. and the same to be done. do not permit. very justly and against the thens and custom', as those snot, Ad. And have you there the names of neennonent and thin writ. Witnessthe lifonorab'e Geo. Phsynrood. Doctor of Law, President our said Court at Philadelphia. the 95. h day of Marsh. in tbe 7 ear our 1 . 0111 apls-m6t P.A. TR« GO. Pro Froth'''. TRIG ORPHAN - 1' Of ;UHT FOR THE CITY AND cOU !ITVOP P I to. ogL The auditor aptuouted by the Orphans' Court to ark dit, nettle and adjust the first had onto account of W mr.ON is r HR. - drmaistrator of the caste of JANIE NlC.l4ot.s. deceased. and to report dietriontion of the balance In the hands of the accountant. will meet the orlittea ontertood. for the prirposes of his appointment. on T HUBS ....AY. the 234 dor of $t 4 o'clock M., at the WibTHERILL MOUtig, in BABSUM Street, etrovp Meth' ui the et V of Pbitsdet phia. ram I°. ?OTT& Auditor. THE PRA.7 - PMLADELPiHA., MONDAY, MAY 20, 1561. CEPHALIC PILLS SlO K HE A DAC HE. NERVOUS HEADACHE, Er the use al these Fills the periodical attacas mows or Bide He/due/if may be prevented : and if taken at the commencement of an &thank Immediate reli e f from pant and sickness will be obtained. They seldom Dal in removing the Nouns mut Head sets to which females are so subieet. They act gently on the bowels, removing Cettieelitsx. For Literary Mee, Students, Delicate Females, and alt persons of sedentary habits. they are valuable am a Laxative, improving the WOW, Ming tons and 0 4 0 to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elm tioity and strength of the week , grtea . The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long invests_ I &tin and Carefully conducted experiment*, h a yi ng Peen in use many Vault during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the tureens system or from a deranged state of the ate- They are elltirMY 'vegetable in their omnprettlolll sat MaY he talon at all amen TIM perreot safety archon* making any change of diet. sort throe/ems of arm ass erasable tints risdirs is lily le adoitisitur Mom to lark:frau . 4„. ~... ~ ~._. 01W1LIU11 Of '. . Ist . ~. t . , The genuine kayo too signatires of Donn' C. Iloollbl,l on each Box. Bold by Drumm mid all other Dealers in Medicines. A Bon will be sent ei medl palmate on rums or ski .IPRIOE. gAS CENTS. an *rim Uul4 to addresued HENRY 0. SPALDIN4I3. 411 MEDAN Ell Rl. BIF.VP YORE THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OP OEFNALIO FILLS WILL CONTINUE ALL WHO BUFFER !MOH HEADA.OHE, SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN As th.., rutoncmists IWO wisoHe N.l bV Mr. SPAM:, me, Skov aford lexiqusstiosetblit Proof of Ma 1/4/1- 114011 of this truly $64010416 - dist Orem. dissonvir.ns, noun., Feb. 11, INI. Mi. neutral's, enS I have -tried -your rerphalie Pills. sod I Itbs Ana so wen that I want you to *end me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few of the first box I got front you. Send the Pills b 7 matt, and oblige Your ob't torrent. JAMES 112nPIEDY. Ml. lirktanxioN . . Biz • : . I Ind you to well me one more bon4lont Cephalis rzne.ruiwmaimsarfoffiteloomewirmsem, zmwsemoodoili,H mexYArmeimmiomm- Braves Citiont, Evrrrnestos COUNTY. Pu. .e Jemmy IL ma. , t R. O. elrettows. r 410441 .ti: you. will please send me two bozos phriti o Pius. 80111 i them har.othately. " .',,..t0; 9 ,,, , ZeepeotfollY Iours.Jr4O.IISINLONS. P. s.--I ight» rsurnmo4 ens bac of WOW rims, and and seem ingeatent. DELLL Viuttioat, Ohio. Jen. ts. IL 0. SPALDING., melt* _ • Please arid enclosed twenty-core cootie, ter which Head me another box of your Cephalic rilla. They ars trimly iha base Pitts I Mee ever treed. Direct A. STQYBR P. N., Belle Vernon, WW of tto.. 0. EssmaLY, Mem, C.finasmita. Egg. wish for some oireuktis 'or large show bills, to bring your Cephalic Pills more partionlarly before my one tamers. If yen have anything of the kind please send MO, One of my customers. who is subject to severe Siok Headache. (usually lasting two days ? ) ems cured of as attach is mu boar by your Pitts. whioh I sent her. Respectfully yours,. . B. WILKES. RityxoLussolte, FIANXIMI 00. 1 Ohio. / January 9, 18111. aster: O. lisalannt no. 48 Cedar st._. Y Mans brit Inolomid find twenty -aye cent:daft.) for which send box of " Cephalic Pinsk' deed no address of Roy. Wm. G. Fine Soynoldoborg. Franklin Oco. i 9hio. Your Tins Work like a ekarin--coro Herselguile aiotott instanter. Truly your% Will. C. FILLRIt. MI. ISPabbtati. tra Lot Wag Immo I mat to you for a box of Copluttos Pins for the cure co the nervous Headenhe and ituashess. and reoeived the same, and tit* /tad so good se afsit that Imes isdutod to wad for MOM. rear* sand by return mad. Direct to A. 1. 9y_IIILEL, Ymolantt, Misk. Cephalic, of accomp he a da c he ject for which they were made, cut.: Cure ola all foram 11 . 01 , 14. SA. Exalnimier. PMolkl To. They have been tested in more titan a thoniand eases. 'with entire snow's. From Ms Democrat, fit , Cola, iftlet, If you are, or hare been tr_oubled with the headache, send for a, box, Eeephati's l'illej so that you mar have them in ease of as attack. Flom the Adversise , Provident*, R.I. The Cephalic Pitts are 'aid to be a remarkably one tive remedy for the headache. and one of the very best for that very frequent complaint which has ever been discovered. .14. OM the Writers A.A. Gazette, Meer.. RI. we heartily endorse Mr. 9pelding, and his unrivalled Cephalic Pills. -Rom du Howerwha Talley Star, Has . To. WO ere KIM thee persona suffering with the beadaehei Wlio try them, will otiok to them. From tha Sotst4ens Path Radar. New Orkem, La. Try them t you that are aflioted• and We are rare that your testantonl oar be added to the already muserens hat that has received benefit' that na.mher medicine can produce. 11 , om she St, Louis' Deitioerst. The immense demand for the anted. Menials Pills) fe rapidly increasing. _Roos Me Giaiitts, Dmeenroril. jeeps. Mr. Spalding would not oonneol, him AILMO with gr umpho did not /moot to poser reel merit. Nom tAt Advirtiser, Preaidesea, R, I. The teittmcour in their rarer is airman, frost Malt reepootable au/uteri. From rho Deily IYeare. NIIWPOTT. A. I. Cephalic Pill' are taking the place dell kinds. Prim 0:101111147661 Hallo/s, Butes, Mtn, Maid to be very ellosoioni for the herdeohe. Cammmeial, Diadem**. °Ma. taffering humanity oan now he reheYeit. P A Single bottle et SPARDLNCPS PREPARED GLAIR *ill jive tee Caw noir east ensegelly."llel SPALDIMPS rasrARED GLUZ I BI"ALDING'S rusraizro GUNK SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I ECONOMY: DISPATCH' sr" A STUNG IN Timm 6 aysa NMI." As tooldents Will happen, wren in To:di-revalued ismitiels, it ie Ten' destryiblo to 68TO .01168 cheap and convenient way for repairing Purnirare. Tote, Crooke &O * SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE a~eeta at ouch omPrielsoles, and no household etie afford to do 'without it. It is always reedy. and up to the sticking Point. •• USEPVI. 111 /MAY nQveic.' B. B.—A Brash accompanies each bottle. Price,* oenug. Address. HENRY O. SPALDING', MO. 49 CEDAR. MERV. NEW YORIL At certain ttnonnoipled persons are tatomplint tO palm off on the: nnewseeotlng rinbtia, imitate:Om cif ins PREPARED GLIM, I wcnild cannon all pommy to az aortae before porohnsing, and wee that the roll name* PREPAJLED 6.141TE.11111.- . . as Wan 'lranian $ll 411M1 jiLIIDIVINA.L. MI Able &LPN 01' H EADAOI-LE I SPALDING'S THAT A THEIR REA.OII. liavaimosn, Pa., Feb. 6,1811. Yren.Arnri, Mex., Jan. 11. 1811. BAVIC THE przoira CAUTION. 11181111ANCR coatrAmias. THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANON COMPANY, Op romons,,Ari kt OFFICL No. 305 WALNUT BIRRIST Ynsuras agatnot LOB 5 OR DAMAGE 131 t FAB. on Houses, Stores, and other buildings. limited or =Utak and on In_rytiture. , Warm and Mer ohandloe. m town or isometry. CASH CAPITAL,IIIO,IIO M—ABBETS 111117.142 01. Which is invested as follows, In first mortgages on city property. worth double Ma amount..;. vow op Pennsylvania Rattroad Co.'. 6 per oent. fain mortgage loath at LOW 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent, It pond mortgage Wadi cp s o,ooo:—. 17,1110 00 Huntingdon and Broad op Railroad and Canal Co. , s mortgage 10an,.._.....__.. .copo p o Ground rent, first-a1a5.. : ..... -- 1,46160 Collateral loan., well seoured--. 2,500 Ott City of Philedelphia 6 per cent. loenr., 60,000 00 Allegheny County aut per cent. Pa . RR. loan. 10,000 00 mmerplal t 0,110 0/ ocag i ums , auk Moak— 1,81160 Pennsylvania Railroad On.'s 5t00k...*4,003 00 The Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.'s stook 16,960'00 The County Piro Insurance Co.'s stook_ 1,050 00 he Delaware M. 6. Insurance Co.', stook— 1130 00 The Mutual Insurance Co.'s imo 00 ills receivable.— -. 14.102 74 Book accounts. scorned interest. lte__—.. 1.104 65 Cash on hand--. 11,644 64 6317,149 81 The Mutual principle, combined with the security of aBtook Capital, entalea the insitred to partlmpate in the prodsr of Inc Company. without liability for tosses. Loma promptly adjusted and paid. manosons: Clem Tinsley Samuel Mishima. Williamim,_ r rilomplion. Robert Steen, Frederick Brown, William Musser, William Stevenson. Benj. W. Tingley, John R. Worrell, Marshall Bill, 11. L. Carson, J. Johnson Brown, l in Robert Toland, Charles Leland. B. B. Rosevjsrtem. Jacob T. Bunting. Charles O. ood, Smith Bowen James S. Woodwardt John Bissell, l'ittsburg. CLB TINGLEY, resident. B. M. HINCHMAN, Secretary. February 141.1861. . fell THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHIT•AT)RLPIRA.. .:: , (FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) SOMPILNYM BUILDING, S. W. MANNA YOplzrz AND WALNUT' STSESTS. DLEECTORMI: &RATCHFORD &nix. MOItAZCAI L. DAWSON, wmat.tx RAcßuz, ago. H. FITINULT. L„I ammo tuAza,sz, _ ~ , ;paw% Butrwn. 011111 M . ATWOOD, - M. A. FANNESVOCL. N/. T. TILEDICX, ANDSAW D. MEI, SRI WHASION, J. k HAnniark. F. RATCHFORD /STARR, Freiman 011AabEe W:COX.E. Bearetw. DOI PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY,No. 991 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. CHA N. TER P tiPETU AL. ALL rim PROFITS - DIVIDND AMONG TEN IN SURED. Insure Lives for short terms or for the whole term of Yife ; grant Annuities and Endowments; purchase Life Interest. in keel Estate, and make all °entrants de- Theyg on t thae E n ep gen eAom lnfe trators, Assignees. Trustee!, and Guardians. _ , esszTO OF TSB COMPANY, AnYhmoT I,llo.l.6Mortgages, ground rents , real estate ..:_.. .sl23,sui P 7 United stamp stooks. Treasury notes, loans of State of Pennsylvania, city of .Plula delphia, ..... . 7118.70 Premium netee,koane on c011atera1.,29704 a8 Pennsylvania. North - Pennsylvania Rill l- roads. and County tug per 46111 L bonds_ IMAM M Bank, insurance, railroad. canal stooks. Ac. VW 48 Cash on hand, agents' balances, .to., eto. MAIM 14 .101' 18 OS JIANIEL-L. MILLER, President, SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vine President. JOHN W. NOR NOR. Searetary. nilat-tf DELAWARE MUTUAL •SAFETY IN. lIITRANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. Ineorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, ISM, Mee 5. E. earner of TBIRD and WALNWT streele. PHII;ADELPHI4. MARINE INSTRANOT, on Veesebt.l Cart* To &Irvin of the Wend neural, T On footle by 'Riven. LAM n aiglr, Lalo?e, eat fiend Oar sevoikoEektinritreßolittsAnion. On Mershandtes generally. On Storm, Ditelliin Rotuma. Zce. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 1,1860. 101004610 United States five fr oent. 10an—,4100,1100-00 116,000 Witted States eta Cent. Tremont? Notes,. (with Roomed triterost ) _ ULM 04 100,000 Penneylvama State ftre >b Mn - nom cm 11,000 do. do. six do. do. 11,00 00 IMMO Philadelphia City silf cent. Loan. 135,203 37 00,000 Taormina State five oent. 10an... 24,000 00 MAW Peonsylvatim Rialto 2d mortgage sin M' cent. boob* 00 10,000 300 shame, stook liermentown OM Company. nearest and principal guarantaed by the City of Phila delphia LIMO 10 3,000 100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company-- 3,900 00 SAO 100 shares North renraylYsx7ii.itall smut Comskany_-, I,XO 00 shares Philadelphia Ite Bat and liteam Tug Company.-- 1,200 00 MO 11 shares Philadelphia and Barre de- Cratie Stearn Tow-boat Company. 350 00 900 7 shomp an ares Philadelphia Embalms Cy-- 1,000 shares Continental Hotel Co.- 4186,700 par. Cost $547,333.34. Market va15664,356 71 Bills receivable. for insurances made --. 171.3811 42 Bondi and mortgages._._. 34lloo 00 Real estate— MAO Ss Balances due at Agenoies—Premiums on Ma rine Polimes. interest. and other debts due the Company---. - • 01,3% Oi Ban, and stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies 1,631 50 Rank an kand—ht benks —.1110,4711 141 . in iirsarsr—.— 432 001 0,103 11 $304,90711 emr E. atone", DIXECTOILL ktiu A. Bottler, illim Martin r,.._ r Paulding eggy Ve it". 0 ann, , AdWrif l 2. l Kka a t N. Jona Droolgt §jiwenoer At'llvnns, Thomas C. Rand, Robert Burton, itioob P. Jives, Jam en B. AtWarland. Imbue, P. Eire, john B. Bernpie, Pitlsb'r, D. 7. Morgan, A. B. Snor t M MARTEN, r_reAndent. F. RAND, Vies yrediderd, °rotary. norr-ti 44 . ir . 6 . romps°. INohCL m Xy re, Jr. INtand, yr' a. Luswir 4Mileh twai. Murto, ilsorire e. Leiper t anf kar I. WILLIA TEL IENAY LYLIIIIRN°I3..3?; FillE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVEL-L— -'HE PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE CaliPANY—lnoo_nporated SUB--CHARTER PIMPS TUAL—No. 0 WALNUT street, opposite Independ ence Square. This Company, favorably known to the oornmunity for thirt7-six years, continues to insure against loss or damage by Fire. onnb4o or przvaie 13uildinee, either permanently or for %l n imited time, Also. on Furniture, ...took. aoods or Merehandine generally, on liberal Their Capital. together with a large Barrio' Fund. is invested in the most oarefel manner. winch enables them to offer to the insured as undoubted aeonrity in the own of loss. DIRICTORS. Jonathan Patterson. Isaac Hasietairst. rilutin Camebeli, Thomas Robins, lezander Benson. Daniel Smith, Jr., liam Montetins. John Severer's.. Thomas Smith. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. BIATON SMITB, 800115t417. 4114-11 TN SU RANCE COMP ANY OF THE STATE OF TENNYLVANIA—FIRZ_AND MA RINE INIDIAANCE --Nos. 4 AND I EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. jigstired in 1114—Capital 11110001a—reb. 2, 1860. win All X 4.18,792 77. All invested in wand and available seeanbes—eon- Guise So insure on Vessels and Cargoes. Buildings, stooks of Kerahmidaseat liberal terra,. ANCTORI I. DI pleD. eherrerd, George X. &mart. n Toby, Barnard Grant. Jr., ars Macudestsr. Tobias Warner. William S. !Smi th , Ithonias B. Wattaau, .lalw B. Badd_. Muir, G. Freesias*. Wthisig X. Witte, Charles B. Lewis. George C. ca_roon. IiENRY 1:14 EIBERXEID, Ptasidanpp WEbi/Ard HAILEBIL ilearetarT. 16111-ir rieINSURANOE. - MEOHANICIS' URANCE COMPANY" of Philadelphia No. 1315 North SIXTH Street, below Race. insure Build ings, Gloods,and Merchandise generally from loss or damage by Fire. The COMMIT guszantee to %Owe all losses promptly, and thereby hope to merit the Pota to of the enhlie. 1111 - 2Xerells. WUBarn Morgan, Robert Pianism, flans', Carper, Michael kloY, Sleorge L. Dougherty. Edward leloOorrent, James Marna, Thome B. IsloConniek, Jame Duress Joan Bromley, raw Meileer, Lranoir Fall/, fraud Rafferty, ... oku Buoa u dy, mks J. Ilemphill, inard R. Ruleesuuir Thomas Fisher, Charles Clare, Fromm McManus, Michael Cahill. FRANCIS COOPER, _President. BRIM RD ZAFFERTY. eleoretary. oca-ly A MERIOAN FIRE' INSURANCE 00., rik- PETUAL INCORPORATED MO CHARTER .P.SA- No. 310 WALNUT Street above Third, Philadelphia, Ewing_ e large paid-up Conitsl Stook . and Surplus, Invested m mound end how lablo.Seenritiee r .oonUnnes to blows on Dwellings, Stores. rurniture, merebandiee, Vessels in port and thew oanroeo, and other personal property. Al 1 Loeses liberally and promptly adjusted, DInICTQIIS. Thee.M !kris, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, James R. Camebell, Samuel Q. 1110rk64 Edmund G. Dutilh, Yannok Brady, alias. W. Poultuei. Morns. THO±VIAte MAIM President, AL/WIT C. B. CRAW° RD. Beeretarv. re -t } A NTHRACTTE INSURANCE 45 ' 1:MES- A-re. 1-Antkortzed Oapital OdOeVlS—DiLUtllki ?MVP VAL. °Roe o. ell WALNVT Street, between Third and Fourth Street, Phliadelebia. tea M .ny wilt i3untro wiptimil low or ternage by ilenle.FlDUtitte, and Mordant= caw Al 4, Napa' a laminuma iia Ifeesele, carane• wwW Frentbte. inland Inceien_se to au aorta er Vie ram. DDItzwORD LLeFaker, Atm& tdaxlield. . Latker. John Ketabwm. via ream& brin..F. Dean. . jar 4P1:11:44. LIMB 1 .1 15 ° ‘ ILE 2 .. B.L .." 13 ::::::. WM. F.DEAN, Wise Preeideat. ale-at W. lit. snug, VICOII/INGE INSURANCE COMPANY -.- - A --0111oe No. 409 WALNUT Street. FIRE ISSURAfICE on Houma and Morehead's& genemllf, OA favorable terms, ei th er limited or war- Dottrel, D/REOTORS; t o eFrmian Bonsai!, Thomas Marsh, Q . Oinnodo, Oblides Thomyerin• wardD R Roberts , hones T. Bale, . Samuel L. Smedley. Joshua T. Owen, Airuben 0, Bale John J. Griffith& JBEF:Maji Bortseli, President, JOHN Q. Garttrono, Vox Frerudent. Strosevin Cow. Secretary. iala CIAUTEO .—AII persons are hereby eau ttoned against negotiating a certain note, drawn by W. F. RE , NOLO.. & twenty five Auadred DI:4M dated out or about the 22d o October. IMO. my opic, 13 monthe atter date, to rho o - der of W. F. Rey nolds, at breael & Co. e. rbiiad,-.lbbia, and endorsed by him. bald note was given to the Bank of Comments. Brie. Penna.. and Its payment will be resisted. the drawers thereof-haying a. legal dateline to the same. W. F. REYPIOL.D3 & MILLEPOINT . E. Hay 10. 12181. mylft-St OTIt B.—The Uitizenn of the different Cities and Towns throughout the State are invited for the plume at which the next An- NULL ISTATR FAJR shall be held. Proposals containing induoeinents and advantages, directed to ttie undersigned Committee, appointed by the E x . motive Committee. will be received up to and ::3 1 . eluding Mal.Plst next. rommum be mitions should dream 10 either of the following moons: WM. _GOLD E , JOHN P. KOWHERFORD, JADOB.MISH, JOHN H. ZIEGLER, AMOS E. KAPP Rarristmig, Fe. Northumberland, Pea, Oeteeritie4 - u/f.dtuiHl &lux MANUFACTORY,. all RIM STREET. Files and neaps of every description, and good quality. made to order. at the above establishment. WROLEI3ALE and RETAIL. a t okaoutaotureee leoutnns don, In a thtberior leeener. to attellit. HAVANA OIGA RS—A large and aplen, a. dui sesortment of all sizes eked easilties. in stele and Int awls very low for rash by CHARLES TRTF, 120 WALNUT Street ARD.---126 tierces extra Leaf Laid, for 1 -di by wags. # co. ! 103 *km ateNb 0111.41. itAILSOAD LIMNS. PHILADELPHIA. ICSAMEA D READING RAJLIROAD. tacc.b. , .o K ISLA INS for PoTT , ViLLE. R FAD 1W and HARlt lßowie, no and after May 20 . 1861. MORNING LID nll, DAILY. (sunders exoepted..)_ Leave New Depot, ,-olner of BI1041) end CALLOw HILL, Street!, PHILADELPHIA, (Pairenger en trance" on Thirteenth and on Ceilnerhill sitrifsile,) at 8 A. M eennecoinsat Earrisbllta with the P ANN SY' , varf , A R •IlLanefl 1 M. train. miming to Pitts burg; this cunt REIMAN D VALLEY 1 06 P.M. train Charm robots, Carlisle, An,and the N Yil trAlffh t . r iN P.12T61 AL RAILROAD IP, M. train bo_q. O. save N t e S w il D n e A p P ot r ri E ri•n N e ° r ° o ri f ariZtand CALLOW - - DILL Streets. PHIL A.EIit;LPI I I A, ( Ynallonger en trances on • hirteenth and on Callowhill streets., for Po rr . VILLK end HARRISBURG. at 311 P. M.. DAILY. oonneating at lisirrisburs with the Northern Central Rglirnad. for &mom. Williameport, ice.; for RE AD iN G only, at 6 Y. M.. LAI LiY, Mindere excepted.) Dlfil TAMES VIA PHILADELPHIA AND READ ING RAILROAD. FROM PHILADELPHIA, Miles, To Phmniuyille 28 Readin5............. 08 Thilefelyhis and Reeding Lebanon..." .. 86f and Lebanon ValloY 3.11. 1 2 Dm chin millersburg ........142 Treverton Janotion Rantoul,' ~..169, Northumberland— Xi' ' Lewisburg 178 Milton JvharoT .—• 147 W. liesmspnrt. Zug - Jeremy 0b0re........223 Loeb Haven Ralston ..............238 l ' Troy --.261p Williamsport and Elmira bail:road. The 8 A. M. - train eoLneet. dollly_ at Port Clinton, C o l L o l n n ial d a e l ma x tir : P et iltiii thh St 2s iE h ti ß t i h t iV a ltielD7 . Cevada~ the West and mouthw th est. DEPOP L „ PHILADELPHIA: Corner of BROAD and CALLownitd. streets. W. H. MoiLFIENNEY, Sioretarr. May ni.„ mt. inrto-tf ANINSIPME. EitthibMR ARRANGE. R ENT. LADRLPHIA.. ORR Al AnTO WPI S AND aORTtIaTOWN RAILROAD. On and after Monday Mai IS 1861. FOR GißgAltitOWN. Leave Phtlasteiehiii.. 6.7, 8, 9,14), 11,11 A. M., 1, 2,3 185, 4, 6 . 6, 634,7, 8,9, 10 .34, and P. M. Leave Oerreantmrn, 67, 74. 3, 29,9, 10, n, is A.M. 1, 2,3, 4 6,6, 6.14, 7M, 8. 9,WX. P, M. - The 820 A.M. and 3.36 P. M. Trains atop at German town ON POND A.YB. Leave Philadelphia, 9.05 A. M., 2%. Ma, 734, and 1034 P. M. .. Leave Germantown ,_B.lO A M. 1.4. 6%. and 9% P. M. 011.G8TN UT ILLY. RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, 6. S. 10. 12 A. M.,2, 3.38, 4,6, S. 0, and 10% P M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 710 11, 8.49, 9.10,11.40 A M.,L49, 336, 8.40 , 7.10. 8.40. and The BA. M. and 3.35 P. . will make no dope on the Germantown road. ON BMX/EIS. Leave Philadelphia. 9.05 A. M.. 3%. O. and 7'35 P. M. PLeave Chement Ril, 7.60 A. M., .18 40, 610. and 910 . FOR CONBROHOOICEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia. LBO, 7%, 9.06. 11.05 A. 10.3.02, 3.06 4%. 6%. 8. and 1.116 P. M. • Leave Norristown, it, 7, 8.t6, 9,11 A. M.. 134, 4X.8%, and 934 P. M. oN SUNDAY& • Leave Philadelphia, 9 A; 3 and 5 p, AL Leave Nornetown.7Mn. Mul. and G P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave. Philadelphia, 340. 7%. 9.06, . 11.06 A. M., 766,,4%, 64%8. and 11% P. M. leave Manayank,ll36.7.%, 835, 933.11% A. M., 2,3%, 6, 7. and 10 P. M. SUND AYPS. Leave Philadelphia 9 a. M.. 3 6. and 7X. P. M. Leave Manayunk, 7% g A. M. DC 5%. and P. M. • it. K. Shit 1. Gentml Superintendent. myll-tf Depot, N.124'1 and GK EE Streets. PENNSYLVANIA. CENTRAL RAILROAD_, _ 260 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. _ 1861. _.~. °• ---- THE CAPACITIOF IN ROA& IS NOW EQUAL TO ANY IN TIE COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINB BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA .AND PITTeBUDO. Connoting direct at Philadelphia with Throat% Train. from Boston. New York. and allpottits E.M. and in the Woon Depot at Pittelmfg wiltti Through Trains to and from au poiuts the West, ttorthweet arid Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by enr other route. _ Express end Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, without ohange of Care or Conductors. All Through reaseuger Trams provided with Loughridge'e Patent Brake—rpeed under perfect control of the engineer, thin *dein:grin:eh to the safety of travellers. Smoking Pare are attached to each Train ; Wood rutri Sleeping Cara to Payrolls and Feat Trains. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail end Fast Lines, Sun ders excepted • Mail Train leaves Phibyielphie at 7.30 A. M. in Fast Le '* ' 11.0 A. M. Ktpreu Train leaves 10.15 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Harrisburg Accommodation, via Wlumbia,llo P. M. Columbia 4.01 P. M . Parlreeburg " at 5.40 . West Chester " No /. at 8.16 A. M No 2atl2 20 P. M.M Weal Chester Passenteni win take the Weal Chester Nos.l and 2 and Columbia Train.. Peurscusers for Suribuly, Willlamsimrts Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, and intemiesiate points, leaving IPhiladelphie at 7.50 A. M. and 130 P. M., go directly through. Tudrete Westward may be obtained at the offices of the Company in Philadelphia New York, Borton, or Baltimore ,• and Tn.:ltem Beet:Ward at any of the impor tant Railroad Offices in the 'West also on board aof the regular Line of Steamers on the hinteieinpipi or Ohio rivers sir Fare always ea low, and time aa ;mink, as by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion. Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market atreata. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago, make this the DIRECT LINE BE r W REP/ THE EAST AND THE GREAT WEST. The Connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, 'avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantages readi ly' appreciated by Shipper! of Freight, and the Travel ling ninth,. Merchano and Shippers entrusting the tranaports tion of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confidant's ou its speedy transit. THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point in tne West be the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all times -as favorable as are charged by other ,Railroad Companies. • 1W Ha particular to mark packages "via Pennsyl vania Rattroad.” For Freight Contraotg or Shipping Directions, apply to. or address Wilier, of the following Agents of the vestment - = D. A. Stewart, Pittsburg H. S. & Co. Zanesville. O. I. J, Johnson. RIP- Mr, 0.; R. McNeel . y, Maysville, Ky,_; Ormsby & crop per, Portsmouth, O.; Peddook & co— Jeffersonville. Indiana • H. W. kirown & Co., Cincinnati, O. • Mourn hiffibeit._C', 11. 0. 0. frlettnattL, o 4lolll6oll, • J oe. E. Moore. Louisville, Kr. ;P.O. & Co., Evansville. Ind.; N. W. Graham & Co.. Cairo. ;_lti F. Sass, Slider & Glass, St. Louis. Mo.; John H. Harris, Nashville, Tenn. ; Hams & Hunt, Mem phis, '1 enn. ; Clarke 0., Chicago, ; W. H. H. IC.oonts. Alton. Mi., or to might Agents of Railroads at different points in the West. S. B. KJ AG/STUN, Jr Philadelphia. MAGRAW & KOONS. , 80 North. streetHaltimore. LER CH & Co.. 1 Astor House. or 1 S. Witham at., N.Y EE .H & CO.. No 77 State street. Boston. H. H. HOU/MOH. Oval Freight Agent, Phila. L. L. HOUPT, trien't Alt o onant. Phila. E. LEWIS. Gann align Pa. Jek-ir 1861. 1861. SPRING ARRANGEMENT.- EW YORK LIMB. HECAMDEN AND A Y _AND FILILA DEI.FRLA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00. 7 6 Al/NES FROM FaLLADELFRIA TO NEW YORK AND WAY PLACES. 711.011 W L LL F LAA V W E A X IS ' FOL L OWS PITSO.N MOT fill. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodations 2 28 At A. M., via Camden mid Jersey Crty, (N. J., Accommodation , 2 26 At 8 A. l— M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mai. 3 00 At W 4 A. Jid, Ina * Kensington and Jamey City, Western Fainrealt...,.., ...._.._ _.._ _ dO6 At 2I P 5 F. 21., via Camden and Amboy AMomme dation-- 2 25 At! P. M . via Caden and Amm . DOY, C. and A. Ex ress— 3 00 At pi P. Morrares , Remington and Jersey City, El/O ran Kensington At Ix P. re., via Kensington and Jersey City, Id 300 Class Ticket 2 SS At 6 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City. Prenins Mall— . 3 00 At 11.. R P. M., via Camden and Jersey City. lknath em Mail,.__. 3 25 At I P. M., via Camden and Ammer, Ai:Klemm:lda hon. (Freight and Passengerst Class Ticket— 2 26 Do. do. ad_ Class Tiaket.. 3 60 The 6P M Mail Line rms dally. The MXP NL, &Ma a F ric Mail, eatlirday• excepted. For Belvidere Beaton, Iminbertnile, Flemington, at 7.10 51: and 4)5 P. M. from Kensington. For Water Cap....Skin:lt/Mg, Reranton, Wilke:466llM Montrose, Nrsat Dend, ke.,7.10 JIM. from Kensington, via Delaware. Lackawanna and Westem R. R. For Manoh Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem m 7.10 and 1M P. M. from Kensinnton.DaDat • (the 710 A. M, line connects with train 161111 , 111 g Easton at 3.66 P. M.) For Mount Holly. ate and A. Si., Sand 431 P. M. For Freehold. at M.. and and P L . M. WAY FAr Bristol. Trenton, Me.. at 7.18 A. Pj.. 431 and OX P. M. from Keduangtom and 3131 N. from Walnut ettoot wharf. For Palmyra, Jtivertom Delano*, Parerl7. Purling tea Florebee, Bordeutown. ros., at lilt. 2. 0, 413 i, sag o P. Steamboat Trenton, for_Vordentown and intermediate 031 P. M. from walnut-street wharf. ,Fir For Now York and Way lanai leaving' Kefutinutou J take the oars s on Fifth street, above Wawa. air an hom before departure'. The .ea ran into the dekt i t ai n ise ld on &rival of each traillilan from the depot. Pound. of BadossA . .ooly j onourodoish reams- F ri. atom are orpounted trom taking . waling as [gate but their woman! apparel. All bag' over Pounds to be paid for extra. Th. Company limit the r respotunbibty for baggage to One Dollarper poima. and will not bo liable for any amount beyond Slip, es. eer n fl medal sentrast. 'Km. Y. *AWS/11111. ',trout. N. 02. T H PIIENNSYL. WA ' , ilk RAILROAD Fon nkraixnErit, Doman - row - I , c, m A Ticm CHUNK., BAZLRTON. EASTON, ECKLET, WILKESBAR RE, 'tee. TUKi TRIMUffil 'CRAIN& On and after FRO N T Y. WILLO W . Passenger Maine will leave and Streets, Flula delsho., daily, (Sunday, excepted), as follows At 6.40 A. M. _( Exoreete)for Bethlehem. Allentown. Itch Chnuk..Hazleton, Wilkesbarre, t SAS P. M., (Ewen 1, for Bethlehem, itatton, is train reaches Easton ate P.M.,. and males close eonnection with Meer Jerse Central for New York. At LIB P. M., for Beth l ehem, Allentown, Mend Olotelk. mss. At II A. M. and 4 P. M. for Doilesaron. At 10.00 A. M. and 1.40 P. M., non Fort Walkerton. The OA A. M. hapress train makes close 001111.30110E1 with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem. being the shortest and most clearable route to Wilkeisberrs, and to all ooinM un FORhh coal region. TRAINS PHILADEL PHU,. laMe. Bethlehem M CIO A. 111., L/8 A, Pl,, Kul 8.321 P M. re Doylestown at 7.20 A. M. and 41 1 5 P. M. ye Fort Washington at en) 46 AL nd 130 P. Id. IMAM YlL—Pluldelphia for Bethlehem at S 1. Ihiladelphia foroylestown ate P. M. • viestown toLPhilisdelplda at GAO A. m. thlshem for rhiladelpme at a r. M. Fare to nettOoliona...lll DO I Pere col:dem% SO Fare to Easton -- I 00 Pare to Wilkegbarro— 4eo Through Tioketa must. be moved at the Ticket hwa, at WILLOW Street, or BERES /Street, In order to seam the above rate, of fare. All Passenger Trains (meant Sunday Trains) connect at Berks Street with Fifth mad Oath-streinte, and Second en g Third - stregni,assenrer Railroader Moog nuenten Amer leaving Willow Street. . ELLIS CLARK. Agent. is it io ns 4 SPRING A.RRANUE WILIMIROTON D Breaw.gitietusi.A , rapakeitrdwr,DEAAYvitP,thiiiDrAnA t or DaltiMOre At 8.1/1 11.311 A. As (marrow. /Imo 16.30 P.M. For Chanter et 11.16 A. M., 11.30 A. M., 4.11 end 10.10 F. M. For Wilmington at LIN A. M.. 1134 A. M.. 4.11 arid 1010 P. NI. For New Castle at oi4 A. M. and 0.11 F.M. Eor Dover at &Is A. M. and 4.11 P. M. of Milford at &LI A. M. Per Batimbury 0.11 A. M. I . ItAIN6 FOR PRILA ULPRLA leave Baltimore at 8.11 A. M. (Express), 0.48 A. M., and 4.44 P. M. Leave Wilmington at OA and 111.10 A. M.. I.M and P. M. Leave Salisbury at 1.40 P. M. Leave Milford at 4 P. M. Leave_Dover at, it.S4 A. M. ...a ale P.M. Leave ?UM Cutler at fila A. M., 7.X P. M. leave Chester at 7.40 A. M.. 0 40. 1.47 and 8.40 P.M. Leave Baltimore for Sadebury and. Delaware Rail road at 615 A. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE: Leave Chester at ILIA A.M.. 114 and 11.70 P.M. Leave Wilmington at IP .81 A. M., 11.38 P. M., and 18 A. M. ipipmisignr TRAIN, with Passenger Oar attashed, will run as follows leave Philadelphia for Perrrvilhi. and Intermediate places at 0.00 P.m. Leave Wilmington for Perryville and intermediate places &ILI' Pp 01. Leave Wilminittli for Philadelphia and interme diate pisoe• at IP. . Leave Rage -de- raoe for Baltimore and intermedi ate stations as 0 A. Rt. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Oraoe and intermedi ate stations at 6 P. M. ON BIINDABN Commencing (Sunday. May ID. MIL until farther ne ea, T 0 l'ighir4B al I inn on tiundaye, Leaving Phllade.phle foLE44l , inlo•o Man Washington t/IMa. M. and /OM P, /12 ago Leaving Baltimore Air Philadelphia rig 9.0 A. M. and CI Y. M. aol7 8. X. FELTON. President. COTTON SAIL DUCK and CANVAS, "11l aolflberi and brands. Reo...n if vuolvairoing vein. of all deaoriptloor, for Trill: stirmnstle r rittririft ont 1 to 8 feet wid"ren I D Sfii s . 6 5 34 Nufif • . . ! Ida FURNESS, BRINLEY, N o . elm MARIE'S ITTIRES novo z.—T W ednesda y ok of Caney roods, to be sold to morrow and morning, is no° , "'armed for examination, awl cusmstoguee roads. to which the attention of purehalere eoitoited. Peremptory_ wale for cash ti LARGE 8 coOK ul? FANCY IS 6 OOHL At the stem formerly mantled by MESSRS- nt:HAFFER k ROGERTS, NO. gun at AItRET 11TRENT, On Titesday and liVedtiesdav Mornings May 21 and 22, commencing at 10 Chalon emit dart cons sting of Wool shirts and drawers. cotton and Wool hoillerg. gloves, gauntlets, patent thread, spool cotton. stay bind ings, silk handkerchiefs. suspenders. steel-storing 11001 10 skirts. merino wool costar go:d Jewelry, combs, brushes, hook and kakis muse sortnionnates. Docket books, caper, envelopes, buttons. gaiters, fans, pipes. pipe stems, wards, pins, hooka MK eyes. pistols. percussion caps. baskets. soap, Cologne water. perfumery, and a great variety of fancy Pods. Also, large size lewelry thief-proof safe. 4 large size show oases. 6 lae size German silver-mounted show oases. N. 11—Goods will be open for examination on Mon day morning. May 20, with oatalosties. Morthstrn CentralWOLßE Railroad. d - 1 J. RT CO. Alia • 519 ARCH STREET. runhury and Elio R. R F. PAM-VAST. It CAYELON HEX, bug- IMe *mos to B. Neat. Jr.. 421 CHESTNUT St. SHERIFF'S UtI.S. On Mannar Morntea• May 24.1861, at 10 o'olock— Balance of a repair of groceries and the lease of pre mums corner of Seventh and Pine. LAID P.. RALE OF RICH RICHLY-FRAMI.II OIL PAINT. INGS, FRhNOB-P t..A I MIRRORS. Itc. On Tuesday Morning. May 21, commencing at 10 o'clock. Included will be found Amenean and foreign land scapes, interior. exterior marine ann coast views, fancy sketches, paintiege ender Klan, Sco. MIRRORS. Alec. heavy French plate, framed mantle, pier, and oval mirrors. STEREOSCOPIC PICTURES. leo, SOO dozen atereogoopte pictures. fine boxes, gto. PIANO—BY ORDolt OF BO BRIPF. Also. stlo o'olook. on Tuesday morning, one piano, by order of sheriff. puiLIP FORD t 00., AUOTIONERRS, A- No. 430 MARKET +Street and Mil MINOR Rt. LARGE POSITIVE SALE OR 1.000 CASES BOOTS. al/OEB, AND /111.00ANIS, On Thursday fderseng• May 23, at 10 o'clock preoiselg, will be mold, by cata logue- -4000 oases men's, boys' and yeah,' calf. kio. and grain boots, calf and Sift brogans, Congress gaiter.. Oxford ties, &o.; women a, mimosa', and ohildren's calf,. kip, goat, maracas and kid keeled boots aed shoes, graters. ellooole, busgins, so 4 also, a large aridd desirable ea toviment ofcatpmede goods, W Goods open for examination, with aatalognes, eony on the morning of sale. FITZPATRICK & BROS., •ACC 4, ItIONZEIS, 604 SHEBTEIIII ars et. above Sue. nAbEn hiVBAY JS At I Woloak, of Books , stationery and lonely geode, watches!. Jewelry, plaits, silver plated ware, sutlers, esiotinal. m ums' matrriementa, .to. _ Also, glaziery, dry goodie, boots and shoes, and neer etuandese of every deaorisOaen. DAY BAEE B every Monday. Wednesday. an d Fri day at to deloek A. M. PRIVATE RALF'. At private sale several large 0013ffifnmenbi of watellaw, Lon e y soots". books, stationery, silver. plated ware, oniony, Loney soots". to. To which is aolloited the attention el usr and 0 00 ntrr merchants and others. _ =moments so li cited of all kinds of aterahandheo for either public, or private sales. Wir Liberal earth advances made on oemeanmonlee Oat-door sales promptly attended to. 1861. B ROWN'S RiSENOE OF JAMAICA GINGER.—FREDERICK RHOWN. Cherhist and Druggist. northeast corner of Chestnut and Fifth Ste. Philattelnhia. sole manufaoturer of Brown's f.ssenoe of Jamaica Ginger. which IN recognised and prescribed by the medioalfsoul,yoted has become the standard family msdioine of the United Sta - es. This Essence lea prep ration of unusual excellence. In ordinary diarrhons. moipient cholera, in short, in all cases of prost.atton of the digestive functions. it Is of inestimable value. Daring the prevalence of epidemic cholera and enmrner complaints of obildren. it is pecu liarly efficacious; no family, individual, or traveller should be without it. NOTICE.—To prevent this valuable Essence from being counterfeited. a new steel engraving, executed at a great wet, will be found on the outside of the wrap per, in order to guard the purchaser against being im posed upon by wortaless imitations.-IflB. Prepare.] only by FR EDE RICK littoWN, and for sale at his Drug and Chemical Rare. N. E. earner of Fifth and Chestnut streets. Philadelphia. and at FRE DERICK BKOR N, A.'s, Drug and Chemical &ore. 8. E. corner of Ninth and Chestnut streets, •• Conti• nental" Hotel. Philadelphia. Also for sale by all re spectistile Ornerier. ,n the IlnitM Abate. myelin, WEEKLY COMMUNICATION BY STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AN I ERPOOL, calling at QUEENSTOWN (Ire lani,l to land end embark passenge and deaparehes. The_ Liverpool. New York. and Philadelphia Steam ship Company's splendid Cly,ge- built iron sorest steam ships, are lair to YORK PROM ,W FOR LIVERPOOL,. CITY OF BA MORE. Ratty day. May IS KANGAROO. Saturday. May 25 ETNA. Saturday, June 1 And every Saturday throughout the year. from P.k.R. No. 44 N. R. RATES OF PASSAGE _ THROUGH FROM PHILADXLP)II.4. Cabin, to Queenstown, or Livorno° _ vs Do. to London, via Liverpool_.....,_ so Ste to Queenstown, or Liverpool 30 Do. to London.. Do. Return Siiin - 071117 - s, from Liverpool.. _ Mee Passengers forwarded to Harm; Pans, Hamburg, Branton, and Antwerp, at through totem. Cealflostes of passage issued from Liverpool to New York.—. _ cm-awes of passage iasuirifiOin i;iturirrustown New York— .. Theee steamers have 111191DIJOI 11.000M1310a6tIODI lor passengers, are oonstruoted with watertight compart ments, and °arty experumnol bUTIC.3OIIIE For froight, or piteskse L appi at the onioe of the Corn- Pany. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 111 Walnut sores_ ,t Philadelphia. In Liverpool. to WM. INHuild inMAN. gs., wer_ In Glasgow . to WM. To INMAN, 13 Dixon street. H li t* TDB BEITINU N AND - ORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL &TEAM THOM EtZW TON TO LITBRIPOOL. .. Chief Cabin Passage —l,lBo Second Cabin Passage....._. ._.... 78 ITY10)11 BOSTON TO LIMPOOL. Chief Cabin Passage— 8110 Second Cabin Yeas e____. - GO ig The ships from New York call at Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston call at Bahian and Cork Har bor. PERSIA, Capt J ndkins. I AFRICA, Cast. Shannon. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. CANADA, Capt. Anderson. ASIA Capt. E. G. Lott. AMERICA, Capt. McAuley ACBIRALABIAIy, NIAGARA Cast Moodie. Capt. E. M. nookley. EUROPA, Capt. J. Cook. SCOTIA. 4 now bulb:l,2lg.) These vessels carry a clear white light at mast.heegl green on starboard bow : red on port now. hilanAllA, Moodie, leaves Boston, Wednesday, May 3 AKA, Lott. " N. York. Wednesday. May 8. ARABIA, &one, " Roston, WednesdaY, MaYlll. AP Rly IS . Shannon , " Wednesday, slay ST. EURO A, Anderson, " Roston, Wednesday. May Z. YEAS A, Judkine, " IS. York. Wednesday, Jane 5. AMERICA, Moodie, " Boston Wecinesdat . June 11. AM, Lott, "Ofi.Wednesday, Jane 19. rt Behs not secured until paid tor. An expenenoed Burgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stone, or Metals, up Lees bills of lading are signed therfor, and the value thereof therein expretwed, For relht or DalOaiet apply to E. CU A D, mha-lof Bowling Green. New York. is law= PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BAL. rkr.ORE RAILROAIt —Prm..tDlLLPtire, May 4, TRAINS FOR WASHINGTON. On and after Monday, May 6, ROL Trains for Wash ington, via Annapolis, will leave Philadelphia at 11.86 A. M. and 10.10 P.taß . Will arrive at Philadelphia trom washlngton at 10.18 A- M., and also et as I P. M. Through tiokete sold at the depot, corner of Broad and Prime streets, Philadelphia. mytt 8. M. FELTON. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD 00.. (Moe 217 South Foarto street.) _ _ PBiLwaaaracw, April St, MI. SEA S TICK;S r fd. Op and after May 1. ROI. velum) tickets will be Issued by this company for th,. periods of three, six, nine, end twelve months, not transferable. Season sohool-tiokets may also be had at Sa per oent. discount. These tiokete will be sold by the Treasurer at No. 227 South FOURTH Street, where any further information can be obtained. 6. LIRADFORD, Treasurer. WEST CHESTER TRAINS via PENMYLVA putt RAI leave depot, corner BIAVUITEI and 111.1RICRT. at . 114, 1230 P. M. and 4 On aonday. leave Phi et: az TM _ _ A. west Cheater at 4 Y. in. DSO. tf IgLen A ROUTE.— PHILADELPHIA AND E.l, WC R ICSVPIATE to ?mama, Canvas& Ea- F t ' il v i l t nlo nN Tril i e kt se a r ti m dlutr ill ifauTt i t° 4,l s ri,t v janara hooter: Clevolajd, Dotrol oledo CI loam Mt. Lomita, Milinsakoo. and all points North 1114 West. Paseensor trails will leave the new Depot of the Phi reichia and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD and ALLOWRILL 'street,. (Passenger entrance on Cal lowhill street.) daily (Sunday' excepted). for above se mite, ea follow.: DAY MIPRTITI ___-1,111A„ M. NIGHT Fariumus—___—_ LIB P. M. The LOO A, hi. train connects at Report, for Wilkes berm, Fittson. Sorenson, and all stators , the N LACKAWANA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. The above tram make direct oonnections atWm with the trains of the New York and Erie, Canandaigua and Niagara Falls, andHadalo, New York and Brisbane New York Central Railroads, from all points North and W_lst, and the Own adss. Baggage *hooka' to BMW:, Seale. and Ilapension alEf e iger ri l seltri t nxitired at atlhe ti f ; hiledelplue and Ki ra RaiiraedLu ,e's Ticket °Hee, northwest corner of . li TR and CH. 81 . 1U_W Streets, and at Ws passenzer Dirsot,_eornere 1 TFI3I/TEENTH &ad cer.d.oWHILL. ' THROWN EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN -Soave the Pidl :dolphins rk i lteadl,4 D e p o t, c1„,,,,,,h u1 d ciallowhin Are t 'daily ( daps excepted), for all per_inte Wagtail North, at 4P. M. Pralines me..• be delivered before P. M. to Miran , ° S ir g eg k r ° Zrgri'en I Freight D epot, irkiitarzwrit and OALLOV P IALT. or N. T. LEONARD, Agent, mounrart sour 111111 X and i a &Mrs STRifeesad SlBilLtr PiiiiiitehiL Mailime WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA ILAILRO.Ut; VIA MEDIA. SPRING ARRANGEMENT, On and after Monday. starch 11, INII, the trams will leave from the Case * northeast earner at Els testae ant Market streets, at sAm A. M ., and with Th e lease eet lthirlid:taia atirr.'l"*sr a'ac hod, Will the Baltimore Central Junetiert. " r unning far as On sosteals, leave Philadetvina at S A.M. and 3 P. M.; In ve Weat Mester at T.BO A. bt. and ASO P. M. The trams Mavis Philadelohts. at 8A- hi. d A P.M. eonneot at Palmettos with trains on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Centre) Railroad- for Kennett Oxford, &mtg. asztay WOOD. • 9 613 And anvenntendent. amme 1 0T10.E.-OELESTER _ vALLEY RAILROAD,—Pirs- SFS kit TRAINS FOR DOWNINOTOWN ass ERMEDIATE rs.l7oo3.—Cm and after Nov. 6th, 1840; the PaSeellter Trains for DOWNINGTOWN Will mart from the new Passenger Pepot of the Phila delphia and Reading_Railroad Company. corner of BROAD and CAW - WEILL. Stream, Orearenger an te/m:4on Celtosrhilk,) WHAMS for Downingtown leaves at 8.00 A. M. PTFRNOON TRAIN for Downingtown hiaveß at LBO P. Id DAlLle(Bv.ndaye excepted). By order of the Board of Manager' of the Pitilatel nide and Reading Railroad COIMMUY. su, , W. B. ateirArsrmv. seeretarr. DAILY INLAND PREIGIIT I.INR TO NOR PO MOUTH, VA., and to the proud gal ' es and owes in the South and Southwest. sent to the Depot, corner BROAD Street arid ‘ . .lile s tlitßlNSTON Avenue, will he fonrarded &anew' at as tow rates as try any other tine, H. P. KENNEY. • Master of 'l' ransportation mhZl4l Y. W. & B. R. R. Co, TILE. AIIIAMEI EXPIX.r.Si3 CO: Mee. 320: camirrt UT S. treE,l, forwards PRoe Paokages.Avohuclute. Bala. NOM!. i► w War bY OWIL JAM :f , arge n ti T 2 torrisiorslM i nftWltts. - - le I .14;=, 1441-11 firsiesig NJUJIII C 1 AVOTION. DRY GOODS AND CI FY MADE CLOTHINO. On Tuesciar Morning. Mat inst.. at 10 &Gloat, in 519 Aroh street— A general assortment of seanonable dry goods, In 1011. dapted to retail gales. Also, AA 101 l 011,-made fresh and far bionable clothing, In mole garment■ Open on Monday afternoon for ea aminetion. BALE OP DRY 0001)P. kn.. by °Malone, On lo g oWedne Mornint., May 24. commencing at clock SmcdaelY. lIIIIPPMB. RAILROAD LINES. INIPRESS COMPANIES. *ALIN BY AxCtioN, M. THOMMI & SOLIS. IT.A• Noe. 139 and 141 Et0nt.1;;1,01:41,,,, (Formerly Now. 67 aneta 'l'"`• STOCKS AND REAJL. b:STATP:--roEsDAN Yantehlat oatAlognon mow rood', Eriptions .00 property to be enl gen re n look at it o'clock noon , at the 1.2, uemli hat or same nth 'natant, oontorisuns D, litrAsh 4 valuable Property. PUBLIC RA LE, HE',A). ~,,ATE AND in, Ali 6 .6 Parilf.A NOP EVIIRY I eetoott, noon, ditr i u t ltio b r uninese ima m "" et adlll;io ll O s tO d \ *. tiOg we o:Stir ILLIVITAVIntrajeLr.I4 eachto sale, one tOOLIMIId 09MIOROOo, f l rm . itytox fall 4esoriptiono odi t h e ero .^10 , 4 1 sold on thef 011ovnag Tuendny. s trti 10 REAL ESTATE AT VRIVATE Rat E sr %re have a large amount or rest estate at' stale, incisoing every desarintio n of coy eld t r ."'lM property. r fluted Lofts may Os. had at the soot} 1.1. 441 PRIVATE SAL E REGISTER, "-"?' Er Real estate entered on our private sate Neu .. an advertised advertised opealionally in our paw° nateabo-'',l‘ Or irtiloh one thousand copies are printed u;rneti. free of tthaTilte. . ETOCES. On Tuesday. m a y ut, at 12 o'clonk noon, at the Philsdol Image. will he sold— P art L k. 15 shares Sunbury and Erie RallrowlCommor, Without retterve,for non, inlytnent o f 1110.101 m, , POO aharee Bohemian filinina COMbiot7 m ion no-. I !hare rennaiti vent% AeltdOmy of Pins ant, 70 shares Philadelphia t xeeante Rtnek. . a i n ti v e . haren Likt:e Bohai NaYmation and o pal c, 326 snares North Branch Canal fniumny. 3. , 00 fi rs t mnrtgage Vonde Columbus, luoi a ' mutt itsilroad CO. 14,1.01 Wahout reiorre, for account trf Mho* 1041161, 101 shares Fairmount and arch-at/tat city • ailwaY Company. REAL ESTATE 8 A.LR—le AY 21. Orphans' Coup t of Elleehele deeeased.—LOT OF OR , el). north eill "t ' ba ll street, 222 feet teat of Seventeen!), etrec l e a knell Same KetiLte.—LOT OF GROSS% alum,. .O.T. &bow. on the haat. le by . PO feet. on; n e dividedt.'u e intobuilding N N ot g l n T i o x r i tt a e l I . i xe b e t nt e t :g t I:s4"en sheetstin i ng ß a n e ß d t ,C)tti 77,1titoet:I c o o o n rn m e i r n o m f Brown and front, o n 'streets, 161 foot. and on Brown errant 39 4 ffet 8 iob The let, divided, have froeta OR Drown wElii„rifeteeelLnwitithdtteos.gurdapeheivconplraenosatintlacylrimeßt4ll4,B4R4at ath:e:totttierel SW III r a e hDQOMB MOD RRN THREE BT(7Ry BR!, Nn. 1612 Cheadont street. 1 1e w hi rl modern iroproyemonta and' conveniences. Lo; 140 foot, 1 arms- - 1,11; 00 may Tonle n 0 11 nlh/ttse. or VALUABLE Lo.• r, Fern KZ DWELLIN BLn, &0.. nor. honat darns/Broad and Vasanign m eet .: 40 feet hy 11,63,1 tert—teree .rerite. Ezeoutoul Perempto_ry Rele.T.T H R BE-BTO BR ICK DW BLLI Pitt. 161.3 +09 ble in the rear. Sale atm:flute. 11‘„"ntl HEAL ESTATE SALE—MAY SS, Orphans' Court Sale—hstats of Grose p m , m , dea'a t —YKlLY VALUABIin DELAWARt; pin ap and baRGE LOT AND titHLDINGS, frosto m „„ hwanaon street, t avia etreet or landing, end beware. Bounded on the north the city w Sy order of Matinees. " HANDSOME OPODaRNisIDENCE, North Tbm tnenth street, between Arch and Fobs' t rum wer sole. pe,4retivtoty Solo.— NEAT MODSBN StowN STONE ItE.IttaNCE. No, Et? Walnut street * l e of Twentieth. The. house bee the mosern come nisuces, jraa, furnace, hot and cold water, range k, Bale almdute. VERY VALUABLE liioll-PBONT STORY—St, nt, Arab, street. east et Fourth. lof TT by he fr... Clear of moumbranos, Only 65,000 BRIM " Sentinel and Closing Sale. No 607 !Harlot toe, ma t:r 2 ti L e a lc tl u o r o,o l: oo lN k E . WI NES o! Market a l t rit re ll e u t ee ll . vfie On Tommie, Moraine. sbr;ok of wines and bquorer. too.uling .41firry,Api. down, and 'orl wiiwo,ektii OM n411.1111(16 brible., whieker, pin, rum. a , omens aril bottle'. - sir may be examined on the 'comma eri ti m s . t! o'clock, with oataloem. Bald de Noe 341181FOrth &met. SUPERIOR FUR 1T AB, FR N -FL/at:MIL RORB, PlAti 0- DATER, BR 8P La OARrETS. Onl3l.,nntat fdoremg. At 9 eohnk, at the Anglin (gore, ea emerhneet szoellent esoond-hand furnituro. eiefient pano•fuft , 9, fine mirrors, obipet e , eta, from Immiteig deellsof houiekeeemt, removed to the store for ocrelooie im sale. MOSES NATIIANS, A lICI TI ON LTA. AND COMMISSION MPSCRANT.Soottegm °emir of IfIXTII and RACE /Streik,. NSTRANtv ()REST PALE OF FORFEITED 00nAg OVER 1 1.000 LOTS OF FOP FE)TED The sale will take slang On Tuesdar Morning, May 28, at 10 o'clock, at Moses Nathan,' huhu rooe MS and 107 vor t, 11 tce1 adienat t the southeast corner of Sixth sad Rl,OO strst Is and rill consist of ladies' and sent'enion's tiinthirg, headju carpets, housekeeping articles tome, sowinginaolunet: guns. pistols. fancy sattoies, itc,, viz : kaupenor frock, dress, Muller es. -sok. end ore r east,; pants; vests; debase. detains, and other &sort ass dress patterns: em' ; every variety of rich Quiet crape shave ; silk, eaten, merino. plaid. solo, brook° httelin. and other *hauls; silk velvet, slit la p s , merteo, lase, cloth, and other (deers, busses, esiat h siren ars, and mantillas; capes, col,ars. &ham Ira sole tii der clothing of ovary description. !gather was, quilts. ,dreads. comfortable, blankets, stare.. tenth. table sloths. china. glass, and q •eensware, dab's led sincle -barrel fowling-oteeee tools of every d•scriril.p. oloslts. Paintings ensravlos et ver-pleteu ware forte. knives. spoons. Havana altars. liquors, end, in thou. goods Of ever, description. Including 10Teittue, he. 111," The tootle will be open or examination on tit day previous and me the. morning argils. nesters, housekeeper, and others will pirate Intel this sale. as seen at tioie 'will positively ha supA. su out the least reketVe. PRIVrE SALIG Some of the fin eat (ZO D PATENT LEPER asp OHRONOMETER WAT 4 1115 S marmfactured, at het the towel melting pnoet, {OM riser sad Iteine nosier. silver lever and repine ivatohnti, English, Ravin and French watches, at astonishingly Itie prinesonrelry el every descri ption , vory low, guns , io sitruments, rst qualtty of Havanaoiga?•,,st !WI in importation price, in quanti ties to suit porn:ANN, sal RlllOOll other kinds ofgoods. SPLENDID SET OF DIAMONDS AT PRITA7h Connoting of dietnOnd ßAL and E opal breutplo and ear rings. Pries OM. eost in Paris 111.4D0. A splendid single-stone didmored brwt-yin, eel 0150, coat ans. OUT POOR NALEO Attended to personally DY the Al/allot:ter, Consignments of any end every Sind Or OW If!. sited. OStn DATRANS. MONEY TO LOAN ess,ooo to loan, at the lowest rata, on diamonds watches, joweli7• silver plate. dry pods. 010thilllb seri Re. mean,. hardware. eetlary„ among. amen , tar. niture, beddi q g. and on [Min of 91011 devertpUoo.B large or small amounte. froph one &Mit to thOleloda for any [south of time screed oil. err The Oldeet Established 11011116 !hi 9 , is %fir Private entranoo on RACE &reel. Sir - Business hours from A. N. to OF. K. Hoary insuranoe fo. the benefit of depocon CHARGE!! ONLY TWO PER CENT, iir Adrauoes of 8100 and upwards at two pit eat Advannea of 110 n and inwards, at one per cent,te snort loans. MACHINERY AND IRON. PIMP EITIKAM INGilla AND swum woiga_pAillii i k litY4 PRA,I Al. AND KiLBOAET SIEL MACHINISTS, BOILER-MAKERS SLACKS 111 and FOUNDERS, hams, rot taan ' T 10 , 411 g, 1:1 suesesalal operation, and bean exalumely enraged jy buildinr and repairing Marine aud River Etat* lusl and low pressure, Iron Dom. Water Tanta, Propell.ra e., reepeotiutly offer Oita eicrvaies to the pine i u 80, prfparad to earth/till for Hutton of 'I; elm XJYdr, and eutioromy ,haring son II patella of dtterent met, ore prepares to °Jews den inn main despatolt. Every douoriPtien of frilWl waking nada at the okorteat natio*. Rid and PIP Prewar*, Flue, Tuvalu, and Cylinder Oinierv,ei best Penzuryleania elusrooal iron. Formic of a:Jcsw and b:nds ; Iron and !arm Camtintis, of all deronynnii Roll Ilharnang, Borew Cyttl,nr, ant, all ether vet art hooted with lice abort , Imunnese. Drawings and speoilleations Mr all work Om ol Yrll inablildLUMll6 free of elan°, and workklusk ,o4 . like subson bers bay* ample wharf doe room for is pairs of bestir, same tier can lie in Wesel tkfdll and am presided with skean! blinks, lola ds,ils. Sir raising Smug or ink'; JON r 41 11. IEACII ani rib & Arms J. /OEN IL COM WILLIAM 11, HAIM NT UMW SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STILEEIR. UMP,MMI suraiiick : 'NB, E_j_NEENSI ,AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure aims tLIO for land, river. and manna service. Boilers. Gasometers, Tanks Iron Boats, &a; Can' ingi of all kinds , either iron ei iron Frame Hoofs for Has Works, Wsflother' ll ' i. road Stations. &C. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and mat ins Proved ocpwrziation. hvery description of Plantation Machiceiy, trajl a! Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pow. Vgez, Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping hIlflo". le Agents tn for N. gilhen•l'll Parent Burst Deihl Anparatue Nesyt.Ws Patent (team Hammer and dt ppinwall Wolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar kfachlize POINT PLEASANT IsOUNDE,Y,.No. 963 BRAM Street. Xensiketen, Dade) Iphis. -9- !LIAM H. TIERS Internet his friends dist, anylk P it abased the entire steak of Patterns at the fly, he la now pr pared to TOOBIIIO order" aw. net, and Sew Still Cassia=s, Beep, Cheratta! , tat Kew Rork, Clearing. Ceetillhe Zia" lrsm bailers or Cavils Parasites. ix dry ar ems 0111.1111• suerNzas CARDS. BUSINESS MEN ARE ADVERTISING in the Beet Newspapers of City and UMW! M the (Moen of JOY, COE, & CO.. ADVERTISING AGENTS. FIFTH and CHESTNUT sTREETS, OII,IIIII TRIBUNE BUILDING, New York. SPIT ti ALFRED D. BRICK'S UNITED STATES A 240 EUROPEAN PATENT OPPICE • No. 144 ROUTE POURTII antin, PHILADELPHIA. patent Lowe of U. B.(nmr, and Europe. °an be o h Mined gratis. apll-01, 0. ULLM A N, ATTORNEY-AT . KA* LAW. JERPEY MfORE_. Pennsylvania , Goiloonona promptly made in tninton &ad idemiet counties. Messrs. Walter & Knob. Philadelphia i J, H. HuArm Fag.. Jereer Shore ; • Messrs. Hannon & Palm' nailer, Ziegler, & Co. Philada.; Friehmoth &GO Philado.; L. A. Mulkey. Look Haven; Yard . thicker!! dt. CO.. Feiltule.l Thataher & Woddrov. ger note& Howell ft Reiff. Foiled& feliKei J OHN WELSH, PRACTICAL SLATE ROOFER. THIRD Street and EERVIASTuRb Road. a prepared to put on an. amount of Roofing• on the moat moderate terms. Will guaranty to matt every building perfectly pater-fishorders piemptir attended to.. nla 9oitN ELLIOTT, WINES and LIVOURS , : Non. 317 and 319 WALNUT Street, (Moran, stores, between Third and Fourth, north ode.) Flat tennis. N. B.—Fine Old Whiskies &warm 012 b in *" (Zetahliehed in 1845.) . PAWSON NIOLIOLSON, BMWHINDER& Nos. SIR and 421 1511140. K. etrort. Between Market and Chestnut streets , PRILADELPRIA. JAMES DAWSON, JA.B. B. NICROIJOR Islo-Iy' IrGOUNT 4$ SONS. •••• 7 * IMPORTERS OF RA'VAIIA 0147A10 , Ito. ALS South PROPIT atrcot. GI Resersa resalarly soil: assortment of aertet4 OAKS, whiah tkey slier at Iry !Utz. fer rash or At , nosed oresitt. AlO4/ 311IIRPLIY-WITIPPLIC IRON BRUME , STONE. QUIGLEY, & BURTON. No. 333 WALNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA Beg leave to inform Railroad ComPaltles en d interested in bridge ognstrnotion, that thei tarp c connection in r.eineen with soar( Alugruk! Ecginenr,l (anther and inventor of the store wet._ tittnnt Pjan of iron bndied and ere preyered to tle(" 1 " . onion, from ear pert of the conntry, from Ste Ilerg ro and personal enperlttendenoe. All letters relating to plats and sitimatei shosl4 addreasetl to JOHN W. MURPHY, Cori! Aecneer , PTO, sell-fge Far STONE. 0 VIOLEIr & Ow— Atni.Nßlaa. SiLAP, S. LL • mold, ko,-3,000 bbls. Mem Nos. I, I, and 1 Illantr Orel, large,griedium • end small, in assorted prialtagol of choice late-eariglit fat fish. SAO bbls. New Halifax. Eastport, and Labrador *W rings. of choice qualities. 6,000 boxes eXtli, new sealed Herrings. 5."600 boxes extra new itol Herrings. LIMO boxes large MagLietine Herrings. 160 WA. Maoltinno While Fiebh to bbls. new T.:00110M Yeas Simi. 1,6 bb:s. new Halifax Salmon. 1,000 quintals brand Bank Codlith. gilts boxes Hertnmer-eounty Chess. In eters rad lainolug, tor man 47 :4 vir.ra Y & ..0 ; 4•• ropowo •••I•E' WRENCH ZINO--Pure EittO WIWI!, JIL (Vll4lll. Matt Ja %Tr by IWIMA•17106