The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 11, 1861, Image 4
THE PULPIT. [Reported for The Press.] A Sermon for the Times, DitLIVSRED BY THE REV. W. H BESADS, APRIL AT ens HEW seattsatmit CHURCH, ON cans RY STEIL?, NEAR TWENTY-MST. r. A ed vra-s node at , sod of apeakine all these words' to all lonic : and he said unto them. Bin tour heart' unto 5.4 the win *which I Genf, amone you tnis dry, which se she I Comm .od ,our children to ormierve do. ail 'he words of ibis I .w. For it. Is tuna vatn 'hire for )en; breans, It Is your life: mid though this t tag ye shall prom eyour da!a in the •aso wanner ye go ever Jordan to iposltoas at , '—Dent. 48-47. " All the words which Moses spoke to all Israel," were words of Divine Law, precept, and statute, given by the Lord through him for the establish ment of the representative of a church among the ohildreo of Israel, and for the foundation of that civil polity and government, which was to serve es 3 baste and continent of the Church By the word of the Lord a chump was formed among them, which should ant in and upon the world, through the Agency and instrumentality of an organized community, of a people so ordered and arranged by laws and precepts, that it would take its place and perform its part, as a nation among the other nations of the earth. By the word of the Lard, as the Divine creating and forming energy and power, all Israel was made a great Boold re presentative man, through which, as a rightly con stituted organ and instrument, the Divine Being could operate the will of his merciful pro vidence, in .eommtmloating life to the world. and in preserving the human race from destruction. These laws and precepts, whim determined the specific form and constitution of the church, of its priesthood, and its worship, gave organized form and existence to the heart and lung:, or that representative man ; they were the agents by which its life-blood of Truth from Good was conveyed throughout the whole body, and by wbioh it was preserved in a oondition to perform its use in the world; for as the church is the heart and lungs of the untaxed human form, SO is the good and truth wbioh is in the church from the Lord, the life principle, the blood of that human form_ The precepts and statutes which determined the whole external polity of the nation, which constituted its civil, social, and domestic government, gave organic form and existence to other and more external parts of the body of that representative man ; they were the agents, as viscera and members, by whmb the life , blood of the truth—the sprit that was in the man from the Lord—Could come forth into actuality and power, and do the work of real life in ultimates, which it was sent to do Therefore does Moses, who repro- Bente the Lord as to the Divine Truth or Law, say unto all Israel; "Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day, which you shall command your children to observe to do, al/ the words of this law. For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life : and through this word ye shall prolong your days in the land whither ye go over Jordan to possess it." Because tie enctroh is as the bean and lungs, its good and truth,as the blood and breath, or the very life, and those 'who compose the church, who receive its good and truth, and suffer It to form their lives and determine their words and actions, are as the body and its members ; therefore does he say, " ttet your kerartr unto all the words which I testify unto yon this day;" open your hearts, or affections, and your understandings to the truths which teach you what your spiritual or religious duties aro, and also to those Unite which teach you what yohr moral and civil duties are; what you owe to God, as the Lord of life, awl what you owe to your fellow- Men, as brothers and members of the same com mnatty or State_ For, this "is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life: and through this word ye shall prolong your days in the Jana whither you go over Jordan to posse's it." It is not a vain, an empty, or a foolish thing to set theAsart unto all the words of the law, to obey and do them all, but it is life—life here and life hereafter— for "if thou wilt enter into life, keep the oom- Mandments." The Jewish Church was a repro. seutative church, and tbo Jewish nation was a representative nation The history of the este blistiment of the former is the history of the Lard's establishment of his Church at all times and in all forms, and the history of the relation which the latter bore to the former, aid of its be ginning, growth, and development as a nation, gives us knowledge of the relation which every nation or State ought to bear to the Church, and tam of the great truth that all laws which are at all true mot right are based upon and derived from the Divine law, and that, therefore, all governments organised by and administered ac cording to such laws have a primal Divine origin The deealogne oOntaille the Sum and substance of every law of order, divine, spiritual, moral, . and civil, and as the decalogne is Divine truth, every such law of order Is, in its essence, an eternal principle of right, justice, virtue, and lob ules, as it is an God, and as it is given and die rinsed from God to man, for hie guidance in the way of righteousness Bud hOlineall. And although man, when he forme his civil governments on earth, may and most take these principles as they are given him in in Heaven, and so taking them may enact them into oonsiitutions of civil polity and codes of civil ens criminal jarispradenos ; he can no more wake them than he can make a world or a grain of sand On the ground of the general principle, then, that the Church is as the heart and lunge to the State or civil community, and that the laws which make the government of the State, that they may be laws of order, must be taken from the Divine laws which, in their highest and spiritual form, constitute the Church, we can see that all human governments originate in the Divine goverment, and that as there is a ° Divine right of the priesthood in the Church, there is a' Divine right of rulers and magistrates in the State. This Divine right, however, as may be farther seen• does not rest in the priest as an individual, but aa a representative of the Lord ; nor in the rnier or metriatrate as a man, but as a represent*. tive of the Lord ; and the power which is or ought - tab, exercised is not in the priest, but in the law of as priest; and not in the ruler or magistrate, but to the law of the ruler or magcstrate. And tins law of the former is Divine Tracts in the spirit ual plane of human life ; whilst the law of the . ter is Divine Troth in the civil plane of human life ; or, in other words, the law of the former is the law or constitution of the government of the Church, while the law of the latter is the law or constitution of the Government of the State. In Its very i4fra, therefore, every ecclesiastical and eivil government involves a recognition and ac knowledgment of the Lord as the /fin,g, who rules and governs the spiritual and the natural _man by His truth. and who sends forth His truth from His Divine Love to nil* and govern man in the internal spiritual and- in the external civil plane of his life, so that there may be harmony and to-operation between the internal and eater. nal man, between the heart and lungs, and brain and viscera, and Members, to the establishment of trite and perfect organized societies and individual men. And for this region is every denial and re jection of the supreme royalty and kingship of tee law, in Chnren or State, a denial and rejection of the Divine Truth, and treason against Ctod. From the wide* of the thunder and lightning of Sinai was given the Word, "Honor thy father and mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee," "which word, whilst in its . spiritual sense, it is a Divine command, rejoining upon man to honor, love, and reverence sod, and the Church, as his spiritual I Father ad Mother, in its highest natural sense, requirea honor and love of the country as the natu ral parent of all its inhabitants, and obedience to its laws, as to the laws of the parent who stands in the plane of the Lord, in the civil plane of life. Asal thus is every disobedience of the laws of the sonntry not only an eat of dishonor to the common leotard parent, but also an act of dishonor to the common Divsne Parent ; which, if persisted in, mast lead to the destruction of "the soul and , body in hall." But, again, as the Charoh is con stituted of the principles of goodness and truth, or of spiritual charity and faith, so the State which serves If as a natural bads, and enveloping conti nent, Is constituted of civil charity and taus. Thera is in the former a general principle of good ness Which man is to love and to do, and a gene ral principle of truth which he is to learn and ac knowledge ; and when be laves this goodness, and aokirowledges this truth, spiritual charity and faith are conjoined in him to the establishment of the Church, and the development of a true spirit` UM man. Thus, also, there is in the latter a ge neral principle of good which every cideen ought to love and to do, and a general principle of Truth, wbioh he ought to learn and acknowledge; and which- when be does love and acknowledge, • will bring *boat a conjunction of civil Charity and faith in him to the development of a true civil man. , The good or charity of the Church is the love of that which is spiritually signified by neighbor—namely, the Lord, and all things divine I from Him; heaven and heavenly life, and human , lonia, and their welfare and happiness by salva tion In the heavens; and the troth or faith the Chneel is the knowledge and aoknowledgment of the divine word, and of all doctrine from the word which teaches how genuine goodie to be done, and heaven and heavenly happiness are to be attained Bat the good of the State, er its charity, le the welfare, happiness, prosperity, and safety of the country, which is the neighbor in the supreme natural sense: it is the common good of the whole; and the Truth or faith of the State is the constitution which determines its form 'of government, and the laws by which the , government is administered, and the end of the common good of the whole community is sought and attained. And as spiritual good is the very assesses of life of the Church, and spiritual truth its form and body, so IA civil geed the very anaemia and life of the State. and civil truth, or, civil institutions and laws its form and body. If, therefore, the higher and highest law of the Church is thealoctrine which forms it, and gives it potter to be a church, to have a life, an activity and operation by which 1t fill els the end of its ex istence, it Is clear that 44/1 higher and highest law. of the State is that civil doctrine, or truth, or law% which constitutes and forms it, and gives it power to be a State, to have an activity, an operation by which it fulfils the natural ends of Its existence, and bosoms" an ultimate basis whereon the Church can rest, and whereby and wherein its interior life hen sortomplish or falai itself in the ultimate human t'asi. And, finally, if it is spiritual theft and rob I bery and murder, from selfish or worldly ends, to • deprive any man of the truths of his religion, to tarn lam away from God, by leading him to deny the doctrine wbioh teaches him concerning God and eternal life, and by thus destroying his hope of salvation and eternal bappineeS, it is Batumi theft and robbery and murder to deny, reject, and disobey the law of the land, to teach and lead others to deny reject, and disobey it, to rise up in rebellion sitainst a, and by force and violence to destroy it, so as to prevent the Government from Performing Its great common we io promotion of t le general and common good. Withdrawing our thought, for a moment, from the Church in its speoifio form, and suffering it to rest upon that civil body, in which it is the heart and lunge, and applying the general doctrinal truths which have been given, to the present un happy condition of that body in this country, what are the plain words which these truths utter, and what is the plain judgment which they pronounce? Theft, robbery, murder, dishonoring father and mother, denial and rejection of Divine Truth as embodied in the supreme law of the lend, treason 'phut God. Fearfully plain words, and a fearfully plain Judgment of the spirit wbioh anim - .tes the breasts and anal the bands of children against their natu ral parent. Is the good which they seek, who have risen up to destroy the Government of the country, one whieh they could not have obtained by the orderly operation and course of its laws? Are the evil, of which they complain of suob • nature that they cannot be redressed by means seloan heir reach through the agencies constitutionally mato fished, and heretofore maintained by themselves ? Is it a larger or better opportunity of doing good to the country, of promoting its welfare and hap pintos, that they desire? Do they Beek power that they may serve their country better? "By their fruits ye Shall know them " Theft, robbery, mur der, burning and bitter hatred, infraction of law, warring against government, are not fruits of a good tree; they are not means of doing good for a good end, and from a good purpose; they look not •AO the Velma of where. They are s service nosh hall renders to heaven, not such as the angels raider to heaven, and the good man to his country. Clearly, dominion is sought; there la combat for pincer ; there is a warof opposenif principles, and whenee to it whets Il It? First, in the spirits of men ; then in the tolles of men. First in the spiritual world; then in the natural world "And there wee war In haaven : Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought, and hie angels, and P re * veiled not; neither was their plaoe fund any more in heaven." When the Lord came to the last judgment In the Spiritual world this war began. ft was a war of genuine truth from the Weird, of_ ,the l 1284 en,u„. e in e spiritual Truth of the New Church, 1 41 24 Draoonio principle of faith alone, which had doe troyed the former Christian Church on Barth. In this war, that principle of ' infernal falsity from evil, " prevailed not ;" but was overcome, and cast .out of, and down from heaven; and neither is its place found any more in heaven; for ail its imaginary heavens have been swept away by the band of almighty truth. But their plaoe is still found in the world of spirits, and fn the minds of men who are in the world of spirits; for spirits and men still believe in faith'elone, they still believe In troth alone separate from charity; they mill believe in power alone, and for , selfish ends and purposes, separate from the common good. Men still believe in the idea that their own wills, and their own false opinions flowing front evll and perverted wills, are above the truth, and superior to the law that they make the government ; and to this principle in them do thesefa ll tng dragons apply themselves hastily and nen:4y, for they burn with a hatred, malignant and furious, to de. strop the New Church ; because Tanta YIN! Is mon?. Rev. tit., 12 Flowing into perverted hn. man delights ; entering through the sphere of the lusts of dominion for the sake of self, and of ava rice for the sake of dominion, into the very hearts of men, they stir them up. into raging aodvity to destroy the law which restrains them ; and to build up their power on its mine. It is not slavery, African slavery, that these men love so well ; it is not for the bondage of the black man that they have staked their alt—their honor, their possessions, their homes, their families, their lives; it is for the gain which 'it brings them ; it is for the love of power, of daMinion, which slavery gratifies and ministers to ; and which is of mon a nature, inherently end omen- Gaily, that it grasps, with violent and murderona hand( at rule over man, over angels, or God him self. lenoe come the Draoonlo dogmas, that " the will of the people is king ;" that cott on is king ; that the slave instillation is king; hence come the treachery, the theft, robbery, murder, and tree son against the country, and God. It is war of hell against heaven, of falsity against troth, to prevent the establishment of the New Church-on earth;' by taking drom it the true and right basis of a well-ordered 'government ; of the supremacy of law over caprice and ignorance; over 'elan ambition and degrading avarice. And this war bout descended into Abe earth, not here alone, but throughout the world, and now moves men to deeds of rage and violence—to bets of ha, tred, and rapine, and treason. But let the true patriot—the lover of his omantry—not be dismayed or oast down, seeing that ")(wheel fought against the dragon: and the dragon fought and his an• gels, and prevailed not." Genuine Truth from the Word has also desoended through the world of •spirits, in whish it effected the last judgment, into I the mind's of men. For by this Truth is the dragon judged, and the judgment tcoompanies the crimi nal to his end. Good spirits, that love the Lord's heavenly kingdom, have joined themaelvea to the sphere of man's r:Carel love of freedom, of home, of possessions, and °Es:meetly. They have stirred its affections Into art Activity Wonderful to itself, and to those who have doubted their existence. They have awakened their minds to a remignition of the Law as King; of the government as a great form of civil' charity and faith ; and to an aoknowledgment of their duty to give freely and gladly, as they have received, their possessions, their strong arms and hands, their lives, for their country's good—for the welfare and hbppiness of their greatest earthly neighbor. The word has gone forth, and a "loud voice has bean heard ie heaven, saying : Now is come the salvation, and the strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ! For the accuser of our brethren is cast down, who accused him before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word *of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death. For this rejoice, ye hen vans, and ye that dwell therein." And through out the land has been helsrd the loud yoke of the call to arms for the salvation of the Government, and of genuine civil freedom; and it has been an swered by a united people; as one man have they counsup; forgetting ail party fends and 'mimosa tisklaying aside petty interests and the small eoiseernmerits of the passing day, they have arisen tcrirerk out for their country a better hope in a More glorious and happy future. In this the nation's boar of greatest trial and civil temptation are brought forth all its remains od,civil good and truth stored up in the insanely °fits life, and implanted by the history and Memory of its early struggles and labors for the establishment of great principles of justice, and right, and freedom And by these do angels and good spirits combat for truth against the powers of darkness. By these, as merciful provisions of the Lord's love for the salvation of male through the ultimate prevalence of the genuine doctrine of his word, are the better Gentile states of the peo ple awakened into activity, and a scene presented to the world such as the world has not witnessed before. And whilst we are engaged in this war against the "foes of our own household," in this civil strife, which represents a far more deep and interior temptation than a war between nation and nation, let us of the New Church not for get that to us is addressed the worth, " Pro- claim ye this among the Gentiles: Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near, let them come up. Beat your plough-shares into swords, and g your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak say, I am strong." Let us not forget our duty, "to let the light," which has been given to In mercy, "so shine" into the darkness, as to spiritual truth, which sur- rounds us, that men may see our good works of true patriotism ; of love for the salvation of Foals, in the public and private giving of the truth, as freely as it has been received, anti that they may glorify our Father which is in Heaver, by learn ing to know hire, as the King, who Is the truth, the Law, the only Law-giver, the very Ruler of Beaver and Barth Let us not forget to utter the words of genuinephsuits wwd wet. of this people in this day of its grant onward movement; wad vest to it, and tell why we speak to it, in the words of Moses : " Rave not I commanded thee? Be strong, and of a good con. rage ; be not affaid, neither be thou dismayed ; for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." PHILADELPHIA. BOARD OP TRADE. WM. C. KEEHMLE, VIIU. Y. A DDICKB, . ) COBLINUTTEE OP' VIZ MONTH. VW& 8. FERAOR LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Tuscarora, Drinlery--,.- --Liverpool soon Snip liakrord. Sidridge —.- -.Liverpool soon onto Victoria need, Pronto London soon Ship Paraon. Bowen— --Liverpool soon ems Gari baldi.c Emery—.-..8t Paul it. Loando noon Bhip Calliope. Goodwm--- —Liverpool soon Ship Horieculis, Atkins-- Liverpool seen Brig C P O'Brien, Damon-_...-. Buencri Ayres soon Bons Geo I Jones, Croswell— -Denserani. soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, May 11, 1861. lUNwATEL. 5l-SUN HEW_ ..7 HIGH -3 5 ARRIVED. "Bohr John Bbaw, Wallace, 3 day. from New York with indite to J ti Basler. Bohr Hannah Warsnok. Bhrnnahire. from Rockport. Bohr Wm Bement. Parker, froat - New Raven. Bohr 13n,raws C, Clark, fromeleeloll York. Bohr Minnesota. Pinner. from New Bohr Mountain Each). Ames. from Hampton Roads. Bohr Nellie D. Studams. from Rtohmond. CLEARED. .. Brig Prentiss Hobbs, Ellis. gurus. 8 & W Welsh. Miltrig/Adehne.Cobb. Ballast. (Wand, P Wright &Sons .-- & Brig Erects, Bottone, New York, James, Scattergood Co. Calßrig Darnall, Sherman, Bostob ,. Noble, Ithaamett & dwell. - Bohr Fl Warwick. Ihralwhile, Lynn. J ft Blakisten. Saar Wm Bement, Farker, New Haven, L AtElenzied dc Co. ISSobrMirmosota. Faster, Roxbury do • Bohr Abbott Lawrenoe, Stanley. Alton. do i 'Mohr ociathan May. Cobb, Boston, avid Cooper. i.Echr arrowlo. Clark , Bottom, N Sturtevant & Co. 81 Bohr °met. bealy,Portand. do Bahr 61110 D, Studaros,Baltbury. Reppllar & MO. Bohr Monntetin Eagle, Andes, Pottamonth, Roble. Hammett & Caldwell • Behr May, Day, Halifax, KehnedY, Stair's & Co (Corzesporitiehoe of the Philadelphia Exchange.) lEWES. Del. la ay 9. The bark Samuel Tarbox. from Liverp6ol M arch Pith, isr ballaat via Hampton Roads, where she has been de tamed leer ea a by the Asasonerusts, amved here this ntelnlito for orders. No Veneill were observed to Pau in or out yea9pday. Wlrld W NW. Years, &e. - N. W. HICKMAII - (Correspondence of the Prees.) ENI Li, May 9. The following boats from the URnion ADI Canal. passed into the Bahnzlkill Canal to-day, bound to Elul/War phis. viz: J A Hopper. Mire Humor, sod Ii 6 Flitter. gram to A 0 Cattail ft Co.i A Gantivid, wheat to do, end paper to Hombre v., Homan ea Wright, - C 1.. Coder , lumber to Amoroso & Sheets; American Eagle. oats. Co. to cap testoca, ehmelea to DavidLinooln; Perkins & al n and Peck & 811170. N. boa:dl to Band Bolton & Co;a; W Lippinoott. OW Crithie & Co; Col Barber, do to Henry Cruskey;J ohs Pratt, do to thutkill & G&W'''. MWMORASIDA. Shull Frigate Bird, John, hence, arrived at London Mth nit. chi* Tonawanda. Julius, hence for Liverpool, was Been 7th inst. lac W. long 71. Bark Mary Bentley, Bentley. from Messina fbr Phila delphia. passed I : Abreast Mkt nit. Bohr John A Flater, Gandy, hence, arrived at Boston 9th nut. Bohr Geo L Green, Rich, cleared at Boston 9th inst. for Philadelphia. Cletus Cat tuagena, Kelly, J W Mateo, Delano, Coo Rothman Bissectt, and Mary_llfillireli, Corill, henoe, sa tinet' at New Bedford B'h intß , -r, • rictus Vol,a. Books, hence for DanversecAt, sod 8 N Qmitp. Fisk. from Boston for Philadelphia, at Newport 7th lilt. Behr Geo Hoffman, Bennett, hence, arrived atBalem fhb inst. Bloom Vermilion. Avery. hence. and A Townsend, Townsend, from Charleston. at Boston Eh Mat. TELE WEEKLY PRESS. THE WREZLIf PUZSB been established on a seenre and seemanent foandanon, but it ta. in reality, a marvellous example of the degree of favor teluoh a ruhtiy-oonduoted LITERARY, POLITICAL, AND NEWS JOURNAL oan reaeiye at the hands of a Liberal and enlightened pubhe. Our moat grateful Change are tendered for the patronage already bestowed upon es. and We 'hall nails no efforts whioh may genre to render the paper even more emulative. useful, and popular in the future. The POLITICAL imam of THE WEEKLY MEM need not be enlarged upon here. Independent. stead,. and leaven. it hue battled. unwaverinsly and zealous ly, in defence of the RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE against EXECUTIVE USURPATION, and unfair and tyrannical legislation; ever deolaring and adhering to the doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY oonsti tate, the fundamental bans of oni free izstitutionn, and that the intelligenoe and patriotism of our citizens will always be preservative of a wise, just, and adutary Goy a/Lim/mu These ate -the sriaciples to which. THE WEEKLY PRESS has been committed, and to these it will adhere. TERMS o ne com one year.-- --- . —.......- luoo. Throe Copies, one past.— I 00 Flys Cosmos, one Tear..— ——— __ aOO Ten Copies. one Op Twenty Copies, to one address• at the rate of $1 per saner. 110 00 Twenty Copies. to one address of each nib soriber ft 00 Subionetion. may commence at any tune. Terme ultra," me, in &drilla'. All letters to be addressed to JOHN W. FORNEY No. 417 CHESTNUT STREET, P ME lld AIL Xi P. 31E I Ai-4 tiortOPOSALS FOP. FURNISHING TEE PAPER FOR THE PUBLIn 01PViCR IBursaUerltrinaNT Wa PUBLIC PRINT,3I3. eIIiNGTON. May 1, 1861. Ip puquanoe of the provisions of the seventh section of the • Joint. Reeolntion in mink.= to t h e p e w,. /Marine. approead Jane 13. eBBO s ealed prop gals will be received at tens offies until !Monday, the let day of July.llol, at 12 &Wool: M. for furnishing the paper that ui%y be required for ,ha pub to punting for the year ending the let day of ' , member 1662 The subjoined,list a seoifies. as nearly as oils be rimer tamed, tie quantity of each kind of , paper that will be required: CLANS I m l e o 2.Tr rea 2g m b l y b 333 nr in P e r b in e t e i . nir and " tirw r e . ig u h u° fif i t e y n po de u nd nds . to the ream of RE sheets. Class 2, , 6,t00 rails fine:printing paper traletideretel; Melt sure 24 by Minehes, and to weigh fifty-stz pounds to the ream of 600 sheets. y Agreeably to the provisions of the Joint resolution atoresatd. samples of the ohareoter surd Quality of the umier required for the above elegises wilt he unlashed to applicant* therefor. The paper is to be putt., in, Quires of twenty five sheets each.. end In bundles of two reams mink; each ream to contain too perfect sheets. tinifornitty in color. thickness. and weight will be required; and no bundle (ezolnsive of wriseetul vary Mg on , r or under five per cent., from the shindar weight will be received, and the gross Weight sell to all oases be required. Mixing of venting thieknetemilthe Name bundos to make the weight will be coruudeyed a v i olation of the ootitraot 1 CLe•• /00 ream* Superfine printing raper, hard-sized and super calendered, to measure 24 by 52 inches, and to weigh fifty PORCIIIII to the a rem of 61:41 sheets. Cz•as 4 3.000 reams superfine map paper, sized and ordea -1 dared, or nue h eines as may tie re mitred. eorreepond,ng In W011tl• with paver messuring-19 -by 26 inehas, and weighing twenty Polluiliqer reanior 430 sheet.. trtaini isoo reams superfine plate payer, fealendered or un °slandered, as may be required, 19 by 94 mohair. and of such weight per ream as may be required. Czase 6. 1. 1600 reams quarto post writing paper, le by 16 inches I. 2OW do Cap do 13 by 634 do. 3. 100 do distal do 13 by 214 do. 4. 1000 do folio post do 17 be 22 do. 6. 100 do medium do It by 21 do. 6. 60 do royal do 19 by 24 do. 7. 60 do super, royal do 20 4 by 18 do. 8 50 do imped 22 do. 9.. 300 do double al stay do o 18 byby3l 36 do. Class 7. 1. 6,000 reams writing paper. 16 by 36 inehes,to weigh twenty• three pound!. per ream. 2. 1.600 reams writing paPer, /9 by 2 6 Indies, to weigh twenty - 00W pounds per ream. 3, 5,100 reams writing paper, IS be Wi inches, to weigh twenty-aix pounds per ream. 4. 100 reams wytting • paper. 13 by 21 inekee, to weigh twenty- four pounds per ream. 5. 340 reams writing Duper, 18 by 18 inalms,to weigh twenty:twoP - oulurs - iskila*. 6. 4)0 pro mos pounds s writii• g paper. 12 by 18 inches, to weigh a. All the Papers designated in classes and 7. must contain 490 perfeeteneets to the ream. and no " out side" quires.. They are to be made of the beet mate rials, flee from adulteration. finished in the beet man ner, out to a tine edge, and securely' and sulretannally ' enveloped. Tne papers in class 6 are to be white or blue. laid flat, and of each weights as may be required 'lir this office. Those In classes 3, 4, a, ana 7soli to be whits, aid of the sizes and weights specified in the sohedule. The right is reserved of ordering a gloater or lea quantity of esoh and every k nil contracted for in all the ciessee, to be farnietud at each times and in such quan tities as the publio service may require. Each elms will be consider. d separately, and be sub- Unit to a separate contract; but bidders may offer for one or more of the classes in the same PrOPOSal. Pio proposals will be considered unless accompanied by the guarantee that the bidder or bidders. if his or their proposals shall be accepted, will enter into an oh ligation, with good and sufficient sureties, to furnish willarticles proposed. forms for proposals be furnished at this office. and none will be taken into consideration unless substantially agreeing there with. All the paper in the several classes must be delivered at such pMcci as may be designated in Visabinstoiseity, (except that in Glees?. which must be delivered at Sul- Salo. in the State of New York,) in good order. free of all and every extra charge or expense, and subject to the inspect on, count. weight. and measurement of the Biloerintendent. and be in all respects satisfactory. Bidden' are required to furnish, with their PrOweille. samples of not less than one otitis of each of the kinds of paper bid for, and upon 'winch their _proposals may be based, except in classes I and TM. successful bidders will be required rigidly to conform to their samples. Proposals will be addressed to" JOHN D. DFFEILVAI, Superintendent of the Public Printing. Wastlington." and endorsed "Proposals for Bapolvins Paper. my4-141t cc ifa MALL STORES," " OARDLES," &c., test-Isst. NAVY DEPARTMENT. BVIIIII7 OR PROVISIONS ann Cion INet. Argil. 17, ma. Proposals, sealed and endorsed Offer for email Stores," or " Offer for Candles," or " Offer for Salt water Soap." or •• Offer for Mustard Bend, Black Pee per." Ike- as the ease may be. will be reomired at this Bureau until 9 o'clock A. in.. on the Jill day of May next, for furnishlng and delivering fon reoeimn g_twen days' notieelat the United States sexy yards at Chathis town, Massachusetts; Brooklyn, New York ; and Gos port, Virginia ; snob quantities only of the foilowins artm'estegoetine the salt-water soap and the caridleig, for each of w hich separate proposal■ and contrasts will be made) as may be requirebr o•dered from the ton tractor by the Chief of t hin Bureau. or by the 7e speutive oommmaing otEloers of toe said navy yaids, during the fiats) MIT Sad MR 119th June, BM. viz: boxes, shaving, India rob- Blacking. boxes or. bar. Combs coarse. India rub- Bombes. shaving. her. or • utts aerobe Brushes, scrubbing. Combs. fine, India rubber Brushes, rhos or sutra serail& Bruenes, 010 hes. Grass for bats. Butt/12c nevy vest. Jaog-knives., navy medium. Y azure, in single oases. Buttons, tlarr Coat, Razor Straps. ttons, dead eye. Poisson. Beeswax. in .4 lb cakes, Spoons. ti ' On spools of N 05.12 and 16,900 yards each, 3 cords, egos parts. , oandkerohiefs. cotton. fast colors. 33 by 30 Inches, weight Dot leas than 2 oz. each, ?entire 8 byB to loon. Needlee, sowing, Nos. 1, 3. 3, and 4, drill. eyed be tweet's. Ribbon. hat, best French blank, 19 yards to the piece ; width 1)4 .00h. Soul). shaviag. in ashes • each take not legs than 2 oss. Bilk, sewing. b.ue-black; wrapper not to exceed 7 oz. to the pound. Threari. bleak and white. Marshall's or Barbour's beat quality, and in such proportions as may be required. Tape, whitelinen. 4 lards in length. % Mob wide. Tape, black, twilled cotton,' yet* in length, 3i inch wide Thmibles, 8.10 and 9 ID In diameter. All the above artiolea must be included in the offer. WHITE SALT•WATER PoLY.— Separate bid for 80000 pounds, and such additional quantity as may bs re quired. The soap must be manufactured from cocoa-nut oil. and be of the best qualms. denoinTated wAta salt wires Goan. and be dehnered sly days' notice. to good strong box-, of about 75 youlds each. and. alter inspection• the boxes must be hooped ate .oh end at the expense of the contemn-or. The rice to be =dotal at all the yards, Orsaarna 6.09:Mg11.-seperolzie bid far p. ooopurwds (sod such further qv:lusty as may be required, The candles must be " sixes," of pnme leaf lard stearin°, 8 .11J Inches In lenstn, MCIV..IIIDe. Qt. h.. via can dies to weico not less than 14 Gowan SY2M. nor-more than 18 ounces. and be paid for according to theraotual weight, withcnt reference to oommermal 1111A/M t the melons ponot goo o. h. 4.1.141 i Ile uosrocU brun he wick must be braided. and °lmposed of 78 oaten threads of the best cassia, of Pie. 47 yarn. The n.ttles to be delivered on sixty days' nodes. in good boxes, containing about re pnunds each, and the box to bi marked with me contractor's name and the weight of the candies. PARA:firma Cgrinwts.—Tbis offer a separate and dis tinct for ton thousand pounds, acoording to-sample, and snob further quantity as may be reiinired, for which sixty dal.' notice will be given. MUSTARD fIaenBLACK PEPPER, ito. Beettrate buts 'for all that may be rr suited for the use of the navy, to be delivered at New York only. mustard stied. American brown. . Pepper, black, Malabar. Bottles, octagon, for mustard and pepper. Corks for bottles. • le All the foregoing litho e mot be of the beet quality. ana conformable in all reepoons o the samples deposit ed at maul navy yards, and subject to suchimapeotion at the navy yard where delivered as the CI:dolor the Bu reau may direct ; the inspecting officers to be appointed by the Navy Departniesn All the articles to be delivered free of any incidental expense to the Government. in proper 'vomits or pack ages. and the price of regal article must rye the same at the respeetive please of delivery. Packages in which the above article. are deli ;ered must be marked with tbgr contents• am the name of the contractor, and be client to insure their temporary safe kithpinig• The contractor must establish agencies - at such sta tions other than his residence, teat nodelay may anse in furnishing what may he required; and when the contractor or agent fat ly promptly to comply with a re quisition, the Chief o the Bureu of Provimone and Clothing shall be anthonsed to direct purchase' to be made to supply the deficiency. under the penalty-to be expressed in the contract; the reoord of a requlsitio a, or a duplicate copy thereof, at the Bureauof /Provisions and Clothing. or at eitaer of the nary yards aforesaid, shall be evidence that snob requisition has been made and remised. Two or more approved sureties, in a gum equal to the estimated amount of the contract, will be required, and twenty per oentpm in addition will be withheld trom the amount of all payments on account thereof as oollaterateecunty, to secure its performance, and not in any event to be paid until it is in all respects corn phed with ; eighty per oentum of the amount of alt de- Hyenas mule will per paid by the navy agent within thirty days after bills, duly authenticated, shall have been presented t r aroma forms 0 propagate may be obtained on apyli- Flea to the navy agents at Portsmouth , flaw baton, 1 . 4 or York, rhilatlelohls. ltaltueores omit, an at this Bureau. record• i eor i r eoftiett6r lt i t n wtrl der or tificaion thereof, within the meaning of the eat of leg. and Ins bid will be made and accepted in conformity with rhui undeistandinit- Every offer made must be accompanied (as directed in the sot, ot Congress. making appropriations nor the lineal /terms for 1848-'47. approved 11th . 0f 18460 by a written guarantee. maned by one or more re sposeible persons, to the effect that he or they under take that the Nader or-bidder:swot. it his or their bid he accepted, enter into en obligation within ten days, with good and au Solent =reties, to furnish the zupplies proposed. The Bureau will not be obligated to consider any pruoJsal unless aooompthied by the guarantee re,. - enired by law ; the competenoy of the guarantee to be certified- by the navy agent, distrust attorney, or the collector of the port TM attention of bidders is called to the samples and deserieriosi fir articiss mewed, as, is the nispection before" m ak s ., a just but rigid comparison - will be ',mete between eke articles 'offered and the somotte and, contract, sc•suing nom! that fell below them ; and *Asir attention is a/so particularly directed to the joint re solution of Vek of March. UK and to Ms actlOth ust. 1846. yelp PUBLIC SALE. p r ULLg..! BALE Or VALUABLE PRO. SHE " ALPO SEAL ESTATE AND' AL 'ILSE/- FACT:USING COMPANYe . - Of Mound' in,Poillakt Vona& Will clibtat runhoo BALL on the premises. On WSDNERDAV lath - day of Mar neat, - e Number of DESIRAEL BUILDING LOTS. Eligibly Located for Stores. ? _ , Factories, and Risidenees. A SPACIOUS DRICR_UTn FOUNDRY. WITH ALtiCM•iiE And all the apportragoas occasion for the bliainesti o ounaulacturtog UMW awl boilers for Steamboats, Sugar, and all o th er Mills, used in . the Southern and Western country. The Patterns °omens* the modern provementa is machinery. with a tall and complete wit of Patterns for Stoves adapted to both, wood and mot This property, Irmil the isdvantorWloisation of `tdound City. ia one of 'the most valuable in the Southwest. A FIRST-CaIIB — TVIE-Sa i ti Y * FRAME hiD DERN-B T TIOTEL, Containingissue fifty rooms , with a full set of Furni ture. The Hotel is now twang a large and profitable business. Also a number of BRICK BTOBrB AND COTTAGE RESIDENCE& Timms ow day s.—One fourth ftg) cash ; the rectain irtigintv: I. tl . and tl f m k ode s t from b of sale. The cash payment may be made in Atielionde of t per ine Company. and the time Payments will be taken in the Stoat of the COMMIS, at Par , exesit for improved pro perty for which three-fourth' of the puronme-money mar remain upon mortgage. As the Company p ropose to dispose of all their im provements. o- muling have a rare opportunity for pro fitable investments in one of the best located and most flourishing cities in the great Southwest- For parties lass, mauve of or address JEW. JPEYTON_. President E. FL E. & M. Co mh.25-tml4 Offuns 922 WALNUT Street. Plulada. WRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.— We have now on hand. and are manufacturing' to order, at the Mount Cony Paper Mills, every_ de tonation of WRITING AND LEDGER I'APZERS, whielijoy War and finality. are net speeded by ens other Mills in the United States. We would call attention to a new article of Paper manufactured by us, and now for sale, called Business Letter, which hes been gotten up to meet the wants of Mamma men and others, who.otdoet to Commormal NOW as being too narrow, and do not wish to use part of usual letter sheet. overcomes botk the above obiections rt.* a per fect sheet, pure wove ; plate finish ; ruled on one gide I stamped in gents* near the "top; made from best =a tonal free from adulteration , and put unin neat boxes, convenient for use. . We also have a vapor called Bank Letter, similar to ghs above, except it has but half the number of lines on, so as to allow a punted Minicar heading above. ICEMPTON & MYLLIa, Mount Holly Siornsgs,Cumberland4 . , e a b ov e ?spin. and be had of Messrs. J. P & etL i and atEHAROBE BR HE al. E and f DBUarfin street, inhe-am II MVANS WATSON'S SALAMANDER Earn. OTO2III 304 crusiTil A • tP A L El " Pit ith i tin ege variety o glare fIOTTON SAIL DUOK and OANVAS, ' ll - 1 of ail Milberg and braods. ~ _ . .., itamowa Duck Ammias swillo.lof au..dmoilamona. for Tillah .nm s, Ilya., alld wagonGovers. ..: .. AUNT% lotararr*Dritir Drib- - from a to a fist gram. - mating' Pail Twigs moo- ---- ric k ant • - J ILK w. klusAiLszt & Mk, iwl-tr 'ao3 JONAS ma. trILE rgEinfrying~ApAo SATURDAY• MAY H. 1861. CEPFIALIO SICK 11EADAOHE. NERVOUS f3E4,IJA.CHE. Hi the nee et them Pine the periodical 'mob of fvu, oese,o9. Sim Thedecte may be mounted and fifteen at the;atei*tWaMeitC,o,f *Attila immediate relief trete eameketemar vrIA-bitObseeluedi- :-- They liddm , flow n rord the Newel eadHisfi sake to whioh females are eoestoeat, They aat one! 91l the Write* removing Cattiamoss. For zdroakcifiii, 75e#0 1 . 6 14Debtolt• Females, and all ponioria oroodoitiliri:akiosi Amor i.bielnduabio an Lazatio4 laakiroint. as armoire; gqing sou and rigor to the dieoldkvie 'OOO, ladisorohnithe natural elas ticity and strength oftho'ikoloitiani; • The ORPHAWOIII•I4 B Me the result of lone unrest- Ewen end -eSeiftilly eskeinted experiments. limns seen in Imo luny nem Mune; Irluch time they hen prevented and relined ; s: Via Menet of sent one endering from ifeadadis. erhether teem swoons system'or from a damned Mete "of the ase- whey ere entireltvegiitale in thiir °imposition, and may be taken at =mai itttb emit* tafetymithout =Xing any ohangi of dietilinki th..skisos lar say dila frotible fml it stay ra ilid!lllakaar nig% Sc &Waifs: ' • -" BIWA= OF COUNTERSNITII! . Who heroine how* Ivo idlioaaroo noun u. coolduti on each Box., Bold by Druggists and all other Deafen in Medicine& A flon will be mint tri mail crook on resent of t h e PRIOE. a 5 CENTS. ♦ll wars skeet ba aid: mad HENRY - SPA.L.DING. 40 CEDEX MEE% NEW 'YOU VILE FOLLOWING SNDOROBASEMII OF OEPHALICI WILL CiONiLliell ALL WIE9 :111WFBILFAug H E . A --.13 A 915 x SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN TIMM MOH. 411 Mow nittimisfais are 1108016Cifild by MT. BTALD. nig. limy %Ord uscsitstionabis - proof ett tie 401. • casicat Shis oval spipoiliM di:cavort'. Ma. Brazorms. Bra: I have tried roar Cephalic NIL aadl ials Am so gl i that I 3irailt YOU to send me two dollars worth more. 'or tkooe me for. tho noighbors.,to whom I gave a aw o the Brat box I• got Tr= TOM Bend the rills by_saml, ersd oblate' ' Your ob't Berra at • JA.m.sti X.BIOIEDY. Xs. sral erns. Haryintrols, Pa., Few 6,]!161. 513 ' ,•• I linatit,you to reed me one more:boyelyour Cephalic Pilliv/Viirs rewired a gnat dealqt bent from than. • :oars no9rotta l A A4 - • - .Itd • ' IMMO' OWL; RIIIITIMODON COUNTY,. Pa., e n. eru, 4. Amory 78.1801. S 8133. _ l kolg u rl a w n r., IDs' boxes of 'coo Cettalict .1" :ouzo . -" "e nVg. Mg box otycoor rifitousd ft*4 Ana ogrosnest, Boaz ?home*, Ohio, /an. 211,1M1. IC. ars-wawa. Bev .Eseee find enclosed twenV OCnte, trend& send vie sissliesDox , orionsVe Villa... They ars truly rks baa - Pirir Soartsar- - Direct _ . • ;AL STO_YER, P. M., Vella Venice.. Weandot co.. 0. liwzaza, ilLvis. Deo.% DSO. I If 0. ep.laage, lbw Irish for amp wrovisis or *show bills, to briar ourCroplasho rilla Jllolo,lint 7 Imfors war tomes . oaa . If you. have sayttitaa w *alma pleas* send :4 141 ,„waiiatomers, who Is'aiddeot to , severe !Risk I he, Mash saw y bating two ays" iuo ) was a t her. rra rif an masa Fas'a bir roar Pilrk I wen • • ' • Neepeetfully netts. ,-. ..- - IV. B. WILIP.O.- line= C. lIPALDfiIe, 110. 4 / 3 1:14dar at.. iS. Y. ' • Dram : • • • - Inclosed fine tweets-five Cents, (MO for which seed box of " Ceptusho Pius. Send to address of Rev. Wet. C. Filler' Reynolds burg, Franklin Co. Ohio. Your Pills were ties a charm—curs Maidachs almost isstansar. 7011114 WM, C. FILLER.- ELtimnot. . 'Rut • , Not lons aamol mat to youtor a box sa d halllis for the ours of the Nervous Headache Costivenese. sod recanted theism* sad they had so good opt offooi that /leas tialserd to seedier store. -- ' roan mad by rotors' magi Throat to A. R. WHEELER. • • Wok. Prow S*. Examinee, iforfoar, Cephalic Elle acoomelleli °Wit for which they were made, me.: Cure of headache la BRIM tonna. • /Wet tee Wzaesiesr. Norlati; Ta: Whey have been testa in more that thousand owes. with mails =mem • • li , ent the'netitecrai, lit. Cleid, Kinn" . If yam are. [ Cephalic ,been lepabled irith the headache send flat a has Pills.] so that yen may hairs them In ease of an shank. . , Prom Ike Atdarrtire Proeidniee, B. L .Cek'MD4l'o4l4* meld tole besta:remarka bly-id Uveremedy•tor th e neadoeue. and ape of ma very et for th at very. 014,84 oomp*nt wadi has ever beet discovered. - - . Prow ska Wasters A.B. Gamete; Meade, .111. W ith esrtity ender" Au 21 * 400..41 1 4 loririgled Prim the .ICOnfofis Villa SW* IRON,IiwS, Ts. Wears sure thatoralee lefering lkithihechphoaohik who trilhetUfOrlu 10 , 544111 6 • - v.e l ii, Prom ihi - "Seetteiit elk - lisder, New Oriotijiy:::; La. Tr i them I you that. aid into& audzaraimLlosi lic it uttltestamouy oag added to the that has teem beneate that no OhernWigre reamprodoes, 1 : . -• • -.. . , ! the fte. Loafs Iftwuteras; The immense domed for the article (Geehalle !Or) is aridly ineteaginz.; Amu sks Giszeste. Dampers. lowa. mr. gloating would not oosumet his name with an dr bole he did not Mom to ponies real merit. /Von *h lertiser, .Prowidasca. TM leneetaDle g teit in oir favor ix Wont. front the teed Preut Me *Mir New, Nernum, A. I Cirphalio Pine are taking the pleas of all kite. t• Praia etas Ckieweereiel - Biatesult. Sewee. Kees, Maid to be eery allassicaut fol. the adadathe. Item the Colaaancial. Chnotawasi. ihfferble huminity oaa now be reluereet. mirA Slagle WWl* aC PIapPAIED SLUE will we tea limn au& owe aiwitally."llll SPAU)M4'S PaltrA3Ml) SPALDERG'S PEXPAEZD EPAIADLEG'S -PREPARED • SAVE THE PLECIEII / ECONOMY! - 'STATOR , Mir" A 1111111 R I Tun ISAvu 11 "NM fi►An sooillo very desirablents will happen: to ovum in 11-wslalated tt ws oonoteuent tray for repairing Purnitare bo . aim. Coksoprookeand -17. an. BPALDING'S PREPARE') 6 Ulf. :Feta all ealesnergetiolen and no rt kopehOld c* ord to do tri ont it. It in and no to the etioldng ownIDI E V ERY. HO asap it plie.,lll ' A. Brish asemmmuliall mtg. • Addle.. . HENRY O. SPALDING. NO. to CEIDAX gram% xi* YURI. As certain unpnnotals4 venom a palm of en101.406' taut public,. PREPARED GLUE. I insaldosatun . =hut Wore pnrohlaing, Andrea _ 2 VP' SPALDING% PILTPAIND le ea Vie Melee llMPOpeti $1 Mss' NUMB SXXS: HEADACHE SPALI)INGISI„ *SAT J 1 :duo'mug, Conn., Feb. 6.1801. jay ouisinnt , FIAXZLIPI Co.. 01110.( January 9, MI. Yraxt.ullt, Biwa., Jan. lA, UIIL -CAUTION. INSIIRANC7I- 0 THE RELIANOE MUTUAL INSITRANCE COMPANY, . , . . 'OT TzttLenir,rwm., . OFFICE, Plo. 3015 WALNUT STREW, • against Wes OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, , on itamo r t oues . mores, and other. bnildings. - limited '.- . _. or, =sal , ~,, and on Furniture. . , . .. . wsresi ;and •, Mar- .. -•• • '- • 'oliendlse`. In town . or - • Gauntry OA oxpITAL, ammo 00-ABSETIS *317 . 101 N. Which is invested as follows, viz i In Ann morsinnes • an 4 0 14 -Pr.91111.01. worth double the anlount::-.......;. - 0162 ,100 co rennialvacia. Railroad Co. , 5.6 pareen!. first 1 mortgage loath' at 2 02 T.L. , .. - " --y LIMO 00 • pegimigams Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. se (bond mortgage laid, Tlo,oonl— pme op Huntingdon it nd 'Brake op Railroad ci=loo. • mortgage out— -- 4 .. 00 enti first-oleo . .:-.--. ...-.4 ..,...:. 0. 00 Wisteria loam. well Bemired — . 2,500 00 catrot Philadelphia 6 per can;. loan—, 5p,009 go Vegbeo7; Count} -6 WV cent . Pa: RR. loan_ ,10.000 CO • mmormal fkinit . stook---, ...„ .-........ AIM 01 eMnseele Rank stoek—... - ---..-' 2.812 50 1 an • Mania Rearbad 'Co.'s stook - . ' 4'ooo'oo pa - , lianas 'Mama! Insurance Co.'s stook * ' ', M,llllO 00 he County Fire lemmas Co.'s stook— ~. 1,060 00 6.8 lavers M. u . Trupganos Cols stook- ..- 100 00 Man Mutnathumranos fm's scrip-- . 'WO Q 0 Bills Mealwablit-. ' .....---.-- Han 74 Book amounts. scorned interest, 1k0......--. 7,10 a 66 Gait on hand-.-. —...—...--. 11.e14 64 . _ . The Mutual principle , oombined with the warily of &Stoat Capital, entitles the insured to partimpate in the Profits or the Company. without liability for loam. Laws promptly adulated and paid. • . Initinvolls: tie: Tingley. Swirl Bispham, tine= ItZthompson, . Bo rt Steen, fleriek Br o wn, - liri. kiam Masser, William Stevenson, Beni. W. TWAY. John`-t. Worrell, Marshall Bill. H. L. Carson, J. Johnson Brown. I. Robert Toland , Charles Leland. 13 II Ronan_gerten; - Jaaob T. Bunting. cluirles O. wood, Smith DOW , OIII_ James B. Woodward,_ John Bissell, rittsburr. 01.111 ht TINBLBY. President. B. . RINCTIM.Arg. Seoretary. , Fat t ener: 16. 1861. lb22 TELE. ENTERPRISE INSURANCEL COMPANY 01 PAMADBLPIIIA. WIRE INSISRANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) EIOMPANrS BUILDING, S. W. COEPER FOIIRTH AND WALNUT STREETS. F. LATCHFORD BEARas MORDECAI L. DAWSOR's WIIALIAICMCKEN, - OWN H. STVAE.T. MAILBIti FEAZIER, . Joint H. BRows, JORIC 470014 B. A.PARITZSTOCji ARM • =Cis REDREW D. CAS% J. L. I~RRIEGER. i ntlkAT . CHVOH.D STARR, rremideut. iMI4..L:a;: W. OMB. aporettars. • - fen PENN MUTUAL LIFE IMUItANCE COMPANY L . GGIAIaHAnnT ICKPETUAL. Ito NUT ftsol,Ptuissielphia. CRTER 19 ALL ZHE PROFITS t u IVIDaD AMONG TEE IN . Insure Lirik for 'holt or ior the whole term of life I; sratkannustres .Endowments ; purchase Life Intorests , 'Seal .Estste,' and make all contrasts de- Pend= carthe,oontingenctss of life. May- not aa Executors. AdMiniXtratoill Trusteas. and Guardians. ASSET§ OF THE COMPANY, January 1. 1961. Slor3tates, ground rents, real estate— .13211,901 97 United =tea stooks. firepaarT notes, loam , of State ofPennartvatua,. cats: Of AMU. , delstde,, Re— • Main 34 Preintstwieses7f9fts 75.594 58 • Ponanyirania. North ,Pennasivanis Rail . and County six per dent.lionds— 105,8011 50 Bank,ltisnranoe, railrosd,'esnal stoos. &o. ; 94 . ,,R7 40 comet hand, agents* balances. ato., rso--- • 38M5 14 1,071,133 02 DANIEL L. MILLER. 140aident, • • SAmUEL B. STOKES. Vice President. JOHN W. HORNOK,Hearotars. 220117 u RE AL D. ~.,..11FA .WO E' :40111.P MUIV POILADEL1 7 1; 1 1A 11" 4,5 . t4A . rporated by th,:LegielattUe of Panxiiihroam,lBl,. • . , Oleo I LN - • KAMM INSURANCE; - On Vampls.l Can ; To all parts of the Wpirill. lAMBS On iloodi iiIRMADa= 4ake, azi mild car ,naceldlpirts of Vane _ Iflxs aint4i , Oetneroluindate .seinertiny.:‘ Or e '. - tore'. DivOing Monies, are, . ' AMMO 07.171 E CONYRNIti November 1,1840. $lOO,OlO Milted Mateo lively coat. 10aa—..11100,000 00 1111,000 Waited armee ilia. V cant: Treasury Noenie!l ig tegs Ve -r . 119463 81 nom) 0 0 moo do. do. elm to. do. : $l,OO o :1 11 l arl d egle Phi ttge t7 5.11 c"t.. LoLre. , ilea SI 10400 l'emiieveaus Railroad gd mortgage ail V emit. bonds ' 41,000 00 ' '15,000 MO shame. 494 Ualmaritownea. Compatl7, interest and' pnuoipal gapanntood by the City of rhim- Minna 15,800 00 5,000 Mie n ree Fenopylvatuo ' Railroad' 5,000 8181 '4u shad&arroiiirr'elim . " uu I,Boo'Bo ahisreal eam l fil 8 :4 1 iiiilo Ice Boat and " SO si l tarea hifad C a k e l ann Ham do- Bram atom Towboat Company. SS 00 500 1 2 sham Philadelphia Exchange Company 1,000 2 /tares Continental Rotel . 3 010 5 000 6 W 4 ' led, m lO 0 par. Cost 8611,4 16 .24. Mark et raL8141.56 11 reoevoble, for insurances asde--171,344 th and mor Wand--------------- 3!" °° —....... 4 ° oft dm a Asenoiee...Preminsik on klii .Mee Policies. interest. and other debts one Min. Com_peny ---. 61,666 02 Eerie - and Op of andrr Ininuenee and other Com es --.— —.. SAS SO . Ceek on ken —in bet . a7—..... --AMOS LI . In drawer— —. OM SS ISM It IMAM a rniauTons.. 1 L u Martin, ramie E. Stokes, - d A. - Aouder ' : . J. F. Fadden, .Theonhir randinne'. - ; . 'Farr Moan, Jahn rr, Armle t . ward Darin:atm. kaloi c,I. .44, _ .. . Jones Bmokcs Kaer-Wilveknes , mho th , nere. - - - - - rt pi rultief . too . Jona( ' J.jarrum . M'Farland. Joshua, .P. Eyre, ohn B. gentple, Fittityt. D. 'a'. At orgea, I A. J3..napsr,_ • u MM W , rrerident. .HA... iee President , nol7-it ri h m(:Lttlwir, • . JEG Baal, • a aHOE. 0 y 4 ! NVENI INSIIRANCIE EXOLIISIVELY.- L PENNSYLVANIA FIRE , INSURANCE itar r elifY—lnoo_rvorated IBS —CHAILTER PESPIr- N 0.510 WALNUT Street, opposite Independ enakSVUlre• Tiail Company, favorably known to the community uur T " "*"' "11 "" Ao 4re ur ielfg es lose damage , by Foe. on int oor on t a l§ , lure permanentl i g K o mili r foz r ar mi le b tryne. Also nooks or moo generally . on Itherat terms. Their Coedit. together with a large Sundae Fand, u• invested in the meet went meaner, whteh enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted seourity the case of loom. • 111.8201.08 it. rmathem Patterson, Imam Has'shunt, ann Campbell, Thomas Bobina r lerandet,Beruson, Hamel. Smith, Jr., 'William Nloatodus, . John Bevereux, • Thomas South. JONATHAN PA'RTERBON. President. )31•701.1 BRUM, Neormary. ass-ly EfUItiL.NV E.OOMPANT OF THIS A, arms OF" PANICSYLVANLA—FIRB ABB MA- YihBiBURATICE No& AND- I EXClLtriell illlßllll Akiuteeld la 7171*-oanital 11100.00 O—Feb. 1,1800. gawk vile I liantrira Tr* Alriliveßted in nand and available aileantie&-iton- Baas to matte on Vessels and Cargoes,Building& Beiebe of Marchand:um /go. terms, piltEthroas. New D.,llliegrere, George atom& l=e l l T el att alter, k r tl i n i g 4 ir k r a j 4n ' yz Jr.. -4CIMI. Thome B. :I , extron, B. RINII7 G. FIVOIMII. tp,.._, Charles I. Lewis, v aid w IM II IEMBILD Would *MUM linoretavv. jarit .IfintUg ' INSUBANUE . -- NENOHANTOE' at. INSUT-aNgit COMPANY of Philadelphia., No. .135 North /11X=. litritet,below Race. insure Build sum Eloodi,_and gderehandise generally from lora or damage by Fire. The company parantee to MBA all Woes proinorty, and thereby have to merit the ipstron age of the public. , , - inisewoiss. .'Milgrim Noma. Robert Flamm, Primal* ever.' Michael bleideoy., !Worse L. Dougherty, Edward Metiovern, areerMartm, Thomas B. MeCemalek, *men Duras, . ' .lohn.Brenday, Matthew McAleer, Francis Pall*, E xis lani Ratretro4 l John Cusad,b - , inriaact i anulg , "Bernard EL -atulsentsg, er, Charlet 011111 t. • - cue MoManite .. Michael Cahill. .----, .'- --- - . i.A i tt4Ol6:OOOPNR,i President. BEKAA/DKIL • Secretary. oce-ly . _ A BURMAN FIRM INSURANOE 00., ~.cA--11400.R.PORATED- 1836 CHARTER PER- I . 310 WALNUT Ohne above Third, Philadelphia, Inns s issue" usiLl-up sand Stook Bud Sondes. t !rested - in sound and seat le Seouritiesoontin to f=on Dwellings Stores, Furniture, Aleransan i e. le in ...sort and' their trsoee, end other.pereonai 'Property. - All knees liberal end promptly adlaarad. DIP= IPA. Thos. R. Marl. • ohm T. Lewut,_ John Wen, es R. Casuppell, Sassinel C. Morten. and G , Dutilh, Treerek Brady, - W. roamer. Israel Morris. TRIAIII R. lor“ rt,, President. -.ALBERT C. S. CRAWFORD.IeeftUrr. fe2t-tt VIOHANta INgURANO4. SXMIPANY ..otßeerVloB WALNUT eltreet. DDLC.IND OR on Ramie aid Merehandise itmera tual nire.,pn voluble termite either dimited or Per pe. - DIREGTORS: Jeremiah D Boma, Thomas marsh, ohn Q.. pinata% Partite 'D oyamion... motet% • Janice T. usJo, et amsdies, Joshua T. Owens .1 bu J. oariniths. • B ritnittiLILDODEALL. President. Ditte Q. earmono, Vice Preinient IMMO CON* 800T0110117. r TEE NNW .1011 P 1112 4 11310 CiFFICE " THE PR SS Wmwed to inmate neatly ;cheap andeneditibialy P~MPHLSTI, ' CARDS. BLANK! OF EVERY DRIOILIPEOR •UCIZUNEERS. LAWYERS LAILKOAD AriD iNSURANCE COMPANIEJL PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING • air iv wisp a StAisb• Pobboation (Wm of TM nom. •41 Nur Street. VW le PreTtlf 04sailikid • NOTICE.—The- Citizens of the different Mho and Towne throughout the State are invited 1 , 9 eemsettuon for the plaati_at which the next AN MVAL ISTAT PAIR shall be held. Proposals oontahung initneements and advantages, direeted to „ tse undermarprd Corounttoe, appointad by the Ex Ilmt#vor - Commitsec. , . WI be received up to and i n .. eluding, Meg Stet next. C fol .:mistime/along should be a dman's to either of the IonLDERg Egreoltet JA HP - WM wi CO_,_ja.. • , jOg ALUT HERFO.II.I). JO H. AlEirt. Ea burr. Pa., AMA :S. KAP N . ortham r=a, tura. attemeing to 'tstions of ml persons to ex . • isen sms. LvESII an Mous* MHO aili4tsa7El MPANPO 11. $817.147 . 04 "-"1'R1LA.rq1,P2374;", - Mil a JOB r RIN7rING. lIVIVRT PIIIMIRRICIO% V ?APEX BOOED. onitauLass 811.1. 111SADII MIANDBILIA, EE=ZI itMiCHAPI7B, MANUFACTUR MECHANICS. 8A1716, BAUM° 01 1:' ge m A rArril. r.K.M. avert) At . sitOß Dierw,WWRAII, , RO . On and after. PatnAmmlillay 13, wew ir.; • • . FOR 88RV1A7.170 Leave Pintanelphia.t. 6.'2, 8, 0-10. 11. It A. M.. 7, Z. 3. 3 33* 4 ' 5. 6)3 ' 34-3..13337 -'*"4 '333 P. 18A 112, a.rakOnt ,17% 8 BM. 0.10.11. A. 8, 11, 4 818, 0 % 73 g. 9 .' 411 '# -P• 14- - 0 in., 'Tao BAI A. .74. - and 8 RIP! M . Freine atop at erm town °my. .• - 64. wm , 4DAy ,. P Philndolphis. 805 A. M., 83%0%. 8/1%. and 10% . 7d. . dl • - Leave Germantown 10 A M ,I. 4. 631.en6113 4 F. M. 011.h8114 UT R , LL RAILIWAD. • -"ale Philadelphia, 6, 8. 10, /2 A. M.O. 3.59, 4,6, 8, 9, and 101 i P_ M. - Leave Chestnut Rill, 710, 8. 8.40 1 8,40.11.40 M.,1.40, 3MI 840, 7.10. 8.40. and:lo - ./0 P. M. *rho 8 A. M.: and ' -3.31'15 ' . will niske no stops on the Germantown toad. ON SUIPAI S. Leave Phifedelnnia, 6.05 A. M.. 2.36, 5. and 7% P. M. Leave Chestnut Rini 7.50'A. M.. IS 40, 6.10, end 9.10 P. FOR COMMOROORRN AND NOR.RIBTOWN. 3. 09 t3i• 4 arePhiledele %mu hie P ,,mee, 9,05. ILO A. Kt.. 3.05, ~ 1/11 M. ! Leave Hometown, 6, 7. 8.115, 9;11 A. - M., 1%.4%, C 34, and 9% P. 01.. • • ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, fl A. M.. 3 and 5 p, Leave Notreitown, A M. I and P. FOR -MAN ayula Leave Philadelphia, ale, 7%. 9.06, 11.05 A. M., LOB 2 N. SAIL AM.B. and 11.34 P. Al. I.oave Manajignic,63‘. 7%. 8 as, 2,ag.11% A. M.., 2,33 L 6,7, and 10 P.m. ON SUNDAYS.. Leave Philadelphia 9 a. M.. 3 5. and 73( P. M. Leave Manay_uir. 7M A. M..13G.635, ann 9 P. M. kt. K. 3311 cll. Gen. rat Einnerintandent. m7ll-tr - • . Depot, NINTH and-GMBEN &seem rpHE PENNS VLVANIA 0 E NA , it A RAILROAD_, 260 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 1861. ircitamg 1861. THE CASAD4TY OF Tins .21.0 AD IS NOVriCLUAL T ANY IN TFIIS COUNTRY. THREE THROUGH PAPIS NGEM T naibm BMW EEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURG. Connecting direm ist Philadelphia with Throurh Trains from Boston.. New York. and liT all_ppists East. and in the mon Depot at Pittsburg, with "i hrougrains to and rom all points the West. Northwest. and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort by any other route. Express and Fast Lines run through to Pittsburg, 'iithout amuse of Cars ar Condnotorg, All Through Passenger Trains provided with Loughaldge's Patent Brake--speed under perfect control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety of travellers; Smoking pare are attached to eaoh Train ; Wood rtYPe ectepirmCara to .Pspresa and Fast Trams. The EXPRESS RUNS DAILY: Mail and Fast Lines. Ban dar' emersted• Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.110 A. M. Fast Line 11.43 A. hl. Express Train leaves " 10.46 P. M. ' WAY TRA1.313 LEAVE AS FOLLOWd Harrisburg Accommodation, via Columbia. 2.30 P. 31. Columbia 44 CM P. M. Parkesbarg at 2.40 P. M. West Chester " No I at 8.16 A. M. No. 2. at 1730 P. M. West Chester Passengers mill take the West Chester Na.. Land, and Columbia Trains. Paasangerii for lacinbdry Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls, and intermediate _points, leaving Philadelphia at 7.20 A. M. rind 2.29 P. M., go directly through. Tickets Weetward may . be obtained at tke °Masa of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or Baltimore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of the moor tent Riutroad (Moog in the West; also on board any of the regular Line of Steamers on the Musaisaippi or Ohio rivers , sir Fare alwaisais low, and time as quick, as by any other Route. - For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast Corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western., connections of the Pennsylvania 'Railroad to Chicago. make thin the DIRECT LINE BET W eshlti THK EAST AND THE . GREAT WEST. The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg,avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together ith the saving of time, are advantage's readi y Skippers of Freight, and the .Travel ung rubles. • merokants and Elloppers entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to this Company. can rely with oonfidenee units aratedy transit. • -THE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any' Mint in tne West be the Pennsylvania Railroad are at all 'times as favorable as are charged by other Railroad qtervialtits. '-- Be particular to mark packages " via Pennsyl vania Railroad." "For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, apply to. or address ei th er of the following_ Agents of the COMP6I3I: D. A. Stewart, Pity( R. S. Pierce & Co., Zansisville..o._; . J..Joknsork. ley, O. ;.R. MoNeely, Maysville, K „; Ormsby & Crop per, Portsmouth o. • Paddock & Jeffersonville. Indiana; b ro wn & Co.; Cincinnati. 0., Atuern .& HibbertiCinoinnatt 0.; R. C. Meldrum , SISSMOS. Ind. Joe . . Moore, Louisville, Ky. ; P. O. Goitiley & 00:,? E Evensville Ind.; N. W. Graham Co; Cairo, ;_ F. Bash & Glut 81. Lows.' M an ; iehn , It. Karns, riashvilie, Tens.; oams at'am plus,. %ran.; ()large & Co., Chicago, Ill.; W. R.! 'Karnes. Alton; or to Freight Agents of Railroads' at different pants ut the West. - • 8. B. HI adTON, .Jr. Philadelphia. MAGRAW & BOONS; SO North street. Baltimore. LEECH & Co.. I Astor House, or .1 8. William at.. N. Y LREOH a Co,. No 77 Stete street. Boston. E. U. HOUSTON. Oen'l Freight Agent, Phikt. HOUPT, Peen Tioket Agent, E. LEWIS. Geo'l enet Altoona. Pa. jan-17 ..... , .1861.:• ;ow 1M1:. ~pluziter . , •.... • -. • 1 /IIIS - LINE& „TH.z 0 10, ,: t y AND • puyi... mp h Dz il w NI , .: , t •. t 0 p: 1 .. i 'LPHILIONEW a . - YOXII:AAD-WAY PLACA& mum WALNUT-11T. - WHARF AND ICENSINOTON DEPOT , WILL 1.,,5AV8 A 8 FOLLOWS, VIZ : • 7,1314 'AS A. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Att. commodation At 6 A. Al.orisi Camden and Jersey City. (W. J.) Acoommodation— , . 1 25 At M 4. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Q t . —. 504 - At 1/34 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey city. West. Express. 3 IV At 11% P. ern M. 4 vu, Camden and Amboy Aocommo- - 10ti0n.:.... —... 25 At! P. M., via Camden and Amboy: R. mtd A. Ex- press-- 00 At Or P. hi., rota Kensington and -larva', city, Eva -11155" Express.— At P. M., via Kensington and Janes City, 2d 3 1)15 Class Ticket 2 26 At t 66 P. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening • CO At P. M., via Ciunden and JerseY City.ilouth eni t 55 At 5 P. M., .via CanidentAnd AillomMOdA , tion_..(Frateht and Panenzer let Mass Ticket_ 222 PO. ' do. ^ 251_ Clam lloket— 1 So' Re 6P M Mail Linereil daily. The 1.13‘ M. sonth- Pm Mail. Saturdays excepted. • For Belvidere. Its'Ateps,,• :Lambertville, - _Flemington. e 1,, at MO A. M. from Kensington; WAN P. M. from Wairint4treet wharf. . For Water Gap. Stroudsburg, Scranton , Wilkesbarre. Montrose, Great Bend, i1c0.,1.10 A.. 111. Arun lranalnitvrt . vta_polaware. , Jihotointmoo soul "AVelyek • - pet Menoti t y, Ailentown, and thinhetts 7.10 A. 21. from Ire eon Depo t ' 11114 3% •M. fro Wel nut-etreet w ; (the 7 A hi, line imanototif with train leaving .Eeston 5t3.26 • eller Mount Holly, at 6 and fi and 63 P.M. For Freehold. at 6 A. 121.. and 21. M., rm.Brlptol Menton, too.. at ras A. M., ilihne Fx P.M. from Kensington, and M P.M. frtjl Walnut- Mgmi wharf.. Por_Palmvra, Riverton, Delanoo. Beverly, Rifling- V nillerenee, Hordentown, Ste. ; at 1236, 1, Of and 5 'Steamboat Trenton, for Bordemtown and intermediate pleees,st 234 P. M. from Walnut-street wharf". air For Hew York, and Hay Lines leave KeWnston Depot, bake the oar,, on Fi ft h street, above wamnt. an hour before departure. The sam run into the de t, on arrival of each trala. ran Irma the depot. Pounds of Baggage, allowed each Palom ar. mom are prohibited from taking anything as D but their wearing apSarel. All baggage over 2 pounds to be paid for extra, The Company limit the r ill sposility tor baggage to one Dollar par Rearm, and w not be liable for any amonnt beyond SIN, ex cept by special aantraat. mhzr WM. H. IIIATZBIES.. Agent. 1141141.11 N NORTH PRPINSYL ! MANIA RAIL/t9_AD. FOR JETBILEHBIIS,_DOYLBSTOWN,_ MAUCH. CIMUNK. HAZLETON. and EGKLBY. TUBB lig_ THROUGH .TRAIIOL On and after MONDAY..Deoember 3.15110. Passenger Tramped II leave FRONT mud WILLOW Streets, rho*. delphia, daily, Mondays excepted). as follow': At 0.30 A. M.,(.Sxpress). for Sethlehem, Allentown, Manoli Chunk, Hazleton. Wllkaabarre, At Lair. M., (Eantes"). for Bettil_ohem, lan, Thin train reaches Baotou all P. Pl' , and makes close connection with New Jersey Central for New York. - A s. At 5 P. M., for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk. At 3 A. M . and 4F. Al. , for DOllestown. Li I Fl for Fort Waghlllooll. she 6.30 A. M. Engrain man makes olive 4:sensation with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest and most desirable roots Wllkesbarre. and to all points in the Lehigh coal on. 'MAINS FOR PHILAD PHU. Leave Bethlehem at CM A._ M., LIS A. M.. and 5.55 P Leave Doylestown at A. M. alsl an 1430 r. M. beau Fort Walion ga BlGlDAYB.—Pluladelphisi 104 art Washington at PAO A. M. Philadelphia for D oy lestown at 1 P. M. Doylesteini for .Padelphis at 7A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia at 2.411 Faze to Bethlehem-411 So 1 Fare to Manoh Chunk:SS In Faze to Beaton-150 t Perste Wilkenbarre- 4 ISO Through Tickets most be procured at the Ticket 081e44. at WILLOW Street, or BRBRIS Street, in order to secure the above rata, of farth All Passenger Trairm( except Sunday Train.) connect at Berke &Feet with Firth and S_ixth- streets, end Second and Third-streAts Passenger Itailromln, twenty minutes after leaving Willow Street. del-tr - ELLIS CLARK. Agent. SPRING AICKINta- MBNTr—PRILADBLPRIA I WiWili M MIND BALTIMORE RATLIMAD, .: ite r a ffeMe=t.Mol4DAYPßll, M. 11161 i M MMTILSINS LEAVM PHIL e l IMLFRIA:l MLFRIA: For . tutors at &MA; nt., 11,a6 A. M., (Engem)+, nail WM P.M. F . For Cheater at &M ~ A. M -- 11.11A.M. .* 11.11 and 10. 68 . M. 30 4 , For P 0 Wilmington at 8.15 A. M., 11 85 A. M., $.lll an d . M. For Row Canto at 9.15 A. M. mid 4.15 P. M. For Dom at 9.1 i A. M. and LIS P. M. For Milford at 8.15 A. /IL For A. M. • 14mAiN5 FOR FILILADELPRIA imavol.altimora at 6.15 A. M. (Exprelab LB A. M., and 4.4 a r. M. Leave Wilmington at 5.90 and 930 A. BL. 1.50 and 9 P.M. EBaliabikry at MO P. M. eve Milford at P. M. see -Bevel' et .64, A. M. and AM P. AL heave New Castle at 836 A. M., MD P. M. Leave _enter at 7.0 A. M.. 9.40, LC and 8.44 . Leave Baltimore for ealisemy and Delaware well road at All A. M. TILUNI FOR BALTIMORE- Leave Cheater at BM Mee and ILM.P.eL .weee wilndneton at AU A. M., PAM r. IL, and LI irtsiekrx witauv,wita Peaseneer Celkettealied. ru •-•• Leave Philadebp_hia fo r Perry M lle and intelsweate plums at 8.00 P.M. Leave Wilniimmon for Perryville sad intermedlato Places at 7./f P. M. Mat. Leave Wilminyten for Pluledelelua and intierme e *anew at r. at. Leave Barre-de- Gracie for Baltimore and mtermedly aw, stations at 6 A. et. - • Leave Baltimore for Barre-de-Grace and intemmdt ate Amnon' at 6 P. M. • SUNDAYS : Mar at 10.00. P. M. ON from Philadelphia tePdhimre. Oak at a m P. M. from B s altimore topplad den elphia“ 'spa FELTitN. Presit. 111411411 M P1i..1, k.. A D K IL P HI A AZUVREADIIIaaLk ROAD.--,PAABJaNGER qql B for FO7 READING, and B RG, on and - atterinall St 1881. moßxmet LINES, DAILY, Bondara 81 =W 5 ,_ Leaire New Dena, corner /TOAD aad 0 RILL Streets, PRILADELP (Paaaenjer entrazoes on Thirteenth and on Caßtrwh streets at BA. M., Viranat lizrarts Titit ttw u rp ri S t a n i r V l Ar e dttrd i tittaND i'All lr a n tan P.ll.. Ct tram runnikto Mai To rna , TA !IM lap : i d em i t i lhe 210,1 TRW burn &a. " g I"MA AFTERNOON Lams, .• - - • 41,1r0 New Depot, corner of BROAD anABAL,I,OVe. L Eltreete,PalLADELPWA,(PeasengriMes en_ hineenth ezd on Oalloweill street/0 or - VILLE sad Ir....RLeit ORO, et &MP. X., A LY• for READING only , et aP. M.. RALLY. (Runeve ex- BR VIA PRILADBLPRIA AND READING D ile ffaio RAILROAD. Plow PEILAMIZTELL: Miles, To PhcenixviThs.......— IA Seading--. M ranon— -- of rriatnirc --Lit tannin -__. Millembast.--..--.118 Forton:Jaotion-lan bury —...--1118, ortinimborland .-171 run ---..- .----- nil lion IN 3 , —. —:-... —ISO illiainsPort —IN onsemettore—.-.-.-21e erven _ __Al --lid ex...... An Williort and Emirs 4 ........ -Ifff mailroe4l. 11. 8 A. li. t and SAP F. XL train corn:mot doll fort Clatoili. linnlirgn exoBB4BAiiithildtAA 8818 A, wth I.IBYOILT,. end ...king aladie_ponneottons with Ulm to Maim nag: thiamin LIAO west and6l4Bgthwat. rnsro - a - inID P..4lADzintriLLA: Corner. of SOLD and.C.ALLOWST, 1 MIMEO. Iltral-tf - W. Iff- - MoILEIENNEY. as Mary .14LBELEf DAILY . INLAND PrIMA D I AMIIIifREIGHT LINE TO mit : OLE PORTeatouTR. v4l - -atol to F ri m ed! tuul - Tris :1A the 8o '3 et'Ew - were, 4a t s i tte. Avenue, ooraer ROA treed s a nd WilfillXGTON Avenue, will be 0 ed duly. and at as low rates sr by any other rtle . . F. ' RENNET, blastaf t. of r T . moitarbo. WiIDeT_VLEICSTB.II. :RAINS eta P V . feuv.i.iLlswr• LIMNS BALE OP IMPORTED DRY GOODS. On Toeslay MorninK• May 11. at 10 o'olook for °soh. by catalogue -800 packages and lots of fancy and staple =ported dry 1001311. PHILIP FORD & 4.30., AUCTIOREERB, No. 530 MARKET Street end 541..M.1.N0R Et. POSITIVE BALE A ND OF 1.000 CASES BOOTS. 61101:15$ EIROGANd. On Thursday Morning, May 16. at 10 o'olook precisely. will be cold, by oats logne— LOW oases men'', boys' and youths' calf. kin. and Train b, x ,o l .. en if. gin, and itrain brogans. Congress gaiters, warned Pat Lea OXON nes,,wislking shore, Ito.; wo men e, misses', and children • nail, inn , goat, mimeo° aid kid heated boots ' and shoes, gaiters. slippers, bus tles., km; also, a large .and desirable saaportinent of fitat-olassi city-made goods. tar Goods openingor examination, with eatalogsee, early on the mrn of subs. NF. PANIJOAST. AUCTIONEECt, Bnc • oessor to B. lkott. Jr.. 431 0/1E3174 U 7/ SHERIFF'S SALE OF FURNITURE. On Monday Morning. May 13th, at 10 o'clock, at the salesroom, 431 Chestnut street.. the balance of furniture of Jones' Hot , t, nom vistas beds. straw mattresses, beddiag , bureaux. , sofas. and other form tnrs. SHERTfF'B NALE OF GROCERIES. On Monday Morning, May 33, at salesroom al Chestnut street, the balance of two Stooks of groceries, comprising a general assort merit. Rae comdiesoing atm:l43'olmA* precisely. BALE OP PM BROILWRI ES. HOSIERY. MILLI VERY GOODS. &0.. b y catalogue. on Wednesday Morning, May I. sale comment:liar at la o'clook DreziePli• 11L/1 FITZPATRICK & BROS., AM TIONEERS, 604 1110.107141111 r atreet. abvv* *frau • 8 AM.'S ft:I: RAY k:Vglitlite. At I &stook, of Books. stationery and tonal goads. watches. Jewelry, °look', sliver plated ware, eitlery, Poi annul, opisioal instruements. dr, a. Also, nolpel7. dry socds, boots and shoes. and sec shandnie of every desoriphop. DAY SAMBA eveni Monday. Wednimlay , end Fri day at IP o'clock A. . IVATh; BALma. At private vale several large consignments of watches, jewelry, boots, stationery, silver-plated wore, ontlery, fancy gooey, ho. To which is solicited the attention of Ott and country merchants and others. -Coruninme te eolioited of all kindeof ntershan for ei t le o r o pu oor private sates. r be soh advances made ' en aonsignmenln. 1 r es promotly attended to. Palliatelakia and laailait and Lebanon Vathey Ide Itll3llll. Atunbiu7 sad, Sri. A. I. TJANNSS, k 00., No. 4 '49 MARKET STYE.? 15IIIPT1RG. WEEKLY COMMUNICATION BY STEAM. BETWEEN NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, calling at 4.OHENSTOWN (Ire laud.). to land and embark passeusess and despatches. The Liverpool, New York, and Philadelphia Steam ship Company's splendui Clyde- Mutt iron screw steam ships; are intended to mail as follows: FILONL NEW: YORK 'FOR LIVERPOOL. CITY, PM. ANCOEMPER. -Saturday, N ay it CITY OF BALTIMORE, Satioday. . May 18 KANGAROO, - • 'Saturday. - Ma 35 And every_ baturday throughout the year. from P. ER No. 44 N.H. RATER OP PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin, to Queenstown, or Livelpool.-- ----. T I li Do. .to London, via Liverpool -- - .. . . - --.- 80 Steerage to Queenstown , or Liver p 001....—.— 30 Do. to London. ...'„ - - 33 Do. Return tickets'. available for tux months, frOm Liverpool... - , .. . ego Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, , 'Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp, at through rates. Cm urinates of passage issued ; .from Liverpool to New York-;...........,... ......,----.......-. —...... MO Certificates of resume' nutted from Queenstown to New York-- . - . --- 030 Theme 'steamers have superior sooommodations for passengers, are constructed with watertight compart ments. and carry experienced burgeons. For freight, or pastragetantr at the office of the Com- Pang.' ' ' JOHN O. DALE, Agent, 11l Walnut street Philanejohta. to Li - vernal% to'WM. IliblArit "Tower% Building& In Glasgow, to WM. INMAN, 13 Dixon street. THE BRITISH - AND NORTH AM] RICAN ROYAL MAIL BTEAM 'BRIPI3. _IRON N 74 TORE. TO LIVERPOOL. Chief Cabin Pe .---.— Second Calms assess . ?Rom Borroll TO LIVERPOOL, Chief Cabin Passage— .110 Second Cabin Passage The ships from New York call at . CCa'llarbor. The ships from Boston call at Halifax and Cork Bar pp A Capt. Judkins. AFRICA Capt. Shannon. 'ARABIA,t. J. Stone; CANADA, Cant. Ande rson. AELA oapt. E. G. Lott. AktERICA. Capt. MeAulat AVISIRALABIAIL NIAGARA, Cast. Moodie. Capt. E. M , neekley. EUROPA, Capt. .1. Cook. SCOTIA. (now Mulcting.) These vessels carry a clear white light at mud-head ; green on starboard bow: red on Dort bow. kiId.GARA, Moodie, leaves Boston, Wednesday', May 1 Al 4 IA, Latt. 4 . N. York. Wednesday. May B. 'ARABIA, Stone. " Boston, Wednesday. MAT M. • RI A. Shannon, " N. York.. fle' edneedia May at. 80 A, Anderson, " Boston. Wednesday. Mar H. PRILSIA. indkins„ . " NY. ork. Wednesday, June 5. AMERICA, Moodie, " Boston, Wednesday. Jane 12. ASIA, bat, " N. ork,Wedneeday, June 19. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienoed Surgeca on board. The owners of these shins will nat. be sersonntable for Gold, Silver, Bullion. Specie, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are si ned the refor, and the valve thereof therein • . For reght or passage, apply to U ARO. Sae 4 Bawling Green New York. RAILROAD LINES. ELMIRA ROUTE.— PUIL4I)7§LPHIA AND ICA, to %Amens Catevissa, Ka-, : itill Ar il ' QUID E 7' KO TE tizt c6 lsl.lketarre, l it = i tan . a t nsibig!littot=- . rilligarlf l'ellintasliester, Glevela4,:Detr r oli t 'Toledo, Minato, Xt. Untie, M ll wankaa. and all points eel ant/ West. Passenger trains will leave the new Depot of the Phi- I c tiolpina and Reading Railroad, corner BROAD Ind , I,,wW - HILI, strewn, (Faareurer ammo" on Oa:- loWlall stint.; daily feindAve azoee4. 'for above "Inrrt."L - - -- ---Ant A. g : I UT IS X.Pr. /v. ---.5.88 P. The lAA A. AL Si connects ifirert t for Wilkes barre. Pinson; nton, And al etaßons n LAGLAWABRA D BLOUNIABILIDG .11.1libt0A1). The above trains make direct l io ns t e. ±: ra with the - traths pisb u ltra r faa rk A nd r . • A rtlo rillrkne. Railroads. icogr - ° lair d 8 ' ril • cr a li a ra. 'Buffalo. and Suiseruclei ...I.' ~ Antal:rot At points. tr A o..o r.::: MIA be , l /l at Philadelphia one RI . ~ •i . , Liz ea Ti et rthwest corner of :Jo i and • Th_ ilalti 17 and at the Passonger ~ • rti THIRT NT and CAL LOWSULL :1' 0 U EXPRDIIB FtEIGHT T.R.4 . 11274 ttte Ptiki .. tit.lnhus and Rmetdlnt Begot. and ha it t 10117 iSlandri RIAMPted), Or ell striate Wes:tar. Oart.t. a tP. - R mt& m tt l.; b• all i ino red before IP. M. to boyar* it tfi k ir ' t i a re nnatma sO l y m at Freight Depot, V If T it and L. or to CRAB. 11, 134 1V14131 , 4, Uoneml Agent. 111ertIwAst , senior NIZVAL an/ iURRIr/rN wra trit y • ao13•11 F. lai tadslokit. NRIVAIM WEBT RESTER A/ID PHILADELPHIA rerr'S7ii7lTS ‘;, T . •. , - VIA MOIL, - SPRING ABILANUBMEWIt, mirst - 011 . . d after Monday, March 11,1861, thet trains Will L 4. an is jo llati p el . p ic hia, from the Depot., northeast earner iew nth orst Market street', at B.OOA. M., and The F reight Train, with passenger ear attached, will leave Watt Philadelphia at 6A. M., mullet aa tar as the Baltimore Central Junction. On Blridays, leave Pluladelphio at 8 A . M. and .2 P. M.: leave Weld Chester at 7.80 A. M. and two P.M. The trains leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. ht. and 4 P.M, sortneot tit Pennelton with trains on the Phila4el phia i and Baltimore Central Railroad. for Ken nett OO Ord, tco,, &e. lit WIRY W • mhll General Dupenntendent: m at omm WEST CHESTER and PIPLADELPHIA RAIL nID. Ins as mot ivOTICS TO _PERSONS i'REJEVIS , lIMMBR BOdliDlNG.—ja order to torsi. inoreeeed ocilities during Am cormortiummer i the eat Cheater and Philadelphia Railroad Company intend rinsing not leas than ma. daily trains each way between Philadelphia and West Cnester, one of which Will be at night. GODDIDOMIG with two daily trains each war on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Rail road (except Sundays. when there will be two trains each war between Philadelphia and Weat Cheater.) Persons desirous of being in the city early land late. Will be accommodated by this arrangement . Foarding for the summer oan now be obtained at the many de sirable localities having high and health mutations on the West Cheater and Philadelphia anPhiladelphia and Baltimore Central Railroads. Por hates for sea son,Coopon Ttakeia. •ko . apply at the Ticket Office in the Depot, B. E. comer EMI xF. HE N RY WOOD surest,. apla-mws Ito General Superintendent. .• NOTICE. -4311.68TZE . VALLE v dENsJ`RRAINS FOR DOWNLNGTOW ND IN TE •D • WATIONB.--On etch after • DY 6th IW, the 'aiseguter Trains for DOWNINGTOWN wii rtart rpm the new Paseengar Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading_Railroad Company , tarsier of BROAD and CAL 1,0171111.4, streets. (paw-neer en trance migallowhilld MoßNine TRA'.ri for Downingtown lcaTee at BM A jtrfOON TRAIN for Dorningtotni leaves at 4...101 ft (flundaye excepted). Ey order of the Board of Managers of the Yhiladel- Phis and Reading Railroad C angi La W. 11l N Y. geeiretstr. MEDICINAL. DYSPEPSIA REMEDY DARIIIS RAM'S _AXIOMATIC DINVIGORATING SPIRIT. rAttigugge Am ems wort by irks Tublto „ter stz year, will isereasisig_ fever. It is Oen Dress Yrsre es sYu s sHeart- Bare, Cot.. . JAS. Wincing the &mute , or Pails/ to Cu ' Bowels, Mandaehit, Drowsiest., Eidson Cosesleints, Low EMU' Dirisaes " names, intinmerising. IT lITINTLATTa, EXHILARATIS, IltrifyoßaTig, are win. noir Invozioava OR Ilvargry. As a Medmine It is eniek and efreetnal, miring the moll aggravated oases ol Dyirpeasta i llidney Com el/Lints. and an other derangement" of the nominal" and wale GI a speedy numner. It will imatantly revive the moat melancholy and dumping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous, and nobly to health, etreregth, wad vigor. likarsotui oho, froo. the (Mud know, me of banns. hays me dejected, and their nervous systems shattered. ao "tel l o broken down, and stinkpot to that horrible durst go 'mainly, th e DIMOND( InfOiNs. will, ni• moat i feel the happy and healthy Mango rating eficiaor of Dr. Ham's Invigorating Spirit. '• WHAT IT WILL . DU. Doe i.--One 'wine slam fall as often as necessary. One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will cure Heart-burn. • Three dowel/11l oure Indi gestion. One dam will rive you a ood Appetite. One does will stop the Manning pains of Drirliebela. itty,,, dna,' voillremove the atureimer and disagreeable afoot. of' Wind or Flatulent's, and as goon as the etemach receives the Invigorating Bgirat, the dimmer ins load and all painful feelings 'wilt be removed. One dose will remove tne mint distressing pains or Collo, either in the stomach or bowels. A few doses will remove all obstructions in the Kidney. Smdder. or Drirairy Oracennt. Perique wno are satioasly affiioted With any Kidney Comilatour ant snored or speedy relief bye does or two. and a radical cure by the me of one or two bottles NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Perllollll who, from diretipatorg too much over night, and feel the evil effects o. poisonous liquors. in violent headache!. Meknes, at stomach , weakness, giddieys, h &a.. win nca one doee Rttl. r _move all NW feeliz% Ladies of weak and moldy mutila R take the Divisurating OF/rit three times day; w i llmake them strung, healthy, and hap' y, remove all obstruc tions and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and =re the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn Drrillig Pregnancy it will be found an invaluable men net t° remove clungreeable sensations at the stomach. AD the proprietor sake L a trial, and to inditee tribe, he has put up the invionlierzmn _Plan in mat indict at Gilecnte, quarts GI. General Depot, 48 WATER Street, New York. DYOTT k. CO., 1132 M North Agen/S_br ECOND Street, Whle in Ph iladelphia., And for sale by J O HN H. EATON. 25 N. EIGHTH Street. and all Draining. Jig-thinly BROWNIS EiSENCE OV JAMAICA QINGER.—FRRDERICK BROWN. Chemist and Drusatat, northeast corner of Chestnut and Fifth ate, Jahiledelp.bia, sole manufacturer of strown's Famines of maica (Adger, Thiel, is recognised and presonbed by the medico face) and has become the standard family medicine of the Unt ,. tedBte•es. This Essence is a prepstation of unusual excellence. In ordinary diarrlicet. incipient cholera. in short, in all cases of prostmtion of the disretive fonotionmq it is of inestimable voice. During the proval•DO• of epidemio ehnlernand rummer aompleints of ohildten. it is yisau- Harty r minus; no family, individasi, or traveller should be w.thout rt. NOTIC E.—T o prevent this valuable KIIIMI3OO from being oonnterleitecl. a new steel engraving, executed a t a „ eat oust, will be fo t ind on thisontaide of the wrap per, in order to Hard me pullout:or against being im posed upon by wtu ass imitations Erma," only by FR t DEM ICI( BROWN, andfor axle at has Drag and Chemins." Wore_ N. IL corner of Fifth and Chestnut street". Philadelphia. and at FRI - liketlCK fltol,N. JR.'s. Drug an d ch em i ca l El am , 8.. 1 1 2 5, corw o Ninth and .Chestnut streets, '• Cored r‘. sae Hot el. Proladelphia. Also for sale by an re aVatitalde Drogillti in the United States. Wrie4m Mali OE ZENO-Pure EINOW:.WHITX i ad ivittediatt l di th am new . 4 jll,/ THOMAS 4.t. SONE, T • No.. 139 and 14.1 30u.... •• • • (Formerly Noe, „ STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE-11/EBDAy pamphlet ce36.10111260 1101. TORO COLA. ti Soriptions of ell th e property to be sold nh T: 1 14th met., 61 13 o'olook noon. at the Exchange 6.1 4 y Ilatot /Wee 3111 and 38:h instant, with nthY.r MO ;: t. tto it b I Fifte street, will be held at drive' 's e m ;' 4 " ••11, L days, at a moderate •••••00 RIOCICe Air REAL MUTE, AR,,,ALLIS AT FIE EXMIA•ti E VERY Randb Lis of each property issue ut , addition to which we pubilsh, on the Battuu°,""toli, t o each sale, one thousand oataloruss, govis t . f orm , tun desonytions of all the Dro reont, o u the neilimne Tuesday. REAL IMITATE AT PRIVATE eA LE ni t° Ur We have a /arcs amount of real Wale sole, inoluding descript ion of 01 4 ass '`".u. property. Pnnted to may , bad at the asce o "utur, PRIVATE BOLE . REOISIE tee Sr Real estate entered on our private and advertised occasionally to our public sale oratts, f,Of hich one thousand coulee ere mow Troo o f 9/7011LO• 21,/ BTOOKOI BONDS, ke. On Tuesday, May 14, at IS &aloes noon, at the Philndo.t. change. will ho sold— frolli Br postponeMent. without, reserve for ton Of no.enetnenta— .Mett 1650 shares Bohemian Mining Comesp y it a n Without reserve. for aooount wham'oe I a,. 80,000 first• mortgage bonds Huntingdo n Top Mountain Railroad and Coal cconma r “q at e COM ithout reserve, for aooount of whoa It mar r•m ' 80 shares Bank of the Northern Lilt Gies Iv. sold is lots to suit norohasera. t, 81.180 Delaware Mutual Iruturanee CO. scrip ;q8,,. REAL ESTATE_ W BALE—MAY 14. ELEGANT COUNTRY RE B ENCE, with „ and t Summit street. northeas t ,ylki Chestnut Hill and Boring House thraPike, eo d Chestnut Hut. Lot 109 feet b y 24 esti. ge .Lti n r, CN.E,STNUY HILL. adjoining the Attie, to Mt in front. on 1- umnotil street 100 feet, .t.s ---Tkß °RV BRICK /MIRE min n,, usu. rro. nos Collowhill street. Lot 10 by 6g ti e , - THREERTORY BRICK DWELLIsiy, the above on_ , s, Dio west. HR EE-STORY BRICK DWELLINO sdima st Canton street. tit Carltlritutr;K..BTOßY ISRICK DWELLING. N ne street ti al No, 6 VERY VALUAB ot EE FIVE-STORY BRICX sT hitz. 07 Market sco. ItEAL ESTATE SALT .—MAY: Orphans Court Bale—Fatata of Elizabeth Pe r deceased.—LOT OF GR..1.1 north tide e t tut street, 220 feet east of I ne v enteehtllntreet. /8 by Wit t " Same Estate.—LT OF OKOuND, above on the east, 1 2by mu feet. tit same e etare.—Att .b,NTIRESQ,U4RE GHOtto divided into 44 build ins lota. beginning at the notate uproar of Brown and Sixteenth foment. th,, tit containine in front, on Sixteenth and 5, 0 7,7 let streets, 160 feet. and on Brown street 398 fret 4 iec i a The lot, as divided, will have fro ,. ta Ei roia it: Si xteent h and seventeenth streets, and a Den Itt ' 40 feet wide. ear Lithographic Plane may be bed at the j e:1: store. HaIIIWOME R101:11..:RN THREE STORY 451 c RERID 4.14 CE. Ne. 1612 Chestnut area. c H u , modern unproyeinenta and oonveniences L et feet. '1 emu-89100 maul_mari e ur u ge. VALUABLE FHA FILE, &0., northeast corner Broad and Vermeer', 40 feet by teet—three fronts. tele Executor's Perempt Sale.—T H Hi; E. 81,0 BR ICK DWBLLIP/ti absolute Wood street. en blis in the rear. Sale . Re. REAL ESTATE SALE—MA Orphaets Court Bete—bstate of Worse p. Nl broer decs'd —VERY V e IJUA BLit; _p ELawAay. wH AR i sad LARGE - LOT AND BUILDINGS ' (mai m , iewar L son street, linvu. street or Landis!, mid nv i e i : laware. Bounded on the north be the City run ry. By ..r.lerofluseignses. HANDSOME MOD SAN Nun The teenth street, between Arab and Nabs' t streets reit aide. Pale 140,1730 Spruce street, ELEGANT ruanirriAßE, EXTRA LARret noses. CURTAINS. PtAteO YonTE, VELVET AND BR IllitßikLN CA RPETBiII LVIE PLATED WARE, CHINA. RORnEn AND CAR. RIAGEts, tco. On Taeaday Morning, 14th mat., at 10 o'clooki_by catalogue, et : 4 4, lit Some street, the elegant Furniture, lea, of si rena l . man declining hmteelimping• The entire turelis d oarpetu.Aco., du been in nee but a few isontlicsa comprises drawing room. chamber. dining- ma I „„ bail furniture, in mimosasd and ivalntal Mr mow; Wilton velvet sod ltrusseelsi carpets; canal= Ma, large Inge mantel and rder mirrors; r iro ai, forte; mantel ornaments: silver-plated ware; slew beds; mattressestk.c. ler May be examined with catalogue oath. monies of the sole. at eight o'clock. Also, immediately after the above, at 11l o'eloetet the coach nouse and stable in E tone street. mil of en. teentti street, between Pine and Lombard sittela..rid be sold, a pair of handsome long tall brown Olmtrg horses, about six leers old, kind and good lads saddle. . „ Also, handsome Germantown carriste in ;mkt cr. der made by Watson. *boo. eleArant vh futon for two or four yentas, made to order by Watson. Also, handsome sleigh, with robes, hens, &v. Also. bandeomo harness. itentlemen'e see !We .4. dlee. bridles, stable fixtures. &o. . . lILT The horses. may ba man at say timer!. vimm to sale at the stable, Store street. Sale at Nos. US ap e d It) B°l4 Fourth Elora. SUPERIOR FURNITUIth, PRSNCS-PL►Sg MIL &ORB, PIANO-FORTES, BRUSeaLa CARPET!. on Thursday -flonunn, At 9 o'elook, at the Amnion Store, an a/orators e, excellent second-hand furniture, elegant ranct•ionet, fine mirrors, carpets. Co,. from falsities deeSeat housekeeping. removal to the store for converastra We. AIIOSES NATIIANS, A UOTI 011 LK:: AND COMMISSION MERCHAITY. Sodom oornor of SIXTH and RAM' Stra•dn. AT PRI YATh BALE, Boma of tkae finest VOLD PATENT LEVER tpl CHRONOMETER WATOREB innesitionired, at IV the usual selling prices, gold lever and leyine vstot silver lever and looms satohna, English, laviss, Prenob watches, at astonishingly low prices, je rr olry every desoription, vertY lowaans, pistols, mmosl struments, first quality of finning' oigars, at all the importation price, in quantities to t sweat:snap)/ Taman other kinds of goods. SPLENDID SET OF BALE DIAMONDS AT PRIVATE Consinting of diamond and opal breastpin lad ear rings. Price $660. (lost In Pans VA& A splendid single-gtone diamond breastpin, 11391 oat 19929. OUT DOOR BALER Attended to personally by the An:lamer. Corunglameate of any and every toad of goods sets Wad, MOSES NATRANO, MONEY TO LOAD $2i,000 to loan, at the lovas% rates, on dlunoads. watcher Jewelry silver platy dry tools , aiotarit.c9 aeries, cigars, hardware, cutlery, winos. num". iir name, bedding, And on gootlit 01 every deeenplot,ll large or smart amounts, from one dollar to thousola for any length of Woe agreed on. LT The Oldest Established HOW In this cir. or Yr/rate ontreknoe on RACE Beset. FT Duinuen hours from 11: so . to 9 r. Heavy Inn:krona. for the ben t r of demote.% CHARGES ONLY PER OEN?. P Advances of Moo and upwards at two Pert* /Wesson' of 011)0 and upwards, at one percestan short loans. EXPRESS COMPANIES. TILE ADAMS =PRO CO., Offloe 320 CHF..II7N V 7 Bow. jon beiges, ?de ron andao, BM* iliglll4k or , o.d psaill.e that by its own Linn 07 in sonnootin intk. ethe r ress Compooies. is all Ur onosis. etitsa Inktn. 11. 11.11/111M1.1, MACIIINICILIC AND IRON. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND --,.. , • 0 un w gel,--ImariE azq • - • ...0 OZWllka t m'SlCAllao MIPL'OIi .0 * • =S t _ -MAKE RD, BLACtEII li k ua en FO ' fellEirld, ha g, for mans PAN , been i eCbeetoafill oPerat4oo, been apoluraveggered it bedding and g e and River nealn3l and low preomrs, n , Water Tura oet4tel , Le,. ax. respectfully o ff er their gr3Moecto thew alt ae Datil Wily prepared So contract for ELIVOeI at I, 11 / 204 msfire RiVdt. ant Etabotary , Witt Pc n paterrus o alt?erent ernes. ere preparee, to treat u el ders wrth quick deepateh. Every deem:pita or flairi snaking made at the skorteet rota-!SLAV,. Freenure, Fine, /funnier, and Cylinder I% '' Lest Pennsylvania enlaces] iron. Foliage, at ono Elia Irind• ; Iron and Ylaihe ChistUizi. of a ll dernrt.du: " II T V IL 'Screw Cutting , and all elm vet se- Booted wit h the above olAneeek Draeringe and seeei¢aatierui fer all verb Oat it IktEr „Itiz ta l -t.h , nenty free of charge, and 'Perk Forestal. e Winn bars have ample wharf.doet 1902 NI: K boabeorbere truer Gan 14 212 *WM 4 .7: end orenn*ed wrta , shaars, Week'. alle.M..."'' Sar heavy Or 1101., Wfttc ht.. luauluau'ar renera4.ira. J MVO sad T 14" 1. VAVSUAN HaaatcL. 30111 I. CML WILLIAM E.DINIXICX. 'Limn Noun. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHIBUTON norm IER WA K E J SONS, NS, EllGAissisidE,A.ND fdannfacture Bich and Low Pressure 'diem &LW' felfand, riXer, and mane amuse. u•anninstern. Tanis. hen Boats, au; Cov jug of.e.ii kinds, either iron in brass. iron Yraineßoofs for Gee w oda, WofitshOpi , ro*d stations, &e. Astons and Gas hlaehizery of the latest and nod iv proved construction. - &very description of PlNitatioa. bischinerListg gum Saw, and Unit Mils, vacuum Psna__,... Lamm Insins• Dereoetors. Filters, Pumping i ce' Sole Ase; ; V for N. killieux's Patent Sugar APPararas. gimp's Patent stem H6Maler,4 4 pplirsll & 011ay Patent Gentr it ual Bugs? " Machine suir POINT PLEASANT 1OUND1! N 0.96? .1115AGSyett,Estufin,-Ign,Pgiwdellti, - , r ea rti . Inform% hut twang) W, 7. 0 . mL7, .1 , I I r e Pats wi i l v a i ! a r e a rs a ior law, , and Saw zer.V.e soap, ctigual. Lao WerkLl "P' waa• tow _,.., 14 "! = l7 a, ''''`P ors aor iron No•t P , : ori- BUSINESS CARDS. RIISINESS BUM ARE ADVERTISIN G in the Best Newspapers of City end Calico it the Offmem of JOY, COE, & Co.. , ADYNATISIM AGENTS , FIFTH and CHESTNUT STREETS , re4 4 . 1 !4 . TRIBUNE BUILDING, New York. ALFRED D. BRIM'S UNITED STATES AND YATEEUROPEAN No. 144 SOUTH YOuRTII Erribr." __?NLLADILPHIA. mo t. _ r ratent Laws of U. &Mew/ and EuroPe mined Aram ap11.117 H C. ULLMAN. ATTORNII•A T ' • LA.W, JEW'S , / 4110 RE, Pootigriranii' v a Colleottomi promptly moo iR Clinton and LroD amities_ 137111 TO Messrs. Walter k. Kama, rhilealelebas HO* nods, % g ear, e i T ie S st7, e . 74,Tri-r' MI IC* a. A. Master, Loot ' HOMO ' 11 s• 117 i d ' 1 ,: 1"° flg . & thather k Woddrot. Phi fawn , notds. Howell & Kam. Yhtlads. JOHN ELLIOTT, WINES sold L1QU0 35 .„; os. 317 and 319 WALIYITT Career. cba tpo ittc dorms berreln Third rind vourthi north steed tninhkri. ni. .—Fine Old Whisk - lea always EntsDnehed in 11346.) 17AWt3ON & NR)1101.13021, 110011BINapRS, Suot. Nos. 619 end 691 ratNOK &Awe= Market anqhestart wow. PALLAD 191 A. Ro am iAltEd PAWBON. AA. D. NW irSr-b• _____—...•=llll YUGUIT eti SONS, • /MPOATERA HILVAM I ciIIA R3 ' no. axo noo ntonT r" - Resel " r"glilarlY kfoll th asoortmontt of deioriNe OkRB whc reich tk ey o oar at toe rate& for olhal? MURPHY-WHIPPLE IRON BRIDGE. 670 ., VotEm& BURTON. S gIR EV/. PHItiLORLPHLAi A Awls Bel have to inform Railreeat Companielldinw batorostod in ea bridg primrtionon. tliat or,lboy, clotutfttior to MEW*" with PAM W. M' (Aril .-M" tumor. (author and inventor of tbe above known oleo of iron bridged and are gropared tO gen , from SW part of the 00IIIIirls 'TOM h All iS den pervonal anparintendeinea. iottora relating to piano and estimates at dressed to JOHN W. MURPHYP•iI 92.4016. M, 1 1. 114 0' Far 370 ff U VIS t.itg Y. MRS. JAMES BETTS' ORLIBRAT O aUPPoRTBRB FoR LADIF.II, and the call 8 .1,. Porters under eminentpdieal patronage. io i° 7o): W=tang are MVPS; I) reithepted to call 0.E.„ . t . s, Betts,st nor nog, ono.", 10 311 WA1,14 UT sir.- tubilltdelOhlo, (to ovoid oottmto rfei br.) Thi , _,...rtY . . 01 Get'solidi; have been advises by their 07,..,,,,, i ,, - i a. appliances. 1:D10m only e t [ermine u ` . l. — ille United thatos eopyright. labels on the box. lulu ..... 12 Wrest mud also on the /supporters. with teetsonl .. sole terhAtstf - d !llefilPAGNlG.—ire. Uliquot, Latleton d o i l .chost - Danel Drove. end ellif De Vignola t u rr A lsn, par nes. far vita hy _TAU F,TCHE ging end 5104 South FRO T Street. • 01, ft. B.—Orders tqr the dined unenrlntaP stove m e will be panotesil7 attendee le. =Ei==22l