Proceedings of City Councils. The regular stated meeting of both branches or Councils was held yesterday afternoon. sELNCT COUNCIL. TUEODORE CUrLell, president, in the chair. The usual petitions and oanununiostions Wete received_ One from the Pennsylvania Rsilroad Company asking for the privilege of making cer tain additional repairs. The Committee on Water reported an ordinance appreptiatiog fa 500 for the extension of the we ter works .1 be money is to be apportioned as follows ; $2O 500 for the erection of the turbine wheels; $l5 000 for the completion of the min imise. and $7,000 for the reservoir. The ordinance was agreed to. A commnsiostiou was read from the commander of the Black Hussars asking Connate to purchase horses for the company. Laid upon the table. An ordinance restricting the expenditure of the annual appropriation to the Board of Health was agreed to. The appointment of G. Wilstach as clerk of the Spring Garden market was confirmed. Mr. WALL6CIS offered a preamble and resolution, that whereas the regiments passing through thi s city had suffered from want of proper care, there fore, that the Mayor, with the Committee of Safety, be authorized to take such measures es may be proper to provide for these important wants of sol diers so situated, and to use such pordou of the money already appropriated. to be upended by the Mayor, under the advice of said committee. The resolution was finally referred to the special committee on the defence of the city. Mr. GINNODO offered a similar resolution, calling for the appointing of a committee of lye from each Chamber, to provide for the wants of the soldiers, in providing food, shelter, Mr. Fox moved to refer this to the same com mittee, which was debated at length and passed finally. Mr. WfirlittßlLL offered an ordinance appropri ating $3,000 to fit out the First City Troup for active service Referred to the special committee. Mr. DOlTGRrni'r offered a resolution that the elated meeting of Counoils be held on Monday and Thursday afternoons until otherwise ordered. The resolution was not agreed to- Mr. WErnzsim, asked leave to recall the ordi. name making an appropriation to the First City Troop, as a reference of the matter would du no good, the troop being compelled to leave for the seat of war before the next meeting of the Chani• ber. The ordinance was withdrawn. The ordinance from Common Council for reliev ing the wants of volunteers was debated at length, and finally postponed indefinitely. Mr. Meu&nv offered a resolution to inquire into the expedienoy of placing the Parade Ground in snob condition as will suit for drilling or °sniping purposes. Agreed to. The ordinance making an appropriation to pollee magistrates was agreed to. The ordiname'nuthoriziog the Mayor to appoint substitutes on the police force was also agreed to. The ordinance from Common Council, oppro printing the sum of $5OO to the widow of the late Sergeant MeKeever, of the Second district, was called up and passed finally. The Climber then *dimmed. COMMON COUNCIL Mr. iiren eubmitted in plane an ordinanne pro viding for the preparation of a place for the tem porary convenience of American troops that may arive in this city ; the said place to be fitted op With wooden barracks or sheds to atioommodate not lass than live thousand soldiers. Toe aunt mentioned in the bill is $25,000. It proposes to erect the barraoks in the southwestern part of the city. Mr. Ottawas thought troops were subjected to something more than inconvenienee. If he had been rightly informed, there were a number of vo lunteers from Ohio who came into the city on Wed nesday night entirely unprovided for, and were supplied by citizens with food. Be thought there bad boon tlmo enough to attend to this thing. If these gentlemen leave-their homes and come here like brave and honorable men to preserve the insti tutions and the Constitution of the country, he trusted the committee would be appointed and at tend to the matter at ones Mr. Mourns felt for the Oltlo volunteers, and any other volunteers that may come into this city, as deeply as any other member in the chamber. Bat if the city were to take up the gauntlet for all the soldiers ordered through it by the Governor of Ohio, or the United States Government, the com. mlttee would have their hands full. It is the bounden duty of every officer who has charge of a brigade or re: invent, when he leaves one position to go to another. to provide the soldiers with three days' ratline That is the law, and any deficiency in that partionlar is the fault of the quartermaster and the commissary, and of the general of the re giment or brigade. It is true that we have heard loud complaints to day that the Ohio volunteers came here and were not provided with food or 'halter. Burrows the committee had erected bar- racks in the southwestern portion of this city—this brigade was sent from the oars to Suffolk Park; which is not in the location in which these bar racks would have been provided. I do not know but what we are treading upon the toes of the Government The committee was not to be ap pointed for the purpose of looking out for every re giment that eomesin and provide their troops with food, but to build barraoks and make arrange ments that should be made by the Government of the United States. That is goiog-beyond the bounds of Councils. Mr. Hears said he took occasion a week since to refer to the deplorable condition of the Schuyl kill regiment, stationed at Broad and Prime streets- lie had heard today that numbers of the Ohio regiments were provided with food by °Ri ser's of West Philadelphia. It was all very well . • .his had nothing to do with appointed to provi • e they bad failed to do so, be trusted a special com mittee would be appointed for that purpose. These barracks will afford troops a suitable place for shelter. Mr. BLYSIt said he had understood the duties of the present committee, or one of the principal ob jeets of its appointment was to provide for the tem porary wants of the volunteers from the interior of the State, and from every other portion of the country, as they passed through the city. It ap pears that duty has net been performed, and to meet that exigency be trusted the ordinanoe would be adopted. Mr. Fanumav said the $1,000,000 loan bed been raised for the protection of our citizens at home, and for the maintenance of those volunteers who offered their services in the defence of the coun try, and to support the wives and children of our own volunteers during their absence. He thought that money should not be diverted fer the purpose of putting it into the pocket of the oommissaries. It was not the-duty of the committee to furnish food for all the troops ordered through Philadel phia by the National Government. The commit tee appointed to distribute the $25,000 for the my -port of our volunteers' families will promptly re spond to any dung that is made, upon learning that said volunteers have been mustered into ser- vice. Mr. Qom considered it was our duty to provide for the comfort of brave soldiers on their entrance to our city. particularly when they were neglected by their officers. Be hoped no man will object to expending money for that purpose The city's debt was nothing when the liberty of our country was in jeopardy. lie trusted the ordinance would pus, and the committee be appointed, Mr. roma regretted that any discussion had taken place on this subject. There bad been re flections made in the most positive manner upon those who were constituted authorities in the oil of Philadelphia. Vie have a commander-in-chief of this military division, who has the management of all that pertains to the movements of troops, who is surrounded by proper officers. We should look with charitable eyes upon those who are in these positions, and not pronounce wholesale condemna tion upon them. Before the money appropriated by the oily for the maintenance of our troops could be expended, the committee had to procure the names of the companies that are mustered into the a irides of the United Staten. The oonunit tee could not tell, otherwise, whether the person applying for relief was a member of a volunteer', family Until they bad the muster roll. " Dr. arras said it was well known that we have no place to shelter the soldiers going through front other cities. The ordinance under consideration proposed to erect buildings to secon/iodate five or six thousand men. They were told that we could net ascertain when these troops were coming, and that the committee would know nothing about it. Let the building be erected It could be put up in a short time. The committee could telegraph to the different oities around us. ascer tain when troops would arrive here, meet them at the depot, and escort them to said building. Let it be the duty of this committee to attend to this exclusively. if the troops are furnished with three days' rations, so much the better for the city; but we should at least have a place to aligner them. If the other officers have neglected their duty, it is no remark why the troops should suffer. After some further debate, the previous question was called and sustained. The bill was put on its final passage, and passed with ana ar twa &taunting velars A communication was received from Obits. C. Carman, offering to build a certain sohool-honse, in the Fifteenth ward, for the sum of $15,000. Baferred. -4.osnaumnication, calling attention to epidemics that generally follow" armies, _leasjpresented, eug gesting the passage of a stringen t ordinanhe di recting the Board of Health to have certain locali ties thoroughly cleansed and purified. Captain Becker presented a communication edam Counoils to advance money to Du:chaos horns for the Black Buzzers. The cavalry num bers seventy five brave men, who have been tans• tared into -the United States serviee. Referred to the Committee on the Defence of the City. A resolution was submitted, providing for the payment of the gas bill increased In nein gas in National Guards' Hall, since the first of February last. After being amended to include the gas bill of the Bridesburg armory, the resolution was referred Mr. STLICR. from the Committee on Police, re, ported s bill directing the Mayor to appoint Mb• lititutes on the police force, to fill vacancies coca shined by the absence of the regular members of the force, now in service of the United States. Adopted. Also, en ordinance making an approp riation of SRN/ for the relief of the widow of Peter Mzgeever, late Sergeant of Police, in the First district, who died from injuries received While in the disoharge of his dudes. Agreed to. Adjourned. Gas= WANTED.—The General Assembly of Tennessee has jolt passed the following reminder), which mesas something Resolved, By the general Assembly of the State of Tennessee, that in view of the dearth of the peat two years, and the probable extraordinary demand for cereal' and forage, to Ripply the absolute wants of lour State, end of the entire South, the agri eulturists of the State be, and they are hereby, requested to devote the breadth of arable land in the State to the culture of grain and grass. Orin limenaawnw.---Onr information frOm the lumbermen is mill of the gloomiest character. A large quantity is now moored at Marietta, Mid dletown, and other points ; but no buyers are to be found. Mew rafts have been run through to Port, bet as serious apprehensions of confiscation, In case Bw llr i sur i goes out of the Union, are entertained, It is emit Mealy that nu more win ba cent forward until this point is settled. COL. /JABBER IR ROT TO BR ITLIBLID Semen Btats soldiers met him on hie way to An. napalm, a fair days ago, end ordered trim book, in the name of the State of Maryland ; he promptly drew his revolver and ordered them to diapers., threatening to 'blot them down ; they concluded it was best to let him pus on his way. Ma& JEFFERSON- Davis gave lrr first pub lie reception on Tuesday week. T. H. BRADLEY him given the Arkan volanteen the sem of $5,000, And plowed 3,000 seat of cum et their service. TEE Mobile Cadets, now in Virginia, are possessed of property worth, in the aggregate, be- Snwee three and four Willow of dollars. The Traitors' Design's. Mr. Benson J. Looting, the idekorien, just re turned from s trip through the southwestern slave States, says : It will be seen and felt by all candid men in the south that the traitors now ruling the Gull States with a rod of iron, deceived by the se sureness of Northern demagogues that vest num bers in the free States would be found fighting under their banner. and multitudes there would sympathise with the tri, had determined, in any event, to humble the Federal Government, and to degrade its flag, hoping thereby, and the shed ding of human blood, to " fire the Southern heart," and dismemb c a pi tal North. This ammo plished, th e national Leree to be seised by the Confederates and their Northern auxiliaries, who would be joined by the Border Statee, and then would be accomplished the destruction of the "most b e neficial. Government on the face of the earth,'' =cording to the assertion of Alexander II Stephens (Vice President of the Confedersey) only five months ago, before the Georgia Legisla tare This was to be followed by a military despo tism, whose chief aim and effort would be to push an immediate war of subjugation and annexation to the most remote forests of the Isthmus of Da rien, and to establish an Empire hued upon slavery, with "King Cotton " as autocrat, that might dety the worn and the bayonets of the civilized world How egregiously have the eon- Beiratore been mistaken 1 . I feel that I sin fully justified in saying that the Disunion sentiment, seen on the surface, has no considerable depth ; that the people, by , the reck• less boldness, unscrupulous falsehoods, and violent manages of demagogues, using the press, with its vast power, for their base purposes, are in the hands of the politiciane, and at present powerless. For many weeks, the telegraph in the " seceded " States has been under the control of the arch rebels at Montgomery, and every avenue by which truth might reach the people has been carefully gaard ed. I will give a single illustration of the way in which the people are wilfully deceived. Under the head of Special Despatch by Telegraph," it was announoed that Major Ben hfeCullooli was at Riohmond, at the head 'of ten thousand men, marching on Washington. On that very day I saw McCulloch with the editor of the paper that gave currency to the false report, and was informed that McCulloch had been in New Orleans for a week or ten days previously. My conclusions are, that, underlying the Seces sion sentiment that covers the whole Bedews of society at the South, there is a deep and abiding love of the old Union; silently praying for deliver ance from a deepotlem which has few paralleL3 in the history of the world. Yet the Government has aloe to meet not to be despised. The chief rebels are desperate and determined men, endowed with superior talents, and furnished with many ire- Dearest!. It is now, with them, a question of life or death, honor or dishonor, glory or infamy. Let the Government and the Northern States, then, be pre pared fora desperate conflict. The Briglish Frees Upon American Affairs. From the Time' Beanie:l Coriespondentj Weertinovott, April 9.—The twitted position of the Ftderal Governient has compelled its mem bers topreserve secrecy _ Never before under any Administration was so little of the councils of the Cabinet known to the nubile, or to those who are sup posed to be acquainted with the opinions of the men in office. Mr. Seward has leveed the meet stringent orders to the officers and olerks In his department to i lobaerve the rules which heretofore have been much disregarded in reference to the confidential oharaoter of State papers in their charge The sonrees of the fountain of knowledge from Which friendly journalists drew so freely are thus stopped without tear, favor, or affection toirards any. 'The result has been much irritation in quarters where such " interference " is regarded as unwarranta ble, or, at least, very injurious. The newspapers which enjoyed the privilege of fine amens to de spatohes are hatching canards. which they let dy along the telegraph-wires with amusing produo tiveness and fertility of conception and inoubatioe. • Hence the monstrous and ridiculous rumors which hat'dercleto type every daylz hinee the alimnt e for " a policy , ' and hence the contending mum• cations that the Government is doing nothing; and that it is also preparing to plunge the country into civil war. sob member „ of the Cabinet has become a Berleigb, every shake of whose head perplexes New York with a fear of change ; every Senator is watched by private re porters, who trace "the day's disasters in his morning's face.” If a weak company of artillery is marched on board a ship its movements are chronicled in columns of vivid description, and its footsteps are made to sound like the maroh of a vast army. When I leaded in New York the first news I learnt was that Fort Sumpter would be evacuated next day; if not, that the supplies would be out off, and that the garrison would be starved out. I have learnt now to distrust policy, and I em going South in the hope that - the end is not yet. Fort Sumpter must be considered as gone, for there Is no dispoittion apparently on the part of the Governors:Mit to hat:aft the loss of life and great rink which must inevitably attend any attempt to relieve or carry off the garrison, now that the channels ere under the fire of numerous heavily armed batteries, which the people of South Carolina were permitted to throw up. with out molestation. It may be as well to state, in the most positive terms, that the reports which have appeared in American papers of communications between the Briglish Minister and the American Government - on the subject of a blockade of the Southern ports are totally and entirely destitute of foundation No communication of any kind has passed between Lord Lyons, on the part of the English Govern and Mr Seward, or any one else; on behalf nothing whilitvei — foPlietliffillie—PAP.ZAlPX_ls I would ill become me, in such s crisis, to haserd any authoritative etatemtmte as to the conduct of the Administration tinder the very groat variety of complications which may arise hereafter. Of this, however, be assured, not a ship, or a gun, or a man will be directed to make any attack, or to begin an offensive movement against the Confede sated States. If any promise was made by the Buchanan Administration to inform the members of the Southern Government or ate representatives of their coarse of action, it will not be considered binding on the oonlielenOtse of Mr. Lincoln's Cabi net, composed as it 111 of men who look on their pre. decessora as guilty of treason to the State. Au at tempt may be made to reinforce Fort Piekene, and neither that nor any position occupied by the Federal authorities will be voluntarily abandoned. Once for all, let it be impressed on the minds of the English people that whatever reports they hear, and however they may come—no matter whence or in what guise—there ten° truth in them if they indicate the smallest intention on the part of Mr. Lincoln to depart from the policy indicated in his inaugural addres. As strongly Rewords can do it, I repeat, the forces which have been assembled are only intended for the reinforcement of the strong places at Tortugas and Key West, whioh have been left short of every necessary of oc cupation and defence, and for the establish- Mont of posts of observation, which are essen tial in case of hostility, and to guard against sur prise or treachery. By concentrating forces at Key West and Tortugas very valuable pohtfoal results are obtained in face of the present disputes, and material strategical advantages in case those disputes should lead to a rupture, which will not be initiated by the Cabinet at Washing ton. These places are within a few hours' sail of the coast; they are healthy, and can be easily =implied, as long as the United States' fleet Can keep the sea and cover the movements of its trans. ports. Their occupation in force cannot be taken as an act of open war, while it is undoubtedly an alarming menace, which will keep the Confede rates in a state of constant apprehension and pre paration, leading_ to much internal trouble and great expanse . By a confusion of metaphor which events may justify, the eye to watch may be turn ed into an arm to strike. FfiILADSLPFLIA BOARD OF TRA Writ C. ICEIHMLE, ti. D MKS, Cexmirnss 0 THE hioroll. TEIO& 8. F &Non. TER BAG S At the Merchants' LET Exchange, Philadelphia. BhiD Iltotoris Reed. Preble London. soon Brun Paragor„.Wows._ __Liverpool, soon Pulp Garibaldi. Emery_.-.—Bt Paul do Loando, soon 810 y Calllo9ol Goodson_._.__.. _Liverpool. soon Ship Hortensia. Atkins— —.— Liverpool, soon Brig C F O'Brien, Buenos Ayres. soon Bobr Goo J Jones. Crowell ..ileinerisra. soon OAILIPIO THE °czar sTEAMERS FROM THE UNITED BTATBIt. SHIPS anavit FoR D4ll, Vigo— New York-Liverpool---Mal U Bremen----. Now York... Breme- ..--.-Mar ri Manokester ....New York-Liverpool— —May 11 -sou t _Mar' 11 Hammonla. —sew Yorkthampton. —.May 11 Adratio —..- -New York -Liverpool— Is Arabia . Boston-Liverpool— _lllaY Go( Baltimore.-New ft... Liverpoo- --Mar V 1 North Ameneen-.Portland-Liverpool - • M ay 1 2 Zulu-- --New York-Kingston, ,1;37 119 25 .tsurope— BoAton-Liverpool-..„ ”„„ ay IN Afrias.- --Nmi mar 55 Great Eastern-. New York-Entland-- —MAY 14 lasso York-Havre —..--M ay 26 Canadian_........ Portland-Liverpool—.., ..,May Hi Teutonia--..New York-Ramburr —.. June / Parma— --New York_Livemool --Joao cinema— . Boston-Liverpool --Jens 11 Fulton -- __New York-Havre Juno 22 FROM EUROPE. same LZAVZ ZON. DALY" Africa —4,-.Liverpool-New Work— 27 Arego--- .11outhampton-New York-........... tear 1 Great Eastern.--tegand-New York--. May 1 Nova -Liveroool-Quebeo 1 Kangaroo -Liverpool-NOV' 1 Sacomr....-.......80uthn0pt0n -New Yore-- ..- -May 4 morays; --.--Liverpool-Boston ay Hibernia -Boston- Mar 7 Vigo Liverpoot- New York- May 8 --...._-Liverpool-Quebeo- ----May 8 Canadiart.--,„. Liverpool- Quebec ...--- May 9 Bremen— ...donthamptort- f*ew York— May 11 Penis Liverpont-Nsw Yott-......—May 11 -ew York....nouthammon-rtew York-- Mew 15 North Briton-- --- MOT 15 Teutoma--.Boutharamon-New York-- —May L 8 America-- —Liverpool-Boston _ 1 8 . Galway-New York--........ May 21 osia-Liverpool_New Vork -.May 2" , Fulton- ..- - B outhampton..liew Yorke.._..,. May 28 BOrnieia.......tionttiamDUM_lfiaer York— -Juno 14 The California Mail Steamers sail from New York en the tat. nth, audit:Ft of each month. The Hamm trieemereleave New York on the Math. 12th. 17th. and 117th of each month. MARINE .'INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, May 10, 1861. BMONUN IMES WATEN- -.4 25-SUN SETS- -...7 - .2 28 ARRIVED. Brig Lnoy Ann. Wiwi. 10 days from Cardenas ,with molasses to & W Welsh, Towed up by toe tarr. Bohr J C Henry. Love. 4 days from Norwich, in bal last to L Audenned & Co. Behr Wro_Bpear. Jones, S days from Baltimore, with mdse to T weteter. Jr. Bo •y Martha Moore. Bennett, from Havana. Tin Bal timore, w days, with sugar, to. to captain—vessel to A Heron. Jr. & Co. Bohr New Jersey. Vannemau, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to Van Enna. Norton & Co. Bohr Buena, Rodgers. from Savannah 28th ult. Left sohr Montezuma. Peony for Key West. Bohr. Mary Elizabeth. Read. from Boston. in ballast to 1, Audenrled & Co. Bohr Lizzie Maul, Haley, from Boston, in ballast to K Bawler & Co. - • Rohr Maisie Van Dusan. Ireland, from Now York, in ballast to Van Dusan. Norton & Co. Bohr Ameba, Rookhill. from Tsokerton, in ballast to B Henn' & Co. Sahr O M Wilson. Smith. from Mennen River, in Intlingt to lianorolt. Lamm & Co. &hr .R t Daley, d Mons, from Milton. in ballast to Smmokson & (Hover. eobr H Holmes, Bevan. from Maurice River, in bal last to B Manes it Co. CLEARED. 3ohr Wm L Dayton, Rand, t;ambridze. Van Duet, Norton St Co. Hater Maggie Vatrlhmen. Ireland. Boston. do Bohr New Jersey. Vanneman. Boston, do otod Bo wellhr Susan Rodgers, Boston , Noble, Ramttlett "' Bohr W Rar e ah Elizabeth, Reny. Boston, Caatner, Stick- & llington. &um C witson, Smith. Boston. Bancroft, Lewis & CO. Eehr Mary Elizabeth. Reed. Glonerster, L Andenned tc. Co. Bohr J C Herm?. Love. Medford. 41^ Bohr Amelis , Rookhdl. Providence, J B MUTT & Co. Bohr N Holmes. Dewitt. Providence, Mines & Co. e flo ov h e r n it E Baler, Stephens, Warren, tburookson itc Rohr Exobango, crr. sae°, e ft SurTer & CO. &Litt Limee_Bisa r ir Baler, Itrygmonsh, do Merreepondenas of thjereet.) KADING.May a. Tne fo ll awin. boats from the tllOll 7511804 into the Sohnilkill Canal to -day, bound to miedet phis. : .1 0 Crawford, lumber to J Seely; Bnekmalter. do to Abel Thomta; I 8 bewrenee. do to GROW ft titltrint Wm Edler board' to ft crorkey; Rebeoor. Ann, shin gles tfi 4114 hewn arIMSOILANDA. Bhip isinattai. Clliford.lwhich nailed fromßogtort 291 ult. for Valparaiso. returned to Beaton 3 , ti Met. having experienced a revererle April /gl w 1E 0540 l oot 64 19. and sprung, leak o 1300 strokes „ Brig (Mean tale hence for Wanton. iniNals spoken 16th ult. 13t83 3g. long Gs so Bahr A M Aldridge', Bateman, at Barton Itthinst. from Ravens. Bohr A C Reeves, Lake, cleared at Boston Bth inat. for Philadelphia. Behr Borah 10, Freeman, henoe for Lynn, at N York att. that. Bohr Mary Exley. Haley, d H Allen. Babcock, and E T Allen, Allen, hence, agrived at Boston Bth inst. Bohr 0 3 Carsten R s, obinson, at Boston Bth inst. from Georgetown, SC Behr Belle. Barrett, berme. Pia Wilmington, NC, at ealvenotnn 3 1 813 al6 ' Bohr Ivr. Henderson, at New 'fork eth met. from Now Raven. Bohm Mary Nowell. Covill. Carthagena, Kelly, and James W MoKee, Delano, hems for New Bedford. at Newport 6th lust. Silarl'ineyard, Mehra, from Black Riven Del, for Widest. At Neerpert Bth inst. Bahr Canton, Doyle, from York, Me, for Philadelphia, remained at Newport 7th inst. Bohr Cornelia, Crapo. hence, arrived at New Bedford 7th twit. Rehr A E Dou glas . Coleman. from Boston for Phila delphia, at New London 7th inst. Bohm David to Floyd Hackett. and Jai DrilitTi Car roll, hence, arrived at rrovidenoe 7th in Sabra I &.12 Cramer. Cale and Sarah A Taylor, Dukes, sailed from Providenee 7th inst. for Philadelplua. OFFICIAL, “WatilALL STORES,” CANDLES," /to., 1 (7 1861.162. Neva DEPARTIVIENT• DURHAM OF PROVISIONS AND CLOtlliNd. Assn 17, MI, prostrate, sealed and endorsed ".Offer fa). Email fitoreee or " Offer for Candles ." or Offer iOr Salt water Soap." or ** Offer for Mustard Seed, Black Pen ner," Ige., as the case may be, will be received at this &wean until 0 o'olook Ku on the Mel _daY Of Mar next, for faritishing and delivering (on recervlng_twenty days' notice) at the 'United States eavy ' , Judea% Marten tawn MBB,llollSette ; Brooklyn, Pew York ; and Gos port,'Virsinia ; Amok alienates only of the fonowing articles (excepting the salt-water soap and the candles, f or o a o h of which separate proposals and contracts will be made) as may be required or ordered from the eon tractor by the Chief of this _Bureau. or by the re eoeetive commanding officers .of the said navy yeti's, during the fiscal year ending 11th June left, viz: Boxes, shaving, India rub- Blacking. bones of. ber. Combo, coarse, India rub- Bombes, *having. bar, or cotta peroha. Brushes, scrubbing. Combos, fate, India rubber Brushes, shoe. or mina reran*. • Brushes, clothes. Grass for hats. Buttons, navy vest. Jack-knives. Buttons. navy medium. Razors, in single oases. Buttons, navy coat. Razor straps. Buttons, dead eye. enlisters. Beeswax, in lb cakes, Spoons. ure, Cotton smiths of Noe. 12 and 16,900 yards each, 3 cords, clam parts. Handkerchiefs cotton. fast colors. 31 by 30 inches. weight not lees Aso 2 on. each, texture 8 by S to 9i inch. Beadle& sewing, Nos. 1,1, a, and 4, drill eyed he- LWeettr. Ribbon, hat, beet French black, 12 yards to the piece ; width 114 inch. Soap, ehaving. in cakes; each cake tot less than 2 am Silk, sewing. blue-black ; wrapper not to exceed X on. to the potmd. Thread, black and white. Marshall's or Barbour's beat quality. and in inch proportions as may be required. Tape, white linen. 4 yards in length, $ inch wide. Tape, blaok, twilled cotton. 6 yards in length, 36 inch wide. Thimbles, 5 10 end 9 10 in diameter. All the above articles Wind he included in the ottax•.. SALT-VlAllta roar.—Separate bid for 80,000 pounds, and such additional quantity as may be re quired. • The soap must he manufsetured from cocoa-nut oft, and be of the beet quality, denominated " white salt water loan, and be delivered on sixty days' notice. in Rood strong boxes of about 75 pounds aeon, and. atter inspection. the boxes must be hooped at e'veh end at the eXpectiff of the contractor. The Dime to be uniform at all the yards. BIZAAIITS 171 , 6rTii7i6r — Strarzef Z? 4 ; 1 . fo. aPtlXO,Pe.unds amid such furileer quanitty may tra rimusrva. The candles must be " alum" of prime lee! lard 'tsarina. 8 10 inches in length, exclusive of tiv. can dle, to weigh not lees than 14 ounces 50400. nor more than 16 ounces. and he paid for according to the actual weight. without Telefono', to oomtnercitil wage ; the melfing.notnt pot to be lest' than 140 - degrees .Fahren holt. The viol( must be braided, end comeouerd of 7it cotton threads of the beat quality of NO. - 71 lean. The candles to be delivered on 'city days' notice. to good boxes. containing about 10 pounds each, end the box to b. marked with the contractor's name and the weight of the candies. PanAlitYlNl CANDLES..-This offer is separate and dis tinct for ten thousand pounds. according to sample, whicho further quantity ea may be required, for sixty days' notioe will be given. kItrIITA7II) Bait,, BLAME PEPPER, &e. tlepare,e bids for all that may be respired for the use of the navy, to be delivered at New 1 ork only. mustard seed, nmerionn brown. Pepper, black, Malabar. Bottles, octagon, for mustard and pepper. Corks for bottles. 1 All tha fortieths, grim es m ust be of the beet ouslitY. ADO oonfermable in all reepessta io the samples deposit ed at said navy yards, and subject to snob inspection at the navy yard where delivered as the Chief of the Bu reau may direct; the inspecting officers to be appointed by the Navy Department. All the articles to be delivered free of any inotdental Uremia to the Government, In proper Venal" or pack ages, and the price of each emote must ne the some at the respective, places of delivery. Packages in which the above articles are deli eyed must be marked with their contents. ann the name of the contractor, and be sufficient to inters their temporary safe keeping The tontractor must establish agencies at snob sta tions other the, his residence. noilelgy may arise in furnishing what may be required; and when the contractor or agent fails stromptli to comnly.With a re quisit.on, the Chief of the Bureau of Provisions and clothing shell be authorized to direct 'purchases to be made to supply the deficiency. under thS. penalty to be expressed in the contract; the record of a reatusibmi, or a duplicate copy thereof, at the Bureau of Provisi na and Clothing. or at eltser of the navy yards &foretold, shall ne evidence that such requisition nail been made and received. • Two or more approved sureties, in a sum equalAo the estimated amount of the oontrant will be required, lind twenty per oentum in audition will be withheld ma: amount of all payments .ye oni t t f irtit the reof rit thirty d afirl7lt= lti / " taanld n oom- been presented to him. ltd Blank forms of prop:agile may be obtained on appli cation to the navy agents at Portsmouth, New Hamp shire, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, and at qua Bureau. A record or duplicate of the letter informing a bidder of the acceptant:le of his proposal will to osedi a n tlfieation thereof, within the meaning of the War laid, and his bid will be made and accepted in conformity with this understanding. Every offer made must be accompanied fag directed in the act of COPgren. Making at , PrOVI 11 RPIOO for the naval service for 180-'O. approved 10th of August, 1846.) bra written guarantee. signed by one or more re spoasiblerson,, to the &Feet that he or they under take that t he binder or bidders will, If his or their bid be accepted . enter into en obtigatinn within ten days, with good and sufficient sureties, to furnish the supplies proposed. The Bureau will not be obligated to consider any proposal unless acconsosnled by the guarantee re- Milted by law ; the competency of the guarantee to be certified by the navy agent. dietriet attorney, or the coommor or the port The attention of bidders is called to the samples and descriptions of articles required, as, in the inspection before reception. a just but rigid comparison mitt be made between the articles offered and the samples and contract, receiving none that fall below Mom ; and their attention is atyo parfait/arty directed to the joint re soiution of 1714 'of March. 1854, and to the act of lea August, 1846. aple-fit PROPOSALS FOR FURNISILING MAIL bocice. POST OVIIOIS IDEPAXTDIENT.t Apnl 12. MI. Sealed Proposals for furnishing all Loots and keys. of new kinds. to he substituted for the locks and keys now used ou the United state* will t he ed at aijr u gt , went until nine o'clock A. M. tenth day It being desirable to obtain looks and keys of a new ociturtmetion. and invented expressly for the exploits° use of the United States mails, no model is primordial for bidder!, the Department relying for its selection on the results of mechanical skill and ingenuity which a fair competition, now invited, may prodnae. It is deemed necessary only to state that s mall look should be self-looking, and that its other prim:dual requisites are uniformity. seonrlty. lightness. strength. durability, novelty of onnstruotion, and feoilitt of use. Two kinds of mail looks and keys—one of brass and the other of iron—different in form and constrnotion, are required ; and proposals should specify, separately, the price of each iron lock. pitch key for same, each brass lock, and each brass key for same. Duplicate samples or patterns of each kind of leek. proposed are resolved to be submitted with the ',Togo sale; one of each kind of sample looks to be nested up and finished, and another to be open Or unrivaled. so that its internal structure may easily be examined. Every sample must be plainly marked with the bidder'. name. The looke offered should not be Patented. nor shoul d their internal construction bo otherwise publicly known, or be similar to anT looks heretofore used ; and they mart be warranted not. in any way, to infringe or in terfere with any patented invention. The various sample looks presented by bidders will be submitted to a board of examiners. to be oommis • sinned by the Postmaster General, for the ouiPme of examining and reporting on them' and =Mak the Postmaster General shall deem it to be for the interest of the Department to reject all the proposed' and speci mens submitted under this advertisement, oontraots will, upon the report of the examiners, be entered Into, as soon ea practicable, with the aucceasfol bidder,whose looks are adopted. for furnishing winner looks and keys for four y"ars. as tool mar be required and ordered. with the nghtoin the part of the roistmairter genera l for the tuneDOW to eXteild and oozy inns the contract in force for an ad ditional term of four years. on cities notice. in writing, to the contractor not leas then six months before _the termination of the first term of four years; or at toe expiration of the first term cd four years, to contract with any other party for formatting caviler or different 'Nis and keys, as the Postmaster General may us terms°. The contractor must agree and be able to furnieh if required and ordered, 6.000 brass looks and 6,000 biles keys, within three months from the time of entering into contract, and 50,000 iron looks and 80 Otgl iron keys. within eight months from mioh time. But the Poet mortar General will reserve the right to moresse or di minish. at the wants or intermit, of the service leaf demand. the (Monti LI en of the locks and keys above e cified. with a proportionate showeince of time to fur nish them. All the looks furnished by the contractor tonal be keep in good working order for two years. in th- ordinary use of the service, when not subj ected to obvious Violence ; such as become defective Bring that time, to be replaced with perfect looks without 'barge. The coutractor will be required to deliver the look'. at toe own expanse, at the Poet Office Department, Washington. D. U. put up on sticks, forming separate bundles of fi ve loOks each, and securely peaked in wooden boxes containing not more than two hundred looks each. The keys smile tie delivered re an agape of the Department. duly and specially authorized each ow, to take charge of awl convey the same from the contractor's factory to the Department, where both locks and keys are to be inspected and approved before the shall be paid for. The contractor will be required to sive bond. with ample seourith in the sum of twenty-eve thousane della!", fo the faithful performenea of the eeetreot on his part, both ae to furnishing the supplies ordered ' and guarding the manufacturing of the mail looks and keys with due privacy, integrity" and osre. No prom:mai will therefore be °unaltered, if not adoompanied with a written guarantee from the _proposed imietiee (whose rexpoonibihty most be certified by the Postmaster at the place of their residence) that they !TIN bOoome ronnoninblo, o n tfo required bond. lOr the fulfilment of the contract by the bidder, in came such proposals be accepted. In deciding on the proposal!, and specimens, the Post master General may deem it expedient to select the bows Moe of one bidder and the iron leek of 'another. lie therefore reserves the riXht of oontnteitleg with dillerent individuals for such dill kinds of locks as be may 'elect. Proposals snould be carefully sealed, addramed to the Postmaster General, and endorsed on tee envelope, •• Proposals for Mail Locke " miT-tuSt M. BLAIR. Postmaster General. WRITING AND LIDDGIR PAPERS.- We have now on hand, and are manufacturing to order, at the Mount Molly ram Mills, evede scription of WRinlitt AND L4tDGBB PA RIS, which for color and quality, are not excelled nY other Mills in the United States. We would can attention to new article of Paper Latter, by us. and now for gale, called litunneue Latter, which has bean gotten up to meet the wants of Mummer men and others, who object to Commercial Note as being too narrow, and do not wish to use part of usual letter sheet. This overcomes both the above obJeationg ; is a per fect sheet, pare wove; plate finish • ruled on one mde ; damped in centre near the top; me d e from beet ma terial. free from adulteration, an d put up In neat boxes, convenient for use. We also have a paper milled Bank Letter, similar to the above, except it has but half the number of lines an , an an to allows printed blank or herulimtbove. YEMPTON & ma uLLIZe, Mount Holly Borings, Cumberland Co, Pa.: PiThe above Papers can be nad of Mauro. J. 91- & MEIMAGILS MOTT= . Bios. 3 and 5 DEC/TIM Street. mha4ltm EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER Sangs. • STORE 304 ORESTNIJT STREET, P Z 1 in -LPPRID# PA A large variety of F alma ee hand. mWtir COTTON SAIL D1:10IC. and OANVAS, of el l numbers and brands. Raven • btu& Ali'gaff Twills,_of all descriptions. for Tents, Awnings, TM And *aeon CO9O/11. Also Paper manufacturers' Drier Felts, from 110 8 feet wide. Taripaulips, BeiranKst'ail Twine, &°' JOHN W. EV SRMAN lc CO., 103 JONES Alley. Wing OIL. --Pare olive oil, " tittOur irtiairautargrt. kunst Jatiw THE - FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1861. cupTIALI.C3 PILLS SICK HEADACHE, NERVOUS IMADAOI.9IE. citiltht ALL ILII4OB I.I.EIW3CIHE Ify.tiko us* Ot those Pills the periodical ottooko of Ne mesis' orgfetHusdr#44l spar bo;4 141 ;molto4 ; sod if taken at ihji - , o 9***Oig_ekt .of 1 1 Y , 4118101114f0 relief from•waiz and stobassorwill ' They /*kicks felUin removing the Nausea said R os a_ neAe to which females ere so sot gently on the bowels, removing ceeri simiss , For Literary Men, Students, DeMate .Females, and ell.persona of sanitary kalifs . ; fltaY an valuable es s ZAlizaliVt, improving the aniseiN. thrior tong and vigor .to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural ebis tioity tiiiditrength of the whole tritest. The CEPHALIC Mal are the milt of long Mewl ;anon and - carefully or/ducted experiments, having peen in use wan! duridir Which timelir) , have Prevented and relieved .a vast amount of awl god suffering from Headaahe, whether originating in the triremes system or from a deranged state of the ere more. They ere entirely vegetable In their , eteneeeition; and may be taken et all tuner with perfeet safety without making any ohange edict. and thy abssate easy dis&- freeablo tests reedms it oary to leitnieirter iAiaata BirWARS OF OOUNTERFETSI The genuine have Ave riatebtres of Item B. enabling on eaeb. BOX. soli bi Brannen* and an other Beaters in Medicines. , 4 Box will be sent bi man prenaji ontotonni of the PRICE, V* CENTEL All Orlon aboxld b• adArsosi HENRY 0. BPALDINEF., 48 OZDAI !MEET, NEW YOU IRE FOLLOWING ENDORBEMEX7B OP SPALDING'S CEPHALIC , PILLS• WILL OONVINOE ALL WHO IffifTEß HEADACHE. SPEEDY. ANif MALE CURE IS WITHIN AA Skin rilliffloXllo/S are utosoliestat Mr.STALD thoti afford astwoordosaldo proof, ill tka if. cacy ofsAis trolly aciestilic disco:may. Mx. 11Pauctio. I have tried your Cephalic Ping, and' taint to ath i want are to send aw two dollarewortp more. Part oldie* are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a ow of the first box' , got tree 74e. - Bend the ?Ills by mad, and oblige Year ob't Berme. • • Ks. Eroxianto. Ifovitur out, Pa., For‘ t, tint • ' I whet you to Nord too one more, boa of your ttophedio nu.. I Awn rresiood plat drat of tomtit /rout tisni. Yours_r_smoottullt, m.A.KY AAA STOIKHOUSE. -- -a.rossizikerzwx.,RartizsaninteoifirrY,Pl4, l pawn! pleairer.....„: 78,18 1. PUN. BOW tho/13= h3 rm.,..._ • _ • O. B. IHMON3. have rectsysd oat box of war PiOsi gad find thaw weaker. Blame Vzsuf ^ft. n" " B. EPALMING. En. v " . ledt. Please foal enplaned tw: u l di tve cenbs, fee which send ein& 1 1,...42 1 :4=014. 0. Pak .Viwy ars triciy Direst - , BTO P. 4 Bela Vernon, wyaneot eon O. 8 / 1 716114, C. apiLtarlit i I trinh for some oirouLsre or ir o i MAN to brine tho your vhalut rills more pa Aston Any cus tomer,. if you have anymbur of ,Weeieltaft land Ma. One of my monomers. who ha sulleetto severe Hick Headaohe, (usually LestiaZo dared *as, owed of co steed; ees Amer tv vow itirkwhositi nom her. Romeo r yours. W.' B. WILKEff. - - i; Co.. ftzmformsurrio. FRAMENOhio. t Jemmy 9 . JAL Mask G. ISPif mita, NO. iletadarat,ll. Y. IMAJi Ilia Inclosed And twenty-kb centig.(l3)for, which mad box pf ••..Cannano Fills nand foadama of .Rwr.Wm. lltapnoldstmrg, Franklin Ohio. yaw Ni 4 work Ufa a adorns—curs Woeufacks a tmot t ipostantsr. Yourlb WM.c.Flfdlik. YPSILANTI. Mum., Jan. 14.1861 Ms. /Swaim. firs : Not long Mime I sera to yoxfor a beu of Cephalic fine for the ewe of the Nervous li esamohe suit Tontimenesh and reamed thesame. axd they. hauf soloed an slat that I woo induced to smut foo on•oro: Mame mend by return 'mid. Dinette AL R. Wit.BELEX. •Yaulleati. Apes Szatataw, He yeti, Vit. Cephalic Pale accomplish -the otteet ley which they were made, ms.; Cana headaohe in 1111t1 foeme Awn Me _genet/her, NeffeJni Irhey . Mhos been hin more thins thouzand eases with entire memos. Amer the Demeans, Se. 01•4 d., Mi ms ; If you are or bare been troubled 'with th e headache. seed for a b ox, [Cephalic Pillej so ,that you may bare them in ease of an attack. livintA4 Acturtite prsiddasee.B.L _The Gybe& Pilo ars said to b. a remarkably effect ens remedy for the IsOktiohOoind owl of the very beat for that very frequent complaint which ban ever been dinoovered. Awes the Wester* R. &. Gattene, mimeo. We he ettdone Mr. Spading ' aft Wit minium:4 aepitehe Pah /kens as ifsouserlia Teller Stier, Ifeasssim, Vs. We are sure that persons suffering with the hem:whet who try them, will stink to them. .ftemi she Sowt4ers Path 'lade, Nee Vilates, La i My them I you &Mare Matted: and 11/11 are mire that your testimony ism be added tothe already nanierous bat that has reosived benefits that no other mediome can "reduce. Item les ,Lkofulcral. The immense demand- for the =tole (Cephalie PM, L rapidly inereasing. From Out Gazette. Dairprort, prows. B P 6 ldint would not 00111100 t his nano with an sr tole he did not kin" to'possewk-real Flom the Achreirek; Vimaitkines,- The teftIMOPY in their fiver* strong. iron the meet reseeotatee enartenh *C 4 ISAII 4 fir* kel t otehalie Elbe are taking the Sue of 12 lives tee Commercial Braga's. Batts. Mane Said to to very eiltoaeloas forth° headsets*. Pros* ths Cootwoorclat. Onthusisti. MIL Coffering humility eon now be rebored. A Ainla bottle s . ef iNILTIXAIRED IMAM will sails ten aiinalir;44lll SPALDING'S ?WANED UWE! WALDORF/4 PIatiPASZA GLUE ! SPADDINGI3 PRICPARED GLUE ECONOMY! - DIGPATCE! ST" A Evian !N TINN gum Num.""Vill As aoablentall Wined. ivan n ,weit-nifidated istaiiita. it Too dourahla to hara m oo oms °hear NM convenient TNT/ tor ISPlthilleftilltture t Toys i , ..Cipoke- SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE miens an seoh emergenoles. out no household an swo thelitiokisird to do withs Point. out it. It is atways ready • and us t 9 • "InIRFUI, IN NiERY BOMB." c en N. . B.—A Brush measles each bows. Prics..4 l - HENRY O. SPALDMIG• MO. 48 CEDAR ItiltnEl, SEW YOU. As certain. anennoialed: Winne are attemptlnil to root or on the nomintsaing publia, imitation" of nil PREPARED OLT/14 !weeds /aloft au persolit to ex amine before purethasin' end sea that the Whams. liiT SPALDING'S RIEPAZZIP BLUE.NIi is en the eatmee imager i *then ere alaglias tall4l TWAT A THEIR REAOII. MA.6OI6VILLII, Co .a~Pbb.d:llfl IMI SAVE YHA PIECES! O Lll IoL, VRANC/E1 UOMPANIRS. rimy rtrara.aNuE MUTUAL rNSURABOE COMPANY, 01 PELLIMILIZIA, OFFIVEO 4IO . ae , WALNUT 57.11Erit Dmuln auellPlet LOIRS 01 'DAMAO'S BY FIRE, on Howes, atoree.and other buildings, limited or tereftuokand on Furniture, WOOUNI werep, end bier ohroultse, 1.111 tow-a or GASH CUITAL,BI 3 I,II97—ABBETII NC 10 N. whioti is Wonted ae follow.. via: Inant mortgagee On MY :monads. worth double thesnitsunt--;. elm= op pannulraMll Railroad Co.'a 0 per cent. flat mortgage Wan. at Par— 00 Pennsylvania Ftailroe.d Co.'s 6 percent. se cond mortgage loadili63.oool 27,930 00 FE=lmirdem -and Broad Top Railroad and Onnal mortgage 4,000 00 'Ground root,font-oyes--. %as 60 Collateral loam, well 9aoo 00 City of Philadelphia 6 per cent. WWI 00 Oen. County per wont. Pa. RR. loan— 10,000 00 email Bank stook-- 6,1 66 01 kaMoe Dank gook-- 2,817 60 Pamir Railroad stook _- , 4,000 00 Th f micas Mutual Insurance Co.', stook 25,38 Q sy Piro !wartime Co.'. stook 1,000 00 The Delaware M. h. Insurance Co', stook_ 700 el Vsuon.Alutaal Inauranee Co.'l scrip-- 680 00 Bills receivable— 14,1M1 74 Book twoottati, scorned interest. 7,104 66 Cash on hand— —.—..— 11,604 61 The Mutual principle, 'combined with .the *rarity of Btoek Capital, entitle. the insured to partimpate in the prtylits of the Company, without liability for losses. Loeser promptly adjusted and paid. DIILICTOR.: Vr eM ?V .t tri 11, 06111410 BlePtlfirn, 1111AXFV ~.. opson, Robertateen Frederick Brown, William Mugger, William Blevenuon. Benj. W. Tingley. , John R. Worrell, Marshall Hill, B. L. Carson. - J. Johnson Brown, . Robert Tol and. Charles Leland. - - 131 . . D. Roooarton, Jacob T. Bunting, Charles 6. Wood, /smith Bowen • James S. Woodward John Masai,ittsburg. CLE TINGLEY. resident. B. 0. HINCIiMA.Ni Beoretary. February 16. 1881. ran VIE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY • OP PECIWOILPEA. (EIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY,) CON(PANY'S BUILDING, S. W. CORNBit JOURTH AND WALNUT STREBTS. DIKEOTORIS: F. JILLTCHNOILD 11.11324.. Merman L. Divosen. Wzi.z.u.stKnit, Ozo. 14 STUART, KAMM, FICAZIXa, JOHN StROWSit JOHN M• ATWOOD, Si. A. FLornwroes, Buy. Taniates, Attnnnw D. Cam, azeity. EARTON • ERILINGSI2. F. RATCHFORD BTARR. President. MULES W. COLE. Reeretars. fell VENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. toSI.IIEitTNCT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL TILE .PROFITS lIIVID4D AMONG TEE IN. SURE& histire Ltees for short tenni or for the whole term of i.gratitannuities and Endowments interests; purchase Life heal Entato, end make all contraot6 de peadmg on the contingencies of life. They sat. as Eienutors. Adnunistratore, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians.. ASSISTS OF THE COMPANY, January 1.1361. Mort ages ground rents. real estate_ .8322,991 97 ITmtedSteles stooks. Treasury notes, loans of • State of Penns ylvania, city of Philo deli/Mal • .• • • r., 1165,796 54 Premium notes,losom on'oolletteralsitto.. gaps Cl Tannerlyania. North Venntirtvanui Rail roads, and County six per cent. bonds...—. 1011,902 60 Houk, insuranae, railroad, canal stooks, /to. 97.647 49 Cash on head, agents' balances, &0.. .to 38.206 14 40,571,128 99 • DANIEL Id, - MILLER. President. SAMUEL E. STOKES. Vice President. J 0.1174 Vl'. HON NOR. Secretary. mh29-tf AWARE MUTUAL SAFETY 1.14%. .AWARE COMPitaTY: PRILAPELPELA• Inoorporatod by the Legbdataro of Femurslimos, MU. Case 13. R. corner of TRIED and WALNUT streets, PHILADELPHIA. m AMINE INISURANCE, Oa Vegools, i i Cargo* To Oporto of th e World. 'Freigt* .LAND INEtriumcza On Rood' by Rivers, Canals, Lakes, and Land CU yosyyi Oikall t r u a ß oirsartion. Oa tilerohandistr geae--atir. Oft &Orbs Dwolling Rouses, MEETS OF, TEE COMPANY. • November 1. MO. 1100,003 United States Rye oent.l n--.70104410/0 00 I.ll4llol3lliDed BIRGOO mix V cent . T7VIOOIT Nous, (with scorned interest)—.. 11/,16.7 04 10000 Pennsylvania State five W' eon , • l amb 16,1/70 00 21,000 • do. do. mix do. do. 11,116'00 111.000 PhiladelphinGity si o l t +ll' cent. Loan. 116 „103 woo Tennessee State five cent. loan- UAW 00 ! A lta Pennlsania filar . 2d' mortgage Dent. bonds.-. - 01,000 GO 111.0119 300 . share stook Germantown Gam - COLGODYB interest and pniaMpil rsarauteed by the City of • dolphin.— III,MO 00 LOCI WO shares Pennsylvania Railroad • .Companv. 11,9f0 00 Loio ino ghats's Naiiiiiiio7 . oiiiilianin - R7L road Company - .... . 1 1 00 00 I.lollBoahares Philadelphia Ice Boat and 110 OO 5 elates ade apro Toy =ntt liievre. de- 1 " "1 Grad 6 Steam Tow-boat ComcanY. 150 CO 1001 shares Philadelphia Exchange nif Company.- 1,000 3 shares Continental' Rotel Co.—. 600 60 MAO par. Cost $60,315.34. Market va1.61664.364 71 ZHU reeemble, for insurances 171,386 42 .Bonds and mortgases.—.— KM 00 Real estate— 61,..40 55 lialanen du! , MAMILLOier-Freininini on blar -rine Follows. interest. and other debts due thgt. COMMIT "Ow OS' Sem and 'took of andry. fusaranos and ULIK UMPintell 1,6 M 30 Cook on Itand—in banks-- 428,373 16 in &away— . .436 311 160.03 . thin M l __ ,Bantwil E. Makes, J'. i Yenta° • 00 - r 61-I - • • : - llg , . enW e... . tinr_ oan •Darlbston. —Amg O. "1 • woreorfecisc: Leiyipe: t, on n KAN ' am " es : M:F it ar l es laat ide d za. wilinte.-Liviiilff it°be r t t a uo oll ' --- ioaelh - .Beat, ' i 914 "'new. Dr. . BA. Huston ; t il ku lala ß. P rie . E rr e ple; Pitt: CI es 6 . D. T. erg= •A. D. rear . 64 WILLIAM MAITIN ILICNIT ItYIaDURN. .8143"re' tar". ' Vice Pr"niedibul-ti FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.— = THE PENNSYLVANIA. FIRE INSURANCE lattraPANY—lnamporated WS—CHARTER PERPE TUAIr-.NO. IOWALNiIT Street, opposite Independ ence Square. Thin Company, - favorably known to the community for thirgy-aut years, continues to msure against or demand by Fire. on public or pnvaie Buildioss. either permanently or for a limited time. Also. on Furniture, rna t m aoods stocks of or Merchandise generally. on liberal to Their Capital. together with a large surplus Fund, 111 Unmated in the moat careful manner. which enables them to offer to the insured an undoubted security in the case of logs. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, Ina° Heslnhere'. Qiuntui Campbell, Thome Robin!, AM:amlel Noon, Daniel Bmith, Jr., William Alormorina, John HISVOITIUX. Thomas South. JONATHAN PATTERSON, President. BRETON Mans, Boormam apt-ly BIIRANON COMPANY OF THE fayPENNEIYIVAN/A—PLRE AND MA , SUILAHGE Nom. 4 AND BX GS. Chartered an 17a4—Cayital 4103,000—Feb. 1, IBS, ouk ue, $418,7113 77. .inve a ted in sound and available sewarataes—oon- BMW to lalrare on Wangs arid Cargoas. Moslem of Morohandise,fee. on liberal terms, DIRESITORS. Menu D. Eherrerd, George H. Stuart, Simeon .I•Aaby, Russel Grant, Jr., Sharlas Maoalester, Tobias Wagner, William S. smith, nom= B. Wattaon. .7ehn B, Budd nry G. Freozgas, • WIWAR H. "tuts, Charles 0, Geogeo C. Careoa. IMMIX D. EBERRERD. Preaddant, WILLIAM HARPER, Ressottur. JeS-tf PrINSURANCE. MECHANICS' 3URANCE °waren of Philsdelobi2.. No. 1 aci North SIXTH Street. below Race. mare Build ings. Goods, and Merchand me generally from toes- or damage by Fire. The OQMPaIIY =minim to adjust all losses prompoy, arid thereby hope to merit the patron age of the public). antacrons. ' William Morgan. Robert Flanzgan. rani Cooper, Miohael Meleay. George L. Dougherty. Edward Mcdrirvern. taucas Martin, Thomas B. McCormick. Ranee Eurmili, Joan Bromley, ttbew_MaAlear. lemmas Falls, .'Barnard Earerty, John e'‘ f r tgAltie J. Hemphill, Bernar d H. *m . . ow Fisher, Ovules OLare, MOM MoMarinii. MioMel Colo % FRAINC.I3 - OWEEEL. President. BERNARD RAFFERTY. Sainsbury. ocIS-17 A MERIOAN FIRE 1NE11111..9140/1 00., -EA- .INCORPORATED 1810 CHARTER PER PEUAL. No. T 9/0 WALNUT Street above Third, Philadelphia, Haven-,a large paid-up Capital. Stook and Surplus, Invested in amid and available Seenritiee,continnee to =on Dwellinss,! Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, is in port and their °arrow, and other personal ProPerti. All Isamu liberally and promptly adjusted. DIRECTORS. Thes._R 15 slim John T. Lewis * " Joba.,Wolo, ' James R. Campbell, gamed C. Morton, Edmund O. Ralik, Patriot Brady, Chas. W. Poultney, THOMAS rri. IL MARIN, President._ ALBERT C. S. CRAWFORD. Secretary. fe2S-tf E X°I3AII 'GE INSURA_NCE COMPANY —olnee No. 409 WALNUT" Street. FIRE INSURANCE on Houses and 'Merchandise generally, on favorable terms, either Routed or ver tebra DINEGTORS: Jeremiah Bowan, Thomas Marsh. John id. elimodo. Gharlee Thompson, EdWard'H. Roberts, James T. Hale, Samuel L. Smedley, 7oehua T. Owen, Reuben G. Hale.. John J. Gri ffi th'. • JIRRAILAR BONSAI,L. President. JOHN Q. e/14140D0 Vice Pr alt7B/13ID Cos . 80011,11.17. 9 eilldellit. Jag JOB PRINTING. TEE NEW JOB PRIV I ING OPTIOIC " THE PR SS" isDrecareal to manta neatly.ohea, and erpfdittomilY InrWAY Virrarrne PAM2B-1.1711. !APEI BOORS, mikaDs. rtNsvzits, HANDBLLhit. BLANK S Or EVERY DESCRIPTION A VCTION ERRS, LAWYERS 111KRCH.M171, MANUFACIVIL RAIIJLOLD AAA INEURINCE OOMPANIEL PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PRINTING All orders left al the Publication Mee et TM P.. 4IT aimilfaltia arrest. Inn ercuirthr aflosdllod to . NOTIOE.—The Citizens of the different ..1. , n Cities end Towns throughout the State are invited to competition for the pica* at 'gook. the next AN AVAL STATR FALK shall he held. Proposals tiontaining to meats and advantages; directed to tea. undersigned Committee. appointed by the FA. pre- Cmfttee. will be regeived up to and ut -tigliay alit next. Communiontions should be ad room-4 to either of the following ipersone Wbf COLDER Ja., lOgg. P. AUTMERFOID. A It MINI JOHN H. ZIMULEM. AMOS E. KAM Rearieburt Pa. Northumberland. Pao Cononittie. 1111/48M1U 44317.16 04 SPUMY U AFTER24OOIa LINES. Depqt, corner 91_BIWAD and 11A r.r,ovr- SlLLAtreets,PlLWADE.L.PatlA,(Parsongor entrances °llThirteenth and on Camraill strosta.) for POTTS and HARRISH/Jali, at BMW. AL, DAILY, for /NG only'. at b P. a1..1.0.1X.X. Mandan" ex oe_gted. ; DISTANCES VIA FRILADELFRIA, AM) READING RAILROAD. FROK PHILADILTHLA.. MUSS, To Phandirrill jondinr_—.__ 18 LObanOri—.-- fa brnaburg—...-1111 wean_ ,---1112 Trovortmjimotaon Northumberland —lflr bar{ Milt • on rt , Jersey'aaore .1c Hoven Williinujpert and Elmira Raiload. The 8.11. /A l and r. Id. train oOnneot dailL at Port Clinton, Sondms exoepted,/ OAR wineA, lAXSOOT,- and BRIE RAMER mods' olotodormeotiono with Ilnea to Niagara $ F O a andLekstaweat. - DErtrx MFHkDRI.PRIA. Corner of ROAD sad ceia. RI Streets. mal3 - 11 . A. Maramnirgy. Be rotors CIRCNI.IIIB. rlule READS LABELB MECHANICS. BANKS. DAILY INLAND FRItIORT LINE TO NOR MAL •-• _ MYTH, VA., and to the prated tal-41 in the .oouttt- w. t tiloutti t wo ood _nt to the; not ear n er . IR HO wheal OTOINE.Ave - thie. forwarded and itd St GS by !SW as by any other fine. 11. P. KENNE'Sr, Master of Tranpyortation P. W. & Id. R. R. Co. WEST CrHES TEE • •!-- TRAM P 11. 75.. :U 4 401. 1 1 1 Via r1 i e .11.4 . .111LAILROAD LIMNS. ... THE PENNSYLVANIA CENT RAL RAILROAD___, 960 MILES 191119 4. TRACK. 1861. !I. ..-_. ,%-._....-_:, 1861. A .,..,..,,, 4;.;f0 0 ts NOW EQUAL THE Cl"- TIYAN V I ' • .'w 1 PITHY. THREE THBOUG :. •. .. ogicrilAygn .11G BET wirma ratuifilsL • • , AND ....1174 u .. u.....tiii. 'Hypo. et Yhtladelt , , .37,th _ .Vi um : from Bosom. New Xort., atuk. ._• i o m . . tcoad Omen Delia at Piftetalr/ Wll , . Dr Ilk r. from allpointa int no West , - • rtbrost- .. , • 4 1 . 6. 1 . —thug rormatiugg Wild:cm for the. trait* • ~ nor Paeutengers unsurpassed for speed and 00 !any other route. Expresso and Put .All. to r T itti hr b o u ng r t without change of .t.2srs or aim re. _ , ..... r pier Pram provided ' with Lough:laze ii meat Mama run doo tbr to ongh thus adding much to Ole safety oftmVeilers. „ 37 .....4 Brake—speed under perfeet control of -.the, engineer, Smoking Care Can tot tO eseh Train ; - The ]CPRSugiel" Can 'Express and Fast Trams, e ow. "vested, E num DAILY: Mail and Fast Linen, hue semi Train leaves Philadelphia at Yaw A. M. Fast Line " .i 11.66 A. M. EXPreas Train leaves .. 10.411 P. M. wall TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWer: Harrisburg Accomm odation , via Columbia, 2.80 P. M. Columbia 4.00 p. M. Parkesburg s'" at SAO P. M. West Chester No 1, at 8,15 A. M. No. 2. at 12 90 P. M. West Chester Passengers will take the West Chester Nos.] and 2 and Columbia Trams. Passengers for Sunbury, Williamsport, Elmira, Buf falo, Niagara Falls. and intermediate points.- leaving Philadelphia M 740 A. M. and 1 . 8) P. fil,, go dilcotlY raronsc.. TiehetaWfbetWard may be obtained at tke .offices of Baltimore ; and Tickets Eastward at any the Company in Philadelphia, New York Boston, BestOn, or 1 tent Railr o ad Offices in the West ; also on boat:deny of the regular Line of Steamers on the Mosiessippi or Ohio rivers igir' Fare always as low, and time WS quick, as by any Of unpor other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion, Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western connections of the . Pennsylvania Railroad to Chicago make this the DIRECT LINE BET W HEN 'PH g EAST AND THE . GREAT WEST. The oonnection of tracks by the Railroad Buidge at Pittsburg, Avoiding all - drayage or ferriage of Freigl4, together with the saving of time, are advantages readi ly appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel li4g Public.. Morel:dus end Shippers entrusting the transporta tion of their Freight to this Company,. Ilan rely with oonfidenee ou its amuity transit. THE RATES OF F HEIGHT to and froni any point in tne West bar the Pennsylvania Railroad are at elf times as favorable at are charged by other Rai/road 1 UM/IPaintl. - ttSr Se particular to mark packages " via Pennsyl vania Railroad." For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, wolf to, or address either of the following Agents of the Comsat!: 1). A. Stewart. Pittsburg : H. S. Pierce & Co., Zanesville. G. J. J. Johnson. Rip ley, 0. •, It. MeNeeiv, Maysville, Ky.; Ornusby & Crop per, Portsmouth, O.; Paddock A co.. - Jettbrisonville. Indiana ; H. W. Brown & Co., Gino:aroma. 0.- Atneru & Hibbert,Cincinnati, O.; It. C. Meldruni, Madison, Ind. Jos. E. Moore, Louisville, Ky. ; P. G. (Palley & Co., 'Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham & Co., Cairo. 111. • R. F. BM, Shelf!! it Gimis,__St. LoMg . Mo. • John H. 'Harris, Nashville, Tenn.; Herne & Iluin,'Nlem ' phis Tenn.; Clarke & Co., Chicago, 111. ; W_ . B. 11. Koonta. Alton. ill .; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at different points in the' West. S B. t yeiRSTON, Jr., Philadelphia, t AG Aw & KOONS, 80 North street,_tialticiore. ER El A C0..1 Astor Hoos. Or 10. William et.. N. V LEECH k. CO. liti : 77 State street, Beaton. - H. H. HO . USTOPii Gang' Freight Agent, Phila , L. L. HOUPT, Gen'l Tioket Agent, Phi la. E. LEWIS, Gen'L Sup't Altoona. Pa. 1861.artipilmigi 1861. SPIN; ARR ir gedEN y W YURI. LINES 1131i1 9 eirprICAVOAD /11/00 0 • Aidll 'NNW YO D* WA *MAU ism WALNUT-WI. WUAB AND INIIIINSTON IMO" WILL IiAAVX 418 FOLLOW. VIZ : /ASA At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (land A. Ac commodation 3 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey Oily, iff.2) Aseommemasen 2 13 At BA. M., via Camden and Jersey City Morning # 00 At UM A. jersey City, Western Express. 3 00 At 123 i P. M., via Camden and Amboy Accommo dation—s At P. M., via Canzdon and AsTifiroy, - 6. - and rili- reen— 00 A p t pi P. M., via K.olllli n g ton mid Jamey City, Eve lung E: rase.._,._.. 8 00 At 4% F. 81., via Kensington and Jeraey City, Id ClasaTioket 226 At 6F. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail— - 300 At Mill',4l - ii - C7aeleirrini7elre; , Ikea era mail , 2 13 Jtt 6 I'. M., via Camden and Aglow, Aooommoda bon, (Freight and Pasienger ) -lat Class Tioket- 226' Do. do. - ad Clan Tiokat- 1 60 no Cr M Nail Line num daily. The IJlf P Id, 15C011 th em Meal, Betnrdays exoentesi. For Belvidere, Easton, Lambertville, Flemington, &0., at 7.10 A. M. from Kensington, and 2% F.M. from Walnut-street wharf. For Water Gap. Btrondsbarg,Scranton, Wilkeabarre. Montrose, Great Bend, ecc., 7.10 A. M. from Kenruntton. ma Delaware. Laokawanne end Wedeln R. IL For Manoh Chung. Ailontown, and Bethlehem at 7.10 A. N. from Kennington Depot, and 5 P. M. from Wal nut-street wharf ; (the 710 A. line connects with train leaving Banton ULM P. M.) ISPor Mount Holly, ate and 8 A. M., I and im For Freehold. at 6 - A. M..and II P. M. • WAY MMES. For Bristol Trenton, eao.._ at 7.t0 A. M. ef. and MI P. Al. from lienalagton, and Mt P. M. fro , Walnut street wharf. Perish:alma. Daserton, Delano°, BeYerl7. Sailing ton lorenoe, Dordentown, &e.. at WC t, 434 and 5 P. la. Steamboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate Dimes. at ltd P. M. from Walitat-atteet _ET For New York. and Way le t i T eg leave Kagg_ington Depot, take the befo re ° (fa' Th,e,"Jiiirrvat M i ne thirt, h oar d on arri Bags a train, ran rom the depot. fty Poundal of_gp,. only, &Howell each Passen ger. Pawsengers are prohibited from taking anything as barge bat their woeincis apparel. All baggage over fit pounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit the responsibility for baggage to. One Dollar per ponne, and will not be liable for any amount bepoud CFA ex oept by 'pedal scarlet. trihn WM. M. SIATZMER. Agent. WINTER ARRANGE. MENT .--PHILADELPHIA, SERM I ANT( II4I /MN, NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. On and after MONDAY, _Nov. amen, FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelplua,6, 7,8, 9, 10. 11 and 11 A. MO, em,, 45. mg, 67, 3, pong._nd P_. 51. _ Leave Germantown, 5, 7 , nt. 8, 8 7 M, mid 77 A M., 1,8, 8,4, 5,5, 0467..,821. and rt n RADA Leave Philadelphia. AM nun. A. M., A 7, and a% P.M. Leave Germantown, 8.10 min. A. M., 1.10 mfa, I. and OM P. M • CHESTNUT rum, RAILROAD. Leave Cltstruirin - 0, 1 -414,.., 115 . 8 11 A. 9. 4. 1. 3. 11.40 A. M., 1.49, Am 640 arid SAD PV ' 6N tiummyB; ' Leave Philadelphia, 9.03 A. 87..3. and 7 P.M. Leave abeirtimt RILL 7.l:olmia, M. 1 263 L La. and /JD nun. P. M. Fox g.orrearonocxEN AND NoRRISTOWIL Leave Philadelphia, 848, ia. 805 . end 12,00 MM. A. M., Loa. sag, 04.8118, and IV4 r. Leave Nometown, 6. T, 8.15. 9, and 11 A. M., IM, 434, and 6 P. M. ON SHNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 9 A. M and 3 P. 51.. for Norris- WWII. Leave Norristown 1% AM. and 6 P. AL FOll iuN - AVURE, Leave Philadelphia AM 73f, 5.06, and 11.05 A. Di., 1.06, 2.06, um, 4m, 3.46:8,00,im Leave Manapunk. 536 3d. 6.35, 9M. 1134 A. 51..9.3M, 5,6%. and P. M. ON fiUNDAYI3. Leave Philadelphia. 9A. M., 3, and 7 P M. Leave Mauiiinir L aCti. M. 3%. and 8 P. 51. HD_ K. 31TH,_.General Superintendent. nolo-tf EPOT, NINTH and GREEN Stream. N TH 'PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. FORe, 1417. EM DOYLEBTO MAVOR R;;LAWQ_N, and .E 01114.5 Y. TIMER TILKOLIGH TRAIN. On and filter MONDAY. December 5,1820, Passenger Trainswill leave PROYM, and WILLOW Streets, Phila delphia, daily, (Rundaysiemented). all follow : At 6.30 A. 51,,k a Ratireas). for Bethlehem . Allentown , Mauch Chunk , :beton, Wilkeebarre. Ao , At 2.45 P. 74., ( =press), for Bethlehem, Keaton, This train reaches Easton all P. &land makes elms Aiwith New miss central tor New York. At I P. AL. for Bethlehem, Allentown, Matioh Chunk. At 9A. M. and 4 P. M. for Doylestown. At 6 P. M., for Fort Worthington. The SALA. M. Express train makes close connection with the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Bethlehem, being the shortest ead. mod desirable route to Wilkesbano, and to all koints in the Lehigh coal region. TRAMS FOR PHILADELPHIA. P Lave Bethlehem at 6.41 A. M. CM A. N.. and 11.60 Leave Doylestown at LW A. M. and 6.110 P. M. Leave Fort Weehmeton at 64 A, M. ON SYNDAYS.—Phile.delphte for Fort Washingtea at 9.80 A. M. thilidelptua for Doylestalm at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Philadelphia at 7 A. M. Fort Waehimgton for Philadelphia at 246 P. M. Eare to Bethlehem-41 160 I Fare to Mauch Oktink.o7 F tO Eutos itit I Fire tO Wilkesbarre_ 480 orrough Tiokete must be procured ist the Tioket ors, it WILLOW Street pr BEIM Street, in order to secure the above rates of fare. All Passenger Train; (except Sunday Trains) connect at Berke Street with Fifth. and Soith-streets, and . Seoond and Third-street' Peasengei; Railroads, twenty minutes after leaving Willow Street. ELLIS 00,11. X.. Agent. SPRING ARRANGE GTON, D BAIN i tb r IFIEW.U P AS IA . Otrand after MONDAY_,_APRIL IS. 1861 PABBENOBR TRAINB LE4vE PHIL NDELpHEA: For Baltimore at 6.111 A. M.,. /1.5¢ A. M., (S=pree). mid 1040 P.M P. ForM. Chaster at 8.15 A. M., 11.55 A. M., 4.15 and 10.60 For_ Wllmln , ton at &II A. M.. 11 36 A. M., 1.11 aid MAD P. M. For New Castle at &IS A. M. and 4.15 For Dover at &DI A.lll, and 4 / 1 11 r,lll, -For Milford at OM A. M. Per A. M. TRALLI4B FOR J'EILA DELPHLIL Leave Baltimore at 6.16 A. M. (Exprees), 5.411 A. M., and 4.45 P. M. _ Leave. Ng/loin ton at 610 and 9.10 A. M.. 1.110 and Leave fleliglrozy at LAO P. M. Leave Milford at 4 P. M. Leave Dover at 545 A. M. and &ID P. 51. Leave New Castle at 8.25 A.M., 7.10 P. M. Leave Chester at 7.40 A. M., 9 40,147 end SAO P.. Leave Baltunore for iffisliabury and Delaware Bail roao at 646 A. ffff. TRAM FOR' BALTIMOIR t Leave Chester at 8.45 Addogna and II.M P.M. Leave Wilmington at LW A. M.. MI P. M., and I 5 A. M. FREIGHT MUM, with Passenger Car washed/ will ran ea follow.: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate plaoes at 040 P.M. Leave -Wilmington for Perryville and intorstedlate Wages at 7.111 P. Leave Wilmington for .Philadelplus and =term diate places at ff P. M. Leave Gavre-de-Grace for Baltimore aid intermedi ate station. at 6 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre-de-Grace and intermedi ate station" at o P. Al, ON IllifirDAYSlt O nlyO at MM. P. M. from shin to Bamen% nty at 45 P. 31. from Baltimore te_Ytuladelphia. apLa IL - M. FELT ON. President. iliftionms- PHILADIAPHIA AND READING RAIL ROADi—PARBEAGER MUER for POJTRVILLE, READING. and .HARRISBURG, on and alteriApril MORNING LINER, DAILY ()tandems itl o B,PtedtL Leave New Depot, corner of BROAD sad .A.L.LOW HILL Streets, PHILADELPHIA,(Paesenger entrance. on Thirteenth and on the at 8 A, M., sonneating at Hamel:mu with the PENNSYLVANIA It A TIRLAD.; P. M. train rualitni to Pittsburg, the CUMBERLAND VALLEY Ltd P. M. train raumnu to Chamborstrent, _Carlisle, &el.; M . the NORTHERN RAIL CENTRAL ROAD I P. M. train, running to flan boxy, ate. POSITIVE SALE OF 200 OASES STRAW GOODB. This Morallg. May I*, commencing , at 10 o 'clock, MO oases choice and desirable styles straw goods. oo, in part. of Coburg, fine Split straw, Florence , and fitno7 bonnets colored and wkite Boulevard' end fanny . tiara, Shake hoods ' &c. BONNET RIBBONS. Also.ll cartons late styles Paris embroidered hroche. Plaid. and solid OolOrs bonnet ribbons. - - - - - PROF. W OO D'S_ RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR Is precisely what its name Indicates for, whit pleasant to the taste, it is revivifying,eihilarating, and strengthening to the vital powers. It also re vivifies, reinstates, and renews the blood in all its ri oginal. purity, and thus restores and renders the system invulnerable to attach of disease, It L ei the only preparation aver offered to the world in o, popular form, iso as to be within the reach of aIL modly and skilfully oombined as to be the powerful tonic, and yet so perfeotly adapted as re act imperfect accordance with. the laws qf na ture, wed •611 Ce soothe the weakest stomach, and tone up the digestive organs, snit allay all nervous and other umtation. It is also perfectly (allitera ting in its effects , and yet it .is never followed en t4 t3 ery lassitude r vac dep ression tiies and of s hose r ith thO s nii i i:l4 corn . biningpowerfully tonidandsoothingiarcrperties, ral consequentlyoen never injure. finch a remedy Flong been felt to be a desideratum in the medi ~ world, both b the thoroughly skilW in medical .... science, and a l so by all who have suffered from de -4 luilty ; for it needs no diedieal skill or knowledge ;"' even to ilea that debility follcrwir ail attacks of chs -0 ._ attachd lay. the unguarded system open to the • r , of many of the most dangerous to which • NI poor humanity is constantly liable. flunh, for ex- , gd ample, as the following : columniation. Bronoltie, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Los a of Appetite P' nt- A DIMS. Merton irritability. Na 1111.1111„ P r ipltation , ~'"' Sweats, Lancuor, Giddiness, andl all that claim of „; owes. so fea rfull y fatal if unattended to in time. ~" called F 7 m al e eaknesses and Irregularities. Mao, .. Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver COM. 4 fn P o loi t th nt e s: i D ell ue rt eL l : e o hin rch a e ho K ly ian "l e::::: a d d ing ' or Night ln- q continence of the Urine 9r any general derange. p; meutuf the Urina Or ga ns, Pan in the Baot,thae, ag and between the S houlders, oulders, predisposition to slight ' 0010,Haolongand Continued Cough, Emaciation, 44 Diabonity in Broothin t t and,indgea, we might sou ...g kn l O ra t e many more s . but we have space only to .et (mitts .will not only ours the debility following 7 1:1 (mitts and Fever, but prevent all attacks arising • m 1 elnkluenoes, and mire the Omen.. . s atone, if alroady attaoked, and as it acts directly r 4 and Jpersuitentiv upon the biliary system, arousing - m the Liver to action, promoting, in fact, all the ai oretione and seorettone of the system, it will Mfg ,. llbly prevent any deleterious come qUenO hence . • ••,L, lag upon change of climate and water ; all' se travellers should have a bottle with them, and all - ..4 should take a tablo-spoonful at least before eating ge, A 5 it preven ocistiveness, strengthens the duces. - tive organs, Itshould be in the hands of all r . F i of ,sedentary baba.: students, ministers, literary - 0 men ; and all Ladies not aeowttomed to much out- - m door exercise should always use it. If they will. - . they will firgi anagreeable. plaaiscuat, and 'Mown remedy against Sham ills which rob them of their . ~ penury ; for beauty cannot exist without health, Aand health oankot exist while the abovejrregulam- "• ties continue. Thep again, the Cordial is aprorfect omother's Relief. Taken a month or two before the - e final trial, she will pass the dreadful period with - Ilk Verfellt ease and safety. These ii/ Ito mistake about he it ti try ns Cordial is aft we claimfor st. Afothers, ' it, And to NM We appeal to detect the Illness or - N i decline, not only of your daughters, before it be . PI 0 late, but also your eons and husbands, for While r ~. the former, from false delicacy, often go down to Z a premature grave rather than let their condition "" be known in time. the latter are often so mixed us with the excitement of business that if it were not for you they, too, would travel in thy same down wardy:al. until too late to arrest their Tatal IaLL But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal, for wei are mute your never railing affection will unerringlY toint Re n o v ator, Wood's Restorative Cordial arid Blood as the remedy which ehouki be always on hand in time ignoed. 0.1. WOOD. Proprietor, 444 Broad • ay, PISA York, and 114 Market street. St. Louis gilo.: and rpld be all good _Druggists, pri se , 9 11 4 Dollar per Bottle. :.Id en this city by B. A. FAHNESTOCIT, & CO., Noe , 7 and 9 North PIP rzi Street ; HAZISARD & CO.. TWELFTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and DYOTT & C0...232 North SECOND Eareet. oel3-rawf d-eowWtf pUCURO-PNEUMONIA, OR CATTLE EPIDEMIC. CATTLE 118EAAN, CATTLE IBIASE, CATTLE lA AAR. CATTLE DOS BE. An unfsdlintromedy thts Ammo gut be had by Applying to Dr. H. CLOR, Ro. 407 VINE Etreot. Also, medloines for all kinds of disease* RE WARRANTED, OR MONEY REFUNDE RE WARRANTED. OR MOSEY l A t i lF p rOFT, LIRE WARRANED, OR rilOrigY R NpE DUNE WAJARANTBD Olt Allalkilr TIDE . lalil-wfoi WSW Pkirt kapl Mieding Bad Lebanon valley Z, F' `e Ceatial. aallread. giltbirf awl Kris X. I. BROWN'S ESSENCE F JAMAICA OINOEFL—FREDERICK BROWN. Chemist and Druggist, northeast corner of Chestnut and Fifth eta., Philadelphia, mole manufacturer of :grown's Pn/enoll of amales Ginger, which ie recognized and prescribed oy' the medical taunt 3and has become the standard [amity medunne of the United etwes. This guano* is a prep %ration of unusual toroelleuGe. In ordinary diarrhea. incipient cholera, in short s in all names o f prost.ation of the digestive frinotions. it is of ineatimabie value. During.the prevalence of epidemic cholera and summer compiatnts of ohltdren:it if pecu liarly efficacious: no family, individual,. or traveller sticuid be without It. fitirtlClE.—To prevent this valuable Essence from being eountert new cool engraving, executed at y tad."' a great oust, w be found on the outside of the Wrap per, in order to guard the purchaser against being im posed upon by worthless imitations —IESB. Prepared only by FREDERICK BROW corneror sale at his Drug end Chemical Btore. N. Eof Fifth Gad Chentnutstreets, Philadelphia, and at FRE DERICK BROM N. Ja.'e, Drug and Chemical Store, 8. E. sAirrir i of Ninth and Chesthut street. Dental °tel. mao for 11410' bl ro apaotable roggista In the Vaat•it Eitsl4l. lIRNEEIS RUNLET, & CO.. Ne. 490 MARKET ISTENG7 SALE OF IMPORTED DRY GOODS o Tesday Motune. Mar 14. at 10 o ' c l oc kfor curb, by cataloglm M D1612(4141 and lots of Laney and stooge imported 1117 goods. NF. PANOOAST. AIIOTIONEEtt, 8no • 06BiOf to B. Boots. Jr.. 431 CHESTNUT St. fOIERIFF'S RALE OF FURNITURE. Op Monday Moiling , Mal Una, at 10 olook, at the mt esrctom, 431 Chestnut street. the balance of furniture of Jones' JIMA, com ermine beds. straw mattressom bedding, bureaus, sofas. and other lurmture. fa; FHLIP FOR & 00., AUCTI6NEEREI 3 Tin. 630 MARKET Street end sal MfPiol. St. FITZPATRICK & 131408., ACII7- vraxr.Eis, 604 0.016T1416111' Strip •i. above 5A145 Y .E t vslrina , At 7 Volook, OT alooks._etationery and tenor goods wetehes. jowl clocks , lIIIVOr plated ware. sailed. patet,inss, mttei tlfetruenients, ko. Also, Jaosiery, ry goods. boots and shoes, and leer ehandise of every description. DAY f V.Y.II eery, Mends,. Wednemiar. and Frt. day at It o clock A. ie.. PJLIVAVE BALM. 'At private sale several large 001111ijIIIIISR Go of IVlattilell Jewelry, books, staAtonery, ailver,plated ware. eallell Amoy goose, dco. To which is eoncited the attention o atty and country merchants and others, Corulicaments eohnited of an kinds of reerahandida for Penn° or private sales. sir. Mend oath advances made en eeneignateatm Tales arottuotm, attended to.' SEITP PING. WEEKLY • COMBIIJNIOATION SY STEAM BETWEE N NEW YORK AND LIVER.POOL, calling at GUIYANSTOWN (Ire land.) to land •and embark .paisseugesa and despatches. 'rim Livervord,l N iew Yor 'Philadelphia steam ship Co wp ony's atidendid Gly e-tuult iron screw atertm ships, are sail as follow.: • FROM NEW , YORK FOR LIVERPOOL. CITY OF MANCBEFITER, Saturday, May 11 CITY OF BALTIMORE. Saturday, May 18 KANGAROO. Saturday. May 2,0 And every_ Saturday throughout the year, from P, tai. No. 44 N. R. • RATER OP PA RAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. IT Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool ..—.. it Do. to London , via Liverpool.- ....... ........ 80 Steerage to queenetown. or LiverpooL.—....... ....... 30 110, to London ............ so. Return soketa. av ailable for era montha, from Liverpool....___.___.. , egg Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp, at through rates. Qe.tifioatee of passage issued from Liverpool to New York —. —__. ___..„..... . _lb certificate' of Damage Mowed front Queenetovm to New Yo .rir— ..... . 30 These steamers have superior accommtations for passenger", are oonstmated with watertight compart ments. sad carry experienced Surgeons. For freight. or vantage. emir at the Wise of the Com- Sang, - Jun ri 0. DAlin Agent, 111 weuon street Fhttadelphia. In Liverpool. to-Wm.-INMAN ! Tower Buildings. In Glasgow, to WM. INMAN, 13 Dixon Wert. TUB MUM] AND NORTN - AMERICAN ROYLLS. 'LAM "TEAM THOM ?UM TOY'. TO Wlnna o ool.o Chief Cabin Fegrage—_....--...-.-.111110 Second Cabin Passage —.....-......-- - 7$ pnet( Boston ?O LIVII2POOL. Chief Cabin P058840.-......:.........................-- OM 8000124 Cabin-raw/re— ,„ 6O Thesaigni (rota Vow York at Cork Harbor. The from Hogan call at llishfax and Cork Ber -1 l IRRISIA, Capt. J mlicina. AFRICA, Gsot. Shannon, ANall a t, Cutt. J. M U Stone. LNAJDA.Capt, Anderson. ABIA . , pt. E. 0- Lott. MAMMA. (apt McAu ley AUBT ALABIAN_, . 4 4 11.COAMA, Cast Moodie. Capt. E. AL lifookley, EUROPA, Capt. J. Cook. SCOTIA now building.) These vessels carry a dear white light at mast-head ; green on starboard bow: red on port now. fil AGA BA, Moodie, team soiton.miednelklar, May 1 AMA, LOU. " N. York, Wedassday , may a. ARABIA, Stone. " Roston; Wednesday, May I& AFRICA, Shannon, " N. York. Wedliesdidy, Kay 2L lA, nretiOn. " fo1011: Wednesday. May 29. Y„, A, Jit tins, " C ark, Wednesday, June 6. AMERICA, Moodie, " Boston, Wednesday. Jane If. AMA. Lott. " 14.York.Wedneaday, Jane 19. *fths not secured until paid for. AS experienced Surgeon on board. T o owners of th ese chips will not be accountable for Go , Silver, Bullion, Sperms, Jewelry, Precious Stones or Mtals, lees bills of hiding are Blanes' the i r for. and the vain thereof therein a:armed. For ref ht or v =t t apply to .R. Cif AHD. 4 Bowling Green. New York. RAILROAD LINES. lIILMILL • ROUTE.- PRILADELPELIL AND EL MIRA Alta° . QUICKFAT RO U TE to 'Tamaqua, Cotatrisos, pert, Walkeabarra,dgrantoq, Wil dasusports Tror, Bal a ton, Eilloura h FnUs, #0,;" hpater, ClevelantbMatrox Tolad9, *ma. Bt. Luxus, tdirsaLkoo. and all points oreitisni eat. Pastenter trains tqll l lame the_ now Depot of the FM raharilutertreitußt(Jtotoimeo.rnetneot= A on D lowhill straiktd daili Mande,a exaeptasi), far aba - v. PQM ' OlVollotra • A. M. t ' olPle .E.T18.1.158—. .._ ~..- ...E.DO P. M. The 5. V A. M. train oonneotaTeZativert, for Wilkes- Parra, rittson, -Boranto‘ and all citations cat LACKAWANNA AND B 001EBBURG 'RAIL 0 . The above trams IV root eotippetionsat with the train, of the w orkanthdie.oa d aktidurna and Niagara Falie, an nffialo,NEW York En .Eilli. and Plow York Central Km Iroatir. from all • noLateltorth and Wert, and the ...D.adlig. Bakken ohe i , to Elmira, Wale. and Harpotuttsl Bridge, and all It tenni:4 o ll . ot° point,. Illiolots Gan be ix= at the Philadelphia and El mira RailroadLtr de okra Office, northwest corner of eLITH end cu i ti.fil VT Street", and Untie Pullen Of IMD° Witrilg i antege o , e, W Y DIr e k t ill i a r tc hi e t ' t *daily It ni l Ir La n n y a=ce- or rj A 111"TWest n_t North, at dP. M. - to lints ma, be delivered before II P. Y. to lours tkoir as th erows day. For fart or information aynX l tt Frietat Depot, WIT idly l:tim CA,LLOW L. or to itan, . TAIT.K. orsikient, "” ---- "or EMU% and i 0RE117141111 B basal, sers-tr PSlladolrecr PI VItESTER ;CU , PRIA VIA MSDIA. SPRING MIKAN GAMENT, OA i, after Monday, Maroh MI, the trams will leave P hiladelphia , from the Depot. northeast earner of Mg teenth ens market streets, at 8.30 A. M., and 1,4, and ASO P. M. The eirhy Train, with pamenser oar attmilled, will leave W est Phlindolatila at 6A. hi., rannlns as lar as the Baltimore Central I motion. On Sunday., leave Philadelphia at 3 A.M. and 9 P. M.; Leave Wool Chester at 7.30 A. M. and 4.30 I'. M. The trams leaving Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 4 P.M. aonneat at Pennetton with trains on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad. for Kennett. Oxford, &a., ka . XEPIIt WOOD. mhll General thipenntendent. NOTIOE.—OHESTIIE vALJ,Ry RA ILROAD.—RAR,- WRA&DTATE a nrriA7Zili c rTgrti t ik":, l ? .. 111, - MA the Paasenger Trains for DOWIlli (iTuWn wid start from the new Passenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Company. earner of BROAD apI I CAteWHILi. 'Streets, (passenger en trance 111114 1 TRA4 for Downingtown leases at erg A. rd. . ANTV A RIYOO.II TRAIN for Downingtown loaves &I (gondola esoopted). gy order of the Board or Mumtaz of the Phil/W.IE -lAm and Reading RoAro_d Compooy. sal w. R. MalLH.F..l4NY.Soerstazr. MEDICINAL. sAyng Hy AUCTION. il iojl4.lii ._ f * 14 • !Von. 139 and LI t tow! ...,... . ( F't!roterl, lsns.r. ~..: ; .,c: r• ..,. TELE NEAT 610. yiel e7-i7.1.,..,. .. Fabaench street. will be he... NA t f ;via'. Ct.. to 45.7ef SIS Moderate nun. pg f • ...._ ^. 6 1 7 . isrocz Ail r. ---- 7 - 7 -- "" -- *tr, A1 ..',......„ Art . 321.;15 AT THE Ex olia ril bvtitv pwr Handbill' of each proem, 1„,.. d l . addition to which we ',abash, on th e 1...ti5.. 4 : . to each sale. qae thousand oatalogni,7; '' rom at rhaaescriutione of .J 1 m e i r „, soit o ,_. r o d cellhe rolloyin: l'u‘saday, te1f,...1 REAL EBrATE ..t2 an t real tfA. -.. Mr Wq have a large amoont of real ein'Y:',,,L sale, inolutmg every desoription of our 4.-1% rty. rinted Vets may be had at it io 4 „,.. ho N pro" PRI VA 111 ; 13/iL4 4.?,(11,MTP.o:"1"-.74 MIP Real Mate entered ou our pnv me ...,. . and advertised occasionally in our publiorill!he, (_of which one thousand ooPlea roe rr i p te , -Je.,„,. fro. of charge. . VA 4 arocK es Toma -..—_...- „ On Tueaday, m a y 14, at ie o'oloou noou, fit gip chanßy gpostpoe. will n old— me etw ithout thout ?i,ii, Poo kit . , reserve for son x „ 1 of assessments— -1.660 shares Bohemian Mining CompaDy, ....t. Without reserve, for account or nomcern—.l „,„.?:.0 acm first-mortgage bonds Huntingdon Tqp rilotintaln Railroad and coal Compan . "`' t• - cern— ..: without reserve . for account of wh om ' ,, ' 4, 1.: 80 shares Bank of the Northern idb.rt sold in lots to snit IMIIIIIIIII.II. , • 31,180 Delaware Mutual Insuyatoe Co. .• .• , e • ID. ih. Sale Noarge Spruce street. ELKCIANT wincing t. it E, Kira& Lotto HORN. CLIR'rAINAI. PIANO Pus 0:,,,...'t ve&vurr Alia itßUarteLn Cahn:T.l fr. , .'Nr PLATSD wARE. CHINA, HQlil. 4 l.lg i, ~ il RIAGEB..te- ' b C4j On Tuesday Morning, lath inst.. at 10 o'n'ockg_by eatelogoe. w N Baines street, the elegem Furniture. /ca„ 01 . ,', 'l . t man declining housekeeping. The emi r . les" °sweets. &a-. naa been in use hut a taw na , sa. comprises drawing room, chamber, thin " 1 tic hall fUrni.tire. in ropewo..l and vain°. ylP r si Wilton velvet and Brunel, Oftlylre; 4p,ii:er..,", large size mantel and pier iturrooq roue s v or A 4 t's f.,r_ , e; mantel ornaments; eilverig ated *lt . tttt beds: Mattresilecl&d. t. , i _, Mr Mar be examined with oatek,goo or ~.. of the gale , at fight o'clock, 'gnaw: . 4 Also, immediately after the FilitiVS. at 410„. the ooaoli house and astable in F tune Weft. et.' - ...t teenth street, between Fine qua Lomb ud.. 4! k pair pf handionie ioue tail brni.r._olay h b Ors so e i s d :a a bout six rears old. kind and good %MID saddle. riln der,so, handsome Germantown int riage q i y i made by Watson, hfcv. NAO. elegant pb.mton for two or four Pon t , order by Watson. ' kW., Also. handsome sleigh, with robe,. 1e1h,..n.. tilelso. bandeotne Itarnera, tentlelfieh Cup: s, bridle.. stable fixture& go. v:01. kr EP The horses, &0.. Ina, be Beta at 4,, k a ViOUS to sale at the stable, Stone street. Ift judnf, F,RTATI•I I,E-M A V It. ELEGANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE, ;. th and coach-bones„Jdummit street. laorTheck '4 Chestnut Hill and 'louse turowk s , ond ward, cliestnet It In. Lot lei feet, rht %IF LOP. CHESTNUT HILL, adtuttner tseg„„. taPPcitt_frout, on &unlink street ICO fee - " * " •44 :. KE.S-11ORY BRICK STORE itke I G. No. 2111.8 CSI lowlull street. Let hthrg i g - .4 THREE. STORY BUICK DWELLVita, the Above o l g the west. Ca A., THR WUEE- TORY BRICK DWELLtteI ~ [ street. •• w TRREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, N., Carlene street VERY VALUABL Ilitlficki NO, Ng Market street.E FIVE-STORY REAL ESTATE B.tLK-huy 2) Orphans Court Sale-Estate of Eltuteth Ftroo, deceased.-LOT OF GR . tUd4B. Mirth Bide street. Zekteet eaat of Seventeenth 11 ' - Same Estate.-LOT OF wto D above on the aut. It by_lou Net. same hatate.-AN EriTIRE Btt CARE 6P(ii01.4 divided into 14 bilild/lIS lota, be ng at Meow” corner of Browp and eixteetim streets, th e mar eontainint in front, on Sixteenth and tromp.; 't divided, 160 ft. and on Brown street Ste Get The lot, as will have frutte of flistsenth and Seventeenth atom% and a tie s a ' r 4° 4 - r fett iVin de oiraptite plane may be hail at the Mtn Store. LIANDPOME MODERN THREE STOri RESIDENCE. No. RR: Chestnut street. Hu Li modern unurorements and conveniences tel 150 feet. Terma..B9loo may temp, vALLUBLE LOX', FRAME DWELLING. BLR, ito., northeast corner Broad and VeCillienty 40 feet by 11 , 6% feet-three fronts. EI•011tor • Peremptory gela.--T BREB-51011 BRICK DWELLINu, 0.16 Lt Wood stres.wn ble in the rear. Bale absolute. REAL ESTATE SALE—MA 71, Orphism!' Court Salo—Estate of George p. Ni fyk . dee'd.—VEßY LUABLN Duaweli, REu and LARGE LOT AND BUILDINGS, int...ZVI aW&IIIIMI street, Pasta street or landoK, and ne.Ei beware. Bounded on the north by the cliy DtOgn, REAL ESTATE BALE, NAY 25. By order of Assignee". HANDSOME MODERN ItESIDE.NCE,Ncen teenth !street, between Arch and Fining:frame side. Salo MN 4507 Market Street. LARGE STOCK FINE WINES AND LIQIIOIIh This Morning, May 10, at 10 o'olook. by catalogue, at Na Era atreet. a large stook of fine urines and ham. Deana fise Sherry, Madeira, and Pert Wien, Chow, &CC old high grade brandies, whisk,, rs, rR bitten,. fancy Sonora, &0 ., in auks and boa's.. AlBO, the coluititig-heuse furniture and nand ton - • - • - - SALE OF VALUABLE MISCELLAIIIOI3 IV& Thin Evening. May 10, at 7 o'olook. et the Antibes Store. 1'61,. lion of valuable misoellaneouri boob, of igarw4 11111110,141 from a private libram r or !Argentine gee oatuognes. MOSES NATIUtIiS, A IJU T I ()NEL; AND COMMISISION bIERURAN*7 &clue owner of and RAIIN Streets. AT PRI VATh anw.; Some of the finest eoLp PATENT LEVU sa CHRONOMETER WATCHES maanfsocued, anal the annual selling urines, gold lever and Mama wee, silver lever and lemon. watches, Eninak, MCA ad French watches, at estoniehingly lew paneaievelnel every demortion, very twang, gaols. mutat 7. hilt of MOM Mira at Mt of Imeortatton princ i. inpuaMen to nut nu/chum at in u fa t hrla k iS n i t i UP' DIAMONDS AT PRIVATE , Consisting of diamondS A an L d E qoal broutpia saw rings. Pnoe *6BO. Coin in Fllll VAC A golendul Engle-stone diamond breettlaln. ant RM, oast sal. 0177 DOOR. SALES Attended to personally by the isolicnent. Consisnments of any and even tme. of gene W sited. EMS NAHUM, MONEY TO LOAN aralS,o 0 0 to loan, at e lowest rum. ea Utah watch°. Jewelry. Enver ghat°, dry iced.. rash rov oorlol, ? Igor!, oullory, pita% SMPO: - ni tuns. Other, and on soma or oven toriO4lo.l large or small amounts. from one donalunatuan► for any length of be agreed on. The Oldest Established Mertes in these. NT Private entrance on PACE lerest. NW — Inisruess hours from, A. M. to 1 , .% iffailvT erralial f tWili b M All e gA rt . 427 . Advis or Zoo., upwardsirurh,:, og rpTge3 abort I EXPRESS COMPANIES. Mum Till ADAMS EMS CO., Mae 1110 CHI+BTNWI hos hey s, •Paroe nokagee, Mayonnaise, &ants aa, oats, either by itswn Linea or taxmen inert other , Bursas C ori onniaa, to CI tke ran Inrio tad lama .f tb• tredta/ Itatic E. 11. IL Cana .1•••••al MACHINERY AND IRON. PM tiTSAM MGM AS BOISda wOill. .--11 - 61FLE.___.1. , I i ii P.B.aCil Allt a A/1.1) W "MAL tet l jl M.AORM _,_ _Bo - EU, /MAUL and FOWN 151r41, Vt it•TIT 73311. k 433 3 li m ea de oPeration, esolauraly rune/ bailding and repairing ' s and Elver End:Lai:a and law greasere, Iron , Water Tzar. MCA I. rts,, Toonettnlly OW flats o'lollo tkO , MA be 3 3141117 VllP•rad to contract lot &IMP e. sues. ins Myer, and Stationary . iSnni 10 . terns o diner:int aisle, , ars prepersa la MUM 1.. mai _ r iiii wi th ~L ; o h de na t o b. Eve r , desedv leNtel seeking sat the ehorteet none,. 4 Wit s Proasare, aorinattiar, and Clnuder Llrt, " Dal gon,ui7 male shargoal iron, Yorpp, Nano and lo,nas ; roe and area Csanngs,oi al twerp toll Tuning, &am, Cutting, and all *the TO ell th "tented with e above business. __„_Dra,„vriltre and _ore tiOcationit for a il wort &LW NC ............hatent, free of charge, and alati_ . evata vii. 'atom rem have ample wttaridcog l '"Ak; nun' of Waist Where tiler can lit in piiftf 4 ,. and arm wormed Ina Ware, limb. t r tis , "' for minim heavy sr HEW: wilkt... cow ip. "'QM. OZN P. LEV. 1.13-tl AXACII ant PLIALLII mil IVANCIERNPiet, 1661 I.tett. WILLIAM It. ItICRItICI.*WaIt Matt SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON OVUM PIerLADIMPIIII. AIMED:IIK et SONS t ENGINEERS Lo w D MACHINSN. Nadllatltra High and Prawns Ism WM" 1 10 11 11114, n C er. azeiterareanA'eaniiii7rro.o Emu. Inge of ail beds, either iron or bran. Iron Frame Hoot for Gas Works. Wor'uttl LL' road Stations. &e. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest sti 043. Preyed construction. • it davarV desoriettokof Plantation Minitanuia 4 Fins: Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum , flex ,„, read Trains., Defecators, Filters. Pumgia tat* 2tOle Agenta for N. Rifling's , s host tor *manumit Nesnirtn's Patent Steam flarnmely, a i X l lO Wol.eypin Patent centrifugal Sou l ,— 10 11 Ma ral N o POINT PLEASANT FOUNDbI 2. BEACH. fittingttiensi rhaide4fr4.- LIAM TlErtsinionar M uton end, that, :li g iptoold the entire Monk qf Fatima at the OM err, CO /X now proparea to noire °Manor 41 grad. arid Saw atiatinal i 2 6,11 ; beg PUG Work beariag. ooratiry or cwooolo Sinsars. tI7IT .• ' 14111. BIIIIINESM CARDS. RuBENZEIS MEN ARE ADVERTISIO in the Beet Newspapers of City and Cott the OfHoes of - JOY„ COE, & Co.. ADVERTLMiti AGENTS , FIFTH and CHESTNUT STREETS, ftal l "__,," TRIBUNE BUILDING, New Yea. if" ALFRED D. BEIM'S UNITED STATES EUROEAPN PATENT OPFIQ.EA.m. Pio. 144 SOUTH FOURTH Patent Laws of U nL . A nwl P a l n A d . EuoPen Me" tamed gratis. H 0. ULLMA N, ATTOHNSY 4T. „0 LAW, JERSEY SHORE. Pennsylralls...,o Ccwootiong promptly made in Clinton and LW.' 0011Ut1011. Ellin TO , a ROI' blaurna Walter & Kanto. PhiladelelOS: ' ' lidli. Eij? Jetity Shore .• Messrs. tetrarott ec Co. k O, 11 ear, Ziegler , & Co., Phitadat FnetimulAwo. r u&, .• L . A. Mackey, Look 'taken: Pia. Rtl & Co.. notating Thatcher & Woddrop, Phi fe iikri . colds. Howell & Reiff'. Philacle. — as _TORN ELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUO ,; ar Nos. 317 and 319 WALNUT Iltteet.Uln tea, botwooti Third and Fourth, both mut.. °WI* N. 13.— Fine Old Whiskte. (tan tetutehed liana/ pAWSON & NICHOLSON, BOOKEINITR B . Now. 5191 and /MI Id NOR tuts!. setweeu Myket and Chestnut woo' JAALEI PAWS° B P ILAWILMIA.. /410 dijim JYS/-1y FIIGUET & SONB, !NJ* IBItORTERE OF HAVANALC IOIII, .I‘o. 916 sollb rftol4l trreb" 0 : . Reserve regularly 5 full ausortelout of domAlt: W OARS, whiok tam, afar AS low mice. for eb;iii, proved credit. ---------- ---- r MURPHY-WHIPPLE IRON Bit ll : 6 ' l ' Frprz, QtyjaLz_y i i BURIOI I . n 0.333 71,1 , 11J - s" 13114E5 -1 . PHI XPELPHIAI . 014 0 00 &t leave to Ng Atwood GonionEl6verore Wrested in bp eO4 . 3IIStrUOUCIII, tiStilo "OOP •' a oongeotion In non with JBP • w ortP Civil 'linear. (ant or and inventor of the s 040 known fromf Iron bridged sad aro Pre)/migtr, e mu. order.,any part or the oouctrr, /NW '- and personal supertntendenoe. i b o ull . Alt lettere relatinpAo Kri _find activated 0, addrensed to JOHN W, tniFH y, wilc9ftivls . sel3-4•1 Irer STUN .CO 11161, e. i ._.........2...- CHAMPAGNE.—Ve. aliquot, LaDen?: "-.• Duo' Grape. end ell of Pe Volvo pzlit tafiT;l4ltubtr, iqrAtiTal. ofj —ol4ere lof the root phoerul-" abas. twa WI II he re novelle ittended . o . jjetc iIrUH ZlNU—Pure S N OW Gu Vie Ile, Monl4mt i ft.Co GroSliyho t four by WET 1 IL adE bL & .11 9 Wi 4l .. flit ROM GINJEK ilimafbeiuir m s, 1 60 Irm sal. by -111114111WL44 rt raol/P 1 fif sal 4,