• 311LITARY SWINDLERS. A g msny persona will, no doubt, take sivantaXe nr the formation of new volunteer companies to , o iloot money withmt authority, it would be well for einsens sotos or, the al for such resp swindlers. hlooday evening man, rather ectably aroo d. was overhauled in the rioinity of Fifteenth ac v prime Moon, while soliciting subscription ijr a not company of rangers, to be formed out of portions of the fourth and Seventh wards Upon inquiry it was found that there WWI no such cora Ran y, and no each person authorised - to collect io ney. The man had already succeeded in swind ling s number of our citizens Ina COMMISSARY DEPARTMENT There is mach complaint of the quality of the radon] faroicbed to eome of the troops who have tee mustered into the service If any persons are s peauleing In the supplies provided for the brave Lon it the service of their country, I. should be ascertained. and ,se should be done to both fakiicre and speoulators The matter will correct ; to g in time, but it should be attended to proscPll9 NEW JERSEY' MOVING The whole force of the New Jersey volunteers, t ailed for by the President, numbering about three r-onsand men, will leave Trenton to day for i- as t l i e stoo. They wall embark in twelve propel leo, each of which will be armed with two guns. Thev will coma through the canal to Dordentowo, and thence down the Delaware to the Chesapeake and Delaware canal, through whirls they will pro. g eed to Annapolis, where the troops will be disem barked, to proceed to Washington by railroad. The fleet is erpeoted to pass Philadelphia about for o'clock in the afternoon. The Philadelphia rolontsere Will Ratite them as they pass. The .Ftht will be a hue Coe, aml it will no doubt be simeesed by thousands of our citizens. We had a conversation, says a cotemporaryr, with a gentlemen from Delaware_ The Union feel ing there was represented to be very strong. A short time since the Union men were almost in despair, expecting to be overruled by the Seces sionists; but now there seems to be but one mai ,eosl sentiment—the upholding of the stars and strives. The American flags are flying from the public buildings, and many stores, private dwell ings, and farm houses. In Georgetown there are already two volunteer companiee in existence and arrangements are being made for the formation of a cavalry company. Wilmington, our informant states, has a fall regisnent equipped, and ready to ?mist the Government in preserving the Union. This regiment is anxious to be mustered into ser rice. THE HAR3IOSI" 'ENGINE COXPAHY Yesterday afternoon, a handsome American flag was raised on the cupola of their house, on Aroh street, below Eighth. The members of this old and rtSfectable company are forming themselves into a tome guard fa the defence of thii oily. The members of the guard will meet on Friday evening for the election of officers. SI2TATOS MA3Oire—rfOrli reliable - leforma :ion we received yesterday we are full e satisfied that the report that Senator Mason had recently visited this city is altogether erroneous. The telegraphic acconat of his movements in passing down the Potomac, in Virginia, during the early pert of last week, and making secession speeches St various points on his journey, together with the report of his recent speech at Fredeliok, Mary land, render it almost physically impossible that he could have visited this city. In addition to these eireumstances, we were positively assured, yesterday, by the gentleman who has acted as his lawyer in a suit which is pending in oar courts, as vreli es by a member of the family which be is re ported to have visited, that they have neither seen lam nor received anyintelligence which led them to believe or expect tVit be contemplated visiting oar city. We premiere, therefore, that the whole report, which has been extensively circulated in regard to this subject, was erroneous. WE RATE received several communications frora volunteers complaining of the muskets fur. niched them. They state they have been supplied with old altered muskets instead of improved Min nie rifles. as they were promised, and complain bitterly of this treatment. One of our contribu tors writes as follows : "It seems to me that nothing is more necessary than that our brave volunteers should be well armed before being sent to the scene of war. To wad them armed with the old•styie muskets to contend with men armed with the improved Min nie muskets is, if it can be avoided, not precisely the most prudent thing in the world_ Ido not wonder, therefore, that the complaints are both numerous and loud wrong the men of the various enrapanies so served. Invisants,." TB NBw Cou.scrow.—William B. Tho mas, Erg , the newly-appointed collector of the pert of Philadelphia, will assume the duties of his position this morning Alexander M Walkinshaw has been appointed his secretary, and will assist in receiving the numerous applications and petitions that will doubtless pour in from all quarters. Mr . Thomas has arranged the following programme: Petitions will be received from the third until the fifteenth of this month. After that date be will receive applicants with their friends There will be a register kept of all the applicants' names, and ilia potitione they are aching for, ;tad another register for those who have rendered special m ite. As there will be a terrible pressure, and Mr. Thomas desires to give every applicant an impar tial hearing, there wilt probably be no appoint Fonts until the let of Juno. FLAG &Ammo .—Yesterday a handsome flag was flung to the breeze from the rooms of the Pas wager Railway Relief Association, Ninth and Spring Garden streets. Tito stare and stripes will be thrown to the 'breeze today, at noon, from the top of the Penn sllvania Railroad building, corner Third street and 'Willing's alley. The Rag is 29 by 50 feet in size it wilt bt elevated on a staff 63 feet above the roof. The fag staff ii 89 feat long, and goes through to the Hoer on the fanth story, where it is securely fastened. ON THEIR. We TO Boarox.—The bodies of the three Massachusetts eoldiera who were killed In the Baltimore riot were brought to this city last evening, by Mr. Merrill A. Wright, a member of the regiment. The bodies Werequietly received by Chief Wood and Detective Henderson, and sent on to New York immediately, and will arrive in Boston to-night- They were enclosed in tight me nine cases, and will be buried with eli due honors by the citizens of Boston. A. Sawn, TllREAT.—Yesterday morning Morris Corey was before Alderman Clouds upon the °barge of threatening to shoot an officer. It appears that Officer Oaks went to Corkey's rest deace, at Richmond and Emery streets, to arrest 41m, when the latter ran up stairs and seized a hearilyamulad pistol, with which he threatened to shoot if an attempt was made to arrest him. The 'Zietir was compelled to leave, but Corkoy was Eubsequently arrested and committed in default of i1 : 1100 bail to answer. A Xr.n , Buau has been proposed to the iirdnanoe Department, which, it is said, will bring into use the old smooth-pored muskets with se much efficiency as the Minnie rifle muskets It has been approved by military men who have examined it,and is expected to bring into use about one million stand of arms. It has - been patented. The inventor .is a Pennsylvattie.n, and is well /mown as the inventor of all the shells now used in the navy. Dian wuixwa TL9TAMENTS. -- Rey. I. E. Torrence, secretary of the Philadelphia Bible So ciety, left yesterday morning for Harrisburg, with a large supply of pocket Testaments, which he in tends to distribute among the soldiers at the en campment at that place. The society received or lots for twenty thousand copies, by mail, thin miming, from Gets. Patterson. Aux Bunkkx.—Whibt a lad about seven years of ago, named Thomas Simmont, was crossing Market street, at the intersection of Eleventh, yosterday morning. be was knocked down and run over by an express wagon, driven by a white man, owing a fracture of the right arm near the elbow. The affair was purely accidental. The Sloth resided in Arch Street, between Second and Third StrOotit, • DESTROYING PUBLIC PROPERTY.—Valentine Sawarmill was arrested on Monday afternoon, at . Fairmount Park, upon the charge of destroying trees that ornament that place, by breaking off limits in order to secure the blossome_ Lle watt token before Alderman lintchioson, and fined td. A SEatotrs Arrera.—Johanna Gorman, re siding in the Twenty-second ward, was struck upon the head, yesterday morning, with a hatchet, and le badly Injured that her life is despaired of. Her brother Thomas, who is alleged to have indicted the blow. was arrested and looked up in the Four teeath-dietrio t station-house FATAL RESULT.--YeSterday a woman, named earth Kennedy, who was severely stabbed on the head a few nights since, at Seventh and St. Mary streets. died at the Pennsylvania llospitsel, where she bad been taken The man who inflicted the isiaries is in custody. IscuEer.—Testerday morning the coroner summoned a jury to hold en irquest upon the body of Michael Connelly, the Schuylkill county volun teer, who died at the hospital from a stab received on Delaware avenue , on Saturday afternoon lost. IL verdict in accordance with facto already pub lished was rendered. DEATH AT A STATION HOUSE.--A child, aged *bout three pare, died at the Eighth-district eta tion•honee an lifenday night while in the arms of its mother, a vagrant named Arno McClain, who came there for lodging. Yesterday morning the coroner held an inquest, and a verdict of " death from scarlet fever " was rendered. ;ECTURE TO THE -NURSES' GUARD•—The third lecture to the Nursea' Guard was delivered b 7 Professor Win Paine last evening, at the Eclectic Medical College, Fifth and Race streets. The attendance was very large. Grinixous. Messrs. North, Chase, & I. ': ol th, Stove and bellow-were manufacturere, will Present each moulder that goes from their shop elth a revolver. There are about twenty enlisted aompany B, goon Legion. ' CAPTAIN WHO WOULD NOT LOWER NIS I „LAG --In the excitement of the past fortnight, 'utre have probably been numerous incidents en „"WY overlooked, whioh, in any other condition of stairs, could not have failed to attract oteuridera ble attention. A private letter, from a Long 1114 Ca Democrat to a gentleman in this oily 02)3 : it is high time that people lesrned.to respect cu : nag and property. One of our captains has :Tut returned frem Savannah, having left that port about the time the valiant ten thousand were at fa'kinit the seventy at Fort Sumpter. As he hissed Pert Pulaski they erdercd him to dap hts co honor to theirs. But be refused, and they then shot :wive dines at kinx—fortuzately, how ever, doing him no injury."--Boston paper. PEN/arrr OF PATRIOTII33L—The schooner 1: 1 Pieta, Captain Carron, from Charleston, arrived yesterday, having 21 passengers, among !bat' lbe crew of the steamship .IsTashvillo. There 118 G a man named James Tracy, wife, and five children Tracy mime from Ireland some year! Mesa. and bad declared his intention to become a e n l c ti gn "it Re had beeomeposiessed of a small farm 4 " , a, well stocked in every particular, all of w"LciL has been confiscated for refusing to fi ght against the Might, bad sworn to proteet_ He was tloitad and tied up to a fence, his hands over his head, and given 500 lashes. His wife was in. redby being kicked, and in other ways. Tracy uPll in the Id.esiean war under Gan.. &sett. aing entirely destitute, Captain Carson will allow him and his family to remain an board' for a - few la)s at pier 10, North River. His bask presents tnialtful appearance. --1V: Y. Sun of yesterday. WAR ITEMS. VORCING TIXAB INTO 66RVICE HEADQUABTEES, GALVESTON, April 19, 1861. AU clarrns capable of bedding arms, net ever Sixty years of age, who do not enrol themselves into Some one of the volunteer romputies of the city by the 231 inst. will be enrolled in the militia by °Maus appointed in each ward for that purp se. In arse of bring called into service, they will be required to bring such arms as they may have, maul they can be furnished by the State. The war has begun. It may reach our shores Who in Texas will shrink from his duty in such a eriFis.? We involve the spirit not only of Hid, but or 'sae; LI arouse from its slumber, and again assert the independence of Texas. The misrule of Black Republicanism would scarcely be less fatal to our interests than that of Mexican intolerance. We have shaken eff the one ; lot ns manfully repel the other. p. prieunaze, Count a -dant. A MUT WAY OF PUTTING THE QUESTION [From the LouWyllie Journal.] If, when the troops of the Confederate States commenced their march upon Washington, with the avowed de:termination of expelling the United States Gtvoroment and seizing the Government archives, the Administration had matte no prepa ration for the defence of the capitol ; the D tmution jets nil over the country would have denounced President Lincoln and his Cabinet as the most miserable of cowards. And now, because the Administration has made preparations to give the invaders a hot reception, the 15eoession organs complain bitterly that the Lincoln Government "bat called out a standing army to disgrace the capital, and render the democratic form of govern ment a monkery, scorn and by-word," OFFICIAL. TREASON IN TENNESSEE [From Brownlow's Knoxville (Tenn.) Whig.] We understand that (3 ov. Harris has announced that no State arms will be furnished except to companies going into actual service ! By this is meant that the arms of Tennessee will be furnished only to those who are going to engage in tho as sault upon the Federal capital at Washington ! No arms can be had by the freemen of Tennessee to defend their own bnmes against invasion I No arms can be bad for the defence of our towns ! No arms can be had for the protection of the women and children of this proud old State, who mutt stay at home, and submit to all the outrages and enor mities that civil war entails! Oh, no 1 The arms and munitions of war, purchased with the money of this people, must be used in fighting the battles of Jeff. Davis and his coadjutors! Men of Ten nessee, are ye staves or freemen? Why slumbers the indignrason of the pcopio: PRIVATIZR OFF 11181 , 1 BEDFORD [From the Baden Traveller.] It is reported, says the Merchants' Exchange book, that a privateer bas been seen off New Bedford, and that day is in a state of great ex citement. Earth works are being eonetructed, and Governor Clifford has oome to Boston to pro cure a battery of rifled cannon. We learn from Mr. Whiting, messenger for Hatoh, Gray, Express, that it was reported in New Bedford that two or three steamers, sup. posed to be privateers, had been seen off the mouth of the bay. . (lune were at once mounted on the old brick fort at Fairhaven, and three guns were taken down to Clark's Point, where a second battery is being built on the site of a fort proposed to be built by the General Government. On Saturday 100 muskets were purchased in this 017 for the purpo se . of arming a Home Guard, which 13 being organned. If any privateers visit that port they will be taken care of. A NEW VERSE TO THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER The following splendid verse, written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, is en addition to the song of the " Star-Spangled Banner:" When our land is illumined by Liberty's smile. If a foe from within write a blow at her glory, Down. down with the traitor that dares to defile The flag of her stars and the page of her story ! By the millions unchained When our bithright wag g tined. We will keep her bright blazon forever unstained! And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave While the laud of the free is the home of the brave! trINANCIAL AND COMM Fat CL3.1.. The Money Market. PEIL&DELTHIA, April 30, lOut This Stock market exhibited a little mere strength to-dey, under the improved political prospects. Reading Railroad shares opened at 161, but fell off to 151: during the day, owing to sane in New York at MI North Pennsylvania Railroad sixes sold at 57. City sixes are steady at 99 ; state five at .99. In the Money market there is nothing doing. The proposition to pass a stay law at the extra session of the Legislature meets with very general favor, among our business men. Such a law, in view of the upturning of the business relations of Bo many in every branah of trade, would be par ticularly appropriate to this time of civil war. They have usually been passed in seasons of dis tress, brought on by extravagance and' over trading. for which the sufferers were themselves to some extent responsible. But now the diffioul ties among business men are the result of extra ordinary causes, over which they have had no cen tred, and by which they suffer more than they ever do by merely commercial crisis, and the propriety of staying execution for an unusual time, to such as may be obliged to succumb to the present pres sure, is more marked than it has evdr before been Rhea our national history began. To be worth anything, snob a law should be well considered and made to meet the contemplated ease. A law giv ing but six months' time, which some have pro posed-would be leadequate. The country mer chants, to meet their notes to city trade, must push their country debtors. To snob of there as are behindhand, at least a year's time, is wanted; time enough to get in a harvest, to sell, and tura it in'o esiiih. Lees extension than this' ie of little amount, for the expiration of the time would then find the unfortunate debtor in about the n seine place he occupied at its commencement. Let a law be passed, if any is passed, that will net tend to" make the peer poorer and the rich richer, but that will give to the farmer and the working-men time to bring their affairs into oonformity with the new order of things, and to save their earning from the waste and dissipation of forced eales at the worst possible moment. We understand that several of the banks, while they are very liberal, and properly so, in their support of the Government, are extremely hard in requiring all their customers to pay them. We trust that this will not continue. Bank officers know as well as other people the difficulty of making collections now, and they also know the importance of a little relief to their =ottoman in rush times as these They should always remem ber that it is better to help along a live customer than to carry a dead one—to renew part of an obligation that the maker is trying to pay, rather than to carry the whole debt after at has gone to protest, and the maker le disheartened. - A new counterfeit three-dollar note on the Southport Bank, at Southport, Connecticut, has been put in oirculation all over the country- On the left end of the note is a scene representing an Indian family on a bluff, overlooking a landscape of a city on a riverbank, with a steamboat and a sloop on the river, and the word three engraved above and below. A small vignette under the wards "State of Connecticut" represents a loco motive and train of ears. On the right end at the top is the figure 2, and below a pieture of two far mers with a hound. The note is tinted red, and a red oval with the word " Three " and the figure 3 covers the words " three dollars" in the body of the note. We advise our readers to refuse all notes of this description. We understand that an arrangement similar to that which was adopted by the banks of the city of New York, and which enabled them to largely ex tend their facilities to their dealers, has been adopted by the banks of this pity. This arrange ment will, without doubt, afford the relief so much needed, by securing united and harmonious action. Exchange all over the country is very much dis ordered. In New York, Baltimore funds are at ten per cent. disoonnt ; Philadelphia and Easton at par. The bank-note circulation of the West is in a Very bad condition, owing to the decline of the bonds upon which most of it is based. At Chicago, Eastern exohange is at seventeen per cent. premium- The New York Etwori”g Post gives the lellow ing statement of money and stook operations there to-day : The stook market is dull s and prices Ziaye e downward tendency. The absence of exciting rumors, now that the safety of the Federal capital is scoured, leaves the market in an inanimate eon dition, and the direction of prices depends entirely upon the next development of the rebellion- The firmness of the Border fitate stocks is due, no doubt, to the faint expectation of a remotion in favor of the Union in Kentucky and Tennessee. The market closes weak. New York Central is quiet at 72 ; ; Central 58a58; ; Galena 57a 574. Paciao Mail was still lower after the Boarcl-85a 65—a fall of four per cent. BIM yesterday. In Government bonds there is little or nothing doing Prices of most descriptions are nominal. Coupon fives of 1874 sold at 751., and that bid for more. The Courier awl .Enquirer says "Bank notes of the seceded States have very little currency here at present, and we think it right that all transactions in them should cease. We regret that the Board of Brokers did not strike from the list all stock of seceded States. People who will steal mints, ships, and other property, would not hesitate to fill up a lot of blink Vir ginia bonds and eell them here for what they will bring. Money is very scarce in the C. S A., and must be bad at any hazards " Philadelphia Stock Eiehance Sales, April 30.1861 RIPORIID BY S. B. BLaysaaann, Merchants' Biel:lenge FIRST BOARD. 1.18 300 City 68- ---- 90 NO do -- YO MO do ----- 90 400 do —.... 94 200 do —..... 90 100 do— ....90 100 do -_- _,. . . ~....... 90 600 do K 80- .90 200 do X 8 O. .90 1000 N Poona R6B-- 87 BETWEE: 100 Reading 11....p0wn 16 00 d0.....—..1 6 180 d do o —l6 10 100 do .......-- 15/i. SECOND BOARD. 20 Nornslown R..... 4634 8 Lehigh Nag-.....- 403 i 1000 8 Slav Imp 60 awn 70 1000 Penne 50.._. -....- 77X 1000 do . 70 25 Heading .R...bewn DI 33 Lohish Way —. 48 1500 Reading 64 INK ... 68 6 do _ 483G1 8 Beaver Meadow .. 05 AFTER BOARD. __ 6COSeh Nay Imp Be---- —-- - -- -- - • • -- - - . 70 CLONING rItIOBE—DULL. Bid. Asked 1 36d. Asked. Philadelnhisen_ 8! to Beh Mk 'B2 80 6 5 Pidia 6814:.-- 89 r,O i 1 Nay Imp 6H. . 71F 71 Philo 6e - new 96 ._. Soh Na. Pre63.— 70 ~. Penne 6e----- 77% 78 Rimini Ts '73-- 63 Read R.-- . 76% 76 Long island A—. 83.4 9% Read bde 'IC"... 78 00 bah GI & R........ 413 48 Read those 'aria as 08 Leh GI Oa N Ison_oo alpa Raul mt 6a'Bs 67 69 North Palma it 6 Palma Rex div. 36.7 e 37 NPa R le. ant on 56 66 Penns R2dMt66 81 86 Prank dc South!. 41 Mardi Can 00n. 40 47 IdikadAst Rthvor.3o3‘ Marna Can Pfd.lo3 106 Wert Phila. R __66 .- The Flour market is firmer and rather more active' The gales molude 6do Ws Brandywine at $6.16; 800 bb's extra at e 57508 Ate bble Pennsylvania and Ohio OVA family at $61436 ; and 1.500 bbl. fancy Western 'lO at 811.7.1 v bbl. Standard superfine is soaves and 1n de mand, at 85 50e5 6214. holders generally asking the lat ter rate, with more inquiry from the trade and for shin meet, and the receipt. and stock light. Rye Flour is steady, and 160 bbl. 'old at aaJo 4y , bbl. Corn Meal— Penneylvania Neal is seams and firm at $2.75 If bbl, but there is very little inquiry for it Gsans.—ln Wheat there le rather more doing. and vetoes are hatter. with salsa of S.OOO bu6llelB to note. at McVay for common to prime Western and Fermayi vrtnie, red. mostly at the latter rate afloat. including dOO bushel. Delaware at 137 e. and white at 11001500 for com mon and good quality choice lots are scarce. and worth more. Bye if, 'mil at 63a for Pennsylvania. Corn is bet ter. mad 0 000 hush new yellow ' , fought 6do afloat, and 62 0 630 to store. Oats are aloe better. and Pennsylvania hold at 340. with small sales of prime at this rate from store. Barley is Quiet, Brae.—Of Qiveroitron a small sal • of Ist No.l wrul made at $46 to tY ton, at which rate it is in steady de mand. COTTON —The market continues at a sland-atah and without any quotable change to note. thumb lots are going forward to Liverpool on owner's' account. GI , °MMES.—TIM* vs very little movement, and some further sales of Sugar and Coffee only are reported at steady Tate:. reovisiorie.—The market's very ina•3tive. Mess Pork le gnome at .019eele 411. bhl. with: small sales. No change in Hawn. Salted Meats and Lard—Very little eel g. Butter us dull at 1281 to for roll. Wilissy moves off slowly at 18e1814 for We, the let ter for prime Ohio ; fro for drudge ; and 17340 for hhde. P. e w York Stock E ZCOND IMO Tress]o.4 so °note 981,i 3000 Kentucky Ca— 67 6000 doBs /woo vinPuht — oo— ..eao to 4000 Erie unsecured.. 52 20 hieroharms' Bank.: 92 5 Park 8ank..:,,...... 95 5 Del &livid Canal.. 82 Paoifio Pd 823 ._.e 3o 63 AO 50 so Y Oantral R.. 85 72 Too do 715‘ 30 do ....—.. 72, 1 4. No do— 72y 300 Read mg .21A TR! ANNIVERSARY OF THE OPENING OF THE NonvantiN Mats von FRIIINDLESSI CHILDREN Will be held this (Wednesday )afternoon, at the building. !W -irer of T`iventy-third and Brown streets, commencing at oPeleek. Addresses will be delivered, and exercise' by the children. -The pub! c are invited. A RIM" PATENT PzsiOL.—A. Yankee named T. 3. Spafford invented a pistol, about a year ago, which is now being manufactured and coining into use at the most opportune time. It is the most efficient weapon of defence for individual or borne protection that has coma to our notion. It weighs milt 6i ounces. and can be fired an indefinite number of times at the rate of sixteen:shots a minute ; and it is so entirely safe that every wife and mother should become acquainted with its use, and be prepared to give traitors and assaosine warm reception ehould they invade our Northern homes. Mr. H. A. Bartlett, 309 North Front street, will supply a limited number of the pistols referred to at manufacturer's price, which, we understand, is about half the price of a six-shooter. A geArter.rne RUMOR rno3l bear, from the beet possible authority, that Cabinet meetings have recently been held at the capital, in re ference to information that hes been received by Genl. Scott. through a secret agent of Government. who has j es t retgraed to headquarters. The rumor is nothing less than a clear recognition, by men of all parties and in all sections, of the fact that the most elegant and the moat comfortable garments for gentlemen and youths to be found in the country, are those which are made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Regina. & Wilson, Mss. 00 and COS Chestnut street, relieve SiUth. THE FIREMEN READY.—Not the least enemas" ging feature of the" times" is the patriotism displayed by the salient firemen of oar city. The American flag is proudly waving over their several buildings, and three-fourths 01 them are already attaohed to military organizations. The truth is that not a braver hearted or more patriotic set of men can be found, and, as a ge neral rale they all purchase their garment& at the new gift clothing depot of Granville Stokes. at £O9 Chest nut meet. eifts of value are giver, to every purcha ser. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, CONTINENTAL, HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. C J Seebye. New York Mej Gerd W H Krum, Pa Maj B n Shaeffer. Pa Maj T I Jordan, Pa Col 6 T Y9I I PKi PR Ljept W 2i Xelnh Pa, Chas H Swartz. New York 07. Peterson, New York 0 M Harris. Maryland W Baldwin, Maryland , HS Melly, Middletown J R Smith. Indiana M T A ntram, Cincinnati. 0 S F Plumer. Franklin, Pa O W Flamer. Franklin, Pa Pr Thos B Retsl, C Curtin J Borne. Pittsburg W 11 Denny, Pittsburg .4 Cushing, Roston A 0 Mitchell, Columbus.° W _Royal & wf, US A Chas Aibright, M Chunk Mr Wentworth. Cincinnati Plainer. Franklin, Pa J 1 Parsons & wf. N York Miss NI Eva Parsons, N Y Wilder natant. Boston G Andrews. Boston ADexter_UtlA T 0 ilowen• 8 A yr A Davis, Louisville W H Walker, Evansville A H Walker. Jr, Hvantrwille A It Bixby, Mass G Goffen & la. N York Dickenson, Lake Sup W Itiohmond. Proc. R 1 Capt_ F F Sheldon, R I Edward Gilbert, New York D R raider, Connecticut I A Plowland. Delaware J R Poll:11ton, Penna Geo N Roberts. Chicago vr .14 Donenek, Pailada A Jenlions,Jersy City It B Williams: New York D NI Fitch, New York C E Elmer & wf. N Jersey Mrs Dr Ulmer. Ns's-Sentry Capt M K Moorhead, Pa I M Moorhead. Penns, F Waterman. Boston C Bergstresscr W M Wiley. Lancaster S /tanker., Chicago. I) X Catlin. Ohio It A Sherrard, Steubenville R eherrard, Jr. Ohio W W Thompson 'Cin, 0 Tll Nilson, Terre Haute W C Smallwood, Del W B WilkinseDelaware G.l: Ramsdell, Boston Gen F Kroll, New York W Tithl & la. Alabama C S Taupe*, Philada N Southwick, New York G E Herrick & la. Poston W C Denny, Pittsburg W N Marcus, New York V 8 Doebier, Williamsport E A Whittemore. N Y W AleConkey, Wrightsville A 11 Bowman. Boston Jae T Bowman, Boston J Guiana, New b ork W H Frear, Virginia CO Simpson, New York Mr Winans. Canada H A Lyon, RochesterJos H Comstock. New York AI CBtanly. New York 8 w Fay, new Yorls, Mrs Carroll. New York Miss Carr 41, New I ork T li Howland, Kentucky 0 W Bauder_ Jr. Wash, D C A Remick, Portsmouth C W Thomal. New , ork 13 II Milligan, New York Dr W B Barris. Ha-nsburg John Moore. Baltimore S Y Nicholson. New York J H Woodward, N Y 5 Robinson. Pittsburg Jos S Westooft, New. York G R Gallaher. Baltimore John 8 Barnes. New York F, tar, Detroit IL P Pieroo l ancm .7 0 .701071 4 it" M Cootes, New York A M Stetson. Pew York Thos A Clark, Wash, D P Blackeaton, Mass 1. L Brown. Massachusetts 8 mr Brayton, mass S Infra( is, Massachusetts G W Atkins, Connectiout Mej J P Alll7l. Hartford X D Judd, Hartford Morgan, W;aoonght W T Awn. Phila v 7 Boater, New York M G Bice, Boston N Ellinaker, Jr, Lanoaater MERCHANTS' HOTEL-1 ourtn street. below Aroh. W Eire. head , Maryland W E Smith, Milford L Erben. Pen say lvania D. Parsons, Philadelphia J J Wilkins St Louis E Barr. Lancaster Geo Guyer, Pennsylvania M Wilson. Jr. Mechanio'g woodbriage, Newark. 0 Bon Win Bigler. Penna A J Martin, MB, Allentown 8 Folsom, Choctaw Nation J L Gins & dan. Penna Mrs Hillis, Washington A A Elliott, Pennsylvania J 8 Gregor, Dakota P Howell,Chootaw Nation W A Cathcart, Harrisburg P Fogely J Howland,lndieunkpolis W Kennedy, N Brighton, Pa J Roller. Blair county, Pa Dr k Ws Haim, Beetling M Chamberlin, C K McGonly. Lewisburg Miss Pollock A enteral Y Jacob Hoffman. Carlisle, Pa L A Harris. Cincinnati. U John Kell. Franklin A Mc Fadden&son. James Caldweil. cormsrev'e Miss R Compton, Conner's Mre Jackson. Huntington Mies hfoldurtree. Shipirrisburis .1 M Poster & la, Ohio M Barry, Lancaste eflo Clark, Philadelphia 8 M Hannilt & son. N Jersey Chas Hampshire, Jesinriv'e J N Moffatt, New York E C Lonvill, Nlasasehuse'a J Goldy D W Bartlett. New Haven T W Stanley, Conn E _Robins. Wilkesbarre 8 Hitchcock, Conn N Webster, Wash 0 0 , Pa J Roach, New York 8 Grimm, Penna J Z Long A. wf, Flemington Miss A Devling, Flem'ton Xi Jelly. Phuada AMERICAN HOTEL—Ohestrat 'street, above Fifth. Juo 8 Cannon, Baltimore T Biatchford, Downingen I A Eieholtz. Downingtwn it P Rine, Jr.li S A Mallory, Phila. Thom P Potter. Penns J A. Christman, Penna Jas L Da. Bois. California J B Heritage, Maryland Geo o Kelley N Bedford T Flare. New. Easton Mrs Alex Wales. Mrs ter Dl3 own, hasten Miss Ait Green, Easton Miss Mary Coy. Bethlehem Geo Collins & la, ft York Mrs it B. Sayre & da, renna Jno Bier. Brooklyn Wm A Knabh. &My' eo, Fa W J Smith. Mohyl ao. Pa Jno B Champion, Phila Maj T Barnard. Peoria T H Loomis & da. Mass C A Wood. Indiana B Pierce, eirs. Letitia; uhio Wm R Sherwood. Balt Root it Farm. Bethlehem Wm Riotous, Maryland J Myer, Phila S Moore, Phila. J M flood. Maryland D Johnson, Delaware D Smith, Cincinnati, 0 D P Baker New York J tl Gibson R Brown. Patina P A Curtis, Delaware THE UNION—Arch street, above Third. Lieut Col Malin, U S 11t, Lieut B L Cake, D C B It Luger. Adlezheitl elms J Abater. Altoona J Horn tr. lady, Pine Drove Mrs Ftpang, Reading Mina SDNIM., Hauling B F Berlin, Bending Geo M Lobar, Dauphin on Miss C Lobar, Dauphin L P Baker. New Hampshire Jos Hammer. Otwigsburs H Hoop, BuiratoJohn Lantmeh, &MUM. Jane Lane, Wilmingt ,,, on A Hummel, Harrisburg B Strawbridge. Indiana Sarni ti Nag:villa A B Cadwa.lader. Pa IN McClintock, Cham h'rg B Nynum . Penns) „I On Ham k la. WilPeort Geo Wieners., Tamaqua It Shoemaker. Btroutlaburg J J Fostene, Scranton, Pa 11 5 Talmadte, Equinunk ISTAT.EfI UNlON—Market street, above sixth. ie Graham, Philada V Miller, Reading 4:oeubejp, W Chester W W Paxton, ammhersti Wm Johnson, Chester co Ohms E Ingram, Pa D W Hawk, Elderton, Pa J Y McCartney, Clerical) Win Peoples, W Fairfield M A Graham, W Fairfield Wm Little, Jr Penns W Akins Mien Whelan, , Lanc en 1 Elder, Penny E K Davie. Ynik on, Fa.l B uavis, Coatesville ,r Breams, Cneeter Rowe& den, Pa W Jones. Lewisburg Rsnil Baines. Lewisburg Mies Haskins, Lane no Thos K Watt, Latrobe, Pa P Miller, Beading W L Difrenderfer, Lancet) Geo Markel. Jr, Emma W Hardy, McVeytown elm ateon Hontingd co airs Kellerman, Lane J B Snyder &la, Easton John I) Laferty tioodee, Gan. Pa J W Wright J A Ohriaty, Mifflin co ST. LOUIS ROTBL—Chestunt street. stove 13 Sherman, Philsds A n Busby, New Jersey T oarritsou, tchuyi co J H Harris. New. York Mrs R. H. Hutcheson, N Y teo MNew York J J Doyley, Pottsville Close Adams, Dolton reregol. thiltimote W. V Sfi.terfield, Mrrilflnd U A Hail. I) C = : 100 do ... 16 200 do .—.. 16 MO do sa wn7l 16 100 do 1655 100 do 16 . 34 1140 do ....bawd 16 3-16 0 Harrksburg* cdeah. 503 i I 10 81.0M8 Canal nreldlos BOARDa. 42 Lehigh Nav . 48% 5000 Penns 60.- coupon 80 4000 Reading 66 43 ..... 87 8 Beaver. Meadow._ 65 rhiladelphia Ifiverkets. change—Apral 30. BOARD 100 Erie ft—.........a0 20 50 do 225 11l Vendor*.... 457 S goo do 200 do ell 5714 100 Galena & Chicago. 573 i 70 do .----31067 370 do -- e 7 WO Cleve & 100 do __MO 73.1 i 10 Chi & R I —.-- 373 i MO do , 37 ao , 30 4 .‘ 70 do 361 i ,2110 do ( I tY IVIL S. up To 12 O'CLOCK LIST RIGHT BLACK BEAR—Third street, above eallowhill. Chas Finney, Hartsville LI 15 Rorer, Fenna _Yemen Fry, Allentown . A Bnely, Penns W Warner, Penneburg Jae it trobb, Pernishurg A Buokman, remit* .11We Itere, New Britain Mrs Walters. hew Britain 8 Drismer, Jr A ll entown L Rosds . Penns "has Harper, Jenkintown Jacob Hutt. Panne W D Sohant.g„Allentown J L Lingle. Linglestown D F Cahoe, Linglestown Jno Humbert Kutztown H. Wanner, Kutztown HW W Birdier, Penne J B Seidel, Penns Wellington Mine. Penns Semi Rand. Leesport F Fritzfnger, Minh Co M A Seller. Penne - W Reading D Soaks. Penns Jaeob Boyer, Penna it Miller, Beblk 00, Pa COMMERCIAL B.OTBL—Eixtti at.. above Chestnut. .7 A darns, Cheeter no Mason. Delaware ti W Churchman. Vol G P Taylor, Deed co, Md W Ii T iter, Maryland J Riley, Reading Cent Black- Cecil 00. Ald 'Us Brown, Cecil no, Md Thaw Corlett. Phila W Warner JnoS Miller, Pottsville W W N.ekle & wf. Md Circa Royer, Lana oo F W Sanderson, Del W T Elliott, Wm, Del X Potts, Bridgeport, Pa N K Zook, Lane no J NewLn, Linwood At Harlan. CoatesviTa J P Broomall, Phrenixville W Cawthorn. Cheater to S M Bunting, Pottstown 6 W Paist, Maryland L K Popiiina, Maryland A K Broiler, Pottsville 13 W.F Myers, Pinta NATIONAL ROTEL—Race street. above Third. Peter liana. Allentown John Rohrer. Lana co. Pa F. Caput, Doncaster co, Pa 8 swank. Hoover's Mina Y Pam. Middletown Stephen Wood, New y er k A J Anderson. Norristown v. in Davis, Jr. Pa Eli Kelly. Nashville. Tenn Enos Everett,Watsont'wn C H Albright, Penna Cana Bartho mew, Pa Henry Bechtold,MtJoy.Pa C Kemble,Harriaburg Jos IC Lowborn, J W F Voute, Pottsville ar C Miller Ashland A W Partin- n. Pa S Jeuusuni *routoiii N BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second at., bel. John Blair, Doylestown A Kelsey. Carbon co. Pa .1 ("oar, Maryland Saint aratlidar, New Hope Morns Woilow Grove Al 3 Largo, Marietta J S McNair. Duchs au Danenhower. Buena co .405 'a Simpson. bucks eo B Weeks, SI D, Mug AUK Beam, finis no. Fa MOUNT VERNON ‘RUTEL-Bcoona it., above Arch. A Calkins. Now York L Vale. Sr. Phila John Yarzant. Bristol. Pa Dr lo 8 Aborn. Phila Bobt Dimon, Now Jersey L LDabree. Penns_ Thins Plowman. Mita W W Woodhull. Philo *anon h son, Now York Skrton Angle, New York REVERE ItOTJßE—Thira street. above R. N W bloAleater. Pa N B Welliver. Pa W F aloCay. Pennsylvania D Wendell,. New J amey W BUFO&R. Allentown L Lambert, Lehigh oo A y oun k e rdgetinaton John Levi. Danville John D eeidel. Lebanon W H Levan, /jowl' Haven BALD EAGLE—Third arrest. above Ca&mull. Aaron EigenbardLP& A G Bewley, Bethlehem D 8 DreibiolMow. Holt Hay H Damien Pa Tillman Shaffer, Pa Levi Simon, Allentown Bern Shaeffer,Atont'y oo Jacob Hower. Backs no Roo bintobler.Borthampton 00, Pa THE PRESS.-PHILADELPII I 4 , WEDNESDAY; MAY 1, 1861. ntAutrue INTLIaIaIGENCR. APRIL so—Evenun. SEE FOURTH PAGE. ARRIVED. p Btearfighin Kantlahao, Sanford. 20 1101111 from New P Y rws or s k e . d 2r o i tr tli g rg ee d d s v e Is a l li a d nd i rark n a g C e h n an t tril a e M Pr e,s fr A om thi" R r i d o w'de .Janeiro March DM; Martha Anna. from Cardenas; brigs .1 Sharp and Condova; schre R. to Tull. from New Or leans; Can Warren and A P Simmons. the latter with loss of foremast held and foresail; also a nomber of schooners, names not ascertained. upward bound. Bark Chanticleer. Hatch, from Rio de Janeiro March 23, with coffee to Thos A Newhall & Bona. Left harts Fioresta. Reindeer, Union, (of Reston) Panama. A C Adams, and Sallie Magee. w a di n g; brigs T W How land. for Constantinople next day' Mary Fewest for N York. do: Rvelirm Antra.- , for Maize for orders. Starch 28, Joimpli Daiwa. of !Liston. died of yellow fever. Bohr Raven. Rose. 9 days from Cardenas. with mo lasses to B C Knight & Co Bohr Improver. Hughes. 12 days from Mobilo, with cotton. dErt to order. Mohr It W Tull. Townsend. 9 days from New Orleans, with mdse to A Heron, Jr. R. Co- Bohr Spray. Price, ii days from Mobile, with cotton. ko. to A Heron. Jr. & Co. Bohr Jas Neilson. Burt. 4 days from Taunton, with to Twells & Co. lettlehr Salmon Washburn, Thrasher, 4 days from Tann to". with ma.. to Tare& dr. Bohr Mary, Rickards. 1 day from Camden. Del, With corn to Jas Bowler' & Co. Bohr Mary, Hendrickson, 1 day from Odessa, Del. with grain to Christian & Curran. Steamer Tammy. Ely. 24 hours from New York, with Mae to W rii Baird it Co. istriamor T P Hearth Otidelt. 24 hours from Now York. with mdse to Wm H Baird & Co. M N ew Moamar Concord. Newman, 24 hours from Yo rk, with mdae to Win M Baird & Co. CLEARED. illohr Empire. Read. Boston. L Audeurieel Co. Str Beverly, Pierce. New York, W P Clyde. Str troneoles, Vanderveor, N York, W NI Baird & Co. MEMORAN D A Steamship Ilarnraonia, Schwonsen, at New York yes terday from Hamburg. Shin David Crockett, Burgess. ole j ared at New York yes erday for Flan Francisco. Ship Harry of the West, Cotton, for Valparaiso, old at New York yesterday. Bark William, Lord, cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia, _ Bark Wheattaud , Peacoat , hence, remained at Rio de Janeiro March 24. Bark Aid, Edwards. from Rio de Janeiro March 24th, at New York yesterday. Bark Vivid Light, from Rio de Janeiro. arrived at N York yesterday. Brig B Small. Mika from Et John, NB, for rtitioci- Fhta, at Uoirnes' Bole 280, utt. Brie 'Urania. Coombe, henoe for Matanzas. was spo ken 22d nit, nrilat, ito, with loss of jibboom in a heavy gale irom NW. Bohr Margaret Reinhart. Peterson, from New Or leans for Boston. arrived - at Holmes Bale 29th nit, and remained 9 A NI Mk. Brig Nary A Forrest, Gilleepie, from Rio de Janeiro March 24th, at New York yesterday. Bohr Margie 'Van Duman, Crane, at New Yor k yester day from Wilmington,. NC. Bohr Moister, Blizzard, cleared at New York yester day for Wilmington, Del. Bohr Georgia, Morris, from Smyrna. Del, at N Yotk yesterday. 80hr LI. A Rogers, from Wilmington, NC, at N York yesterday. Behrodel.Avers , cleared at New York yesterday for Philadelphia. - Bohr A Bldridge, Snow, from Plymouth, NO, at New York yesterday. Bohr Fanny, Mayhew, cleared at Boston 29th ult. for Philadelphia. Bohr Tennessee, Wooster, hence, arrived at Bath 27th ult. Bohr Gun Rock, Parker, hence, arrived at Portland 27th ult. Bohr Fleaman'a Bride, Boise, hence, arrived at Fall River 29th tot. Bohr A 8 Simpson. Churn, at Seite.onet Point 28th idt, loading fish for Philadelchia r Bohr Wm ft Rowe, Barns, hence, arrived at. New Bedford 29th ult. Bohr Fly_ Cheesoman, sailed from Nantucket 27th ult. for Philadelphia. Steamers Sarah. Jones, and S Seymour, Wilson, hence, at u ew Y ork yesterday. Steamer Bristol. Allen, cleared at New York yester day for Philadelphia. OAK ORCHARD ACID tiPIIING WATIOI. Pamphlets containing the opinions of celebrated Chem ists; and Physician's ressmoting the use of this WATER in the ease of many diseases of the human system, will be supplied gratis on application to FREDERICK BROWN, FIFTH. and CHESTNUT Streets, or FRED ERICK BROWN, JR., NINTH and CHESTNUT /Urania. CA Li A NT, ..V5l. i PAINIPIII.It.T. hater BATCHELOR'S BAIR grit.—• This celebrated and yerrect Rely Dye in the best ist the leoria Ali othera are mere imitations' of this great mime', which has gained such extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The genuine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hair Dye instantly produces a splendid black or natural brown, without staining the Pkirt or injuring the hair, and will remedy the ill EffettE of had dyes, invigorating the heir for life. Sold by all Dragglede and radar:ere. VI/hole/ode by PAHNESTOCK & CO., DYOTT & CO., Philadelphia. ONE► PRIOR CLOTHING OF THR _LATIUM NTYLIIB, mu!e in the hest manner, expressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling Prided marked in Plain Figure'. All goods made to order warranted satisfactory. Our ONE-PRICE system le strictly in hered to. All are thereby treated alike. eettl-It JON XS et CO.. 604 MARKET Street. Guovica & BAKER'S OHLSBRATED NOISELESS &EWING MACHINES.. Tao Beet is Ueo for Family Bowing. No. 730 CIIBBTNUT Street, Philadelphia. en7l-17 CARD PRIMING, BEST AND CIRAPIST IN ths City, at *4 Boa . .th THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, Beat an 4 Chespost in th Cm. at 34 Routh THIRD Btroot, BILL-HEAD PRINTING, Bost and Cheapest in the City. at 34. SouthTLILRD Street. HAND-DILL PRINTING, Beat and Cheapest in the City. at 34 Bonth THIRD Street. SIIA the 2ath ult.. by the Rev. Ro bert G. Chase , at the residence of the bride's father, W. Sharpe, M. D. of Delaware. to Mary A., daughter of James Wel a. Eim.. of Philadelphia. Wamden (Del.) pep ers_plettae coy 17 AKISMORE—ti&ENARD.—On the 28th nit, by Mayor Atkinson, Mr. /81180 Blalremore, of Philadel phia, to Alias Helen Barnard, of Camden, Pt. J. • ' KNOX—R.CIdARDBOI4.—In Lottisvike, KT., on the ISJ t., at arca* Chweh, by the Roy. P. 11. Bushnell, Marone D. Knox. M. D. of Missouri, to Mom Emma C. Richardson. of Philederphia. LOBCII. ft—NRWBOLD —At Lexington. Ky., tith alt. by the Rev. 3. R. Ildorvicon. / e. J Loecher. tor mei:ly of Philadelphia. to Mies Minnie Crittenden New bold. of I.a.imeeval sg.• KROBERGP R..—Clav the 28th ult., Mr. Charles Rrei berger, in the 37th sear of hie age. he relatives and friends of the family, and Cryekil Poetic Lodge. No. 110. I. 0. 0. P.. and ri:sinera afar Lange. No. 186.. E. Y. M.. and the orders generally, ae resseotfully invited to attend his funeral , from hie )a te resideuos, No. 629 Dillwvn street, on ThureJa• next, the 2d Mar, at 2 o'clock, P.M. /stem/tent CiiiiLrel lows' Cemetery. [Harrisburg. Pa., and Salem • ,[••' " lease o It)ANI—On 2oth nit., Ann M., wife of George Witoich. Ths relatives and fnends of the fiimi'y are respect-. folly invited to attend the funeral, fr, m the resi dence of her husband. 616 North Twelfth street, on hugs day afternoon next, at 3 o'clock. Proceed to Laurel • • Dill Cemetery. ROBINBON.—Oa the 79th ult., Mr. Abraham Robin son. Ahe relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from his lite residence, No. 119 North Sixteenth strret, this (Wednesday) afternoon. at o'clock. Interment at Woodlands. MEGARG r . E.— Suddenly, on the 29th ult., Mrs. Tear Megargee. relict of the late Jaoob Megargee, in the 68th year of her age. Her relatives and !nerds and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the re miasma atm son, Theodore Megargee, 'Twenty-first and Tioga streets, on Thursday afternoon. May 2, at 3 o'clock. Carriages will be in attendance at No. 270 Ease street. at 2 o'clock. •" REND cIIBON.—On the 17th ult., Mrs. Mary P. nend^rson, widow of the late :smile! J. Henderson, Esquire. he friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from her late residence. No. MS Walnut street, this (Wednesday) morning, May 1, at 10 o'olook. In terment at Pennyrosok. mAIREs.—On the 28th ult., at the residence of his run-in-law. Mr. John P. Iligne:l, Mr Lewis Mame, aged 69 years Funeralfrom the yesiftnee of his son-in-law, No. 1112 Parrish street, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. O'BRYAN.—On the 29th u't., Mrs. Elizabeth O'Bry an. aged 79 Mrs Pelletal front the residence of her hiistand. Walnut street, between Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth streets, this (Wednesday)afternoon, at 1 o'clock. NEFK—On the 29th nit Elvira S. Neff. in the Eh year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. 921 North Eleventh street, this (Wednesday) morning. at 10 o'clock. • .. PETE7I.I3ON.—On the 23th sit, Mary Ann Peterson, aged 11 years and 21 days. Funeral from the residence of her parente, N 0.203 Frankford street, Franklord. 3 wenty-third ward. this ( Wednesday) afternoon at 2 o'clook f;EIB.—On the Vitt ult., Mrs. Julia A. Geib, aged 27 years. Funeral from the re:MI/once of her mother, No, ell North reYeartietreet, above Parrish, this Wedneedr morning, at 10 o'clocc. 1.,a.W.—0n the 117th ult., Mr. Eugene O. Law, in the= year of his age. Funeral from the residence or hie falher, - No. 967 North Eleventh street. tins ( Wednesday) afteruoon t 2 O'hliNtr. MciMMOTT.—On the 29th ult., Charles C. Mello mott, aged 22 years. Funeral from the residenoe of his parents, Reck less st reet. heiow Front, this ( Wednesday) afternoon, at. 3 o °look. . . . . mcl...UtiBLlN.--On the 29th ult.. Michael. sonar Neal and Margaret McLaughlin, aged 3 Yeernand 9 menthe. Funeral from the residence of hie parents. No. 1913 Filbert Street, this (Wednesday / morning , at ., 12 o mock.. DOn£ol4.—On the2Bth u:t., R B. Dodson, Jl. D , in the 60th year of h's age. Funeral !ram nu late residence, No. 411 /tooth Third amt. on Thursday morning, at 7 o'clock. * fticSTOCßEat.—On the Nth mt.. Alm . Margaret S. filostooker. in her 28th year. Funeral from the residence of her husband. 725 South Third street. this (Wednesday.) afternoon, at 2 o'otook. hew York, on the 26th ult., ii. Ilendrioke - Levy, of that city. MOURNING STORY, NO. 918 CHEST NUT Street.--DESSON & SON have Met re ceived ; gray mixed Mena Dwinnes, 12%ii ; Week and white Paris printed Grenadine Baregen. 123.4 e; blacked Purple do.. Iglde ; bleak and purple Chatty Detainee. let‘a ; black baregen, 7830 ; bleak plaid Barerea, IB%o; canoed Montning Enausit Chintzes. 10a Shepherd plaid You de Chevree, Me, &c, Also, blast Bareges,urape Manta, Crape Tamma tane,Summer Bombazines. Challys. Barege Ilernani„ or Grenadine Bereave, Camels' Hair Bareeea. Tand ems, Mougehnes. Lawns, and all other goads requisite of deep ana second mourning attire. sada gCr.AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Congregation of the F MET uPEN DUN T RCEI, ( Rev. John Chambers',) held on the Eve ning Of the 29th instant, it was unannnowly Resolved, That the Board of Trustees be instruoted to procure a " National Flag, and have the name placed on the Clic. eh. MIBMASONIC NOTICE.—THE OFFICERS ano Members of Et/ATI:RN STAR LODGE, o. 6. A. X. m., and the Order generally. ars fra termsby invited to meet at their Ball, Chosenut street. on TR ORADA Y, May 2d, at 2 F. M., to attend the Fn. newel nf their late Brother CRARURS KROBERGER. By order of the W. M. my/-A * 0.60 ' . P. LITTLE. Secretary. =THE THIRTY-FOURTH ANNIVER SARY or the PH ILADE6* ILIA TR &CT Are II UN UCIETY_ wilt be held at MUSIiiAI. FUND 11A1.14, on THURSDAY EVENING, May 2, MIL Addressee will be delivered by the dm Messrs. Brainerd, Kennard. Coombe, and Watson. The Singing ender the direction of Prof. Bird. Collection will be taken to aid the (muse. Tickets can be had at Ilia Tram House , . 929 CITES f- NUr Street, and the difrermit religieus book dorm SAML. H. PERKINS, President. T. A. ROBINSON, eeoretarY. inyl-21 rY GIRARD COLLEGE,—THE DIREC- U,:j TORS of the Girard Citheze Fivo notice that they are prepared to bind out, an the State of Pennsyl vania, twenty orphans, in ateorclance with the will of /Stephen Girard, b. sultarle oacupations, such as Agri culture, etaviga•inn ' Arts, Mechanical rades, and ManufactureManufactures.be master will be rr gulled to teach hie apprentice his respective art. and to, furnish tint with suitable board end loosing in his own place of re moteness (anent where for spectal reagens, the appren tice may be allowed to board elsewhere,} The master will be allowed to take each orphan on trial for a term not exceeding one month, and the apprentice, when bound. will be furnished by the Institution with a suita ble outfit. Persons desirous of (Miming an apprentice ran apply at the College between the hours of S and P. M., or if not citizens of Philadelphia, can address the undersigned in writing. givina rime. residence. on oupation, and reference ; the latter, whenever possible. to be residents of Philadelphia. DENB Gir a rdßßY, secretary ofCollege. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL rie AND NAVIGATION COMPANY. FML/s1)1IVIEHIA I April IT ,31 3 6 1 . The mated annual meet= of the .I:Stockholders of OM Company will be bind at their offsie.•on TO hatletY morning, the 7th day of MAY next, at It o'olook. after which an election for officers of the Company will be there held. to close at I °Weak P. M. on t ,President y. shams JAM.FIS COX NOTICE.—THE JaMILUAL MEETING re o f the GERMANTOWN MT" h Soflrgi la tillbe held at their awe, MAIN Street, rleranintown, on TUESDAY next (Mar 7) et 7% o'clock M., for the purpose of electing SEVEN uutzoiofis, and the transaction of other Wetness. .SolliEllt facio, April 79; 1951—itp30-71.* " • . Seers terg• • SPECIAL. NOTICES. MARRIED. DIED. MOFFICE THE SHAMOKIN VAL- L Am POTTSVILLE; RAILIioaD COM , 309 WALNUT Street, PII;LADELPIIia, April 11. MI. The Annual Aleetun of the titootholdere of the Phsmokot and Potosville Railroad Company will be held at the Office of the CorriP 9 . ll T. on MONDAY, 6th of Nay, at 12 &cloak. for the election of Manneere end a President to eeree lot the °mane year. epia-It2eadtmy6 t MOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Pbiladelplue., April 17, 1881.—The el Directors have this day declared a setni-aa nes, dividend of TELSEE .P.EK CENT, on the capital stook of the Company. clear of State tax, payable on and alter ay 15th, 1851. Powers ofattorney for collection of dividends van be had on application at the office of the Company,. No. 938 H. Third street. THOMAS T. FIRM. nen Itn Trenornrer. vSCHUYLKILL AND SUl's QUEHAMMA ro RArLROAD ..A).—The Annual Meeting and leotion of the !stockholders of the Schuylkill and Sus quehanna BetLroad Company. as required by their charter, will be held at the litgiTlbibrlTAL 110Tbal, In the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on mow- DAY. May SWAM, at 12 o'olock, M., for the purpose of choosing a President and six Manag,al a to serve for the eninting year. and also for the consideration of such other business as may properly be brought before said meeting. FRAN K S. BOND, April I 1881. ing.l6.tmv6l Ilenretner. MILITARY NOT.CES. jl T TEN TIONI-IEINCLE SAM RANGERS will meat for Drill, THIS et 9 O'OlOOlE, at the Bonihwest corner of FOURTH and LIBRARY, entrance on Library street. Re craits wanted. By order of it Captain SAMUEL ZAN E. REURUITING RENDEZVOUS OF the AMERICAN RIFLE RANGERS' REGI MENV—At tirra BOYEL, for Forrest Rifle Company, Capt F. Phdpot ; Company X. Capt. Bate'', at -.Kel.ey's Hotel. cOATES Street, below Eighth,. and at J. Rue's Building, PARRISH. Street, MilOW Ninth. By order of myr-st R. IS. MARCH, Col. Cones. IVOLUNTEERS WANTED FOR THE DGHBRTY LIM I T. INFANTRY. All those de sirous 0 3 &Irving their country will please call at No. 4 INGLIS atreet. at their Ifeadonarterk or at J. neph P. Crouse's, enuthenat corner of Sloven% and alappen. By order of ini , l-2t* CAPT. SCOTT. lUNITED STATES MARINE CORPS. — w4N„Lre.l)- OW able-boded ment_hetween the ages.. ;a end 35 yearn. not l e es then five feet four and a half inches high, and of good character. Soldiers Serving in this corps perform duty at navy Yards and on board United States ships-of-war on foreign stations. All other infoimetion which may be desired will be given at the Rendezvous, No. 311 South FRONT Street. Fire: Lieutenant W, STOKER g officer. ap3o - 10n , Recruit iAT A STATED MEETING OF TEIE scow RIFLES of Philadelphia. the following were appointed to rentnive and enrol members: 'Mongols G. J 3 FLO Wok 103 4 Market street. ASCR'D W. MecAL.PIN E., 323 South Eleventh ee. TAMES LAUF I'l o ,Bol Wharton Rarest I - ) %ND .% al cINTYRE. 127 Jonee' allay. WILLIAM. DAVIDSON. BM .-outh street. PETER McMOItLA ND . . Preget. A. ; aiLaok.pisir. SOW!. ap29 SO HOME GUARDEI-LIEANUARTERS, pq ProzAiimpyria, April 22.1811/. !lAD eat Pio. 3.—The Uniform for the HOME GUARD will comae% DIA slinle-breasted light or cadet "ray Truk coat, 'nth Mending - collar, and buttons of the arm,to Which the regiment may belong; pantaloons of the same material; cap of army pattern, of drab color with a rosette of the Platinum Colors, Red, White, and Blue. The Uniforms can be procured at a cost not exceeding Twenty Dollars for each ican. and will he furnished by the members of the MOYIE GUARD.themselves. The Uniform' Will be habirually Worm to that on the occasion of an alarm the officers and men can repair at .once to their armories, without stopping to change their clothes. Special Military Organizations, formed or to be formed. will select their own Uniforms. istened.) A.. 1. FLPIAADITOr4, 404.61 " Commander of Home Girard, 6 TIEADVAE,TERS HOME GUARD, CITY OF PIIII.aneLPITIA., April 23. 1821.—ORDER I No 4-21.P.DICAti DEPARTMENT. Ist. This Department shall at present consist of five Surgeons, one of whom shall he . 6 Medina/ Direc tor.," by Wham all daitile obb6ettiltig the Hospital at n ra ements for the sink and wounded soldiers shall be IDal . 2,1 e. This Bureau shall appoint, at the nomination of the Commander of the Home Guard, four or more As sistant Surgeons, to be assigned to such duty as may be necessary, ed. The hneticai Dire. tar shall select accommoda tions for the reception of the sick and wounded, and make sueh requisitions neon the Quartermaster for hospital turniture and stores as may ne required. 4th. '1 his Iltopttal shall he used oat ant, for the sick and wounded of the " Rome Guard." but also for any others is the serum of the United States. 6th. This Department shall he governed by United States regulations. 6th. Moy summing Rail has been assigned to the Rome Guard for hospital purposes. andwilll be fitted up ac meltingly. under the orders of the Medical Director. 7th. Dr. John Neil in hereby appointed Medical Di rector, A. J. rIABABON/Otlf ap2e- et Commander of Rome Guard. fiHEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, (Irpy OF PHILADELPHIA, April 24. 1631.—OR laER No. S.—Many inquiries having been made re tive to the details 01 uniform, it fit Stated. for the information of those interested : let. That special military organizations will be so ceptad on part of the Home Guard, without being re quired to conform to the patterns of uniform adopted by the Home Guard raised in the wards—butmust be Uniformed by Regiments. 2d. That as it may be eiffieult to obtain on short no tioe a sufficient Quantity of CADET GRAY cloth for the entire tome. any other shade of gray will be ac cented, if esfficient for an entire Regiment. 34. The cost of suitab a uniforms may be varied. it is affirmed. from 86.53 per suit to $3). aocording to taste. 4th. In cases where it may be difficult for the men to furnish their own tinliorms. it is suggested, that the Wards in which these companies may be rased shall furnish funds to eunely said uniforms. in cot 'Aeration of theprotection afforded by the Guard. etb. 'The Regiments of the *. Younr Guard" will be allowed to substitute for the Army Hat, speeifiec in Order No la gray Quiet Car. 6th. It is positively determined that no company of less number than one hundred men will be received, nor will Muster Rolls I. the Home Guard or Bimetal Or ganizations hereafter be furnished, exceptlmon pre sentation of a copy of signatures to original Ward En rollments, A. J. PI.,b , AcONTON, an26.6t Commander of Home Guard. DEADQUARTRRI4 BOME GUARD, CITY OF PHILADELPHIA—FaILADELetiIk, A 101121.1561. ORDEd No. 7.—ln addition to the Yonne and Old Home Guard. there will be ore/mixed a RESI DENT BOHN GUANO. without reference to age or locality, who will be a fixed local Guard. subject to the orders from Headquarters of Home Guards. The or sanization into Lompanies and Regiments will con form in number to those of the Home Guard, viz : one hundred privates in each Company. A. J. PLEASONTON. ap2fr6l Commander ol Home Guard. HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, 94.._ F PN„1-I, , slmut.Amaalde.m9yaril HOVIiII3OII, Dr. Frani/la Q. ginith, and Ur. John t B. MoCtelitin. are hereby appointed Burgeons, and members of the Medical Bureau, established by order he. 4, dated April Z 3, instant. thus completing the Bureau. They will i.e obeyed and respected accord ingly. A. J. PLEADONTIiN apfd-flt Commander of Borne Guard of Philad'a. MEDICAL BOARD. A MEDICAL BOARD will convene-in the city of New York on the let of MAY ensuing, for the examina tion of candidates for admieeion into the Medical t3taff of the United States Army, in aooordanee with the following Order. There are now five VllOBllOlBlll in the Medical Staff; WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office. WASUING.TOri, Mard 13,1861, SPECIAL ORDER?, NO. 76. A 8037 d of Medical Officer' will assemble in New York city on t he let day of May next, or as soon there after as praotioable, for the examination of Assistant Surgeon' for promotion, and of each oandidites for ap pointment as may he 'wetted to present thameelm be fore the Board. DETAIL FOR THE BOARD. Burgeon Clement A. Finley. " Charles McDougall. U W. J. Sloan. by order 01 the Secretary of War! L. THOMAS, Adjutant General, Applications Must be addressed to the &orelarY of War ; must state the residence of tee applicant. and the date and place of birth. They must also be accom panied (references will receive no attention) by respect able testimonials of his profession, the moral and physi cal qualiftostions requisite for filling creditably the re sponsib% station. and for performing ably the arduous and active duties of an officer of the Medical Staff. Applicants must be between twenty-one and thirty years of age. There are now five vacancies in the Medical Staff. a , St. 1111.1TAKX CLOTHING. UNIFORMS FOR TUE HOME GUIED Or PHILADELPHIA AND OTIABR CORPS CHARLES HARKNESS, 1;08 ORESTNUT STiEET. Fow, getting up the UNIFORMS for the officers and privates of the " GRAY RESERVES", is prepared to undertake the equipment of Regiments or Companion at the lowest rates, and at the shortest notice. N. B.—Particalar attention to style, &e., in furnish ing Officers' Uniforms: myl•lit MILITARY CLOTHING, (3-TIANViLLE STOKES', 609 CHESTNUT STREET. The different styles of outfits adopted by military or - ganuattous can ne procured. or made to order at the nitortant Witte. at the NEW (ILO mule nuor of GRAN Vliai BTOILF , b, 009 ontasTrina Street, For elegance and durability, these garments cannot be supassed, and every purchaser is sure to receivea handisome and valuable gin.. A CLOTHING.—Indigo Blue and 4.-=. cadet saturant ; Regulation Onside', on hand and fey sale by JOS L &Ai riy3o-6t. . 128 and 130 CRESTNUT Street. VIRGINIA AND . NORTH CAROLINA MON E Y AND BALTIMORE EXCHANGE) WANTED niyi-st DREXEL 63,C0. ATTENTION, HOME GITARDS. THE CAP ADOPTED BY 00L. PLEASANTON, For sale by CHAS. LAING & CO., • SIXTH AND CHESTNLT STREETS, Any style of HAT or CAP got up at the shortest n ouoe. sort 6t •6kic),E,m..exitl it & () 0.. GLASS, PAINTS OILS, AND VARNISIMA deliseaat Corner FOIVATN and KAITE 'Straits WAR DOES NOT PREVENT THE usual tomb numbers from mooning to RBI MEWS Photographio Gallert._/1E1,01.111) bireet, above OMB. for °Worst Photogrom tor ft: it* NEW IPUBLICATIORS INSTRUCTION VOA THE HOME GUARDS. RIFLE AND LIGHT INFANTRY TACTICS, Per the eSerehte and mareenvre of Troops, when as Light Infantry or Riflemen. Prepared under the direction of the WitT Department, by BREVET LIEUTENANT-COLONEL, W. J. HARDEE. U.S. A. In two vols., with Sixty-seven Illustrations engraved on steal; Price BM. Vol. I—Behottis of the Soldier and 06ffiratly Instruo tiona for Skirmishes. Vol. ll—School of the Battalion. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., 22 AND 24 N. FOURTH STREET. ap2s-at IMPORTANT TO MILITARY SURGEONS, OFFICERS. ETC. In press. Will be issued in a few days, A RAND-BOOK FOR TUE MILITARY SURGEON, Being a oemPendium of the duties or the Medical Officer in the field, including MILITARY HYGIENE. leg of Afitt PREPARATION ame, FOODoth leg of Troops. theOF for Hatt& And SititneeA, Ate. With Draetien remarks on the treatment or Camp Dysentety and general dis eases ; and on the most imporant points in WAR SURGERY, sr CHARLES S. Tx IrLER. A. M. M. A. Burgeon United States Arm y, uta GEORGE C. BLACKMAN, M. D.. Professor of Purger) , in the Medical College of Ohio. 1 Vol. 12mo„ cloth. Price 81. Wilt be sent by mail, prepaid, to any address, on re nets of the price. rOblititled by ROBERT. CLARKE A CO.. Cincinnati, Ohio. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO.. No. 2s North 'Fourth street; E. IL BUTLER & CO., No. 137 South Fourth street, Philadelphia. myl-2t i7A twin VoLENTREES WANTED • 1 -0 -w -L.• to call at EVANS' Great Gift-Book Bai r:triers, No. 439 CHESTNUT Street, and make their seleottom from en immense assortment of new, and timely. Publications on Military Tectios. A valuable Present accompanies every Book bought. The Books for study—the Gifts en mementos for rela tives and friends. • In Voion there is strength! Fall in line! Forward, march ! . . GILVIAM'a MANUAL, 2 , 0 R. 'VOLUNTEERS AND MiWU& / Val, Wel A "rent leng /Oh UMW cur Volunteers and Militia has bean supplied in tee presen tation of Githam's Manual. Besides contenting every thing that may be necessary for mere Motu:sal instruc tion, it also embraces much valuable instruction on va rious other subjects of equal importance with motes— subjects that few who have not been regularly trained in the military hurtle are familiar with- The thou sands of oar youn men who are eager for the coming fray should not fail to acquire all available military knowledge. M M MOPED'S MACOB'S IL TACTICS. 1 Vol. 81.26. Dere we have " much ill little"—a great deal embodied in a small amount of space, comprehending the exer cises and movements of the Infantry, Lig-ht Infantry, and Riflemen. Cavalry and Artillery. together with the manner of doing duty in Garrison and in Camp, etc. A glance at the volume will suffice to awaken an eppre olation of its worth. „ . HARDER'S RIFLE Ac , l) LIGHT INFANTRY TACTICS. for the of Troops when acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen. 2 vole. 81 GO. This work has been prepared under the direction of the tinted States War Department, and is issued in a neat, convenient form, well bound and pro fusely illustrated. CAVALRY TACTICS. / Also published by order or the War Department. 3 vols. $3.75. The many enco miums bestowed on this volume have not been 'unme rited. It conveys its instructions in such clear. plea sant style as to make it a favorite with even those who do not wish to use it practically. . AreCLELL AND'S BAYONET EXERCISES. 1 vol. 6:135. This is a manual of superior merit in its spe cialty of military science. Lite the works previously Mentioned, it comes to us by authority of” Uncle Sam,' who certainly would not present lus heirs with anything of questionable exoelience. All the standard MILITARY BOOKS, together with all the Biographical Writings of SMUCKER BMW% BARTI,h,Y, and other authors. and an immense collect- Ron of Miscellaneous Publications, at the Publishers' wrest prices. . A Gift worth fronted cents to $lOO presented with 6Vitry Bock. SOLDIERS—CIVILIANS—EVERYBODY. tum in at GEORGE O. E VANS' Popular Gift Book Pmporium, ap2T-tf - 439 cHterNur etreet. BOORS, LAW AND MISCELLANEOUS, new and old, bought, sold. and exchanged, at the FIMADB I.PEIIA- BANK BOOK STORE, No. 419 CHEBTriI UT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, sizes. bindings dates, editions, pylons, and Ochditienr. WANTED—Books printed hf Benja min Franklin, as well as early Boots printed in and upon America Autograph Letters and Portraits nnx phased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sal*. Cata logues. in press, sent free. Libraries appraised by tike-tf JOHN CAM r BELL. NZIOROEII LA. CANCER, SKIN DISEASES. SALT RHEUM, GOITRE. DROPSY, RHEUMA TISM, and all diseeuses arising from an impurity of the blood. are promptly and effeetually cured by Dr. L. JAIN k.'S Air , •.IIATIVE. Read the evidence: SCROFUL A ENTIRELY CURIND. Miss G. A. CuVELL, of Prattsburg, N. Y., writes: A 'mut two years ago a swelling made its appearance on the left side of my neck, which at first we thought to proceed from a cold. It increased in size, and became very painful and sore. A physician Proaqucced it Sem fats, or King's evil ; and for a year various remedies were used to scatter t . but without avail. 1 commenoed taking Dr. D. JAYet 'Et A LTERATIV w, which at first made the disease grow worse. It was lanoeo, and then it became a painful eating sore, w.th deep Wad's in it half a finger deep. I continued to take the Alterative. and need poultices of Flaxseed and 'slippery Elm, and IP five months from commencing the use of the Altera tive the wove was healed. and became entirety wen, end has continued so until now—seven months etnee. jggVlijrl2 01103 or ecstoFrlLA. -- issl.4 Vassibore, Maine. 1,71105; My son charism. *sad 13 years. was savere'y afflioted with Sci.olnia until he had recourse to thy Alterative. The disease bad its issue in eight running sores on his left leg. the discharge from which was quite offensive. The limb was drawn up in a dreadful manner, the heel being near the hip Joint. Our physician exerted hie utmost skill to Mot e oure, butrhis efforts being of no avail. he proposed _ amputating the strewed limn. as the onl means of savng the boy's life. But I was averse to having the opal' ,tion performed, and commenced giving thy Alterative. In three months' time, by the use of eleven bottles in all. the sores were healed. The soars remaining on the leg are very deeportnah will prevent It being equal to the other les, yet. with the afd of a - erntsdr. he is very active. and since his reco very, which has been mote titan six years, he has en- Jo.ed remarkably rood health. I hold thy Alterative very high in my estimation, and, for the benetit it has conferred upon me and mine, I beg thee to accept my sincere thanks. GOITRE PERFECT L CURED MARYR. MILLb.R.pf Red Us, Putnam county,N. Y., writes: This is to certify that I have been afflicted with a very large Goitre. I followed the di• eotions of an eminent physician bat I became rapidly worse, and at the ex piration of two weeks I was uoabte to do any thing at all. I again °omitted the physician, who prononcoed it incurable. As a last -retrource, I concluded to try hour alterative, and, after using one bottle, I found it elped me. I 00EltiEtted taking it over a year,and I now consider myself gerfeotty cured. Two years have elapsed since I discontinued the use of the medicine, and there is no sign of a return of f the swelling. My general health is also very much imroved. MAKI' E. MILLER. We are personally acquainted with the said Mary E. Miller, and believe her statement to be true. E. H. BaLLARD. Pastor of the Baptiet Uhurch at Red Mills. • ISR AEL PI %RM.:Y. LEVI H. COLE. I helleve the &Inv° certificate to be a true statement, sew th e swelling when it wen so large trust aid not think sbe could live long. bnt it seems now to be en tirely removed. 0. C. CRANE, Druggist, Peekskill, N. Y. SALT RHEUM CURED Alia S. 43f IMtnoedon. Wayhe cointly No los! nave suffered with an eruption of the skin, When first attacked I was troub,ed with an itching all over my body; in the course of two or three weeks there appeared several hard red blotobes on each wrist, and on my feet. The same kind of blotches came on my right arm. and then rapidly spread over my whole body, and filtiallf I MILL my face excepted. one entire rash from my bead to my feet. The disease Rammed other forme, so severe that t.t seemed almost impossible to endure it. The remedies used wouidgive relief for a few momenta only. I had the mostem inent plissiaians in..our vicinity to attend m 6 who pronounced the erup tion to be Batt Rheum. 1' was (Ryen up incurable, and affil remained In the lama/ 401 1 which I have de sanbad, when I commenced the use o f Jayne' , s Altera tive and Sanative ?ills. and they effeotad all that could be desired. When I had taken six bottles of the Altera tive. with Pills. the breaking out was greatly subdued. I continued them until I had taken six bottles more of the Alterative, and now I am perfectly mired. My M agog lied randcied rue incapable of attending to my household duties, but I now perform them as formerly. EUROPA!. WAYNE COUNTY, N. Y.. March lb. 1854. We, the undersigned. are aoquainted with Mrs. So phroma Forbes, and her 'statement can be relied upon aa being oorreet in all its partioulars. LAN DON FRANCES E. REEVES, JOHN n. FOXXEM, SYLVASTER FORBES. ("AMOUR IN THR FACE. Messrs. FERGUSON & BRO., of New Braunfels, Comaleountv, Texas, writes: 'rho wife of Mr. Theodore Gervere bad been afflicted wiih cancer in her Moe for twenty years, and to a de gree that it woo much ooneumed, with t he loan of nom Donee. All kinds of medicine and medical advice had been resorted to, without avail, until your Alterative, with the roanative rills. were used, which nroduand a complete cure. She now enjoys good health. and takes no more medicines. CANGEROVO TVINQR aSMQVg.D. Mr. Immay M. SMOKE., of Woocumrd. 13Orry cc. Michigan, writes : I had a small tumor near my right shoulder blade for years Last season this tumor began to enlarge and in name, troubling ins very much. My physician pro pounced it a sambas tumor. Other physicians had pre viously' culled it a cancerous tsmor, and advised me to have it ant oat. Which I refined. By using twelve hot. ties of Jayne it Alterative, and moistening the tumor night and morning with a solution of iodine and hydrio. date of potash, it ties disappeared. DROPSY EFFECTUALLY CLRED. etA.NCY RABB. of Locust Ridge, Brown county, Ohio, writes: I have been afflicted for several months with Dropsy. and was under the treatment of a- regular physiotan, without receiving any benefit. I tried your Alterative, six bottles of which °footed a cure. TERRIBLY AFFLICTED WITH 1/HOPBY. Mr. DAVID BROOK& of Potter township, Centre county. Pa. writes _ _ 1. David Brooks. aged fay-seven, do certify that I have been terribly aliboted with dropsy. My case was oon.idered hopeless. having been twice tapped. and wishing to undergo the operation again. the doctor re rased my request. Thus I was induoed to try your Me dicine. I used eighteen bottles of your Alterattve. and QUO bOX of your Berlative Fibs. and now feel en tirely oured, and am in toe enjoyment of good health. • EPILEPTIC , FITS REMOVED. Mr. DAVID SMILEY, of Goodlatsville, Davidson county, Tenn., writes: My little boy. eight 'leans old. had severe attacks of Epileptic, fits for about eleven months. De bad from twenty-fiVe w foal fate in a day and input,. Our pkgivi Mans pronounced bus rase incurable. the mind was entirely gone, and we did not expect him to live from one day to another. I gave him five bottle. of Jayna's Alterative; and, to our great astonishment, he was en tirely restored to health, and his mind regained. RIMUMATIBI'd OF LONG 13TAIXDuie, Mr. FRANKLIN BOND, of LOlllalTille, Clay county, thns 'mites : Raving been affboted with Rheumatism for eighteen 3 ears, and tried many physicians, and resorted to every remedy I could bear of, without success: I was induoed to try your Alterative and Sanative Pills. The pain in my leg began to abate in a few hours after taking the Alteative, anti in a few wacky I waa porfoody cured, Thin ALTERATIVE is prepared only . by Dr. D. JAYNE tr, SON, No. 244 CIiEt,TNUT Street, and may be had of Agents throughout the oountry. myl-wag ODENTALLILiA.—We speak from 11- - 7 preetieel experience , when saying that the OPAL BENTALLINA made by Mr. ealnri, of BROAD and tiPRUCh: ttrests, is decidedly the nicest preparation for the month and teeth that we have ever used. We believe it fulfils all that. is claimed for it, and being re commended by the_most eminent dentists we advise all to give it a tital.—Butlette. 0p11.3m. SPECIAL NOTICIE.—SHIPFBRS WILL Please take notice that the South Caroling% A Co. have disoonturned forwarding all through eight an d that all goads formerly consigned to them most now be consigned to a city aseney. Messrs. T. 8. & T. G. BUDD will forwardrin gems t o a thew ddress. A. BARON. j 9.. & sob* No 196 Borth witio&Ven. TA T 1 ONER Y AND JEWELRY raokagse furnished to Agents and Dealt .ra atno_ri reduced totes. Call. (or rend stamp,) tSO2 GIiEBTNU`S ffsreetipladehihni, Ps. F Ant a, 4x). apt' COMMISSION HOUSES, BLUE KERSEYS AND CLOTHS, sltitable for Military or Naval purposes, Foi We by FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, splB-iftf 33 LETITIA STREET. RETAIL VIII ROODS. GRAY SHIRTING FLANNELS. Twilled Gray Flannels. Striped and Plaid French Gray. Me. White. and Red narinats. Gray Blankets, 6 lbs. lenr pair. iIHARPLENS BROTHERS, mil ORES rririT and EIGHTH Streets FOULARD BILK ROBES. A varlet) , of good and new designs ltf Fontard. some of superior Quality, reduce d to Low prices. Alen. our remaining stock or Fancy Spring Mike, marked to Very IQW Prwes• CHESTNUTEBS Attcyrnmas, my! and ELOII.III Streets WANTS. WANTED. -1 - am, going WeSt and wish to sell One Share of Stook in the Musical Saving and Loantooiety with a new piano allotted. Address "Piano," Press Office. It* WANTLD—A Young Man to Learn the Agrieulturat and .Need business. Address "A. C. 11." _Press Office. ap27-dt WANTED—A Lad to do Errands. Ad drem " Press (Am ap9,tf WANTED—A4ENTS to sell PACKA GES. of STATIONERY and 'JEWELRY, at wines one third lens than can be nnrchsced elsewhere. uall on or address (stamp enclosed) J. L. BAILEY,No. 154 COURT Street. Boston. Mass. mh2d-nm VMPLOYERS WANTING YOUNG men, ko., see invited to address the " Emplov ment Commttee," at the ROOMS of the Young Men's Christian Association. 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street. ar.3-6m A MERIOAN BOBOOL INSTITUTE-- L. II vEST A BLISIIED I>