The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 04, 1861, Image 1
THE PRESS. PUBLISHED DAILY. (BUSDAYS EXCEPTED,) DY JOHN W. FOR.WAY, OFFICE NO. 417 CHESTNUT STREET. DAILY PRESS• TGXLVX CE•rs Fla WRER, payable to thegarrier. N oel to Iltibeeribere oat of the City at Mx Doi.r.ess F , Ana's!, Fora DOLLARS FOR. EIGHT MONTHS, TonEg DOLLARS TOR SIX MONTHS—invariably in ogi. omce fur the time ordered. TRI-WEEKLY PRESS. nailed to rutooribere out of the City at 'Faux Dou- LOS PER AXMOXSIII LIATIO/015. lIIILLIN'ERY GOODS. f oRINC4 OPENING . VF C HILDREN'S GOODS. THURSDAY. APRIL 11. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NICHOLS, not-tr No. 722 CHESTNUT STREET. "RING' 1861. ROSENHEIIVI, BROOKS, & ISO_ MARKET STREET, North Nide. near Fifth. 14nte the attention of buyers to then . WIGS AND UANDSOMII VABISTIIint Of RIBBONS, FLOWERS. STRAW AND FANCY BONNETS , ,OSSES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS AND FLATS, MAY= ROODS, AND Oh ARTICLES .APPERTAINING TO TIE MILLINERY LINE. uthD4m IRF ti 0 H OK FRAMES, FRENCH FLOWERS, STRAW GOODS. MI LATEST STYLES CONSTANTLY RE. caVING. THOS. K- PiNNEDY e 4 BRO. NO. 729 CHESTNUT Street, below EIGHT% 99-2 m CABINET FILUNITUBB. CABINET FURNITURE AND BIL LIARD TABLES. MOORE 45S OANI.PION. Ne, 201 BOUTS SECOND STREET, it connection with their extennioe Cabinet Borne= me pow inanufaotorirm !unmoor artinle of 13114,1.11KD - TABLES, And bare noir on hmad a full supply. s.thed with BOORS & CAMPION'S clisalorm wb ie t, are pronounced. by all who have need them. ie tb Npenor to all others. For the quality and finish of these Tables the mum hearers refer to their numerous patrons throqghont D ie noon, who his familiar with the abaci...taxer 1b.632 LOOKING GLASSES. LOOKING - GE.ASSES. New dally exhibiting and completing new and elegant oleo of LOOKING-GL.EISSER, Medlin= au the latest imenoromento and fealties in aumboture. Great novelties in Wahnit and Gold and Ragweed sod Gold Frames for MIRRORS. Tice MOM 01Innere end varied emorionent is the soOltu. LUDO S. EARLE & 80. N, EARLE'S' GALLBRIEB, mtel-ti 515 ORE311 1 11:17 15TREET. PAPER HANGINGS. PAPER HANGINGS- HOWELLde BOURICE„ LE. *miter of FOURTH and MARKET Streets. DEALNIMACIIIMIBI OF PAPER HANGINGS. BORDERS, EIRE SCREENS, viaDOW-CURTAIN c. /man= tend. a large and ELEGANT STOOIK 6.ooDff, from the FilfarX SOLD PAPER to the LOWEST PRIUND ARTICLES. in nn RETAIL DEPARTMENT will t* found THE NEWEST STYLES OF THE MASON. thl-na HARDWARE. )100RE, HENSZEY, d: Co. ARE NOW OPENING THEIR EIFILING BTO:CIE Or HARDWARE, in MARKET, mid 416 COMMERCE SIRES& mhl-2m GROCERIES. EXCELSIOR HAMS. H. MICHENER & CO., GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS. AND CONNED OF CNN CELEBRATED "EXCELSIOR" SUGAR-CURED HAMS, .795. 141 AND 144 NORTH FRONT STREET (Between Arab and Bata Btreete,) PHILADELPHIA. The justly-oelrated Exoelenor Barna ars mad by 51. Et Co. ( ut &style peculiar to themeelvee), ex- Mealy forfams ty lac -el* of (tenably% fierror.froo from. 'As znpleseaut two dolt, end ere ;renounced by eel twes intoner to our now offered for eats. wol3-3nt NEW BURLINGTON HERRING. FIRST OF THE SEASON. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, SEALER IN FINN OROCERIEB. spH CORNER ELEVENTH AND VINE. JEWELRY, &c. =2= PERSONS HAVING FINE WATCHES mat have hitherto Oven no latieraotion to the 7well. are invited to bring them to our store, Where &recta can be remedied by thoroughly &filial and tieehfic workmen, end the welch werrented to give !MIS WitigriptiOll. Mantel Mocks, Musical Boxes, &0., carefully put in mnplste order. FARR & BROTHER: heratters of Watehee. Magical Boxes. Cloaks- ice. %D 4-314 394 011_913171UT Street. below Fourth. PATENT STUDS! PATENT STUDS! Tile Improved Patent Lever Beira &ring BAFBTY and the Patent PEASL CBldTKa. having een.thoronstalr tented, eod I:,pasessing advantage. over t 7arf other invention, ate being very generally adopted belittorneit of taste. - Sold 'Wholesale and Retail ONLY by ELI HOLDEN, 708 MARKET STREET, importer of Clocks, Watehey and eweirr. 013-statit3ai FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS. AUSTIN BROWN. WHOLESALE DEALER IN FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS. The lured ono& to- threw times in Philiodelotirn PRICES LOW. 44 / 10 . 16 4 North TIMID STREET. Mods/:o.>* URRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNA. -heft& Roniemaoher hav in g Proprietor of ftVorite mourner resort: eir died, the u e il u b lbera. Exeoutora of his will, have leased the so ,l,,nient for the coining semen to Col. 8, C. SLAY-, nxiwho has been an assistant at thus elm* for. Zi th 7l ll . tears and we believe, favotablyjneown to the ""noril• Thanking th pans of the Woos and ,_Dublus reuerally for the liberal votronago he n 41 1"... :xiltreended t o th e l ate p ro p r i etor , they rorpootf...7 ik i ZL contlnuance of the same to his worth; eon r. ADAM IEutIItiIIACELES, WiNis CaltritriTEit, Extientone. • 51grin leased the ahoya-named Dime, mud engaged liis...nll4llllll,RD. meas been an aanglant tory:Not or laTjeolett, taterittrimlril.Wit ',h e nen as Mr. Reinheres, long oenceation with au s "Niznt. together with hie dolomites:den to eon the et•ery department. in their nentai partmr intl. and Ea near ea will be 'with the mane eeenda- Al ii inng servants, will be a inarantee to the patrons elLstassea well ea the pubita generally. Vint .the "pig merit ttiew continued Patronage. 41 4 . 1 " antler "anteaters east °treaters Ideate out on Goner el o D and Welts : 0r .. /Nlitnßki. at the union IT t etell.M. threat, +tle Lt ay. addrent &C. it eV • Etihres. LAneaster twenty, read. uB T REORIVED, . Livervool Pliosrations: . SS Ma =trot J. ibjal'ai ILe NUT= flypenTianiaii ID PITO. Extrsoz liennaennah BUM . „„IN Entn Ta _Let ransai. WI, loa Ai Via Colatual, lb battling. OL P p & l ini Rita., in I lb bottAec kiqpie, in botttelF. Rae it 117dilliwAilifilik. taraWits • • . ~‘ " k x,li- ! / / - . . , A , * .• . 5.... .. s % 1 ' :l• •-•-/ -•"" :.‘ \ l tt -, 1; 1 :011 , 0 11 ~ ,- , ' „,f. . ..• strtr I t z ------":.:\ ..---- ---. .., 2,../..„, ~..„..„......„,..„.„,„,,,,..,...„,_....„„...,..„.......„......:,...,......„...„,„„.....,....„._,.,..._______ ...„.„...... ~..0......... . ... ....... ~, J .,. . a ~?.....71 1 , . ' -,------..._ . , .... ...- e " ~. Wl'.:;','. ..4 1 . ._. . . . . . . : in .... . Al LA. „:„.„,,,,,..„,.., ~ . i,.. ..,,, ~.,.. ,„,,, ~a . ,„„.. , . , 1 91 4”, 2.. r..; - - • ..ze.,i,..,.., - ... , • • - ...ILI .:o,.ta •:, ........, .. ' ~. .1 _ !;' -- ' ----- —' 7.-.-.-- -—•-'-- -- ' - -- "s -- -_,. --T • . '.. • , •.7.- -7 '•"• - •• 7 ' -,-?••:•- ,: ',.- - , . r., r. .: - . `-'..- ....—:', 7 . ' 1 ,-- -- -....= ' • . . • - ---..--:_—.....;...z: .... •: • - VOL 4.-NO: 237. DRY•GOODS JOBBERS. JOSHUA L. DAILY, W. :113 MARKET STREET. Invites the special attention of CASH 131TYERS To HIS CHOICE STOCK o FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, COMPRISING ONE OP THE BEET ASSORTMENTS OF FRESH GOODS IN THE PHILADELPHIA MARKET. asrl-ff RED, WHITE, & SLUE FLANNELS. ALSO, GRAY FLANNELS, For sale. Zr: BY THE PIECE OR BALE. JOSHUA L. BAIT:KY, ep2S tf tll3 MARKET Street. 161 SPRI N G: 11501 RIEGEL, BAIRD, sc CO., mpoßrans /am JOBBERS D R Y„G 0 0 D 8. NW. 47 NUKTP Titlitir:ell.ltEET. PeeADELPHIA. . Merchants visiting this city to purchase Day GOODE Will find our Stock base and admirably assorted, and. at Low Process. In certain cleans of Goods we offer inducements to purchasers unequalled by any other house in Philadelphia. mhlB-2m JAMES, K PINT, SANTEE, & C O., IMPORTBERS AND JOBEKRB DRY GOODS, Non. 1;39 AND 941 NORTH THIN -I/ 87111MMIP, ABOVE RACE. Reepeotfully invite the attention of GARB AND SHORT-TM BUYERS, To their anal LARGE AND COMPLETE STOLE or , FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC 0001)S. Among iduoh will be found fall him of TONAD BATES' MILLS AND COMPANY'S 007- As. Also. e LARGE VARIETY - 01 lI=W AND CONNIXBD STYLUS 01 PRINTS.. MERRIMACK SECONDS, +r zala-SITI CHAFeEES,STOUTit Co. MG. 111/3 ffiißYl t sritrafa, • JUSECEPUS m YOREION AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Our 'took Win* FRESH AND COMPLETE. We are enabled to offer extra uldnoementa to OMR AND PROMPT-PAYING ZARIDRANTII ■T stook kept up throughout the SOMOU, and rods ttention given to orders. von2o-2nt SPRINGS- OPENING : OF CLOTHS, OASSINERES, VESTINGS, LADIES' CLOAMNGS, And all good' united to • MER - ARB BOYS' WEAR, WAVLEJSALE AND =TAIL, It C. SOMERS & SON'S, 6516 WlESTRUT'lltreet, ander JAYNE'S HALL. mh,6-3m spigNe, 1861. 3. T. WAY & 100.; PD. go 1101.111111 ' JED NISSOIL IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY C )13S. Oil . nom i/J1.4115 APO fedi 3m. COMPLETE 1861. I)AT.E, ROSS, ea SATZ DALE, ROM, .4 WLTILEAS, NO. 521 INARICIT BTRIBT, Nave now open their fell SPRING IMPORTATIONS SILKS ann FANCY DRESS .GOODS. The attention of CABILAIUTERS is expeouelle mhee4m SPRING, 1863. lupus, /Lunn% & movraea, • I.IIIPOZTEDD ADD JOBEBU ICY. GOODS 0, No. 311 MARKET STRED7', Ana. Third. Li ß u z i leg torntiV h, Jot r ir drador, .•• ••• ••• Jo e defdik Durgin. • felihr AIJOITBT B OKii CO., BANKERS, 50 WALL STREET, NKW YORK, lane otters of *redo. to travelleta• available in sl gartspf Europe, through the Morava. ltotbooluld of Pa: ris„ Louden. Frankfort. Malec Vianna, and their c.v. taidattbi. fight-Iluta SEWING MACHINES. WHEELER - - tra 11. ON SEWING MAOHINES. • MOBS REDINED, mninsinin us. •aki-m., toss (1113311,7 Street. Ileoond Floor. . . 3/11.01LIBEL; BERRING, BRAD, SAL UUR. MOD, &0.--f,/YO bbistitsan Nal. I, It, And I Mask- Inks large, saeaSsm. sad; isissA. i 3 smarted, slo4lllllos of shldos ISIs-osna l ka .. .fsb. , 3 1 Wa 1) ~...„ _•rallle i'Esstvort.4.u . d bilitidoir Mor t_ Assures.susli -, ...: ira z42l ' *.:..:;, .03 - 1. sew - ernms.,. • - ne sea lr: 0.1 .. Mums. • • • sjierrisil 1110 . , " F l o. • SO b, Is flint • elli BMW. Il Law llbbls.. 1r Coatlik. tr Metes. /1 1 : 0 11“11 4, stltbz_ IMPV :7 ' - ' ' - 110. airtifignittrantia. COMMISSION HOUSES. A . & W. SPRAGUES' PRINTS. UNION PRINTS. HOYT, SPRAGr UES & CO, NO. 236 CHESTNUT STREET. ssamf COFFIN tt Co.. Ito. 116 CHESTNUT STREET, AGENTS FOE THIS SALE OF DUNNELL MFG. COM! rum AND LAWNDI GREENE MF6. CM'S TURKEY RED AND STAPLE PRINTS. - Pine Bleached Cottons. t•ONSDALE , HOPE, BLACKSTONE, SLATERS VILLE, JAMSEITOWN. RED BANK, GREENS, REIGN. AND BELVIDERE. Brown Cottons. ETHAN ALLEN. MT.' HOPE. FREIDMAN, ET TRICE, OHIO. GROTON, VIRGINIA FAMILY AND MECHANICS' AND FARMERS'. GRAFTON, SLATEBSVILLE, AND JEWETT CITY DENIMS AND STRIPES. LONSDALE CO.'S NANKEENS AND OLLESIAS. GLASGOW CORSET JEANS. BOTTOMLEY'S BLACK AND GLENHAM CO.'S FANCY MIXED CLOTHS. = STEARNS AND SAXTON'S RIVER CANSIMERINI , GREENFIELD CO.ll BLACK - OSMIUM& RODMAN'S FINE JEANS,DOUBLE ANIrTWISTED CASSIMERES. _NEGRO:CLOVIS. . . MIN. OT. EARS RIVER. myna; ISPRINGMOBB SCHINI.', BRIDGFWATER4 AN D BRISTOL SATINETS. felS-tf SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HIIT4THINBON, NO. 11.2 CHESTNUT HT., . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE 3/11LB OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. GENTIS 7 FURNISUING GOOD/3. THE LATEST , STYLES THE LATEST STYLES THE LATEST STYLES THE LATEST STYLES THE LATEST STYLES SPRING SCARFS. SPRING SCARFS. SPRING SCARFS. SPRING SCARFS. SPRING SCARFS. SPRING SCARFS. SPRING . SCARFS, SPRING SCARFS, SPRING SCARFS. SPRING SCARFS. AT ESHLEMAN'S, AT ESHLEMAN% AT ESHLEMAN'S, AT EsiuAmax's, AT ESHLEMAN'S, NORTHWEST CORNER NORTHWEST CORNER NORTHWEST CORNER SEVENTH & CHESTNUT, SEVENTH & CHESTNUT. SEVENTH & CHESTNUT. No. 70E No. 701. No. 701. No. 701. TIII CRAVAT STORE. TEE ORAYAT STORE, THE CRAVAT STORE. THE - CRAVAT STORE. zeaxtuthemiti BARGAINS I BARGAINS! BARGAINS! 839 CHESTNUT STREET. Easing reduced our expenses to a very low Snare, by renting s, portion of our store for r‘liunted period, we are enabled to make great reductions in the micas of our Goode. - We would call your attention to OUR. LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK or BELRTS, COLLARS, UNDERSHIRTS, ..DEA.WERst. ROSLERY. GLOVES. SUSPENDARE, TIES. HERM OF TEE LATEST STYLES, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Which you are respecifolly invited to examine, at SPENCER'S, 539 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE CONTINENTAL. mold-wats-tlesi FINE SHIRT MANTIFACTORT.-4. W. SCOTT.. 814 OILNOTNUT .fitrefx, &doors plif t, the Continental" The attentismof loneb tem to bit iiifir.R.Q.ll OF H TS, of litipantff fi t. raikko.stitt-inatorlal.. on band as *Nitta allfir fit.atiortent notate.: ; , . CARPETINGS. NOTICE. The partnership heretofore existing between BAMU EL L. BAILY and WILLIAM L. BAILY, under the firm of BAILY BROTHER, wee dtssoleed, on the 26th ultimo. by the deism* of WILLLSM L. BAILY The business of the late . Firm will be settled by the surneing partner. CARPET STOCK, SELLING OUT, NO. 920 CHESTNUT STREET. In order to (dose urp the busbiese of the late Fri BAILY & BROTHER, THEIR LARGE AND FRESH EITIRDE OF FINE CARFETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, &a., WILL BE OFFERED FOR !ALL. AT REDUCED PRICES. Housekeepers and Eitosakeoporst will Sod it to their interest to mil, as every &Mole will be , Offered low. apitirtuthlm. rfastf °ANTON MATTING J. F. & E. D. ORNE, OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE Eyre now oven their SPRING - IMPORTATIONS OF DOUBLE EXTRA 1111PMUA.L WFUTIS, PURPLE, and 011.1130KED CANTON IVIATTI.NG IN ALL TEN DIFFERENT WIDTHBr £? MODERATE PRICES & E. B. 9.11,NE, siataN4u. OfTOBITE EATS ROME. A KOH-STREET OARPET,WAR,E 4-A- HOUSE. OTJ/EN & RICICNTER, NO. NS - -AROTt STREET, 2 Doors tielow NINTH Nave Dow ta Store a egetatie gunk memoir:OW ARtER/00:(1WKETINGS, Bought at PAN 117 " Tt att erinad im n r 't' sold VERY LOW FO OMB. OarOarretinga 22paroani,abetensr : thou' any ha us /11 the traSe. „ , , - PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1861. WHITE GOODS TEN THOUSAND PIECES WHITE GOODS AND. LINENS, HALF! IMMENSE BARGAINS. IMMENSE BARGAINS. IMIYIENSE BARGAINS. IMMENSE BARGAIN& IMMENSE''BARGAINS.--IM BASE BARGAINS. INIMb'NISS RARGAINS. IM KNEE BARGAINS. IMMENSE RiABOAI:O3. IMMENSE BARGAIN& On account of the interruption to, and al most total suspension of the waorataaim 'MADE, consequent upon the tr war panic" now raging, the Large and freshly imported Stock of WWI% GOODS, 14NENS, LAOES, num:mans, of Price, Feriie, Co., will be offered for sale at RETAIL') REGARDLESS OF COST. The greater part of this im mense stock has been purchased ier3 , re cently, in the different European markets, by a member of the firm personally, and the inducements to those wishing to pur chase anything in this line will be unsur passed. To this end, we have taken the store No. 807 CHESTNUT ST., No. 807 CHESTNUT ST.. No. 807 CHESTNUT ST., No; 807 CHESTNUT ST., No. 807 CHESTNUT ST., M .,... UL!lga2bltE4 , gll . La=4L=ikilUi MONDAY, 29th INST., MONDAY, 29th INST., MONDAY, 29th INST., WILL OPEN FOR THE INSPECTION OP THE PUBLIC! AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK, CONSISTING OF WHITE GOODS, To those who purchase by the entire piece or dozen a liberal deduction will be made, in addi.on to the immense reduction made in retailing. Retail merchants from all sec tions, purchasing for cash, will find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call. We respectfully invite the special attention of the -ladies, and the public , generally, to the above. - ' No. 70L No. 701. No. 701. Nr6:701. PRICE, FERIUS, (la 00., No. 525 MARKET STREET, and No. 807 CHESTNUT ST. apl7-ti • ItARGAINS. 0 Chem Gingham at 1234 oents. Traveling atlas at 25 coup,. Shepherd's Plaids. Mohair Cheeks. Black eillai i Rao Skirts. Cam, andkoroMMO. Dots. White Goods, 58 cents White Linn t worth 50 cents. COOPER & CONARD. ap22 S. E. oor. TORTE and MARKET RPEOIAL NOTICR—A RARE ORANCE FOR BARNA/ 48l TRH ENTIRE BTOCIt TO BE CLOSED OUT! On aononot of the unsettled Mate Of the Mnietry, and depression m the mercantile line, em determine d to alone out my stook much below wet of imeortaVon. - Great inducements will be offered in Drees Gkxids - Bluvwle. &Ike. Ae., and I would invite those vatting l i n Goode to examine IL One hundred Shetland Shaw from Si to V. not half their value. at JOHN R. ORES% salt' 702 ARCH Street. GENTS' AND BOYS' WEAR .— LARGE, ioilot. and espeoially °hell stook of Men , e and Bore'etaaooside wear. Espeo attention devoted to Clothe, Oasinmeres, Veednae, an to Foods for Bove COOPER & CON ARD_,_ - ap22 B. E. nor. MIRTH and MARKET. CHARLES ADAMS - & SON—EIGHTH amp eget t STREETS— Will • offeri this -morninc, a fine almOrtMent of STELLA fisahW.l.S. purchased at auction, and for 'SSW at a Ye& small advance, ranging in price Dom 414 to UL. , _ • Aso, a fine easortment of DRESS GOODS. Cheat as every variety'. from /2340. to Ho. Cherie Mohair', neat etyles, frown°. to Mo. Ottoman. Myrtellne:and Diagonal Poplins. Rilh t hitubtoidered, and limbroidered flagella! Pop ling..Nseelilan Silk Cheek Mohair, 7&,. and Mi. L A LSI CLOAKII4 GS, in stripetrand plain colors. The latest shape of . HOOP SHIRTS ior Ladles and Misses, ta or the best quality, both tied, and ide and nairoEN 11 COLLARS AT HALF PRICE. w r A smell lotjust purchased, whioh we will searastres to be .o'd at one-half the oznalnrioe. Cireneuline Veils, all oolors anti qualities. - clarenon, all color*, ins ding Ballerina and • , drab.. nishin Parti cul opiiiar attention is requested to our House Fur g G. Shirting ,Linans, the best article for Ho. ever offered, and better-quallties in nrooorttog. Ballard Nato Flannels, a full line. lease 4-4 unbleached Muslin, fine, So. 1 case 4'4 unbbsisohs"l Muslin, heavy, Me. 1 mum X 44aapitad Muslin, 15Xe. I case 4111,1eatientilluelln, so.—splendid. fosse 1-4. Z. Adams & Bon, 16a: I ease 44 C. Adams tr. Pon, 12ge. 13-4 Boott Mills. AMOSIISSZ and Dodgeville. I case 10-4 bleached eheeting, *So, usually 37M0. 1 oasis .2-4 bleached Sheeting:3oo, usually 400. apl3-t1 IX STEEL it SON, • No. 713 North TENTH Street. above Coates. Will open. TO-DAY, from Dew York Figured Silk Gr_enadines, Black Grounds. Fine Bar es. Barege Hobee. Cambria. J n usenet, and Ors midis Lawns. and otter °bolo* and desirable Dram Goode. Great , Bargains Panay Sjlks. French and India Cheek Silks. Great Bargains in Black Milks RED. WHITE. and BLUW, SILK% HELAINE% and one Otlib WE I'VE COBT,TRGe, for making Pima. lii our SHAWL and MANTL EWA/ :7 will be found every variety and style of BILE AND CLOTH COY BRINGS. PILE and CLOTH CLOAKINGS. _ CHEAP BLACK STELLA SHAW . 4. nel7- t 1 THE WAR !!! GOVERNOR CURTIN'S MESSAGIv ! ! •MOON CLOAK RTORE," No. 40 SOUTH 0B00011) Streets Oldest Established Manufactory in the City. D e.ILY Orl,eaoo.* A !are assortment of Latlies'_, Misses'. and Chil dren," uloth and bilk Costs. Basques. &o. ; among phial' will be found the " Union leak," a new And beautiful artiole; Ftenoh.t.nee Mantles of all styles. together with a 'ripener line of Dress Materi in cluding Poplins; Was Seeds, Tor?elhug cute, ace.; all of which have been purcdruted at late Ammon Semi, at a great II&Of1600, and wilt be sold unusual/ tow, atinG et* 8. V. R. MINTER. RED, WHITE, AND BLUE GOODS FOR FLAGS. • Red, White, and Plue Detainee, Red, White, and Blue Merino. Red, White, MO Blue Bilk. Red:White. and Blue Flannel. • EYRE & sag FOURTH and ARGR tßreetis. Pyßs & LANDELL ARE OPENING Bargains from New York Auctions. Besoonable Dress (roods. Fashionable Bhawki. ri i g Mantles. rathlgt.choice okodee. PERFECT INDIA SILK 8, BILEPREED alas PLAlDB.—These goods are perfect and extra Black and Watts Plaids. Brown and 'White Plaids. Hine and Mute Pleads. , Purple and White Nelda ;EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH and ARCH Streeta. GRAYSHIRTING FLANNELS.. Twilled Gray Flannels.' ' ' Striped and maw freest) Gray. sies..Weite. and Red Flannels. GratGleakets, B lbs. per .pair. 11aRPLitsS BROTHERS, CITES et 4 UT and EleliTH Streets pOULARD SILK, ROBES." A. - A variety of rood and nerk - designa tgFoniard. some of superior Quality, reduetd to law prices. too . . our ramainiacatook of anoy Noting Silks, Marked to 6E7 low —5-14.4aRiLS13 00E8 NUT and BltiliTß. &roam BLAOK 811 A, AitiliTLE9.-- Blot* Bilk Coats. - flored-biantke-Paistots. Oillt?talir e ll f i a G i g h ifilit 4 1 1 1111 ' 11D B_QOltl. son 2. K. aor. MA RETAIL DRY GOODS. WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS AND A.ND AND EMBROIDERIES. EMBROIDERIES. EMBROIDERIES. EMBROIDERIES. EMBROIDERIES. THEIR USUAL RETAIL, ! LINENS, LACES, & EMBROIDERIES, ENDLESS VARIETY RETAIL. DRY GOODS. C 0 TyINUATIONM^r~~~ OF THE GREAT SAL'E CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, LACES, TRIMMINGS, &a., In liquidation of the Estate of J. W. PROCTOR & The Stonk oonsimts of— SPRING CLOAKS, ENGLISH TWEED CLOAKS, BILK CLOAKS AND SACQUES, BILK MANTILLAS, MANTILLAS, LACE FLOUNCINGS, FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS. FRENCH LACE POINTE, FRENCH LACE Bouanovx, TRAVELING SUITE, FLOUNCING LACES, DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, Ae., Ito., All in immense variety, and to be sold at about QNR-lIALP TIM USUAL PRIORS, FOR TISE BENEFIT OF CREDITORS To facilitate sales, and' enable purchasers to make prompt selections, ALL, "GOODS Will be merked in PLAIN TIOURES. PRICE Special attention is called to this Sale Great induce ments, acki prima, are offered, in order to close out the entire Mimi. PARIS MANTILLA PMPORIUM, &O ft( • 708 CHESTNUT MANTILLAS. MANTILLAS. OPENING DAILY, AT WM. P. CAMPBELL'S, No. 1114 CHESTNUT STREET, In his lame and ELEGANT STOCK will be found the 'lobed display of MANTILLAS, 1N .SILK AND FANCY - CLOTHS, aps-Im z vzit MA RR IN THIS•CITY. BLACK SILK BASQUINKS. . , . FRENCH BACQUEB. GORED MANTLEB; CIRCULARS. Man Una shape. Fiala styles, for &rot-alms Went READY MADE, OR MADE TO ORDER. COOPER & CONARD, ap26-lm 8. E. owner NINTH add MARKET. NEW MANTILLA STORE. The moot tiplendid SILK MANTLES in the city. HOUGH & CO., SUM MANTILLAS, In every new style, the richest qualities aver seen, at the slogs= Nevr Store, Dg SOUTH TENTH STREET. HOUGH & CO. algto-lm.• • RPEOIAL NOTILT ! .- • . On and after this date WNORNI..mi tlb Iran will offer EVERY POSSIBLE INDUCEMENT To CASH PURCOASERS OF DRY GOODS 13a,ngdetermined to reduce their Slack they will give Gaol Bargains !! Beautiful Fancy Silkie-for 78 cents, worthBll.lB Bean Rich Fanny Silks for $l, well worth $1.26. Grenadine and Barege Goods, about one halltheir value. Gray Mixed Gouda, in every variety, from 8 cents per yard to SO cents. BLACK , &LIM RICH AND LUSTROUS, VERY • CH unp. Neat Shutt Brocade bilks, double faced, Ac.. .to. De Laines, Calicoes, Cammeres, Cloths, Vesting', &o. Lineal,. Muslin., Flannels. Quilts._ Covent, ace, &o. • SHAWL net D CLOAK-RO O M EXHIBITION.. "Freneh Laos Mantle., Pointas, Shawls, Bligaasta , Cambria Lace-Mantles. Chantilly Lace Goode, k,o. Blaok Silk Cos,to Mantles, 0.. in every style, 'At THORNLItt CHISM.I3, F. 78:48uner MOUTH it SPAINe GARDEN Ste. aaantic" - - CLOAKS; - UT - EVERY - NEW tyle. at .rii6l7-1m No. , 23 S. Ninth street. QPRING CLOAKS, IN ENDLESS• VA pea-.. IVENB'. mr27-1m RING CLOAKS, ARE WIEAPEST IL , fiver seen, at IVENS% a127-1m ..140. 23 S. Ninth street. NEW STYLE OLOARt3, EVERY NEW style, Oyen nem material, at prices that astonish even one, at the large stormWE: ooruer of Eighth and Walnut street's. ap27-1m fIITY CLOAK STORE, No. 142 N. Eighth street, above Cherry, are now selling every new sty le of the season, superb qualities, in every new shade of color, cheaper than any other store in the City. CLO9K.B.—Wholesale Merchants are in rited to inspect the stock at • IVEN ' , No. 23 south NINTH Street, corner of Jayne et., an9Z-lm Between Market and Chestnut 0. THOMPSON, MERCHANT TAILOR N. E CORNER WALNUT AND SEVENTH ST., Announce* a New Stook of FINE SPRING AND SUMMER MATERIALS, FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Consisting in part of very desirable styles of leper French and English Melton CLOTHS, COATINGS, CASSIMERES, An., selected with especial care and referencia to the wants of a DISCRIMINATING AND FASTIDSOUS CUB rem. Re offers the following inducements for your pa tronage: Good Material, a Porfeot Garment, and Punctuality and Precision In the execution of at orders. INSPECTION 18 RESPECTFULLY INVITED. &pm-tato-am TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. DO YOU WANT WHISICERST DO YOU WANT A 117.0USTAMBt CELEBRATED STIMULATING FOR:itHE WHISKERS AND HAIR. The subscribers take pleasure in aunoonoing to the citizens of the United States that they have obtained the Agenoy for, and are now enabled to oiler to the American yobbo the above justly-celebrated and world-renowned article. THE. STIMULATING UNGUENT is prepared by Dr. C. P. BELLINGHAM. an eminent physicist' of London, and is warranted to bring cute thialt set of wiflaKt.r . Rts, OR A laoUirrAcite. In from three to six weeks. This article is the only one of the kind need by the Frenoh, and in London and Pans it is in universal tuts. It to a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet rhombi.- tins oompound, acting - as if by magic upon the roots. OD.ENIDE a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. if_ap- Dlied to the imaip it will cure boldness, and came SQ spring up in the place of the bald spots a fine growth of new'hair. Applied according to directions, it will turn RED or ?OWE hair DARK, and restore gray hair to ha o_riguial color, leaving it soft, smooth. and flexible. The "ONOUENT"iaenindispensablearticleinevery gentleman's toilet , arid after one week'suse they would not, for any consideration, be without it. The rubsoribers are the only Agents for the article in the. t'nited States, to whom all orders most be ad- Pries one dollar a boa ; for rale all Druggists and Dealers • or o bo er e cte ONGLW..NT," warranted to have th e desired will be sent to any who desire it,by mad, direct. securely packed on receipt o: price arid emirate, 11.18. Apply to. or address 24 WILLIAM Street. New York. s'itrr'S & rift. ass Norte (Moons street, pot edeleitie Agents. mb.354m AIcLAIN'S 0000 A-NUT OIL AND 'IOQUINCH REED. twill ours Dandruff. It will make the Hair grow. it will prevent the Hair fromfallinitt It will give the nail a beautiful tiara Slots. t wwitlt keep the Bair in place. t will no 4er sr to any olinutte. t will not 101 l at or bonnet. tiefinely per med. .t le warranted tO_lgive eatisfention, t la.nrenared at pici. 334 N. 01Xla Street. It is sold, at moat of the Drug and 4 Fana7 Bums% It regold at 260__§1)0. end $1 per Bottle. tiitiGHHHT li•LViidi , To WHOLESALE • UEr4LEftI. . ana-att ODENTALLINA.—We speak from IL" zeotieal experience when wing that the OPAL. DENTALLINA roads bp Mr. SALM of BROAD. and titPitllCE .streets, in deoldtally tee nicest preparation tor themooth awl, meth that re t...ewer-need. - We believe it tetras an that in Maimed for it, and being re commended by the most eminent dentiets we advise all to give it a trial.—Butistio. apil-am• (LIVE OlL—Pure Olive Oil, giLitotir" UK% j araMintif Pica tr 70E4 CHESTNUT STREET SS POUTS TE.NTH STREET. MERCHANT TAILOR DO YOU WANT wmarcEßa r DO YOU WANT A AIOUSTAOHE? BELLING-HAM'S ONGUENT, EORACE L. lIESEbLANC . Draggisti:&e.. It fresS, BAIUILDAY, MAY 4, itta A Change of Tone. It is curious to notice the marvellous change which has taken place during the last few weeks in the tone of the Southern press. April opened with bluster. May comes in all meekness. Column after column of the most magnificent schemes of conquest and aggrand. izement were printed in the newspapers; JEF rEnsoN Dews was to be another N.t.roLzon, and Boston another Berlin, where he was to dictate his despotic edicts to the Western hemisphere. The Charleston Mercury favored its confidential circle of readers with elabo rate dissertations upon the propriety of ad mitting the free States into the Sonthen: Confederacy after the work of conquest had been accomplished; and some of their most conservative men. declared that while Penn sylvania and New York might be admitted during good behavior, the New England States were to be _rigorously excluded. Wash ington, as a matter of course, was to be taken in the very outset of the programme, and from that point operations against the North were to be advantageously directed through the aid of the ci firm friends" of the South to be found 'in the Northern States.. This is_ the way :in which that timid journal, the New Orleans Picayune, was wont to blaster: . 1, Memoln and his counsellors:will be hemmed in by slaveholding States, which will girdle them with walls of steel ; and the prophecy may come speedily to pass—that tite Government of the Black Republicans shall take Ms flight from the capital, -and seek an asylum in the hospi tality of some Republican State." Since the marvellous uprising of popular sentiment in the North there has been a change. The South is on its knees. The clarion notes of war have given place to the whining tones of suppliance. Yesterday they talked of extension and manifest destiny, and floating their rattlesnake flag from Faneuil Hall; to-day they speak mournfully of the horrors of war, subjugation, threatened homes and firesides, and shedding fraternal blood. Then it was a preen, now it is a jeremiad thelate song of triumph is now a tale of woo. Within a week after the above-quoted bluster see how beseechingly the Picayune speaks " We, too, have a country and a flag, and in re sisting the °cohort' of Lincolaiem, we arc Wend ing our country, not in the abstract sense only'vf the political of mmunities to which we belong, and the political rights against which war is made, but we are defending our hearths and homee against an invader, coming upon us with brandished word. This war front& North cc preached up to deny us the privilege of having a country or a flag. It is to establish, under the heels of a military chieftain, the iron rule that we shall have no country of our own, but that we shall be perpetually attached, as reluctant dependents, to theirs." Now we are told that all their military pre parations were intended in a Flckwickian sense, and were susceptible of a Pickwickian enplanatlon. We are told, after Washington is impregnable, that there was never an in lention of attacking it; and when nearly twenty thousand troops are bivouacked, in the capital, Governor LETIMER, of Virginia, obligingly informs us that he will never per mit the soil of the Old Dominion to be the pathway of its Invader. Mr. JEZPIERSON DAVIS, who declaimed valiantly about Southern steel, and powder, and war, on Northern soil, while on his road to Mont gomery, now professes a desire to drop the sword and make "treaties of amity and com merce mutually advantageous;" and even his sanguine Secretary of War, PEnnEY L. W. 11.- Kim, who, after the fall of Sumpter, prophe sied that on the Ist of May the traitor. tandard would wave over the Federal Capitol, would, doubtless, be quite willing now to exchange all his hopes of conquest for a positive mu , ranee that his own neck will be entirely sate. General Scott. The following letter to Qaneral SCOTT, signed. by, npwards_gf ... two hundred of our citizens, of all parties, was forwarded from this city, on Thursday last, by an officer of the army going to Washington, who took charge of it, and. promised to deliver it into the veteran's own hands. The list of signers, hastily obtained, could readily have been in. creased to thousands had the opportunity been afforded: Pnu.ansrrau►, April 30, UR. To Lteut. G. Winfield Scott, Gonoral f . But: The shook of a olvil war in our beloved country, whose history, for mare than half a cen tury, haa been illustrated, not less by your wig dem and patriotism than the splendor of your noblevemente in arms, will, we tract, justify this letter to you, even though it be a departure from usage. We are your fellow-oltisens of the United States. We are devotedly attached to our oountry. Her renown is precious to us. It is our richest Inherit ance, and we had fondly hoped to transmit it to our children, untarnished, as it came to us from our fathers+. In the civil strife which has just lighted up our land with an unnatural and deadly glare, we do not stop to inquire into the soundness of conflicting opinions as to the origin of the deplorable contro versy. It is enough for ns to know that the be loved and glorious flag of our Federal Union has been assailed, and we ask no farther questions. In such a crises, we are for sustaining, to any and every mrtent, the constituted authorities of the Union, believing, in the language of. Mr. Jefferson, that 14 The preservatton of the General Govern. went, en its whole constitutional rigor, is the sheet-anchor of our peace at home and safety abroad." While the Government stands by the flag, we stand by the Government. In this deter. urination we obliterate, far the time being, all truss of party difference, by which many of na have been heretofore widely separated. As citizens of Philadelphia—a city which, we are sure, must be endeared to your recollections, as it Is to ours, by some of the proudest memories of the era of Independenca—where the Declara tion was signed—where . the Constitution was signed, and from whence our illustrious founder burned to his countrymen hie immortal Farewell Ad dress—we adopt this mode of testifying our admi ration, and offering you our deep-felt thanks for your great services to your country, in this heir of her extremest peril—services which will .rival in immortality, and, we trust, in their triumph ant remits, your early and subsequent renown in the second and third great wars of the United States. At a time like this, when Americans, distin guished by the.favor of their country, entrenched in power, end otherwise high in influence and station, civil and military, are renouncing their allegiance to the flag they have sworn to support, it is an inexpressible source of consolation and pride to us to know that the General-in-Chief of the army remains like an impregnable fortress at the post of duty and glory, and that he will coati nue to the list :to. uphold that flag, and defend it, if necessary, With his sword, even if his native State should assail:it. • That your oareer of rare distinction may be pro- longed for many years of continued usefulness to your country, and happiness to yourself, and that you may live to See that great country once more in the enjoyment - of the prosperity and re nown amoni:nations, to • which your wisdom in council and your sword in battle have so largely contributed, is the anxious, earnest hope of those who here uniti in tendering to you, not only the anniranceS of their , profound respect, but what we believe you will value as highly, the spentaneous tribute of loyal American hearts. We have the honor to remain, With the highest consideration, Dear Sir, Your friends and fellow-oitisene, Atatisitoza HURT, ROIL EMMY, . RICHARD VAIIX, W. M. Mumma, THEO. CUYLIR, 0. Idecarasertm, and °there. [For The Prem.] Mu. Spires In your poker of yesterday, yon make the number of volunteers sent from this nnaniV, 1,880 We have sent from here, up to to day, twenty-two companies-1,945 men—besides a number Abet left here to join the companies in Washington, making about 2MO men in all. " The relief fhnd of $12,020 was raised in the borough of Pottaille alone. The twenty will raise for this purpose but little lees then $lOO,OOO. It should be imams that 'Schuylkill county sent the Bret Washington. Two of oar comps tries were on there la twenty-four home after President Idnoola's proclamation was received here. - Oar representative, Jas. H. Oimpbell,"Esq., hurried to Washington, themomeat-the alien was given, to shoulder the inusketpand - has - been on duty at the capital 'ever; hien. et Ion: Eay;irti stand earond to no county in _the Union in ardor and patriotiim. Sounriatitz Covert'. roterrille, Kay 1,1881. TWO CENTS. RE I,IGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. Essays and Reviews Heresy There has been so much recently printed in the newspapers, religious and secular, about the heresies promulgated hi an English publication entitled ( 1 Essays and Renisuo, ,, that we have thought a few specimens from its pages might be interesting to those who , are curious upon such matters.- The writers for the publication in question, or at least most of them, are ordained ministers .of the Es tat:dished Church of Engleirid, and it is on this an count that their startling innovations upon the Rib- Mantisl truth of the sacred Scriptures are attract ing so much attention. The fatal error into which these divines are believed to have fallen is, that of unduly "spiritualizing," or rather ethereelleing the plain statements of the Bible. Thus, for example, they " Spiritualize " the death of the first-born in Egypt, and the destroying angel, by saying that it refers to an incursion of the Arabs; also, that the miraculous progress of !Israel through the Red Bea, and the destruction of Pharaoh's army was " a lucky accident." The miraculous feeding of the multitude, with a few loaves and fishes, they say means feeding them with spiritual bread—that it is; in fact, but an allegory representing' the spiri tual act of praaebing the Gospel, and distributing the. Bread of Life.- And so they proceed ethe realizing, and making a mere allegory of the Scrip tures throughout. To speak of spirztualzzing the Holy Scriptures in , a strict sense is a solecism, for, as the Word of God, who "is spirit," Mei -must in their very nature be spiritual. • is,. therefore, not the Scriptures wnich need erpiritnalizing, but those who read them, order that they may receive " the things of the.. t spirit," which," the natural," or unspi ritual mind cannot do. All attempts at what is called " the Scriptures, Mat, in •the nature of things, lead to a licentiousness of interpretation . :k. A notable instatee of this kind recurs tons as ;ib write, of a female preacher, ail& . . fisting with the liicksite branch of Friends, al though differing essentially from them in her ex treme 41 spiritual views. Among other extraor dinary interpretations given publicly by this lady was that concerning the Feel of Bethesda, the " five,porahes " of which -she " spiritualized " to mean the floe ezternal . *meet, the argument in volved being somewhat as follows That the sin. ner, in order to be healed, mast subject his con science to a sort of spiritual bath, in a purified ge lation of his outward senses! A thousand things as' ridiculous as this have been gravely put forth by well-meaning mem, when they have attempted to substitute, for - the obvious and real in tionp. tare, the phantasies of human speculation and conceit- CHAPLAINCIES.-There is; so far as we have been able to learn, perfect unanimity among the Clergy of our city as to the duty of ovary citizen to assert his loyalty to the4dovernment in the pre sent erisis. A number have already offered their services to the State to accompany our troops as chaplains, and , some have even expressed a willing naskto do military service in the ranks invertain contingent:lea. As we are wowed that there are quite a mitabtir of ministers in Philadelphia who are anxious tdundertake the responsible duties of a chaplain,. it would be invidious to designate only a portion of them by name ; Baines it to say, that the duties of the place are such as require peculiar qualifications, which we believe the pulpit of Phi. ladelphia is abundantly capable of supplying. A cotempolary says : it An army chaplain may not only direct the spiritual desires of his regimental parish, and lead wandering ones to the fount of life, but may be to the wounded or dying soldier a comforter and a friend. He may write the pa. theta letter that tella n parent or a wife of the departure of the patriot soldier. Be may give goad advioe to careless young men, who may be endangering their lives, as well a. their souls, by recklessness, and in many ways exert an inflame° that will amply reward him for toil and peril." Among those who have offered themselves for this post in other planes, we see the names of Rev. Dr. Sprague, of Albany, New York ; Rev. S. W. McDaniel, of Lewisburg, Pa.; Rev. Messrs. Bab bidise; Pepperell, and Haven, of Oanibridge, Masa. • Rev. Father Quinn, of Rhode Island ; Rev. M. P atterson, of Bast Dedham, Man.; and Rev. H. N. Hudson, of New York city. LHTERESTn(a CATITOLIe ITEMS.--In emulation of what was done by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Wood, of this diocese, Archbishop Hughes has caused the national flag to be raised on the Cathedral in New York. Its appearanoe is said to have been greeted with themost enthusiastie applause by the citizens. The buildings and grounds (nearly three hun dred stores) of the Roman Catholic , College of St. Thomas, Villanora, Delaware county, Pa., belong ing to the «Augustinian Order," have been placed at the disposal of the State, and accepted, as the general rendezvous for the Volunteers of Delaware county and its vicinity. A magnificent Atherican flag was raised a few days ege,.upon the cupola of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Grand street, New York . , by the Rev. Michael McCarron, in the preeenee of about five thousand pante. The children of the !Sunday School sang the Star-Spangled Banner, Hail oo iambi's, and the Red, White, and Blue. A deputation from the Bulgarians, who have submitted to the Catholic Church, has /mired at Rome to present their profession of faith to the Pope. NORTH BROAD-STREET . PRIIIRBTTERIAN CHURCH. This new ohuroh edifice, Rev. Dr. Adams pas tor, is to be erected, of Trenton brown stone, on the Northeast sorrier of Broad and Green streets, on a lot 135 feet by 80 feet, exclusive of the eide-walk. The building will be 75 feet by 117 feet, with .a tower In the centre of the front 25 feet broad at the base, the 'Tire to be 215 feet high. A porch of- wrought stone, and a rosette window are to embellish the front. The height of the main building will be 50 feet from pavement to eaves, and 95 feet to the ridge. The style of ar oltitecture is Norman. The interior will be com modiously arranged. The door of the basement will be two feet from the pavement, height of ceiling 15 feet. The basement will be divided into a lecture-room to Seat 300, sahool•reoms to accommodate 500, and session-rooms. The audi ence chamber will be 65 by 80 feet, and will seat 800, with a projecting gallery to seat 150 ; in all it will accommodate 1,000 persons. The fleets will be two feet nine inches • apart, and circular, with Wall and side aisles, the circular pewe being di• vided ln three 'double blocks: The height of the room will be 52. feet, with arched ceiling. There will be five entries in front, with five stairways, and two entries in the rear. The whole building is to be warmed by furnaces, and effectually ven- Mated, and is eatimatosrto coat about $33;000. Ray. Da. FOLLIR AND PRESIDENT LINCOLN.— The New York Chronicle, a leading Baptist pa per, devotes an editorial to the Rev. Richard Faller, D. D., a prominent Baptist of Baltimore, who.ortoiated as spokesman of the late committee sent from the Baltimore Young Men's Chrie‘lan Association to remonstrate with ?resident Lin coln against his policy. Dr. Fuller's appeal In behalf of the rowdies and outlaws of Baltimore is held rip as having been in very bad . taste for a Christian minister, especially one who " was bred to the law." When ministers of the Gospel go so far as to make tbemselvee conapieuena in defend ing a popular outbreak against law and order, it is time that they should be rebuked. The Chris. Una Chronicle, the Baptist organ in this city, al luding to the matter, says : "We wonder what Mr. 'Puller would hay, thought if Mr. Lincoln bad respondod• by attempting to impressltpou himthe gravity, of. his,ditties as a minister of the Gospel, and . thithalaiftenne of his staying at .home to at tend" to 'them" It is proper , that. this rebuke should emanate from those sustaining the same de nominatiorial ri.lation. • - fnoeVinona-hizestow Scsoon —Not long elnoti a few geirdenrizi- of ' the 'Seventh Preebytezian Church gathered. together the poor children of the neighborhood of Twenty-third and Race streets for 41thatkaeltool instruction. Encouraged by the desire of the children thimprove themselves, they have eient the winter-eveninga in Whig theta in strietton ithillar to that of, our publlo sonoole 7 end • with 'whet etteeepti - was favorably indicated at the closing exerellea*hich-were held on Tuesday eve nineitt iletiMsda Mission Chapel. The room was handsomely;deehristed with the stars and stripes, and- .each* the children appeared with a red, white, and blue rosette, the gift of the lady teachers of the school The Scriptures were read and an opening prayer offered, after which all united in singing the Star-Spangled Banner. .An addresi was then delivered by the principal, and a pleasant hour agent in various exorcists by the pupils, show ing 'a degree of improvement highly oonapilmen; tarlio all 'concerned. Az the time approached for closing, the Rev. Tames M. Crowell, pastor of the above church, arose and made a very feeling and patriotic address, -full of •wise vllage; and kind advice to the youth composing -the *theca, at the same lime presenting them with some handsome volumes ue regard : for thltdr good oonduot and diligenc o in their shales.. nen interesting Pro ceedings . were bectitiluded by giving three bearlY cheers fot the glorious flag that Boated over the ohildren as they left the room for their homes. Tue 41,11Y..T.-1.i.-G-ortanf's Oharoh, Brooklyn, have rhotsted the-stars end stripes on their roof, and . their pastor has enlisted in the Home Guard. Flags also WIWI over , Trinity, St. Paul's, (Arena, and Dr. Oheaver's ehurohes, New York. Tats Bay. Wrr.r.ron B. MILLBURN, the blind preasher and popular lectUrer, formerly Chaplain in Congress", has been appointed pastor of the John-street N. N. Choreal, Blow York. Tao Roo. B. B. Wnsrlinoon, D. D. late of the American Sunday School Baton, has declined a cell of the State-street Preehyterian Church, Albany, New York, THE WEEKLY PRESS- Tna WEaELT PREIS will be went to rabearroent mail (per annum In advaneed at-- 82.00 Three Coiriesi.. Five If ILO 0 Ten " " —..—.... 12.00 Twenty " • (to one address) 20.()() Twenty Copies. or over (to addreme of each subscriber.) 1.20 For a Club or Twenh-one or over, we will eend an extra copy to the getter• up of the Club: 02 - Postmasters arc reaneetao to net Vildwiente.for Ton Viracni, Paiee. CALIFORNIA PRESS, Issued three times a. Month, m time fsr the California Steamers. Weekly Review of the Philadelphia Markets. PniLannunte, May 8,1861. Trade in all departments aentinues neglected and dull, the warlike preparations now making throughout the country occupying the attention of the busineee community. Qeeroltron Bark le wanted. In Breadateffa there la not tench doing, but the receipts are light and pricehirta.. Coal meets with *good demand at preNilonloinotationo Cotton is at a stand still, the high. vietr:tor hold• era suspending business. In Iron therqs nothing doing, and no changes to note. GiOerfas are steady. Frovisions—Barreßed meat& are 4141 and unsettled, and the market gonerallyia quiet and prices nominal. Indigo has been- Staten ;to some extent at full rates. Fish are !naafi/4 Fruit very dull. Naval Stores are firm. iOsitirfi--!:. unchanged and dull. Plaster, nothing doing' #l t * Rice and Salt are firm. Seeds, no sales. Tessa are quiet. Tallow is lower. Tobacco bas beau more active, and Wool continues at a standstill. In Dry Goods the trade is pretty much over for the season. There is some little doing for army purposes, but business generally is dull. The Flour market is firm but quiet; the receipts and stooks continue light, and the inquiry for ex port is limited There has been more activity, however, to supply the home trade, and prices, at the close, better, espeoially superfine, which is comparatively tome; sales comprise 6 000 bbls, part taken for shipment, at $5 37},5 62 for com mon Western mixed end good Peons. superfine ; $5 Onsto for extras, the latter for lomosstereoun ty, $616.75 for family, and s7a7 50 per bbl for fancy brands, es in quality; closing firm at these figures. Rye Flour as firmer, with light receipts and sales to notice at $3 50 per bbl. Corn Meal has been in limited request, and Penna. Meal firm at $2 75 per bbl, Waxer —The receipts and demand have fallen Off, and the market closes rather weak. The week's sales reach 35,005 bug, at from $1 30a1.36 for common to good and prime Western and Penn• sylvania red, mostly at $1 3581.36 for the latter, afloat. $1.35a1:37 for Southern do, and from $1.38 to $1.95 for Inferior to good Western and Fenzel- - Tonle white, in store. - A solo of Kentucky was made at prices kept secret. Rye is in better , de• mend, and all offered found buyers at 6/30 for Penn sylvania Corn has met with a good demand, and some 32,000 bus new yellow were disposed et: at 633650 for fair to prime dry Southern and Pentasyl• vards,, afloat, including lots delivered at limas= rates, some in store at 018621, inferior at 55858.6, ae to condition, and prime white 61666 c, which is en advance OATS aTe better and more Settee at the 0106 e, the receipts being light, and 18 000 bus Pennsyl vania wore disposed of at .33,fa35s ; some small lots of Southern brought andaic afloat. Barley and Matt are very inactive, and prices nearly no. urinal; a sale of the former was made st 60e._ Pnovistons.—The demand for most kinds has fallen off Bsrrelled meats are nearly nominal, at $l9 for Mess Pork, and $l5 per bbl for city, Mesa Beef, Boon le dull but unchanged; we quote hams at Ilene; sides 109, and shoulders 83, with limited wise. Of green meats the sales also have been light, at 9.910 for hams in salt and pickle ; 9 sole for sides in salt, and Siete for shoulders, usual terms. Lard is held at 10a10.le for toe and bbla, and for kegs, buf we hear of nn sales. Satter is dell, at 12a1.10 for roll, and 9.9t.e for packed. Cheese—No enange, and the sales small, at B.ialOa per lb. lggga are lower, and quoted at Fialeo par dozen, Marnhs —lron continues dull and neglected, and no new contracts for Pig metal have been made publics to alter quotations, which are nominal ; $2O a2l for No. 2, and $21a22 for No. I—Anthracite on time, and a small business doing from store at these rates. Of Scotch Pig we hear of no sales. In manufactured Iron the sales are limited, and pricer unsettled. Lead—an arrival of Galena Is held at $5 50 the 100 lbs (lash, without finding buyers. Copper is dull at : 2sc for Sheathing, and 19e for Yellow Metal, on time. Beam —Small sales of first No. 1 Quereltron are Making at 120 50 per ton, at which rate it is wanted, and the receipts light. BBBaw.tx —Very little offering or selling, and yellow is quoted at 32i333 per pound. Besen.—There has been an active demand - for bard Bread, and large sales have been made to supply the troops at 4a4±3 for pilot. CANDLES are quiet but steady, with a moderate bush:tool to notice in adamantine and tallow, at quotations; sperm are dull. COAL —There is a fair inquiry to go - East at pre vious quotations, hut there Is none shipping South, and the market is inactive for the season. Vessels, however, are more plenty, and prices unahanged: Corrosr.—The market continues_at a etand.atill, there being little or no demand for manufactured, and no quotable change to note iriprices ; the sales only_reaohing about 150 bales at 120.4/1. Some shipments are making to Liverpool on owners' ac count. The following la the movement sines the Ist of September last : as compared with the previous three years: - 1 4 61. 1830 1249 1868. Iteeeipto at sorts, 1400 4 211.0003 425 000 2 7. 1.0G0 Export to t'i't Britain..l,9er 0002.254.000 1 512.000 1 2413,0%4 Export to France 501.0(2) 629 000 251 000 344 600 Export to other F. 3 4 0 000 444.000 459.046 283,030 Total export. J03,t1•7 000 2 318 000 1.860 000 Stoeicon 226 000 648,000 559,000 630,000 Of which during the past Ircek i inetuded. 1 the Receipts at p0rt5—. ... 47041 40.000 45.000 mow E x p ort to w t Britaie.. 43.000 75 000 asano . 0.000 Export to F 111,109..,... 8.000 1 .000 1.000 11.000 Export to other F. Y.— 9.000 13.000 15.000 14 000 TotaleXports.-- 60.00/ 99.000 99 000 66.000 SIIMMABY--ROGOipilL—Dearease at the ports, com pared with last year, 853 000 bales. Saporta —De• oreac, to Great Britain, n0„000 Sates; itteratieefo France, 14 000 bales; doormt/re. to other foreign ports, 80,000. Total decrease in °sports, 402,000 bales. Coms.—There has been a fair demand at about previous quoted rates, and some 8,000 begs have been taken from the recent arrivals an 10ial4o for Rio, and 1 4 / 1 /5c for Lagnayra, on time. The bulk of the sales were of the former description, tooled. in 2,333 bags sold at auction. DRUGS arid DYES have been more active ; among the sales are some Bengal indigo, part to go Bast ; %numb and Guatemala do, on tonna kept private, the market closing withgood demand and en im proved tendency. Some Cochineal, Copperas, Soda Ash,. and Logwood also sold at about previous quo.- talons neut.—The market is inactive, with a moderate country demand for . Mackerel, at $l4 51416 50 for let. as to size; $6 .50 and $lO 5041 for median] and large 2i, and $4 75a5 50 and $7 50s8 per bbl for small, medium, nod large 3s. Pickled Herring sell as wanted at $2 5053 per bbl. Nothing doing in Dry Cod worthy of note. Pnorr.—The market ooatinues dull, with sales of some 4 500 bozos Oranges and Lemons in lots from the vessel, on terms kept private. Nothing doing in other articles. Domestic dried PRA is selling slowly, at previous quotations—say 2ia3e for apples, and 4860 for unpared peaches. FREIGHTS continue dull and unsettled, and the engagement we hear of are 350 bales Cotton to Liverpool at }as-103 per wound. To the West Indies the going rates are 38440, for Sugar home from Cuba. Boston freights steady at 250 for ilitur, Ste for corn, 5a60 for measurement goods, and $2 50 for manufactured iron. There is nothing going, South. Colliers are rather more plenty at 950 to New York, sl.loal 15 to Connecticut, $1 25 to Rhode Island, and $1.50 per' ton to Boston from Port Riehmovd. Guano.—Tbe demand is moderate, but no change to note in prices. HEMP is quiet, the stock being nearly all In the Bands of the manufacturers. HIDISS —There is little or nothing doing in dry Hides or Goat Skins, and no change to note in prices. flops.—The sales continue small, prices ranging at 186250 for new crop Eastern and Western. Old Rope are very dull. LZAT/IBR.—The market is rather more active, and vales are reported, for army purposes, at fully previous rates. Lumnan.—Trade opens slowly, and we are ad• vieed of further sales of White Pine - Boards at $13417; Yellow Sap Boards sell slowly at $12a13, and Remlook. Raft Lumber at s6s7 per hl. Shin gles are steady, and rather more active. liionassza continuos dull, with email sales :of Cuba in lots at 1841220, as in quality_ NAVAL STORRS continue scarce and firm at the advance; some further small sales of Spirits Tur pentine are reported at 85,1001 per gallon; of Ruin, about 1.200 bbla. have been taken in lots at from s2a2 50 up to $3, for common to No 2 and No. 1, and $5 per bbl. for fine, which is very scarce. Tar has been selling at $3 50a4, and 'Pitch at $313 50 per bbl, as to lots. Plaster—Bat little offering or selling ;we note soft at $2 75a3 per ton. OILS are quiet, with a email business to note In Sperm, %nate, and Lard Ott, at quotations. Lin seed sells as wanted at 545559 for weight, and Stlsne measure. Imports of Sperm and Whale Oil end Whale. bone into the United States, for the week ending April 29,1861 Bids. So. Bbls. Wu. Ds Bone. Total for the am 6.671 401 VrevieuslY 241 99 TM , ROAM From Jan. I to date--..... 11 3•11.1 56,557 Sea boo Samettree test 57 eft9 MIRO .SICS to firm at the ettrattne, With a Small busi. MOS doing at 6.lalir 4 e for common to prime Lte; ou tbo.usual credit. SALT is unohsnged, bat without any arrivals or sales to note • sNana —There is little or none offeefrig or sell. ing, the season being over; we quote Clover nominally at $4 2514.75 ; Timothy, s2a2 25, and sl.4sel.soNla:seed at per, bushel and very quiet. -• • SPIRITS —The market for all kinds le stead. ,e but very inactive, with a small business to mote in Brandy and Gin. New England Ram sells as wanted: at 305333. Whisky is loner; barrels move off• slowly at 171•11.91 s, Aralat at 161s17o; and hugeheadd 171;171o. • Sutiens are quiet, with farther email sales, in all about 500 MI& • Cuba at 41:53v, on time ; re fined Sugars are a fraction lower. TAixow is dull and City rendered is quoted at 9a916, with little or no inquiry. • Tao —Holders are Arm in their view., bet there is HMO or nothing doing irk the way of s a e& TOnacec —The demand for manufactured, has b een lair, and farther WU are • reported at fell Ta k e s, the tendency at the close. being . upward. No change In leaf. . Woof, —The market is very quiet, but there Is a better feeling in the low gradee, wittoti are selling more freely at the East, for the manufacture of army clothing. Some of the are About commencing operations, for the came purpose- To_the Volocteets. (For The Press.] • • As so many of our citizens are promptly respond. ing to the Cell of duly, and rollyung in /support of the mars and stripes, that glorious ..mirlero of oar Union, we suggest to every soldier to provide map eel( with a bandage of coarse thick flannel, to be Closely buttons) amend the bcdy, and covering the stomach. It sheeld be from fivl tdsiz inches in width, eisl worn next the skin. We simple era.. ale will prevent them from attacks of dysentery and cholera morbos, eo - common among troops when first called into the field, aud;probahly eave many lives. In China, all the French troops wear these bandages, and that disease, at first so fatal am ong them, bay sine° nearly disappeared. • An OLD Orman,