The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, April 29, 1861, Image 3
THE PRESS. —PHILADELPHIA , MONDAY, APRIL 29, 1861. the b ee t zu m a nd nn e er t , o LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. MARINE INTEL LIGF.NCE. ONE PRIOR OLOTHING OF TRH LATIUM ' 4." ~ „, - D ear $a coin the absence of PRESENTATION TO THE MILITARY. ---- - '''' - -- - M P; a r : n 2 4 ;1 g mades . In A t l h l ./ la - ' moment of a Surgeon Gene- This morning, at half past nine o'olook, a publio SEE FOURTH. PAGE. expressly w lr a f rra or n it t E ed i Tee ter We aPP TAIL BALES. LOWESI. selling prune marked in the ne:essity . existing for ssmo ado- prestiration will take place in Franklin Innate. 2 ,' , n 1 o( pr h r 1 of the The regiment ef National Guards will each reoeive UNITED STATES CIRCUIT CouRT-Judges ' " v in being matte ler t-e re le eta ar° ' at at ear volunteer army, the a aopy of the New Testament, from the Pennsyl- Grier and Cadwalader -Reitman vs. Roberts. steamship City of ARRIVED. Richmond, Tomlin, (late Mitchell, satisfactory. Oar ONE-PRICE system is strictly ad e ~, a ..0 , 110 et-. We understand that this So. Before reported. Verdict for the defendant who remains at Riellmond his home) 36 holes nom bored to. AU are thereby treated alike. ee '" ,-. 0 elemiscioners' 13:111 has been eon- veleta B i bl e In discharging thejarere Judge Grier remarked Richmond with mdee and 200 paesensere to Thotheft tweal-ly JON LS & 00.. 604 MARKET Street. igietno" i- /teary Ilespi tal and placed an- Meter has made arrangements to supply a copy of that they had commenced this case with the Isar, Webster, Jr. , in ,, a i ) & [teary John Neill wh o , with a the holy book to each soldier going into service. : tea ba , e i e • Dr -0 r .ICorrespondence of the nailed& phia Exchange. ) ---- 11 dof S er tb. 5 , h 13 ,, a , 4 10_,- cdaliated and well experienced Thus far, over two t °nem our State volun- and he wished to God that the strife was ended as their labors were ended . Bat the time bad now LE tv Es. Bee, April 47. MARRIED. -- ' ee, ;is ase.stents, is preparing to render tears have received copies. The Bible Society has come when every man mast stand up for the Con- .The ships Fawn and Victoria Reed are the only yes re'l.o, w hich may be so soon and so impera- 331 lird tee question practically, and is eonviaced Mita ion and the Union, and settle the question mesa the hitibor. Wind ei N. AN DE O HON-STICKNEY -On the evenine of the g -dr a a mat greet good will result from the enterpr ise. whether we have a Government or not. YOURS, O. _ N. W. HICKMAN. 25th mat ,by the Rev, bow 0, Matlack, tar. J. Lu keno Anderson to Miss .b. Marcella eticknoy, fourth r , '1d" 1 .,r,,, 0 n tr entsbli-hod under the fostering PRAYER FOR THE SOLDIERS . This patriotic sentiment was received with ap- roorressoaeoa se of the Philadelphia Riohango./ daughter of Witham L. Stoke. y, Fee., of Philadel- CAPE, ISLAND. N. J.. April 27-6 PM. phia. I Washington, D C.. papers Plena° copy.) * Iiirr?„":"1 ens duel," but is intended 110 t We understand that i n the Emanuel Episcopal plause, both fram the jurors and the attorneys. The ship Albert Gallatin. Captain starer from hio• 1110WR YY- el ILL ER-On the 25th Mat- by the ee" '' *wits only, but also "fora ll those bile, mime to the roadstead thee morning. and hilt this Rev. W. B. Hall, Mr. Charles Mowray to elms Mary ar e** • church, en Marlborough street, Kensington, prayer COMMON PLEAS-Judges Allison and Lud- er ,„ he service of the United Stes," in is daily offered for the lives of the soldiers who are low.-In the case of the First Patch Reformed internam/ for Port la &eau. NB, A eel veer Passed E. Miller. allot 1 , 1'118 ( 14 1 A m staL t ` , ,i te 'lee re. egetty . and means Those who battle , andfor the success ofthe tiro , u iteonSaturday , new going forth to Ch h J d Allison , granted the tem Place al E 0 Wool., tented south, with troops on BOW e--alc A I.ILiF 1. E -On the 25th Mice by the hoard Wend NW-weather fine. Rev. C AI Quick, Anthony. •r. Drown to 'Franoe lel '„, - rteken by atchnese, as well as those c ane they defend. These interesting meetings are injunction to restrain the trustees from dissolvin g mo , elide, all of Phil detente. * •:. j ay to wosodoa in action, will be welcomed heid in the morning, at 7.4- o'clock, and we tinder - the connection with the Dirch Reformed Church, MEMORANDA. ~ V e_NO-P.- CIe,NSI L IS , e_run the 18th inst., by Rev. °' ~,, wed for properly stand will be continued The dissolution must be effected by a 'majority of Steamship Karnak. Le Messurter, cleared at N York Twine gray, Mr. Samuel J . Evans, of Pratte ford, to Math t e " e•-• for tee furnishing of such a hospital, much 27th inst. for Nassau and Havana. Nary Pegenbush, of this city. '' other haildines will be obtained FLAG-R AISING. V.-thi the 21st mat ,bt Rev. Dr. the congregation, and not otherwise. t ~,ei sad as o . _ . Manistee Matanzas. Lhaegang, from Matanzas, ar BOW nit[ - RUNE v,-Uri rived at New ' 1 oak 27th inst. Clay, Mr. George M . Bowers to Miss Mary Roney, all ;; .s .l tr m ay arise, all of which will require Ihe employees of the Knickerbocker lee nom 441:FARM!. SKSSIONS-JUdge Thompson. Ship name. Simpson, cleared at New York 27th met. of his oat! ty of means, we oall on every pithy raised a Sae flag, on Saturday afternoon, The case of Mr. Shoemaker, who is charged With for Melbourne. WOOD-e MIN ART -On the 24th inst .by Rev. Dr. se , i ,s er l :„, the e , e tnity to assist in so noble and over their establishment. A relate of thirty-four larceny gm a bailee, and with a conspiracy to cheat Bark Virginia. HIV, for Bar badoss. cleared at New Wylie , Mr John Wood to Miss ABlBB Margaret mew• art, both of Phtladelutua. e`, 'se effort for the geed of those who are gatis were fired, the men singing the Star spangled in concoction with the Pennsylvania Safety Fund Bark Vel.m. Whiting, from Buenos Ayres. ri TM ed ii re Itleata-y. OIJ NAir.-On the 35th met .by the Rev. I York 27t6 inst. "as at New York 27th inst. '. tneflar the privations of a c l amp life, and Banner. A speech was delivered by John M.Association, (late National Needy Fund.) - T. tV 3.weylie. D. D•. Mr. Jacob Hermann to Piss le -1 II their blood in defence of our Dutton,El , after which those assembled partook heard on a habeas corpus. Ship Hindostan, from Calcutta for Boston,was spoken bleritheth Young, both ot this city. . e le to sr.Mt 2T 30, long 65 05. e .134 g and honor of a collation'.There was much enthusiasm merit- Mrs. Mary R Smith, the complainant, deposited 17th mat. 'lei ' simply a house for the sick It re- fasted. $320 with the association, the defendant receiving fang Ocean Belle for Para and a market, cleared at New York 27th lest. DIED. , rr il is " the ordinary furniture of a chamber FLAG RAISING AT BUSTLBTON. the money. She was under the impression at the Brie Firms F,asle, Button, cleared at New York 27th 4 . sr I•n."' w i t h food, medicine, and other no- On Friday afternoon a ndid fie made ~ ei slier .. Vie eC by time that she was depositing with the Six Saving Fund, the office ef which was on thepp r o enn e y . inet i " Post Il l e i rier i t?A " , ( Ver .- 2 . Mary B Thompson . Havener, cleared On the 17th. lent., Mrs. Mary P. ow of the late enamel I. Hendereon, -.• n e'retieces; all these in proportion to the teachers and rnpils of the Fayette Grammarland met for Philadeiphia 7. mo Ti v egnacitty of the building. And we call School of Bastiaton, Twenty-third ward, WB5 site corner. Schr M Si'Freeman, elicker'eon, hence, arrived at ES'Paue"efilends liar late family are Invited to attend the funeral from her late residence No Meg Walnut Meets ":,: z iv on all to aid in the work by being wil- thrown to the breeze, over the school, in the Although the deposit books given to depositors Portland 26th inst. Y, May I, at 10 , a clock . Interment at •• -end on demand, supplies of money, food presence af a large assemblage Rail Columbia, represent the charter to have been recorded,'no 0 1 latiharetli..ityniantg. Arrow , Cat ver, hence, arrived at Port- o r n emt W y e p te k dda P 4 '' - ' h ..d ere plain , fu niter* of *heap the Star - Spangled Banner, Columbia's the Gem of such record could be found, nor was the origins. t *it kinds, a. w. , „ r Bahr Indian queen, Harry, hence, arrived at Boston Kb ttl inale-On the 25th inst., Samuel Heritage in charter produced in court. Sir. F. C.Brewster, 26th inst. tho 64th year of his age. ' ;a apte constractieß, trin t tae the Neon, and other patriotic odes wore sung by -- . 1 - dealers and mannfatnrers can, the Children. Addresses were delivered by Dr for the defendant, requested time to produce a Bahr Hanover. -Dolor. from A ghweY. WCA, via bar• Funeral Irom his tate residence. No. 1218 Pop. ea largebedew", arrived at New York 27th inst. lar street this ( Monday ) morning, 29th ;net., at 3 realer. „ratively small cost to themeelves, send Beaj B. Wilson, Rev. Messrs K 8980031 and MVPs certificate of the change of name, /913, and the Sabre Sarah L. Truman. and 0 A Hayden. South, teeteirsohle-On the 26th met., Joseph Maumee son of 1 04 -- i as are here mentioned, viz : phries, and Ccl . Washington L Bladan The pro-case was continued. and elearea at New York 27th ann. tor Plulitamph a. Ise loJana eansom. aged 2/ years. ,em. armee bedsteads (iron are best); mattresses , g sses (media r were also enlivened by some very fine Joseph Williams and James Connell, convicted Steamers Concord. from the Norman. Beverly, Pierce. and Funeral residenee tel his parents. No. 741 s.: l, 3 feet wide) ; wooden chairs, music by the Mechanics' Brass Band of Holmes- f II Itt I' • sentenced toe o se mg o ery po toles, were Ye . Madeie Bell, cleared at New York 27th met. for Phila- South Second street, this (Monday) attetheon, at 2 -fete longby dolphin. o'clock. months in the county prison. steamers planet, Wilson, P T Heart. Wenn. and BR ettER -On the 25th inst., William S harer, in the • tables , of plain pine Or pepler, a burg. et . Vnlean . Morrison. hatee. arrived at N York 27th mit 76th Year of Ms ace. ea , king Moves, table and bed far- In the evening a Rome Guard was organized, e ergo Funeral, from his late residence. No. 1103 Citten whether of earthenware, chinaware, dry- numbering about one hundred men. Drilling . Wag A PATRIOTIC INCIDENT-TWO BROTHERS LEAVE - hardware ; groceries, flour and meal, immediately commence' under Doctor Belie B. THEIR BUSINESS IN CANADA TO JOIN THEIR RENY- ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS DLIT RIC eON.-On the 26te lest., Martha A., wile of a. or* John We l arrickson. and eldest daughter of Samuel O. - seal candles, coal, ice, half inch and Wilson and will be continued nightly at ii. MINT. ~,.. speera up .ro 12 or ere3OX LAST NIGHT. end Mary Ann Douglass. , bovine for surgical apparatus, with muslin o'clock. ' Two ex-members of the Seventy-first Regiment, FRIOKE -On the 26th inst., Emily Louisa, second , ales peryardi for bandages . entrant...RlM WARD nous G U ARDS . learning the departure of that body from New „,„ ,„, daughter of Si. W. and Catherine J. Fricke, in the 19th - ` id' ‘atte's can send orders for the A spirited meetingof hi hula at York, immediatelclosed theirb 1 i Gk.."'" !rage! II LVI s t a corps weey up ne WAS n teRNTAL ROTEL-Ninth awe Chestnut. year of her age. with various artidea from their own houses, headquarters, Saranac Hall, Eighth and Callow Canada, and are now en route for New York, with WTI winder. PhiladelphiapitiNg. -On the 26th inst., John W.. eon of Cepheus i l t i ll- Montgomery, N York Barron and Hannah a. C. Prink, aged 6 seats. I,le,Ft W Hitchcock. U m N 1 Davie, Boston s i ein be wall apsred from their abundance ; for hill streets, on Saturday night The first company the intention of following and joining the Seventy- Eit Larkin. et Louis W W Young. Pit sburg ,13 UTTER.-On *ITER -On the 25th nun.. James Hunter, in the -NI hand article of household or kitchen fur- of Juniors, Capt Gregory, were fully organized, first They have addressed the following to the C V Wood & la. Georgia R t.: McGowan. Pittsburg nth year of his age. • Funeral mom nie late residence, No. 419 Dean (late II Li Gilbert & la Galveston J C Bundy. Boston is amply good enough for hospital Wes and met in the adjoined& hall Three isomeanies recruiting officer at 159 Crosby street : ' . Per[ i st reet,thisf Mondayl 9 ' l k 1 . r MissGromenheme N York S. S Wharton Wentingdon rfl morning. at oama . 10 and pillowcases , towels, bundles of rags, Will be raised at this point In order to render MONTREAL, April 22, 1861 11 l Nell Huntingdon S A Church . teem Yore L. L Rabe -In Bristol. BUGall eountdr, on the 25th 1 ;;ten or muslin, knives and forks, plates, ceps, their organization complete in every particular, My brother and myself will report ourselves in ft Gregg &la Peoria. Ili W 8 II illy er Se la, St Louie met., LydaLukeret, in her 51st vets.. Wrn p Jones N „ y„k Funeral'from the residence of her eon-In-law, Dr. 3 al-hes, remainingfrom broken sets; likewise, these three companies have formed an association person, at your office, for duty, in answer to our Nree_Yoorneeet. Detroit Ed ' York 1. 41 are Beaton Mr de. NewJ. Lonng !Pence, Bristol, this (Monday) afternoon,at 2 t i n utensils of tin and iron . Even the small the object of which is to provide funds for the sup- country's and our colonel's call, Usual as it is pos- " J a Horton, Boston 3 Greenwood, New York °'.„M" °*.„ r , silo-- and private families of but small means port and protection et families of such members ethic tie reach your city . NATHANIEL DAVIS. aAI Curtis, New York J C Hama on, New York „ ..".,"Lea".. -ern the 26th inst . Withal Rambo, in the contribute, by "doing their diligence gladly or companies as may be called into service in the .11 Moir. New York H Dantertek, Baltimore .3,.. year ofllls age. T Beam, Baltimore F al eatmpeon, Boston ere P 1 that little," such an amount as will in field Mr John Fry was tanned permanent Pre- POWDER HILLS la GII Belay. Ohio Capt Wm Baldwin, Ohio eueeral from hie late residence, corner of Columbia liveries and Wilsey street, on Tuesday, at 1 &desk. '''' ,art it se of great value 4 tae smallest gift will be aident ; Vine President, R. M.Foust: Secretary, .."-M -- - A here is said to be but one powder mill in Virginia Dr J C Penceson, Md H echeller, Georgia • i l ia Plowed. A. M. Spangler ; Treasurer, George T. Lee; Mau- a nd eight Maryland, and none in the rest of the Weekly Report of Interments. lie especially Suggest to wholesale and menu- ganger, D W C Moore The arrangements of Mies Haldeman & sister F ' assaurek. Cineinnatt to res end to our call . The t ' shag druggists P „9 his organization are most admirable, and are de- South , h 'and • It IV &IN 0 1 while Delaware as nine Pennsylvania WFt Moieties &a, et Louis a eles R. r eerie HEALTH OFFICE, April 27, 1861. sixty-seven. From these figures It will be seen Rev .1 8 Purdy, New York 51 I Roes, Harrisburg interments in the City of PAtteutelplita from the 20th to t e ewe the character of the articles of the ma- signed to be both permanent and efficient All ofMrs Foss &2 a, Harrisherg feu Burnett. Cincinnati. 0 the 27th of Aerit..l2sl. We and their oollaterele, which are of the members will be equipped according to the Tll. to .h sixty: it 1 t Clio G totake ow importants or e evernmentel P Milled, Portland, Me rir A Cushman. N Y possession of, or le render Seoul*, (for we believe it p Bleok, hasten ..I . P aliervere, New York le eie eV use and absolute necessity in hospitals No orders of the Commander meshief of the Home • •C F Polhemus . New York 91. lir a as" that his or her contribution will be Guards. front the general fund which has been con- Mt ZOO • • the h ands of Unionmen powder J B Hutton they are a ,) the mills of Maryland and Delaware. It will be im- Jll A lvard. Connecticut J W Emery, Boston nyh EAfixs a tr, o re. DISICA.9BBe ...- la. I &POWS" :if some other If events turn out as trieuted. T H Sears & la. BostonM Mrs Feymour, New York " . 4- ' cl " ; F a bare every reason to expect, all that can be possible then for the Richmond mill to begin Chas 8 Huntington, N York .1 F Bailey.. Washington • 5 - Ire ' LIGHT INFANTRY PATRIOTISM to supply the needs of the traitors --and the W Vernon, Jr. New York R _ Beard. iediaratiolia ------ _ - __-- _ / will fall short of the demand. J W Starr. Richmond E li L Wakes. New York A5thma.........—. 1 Fever,Typhus 1 e carpenter or two, or their apprentices, can The anperinten ant ofone ofour tar eslnfantme mayarrivewhenwe mayevenput a atopto d g t ti ebr Scat valuable service by a day's work co- Sabbath ;schools, while singing with his juveniles, that —Boston, Journal. John B Ga r t . New York Hall, Boston toptty am -.......- 1 Hemorrhage— ... 2 e ta 18 making surgical apparatus, shelving, • yesterday, that pet of Sabbath school hymns, " I'm _ J " Jallllls9. N Brunswick 011 Wi hemline, Boston Apoplexy —. 2 1 " ILungs ..i. / B F inter. Harrisburg E Snylsr, Ha" nabur glad, I'm in this army," when they came to K- G Canc er at Breast.... i I Trooping Cough 3 c p, era Jao F Lee. Har isburg - Fl' hitterton , W Wellsb'o Stomach-- 3 Int% t B 1 6 „Mina tOrt, rain t • ' 89 te tang will be accrp'ed by the institution until -h- ha es, The Knights of the Golden Circle have their Oeo Martin E Ivo fr. hew York Casualties -- —. 31 1 Bronchi-.... 1 , silted for immediate use, and then at ma be " Fight on. ye little so there. headquarters in Baltimore and thence distribute Capt Renton, West Point rapt W A Howard Ihe Batt * you shall win; -arms , R A Waikeneon, 11l York PII Stuart Croup ....—. -- i 711 " Heart . .... 2 - tia . Asked them " Boys who are you going to B 7 , ,gbt arms, munitions , and clothing to their lodges MissCongestionof Brain , 3 3 " Larnyx 1 1 „.. .A Stuart Miss l`S li Stuart " Lange.— 2 2 " Lever—..... 2 Mt ough the tenth. This organisation plunged pr T H Atkinson. Carolina MlB3 M s Atkuuralt , N C Cramps ...: 1 " Lunge ._--- 2 14 3"..e eenevolent are therefore requested tO tena " Tice Souza," shouted the little ' r army, as deter '.'r John Neill, southeast corner of Broad mod Texas into rebellion; and it is probable that they A e Wentworth, Cia, et -.- Geo W Bleccarani Ohio Coreeptlon of Lungs 22 a " Pentonoe,.... 2 min dl f t f th t far- e 3? as thoughthe ae o ena ion hung York W Horn New York brought about the treacherous murder of the Mas- M a Le m ". New Convulsions.-- - 9 -- fit. &. bowels 2 3 is streets, a note, stating what they will upon their prowess. - Behopplenburg Wm Gilpin Colorado - Cyannine—. -- 1 " esolne ........ 2 Bto demand, whether now or at any future day. saohusetts soldiers in Baltimore last week Their e -1, B e New York B B h' 11 mphrey,M ram it Dipthena....-.. - 7 Inanition .... ..- - 2 •to writer append his or her name and precise headquarters should be promptly broken up.- 'l` Hughes. Illinois .7 L Dunham, New York Dropsy --,„ -. 3 1 Intemperanee..-- 1 .6 0 1011 to the note, so that the messenger may Trtbane Geo Limes, Georgia C Oppenheimer- Baltimore " Brain.... ,3 3 aundlce I _ Jae NI inward. Jr, New York Ben C Itl. Clay. Kentucky 0 Chest ..:- I 1 (Oarsmen _ _-_. . 1 4 ivy find them 'We have learned that every Ft, Reed, Baltimore W a Alcook, Baltimore e Hem,- 1 Old age............-. 4 it contributed will be entered on the books of J 8 Potter. Boston ft W Thompson Disease of Bram -.. 6 Palsy —, ..... -.... 4 le h :peal, and an acknowledgment made by the FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. OEt Murrill, Maesachusette If 1 Pith, Plow Jersey " Heart-- 4 1 Poisoning --- 1 Oral director to the parties who supply the B F Chanderlatn,N J S Reiner " Liver...:: 1 Rheumatism _-- . ... 1 Juan E Gaerran .lac NI Lunar " Lhest-- I Softening of Brain 1 1 CC - The Money Market. P Milner &la Mrs Costanza Drowned...-. 1 Small-Pox ' 419 PATRIOTIC ENAMORS - 7 FIIILADHLPHIA. April o, 181 1 . JIT Potts. Pittebtirt Wm mertetr, w em. 'gel Dewey -..: ' .... 3to Teething:- —• 1 a Setahen • to Church -Yesterday afternoon. Stooks continue heavy. Pennsylvania fives sold to- W A ellen New York A a Ziegeniu sse elaware! eeelepey , M Chunk Effusion en Brain 2 Tumors ........1 2 er tee benediction, the organ pealed forth the day at 79, City Railroad sixes at 93, Pennsylvania Rail- Capt ElB Conner Thos Holcomn D__ 2 Uloerat'n Stomach- 1 brit sliming strains of •' The Star - Spangled Ban-Railroad Mr Rogers, Baltimore Robt Port-r, Wi m Del ai Erysteelai „_ . - „,„ 2 unknown . 1 re road first mortgage bonds at 99M. Reading H redee, Ohio D McCandless & la. Patatig Fele ream% Heart. l Violence - —.—. 1 le and the patriotic rector of the church, meek ruled at M. In the Mace market there appears to Joe II Barrett. ran. Ohio t 1 Heater. monteemory Fever Remittent - I - - ear V. Daetiebest, D D _. steed in the chancel be as little dispoettton to eater upon any new opera- Ft ti Conrad. New York Ta, Busgerford e tkorgia, Scarlet . . 31 Total ....—..... 93.766 * eel the organ ceased. But emotion was great, lions in the present state of national affairs as there is J E Treat, New York E E Armstrong. Mve A Abmer, New Haven M Sondheim, New York Males, 136; Females, 223; Boys, Di; Girls, 72. a:tears gave vent to his feelings as he stood and in other breeches of business. S Rovenblett, New York B Cooly New Jersey OF TEE asovx mimes wines: I r time with foot and hand as the national The money market has hardened somewhat in con- J 0 Ripheeter, Pon* J At Davis. Phila. Under 1 year...-......... 67 From 50 to 60 ... . 8 :- 1: resounded through the aisles and nave of sequence of the heavy amounts that will be called for - it K Chan bers Phila i* Cla•ke. Jr Phila.From Ito 2 24 ” 60 to 70 .... lb W 0 Reynolds Fr a •• * ' ''-' .. 2 to 9.-........ ...-..... 42 70 to 80 -- —. 14 l" teach. in the armour on of a war, bat the absorption of B P Remington rem C H Tompkins, Prov in A. M Tower " 9to 1C...-. 25 " 50 to 90 ... ... ...- 2 Dr Darachet hag accepted the appointment of funds in this manner is far less operative upon the mat- H B Banton N Killer " 10 to 16........... e. 0 " 90 to lel ....... , 9 :gam of the First Regiment of Pennsylvania kat than the great want of confidences that universally H Cmndale .1 Al Reggie% Illinois a 15 to 20....... 3 " 100 to 110- -- ...... 1 . :ems, commanded by the gallant Col r, CM, Ohio 1,7 . fr Walcott. R I '2oto 30 18, prevails, indeed, li might be doubted by those who tai F nl P te4Mh Ord.N Y J Pil Bunnell. T.enton, N J . . 1 30 to 40 ...-.--•• 261 269 Lewis, Jr., and it has beer. mentioned as pro- hear the talk of some benkers and capitalists, whether A Jackson, New York JN Bu leech. Bowen ~• that he will be appointed by Governor Oar- there is any such a thing as eredit left among us. . w . A Waffler &I 1. Baltimore 1 Steiner, Baltimore Nerevere-United States, 267; Foreign, 31; tin thylain of the division, in which event he Bine following is the tonnage of the Shamokin Valley 5 w smith, London. ham Robt Hull, Maryland i„. „ ~ m Dana, 'sew York l' Kea ey, New le re er n . -. 1 have the power of appointing a staff of and Pottsville Railroad, 3 Howard.Pr, s. ow York N B UTtr, New York rem the Alutehouse, 9; People of Color, 15; from 'ens under him This must be a move in the Week. Year. C I Fox, New York Ms, F J Porter. If 8 A the Country, 8. WARDS* I WARILIa. j., wimps. direction. We are informed that Dr . Du- For the week ending April2o, 1861 ..ano ir 47 197 is Bee Whitfield . Virginia Col I A Hamilton. N Y __- Same time last year......:. ..- . . . 3.423 04 32,8a8 19 W Budd, New York G 8 Sams ler, New 10 k -- C Davis, Portland L levies & 8 sees, X Y . Wm H. Elliott. Louisiana W J Smith, Wash 0 0 N Webb hew York . A 11011811mling, N Y C PI Canfield, U S et Chas A ilherman, N Y - et has four nephews in the array, and all of bs patriots while they have one drop :e VGA of the uncle in them. There is not :Biter in the parish of St. Stephen's Church. neon and congregation are ell loyal to the emment, and heartily desire that the no anl and unholy rebellion in the South should :rated at once and forever. Antfren,'s CAurch.—Ycaterday afternoon rp• ileistr's company, to the number of one v.irei. attended Divine Service at St. Andrew's cs•:t Eighth street, above Spruce, of which the Wm Bacon Stevens, D. D.. is the rector. e amid bearing of the moo and the aptitude i•ey evinced in drill, won high encomiums from se tram:. Immediately on their entering the iii e aisle, the organist, Mr. Radnor, struck up 3: T.F.5033.1 anthem, the "Star Spangled Banner. he ohnel exorcises of the church were conducted re the addition of the prayer lately ordered by 17..aep Potter. The respectful attention evinced y the corps partook more of solemnity than , ythirs we have witnessed of late. Dr Stereos molt his text from the MI verse of .4 Salh ebeptet el Acts : "Now, therefore, are an here present before God to hear all things at ars commended thee of God." The speaker peed here=cuing that these words were spoken 1: a soldier aad befitting words to address soldiers. reviewing in a very eloquent manner the .ElMP'illeE.; under which they were delivered, ".72,7itid that this soldier was Gad-fearing and ; not always on the bonded knee, but oweo and amid all scenes he was a devout ier - sing man as well as soldier. Ztrntioned his remarks in a very /acid and :74-ive manner, and, addressing the noble __ tray before him, said, "We are gathered asit , :ed, to hear certain things commanded x bear. Where ire we assembled? In the of Gad. Before whom are we gathered ? tme sr - be is omniscient, end is booking down and into the hearts of all who are here as- The speakef said, " I stand before ty: a Peter, an Apostle, but I stand before an n1311).8E - seder of God, and am commanded iiirws you as befitting God's ambassador." A - 1 ;itqls truths he desired to inculcate, and ztiti hoped that they would be remembered. fau: to which be would call their attention That Jesus Christ came into the world to :!iinners." The second great truth lee hoped 77:M a lodgment in their hearts was in these Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and zdvdt be saved." Lt reverend gentleman closed with a very nit?, appeal to those present to be true and ati to their lag and country. HALF•PAT OF 'TIPS TROOPS. Muly tf the men who have bean mustered into `tea want to have half their pay reserved tor and several inquiries have been made '22t regard to it. In reply we would state that t - .-..zey will be paid out by the Government un- Eldiers have been a month under pay, the -77-tntit being made monthly. The committee of having this matter in charge would do distribute relief to the families of the ';;lteta daring the first four weeks of their ser. `! as their families will needit more within that -.3.1 than afterwards, when the men can draw pay regularly. ":luraor SHELL'S 31IIN MAIMS HIS APPSAILLINICS. L't Fay Of CSUIPSAY D 3 OM brigade, Ilia appearance, and says he arrived in :ity an Thursday evening last from Baltimore. en arrested in that city and put in prison, he remained until Wednesday, during which 'tie was fed on corn cakes and cold water. lie : 41.4,, 5ts asked to swear that he would never' re- Baltimore, and upon refining to do so he ins condemned to death by an elderly .ho fixed Monday morning as the time for ° '-With- On Wednesday he wee released and way to this city, walking a good pert of ?alt. We suspeet that the sentence of death =ham, to work upon the fear of the prisoner. CAMPS FOILVED- CaSp been formed weet of Li:meter, regiments of Ohio troops are stationed. bzo without arms or uniforms, and repregent tt it Ira undisciplined condition. VSTERTMEST TROOPS ROVING SOUTH. I,l elartniont of U 5 troops from Governor's T regtobod the city on Friday after j= tbo Kensington depot. Their destination to be Fort Delaware. They were gear the barracks at the Navy Yard. PRESIT.NTATIO, friesdi of the Garde Lafayette on Saturday • the men composing this fine corps wick .17 ':. 5 . Mr. T. H. Peters made the presente : la a teat speech, in which, after cengratala -t company for being engaged in the defence :tire and stripes, be added: "Let your mr, It forward, and your war ory, Lr Guarde 0 v e le rend pas .":r (The Guard dies, • never surrenders ) Cept Archatabault, the commander. responded. •:e cilizema of the , cventeenth ward, on the tf Officer John B Buck, who leaves for the oh s the Legion, company . C, On Saturday '',-:inn presented him with a magnificent re as a token of their esteem and regard. •,! presentation was made in the Seventeenth yrz, itation house, by Beroard F. Lynch, Etaf Ll..‘lait of she eitizenS, and received in a neat appropriate speech by Officer Buck. eaturday afternoon the Germania Society, I: •Nith Mr. Eitzvrald, presented Mr. Carl Seats, lender, (who is about to leave for the wars,) Milly pair of revolvers. Mr. Fitsgerald • - .`"7 happy remarks, after which the Boole ',-;",3ei a number of national airs. '..pain John Spear, of the Scott Legion, has been 'e-eared with a handsome sword, by the citizens Streateenth ward, of which he has been of police for several years. ` 4 711. sy THE PROVIDENCE MARINE ARTILLERY COMPANY. ; ia , e rdr Morning about three o'clock an r N ' • 'P an J - from Pr - idolise, Mode lsland, at , Or city. They Came from Ration, where ,„7.Lhava teen remaining several days awaiting As sAn as they reached this city they 4 . 7454 to Br.)ad aud. Prime, where they quar :rja. themselves This compan y' is the ettoceaser fctmed in ths rear 1501, and is commanded ctfirale Mllowing An : Captain Tompkins, ;',. 1 Samuel El. Arnold, Lieutenant Governor of TEIVad ; jammer: A ro Reynolds, Peningten, • sad • Braston. They have with them N :' 3l " 12 0 men, and about 700 rounds of shell, Vcanister. The battery consists of six of cn ? ? 4 ' . each gun weighing nearly Toe tuns can be fired with astonish aueEach gun is provided with a kind trrangeroent instead of the ordinary by means ois an strike a tree which far distant f t as h to c be hardly pereeptible :•satl e , lsak 'l eye. The guns are nominally .6 katd t b ut the shells used weigh nearly 14 RI NI are self exploding. The gun. corn aim are were made by Captain James, tZde Island, for the State of Alabama, but ef 4'" S 'ate seceded the captain refused to (tarry it,,,;:iolootreet Th e mop composing the company „. /b adt, and look as if they &mild stand ,Stio ever hardships. Each one is arfited revolver and a Sabre. :szterday s ome SOLDIERS AT CaunCe 'zd Ma of our churches were well at- Beldl Grace Ohara, at Twelfth 30 4 TrY streets, ery_ cu was occupied by about 0 ,c Mob oasil yesterday morning. The sermon, by Zir• Stlderds, was very appropriate for the 01 , ,THE STEAMSHIP. CITY OF RICH MOND —Yesterday afternoon the steamship City of Richmond arrived at fliarket.Street wharf, having left Richmond on Friday evening. She oame on in charge of the mate, Captain Mitchell remaining in Virginia. Stie brought a large num ber of par - angers, and the orewe of the Now York steamers Jamestown and Yorktown, which have been taken possession of by the authorities in Vir ginia The Cue of Richmond was aeized and held for five days, but owing to the vessel not be ing suited to the purposes for which the Virgi nians wanted her, and the influence of the captain, the Governor allowed her to depart. In passing Fortress Monroe she was brought to and boarded by an officer. The mate of the steamer informs us that none but Secession flags are flying in Richmond. lie says the passes now givon to the whites are precisely the same as those used by the negroes In Isiorfolk and Riohmond provisions are exceedingly scarce, and held at very high rates. Flour is selling at SIG per barrel, coffee at 25 cents per pound, butter 60 cents per pound, and other articles in proportion. One of the pas sengers who came up in the steamer said "If you atop their supply of provisions they will soon be brought to terms." The Vice rresident of the Sou thern Confederacy was in Richmond at the time of their departure, and it was reported that ' , Jeff" himself was on his way there with a large army, to eat up what little provisions there were in the place. It was believed in Virginia that the New. York 7th Regiment had all been slaughtered between Annapolis and Washington. It is proba ble that the City of Richmond will be chartered by the Government. SERIOUS STABBING CASE.-OR Saturday af ternoon a young man named Michael Connelly, aged nineteen years, was stabbed in the abdomen at Delaware avenue and Walnut street, and PO seriously injured that his life ie despaired of. It seems that Connelly and another young man were passing along, when one of them picked up an old shoe and threw it at Wm Spitall, who was stand ing at his father's shoe store. dpitall remonstratel with the men, who were somewhat intotioated at the time, when they rushed at him. He drew a pen-knife, and, with it, stabbed Connally, who was conveyed to the hospital. Sitio!' wail arrested and - held to await the result of injuries inflicted, Mumekt Four. RAIT--The beard of mana gers having liberally planed this noble building at the disposition of the military, over the thowand men may be seen drilling there nightly. Captain Provo's Gray Reserves, Captain Fitzgerald's Home Guards, and other orgsnizstiOne, occupy the build• ing. All who wish to join will apply immediately. Colonel Pleasanton requests that not a moment will be lost in perfeoting the organization of the Home Guard. Ifvery raw reoruic wilt require a month's preparation to fit him'for duty. FINALLY COMMITTED.—On Saturday Daniel Tarr and Jacob Zimmerman, who were arrested by Deputy Marshals Jenkins and Sharkey, upon the charge of being engaged in the -manufacture of spurious coin and notes, as was stated in The Press, bad a final hearing. The money was made at a house in Morris street, below Eighth, and about $1,700 in bogus notes and coin seized. The secured were both committed to await a trial at court. FOUND Ditowinzo.—On Saturday morning the body of an unknown man, which had been in the water for several months, was found at Spruee street wharf. The deceased was dressed in dark clothes, with a sack coat, On one of. the Anon was a ring, with the initials " inscribed upon it. REMARKABLE Escaps.—Charles Appleton, aged eighteen years, fell, on Friday afternoon, from the fifth-story window of the office of Merrittew do Thompson, and, remarkable to state, not a bone was broken. Re suffered most from a sprain of toe ankle and elbow. Her lif,tirgEr.—Tho arrivals of hay during the past week amounted to three hundred loads. The prices realized were from seventy to eighty cents per owl. los the ordinary, whilst the boot quality brought ninety cents. Straw is in very olive demand, sixty loads having cold at from ighty-Ave to ninety-Ave cents per cwt. A SHOCKING CASE.—A German woman, named Mra. Paul, residing at No. 1113 Market street, cut her throat yesterday afternoons with a shoemaker's knife, and then Out her child's throat, The woman will recover , but the infant will not, ASSAULT AND BATTERY. - - OR Saturday morning Charles Close was held in $5OO bail by the Recorder, to answer the oharge of committing an assault and battery on John Reeves. COUNTEETEIT NOTE.—A $3 counterfeit note on the Bank of Southport, Man., wasaz tenakelycircuiatod throughout the city on Satur day evening. Public Amusements. WALNUT-STRZET TBEALT.RE —Mr. Sothern com mences the second week of his engagement this eve ning, when Our American Cousin at Home" will be given for the fifteenth time in this oity, where it has achieved the most unprecedented success. The new scenes and features - which Mr. Eothern has in traduced in the piece, and his own inimitable per sonation of Lord Drenctreary and his brother Sam, have created a renewed sensation, and cer tain it is that no other " star" could have attracted anything like the audiences that he has done at the present time Mrs. Covrell's new Northern version of " DixeY," to which new verses are added nightly, continues to elicit a double encore every evening. Mr. Edwin Adams appears as "The Maniac Lover" in the afterpieee. Anon STREET THEATRE —This evening a thIR• piece called ""Tbe Wars of Napoleon tbe Great," which' has been some time in preparation, will be produced here. Beyond the mere announcement, we have not heard any thing of this piece. Its mili tary character would appear to be in unison with the warlike character of the crisis. Napoleon is usually a trump. card, when played upon the stage, and we dare say he will "win the odd trick," which means fill the treasury, upon this occasion as well as be did formerly. Tae LONE MOTHERS' AND WIDOWS' VOLUBTEER Ramer FOND.—The benefit for this truly admi rable 'fund, which takes plane at the Academy of M 13210, in the shape of a musical and dramatic matinee, on Thursday next, will, if Miss Lone dales benevolent efforts are as ably seconded by her profeasional brethren and sisters as they are by the influential committee, (whose names will appear to-morrow,) be a brilliantly-suceessfal at fair. A number of the best artists in the city, in cluding Mrs John Drew, Mr. J. S. Clarke, ttn., have already volunteered their valuable services, and those who desire to aid the good cause are re quested to leave their names at Beek h Lawton's, 634 Chestnut street, as quickly as possible, in order to complete the programme. Surely none will re_ fore their aid- Mr. Peter Riohings as Washington, and Mice Riohings singing "The Star Wrangled Banner," as the Goddess of Liberty, would be a great feature : and go a long way towards refuting the late calumnies circulated against her. A. letter dated at Montgomery , on the 18th inst., andpublished in the Savannah Republican, says : " Vice President Stephens has returned to the city, and will fill the Presidential chair in the tem porary absence of his Excellenoy, who iereported to be making arrangements for establishing his headquarters at Richmond. This is of itself a sig nificant fact. Fdie army of litty thOIIIIIZI4 man will be equipped and ready for the field In thirty days' time, and will be joined by as many more, if ne cessary, before be reaches headquarters." MOM Emmy Ramon% —The city authorities of Richmond have passed an ordinance, directing the issue, in the name of the oity, of three hundred thousand dollars in small notes, for the redemption of which the faith of the city is pledged The laW provides for the issue of two hundred thousand dollars - in notes of the denomination of one dollar; fifty thousand dollars in notes of the denomination of fifty cents; and fifty thousand eolbare is notes of the denomination of mosntyvive mule, T-.. 047 07 14,349 07 Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sales, April 71,1661. FIRST BOARD. SO Reading R .. sawn 16 Rio a 0 _....,_... Is Iro do ... --- 10 50 do— ..... . 163 i 50 do —.— .. wash 164" 90 N Penns R....awn 7 BOARD. 1000 Own &Am 60 13. 80 Su Lehi rh, Ocrip —. 2836 1000 OLly 63 —... 90 50 16 P , tins R_. _ ..... 7 PRICES. 0500 West Chestsr 78... 70 15 0 Perms. ss. 70 5 0 Cit. R 6s .. 90 2000 Penns. Conn 5s nips 8134 1000 Penns. R Ist m—... 99X 1000 Norristown It 61.... 98 SECOND 1200 Penn% 79 .1000 Fenno it 993$ 6 Lehish Scrip.— 80 CLOSING Bid. Asked. Philadelphia 65 0 91 Phil& 03 R.., ani 20 Phila. 6s —new— Parma &1.. 79 79 Read R —. 16 1614 Read bda '70.-- 89 82 Read mt 66'80'43 874 X9O Readins 6a 'BB 67 70 Penna lex div. 36 3634 PennsßSdmt6eB2 Morrill Can eon. 40 48 Morns Can P1d.103 107 W .. 65 .3id. Asked Rah NaY Praia . 10 115 I Elmira ft Prerd— 10 Elmira Ts . Long Island 9 Leh Cl tc --- 48 49X Leh Cl3c N Eng_ 293£ 30 North Penna tt —6X 7,X N Pa ft 6a..intoft ad 69 N Penne. R 109.-80 Nalawiata oref._.. Frank & No nthw 41 lisee&Vine-et it. 7 10 West Phila 37 Philadelphia Markets. There is more activity in Flour, the demand being mostly to supply the home trade, and prices tend up' ward. The sales inch' de common and good imperfide at $6 873405 621 k ; $5 621155 87M for extras; and from $6 to $7 80 .Ije bbi for extra fatally and fAROT brands, as in quality. At the close our lowest Imes were gene -rally refused for standard brands.which are very scarce; a sale orlte -bills being made at $5 6231, and Ste bbls Broad-street mills extra at a price kept private. The receipts and stooks are very 1102. aye Flour is steady at $l5O. and Pennsylvania Cairn Meal snares at $275 ep• bbl, without sales of either to note. market is poorly supplied, the receipts by water being a:most entirely susnendesi, and prices tend upward. with sales of 000e4 01.0 bushels to note at rettelam for good to prime Western and Pennsylvania red, and 140alte1i for white in store, Choice lots, if bere,would bring more. Rye is firm at 68 1 for Penns* yams. Corn is better. and prime y-llow scarce and wanted. with sales of6ooo bushels at 660 afiont,mail 0136 e in store, including 1680 bushels Western mixed at 69es ele. Oats are firmer and- rather seams, at 36360 for Pennsylvania, and 530 for prime Delaware, barley is ablet. Salta.—There is little or no Quereitron arriving, and Ist No 1 is swirce and wanted at $25.60 per ton. Corrox.—The market continues at a stand still, sad we hear of no sales worthy of notice. Holders are very firm in 'heir views, but the demand has almost ceased. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS—There is MOO Of' no thing doing, and there is no alteration to note. Base -.—There is no demand. and the market is unset tled and lower. The only sale we hear of is a small lot of Timothy at $2 $ 0 bushel- WHIMEY Mores of slowly at ifirslaie for Pennsyl vania and Ohio bbls ; 170 for drudge ; and 17%e for hhds. CITY urEms. IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES—WHITE GOODS AND EXBROIDEILISS AT AN INCTERNSE SACNIFICN.—We doubt if any announcement has been made m the newspapers for a long time that will excite more general interest and attention among our fair readers than the extra ordinary card of Mamas. Price, Ferns, & Co., which will be Mend in another column of our paper to-day. These gentlemen imported directly from Europe a magnificent stock of goods denoininated under the head of White Goods, Linens, Laces, and Embroidenes for the spring sales, at wholesale ; but in view of the present war crisis, and the prostration of business con sequent upon it, they have resorted to the expedient of literally sacrifieing their goods in order to keep the wheels of business in active motion. The ladies are, of mum, too well " posted in such matters to require any elaborate explanation from us, as to the advantages of, promptly heedicg this announcement. To-day, at No. el Chestnut street, (lately occupied by Chickering & Bons,/ this superb stock will be thrown open for the inspection of the public. Ali the goods bane, we be lieve, been marked down at about one-half the rates usually charged at retail, and a euffi dent force of onus ea out attendarita wili be ready to facilitate purchases. Seth an opportunity of securing this class of desirable. and alma ys seasonable goods. at mere nominal prices. has never before been presented, and we have no doubt that thousands will economize their means Ili promptly embracing it. To persons purchaeing by the piece. or in larger quantities, a stilt greater reduction will be made, so that merchants from the country will also find it to their advantage to examine this splendid stock, wh-oh is now positively to be cold at prices from 25 to Se per cent. lower than the cost of importation. SPRING CLOAKS .— Now -that t he season is at band for our lady readers to make their purchases of Spring Moats, we have been at some pains to ascertain where the beet assortment may be found, and at the most moderate prices. Our report for to-day is as fol lows : Nana, No. 23 south Ninth street, presents a stock of endless variety, embracing every new style, and every new material, and his immense trade enables him to ■ell at remarkably low prism The large cloak establtshment, located on the Pl. F, corner of Eighth and Walnut street:a, has also won a wide reputation, both from the choice character of the garment...old and the ream onalala terms at which the, are furniahed. At N 0.148 North Eighth street, above Cherry. these articles are also manufactured and &splayed in great variety, and the multitude of ladies who daily visit there, and who come away suited and satisfied, Watt ns to believe that it is a first-rate place to patronize. mews, Hough ec Co., No. 25 South Tenth street, also offer to their patrons a rare stook of graceful cluake for Isaias, of richest unalitaet, and at low prices. This is a new establishment, but from the business-like manner in 'which matters; are conducted it is evident that the proprietors are not novices in the business. Their gar ments are much admired by ladies of taste. SHIRTS, DRAWSRS, HT CETERA. --The season of the year ie upon us for changing our underclothing, adapting it for the motion. The oleos to do the mast satisfactorily, as well es to obtain ail kinds of goode in the Gents' Furnishing line, is at the old and popular hones of Messrs. R. C. Walborn & Co., Nos. 6 and T *North Sixth street. UNION Nsctc-Tres.—Wo have Been a sample of a very appropriate neeir-tie for the times, containing the tri-colors emblematic, of the nation's sag. They are composed of fine bine mils. having one end white, and the other blue. %hey should be universally adopt ed. Mr. E. Oppenheimer, No. 923 Church alley, is the manufacturer, who is fully prepared to supply the trade. A TRRRIULE FRLLOW.—Ben. NCCullOgll is a terrible fellow, a tremendous fellow, and of Ml the Se cessionists we think Ben. is the most to be dreaded. if the newspapers report his movements correctly. To nor they may he is marching on Washington at the head of twenty thousand men—terrible men. lake Ben.. with revolvers in each bend and bowie knives between their teeth. To-morrow they say he has gone to Texas, mtifectly disgusted, while the text day he is said to he .ti I lurking an the neighborhood of the capital. the last account of Ben. is that he has been endeavoring to obtain one of the elegant suits from the new fashittuatde ° lames emporium of Granville Stokes, at Oki Chestnut street, but which we are sure he crnnot have at any price. all lovers of their country line garments will be sold, and a handsome gilt wilt accompany each sate. Triz GRAMM OF UNIFORM.—The ohmage of the uniforms worn by volunteers from the Old-fashioned uncomfortable. straight-laved affairs, to easy and be- Miming garments is most marked. and our soldiers do not look as though they had swallowed tnaar own ram rods. Apropos of this fact, we would ea I attention to the grimed and easy appearance of the civilian. wk meet. most of whom wear the elegant and comfortable garments made at the Brown kltone Clothing Nall of Rookhul & Wilson, Om SO and PA Chestnut street , above Eflth. MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arch L W ^arroll Geo Kremeiberg, Balt H Brink & wf, Baltimore Mrs Wild. kg-Ain:nor° W KOh'er. Yawns II Graham, Virginia Jut Graham & la, Balt Mies L Baustlys, natempre Miss Henry & sister. Balt John W Bans., 11 Ham W E Smith, Milford H Tighe. Snow John Du Bois. Wmsport J rt Braydon, Boston T Amadeu. Boston J Dull, lisrosburg Y Farmer. Chicago John Go/don. New Albany .1 C Waltman., Pennsylvania Ram! Rankin. Wainen Thee Graham. Wardlington A Kelley. Buoks eo. Pa Jae Pollock, Thompeonv,Ps. Wm Kohler, Virginia ri Graham. Vyre-nia M ntalone, Pennsylva.nia Thos] Brown,Canandaigna W Tntle es wf, Pynna, H wove, berim. Pa C K Armstrong Bleubenv J B Fin'ay. Pennsylvania C P Roberts, Paeans Hall Gen Wm Lilly, M Chunk B B Mir mg, Harrisburg R T Wood, Pennsylvania P T MMus. Elmira, N Y J F Smitb. Ctibmkeraburc Wm RRiilsey,Conneatiotit H M Harriman:Wisconsin Iy. Parkerson, N C B Davenport. le heeimg,Ya. bus K suffer, New York Jos Kanffer. New York Henry Gilbert. Barr sburg T C Coart. New Yo'k T B John on, New York T L Hale & da, New York PH. bunker, Pittsburg P Yyraff. Pittsburg L W Stanley, Mann B W Wait, klaSsfilffingette IMO Abrams, Da John W mono, Look Haven ST. LOUIS ROTBL—Chestnnt street, above Third, .1 Lee. New York W A Beard. Mae GPr Thornton Maas N Sexton, Baltimore M Wilkins:Ashland, 0 AWood. New York Dr W Loewe, New. York .1 H B own. Ohio F Randall. Massachusetts e W Jones, Philadelphia J A Mcnheimer, New York W Rethrtngton, Kansas Lient T W Davis, New York Sergt P R N York .1 G flumes. Lancaster Mrs Graham & 3 ch. Pinta 7tH Carr, New Y B C Lee, Penne ' A Kendall. New . York A Rogers, Bangor. Maine Jacob P Cour, New York N Wilson, Wash, D H C Wallan & la, New York E R Holtman W Smith, Philadelphia Aram IT—Evening AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut street, above Fifth. R, W Williams, Maryland S Anderson. Maryland S Baker. hew York chandler Ball. Penns C P Taylor. Penns W J Hawn. MiZor, Pa .1 J Istkm Prttaburg Wm a moll; u ", A 'rhosPowell Maryland B M Ben Ines, U 8 A A Reulines, IJ S A H L R Soreve, U S A S Edwards. U S A Chas S. Hatch, U S A Henry F, ink. Lewisburg .1 H Riley J S Mecum New Jersey Iwiiith Warren. Virginia Sand Mimes Chambersburg i. W Miele& W Cheater H thauer. North Carolina I W Johnson F Draper, New York P H Pe,tue Jos O'Brien Cap' F W Huntly J H Everhart, W Chester A U Glibly, Pittsburg John Tindall. Yampa H Montraititill. N - York R Dyer. Woodbury R S Nteldrum, Rrohm , r, Va. Soo F Mouth, Riohmd. Ye 'Wm Ransom, Itibhmd- H P West. New York Mum I Wood, Now York Jae 8 Van Amnridge,R THE UNION—Arch street. above Third J H Barton, PhDade'ribia B °otter. ! D- NJ ROM Du Buie, New Jersey A W Deisfield, "Baltimore Lewis MoDowell.Wmport E Numhers, Ohio - F M 'Wheeler New York PR. Buddy. New York J Thompsou,Vir Carlisle, 0 R o Curtis & wf, Belt R Gana. wenusylvania Robt Phillips, ochuyl 00 Saml McGra , th, Pittsburg W Dewy er k Ye' J Kitfbee Detroit ft &shied, COMMERC'AL HOTEL-Sixth st,. above Chaatnut. ---- Hyde. Delaware Wm H Eldev,Maryland Jlt Taylor, Rordentown A White. Willistown J A Strawbridge, Chester co J Slack. PennsYlvania T Walton. Chester co A W site II AHa dins, 1j A HHStewart,.TiBA Wm R Grevanyer, U A W D Robe ta. A it Hodson. Oxford. Pa It Baker, Chester oo S Patterson, Miltbrook, Pa D Stubbs. ()alum, Pa John Harman. Doylestown R B Matthias, Pottsville John Dugan W Cheri er John Si Miller, Pottsville. H kwbank, Wilmington Lieut eerrill, Philadelphia Wm J Baker. Juniata oo Truman Coates, Lano co John Traynor, Chester co STATES UN lON—Market street, above Sixth. B B Chicago G E Allen, New York John All e n, New Jersey T Y Sims, Chester co B Wielder. Rochester. N Y Jacob we ty, (* . reel:mama John Brumbaugh, Bhippensb Jacob Homes. Baltimore I' 8 Arts, Shipper:WM% Jno r Weaver, Vr ash, DC Morris enamour, Baltimore is Becket, Shippen, Ya D W Taggart, ripiesen, Ya P Miner Hewing StrouseHer 'Ours Samuel Brown, Ha rriß b, g ; H Hates. H arrisburg R O'Brien Harrisburg Wm Kobineon . Greensburg 11 brum I e. ndiana Jas Robison. Pennsylvania W Swank. Pannsylvania Aa W erfugh, Pittsburg M Viultatus:Murytund JR t , eott. Mary land John -Watt, Latrobe, fa BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second et.. bel. Vine. T 8 Heston. Newtown C Palmer, Fdgewood A Blake. .Newtown Jae C Cornell, Penna BP Wrigley. Phil& J E Wrigley. Min D E Patterson. New Jersey Chas P.m. Penna Chas Boater. Pena Jok Hill. Penna Geo Pickering, Backs co W H Pomp. r &eon Ft 8 Cooley. r eaten E Leedom. Jr, Bucks co 0 ateon, Hatboro .1 Butch, Penns J B Inure. Pence J B rater. Tra ton, N J Wm Butler, Lewistown J ft MoLaukhlin Lewietn hl H Dreher_ troudsburg CC Murray New York Wm Radford, Newtown !vac Woodruff, Newtown Jas An , mean, Newtown C C Oozy, _Newtown B F Hough : Newtown MOUNT VERNON HOTEL-Beoona et.. above Arch. IL Hunt. New Jersey Ca_pt Angel, New Jersey /1. Bird Ea la, Jersey S Thompson & la. .N Jersey .1X Malone, BOW Jersey Jos T Yonder's, New York Neill. Tenneerree Miss L Edwards. Ma D M Brodhead bordentn J 8 Huntley, New Jersey 8 stone. New Jersey I F; Eldred. Penns A Calder. Wayne to. Pa Miss Sallie Thomann, C J E eiriodgraite, New York REVERE HOUSE--Tturd street. above Raee, GIC Bechtel, Trenton. N.l G Kaufman. Virginia It 8 Thud well, Minerevi tie H Adams, A. Wand GA A schbech . Allentown Et .1 rk ectuer. Allentown B F Whitby. ehe.ter co Alex P Halfi-Id. Yhita Joe Dean, Rhode Island W C flair, Phila Col M Phil& Cant W Gaunter. Pa W Muria, York, Fa NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. C c limes, Pa Jae Sanfnrd, Tennessee John Wampole Tennessee Wm Mock, ?sawn It Irtuor. hasten NI Forme, New Jells! Chas HI/mite, Soh Raven Geo la isokeon. Penns Dr I w Alwyn Oh Phila Capt H J Bendier. Patsy Limit Li ste ner . , Pottsville Lient N Rosenb e r g .tsv John Pottsville Lieut M N Y W usensinger. Penns John Miller, Blaney, 0 L C Elfeh, num FOUNTAIN HOTEL—Seem:hi et. above Market L A met, Phila Wm Evans, w Cheater Ohms B Hopkins, N J Chap Peed, N Y John Ftanagan, Bristol, Pa M B Fitzpatrick Flanaran Capt RC Cooper, Phila. Capt e M Mooney, Plula J 'seam, Yhita BLACK DEAR—Third street, above CallowhilL J Willooz, Wilminetn, Del Geo Nagle, Newtown Wm Ruppert, Penns Lome H Mohr, Penns John A tamer, 'a remont Gto,per Benito, ;teethes" OAK ORCHARD ACID EPRING WATER.— Pamphlets containing the opicions of celebrated Chem ists and Physicians respecting the use of ibis WATER in the case of many *lineages of the human system, will be supplied, gratis on application to FREDERICK BROWN. FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets; or FRED ERICK BROWN, JR., NINTH and CHESTNUT Strelds. CALL AND GAT A PAMPTILAT. ap33-tf .13ATOIIDL0H 7 / 3 RATE Drit...—Thus celebrated and perfect Hair Dye is the best in the world. All others are mere imitations! of this great original, which, nag gained enoh eiteurive patronage in all parts of the globe. The gennine W. A. Batchelor's Liquid Hair Dye instantly produces a splendid btaok or natural brown, without staining the akin or tniuring the hair, and wit , reme d y t h e ill A lecto et bad dyes, invigorating the hair for life. Bold by all Druggists and Perfumers. Wholesale by FABNEBTOCK & CO., DYOTT & CO., Philadelphia. GitovEs & BAKsaVa Cautrtanzi - , NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES. 3.1,e Beet in line for Family Bowing. No. 730 OFtheTNUT Street, Phiiadelphist. must- CARD PRINTING, BEST AND ORILLPEST IN the City, at 34 Routh THIRD Street. CIRCULAR PRINTING, But and Cheapest in GI , City, at 34 South THIRD BOW. SPECIAL NOTICES. . .. . - First.-- ... ...18 Tenth .... --. P Nineteenth-- 19 Second ..........13 Eleventh ..-....... 6 Twentieth . —.15 Third .... 3 Twelfth.—_ ..._ 6I Twenty-first ..,.. 6 Fourth —........10 Thirteenth..." 9Twenty-seeond.. 4 Fifth ---.13 Fourteenth__ 7 Twenty-third.... 6 Sixth -- ...... 9 Fi ft eenth—.ll Twenty -fourth,..23 Seventh.. 9 Sixteenth--..... 7Unknown ..."-..11 Eighth....__ Seventeenth. ...1 9) Seventeenth ..19 -- Ninth.-- .-....6 Eighteenth......ll Total--.—. 259 The number of deaths compared with the correspond ing _week of 1860 and of last week, was as follows: week ending April 18, 1860, waa....-..... —.189 Week ending April 93. MR. was. - - --- - -• i --- • - 3 " By order 01 tne Board of Health. WILLIAM READ. Realth Officer. MOURNING STORE, NO. 918 CHEST NUT litreet.—BFSSON & 80N have Just re ceived' gray mixed Chefs De amen. 12Mo ; black and white fans printed Grenadine Games 123G0; blank .nd. purple ; Mao& and staple Cloaly Delaines. 18Mo ; black nareiss 4 lBXo • black plaid 13 twee. Mut /mound mourning Eng.ash ' Chintzes, /00 Bheunera Plaid Poil de Chevres,lBXo, &e. Also. blank Ihreses.4.-raps &mats, Craps _Taverna. tana,Sammer BombEisines. Challys . Ogress Hermint, or Gisnadine !forages, Camels' Hair Baleen. 'remi ses. iliouselines. Lawns, and all other goods requisite or dos, and second mounting attire" 509 OFATEMENT OF THE UNION BANK, as required by the second section of the act of t a General Assembly of this Commonwealth, approved the 18th der of October, A. D. 1887. Amount of loans and discounts— .. ---81403 781 58 towns. 615231 T " due from other banks-- . 87.456 23 01E003 /A . . ... 45,655 OP deposits, includins balances due to other banks. . 283 349 18 PHILADELPHIA. April 26.1861. CITY OP PHILADELPHIA. ss : 1. James Lesley, Cashier of the Union Bank, being irworn. depose and say that the above statement is oor reel, to the beet of my knowledge and belief. i• lAMBS L.ESE.,hrI, Cashier. Sworn before me, this 26th day of April, A. D. 1861. it .1011P1 It. FRICK, Notary Public. PEN ASYLVANIA HOSPITAL. PHILA. RELPLIIA, 4th monte. 6th. 186 L—The oontrihu tont to the t' carNOYLYAr.IA tiVd.kITAL are hereby notified Mt an eleotiou fur twelve Managers and Treasurer, to serve for the ensuing yew. wilt be held. - Pursuant to law, at the Hospital, FIFTH MONSM, (may) 6th. IE6I. at 4 o'clock P. et. apS 'nth tno6 WM. BlDOLE.Seoretery. AVry.OFFICE OF THE SELIMOKIni TAL LSY AND PUrf I 3YII4LE .KAIsfAttAD %ML , 609 WALNUT nrreet. _ PHILAIIKLPHIA, April 11. MI. The Annual Meeting of the btookhoidere of the Ph9R10134 VlslieY and Pottsville Railroad Company Will be held at the Office of the COMO.InY• on MUMMY. Bth of +nab at 12 o'clock. tor the edeogion of Managers and a President to serve tor the onstung apl2 11298cdtm3 6 1 - 17- OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CUItiIPAAV, Pnilaoelpnia, April n, 1861.-1 he Gard of Directors have this day declared &semi-sa ndal dividend of Ta E PEK OENT. on the capital Mock of the Company. clear of Mate tax, payable on and after Ala) Pun, 1811. Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Company, No. 28 it. Third street. THOMAS T. FIRTH, aplB lm Treaeurer. rioncE —ALL ANSWERS TO THE LF Circular of the CuroM ['CI% E OF PUEO.IC Ca eTTY will be received by JOBa:Pli PATTERbON, Etq-, President of the Western Bank, who has been appointed Treasurer. ap23-6t" WSCHUYLKILL A.PiD ISIIreQUELIAIIIVA RAILROAD W.—Tile Annual Meeting, end ou of the utookholders of tae Schuylklll and /Sus quehanna Railroad Company. as required by their (matter, will be held at the CON . / no:L. TAL ROT.uL, iu Via OM of PhiiSdelPhiS. on MON. DAY. May era, 1881. at 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of choosing a "'reluctant and six Manage to serve for the enema ear. and also for the consideration of such other buainesa u may proving be brought before glad Meetinr. FRANK R. IRMO, April 13, /261. fat l 64M76] iSearetary. MILITARY NOTICES. ti QUARTERMASTERS DEPARTMENT, HOME GUARD. CITY OF PHILLDELPHIL, April 29• 1861 NOTICE.--to as to avoid any further unarepreaon hon. as to color, .tyte. and cost of uniform a the " Rat r. GUARD," members of compsmes now en rolled, or to he organized, are requested to examine sums at thie office. WILLIAM BRADFORD, at 29 it Quartermaster Home CRuard. iAT A STATED MEETING OF TUE • Bows , RIFLES of Philadeltihie t the following mere appointed to reoeise and enrol members: THOMAS U. HRO Wis. 1031 Market street. A Et Cli'D W. Msc AL Pi r 4 el ,11) South Eleventh et. .1/01E8 LAO ir I r.. SR Wharton street. D AMYL u.eINTYIt6.I27 Jones' alley. WILLIAM DAVI tb.obl mai outh street. PETER inzMuItLA.ND. Preset. A. W. lidAcAi r nina,?,eoy. ap29l gtt iATTENTION ! BUSB-HILL IN- F A N TRY —TO memhers of this company will as semble at their hall, northeast corner of NINE re: e.... TEt and NOR i.ll IStreeta, on MOND .. Y I.:ya wns next, the 29th inst., at hail' past 7 o'clock. FUR J.).41 LL. . Pane teal atte ndanee is earnestly reguested. By order of O. V. tIALINER, Captain. Attest—H. !R. FRANCIS, Sec y. . it tNOTICI E.—All able-bodied men sym pathizing with the Baltimore miles, arid deeiroue of assisting them in avenging their wronas, c an enroll themealres es members of the " Baltimore Union Volunteers," by calling at the Upton Hotel, Dock street, within three Gaye. Men of courage, fear not to sustain that flag which has protected you. lt. AT A MEETING OF THE RESl oente of the FIFTEENTH WARD, held on Mon day evening. April 22.1181. it wee resolved that we form ourselves into s Company of 100 Men, for the protection of the city of Philadelphia. to be eal'ed THE tiWtH HILL INFANTRY; and that we offer odyselves to the Commander of tse Home Pm& ar coon sit the roll is full. Ely order of C. V. DAUBER, Captain. attest H M. FR A INOTS, BeIYMIII7. 11 1 WELCH SOCIETY .—A t the request of 'several members of the Society, I hereby invite those members who have not enrolled their names in ant at the Military organies. ions now forming or having been formed. for the defence of the city and the support of the Constitution and Laws of the United t qwes, and 'he than and Stripes of the Union, who are Olepored to form an association either for the military defence of the city or to aid tie se who have volunteered for such purpose, to meet at the Wetherili House, SAN SONE htreet, shave nix h. on TUEoDAY ts Y UMW, soch ninant, at,i3i o'clock, JOS. AL 'MOM AS. at 29 2t President Welsh Society. HEADQUARTERS nomc GUARD, CITY 0Y FliitangLPPLA, .April 26th, 1861.—GENE RAL ORDER, iNo, 9. Y. 'The organization of the Companies composing " The How a Guard of Philadelphia" will be as follows. viz : Every Company, whether of Cavalry. Arrillery. In fantry. or Rifles. will have the following officers, viz one Captain. one First Lieutenant. one sesond Lieu tenant. one Third Lieutenant. one Furth Lieutenant, and one Company Quartermaster; Mao the following Pon-Commissioned Officers, viz : fur Sergeants, four Corporals, two Musicians, and one hundred privates. Each Company of Cavalry will also have one other non commissioned officer, viz : a Farrier and Black smith. Each Company of Artillery will also have two other non commissioned (Afters, viz two A rtifi oe rm. For Cavalry. Artillery, Light Infantry, and Rifle Companies, both the musicians are Butlers; for Com p a an i es le ef Infantry, the musiolaas are, a Drummer and Fr. Each C,.mbanw shall 'mica he own ,fficera and non commissioned Masers by ballot ; which must be done before On t!omnany can be finally mastered into the Guard. Offices of the Yonne Guard may be over forty five years of age. The Como ander retreats his strong advise to the CoMnaniee. to Baird capable and of officers and non -oommiesmuto orecurs. irf. The.organization of Regiments will be announced hereafter. IV. Every Company. whether already accepted or in w 00... of Imputation. will proce.d in drilltng with the urmnat i Away. . J. PLEASANT .N. ap29.2t Commardtmc Prime Guard. tiUNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LIGHT INFAtITRY uoRpB, All. Alumni of the Ihnvertity of or under . Five Years &audit:ie. are invited to enroll themselvea on the mnister.roll of the am. Appeeation to be made p" at the University, Messrs. fIARTRANFT, wAGNER. rEPRISR, Committee. HOME GUARD. ELEVENTH PR& MINOT, TWENTY-THIRD WARD —Liberty and Union. nou and forever. one and insoparnbiel — At a meeting of the citizens of the Twenty-thud ward, held at Robert N. Murray's, &annum. on Fri day evening. April 26th. JOSEPH M. BANES, kisq• , was caned to the Chair ; Bo NJ. 13. W[48024.1'0. D.. JOSPPH MURRAY. CHAS. RAINIRR. 6EORf3E AARr. ALP R ED GENTRY, and JOHN W. TRU YIP were aimed Vice Presidents, and WM. W. MI6 " Secretary. A. committee being eh van. the following Preamble and resjutions were submitted and unanimously edneted: treas. The Btar-Spangled Banner, the glOrious andien of our country'. Lberty, has been ruthlessly torn from its position and trailed in the du.t by in testine foes—subjects who hove erjoYed all the r i ch blessings wAioh the noblest Government benea'h the sun can bestow: Aed whereto. by reason of snob foes our country is imperilled and its present condition im peratively demands that every good oitizon array himself upon the side of the . - 0 siltation and the laws, in opposition to all traitors: therefore, we. the citizens of the Twenty-third ward, do hereby form ourselves into an aseociation for the deft noe of the lives and property of the citizens of the said ward, as well as the city of Philadelphia, whenever and wherever our services may be required within the limits of the said oity or ward. It. WM. W. BURKE, Secretary. HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, Over or Pargetiax.rwrii, April 2S,_ MM.—ORDER No. 4—MIRDICaL DEPeiRTMENT. Jet. This Department shall at present consist of five Surgeons, one of whom shall be •• Medical Direc tor." by whom all details concerning the Hospital ar rangements for the sick and wounded soldiers shall be 'once. Zd. This Drumm shall appoint, at the nomination of the Commander of tne Home Guard, tour or more ?e -xistent Surgeons, to be assigned to such duty as may be necessary. Ed. The Medical Dim for shall select acoovemoda. Hone for the reoeption of the mak and wounded, and make suoh requisitions uron the Quartermaster for hospital ierniture and stores as may on required 4th. 'i his Hospital snail he used nor only for the sick and wounded or the " Rome Guard," hut also for any others in the service of the United ignites. sib. This Department shall be gove,ned by United States regulations. mh. Moyamensing Hall has been assigned to the Horne Guard for hospital purposes. and will hp fitted up ao coral net!. under the orders of the Medical Direetor. 7th. Dr. John Nell is hereby appointed Med;eal Di recto-. 41 A. J. PLEASOfteI ON. ap2B.Bt Commander of Home Guard. HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD, NTT OF PHILADELPRIA, April N. 1861.-0 - De e R No. 6.—Many inquiries having been made re lative to the der alio of uniform, it is mated, for the information Of thole interlined ; Ist. That optimal military organizations will be ac cepted on part of the Home Guard, without being re quired to conform to the patterns of uniform adopted by the Home Guard raised in the wards—but omit be unifouned by Regiments. 2d. Thar ea It MS, be difficult to obtain on abort ito floe a sufficient quantity of CADET GRAY cloth for the entire lame. any other shade of slay will be se ct, etc d, if si.ificient for en entire Regiment. Si. The cost of euttab a uniforms may be varied. it is affirmed from 16.50 per salt to $2O- according to taste. 4th le cases where it may be difflonit for the men to furnish their own untiorms it is suggested that the Wards in which these oomptutioa may be raised shall furnish funds to glumly said uniforms. in cot stderatiou of theprotection afforded by Lae Guard. 6th. The Regiments of the " Young_Guard" will be allowed to subatitute for the Army Bat, specified in Urder No S. a gray Cadet Cap. 6th. It is positively determined that no company of less number than one hundred men will be received. nor Will waster Rolle 11 tho Home Guard or Poem! Ur ganlzations hereafter be I urnished. exempt ion pre seetauon of a copy of signatures to original wary& tn rollments. A. J. PL) , ,AeUNTOrt ap26.6t Commander of Home Gua rd. f. LIE ADQUARTERIS HOME GUARD, OITY OF PHILADELPHIA— FKILADIELPEI/, A 1,1124,1861. OROKR. No. 7.—ln addition to the Yount and Old Home Guard. there will he oreanixed a RESI DENT ROMle GUARD. without reference to are or locality, who will be a fixed local Guard. mibjeot to the orders from Headquarters of Rome Guards. The or sanization into t,ompaniee and Regiments will con form in number to those of the Borne Guard, viz one hundred privates in each Company. PLEASONTON. ap26-6t Commander ol Borne Guard. HEADQUARTERS HOME GUARD. OF PHILADELPHIA, Aram 24, 1241.-ORDER. No. B—Dr Hammel L. Hollingsworth. Dr. Josep_h Hopkinson, Dr. F•snois G. smith, and Dr. John H. B. McClellan. are hereby appointed Bun:eons, and members of the Medical Bureau, established by order No. 4, natsti April 23, instant, thus completing the Bureau. They will Le obeyed and regpeoted accord ingly. A. J. E AcONT..24. &eta 6t Commander of Dome Guard of Philad'a. .ti. HOME GUARDS HEADQUARTERS, ■PHILADSLPIttoI., April 22,1861 ORD ii. tt No. B.—The Uniform for the HOME GUARD will consist of a mingle-breasted light or cadet gray frock coat, with atandtng collar, and buttone of the arm to yr Mott the regiment may belong:pantaloon of the same material ; cap of army pattern, of drab color, with a rosette of the National Colors. Red. White, and Blue. The Uniforms can be procured at a cost not exceeding Twenty Dollars for each man- and will be furnished by the members of the RO w) E GUARD themselves. The Urivorms will be hablivally worn. go that on the occasion of an alarm the of and men can repair at once to their armories, without stopping to change their clothes. Soma! Mill's» Organizations, farmed or to be formed. will select their own Uniforms. (Bisnedd A.. 1. PiAia BANTON, a024-et Commander of Home Guard. CAVALRY COMPANY.—AII per hav , nr command of a home are invited to attend the meeting of the CAVALRY CORPS to be attached to the Home Regi ments." Nese. young," to be held at the WETH KR ILL HOUR a, &Immo street, above dizth atm:, THIS biTEIVINO, at 734 o'clock, 137 order. It• A. R. PAUL, Preeident. RETAIL Jinx g3iOODS. EMBROIDERIES. • J. M. HA_FLEIGII, • NOB. 809 and 4111.0RESTBUT STREET, Will Open on MONDAY, April 29, FIVE CASES EMBROIDERIES, All to be sold at a great sacrifice. FOR CASH ONLY. ap29.2t RED, WBITE, AND BLUE GOODS FOR FLAGS. Red, White, and Flue Delathes. Red, White, and Wee Merino. Red, White, en = Blue dills. Red, White, and Me Flannel. EYRE do LANDELL, alas FOURTH and ARCH Streets. ryßs & L ANDELL ARE OPENING Bargains from New York notions. Seasonaole firers bloods. Fashionable Jihawls. ewest shape Mantles. Plain Challies, choice shades. ap29 IaBIESPEG'T INDIA SILKS, SHEPHERD PLAIDB.—These goods are perfect and extra glom. Black and White Plaids. Brown and White Plaids. Blue and White Plaids. Purple and White Pt-.ids. ap29 FOICYIR A d& CHBtriedt at COMMISSION HOUSES BLUE KERSEY'S AND CLOTHS, Euitabie for MURAT,' Or Naval sturponea, For a ate by FROTHINGRAK & WELLS, apla-if tf Ss LISTLINA STREST, NEW PUBLICATIONS. (11111 VOLUNTEERS WASTED 4 0, l Uuniu , re oall at EVANS , Great Gift-Batik Em porium. No. 439 CHESTNUT Street. and make their issleotions from an immense assortment of new and timely Publication.' on Militar Tootles. A valuable Present accompanies every Boo k bought. The Books for study—the Gifts as mementos for rela tives and friends. In Union there is strength I Fall in line! Forward, march ! I. GILWAISPII MANUAL kOR VOLUNTEERS AND MILITIA. 1 vol. $2llO. A want long felt among our Volunteers and Militia has been impelled in the presen tation of Gilharn's Manual. Besides containing every thing that may be necessary for mere tactic:l+llll,nm°- tion, it also embrace, much valuable instruction on va rious other subisets of equal importance with tactics— subjects that few who have not been regularly trained in the military service are familiar with. The thou sands of our young men who are eager for the coming fray should not fall to acquire all available military knowledge, C^OPER'S MACOMB'S TACTICS. 1 Vol. 51.25. Here we have " much in little—a great deal embodied in a small amount of space. comprehending the exer cises end movement, of the Infantry, Light Infant.l. and Riflemen. Cavalry and Artillery. towbar with the manner of doing duty is Garrison and in Camp, ate. A g &We at the volume will suffice to awaken an appre ciation of its worth. 111. HARDEE'S ;RIFLE AND LIGHT INFANTRY TACTICS. Designed for the Exercise and Manreuvres of Troops when rioting as Light infantry or Riflemen. 2 vole. • 8150. f his work has k y Pent prepare d under the direction of the I nited States ar vepartment. and is issued in a neat, convenient form, well bound and pro fusely illustrated. IV . CAVALRY TACTICS. Also published by order of the War Department. 3 vols. 63.75 The marry enao- MIUMB bestowed on this volume have not been unme • riled. it oonvey. its instruotions in onieh a elaar. plea sant style as to make it a favorite with even those who do not wish to use it Praatlaall7. ggcCLELL AND'S EAVORET EXERCISES. 1 vol. 8,125. This is a manual of superior merit in its ape malty of Mt 1021.17110141300. Live the Works prev.ously Mentpnedi it comes so us by authority of " Uncle Sam," who oertrunly would not preeent his heirs with anything of questionable excehence. VI. All the standayd MILITaitY BOORS. together with all the Biographical Writings of MIMICS:4, BIM MS, HART L t. Y. end other /millers. and an immense collec tion of Miscellaneous Publications, at the Publishers' usual prieas. . A Gift worth from to cents to 8100 presented with every Beok. SOLDIBRS—CIVILIANS—EVf RYBODY. turn in at GEORGE G. EvANS , Popular Gift Book Pmpormin, ear . -tf 439 CltbsiTNUr Street. MAP OF THE SEAT OF WAR. - PLAN of Waehi ogton. City; aleo showing parte of the Ptatea of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Mary land. Delaware. ard Virginia; Radroada, Water Routes. Forte. &0., &o. 1. very one on the maroh there should have one. 1"r/oe 25 mite. Mentz wanted in every part of the State. Money ran to made by it. For sale. wholesale and retail. by JNO. IIdeFARGAN. 32 South SIX CH street, above Chestnut, Moe of Appleton's 0) cloyed's. ap2s-31 BV°1(81 LAW AND 111230ELLANEqIIS, new and old, bought, sold „ and exchanged, at the PYIILADEI PPIIA-Basa K BOOK 13 runs, No. 419 CHESTNUT Street. Libraries at a distance purchased. Those having Books to sell, if at a distance, will state their names, sines. bindings, dates, editions, prices, arid conoitions. WAN TBD—Bocits pruned 1-y Segue iniohn, 0,5 w 91.1 as early Books printed in and upon America Autograph Letters and. Portraits +pur chased. Pamphlet Laws of Pennsylvania for sale. Cata logues. in press, sent free. Libraries appraised by Sefg t[ JOHN afiIIIPBELL. ATTENTION, HOME GUARDS. THE CAP ADOPTED BY COL. PLEASANTON, For sale by CHAS. LAING 460 CO., SIXTH AND CREBTNTJT DTILBETS. Any style of HAT or CAP got tur at the shortest notioe. apTt•6t WESTERN HAMS, JUST RICXIVIID ON CONSIGNMENT, Will be sold low. by A. T. LANE & CO., 4449-3 t 419 MARKET STREET, PRIME IS AN INCREASING DEMAND fn? the Colored PtiotosTSPhil for II sewn ea for et all prices, et tiztpoZkli coMplete end exlensiVe outatiluitiment. SECOSID St , above omen. OLIVE OlL.—Pnre Ohve Oil, Loamy KUM t u dniVllrtglg gait dill WANTS. WANTED —A Young Man to Learn the Acrusulbtral stEd reed busmen. Addreet " A. O. B. " Prsits umo. ap2T St WANTED —A Lad to do Errands. Ad dress " T." Press °Mee. apo-ef WADITED—AGENTB to sell PAtJKA GES 9f OTATfONERY and JEWELRY. at prices one third hug than Can be purohaaed elsewher e. Call on or add rasa (stamp enclosed) J. L. BAIL E.Y. No. /64 COURT Street, Boston. Mae& mhz-sm EMPWYERS WANTING YOUNG men, &0., are invited to addreert the " Employ ment Committee," at the Rooms of the You men's Christian Association, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street apl-6m A MERIOAN NOBOOL INSTITUTE LA- EST BUSHED 1 1 5 _To supply Families and Sohools with the best Teachers. o aid A owners to suitable appointments.. To buy and sell school properties on commission. To give parents information of good schools. G. S. WuODM aN & COMPANY, (Late r•mt,. oodoo New—) 596 BROADWAY' York. mbe mws-2m *. South itIXIM skiWANTED—A VESSEL, of the capa city of from LOCO to 1,200 barrels, to load for the We.t lodtee. Appl to JAURETCHE & CAR STAIRS, Cog and aO4 South FRONT Street. FOR SALE AND TO LET. is WEST .PHILADELPBI A-TO BENT. Mgt —A modern COTTA 0 b, containing parlor, dining goolll,lloa seven chamber* . *only to sln•lig 0. A. TEAR RISON. gig PUBLIC SkLE.—Will be sold at INla.publiosale on MONDAY. the 6th clay of MAY next. on t e premises in the Borough of Chester, De .aware county, Pa.. at 2 o'ol.tok Y. M , all that veryde• tirable and valuable Property and Factory Buildings • hereon erected, with Such mummery as belongs to it. he property is situate* at the steamboat humins, in Chaster, ocattaaaing 1100b8 OP LAND, has about SOO feet river front. This prooettt la W.71-thy the attan ti n of manatee, urere ; is IS miles from Philadelihm, and in almost hourly common cation with the city bi water and railroad. Conditions at sale. JOHN COCHRAN, Rail Fatale Agent and • notioneer. fia FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Three BlL,Loommodiova brick DWELLINGS in IleAdonfield, New Jena,, centrally located. welt Bonded. &0., within two 'quarts of railroad depot C. H. SHINN, 222 WALK UT Stu et. 'TO RENT WITH FURNITURE.-A handsome f# OUSE, pith every modern oonveni enoe, in Arch street, west of seventeenth. ADDIS' to A. P. & J. H. MORRIS. eptO lm 9 t 6 Altoi3 Street. TO RENT. —The large Dwelling MIL Bount-440. 416 Booth PIPTERNTU pp ply to J 12t. BERG EMIT PRICE, No. 813 ARCH Street. splB- 910 LET--SEOOND-STORY ROOM, 802 -•-• CHESTNUT street. over LEW'S LADOMUB 4t. Co.'s Jewelry Store,The beet location in rbiladel• his for any kind of light busineiw. Apply in the Jewelry Store. Rent 8400. fell) To RENT—A very desirable STORE, on the Ninth-street front of "The Continental Hotel." The Store at Ninth and Bansom streets eape• Matt,' adapted for a ISAIIDI.II and Harman M airsN JOIIN RIC td ° Bl to Southwest NINTH and RANSOM btraists. da TO LET-A DESIRABLE DWEL =I. LING. NO 123 North TAIRTEENTE Street. Apply to WETHEIILL & tuttailtut, 47 and 49 North SECOND Street. mhl4-tf nTO RENT—For the Eummer season : . a commodious Country House, with furniture, grounds, and ritabling, within two hours' ride, by rail, of Philadelphia. Apply to E. WiLBor4, at 333 MARKET dtreet ; or address " JOSIAH WItAON, Perkeravalle. Chester Co., Pa." apf -Irn CRESTNUT-STRIZET HOUSE and Ida STORE to rent.—The desirable busi row location. 1322 CHESTNUT Btreet.with dwelling attached. Apply at 431 CHESTNUT atm , . apil GERMANTIiWN PROPERTY TO RENT.—Tis Rent, the term, and coannotlioue modern-built Howe, oorner of AIII4IAT street and WILLOW Avenue, with gaa, bath, hot and told water, and ati the modern improvements. Aptay . to PEN bY S. TARR, 710 GitEkat Street. Philadelphia, or on the premises. aels-tf AN TO RENT TWO COUNTRY wousFs,one mile from Timony. Inquire No. 717 WA ',NUT &treat. mh2e am* TO RUNT--THRI LAR , O3 AND CON VENIENT Coal Wharf and Lumber Yard, at Maylandeille. Twenty-fourth ward. APPLY to E. C. & WARREN. on the premises. mhitw tf pox EXCHA.NOE.-A CHOICE TRACT •■-- of good unimproved farm land in the !State of New Jersey, convenient to the city, will be amchanted for airy pro:pert,. Apply et No. FEDERAL Street. En-tr • F R. CORSON,REAL ESTATE BROKER /. AND CONVEYANCER, NORRISTOWN, PA. —Real Estate bought and sold on reasonable terms. Stores and dwellings ror sale or rent in Norristown and country. Good mortgages negotiated. Collections made. The beat references given. I.IU MAO BALE OF VALUABLE PRO. s- PERTY. 'BRE "EMPORIUM BEAL ESTATE AND MANU FACTURING- COMPANY," Of Mauna itt, Pulaski 4.:ouuty, Will offer at PUBLIC SALE, on the premises, On WEDNESDAY. the lath day of May next, A Large Number of' DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, Eligibly Located for Stores Factories , and Residences, Also. A SPACIOUS BRICK IRON FOUNDRY, WITH MACHI , E SOUP. And all the appurtenances necessary for the business of manufacturing Pnitines and Boilers for steamboats, Sugar, and all other Mills. used in the Southern an We s tern country. The Patterns comprise the modern improvements in machinery. with a tall and complete set of Patterns for Stoves, adapted to both wood and 0051. • This property, from the advantageous location of Mound City, is one of the mom valsomde in the Southwest. Also at the some time, A FIRST-CLASS TR RF.E.STOsY FRAME MO DRRN-BUILT HOTEL, Containbig some fifty rooms. with a full set of Furni ture. The Hotel is now doing a large and profitable business. Also a number of BRICK STORKS AND COTTAGE RESIDENCES. TERMS oft BALs.—One& fourth (30 cash ; the remain ing payments in /91. 24, and 55 month,, from date of saw. Nearing interest at the rate of six per cent ear annum. The cash payment may be made in the Bonds of the Comany, and the time payments will be taken in the Stock of the Company at par, except for improved pro perty, for which three-fourths of the immune-money MAT remain. upon mortgage. As the Company propose to dispose of all their im provements. oolutaitets have a rare opportunity for pro fitable investments in one of the best located and most flourishing cities in the great Southwest. Forparticu lars, mature of or address JESSE E. PEYTON, President E. R E. & M. Co.. mh26-tml4 Office 212 WALNUT Street. Philsda. BOARDING. BOARDERS will be received at a retired hut pleasantly-Situated Farm House, in OH FS TER COUNTY. but a short dietetic. from the &d -read. The dwellins in beautifully shaded. which, with large Vegetable and Fruit Oa-dens, will furnish b-ard ere with ever• luxury tit- country cart alibrd. Address " H. B 13.," office of The Press. ay26-Im* BBOARDING.-Handsome rooms in suites and eines. vacant. corner MX • EENTH and LOCUS r Streets. seal 6t• CLOTHING. ASHIONABLE TAILORING MA- EI BLISHMENT, 328 CEIASTNITUBtreet. below Fourth s ; south side H. BT.IdVaMiON RellPeetrtillT informs his numerous customers and the public in general that he has }wit received hie Spring Styles. which be will be pleased to sell on the most seasonable terms for cash. mbet-fmw ein SPRING MILLIN ERY. in s MRS. E. JACOBS, No. 212 NORTH VA RA EIGRTH &rent, will open a FMIHIONABLE AB•ORTMFNT OF SPRING MILLINhAY, on THURSDAY, April Ilth..sae-lm MRS. M. 8. BISHOP, 1016 CHEST. 1114111 NUT Strevt. ha received a ohotoe anortment of PARIS MILLINERY for the Spring. mh29-1m p ai MISSES OTRYAN, 914 CHESTNUT Weft Street. will open PARIS MILLINERY for the j3pripif on THURSDAY. April 4- mh26-101. FIREARMS GUNS AND RIFLES—For sale cheap hy MOORE, RENSZkV. & CO., • ap2s 6t 140. 427 MARKET Street. LOST AND FOUND. eti ESTRAY.-- Brought to the pre mises of the sabseriber, April 21. a White arid Red COW. about Bor 9 years old. he owner is re quested to prone property. pay charges, at d take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law._ F. it. Weititt.Eit. WASHINGTON DROVE YATID,I Ridge Raid. Aprit 24, 1811. ap2o 21. LOST -Five Coupons, No. 206, 207, 250, sn. and 298. due Jan. 1888, issue of the county of Allegheny to the Pittsburg and ConneLsvitte ltadroad. A liberal reward will be given for the return of the same to IL P.IIIIDETtN. 111hIRtf 6 Narth FRONT 66-romt. SBEILIFF'S SALF.—By virtue of an or der of sale. issued out of the Court of Comm ii Pleas of iv onteomery cou-ty, and to me dtreoted. Will be exposed to ealo, by public. shadue, on M . 14DA Y. Me WM dor of May, A. D /861 at lo'oloott Y. M., at the uheritre i thee. in the Court House, in the barnuth of Norri town, and county aforesaid, the following de soribed Real ls nista : Ail that marinate and tenement end tract of LAND. situated in the township of Lowe, Marion. in thane. , n ty aforesaid, beginning at a stone (a comerof this land) of - William Usher. south twenty-six degrees and fifty minutes, east twentl i - u sesen perches and thitty•one bundreoths of a perc corner of this and said land of William esher, in line 01 lands of Samuel handers; thence along said land of Samuel tranders. enty-two degrees and seven minutes. west thirty-four parches and ten hundredths of a perch, to a atone. a nor. or of this and said land of R. must !tandem, in line of land of Dennis Kelly ; thence Moor said and of Dennis Kelly. north twenty-six degrees fifty minutes, west twenty-two perches and four hand moths of a perch. t • a stone s corner of t- is and land of 'rowel Sandell!' ; thence along said land of Samuel Sanders, north inx• y three degrees and ten minutes, put thirty-three perches and seventy-two hundredth. of a perch. to the place of beginning— ontalning. according to a recent I rimy. five sores,thirty-one perches, and eighty-nine hun dredths of s. perch. The improvements are a two-Holy frame Dwelling Douse. trams Barn, draw-well of water, fi o. To be sold by virtue of certain proceedings, in par tition. in the Court of C"mmon Pies. of Montgomery county. wherein Jacob B. Hoffber and others are de maodants. and @armlet Hiss acid others defendants. JOHNIIf. aTa l/FFliiir Sheriff. Sn PRIVY'S rirylcn. Norristown, April 16,1861. asto-mare. IS St C • DONOORIIE, No. 23 South WATER street, offers for sale I COO barrels of steam re fined Sugars and ey rues. and ißst bags of Rio Coif e. of various grades, at reduced tames for cash. as 26-30 yOUNG MEN LEAVING} THE CITY a- will settee highest osish price for Cant-of CLOT 11- Cail or address M. D'ANCONA, 622 t• OUTH Street. Walt* OPAL DENTALLINA.—We speak from nralliOnleayerienoe when Gaming that the OPAL DBI,ITALLiote made by.Mr.BBINIkI. of BROAD and SPRUCE ntreets, ie decidedly the nicest preparation for the mouth and teeth.ihat ae Imes ever used. We believe it fulfils all thAt is claimed for it, and being re commended by the moat eminent dentists we advise all to sive it a trial,—Builettn , apll-3m" S TATIONERY AND JEWELRY T. satiates furnished to Agents and Dealers, at ver7 reduced rates. Call, (or send stamp,)ls.o2 CHEBTI4 UT Street Philadelphia, is. app - ini" PARMA SI k FILE MANUFACTORY, 211 NEW STREET. Fllom rind Reap' of every deg.:ll.looM, 51.11 fed ID ettahtl. made to order, at the shore mash Meet, WPOLEBALE and RETAIL. at Mannfaelnravia gPiernt. ReCIUMEIL done In a anpairiOr mannor". RM /TB. alt-dent FINE SHIRT MANUFACTORY. -11. W. aCOM 514 CHEITNITT street, a for door. below the " Continental, The attention of WigOessip MOTS 1O Invited so hie tetiltovicO CUT OP tatikTl3, to superior fit. make. and material. oa haed and made to order at snort...en mottos. led-nr SPEUL&L NOTIOX.--BUIPPERS WILL s uss. take notioo that the booth Carolina R. C 0.,. have disoontoluos torwarsioz all through freight and that ail goods formerly oonatgned to them most now he oorninseed to a olty areooy. oreaWes.% kT. 9. illuPD will fmrartt all goods to at/ 9 1 thilr ITA°Narta it artiqf LONE MOT(IICKS AND WILX)WS OF VOLUNTEERS' RELIwF FUND.—Ladies sod Gentlemen of the tetisleal and Theatrieet prof-yinou, who desire to volunteer their st4rvieri• at the *rand P , •tformanee to b, given et the aoadrinl lrlimo, on Thurso's) afternoon next, in and of the &love fend, are eolvelt requeat-d to have their names and ad tr.llBoll VIRCK &L n WTON'• Music tore, lie. ;12 Clther- NUT fittre.t. as early as it WALNUT -STREET THEATRE. solo Lessee —Mrs. GARR ETTBOII litar,o) Mr. NV A z CAA Ely AID. anainemp Agent— .704. 1 V. 1 1 1 " rnY • TH ID ; MONDAY) Fr7t4N7N9, April 9 . 7. Will be presented 01, very laughable Comedy of 00 .1 AM. tit ;nll cf punt 41' 11011 P. Mr. Bother,' wall all.psar as Lo d Dead earl and Liam. To 00/10h1de With the Drama, in 2 sots, called LE ; Oa. THE MAN AC Lovxx!, BCAI.O or PRICES.--) revs Immo. (acute &Seurat; ',lth aca extra charge.) SO cease; parquet, ;seats treouro at 80 °eats.) 37% dente; family o.role, 26 cents; private boxes, Da and DS; orchestra 78 ... u m Doors open at quarter p st 7 delook ; curtain will nue at a quarter to 8 ceetoos. WHEATLEY & OLARHE , S THEATF )4. THUG (MONDAY) EVENING. Asti! El. Will be presented the grand Milaary and Llistorioal Bpsotao.e. in b Ernes, en•ltled THE WA RS OF NAPOLEON TIM GREAT: Composed. wanted. and otrmhged by Mr. G. 0 .4 tiN EVER., With whom a special engagement has been entered into, and who w.ll en•unn hai remarkable per sonation of NAPOt.EO v. The whole ol'a ii COMPANY in the 'lag! PENNA. AOADSMY OP TIIIC FU A RU-1025 CEIE4TNUT STRRET. The Thirty-eighth ahrhIVAL EXHIBITION of I'AINTING4 and BC ULP COKE Is now reen dru.ttanao oe ,, ta ; venison Ilekete be oenre; Chil dren bell anon, CatJtiffi urn 10 cents. Malin^ d re wtll reeelve their tielleUl at the AClttiflaffy. atlff-tt SAINFORD'S ORFILA tiuUES, ELEVEN rn STREET. * OPEN FOR T SEASON. NEWLY DECOR ATF.D AND PAINTED. MR. SANFORD H LARGE r STCOMPANIES ever presented heretefore who will appoar nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7 ; Commence at 7%. Admission 25 cents. Children 112 cents. Tie (ViCKNIANIA, ORCHESTRA GIVE their PUBLIC RICHEARtIALS svitry NAM. DAY oommeooinr at 314 o'olook. at the MUSICAL FUND HALL. 8 tiokete 81; sing!. meets, Se cents. for sale at Cluokerm: & Son's. go? Chestnut strPet ; Andre's. 1104 Chestnut street; and Beck & Lawton'', Chestnut street. Engagements for Concerts. flommenoommrs. Pow ties. &0.. made only at their Offioe. Clockering & Son's Piano Sg , re, 807 Chestnut Street; Witham P. , oit, 724 North Juniper street, or C. Drougemsn, 1009 Ridge reaue. je3l-.1 MEDICINAL e& DR. J. WISP, No. 30 North e& DR. street, PHILADELPHITreats suocessfulll if applied to in time. all A— diseases at the LUN GS.. if 110 AT and HEalt V, and frequently mires CONOUNIPTIONI finite third and last, stage. He also restores all curable diseases of the EY E and BAAL He has riven them his entire attetition for he pact 20 years, Will visit patientai when dewed. at heir residences. ittA Inn if* SATES. !LLILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No. ui south ISF,V.I,NTH. Meet, near the nn Institute. The undersisned. thankful for put favors, and being determined to merit future patronage, has secured an elegant and convenient store. and has now on hand 4 large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought and Chilled Iron Fire and Burglar Proof gores,( the only strictly fire and burglar proof safes made.) Also. LiL lies Unequalled Hank Vault, Safe. and Hank Looks. Lillie', Bank Vault Doors and Looks will ha f trnished to order on short notice. Th.s is the stronvilt, beet promoted, and cheapest Door and Look yet o ered. Also, particular attention is called to Li he's New Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry, .ko. This Safe is eon ede.; to surpass in style and elegance an,thinp yet Of fered for this purpose, and is the only one that is strict ly fire end burglar proof. SPECIAL Piorice.-1 have now on band say twenty of Farrel, Herring. ft Co.'s Safes, most of them nearly new, and some forty of other makers, comprising a complete assortment as to sixes, and all lately ex changed for the now Celebrated Lillie Cafe. They will be sold at very low prices. Please call and e_ganune. fan- f M. C. S2IABLPR. Arent. EVANS & WATSONIet SALAMANDER SAFES. 'TOILE 3(14 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A large variety of FIRE-PROOF ?AFE.3 always pa hand. • inhB-ry INSURANCE COMPANIES. I4IAME INSURANCE 0031PAPI I. No. 406 CHESTNUT Streets FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE, DIRECTORS. George W. Day...—of Dal & Matlack. Barnhill Wright-- • Wright Brat & Co. D. B Davis & Dimas. Rem Lewis. Jr— " Lewis Bras & Co. C. Riohardson.....—.." J. C. Bowe & Co. Mime T. Bodine...—Pres't Wgoining 0E1361 001 EVY. Jl/0. W. Everman—.of J. W. Evormen & Co. Geo. A. West " Went & Forms. & T. 8. Martin—. Sitv , tge, Martin, Co. 0. Willson Davis...... Attorney-at law. B. D. Woodraff--., .of ISibler, Molten. & Woodruff. Jno. Kessler, J. 2 „.N0 1713 t u reen street. GEOItCh W. DAY. President. FRANCIS N. BUCK. Vine President. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD.BeoretarT. Jan-ifer ANTHRACITE INSURANCE COMPA NY.—Authorigod Capital 1100,000—CHARTER PERPETVAL. Moe No. $ll WALNUT Street, between Wird and Fourth 4treot, Philadelphia. TM" Company will insure egainhi loss or damage by Piro, on Buildings. Furniture, and Merohandims gem- Alga. Marina boaramsei onVassals, cum*. *ld Freights. Inland Insuranoe to all parts of the VMOlt. DIRECTORS Imieph Maxfield, John Ketcham. John R. Blabatos. Wm. F. Dec,e J. E. Baum. JACOB ESHER, .Proaidout. WM. F.DEAN. Vice Preside*, W. M. REITZ.. Regretters. apt-ti Jacob Esher. D. Luther, Andonnet, Davie Pearsall Pater Sieger. SAVING FITNIDS. SAVING - UNITED KIND ST hiT NE TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. INTERES I FIVE PER CBNr. B. R. CRAWFORD. President» MEB R. HUNTER. Secretary and Treasurer. Office hours. from 10 until 3 o'clock. This Company is not Joined in any application to the Legislature. fee A MERIOAN SAVING FUND, S. E. cor z-x. ner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, °rattiness toreoeive deposits andwit all sums on demadd as It has always done. ALEXANEER President. inn. AI 'Tr...1.r., a2O ;Of :iambrat NEW YORK. NEW DAILY LINE, via Delaware arid Raritan Canal. Philadelphia and New York Ewen ateamtriat Com giant Will receive freight on and delivers ON DAY h instant, and leave dall , at P. ~ng their oar -goes in New York the following dare. Freights taken at reasonable ratee. WM. P Inv- Agent, N 0.14 80U rif virßrkolrElf. Philadelphia: .1 A 4 eEhl TIAN 1, 10 Agent. Piers 4 ann 15 WWI' RIVER, New York. 1nh1.5-01f 50 , 4 1 4 FOR NEW YORK. - THE P111144101' hia Steam Propeller Company will commence their busineas for the season Ott Mons), 18.1 mat. Their Steamers are now receiving freight at Second Pier above Walnut street. Terms accommodating. V . ll l. to zAißD .tt, 224 ?teeth fteiews re *pence, a tem s gm PHILADEt PH AND READING RALL,RO tD CO., (Office 227 Bbath Pourr str pet. ) PBILsDFLPHTw. A pril 27, 1861. SEASON 7 ICA • On and after May That season tickets will be lies by ibis company forth periods of three, six. nine, an , to ivy-. taw be, not tyaneferable. Beason sohool-tiokate may also be had at 33 per cent discour.t. bese tickets will t• sold by the Tre , surer at No. 127 youth FOURTH Street, where any further inframstto a - itained. • • 3 g fOn ll WEST CHESTER and PH I,ADELPHIA RAIL ROAD via at r.oi e. NOTICE TO PERSONS SEEKING SGANDING.-113 order to fur- ieh increased dilAng the coining Bummer. tne West Chester and Pintail& phi t Railroad Company intend runt ing not than six daily trains each war between Philade'pnia and We,t Coaster. one of win' will be at night, connecting with two deli/ trains each 'WIT on the Philadelphia end Baltim o re deli/ Rail road (except eundays. when there will be two trains each 'Wtt. between Philadalphia and Weet, Chester.) Persons desirous of being in the city early and late. will be accommodated by this arrangement. I oardeng for the summer can wbe obtsit-ed at the nr:ny de sirable localities having huge and healthy :0111.410ne on the West Chester and Philadelphia and Philadelphia and Baltimore Central uttilrosapi For Morita for sea son. Coupon Ticketa. Ao . apply at the ricket 4: lliee. the Depot, E. corner hlGlie Pent and mA it ILET Streets HENRY WOOD, aptB-mws Im General Superintendent. AVE! TING AND LEDGER PAPERS.— We have now on hand, and are manufacturing to order, at the Mount holly Paper Mills, every de seription of WRITING AND LEDOEN PAPER& which, for color and quality, are not excelled by any other Mills in the United Mates. We would call attention to a new article of Paper manufactured by us. and nom for sale, called Busmen!, Letter, which has been gotten up to meet the wants of business men and others, who object to Commermal Note as being too narrow, and do not wish to use part of usual letter sheet. This overcomes both the above objections; is a per fect sheet, pure wove ; plate finish ; ruled on one side ; stamped in centre near the top ; made from best ma terial, free from adulteration, and put up in neat boxes, convenient for use. We also have a paper called Ranh Letter, similar to the above, except it has but half the number of lines on, so as to allow a printed blank or heading above. KEMPTuN & muLLIN, Mount Holly Springs, Cumberland Co., Pa. The above Paper.. can be had of Messrs..l. B. Li P PINCOT'Y & ell.. and Id I.:HARDEE BROTHERS, Nor.. and 5 DECATUR Wrest. NOTICE.—The Citizens of the different Cities and Towns throughout the State are invited to emnpatition for the plane at whioh the next A Esrs..TE. Faro shall be held. Proposals goglaiping inducements and advantages, directed Czs to th e undersigned urm.ctee. esnondeti by the Ex eoutive Committee, will be received up to and ai l:duffing May, Mot next. romp. unioavons should be ad dressed to either of the fo low ing lemons: WM. COLDER, Ig o J OHN PMini,. AU a REXFORD, JACOB JOHN H. ZIP-OUCH, Harrisburg Pa. , AMOS E. KAPP, Northumberland. clomnrtso. sels-dtmtlll AVii EBEL, RRt'AU &ULU riAls Aluet, 503.-3,000 1)1)11 Mesa Noa. 1,1, and Mack erel, large, medium, ana email, in &snorted psoisagen of choice late-oau_nbt fat Geh. 3,000 bblr. New Ilnisfeos, Eastport, and Labrada,. Her nags. of shame qualities. eau boxes extra new sealed Bemngs. 1.000 boxes main new Nod Bening& LOW boxes large Mande we mordant , . 130 bbls, Mackinac White Fish. 60 bbls. new Heonorn,y Mess alubd. 35 bble. new Halifax &Limon. 1,800 Quintals Grand Hank Codfish. 300 boxes Herkimer-county Cheese. Initial% and Wither. tor eats ;unreel' a woortis. l. HAVANA O'GARA" just 1,000,0(10 r eceived per steamers Quake, Olin set] Harmark, connoting Centime. Figaro rill Muss, ComeroiSnte, Black Bea. Punchinello. Eteivina. Diehl° Marino, Verde& Pruebeae. he., Pee.. of all ilireg and qualities, and for male at the lowest mar ket rase. by CEA !ILES g I,TE. a wl vir 1"11177A, .•I`. ( 1 13AMPAON Lliquot, Lallemavd. la- , Ducal Grape. and all of Po Vonosa& Co.'s Chart/. plEnea. for sale by J aURLTCHC. attaßra/RA , NOV and 204 South Falai r Soreat. of fit rs. B.—Orders for the direct importation of sea boss hyenas swill he rorocroall..“. ~..d 'n FILICNUII ZlNO—Pure tiriew rdonUms r o. & Go.'a d Ground .n ESA fey a* We by rr Ir ',oat:RILL /I. lIROTRM - In %I 41,01, CHIC E. 700 boxes fine Herkimer County now on cm sionmenc for sale QO. ILA DLL h & 03 Ah CH street. second Goo, shove rront. a027-3t for 21,0 bbls. btaVst Mine o. NBA by C. C. SADLER & CO.. 1. 3 ARCH B , reet, idxtono door above - rout. 50,27 at 1 VIOTO3B =Ma Leaf Lard. for J side by C. a s D 1.3 K eG 00490 Al V rtreet, atroond door above ?rear. Cl_ UN NY BAGEL-40' eavy Bags, vIJ4 for aslii by JAVIRTCHE RNTA IRB. 19$ 994 South FAONT Stmt. Treaanie