The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, May 03, 1861, Image 4
AFFAIRS IN THE SOUTH NEWSPAPER FACTS AND OPINIONS ILEURY. The Washington aorrespondenee of the New York Trebune says: It seems that Liant Maury will not be allowed to resign. but that his leaving as he did will be eonsidered actual desertion of a peat of duty On the day of his desertion he was with the Beeretary of the I.‘isry op to 3 o'clock . la the a f ternoo n, an d said zoth r.z of his intentions. no went home, parked on his furniture, and vamosed The Ohm:veto* LI now under the charge of Lieut. Gillis, an exaeliaat officer, than whom a mon:loyal, efficient, and worthy aet vent of the Girtarriment does not exist The mass of unfinished work left by Lieut. !Haney at the Observatory is enormous, but. under the capable. management and untiring energy of Lieut. Gills, it is fast being chased away. -The same correspondent, in another paragraph. mys vidertaes of Lieut. Maury's treachery are daily apparent. The meanest of them yet dboovered is that-be removed buoys from Kettle Bottom Shoals, leaving the Administration to find it out as bet they could. PORT MONROE The Chem:maks. whieb left Fort Monroe on Monday afternoon, brings en offioer of one of the Massaohnsette regiments, from whom we learn that there are in the tort about 1,400 men-400 United States regulars, and about 1,000 Massachusetts men. The health of the garrisn was good, and no fear was felt from any enemy. The itebelc bed erected no batteries, nor made other hostile de tuonstrations within range of the guns of the fort Colonel Dimmion, the oommanding *Meer, was all right," and would open his ports at the pro per moment. The Gurneertatut wee in the vicinity guarding the entrance, and no craft of any sort was permitted to go in or out without inspection.— Nem York Trthanr. PESILLB VOLUSTILRO The Cincinnati G.4-ase gives the following: The elerk of one of the steamers whiett came up the river yesterday reports being bailed from the shore at Leavenworth, Indiana, to land and take on a couple of passengers for Cincinnati. While at the lauding, the clerk informs us, a company of vo-, tautesr women, armed with rifles, marched down from the commons where they had been drilling, and Sled a salute. They seemed to handle the arms with ease, and presented a very creditable appearance Er.= An extract from a private letter from Nashville Ear : The men who owe your debts are Secessionists, and will not softer any discount if they can avoid it. Money Is scarce and hard to get. Everything is excitement and confusion, but 1 know Tennessee will Sind flan to the 'Union, though the Sesession bitA are doing all they can, by every means of vil lainy, to seduce her to secede. I have attended several large meetings of the people, and from the demonstrations I saw manifested, tie people of Tennessee will stand by the Union, and, if needs Do, die by the 'Union. TRAITORS HUNG A letter from a member of the Seventh Regi ment to his father, dated Washington, 28th April, atates that the regiment on that morning received an addition of 175 men from New York, all in good health and spirits. The writer nye L. Six Seca+. aionlats were caught yesterday in treasonable acts, and two were shot this morning at the navy yard. On. le to be ebot to morrow morning. was in the employ of the Ordnanee Department, and had been set to work filling bombs, but, instead of °barging them with powder, be put sand in them. Several men have bean arrested for tearing up the Creek of the railroad, and they will be summarily dealt with." A private letter from Annapolis, April 211, says : " And now, to give you an example of the pu nish's:Lent traitors receive, we oan see from where I am writing, about two miles from alter*, on the yard-arm of the United States brig Caledonia, two men hanging—one for smuggling provisions -and powder to the rebels at Charleston ; the other for piloting the Seventh Regiment on the Chesa peake bar, with the intention that the Baltimore ans might get possession of Annapolis before the Seventh could land. Be wee not quite sharp enough for the boys. They suspected his in tentions, put him in irons, and conveyed him on board the brig, and now he banging for hin *rime." T OAIHRZT AND THZ WAR Our Ravines from Washington assure us that the Government is fully determined on war—an active and aggressive war, to vindicate the power and dignity of the United States. Mr. Linooln has long been strongly in favor of this polioy, and-so have Messrs. Blair, Chase, and Cameron. Messrs . Seward and Welles at first dissented, but hive at length yielded to the general voice of the people. In allusion to the recent attacks in the newspapers upon the Administration, Mr. Lincoln said yester day: " We can afford to pars them by with the dying words of the Massachusetts statesman, we still live.' I am sure they don't worry me any, and I reckon they don't benefit the parties who write them." JEFF. DAVIB' LEANNESS Jefferson Davie continuos in the most dishonora ble manner to attempt to seduce Federal officore from duty. Last week he Sent a general's corn mission in the Confederate army to a gentleman holding a captain's rank in the United States army, and whose experienoe in the Ordnance Bu reau !maid rondo; Min most valuttblo to tho South. The commission was accompanied by a strong personal letter. Both were returned. Later intelligent,. from Western Texas an nouncer the outbreaks of Indians and Mexicans near Brownsville. It I. reported that the sorra et Roma has been pillaged and burned, and many American families have been murdered. Browne vine has also been threatened. The United States troops at Brazos, Santiago, numbering only sixty-three men, were removing all their available property, preparatory to leav ing that place. At Indianola all was quiet on the 233 ult. Ac counts from the interior represent the rebels as preparing to march upon Galveston with all ce- lerity. At Houston. fiva. hundred mee are armed and equipped. Companies of Minute Men are Terming in other parts of the State. The number of Federal troops in the State was estimated at 1.009, woo are mostly well supplied. About hell that number were at Indianola. Pre. parations were going on actively at Galveston; theta the people were enrol dug en mane Letters from El F'aso state that Fort Bliss has been sur rendered to a Commissioner of Texas by C01..1 IL Um Ta• Ualveston New* of the 22.1 says : learn that Qov. Clark has ordered the commander of the Texas forces at Ban Antonio to repair ammo. distal to the coast with his forces and summon the United &ates troops near Indianola to leave immediately without arms, or to set/render at di,. emotion. It is understood in Austin that those United States troops member about 1,500. The Texas volunteers at San Antonio o: " - about IVO it 4 '7. lug AND atittras actuate. An aarionneeraent appeared In the Memphis papers of last week, that the burial of the Amt.• rican flag would be publicly celebrated by the military and citizen' on Sunday, the 2let ult. 41ZIKZICAL EriACIRLGIAILD • Two gentlemen, whose good standing and truth fulness are vouched for by patties in this city, arrived from the South yesterday, and took quarters at the Barnett Rouse. They state that they left Charleston, B. d., on Wednesday, and that troops were marching briskly from all di. reetiorus. General Beauregard was moving towards itLeilmond at the head of 31,000 men, and expected to be iDlited at that place with from 5,000 to 15,000 Vitrisia troops, alter which he was to attack Washington. Yesterday was the day sat apart for the admire of the national capital.—Cinctnnati Gazette. EON. A-NDIUM Joinisox It has been stated that, while the crowd at Lynchburg, Va., was groaning at Andy Johnson and offering him various indignities, one man pulled hilt DOW. A Louisville gentleman, who was there et the time, says that Andy's nose was not pulled. A fellow attempted it, but Andy draw a pistol and would have ahot him on the instant if the men present had not interposed. Oar Informant was on the same Gain with Andy for a considerable distanae this side of Lynchburg, and he says that the sturdy Old gentleman, al though insulted by the poptdasa at every stopping palm, showed a nerve that Napoleon or 'Dieser might have admired. All honor to the brave and the true.—Lautstilte Journal. 1.70 ARMISTICE." The doepatch dated at Richmond, announcing, en rebel authority, that the Government had asked for "an armistice," was denounced at the time of its reception as a ridiculous canard. The following official contradiction from the Assistant Secretary of State was received by the chairmen of the Unien Defence Committee of Now 1 - . Tort • Weentaorox, May 1., ____ Surzon I/name, chairman; • There le not a word of truth in any of the newspaper reports of armistices made or proposed. That sort of business ended on the 4th of March• "F. W. Bewirm." mARQUIe AND ItitralsALs. A correspondent of a St. Louie journal, writing from Montgomery, Ala , April 19, siva that on the day Jeff Davis issued his privateering proclama tios loom than one hundred persona solieited and obtained letters of marque and reprisal. They may u well make their wills at once. ras MISSAOI OP TH GOVEZITOR OF TENNESEEX. The Cincinnati Commercial learns from gentle men If b o left Nashviile, Tenn., on Friday, that the message of Gov Barris to the Tennessee Legislature; just convened, was a virulent asses don document. It clearly foreshadows an attempt to rush that State out of the Union. at once, a la Virginia, regardless of the popular voice on the matter. A motion to print 1!.5.000 copies pf the Governor's massage for distribution was voted down, and it was resolved to print only enough copies for the members--the contents of the mes sage, as well as the action of the Legislature upon It, to ho kept profoundly secret. A ItltCll.o rastc. A negro panic has seized the people of New Or illallB. The negro churches have been closed by order of the Mayor. and all assemblages of negroes, slave or free, have been forbidden. TUE citizens of Athens, Obie, hare parsed resolutions tendering their sympathy and aid, with that or the whole people of Ohio, to the people of Western Virginia when they are allied upon to struggle for their rights and liberties against the traitors of Esetern Virginia. Let the Western Virg nfl➢A Erika but one strong blow in their OWn behalf, and Ohio and Western Pennsylvania will' be at their ede---flovermirent willing or unwilling. dir DiroIDENT.—A. congregittiOD not far from Beaton, IL,: dots its own singing, hid the 60th psalm of the Conueotiout Byron Book riven out to be sung, on &today morning, April 14, Jost after the news of the attack on Fort Sumpter, and yon may imagine the spirit with which the following atirttss were sung : Lift np a banner in the field For those that fear Thy name ; Save the beloved with Thy shield, And put oar foes to shame. Go with our armies to the gitat Like a. Confederate God ; in vain confederate powers unite Against Thy lifted rc4. Our troops ahall gs a wide renew:. By Thine auudacmg hand ; ”r 9, God that treads the walk/ d9ryn, And tuakei the feeble stand.' Franca and the Southern Confederacy. [From Paris Corresionident of N.Y. Pam, Thursday, April 18, 1881. The American hlinitrer at Paris, Mr. Faulkner, has jest hid in bifida Waller, 'with' the Frenob Minister of Foreign:Affairs, M. Thousand, ou the subject of the recognition of the Bouthent 0012- federaoy. At this Interview, if we are correctly informed, Mr. Faulkner went in obedience to the State Department at Washington to carry e copy of the Prearident!e -inaugural address, to °lfi°/ ftu i 1111110111100-210 accession of the new Government at Washington, and to represent to al. Thonvenel the of polloy the new Government intended to adopt, so far ae their policy was decided upon. Mr Faulkner informed the minister that he wai insteneted to ray that the President's polioy was to be found In the inaugural address. in full; but in brief, on the question of a recognition of the Southern Confederacy, the Preddent held that there wee no fast aceasnets as yet, and thnt to recognise the Confederacy under the prisent Mate of %Wogs, would be not onty ille gal, but an act of bad faith to a friendly , Folios, desirous and anxious of settling its own internal agars in its own way_ Mr. Faulkner also de veleped before the minister the able view! of the question which he has before uttered, and whiott have been already published in the Tunes, and • finisbed by protesting in the most solemn man ner against any recognition of the Southern Con federacy until the new minister, Mr. Dayton, should arrive. Mr. Faulkner said, in substance : ci Tais is the last time, most probably, I shall have the honor of communicating offioially with year Excellent* , on this or , any other subject, as I leave foamy bonze hare short shire, and I . wuh now to protest most energetioally. in the name, of my Government, against any feoogaition of the nee Amerioaa Confederaity, until at leist my : sneoessor, a gentleman of great ability and of high personal. worth, and who wilUnaturrilly come fully prepared to iireeent to you the views of' the: Government if Washington, shall have arrived)), " • M_ Thouvenel then demanded to know if the Cabinet at Washington were not divided in anal• moot on this question of reeognition? To which the American minister replied that, under any - (sir almshouses, the members of the Amerioan Cabinet were only advthory effioers, and that with the Pr est dent remained the initiative and the responsibility of public act. such as these. ' That these wore'the President's views, and that theie'slone were to he taken as guides in diploma, translations. M Thonvenel then said that the Government of the United States need not have into apprehension of a 4 . prtrrly rem:gnat:on of ,the touthirn fmes"facy by the Government of France. It was not the habit of the French Government to act tinnily in questions of so delicate a nature. lie pointed out the case of Italy, where apparently there could be no special objection to the recogni tion, and yet, from prudential motives, the recog nition was withheld. The French . Government, added M. Thouvenel, sees the present dissension in America with pain, and not only would desire to see the broken elements reunited, but would never step in by say act whatever to widen the division, or add fuel to the Mmes. At the same time, M. Thouvenel said that the practioe of France, as indeed of most of the Europe an Powera, was now clearly understood in these Caeca of recognition of now CioYernmente• A Go vernment once clearly established, born/40plus', was a Government de facto, and must be recog nised, and when the new American Government arrived at. that point, he presumed, although he hid no right now to prejudice the future, it would be recognized: . M. Thouvenel then demanded information on the subject of the new tariff, which, he said, so deeply afforded French commerce. Mr. Faulkner informed .him , that from indications from Wash ington; he believed there would be an extra session of Congress, and that the tariff would be modified, a deolaration which gave the Foreign Secretary great patio:Nation, and induced him to say to. Mr. Faulkner, that at the next meeting of the Cabinet he would be pleased to report this hope to the Em peror and his colleagues in the Government. M. Thouvenel assured Mr. Faulkner that up to the present time, he had not been .pokes to by any one on the subjeot of a recognition of the Southern Confederacy. England and the Southern Confederacy. [From the London Telegraph, April A.] Mr. Lincoln has appointed Mr. Charles Ad sine minister at the Court of St. Jamea, and Mr. Wit ham Dayton minister at the Court of the Tuile ries Simultaneously with their arrival in Europe will probably be that of the special commissioners nominated by the Southern Confederacy to repre sent it in Europe—three having been instructed to treat for recognition with the Governments of Great Britain and Prance. Colonel Mallona, one of the Southern delegates to the Old World, de clares his belief that the acknowledgment will speedily be ooneeded as a matter of course. IVe have more than a doubt on the point. It is, and has bean for years, the policy of England to recog nise all existing Governments, whether revolu tionary or not, whtoh can produce the credentials of &nation. We recognized Provos nnder the Provisional Government ; we recognize Italy under Victor Emanuel ; we should recognize the United States of North America were they to proclaim an Emperor at Washington ; but we refused to ao knowledge Kossuth as Governor of Hungary; we should have declined to receive a mission from Normandy or Burgundy had they, insteal of France ae a whole, succesafully revolted against the Government of Louis Philippe. Oar negotiat ions are with the liaised States of North AM?, ea, in. corporated at TIP itshington,and until the central Government declares the Southern Confederacy to be a separate and wedependeltt Commonwealth, We shall be bound to regard Mr. Lincoln as no less the Chief' Matitstrate of South Carolina and Alabama than of Pennsylvania and Mas sachusetts. It would be highly impolitio and indecorous indeed to prejudge the question be tween North and South before the Cabinet at Washington has announced its ultimate views, or before toe great Win has tout' tried. Lora John IlanSafill, therefore, while adhering to the principle of neutrality and non-intervention, will, in all likelihood, refrain from recognizing the ore doodah! of Metiers. 'Timmy, Neat, and Mann, until events have progressed beyond their present timing, both in the American Congress and on the Stow *dentin borders. There appears, for the time, no danger of misapprehensions on the subject of the contemplated blockade, for at the outset, the naval forces of the New , World lierrublze, if they cannot rescue Fort Sumpter. cannot surely sindertatA to lock rip a procb,t.ions seaboard, penetrated by large and accessible harbors, and open for hundreds of miles to the commerce of the world. The time has not come, then, for Great Britain to expires/ any diplomatio opi nion ripen the polities of the United states, and least Of all to anticipate the solution of a formidable oriels, by acknowledging the independence of a minority pledged only to the prinoiple of outraging human nature in perpetuity by establishing slavery as the basis of a political constitution. The Southern Troops Concentrating for an Attack upon Washington. [From the Louisville Journal.] • On Saturday a gentleman stalled ontin„,„"le r .4- aocount of ill health as.-Weriellich the people Flo " s have for some days past ma tag and are now making for Richmond, the headquarters of th e Southern army, destined for the conquest Of Washington oily and the District of Columbia. Be says that in all his journey he did not see a solitary railroad train, going in the direction of Richmond, that waSnot loaded with troops and munitions. From Charleston alone during the two days he wee there, 4,000 armed men started for the Virginia rendezvous. Re states that these general and rapid movements are not reported in the papers of • the Confederate States, but be has no doubt that the army at itiohmond will prove tremendous in I its Strength of tlifbabins. lie tells 05 that all the men he met with, military °Mears and others, spoke of the conquest of Washington as a settled thing, just al - well settled as if already ac complished, and that the avowed determination is not to preserve the vitas buildings of the capital for the uses of the Southern Confederacy, but to 'demolish them utterly, not leaving one stone upon another. We do not believe that the Administration or any of its friends in the North had any adequate or faint idea of the extent and formidableneu of the preparations made for the attack upon Washing ton. No obstacle whatever hes been or is in the . way of the rapid concentration of troops at Rich- . mond from twenty or thirty Southern railroads, and we ape wall eeeviao.d, that whatever the North may think, the army at Richmond this day, if It has not moved upon Washington, doubly numbers the army in the latter city, and is made up of as good fighting men as can be found in the world Campaigning Axioms. From the R. Y. Tribune.] 1. One well-fed, well-equipped, well appointed brigade is worth two that are ill provided. 2 In satire service, three non die of undue ex posure, bed food, and their own imprudences, where one is killed by shot or stab. 3. An easy, g boots orwarm, substantial b lanket,, n'broad.aoled boots or shoes, and good woolen mega, will mere von. duee to efficiency in service, than superiority in weirpbbi.' 4. The lightest possible head-covering, with a I good look-out for ventilation, will add a tenth to ;the distanee a regiment can match in si A tiy, while insuring increased eomfort. S. A mall siotton handkarchisg" it wti' a y ar d of the commonest' sheeting, miot, be drib wa t er In the morning and again - atiro;;"-,l3.owerit be tween the hat and the jy.:14./p'it t rr the' soldier from sins-stroke fiiit ac i; - -4 1( _ I ,llsh the discomfort and fatigue of 11 host , - 4 A flat bottle oovered IVtli, the cloth being moistened and the bottp n . ° ,vbd with water in the morning, will keep reasonably cold throughout a long, hot day. 7. Of all villainous concoctions the liquors sold by oliMp-MlOwors are the most detestable and dangerous. They are more deadly than rifled cannon, are sure to be taken just wten they should not be. Eve soldier who eans to'o dy to his country ry should inslat m that all d vendors; ut of these poisons be drummed out of camp. S. A good wick to sash tompany, who knows how to make salt meat juicy and tender, and to have it ready whenever and wherever it may be wanted, is equal to two doctors and four extra combatants. 9 Officers who love and care for their men while in rapoce never have to complain of their eonduct when In action. 10. A soldier whose heart is in the *ewe be fights for is worth two who light for their pay. SITIPWRNMD-4,038 OF NDZON'S SOUTHERN CB:ors—Two Panyoariens Ditewszo —The brig Blac4 Squall, Weloh et Brothers owners, from St Jago de Cuba, bound for Philadelphia, was wrecked at Okrakoke Inlet. near Cape Hatteras, on the 19th instant. Vessel and matzo a total lon. Two paesenkars and one of the crew wore drowned. James E. Nixon'. Havana equestrian troupe we; on board, and one of the drowned was his adopted eon; William Nixon. oeorge Ross, the eqoestrian, Mr. Van Orden, well known as an eqiestrlan .vertiser, and the captain of the brig, had altar legs broken by the falling of the boom. By this I and affair Mr. Nixon lona -all his valuable borstal, property. and wardrobe of his great Southern 13how. The beautiful] mare 2.4ldee wan lost Mr. Nixon bad no Insurance whatever.—N. Y. Tn. FDLIORO44IRIBIONIAL, OR OATTLR EPIDEMI _ _ f elfr i n i gEW r 0 ME r i joijitog r b r r . . .76LOK Q. 407 1 2 k e la. Also, oosdias for all of diseases ifin r ra A vetz op. NOIR :e t r e hB: 8,1 Iff 4. • RAN OA $l l 4l )410-wfm PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TRADE. WM. O. REI,HINIeN. J NO. N.lpoWei ONIKITTNE Or THY MONTH. THOS. B. BRA , MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OP PHILADELPHIA. Itiy" , s; 1881. ,L. uiaFi A RRIV ED. Ship Edmond Kaye. Steel, 50 dinrs from Liverpool. In dson & Co. - 'h a u n t mt pe r vitt"N ßi c e .r u tu.e, l Ittd) Marlene. 60 days from Paiermo.with Akat. tO Isaac Jeanne & Co. Bohr S. Idortfield...filas. 4 days from ProVincetown, with fish lo tiso B Kerfoot. tiohr Canova. Fullerton, SS days from Calais. with lathe and pickets to Gaskill 4. ttobr 43 A Beelouther, Stubbs, Adays front Olmelartan. to ballast to oa_ptam. Soar Silver magnet. Perry, 6 due from Boston. to bal last ° N Sturtevant dt Co. Bohr) H Allen. Babooor. from Boston. roar S V W 15/MMOMUodfrey. from Nalem. Bohr Joe.POrter. Yi ethfrom'llslrmi'• solar dinsire. Adams; from PUlVldellee. Soar Naiad queen. Hulse, from Providence. Bohr L U Endicott. Letedsi from Newport. Bohr U dc ,T Cramer. Huntley. fr , m rawthaket. Bahr H. II Gibson, Crocker, from New London. • MARE% Ship WestraoreianCpecan, Liverpool, J E. Penmen. Ship Tonawanda Jaline. Liverpdol. Cope Bros. brig C B Alien, Ray. Bangui/. D Pearson & Co. Bohr Borah L. Freeman, Lynn, do Bohr laiiver Magnet. Perry. Boston. N Sturtevant & Co Bohr Gan Marion. Griffin, Baeo. E &Bonder & CO. Behr J R Allen, Bahama, Boston, Noble, Hammett IC Cold well. Bohr Jos Porter, Yates, Boston. R Bial< an. eohr ILGibeon. Crodker.lte_w London. •do - Bohr B V W Simmons, Oodrrev. Belem,l3lMen, Otte & Co. Bohr Enivire t _Adarus A l:rovidrnoe. J R White & Co. Lehr-Ocean ' W ave. noe..ProVitiOncO. elluntaltion :& Glover, Behr Naiad Queen. Hulse, Providenoi;l4 Main - Pied & Co. Fehr L Pi Endicott, Leeds, Bristol Perry, Eepplier & Brother. Bohr Vermilion. Avery. Providesoe t do Bohr 1 13 & T Cramer , Huntley , Feu River, Camner, stiokney & Wellington. (Correspondence of the Press./ RISADIwa, April 90. The following . _ bowl from the Union Conel l passed Into the Solsualkall Camel to-der, betta to Philadel phia. via _ • A a Mann Long. and Pranie Flower. wards to Norcross & Sheets; JP Corson. do to M. Trump. Soo it Co; A Su-eman. do to ft CrOoh3 , l L Webster bituminous coal to D Ranee; Col W Wide, swan to Huttmitritys, Roffman k Wright. . NICAMMIDA. Shin Victor, Croweti, henoe Nov Nth for Benteler Cal, was signalled (no date) tat S4S n, long Meg w, with lona of topgallant meat and Jibooom. Ship Lincoln, Mason, from gerinebunk for Philadel phia. van below Portland_ktit nit, - Ship Mary McNeal*. Morlear, oleared'at Liverpool -18th Wt. for Calcutta Ship ft Cushing, Swan, at Liverpool 18th ult. from Singapore. mile Monarch of the Sear, Gardiner, from Bombay, 6iterpool 17th ult. Phis. Portland, r..eavitt, at Liverpool '..lBth nit. from Gelootta. crop Plying Dream, Watson. from Boston With Feb for Ilan Francisco, was spoken March 18th; lat 11 N. king 30 10. , Bark Normand, Gunderson, cleared at Liverpool leth sit for Philadelphia. Brig Pilot Fish, heard, cleared at Boston Ist lust, for Philadelphia. Brig A L Roberts, Colson, hence for Cork for orders, tt Crookluiven 17tk nit Brig Minna. for Philadelphia, sailed from Bremer oven Ptkt nit brobr ta Or Brainerd, itowditeh, at Storangton Nth nit rout Delaware City. Bohr Sarah N Smith, Fish, cleared at Boston let inst. yr Philadsophia. Bohr it M Browning, Risley, henna for Pawtooket, at 'rovidence 38th ult. dehre Cicero. thilroughs. and Ice, OrtiWrill, hones, imved at Providence Seth nit. Bohr John Lancaster, Butes, at Providence 30111 ult. from Delaware Cur. Bohr ,White &mall, Sharp, at Boston let inst. from Jacksonville, Bahr' Wm Copper. Raynor. and Isabel Alberto, Took er, hence, arrived at Roston lot but. • Bohr Daniel Townsend, Townsend, was seised at Mo bile on the inth nit. She was, however, released on hie Wish. and remained in vrt that day diriebargint. Bark it B. • Gamble. Powell. whilst poxieeding to sea from Mobile for Key West =h. mot, was brought to by three shots fired from Fort Morgan. and taken posses* Ilion of. but Wan antweitomitii irelinuicd., • • al hi b , ... from leo' for OFFICIAgi. “fabIALL STORES,” .‘ OANDLES," &e., 1 - 3 1961-460. NAVY DEPARTMINT. Braun or PROVISIQXS AND CLOTHING. Apain IT, imu, proporals, seated and endorsed " Ie for . Small Stores," or ,` Offer for Candles," or " 09 r er for Salt wateg Soap," or " Offer for Mustard Seed. Black Per: t e nisa 'k utt i l t in'o a ll i r 1. V.., w cg i th b : rlfi nal of a 44' next, for furnishing and delivering (on receiving twenty ; dope notice istottielinited titatee envyyards at charier. ten, Ed sandhi/NM i Brooklyn, POW York tin 4 Q9l - • port, yirsmos ; snob quantities -oafs of the' fouwwlsii articles (exeeptins the salt‘water soap and the candles,. for each of which separate PrOPOßals and nordraota will be made) as may be required :or wderist from the con tractor by the Chief of this Bureau. or ,by thn re spective .30mi:eluding °floors of .the said navy yards, during the fiscal year ending meth June, 7963. viz: noxes, shaving, India rub- 131a.oldug. bonsai of. her. Combs. wane, India rub- Brushes, shaving. ber, or gotta percha. Brushes, scrubbing. Combs, fine, India rubber Brushes, shoe. or sutra perch& Brushes. clothes. firms for hate. Buttons, 11817 Teat. Jaat - kluvel. • Litittone>naVy medium. Panora, in single Mae. Buttons, navy coat. Razor straps. _ Buttons, dead eye. Scissors. Beeswax, in 3,1 lb cakes, Spoons. Lofton spools of Nos./2 and 16,900 yards inch, 3 cords, e,tua parts. tlandkerohiefe. cotton, fast colon. 33 by 30 inches, weight not less than 2 oz. each, texture 8 by . B Loh, icon. Needles, sewing, Noe. 1,3, 3, and 4, drill eyed be tweene. Ribbon, hat, beat French black, 12 yards to the plow; width 1/i tooh, noap. allaying. in cakes; each cake not leas than 2 cum Bilk, sewing, bme- blac k; ; wrapper not to exceed 3 ox. to the pox d. —.Thread, black and white. Marshall's or Barbour's be quality, and in such proportions as may be required. Tape, white linen. 4 yards in length, 36 ireh'.ide. Tape, black, twilled cotton, a yaids is letigth, - 3i inch wide. - Thinibles.B-10 and 9 10 in diameter. AU the above articles must be included in the air. • WHIT% eAI-T-WATEH P r OeT.— Separate bid for mrts—mod • Thesnel mot be mAudfactered from cocoa - out Ono and be of the best quality, Oesdminated wale matt-. water wait, and be delivered on sixty , dare rgrtle CI& rood strong box desbotit 75 Onto. each, and. are? inspection. the must be hooped at e ti end at the expense of the contractor. The price to be uniform at ail the yards. firukutan,Stmaraft bid for 60,000 patina. and such further quantity as may be required. • The candles must be "sizes," of prune leaf tITd stentine. 8 10 inches In lengttl, exam-rice of tilt am can dles to womb OM less than 14 ounces 63-100. or more than 10 °oboes. as be paid for sooordint to the actual we,ght, 'without reference to commercial. 'mite; tbll melting poitt. bale be lam than IN) desreeAi2hten hell. The wick must be braided . and nom of 78 oottan threads of UM best quality of :to. 214 Tara. The candles to be delivered on eixt7 data bOtide. in good boxes:containing about K.lP,unde each, and the box to marked with the eontraotorsname and the weight of the candies. required, for which dll ple. oh further quantity as may be — "ln This d o s. fro sooo r ra sier nE ra to te and im P t P It3t St e. I."3A a l i ti :t t a : ni d a Ct rt 70:1 8d o o . will be given. Murraan Euez, PLatit - se? wee bemire • NON for all trtbt r , qTr . ied for t he of the navy, to be delivered at - New York only. Mustard seed. American brown. Pepper, blank, Malabar. oast quality. Bottles, octagon, for mustnis‘ 0 - the samples deposit and outdoes To such ineeection at P 2lll 6 r git . where delivered aa thaChlet of the ea rs^. nosy direct the inspecting ollociu to beatwoloiAlli by the r 4 vy Department Al the articles to - be delivere pro pe rf any incidental expense to the Government, invessels or pack ets., and the price of each article must De the carte at the respective places of delivery. rack - ages In which the above articles are dell•Ored met he marked with tbgr contents. mot the name Of the txintraotor, and be au meet to insure their temporary safe keeping. dons otherractor must establish agencies at such sta thaq his residence. ti•at DO delay may a nu s in remaking what may he required; and when the coutraotor or agent fails promptly to comply with a re queritioh, the Chief Of the Bureau of Provialena era knottier 'hall to authorized to direct purchases to be made to supply the deficiency, under the penalty to be expressed in the contract; the record of a rtiquisitio or a duplicate wiry thereof, - at the Bureau of Provisi-ns and Clothing. or at either of the navy Tardie aforesaid, shall he evidence that such TeiDDRIT.IOII has been made 414 reatirod. Two or more approved stireties,lll weiM equal quiff estimated amount of the contract. lbe and twenty per cent= in addition will be withheld from the amount of all payments on account thereof as collateral security, to *entire its performance, and not in any event to be paid until it is in all lemma cm. plied with eighty ye *entail. of the amount of all de liveries made wilt De paid by the navy *rent within shiny days after bills, duly authentioarea, shall nave been presented to him. Wasik forms of proposals may be obtained on appli cation to the navy agents at gortsmonth, hew Razor ;hint, Boston, Plow York. Philadelphia . Norfolk, and at this Bureau. reoord or duplioatis of the letter informing a bidder of the aoceptanoe of hue proposal will be deemed ft run tifioation thereof, within the meaning of the riot or Itig. tied his bid will be made and accepted in oolafonnitY with this understanding. Every offer made must be aocomparded (as diyeeted in the eat Of irginglrelill. MAID, apprepHatungs tor the naval service for 1846-'47, approved tOth of august, 1844) by a written guarentee.saned by one or more re spoasible persons. to the effect that be orthat:oder take that the binder or bidders will , if his or t air bid be accepted, enter into en obligation within dal.. with good aod sufficient sureties, to furnish the supplant proposed. The Bureau will not et Mitigated to nonsider any propessl unless booterpanled DY the guarantee' re-, itinted by law'. the competeney of the guarantee to be certified by t ile navy agent, distnet attorney, or the Collector of the port The aucistiott of bidders is called to the samples and descriptions of articles ssatitrtcl i as, in 0,1,e flupection before ? mottos. a lust' bet rigid comparsam wilt DC mate bottoms the arlieb. °I. -eda m : the an mp t m and coatraos,,vc e i v i er none that fall l!clow them ; and their attention is also particularly directed to rho joust re mustiest of of March, Mt, and t o the act of 104 Aussie; 181S.a • le-fit HAIM RESTORATIVE _ . • ...... THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEBT OF YEARS; inn GROWs Monti ATM Wolin eoPULAR. nal% And teetimonials, new, And almost withont inuriber. might be given, from Win and enflemen in all padee of gooletl w hose muted teMimony rose costa resist, that Prot wood's Hair Restorative wi theaters the bale. gad gray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old in all its youthful beauty! • • - ,a ge. BATTLE MEI!, Mieh. Hee.ll, IBA Peer. Woon: Thee milk . please accept to in form thee that a the hair on my - head au felt off over twenty. 1 W: 401406 4 by a complicated abeam die m*, sweitsled pith au oration op the heed. • A con tinual course of Entfering through life , baying reduced me to a state of dependence, I have net. been 'aka to obtain stud for cape, neither have I been able tO. do them up, in consequence of whir* my head bell sneered extremely from cold. This induced me to par Briggs & Hodges almost the last cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle - of shy Harr Ilaterative about the -let :ot Altana lest. - 1 have faith a lly followed the direistions, and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short; it us doirun4 sit over my head. Feeling 000lldent that andther e bottle would restore it entirely and permanently. J. eel amour to Persevere in its one, and being destitute oi menu to Purchase any lathy; t - would use MOO ft there worddit hot be willing to send me an timer on th ine agents for A boW..p. and receive to th yself the Scripture denigration The and to those that are kind to. the, widow — eh . ; the tatherlepr.” Thy friend, SUBANNAN KIRBY. Ltaohtxh. Noble . oo.“ Wiens. Feb. Poem Pithy. 0. J. Woob Iteerr ; nip latter part of the yea. Mk. while rittendmg e Statoand hational JAW school of the State of Hew ark, my hair, frame, on* unknown to me, commeneed falling off very raiding° that, in the short space of six months. the whole upper part of my snip was almost entirely bereft of mirror ing, and much of the remaining portion upon the side and back part of my heed shortl alter bananas gray; so that ion will not be surprised w hen I tell you that, opm my t otem to the State of Indiana. MY more. missed SO oea were not so much st lose to ausuover ft a canoe of the change in ray asearanee. as Iny Snore - timate acquaintances were to recognise me at all: In I atone made applioaglou to the most skilful physi cians in the country, but, reaming no Assurance from them that my hair amid again be restored. I was forced to become reaonailed to my fate, until fortunately, in the latter Dart of the year via,, yo ur jt egron ,,,,,,, was recommended to me by a druggist, es being the most reliable Hair Restorative in use. I tried one bottle, and &Una to my great satisfaction that it' was produoing the desired effilot.: Sines tkAt time . I have used 'even dal- Jars Wort h pf your go lorstiVe, ape ss rem i t _ rich coat Of very soft ldsek hair' Willa no mai l ii",a e ; a =4 of qty gratitu de for your labor and skill: in 'the produellion ono wonerrel en whole, I have ream. mended its nee to =my at my friends and nesilionten. o rg,vl k g,mu happy t o W WI! you, are using p ith Eke effeot. Very thearethouy, yours, _ AM,' Attorney and ceaseellor lam. boot, 441 Broadway, by all dealers throttah out see world. The Rase, ative le put up be Bottles of three sixes. VI: large. medium. and se all ; the emaJJ holds Amu* mot, and retails foveae dollar per bodge ; the popguns bolds at Weil Mein per MUM men III" 011 " 114°Elmil a at SIP Mall. Walls for two,dollars a , hottle t.ths Large si for all. reetit tea » 111 Arogortion; gad O. J. WOOD 'k Prepri_e_tons, $44 Slag Altr, New Yotk.-snd 114. M &Rasa' Strait, Bt. -= And sold by all good Dzugghseapd raw — - am Soldin.this err ata. 4 . - ne and tl at, Nos. ri t" 7l :../trimt and, C oe. 9 itadV a t nuiiint snoop ; OTT 4 00 .* .1132 NortAtiii? eltrpet. 443-111=ewlr TILE PIMISe-PWWELPIAtt FRIDAY. MAY 8, 1861. F, P 11,41,111 SICK I 4!.CHE, NERVOUS I-lEA.DAOHE. READA.OItE I By the use of thole rills the Satiodleal attache of Nis vow or Erick Hood acho may; t , a,s ,m:it's,:;ttia i rd Littman et Ole emattlehOeltieS,VA-10:111 1 _ re li ef from Pain suldlibitisell'irWlis i They seldom faitlitrestorfaitthellintata and ifioaa- Tktrlohjemidlfliati f fShardgat,i,:'' " el-saitlihtly oftifialiofiartWremosina Cosnloosim Fpf f .Litontfrvt Afolitipufstits, Matte Fenudid, dad on rim= oreOritirrhalgiFeflt. or.arg Totosbto la a Lanark% ImproviartheayNnes, 'mins tom and Wm to di.; Weattiro -*Wm had reatopni the septal ales tleitialidiitt*4;tlf of 04 wiMle mile*. • . . The GREALIO PILO are the reedit orient imam.' tenon' had -aarainiiy oondueted experiments, having ass hum years, dating int& thee they have etetrauted7and',:yeneved' a vast amount #if Paid and trdm - Hoadadh*, litatioftpridinittus inthti itsratiat system 01. from. e dilemma state: of the sta. temih, - , ,They ors entirety vegetable in thotr, tion„atit -wl be ail times With pe - ety without maos, my otioogo or diet, andAfk. mbsorivt cp f aly dim- It t!ill Hull .MOO ff ti!sy le 4 4. 1 "filiffit• f 4411 se skadroe. • . =WARY.OP 001714TERITIT81 The genuine mare five oignatireo of lionry 0. Spalding on each Box. Aoid br Druggists and all other Dealers m htedleinee/ A Ben oral be. emit ntatl !Rattail ea reeeret of the PRWE: WS CENTS. Oar/err okethl addOpoi HENRY 0, spAtamwe; ONDAR SKINET, NNW YORK INN FOLLOWING ENDORBE4IEWIN OF kiPAX.l3l.l'4lO'B CEPHALIC) V . ILLS►i' WILL CONVINCE ALL WRAP BUFFER. FROM HEADACHE, SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. . Au Sam resatmaniats an magolicsted 6v Mr.ElVal.a.• INO• SAav afford omaistiosabil proof of the tffi• lacy ats4is tysiy acfansific discovery. Mn. areantzte. MIISOITVILLI, Vona., Feb. your I have tried Natalie Pith, and I Sias arm so wan that I want you to send me two dolhera worth more. Parlor these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few of the fort box I got from you. Need the Pills by_jeml,aadjahltee rater RtfNlireeriAtlL IIOENNEDY. NNED Ma. &Albino. Ong • I wirM_Tou to send me one more bm (Wpm Canaan& 21/11. have rimmed a groat dug eamaf from thom. Yourupepsoitatt, • - mAxY ANA 4T011C4013138. SPRIICR CRIMIC•101111131141DON COUNTY, P 1 1144. . _ _ I tikrUlTY it int, , .1 IL Q BRannlifi:" • ;if: wenirhal u il l d e.'11,6"4 3 . b°*"' et Year Cerphali° Ite"1"- 7744 90 ,13 8111.1014. P. riessvatior boa etnmsfirats, aloi# amid ihmos szes72oo. ituts Vennon. OW. Tan. WWI. esszinss. rlease And, enolosed twezzair Gents, for whisk mind me another eu of year co rAtiv ars truly tM btst Fitts *Ann tart . Direst A. MITMR. P. M ." Bala Verson. Wysndot HC. sp aLtaroo..fio' Arruszy, Mum, Dec. 24. MO. i • 1 +rib for some !uranium or large show bills. to bring Cour Cephalic Pills more A purtusumrly before. 42sl ..uu omers. if If you hale mown; of the kind _ t • le wasl °lle pal ellutoWrikillo Irg to • KBllBBO a. osoalir lainall lll )ußed ir 7 w ettimb 44 ems Amor by 1/0111_2.D 1 2f.• • • UAW. ARYNOLD3B7B3, FR/Lu! co.. Ohio./ January m en. r 1131 W4gatdit,i. Y. pars 813.: bo bil t 0.01188 tW yt o ll p e i hd e - 11•c a oosta • ma d , for wrookr, *ad C.' ilior. Ro.ooldabor . F liken" ma of m i mpi r s am e t - f r fnAf o 4l. s — ell a ritkrt4F hla. clo R lfAedr • MIL arAtlonte. ant. Not brag into* I sent to y Heed box end eptoso Pills for the cure o,f the Neffutiche Waffvetteeti aka reoemed me same, end shay had so good aim If It tibia/ was iliduesd so scut for users. " ' Tame mend by return mut Direst to A. R. W_'IIIDELEIL. Yrellanti, Mak, hives tAs Ezainiatv, IVerJoiA , Ai, Cephalic: Pills aaocanaliab the otOsei fp? 'whit& the/ were Infidel viz.: Care or tsadamhe in all di p)rmiv. • Lam 1011, IWThory, .IYorfoik Whey have beeti tented iu more theil with entire enerees. - • - • 41 , 601 Mt Democrat, St, Otoad, Mims. If you are, or have beektroa_lbied with the headaohet lend for tem ; torenantrriliedlio that you may bare them in ease of as attack. lkoes tie 41.dierrire:, rr ovidener,Ji L the anhalki rifleira liftfil to De a mmerliably eras ure remedy for the headset's, and ape or the very best for that very frequent complaint Throb WM ever berm die:levered. A wn tA i Irw in " A . 6. Cremate, Chiemeo t 111. 1,4 " heartily gr 4491110 Mr, dlPAldilds and hit unriiiallod &phis Ikon Ski Jimeasoka Vann' Star, Hattairha, We are aunt that pawns guittorin with the heactaohe who tri theme rill idiot to them. Aim aka Southara Path Minior;NetaJean., La. Try thew! you thatare WO:Kish! alium that r at ur Jeaciraolty cap ba Irmilemma that yiaa •rape . q.adv hasehajhat :no S a ne dicine Pim 44 : Re. Lewis Distocrat i is rapi net d frame lift* fir the artiole Flits ly' • Frew tha Goitaui...Doatarart. Air. Mold= amid' tailutitaat- tialmiealthitit at tiOla ha did Not MOIR ' livin OW Advertiser, Preeiglerreitl. I. Theteatimes,. is their bier re streaks from the mat respeotaDie quarters. Nan Lis /May Ni,w Reimers. Ciashalie are taking the plate don kind,. hRe. a* Celftggeteiga .iIVUOIs. Ba 1 llead ta be 'am *goal:ions baceacbti. *mei tka Coiranservgal f ancissiktf. Safering hxunanity can now be mheved. W A Mule boitto of APALDfIiFfI PILNIAARE4 AWE.iriu am ton nom Mali Dort onrioawill SPALDING'S ,PREPARED GLUE SPALD4GPS PRZP.ERED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE t SAVE VIE MOM: BOONOMY ! ' DiegrATCW ilier" A 52/Tic tit Tins Barna .Nittx."llol' AB accidents will luianon. even in nred-reodated fainillos, it of tely,dear.aPii, hay* MIX Cheat and cloven tint Toy ror menu( nmittarir. wrens. weaker- SPALDING% PREPARED GLUE meets ail sneh. emerzenedes, and no household 6Ln afford to do irithout IL It is anima ready, and up to the sucking Potpt. U WPM AN EVEEY ROUBK" el. Dr-A /hash nowtortna f GIRO. Do ttie . ?duos HENRY O. SPAqADING.,. NO. 41 . 1 ORM mum NEW YORE CAUTION. As certain antotoOlsloil Persons sre attelastkle to Pali Of at thi *NW. Inolstictio alloy PNNPAAND BLtUE. I would caution olizerootio toes- AVALINNAPT NIPNWIROXIjogirmu is a. midit Imeiers 111 *is*: are abaft Wit (Wag Alas kcitline ur THAT £ RavauvolD. Pa.. Feb. CM. 7 " 117 " u "' Vitd, C. FILLER YPATLANTi, Mios., Jan. id, 1802 INSVRANCII RELAIANCIE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PUILADFLPHIL * OFFICE; No. 30N WALNUT STREET, bores' against LOW. OR DAMAGE BY FIAB Houses. &ores. and other buildings. =hog ' on or zz is eht*.and are i o i n aid Purniture, 04006itilLiflW11.5 5 t er- CASH CAPITAL. SWUM 46-111813T5 .317 ' 10 Or. Which is invested as fa lowa. viz: In QM mortgages on• tar property. worth double the count —..;,. --. moan 00 peuney rani& dread' Co..' 11 per . iiiii. 61et mortgage ken., at kat.-- : . pax pp panzugovania Ra il roa d C o.'s 5 Dement. wk. ond mortgage load, Uinta()) m„sep es Buttingdon rut Broad Top Railroad and :Osumi Co. a mortgage 105 n.....- —..— 4000'00 Ground rent. first-01a55...................„.„, ~___ utts as . Collateral tow, well moored v.v.,* .•. • r .......... 2.606 . 05 Citior.Philadmpens 6 per cent. loan--.-- su Igo pp ill ghear , Co A ra 6 oar . tient. Pa. - RR. loan-. 10:0061,00: Moroial • et0ck—.........—..--.... 6,1360h' esusakar ant etcmg— —.,,, —..... —.— 2,812.60 renusrlvania Railroad Co.'s stook . _- 4, 000 00 Thlo Reliance Mutual Insurance Co.'. moot 26360 CO 1 1,1,10 n Mutual Insurance (10.'s sone-- me se Y41117...711. 1 7 1 . ism° cgitf.f,?L7,—.... tire SS ins receivable . ---- 14,502.74 , Book accounts. accrued interest. ,t 0—...--. 7,104 66 Cash on hind-- —.—...—. —.— 11,7144 64 Stiltleit 04 The Mutual prinolpie. combined with the 20crarity of a Moak Capital, entitles the tninire4 toearttenttite thsiorwgts of.the Company, without liabilitt iOSSM Lesser 'cm:aptly adjusted and paid. D/BICSOREI : ' Samuel _ffiptusm. Robert Moon, william Muster, Beni. W. 'll.picley, Mardian EU; • J. Johnson Brown. Olhorles Leland. Jacob T. Bunting. perutil,ploou nn Plimell, - rttaburg. 111 TINGLEY. President. Amy. tell clem Tingley % 01111M011, _ederlek BMW!' • William Stevenson. John Worrell, H. L. Carson. Sobert Toland,' Rosevarten. clusties'O• ond, ightllll7lll9. Woodward, OLE. H Q lmannr 16. 1 . K. ITINCIIMN, Sew srB6l. 1 1 1-1 E ENTERPRIBP, ii.NIiIi:TRANCE COMPANY ON PHILADELPILI. (FIRE INOVRANCE EXCLUSIVELY.) • COMP/NIP BVILDINe, S. W. CORPikic • . FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS. DiRLOTORA; F. ElitalOAD BIABR. I fiIARDICaI it, Dawson, .w.q.LiArr mous, eirzo. N. ATII,AZT I NAZISM, FP-CZ/RD, - Joxact 11. Daevnt, .Tozoi N. L . ATWOOD, A A. Fortgametici, .011 Fr. T. Tionicx, AnDa_FW D. CAM ...." WHARTON. J. b. Exotinriask. -- — r F. RATON ORD STARR, President. CHARM! W. CORE. Searetem. fen PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, . No. 921 CHESTNUT street Philadelphia. USdRTRR PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDIsH AMONG THE IN. RIMED. - Insure Lives for short term' or for the whole term of life ; grant Annuities and Endowments ; purchase Life Interests in Meal Estate, and make all oontraote de pending on the contingencies of life. TOY net no Exeentora, Atiguirdetrat9llllAsaignagg, Tnrotooo, and o,4o.rdinus. ARSETS OF THE COMPANY, January 1. Nn Mortgages, ground rents. real estate— W United States stooks. Treesurg notes, loans of State-of Poonortvrouri,- city of Philo datable., ag0._...... 293,79.5 U Pierairon notes, leans on eollatertes, r _ Mei Sil Pennsylvania, North Pennsylvania Rail roads. and County ton per cent. bonds— 106,192 Ba,nk, insurance, railroad, canal stooks, Mo . SC6O ER Cash QR hand, agents' balances, Mc., Ste.-- MAW 14 skon,oo 03 DANIEL L. ALlLLER.Proittleet. BARITEI. OTOKEO.ytoe Prasjdont. JOHN W. Ho iiri9o. Oectratam • mh.W-tr TIELAWARE MUTUAL EMMETT IN IIIIELNOWCOMPANY: IneoriPerated by the Legislature of rowasyrrerna, U. (Moo 8. E. owner of THIRD and WiLfirr stree# l PHILADELPHIA, on v eise - 4, MARIRE IN R SURANO, Carlo To all 'arti of 019 Walla. Email,• l 1 _ - I IsfiZlD INTIMAIIOSIS on %owe by meet! pl; - 1;skostt idia4 ear MOIL _ail • of the utiles. FIR X 11URANCES , Oa Meratiandale generally. On Stores, Oltenia; Rouses, a.e. ABaEr g °F ovember 1.1 0400 United atatell Mar OM% 1031,, a Ilk ,000 00 ),totes [with " I r st ei ggr i gt g r. ns,iss 34 100,L0 l obnisliana State_ film_ V mart 20400 - 00 . 21,000 do, , au do. do. 21,445 00 =me rbiladolpida City Ex cent. Loan, WOOS di 00,000 Tennosies Mate Are ,sent,,loan— 34,000 00 00„000 Posnisyksama Realm2.l mortgage • • - six V oant. bonds • ' 45,000 00 10,000 SOO shares, stook • Germantown Gas . Company, interest' and pandas' _ a=m • by the City of Philo -4 - 15.000 00 f4OOlOO IMAM l'ennylvama Railroad • --" .a.all- ;No 1,000 loo Q inattripith tannertrania read 000 0 90 0 1,100 SO shares Misdeals toe IMat and Steam Tat Comps"), 1.400 00 tshares Philadcvl sad Havre de- Grabs Steam TOM-110.11 C0n1p610.".. • IR 00 IMO 2 shares Philadelphia Exohapte 125 00 Low llshares Continental Hotel Co.—. • • • LHawn) tor. cost 1647.335.541. Market rat.sescut 71 IS feeettahis, for. mamma MAMA nds UAW SO MAU U se at Asenoiee—Preminms on Ma- • rine Pollotes. interest. and other debts dna the:Company— • 22,1225 02 Morin :and: stook of sundry Insurance and L other Cotesemies 3,638 SO Graint larord--n haulm— —.41116,19%14. in drawer-- . _ - : 110,1118 11 01114.1707 at thhizart - %,. tin - ' ilpovia, -. ' : B :a " imaautlir, ."' IS re Jr" 11a t _ - thitils. liallrigr* ' t iazit . lea, . :i d..12 1 11g.. ileaern • - • . 4-1 ap a , i' Oa. lakar_Lyid3 . 4 . ... - 114 " Tg1.11ZU1',,,,-7`.".?,rtiaicLUSlVTLY. y KM,. '*--11111/IeNCE NIP& —amouoratt6 T ---„,HAR Kris_ . No. Slti WALN street, eopoeite !Wtlan - • .wem-DoottoTor onvale Nolaiiaga, enter alVaZa f° O . r a ligile t ta= [euaally. Their Capital, totather with a large Surplus Fluid. to divestedtoe moat eaTefal =after. valet* enables etela 19or to the Insysed , an oralooltaa Mama, ha Demootam _ DIRECTORS. Zonation Patterson, Isaac lianiebnrat. riine= Camobell, Thomas Robins: lexander Benson, Daniel Smith, 3r.. litartv Monteith., John Derereux. Thomsa Smith: JONATIInIi PATUrititsoll. Provident. Bruton Stain, Secretary. e. 14-13, IN HU RA PI CZ U Old r — A N Y 0., TEN AL 877 g Li glikrallNAAlLfo-IPII(E._aND MA = figAsi rua - noe. 4 AND 6 .F.X.C.NANDE red in irm—Gaeltal fIIOMO—Feb. I. WA auk s NOVO 77. .A.O wrested in sand and available neenribeir—aon lame to , insure on Ve4150111 and Cargoes, Etaildiams. Monks of Merchandise & on liberal terms. 0 OR D. . arc Di Rherrerd• €145451/4 4. &ant, 11011011__ ,oby /Samuel want. lea maealeater. Tobias Wagner, Jr., Smith, Whom. D. Watteau. TRAL L . B RII. d 4thite, fftinh.Firri"". ; si Ina, urfiragertu • r T. 11 , 1ADIABI DAMN. aeorsterv. ' JeAtf ENSUR4NOIC. -- MECHANICS' F i I i gURANCE COMPANY or phiukteiphis, No. 13 IgiNLXTIE Street, below Race. insure Build pmand Manhandles 011hr:illy fnirgi k oo or eby ire, The company guarantee to adjust all oeson_vrompriy, and thereby hope to merit the patron age oi the "libber - feeeerees, !Tuna= Merge , - • Robert Flan. Freneta Virgil Ste togi orgel e =horir. ' RI tee yarn, amt martin, Themes B. IlloCormlek, fro.l es Thump, ,Liitua 4aromley, Utley MeAleer, Fran con Palle, raard Rafferty John Curb home J. Hemp h ill rmuit s ßernard coo2ER . .nubma omen Fisher, Charles e. MO!" ilicildaziou L Michael Cahill. BERNARD RAFFERTY. Beoretarr. oats - I A BIERMAN FIRE INS URANCE -CIL INCORPORATED SAta CRArtTIIS PSTUAL. No. 3/9 Wil fill LIT Street /oms Third, Philadelphia, lavinim a large paid-an Capital Stook and Surplwr, entWn wo und and available Securities, oontinnen to insure on Dwellings, Stores, garniture. Merohandise, Vessels in port and their cargoes, and other personal property. Animas liberally and orowntly adjusted. voseywis. nab Its Xarlos John T. INVO, Tabu Wain', 14104 R. Ctitnball, essattel C. Morton, Nowend G. Nth. Patriot Brady, °haw W. Po Wei, • bowl Morns, TROMAS h. MARTS, P r ALBERT C. S. CRAWFoRD. Secretor/. ,fen -41 VXCIIIANGE INSURANOR COMPANY a... —olotse No. 409 WA.LNUT Street. FIRE /Nit WWI= on Rouses mid Alezebudise seriMallY. on tavoralde tense, either Eisittni oir. set „ SUL • DIREGTORE I Jeremiah Berman, Thome Minh. E * n Q. eissedo, Charles Thomism.. aril D. Roberts, James T. Ride. - - • uel L. Smedley, Joshua T. Reuben 0.-Eale John J.O • ths. • Jentiugill SONSAL _., President. J Q:GINNODO, Vice Presides t Riess/is Cos. Iteoisume. Jam SAVING WINANS-LEN SALVING FUND, No. 1-iv las &nab frourrß Ntriet, between lCliesdant and Walnut,. Pluladelehm, pep' :deposit, on demand. ~Mori' .Inonar mowed by Governinenti Siete, and Otty Lon,t, tiNtind blurt g i e l ap Jo; cestpany deems safety better than large P. Ur. oorwmentir ms tango nit rite deem me& money. but have tat au times ready to return. with a per cent. interek,t •to the owner, as they hove always done. This Company never suspended. Females. married or single. and Minors. can i depopt in theirowe right. and snob deposits cap be withdrawn oNLY ey their onnsent. Charter perpetual. losereota*ed by the State , of POMMY IVeltie. With authority to receive mono fromfrom trustees sad assentors. .14. na AND SA d . .e.L.L IiECE/VED. Oinee open" daily, from a to 3 o'clock: and on Wednesday evening until f o'clock. nuuscrona. /Boob IR-Gliennon, girlie Cadwallader. . , Jolla ahledtior.. George Meowll. MM. aloga, Charles Lame, l ier....., Contort. *torn D is q& Wilda , Kiitealionee. Nail • a, Joe. H. gatiorthwaite, Imo! Yer air John Alexander. 1 JACOB B. taigiANNoN, preside n t. CTRL , CIADwALL alai. Treanrer. 61.15-/Y " A Dot Car gars/ Is tsiss earnad." tIiTRITING AND LEDGER PAPERS.— We have now on hand. and e.ra_reentifaracring st . 17 OA% tt Rall'uNt3lll,6rDvttfplida ;7:17 lr which for ooror and duality, are not excelled by ay other Malin the wilted Orates. We _would oall attention. to a new article of paper manuntettlfed by ILL and now for ado, pelted nuingie better. Wniall Itto been Rottall 1., meet w e want , of business MOLL and others, who obj ect to Cormorant! Note as being too narrow, and do not enah to prt nee of anal letter sheet. _ . This overoomes both the abovo ohleetions ; ii a per fect sheet. yore wove; piste Quin ; rated on one Jude • stamped In rnbTlinar the top ; Wade trete beat ata! tenni. fr e e rpm e unitareldegt, Ind pat ' tin to neat Mum, eem vs:tient rase. - We also hare araper ogled Bank Letter, eiratlar to . rye above, enoent it had hot half the number or Woe . on; ao lisle allow ejnrintea blank • ' •'" - ''• ' - carm4alVOXlSt I .ileum Holly !tenon, Clemberhutd Co., e. PIIVOVEI PwilArmAda kletalrottrriktirB; I poi: 3 ...A -'O---1 , -.. elt fluent -' • - - la-e-ete I LAR 0,-125 tierces extra Leaf Laud, for aga• by . "o. C. SADLER.CO.. 103 ABM s se s eft*. seems deer ara.Frest, asizst rXrnas. A , , - . , ~- It i ty WES PENNSlMANlikanfikEll T .11+ A L , 880 *WM ASOV OK. • 1861 . • MEROM., 1861* To 4 ITY N CIA N THVGA D 11l N 1W EQUAL TrlLT:7lß.eci:irnssEACNEdi'rtßillsrUGl. lo r riltS7 sli llif il, .It it , A . k. fle .; S ott ' lle. rom Boman: New 1 0 i jiwin . , ,-. i . driw kat WWI De l tet at ? 1, 14, t1; 15 -t Alio . thrwhilbutlistesh from all-omata to t a ......... 1:11 ,_ t .„,„ axii __ _A thus furnishing feeilibmt or uts, tw-ont. Passenger* Mumnansed for il Bpd .. . illisf other route. . Express and Feat Lines ran through to Float:outfi t ,. without ohmage of Oars or. Conduotorm, All:;Throils_, gami,trLe . l i rons provldd with .1. 6 4.11, pr, hin aSU A Tln aar raes—ese under per et 'ermird. 0 „,..., , •,-„-i- i thaw adding much to the saifetrol treveherly ',,:.... d _ ail 'ohms. ,ears. are. attached to' eacds Train . w T he 's Isieepuot Cars to.rely ' and. Feet Trams. ..,_ Ptr FAY RUNS DAILY: matt and Fast Linear mu , dais l47l a llfrai ted n . leaves Philadelphia atitBo,s A. g: Fast Line ft .. gitpraaa 'Train leaves 11 . WO fM. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLO WS: i Harrisburg Accommodation, via eohntitna. ISO P. M. , iambi& M . I fliestrorg . 4 ` 4 4 c'e . N. A. M. I . wet Chester .. 4 . 1 2 . aLeilliso P. M . . West Chester Passengers will take the West Chester ' Noe. 1 and g and Columbia T_Mille. • A , passengers for Sunbury . Willie.mivort.• Eimire6..nes fate. Niagara. Falls, mud `urtermediato ..ppints.• leaving at TAO A. M, ihd 2.90 P. .111. , gO , sailor Habash. Targets Westward may he obtained ' ,at Or • olik;es of the Cointanyti i hiladelphia, New 1 orb, ." or Baltimore 4 0.14 d. aketiEsetward at anyof the RUM* , tent it =road oat in the West ; ateovai beard-alrrot 1 the regular Line at steamers on the nuerissiptd Pr 411 " . ik 1 rare alwale itelaw. anti time as stiok. as hi' any ; other Rome. • .. . . For further information Apply at the P assenger Ste.- tio i n h . o go oo th e e t ase at. corn ot er t o l lE w leire ei n te t ni k an oo d wa hlit o r mo ketemp v irs o . , Penneylvanis itailrosdro Chicagm.make , Outri - 'DIRECT JANE BF. P W itgli 0 E -3gAgmars. TAB GREAT WEST, •._ ', . The oonzeotion of tracks ? by the Relinced Bridge at Pittsburg g oingoidin raage or - ferriage of Freight. together with the w of time. are adVidattiama readi ly appreciated by Shippers of Freight. and' the. Travel lui_g PIRO% . . • nierahextpi and Shippers- eatraidma the treatment- Von of their Freight to the Compsuy, can no with confidence cults speedy transit. - • THE RATES OF FREIGHT brand frimiany voint intea Maio be thePenbaylvarua Railroad are at an teeter 'as favorable. as ars sharssdtg ethsr,fiddiread C°manias. Mgr Be partioul ar 'fir mark package' " v i a Penturyl rani& Railroad.' .Wirdo AI - owl, Dr.4llAtton. . outevi: - - ikenadtAL vain — ei ra b Airt 1 .raoob P. Ririe: {AMOS ii. Ai Faggot. 17411 ' l"4 • Tre ' • zi dinplo. Pttab'g ".. • organ, dt. A. ; .31 Dr, . . 4 Di. - Ymr,:dant. _, .. et President. 110/74:1" - - •• 0,-14-TH :•P.llo4Valle. i-?. and - mt.-- FOB - BOYLES • MA - Dall Mt .. 1/ _tukroN. tooLE:Q rkt. Tag E wiIIiOTION'TKAII6B. On aed after MoISDA y. mieember il fr uza s om Trainewill leave FRONT and WA.LLQ dolphin; da n i s li. (illanaityll eaheatialli.a oilmen '• , . At 6.30 Ai . Dsirrese), - tor Bement Allenionsn. Manch Dh . laton, WiLtesharre. the: . At AU P. .. ( Mash far tfetttleheme:a, .te. Thu train rime es ziatiin at 6r. Dt=j24.4Awes tionnaotten with New Jersey Central to new rm At 6 P. iris, for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk , Ice. At 9 A.M. and 4 P. 111_,. for Doilestowit, ~,t At 6 P. M., for Fort Wastuagton. The 4.30 A. M. Empress_ trim makes elate inn , t 3 with the Leklin Valler Ratiread at Rethleh___ere; be rig the shortest. and most desirable route to ,yr Lure-sbarre. end to a ll mate to the Lehiskeekt remelt.- • TRAINS FOR Pmi.LADELPRIA PLeave Bethlehem at 1149 A. id.. 9.15 A. aL, aid 6.69 116. LeaTe Doylestown at 7.50 A. M. and 11.10 P. Ire FOIS WAVIIIMI at la IL M. I at o A. ovr tkr4x l . -- rootrillio for Fort Wealoortos ttlitt ht. - ,- ~- - phometploa for..Doyle/down at 4 P. M. Doylestown for Phiu M delphia at lA. . ' Fort' Washington for Philadelphia( AM p. rit. Fare to Be._ thlehent-ftlllo l Dire*? mom %unto! a Fain t 0 maston Iso 1 rare to ate:man:a -"4 60 Through Tioketa mut be: yonenred at the- Tinto' °Moen, at. WILLOW street, or BEIM Strap. in order to secure the above totes of fare. • • • Ail Passenger Timm (ezetiefdlerairemeot at Berkivittneet with Birtm - ntit4itseu - , , and Iteorind and Thlyd-pitilie_l6 or bowie, ate IMlllitisestfieriimiTini willow &lost _ _ ik .____ .t•tf • • SLUM MARK Aggro!. ' ' SPRING ARRAW/E -• PlTAty—PliteldtsitlA. WILMITKiToN AN 11:41.-rimORD it. Tua r , umectililita?rNYNsl 4l .llllli, I.llbia,t : For halm at 8 . 10 A. , 11.36 A. .51., Marvin, ' and 10.00 P.M. I ',„ P For Chester at 8.15 A. 51. 1441. la,. 4.11 and 16.1/6 Fou Willielngtan at 8.111 A. M... 11 al A. ST., eas and MAIO F,A4. rawl' clietle at 8.111 A. ra t and LISP. M. or Boyar at sae A.lOl. anti 4.15 P. M. or Milford at 8.15 A. at. For aandlaircltteithilliut iLPIUA /save Baltimore at 6.15 A. M. (Lt=rano; 0.41 A. ft., and Lilt P. X. . . Leave Ittliaisgion at 8.51) lind 5.1(1 A. Ai.. I te end his ° -11:4 alatliabArye i t p L4l l. p. M. eve Dover il 6.1 - A. N. and 5.70 P.M. Leave New Cas tro at 8.25 A.M. 7.10 P. 31. Leave Chester at 7.40 A. M. 9.40. Ur sad g. 40 P.3l.rinia at 5 Leave B .ls altimore far Balisonry imil Dahgritm flail. A. M. TRAINS ROZ DALTIMOIR: Leave Coaster at co A AAL.1.1.04ava:)440 P.A , U Leave Wilmington:at Led A.m.,- mas - -P. fa.. and . nuilki/17 TRAIN, With ' Psimanger Car attitaluid, wnl. ran as foutursit Leave Philadelplua Tor Permilie and intertandiaal slates at 540 ;NA, .LeaVe Wilaiwou far Perrrißle and Interinadiada Pumas at 7.15 P. n tn. Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia and 'uterine d*te. planes at I P. M. Leave Havre-tia-firaos for Baltimore arid inteslll - stations at 6 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Rtivre-4414649 atid intennedit 44 datimili alb ra R. • • -. elt 1511.(DABB: . . at Naga Ft M . front Pirialphiis to rimer& tmir at 445 P. M. from Bal ore to Plu olphia.,, as . M. FB.LTON. Pr -- , . .r.tuLAD2Laras ~ Ro .-}, ,4rariiiibiisM42l -}. no ewe 06124111 . % blO/411TVG 14.1=3, DAILY ROAD szcapted.) le NeirDepicit. corner eiItBOAD and cAL4OI7"- ' MAStitititg, PuIt4ADEL,P 4,(Terirroptramis ' on T 'eteeete art# on Galluwlni! OW 4..'ailicniv' nannatelps at liarriabulT Titifigir 4j. VT:- RAlLarrieD, rP. M. train Lto. Mewl i.• ' CUMBERLAND VALLEY 1.06 .66 trams `' ^ ""' Chamberabor.s, _Carlisle &e. Lewd the Nu CENTEUL .K.e.LLROAD Ir. al. trim. minung to BT6- tram ace. AFTERNOON Idr, Leave New IMp_ol . 7 _ es Ta annii tie in Streets. PP-1144. Zia/ tosolgar , ekinnr an ThiMak 4,021,11 10W/U atreets,)ior yl./..kyvvid'ila.R.urall RG, a: _ .3.. mt, M. L D A. Y, for stratulNii only, at 6 F. M. 4 RALLY, luimaan int ottriuid. i . . . . DiIiTARCER VIA .P.4I._LADR.L.PREA .41$11) lILRAMINII xe.II,ROAD. Pito* l'iiitansl,Tßrni Meg; ' Ito Pluntiinville--. , It) 1 „, - ' ii ßeallin t - ----.--- JU iitit" leilikilik ~1 4 :0 - • ,-•- .--... • - 110 on- g y . rriapnrr---.L.__115 ateninn Millenitnr&_.ltil Tritvorton Jana:ion-1M trinbarr -_,----ia north= borlanti .—..lif liewirbtirs-..- —.. GI Milton_.._`..:__ ma Manor --. ___Jsr Willitntooo-tt -___.._t o J erieT,Etc”--,,..„9!) iteV if __—..-- ? WilLiaincrt load bazars The $ ..t. SiZivia La 7 m. t kal , a c i oaler.CiArlf r at arsaihn, WitaluglagOrtelaikarianiA ribs maw careat z .i. ~.; ... row ", Ito Ntin W. ti.c.ptbwoot. 30e , ir .,...., .... .0., .4_____ ._ v w .trak........„... , sgmL e l - ID AND : , ajnaß Lt s 1(04.. platopupati-treirtitiodFxstr-r -10w rote! 6i h 7 UT Other line. leaaled __ 4111i17. and mute t KErtOrlar g mb7P-tf clrmmiretht:- BS T 0 leau rukurs vss. 4 " ..1 6 eAra.V 4 it.g u rna • . RAILR Nor Freight Contracts or Shipping Direotions, epPIY to.. or address wilier of the following Agents of the Company P. A. etevrart, Pittsburg H. N. Pitmen & Co.. 2snreville. 0.3 J. J. -Johnson. ley, 0. t It. ltloNeelXibl v tlYnifille, KY. Ot ymbY &(= 0.; - per, Portsmouth, raddook & Co.. efferson /adonis ; W. Brawn &Co., Cisoinnati.9.,_• Attain' & Hibbert. Cincinnati; 0.; C. meldrmir. Modulo*. Ind. , Yoe. E. Moore. Losoinrille. Ky. ; 0: Watley & Co., Evansville, Ind.; N. Graham It cp,, Orsow ill. LK. F. Sam, Shaler & et. - Mo. i - Johu 11. Harris, Plashville, Tenn.; Harris & Rant, Mem rho, limn.: Clarke & Co., Chicagoan. ; Koontz, Alton, ill.; or to Freight Agents of Railroads at defferent Donal' in the. West S. B. KINTQN,Jr„ Philadelphia. GS MAGRAW &•KOONN..BO North etraitY_Haltimore. LEECH & Co., Astor ROne_ey / Y LEECHit CO.. No /Rate ' , treat. ton: • H.lf. HOUSTON, OenT Preflight , Azgnt. L. L. HOUPT, 6(4o'l:Ticket Agent; Phila. • E. LEWIS, Oen'l unp't Altoona, Ps. 186 Arid([ At S A. M.. via Camdsti and C. multi. Ae oommodation - ......- -- --- ..„...-- .-,„- .122 as At I A.- AL; via Camden wad Jersey int"; Ota.) Aooommodation • . - .„_- --_- 225 At§ 4. M., via Camden and Jersey City, otoruirot mail— -- ~.- --, -.- tee At mg A. M., vi a Kensington and oir tenger. Qtr. Western Express. - - - 2 CO At u 4 P . Al., 1 12 esidtWAlirboy - rasxii dation-, .- _ - --.- _ .—. 3 xi At iP. M.; via Camden and Ara - boy, C. and ' .Ex pr ----...-- , -__= go Al gm P. M., via Kerudngion And deli s 7 IntglESO tv Ragrem------.- . . ;,..„ —. 300 At P. !cora, Remington and Intaar Mb, id C 411.14/10/104,...,................. .... I if AVE'. AC, vis, Cemiden and Sarney Otty, Evening Atdri il .X... vi .....,_ seam den and, Jena, City.Wa;-. At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, RV' , • lion (Freight and Passengerhost .. t l 7 00. -.,_ __,. • 410. '''' " ", •.$11.C11401110 The OP 14 Mall Line.nifts - Skills. Thaillilidarlio' a' ' em Mail, eatarditArikk For Belvidere, , I gintbertrille, trisiglimititi - , _ &e., at 7.10 A. 23. is Sten. am:VAX-P. m. /rot& Wainnt-atmet when. - . . • -• ' • For Water 111134iftrondibimilaranten• W aabwri, Montrose, Or t-. di, 40., Tau .4,_X, from erraggtati. via Delaware. and Weetpra - ..,.,- -, For Mancsir ' k r , and Bil. At.lo ; A. M. from Kensington All* t, and EN -P.. , , _ , al-. to(ht. nnt-street wharf r t the .7 #A- M. line connect*With train leaving Banton-M.145 P.-M.) - -. Mar Mount &Alb 5t411,1411 A, M., I AU ilif rim. For Freehold, at 6A. Pi and 2P. M. wAirums. For Bristeklirenton, (to., at 1.14 A. M., 4% and Mt P. M. from Kenginitoit, and 2 .% P. M. from Wakatt atnet wharf.. ror_ratnivra..ffivestan, Distance, Beverly,literlinir pnkrotenes, Dungan:lnm, hec. at UK, 1. and 3 , . 'Oommboat Trenton, for Bordentown and intermediate plaaesat 2 34 P. m. from Walnut - street wharf. Kr i'or Arm York, and Way lama leave Remington Devot, take the care, or Ptak street, above Wl l / 1 11f. half an bony before dekarture. The , ~. imu la ,gg deri a nd o narrivei of each train,.r=. ••, ~ . • . Pound' of Begsaie t onir, 21101tlid , . . ger, ars are prgmatted rrosatamn . 1 i . nt: baggage bit heir yentas. tipareb All= . ' is", j;iyor Aftr pounds tor be or, 'extra. The Co ra • -ei limit than raagemein tor 'baggage to One Boustaar amnia, Ind will not be lia In* for WY amount boventenn: en ono byfipeoili *entrees. ..-- - • - . mh27 WM. N. OATEMER, Agent.' trs:l X XII7'._...PIIILADELPITIA, P.W.I.I4OARISTOWN RAILROAD. .....111555410145 OMAN Neel X. li110,".' • '/QlCf5l vr ave PitOWN. - • . Leave Philadelphisil L .j.."s"ll.ll. M. 11 and is, 1,4 , 1, sm. 4,5 A 534, 5. .8, A sDiand P. M. Leave mermantewa,-5; x, '134, 8.8 lli _MX and U A in., a, I. I. A, & & 04-4011A h avil . 10 ir Ais - • . 0 Lime Philadelphia, I"l.4liiia. ' M,, 1, f, and um P. M, - - " - /re Gennllslo3l ~ AMsnal .. A. M., 1.10 min., 5, and 53F. M ram HILL RILL RAILROAD. -'Vagphits, 41, 8, Les sun 11 A. Id.. Al 4, 1.8, and 1034 P. K. Leave Chestnut Hill, T. 15, LE A . 0. 4 0. eind 1440, and 11,4 P A. K,, LIN/ La 16 11 2 81 ti K. M. A. Leave pailwelanfil i to A. ' .11 aid I' P. M. Lini . p e.h . gailait 'XV. TAO min, A. M. NI 50.•11.40, and .. . . 1 9 14 0.1eatiVIDDIDOICEN AND NORRISTOWN. eave P lanelphia.s.llo. ?NOW and 11X nim. At• M.. 1,05, 5.05.414. 6.156, and ux-r, ni I LaiNe Noingriewn; & 7, EAMON and u A. M., OF, 404, and 6P. M. . _ - - - ox aTiNDAYS. Leave pailadelphau 9 A. M sad d P. M.. Mr taol2l,- town. Leave Nottitaarfhpr i A !pa, d P. sa e 4ca cor -Ivr Ammo 8314 aad Olt SUNDAY& Mara Panadalahla. A.. .M. L . 1 8 and P. bt. Leave blanT Itt,,OXii and BP. 31. iri• • 988011.1 fisadant. 801041 'D P atila Stoma 141.rtiperta central. Satibtt; ;1..' It. 11t. puRNEss, BFiN LEY 00. 9 No. a 99 h? A RICKT .21TREAT. YOBTMtr MEAT. N e liffn.—Nir sale of fanoy_ ed Roods advertised for ash To y and Wednesday. April 23 and 24, is poernon arthir notme. F. PANCOABT. AUCTIONEER, Enc l. • obasor to B. Boott. Jr.. 431 CHESTNUT St. SHERIFF'S SALE OF A STOCK OF HOSIERY. TRIMMING_p. &o. ri; iii . May ~18;1. at 10 o'otoak. by order of Sheriff. aver) huge and attributive stook of trimmings, hoes notions, men s women*. and sh!ldren's hosiery end 'loves. . toes. &e.. being ISP unusually fir , s and well *sleeted stook of a retail nosiery and trimming store. SHERIFF'S SALE.—oLcerriooijiE AT JONES' HOTEL, OHEATROT AlioV2a On Saturday Morning. May gth, oonninannutis as 10 o'cloon,Jhe Closing dais at Jona. , Hotel, consisting in Fart 0f bedroom furniture, bed Wetting, wipe% oil olotn, Itipc'ea and forks, silver plated ware, bar-room Mutants. bao , ro. &u. POSITIVE SPECIAL SALrg OF SOO CASES STRAW GOODS. On Monday Morning., May 6th. at 10 o'o look precisely, will he sold. by cam- Lorna— A large and attractive sasoriment of straw goods. oonaisting ill part ut medium to fine Ledal braid, Flo rence. straw. Leghorn Ao. Coburg nicety In great vanety. of the best and most desirable shapes. lao,V full line of white and colored Boulevards, Eu re as. Veronas. and other faehionable hata—all new and deal/101a goods. BDERIFra SALE OP DRY GOODS. On blonder Morning. May 6th. at 20 Wolook, a large at - ak of ample Ame rican and Imported Dry Gooey. oy order °Tabora. Included in sale will be found— •. aw•nean and e•nelish detainee, brsrOces. lawns, plaids, fanny dress goods ‘ whi to and brown mint line. dints. white and colors° Carnets. oanl WITH, •1- nom, being a lull and oomp.ete stook of desirable abode geode PfLIP FORD & AIIOTIONEIHN, No. 430 MARKET Street and 601 MINOR St. BY order sr .Assif e nesy. PO.9ITPTE SAL.F. OF DRY ()ODDS Lcnyitio, FANCY 00008, GUNS. P sTOLS, &c., &c. On TawidiLY Mon Ont, May 7th, at /0 Wolosit profanely, Win DI sold by cata logs", for cash. &IWO 01 1100 u .Di order of encrpees. aotanting oi dry goods' roar-made olothing r fanny scoiy., runs. Idea . ..* cutlery, gilt Jewelry. &o, to which toe attention' Si buyers iy invited. . . & BROS., AM'. Ttoisiks• 111 . 1118Milintroet. Moor) al YAM A.S &M,. At o'aloolt, et Hooke"; stationery and tanoy s mods Tatohee, jewelry, sliver plated ware, ostler,. pamungs, mruneal unitrueinents, o. Aleo,Rociery, dr7 goods, boo fa sal &hada, and nor. ehandise of ever" deee'rlittlori. - DAY EIfEES every Monday. Wsdnaiday, and Fri day st b o'oloot A. Id. _ .P.RIVATE PIA_LEA. Atfirilrete ale genial large 00111iqments of watoliallk teWe rj, WOO, ets_lionery, silver : l? ted were, cutlery, ieno7 ;000e, 1:o Irtuch is solicited the nttenti on of eit3 apt °quern merchants and others. Consisnizu§ntesttheited. of ell kinds of merskamiltee fete/Way public or private sales. IP Liberal Daub Wyman reads en oonsignateete. Out-door Wes eromvilv offended too. MOSES NATHANB A AIIVTI ON E E ft AM) 0011128111810141 14EROILILIC7. Southeast emir of alrEll sad RACK "ousels. ATP NIE RAU. fkme of the 15Aeat PATENT LEVER nil ORRONONItat WA T 0 E 8 man u isotared, at hea the mai se prices, go layer and lepine watohes i see. lever and prices , watOss, Eth. Swiss, an ranch watches. at astotushingly Ivor floes, Jewelry o (VW deaeriptlon. Very loviguntii pi f multi* th struments, Drat quality. of :-mr.; to ire, at haU the Importation min im i l Naluti . es to sukt : parchment. and VISTIOCIS other 0 IL Dods SPLENI 0 R It AMONDA AT PRIVATE Consisting of diamond astd iiiialirmatipin and ear rings. Priggo. Cost In Parts 51.400. AWend ungle-stone diamond breast-pin, snip CIO, cost OCT DOOR SALES Attended to personally by the Anettrmpor, %monuments of elly and ...or/ lood of ts 521.1- OAS& MONEY O MORAN rr A M Not TL944 4 ,__- $ 21,000 to loan, M the Wisest meg, on di amends, watches, iewelyy. Won plan, drref•mil. clothms, tro aeries, mpexp r honlwars, (trey, pianos, mirrors. for nitiarO. beddiott and Dn . A of ovary. deroriotion. in large ; ' , Mull a'mnUn t al Ogle i 10 ,4* 1 9 thcnimand& for orir otfifttrlif rioiird. =:.: o: ,--: wr oor - rivets _ ay. .. Sir Boob; lignfilidiAlt A. Att Ream mourner:W - 17Yr The'bene • 4171A.A9lift Al filrY, We 1., UWt . . Sir Artrarm.of-.llled wrap*, atMeelpef eielL Ado Loon of Vie 'aid Wfivii•W ar.iali *Wawa'. for short inn, , t - T; i , . "Virtnie '.:00:0011104TION., _EITEAII .BET NEW YURK 4 1 : I I LlPool;,`eannig st NaT.0 . 9:11 (Ire (44 o*.) go' 'lstuf .etubart 'gad detrpOrehes. The Livenfeeir.N4eir.Y L evi, elshis Staab], afar Oompany'e.oplendl l de. Om Iran screw ate em s Ph "Ur firVik ci lf s t) R r Vil)irLiyisiirchn. CITY OF VVOARINGTO/11, ttaturday. Pday l a SIR OF BALTIMORE, ' W I N, jt. BtatrZ; May Pil Arid every gaturdarthronctiout the year, Iron, P vt. No. 44 N. R. , RATF.EI OF p . t E THROUGH FROM P 111 i ylpitm Cabin, to tAneenatOlM pi' Live . , .---:..--....- 75 Do. to LondoS,Vita Lave , .......-, —.-. So Steerage to t o tealoes, or verpooe--- - 30 Do. 33 IN. Weturn tick - erg - o, alitilabiairetiiisiTiiiii. _ from Liverpool., —,....., , OW Pnemmugers forwarded to. nano Pone: iLemburg, Bremen. and Antwerp , at through r ates. 'Op tilioaterol passage honed Iron; 14 1 1111001 to New York-......,--. .______..„ „_. so . C.ertifkoateo of passage milked from Qtmemetown Co . New. York— .. -- --. VS Tulsa eteaPtent have anperjor aottomvodatkoas for, paseengerg. are CD i te4th watertight oostpays , .- me za, aria awry experies Itlna , For freight, or samage4bly al then. of thfitt em . MIT. I NU . LE_, Jima. . 111 nt sty.. et. Vitt•iidel - i.: In Livoraool, to WM. iyi . m .t hr LOgror In titesgow. to W , INln i ttr ir. " 13 Dixon street. THE BEiTISH AND NORTH MEXICAN ROYAL MALL STEAM- . ' , lt 'Ns' Yolc Yo say „ two , ei... o 2 ri iniqz. ...........-..... OLIO Lepaniaan rtu'rt%•—... . _ 75 Imola BOSTON TO LiPZIPOOL. cilia Cabin Yeaaage ___._ sup BooonO Cabin raseace...... —..... Harbor. to The atter from Vey York oalliit Cork rho Lupo from Matron oa ll at ma id . .% and Cork Ear , I nitika. Cold- J melt la& 4F nu. . thallium ARA A, Cect. J. 3tota CAN4DA • ,• . AildtrilOM ilithW - 43. Lott. AWKI lc MoAnierY AB Aa nk A AR * S fnoodte. Cant E. Al ley. E DBA. cast. J. Cook. 8 Ad emir broloing.) These Venal§ carry a °lsar wham lifht at malt head : toi n Au i.,.. , ,-).. t 4. ww ; retl on Tort vow . non, leave. N. York, 71: 1 1:::4;:ilgr i lift. t 4 7 .f, ; C rk m , F 1 : ' ‘:.: ti rk, ' / • ;r od Y. it Jut 1 ti. 1 A.M.A.. Atom. " : "c 1 1... Wed ce des. 41,71 1 1 AEHlCA,Bhanrion, " ittrit. %reduced'', Ms Bertha not esauso until peuil for V 21. sa es .. 3lWOr f d eatgez on bock Bald. got . '" " 1 5 1 u 4" be‘ 4°—"N's for ar Metal", up1i,,,,. ut i ll ra ik erllL om `Pretoem taiie i , the value thereof therein expresset - "Pcirnt fur it aj3 o 7 =t i t a"l7 Oil A _ 4 &Mbar Green. flew Yok. L=l SP it CIA L NOTICE. FOR THE SO Ina. --(7IIAKLE& TON AND eAWANNAN sTEASISHIPS. le larlint for goods for points other than the tittles o imattemon and elaverineh. mut be sooomoanieff with oertified invoioes, to mauve prompt . • 1 of4,l,gv's. cot permitted ghattatza and 7 41 n er t V will be sent to th ea Cgtoni - nouse 'torn The Steamship riTAWR OF OHMURA having been withdrawn far the present. the theenatop KEY aToNE STATE wilj rdo to both Savannah and Cher/eaton , taking freights /or both ports fro m the same time, pro oeeding hitt to Shvettnah; and thenoe to Charles to., nu a ajzir a 'nit ovary two weeks, Eton making tie iivenes ea freanentil In Chuulastsa end Savannah ea when bout snipe we ru t iozupg. peaoringens for g 'Woo VII be ticketed thrush from idavaunan tounar 04nRailroad. re to timanall, Oil ; h to AGtierles4,n- , II& FOR g r HABLE ITO A isavetittAla. Owing to the Difficulties at Charloston, tag Stippgnihap 'MIMI'S NUTS. Ceti_ Marthello tins beim loth bdrogiven. wn for the present, one notice of her Pawns will it Goodie received every_drty, and Bills of Lading glued at second wharf above Vine sere% .i.PISURA.Nati. Fret ht and ine uranolt94 4 /htteNOnortton or Spade ehfpasd Smith will be (r ued to w• uglier by these same than by waling 'TA - . war nsung . toe it.l .Railroad Freight is entirely unn _,. Au sr thau Caarleston or Savannah. the Oa Computes taking all mks (roan thee* " Plated' elphle t 9 New Weans and feteimediete „int., onmigupp and savannah route, conneenng with rteamers for Florida. end with railroads for New Orions and intermediate points. IS E.Aw REDVM , IOII IN PARR,. Fare by 1 route PS toil oar cent. Ozer than DP the Inland orate. as will 1 • folk:wing echedele. hitt , D j pa via Charleaton and v kte4bi.mti,,,,, iric= Ina and Cie' lout% Gaup* •Itern Charleston W/laraigaek_ 4)4 ‘Q 6 fflrVic ' i - a es Char rotor:.:.:_. 16 Art:P a " '---,... ... "II ie Anausta-...--- If le Montgomery ..... see lit Soon -____ ..... -.. Ps 00 illipMle .._ - . gli Be Atialtiiii-- --•,.# QQ :test arfiiii i 39 99 01 N. g,,_. engem ..,y_tha Nuts ontaitot Wr in we b leed Stunt Alt - 501 th Veliffilie and georglit. travelling by the l as suituavfYaneestlgineeto New Or maim NO tottarsneesereigymi aster the stn has sailtc,, NO fremlat jecleive4 o kt ads z of sa Agent• in unarleartoiti_T. S.. - /r, gr. D. Pd NU FN I_lgavaushialiTris NA M T. Ch w- q, su shi . tlhe tad _Ruh RR 4k GAM etßlA.DittwkcoWill 'to entermg and for all on* . ed so r cam , .-entee- • '44.6..... ... ,-- . _• '. • i ltrifi it , • ....... PILLE.A.II3I3 WWI A Hi'. :ID! rI.. .7.i . a t 7.}S to Tamaeva, LkStalniim, Ey alc: . k=ti,°Fdannari. likaLlAll W - v .i, ivtvit, . • tweeies, Walt pi:4aq „kik "4 ir4zig e~qsr Da vim itkiv.op rogi n p,i fpi ti„, I,}d_ . ay SIOAD and low _ . re tramp ea eel , evift, i eve duceeeted f . for slays " It • ,AlO f u.n. A-if• 't4sw Ron i..);;FirtyDert, k!,.?"kilkee• L igiker j rALL ma el t rot D a . +WS vi • 1 • . 7 Xthe w t alir 'ct i9.4.,T aal :)," ra .• d BON% ow road - an. . and Ella W. in . • :,_,. lmola. hum Ili oeulta NV and , • it . = n , •, 1 n : .I . 1 ,1t,,,,;„=„ 0 - 1 X419. and Illawnsisra L i ti lain.. it at o yg e Philadelguu s and lij u i l e u t Ca LAI tft etsZe tk e r tg l lr nLer °I eThisp•rT alrafi t M7tt r 4 fidave WI P I dd,6 7 , Dom, , j n. , Vativirintl iltr• tliiiil7 btlader Nod' Void .for — a pelnbi West& a North, IP. 4, gr r igr Itt -, 4.l4end b.h. 41 , .at. 1. Indus For iirsit t Poolckl Dow% TICIE ~...k APP d ' of rut, Nertiwerl sonar inziri sad IQ af tt . 4.1g-li ' . W.CST o.llXBfitli AND tiLILAII.I3I.PRIA VII .81: &NUKE) .A. OMMENT, Oa ihrul after alontiar. Mara ili, Mi. the trams wilt leave Philadelphia, from the t, northenartiwaer of Eighteenth ant Market streets, at 8.00 2.. La i and tot. en a Lao P. m. - ... - . . The Ereintit Tisin,enth pationrer au atteehed, will leave weaf. Philip:1011)a ELVA. 4., =win se tar ea the tieZtant, l ' Zige et e I.M. and P. M.; leave 7 . 1.1 b01.444at at A. . and 4.3 P. M. . P.M. he inensi 2 alpine at aA. A0 L ,v4 . 4 j' eg.i.potaft t oraijitan - with trairui on 04 Pnliedethis.. tkad Bel ore verntral Reureee * ter Kennett. Uzi ra tit 0 , Ace. itNit. Y WOOD. --"' Aeneral geoentitaadent. ------------"?' .-771,10T1UE. -4) iiiitkrKuS VALLE Yy_.A ILROA Dc.--PO - DOW i NEM WN ril) iIV fitiebiMea&lB..4 its o f f.t9 4 sft, ii...., . the Viii Stlrt fr° t" V F a la rgr C vaa T. oomer, Di IW) '4' ikse V lc, arzoett, (Pazaeltaz on ' 'O. .',4, Filor NYC:LW town *OM- St Ilia ao• LOON T!KINfo! nWri zl o2 1..... at - ;Alf( L -•:- r- • ~ p i . sausatme. um*. "Ids a.a., ..- - fp liNV.itinitaiw —........._ . • •zz•--- .... ,-. _ . . TUN ADA*I fa.PRIIM --4. r- ----- -"(÷111PI R=.' wirai Mt --, '..----4. 61"‘"INW4gitairmaitke" - WI V:~~, J~;L*~q 4/ UVROAD /41142- 'AIMPAJIriEt; .;'•.• rittmi Ali dr , SONS, • • los. 139 and t4l Aunt. - t..vtr 4 . .tmCV.i t.., TIM N.}....fa MODE Ittl 100.1)fick., Fifteenth etreet. will be held at yrivate skip c .nr , daye. moderate prate. eTwits Amp itEta. zalxrr, eA AT THE EECIRA NG is EvE qr dms - ilatabdia of each proverb iairom ..,,,LL- li, addition to winch wq toadish, os the to Each Kale, one tbousand cata:osueq t j o Prerh tt tom. tilln; inli dOsoriptiotui of au 1 1,a ino ve ul Niti e 7 win on the tqliowing Tutidal• Itrt oi REAL ES FATE AT PR , VAT t E BALL 1 'Fr We have a large amount 0 teal go a t, at , sale. Inch:Epps Oyer/ deaortim o f am and P"Ilt '''. RefileirLki kuoirNYD.a4sticr"l, 40 - Reel eassusenterut on our prwma We bk'e en, adieirtiellid oenagiOnally in our radio gm t i t bit,, i (0 whibh one thonaand copies are p nbte : ll _ h int free of Chart& wee 7a . To Bakers. & . e.—Sato corner Brotid ' and yl h ,,, i FI/ /MIT/Jab. TOOLS. BA.K i. its puert..,irik. AWAIT W, BllKADunEtsllS. IRON Kit 4 1 ; ' Rt. !go. kip' Thl4 Morning. M 3. at 10 o'clock. without reserve, at t. BL BAK !..ttlr. southwest comer of grad ,e4 Sinestreets, a huge amOunt of Perrone' em,„ ri z oluding office lumina/4 Omit of teols. r/r01.4 fire-proof safes. a complete ornate, son t o ra p is t m h ne. Roland's patent xnesdlng immune ik. N 4 jar -t puil pater. in printed oat ~* -. 0 CAPITALISTS, &o. '"" 'kb Vine EAL TATE, southwest ennisr cd g andstreets, large lot and buildings. wilt 1-7. 114 on the.premiges. on the same Morning 44 th e 00 .7 1 4),. REAL ESTATE SALE—MAY , VALUABLK RESIDENCE AND LARGE E"1, see. N. J.. fronting on the Dei.ww E"l, . ,Lee. Wood street, spa !Marl street- QR.: rest n ee the mewl) ckovonirnoti. Terms. Rs eyo ° ,,,a,N.t, i,p,kb - WHARF AND LARGE Loy a_ ii Aron. In front , on Green Rant, or River 1,, 1 ,L0w. It ' d feet front. and In depth 266 feet. c.toal offee-eZt &q. , orphans Court Sale—Estate of lenry (bi g. dee Is. TalthtE-STORY BRICK DW t Lnii t i, Bia I. wrest. with of Morgan , with a none dtre4igg 11% rear. !isms Estate.—THßEE• STORY 'Welt Der Et INO. east side of Eleventh street, &Wowing thou.». with a two story brioldrtflin . e . Aq . t. e , r .. 1 4;1 NnietitlLE'id-"lrrs Bajr` D ladri i , sort D 0 0 awry 'teem, " 6 . Tird. yza p . fiIODERN RESIDENCE, No. . Malin att.e. nor. h of Pontpr. " HANDSOME MODERN RIF SIDENC E. D 4 it , i 5.. r.., , Montgomery °cunt), I'M. ti Var VALUABLE FARM - AND 0 01:?4,, ~ SEAT. over 1 S sores of tend, fronting tin 11.'42 Delaware, shooed farm north of " Andalusia. intk....'s a valuable Rind Fishery. It is near two ste tr i?" 4 o landings - , egad directly opposite Cornwall eteth iii . r ost 'Lon Railroad. The opposite Cornwall farm rent for ei r ,4 excituito• of the mensum awl lawn. STOCKS, &c, I Xithotit reserve, for sooonnt of when' .1 Up ~,, gent— WO shares Wyoming Canal Company ALIO, without reserve for non DelMeht uf km,, ments -2.00 shares Bohemian Mining Company. SPECIAL FIER Earrrowv t'ALE.-.)IAV 7 O'CLOCK IN 'NUB EVENING Ey order of mecums. ' On Tuesday Evening, May 7. at 731, o'o!ocu, without teller/4,4.w iropertm. viz.: RANDSMiIi. RESIDENCE , No. 24141 Ara:: reign! I ifteenth. Lot 73 feet front. lIAIYDROME REVIDENCE. No. ItiO hoe rest of Fifteenth. lof XS feet front. THRE.IL-BTORT BRICK D' 9 7ELLING, No r " B per etreet. soutti_of Vfne. UIL DINO DLIT AND STABLE, Pen, Eitel, %my — IstifEDING LOTS. southwest corner wood sixt , awstrests. uc THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, r e tba Wood street, wear of Diateent li , TRA-tt BRICK WELIANti AND ate. al AF, ra i rlo 11714117 a DWELLI`Nti,rk, as utroetaetast reett tpf Thirtetntb. THR Sixteenth EßTOßY BRICK DWELLIN rhos bn. 1.911RE8-ISTORI BRICK DWELLING 1. 1 14 v _ ()fluor 3ixteebtlNad Pearl 'treat.. let 1711 Is b.!' THIMIS-53TOILY BRICK DWKwria . 8, 144.4. street. seoond howl, north of ?earl. wwo coTTAGEIs, Pen/whams avenseddutk 71 .' . RE&STORY- HOICK DWELLING, threat street, north of Pearl. Lot 17 by 75 !pia. BRICK DWRL,INGIS AND CaßrsltTell sin Not 311 and n 4 in/WWII street. between hoe ex V i se. irsrtens. weet_of Kleverott. Lot 32 by 70 fee. ZWO TIME IL-STO.RY BRICK DELL/sari.. 1117, 1119 ling. 1191 Divuoon street, north of Csant: and octet of Twelfth street. LARD'S . ..IOID VALUABLE LOT, nom/ of T hoc. nen end .edteludet. street.. Nineteenth ware, 773 Dr lleat. BUIL,DING LOT, York street. Nutateanth trerd4t by 1 115011 BUILDING LOT, Christian street, neat of TINA, 18 . 1¢7.1410 feet. BUILDIRG LOTS. Everett thee!. WE of ?talk, iteetb 0f Christian street, each lot 15 be 711 feet, 1129" The entire tale snit to absolute, to order of At mate. plemetintioee and o ar.oulars rust be led Nuotton o'cdoolt ehr 0 1971lUitnice precisely at half sut uttt. aloe No. 1374 North xixtb street. BUPERIOR FURNITURE. MIRROR, CARPETIS, This Morning, May 3d, at strict'olook, Sri North Sint, above Parish . wog, The atiperier parlor, dining-mm.4U , ture, nue French piste mantel mirror • e_nhltiot'' earpitteoto eerier Nering niatty.tisog r • " finlateD. tea rot. ko. ..nd leather btu Of" Mai La eZelalilie4wltkeap' of the eel,9t 910;9 e * blueoa the Mtetni t* No. 1, 7.ombard atreet. H0U813.110 CARPETS, &.t ittitiatt : r at .11iii i lt n . d al Y tto 1 .7.98 1 ro . robtrd street. u lowwor th." A. '6,7 nonfat/old and ktieden inmate. et!. jaunty atoolting.hooseneePing. ut "Igf .143 .221111210.1 at Bo olook oa toe moray tjoil MACHINERY AND IRON. • if itm : PINK STEAM L.VGINN An BUILI wORIE.--NEr a . a iErr. Pit - = - 3A,L, AN ILETICAL 00014f:E!It. MACHIMETIL L Etor,LTPMAKEOO. BLACK view. odd , Fooofamo. kering, rot mAAY Yew. bget. A 1/111901411 operation, avi (din ixotumolf, mice: 14. tmadmac and repairing rearing And River ba11264. hili and lel, preemie, lien Boate. Water Tub, Propettors. eta.. 4.. t rarpeo tinny oder th eir lerveei to tile pebl; , a as beVAT rirnarod to oojatreot for Emus of Iddledel, a surer, and =usury 'SIT= 00 euertur: E i r pre a t slum. are *lmmo Ig Simla* In• 4112*.int** delsPaiob6 /ivory destAt . 10A of Men raking aat the .1,..-A, Nr i Rositm Fgl4 b" t n ., =re. PiAtilasbalar, irg n r . li,od r sr i , t 4 re r i a l Voll t gir a !girt's , %%It! Crnal ar s h ail t a l li m l rVrir tett - ..,e Cern lir ' 6 6 *ego .424 •PlOcill=or . all work itotoloot tetibuohmeor free or 014/149 1 an d . Rya filWatkrl. Th 6 ef tadmi Milt }Axe. pz**l* '1.10 . al oi**l /i 1011. !, Will if beet., *here they can AS 1.1 Da ect tell too are previted wi th elleart, ',mike. re he../a. Per raider lean et' Uri' w n ,s. y 111EXF/L. _i_ PALMER ARAI= and PALMER Om 7. vaireiCall it lIINICI, - 70/1:1 i. COI. WILLIAM li.lllll7tßiCi. lILIITLItY stub ,s SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND p WAIf i fINAT A O . IV 8111thni. ts. 4w lerali z ek A SONS, sdami szrai .. ILA/Mtn DACBINATD. w Pressure Steam E041:14s for land. riyar. amt ma .mos. Boilers, dom, kg, Len Beata, its t Cate in av 0(.1%11 len ds,. eu_ttnee iron pi. brass._ , Zag t t i t.. ...fs for elm works. Worlsonk Isl. " retorts and Bas Machinery of the :amyl and tow In, proved oonstroction. r hvery description of Plantation Xsobiners, nett a. Reser &qr. and Orin Mills, Vacuum Pers, Opel Elteara' ?rane. Defeeators. Proem. PIZMIADI Zaltz4.- &G. Bole Asenfq fof It !Lillian?" Rip"! %in? 80!:: . ...... , Apparatus rireazictea Patent !team Baßialei r and AI pltiWall & Watier's Patent Centrifugal 812E117 Orvaita Melling ad -I -- - - pp OINT PLNASANT FOUNDRY, No. -11 " 1.2A8 R. 041 1. 2 ter-tipit9zlPktladolthi&Wl%, sulk K. lif.eue fr/lidl tbal, harir4 Pr. ' aimed th e estre stock Yates= 11.1 th o Mx.* Faa• I t l Ou now . 1 .2 to racial% orders 53/ }Kai and , d Raw Mill Egaijkiap, 474 Work. illaark riumw caanuase 111111141 aenr or Co,. 1147 Or [rift 4110 orl , r mmingro HUNTRESS CARDS. Busrsgss MEN ARE ADVEBTLSO6 ID the NH Ni , inrrapers at City and Cognul 5. Olfiess of JOY, COE, & CO., ADVERTISING AGENTS. FIFTH and cillorrNtri STREETI,:. Pa rae ca TRIBUNE BUILDING. N, York. iPII,-, ALFRED D. BEIM'S tiNITEA WRATEN .41/1D SIVILOPEII rA 7 B__N T 0 F I tic. int SOUTH POU TH. EiTi_b.ET, tatttent of U. B.(aelq, PHILLDELPH L ame ese be 0, ed 'crane Z j4u4zs s it yli-c, mt. r .t. 413 i nl ahr aT ß ßE lr )j a lmt abo W vi; Froat. CAMDEN, N. uu C. II LL M A N. ATTORNEY-AT. 9 LAW. JI3RABY atioisn, renniylnam Colleateln Mist.* animl• in Clinton and Lioce;:t 00011t1811. I.IIIPREJ TO ...MINOT. Waßat .k Haub , Philadelphia,' J. H. Hamel, 7.nett g Joust Spore; Meagre. Baroroft & Ca., Phi ,t ifie. u 4411. er! LIT !,f• I.;°r2rze,44 F :riibmut,t l l .r, 4 Okrittitilidall gmsis t & worm, Yard. it . POI a.. , aoida. Howell & (talk, Pratte] " _ • __ a. lelit-ta TORN ELLIOTT, WIN= and LIQUORS, ay Hoc 317 and 319 WALNUT atrivat.(isselidoe Moran, betWeee T_ hind and YoArth. aorth flet/Phiter dalybia. 11.—Fi Old Whaap.§ shrimp 011 haw (Zetabiullied in Ms). • JONI • AWt3ON & wr Kl oHo nNom ut ng on, No& 419 a me nd Cal Parma tnam. mpronien MiginktAnd y.hostant stun*. El. SILL .6; • Ntwa t r : — m, a, ;Imlay, R. YUGRIZT. & SORB, P... 7 0 r ADAIR TER SOF IlavArca cIe.AAA. no. 910 Soath .F.R.ON7 s:roet ly ',full aorortmont of de ,v3t,f, C.' IIMILIZZ su•r .as low rotos. for to•ft or ay Nand - *KIWIS' . . . . _ _ MURPHY-WHIPPLI IRON BRTDOL ST ONE.otwol..E_y, it. BUiION. No. 333 WAVI u 7 &TREE'S, PRIk.a..pELPHIA. pra /ea.° to uti call CO aid p ro in br. a oonatri . I ~ ve 16 Mr" a core action in pea . E 173 it. 3213,pnl rni inner, (anthur gni la onto,' of the store attlP "'awn I an 0( i sm brhkt)ainl are p repar e d to ezinial !N m 1A LAY `441.4 01 Upe• OoIIAtTY.I4OO3 to ..._ Alfre= " V it nilt. ta n' t, &Cal ea r lOßieW k i r . ev.Linee. 64ar:t a sart d r.,- mitils.a ri aji.W, li:IV `,. ---..... —... INBUSINESS Biali.-,-An tr_ c ellenL ahtsoe for reliable .taunitOell Mien rope care a tto &able ruanufaottirinA War nano, re...Ath a , il u t a MO °sotto' In Ito •ataLlighwat had 'smarmy an cal. Tna manstadtn7o *train in coin air 1 catiro oil r calm eo4llSsetyou ot snow& to or, o r tee n red tirto.i aulii=rfiraLar bonding PThstegal. ortoul t i; I eO9 At. - • J tio ii. " L " 1 " tiles tor floors an IL ahamel roes be alfaiNi :of any nol , . rag e t e i t o b r. Duke* white to tar deetorat.' eh eo h, with all t he ato shadow nom gen.:Jenne l e sop al dole n 3 - p h. t 4114 431 " W hlutli t" ll Jd dursoility alatoot 1 " eet I t y ancl a at!! au .tah, that o f the rarest arid of i . ne n i o a ta t i v w r,.,.. l tVol marble" and. uphie them,_, D r. - pr ora te , r4)---.- ..,• -e . - w - se, and will 'never fade. awn , ----'" — air bat a fractional part of We Dtlee et ortl.nan marble., ~,/,...t, 's 4 . 00 ,......" 1 2 . W41s for tank* and stand tons, snint*l `----. "''' ,. . 4,114 ? end ea endless rarteti of 9 , 0:: Ann 11l of ar.p . ... the prucue Of spoirt n .44 2. etratm, 0 t in Wavle, while the artoles anpmalaaWw,,n),e Want rnr.dy sate, affording Lange Prollts• "o' n ''''A ' , Ma t " 'Fa/ moan lineman for mannlegtanaD.Pll.,ter la. Deta'a t for any city or pro anent town In ei,...`",a1r7,,, Statta." by exY9l.l/01l to ttai stionboy. Anon ..... _l na ip'. holes manufantoted an he retdred lot th e or: oL I* in , satton. Circulars tinns 11 3 D a n iell " in bq Tonrq rde4 to all applinapta. bat e 111118110 y merit &nil beauty or this .nam e k o'na z =timid to ¬ation is use ha° t h e "411w6, t endorsement or many of toe most eminent arcltiteo and acuentate mon of Um and other Grain. For part/ mit lan, address ontl r 4 /1 44, 14 . stessrst Aleuts for Ponowned nilding ate _, im gill PUMA Street. Plaw ore - FILE MA NII FACTOR!" 211 IYEW lITBEET. _filoa and Ream of every dNeriptioe. tV, made / re 110.1,1111.ALLE at and ART r lira ala.p_rotb Inolisatereem 'rico& Julant ll l4 done in a euverior mariner. .11•1.111 m f. 2.81111111. HAMPAGNS.-17e. Oliquot, Lallemasid. :71' Algal 94vre, owsi or lud o wr o ji I.2t i ka ovrir r t ur y " fr . G SA jt.• m.—Ortierfrr the dirra ••• 1, hob dir ty. "4. •04•4 4 In_' Clilitrbr»:- , 700 boxes -Ain,- Derkofer t i e s . l+Vatra l iZrorilar" sse =r* - sox